Sunday English bulletin 28. June 2015
Sunday English bulletin 28. June 2015
UPCOMING EVENTS, ANNOUNCEMENTS Blessings are Gifts FROM God. Stewardship is our Gift TO God. WE CANNOT OUTGIVE GOD! Stewardship is a legacy of personal support to maintain a church for today and tomorrow. STEWARDSHIP FORMS FOR 2015 ARE AVAILABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ST. BASIL 2015 EVENTS Dates to Remember June 28 - Liturgy/Lunch—Vidovdan Presentation July 18 - Saturday, St. Basil (Petrovdan) Golf Outing and Picnic . Sept 5 - 6 - TASTE OF SERBIA (Labor Day weekend) ********************************** GOLF OUTING St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Church Annual Golf Outing/ Picnic Saturday, July 18th, 2015 Foss Park Golf Course! North Chicago, IL Start planning ahead…..join the church efforts to host this great event! SERBIAN ORTHODOX UNITY AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH IN THE NEW MILLENNIUM TROPARION OF THE RESURRECTION - Tone 3: Let the heavens be glad; let earthly things rejoice; for the Lord hath wrought might with His arm. He hath trampled down death by death; the firstborn of the dead hath He become. From the belly of hades hath He delivered us and hath granted to the world great mercy. TROPARION OF ST. BASIL OF OSTROG - Tone 4: From your youth you gave yourself entirely to the Lord, remaining in prayer, labor and fasting, O God-bearing Father. Because you were an example of virtues and good works to your flock, seeing your good work, God established you as a pastor and good hierarch of His Church. And after your repose, He kept your body incorrupt, O Holy Basil. Therefore, with boldness pray to Christ God to save our souls. TROPARION OF GREAT-MARTYR LAZARUS - Tone 3: Desiring the beauty of the glory of God, thou didst please Him during thine earthly life; and, laboring well, thou didst increase the talent entrusted to thee; struggling therefore even to the shedding of thy blood. Wherefore, as a martyr thou hast received reward for thy pangs from Christ God, Whom do thou entreat, that we who hymn thee, O Lazarus, may be saved.. TROPARION OF SERBIAN MARTYRS - Tone 8: Because of the faithfulness to God and God’s justice, you suffered bodily, earth aggrieves; but you have saved your souls, the heaven rejoices; and your ancestors sang in heaven at the top of their voices; and, at the doors of paradise, they met you with the hymn: “Your names are written in the book of eternity; enter the paradise, O children of immortality.” We, your brethren on earth, acclaim in one voice: “O New martyrs, pray for us!” Kontakion Of The Resurrection - Tone 3: Thou didst arise today from the tomb, O Merciful One, and didst lead us out of the gates of death. Today Adam danceth and Eve rejoiceth; and together with them both the Prophets and the Patriarchs unceasingly praise the divine might of Thine authority. Kontakion of St. Basil of Ostrog - Tone 8: Even as a youth, you served the Lord, O Wise one, belaboring your body with prayer and vigil. Because you were shown to be a precious vessel of the Holy Spirit, He established you as a pastor of His Church which you tended well. And as such, you departed to the Lord whom you loved. We pray to you to remember us who keep your memory with faith, that all may shout unto you: Rejoice, O most honorable Basil. Kontakion of Great-martyr Lazarus - Tone 8: O divinely wise one, with honor, as is meet,/ thy flock doth praise thee, the most excellent champion of piety,/ the undaunted martyr for the Truth./ As thou hast boldness before Christ God,/ ask that humility be given to those who glorify thee,/ that we may cry out to thee: Rejoice, O ever-memorable Lazarus!. GLORY… Kontakion of Serbian martyrs - Tone 8: Let the fields and meadows praise the Lord, and green forests, charming valleys, undulating rivers and dark caves that have been sprinkled with innocent blood, the sacred blood of the multitude of Serbian martyrs; worthy hosts and brave soldiers; young men and children and modest virgins. Let, also, irrational creature praise God, the lord, Who has dominion over the entire world. BOTH NOW.. Kontakion to Theotokos - Tone 6: O protection of Christians that cannot be put to shame/, O mediation unto the Creator unfailing/, disdain not the suppliant voices of sinners/, but be thou quick, O good one, to help us who in faith cry unto thee/; hasten to intercession and speed thou to make supplication//, thou who dost ever protect, O Theotokos, them that honor thee. St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd . Mettawa – Lake Forest , Illinois 60045 –5104 Email: ([email protected]) Parish Priest: V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar - [email protected] (847) 477-1531 cell Trustee Co-Chairman: Michael Kosanovich Circle of Serbian Sisters: Richelle Ar andjelovic Choir Director: Nada Savatic Coordinators: Church School: Vasilija Vojcanin; Folklore: Slobodanka Vr anjes St. Varnava Men’s Club: Vladimir Rokvic; Bookstore: Diana Potkonjak and Paul Saniuk Facilities Contact: Matija Peyakovic and Nikola Gabr ic; Weekly Email: Zor an Mihajlovic Serbian School: Jelena Visnjevac, Svjetlana Masic and Dunja Vla St. Basil of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Church 27450 N. Bradley Rd, Mettawa - Lake Forest, IL. 60045-5104 V. Rev. Stavrophor Djuro Krosnjar Home (847) 680-1117 Cell (847) 477-1531 H. Fax (847) 680-1127 [email protected] - Church Phone (847) 247-0077 - Church FX (847) 247-0088 4th Sunday after Pentecost EYE ON SCRIPTURE Prophet Amos; Holy martyr Vitus; Great-martyr And having been set free from prince Lazarus of Serbia; St. Ephraim and Spiri- sin, you became slaves of don; Holy martyrs and new martyrs of Serbia; righteousness. I speak in hu- Tone 3: Epistle: Rom. (6, 18-23) Gospel: Mt. (8, 5-13) Saturday and Pre-Feast Vespers 5:00 P.M. ~Next Sunday~ Divine Liturgy at 10:00 A.M. Car Lazar of Serbia Prince Lazar Hrebeljanovic (Serbian Cyrillic: Лазар Хребељановић; ca. 1329 - 15. June 1389) was a medieval Serbian ruler, who created the largest and most powerful state on the territory of the disintegrated Serbian Empire. Lazar’s state, known in historiography as Moravian Serbia, comprised the basins of the Great Morava, West Morava and South Morava Rivers. Lazar ruled it from 1373 until his death in 1389. Lazar’s political programme was the reunification of the disintegrated Serbian state under him as the direct successor of the Nemanjic dynasty, which ended in 1371 after two centuries of rule over Serbia. Lazar had a full support from the Serbian Church for this programme, but powerful Serbin nobles did not recognize him as their supreme ruler. In the Battle of Kosovo fought on June 15. 1389, Lazar led the army which confronted a massive invading army of the Ottoman Empire commanded by Sultan Murad I. Both prince Lazar and Sultan Murad lost their lives in the battle. Although the battle was tactically inconclusive, the mutual heavy losses were devastating only for the Serbs. Lazar’s widow, Milica, who ruled as regent for her minor son Stefan Lazarevic, Lazar’s successor, accepted Ottoman suzerainty in the summer of 1390. Lazar is venerated in in the Serbian Orthodox Church as a martyr and saint, and is highly regarded in Serbian history, culture and tradition of the Serbs. In Serbian epic poetry he is called Tsar Lazar. ST. BASIL OF OSTROG SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH man terms because of the weakness of your flesh. For just as you presented your members as slaves of uncleanness, and of lawlessness leading to more members as slaves of righteousness for holiness… But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Rom. 6, 18-23 Orthodox Study Bible While one is freely enslaved to sin, he is not even aware of it; he does not know enough to be ashamed. But now— having received the gospel— one knows all actions have serious consequences: sin bears the fruit of shame and ends in the second death. Slavery to God, initiated in baptism, is true freedom. The fruit of baptism is holiness, or sanctification, and it ends in everlasting life. Thus salvation is a process of transformation from sinner to saint. We are saved through baptism, and we are being saved by the uncreated grace of God to be like Him, in anticipation of eternal life. ST. BASIL OF OSTROG SERBIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH KOSOVO AND VIDOVDAN AFTER SIX HUNDRED YEARS Every nation has a day in its history which is considered more important than any other. For Serbs, the most important date in their history is June 15 (28), known as Vidovdan. On that day, in 1389, six hundred years ago, Serbian and Turkish armies clashed on Kosovo polje. Serbian ruler, Prince Lazar, and Turkish sultan, Murat, died in the combat. In addition, a large number of Serbian warlords and a huge number of Serbian warriors lost their lives. According to the historical documents, neither the Serbs nor the Turks had won the battle; however, Serbia was so exhausted and weakened that it could not offer a resistance to the Turks; consequently, the heirs of Prince Lazar acknowledged the Turkish rule, after which began five centuries' of enslavement of Serbs under the Turks. The long and tormented enslavement changed the course of Serbian history and interrupted the cultural progress of the Serbs which was evident during the rule of the Nemanjić dynasty. It is difficult to assess the importance of the Kosovo battle for world history. Such is the case with the battles at the Alamo and Gettysburg, which were important for American history. However, one cannot deny that the Kosovo battle was extremely important not only for Serbia but also for Europe and European Christian civilization. The fact is that on Vidovdan, June 15 (28), without the help of a single European nation, the Serbs defended on Kosovo polje not only the borders of their own territory and the lives of their citizens, but, at the risk of their national independence, they defended the interests and security of Christian Europe. In the confrontation between two rivaling civilizations, Muslim and Christian, the Serbs stopped the wave of the Turkish invasion, interposed themselves as a wall between the Turks and Europe, and enabled Europe to prepare its defense. The question is whether the history of Europe would have been the same without the Battle of Kosovo and Serbian victims. However, no matter what the historical value of Kosovo and Vidovdan, for Serbs they resemble a unique dimension and unusual preeminence. Persons of non-Serbian origin may consider Kosovo as only a distant, unknown and insignificant territory, and Vidovdan, June 15 (28) as the date for a battle of which they know little or nothing about. For Serbs, Kosovo is their holy land, the cradle of Serbian people and their inalienable, national, historical, and cultural heritage. For them, Vidovdan, June 15 (28), is not only the date of a battle, but their baptism of blood, the crucifixion that led to the resurrection, the spiritual root of the Serbian national being and sanctified legacy in which they bequeathed religious, ethical and national principles to all Serbian generations since the Kosovo battle... In the people's awareness, the entire Serbian history is divided into two periods: the period prior to the Battle of Kosovo and the period after the Kosovo battle. And while other battles in which the Serbs participated, always defending their freedom and land, and never conquering foreign territories, are mentioned only in history textbooks, Vidovdan is the only date which was included in the calendar, naming the feasts and names of saints. Vidovdan became a feast that has been commemorated for centuries. As a geographical territory, Kosovo was Serbian even before 1389, before Vidovdan. This property is not marked by sticks and rocks, as gold miners marked their claims, nor can it be proved by the deeds written in ink on paper, but by ancient and magnificent Serbian churches and monasteries and Serbian cemeteries and tombstones. Capitals of Serbian kings and sees of Serbian archbishops and patriarchs were in Kosovo. Moreover, because of the Battle of Kosovo, Kosovo and Vidovdan merged into a single concept and have become synonymous with a specific meaning: The Serbian Cause. After June 15 (28), we cannot speak of Kosovo apart from Vidovdan and of Vidovdan apart from Kosovo. They are inseparable because on Vidovdan 1389, an indelible deed was written by the blood of Serbian warriors which forever confirms the Serbian ownership of Kosovo. For centuries, Vidovdan commemorations are held every year, reconfirming both the Serbian ownership of Kosovo and Vidovdan-Kosovo eth- ics, which is the core of Serbian national being and the essence of Serbian identity. It should be emphasized that Vidovdan commemorations are not commemorations of a Serbian military victory over the Turks, because the Serbs were not victorious in the Kosovo battle. However, it is incorrect and malicious to claim that at Vidovdan commemorations the Serbs "celebrate their defeat at Kosovo polje." Such a statement has no logical or historical confirmation. According to historical documents, Turks have not won the battle on Kosovo. Neither military victory nor a military defeat could be and is the cause or the meaning of Vidovdan commemorations. In these commemorations, the Serbs pay their respects to Kosovo heros who gave their lives in defense of their faith, freedom, nation, and country. At the same time, Vidovdan commemorations are an annual review of the postKosovo Serbian generations. They evaluate themselves according to the Vidovdan-Kosovo ethics and based on their confirmation of the Kosovo covenant. On Vidovdan, J une 15 (28), 1389, in the Kosovo polje, the Serbs chose once and for all their religious, cultural, ethnic and national identity. Their choice, in the form of an unwritten covenant, was handed down to the post-Kosovo generations who, in the course of six centuries, lived in accordance with that covenant. In the course of six centuries, geographical boundaries and demographic composition of Kosovo, as well as political and social conditions, have changed. The Serbs, who constituted the majority in Kosovo, have become a minority. Uncontrolled immigration of thousands of people to Kosovo from neighboring Albania and, on the other hand, mass exodus of Serbs from that territory, due to the merciless persecution which Serbs were exposed to in that territory by immigrants from Albania, especially in the period from 1943 to 1988, changed the status of Serbian population from the majority to the minority. Atrocities, unknown even in uncivilized countries, were conducted against the Serbian population in Kosovo. Unfortunately, the biased writings of the world press, including the American, falsely rep- resented the situation in Kosovo. Serbs, the victims, were depicted as oppressors while the bullies and oppressors, Muslim population of Kosovo, were portrayed as victims. It is incomprehensible that the freedom-loving Serbs, American allies in two world wars, were tarnished and attacked by the American press, while their oppressors, the former allies of Hitler and Mussolini in World War II, were undeservedly and unjustifiably favored and assisted. So, therefore, not only did the geographic boundaries and territories, social and political opportunities change, but also alliances. Fortunately, Kosovo ethics, rooted in the very national identity of Serbs, has not changed even after six hundred years, and will not, and must never be changed. The core values and ethics, bequeathed to the Serbs on Vidovdan 1389, are not carved in stone planks, but are embedded in the very consciousness of every Serb. These values, briefly defined, are as follows: 1. Uncompromising faith in God, without which there is no true philanthropy; 2. Philanthropy as a confirmation of faith and piety; 3. Unshakable devotion to Christianity according to the Orthodox Church confession; 4. The precedence of spiritual over material; 5. Faithfulness to God, nation, and country; 6. Freedom as a value to which all must be sacrificed, while it cannot be sacrificed for anything; 7. Honesty, love of righteousness and peace, are virtues that individuals must practice as a basis for healthy social relationships; 8. Putting the general interest above personal and willingness to sacrifice oneself for those interests; 9. Compassion that it is cultivated even towards the enemy; National unity as a condition for the preservation of national existence. This testament, this Kosovo ethics, is the highest value of Kosovo and Vidovdan. This is the reason why we have been commemorating Kosovo and Vidovdan inseparably for six centuries. That is why we commemorate it today. V. Rev. Fr Mateja MATEJIC (delivered in 1989) MARRIAGE BANNS (I) Summer Camp Programs or Youth MARKO MARINKOVICH, son of Vladimir and Biljana (Ostojic) Marinkovich, of Elmhurst, IL and KAURIE KINCAID, St. Sava Monastery daughter of Kyle and Johnna July 12—August 1 (Johnson) Kincaid, of KnoxNew Gracanica ville, Iowa will get married Monastery on July 18, 2015 at St. Basil June 28 - July 25 of Ostrog Serbian Orthodox Signed registration Church in Mettawa-Lake forms on the candle Forest, IL. table at church If there are any impediments Limited spaces availato this marriage please adble, some weeks alvise the parish priest. ready to capacity SUNDAY LUNCHES With our Chef Jelica Available weekly for food and fellowship. Join us following Divine Liturgy Adults $7.00 Children $4.00 Where volunteers have the most fun!!!!! St. Basil Church Golf Outing and Taste of Serbia. Start planning ahead! Join the church efforts to host two great events!!! For Golf—Contact Marko Vojcanin—[email protected] For Taste of Serbia—Contact HelenMandich— [email protected] Become a volunteer and have the time of your life, make new friends, your volunteer stewardship is welcome. Dates to Remember: July 4, 2015—Saturday, Diocesan Monaster y Picnic, New Gracanica Monastery July 7, 2015—Tuesday, Holy Litur gy 10 AM—Birth of St. John the Baptist Feast Day July 12, 2015—Sunday, Petr ovdan—St. Peter and Paul Feast Day—Kolaches blessed before and after 10 AM. Holy Liturgy July 18, 2015– Saturday, Petr ovdan Golf Outing—Everyone invited and welcome to play, attend, work. Bring your family and friends. August 2, 2015– Sunday, St. Elijah Feast Day—Holy Liturgy 10AM August 14-28, 2015 Dor mition Lent August 19—Wednesday, Tr ansfigur ation of our Lor d—Holy Liturgy 10AM August 28– Friday, Dor mition of the Theotokos—Holy Liturgy 10AM TASTE OF SERBIA - SEPTEMBER 5. AND 6, 2015 Lord, visit Thy servants in their suffering, and grant them grace and strength to bear their sickness with which they are afflicted; heal and save them: Sister ANGELINA; Milica BILBIJA; Milorad BLAGOJEVIC; Zivota BLAZIC; Stevan BOGOJEVIC; Aleksandar BURMEISTER; David CASTALDO; Petar COKIC; Milan DAVORIJA; Danilo DEJANOVICH; Dusan DRONDIC; Svetomir DUPOR; Ivan GAVRILOVIC; Roxanne GETZ; Aleksandar GLISOVIC; Daniela GOMEZ; Radoslav IVANOVIC; Dobrila KNEZEVIC; Jadranka KOPAC; Branko KOSANOVIC; George KOVAC; Ivan/Lesia KOSTIC; Mara KOVACEVIC; Ray/Laura KULMALA; Cathy LALICH; Slavojka MILESIC; Milka/Milan MILICEVIC; Ron MITROVICH; Dragica MRKALJ; Suzana NEDIC; Boro NEDINIC: Marija NIKOLICH; Daliborka OPACIC; Djuro/Jelena OPSENICA; Mladen PECANAC; Natalija PETROVIC: Bonnie POPOVIC; Aleksandra RALEVICH; Jessica SELOUNTOS; George SINNOKRAK; Nikola SREJOVIC; Simonida STIPANOVIC; Nikola STOKOVIC; Zika SUBARIC; Angie/Aco TERIC; Jovan VOJCANIN; Petar ZIVANOVIC; metr. JOVAN (Vraniskovski)