Grade 2
November 2013 Gr. 2 ISB Lower School Specialists’ Newsletter From the Principal Welcome to the third edition of our Specialist Newsletters! Our specialists teachers, also referred as single-subject teachers, play an integral and important role in the Primary Years Program. The arts, physical education, and language study are essential ele- Inside this issue: French 2 Art 3 Spanish 4 SFL/SMT 5 Music/EAL 6 ments to a comprehensive and holistic primary school education. The content of these subjects is transdisciplinary in nature, meaning that the skills and concepts developed by specialist teachers have relevance throughout the Lower School curriculum and our students’ lives beyond school. A great example of this is our upcoming Winter Performance, “A Menu for December” where all our students will have the opportunity to showcase their artistic abilities through art, music, and dance. Our specialists teachers work alongside our classroom teachers to develop lessons that are both interesting and connected to the classroom Units of Inquiry. For this reason, we think it is important that we keep our parents informed about the teaching and learning taking place in our specialists classrooms. You will receive our specialist newsletter six times during the school year. As always, if you have any questions about your child’s education, feel free to contact us. Enjoy your holiday season and travel safely. School resumes for all ISB students on Tuesday, January 8, 2014. Happy Ney Year to all, PE 7 Brian H. Lettinga Lower School Principal Newsletter Title French Dear second grade parents, Here is the third newsletter for the French class in order to keep you informed about the things we have been learning during the last period. Dubravka Kostanjsek French Teacher After finishing our Unit about artistic provocations, we started talking about different ways to communicate with other people. Our focus is on writing to socialize, therefore we are observing and analyzing letters and greeting cards. We will write a letter to Santa Claus and greeting cards for our friends and families. Right before the holidays, we will get the opportunity to bake, which will allow us to review some of the food vocabulary and, at the same time, practice understanding written instructions in French. Making some of the New Year’s decorations will also be a good occasion to develop our reading skills, since we will also need to follow precise instructions. Thank you for your time and please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I hope you have great holidays and I wish you all a very Happy New Year! Page 2 Art In the previous weeks, students continued to work on the unit of inquiry How We Express Ourselves – Provocations, while responding to the works of Roy Lichtenstein and Keith Haring. They were drawing and painting, depending on their choice. Students were working on their individual projects and in groups while inquiring into the styles of the famous artists and the use of line, shape, color, and movement for expressing their feelings. Also, some of the students chose to use cut out letters in order to create their pieces of art as close as possible to the style of Roy Lichtenstein, and some of them wrote while exploring the ways of incorporating the words into the images. Students went on a field trip on which they inquired into the difference between the artworks of the famous Serbian artist Jovan Bijelic at the National Museum and the Street Art images at Sava Mala. Inspired by the street art images, students made their street art in front of the art room upon return from the field trip and worked on group projects while inquiring into the style of Keith Haring. Recently, we have started working on the use of pattern through weaving as frontloading for the next unit. Students reflected on their learning in the first trimester; they chose their favorite piece of art and reflected on their choice. Students reflect in many ways during the school year, formally and informally. At the end of every trimester, students reflect formally and their reflections go into their portfolios. I wish all the ISB families a restful break! Grade 2A students have classes on Thursdays. Grade 2B students have classes on Wednesdays. Page 3 Svetlana SpasicGlid Art Newsletter Title Spanish Dear second grade parents, Welcome to our third Spanish newsletter! In this letter you will find out all the exciting learning activities taking place in the Lower School Spanish class. Sonja Spasojevic Spanish Teacher After the art unit, the grade two students continued improving their Spanish skills working on the new unit related to the school. We started with reviewing and expending the classroom vocabulary taught last year, before introducing the new expressions and words. The students learned to name classroom objects, to talk about an object´s color (¿De qué color es tu mochila? – What color is your backpack?), number (¿Cuántas sillas hay en el aula? – How many chairs are there in the classroom?) and purpose (Las tijeras sirven para cortar la hoja de papel – The scissors are for cutting the paper). As they learned to use the appropriate place prepositions, the students took the time to practice localizing classroom objects in place (La pizarra está delante de las mesas. – The board is in front of the tables). In Spanish classes they also learned to talk about the things that they like and they don’t like to do in school or in the classroom (use of the verb such as “to study, to listen to music, to talk with friends, to write, to draw etc). By the end of December, the students will be practicing vocabulary regarding upcoming Christmas and New Year Holidays. All grade two students demonstrated great enthusiasm for Spanish language learning and acquisition. They are encouraged to keep it up! Page Newsletter Title Serbian as a Foreign Language Ivana Jovanovic Serbian language Teacher The second graders were very excited about learning the poem”Lav“(Lion), so we decided to extend our study of poems with the poem “Fifi”. The poem is about an old lady and her dog, who is expected to have good dog manners and flawless appearance. “Fifi” was a good opportunity to practice imperative, as well as to review our unit about animals and their body parts. Then, students created animals from their imagination. Each animal was a combination of at least four different animals. We wrote descriptions of these creatures and practiced oral fluency by presenting our work in class. Upon completing Provocations unit, we started working on writing invitations, greeting cards and short letters. The last week of school is reserved for winter and holiday vocabulary, as well as for learning how to wish happy holidays to our friends and family. Serbian Mother Tongue Milena Jovanovic Serbian Language Teacher Page 5 Ovih dana na časovima maternjeg jezika privodimo kraju nastavnu jedinicu o dramskim tekstovima koju smo radili i kako konekciju sa nastavnom jedinicom Provocations. Naučili smo da su dramski tekstovi pisani da se po njima glumi i da sadrže likove, tekst koji oni govore i uputstva za glumce koja se nalaze u zagradama. Pisali smo dramske tekstove na osnovu priča i pretvarali dramske tekstove u priče. Uradili smo dramatizacije tekstova „Tužibaba“ i „Dve ruke“ Dušana Radovića, „Neće uvek da bude prvi“, Aleksandra Popovića i „Car i skitinica“ Laze Lazića. Ukoliko još niste imali prilike da pogledate naše predstave možete to učiniti na Moodlić stranici predmeta Serbian Mother Tongue, u odeljku Zavirite na naš čas. Iz gramatike smo vežbali obaveštajne, upitne i zapovedne rečenice i naučili da pored značenja, rečenice možemo deliti i po obliku i to na potvrdne i odrične. Trenutno smo na početku nove nastavne jedinice u okviru koje ćemo se baviti pričama. Music Led by the themes of interconnectedness, unity, and compassion we worked together on creating a performance that will include all the elements of music we studied this year. The product, “December Menu”, will be presented in our traditional Winter performance that will be held in the upper school gymnasium on December 17, at 6:00 pm. In it, our singers, dancers, actors, band members, and others will bring you an array of songs, musical accompaniments, choreographies, as well as few special surprises. All of this and more, done across all grade levels in one unified performance. Ljudmila Janicijevic Music Teacher We look forward to seeing you at the best dinner party of the year! P.S. Please make sure that our performers arrive to upper school gymnasium, December 17, at 5:30 pm dressed in black pants and white shirts and report to me or their homeroom teachers. It is important to be punctual as students need to receive props and costumes before the concert begins. EAL High Beginners/Low Intermediate Group In November we continued supporting the trans-disciplinary theme How We Express Ourselves – Artistic Provocations unit, and its central idea: The arts provoke personal responses. We read leveled stories focusing on new vocabulary, comprehension and retelling, paying close attention to the sequence of events. As we read fiction books, we talked about characters. We described their physical appearance as well as their inner traits as we talked about their actions. We introduced and discussed the concept of perspective – retelling the same event through the eyes of a different character. We read two versions of the same story - “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and “Just a Friendly Old Troll”, which led us to using Venn’s diagram in expressing what the characters had in common and what was different. In writing, we focused on using a complete sentence instead of fragments or phrases. This unit provided ample opportunities to role-play scenes from stories we read and liked most. EAL students were very creative as they improvised and changed story endings. We practiced our reading fluency and comprehension skills as we read and discussed a number of iPad books. Page 6 Divna Stakic EAL Teacher Physical Education Dear Parents, Second graders practiced their climbing wall skills during November. We started our unit with simple climbs across the wall using all three hold colors, but then increased the challenge by excluding particular colors. Later, when we felt more confident on the wall, we practiced as individuals, in pairs or in groups creating obstacle courses to go over, under or through with the use of ribbons, poles and hoops. We also played “Ring toss” which is played by tossing rings onto poles while moving across the wall to earn points for our team. We also drew numbers for our partner to find on the wall. Communication and cooperation are of great importance while climbing the wall, we practiced traversing the wall with partners whilst linking arms through hula-hoops. All of these activities helped our students increase their self-confidence, self-awareness, sense of fair play and positive sporting behavior. Students improved their cooperation skills by working together towards a common goal. They took positive risks and used good judgment on the climbing wall, while working on their body coordination, balance and strength. Page 7 Marija Dimitrov PE Teacher
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