English - Preaching of Islam


English - Preaching of Islam
Syed Zahid Hussain Bokhari
Armageddon 2016-19 and
Mehdi Rahmatullah Alaih
In the Light Of Prophecies from The Divine Religions
In the Light Of Prophecies from The
Divine Religions
Of Wisdom
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth (Graves)
shall awake (On Day of Judgement), some to everlasting
life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. 3Those
who are wise shall shine as the brightness of the expanse;
and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars
forever and ever. 4But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and
seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run
back and forth (will ponder), and knowledge shall be
(The Old Testament: Torah ; Daniel Ch.12 Verse 2-4)
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sawm narrated in a Hadees that
Dajjal will not appear till the time that the people become
negligent from discussing about him. So much that religious
scholars and Ulama will even stop talking about him in the
mimbar (podium.) (Rawah Abdullah Ibn-ul Imam Ahmed.
Qaalal Hasheemi wahea saheeha.)
I dedicate my book to my readers who will “INSHAALLAH” benefit
from the virtues of Divine Religions by practicing to the Pleasure of
the Lord.
May Allah Subhanau wa Taalah be pleased from us; Aamin.
End of the time of the world.
ASSESSING THE AGE OF UMMAH: ........................................ 17
POINT TO PONDER: ................................................................... 18
NARRATION IN AHADEES: ...................................................... 19
NO GREATER ISRAEL or NEW WORLD ORDER: .................. 22
Evidences in support From
(DANIEL: OLD TESTAMENT). .................................................. 24
....................................................................................................... 25
INTERPRETING THE TORAH (Taurat): .................................... 26
HAZRAT DANIYAL’S PROPHECIES. ....................................... 27
....................................................................................................... 27
AFGHANISTAN: .......................................................................... 29
ABOUT DAJJAL THE ANTI_CHRIST: ...................................... 29
ABOUT MEHDI AND ARMEGADDON: ................................... 30
ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION: ......................................... 32
DESTRUCTION OF KINGDOM OF SINS: ................................ 36
CHAPTER 9: ................................................................................. 37
PERSPECTIVE OF CHRISTIANITY: ......................................... 39
PREDICTION ABOUT ISLAM: .................................................. 41
72 signs of the era of the End of
Time of the World
The visible and undeniable features of the present Era and 72 signs
of the era of the End of Time of the World. Hazrat Huzaifa
Narrates from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬: ................................................... 44
Apearance of Hazrat Mehdi
HAZRAT ABU HURERA’S PROPHECIES. .............................. 49
THE WORLD WAR:..................................................................... 49
THE EGYPT: ................................................................................ 50
EVENTS BY SADDAM: .............................................................. 50
: ................................................................... 50
THE WAR AT MAJDOON: ......................................................... 51
STEADFAST MEHDI: .................................................................. 51
Of Events and their Sequence as
Narrated in Ahadees and their
appearance in present Century
What Lies Ahead
WHY AMERICA INVADED AFGHANISTAN: ......................... 63
: ................................. 64
AFGHANISTAN: .......................................................................... 66
FUTURE: ....................................................................................... 66
FUTURE FORESEEN:.................................................................. 67
MEANWHILE: .............................................................................. 71
ANALYSIS:................................................................................... 74
THE PURPOSE: ............................................................................ 74
MOVING TOWARDS ITS DESTINY: ........................................ 75
THE CHANGING PAKISTAN:.................................................... 77
UNDER THE WAGE OF JIHAD: ................................................ 78
MUJAHEDEEN MOVE TOWARDS SAUDIA: .......................... 78
BLOODSHED AT JUMRA-E UQBA: ......................................... 79
WHO WILL IDENTIFY MEHDI FIRST OF ALL : ..................... 80
THE OATH OF ALLEGIANCE (BAIT): ..................................... 81
IT WOULD BE A CHANGED WORLD: ..................................... 81
IN SUPPORT OF MUJAHEDEEN OF INDIA: ........................... 84
KUWAIT TAKEN INTO MUSLIM CALIPHATE: ..................... 84
THE WAR BECOMES IMMINENT: ........................................... 85
ARMAGEDDON: ......................................................................... 85
NUKES WILL BE KEPT CAPPED: ............................................. 86
AL MALHAMATUL KUBRA: .................................................... 87
ROLE OF TURKEY:..................................................................... 89
BETWEEN CIVILIZATIONS: ..................................................... 90
A MYSTERY: ............................................................................... 90
WORLD:........................................................................................ 92
MESSIAH : .................................................................................... 93
THE AWAITED REDEEMER: .................................................... 93
THE LONG WAIT: ....................................................................... 93
UNACCOMPLISHED PROPHECY: ............................................ 94
Are the Jews cursed as a Race
DEMERITS OF JEWS: ................................................................. 95
POLARITY AMONG YAHOOD: ................................................ 96
COURSE ADOPTED: ................................................................... 98
FATE OF THE CURSED ONES: ................................................. 98
liar”: ............................................................................................... 99
SUPERNATURAL POWERS OF DAJJAL: .............................. 100
EMAAN:...................................................................................... 102
MARYAM (THE JESUS): .......................................................... 103
THE TRAGIC END: ................................................................... 105
Era of Prosperity, Justice
And Blessings of Allah
REFUGE IN THE WEST: ........................................................... 108
ISLAM IN THE WEST: .............................................................. 109
How and when will this happen
EVENTS OF THE SECOND PHASE:........................................ 115
Mehdi will remain for seven to nine years................................... 115
Coalition forces from the West will start gathering in Israel to
counter Muslims Rule of Mehdi. ................................................. 116
Appearance of Dajjal (The Anti-Christ). Forty days of Dajjal. ... 117
Descend of Messiah Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam
from Skies.
..................................................................................................... 117
All the Jews will be murdered ..................................................... 118
State of Israel will be completely abolished. ............................... 118
EXPLANATION: ........................................................................ 120
LESSON FOR THE YAHOOD: ................................................. 124
LESSON FOR THE CHRISTIANS: ........................................... 125
LESSON FOR THE MUSLIMS:................................................. 126
The History of Jews:
HISTORY OF ILLUMINATI’S: ................................................. 129
PUBLIC: ...................................................................................... 132
NEW WORLD ORDER THE MAIN AIM: ................................ 132
FATE OF THE COMMON JEW: ............................................... 133
“GREAT EVICTION” FROM EUROPE: ................................... 134
Symbols used in the Text. (Refer to glossary): ............................ 137
GLOSSARY: ............................................................................... 138
he last Divine religion is Islam. In the History of the world
Divine Religion has passed through three stages of evolution from
Judaism to Christianity to Islam by the Prophet Hood of
successive Messengers from Allah
The eminent Prophet of the tribe of Yahood Hazrat Moosa
was given
the Prophet Hood. Though he belonged to the tribe of Jews but the message
was for others also. Thus the Prophet called Pharaoh and the people of Egypt
to the Divine religion. The religion was named “Judaism” and its teachings
remained for 1500 years.
When the teachings of the Divine religion were adultered by the Yahood the
main followers, then Allah
sent the messenger Hazrat Essa
Under the teachings of the Prophet the Divine religion was revived. The
teachings of Hazrat Essa
as the Divine religion continued with the
name of “Nasrani’s” later “Christianity”.
By the Prophet Hood of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬the Last Prophet in the
chain, people were called towards Islam the Last Divine religion. Thus the
period of Christianity ended six Hundred years after Hazrat Essa
We see that the succeeding religion determined the age of the preceding
religion. However as Muslim Ummah is the last Ummah thus its age will
determine the end of the time of the world. There is going to be no other
religion coming to the world, thus no new Ummah is going to be there.
From different prophecies and Ahadees it is determined that the age of
Muslim Ummah is expected to be 1500 years. It is the year 1433 Hijri. Thus
apparently almost seventy years are left in the life of the Ummah and as
such in the life of the world. With this Ummah this world will perish and
Qiyama will ensue.
These seventy years are going to be very crucial years in the life of the
people of the world. They will see such revolutions and changes that they
would never even have thought of. However these changes are not unusual
in the way that they will not come out of nowhere but there are prophecies
and indications about them in all the three religions. More comprehensive
account about them is found in Ahadees narrated by The Last Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
The first thing that we determine from this treasure of knowledge and need
to ponder is that the life of Muslim Ummah is around 1500 years
(approximately) and we know that almost 1433 years have passed. This has
been indicated above.
Others known from the prophecies of Taurat is that the Abomination of
Desolation, Kingdom of Sins, State of Hatred, would be created around 1967
and its downfall will start after forty five years, which is in 2012.
As is explained in the book the appearance of Hazrat Mehdi the Divine
leader to come for the Muslims will appear 72 months after the appearance
of Black Flags from Khurasan. If we take the appearance of Black Flags
from Khurasan in late 2008 when the resistance of Mujahedeen against the
Coalition forces from the West took a new turn and they proved their
strength. Earlier West had presumed that they have overwhelmed the Jihad
and it was on the verge of extinction.
Thus, if this presumed date is close to being correct then Hazrat Mehdi’s
predicted appearance will be in year 2014 that is close by.
Within years of appearance of Hazrat Mehdi the first battle of Armageddon
will take place that will be followed by the more lethal and brutal war of
Malhamatul-Kubra within nine months.
This will lead to complete defeat to the intruders and Muslims will have a
big victory.
Secular rule in Turkey would be finished and it would be annexed to the
Muslim Caliphate of Mehdi
This will cause anger of “Dajjal The Anti-Christ” and he will appear. This
event will approximately be five years after appearance of Mehdi
and it comes out to be around year 2019. The time period of Dajjal will be
14 months and some more. This will be followed by Appearance of Hazrat
(The Jesus).
Thus their appearance seems to be in the year 2020-2021.
From this it is concluded that the battles of Armageddon and
Malhamatul-Kubra between Christians and Muslims would be fought
somewhere between 2016-2019.
Dajjal The Anti-Christ will be killed by Hazrat Essa
(The Jesus) in the
year 2020-2021.
This will be followed by general massacre of the Jews standing in support of
“Dajjal the Anti-Christ” and will result in their annihilation and thus the
“Kingdom of Sins” will be completely abolished in the year 2021-2022.
According to Ahadees Hazrat Essa Alaihis-Salam will live for seven years,
or forty five years.
So this will be the end of the World and after that Qiyama will ensue.
We have endeavored to bring these facts before people of all the three
religions so that they shall understand the will of Allah
. Jews believed
that Armageddon will occur in 1998. That time has passed. Christians
were anxiously awaiting this war in 2001 that has not occurred. From
2001 till date so much has happened that it has cleared many doubts. Certain
events indicating the appearance of Mehdi
have occurred and it is in the
Ahadees that the battle of Armageddon will be fought in the time period of
Mehdi. The perspective presented in this book is from the point of view of
the Muslims. In support evidences from Judaism to these predictions are
presented. We have tried to realize our readers the authenticity of the
narration in Ahadees and how the predictions about the past century had
been fulfilled. Thus it is now before the reader that how he foresees the
future in the light of Ahadees of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Christians must read this perspective as they shall know what Armageddon
is. They consider that it is a religious war. Unfortunately it has been
misunderstood and rather misinterpreted. In the prophecies Armageddon has
been termed as a deadly war and not a war that is going to fetch the believers
of Christianity the pleasure of Allah
. So reading this perspective, at least
they will get other side of the picture as this is going to be a big tragedy for
the humanity and those participating in it will become the cause of a big
Jews must read this so as to know that their present stronghold Israel has
been termed as Kingdom of sins and State of Hatred by Hazrat Daniyal
(Daniel) who had been Prophet to Bani-Israel. They must know that the
person who is being presented to them as their redeemer is “The Force
of Evil” awaited towards the end of the time of the world. This satanic
force is known to the world of Islam as Dajjal to the world of Christianity as
Anti-Christ while it is being presented to them as their savior. May be that
the innocent and ignorant among them come to know that they are in
the satanic claws. Thus they will get an opportunity to repent before Allah
and refrain from being a part of the satanic move.
We wish all good to humanity. Alas! Our heart weeps with sorrow as
whatever has been destined by Allah
cannot be prevented. However we
can sincerely endeavor to save as many humans as possible from the
disastrous end. They are unknowingly becoming part of treachery, causing
themselves the lasting damage in this life and the life hereafter. This era is
going to be last chance for those who would be involved in struggle between
the religions. Those who strive for the right would be rewarded
extremely. Those who side with the wrong will be punished badly. Those
who survive may get another chance to make the right decision once the mist
settles and reality becomes imminent.
We make no claims and leave the decision to our readers. However as writer
is a Muslim and he is presenting in his endeavor impartial and balanced
facts, thus it may seem to be a perspective from Islam. In reality the facts
foreseen and perspective expressed is derived unanimously from
revelations of all the three divine religions, a gust created out of their
authentic sources.
Muslims also must read it so that they shall know the intense test of Emaan
they are going to face. The era that is going to come would be that of Dajjal
who will have all his concentration on the Muslim Ummah to distract them
from their Lord and to deprive them of their Emaan. Ignorance would be
death so better know before it’s too late.
Syed Zahid Hussain Bokhari
[email protected]
6th June 2012
End of the time of the world.
This is a very interesting discussion that gives clue about the possible life
span of humanity and the end of the time of the world. The discussion is
about the “Life Span” of the Last Ummah. That is the Muslim Ummah. This
is not a philosophical discussion but its clues are there in the teachings and
narrations of the Divine religions. From these narrations it can be
concluded that the world that has been created for the humanity has to
face destruction in the form of Qiyama once the civilization reaches its
logical conclusion. The logical conclusion is that the humans have been
created so as to establish a close relation between the creations and the
Creator, sustained and the Sustainer ALLAH
. For the same Allah
bestowed humanity with the Divine Guidance of Religion. The known
Divine religions in the history of Mankind known to all of us are three. The
Judaism, Christianity and the Last Divine Religion Islam.
Humanity has passed through these divine religions in succession to resort in
the asylum of the “Final and Last Divine Religion Islam”. Whenever the
teachings of the Prophet were adultered by the followers Allah
the new Prophet. Thus when the teachings of Judaism that is the teachings
of Hazrat Moosa
(Moses) were set aside and Taurat was altered, Allah
sent the new prophet Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam. The coming Prophet
did not preach something new but called the people to Allah
revived the basic teachings of the Divine Religion. Thus at that time new
Chapter in history was opened and time period of Judaism came to an end.
Essa Alaihis–salam gave the news of the last Prophet that was to come in
near future and gave the directives to follow his teachings.
Now with the Prophet Hood of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬the period of
Christianity came to an end. This period is of the known world and is
recorded around six Hundred years. As the era of different Prophets were
noted, obviously there has got to be a time span for the last Ummah that is
the followers of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, The Muslims. As this is the last
Ummah thus it is obvious that their time period will end in Qiyama
(End of the world) as now the purpose of creation would be fulfilled and
all the contestants (The whole of Humanity) are now to be put to trail.
This is not a hypothetical discussion but its signs, its indications and clues
are scattered in the three Divine religions and will be referred to.
The age of the Ummah of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬will be assessed from the Prophet
Hood of ‫ ﷺ‬to the establishment of Qiyama. It would be counted till last
Momin with Emaan lives in the world. It is narrated in Hadees that Qiyama
will start coming when soft wind will start blowing from Yemen and will
snatch the spirit of all the Momineen. This event will occur after the death
of Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam
(The Jesus). Not even a single living
Momin in the world will be left. Thus the life time of the Muslim Ummah
will finish.
Left will only be the transgressors and fornicators in the world and the
terrible event of Qiyama will be established upon them.
In this estimation the principle to be adopted is that the Age of each of
the Ummah will begin from the Prophet Hood of their Prophet and will
finish upon the Prophet Hood of the following Prophet. Thus Age of
Judaism will be counted from Prophet Hood of Hazrat Moosa
finish upon the Prophet Hood of Hazrat Essa
and will
. That of Christianity will
continue from Prophet Hood of Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam till the Prophet
Hood of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
The purpose of this discussion is not to stop the efforts of life and put an end
to the life in the world. We are taught in our Deen that we shall keep on
endeavoring in the world as if we would be living here forever and keep on
putting hard work till the time that the life of the world comes to an end.
In a Hadith it is narrated that if at the time of Qiyama somebody has a
seedling and he gets opportunity to plant that so he shall of course do that.
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar
said “You shall work for your world such as
you have to live forever and you shall work for the life hereafter as if you are
going to die tomorrow.
The discussion about the end of the time of the world does not mean that
people shall give up everything and stop world’s life. But the purpose of
this topic is that people shall know what is going to happen towards the
end of the time of the world and what its implications are. They shall be
aware and prepare themselves for the coming time. It shall help putting them
wise on the subject and contribute to a right decision that they shall be
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar
Narrates from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that
compared to other Ummah the time period of you people are as
compared to the time between Asr Prayers and the Maghreb. (Sahee
In this Hadees Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬has explained to us that compared to the life of
the other Ummah “Yahood and Nasara” the time period of the life of Muslim
Ummah has been indicated when compared, as being between times of Asr
and Maghreb. Thus the time period of Yahood is from Fajr to Zuhr prayers
and that of Nasara is from Zuhr to Asr Prayers.
It indicates that according to this Hadees the time period of Yahood is
equal to the time period of Muslims Ummah and Nasara put together.
This is very interesting discussion but most of the people are unaware of it. It
is not a new thing. It had been there in Ahadees but had gone out of the
discussion among the Ummah. Now it is high time that we shall realize and
understand this as the era indicates that its implications are close by.
Hafiz Ibn-E Hajr a Muslim scholar writes in his book Fathul-Bari that from
this Hadees it is assumed that age of the Muslim Ummah is going to be more
than one thousand years. From the Hadees it is derived that the age of Nasara
and Muslims put together is equal to the time span of Yahood.
It has been evaluated from sources that the time period from Prophet Hood
of Hazrat Moosa
to the time of Prophet Hood of Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was
more than two thousand years and those of Nasara was Six Hundred Years.
Hafiz Ibn-E Hajr also said that it has been mentioned in the Hadees that the
time period of the world is now too less.
Thus it is derived that the time period of Yahood = (2000 – Time period of
Nasara) +( Increment for any ambiguity).
Time period of Nasara has been taken at six hundred years from a
narration from Hazrat Salman Farsi
who said that there is a time
span of Six Hundred years between Hazrat Essa
and Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Thus result would be:
Age of Judaism = 2000-600 = 1400+( Increment for any ambiguity).
Narrators indicate that laxity in time period that is required to be given is
approximately hundred years to cover any ambiguity. Thus age of Yahood
comes out to be Fifteen Hundred Years.
Now time period of Muslim Ummah = Time period of Yahood- period of
Nasara+ five hundred years** and a little above.
Thus time period of Muslim Ummah= 1500-600= 900 years and some more
+500 years**
Thus it comes out to be 1400 years and some more (Laxity to cover any
ambiguity. This period of laxity is taken at hundred years as has been
taken for Yahood). Thus 1500 Years.
**Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas
narrates from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that I
expect that my Ummah will not be so much helpless that Allah
will not
give them an opportunity of half a day. Hazrat SAAD was asked how much
this half day is equal to. So he said Five Hundred Years. (Ahmed, AbuDawood, Hakim, Abu-Naeem).
Age of Judaism
Presumed from
Age of Nasara
Age of Muslim
Fajr to Zuhr
Zuhr to Asr
Asr to Maghrib
From 5 AM to 1
From 1 Pm to 4 PM
From 4 PM to 9
Eight Hours
Three Hours
Five Hours
Age Of Judaism
Age Of Nasara + Age Of Muslim
Period from Prophet hood of Hazrat Moosa
to Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is calculated at 2000 years.
Thus period of Judaism has been calculated at 2000-600=1400
Thus Age
1400 years+100
600 Years Is known
Age Of Judaism-
for any
From Essa Ibn-e
Age Of Nasara
ambiguity= 1500
Maryam To
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
Calculated Age of
1500-600= 900 years +100 for any
Muslim Ummah
ambiguity towards future= 1000 years
Thus Calculated
1500 years
600 years
1000 years
According to Hadees 500 years are
1000+ 500= 1500
given to Muslim Ummah Thus
Thus it is concluded that the age of Muslim Ummah will be 1400 years
plus some 100 years to cater for any ambiguity. Thus a total of around
1500 years.
It is the year 1433. So according to this assumption only 67 years are left to
the end of the time of the world.
Even if question is raised that these be solar or Lunar years then there is only
a difference of 39 years so it will become 106 years. Thus a time span
between 67 to 106 years only is left towards Qiyama ( End of the time of
the World).
Looking at all this it can be presumed that there is no room for any greater
Israel nor there is any room for new world order. Time has proved both these
concepts to be fallacies.
In last sixty years the state of Israel has not been able to establish itself even
in the meager boundaries of Jerusalem. Its rule had always been under
challenge and Yahood have finally learnt that their survival is only within
concrete walled boundaries that they have made.
All these events as mentioned in the prophecies of the Divine religions do
demand more than half a century. So this is enough signal that the events
are about to begin and there is no more time left for the evil minds to
grab the humanity in their satanic claws.
America so proud to have been a super Power and would not regard the
rights of people of the developing and underdeveloped nations.
Alhamdulillah that America is now down to its knees trying to find excuses
to retrieve from Afghanistan. Its vision of new world order is now a dream
of the gone days. Lot of things have yet to happen that when started will
put an end to the supremacy of the American regime and would cause
extermination of the hated regime of Israel leading to the annihilation of
the Yahood from the sacred land of Jerusalem.
This proves that we are very much close to the logical time
of the end of the world.
However nothing is for sure. All that has been presented is in the light of
narrations in the Divine Religions. This is what our elders and Ulama
(Islamic Scholars) have derived out of the treasure of Ahadees. To decides
when is going to be the end is nobody’s job. Only Allah
know and no
one else not even the Prophet. So no prediction can be done in this regards.
In this discussion we have only laid the parameters of this universal
happening that is going to exhibit itself in immediate future and towards
what our attention has been drawn through Ahadees.
Evidences in support From
Hazrat Daniyal
(Daniel) was the Prophet of Bani-Israel. When Allah
sent Bakht Nasar upon the Yahood to punish them because of their
wrong doings, the king moved from Iraq to desecrate Jerusalem and
destroyed Haikal-e Sulaimani. They burnt the books of Taurat and did
general massacre of the Yahood. They destroyed the whole city and took
away the alive as slaves to Babylon.
As the Yahood were now spending the life of slavery Allah
had mercy
upon them and again started sending for them Prophets to get them out of
this miserable life. One among these Prophets was Hazrat Daniyal. He had
great resemblance in his appearance as well his characteristics with Hazrat
. Both these Prophets of Bani-Israel were groomed in a strange
land and grown by the blessings of Allah
. Besides becoming Prophets
they also scaled the heights of worldly status. Both were bestowed with the
knowledge of interpreting the dreams.
Neboshane-zar became the king after Bakht Nasar. He saw a dream that
preoccupied him but he could not draw any reasonable conclusion out of it.
He called upon all the people of wisdom from his country, all magicians and
forecasters. None could give him a satisfactory interpretation of his dreams.
When he got disappointed from these people so he was told about the genius
and wise young man Daniyal of Bani-Israel.
In Taurat it is written:
Chapter: 5
Then was Daniel brought in before the king. The king spoke and said to
Daniel, Are you that Daniel, who are of the children of the captivity of
Judah, whom the king my father brought out of Judah? 14I have heard of you,
that the spirit of the gods is in you, and that light and understanding and
excellent wisdom are found in you.
Now the wise men, the enchanters,
have been brought in before me, that they should read this writing, and make
known to me its interpretation; but they could not show the interpretation of
the thing.
But I have heard of you that you can give interpretations, and
dissolve doubts; now if you can read the writing, and make known to me its
interpretation, you shall be clothed with purple, and have a chain of gold
about your neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Then Daniel
answered before the king, Let your gifts be to yourself, and give your
rewards to another; nevertheless I will read the writing to the king, and make
known to him the interpretation. (Taurat: Surah-E Daniyal Ch: 5 Verse 1317).
Hazrat Daniyal prayed before Almighty Allah that the knowledge of
interpretation of dreams still be opened to him and that he shall be guided
towards the right interpretation of these dreams. Allah
accepted his pray
and revealed upon him the real interpretations of the dream.
King narrated his dream and Hazrat Daniyal gave its interpretation.
Interpretations that were made in the light of dreams of Neboshane-zar were
about the kings, regimes and period up to the day of Qiyama. These have
unusually come true.
These interpretation really interest us after thousands of years as these are
related to our time period and also refer to a special rule that was named the
“State of Hatred” and the “Kingdom of Sins” that will be the cause, of
beginning the end of the time of world.
The book Daniel is a unique part of Torah that has prophecies about the end
of the time. Hazrat Daniyal was again and then told that these prophecies are
for the end of the time of the world. It has been indicated in Ch: 12 Verse 2-4
that these would be understood at the time when the things start happening.
Under these revelations the explanations given centuries back were required
to be reviewed for better understanding and expression of these prophecies.
However most of the commentaries upon the Old testaments had been
written by Christian scholars who have presumed the period of Jesus as the
time predicted. They have tried to converge all these prophecies to that time.
Thus it seems that the Scholars of Christianity hastily related these
prophecies to the Jesus.
However it is not as such. Almost 2000 years have passed. World has seen
so many revolutions and changes. A new Divine religion came to the world.
A lot more is being foreseen in near future. So today it is confirmed that
the time presumed by the Christianity was not the end of the world and thus
all these explanations were not appropriate. The way they tried to mold these
predictions to fit in their belief has kept the doors open for the others to give
new explanations to these prophecies in the light of the latest facts. A long
period has passed and these explanations do not appear to be fitting in. The
more we will come closer to the end of the time these would be better
understood and expressed.
In Daniel the interpretations of the dreams of Neboshane-zar have very clear
predictions for the time to come. Today it is easier and clearer to understand.
These are spiritual revelation for our era. Part of these have already occurred
in recent past and others are going to be exhibited Inshaallah in near future
thus these can now be far more easily correlated. A century back it would
have been debatable but today things are before our eyes and thus cannot be
Thus the explanations that are being given are the interpretations of the
Torah in the light of present happenings.
Chapter: 11
So the king of the north (WEST) shall come, and cast up a mound, and take
a well-fortified city: and the forces of the south (Muslims) shall not stand,
neither his chosen people, neither shall there be any strength to stand.
he who comes against him shall do according to his own will and none shall
stand before him; and he shall stand in the glorious land (ARAB LANDS),
and in his hand shall be destruction. 17He (WEST) shall set his face to come
with the strength of his whole kingdom (Coalition force) and with him
equitable conditions; and he shall perform them: and he shall give him the
daughter of women, to corrupt her; but she shall not stand, neither be for
him. 18After this shall he turn his face to the isles, and shall take many: but a
prince shall cause the reprimand offered by him to cease (OSAMA); yes,
moreover, he shall cause his reprimand to turn on him.
Then he (WEST)
shall turn his face toward the fortresses of his own land; but he shall stumble
and fall, and shall not be found (9/11). 20Then shall stand up in his place one
who shall cause a tax collector to pass through the kingdom to maintain its
glory; but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in
In his place shall stand up a disgraceful person, to whom they had
not given the honor of the kingdom: but he shall come in time of security,
and shall obtain the kingdom by disguise.
The overwhelming forces shall
be besieged from before him, and shall be broken; yes, also the prince of the
agreement (Kuwait).
After the group made with him he (America) shall
work deceitfully (With Arabs); for he shall come up, and shall become
strong, with a small people.
In time of security (Disguise of Terrorism) shall he come even on the
fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not
done, nor his fathers' fathers; he shall scatter among them killing, and spoil,
and substance (Causes trouble around): yes, he shall devise his devices
(Disinformation) against the strongholds, even for a time.
He shall stir up
his power and his courage against the king of the south (Muslims) with a
great army; and the king of the south (Muslims) shall war in battle with a
very great and mighty army; but he (Saddam); shall not stand for they shall
devise plans (Conspire) against him.
Yes, they who eat of his (Saddam’s); dainties shall destroy him, and his
(Saddam’s) army shall run over; and many shall fall down slain.
As for
both these kings, their hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall speak
lies at one table: but it shall not prosper; for yet the end shall be at the time
appointed. 28Then shall he (WEST) return into his land with great substance
(Ransom from Arab countries as expenses of war); and his heart shall be
against the holy agreement; and he shall do his pleasure, and return to his
own land.
At the time appointed he (WEST) shall return, and come into the south
(Afghanistan); but it shall not be in the latter time as it was in the former.
For ships of Kittim (MUJAHEDEEN) Shall come against him; therefore
he shall be grieved, and shall return (Retrieval of Coalition forces), and have
annoyance against the holy agreement, and shall do his pleasure: he shall
even return, and have regard to those (State of Israel) who abandon the holy
(Israeli) Forces shall stand on his part, and they shall profane
the sanctuary (Al-Aqsa Mosque), even the fortress, and shall take away the
continual burnt offering (Five Times Prayers), and they shall set up the
abomination (Palace of Hiram Abeef) that causes desolation.
Such as do
wickedly against the agreement shall he pervert by Disguise; but the people
who know their God shall be strong, and do exploits (MUJAHEDEEN).
Those who are wise among the people shall instruct many; yet they shall
fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by spoil, many days. 34Now
when they shall fall, they shall be helped with a little help
(MUJAHEDEEN).; but many shall join themselves to them with disguise
(TRAITORS). 35Some of those who are wise shall fall, to refine them, and to
purify, and to make them white, even to the time of the end; because it is yet
for the time appointed.
The king (WEST) shall do according to his will; and he shall praise
himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvelous
things against the God of gods; and he (WEST) shall prosper until the
resentment be accomplished; for that which is determined shall be done.
Neither shall he regard the gods of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor
regard any god; for he (America) shall magnify himself above all.
But in
his (ALLAH’s) place shall he honor the god of fortresses (ANTI_CHRIST);
and a god whom his fathers did not know shall he honor with gold, and
silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things (All the Technology,
Forces and Wealth of America). 39He shall deal with the strongest fortresses
by the help of a foreign god (ANTI_CHRIST); whoever acknowledges him
(ANTI_CHRIST); he will increase with glory (Supernatural Powers of
Anti_Christ); and he shall cause them (Israeli) to rule over many, and shall
divide the land for a price.
At the time of the end shall the king of the south (Muslims, MEHDI)
contend with him; and the king of the north shall come against him like a
whirlwind, with chariots, and with horsemen, and with many ships;
(ARMAGEDDON) and he shall enter into the countries, and shall overflow
and pass through.
He shall enter also into the glorious land (ARAB
LANDS), and many countries shall be overthrown; but these shall be
delivered out of his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of
He shall stretch forth his hand also on the countries; and the land of Egypt
shall not escape. 43But he shall have power over the treasures of gold and of
silver, and over all the precious things of Egypt; and the Libyans and the
Ethiopians shall be at his steps.
But news out of the east and out of the
north (ACTIVITIES OF MEHDI & MUJAHEDEEN); shall trouble him
and he (WEST) shall go forth with great fury to destroy and utterly to sweep
away many. 45He shall plant the tents of his palace between the sea and the
glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end (Al MalhamatulKubra), and none shall help him. (Taurat : Daniyal Ch.11 Verse 30-45)
This chapter seems to be dedicated about the present Era and future
happenings. We look at it as we have indicated. The King of the South in
these prophecies are the Muslims while King of the North is referred to the
forces of the West. Primarily it indicates America.
The writing in parenthesis is our explanation of this oriental writing. This is
all self explanatory and we find all these prediction in line with the
Ahadees on the subject as narrated by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
Thus it is enough proof that the divine religions in succession have given the
predictions that do not have any contradiction. Rather they fortify each
other. All these events have been given in far more detail in Ahadees.
Explanation to the above can be seen in the text that follows later in the
Chapter: 9
After the sixty-two 'sevens' al-Masih shall be cut off, and shall have
nothing: and the people of a ruler (Jews) who shall come shall destroy the
city and the sanctuary (Jerusalem); and the end of it shall be with a flood,
and even to the end shall be war; desolations are determined.
Israel) shall make a firm agreement with many (West) for
He (State of
one 'seven':
and in the midst of the 'seven' he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering
(Prayers) to cease; and on a wing of the temple he shall set up an
abomination (Palace of Hiram Abeef) that causes desolation and even to the
full end, and that determined, shall wrath (Of Allah
) be poured out on
the desolate (State of Israel). (Taurat: Daniyal Ch.9 Verse 26-27)
Chapter: 12
He said, Go your way, Daniel; for the words are shut up and sealed until the
time of the end. 10Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white,
and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked
shall understand; but those who are wise shall understand.
From the time
that the continual burnt offering shall be taken away, and the abomination
that causes desolation is set up; there shall be one thousand two hundred
ninety days. 12Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three
hundred thirty-five days.
But go your way until the end be; for you shall
rest, and shall stand in your lot, at the end of the days. (Taurat : Daniyal
Ch.12 Verse 9-13)
The predictions in these verses are about the Jerusalem. It indicates that after
specified time this city will go out of pious hands and certain people of a
ruler will destroy the city (Verse 26). The prediction is more sensitive about the
sanctuary “The Aqsa Mosque” that is the focus of spiritualism being a
respected religious place in all the Divine religions. The ruler will take away
the place with treason and will make many agreements with other rulers (verse
. This happened. Israel was created as per treason in 1948 and was
supported by the Britain and the America. It also underwent many
agreements with the countries and bodies in an effort to give it existence
recognition. It also took surety from these countries for its sovereignty.
Having been strengthened by the sponsors the state of Israel took all the
atrocities against the local Muslim population and had been culminating the
prayers that had been going on in the Holy mosque since last fourteen
centuries (verse 27). Thus inadvertently fulfilling the prophecies of Torah that
the sanctuary will be deprived of the sacrifices and offerings.
Soon another event is going to happen. This State intends to demolish the
Holy Mosque and to establish palace of Hiram Abeef at its place. This has
been termed in the prophecies an abomination that causes desolation (verse 27).
However as is predicted they shall not be able to cause damage to the holy
sanctuary but as is mentioned in the prophecy they shall be able to begin
their activity only on one wing
(verse 27)
extensive plans the wrath of Allah
. Before they can proceed with their
will be inflicted upon them and they
shall not be able to proceed. As predicted they will be destroyed
(verse 27)
. So
the ultimate fate of the state of Israel is extinction from the face of the earth.
All these events seem to be a continuous war between good and the bad,
pious and the dirty. In all these events and these predictions is the guidance
for humanity. It is indicated that from the events that will take place the
pious souls will draw lesson and will change their life for the pleasure of
and would repent, thus finally pleasing their Lord. At the same
time it is warned that the wicked will keep their wrong course and they will
give no heed for the warnings being given nor shall they repent from their
wrong deeds. A terrible fate awaits them. Thus wise are those who
understand and prevent themselves from the tragic end (Verse 10).
It was said that from the establishment of this state will begin the end of
the time of the world. And because of the atrocities in this state, this
beginning of the end of the world will proceed towards its natural fate.
It is known that the time would be of the appearance of two spiritual
Dignitaries (Hazrat Imam Mehdi
and Hazrat Essa
) and two big
devastations (Ad-Dajalul-Akbar and Yajooj Majooj Known to the World of
Christianity as Anti-Christ and Gog Magog).
About the “Kingdom of Sin” Hazrat Daniyal said that King from South
will prepare force and will pollute the sanctity of the Fort. Then they will
snatch the sacrifices being done every day, and will create over there the
“State of Hatred”…………
……..And Forces will help them and they will pollute the established
sanctity and will ban the eternal sacrifice. They will establish the detestable
things that will desecrate the place. They will stimulate the one who will
create mischieves against the pious oath. But those who know their Lord
will get something done (Taurat: …… Daniyal Ch.11 Verse 31, 32)
Explanation of the above verses done by Muslim Scholars are as explained
The pious fort is Masjid_e Aqsa “The Holy Mosque” and to pollute
it refers to the Jewish occupation of Palestine.
The daily sacrifices mean prayers that are being offered five time a
day at Masjid_e Aqsa since last 1400 years.
The “State of Hatred” refers to Jewish State of Israel.
The forces that shall be reinforcing the “State of Hatred” are
America and Britain.
“One who knows their Lord” refers to the Palestinian Mujahedeen
and “having shown something done” refers to their exemplary resistance
against the Israeli atrocities.
Above prophecies among these have been exhibited till date.
The following have yet to happen:
“To stimulate the mischievous” that means to raise the Christians
against the Muslims and to use them for fulfilling the ulterior motives of the
“The thing that will desecrate,” refers to the construction of the
palace of Dajjal (The Anti-Christ) at the location of Aqsa Mosque.
Hazrat Daniyal (Daniel) said,
Then I heard a holy one speaking; and
another holy one said to that certain one who spoke, How long shall be the
vision stand concerning the continual burnt-offering, and the disobedience
that makes desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden
under foot?
He said to me, To two thousand and three hundred evenings
and mornings; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. (Taurat …… Daniyal
Ch. 8 Verse 13, 14).
So he came near where I stood; and when he came, I was frightened, and
fell on my face: but he said to me, Understand, son of man; for the vision
belongs to the time of the end. (Taurat …… Daniyal Ch. 8 Verse 17).
Hazrat Daniyal said that though I heard the angels but I was unable to
understand what they narrated. So I prayed to Allah
, “My Lord how this
whole event will finish”. So I got the reply.
“Daniyal you keep your own concern. Words have been locked and the
events have been sealed. Now the whole thing will be revealed at the final
moment. When sacrifices will be snatched and “state of hatred” will be
established, from that day onwards One thousand two hundred and
ninety days will be left. Lucky are those who reach One thousand three
hundred and thirty five days. But (Daniyal) you shall keep on doing your
work to the end of the world, you will be given tranquility”. (Taurat :
Daniyal Ch.12 Verse 8-13)
There is a debate about the days mentioned in the interpretations. It has been
argued that these days represent years as it has been mentioned in Hazqail “I
have assigned one day for you equivalent to one year”.
“ 6Again, when you have accomplished these, you shall lie on your right side,
and shall bear the iniquity of the house of Judah: forty days, each day for a
year, have I appointed it to you”. (Ch:4 Verse:6) Thus taking this narration
one day indicates one year.
According to this interpretation this state was to be created after 2300 years.
The scholars of Taurat in their interpretation count these years from the
conquest of Asia by Alexander that happened in 333 BC. Thus the state of
hatred (Abomination of Desolation) was to be created 2300-333= 1967.
Muslim Scholars consider this the possible explanation. This is the year that
the Israeli forces entered the Holy city of Al-Qudus (Jerusalem) and there
was a big fire in the Holy Mosque. Though Israel was created in 1948 but
the target and main aim of the Jews the Holy Mosque went into their
hands in 1967.
Same is narrated in Taurat “When sacrifices will be snatched and “State
of Hatred” will be established”. Thus this indicates that it refers to the
establishment of the rule upon Jerusalem that occurred upon
occupation of the Holy Mosque and this happened in 1967.
Now it is presumed that this state will be abolished under the prophecies
of Taurat after forty five years. As is mentioned in the prophecy that the
lucky are those who reach 1335 days.
(1335-1290) = 45.
Thus 45 days before the fall of the “Kingdom of Sin” would be asylum
for Judaism while it would be a time of difficulty for others. At the end
of this period disaster will start for the state of Israel and those effectees
who have faced all the atrocities till that period are given the good news
that their miseries are going to finish. As earlier mentioned a day in
Hazqail has been termed equivalent to a year thus it is a clear indication that
the Kingdom of Sins (Israel) will be destroyed after 45 years of it
establishment. It will be done in the hands of Hazrat Essa
(Jesus) and
Hazrat Mehdi’s Forces. This will lead to complete annihilation of the Jews
and killing of “Dajjal The Antichrist”. Thus keeping these facts in mind it
is postulated that this will happen as mentioned in the prophecies
somewhere after 2012 or a little later. (1967+45=2012). However this year
may be the beginning of the termination or annihilation of this state.
Neither scholar from Christianity nor from Islam could correlate the figure
of 1290 with any event. In Commentaries of Old Testament it is mentioned
that it is very difficult to correlate. Thus it may be assumed as an indication.
Majority have concluded what is expressed above that it indicates 45 years
period between the establishment of authoritative rule of Kingdom of Sins
and its downfall.
It is imperative that the Yahood will lose the Holy land of Palestine. And
they will finally be completely destroyed.
Another indication that comes towards the extinction of Israel is in this
verse. It reads as under:
He (State of Israel) shall make a firm agreement with many (West)
one 'seven': and in the midst of the 'seven' he shall cause the sacrifice
and the offering (Prayers) to cease; and on a wing of the temple he shall set
up an abomination (Palace of Hiram Abeef) that causes desolation and even
to the full end, and that determined, shall wrath (Of Allah
) be poured out
on the desolate (State of Israel). (Taurat: Daniyal Ch.9 Verse 27)
There are indications about the destruction of the Kingdom of Sins in the
Old Testament. However these could not be explained with certainty by
Christian scholars. The time span expressed could not
be unanimously
correlated. It may be that these have been mentioned symbolically and Allah
has kept the time of event hidden as it is the knowledge of the future and
unseen that Allah
has not given to anybody. Under these parameters the
information in the chapter remains open to conclusions that would create
some possibility to ascertain the approximate time period of the event. We
will explain all these assumption as underneath:
Verse 27 narrates that the state of Israel will be able to continue for
One Seven. If this “One Seven” is a metaphor and if it indicates
Seventy years then the destruction of Israel occurs in 2018.
(1948+70= 2018.)
Ch: 12 verses 11-12: under these verses as explained above the
difference of 45 years is taken as the life of this state and thus it is
destined to decline after 2012. Though no correlation could be
explained to 1290 and 1335 except that it indicates the intervening
period of 45 years between the creation and destruction of Kingdom
of Sins. In this assumption the time period is counted from 1967 the
year of Jewish occupation of The Holy Mosque.
Christian scholars consider Israel as the Kingdom of Sins as indicated in the
They also believe that the state of Israel is created not at the pleasure of The
Lord but as a cursed state.
They also believe that the Jews are awaiting the Anti-Christ and not Messiah
Essa Ibn-e Maryam
They believe that the state of Israel will be abolished. They also believe that
do not like the erection of Haikal-e Sulaimani.
However they do not express any clear view about the date of creation
and no correlation could be found in their commentaries to satisfaction
about the verses in Old Testament about these events.
Thus we can conclude that the knowledge of the unseen has been kept
hidden and we are just indicated the era that is going to determine the
happening. This essentially starts from the 2012 in near future and will
continue to the year 2020 when the event is going to be completed.
However the destruction of Israel is correlated with the appearance of
Hazrat Mehdi
. So it is more important to search for the appearance
of Mehdi from which time the events will start exhibiting. We know
from Ahadees that the state of Israel will be abolished within Six to
seven years from the appearance of Mehdi
Chapter: 12
Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth (Graves) shall awake (On
Day of Judgement), some to everlasting life, and some to shame and
everlasting contempt. 3Those who are wise shall shine as the brightness at
the expanse; and those who turn many to righteousness as the stars forever
and ever. 4But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the
time of the end: many shall run back and forth (will put in lot of efforts), and
knowledge shall be increased." (Taurat : Daniyal Ch.12 Verse 2-4)
This verse of Torah is full of spiritualism for the humanity. It contains
motivation for the good as well it contains admonition for the wrongdoers. It
refers to the day when people shall get up from their graves. Good news for
those who will get up on the pleasure of the Lord and will be rewarded an
everlasting life of happiness and success. There would be some for whom
there would be shame and they would have an everlasting hatred waiting for
them. These would be the lost ones who will be thrown on to the disdain of
the displeasure of Allah
and the eternal punishment of Hellfire.
Here the lord guided the wise one to make their life shining with the Divine
brightness that can be achieved at the cost of some expanse and that expanse
had been termed the human efforts. They are directed to make their life
useful by guiding humanity to the righteous path and calling people towards
. To these people Allah
symbolically represent as Stars that
shall be shining forever and ever and get an eternal brightness.
The last verse (4) tells the Daniel that you shall stop wandering about the
things that have been revealed upon you and the book that is given to you.
These predictions are for the end of the time of the world and you shall not
be able to understand that in its true perspective. These would only be
understandable in the era these are meant for. Then it was revealed upon
him about the end of the time of the world that the time would be of great
hustle and bustle and chaos. Nations will endeavor to achieve their motives.
There would be forces that would be dragging the humanity towards
infidelity. At that time Allah
will make for certain people to
understand these verses as the events would start happening and thus
the prophecies will exhibit themselves. Thus Allah
will open new
doors of knowledge for humanity. This would then become a source of
inspiration and hope in that state of despair and will open upon the people
the right path leading to the pleasure of the Lord.
In the interpretations of Hazrat Daniyal
there is a clear indication
about a Kingdom, which is destined to prosper and to remain till the day
of Qiyama. Kingdom has been used as an expression of metaphor in this
prophecy. Thus as explained in the following text it relates to the Deen
(the Religion of Islam) and thus it refer to the last Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. It is the
bad luck of the followers of the divine religions that they negate this
reality on a time when the prophecy has been fulfilled before them.
Chapter :2
Verses 28, 31-44 Daniel (Old Testament) read as under:
but there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and he has made known
to the king Neboshane-zar what shall be in the latter days …………………
You, O king, saw, and, behold, a great image. This image, which was
mighty, and whose brightness was excellent, stood before you; and its aspect
was awesome. 32As for this image, its head was of fine gold, its breast and its
arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, 33its legs of iron, its feet part
of iron, and part of clay. 34You saw until a stone was cut out without hands,
which struck the image on its feet that were of iron and clay, and broke them
in pieces. 35Then was the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold,
broken in pieces together, and became like the chaff of the summer threshing
floors; and the wind carried them away, so that no place was found for them:
and the stone that struck the image became a great mountain, and filled the
whole earth. 36This is the dream; and we will tell its interpretation before the
king. 37You, O king, are king of kings, to whom the God of heaven has given
the kingdom, the power, and the strength, and the glory;
and wherever the
children of men dwell, the animals of the field and the birds of the sky has he
given into your hand, and has made you to rule over them all: you are the
head of gold.
After you shall arise another kingdom inferior to you; and
another third kingdom of bronze, which shall bear rule over all the earth.
The fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron, because iron breaks in pieces
and subdues all things; and as iron that crushes all these, shall it break in
pieces and crush. 41Whereas you saw the feet and toes, part of potters' clay,
and part of iron, it shall be a divided kingdom; but there shall be in it of the
strength of the iron, because you saw the iron mixed with miry clay. 42As the
toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be
partly strong, and partly broken.
Whereas you saw the iron mixed with
miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall
not cling to one another, even as iron does not mingle with clay.
In the days of those kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom
(ISLAM) which shall never be destroyed, nor shall its sovereignty be left to
another people; but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms
and it (ISLAM) shall stand forever. 45Because you saw that a stone was cut
out of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in pieces the iron, the
bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold; the great God has made known to
the king what shall happen hereafter: and the dream is certain, and its
interpretation sure. Daniel: Ch: 2 Verse 28, 31-44)
This verse very clearly indicates the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and
the gold were represented as five kingdoms that were to be established and
then destined to be consumed. Then is mentioned the kingdom that will be
established by the Grace of Allah
and shall stand forever. It is
mentioned that the God of Heavens shall set up in the days of those Kings
before their eyes
a kingdom that shall never be destroyed nor shall it
sovereignty be left to others.
There is clear indication that Allah
has taken the responsibility of
the sovereignty of this kingdom (OF ISLAM). Moreover it is mentioned
that it shall break and consume all these kingdoms. So Alhamdulillah it
happened. The Kingdom of Rome fell to Islam. Persian Empire fell to Islam
and Islam spread far and wide standing till date with full height and
Alhamdulillah is destined under this prophecy never to be destroyed. Those
five kingdoms were consumed and in further prophecies forthcoming
Kingdoms that will arise later would be inspired by this religion.
72 signs of the era of the End of
Time of the World
In Ahadees it has been narrated that towards the end of the time of the world
there would be immorality. Societies will shed off the load of religions and
there would be injustice and chaos. These signs have been narrated in the
most popular Hadees as under:
The visible and undeniable features of the present Era and 72 signs of
the era of the End of Time of the World. Hazrat Huzaifa
from the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬:
Seventy Two things are the signs of the Era of end of time of the world.
When you see that:
People start damaging their prayers. (M)
Shall lose Amanat (embezzle in Trust).
Shall start taking Interest on Money.
Shall consider “telling a Lie” as Halal (proclaim ethical under
Islamic Jurisprudence). (M)
Would kill others for minor differences.
Would start making high rise buildings (Sky Scrapers).
Would sell their religion for worldly gains.
Would start breaking relations with their relatives i.e. they
misbehave with them.
Justice becomes weak.
10. Lie is termed as truth (disinformation so common by the media).
11. Dresses will be of silk.
12. Terror,
13. Divorce and
15. Unexpected deaths become common.
16. Untrustworthy are given,
17. While Trust worthy are Deprived.
18. Liar would be termed as pious while
19. Truth would be termed as a lie.
20. People start blaming others.
21. You will see hot weather despite adequate rainfall (Global
21. Children become a source of anger for parents (are felt as burden).
22. Mean people will have pleasurable life.
23. Pious would find it difficult to live.
24. Rich and the commanding will become tuned to telling lies
(Today’s Political promises and claims).
25. People who are bestowed responsibility would start deceiving.
26. Powerful become cruel.
27. Religious Scholars and Imams would have bad character.
28. When people start wearing the animal skins.
29. And their hearts are felt dirty.
30. And hard like cactus. At that time Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah
will involve them in such a Curse that they will keep on
wandering like merciless Yahood (Jews).
31. And when gold will be common (The Gold arena is very much
32. People will demand silver (after Gold now silver has become the
most precious metal and people are investing into it).
33. Evil deeds would be more.
34. Tranquility will be lost.
35. Divine books would be decorated.
36. Mosques would be engraved.
37. Tall Minarets will be constructed.
38. Hearts would be wildered.
39. Wine will be common.
40. Sharai (under Islamic rules) Punishments will be obsolete. (M)
41. A “londey” (Slave women) will give birth to her Master.
(Probably means disobedience will be extreme and even children
will not give regard to their parents.)
42. People who had not seen good living will become the Kings.
43. Women will become a partner with Men in the Hustle and Bustle
of life (working women of today’s Era).
44. Men will adopt the living of women.
45. While women will start being like men.
46. People will start swearing on things other than the Lord.
49. Even certain Muslims will be ready to become a fictitious witness.
50. Salam (greetings/ regard) will be passed to only known people. (M)
51. People will read Religious Jurisprudence for worldly gains.
52. People will practice religion for worldly Gains.
53. Boon (Ghanimat: bounty that is gathered in war and is to be divided
under strict Islamic rules among the participants and State) will be
termed as wealth. (M)
54. Amanat (Trust) will be taken as Ghanimat (Bounty). (M)
55. Religious Obligation of Zakat will be taken as tax. (M)
56. The most Mean among the people will become their ruler. (M)
57. A person will disobey his father.
58. Will behave badly with his mother.
59. Will not refrain from damaging the cause of his friend.
60. Will obey his wife.
59. Loud voices of the bad ones will be heard in the mosque. (M)
60. Singer women will be kept as “keeps”.
61. Musical instruments will be kept.
62. People will drink wine without any shame.
63. Cruelty will be done with pride.
64. Justice will be available for sale.
65. Police will be in high number.
66. Quran will be recited with sweat tones. (M)
67. Mozas (socks made of leather ) of wild animals will be used.
68. People will abuse their ancestors.
69. At that time you shall await Red winds.
70. Collapsing of the soil.
71. Mutilated shapes.
72. And falling of the stones from the Sky”. (Durr_e Mansoor Page
52 Vol: 6).
(M) Are those signs that will appear peculiarly in the life
of the Muslims.
Rest are common to the people of the world.
This narration is self explanatory and we witness a lot of changes that
have been adopted by societies as indicated in this Hadees. Major part
of the world population is now out of the bindings of religion while
the world is being governed by the man made laws. Disinformation
has become so common that an ordinary person who is not well
informed cannot decide between truth and fallacy. Society is being
exploited by the pressure groups. Media that should have the missionary
task of serving the cause of people have sold their standings for
monetary benefits. Politicians have been governing the world since last
one century. They have given up the truth. Telling lies and making false
promises are now an integral part of governments and leadership.
Money has now become the purpose of life and rich are not concerned
about the hungry, homeless poor people. Rich is becoming richer and
poor becoming poorer. Persons at influential positions are self centered
and proud. They will not consider judicious or injudicious but will
gather wealth from all means. There is no end to the lust. Power
hunger is now a game at high ranks. Bad people have gathered together
supporting each other to snatch from the masses. International politics
have adopted hypocrisy. Activities of the Jews that are evil genius
have grabbed the humanity in its satanic claws. Powerful regimes
have been interfering with the underdeveloped, snatching from their
people the rights of self governance. Imposters are supported to remain
at places of influence to serve the purpose of international politics.
Killing has become common.
As narrated when these things happen await the anger and anguish of
that will be reflected in the form of natural calamities. So that
is what has been happening for the last two decades. The tsunamis,
devastating earth quakes, recurring floods, cyclones, epidemics are
result of all this.
Today the science has achieved such an influence in the life of
people that it leaves very little room for the faith. For a person who is
not religious minded there are many scientific explanation for all the
happenings. These distract their mind from the Lord, The Almighty who
is the Sustainer and with whose blessings the world flourishes while his
anguish will cause turmoil and calamities in the world. Unfortunately
the Humanity has landed on inappropriate demoralizing grounds that
have caused them to lose the blessings of Allah
Ustad Amin Muhammad Jamaluddin in his book Hermajdoon has given the
reference of a rare archive in the library of Istanbul. It gives references to a
Hadith that was narrated by Hazrat Abu Hurera
. Abu Hurera was afraid
to express it before others. When his death became imminent he felt an urge
to express it before others so that this information shall not die with him. So
he talked to the people around him that he has some news about what is
going to happen in wars towards the end of the time of the world. People
asked him to tell those and assured him that there is nothing to worry on his
Hazrat Abu Hurera said “Take the decades of Hijri 1300 and the end. Place
these decades together. It would be the opinion of the rulers of Rome (West)
that war of the whole of the world is essential. There would be the will of
that there shall be war. Lot of time would not have passed. It
would be one decade or two that a person would be ruler in a country by the
name of German whose name would be Hur (Der Fuehrer). He would like
to rule the world. He will fight people in the Snow clad areas as well with
people from land of “Lot of virtues”. Many years after the fury of war he
will come under the anger of Allah
. Ross or Roush leaders will kill
In the decades of 1300 Hijri a person will rule the Misr (Egypt). His Kuniat
(family name) will be Nasir. Arabs will call him hero of the Arabs. Allah
will humiliate him in many wars. He will not be helped (By the Lord)
and as Allah
want that in the liked month (of Ramadan) Egypt shall
have a victory. So Egypt will win.
The Lord of Baitullah and the Sustainer of Arabs will give happiness to the
Egypt by a person wheatish in color and his name will be SAADA (Saadat).
His father was a person of high esteem than himself. But he will compromise
with the thieves of Jerusalem.
In the Iraq, area of Syria would be a cruel ruler and he will be Safyani. His
one eye will have some defect. His name is Saddam. He will fight anybody
who encounters him. Whole of the world will gather against him in small
KUUT (Kuwait). He will enter that in deception. Welfare of Safyani is in
Islam. He will be good as well bad. Death shall fall upon one who shall
deceive the Mehdi.
In the decades of 1400 Hijri will be the appearance of Imam Mehdi Ameen.
He will fight with the whole of the world. All the infidels and those who are
under the Wrath of Allah
(Jews and Christians) will gather against
him. Along with them would be those people in the countries of “ISRAA
and MIRAJ” who would have deceit to the maximum. (Refers to
transgressors and fornicators in the Muslim countries).
They will all gather with the mountain of Majdoon. The witch and queen of
the bad deeds of the world whose name is America will stand against him to
fight with him. That day that power of evil will attract whole of the world
towards infidelity and Kufr. The Jews of that time would have achieved
the height of excellence. Baitul –Maqdas and pious city would be under
their captivity.
All the countries will fall upon from soil and from the waters and skies.
Except those countries where there is extreme snowfall or those where the
weather is extremely hot. Mehdi will witness that countries of the whole of
world are gathering and conspiring against him. He will witness that the will
of Allah
is above everybody. He will see that the whole of the universe
belongs to Allah
and all have to return to him. Whole of the world,
whole of the world is like a tree and its trunk and branches belong to
It is that Mehdi will not be afraid of the large number of forces from
America and neither his coalition forces nor he will be afraid of their
weapons. Rather he will proclaim good names of Allah
(And will
negate those of his foe). He will hit them badly and will make soil and skies
and seas fire and ashes for them. There would be calamities from the
skies. There would be unseen help from Allah
. All the inhabitants of
the earth will curse upon the Kuffar (Infidels) and Allah
will permit to
put an end to the whole of Kufr”.
This prose is so clear that it does not need any explanation. Appearance
of Mehdi
will be in decades of 1400 Hijri. At what time it is not
known. However we will place all the events predicted that will happen
from now onwards to the end of the time of the world and would try to give
them a sequence in the light of the Ahadees. These being prophecies from
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬the last Messenger of Allah
This effort will also help us to speculate and establish a possible time
frame, as the time span has narrowed towards these event.
In the
prophecies of Judaism these events were believed to begin in the Year 1998.
Christians believed that these will begin in the year 2001. Both the indicated
times have passed without any happening of the indicated event
However as these were indicated by the followers of these two divine
religions in the present era so it is imperative that the time is ripe. Only final
calculations do have some ambiguity. Rather it would be more specific to
say that it is knowledge of the unseen that is not given to anybody,
unless Allah
reveals that on its people. Only Allah
know when
it is going to happen. As narrated in the prophecies of Hazrat Daniyal that
the Lord revealed upon him, “The words have been locked and the events
have been sealed. Now the whole thing will be revealed at the final
The three Divine Religions are awaiting these strange events to happen.
Thus there occurs a unanimity towards unusual that is to be faced.
Indications are that it is not decades away but it may be the matter of only a
few years that the appearance of Imam Mehdi
will occur. It will
initiate the events that are to occur towards the end of the time of the
world. The sequence of Prophecies and their expressions in today’s Era will
be discussed here.
Prophecy: Jihad will remain to the day of Qiyama till the time that
will bring its treasures out of the land of Taloqan (a part of
Afghanistan) and will cause the Deen (Islam) to prosper again. A part of my
Ummah will keep on fighting at the gates of Baitul Maqdas(Jerusalem) and
around it and another group will keep on fighting in and around Antakya and
another will keep on fighting in and around Damascus and a group will keep
on fighting around Taloqan.
(Jihad has continued throughout the world against the injustice and
atrocities of the Infidels.)
Prophecy: Appearance of first black flags of Banu-Abbas.
(Iranian revolution Feb. 1979).
Prophecy: Treaty between the West and the Muslims to fight
against the common enemy.
(This was the war against Russia during Russian occupation of
Afghanistan. Feb 1980).
Prophecy: Appearance of First person who will take refuge in
(In the year 1981, Hijri 1400, a group of people with arms and
ammunition under the command of Muhammad Bin Abdullah Qahtani
entered the Haram and closed the doors. He was killed in the gun
Prophecy: Success against the common Enemy leading to lot of
bounty for the Muslims.
(Russia Pulls back from Afghanistan. Feb 1989).
Prophecy: It is mentioned that a person from Iraq by the name of
Saddam will attack Kuwait and the ruler of Kuwait will seek the help of
Rome (WEST).
(Exactly the same happened in 1990. Saddam Hussain ruling IRAQ
raided the small country Kuwait. The ruler of Kuwait sought the help of
America and gave him an excess to the Muslim Countries.)
Prophecy: Appearance of black flags in Khurasan.
(The Birth of Taliban. Sept 1996)
Prophecy: Siege of Iraq.
(That continued till April 2003 when finally Iraq fell to the Western
Prophecy: Romans will announce that cross has won. It will raise
the controversy.
Announcement about the New World Order had appropriate meaning
of Cross dominating the world.) October 11, 2001.
Prophecy: Mujahedeen will not succumb to the demands of the
West and will stand against them.
(So Mullah Umar Mujahid, Ameerul Momineen announced the Islamic
law in Afghanistan against the ambitions of America.)
Prophecy: Nations of the World (West) will gather to conquer the
Muslims of the world. The people of Rome (West) will ignore the peace
treaty and will gather for war.
(Thus whole of the West, America and Canada united against
Afghanistan fulfilling the Prophecy.) 2001
Prophecy: War between the Mujahedeen and the Romans (West).
This group of Mujahedeen will be given the honor of Martyrdom from Allah
(Thus a lot of Taliban were mercilessly killed by the coalition forces and
Southern Alliance in the initial phase of Occupation of Afghanistan.)
Prophecy: Descent of the Black Flags from the Heights of
Khurasan. Nothing will restrain them except the flags of “AJAM” who will
come from the West. ……… Till the time that there will be a difference of
72 months between their appearance and the time that the rule will be
handed over to the Mehdi
(Explaining this prophecy in the light of events that have taken place
had been difficult for all the researchers on the subject. It was not clear
that what event shall be taken as descent of the Black Flags. Most of the
researchers had taken the birth of Taliban as the indication. Result
being that the events did not match and final conclusion drawn turned
out to be wrong. However as we see this prophecy it does not talk of the
appearance of Black Flags but in fact “Descent of the Black Flags” from
the heights of Khurasan.
This indicates that the Flags had been very much there. Now the
prophecy indicates that these Black Flags launched their ultimate
mission and charged towards their targets (That is most probably what
is termed as Descent). This happened towards the end of 2008 when the
Jihad took a new turn and Mujahedeen started making fatal attacks on
the Americans. They were specifically targeting Americans among the
coalition forces. Onwards, American Generals admitted that the
Mujahedeen were gaining strength and they appeared as challenging
force in Afghanistan. Now the situation is that the control is out of the
hands of the Coalition forces and Mujahedeen have proved to be
effective. This is most appropriately the descent of the Black Flags. Year
Prophecy: Siege of Syria.
(The Syria has been put to siege.)
Prophecy: Tranquility for some time
(This seems to be a period in between when the initial debacles would
have been played and all the opponents would be relaxing for a while
not knowing exactly what next to do. This would be a period everybody
would be analyzing what had been done to decide how to further their
efforts towards their goals. Thus there would be silence on major fronts
for a while.)
What Lies Ahead:
All the above prophecies that were narrated by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬the last Prophet have been exhibited till date. They have been presented
in sequence and also relevant events that have happened are given against
them with year of happening. So it does not require any explanation.
However the experience is that these prophecies that were given 1400 years
ago have proved to be true. Events happened as they were mentioned in the
prophecies. There is now room to discuss the scenario that is before us and
we have prophecies from Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬for the forth coming
time. What nations of the world are going to face in near future is predicted
in these prophecies. Everybody has got a role to play. They can see the role
destined for them and to certain extent they will also be able to ascertain
the terminal results.
The events that have passed were predicted by name. Unfortunately those
who had major role did not took note of it. It will be further more
unfortunate that now having known all these events even then we do not take
any lesson from their results.
Despite the fact that Saddam’s name was clearly mentioned in the
prophecies still he did not refrain from making that fatal mistake of attacking
the small country Kuwait.
Despite that in the prophecies the act of the ruler of Kuwait “that he will call
the West for help” was condemned by the Holy Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Still he did not
think for a while that he shall avoid this act as this will cause him the
displeasure of Allah
and disobedience of a commandment of Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. He did not consider that how much damaging this move
would be to the Muslim world.
So it is evident that these events were unavoidable. These occurred as
predicted and had the same impact as explained. They took the same course
as had been mentioned in the Ahadees. So this experience tells us that
prophecies for the future will also take the same course as has been
indicated in the Ahadees and these will fetch the same results as have
been mentioned.
Keeping this principle before us we will present the events that world,
nations and religions shall be facing in near future.
Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬in a Hadees mentioned that Dajjal will come
closer to Medina and will climb the mountain of “Uhhad”. He will look
towards Medina and will see the white palace in Medina. He will say this
white palace is the Mosque of Ahmed (Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬.
During the life time of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬the mosque Masjid_e Nabvi was
made of clay and its roof was covered with branches and leaves. Whenever
there used to be rainfall water would tickle down the shelter of the mosque.
How come Prophet knew at that time that there will be a big white mosque
as beautiful and decorated as a palace in place of clay built Masjid_e Nabvi.
It was divine guidance. How come the Prophet knew that a country shall
be there as German and its ruler will be “Hur”. How did he know that there
will be a small country by the name of Kuwait and there would be another
with the name of America. All this proves that whatever Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
narrated in Ahadees was under the Divine Guidance and time has
proved that.
Nostradamus predictions are taken with keen interest and believe in the
West. Nostradamus was a Physician by profession. He died in the year 1559
He got this information from the Muslim literature that he inherited
from his Jewish ancestors. He has mentioned this fact in the preface of his
poetic illustrations that he named as “Centuries”. His elders had been
librarians to the Masjid_e Aqsa in Jerusalem. That is how he got access to
this literature that helped him predict for the future. This literature was
besides those parts of the old testaments of the Judaism that remained
unaltered and helped him in his famous poetic Illustrations.
These facts make it imperative that the prophecies for the forth coming
time have the same strong footing as had been of those that have been
fulfilled till date. So let us now discuss for a while the future that we
foresee and for which the stage has been prepared.
As has been mentioned in the Hadees that there shall be a peace treaty
between the West and the Muslims. and they will fight one of their enemies.
So the Muslims of the world had an understanding with the America
and the West to counter the Russian expansionism against Islam
reflected by Russian occupation of Afghanistan. In the resistance that
continued and the war that kept on going during eighties for ten long
years Muslims of the world played the role of frontline force against the
Pakistan with its intelligence agencies played the key role that is to be
written in golden words by the historians. Once the common enemy was
defeated and retrieved in Feb 1989 America started plotting against the
Muslims of this region and Pakistan. Soon those Mujahedeen whom the
American officials were praising for doing a noble job for fighting for the
cause of Islam were being posed as spreading terrorism by the western
media. America played the leading role in that. American agents that had
penetrated into the ranks of Mujahedeen created differences among them.
Intelligence agencies that were playing the key role in monitoring the
different Mujahedeen groups had created a balance between them and these
groups were being funded on the basis of their inner discipline and
operations conducted against the intruders. This was very important. The
retrieval of Russian forces would have left an Afghanistan full of weapons,
ten years of war and lawlessness. Under that situation it was very
important to keep a balance and control upon the armed groups to reap
the benefits of the long struggle and to protect the country from chaos
and civil war.
America agencies took a “u” turn and without taking into confidence its
Muslim Allies started the policy conflicting to the ground facts.
American agencies started creating unrest among the Mujahedeen and
adopted a policy of supporting insignificant groups.
This gave a double pronged blow to the unity of Mujahedeen. Not only it
created unrest among the organized groups but this influx of money created a
race for the funds, serving the cause of Americans that basically was the
hidden motive behind this policy. These insignificant groups started getting
strength by influx of money and started activities that could fetch them some
place with the American agencies. The policy of Americans was promoting
killing among the different factions and Mujahedeen groups that finally
resulted in war among armed group.
American agencies weakened the strength of Mujahedeen and engaged them
in controversy. This was very unfortunate and revealed the hypocrisy in
American policies. Groups organized by underworld people were also
patronized by American agencies and their activities caused confusion,
flaring up differences and tensions between the groups of Mujahedeen.
Supporting undeserving groups now America created chaos in a country
that was required to be rehabilitated after war. This policy reflected the
style of Jews that create terror and death while remaining behind the
scene and keep the societies in doldrum.
Mujahedeen groups failed to prove themselves in establishing a stable
government and providing peace in the country. This resulted in the birth
of Taliban that brought tranquility and hope to the region. Mullah Umar was
sworn in as the Caliph and Islamic laws were implemented in Afghanistan.
For long five years exemplary law and order was established. Weapons were
withdrawn from the people and the culture of production of drugs was
brought down to zero ebb by this regime.
Western media took the Taliban regime at task and started defamation
against the Islamic rule. They left no stone unturned to destabilize this
Taliban Government that was in its infancy and was close to the ambition of
the people of Afghanistan.
However despite all these treacheries as the strings could not be held tight by
the Americans they waited till the time that they had planned. The events of
9/11 were plotted to find an excuse to attack a predefined target.
Thus the conspirators managed through CIA & Mossad 9-11 events. It was a
controlled activity. All the Jews at these sites were pre-informed and
they managed to remain away, thus causing casualties to other citizens
preventing any casualties of the Jews. CNN & BBC were used to convey
perpetual information to the public that this was done by the Muslims who
were termed as extremists or terrorist. The result was but natural. Under
cover of so much disinformation public opinion was paved against the
Muslims so as to get the public support to execute the plan.
The prophecy was fulfilled.
The people of the West ignored the peace treaty and they gathered for war.
Nations of the West gathered to conquer the Muslims of the world. What
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬told Sahaba 1400 years back came true.
This and other narrations in Hadees are the evident proof of the Divine
Revelations that are behind these prophecies. In the year 2001 the West
under the leadership of America entered Afghanistan. Thus the land recently
evacuated by the Russians was now invaded and occupied by the people in
the treaty, the West.
The American President did not take a while before laying the allegations of
the 9/11 events on the Muslims and Mujahedeen in Afghanistan. No
investigations were carried out nor did they wait sufficient time. This region
deserved special attention from the people of the world to have been
supported for rebuilding itself but West preferred to destabilize it again.
While witnessing the recent happenings and then seeing the narrations in the
Ahadees one gets undaunted faith that the future would be exactly as has
been predicted in the Ahadees and Inshaallah all the injustices will finish .
Glory is for the Deen of Allah
. All fallacies will finish and the most
hated among humanity the Jews will be finally annihilated.
The countries of Afghanistan & Pakistan suffered a lot in the hands of two
super powers. Afghanistan was thrown ages back when it was invaded by
Russia. Millions of Muslims were killed while millions had to migrate. After
years of bloodshed and disturbances when Russians withdrew America
changed its policy and worked for creating differences between Mujahedeen
making them fight among themselves.
Ten years back when America raided Afghanistan they were confident and
proud of their technology and arsenals. As a part of media war every day
CNN and BBC would give long accounts of TOMOHAWK missiles and
how they worked. The whole activity was shown how they were being fired.
Americans claimed extensive damage to targets in Afghanistan presenting
them as easy targets.
This is a burning question that we shall ask ourselves. Ideally America
should have supported this war stricken area by material development.
Taliban regime should have had been supported politically and monetarily.
This way Americans would have won the hearts of the Muslims of the world.
Unfortunately America kept the same absurd policy. It will only spend
millions for the welfare of the humanity while it will spend billions that
may move into trillions for crushing the nations, slaughtering humanity
and creating hatred among nations and chaos in the world.
That is what America did in this region. What America would not be able to
achieve by invasion of Afghanistan even after spending trillions of dollars
could reasonably have been achieved by only sincerely helping this region
by a couple of billion dollars.
Atrocities that the West showed were no less than what Russians did to the
Muslim population of Afghanistan. Ruthless killing, carpet bombing, using
uranium depleted bombs. These all are crimes against humanity. American
themselves massacred young Taliban surrendered as prisoners of war and
moreover handed them over to the Southern Alliance to continue
slaughtering them who had bargained to stand with the Americans in this
International politics project that America did this to have an access to the
natural resources of Central Asian countries. Again and then this concept had
been projected in the international media. Is this true or this is again
disinformation that was spread to hide the actual motives.
It is imperative here to say that the Jews believed that the war of
Armageddon will occur in the year 1998. Christians believed that it will
occur in 2001. Though it did not happen.
The leaders in both the religion were prepared and awaiting war.
However the main driving force behind are the Jews as is explained
later in the book.
The Jews know that the prophecies as given by Prophet Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬in the Ahadees are exhibiting themselves true. Also they know that
their end result as indicated in the Ahadees is their complete annihilation
from the face of the earth. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬narrated that the time when every
stone will call upon the Muslims and tell them that a Yahood is hiding
behind so kill him but there is a plant that will not. So today as a preemptive
measure Yahood have made vast plantation of this plant “GHARQAD” in
the deserts of Sinai.
They know that the events towards the terminal debacle will start with
the appearance of Hazrat Mehdi
. They also know that the main
source of Islamic movement will start from Khurasan. Knowing this
entire have they come in search of Mehdi in this region.
It is known that Mehdi will be among these Mujahedeen. Would be Arab and
will move from Afghanistan to Saudia with Black Flags. He will be
identified in Medina and will be taken as Caliph to the Muslim Ummah. The
most probable motive is that the West is here in search of this dignitary.
In their narrow thinking they possibly believe that they can prevent
their disastrous end by stopping the event at this stage. The strange thing
is that the Jews have so much hold on the Christian world that they have
started using the powers of the West to achieve their targets. Unfortunately
the powers of the Christianity has been hijacked by the Jews.
Alas! This Genius creed has proved to be an “Evil Genius”. They do not
understand that this way they are standing against the will of Allah
Whatever Allah
has destined is apt to happen. Their arrogance has
shown them the way of confronting the Lord. The curse upon them has
revealed itself in their hidden motives.
They should have realized the powers of Allah
. Hazrat Moosa
reared in the palace of Pharaoh. The same Pharaoh had earlier killed
thousands of children of Bani-Israel in an effort to prevent the birth of the
child predicted to become the cause of his losing the throne. Today how can
the Jews move the things against the will of Allah. Only thing is that they
have added to their sins and pushed the world into killing and disaster.
It is believed by the Muslim Scholars that Allah
has kept the
personality of Mehdi in ambiguity and his place of living hidden till the
last moment that he will be destined to be sworn in as Caliph. This is just
because to keep the divine leader of the Muslims protected from the evil
motives of the enemies.
When started it seemed that this war would be very simple and Afghanistan
would be an easy target for the West.
However there were others who had an insight and they felt that though
America wanted to enter Afghanistan, but in fact to its bad luck,
It is felt that the West was taken in deception. This was a terrible mistake
they made. After 12 years of atrocities, killing and spending trillions of
Dollars of the tax money of the citizens of America finally America is now
down to its knees. Its economy has gone shaky. One way or other Americans
want to make good an escape from Afghanistan. Sensing the motives of the
bigger contestant, its allies are far more afraid and they want to make sure
that they be out, to save their skins, before America leaves the battle ground.
These twelve years had been very crucial.
Mujahedeen learnt a lot.
Mujahedeen are now better organized, their upcoming generation is now
well groomed and their leadership is in strong loyal hands. Nature has
nurtured them for the challenges of the future. About them is predicted that
when they will move down the Khurasan nothing would be able to stop them
till they reach Aielia (Jerusalem). Their next generation has come up and
they have learnt how to counter the deadly enemy from the West.
War in Afghanistan had been a proxy war. All the Muslim factors including
forces and intelligence played their effective and ideological role in bleeding
the intruders that caused them to become weak. This development infused
confidence in the Muslim factions and shattered the pride of the West.
This long tussle in the Pak-Afghan area created by the West has given new
thinking to the people of this region. Muslim countries have realized their
ideological entity and time has proved their regional importance. Implanted
rulers and touts of the West are gradually being rejected by the masses.
Polarity has occurred where the secular and West inclined are gradually
being isolated. Western philosophy is rejected by the people at large, who
are ready to accept and are in fact longing for the Islamic Rule. Time has
proved that well being of the Muslims can only be achieved under an Islamic
regime. Hatred has been created against Americans who unfortunately
have taken the leading role in destabilizing the peace of the world and
planning to chain humanity in slavery.
Having analyzed the present situation let us now see what lies ahead for all
of us. The prophecies by Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that have yet to appear
are as under.
These comes after the prophecy No 15 that indicates that tranquility will be
established for sometime:
16. Prophecy: Those black flags will appear from the Khurasan. So
nothing would be able to restrain them till the time that those will
be placed in Aielia (Jerusalem). Among them would be Mehdi.
17. Prophecy: Mujahedeen of Black Flags will take Hindustan at task.
(Jihad will begin in Kashmir for its liberation.)
18. Prophecy: Appearance of Gold Mount in the Furat River
19. Prophecy: deadly war for the gold. Refrain from joining this
war, of lust for wealth.
20. Prophecy: There will be lot of earthquakes that year
21. Prophecy: Two eclipses in the month of Ramadan. First Moon and
then Sun
22. Prophecy: There will be a bright light visible in the Sky. It will
appear like a pillar.
23. Prophecy: On 15th of Ramadan the night of Friday a strong shriek
will be heard that will be terrifying. It may be an explosion.
24. Prophecy: Death of the King in Saudia.
25. Prophecy: Differences between the successors leading to
controversy in accession to throne.
26. Prophecy: Fight between the tribes. Most probably as a result of
effort to acquire the throne. The successors who will take positions
against each other would be supported by the tribes their mothers
belong to. There may also be other motives to support them.
27. Prophecy: Hajj being performed without Ameer (Leader).
28. Prophecy: Hujjaj will be robbed
29. Prophecy: Massacre at Jumra-E Uqba
30. Prophecy: Appearance of Mehdi on Ashura (Bait will be done
in Haram).
31. Prophecy: Sinking of the first Army from Syria in the ground. This
Army would be sent to counter Mehdi and his companions.
32. Prophecy: people start coming from all around to do Bait (Oath of
Allegiance) with Mehdi and accept him as leader. It will be because
of the news of sinking of the army from Syria that will gain
attention of people and will confirm that Mehdi is the person who is
indicated in Prophecies and Allah
help is with him.
33. Prophecy: The war of Banu Kalb. A Qureshi will send another
Army with the help of his maternal supporters. That Army will be
badly defeated and Mehdi and his army will get a lot of bounty.
34. Prophecy: Mehdi rule will be established in the whole of Arab
35. Prophecy: Iran will come under the rule of Mehdi.
36. Prophecy: Coalition forces from the West will start gathering in
Israel to counter Muslims Rule of Mehdi.
37. Prophecy: (The Armageddon).
Will happen in the time period of Imam Mehdi
. This is the war
being awaited by the Christians and they know about this by the
name of Armageddon. This war will happen inside Israel as the
Muslim armies will enter Israel to liberate Palestine. Both the
armies will encounter at Majdoon mount.
38. Prophecy: Coalition forces will fight against the Muslim Army
causing casualty to one third. One third will abscond while the third
of the Army will move back to reorganize.
39. Prophecy: Al-Mulhamatul Kubra. This will follow Armageddon
and will complete the war between the Muslim world and the West.
This battle will take place in Damascus at Ghotta. Allah’s help will
be with Muslim army and finally they will defeat the Coalition
forces. After this defeat West will not be able to counter
Muslims in future.
40. Prophecy: Constantinople (Turkey) will come under Islamic Rule.
41. Prophecy: Appearance of Dajjal (Anti-Christ). Forty days of
Dajjal. Dajjal era of deception and fallacy will continue. First day
will be equal to one year the second to one month the third to one
week and after that each day will be equal to a normal day.
42. Prophecy: Descending of Messiah Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam
from the Skies.
43. Dajjal will melt like salt by having seen Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam
(The Jesus).
44. Prophecy: The Hindustan will be conquered and its rulers will be
put to chains.
45. Mujahedeen with black Flags when conquer Hindustan they will
come to know that Ibn-E Maryam Hazrat Essa
has appeared.
46. The Mujahedeen will move to Saudia and will become a part of
Army of Imam Mehdi.
47. Prophecy: Dajjal will be killed by the Messiah, Essa Ibn-E
Maryam at Babe-Lud in Israel where he will run to find refuge.
48. Prophecy: All the Jews supporting Dajjal will be murdered.
49. Every stone and tree will call the Muslims to kill Jew hidden behind
50. The plant of “GHARQAD” will not and will give refuge to Yahood.
51. Prophecy: State of Israel will be completely abolished.
52. Peace will be restored in the world
53. Justice and Islam will become the rule and religion in the world.
54. Death of Hazrat Mehdi
Primarily all the forces in the world are interested up to this event.
This would be the turning point and would establish for the
coming times the direction of the world that will remain till
Qiyama. However for the purpose of interest we will mention the
other events mentioned in Ahadees that would follow till the day
of Qiyama.
55. Hazrat Essa
will marry
56. Prophecy: Appearance of Yajooj Majooj (Gog Magog)
57. Gog Magog will cause lot of destruction. Finally they will be
abolished by an epidemic that will occur by the blessing of Allah
58. Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam will live for seven or forty five years
as narrated in Hadees.
59. Death of Hazrat Essa
60. Prophecy: Sun rising from the West
61. The door of Repentance will be closed.
62. Prophecy: Appearance of Daabat-ul ARD (The animal of the
63. Daabat-ul ARD will talk to the people.
64. Daabat-ul ARD will mark the faces of people. Momineen face will
become bright with “Divine Noor” while others will become dark
due to their “Kuffar”. Nobody would be able to catch Daabat-ul
ARD nor can anybody escape from him. The animal will reach
every person in the world.
65. Prophecy: Appearance of Mist (smoke) in the sky for forty days.
66. Prophecy: After this a soft breeze will blow from Yemen that will
snatch the spirits of Momineen.
67. All the Momineen will die comfortable death.
68. World will remain with people without Emaan.
69. Prophecy: By the Commandment of Allah
be blowed by Hazrat Israfeel
the first sound will
70. It will create immense terror and loss of senses among the living
71. Hazrat Israfeel will biggel again by the commandment of Allah
All the living beings will die.
72. The three bigger angels will also be put to death. Only Hazrat
Izraeel (The Angel of Death) will remain alive.
73. Allah
will order Hazrat Izraeel to die. So he will die.
74. Allah
will again give life to Hazrat Israfeel
him to blow biggel third time.
and will order
75. On the sound of Biggel all the living beings will become alive, get
up from their graves and will move towards the ground of
Resurrection. This would be the day of Judgement.
The situation in the world is fast changing. It gives us clue that the bigger
signs (Alamat-e Kubra) of end of the time of the world are not far away. All
those smaller signs that had been indicated by Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
have been revealed one by one. Now only the bigger signs are left that
would be important international happenings and would begin with the
appearance of Hazrat Imam Mehdi
. However the descent of the
evolving Black Flags from the East are still pending among whom would be
Imam Mehdi
. Who would be made to be the ruler in Mecca Muazzama.
The fact that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have hidden in the mountains of
Afghanistan and having started the Guerilla war against the intruders, in the
present war between America and Muslims, is an apparent sign that the time
is not far when the black flags will appear from Afghanistan and they will
come down from the heights (highlands). So they will be thriving for the
cause of Islam and no one would be standing against them except the
American and the Europeans who shall be coming from the West.
Purpose of this effort is to gather the prophecies from the Last Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
about the events that would be happening to the end of the time of the world
so as to place it before the Ummah in a legible way. It is for them to make a
decision about these events. Draw lesson out of it in the light of prophecies
fulfilled in the past and moreover to take vital decisions for oneself that shall
guide them safely through future happenings.
In eastern languages enough data is available on the subject however in the
West possibly there is a vacuum about this information. Thus this effort is
being done to bring these prophecies to our readers of the West.
From the Ahadees about the end of the time of the world one gets an idea
about the sequence of the event that would be happening however it is not
possible to say for sure how long each event will take time. Keeping an eye
on Ahadees one gets a fair good idea how the things will happen.
All the events that will happen as indicated in Hadees will be presented in
the form of a narrative to give us smooth perception. The prophecies have
already been mentioned above. We will refrain from giving references to
Ahadees as this will make the text heavy while we want to present before
our readers the facts in very simple language and in a palatable pattern.
We want that instead of appearing as a research or a philosophical
writing this book shall become informative and shall absorb our worthy
readers. At the end we will mention all the relevant books that can be
consulted and relevant matter and research can be seen as a reference.
The time is ripe that America and its allies are now finding excuses to pull
out from Afghanistan. Their assumptions about Taliban and other Muslim
Mujahedeen being soft target is now a nightmare for them. On the face of
these hard facts, Pakistan has now taken a very harsh stance against America
for the first time. In the wider interest of the Muslim Ummah and long
standing ambition of the Muslims of this region they have refused any
more support to the coalition forces in Afghanistan. American lobby has
gone weak and immense hatred against America is exhibited among the
Sooner America and allied forces will leave Afghanistan and their
weakening position will strengthen Mujahedeen who will occupy and
establish Islamic rule in Afghanistan. Caliph will take over and Islamic
laws will be implemented.
Situation in Pakistan is not too different from Afghanistan. The unpopular
policies of the American supported PPP government have caused intense
unrest in the country. The wave of corruption caused by this regime and the
way America had been supporting them has proved anti-Pakistani policies of
American government. People of this country did not forget the American
support of PPP government on the issue of ousting Chief Justice of Pakistan.
The government kept on playing with him for three long years. The damage
that was being caused to the judiciary was supported by Americans against
the public opinion in Pakistan that wanted early reinstating of the Chief
Justice with full honor.
Evidences proved that all the bomb blasts and ruthless killing in the
KPK Province the front line area in this struggle was caused by the
American secret force Black Water that had infiltrated the country with
many different names. It is the typical style of Illuminati’s as explained
later in book. When it was realized and the movements of American Agents
were restricted in KPK province it brought a halt to these bomb blasts that
had killed thousands of innocent citizens.
Army the strength of the country has remained intact and even successfully
conducted its role in decision making and in safeguarding the wider interest
of the Muslim Ummah, against the brutal international politics that had kept
Muslims Ummah targeted for the last half a century. Army has taken a
stance against the influence of the Pro-American elements in the
Government and has prevented them to work in the total interest of the West.
Public is fed up of present ruling system and it is apparent that the
public has no hope from the politicians. Unfortunately there has remained
no leadership in the country. Ulama-e Karam (Scholars of Islam) and the
religious sectors that can provide alternate leadership have remained
quite. However the signs of an apparent change are visible.
Under these circumstances as the Mujahedeen will strengthen their hold
upon Afghanistan it will give another direction to the thinking and leadership
pattern in Pakistan. Because of Mujahedeen the borders of Pakistan will be
protected. The intervention of Indians, who had taken enough advantage of
the situation and worked hard to destabilize Pakistan from its activities
through Afghanistan in the last decade, will come to a halt. Pakistan army
will very carefully handle the situation and will support the upcoming
Khilafat (Mujahedeen rule) in Afghanistan and will welcome religious
circles in Pakistan to provide alternate leadership in the country to fill
the vacuum. Thus there seems to be a moderate government in near future
with more religious factions coming up in Pakistan that shall be working
hard for the sufferings of the Muslims and will provide new leadership.
Mujahedeen will get relieved from Afghanistan as there would be little
targets left inland. American bases that would be concentrated at places
would be easy targets to be cordoned while the rest of the Afghanistan will
come under the influence of Caliphate. Mujahedeen from Tajikistan,
Uzbekistan and other places from Central Asia will gather under this
flag to reorganize themselves. The next task that Mujahedeen will uptake
would be to complete the unaccomplished targets. As the Caliph would be
busy with rebuilding and organizing the country Jihad will be shifted with
the target of liberating Kashmir and establishing the Islamic revolutions in
the Central Asian countries.
This time India will see a more organized jihad that will be with a force
that when retaliated will badly bleed the Hindustan as it had bled
Americans in Afghanistan. India will keep maintaining its occupation of
Kashmir and this will result in the jihad gaining momentum in India that
would establish new targets for itself besides liberating Kashmir. The
Mujahedeen will have the political will to liberate the 300 million
Muslims of India from the suppression and injustices of the Hindu rule.
This will proliferate jihad in nook and corners of the country.
Meanwhile Pakistan would reform itself towards Islamic rule and inshallah
will remain well organized and prepared for the challenges and changes in
the region. It’s important role and leading position among the Muslim
countries will remain intact and its importance will never be faded.
Caliph will send a contingent of Mujahedeen towards Saudia possibly to get
political support and strengthen its ties with the Muslim world. Among these
would be a person who is destined by the grace of Allah
to become
Mehdi as is narrated in the Hadith. This contingent will move towards
Arab land and by the time it would have reached Saudia there would already
have established chaos in that country. The King would have died and there
would be a controversy on the accession to the throne. As is indicated in the
Hadees three of the influential people claiming their right will stand against
each other and claim to be the next king. The forces of the country would be
divided among them to proclaim loyalty to their contestant. It might cause
some turbulence and even armed conflicts between them. This will cause
unrest and bloodshed.
Different tribes of Arabia will also take positions with these three contestants
and this will cause Civil war. Small encounters would occur between tribes
on this issue that may later take any shape. But as has been narrated in
Hadees there would be fight among the tribes in the month of Shawal.
This situation will persist for four to five months and people would be
astonished what to do. Meanwhile Hajj season will come and as there is no
king thus hajj will continue without any AMEER. Under the chaos hajj
would not be well organized and protected. It will provide opportunity for
certain people to rob the Pilgrims.
As a worst incidence bloodshed will occur at Jumra-e Uqba. This may be the
result of opponents in the conflict incidentally facing each other at this place.
A lot of innocent pilgrims will be killed and this incidence would be
shocking for the whole of the Muslim world.
It is imperative that at the time of appearance of Mehdi the whole of Islamic
world would be without any leadership and to fill this vacuum people would
be looking for a person. Meanwhile ULAMA-e KARAM of Islam who
know about and are anxiously awaiting Mehdi would intense their
search and would do their best to identify him. It would also become
imperative as the milestones indicating the appearance of Mehdi would
have already exhibited. Indicating for sure that this Muharram is the
month of appearance of Mehdi. These milestones would be besides
others mentioned, the two eclipses and a shriek in the month of
Ramadan. Also these Ulama would be longing for, to make Mehdi Caliph,
before any undeserving person succeeds to throne of Kingdom of Saudi
This would be a group of Ulama-e Karam who shall be coming from
different countries. They would have been working since long and the
purpose of their endeavor would be to find the Divine leader of the Muslims
so that the Muslim Ummah can be organized under his leadership. They will
meet in Kaaba and will ask each other what was the cause of their coming to
Saudia. When they will realize that they had a common aim so they will
join hands together and thus organized search for Mehdi will begin.
They will finally spot the person “Muhammad bin Abdullah” whom they
consider that he is the person they are looking for. But Muhammad bin
Abdullah will refuse to be Mehdi and realizing that they were looking for
and want to make him as Caliph he would escape to Medina. Ulama will
move after him and search him in Medina. Again Muhammad bin
Abdullah would not be ready to shoulder such big responsibility.
Upon their insistence he will make good an escape. Ulama will come to
know that he has moved to Mecca. They will find him there inside Haram.
He would be holding the “GHILAFE KAABA” (The Cover of Khana
Kaaba) and would be weeping. Most probably he would have realized that
this immense responsibility is coming to his shoulders and there is no
escape. Allah
(as is narrated in the Hadees) will change the heart of
Muhammad bin Abdullah overnight and give him the courage and bestow
him the capabilities to lead the Muslim Ummah and get them out of turmoil.
’s help will be with Mehdi.
Spotting him Ulama-e Karam will ask him to spread his hand for “Bait”
(Oath of allegiance). They will tell him that if he does not do that, the
blood of all these Ulama would be on his neck as certain forces had
realized the efforts that had been going on since last month or so and
strongmen had been sent to kill them. Their only chance of survival would
be to identify and take oath of allegiance (Bait) with Mehdi as Allah’s help
was destined to be with him. Mehdi will sit at “Maqam-e Ibrahim” and
history will see that pleasant moment.
Ulama-e Karam will take oath of allegiance at his hand. Initially there would
be around 313 people taking oath. It will happen on 10th of Muharram
after Isha prayers (Inshaallah as Narrated in Hadees). Mehdi will stand
up and make a sermon to the Muslims in the Haram.
The Muslims would have got their long awaited leader with whom a new Era
starts and with whom would be the help of Allah
. All the symbols of
oppression, fallacy, deception, treachery against Muslims would be apt
to fall. Muslims in the Haram will immediately gather around Mehdi and
start proclaiming their loyalty to the divine leader. This news as spread in
near and far vicinity will cause unrest among the Pro-West elements. They
will endeavor to put an end to this appearance immediately.
There would have established pro-American governments in Iraq and Syria.
(Iraq has an American established government while there may be such a
government in Syria in near future. As it appears the rule of Bashar-ul Asad
may be finished and some nominees supported from American side might be
placed in power). These pro-American governments that have been recently
established will work upon the directions of the West. America would be
highly concerned about this new development that they were suspecting.
They would possibly have been endeavoring to prevent the appearance of
Mehdi from occurring.
Whatever Allah
has destined for humanity has to occur and no one can
stop that. Despite the fact that they know that Hazrat Moosa
was reared in the home of Pharaoh who killed seventy thousand children in
anticipation of the child who will cause his rule to finish but could not
prevent it. The American resistance and its presence in Afghanistan also
seems to be a preemptive measure and endeavor to prevent Mehdi from
coming into appearance and an effort to get rid of the divine leader so as
to halt the predicted happenings and shape the future to their desires.
Though an assumption but this seems to be close to the fact as West is aware
of the occurrence of Mehdi. However America will use its planted people
against the Muslim leader and they would be bound to act according to
American’s dictation as they were placed in power to meet that
requirement. Under their directives ruler of Syria will immediately send an
Army to counter Mehdi.
Till that time Mehdi would have just a couple of Hundred Muslims around
who would have proclaimed loyalty to him and would have announced him
as Caliph. They would have taken him in their security and would be
ready to shed their blood for the beloved leader.
Army sent by the ruler of Syria would be somewhere between Medina and
Mecca when earth will shatter and take the whole army inside. Only one
person will survive this tragedy and Ulama say that he would be left to tell
the people what tragedy had happened to the Army. He will reach Mecca and
narrate the happening. The news will spread far and wide and there will not
be left any doubt that Muhammad bin Abdullah is the long awaited Mehdi.
All the Muslim of Arab land will subjugate to him and he will be made
The rule of the Kings will finish.
The news of appearance of Mehdi
spread far and wide. All the pious
people and religious leaders, Ulama-e Karam, Aulia (Saints) from Muslim
world, specifically Syria (as is mentioned in Hadees) will head towards
Mecca and will finally take Oath of allegiance (Bait) with Mehdi. They will
subjugate to him. Muslims of Syria and Iraq knowing that the long awaited
Mehdi has appeared will change to him as a spiritual obligation and
fulfillment of faith. Thus Iraq and Syria and other Muslims countries of
Arab land will just fall to the Mehdi rule as an Islamic Revolution and
rulers of these countries shall not be able to stand the pressure of the
masses. Thus within short span of months or may be a year the whole of
Arab land will unite to come under Islamic Caliphate.
The Rulers of Kuwait will keep on working against the ambition and
interests of the Muslims of the world. They will follow the instructions of the
West against the Mehdi’s rule. Mehdi will order that the Ruler of Kuwait
shall be killed.
It is narrated in Hadith that Mehdi will send a small army in support of
Mujahedeen fighting in India. This Jihad will continue as indicated till the
time that India is captured and its rulers are chained by the Mujahedeen.
Evidence in Hadees tells us that this Jihad will continue for four to five
Years. This will be the time of Descent of the Messiah Hazrat Essa
Thus these Mujahedeen after capturing and chaining the rulers of India come
back towards Mehdi who at that time will be in Damascus fighting against
the Dajjal and its supporters. They will find Messiah Essa Ibn-e Maryam in
Syria. This is narrated in Hadees.
The Ruler of Kuwait will be killed and this small piece of land will be made
a part of Mehdi rule. West will be greatly perturbed upon failure of its tactics
and fast losing its planted people in the Arab land. Under this scenario
America will take lead and prepare the forces to counter the rising,
strengthening and expanding Muslim kingdom of Mehdi. America will
raise the slogan of crusade against the Muslims and will motivate the West
to take part. The emotions in the West will mount and forces will start
preparing for the war. This will be given the shape of a holy war despite
the fact that it will prove to be another deadly war that would be waged
by the conspiracy of the hidden satanic forces.
America will start concentrating its forces inside Israel. It would be because
of two reasons. America by then would have lost influence in the Arab land
and would have no government left that can support them. Secondly
American Jews have grabbed American government and used them to
strengthen and make Israel an army base where the war at the site of
Magadon is to be fought. Jews will make use of the Christian world and
will stir their passions against the Muslims to rise and fight a deadly war
against them. The same is referred to in Taurat..
“And they will stimulate the one who will create mischieves against the
pious oath”. (Taurat: …… Daniyal Ch.11 Verse 31, 32)
This war will do no good to the Christians but will indirectly serve the
hidden motives of the Jews who are anxiously awaiting their Redeemer.
The Force of Evil to the end of the time of the world that is known to the
world of Islam as “Dajjal” and to the world of Christianity as “Anti-Christ”.
This force of evil deeds is considered by the Jews as their savior.
It is not understood that despite such a disparity in ideology how come the
strength of the Christian world is placed at the disposal of the Jews. The only
explanation could be that it is deception and above that it is destined to
happen. So people can avoid it but cannot prevent it.
Meanwhile Mehdi would have sent an army in support of the Muslims of
Palestine to help and liberate them. As the forces of the West will start
gathering in Israel concentrating in Magadon thus it will gain attention
of the Muslim world.
Army of Mehdi will comprise of armed forces of different Muslim countries
of Asian and Arab lands that would have become a part of the Mehdi’s
An army would be organized and sent to these Mujahedeen to help them
prepare against the concentrating Western forces. The stage will be prepared
that will fulfill the prophecy of Armageddon. It is narrated in Hadees that it
would be among the deadliest wars. Western Forces would have an upper
hand because of the battle field of their choice, being well organized,
immense logistics support and latest fire power.
Muslims side will comprise of forces mostly of Mujahedeen while regular
force from countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Syria, Iraq and certain
militia forces taking part in resistance against the aggression in the middle
In the initial stages of war western forces would have upper hand. Muslims
may fight a guerrilla war. Mujahedeen will use those tactics that they had
successfully used in the past against the Americans and had ousted them.
These Mujahedeen fighting in the Israel for the liberation of Palestine would
be Mujahedeen from Afghanistan who would have originated under “Black
Flags” of Khurasan. In Hadees Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬narrates that when
they begin from Khurasan nothing can restrain them till they reach Aielia
(Jerusalem). Thus it seems that this force in the initial stage of
appearance of Mehdi after having established Mehdi’s rule in Saudia
will set out for their aim at the liberation of Palestine and Al-Quddus
Mosque that would be under occupation of Israel. Thus this group of
Mujahedeen would have been in Israel since long and would have ablazed
the resistance against Jewish occupation of Palestine.
Both the sides will face heavy casualties. Muslims would suffer much. (Old
Testament: Torah : Daniel Ch:11 verse 40-41).
The second round of the war will possibly be fought in Damascus where
Mehdi will come himself and will establish his Headquarters at GHOTTA.
Western Forces will charge towards the new battlefield and they will be
proud of their success in the initial round. By success at Magadon they
would have recovered their confidence that was shattered by their retreat
from Afghanistan. Over time soldiers from Eighty countries will become
the part of the Western forces and their numbers will mount to 9.6
million. This is narrated in Hadees.
It is important here to mention that it may not be an atomic war. Throughout
this war “Nukes” might be kept capped. It would not have been as such if
there would not have been the challenge of Islamic bomb. By having taken
lead West would never like to create precedence for atomic war as they
would clearly know at that time that now the present scenario of the
Muslim world is no more compromising and these are people who are
ready to face death for the cause of Islam. If once the deadly atomic
conflict is begun then no one would be able to stop the other side that
may play the deadliest.
In Ahadees two wars have been predicted. One at Magadon and other at
Damascus. It seems that the war at Damascus may be the second round of
the same war that was fought at Magadon. This war has been named as Al
Malhamatul Kubra which means that this is the main war and bigger
among the two. Possibly the war at Magadon was a warmer round and final
decisive battle would be fought at Damascus. As is narrated it will be
fought about nine months after Armageddon and will continue for four
days causing mass casualties on both the sides.
Muslim Mujahedeen will organize death squads that will shatter the ranks of
the opponents. This war would be between Muslim world and Christianity at
large. Jews after having provoked the war will silently hide behind and
will let the Christian world fight war for them.
It is narrated in the Hadith that one third of the Muslims force will die, third
of the crowd will abscond for the fear of their life while the third surviving
will have great victory in this war. There would be so much bloodshed that
the horses would be running in blood. There would be so many dead bodies
in the battle field that a bird if starts from one side and move towards the
other it would not be able to reach the end. But die in between. This is what
is narrated in Hadees.
The last narration may have two meanings. One that there would be so much
dead bodies scattered in the battle field that the bird could not reach its end.
Secondly that the smell of the dead bodies would be so intense that the bird
will not survive that. So both may be possible.
It is also narrated in Hadees that there will be so much devastation that a
father who would have hundred sons and when he will see after the war
ninety nine would have been dead and only one would survive.
Al Malhamatul Kubra would be the last war between the Muslim world
and the West. Its effects will be that Muslim rule and Islam will
strengthen and the West will lose any hope of overpowering the Islamic
world. Thus this resistance will finish for ever. The defeated Western forces
will either make good a retreat to Israel or they will finally leave for their
countries never again to be indulged in any conflicts against the Muslims.
Baitul-Maqdas would not have been liberated till that time and Israeli state
would not have been abolished. However Israel as a state and Jews as a
cursed community would have read their terminal fate in the face of the
events and would be terrified of their predicted lethal end.
These two battles would have gained the major attention of the Muslims.
The liberation movement of Mujahedeen in Israel would have been drifted to
the main war causing the liberation of Palestine delayed for a while.
There are certain indications in Ahadees that tell us that possibly
Turkey will make a fatal mistake and may stand besides the Western
world as being a part of Europe. They might take a role in the two wars
from the Christians side. Though there is an awakening of Islam in Turkey
still till the time that these events happen possibly the Islamic rule would not
have gained so much strength in the country so as to prevent its participation
in this battle from the West. Army of Turkey and its judiciary are under
the control of Christians and Secular Muslims. They still have a striking
hold and give a tough time to the Islamic Political ambitions of the
Muslims of Turkey. As having sided with the West Turkey would be a big
challenge to Mehdi’s Islamic rule and he will first pay attention to that.
Mehdi will send a force to wards Turkey. This army will reach
Because of all these happenings an awakening would have arisen inside
Turkey with movements by the Turkish Muslims. The defeated Christian
Army and the seculars will not find it possible to stand against the changing
winds and will immediately lose hold. Muslim Mujahedeen at
Constantinople will prevent any armed conflict to avoid civilian
casualties. Their mere presence will be enough to lash the backs of the
conspirators and the Turkey will fall to the Muslim revolution without a
bullet being fired. This is narrated in Hadees that Turkey will be
captured just by “Zikr of Mujahedeen.” Thus Turkey will become a part
of Islamic Empire with Islamic laws implemented.
This will cause immense displeasure among the Jews as a strong hold of
Infidelity that they had modeled inside an Islamic country since last several
decades will collapse. In Hadees it is narrated that the fall of
Constantinople (becoming a part of Islamic Empire) will create anger of
DAJJAL the ANTI_CHRIST and he will appear.
Nothing is mentioned at this stage about the role of these two major
countries in the above war between civilizations. This war would be the
result of belief and faith. In some regards it would be the result of
misunderstood and misinterpreted prophecies in divine religions and in
other part Christian world disguised and misguided by the cursed
Yahood. This war will primarily take the shape of conflict between Islam
and Christianity. Both China and Russia are expected to remain quiet and
watch the terminal results. All they may do be that they use their influence to
prevent this war from becoming a nuclear conflict.
As they have no role of faith in their lives so they will not be a party.
Abomination of Desolation “State of Hatred” or the “Kingdom of Sins”
was a prophecy in Judaism as has been mentioned in Hazrat Daniyal’s
Prophecies. It was told to the people of that time who were Jews by faith
that a time will come that Al-Quddus (The place of extreme sanctity for
them) will see a bad day. It was mentioned that it will be caused in Al-Aqsa
mosque. It is clearly mentioned that this state will perish after forty five
years of coming into existence.
Yahood at that time could not imagine that the desecration of the place of
extreme sanctity will be caused by the remnants of their tribe. They did not
know that people of their faith and creed will be the cause of such
occurrences in world that will fetch the anguish of Allah
Today Christian world is equally responsible for all this. They are not
innocent in this regard. They have given way to the cursed remnants of
Yahood and have chosen to be misguided by this group of “Almanatis”
and “Satanic forces”. They have taken a chance to play in their hands.
These prophecies that come from Judaism passed to the ancestors of
Christianity as they inherited these as religious teachings of their past
religion. These prophecies finally passed to the present generation. From
these prophecies of Hazrat Daniyal (Daniel) the world of Christianity know
that “State of Hatred” and the “Kingdom of Sins” is Israel. They know that
this state is destined to perish by the destiny of Allah
. Still they are
deciding to stay on their side. They know that Jews are cursed and the
formation of the kingdom of sins is the beginning of the end of the
The history of Jews is full of fallacy and crimes to humanity. The Jews so
many times have been convicted in the West for their wrong doings. Still
the Christians of the West had been injecting life into the dead body of
By faith Christians believe in the appearance of two extraordinary
personalities towards the end of the time of the world. One is the descent of
the “Messiah, Essa Ibn-e Maryam (Jesus)” from the skies and second is the
force of evil awaited, known to the world of Christianity as “Anti-Christ”.
Christians believe very rightly that Messiah Essa Ibn-e Maryam (Jesus)
will kill the Anti-Christ and will clean the world of his unwanted
undesirable existence.
Remnants of Jews today, are not waiting for Messiah Essa Ibn-e
Maryam but their Messiah is the hated satanic personality “The AntiChrist”. With such contradiction in faith it is not understood how Christians
stand besides the Jews.
The only possible explanation could be disguise. The Christian majority in
the world has been kept under deception and their powers have been
hijacked by the present lot of Jews.
This is what is mentioned in the prophecies of Hazrat Daniyal (Daniel),
again predictions from Judaism. The Prophet said about this specific event
that King from South will prepare force and will pollute the sanctity of the
Fort. Then they will snatch the sacrifices being done every day, and will
create over there the “State of Hatred”.
Prophecy (a) And Forces will help them and they will pollute the
established sanctity and will ban the eternal sacrifice. They will establish
the dirty (Makrooh) things that will desecrate the place.
Prophecy (b) And they will stimulate the one who create mischievous
against the pious oath. But those who know their Lord will get something
done (Taurat: …… Daniyal Ch.11 Verse 31, 32)
As shown above in (a) this crime has already been committed by the West
(British and American Christian World ) by having created and supporting
the “State of Hatred” the Israel. It is because of their wrong act that the
Abomination of Desolation has deprived the “Holy Mosque” to be kept
alive with five time prayers a day.
The (b) that is a mistake they are now going to make in near future.
Their powers have been hijacked by the remnants of cursed Jews who
will stimulate the Christian world for the Armageddon. The Jews will
hide behind their ranks and will watch Christians die for their hidden
cause. They will wait till the time that they can put their long awaited
“Anti-Christ” against the Messiah Essa Ibn-e Maryam (Jesus). In their
belief they presume that they shall be able to defeat the Prophet. They
believe that Anti-Christ will establish for them the Greater Israel where all
the Muslims and Christians will be their slaves and the masters (Jews) will
rule the world.
There is confusion about Messiah. Both Judaism and Christianity use the
name Messiah for their redeemer. An account of the same is essential to be
presented to clear the concepts.
Theologically / Philosophically Messiah is the word in Judaism that
represents the awaited redeemer of the Jews, to be sent by The God to free
them. According to the divine revelations in Holy Quran Hazrat Essa
(Jesus) was the savior of the Jews to bring them to the right path of the Lord
and to pull them out of their wrong doings Thus he is the “Messiah” in the
Messiah also gave the revelation that a Prophet is coming, the Prophet of
Arabia who would be the last Prophet and you will have to subjugate to his
teachings. People believed in the “Messiah” but the Jews just because of
their conspiring nature, put the Prophet in trouble and never surrendered to
his teachings.
However they took the message and three of their tribes Banu Qanqae, Banu
Quraiza, Banu Nazeer moved to Medina Munawwarah awaiting the Last
Prophet. The Jews knew the identity of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬through their divine
book TAURAT.
The long wait was over by the Prophet Hood of Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. To
the astonishment of the Jews the Last Prophet was from Bani-Ismail while
the Jews were expecting him to be from Bani-Ishaq. This was heart breaking
for them.
Instead of subjugating to the will of Allah
and accepting the new
Prophet they showed resentment. Their arrogance showed them the way of
plotting against the new Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his believers. This started various
battles between the Jews and the Muslims in which Jews badly lost and they
were finally expelled from the Arab Land.
As the Jews did not lay their belief in Messiah (Hazrat Essa
) so the
revelation of “Messiah” that was in their religion remained
unaccomplished. They also did not bring Emaan in Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬. If they
would have at least this theology of Judaism would have been fulfilled.
To their bad luck they looked towards the future happenings to find an
answer to this revelation. They had nothing to hold but one another feature
coming to the end of the time of the world. They now lay the belief that their
Messiah will be coming towards that time.
Thus the force that they are awaiting is the one that is known to the
world of Islam as “Dajjal”; to the world of Christianity as the “AntiChrist” while it is being considered by the Jews as their savior.
To their hard luck this is the force of evil that will finally result in their
complete destruction.
Are the Jews cursed as a Race
Jews are cursed in Quran-e Kareem. The last Divine Book.
Jews were unjust and would snatch the rights of others. They had always
been plotting and conspiring against the Prophets of their time. So many
times they even killed Prophets. They were forbidden to take interest on
money but they kept on doing that. Despite the fact that this proud tribe had
been the children of Prophets and despite the fact that they had been under
the blessings of Allah
, despite that a lot of “Mojazzat” (miracles) came
to them. Still Jews would use their energies against the Deen of Allah
That is why they are cursed and punished
It is curse by the commandment of Allah
that there will always be
someone imposed upon Jews who will punish them. Seeing the recent
history Yahood were driven away from the Arab Land during the early days
of Islam.
History tells us a minimum of two events. The reign of Bakht-e Nasar who
massacred them in Palestine and the German period when Jews were
massacred during the time of Hitler. This was the worst form of punishment
that was inflicted upon Yahood because of the curse of Allah
. In Nazi
concentration camps they were massacred because of their bad history and
underground activities.
Alas! They have not learnt from their history. Still today all the interest
based systems in the world are being worked upon by them. It is strange
enough that despite all the control on the economies and media still they are
not leading a safe, comfortable and respectable life. This curse will continue
with them to the time of Hazrat Imam Mehdi Rehmatullah-Alaih when the
world will see their annihilation.
So there are enough evidences that the Humanity at large has rejected them
in all the eras and have shown their resentment upon Jewish mentality and
Evidence state that Yahood as a tribe or as a creed are not cursed. As
has been seen that they are the children of Prophets and were dear to Allah
. Being the ancestors to the Prophets their primary task was the
propagation of Deen of Allah
. Whosoever among them were pious
souls they followed the right path and fulfilled that responsibility.
Whenever new Prophet came and guided them it caused polarity and those
who were righteous they would listen to the teachings of Prophet and would
change. Whosoever among them were conceited they would refuse and
conspired against the Prophet. This phenomenon continued.
Good part of them kept on climbing the stairs of divine religions while
others who were arrogant and disobedient remained aloof. Those who
accepted the divine religions in succession, they gave up the name of the
First polarity occurred at the Prophet Hood of Messiah (Hazrat Essa
The Jesus) when lot of them converted and became Nasrani’s and came
under the blessings of the divine religion. A small number that were left,
retained their old identity that became a sign of their disobedience to
. As a part of their conspiring nature they put Hazrat Essa Alaihis-
Salam (Jesus) in trouble and this entire created curse for them.
The last refinement in this polarity was caused at the Prophet Hood of the
Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. Lot of Yahood converted to Islam
while disobedient did not accept Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬as
the Prophet, as he was the descendant of Hazrat Ismail Alaihis-Salam
and was not from Banu-Ishaq.
Thus these remnants of Yahood remained cursed ones and they turned to
resort to “Satanism”. Their coming generations remained their prey because
of ignorance.
In the Teachings of Quran evident account has been given that the Yahood
are cursed and it is the commandment of Allah
that till the day of
Qiyama they will not have a homeland to settle at. So to conclude we will
summarize as:
Yahood Obedient to Allah
had been converting to the
successive divine religions and they came under the umbrella cover
of Christianity and finally Islam.
Disobedient refrained and did not accept the divine religions in
succession thus remained cursed.
As the divine religion has been passing through evolution so whosoever
refrained from that has been out of the chain of divine religions.
The Pathans of the tribal belt in KPK province of Pakistan and in
Afghanistan have been termed by the historians as the “Lost tribe of
Yahood”. Today these Pathans are steadfast, devout practicing Muslims.
Thus it is concluded that Yahood had not been cursed as a creed but the
disobedient ones whose arrogance kept them aloof from subjugating to
the will of Allah
and the Prophets of the time are cursed.
These remnants of Yahood retained the forbidden interest based economy
and business and became its promoters. This interest based effort had been
continuing since prehistoric times and is said to be an evil movement. As it
has persisted since thousands of years against divine guidance thus it is a
sufficient proof in itself that Satan is at the back of this activity. Jews had
taken this satanic activity in their hands and had been nurturing it through
last couple of centuries to make it attain new heights of dominance.
They adopted all the underground activities in the society. Also for their
ulterior motives they resorted to magic and gradually became worshippers of
Satan. They devised many methods in satanic practices and undermined the
societies and the innocent people of different nations. They had been the
cause to grab the people in their interest based loans and then showed
inhuman attitudes. They created secret societies and had hidden motives for
the rule of Satan. They looked towards Anti-Christ as their savior as that is
the only power left. Ideologically they are rejected by both Christianity
and Islam. This group of Iluminati’s ( See: Satanic Claws) keep the belief
that Satan (Anti-Christ) will come and fulfill their longstanding ambition of
rule over the earth.
Thus as has been indicated the “Cursed Ones” is not the whole creed of
Yahood but a group of those conspirers who have kept even the remnants of
Yahood in deception.
Yahood who had not been involved in underground activities have
innocently remained with them. They have suffered in the past and will
finally again suffer because of the deeds of the “Cursed Ones”. This main
group is leading the identity as Jews. Others are innocent people who
have remained in ignorance and not knowing the facts have subjected
themselves to share a part of their fate in the form of displeasure of
and finally complete annihilation from the face of the earth.
Now we come to the main topic again. As has been explained in
prophecies the fall of Constantinople to the Islamic Kingdom will cause
anger of “Dajjal (The Anti-Christ) the long awaited redeemer of Yahood
so he will appear. It would be the period of supernatural happenings as this
person will have supernatural powers.
“biggest liar”:
In events this word is used as an expression of immense tragedy. Western
world knows Dajjal by the name of Anti-Christ. Word was used by the last
Prophet Hazrat Mohammad Sallallaho Alaiha-Wasallam to name the biggest
tragedy that will ever occur near to the day of “QIYAMA”. These would be
the days near the end of the era of the world and would be followed in near
future by “Qiyama”. In fact it is explained as a final sign preceding Qiyama
and would be a test of Emaan of the people of the world.
In the Hadith Dajjal is termed as a person who would be having curly hairs.
His one eye would be severed. He will be among the Jews and will appear
somewhere between Syria and Iraq. About him Prophet Hazrat Mohammad
Sallallaho Alaiha-Wasallam said that he will have supernatural powers and
will create disturbances to the right and to the left. He will move as fast as
the clouds upon wind. He will go to a tribe and they will subjugate to him.
He will command the skies and it will cause rains, he will command the soil
and it will give crops. He will manage and the animals of that tribe would be
well fed and would give much milk.
Then Dajjal will go to another tribe and call upon them. They will reject him
so he will turn against them. That tribe will be involved in famine and will
lose everything they have. Dajjal will move upon a barren land and
command it to reveal its treasures. All the treasures of that land will come
out and start moving with him as honey bees move with their queen.
He will call upon a young man and cut him into pieces. He will command
that dead and he will rise. He will then proclaim to be God.
With him would be a fire and a water. Prophet Hazrat Mohammad ‫ ﷺ‬said
what people will see as water would in fact be fire and what they see as fire
would be sweet water. Those who will go into fire will directly go to
heavens and those that go to water will be thrown into hellfire. In another
Hadees the same is expressed in such a way that he will have heaven and fire
with him. His fire will be heaven and his heaven will in fact be hell fire. So
what you see as fire with him adopt that.
This explains the unbelievable powers Dajjal will exhibit. This innumerable
expression of super human powers would be irrefutable by anybody except
those with Emaan. As is explained in Hadees, denying the power of Dajjal
and refusal to subjugate to him would mean immense loss that may be in the
form of famine, drought and immediate slaughter in certain cases, but this
will lead to Jannah. While subjugating to Dajjal would mean getting his
pleasure and in turn well-being of the world, but it will ultimately lead to
It is narrated in Hadith that Dajjal will live for forty days. His first day will
be equal to one year, the second day equal to one month, the third day equal
to one week while the rest of the days will be equal to normal days. This will
physically happen as Sahaba asked Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬that
would only five prayers will suffice for the day that would be equal to
one year or one month. So they were told that it would not be enough but
they would have to offer prayers by calculating the time. Also Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
told the Sahaba that you shall do your level to refrain from going to Dajjal. A
person will go to him in Emaan and when he will come back he would have
lost Emaan.
So the appearance of Dajjal will be a source of elation for the Yahood but it
would be time of extreme test for the Muslims. It seems that a part of these
supernatural powers that Dajjal will exhibit may be the immense
technological developments that have occurred and they will be placed by
the West (Americans) at his disposal. The Era of Dajjal may keep the
Mehdi and other Muslims occupied, to prevent all, from his satanic
activities. Dajjal will move hither and thither and his aim would be to
distract the humans from the Lord and to make them believe that he himself
is the God.
In this time period Mehdi would have to encounter and fight some battles
with the followers of Dajjal to prevent them interfering with the Islamic
regions. This will prevent their attention from the liberation of Palestine and
Aqsa mosque. All the Muslim countries by then would have gathered under
the flag of Mehdi. Islamic law and justice would have been implemented in
all these countries.
It is narrated in Hadees that the era of Dajjal will be preceded by an era of
lack of rainfall, drought, less crops, famines and animals dying of lack of
fodder. It is narrated in Hadith that three years preceding Dajjal would
be extremely difficult. By the commandment of Allah
during the first
year the skies will retain one third of the rainfall and the soil will retain one
third of the crops. The next year skies will retain two third of the rainfall and
soil two third of the crops. The third year sky will retain all the rainfall while
soil will not give any crops. There would be famine and all the animals
will die because of lack of fodder.
The people would be exhausted because of these famine and difficulties.
Time would be ripe for the Dajjal to distract people by his treasures and
immense food, while the time would be extremely difficult for the people
to protect their Emaan because of difficulties of three preceding years.
The humans would have been exhausted and needs would be many.
However people with Emaan will see the word “Kafir” written on the
forehead of Dajjal and this will be their divine guidance that will remind
them and will protect them from going astray.
However this period would be a difficult period and Mehdi and others
among Mujahedeen would be busy in battles. One fine morning they would
be preparing for their Fajr prayers that they will witness the descent of
Messiah Essa Ibn-e Maryam (The Jesus).
This would be the moment of great happiness for the Muslims as they would
have been awaiting the Messiah since long. They know by Hadees that
has ordained death of Dajjal in the hands of Messiah Essa
Ibn-e Maryam. Muslims will see Hazrat Essa
coming to the roof of
the mosque. Their arms resting upon the wings of two angels. Essa will be
wearing two yellowish clothes and Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said that his hairs would be
long and would seem to be wet with water so that if he tilts his head down it
would seem as if water drops are falling from his hairs and when he sees up
it will seem that these are pearls.
Looking at Hazrat Essa
, Mehdi Rehmatullah Alaih will ask him to
come down. The Prophet will say that get me stairs so that I shall come
down. Muslims will show their surprise that Alhamdulillah you have come
down from skies, this descent may be a small event for you.
In Hadees it is said that Essa Alaihis-Salam will reply that descent from
skies was spiritual, with Divine powers. Now I am in the world that Allah
has tied to the “Material Efforts” so I cannot come down from the roof
unless I get stairs. Thus Muslims will help him down the ladder and they will
be so happy to see the promised Messiah before them.
Mehdi will ask them to lead the prayer. Hazrat Essa will say that you shall
continue leading the prayer. Some among you have been made the leaders of
others. And Hazrat Essa Alaihis-Salam (Jesus) will offer prayer behind
It is proclaimed that second appearance of Hazrat Essa
will be as an
Ummati (Follower of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬. He will spend his
life on the last Divine Religion Islam, the Shariah of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
The mere appearance of Messiah Ibn-e Maryam Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam
(Jesus) will cause fear of death for Dajjal “The Anti-Christ”. Having come to
know that Hazrat Essa
(Jesus) has appeared he will start melting like
salt. Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬narrated that even if Hazrat Essa does not kill
him he would have died because of the fear of the Divine Redeemer.
Messiah Ibn-e Maryam Hazrat Essa Alaihis-Salam (Jesus) will move
ahead to kill Dajjal (The Anti-Christ). Dajjal will run towards Israel to
save his life. Seventy thousand Jews will encircle him to protect their lord. It
is by the commandment of Allah
that Dajjal would be killed by Hazrat
Essa Alaihis-salam. It is narrated in the Hadees that Dajjal would not be able
to come in the range of the breath of Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam and if he
does he would die. It is also narrated that the breath of the Prophet will go to
such far of distance where eyes can see. It is narrated in the Hadees that
even if Messiah, Ibn-e Maryam Hazrat Essa
(Jesus) does not kill
Dajjal he would have died by just having seen them but this is the will of
that Divine Messiah shall kill the Satan with his own hands.
Thus Hazrat Essa (Jesus) will follow him into Israel and will get hold of him
at the location of “Babb-e Lud”. The Divine Messiah will kill the Satan with
his spear. He will later show the people the blood of Satan (Dajjal The AntiChrist). This will be the end of this tragedy that will overwhelm the
humanity for forty strange, pretty long days.
At the death of Dajjal the Muslims will take a sigh of relief. Jews will lose
all hopes as their lord would have died a tragic death. They would be left
with no hope to cling to. For the first time in the life of the world they
will find themselves extremely helpless and pathetic. The tragic end
awaiting them would become imminent and it would become a nightmare for
them. They will now know that nothing can save them from massacre that is
awaiting them. All the atrocities and treacheries that these remnants of Jews
have played with the humanity over centuries would then be avenged and
will demand complete annihilation of this satanic group.
Alas! Innocent among them who did not know the treachery behind and
remained a part of them just because they had born in a Jewish home
would unfortunately share the same fate. It is a crime before Allah
strengthen the hands of culprits, by adding to their number or standing
besides them even if one did not take any part in satanic activities. Their
presence provided moral support to the immoral work and created an
atmosphere that posed legitimate grounds for the immoral activities of
the Cursed Ones.
At the death of Dajjal the Jews will start concentrating towards the
“Kingdom of Sins” to protect themselves. At this moment the eminent task
before Mehdi would be to liberate the “Pious Fort” “Masjid_e Aqsa” and to
establish its sanctity. Mujahedeen will head towards Israel and start
crushing any resistance found on the way. The Satanic remnants of Jews
will finally be besieged in their walled fort. Mujahedeen will crush their
defenses and will enter their strong hold. Jews will run for their lives.
In Hadees it is narrated, “That day nothing will give protection to Yahood”.
It would be a divine command to annihilate these Satans. It is narrated in
Hadees that stones will call upon Muslims and tell them that a Yahood is
hiding behind them and will ask the Muslims to kill him. Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said that only the Plant of “GHARQAD” will not.
This is a plant that grows in deserts and is considered as plant of Yahood.
Travelers indicate these plants being planted in huge numbers by Yahood in
the desert of Sinai.
Era of Prosperity, Justice And
Blessings of Allah
This would be the end of this long standing tragedy. It will be followed by a
period of tranquility and reforms. Mehdi will establish the rule of Islam.
Muslims would be commanded to follow the teachings and Non-Muslims
will be motivated to adopt the divine religion. There would be prosperity,
plenty of rainfall, crops will be in abundance. There will not be dearth of
anything. So much would be the blessing that a pomegranate will be so big
that it would be sufficient for many. A goat will give so much milk that it
will be sufficient for a family. A cow or a buffalo will have so much milk
that a group of families will be easily accommodated with that. There will
be rule of Justice and Mehdi will distribute the wealth of the kingdom
among the needy.
It seems that the tragedy of Dajjal will be limited to Arabia, Gulf, Middle
East, Part of Africa and Indo-pak Sub-Continent. Nothing is mentioned
about the West. This primarily seems to be a test of Emaan of those who
subjugated. All the activities of Dajjal are explained in these regions. It
seems that the West along with Russia and China would just be
watching all these happening. Even if West is effected to certain extent that
is not known but that would be limited.
People would be tested for their faith. Those who have nothing to do with
faith they may not be subjected to this trial. Even if they incidentally come
across it would be immaterial for them and they shall not be able to know the
reality. The materialistic way of life in itself is “dajjalistic” pattern of life.
People without spiritualism will fall prey to Dajjal.
The unusually prolonged days during the time of Dajjal will be uniform
for the people of the world and that would create some terror among the
masses. In the West, besides steadfast Muslims, for the rest such
happenings would be convincing factor to succumb to the claims of
Dajjal who will proclaim that he is the God.
The governments and leadership in the West will calm their people and will
ensure that no harm is coming to them and all that is happening are due to
the supernatural powers of God who is punishing the Muslims of the world.
They will believe that the great defeat of the West that was caused in AlMalhamatul Kubra is being avenged. The West will remain busy in their
materialistic life and that is what the Satan want from all of humanity.
There would not be any spiritual move in the West. However Dajjal may
visit the West to gain spiritual elation of “his kind” and material
support from there.
As this tragedy would be limited to “The East” thus certain factors in it can
possibly be explained scientifically and technologically.
This may be a hidden chemical warfare, conducted by the West on the East
upon directions of Dajjal. There may be control of weathers that would be
manipulated from the West again in support to Dajjal. Both these can be
used to cause famines in the selected areas and to cause rainfall in others.
Latest technology of biologically transformed seeds that extensively increase
the yield may be used as a tool to express the reward from Dajjal. “HAARP”
a scientific and technological development that is known to have
manipulatory effects on regional weathers may be the main tool of Dajjal to
accomplish his supernatural powers and to influence the people. It seems
that immense powers, resources and technological developments of the
West would be put at the disposal of Dajjal.
Though the Christian community would have the concept that Dajjal is the
Antichrist but they may still support him as this will be their only hope to
avenge their terrible defeat in Malhamatul Kubra that they would not have
Subjugating to the Anti-Christ by the major part of Christian
Community of the West would be the defeat of their faith.
Visualize for a while that the East is `entangled in difficulties while West
would be as usual a place of comfortable living. Thus people of weak
faith, western minded, seculars and those who had the history of loyalty and
inclination to the West will beg for asylum. In that Era the only rescue
would be to be taken to the West and protected from the difficulties in
the East.
To astonishment, movement to the West would be tied with subjugation to
Dajjal that will demand a specific belief. That belief will damage the Emaan
and pollute the faith. This will be a fatal trick. It is mentioned in Hadees
that Dajjal will have heavens with him as well hell. His heavens will be
“Hell” while his hell will lead to “Heaven”. His fire is “Heaven” and his
water is “Hell”. Whomsoever he rewards will be thrown in Jahannum (hell)
and who falls in his fire will directly go to Jannah.
Thus it seems that the situation would be so bad that people will have no
other option for protection but to move to the West. Those who subjugate to
Dajjal would be given way and temporary asylum in the West. Thus by
subjugating to Dajjal they lose their Emaan and damage their faith.
They would have in fact chosen for them hell as their terminal fate.
Those who desire to be provided asylum but refuse to subjugate would be
left to their fate and they will keep on suffering. Though refusal to Dajjal
caused immense trouble to them and they were thrown in miseries but
in fact they had been successful in protecting their Emaan and
strengthening their faith thus claimants of Jannah.
Today Alhamdulillah Islam is the fast growing religion in the West since last
two decades. Not only that the present era has seen revival of Islam in
the life of the Muslims of the world but also the conscientious,
thoughtful people of the West (Christians and Jews) who had been
probing in the religions to find the truth and spirituality are convinced
by the Divine Religion Islam. Thus they are converting as a choice for a
better change. They are proving to be better Muslim with deep seated faith in
Islam as they have chosen to enter Islam willfully. They have given lot of
sacrifices by having converted. It might have cost them their relations and
social contacts to sizeable extent. However their reward is with Allah
and they have made a good exchange against the “Life of the World” by
gaining “Pleasure of the Lord”.
It is imperative that this feature will keep on achieving momentum and will
gain pace. Majority will convert as a choice while others may come to
shed off their unrest that they are experiencing in a faithless atmosphere
and a non-religious living. However the silent majority will be motivated
on the appearance of Messiah Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam
(The Jesus).
They will convert as Hazrat Essa will himself clear the doubts and call
the people in Christianity to the right belief. He will correct all the wrong
concepts that had been created in Christianity and will guide people to the
right path.
Moreover the long tug of war that had been going on between the two
civilizations in which Christians would have faced defeat in the hands of the
Muslims, would be the catalyzing and compelling factor that Islam is the
true religion and Allah
‘s help is with this Deen.
Meanwhile India and other countries in the region would be directly affected
by the changes in the neighboring country Pakistan. Mujahedeen as
explained earlier would have taken the task of liberating the Kashmir
that had been under Indian occupation since long. The resistance India
will pose to the Jihad will provoke and spread Jihad in nook and corners of
the country. Meanwhile the appearance of Hazrat Mehdi and change of
Pakistan towards Islamic Rule will have direct impact upon the Muslims of
India who had been facing the long period of suppression under the Hindu
rule. The deprived, poor population of India that is fed up of injustice
and poverty will convert to the just teachings of the Deen of Islam. The
Jihad will continue and the deprived factions will keep on joining the
Mujahedeen and potentiate them.
Mehdi will send a small army in support of Mujahedeen of India. Hold of the
Indian rulers will gradually be weakened specially in the light of the
international happenings. This would be the time that the West would be
more absorbed towards the events in Middle East and would be committed
towards preparing and fighting Armageddon so nobody will come to the
rescue of India.
India had been enjoying the support of all the countries in the world to
weaken Pakistan and Muslims.
Now it would be time to face the repercussions. Thus the long atrocities of
the Hindu rule will be finished and India will fall to Mujahedeen who
will chain the rulers of India (as has been narrated in Hadees ) and
bring them to Mehdi where they will find that Messiah Essa Ibn-e
Maryam ( The Jesus) has appeared. The Jihad of India will be
completed Inshaallah towards the end of 2019 or early 2020.
How and when will this happen
Having gone through all these details we realize one thing that the time is
near for the appearance of Hazrat Mehdi. Hazrat Mehdi is the opening stance
of the next era that the world has got to be in.
World would take an altogether new turn after the appearance of Mehdi. All
the speculations and planning of the humans will fail and whatever is
destined by Allah
will start exhibiting. The exact year, date & time can
never be predicted as it is our Emaan that the knowledge of the unknown,
unseen and the future is only with Allah
unless Allah reveal something
on his people. However prophecies of Hazrat Daniyal and of the Last
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬can be referred to.
Till date a number of milestones have passed but unfortunate is the
happening that nobody took any note of that. Hitler , World wars, Iranian
revolution, Rule of Saddam in Iraq, Saddam invasion of Kuwait, West
gathering and waging war against Saddam, the incidence of 9/11,
Nations of the world gathering to crush Muslims all these were there in
prophecies but these were not taken note of. This prevented drawing any
lesson out of these international happenings.
At least we can now lay some restrains for us and get educated upon the
forthcoming events that are going to be exhibited. Minimum criteria could
be that if inshallah couple of these milestones exhibit in exactly the same
way, as predicted by the Holy Prophet SAWM, then we have to bring
faith in all the pending prophecies and the predicted results that are
going to occur and the new shape that the world is going to take.
However if these milestones exhibit as predicted and still somebody tries to
find excuses not to foresee the future in its true perspective then it would be
insane. So the events with date immediately preceding appearance of
Mehdi would be some such:
Two eclipses in the month of Ramadan First Moon and then Sun.
There will be a bright light visible upon the Sky. It will appear like
a pillar. May be a comet.
On 15th of Ramadan the night of Friday a strong shriek will be
heard that will be terrifying. It may be an explosion.
Death of the King in Saudia.
Differences between the successors leading to controversy in
accession to throne.
Fight between the tribes. Most probably as a result of efforts to
acquire the throne. The successors who will take positions against each other
would be supported by the tribes their mothers belong to or by others who
support them.
Hajj being performed without Ameer.
Hujjaj will be robbed.
Massacre at Jumra-E Uqba.
Appearance of Mehdi on Ashura
(Oath of Allegiance [ Bait ] will be done in Haram).
So now let us try to place these events in expected dates in near future. These
dates are being speculated according to Islamic Calendar that is lunar
calendar and thus a difference may be expected by one or two days as Lunar
Calendar is dependent on sighting of moon.
Dates in
month of
Moon eclipses 1
Dates in 2014
Dates in 2015
Dates in
8 July - 5
26 June-24
14 June-12
2 June-1
8 July
26 June
14 June
2 June
There will be a
This may be a Comet. It is also postulated that because of this
bright light visible
heavenly body appearing there will be lot of calamities in the
upon the Sky
world including some coastal areas that will be drowned.
Sun eclipses 15
On 15
11 July
11 July
23 July
28 June
16 June
28 June
16 June
Ramadan the
night of Friday a
23 July
strong shriek will
be heard
Death of the King
in Saudia
Death of the King will occur but time period is not indicated. It
has to be essentially in the same year because it is in this year
that the Hajj will be performed without Ameer who
between the
traditionally is the ruler of Saudia or his nominee.
successors leading
After the death of the king the two events of controversy
to controversy
between the three successors and the fights between the
tribes will continue from his death to Mehdi’s Appearance and
Fight between the
may even after that.
Hajj being
4 Oct- 13
without Ameer
Hujjaj will be
29 Aug- 7
10 Sept19 Sept.
During Hajj Period
Appearance of
Mehdi on Ashura
(Bait will be done
12 Nov
31 Oct
19 Oct
7 Oct
in Haram)
Thus the foremost is two eclipses in one Lunar month. Researchers say that
two eclipses did occur in Solar months but since the known events two
eclipses in a lunar month have never occurred and this would be an
unusual event. If this happen rest of the dates will follow as calculated. This
will indicate the appearance of Mehdi within four months after that
This would be the first sequence of events. Following this will begin the
second phase that we shall try to summarize and establish in certain time
Mehdi will remain for seven to nine years.
Sinking of the first Army from Syria in the ground that would be
sent to counter Mehdi and his companions.
People start coming from all around to obtain “Bait” (Oath of
Allegiance) with Mehdi and accept him as leader. It will be because
of the news of sinking of the army of Safyani that will gain
attention of people and will confirm that Mehdi is that person who
is indicated in Prophecies and Allah
help is with him.
The war of Banu Kalb: A “Qureshi” will send another Army with
the help of his maternal supporters. This will be the Army of BanuKalb. That Army will be badly defeated and Mehdi and his army
will get a lot of bounty.
Mehdi rule will be established in the Arab land.
Iran will come under the rule of Mehdi.
Coalition forces from the West will start gathering in Israel
to counter Muslims Rule of Mehdi.
6. Armageddon :
This will happen inside Israel as the Muslim armies will enter
Israel to liberate Palestine. Both the armies will encounter at
Majdoon (Magadon).
Coalition forces will launch attack against the Muslim Army. Lot of
Casualties will be caused on both the sides. In this battle possibly
coalition forces will have an upper hand and the Muslim forces will
move back to reorganize.
8. Al-Malhamatul Kubra (with eighty flags.).
This will follow Armageddon and will possibly be the second and
final round. Will occur nine months after Armageddon. West will
come with full intention to crush the Muslims. So they will come
with complete preparations. During this time, forces from the West
would have been gathering under Eighty Flags with final force
power of 9.6 million. This battle will complete the war between the
Muslim world and the West. It will take place in Damascus at
Ghotta causing mass casualties.
Allah’s help will be with the Muslim army and finally they will
defeat the coalition forces. After this West will not be able to
counter Muslims. This will be a short war but badly lethal and
will be fought with brutality. Will continue for four days.
Humanity will not be able to forget its destruction for the times
to come.
10. Constantinople (Turkey) will come under Islamic Rule.
Appearance of Dajjal (The Anti-Christ). Forty days of Dajjal.
11. Dajjal’s era of deception and fallacy will continue for forty days.
First day will be equal to one year the second to one month the third
to one week and after that each day will be equal to a normal day.
Descend of Messiah Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam
12. Dajjal will melt like salt by having seen Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam.
13. The Hindustan will be conquered by Mujahedeen and its rulers will
be put to chain.
14. Mujahedeen with Black Flags when conquer Hindustan they will
come to know that Ibn-E Maryam Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam has
15. The Mujahedeen will move to Saudia and will become a part of
Army of Imam Mehdi.
16. Dajjal will be killed by the Messiah, Essa Ibn-e Maryam (The
Jesus) at Bab-e Lud in Israel where he will run to find refuge.
All the Jews will be murdered
17. Every stone and tree will call upon the Muslims to kill Jew hidden
behind them.
18. The plant of “GHARQAD” will not and will give refuge to Yahood.
State of Israel will be completely abolished.
19. Peace will be restored in the world
20. Justice and Islam will become the religion and rule in the Islamic
world (East).
21. Death of Hazrat Mehdi
within two years after appearance
of Hazrat Essa Alaihis- Salam.
22. Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam will marry
23. Appearance of Yajooj Majooj (Gog Magog)
Gog Magog will cause lot of destruction. Finally they will be
abolished by an epidemic that will occur by the blessing of Allah
24. Death of Hazrat Essa Alaihis-salam five to six years after
Hazrat Mehdi’s Death in some Ahadees this period is 45 years.
In a Hadees it is narrated that Qiyama will not come till the time that you
fight with a nation of Khuz and Kirman who will have reddish faces, their
nose will be flat and eyes will be small. Their faces will be like hide and skin
in layers, flat just as a shield. In another Hadees it has been narrated that
Qiyama will not ensue until you fight with people of the Turk race whose
eyes will be small, faces will be reddish and their nose will be flat such that
their faces appear as skin in layers. Both these Ahadees are narrated by
Hazrat Abu Hurera
These two Ahadees give us certain clue about a war that is to be fought with
the people as explained above. Most probably these are the people from
South East Asia primarily China and Mongolia. It seems that the war
comes at a later time when all the events of Armageddon, and Malhamatul
Kubra would have concluded. This would have given a new shape to the
Muslim rule in the world. The event of Dajjal-ul Akbar and the defeat of
Jewish state of Israel would have already completed.
There would have been unrest among the Muslim population of China
who desire more religious liberty, towards what China is very sensitive.
They will not understand the spiritual requirements of the Muslim population
and will consider it a revolt. They will endeavor to crush them by force. This
may lead to war. This war may be of a smaller magnitude as it will be fought
in the border areas of China and not inside Arab lands. May be that after
some initial conflicts Turk (People of South East Asia) may give up. This up
rise would have been in limited territory that may be cut from the main
country to an independent land or become a part of Muslim Caliphate.
The other possibility is that during the war of liberation of Kashmir and
India the Jihad also spread to the neighboring regions in China. If this is
what the prophecy indicates then this war would take place simultaneously
as the two big wars are being fought between the West and the Muslims that
is 2016-19. In this case this war would be with the factions of Mujahedeen
fighting in India and thus would be of moderate intensity and would not be
the war between countries.
Are these some supernatural beings different from humans that will cause
destruction around? We cannot ascertain with certainty. However as is
narrated in Hadees and having been indicated about the events of the Era of
the end of the world there appears an explanation to this happening. There
are certain indications in Ahadees that tell us that Gog Magog would be
We have already seen that in the major conflict between faiths, the Atheist
and communist factions remain aloof from the main conflicts between
Christians and Muslims. They seem to be playing their role now against
the Islam.
As explained above the border areas of China inhabited by the Muslim
population would have faced a change in its demographic presentation. In
the initial stage as this conflict would have been of limited magnitude
thus China would have avoided the clash from spreading so as to
prevent getting engaged in a strange war. However as the period of long
struggle and difficulties for the Muslims finishes, Messiah Hazrat Essa Ibn-e
Maryam (The Jesus) would take the task of preaching and guiding the
Christian population of the world towards the Divine Religion. The
population of the West will by and large accept this call and convert to
This may be the point when the Atheist and Communist philosophy
would be left alone. It will locate the changed scenario a challenge for itself
and in an endeavor to maintain its identity as an ideology may decide to
wage a major war as a show of power against Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam and
the Muslims. This war would be preemptive measure to prevent the
religion penetrating into the lives of the people of these countries.
If it happens like this it will be a war of “Atheism” against the “Faith”. Is
this the possible explanation of “Gog Magog.” It is mentioned in Hadees that
Yajjoj majooj will start coming from all the heights.
This organized incredible manpower is only exhibited by China that has one
fourth of the world’s population. When they start moving they will start
appearing from everywhere. Nobody shall be able to stand in their way.
They will reach Jabl-e Khumr (The Mount of Khumr) that is in Jerusalem.
In Hadees it is narrated that at this point they will think that they have
overpowered all the living beings in the world. They will then decide to
avenge those who live up on the skies. It is narrated in Hadees that to fulfill
their desire they will throw arrows towards the skies. It will be the will of
that these arrows will come back bloodstained. Thus Gog Magog
will assume that they have killed the one living up the skies.
Hazrat Essa ibn-e Maryam will pray to Allah
to relieve the Muslims from
this disaster. An epidemic will occur in “Gog Magog.” and they will all be
It is mentioned in Hadees that when there will be time for appearance of
will send revelation upon Hazrat Essa
that I
am sending some such people that nobody has the capability to fight with. So
take my people to KOH-e TOOR. Scholars write that Gog Magog are among
the off springs of “YAFIS” one among the sons of Hazrat Noah AlaihisSalam. They are explained as Turks and Mongols by race and have the same
facial appearance as that of this race.
Also it is mentioned in Ahadees that after they are killed by epidemic,
Muslims will use their weapons and belongings for a long time for different
purposes. All these explain that they are apt to be humans.
The last narration in Hadees that narrates that they will like to avenge the
Lord, points towards “Atheist belief”. Thus it seems that these can be people
from South East Asia, primarily China who have arisen to defend / protect
their atheist faith.
Events explained year wise keeping the possibility that year of Appearance
of Hazrat Mehdi
may be 2014.
Year of
Jihad Begins against
In the same time frame
that Mujahedeen send a
contingent to Saudia For
obtaining Political and
Moral support from Saudi
Say Mid
Sinking of the first
Army from Syria
Foremost event.
Early 2015
The war of Banu Kalb
Will be first Big victory of
Mehdi’s Forces
Coalition forces from
the West will gather in
This shall be a continuous process. As the
rule of Islamic Caliphate will start
establishing and Syrian and queishi’s armies
are defeated America will start
concentrating forces in Israel and preparing
allies against the Muslim Rule. Movements
may start as early as 2016 and the whole
event may be spread upon 2016-2019. See
Text for details.
Al-Malhamatul Kubra
(Turkey) will come
under Islamic Rule
Immediately after AlMalhamatul Kubra
late in 2019
Appearance of Dajjal,
The Anti-Christ
Immediately after
succession of Turkey to
Muslim Empire.
Forty days of Dajjal
Descend of Messiah
Hazrat Essa Ibn-e
The time period of Dajjal
will be forty days spread
over time span of 14 months
and some more. See Text
for details.
Towards the end of forty
days of Dajjal, The AntiChrist.
The Hindustan will be
Dajjal will be killed by
the Messiah, Essa Ibne Maryam (The Jesus)
The Jihad started in 2014 to
liberate Kashmir will
prolong to conclude in year
2019-20 with the final result
that Hindu rule will finish in
At Bab-e Lud in Israel
where he will run to search
refuge for himself.
All the Jews in support
of Dajjal will be
General massacre of all
Yahood standing in support
of Dajjal.
Later in
State of Israel will be
completely abolished
Islam will become the
religion and rule in the
Islamic world (East).
Palestine will be liberated
and sanctity of Masjid_e
Aqsa (Jerusalem) will be
The long era of difficulties for the Muslim
world will Alhamdulillah finish. Peace and
tranquility will be restored. Justice
established. This would be the time to call
the people of other religion towards Islam.
We take a sigh of relief as this noble work is Alhamdulillah almost near
to completion. It is not our research but our conviction. We are informing
our brethren that the event is close by. Most among us are unaware of what
we are going to confront in immediate future. Others who know are ignorant
about its reality. We are living in a very different era. We shall not be
leading a casual life but unusual things are going to happen to the whole of
humanity. We shall prepare for that. Knowledge is important to identify
something that comes before us. Eyes cannot see what the mind does not
know. In our opinion in this effort there is a lesson for all the three religions.
We will summarize that for each one so as to fulfill our responsibility before
. Decision we leave to our readers.
It is imperative that Allah
is angry with Yahood. You people had been
disobeying Allah the whole of your life time. You people have committed
crimes to the humanity. The whole history and ideology of Judaism is full of
sins. Why you people remained like that, it is just because that you did not
subjugate to the will of Allah
. You never surrendered to the Supreme
Power and always worked for the lust that governed your life. You always
remained intoxicated in the arrogance you inherited. However even those
were your brothers, they were of your creed who subjugated to the Lord and
they are now living as Christians and others as Muslims.
You decided to remain Yahood; or you wanted to remain Yahood. If it is a
decision then you will have to face the consequences as you took liberty and
willfully adopted that path. If you want to remain Yahood it simply means
that you think that the will of Allah is with Judaism and you want to please
the Lord. Rest assure a terrible end is awaiting Yahood. They will be
annihilated from the face of the earth that has been explained in detail
in the book. It is only because of anguish of Allah
. It has been explained
that Judaism is under Curse of the Lord. So brothers it is the time to repent
before the Lord. Give up your stubbornness. You have only one course open
and that is to please Allah
. You have adopted the path of confronting
the Lord. You cannot win from the Almighty.
We must remember that we are responsible for whatever we do. Allah
has given us wisdom and guidance. When we can be wise for our worldly
gains what goes wrong when we are confronted with making spiritual
decisions. The problem is that we have left that task for others as it does not
interest us. In religion we just proceed as guided; assuming rewards and
promises. As has been explained in the text that there is a basic controversy
of Christianity with the Judaism. Then what pleased you that made you stand
with the Jews. They are waiting for Anti-Christ. You are waiting for Messiah
Essa Ibn-e Maryam, The Jesus.
Jews consider that Anti-Christ will win against the dignitary “The Jesus”.
Under so much controversy what makes you people stand besides them. You
think that Armageddon is a Holy war. Remember you were in fact told that it
is going to be a disaster. There are hidden hands behind who have given it
the color of a Holy event and promised you forgiveness.
What will you do when Jesus Essa Ibn-e Maryam stands besides the
Muslims? What will be your arguments before the Prophet? Except that you
will be entangled in despair. Today is the time. Things will be as they are
destined by Allah
. These cannot be tailored to your desires. Deen is of
. It is neither of the Muslims nor of the Christians. When Allah
commanded, your elders converted from Judaism to Christianity so they
were rewarded. When Allah commanded you to subjugate to the Prophet
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and you refrained from it. In fact you have disobeyed the
commandment of Allah.
You think you are pleasing Allah
. Tomorrow you will see Jesus
standing besides the Muslims. Your whole ideology will collapse. Decide
yourself, read religions and take the right decision.
Time is ripe and you are all sleeping. It’s time to get up and work for the
future challenges. You people are still busy in worldly gains while the days
of supernatural happenings are close by. You were not ignorant as your
Prophet told you everything that will happen, but now you are negligent
as you exhausted all your energies in the material world. You have
forgotten the lessons taught to you by your Deen. Today all the forces of the
world have gathered to deprive you of your Emaan. If you do not realize that
the biggest wealth you have is Emaan, then you will keep on wandering like
mad people to gather the world at the cost of that precious thing that all the
infidels want to deprive you of. Remember, all the calamities, all the
miseries, all the tests, will be inflicted upon the Muslims. It is from Allah
to test our Emaan. We will be rewarded to our excellence and we may
be rejected if we do not prove ourselves. Polarity is going to occur and it is
going to be a struggle between Haq and Kuffer. Only being Muslim by name
will not help. You will be demanded to prove that you are one.
Your life has been spent in worshipping Idols. Why did you worship
that? Just because it is the nature of humans that they know they
have a Lord. You could not ignore that instinct in your nature.
You are not counted among those who would be tested by the Lord
to be rewarded. Do you want to remain like that, ultimately facing
the most undesirable fate? Our good wishes are for you. Please read
the last divine religion and make a just decision.
Wa akhero-dawana Anilhamdulillahe Rabbilaalameen.
Satanic Claws:
It is not inappropriate to mention here about Jewish activities that had been
going on since last four centuries and were managed by secret groups. These
groups had been leading the Jews in their struggle to obtain power against
the humanity. They decided to keep every detail as a secret till the time that
the targets were achieved or alternately they gain so much strength and
influence that they have no opponent who can stand against them.
The History of Jews:
The Jews had always been working for their motives at the cost of humanity.
Their history is studded with conspiracies. Primarily they had targeted the
West and had grabbed the Europe in their satanic claws. Today they
have all the control on America and undeniable influence on its
resources and Government. Their leading group comprised of usurers and
rich and influential people in the world and a few RIBBIS who had no regard
for other people. They started their activities in Britain.
In 1785 these usurers and Ribbis made a hidden society and named it
“Illuminati”. This was in fact a plan to bring the whole of humanity into
slavery. All other humans were classified as Goyim. They brainwashed their
creed telling them that each one of the Jews was equal to a 1000 Goyim.
These Usurers and illuminati’s pushed Europe in war in the 17 th century.
They made conspiracies and indulged the monarchs in expeditions against
each others. They planned and executed revolutions in Britain and France so
as to put an end to the stable rule. They managed to create economical crisis
throughout Europe by waging wars, thus creating a need for interest based
loans that were in their hands. They would purposefully work to divide
nations and ruled them through their agents. These conspirators managed to
kill King Edward First of Britain in the hands of their agent Oliver Cromwell
who played a major role in treason against the royal family. The revolution
of France was planned by them not to the advantage of the citizens of France
but illuminati’s wanted to plant their agents in the government and have a
hold on the country so that they could dictate their terms and enslave the
country in their interest based monetary system.
They managed to make the Bank of England. This was only possible as one
of their agents William of Orange who was placed in power, benefitted them
and gave them the charter to make the Bank in1694. This placed the whole
population of England to the economic slavery of the Jew usurers. Thus
they obtained all the rights to release the currency of England and control it.
The first loan that was obtained by William of Orange from these usurers
was 1.25 million pounds. This was the beginning of
complete Jewish
control on the economy of England.
These usurers also never wanted that the state that has become indebted to
them shall ever get out of it. As a result in 1698 loan of England that was 1.6
million pounds increased to 885 million pounds in 1815. This loan increased
to more than 22 billion in 1945. Today the loan of England stands at one and
a half trillion Pound Sterling. This is the figure of 2009. This is just the study
about one country in Europe. Every country in the world is in the satanic
claws of Illuminati’s.
It is informative to learn that the game to overpower the humanity started by
a prominent Jew usurer Amachel Mayer Bauer who adopted the name as
“Rothschild” for his family and established House of Rothschild in early 19 th
Amachel Mayer Bauer organized a meeting of the thirteen richest usurers at
Frankfurt. Bauer himself and twelve other usurers gathered at his invitation.
They decided to put an end to all the European kings and the governments so
as to rule the world. These were the richest usurers and influential people.
Bauer placed before them the plans of taking the world in their slavery. The
Plan had all the immoralities and their aim seemed to be to damage the
whole of mankind and to trap them. The plan they agreed had following
salient features:
The decided that independence of nations is to be replaced by liberalism that
shall create chaos. Loyalty was to be changed with liberty that will cause
sectarian riots and weaken the states. They discussed upon the psychology of
mob and decided to make use of it. The decided that the public was to be
controlled through dictators and in time of needs the same mob would be
used to create anarchy in the society. Both situations to be used to
accomplish their targets through their agents. They planned to create
arrogance in public and a sense of false pride. The public will be required to
maintain their standards finally creating requirement for money that would
be in their hands.
They decided to destabilize the governments to shift the power in their hands
thus managing to govern them through their agents. It was decided to
influence and control the governments through officials by bribing them and
using agent women who shall establish illegitimate relation and then
blackmail them through defamation.
They planned to promote the wars but decided not to let anybody win.
The main purpose was to create financial and economic crisis finally leading
to dependence on their money. This way both the sides would come under
the burden of loans acquired from them. To prevent the ultimate success in
wars they decided to use peace conferences and compromise through
arbitrators who would be their agents. Thus their agents will get control
upon nations.
This is what they had been doing when they pushed Europe in internal
conflicts and wars in the 17th century. Diplomacy was decided as another
tool that will immediately be placed at its function after inciting wars. Their
agents will immediately get chance to surface as diplomats in the form of
advisors, financial experts and people of political influence.
They decided to create financial and economical crisis using the strength of
their wealth thus causing unemployment. Causing dearth of food through
simulated shortage in the markets leading to hunger. They had in their
plan to use this hungry mob to crush those to be removed from power. It was
decided that fraud and deception shall be their principle and their agents
shall be trained for that. They wanted to control the raw material and thus
control upon establishing the prices of choice to create instability when ever
required. To control business through enormous taxes that would be
managed to be levied through their influence on the Governments that would
be pressed under their heavy loans.
They decided not to respect the regional and international law but to mould
them to their requirements so that civilizations shall perish. They decided to
change the law by arbitration and mediation and prepared their agents to play
these key roles under their guidance.
To accomplish the target of taking control of the satanic movement of
universal revolution that was being maintained by the freemasonry at that
time they decided to obtain influence in the Masonic lodges. They planned
to obtain good name by philanthropic activities and decided to use
lodges for their hidden ulterior motives to create atheism in the people.
They decided to control the public by creating terror through killing and
sectarian riots. Street fighting and killing were to be promoted by their
underground agents. They agreed that terror was the easiest way to keep
the public enslaved and under control. Weaponry was decided to be
created and promoted throughout the world so as to give easy availability of
the weapons to the public facilitating lawlessness. The aim was to gradually
destroy the society.
In politics they settled to frame such laws that they can confiscate anybody’s
property any time and to replace the devastation of wars by terror of death
sentences in times of peace so as to keep the terror in place. These
Illuminati’s managed to create differences in Europe and created a distance
in government and Church and thus divided the people in groups. They
conspired and divided Christians in Catholic and Protestants and then
Protestants were further separated into conformists and non-conformists.
This was just to create differences and keep the people engaged in
conflicts so that they can be divided and ruled.
They decided to destabilize the governments to shift the power to their hands
thus they wanted to manage government through their agents. This will serve
their cause and moreover keep them behind the scenes as their agents will
serve their cause under their instructions.
They understood the importance of youth and it was decided to create
immorality in them by promoting wine, drugs and adultery and
destroyed these generations leading to non-religious Atheist societies.
They decided to use their agents for these purposes. They wanted to put an
end to all the humanity, only labor class surviving that shall serve the
masters. In their planning Police and Army was essential to control this labor
The final aim was a universal government to be achieved by creating
large monopolized units. These be so huge that an individual with even
enormous wealth shall become immaterial and ineffective in this huge
monopoly. This universal government would be headed by these
illuminati’s and their Lord would be the Ruler. This Ruler would be none
else but The Anti-Christ who is considered as Savior by the Jews. This is
Though supporting the cause of Illuminati’s the common Jews had been
spending a pathetic life through centuries. During Great Eviction when the
Jews were by and large sent to exile from all the major monarchs in Europe,
the common Jews had been living in camps. Here their leaders and religious
rabbi’s had been poisoning them against those who had sent them in exile.
These Ribbi’s and leaders had been under influence and control of the
illuminati’s and Jewish Usurer who themselves were protected in their safe
havens. They managed to keep their identity secret and kept working behind
the scenes and they never liked to come to lime light. Anybody who would
become effective in exposing their identity so he was killed ruthlessly.
Thus the common Jew innocently remained a tout in their hands even
though they did not enjoy any virtues but they suffered all the times
because of the wrong deeds of these illuminati’s. These common Jews
had been used by these usurers for all the underground activities and
terrorism. They had been brainwashed that they are the selected people of
the Lord and soon he is going to appear and then they shall be able to avenge
and rule the earth.
The common Jew had to live in pitiable condition in the concentration camps
during their “Great Eviction” from Europe. In 1290 king Edward sent all the
Jews in exile from England. In 1253 French government ordered Jews to
move out of France. In the year 1306 again all Jews were sent to exile from
France. 1360 Hungary,1370 Belgium,1380 Slovakia,1420 Austria, 1429
Spain, 1444 Netherlands, 1495 Lithuania, 1498 Portugal, 1540 Italy, 1551
Bavaria made sure that the Jews were pushed out of the country. In this
great eviction that continued through 13 th to 16th century influential among
them made themselves safe havens in south of Italy, Marsalis, and other
catholic states. But common Jew could only find refuge in Poland and
Turkish Empire where they lived in settlements.
So many times the Jews managed to enter Europe and so many times they
were again sent in exile. Their activities had been pointed out by the
researchers and historians who have shown their resentment upon Jewish
mentality and activities. Thus they had been by and large rejected by the
Books for reference:
Mashkatul _ Masabeeh Vol:3 Chapters:
The Book of Fitn
About the Wars
Signs of the end of the World
Signs before Qiyama and Dajjal
About Descent of Hazrat Essa Ibn-e Maryam.
Hermajadoon: Amin Muhammad Jamalud-din. Professor Jamia-ul Azhar.
The Age of Muslim Ummah. Amin Muhammad Jamalud-din.
Al Khalifat-ul Mehdi Fil Ahadees-us Saheeha: (Arabic) Shiekh-ul Islam
Syed Hussain Ahmed Madani.
Learn Islam The Last Divine Religion. Know Your Deen. (Amazon.com)
Learn Islam: Wisdom From Al_Quran. References from the Divine Book.
Torah: Daniel: http://www.al-kitab.org/
Jehad-e Afghnasitan sey Zahoor Mehdi Tak. (URDU) Abu Abdullah Asif
Majeed Nakash bandi.
Kalam-e Muqaddas: Old / New Testament. Pakistan Bible Society. Catholic
Bible Commission 2011.
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible(C) 1960, Marshall
Suggested readings:
Jungon Kay Sodagar: (URDU) Masood Anwar Karachi, Pakistan.
WORLD ORDER http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n1566.cfm
“I, Witch” New World Order Organization
Symbols used in the Text. (Refer to glossary):
Subhanau wa- Taalah
Jalle Jalala-hoo
Razi Alla-hu unho
Sallallaho Alaih-e Wa-sallam
Rehmatullah Alaih
AADIL: A person who’s Aamal are more than his sins.
AALAME ASBAB: The material principles of life. The life of the world
is termed as aalame asbab as by the will of Allah
this life is kept
dependent upon the material principles. Without effort and hard work
humans cannot practically lead their lives. The material principles of life
have in fact been created as a test for the Emaan of the people.
AAMAL: Practices of the commandments of Islam and Sunnah of Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alaih-e Wa-sallam, for the will & acceptance
of Allah Subhanau-wa Taalah.
ADAM: Father of all human race. Adam was created and kept in Jannah
and then along with AMMA HAWWA [EVE] they were both sent to earth
where human race continues till date as their offspring. Word ADAM has
arisen from ‘Adeem’ that means ‘Soil of Earth’, as Allah Subhanau-wa
Taalah created Adam from soil of earth. It also pertains to wheatish color as
Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salam had wheatish color.
AIMA_E MUJTAHID_DEEN : Scholars of Islamic Jurisprudence.
Used With the name of the Prophets. Means,
Peace be upon him.
ALHAMDULILLAH: All the Praises are for Allah
. (This is a form
of Zikr) .
ALLAH: This name hold all the qualities of the supreme lord. Ninety nine
names of qualities have been mentioned. ALLAH is the name hereby chosen
by the ALMIGHTY himself. Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah say, ‘Tell them
that he [His name] is ALLAH’. Non believers had been giving names to
their gods & goddesses but this name has not been adopted by any and
remains specific for the ALMIGHTY.
ANGELS: One of the creations of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah Angels are
normally not visible to humans. Though under commandment of Allah
Subhanau wa-Taalah they had adopted human appearance at times and
appeared before people & the Prophets. But even then they did not behave
like humans. Angels are innocent. They are normally involved in praying to
Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah They have been bestowed responsibilities what
they fulfill. Four big angels are Hazrat Jabriel Alaihis-salam, Hazrat Mikael
Alaihis-salam, Hazrat Izrael Alaihis-salam and Hazrat Israfeel Alaihis-salam.
Hazrat Jabriel Alaihis-salam has the responsibility to convey the revelations
of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah to the Prophets. Since the creation of Hazrat
Adam to the prophet hood of Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho Alaih-e Wasallam, Jabriel had been fulfilling this responsibility. Hazrat Mikael AlaihisSalam has the responsibilities of all the water resources, clouds and rainfall.
All these are carried out by him under the commandments of Allah
Subhanau wa- Taalah Hazrat Izrael Alaihis-salam has the responsibility to
take away the life from living beings and it is said that for him lives of all the
living beings are lying, like peas are in a plate. He has just to pick the right
one under the commandments of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah Hazrat Israfeel
Alaihis-Salam has a big biggle in his mouth. It is so big that the whole
universe is lying in the mouth of the biggle like a small ball. Hazrat Israfeel
has to blow biggle under the commandment of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah
thus Qiyama will occur. The entire universe will be broken into pieces,
mountains will fly like wool, living beings will die and earth will be torn into
pieces. Some of the other responsibilities given to the angels are explained as
bringing the drops of rain to the earth. Each drop is brought by an angel.
Angels protect the living beings against diseases, against accidents and
against other happenings under the commandments of Allah Subhanau waTaalah Even angels guard each piece of food that goes inside a living being
and ask Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah that this food shall become health for
him or it shall turn into disease.
QADEER: Means: O Lord all the good are in your hand. Undoubtedly you
are competent to do anything.
BELIEVER: One who has Emaan, see ‘Emaan’. A person who believes in
oneness of Allah, practices shariat of Prophet of his time and has faith that
success is in will and acceptance of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah
CREATED: [Here this word has been used for the creations of Allah
Subhanau wa-Taalah]. Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah is the creator, while all
other things are created by him.
CREATOR: Allah is the creator from cell to a creature, from ant to
Jabriel, from small particle to limitless sky, from this world to life herein and
DUA: Prayers
DAAWAT: To invite / to call towards.
DARUL-AAMAL: Place where you have opportunity to do Aamal( Good
Deeds). Refers to life in this world.
DARUL-JAZZA: Place where you are rewarded against your aamal.
Refers to eternal life that will start after the Day of Judgment.
DAWAH: Noun. Arabic word, specifically used as a term of invitation to
the will of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah
DECEPTION: Here this word is used for the deceptive feeling that life in
this world is everything.. In fact when one dies only then reality is revealed
on him that nothing in this world belonged to him and he passes away empty
handed. The life that he never believed is then revealed to him. He is thus
taken aback.
EID : This is the Muslim festival that is celebrated twice in a year. The first
Eid comes just after the month of Ramadan and is called Eid-ul Fitr. The
second one comes about two months after Ramadan and is called Eid-ul
Eid-ul Fitr: Immediately follows the holy month of Ramadan and is one
among the two religious festivals of Islam. Sadqat_ul fitr is equal to two and
a quarter kilo wheat or alternately four and a half kilo barley in kind or its
cost in the form of money per person of the family.
EMAAN: It is an enlightenment of heart [feeling or effect]. Because of this
a person while fulfilling commandments of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah, in
the way of the Prophet, firstly feels desire to do the act, secondly feels
pleasure while doing the act and finally feels satisfaction after doing the act.
Thus before any sin is committed the person with Emaan feels fear of
ALLAH that prevents him from doing & once he is saved he feels happy.
See ISLAM also.
ESSA: Messiah. Ibn-e Maryam. The Prophet of Bani-Israel. Christians
call the Prophet “The Jesus”.
FARAIZ (OBLIGATIONS) : Are those practices in Islam that are to
essential be practiced . One who refrains from practicing “Fraiz” may turn
out to be an infidel.
“FARZ_E KIFAYA”: It is that form of an obligatory commandment that
when performed by a couple of people in the community is considered
fulfilled. However if this is not performed then all the persons in the
community are answerable.
FIDYAA: Compensation.
GHILMANS: Divine name for boys of Jannah, serving Jannati and his
belongings. Explained elsewhere in the text.
GIN: Gins are creations of Allah Subhanau wa- TaalahThey are made of
Heat & Fire. They are not visible to the humans. They are also addressee in
Divine book [Holy Quran] and are called towards Path of Allah. They have
believers and non believers among them. One of their group came to Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and embraced Islam. Iblees [Satan] is one among
their species. In them generations continue and they also have tribes and
families among them. They have very remote interaction with humans.
HADITH_E QUDSI: A Hadith that is related to Allah
. Narrations of
proclaimed by Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
HAJJ_A TUL WIDAA: The Last Hajj of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
HARAM : Adjective; Strictly forbidden in Islam. (Certain eatables,
certain drinks like wine and also certain acts).
HARAM : Noun; the area within the perimeters of the Holy mosque at
Khana-Kaaba and Masjid-e Nabavi is called haram.
HAYYA : The inner feeling of shyness of being answerable for ones deed
and acts. Hayya will prevent oneself from being vulgar. Hayya is considered
as a positive character in Islam.
HAZRAT: This is a word of respect and means, somebody who is very
close or dear. This word is most suitable for and is thus used with the names
of Prophets and Sahabas as they were close to Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah
HEAVENS: Christian name of Jannah. The concept is not as clear as given
of Jannah in Holy Quran.
HIDAYAT: Enlightenment that guides to the Right path and the will of
Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah
Hidayat means to guide with affection and kindness for eternal success
without taking anything in return. Arabic word ‘Hidaya’ means
something that is given without taking anything in return.
Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah has given hidayat to humans in four ways:
i. By wisdom and nature: This hidayat has been bestowed to every
living being. It is said in Holy Quran, ‘Our Rab [sustainer] created all
the creatures and guided them the ways and means to fulfill their
ii. To humans by sending prophets and giving divine books, so as to
call them to the path of eternal success.
iii. In term of capabilities: By increasing the capabilities of people on
hidayat by further bestowing them hidayat.
iv. On the day of judgment by guiding people on hidayat towards Jannah
HOORES: Divine name for women of Jannah. Explained elsewhere in
the text.
IFTAR: Breaking the Fast at dusk (time of Maghrib Prayers).
IGNORANCE: State of being unaware. Darkness of faith.
IJTIHAD: Ijtihad are conclusions given after Scholarly reasoning, done
strictly under the rules of Islam, by Certified Islamic Scholars of high creed.
ILLAL-LAH: Towards Allah.
ISLAM: [Divine name of the True Religion]. During different
circumstances, using the physical abilities of oneself for fulfilling the
commandments of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah in the way of the Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is called ‘ISLAM’. As Islam is the physical
contribution by ones acts thus it can be physically witnessed, while Emaan is
a feeling or effect of heart thus not visible. During the time period of the
Prophet there were many people who pretended to be Muslims, practiced
Islam, but they were lacking Emaan. They were termed as ‘munafiqeen’.
JALLE JALALA-HOO: His Grace is innumerable.
JANNAH: Divine name of Heavens. This name has occurred in Holy
JANNATI: A person who will be living in Jannah.
JIBRAEL: One among the bigger angels having responsibility to bring
the revelations of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah to the Prophets, see
JIHAD: Has vast meanings i.e. Striving hard in the path of Allah
the Deen of Allah may be through battles (against the non believers) or
through wealth, time and life, Speech or writing and Preaching.
KALIMA: A purposeful phrase is called Kalima, particularly a phrase that
has an aim behind it.
KALIMA TAYYABAH: A sacred Kalima that is when narrated with
sincerity and depth of heart clears a person of all his sins and infidelity. See
also “La Ilaha Illal-laho Muhammadur Rasoolullah”.
KHUTBA: Praises of Allah
, of
Prophet Muhammad
Khulafa-e Rashideen that are proclaimed before Jumma and Eid prayers.
KUFFAR : All the non-believers are Kuffar. Those who have not
proclaimed Kalima Tauheed and have not accepted Islam. This factor relates
to faith.
KURSEEH: Muslim scholars term knowledge of Allah Subhanau waTaalah
as Kurseeh. Others say that this terms to Kingdom of
Subhanau wa-Taalah . In general sense this word means something on which
one can sit. However Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah is beyond any needs . As
explained elsewhere reality of Kurseeh is not known It is beyond the reach
of human knowledge and wisdom to have an access to the reality of Ursh,
Kuseeh or Noor.
LORD: Here the word LORD has been used for the unlimited owning of
Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah Whatever is in the East is of Allah Subhanau
wa-Taalah and whatever is in the West is of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah.
La Ilaha Illal-laho Muhammad-ur Rasoolullah: There is nobody to
be worshipped but Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah and Prophet Hazrat
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the Prophet of Allah. This is Kalimah Tayyabah [see
kalimah tayyabah]
MASNOON: Those acts that were practiced by Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬.
MASTURUL_HAAL: A person whose taqwa cannot be confirmed but
his bad deeds are also not known.
MOMINEEN: All the Muslims are Momineen. While they are then
“Aala” (best) and “Adna” (common) pertaining to their practice of Islam.
This factor relates to faith. A Muslim who has performed an act like kuffar
still remains a Momin but only that he has performed an act like those of
MOOSA: Moses. The Prophet of Bani- Israel.
MUHAMMAD: The last Prophet. Prophet of Arabia. The word means
somebody who has been praised too much and is being praised. After Allah
Subhanau wa-Taalah praises are for the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
Sallallaho alaiha wasallam. Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah has revealed on
every prophet that a Prophet by the name of Muhammad will come and they
were commanded to tell their people about his qualities and to take an oath
from them that if they, or their generations find the period of the Prophet
they shall be loyal to him and shall subjugate to his teachings.
MUJAHIDA_E NAFS: Fighting against the temptation.
MUNAFIKEEN: are “Aatiqadi” and “Amali”. The first form was there in
the time of Prophet Muhammad
‫ﷺ‬. These were those Kuffar who had
hidden themselves among the Muslims and pretended as being Muslims but
were in their Heart “Mushriqeen”.
“Amali Munafikeen” are those that are Muslims by faith but they do not
perform the Islamic practices.
MUSLIM: One who practices Islam.
NAAR: Divine name of Hell. Punishment place of the other world where
those who have not fulfilled Commandments of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah
will be punished.
NAFFL IBADA: Optional Salat / Worship.
NAUZUBILLAH: Means: we seek the protection of Allah
(this) act/ happening.
NIYYAT: The Islamic expression of Intent essential to be made before
beginning any obligatory or Nafl Ibada or religious ritual. The reward of the
ibada performed commensurate with the sincerity of intent.
NON-BELIEVERS: All those who have not accepted the message of The
Last Prophet in our time. This term is also used for preceding era for people
of that time who did not accept the call of Prophet of their time.
NOOR: Light that spreads. Lights of this world are felt by two means. One
is by vision such as one sees sun, moon, stars. This is called sense. Second
is insight such as drawn from wisdom / Holy Quran and is called Logic.
Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah[ God Almighty ] is the Noor of Skies and earth.
[see Kurseeh also]
QAZZA: Obligatory prayers when not performed in stipulated time are
termed as Qazza.
QIYAMA: The day of judgment. Hazrat Israfeel ALAIHI SALAM will
blow the biggle under the commandments of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah and
whole universe will perish. All the living beings will die. When he will again
blow the biggle all the humans will get up from their graves. Dusting the soil
from their hairs they will start moving towards MAIDAN HASHER [ground
of happening] where judgment will begin.
RABBIL_AALAMEEN: Sustainer of all the Universes.
(Abbreviation) Razi alla-hu unho
RAZI ALLA-HU UNHO: These are the words of pray and are spoken
for SAHABA. It means that Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah be satisfied from
them. Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah has used these so many times in the favor
of SAHABA in the Holy Quran.
Rehmatullah Alaih.
Means Allah May Bless Him. This is
prayer that is used with the names of religious scholars, saints, aulia and
people of high esteem from religious perspective.
“RUQUE”: This act is part of Salaat. During this act the person bends
while standing and put his hands on his knee.
SADQAH: Charity for the cause of Allah
SADQAT_UL FITR : The amount of money that is commanded to be
given to the poor and needy before Eid prayers of Eid-ul Fitr.
SAHABA: Muslims who have seen or heard Prophet Hazrat Muhammad
‫ ﷺ‬in his life time are called SAHABA. Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah has
given his satisfaction and blessings for them in the Holy Quran and they are
all JANNATI. One would not be a sahabi if he was not a Muslim even
though he has heard, seen or even has remained in the company of the
Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Sallallaho alaiha wasallam.
SAHEE MUSLIM: The renowned book of Ahadees. Among the six most
authentic books of ahadees that are collectively called “Sahaee_Satta” rest of
the five are:
Sahee Bokhari
Tirmizi Shareef
Abu_ Dawood Shareef
Ibn_e Maja Shareef
Nissaee Shareef
These authentic books of ahadees were written by Islamic Scholars all of
whom had learnt religion from Imam Abu Haneefa Rehmatullah_Alaih.
SALAM: Islamic way of greeting Muslim Brothers.
Sallallaho Alaiha-wasallam: This phrase is specifically spoken with the
name of the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and means that Allah
Subhanau wa-Taalah may sent on Prophet Muhammad his blessings, Salam
& Barakat. This is the commandment of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah in Holy
Quran to say Darood & Salam every time one takes the name of the Prophet.
‫ﷺ‬: (Abbreviation) Sallal-laho alaiha wasallam
SEHRI: The food taken before dawn to commence fast. Fast begins with
Sehri and completed at Iftar.
SHARIAH: The Islamic Law
SHARIAT: (Noun) The Islamic Law
SUALIHEEN: Righteous and pious, stead fast Muslims.
Subhanau wa- Taalah: These are the words of respect only to be spoken
with the name of Allah. It means that Allah is Pure does not have any
Deficiency and All regards are for him.
(Abbreviation) Subhanau wa- Taalah.
“SUJUUD”: Plural of Sajda. This act is part of Salaat and in this person
prostrates before Allah
Sulf_saleheen Ahle Sunnat. Sulf Saleheen are the three generation of
righteous and pious steadfast Muslims that followed the time of Prophet
‫ﷺ‬. These are Sahaba, Taabaeen and Tabba Taabaeen. The last person
who falls in this category was Imam Muhammad Bin Hassan who learnt
Islamic Jurisprudence from Imam Abu_Haneefa. Their
believes and
practices were strictly according to Sunnah of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
SUNNAHS: All those acts that were adopted and performed by Prophet
Muhammad SAWM are termed Sunnah. There is great reward in following
Sunnah and following these acts confirms the love of the Holy Prophet
SAWM. In Salaat Sunnah are of two types “Moakkada” and “Ghair
Moakkada”. The first have always been performed by the Prophet while the
second were performed occasionally.
Sunnat_e Muaaqada: Sunnah that is obligatory. Ibaada performed by the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬that have become obligatory due to the reason that the Prophet
himself perpetually performed those in his life time.
SUSTAINER: Allah sustains the smallest as well Allah sustains the
biggest. All are alike for him.
TAHAJJAD: Midnight prayer.
TAQDEER: The destiny or fate. Taqdeer in fact is the fate that has been
ordained by Allah
and there is no escape from it nor can it be changed
under the desire of the humans.
TAUHEED: The belief of oneness of Allah Subhanau wa- Taalah.
TAURAT: The divine Book Torah. The book of Hazrat Moosa
UMMAH: All those people who live from the time of the last Prophet
Hazrat Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬to Qiyama are collectively termed as Ummah.
Ummah has two parts Ummat-e-ajabat & Ummat-e-dawat. Ajabat are those
who have embraced ISLAM and Dawat are those who are to be conveyed
the massage of Islam.
URSH: Roof . Throne. As far as the Ursh of Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah is
concerned we only know it by name. Its realities are beyond human
knowledge & thinking. However it is clear that this roof and throne is not
one, like those of kings of the world [in that case Ursh is supposed to contain
Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah, while Allah Subhanau wa-Taalah is beyond any
physical limitations. All the things are contained in him. Ulema [scholars]
say that Ursh means rule of ALLAH, it does not refers to place where Allah
Subhanau wa-Taalah can live.
Wa akhero_dawana Anilhamdulillahe Rabbil_aalameen.:
Means: And our last pray is that all the praises are for Allah
who is the
Sustainer of all the creations.
WAJIB: Wajib is next to obligatory.
The difference is that an obligation is confirmed by authentication and thus
anybody who denies that loses Emaan and become KAFIR however Wajib is
an essential event that if denied does not entail KUFFER. However leaving
both causes a sin.
Ya Rasool_ul Lah: Means: O the messenger of Allah
Used to be called by the Sahaba to gain attention of Prophet Muhammad
Yarhamakullah: May Allah have mercy upon you.
ZIKR: Reciting good names of Allah
, Sending Darood upon the
‫ ﷺ‬and reciting Istaghfar are all different forms of
Ibaada. This
form of Ibaada is called Zikr in Islam. For Zikr one does not need to do
ablution (Wudu) that is so essential before offering Prayers and reciting Holy
ZNDYQ: A person cursed because of his wrong believes and malpractices
in the religion.
One who is enemy to the Divine religion evidently and internally? He claims
to be upon the Deen Islam but he explains the elements of Deen in his own
absurd way against the teachings of Sahaba, Taabaeen and against the
unified approach of the Ummah. [Sharrahe_ Motta. Kitabul Masoor. Shah
Wali-Ullah Rahmatullah Alaih.]
ZNDYQA: Kuffar. Atheism. Agnosticism.
Books by the Author:
Latest on Osteoarthritis and Myalgia:
The Technique of "Unmasking and treating the underlying problem."
ISBN-10: 384543712X
ISBN-13: 978-3845437125
Lambert Academic Publishing (Aug 24, 2011)
Learn Islam Series:
Learn Islam: The last Divine Religion:
Know Your Deen Volume 1
ISBN-10: 3847327232
ISBN-13: 978-3847327233
Lambert Academic Publishing (Jan 5, 2012)
Learn Islam:Wisdom from Al-Quran:
References from the Divine Book (Volume 1)
ISBN-10: 1470199084
ISBN-13: 978-1470199081
Create Space (April 12, 2012)
Available on Amazon.com