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Establishes her first studio at
Storhaug Gård, Stavanger.
Starts working for the independent
theater company Chameleon Circus,
founded by Randy Naylor, with Jan
Grønli, Svein Slagsvold and Annika
With as members of the ensemble.
Performed at Club 7 and Hot House
in Oslo, Stavanger Jazzclub and
Hulen in Bergen.
Makes her debut with
an oil painting at the
West Norway
Chameleon Circus
performs at the New
Age Festival,
“No title”
oil on canvas,
“Self Portrait”
180x135, 1980
oil on paper,
50x70cm, 1979
“Winter landscape”
oil on canvas,
60x70cm, 1979
Painting accepted at
West Norway
Exhibition, 1980
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Shows oil painting at the West Norway Exhibition
Clockwise from top: “No title”, oil on canvas, 180x135, 1991.
“Mobiles”, oil on canvas, 150x120, 1981.
“Blue Prose”, oil on canvas, 130x105, 1980. Painting accepted at West Norway Exhibition, 1981.
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“Suffragette City”, oil on canvas, 135x140cm, 1981
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“City Animals”, oil on canvas, 140x190cm, 1983
Participates at the West Norway Exhibition and The National Annual Exhibition of The Visual Arts.
First solo show, with Randy Naylor, at Gallery RuDolpH.
Starts performance group “MX and The Blind Passenger” with Randy Naylor.
Installation with painted TVs, chairs and transparent bed with plastic duvet, mixed media, Gallery RuDolpH. Art Attack
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“Lady in Swimsuit”, double canvas, one transparent silkscreen with pink insert, 150x120. Top right: “Night Music”, mixed media painting, 1982. Painting accepted at West Norway Exhibition, 1983.
Middle right and bottom: “Figures”, part one and two, oil on canvas, 190x140.
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Solo exhibition, Haugesund Art Society.
Opens “Light House Creatives” in Stavanger, an
alternative space with exhibitions of unique clothes
and artworks.
Commissioned by Cafe Sting and Terje Vallestad to
paint the ceiling of this newly opened venue. A kind of
unofficial collaboration takes place with Kjell Jansen,
who experimented with radical hairstyles. Myrvold and
Jansen share about 50 loyal customers, who with
colorful and creative design and beauty aesthetics
make a visual impact in the city.
Mixed media painting at the West Norway Exhibition.
Painting bought by Haugesund Museum of Fine Art.
Clockwise from top:
Pia Myrvold wearing her hand
painted clothes in front of
canvases in outdoor studio,
Valberget, Stavanger.
“Woman on Chair” acrylic
on black vinyl, 140x120cm
“Woman with interior”
Friends and models wearing “Post Punk” collection posing
acrylic on black vinyl,
in environment with Myrvold’s and Naylor’s large paintings.
Randy Naylor’s “Perception sticks” and painting;
“Figure with stones”
acrylic on black vinyl,
top and middle photo:
Kjell Jansen is on the left in the middle photo.
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During the early eighties Myrvold begins
working with experimental art projects, making
the art alliance “Art Attack” with American
interdisciplinary artist Randy Naylor. The two
work together on multimedia projects, videos,
performance art, urban planning, interior
design, and costumes, alongside Myrvold’s
career as a painter and designer. Starts selling
collections of hand painted jackets in
Bonaparte and Try Us, Oslo, with customers
including Anita Skorgan and Anne Grete Preus.
Oil painting at the West Norway Exhibition.
Clockwise from top:
“The suicide note”
acrylic on black vinyl,
“Composition with
woman and dress” oil on
canvas, 170x140cm
“Normal Madness” oil on
canvas, 165x145cm.
Painting accepted at West
Norway Exhibition, 1984.
“Old Ladies talking”
oil on canvas, 165x140cm
acrylic on black vinyl
“Homeless Shadows”,
“Listen Mirror” oil on
oil on canvas, 155x138c.
canvas, 185x140, 1983
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Clockwise from top:
“Desires and
Illusions” 1984,
Model wearing
painted and
silk-screened wearable
art in front of painting,
at Bergen Art Society.
Randy Naylor and Pia
Myrvold with model,
with wearable art, in
front of painting
installation by
Randy Naylor.
Model with wearable
art in sound and video
“The Grey Room”, by
Myrvold/ Naylor 1985
Clockwise from top: “Woman Sleepless”
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acrylic on canvas 1984, 140x190cm. “Nature” acrylic on canvas 1984, 135x185cm. Painting accepted at West Norwy Exhibition, 1985. “Fans”acrylic on canvas 1985, 190x140.
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Art Attack wins competition for outdoor installation
at the Nordic Textile Triennial, involving giant textile
figures suspended from trees and architecture in
the Gallery F15 Park.
Art Attack exhibition featuring paintings and
performance art, Husets Udstillinger, Copenhagen.
Exhibition “Art Transplant” at the Bergen and
Drammen Art Societies.
Oil painting at the West Norway Exhibition.
Model Veslemøy wearing hat, shirt and pants designed by Pia Myrvold
in art installation by Randy Naylor.
Opposite page, clockwise from top:
“Dawn”, acrylic on canvas 1985, 190x140cm
“Night”, acrylic on canvas 1985, 190x140cm
“No title”, acrylic on canvas 1985, 140x200cm
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March Establishes Gallery Art Attack, Stavanger.
July Art Attack initiates and curates the Sola
International Art Festival, at Sola Beach, with 30
international contemporary artists. It is the first time
an independent art group in Norway works and
curates outside the established institutions on this
scale. Invited artists include Arvid Pettersen,
Ragnhild Monsen, Torgeir Norheim, Ellinor Flor,
Morten Børresen, Bill Viola, Kjartan Slettemark,
Michael O’Donnell, Steinar Christensen, Kristina
Elander, Eva Grøttum, Iodine Jupiter, Peter
Andersson, Anne-Marie Norden, Hans Casper, Jan
Erik Willgohs, Groupe Værst, Christian Lemmerz,
Michael Kvium, Sonny Tronborg, Ingunn Jorstad,
Hexakin Dance Group, Simon Nicholson, Andrej
Nebb (Holy Toy), Pathrick Saytour, Martin Koeppl,
Jørgen Knudsen, Rainer Mang, Pjeroo Roobjee, Joan
Jonas, Something Else Theater, Y.Oerlemans.
Detail, mural, café section of the Lucky Star
Night Club
From “Multiple Reality”
installation, with painted
“Multiple Reality” I and
boats, Sola International
II, acrylic on canvas,
Art Festival
Bottom left:
Bottom right:
Boat seen from the ocean,
“Multiple Reality”
“Multiple Reality
Listening Seminar”
installation, with painted
acrylic on canvas,
boats, Sola International
Art Festival
Bottom left:
Bottom right:
“Wearable Art”, costume
“Multiple Reality
Hello” acrylic on canvas,
for horse and rider
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Gallery Horneman, Trondheim, solo exhibition.
Samfundet, Samfundet Cultureweek, with exhibition
based on collections.
Study grant at Scandinavian Foundation, Rome.
Art Attack conceives of large-scale performance
installation “Land, Air and Sea”, commissioned by
Stavanger Chamber of Commerce, using caterpillars,
airplanes, horses and the largest firefighting vessel in
the world.
Create interior design and art for Lucky Star Nightclub,
Stavanger, with Torgeir Norheim and Randy Naylor.
The National Annual Exhibition of The Visual Arts with
installation from Sola International Art Festival.
From performance “Land, Air and Sea”. Colored
lights were set on the giant water canons of the
world’s largest firefighting ship, here reaching up to
250 meters. Rosenberg Verft shipbuilding cranes
seen in the background.
From the Banner series “New Silhouette”
acrylic on paper, 98x65cm, Rome 1987,
“Balance” acrylic on
paper, 98x65cm
Rome 1987
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Study trip to New York. Group show with large
paintings on display, Neo Geo in Soho Gallery.
Art Attack create second large-scale performance
installation “Riders of the Arts” using cement trucks
and dancers and musicians from Stavanger’s hotbed
of talents, to inaugurate Storhaug Tunnel.
“Construction in Naples Yellow” 150x120cm
Bottom right:
“Slow Emotion” acrylic and grass on canvas, 170x140cm
Bottom lef:
“Here and then” acrylic on canvas, 170x140cm
From performance
“Riders of the Art”
by Myrvold/Naylor
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Solo show, Stavanger Art Society.
Art Attack initiates and curates the
exhibition “Enter This Way” in
Gallery Sala 1, Rome, with the
support of the Norwegian Royal
Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Invited
artist include Kjell Erik Killi Olsen,
Ellen Bang, Michael O’Donnell and
Inghild Karlsen.
Myrvold is awarded first prize for
“Best Installation of the Year” by
prestigious art magazine in Rome
for her installation “Central Voyage”
in Sala 1.
Clockwise from top:
From installation “Central Voyage” in Sala 1, which won first prize for best installation in
Rome 1989.
Painting “Slow Emotion” acrylic and twigs on canvas, 170x145cm
Private collection of Christian Buch
Collaborative installation
Myrvold/Naylor: “The Tide” in Førde,
Norway. Assisting the montage is
architect Vibeke Jensen.
Wall sculpture “Slow Emotion” in steel, copper, aluminum, brass and rotating panel
Wall sculpture “Silent Partner” welded iron with video screen and color bar video loop
“Construction in Red” acrylic on paper, 160x140cm
Top 4 photos:
Installation “The Tide” abandoned boats in
Førde, telephone poles and mirrors,
at the old festival site in Førde, neglected since
1960 and the arrival of roads.
By Myrvold/Naylor.
Bottom 1,3,4,5:
Collection Haute Couture
Bottom 2 from left:
Display for 6 pairs of glasses,
commissioned by Insight Collection,
courtesy of Hans Christian Buch, Stavanger.
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Solo show “MetaRT Operative”, Oslo Art
Society. Performance “MetaRT Operative”,
opening of Museum of Contemporary Art,
Samtidsmuseet, Oslo.
Solo show, Hå Gamle Prestegård
Painting on paper, bought by Rogaland
Museum of Fine Art.
Installation “Sub-Ob-ject”,
Sola Culture House.
Above: Outdoor installation, textile figure, Hå Gamle Prestegård
Left: View from exhibition installation, “Slow Emotion” Oslo Art Society
Opposite page:
Installation “Sub-Ob-ject” with stainless steel, stock market index of Financial Times,
wooden sticks, broken glass, thin rope that attaches glass to wall
Sola Culture House, Stavanger
4 photos: Collage and ink drawings, studies for the installation “Sub-Ob-ject”, 30x40cm
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Receive grant to work in Paris, at the Cité Internationale des Arts, from Ingrid Lindbäck
Langaards Foundation. Invites Naylor to join her in Paris, where they receive
commission by Bernard Tschumi, the architect of the Parc de la Villette, to make textile
installation on the basis of previous textile sculptures.
Designs collection of hand knits, sponsored by Sandnes Uldvarefabrik AS.
Red and white coat. “Metro
Angels”. These coats where
designed to be worn as a
backpack on the metro in Paris,
where crowded trains made it
hot even on cold winter days.
Opposite page:
Knitwear collection made
for first Paris show,
planned as two events at
the Norwegian Club and
the nightclub Kasbah,
cancelled due to coorganizer (another
Norwegian designer)
pulling out at last minute.
Collection sponsored by
Sandnes Uldvarefabrikk.
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July-August: 500 meter long textile installation project “Urban Upwind” in Parc de la Villette, with
the support of the French Ministry of Culture and Norwegian Royal Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
“Passage”, acrylic
and metal paints on
canvas, 120x150cm
Modular grid design, for ephemeral
architecture installation, “Urban
Parc de la Villette, by Myrvold/
Naylor. The design was later
bought by Eric Wappler for the
façade of newly opened Restaurant
“Stavanger Identity”
Quai Ouest at Saint Cloud, Paris.
collection, created entirely
Prototypes of cup, saucers and
and T-shirt logos from
plates, made with Figgjo, Norway.
Stavanger institutions,
from plastic bags
nightclubs, rock
“Yellow Talker” textile
bands, supermarkets and
installation, Parc de La Villette.
gas stations.
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Façade design for
Elle Design
Boutique, Paris,
by Myrvold/ Naylor.
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Designs a collection “The Cocoon”, that Myrvold presents to avant-garde
boutiques in Paris. First client is Gago, in Aix, a very influential fashion
boutique in France.
January – The Cocoon Collection Exhibition in
Charivari, New York. Reviews of collection follow in
New York Times, W and American Elle.
Designs concept “Stavanger Identity” made by T-shirt logos and plastic bags
after receiving invitation to join government sponsored design awareness
project in Stavanger, creating much controversy among organizers.
October - Chamber Syndicate De La Couture
Parisienne, Paris, France. (French Federation of Fashion
Designers) invites Myrvold to present her collection
“In-Formation” as part of the Official Calendar. Myrvold
continues to show her work every season under the
protection of the prestigious syndicate until fall 1999.
Exhibition Elle Design Boutique, Paris with paintings, furniture, textile
installation and hand painted silk collection. Invited by Claudine Delalande.
Clockwise from top:
Model wearing dyed “Cocoon Collection”
Hand painted crinoline and deconstructed ruffle shirt.
dress at Hellestø, Norway.
Hats from the “Cocoon” and “Winter Rose” collections.
Deconstructed jacket, wool with feathers,
Photo shoot of the “Cocoon Collection” in Stavanger Museum. The historic display was built in 1900.
from “Urban Reality” collection.
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Lithographs based on original watercolor from 1995 “Energy”, 15.5x14cm
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March – “The Urban Reality Project”, rue Keller, Paris.
Suzy Menkes, fashion editor International Herald Tribune,
gives her first review of Myrvold’s collection.
Myrvold and Naylor dissolve their working relationship.
October – “Extensions Project”. Music track and collection
presented at Esmod, Paris. Sponsored by Lancôme.
Thibault Vabre does the makeup for the show.
Lithographic print edition, Atelier Clot Bramsen, Paris.
Lithographs based on original watercolors from 1995.
Top row, left to right:
“What is there to say..” 10x10cm, “Guessing your mind” 10x10cm,
“Bad Connection” 10x10cm
Second row, left to right:
“A few words now” 10x10cm, “Tomorrow”, 10x10cm
Bottom row, left to right:
Left to right top:
“The Harbor” 10x10cm, “The Heart” 10x10 cm, “Reflection” 10x10cm
“Paris Identity”
“The Louvre”,
dress and raincoat.
“Paris Identity”,
“Rough Trade”,
alternative record store
and label.
Left to right top middle:
Pia in studio, cutting 1 cm
plastic strips from plastic
logos and sewing onto
“Paris Identity”
“Flammarion Centre
Pompidou”, bookstore
in the Pompidou Center.
“Paris Identity”
“International Herald
Tribune”, international
newspaper based
in Paris.
Pia Myrvold with models at the end of “In-Formation” presentation.
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March – Myrvold makes a multimedia presentation “Interface” at the Divan du Monde,
Paris. Besides the collection based around the theme “Interfaces”, she composes the
music, choreographs the models and dancers, create multiple video and camera
installations and makes first direct transmission over internet in the fashion world with
the help of sponsor IBM. Collaborates with Thibault Vabre, artistic director of Lancôme,
for the look of the models. Swedish National Television makes 30-minute reportage of
the Interface project.
October – Inauguration of concept “Clothes as Publishing”, presented as installation in
Le Louvre des Antiquaires, Paris. Myrvold invites artists and architects Jean Nouvel,
Bernard Tschumi, Dimitri from Paris, Norbert Hillaire and Jacques Denarnaud to publish
their contributions to the theme “Paris identity”, on a collection of clothes. Myrvold
invents the word cybercouture and registers the domain name www.cybercouture.com
Lithographic edition “The Source” printed at Atelier Clot Bramsen, Paris
Top left:
Advertising image for
invitation and press release
“Interface” project.
Makeup: Thibault Vabre,
artistic director, Lancôme.
Hair: Benoit Pauliac
Photo: Jacques Denarnaud
Portrait: Pia Myrvold. Makeup:
Thibault Vabre, artistic
director, Lancôme.
Interface silk screened
bodysuit with transparent
back, photographed by
Jacques Denarnaud.
Top left and right: Pia Myrvold preparing the order of entry for the “Extensions” presentation, photo Jacques Denarnaud.
Bottom left: Pia Myrvold, self-portrait.
Bottom right: Pia Myrvold with models at finale of “Extensions”. Hair: Benoit Pauliac
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February - Commissioned by The World Ski
Championships and Telenor to make a oneyear installation for the Thyholt Tower in
March - “The Body Theory Collection”, Rue
Berger, Paris.
Collaborates withThibault Vabre, artistic
director of Lancôme, for the look of the models.
July - Steve Lacy and Irene Aebe, invites
Myrvold to Berlin, to design the costumes for
the opera “The Cry”, based on the lyrics of
Talisman Nasrin.
October – Collaborates with composer Rolf
Wallin and Notam to make the first interactive
collection; “Dada Memory”, where models
presses buttons on clothes to activate sound
loops, thus using the clothes as architectural
Collaborates with Thibault Vabre, artistic
director of Lancôme, for the look of the models.
Launches the website www.pia-myrvold.com,
with Myrvold’s first interactive interface “Dada
Memory” as a 6 loop music palette.
Collaborates with Spill.net for web design.
Lithograph edition “Century Memory” printed
at Atelier Clot Bramsen, Paris
December – Solo exhibition, Gallery Amare,
Lithograph, from series
“The Source”
printed at Atelier Clot
Bramsen, Paris
Clockwise from top left:
Clothes as Publishing Edition#1
“ Jean Nouvel - Institute Monde Arab”
Clothes as Publishing Edition#1
Clockwise from top left:
“Bernard Tschumi - Parc de la Villette”
The Tyholt Tower in Trondheim with the installation “The Source”,
Pia Myrvold at finale of “Dada Memory” presentation, with interactive glove.
The four gloves with three interactive buttons and wire for signal transmission being prepared in the studio.
including 270 square meter transfer prints and yellow filtered lighting
The hardware for transmission, designed by Notam and Henrik Sundt.
Models with makeup for “Body Theory” presentation
Assistant Kari Ann Brevick in studio at 65, Boulevard de Strasbourg.
Thibault Vabre preparing makeup for “Body Theory” presentation
The Dada Memory Circles were interactive for the website www.pia-myrvold.com,
made in collaboration with Nicholas Chaikin, Spill Industries.
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Composer Rolf Wallin testing music samples before the presentation of “Dada Memory”, the Norwegian Club, Paris.
Lithograph “Century Memory” presented
as part of the “Dada Memory” project,
printed at Atelier Clot Bramsen, Paris
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March - “Osmosis” project, presents
two events, the first at Rue Cadet, for
a classic winter collection.
Collaborates with Thibault Vabre,
artistic director of Lancôme, for
backstage performance, where
models where painted as Jackson
Pollock canvases.
The other event takes place at a
newly opened nightclub in rue
Berger, where singers Emiko and
Sophie perform interactive suits
with six sound and image loops.
Image programming collaboration
with the team of Fabrice Bourrelly.
September – Installation “Fashion
Is…” at SEHM, commissioned by
Naco Architects.
October - “Post Machine”
videoinstallation in rue Martel.
Produces and directs the video
installation, music track and
collection “Post Machine”.
Collaboration for sound and image
with Delphine Charrueau and Laure
Milena. Machine sculpture for
rotating collection in collaboration
with Pierre-André Martin.
Performance at nightclub Les Bains
“Fashion Is…” with 12 French and
American rappers.
December - “Art Works” exhibition,
mixed media paintings, acrylics,
watercolors and prints, at Gallery
Galtung, Oslo.
Clockwise from top left: “Sky Objects” lithograph 57x9cm.
Pia Myrvold photographed old typewriters at the Clingancourt flea market in Paris for the images
Clockwise from top left: “Another Game” acrylic on canvas, 100x81cm.
Invitation project “Osmoses”. Pia Myrvold directing singer Sophie, before “Female Interface” performance. Pia Myrvold
in the “Post Machine” collection. Watercolor “Situationist International Anthology”. Stills from the video installation “Post Machine”. Model
backstage, talking to the press. “The Beginning had no name” acrylic on canvas, 81x65cm. Pia Myrvold in front of paintings suggesting the Pollock makeup for the “Osmoses” presentation.
wearing Clothes as Publishing Edition#1 “Faycal - Louvre” at presentation, the Norwegian Club, Paris. Painting for “Post Machine” project; mixed
“Fashion is what you Read..” suit, part of the project “Fashion Is…” Middle: Pia Myrvold backstage with press, before the “Osmoses” presentation.
media, with clothes from the collections “Paris identity”, “Dada Memory” and “Post Machine”, as well as transfer print on canvas.
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March - “Fast Forward”- performance – Les Bains, launching video and music track, Fast Forward, Jazzland Remix.
October - Web Bar, Paris. Launch of first interactive design studio and the website www.cybercouture.com, with project “Dream Sequences”, the first
interface project in which Myrvold completely integrates paintings, prints, video, music, the internet, an interactive design studio and a design
collection, also marking her departure from the twice a year fashion shows in Paris. Collaborates with Spill.net for web design.
Porsgrund Porselen commissioned 6 cups to be designed as part of their Millennium Celebration project.
December – Solo exhibition, Galleri Amare, Stavanger.
Clockwise from top left:
Entrance for fashion
week party “Fast
Forward” at Les Bains,
Stills from video,
“Fast Forward”
Pia Myrvold singing and
performing in “Fast
Forward” video.
Backstage preparations
for “Fast Forward”
performance at Les
Bains. Dancers recruited
by dance choreographer
Patrick O’Hara.
“Fast Forward”
performance, five
classically trained
ballerinas are carried by
strong male dancers in
poses around the
crowded club nights of
David and Cathy Guetta.
Left: Teet Kask in still from video “Dream Sequences”. Top middle: Mixed media painting “Dream Sequences” with excerpts of text by writers, artists and philosophers from the last 3000
years. Right: Cups from Millennium countdown project, Porsgrund Porselen. Middle bottom: Knitwear collection to complement “Dream Sequence Collection”, using fishing
nylon for transparent blocks in machine knitted wool.
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February - Opening exhibition
for Bergen European Capital of
Culture 2000, curated by
museum director Jorunn
Haakestad, at The West
Norwegian Museum of
Decorative Art. Exhibition
includes performances in
collaboration with Carte
Blanche Dance Company.
Her Majesty Queen Sonja of
Norway officially opens
www.cybercouture.com with
version 2 interactive design
studio. Web design sponsored
by Nextra.
Clockwise from top: Top left:
Dancers from contemporary dance ensemble “Carte Blanche”, Bergen, performing during press conference for
July - performances and shows
based on the Bergen Identity
project in Helsinki, Finland and
Reykjavik, Iceland.
Gallery exhibition during the
Paris Haute Couture week,
where composer Steve Lacy
and singer Irene Aebe
inaugurate exhibition.
exhibition at the West Norway Museum of Decorative Arts. Teet Kask performing in blue screen environment in Duran film
studios in Paris for “Interference” video project. Dancers from the Dybvik dance ensemble, preparing dance segment
for “Women Show The Way”, choreographed and produced by Pia Myrvold.
The infrastructure for cybercouture.com version 2, made with Flash, programmed by web artist Phil Wood.
Dancers from the Estonian National Ballet, performing in the Duran film studio, choreographed by Pia Myrvold.
Icelandic model wearing cybercouture, Reykjavik. Photo by Pia Myrvold.
December - Exhibition of new
paintings, watercolors and
prints at Gallery Galtung, Oslo.
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January – Premieres video
installation “Interference” at
the Henie Onstad Art Center,
Oslo in the group show “Art
Through the Eye of a Needle”,
exhibition curator
Selene Wendt.
February - Presents
www.cybercouture.com with a
multimedia fashion show at
the New York Mercedes Benz
Fashion Week in the tents at
Bryant Park, with the support
and collaboration of Breanna
Alexander and sponsor
Djuice, Norway. Collaborates
with Phil Wood for web design.
Group show “Contemporary
Design” at Sotheby’s in
September – Premieres the
children’s play “Paintbox”,
written by Pia Myrvold,
a multimedia interdisciplinary
theater performance, as part of
Blackbox and Ultima program,
initiated by theater director
Inger Buresund.
December – Solo exhibition,
Gallery Amare, Stavanger
Top row, one and two: Stills from 3 screen video installation, “Inspirations”, shot with handheld camera, edited in real time.
Middle row: Dancers Snelle Hall and Siri Jøntvedt and actor Kyrre Hellum performing last scene of interactive children’s play
“Paintbox”. Directed by Un-Magritt Nordseth. Video and lighting design by Inger Johanne Byhring.
Music by Pia Myrvold, Lasse Myrvold and Laurent Mauvais.
Bottom: Children wearing costumes by Pia Myrvold for “yellow scene” in interactive children’s play “Paintbox”.
Sunglasses simulate video camera glasses, which were an important element in the original script by Pia Myrvold.
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Opposite page, clockwise from top:
Pia Myrvold backstage with press before cybercouture
presentation, in tent in Bryant Park, 7th on Sixth.
Front row invitations with gift bags organized by Fonte
PR office and Breanna Alexander.
Breanna Alexander and Pia Myrvold at The Museum of
Modern Art, Fashion Week Opening Party.
Pia Myrvold with Teet Kask at cybercouture after party.
Co-producer and hosts Breanna Alexander,
Wayne Correia.
Left: Model opening show, wearing cybercouture jacket
with 4 built-in speakers,
sound generated by the jacket.
Right: “Red Lady” lithograph, 9x53cm
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Moves to New York in the fall of 2001. Industrial designer Karim
Rashid, who had been at cybercouture presentation in Bryant
Park in 2001, asks Myrvold if he can collaborate on a project.
Myrvold starts a “work in process” project “The Bridge”, as a
publishing project, selecting six of Karim Rashids prints for the
collage print Hypermix, creating designs for ink jet printing. In
the collection “Cyber Wear”, Rashid incorporates his own
graphic interpretations into her designs.
Collaborate with composer/producer Nile Rodgers for the
soundtrack. The project presentation is delayed because of the
terrorism attacks and loose funding, but is presented at the New
York Mercedes Benz Fashion Week in September 2002, at
Fellisimo Design House. Myrvold uses the momentum of the
project to launch the 3rd version of the interactive design studio
on cybercouture.com, where all garments are designed in digital
files and sent to printers and producers over the Internet.
Collaborates with Phil Wood for web design. Project sponsor;
Scanachrome, Paris.
Dress from the “Hypermix” collection, created in digital files, allowing
a draping of motifs, so that the graphics connect at the seams, with
different images on the front to those on the sides and back.
Opposite page, clockwise from top:
Backstage photo shoot, organized by Anne Senstad. Artist Megan Lang
getting a good spanking from designer/ husband Karim Rashid.
Finished show, waving to the press, Nile Rodgers, Pia Myrvold and
Karim Rashid, who collaborated on “The Bridge”.
Pia Myrvold with hair and makeup team.
“The making of Eve”, first synthetic model for cybercouture.
Backstage photo shoot, organized by Anne Senstad, Nile Rodgers,
Pia Myrvold and Amy Sacco.
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March – Myrvold moves back to Paris, where her daughter Isa is born.
Presents showroom “Post Machine” collection.
October - Group show “100% Norway” at the DeLuxe Gallery, London, curated by Bradley Quinn.
Showroom exhibition with one of a kind ”Reflexology” collection, Paris.
November – Group show “Scandinavia Beyond The Myth”, 2004-2007, by curator Widar Halen,
opens in Berlin, then travels to Design Museums in Milan, Gent, Prague, Budapest, Glasgow,
Copenhagen, Oslo, Vigo and Corunna, Spain, Belgrade and Croatia.
December – Solo exhibition, Gallery Amare, Stavanger.
Lithograph printed at a lithographic workshop in Stavanger.
Details of spring collection, using tearing techniques, hand dyes and reflective collage details.
Top left: Illustration for Amnesty
“The War happening in our homes”
Text reads: “The Government has just
announced that fresh air will be free for
one more year!”
Top right: Illustration for Amnesty
“Schooling”. 8 year olds discussing
statement by media that top model Karen
Mulder is dismissive of feminism.
Girl to the right says that maybe she
(Mulder) is dismissing all human rights!
Girl to the left responds “It is probably just
a blond joke (by the media)!”
Left: Pia Myrvold and daughter Isa, 5
months, in Dusaviken, the scrap yard for
North Sea oil installations, photographed
by Knut Bry for book project.
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April – Group show “The Fashion of Architecture”, at
the DeLuxe Gallery, exhibition curator Bradley Quinn.
August – Official ONS (Offshore North Sea) Artist.
The Majesties King Harald and Queen Sonja of
Norway opens exhibition, Gallery Sult, Stavanger.
– “Perspectives 1” land art performance, Stavanger,
published in Stavanger Aftenblad.
September - February 2005 – Presentation
interface - project and performance “Female
Interfaces 2.0” at the “Ecoute” exhibition, part of “
Sons et Lumières”, joint exhibition project by Centre
Pompidou and Musée national d’art moderne.
Exhibition curator Boris Tissot.
Dancer Teet Kask performs with Myrvold, Neurotika
gives technical support, web design and collaborates
on images. Sound collaboration with Rolf Wallin and
Bugge Wesseltoft. Support by The Norwegian
Embassy, Paris.
November – “Slow Emotion” exhibition at Gallery
Rom for Idé, Oslo, an interdisciplinary exhibition
featuring paintings, sculptural furniture and carpets.
Sponsored by Peugeot, Myrvold designs the exterior
and interior of a car.
During the year, Myrvold contributes six
illustrations to Amnesty International Norway
Members Magazine.
Top left: Pia Myrvold’s home in Rue St Martin, with signature paintings, textiles and carpets.
Photo: Sylvie Dos Santos, Elle Interiør.
Top right: Pia Myrvold designs exterior and interior print cover for Peugeot, in connection with the
exhibition “Slow Emotions”, at the gallery Rom for Idé, Oslo.
Middle right: Ring and necklace design “Riss”, for Hillestad AS.
Left: HM Queen Sonja of Norway opening the official ONS exhibition, in conversation with Pia
Myrvold. Bente Gundersen of Galleri Sult in the background.
Clockwise from top left:
From the performance “Perspectives I” at Sola Beach, Stavanger.
Pia Myrvold in front of painting at exhibition opening, The Official ONS Artist 2004.
Installation view from exhibition “Slow Emotions”, at the gallery Rom for Idé, Oslo.
"Change of mind" acrylic on canvas 2004, 130x97cm.
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February – Performs Female Interfaces 2.1 at the Oslo Fashion Week. Technical support Samantha Longoni, Neurotika.net.
May – Jubilee Exhibition at Galleri Hillestad, Norway. The second land art performance “Perspectives 2”, published in Agderposten.
June – Arendal Culture House. Art Building Performance “Perspectives 3”, published in Agderposten.
– Festival artist, Porsgrunn International Theater Festival, Øvre Frednes Culturehouse, Porsgrunn. Paintings, digi-graphics,
video-installations and the third land art performance “Perspectives 4”, published in Varden and VG.
December – Solo exhibition, Gallery Amare, Stavanger.
Opposite page, top left:
1. Painting on cover of the catalogue for
exhibitions at Hillestad Gallery and Frednes
Culture House, Porsgrunn.
2 & 7. Pia Myrvold
and Director Barbro
Hillestad of Hillestad Gallery during
preparations for “Perspectives II”.
3. Pia Myrvold directing the shoots and
ground staff from the helicopter.
4. The helicopter in front of Hillestad Gallery.
5. “Perspectives III”,
with Arendal Culture House.
“Perspectives IV” by the entrance of
Frednes Culture House, Porsgrunn.7. Barbro
Hillestad and Pia Myrvold discussing the
strategy of the ground team.
8. “Perspective II”, starting at Kjevik
Airport, Kristiansand, with six locations
before arriving at Hillestad Gallery.
9. Watercolor from exhibition at
Frednes Culture House, Porsgrunn.
Top: Pia Myrvold with technical team, Raphael Hue and Samantha Longoni, before Oslo Fashion Week performance.
Two interactive interfaces, performed by Pia Myrvold and Teet Kask, in interactive exhibition “Ecoute”, at the Pompidou Center.
Bottom row, four on the left: Jewelry collection for Hillestad AS, photographed by Ron Contarsy.
Bottom right: Pia Myrvold performing “Female Interface 2.0” for the opening of the “Ecoute” exhibition at the Pompidou Center.
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January – Groupshow “The Fashion of Architecture” opens at the Center of Architecture, New York, collaboration “Freeze Dubbeldam”, with Winka Dubbeldam and Phil Wood, exhibition curator Bradley Quinn.
June - Pulpit Rock Festival asks Myrvold to design an architectural plan for a 4-day rock festival for Stavanger Culture Capital 2008.
Myrvold makes a 3-D max video with animations and creative programming, with exhibitions, children projects, international VJprogram and live interface interactions with audience.
Designs “Lateral” collection for Woolin AS, Norway, to be part of Design 100% Risør and London Design Fair with 100% Norway.
Designs collections “Riss” and “Stardust” for Hillestad AS (www.hillestad.no).
November – Solo show “Fluid Identity” featuring paintings, digital prints and carpets at Gallery Rom for Idè, Oslo.
Opposite page, from top left:
Planned workshop for children at Norsk Form,
with interactive interface “New Media Lab”,
where children can make paper objects like
airplanes, puppets and clothing.
Planned façade for the Norsk Form exhibition,
with textile banners printed using the live
cybercouture production unit at the exhibition.
Digi-graphic “Osmoses III”, 30x30cm.
“Infill” project with computerized lighting
plan, giving the building a different colored
design for each day of the week.
Entrance design with textile tunnel, leading the
public into the main stadium space, for Pulpit
Rock Festival, Stavanger 2008.
Mixed Media painting “Hypermix”, using
cybercouture clothing from the “Hypermix”
collection. Photos taken from Wayne and
Breanna’s penthouse apartment on 6th
Avenue, with yellow cabs below, as well as
reflective PVC materials melted into the canvas.
View of the live cybercouture production unit,
which allowed customers to follow the process
from interacting in the design through to
seeing the printouts and finished models.
Middle: View from inside the exhibition
“Interfaces” at Norsk Form, where videos,
furniture, textiles, carpet designs and live
performances from retrospective programs and
computer stations for interactive interfaces
were included as part of the exhibition plan.
Top left: Roof garden, maquette created in 3-D max, for “Infill” project, Oslo.
Middle left and bottom left: Interface for “Freeze Dubbeldam” on cybercouture.com, where Winka Dubbeldam’s architectural virtual shapes are overlapped in a
random program created by web artist Phil Wood. The dress shape lets the client decide when to freeze the image, to create a unique dress.
Project presented at the exhibition “The Fashion of Architecture”, at the Center of Architecture, New York.
Right: Back of hooded coat, with Winka Dubbeldam’s virtual architectural motifs, created at MIT Media Lab, Boston.
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Designs the “Pia Myrvold 2007” signature collection for Woolin AS.
Designs the jewelry collections “Pebbles” and “Moon” for Hillestad AS
USBL commissions Myrvold to create plans for art and design identity
for “In-Fill”, an urban housing projects by Element Architects, Oslo.
May – “Interfaces” exhibition to open at Norsk Form, Oslo.
Due to organizational problems at the Norsk Form Museum, the
exhibition opening was replaced by an improvised performance, with
60 live models standing in for missing mannequins in the exhibition
space during the official opening. During the school year 2006-2007,
directed the Masterclass educational project “Arendal Identity”, for
Strømsbu senior high school, culminating with performance at
Arendalkonferansen in June. Supported by Arendal Kommune, AustAgder Fylkeskommune and Sparebanken Sør.
Developed New Media Lab for children at cybercouture.com/
newmedialab with the support of Norsk Form and kulturnett.no.
Collaborated with Phil Wood for webdesign.
November – Launch of the book “Pia Myrvold-Interfaces” in Norway
with publishing company Innoventi/Kilden.
– Exhibition “In-Formation” at the Rogaland Museum of Fine Art.
Sponsored by Hitech Vision, Acta and Noreco.
Launch of New Media Lab, Phase 2.
– Solo show “Watermarks”, Galleri Bi-Z, Kristiansand.
December – Solo show, Galleri Amare, Stavanger.
www.pia-myrvold.com • www.cybercouture.com
Top: New Media Lab interface, with freeze image print function, to create infinite variations of graphic artwork. By Phil Wood/ Pia Myrvold.
Link: www.cybercouture.com/newmedialab/picture.html. Middle: Dada Memory Interface, six sound loops composed by Pia Myrvold give a new way for the user to enjoy
music and composition. Link: www.cybercouture.com/newmedialab/music.html. Bottom right: New Media Lab allows children to create a paper doll, with front and back.
Parameters include choice of gender, hair, hats and masks, shoes, color designs for the clothes and a separate sweater, to build a series of individual silhouettes.
Link: www.cybercouture.com/newmedialab/design.html. Bottom left: “Red Biomyth Lady” lithograph, 23x22cm.
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Top left: Performance using live models, substituting exhibition mannequins that had not arrived, for the opening of
the “Interfaces” exhibition at Norsk Form. (Norwegian Museum of Design and Architecture). Middle left: Students
presenting “Arendal Identity”, a New Media Art Educational Program made by Pia Myrvold as a master class for
dedicated students at Strømsbu sixth-form college during one school year. Each student worked on a video
presentation of “Arendal ID”; made two “no tech” outfits based on the palettes derived from their videos, and finally
had a skirt produced with their individual palette in cybercouture.com. Link: www.cybercouture.com/arendal-ID.
Two on bottom left: Carpets designs from “Pia Myrvold Collection 2007” for Woolin AS.
Top right: “Material Connect III” digi-graphic printed at Atelier Clot Bramsen, Paris.
Bottom right: “New Code I” digi-graphic limited edition, 98x98cm.
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Top left: “Liquid Distortion, Yellow” lithograph, 23x22cm. Bottom left: “Liquid Distortion, Red” lithograph, 23x22cm. Top right: “Biomyth Meeting” lithograph, 23x22cm.
Bottom right: “The four sources” lithograph, 23x22cm.
“Phantom Love” lithograph, 23x22cm
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