P238 - Tile 1 of 6
P238 - Tile 1 of 6
Ontario’s Living Legacy 389000E Creek 348000E Lower Turnbull Lake 5256000N 5256000N Robinson Lake River P238 - Tile 1 of 6 Efby East Lake Wakami Lake Robinson WAKAMI LAKE PROVINCIAL PARK Lake MISSISSAGI RIVER ADDITIONS PROVINCIAL PARK ADDITION (WATERWAY CLASS) Wolverine KELSEY TWP Lake LYNCH TWP Creek hot cks Bu SYMINGTON TWP SINGAPORE TWP CEYLON TWP W-LL-F 238/03 ONT Portal Kebskwasheshi Lake Lake er River Riv Buckshot Turnbull mi Lake Wa ka Lake Gagne Spa nish Lake Shegoat Shequat hot ks Creek h er Riv Buc Lake anis Sp Lake road Weedy Lake Weedy Lake Sheguat er accessway Riv Spa nish Lake i Wakam Mack Lake Harland Putnam Lake railway Lake River ish Span r bridge Wak am i Rive Riv er Peggy Kebskwasheshi transmission line Rive Cartier Shannon r Lake Lake trail-portage :Lake airstrip North Embarass Lake Isbister Nineay Lake township boundary Lake Nineay lot line - surveyed Keb skw ash esh i Riv er Lake lot line - unsurveyed Em bara ss road allowance (not to scale) Spani sh Ember Frechette West River contour line Abinette Lake Lake river/stream Lake Pear river/stream - intermittent Lake Riv er ish Span BRAITHWAITE TWP BOUNSALL TWP lake BURR TWP BULLBROOK TWP Frechette River Rive r h Spanis wetland Lake ish Span FAUST TWP patented land Riv er Frechette existing protected area Lake Bragh Lake River Embarass Spanish F238 - LAND AND LAND UNDER WATER Abinette Wasasinka P238 - LAND AND LAND UNDER WATER Hubbard Cre ek er Riv Lake West Hubbard Lake Hubbard Frechette Lake Em bara Em ss bara ss DREA TWP Lake Wasasinka Hubbard River River Wasasinka Lake Lake Creek s Embaras s Embaras Fre chet te Creek Riv er Riv River River River River er Wahsegami Wahsegami e nett nett Abi Abi e Lake Lake agi siss t Wes Wes t Mis agi siss Mis Lebel Lebel Embarass Embarass Bardney Lake Lake Lake Lake Lake ek Embarass k EDIGHOFFER TWP Cre ek EATON TWP Cree Cre Bardney DUKSZTA TWP HUBBARD TWP Embarass Lake Wasasinka Wasasinka Lake k Cree Florence Florence er Riv Bardney er Riv Lake Lake Site identifiers (e.g. P321) may be used to reference sites in the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy document. Forest reserves whose identifier contains the same number as an adjacent provincial park or conservation reserve (e.g. F321) were created as directed in the Land Use Strategy when more complete information on mining tenure was gathered during the refinement of the site boundary. Areas indicated with the letters ’NS’ are excluded from the site boundary. Marionette Marionette nette Abi Ink nette Abi Ink Lake Lake Lake Blush Blush t Wes t Wes VertVert ey Bardn Mis Lake Lake M siss ississ agi agi Lake Riv er Riv er Lake Em bara Em ss bara ss River River Lake Lake ek Cre Bardney Missis sagi Marionette ek sagi r Rive River Bardney Cre Missis Marionette er Riv Lake Lake Lake This map is illustrative only. Do not rely on it as being a precise indicator of routes, locations of features, nor as a guide to navigation. Lake er Riv Upper Embarass Res inos a Medicine Lake Cr Lake Only Ontario Crown land is included in this proposed provincial park. Where the boundary appears to overlap private land, Federal land, Indian Reserves, or existing Mining Act tenure, that portion of the site is not being regulated as a part of this provincial park. Consistent with the Ontario’s Living Legacy Land Use Strategy however, should mining claims or leases within this area be retired in the future through normal processes, these claim or lease areas will be withdrawn and added to the provincial park. Res inos a dney Bar dney Bar Yuill Bar dney Circle Circle Surprise Lake Surprise Lake Lake Sulphur Lake Lake Sulphur Lake Rive r Rive r rass River Emba Slater Creek Red g Abinette Abinette Wagon Lake Red Lake Pine Lake Mississagi Mis Medicine Mis siss agi siss agi Mississagi Pine er Riv er Riv er Riv Falls ass Embar Weneb egon Wagong Casper Lake Lake Lake Lake White White Rover Creek Lake White White Dodge Owl Lake Owl Lake Lake Owl Owl PROJECTION UTM ZUNITS NO UNITS METERS DATUM NAD83 SPHEROID GRS1980 XSHIFT 0.0000000000 YSHIFT 0.0000000000 ZONE 17 PARAMETERS Riv er ine ine ic Med ic Med GISBORN TWP GILBERTSON TWP Moule GROSSMAN TWP Creek IRIS TWP GUINDON TWP Moule North Sladen Cre Lake ek reek C Lake Lake Lake Twentyfive Twentyfive ong Abine Wag Mile Mile tte Lake Lake Fraser Fraser River River r e Riv Lind Lind Ab ine tte Lake Lake Twentythree Pipe Lake Mile Cre Lake Lake We st ek Lake Wimpy Upper Green Upper Medicine Medicine Lake Green Published on February 04, 2003 Data Source: CHAPLEAU and SAULT STE MARIE NRVIS Databases, 1999 Land Tenure: CHAPLEAU and NRVIS Database, 1999 Source Coverage: rmp238mrw_fr2_1 Lake Mou le Lake Lake Lake Kashbogama Kashbogama Lake Gib Abinett e Abinett Maskuti Sixcee Lake e ek Cre FULTON TWP North Lake Lake Pirate Lake For Internal Use Only Lake Upper Upper Gib Sixcee River Lake Green Pirate Lake Riv er Riv Green agi Lake Lake Lake Lake er Upper Upper Green Green siss Mis agi siss Mis Abinette Kashbogama West Kashbogama Lake Lake Scale 1:50000 Rive r Lake Mississagi Lower Mississagi Rive Rive r r Medicine River Lake Wag ong Med icine Cr. 0km North Maskuti Rive r Kimiwan Lakes Wishbone 10km Lake Cypress Lake Abi nette Shanguish Shanguish Rive r 5217000N Abi ne tte Creek 5217000N Lake Abi McKEOUGH TWP North ress Lake nette Creek West Cyp Palm Lake LELUK TWP LAWLOR TWP LAUGHREN TWP Quartz 348000E Abi an iw Kim nette Alf Lake Lake Lake 389000E 0mi 1mi 2mi 3mi 4mi 5mi 6mi
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