Built on Dreams Aging well through innovative care, education and research BAYCREST AND BAYCREST FOUNDATION Annual Report 2012-2013 Guided by our new five-year Strategic Plan, we at Baycrest Health Sciences continue to build on the dreams of our founders. Then, as now, the belief was that the oldest among us should be treated with the utmost respect and cared for with compassion. Close to 100 years later, an exciting new dimension has been added to that dream – namely, a radical shift in thinking about the aging process that promises to transform and enrich the lives of older adults. 1. Introduce The Baycrest Model, an innovative portfolio of high quality aging and brain health services and care approaches that enrich the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical well-being of older adults in community, residential and healthcare settings. 2. Strategic Goals Disseminate Baycrest’s expertise to maximize the age-related cognitive and mental health of older adults in our community and across the globe. 3. Attract and retain the best global human resources, while fostering the highest performance in our people. 4. Develop a new comprehensive business model that will achieve financial strength. Raise $600 million in philanthropic support over 10 years; grow revenue from new business development opportunities; secure additional government funding. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 1 Message from the Baycrest Board Chair and the President & CEO Built on Dreams the Baycrest way For many, the aging of the global population presents overwhelming challenges. At Baycrest Health Sciences, we see unprecedented opportunities to dramatically redefine the potential for personal engagement, activity and fulfillment in later life. We aim to transform and vastly improve the care and support provided to current and future generations of older adults in our community and beyond. As we approach nearly a century of caring for older adults, Baycrest has become a “gift to the world” from our local Jewish community. We embrace the moral mandate of Tikkun Olam, , “repairing a broken world,” to improve the well-being of people in their local communities as well as around the globe. At Baycrest, we are dedicated to optimizing well-being through an unrivaled and innovative portfolio of high quality aging and brain health services and care approaches that enrich the cognitive, emotional, spiritual, social, and physical health of older adults in community, residential and healthcare settings. This has never been a more vital imperative. For the first time in history, it is expected that the number of seniors worldwide will surpass the number of children under the age of five. By 2050, people aged 65 years or older will account for 20 per cent of the world’s population. This demographic shift has been accompanied by an increase in the number of people living longer with chronic illnesses, including age-associated brain disorders. Of especially great concern has been the dramatically rising prevalence of dementia, in which Alzheimer’s disease is the most common cause. The number of people with dementia worldwide is presently estimated at approximately 35.6 million and is projected to nearly double 2 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION every 20 years to 65.7 million in 2030, and 115.4 million in 2050. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there is one new case of dementia arising every four seconds. How can we make a difference amidst such daunting demographic realities? If, for instance, through our research and innovations in aging brain health, we could help find a way to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by five years, we could cut its prevalence in half. By taking our groundbreaking research from bench to bedside, we will transform aging for seniors on our Bathurst Street campus and around the world. We will uniquely contribute to creating a “new old age.” We know brain failure is not inevitable with aging, and we know our work is already helping preserve and extend the cognitive and emotional well-being of older adults. Baycrest will seize the opportunity to bring to an aging world a pioneering, dynamic approach to the care and support of older adults that emphasizes vitality of mind and body, and that is adaptable, scalable and truly transformative. We have a legacy of dreaming what might be possible and then creating it, of never settling for the status quo, and of sharing our work with all who can benefit, locally, nationally and internationally. This is the Baycrest way. GARRY FOSTER Chair, Baycrest Board of Directors DR. WILLIAM REICHMAN President and Chief Executive Officer Message from the Foundation Board Chair and the President Baycrest Foundation leading the way Imagine, if you will, a society where we don’t fear aging with anticipatory dread as though it were to be avoided at all costs but embraced with joy and hope – a celebratory third act. Imagine knowing now what you could do to prevent dementia and other brain health disorders later in life. Imagine knowing that you always had the benefit of a seamless system of care that extended well beyond the walls of a healthcare institution into your home and community as you age. Imagine a world where seniors were at the vanguard of new technology and innovation. Now imagine that your gift helped to create that world. These are not far off dreams of the future, but a reality we work towards every day at Baycrest Health Sciences. And you have helped to make this happen. Built on your generosity, Baycrest is a place where the best research, education and care have come to lead the world in transforming the aging experience. What began in 1918 as Toronto’s first Jewish Home for the Aged has grown with your support into the only health sciences centre in the world that brings translational research, patient care, training and education together with a local and global population of aging adults looking for support and prevention solutions. This past year we have seen your heartfelt commitment to the unique work we do through record-breaking financial support. Your continued investment in our programs has allowed for new tools, strategies and technologies to bring wellness promotion, illness prevention and early diagnosis to those living and receiving services here and in the community. Your investment in expertise allows us to attract the best and brightest minds in brain health research to Baycrest. Your understanding that holistic care includes specially tailored spiritual and cultural programming has enhanced wellness options. And your foresight into the need for emerging technologies enables us to deliver state-of-the-art care. By donating funds, volunteering, participating in our events, engaging with us online and on our campus you are supporting a vital 100-year history that has led to extraordinary healthcare innovation, an accomplishment of which we can all be proud. Thank you for helping us revolutionize the way we age – and transform the aging experience. We know we do so with the commitment and support of those who have built this dream and turned it into a reality. Your investment has been our success. WARREN KIMEL Chair, Board of Directors Baycrest Foundation SUSAN SUTTON President, Baycrest Foundation Vice President, Global Institutional Advancement ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 3 We Welcome Doctor Volunteer Donor Researcher Nurse Educator Baycrest Health Sciences is a physical place, yes, but also a unique philosophy of care. It is home to hundreds of seniors and a valued community resource for thousands more. All who come here experience a continuum of care provided by specialists in the field of geriatrics, informed by world-leading research and education, and supported by the remarkable generosity of donors and the commitment of many volunteers. With its light-filled hallways, walls lined with beautiful art, and gardens visible from every floor, Baycrest is a welcoming place, a healing place. 4 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION 1,200 Cared for each day Janitor Clients Resident & donor We Care mind & body RIGHT CARE, RIGHT PLACE, RIGHT TIME As Ontario’s population ages the number of seniors living with complex health issues continues to rise. Most vulnerable are those who struggle with the difficult behaviours – agitation, aggression and wandering, for example – that may result from dementia, mental illness or other neurological conditions. To ensure respectful and compassionate treatment is provided at the right time and in the right setting, Baycrest Health Sciences is leading the province’s Behavioural Support for Seniors Program for the Toronto Central LHIN (Local Health Integration Network). The program takes a holistic approach to care rather than relying on medications to manage behaviour. Forty new positions have been created at Baycrest to help deliver the program, which supports seniors, families and caregivers in our city, and includes: • A 23-bed transitional unit providing expert care for patients whose behaviours have become unmanageable where they live – whether in the community or in long-term care homes. On average, patients stay on the unit for five months. • A mobile team of registered nurses and personal support workers assisting more than 37 long-term care homes in managing residents’ behaviours. • A community outreach team working with partners to deliver care, caregiver support and skills training. 4 Every Seconds 85+ Years half of this age group will develop dementia A NEW CASE OF DEMENTIA IS DIAGNOSED WORLDWIDE $100 Million CANADIAN GOVERNMENT INVESTMENT FOR RESEARCH INTO BRAIN DISEASES SUCH AS ALZHEIMER’S 115.4 Million WILL HAVE DEMENTIA BY 2050 ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 7 We Care “We have the best volunteers in the world at Baycrest. “ - Margaret Nightingale, donor PARTNERING TO IMPROVE QUALITY Thirteen leading long-term care organizations in North America, including Baycrest, are combining their collective wisdom and experience for a common purpose: to improve the quality of the care they provide. The Seniors Quality Leap Initiative (SQLI) is laying the groundwork for a sustainable quality plan. The group is focussing on key areas such as preventing falls, managing challenging behaviours, and the appropriate use of antipsychotic medications. Several non-government organizations with expertise in quality and safety in the healthcare industry are providing advice. Meeting in Boston last October, the SQLI group unveiled a “report card” or benchmark for measuring areas of relative strength or weakness in each participating organization, and for recording progress. This year, participants are working on several quality improvement projects. SHARING WITH THE WORLD Health professionals from various disciplines at Baycrest have shared their expertise this year with their counterparts in Canada and 10 countries around the world, using a combination of face-to-face learning and nearly 800 tele-health sessions. In a tele-forum, one team explored the benefits of “huddles” with their peers across North America. The term, borrowed from football, refers to frequent mini briefings designed to keep clinicians informed, review completed work, plan next steps and move ahead efficiently. Occupational therapy leader and teacher, Sylvia Davidson, helped faculty at Aarhus University in Denmark develop a course for treating dementia. “We’re exploring innovative ways of collaborating so that occupational therapists here at Baycrest can share our expertise in caring for older adults and learn about some of the different approaches they have in Denmark,” she said. WHAT’S IT LIKE TO MOVE TO A NURSING HOME? A mentor program pairing those about to move a loved one into the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged with those who’ve been through the experience aims to make the process easier for residents and families. A joint effort of the nursing home and Volunteer Services at Baycrest, the mentor program is part of a larger quality improvement push. “We looked at different aspects of the admission process to identify areas for improvement. We felt it was important to give family members and residents a voice in this process so we invited the Residents' Advisory Council, the Family Advisory Council and the Patients’ Association of Canada to participate along with a team of Apotex staff,” said director of Care, Suman Iqbal. Michael Singer has volunteered to be one of the first family mentors. His mother, Irma Singer, a long-time volunteer at Baycrest moved to the nursing home in 2005 and lived there until she died in 2010. Mrs. Singer continued to volunteer, serving as a member of the residents’ council. Now her son says he wants to become a family mentor because of his mother’s positive experience. “She loved it here. I’ve got to continue in her footsteps.” TALKING ABOUT PALLIATIVE CARE The Baycrest Palliative Care team held its first conference in November, prompted by requests from nursing staff to create a venue for team members to share their inter-professional insight and expertise. A sold-out crowd of more than 130 people attended the conference, entitled Ending Well at End of Life. Dr. Daphna Grossman, deputy head of palliative care at Baycrest, said that palliative care often focusses on individuals with terminal cancer. “Here we have expertise in symptom control and management for many different terminal illnesses and specialized knowledge in the unique needs of our geriatric population.” ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 9 We Care WELCOMING A NEW SPIRITUAL LEADER STAYING ACTIVE KEY TO HEALTH As the new director of Spiritual Care at Baycrest, Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey Haber is building on the important contributions of Rabbi Dr. Nachum Berlat, who fulfilled the role for 25 years before retiring and is now senior chaplain emeritus and scholar-in-residence. For the past decade, the Marla & Aubrey Dan Endowment Fund has helped to enhance the quality of life for those who live in the Reuben Cipin Healthy Living Community at Baycrest by making social and wellness programs possible. Now a new program is focusing on improving the physical fitness of residents. Rabbi Dr. Haber has more than 20 years of pulpit experience in prominent synagogues in Canada and the United States, coupled with pastoral care, counselling and chaplaincy experience gained in hospitals, hospice, rehab and military settings. “I am delighted to be joining a premiere institution and leader in geriatric care,” he said. “Baycrest’s holistic and integrated approach to care addresses the complete human being in support of healthy aging. It is truly an example of kavod habriot, honoring God’s creations, and emphasizes Judaism’s respect for the elderly within our community.” A satellite service of the Health Promotion Department at Baycrest’s Wagman Centre, the program is designed to make exercise more accessible to residents. “Physical activity has countless benefits for older adults … Exercise contributes to brain health, the prevention and management of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and a decreased risk of falls,” said wellness coordinator Diana Colucci. “For older adults, it’s key to identify exercises that are appropriate and safe to help them reach their personal goals.” Rabbi Dr. Haber’s’ role is multi-denominational and helps promote interfaith dialogue at Baycrest. Rabbi Dr. Geoffrey Haber mind & body 10 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION TAKING HOME THE GOLD Baycrest is one of 10 healthcare organizations to receive a gold award for being a preferred place to work. The Quality Health Care Workplace Awards were launched in 2010 by the Ontario Hospital Association and the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The aim is to recognize efforts to improve the quality of work environments for staff and physicians, a determinant of high-performance in healthcare. Organizations are presented with bronze, silver, gold and platinum awards based on an assessment that encourages self-evaluation, learning and improvement. KEEPING SCORE Regularly monitoring how we are performing in key areas is essential for maintaining the highest standards of care at Baycrest. To that end, the Quality, Safety and Best Practice and eHealth departments have introduced the New Generation Quality Indicator MDS Scorecard. The scorecard provides summary data for the nursing home, complex continuing care, palliative care, behavioural neurology and rehabilitation. FORMER RESIDENT IS INSPIRATION FOR NEW THEATRE Residents of Baycrest no longer have to leave home to see a film. On March 14, Ellis Jacob, president and CEO of Cineplex Entertainment, and 180 of his family, friends and colleagues gathered at Baycrest to celebrate the grand opening of the Jacob Family Theatre in the Abe Posluns Auditorium at Baycrest. While his mother Tryphosa was a resident at Baycrest, Jacob arranged to have her taken to the movies once – sometimes twice – a week. After she died in 2010, the family decided to honour her memory by building a cinema for residents, clients, families and caregivers to enjoy on the Baycrest campus. Housed in the Abe Posluns Auditorium, the Jacob Family Theatre also serves as a global hub for Baycrest’s tele-health and tele-education programs, helping to change the experience of aging by enabling care at a distance and providing a forum for over 800 annual e-learning events among healthcare professionals worldwide. Ellis Jacob, president and CEO of Cineplex Entertainment. Members of the Jacob family along with Dr. William Reichman, president and CEO, Baycrest as well as Susan Sutton, president, Baycrest Foundation and vice-president, Global Institutional Advancement, at the official opening of the Jacob Family Theatre. From left are Resa Jacob, Sharyn Jacob, Lauren Jacob, Ellis Jacob, Susan Sutton, Dr. William Reichman, Joe Jacob, Lou Wolf and Simon Jacob. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 11 We Care today & tomorrow SPOTLIGHTING BEST PRACTICE In recognition of its expertise in elder care, research and education, Baycrest Health Sciences was selected in 2012 as a candidate for becoming a Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO). Partnering with the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), Baycrest nurses and their colleagues in other disciplines are working together to earn the right to join 51 international BPSOs. During this three-year initiative, inter-professional working groups will be implementing the RNAO’s best practice guidelines in five clinical areas of focus, including prevention of falls and injuries from falls, and screening for delirium, dementia and depression. The aim is to build capacity for translating evidence-based practice at the point of care. In November, some 50 nurses and allied health professionals from Baycrest attended the RNAO’s best practice champions’ workshop, where a toolkit for applying best practice guidelines was introduced. For its part, the advanced practice nursing team has organized skills training days where nurses work in small groups on case-based scenarios. “By aligning our clinical skills day with the BPSO initiative, we’re giving nurses at Baycrest the chance to learn more about the guidelines we’ll be implementing so that they’re engaged and involved in the process,” said advanced practice nurse Aysha Bandali. Award-winning personal support worker team, from left, Zion Fremichael, Paulette Williams, Donna Nakhid and Imelda Bowen. 47 Recognition Awards presented this year ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 13 We Care 550+ Nurses trained at Baycrest last year. ENHANCING SENIORS' CARE A commitment to providing the best possible care begins with frontline staff, and 17 of Baycrest’s nurses are leading the way for their peers. Newly qualified with the Canadian Nursing Association’s geriatric specialty certification, the nurses were honoured at a celebration last July. The 17 were sponsored by Baycrest to pursue the certification. Weekly exam preparation workshops, coordinated by an advanced practice leader, provided a forum for structured learning and support. “We want to take down as many barriers as possible for our nurses to succeed,” said Anne Marie Shin, director of Nursing. “Sponsorship is just one way to encourage professional development and continue the trend of knowledge sharing.” VETERAN NURSES ADVANCING PRACTICE Eight registered nurses and registered practical nurses at Baycrest are putting the knowledge they’ve gained over many years to good use on projects that will advance the practice of nursing. The eight are the first at Baycrest to participate in the Late Career Nursing Initiative, funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. The program gives experienced nurses the opportunity to step away from bedside care one day a week for 12 weeks to work on projects like mentoring, evaluation and quality improvement. “As seasoned nurses we have a lot of `gold nuggets’ we can share – knowledge that’s not possible to put into books,” said Lucie Holynaty, a 39-year nursing veteran and program participant. “Nothing beats experience.” The late career program is aligned with the Best Practice Spotlight Organization initiative, a three-year quality improvement project that will see six best practice guidelines implemented in the hospital and nursing home. 14 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION CAFÉ SETTING PROMOTES LEARNING In the fall 2012 issue of “The Standard,” published by the College of Nurses of Ontario, Baycrest’s nursing leadership was recognized for promoting a quality workplace for staff and a quality care setting for clients. “Baycrest is a learning organization grounded in quality improvement,” said Mary Lou Ip, director of Care, the Complex Specialized Geriatrics Program, and Inpatient Units. “The QA Café aligns with our values.” The article showcased the QA (Quality Assurance) Café, a weekly forum where our nurses discuss learning goals and trade “recipes” for success. Fun and informal, the setting is complete with checkered tablecloths and aprons for nursing leaders who are “serving cups of knowledge,” explained Sue Calabrese, an advanced practice leader. The forum helps nurses complete the College’s quality assurance program. In a survey, 80 per cent reported that they now feel more prepared to fulfill the requirements, and 90 per cent said they better understand the importance of reflection in developing their learning goals. BAYCREST CELEBRATES NURSES Fela Lichtblau and her son, Mark, were pleased to meet with award recipients Mary Lou Ip and Roxana Nagra to thank them for their excellent work. Fela and Saul Lichtblau knew that nurses play a key role in providing high quality care to clients and that excellence in caring can be rewarded and further enhanced by the pursuit of knowledge and professional growth. Through their generosity, the Fela and Saul Lichtblau Excellence in Caring and Leadership Award in nursing education was established in 1987. The first award of its kind at Baycrest, it has since been awarded to 91 recipients. The 2012 awards honoured the work of Mary Lou Ip, Director of Care, Complex & Specialized Geriatrics Program Inpatient Units; Roxana Nagra, RN, Slow Stream Rehab, 7E; Jing Tao, RPN, Mental Health, 4E; and Anna Yuniaeva, RPN, Complex Continuing Care, 5W. Congratulations to this year’s recipients with thanks to the Lichtblau family for their generosity and vision. “Nurses are not only essential, but central to the coordination and provision of care for our clients.” Carol Anderson, vice-president, Clinical Programs, and chief nursing executive today & tomorrow ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 15 We Discover clues & solutions GROUND-BREAKING RESEARCH Scientists at Baycrest's world-renowned Rotman Research Institute (RRI) published more than 125 research studies in peer-reviewed journals last year. Using distraction to boost memory. According to research by Dr. Lynn Hasher and graduate student Renee Biss, older brains automatically process both irrelevant and relevant information in the environment. Using strategies that rely on this extra information, older adults can perform as well as younger adults on memory tests. This finding could help mature students, and lead to placing distractions in homes or nursing homes that serve as cues for things like when to take a medication, even if the cues are not consciously noticed. Tonal languages may prime the brain for music. RRI scientists have found that speaking a tonal language – found mainly in Asia, Africa and South America – may improve how the brain hears music. The finding that music and language – which share overlapping brain structures – have two-way benefits, offers exciting possibilities for the rehabilitation of speech and language deficits. The study was widely covered in the media, including in The New York Times. Who is best at impulse control? Using brain image analysis tools developed at RRI, a team of neuroscientists has been able to predict with 71 percent accuracy people who are likely to be better or poorer at impulse control based on patterns of brain activity. A better understanding of these brain processes could lead to interventions and training regimens that help improve self-control. Rotman Research Institute (RRI) scientist Dr. Jean Chen is applying fMRI (imaging) techniques to the study of brain function and the development of new therapies. 100+ worldwide RRI collaborative research projects ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 17 We Discover HARNESSING THE BRAIN’S POWER TO HEAL ITSELF Last March, 400 scientists, clinicians and academics from all over the world met in Toronto for a three-day conference hosted by the Rotman Research Institute (RRI). The meeting focused on important findings in two related fields – brain plasticity and neurorehabilitation – which are yielding new ways to help people affected by stroke, traumatic brain injury, dementia, Parkinson’s disease and depression. Brain plasticity is the ability of the brain and nervous system to change or reorganize over time. Research is now showing that, under the right circumstances, plasticity can allow an injured brain and nervous system to self-heal. Neurorehabilitation refers to therapies that improve quality of life after brain damage occurs. Specific types of training and brain stimulation combined with behavioural therapy are used. The goal is to restore lost or damaged functions such as speech or comprehension, or to help people compensate by enhancing other skills. “We believe this is the next exciting frontier in medicine,” said conference co-chair Dr. Deirdre Dawson, a senior scientist at RRI. “Our progress 125+ articles published by Rotman Research Institute scientists last year. 18 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION in treating many neurological and psychiatric disorders is rooted in understanding the basic mechanisms of neuroplasticity.” Although the idea that the brain can change is not new, evidence showing these changes in the adult brain is more recent. The belief was that therapy for people with brain damage was restricted to helping them compensate for their difficulties and learning to accept their limitations. But there is now clear evidence that the adult brain can alter existing neural pathways and even create new ones. This holds enormous implications for the diagnosis, treatment and management of many health problems. “This year’s conference shows our commitment to translational research by bringing eminent scientists from all over the world to discuss not only the foundational science of cognition and memory, but its enormous potential for rehabilitation,” said Dr. Randy McIntosh, vice-president of Research and director of the RRI. BEST CARE BASED ON BEST EVIDENCE The Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied & Evaluative Research Unit (KLAERU) will play an instrumental role in the realization of Baycrest's new strategic plan, specifically the development and implementation of a clinical and translational research platform integrated with education and care. KLAERU is a centralized research resource made up of consultants knowledgeable in the design and conduct of research. Members provide assistance and expertise to support clinical, evaluative and translational research at Baycrest. With the help of KLAERU, our clinical care is guided by the best research evidence. Careful evaluation of clinical outcomes and experiences – at both individual and program levels – enable and accelerate the development of new programs and treatments for memory disorders and for aging well. FESTIVAL SHOWCASES NEUROSCIENCE In October, the RRI hosted a weeklong research festival showcasing its world-leading science that seeks to learn more about the human brain, how it changes, adapts and recovers over time – discoveries that are reshaping the experience of aging. Eye tracker tool used to investigate how memory works. A highlight of the event was a panel discussion, hosted by AM 740 Radio’s Dale Goldhawk who engaged three of our experts in a lively discussion about the importance of habits such as walking in nature and eating healthy foods for keeping our cognitive powers and overall mental health in good shape as we age. Festival visitors met with our scientists, some of whom had recently published evidence-based books on ways to maintain a healthy brain into old age. Students from Bakersfield Public School were treated to lab demonstrations and explanations about how neuroscientists study the brain. They were especially fascinated by a demonstration of eye tracking equipment used to determine how memories are created, stored and retrieved and how these processes change with age or brain damage. “The festival was a terrific opportunity to engage our many stakeholders, from philanthropists to industry partners, government officials, our staff, teachers and students, and those from the community who volunteer their time to participate in research studies at our labs,” said Dr. Randy McIntosh, vice-president of Research and director of the RRI. FUTURE-THINKING DONORS SUPPORT BAYCREST’S VIRTUAL BRAIN Baycrest scientists, along with collaborators from 10 sites and three continents, are leading the development of the world’s first Virtual Brain: an integrated computer model of a fully functioning human brain. Gianna and Dr. Max Glassman generously donated $1 million to Baycrest’s Virtual Brain project. Walter Zwig, Tony Zwig and Thea Caplan appreciate the Virtual Brain project. Their wife and mother, Helen, lived with Parkinson's disease and after her passing in 2012, the Zwig family generously donated $100,000 toward the project, which will help test experimental brain therapies on a computer to treat people like Helen and others suffering from brain-related diseases. Dr. Max Glassman and his wife Gianna were inspired by Baycrest’s lead role in the development of the Virtual Brain, and were moved to become founding donors by giving $1 million to the project after attending Baycrest’s 2012 Research Festival. The Glassmans have a long history with Baycrest and are proud to support innovations that will change the face of healthcare in Canada and around the world. “I believe there is a very real possibility that one day the Nobel Prize will be awarded to Baycrest for their brilliant research on memory, Alzheimer’s and cognition,” said Dr. Glassman. “The need for Baycrest’s services and research is mushrooming. I don’t see our work as done. It is really only beginning and I am confident Baycrest will become the icon for brain pathology, prevention and therapy worldwide.” ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 19 We Discover NHL LEGENDS HIT THE ICE FOR THE SCOTIABANK PRO-AM FOR ALZHEIMER’S Baycrest’s premiere hockey tournament, the Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s™, offers everyday fans the opportunity to play with NHL legends while raising funds for Alzheimer’s and related dementias. More than 1400 hockey enthusiasts participated in the 2012 events, which were held in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary and Toronto, earning them the right to lace up with hockey legends including Doug Gilmour, Bryan Trottier, Wendel Clark and Lanny McDonald. The tournaments raised over $5.5 million for Alzheimer’s research, pushing the seven-year total to over $20.5 million. Dr. William Reichman, president and CEO, Baycrest, Susan Sutton, president, Baycrest Foundation and vice-president, Global Institutional Advancement, and NHL alumnus Doug Gilmour enjoy Draft Night festivities at the 2012 Scotiabank Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s™ in Toronto. BAYCREST ON THE HILL “Brain failure is not inevitable with aging,” Dr. Bill Reichman, president and CEO of Baycrest, told members of parliament during a visit to Ottawa in November. “Our cognitive health and how it holds up is greatly influenced by lifestyle habits from childhood to old age.” Prevention through public awareness, support for caregivers, and investment in research are needed to slow a rising tide of brain failure that will place an enormous burden on the system, families and the workplace, he said. For its part, Baycrest is developing computer-based cognitive training tools to strengthen young brains, fortify older brains, and repair damage from stroke and early-stage Alzheimer’s. "Public and private sector research and development investment in translating research into products that support healthy brain aging is critical for enabling Canada to compete in – and potentially lead – the global market for agingrelated technologies, products and services," said Dr. Reichman. Garry Foster (far left), chair of Baycrest’s board of directors, and Jordan Banks (far right), Baycrest board member and managing director of Facebook Canada, celebrate with the members of Team Frontal Lobes which included MPs Elizabeth May, Justin Trudeau, Kirsty Duncan and Dominic Leblanc. The team won the first annual Great Canadian Brain Games, a Jeopardy-style contest hosted by Baycrest and MP Mark Adler on November 1 to showcase Baycrest’s expertise and knowledge. 20 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Kristina Backer is a third-year PhD student participating in a training program in Dr. Claude Alain’s lab. WHY VIVID MEMORIES FEEL VERY REAL A vivid memory of an experience triggers the same brain activation pattern observed during the original experience, scientists at the Rotman Research Insitite and the University of Texas at Dallas have shown. “When we mentally replay an episode, it can feel like we are transported back in time and re-living that moment,” said RRI scientist and study author, Dr. Bradley Buchsbaum. The findings, he noted, could help doctors quantify more accurately a patient’s self-report of their memory as “being good or vivid.” ART MEETS SCIENCE TRAINING WITH EXPERTS The recent “Brain Lane” exhibit at the Ontario Science Centre’s !dea Gallery featured banners created by students from OCAD University depicting the complex and cutting-edge brain science conducted at the Rotman Research Institute. The students used a variety of techniques, incorporating photography, computergenerated graphics, textiles, block printing, silk screening and watercolour painting. As one of the world’s leading neuroscience research centres, the Rotman Research Institute offers students opportunities to work with and learn from some of the top scientists in their fields. One example is the Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) program that arranges for summer students to train in auditory neuroscience at various centres across the country. Another is the European Union program, Erasmus Mundus, which places students from 30 countries in labs across Europe, Canada and the United States. At Baycrest, RRI scientist Dr. Claude Alain welcomes five to 10 summer students, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows into his lab each year from both programs. Students participate in a range of activities, from observing our scientists at work to analyzing data to working independently on their own projects. clues & solutions ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 21 We Educate teaching & training Baycrest hosted 800 tele-education sessions last year, in Ontario and more than 10 countries worldwide, on topics such as dementia, depression, aphasia, clinical ethics and post-stroke management. ENHANCING FRONTLINE SKILLS As more seniors with complex illnesses move into long-term care facilities there is a growing urgency to ensure frontline professionals are well prepared to care for them. In February, the inaugural conference of the province’s three Centres for Learning, Research and Innovation (LRI) in Long-Term Care was held in Toronto. More than 185 executives, managers, educators and health professionals gathered from across Ontario and the United States to discuss strategies for ensuring those delivering care receive the latest, evidence-based training. The event was hosted by Baycrest Health Sciences, Bruyère Continuing Care and Schlegel Villages – organizations charged with developing a new approach to teaching in long-term care homes. “An important part of our mandate is not only to increase our capacity for research and innovation within the system, but also to enhance skills and core competencies for frontline workers across the province,” said Dr. Paul Katz, vice-president, Medical Services and chief of staff at Baycrest, and executive co-lead of the Baycrest Centre for LRI. On the theme of education, experts gave presentations, delivered workshops, and participated in a panel discussion. “Education is a crucial part of enhancing the quality of care we provide, particularly when it comes to translating knowledge into best practices,” said Dr. David Conn, vice-president of Education at Baycrest and executive co-lead of the Baycrest Centre for LRI. 200 staff and physicians serve as educators and mentors. 1,100 students trained last year Teaching tomorrow’s professionals Developing new brain scientists Mentoring promising students Sharing Supporting brain healthy living knowledge and expertise ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 23 We Educate The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange at Baycrest has launched a web site at CELEBRATING TEACHING EXCELLENCE In March, 20 Baycrest educators were presented with outstanding achievement awards. One winner, physiotherapist and education coordinator Myrna Benderoff, noted that “while we teach the students, they teach us too.” In his opening remarks, Dr. Bill Reichman, president and CEO, said that while the awards being presented that day recognize excellence, “everyone who teaches at Baycrest is a winner.” The event was sponsored by Evelyn Burns Weinrib, a long-time Baycrest supporter and volunteer. Dr. William Reichman, president and CEO (left), presents a teaching award to Max Lam, a registered medical radiation technologist and one of 20 educators who were honoured on March 21. TRAINING CHINESE STUDENTS In China it’s called the “silver tsunami” of aging. More than 178 million people are already 60 or over in a country where the aging population is growing fast and the specialty of geriatrics is still in its infancy. living facility. “Two weeks ago I came to Toronto for my first time and I barely knew anything about geriatrics … but I learned a lot,” said one student. Another student noted that the most important thing he learned is that “innovation is actually the seeking of excellence.” Last October, 10 top medical students from the Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) – the so called “Harvard” of China – came to Baycrest for two weeks of training in cutting-edge seniors care. This is the first step in what is planned as a longer-term education and business relationship with PUMC. The students job-shadowed physicians, attended lectures on topics such as psychiatric issues in long-term care, ethics in geriatric care and Montessori methods for dementia management. They also spent time in our Innovation, Technology and Design Lab and at our Terraces assisted 24 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Baycrest’s deputy head of Palliative Care Dr. Daphna Grossman tends to a patient with PUMC medical students Xiaoxiao Shi (centre) and Zitong Li. MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR BEQUEST EDUCATES THE NEXT GENERATION Hilda Rodda deeply appreciated the exemplary care that her grandmother, Habiba, received at Baycrest after suffering a stroke. Having established the Allan & Elizabeth Rodda endowment fund in 1991 to support Baycrest’s most pressing needs, Hilda later decided to include Baycrest in her will. Hilda Rodda created The Allan and Elizabeth Rodda Student Centre to help educate the next generation of healthcare professionals. When she passed away in January 2013, Hilda left Baycrest a remarkable multi-million dollar bequest to establish the Allan and Elizabeth Rodda Student Centre, the Allan and Elizabeth Rodda Simulation Laboratory and to contribute to the Baycrest Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange in Aging. We thank donors like Hilda Rodda who make Baycrest a living part of their legacy. TEACHING GERIATRICS 101 A core course in geriatrics, taught by Baycrest experts, examines how long-term care services are delivered in Ontario, and looks at career requirements and opportunities. Core philosophies, practice principles, as well as clinical competencies are explored. The first module has been piloted with 42 internal and external personal support workers and nurses. LEARNING THE RIGHT SKILLS FOR DEMENTIA CARE Supporting the Behavioural Support for Seniors Program are two inter-provider learning units located in the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged. Developed by Baycrest’s Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation (LRI) in LongTerm Care, the training is for staff from other nursing homes as well as for students, including personal support workers. ADOPTING THE MONTESSORI METHOD PARTNERING IN EDUCATION More than 200 Apotex Centre staff have received training in Montessori Methods for Dementia™. Based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s original approaches to children’s education, “these methods focus on providing meaningful and purposeful engagement, while also combatting disability through activities based on the individual’s needs, interests, skills and abilities to not only maintain function, but to enhance it,” said Raquel Meyer, manager of the Centre for Learning, Research and Innovation. Baycrest is part of an education consortium charged with enhancing the knowledge and expertise of caregivers, primary care practitioners, long-term care staff, community health service providers and acute care personnel. The consortium is comprised of Baycrest, the Reitman Centre at Mount Sinai Hospital, the Regional Geriatric Program and the Alzheimer’s Society of Toronto. teaching & training ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 25 We Educate consumers & community FOOD FOR THOUGHT The world’s first science-based cookbook for the brain offers a feast of information on nutrition and cognitive health. MINDfull features 100 health-promoting recipes and includes contributions from Mark McEwan, Michael Smith and other Canadian celebrity chefs. Recipes are paired with practical information from author Dr. Carol Greenwood, professor of nutritional science and a senior scientist with Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute. Dr. Greenwood and co-authors Daphna Rabinovitch and Joanna Gryfe explain what we should be eating to optimize brain health and healthy aging – always ensuring that their advice can be easily adapted by the busy home cook. A joint initiative of the Baycrest Foundation and Cognciti, MINDfull is available online and will be published in hardcopy by Harper Collins Canada in fall, 2013. Scientist Carol Greenwood dishes up a nutritious, fibre-rich curried lentil and wheatberry salad with mango. 100+ recipes ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 27 We Educate KEEPING MEMORY ALIVE Anne McAndrew (pictured below) works hard to preserve her memory. The retired nurse learned techniques to help her do that in a unique program at Baycrest. “Learning the Ropes for Mild Cognitive Impairment” provides evidence-based strategies for improving memory function in everyday life. Participants learn about the negative effects of stress on memory, and the benefits of relaxation, nutrition and physical exercise. The program also educates family members, which Bob McAndrew, Anne’s husband, has found very helpful in supporting his wife. Anne learned that the act of writing something down would help her remember. She has organized her house so that she knows where things are, and repeats information she wants to recall – for instance, saying “ice-cream” over and over while heading to the kitchen for a treat. She uses other prescribed methods to help ward off further deterioration – staying socially engaged, preparing and eating nutritious meals, and remaining active. Her advice to others who might be worried about memory deficits is to “not eat a lot of junk … and keep interested in everything.” WHAT’S NORMAL, WHAT’S NOT Memory loss is a frightening prospect. One in ten adults over 65 has some form of mild cognitive impairment or MCI – thinking problems that go beyond the normal, but fall short of the serious impairments experienced by people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. “There isn’t much awareness of what normal cognitive aging looks like. This can make it difficult for people to put their memory concerns in perspective, said Dr. Nicole Anderson, a clinical neuropsychologist and senior scientist at RRI. A recent well-received book by Dr. Anderson and two Baycrest colleagues – Dr. Kelly Murphy, clinical neuropsychologist and Dr. Angela Troyer, professional practice chief of psychology – describes what’s normal and what’s not when it comes to the brain changes we A MEANINGFUL BEQUEST Dr. Michael Gordon is the former vice-president of Medical Services and head of Geriatrics at Baycrest. Currently the medical program director of Palliative Care, Dr. Gordon believes so strongly in the work we are doing, he has named Baycrest in his will. 28 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION experience as we age. Written for consumers, “Living with MCI” explores a condition considered to be a border zone between normal age-related changes and the mental decline that happens with dementia. Published by Oxford University Press and available at major booksellers, the book uses real life examples to help readers determine whether or not their cognitive changes are within the normal range and when they should see their doctor. “I’ve been involved with Baycrest for 35 years and during that time I’ve seen incredible growth and development,” he said. Dr. Gordon and his wife Gilda Berger regularly contribute to an endowment fund in his parents’ name and he has named Baycrest the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. Funds from his legacy gift will support education for medical trainees studying geriatric care and medical ethics. SUPPORTING MCI RESEARCH HELPING KIDS UNDERSTAND DEMENTIA Touched by his sister’s painful journey through Alzheimer’s, Morris Goldenberg made a bequest in his will to establish an endowment fund in support of research into mild cognitive impairment, considered a precursor to dementia. A Baycrest clinician-scientist has produced an online activity book to help young children cope with the devastating condition of early-onset dementia in a parent. Dr. Kelly Murphy treats patients living with MCI, but the Morris Goldenberg Endowment Fund allows her to also conduct research on the aging brain. “Because of the clinical aspect of my position, I’m able to translate my research into clinical practice at Baycrest,” she explains. “It’s wonderful to be able to test out theories from basic research. When we think we’re on to something, we can make sure we’re on the right path.” Sydney Goldenberg, Morris’s eldest son, said he receives “reports and updates” on the research. “I’m in my 70s now – we’re all facing the cognitive risks of aging and it’s nice to know that MCI is a frontier that has been identified and that profoundly important work is being done at Baycrest.” WELLNESS LIBRARY GOES GLOBAL The Anne E. and Louis Pritzker Wellness Library at Baycrest is partnering with the Toronto Public Library to broadcast its health information lectures online. “We believe that knowledge is the essential basis of informed decisions in healthcare,” said Mary McDiarmid, manager of Library Services. “This partnership … will help Baycrest’s in-house health experts reach an audience beyond the city’s borders.” BOOK FEATURES INSPIRING PATIENT STORIES As a behavioural neurologist in the Sam and Ida Ross Memory Clinic at Baycrest, Dr. Tiffany Chow has counseled hundreds of patients and families living with dementia. In an acclaimed new book published by Penguin Canada, she tells moving stories from her practice in the clinic and throughout her career. “I wrote the book for caregivers who are starting this difficult phase of life with dementia in a loved one and want to learn strategies for coping from those who’ve been down this road before,” said Dr. Chow, a senior scientist with the Rotman Research Institute. “I also wrote the book for aging boomers who are worried about getting dementia and want to learn the best ways to reduce risk based on the latest available scientific evidence.” Using cartoon characters, the book has children follow clues to understanding frontotemporal degeneration (FTD), a form of dementia that can strike adults as early as their 50s while they are still working and raising young children. Dr. Chow, an expert in diagnosing and treating early-onset dementias, created the book with Gail Elliot, a gerontologist and dementia specialist at Atomic Orange Productions, a service provider of interactive toys and games. A person with FTD will begin to behave in an odd and disruptive way as the condition worsens – which can be frightening for young children. “I think children, regardless of age, are distressed by illness in a parent, but with FTD there are completely foreign behaviours or personality changes,” said Dr. Chow. consumers & community ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 29 We Innovate products & markets AT HOME MEMORY TESTING With the incidence of Alzheimer’s set to triple over the next 40 years, baby boomers want to know if they are at risk, and Baycrest scientists have found an innovative way to help them find out. A consumer-focused computer application – the first of its kind to be scientifically-validated – allows users to test their own cognitive abilities. Currently being pilot-tested, the application will be unveiled to the public later this year by Baycrest spin-out company, Cogniciti. Ranked among the “top radical ideas to kick-start the economy” by Canadian Business magazine, the online tool helps answer that pressing question: “Are my memory and cognitive changes a normal part of aging, or should I see my doctor?” LEVERAGING EXPERTISE Through its strategic relationship with Baycrest Health Sciences, Baycrest Global Solutions Inc. helps healthcare providers deliver evidence-based geriatric programming, therapies, education and technologies deriving from innovations that strengthen the aging brain. Are my memory changes within the normal range or should I see my doctor? 3x increase in Alzheimer’s over 40 years ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 31 We Innovate products & markets EASING CARE TRANSITIONS Transitioning patients from one care setting to another can be challenging for healthcare teams and stressful for clients and families, particularly if there’s a behavioural concern. By themselves, discharge notes and medical records cannot provide a complete picture of a client’s needs. Taking a design approach, the Innovation Technology and Design Lab at Baycrest developed a technological solution that includes video capture, teleconferencing and a “cloud” portal to store the videos. In a pilot study, the group tested the video component with six clients who were transferred from Baycrest’s Behavioural Neurology Unit to long-term care homes. The videos showed how clients interacted with others, engaged in activities and responded to methods used to manage their behaviors. Care providers at the nursing homes noted that the videos “communicated patients’ abilities much more clearly than written summaries,” said Bianca Stern, director of Culture, Arts and Innovation. “They helped staff see the person behind the challenging behaviours.” 32 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION PATIENTS RECORD THEIR OWN SYMPTOMS Using computer tablets, patients in the palliative care unit at Baycrest Hospital can now report on their own health status each day – their degree of pain, for example, or their appetite, mood or energy level. The information is automatically uploaded into the hospital’s electronic health record system where it is graphed and displayed over time, helping doctors and nurses monitor changes in the patient’s well-being. Created by programmers in Baycrest’s eHealth department, the application is based on a questionnaire commonly used by clinicians to assess palliative patients’ health status. Allowing patients to enter their own data into the record system minimizes the risk of errors and helps to reduce staff workload. In the future, patients may help to manage their own care electronically by entering and monitoring information such as their blood pressure readings using wireless devices connected to their own charts. BAYCREST LEADS ASIA TRADE MISSION Baycrest headed up a trade mission to Asia last November at the request of the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation. The mission team – which included the University of Toronto, Health Technology Exchange, Stantec and SHI Consulting/Capital – visited businesses in Singapore and Japan where several potential opportunities were identified. Baycrest leaders took the time to revisit China to discuss additional business opportunities in geriatrics training and care delivery. Baycrest’s first Chinese business contract was with Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) which brought 10 medical students and two faculty members here for two weeks of training in October. “Sharing Baycrest’s expertise and knowledge with other countries around the world represents a potential and much-needed source of revenue for our own campus so that we can do more for the community we care for,” said president and CEO Dr. Bill Reichman. NURSING HOME RESIDENTS EMBRACE TECHNOLOGY When Albert Soren was born 95 years ago the telephone was still a relatively new invention. Today, Soren has a desktop computer with an Internet connection set up in his room in the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged. Due to a sight impairment, he is not able to surf the Internet himself, but with the help of a volunteer, he corresponds by email and looks up information online. A recreation room in the Apotex has a computer equipped with PointerWare, a user interface designed for seniors. Bette Risen, 94, began using the computer two years ago. Her favourite online activity is playing the game Deal or no Deal. And she keeps in touch with family through email. “It was totally new to me,” she said. “I think it’s wonderful.” “Engaging with this technology is a great way to keep the mind active and it helps people stay connected (some use Skype) with their families,” said recreation therapist Mara Swartz. “It’s also empowering for residents. They’re able to find information and gain knowledge about anything they’re interested in, including medical conditions, medications and how to stay healthy.” Dr. William Reichman, president and CEO of Baycrest and Dr. Yixin Zeng, president of PUMC, with PUMC faculty and students in Beijing. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 33 We Inspire heart & soul Students from the graphic design and advertising program at the Ontario College of Art and Design University created these posters and stamps as visual interpretations of research being done by scientists at the Rotman Research Institute. THE HEALING POWER OF ART In July, the Innovation, Technology and Design (ITD) lab at Baycrest Health Sciences hosted a think tank on the role of arts in healthcare. The lab is developing new approaches to care delivery that could potentially transform nursing homes in the future. Nothing short of a “broad, ideological shift” is needed to build on what we are currently doing to fully integrate the arts into our healthcare model, said social worker and researcher Melissa Tafler. “Creative expression is essential to the concept of successful aging.” Baycrest is well poised to take arts in healthcare to the next level. It has a strong foundation of arts-based programming for clients across the campus, a thriving partnership with faculty and students at OCAD University and the Royal Conservatory of Music, in addition to three creative arts studios, arts-based scientific research, and a large collection of donated art displayed throughout its buildings. “For people with cognitive impairment, there may be ways to engage them more fully through the arts,” said Bianca Stern, director of Culture, Arts and Innovation. “Let’s challenge our assumptions about the way we do things with clients, and explore new approaches.” 3 creative arts studios at Baycrest We Inspire Painting on wheels: In July, a visiting artist from Saskatoon, Jeff Nachtigall, shared some of his innovative techniques to help people who use wheelchairs express themselves through painting. CELEBRATING OUR MUSICAL CULTURE SPARKING MEMORIES Ranging in age from 85 to 100, the Baycrest Terraces Musical Theatre Group recently entertained a full house in the assembly hall at Baycrest’s assisted living facility with a spirited performance celebrating Jewish culture. Children’s shoes, a brooch in the shape of the Star of David, a pair of candlesticks—these are just a few of the artifacts used to spark the memories and stories of Baycrest clients in an oral history and storytelling project, Journey Through Memory. The concert included folk songs, folklore and a dance performed by the professional troupe, the Nirkoda Israeli and Jewish Dancers. Group founder and Terraces resident Yankle Gladstone wrote the script and directed the chorus. “We’re very focused on expressing a youthful spirit,” he said. “We are constantly celebrating life.” The project was developed by students from the Master’s of Museum Studies Program at the University of Toronto who completed internships with Baycrest’s Department of Culture, Arts and Innovation. The students presented the artifacts to six clients as a means of opening up a dialogue. Despite varying levels of cognitive ability, each client shared stories of his or her life. These were captured on video and made available for viewing earlier this year in the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged. 36 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION heart & soul TAKING AN “ART” WALK Baycrest is filled with a wonderful and eclectic collection of art. Its Art Walk program is divided into three sections. Each has its own theme and is located in one area on the main floor. Clients and families can tour the floor guided by booklets showing where each piece is situated. One of the booklets focuses on sculpture, including the piece shown here, and discusses shape and form. GLEE CLUB DEBUTS AT THE APOTEX The light-filled Winter Garden in the Apotex Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged served as the perfect concert hall for the debut performance in December of Buddy’s Glee Club II. Led by music therapist Chrissy Pearson, the choir brings together residents from across the Apotex, including some who are cognitively well and others with cognitive impairment. The glee club is part of the second phase of a music therapy research study led by senior music therapist Amy Clements-Cortes. Both phases of the study are made possible by a donation from Margaret Nightingale in honour of her late husband Buddy, and by a grant from the Association for Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AIRS). The study is investigating how singing in a choir may benefit the health and wellness of older adults. Choristers met once a week for 20 weeks, singing a broad range of songs, from traditional Yiddish and Hebrew folk songs to show tunes, and even some popular favourites by artists like Johnny Cash and the Beatles. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 37 We Support community & donors Dancing with our Stars Season 4’s dancers kick up their heels in support of Baycrest Health Sciences. DANCING WITH OUR STARS GALA SHINES BRIGHT Season 4 of Baycrest’s Dancing with our Stars saw Toronto’s elite come out in support of brain health. Thanks to dancers Margaret Nightingale, Nicole Inwentash, David Purdy and Joshua Wise, the event raised $750,000 for Baycrest research, education and care. A glamorous evening with an impressive turnout, the night featured co-hosts Dina Pugliese and Kevin Frankish of CityTV’s Breakfast Television and celebrity judges Jake Gold, Tracy Moore and Jordan Clark, who delighted the crowd with their reviews of each performance. Guests were treated to entertaining routines by each dancer and foods from our MINDfull cookbook, and they mingled with friends and colleagues while raising money for an organization very close to their hearts. Todah Raba 10 Year Plan for growth Baycrest Board of Directors, Honourary Directors, Executive Team and Medical Staff 2012-2013 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Secretary Carol Anderson (March 14, 2013 to present) Jordan Banks Jane Barratt Jeffrey Blidner Garry M. Foster Paul Godfrey Ellis Jacob Paul Katz Jack Kay Robert C. Kay Warren Kimel Manfred Koo Brian Mirsky Sioban Nelson Gili Rosen William E. Reichman Marla Shapiro Pekka Sinervo John Soloninka Karima Velji (April 1, 2012 to March 14, 2013) Catharine Whiteside Jakov Zaidman Pekka Sinervo OFFICERS Chair, Board of Directors Baycrest Centre Garry M. Foster Vice-Chair Baycrest Centre Treasurer Ellis Jacob President and Chief Executive Officer William E. Reichman Honourary Directors Tobie Bekhor Stephen Cole Sydney C. Cooper Ephraim Diamond* Edwin Goldstein Edwin A. Goodman* Fred Karp Sydney Loftus* Geoffrey Matus Florence Minz Wilfred Posluns* Sam Ross* Joseph Rotman Sam Ruth* Marvin Sadowski Lionel Schipper Norman Schipper Barry Sherman Honey Sherman Louis Siminovitch Fran Sonshine Lawrence Tanenbaum EXECUTIVE TEAM President & Chief Executive Officer Vice-President, Research and Director, Rotman Research Institute William E. Reichman Randy McIntosh Vice-President, Clinical Programs & Chief Nursing Executive Vice-President, Innovation & Chief Technology Officer Carol Anderson Ron Riesenbach Vice-President, Education & Director, Centre for Education Vice-President, Global Institutional Advancement and President, The Baycrest Centre Foundation David Conn Vice-President, Residential Programs, Memory and Neurotherapeutics and Mental Health Linda Jackson Susan Sutton MEDICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Co-Chairs Vice-President, Medical Services & Chief of Staff Paul Katz Gili Rosen Paul Katz Members Vice-President, Strategy & Chief Human Resources Officer Carol Anderson Tiffany Chow David Conn Sid Feldman Morris Freedman Terumi Izukawa Rita Kandel Robert Madan Randy McIntosh Giulia Perri William E. Reichman Joni Kent Vice-President, Finance & Support Services Brian Mackie * deceased Paul Godfrey Baycrest Foundation Board of Directors 2012-2013 Chair Warren Kimel President Susan Sutton Board of Directors Ronald Appleby Cheryl Appleby Jackson Tobie Bekhor Brian Bloom Golda Brown Hilda Cohen John Doig Andrew Duckman Harvey Frisch Laurence Goldstein Joseph Gottdenker Jonathan Graff 40 Molline Green Lorne Greenspoon Mira Koschitzky Anita Lapidus Michael Levy Randolph Masters Harley Mintz William Moir Margaret Nightingale David Posluns Philip Reichmann Ian Rosmarin Gerald Ross Jeffery Ross Honey Sherman Shari Silverstein Gerald Slan Peter Slan BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Honourary Directors Ex-Officio Edwin Goldstein Harry Gorman Barbara Hania Barry Sherman Garry M. Foster Robert Harlang Brian Mackie Geoffrey Matus William E. Reichman 2012/2013 Baycrest Financial Summary Year Ended March 31, 2013 REVENUE BY ORGANIZATION 4% Other EXPENSES BY ORGANIZATION 53% Hospital 29% Apotex 26% Apotex 6% Terraces/Wagman 6% Terraces/Wagman EXPENSES BY TYPE SOURCES OF REVENUE 6% Other Grants 13% Client Revenues 10% Foundation Grants 2% Commercial Activities 48% Hospital 12% Research 11% Research 5% Other Revenue 5% Other 64% Provincial Grants 1% Interest Expenses 73% Salaries & Benefits 4% Depreciation 19% Operating Expenses 3% Medical Supplies/Drugs For a copy of Baycrest’s audited financial statements, call Public Affairs, 416-785-2500, ext. 2645. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 41 2012/2013 Baycrest Financial Summary Year Ended March 31, 2013 RESEARCH DIVISION REVENUES 2012-2013 2% Other Funding Federal & Provincial Overhead 3% Sundry & Misc. Income 35% Foundation Grants 51% Peer Reviewed Grants Other Funding 6% CBF - MRI Restricted Grants 2% Amortization 1% Peer Reviewed Grants Misc. Income GROWTH IN PEER-REVIEWED GRANTS 2004-2013 ($000'S) 04 $5,068 05 $5,117 06 $6,269 07 08 09 10 11 12 $8,361 $6,966 $7,296 $6,786 $7,161 $7,402 13 RESEARCH PEER-REVIEWED GRANTS Growth in external sources of research grant funding from 2004 to 2013. * Fiscal 2007 includes equivalent of 18 months of funding for multi-institutional project. 42 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION $7,850 2012/2013 Baycrest Foundation Financial Summary Year Ended March 31, 2013 SOURCES OF FUNDRAISING REVENUE 21% Major Gifts 28% Planned Giving 20% Direct Marketing 31% Events TOTAL ASSETS 2008-2013 ($ thousands) $112,409 08 $128,744 $128,643 11 12 13 $17,424 $10,825 $2,709 $8,513 10 11 12 13 $20,452 $20,099 $22,200 11 12 13 $109,526 $124,889 09 10 $131,737 INVESTMENT INCOME (2008 - 2013) ($ thousands - gross) $586 ($12,987) 08 09 FUNDRAISING REVENUES 2008-2013 ($ thousands) $24,008 08 $20,842 09 $19,378 10 For a copy of Baycrest Foundation’s audited financial statements, please call 416.785.2875. ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 43 Thank You recognize & appreciate Thank you to all our Baycrest supporters. We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who made donations to Baycrest during the period of April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013. We are extremely grateful for your commitment and ongoing support.* PILLARS $1 MILLION PLUS Dr. Max & Gianna Glassman BUILDERS $500,000 – $999,999 Warren & Debbie Kimel The Manuel & Eva Kimel Foundation Scotiabank FOUNDERS $250,000 – $499,999 David & Emily Durbin Zoltan & Yetta Freeman Anthony & Valerie Melman & Family Jeff Ross & Diane Mavrinac-Ross Lewis & Charlotte Steinberg Family Foundation BENEFACTORS $100,000 – $249,999 Allergan Inc. Joseph Gottdenker Margarete Kaplan The Maxwell & Ruth Leroy Foundation Donald & Elaine Rafelman Sam & Ida Ross Foundation Joseph & Sandra Rotman Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman Anne Tanenbaum Jack & Anne Weinbaum TRUSTEES $50,000 – $99,999 Sharon Clavir Deloitte & Touche Foundation Canada Shirley Diamond & Family Goldie R. Feldman Ellis & Sharyn Jacob Israel Kojfman The Koschitzky Family Medical Pharmacies Group Inc. Harley Mintz & Judy Nyman Gary Himel & Risa Mintz Albert & Egosah Reichmann RioCan Management BC Inc. Hilda Rodda Rose Family Fund Barry & Honey Sherman Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation Lawrence & Judith Tanenbaum Family Foundation The Brettler Mintz Foundation Zwig Family Foundation SPONSORS $36,000 – $49,999 Calgary Flames Limited Partnership Cineplex Entertainment LP Fabricland Distributors Inc. Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc. George & Kitty Grossman Macquarie Group Foundation GUARDIANS $18,000 – $35,999 Bayview Summit Development Ltd. Brookfield Residential Sidney Brown Cisco Systems Canada Co. Paula Cohen Conam Charitable Foundation Deloitte & Touche LLP Phillip & Peggy DeZwirek Dundee Corporation Export Packers Company Ltd. (The Rubenstein Family) Garry & Joanne Foster Dov & Nancy Friedberg The George & Kay Goldlist Foundation Great Gulf Homes Al & Malka Green & Family Harry Ungerman – Harryetta Holdings Jack & Pat Kay Henrietta Kostman Helene & Reuben Lieblein Sheila Loftus Manulife Asset Management Willie & Rachel Moll Anthony Munk Newalta Corporation Peartree Financial Services Ltd. Ellen & Martin Prosserman Foundation RBC Royal Bank Redev Properties Ltd. Paul & Lea Reichmann Foundation RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust Rogers Communications Martha Rogers Stephen & Cookie Sandler Marvin & Victoria Sadowski Howard & Lynn Sutton Melvin Sutton The Sheldon Inwentash & Lynn Factor Charitable Foundation Tiffany Park Homes (Woodbridge) Tim Hortons Advertising & Promo Fund Inc. (Canada) WEQ Britco LP Ernest & Susan Werner Gilda Whyne Milton & Florence Winberg Howard & Nancy Wise PATRONS $10,000 – $17,999 Alzheimers Society of Sarnia-Lambton Andrew Peller Ltd. Annapolis Capital Ltd. Bank of Montreal Marc & Tiana Boyman Allan & Lisa Brown Mitch Brown Michael & Rena Buckstein * Donations are listed in the fiscal year in which the gift is received. Donations to support events in fiscal 2012-13 received after March 31, 2013 will be recognized in next year’s report. 44 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Calloway LP Management Inc. Canadian Direct Insurance Lloyd Cherniak Brett Chorney The Clyr Charitable Foundation Irving Cohen Sidney & Judith Cohen Sydney & Florence Cooper Coughlin & Associates Ltd. David & Stacey Cynamon David & Risa Dulberg Ernst & Young LLP David Feldman First Canadian Properties Corporation Foxridge Homes Harvey & Annice Frisch Naomi Fromstein Harvey & Leah Fruitman Hugh Furneaux & Penny Fine Mel & Annette Gilbert Maxwell & Heather Gotlieb David & Daphne Green Michael Sanderson & Donna Green George Fischer & Karen Green Lindy Green Anne Handelman Hockey Ventures (Canada) Inc. ICBC Kenair Apartments Ltd. Joseph & Lisa Kerzner Henry Kirsh Murray & Marvelle Koffler KPMG LLP Leon & Anita Lapidus Joe Lebovic Lenbeth Weeping Tile (Calgary) Harvey Savage & Ruth Leneman Lorex Technology Inc. The Marder Family Foundation Robert & Sheila Masters John McCall MacBain MDET Development Inc. Metropia Inc. Barry & Esther Naiberg Nathan Hennick & Co. Ltd. Hannah Nusbaum Nuspor Investments Odlum Brown Ltd. Michael & Adele Ostfield Keith Pelley Pembina Pipeline Corporation Penn West Petroleum Ltd. Morris & Sarah Perlis Alan & Sandra Posluns David Purdy Raymond James Ltd. River Rock Casino Resort Robins Appleby Charitable Foundation Shato Holdings/Vancouver Giants Saul & Thelma Shulman Marvin & Judy Sigler Nathan & Lily Silver Family Foundation The Philip Smith Foundation Sol & Tauba Spiro Andrew & Gaye Stein Bryna & Fred Steiner TD Securities Inc. Teck Resources Ltd. “TELUS Customer Solutions, SMB BC” The Brown-Nusbaum Family Foundation Towers Watson Trust 600 de la Gauchetiere Ouest Barry R. Waisglass Lucy Weinstein Joshua Wise Sidney Wolbrom DONORS & SUPPORTERS $5,000 – $9,999 1065704 Alberta Ltd. 2169246 Ontario Ltd. A&E Networks Acumen Capital Partners Adams & Waks Construction Apache Canada Ltd. Barry & Eleanor Appleby Aragon Development Corp. Astral Television Networks Barrick Gold Corporation Bell Media Douglas Bell Gary & Rosa Bensky Ron Bernbaum & Renee Bleeman Black Diamond Group Ltd. Blankenstein Family Foundation Abraham Bleeman Foundation Gary Bluestein Charitable Foundation Joseph & Sarah Bogoroch Boss Lubricants Sean Boyd Eric Bresler & Judith Klarman Buffalo Bills Sheldon & Bonni Carr Terry & Louise Carson Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Mark & Gloria Charness CIBC Asset Management Inc. Clarus Securities Inc. Cogeco Cable Inc. Colossus Minerals Inc. Corus Entertainment Counsel Corporation Richard & Sophia Crenian Crystal Creek Homes Colin Devine Barbara Eastman Phil & Pearl Ehrlich Elliott & Wendy Eisen Falco Properties The H. Lawrence Fein Family Foundation Laurie & Bev Fein Allan & Susan Fenwick George Fine & Lois Friedman Fine Ab & Phyllis Flatt Richard & Patricia Fogler The Frankfort Family Jeremy Freedman & Judith Finer-Freedman Joseph Fried Barry & Joy Gales The Sam & Gitta Ganz Family Foundation Norman Glowinsky & Lillian Vine Glowinsky Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin Paul & Gina Godfrey Bernat & Jennie Goldberger Ron & Anne Golden Mark & Esther Goldenberg Mel Goldstein Ronald & Bonnie Goldstein David Helman & Gilda Goodman Stanley & Rhonda Gordon The Patrick & Freda Hart Green Foundation Charles Greenberg Jack & Anita Greenberg Morton Greenberg Joel & Ruth Greisman Doug Haughey Hicks Morley Heather Hoffman Jill Wagman & Warren Ikeman Henry Jakubovic Karey Lear Realty Ltd. Roey & Wendy Kert The Henry White Kinnear Foundation Reuben Klein “Kohn, Jakubovic, Seidenfeld Families” Ryan Laverty Clifford & Joan Lax Hugh & Carrol Levin Macfarlane Nameplate & Annodizing Inc. Lili Manson Zoe Margolis Geoffrey Matus & Jill Lazar Matus The Mendelson Family Foundation Murray & Pauline Menkes NFL Canada Company Paul & Cecile Nightingale Norel Electric Ltd. Kendall Payne Shaya Petroff The Abe & Elsie Posluns Family Foundation Probyn & Company Inc. RBC Foundation Bill & Nancy Reichman Kevin Reinhart Louie & Marla Reznick Garnet & Lisa Rich Martin & Ronnie Richman Edward & Loretta Rogers Alvin & Gloria Rosenberg Jerry Rosenbloom Lawrence Rosenfield Ian & Pamela Rosmarin Larry & Rose Ross Larry & Michelle Saltsman Bob & Marlene Savlov Michael Schayer Norman & Estelle Schipper Phineas & Francine Schwartz Tom & Marjorie Schwartz Robert & Doreen Scolnick Scotia Dealer Advantage Milton & Joyce Shier Silver Family Charitable Foundation Albert Silver Larry Silverberg & Judi Gottlieb Sheldon & Vivian Silverberg Stephen & Marla Simms Soberman LLP Howard & Carole Tanenbaum Marty Kelman & Gilda Tanz Brian Mirsky & Joan Tator-Mirsky Martin & Ruth Tauber Tech-Star Fluid Systems Inc. The Jodamada Foundation Benjamin & Sarah Torchinsky Toronto Terminals Railway TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. Vancouver International Airport Authority Philip Viater Fred & Linda Waks Waterford Building Maintenance Inc. Evelyn Weinrib The Weitz Family Foundation West Face Capital Burton & Marilyn Winberg Jerold & Gale Winter The Leonard Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Honey Wolfe Bernie & Carole Zucker 41,227 donations 2012-2013 DONORS & SUPPORTERS $1,800 – $4,999 2244079 Ontario Ltd. 4488504 Canada Inc. Able Engineering Inc. Doris Lee Adams Michael & Pam Albert Elsa Allen Irene Amram Stephen & Karen Applebaum Jerry & Gwen Appleby Harry Aronowicz Asian Television Network International Ltd. Leonard Asper ATE Contracting Co. Ltd. Scot Atkinson Mark & Debbie Bank Peter & Jeannie Bartha Amnon & Karen Baruch Ted & Tobie Bekhor Larry & Pearl Bell Murray & Cathy Belzberg Robert & Vivian Benmergui The Bennett Family Foundation Gail Benzaquen Stuart & Irene Berkowitz Roy & Naomi Berman Martin Bernholtz Donald & Helen Biback Herb & Fran Binder Bitove Foundation Ronald Black Brian Bloom Blue Bird Dress Harvey S. Borden Larry & Helen Bossin Michael Bossin Rudy & Cathy Bratty Sarah Brickman David Bronfman Rachelle Bronfman Morley Brown Sid & Gina Brown Shelley & Vivien Brown Morton Brownstein David & Lois Buckstein Sheldon Burnett Arnold & Paula Cader ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 45 James Campbell Canadian Energy Services Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Capital Networks Ltd. Martin & Fran Caplan CAPREIT Stanley & Lillian Cash Canadian Cable System Alliance (CCSA) Cesmic Group Ltd. Jason & Jodi Chapnik Stuart Chelin Jack & Phyllis Chisvin CIBC Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen Hilliard & Barbara Cohen Gerald & Hilda Cohen Bob & Marilyn Cohen Nathan & Ruth Cohen Alan & Sharon Cohen Esther Cole Richard Colucci “Connor, Clark & Lunn Foundation” Continental Gold Ltd. Jeffrey Cooper Richard & Clara Cooper Joseph Cosentino Mal Coven Crescent Point Energy Cressey Development Corporation Ronald & Rene Daiter Daiter’s Creamery The John & Myrna Daniels Charitable Foundation Deloitte Management Services LP Ifa Demon Brian & Lois Demone Desjardins Caisse Centrale Jason & Audrey DeZwirek Eleanor Dover Downsview Heating & Air Conditioning Ltd. Downsview Plumbing Ltd. Hillel & Meira Drazin DUCA Financial Services Philip Duchen Duff & Phelps Canada Ltd. Stuart Duncan Arthur & Agi Dunec Edwin & Janet Durbin Eckler Consultants Jim & Kaitlin Eckler Beatrice Eisen Joyce Eisen The Mariano Elia Foundation Elizabeth Grant International Inc. Bill Elleker Ellen Kert Investments Ltd. Gary & Evelyn Ernest-Title Hershell Ezrin & Sharyn Salsberg-Ezrin Fabricland Midwest Ltd. Fabricland Pacific Ltd. Eileen Farrow Rochelle Feldberg 46 Saul & Toby Feldberg Alan & Beverlee Feldman Minda Feldman Susan & Stan Feldman Michael & Susan Feldman Florence Fenwick Jon & Roberta Fidler Michael & Judy Firestone Firm Capital Corporation Rina Fishbein Flatiron Construction Canada Ltd. Howard & Deborah Fleisher Roy Foss Harvey & Miriam Freedman John Freedman Cindy Freeman Gordon Evan Wayne & Risa Freeman David & Kathy Frieberg Joe & Budgie Frieberg Robert & Toba Frimet Norma Fromer The Fulcrum Investment Company Ltd. Phillip Fusco Arthur & Shelley Gans Ray & Rhonda Gelgoot Bertrand Gerstein Family Foundation The Gertner Family Charitable Foundation Edward & Heather Gilbert Newton Glassman Phil & Adele Glassman William & Marika Glied Myer & Rena Godfrey Naomi & Gerald Goldenberg & Family Charitable Foundation Eddy & Felicia Goldstein Grace & Gilbert Goodman Marvin & Diana Goodman Errol Gordon Harry & Sara Gorman Howard Gorman Michael & Dianne Gould Dennis & Cheryl Graff Jerry & Carole Grafstein Grand Sheppard Building & Developing Corp. Barry & Lisa Green Lou & Shirley Greenbaum Robert Greenberg Stephen Greenberg Greenrock Investments Ltd. Michael Grobin Ben & Jacqui Grosman Grosvenor Canada Ltd. Guild Electric Charitable Foundation Jack Gwartz Howard Hacker & Lisa Feld Stephen & Andrea Halperin Paul Halpern Robert & Edie Harlang “Harris, Sheaffer LLP” Peter & Beverly Harris Elaine Harris Harry Rosen Inc. Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd. Jack & Amy Hauer Brian Heald Heritage Office Furnishings Larry & Simone Herman Sharon Herman Lawrence & Elyse Hildebrand B.A. Himel Family Foundation Hollywood Suite Ingot Metal Company Ltd. “Intercity Realty Inc., Brokerage” Interior Image Contracting Inc. Intra Fidem Investments Ltd. Elaine James Fraser Jefferson Sid & Ellen Jelinek Marsha Joseph JSL Family Investments Ltd. Judy & Paul Bronfman Charitable Foundation Morris Justein Barry & Marilyn Kagan Hillel & Donna Kagan Allen & Sharon Karp Marty & Sandra Karp Edward Kassel David Kassie & Susan Harris Marvin & Estelle Kates Ben & Hilda Katz Charitable Foundation Barbara Katz Martin Katz Paul Katz & Laurel Pfeil Jay Kellerman Darrell & Joni Kent Ruth Kerbel Robin Kert Keyera Corp. Barbro Kimel Patti Kirk Paula Kirsh Dale Klein Zelda Korenblum Israel Koschitzky Family Charitable Foundation David & Sarena Koschitzky KPMG MSLP KRG Children’s Charitable Foundation Henry & Barbara Krieger Perry & Pearl Krieger Kathleen Krisciunas Bruce & Lianne Leboff Harry & Esther Lebovic Lee-Mar Developments Ltd. Mel & Helen Leiderman Leonard & Felicie Blatt Charitable Foundation Judith Leranbaum Ann Levitt Michael & Caren Levy Corey Libfeld Fela Lichtblau Phillip & Fauna Lidsky Frank & Harriet Liebmann Nathan & Glennie Lindenberg Tim Lipa & Rhonda Richer Marc Lipton & Carolyn Naiman Bernie & Bev Little Frank Lochan Mickey Cohen & Judith Loeb Cohen David Lougheed Margaret Ann Lougheed Rafael Lupas Ben & Jill Lustig Elliott & Sandra Lyons Ruth Magder Natie Maister Anne Mandell Anita Marcus Carlo Mariglia Roberta Markus Joel & Elizabeth Martin-Landau David & Leanne Matlow Irving Matlow Robert Mcdonald Marlon McDougall Medcan Health Management Inc. Medi Group Services Partnership Edward & Robin Mednick MEG Energy Menkes Developments Ltd. Myra Merkur Metrus Development Tom Mihalik Cal Millar Coralie Miller Earl & Eleanor Miller Mitzvah Charity Fund Bill Moir Micki Moore & Leonard Simpson Morel Group Ellen Morris Mosaik West Inc. Mulmer Services Ltd. Mark Myles Lou & Wendy Myles Berl & Rebecca Nadler Eleanor Nadler Joseph & Lauren Nadler Harvey & Barbara Naglie Natie Maister Investments Ltd. Navigator Ltd. NBC Universal Television Distribution Canada Neil Macrae Enterprises Ltd. Mark Nightingale Norond Group Norton Rose Canada LLP Nortown Air Paula Nussbaum Oakville Community Foundation Ontario Mechanical Equipment Sales Ltd. Howard & Cindy Orfus “Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP” Sam Pacht & Family Rose Paglia Fred & Marty Panet Toda BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Richard Parker Eric Paul & Risa Rotenberg Pemberton Group Judy Pencer Ed & Deanna Peranson Michele & Gregory Perkell Victor & Esther Peters Neville Rozowsky & Penny Petroff The Phillips Family Foundation Larry Phillips Richard Pilosof Pinnacle International Joseph Podemski Gary & Alison Polan Polytarp Products David & Felicia Posluns Irving & Elissa Posluns Barry Poss Harvey & Leslie Poss Prairie Partners Acquisitions Ltd. Private Giving Foundation Alex Prodanovic Prominent Homes Ltd. PSL Partition Systems Ltd. Morton & Sylvia Pullan Thomas Puschak Stephen Raby Leonard & Carol Raizin Esterita Rajsky Oskar Rajsky Carol & Morton Rapp Foundation The Linda Judith Reed Foundation Linda Reed Fred Reisman Gary Rich Luba Richardson Steven Cohen & Joanne Riven Rocky Bay Investments Ltd. Lisa Rogers Loretta Rogers Romspen Investment Corporation Sergio Rosa Arthur & Helen Rose Jack Rose & Judith Megow-Rose John & Susan Rose Harry & Evelyn Rosen Martin & Truus Rosenthal David P. Ross Barry & Chris Rotenberg John & Susan Rothschild Barry Rowland The Royal Canadian Legion General Wingate (Ontario No. 256) Roynat Inc. Edward Rumack Nancy Ruth RWJ Construction & Roofing Inc. Mark & Susan Sager Samper Developments Ltd. Laurie & Sandra Samuels Andrew & Judith Sanders John Sandrelli David & Mary Saunders Savlov Investments Ltd. Stewart & Dianne Saxe Stuart & Jayne Schipper Scotiabank Alberta Seligman & Associates Steven & Ricki Sharpe Stan & Donna Shenkman Shergill Consulting Leslie & Freida Sherman Mark & Mira Shnier Philip Shnier Roberta Shnier Mendel & Anita Shore Judith Shostack Gloria Shulman Allan & Hinda Silber Harvey Silverstein Ruth J. Simon Fred & Rene Skurka Gerald & Judith Slan James & Elaine Slater Paul & Carol Slavens Fred Kaufman & Donna Soble Kaufman Harvey & Renee Solursh Karen Soupcoff Jayson Spevakow Mark Spevakow Elly Springer Morris H. Starkman Bernard Steinberg Ronald Steinberg & Nancy Prussky Robert & Dorothy Sterling Zan & Sylvia Stern Stingray Digital Timothy Stinson Bert & Barbara Stitt Helen Stollar Joan Stossel Richard Sugarman Suncor Energy Foundation Swallow Acoustic Consultants Ltd. Ray & Helen Sweig Symphony Senior Living Trudel Enterprises Inc. Sheldon & Susan Taerk TD Bank Seymour & Gloria Temkin Marty Teplitsky & Nancy Backhouse Paul & Kitty Tepperman The Amacon Foundation The Browns Shoes Charitable Foundation The Reisler Group Inc. Bernie Tishman Elliot & Sandra Title Stephen & Carole Title Moses & Temara Tobe Foundation Inc. Travis Copp Real Estate Tre Kronor Consulting Ltd. The Triangle Community Foundation Andrew Tylman David & Susan Van Der Hout Herbert & Andrea Veisman Dick Vollet Joanne Waddington William Wagman Albert & Francine Walderman Jeffrey Walderman & Eva Schilling Eleanor Wallen Sandy Ward Gary Wasserman William & Phyllis Waters Margaret Wayne Gustava Weiner Bernard & Belle Weinstein Hank & Jo-Anne Weinstein Stephen & Terri Weintraub Andrew Weisberg David Weisdorf & Marie Springer Wesgroup Properties LP Michael & Cheryl West Frank & Judith Wilson Jack & Judy Winberg Earl & Pauline Wintraub Herbert & Fern Wisebrod Jack & Nan Wiseman Wodcraft Kitchen Cabinets Barbara & Harvey Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Harold & Carole Wolfe Richard Wolfe Philip Wood Phil Wynn & Cecilia Wynn Barry & Nelly Zagdanski Alan & Michelle Zelunka Oscar Zimmerman & Anna Day Zolty Charitable Foundation DONORS & SUPPORTERS $1,000 – $1,799 1012488 Ontario Ltd. Mr. Greenjeans Restaurant 1843614 Ontario Inc. 1991 Capital West Partners 2059723 Ontario Ltd. A & A Trenching (Partnership) Howard Adams Advance Tile & Floor Covering (Toronto) Ltd. Aecon Materials Engineering Agrium Inc. Alliance Films Alpa Stairs & Railings Inc. Alta-Fab Structures Ltd. Stephen & Heshy Altbaum Altek Industrial Supply Ltd. Emile Amar Ampere Ltd. Anchor Shoring & Caissons Ltd. Anthem Properties Group Ltd. Ray & Karen Arbesman Stephen & Shelly Arbib Argo Road Maintenance (South Okanagan) Inc. Arpi’s Industries Ltd. Avail-Tvn Avenex Energy Corp. BIKING FOR BAYCREST The Barrie to Baycrest fundraiser was started in 1996 by a small group of Baycrest supporters and bike enthusiasts. Today, this exclusive bike ride hosts 100 dedicated participants who raise critical funds for the organization they love. Over the past 17 years, our riders have raised over $9.7 million for fitness programs at Baycrest. We thank them for cycling in support of Baycrest. (Left to right) Michelle Lavine, Marian Saltsman, Larry Saltsman, Jon Goldfarb and Ben Thorek celebrate after crossing the B2B 2012 finish line. Jeffrey & Helena Axler Allan & Gila Badner Meyer & Anita Balter Henry Barkin Stella Barkin Marvin & Linda Barnett Wade Bartok Danny & Shelley Baruch Edwin & Elaine Beallor Howard & Delores Beck Eric Beddis Paul Beeston Avi & Mio Behar Bendale Parkway Ltd. Benecaid Health Care Benefex Consulting Inc. Ralph & Fiona Benson Mark Bercov John & Gay Berger Irving & Susan Berger Susan Berger Paul & Barbara Bernstein Syrelle Bernstein Murray & Ellen Blankstein Ned & Doris Blinick David & Molly Bloom Gerald & Pearl Bloom Bocor Management Inc. Gary & Harriett Bomza Max & Norma Borinsky Bowen Workforce Solutions David Bowman Blair Brandon Cecil & Elaine Brauer Barbara Bregman Harry & Bernice Bregman David & Helen Brown Chaim & Sarah Neuberger Foundation Aki & Gail Chencinski Brenda Cheresnuik Joy Cherry Beverley Chodikoff Cinemavault International Inc. City Carpets Barry & Melanie Cohen Dani Cohen Eric & Michelle Cohen Jordan Cohen Judith Coldoff Colliers International Concord Fireplaces Inc. Coreydale Contracting Co. Corbin Coyes Barry & Sandi Cracower CST Corporation Bernie Cugelman Elaine Culiner Cushman & Wakefield Lepage Joseph Cuzzocrea D. Zentil Mechanical Inc. Stephen & Pearl Dacks The Gussie & Thomas Dale Foundation Louis Dale Camille Dan David Moore Enterprizes Inc. David-Mart Investments Ltd. Murray & Roz Davidson Sean & Jennifer Debow Richard DesLauriers Alan & Joan Dessau Marco Di Carlo Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc. John Doig Michael Doyle Engelite Charitable Foundation Max & Larry Enkin Foundation Charles Erlichman Escarpment Homes Ltd. Gay Evans Paul Evered Annette Exton Falcon Contracting Ltd. David & Rosalie Farb Alan & Adele Farber Sandra Fargiorgio Fasken Martineau Dumoulin LLP Bernard & Barbara Feinstein Allen & Marilyn Feldman Jonathan & Shlomit Feldman Philip & Bryna Fellen Mitchell Fellen Olga Fershaloff Kelvin Finch Sophie Fink Warren & Courtney Fireman Bernard Fishbein Allan Fisher Kevin Fisher Murray Flegel Michael & Sandra Florence Flynn Canada Ltd. Patrick Flynn Louis Forbes Foremont Drywall Inc. Forest Grove Homes Ltd. Chris Forman Franklin Templeton Institutional Ron & Fay Freiman The Gerda Frieberg Charitable Foundation Gerda Frieberg Herb & Betty Frieberg Alan & Kelli Friedman Sheldon & Sharron Fruitman Steven & Debbi Gallen Gamma Window & Walls International Inc. Gardiner Roberts LLP Gem Campbell Terrazzo & Tile Inc. Jerry & Sandra Genesove Geo. A. Kelson Company Donna Gerrard John Gill Faye Gitter Alex Glasenberg Eddie Glick & Susan Rapoport Glick Claire & Howard Glowinsky Family Foundation David & Marilyn Gluskin Eleanor Godfrey Allan & Linda Gold Charles Goldberg & Carole Gruson Robbie & Janis Goldberg Malka Goldenberg Erika Goldfarb Stanley & Sue Goldfarb Ralph & Pamela Goldsilver Larry & Anette Goldstein William Wiener & Lillyann Goldstein Norman & Ellen Goldstein Robert Goodall Marvin Gord Gordon Food Service BC “Gorski, Plener & Associates Inc.” Bernie & Susan Gosevitz Irwin & Judith Gould Cecil & Lee Graff Chari Grant David & Molline Green Mark & Corin Greenberg Myrna & Stephen Greenberg Alan & Pearl Greenspan Brian Greenspan & Marla Berger Mark & Susan Greenspan Groupe TVA Inc. H & M Hospitality Richard Greene & Shelly Haber Irv Teper & Karen Hacker Chuck Haines Ralph & Roz Halbert Georges & Barbara Hania Hanley Hospitality Inc. Mark Hanley Matt Hanley Robert Henry & Bonnie Croll Agnes Herczeg Peter & Janet Herman Brian Hill Haim & Mardi Hirshberg Mory & Hindy Hirt Joseph & Helen Hochberg Mel & Marlyn Horowitz Hydro One Employee’s & Pensioner’s Charity Trust Fund Karen Hyman Ian Giroday Law Corporation Innocon Inc. Invar Building Corp.oration David Isenman & Jacqueline Segall J. S. Cheng & Partners Inc. The Jackman Foundation Isaac & Basia Jesin JET Contracting Ltd. Jewish Communal Fund Daniel Johnson Scott & Robynn Jolliffe K. Minh Tram Medicine Professional Corporation Ian & Wendy Kady Max Zive & Harriette Kahn-Zive Michael & Dana Kalles Ivan Kaszas Harvey & Helene Katz Marvin & Reene Katz Keele-Finch Masonry Ltd. Steven Kelman & Lisa Richman David Kennedy Ronda Kerekes Patricia Kersey Theodor Kerzner Michael & Henrietta Kestenbaum Morris Kestin Danke “Baycrest was there to provide care for my dear, late wife Bina in her time of need. Her life was tragically cut short by brain cancer. Baycrest provided Bina and our family with the support that we needed during her illness, and at home, at that difficult time.” - Joel Maser, donor Howard & Kimberly Brown Bulls Eye Recruitment Inc. Daniel Rumack & Gail Burnett Irwin & Shirley Cadesky Cambridge Group Of Clubs Canadian Railings Ltd. Canyon Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Canyon Services Lorne & Trudy Cappell Cardel Lifestyles Carmichael Engineering Ltd. Carpenters & Allied Workers Local 27 CB Richard Ellis Global Corporate Services 48 Winnie Drescher Joe Duiek Tom Dyas E.N.J. Excavating Ltd. Eagle Crane Inc. Eastern Construction Company Ltd. Eastern Refrigeration Supply Co. Ltd. Norman & Ellen Eckler Murray Edwards Robert & Ellen Eisenberg Elite Roofing & Contractors Ltd. Christina Ell Empire Concrete Forming Ltd. Beatrice Endler BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Kienna Coffee Ltd. Rodney King Klair Custom Homes Ltd. Fred & Joan Klap Irwin Kliaman Brad Kohl Tom & Rita Kolin Kone Inc. Jeffrey Kopin Avi Morgenstern & Ellie Korenblum Marshall & Tami Korenblum Jack Koven Myra Krangle Bill Kucharuk Joel & Sonia Kurtz Bob Kutner Bob Kyle Kymar Foundation L.F. Warehouse Philip & Caryn Ladovsky Shelby Laidlaw Joseph Laleggia Jonathan & Dana Lampe Eric Lash Laurentian Bank of Canada Kevin Lauzon Marvin & Merilyn Lean Vincent Lecavalier M. Alexandra Lemon Gary & Carolyn Lengyel John Leonardo Level 5 Strategy Group Stephen Lewis Lidstone & Company Law Corporation Leon Liffmann & Miriam Shiell Philip Lind Lisi Mechanical Sheldon & Marilyn Little Robbie & Mindy Little Lou & Sara Litwin LNR Corporation Loblaws Inc. Fern Longert Ron Lougheed David Lucatch Wade Maccallum Chris Macdougall Ronald & Diana Macfeeters Mark Mache Mackenzie Financial Charitable Foundation Douglas MacMillan Maguire’s Flooring & Window Malfar Mechanical Inc. Claudio Mancuso Judith Mandel Many-Script Publications Ltd. Herbert & Karen Marcus Joan Mariacher Masters Insurance Ltd. Jean Matlow Mattamy Homes Ltd. Mayfair Care Centre Bob & Anne Mcandrew Joe McArthur David Mcbride Dan McGrath Alex McGregor Patrick Mcnamara MDC Partners Inc. Daniel Melamed Matthew Melchior Metric Tile & Marble Inc. Eric Miller Murray & Susy Miller Sam & Michal Mizrahi Modern Niagara Toronto Inc. Jefferson Mooney Eldon & Ruth Moses Brian & Sherry Mosko Stephen Mulherin Mullen Oilfield Barry Munro David & Sharon Naiberg Martin & Georgina Nash Janice Nathanson Nebb Forming Ltd. Terry Neill Neinstein & Associates LLP Mac & Faye Nisker Nuberg & Dale Construction Ltd. Jordan & Barbara Oelbaum Olar Ltd. Oldcastle Building Envelope Canada Inc. Cliff Oliver Derek Oram Benson Orenstein Thelma Orzeck Pagliaro Construction Park Place Investments Brian Parker Elaine Parry Warren Pashkowich Paul Slavens Real Estate Inc. Mary Pearson Pele Mountain Resources Inc. Verette Penneycooke Cindy Perala-Ralph Elliott Peranson & Sharon Cohen Reynah Pereira Brent Perry Petrobakken Energy Ltd. Phase 4 Films Inc. Pinewood Sales Agency Plan Group Inc. Jeffrey Plener & Sharon Baker PMA Canada Husseini Poonawalla Nancy Posluns Rick Pottens & Debra Feldman Brian Pow Arnold & Tyrral Prashker Premform Ltd. Prestige Exteriors Inc. Primarco Carpentry Inc. Jonas & Lynda Prince Principal Mortgage Group Process Products Ltd. Procor Ltd. Proto Electric Contracting Inc. Proto3000 – 3D Engineering Solutions Mark Pytosh Michael Quinn R.A.F. Holdings Ltd. Andy Rafelman Red Cardinal Homes Ltd. Reitmans (Canada) Ltd. Edward & Harriet Rice Gail Richey Jack & Becky Ritchie Riviera Electrical Contractor Inc. Fran Rodness Rogers Cable Communications Inc. Mary Jo Romanin “Rose, Persiko, Rakowsky, Melvin LLP” Joel & Linda Rose Lewis Rose Stan Rosen Herb & Riva Rosenfeld William & Bertha Rosengarten Graeme Ross Gerald & Pauline Ross Michael Rotenberg Michelle Roth Kurt & Edith Rothschild Ken Rotman & Amy Kaiser Michael Roulston Royal de Versailles Jewellers Inc. Fred Rubinoff Jordan Rumanek & Heather Grimm Susan Sacchi Gary & Joyce Saifer Marian Saltsman John Samson Michael & Joan Saron Lisa Saunders The Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman Foundation Abe & Pearl Schwartz Charles & Mina Schwarz Scotia Waterous Scotiabank Group Marianne Seger Select Drywall & Acoustics Inc. “SF Partnership, LLP” SGNC Charitable Trust Imran Shah Michael & Lili Shain Robert & Naomi Shapero Sharon Weintraub Holdings Ltd. Paul Sharp James Shavick Phil & Janice Shedletsky Eric Sherkin Robert & Mona Sherkin Harry Sherman David & Francine Shields Family Charitable Foundation Arthur & Margaret Shiff Gary Shiff David & Edna Shiffman Samuel & Esther Shilling Lorne & Arlene Shillinger Dan Shimmerman Solomon Shiner Franklin & Renee Shostack Choc & Gail Silverstein Helen Simpson Pekka & Pat Sinervo Sinopec Daylight Energy Ltd. Max & Faina Sitzer Skey Management Inc. Adrienne & Joel Slan Peter & Neri Slan Eric & Marsha Slavens David Smith & Amy Gaskin John Smith SNF Canada Ltd. Tony & Eliza Solomon Henry Solow Gerald Soloway Gary & Carole Solway Joan Solway Somerlyn Trim & Doors Inc. Saul & Hermi Spears Sean Spector Spin Master Ltd. Jordan Spring Sheldon & Esther Spring Spruceview Homes Ltd. SRS Restoration Ltd. Anthony Staffieri Sheila Stahl Joy Stein Wilf & Susan Steinberg Joseph & Elaine Steiner Sterling Homes Howard Stockford Stone Ridge Development Corporation Martin & Francie Storm Joseph & Myrna Strebinger Robert L. Strom Avrom & Reesa Sud Barbara Sugar Alan & Etta Sugarman Suncrest Cabinets Inc. Peter Sussman & Heather Hartt Sussman James Sutherland Martin & Barbara Sversky Roger Swainson Swim Time Jay Switzer Sydco Energy Inc. Syntec Process Equipment T.I. Marketing Inc. T.R.L. Investments Ltd. Jason Tafler Jeannie Tanenbaum Tapleys Pub Stephen Tapp Robert Tatangelo TD Bank Financial Group Teletoon ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 49 Tenkorn Holdings Ltd. The Bedford Consulting Group Inc. The Bridge Network Inc. The Resmark Companies Tom & Susan Thompson Heather Thomson Michael Thorek Three Degrees Restaurants Corp. Tim Hortons Leo Titus Esther Tock Tolin Enterprises Ltd. Torino Drywall Inc. Torquest Holdings Inc. Management Services Torys LLP TPR2 Corporation Tribute Communities Steven Troster Ted & Annabel Turner Richard Uhrle Uniform Custom Countertops Inc. Uni-Tri Masonry (1989) Ltd. Valley Lands Homes Ltd. Velcan Forest Products Inc. Steve Vertes David Vinokur Lillian Vinokur Vitullo Plumbing Ltd. Lorie Waisberg Paul & Valorie Waitzer Lionel & Sandra Waldman Michael Walker Cheryll Watson Catherine Weinberg Myrna Weinstein Victor Weinstock Thomas & Sasha Weisz Richard Wengle Leon & Iris Weverman Wheels Inc. John Whittaker Alan Wicks Blossom Wigdor Douglas & Ruth Wilansky William Prager Ltd. Williams Engineering Canada Inc. Howard & Donna Winick Howard & Janet Winkler Gerald Wise Jerry & Stacy Wiseblott Michael Wolfish & Holly Bick Henry Wolfond Michael Wood Rodney Woolf Irwin & Elayne Wortsman Robert Yanowski Leon & Dora Yolles Charitable Foundation Yonge Colony Homes Ltd. York Marble Tile & Terrazzo Inc. York Radiology Consultants Rochelle Zabitsky Mark Zaretsky & Lindy Zaretsky Zehr Kalman Levesque Inc. Clayton Zekelman Ziedenberg Orthodontics Professional Dentistry Corp. David Zitzerman & Karen Friedman Zodiac Interactive We gratefully acknowledge the support of the following foundations who facilitate distribution of donor gifts to The Baycrest Foundation The Benjamin Foundation Jewish Community Foundation of Montreal Toronto Community Foundation United Jewish Welfare Fund of Toronto United Way of Greater Toronto tribute to beloved family members or admired individuals. Donations to a fund provide crucial financial stability and ongoing support for Baycrest’s important client services and programs, cutting-edge research and educational initiatives. VISIONARY $5 MILLION PLUS Ben & Hilda Katz Research, Education & Care Sam & Ida Ross Fund for Alzheimer’s Research PILLAR $1 MILLION PLUS Elkie Adler MS Clinic Ben Birstein Marla & Aubrey Dan Robert & Maxine Fish Al Hertz Family Advanced Practice Nurse in Pain Management Ben & Hilda Katz Chair in Gerontological Nursing Ben & Hilda Katz Centre For Gerontological Social Work Ben & Hilda Katz Transportation Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research The Reva James Leeds Chair in Neuroscience & Research Leadership Sam & Ida Ross International Prize in Alzheimer’s Research Sandra A. Rotman Chair In Neuropsychiatry Saul & Rae Saltzman Community Programming Sara Gorman Award Mynne & Harold Soupcoff Studentship with Hebrew University BENEFACTOR $100,000 – $249,999 Ackerman Family Sharon & Stanley Clavir & Family Arthur & Essie Cohen Stephen & Wendy Cole Phillip & Peggy DeZwirek Family Dorothy & William Drevnig Nancy Ida Field Roy Foss Joseph Garfinkel Family Max & Roslyn Gordon Al & Malka Green Joel & Ruth Greisman Pinchas & Dorothy Gutter Harry Guzick & Gayle Guzick Gordie & Colleen Howe HSBC Bank Canada Selma Jelinek Kenneth & Mildred Kelman Leon Koffler Harry & Henrietta Kostman Landsman Family Maxwell A. & Fanny Levy Fela & Saul Lichtblau Lokash Summer Student Earl & Renee Lyons Sidney & Zillah Matus Frances & Jack Melman Faye & Al Mintz Family Carol Moir Simon & Clara Muskat Bella & Irving Naiberg Elsie & Lawrence Pifko Dr. Ira Pollock Stanley & Tanya Rossby Harry & Pearl Rotenberg Lidsky/Rotterman Family Nancy & Sam Ruth Family Samuel & Jean Sable Savlov Family Savlov Family Savlov Family Gertrude & David Sher Allan Silber Family Tauba & Solomon Spiro Family Foundation Helena & Samuel Strasser Murray & Florence Sweigman Morris & Freda Tabachnick Family Sonia & Manley Tessler Family Morris Urovitz Max & Sala Walerstein Bert & Marilyn Winberg Florence Winberg Max & Ruth Wiseman Max & Beatrice Wolfe Tillie & Maurice Wolfe Rose & Henry Wolkoff Leon S. & Dora Yolles Merci 50 PLANNED GIFTS RECEIVED FROM THE ESTATES OF: Norma Altman Robert Harry Baxter Benjamin Birstein Eva Braun Meryl Cole Alex Colchary Bessie Enoch Gladstone Morris G. Goldenberg Charlotte Goldlist Samuel Benjamin Good Helen Goodman John Haas Harry Hersh Ica Hirsch Ben & Hilda Katz Frances Kleinberg Morris Konick Irving & Molly Levins Foundation Renee Lyons Harold MacTavish H. Albert Morton Helen Rotberg Ruth Schacter Harry Shapiro Shoshana Rose Cole Max J. Singer Toby Wintraub FAMILY OF FUNDHOLDERS Honouring the past, Enriching the present, Securing the future ENDOWMENT FUNDS An endowment fund at Baycrest is a meaningful expression of honour and support. The name of the fund endures, providing a lasting BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION BUILDER $500,000 – $999,999 Toby Battle Morris Goldenberg Medical Research Albert & Sadye Jessel Community Outreach Morris & Sally Justein Heritage Museum Ben & Hilda Katz Postdoctoral Research Ben & Hilda Katz International Visiting Scientist Louis & Rose Lasowsky Savlov Family FOUNDER $250,000 – $499,999 Irving Acenberg Research Lynn & Brent Belzberg & Family Finkler International Visiting Scientist Gerber Greenhouse & Horticultural Centre Saul & Mira Koschitzky Family Samuel Lunenfeld Special Daycare Louis Savlov Medical Research Hy & Bertha Shore & Harry & TRUSTEE $50,000 – $99,999 Harry & Ethel Abramsky Harry & Tillie Baker Lily & David E. Barr Karl & Hilde Breuer Edward Bronfman Family Lisa & Allan Brown & Family Michael & Rena Buckstein Kathleen McGuire Eastman Gordon Edelstone William & Celia Eisenberg Morris & Sarah Feldman Barbara Meissner Fishbein Rose & William Fishman Phyllis & Ab Flatt Israel & Yetta Fruitman Myra & Albert Gallander Samuel & Anne Gans “Lou, Al & Jack Gilbert & Ruth & Perry Sherman” Rose & Jonas Glowinsky Marilyn & David Gluskin All Gold Nathan & Eva Gold Goldgrub Family Charles & Charlotte Goldlist Minnie & Robert Grafstein Fay Florence Grobin & Dr. Wulf Grobin Helen & Morris Grosman Jack & Buschie Kamin Daniel & Marion Kert Magda Klein Arthur & Sadye Krangle Alfred & Helen Krieser Family Frida & Irving Lebovici Reva James Leeds Hertel Leibovici Joseph B. Lubotta Markowitz Family William & Blima Martin Sheila & Robert Masters Family Sarah & Gordon Mendly Jacob & Frida Moll Becky & Koppel Pancer Izzie & Annie Petroff Pickard & Kofman Family Podemski Family Elsie & Abe Posluns Anne & Louis Pritzker Sam & Luba Richardson Ronnie & Marty Richman Rossi Rosenthal Family Roth Family Toby & Ben Roth Anna & Frank Schipper Eva Schutz Serruya Family David & Edna Shiffman Norman & Roberta Shnier Family Dr. Abraham & David Shore Fanny & Sol Sky Morris Slivka Family Harry Sonshine Helen & Benjamin Sonshine Grace & Joseph Soren Family Ada Starkman Philip & Pearl Stone Rose & Karl Stork Family Sharon & Mel Sutton* Carol Sharyn Tanenbaum Family Foundation Ruth & Harry Tater Chave & Burnett Thall Harry & Yetta Ungerman Yetta Ungerman Rebecca Van Der Hout Stan & Helen Vine June Wade Murray Walderman Lionel & Sandra Waldman Esther & Samuel Wallin Mollie & Jack Weinberger Evelyn (Burns) Weinrib for Brendel Frimer Stephanie & Leslie Weisz Louis & Dora White Sylvia Winestock Blanche Wolbrom Family David Wolfish SPONSOR $36,000 – $49,999 Adolph & Rose Bain Norman Black Albert & Celia Bleiwas Family Irving Bloomberg & Sarah & Karl Cohen Andrew & Toby Boas Rose Storfer Citry & Dr. Edgar Citry Bill Clarfield Family Asher & Mildred Cohen Cohen & Morrison Stuart & Paula Cohen Sylvia & Joseph Cohen Family Pearl & Carl Cole Family Beatrice Collis Harold & Pearl Cooper Morris & Ifa Demon Ginger & Max Eisen Federman & Levenstein Family Morris & Rose Feldman Sylvia Feldman Budgie Frieberg Norma & Sidney Fromer Howard Gitter & Family Lillian Vine Glowinsky Golden Age Recreation Henry & Helen Goldenberg Bella Goldstein Sally & Jack Goldstein Louis & Pearl Goodman Al & Sorcy Gorlick Family Harvey & Esther Hacker Zelda & Simon Harris Marcia & Stephen Herbert Himel Family Dr. Arnold & Ruth Iscove Rona & Joshua Nathan Katz Family Debbie Kimel Nitza Kojfman* Henrietta Kostman Leib & Toby Krieger Sidney Lax Aaron & Ruth Leiderman Barbara & Phillip Lev “Jacob & Sara, Murray & Adrienne Levinter” Honey & Sam Lipson Syd Loftus Walter Lyons Natie & Esther Maister Jean & Bert Mendelson Sam & Becky Milgrom Sol Miller Jack & Dorothy Newman Margaret Nightingale Dr. William Pascoe Jack & Susan Pasternak Persiko Family Joyce Posluns Nancy Posluns Julius Rosen & Harry Silverberg Rabbi Dr. Samuel Rosenblum Marvin & Ruth Fine Sadowski & Family Vivienne & Danny Saltzman Peter Seligman Family Fred & Roselind Shapero Family Samuel Louis & Edith Shields Faigel & Leo Barkin Lil & Harry Barkin Eva & Mary Barrer Sophie & Joseph Bassin Sylvia Beckwith Sandra & Irving Berger Family Harold & Esther Berk Stan & Syrelle Bernstein Family Dorothy & Murray Biback Sarah Lois Binder & Beverley Ann Nisenboim Aaron & Beverley Black Jenny & Joseph Bloom Max & Yetta Bluestein & Willi Karpel M. Frederick & Helen Bochner Meilech & Chana Book Sadie & Irving Bowman Freda & Max Bregman Irving & Sarah Brothman Jean Brown Dr. Reuben Brown Rose Brown Sidney & Gina Brown Sol & Ruth Brown Family Ruth Burnett Fred & Celia Chapnick Family Samuel & Minnie Charendoff Esther & Harold Cherry Rose Storfer Citry Andrea & Trevor Cohen Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen “The expertise that we have gained here is now being spread globally. So it isn’t just now – it’s the future.” - Evelyn Burns-Weinrib, long-time donor and volunteer Harry & Anne Silverman Ben & Sylvia Smith Fannie Smith Fran Sonshine Sara Their Gloria & Kievy Ungerman Harry & Ethel Wasserman Percy Weinstein Florence & Jack William Weintraub Gabi Weisfeld Maurice Joseph Weisfeld & Louis Weisfeld Max & Ida Rose Weisfield Pearl & Label Wetstein Berty & Leon (Ben) Wittlin Frank J. Wolff GUARDIAN $18,000 – $35,999 Mollie & Harry Alexandroff Freda & Sidney Altfest Irene & Lucien Amram Family Nathan & Rena Arback & Family Leon & Honey Arthurs Eva & Jack Baltman David & Beck Collins Rena & Arthur Cone “Hyman, Doris & Mervin Cooper” Louis Cooper Sydney & Florence Cooper Corbin Family Bertha Cozman Cecil R. & Faye Croll Jack & Elaine Culiner Cyna Family Fay & Harry Daiter Hazel & Murray Davis William G. Davis Sean & Jennifer Debow Dessau Family Dover Family Louis & Anne Dubrofsky Fred & Bea Eisen Family Sophia Vera & Jack Bernard Ellis Aaron & Madzia Erlichman Florence & Harold Fagan Alice & Joseph Falk Jaime & Herminia Faria Diana & John Farro ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 51 Issie & Annie Feldman David & Cara Feldman Dorothy & Nathan Feldman Stan & Susan Feldman & Sidney & Lillian Manheim Allan & Susan Fenwick Sue & Lewis E. Field Izzie & Helen Fine Lois & George Fine Harry & Shirley Firestone Moses & Anne Flatt Joanne & Garry Foster Mannis Frankel & Merle Prager Philip & Eva Freedman Family Sidney & Ivy Freeman “Dr. Juliusz, Dorota, & Zofia Frist” Ruth & Irving Frisch Helaine & Harold Gallander Joy Gales Ruth & Manny Gans Betty & Solly Gelfund Etta Ginsberg Etta Ginsberg Marye & Al Ginsburg Jean & Frank Godfrey Abraham & Elizabeth (Lizzie) Goldberg Al & Gert Goldstein Anne & Harry Goldstein Ben & Julia Golinsky David & Sonia Goldfarb Eric & Fay Goldlist Family Harry & Gertrude Golden Family Jack & Marilyn Goldman Jean & Milton Goldstein & Family Jennie & Bernat Goldberger Family Marian Goldblatt Manny Goldstein Samuel Gold & Family Shirley & Morris Goldstein Sylvia & Gordon Goldstein Gilda & Henry Goodman Sarah & Jacob Gordon Joseph Gottdenker & Family Simon & Esther Gottlieb Milli Gould Milton & Sara Graff Moishe & Goldie Grafstein Helen Rose Grafstein Fred Green Judi & Larry Green & Elsie Green David & Della Greenberg Family Kay & David Greengarten Helen & Sid Greenwald Polly & Bill Gryfe Family Lilyan Gutmann Anne & Joseph Halpern Anne & Albert Harris Frances & Harvey Harnick Frances Soble Harnick Ronald & Aviva Heller Rickey & Harry Hennick Lillian & Isadore Hertz Charles Hilary & Dianne Ingles David & Rae Hildebrand Hollend Family Judith & Philip Hooper Judith & Philip Hooper Jean & Ben Isaacs Annie & Joseph Isenman Robert William & Dorothy Beatrice Jackson & Family “Prof. Andrzej, Karolina, Ludwik, & Estelle Jus” Sam & Esther Kaiman Bernyce & Marvin Kalifer Families David & Golda Kazdan Family Saul & Mildred Kelman Joseph & Jean Kichler Izzy & Betty Kirshenbaum Sarah & Paul Kirzner Sheila & Arthur Klarman Family Michael Jay Kleinberg Belle & Harry Kochen Family Max & Minnie Koffman Fred & Aranka Kolin Ladovsky Family/United Bakers Milton (Mickey) Lambert Anita & Leon Lapidus Family Frances & Al LaPorter Family Adele & Saul Laskin Nathan Lastman Jack & Elise Latner Allan Lax Jean & Charles Lea & Gloria Ellen Lea E. Harry & Hazel Lepofsky Ruth & Irving Lerman Abe & Ethyle Levine Caren & Michael Levy Family Foundation Evelyn & Frank Levine Family Freda & Murray Levine Norman & Shelley Levine Family Polly & Mannie Levi Sydney & May Levitt Joel H. Lewis Yhetta Swartz-Lewis & Charles Lewis Ted & Lorraine Libfeld Family Sally & Louis J. Libman Nathan & Frances Lieberman Rose & Manny Lipman & Shari Sugar Sidney & Natalie Liswood David & Betty Little Netty Loftus Bess & Hy Lustig Molka & Joseph L. Lyons “Samuel, Joseph & Lyndsay Lyons” Fay & Fred Malemud Jack & Pearl Mandel Julius & Margaret Marcus Marshall Margolis Barnet & Gert Markson Family Dr. Charles Markson Judith & Martin Markus & Family Lyla Gutzin Markus Jack Marmer Lillian & Elliott Marrus Lillian & Haskell Masters Mendelson Holiday & Festival Jack & Dora Miller Dr. Marvin Miller Harold & Maxine Minden Riva Mintz Mitz Family Helen & Philip Mosoff Annette & Arnold Naiman Family Florence & Melvyn Naimer Annie & Albert Nightingale Olga & Leslie Nyiri & Marika Glied Family J. Irving Oelbaum Emma & Jack Oelbaum Fay & Norman Oster Rae & Joseph Louis Pancer Jeffry & Bernie Penner Petroff Family Hinda Annie Picov Edwin & Charlotte Pivnick Family Goldie Potashin Benjamin David & Ethel Rachlin Ramstein Family Norman & Rae Rebick Rosalie Rich Jack & Ritta Ritchie Alexander & Bernice Robins Sophie & Max Rochman Allan & Elizabeth Rodda Lionel & Martin Roher Sam & Ethel Roher Arnold & Lillian Rose Bea & Carl Rosenbloom Willie & Bertha Rosengarten Freda & Joe Rosenfeld Frances Rosenfield George & Ethel Roth Israel & Ray Rothbart Molly & Morris Rubenstein Foundation Iz & Sophie Rumack Samuel J. & Jean Sable Family New Fraternal Jewish Association’s J.B. Salsberg Allan & Marian Saltsman Ruth & Leo Schacter Esther & Mark Schipper Laura & Sidney Schipper Ruth & Charles Schwartz “Jack Schwartz, Ida Schwartz, Bertha Schwartz Katzman & Murray Schwartz” Carrie Schwarz Fae Scolnik Frank J. Seger Liba & Israel Senderowitz (Senders) Andrew & Magdi Senyi Robert & Naomi Shapero Family Eva & A. Morris Shapira Morris & Rose Shear Edward & Helen Sheffman Family Samuel & Rose Shendroff Lou & Esther Sher Harry & Sarah Sherman Theodore & Donna Sherman Sylvia & Murray Shiffman Family Bernice & Mac Shore Rebecca & Sam Shore Becky & Irvin Shulman Harry & Jean Silver Family Joseph & Bertha Silverberg Family Philip & Esther Skovronek Adrienne & Joel Slan Robert & Rose Slan Annita Slochowski Freda & Louis Slotnick Family Sam & Minka Smith Harry & Molly Sniderman Anne & Harold Sniderman Cantor Max & Mina Snyder Aaron & Lillian Sokalsky Family Harry L. Solomon Rose & Louis Soupcoff Louis & Ruth Spencer Donna & Ronald Steinberg Family Eric Stone Ruth & Jacob Streiner Anne & Robert Strom Dr. Donald Stuss & Family David & Fern Sugarman Louis Swartz Hetty & David Swartzman Joseph & Sally Switzer Bella & Jakob Szterenlicht Luigi Tatangelo Joseph & Dena Tessis Family Harry & Molly Title* Lloyd & Lillian Title Family Moses & Temara Tobe Foundation Toronto Hebrew Benevolent Society Izzy & Fanny (Faye) Trefler United Families Organization Peggy Vogel Madelin & Harry Waisberg Harry J. & Mari Waisglass Alma & Ted Waldman Max & Sala Walerstein Judith Walters Warsaw Lodzer Mutual Benefit Association Saul & Jean Weisbrod Rose & Henry Weissburst Benjamin & Sarah Weverman Family Bernard & Ina Gurofsky & Samuel & Minnie Wexler Louis & Dora White Gilda & Leonard Whyne Molly & Ben Willer Mary & Percy Wilner Max & Sally Wintraub Honey & Julie Wise & Family Ab & Kate Witkin Family Molly & Ruby Wohl Beatrice & Max Wolfe Regina Wolff Sylvia & Irving Wortsman Elizabeth & Joseph Yolles Chaim Yontef Family Gracias 52 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Jack E. Young Helen & Harold Zamon PATRON $10,000 – $17,999 Irving & Helen Aaron Rivka Rachel Rosenberg & Ala Rosenberg Ackerman Susan & Simon Adams Sarah & Sam Adams & Ruth Adams Sam Adelkind John Alexander Gurston Sidney Allen & Laya Fauman Allen Sheila J. Allen Faye & Morris Alter Alexander & Verk Families Arthur & Sonia Anisman Nechemiah & Esther Shaindel Applebaum Family Rose & Israel Appel Morris & Fanny Applebaum Jennie & Moishe Appleby & Family Rena Lillian & Max Appleby Ida & Jack Ashrow Atkin Goodis Deborah & Nathan Austin Family Sara & Lionel Axler Eddie Baker Mathilda Bald Larry & Arna Banack & Family Joseff & Susan Baruch Sam & Elsie Barsh Eleanor & Herb Baskin Morris & Frances Basen Fanny & Nathan Baumstein Esther & Morris Bearg Mary Beallor Annette & Sid Bearg Family Frances & Alex Beder Jack B. Bedder Ethel Benoway & Family Allen & Judy Berg Allen & Ann Bernick Family Ira & Celia Berg & Sam & Helen Mandel Ida Berman Louis & Jean Bernstein Max & Sarah Bernstein Rebecca Berenzon Erika & George Biro Frank & Edith Birnbaum Joseph & Anne Black Freda & Ralph Blankier Sydney & Hilda Blackman Belle (Berlin) Bliman Leah & Joseph Blinick Mary & Sydney Blinick Mary & Sydney Blinick Hattie & Martin Bloom Joseph & Carla Blum Abraham & Jennie Bogomolny Saul Bookspan Morris & Esther Bornstein Albert & Pearl Bossin* Sara & Morris Botnik Harry & Pearl Brandwein Max & Bella Brandriss Harry & Sarah Brandes Florence & Edward Brill Sidney Brickman Charlotte Pauline Brody Fannie & Ruben Brown Ida & Benjamin Brown Brown Family Mitchell Brown & Alice Nusbaum* D. Nathan Buckler Rose & Carl Calmenson* Samuel Camelgar Ada & Ben Caplan Dr. Sol & Mary Cappe C. A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd. Cappe Family Blanche & Herb Caplan Sally Caplan Sam & Celia Carr Hillis Cass Harry Casse Harry (Morris) Chaim Joseph & Janet Chapnik Max & Beckie Chapnick Bonnie Chizick* Clara & Benjamin Cohen/Pauline & Joseph Kline Eileen & Louis Cohen Family Rose & Louis Cohen Max & Mary Cohen Phil & Adele Cohl Berel & Ruth Cohen Abraham & Rose Consky Jack & Gussie Constant Daisy (Deborah) & Max Cooper Cooper Family Bessie & Harry Cooper Margaret Cooper Martin Cooper Ben & Nety Copelovici & Family Cornish Family Libbie L. Cowan Hy & Layah Day Leah & Isaac Day Rita & Sol Dennis Faigel & Abba Diamond Sarah Diamond Lena Dickstein Samuel Z. & Lillian Donnenfield Belle & George Drutz* Irving & Fanny Dryer Marvin & Miriam Dryer Chippy & Danny Dubinsky & Family Cantor Chaim & Fira Dunec Evelyn & Joseph Dunkelman Helen & Luzer Dzialoszynski Sam & Sarah Elkind Freda & Mailey Ellenzweig William & Gertrude Engel Jeannette Enkin Murray Etlin Family Reuben & Dorothy Farberman Nathan & Freda Farb Ida & Fishel Farber* Shirley & Dave Farberman Harry & Molly Federman Joe & Anita Feldman & Family Morris & Rebecca Feldman Henry & Mali Fenigstein Family Gertrude & David Finkelstein Jeffrey & Barbara Fineberg Judith Fine & Avrom H. Fine Sala & Morris Finkelstein Samuel & Natalie Fine Joseph & Faye Firestone Civia Fischer Saul & Rina Fishbein* Albert Florence Harry Fogler Morris & Ida Frankfort Sydney G. Frankfort Albert & Charlotte Freedman Family Esther & Jack Freeman Hilda & Myer Freeman Dr. Samuel & Pearl Freedhoff Bessie & Harry Frisch Jack & Celia Frimet Claire & Isadore Frilegh Sylvia & George Friedman Morris & Ethel Fruitman Joy & Barry Gales Arthur & Shelley Gans Betty Garnet Family Mamie & Max Garfinkel Gasner/Solursh Anna & David Kulas Geist Martin & Harriet Gelb Family Samuel Geller Annette & Mel Gilbert Harry & Marion Gilbert Israel & Mildred Ginsburg Shirley & Sid Gladstone “Murray “”Bucky”” Glicksman” Max & Lillian Glickman Morris & Rose Glick Bess & Philip Godfrey* Max & Freda Godfrey Muriel & Archie Goldstein Bella Goldmacher David & Enid Gold Edwin & Joyce Goldstein George & Kay Goldlist “Harry, Grace & Blanche Goldberg” Max & Mania Goldmintz Family Lena & Sam Goldstein Rose & Sam Goldhar Jack & Sylvia Golden Tuty & Adolph Goldenberg Tillie & Wolfe Goldberg Chana Faiga & Izzie Goodman “Garry, Shirley, Jason & Helen Goodman” Daisy & Max Goodman Ada & Saul Goodman Ethel & Ben Gorlick Harry & Ida Gordon Eve & Joseph Gordon Philip & Lillian Gordon Fanny & Julius Gosevitz* Bernhard & Rachel Gottlieb Joseph Gottdenker & Family Abe & Rose Granatstein Jerome Graff Harry & Millie Greenspoon Helen M. Greenberg* Harry & Sonia Greenberg Family Mimi & Mel Greenspoon William & Toby Greenspoon Jack & Jean Gringorten Ben & Freda Gryfe Family At the age of 12, Jillian Wynn donated the proceeds from her bat mitzvah to Baycrest. Her $10,000 donation has continued her family’s legacy of giving, and we thank our young donor for her generous gift. Frank Gula & Dorothy Kurtz Gurau Family Judy & Jack Gwartz Family Hailman & Horowitz Family George & Merele Hamell Bella Zeifman Handelsman Diane & Gary Harris Githa Hart Jack & Amy Hauer* Stella & Max Haubenstock Anna & Edmund Hefner Rose Heisel Mickey & Eunice Heller Milton Henry Elaine Herzog Family Rebecca Sonia Hershoran Dr. Henry & Ella Himel Phillip Hirsch Fayga & Louis Hochberg Aranka Hofstedter Kalman & Ray Holtzman Samuel & Olga Honig Deirdre Hopkins Bebe Isha Husain Family Shirley Kofman Irving & Mina Ingber Mollie Isaacson Albert & Sarah Isenberg Elaine & Jules James Harry & Zelda Jonas & Family Harry & Toby Jordan Marshall & Esther Jubas Family Sadie Kagan Molly Frimer-Kaminker Siegmund & Sofie Kamnitzer Edith & Jack Kaplan Allen & Sharon Karp & Family Toba (Toby) & Harry Kash Abe & Bunny Katz Kaufman Family Isadore & Sarah Kerzner Harry & Rose Kesten Irving M. Keyfitz Warren & Debbie Kimel Family* Henry & Lilli Kirsh* Laura & Jack Kirk David & Rose Kirsh Estelle Klasner-Nimni Pearl & Herman Klebanoff Oscar & Edith Kochberg Avrum & Golda Kohl Motel (Mordechai) & Chasia Kojfman* Koralek Family Morris & Ruth Korman Harry & Mary Korolnek Jack & Ida Koskie Jack & Gertrude Kosoy Rose & Ben Kozierok Molly & John Jacob Kramer Adele Kuperstein Anne & Sam Kuretzky Betty & Samuel Kwinter Family Lagover Mutual Benefit Society Harvey Langer Charles & Renee Appel & Oscar & Selma Lang Rose Langer Sara & Hyman Langer & Toba & Mendel Weinrib Jonathan Lax Jessica Lax Pauline & Julius Laywine Max & Myna Lazer Mel J. & Marlyne Lazer Harry & Ida Lester Bessie Levine Finkelstein & Levine Family Dr. Joseph & Rita Leventhal & Family Morris & Ruth Levine Phyllis & Murray L. Levin Florye & Percy Levy Polly Levi Ruth & Irving Levine Family Pauline & Harvey Lewis Jonah Aaron & Faigie Miriam Libman Alice Light* Lipman Family The Isadore Lipson Family Sam & Manya Lipshitz Evalyn & Arthur Lipton Family Ruth & Norem Litvak & Louis & Lillian Bloom Harry & Tillie Litwin Louis & Pearl Litwin Sylvia & Willy Lobel Florence & Joseph Lokash Rivka (Regina) & Max Males Aouali (Hatchouel) Malka Matatia Malka Erica Elayne Schiller Mammon Dorothy Sarner Manace & Dr. Bernard Abraham Manace & Family Abraham & Dora Mandel Joseph & Min Mandel Max & Sophie Mandel Gordon & Ethel Mandell Fran Mann Dr. John J. & Ruthe Mann Marsha & Paul S. Manson Rose & Jack Manson & Goldie & John Rosen Haya & Chaim Marcovitz “Markslan Endowment, Ben & Sylvia Marks” Alter & Chaya Fradel Markus Anne & Lewis Markus Bina & Joel Maser Mildred Mazin Family Dorie McKittrick & Family Zelda & Samuel Mednick Olga & Sam Meister & Family Albert & Elsie Mend Sarah & Gordon Mendly Ann & Samuel Meyers Irwin & Mariel Michael Family Hadassah & Henry Milchman Harold & Eleanor Miller Harold & Ruth Milne Beatrice & Arthur Minden Family Dr. Howard Mitchell Cindy & Joel Moldaver Faggie & Albert Molson “Rose, James & Mela Montagnes” Sylvia Moore Rose Musicar Hershel & Hela Naiman Ann & Alter Nakelsky Hilda & Irving Nashman Becky Newman Bernie & Anna Newton Samuel & Frances Nissenbaum Solomon & Hannah Nusbaum* Gert & Bill Nyman Family Alex & Shirley Ogden Lola & Bernard Oksner Maurice & Fanny Orenbach Yetta & Morris Orfus* Joel A. Organek Michael & Adele Ostfield Family* Jacob & Jenny Ostrow Leon & Elsie Pape Pauline & Al Pattenick Family Lilyan & Albert Pearl Mary & Moishe Perlmutar Perlmutter Family Harry & Dina Phillips Family Norman & Lynda Picov Esther & Harry Pike Selma Plaut George & Marley Pollock Joseph & Bessie Pollock Dr. M.A./Clara Pollock Bertha & Irving Pomotov Winnie & Sam Posner Arna & Harry Potashin Lillian & David Powell Daniel Prenick Moniek & Genia Prusznowski Family David & Brenda Rafalovitz Leo & Hilda Raider Oskar & Esterita Rajsky Lily & Kuba Rakusin Esther & Gerald Ray Isaac & Molly Ray* Harry & Joyce Raymond Reuben & Lillian Reiken Laurie & Helen Nussbaum Reiss Morris & Goldie Reiss & Family Morris & Lillie Resnick Family Louis & Rose Revitch Donald H. Rich Abraham Richman Helen & Alex Richmond Ted & Miki Richmond Eleonora Rinde Selma Robins Fanny Roff Ernest & Clara Roger Max & Dorothy Roher Denise Rose Mary & Murray Rose Abie & Sarah Rosen Bella & Joseph Rosen Harvey & Alma Rosen Minnie & Joseph Rosen Hynda & Joseph Rosenberg Sam & Sarah Rosenberg Florence & Maury Rosenblatt Danny & Marilyn Rosenzweig Family Rosmarin Family Foundation Rosner – Wolfman Family Ida & Sam Ross Aaron & Sarah Rotenberg* Louis & Minnie Rotenberg Martin & Rose Roth Rothschild Family Dov Rozenmutter Family Maude & Jack Rumack Sophie Rygier Rose & Gordon Saltzman Minn Sandler Jacob & Libbie Sandy Maria Santo & Family Selim Sassoon Bertha & William Savlov Beatrice & Joseph Schipper Sigmund & Gabriella Schmidt Rubin (Ruven) & Fradel Schneider Julius & Else Scholem Benjamin & Katy Schwartz & Family Jack & Bertha Schwartz Family Irving & Shirley Scolnik Joseph Poss & Lily Poss Segar Sidney & Merle Seligman Sam & Trudy Shain Sherkin Family Gertrude & Fred Sherman Sherman Family Isie Golombek & Doris Sherwin Nat & Ethel Sherwin William & Ethel Shiman Eleanor & Irving Shnier Family Morris Shoom Anne & William Shore Harry Tochterman Shuber & Annie Shuber Yetta & Maurice Shully Michael & Jackie Shulman Sara (Sal) & Ted Sidon & Family Mary & George Silver Nathan & Mollie Silver Harry & Evelyn Silverberg Family “Sam & Molly Silverberg, Marcy & Sidney Silverberg & Kay & Morris Chaplick” Maurice & Rose Silverstein Fran Simms Dr. Murray Simon Dr. Philip & Ruth Simon Saul Simon Kalman & Devorah Gitel Sinaberg Fred & Belle Singer Polly E. Singer Betty & Joseph Skolnik Beth & Jack Sky Benjamin Slatt Dzieki ˛ 54 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Clara & Gerald Smith Irene & Gerald Smith Blanche (Salsberg) & Garfield P. Smith Hy & Rose Smith Isadore & Ruth Smith Sara & Leonard C. Smith Q.C. Sarah & Eddie Solish Honey Soll Dr. Coleman Solursh Jerry Solway Sone Family Albert & Frances Sonenberg Greta Sonshine* Mort & Doris Spiar Annie & Harry Spring Minna & Abe Squires Joseph & Rose Stahl Rose & Samuel Stark Family Sid & Yittie Starkman Ben & Frances Steinberg Irving & Toby Steinberg* Isadore & Fay Steinberg Sidney & Shirley Steinberg Anne & Jerry Steiner Dorothy & Bob Sterling Jacob & Minnie Sterling Samuel & Ruth Sterling Family Pearl & Albert Stevens Louis & Edith Stillman Family Dr. Meyers & Belle Stitt Lilyan & Harvey Stork Francie & Martin Storm Family Louis & Susan Strauss Irving & Doreen Strom Family Jennie Stupp Norman & Rachel Suckonic Avrom & Reesa Sud Family Tilly Sugarman Pearl & Sam Sugarman “Charles, Rose & Ann Sutton” “Jack, Min & Joanne Swadron Family” Ernest & Bertha Swirsky Miklos & Ilonka (Seder) Szabolcsi Miklos & Gabriella Szanto Mimi Szekely Goldie Tanner Bert & Anne Taradash Moses & Anne Tartick Dr. Jacob & Rose Tarshis Family Brunina Tassone Harold N. & Catherine Taube Arthur Abraham Tenen Jack & Ida Teplitsky Irene & Sydney Tepperman Family Gittel & Abraham Tessis Dora Anna Till & Morris Sanford Till Rita & Myron Tobias Rubin & Elaine Todres Family Rose & Joseph Trefler Michael & Sue Turk Stephen & Maura Turk Nadine Tytel Ladislav Verny Jack & Lillian Vinokur* Brian & Bunny Vyner Beatrice & Samuel (Rip) Wagman Etta Wagman Goldie Wagman Harvey & Beulah Wagman Isadore & Rachel Wagman Rose & Henry Wagman & Harry Horowitz Tillie & Jack Wainberg Sol & Lilyan Wainberg Henry & Selma Walfish Irwin A. & Frances Wallace Toby & Murray Waltman Sarah & Samuel Warner Harry & Ester Warsh Betty & Morris & Brian & Joel Wasser Family David & Mary Wasserman Ethel Wasserman & Martin Wasserman Sam & Sarah Waxman Margaret & Irving Wayne Family Sara Gertrude Wayman Anne & Moe Weiner Lucy & Isadore (Gus) Weinstein* Eddie & Rita Weisberg Maurice & Mary Weisdorf Aube & Fae Weisman Emma Weiss “Isidore, Giselle & Magda Weiss” Stephen Weiss Eva Weissenberg & Leslie Weissenberg Dr. Samuel Marcus Wigser Fanny & Jack Wineberg & Esther & Bernard Yale Bernice & Jack Winnick Minnie Winocur Jack & Betty Winston Family Albert & Gertrude Wise Gertrude & Hyman Wisebrod Faye Wohl Kover & Anne Wohl Beatrice Wolfe Joyce & Jack Wolfe Morris & Pauline Wolfman Family Samuel & Esther Wolfman Abe Woolf Dr. Solomon Jacob & Kate Woolfson Irwin & Elayne Wortsman & Family Moishe & Ettie Wosnick & Family Elaine Yaffe Israel & Perla Yakubowicz Bessie Yolleck Cecil & Annette (Denny) Yolles Zabitsky Family Anna & Morris Zaidman Ruth & Morris Zaretsky Eliezer & Itta Zeisler Betty & Noel Zeldin Harry & Celia Zener Zuckerman Family Leonard & Elizabeth Zuk & Family Oscar Zuker Ruth & Oscar Zuker Freda & Michael Zulauf Robert & Belma Zweig & Family Therese Zwetschkenbaum SUPPORTER $2,000 – $9,999 Louis & Esther Abella Shina & William Abrams Sam & Esther Ackerman Judge Joseph L. Addison Belle Adler Allan Albert Irving S. Albert Nettie Albert Barbara & Marshall Alexander Family Bertha Allen Eve & Mickey Alter Lillian Samuels Appel Louis & Fanny Applebaum Agnes Armstrong Bernard Arshoff Joyce Arshawsky Hillel & Asher Family Ethel & David Atlas Bernie Auerback Hadassah & Label Bachst Sally & Earl Bader & Tillie & Barney Bader Charles Bain Judah H. & Rachel Barcessat David & Rose Bardenstein Bryna & Leonard Barkin Harry L. & Pauline Barkin & Alan Berk Jack & Freda Barkin Sarah & Pinkus Barth Lillian Lavine Baumwald Thomas & Laurie Beckerman Shloime Bederman & Moshe Kurtz* Simmie & Abe Beker Goldie & Morris Bellack Harriett Belzberg-Reppas Frankie & Oscar Bender Family Jane Berenbaum Stanley & Sylvia Bergman Pauline & Jack Berman Family Bella Bernstein Mayer Bialoglowsky Ann & David Biderman Morris & Minnie Biderman Rose Biderman Sam & Cecille Bidner Laura & Abraham Bien Harry & Faye Bierstock Family Jennie & Joe Birenbaum Family Allan Blackstien Max & Sophie Blackstien Roslyn Bleiweis Dorothea R. (Dofy) Bloom “Celia, Louis & Barry Blumenfeld & Allan Brooks” Hilda & Jack Bluestein Family Hy & Sadie Bocknek Sadie Boltman Harriett Bomza 1,865 event participants 2012-2013 Adeline & Norman Borins Fanny & Jacob Borinsky Family Joseph & Sadie (Syd) Bornstein Martin Bornstein Sam H. & Renee Borovoy Soorah & Sid Borovoy Jack & Edith Brahams Dorothy Brassel Joe Brenner Sadie & Sam Brodkin Meyer & Gertrude Bromberg Olia Brownstone Al Lipson & Sylvia Burstein Helen Burstein Vivian & David Campbell Ruth & Harry Caplan Family Sam & Shirley Caplan Rose Leah Cappe Rose & Nathan Cappe Reuben A. & Pearl Cappe Calvin Cappell “Ron, Gail & Gary Carbell Family” Fanny Cardish/Jennie Shoot-Austin Susan Centner Davidson Chandler Holocaust Resource Project Dr. Morris & Hudy Charendoff Evelyn & Louis Charles Herb Charles Jack & Rose Chelsky Freda Chernovsky Family Joel Alan Cherry Jack Charles & Lorne Chousky Sonya & Michael (Church) Chuchura Beatrice & Henry Cieman Sam Ciglen Rose & Abraham Citron Albert & Sylvia Clausner Harry Clairman Tanya & Jack Clement Family Roslyn Climans Abe & Eva Cohen Debbie & Farley Cohen Harold & Kay Cohen Family Harry Cohen Max & Rebecca Cohen Rose & Ida Cohen Ruth Cohen Sara Cohen Sonnee Ruben Cohen Etta & Sam Collins ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 55 Celia & Elliott Collins Min & William Collins Jean & Garson Conn Jack & Lillian Cooper Jack & Sybil Cooper Murray Cooper Allen G. Copnick Family Norman & Bertha Cowan Hilda & Samuel Cowan John & Freda Cozman Family Louis Firestone Family Kate & Phil Fischman Joseph & Fannie Fish Henry David Fisher Hy & Rita Fisher Jacob & Sarah Fisher Rose Ticktin & Carole Marilyn Fisher Annie & Eddie Fleisher Mendel & Malka Flint Lillian Fogle “Our family never would have been able to cope without Baycrest’s help.” - The Cappe Family, donors Senator & Mrs. David A. Croll Senator David A. Croll Sally E. Croll William A. Crocker Sylvia & Marvin Daniels Grace V. Davey Anna David Wilfred R. Davis Ralph & Dorothy De Sola Harry & Lola Derlachter Rochelle & Charles Diamond Shirley & Eph Diamond Family Irene Dick Leon & Golda Diener Annie Hilda Dillick Emanuel Don Ethel & Moses Donenfeld Donin Family “Szlomo Zelman Don, Joseph Fraidenraich, David Lieberman” Lisa & Philip Draper Sarah & Louis Drew Harry & Sarah Dubinsky Pearle & Morris Duckman Oscar Duskes Murray & Edythe Ehrlick David & Eva (Chavala) Eisen Sarah & Issie Eisen Max & Rose Eisenberg Vincent James & Leona Equable Goldie & Irving Erenberg Family Fairbloom Family Faith Family Gertrude & Ralph M. Farber Sammy Federman Gert Fenkell Fara Fenwick Lillian & Myer Fine Morris Fingrut Joel Fink Mary & Wilfred Fink David & Sadie Finkelberg Family Louis Finkelstein Morris Finsten Rozalia & Berek Finkelstein Family Sam Fireman Annie & Hymie Forman Toni Franco Minnie & Simon Frankel Belle & Saul Freedman Dora Freedman Gilda & Sam Freedman Eli & Sylvia Freeman Morris & Kate Freeman Herb & Betty Frieberg Family Jeffrey Steven Friedland Jeshua & Gitla Friedland Pat & Allan Friedland Family Sophie Fromovitz Ruth & Joe Fruchtman Family Sam Galinsky Philip & Eva Gantman Sam Garber Charles Gardner Robert & Ethel Garfinkel Norman Garnet “Marvin, Terry & Mamie Geist” Benjamin & Thelma Gelgoot Ida & Isaac Gelman Isaac Gelman Devin Lauter Gerstein Lee Zwig Gerstein Gilinsky Family Harry & Ettie Gilman Etta Ginsberg Etta Ginsberg Givertz Family Sarah & Henry Gladstone Max Glazer Leonard & Eleanor Godfrey Manuel & Muriel Godfrey Rae Godfrey Ben & Rae Gold Family Harry Goldberg Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg Family Sandor Goldberger Family Goldblatt Family Irvin & Etta Golden Family Louis & Ethel Goldenberg Pearl & Benjamin W. Goldenberg Isaac Goldkorn Albert & Katie Goldman Fanny & Jacob Goldman Family Jack & Lil Goldman Family Miriam Goldman Zalman & Shaindel Gittel Goldmintz Phyl Goldner Phyl & Roy Goldner David & Helen Goldsilver Manny Goldsmith Edward & Mildred Goldstein John & Sylvia Goldstein Norman & Trudy Goldstein Rose & Sydney Goldstein Golvin Family Moe & Bertha Goodman Nathan Goodman Frank & Hilda Gould Sarah Grammer Gertie & Morris Granatstein Family Nathan Gray Gilbert & Pearl Green Philip Green Thelma Green Toby Greenberg Betty & David Greenglass Rabbi Abraham Greenspan Mordechai & Rose Greenspan Groman Family Harold & Dinah Gross Murray & Bessie Grossman Family Shirley Grotell Faye & Sol Grupp Hilda Grushcow Michele Lecker-Gryfe & Moishe Gryfe Ruth & Arthur Gryfe Chaim Gurfinkel Frank & Jolan Guttman Jacob & Adela Guttman Nathan & Barbara Haber Lila & Saul Halpern Handelman Family Minabelle & Irving Haneford Mary Harris Ethel Hebscher Marion & Alex Hertzman Family Sonia Hershman David & Toby Himelfarb Lorraine & Aubie Himmel Rebecca Hoch & Cecil & Barbara Davidson Arnold & Frania Hochberg Joe & Helen Hochberg Goldie & Louis Hoffman Mollie Hoffman Ruth Holesh Robert & Leona Hurwitz Edwin & Sylvia Hyde Family Harry & Eleanor Hyde Rose & Irving Ingles Harold & Samuel Isenberg Saul & Bev Isenberg Frances Jacober Chava & David N. Jacobson Dora & Frank Jacobson Bernard H. Jaffee Tor & Pearl Jakobson Jesion Family Goldie Joseph Connie & Ben Kachuck Family Rita & William Kagan William Kagan Edith Kalles Mary & David Kalnitzsky Family Hy & Bella Kaman Philip & Lena Kandel & Joseph Kandel Frank & Sarah Kappy Robert & Leatrice Karmazin May & Fred Karp Morris Kasman Aaron & Marion Kates Esther & David Kates Gertie Kates Jules & Dorothy Kates Ethel & William Kathron William Katz Woolf & Freda Katz Benjamin & Annie Katzman Rose & Charles Kay Sylvia Kellermann Charles Aaron Kent Sam & Sarah Kerzner Harry & Ida Keshen Pearle & Carl Keyfetz Q.C. Margaret & Murray Keyfetz Alex & Helen Kielish Kipper Family Murray & Lila Kirsh Ralph & Bessie Kirsh Sheldon Kirsh & Esther Kirsh Lily & Jack Kirshenblatt Irene & Morley Klayman Klebanoff Family Belle & Joseph (Lucky) Klein A. Sol & Rebecca Kling Bernard Koffman Helen & Irving Kofsky Edward Kohn Meta & Henri Kolin Toby & Jules Kopman Edythe & Myron Korn Louis & Florence Krandel Family Solly & Hanne Krieger Michael & Shirley Krofchick Sam & Funia Krongold Barney & Fanny Kronis Geraldine (Gerri) Kronis Charlotte & William Krossel Krugel Family Rose Lagunoff Family Steve & Heather Lamasz Jules & Toby Lambert Sylvia & Philip Lampert Lillian Levine Landman Lillian Langer Samuel & Mary Langer Family Rose Lastman Ross – Lederman Fred & Estelle Lepofsky Grazie 56 BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Harry & Annie Lerner Frances Levinsky Isaac & Jennie Levy Ben & Ruth Levant Harry Lewis Molly & Harry Lewkowicz Sadie Lieff Sigmund (Sigi) Lightman Marion Lim Allan Lindzon Toby & Alfred Lipman Jeffrey & Beverly Lipson Arthur & Isabell (Belle) Liss Family Joseph & Gertrude Litvak and Lewis & Rebecca Goldblatt Beverley Colman Lokash Ann & Harry London Bill & Fannie Love Joseph Lucatch Ben & Vera Lyons Irwin & Katherine Lyons L Z A Senior Citizens Elsie Maclean Family Mina & Reuben Madesker Lottie & Jack Magder Olga & Leslie Maibaum Hanna-Maria Maijala-Root Toby Malamud Dr. Bernard & Ida Mandel Hilda & Max Mandel Tillie Penwick Mandel Gilda & Philip Mandelbaum Frances & Morrey Manilla Louis & Anne Manley Norman & Fanny Manly Adele Manson Manson Family Louis & Helen Marcovitch Lillian Marcus Freda & Irving Margles Peter Margolis Mary & Morris Marks Professor Nathan Markus Willie Martin David & Sylvia Matlow Maven-Thornhill Lodge B’nai Brith Seymour & Evelyn Mayers Ann & Manuel Mayers Jack & Sara Mazin Family Arnold Medad Ann & Samuel Meltz Arthur & Lillian Messinger Rowena Meyer Louis Milgram Arthur & Sylvia Miller Jack (Whitey) & Gertrude Mills Lily & Hyman Milstein Gary & Genia Minz Dr. Sidney Moll Joseph & Helen Morgan & Family Fay & Gerry Morris Bettye Morton Joseph & Molly Moses Fay & Alex Mosoff Muller & Hirsch Families Agnes Murphy Family Minnie Myers Sally Myers Miriam Naiman Esther & Hyman Naistein Rose Nash & Herschel Friedman Ida Nefsky Rose Nepom New Fraternal Jewish Association Louis & Frieda Newman Jessie & Charles Norman Northwood Country Club Rita Offman Lou & Ida Oiffer Lillian & Louis Okun Jerry & Shirley Olch Belle & Lou Onrot Joel A. Organek Thora & Fred Ornstein Eva & Henry Ostro Annie Page Esther & George Panzer Parker Family Parlow Family Jack Parr Yona Pattenick Esther & Irving Pearl Samuel & Ettie Pelchovitz Rivy & Murray Perelman Mark Perlmutter Pesce Family Marsha Pezim Arnold & Florence Phillips Howard Arnold Phillips Rosa Pinhas Avrum & Ida Platt Sylvia & Max Plant & Paul & Fanny Feld Poizner Family Dr. Edward M. Pollak & Family Millie (Tobenstein) & Sidney Pollock Belle & Joseph Posluns Richard Posluns Sam & Rebecca Posluns Irvine Potash Rolf & Regina Power Charles & Fanny Prussky & Sydney Prussky Family Dr. William Prusin David & Ida Pulver Max & Annie Rabinowitz “Norm & Millie Egelnick, Al & Ray Rabin” Rose Rabovsky & Frances Deutsch Dannie & Tilly Rabinowitz Rebecca Rafalovitch Dr. David Rakowski Dr. Harry Rakowski Harry & Goldie Rash Dr. Norman Rasky Max & Vera Rasminsky Family Redhill Family Rose Reiss Ethel Rensler Leah & Saul Resnick Ben & Sunny Richman Esther & Samuel Richardson Samuel & Bella Richman Irene & Irving Rife Family David Rigler Abraham & Sarah Ritchie Nathan Rochwerg Steven Rodness Eva & Morris Rose Dr. Barry Rosen Carl & Rebecca Rosen Himey & Helen Rosen Louis Rosen Family Ben Rosenberg & Hilda Rosenberg Gertrude Rosenberg Judy & Morris Rosenberg Norman & Rita Rosenberg Foundation Doris & Sam Rosenblat Ruth Rosenblum Riva & Herb Rosenfeld Sam & Gert Rosenthal Henry & Ann Ross Harry & Sara Rotbard Bill Rotenberg Matys Rotenberg & Ita Rotenberg Peretz & Chanka Rotenberg Toby Roth “Nathan, Sara & Morris Rotman” Lillian Rotstein Margaret & Louis Barany & Tibor Rottmann Molly Rubinoff Safron Ruderman Family Ethel & Alex Rumianik Esther & Joseph Rutman Martin Rynski Joseph Herman Sadowski Anne Salem Sam & Anne Salem Irvin Schipper Kamilla A. Schonberg Sol & Eva Schulman Louis & Pearl Schwartz Bessie Schweitzer Eva & Irving Seligman Hy & Esther Seligman Jessica & Tonya Seltzer Gerald & Hannah Shane Beck Shapiro Dr. Ernest K. Shapiro Harry & Clara Shapiro Rae & Abe Shachter Rose Shain Harry & Eva Shefman Al Shendale Louis Sherman Stanley & Sally Sherman Anshei Shidlov Esther & Sam Shilling Family Manny & Sadye Shinehoft Sam & Elsie Shulman Jack Sibulash Irving Siegel Family Mollie & Max Sigal Harry Silverberg James & Marie Silverberg Samuel J. & Lillie Silverberg Harry & Bessie Silverhart Annalee Silverman Joseph Louis & Celia Silverman Dr. Harry & Tannis Silverstein Harry & Jennie Silverstein Murray & Joanne Silverstein Bernice & Percy Singer Fred & Ann Singer Family “Joseph, Reta & Bruce Sipper” Sally & Max Skrow Sam & Fanny Skurka Pearl & Jack Slan Harry Slavner “Baycrest is special to us. We visit my grandfather every Sunday. I just wanted to help the people who needed it most – people like my Zaidy.” - Jillian Wynn, donor Sam & Anne Salem Saltzman Family Medical Research Kenneth & Toby Saltzman Jennie Samuels Lucy & Louis Jules Samuels Aileen Sax Helen F. Schacter Irving & Mae Schacter Anne & Kalman Schaffran Izzy & Yetta Schatten Ruth & Herb Scheinman Hannah Ambrose Schiff Frank & Florence Schipper Rachel Sliwinska Lou Sloan Rabbi Reuben & Rita Slonim William (Bill) Sluser Ben & Sally Smith Gertrude (Snider) Goldfarb & Shep Snider Jennie Snider Sam Snider Betty & Boris Sokoloff Lillian Soles Sam & Inez Solish Rose & Louis Sonenberg ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 57 Young Women’s Branch of The Sons of Jacob Mindy Souberman Raizel (Aronovitch) Spector Rose & Tommy Speisman Munja Spiegel Bill Sprackman “Mae Stein, Dorothy Schoenberger & Sadie Rose” Clara Warsh Harry Wasserman Moishe & Rayla Wasserman Family Andrew & Margaret Weisz Betty & Max Weinberg Yaacov & Freda Weinberg Sam Weiner & Marci Weiner Julie & Michael Weingarten Family Norman Weingarten Family “Baycrest gave my father the dignity and quality of life that no other institution could have.” - Jill Wagman, donor Henrietta Kostman Barbara Lev Sheila Loftus In Honour of Carol Moir Joyce Posluns Fran Sonshine Gabi Weisfeld Anonymous LEADING WOMAN OF BAYCREST $3,600 – $35,999 ANNUALLY YOUNG WOMAN OF BAYCREST $365 ANNUALLY Courtney M. Fireman Lani Greenspoon Lauren Greisman Justine Melman Joanna Richler Jessica Snow Robyn Weintraub Sharon Herman Anita S. Lapidus Gaye Stein WOMEN OF BAYCREST $1,800 – $3,599 ANNUALLY Mary Stein Renee & Mel Stein Jonathan & Ursula Miller & Alte & Edgar Steinberg William & Ida Steinberg Fanny Stern Max & Ruth Stern Pearl & Jerome Stone Samuel Stone Harry & Sophie Stransman Morris & Rebecca Stulberg Bob & Goldie Sugar Rose & Aaron Sugar Edith & Leo Szigeti Kon & Szpigiel Family Goldie & Louis Talsky Esther & Harry Tator Celia & Henry Taube Jack & Bernice Taylor Family Henry & Ruth Tenser Morris & Lily Tepperman Rhoda & Benjamin Tepper Rose & Jack Tesher Fred Tittel Rita & Myron Tobias Louis & Rose Tobis Jaakov & Lilli Toporek & Family Eze & Alice Torkin Ruth Torneck Sydney & Ruth Tozman Max Trachter Sylvia & Philip Trager Harry & Mary Unger Kopel & Lilian Unger Bessie Urowitz Lillian & Ben Valin Samuel Verman Visenberg Stanley Vyner & Millie Abramovitz Arthur & Sue Wagman Debbie Wagman William Wagman Morris & Zena Waldman Family Reva & Mark Waldman Annette & Jack Walman Family Dora Waltman Irving Waltman 58 Esther & Ben Weinrib Rita & Ralph Weinstein Family Emma & Irving Weintraub Mina Wierzchowski Rose Weisblatt Harry Weisfeld Herbert J. Weiss Samuel & Rose Wiener Morris & Muriel Wilensky Sol & Anne Wilks Molly & Max Wingust Irving & Frances Wintrob Morris (Moishe) & Pauline Wise Benjamin & Nellie Wisleski Rose Wohlgelernter Edward Wolfish Phyllis & Saul Wolfish-Morton Rose & Harry Wolfson S. David & Rose Wolfson Lena Wolinsky Bernice & Abe Wygodny Belle & Wilf Yaphe Korentager & Yellin Families Young Men’s Hebrew Association Sam & Norma Yurman Leslie & Gertrude Zack Anne & Joseph Zarnett Fanny & Thomas Zelin John Ziner (Czinner) & Family “Zucker, Zinman, Gross” Betty Zweig Dinah & David Zweig Family *Indicates new funds opened between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013 WOMEN OF BAYCREST MEMBERS BAYCREST FRIEND FOREVER $36,000+ ENDOWMENT” Mildred & Asher Cohen Budgie Frieberg Joy Gales Lillian Vine Glowinsky In Honour of Bella Goldstein Debbie Kimel BAYCREST & BAYCREST FOUNDATION Debbie Bank Irene Berkowitz Catherine Bratty Vivien Brown Janet Durbin Wendy Eisen Evelyn Ernest-Title Lois Fine Judy Frankfort Cindy Freeman Gordon Risa Freeman Norma Fromer Adele Glassman Naomi Goldenberg Diana Goodman Gilda Goodman Karen Green Lisa Green Malka Green Ann Levitt Ruth Magder Anne Mandell Valerie Melman Wendy Myles Eleanor Nadler Penny Petroff Elissa Posluns Esterita Rajsky Rhonda Richer Myrna Ross Risa Rotenberg Sharyn Salsberg-Ezrin Dianne Saxe Doreen Scolnick Ricki Sharpe Judith Shostack Joan Stossel Susan Taerk Linda Waks Teresa Weintraub Cecilia Wynn 17,199 tribute cards sent out 2012-2013 Our thanks to all donors who support Baycrest, including those who have requested anonymity. The Baycrest Foundation makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of our donor listings. If an error or omission has occurred, please contact Marian Johnson at the Baycrest Foundation, 416-785-2500 x 5791 or [email protected]. Baycrest gratefully acknowledges the funding we receive from the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada as well as all other funding agencies. For a full list, please go to Funding support for Baycrest is provided by the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network. We thank the following for their continued support of research at Baycrest: Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer Society of Canada Canada Foundation for Innovation Canada Research Chairs Canadian Institutes of Health Research Care Link Advantage Cognitici Inc. DHX Media Élisabeth Bruyère Research Institute Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario Google Inc. (Foundation) Heart and Stroke Foundation Centre for Stroke Recovery Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario James S. McDonnell Foundation Lundbeck Canada Merz Pharma Canada Ltd. National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE) National Institute of Aging National Institutes of Health Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Networks of Centres of Excellence of Canada (NCE) Ontario Brain Institute Ontario Cancer Biomarker Network Ontario Innovation Trust Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Ontario Ministry of Economic Development and Innovation Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Ontario Research Coalition Royal Conservatory of Music and Trillium Foundation Scottish Rite Charitable Foundation Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The Drummond Foundation The GRAMMY Foundation The TKF Foundation University of Toronto – Faculty of Medicine We also gratefully acknowledge the research support received from the donor community through the Baycrest Foundation. Social services for victims of the Holocaust are supported by a grant from the Conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany. Scan this QR code to view this report on a smartphone. To view it online, visit For more information about Baycrest’s programs and services, please visit Produced by Baycrest Health Sciences Marketing & Communications Design by Campbell Symons Design Main photography by Gerald Allain and William Meijer Photo on page 6 courtesy of Debra Friedman Group photo on page 15 courtesy of the College of Nurses of Ontario Printed by Ricoh baycrestcentre @ Baycrest TheBaycrestChannel
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