G7 Lake Superior General Use Area
G7 Lake Superior General Use Area
LAPIERRE HIPEL KIRBY FULFORD GERALDTON LEGAULT COLTER EMA 3 - LINDSLEY Herrick-White-Obakamiga Lakes Corridor ERRINGTON DALEY OAKES HOUCK McQUESTEN Sandlink Lakes Hoiles Lake ABREY CROLL ASHMORE Upper Loponen Lake MACLEOD VIVIAN - Promotion of remote recreation and remote tourism activitiesencouraging remote experiences and opportunities. - Continued public use and enjoyment - Road and trail development is managed with the intent to promote quality of remoteness and associated values. - Commercial and industrial activities to have consideration for level and quality of remoteness. - Long-term ecological and biological Integrity PARENT Outlet Bay Little Charon Lake Cass Lake Eino Lake Arms Lake Robb Lake Broadsword Lake Stevens Lake Upper Pic River Cultural & Heritage Waterway Little Stevens Lake Zapus Lake Devork Lake Berberis Lake Boot Lake Eris Lake Kagiano Lake Helios Lake Sparky Lake Burn Lake Slingshot Lake Hourglass Lake Stiletto Lake Excalibur Lake Little Vein Lake Michal Lake Helianthus Lake Lobelia LakeParabola Lake G2688 Sandspit Lake Gentian Lake Kentron Lake Halliday Lake Sandy Lake Buhl Lake Boomerang Lake STEEL RIVER Marmota Lake Everest Lake Fox Lake G1 Urban Areas General Use Area Solann Lake DAVIES Blank Lake Papaver Lake Waskisk Lake MAPLEDORAM Cadawaja Lake Vein Lake Explorer Lake Little Huck Lake Blood Lake Little Alice Lake Lower Pic River Sturgeon Waterway RAINBOW FALLS KILLRAINE SYINE STREY PRISKE SCHREIBER CHANNEL Lake Superior Archipelago North Skipper Lake Boyer Lake Skipper Lake Lacobeer Lake RED SUCKER POINT MARATHON NEYS ADDITION Valley Lake Bullring Lake Gowan Lake G2690 Camp 36 Lake Craig's Pit Melgund Lake Dalton Lake Bells Lake Ell Lake Gulliver Lake Mussy Lake Hattie Cove Gus Lake Playter Harbour WHITE LAKE Picture Rock Harbour MIKANO Horsehead Lake Flood Lake FLOOD Mashkigomin Lake North Buck Lake Swamp Lake Animons Lake Nokanee Lake Hawkes Lake Snake Lake Morrison Harbour One Island Lake Birch Lake Fish Harbour Cave Harbour Louie Lake Ahdik Lake COOPER BROUGHTON Newcombe Lake MCGOWAN Oiseau Bay Lower Birch Lake South Soldier Lake Dampier Cove Nicols Cove G2680 Gornupkagama Lake Pokei Lake ALANEN MEMASKWOSH Soulier Lake Lower Pokei Lake CHARBONNEAU Gibson Lake Grandma Stevens Pond Yaskovitch Lake Secret Lake Frappier Lake Newman's Bay Bog Lake Abbie Lake Trapper Harbour Triangle Harbour Elsie Lake ASHLEY 17 Patron Lake Wilder Lake BERNST Wabenung Lake DAMBROSSIO DAHL Mystery Lake DUMAS Souloup Lake Sad Lake Lac aux Cypres Ore Lake Spring Lake LEVESQUE Old Daves Harbour BYRON BYRON Steeres Lake West Pukaskwa Lake Camp Lake Sund Lake Buchanan Lake Bertha Lake East Pukaskwa Lake Perry Lake Mishibishu Lake Huge Lake MACASKILL Imogene Cove David Lakes ANDRE Lake Superior Highlands Jackfish Lake Loon Lake Kink Lake Brown Lake The Wheat Bin Maple Lake Lake Superior Highlands False Ganley Harbour Redsucker Cove Charlies Lake FRANCHERE Denison Lake GROSEILLIERS Pipe Lake Little Trout Lake Pilot Harbour Floating Heart Bay Tamarack Bay NIMOOSH Dog Harbour Dore Lake BOSTWICK Cinders Lake Felcite Lake WAWA LENDRUM Mission Lake G9 = G1789 Roller Lake Lake Superior Sport FisheriesSouth Michipicoten RIver-Superior Shoreline Bridget Lake Bank Lake General Use Area Fenton Lake Noisy Lake DULHUT Neilly Lake Moose Lake Henry Lake BrulT Harbour Salter Lake Inner Harbour Balsam LakeDeep Water Lake Schafer Bay Michi Lake Loon LakeMICHIPICOTEN Cedar Lake Cotton Cove Triangle Lake Curtis Lake East Sand Bay Quebec Harbour False Harbour West Sand Bay Bushy Bay Cozens Cove Alpine Lake ALLOUEZ Chaillon Lake Dural Lake Villian Lake Perederka Lake Sommers Lake - Continued commercial fishing - Encouraging diverse tourism & recreation activities Fife Lake Lake Montgomery Gargantua Lake Indian Harbour ALARIE Miron Lake Belanger Lake Frost Lake ASSELIN Connell Lake Slievert Lake Gargantua Harbour Buckshot Lake Gargantua Bay Plato Lake Herrick Lake Ear Lake ROY Ale Lake RESTOULE CHAPLIN COLLINS RACINE MAGEAU RAMSDEN BUCKLAND Dog Lake Management Area PATTINSON D ARCY MARSHALL HILL BLISS DRUILLETTES CHEWETT McGEE - Continued Recreational & tourism activities - Consideration for Lake Trout Piquer Lake White Spruce Lake Solitaire Lake Agawa Station Lake Rex Lake Viridian Lake Lira Lake Lovely Lake Joanne Lake O'Connor Lake Pelt Lake Corner Lake Upper Wildcat Lake Mash Lake Black Mandyn LakeKiigo Pond Bark Lake Snipe Lake Hardtime Lake Carol Lake Dawn Lake Woodpecker LakeWildcat Lake Dark Lake Buzz Lake Mom Lake Ruby LakeFishbox Lake Acer Lake Doc Greig Lake Menzie Lake Beaverhouse Lake Overland Lake Tame Rice Lake Sweezey Lake Pontoon Lake GREENWOOD Wizard Lake Kwagama Lake Turtle Shell Lake McDougal Lake Black Beaver Lake Wagon Wheel Lake Dugout Lake Howling Wolf Lake Harrys Lake The Duck Ponds LABELLEFirst Lake ACR Sinclair Cove LABONTE Agawa Bay G13 = G1780 Agawa Bay Recreational Fishing General Use Area Saga Lake Shannon Lake LARSON Little Agawa Lake Mader Lake Stan Lake North Hubert Lake Hubert Lake Frater Lake Charlie Lake Ford Lake WINDEGO WAWIA WASWA Dickie LakeMank Lake Loam Lake Brant Lake White Birch Lake Wildcherry Lake Foot Lake Carpet Lake BEAUPARLANT Queer Lake East Hopian Lake Hopian Lake Mason Lake Ration Lake Owlet Lake Mervyn LakeMuch Lake Truman Lake Charlton Lake McDonaldson Lake Pie Lake Alpha Lake Beta Lake Siwash Lake Mistawak Lake Odd Lake BEHMANN Shanty Lake Shadow Lake Low Lake Loop Lake Magnet Lake Asp Lake Nomad Lake Pagent Lake Nature Lake Haze Lake HADLEY Hoppy Lake GRZELA Jeff Lake Sonny Lake Glimmer LakeSad Lake HALLETT McPARLAND Atomic Lake West Lake CHAPLEAU CAOUETTE - Promotion of remote recreation and remote tourism activities-encouraging remote experiences and opportunities - Continued public use and enjoyment - Road and trail development is managed with the intent to promote quality of remoteness and associated values - Commercial and industrial activities to have consideration for level and quality of remoteness Dillon Lake Rangeline Lake CREPIEUL DALMAS DELANEY CULL BLACKBURN BORDELEAU FIVE MILE LAKE WENEBEGON RIVER Lloydbrook Lake Graveyard Lake JEFFRIES GREEN ENGSTROM G9 - FITZSIMMONS REANEY Lake Superior Sport Fisheries VONDETTE HAMMOND STROM KALEN GENIER - Maintain & enhance fish habitat - promotion of recreational sport fishing HANCOCK WHITEHEAD HUTCHEON LANGLOIS KOSNY PATENAUDE MOGGY MOEN G13 - BECKETT NEILL G2069 BERNIER BIRCH Agawa Bay Recreational Fishing SCHEMBRI RUNNALLS RAAFLAUB DE GAULLE NIMITZ DUPUIS - Development & maintenance of high quality sport fishery Sou Lake HOME MOUNTBATTEN HALSEY DAOUST CHAPPISE CAVERLEY Dube Lake LACKNER McNAUGHT GALLAGHER Sceptic Lake Indian Lake McAUGHEY LOACH East Lake Huff Lake BEILHARTZ Monarch Lake Twoline Lake Convey Lake Starlight Lake Tikamaganda Lake HOEY Bowstring Lake Gamma LakeDelta Lake Ellam Lake EMA 7 Tikamaganda Lake Remote Access EMA Lost Lake MacGregor Lake Kenny Lake Crescent Lake PEEVER Hayes Lake Hansen Lake Fergus Lake Flint Lake Daisy LakeFulcher Lake Jimmy Lake Peavey Lake Baker Lake G2 Multiple Resource Management Area General Use Area Whistle Lake Speckled Trout Lake MacGregor CoveDevlin Lake Argosy Lake Bolt Lake GROOTENBOER Imprimis Lake Wells Lake Dottie Lake Mobout Lake Raindrop Lake EMA 7- TRIQUET TOPHAM Twelve Mile Lake Eleven Mile Lake Hotshot Lake Jay Lake Slim Lake Bonnet Lake Hookah Lake Anns Lake April Lake Hornet Lake Lyds Lake Butcher LakeMasalin Lake Lue Lake Jupiter Lake Austin Lake McQuillen Lake EMIRY Lowland Lake EAKET Matilda Lake CORBOY March Lake Deacon Lake CANNARD Roderic Lake Jeep Lake Step Lake Redwood Lake Stovepipe Lake 17 Pamplemouse Pond Crooked Cane Lake PeytonGOODWILLIE Lake Katherine Cove Tee Bone Lake Mead Lake Bentti Lake SHAWKENCE One Eye Lake Pinto Lake McEwen Lake Wicky Lake BEAUDRY Selin Lake BULLOCK Vesi Lake Callahan Lake Boggy Pond Regan Lake Warbler Lake Stillwater Lake BEAUDIN Nailhead Lake BARNES Radium Lake Kennedy Lake Chokio Lake Shasta Lake Parch Lake Blackspruce Lake Rainer Lake CHAPLEAU Side Lake String Lake Scow Lake TABOBONDUNG Nick Lake COCHRANE STRATHEARN PETERS Dave Lake Mount Baldy Lake Broken Paddle Lake Lost Boy Lake COSENS RECOLLET PANET GILLILAND GAMEY BORDEN Bacon Lake SAUNDERS Berry Lake SUGANAQUEB STONEY Maquon Lake Mirimoki Lake Koski Lake Burr Lake Sane Lake Zero Lake Beaverflood Lake Bluff Lake Budworm Lake Long Lake Duke Lake Lonesome Lake Crab Lake Flagg Lake SAMPSON Question Lake THE SHOALS Budd Lake QUILL Gould Lake Tower Lake Old Woman Lake BARAGER Magnetite Lake Mud Lake Poikkimaki Lake Black LakeLAKE SUPERIOR GILES DELMAGE Arva Lake Breck Lake Sand Lake Mijinemungshing Lake Castor Ponds COLLISHAW D AVAUGOUR Agawa Lake Glassy Lake Tabor Lake Pinus Lake Gibson Lake Luna Lake BROOME BRIMACOMBE Coon LakePilot LakeJungle Lake Beatty Cove MANNING ADDISON ALCORN SADLER FLORANNA CHAPLEAU-NEMEGOSENDA RIVER NADJIWON Still Lake Wasp LakeRipple Lake Fern Lake Hay Lake Scaup Lake Half Mile Lake The North Arm Baldhead Lake STONE Rustle Lake Manitou Mountain - Encourage protection of significant cultural and spiritual values - Best management practice approaches - Preserving remoteness and cultural integrity HORNELL LAFORME Shakashi Lake Anjigami Lake Almonte Lake Picea Lake Dead Moose Lake Warp Bay BRAY NEBONAIONQUET Ogas Lake Dead Otter Lake G11- POTHOLES 101 Dillon Lake PAWIS Eider Lake NOGANOSH Middle Lake Mile LakeTenho Lake Gamitagama Lake LANG BADER ECHUM MISKOKOMON MICHANO Woodside Lake Byron Lake Wabigoon Lake Desbois Lake MARSH BRUTUS CLIFTON ABBEY G3 - Sponge Lake Odawbi Lake Perry Lake REDSKY TIERNAN LIPSETT Chapleau Crown Game Preserve KEESICKQUAYASH Zola LakeKinniwabi Lake Modden Lake Red Rock Lake Murphy LakePeller Lake Ruby Lake Lac de Zajac Little Dossier Lake Miki Lake Dossier Lake Broadtail Lake Valentine Lake Rabbit Blanket Lake Whiskey Bottle Lake Foam Lake Peat Lake Sundstom Lake Chalmers Lake Surf Lake Gravel Lake Lake Superior Fisher Lake Rafter Lake PETERSON The Pepper Lakes LARONDE Till Lake Kearns Lake Hay Bay Fifty Seven Bay High Lake Bush Lake Mishewawa Lake (lac Mishewawa) Fir Lake Prentice Lake Bottle Lake Bulrush Lake Old Woman Bay ISLAND Birch LakeChannel Lake Lyre Lake Thuja Lake Crooked Lake Spear Lake Stranded Lake MANESS LASTHEELS Mona Lake Two Mile Lake Moon Lake NAVEAU Cabin Lake Kashog Lake BUSBY ADMIRAL MISSINAIBI Missibay Lake Puppy Lake COPENACE BRUYERE G2694 Borzoi Lake Roddy Lake Norwalk Lake Centennial Lake Shakwa Lake RABAZO Line Lake Treeby Lake Long Lake HiddenISAAC Lake Whitefish Lake G1 Urban Areas General Use Area MICHIPICOTEN McCoy's Harbour Campbell Lake Brac Lake G1 Urban Areas Kin Lake General Use Area BRACKIN COPPERFIELD DOLSON Twin Lakes Anderson Lake Megit Lake Loyda Lake Jubilee Lake McMURRAY Ward Lake MISSINAIBI Renabie Lake STOVER Bobtail Lake BONAR LLOYD Bremner Lake Lena Lake Francis Lake Wawa Lake (lac Wawa) Stephenson Lake Colborne Lake CALAIS BARCLAY BALTIC Outline Bay FIDDLER G1 Vanreek Lake Talbot Lake Dill Lake Urban Areas General Use Area Michipicoten Harbour Dore Bay Oakes CoveMichipicoten Bay Bonner Head Bay Frying Pan Lake G7 - G1 Marjory Lake Missing Lake Lagarde Lake Nancy Lake Hawk Lake 547 SunriseESQUEGA Lake Grant Lake Arliss Lake RENNIE Alister Lake Pike Lake Loonskin Lake CHABANEL BAILLOQUET Black Trout Lake Molybdenite Lake Cameron Lake Blueberry Lake Sab Lake Conboy Lake Battley Lake Trem Lake Leeson LEESON Lake Spring Lake Garvey LakeQuary Lake Eskay Lake Indian Bay Apisabigo Lake Blue Bay Scott Lake Mildred Lake Brooks Lake ST. GERMAIN Katzenbach Lake Augusta Lake Bowman Lake COWIE Wallace Lake McKewen Lake Albert Lake Manitowik Lake DEBASSIGE Pivot Lake G1 Urban Areas Parks Lake Goetz Lake Josephine Lake General Use Area Catfish Lake WARPULA Floating Heart Lake HOMER G7 Lake Superior General Use Area Mishi Lake CORBIERE West Andre Lake Andre Lake Allen Lake Dog Lake Mang Lake Souliere Lake G1 Urban Areas General Use Area MUSQUASH MENZIES Jostle Lake Harrison Lake Rook Lake Bonamie Cove Spendunc Lake G11 Strobus (Pine) LakeTuff Lake Annex Lake Sixty One Bay Brothers Lake Core Shack BayWEST RIGGS Eagle Nest Bay Leach LakeBrant Lake Nemategun Lake Elmo Lake Perry Bay Morrison Lake Princess Lake Cawdron Lake Blackout Lake West Kabenung LakeSyenite Lake Grayling Lake Heart Lake Radford Lake Lund LakeRainbow Lake Raymond Lake Fish Hook Lake Kapimchigama LakePashoskoota Lake Kabenung Lake BIRD Alabama Lake Big Marsh Lake LECLAIRE Betty Lake LALIBERT KNICELY Preneveau LakeSwanson Lake Godon LakeLost Sky Pilot Lake KILLINS Paint Lake Yvonne Lake Maguire Lake AGUONIE Cruise Lake ABOTOSSAWAY Dickenson Lake Ireland Lake Reynolds Lake Sage Lake Selkirk Lake Billboy Lake Lac a la Plonge McCormick Lake Locke Lake Perry Lake Kozak Lake Furnival Lake Garbe Lake Back Lake Bob Lake Clearview Lake Alice Lake Wasp Lake Isabella Lake Punk Lake Log Bay Alden LakeSpeight Lake Dingman Bay Reua Lake Eva Lake Upper Jimmy Kash Lake Emerald Lake Forge Lake Big LakeFinger Lake Jimmy Kash Lake McKechnie Lake Dud Lake Miron Lake Indian Lake Godin Lake Mountain (Aloft) Lake JACOBSON FINAN Maskinonge LakeHorgon Lake Bearpaw Lake Nadeau Lake (lac a Nadeau) Troupe LakeSherman Lake Lovell Lake Herman Lake Goudreau Lake (lac Goudreau) Spring Lake Marsh LakeNicho Lake Teare Lake Cradle Lakes Tray Lake Ellen Lake Scapula Lake Iris Lake Alexandra LakeMud Lake Sutherland Lake Desolation Lake Charlotte Lake DUNPHY Davies Lake Fungus Lake Trout Lake Little Godin Lake Justin Lake Bren Lake Burns Lake End Lake Rocky Lake Manitou Mountain Willigar Lake Tavis Lake Big Ben Lake Dreany Lake Smithy Lake Glasgow Lake Loch Lomond Loch KatrinePinny Lake Jean Lake CPR DUBREUILVILLE Green Lake 519 Twin Lakes Goldie Lake Otter Lake KILDARE Butler Lake Cormick Lake Saturday Lake MEATH KAPUSKASING KIRKWALL LERWICK ABIGO South Greenhill Lake G3 Dog Lake Management Area General Use Area LEGUERRIER Sausage Lake (lac Saucisse) Lola Lake Moose Bay Greenhorn Bay GLASGOW AMIK WINGET Fifty Nine Lake Acme Lake June Lake Tie Bay Hobon Lake Sandy Bay HUOTARI Elbow Lake Woodosgoon Lake Greenhill Lake ACTON Wabatongushi Lake Crouch Lake Camp Lake G1 Boulder Lake Florence Lake Urban Areas Rosa Lake General Use AreaLucy Lake Falls Lake Delusion Lake Ruthelda Lake Leg Lake MAKAWA Chapleau Crown Game Preserve Cheesehead Lake CHALLENER ST. JULIEN Jane Lake CONKING NEBOTIK G2 Multiple Resource Management Area General Use Area Peckerwood LakeSummit Lake Eighty Four Lake Spotted LakeCHENARD Upper Lola Lake CARMODY Crayfish Lake LEGARDE ADDITIONAL LEGARDE McDougall Lake Lower Medhurst Lake Knife Lake Warbedeelius Lake Eaglet Lake Cascade Lake McQuown Lake Gay Lake Partridge Lake PEARKES Floating Rock Lake Medhurst Lake Makadawa Lake MOOREHOUSE Rock Lake Little Peckerwood LakeSt. Julien Lake Bare Tent Lake Cotton Lake Parkinson's PotholeBurnfield Lake Upper Fungus Lake Bogle Lake Obatanga Lake CHAPAIS Nichols LakeFly Lake Little Beaver Lake KEATING ADDITIONAL KEATING Ambrose Lake Iron Lake English Fishery Harbour West Tripoli Lake Herbage Lake Dennison Lake Coronation Lake Simons Harbour CPR McMaster LakeUniversity Lake South Hammer Lake Beaver Lake PUKASKWA RIVER Widgeon Lake Tripoli Lake Hammer Lake Jarvey Lake Fox Lake Friendly Lake Negwazu Lake OBATANGA Partridge Lake Pinei Lake PUKASKWA NATIONAL PARK White Spruce Harbour Saniga Lake Marion Lake Little Fire Lake Scully Lake TILSTON Tilston Lake Grasett Lake Little Tilston Lake STEFANSSON Nameibin Lake Hafer Lake ATKINSON Ryerson Lake AMUNDSEN Awameg Lake SIMPSON CUDNEY Upper Kawaweagama (Duffy) Lake Chapleau Crown Game Preserve Fire Lake CODERRE Hoodoo Bay Upper Magpie Lake Esnagi Lake MILDRED Johnny Lake Craig Lake DOUCETT HAYWARD HOOK Tatnall Lake Merekeme Lake Anahareo Lake VASILOFF Doss Lake EMA 5 North of Pukaskwa River Remote Access EMA North Soldier Lake North (Upper) Wejinabikun Lake Wejinabikun Lake Kabiskagami LakeMosambik Lake Little Round Lake Lower Kawaweagama (Duffy) Lake MCDOWELL CHAMPLAIN Mildred Lake Coat Lake MARTIN Laura Lake O'Brien Lakes Moki Lake Spriggs Lake Lurch Lake MOSAMBIK CLOUSTON MONS Dana Lake Oba Lake Kakakiwibik (Crow, Caribou) Lake Mud Lake Little Pichogen Lake Little Coat Lake CARNEY Round Lake Mink Lake Oganek Lake PUSKUTA LEGGE MARJORIE Upper Pichogen Lake MAUDE - Focus is on mixed use - residential, commercial, industrial, etc... - MNR resource management programs will be conducted in accordance with official plans Ankrom Lake Hilliard Lake Walk Lake North Mink Lake Chain Lakes Chain Lakes Sharpe Lake Carney Lake Lois Lake Needle Lake Tent Lake Bottle Lake Jimbo Lake IRVING ERMINE Little Ermine Lake Evelyn Lake NAMEIGOS Mountain Lake Joselin Lake STRICKLAND POKEI LAKE/WHITE RIVER WETLANDS Cabin Lake Whitefish Bay Nameigos Lake Strickland Lake Kauskanee Lake Okoko Lake Willow Lake Little Whitefish Bay RADISSON ERICSON Pichogen Lake Irving Lake ACR Tedder Lake TEDDER Whitefish Lake Rein Lake Boot Bay HUNT WHITE RIVER ABRAHAM KNOWLES Chain of Lakes Moose Lake Kabinakagami Lake G2 Multiple Resource Management Area General Use Area BRECKENRIDGE Pike Lake Rat Lake PICHOGEN RIVER MIXED FOREST Hawkins Lake 631 ODLUM Odlum Lake Clearwater Lake COMMON Little Lake Burnt Bay Akron Lakes LIZAR Beaton Lake David Lake Little Delink Lake Caddy Lake John Lake Gull Lake Pine Portage Lake Pine Portage Bay The Expansion Lost Lake Beaver Lake G1 Urban Areas (Hornepayne, Manitouwadge, Wawa, WR, Hawk Junction, Mission, Dubreuilville, Missanabie, Goudreau, Lochalsh) Dubroy Lake Langdon Lake Simon's Bay OSCAR USNAC BYNG MINNIPUKA WALLS Little Watt Lake HAWKINS Beaver Bay Nameigosis Lake Dayohessarah Lake Crocker's Lake Blue Cedar Lake Little Owl Lake Picnic Lake Tarpon Lake Perrys Lake Shot Watch CoveCaribou Lake Lipton Lake Sandy Lake Gagegenha Lake Round Lake Tukanee Lake Little Tukanee Lake Long Lake North Crocker's Lake Watt Lake Five Mile Bay Ruthie Lake Nabigon Lake Schist Bay Rocky Bay Goulet Bay Hambleton Lake Tomtit Lake Delink Lake Danny Lake Polly Lake G2 Multiple Resource Management Area General Use Area Hayward Lake Plate Lake Derry Lake DERRY LIPTON Loon Lake Jackfish Lake Rampike LakeTabassa Lake Toboggan LakeAirplane Lake GOURLAY CROMLECH Little Cameron Lake Cameron Lake Rat Lake BEATON Gourlay Lake BOURINOT OPASATIKA DOHERTY PELLETIER ROCHE FRANZ WOOLRICH Kabinakagamisis Lake Little Lipton Lake Lower Matthews Lake JOHNS Sole Lake Denis Lake CECILE McCRON LASCELLES Wabos Lake Otter Lake Smokey Lake HAMBLETON Fido Lake Kopje Lake Bubble Lake Tea Lake Leslie Lakes Lovedee Lake Winzhinabi Lake South Bayfield Lake BAYFIELD Grouse Lake Kwinkwaga Lake Fearless Lake Jumbo Lake Bayfield Lake Flat Lake Sawbill Lake ABBOTT Minnow Lake Magone Lake Babitabonanik Bay Bananish Lake Davis Lake Valentine Lake Rita Lake Camphouse Lake Kichidabadik Inlet Kwinkwaga Ground Moraine Uplands Pakoawaga Lake Elora LakeNursery Lake Deer Lake Long Lake Herrick Lake Raven Lake Lascelles Lake West Larkin Lake Cat Lake Sandy's Lake Corner Lake Beavertrap Lake Burnt Lake Rat Lake Bone LakeSpectacle Lake Black Beaver Lake Lake Placid Fall-In Lake Agreen Lake Woolrich Lake Twin Lakes Breckenridge Lake Spook Lake Joseph LakeKenshoe Lake Blotter Lake MAGONE Kabossakwa Lake Mikano Lake July Lake Bouchard Lake Tie LakeClay Lake Patina Lake Lunch Lake Skewer Lake BRYANT Mephitis Lake Marie Lake Pants Lake Spotter Lake Clearwater Lake Giles Bay White Lake Jijime Lake LABERGE Pickerel Bay Rule Lake Elephant Lake Atikameg Lake ATIKAMEG Sand Lake - Encourage wide use/wide range of activities - Continued recreational & tourism activities - Continued commercial & industrial activities Macduff Lake Penhurst Lake CNR Multiple Resource Management Area Doran Lake Muskrat's House Lake Haken Lake Matthews Lake Siren Lake Patio Lake Pear Lake Carl Lake Trudeau Lake Spangle Lake Elk Lake White Lake Lampi's Lake Dunc Lake Egg Lake BROTHERS BOMBYMolson Lake Handle Lake Joto Lake Gretchel Lake Larkin LakeBelanger Lake Norn LakeLovely Lake LARKIN Jay Lake G2 - Mountain Lake Teardrop Lake Tangent Bay Clay Lake Lampi's Bay Euclide Lake Little Cedar Lake Bradley LakeRust Lake Moose Lake Cigar Lake Cache Lake LECOURS SHABOTIK Clay Bay Felto Lake Buie Lake Caribou Throat Lake Cedar Lake Botham Lake Rous Lake Campfire Lake - Promotion of remote recreation and remote tourism activitiesencouraging remote experiences and opportunities. - Continued public use and enjoyment - Road and trail development is managed with the intent to promote quality of remoteness and associated values. - Commercial and industrial activities to have consideration for level and quality of remoteness. Ellis Lake Kenel Lake PIC North of Pukaskwa River 614 Philip Lake McCoy Lake Cross Lake Cupa Lake Cree Lake Spurline Lake Moonlight Lake Little Chelsea Lake ALDERSON FARQUHAR ECCLESTONE FERGUS RYKERT CAITHNESS ORKNEY TALBOTT Sawmill Lake Black Fox Lake The Other Man's Lake MATTHEWS Smoky Lake Haig Lake HAIG HORNEPAYNE Chelsea Lake White Owl Lake WELSH Hart Lake Deadwood Lake Hornepayne Lakes Angle Lake Buffington Lake CHELSEA Shekak Lake Tocheri Lake Ginozhe Bay North Bay Spruce Bay Cholette Lake Bulldozer Lake Upper McGill Lake McGILL Shabotik Bay Chiefs Bay Wabikoba Lake Etna Lake Barbara Lake Gaby Lake CRAIG'S PIT SLATE ISLANDS Petrant Lake Amwri Lake Sprucetop Lake Little Harriet Lake Peacock Lake Harriet Lake COTTE 17 Solong Lake Buffalo Island Lake Obakamiga Lake Joe Louis Lake Marten Bay Split Point Bay Upper Shekak Lake CHOLETTE Granitehill Lake Hans Lake Laird's Lake Mistassini Lake Jembi Lake WHITE LAKE PEATLANDS Tri Lake South Vison Lake Jonas Lake DREW Ketchup Lake Olga Lake Theresa Lake Musher Lake Lorna Lake Miriam Lake Farquhar Lake Tomkew's Lake G1 Urban Areas General Use Area Second Government Lake Armitage Lake Tower Bay 631 First Government Lake Bay Lake Sunderland Lake Ravine Lake Lunny Lake Summers Lake Lola Lake Wire Lake O NEILL Little Dead Otter Lake Pinegrove Lake PAN LAKE FEN Veronica Lake Galoche Lake Spider Lake Dead Otter Lake Pan Lake Page Lake McCOY Lampson Lake Dotted Lake Fallen Lake Little Ice Lake Twist Lake Eric Lake Swede LakeAlberta Lake Foch Lake Bigrock Lake McGill Lake Beverly Lake Ishkodewabo Lake G1729 No Name Lake Norton Lake WICKSTEED Shadrock Lake Charlie May's Lake Lower Bobcat Lake Banana LakeShadrock Bay North Vison Lake SPOONER McGraw Lake Upper Garnham Lake Little Macutagon Lake Pickle Lake Lineal Lake Bobcat Lake Linbarr Lake Lessard Lake Gum Lake ROBERTA Seven and a Half Lake LESSARD EMA 3 Herrick-White-Obakamiga Lakes Corridor Remote Access EMA Garnham Lake Dorothy Lake Mickey Lake Ten Minute Lake FOCH Turcak Lake Billet Lake 614 Agonzon Lake Lone Cabin Lake Dog Lake Bear Lake Lennon Lake Tondern Lake Menzie Lake Lift Over Lake Hitch Lake Slipknot Lake Bissonnette Lake Monetoues Lake Snowball Lake Pukatawagan Lake Runnalls Lake Roccian Lake Goodchild Lake Teddybear Lake Beggs Lake Talus Lake Budall Lake Jim Lake NEYS EMA 5 - Barehead Lake Redfin Lake Adik Lake FOOTE Line Lake Madoson LakeCirrus Lake Bill Lake Bamoos Lake Seeley Lake COLDWELL CECIL Poshtar Lake Gaffhook Lake My Lake Louis Lake TUURI PRAIRIE RIVER MOUTH Rawluk Lake Fourbay Lake Birston Lake GRAIN WALSH EMA 2 Lower Pic River Sturgeon Waterway Fish and Wildlife EMA Long Alice Lake Huckson LakeDewey Lake Little Martinet Lakes - Promote Lake Sturgeon habitat and species protection - Best management practices for commercial hydro development and consideration for Sturgeon and their habitat - Promotion of Recreational and tourism values Macutagon Ponds Faries Lake Overtrack Lake Ice Lake Dirty Lake Munro Lake Killala Lake EMA 2 - MANITOUWADGE ELGIE Horseshoe Lake HERBERT PARNELL SHEARER MAGLADERY ORKNEY EBBS TEMPLETON McFARLAN DOWSLEY NEWLANDS NAGAGAMI Poppy Lake Upper Flanders Lake Island Lake Ice Cream Lake Moshkinabi Lake Agam Lake Mose Lake Gaugino Lake Pusamakwa Lake Gaug Lake Little Mose Lake Swill Lake Schist Lake Manitouwadge Lake Julia Lake Mills Lake Blades Lake Little Manitouwadge Lake Tickle Lake Palleck Lake Rudder Lake Russell Lake Chicken Farm Lake Kaginu Lake GERTRUDE LESLIE GRENVILLE Morley Lake Beeline Lake Offset Lake Bruce Lake Luckyshoe Lake GEMMELL Slim Lake Moose Bay Flanders Lake Osawin Lake Fred Lake Thompson Lake Straight LakeLoken Lake Banana Lake Wowun Lake Moose Lake FLANDERS Dolly Lake Joe Lake NICKLE Lorne LakeShmoo Lake VERDUN LANGEMARK McCREA BARKER STAUNTON SHETLAND LOWTHER LANDRY Nagagami Lake Osaluse Lake Patricia Lake Anna Lee LakeMooseskull Lake Triangle Lake EILBER NAGAGAMI LAKE Sandy Bay Mavis Lake One Otter Lake Dragon Lake Whitefish Bay Fields Lake Robbie Lake Amylou Lake WAY NAGAGAMISIS Nagagamisis & Nagagami Lake Additions Katie Lake Davis LakeLarry Lake Upper Trapper Lake Peggy Lake Pistol Lake Dennie Lake Jim Lake Appelle Lake Smoke Lake Little Fakeloo Lake Fakeloo Lake Physalis Lake Gracie Lake Little Nama Lake Otter Lake Adze Lake Bearskull Lake Bound Lake Reeves Lake Long Pond Lake Hiawatha Lake Fran Lake Puttock Lake Minnie LakePearly Lake Olie Lake Candybar Lake DEVITT KENDALL Deep Bay White Otter Lake Ichi Lake G2 Multiple Resource Management Area General Use Area McEWING FROST HIAWATHA Pody Lake Nagagami-Hillsport Area McCOWAN East Ahmabel Lake Fraser Lake East Hillsport Lake Dot Lake Citellus Lake Eros Lake Phillip LakeFRANCES Ramsay Lake Faber Lake Eden Lake Bevin Lake Anthony Lake Festuca Lake Erato Lake Turtle Lake Thornben Lake Toch Lake Decoy Lake Snowflake Lake EMA 1 Nagagami-Hillsport Area Fish and Wildlife EMA Hillsport Lake Bishop Lake Edna Lake Limpid Lake Kawepiti Lake Jackfish Pond Starwort Lake Boomerang Bay Healy Pond MacDonnell Lake Waco Lake Waboosekon Lake Waterhouse Lake Mann Lake Trench Lake Lacasse Lake Beaver Lake Sagiwatan Lake Spiderwort Lake Hatley Lake First Lake Stilwell Lake Peppard Lake Nifty Lake Madwort Lake Neotoma Lake Big Twin Lake Little Twin Lake Lone Isle Lake G15 Upper Pic River Cultural and Heritage Waterway General Use Area Deerskull Lake Lauri Lake Hagarty Lake Kaboosa Lake Tickseed Lake Nymphea Lake Tara Lake Little Hagarty Lake Lunam Lake Fairbairn Lake Mustela Lake Upper Taradale Lake Ahmabel Lake Otasawian Lake Bowler Lake Bluejay Lake Picarson Lake Palmquist Lake Little Bowler Lake North Lauri Lake Pincers Lake HEARST - Promote protection of threatened Woodland Caribou and their habitat - Encourage Remote recreation and tourism activities - Best management practice for Industry and commercial activities Downer Lake East West Lake Mistake Lake South Pagwachuan Lake Honour Lake Griffen Lake Gap Lake Koandowango Lake Bambino Lake Mamamia Lake Kalz Lake Styx Lake Charon Lake Caramat Lake Durn Lake McKay Lake Polyanthus Lake - Continued recreation & tourism activities - Promotion of cultural & heritage historical values (eg. fur trade route, log drive & water falls) CARAMAT Pendant Lake IRISH NASSAU STOREY ARNOTT CROSS MERCER DOWNER Slim Jim Lake Greenwater Lake Hades Lake Klinestiver Lake G15 - McMahon LakeLoughlan Lake Gene Lake Willie Lake EMA 1 - Sky Lake Eager Lake Comma Lake 625 Heinrich Lake COLTHAM McKELVIE SALSBERG Kassagimini Lake Tuffy Lake Little Kassagimini Lake Pagwachuan Lake Loponen Lake GILL McMILLAN McCOIG KOHLER CLAVET SHANNON CASGRAIN HANLAN STODDART STUDHOLME SCRIVEN CARTON SHERRATT CASSIDY DEANS CARRUTHERS RUNNING Batchawana River BATCHAWANA RIVER RIX BUTCHER G9 = G1789 Lake Superior Sport Fisheries General Use Area MONTREAL RIVER SLATER SMILSKY WLASY TOLMONEN TRONSEN VIBERT Legend Federal Land, Indian Reserve Main Base Lodge Not Remote Federal Land, Other Main Base Lodge Remote Private Land Outpost Not Remote Major Highways Outpost Remote Primary Roads Secondary (Branch) Roads Tertiary (Operational) Roads Railway Hydro Line Unknown Transmission Line TRAILS Canoeing Cross-Country Ski Hiking Mountain Bike Portage Lakes and Large Rivers Snowmobile Lake Trout Lakes Trapline Designated Remote Recreation Tourism Lakes Township Boundaries Wawa District Boundary Proposed Federal Land Transfer Pending Addition to IR 49 Parks and Protected Areas Chapleau Crown Game Preserve Road Restriction Road Access Restriction Closed to unauthorized public vehicular travel. EWEN HOFFMAN NICOLET NORBERG OLSEN DAVIEAUX FOULDS GAUNT WAY-WHITE RANKIN LOCATION KINCAID BRACCI FERRIER DESBIENS GAPP Algoma Headwaters ALGOMA HEADWATERS GAUDRY GOULAIS RIVER HAVROT AUBINADONG-NUSHATOGAINI RIVERS HANDLEMAN JESSIMAN LANE AUBINADONG RIVER NOTES / REMARQUES: This map is illustrative only. Do not rely on it as being a precise indicator of routes, locations of features, nor as a guide to navigation. Potential Polygon Areas G1 Aux fins d’illustration seulement. Ne doit pas servir à l’identification de l’emplacement des routes et des points géographiques, ni en tant que guide pour la navigation. G3 Universal Transverse Mercator Grid, Zone 16 Quadrillage Universal Transverse de Mercator, Zone 16 G2 G7 North American Datum 1983 Système gèodèsique nord-amèrican de 1983 G9 = G1789 G13 = G1780 Ministry of Natural Resources information current as of October 2008 Ministère des Richesses naturelles renseignements mis à jour en Octobre 2008 Recreational EMA's © 2008, Queen’s Printer for Ontario © 2008, Imprimeur de la Reine l’Ontario Remote Access EMA's Cultural Heritage Values (G11, G15) Fish & Wildlife EMA's (EMA1, EMA2) Preliminary Management Options/Draft Plan Options Map #1 0 5 10 SCALE: 1:225,000 20 30 40 KM MNR PUBLIC REVIEW Please Note: This map is for representation purposes only
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