Regional Summaries of Walleye Life History Characteristics Based
Regional Summaries of Walleye Life History Characteristics Based
Regional Summaries of Walleye Life History Characteristics Based on Ontario’s Fall Walleye Index Netting (FWIN) Program 1993 to 2001 Diagnostics and Sampling Standards Working Group Percid Community Synthesis December 2002 G.E. Morgan and M.D. Malette Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit Department of Biology, Laurentian University Sudbury, Ontario P3E 2C6 R.S. Kushneriuk Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 955 Oliver Road Thunder Bay, Ontario P7B 5E1 S.E. Mann Northwest Region Science and Information Regional Ageing Laboratory Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 479 Government Road (Highway 17) Dryden, Ontario P8N 2Z4 MNR 51729 (200 k P.R. 03 01 25) ISBN 0-7794-4081-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction……………………………………………………………………. 1 2.0 The FWIN Database………………………………………………………….. 4 3.0 Parameter Estimation and Table Format…………………………………... 3.1 Basic Waterbody Descriptors……………………………………….. 3.2 Relative Abundance………………………………………………….. 3.3 Mortality………………………………………………………………... 3.4 Weight-Length Relationship and Condition………………………... 3.5 Length-at-Age…………………………………………………………. 3.6 Weight-at-Age…………………………………………………………. 3.7 Growth…………………………………………………………………. 3.8 Maturity………………………………………………….……………... 3.9 Fecundity………………………………………………………………. 3.10 Reproductive Characteristics………………………………………... 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 4.0 Analysis and Discussion……………………………………………………... 9 4.1 Sexual Dimorphism…………………………………………………… 9 4.2 Regional Differences…………………………………………………. 11 5.0 Summary………………………………………………………………………. 12 6.0 Acknowledgements…………………………………………………………… 12 7.0 References…………………………………………………………………….. 13 Appendix: Regional Benchmark Tables Northwest Region (NW) Figure 2 – Map of Northwestern Ontario Table NW-1. Waterbody descriptors Table NW-2. Walleye relative abundance Table NW-3a. Female mortality Table NW-3b. Male mortality Table NW-4a. Female weight-length relationship Table NW-4b. Male weight-length relationship Table NW-5a. Female length-at-age Table NW-5b. Male length-at-age Table NW-6a. Female weight-at-age Table NW-6b. Male weight-at-age Table NW-7a. Female growth Table NW-7b. Male growth Table NW-8a. Female maturity Table NW-8b. Male maturity Table NW-9. Relative fecundity Table NW-10. Fecundity-length relationship Table NW-11a. Female reproductive characteristics Table NW-11b. Male reproductive characteristics Table NW-12. Provincial benchmarks Northeast Region (NE) Figure 3 – Map of Northeastern Ontario Table NE-1. Waterbody descriptors Table NE-2. Walleye relative abundance Table NE-3a. Female mortality Table NE-3b. Male mortality Table NE-4a. Female weight-length relationship Table NE-4b. Male weight-length relationship Table NE-5a. Female length-at-age Table NE-5b. Male length-at-age Table NE-6a. Female weight-at-age Table NE-6b. Male weight-at-age Table NE-7a. Female growth Table NE-7b. Male growth Table NE-8a. Female maturity Table NE-8b. Male maturity Table NE-9. Relative fecundity Table NE-10. Fecundity-length relationship Table NE-11a. Female reproductive characteristics Table NE-11b. Male reproductive characteristics Table NE-12. Provincial benchmarks South-central Region (SC) Figure 4 – Map of Southcentral Ontario Table SC-1. Waterbody descriptors Table SC-2. Walleye relative abundance Table SC-3a. Female mortality Table SC-3b. Male mortality Table SC-4a. Female weight-length relationship Table SC-4b. Male weight-length relationship Table SC-5a. Female length-at-age Table SC-5b. Male length-at-age Table SC-6a. Female weight-at-age Table SC-6b. Male weight-at-age Table SC-7a. Female growth Table SC-7b. Male growth Table SC-8a. Female maturity Table SC-8b. Male maturity Table SC-9. Relative fecundity Table SC-10. Fecundity-length relationship Table SC-11a. Female reproductive characteristics Table SC-11b. Male reproductive characteristics Table SC-12. Provincial benchmarks 1.0 Introduction This report presents regional summaries of life history characteristics of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum) populations from 390 Ontario lakes and large rivers. These waterbodies were sampled between 1993 and 2001 using the fall walleye index netting (FWIN) standard (Morgan 2002). The results for each region are presented as tables which describe the waterbody characteristics and the following walleye biological attributes: - relative abundance - annual adult mortality by sex - weight-length relationship and condition by sex - length-at-age by sex - weight-at-age by sex - growth by sex - sexual maturity by sex - relative fecundity - fecundity-length relationship - reproductive condition by sex All data used in this report were derived from FWIN projects submitted to the Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit, Laurentian University and archived by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (OMNR). These data were entered, archived, and managed using the OMNR FISHNET software package (Lester et al. 1989). Only data that were collected using the FWIN standard and managed by FISHNET are included in the regional summaries. FWIN was first operationally tested in 1993 with pilot studies at Lac des Mille Lacs (OMNR northwest region) and the French River (OMNR south-central region). Since that time, the number of projects increased yearly (Table 1). Table 1. FWIN projects completed in Ontario from 1993 to 2001. Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Northwest Region 1 3 6 9 23 34 19 64 23 Northeast Region1. 2 1 6 11 26 40 37 24 South-central Region1. 1 1 2 6 7 10 7 11 68 Ontario 2 6 9 21 41 70 66 112 115 1. All northeast region waterbodies in Fishing Division 15 are included in the south-central region data summaries. 1 The large number of FWIN projects in the northwest region in 2000, the northeast region in 1999 and 2000, and the south-central region in 2001 were related to pilot “status of resource” studies and regional fisheries management initiatives. The provincial FWIN database contains 442 completed and archived FISHNET projects from 390 different water bodies. Almost three-quarters of the FWIN projects (and waterbodies) were in the northwest and northeast region (Table 2). Table 2. FWIN projects and waterbodies sampled in Ontario from 1993 to 2001. Region Northwest Northeast South-central Total Number of FWIN Projects 182 147 113 442 Number of Water bodies 160 131 99 390 The life history characteristics and benchmarks summarized in this report are intended to be a source document for area biologists responsible for managing their walleye resource. These provide a means of comparing the results from individual populations of interest to other populations within the region or in other regions across the province. For any waterbody, where a standard FWIN survey has been conducted, a rapid, point-in-time assessment of the walleye population status is possible by comparing measured variables with known reference values. In this report, we derive reference values (i.e., regional benchmarks) to encourage this type of assessment. Results of future sampling efforts can be compared against these walleye benchmarks for key life history parameters. We believe that these benchmarks would be useful to many walleye biologists because it permits them to look at their particular populations in the context of Ontario walleye populations generally. These benchmarks represent the average values along with some measures of variability from a large set of Ontario waterbodies, widely distributed across the province (Figure 1). The regional benchmarks are organized in a series of 11 tables. The provincial benchmarks are summarized in one table (Table 12 which is included at the end of each regions benchmark tables). Data from a project was excluded from a table if any of the required data fields were missing or estimators could not be calculated. (i.e., the number of fish sampled was too small). At the end of each table are summary statistics for comparative purposes (i.e., the regional benchmarks). 2 Figure 1. Map of Ontario showing the location of the 390 waterbodies for which fall walleye index netting data were available. 2.0 The FWIN Database The master FWIN database was created through a unique combination of FISHNET files and compendium output (Kushneriuk 1996). Data from individual FISHNET files were stored in ACCESS® while the compendium output files were compiled by project and stored in ORACLE®. Automated data transformations were performed in ORACLE® to create the final working tables (e.g., the reordering of male, female, and combined sex data). All ACCESS® and ORACLE® tables were combined into a new master FWIN database where querying of the data occurred to create the regional benchmark tables. Each life history character was estimated using a consistent set of defendable methods. Many of these life history parameters are related to fish age so every effort has been made to ensure consistent tissue collection and age interpretation. Calcified structures collected from the FWIN projects over the years varied across the province. Whenever possible the sagitta or otolith was the first choice for walleye age interpretation. The method used to prepare the otoliths was the crack and burn technique described by Christensen (1964). Annuli were very distinct for age interpretation, especially for very old fish compared to the dorsal spine or scale methods. If no otoliths were collected, the next preferred structure for age interpretation was the dorsal spine. The spine was coated with a two-part epoxy and then sectioned along the transverse plane at the base of the structure. Age interpretation was difficult for very old walleye due to piling of annuli along the edge of the structure. Scales were only used for very young fish (during their rapid growth period and before sexual maturation). Scales were impressed into acetate slides and interpreted in a microfiche reader. The Northwest Science and Information Ageing Lab in Dryden, Ontario prepared and aged over 95% of the total projects in the FWIN database. 3.0 Parameter Estimation and Table Format 3.1 Basic Waterbody Descriptors (Table 1) Various attributes of the waterbodies were listed alphabetically. Latitude, longitude, surface area, mean depth, maximum depth, and Secchi depth were derived from the Aquatic Habitat Inventory Database (contained in FISHNET) or updated from information provided by OMNR area biologists. Climate was characterized by growing-degree-days above 5oC which was estimated for each individual waterbody from the Ontario climate model (Mackey et al. 1996). The regional benchmarks did not include projects where only a portion of a waterbody was sampled. A map of the waterbodies sampled in each region from 1993 to 2001 is provided (Figures 2 to 4). 4 3.2 Relative Abundance (Table 2) The average catch or relative abundance of walleye caught, standard error, sample size, number of nets that caught walleye, and the average size of the walleye caught (expressed as total length in mm and wet weight in grams) from each project were recorded in this table and arranged by waterbody name in alphabetical order. The relative abundance reported was the geometric mean (i.e., the average of the logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations increased by one). For any waterbody that had been sampled in more than one year, data from the most recent year was used as input for deriving regional benchmarks. 3.3 Mortality (Table 3) Observed female (Table 3a) and male (Table 3b) annual adult mortality was described by the Robson and Chapman estimator for fish age 5 and older (Robson and Chapman 1961, Ricker 1975 p. 31): S= T ȈN + T - 1 where S is annual adult survival, T = N1 + 2N2 + 3N3…, N = N0 + N1 + N2 +…, and N is the number of fish whose age is greater than or equal to age 5. Annual adult mortality (A), the proportion of fish that dies in one year, was then calculated as A=1-S and expressed as a percent. A regression analysis indicated that the combined sex estimate was a good predictor of female and male mortality and we used these results to generate additional female and male estimates. The tables were arranged from low to high values using the estimated total annual mortality. The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 3.4 Weight-Length Relationship and Condition (Table 4) These tables give estimates of weight-length parameters for females (Table 4a) and males (Table 4b) based on a geometric mean predictive regression model fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations of wet weight (grams) versus total length (mm). log W = log D + E log L 10 10 10 where W is wet weight in grams, Į is the intercept, ȕ is the slope, and L is total length in mm. The equation presented in the table is W=10ĮLȕ. 5 Only projects with 30 or more observations, a correlation coefficient greater than or equal to 0.90 (i.e., R20.90), and having their derived regression models with slopes and intercepts significantly different from 0 (p<0.05) were included in these tables. Values were sorted from low to high using the slope parameter (ȕ). The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). Condition was calculated as the arithmetic average of the individual ratios of observed wet weight-to-predicted wet weight. Observed wet weight was the actual weight recorded in the FISHNET file. Predicted wet weight was derived from each regions median regression model (i.e., the regional weight-length benchmark relationship) by estimating the wet weight of a walleye based on the observed total length in the FISHNET file. 3.5 Length-at-Age (Table 5) Total length-at-age data are presented for females (Table 5a) and males (Table 5b). Only arithmetic mean values with a minimum sample size of 4 individual observations or more were included in these tables. Values were sorted from low to high using total length-at-age 1, 2 and 3. The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 3.6 Weight-at-Age (Table 6) Wet weight-at-age data are presented for females (Table 6a) and males (Table 6b). Only arithmetic mean values with a minimum sample size of 4 individual observations or more were included in these tables. Values were sorted from low to high using total weight-at-age 1, 2 and 3. The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 3.7 Growth (Table 7) The growth parameter tables (Table 7a for females and Table 7b for males) reports results from a parameter constrained growth model based on an empirical method of fitting the Von Bertalanffy growth equation: L t = L (1 e K (t to ) ) where Lt is total length in mm at age t, L is asymptotic total length in mm, K is the Brody growth coefficient (i.e., relative growth rate), and to adjusts the time 6 scale to incorporate a non-zero length at age=0. The value of to was constrained as -1. Kushneriuk et al. (1996) expanded on the ideas of Pauly (1984) and Payne et al. _ (1990) to estimate asymptotic length using the geometric mean length ( L ) of the largest p% of the fish in a sample, where p is a variable that depends on sample size. Asymptotic length was estimated using: Lf _ L(1.0732 0.0223 p - 0.0006 p 2 ) where p is the sampling fraction expressed as a percent. A 1% sample was used wherever the total number of fish aged by sex was greater than 500. For smaller sample sizes, the largest 5 fish and the above formula was used to estimate L. Omega (Ȧ) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to (and is calculated as K•L) (Gallucci and Quinn 1979). Pre-maturation growth (h) was defined as the growth rate to 350mm total length for combined sexes (Lester et al. 2000). h= 350mm T350 + 1 where T350 was interpolated from mean total length in mm of the two consecutive age groups whose lengths bounded 350mm. Values were sorted from low to high using L. The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 3.8 Maturity (Table 8) Maturation was visually assessed by internal examination of the gonads from individually sampled fish (Duffy et al. 2000). Logarithmically transformed (base 10) age and size-at-maturity schedules (i.e., the percent mature at age or length) were fitted to a logistic regression function for each population. Age and size at 10, 50, and 90% maturity were then derived from the equation. The data was arranged from youngest to oldest age-at-50% maturity. Results are presented for females in Table 8a and males in Table 8b. The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 7 3.9 Fecundity (Table 9 and 10) Mature ovaries were collected in the field and preserved for later counting. Fecundities were estimated gravimetrically. Ovary wet weight (in grams) was determined for the preserved samples, then eggs were counted in three subsamples, each of approximately 0.30 grams, taken from anterior, medial, and posterior sections of the ovary. The arithmetic mean number of eggs per gram thus obtained was multiplied by the preserved ovary wet weight to determine fecundity. Relative fecundity (RF) was calculated as: RF = Number of eggs W where W is wet weight in grams. This data was arranged from lowest to highest in Table 9. Only arithmetic mean values with a minimum sample size of 4 individual observations or more were included. Table 10 gives estimates of fecundity-total length parameters based on a geometric mean predictive regression model fitted to logarithmically transformed (Napierian logarithms) individual observations of number of eggs versus total length (mm). ln fecundity = ln D + E ln L where fecundity is the number of eggs, Į is the intercept, ȕ is the slope, and L is total length in mm. The equation presented in the tables is Fecundity=eĮLȕ. Only projects having their derived regression models with slopes and intercepts significantly different from 0 (p<0.05) were included in this table. Values were sorted from low to high using the slope parameter (ȕ). The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 3.10 Reproductive Characteristics (Table 11) Other measures of reproductive condition are summarized in Table 11a for females and Table 11b for males. Gonads were removed from the walleye and weighed with an electronic balance that was accurate to at least 1 decimal place. The fall gonadosomatic index (GSI) of sexually mature fish was calculated as: GSI = Gonad Weight × 100 (Total Weigh t - Gonad Weight) 8 where gonad weight and total weight are in grams. Fat was gently stripped by hand from the membranes surrounding the digestive tract, organs and body cavity. Visceral fat was weighed with an electronic balance that was accurate to 2 decimal places. The visceral fat index (VFI) of sexually mature fish was calculated as: VFI = Visceral Fat Weight × 100 Total Weight where visceral fat weight and total weight are in grams. The index of reproductive effort (R) proposed by Lester et al. (2000) was also calculated for females and males: R= 3h L where h is pre-maturation growth (mm•year-1) and L is asymptotic total length in mm. Only arithmetic mean values with a minimum sample size of 3 individual observations or more were included in these tables. The tables are ordered from lowest GSI to highest GSI. The regional benchmarks were derived using all the data (including multiple years from an individual waterbody). 4.0 Analysis and Discussion 4.1 Sexual Dimorphism The analysis of the 1993 to 2001 FWIN database is unique because most comparable studies of life history variation have been interspecific, rather than intraspecific comparisons of population. In this study we have tried to improve our understanding of the variation in walleye life history by increasing the number of populations and life history parameters compared to Lester et al. (2000). Female and male life history parameters were tested for the null hypothesis that these data were from a normally distributed population using the KolmogorovSmirnov one-sample test (Daniel 1978). Mean population differences between females and males from normally distributed data were compared using the paired-sample t test for dependent samples (Zar 1999). For data that were not normally distributed, the nonparametric Wilcoxon paired-sample test (Daniel 9 1978, Zar 1999) was employed to test for differences between females and males. The mean difference and the 95% confidence interval for statistically significant (p<0.05) comparisons between the sexes were calculated. The linear dependence of variation in a life history parameter between females and males was tested using simple linear correlation (i.e., we considered the linear relationship between females and males, but neither is assumed to be functionally dependent upon the other) (Zar 1999). Statistical comparisons were performed using STATISTICA data analysis software system (StatSoft 2001). The mean differences between female and male walleye were statistically significant (p<0.01) for all life history parameters except relative condition (p=0.80) (Table 3). Female walleye had lower mortality, higher asymptotic size, faster early growth, older age at sexual maturity, larger size at sexual maturity, higher allocation to sexual by-products (i.e., higher gonadosomatic index), and higher storage of lipid reserves (i.e., higher visceral fat index) compared to males from the same population. Variation between females and males was statistically correlated for all parameters (p<0.01). Table 3. Comparison of female and male walleye life history parameters. Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Adult mortality (A%) (n=269) Relative condition (n=225) Asymptotic length (L) (n=211) Brody coefficient (K) (n=211) Omega (Ȧ) (n=211) Age-at-50% maturity (n=217) Size-at-50% maturity (n=217) Gonadosomatic index (n=147) Visceral fat index (n=147) Females versus Males Females=27.9%* Males=30.1% Females=1.03 Males=1.03 Females=742mm* Males=615mm Females=0.155yr-1* Males=0.179yr-1 Females=113.88mm•yr-1* Males=109.33mm•yr-1 Females=4.6 years* Males=3.0 years Females=442mm* Males=348mm Females=4.4%* Males=2.9% Females=1.8%* Males=1.4% Are they correlated? (Mean difference, ±95%C.I.1.) Yes (r=0.52, p<0.01), (2.3%, 0.8 to 3.8%) Yes (r=0.81, p<0.01) Yes (r=0.57, p<0.01), (127mm, 119 to 137mm) Yes (r=0.55, p<0.01), (0.024yr-1, 0.020 to 0.029yr-1) Yes (r=0.77, p<0.01), (4.55mm•yr-1, 2.60 to 6.45mm•yr-1) Yes (r=0.79, p<0.01) (1.6 years, 1.5 to 1.7 years) Yes (r=0.48, p<0.01), (94mm, 88 to 98mm) Yes (r=0.23, p<0.01), (1.5%, 1.2 to 1.7%) Yes (r=0.84, p<0.01), (0.5%, 0.4 to 0.6%) 1. 95% Confidence interval of mean difference. * Significant difference (p<0.01) between females and males. 10 4.2 Regional Differences Life history parameters and population characteristics (i.e., geometric mean walleye relative abundance) for female and male walleye from the northwest, northeast and south-central region FWIN projects were compared using a oneway analysis of variance (Zar 1999). If a significant (p<0.05) difference in means was detected a multiple comparison Tukey test was employed to determine where differences between regions existed (Zar 1999). Statistical comparisons were performed using STATISTICA data analysis software system (StatSoft 2001). Results are summarized in Table 4. Table 4. Comparison of regional walleye life history parameters. Regional Average1. Life History Parameter Female adult mortality (A%) Male adult mortality (A%) Female relative condition Male relative condition Female asymptotic length (L, mm) Male asymptotic length (L, mm) Female Brody coefficient (K , yr-1) Male Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) Female Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) Male Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) Pre-maturation growth (h, mm•yr-1) Female age-at-50% maturity (years) Male age-at-50% maturity (years) Female size-at-50% maturity (mm) Male size-at-50% maturity (mm) Female gonadosomatic index (%) Male gonadosomatic index (%) Relative fecundity (eggs•g-1) Female visceral fat index (%) Male visceral fat index (%) Relative abundance (number•net-1) Northwest Northeast 28 (a) 30 (a) 1.04 (a) 1.06 (b) 733 (a) 613 (a) 0.155 (a) 0.176 (a) 112.14 (a) 106.82 (a) 89.37 (a) 4.8 (b) 3.5 (c) 441 (a) 360 (b) 3.1 (a) 3.1 (ab) 41.33 (a) 3.1 (b) 2.1 (a) 10.7 (c) 29 (a) 31 (a) 1.04 (a) 0.99 (a) 748 (ab) 612 (a) 0.159 (a) 0.182 (a) 116.99 (a) 110.67 (a) 89.78 (a) 4.5 (b) 2.9 (b) 440 (a) 340 (a) 4.1 (a) 2.6 (a) 49.74 (b) 2.1 (ab) 1.4 (a) 6.4 (b) Southcentral 29 (a) 31 (a) 1.02 (a) 1.03 (b) 778 (b) 646 (b) 0.172 (a) 0.188 (a) 131.84 (b) 120.25 (b) 109.54 (b) 3.6 (a) 2.2 (a) 445 (a) 342 (a) 4.8 (b) 3.2 (b) 54.36 (b) 1.6 (a) 1.3 (a) 2.8 (a) Ontario Average 282. 30 1.03 1.03 744 618 0.158 0.180 116.40 110.57 93.00 4.5 3.03. 441 349 4.4 2.9 49.79 1.9 1.4 7.5 1. Similar letters represent the similarity (p>0.05) of the population means that they estimate. Different letters represent populations that have a mean different (p<0.05) from any other population. Means are ranked from low to high (i.e., from a to c). 2. Bold font style indicates no significant difference (p>0.05) in means between the three regions. 3. Underlined font style indicates significant difference (p<0.05) between each regions mean. There were no significant differences between the regional means for female and male adult mortality, female relative condition, female and male Brody growth coefficients, female size-at-50% maturity, and male visceral fat index. The regional means for male age-at-50% maturity and relative abundance (geometric 11 mean) were significantly different from each other. For all other life history parameters, except male size-at-50% maturity and male relative condition, there generally appeared to be no difference between northwest and northeast region means. However the south-central region means were significantly different from the other two regions. The mean male size-at-50% maturity for northwest region walleye populations was significantly different from the other two regions while the mean male relative condition for northeast region walleye populations was significantly different from the other two regions. 5.0 Summary This report demonstrates the utility of gathering sufficient, standard samples to estimate walleye life history parameters. Females differ significantly from males and future assessment should recognize that data should be collected and analyzed separately for the sexes. Walleye populations in the northwest and northeast region displayed similar life history parameter means and information from these northern populations may be pooled for future analysis. South-central population means appeared to be different and should be treated separately. The regions differed uniquely in only three parameter means: relative abundance, male relative condition, and male age-at-50% maturity. 6.0 Acknowledgements Heartfelt thanks goes to the numerous biologists, field technicians, and volunteers whose contributions have made the FWIN program such a success. Growing-degree-day estimates were kindly provided by Terry Marshall. Constructive comments from Chuck Brady, John Gunn, Bryan Henderson, Peter Hulsman, Steve Kerr, Rob Korver, Nigel Lester, and Darryl McLeod improved the manuscript greatly. We also gratefully acknowledge Tracy Wakefield for formatting the final document. 12 7.0 References Christensen, J.M. 1964. Burning of otoliths, a technique for age determination of Soles and other fish. Journal du Conseil Permanent International pour l’Exploration del la Mer 29(1):73-81. Daniel, W.W. 1978. Applied nonparametric statistics. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, USA. 503 p. Duffy, M.J., J.L. McNulty, and T.E. Mosindy. 2000. Identification of sex, maturity, and gonad condition of walleye (Stizostedion vitreum vitreum). Northwest Science and Technology Field Guide: FG-05. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Northwest Region Science and Technology Unit, Thunder Bay, Ontario. 33p. Gallucci, V.F. and T.J. Quinn. 1979. Reparameterizing, fitting, and testing a simple growth model. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 108:14-25. Kushneriuk, R.S. 1996. FISHNET LITE (computer analysis software system). Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough, Ontario. Kushneriuk, R.S., N.P. Lester, and R.M. Korver. 1996. A compendium of life history characteristics of walleye in Ontario waters. Percid Community Synthesis. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 45 p + lake summaries. Lester, N.P., R.S. Kushneriuk, S. Orsatti, and D.G. Oliver. 1989. FISHNET user manual. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Toronto. Lester, N.P., B.J. Shuter, R.S. Kushneriuk, and T.R. Marshall. 2000. Life history variation in Ontario walleye populations: implications for safe rates of fishing. Percid Community Synthesis. Population and Yield Characteristics Working Group. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 34 p. Mackey, B.D., D. McKenney, Y-Q. Yang, J. McMahon, and M. Hutchinson. 1996. Site regions revisited: a climatic analysis of Hills’ site regions for the province of Ontario using a parametric method. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 26:333-354. Morgan. G.E. 2002. Manual of instructions – fall walleye index netting (FWIN). Percid Community Synthesis, Diagnostics and Sampling Standards Working Group. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 34 p. 13 Payne, N.R., R.M. Korver, D.S. MacLennan, S.J. Nepszy, B.J. Shuter, T.J. Stewart, and E.R. Thomas. 1990. The harvest potential and dynamics of lake trout populations in Ontario. Lake Trout Synthesis. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. 72 p. Pauly, D. 1984. Fish population dynamics in tropical waters: a manual for use with programmable calculators. International Center for Living Resources Management. Manila, Philippines. 325 p. Ricker. W.E. 1975. Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Bulletin 191. Department of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service, Ottawa. 382 p. Robson, D.S. and D.G. Chapman. 1961. Catch curves and mortality rates. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 90:181-189. StatSoft, Inc. (2001). STATISTICA (data analysis software system), version 6. Zar, J.H. 1999. Biostatistical analysis, fourth edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA. 663 p. + appendices. 14 Figure 2. Map of northwestern Ontario showing the location of the 160 waterbodies for which fall walleye index netting data were available. Abram Agimak Alph Anders Ara Ball Bar Barr Beak Beaverhouse Bending Boffin Botsford Bradshaw Brennan Brewer Broad Burditt Burrows Calm Chill Churchill Cloud Companion3. Crooked Pine Cuttle Darby Lake Table NW-1. Year Sampled 2001 1995 1997 1996 1998 1997 & 1998 2000 2000 2000 1996 1997 2000 2001 2000 2000 1999 1998 1998 2000 1998 2000 1998 1999 2000 1998 1998 2000 Latitude Longitude1. 500326-915554 492313-914047 501913-863839 485854-885446 503255-872724 501726-935931 490300-911200 490341-915744 491653-921517 483236-920609 491913-920815 484503-932810 500842-913832 485100-912500 502927-895425 471726-915720 502631-923747 485704-934642 495708-864418 484627-920450 490800-910100 504739-911032 480807-893234 485400-911400 484704-910536 485249-930739 483635-920841 Surface Area (hectares) 2040.5 1222.1 469.9 164.5 4926.8 2915.4 132.3 101.0 524.3 2000.8 1135.7 544.7 1447.2 144.5 2575.3 102.0 615.1 1420.5 1761.3 2480.9 164.0 4178.8 420.9 515.6 1604.0 562.5 85.8 Mean Depth (m) 12.1 3.2 3.4 7.5 4.6 9.5 7.5 5.8 7.7 23.6 12.5 3.4 7.2 2.5 1.8 7.1 2.6 9.7 2.9 13.9 6.1 5.2 9.0 5.1 6.1 5.1 4.1 Max. Depth (m) 36.6 15.8 14.3 66.0 18.0 30.5 22.0 15.9 30.0 63.4 45.8 12.8 24.7 8.0 20.7 15.9 5.8 23.5 18.3 65.3 34.0 22.6 16.5 27.5 17.4 16.8 11.6 Secchi (m) 2.0 2.7 3.1 3.2 5.2 1.4 3.0 3.9 3.8 3.4 4.6 4.8 2.6 5.4 4.0 1.7 1.4 5.9 2.3 2.3 3.0 3.4 3.7 2.4 4.4 3.1 2.2 1525 1487 1188 1210 1165 1551 1376 1395 1431 1551 1564 1500 1500 1383 1251 1554 1501 1641 1180 1537 1375 1367 1306 1380 1407 1639 1500 NW - 1 GDD>52. The northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Despair Devious Dimple Dog Dore Dovetail Drum Eagle Elbow Eltrut Elva Expanse Factor Favourable Finlayson Footprint Gammon Gamsby Garden Geikie Georgia Harris Henderson Hicks Husband Hutchison des Mille Lacs Lake Year Sampled 1993, 1994 & 1999 2000 1999 2000 1997 1998 1996 2000 2000 1995 2000 1998 1998 2000 1995 1997 2000 2000 2001 1997 2000 1999 2001 1997 1999 2000 2000 Table NW-1. (continued) 911.4 133.5 373.5 14804.3 No data 794.8 103.1 27691.0 583.6 2401.4 165.1 852.1 629.7 7117.6 1455.3 497.0 1218.5 601.8 1803.8 No data 580.8 419.4 150.9 198.3 155.9 215.3 24101.0 485057-903037 485225-933929 490906-874728 491405-915559 484550-893233 483600-912700 485248-920224 491731-920959 494053-930410 484443-910051 490020-922448 495236-910953 502027-914700 484202-920353 525057-935455 485433-913522 485400-933630 510031-944403 493104-871054 493125-894934 493000-891900 491934-875310 501646-903838 484900-901800 484850-890524 485111-912635 494709-865709 Surface Area (hectares) Latitude Longitude1. 6.1 2.3 12.3 29.6 No data 2.3 4.8 6.8 22.5 3.7 1.4 3.9 11.9 4.0 16.3 7.4 7.3 1.7 7.0 No data 5.2 6.4 2.5 No data 5.1 6.1 6.8 Mean Depth (m) 9.2 12.5 25.0 117.0 No data 27.0 17.0 33.5 58.6 12.2 5.2 13.1 49.4 13.0 51.9 17.4 21.0 7.6 22.3 No data 13.7 28.0 6.5 6.4 11.6 23.8 24.4 Max. Depth (m) 2.8 2.7 4.7 2.5 No data 2.0 3.3 2.9 5.6 1.7 2.7 3.1 5.9 2.1 2.3 3.4 3.5 2.3 1.7 No data 2.5 4.0 2.5 0.8 2.9 2.6 1.8 Secchi (m) 1500 1097 1387 1232 1446 1529 1424 1579 1393 1591 1469 1476 1463 1270 1461 1500 1476 1116 1244 1238 1111 1359 1284 1184 1383 1149 1322 NW - 2 GDD>52. Icarus Ice Iron Range Jac Saga Jackfish Jones Jutten Kaopskikamak Kapkichi Kawawiag Keckush Keikewabik Kenogamisis Kenorain Kenozhe Kilburn Kirk Klotz Kukukus Lac la Croix Light Little Eye Little Sandford Little Trout Little Turtle Longlegged Lount Mainville Lake Year Sampled 2000 1997 1998 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 1998 2000 2000 1997 1998 2000 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 1999 2000 2000 2000 1998 2000 1997 1997 & 1998 1998 Table NW-1. (continued) Latitude Longitude1. 481318-903329 485100-901500 481124-901948 491314-915715 485626-933546 490604-922635 501959-903245 490708-925029 512817-902257 491256-925124 485644-911415 494935-921005 494128-865245 490141-921935 491047-925107 504134-942850 483900-920700 494807-855146 494619-914110 482100-920900 485638-911832 485036-914651 490600-913628 510310-931420 484728-924157 504702-941027 501006-941830 485206-931338 Surface Area (hectares) 725.2 112.0 233.1 19.5 1889.9 389.1 668.9 1266.7 1277.2 468.2 136.8 879.4 4165.2 545.5 206.4 1359.8 86.2 830.1 4128.6 5771.0 187.2 75.4 2921.7 3665.5 2225.0 6915.5 3014.4 867.7 Mean Depth (m) 11.6 1.6 2.5 5.0 6.0 5.9 17.6 7.2 3.7 8.4 5.2 3.6 1.9 6.1 2.9 8.6 3.3 7.8 5.0 34.0 4.1 7.5 36.8 6.7 3.6 8.9 7.0 3.9 Max. Depth (m) 42.7 3.0 6.1 15.0 21.4 17.9 25.0 39.0 13.1 35.1 13.7 7.6 9.2 13.7 5.2 61.9 10.0 19.8 19.5 54.0 13.7 26.5 114.7 16.5 9.2 35.4 32.0 10.7 Secchi (m) 3.4 1.0 3.6 3.0 3.6 1.5 4.1 4.0 2.9 3.4 2.5 1.9 2.0 3.2 2.7 2.4 2.0 3.2 2.4 3.2 2.5 2.0 11.7 3.7 1.8 2.7 1.7 2.3 1337 1266 1287 1403 1500 1456 1346 1500 1233 1499 1378 1554 1160 1447 1499 1506 1500 1275 1505 1582 1380 1383 1380 1402 1622 1481 1586 1642 NW - 3 GDD>52. Northern Light Obonga of the Woods4. Old Man Onaman Otter Otukamamoan Partridge Patricia Pekagoning Nipigon4. Makokibatan Manion Manomim Marmoin McAree Melgund Mercutio Meta Miminiska Minn Minnitaki Mount Namakan Neston Lake Year Sampled 2001 2001 2000 1994 1996 1997 2000 1998 2001 1999 2001 2000 2000 2001 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 & 2001 1998 1999 1997 & 2000 2000 1998 1998 1998 2001 2000 1998 & 1999 Table NW-1. (continued) 481504-904045 495858-891826 491459-944502 490204-910211 500017-872609 510556-931743 485742-925148 494309-872309 490448-922349 490900-921127 495000-883000 Latitude Longitude1. 511629-872053 485441-921856 485200-934300 485230-913250 481802-915621 493804-921927 484858-910700 503059-872220 513311-883555 482042-915414 495826-915831 490047-921047 482700-923500 501633-903057 6869.8 3578.4 246718.0 473.2 10838.0 979.0 5165.8 659.5 95.1 1319.6 448060.0 Surface Area (hectares) 5819.1 1197.9 126.3 10515.7 845.0 1201.8 1473.1 3079.7 6195.7 463.8 18087.9 1081.3 5150.0 505.6 8.4 17.4 7.9 13.5 2.2 3.8 16.9 5.1 5.9 10.6 54.9 Mean Depth (m) 6.1 5.6 3.0 6.8 12.7 4.7 4.9 1.7 2.8 5.9 17.8 12.3 15.8 2.1 39.7 71.7 68.8 26.5 18.9 10.7 53.6 30.5 11.0 38.4 137.0 Max. Depth (m) 13.0 12.0 8.0 30.5 37.2 11.3 15.3 11.6 17.2 39.7 48.5 37.2 45.3 11.0 3.4 2.7 7.2 2.3 1.4 5.8 3.7 2.8 4.2 4.7 6.5 Secchi (m) 2.3 3.0 2.9 2.4 2.0 3.2 1.8 2.5 2.8 3.1 2.6 3.2 2.6 3.5 1359 1227 1641 1375 1153 1396 1616 1148 1387 1566 1205 1171 1577 1500 1463 1553 1563 1382 1170 1148 1548 1536 1429 1624 1345 NW - 4 GDD>52. Separation Seul Shoal Smoothrock St. Joseph Steel Steep Rock Straw Savanne Rawn Reservoir Red Richardson Robinson Rugby Sakwite Sand Point Sandstone Sapawe Rainy4. Pelican Perch Pettit Pickwick Pipestone Pony Quetico Lake Year Sampled 2001 1998 2000 1999 2000 2000 1997 1997, 1998 & 1999 2000 2000 2000 1999 1997 2001 2000 1994 2000 1996, 1997 & 2001 1996 & 1997 1996 & 1997 1998 & 2001 2001 1999 2000 1995 1999 Table NW-1. (continued) 4895.3 140943.3 25900.0 9824.5 51540.8 1582.5 616.0 427.4 364.0 485000-900600 501445-942343 201930-922913 493300-950100 503131-892647 510436-904325 491211-865043 484800-914000 490759-932331 212.8 17676.7 148.4 420.9 984.4 379.3 3596.0 935.2 503.9 70150.0 Surface Area (hectares) 2342.0 703.5 1197.1 492.1 3890.7 29.5 4261.3 484704-913208 510234-935654 490157-910705 481146-913940 495728-925748 490149-925400 482236-922805 481407-901408 484631-912032 484200-931000 Latitude Longitude1. 500704-915807 484449-915041 485707-921602 485938-930511 490528-933315 485400-935200 483352-915635 6.9 9.5 8.9 5.4 5.1 16.2 3.6 4.6 2.6 4.2 14.6 5.1 12.7 3.4 8.8 11.6 7.3 5.1 9.3 Mean Depth (m) 10.4 5.9 10.6 8.2 18.6 4.9 13.1 35.7 47.2 35.6 47.2 26.2 64.1 14.5 11.0 4.3 16.0 42.7 9.3 35.1 7.6 24.5 56.1 23.8 11.3 49.1 Max. Depth (m) 35.1 24.7 25.0 31.1 53.4 12.2 61.0 1.5 1.5 3.6 2.7 2.6 3.7 3.4 2.7 1.5 2.6 2.3 3.5 6.6 1.1 2.8 3.0 4.5 5.2 2.7 Secchi (m) 1.8 1.8 3.8 3.7 4.3 2.0 3.4 1580 1502 1614 1191 1301 1097 1476 1631 1244 1383 1450 1375 1529 1556 1612 1617 1283 1384 1646 1518 1502 1448 1609 1640 1647 1525 NW - 5 GDD>52. Whiterock Whitewater Wildgoose Winnipeg River Wintering Wolseley Young Whitefish Sturgeon Sucan Surprise Sydney Three Finger Toronto Trout Twist Tyrell Union Vista Wababimiga Wabigoon Wapesi Watcomb Wawang Whalen White Otter Lake Year Sampled 1995 2000 2000 2000 2001 2000 1998 2000 2000 2000 2000 1997 2001 1998 1996 1998 2000 1999 1995, 1996 & 2001 1998 1998 1999 1997 & 1998 2001 1997 1998 Table NW-1. (continued) 495220-911454 504835-891135 494405-870950 501400-950900 492614-871622 482600-920500 495103-911326 481302-895955 Latitude Longitude1. 495829-904607 490659-932442 482200-924500 503910-942634 484333-861903 502111-874917 511155-931833 490215-930426 484953-912512 484900-905800 490349-930442 502038-862225 494417-924307 503327-922043 495140-911806 492535-903307 490352-931432 490640-915263 776.9 10529.9 1737.7 17140.0 1665.2 1338.0 804.7 3015.0 Surface Area (hectares) 21412.7 176.1 247.3 5868.2 24.9 982.8 34806.9 109.3 117.4 236.3 85.0 1998.2 9922.9 2366.4 1054.5 2021.5 291.4 8249.0 3.8 4.6 3.6 12.0 4.8 12.6 5.1 2.0 Mean Depth (m) 13.6 3.2 3.0 19.7 4.1 10.0 13.7 6.0 3.2 3.9 4.9 5.1 6.1 2.0 7.0 6.5 3.6 22.1 9.5 22.9 15.6 No data 36.6 40.0 11.9 6.4 Max. Depth (m) 93.0 16.0 9.0 70.1 10.7 40.3 47.3 21.4 9.3 16.0 21.6 18.7 14.6 9.1 15.6 26.5 9.2 56.4 2.6 3.2 4.3 3.0 3.2 2.6 2.9 1.5 Secchi (m) 4.0 3.2 1.5 7.9 3.2 3.1 5.8 4.1 2.7 2.0 3.3 2.4 0.9 1.8 3.9 2.3 2.0 4.8 1468 1154 1134 1605 1111 1562 1471 1293 1400 1499 1499 1507 1129 1157 1388 1500 1383 1381 1379 1210 1585 1454 1478 1337 1500 1508 NW - 6 GDD>52. Latitude Longitude1. 503100-933100 Surface Area (hectares) 523.0 Mean Depth (m) 9.9 Max. Depth (m) 19.0 Secchi (m) 2.5 Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Surface Area (hectares) 4221.5 19.5 140943.3 979.0 95.1 389.1 3014.4 18087.9 155 Mean Depth (m) 7.7 1.4 36.8 6.0 2.0 3.9 9.5 18.6 154 Max. Depth (m) 26.5 3.0 117.0 20.2 6.4 12.2 35.6 64.1 154 Secchi (m) 3.1 0.8 11.7 2.9 1.5 2.3 3.6 5.6 155 Latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. o GDD>5 is growing-degree-days above 5 Celsius. Companion Lake is divided into Upper and Lower Companion Lake (i.e., separate FISHNET projects). Data not included in the lake characteristics summary statistics because only a small portion of the entire waterbody was sampled. Year Sampled 1999 Characteristics of northwest region lakes sampled using fall walleye index netting standard. 1. 2. 3. 4. Zizania Lake Table NW-1. (continued) 1414 1097 1647 1448 1148 1330 1513 1622 156 NW - 7 GDD>5 1500 GDD>52. Table NW-2. Walleye relative abundance and average size for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Lake Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye Abram Agimak Alph Anders Ara Ball (19973.) Ball (1998) Bar Barr Beak Beaverhouse Bending Boffin Botsford Bradshaw Brennan Brewer Broad Burditt Burrows Calm Chill Churchill Cloud Upper Companion Lower Companion Crooked Pine Cuttle Darby des Mille Lacs (19933.) des Mille Lacs (19943.) des Mille Lacs (1999) Despair Devious Dimple Dog Dore Dovetail Drum Eagle Elbow Eltrut Elva 14.2 16.3 1.2 1.8 26.0 11.2 13.1 2.2 1.3 3.1 0.9 9.8 3.2 20.4 3.7 3.6 5.8 26.4 9.4 13.4 5.5 3.4 29.1 17.8 2.2 11.3 1.2 6.5 5.3 15.3 18.8 17.2 7.1 7.5 8.4 20.4 1.6 10.3 1.6 9.2 6.4 15.7 7.0 0.20 0.19 0.26 0.34 0.11 0.49 0.52 1.03 0.50 0.55 0.27 0.22 0.46 0.19 0.34 0.19 0.14 0.20 0.27 0.13 0.46 0.35 0.11 0.18 0.39 0.39 0.28 0.40 0.75 0.21 0.13 0.10 0.35 0.15 0.30 0.19 0.21 0.32 0.39 0.15 0.33 0.12 0.25 12 9 12 6 10 10 12 4 4. 6 15 12 8 12 4 24 4 4 17 15 13 4 12 5 6 6 17 9 4 22 24 38 8 12 6 25 12 8 4 51 9 12 7 12 9 8 5 10 9 11 3 3 5 6 12 6 12 4 20 4 4 16 15 11 4 12 5 5 6 7 8 4 22 24 38 8 12 6 24 10 8 3 47 8 12 7 Average Size2. Total Length 384 268 478 634 384 357 403 486 563 302 531 308 494 344 418 350 327 453 411 315 313 405 364 569 390 350 525 350 391 336 318 366 375 303 367 370 358 386 424 394 277 316 337 Weight 628 352 1506 3125 584 479 932 1308 1903 427 1714 332 1424 482 755 458 485 1104 800 406 360 692 553 2525 873 513 1732 448 610 487 467 643 562 345 628 699 714 648 1030 813 314 316 519 NW - 8 Table NW-2. (continued) Lake Expanse Factor Favourable Finlayson Footprint Gammon Gamsby Garden Geikie Georgia Harris Henderson Hicks Husband Hutchison Icarus Ice Iron Range Jac Saga Jackfish Jones Jutten Kaopskikamak Kapkichi Kawawiag Keckush Keikewabik Kenogamisis Kenorain Kenozhe Kilburn Kirk Klotz Kukukus Lac la Croix Light Little Eye Little Sandford Little Trout Little Turtle Longlegged Lount (19973.) Lount (1998) Mainville Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 20.4 15.4 18.0 10.0 11.1 3.1 11.5 7.0 7.0 10.9 9.8 9.6 5.0 12.1 6.7 11.2 8.5 24.2 0.4 6.7 25.0 11.4 5.9 14.8 6.0 3.4 19.2 23.7 16.3 2.6 11.6 3.1 17.2 18.8 9.8 1.4 4.2 14.9 22.1 2.2 13.9 3.3 6.0 16.3 0.15 0.39 0.09 0.53 0.21 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.14 0.18 0.16 0.08 0.23 0.32 0.39 0.29 0.13 0.23 0.44 0.44 0.12 0.25 0.27 0.15 0.32 0.69 0.17 0.25 0.23 0.30 0.42 0.37 0.27 0.20 0.56 0.68 0.05 0.22 0.15 0.22 0.18 0.47 0.39 0.14 10 7 20 11 8 18 10 12 10 14 11 12 12 4 10 13 8 8 3 9 3 11 10 16 6 4 12 8 8 4 11 4 9 12 4 4 4 12 11 12 16 10 12 12 10 7 20 9 8 16 10 12 10 14 11 12 11 4 9 13 8 8 1 8 3 11 10 16 6 3 12 8 8 4 10 4 9 12 4 2 4 12 11 10 16 8 11 12 Average Size2. Total Weight Length 391 786 390 729 378 665 318 401 347 603 517 1626 311 356 327 414 335 479 370 655 341 477 450 857 334 437 381 785 320 566 378 824 401 720 384 631 572 1863 418 1127 348 452 340 457 389 636 305 361 382 751 289 356 324 341 308 383 497 1627 374 601 403 724 390 703 494 1372 406 824 411 883 348 511 381 803 305 344 373 675 312 307 423 904 378 605 384 724 325 395 NW - 9 Table NW-2. (continued) Lake Makokibatan Manion Manomin Marmion McAree Melgund Mercutio Meta Miminiska Minn Minnitaki Mount Namakan Neston Nipigon (19973.) Ombabika Bay Nipigon (19983.) Ombabika Bay Nipigon (1999) Ombabika Bay Nipigon (2000) Wabinosh Bay Nipigon (2001) Gull Bay (GB) Nipigon (2001) Chief Bay (CB) Northern Light Obonga of the Woods (1997) of the Woods (2000) Sabaskong Bay Old Man Onaman Otter Otukamamoan Partridge Patricia Pekagoning (19983.) Pekagoning (1999) Pelican Perch Pettit Pickwick Pipestone Pony Average Size2. Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 13.7 6.1 9.2 14.0 6.2 16.8 8.8 20.0 20.6 3.7 19.0 14.5 5.4 8.3 0.13 0.29 0.30 0.37 0.28 0.15 0.27 0.08 0.14 0.42 0.23 0.27 0.18 0.17 14 12 4 7 15 17 10 6 9 8 24 10 25 12 14 11 4 7 13 17 10 6 9 6 23 10 23 12 Total Length 366 376 323 360 343 325 382 371 407 384 382 386 318 345 23.4 0.28 24 23 294 302 11.4 0.16 18 16 286 277 8.2 0.44 18 15 351 514 8.8 0.36 28 23 300 296 5.5 0.17 50 43 332 451 1.0 0.16 24 13 374 622 14.9 8.0 10.4 0.30 0.19 0.11 12 20 60 12 20 60 324 349 259 811 476 248 7.7 0.09 50 50 339 472 7.0 14.9 13.9 12.9 21.6 18.9 17.7 21.1 17.6 8.8 10.6 10.7 5.1 0.3 0.34 0.17 0.32 0.27 0.17 0.11 0.25 0.16 0.38 0.27 0.37 0.22 0.28 0.26 6 14 5 19 10 4 13 13 12 8 10 12 20 3 6 14 5 19 10 4 13 13 11 8 10 12 17 1 357 400 353 354 335 392 327 344 356 320 384 314 484 435 525 840 545 474 396 565 395 436 499 403 620 308 1332 750 Weight 677 635 335 633 499 433 723 578 684 658 669 576 354 454 NW - 10 Table NW-2. (continued) Lake Quetico Rainy (1997) North Arm Rainy (1998) Redgut Bay Rainy (1999) South Arm Rawn Reservoir Red Richardson Robinson Rugby Sakwite Sand Point Sandstone Sapawe Savanne (19963.) Savanne (19973.) Savanne (2001) Separation (19963.) Separation (1997) Seul (19963.) Seul (1997) Shoal (19983.) Shoal (2001) Smoothrock St. Joseph Steel Steep Rock Straw Sturgeon Sucan Surprise Sydney Three Finger Toronto Trout Twist Tyrell Union Vista Wababimiga Wabigoon Wapesi Average Size2. Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 1.5 0.22 12 9 Total Length 530 9.4 0.29 20 19 436 1125 6.5 0.16 12 12 289 287 10.0 0.18 20 20 364 557 7.1 29.4 12.4 4.1 15.5 10.6 8.1 11.8 14.0 8.0 16.9 10.5 9.0 4.8 14.1 16.2 4.8 4.1 12.2 25.6 4.9 2.9 12.8 14.9 16.3 4.3 18.1 18.5 9.0 8.9 0 5.1 4.6 3.0 1.0 3.2 22.1 0.79 0.15 0.32 0.30 0.19 0.36 0.18 0.62 0.20 0.16 0.16 0.12 0.28 0.37 0.11 0.10 0.22 0.13 0.14 0.09 0.20 0.32 0.13 0.31 0.25 0.25 0.21 0.25 0.41 0.22 0.32 0.45 0.63 0.14 0.11 0.08 6 39 4 16 14 11 20 8 6 12 12 12 12 12 64 62 20 60 24 37 28 12 12 6 4 6 12 6 14 23 4 4 6 4 24 61 11 5 38 4 13 14 10 19 7 6 12 12 12 11 10 64 62 18 51 24 37 26 9 12 6 4 6 12 6 12 23 0 4 5 3 16 52 11 321 350 340 479 296 352 365 351 309 403 384 402 363 338 363 359 424 398 340 389 332 370 356 414 332 330 374 323 365 367 426 436 459 426 349 360 413 664 719 1150 372 454 597 630 351 678 671 599 567 482 650 673 844 1207 455 680 359 850 507 715 489 394 637 331 410 634 822 982 1241 1387 602 485 Weight 1596 NW - 11 Table NW-2. (continued) Lake Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye Watcomb Wawang Whalen White Otter Whitefish (19953.) Whitefish (19963.) Whitefish (2001) Whiterock Whitewater Wildgoose Winnipeg River (19973.) Winnipeg River (1998) Wintering Wolseley Young Zizania 17.7 3.5 8.5 12.0 30.9 30.0 33.4 1.6 17.4 23.7 10.5 10.9 11.1 3.4 17.6 23.7 0.15 0.36 0.21 0.31 0.06 0.17 0.19 0.20 0.18 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.25 0.24 0.21 0.13 6 16 6 12 10 12 12 12 12 8 40 34 15 14 9 6 6 11 6 12 10 12 12 9 12 8 40 34 14 14 9 6 1. 2. 3. Average Size2. Total Length 349 404 369 258 355 361 408 504 376 367 328 328 340 409 415 396 Weight 594 1111 550 261 698 597 756 1382 573 509 487 437 484 782 1099 702 -1 Average catch is the geometric mean number of walleye caughtxnet . Average size is the arithmetic mean of total length in mm and wet weight in grams. Data not used to calculate relative abundance or average size benchmarks. Northwest region walleye relative abundance benchmarks. Average Catch Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 10.7 0 33.4 9.8 1.3 5.1 15.5 23.7 167 Average Size Total Weight Length 376 705 258 248 634 3125 367 606 302 331 335 454 401 784 504 1596 166 NW - 12 Table NW-3a. Annual female walleye mortality (%) for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. “Observed mortality” is a direct estimate based on age structure of female fish and was calculated from age 5 onwards using Robson and Chapman’s estimator. “Estimated mortality” is an indirect estimate based on age structure of the population regardless of sex using the empirical formula: Female mortality = 0.952(Combined sex mortality) (n=246, R2=0.77, standard error of the estimate=6.493). Lake Manomin Wababimiga Alph Crooked Pine Manion Cuttle Anders Dore Elva Vista White Otter Miminiska Trout Husband Kawawiag Northern Light Ara Onaman Pipestone Young Meta Beaverhouse Georgia Richardson Rainy (1998) Keckush Iron Range Little Trout Pekagoning Hicks St. Joseph Chill Ice Favourable Upper Companion Churchill Hutchison Little Eye Devious Whitewater Wawang Red Observed Mortality No data 7% 7% 10% 9% 7% No data No data No data No data 13% 14% 15% No data 13% 14% 17% No data 16% 15% 16% No data 18% No data 11% No data 15% 18% 14% 19% 21% No data 17% 16% 18% 19% 18% No data 17% 18% 16% 19% Estimated Mortality 7.6% 8.6% 9.5% 10.5% 10.5% 11.4% 11.4% 12.4% 12.4% 12.4% 13.3% 13.3% 13.3% 14.3% 14.3% 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 19.0% Lake Three Finger Jackfish Henderson (1997) Savanne (1997) Otukamamoan Seul (1997) Wapesi Gammon Robinson Old Man Quetico Winnipeg River (1998) Burditt Otter Expanse Kilburn Kaopskikamak Dimple Wildgoose Boffin Steep Rock Mainville Shoal (2001) Separation (1997) Zizania Cloud Lount (1997) Mercutio Longlegged Factor Nipigon (1998) Eagle Union Kapkichi Lount (1998) Footprint Klotz Icarus Kenogamisis Sandstone Whitefish (1995) Sydney Observed Mortality 19% 18% 21% 22% 19% 23% 25% 21% 19% 19% No data 20% 17% 24% 19% 21% 21% 15% 22% 23% 28% 25% 21% No data 23% 24% No data 19% 24% 17% 28% 25% 23% 23% No data 24% 27% 25% 19% No data 23% 22% Estimated Mortality 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 21.9% 21.9% 21.9% 21.9% 21.9% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 24.8% 24.8% NW - 13 Table NW-3a. (continued) Lake Savanne (2001) Ball (1998) Broad Kukukus Wolseley Seul (1996) Minnitaki Makokibatan Nipigon (1997) Whitefish (2001) Harris Savanne (1996) des Mille Lacs (1999) Lower Companion Whiterock Garden Smoothrock Finlayson Brennan Perch Sucan Bar Sand Point Marmion Whalen Wabigoon Steel Separation (1996) Ball 1997 of the Woods (2000) Rawn Reservoir Rainy (1997) des Mille Lacs (1993) Beak Toronto Pekagoning (1999) Keikewabik McAree Kirk Jutten Burrows Dog Observed Mortality 19% 22% 25% 30% 21% 29% 30% 23% 29% 27% 33% 26% 27% 25% 29% 29% 31% 27% 27% 24% No data No data 37% 30% 27% 30% 39% No data No data 35% 46% 33% 33% No data 31% 32% 34% 23% No data 28% 35% 33% Estimated Mortality 19.0% 24.8% 24.8% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 26.7% 26.7% 26.7% 26.7% 26.7% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 28.6% 28.6% 28.6% 28.6% 28.6% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5% 30.5% 30.5% 30.5% 30.5% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 32.4% 32.4% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% 33.3% Lake Neston Botsford Obonga Bending Wintering Calm Geikie Despair des Mille Lacs (1994) Shoal (1998) Gamsby Whitefish (1996) Agimak Kenorain Minn Abram Rugby Pettit Straw Sakwite Pelican Tyrell Watcomb Namakan Sapawe Rainy (1999) Nipigon (1999) Dovetail Patricia Brewer Pickwick Mount Lac la Croix Sturgeon Bradshaw Nipigon (2001) (CB) Eltrut Darby Jones Little Sandford Nipigon (2001) (GB) Partridge Observed Mortality 30% 43% 30% 40% 34% 35% 37% 32% 36% 13% 38% 35% 33% 29% No data 43% No data 61% 33% 45% 49% 44% No data 53% 44% 45% 53% 42% 73% No data No data 44% 38% 59% No data 22% 60% No data 67% 58% 71% 78% Estimated Mortality 24.8% 34.3% 34.3% 34.3% 34.3% 34.3% 34.3% 35.2% 36.2% 36.2% 36.2% 36.2% 37.1% 37.1% 38.1% 38.1% 39.0% 40.0% 40.9% 40.9% 41.9% 41.9% 41.9% 43.8% 43.8% 44.7% 44.7% 45.7% 46.7% 47.6% 50.5% 51.4% 52.4% 52.4% 53.3% 57.1% 58.1% 60.0% 60.0% 60.9% 71.4% 80.9% NW - 14 Northwest region female walleye mortality benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Observed Mortality 28% 7% 78% 25% 13% 19% 33% 59% 138 Estimated Mortality 27.5% 7.6% 80.9% 24.8% 12.4% 19.0% 33.3% 52.4% 168 NW - 15 Table NW-3b. Annual male walleye mortality (%) for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. “Observed mortality” is a direct estimate based on age structure of male fish and was calculated from age 5 onwards using Robson and Chapman’s estimator. “Estimated mortality” is an indirect estimate based on age structure of the population regardless of sex using the empirical formula: Male mortality = 0.945(Combined sex mortality) + 2.844 (n=242, R2=0.65, standard error of the estimate=7.477). Lake Manomin Wababimiga Alph Crooked Pine Manion Cuttle Anders Dore Elva Vista White Otter Miminiska Trout Husband Kawawiag Northern Light Ara Onaman Pipestone Young Meta Beaverhouse Georgia Richardson Rainy (1998) Keckush Iron Range Little Trout Pekagoning (1998) Hicks St. Joseph Chill Ice Favourable Upper Companion Churchill Hutchison Little Eye Devious Whitewater Wawang Red Observed Mortality No data 9% No data 11% 6% 15% No data No data No data No data 14% 14% 13% No data 14% 19% 15% No data 16% 17% 16% 18% 15% No data 19% No data 20% 16% 31% 14% 16% No data 16% 19% No data 19% 18% No data No data 19% 24% 23% Estimated Mortality 10.4% 11.4% 12.3% 13.2% 13.2% 14.2% 14.2% 15.1% 15.1% 15.1% 16.1% 16.1% 16.1% 17.0% 17.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 21.8% Lake Three Finger Jackfish Henderson Savanne (1997) Otukamamoan Seul (1997) Wapesi Gammon Robinson Old Man Quetico Winnipeg River (1998) Burditt Otter Expanse Kilburn Kaopskikamak Dimple Wildgoose Boffin Steep Rock Mainville Shoal (2001) Separation (1997) Zizania Cloud Lount (1997) Mercutio Longlegged Factor Nipigon (1998) Eagle Union Kapkichi Lount (1998) Footprint Klotz Icarus Kenogamisis Sandstone Whitefish (1995) Sydney Observed Mortality 20% 29% 19% 20% 25% 18% 20% 19% 21% 20% No data 22% 27% 16% 27% 22% 18% 33% 25% 20% 18% 22% 30% No data 24% 24% No data 34% 24% 26% 19% 24% 22% 25% No data 21% 22% 25% 33% No data 34% 32% Estimated Mortality 21.8% 21.8% 21.8% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 24.6% 24.6^ 24.6% 24.6% 24.6% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 27.4% 27.4% NW - 16 Table NW-3b. (continued) Lake Savanne (2001) Ball (1998) Broad Kukukus Wolseley Seul (1996) Minnitaki Makokibatan Nipigon (1997) Whitefish (2001) Harris Savanne (1996) des Mille Lacs (1999) Lower Companion Whiterock Garden Smoothrock Finlayson Brennan Perch Sucan Bar Sand Point Marmion Whalen Wabigoon Steel Separation (1996) Ball 1997 of the Woods (2000) Rawn Reservoir Rainy (1997) des Mille Lacs (1993) Beak Toronto Pekagoning (1999) Keikewabik McAree Kirk Jutten Burrows Dog Observed Mortality 22% 29% 26% 25% 38% 25% 24% 39% 21% 29% 24% 30% 29% 27% No data 29% 26% 32% 30% 41% No data 28% 25% 30% No data 32% 25% No data No data 26% 38% 30% 33% 50% 37% 33% 34% 44% No data 50% 35% 40% Estimated Mortality 21.8% 27.4% 27.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 29.3% 29.3% 29.3% 29.3% 29.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 31.2% 31.2% 31.2% 31.2% 31.2% 32.2% 32.2% 32.2% 32.2% 33.1% 33.1% 33.1% 33.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 35.0% 35.0% 35.9% 35.9% 35.9% 35.9% Lake Neston Botsford Obonga Bending Wintering Calm Geikie Despair des Mille Lacs (1994) Shoal (1998) Gamsby Whitefish (1996) Agimak Kenorain Minn Abram Rugby Pettit Straw Sakwite Pelican Tyrell Watcomb Namakan Sapawe Rainy (1999) Nipigon (1999) Dovetail Patricia Brewer Pickwick Mount Lac la Croix Sturgeon Bradshaw Nipigon (2001) (CB) Eltrut Darby Jones Little Sandford Nipigon (2001) (GB) Partridge Observed Mortality 23% 31% No data 39% 38% 34% 31% 42% 41% 75% 36% 41% 66% 71% No data 38% No data No data 56% 40% 38% No data No data 41% 43% 49% 37% 62% 30% No data 47% 60% No data 48% 43% No data 62% 7% 82% 68% No data No data Estimated Mortality 27.4% 36.9% 36.9% 36.9% 36.9% 36.9% 36.9% 37.8% 38.8% 38.8% 38.8% 38.8% 39.7% 39.7% 40.7% 40.7% 41.6% 42.6% 43.5% 43.5% 44.5% 44.5% 44.5% 46.4% 46.4% 47.3% 47.3% 48.2% 49.2% 50.1% 53.0% 53.9% 54.9% 54.9% 55.8% 59.6% 60.5% 62.4% 62.4% 63.4% 73.8% 83.2% NW - 17 Northwest region male walleye mortality benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Observed Mortality 30% 6% 82% 26% 14% 20% 36% 62% 132 Estimated Mortality 30.1% 10.4% 83.2% 27.4% 15.1% 21.8% 35.9% 54.9% 168 NW - 18 Table NW-4a. Predicted female walleye weight-at-total length for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations (only lakes with t 30 fish sampled). Weight in grams and total length in millimetres. Lake Favourable Elbow Kenogamisis Cuttle Kilburn Savanne (2001) Savanne (1997) Onaman Finlayson Partridge Little Trout Cloud Churchill Sydney Calm Bending White Otter Dovetail Klotz Pelican Henderson Northern Light Wawang Straw Keikewabik Perch Marmion Seul (1996) Savanne (1996) Longlegged Miminiska Nipigon (2001) (GB) Rawn Reservoir Nipigon (2000) Botsford Three Finger Neston Harris Nipigon (1997) Eltrut Steel Kaopskikamak Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 2.71 55.41 2.75 51.86 2.75 43.27 2.80 27.73 2.85 21.27 2.86 20.33 2.89 16.75 2.92 18.45 2.94 12.66 2.95 11.85 2.96 12.19 2.99 14.04 2.99 9.15 2.99 9.97 3.01 8.75 3.01 7.88 3.03 7.74 3.04 7.11 3.05 7.70 3.05 6.48 3.05 6.52 3.07 7.49 3.08 6.47 3.08 5.61 3.09 4.72 3.09 5.15 3.10 5.11 3.11 5.14 3.12 4.47 3.12 4.51 3.12 4.10 3.13 4.76 3.13 4.05 3.14 4.18 3.14 3.62 3.14 3.71 3.14 3.94 3.14 3.71 3.14 4.18 3.14 3.69 3.15 3.35 3.15 3.72 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 435 624 859 1142 1479 514 742 1026 1371 1782 429 619 856 1144 1487 368 535 745 1000 1306 379 554 775 1047 1373 384 562 788 1065 1398 377 555 779 1057 1392 495 731 1031 1403 1853 382 566 800 1090 1442 379 562 796 1086 1438 413 614 870 1188 1576 568 846 1204 1649 2193 370 552 784 1075 1429 403 601 855 1171 1557 398 595 848 1164 1551 358 535 763 1048 1396 396 593 847 1166 1556 385 578 827 1140 1523 442 665 952 1313 1756 372 560 801 1105 1478 375 563 806 1112 1487 484 729 1047 1447 1938 443 669 961 1330 1783 384 580 833 1153 1546 343 518 745 1032 1386 374 565 813 1126 1512 394 595 858 1189 1598 420 636 9178 1273 1712 387 587 848 1178 1586 391 592 855 1188 1600 355 539 778 1080 1455 437 664 960 1335 1799 372 565 817 1136 1530 407 619 896 1247 1682 352 536 776 1080 1457 361 549 795 1107 1493 384 583 844 1176 1586 361 549 795 1107 1493 407 619 896 1247 1682 359 546 791 1101 1485 346 527 763 1064 1436 384 585 848 1181 1595 Condition2. 1.01 1.49 1.27 1.00 1.01 0.96 0.98 1.21 1.08 1.01 1.07 1.34 1.01 1.04 1.07 0.98 1.08 1.00 1.11 1.01 0.95 1.28 1.18 1.03 0.93 1.00 1.06 1.13 1.02 1.02 0.94 1.15 1.02 1.09 0.97 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.11 1.00 0.93 1.03 NW - 19 Table NW-4a. (continued) Lake Nipigon (1999) Gammon Pekagoning (1998) Pekagoning (1999) Pipestone Gamsby Geikie Sakwite Namakan Sand Point Sapawe Hutchison Iron Range Brennan Whitewater Kapkichi Manion Watcomb Mount Lower Companion St. Joseph Smoothrock Footprint Wabigoon Factor Wintering Meta McAree Zizania Nipigon (1998) Red Shoal (2001) des Mille Lacs (1993) Trout Minnitaki Pickwick Mercutio Burrows Shoal (1998) Hicks Eagle Abram Rainy (1999) of the Woods (2000) Obonga Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.15 4.18 3.15 4.05 3.16 3.11 3.16 3.43 3.17 3.43 3.17 2.99 3.17 3.25 3.17 3.05 3.18 3.03 3.19 2.78 3.20 2.82 3.20 2.81 3.20 2.71 3.20 2.55 3.20 2.82 3.20 2.75 3.21 2.69 3.21 2.48 3.21 2.50 3.21 2.74 3.21 2.46 3.21 2.52 3.21 2.57 3.21 2.45 3.22 2.37 3.22 2.34 3.22 2.37 3.23 2.31 3.23 2.39 3.23 2.61 3.23 2.25 3.24 2.47 3.24 2.32 3.24 2.03 3.24 2.06 3.24 2.06 3.24 2.14 3.25 2.10 3.25 2.04 3.26 1.80 3.26 1.95 3.27 1.72 3.27 1.81 3.27 1.84 3.28 1.65 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 432 657 952 1327 1792 418 637 923 1286 1736 340 519 753 1051 1420 375 573 831 1159 1566 398 608 883 1233 1668 347 530 770 1075 1454 377 576 837 1168 1581 354 541 785 1097 1483 373 570 829 1159 1570 363 555 809 1132 1534 390 598 872 1222 1657 389 596 869 1217 1651 375 575 838 1174 1593 353 541 789 1105 1499 390 598 872 1222 1657 380 583 850 1191 1616 395 606 884 1240 1684 364 559 815 1143 1552 367 563 822 1152 1565 402 617 901 1263 1715 361 554 809 1134 1540 370 568 828 1162 1577 377 579 845 1185 1609 359 552 805 1129 1534 369 567 828 1163 1580 364 560 818 1148 1560 369 567 828 1163 1580 381 586 858 1206 1641 394 607 888 1248 1697 431 663 969 1362 1854 371 571 836 1175 1598 432 666 975 1372 1868 406 625 916 1289 1755 355 547 802 1128 1536 360 555 813 1144 1558 360 555 813 1144 1558 374 577 845 1189 1619 389 601 881 1241 1692 378 584 856 1206 1644 354 547 803 1132 1545 383 593 870 1227 1673 359 555 816 1151 1572 377 584 858 1211 1654 384 594 873 1232 1682 365 565 832 1175 1606 Condition2. 1.14 1.06 0.91 1.01 1.08 0.94 1.00 0.96 1.02 1.00 1.04 1.06 1.01 0.96 1.02 1.00 1.09 1.00 0.98 1.07 0.99 0.98 1.04 0.99 0.96 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.14 1.02 1.16 1.13 0.96 0.98 0.95 1.05 1.04 1.01 0.96 1.02 0.95 1.01 1.02 0.97 NW - 20 Table NW-4a. (continued) Lake Otukamamoan Jutten Garden Ice Kukukus Winnipeg River (1998) des Mille Lacs (1994) Patricia Wildgoose Robinson Pettit Toronto Jones Whitefish (1996) des Mille Lacs (1999) Expanse Despair Broad Whitefish (1995) Wapesi Ball (1998) Seul (1997) Jackfish Dimple Little Sandford Makokibatan Icarus Young Dog Devious Rainy (1997) Ara Georgia Kenorain Agimak Sturgeon 1. 2. Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.28 1.51 3.28 1.66 3.29 1.64 3.29 1.66 3.29 1.53 3.29 1.54 3.29 1.64 3.29 1.47 3.29 1.49 3.31 1.35 3.31 1.40 3.31 1.36 3.31 1.50 3.32 1.29 3.32 1.44 3.33 1.30 3.33 1.26 3.34 1.24 3.35 1.09 3.35 1.07 3.35 1.32 3.35 1.12 3.36 1.12 3.38 0.90 3.38 0.89 3.39 0.85 3.40 0.91 3.42 0.74 3.43 0.86 3.44 0.64 3.46 0.62 3.48 0.46 3.50 0.45 3.61 0.23 3.67 0.16 4.04 0.01 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 334 517 761 1075 1470 367 569 837 1182 1616 384 597 879 1243 1701 389 604 890 1258 1721 359 557 820 1160 1587 361 560 825 1167 1597 384 597 879 1243 1701 345 535 788 1114 1524 349 542 798 1129 1545 356 554 817 1159 1588 369 574 848 1201 1647 358 558 824 1167 1600 395 615 908 1287 1765 360 562 830 1178 1617 402 627 927 1315 1805 385 601 889 1263 1735 373 582 862 1224 1682 390 609 902 1282 1763 363 568 843 1199 1651 356 558 827 1177 1620 440 688 1021 1453 1999 373 584 866 1232 1696 396 620 920 1311 1806 357 561 836 1193 1647 353 555 827 1180 1629 358 563 839 1199 1657 406 640 955 1366 1889 371 587 877 1258 1743 458 724 1084 1556 2157 361 572 857 1232 1710 393 624 939 1352 1880 328 522 787 1135 1582 361 576 870 1258 1756 351 569 871 1274 1797 347 567 874 1286 1825 190 325 524 801 1178 Condition2. 0.93 0.97 1.02 1.06 1.00 0.97 1.03 0.92 0.95 0.97 1.02 0.98 1.04 0.99 1.09 1.07 1.00 1.06 0.98 0.98 1.21 1.06 1.10 0.97 0.94 1.01 1.13 1.07 1.28 0.94 1.17 0.96 0.97 1.13 0.92 0.90 Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Condition calculated as the average of the individual ratios of observed weight-to-predicted weight from northwest region median regression model (see below). NW - 21 Northwest region female walleye weight-at-total length benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Weight-length relation E Dx10-6 3.20 5.10 2.71 0.01 4.04 55.41 3.21 2.55 2.89 0.64 3.12 1.53 3.29 4.47 3.44 18.45 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 382 585 853 1195 1621 190 325 524 801 1178 568 846 1204 1649 2193 375 575 844 1178 1598 346 530 763 1057 1398 360 555 809 1134 1534 394 604 879 1247 1701 442 669 975 1371 1868 123 NW - 22 Table NW-4b. Predicted male walleye weight-at-total length for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations (only lakes with t 30 fish sampled). Weight in grams and total length in millimetres. Lake Favourable Little Trout Savanne (2001) Finlayson Whitefish (1995) Eltrut Partridge Rawn Reservoir Perch Sydney Northern Light Zizania McAree Henderson Calm Kilburn Wawang White Otter Cuttle Marmion Devious Seul (1996) Dovetail Three Finger Pekagoning (1998) Whalen Steel Nipigon (1997) Savanne (1997) Smoothrock Mount Pekagoning (1999) Nipigon (2001) (GB) Nipigon (2000) Whitewater Minnitaki Miminiska Garden Klotz Straw Iron Range Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 2.63 87.12 2.81 31.78 2.89 16.78 2.93 14.06 2.96 11.04 2.97 10.30 2.98 9.96 3.00 8.55 3.00 8.62 3.01 8.86 3.01 10.70 3.02 8.08 3.03 7.55 3.03 7.33 3.03 7.78 3.04 6.90 3.04 8.24 3.05 6.35 3.06 6.42 3.07 5.98 3.07 4.93 3.09 5.93 3.09 5.36 3.10 4.60 3.12 3.90 3.12 4.52 3.12 4.07 3.12 4.72 3.12 4.45 3.13 4.01 3.13 4.00 3.13 4.10 3.14 4.42 3.15 3.82 3.15 3.63 3.16 3.40 3.16 3.45 3.16 3.45 3.17 3.78 3.18 3.13 3.18 3.08 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 428 607 828 1092 1404 448 652 907 1220 1594 378 556 781 1059 1395 400 592 835 1138 1504 374 556 788 1076 1427 370 551 781 1069 1418 380 565 803 1099 1461 367 547 779 1069 1423 370 552 785 1078 1434 403 602 858 1179 1570 486 727 1036 1423 1896 389 583 832 1144 1525 386 578 826 1137 1518 375 561 802 1104 1474 398 596 852 1172 1564 374 561 803 1106 1478 447 670 959 1321 1765 365 548 785 1083 1448 391 589 844 1165 1560 386 582 836 1155 1547 319 480 689 952 1276 431 651 936 1297 1741 389 588 846 1172 1574 354 536 772 1070 1438 338 512 740 1028 1384 391 594 857 1191 1604 352 535 772 1072 1444 409 620 895 1244 1674 385 585 844 1173 1579 368 559 809 1124 1515 367 558 807 1122 1511 376 572 827 1150 1549 430 654 947 1319 1779 394 601 870 1213 1638 375 571 827 1153 1556 372 568 823 1149 1552 378 576 836 1166 1575 378 576 836 1166 1575 439 670 973 1359 1838 385 589 857 1197 1621 379 580 843 1178 1596 Condition2. 1.08 1.21 1.02 1.14 1.03 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.05 1.07 1.28 1.03 1.08 0.99 1.08 1.02 1.18 1.05 1.08 1.09 0.89 1.16 1.06 0.98 0.93 1.04 0.95 1.13 1.04 1.02 0.98 1.01 1.18 1.11 1.03 1.04 0.98 1.02 1.18 1.07 1.03 NW - 23 Table NW-4b. (continued) Lake Wolseley Abram Hutchison Namakan Kapkichi Longlegged Wildgoose Red Whitefish (2001) of the Woods (2000) Onaman Meta Mercutio Botsford Harris Nipigon (1999) Factor Neston Savanne (1996) Burrows Lower Companion Wabigoon Pelican Pickwick Trout Pipestone Sakwite Geikie des Mille Lacs (1994) Shoal (1998) Churchill Kukukus Sapawe Kaopskikamak Jutten Footprint Gamsby Makokibatan Hicks Pettit Shoal (2001) Eagle Wintering St. Joseph Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.18 3.20 3.18 2.99 3.19 2.93 3.19 2.87 3.19 2.89 3.19 2.94 3.20 2.59 3.20 2.77 3.21 2.55 3.21 2.61 3.21 2.90 3.21 2.60 3.21 2.59 3.22 2.27 3.22 2.29 3.22 2.73 3.23 2.19 3.23 2.35 3.23 2.26 3.23 2.41 3.24 2.23 3.24 2.08 3.24 2.05 3.24 2.05 3.24 2.06 3.24 2.29 3.25 2.00 3.26 1.93 3.26 1.96 3.26 1.95 3.28 1.69 3.28 1.74 3.28 1.80 3.28 1.77 3.28 1.66 3.28 1.82 3.28 1.65 3.28 1.74 3.28 1.65 3.29 1.58 3.29 1.72 3.29 1.60 3.30 1.48 3.30 1.50 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 394 602 876 1224 1658 368 563 818 1144 1549 382 585 852 1193 1617 375 573 835 1168 1584 377 577 841 1177 1595 384 587 855 1197 1622 358 549 801 1122 1522 383 588 857 1200 1628 374 574 838 1176 1596 383 588 858 1203 1634 425 653 953 1337 1815 381 586 855 1199 1628 380 583 851 1194 1621 353 543 793 1114 1514 356 548 800 1123 1527 425 653 954 1339 1820 361 556 813 1143 1555 388 597 873 1227 1669 373 574 839 1180 1605 398 612 895 1258 1712 390 601 880 1239 1687 364 561 821 1155 1573 359 553 809 1139 1551 359 553 809 1139 1551 360 555 813 1144 1558 401 617 904 1272 1732 371 572 839 1182 1611 380 587 861 1214 1656 385 596 874 1233 1682 383 593 870 1227 1673 374 579 852 1204 1645 385 596 877 1239 1694 398 617 907 1282 1753 391 606 892 1261 1723 367 569 837 1182 1616 402 623 918 1296 1772 365 565 832 1175 1606 385 596 877 1239 1694 365 565 832 1175 1606 370 575 847 1197 1639 403 626 922 1304 1784 375 582 857 1213 1659 368 572 843 1194 1635 373 579 854 1210 1657 Condition2. 1.08 0.99 1.07 1.01 1.04 1.06 0.97 1.04 0.99 1.04 1.16 1.03 1.02 0.98 0.99 1.16 1.00 1.04 1.03 1.05 1.08 1.01 1.01 0.97 1.00 1.12 1.01 1.04 1.07 1.04 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.04 0.98 1.08 0.96 1.02 0.98 1.01 1.13 1.04 0.98 1.02 NW - 24 Table NW-4b. (continued) Lake des Mille Lacs (1999) Gammon Rainy (1999) Toronto Elva Otukamamoan Obonga Ice Brennan Seul (1997) Winnipeg River (1998) Little Sandford Keikewabik des Mille Lacs (1993) Bending Watcomb Lount (1998) Expanse Rainy (1998) Broad Jones Whitefish (1996) Wapesi Young Kenorain Icarus Sturgeon 1. 2. Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.31 1.50 3.31 1.45 3.31 1.45 3.32 1.34 3.34 1.12 3.34 1.13 3.34 1.16 3.34 1.26 3.35 1.10 3.37 1.05 3.37 1.01 3.38 0.88 3.38 0.87 3.39 0.94 3.41 0.78 3.43 0.68 3.43 0.77 3.44 0.71 3.45 0.58 3.45 0.63 3.48 0.54 3.48 0.52 3.51 0.45 3.53 0.40 3.54 0.38 3.64 0.23 3.99 0.02 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 395 615 908 1287 1765 382 595 878 1244 1706 382 595 878 1244 1706 374 583 863 1224 1679 352 550 815 1158 1592 355 555 822 1169 1607 364 569 844 1200 1649 396 618 916 1303 1791 366 573 850 1210 1666 393 617 917 1308 1804 378 593 882 1258 1735 349 549 817 1167 1610 346 543 808 1154 1592 396 622 928 1326 1832 369 582 870 1246 1725 362 572 857 1230 1706 410 648 971 1393 1932 401 634 951 1367 1897 347 550 826 1188 1651 377 598 897 1291 1793 385 613 924 1333 1857 371 590 890 1284 1788 383 612 925 1338 1870 382 613 929 1347 1886 385 618 938 1362 1908 419 681 1046 1535 2171 283 482 772 1175 1718 Condition2. 1.11 1.09 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.97 0.99 1.10 0.98 1.08 1.00 0.94 0.96 1.08 0.97 1.04 1.10 1.10 0.94 1.12 1.04 1.01 1.03 1.10 1.04 1.17 0.91 Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Condition calculated as the average of the individual ratios of observed weight-to-predicted weight from northwest region median regression model (see below). Northwest region male walleye weight-at-total length benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Weight-length relation E Dx10-6 3.22 4.37 2.63 0.02 3.99 87.12 3.22 2.38 2.97 0.52 3.12 1.50 3.30 4.26 3.48 10.70 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 381 586 856 1203 1636 283 480 689 952 1276 486 727 1046 1535 2171 380 583 850 1194 1621 349 543 779 1070 1423 368 562 822 1150 1554 391 602 886 1245 1715 430 653 954 1359 1886 112 NW - 25 Table NW-5a. Average female walleye total length-at-age (millimetres) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Alph Kenorain Lac la Croix Cloud Whitewater Savanne (2001) Minn Whiterock Broad Savanne (1996) Klotz Favourable Sturgeon Boffin Miminiska Makokibatan Marmion Toronto Meta Old Man Savanne (1997) Ara Patricia Manomin Rugby Onaman Sandstone Union Lount (1998) Husband Tyrell Wolseley Bar Robinson Neston Geikie Jutten des Mille Lacs (1993) Harris Abram Rainy (1998) Jones Botsford 1 2 195 208 215 218 230 239 239 247 248 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 516 453 600 558 467 622 328 402 417 356 358 420 426 501 496 451 439 484 370 390 457 491 523 553 578 432 448 426 480 504 277 308 350 394 408 284 347 409 492 512 294 301 370 455 570 312 356 383 419 441 317 444 320 373 471 324 342 398 405 457 338 343 390 459 450 345 393 476 347 374 356 388 407 430 461 378 424 476 501 392 449 395 401 454 409 412 535 437 459 468 517 263 315 372 417 460 470 270 327 411 283 369 406 433 477 266 321 383 454 479 293 509 297 370 438 479 304 346 339 359 400 307 373 421 481 500 522 9 10 606 436 454 457 467 605 481 474 491 557 471 539 482 462 468 463 476 491 513 529 532 605 NW - 26 Table NW-5a. (continued) Lake McAree Perch Brennan Sakwite Smoothrock Kapkichi Wapesi Hicks Pelican Wabigoon Steel Namakan Dovetail Partridge Sand Point Three Finger Expanse Keikewabik Rainy (1999) Bending Kukukus Chill Ball (1998) Cuttle Jackfish Kaopskikamak Watcomb Despair Sucan Zizania Footprint Whalen Elva Richardson Dog Darby Manion Gammon Ice Rainy (1997) Pipestone Red Garden des Mille Lacs (1994) Wintering 1 183 187 189 189 2 250 251 251 253 254 254 255 256 258 263 271 272 274 281 283 284 284 285 290 294 297 304 306 309 321 321 323 326 326 328 329 332 332 335 337 341 342 354 362 381 407 264 241 273 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 336 477 550 272 333 335 282 309 366 389 312 368 407 420 493 297 354 399 420 456 301 336 371 427 310 352 384 431 452 299 340 481 306 364 424 460 336 389 436 546 298 354 403 418 460 316 357 420 431 364 440 523 544 355 370 402 394 442 502 327 363 342 393 433 505 515 326 354 391 423 461 345 418 447 539 338 335 377 447 372 421 462 513 378 340 384 428 358 370 375 371 394 435 387 460 379 417 441 478 9 10 437 493 473 465 607 524 552 610 618 579 532 568 469 480 450 472 499 517 518 414 503 397 467 545 563 637 553 454 427 585 422 479 478 326 290 274 325 513 543 370 304 314 370 529 542 573 413 351 356 390 481 360 442 473 516 397 609 660 553 453 572 NW - 27 Table NW-5a. (continued) Lake Sapawe Minnitaki Kilburn Calm Burrows Mercutio Finlayson Rawn Reservoir Beak Eltrut St. Joseph Little Sandford Sydney Gamsby Nipigon (2000) des Mille Lacs (1999) Icarus Eagle Factor Georgia Seul (1997) Mainville Churchill Whitefish (1996) Winnipeg River (1998) Little Trout Dimple Nipigon (2001) (CB) Kenogamisis Devious Otter Obonga Keckush Seul (1995) of the Woods (2000) White Otter Agimak Nipigon (2001) (GB) Nipigon (1997) Lower Companion Trout Pekagoning (1998) Northern Light Whitefish (2001) Mount 1 190 192 192 193 194 197 198 199 205 210 211 212 214 214 216 216 216 217 220 221 223 224 227 228 229 229 229 230 231 231 232 232 235 237 237 237 238 238 240 241 244 244 249 250 250 2 265 255 266 245 257 281 285 325 256 268 282 277 294 245 265 311 309 336 280 292 290 316 281 291 309 268 306 298 307 305 308 315 326 338 369 309 312 330 323 328 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 327 401 316 375 445 495 528 286 351 428 458 304 364 399 433 321 343 387 435 484 343 379 480 504 345 354 399 446 368 325 369 350 353 362 32 471 393 438 343 355 318 341 334 350 390 319 393 384 381 373 418 387 404 430 381 544 454 388 393 351 362 376 394 462 353 399 467 462 435 385 427 435 453 492 543 497 421 436 332 345 451 391 423 490 507 356 397 429 425 485 356 367 384 322 434 405 408 418 425 488 335 352 473 361 384 415 390 418 445 433 9 10 593 551 475 497 508 532 650 556 580 588 540 518 559 489 548 453 482 502 469 503 505 509 498 593 528 452 400 543 549 483 476 367 530 574 534 563 474 558 474 517 451 439 483 566 471 474 502 575 563 544 586 601 NW - 28 Table NW-5a. (continued) Lake Nipigon (1998) Straw Pettit Otukamamoan Steep Rock Hutchison Whitefish (1995) Longlegged Pickwick Elbow Kawawiag Pekagoning (1999) Henderson Nipigon (1999) Iron Range Wildgoose Wababimiga Upper Companion Shoal (2001) Burditt Young Wawang Shoal (1998) Crooked Pine 1 250 251 251 252 253 254 255 255 256 261 262 263 268 273 275 279 280 282 282 294 296 305 310 312 2 332 312 360 308 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 397 445 360 408 434 427 476 491 542 383 442 467 555 532 346 410 309 333 370 382 333 478 387 345 400 343 390 365 403 368 371 503 451 471 395 486 437 9 10 564 572 580 524 488 612 564 624 460 641 439 437 488 440 549 513 503 522 528 545 499 611 488 490 521 502 587 656 631 611 610 661 639 557 Northwest region female walleye total length-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 237 183 312 235 189 216 254 296 73 2 298 195 407 301 239 265 328 369 108 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 360 404 431 469 490 527 263 301 332 360 397 400 503 549 587 600 656 661 356 391 434 473 484 522 277 315 351 385 405 417 319 355 390 420 452 470 393 444 472 504 528 580 471 522 523 568 578 650 118 112 88 59 51 35 9 534 436 660 529 437 474 579 639 33 10 542 454 641 548 457 491 580 624 35 NW - 29 Table NW-5b. Average male walleye total length-at-age (millimetres) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Savanne (2001) Cloud Brewer Klotz Whiterock Jones Dore Bar Henderson Alph Savanne (1996) Miminiska Perch Whitewater Wapesi Savanne (1997) Agimak Keikewabik Three Finger Toronto Patricia Ara Expanse Manomin Kenorain Watcomb Ball (1998) Lac la Croix Despair Sturgeon Union Broad Bradshaw Neston Marmion Abram Jutten Geikie des Mille Lacs (1994) Makokibatan Pelican Harris Brennan 1 2 207 210 218 219 223 225 227 235 237 241 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 348 377 390 389 544 394 454 500 510 471 344 380 460 499 409 454 488 367 376 421 246 314 327 388 271 298 357 281 316 356 388 383 284 356 367 382 407 312 375 382 410 314 321 346 321 345 374 397 411 321 337 373 322 329 366 387 322 375 326 360 382 417 409 330 382 409 446 455 330 333 380 473 347 383 433 367 428 439 503 525 371 377 431 374 442 375 416 426 375 409 413 419 460 508 442 255 323 378 418 282 328 372 295 408 403 454 280 344 395 402 424 287 335 266 319 351 396 406 405 273 342 389 291 370 410 454 293 412 455 478 268 299 368 379 376 9 10 415 474 497 447 423 411 403 412 423 413 416 384 420 427 496 496 518 420 393 NW - 30 Table NW-5b. (continued) Lake Eltrut Smoothrock Rainy (1998) Nipigon (2000) Botsford Kapkichi Kilburn Sakwite Minnitaki McAree Steel Meta Dovetail Sydney des Mille Lacs (1999) Bending Rainy (1999) Namakan Otukamamoan Kukukus Sand Point Little Turtle Dimple Rugby Sandstone Lount (1998) Kaopskikamak Cuttle Nipigon (2001) (CB) Whalen Zizania Onaman Husband Jackfish Darby Dog Manion Footprint Ice Rainy (1997) Minn Gammon Wolseley Robinson Tyrell 1 2 245 245 247 248 249 249 251 252 256 259 260 266 272 276 278 284 287 288 294 298 302 302 304 305 307 308 308 319 322 325 328 330 331 332 335 338 342 344 357 357 364 366 368 380 382 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 328 342 363 292 355 382 400 424 298 363 354 407 304 362 397 430 305 338 400 301 346 389 385 309 343 380 399 309 362 414 454 464 288 344 383 423 444 284 367 371 402 393 349 423 353 417 456 341 394 418 437 402 319 380 393 371 376 429 325 308 417 344 388 442 474 275 350 371 434 377 401 455 357 395 441 462 472 496 371 439 455 359 446 332 375 351 391 406 382 418 370 401 394 340 366 484 380 365 406 433 468 382 413 442 454 400 386 377 386 434 481 478 405 363 406 461 468 526 515 587 415 469 473 534 436 443 483 515 9 10 462 416 456 520 428 431 414 408 444 507 482 475 476 NW - 31 Table NW-5b. (continued) Lake Vista Pipestone des Mille Lacs (1993) Hicks Garden Red Sapawe Old Man Wintering Finlayson Favourable Burrows Partridge Calm Mercutio Rawn Reservoir St. Joseph Wabigoon Little Sandford Gamsby Factor Little Trout Eagle Kenogamisis Beak Georgia Whitefish (1996) Icarus Mainville Winnipeg River (1998) Trout Churchill Seul (1996) Obonga Nipigon (1997) White Otter Devious of the Woods (2000) Keckush Steep Rock Richardson Seul (1997) Elva Straw 1 158 188 189 189 190 192 193 196 198 198 201 202 204 205 206 210 210 212 215 217 219 220 222 227 227 228 229 230 230 231 233 235 235 236 236 236 241 241 241 242 242 244 2 392 399 231 249 239 261 274 266 284 253 280 243 289 268 268 280 298 307 291 301 275 292 309 302 284 282 315 289 303 291 317 307 308 309 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 451 260 317 279 321 317 328 323 339 316 346 297 342 354 318 323 359 345 415 361 373 311 9 10 480 472 507 508 531 311 342 312 368 375 373 370 381 394 408 376 321 335 359 376 379 365 352 383 372 373 400 391 389 392 427 393 478 404 444 341 386 424 351 443 357 421 367 450 399 432 385 369 421 473 455 391 478 449 418 494 415 406 468 410 434 470 439 445 466 469 472 500 486 527 527 487 384 405 495 476 372 402 437 307 330 359 343 346 366 387 380 358 362 494 341 368 415 367 374 400 373 363 410 452 401 485 432 464 501 413 428 564 455 457 465 425 460 426 450 439 475 483 488 499 488 416 331 315 315 315 374 405 369 413 417 393 413 448 479 465 NW - 32 Table NW-5b. (continued) Lake Otter Pekagoning (1998) Elbow Nipigon (2001) (GB) Whitefish (2001) Nipigon (1998) Lower Companion Sucan Longlegged Pickwick Hutchison Northern Light Pettit Kawawiag Pekagoning (1999) Whitefish (1995) Mount Wababimiga Wildgoose Iron Range Nipigon (1999) Shoal (2001) Burditt Young Shoal (1998) Wawang Crooked Pine 1 245 246 247 247 247 247 247 248 252 256 256 257 259 260 261 262 267 272 272 273 273 278 288 290 306 307 309 2 313 309 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 366 372 405 326 327 343 365 333 313 331 352 348 357 433 383 451 417 433 449 465 424 360 374 377 398 421 407 441 424 456 333 391 345 392 340 296 336 391 380 375 396 386 372 9 10 485 465 484 505 407 432 403 477 428 425 429 385 440 394 408 430 518 457 471 485 489 409 442 454 474 442 553 476 498 568 527 519 540 471 551 576 Northwest region male walleye total length-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 236 158 309 236 189 212 256 290 69 2 301 207 399 303 225 266 332 382 115 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 350 388 402 432 442 462 246 298 327 357 367 383 477 518 553 534 568 587 353 380 394 432 444 455 273 314 344 369 376 405 314 350 372 391 402 411 380 416 427 468 469 483 437 484 478 515 527 576 123 114 74 58 49 33 9 457 393 527 465 403 420 486 507 25 10 461 384 527 467 413 425 492 520 32 NW - 33 Table NW-6a. Average female walleye weight-at-age (grams) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Alph Sturgeon Klotz Cloud Broad Whitewater Savanne (2001) Kenorain Minn Lac la Croix Savanne (1996) Favourable Whiterock Boffin Miminiska Makokibatan Toronto Marmion Old Man Ara Meta Savanne (1997) Patricia Manomin Rugby Sandstone Union Husband Lount (1998) Tyrell Onaman Wolseley Robinson Bar Neston Geikie Jutten des Mille Lacs (1993) Rainy (1998) Harris Abram Brennan Jones 1 2 3 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 1655 648 1029 1248 1516 1856 2123 8 9 10 832 2471 917 811 3193 847 326 389 939 448 1017 1145 1097 460 656 2405 1224 610 691 1850 562 792 729 2682 898 833 934 1026 1004 1061 1170 60 73 77 91 106 108 109 119 121 177 189 238 242 280 290 292 293 334 347 438 443 545 623 648 656 664 810 907 1026 153 166 181 172 233 208 211 184 254 383 398 256 420 319 383 486 428 569 908 376 620 479 471 1335 532 1125 674 920 1006 470 1901 891 1655 619 1377 759 1040 1890 573 870 750 613 900 1045 815 828 943 937 927 1037 944 947 688 1000 816 1513 1235 1361 1485 1303 274 340 468 333 338 438 637 584 514 645 882 738 1007 1008 1151 1031 1597 1493 2475 1203 429 235 371 772 410 439 1046 517 625 753 NW - 34 Table NW-6a. (continued) Lake Botsford Wapesi Hicks Sakwite Smoothrock Kapkichi McAree Perch Wabigoon Steel Namakan Pelican Keikewabik Three Finger Sand Point Dovetail Expanse Partridge Bending Kukukus Chill Rainy (1999) Sucan Cuttle Ball (1998) Watcomb Despair Elva Kaopskikamak Jackfish Richardson Zizania Footprint Whalen Darby Manion Dog Gammon Ice Rainy (1997) Pipestone Red Garden Wintering Burrows 1 47 48 49 57 2 126 128 130 132 136 136 138 138 149 159 167 173 185 190 191 192 204 204 211 219 224 230 264 268 274 282 291 299 304 305 312 312 317 318 334 364 374 421 433 565 655 163 113 159 142 3 241 251 218 254 222 232 174 347 210 294 246 288 287 446 373 407 343 442 380 459 323 589 409 457 638 744 523 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 461 662 1093 1208 389 509 757 335 425 618 602 1076 384 579 682 903 334 459 721 340 1245 312 348 539 743 1475 361 549 617 868 431 673 774 422 722 917 362 498 641 407 608 811 1264 780 1309 1451 556 788 1370 459 594 303 439 824 680 972 1302 753 909 816 8 1359 899 1000 9 10 984 1162 1048 1730 2168 858 1467 1438 1746 2228 2302 1531 543 945 520 688 1345 1261 943 1056 1163 1340 1079 1605 1985 827 1047 2386 2050 463 583 1381 936 717 705 1363 746 1239 1106 308 220 286 292 1484 1638 463 254 429 372 2177 2073 2350 1801 1873 2305 669 410 514 537 1126 403 973 801 1486 664 3180 2851 3122 1751 895 1941 1205 NW - 35 Table NW-6a. (continued) Lake Mercutio Sapawe Minnitaki des Mille Lacs (1994) Calm Little Sandford Rawn Reservoir Beak Georgia Eltrut Gamsby St. Joseph Finlayson Agimak Icarus Factor des Mille Lacs (1999) Eagle Sydney Dimple Whitefish (1996) Nipigon (2000) Mainville Devious Seul 1997 Winnipeg River (1998) Kilburn Obonga Churchill of the Woods (2000) Trout Keckush Nipigon (2001) (CB) Otukamamoan Little Trout Pekagoning (1998) White Otter Lower Companion Mount Nipigon (2001) (GB) Pettit Whitefish (1995) Pickwick Nipigon (1997) Longlegged 1 58 58 59 60 62 65 67 68 71 73 73 77 77 79 80 80 85 85 90 90 91 93 94 94 95 99 100 100 101 110 111 114 115 117 118 120 120 125 127 129 129 130 130 130 132 2 158 137 160 184 200 303 171 143 200 162 190 292 352 173 254 193 248 262 135 210 217 191 154 237 189 260 245 231 245 244 274 465 303 344 413 307 379 273 3 365 311 280 177 270 429 432 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 495 1041 1211 637 471 812 1213 1432 280 414 940 442 573 878 663 928 373 52 358 290 381 305 1218 760 395 540 404 559 437 392 318 1817 454 304 658 412 333 204 485 325 446 396 522 472 395 448 524 665 849 709 475 661 438 536 894 555 890 799 384 652 384 697 553 580 355 9 10 2193 655 512 1134 669 838 1016 1234 1267 1863 2238 2382 1814 3600 827 1161 920 846 1663 1171 865 1175 1720 1393 2298 338 620 471 383 694 423 712 780 809 524 747 1106 371 1194 799 547 696 915 1014 973 1210 1236 758 1092 610 900 934 8 1203 423 1401 953 914 873 1536 1200 1919 1553 1826 1488 1492 1706 1006 1184 1185 1792 1785 1512 1300 1762 1358 1214 1735 2045 2438 1391 1775 1788 1520 1089 2350 NW - 36 Table NW-6a. (continued) Lake Whitefish (2001) Seul (1996) Kawawiag Kenogamisis Straw Nipigon (1998) Hutchison Henderson Pekagoning (1999) Wildgoose Iron Range Northern Light Burditt Wababimiga Nipigon (1999) Upper Companion Steep Rock Shoal (2001) Otter Elbow Young Shoal (1998) Crooked Pine Wawang 1 132 136 140 140 141 148 149 152 158 176 179 184 194 198 198 200 211 211 216 225 225 250 256 272 2 275 294 218 274 362 365 325 337 3 519 465 1019 321 436 638 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 756 975 1163 1527 685 819 1154 1217 441 618 932 615 786 919 8 9 1517 1802 650 1170 519 485 729 793 1051 1175 10 2149 1643 2488 1089 2000 1200 2189 780 413 434 799 799 1235 411 455 682 1264 1426 651 421 1401 1829 477 725 2399 440 555 1325 1454 1738 1031 1708 2055 2444 3312 2925 3421 1434 1714 2613 2614 3225 Northwest region female walleye weight-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 123 47 272 115 57 80 148 225 73 2 252 60 655 230 108 160 312 455 108 3 462 153 1401 410 177 288 583 1026 118 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 684 810 1072 1250 235 338 403 610 1829 2399 2405 3312 551 765 1007 1203 280 376 498 619 390 530 669 870 837 996 1302 1451 1638 1513 2073 2350 112 88 59 51 8 1620 650 3600 1434 729 1000 2045 3225 35 9 1691 753 3421 1597 832 1040 2228 3180 33 10 1633 811 2488 1655 891 1134 2149 2475 35 NW - 37 Table NW-6b. Average male walleye weight-at-age (grams) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Klotz Brewer Cloud Whiterock Savanne (2001) Jones Alph Savanne (1996) Henderson Dore Bar Miminiska Wapesi Perch Whitewater Savanne (1997) Agimak Ara Keikewabik Three Finger Patricia Toronto Manomin Kenorain Expanse Watcomb Sturgeon Union Despair Ball (1998) Lac la Croix Broad Bradshaw Neston Abram Jutten des Mille Lacs (1994) Makokibatan Harris Pelican Marmion Brennan Geikie 1 2 3 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 1003 1354 1523 677 8 9 10 2201 1025 392 500 371 547 504 455 485 550 651 1332 607 1063 694 888 959 824 1129 1341 72 77 81 84 94 104 105 105 110 111 114 173 180 199 232 250 258 266 274 275 282 289 320 345 350 430 475 487 512 623 697 814 139 230 182 159 176 208 198 204 147 242 299 416 244 279 260 383 350 327 454 309 296 439 404 438 503 509 618 608 678 664 509 541 517 494 650 668 655 719 682 605 542 558 662 625 669 436 364 454 428 505 437 534 506 697 779 642 1150 536 517 604 901 643 755 1555 893 724 917 972 1342 1731 1925 1080 1293 1671 701 637 816 298 593 348 299 396 547 456 304 212 329 590 534 426 543 604 476 429 488 882 596 606 696 688 842 939 1031 464 479 1607 688 516 NW - 38 Table NW-6b. (continued) Lake Rainy (1998) Botsford Eltrut Kapkichi Smoothrock Sakwite Minnitaki Nipigon (2000) Kilburn Steel Meta McAree Dovetail Bending Sydney Otukamamoan Namakan Kukukus des Mille Lacs (1999) Dimple Rainy (1999) Little Turtle Sand Point Kaopskikamak Nipigon (2001) (CB) Lount (1998) Sandstone Cuttle Whalen Husband Zizania Rugby Darby Onaman Jackfish Manion Dog Footprint Ice Rainy (1997) Gammon Wolseley Minn Tyrell Vista 1 2 119 122 128 132 135 137 139 139 143 149 153 167 188 191 195 212 223 223 225 228 229 249 260 264 273 274 278 285 297 310 321 322 330 343 357 364 365 381 420 435 454 468 502 530 550 3 217 238 255 214 252 264 430 226 179 216 394 279 361 470 175 402 310 389 398 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 392 415 546 743 299 350 441 348 588 399 475 560 694 351 489 591 447 687 894 941 694 359 577 531 370 405 566 505 404 723 376 580 746 901 663 952 223 698 586 715 763 713 566 396 443 727 573 833 949 1070 533 600 489 501 802 604 878 481 1348 905 577 544 794 525 975 600 752 986 8 9 10 695 871 1399 700 848 690 657 1363 726 1143 917 1141 1153 920 1191 856 1037 581 466 541 368 500 618 439 456 520 605 544 614 613 440 665 1062 810 760 1114 648 754 461 895 1122 1069 1041 1469 1786 684 1596 1608 1522 2435 783 NW - 39 Table NW-6b. (continued) Lake Robinson Pipestone des Mille Lacs (1993) Hicks Wintering Garden Sapawe Georgia Old Man Burrows Red Little Sandford St. Joseph Mercutio Calm Gamsby Finlayson Wabigoon Partridge Factor Eagle Whitefish (1996) Rawn Reservoir Beak Trout Icarus Devious Winnipeg River (1998) Churchill Favourable Richardson Mainville Obonga Elva of the Woods (2000) White Otter Seul (1997) Otter Nipigon (1997) Keckush Pekagoning (1998) Sucan Whitefish (2001) Straw Longlegged 1 26 51 52 54 55 58 60 63 65 65 69 71 71 71 75 78 79 79 79 86 90 93 94 95 97 99 99 100 100 103 105 108 111 115 116 117 119 120 120 122 124 127 129 2 590 631 99 123 146 117 178 205 134 154 184 154 146 212 229 163 200 237 240 240 208 263 248 209 186 194 3 865 928 163 258 286 185 280 290 280 300 390 265 352 256 345 363 310 382 652 467 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 985 1250 1795 285 519 862 327 423 473 580 735 250 417 450 497 785 445 462 332 407 498 466 558 724 905 555 692 801 446 532 547 491 1020 880 495 510 526 670 758 472 566 1022 1224 407 512 1022 1120 729 847 1103 593 8 9 10 1114 1075 1020 593 803 1223 1337 860 980 1191 1559 1200 1408 397 390 949 347 326 338 628 1529 1240 463 435 332 1058 665 679 1194 298 159 200 244 261 254 275 230 306 248 434 573 432 490 515 428 578 353 574 236 592 289 279 314 407 417 504 432 470 575 2278 401 478 1023 684 787 814 965 1239 1438 842 908 596 675 521 880 715 693 1141 728 915 1095 753 735 625 844 942 703 941 1186 514 635 565 579 1074 1002 1095 NW - 40 Table NW-6b. (continued) Lake Pickwick Seul (1996) Lower Companion Hutchison Nipigon (1998) Pettit Whitefish (1995) Nipigon (2001) (GB) Kawawiag Little Trout Pekagoning (1999) Wildgoose Kenogamisis Iron Range Wababimiga Mount Shoal (2001) Nipigon (1999) Elbow Young Northern Light Burditt Steep Rock Shoal (1998) Crooked Pine Wawang 1 130 131 134 138 141 141 143 145 148 153 153 157 168 172 178 189 194 197 198 207 209 210 217 243 253 279 2 309 285 453 393 381 406 3 467 446 800 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 663 743 488 692 876 839 8 9 10 1100 1115 1073 1328 735 493 1026 347 857 227 322 331 207 235 434 530 439 306 541 713 535 435 630 360 627 384 512 1177 669 762 1544 870 446 464 430 766 758 679 1107 555 846 883 1125 627 888 600 1021 1050 406 563 669 758 1968 917 1144 932 1815 1168 1460 1216 1515 1088 573 1204 1242 1625 1920 1756 Northwest region male walleye weight-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 122 26 279 116 54 79 148 217 69 2 265 72 631 237 99 154 331 555 115 3 425 114 1177 390 175 258 515 857 123 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 583 662 819 907 212 296 417 450 1544 1968 1795 1815 516 585 752 880 279 371 441 501 392 473 547 605 694 743 952 1070 1122 1348 1596 1625 114 74 58 49 8 1074 494 2435 888 558 693 1186 2278 33 9 982 516 1607 1023 608 695 1200 1559 25 10 984 505 1671 972 637 686 1148 1438 32 NW - 41 Table NW-7a. Empirical female walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Lf defines the asymptotic or maximum total length, K is the Brody growth coefficient and defines growth rate towards the maximum, and to shifts the growth curve along the axis to allow for apparent non-zero body length at age zero (to=-1). Omega (Z) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to. h is pre-maturation growth (i.e., growth to 350mm total length for combined sexes). Lake Jones Eltrut Keikewabik Nipigon (1997) Steel Savanne (2001) Whitewater Nipigon (1998) Nipigon (2001) (GB) Sapawe Savanne (1997) Calm Three Finger Neston Savanne (1996) Nipigon (1999) Wapesi Partridge Mount Namakan Rawn Reservoir Rugby Watcomb Harris Hicks Toronto Ara Pettit Miminiska Churchill Gamsby Henderson Sakwite Despair Little Sandford Sturgeon Botsford Otter Mainville Patricia Sample Size 32 81 98 183 89 78 100 127 153 43 122 92 54 55 73 180 100 111 79 50 39 54 43 53 34 75 89 86 125 159 64 53 92 36 103 47 132 42 92 50 Lf (mm) 542 565 591 594 602 603 606 607 613 614 617 922 623 624 630 635 636 640 642 656 659 661 661 661 663 663 666 668 670 671 673 674 675 675 684 686 686 686 687 688 K 0.173 0.174 0.158 0.260 0.168 0.154 0.132 0.246 0.327 0.264 0.144 0.180 0.136 0.150 0.141 0.239 0.138 0.187 0.207 0.190 0.221 0.153 0.219 0.189 0.139 0.135 0.132 0.233 0.121 0.137 0.198 0.146 0.161 0.185 0.210 0.195 0.164 0.162 0.133 0.208 Z (mmxyear–1) 94.02 98.18 93.57 154.44 101.20 92.42 79.99 149.14 200.27 162.28 88.99 112.08 84.57 93.36 88.98 151.73 87.53 119.56 132.82 124.24 145.68 101.24 144.78 124.70 92.01 89.66 87.89 155.92 80.84 91.76 133.08 98.20 108.65 125.00 143.59 134.03 112.39 110.89 91.24 142.86 h (mmxyear–1) 57.85 57.34 70.00 105.71 70.22 No data 60.18 107.69 108.24 79.27 No data 73.85 71.01 60.93 No data 111.11 69.42 88.12 109.48 69.22 90.78 85.07 87.50 78.42 No data 67.81 72.41 119.77 56.41 78.92 87.50 No data 72.36 98.20 91.82 94.18 74.39 96.86 No data 82.16 NW - 42 Table NW-7a. (continued) Lake Bending St. Joseph Lower Companion Georgia Meta Favourable Rainy (1999) Smoothrock Burrows Pelican Brennan Abram Straw Garden Sucan Trout Kapkichi Pekagoning (1999) Little Trout Dovetail Kaopskikamak Wolseley Jutten Finlayson Longlegged Perch of the Woods (2000) Minnitaki Obonga Geikie White Otter Otukamamoan Kenogamisis Rainy (1997) Devious Hutchison Makokibatan Dog des Mille Lacs (1994) Icarus McAree Sand Point Factor Seul (1996) Whitefish (2001) des Mille Lacs (1993) Sample Size 55 547 38 81 44 112 88 163 127 119 63 102 86 86 24 165 118 147 110 43 38 27 72 108 113 44 182 322 161 44 75 166 96 148 39 48 122 92 126 87 36 57 41 514 177 102 Lf (mm) 689 690 694 696 696 697 697 699 701 707 709 710 716 717 721 722 724 725 726 726 727 731 733 735 736 739 740 740 742 744 749 753 753 756 760 762 765 766 767 767 768 768 768 774 778 781 K 0.154 0.132 0.228 0.133 0.115 0.116 0.171 0.133 0.142 0.149 0.109 0.158 0.171 0.102 0.187 0.155 0.110 0.205 0.144 0.169 0.182 0.182 0.132 0.145 0.145 0.121 0.176 0.148 0.157 0.136 0.137 0.147 0.104 0.177 0.147 0.154 0.135 0.172 0.120 0.208 0.141 0.148 0.145 0.126 0.150 0.114 Z (mmxyear–1) 105.84 90.83 157.96 92.41 80.37 80.82 119.35 93.16 99.31 105.11 77.39 112.34 122.32 73.49 134.49 111.72 79.47 148.49 104.09 123.03 132.58 133.23 96.36 106.42 106.77 89.08 130.14 109.69 116.62 100.90 102.73 110.90 78.58 133.66 111.43 117.63 103.16 131.53 91.92 159.36 107.99 113.58 111.27 97.64 116.80 88.97 h (mmxyear–1) 64.23 76.94 122.30 83.44 66.42 60.29 83.94 70.92 66.26 71.25 61.13 76.09 94.30 54.37 98.44 91.90 64.67 105.95 89.88 89.34 103.28 115.37 70.97 68.25 96.95 No data 93.78 74.90 95.34 66.41 98.79 94.53 71.51 120.35 94.47 No data 68.73 104.29 59.13 105.60 60.87 83.49 106.83 84.97 102.84 64.50 NW - 43 Table NW-7a. (continued) Lake Kukukus Kilburn Wintering Dimple Seul (1997) Sandstone Sydney Broad Red Pekagoning (1998) Whitefish (1996) des Mille Lacs (1999) Footprint Wildgoose Expanse Onaman Winnipeg River (1998) Iron Range Klotz Whitefish (1995) Boffin Eagle Robinson Marmion Zizania Wabigoon Mercutio Pipestone Cloud Ball (1998) Burditt Jackfish Northern Light Young Kenorain Shoal (2001) Wawang Gammon Sample Size 129 84 88 31 431 29 124 33 474 169 162 227 39 72 92 65 209 78 78 92 29 366 47 58 74 128 50 96 31 40 98 51 65 63 77 132 71 32 Lf (mm) 782 783 788 789 790 790 793 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 804 806 807 810 812 815 818 826 830 834 839 839 843 853 853 863 871 874 874 881 884 888 907 912 K 0.150 0.120 0.110 0.152 0.127 0.183 0.131 0.125 0.123 0.149 0.134 0.121 0.145 0.158 0.116 0.118 0.106 0.145 0.158 0.141 0.128 0.132 0.163 0.109 0.134 0.124 0.122 0.158 0.143 0.124 0.145 0.137 0.125 0.131 0.135 0.156 0.143 0.141 Z (mmxyear–1) 117.40 93.52 86.29 119.63 100.06 144.64 103.45 98.97 98.18 118.99 106.94 96.67 115.98 126.93 93.20 95.05 85.34 117.23 128.68 114.80 104.39 109.43 135.42 91.12 112.38 104.07 102.53 134.68 122.24 106.48 125.99 119.39 108.71 115.60 119.73 138.06 129.27 128.80 h (mmxyear–1) 92.36 69.52 76.67 98.59 89.11 96.47 85.14 No data 76.46 97.71 No data 76.22 103.31 109.17 84.22 98.30 78.19 No data No data No data No data 97.08 131.25 62.12 98.97 79.19 82.61 No data No data 93.94 129.45 100.87 108.57 127.66 No data 132.76 133.15 No data NW - 44 Northwest region female walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Lf (mm) 733 542 912 732 606 674 794 874 K 0.155 0.102 0.327 0.145 0.110 0.132 0.171 0.228 124 Z (mmxyear –1) 112.14 73.49 200.27 109.56 80.82 93.80 125.50 151.73 h (mmxyear–1)1. 89.37 54.37 140.65 89.24 60.29 72.41 103.28 127.66 131 1. Pre-maturation growth benchmarks are calculated from all northwest lakes. NW - 45 Table NW-7b. Empirical male walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Lf defines the asymptotic or maximum total length, K is the Brody growth coefficient and defines growth rate towards the maximum, and to shifts the growth curve along the axis to allow for apparent non-zero body length at age zero (to=-1). Omega (Z) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to. h is pre-maturation growth (i.e., growth to 350mm total length for combined sexes). Lake Wildgoose Eltrut Perch Jones Three Finger Nipigon (1997) Kenogamisis Sucan Burrows Rugby Little Sandford Jutten Kapkichi Ara Keikewabik Wapesi Savanne (2001) Sapawe Nipigon (1998) Bending Rainy (1998) Nipigon (1999) Brennan Toronto Savanne (1997) Meta Straw Pickwick Neston Rawn Reservoir Pekagoning (1998) Namakan Sandstone Mount Makokibatan Churchill Geikie Old Man Savanne (1996) Miminiska Whitefish (1996) Sample Size 120 77 32 32 41 155 114 32 90 61 101 80 66 140 80 101 56 49 121 31 32 146 54 44 79 57 65 93 59 37 126 87 71 93 71 152 31 29 34 67 101 Lf (mm) 485 486 491 491 501 506 508 515 524 531 535 538 539 539 539 539 542 547 547 551 553 557 557 560 561 563 564 564 565 565 566 566 567 573 574 577 577 578 580 581 582 K 0.248 0.200 0.198 0.206 0.180 0.270 0.179 0.214 0.189 0.193 0.243 0.198 0.158 0.173 0.163 0.156 0.175 0.214 0.234 0.204 0.135 0.224 0.145 0.159 0.142 0.155 0.213 0.238 0.155 0.254 0.262 0.96 0.320 0.228 0.194 0.150 0.203 0.152 0.143 0.143 0.188 Z (mmxyear–1) 120.12 97.17 97.22 101.01 89.95 136.76 90.86 110.42 98.69 102.53 129.75 106.20 85.10 92.97 87.73 83.68 94.60 117.10 127.56 112.60 74.34 124.96 80.67 89.15 79.29 87.07 119.98 134.10 87.20 143.22 148.06 110.88 181.19 130.45 111.17 86.60 116.68 87.86 82.99 83.17 109.58 h (mmxyear–1) 109.17 57.34 No data 57.85 71.01 105.71 71.51 98.44 66.26 85.07 91.82 70.97 64.67 72.41 70.00 69.42 No data 79.27 107.69 64.23 70.00 111.11 61.13 67.81 No data 66.42 94.30 103.46 60.93 90.78 97.71 69.22 96.47 109.48 68.73 78.92 66.41 77.42 No data 56.41 No data NW - 46 Table NW-7b. (continued) Lake Gamsby Iron Range Mainville Despair des Mille Lacs (1994) Cuttle Otukamamoan Dovetail Mercutio Hicks Whitefish (2001) Calm Rainy (1999) Longlegged Finlayson Sydney Smoothrock Whitefish (1995) Onaman Garden des Mille Lacs (1993) Botsford Wintering Sakwite Seul (1996) Sturgeon Shoal (1998) Lower Companion of the Woods (2000) Husband Little Trout Wolseley Footprint Ice Harris Expanse Lount (1998) Georgia Sand Point Pelican McAree Zizania Watcomb Favourable Winnipeg River (1998) Seul (1997) Sample Size 59 133 94 26 95 41 112 37 58 32 199 41 126 129 78 122 168 95 137 97 80 121 114 57 506 51 77 51 147 27 123 31 30 33 61 54 32 42 99 81 53 71 34 169 178 353 Lf (mm) 585 586 588 589 589 589 592 592 593 594 595 595 602 602 605 606 608 609 611 612 616 617 618 620 620 625 627 627 628 628 629 631 632 634 635 636 636 637 639 640 642 642 643 645 647 650 K 0.176 0.216 0.169 0.188 0.143 0.182 0.186 0.207 0.195 0.143 0.200 0.171 0.187 0.168 0.175 0.176 0.151 0.176 0.158 0.125 0.148 0.164 0.150 0.154 0.156 0.201 0.283 0.204 0.195 0.186 0.159 0.245 0.172 0.178 0.163 0.151 0.146 0.154 0.166 0.173 0.154 0.163 0.169 0.121 0.139 0.152 Z (mmxyear–1) 102.68 126.44 99.23 110.98 84.32 107.19 109.86 122.62 115.90 85.09 118.59 101.47 112.46 101.30 105.67 106.90 91.64 107.27 96.63 76.49 91.01 101.35 92.40 95.13 96.47 125.46 177.53 128.01 122.24 117.11 100.13 154.18 108.52 112.59 103.21 96.22 92.57 97.82 105.62 110.80 99.05 104.25 108.26 78.24 90.12 98.98 h (mmxyear–1) 87.50 No data No data 98.20 59.13 81.82 94.53 89.34 82.61 No data 102.84 73.85 83.94 96.95 68.25 85.14 70.92 No data 98.30 54.37 64.50 74.39 76.67 72.36 84.97 94.18 140.65 122.30 93.78 107.02 89.88 115.37 103.31 No data 78.42 84.22 94.89 83.44 83.49 71.25 60.87 98.97 87.50 60.29 78.19 89.11 NW - 47 Table NW-7b. (continued) Lake Steel Minnitaki Factor Dog Kilburn Trout Kenorain Hutchison Jackfish Whitewater Henderson St. Joseph Broad Northern Light Klotz Eagle Kukukus Red des Mille Lacs (1999) Abram Marmion Ball (1998) Icarus Burditt Rainy (1997) Wabigoon Cloud Wawang Young Pipestone Robinson Shoal (2001) Crooked Pine Gammon Sample Size 65 272 78 92 103 134 68 46 29 176 65 439 72 94 111 291 110 323 226 73 55 51 130 94 132 135 63 48 80 81 51 115 28 42 Lf (mm) 652 653 654 655 656 657 657 658 659 662 663 663 664 668 671 674 674 678 679 680 682 683 683 688 703 706 708 717 720 722 730 741 784 812 K 0.118 0.166 0.170 0.173 0.132 0.171 0.160 0.196 0.185 0.105 0.137 0.123 0.157 0.178 0.190 0.166 0.154 0.137 0.110 0.151 0.126 0.152 0.190 0.177 0.206 0.149 0.158 0.169 0.155 0.165 0.164 0.196 0.147 0.134 Z (mmxyear–1) 76.90 108.13 111.07 113.28 86.35 112.47 104.98 129.12 122.04 69.67 90.67 81.52 104.17 118.54 127.36 111.70 103.74 92.76 74.73 102.57 86.10 103.93 129.83 121.30 144.76 104.84 112.02 120.66 111.38 118.70 119.68 145.38 115.16 109.07 h (mmxyear–1) 70.22 74.90 106.83 104.29 69.52 91.90 No data No data 100.87 60.18 No data 76.94 No data 108.57 No data 97.08 92.36 76.46 76.22 76.09 62.12 93.94 105.60 129.45 120.35 79.19 No data 133.15 127.66 No data 131.25 132.76 No data No data NW - 48 Northwest region male walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Lf (mm) 613 485 812 612 508 566 655 717 K 0.176 0.105 0.320 0.170 0.126 0.152 0.195 0.245 121 Z (mmxyear –1) 106.82 69.67 181.19 105.62 79.29 92.57 117.11 143.22 h (mmxyear–1)1. 89.37 54.37 140.65 89.24 60.29 72.41 103.28 127.66 131 1. Pre-maturation growth benchmarks are calculated from all northwest lakes. NW - 49 Table NW-8a. Female walleye age and size-at-maturity (total length in millimetres) schedules for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A logistic regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) maturity ogive (as percents). Lake Darby Upper Companion Shoal (2001) Lower Companion Pipestone Pettit Alph Footprint Union Richardson Mount Nipigon (2001) (GB) Gammon Rainy (1997) Whalen Crooked Pine Tyrell Icarus Kawawiag Sucan Despair Nipigon (2000) Factor White Otter Wildgoose Iron Range Sapawe Devious Ice Wawang Burditt Pickwick Kaopskikamak Jackfish Straw Nipigon (2001) (CB) Lac la Croix Whitefish (2001) Three Finger Rawn Reservoir Northern Light Nipigon (1999) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.01 0.59 3.44 2.03 1.19 2.87 2.17 0.50 3.84 2.23 1.56 2.90 2.34 0.98 3.70 2.56 2.07 3.05 2.57 1.49 3.64 2.64 1.60 3.67 2.65 1.85 3.46 2.68 1.59 3.76 2.68 2.01 3.34 2.77 1.78 3.77 2.81 1.45 4.18 2.84 2.07 3.60 2.87 2.44 3.30 2.90 1.72 4.08 2.90 2.36 3.45 2.95 2.60 3.29 3.00 2.40 3.60 3.02 2.00 4.03 3.05 1.65 4.46 3.07 2.35 3.80 3.10 2.13 4.07 3.11 2.33 3.88 3.12 2.37 3.86 3.17 2.17 4.18 3.23 2.89 3.57 3.23 2.13 4.33 3.31 2.44 4.18 3.33 2.18 4.47 3.37 2.28 4.46 3.39 2.34 4.44 3.41 2.37 4.45 3.42 2.29 4.54 3.48 2.75 4.22 3.53 2.31 4.75 3.58 1.48 5.68 3.64 2.25 5.02 3.64 2.97 4.32 3.65 3.12 4.18 3.72 1.80 5.64 3.76 2.77 4.76 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 340.3 280.9 399.7 367.0 287.8 446.4 498.0 468.3 527.8 396.2 355.4 437.1 451.2 430.0 472.3 402.5 384.2 420.9 435.7 418.8 452.6 370.4 309.0 431.8 358.0 293.7 422.4 418.9 396.5 441.2 403.2 385.9 420.4 403.8 321.6 486.0 481.6 459.7 503.4 460.4 417.9 502.9 365.0 348.5 381.5 518.7 492.7 544.6 406.4 360.5 452.3 467.2 434.4 500.1 466.5 444.1 488.9 373.9 337.2 410.6 379.7 345.0 414.3 367.6 325.5 409.7 451.7 410.0 493.5 427.9 399.9 455.9 407.7 363.2 452.2 376.4 334.8 418.0 359.3 326.6 392.0 396.7 343.4 449.9 444.1 405.8 482.3 473.0 426.8 519.3 473.4 442.7 504.0 401.2 360.3 442.0 443.9 414.4 473.4 426.4 397.0 455.8 375.0 355.5 394.5 452.0 429.3 474.7 379.3 359.1 399.6 426.4 380.9 471.8 354.1 333.6 374.6 449.7 422.9 476.5 489.8 460.0 519.5 456.5 406.6 506.4 NW - 50 Table NW-8a. (continued) Lake Husband Whitefish (1995) Dimple Henderson Onaman Zizania Sandstone Manion Young Shoal (1998) Hicks Nipigon (1998) Pekagoning (1999) Eagle Little Sandford Gamsby Pekagoning (1998) Otukamamoan Obonga Longlegged Harris Whiterock Kenogamisis Kenorain Rainy (1999) Sturgeon of the Woods (2000) Mercutio Whitefish (1996) Sand Point Nipigon (1997) Watcomb Hutchison Dovetail Savanne (2001) Old Man Otter Cuttle Wabigoon Kukukus Seul (1997) Seul (1996) Expanse Sydney Mainville Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 3.80 2.81 4.79 3.80 1.85 5.74 3.84 3.17 4.51 3.87 2.19 5.54 3.91 2.82 5.00 3.93 2.96 4.90 3.97 3.08 4.86 4.00 3.02 4.98 4.02 3.13 4.90 4.05 3.58 4.52 4.06 2.62 5.51 4.07 3.71 4.42 4.13 3.67 4.59 4.15 2.90 5.41 4.21 3.26 5.16 4.24 3.09 5.39 4.25 3.41 5.10 4.30 3.34 5.26 4.48 3.86 5.09 4.50 4.05 4.95 4.51 4.18 4.84 4.55 2.92 6.18 4.58 2.74 6.43 4.61 3.45 5.76 4.61 3.22 6.01 4.63 3.93 5.34 4.71 3.57 5.85 4.72 3.71 5.72 4.72 2.97 6.46 4.75 3.57 5.93 4.79 3.76 5.82 4.83 4.09 5.56 4.84 4.05 5.63 4.92 4.50 5.35 4.92 3.89 5.95 5.01 4.46 5.56 5.01 4.42 5.59 5.04 3.35 6.73 5.10 3.13 7.08 5.11 4.28 5.94 5.11 3.55 6.68 5.16 2.52 7.80 5.28 3.91 6.65 5.29 4.39 6.19 5.40 4.26 6.54 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 479.4 461.1 497.8 416.5 351.8 481.2 451.2 429.1 473.3 424.7 391.5 457.8 436.2 408.4 463.9 421.3 374.3 468.4 456.7 368.1 545.3 492.4 468.5 516.3 500.8 477.0 524.5 531.2 495.0 567.4 387.7 346.7 428.7 454.4 433.4 475.4 451.2 427.1 475.4 462.3 386.4 538.2 422.7 394.7 450.7 427.6 360.2 495.0 458.4 431.6 485.2 468.3 429.4 507.3 459.0 436.7 481.3 437.9 410.8 465.0 458.9 436.3 481.5 500.1 485.1 515.1 368.6 330.7 406.6 482.0 440.4 523.5 450.0 418.0 482.0 461.5 445.1 477.9 461.3 405.5 517.1 445.4 401.5 489.2 429.7 368.5 490.9 460.8 437.4 484.2 482.6 454.1 511.2 439.1 409.1 469.1 480.3 453.6 506.9 429.0 411.2 446.9 383.6 340.2 427.1 420.5 401.8 439.2 473.6 452.3 494.8 397.5 354.9 440.0 441.9 349.4 534.4 477.7 445.4 509.9 440.5 376.7 504.3 435.4 351.4 519.4 448.0 411.4 484.7 467.3 437.0 497.5 392.9 350.6 435.2 NW - 51 Table NW-8a. (continued) Lake Botsford Burrows Broad Calm Minnitaki Eltrut Namakan Wintering Trout Little Trout Finlayson Geikie Pelican Sakwite Jones Smoothrock Abram Georgia Red Churchill Kilburn des Mille Lacs (1994) Wapesi Partridge Meta Savanne (1996) Toronto St. Joseph Ara Keikewabik des Mille Lacs (1999) Savanne (1997) Jutten Kapkichi Steel Marmion Makokibatan Neston Winnipeg River (1998) Miminiska Whitewater des Mille Lac (1993) Brennan Garden Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 5.40 3.72 7.07 5.45 4.71 6.18 5.52 2.39 8.65 5.54 4.95 6.13 5.62 4.58 6.65 5.77 4.94 6.60 5.81 3.79 7.84 5.84 4.85 6.82 5.93 4.83 7.04 6.06 4.96 7.16 6.11 5.35 6.87 6.16 4.46 7.85 6.17 4.62 7.72 6.20 5.64 6.75 6.31 4.21 8.41 6.31 4.30 8.31 6.38 4.40 8.35 6.38 4.42 8.35 6.39 4.45 8.34 6.46 4.49 8.43 6.48 4.58 8.37 6.49 5.61 7.36 6.58 4.89 8.27 6.60 4.41 8.78 6.61 5.44 7.77 6.71 5.77 7.65 6.73 4.44 9.02 6.81 4.82 8.81 6.85 5.96 7.73 6.86 5.21 8.51 6.88 4.64 9.13 6.93 3.94 9.91 6.94 6.08 7.79 6.97 5.15 8.79 7.07 6.61 7.54 7.11 6.35 7.88 7.29 5.79 8.79 7.32 6.50 8.14 7.43 5.10 9.76 8.02 4.85 11.19 8.54 5.83 11.24 8.89 6.66 11.12 9.30 8.41 10.20 10.19 7.96 12.42 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 430.7 380.2 481.2 413.8 368.2 459.3 482.9 441.8 524.0 450.1 423.9 476.3 480.9 439.9 521.9 408.9 294.8 522.9 451.1 367.8 534.3 446.0 397.0 495.0 497.4 463.5 531.4 476.5 436.6 516.4 482.5 445.0 519.9 453.7 428.8 478.7 471.5 406.0 537.0 446.1 398.9 493.4 439.9 320.4 559.4 427.5 379.6 475.4 465.0 397.2 532.7 428.4 375.9 480.9 488.3 410.8 565.8 430.8 369.6 492.1 464.2 436.3 492.2 483.7 454.1 513.4 412.0 373.4 450.5 478.8 433.9 523.8 421.2 355.5 486.9 408.7 383.4 434.1 428.6 379.8 477.5 443.4 389.6 497.2 418.8 399.3 438.2 419.3 360.0 478.6 493.8 456.7 531.0 416.7 356.8 476.6 476.9 446.9 507.0 437.6 397.5 477.6 495.0 433.7 556.2 443.3 420.9 465.7 514.7 472.0 557.6 466.7 420.6 512.9 484.7 406.4 563.0 426.3 354.1 498.5 414.2 355.9 472.6 542.6 424.6 660.0 510.2 485.5 535.0 492.1 454.4 529.7 NW - 52 Northwest region female walleye maturity benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 4.78 3.56 6.00 2.01 0.50 2.87 10.19 8.41 12.42 4.61 3.45 5.63 2.57 1.49 3.44 3.41 2.36 4.44 6.16 4.49 7.65 7.32 6.08 9.76 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 441.4 399.4 483.5 340.3 280.9 374.6 542.6 495.0 660.6 444.1 405.5 482.3 367.6 321.6 406.6 416.7 360.3 452.6 471.5 436.3 515.1 500.1 468.5 556.2 131 NW - 53 Table NW-8b. Male walleye age and size-at-maturity (total length in millimetres) schedules for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A logistic regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) maturity ogive (as percents). Lake Lower Companion Burditt Shoal (1998) Wawang Manion Kawawiag Wildgoose Jackfish Straw Kaopskikamak Shoal (2001) Footprint Pettit Mount Richardson Young Longlegged Whalen Union Cuttle Hutchison Pickwick Nipigon (2001) (GB) Despair White Otter Factor Rainy (1997) Devious Otukamamoan Broad Whitefish (1996) Icarus Eagle Keikewabik Whitefish (1995) Northern Light Nipigon (1999) Georgia of the Woods (2000) Sturgeon Dimple Seul (1997) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 1.50 0.76 2.25 1.57 0.31 2.83 1.69 1.08 2.31 1.74 1.01 2.46 1.76 0.50 3.01 1.78 0.81 2.75 1.85 0.71 2.98 1.85 1.07 2.62 1.89 1.08 2.71 1.93 1.02 2.85 2.00 0.86 3.14 2.02 0.96 3.08 2.05 1.80 2.30 2.07 1.19 2.94 2.09 1.38 2.79 2.10 0.68 3.52 2.13 0.58 3.67 2.17 0.70 3.63 2.24 1.33 3.16 2.28 1.46 3.11 2.28 1.64 2.92 2.43 1.48 3.39 2.44 1.93 2.96 2.46 1.73 3.19 2.49 1.79 3.19 2.51 1.64 3.38 2.52 1.44 3.61 2.55 1.58 3.52 2.59 1.84 3.34 2.59 0.54 4.65 2.59 1.54 3.64 2.64 1.98 3.29 2.70 1.16 4.25 2.73 0.75 4.72 2.74 1.85 3.63 2.77 1.86 3.68 2.79 1.77 3.81 2.81 1.88 3.73 2.83 1.96 3.70 2.86 2.29 3.44 2.86 2.44 3.29 2.88 0.75 5.01 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 313.7 263.1 364.3 361.2 292.7 429.7 374.1 355.8 392.4 371.1 351.5 390.7 345.8 328.2 363.4 360.9 337.1 384.7 316.4 252.2 380.6 337.6 316.5 358.7 306.4 284.9 327.9 340.8 326.8 354.8 401.0 339.0 463.0 317.6 223.8 411.5 367.9 319.9 415.7 348.8 307.3 390.2 342.8 326.6 359.0 389.9 367.6 412.3 338.1 310.2 365.9 306.9 170.1 443.8 336.7 319.5 353.9 325.5 309.7 341.3 361.0 342.1 379.9 342.9 314.3 371.5 378.8 328.9 428.7 329.0 312.3 345.7 356.1 338.6 373.7 374.4 357.9 390.9 399.1 352.5 445.7 339.6 310.7 368.5 340.7 314.3 367.0 365.7 327.8 403.6 345.8 308.5 383.0 386.1 291.3 480.8 377.1 335.8 418.5 319.8 277.9 361.7 318.7 301.8 335.6 395.5 362.0 428.9 381.5 353.1 409.9 335.8 321.5 350.2 349.4 314.2 384.5 347.3 329.0 365.6 379.5 368.9 390.1 365.4 313.8 417.0 NW - 54 Table NW-8b. (continued) Lake Watcomb Rawn Reservoir Little Sandford Elva Pekagoning (1998) Iron Range Husband Obonga Pekagoning (1999) Manomin Mainville Nipigon (2001) (CB) Sandstone Gamsby Nipigon (2000) Sapawe Expanse Kenogamisis Dovetail Kukukus Nipigon (1998) Savanne (1997) Eltrut Savanne (2001) Sakwite Mercutio Wapesi Wabigoon Sydney Chill Harris Seul (1996) Churchill Pelican Old Man Trout Hicks Rainy (1999) Partridge Nipigon (1997) Burrows des Mille Lacs (1999) Kilburn Botsford Wintering Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.88 2.07 3.69 2.91 2.54 3.27 2.92 2.42 3.43 2.94 2.62 3.26 2.96 2.55 3.37 2.97 2.11 3.82 2.98 2.38 3.58 3.03 1.84 4.23 3.05 2.32 3.78 3.05 2.61 3.49 3.06 2.30 3.82 3.06 2.87 3.25 3.07 2.21 3.93 3.12 2.33 3.92 3.17 2.42 3.91 3.20 2.51 3.89 3.29 1.90 4.68 3.29 2.66 3.92 3.43 2.37 4.48 3.44 2.41 4.48 3.54 2.44 4.63 3.61 2.46 4.77 3.64 2.97 4.31 3.65 2.09 5.21 3.66 2.66 4.67 3.70 2.52 4.88 3.71 1.91 5.52 3.73 1.94 5.53 3.74 2.26 5.21 3.81 2.54 5.07 3.82 3.20 4.45 3.85 2.17 5.53 3.86 2.28 5.44 3.86 3.11 4.60 3.87 3.33 4.42 3.89 2.69 5.09 3.89 3.09 4.69 3.90 2.75 5.05 3.92 2.64 5.19 3.94 2.75 5.13 3.94 2.76 5.12 3.98 1.66 6.30 4.00 2.60 5.40 4.06 3.28 4.85 4.08 1.73 6.43 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 333.0 273.1 392.8 345.1 331.7 358.6 369.6 335.5 403.7 399.7 385.2 414.2 374.6 351.2 397.9 333.6 305.1 362.0 417.2 352.4 481.8 365.0 329.6 400.3 385.3 360.0 410.6 333.4 318.0 348.8 301.3 268.8 333.9 400.6 387.0 414.2 366.1 302.1 430.1 338.7 317.6 359.8 371.6 324.1 419.1 324.1 301.9 346.3 356.5 311.9 401.1 328.9 316.5 341.3 371.5 343.0 400.0 377.3 353.5 401.2 385.3 369.9 400.7 330.5 304.7 356.3 295.2 251.6 338.7 322.8 297.0 348.7 331.7 294.4 369.0 376.3 324.7 428.0 322.5 273.2 371.9 363.1 302.5 423.7 362.5 306.8 418.2 436.8 423.9 449.7 373.9 354.8 392.9 362.5 305.7 419.3 345.8 275.4 416.2 356.7 311.6 401.8 360.6 325.0 396.3 425.1 402.8 447.4 338.0 312.2 363.8 373.6 338.3 408.8 359.4 331.4 387.5 415.5 372.5 458.6 336.2 300.8 371.5 355.6 249.9 461.2 347.2 319.3 375.2 360.8 319.1 402.6 355.8 280.6 430.9 NW - 55 Table NW-8b. (continued) Lake Kenorain Calm Meta Otter Jones des Mille Lacs (1993) Sand Point Ara Namakan Minnitaki Little Trout Kapkichi Agimak des Mille Lacs (1994) Wababimiga Neston Abram Jutten Savanne (1996) Smoothrock Marmion Toronto Rainy (1998) Winnipeg River (1998) Brennan Perch St. Joseph Finlayson Steel Red Makokibatan Garden Whitewater Miminiska Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 4.10 3.16 5.05 4.12 3.57 4.67 4.14 3.18 5.10 4.16 3.64 4.68 4.18 3.58 4.78 4.28 3.32 5.24 4.32 1.91 6.74 4.42 1.92 6.91 4.42 2.58 6.25 4.44 2.91 5.96 4.51 2.97 6.04 4.54 3.47 5.61 4.61 3.73 5.49 4.62 3.59 5.66 4.64 3.60 5.67 4.65 3.06 6.25 4.66 2.03 7.29 4.73 3.93 5.53 4.74 4.14 5.34 4.78 3.69 5.87 4.94 4.18 5.70 4.95 4.48 5.42 4.99 3.29 6.69 5.04 1.71 8.38 5.07 4.34 5.81 5.09 3.64 6.54 5.11 2.75 7.48 5.11 4.53 5.69 5.28 4.42 6.15 5.87 2.58 9.17 6.09 4.57 7.62 6.73 5.00 8.46 6.89 4.74 9.05 7.71 5.41 10.01 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 340.7 267.0 414.4 384.4 358.2 410.7 355.6 329.8 381.5 424.2 409.0 439.4 280.3 268.8 291.7 340.6 294.6 386.6 394.2 340.0 448.4 361.0 326.0 395.9 364.8 327.2 402.3 386.5 340.6 432.3 408.2 354.1 452.4 345.1 332.1 358.0 341.1 331.9 350.2 331.4 303.2 359.6 439.9 354.0 525.8 329.0 292.0 366.0 392.2 324.5 459.9 373.2 356.3 390.1 347.7 319.8 375.6 364.3 328.5 400.1 364.8 343.0 386.6 372.2 346.6 397.9 371.2 353.5 388.8 376.1 325.4 426.8 341.9 323.9 360.0 358.7 331.6 385.9 383.8 327.3 440.3 375.5 358.2 392.9 363.2 305.3 421.1 387.5 334.8 440.2 441.9 371.6 512.3 366.2 319.2 413.2 371.4 336.9 405.9 386.8 354.2 419.4 NW - 56 Northwest region male walleye maturity benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 3.49 2.36 4.62 1.50 0.31 2.25 7.71 5.41 10.01 3.43 2.33 4.48 1.85 0.71 2.75 2.59 1.71 3.43 4.16 2.97 5.49 5.11 4.42 7.48 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 359.9 323.1 396.6 280.3 170.1 291.7 441.9 423.9 525.8 361.0 325.0 395.9 316.4 267.0 341.3 339.6 305.7 366.0 376.1 343.0 418.5 415.5 371.6 459.9 121 NW - 57 18.04 20.08 21.36 25.74 26.22 26.74 27.51 39.22 39.54 46.29 46.48 50.29 52.00 53.29 53.50 55.36 56.80 56.95 69.90 Miminiska Wabigoon Makokibatan Botsford Abram Pelican Minnitaki Eagle Alph Gammon Meta Longlegged Ara Onaman Wababimiga Sydney Expanse Seul (1997) Kilburn Standard Error 0.59 0.83 0.94 1.02 1.35 1.60 0.77 1.55 1.67 1.29 1.92 1.36 1.04 1.30 2.47 2.12 3.97 1.72 10.00 8.37 13.98 9.01 17.97 17.13 17.11 12.25 5.88 31.56 36.41 30.26 41.10 33.42 35.79 47.94 42.18 21.378 32.96 42.81 Minimum 28.25 31.74 31.53 39.08 43.10 56.40 56.39 63.12 47.07 57.14 66.74 59.58 76.39 70.60 59.50 69.99 93.49 199.60 224.08 Maximum 1. 2. 41.33 40.66 26.18 24.98 Minimum All lakes combined (n=19). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=18). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 72.30 73.02 Maximum 17.76 19.30 20.68 24.92 24.70 24.85 26.68 43.51 39.12 45.63 46.35 50.76 50.95 54.06 53.29 54.29 55.66 56.53 59.38 Median Averages Median 5% Percentile 40.44 29.32 39.73 28.26 Northwest region walleye relative fecundity benchmarks. Mean Lake 25% Quartile 36.29 35.49 5% Percentile 11.14 14.31 13.54 18.29 17.96 18.39 17.84 8.02 32.70 55.05 31.08 41.53 41.69 39.57 48.48 44.39 34.05 40.74 46.09 75% Quartile 45.17 44.56 25% Quartile 15.18 17.27 17.58 21.35 21.46 22.23 23.72 33.88 35.49 43.06 41.65 50.76 46.52 49.37 50.65 49.61 50.83 49.04 53.64 95% Percentile 25.65 31.14 29.93 36.12 39.67 38.03 38.01 55.14 46.32 55.05 61.98 58.21 63.16 65.43 58.83 67.49 79.57 68.94 117.86 95% Percentile 54.55 54.32 75% Quartile 20.60 21.47 25.18 30.03 29.62 27.88 30.00 48.90 44.40 51.29 51.56 54.09 57.31 57.93 56.14 62.71 61.72 61.90 65.58 NW - 58 Sample Size 60 31 32 33 24 25 86 88 10 20 24 17 62 39 4 16 16 98 17 Table NW-9. Walleye relative fecundity (eggs per gram of total weight) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Fecundity-length relation1. R2 E D x 10-6 2.63 5147.45 0.86 2.83 1581.84 0.86 2.86 637.01 0.56 3.09 326.99 0.81 3.28 42.432 0.71 3.42 41.048 0.89 3.49 22.202 0.78 3.60 4.361 0.93 3.61 10.694 0.86 3.62 4.890 0.71 3.66 8.717 0.66 3.68 6.661 0.75 3.72 2.574 0.71 3.82 1.240 0.64 3.89 0.598 0.64 4.24 0.194 0.96 5.82 0.0000057 0.67 n 20 16 86 98 25 39 62 31 17 33 16 24 24 32 60 10 88 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 35447 48306 63715 81850 102879 126963 35717 49817 67088 87818 112289 140781 17506 24515 33132 43510 55798 70146 36055 51888 71861 96479 126249 161685 14149 20811 29388 40156 53398 69405 32909 49244 70621 97854 131791 173316 27541 41566 60069 83812 113598 150264 10000 15275 22315 31441 42997 57344 26095 39911 58368 82320 112677 150399 12780 19573 28659 40464 55441 74070 29485 45387 66758 94644 130161 174496 24520 37808 55693 79063 108867 146114 12497 19375 28681 40898 56543 76173 10665 16721 25002 35975 50151 68077 8167 12920 19476 28231 39620 54114 20777 34232 53507 80146 115898 162721 8121 16126 29788 51895 86145 137309 1. Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Gammon Sydney Minnitaki Seul (1997) Pelican Onaman Ara Wabigoon Longlegged Botsford Expanse Meta Abram Makokibatan Miminiska Alph Eagle Lake NW - 59 Table NW-10. Walleye fecundity-total length relationships for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (Napierian logarithms) individual observations. Total length in millimetres. Mean Minumum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Fecundity-length relation R2 E D x 10-6 3.60 461.70 0.76 2.63 0.0000057 0.56 5.82 5147.45 0.96 3.61 8.720 0.75 2.63 0.0000057 0.56 3.28 2.570 0.67 3.72 42.430 0.86 5.82 5147.45 0.96 n 40 10 98 31 10 20 60 98 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 21320 31970 46125 64504 87912 117258 8121 12921 19477 28232 39620 54115 36056 51889 71862 97854 131792 174497 20777 34232 53507 79064 102879 137310 8121 12921 19477 28232 39620 54115 12497 19376 28682 40465 55442 70147 29486 45388 63716 83813 113598 150400 36056 51889 71862 97854 131792 174497 17 Northwest region walleye fecundity-total length benchmarks. NW - 60 1.54% 2.05% 2.57% 2.80% 4.12% 5.80% Mean 0.25% 0.66% 2.07% 1.61% 2.67% 5.66% Minimum 4.39% 2.96% 4.42% 4.74% 7.00% 6.02% Maximum 64 33 14 10 62 4 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.28% 4.39% 3.44% 5.18% 1.82% 3.58% Mean 0% 0% 2.31% 1.98% 0% 3.20% Minimum 1.83% 8.19% 4.73% 7.59% 4.18% 3.73% Maximum Visceral Fat index 1. 2. 3.15% 2.62% 2.15% 1.45% Minimum All lakes combined (n=6). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=5). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 4.92% 4.70% Maximum 32 37 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 3.11% 3.02% Mean 1.25% 0.86% Minimum 5.04% 5.31% Maximum Visceral Fat Index 30 35 Sample Size 64 33 8 10 62 4 Sample Size NW - 61 0.36 0.36 Reproductive Index 0.25 0.27 0.57 No data 0.33 No data Reproductive Index Mature female walleye fall gonadosomatic index (GSI is ovary weight expressed as a percent of the total weight minus the ovary weight), visceral fat index (VFI is fat weight expressed as a percent of the total weight), and reproductive index (R is 3h/Lf) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Northwest mature female gonadosomatic, visceral fat, and reproductive indices benchmarks. Miminiska Makokibatan Shoal (1998) Alph Ara Wababimiga Lake Table NW-11a. 1.73% 1.75% 3.10% 3.45% 3.58% 5.03% Mean 0.49% 0.58% 0.10% 0.93% 0.25% 4.30% Minimum 3.50% 3.32% 5.32% 5.45% 6.62% 6.35% Maximum 38 12 59 11 111 11 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.66% 1.58% 2.39% 3.15% 0.92% 3.68% Mean 0% 0% 1.03% 1.26% 0% 2.95% Minimum 12.97% 3.42% 4.57% 4.63% 3.44% 4.79% Maximum Visceral Fat index 1. 2. 3.11% 3.11% 1.11% 1.11% Minimum All lakes combined (n=6). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=6). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 5.09% 5.09% Maximum 40 40 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 2.06% 2.06% Mean 0.87% 0.87% Minimum 5.64% 5.64% Maximum Visceral Fat Index 37 37 Sample Size 38 12 38 11 111 11 Sample Size NW - 62 0.43 0.43 Reproductive Index 0.29 0.36 0.67 No data 0.40 No data Reproductive Index Mature male walleye fall gonadosomatic index (GSI is testes weight expressed as a percent of the total weight minus the testes weight), visceral fat index (VFI is fat weight expressed as a percent of the total weight), and reproductive index (R is 3h/Lf) data for northwest region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Northwest mature male gonadosomatic, visceral fat, and reproductive indices benchmarks. Miminiska Makokibatan Shoal (1998) Alph Ara Wababimiga Lake Table NW-11b. Mean (±95% C.I.)1. 28 (27-30) 30 (29-32) 1.03 (1.02-1.04) 1.03 (1.02-1.04) 744 (733-755) 618 (610-626) 0.158 (0.154-0.163) 0.180 (0.176-0.185) 116.40 (113.41-119.38) 110.57 (108.12-113.02) 93.00 (90.48-95.51) 4.5 (4.3-4.7) 3.0 (2.9-3.2) S.D. (C.V.)2. 13.6 (48%) 12.8 (42%) 0.079 (8%) 0.090 (9%) 84.2 (11%) 64.7 (10%) 0.0377 (24%) 0.0350 (19%) 23.322 (20%) 19.748 (18%) 21.306 (23%) 1.51 (34%) 1.10 (37%) Median 25 28 1.02 1.02 748 616 0.152 0.176 114.45 109.41 92.07 4.2 2.9 Minimum to Maximum 7 to 89 6 to 82 0.90 to 1.49 0.87 to 1.48 529 to 957 485 to 814 0.090 to 0.327 0.105 to 0.320 73.49 to 200.27 69.45 to 181.19 54.31 to 185.90 2.0 to 10.2 0.8 to 7.7 1.5 2.5 61.13 80.67 80.84 0.129 0.110 508 606 0.92 0.94 14 12 5% 2.2 3.4 76.59 97.20 99.31 0.155 0.132 572 684 0.97 0.98 21 19 3.7 5.4 105.95 122.07 132.82 0.200 0.180 654 804 1.07 1.07 38 34 Percentiles 25% 75% NW - 63 4.9 7.1 129.45 148.06 155.92 0.244 0.230 738 880 1.18 1.16 51 57 95% Walleye life history parameters for Ontario waterbodies sampled using the walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Female adult mortality (A%) (n=296) Male adult mortality (A%) (n=295) Female relative condition (n=241) Male relative condition (n=265) Female asymptotic length (L, mm) (n=238) Male asymptotic length (L, mm) (n=252) Female Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) (n=238) Male Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) (n=252) Female Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) (n=238) Male Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) (n=252) Pre-maturation growth (h, mm•yr-1) (n=278) Female age-at-50% maturity (years) (n=261) Male age-at-50% maturity (years) (n=266) Table NW-12. Mean (±95% C.I.)1. 441 (436-447) 349 (345-353) 4.4 (4.2-4.7) 2.9 (2.8-3.0) 49.79 (47.41-52.17) 1.9 (1.7-2.1) 1.4 (1.2-1.5) 7.5 (6.9-8.2) S.D. (C.V.)2. 42.1 (10%) 32.9 (9%) 1.64 (37%) 0.76 (26%) 14.049 (28%) 1.29 (68%) 0.98 (72%) 7.13 (95%) Median 440 346 4.2 2.8 50.47 1.6 1.1 5.3 Minimum to Maximum 338 to 586 246 to 476 1.5 to 11.1 1.3 to 5.4 18.04 to 87.98 0.1 to 6.8 0.1 to 5.3 0 to 36.1 1. 95% Confidence interval of the mean. 2. Standard deviation of the mean (S.D.) and coefficient of variation of the mean expressed as a percent (C.V.). Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Female size-at-50% maturity (mm) (n=261) Male size-at-50% maturity (mm) (n=266) Female gonadosomatic index (%) (n=151) Male gonadosomatic index (%) (n=155) Relative fecundity (eggs•g-1) (n=136) Female visceral fat index (%) (n=151) Male visceral fat index (%) (n=155) Relative abundance (number•net-1) (n=441) Table NW-12. (continued) 0.4 0.2 0.3 26.22 1.8 2.1 299 369 5% 2.0 0.6 0.8 40.01 2.5 3.3 331 416 10.9 1.8 2.7 58.69 3.2 5.4 370 473 Percentiles 25% 75% NW - 64 22.5 3.2 4.4 72.65 4.5 7.5 401 504 95% Figure 3. Map of northeastern Ontario showing the location of the 131 waterbodies for which fall walleye index netting data were available. Agnew Amikougami Anjigami Barehead Bearhead Birch Biscotasi Burnfield Burntbush Canoe Cataract Crab’s Toe Crouch Departure Deschenes Dog Duborne Duncan Echo Fawcett Firth Flanders Fushimi Garnham Geneva Gowganda Abitibi Lake Table NE-1. Year Sampled 1995, 1996 & 2001 1998 & 1999 2001 2000 1998 1999 1996 1999 & 2000 1999 2000 1998 1999 1998 1998 1998 2000 1999 2000 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1998 2001 1999 1998 2916.7 359.4 1106.9 216.4 266.8 1079.7 6579.4 113.5 126.3 168.8 108.3 197.9 197.9 209.3 621.5 5184.0 933.2 1131.1 1149.3 No data 433.4 238.0 1230.2 673.4 356.1 1046.1 90971.7 483930-795042 462119-814540 481059-800449 475000-843500 490247-855438 461826-825832 461808-815847 471758-820455 482050-850207 493600-795900 461650-830221 461533-830008 482655-842118 482655-842118 491436-814748 472236-813047 481811-840658 461500-825500 474521-805754 463323-835901 473200-810700 474015-805210 492144-852229 494922-835305 490033-852929 464552-813247 473741-804715 Surface Area (hectares) Latitude Longitude1. 12.1 1.8 12.4 5.3 3.6 10.3 4.3 4.2 1.0 3.4 1.7 4.8 4.8 6.1 3.6 12.6 8.4 7.5 13.9 No data 2.0 3.7 3.1 7.3 6.3 8.1 3.5 Mean Depth (m) 39.6 4.9 45.1 18.1 7.0 27.4 24.0 14.6 2.1 10.1 4.9 9.8 9.8 16.0 11.0 74.7 33.5 40.2 27.5 No data 3.1 27.5 7.6 33.0 25.3 45.1 15.2 Max. Depth (m) 2.9 1.7 3.5 1.8 4.6 3.5 3.9 3.5 0.9 2.9 3.8 3.2 3.2 1.5 0.8 4.4 4.6 3.7 2.0 No data 2.1 3.4 1.5 3.2 4.5 2.1 0.3 Secchi (m) NE - 1 1604 1379 1262 1230 1670 1613 1447 1133 1156 1685 1704 1200 1200 1326 1461 1255 1703 1456 1668 1466 1465 1254 1229 1228 1512 1465 1316 GDD>52. The northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard 1994 to 2001. Granitehill Grassy Groundhog Hammer Highbrush Howells Ivanhoe Jowsey Jumping Cariboo Junction Kabinakagami Kagiano Kebskwasheshi Kecil Kenetogami Kenogaming Kenogamissi Knife Kushog Labitiche Lac la Cave LaMotte Larder Left Lloyd Longpoint Lower Stetham Macutagon Lake Year Sampled 2001 1997 2001 1999 2001 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 1998 2000 1999 1998 1998 1997 2000 1999 1997 1997 1999 2000 1997 2000 1999 2001 2000 2001 Table NE-1. (continued) Latitude Longitude1. 490511-851553 474742-811410 480621-821416 482411-850548 474510-833251 495624-815849 480458-823737 482229-814326 465257-794633 475721-810420 485411-842501 491600-862600 472323-825410 461533-821748 474656-813820 480341-815414 481102-813300 481807-850548 475510-801525 465900-821400 462200-784500 474416-813910 480508-793837 481253-814604 475143-805942 474101-803635 474612-813407 490611-852837 Surface Area (hectares) 1447.6 172.6 901.3 458.3 377.5 58.7 1013.8 187.8 408.7 51.8 12016.7 136.0 850.3 425.9 158.6 656.5 2498.6 561.1 742.5 144.3 No data 115.2 3703.7 56.9 819.1 376.6 68.8 149.0 Mean Depth (m) 5.5 1.6 2.5 3.6 6.1 1.1 6.9 1.9 8.9 2.0 3.0 4.8 0.7 12.1 3.2 2.8 4.4 3.6 7.9 4.8 No data 2.7 12.3 0.5 5.8 4.3 5.5 5.3 Max. Depth (m) 15.6 22.6 19.5 11.9 18.4 4.3 24.0 7.9 33.6 5.5 15.3 42.0 4.3 26.2 13.0 15.8 24.0 18.0 36.6 15.5 No data 11.5 33.5 2.0 25.6 17.7 23.0 18.5 Secchi (m) 2.7 3.5 1.5 3.7 3.5 4.0 2.8 1.8 5.0 3.1 1.7 2.5 1.4 5.0 2.1 2.1 2.0 2.7 2.3 4.0 No data 3.6 4.3 1.5 4.9 3.7 3.8 3.1 NE - 2 1219 1454 1401 1135 1311 1254 1367 1383 1541 1428 1220 1169 1396 1639 1441 1406 1415 1133 1442 1444 1700 1442 1401 1399 1426 1455 1454 1249 GDD>52. Nugent Obushkong Oke Onaping Opeepeesway Opikinimika Nipissing Manitou Marian Mattagami McArthur McDiarmid McPhail Reservoir Mesomikenda Mindemoya Minisinakwa Ministic Missinaibi Mistinikon Montreal River Montrose Mountain Nabakwasi Nagagami Nagagamisis Neville Night Hawk Lake Year Sampled 2000 2000 1998 2000 1999 2000 2000 1997 & 2001 1999 1997 1999 1999 2000 2000 1998 1998 & 2000 1999 1999 2000 1997 1998, 1999, 2000 & 2001 1997 2001 2001 1999 & 2000 1998 2001 Table NE-1. (continued) 475252-811356 474226-804800 485614-815243 470400-813000 473700-821500 472200-812500 461700-800000 Latitude Longitude1. 454639-815901 464618-794707 475009-813340 481222-811257 482806-793337 475600-845100 473853-815244 454540-821214 473948-814418 463339-813408 482124-834129 475553-804413 471400-843900 475830-810358 473846-801339 473244-812623 492519-850231 492838-843926 473946-815520 482822-805833 110.5 437.4 354.0 6868.0 1575.0 583.0 87325.0 Surface Area (hectares) 10460.7 274.0 4003.1 261.9 403.0 322.0 1706.2 3869.7 1911.1 567.2 7706.9 1357.1 No data 250.0 512.8 884.0 5362.5 2331.1 119.0 9832.2 2.3 2.4 1.5 10.5 4.7 27.4 4.5 Mean Depth (m) 15.1 4.4 8.3 3.4 1.2 4.7 13.6 7.4 3.3 11.1 19.2 5.9 No data 3.8 4.7 4.7 7.5 3.8 1.9 1.7 4.9 4.6 3.1 53.4 14.0 54.9 52.0 Max. Depth (m) 49.1 13.7 76.2 12.8 1.5 17.1 71.4 21.0 18.3 31.1 94.0 36.6 No data 6.1 48.8 26.8 27.5 8.1 9.9 4.6 3.4 2.7 1.1 5.1 2.5 3.0 2.5 Secchi (m) 8.4 2.9 3.3 3.1 0.3 4.1 5.3 2.9 1.8 5.3 4.2 2.9 No data 2.4 2.3 2.5 2.7 3.0 1.8 0.3 NE - 3 1439 1460 1335 1496 1425 1465 1659 1619 1557 1448 1407 1338 1257 1445 1658 1457 1577 1286 1425 1438 1423 1484 1472 1248 1223 1440 1395 GDD>52. Saganash Scott (Lower) Separation Shenango Shikwamkwa Sideburned Sinclair Sisseney Skeleton Smith (Walford) Somme Stumpy Sugar Round Oscar Papakomeka Pivabiska Popeye Post Rabbit Ramsay Ramsey Red Cedar Redwing Rennie Ritchie Rocky Island Lake Year Sampled 2000 2000 1998 1999 1998 2000 1998 1996 2001 2000 1999 1999 1999 1994, 1997, 2000 & 2001 1999 2001 2001 2001 2000 2001 2000 1999 & 2001 1994 1998 2000 2001 1999 Table NE-1. (continued) 490228-823446 480820-811520 480358-803429 482300-824300 480539-840833 474438-833108 475125-812051 475159-804012 475154-793837 461305-822035 474026-815735 473438-804524 461405-821342 480058-800217 Latitude Longitude1. 461812-830544 481552-811731 494847-834225 462639-823242 470100-811300 465943-793839 492700-854700 462857-805701 464245-795614 475937-810611 482309-835759 495244-833111 465506-830122 1949.3 42.9 181.4 481.0 559.8 1155.4 947.1 365.8 356.7 150.0 66.5 396.0 86.2 1213.0 Surface Area (hectares) 102.7 202.3 798.9 56.4 170.4 2106.0 144.0 874.4 2421.7 56.3 579.3 96.9 5664.1 3.4 9.5 2.9 No data 13.7 1.5 9.9 9.4 3.1 No data 2.9 3.2 9.6 17.2 Mean Depth (m) 6.3 9.8 3.1 7.1 18.2 14.2 No data 9.3 5.8 3.8 7.5 3.9 10.2 10.7 32.0 7.9 15.0 55.8 8.0 48.8 36.6 7.0 No data 9.0 6.7 23.8 36.0 Max. Depth (m) 20.8 45.8 6.7 15.2 55.5 42.7 24.0 21.3 34.7 6.7 29.3 12.0 79.9 1.6 3.8 1.8 2.1 2.4 3.3 3.4 3.2 0.6 3.75 1.9 4.3 5.0 1.5 Secchi (m) 6.5 2.0 1.5 4.6 3.0 5.8 No data 3.8 2.9 2.7 4.7 1.7 4.1 NE - 4 1331 1412 1413 1336 1262 1313 1449 1451 1455 No data 1427 1463 1639 1438 1687 1409 1229 1554 1507 1526 1296 1695 1580 1425 1254 1222 1466 GDD>52. 1. 2. 3. Year Sampled 2001 1999 1998 2001 1999 1996 1998 & 2000 2000 1998 & 2001 2000 1999 1997 1999 1999 2000 1996 1996 2000 2000 1999 1999 Latitude Longitude1. 470023-800446 464026-800177 470753-792647 463140-794917 461622-825606 463122-812328 482755-841337 492300-861200 472922-825103 475623-810206 481204-793625 472342-830556 481538-850245 484610-853808 480223-842711 463200-810831 463500-805800 464543-794054 474408-814628 473814-815914 491000-854500 Surface Area (hectares) 20971.7 242.4 29484.3 1819.5 47.7 1078.6 3791.0 No data 1713.0 53.4 201.5 2721.4 1557.0 5888.5 1821.1 943.7 437.0 1312.8 131.5 104.7 261.4 Mean Depth (m) 18.2 5.6 35.7 7.9 2.2 4.7 7.2 No data 3.7 3.7 4.1 3.6 6.4 8.7 15.2 2.2 7.3 4.1 2.3 2.1 4.6 Max. Depth (m) 110.0 18.5 213.5 24.4 5.5 13.1 53.4 No data 10.0 9.5 7.3 12.8 21.3 48.8 54.9 11.3 16.0 12.2 7.0 8.5 11.9 Secchi (m) 10.7 4.1 0.9 3.8 1.9 3.7 2.9 No data 4.4 3.8 1.7 2.1 4.4 2.7 3.1 2.9 3.6 2.1 1.4 1.9 2.3 Latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. GDD>5 is growing-degree-days above 5o Celsius. Data not included in the lake characteristics summary statistics because only a small portion of the entire waterbody was sampled. Temagami3. Thistle Timiskaming Tomiko Upper Cranberry Vermilion Wabatongushi Waboosekon Wakami Ward Wawagoshe Wenebegon West Kabenung White Whitefish Whitewater Whitson Wicksteed Wizard Wolf Wowun Lake Table NE-1. (continued) NE - 5 1538 1598 1587 1623 1689 1635 1232 1233 1383 1418 1359 1394 1126 1210 1235 1648 1660 1569 1443 1434 1282 GDD>52. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Surface Area (hectares) 2962.8 42.9 90971.7 512.8 56.9 181.4 1447.6 7706.9 125 Mean Depth (m) 6.3 0.5 35.7 4.7 1.5 3.1 8.1 15.1 122 Max. Depth (m) 24.9 1.5 213.5 18.0 4.3 9.6 33.5 55.8 124 Characteristics of northeast region lakes sampled using fall walleye index netting standard. Secchi (m) 3.0 0.3 8.4 2.9 0.9 2.0 3.8 5.0 124 NE - 6 1419 1126 1704 1428 1169 1304 1490 1685 128 GDD>5 Table NE-2. Walleye relative abundance and average size for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard 1994 to 2001. Lake Abitibi (19953.) Abitibi (19963.) Abitibi (2001) Agnew (19983.) Agnew (1999) Amikougami Anjigami Barehead Bearhead Birch Biscotasi (19993.) Biscotasi (2000) Burnfield Burntbush Canoe Cataract Crab’s Toe Crouch Departure Deschenes Dog Duborne Duncan Echo Fawcett Firth Flanders Fushimi Garnham Geneva Gowganda Granitehill Grassy Groundhog Hammer Highbrush Howells Ivanhoe Jowsey Jumping Cariboo Junction Kabinakagami Kagiano Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 2.7 3.8 5.4 1.5 1.3 3.1 4.2 0.3 7.2 1.5 1.5 2.2 4.9 6.2 0 0.5 8.3 13.8 6.2 0.7 12.0 3.1 3.3 4.7 0.9 3.5 5.0 28.7 16.2 1.1 5.1 25.8 3.7 9.3 7.5 17.2 20.1 19.7 14.4 4.2 4.6 17.4 6.4 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.19 0.24 0.20 0.32 0.12 0.65 0.16 0.17 0.10 0.36 0.23 0.22 0.13 0.15 0.32 0.14 0.20 0.30 0.35 0.58 0.23 0.22 0.36 0.14 0.38 0.21 0.31 0.20 0.54 0.19 0.23 0.08 0.20 0.27 0.14 0.35 0.24 0.11 0.29 35 39 40 12 12 12 18 12 6 23 18 38 6 12 8 6 12 4 12 14 15 13 9 10 12 6 12 12 12 12 14 7 6 14 12 12 6 10 12 12 6 18 18 31 36 37 10 8 12 15 4 6 17 15 33 6 12 0 3 12 4 11 9 15 11 8 7 6 6 10 12 11 8 12 7 5 14 12 12 6 10 12 11 6 18 17 Average Size2. Total Length 354 332 355 309 316 339 334 617 354 527 312 372 306 356 340 308 412 307 379 357 360 364 396 461 408 379 341 360 338 445 396 287 340 336 380 351 365 343 298 356 316 326 Weight 539 420 466 367 412 514 408 3260 457 1807 340 585 424 461 464 292 757 373 759 663 883 661 776 1072 783 752 418 514 578 1288 735 338 493 436 655 475 673 459 280 557 364 400 NE - 7 Table NE-2. (continued) Lake Kebskwasheshi Kecil Kenetogami Kenogaming Kenogamissi Knife Kushog Labitiche Lac la Cave LaMotte Larder Left Lloyd Longpoint Lower Stetham Macutagon Manitou Marian Mattagami McArthur McDiarmid McPhail Reservoir Mesomikenda Mindemoya (19973.) Mindemoya (2001) Minisinakwa Ministic Missinaibi Mistinikon Montreal River Montrose Mountain Nabakwasi (19983.) Nabakwasi (2000) Nagagami Nagagamisis Neville Night Hawk Nipissing (19983.) Nipissing (19993.) Nipissing (20003.) Nipissing (2001) Nugent Obushkong Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 23.5 5.4 2.6 1.2 6.4 4.5 8.2 1.6 5.8 0.2 0.4 0 0.1 5.5 1.1 3.8 2.0 13.7 3.1 6.7 8.5 0.9 4.0 23.6 20.8 4.5 2.9 6.4 2.7 0.2 9.3 8.5 5.4 1.2 21.7 10.9 4.8 1.8 6.5 5.4 4.7 5.7 2.8 7.2 0.12 0.26 0.30 0.26 0.24 0.19 0.21 0.26 0.25 0.09 0.12 0.06 0.19 0.24 0.53 0.27 0.31 0.20 0.28 0.18 0.17 0.26 0.27 0.22 0.20 0.26 0.24 0.33 0.11 0.23 0.12 0.29 0.21 0.18 0.40 0.28 0.13 0.09 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.30 0.18 9 10 12 14 20 12 12 8 18 12 24 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 28 12 12 24 28 10 9 28 12 21 12 24 12 6 14 14 12 12 12 24 107 61 69 57 12 12 9 10 9 9 19 12 12 7 17 3 9 0 1 12 7 7 7 8 24 11 12 13 20 10 9 24 11 19 11 3 12 6 13 9 12 11 11 21 102 53 62 53 10 12 Average Size2. Total Weight Length 352 563 416 848 376 656 374 622 354 565 309 290 330 396 439 999 357 546 533 1750 480 1748 725 4100 371 598 352 455 306 316 429 1135 316 361 327 501 300 262 386 616 316 333 367 532 319 332 355 482 348 659 365 567 329 487 374 759 311 264 330 406 322 374 357 464 300 359 342 489 305 343 289 325 407 857 310 331 338 457 336 438 340 453 331 546 392 599 NE - 8 Table NE-2. (continued) Lake Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye Oke Onaping (19993.) Onaping (2000) Opeepeesway Opikinimika Oscar Papakomeka Pivabiska Popeye Post Rabbit Ramsay Ramsey Red Cedar Redwing Rennie Ritchie Rocky Island Round (19943.) Round (19973.) Round (20003.) Round (2001) Saganash Scott (Lower) Separation Shenango Shikwamkwa Sideburned Sinclair Sisseney (19993.) Sisseney (2001) Skeleton Smith (Walford) Somme Stumpy Sugar Temagami Thistle Timiskaming Tomiko Upper Cranberry Vermilion Wabatongushi (19983.) Wabatongushi (2000) 4.0 0.4 1.1 6.9 2.0 0 3.5 23.9 8.0 5.3 2.4 0 2.1 2.2 3.5 6.3 4.6 0.8 16.0 36.1 6.5 11.2 15.9 2.0 5.2 10.8 3.9 14.4 6.2 0.7 5.9 1.9 3.3 3.1 19.6 6.4 3.6 3.7 7.2 6.4 0.3 4.7 7.9 11.6 0.20 0.11 0.12 0.18 0.41 0.31 0.15 0.42 0.23 0.22 0.30 0.32 0.30 0.18 0.32 0.15 1.03 0.27 0.12 0.16 0.15 0.13 0.24 0.14 0.18 0.17 0.32 0.19 0.15 0.20 0.24 0.15 0.07 0.39 0.22 0.34 0.17 0.29 0.22 0.17 0.28 0.24 12 18 22 17 14 7 12 6 6 8 26 12 18 14 12 12 12 12 6 6 12 18 12 12 12 16 32 14 14 12 12 20 6 12 10 6 22 12 43 12 6 12 18 18 11 7 16 17 7 0 10 6 6 8 19 0 11 10 10 12 10 8 5 6 12 18 12 12 12 16 26 14 13 6 12 15 6 12 10 6 18 10 40 11 2 12 17 17 Average Size2. Total Length 297 339 340 314 355 348 320 433 384 381 330 357 374 370 291 278 402 337 347 311 371 369 399 416 314 377 340 432 365 310 352 308 356 374 362 333 298 343 514 324 332 335 Weight 274 754 534 378 639 506 344 1132 589 622 370 661 617 674 263 303 899 507 597 361 644 682 926 795 378 651 488 1155 550 304 559 332 513 859 586 423 270 461 1408 518 558 370 NE - 9 Table NE-2. (continued) Lake Waboosekon Wakami (19983.) Wakami (2001) Ward Wawagoshe Wenebegon West Kabenung White Whitefish Whitewater Whitson Wicksteed Wizard Wolf Wowun 1. 2. 3. Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 4.7 24.6 22.5 0.5 1.0 11.1 6.7 10.4 3.9 4.6 0.5 10.0 3.8 3.5 6.9 0.35 0.38 0.22 0.13 0.27 0.12 0.22 0.23 0.27 0.20 0.13 0.26 0.22 0.27 0.38 12 10 8 12 12 22 24 20 11 13 16 12 12 12 12 12 10 8 6 6 22 22 19 10 13 8 11 12 11 11 Average Size2. Total Length 363 385 339 553 307 357 366 333 323 378 367 333 311 376 376 Weight 561 686 636 1862 345 534 483 387 418 657 585 468 492 783 670 Average catch is the geometric mean number of walleye caughtxnet-1. Average size is the arithmetic mean of total length in mm and wet weight in grams. Data not used to calculate relative abundance or average size benchmarks. Northeast region walleye relative abundance benchmarks. Average Catch Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 6.4 0 28.7 4.6 0.2 2.2 8.0 20.8 130 Average Size Total Weight Length 362 641 278 262 725 4100 354 533 298 290 326 406 376 661 480 1408 126 NE - 10 Table NE-3a. Annual female walleye mortality (%) for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. “Observed mortality” is a direct estimate based on age structure of female fish and was calculated from age 5 onwards using Robson and Chapman’s estimator. “Estimated mortality” is an indirect estimate based on age structure of the population regardless of sex using the empirical formula: Female mortality = 0.952(Combined sex mortality) (n=246, R2=0.77, standard error of the estimate=6.493). Lake Grassy Sisseney (1999) Wawagoshe Agnew (1998) Larder Geneva Agnew (1999) Round (2001) Neville Duncan Gowganda Longpoint Birch Kebskwasheshi Opikinimika Popeye Wizard Mistinikon Nugent Kagiano Red Cedar Obushkong Firth Dog Rennie Night Hawk Mattagami Mountain Stumpy Separation Wabatongushi (1998) Amikougami Howells Round (2000) Junction Kenogaming Vermilion Burnfield Sinclair Montrose Minisinakwa Departure Observed Mortality No data No data No data No data No data No data No data 11% 14% 14% 15% 14% 12% 17% No data 12% 10% 7% No data 16% 17% 16% No data 16% 21% 14% 15% No data 20% 19% 17% No data 17% 18% No data 14% 14% 11% 19% 21% 21% 16% Estimated Mortality 7.6% 7.6% 8.6% 9.5% 12.4% 12.4% 12.4% 12.4% 13.3% 13.3% 13.3% 13.3% 13.3% 14.3% 14.3% 15.2% 15.2% 15.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 16.2% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 18.1% 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 19.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% Lake Burntbush Nabakwasi (2000) Mindemoya (2001) Biscotasi (1999) Redwing Timiskaming Ritchie Deschenes Saganash Crouch Granitehill Missinaibi Ministic Mindemoya (1997) Onaping (2000) McDiarmid Groundhog Rocky Island Marian Post Waboosekon Flanders Wakami (1998) Fawcett Oke Labitiche Temagami Wakami (2001) Biscotasi (2000) Wicksteed Kushog Round (1994) Nagagami Wenebegon Macutagon Nagagamisis Scott (Lower) Garnham Ivanhoe Duborne Thistle Sideburned Observed Mortality 21% 22% 21% 11% 17% 33% No data No data 25% 26% 23% 20% 20% 22% No data 25% 24% No data 25% No data 33% No data 25% No data 32% No data 26% 34% 36% 27% 21% 25% 34% 25% 39% 28% No data 26% 26% No data 21% 27% Estimated Mortality 20.0% 20.0% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 21.9% 21.9% 21.9% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 22.8% 24.8% 24.8% 24.8% 24.8% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 26.7% 26.7% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 28.6% 28.6% 28.6% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5% 30.5% 30.5% 30.5% 30.5% NE - 11 Table NE-3a. (continued) Lake Opeepeesway Anjigami Highbrush Lac la Cave Crab’s Toe Nabakwasi Jowsey Mesomikenda Abitibi (2001) Round (1997) Kabinakagami Kenogamissi West Kabenung Abitibi (1996) Smith (Walford) Sisseney (2001) Abitibi (1995) Rabbit Tomiko Fushimi Nipissing (2001) Somme Jumping Cariboo Observed Mortality 20% 29% 28% 40% 37% 38% 38% 71% 30% 37% No data 23% 26% 22% No data 31% 27% 32% 41% 33% 40% No data 36% Estimated Mortality 20.0% 30.5% 30.5% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 32.4% 32.4% 33.3% 33.3% 34.3% 34.3% 36.2% 36.2% 36.2% 37.1% 37.1% 37.1% 38.1% 38.1% Lake Shenango Sugar Pivabiska Bearhead Wowun Nipissing (2000) Kecil McPhail Reservoir Hammer Knife Montreal River Whitefish Wabatongushi (2000) Papakomeka Nipissing (1999) Shikwamkwa Nipissing (1998) White McArthur Skeleton Echo Kenetogami Whitewater Observed Mortality 34% 36% 45% 67% 33% 45% 44% 29% 43% 35% No data 45% 45% 40% 52% 55% 57% 68% 50% 54% No data No data 89% Estimated Mortality 30.5% 39.0% 39.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.9% 40.9% 40.9% 41.9% 41.9% 42.8% 45.7% 46.7% 47.6% 48.6% 49.5% 54.3% 55.2% 57.1% 58.1% 61.9% 63.8% 90.4% Northeast region female walleye mortality benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Observed Mortality 29% 7% 89% 26% 12% 19% 36% 55% 101 Estimated Mortality 27.9% 7.6% 90.4% 25.7% 12.4% 19.0% 33.3% 54.3% 130 NE - 12 Table NE-3b. Annual male walleye mortality (%) for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. “Observed mortality” is a direct estimate based on age structure of male fish and was calculated from age 5 onwards using Robson and Chapman’s estimator. “Estimated mortality” is an indirect estimate based on age structure of the population regardless of sex using the empirical formula: Male mortality = 0.945(Combined sex mortality) + 2.844 (n=242, R2=0.65, standard error of the estimate=7.477). Lake Grassy Sisseney (1999) Wawagoshe Agnew (1998) Larder Geneva Agnew (1999) Round (2001) Neville Duncan Gowganda Longpoint Birch Kebskwasheshi Opikinimika Popeye Wizard Mistinikon Nugent Kagiano Red Cedar Obushkong Firth Dog Rennie Night Hawk Mattagami Mountain Stumpy Separation Wabatongushi (1998) Amikougami Howells Round (2000) Junction Kenogaming Vermilion Burnfield Sinclair Montrose Minisinakwa Departure Observed Mortality No data No data No data No data No data No data No data 15% No data No data 10% 13% 14% 13% No data 18% 40% 25% No data 17% 15% 19% 17% 22% 15% 30% 18% No data 18% 20% 23% No data 20% 22% 30% 50% 50% 33% 23% 19% 21% 27% Estimated Mortality 10.4% 10.4% 11.4% 12.3% 15.1% 15.1% 15.1% 15.1% 16.1% 16.1% 16.1% 16.1% 16.1% 17.0% 17.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.0% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 18.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 20.8% 21.8% 21.8% 21.8% 21.8% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% 22.7% Lake Opeepeesway Nabakwasi (2000) Mindemoya (2001) Biscotasi (1999) Redwing Timiskaming Ritchie Deschenes Saganash Crouch Granitehill Missinaibi Ministic Mindemoya (1997) Onaping (2000) McDiarmid Groundhog Rocky Island Marian Post Waboosekon Flanders Wakami (1998) Fawcett Oke Labitiche Temagami Wakami (2001) Biscotasi (2000) Wicksteed Kushog Round (1994) Nagagami Wenebegon Macutagon Nagagamisis Scott (Lower) Garnham Ivanhoe Duborne Thistle Sideburned Observed Mortality 19% No data 23% 26% 22% 20% No data No data 23% 22% 25% 29% 24% 27% 29% 27% 32% 15% 25% 8% 17% No data 28% No data 26% No data 33% 21% 26% 29% 32% 40% 26% 34% 26% 34% No data 37% 40% No data 38% 57% Estimated Mortality 22.7% 22.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 24.6% 24.6% 24.6% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 25.5% 27.4% 27.4% 27.4% 27.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 29.3% 29.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 31.2% 31.2% 31.2% 32.2% 32.2% 32.2% 32.2% 33.1% 33.1% 33.1% 33.1% NE - 13 Table NE-3b. (continued) Lake Burntbush Anjigami Highbrush Lac la Cave Crab’s Toe Nabakwasi (1998) Jowsey Mesomikenda Abitibi (2001) Round (1997) Kabinakagami Kenogamissi West Kabenung Abitibi (1996) Smith (Walford) Sisseney (2001) Abitibi (1995) Rabbit Tomiko Fushimi Nipissing (2001) Somme Jumping Cariboo Observed Mortality 21% 50% 34% 11% 28% 29% 30% 28% 35% 31% No data 44% 44% 43% 36% 50% 47% 41% 31% 41% 35% 40% 33% Estimated Mortality 22.7% 33.1% 33.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 35.0% 35.0% 35.9% 35.9% 36.9% 36.9% 38.8% 38.8% 38.8% 39.7% 39.7% 39.7% 40.7% 40.7% Lake Shenango Sugar Pivabiska Bearhead Wowun Nipissing (2000) Kecil McPhail Reservoir Hammer Knife Montreal River Whitefish Wabatongushi (2000) Papakomeka Nipissing (1999) Shikwamkwa Nipissing (1998) White McArthur Skeleton Echo Kenetogami Whitewater Observed Mortality 29% 43% 38% 25% No data 39% 25% 46% 40% 50% No data 45% 54% No data 49% 48% 57% 51% 50% 66% No data No data No data Estimated Mortality 33.1% 41.6% 41.6% 42.6% 42.6% 43.5% 43.5% 43.5% 44.5% 44.5% 45.4% 48.2% 49.2% 50.1% 51.1% 52.0% 56.8% 57.7% 59.6% 60.5% 64.3% 66.2% 92.7% Northeast region male walleye mortality benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Observed Mortality 31% 8% 66% 29% 14% 22% 40% 50% 102 Estimated Mortality 30.6% 10.4% 92.7% 28.4% 15.1% 21.8% 35.9% 56.8% 130 NE - 14 Table NE-4a. Predicted female walleye weight-at-total length for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations (only lakes with t 30 fish sampled). Weight in grams and total length in millimetres. Lake Macutagon Abitibi (2001) Minisinakwa Round (2000) Burntbush Stumpy Round (1994) Crab’s Toe Jumping Cariboo Timiskaming Nagagami Bearhead Shenango Groundhog Missinaibi Mattagami Wabatongushi (2000) Fushimi Sisseney (2001) Sideburned Nipissing (2000) Hammer Marian Kagiano Tomiko Kushog Rabbit Temagami McDiarmid Wakami (2001) White Wakami (1998) Neville Biscotasi (2000) Gowganda Wenebegon McArthur Nipissing (1999) Nagagamisis Lac la Cave West Kabenung Waboosekon Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 2.98 8.83 2.99 9.11 3.05 7.07 3.05 6.71 3.10 4.74 3.12 4.43 3.12 5.40 3.13 4.03 3.14 3.61 3.14 3.65 3.14 3.68 3.15 3.47 3.15 3.76 3.16 3.49 3.18 2.89 3.18 3.40 3.18 2.86 3.18 3.34 3.18 2.85 3.19 3.07 3.19 3.16 3.20 2.51 3.20 2.66 3.21 2.60 3.21 2.58 3.21 2.47 3.21 2.58 3.22 2.57 3.22 2.54 3.22 2.43 3.22 2.32 3.22 2.50 3.23 2.40 3.24 2.19 3.24 2.24 3.24 2.07 3.25 1.99 3.25 2.13 3.25 1.96 3.25 2.18 3.25 1.96 3.26 1.86 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 337 501 712 975 1295 368 549 781 1070 1423 406 611 874 1206 1613 386 579 830 1144 1530 365 552 796 1103 1482 384 582 840 1167 1572 468 709 1024 1423 1916 370 562 813 1130 1523 351 535 774 1077 1453 355 540 782 1089 1469 358 545 789 1098 1481 358 546 791 1102 1488 388 591 857 1194 1612 382 583 845 1179 1594 356 544 791 1106 1497 418 640 930 1301 1761 352 538 783 1094 1482 411 628 914 1278 1730 351 536 780 1090 1476 401 613 893 1250 1694 412 631 919 1286 1744 347 532 776 1087 1475 368 564 823 1152 1563 381 586 855 1199 1628 379 581 848 1189 1615 362 556 812 1139 1546 379 581 848 1189 1615 400 615 898 1261 1714 395 607 888 1246 1694 378 581 849 1192 1620 361 555 811 1138 1547 389 598 874 1226 1667 396 609 891 1253 1704 383 590 865 1216 1657 392 604 884 1244 1694 362 558 817 1150 1566 369 570 835 1176 1603 395 610 894 1259 1716 363 561 823 1159 1579 404 624 915 1289 1756 363 561 823 1159 1579 366 565 830 1170 1596 Condition2. 0.97 1.01 1.15 1.08 1.00 1.02 1.28 1.05 0.98 0.98 0.98 0.96 1.00 1.04 0.97 1.12 0.99 1.10 0.99 1.10 1.12 0.97 1.04 1.02 1.02 0.99 1.02 1.07 1.08 1.05 1.01 1.08 1.10 1.02 1.09 0.97 1.03 1.10 0.98 1.08 0.99 1.00 NE - 15 Table NE-4a. (continued) Lake Ivanhoe Saganash Ramsey Nabakwasi (1998) Opeepeesway Shikwamkwa Highbrush Anjigami Howells Nipissing (1998) Montrose Red Cedar Vermilion Granitehill Night Hawk Mindemoya (1997) Sinclair Mindemoya (2001) Round (1997) Jowsey Kecil Wabatongushi (1998) Garnham Whitefish Kebskwasheshi Rennie Nipissing (2001) Kabinakagami Dog Wicksteed Kenogamissi Flanders Whitewater Mesomikenda Popeye Wowun 1. 2. Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.26 1.96 3.26 1.94 3.26 1.87 3.26 1.71 3.27 1.83 3.27 1.72 3.28 1.68 3.29 1.57 3.29 1.41 3.29 1.74 3.29 1.62 3.29 1.51 3.30 1.59 3.30 1.40 3.30 1.57 3.30 1.47 3.31 1.52 3.32 1.26 3.32 1.56 3.32 1.34 3.33 1.38 3.33 1.19 3.34 1.10 3.34 1.24 3.34 1.21 3.35 1.22 3.35 1.16 3.36 1.05 3.36 1.03 3.36 1.08 3.36 1.12 3.38 0.92 3.43 0.67 3.55 0.34 3.58 0.28 3.66 0.19 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 385 596 874 1233 1682 381 590 866 1220 1665 368 568 834 1176 1605 336 520 763 1076 1468 382 590 868 1225 1673 359 555 816 1151 1572 371 576 847 1197 1636 368 571 841 1190 1628 331 513 756 1069 1462 408 633 932 1319 1804 380 589 868 1228 1680 354 549 809 1144 1566 395 614 96 1282 1756 348 541 797 1129 1546 390 606 894 1266 1734 365 568 837 1186 1624 401 623 920 1304 1788 352 549 811 1151 1579 436 679 1004 1425 1955 374 583 863 1224 1679 409 638 944 1341 1842 353 550 814 1156 1588 346 540 800 1138 1564 390 609 902 1282 1763 380 594 880 1251 1720 406 636 943 1342 1847 386 604 897 1276 1757 371 581 863 1229 1694 364 570 847 1206 1661 381 598 888 1265 1742 396 620 920 1311 1806 365 574 854 1220 1684 357 564 844 1212 1681 366 587 892 1297 1819 359 579 882 1287 1810 389 634 976 1435 2035 Condition2. 1.03 1.02 1.04 0.95 1.04 0.97 1.04 1.03 0.92 1.10 1.04 0.97 1.08 0.99 1.06 1.02 1.08 0.98 1.16 1.03 1.12 1.00 0.95 1.05 1.04 1.09 1.09 1.05 1.01 1.03 1.09 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.07 1.12 Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Condition calculated as the average of the individual ratios of observed weight-to-predicted weight from northeast region median regression model (see below). NE - 16 Northeast region female walleye weight-at-total length benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Weight-length relation E Dx10-6 3.25 2.43 2.98 0.19 3.66 9.11 3.25 1.98 3.05 0.67 3.19 1.41 3.31 2.86 3.43 6.71 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 377 582 854 1204 1642 331 501 712 975 1295 468 709 1024 1435 2035 376 581 848 1198 1628 346 532 774 1076 1462 361 555 813 1144 1564 390 607 892 1261 1720 412 638 944 1342 1847 78 NE - 17 Table NE-4b. Predicted male walleye weight-at-total length for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations (only lakes with t 30 fish sampled). Weight in grams and total length in millimetres. Lake Round (1994) Minisinakwa Abitibi (2001) Mattagami Stumpy Abitibi (1995) Round (2001) Jumping Cariboo Nabakwasi (1998) Round (2000) West Kabenung Departure Papakomeka Tomiko McDiarmid Kecil Shenango Oke Highbrush Obushkong Burntbush Ramsey Neville Missinaibi Opeepeesway Saganash Kagiano Red Cedar Wabatongushi (2000) Wabatongushi (1998) Nipissing (2000) Wenebegon Wakami (1998) Waboosekon Sisseney (2001) McArthur Timiskaming Shikwamkwa Whitefish White Nipissing (2001) Anjigami Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 2.81 35.37 2.96 12.75 2.98 9.84 2.98 10.49 2.99 9.29 3.00 9.71 3.03 7.10 3.07 542 3.07 5.60 3.07 5.97 3.10 4.75 3.11 4.51 3.12 4.81 3.13 3.99 3.13 4.41 3.13 4.19 3.14 3.83 3.14 4.09 3.15 3.77 3.15 3.60 3.16 3.36 3.17 3.15 3.18 3.29 3.18 2.86 3.19 2.98 3.19 3.02 3.19 2.93 3.20 2.56 3.20 2.68 3.20 2.58 3.21 2.79 3.21 2.47 3.21 2.64 3.21 2.58 3.21 2.41 3.21 2.57 3.21 2.49 3.22 2.33 3.22 2.44 3.22 2.39 3.23 2.43 3.23 2.27 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 498 725 1010 1358 1774 432 642 910 1243 1648 375 559 794 1086 1443 400 596 846 1158 1538 376 560 796 1091 1451 416 621 885 1214 1616 363 544 777 1069 1427 350 528 757 1047 1403 362 545 783 1081 1449 386 581 834 1153 1545 366 553 797 1105 1485 368 558 805 1117 1502 417 632 912 1267 1706 366 556 805 1119 1508 405 615 889 1237 1666 385 584 845 1175 1583 373 567 821 1143 1541 398 606 877 1220 1646 389 593 859 1197 1616 372 566 820 1143 1543 368 561 814 1135 1534 366 558 811 1133 1532 405 619 900 1259 1704 352 538 783 1094 1482 389 595 867 1213 1644 394 603 879 1229 1666 382 585 852 1193 1617 354 543 792 1109 1505 371 568 829 1161 1575 357 547 798 1118 1516 409 628 917 1286 1746 362 556 812 1139 1546 387 595 868 1217 1653 379 581 848 1189 1615 354 543 792 1111 1509 377 579 845 1185 1609 365 561 818 1148 1559 362 557 814 1143 1554 380 583 853 1197 1627 372 572 835 1172 1594 401 617 903 1268 1726 374 576 843 1185 1612 Condition2. 1.18 1.10 0.95 1.03 0.96 1.04 0.98 0.94 0.91 1.02 0.95 0.94 1.07 0.95 1.06 0.99 0.94 1.04 1.01 0.95 0.97 0.92 1.02 0.92 0.98 0.99 0.97 0.92 0.95 0.93 1.07 0.94 1.01 0.97 0.91 0.94 0.94 0.91 0.99 0.96 1.04 0.96 NE - 18 Table NE-4b. (continued) Lake Echo Macutagon Marian Biscotasi (2000) Garnham Kushog Wizard Longpoint Lac la Cave Kabinakagami Crab’s Toe Separation Hammer Granitehill Sinclair Mistinikon Gowganda Sideburned Howells Nipissing (1998) Montrose Mindemoya (1997) Fushimi Ivanhoe Wicksteed Wakami (2001) Bearhead Dog Nipissing (1999) Thistle Rabbit Jowsey Mindemoya (2001) Rennie Temagami Nagagamisis Kebskwasheshi Knife Redwing Kenogamissi Nagagami Whitewater Mesomikenda Pivabiska Manitou Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.23 2.41 3.24 1.98 3.24 2.21 3.24 2.21 3.24 1.91 3.24 2.11 3.24 2.32 3.25 1.78 3.25 2.14 3.25 2.03 3.25 2.10 3.25 2.24 3.25 1.96 3.25 1.96 3.25 2.07 3.27 1.91 3.27 1.92 3.27 1.90 3.28 1.59 3.28 1.84 3.28 1.71 3.29 1.56 3.29 1.73 3.29 1.63 3.30 1.51 3.30 1.61 3.30 1.38 3.30 1.44 3.30 1.63 3.31 1.38 3.31 1.43 3.31 1.47 3.32 1.29 3.34 1.28 3.35 1.21 3.36 1.01 3.36 1.11 3.36 1.07 3.37 1.02 3.37 1.04 3.38 0.86 3.38 0.93 3.39 0.89 3.41 0.82 3.42 0.90 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 398 612 895 1258 1712 346 534 782 1100 1498 387 596 873 1228 1672 387 596 873 1228 1672 334 515 754 1061 1445 369 569 833 1172 1596 406 625 916 1289 1755 330 509 747 1052 1434 397 613 898 1265 1724 376 581 852 1200 1636 389 601 881 1241 1692 415 641 940 1324 1805 363 561 823 1159 1579 363 561 823 1159 1579 384 592 869 1224 1668 398 616 906 1278 1746 400 619 911 1285 1755 396 613 901 1272 1737 352 545 802 1132 1548 407 630 928 1311 1791 378 586 862 1218 1665 366 567 836 1182 1618 406 629 927 1311 1794 382 593 873 1235 1690 375 583 860 1218 1668 400 622 917 1298 1778 343 533 786 1113 1524 358 556 820 1161 1591 405 629 929 1315 1800 364 566 836 1184 1624 377 586 866 1227 1682 387 603 890 1262 1729 360 562 830 1178 1617 402 628 931 1324 1820 43 631 936 1331 1832 357 559 830 1183 1629 392 614 912 1300 1790 378 592 879 1253 1726 382 599 891 1271 1752 390 611 909 1296 1787 342 536 799 1140 1574 369 580 864 1233 1702 375 589 879 1256 1735 388 612 915 1310 1813 452 713 1067 1530 2120 Condition2. 1.03 0.91 0.97 0.98 0.86 0.94 1.04 0.86 1.01 0.98 1.00 1.07 0.92 0.94 0.99 0.99 1.02 1.03 0.88 1.05 0.96 0.96 1.04 0.99 0.97 0.99 0.87 0.94 1.03 0.92 0.96 0.98 0.94 1.05 1.00 0.92 0.97 0.92 0.99 1.03 0.91 0.96 0.98 0.99 1.22 NE - 19 Table NE-4b. (continued) Lake Wowun Round (1997) 1. 2. Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.43 0.70 3.44 0.80 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 373 589 882 1266 1756 452 715 1072 1540 2138 Condition2. 0.99 1.13 Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Condition calculated as the average of the individual ratios of observed weight-to-predicted weight from northeast region median regression model (see below). Northeast region male walleye weight-at-total length benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Weight-length relation E Dx10-6 3.22 3.22 2.81 0.70 3.44 35.37 3.24 2.24 2.99 0.89 3.18 1.59 3.30 3.15 3.39 9.71 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 382 588 860 1208 1643 330 509 747 1047 1403 498 725 1072 1540 2138 378 585 859 1200 1629 346 534 782 1081 1445 366 560 818 1143 1546 398 613 898 1265 1726 417 641 936 1324 1813 89 NE - 20 Table NE-5a. Average female walleye total length-at-age (millimetres) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Montreal River Echo Oke Abitibi (1995) Abitibi (1996) Sisseney (1999) Crab’s Toe Skeleton Kabinakagami Departure Night Hawk Separation Nugent Waboosekon Kenogaming Duborne Amikougami Whitson Wenebegon Macutagon Kenogamissi Saganash Burntbush Vermilion Wabatongushi (1998) Garnham McDiarmid Knife Ramsey Abitibi (2001) Kushog Grassy Wizard Mountain Opikinimika Neville Ritchie Granitehilll Whitewater Nabakwasi (1998) Agnew (1999) Pivabiska Red Cedar 1 2 238 248 250 252 252 253 256 259 260 261 263 265 266 267 271 273 273 274 274 274 278 280 283 284 285 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 342 522 567 333 350 387 425 413 267 298 318 328 367 300 321 348 368 422 444 322 340 383 332 390 459 340 428 469 347 347 395 460 348 365 418 373 411 297 324 371 459 466 531 284 357 423 323 333 388 453 317 367 381 264 302 349 305 428 299 342 400 446 310 367 412 466 477 340 363 412 432 453 322 338 356 389 316 353 386 457 469 316 366 331 355 373 320 342 352 327 361 395 341 335 365 345 396 359 468 548 444 464 488 526 9 10 392 513 560 484 442 546 603 525 476 433 480 NE - 21 Table NE-5a. (continued) Lake Crouch Sisseney (2001) Biscotasi (2000) Fushimi Mistinikon McPhail Reservoir Kagiano Nagagamisis McArthur Longpoint Mindemoya (2001) Lower Stetham Junction Birch Round (1994) Anjigami Duncam Obushkong Rabbit Temagami Manitou Nagagami Shikwamkwa Timiskaming Nabakwasi Round 2000 Wabatongushi (2000) Whitefish Missinaibi Mindemoya (1997) Groundhog Minisinakwa Ivanhoe Dog Marian Round (2001) Thistle Montrose Wicksteed White Sinclair Jowsey Burnfield Opeepeesway Round (1997) 1 191 196 198 200 205 207 210 212 218 218 219 221 223 224 227 228 228 229 231 232 233 233 236 236 2 286 288 291 291 291 293 293 295 297 303 312 315 318 323 324 332 332 338 341 348 490 278 250 240 260 277 273 312 250 275 287 287 287 288 327 279 299 317 306 305 303 309 333 302 334 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 426 350 534 315 416 469 328 350 375 418 445 359 363 326 432 380 434 392 373 391 447 388 483 497 525 333 319 273 386 344 324 402 436 358 337 316 418 349 481 350 376 424 389 412 420 488 397 314 340 343 331 335 354 385 333 337 10 550 422 510 520 359 380 419 402 9 554 585 589 406 478 555 558 395 431 415 430 490 442 461 510 558 551 373 476 376 340 365 372 411 507 410 461 406 458 444 455 546 596 NE - 22 Table NE-5a. (continued) Lake Mattagami Somme Kebskwasheshi Ministic Wakami (2001) Nipissing (1998) Howells Flanders Tomiko Lac la Cave Highbrush Post Papakomeka Stumpy Geneva West Kabenung Nipissing (2000) Wakami (1998) Nipissing (2001) Sideburned Shenango Mesomikenda Hammer Nipissing (1999) Jumping Cariboo Wawagoshe Gowganda Redwing Wowun Kenetogami Sugar Rennie Kecil Bearhead Popeye 1 237 237 239 244 244 245 248 248 251 251 251 252 252 253 255 255 257 258 259 260 262 262 262 263 270 272 276 277 277 294 312 315 315 319 367 2 267 299 322 332 346 299 308 317 328 334 351 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 323 372 367 443 443 348 372 369 378 507 409 434 407 467 428 457 416 395 330 337 327 312 337 326 352 456 564 447 10 544 577 483 505 536 541 583 447 470 611 363 352 401 367 436 437 447 411 404 470 415 364 385 419 419 477 330 372 382 442 492 363 374 370 444 458 479 349 369 321 341 339 354 449 9 449 445 503 471 509 478 534 539 461 465 478 487 561 587 497 577 538 578 516 552 643 483 556 693 517 598 NE - 23 Northeast region female walleye total length-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 247 191 367 245 198 227 262 315 59 2 303 238 490 299 250 274 330 369 99 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 356 400 442 471 495 531 264 298 318 328 350 444 458 522 567 589 643 596 350 396 447 466 480 547 297 322 349 333 367 444 327 357 397 428 432 526 378 428 476 516 577 558 442 492 539 587 611 596 85 71 53 36 22 14 9 517 442 560 530 442 484 556 560 6 10 553 392 693 554 392 525 603 693 5 NE - 24 Table NE-5b. Average male walleye total length-at-age (millimetres) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Abitibi (1995) Mountain Crouch McDiarmid Oke Firth Flanders Saganash Macutagon Skeleton Wabatongushi (1998) Vermilion Kabinakagami Nabakwasi Ritchie Night Hawk Nugent Grassy Kenogaming Wowun Amikougami Round (1994) Post Burntbush Crab’s Toe Wenebegon Garnham Abitibi (1996) Kushog Onaping (2000) Knife Kenogamissi Wizard Whitewater Granitehill Departure Waboosekon Nagagamisis Abitibi (2001) McPhail Reservoir Mistinikon Nagagami Ramsey 1 2 216 216 251 252 253 255 257 258 260 269 270 271 272 273 276 278 284 284 284 286 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 335 361 396 408 366 401 454 360 354 421 289 306 320 443 481 440 434 326 352 365 396 288 359 431 296 345 308 331 345 389 310 349 319 350 366 400 428 320 359 411 424 414 327 345 333 374 345 351 359 380 461 383 386 437 476 497 389 430 307 342 358 261 293 311 329 309 332 353 393 430 441 310 367 381 413 436 464 358 379 402 417 353 353 426 281 322 335 362 337 312 344 332 317 314 331 329 361 440 379 362 383 362 349 487 397 363 322 325 357 357 363 403 408 421 428 428 458 396 375 423 438 446 452 400 446 406 9 10 492 428 411 420 390 405 473 451 482 NE - 25 Table NE-5b. (continued) Lake Opikinimika Sisseney (2001) Somme Longpoint Scott (Lower) Jowsey Mindemoya (2001) Howells Junction Rabbit Anjigami Birch Tomiko Ministic Obushkong Duborne Round (1997) Kenetogami Echo Manitou Shikwamkwa Wabatongushi (2000) Round (2000) Whitefish Biscotasi (2000) Timiskaming Groundhog Kagiano Dog Biscotasi (1999) Missinaibi Mindemoya (1997) Neville Marian Ivanhoe Red Cedar Wicksteed White Minisinakwa Sinclair Mattagami Thistle Opeepeesway Round (2001) Kebskwasheshi 1 193 197 200 205 205 206 208 209 210 214 214 214 216 218 219 224 225 226 227 229 231 234 234 235 236 2 287 291 291 298 301 308 311 312 316 318 319 323 325 332 332 334 334 364 372 463 234 279 294 288 293 224 297 292 294 263 281 271 320 277 278 305 295 293 302 272 273 306 280 322 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 348 356 440 365 370 360 361 350 385 389 380 435 460 418 361 390 392 383 393 428 317 317 315 326 275 346 356 349 292 329 370 317 333 341 335 329 348 327 321 367 320 347 384 400 402 418 422 416 9 10 436 466 443 452 474 385 468 408 540 382 501 464 410 481 443 478 546 354 329 403 445 381 315 418 404 402 363 341 355 372 356 384 440 417 403 388 409 364 371 403 359 379 524 503 393 370 427 383 398 340 439 451 452 364 461 398 422 430 472 400 388 402 450 420 464 432 467 463 443 368 495 409 NE - 26 Table NE-5b. (continued) Lake Burnfield Pivabiska Wakami (2001) Fushimi Nipissing (1998) Montrose Nipissing (2001) Highbrush Temagami Papakomeka Duncan Mesomikenda Wakami (1998) Separation Nipissing (2000) Stumpy McArthur Jumping Cariboo West Kabenung Nipissing (1999) Shenango Hammer Sideburned Redwing Lac la Cave Gowganda Wawagoshe Rennie Bearhead Kecil Sugar Popeye 1 238 238 239 240 241 241 242 242 244 247 251 252 253 255 256 257 259 259 260 261 262 263 265 271 277 279 280 306 309 312 315 367 2 292 338 290 300 305 318 342 339 329 350 341 313 330 295 337 319 313 370 356 362 340 346 363 392 368 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 339 412 323 343 369 355 401 412 365 464 351 373 382 381 365 388 412 470 397 508 354 409 398 417 525 391 452 9 10 425 462 503 408 387 408 389 373 348 391 342 349 360 412 451 429 401 371 392 380 448 486 467 506 401 425 431 409 406 507 404 433 503 490 499 465 470 513 416 368 409 425 390 445 422 466 469 539 496 NE - 27 Northeast region male walleye total length-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 244 193 367 240 200 219 259 312 57 2 303 216 463 297 251 278 329 368 89 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 352 386 398 420 433 452 261 293 289 306 320 391 496 546 539 508 513 540 348 380 396 423 430 451 292 315 329 354 329 396 323 356 361 396 402 422 380 410 422 433 463 468 416 464 487 506 507 525 91 76 54 37 29 24 9 441 385 490 444 385 420 469 490 14 10 446 408 492 448 408 411 468 492 6 NE - 28 Table NE-6a. Average female walleye weight-at-age (grams) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Montreal River Echo Oke Abitibi (1995) Abitibi (1996) Sisseney (1999) Crab’s Toe Skeleton Departure Kabinakagami Night Hawk Waboosekon Kenogaming Nugent Separation Amikougami Whitson Duborne Wenebegon Macutagon Burntbush Kenogamissi Saganash Vermillion Knife Garnham Wabatongushi (1998) Whitewater McDiarmid Kushog Ritchie Granitehill Abitibi (2001) Opikinimika Grassy Mountain Nabakwasi (1998) Agnew (1999) Ramsey Wizard Neville Red Cedar Crouch 1 2 106 120 130 130 133 137 140 142 143 144 155 157 163 163 164 165 168 173 175 177 182 185 187 189 193 3 161 237 284 297 323 356 358 367 457 489 729 865 223 197 150 331 278 223 218 419 279 282 336 281 417 301 274 432 306 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 313 1517 1963 355 386 536 680 697 216 288 320 415 345 380 526 538 499 445 799 1033 1094 290 375 243 352 274 936 381 404 337 365 425 397 545 375 432 410 387 534 411 661 8 9 10 556 746 847 891 1358 911 887 470 365 565 430 865 609 758 1970 1100 1029 508 319 655 561 1734 461 672 790 932 909 484 932 815 1074 848 1380 775 950 1252 1019 820 2121 1603 1512 969 1013 NE - 29 Table NE-6a. (continued) Lake Pivabiska Sisseney (2001) Biscotasi (2000) Mistinikon McPhail Reservoir Kagiano McArthur Fushimi Longpoint Nagagamisis Mindemoya (2001) Junction Lower Stetham Duncan Obushkong Anjigami Birch Rabbit Round (1994) Temagami Manitou Shikwamkwa Timiskaming Nagagami Nabakwasi (2000) Wabatongushi (2000) Missinaibi Mindemoya (1997) Round (2000) Whitefish Dog Groundhog Ivanhoe Thistle Marian Montrose Wicksteed White Round (2001) Jowsey Sinclair Opeepeesway Burnfield Kebskwasheshi Howells 1 57 58 58 69 70 74 77 77 78 88 89 93 94 95 96 100 100 103 103 106 108 108 111 113 2 194 195 207 213 215 215 222 227 229 237 250 274 288 324 328 333 336 354 360 391 1464 125 113 184 155 167 124 177 220 281 197 209 199 222 309 310 241 243 179 237 259 237 322 299 223 3 359 357 267 439 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 620 803 1431 727 1025 423 748 324 511 297 432 409 512 464 513 713 774 737 8 9 10 887 1574 697 1714 442 508 1368 681 685 666 1072 264 164 295 357 283 476 832 389 557 1685 265 244 337 362 355 361 476 734 1166 729 705 611 572 555 709 668 756 390 370 328 324 509 1401 1555 1300 2290 2158 573 947 1578 1113 1309 1681 1063 910 1853 1070 481 339 334 1286 925 472 469 621 457 626 1011 908 479 387 872 657 947 811 920 1614 NE - 30 Table NE-6a. (continued) Lake Round (1997) Minisinakwa Somme Ministic Flanders Wakami (2001) Mattagami Nipissing (1998) Mesomikenda Tomiko West Kabenung Post Highbrush Geneva Lac la Cave Stumpy Hammer Wakami (1998) Nipissing (2001) Shenango Papakomeka Sideburned Nipissing (2000) Nipissing (1999) Jumping Cariboo Wawagoshe Redwing Wowun Gowganda Kenetogami Bearhead Kecil Rennie Sugar Popeye 1 113 115 116 116 123 124 125 127 128 131 134 136 136 137 138 140 144 149 151 155 155 157 158 158 158 166 175 182 183 250 262 274 288 297 429 2 369 216 240 299 264 382 179 246 381 307 289 371 338 333 413 352 315 338 427 290 293 317 335 319 409 625 412 507 443 3 738 348 424 863 317 403 848 476 407 531 683 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 1863 605 829 575 1235 557 683 963 1199 1790 939 1570 626 869 836 763 1001 8 2445 9 10 1455 1991 1166 1485 950 2154 2197 604 470 751 828 419 471 463 512 732 963 1036 917 1064 716 1025 1050 650 734 1436 1394 1093 1207 2019 936 1014 1743 1167 1444 1194 2056 1941 1685 1861 1244 1880 1950 1150 1210 2863 1207 2495 3606 NE - 31 Northeast region female walleye weight-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 136 57 429 124 58 96 155 288 59 2 263 106 1464 229 125 177 322 427 99 Average weight (g) at age 3 4 5 6 7 439 645 874 1090 1318 150 216 288 313 386 1036 1517 1963 2158 2863 390 605 834 950 1046 218 281 365 320 415 301 397 556 703 790 489 799 1052 1438 1941 863 1210 1570 2056 2495 85 71 52 36 22 8 1551 847 2445 1576 847 1358 1853 2445 14 9 10 1427 1902 758 556 1970 3606 1428 1714 758 556 1100 1512 1880 2121 1970 3606 6 5 NE - 32 Table NE-6b. Average male walleye weight-at-age (grams) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Firth Oke Mountain Saganash Flanders Crouch McDiarmid Abitibi (1995) Macutagon Wabatongushi (1998) Skeleton Nabakwasi (1998) Kabinakagami Vermilion Ritchie Night Hawk Grassy Kenogaming Nugent Post Amikougami Wowun Round (1994) Burntbush Crab’s Toe Knife Abitibi (1996) Garnham Wenebegon Kushog Onaping (2000) Kenogamissi Departure Granitehill Nagagamisis Waboosekon Whitewater Wizard Nagagami Abitibi (2001) Opikinimika Longpoint Sisseney (2001) 1 2 3 205 231 252 263 280 298 302 320 381 397 424 500 507 510 641 83 84 125 126 127 128 134 139 151 155 165 169 173 175 178 183 188 188 203 206 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 864 1114 220 268 309 435 564 307 396 455 826 793 950 478 427 359 451 626 690 396 707 302 357 502 358 377 621 695 648 388 450 611 424 360 490 8 9 10 567 744 661 1089 757 684 750 736 996 1175 348 273 307 389 428 403 152 174 933 266 210 267 219 256 391 406 332 380 311 261 323 305 351 446 362 274 280 387 400 384 350 411 469 400 531 851 1135 390 372 546 469 463 439 569 550 1470 412 534 486 639 550 731 506 686 704 688 789 659 701 611 731 725 604 845 786 645 1109 919 880 987 841 775 741 NE - 33 Table NE-6b. (continued) Lake Scott (Lower) McPhail Reservoir Ramsey Mistinikon Somme Howells Mindemoya (2001) Jowsey Junction Rabbit Anjigami Tomiko Birch Ministic Obushkong Round (1997) Duborne Kenetogami Echo Manitou Shikwamkwa Wabatongushi (2000) Kagiano Biscotasi (2000) Biscotasi (1999) Timiskaming Missinaibi Round (2000) Whitefish Dog Groundhog Mindemoya (1997) Neville Ivanhoe Red Cedar Marian Wicksteed White Pivabiska Thistle Sinclair Opeepeesway Burnfield Kebskwasheshi Round (2001) 1 56 62 70 70 71 72 72 72 73 74 74 77 84 88 90 90 91 96 97 100 103 107 110 110 111 2 207 208 208 211 219 239 245 256 283 286 289 299 303 310 316 377 478 489 508 1185 100 187 216 223 3 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 385 307 456 340 406 395 593 404 513 595 491 752 951 419 750 539 530 645 849 480 736 275 274 397 304 483 9 10 871 802 798 869 484 597 667 636 721 858 1642 1157 850 1299 900 881 1100 2169 401 310 574 474 392 267 341 612 905 591 639 407 87 146 249 210 212 241 187 178 166 174 291 243 222 222 158 250 259 174 213 298 289 320 458 353 323 340 282 381 442 609 452 445 660 618 302 191 380 291 520 421 365 419 308 8 527 1940 1359 548 452 713 506 634 326 458 938 798 415 785 934 450 565 976 509 586 819 986 533 605 689 794 575 696 529 455 1008 714 1014 774 1046 617 1181 651 NE - 34 Table NE-6b. (continued) Lake Wakami (2001) Montrose Mesomikenda Nipissing (1998) Fushimi Highbrush Temagami Mattagami Minisinakwa Nipissing (2001) Duncan Wakami (1998) Papakomeka Jumping Cariboo Hammer Stumpy Separation Shenango West Kabenung Nipissing (2000) Nipissing (1999) Redwing Sideburned Wawagoshe Gowganda Lac la Cave Bearhead Rennie McArthur Kecil Sugar Popeye 1 112 113 119 120 121 121 122 125 126 126 134 138 139 140 144 147 149 149 149 156 127 159 160 179 190 210 227 261 267 298 329 434 2 346 241 389 245 220 373 360 200 245 307 370 346 311 446 321 269 299 278 428 438 382 366 495 453 213 424 3 674 475 665 432 319 622 720 342 337 429 520 567 529 511 613 371 425 443 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 1060 1338 8 1660 873 513 416 698 581 930 610 965 819 457 565 531 747 650 643 811 533 517 541 751 1116 587 476 1060 1283 679 456 1308 756 708 1068 1032 1339 616 667 665 734 1080 1276 604 761 824 1262 9 10 769 913 1185 1070 1032 717 658 466 908 570 349 705 1004 1925 1247 NE - 35 Northeast region male walleye weight-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 134 56 434 120 70 90 149 298 57 2 264 83 1185 239 125 183 310 478 89 3 419 152 1247 384 213 304 500 720 91 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 570 635 734 800 934 841 819 210 220 268 309 567 509 586 2169 1925 1338 1470 1940 1185 1089 513 557 688 704 843 816 800 267 307 412 332 604 509 586 398 439 565 611 736 684 661 655 708 774 965 986 1032 976 1004 1175 1308 1339 1660 1185 1089 76 54 37 29 24 14 6 NE - 36 Table NE-7a. Empirical female walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Lf defines the asymptotic or maximum total length, K is the Brody growth coefficient and defines growth rate towards the maximum, and to shifts the growth curve along the axis to allow for apparent non-zero body length at age zero (to=-1). Omega (Z) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to. h is pre-maturation growth (i.e., growth to 350mm total length for combined sexes). Lake Crab’s Toe White Pivabiska Macutagon McDiarmid Nipissing (1998) Jowsey Nabakwasi (1998) Mesomikenda Jumping Cariboo Mindemoya (1997) Biscotasi (2000) Fushimi Nipissing (2000) Nipissing (2001) Burntbush Whitefish Wabatongushi (2000) Kushog Obushkong Thistle Timiskaming Shikwamkwa West Kabenung Anjigami Round (1997) Lac la Cave Redwing Rennie Kabinakagami Montrose Papakomeka Bearhead Sisseney (2001) Nipissing (1999) Whitewater Hammer Mindemoya (2001) Kecil Nagagamisis Sample Size 55 164 28 34 70 361 57 66 116 51 77 41 100 235 171 45 77 134 46 29 27 229 89 110 81 90 74 28 48 68 75 27 36 35 209 35 62 71 38 49 Lf (mm) 529 569 591 594 606 610 616 620 631 634 639 640 651 660 676 678 679 680 683 686 687 689 689 690 692 696 701 703 706 710 711 713 724 728 731 736 741 744 748 749 K 0.140 0.211 0.198 0.180 0.156 0.206 0.175 0.182 0.306 0.215 0.166 0.166 0.132 0.184 0.182 0.109 0.253 0.157 0.157 0.163 0.166 0.118 0.197 0.159 0.203 0.196 0.174 0.164 0.214 0.113 0.181 0.207 0.247 0.174 0.166 0.230 0.199 0.137 0.203 0.135 Z (mmxyear–1) 73.87 119.78 116.97 106.45 94.12 125.46 108.02 113.07 193.07 136.06 105.78 106.15 85.79 121.29 122.92 74.02 171.31 106.55 107.04 111.62 113.89 81.17 136.00 109.40 140.10 136.23 122.11 115.18 151.20 79.88 128.74 147.48 178.87 126.69 120.89 169.34 147.72 101.86 152.09 101.08 h (mmxyear–1) No data 83.90 80.37 71.37 64.62 84.97 93.98 74.87 116.18 108.05 76.19 76.52 70.52 86.36 93.17 54.31 No data 66.09 72.64 105.81 78.31 58.33 69.38 91.67 No data 106.11 96.38 123.12 126.85 66.85 97.71 No data 140.00 86.83 92.94 87.50 124.08 93.44 133.00 76.92 NE - 37 Table NE-7a. (continued) Lake Groundhog Tomiko Departure Wakami (2001) Wicksteed Longpoint Highbrush Round (1994) Sinclair Mattagami Shenango Wowun Abitibi (2001) Sugar Flanders Kebskwasheshi Temagami Sideburned Kagiano Howells Round (2001) Stumpy Vermilion Wakami (1998) Saganash Nagagami Kenogamissi Missinaibi Garnham Granitehill Wenebegon Duncan Night Hawk Waboosekon Minisinakwa Separation Wabatongushi (1998) Dog Red Cedar Round (2000) Ivanhoe Birch Gowganda Sample Size 62 41 25 82 56 27 84 42 68 59 78 64 123 29 53 123 61 104 100 44 88 61 35 146 80 100 59 102 139 82 112 27 33 38 88 26 96 117 40 48 130 26 67 Lf (mm) 751 752 754 759 762 772 773 774 774 778 779 779 782 783 785 788 792 794 795 802 811 814 816 817 823 829 834 838 839 840 840 844 845 847 847 852 858 864 868 896 897 897 957 K 0.141 0.193 0.129 0.187 0.152 0.179 0.190 0.172 0.175 0.115 0.180 0.163 0.113 0.210 0.134 0.124 0.189 0.163 0.159 0.129 0.103 0.176 0.141 0.154 0.090 0.121 0.110 0.105 0.111 0.114 0.105 0.156 0.110 0.126 0.119 0.120 0.097 0.125 0.119 0.128 0.111 0.115 0.133 Z (mmxyear–1) 106.09 145.30 97.18 141.66 115.37 137.73 146.66 132.72 135.47 89.70 140.41 126.81 88.24 164.88 104.99 97.68 149.46 129.54 126.78 103.79 83.26 143.17 114.92 125.65 74.16 100.27 91.73 87.93 92.97 96.06 87.94 131.90 92.67 106.76 100.91 101.91 83.50 107.60 103.35 114.30 99.89 102.80 127.12 h (mmxyear–1) 86.07 97.50 71.96 112.94 90.05 96.31 114.17 98.85 90.43 75.68 No data 102.82 70.41 No data 98.49 92.65 112.62 118.80 90.79 92.29 75.53 106.44 76.59 108.29 61.01 78.14 63.32 68.66 74.20 82.66 62.10 99.65 77.95 85.03 80.56 No data 65.43 88.21 73.50 82.06 81.04 106.27 116.67 NE - 38 Northeast region female walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Lf (mm) 748 529 957 752 606 687 816 868 K 0.159 0.090 0.306 0.159 0.105 0.124 0.184 0.215 83 Z (mmxyear –1) 116.99 73.87 193.07 113.89 81.17 100.27 135.47 164.68 h (mmxyear–1)1. 89.78 54.31 185.90 87.50 61.97 75.00 99.45 126.85 99 1. Pre-maturation growth benchmarks are calculated from all northeast lakes. NE - 39 Table NE-7b. Empirical male walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Lf defines the asymptotic or maximum total length, K is the Brody growth coefficient and defines growth rate towards the maximum, and to shifts the growth curve along the axis to allow for apparent non-zero body length at age zero (to=-1). Omega (Z) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to. h is pre-maturation growth (i.e., growth to 350mm total length for combined sexes). Lake Wabatongushi (2000) Crab’s Toe Nipissing (1998) Fushimi McPhail Reservoir Pivabiska Burntbush Mindemoya (2001) Jowsey Mindemoya (1997) Abitibi (1995) West Kabenung Nagagamisis Vermilion Kabinakagami Sideburned White Tomiko Nipissing (2000) Sincalir Departure Waboosekon McDiarmid Abitibi (2001) Nipissing (2001) Nipissing (1999) Wicksteed Groundhog Garnham Separation Ivanhoe Hammer Wenebegon Abitibi (1996) Thistle Rabbit Kebskwasheshi Kenogamissi Timiskaming Biscotasi (2000) Sample Size 142 54 465 246 28 92 46 103 69 210 102 142 63 25 106 113 130 50 278 70 51 59 51 135 222 277 80 74 107 36 112 53 139 96 43 64 97 127 220 60 Lf (mm) 492 501 507 508 508 527 536 539 541 544 550 553 559 559 560 564 565 565 566 566 567 568 572 572 573 573 581 582 585 589 592 592 593 594 598 599 599 599 600 601 K 0.219 0.147 0.235 0.187 0.216 0.211 0.147 0.185 0.184 0.168 0.176 0.200 0.188 0.268 0.162 0.302 0.237 0.217 0.199 0.266 0.206 0.203 0.150 0.175 0.211 0.198 0.178 0.202 0.173 0.184 0.181 0.223 0.164 0.137 0.162 0.242 0.182 0.155 0.116 0.170 Z (mmxyear–1) 107.43 73.30 119.06 94.74 109.84 111.23 78.75 99.44 99.33 91.14 96.77 110.79 105.17 149.66 90.46 170.61 133.93 122.37 112.81 150.60 116.81 115.43 86.08 100.07 121.08 113.63 103.28 117.44 101.09 108.53 106.95 131.88 97.17 80.96 96.99 145.01 108.94 92.70 69.45 102.10 h (mmxyear–1) 66.09 No data 84.97 70.52 No data 80.37 54.31 93.44 93.98 76.19 64.81 91.67 76.92 76.59 66.85 118.80 83.90 97.50 86.36 90.43 71.96 85.03 64.62 70.41 93.17 92.94 90.05 86.07 74.20 No data 81.04 124.08 62.10 61.97 78.31 102.26 92.65 63.32 58.33 76.52 NE - 40 Table NE-7b. (continued) Lake Montrose Sisseney (2001) Biscotasi (1999) Round (2001) Marian Kagiano Whitefish Shikwamkwa Obushkong Round (2000) Kushog Dog Nabakwasi (1998) Redwing Temagami Shenango Bearhead Macutagon Wabatongushi (1998) Round (1997) Echo Howells Mattagami Mistinikon Highbrush Saganash Red Cedar Missinaibi Crouch Duborne Mesomikenda Flanders Wakami (1998) Round (1994) Stumpy Ministic Wakami (2001) Opikinimika Rennie Nagagami Minisinakwa Granitehill Longpoint Popeye Birch Sample Size 64 31 27 115 81 96 65 82 44 31 44 105 47 32 63 105 46 38 50 86 53 60 58 46 105 92 38 106 28 24 111 25 184 62 122 27 77 29 38 88 87 97 38 28 28 Lf (mm) 606 608 611 611 612 613 614 616 618 618 619 620 621 623 626 627 627 630 635 635 636 639 642 642 644 648 650 652 653 654 655 660 660 662 672 686 687 689 702 712 743 744 763 772 809 K 0.219 0.200 0.154 0.191 0.192 0.201 0.244 0.179 0.178 0.211 0.167 0.171 0.154 0.159 0.258 0.212 0.237 0.152 0.114 0.197 0.251 0.140 0.148 0.148 0.196 0.113 0.156 0.130 0.157 0.152 0.201 0.159 0.185 0.191 0.155 0.178 0.177 0.142 0.162 0.129 0.144 0.114 0.141 0.199 0.129 Z (mmxyear–1) 132.36 121.56 94.20 116.74 117.39 123.51 149.61 110.29 109.92 130.69 102.91 106.05 95.74 99.35 161.27 132.50 148.68 95.39 72.41 124.95 159.43 89.49 94.88 94.78 126.43 73.14 101.35 84.60 102.64 99.32 131.73 104.84 121.67 126.12 103.97 122.10 121.63 97.99 113.64 91.68 107.36 84.90 107.19 153.55 104.08 h (mmxyear–1) 97.71 86.83 70.95 75.53 99.45 90.79 No data 69.38 105.81 82.06 72.64 88.21 74.87 123.12 112.62 No data 140.00 71.37 65.43 106.11 124.55 92.29 75.68 75.00 114.17 61.01 73.50 68.66 No data 86.15 116.18 98.49 108.29 98.85 106.44 106.06 112.94 86.02 126.85 78.14 80.56 82.66 96.31 185.90 106.27 NE - 41 Northeast region male walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Lf (mm) 612 492 809 611 508 568 642 743 K 0.182 0.113 0.302 0.179 0.129 0.155 0.202 0.251 85 Z (mmxyear –1) 110.67 69.45 170.61 107.36 78.75 96.99 121.67 150.60 h (mmxyear–1)1. 89.78 54.31 185.90 87.50 61.97 75.00 99.45 126.85 99 1. Pre-maturation growth benchmarks are calculated from all northeast lakes. NE - 42 Table NE-8a. Female walleye age and size-at-maturity (total length in millimetres) schedules for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A logistic regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) maturity ogive (as percents). Lake Sideburned Popeye Papakomeka Bearhead Kenetogami Shenango Wakami (2001) Mindemoya (2001) Obushkong Redwing Highbrush Amikougami Rabbit Duborne Sugar Fawcett Separation Anjigami Opeepesway Wicksteed Round (1997) Montrose Temagami Wakami (1998) Nugent Mindemoya (1997) Jowsey Minisinakwa Kecil Mesomikenda Birch Rennie Whitefish Sinclair Kebskwasheshi Jumping Cariboo Lac la Cave Groundhog Nipissing (2000) Kagiano Nabakwasi (1998) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.18 1.41 2.95 2.41 1.47 3.35 2.46 2.05 2.86 2.53 2.27 2.79 2.60 1.85 3.35 2.62 1.63 3.60 2.87 2.17 3.56 2.94 1.99 3.88 2.98 1.84 4.11 3.01 2.46 3.55 3.04 2.34 3.73 3.11 2.36 3.85 3.14 2.31 3.98 3.27 1.86 4.68 3.37 2.92 3.81 3.41 2.98 3.84 3.44 2.02 4.86 3.50 3.05 3.95 3.51 2.95 4.08 3.54 2.86 4.21 3.54 3.10 3.99 3.57 2.74 4.39 3.57 2.83 4.31 3.58 2.74 4.43 3.58 2.84 4.31 3.65 2.86 4.44 3.65 3.12 4.17 3.67 2.49 4.85 3.71 2.96 4.47 3.74 2.98 4.50 3.85 3.19 4.51 3.87 3.46 4.28 3.87 3.57 4.18 3.93 3.26 4.60 3.98 3.14 4.83 4.00 3.60 4.40 4.03 3.40 4.66 4.07 3.53 4.62 4.11 3.03 5.19 4.13 3.27 4.98 4.13 3.25 5.00 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 395.9 373.9 417.8 502.3 469.4 535.2 413.4 394.7 432.2 459.9 439.7 480.1 391.9 375.7 408.2 412.6 360.2 465.0 407.6 386.4 428.7 373.3 350.6 395.9 419.4 399.9 438.9 438.1 417.9 458.3 420.1 379.3 460.9 416.3 385.0 447.7 441.7 416.2 467.1 362.2 345.6 378.8 439.7 415.9 463.5 440.1 425.7 454.4 418.6 390.0 447.1 440.4 423.6 457.3 429.7 380.3 479.0 425.9 377.9 474.0 479.5 461.5 497.5 419.0 400.4 437.6 448.0 425.5 470.5 448.9 422.7 475.2 398.5 378.1 419.0 369.0 321.5 416.6 379.9 361.4 398.5 359.9 325.3 394.5 467.8 448.9 486.8 494.1 451.7 536.5 479.5 459.6 499.4 472.1 455.7 488.5 476.4 454.6 498.2 455.8 434.2 477.4 417.8 396.7 438.9 420.1 397.7 442.4 425.8 349.3 502.4 426.3 407.7 444.8 406.1 366.0 446.2 465.0 441.3 488.8 378.9 343.7 414.1 NE - 43 Table NE-8a. (continued) Lake Nipissing (1998) Opikinimika Nipissing (2001) Night Hawk Round (2000) Gowganda Nipissing (1999) Sisseney (2001) Crouch Tomiko Stumpy West Kabenung Hammer Whitewater Wowun Granitehill Waboosekon Biscotasi (2000) Dog Flanders Red Cedar Shikwamkwa Wenebegon Abitibi (2001) Timiskaming Vermilion Garnham Kenogamissi McDiarmid Mattagami Macutagon Fushimi Kabinakagami Marian Saganash Oke Wabatongushi (2000) Howells Missinaibi Crab’s Toe Ivanhoe Wabatongushi (1998) Nagagamisis Nagagami Round (2001) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 4.13 3.31 4.95 4.14 2.79 5.50 4.14 3.70 4.58 4.16 2.67 5.66 4.18 3.48 4.88 4.25 3.34 5.16 4.36 3.25 5.47 4.36 3.50 5.21 4.51 4.10 4.92 4.52 4.23 4.81 4.53 3.88 5.17 4.66 3.78 5.55 4.68 4.21 5.15 4.77 4.52 5.03 4.87 3.90 5.84 4.99 3.78 6.21 5.00 4.17 5.82 5.00 4.55 5.45 5.03 4.12 5.94 5.03 4.29 5.76 5.07 4.34 5.79 5.14 4.70 5.57 5.24 4.45 6.02 5.26 2.70 7.81 5.29 4.26 6.31 5.37 4.14 6.60 5.46 4.72 6.20 5.47 4.54 6.40 5.50 4.78 6.22 5.52 4.36 6.67 5.55 4.62 6.48 5.61 4.93 6.29 5.74 4.64 6.84 5.92 4.37 7.47 5.97 4.71 7.23 6.17 5.06 7.29 6.35 4.82 7.88 6.49 3.79 9.20 6.59 5.81 7.38 6.63 5.91 7.35 6.76 5.89 7.62 7.12 5.14 9.10 7.35 4.85 9.85 7.44 6.20 8.68 8.76 7.49 10.03 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 413.5 376.7 450.3 439.1 415.2 463.0 428.3 412.0 444.6 405.9 382.2 429.5 440.3 415.4 465.2 519.0 494.0 543.9 434.4 395.0 473.7 401.9 386.7 417.0 434.6 415.6 453.5 478.5 458.3 498.7 499.7 478.5 520.8 433.1 407.3 459.0 504.2 475.6 532.7 495.0 468.3 521.6 491.0 471.6 510.4 427.5 393.1 461.8 457.1 406.2 508.1 418.1 360.0 476.1 482.2 450.4 514.0 475.1 450.9 499.2 449.9 426.1 473.7 489.4 465.3 513.6 391.4 366.7 416.1 420.1 283.9 556.1 389.4 324.0 454.8 460.7 434.9 486.5 439.0 408.9 469.1 425.9 385.7 466.1 394.5 372.4 416.7 418.5 375.2 461.8 419.7 402.4 436.9 414.3 381.3 447.2 385.9 353.3 418.5 585.9 494.6 677.2 392.9 338.6 447.1 337.9 331.3 344.5 480.4 382.9 577.9 538.8 509.8 567.9 486.8 454.1 519.6 363.4 327.7 399.1 505.1 475.2 535.0 477.6 397.0 558.2 484.1 416.0 552.3 530.1 499.3 560.8 539.8 505.9 573.7 NE - 44 Table NE-8a. (continued) Lake Burntbush Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 9.06 8.32 9.80 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 406.4 375.0 437.9 Northeast region female walleye maturity benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 4.51 3.62 5.39 2.18 1.41 2.79 9.06 8.32 10.03 4.14 3.46 4.98 2.60 1.85 3.35 3.57 2.83 4.28 5.29 4.37 6.22 7.12 5.89 9.10 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 439.6 407.0 472.1 337.9 283.9 344.5 585.9 509.8 677.2 433.1 402.4 465.0 369.0 327.0 398.5 412.6 375.7 438.9 476.4 448.9 499.4 519.0 494.0 560.8 87 NE - 45 Table NE-8b. Male walleye age and size-at-maturity (total length in millimetres) schedules for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A logistic regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) maturity ogive (as percents). Lake Bearhead Popeye Rennie Sugar Hammer Highbrush Sideburned Wakami (1998) Echo Jumping Cariboo Ministic Marian Shenango Longpoint Nipissing (2001) Tomiko Mindemoya (2001) Nipissing (1998) Papakomeka Wakami (2001) West Kabenung Anjigami Nipissing (1999) Nipissing (2000) Whitefish Montrose Wicksteed Smith (Walford) Mattagami Opeepeesway Burnfield Junction Sinclair Wowun Somme Kebskwasheshi Temagami Saganash Post Round (1997) Mindemoya (1997) Agnew (1998) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 1.26 0.56 1.95 1.34 0.42 2.27 1.41 0.34 2.48 1.60 1.00 2.19 1.67 1.25 2.09 1.79 0.94 2.64 1.80 1.28 2.32 1.82 0.79 2.86 1.87 1.20 2.53 1.95 1.65 2.26 1.96 0.89 3.03 2.00 1.11 2.90 2.04 1.37 2.70 2.06 0.10 4.02 2.09 1.15 3.04 2.09 1.41 2.77 2.12 0.80 3.44 2.12 0.97 3.26 2.13 1.89 2.36 2.16 1.24 3.08 2.16 1.27 3.06 2.16 1.80 2.51 2.20 1.03 3.38 2.23 1.08 3.38 2.29 1.96 2.62 2.30 1.38 3.21 2.37 1.42 3.33 2.38 1.97 2.79 2.40 0.95 3.84 2.40 1.73 3.07 2.41 2.05 2.77 2.44 1.96 2.92 2.46 1.75 3.16 2.47 2.07 2.88 2.51 2.25 2.78 2.52 1.07 3.96 2.52 1.61 3.43 2.54 0.19 4.90 2.55 1.88 3.22 2.56 1.63 3.50 2.57 1.71 3.43 2.60 1.26 3.95 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 329.1 276.8 381.3 403.2 333.6 472.9 321.5 303.0 340.0 379.9 364.6 395.2 340.0 327.4 352.6 331.6 310.0 353.2 338.4 322.6 354.2 325.1 286.9 363.3 374.7 358.3 391.2 335.0 319.9 350.2 338.2 316.0 360.4 311.7 232.3 391.2 361.9 345.1 378.7 352.7 316.0 389.5 311.4 268.6 354.1 318.3 271.7 364.8 320.4 283.9 356.9 300.8 246.9 354.6 354.9 339.7 370.1 366.3 336.9 395.7 306.6 260.4 352.9 340.7 319.8 361.6 316.1 275.2 357.0 316.5 242.3 390.7 345.3 306.4 384.2 341.5 326.8 356.2 316.6 287.5 345.7 399.6 380.7 418.4 298.7 247.4 350.1 337.0 316.4 357.6 359.8 345.5 374.1 361.3 351.1 371.6 332.5 310.1 354.8 245.8 174.7 317.0 335.7 320.9 350.5 339.2 321.2 357.2 372.8 330.6 415.0 263.5 180.7 346.2 368.5 353.1 383.9 366.1 331.5 400.7 307.1 266.7 347.5 275.2 256.0 294.4 NE - 46 Table NE-8b. (continued) Lake Wizard Rabbit Duncan Groundhog Fushimi Pivabiska Waboosekon Sisseney (2001) Opikinimika McArthur Wabatongushi (2000) Vermilion Minisinakwa Dog Kagiano Round (2000) Ramsey Scott (Lower) Ivanhoe Wenebegon Biscotasi (2000) Duborne Mistinikon Timiskaming Kabinakagami Thistle Knife Kenogamissi Red Cedar Departure Biscotasi (1999) Kushog Granitehill White Burntbush Oke Wabatongushi (1998) Nagagamisis Shikwamkwa Nabakwasi (1998) McPhail Reservoir Round (2001) Crab’s Toe Larder Nagagami Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.75 2.22 3.27 2.80 1.94 3.66 2.81 2.57 3.04 2.82 1.77 3.87 2.85 1.80 3.90 2.89 1.73 4.04 2.92 1.68 4.16 2.94 2.60 3.28 2.98 1.94 4.03 2.98 2.21 3.76 3.00 1.74 4.26 3.02 2.69 3.35 3.04 1.82 4.27 3.06 2.13 3.98 3.09 2.02 4.15 3.14 2.39 3.89 3.20 2.69 3.70 3.27 2.61 3.93 3.32 2.68 3.96 3.32 2.25 4.39 3.32 2.76 3.87 3.37 0.30 6.43 3.40 2.08 4.72 3.41 1.77 5.04 3.41 2.30 4.52 3.53 2.40 4.66 3.55 2.75 4.35 3.59 1.96 5.22 3.62 1.88 5.36 3.62 2.65 4.59 3.65 3.12 4.17 3.66 2.45 4.88 3.70 2.55 4.85 3.70 2.96 4.44 3.78 2.74 4.82 3.81 3.14 4.48 3.82 3.04 4.59 3.95 2.40 5.51 3.97 2.38 5.57 4.04 3.22 4.85 4.07 3.38 4.75 4.08 2.30 5.87 4.19 3.11 5.27 4.29 3.44 5.15 4.42 3.49 5.35 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 324.9 294.6 355.1 366.2 313.0 419.5 368.6 354.5 382.6 340.8 304.8 376.7 314.3 276.0 352.7 329.5 273.8 385.1 336.9 278.0 395.8 344.7 330.1 359.2 364.5 333.8 395.2 345.9 329.0 362.9 311.1 262.4 359.8 300.5 272.4 328.5 340.7 297.4 384.0 349.9 310.2 389.7 360.3 334.3 386.3 337.1 320.2 354.1 381.7 322.4 441.1 392.5 370.5 414.4 347.5 319.3 375.6 313.2 288.3 338.1 340.2 320.2 360.2 366.7 350.2 383.1 332.8 316.3 349.3 285.3 245.9 324.6 306.0 242.9 369.2 339.9 324.4 355.4 298.6 278.0 319.3 320.1 271.3 368.9 345.7 329.1 362.2 335.7 291.1 380.4 345.2 315.4 374.9 336.4 285.3 387.5 364.6 319.9 409.2 387.3 363.9 410.7 295.3 281.1 309.6 276.9 241.0 312.8 313.7 283.6 343.8 362.6 322.0 403.3 356.8 299.9 413.6 363.3 316.3 410.3 333.0 314.7 351.2 365.3 295.1 435.5 293.4 280.4 306.4 475.9 456.7 495.2 377.8 358.5 397.1 NE - 47 Table NE-8b. (continued) Lake Abitibi (1996) Macutagon Missinaibi Garnham Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 4.51 1.58 7.44 4.75 3.94 5.57 4.84 3.48 6.20 4.90 3.06 6.74 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 319.3 74.6 564.1 384.3 368.3 400.3 368.6 342.8 394.4 385.6 317.3 453.8 Northeast region male walleye maturity benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.90 1.92 3.87 1.26 0.10 1.95 4.90 3.94 7.44 2.82 1.89 3.87 1.67 0.42 2.27 2.20 1.27 3.04 3.55 2.55 4.59 4.42 3.38 5.87 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 339.7 303.9 375.4 245.8 74.6 294.4 475.9 456.7 564.1 339.2 315.4 369.2 285.3 241.0 317.0 316.6 278.0 353.2 363.3 330.1 394.4 387.3 364.6 441.1 91 NE - 48 26.36 30.18 30.44 31.91 32.65 32.73 32.83 33.09 34.19 35.38 35.47 36.03 36.61 36.75 37.17 37.77 37.92 38.55 39.95 40.07 40.82 40.99 41.43 41.58 41.69 42.94 43.48 43.88 44.89 44.94 45.30 Mean Standard Error 1.00 1.25 1.60 1.47 1.12 0.76 2.64 2.16 1.56 2.34 5.54 3.45 1.44 2.54 6.31 2.28 2.68 1.48 1.82 1.29 3.82 1.70 0.92 2.14 1.61 1.76 4.25 1.97 3.49 3.08 2.07 17.69 14.83 21.61 22.38 23.08 13.71 22.99 23.61 15.81 17.72 2.81 24.83 15.24 32.50 7.44 25.35 26.24 34.58 34.82 34.60 9.80 19.04 26.35 27.70 29.04 30.50 29.92 26.34 22.40 27.58 35.60 Minimum 38.21 46.56 40.67 42.11 80.71 43.49 38.67 46.58 61.61 48.48 71.43 60.68 55.17 41.27 76.67 49.79 48.80 44.47 45.22 47.83 51.38 70.99 49.63 46.72 58.08 57.26 68.72 52.53 63.60 130.09 68.56 Maximum 25.49 30.89 29.15 31.14 31.00 32.28 33.59 31.21 34.41 37.57 34.33 34.14 36.34 36.47 39.71 36.51 36.54 37.66 39.53 37.41 42.17 40.68 42.13 43.07 41.28 41.76 42.78 45.98 45.56 41.12 44.26 Median 5% Percentile 18.80 18.06 22.32 23.47 24.62 22.27 25.07 25.65 21.62 23.08 4.40 26.69 20.32 32.89 8.46 26.07 28.73 34.92 35.38 34.79 20.73 24.74 32.36 31.98 31.93 35.13 30.51 32.86 23.65 28.76 36.47 25% Quartile 23.62 24.35 28.51 28.59 27.90 28.62 33.40 30.00 27.59 31.56 18.49 30.01 31.51 34.48 14.32 32.42 34.81 36.20 37.63 36.64 41.47 36.76 38.11 40.95 36.99 39.32 37.49 38.59 42.35 34.92 41.67 75% Quartile 29.22 34.53 33.23 35.57 35.36 37.25 35.50 34.37 38.98 39.33 55.56 35.84 43.14 38.87 56.63 44.01 40.69 40.32 42.53 44.64 48.38 44.92 46.02 45.25 46.97 46.17 44.88 48.67 52.08 50.59 46.48 95% Percentile 35.62 43.63 38.57 40.22 40.73 42.01 38.03 44.81 49.83 46.14 64.31 53.04 48.40 40.79 71.65 48.91 48.70 43.60 44.68 46.74 51.04 63.48 49.29 46.38 49.50 54.09 61.86 52.44 60.06 61.60 56.29 NE - 49 Sample Size 27 42 12 15 55 67 5 10 39 12 16 9 36 3 15 13 8 6 5 13 10 39 38 8 19 14 8 14 12 34 14 Walleye relative fecundity (eggs per gram of total weight) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Granitehill Wakami (2001) Burntbush Red Cedar Shenango Sideburned Mistinikon Obushkong Nipissing (2001) Round (2000) Rabbit Crab’s Toe Garnham Nugent Biscotasi (2000) Temagami Tomiko Redwing Duncan Shikwamkwa Hammer Wenebegon McDiarmid Whitewater Night Hawk Round (1997) Kagiano Sinclair Wowun Highbrush Nagagami Lake Table NE-9. Mean 45.51 45.66 45.74 47.04 47.34 48.62 48.69 48.78 48.92 48.92 49.20 49.74 50.26 50.57 51.07 52.62 52.82 53.73 54.40 54.61 54.96 55.08 55.29 55.72 55.72 55.79 56.54 56.65 57.34 57.43 58.30 Lake Flanders Burnfield Kushog Macutagon Junction West Kabenung Pivabiska Wicksteed Nabakwasi (2000) Ivanhoe Kenogaming Firth Sisseney (1999) Gowganda Waboosekon Montrose Kebskwasheshi Rennie Thistle Wakami (1998) Nagagamisis Vermilion Kabinakagami Post Crouch Fushimi Deschenes Wabatongushi (2000) Popeye Bearhead Nipissing (1998) Table NE-9. (continued) Standard Error 1.33 1.04 3.27 16.89 3.39 1.50 2.17 2.55 4.82 1.88 4.16 3.68 1.64 1.37 3.03 2.79 1.38 2.00 2.03 1.42 2.79 2.85 1.15 4.55 2.57 1.93 0.76 2.88 4.23 1.07 1.21 37.69 43.58 33.75 19.76 42.08 30.84 45.10 34.96 39.32 30.64 41.82 44.06 47.91 32.14 41.25 42.70 34.01 48.56 50.43 33.42 44.11 45.85 45.53 50.16 43.69 45.74 55.22 37.45 40.69 53.50 16.62 Minimum 57.53 46.81 51.22 113.38 53.68 61.07 56.81 60.98 54.48 60.70 60.54 63.93 53.41 60.25 76.23 70.03 68.57 62.27 60.48 68.61 81.50 64.85 65.50 64.73 67.89 81.79 58.62 84.90 75.59 61.18 90.28 Maximum 45.74 46.60 49.07 31.42 46.27 47.46 46.10 49.43 52.95 51.14 47.22 47.53 49.45 50.81 48.91 49.11 53.53 53.11 52.26 55.53 53.90 54.29 56.69 52.26 52.64 55.55 56.16 56.05 56.07 57.12 59.33 Median 5% Percentile 38.16 43.89 35.78 21.96 42.50 41.81 45.26 37.14 40.69 34.99 42.19 44.08 48.07 44.04 41.41 43.11 40.13 48.99 50.51 37.99 45.38 46.92 45.87 50.37 46.32 45.93 55.28 41.63 42.08 54.23 42.81 25% Quartile 40.11 45.09 43.91 30.73 44.17 44.68 45.89 47.23 46.14 41.79 43.68 44.16 48.68 46.03 45.12 45.87 48.45 50.56 50.85 48.14 49.33 51.07 49.76 51.21 50.70 52.03 55.51 47.83 49.78 56.46 53.88 75% Quartile 49.50 46.70 50.73 39.92 49.97 52.46 49.57 52.35 53.71 55.34 52.74 49.00 51.43 55.38 51.48 57.10 59.37 54.99 57.98 60.97 55.94 59.50 59.48 58.50 62.70 58.54 57.20 59.83 66.95 58.84 64342 95% Percentile 55.72 46.79 51.12 98.69 52.93 59.78 55.37 58.57 54.33 59.64 58.98 60.95 53.02 59.01 68.79 68.50 66.34 60.46 59.98 66.52 70.75 63.91 63.78 63.48 67.41 63.67 58.33 77.75 72.69 60.69 71.79 NE - 50 Sample Size 20 3 5 5 3 22 5 9 3 21 4 5 3 22 11 11 35 6 5 42 12 6 29 3 10 17 4 18 8 6 75 58.44 58.92 59.37 60.16 60.54 60.80 61.35 61.81 62.50 63.87 63.93 64.54 67.42 68.95 69.44 72.44 72.65 75.52 87.98 Jowsey Wabatongushi (1998) Mindemoya (2001) Jumping Cariboo Anjigami Opeepeesway Larder Lac la Cave Missinaibi Dog Whitefish Mindemoya (1997) Kecil Timiskaming White Papakomeka Howells Saganash Birch Standard Error 1.58 1.54 2.25 4.09 4.27 2.93 3.53 2.44 1.34 1.92 6.36 2.46 3.76 2.41 17.88 21.83 1.74 1.57 6.79 40.08 41.63 38.12 46.88 36.04 48.35 53.64 38.06 54.23 38.63 43.29 45.06 52.08 51.73 48.93 36.21 67.22 52.19 39.91 Minimum 87.91 74.71 81.36 74.84 79.76 72.27 70.69 90.93 73.23 87.12 115.47 91.27 80.10 86.39 122.98 24.71 83.27 105.06 16560 Maximum 1. 2. 49.74 48.94 35.07 31.31 Minimum All lakes combined (n=81). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=50). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 70.02 70.76 Maximum 57.92 59.57 58.86 59.39 63.23 61.73 60.53 61.99 61.48 63.83 60.05 62.88 69.65 69.27 52.93 52.79 72.03 76.47 79.97 Median Averages Median 5% Percentile 48.68 37.96 48.50 35.39 Northeast region walleye relative fecundity benchmarks. Mean Lake Table NE-9. (continued) 25% Quartile 44.06 42.85 5% Percentile 45.11 46.16 38.35 48.80 37.31 49.68 54.53 41.66 55.42 46.76 43.41 47.60 52.23 52.62 49.34 37.16 67.43 56.10 59.21 75% Quartile 53.91 54.37 25% Quartile 52.76 52.06 49.03 54.58 59.95 51.76 58.07 51.62 59.31 59.32 48.90 53.14 60.68 60.43 50.98 41.90 70.50 71.48 75.05 95% Percentile 73.72 71.96 80.70 72.61 76.16 72.22 69.31 85.41 72.27 80.42 99.33 82.33 78.90 84.75 112.66 173.65 80.07 90.63 144.48 95% Percentile 63.90 63.62 75% Quartile 63.10 64.76 66.94 65.47 65.88 69.05 63.81 69.64 65.81 70.23 69.96 72.88 75.64 74.78 71.40 63.97 73.53 79.84 92.03 NE - 51 Sample Size 39 30 35 6 10 10 4 30 16 29 11 25 8 18 4 9 8 45 19 Round (2000) Jowsey Pivabiska Montrose Sinclair West Kabenung Burntbush Duncan Gowganda Fushimi Sideburned Kushog Wicksteed Missinaibi Timiskaming Popeye Dog Shikwamkwa Jumping Cariboo Nipissing (1998) Vermilion Wabatongushi (1998) Lac la Cave Wowun Saganash Kebskwasheshi Nagagamisis Granitehill Lake Fecundity-length relation1. R2 E D x 10-6 2.18 58194.24 0.83 2.63 5267.29 0.64 2.66 3925.66 0.76 2.68 3910.81 0.83 2.73 2443.38 0.87 2.76 2025.72 0.87 2.78 1021.45 0.79 2.87 969.68 0.76 2.90 1028.11 0.86 2.97 662.96 0.92 3.00 328.14 0.79 3.00 425.84 0.93 3.08 305.66 0.83 3.09 348.54 0.96 3.11 295.49 0.92 3.12 318.36 0.92 3.13 288.22 0.91 3.13 174.26 0.77 3.18 184.76 0.92 3.19 189.55 0.64 3.20 168.60 0.94 3.22 145.35 0.96 3.24 142.01 0.77 3.28 99.666 0.90 3.32 100.89 0.95 3.36 55.818 0.91 3.38 46.762 0.86 3.40 20.420 0.89 n 12 39 5 11 14 22 12 5 22 17 67 5 9 16 18 8 29 13 6 75 6 30 30 12 45 35 12 27 NE - 52 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 27895 36074 45403 55905 67601 80509 35981 49026 64657 83049 104373 128794 33084 45266 59918 77220 97344 120458 37025 50773 67346 86953 109799 136081 31729 43782 58396 75778 96128 119641 30341 41985 56140 73016 92817 115741 17410 24153 32369 42186 53727 67112 28893 40525 54847 72119 92597 116533 37041 52147 70814 93395 120245 151712 35363 50171 68601 91044 117888 149519 20545 29239 40094 53346 69235 88001 27047 38505 52811 70284 91237 115988 31049 44612 61696 82723 108120 138316 37386 53774 74437 99894 130665 167280 36462 52590 72977 98152 128649 165007 42614 61561 85549 115210 151185 194123 40041 57887 80496 108469 142417 182955 24294 35124 48845 65822 86427 111033 33980 49397 69029 93433 123176 158831 36791 53539 74889 101452 133852 172723 35278 51414 72011 97670 129002 166631 34816 50875 71425 97084 128481 166258 37156 54388 76477 104097 137938 178707 33259 48917 69079 94392 125521 163149 43076 63664 90293 123864 165303 215565 30833 45801 65255 89883 120403 157554 29237 43536 62162 85792 115130 150903 14046 20955 29971 41427 55671 73062 Table NE-10. Walleye fecundity-total length relationships for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (Napierian logarithms) individual observations. Total length in millimetres. Night Hawk Garnham Wabatongushi (2000) Round (1997) Shenango Firth McDiarmid Howells Kabinakagami Waboosekon Wakami (1998) Ivanhoe Rennie Highbrush Kagiano Wenebegon Tomiko Thistle Red Cedar Obushkong Nagagami Redwing Mindemoya (1997) Temagami Mindemoya (2001) Flanders Nipissing (2001) Wakami (2001) Opeepeesway Kecil Crab’s Toe Lake Fecundity-length relation1. R2 E D x 10-6 3.42 30.213 0.89 3.43 22.739 0.85 3.43 35.378 0.89 3.48 23.788 0.70 3.48 15.412 0.86 3.50 20.979 0.70 3.51 18.423 0.69 3.62 14.012 0.98 3.62 12.189 0.97 3.62 10.052 0.92 3.65 9.306 0.94 3.73 4.712 0.95 3.75 5.152 0.99 3.78 3.254 0.82 3.84 1.915 0.83 3.84 1.821 0.88 3.84 1.779 0.89 3.88 2.190 0.98 3.88 1.093 0.91 3.89 1.252 0.86 3.93 1.124 0.95 3.93 1.072 0.92 3.94 2.026 0.91 4.00 0.669 0.93 4.02 1.029 0.92 4.14 0.352 0.92 4.17 0.248 0.75 4.37 0.0508 0.77 4.41 0.103 0.95 4.62 0.0262 0.76 4.77 0.00897 0.83 Table NE-10. (continued) n 19 36 18 14 55 5 38 8 29 11 42 21 6 34 8 39 8 5 15 10 14 6 25 13 35 20 39 42 10 8 9 NE - 53 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 23777 35566 50988 70629 95099 125031 19369 29018 41660 57780 77887 102511 30429 45596 65469 90817 122439 161169 26438 39817 57430 79990 108244 142973 17202 25909 37372 52056 70448 93055 26569 40115 57994 80943 109742 145204 24415 36897 53384 74563 101159 133928 35958 55051 80580 113739 155796 208094 31419 48107 70421 99406 136172 181893 25682 39315 57542 81215 111239 148571 29883 45953 67528 95657 131455 176109 24118 37429 55456 79140 109495 147606 29525 45923 68175 97467 135074 182363 22897 35758 53277 76417 106218 143799 18248 28667 42939 61887 86401 117444 18236 28676 42992 62011 86638 117844 1770 27831 41720 60171 84058 114326 27477 43400 65324 94562 132548 180835 13863 21902 32972 47738 66925 91320 16353 25851 38938 56402 79105 107982 19043 30257 45783 66592 93750 128418 18585 29543 44720 65069 91636 125561 36536 58121 88043 128187 180630 247632 17017 27255 41537 60809 86117 118605 29266 46975 71729 105195 149214 205811 20573 33493 51797 76839 110142 153389 17476 28557 44309 65928 94759 132298 12175 20378 32304 49009 71702 101754 30238 50817 8852 123064 180586 256980 27514 47411 77142 119821 179111 259257 23007 40347 66684 105057 159087 233031 Fecundity-length relation1. R2 n E D x 10-6 4.85 0.00566 0.74 11 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 24186 42841 71445 113473 173109 255304 Mean Minumum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Fecundity-length relation R2 E D x 10-6 3.48 1388.86 0.86 2.18 0.00566 0.64 4.85 58194.24 0.99 3.43 23.263 0.89 2.67 0.0385 0.70 3.12 1.868 0.81 3.86 300.58 0.92 4.62 392.566 0.98 n 21 5 75 14 5 9 30 55 NE - 54 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 27617 41352 59542 83042 112784 149785 12175 20378 29971 41428 53728 67113 43076 63664 90294 128188 180630 259257 28137 42521 60052 81969 109771 145439 15200 23028 32671 48374 67264 84255 20559 31876 45594 65876 91437 117645 34399 49784 71120 97911 132002 174416 40042 58122 85549 123064 179112 255304 60 Northeast region walleye fecundity- total length-fecundity benchmarks. 1. Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Whitefish Lake Table NE-10. (continued) Longpoint Granitehill Oke Garnham Wakami (2001) Macutagon Timiskaming Round (2001) Obushkong Mindemoya (2001) Post McDiarmid Nugent Kushog Saganash Kabinakagami Whitewater Pivabiska Hammer Mindemoya (1997) Stumpy Sisseney (2001) Fushimi Lake Table NE-11a. 1.53% 1.81% 1.91% 1.98% 2.10% 2.11% 2.24% 2.29% 2.57% 2.62% 2.77% 2.91% 3.05% 3.06% 3.10% 3.12% 3.14% 3.19% 3.26% 3.41% 3.47% 3.48% 3.51% Mean 0.48% 0.44% 1.31% 0.30% 0.72% 1.63% 1.16% 0.24% 0.16% 0.60% 2.14% 1.66% 2.07% 2.08% 0.04% 0.67% 2.55% 2.59% 1.05% 1.98% 2.25% 2.07% 2.11% Minimum 2.37% 3.42% 2.71% 7.19% 3.51% 2.78% 3.80% 5.30% 5.01% 4.71% 3.10% 4.28% 4.15% 4.29% 5.28% 5.21% 4.19% 4.29% 4.59% 5.33% 5.66% 6.19% 6.52% Maximum 5 41 9 38 42 9 18 8 12 36 3 38 3 5 46 29 8 5 10 25 10 14 17 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 2.82% 2.70% 0.28% 2.91% 3.97% 1.48% 1.16% 0.92% 1.38% 2.37% 1.18% 0.74% 2.21% 2.40% 1.87% 1.53% 1.92% 2.50% 1.79% 1.99% 2.07% 3.69% 2.96% Mean 0.90% 0% 0% 0.39% 1.69% 0.80% 0.32% 0.12% 0% 0.11% 0.15% 0% 1.09% 1.07% 0.25% 0.71% 0.88% 1.70% 0.88% 0.27% 0.47% 1.86% 0.65% Minimum 4.52% 5.89% 0.50% 9.70% 6.99% 2.42% 2.98% 2.54% 2.74% 5.79% 2.10% 2.01% 3.60% 3.49% 6.97% 2.82% 2.29% 3.01% 2.42% 4.61% 5.39% 5.53% 4.99% Maximum Visceral Fat index 5 40 9 38 42 9 18 8 12 36 3 38 3 5 46 8 8 5 10 25 9 14 17 Sample Size NE -55 0.37 0.30 No data 0.27 0.45 0.36 0.25 0.28 0.46 0.38 No data 0.32 No data 0.32 0.22 0.28 0.36 0.41 0.50 0.36 0.39 0.36 0.32 Reproductive Index Mature female walleye fall gonadosomatic index (GSI is ovary weight expressed as a percent of the total weight minus the ovary weight), visceral fat index (VFI is fat weight expressed as a percent of the total weight), and reproductive index (R is 3h/Lf) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Round (1997) Nagagamisis Wowun Popeye Amikougami Nipissing (1998) Opeepeesway Larder Jumping Cariboo Wakami (1998) Wenebegon Flanders Howellls Lac la Cave West Kabenung Burnfield Red Cedar Night Hawk Rennie Thistle Bearhead Birch Duncan Mistinikon Vermilion Dog Lake 3.51% 3.56% 3.56% 3.58% 3.65% 3.69% 3.85% 3.89% 3.92% 3.93% 4.10% 4.22% 4.41% 4.49% 4.56% 4.61% 4.72% 4.79% 4.86% 4.86% 5.07% 5.13% 5.31% 5.70% 5.85% 6.02% Mean Table NE-11a. (continued) 2.70% 2.46% 1.79% 0.21% 1.71% 0.90% 2.62% 3.21% 3.05% 1.38% 0.30% 2.98% 3.30% 0.36% 2.83% 3.54% 2.39% 3.19% 2.66% 3.59% 3.58% 2.31% 4.67% 4.04% 3.96% 3.83% Minimum 4.63% 4.96% 5.08% 5.08% 10.15% 5.97% 5.18% 4.59% 4.61% 6.47% 7.80% 5.96% 6.90% 10.17% 8.19% 5.72% 7.20% 7.39% 7.00% 6.05% 6.09% 7.96% 5.89% 7.00% 6.87% 8.88% Maximum 14 12 12 9 10 75 10 4 6 42 46 20 8 33 22 3 15 19 6 5 6 19 5 5 6 29 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 6.77% 2.52% 3.32% 2.81% 2.97% 2.78% 2.59% 4.55% 0.57% 3.68% 1.62% 1.66% 0.42% 3.69% 1.51% 0.62% 1.29% 1.24% 4.40% 1.82% 2.10% 1.22% 2.25% 2.16% 1.93% 2.41% Mean 4.06% 0.79% 1.45% 0.46% 1.05% 0.20% 1.73% 1.30% 0% 1.74% 0.28% 0.28% 0% 1.36% 0.48% 0.20% 0% 0.16% 3.55% 0.67% 1.77% 0.13% 1.51% 0.74% 1.23% 1.03% Minimum 11.60% 4.03% 5.10% 5.93% 8.13% 4.70% 3.16% 6.47% 0.84% 6.01% 3.47% 2.96% 1.23% 7.34% 3.81% 1.17% 3.63% 2.58% 5.06% 3.43% 2.64% 3.78% 2.94% 3.15% 2.71% 4.70% Maximum Visceral Fat index 14 12 12 9 10 75 10 4 6 42 44 20 8 33 21 3 15 19 6 5 6 19 5 5 6 29 Sample Size NE -56 0.46 0.31 0.40 0.65 No data 0.42 0.45 No data 0.51 0.40 0.22 0.38 0.35 0.41 0.40 No data 0.25 0.28 0.54 0.34 0.58 0.36 0.35 No data 0.28 0.31 Reproductive Index 6.02% 6.03% 6.11% 6.13% 7.48% 8.65% Mean 3.26% 5.04% 4.52% 3.53% 6.90% 8.19% Minimum 11.90% 7.96% 7.97% 8.04% 8.60% 8.99% Maximum 4 5 22 8 4 3 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 2.45% 2.50% 2.49% 1.66% 2.24% 1.77% Mean 0.43% 0.91% 0.95% 0% 1.89% 1.05% Minimum 4.45% 3.75% 3.75% 3.06% 3.03% 2.21% Maximum Visceral Fat index 1. 2. 4.09% 3.65% 2.67% 1.72% Minimum All lakes combined (n=55). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=30). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 5.83% 6.15% Maximum 14 26 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 2.06% 2.43% Mean 0.85% 0.78% Minimum 3.62% 4.91% Maximum Visceral Fat Index Northeast mature female gonadosomatic, visceral fat, and reproductive indices benchmarks. White Firth Gowganda Tomiko Kenogaming Sisseney Lake Table NE-11a. (continued) 114 25 Sample Size 4 5 22 6 4 3 Sample Size 0.38 0.35 NE -57 Reproductive Index 0.44 No data 0.37 0.39 No data No data Reproductive Index Round (2001) Kenogaming Night Hawk Ritchie Timiskaming Granitehill Obushkong Grassy Oke Wakami (2001) Mistinikon Knife Tomiko Jumping Cariboo Bearhead Lac la Cave Wawagoshe Thistle Popeye Nugent Hammer McDiarmid Duncan Lake Table NE-11b. 1.32% 1.64% 1.79% 1.82% 1.94% 1.95% 1.97% 2.07% 2.07% 2.08% 2.10% 2.13% 2.13% 2.15% 2.18% 2.24% 2.26% 2.27% 2.27% 2.29% 2.33% 2.33% 2.39% Mean 0.01% 1.21% 1.24% 1.39% 0.12% 0.01% 0.03% 0.26% 0.98% 0.02% 1.54% 0.26% 0.34% 1.08% 0.34% 0.01% 1.69% 1.51% 0.12% 0.75% 0.64% 0.01% 1.86% Minimum 3.41% 2.47% 2.42% 3.29% 3.67% 4.08% 3.19% 3.64% 2.97% 4.09% 3.18% 3.91% 3.08% 3.46% 3.64% 3.59% 3.22% 3.43% 3.79% 3.27% 4.03% 3.50% 3.13% Maximum 29 14 19 16 65 62 27 8 23 30 27 22 18 10 29 55 3 19 18 10 18 46 8 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 1.32% 1.99% 1.26% 0.54% 1.10% 1.70% 1.04% 1.57% 0.13% 3.33% 1.70% 0.25% 0.67% 0.43% 0.79% 2.42% 1.02% 0.54% 2.57% 1.02% 1.14% 0.55% 2.36% Mean 0% 0.81% 0% 0% 0.18% 0% 0% 0.75% 0% 0.75% 0.46% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.33% 0% 0.67% 0.65% 0.58% 0% 1.09% Minimum 3.65% 4.57% 2.82% 1.24% 6.05% 4.52% 2.92% 3.39% 0.43% 5.92% 2.80% 1.02% 2.42% 1.07% 2.21% 6.60% 1.89% 1.73% 5.97% 1.63% 2.08% 2.29% 3.73% Maximum Visceral Fat index 32 14 19 16 51 62 25 8 23 30 27 24 18 10 29 55 3 20 18 10 18 46 8 Sample Size NE - 58 0.37 No data No data No data 0.29 0.33 0.51 No data No data 0.49 0.35 No data 0.52 0.66 0.67 0.51 No data 0.39 0.72 No data 0.63 0.34 No data Reproductive Index Mature male walleye fall gonadosomatic index (GSI is testes weight expressed as a percent of the total weight minus the testes weight), visceral fat index (VFI is fat weight expressed as a percent of the total weight), and reproductive index (R is 3h/Lf) data for northeast region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Mountain Stumpy Vermilion Wenebegon Gowganda Kabinakagami Wowun Howells Ramsey Mindemoya (1997) Kushog Amikougami Pivabiska Longpoint Firth Fushimi Geneva White Garnham Flanders West Kabenung Whitewater Nipissing (1998) Post Sisseney (2001) Mindemoya (2001) Lake 2.39% 2.47% 2.48% 2.51% 2.54% 2.56% 2.57% 2.57% 2.59% 2.60% 2.63% 2.64% 2.68% 2.70% 2.73% 2.74% 2.75% 2.76% 2.77% 2.78% 2.79% 2.79% 2.79% 2.84% 2.87% 2.89% Mean Table NE-11b. (continued) 1.45% 0.01% 0.81% 1.16% 1.55% 1.33% 1.26% 0.01% 1.30% 0.73% 0.09% 1.19% 0.24% 0.22% 2.12% 0.23% 1.63% 0.25% 0.01% 1.88% 0.07% 0.87% 0.04% 1.29% 1.71% 0.39% Minimum 3.49% 21.89% 4.68% 5.04% 4.06% 3.70% 3.67% 4.43% 3.62% 4.51% 4.16% 3.47% 4.43% 4.33% 3.55% 5.16% 4.07% 5.98% 19.49% 3.94% 6.31% 4.19% 9.60% 3.66% 6.74% 5.10% Maximum 16 84 15 97 33 9 59 52 12 124 28 13 56 25 10 170 4 37 46 22 112 12 293 19 16 79 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.96% 0.84% 1.44% 1.39% 2.42% 1.28% 1.90% 0.30% 1.25% 1.48% 1.22% 1.49% 1.02% 1.14% 2.24% 1.69% 0.50% 1.08% 1.72% 1.32% 0.98% 1.05% 2.02% 0.33% 1.68% 1.65% Mean 0.04% 0% 0% 0% 0.77% 0.09% 0% 0% 0.57% 0% 0.08% 0% 0.03% 0% 0.94% 0.26% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.03% 0.02% 0% 0% 0.03% Minimum 2.06% 5.55% 4.29% 4.15% 4.14% 3.36% 5.45% 1.09% 2.29% 4.41% 2.58% 3.18% 2.81% 3.32% 2.95% 6.19% 1.64% 3.40% 4.70% 2.14% 6.70% 2.90% 8.38% 1.07% 6.05% 4.64% Maximum Visceral Fat index 16 82 15 87 33 9 59 52 12 123 28 16 56 25 10 170 4 37 46 22 106 28 295 19 18 78 Sample Size NE - 59 No data 0.48 0.41 0.31 0.44 0.36 0.54 0.43 0.47 0.42 0.35 No data 0.46 0.38 No data 0.42 No data 0.45 0.38 0.45 0.50 0.40 0.50 0.46 0.43 0.52 Reproductive Index Red Cedar Rocky Island Opeepeesway Macutagon Dog Nagagamisis Round (1997) Whitson Rennie Saganash Wakami (1998) Birch Agnew (1999) Burnfield Larder Lake 2.89% 2.93% 2.94% 2.95% 3.01% 3.05% 3.05% 3.16% 3.20% 3.23% 3.34% 3.36% 3.50% 4.26% 4.86% Mean Table NE-11b. (continued) 1.37% 2.01% 0.94% 1.29% 1.23% 0.78% 1.05% 2.74% 1.78% 0.73% 0.25% 0.65% 1.98% 3.18% 4.23% Minimum 4.84% 3.45% 5.85% 10.15% 7.46% 5.59% 4.68% 3.42% 5.55% 5.44% 9.12% 8.83% 7.00% 6351% 5.60% Maximum 14 4 39 16 44 24 42 3 22 83 150 21 4 7 6 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.52% 0.77% 1.44% 1.45% 1.26% 1.32% 5.27% 0.54% 3.13% 1.23% 2.69% 1.85% 0.14% 1.34% 4.25% Mean 0% 0.13% 0% 0.41% 0% 0% 1.72% 0.09% 1.49% 0% 0.52% 0.66% 0% 0.51% 2.88% Minimum 1.74% 1.69% 2.57% 4.33% 2.61% 3.12% 10.12% 0.94% 5.37% 3.49% 7.77% 3.13% 0.54% 1.78% 5.82% Maximum Visceral Fat index 14 4 38 16 44 24 42 3 22 83 150 21 4 7 6 Sample Size NE - 60 0.34 No data 0.44 0.34 0.43 0.41 0.50 No data 0.54 0.28 0.49 0.39 No data No data No data Reproductive Index 1. 2. 2.61% 2.52% 1.03% 0.72% Minimum All lakes combined (n=64). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=54). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 4.95% 5.21% Maximum 37 45 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 1.41% 1.43% Mean 0.31% 0.22% Minimum 3.39% 3.72% Maximum Visceral Fat Index Northeast mature male gonadosomatic, visceral fat, and reproductive indices benchmarks. 37 45 Sample Size 0.45 0.45 NE - 61 Reproductive Index Mean (±95% C.I.)1. 28 (27-30) 30 (29-32) 1.03 (1.02-1.04) 1.03 (1.02-1.04) 744 (733-755) 618 (610-626) 0.158 (0.154-0.163) 0.180 (0.176-0.185) 116.40 (113.41-119.38) 110.57 (108.12-113.02) 93.00 (90.48-95.51) 4.5 (4.3-4.7) 3.0 (2.9-3.2) S.D. (C.V.)2. 13.6 (48%) 12.8 (42%) 0.079 (8%) 0.090 (9%) 84.2 (11%) 64.7 (10%) 0.0377 (24%) 0.0350 (19%) 23.322 (20%) 19.748 (18%) 21.306 (23%) 1.51 (34%) 1.10 (37%) Median 25 28 1.02 1.02 748 616 0.152 0.176 114.45 109.41 92.07 4.2 2.9 Minimum to Maximum 7 to 89 6 to 82 0.90 to 1.49 0.87 to 1.48 529 to 957 485 to 814 0.090 to 0.327 0.105 to 0.320 73.49 to 200.27 69.45 to 181.19 54.31 to 185.90 2.0 to 10.2 0.8 to 7.7 1.5 2.5 61.13 80.67 80.84 0.129 0.110 508 606 0.92 0.94 14 12 5% 2.2 3.4 76.59 97.20 99.31 0.155 0.132 572 684 0.97 0.98 21 19 3.7 5.4 105.95 122.07 132.82 0.200 0.180 654 804 1.07 1.07 38 34 Percentiles 25% 75% NE - 62 4.9 7.1 129.45 148.06 155.92 0.244 0.230 738 880 1.18 1.16 51 57 95% Walleye life history parameters for Ontario waterbodies sampled using the walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Female adult mortality (A%) (n=296) Male adult mortality (A%) (n=295) Female relative condition (n=241) Male relative condition (n=265) Female asymptotic length (L, mm) (n=238) Male asymptotic length (L, mm) (n=252) Female Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) (n=238) Male Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) (n=252) Female Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) (n=238) Male Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) (n=252) Pre-maturation growth (h, mm•yr-1) (n=278) Female age-at-50% maturity (years) (n=261) Male age-at-50% maturity (years) (n=266) Table NE-12. Mean (±95% C.I.)1. 441 (436-447) 349 (345-353) 4.4 (4.2-4.7) 2.9 (2.8-3.0) 49.79 (47.41-52.17) 1.9 (1.7-2.1) 1.4 (1.2-1.5) 7.5 (6.9-8.2) S.D. (C.V.)2. 42.1 (10%) 32.9 (9%) 1.64 (37%) 0.76 (26%) 14.049 (28%) 1.29 (68%) 0.98 (72%) 7.13 (95%) Median 440 346 4.2 2.8 50.47 1.6 1.1 5.3 Minimum to Maximum 338 to 586 246 to 476 1.5 to 11.1 1.3 to 5.4 18.04 to 87.98 0.1 to 6.8 0.1 to 5.3 0 to 36.1 1. 95% Confidence interval of the mean. 2. Standard deviation of the mean (S.D.) and coefficient of variation of the mean expressed as a percent (C.V.). Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Female size-at-50% maturity (mm) (n=261) Male size-at-50% maturity (mm) (n=266) Female gonadosomatic index (%) (n=151) Male gonadosomatic index (%) (n=155) Relative fecundity (eggs•g-1) (n=136) Female visceral fat index (%) (n=151) Male visceral fat index (%) (n=155) Relative abundance (number•net-1) (n=441) Table NE-12. (continued) 0.4 0.2 0.3 26.22 1.8 2.1 299 369 5% 2.0 0.6 0.8 40.01 2.5 3.3 331 416 10.9 1.8 2.7 58.69 3.2 5.4 370 473 Percentiles 25% 75% NE - 63 22.5 3.2 4.4 72.65 4.5 7.5 401 504 95% Figure 4. Map of south-central Ontario showing the location of the 99 waterbodies for which fall walleye index netting data were available. Allumette Balsam Bark Beaver Belmont Bennett Big Clear Big Gull Black Bobs Brandy Buck Buckhorn Bull Burrows Cameron Canonto Cecebe Centennial Chemong Chesley Christie Consecon Constant Couchain Crane Crotch Crowe Lake Table SC-1. Year Sampled 1999 1998 & 2001 2001 2001 1999 2001 2000 1998 2001 1997 2001 2001 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1998 2000 1998 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1999 Latitude Longitude1. 455300-771300 443501-785038 452652-775010 443030-770133 442954-774923 445456-762754 444333-765426 444933-765724 444904-793908 444104-763520 450629-793132 444218-765713 442920-782330 444114-765834 445021-793940 443308-784541 450322-764740 453830-793426 450902-770301 442319-782335 443312-811329 444816-762620 440000-772700 452420-765858 454113-774404 451236-795634 445445-764835 442849-774404 Surface Area (hectares) 13598.3 4665.0 3801.0 528.8 768.3 481.4 323.2 2363.4 97.6 2449.2 104.8 70.8 3191.0 113.3 86.2 1303.2 221.0 770.0 3439.8 2280.0 197.6 645.9 600.0 68.0 45.3 512.9 1677.4 876.4 Mean Depth (m) No data 5.0 24.3 2.4 6.2 4.4 7.7 3.9 5.2 7.5 3.5 5.3 2.1 4.7 3.6 6.3 3.8 4.9 13.9 2.4 4.3 8.5 6.9 5.1 7.5 9.2 8.4 5.6 Max. Depth (m) No data 14.9 87.5 12.0 16.1 12.2 19.5 25.9 10.7 25.6 7.5 18.3 9.4 16.5 11.6 18.3 21.4 19.5 44.2 6.7 16.7 18.3 16.7 21.0 21.4 32.0 32.2 15.9 Secchi (m) 3.2 2.5 4.6 2.3 3.5 4.3 4.5 5.0 2.3 7.0 1.1 5.3 2.3 5.3 3.6 4.2 6.3 2.6 3.8 2.6 4.4 3.5 0.2 6.6 4.1 5.5 5.5 2.4 SC - 1 1821 1867 1645 1979 1919 1978 1912 1842 1943 2000 1748 1913 1885 1913 1944 1859 1836 1639 1797 1920 1811 2007 2117 1822 1753 1826 1876 1927 GDD>52. The south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Isabella Jack Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) Jacks (NORTH BAY) Huron3. Georges Gibson Giroux Go Home Golden Gooderham Gould Govan Holden Horseshoe French River Dalhousie Dalrymple Deer Denbigh Dollars Elephant Fergusons Four Mile Fraser Lake Year Sampled 2001 1999 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1993,1994, 1995, 1997, 2000 & 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1997 2001 1998 2001 1998 2001 1996, 1997 & 2001 2001 2001 2001 1999 Table SC-1. (continued) 452420-794842 444138-780129 453926-792013 455600-794900 443000-821500 453621-745825 445754-794459 454250-803024 450026-795042 453356-771929 445439-782259 443538-811209 450759-764749 461500-781500 444029-765735 455600-805400 Latitude Longitude1. 445756-763411 443850-790632 453445-791629 450748-771618 455654-801239 450750-780756 451807-765040 444054-784415 451123-773830 190.5 1221.3 88.3 215.4 4165900.0 46.8 263.5 115.5 666.0 3552.2 87.4 108.1 125.5 7591.9 68.8 8057.5 Surface Area (hectares) 590.0 1332.5 119.0 80.3 969.7 1095.8 104.0 786.2 211.4 5.4 8.4 1.1 3.6 61.0 3.0 7.6 2.9 8.6 8.5 6.8 1.8 4.3 No data 3.7 No data Mean Depth (m) 4.5 2.4 3.9 3.5 5.2 1.7 10.6 8.5 6.6 15.4 42.7 4.0 12.7 217.6 10.5 14.3 6.1 32.6 24.4 18.9 8.6 16.0 No data 18.3 No data Max. Depth (m) 11.0 10.4 8.5 7.0 28.1 7.6 32.0 19.2 15.5 3.1 4.9 0.7 3.4 No data 0.2 2.4 1.8 5.3 4.1 5.0 2.0 7.0 No data 5.3 No data Secchi (m) 3.4 2.6 3.5 3.8 2.9 3.1 3.5 4.3 4.1 SC - 2 1739 1820 1633 1695 No data 1929 1915 1763 1897 1794 1732 1815 1822 1662 1915 1735 1936 1888 1637 1723 1733 1656 1860 1830 1670 GDD>52. Pickerel River Kahshe Kakakiwaganda Kashwakamak Kasshabog Kennebec La Cloche Lang Leonard Long (KINGSTON) Long (SUDBURY) Lovering Lower Paudash Madawaska McFarlane McKellar Mink Mississagagon Mississippi Moira Mountain Nepewassi Norcan Nosbonsing Oak Pakeshkag Lake Year Sampled 2001 1998 2000 2001 2001 1996 & 2001 2000 2001 2000 1996 1998 2001 2001 1996 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1998 & 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 1995, 1996 & 1997 Table SC-1. (continued) 455500-804600 Latitude Longitude1. 445149-791559 461216-804733 445132-770222 443753-775754 444424-765756 460840-820434 460954-814002 450428-792648 444023-764617 462200-810500 461355-804512 445803-780005 452424-762421 462501-805723 453049-795601 453353-770255 445218-770445 450401-760957 442908-772707 444231-804152 462200-803800 451000-765200 461209-791232 443548-775452 455657-803141 505.0 Surface Area (hectares) 750.6 187.9 1219.3 890.7 546.9 1144.3 595.9 189.0 301.1 1331.0 90.4 461.3 1001.1 140.6 85.5 542.0 524.8 2351.4 822.7 75.7 1191.4 728.5 1704.5 285.2 53.7 5.5 Mean Depth (m) 4.9 9.6 5.2 4.3 7.9 9.3 6.3 6.8 6.2 10.4 8.6 6.6 9.2 7.3 4.5 5.9 8.8 2.7 3.9 1.8 No data 2.6 5.5 7.1 3.4 18.3 Max. Depth (m) 18.3 22.9 24.0 25.3 27.0 39.6 21.0 18.3 13.4 36.5 20.0 21.3 30.5 20.1 9.8 13.0 23.5 9.2 11.0 3.2 16.7 4.6 14.0 24.7 22.9 2.7 Secchi (m) 2.9 3.3 7.2 4.1 2.3 4.5 6.3 7.3 1.8 4.5 2.5 6.1 1.5 2.4 3.5 2.5 6.7 3.8 3.0 2.9 2.8 4.6 2.9 5.2 1.2 SC - 3 1745 1829 1733 1822 1849 1890 1661 1663 1778 1945 1686 1733 1707 1976 1698 1727 1839 1811 2017 1932 1848 1715 1846 1715 1857 1746 GDD>52. 1. 2. 3. Year Sampled 2000 2001 2000 1999 1996 2001 2001 2001 2001 2000 & 2001 1999 2000 & 2001 2001 1999 2001 2001 2001 1997 2001 2001 1998 Latitude Longitude1. 442815-782942 450543-764828 460314-794619 441019-781035 462618-805452 453315-801529 451124-774848 443238-782419 443255-764546 444600-764100 445033-771508 452700-762100 442831-771720 460447-794630 442758-784242 460037-772246 453532-791840 461319-803522 453338-771029 444104-762850 460200-800400 Surface Area (hectares) 5349.0 46.1 1237.2 10018.0 73.5 144.8 99.6 370.1 159.6 1526.0 1225.7 467.7 503.0 333.4 4495.1 322.5 354.9 929.6 287.8 954.2 137.6 Mean Depth (m) 3.0 6.3 9.5 2.6 3.9 5.8 6.1 4.8 11.2 6.5 7.4 No data 4.0 10.7 2.8 12.0 4.1 8.6 0.9 10.5 5.5 Max. Depth (m) 17.4 14.6 27.5 7.9 9.5 13.7 13.0 12.8 27.0 32.0 30.0 40.0 9.8 28.4 12.2 37.8 7.9 36.6 2.3 31.1 24.0 Secchi (m) 2.2 5.5 4.3 1.9 4.0 2.4 4.0 1.5 4.2 6.1 3.4 No data 2.1 4.6 0.5 1.9 5.5 3.2 1.5 4.3 4.0 Latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, and seconds. GDD>5 is growing-degree-days above 5o Celsius. Data not included in the lake characteristics summary statistics because only a small portion of the entire waterbody was sampled. Pigeon Redhorse Restoule Rice Richard Rock Island Salmon Trout Sandy Second Depot Sharbot Skootamatta Stewartville Stoco Stormy Sturgeon Sturgeon (Chalk) Three Mile Trout Wilber Wolfe Woodcock Lake Table SC-1. (continued) SC - 4 1885 1819 1695 1960 1703 1773 1624 1866 2008 1944 1780 1994 1996 1698 1881 1806 1631 1721 1814 2028 1707 GDD>52. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Surface Area (hectares) 1209.2 45.3 13598.3 512.9 68.0 137.6 1219.3 5349.0 99 Mean Depth (m) 6.0 0.9 24.3 5.5 1.8 3.9 7.7 10.7 94 Max. Depth (m) 19.6 2.3 87.5 18.3 6.1 11.8 25.0 39.6 96 Characteristics of south-central region lakes sampled using fall walleye index netting standard. Secchi (m) 3.6 0.2 7.3 3.5 1.1 2.4 4.6 6.7 96 SC - 5 1822 1624 2117 1822 1639 1732 1913 2007 99 GDD>5 Table SC-2. Walleye relative abundance and average size for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Lake Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye Allumette Balsam (19983.) Balsam (2001) Bark Beaver Belmont Bennett Big Clear Big Gull Black Bobs Brandy Buck Buckhorn Bull Burrows Cameron Canonto Cecebe Centennial Chemong Chesley Christie Consecon Constant Couchain Crane Crotch Crowe Dalhousie Dalrymple Deer Denbigh Dollars Elephant Fergusons Four Mile Fraser French River (19933.) French River (19943.) French River (19953.) French River (19973.) French River (20003.) 5.9 1.2 1.7 1.9 3.2 0.4 1.8 2.5 3.6 0 1.6 4.1 2.2 0.8 1.8 0 0.7 1.4 3.8 0.7 0.9 10.0 1.8 2.1 1.6 0 0.4 2.0 1.3 1.1 1.8 6.7 0.4 4.8 0.1 0.3 3.0 2.2 2.3 4.3 2.5 3.5 5.7 0.26 0.11 0.15 0.19 0.19 0.11 0.17 0.39 0.18 0.16 0.17 0.70 0.12 0.32 0.11 0.22 0.29 0.10 0.12 0.24 0.22 0.37 0.20 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.21 0.14 0.20 0.16 0.36 0.05 0.12 0.27 0.27 0.20 0.13 0.12 0.11 0.10 24 36 28 24 14 18 12 9 28 12 25 12 6 28 12 6 24 12 12 34 28 6 12 12 12 12 12 29 16 12 24 14 12 12 24 12 14 12 24 58 68 63 69 22 27 22 16 13 7 11 7 25 0 19 12 3 16 7 0 13 9 11 19 17 6 10 8 10 0 5 24 12 8 20 14 4 10 3 4 12 9 18 52 50 57 67 Average Size2. Total Length 335 326 351 494 358 298 395 345 389 418 322 392 408 424 296 394 364 363 396 378 421 380 387 625 373 359 392 328 334 491 335 587 521 414 342 393 377 381 354 402 Weight 473 430 531 1409 455 323 619 490 635 865 419 626 657 830 253 648 568 478 582 554 797 566 592 2789 546 526 567 450 453 1193 431 2194 1269 712 440 762 788 712 549 802 SC - 6 Table SC-2. (continued) Lake French River (2001) Georges Gibson Giroux Go Home Golden Gooderham Gould Govan Holden Horseshoe Huron (19963.) Huron (19973.) Huron (2001) Isabella Jack Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) Jacks (NORTH BAY) Kahshe Kakakiwaganda Kashwakamak Kasshabog Kennebec La Cloche (19963.) La Cloche (2001) Lang Leonard Long (KINGSTON) Long (SUDBURY) Lovering Lower Paudash Madawaska McFarlane McKellar Mink Mississagagon Mississippi Moira Mountain (19983.) Mountain (2001) Nepewassi Norcan Nosbonsing Oak Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye 2.0 0.9 0.7 1.9 3.7 1.0 1.0 9.2 5.0 4.4 1.6 2.0 1.6 1.2 0.5 0.7 2.2 2.8 0.3 6.7 7.1 0 1.2 0.5 1.4 6.5 0.2 1.5 6.3 0.4 0.1 4.3 2.2 1.6 7.8 0.8 1.1 5.9 18.0 6.5 1.7 0.5 10.6 5.3 0.15 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.38 0.17 0.19 0.40 0.25 0.17 0.39 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.16 0.13 0.22 0.28 0.14 0.54 0.25 0.22 0.13 0.18 0.26 0.09 0.19 0.19 0.27 0.06 0.14 0.20 0.22 0.31 0.15 0.14 0.18 0.18 0.14 0.20 0.20 0.24 0.15 35 12 12 11 11 23 12 6 12 36 6 26 35 26 12 24 12 12 12 6 21 13 14 24 24 16 12 10 12 6 12 12 16 12 12 14 23 12 6 4 18 12 12 12 26 7 6 10 9 13 8 6 12 33 4 20 23 15 5 12 10 11 3 5 21 0 9 9 17 15 3 8 12 2 1 12 14 9 11 8 16 12 6 4 13 4 12 12 Average Size2. Total Weight Length 411 830 441 1060 392 819 283 391 431 924 567 2651 441 1013 303 398 379 558 345 482 369 569 337 707 306 425 417 1458 574 2072 454 1054 341 429 395 738 526 2231 544 2196 371 531 454 1067 557 2454 531 2202 455 1218 607 2367 405 613 434 1075 433 988 634 2500 265 192 414 1047 339 533 395 724 463 991 337 406 359 589 343 406 375 615 338 515 445 980 387 719 428 778 SC - 7 Table SC-2. (continued) Lake Average Catch1. Standard Error of the Mean Sample Size (number of net-nights) Number of Nets that Caught Walleye Pakeshkag Pickerel River (19953.) Pickerel River (19963.) Pickerel River (1997) Pigeon Redhorse Restoule Rice Richard Rock Island Salmon Trout Sandy Second Depot Sharbot (20003.) Sharbot (2001) Skootamatta Stewartville (20003.) Stewartville (2001) Stoco Stormy Sturgeon Sturgeon (Chalk) Three Mile Trout Wilber Wolfe Woodcock 0.1 3.8 7.7 3.2 0.6 0.6 8.4 27.7 0.9 1.0 3.1 6.8 0.5 0.5 0.3 2.2 0.7 1.0 1.8 4.0 0.5 1.7 1.0 2.0 1.0 8.1 5.9 0.06 0.19 0.34 0.38 0.090 0.15 0.29 0.12 0.19 0.22 0.32 0.17 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.16 0.13 0.18 0.21 0.51 0.12 0.24 0.15 0.25 0.23 0.27 0.27 12 16 11 11 42 12 12 20 9 12 12 12 12 21 28 30 12 12 12 12 28 12 12 16 12 14 12 1 16 10 9 22 6 12 20 6 7 9 12 5 9 7 23 8 8 10 8 11 9 9 12 7 13 11 1. 2. 3. Average Size2. Total Length 443 398 387 365 402 415 318 409 350 451 367 292 401 563 535 513 352 352 318 337 286 366 473 532 465 341 320 Weight 1069 925 854 654 741 758 435 736 418 1167 450 277 686 2646 2252 1716 405 598 437 516 288 465 1152 1868 1249 412 360 -1 Average catch is the geometric mean number of walleye caughtxnet . Average size is the arithmetic mean of total length in mm and wet weight in grams. Data not used to calculate relative abundance or average size benchmarks. SC - 8 South-central region walleye relative abundance benchmarks. Average Catch Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 2.8 0 27.7 1.7 0.1 0.7 3.8 8.3 100 Average Size Total Length 406 265 634 393 296 348 442 574 Weight 877 192 2789 641 323 480 1057 2252 96 SC - 9 Table SC-3a. Annual female walleye mortality (%) for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. “Observed mortality” is a direct estimate based on age structure of female fish and was calculated from age 5 onwards using Robson and Chapman’s estimator. “Estimated mortality” is an indirect estimate based on age structure of the population regardless of sex using the empirical formula: Female mortality = 0.952(Combined sex mortality) (n=246, R2=0.77, standard error of the estimate=6.493). Lake Huron (1996) Stewartville (2001) Sharbot 2001 Gibson Huron 2001 Skootamatta Pickerel River (1995) Mississagagon Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) Sturgeon Christie Georges La Cloche (2001) Nepewassi Lang Sharbot (2000) Kakakiwaganda Stormy French River (1994) Trout Rock Island Gould Wolfe Crotch Huron (2001) Jack Big Clear Moira Golden Balsam (2001) McFarlane Pickerel River (1996) Brandy Cecebe Giroux McKellar Wilber Consecon Four Mile Dollars Go Home Centennial Observed Mortality No data No data No data No data 14% 16% 17% No data No data 11% No data No data 14% 21% 19% No data 25.0% 21% 22% 21% No data No data No data 24% No data 14% 23% 25% 21% 32% 23% 24% No data 32% No data No data No data 29% 27% 18% 18% No data Estimated Mortality 10.5% 12.4% 12.4% 13.3% 13.3% 14.3% 15.2% 16.2% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 17.1% 18.1% 18.1% 19.0% 19.0% 20.0% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 20.9% 21.9% 21.9% 21.9% 22.8% 22.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 23.8% 24.8% 24.8% 24.8% 24.8% Lake Restoule Three Mile Mountain (1998) Canonto Stoco French River (2000) Mountain (2001) Sandy Big Gull Nosbonsing Kennebec Pigeon Long (SUDBURY) Govan Dalrymple French River (1993) Deer Dalhousie French River (1995) Bull French River (2001) Holden Buck Bobs Bennett Mississippi French River (1997) Pickerel River (1997) Allumette Crowe Chemong Beaver Kashwakamak Horseshoe Salmon Trout Jacks (NORTH BAY) Gooderham La Cloche (1996) Rice Constant Mink Long (KINGSTON) Observed Mortality 21% No data 17% No data 20% 29% No data 14% 32% 29% No data 29% 25% 14% 50% 29% 15% No data 35% No data 34% 27% No data No data No data No data 35% 29% 35% No data 32% 67% 40% No data 33% 43% No data No data 40% 50% 42% No data Estimated Mortality 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 25.7% 26.7% 26.7% 26.7% 26.7% 27.6% 27.6% 27.6% 28.6% 28.6% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5% 29.5% 30.5% 30.5% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 31.4% 30.5% 32.4% 32.4% 33.3% 33.3% 35.2% 36.2% 36.2% 37.1% 37.1% 38.1% 39.0% 40.0% 40.0% 40.9% 40.9% SC - 10 Table SC-3a. (continued) Lake Balsam (1998) Oak Madawaska Sturgeon (Chalk) Observed Mortality 36% 42% No data No data Estimated Mortality 24.8% 45.7% 47.6% 47.6% Lake Buckhorn Woodcock Fraser Bark Observed Mortality 53% 44% No data 63% Estimated Mortality 42.8% 57.1% 59.0% 75.2% South-central region female walleye mortality benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Observed Mortality 29% 11% 67% 27% 14% 20% 35% 53% 56 Estimated Mortality 27.8% 10.5% 75.2% 25.7% 13.3% 20.9% 31.9% 47.6% 92 SC - 11 Table SC-3b. Annual male walleye mortality (%) for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. “Observed mortality” is a direct estimate based on age structure of male fish and was calculated from age 5 onwards using Robson and Chapman’s estimator. “Estimated mortality” is an indirect estimate based on age structure of the population regardless of sex using the empirical formula: Male mortality = 0.945(Combined sex mortality) + 2.844 (n=242, R2=0.65, standard error of the estimate=7.477). Lake Huron (1996) Stewartville (2001) Sharbot (2001) Gibson Huron (1997) Skootamatta Pickerel River (1995) Mississagagon Christie Georges Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) Sturgeon La Cloche (2001) Nepewassi Lang Sharbot (2000) Kakakiwaganda Crotch French River (1994) Gould Huron (2001) Rock Island Stormy Trout Wolfe Big Clear Jack Moira Balsam (2001) Golden Brandy Cecebe Consecon Giroux McFarlane McKellar Pickerel River (1996) Wilber Balsam (1998) Centennial Dollars Four Mile Observed Mortality No data No data No data No data No data 14% 12% No data No data No data 33% No data 20% 14% 21% No data 17% 21% 21% 13% No data No data 25% 21% 22% No data 40% 20% 20% 26% No data No data 23% No data No data No data 25% No data 21% 22% 29% 25% Estimated Mortality 13.2% 15.1% 15.1% 16.1% 16.1% 17.0% 18.0% 18.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 19.9% 20.8% 20.8% 21.8% 21.8% 22.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 24.6% 24.6% 24.6% 25.5% 25.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 27.4% 27.4% 27.4% 27.4% Lake Canonto Mountain (1998) Restoule Stoco Three Mile Big Gull French River (2000) Mountain (2001) Sandy Kennebec Nosbonsing Pigeon Govan Long (SUDBURY) Dalhousie Dalrymple Deer French River (1993) Bull French River (1995) Bennett Bobs Buck French River (2001) Holden Mississippi Allumette French River (1997) Pickerel River (1997) Chemong Crowe Rice Beaver Horseshoe Kashwakamak Jacks (NORTH BAY) Salmon Trout Gooderham La Cloche (1996) Constant Long (KINGSTON) Mink Observed Mortality No data 29% 40% No data No data 26% 25% No data 30% 33% 29% 26% 32% 33% No data No data 48% 29% 44% 25% No data 40% 25% 31% 41% No data 32% 32% 44% 37% No data 33% 32% No data 37% 30% 38% No data 39% No data 43% 42% Estimated Mortality 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 28.4% 29.3% 29.3% 29.3% 29.3% 30.3% 30.3% 30.3% 31.2% 31.2% 32.2% 32.2% 32.2% 32.2% 33.1% 33.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 34.1% 35.0% 35.0% 35.0% 35.9% 35.9% 35.9% 37.8% 38.8% 38.8% 39.7% 39.7% 40.7% 41.6% 42.6% 43.5% 43.5% SC - 12 Table SC-3b. (continued) Lake Go Home Oak Madawaska Sturgeon (Chalk) Observed Mortality 38% 48% 40% 40% Estimated Mortality 27.4% 48.2% 50.1% 50.1% Lake Buckhorn Woodcock Fraser Bark Observed Mortality 38% 74% No data No data Estimated Mortality 45.4% 59.6% 61.5% 77.6% South-central region male walleye mortality benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Observed Mortality 31% 12% 74% 30% 14% 22% 38% 48% 60 Estimated Mortality 30.5% 13.2% 77.6% 28.4% 16.1% 23.6% 34.5% 50.1% 92 SC - 13 Table SC-4a. Predicted female walleye weight-at-total length for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations (only lakes with t 30 fish sampled). Weight in grams and total length in millimetres. Lake Crotch Wolfe French River (1993) Deer Mountain (1998) Chesley Balsam (2001) Sandy Pickerel River (1997) Govan Kashwakamak Big Gull Moira Skootamatta Mink Pickerel River (1996) Rice Allumette Go Home Huron (2001) Pickerel River (1995) French River (1994) Holden Huron (1997) Lang Stormy French River (1997) French River (2000) French River (2001) French River (1995) Restoule Long (SUDBURY) Nosbonsing 1. 2. Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.01 8.10 3.08 5.38 3.09 5.59 3.12 4.10 3.12 4.19 3.13 4.21 3.14 3.71 3.14 4.07 3.17 3.78 3.18 2.97 3.18 2.93 3.19 3.08 3.20 2.77 3.21 2.97 3.23 2.35 3.23 2.56 3.24 2.20 3.26 2.02 3.27 1.72 3.27 2.01 3.27 1.85 3.28 1.83 3.28 1.72 3.28 1.87 3.30 1.67 3.30 1.58 3.31 1.44 3.33 1.23 3.33 1.31 3.35 1.16 3.37 1.07 3.38 0.95 3.39 0.87 Calculated weight at standard total lengths Condition2. 350 368 369 406 355 363 387 361 396 439 366 361 402 383 436 388 422 385 397 359 419 386 405 387 413 415 393 380 364 388 386 401 377 366 400 550 556 613 539 550 587 549 603 670 559 551 615 588 669 597 650 593 614 555 649 597 627 600 641 645 610 590 569 606 604 629 592 576 450 785 799 883 778 795 849 795 872 973 813 802 896 857 976 873 951 869 901 816 953 877 923 882 943 951 900 872 842 896 897 935 882 859 500 1077 1106 1222 1080 1104 1180 1107 1214 1359 1136 1121 1254 1200 1369 1227 1336 1222 1271 1151 1345 1238 1303 1246 1332 1347 1274 1236 1195 1273 1276 13333 1260 1228 550 1435 1483 1641 1455 1486 1591 1493 1638 1838 1539 1518 1699 1628 1859 1669 1818 1664 1734 1572 1837 1691 1782 1704 1821 1845 1745 1694 1642 1749 1757 1838 1738 1696 0.96 0.98 1.04 0.95 0.95 0.99 0.94 1.03 1.13 0.94 0.96 1.05 1.02 1.13 1.01 1.07 0.99 1.06 0.96 1.12 1.03 1.07 0.99 1.06 1.09 0.99 0.98 1.00 1.00 1.02 1.06 1.01 0.96 Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Condition calculated as the average of the individual ratios of observed weight to predicted weight from south-central region median regression model (see below). SC - 14 South-central region female walleye weight-at-total length benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Weight-length relation E Dx10-6 3.23 2.71 3.01 0.87 3.39 8.10 3.24 2.20 3.08 0.95 3.17 1.67 3.30 3.71 3.38 5.59 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 389 598 876 1231 1676 355 539 778 1077 1435 439 670 976 1369 1859 387 597 877 1236 1694 359 549 785 1080 1455 368 569 842 1180 1591 402 615 901 1276 1757 436 669 973 1359 1845 33 SC - 15 Table SC-4b. Predicted male walleye weight-at-total length for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) individual observations (only lakes with t 30 fish sampled). Weight in grams and total length in millimetres. Lake Huron (1996) Crotch Kakakiwaganda Madawaska Jacks (NORTH BAY) Mountain (1998) Dalrymple Sandy Big Gull Consecon Four Mile Govan Stormy Balsam (2001) Mink Bobs Deer Salmon Trout Go Home Rice Kashwakamak Oak Dollars Moira Wolfe Cecebe French River (1997) Restoule Skootamatta Beaver Trout French River (1994) Holden Pickerel River (1996) Huron 1997 Pickerel River (1995) Bark Allumette French River (2000) French River (1995) Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 2.95 13.19 2.98 9.74 3.03 10.36 3.03 6.99 3.04 8.13 3.08 5.19 3.09 5.13 3.09 4.99 3.10 5.16 3.11 4.59 3.11 4.33 3.11 4.38 3.13 4.13 3.15 3.43 3.15 3.84 3.16 3.49 3.16 3.36 3.16 3.15 3.19 2.85 3.19 3.08 3.20 2.70 3.20 2.57 3.21 2.81 3.21 2.81 3.21 2.49 3.22 2.38 3.22 2.46 3.22 2.59 3.23 2.56 3.25 1.92 3.26 1.93 3.27 1.93 3.28 1.68 3.28 1.81 3.29 1.80 3.29 1.66 3.30 1.68 3.32 1.54 3.32 1.40 3.33 1.28 Calculated weight at standard total lengths Condition2. 350 422 371 530 357 441 356 373 362 397 375 354 358 379 354 396 382 368 345 372 402 374 356 412 412 365 370 383 403 422 356 380 402 371 400 422 389 418 430 391 379 400 626 553 794 535 661 536 563 548 601 568 536 542 576 539 604 583 561 526 569 615 573 545 633 633 561 569 588 619 650 550 587 623 576 620 655 604 649 670 609 592 450 886 785 1134 765 946 771 810 788 866 819 773 782 833 781 875 845 814 763 829 896 835 795 924 924 818 832 860 905 951 806 861 915 847 912 965 890 957 991 901 876 500 1208 1075 1560 1053 1303 1067 1122 1091 1201 1137 1072 1085 1158 1089 1219 1179 1135 1064 1160 1254 1170 1113 1295 1295 1148 1168 1207 1271 1336 1135 1214 1292 1197 1289 1364 1258 1355 1406 1279 1244 550 1601 1428 2083 1405 1741 1430 1506 1465 1614 1529 1442 1459 1561 1470 1646 1594 1534 1438 1573 1699 1587 1510 1759 1759 1559 1587 1640 1727 1818 1547 1656 1764 1636 1762 1867 1721 1856 1930 1754 1709 1.08 0.95 1.29 1.00 1.10 0.94 0.98 0.98 1.05 0.94 0.92 0.94 0.98 0.93 1.02 0.99 0.93 0.90 0.96 1.03 0.98 0.92 1.04 1.05 0.95 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.12 0.93 1.02 1.04 0.98 1.05 1.08 1.04 1.09 1.07 1.01 1.01 SC - 16 Table SC-4b. (continued) Lake French River (2001) Nosbonsing Long (SUDBURY) Lang La Cloche (2001) Woodcock 1. 2. Weight-length relation1. E Dx10-6 3.35 1.14 3.35 1.08 3.37 0.99 3.38 1.04 3.39 1.17 3.57 0.30 Calculated weight at standard total lengths Condition2. 350 380 360 371 413 493 363 400 594 563 582 649 775 584 450 881 835 865 966 1155 889 500 1254 1188 1234 1379 1651 1296 550 1726 1635 1701 1903 2280 1821 1.00 0.96 0.99 1.12 1.39 0.92 Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Condition calculated as the average of the individual ratios of observed weight to predicted weight from south-central region median regression model (see below). South-central region male walleye weight-at-total length benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Weight-length relation E Dx10-6 3.21 3.41 2.95 0.30 3.57 13.19 3.21 2.64 3.03 1.04 3.11 1.68 3.29 4.33 3.38 9.74 Calculated weight at standard total lengths 350 400 450 500 550 389 598 872 1223 1662 345 526 763 1053 1405 530 794 1155 1651 2280 380 586 863 1208 1638 354 536 771 1067 1430 365 561 814 1135 1534 403 623 912 1292 1759 441 670 991 1406 1930 46 SC - 17 Table SC-5a. Average female walleye total length-at-age (millimetres) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake La Cloche (1996) Trout Kakakiwaganda Sharbot (2000) Buckhorn Balsam (1998) McFarlane Cameron Woodcock Salmon Trout Jack Cecebe Sturgeon (Chalk) Canonto Mississagagon Bennett La Cloche (2001) Nepewassi Dollars Long (SUDBURY) Balsam (2001) Madawaska Big Clear Crowe Four Mile Consecon Mississippi French River (1993) McKellar Beaver Wolfe Horseshoe Fraser Chesley Constant Stoco Georges Go Home Bark Oak Long (KINGSTON) Gould Pigeon 1 2 299 300 301 305 309 310 320 320 321 329 330 331 331 334 335 339 344 348 354 368 373 374 391 392 429 217 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 644 661 566 651 680 469 420 340 340 349 417 372 373 386 477 529 387 403 413 433 528 590 363 399 353 368 412 569 9 10 692 682 401 388 368 413 503 404 421 406 462 445 489 451 486 494 464 316 378 590 591 448 SC - 18 Table SC-5a. (continued) Lake French River (1997) Moira Nosbonsing French River (1995) Holden Restoule Huron (1997) Allumette Crotch Deer Big Gull Sandy French River (1994) Stormy Pickerel River (1997) Mountain 1998 Kashwakamak French River (2001) Govan Pickerel River (1995) French River (2000) Mink Huron 2001 Rice Pickerel River (1996) Jacks (NORTH BAY) Dalrymple Sharbot (2001) Lang Skootamatta 1 234 241 244 244 246 253 256 258 260 260 261 269 284 284 286 286 286 286 286 289 296 303 306 309 313 315 327 346 365 373 2 286 336 333 354 307 308 332 310 312 337 339 389 313 347 330 357 372 378 350 358 408 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 346 416 459 477 513 399 464 443 424 478 528 543 342 448 523 552 590 606 379 436 467 349 404 387 421 450 483 538 365 413 376 427 404 435 393 403 414 465 403 453 484 439 547 587 542 532 9 567 638 623 458 471 495 493 462 490 534 607 574 483 509 551 572 559 10 679 631 620 701 362 377 409 435 471 592 453 482 458 542 493 661 587 618 South-central region female walleye total length-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 283 217 373 286 234 256 306 365 31 2 348 286 482 337 300 320 372 429 51 3 405 316 542 403 340 370 434 493 48 Average total length (mm) at age 4 5 6 7 8 459 492 550 599 604 378 417 477 513 538 590 591 644 680 682 460 490 542 590 612 401 417 477 513 538 421 450 529 572 568 483 523 587 651 627 566 591 644 680 682 26 15 13 9 8 9 658 620 692 661 620 620 692 692 3 10 646 567 701 658 567 602 690 701 4 SC - 19 Table SC-5b. Average male walleye total length-at-age (millimetres) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Denbigh Jack Sharbot (2000) Pigeon Madawaska Buckhorn Chemong Crotch Salmon Trout Centennial Rock Island Richard La Cloche (1996) Bennett Gould Trout Golden Nepewassi Dollars Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) French River (1993) Four Mile Balsam (2001) Consecon Wolfe Fraser Sturgeon (Chalk) Beaver Deer Mississippi Moira McFarlane Brandy Stoco Chesley Bobs Buck Huron (1996) Long (SUDBURY) Go Home Govan Bark Long (KINGSTON) 1 2 292 294 304 306 316 316 318 327 330 330 332 335 336 339 344 344 347 351 356 360 365 368 375 375 385 388 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 504 437 619 431 321 337 355 360 364 398 378 397 442 380 390 401 404 590 412 438 444 463 337 343 383 429 363 394 370 439 461 520 372 407 366 383 451 389 405 449 369 387 399 414 377 424 425 462 376 416 9 10 483 497 424 399 465 416 435 372 389 406 455 511 438 456 522 570 474 529 SC - 20 Table SC-5b. (continued) Lake Oak Christie Kennebec La Cloche (2001) Kakakiwaganda Nosbonsing Balsam (1998) Cecebe French River (1997) Woodcock Holden French River (1995) Restoule Allumette Huron (1997) Big Clear Sandy Kashwakamak French River (1994) Mountain (1998) Stormy Big Gull Pickerel River (1995) French River (2000) Dalrymple Pickerel River (1997) Huron (2001) Rice French River (2001) Mink Pickerel River (1996) Bull Jacks (NORTH BAY) Skootamatta Lang 1 226 231 231 232 234 237 242 245 249 250 256 259 264 267 269 273 274 282 287 291 296 300 301 302 305 311 314 321 347 364 2 389 396 416 433 441 327 271 295 358 304 301 356 303 376 358 324 349 330 325 370 353 Average total length (mm) at age 3 4 5 6 7 8 441 465 494 505 458 505 480 378 356 368 333 318 356 378 340 336 425 338 393 371 374 375 383 526 511 400 431 396 358 399 404 451 423 363 412 485 379 379 471 425 434 401 405 404 474 435 437 475 9 10 512 439 481 444 462 474 511 496 494 439 439 467 492 565 419 473 484 455 454 467 485 494 406 355 364 390 386 360 382 448 448 396 402 428 450 417 412 489 499 499 424 431 500 500 513 448 554 585 SC - 21 South-central region male walleye total length-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 275 226 364 271 231 245 301 347 30 2 352 271 448 351 294 325 375 441 55 3 394 318 505 388 336 368 416 480 62 Average total length (mm) at age 4 5 6 7 8 429 444 475 479 528 337 363 425 429 486 526 529 590 619 570 425 442 464 475 520 358 363 425 429 486 399 416 444 451 512 456 474 500 494 554 513 529 590 619 570 39 16 13 15 5 9 517 483 585 497 483 492 565 585 7 10 0 SC - 22 Table SC-6a. Average female walleye weight-at-age (grams) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake La Cloche (1996) Trout Kakakiwaganda Sharbot (2000) Buckhorn Balsam (1998) Cameron Woodcock McFarlane Jack Salmon Trout Sturgeon (Chalk) Cecebe Canonto Mississagagon Bennett La Cloche (2001) Nepewassi Balsam (2001) Dollars Long (SUDBURY) Crowe Madawaska Big Clear Four Mile Consecon Mississippi McKellar Beaver Fraser Horseshoe Wolfe French River (1993) Constant Chesley Stoco Georges Go Home Oak Long (KINGSTON) Bark Gould Pigeon 1 2 3 314 357 380 414 431 522 540 544 589 717 2004 229 230 245 247 249 250 267 277 290 291 293 316 318 322 323 327 353 371 402 443 465 488 541 544 713 82 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 3535 3310 2397 3480 3912 1001 617 8 9 10 3830 723 984 1671 2919 568 452 365 438 507 438 580 3788 607 571 672 647 616 927 863 785 1068 1070 1230 921 268 1921 1338 2117 2230 479 881 SC - 23 Table SC-6a. (continued) Lake French River (1997) Nosbonsing Moira Holden French River (1995) Restoule Huron (1997) Deer Crotch Big Gull Allumette Sandy Mountain (1998) Govan Stormy Kashwakamak French River (2001) French River (1994) Pickerel River (1995) French River (2000) Pickerel River (1997) Mink Rice Huron (2001) Pickerel River (1996) Dalrymple Jacks (NORTH BAY) Sharbot (2001) Lang Skootamatta 1 110 111 120 125 125 143 147 148 149 156 160 177 194 194 200 200 208 213 222 224 225 242 263 273 312 319 335 443 477 538 2 201 303 343 260 414 259 369 302 258 358 289 538 314 459 359 415 459 283 416 417 3 373 680 560 489 356 413 674 581 430 503 566 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 678 984 1199 1613 1009 1481 966 856 823 1074 962 1643 1793 2265 732 796 922 1232 8 9 10 1717 2974 1929 2363 1743 524 892 570 666 651 644 421 611 858 922 773 503 1128 809 941 1081 1236 1272 1012 1654 1216 1801 1109 1306 1180 1857 2083 1635 1789 2298 1752 2769 2752 2020 1959 3476 2618 2152 4300 931 680 1229 1063 1881 1398 3293 2402 2802 South-central region female walleye weight-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 220 82 538 200 110 147 242 477 31 2 399 201 1229 343 230 283 459 713 51 3 667 268 2004 569 356 438 745 1398 48 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 1025 1272 1886 2504 479 723 1199 1613 2919 2230 3535 3912 952 1180 1752 2117 580 723 1199 1613 732 922 1635 1959 1070 1643 2083 3310 2397 2230 3535 3912 26 15 13 9 8 2511 1717 3788 2558 1717 1948 2786 3788 8 9 3247 2618 3830 3293 2618 2618 3830 3830 3 10 3170 1929 4300 3225 1929 2452 3888 4300 4 SC - 24 Table SC-6b. Average male walleye weight-at-age (grams) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting method. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 4 are included. Lake Denbigh Jack Sharbot (2000) Pigeon Madawaska Chemong Buckhorn Crotch Centennial Salmon Trout Rock Island Richard Bennett La Cloche (1996) Gould Trout Golden Nepewassi Dollars Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) French River (1993) Four Mile Balsam (2001) Wolfe Beaver Fraser Consecon Mississippi Deer Sturgeon (Chalk) Moira Chesley Brandy McFarlane Stoco Bobs Buck Long (SUDBURY) Go Home Govan Huron (1996) Oak Long (KINGSTON) 1 2 216 238 249 250 261 279 286 291 292 295 304 318 345 353 353 357 376 410 417 417 460 461 464 472 500 521 3 284 383 411 427 455 458 523 574 610 746 792 853 1750 338 388 430 579 443 453 522 493 425 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 1245 722 2887 757 326 9 10 1089 583 1043 532 738 2795 535 721 573 600 534 805 884 1237 643 748 474 454 456 593 636 579 8 837 678 671 897 847 917 686 464 529 566 786 723 769 891 1483 903 1440 2038 1009 1073 1154 SC - 25 Table SC-6b. (continued) Lake Christie Bark Kennebec La Cloche (2001) Kakakiwaganda Woodcock Nosbonsing Balsam (1998) Cecebe French River (1997) Holden French River (1995) Restoule Huron (1997) Big Clear Allumette Sandy Kashwakamak Mountain (1998) Stormy French River (1994) Big Gull Pickerel River (1995) French River (2000) Dalrymple Huron (2001) Pickerel River (1997) Bull Mink Rice French River (2001) Pickerel River (1996) Jacks (NORTH BAY) Skootamatta Lang 1 88 92 99 105 105 109 123 133 141 146 147 150 157 164 173 175 183 202 205 222 239 245 252 252 255 263 281 342 422 482 2 548 565 724 1051 1063 294 185 219 435 259 435 260 263 465 417 378 316 327 358 486 410 425 560 416 437 562 545 965 1010 3 1007 1009 1743 1510 263 472 362 445 333 415 518 380 1005 343 364 544 450 502 492 533 683 686 731 581 622 985 711 1271 1456 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1601 2016 1688 445 571 707 597 598 668 420 974 761 679 1191 561 1070 1314 881 1095 1034 534 708 576 580 831 605 1102 826 769 1263 931 922 996 1152 684 1151 1000 1250 1185 1945 1481 851 717 1098 729 745 798 1340 947 935 1247 1035 1173 1256 1261 1926 2265 SC - 26 South-central region male walleye weight-at-age benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size 1 198 88 482 174 92 133 252 422 30 2 428 185 1063 410 219 292 472 1010 55 3 633 263 1750 526 338 443 711 1456 62 Average weight (g) at age 4 5 6 7 798 880 1143 1130 326 420 671 684 2016 1601 2795 2887 721 806 996 1070 445 420 671 684 576 678 884 837 891 1004 1154 1185 1688 1601 2795 2887 39 16 13 15 8 1536 1166 2038 1314 1166 1237 1926 2038 5 9 1436 1043 2265 1250 1043 1089 1945 2265 7 10 0 SC - 27 Table SC-7a. Empirical female walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Lf defines the asymptotic or maximum total length, K is the Brody growth coefficient and defines growth rate towards the maximum, and to shifts the growth curve along the axis to allow for apparent non-zero body length at age zero (to=-1). Omega (Z) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to. h is pre-maturation growth (i.e., growth to 350 mm total length for combined sexes). Lake Dalrymple Big Gull Govan Allumette Kashwakamak Crotch Balsam (2001) Rice Big Clear Pickerel River (1997) Moira Mink Holden French River (2001) French River (1995) Restoule Nosbonsing Stormy French River (1997) French River (2000) French River (1993) French River (1994) Bark Deer Skootamatta Lang Go Home Pickerel River (1996) Long (SUDBURY) Pickerel River (1995) Huron (2001) Sample Size 25 52 39 154 51 31 35 198 27 39 36 48 119 121 165 48 68 66 141 240 47 185 29 43 40 63 32 47 41 47 37 Lf (mm) 620 630 652 656 660 662 697 729 741 743 748 755 771 775 777 791 795 801 807 812 817 820 833 842 861 869 870 875 880 886 939 K 0.237 0.199 0.232 0.193 0.217 0.176 0.196 0.196 0.194 0.170 0.135 0.215 0.152 0.172 0.174 0.134 0.149 0.143 0.139 0.151 0.160 0.167 0.215 0.153 0.139 0.155 0.135 0.157 0.168 0.159 0.144 Z (mmxyear–1) 146.70 125.04 151.24 126.56 143.21 116.52 136.39 142.54 143.54 129.09 100.88 162.06 116.97 133.35 135.00 106.01 118.70 114.60 111.72 122.56 130.94 136.64 178.81 129.07 119.64 134.34 117.82 137.22 147.76 141.21 135.28 h (mmxyear–1) No data 103.70 129.10 91.67 120.23 92.31 98.88 126.96 89.84 No data 106.30 139.70 92.95 125.44 118.77 No data 104.82 No data 83.75 118.36 104.87 101.08 No data 106.13 180.72 No data No data 136.41 97.62 120.57 No data SC - 28 South-central region female walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Lf (mm) 778 620 939 791 630 729 842 886 K 0.172 0.134 0.237 0.167 0.135 0.149 0.194 0.232 31 Z (mmxyear –1) 131.84 100.88 178.81 133.35 106.01 118.70 141.33 162.06 h (mmxyear–1)1. 109.54 70.95 180.72 106.21 78.26 96.91 120.61 140.74 48 1. Pre-maturation growth benchmarks are calculated from all south-central lakes. SC - 29 Table SC-7b. Empirical male walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Lf defines the asymptotic or maximum total length, K is the Brody growth coefficient and defines growth rate towards the maximum, and to shifts the growth curve along the axis to allow for apparent non-zero body length at age zero (to=-1). Omega (Z) is early growth and corresponds to the growth rate near to. h is pre-maturation growth (i.e., growth to 350 mm total length for combined sexes). Lake Restoule Woodcock Sandy Mountain (1998) Allumette Stormy Holden Deer Kashwakamak Salmon Trout Big Gull Rice Wolfe Dollars Moira Centennial Beaver Dalrymple Nosbonsing Bull Consecon Go Home Govan French River (1997) Mink Balsam (1998) Oak Jacks (NORTH BAY) Crotch Balsam (2001) French River (1995) French River (1993) Four Mile Bobs French River (1994) Pickerel River (1997) French River (2000) French River (2001) Lang Pickerel River (1996) Sample Size 81 42 47 64 137 52 132 47 168 32 95 245 85 58 37 26 36 31 76 26 35 36 41 165 81 28 45 35 40 38 131 26 42 32 172 26 246 117 95 65 Lf (mm) 508 536 542 549 554 568 573 583 583 588 591 592 595 600 600 604 604 620 623 626 627 640 640 643 645 650 651 654 654 667 679 685 687 689 703 703 709 711 714 719 K 0.221 0.194 0.242 0.187 0.206 0.200 0.223 0.196 0.225 0.192 0.193 0.217 0.229 0.197 0.155 0.190 0.165 0.173 0.180 0.212 0.172 0.171 0.197 0.194 0.202 0.154 0.209 0.240 0.152 0.172 0.177 0.184 0.164 0.184 0.193 0.208 0.150 0.156 0.184 0.205 Z (mmxyear–1) 112.04 103.71 130.65 102.93 114.91 113.68 127.72 114.54 131.18 112.46 114.19 128.55 136.20 117.98 92.70 114.86 99.38 107.12 112.12 132.58 107.36 109.24 125.85 124.82 129.83 100.14 136.20 157.14 99.37 114.51 120.15 125.66 112.45 127.10 135.43 146.01 106.70 110.63 130.90 147.58 h (mmxyear–1) No data 77.04 127.47 106.52 91.67 No data 92.95 106.13 120.23 102.63 103.70 126.96 105.69 82.89 106.30 No data 105.18 No data 104.82 124.83 96.20 No data 129.10 83.75 139.70 No data 140.74 144.00 92.31 98.88 118.77 104.87 99.06 115.19 101.08 No data 118.36 125.44 No data 136.41 SC - 30 Table SC-7b. (continued) Lake Long (SUDBURY) Skootamatta Trout Huron (1996) La Cloche (2001) Kakakiwaganda Sample Size 48 57 34 30 33 32 Lf (mm) 737 738 771 771 776 814 K 0.178 0.153 0.161 0.169 0.167 0.156 Z (mmxyear–1) 131.08 112.78 123.75 130.10 129.82 127.20 h (mmxyear–1) 97.62 180.72 No data 120.64 No data No data South-central region male walleye von Bertalanffy growth equation benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Lf (mm) 646 508 814 642 542 592 703 771 K 0.188 0.150 0.242 0.188 0.153 0.169 0.202 0.229 46 Z (mmxyear –1) 120.25 92.70 157.14 118.78 99.38 112.04 130.10 146.01 h (mmxyear–1)1. 109.54 70.95 180.72 106.21 78.26 96.91 120.61 140.74 48 1. Pre-maturation growth benchmarks are calculated from all south-central lakes. SC - 31 Table SC-8a. Female walleye age and size-at-maturity (total length in millimetres) schedules for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A logistic regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) maturity ogive (as percents). Lake Lang Skootamatta Gould Go Home Huron (2001) Govan Big Clear Dalrymple Pickerel River (1996) Mink Bark Deer Wolfe Oak Kashwakamak Pickerel River (1995) Cecebe French River (1993) Restoule Woodcock McFarlane Stormy French River (1994) French River (2001) Moira Rice Chemong French River (1995) Nosbonsing Crotch Big Gull Allumette Chesley French River (2000) Holden Nepewassi Balsam 2001 Pickerel River (1997) Huron (1997) Pigeon Long (SUDBURY) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 1.95 1.10 2.79 1.95 0.83 3.06 2.14 1.86 2.43 2.33 1.03 3.63 2.50 1.63 3.38 2.78 2.39 3.17 2.90 2.22 3.57 2.90 2.59 3.22 2.95 2.40 3.50 2.97 2.34 3.60 2.99 2.52 3.47 3.03 2.31 3.75 3.05 2.74 3.35 3.12 2.07 4.18 3.22 2.94 3.51 3.22 1.90 4.54 3.25 2.53 3.97 3.27 2.58 3.96 3.32 2.66 3.97 3.34 2.24 4.45 3.38 2.83 3.94 3.71 3.12 4.31 3.72 3.04 4.40 3.78 3.25 4.32 3.88 2.74 5.02 3.92 3.44 4.39 3.93 3.23 4.64 3.94 3.21 4.67 4.02 3.30 4.73 4.05 2.67 5.43 4.06 3.62 4.50 4.24 2.95 5.52 4.25 2.97 5.53 4.28 3.01 5.54 4.30 3.31 5.30 4.41 3.94 4.89 4.50 3.13 5.87 4.52 3.56 5.48 4.75 4.03 5.46 4.75 4.27 5.23 4.80 4.38 5.23 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 486.5 450.0 523.0 475.3 440.1 510.5 418.7 357.1 480.3 423.4 397.2 449.5 419.2 393.0 445.5 439.9 421.2 458.7 373.7 291.7 455.7 409.7 388.3 431.1 459.4 437.4 481.5 481.0 428.1 534.0 490.7 453.4 527.9 425.0 399.9 450.0 402.6 365.7 439.6 486.2 471.6 500.7 422.6 405.8 439.4 479.6 457.9 501.3 401.3 375.3 427.2 463.6 433.0 494.1 367.5 332.8 402.1 368.2 354.6 381.8 440.8 421.2 460.3 411.4 391.7 431.1 468.2 424.8 511.5 463.7 431.4 496.0 416.5 395.3 437.5 472.2 425.0 519.5 405.6 388.3 423.0 450.6 402.4 498.7 474.8 437.9 511.8 416.0 345.3 486.6 433.1 418.1 448.1 419.2 397.4 441.0 478.1 416.0 540.3 468.9 421.1 516.6 445.3 419.9 470.6 440.3 423.8 456.8 450.0 423.2 476.9 468.1 445.9 490.3 538.5 506.0 570.9 439.3 413.7 464.9 556.6 531.9 581.3 SC - 32 Table SC-8a. (continued) Lake Buckhorn French River (1997) Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 4.87 1.92 7.81 5.43 3.89 6.98 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 404.3 389.9 418.7 479.7 434.4 525.0 South-central region female walleye maturity benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 3.60 2.76 4.43 1.95 0.83 2.43 5.43 4.38 7.81 3.71 2.74 4.39 2.14 1.10 3.06 2.99 2.31 3.57 4.25 3.25 5.23 4.80 4.03 5.87 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 445.0 413.0 477.0 367.5 291.7 381.8 556.6 531.9 581.3 440.8 419.9 476.9 373.7 345.3 418.7 416.5 391.7 441.0 474.8 434.4 511.5 490.7 471.6 540.3 43 SC - 33 Table SC-8b. Male walleye age and size-at-maturity (total length in millimetres) schedules for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A logistic regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (base 10) maturity ogive (as percents). Lake Gould Big Clear Dalrymple Rice Huron (2001) Stoco Moira Govan Pickerel River (1996) Restoule Mink Pickerel River (1997) Sandy Wolfe Stormy Oak Cecebe French River (1995) Kashwakamak Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) French River (2000) French River (2001) Beaver Mississippi Balsam (2001) Allumette Go Home Salmon Trout Sturgeon (Chalk) Big Gull Nosbonsing Bobs Holden Consecon Bark Crotch French River (1994) Pickerel River (1995) Four Mile Woodcock Constant Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 0.80 0.11 1.49 1.00 0.70 1.31 1.30 0.69 1.91 1.36 0.50 2.22 1.36 0.76 1.95 1.43 1.18 1.68 1.44 0.34 2.53 1.45 0.68 2.22 1.45 0.56 2.34 1.48 0.67 2.28 1.51 0.87 2.15 1.56 1.16 1.96 1.60 1.08 2.11 1.60 0.48 2.72 1.62 1.04 2.19 1.63 0.77 2.48 1.78 0.43 3.14 1.83 0.47 3.20 1.84 1.08 2.60 1.85 0.93 2.77 1.90 0.20 3.60 1.96 0.49 3.42 2.06 0.95 3.16 2.14 0.66 3.62 2.19 1.46 2.92 2.21 1.46 2.95 2.23 1.75 2.70 2.25 1.50 3.01 2.27 1.78 2.76 2.28 1.27 3.28 2.28 1.55 3.00 2.29 1.22 3.35 2.31 1.67 2.94 2.38 1.60 3.15 2.39 1.04 3.73 2.41 1.41 3.42 2.44 1.28 3.60 2.44 1.22 3.65 2.47 1.21 3.73 2.61 1.82 3.40 2.63 1.38 3.87 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 339.6 320.4 358.7 258.8 249.5 268.1 316.4 299.3 333.4 321.1 295.7 346.6 336.3 312.8 359.8 300.2 290.7 309.7 330.3 314.8 345.7 340.3 311.3 369.3 331.2 247.3 414.9 275.1 241.3 309.0 367.3 349.3 385.2 366.9 341.1 392.8 335.9 322.8 348.9 338.0 316.1 359.8 318.9 289.7 348.1 366.7 348.1 385.4 325.8 310.7 341.0 341.9 303.2 380.5 330.4 268.5 392.3 292.9 249.6 336.2 348.1 290.5 405.7 352.3 300.5 404.0 331.5 250.4 412.7 350.3 274.9 425.6 343.3 324.1 362.5 314.9 269.5 360.3 348.8 299.6 398.1 336.4 300.5 372.3 331.1 307.5 354.6 342.5 315.6 369.5 340.9 301.8 380.1 369.8 338.7 400.9 306.4 267.6 345.2 339.8 323.6 356.0 392.5 266.7 518.3 333.2 293.4 373.0 346.3 288.7 403.8 374.8 354.4 395.2 358.8 320.0 397.6 288.0 264.2 311.8 424.6 401.1 448.2 SC - 34 Table SC-8b. (continued) Lake Dollars Huron (1997) Chesley Centennial Balsam (1998) Buckhorn Fraser Madawaska French River (1997) McFarlane French River (1993) Chemong Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.65 1.83 3.47 2.67 1.68 3.66 2.79 2.60 2.98 2.82 2.24 3.41 2.89 1.36 4.41 2.90 2.30 3.49 2.94 2.31 3.57 2.94 2.60 3.27 3.09 2.18 4.00 3.15 0.71 5.58 3.48 2.09 4.88 4.87 2.95 6.80 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 317.5 286.1 348.9 414.8 370.9 458.7 370.7 359.4 382.1 373.2 358.1 388.4 353.1 316.0 390.3 353.1 334.5 371.7 352.7 337.0 368.3 302.1 290.4 313.9 331.6 269.8 393.4 394.9 378.8 411.0 378.4 226.8 530.0 359.7 348.9 370.5 South-central region male walleye maturity benchmarks. Mean Minimum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Maturity by age (years) 50% 10% 90% 2.17 1.25 3.10 0.80 0.11 1.31 4.87 2.95 6.80 2.23 1.21 3.14 1.30 0.30 1.68 1.60 0.70 2.48 2.61 1.67 3.57 3.15 2.60 4.88 Maturity by size (mm) 50% 10% 90% 341.7 305.9 377.5 258.8 226.8 268.1 424.6 401.1 530.0 340.3 303.2 372.3 288.0 247.3 309.7 330.3 286.1 348.9 358.8 324.1 397.6 394.9 370.9 458.7 53 SC - 35 Mean 20.30 23.07 30.35 30.46 34.01 39.86 41.20 42.03 44.29 45.29 47.51 50.37 50.59 51.26 52.89 53.72 54.00 54.12 54.73 55.45 58.47 59.43 59.65 59.89 60.21 62.11 63.22 64.04 64.84 67.56 67.67 Big Clear Stoco Brandy McKellar Moira Nosbonsing Lang McFarlane Kashwakamak French River (2001) Restoule French River (1995) Mountain (2001) Big Gull French River (1997) Holden Long (SUDBURY) Pickerel River (1996) Pickerel River (1995) La Cloche (1996) Gould Kakakiwaganda French River (2000) French River (1994) Pickerel River (1997) Allumette Bobs Crotch Jacks (NORTH BAY) Chesley Sharbot (2000) Standard Error 5.89 1.54 3.45 2.40 2.29 1.47 4.54 2.90 6.07 1.20 3.42 1.97 7.51 1.85 2.21 2.09 5.08 2.48 3.36 4.89 4.80 2.69 1.68 1.81 4.42 1.54 3.34 3.49 3.12 3.57 4.48 3.11 20.43 25.23 27.27 11.38 25.45 3.33 27.00 8.51 23.58 32.78 22.59 42.49 41.67 30.79 39.05 14.89 30.69 31.05 34.36 41.68 45.88 28.04 33.15 40.62 40.91 52.50 55.65 54.01 55.65 49.19 Minimum 58.02 27.48 36.92 35.17 49.93 52.44 77.92 60.54 85.20 66.33 70.46 89.32 65.59 57.48 89.58 72.26 80.65 69.58 77.12 74.14 79.96 88.58 141.69 102.83 81.24 85.28 81.00 71.36 72.76 79.22 96.99 Maximum 8.50 22.19 28.89 28.94 35.02 40.29 47.34 42.77 46.15 46.09 44.19 49.00 43.67 53.90 51.82 51.95 55.09 56.83 54.32 58.13 62.18 56.87 58.68 58.55 57.28 59.98 62.55 66.98 66.77 69.62 68.40 Median 5% Percentile 3.68 20.64 25.59 27.44 19.48 27.38 8.84 29.31 9.85 30.35 33.63 29.18 42.61 42.19 34.32 42.90 26.34 38.76 31.63 38.02 42.49 46.46 35.53 37.32 44.52 46.97 54.05 55.67 55.83 56.53 49.63 25% Quartile 5.15 21.45 27.06 28.11 31.05 35.87 18.71 34.86 29.80 40.10 37.73 40.93 43.08 46.61 46.83 46.96 48.23 44.66 46.43 48.58 44.76 50.27 50.41 48.36 52.19 55.18 59.48 55.73 63.11 61.38 53.22 75% Quartile 35.21 23.81 32.91 32.05 39.41 46.47 58.86 46.74 58.93 49.45 54.77 58.60 54.63 55.38 58.01 58.74 64.75 62.52 63.18 62.20 66.00 63.20 65.95 71.51 64.31 68.93 63.76 70.47 67.56 71.90 73.94 95% Percentile 50.55 26.75 36.12 34.54 48.23 49.06 76.62 55.91 83.17 58.94 68.30 72.76 63.40 56.80 73.50 68.79 74.48 66.29 76.02 71.25 75.45 84.52 89.28 81.09 80.64 80.89 76.14 71.18 71.72 77.44 96.17 SC - 36 Sample Size 11 4 3 3 17 27 26 11 16 53 13 50 3 10 30 21 12 19 16 7 8 20 99 70 9 43 7 5 5 6 13 Walleye relative fecundity (eggs per gram of total weight) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Lake Table SC-9. 72.34 73.12 80.32 83.48 85.04 Mean Standard Error 3.64 1.87 9.53 1.43 2.91 57.24 52.87 68.02 50.19 54.58 Minimum 102.10 87.74 108.36 122.44 116.53 Maximum 1. 2. 54.36 54.52 35.44 31.58 Minimum All lakes combined (n=36). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=24). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 78.17 83.38 Maximum 71.28 74.68 72.44 82.86 83.68 Median Averages Median 5% Percentile 53.83 38.87 54.09 36.16 South-central region walleye relative fecundity benchmarks. Dalrymple Stormy Mountain (1998) Rice Skootamatta Lake Table SC-9. (continued) 25% Quartile 46.39 45.69 5% Percentile 60.82 61.32 68.12 60.79 61.17 75% Quartile 60.74 62.19 25% Quartile 65.10 69.27 68.51 76.53 74.35 95% Percentile 92.63 87.12 103.54 106.13 105.89 95% Percentile 71.98 75.13 75% Quartile 74.58 76.52 84.25 91.85 95.16 SC - 37 Sample Size 11 19 4 88 29 Fecundity-length relation1. R2 E D x 10-6 2.69 4571.91 0.72 2.99 596.48 0.90 3.04 433.88 0.92 3.13 143.68 0.60 3.19 278.57 0.78 3.33 68.337 0.85 3.36 84.704 0.68 3.48 31.252 0.78 3.55 26.481 0.81 3.66 7.019 0.82 3.75 6.111 0.80 3.78 4.757 0.98 3.82 3.176 0.93 3.90 2.555 0.96 3.94 1.691 0.91 3.99 0.754 0.81 4.05 0.754 0.87 4.05 0.688 0.90 4.08 0.560 0.81 4.13 0.481 0.80 4.18 0.389 0.89 4.20 0.351 0.94 4.22 0.368 0.78 4.55 0.0254 0.91 4.67 0.0246 0.90 5.07 0.00145 0.93 5.38 0.000233 0.71 6.21 0.0000003 0.81 7.11 0.000000001 0.72 n 9 21 5 17 29 19 13 70 88 53 43 7 13 19 10 27 30 16 50 99 20 5 6 11 11 7 8 11 26 SC - 38 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 45730 62778 83350 107711 136120 168826 34999 49747 68136 90564 117428 149127 35598 50933 70173 93771 122180 155857 20041 28975 40294 54300 71298 91598 57181 83302 116635 158147 208822 269665 32509 48145 68408 93996 125630 164056 45917 68182 97109 133720 179076 234272 34625 52143 75205 104742 141733 187198 44838 68088 98937 138729 188883 250890 23928 36839 54192 76838 105685 141699 35469 55180 81937 117165 162402 219295 33420 52189 77756 111524 155013 209852 27305 42809 64008 92102 128392 174283 36373 57593 86880 126019 176966 241842 29438 46797 70844 103087 145186 198946 18553 29695 45228 66176 93671 128951 25628 41280 63231 92994 132250 182846 23420 37725 57788 84993 120875 167124 23478 37973 58381 86149 122889 170382 26191 42580 65764 97447 139534 194134 29191 47756 74176 110474 158924 222061 29530 48421 75361 112444 162030 226750 35842 58940 91972 137550 198631 278517 17281 29525 47674 73538 109234 157195 34623 60006 98139 153146 229902 334079 18372 33400 57012 92477 143816 215887 23737 44750 78906 131805 210549 323955 4845 10065 19356 34974 60021 98644 4646 10736 22713 44736 83062 146767 1. Two-tailed Student t-tests were employed to test significance of slope and intercept (+o:E or D = 0). Pickerel River (1997) Holden Crotch Moira Skootamatta Pickerel River (1996) Sharbot (2000) French River (1994) Rice French River (2001) Allumette Bobs Restoule Stormy Big Gull Nosbonsing French River (1997) Pickerel River (1995) French River (1995) French River (2000) Kakakiwaganda Jacks (NORTH BAY) Chesley McFarlane Dalrymple La Cloche (1996) Gould Big Clear Lang Lake Table SC-10. Walleye fecundity-total length relationships for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. A geometric mean predictive regression model was fitted to logarithmically transformed (Napierian logarithms) individual observations. Total length in millimetres. Mean Minumum Maximum Median 5% Percentile 25% Quartile 75% Quartile 95% Percentile Sample Size Fecundity-length relation R2 E D x 10-6 4.05 216.05 0.84 2.69 0.000000001 0.60 7.11 4571.91 0.98 3.94 1.691 0.82 2.99 0.0000003 0.68 3.48 0.368 0.78 4.20 31.252 0.91 6.21 596.47 0.96 n 29 5 99 17 5 10 29 88 SC - 39 Calculated fecundity at standard total length (mm) 400 450 500 550 600 650 29404 46089 69296 100736 142421 196714 4646 10065 19357 34974 60021 91599 57181 83303 116636 158147 229902 334079 29438 47757 70174 97448 139534 187198 4845 10737 22713 44736 71299 98645 23478 37726 57789 86150 120875 157195 35469 55181 81937 117165 162402 226750 45917 68182 98938 153146 210550 323955 29 South-central region walleye fecundity-total length benchmarks. Dollars Go Home Deer Rock Island Brandy Crotch McKellar Govan Gould Chesley Pickerel River (1995) Balsam (2001) Bull Wolfe Cecebe Kennebec Mountain (1998) Stoco French River (1997) Three Mile McFarlane French River (1995) Oak Lake Table SC-11a. 2.24% 2.32% 2.37% 2.39% 2.48% 2.55% 2.57% 2.72% 2.83% 2.99% 3.13% 3.41% 3.43% 3.44% 3.57% 3.62% 3.74% 3.75% 3.93% 3.93% 4.12% 4.12% 4.14% Mean 0.39% 1.61% 0.58% 1.89% 1.74% 0.22% 2.19% 1.27% 1.64% 2.12% 1.85% 2.07% 2.96% 2.37% 2.53% 2.43% 0.02% 2.90% 1.80% 2.70% 2.63% 1.29% 2.13% Minimum 3.69% 3.82% 3.75% 3.28% 3.28% 4.67% 3.17% 3.92% 4.86% 3.81% 4.85% 4.57% 3.80% 5.28% 5.91% 5.53% 6.07% 4.96% 8.15% 4.41% 6.15% 7.68% 5.63% Maximum 5 21 10 5 3 8 3 8 8 6 16 7 6 9 13 5 5 4 30 5 11 50 11 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.88% 2.33% 0.96% 1.65% 2.17% 0.48% 1.35% 0.96% 0.40% 0.84% 3.75% 0.39% 1.66% 0.83% 1.27% 1.75% 0.68% 0.68% 2.43% 1.75% 5.28% 3.67% 0.60% Mean 0.41% 0% 0% 0.67% 0.54% 0% 0.72% 0% 0% 0.34% 0% 0.29% 0.84% 0% 0% 1.23% 0.02% 0.42% 0% 1.36% 3.78% 0.87% 0.05% Minimum 1.60% 5.22% 1.95% 3.68% 3.43% 1.32% 2.11% 2.02% 0.99% 1.37% 7.07% 0.57% 3.33% 2.87% 2.44% 2.50% 1.33% 1.17% 5.47% 2.38% 6.65% 8.78% 1.94% Maximum Visceral Fat index 3 21 10 5 3 7 3 8 8 6 16 7 6 9 8 5 5 4 30 5 11 50 11 Sample Size SC - 40 No data No data 0.38 No data No data 0.42 No data 0.59 No data 0.55 0.41 0.43 No data 0.59 No data No data 0.51 No data 0.31 No data No data 0.46 No data Reproductive Index Mature female walleye fall gonadosomatic index (GSI is ovary weight expressed as a percent of the total weight minus the ovary weight), visceral fat index (VFI is fat weight expressed as a percent of the total weight), and reproductive index (R is 3h/Lf) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. French River (2001) Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) Buck French River (2000) Canonto Moira Isabella Kakakiwaganda La Cloche (1996) Bobs Jack Pickerel River (1996) Big Gull Mississippi Jacks (NORTH BAY) Holden Pickerel River (1997) Stormy Bark Nosbonsing Huron (2001) Long (SUDBURY) Huron (1997) Dalrymple Consecon Allumette Lake 4.16% 4.17% 4.23% 4.33% 4.44% 4.45% 4.48% 4.49% 4.52% 4.82% 4.86% 4.94% 5.10% 5.21% 5.22% 5.32% 5.43% 5.48% 5.49% 5.54% 5.61% 5.73% 5.97% 6.00% 6.02% 6.10% Mean Table SC-11a. (continued) 2.24% 3.39% 3.66% 0.34% 3.75% 1.34% 1.67% 2.87% 2.78% 3.44% 4.01% 2.59% 3.69% 4.17% 4.18% 0.31% 3.68% 3.47% 2.60% 3.48% 3.29% 2.89% 4.25% 3.77% 4.07% 2.32% Minimum 7.07% 5.31% 4.86% 8.66% 4.85% 7.37% 7.06% 6.81% 6.20% 7.11% 5.44% 6.69% 7.49% 6.49% 5.96% 9.27% 6.88% 8.73% 8.53% 8.83% 9.28% 7.93% 7.29% 7.97% 7.25% 12.22% Maximum 53 3 3 100 3 17 3 20 7 7 5 19 10 3 5 22 9 19 20 28 21 12 3 11 5 43 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 3.64% 1.11% 3.01% 3.92% 1.01% 1.40% 0.83% 4.04% 5.16% 1.50% 1.21% 2.41% 1.45% 0.28% 2.05% 3.49% 2.92% 0.86% 3.45% 0.95% 3.75% 3.18% 2.86% 0.42% 0% 4.37% Mean 0.43% 0.32% 1.95% 0% 0.66% 0.47% 0.14% 2.49% 3.41% 0.35% 0.82% 0.12% 0.38% 0.11% 1.50% 1.59% 0.69% 0% 2.11% 0% 0.62% 1.90% 1.47% 0% 0% 0.38% Minimum 7.65% 1.81% 4.85% 8.17% 1.67% 2.3% 1.88% 6.22% 6.63% 2.78% 2.23% 4.20% 2.65% 0.43% 2.83% 7.55% 5.01% 2.60% 4.82% 2.60% 9.11% 5.19% 4.78% 1.32% 0% 9.41% Maximum Visceral Fat index 53 3 3 100 3 17 3 20 7 7 5 19 10 3 5 22 9 19 20 17 21 12 7 11 5 43 Sample Size SC - 41 0.49 No data No data 0.44 No data 0.43 No data No data No data No data No data 0.47 0.49 No data No data 0.36 No data No data No data 0.40 No data 0.33 0.44 No data No data 0.42 Reproductive Index 6.10% 6.19% 6.36% 6.43% 6.56% 7.09% 7.15% 8.11% 8.13% 8.41% 9.68% Mean 4.73% 4.54% 0.07% 3.21% 5.15% 6.53% 4.48% 6.75% 6.22% 2.66% 8.29% Minimum 7.55% 7.62% 9.36% 10.94% 8.03% 7.88% 9.69% 9.05% 10.89% 11.95% 11.21% Maximum 4 5 11 70 3 3 5 6 3 30 4 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.15% 0.41% 1.51% 3.63% 0.82% 1.28% 0.54% 0.25% 1.38% 1.41% 2.46% Mean 0.01% 0.07% 0.02% 0.19% 0.21% 1.04% 0.19% 0% 1.27% 0.39% 1.72% Minimum 0.29% 0.77% 2.87% 7.09% 1.21% 1.57% 1.11% 0.96% 1.44% 3.85% 3.27% Maximum Visceral Fat index 1. 2. 4.79% 4.87% 3.22% 2.22% Minimum All lakes combined (n=60). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=24). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 6.46% 7.80% Maximum 11 27 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 1.64% 2.57% Mean 0.67% 0.63% Minimum 2.90% 5.08% Maximum Visceral Fat Index South-central mature female gonadosomatic, visceral fat, and reproductive indices benchmarks. Bennett Four Mile Mink French River (1994) Mountain (2001) Gooderham Georges Christie Wilber Skootamatta Sharbot (2001) Lake Table SC-11a. (continued) 11 26 Sample Size 4 5 11 70 3 3 5 6 3 27 4 Sample Size 0.46 0.43 SC - 42 Reproductive Index No data No data 0.56 0.37 No data No data No data No data No data 0.63 No data Reproductive Index Sturgeon (Chalk) Georges Dollars Second Depot Rock Island Stewartville (2001) Brandy Holden Madawaska Mississippi Cecebe McFarlane Bennett Govan Constant Allumette Nosbonsing Chesley Centennial Jacks (NORTH BAY) Crotch Giroux French River (1997) Lake Table SC-11b. 1.71% 1.86% 1.91% 2.09% 2.16% 2.17% 2.24% 2.36% 2.42% 2.45% 2.50% 2.50% 2.52% 2.53% 2.54% 2.55% 2.58% 2.58% 2.60% 2.61% 2.65% 2.68% 2.70% Mean 1.27% 1.43% 0.19% 0.30% 1.16% 1.54% 1.25% 1.38% 1.59% 1.78% 0.29% 0.66% 1.52% 0.50% 0.25% 0.36% 1.40% 1.35% 1.35% 1.27% 0.43% 1.71% 0.04% Minimum 2.29% 2.37% 3.36% 4.13% 4.02% 2.80% 3.39% 3.71% 3.12% 2.86% 4.30% 3.26% 4.08% 5.06% 3.98% 5.68% 4.39% 3.80% 3.56% 3.77% 4.26% 3.26% 4.63% Maximum 11 3 33 5 7 5 10 93 12 9 26 12 12 34 6 60 32 17 16 30 34 4 89 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 1.40% 1.29% 0.46% 0.35% 0.94% 0.39% 1.18% 2.56% 0.37% 0.11% 0.64% 2.72% 0.19% 0.64% 0.52% 3.18% 0.24% 0.92% 0.45% 1.93% 0.93% 1.13% 1.45% Mean 0.48% 0.84% 0% 0% 0.03% 0.03% 0.12% 0.54% 0.02% 0.02% 0% 0.73% 0.02% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.19% 0% 0.25% 0.04% 0.37% 0% Minimum 2.89% 1.58% 1.38% 1.07% 2.61% 1.18% 2.79% 5.98% 1.49% 0.53% 2.33% 4.24% 0.70% 1.99% 1.17% 7.85% 2.08% 2.06% 1.26% 4.17% 2.68% 1.90% 4.49% Maximum Visceral Fat index 11 3 25 5 7 5 10 93 12 9 20 12 12 34 6 60 32 17 16 30 18 4 89 Sample Size SC - 43 No data No data 0.41 No data No data No data No data 0.49 No data No data No data 0.46 No data 0.61 No data 0.50 0.50 No data No data 0.66 0.42 No data 0.39 Reproductive Index Mature male walleye fall gonadosomatic index (GSI is testes weight expressed as a percent of the total weight minus the testes weight), visceral fat index (VFI is fat weight expressed as a percent of the total weight), and reproductive index (R is 3h/Lf) data for south-central region waterbodies sampled using the fall walleye index netting standard. Only mean values with a minimum sample size t 3 are included. Stormy Dalhousie Wolfe Jacks (BRACEBRIDGE) Jack McKellar French River (1995) Richard Long (SUDBURY) Dalrymple Huron (1997) Gould Pickerel River (1997) Beaver Bull Balsam (2001) Big Gull French River (2000) Pickerel River (1996) Consecon Stoco Go Home Christie Isabella French River (1994) French River (2001) Lake 2.72% 2.72% 2.72% 2.76% 2.76% 2.78% 2.78% 2.83% 2.83% 2.84% 2.89% 2.91% 2.93% 3.01% 3.04% 3.05% 3.08% 3.12% 3.13% 3.14% 3.16% 3.16% 3.17% 3.17% 3.19% 3.19% Mean Table SC-11b. (continued) 0.01% 1.76% 0.26% 1.49% 1.13% 2.05% 0.19% 2.42% 0.23% 1.84% 0.99% 0.09% 2.16% 0.29% 0.20% 1.73% 0.31% 0.12% 0.25% 1.94% 2.27% 1.22% 1.73% 1.71% 0.37% 0.23% Minimum 4.51% 3.87% 4.13% 3.46% 5.40% 4.09% 7.73% 3.19% 4.51% 3.90% 4.03% 4.57% 4.33% 5.94% 5.24% 5.16% 4.87% 6.02% 5.75% 4.29% 3.86% 4.76% 5.19% 4.59% 5.31% 6.12% Maximum 24 8 71 19 13 4 79 3 40 14 6 15 13 27 15 24 77 163 46 27 7 29 14 5 73 87 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 0.31% 0.51% 0.63% 0.86% 0.48% 0.58% 2.96% 0.97% 1.57% 0.33% 2.61% 0.75% 2.53% 0.16% 0.67% 0.29% 0.91% 2.56% 2.36% 0% 0.33% 1.34% 0.28% 2.94% 2.82% 2.23% Mean 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.29% 0% 0% 0.97% 0.04% 0.95% 0% 0% 0% 0.02% 0% 0.29% 0% 0.05% 0% 0% 1.63% 0% 0% Minimum 1.51% 1.29% 2.57% 2.66% 1.72% 1.23% 7.89% 1.81% 4.76% 1.77% 5.64% 3.38% 3.65% 1.18% 2.72% 1.07% 2.39% 9.99% 5.43% 0% 0.95% 3.44% 1.25% 4.20% 6.65% 5.25% Maximum Visceral Fat index 24 8 71 19 12 4 79 5 40 13 10 15 13 27 15 24 77 163 46 27 7 29 14 5 74 87 Sample Size SC - 44 No data No data 0.53 0.56 No data No data 0.52 No data 0.40 No data 0.53 No data No data 0.52 0.60 0.44 0.53 0.53 0.57 0.46 No data No data No data No data 0.43 0.53 Reproductive Index Wilber Buck Mountain (1998) Sandy Four Mile Pickerel River (1995) Norcan Mink Deer Bark Kennebec Fergusons Gooderham Bobs Gibson Moira Mountain (2001) La Cloche (1996) Canonto Kakakiwaganda Oak Skootamatta Crane Mississagagon Denbigh Three Mile Lake 3.21% 3.22% 3.23% 3.24% 3.27% 3.34% 3.41% 3.44% 3.51% 3.53% 3.60% 3.61% 3.71% 3.73% 3.78% 3.78% 3.84% 3.90% 3.95% 4.13% 4.26% 4.31% 4.55% 4.63% 4.64% 4.90% Mean Table SC-11b. (continued) 2.41% 2.40% 0.04% 1.39% 0.07% 1.11% 2.87% 0.67% 1.34% 0.63% 0.02% 3.06% 2.30% 0.58% 2.72% 2.23% 2.35% 2.36% 2.94% 1.72% 0.30% 2.13% 3.40% 1.59% 3.29% 3.00% Minimum 6.31% 4.45% 5.53% 4.72% 4.93% 4.33% 4.10% 5.55% 5.00% 4.92% 5.51% 4.15% 4.84% 5.77% 4.74% 6.19% 4.87% 6.53% 5.20% 6.26% 7.50% 6.44% 5.46% 6.27% 6.76% 6.33% Maximum 8 12 52 13 33 11 3 64 46 33 18 3 7 17 4 28 10 12 9 30 40 48 5 8 6 8 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 1.26% 0.58% 0.38% 0.22% 0.47% 4.08% 0.44% 1.34% 1.01% 2.92% 1.43% 0.76% 0.76% 1.86% 1.25% 0.85% 1.09% 4.52% 0.56% 2.89% 0.96% 1.82% 3.96% 1.11% 0.80% 1.25% Mean 0.20% 0% 0% 0.06% 0.03% 2.51% 0.21% 0.30% 0% 0% 0% 0.30% 0% 0% 0.74% 0% 0.49% 1.79% 0% 1.05% 0% 0.26% 2.04% 0% 0% 0% Minimum 2.24% 2.09% 1.81% 0.78% 1.21% 6.40% 0.61% 3.32% 2.51% 5.81% 3.52% 1.28% 2.14% 4.76% 1.64% 2.15% 1.93% 7.73% 1.44% 6.85% 4.00% 3.58% 7.18% 2.26% 1.89% 1.87% Maximum Visceral Fat index 8 12 52 12 33 11 3 64 46 33 18 3 7 18 4 28 10 12 9 30 40 40 5 8 6 8 Sample Size SC - 45 No data No data 0.58 0.71 0.43 0.49 No data 0.65 0.55 No data No data No data No data 0.50 No data 0.53 No data No data No data No data 0.65 0.73 No data No data No data No data Reproductive Index 5.16% Mean 3.13% Minimum 7.27% Maximum 5 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 2.35% Mean 0.81% Minimum 4.04% Maximum Visceral Fat index 1. 2. 3.17% 3.02% 1.49% 0.96% Minimum All lakes combined (n=76). Only lakes with sample size t 10 (n=52). Region Average1. Region Average2. Mean 4.73% 4.85% Maximum 25 36 Sample Size Gonadosomatic Index 1.29% 1.34% Mean 0.31% 0.20% Minimum 2.92% 3.39% Maximum Visceral Fat Index South-central mature male gonadosomatic, visceral fat, and reproductive indices benchmarks. Sharbot (2001) Lake Table SC-11b. (continued) 24 35 Sample Size 5 Sample Size 0.53 0.53 SC - 46 Reproductive Index No data Reproductive Index Mean (±95% C.I.)1. 28 (27-30) 30 (29-32) 1.03 (1.02-1.04) 1.03 (1.02-1.04) 744 (733-755) 618 (610-626) 0.158 (0.154-0.163) 0.180 (0.176-0.185) 116.40 (113.41-119.38) 110.57 (108.12-113.02) 93.00 (90.48-95.51) 4.5 (4.3-4.7) 3.0 (2.9-3.2) S.D. (C.V.)2. 13.6 (48%) 12.8 (42%) 0.079 (8%) 0.090 (9%) 84.2 (11%) 64.7 (10%) 0.0377 (24%) 0.0350 (19%) 23.322 (20%) 19.748 (18%) 21.306 (23%) 1.51 (34%) 1.10 (37%) Median 25 28 1.02 1.02 748 616 0.152 0.176 114.45 109.41 92.07 4.2 2.9 Minimum to Maximum 7 to 89 6 to 82 0.90 to 1.49 0.87 to 1.48 529 to 957 485 to 814 0.090 to 0.327 0.105 to 0.320 73.49 to 200.27 69.45 to 181.19 54.31 to 185.90 2.0 to 10.2 0.8 to 7.7 1.5 2.5 61.13 80.67 80.84 0.129 0.110 508 606 0.92 0.94 14 12 5% 2.2 3.4 76.59 97.20 99.31 0.155 0.132 572 684 0.97 0.98 21 19 3.7 5.4 105.95 122.07 132.82 0.200 0.180 654 804 1.07 1.07 38 34 Percentiles 25% 75% SC - 47 4.9 7.1 129.45 148.06 155.92 0.244 0.230 738 880 1.18 1.16 51 57 95% Walleye life history parameters for Ontario waterbodies sampled using the walleye index netting standard 1993 to 2001. Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Female adult mortality (A%) (n=296) Male adult mortality (A%) (n=295) Female relative condition (n=241) Male relative condition (n=265) Female asymptotic length (L, mm) (n=238) Male asymptotic length (L, mm) (n=252) Female Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) (n=238) Male Brody coefficient (K, yr-1) (n=252) Female Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) (n=238) Male Omega (Ȧ, mm•yr-1) (n=252) Pre-maturation growth (h, mm•yr-1) (n=278) Female age-at-50% maturity (years) (n=261) Male age-at-50% maturity (years) (n=266) Table SC-12. Mean (±95% C.I.)1. 441 (436-447) 349 (345-353) 4.4 (4.2-4.7) 2.9 (2.8-3.0) 49.79 (47.41-52.17) 1.9 (1.7-2.1) 1.4 (1.2-1.5) 7.5 (6.9-8.2) S.D. (C.V.)2. 42.1 (10%) 32.9 (9%) 1.64 (37%) 0.76 (26%) 14.049 (28%) 1.29 (68%) 0.98 (72%) 7.13 (95%) Median 440 346 4.2 2.8 50.47 1.6 1.1 5.3 Minimum to Maximum 338 to 586 246 to 476 1.5 to 11.1 1.3 to 5.4 18.04 to 87.98 0.1 to 6.8 0.1 to 5.3 0 to 36.1 1. 95% Confidence interval of the mean. 2. Standard deviation of the mean (S.D.) and coefficient of variation of the mean expressed as a percent (C.V.). Life History Parameter (Sample Size) Female size-at-50% maturity (mm) (n=261) Male size-at-50% maturity (mm) (n=266) Female gonadosomatic index (%) (n=151) Male gonadosomatic index (%) (n=155) Relative fecundity (eggs•g-1) (n=136) Female visceral fat index (%) (n=151) Male visceral fat index (%) (n=155) Relative abundance (number•net-1) (n=441) Table SC-12. (continued) 0.4 0.2 0.3 26.22 1.8 2.1 299 369 5% 2.0 0.6 0.8 40.01 2.5 3.3 331 416 10.9 1.8 2.7 58.69 3.2 5.4 370 473 Percentiles 25% 75% SC - 48 22.5 3.2 4.4 72.65 4.5 7.5 401 504 95%
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