
2007 | 0 8
Innovation in Aging
“To me, aging well means
being independent, having
a strong mind and body,
and being able to make my
own decisions.”
Lesley Kroach with her
mother, Apotex resident
Sylvia Emsig, and her
daughter, Ali.
Baycrest is an academic
centre affiliated with the
University of Toronto.
In the 90 years of its existence, inspired by the values of Judaism, Baycrest
has earned and sustained a national and international reputation for
excellence in geriatric care, scientific discovery — particularly in the area
of brain health — and the education of new generations of health-care
providers. It has done so with the support of world-renowned clinicians and
researchers, skilled and committed staff, many thousands of dedicated
volunteers, and remarkably generous donors.
For information about Baycrest’s programs and services,
please visit us online at www.baycrest.org
The mission of Baycrest is to enrich the quality of life
of the elderly guided always by the principles of Judaism.
Baycrest will transform the way people age and advance
care and quality of life to a new level, through the power
of research and education, and with a focus on brain
functioning and mental health.
“To age well, it is important to have
a positive
attitude —
to see the glass half full. And a sense
of humour is important, too —to be able
to laugh even in hard situations — and
to continue to do things that you enjoy.”
Elva Barrowman, pictured here
with daughter Elayne Clarke,
lives independently and in good
health at age 93.
3 Message from the President
and Chief Executive Officer and
Chair of the Board of Directors
6 Centre for Brain Fitness
Ontario government invests in
groundbreaking Baycrest initiative
10 Innovations in hard to treat
dementia Sharing expertise with
other nursing homes
12 2007-2008 Baycrest Highlights
14 Baycrest Making News
21 Board Members, Senior
Management and Medical Advisory
26 Message from the President and
the Chair of the Board of Directors
27 Board of Directors
27 Financial Highlights
28 2007-2008 Foundation Highlight
24 Financial Highlights
32 Baycrest Donors
41 Family of Fundholders
“To me, aging well means having
the strength and courage
to take on and conquer the changes
of life with both grace and appreciation.“
Adi Sternhill, Baycrest volunteer.
Adi’s family includes
(clockwise), her mother
Janis, brother Alon,
grandfather Harry
Bregman, Adi,
grandmother Bernice
Bregman and nephew
Yehuda Aaron.
This year, we began an exciting and
challenging new chapter in our storied history.
A message from Dr. William Reichman,
President and Chief Executive Officer, and
Dr. Anthony Melman, Chair, Baycrest
Board of Directors
Meeting the health challenges of the 21st century
As the new chair of the Board of Directors and the new
president and chief executive officer of Baycrest, we have
spent much time this past year taking the measure of this
extraordinary place we have the privilege of leading.
We began by conducting a comprehensive internal
review of all aspects of the organization as well as an
external review of our clinical services and organizational
infrastructure. This analysis led to the introduction of
our new program management model which is designed
to consolidate our many strengths and help us improve
in areas where we need to do better. The stage is now set
for the development of a strategic plan that will position
Baycrest as number one in the world for innovative
geriatric care, research and education.
In April, in a show of confidence in our ability to lead
the world in aging innovation, particularly in the area
of brain health, the Ontario Ministry of Research and
Innovation awarded Baycrest $10 million to help establish
a Centre for Brain Fitness (for details, please see page 6).
The government funding will be matched by private
This initiative marks the beginning of an exciting and
challenging chapter in Baycrest’s storied history. The
Centre for Brain Fitness will proactively transform the
aging process through the development of evidence-based
technologies and interventions for detecting and preventing neurocognitive decline, repairing and rehabilitating
function when the brain is damaged by disease or injury,
and maintaining cognitive abilities so that Ontarians
and others across Canada and around the world can live
independently for as long as possible.
The funding announcement is timely because, despite
the fact that Canadians are now living longer, healthier lives,
the demographic reality is that in 25 years nine million of
us will be 65 or older. An aging population means a dramatic
increase in the prevalence of memory disorders and dementia, with Alzheimer’s disease predicted to have the highest
economic, social and health cost burden of all diseases.
In this annual report, we have published a cross-section
of opinions and expectations around growing older and it is
clear that maintaining brain health is a top priority. Members
of the baby boom generation want and expect to maintain
autonomy and independence for as long as possible and
avoid ending their lives in nursing homes.
The world is watching and waiting for Baycrest to do
for brain health in the 21st century what was done for
cardiovascular health in the 20th century. This is why
we are focused on expanding our knowledge of aging and
the brain and putting it into practice around the world,
whether it be new ways of keeping the brain fit, new
diagnostic tools for measuring cognitive status that can
be used in the home or a clinical setting, or through
our brain rehabilitation programs.
With the unwavering support of our staff, donors,
families, volunteers and external partners, our first year
at Baycrest has helped us set in motion a process that
we believe will make us the very best at what we already
do so well.
Dr. Anthony Melman
Chair, Baycrest
Board of Directors
Dr. William Reichman
President and
Chief Executive Officer
To see the online version of this annual report,
please go to www.baycrest.org
“enthusiasm, intellectual
curiosity, courage”
“I was awed by Canadian author, journalist
and activist June Callwood’s embodiment
of aging well. ‘What you get is a life to
live the best way you can — you can’t ask
for anything more,’ she said before
her death. Despite terminal illness,
her ongoing interest in others and
her enthusiasm, intellectual curiosity,
courage and grace are to me what
aging well is all about.”
Mary Ward,
Baycrest Ombudsperson
“With the support of the Ontario
government, the new Centre
for Brain Fitness will allow
Baycrest to give the world a
whole new understanding—and
new hope— about interventions
and preventions that could
transform aging.” Baycrest
President and Chief Executive
Officer Dr. William Reichman.
In the last century, science and medicine aligned to combat the scourge of heart disease. Today
at Baycrest, researchers and clinicians are developing innovative responses to an emerging
21st century challenge — the impact of aging and brain diseases on the well-being of society.
Keeping the brain in shape
In April, Baycrest received $10 million from the Ontario
government to create a groundbreaking Centre for Brain
Fitness that will develop and commercialize a range of products designed to improve the brain health of aging Ontarians
and others around the world. The province’s investment
matches $10 million in commitments from private donors.
“Our government is proud to support Baycrest and its
invaluable work, which is already leading to the discovery of
important new tools and approaches to treating brain diseases associated with aging,” said Minister of Research and
Innovation John Wilkinson who announced the funding.
“There are few things as frightening as the prospect of
declining brain fitness as we age and the loss of our mental
faculties,” noted Dr. Anthony Melman, chair of the Baycrest
Board of Directors. “Baycrest’s strengths in aging brain
research, cognitive assessment and rehabilitation make it
well positioned to develop innovative, market-driven
research products that will transform the way we age.”
Dr. Melman also noted that the Centre for Brain Fitness
could potentially save the Ontario health-care system
an estimated $1 billion annually by delaying the institutionalization of one-third of dementia patients for one year. In
addition, he said, the government’s investment will help
Ontario participate in the global brain fitness market, which
is expected to reach $4 billion by 2010.
Baycrest will partner with the Toronto-based MaRS
Venture Group to develop and market scientifically-proven
products for the clinic, workplace and home environments.
Imagine if your family doctor could one day test your brain fitness
as easily as he or she now measures your blood pressure.
A “blood pressure” cuff for the brain
A new tool being developed at Baycrest to test attention
and memory in stroke patients has the potential to become
standard equipment in hospitals and doctors’ offices.
Working with researchers and software developers at the
Rotman Research Institute, stroke specialist Dr. Jon Ween
programmed a series of neuropsychological tests into a
tablet PC— a portable notebook computer with a touch
screen. Using a stylus pen, the patient writes or taps on the
screen and the results are immediately tabulated and stored
on a secure computer server system that can be accessed
by different physicians treating the same patient. No information is actually stored on the tablet.
“The kind of testing battery is designed to get a comprehensive thumbnail sketch of a patient’s cognitive abilities
so we can have a reasonable idea of exactly where the deficits are, which is important in stroke primarily because it’s a
focal brain disease,” explains Dr. Ween, a neurologist, clinical
scientist and director of the Louis and Leah Posluns Stroke
and Cognition Clinic. “It hits one area of the brain more than
others whereas degenerative dementias like Alzheimer’s
disease tend to affect larger swaths of the brain.”
The tool may also be used to monitor whether therapy
is improving brain function over time.
“In five years, I’d like to see this as the iPhone of clinical
neurology— something everyone’s got to have because it
works so well and is fun to use,” says Dr. Ween.
Patient Syed Bukhari completes a series of brain function tests
on a tablet computer as stroke specialist Dr. Jon Ween looks on.
The assessment tool is part of a series of products being developed
for commercialization at Baycrest’s new Centre for Brain Fitness.
Connecting with others in the same situation provides much-needed support for people caring for loved ones
who have a long-term illness such as Alzheimer’s.
■ For those who, for one reason or another,
cannot meet face-to-face with their fellow
caregivers, a unique internet-based support
program developed at Baycrest allows them
to do so from home.
Using videoconferencing technology, six
caregivers at a time meet online once a week
for 10 weeks. The group sessions are facilitated by trained clinicians. After 10 weeks,
participants are ready to continue the online
group by themselves.
“We found that when we compared the
people in the online support group versus
caregivers who only get information online,
those who take part in the videoconferencing
do better in terms of their stress response
and in managing the care of their loved
ones— and they truly form a bond,” notes
Dr. Elsa Marziali, director of the Katz Centre
for Gerontological Social Work.
A randomized, controlled trial of the
program’s efficacy is currently underway.
Previous feasibility studies have shown that
even caregivers who are not experienced
computer users benefit from seeing and
talking to each other online.
Under the auspices of the Centre for
Brain Fitness, Baycrest is working with the
MaRs Venture Group to license the Caring
for Others [CFO©] website and the facilitator
training program. The product is also
available in French. It would initially be
marketed in Ontario, but could potentially
be used around the world.
“grace, dignity and humility”
“As Chair of the Baycrest Board, I am committed
to helping people live longer, healthier and happier
lives. Aging is a complex biological process that
affects the mind and body. While aging is inevitable,
the process should occur with grace, dignity
and humility. Slowing down the aging process and
preventing disruptive deterioration requires
a galvanized effort focused on lifestyle, illness
prevention and brain stimulation. These initiatives
can extend life expectancy and at least reduce
the risk of exacerbating degenerative illnesses.
Research, care and education will help
all caregivers deal with the increasing
needs of the aged and mitigate the
anxiety, frustration and intolerance
of all concerned.“
Dr. Anthony Melman, Chair,
Baycrest Board of Directors
Simple device helps find the car
Misplacing possessions or forgetting appointments may
be signs of mild cognitive impairment.
A small handheld computer is helping people cope with the memory
difficulties that can come with age— forgetting where they parked the car
is a common example.
Having successfully trained people with amnesia to use the Palm as
a memory aid, Baycrest psychologists turned their attention to those with
mild cognitive impairment (MCI). “We wondered if they would embrace
that technology and want to use it if we provided one-on-one training,”
says Dr. Kelly Murphy, coordinator of the Memory Intervention Program.
Five people from the program in their mid-60s to late 70s took part
in a one-year pilot project, and with much practice, they are now using
the Palm to keep track of such things as appointments, phone numbers
and addresses, and to remind them to take their health card or questions
to the doctor. The device is also used to take photos and record images
and sounds. For example, a photo of where they parked the car is useful
for people with MCI. And the audio feature can be used for things like
recording a doctor’s comments to play back later for family members.
Brain scanning could one day lead to the
prevention of Alzheimer’s disease, according to
international leaders in brain imaging who
gathered for the 18th annual Rotman Research
Institute Conference in March.
Today’s powerful brain imaging technologies
provide high resolution and detailed images
of “amyloid” plaque and other indicators of
Alzheimer’s that were once only visible at autopsy.
“We can now identify much earlier the
pathological markers that signal the onset of
a disease in the aging brain and better test
the effects of drug and cognitive rehabilitation
on the brain itself,” explains conference chair
Dr. Tiffany Chow, a clinician-scientist in
Baycrest’s Sam and Ida Ross Memory Clinic.
“In tracking how the suspected causes of
Alzheimer’s react to medications over time
through images, we will understand how to
prevent progression of the brain changes
to the state where memory is lost.”
“Aging well to me means
staying engaged with others
and taking on new activities, whether in the form
of volunteering or the continuation of work,
though with more time for leisure, family and friends,
thinking not of retirement, which implies withdrawal,
but rather of graduation, which implies going
on to new things. An aging community can still
be a source of value to the greater community.”
David Crane, Toronto Star columnist
Providing “difficult to treat” expertise
Families and professional caregivers struggling with the unpredictable and sometimes
unmanageable behaviour of people with dementia are turning to Baycrest for help. “Our expertise
has led us to become a major referral centre for patients who are difficult to treat,” says
Dr. Morris Freedman, head of Neurology and director of the Sam and Ida Ross Memory Clinic.
Ontario nursing homes that struggle with managing
aggressive or agitated behaviour may refer residents to
the Behavioural Neurology Unit in Baycrest Hospital, where
up to 10 of the 20 beds are allocated to patients with
agitation and aggression. A variety of treatment approaches
are used including medication management, behaviour
“It’s a huge part of the quality of life we have,”
says Bruce Schaef, whose wife Diane attends the
frontotemporal dementia (FTD) program at
Baycrest, where nurse Anna Grinberg (centre)
is part of the care team.
management, environmental solutions and identifying
triggers for aggressive or violent behaviour. Solutions can
be as simple as putting a stop sign on a door to prevent
a wandering patient from entering another patient’s room.
“To age well is
to be able to love
and learn
“Our goal is to provide short-term intervention so that
patients can be transferred back to their nursing homes
with a diagnosis and an effective care plan,” explains
program director Judith Thompson. “When a patient is ready
to return, we invite the staff to come in to discuss the
strategies we have put in place so they can carry them on.”
every day of your life. It is
invaluable, not only for the person but
for their family and friends as well.”
Hon. John Wilkinson, MPP,
Minister of Research and Innovation
Characterized by hyperactivity, obsessive-compulsive
behaviour and a lack of inhibition, frontotemporal dementia
strikes people in middle age. Helping to fill the care gap for
FTD patients is a government-supported program offered
at the Samuel Lunenfeld Mountainview Club for cognitively
impaired older adults. Drawing on their experience with
elderly clients, staff provides FTD clients with supervised
social and recreational programs and their families with
much-needed respite.
After reading an article about the program published
in the American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other
Dementias, Dr. Bradley Boeve, chair of the Behavioral
Neurology Department at the Mayo Clinic, sent an email
congratulating Baycrest on its leadership in developing the
program, adding, “We want to learn from you too!”
The Ontario government is funding a Baycrest pilot project
on how best to care for seniors with mental health disorders.
The pilot is being conducted on three units in the Apotex
Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged, including the 23-bed
Behavioural Support Unit which is home to residents who
have vascular dementia, Alzheimer’s, Lewy Body or frontotemporal dementia. These conditions can cause extreme
agitation, screaming, persistent wandering, physical and
verbal aggression, and reduced social inhibitions.
“Our objective is to determine how best to implement
the national guidelines for mental health issues in long-term
care developed by the Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental
Health, and how to sustain them,” explains unit director
Penelope Minor. The 15-month project involving direct care
staff and families is expected to produce findings that can
be shared with long-term care facilities across Canada.
Video connection helps
stroke survivors
Videoconferencing technology is improving
the lives of people recovering from stroke in
more remote areas of Ontario.
Developed by Baycrest, the MOST (Moving on After Stroke)
self-management program brings rehabilitation expertise to
distant communities where resources are scarce and opportunities for group support are few. The St. Joseph’s Care Group
in Thunder Bay is a hub for the program in Northwestern
Ontario, providing videoconference links— via the Ontario
Telemedicine Network— to smaller communities in the region.
Stroke survivors and their care partners attend group
sessions to learn about exercise, goal setting, coping strategies, medications, activities, pain management, nutrition,
and community resources.
Program participant Jane Stokaluk says the program
helped her restore confidence in her own abilities after she
had a stroke. “I was really glad to have participated in
the MOST program because it was very informative, very
optimistic. It made me feel important as a person, and when
I met others with the same problems, I felt less isolated.”
Jane Stokaluk gets fit again
after a stroke.
“Aging well is having
good health and
Mohamed Dhanani,
Chair, Toronto Central
Local Health Integration
Research has shown that eating patterns practiced during
adulthood can contribute to age-related cognitive decline and
dementia risk.
An article published in Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences described the benefits of diets high in fruit, vegetables,
cereals and fish and low in saturated fats in reducing dementia risk.
Adults with diabetes are especially sensitive to the foods
they eat, noted the study’s author Dr. Carol Greenwood, a senior
scientist at Baycrest. An adult with diabetes will experience
a decline in memory function after a meal, especially if simple
carbohydrate foods are consumed. To protect brain function,
the recommendation is to eat balanced meals and maintain
a healthy body weight.
“Aging well means keeping as
fully engaged in
life as possible.
It is natural and proper that a person’s
perspectives, goals and ambitions change as
life progresses, but within this changing
framework it is important to remain physically
active, socially interactive, and intellectually
curious. Don’t give up!”
Dr. Fergus Craik, Senior Scientist,
Rotman Research Institute, and Fellow
of the Royal Society, London
How thoughts affect mood
During a day of presentations at the 7th Annual Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research
Unit Conference in October, Dr. Kathleen Corcoran noted that cognitive behaviour
therapy is now well-established in the treatment of depression in older adults, whether
by itself or in combination with medication.
The therapy requires patients to “self monitor” their thoughts and with practice
start to recognize which types of thoughts cause their depressed mood. “It’s not so
much a situation that affects our mood, but how we interpret the situation,” explained
Dr. Corcoran, a psychologist with the Mood and Anxiety Program at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health.
Physiotherapists Steven Wong and
Maggie Jablonski were part of
the team that helped Syda Szuster
walk again after a brain operation
left her partially paralyzed.
Teamwork aids complex care
■ After brain surgery left her paralyzed on one side and unable to walk, 65-year-old Syda Szuster was admitted to the
complex continuing care unit in Baycrest Hospital where she
received physical and occupational therapy, followed by a stint
of intensive therapy on the rehabilitation unit. Despite the
bleak initial prognosis, she eventually learned to walk again.
“It used to be that people with complex medical conditions
came here to live out the rest of their lives,” says Joy
Richards, vice-president, Collaborative Practice, Quality and
chief nursing executive. “We cared for them but there was
no expectation that they would get any better. Now we know
that many people have the ability to improve. People who
couldn’t walk are walking, and some patients are able to move
to a nursing home. In a few instances, we’ve even discharged
patients back to their homes.”
Nursing director Marilyn El Bestawi credits Baycrest’s
Renewal Program for helping to improve outcomes for CCC
patients. The intensive education program is primarily
for nurses but involves all care staff in sessions on teamwork
and leadership. “Teams in CCC are trying to see if a patient
As a testament to its worldwide reputation
for excellence in care, research and
teaching, Baycrest is regularly featured
in local, national and international media.
Here are examples from the past year.
has the potential to improve and then focusing on how
to make that happen,” she says. “Before Renewal, we often
assumed that patients would remain the way they were.”
National Attention
The national media reported on
a Baycrest study showing that
people with a rare type of brain
injury that wipes out most of
their memories can still be
sensitive to others’ feelings
and intentions.
Cognitive rehabilitation scientist
Dr. Nicole Anderson shared
strategies for optimizing
memory as we age.
The country’s major media
outlets converged on Baycrest
last spring to cover a remarkable
event — a prom for Holocaust
survivors who never got to
New Hebrew edition of acclaimed book
Earlier this year, Baycrest senior social worker Paula David traveled to Israel
for the launch of the Hebrew edition of Caring for Aging Holocaust Survivors:
A Practice Manual. David co-edited the original English version, which was
published by Baycrest in 2003. The launch was part of a one-day conference
organized by JDC-ESHEL, the Association for the Planning and Development
of Services for the Aged in Israel.
The manual, which is a rich source of information and reflects Baycrest’s
world-renowned expertise in caring for aging Holocaust survivors, is intended
for health-care professionals, families and caregivers of aging survivors. The
information is presented in a way that sensitizes and educates caregivers about
the challenges associated with this special population. It provides invaluable
advice and strategies that may be adapted to help victims of any war or genocide.
“This was an exciting trip with some great learning and sharing opportunities,”
David says. “It is always a terrific experience to present Baycrest to our colleagues
around the world and to actually see the impact of the work that we do.”
experience this seminal event
in their youth. The event gave
Baycrest its biggest ever one-day
splash of media coverage.
Leah Frimerman dances with
Hillel volunteer Josh Lakiem at
the Baycrest Senior Prom.
Baycrest recently welcomed to its
medical staff Canada’s newest geriatrician, one of only 200 such specialists in
the country.
Dr. Thiru Yogaparan, who is Tamil,
was born and raised in Sri Lanka. Under
the mentorship of Dr. Terumi Izukawa,
medical director of Community and
Ambulatory Programs at Baycrest, she
completed a geriatric residency at the
University of Toronto and was hired by
Baycrest as medical program director of
its Complex Continuing Care program.
“We were so lucky to be able to
recruit Thiru because fewer than a
handful of geriatricians are certified in
Canada each year,” notes Dr. Izukawa.
“To become a geriatrician is a calling
— it is challenging work because we care
for the most complex patients in the
health-care system. As the baby
boomers age, the demand for this
expertise will skyrocket.”
World Attention
National and international media
reported on surprising findings
from a drug study by Baycrest
and the Centre for Addiction
and Mental Health. Researchers
demonstrated that an antidepressant may work as effectively as a traditionally prescribed anti-psychotic in alleviating psychosis and aggression in
people with dementia — pointing
to a possible new direction in
drug treatment.
Reuters newswire and CTV.ca
reported on a Baycrest study
which found that a serious head
injury can result in more widespread loss of brain tissue than
previously thought.
YOUNG VOLUNTEERS KEEP TRADITION ALIVE For 90 years now, people of all ages
and backgrounds have been volunteering at Baycrest, making an enormous contribution to
the care of tens of thousands of our clients. Today, young people are helping ensure that
the volunteer tradition at Baycrest will remain equally strong in the years to come.
In the summer program, more than 200 young volunteers took on the challenge
of working in a medical environment with their peers, health-care professionals and our
clients. Many enjoy the experience so much, they return year after year — no doubt some
will be here in 10 years to celebrate a century of volunteering at Baycrest.
Members of the Youth Council include
(back row, from left) Daniel Sisgoreo,
Dahron Martin, Nadim Sayed, Seshangie
Usarambage, Alex Kumachev, and (front row)
Cindy Tran, Lily Lu, Henry Zhang, Shi Qui.
The council helps recruit youth volunteers
and organizes orientation and recognition
$ 1,840,000
Economic value to Baycrest of
volunteer services in past year.
Number of hours of service
that 2,800 volunteers gave
to Baycrest in past year.
cognitive psychologists including
Baycrest’s Endel Tulving, Morris
Moscovitch and Fergus Craik.
Oprah Magazine
Scientist Dr. Cheryl Grady
was among the brain experts
interviewed by Oprah magazine
for a story on middle-aged adults
experiencing memory changes
and what they can do about it.
Dr. Grady led a study that identified changes in brain activity
that begin gradually in middle
age and which may explain
why older adults find it difficult
to concentrate.
CBC Radio
The Ideas program aired a
fascinating weeklong series,
featuring world-renowned
In a series of nationwide interviews, Baycrest nursing director
Rhonda Seidman-Carlson
addressed dementia-related
aggression in nursing homes
and how best to manage the
Los Angeles Times
Social worker Paula David
was interviewed for a frontpage story on the challenges
of caring for aging Holocaust
survivors, especially when many
now suffer from dementia and
traumatic flashbacks. Baycrest’s
internationally-renowned practice manual, Caring for Aging
Survivors, was promoted in a
sidebar story.
Scientists at the Rotman Research Institute
have pinpointed two specific areas in the frontal lobes of the brain that, when injured, can
shift a person’s level of comfort with risk.
In collaboration with American colleagues,
the scientists used a computerized gambling
task that looked at the way people make
decisions in the context of uncertainty. Three
groups of individuals were tested—those with
brain injuries in the frontal lobes, those with
lesions in other parts of the brain, and healthy
control subjects.
The study found that participants with injuries that involved the left orbital and ventrolateral areas made riskier decisions compared
to the healthy control group and patients with
lesions to any other part of the brain. “This
finding,” explains lead study author Dr. Darlene Floden, “may have important implications
for designing interventions to address inappropriate or risky behaviour that can develop
after frontal lobe damage and help patients to
function more independently, which would be
a tremendous relief to their families.”
Dr. Floden is a neuropsychologist and
researcher in the Centre for Neurological Restoration at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation.
The study was published in Neuropsychologia
in January.
Toronto Star
The Toronto Star ran an exclusive feature on Baycrest’s unique
day program for adults stricken
with frontotemporal dementia,
many of them at the peak of
their careers in middle age.
BBC Radio
The World aired a story on
Baycrest’s expertise caring for
Exchanging knowledge with Israel
■ In collaboration with the Association for the Planning and Development
of Services for the Aged in Israel, Baycrest has established an interprofessional knowledge exchange which is leading to improved care for
the aged worldwide.
A multidisciplinary team from Baycrest visited Israel earlier this year and
focused on cognitive rehabilitation, technology for the elderly, Jewish culture
and heritage, programs for Holocaust survivors, and caring for clients with
Team members were both participants and presenters as they attended
educational seminars and visited inpatient, outpatient and community
programs across the country. They also met with colleagues from across the
world at the World Council of Jewish Communal Service 11th Quadrennial
Conference in Jerusalem.
“One thing that struck me is how similar the problems are between the
two countries and how there are different ways to deal with them,” says
Baycrest psychologist Dr. Larry Leach. “I came away from the experience with
a better appreciation of how the same problem can be approached differently
from a different cultural lens. The professionals in Israel set up innovative,
effective programs for individuals with dementia that met the individual and
cultural needs, but with more reliance on volunteers than we see in Canada,”
aging Holocaust survivors and
how this knowledge is vital to
those caring for survivors of
more recent genocides.
The Globe and Mail
An article profiling leading
researchers in Toronto who are
breaking new ground included
Baycrest scientist Dr. Randy
McIntosh. Dr. McIntosh explores
brain network flexibility in an
effort to predict which people
have the most potential for brain
function recovery after an injury
such as stroke.
The National Post
A front-page report on
Baycrest’s neuroimaging and
dementia conference discussed
the exciting brain imaging
advancements that can detect
“amyloid” plaque, brain shrink-
age and other telltale signs of
Alzheimer’s long before symptoms show, and also explored the
ethical dilemma this powerful
equipment poses for doctors:
should they push for routine
brain scans for their patients,
despite the high costs of these
scans and the limited usefulness
of current Alzheimer’s drugs.
in its extensive use of artwork
in the care of clients. The “3
sisters” group of paintings seen
here is one of many examples of
how art helps with orientation
to place, fosters identity and attachment, promotes interaction,
helps trigger long-term memory,
and stimulates emotions. Even
with advanced cognitive decline,
regions of the brain like those
responsible for emotions can
remain intact.
Noted Mayo Clinic doctor visits Baycrest
■ People with dementia do well in care
environments designed to help them
function to the best of their ability.
That was the central message of a
guest lecture delivered at Baycrest in
January by the Mayo Clinic’s Dr. Eric
Tangalos, a noted geriatric specialist
and Alzheimer’s researcher.
“For me, aging well means
staying in touch with the things
that make me feel joy. “
Sass Jordan, singer and
Canadian Idol judge
Dr. Tangalos talked about the
memory and problem-solving difficulties that Alzheimer’s patients are
subject to, particularly as the disease
progresses and their ability to speak
and perform tasks declines. The environment of care should therefore
be designed to maximize “functional
successes” while minimizing opportunities to fail, he said. “We want people
to function, and caregivers need to
pay attention to non-verbal cues from
their patients.”
He demonstrated how a curved
sidewalk in one nursing home helps
walkers return safely to where they
began. He noted the value of teaching
Alzheimer’s patients to relearn meaningful tasks such as folding clothes.
And he described how assistive
technologies such as tags in clothing,
monitors, motion detectors and
amplifiers for the hearing-impaired
can improve patient safety and
functional ability.
Dr. Tangalos praised Baycrest’s
day program for dementia patients,
noting that the Centre has the
advantage of being a single campus
with a common focus.
“Making plans early on in life
and ensuring one’s wishes are
communicated in a living will is important.
Perhaps after years of giving, now
is the time to ask for a little in return.”
Carmel Dey, Clinic Nurse
and Team Leader, Baycrest
Carmel is pictured here
with daughter Julie
Dey-Brugnano and
granddaughter Maya.
“Aging well means
the consolidation of a
life richly lived
and the savouring of precious
moments that continue to
accumulate, but with the added
flavouring of wisdom.”
Lily Lu, President, Baycrest
Volunteer Youth Council
Ronald Appleby
Jeffrey Blidner
Jordan Banks
Marion Bogo
David Conn
Carey Diamond
Bonnie Freedman
Paul Godfrey
George Grossman
Ellis Jacob
Anthony Melman
Wilfred Posluns
William Reichman
Craig Rimer
Joseph Rotman
Stuart Schipper
Fran Sonshine
Lawrence Tanenbaum
Fabio Varlese
Denise Zarn
Honorary Directors
Tobie Bekhor
Stephen Cole
Sydney C. Cooper
A. Ephraim Diamond
Edwin Goldstein
Fred Karp
Geoffrey Matus
Florence Minz
Sam Ross
Marvin Sadowski
Lionel Schipper
Norman Schipper
Barry Sherman
Honey Sherman
Lou Siminovitch
Chair, Board of Directors
Baycrest Centre for
Geriatric Care
Anthony Melman
Vice Chair
Baycrest Centre for
Geriatric Care
Carey Diamond
Chair, Board of Directors
Baycrest Foundation
Ronald Appleby
Chair, Board of Governors
Fran Sonshine
Paul Godfrey
Craig Rimer
President and
Chief Executive Officer
William Reichman
Honorary Governors
Walter B. Bick
Sydney C. Cooper
Edmond Creed
Leonard Davies
William G. Davis
A. Ephraim Diamond
Herbert Epstein
Alan Posluns
Sydney L. Robins
Sam Ross
Samuel J. Sable*
Monty Simmonds
Immediate Past Chair,
Board of Directors
Fran Sonshine
Elected Governors
Irving Abella
Arnold Aberman
Linda S. Abrams
Mortimer Abramsky
Harvey Adelman
Mira Adler
Debra Alexander
Patricia Angel
David Anisman
Lawrie Apple
Ronald Appleby
Sol Armel
Lloyd Atkinson
Robert Bader
Jack Baker
Barbara Bank
Henry Bank
Jordan Banks
Vera Barcza
Bryna Barkin
Leonard Barkin
Martin Barkin
Elly Barlin-Daniels
Annette Bearg
Phil Beinhaker
Edward Bekhor
Tobie Bekhor
Jacques Ben-Quesus
Mark Benadiba
Jaime Benayon
Robert Benia
Michael Benjamin
Sybil Berenstein
Bunny Bergstein
Reena Berlind
Vivian Berman
Evelyn Bernstein
Malcolm Bernstein
Austin Beutel
John Leonard Biddell
Walter Bick
Herbert Binder
Geoffrey Bledin
Jeffrey Blidner
Edward Blinick
David Bloom
Leon Bloom
Lawrence S. Bloomberg
Marion Bogo
Harriet Bomza
Peter Bratty
Michael Bregman
Albert Brown
Gregory Michael Brown
Orah Buck
David E. Buckstein
Ellen Buckstein
Lois Buckstein
Arnold Cader
David Campbell
Henry Campbell
Vivian Campbell
Paul Cantor
John Capo
Sandra Chapnik
Gloria Charness
Mark Charness
Henrietta Chesnie
Jack Chisvin
Kathleen Christie
Gloria Clamen
Bob Cohen
Farley Cohen
John B. Cohen
Marilyn Cohen
Marshall Cohen
Paula Cohen
Samuel Cohen
Michael Cohl
George Cohon
Susan Cohon
Shoshana Cole
Stephen Cole
David Conn
Florence Cooper
Joel Cooper
Richard M. Cooper
Sydney C. Cooper
Faye Corbin
Louise Cornblum
Murray Cornblum
Malcolm Covan
Adilee Craft
Fergus Craik
Lawrence Crawford
Edmond Creed
Bonnie Croll
Elizabeth Crotin
Sam Crystal
Elaine Culiner
Leslie Dan
John H. Daniels
Robert A. Daniels
Michael Daren
Leonard Davies
T. Richard Davies
Harold Davis
William G. Davis
Evaldo Delgreco
David Dennis
Jeffrey Dennis
Alan Ralph Dessau
Ephraim Diamond
Carey Diamond
Mark Diamond
Michael Diamond
Stephen Diamond
Bernard Dickens
Joseph Dickstein
John H. Dirks
Gail Donner
Garth Drabinsky
William Draimin
Heather Duff
Selma Edelstone
Karen Ehrlich
Tom Ehrlich
Alex Eisen
Elliott Eisen
Frederick Eisen*
Wendy Eisen
Anita Ekstein
Harold Emsig
George Engel
Judy Engel
Sheila Engel
Hebert Epstein
Seymour Epstein
Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin
Hershell Ezrin
Lillian Farb
Lawrence H. Fein
David Feldman
Irving Feldman
Meyer Feldman
Michael Feldman
Minda Feldman
Stanley Feldman
Susan Feldman
Bryna Fellen
Susan Fenwick
Kenneth Field
Leonard Fine
Laurence Finkelstein
Sharon Fischstein
Abraham Fish
Arthur Fish
Phyllis Flatt
Lloyd Fogler
Ronald Fournier
Bonnie Freedman
Moe Freedman
Theodore Freedman
Albert D. Friedberg
Pat Friedland
Sydney Friedman
Irving J. Frisch*
Ron Frisch
Harry Frymer
Hugh Furneaux
Joy Gales
Leslie Gales
Arthur M. Gans
Ed Garber
Cynthia Gasner
Leonard Gasner*
Marvin Geist
Irving Gerstein
Lisa Zwig Gerstein
Reva Gerstein
Bernard Ghert
Gianna Glassman
Max Glassman
Lillian Vine Glowinsky
Norman Glowinsky
Eleanor Godfrey
Paul Godfrey
Charles Gold
David Goldberg
Gary Goldberg
Richard Goldberg
Anne Golden
Gerald J. Goldenberg
Karen Goldenberg
Neil Goldenberg
Joan Goldfarb
Martin Goldfarb
Stanley Goldfarb
Michael Goldgrub
Leo Goldhar
Ben Goldmintz
David Goldstein
Edwin Goldstein
Laurence Goldstein
Mona Goldstein
David Goodman
Gilbert Goodman
Gilda Goodman
Leonard S. Goodman
Ned Goodman
Dorothy Gordon
Michael Gordon
Phillip Gordon
Stanley H. Gordon
Earl Gorman
Harry Gorman
Sara Gorman
Joseph Gottdenker
Kenneth Gottlieb
Myron Gottlieb
Peter Graben
Jerome Graff
Carole Grafstein
Gerry Granek
Irving Granovsky
Toddy Granovsky
Al Green
Herbert Green
Charles Greenberg
Mark Greenspan
Mimi Greenspoon
Joel Greisman
Marilyn Gross
George Grossman
Shirley Grossman
Pinchas Gutter
Stanley Guttman
Jack Gwartz
Judy Gwartz
Charlotte Haber
Gerald Halbert
Rosalyn Halbert
Tootsie Halbert
Cindy Halperin
Lyn Hamilton
Jonathan Hamovitch
Diane Harris
Simon Harris
Susan Harris
Stanley Hartt
Jack Hauer
Gilda Goodman-Helman
Dorothy Hendeles
Mark Henkelman
Harry Hennick
F. Howard Henry
Stephen Herbert
George Herczeg
W. Bernard Herman
Murray Herst
Shira Herzog
Susan Himel
Sandor Hofstedter
Judith Hooper
Mark Hundert
Heather Hunter
Angela A. Iannuzziello
Hy Isenbaum*
Frederick Jackman
Ellis Jacob
Chavi Jacobs
Paul Jacobs
Alan Judelman
Fred Karp
May Karp
Carol Kassel
David J. Kassie
Marvin Katz
Melvin Y. Katz
Gail Kaufman
Donna Soble Kaufman
David Keeling
Peter Kellner
Carole Kerbel
Joseph Kerzner
Miriam Kerzner
Morris Kerzner
Debbie Kimel
Manny Kimel
Murray Kirsh
Albert Kirshen
Lorne Kirshenbaum
Gerald Kishner
Irv Kleiner
Goldie Konopny
Henry Koschitzky
Mira Koschitzky
Saul Koschitzky
Fran Koskie
Michael Koskie
George Krieser
Mitchell Kunin
Sybil Kunin
Dana Lampe
Sharon Landsman
Morris Langer
Anita Lapidus
Dale Lastman
Mel Lastman
Donald Latchman
Estelle Latchman
Albert Latner
Larry Latowsky
Clifford C. Lax
Donald S. Layne
Gerald J. Leavens
Joseph Lebovic
Lydia Lee
Raymond Levick
Alan Perry Levine
Irving Levine
Michael A. Levine
Adrienne Levinter
Murray Levinter
Michael Levy
Sheila Libfeld
Benjamin Libman
Jeffrey Lipson
Louis Litwin
Manuel Litwin
Donald E. Loeb
Judith Loeb Cohen
Sheila Loftus
Mickey Macklin
Alexander MacPherson
Robert Madan
Frances Mandell-Arad
George S. Mann
Joseph Mapa
Ruth Ann Margles
Helen Marr
Harold Martin
Robert Masters
Geoffrey Matus
Barbara McDougall
Etta Ginsberg-McEwan
Anthony Melman
David Mendelsohn
Alan Menkes
Murray Menkes
Ellen Sue Mesbur
Eleanor Miller
Ellen Miller
Stephen Miller
Susanne Miller
Aaron Milrad
Joe Mimran
Fay Mintz
Harley Mintz
Florence Minz
Ed Mirvish*
Gay Mitchell
Juli Morrow
Karen Morton
Paul Morton
Heather Munroe-Blum
Fraser Mustard
David Myran
Miles Nadal
Berl Nadler
Esther Naiberg
Florence Naimer
Nelly Ng
Mac Nisker
Neil Nisker
Rachel Nisker
Judy Noyek
Sydney Nusinowitz
Irving Nyman
Annette F. Oelbaum
Lesley Binstock Offman
Alan Offman
Penny Offman
Benson Orenstein
Rubin Osten
Lee Ostrov
Hasmukh Parmar
Ron Pasternak
Elliott L. Peranson
Gregory Perkell
Morris Perlis
Cecily Peters
Bert Petlock
Wanda Plachta
Ramune Pleinys
E. Marshall Pollock
John Pollock
Alan Posluns
David Posluns
Nancy Posluns
Sandra Posluns
Wilfred Posluns
Elan Pratzer
Lynda Prince
Dorothy Pringle
Kenneth Pritzker
Dorothy Pullan
Stephen Pustil
Alexandre Raab
Donald Rafelman
Elaine Rafelman
Estherita Rajsky
Oscar Rajsky
Bryan Rakusin
Lynn N. Raskin
William Reichman
Abraham Reichmann
Albert Reichmann
Philip Reichmann
Cheryl Reicin
Heather Reisman
Jill Reitman
Joel Reitman
Gerald D. Richler
Craig Rimer
Wayne Robbins
Gordon Roberts
Hartley Robins
Lionel Robins
Sydney Robins
Jessica Roff
Barrie D. Rose
Jack Rose
Linda Rose
Ellen Roseman
Gilli Rosen
William Rosengarten
Deanna Rosenswig
Jeffrey Rosin
David P. Ross
Gerald Ross
Jeff Ross
Sam Ross
David Rotenberg
Kenneth Rotenberg
Marcus Rotenberg
Joseph Rotman
Millard S. Roth
Aser Rothstein
Martin J. Rothstein
Michael Rotstein
Ernie Rubenstein
Fred Rubinoff
Robert Rubinoff
Eli Rubenstein
Renee Rubinstein
William Rubinstein*
Andrea Rudnick
Martin Sable
Marvin Sadowski
David Samuel
Margot Samuel
Alan Maurice Sandler
Sam Sarick
Ricky Schachter*
Judy Scheininger
Carol Schipper
Estelle Schipper
Jayne Schipper
Lionel Schipper
Norman Schipper
Stuart Schipper
Anne Schlifer
Jennie Schnoll
Gerald Schwartz
Larry Schwartz
Samuel Schwartz
Graham W.S. Scott
Brian Segal
Peter Seligman
Michael Serruya
Barry Sessle
Lesley Sevitt
Ben Zion Shapiro
Mendy Sharf
Gerald Shear
Gerald Sheff
Irving Shendroff
Bernard Sherman
Leslie W. Sherman
Honey Sherman
J. Richard Shiff
Dorothy Shoichet
Michael G. Shulman
Ronald Shulman
Arthur Siegel
Michael J. Sigel
Allan Silber
Hinda Silber
Phillip Siller
Shoel Silver
Sheilah Silverberg
Cynthia K. Silverman
Peter A. Silverman
Lou Siminovitch
Monty Simmonds
Leonard Simpson
James Slater
Eric Slavens
Paul Slavens
Ruth D. Smith
Cary Solomon
Ethel Solomon
Bennett Solway
Herbert H. Solway
Edward Sonshine
Fran Sonshine
Stan Spencer
Sidney Starkman
Nathan Starr
Brian J. Steck
Lewis Steinberg
Edith Stillman
Lou Stillman
Fern Stimpson
Hubert J. Stitt
Carl A. Stone*
Martin Storm
Erwin Stuart
Jack Stupp*
Benjamin Swirsky
Charles Tabachnick
Anne Tanenbaum*
Carole Tanenbaum
Lawrence Tanenbaum
Richard Ten Cate
Manley Tessler
Sonia Tessler*
Elaine Todres
Gerald P. Turner
Lori Ulmer
Irving Ungerman
Fabio Varlese
Sidney Valo
Molly Verrier
Eric Vilensky
Elliot Wahle
Ed Waitzer
Paul L. Waitzer
Alma Waldman
Ted Waldman*
Sandra Waldman
Larry Wasser
Marla Wasser
Steve Weinrieb
Bernard Weinstein
Shelley Weisfeld
Lola R. Weisstub-Rasminsky
Blossom T. Wigdor
Charles Winograd
Earl L. Wintraub
Frances Wintrob
Howard M. Wise
Rosalind Witkin
Arlene D. Wolfe
Elizabeth Wolfe
Johnathan A. Wolfe
David Wolinsky
Maralyne Wolinsky
Joseph Y. Wong
Irwin Wortsman
George Wortzman
Georgina Wyman
Cecil Yip
Bruce W. Young
Eric P. Young
Denise Zarn
Marvin Zarnett
Sharon Zeiler
Lloyd Zerker
Henry Zieleniec
Vivian Ziner Cohen
Carol Herman Zucker
Donna Gordon Zuckerman
Walter Zwig
Hartley Zwingerman
President &
Chief Executive Officer
William Reichman
Baycrest Foundation
Mark Gryfe
Corporate Services &
Chief Financial Officer
Laurie Harrison
Facilities and Redevelopment
Vic Lambert
David Conn
Fabio Varlese
Aidlee Craft
Howard Dombrower
Sid Feldman
Gili Rosen
Terumi Izukawa
Kenneth Pritzker
William Reichman
Joy Richards
Matthew Robillard
David Streiner
Public Affairs and
Stakeholder Relations
Nancy Webb
Medical Services
David Conn
Collaborative Practice,
Quality & Chief Nursing
Joy Richards
Research and Academic
Donald Stuss
Human Resources &
Organizational Effectiveness
Joni Kent
* deceased
For a copy of Baycrest’s audited financial statements,
call Public Affairs. 416-785-2500, ext. 2645.
REVENUES 2007-2008
Growth in external sources of research grant funding from 1999 to 2008
* Fiscal 2007 includes equivalent of 18 months of funding for multiinstitutional project.
Message from Ronald Appleby, Q.C.,
Chair, Foundation Board of Directors
and Mark Gryfe, President,
Baycrest Foundation
Baycrest draws international recognition and support
At Baycrest, we have taken great pride in our international
reputation for innovations in aging. Thanks to an amazing
year in fundraising, it is clear the world is relying more on
Baycrest and the Baycrest Foundation than ever before.
In the last year alone, we have seen our donations
skyrocket, with gifts pouring in from over 24,000 donors
here in Toronto and around the globe. We can now count
donations from 30 countries, including such far off places
as Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Hong Kong. And on
this continent, we can include 43 U.S. states, and every
Canadian province and territory!
This unprecedented level of support clearly demonstrates the growing role Baycrest plays on the world stage.
But equally important, it shows how crucial it is for
Baycrest, and our donors, to continue leading the way in
securing a better, brighter future for each of us as we age.
This enormous success would not have been possible
without the steadfast commitment and dedication of our
supporters— our cherished donors, volunteers and friends. It
is thanks to you and your extraordinary vision that Baycrest
can enrich the quality of life of today’s elderly, while planning
for the growing seniors’ population of tomorrow.
Thank you for all that you have done, and for all that
you continue to do.
Ronald Appleby, Q.C.
Chair, Baycrest Foundation
Board of Directors
Mark Gryfe
Baycrest Foundation
The following financial highlights are taken from
the Baycrest Foundation’s audited financial statements.
A complete set is available by calling Public Affairs,
416-785-2500, ext 2645.
Ronald Appleby, Q.C.
Mark Gryfe
Immediate Past Chair
Wilfred Posluns
Women’s Auxiliary
Joanne Nisker
Board Members
Jordan Banks
Tobie Bekhor
Golda Brown
Michael Buckstein
Joseph Burnett
Hilda Cohen
Aubrey Dan
Tom Ehrlich
Garry Foster
Jeremy Freedman
Harvey Frisch
Laurence Goldstein
Maxwell Gotlieb
Joseph Gottdenker
Carole Grafstein
Molline Green
Judy Gwartz
Robert Harlang
David Kaufman
Warren Kimel
Mira Koschitzky
Joseph Lebovic
Michael Levy
Randolph J. Masters
Alan R. Menkes
Harley Mintz
Neil Nisker
Lynn Posluns
Philip Reichmann
Ian Rosmarin
Gerald Ross
Jeffery Ross
Gerald Slan
Fran Sonshine
Leonard Waldman
Carol Weinbaum
Henry Wolfond
Irving Wortsman
Nelly Zagdanski
Honorary Members
A. Ephraim Diamond
Edwin Goldstein
Harry Gorman
Barry Sherman
Ex Officio
Susan Fenwick
Laurie A. Harrison
Geoffrey Matus
Anthony Melman
William Reichman
Craig Rimer
Peter Seligman
Irwin Wortsman
Joanne Nisker
Baycrest Boardwalk 2007
Nelly Zagdanski
Immediate Past President
Diane Harris
Baycrest Rocks
Darryl Ura
Vice Presidents
Karen Baruch
Nancy Fleischer
Lisa Green
Nonie Plener
Mina Schwarz
Baycrest Strokes
Fore Stroke 2007
Perry Steiner
Ron Steiner
Len Waldman
Lorraine Nakelsky
Recording Secretaries
Debra Alexander
Bryna Fellen
Alma Waldman
Body Brains Beauty
Martine Moubazbaz
Charlotte Tessis
Games Girls Play
Donna Gray
Janice Tkatch
Lounge W.A.
Debra Alexander
Janice O’Bright
Fundraiser strikes a chord
■ Four rock bands strutted their stuff in a lighthearted competition at the
Phoenix Concert Theatre last May, raising $85,000 for Baycrest Rocks, in
support of the Mood and Related Disorders Clinic. The theatre was filled with
supporters who bid on silent auction items and swayed to the electrifying
beat of the dazzling performers. Rockers, Crossroad Jam, raised $10,820 for
Baycrest, and were declared the competition champions, winning an opportunity to perform at Jeff Healey’s Roadhouse later in the year.
■ From the bold graphics on its cover to the
insightful editorial, the 2008 Breakthroughs
magazine captured excitement and applause. Compelling articles about innovative
developments in care and research delving
into the mysteries of the brain helped to
reinforce Baycrest as a global leader in medical research that enriches the lives of older
adults. This year, Breakthroughs received a
greater level of support and wider distribution through The Globe and Mail, direct mail
and newsstands. As a result, a special edition
of Breakthroughs has been scheduled for
mid-2008. Breakthroughs can be viewed
online at www.baycrestbreakthroughs.com.
Baycrest Rocks chair Darryl Ura
and his wife, W.A. president
Joanne Nisker, delight in the
rock’n’roll entertainment.
Two generations of B2B riders: Ron Goldman
and grandson Terry Weinstein.
B2B riders make it
through the rain
Brian Feinstein of winning band, Crossroad Jam, shows his guitar stylings at Baycrest Rocks.
Undaunted by pouring rain and
slippery hills, last September, more
than 100 intrepid bicyclists scoffed
at the elements to ride 100 kilometres from Barrie to Baycrest, raising
$700,000. At the end of their journey,
they were cheered on by a crowd of
family, friends and residents.
(left) Members of the research team,
Research Rocks, show they’ve got
the right chemistry.
(below) The top fundraising team
and their mascot: the Women’s
Auxiliary’s Women on the Move,
Women in the Groove.
Games Girls Play is a winner
There was more than games to be enjoyed at the first
annual Baycrest Women’s Auxiliary Games Girls Play
evening at the Terraces last June. Some 200 guests
indulged in a great buffet dinner, taking in musical entertainment and bidding on bargains galore at a silent
auction. At the same time, individuals could try their luck
at mah-jongg, bridge, poker, pan and Scrabble. A brand
new event for the W.A., Games Girls Play, hit the jackpot
with everyone. Plans are underway for a 2008 event.
Stepping up for BOARDwalk
It was a lively two-kilometre stroll around the Baycrest
campus last June for the many supporters of all ages who
stepped up to the challenge of the BOARDwalk fundraiser,
raising more than $100,000 for Baycrest programs and
services. Eighty seven-year-old walker Mary Schlanger
raised $2,629, which brought her grand total to $28,000
in the 15 years she has been walking for Baycrest.
The top fundraising team was the Women’s Auxiliary
group, Women on the Move, Women in the Groove.
From left, W.A. president Joanne Nisker, vicepresident Mina Schwarz, co-chair Janice Tkatch,
Arlene Heller, co-chair Donna Gray, and
vice-president Nonie Plener at Games Girls Play.
■ A host of well-known experts
debunked popular health and
beauty myths at Body, Brains
and Beauty, an afternoon of
lunch and learning hosted by
the Women’s Auxiliary. Noted
Baycrest scientist and neurologist Dr. Tiffany Chow, McGill
University chemistry professor and radio host Dr. Joseph
Schwarcz, and consumer
beauty advocate Paula Begoun
discussed current health and
beauty trends.
From left, Baycrest clinicianscientist Dr. Tiffany Chow,
moderator Dr. Marla Shapiro,
W.A. past-president Diane
Harris, co-chairs Charlotte
Tessis and Martine Moubazbaz,
and cosmetics guru Paula
Begoun, at a pre-event reception
for Body, Brains and Beauty:
Debunking the Myths.
Strokes participants give a rousing cheer.
On the same September day that the
temperature peaked at a record 28.3ºC,
the Baycrest Strokes Fore Stroke golf tournament raised a record $380,000. The
tournament was held at the links-style
Devil’s Paintbrush golf course, where 72
golfers played to raise funds for the Louis
and Leah Posluns Stroke and Cognition
Clinic. Ronald Appleby, Baycrest Foundation
chair and top fundraiser for the second year
in a row, said, “The real winner is Baycrest.”
Facing off for a great cause
During the second annual Baycrest International Pro-Am
Hockey Tournament in April, more than 600 eager hockey
fans and sports celebrities hit the ice to raise funds for care
and research in Alzheimer’s and related disorders. Spread
over three days, the Baycrest Pro-Am is the largest event of
its kind in Canada. Amateur players competed to raise funds
for a chance to play with hockey icons such as Doug Gilmour,
Wendel Clark, Doug Sittler and Borje Salming, who flew in
from Sweden for the event.
More information is
available at
From left, Mike Pelyk, Shari
Silverstein and Gilbert Perrault
share a joke.
Captain of the top fundraising
team for the second year in a row,
Ken Crystal (right) with draft
pick, Borje Salming.
Baycrest Pro-Am
welcomes Scotiabank Group
as presenting sponsor
This year, the third Baycrest International Pro-Am Hockey Tournament
was proud to welcome Scotiabank
Group as presenting sponsor. Scotiabank Group has had a long association
with hockey, and was pleased to team
up with the Baycrest Foundation to
battle Alzheimer’s disease and related
disorders. “This combines our love
of Canada’s greatest sport with our
support for our communities, including
initiatives that are important to our
customers and employees,” said Rick
Waugh, president and chief executive
officer, Scotiabank.
“I think the
key to aging
well is to
stay active
in body, mind
and spirit.
We need to keep moving
physically, continue to learn new
things, remain engaged with
our communities, and maintain
a positive outlook on life.”
Rick Waugh, President
and Chief Executive Officer,
(far left) Winning men’s team,
Effort Trust: From left, Laurence
Goldstein, Eric Weisz, Andrew
Muroff, Adam Kosoy, Michael
Cohen, Dan Prussky, Shawn
Zolberg, Dan Pollack,
Shane Dolgin.
Teaming up for research and technology
Take 150 friendly competitors and two days of sports and the result is Sportsfest, a unique
fundraiser in support of Baycrest. Conceived by Baycrest Foundation director Jordan Banks and
his wife, Faith, the annual event has raised $850,000 over eight years. Dr. Guy Proulx, director
of psychology at Baycrest, attended the event and described how Sportsfest’s support has made
it possible to develop electronic memory aids for the cognitively impaired.
(left) Winning women’s team,
Effort Trust: From left, Leah
Duckman, Rebecca Zamon,
Cara Orzech, Erica Zamon,
Sara Hurst, Nathalie Gluckstein.
Missing: Jen Belak.
Thank you to all our Baycrest supporters.
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who made
donations to Baycrest during the period of April 1, 2007 to March 31, 2008. We are
extremely grateful for your commitment and ongoing support.
$1 Million Plus
Marla & Aubrey Dan
The Kimel Family
Sam & Ida Ross Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999
Morris Justein
Jack & Anne Weinbaum
$250,000 - $499,999
Shirley Granovsky
Posluns Family Foundation
Barry & Honey Sherman
Edward & Fran Sonshine
Sol & Tauba Spiro
$100,000 - $249,999
AM640 Toronto Radio
Allan & Lisa Brown
Sidney Brown
Cineplex Galaxy LP
Sydney & Florence Cooper
CTV Television Network
David & Emily Durbin
Roy & Inga Foss
Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.
Michael & Libby Goldgrub
Ilona Gondor
Hofstedter Family Charitable
Richard & Laurie Lederman
Sheila Loftus
Samuel Lunenfeld Charitable
The National Post
Harry & Elsie Rich
Joseph & Sandra Rotman
Louis Savlov
Anne Tanenbaum
The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation
Irving & Sylvia Wortsman
$50,000 - $99,999
Max & Larry Enkin Foundation
Allan & Susan Fenwick
Marilyn & David Gluskin
Joseph Gottdenker
Great Gulf Homes Charitable
Home Game
HSBC Bank Canada
Ben & Hilda Katz Charitable
Robert & Sheila Masters
Bill Moir
RBC Foundation
Lionel & Carol Schipper
Irving Shnier
Tom’s Place
$36,000 - $49,999
Herb Abramson
ASA Alloys Inc.
Ken Crystal & Lynn Posluns
George & Kitty Grossman
Anthony & Valerie Melman & Family
Alex & Jeannine Raab
Laurin & Carol Saltzman
Lawrence & Judith Tanenbaum
Family Foundation
$18,000 - $35,999
Marc & Karen Adler
Athletic Knit
Ben & Bess Berens
Sylvia Bielak
Morley Brown
Michael & Rena Buckstein
Joseph Burnett/Burnac Corp.
C.A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd.
Canadian Fruit & Produce
Company Inc.
Paul & Joyce Chapnick
CMC Markets
Paula Cohen
Cosmoda Corporation
Culture Clothing Inc.
Phillip & Peggy DeZwirek
Dynamic Fund Foundation
Export Packers Company Limited
The Exton Family & Sybil Berenstein
Howard Forberg
Steven Forberg
Garry & Joanne Foster
Zoltan & Yetta Freeman
Harvey & Annice Frisch
The Sam & Gitta Ganz Family
Bertrand Gerstein Charitable
Leo & Sala Goldhar
The George & Kay Goldlist Foundation
Martin & Heather Goose
Stanley & Rhonda Gordon
Al & Malka Green
Grossman Bleeman Silver Foundation
Robert & Edie Harlang
The Klein Family
The Koschitzky Family
Henrietta Kostman
Leonard & Lori Latchman
Evelyn Levine
Majer Hockey
Dina Malkin
The Mayvon Foundation
The Mendelson Family Foundation
Alan & Patti Menkes
Rose Piper
Pro Hockey Life
Ellen & Martin Prosserman Foundation
RioCan Real Estate Investment Trust
Robins Appleby Charitable Foundation
Jeffery Ross & Diane Mavrinac-Ross
David & Rachel Rubinoff
Bill & Judith Rubinstein
David & Barbara Silver
Rose & Charles Tabachnick
The Globe & Mail
The Jodamada Foundation
Endel & Ruth Tulving
Twenty6two International Inc.
Milton & Florence Winberg
Howard & Nancy Wise
Henry Zagdanski Family
$10,000 - $17,999
A. M. Korman Investments Ltd.
American Iron & Metal Co. Inc.
American Stainless Corp.
Rose Baum
Geoffrey Bledin
Blue Lemon Media Inc.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Canadian Tire Corporation Limited
Sidney & Judith Cohen
Designing Trendz
Tom & Karen Ehrlich
Fabricland Distributors Inc.
Saul & Toby Feldberg
Susan & Stan Feldman
Leslie & Minda Feldman & Family
Jeremy Freedman &
Judith Finer-Freedman
Lydia Garforth
Murray & Sheila Goldman
Goodman & Company,
Investment Counsel Ltd.
Grace & Gilbert Goodman
Michael Gordon & Gilda Berger
Harry & Sara Gorman
Glenn & Tracie Graff
Jerry & Carole Grafstein
Abraham & Malka Green Foundation
Greenrock Investments Ltd.
Anne Handelman
Ivor & Este Hughes
Alanna Kaye
KBSH Capital Management Inc.
Gord Kirke & Florence Minz
Murray & Marvelle Koffler
Ruth Korman
Lazar Yitzchok Inc.
The Maxwell & Ruth Leroy Foundation
Michael & Caren Levy
Macfarlane Engineering Ltd
Magna Stainless
Yetta Mednick
Judy Mlotek
Mynne Holdings Limited
Barry & Esther Naiberg
Nancy Pencer
Harry & Rose Perlstein
Nancy Posluns
Ellen Rabinowitz
Andrew Rivkin
Mark Rivkin
Lila & Allan Weiss
Rolex Canada Ltd.
Jo-Anne Rosen
Paul Rosen
Laura Rosenberg
David Rosenblatt
Royal de Versailles Jewellers Inc.
Larry & Michelle Saltsman
Stephen & Cookie Sandler
SF Partnership, LLP
Stan & Donna Shenkman
David & Edna Shiffman
Theodor Sidon
Allan & Hinda Silber
Nathan & Lily Silver Family Foundation
Al & Florence Silver
The Saul A. Silverman Family
Six Degrees/Sole Power Productions
The Philip Smith Foundation
Howard Smuschkowitz
Soberman LLP
Howard Sokolowski & Linda Frum
St. Louis Wings
Andrew & Gaye Stein
Arlene Strachan
Louis Strauss
Sadie Stren
Carol Tanenbaum
Wayne Tanenbaum
TD Securities
Darryl Ura & Joanne Nisker
Louis Vigoda
George & Florence Weinberger
WeirFoulds LLP
Wellington West Capital Inc.
Burton & Marilyn Winberg
The Leonard Wolfe Family
Charitable Foundation
Irwin & Elayne Wortsman
$5,000 - $9,999
Adler Bytensky Prutschi
AlarmForce Industries Inc.
Ronald & Sharon Anisman
Barry & Eleanor Appleby
Lewis & Elaine Baker
Larry & Arna Banack
Jordan & Faith Banks
Robert & Eve Baxter
Ted & Tobie Bekhor
Benjamin Zifkin Holdings Ltd.
The Foundation for Better
Austin & Nani Beutel
Walter B. Bick
Ronald Black
BMO Nesbitt Burns
Cecil & Elaine Brauer
Sarah Brickman
The Brookfield Foundation
Byron Developments Limited
David & Vivian Campbell
CanWest MediaWorks Inc.
Mark & Gloria Charness
CIBC World Markets
Peter & Ricky Cohen
Trevor & Andrea Cohen
Concepts on Wheels
CP Printing Inc.
David & Stacey Cynamon
Colin Devine
Joseph Dickstein
Eleanor Dover
David Dulberg
The Effort Trust Company
Phil & Pearl Ehrlich
Encore Sales Ltd.
Carl & Estelle Epstein
Ernst & Young LLP
Esro Construction Limited
Laurie and Beverley Fein
David & Elyssa Feldberg
Gary & Tamara Fine
Morris & Myrna Finer
Shirley Firestone
John Firstbrook
Ab & Phyllis Flatt
Richard & Patricia Fogler
Forest Hill Apothecary
Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts
Joseph & June Fried
Harvey Fruitman
Fun Technologies Inc.
Barry & Joy Gales
The B.I. Ghert Family Foundation
Leonard & Rena Gill
Max & Gianna Glassman
Newton Glassman
Richard Glatt
Howard & Bernarda Glicksman
Norman Glowinsky &
Lillian Vine Glowinsky
Ira Gluskin & Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Don Godfrey
Paul & Gina Godfrey
Ron & Anne Golden
Michael & Francine Goldrich
Lorne & Carol Goldstein
David Goodman &
Bonnie Merling Goodman
Barry & Hanna Gordon
Cecil & Lee Graff
Jonathan & Hannah Graff
Green Towers Holding Limited
Griffiths McBurney & Partners
Mark & Pearl Gryfe
Jack & Judy Gwartz
Ralph & Roslyn Halbert
Halfred Construction Limited
Harris, Scheaffer LLP
Harry Rosen Inc.
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.
David Helman &
Gilda Goodman-Helman
Jay & Barbara Hennick
George & Agnes Herczeg
Mory & Hindy Hirt
Philip & Judith Hooper
Adams & Waks Construction
Marvin & Bernyce Kalifer
Allen & Sharon Karp
Fred & May Karp
Michael Kelly
Marion Kert
Shawn Kimel
Laurie Kochen &
Harvey Kochen & families
KRG Children’s Charitable Foundation
Laurentian Bank of Canada
Bruce & Lianne Leboff
The Abner Levy Foundation
Frances Levy
Mark Lyons
David & Faye Markowitz
Barney Markson
Geoffrey Matus & Jill Lazar Matus
Donald McFarlane
Murray & Pauline Menkes
Rick & Hailey Meslin
Howard & Sharon Meyer
MGI Securities Inc.
Milestone Property
Management Limited
Motorcade Industries Limited
Allan & Esther Nadler
David & Lorraine Nakelsky
Nat Frankel Construction Ltd.
Olbert Metal Sales Limited
Vic Pamensky
Morris & Sarah Perlis
Shaya Petroff
Andy & Judy Pollack
The Abe & Elsie Posluns
Family Foundation
Sandy Posluns & Eli Barr
Morton & Sylvia Pullan
Harry & Karen Radomski
RainMaker Group
Redev Properties Ltd.
Harry & Evelyn Rosen
William & Kay Rosenfeld
William & Bertha Rosengarten
Ian & Pamela Rosmarin
Jules & Ariella Samson
George & Lesley Sas
David & Mary Saunders
Ruth Schacter
Tom & Marjorie Schwartz
Robert & Doreen Scolnick
Seligman & Associates
ShaRna Foundation
Issy & Rosalie Sharp
Edward & Helen Sheffman
Jim Shenkman & Denise Zarn
Milton & Joyce Shier
Rose Shore
Esther Silver
Sheldon & Vivian Silverberg
Karen Soupcoff
Alex Soyka
Spin Master Ltd.
Benjamin St. Clair
Stan Bobrow Projects Inc.
David & Isla Steinberg
Ronald Steinberg & Nancy Prussky
Bryna & Fred Steiner
Sterling Studio Lofts Inc.
Helen Stollar
Stupp Cohen Families Foundation
Succession Capital Corporation
Sunnyside Capital Canada Inc.
Howard & Carole Tanenbaum
Joey & Toby Tanenbaum
TD Newcrest
TD Securities
Marvin Teperman
Benjamin & Sarah Torchinsky
Toronto Athletic Club
Travelers Guarantee Company
of Canada
John & Lori Ulmer
Morris Joseph Weisfeld &
Louis Weisfeld Charitable Fdn.
The Eddie & Marilyn Weisz Family
Judy Winberg
Barbara & Harvey Wolfe Family
Charitable Foundation
Honey Wolfe
Richard Wolfe
Martin & Sheila Wolfish
Benjamin Zifkin
$1,800 - $4,999
1590816 Ontario Inc.
Abbott Laboratories Ltd.
Lorne Abony
Ida Abrams
Randall Abramson
Hyman Ackerman
Michael & Pam Albert
All Gold
Allan Windows
Elsa Allen
Keith Allin & Jan Loftus Allin
Alpa Lumber Inc.
Jerome & Barbara Altbaum
Alterra Developments 2000 Limited
Ampere Limited
Irene Amram
David Anisman
Lorne & Mimi Anisman
Paul Anisman
Ronnie & Bunnie Appleby
Joyce Asher
Norman Aurlick
Murray Axmith
Norm & Sharon Bacal
Allan & Gila Badner
Richard & Harriet Bain
Meyer & Anita Balter
Robert Banack
Philip Band
Bank Brothers & Son Ltd.
Mark & Debbie Bank
Freda Barkin
Jeff Barnes & Marcia Zuker
$1,800 - $4,999
Elkie Adler MS Clinic
a dream come true
The Kimel family and friends gathered last
November to dedicate the Elkie Adler MS Clinic.
Named in honour of their late sister, the clinic
was a dream come true for Elkie, who courageously battled multiple sclerosis but always
found opportunities to help others. The clinic
offers leading-edge equipment and services for
the treatment of MS, and was made possible by
a generous donation from the Kimel family.
From left, Baycrest supporter and past Baycrest Foundation
and Baycrest Board chair Fran Sonshine, Warren and
Debbie Kimel, Ronald (seated) and Vanessa Kimel outside
the newly dedicated Elkie Adler MS Clinic.
J.J. Barnicke Limited
Barrie Colts Junior Hockey Ltd.
Amnon & Karen Baruch
Danny & Shelley Baruch
David Batori
Sam & Arlene Beallor
Christopher Bean
Benedek Family
Robert Benmergui
The Bennett Family Foundation
Rikki Bennie
Gary & Rosa Bensky
Alan & Wendy Berger
John & Gay Berger
Robert Berger & Marla Shapiro
Eric & Sheryl Berke
Roy & Naomi Berman
Paul & Barbara Bernstein
Herb & Fran Binder
Jack & Doris Bistricer
Howard Black & Marlene Bensmihen
Abe & Freda Blankenstein
Jeff & Ilsa Blidner
Leon Bloom
Lawrence & Frances Bloomberg
Blue Bird Dress/Paloma Blanca
BMO Bank of Montreal
BMO Employee Charitable Foundation
Eugene Boccia
Andrew & Marlene Borins
In honour of Samuel Borins
from Rosalyn Borins & Family
Stephen & Elaine Borins
Eric & Penny Bowman
The Bradstreet Family Foundation
Barbara Bregman
Harry & Bernice Bregman
Michael Bregman
Patrick Brigham
Browns Shoe Shops Inc.
Roel C. Buck
David & Lois Buckstein
Gail Burnett
Arnold & Penny Cader
Canampac ULC
Martin & Fran Caplan
Joel & Jinni Carman
Sheldon & Bonni Carr
Martin & Carrie Cash
CB Richard Ellis Limited
CH Financial Services Inc.
Chair-man Mills Inc.
Jason & Jodi Chapnik
Joshua & Rhonda Charlat
Joy Cherry Weinberg
Jack & Phyllis Chisvin
CIBC World Markets
Mike & Lynn Clarfield
Ruth & Nat Cohen & Family,
Pearl & Larry Bell & Family
Betty Cohen
Gerald & Hilda Cohen
Mickey Cohen & Judith Loeb Cohen
Bob & Marilyn Cohen
Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen
Cole & Partners
Esther Cole
Conros Corporation
Irving Cooper & Verna Wagman Cooper
Cooper’s Iron & Metal Inc.
Cortex Search Inc.
Joseph Cosentino
Ronald & Rene Daiter
The John & Myrna Daniels
Charitable Foundation
Danier Leather Inc.
Glenn Daurio
Richard & Thelma Davies
Geno Della Rocca
Delmar International Inc.
Deloitte & Touche Foundation Canada
Marvin & Judy Demone
Desjardins Sécurité Financière
Alan & Joan Dessau
Jason & Audrey DeZwirek
Ephraim & Shirley Diamond
Stephen & Karen Diamond
Ryan Dolan
Phil & Lisa Draper
Hillel & Meira Drazin
Joseph & Angela Dubrofsky
DUCA Financial Services
Philip Duchen
Dundas Mavety Inc.
Dundee Securities Corp
Dynamic Funds
Sam & Beulah Eckler
Gunnar Eggertson
Jonathan & Johanna Ehrlich
Bea Eisen
Elliott & Wendy Eisen
Robert & Ellen Eisenberg
The Mariano Elia Foundation
Mario Elia
Elite Roofing & Contractors Limited
David & Donna Elkind
Mark English
The Edith & Bernard Ennis Foundation
Naomi Erlick
Allen Evaniew
Annette Exton
Alan & Adele Farber
Glenn & Rachel Farber
Reuben & Dorothy Farberman
Alan & Beverlee Feldman
David & Cara Feldman
Goldie R. Feldman
Michael & Susan Feldman
Florence Fenwick
Olga Fershaloff
Fidelity Stainless Ltd.
Jon & Roberta Fidler
George Fine & Lois Friedman Fine
Joel Finkelstein
Faye Firestone
Michael & Judy Firestone
Edward & Sylvia Fisch
George Fischer & Karen Green
Abe & Marcy Fish
Allan Fox & Suanne Kelman
The Frankfort Family
Sydney Frankfort
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Harvey & Miriam Freedman
David & Kathy Frieberg
Jack Frieberg & Sandra Herlick
Joe & Budgie Frieberg
Steven Friedlich
Alan & Kelly Friedman
Fun Energy Foods
Hugh Furneaux & Penny Fine
Alan Gans
Arthur & Shelley Gans
Marvin & Deborah Gans
Ed & Pauline Garber
GBH Supply Inc.
GE Real Estate
Ray & Rhonda Gelgoot
Edward & Heather Gilbert
Howard & Faye Gitter
Larry & Lynn Glazer
Glen Corporation
Leonard & Eleanor Godfrey
Leonard & Eileen Gold
Richard & Yvonne Goldberg
The Naomi & Gerald Goldenberg &
Family Charitable Foundation
Neil Goldenberg
Mark & Esther Goldenberg
Harry & Gayle Goldgut
David & Bonnie Goldstein
Michael & Karyn Goldstein
Marvin & Diana Goodman
Pearl Goodman
Goodmans LLP
Bernie & Susan Gosevitz
Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP
Steven Graff & Jennifer Strasberg
The Patrick & Freda Hart Green
David & Molline Green
Lindy Green
Louis & Shirley Greenbaum
Alan Greenberg & Naomi Himel
Brian & Marla Greenspan
Saul & Robyn Greenspan
Debbie Greenspoon
Lorne & Iris Greenspoon
Mel & Mimi Greenspoon
David & Lucille Griff
Michael Grobin
Helen Gross
Jan Gutter
Pinchas & Dorothy Gutter
H & R Reit
Howard Hacker & Lisa Feld
Stephen & Andrea Halperin
Hanley Capital Corporation
Hanley Hospitality Inc.
Joseph & Linda Harris
Peter & Beverly Harris
Larry & Simone Herman
Martin & Marcy Herman
Bernard Herman & Sharon Flancman
Lawrence & Elyse Hildebrand
Richard Hildebrand
B.A. Himel Family Foundation
Joseph & Helen Hochberg
Ron & Heather Hoffman
George & Linda Hofstedter
Chris Humeniuk
Stuart & Andrea Hytman
IBM Canada Ltd.
IBM Employees Charitable Fund
Ingot Metal Company Ltd.
INI Power Systems
Norma Isaacs
Tom Jackson
Ellis & Sharyn Jacob
Henry Jakubovic
JD Smith
Isaac & Basia Jesin
Hillel & Donna Kagan
Buschie Kamin
Marty & Sandra Karp
Edward Kassel
Marvin & Estelle Kates
Aubrey & Lynn Kauffman
David Kaufman
Fred Kaufman & Donna Soble Kaufman
Beverley Kavanagh
Marty Kelman & Gilda Tanz
Annemarie Kent
Ruth Kerbel
Norman & Ellin Kert
Joseph Kerzner
Morris & Miriam Kerzner
Barbro Kimel
Jack & Laura Kirk
Paula Kirsh
Eric & Helen Kirzner
Jerry & Karmela Klasner
Stephen Klein
Jules & Joan Kofman
Shirley Kofman
Zelda Korenblum
Emanuel & Susan Kornhauser
Henry & Julia Koschitzky
Martin & Estelle Kosoy
L. E. Glazer Architect Limited
Leon & Anita Lapidus
Last Letter Leasing Inc.
Albert & Temmy Latner Family
Michael Latner
Larry & Karen Latowsky
Frank & Nancy Laurie
Cliff & Joan Lax
Mel & Marlyne Lazer
Jack & Mavash Lechcier-Kimel
Mel & Helen Leiderman
Leith Hill Apartments
Leo Schachter Canada Ltd.
Judith Leranbaum
Irving & Ruth Levine
Larry & Cecily Levine
Mary Levitt
Sally Libman
Phillip & Fauna Lidsky
Nathan & Glennie Lindenberg
Henry & Burtha Liss
Bernie & Bev Little
Robert Livingston & Laurel Hobbs
Loblaws Inc.
Don & Lorraine Loeb
Brian Luborsky
Ian & Elaine Lurie
Ben & Jill Lustig
Michael & Vikki Lyons
Madison Properties Inc.
Natie & Esther Maister
James Makaruk & Laurie Harrison
Howard & Frances Malach
Alan Manning
Lili Manson
Anita Marcus
Malcolm & Andrea Marcus
Shawn & Ellen Marr
Jason Marshall
Randolph & Risa Masters
Russell & Michele Masters
Irving & Esther Matlow
Mcbride Corp.
James Mcintyre
Alan & Elise Mecklinger
Philip & Sheila Meretsky
Myra Merkur
Reta Merkur
Albert & Esther Michaels
Dora Miller
Earl & Eleanor Miller
Michael & Ellen Miller
Stephen Miller
Marian Miltchin
The Ed Mirvish Family Charitable
Lewis Mitz & Wendy Posluns
Alan & Sheila Mostyn
Mr. Submarine Limited
Lou Myles & Wendy Switzer Myles
Eleanor Nadler
David & Sharon Naiberg
Florence Naimer
Martin & Georgine Nash
National Brokers Insurance Services
Neil Turnbull Ltd
Chaim & Sarah Neuberger Foundation
Edie Neuberger
Dorothy Newman
Robert Nicholson
Margaret Nightingale
Mac & Faye Nisker
Norseman Plastics Limited
North American Produce Buyers Ltd.
Nortown Air
Seymore & Carol Obront
Octagon Capital Corporation
Jordan & Barbara Oelbaum
Mitch & Naomi Oelbaum
Ogilvy Renault LLP
OK Tire
Ben & Joyce Orenstein
Orfus Realty
Howard & Cindy Orfus
Yetta Orfus
Panfinancial Insurance Agencies
Scott & Linda Paris
Judy Pencer
Ed & Deanna Peranson
Gregory Perkell
Phoenix Coal Corp.
Josephine Pick-Eiser
The Pickle Barrel Corporate Office
Norman & Lynda Picov
Pilot Insurance Company
Jillian Pivnick
Gary & Alison Polan
Winnie Posner
Miriam Prusky
Raflatac (Canada) Inc.
Leonard & Carol Raizin
Oskar Rajsky
Bryan & Doreen Rakusin
Carol & Morton Rapp Foundation
William & Nancy Reichman
Albert & Egosah Reichmann
Fred & Marian Reisman
Sam & Rose Reisman
The Morris & Goldie Reiss
Family Charitable Foundation
Garnet & Lisa Rich
Luba Richardson
Craig Rimer & Elyse Zelunka
The Lionel Robins Foundation
Sydney & Gloria Robins
Romspen Investment Corporation
Arthur & Helen Rose
Jack Rose & Judith Megow-Rose
Joel & Linda Rose
John & Hannah Rosen
Leonard & Renee Rosenberg
Lizanne Rosenstein
David Ross
John & Susan Rothschild
The Royal Canadian Legion
General Wingate (Ontario No. 256)
Fred Rubinoff
Edward Rumack
Nancy Ruth
S.A. Sugar Management Inc.
$1,800 - $4,999
Susan Sacchi
David Sadja & Debra Gorman-Sadja
Mark Sadowski
Ruth Fine Sadowski z’l &
Marvin Sadowski
Seymour & Beverley Saitowitz
Jack & Marla Samuel
Irving & Shirley Samuels
Michael Sanderson & Donna Green
Lawrence & Kay Sandy
Samuel & Esther Sarick
Sax Family Foundation
Michael & Julia Sax
Norm & Honey Schipper
Stuart & Jayne Schipper
Anne Schwartz
Charles & Mina Schwarz
Duff Scott
Second Cup Ltd.
Michael & Ilana Sereny
SGNC Charitable Trust
Maurice Shapero &
the late Honey Shapero
Robert & Sheila Sheaffer
Robert & Mona Sherkin
Harry Sherman
Leslie & Freida Sherman
Arthur & Margaret Shiff
Lorne & Cori Shiff
Shimmerman Penn LLP
Philip Shnier
Mark & Marla Shoom
Mendel & Anita Shore
Saul & Thelma Shulman
Michael & Ellen Siegel
Mark & Catherine Silver
Murray & Fern Silver
Ron & Shari Silverstein
Leonard Simpson &
Micki Moore Simpson
Ernest Singer
Fred & Rene Skurka
Gerald & Judith Slan
Joel & Adrienne Slan
Peter & Neri Slan
Slavens & Associates Real Estate Inc.
Paul & Carol Slavens
Jonathan & Alison
Sylvia Soyka
Saul & Hermi Spears
Sheldon & Esther Spring
SRS Restoration Limited
State Building Group
Stay Kleen Services & Contracting Ltd.
Steeles Memorial Chapel
Ronnie & Sandy Steiner
Georgina Steinsky-Schwartz
Jay & Carole Sterling
Robert & Dorothy Sterling
Gary & Julie Stern
Gary A. Stern
Zanvel & Sylvia Stern
Bert & Barbara Stitt
Daniel & Dorothy Stone
David & Betty Streiner
Jack Stupp
Donald Stuss
Avrom & Reesa Sud
Barbara Sugar
Harvey Sugar
Richard Sugarman
Eric & Lynn Sutkiewicz
Ray & Helen Sweig
Murray & Florence Sweigman
T.R.L. Investments Limited
Russell & Robyn Tanz
Giuseppe Tassone
Tate Economic Research Inc.
Tate Marketing Inc.
Jay & Carol Teichman
Marty Teplitsky & Nancy Backhouse
Ken & Charlotte Tessis
The Cambridge Club
The Invitationational At Angus Glen
The Motion Group
Bernie Tishman
Murray & Janice Tkatch
Moses & Temara Tobe Foundation Inc.
Torkin Manes LLP
Trans County Development
Corporation Limited
Archie & Gilda Ublansky
UBS Securities Canada Inc.
Gloria Ungerman
David & Susan Van Der Hout
Sylvia Van Der Hout
Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell
Vistek Ltd.
Mark Wafer
William Wagman
Elliott & Helene Wahle
Paul & Sandra Walfish
Toby Waltman
Brad & Sharan Warner
Sam & Freda Warner
Gary Wasserman
Michael Wayman
Tom Wayman
Margaret Wayne
Bernard & Belle Weinstein
Hank & Jo-Anne Weinstein
Lucy Weinstein
Myrna Weinstein
Joseph & Faigie Weinstock
Rita Weisberg
Marvin & Lynda Wenger
Richard & Wendy Wengle
William Wiener & Lillyann Goldstein
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
Frank & Judith Wilson
Morris & Audrey Wilson
Jack & Judith Winberg
Howard & Donna Winick
Jamie Wise & Lauren Kimel
Julius & Honey Wise
Herbert & Fern Wisebrod
Jack & Nan Wiseman
Stanley & Rosalind Witkin
Daniel Wittlin
Sidney Wolbrom
Harold & Carole Wolfe
Mel & Pedie Wolfond
Gerald & Elaine Yaffe
Simon & Liora Yakubowicz
Alan & Michelle Zelunka
Dov & Caroline Zevy
Bernie & Carole Zucker
Walter & Helen Zwig
$1,000 - $1,799
Lee & Lynn Abbott
Able Engineering Inc.
Acclaim Design & Profiles
Eugene & Anna Aceti
Achieve Medical Canada Inc.
Adamson Associates
Advanced Fabricating Machinery Inc.
AGF Funds Inc.
Aim Trimark Investments
Steve & Rosanne Ain
Scarlat & Shirley Albright
Steven Warsh & Debra Alexander
Bryon & Lani Alexandroff
Stephen & Heshy Altbaum
Shawn Anderson
Joe Andrisani
Antamex International Inc.
Gerald Appell
APS Holdings Ltd
Sol & Shirley Armel
Faye Arnold
Ruth Asper
Harvey & Celia Atkin
Paul & Pamela Austin
Avery Dennison /Fasson Canada
Marlene Axmith
M. Azouri
Norma Bain
Balmain Construction
Bank of Montreal
Allan & Anne Bank
Henry Barkin
Marvin & Linda Barnett
Peter Bartha
Bass Associates Ltd.
George & Miriam Bassin
Edwin & Elaine Beallor
Todd & Catherine Beallor
Sid & Annette Bearg
Beaux Properties International Inc.
Howard & Delores Beck
Geoffrey Bellemore
Benjamin’s Park Memorial Chapel
Donald Bennett
Ralph & Fiona Benson
Berbank Realty Management Ltd.
Hy Bergel
Bernard Berger
Irving & Susan Berger
Jack & Karen Berkow
Coleman & Evelyn Bernstein
Syrelle Bernstein
Murray & Mary Betel
Donald & Helen Biback
The Norman Black Foundation
Ralph & Linda Blatt
Ned & Doris Blinick
Gerald & Pearl Bloom
Rudy & Marlene Bloom
Gary & Ruby Bluestein
Karl & Fran Blumfald
B’nai Brith Wilson Heights Lodge
Norman Boersma
Gary & Harriett Bomza
Harvey S. Borden
Marc Boyman & Tiana Koffler-Boyman
Brampton Brick Limited
David & Cindi Brand
The Brettler Mintz Charitable
Hildegard Breuer
John Breuer
Briarhurst Realty Limited
Betty Bright
Peter Brivins
David & Rachelle Bronfman
Allon & Pnina Bross
Aaron & Toby Brotman
Bryant Brown
Christopher Brown
David & Helen Brown
Gary & Gail Brown
Morris & Freda Brown
Sid & Gina Brown
Bruce Mau Design Inc.
Carainn Buchalter
Caldwell Investment Management Ltd.
Canaccord Capital Corporation
The Canadian Group
Canlan Ice Sports York
Lawrence & Lola Caplan
Central Glass & Mirror
Elliott & Nancy Chaplick
Harold & Mary Chapman
Chubb Insurance Company of Canada
Jeffrey & Shawna Citron
Bill Clarfield
Classic Creations Jewellers
Clipper Construction Limited
Barry & Melanie Cohen
Dani Cohen
Edwin & Deanna Cohen
Michael Cohen
Sheila Cohen
Steven Cohen & Joanne Riven
Zane & Joan Cohen
Ted & Elaine Cole
Colliers Macaulay Nicolls Inc.
Stan & Donna Collini
Concord Concrete Group
Justin Cook
Richard & Clara Cooper
Corash Holdings
Mal Coven
Richard & Barbara Cowan
John Cox
Collin & Marian Craig
Creative Planning
Credit Suisse Securities (Canada), Inc.
Edmond & Edie Creed
Jack & Beverley Creed
CST Corporation
Bernie Cugelman
Marty Cugelman & Gail Pasternack
Michael Curran
Cushman & Wakefield LePage
Lawrence & Elizabeth Cyna
David Cytrynbaum
Robert Daniels
DEAJ Holding Corporation
Jeffrey Dean
Sean & Jennifer Debow
Peter Deeb
Defiant Resources Coporation
Jonathan Deitcher
Delbridge Contracting Limited
Ifa Demon
Brian & Lois Demone
Howard & Mirah Detsky
Diamond Taxi Cab
Arnie & Judy Diamond
Carey Diamond & Tina Urman
Michael & Janette Diamond
Shane Dolgin
Karyn Drewnowsky
Owen & Nancy Duckman
Arthur & Agi Dunec
Eagle Drainage Inc.
Bernice Eckler
Jim Eckler
Norman & Ellen Eckler
EdgeStone Capital Partners L.P.
Greg Edwards
David Ehrlich
Bob & Ruth Ehrlich
Alex & Olga Eisen
Elte Carpets & Home
Empire Suits & Coats
Beatrice Endler
David & Judy Engel
Engelite Charitable Foundation
Sheryl Erenberg
Harry & Cecile Erlich
Charles Erlichman
Harry Erlichman
Paul Evered
Excelsior Steel Processing Ltd.
Haron & Irene Ezer
Fabricmaster Inc.
Ron & Gail Faust
Barry & Varda Feiner
Allan & Nancy Feldman
Allen & Marilyn Feldman
Edward & Shirley Feldman
Jonathan & Shlomit Feldman
Anthony & Sharon Fell
Philip & Bryna Fellen
Michael & Sandra Florence
Fogler, Rubinoff LLP
Marshall & Sandy Folk
Forest Hill Detailing Inc.
Rosemary Foulds
Irving Fox
Lester & Zelda Fox
Aron & Miriam Frankel
Freed Corp.
Evelyn Freedman
Howard & Barbara Freedman
Herb & Betty Frieberg
Dov & Nancy Friedberg
Peter & Eva Friedmann
Sandra B. Fruitman
Steven & Debbi Gallen
Gallop Logistics Transporation
Gamma Dynacare Medical
Gardiner Roberts LLP
Craig Gardner
Rose M. Garfinkel
Leon Gasner
Kirby Gavelin
Julian & Louise Geller
Richard Geller
Geo. A. Kelson Company
John Gill
Muriel Ginsberg
Min Givens
Lorne Gladstone &
Barbara Steinberg-Gladstone
Jeffrey & Orly Glatt
Peter Glazer
Eddie Glick & Susan Rapoport Glick
Samantha Glied-Beliak
Jean Godfrey
Norman & Debbie Godfrey
Charles & Marilyn Gold
Family Foundation
Steven & Sharon Gold
Charles Goldberg & Carole Gruson
Bernat & Jennie Goldberger
Malka Goldenberg
Stanley & Sue Goldfarb
Barry & Helen Goldlist
Donald & Toby Goldman
Jack & Marilyn Goldman
Laurence & Lesli Goldstein
Norman & Ellen Goldstein
Ronald & Bonnie Goldstein
Joey & Corinne Goodbaum
“Aging well, to me,
means being able to
play hockey on my
90th birthday.”
Mark Napier, Executive Director,
NHL Alumni Association
$1,000 - $1,799
Bird Wing sculpture enlivens
Winter Garden
There’s a light, airy feeling to the Bird Wing
sculpture perched in the Winter Garden in the
Apotex Centre that makes it seem ready to take
flight. Made of stainless steel and aluminum, the
sculpture was created by sculptor Morton Katz,
and is sponsored both by Morton and Sheila
Katz and by longtime Baycrest friends Sydney
and Florence Cooper, as a tribute to their late
parents, Harry and Ida Katz, Irving and Ruth
Finstein, Abraham and Toba Cooper, and Adolph
and Sara Thier.
Marvin Gord
Errol & Cindy Gordon
Philip & Rachel Gordon
Lillian Gossin
Irwin & Judith Gould
Michael & Dianne Gould
Herman & Mia Grad
Dennis & Cheryl Graff
Mark Grammer
Bob & Lisa Greben
Barry & Lisa Green
David Green
Herb & Joyce Green
Mendel & Helen Green
Jack & Anita Greenberg
Joe & Pepi Greenberg
Daniel Greenglass
Harry & Ruthe Greenspan
Mark & Susan Greenspan
Kenny & Reena Greenwald
Shane Grosman
Pegi Gross
GSG Development
Ina Gurofsky
Andrew Gustajtis
H&R Developments
Earl & Irene Haltrecht
Robert Hannah
Ruth Harper
Harris Rebar
Elaine Harris
Jack & Amy Hauer
Marla Hauer
Stephen & Arlene Heller
Ydessa Hendeles
Heraclitus Consulting &
Investment Corp.
Stephen W. & Marcia Herbert
Hillsdale Investment Management Inc.
Al Hinnegan
Allen & Celia Hirsh
Michael Hirsh & Elaine Waisglass
Joel & Lisa Hock
JoAnn Hoffman
Hoffman-LaRoche Limited
Alan & Jennifer Hoffmann
Debbie Hollend
Michael & Lindsi Hollend
Harvey & Bonnie Horowitz
Mel & Marlyn Horowitz
Morton Horowitz & Edie Glazer
Hot Feat Productions Inc.
House of Metals Co. Ltd.
Hydro One Employee’s & Pensioner’s
Charitable Trust Fund
Innvest Reit
Ironbridge Equity Partners
Management Inc.
George & Pearl Isaac
David Isenman & Jacqueline Segall
Ivansker Mutual Benefit Society
Jack Rose Family Foundation
Norman & Gloria Jacobs
Janor Imports Inc.
Bo Jauhal
Roger Jauhal
Johnson-Rose Inc.
Scott & Robynn Jolliffe
Robert Josephson
Allan Kalin & Susan Mate-Kalin
Michael & Dana Kalles
Lawrie & Debby Kaplan
William & Carol Kassel
Melvin & Blanche Katz
Nathan & Carol Kaufman
The Henry & Berenice Kaufmann
Judith Kazdan
Jay Kellerman
Kenair Apartments Limited
Kensington Place Partnership
Jeff & Diana Kerbel
Roey & Wendy Kert
Arthur & Terri Keyfitz
Estelle Keyfitz
Harold & Mildred Kirzner
Fred & Joan Klap
Martin Klaponski
Samuel & Frances Kleinberg
Thomas Kline
Rudy Koehler
Eugene & Eva Kohn
Sophia Kondos Crenian
Kone Inc.
Clifford & Katy Korman
David & Marla Korman
Adam Kosoy
Jack Koven
Philip & Anne Koven
Jeff Kowal
Danny & Myra Krangle
Henry & Barbara Krieger
Perry & Pearl Krieger
Harrianne Kronick
Labelad/Sandylion Sticker Designs
Elyse Lackie
Philip & Caryn Ladovsky
Lagover Mutual Benefit Society
Michael Lam
Joel Landau
Jennifer Lanteigne
Christopher Larkin
Lassonde Family Foundation
Ryan Latinovich
Albert Latowsky
Lax O’Sullivan Scott LLP
The Joseph Lebovic
Charitable Foundation
Terry Lehigh
Allan & Barbara Leibel
Jerry & Lily Leiderman
Tim Leishman
Ross Lennie
Alan Lerman & Sharon Cohen
Alan & Ellen Levine
Ben Levinter
Samuel & Rose Levy
Charitable Foundation
Rhoda Lewis
Liberty Market Building
Lifemark Health
Leon Liffmann & Miriam Shiel
Marc Lipton & Carolyn Naiman
Charles & Ethel Listgarten
Sheldon & Marilyn Little
Lombard Canada Ltd.
Barry & Eleanor Long
Longboat Development Corporation
Fern Longert
Norty & Geraldine Longert
Gordon Love
Jon Love
The Joseph B. Lubotta
Charitable Foundation
Elliott & Sandra Lyons
Ronald & Diana Macfeeters
Ian Maclure
Gerald & Susan Maldoff
Jack & Agi Mandel
Min Mandel
Herz Mandelbaum
Denis Marcotte
Vivienne Marcus
Margold Industries Inc
Laurie Markus
Martin & Judith Markus
Marr Family Corporation
Gerald & Helen Marr
Marvin & Roberta Martenfeld
Martin Teplitsky Services Limited
Rick Matheson
Joel Matlin
David & Leanne Matlow
Jonathan & Beverly Matthews
McCarthy Tetrault LLP
John McCreight
Evelyn McGowan
Greg McKnight
MDC Partners Inc.
Daniel Melamed
Keith & Suzette Meloff
Carl & Rose Mendelsohn
Menkes Developments Ltd.
Froim & Ruth Merkur
Barry & Susan Michaels
Israel Mida
Marty & Sharyn Middlestadt
David & Helen Miller
Martin Miller
Murray & Susy Miller
Ronald & Lesley Miller
Ruth Milne
Beatrice Minden
Harold & Maxine Minden
Harley Mintz & Judy Nyman
Faye Minuk
Mitchell Sandham Insurance Services
Manny Mitchell & Merle Friedman
Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.
Jeffrey Moody
Moore Packaging Corporation
Patrick Morton
Eldon Moses
Philip & Helen Mosoff
Steve Motomura & Terumi Izukawa
Isaac & Martine Moubazbaz
Mr. Greenjeans Restaurant
Mulmer Services Ltd.
Andrew Muroff
Dr. Andy Myers
Frederick Myers
Joseph & Lauren Nadler
Harvey & Barbara Naglie
Annette Naiman
John Nanos
Harry & Shirley Nash
Honey & Moses Nathan
National Bank Financial
Reta Newman
Nikon Canada Inc.
Neil & Rachel Nisker
Norstar Corporation
Northern Securities Inc.
Mark & Barbara Nusinoff
Adrienne M. Offman
Shirley Ogden
Albert & Margi Oksner
Omega Process Servers
Sam & Dorothy Orenstein
Jack & Alice Ormut
Martin & Myrna Ossip
Michael & Cheryl Ostro
Susan Padro
Palliser Furniture Ltd.
Danny & Kathy Panzer
Mark & Barbara Panzer
Rick & Karyn Pasternac
Scott Paterson
Steven Pearl
Melvyn Pearlman
Pegi Lee Gross & Associates Inc.
Penwest Development Corp. Ltd.
Elliott Peranson & Sharon Cohen
Angelo & Porzia Pesce
Victor & Esther Peters
Pheonix Floor & Wall Products Inc.
Josie Picariello
Jeffrey Pike
Richard Pilosof
Martin & Debbie Pivnick
The Plan Group
Sheldon & Nonie Plener
Joseph Podemski
Daniel Pollack
Lloyd & Nancy Pollack
Bruce Pollock
Sheila Pollock
Raffaella Porretta
Stephen & Robyn Posen
Posner Metals
Reva Potashin
Rick & Debra Pottens
Ken Prehogan & Sharon Landsman
Premform Limited
Gerry & Hyla Prenick
Pauline Priemer
Jonas & Lynda Prince
Principle Inc.
Dan Prussky
Christopher Purkis
Q2 Management Inc.
Rabardo Corporation
Anton & Ilana Rabie
David & Shanea Rakowski
Allan & Dayle Rakowsky
Bernard & Nancy Rasch
Joel Ray
David & Wendy Rechtsman
Andy Redmond
Albert Reichmann
Reitmans (Canada) Limited
Ren-Wil Inc.
Restoration Environmental Contractors
Richard Librach Architect Inc.
Ron & Marlene Richardson
Martin & Ronnie Richman
Lisa Ritchie
Elliott & Nicole Rivkin
Jonathan Robins
Jerry & Fran Rodness
Marvin & Natalie Roebuck
Steven & Rivian Rogul
Ian & Janet Roher
Roots Canada Ltd.
Rose E. Dee (International) Ltd.
Lewis Rose
Robert Rose
Saul & Emma Rosenberg
Alvin & Gloria Rosenberg
Morris & Judy Rosenberg
Herb & Riva Rosenfeld
Michael & Deanna Rosenswig
Jeff & Lori Rosenthal
Martin & Truus Rosenthal
Ron & Cynthia Rosenthal
Danny & Marilyn Rosenzweig
Gerald & Pauline Ross
Meir Rotenberg
Kurt & Edith Rothschild
Paul & Gella Rothstein
Kenneth Rotman & Amy Kaiser
Neville Rozowsky & Penny Petroff
Daniel Rumack & Gail Burnett-Rumack
Connie Runions
Ryantronics Corp
S. Cohen Inc
Samuel Sable
Alan & Sharon Saipe
David Salomon
Michael & Joan Saron
Robert & Marlene Savlov
Henry & Barbara Schnurbach
Louis & Joy Schreiber
Abe Schwartz
Abe & Pearl Schwartz
Chuck & Ruth Schwartz
Edward & Marla Schwartz
Phil & Francine Schwartz
Gerald Schwartz & Heather Reisman
SCI Interiors Limited
Segal Communications Inc.
Rob Segal
Marianne Seger
Phillip & Marilyn Seltzer
Harry & Betty Senders
Linda Shadlyn
Robert & Naomi Shapero
David & Wendy Shapira
Louis & Helen Shapiro
Satyendra Sharma
Cary Sharman
Elaine & Marvin Shedletzky
Gerald & Barbara Shefsky
Sheldon Gross Limited
Dave Shepard
Jeff Sher
Morrie Sher
John & Amanda Sherrington
Sanford & Ida Shessel
Danny & Elaine Shiff
Gary & Deborah Shiff
Norman Shnier
Fred Shore
Neil Shore
Gary Shuchat
Gloria Shulman
Choc & Gail Silverstein
Harvey Silverstein
Louis & Roz Silverstein
Sonny Silverstein
Silverstein’s Bakery
Simplex Grinnell
Simpson & Rich
Eric & Marsha Slavens
Sam & Marilyn Sliwin
Smart Lazer Grafix
Sam & Joyce Sniderman
Ralph & Nancy Soberano
Joan Soble
Ted & Liz Sokolsky
Solmon Rothbart Goodman
Harvey & Renee Solursh
Gary & Carole Solway
Barry & Paula Sonshine
Bernie Spiegel
Marc & St. Pierre
Dean Stark
Steve Steel
Michael & Joanne Steinberg
Wilf & Susan Steinberg
Joseph & Elaine Steiner
Perry & Judy Steiner
$1,000 - $1,799
Stephenson Engineering Ltd.
Martin Sterling
Stikeman Elliott LLP
Martin & Francie Storm
Gordon Stovel
Strategic Analysis Corporation
Joseph & Myrna Strebinger
Robert L. Strom
Martha Sud
Sunview Doors Ltd.
Peter Sussman &
Heather Hartt Sussman
Bruce & Cathie Sutton
Jay & Linda Swartz
Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co.
Architects Inc.
Ahuva Tamari
Enzo Tatangelo
Robert Tatangelo
Irwin Tauben
Martin & Ruth Tauber
Christina Taylor
TD Bank Financial Group
Tenenbaum Charitable Foundation
Irv Teper
Stan & Dorothy Tessis
The Pepsi Bottling Group (Canada), Co.
Tiffany Park Homes (Milton) Ltd.
Gary Title & Evelyn Ernest-Title
Stephen & Carole Title
Esther Tock
Trevor Tremaine
Deborah Troister
Trust Flooring Group
Andrew Tylman
Alan & Sally Ungerman
Sidney Valo & Felicia Travis Valo
Gordon Verk
The Herschel Victor Foundation
Victoria Park Automotive
Vital Link
Emanuel & Jolan Vozner
Joanne Waddington
Ruth Wahl
Sydney Wahl
Lorie Waisberg
Jeffrey Walderman & Eva Schilling
Alma Waldman
Len & Natalie Waldman
Richard Wallin
Robert Waxman
Leonard & Adele Wechsler
Eric & Leah Weisz
Wellington West Capital Markets Inc.
Allen & Janet Werger
Michael & Cheryl West
Leon & Iris Weverman
Cameron Wiginton & Nancy Webb
Shawn Wilkie
Bernice Wilson
Harold & Esther Wine
Howard & Janet Winkler
Gordon & Janis Winocur
Sharon Winocur
Winsom Landscaping
Jack & Betty Winston
Leslie & Miriam Wise
Brian & Anita Wisenberg
Zishe & Eleanor Wittlin
Michael Wolfish & Holly Bick
Jean Wolfman
Barrie & Ellen Yackness
Ari & Vanessa Yakobson
Leon & Dora Yolles
Charitable Foundation
Zaglembier Society of Toronto
Bernie & Beverley Zaifman
Max Zive & Harriette Kahn-Zive
Jack & Louise Zosky
Sidney & Debi Zucker
Zuckerman Honickman Inc
Orah Buck
Dr. Paul & Mrs. Joyce Chapnick
Sybil Cohos
Jack & Elaine Culiner
Morris & Rochelle Donen
Stuart Dyment
Leslie & Minda Feldman & Family
Estate of Ida Gould
Ethel Harris
Leo Kamen
Morton & Sheila Katz
Tredegar Kennedy
Clifford & Joan Lax
Jason & Susan Lehner
Anthony & Gloria Leibel
Susan Leopold
Ian & Renee Leventhal
Irving & Nancy Lipton
May Marx
Anne Mitchell
Ross & Joan Murray
Rachel Ovadia
Ian & Janet Roher
Frieda Rosenzweig
Bernard & Norma Rubin
Berte Rubin
Fred & Bonnie Saibil
Estate of Ruth Shaul
Joan Singer
Paul & Kitty Tepperman
Joel & Marlene Walker
We gratefully acknowledge the
support of the following community
organizations who facilitate
distribution of donor gifts to
the Baycrest Foundation
Benjamin Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Toronto
Toronto Community Foundation
United Way of Greater Toronto
Planned Giving is simply gift
planning from an array of assets.
Gifts may be made through a
bequest in a will, life insurance,
RRSP or RRIF, annuities, marketable
securities, trusts, or property such
as real estate. Gifts may be made
today, or promised now to be given
some time in the future. This type
of giving allows a donor to make
a gift much larger than they ever
thought possible. This source
of revenue is critical for Baycrest
to meet the changing and growing
needs of the elderly we serve.
Planned gifts received
from the estates of:
H. Beretz
George Harold Bernstein
Benjamin Birstein
Magda Collins
Morris G. Goldenberg
Samuel Gotfrid
Ann Grafstein
Fran Halpern
Paul H. Halpern
Harry Hersh
Pantel Jeshonowitz
Joseph Kates in memory of
Rev. Nechemiah and Pearl Katz
Ben & Hilda Katz
Ruth Kelman
Paul Kirzner
Irving & Molly Levins Foundation
Renee Lyons
David Meltzer
Tzvi Herbert Mond
Oskar Morawetz
H. Albert Morton
Loretta Pape
Irwin Rebick
Miriam Rose
Jerome Rotenberg
Julia Ruby Lean
Esther Scherer
Linda Shain
Molly Shapiro
Esther Shub
Max J. Singer
Samuel Sivitz
Nathan Bernard Smith
Klara Somer
Rita Tobias
Eva Walstaff
Ida Rose Weisfield
Toby Wintraub
Family of Fundholders
Supporting the needs of today and tomorrow
Endowment Funds
You can create an enduring tribute to beloved family
members or admired individuals by establishing and naming a Baycrest endowment
fund. With a minimum donation of $10,000, you can set up an endowment fund
and have the name permanently engraved on a brass plaque on our Wall of Honour.
Capital in the fund is carefully invested, with annual distributions used to provide
stable funding for important programs and services— this year and for years ahead.
Anyone can contribute to an endowment fund by making a donation or by sending
tribute cards through Baycrest’s Donations Office. Donations and card purchases are
eligible to receive receipts for income tax purposes.
$1 Million Plus
Ben Birstein
Al Hertz Family C.N.S. in Pain
Ben & Hilda Katz Centre
for Gerontological Social Work
Ben & Hilda Katz Chair in
Gerontological Nursing
Ben & Hilda Katz Research,
Education and Care
Ben & Hilda Katz Transportation
The Reva James Leeds Chair in
Neuroscience & Research Leadership
Sam & Ida Ross Fund for
Alzheimer’s Research*
Sam & Ida Ross International Prize
in Alzheimer’s Research*
Sandra A. Rotman Chair In
Saul & Rae Saltzman Community
$500,000 - $999,999
Elkie Adler MS Clinic
Toby Battle
Baycrest Men’s Service Group
Baycrest Women’s Auxiliary
Morris Goldenberg Medical Research
Albert & Sadye Jessel
Community Outreach
Morris & Sally Justein
Heritage Museum
Ben & Hilda Katz International
Visiting Scientist
Ben & Hilda Katz
Postdoctoral Research
Saul A. Silverman Family Foundation
for Alzheimer’s Research
Silverman Employee Assistance
$250,000 - $499,999
Irving Acenberg Research
Baycrest Foundation General Purpose
Baycrest Hydrotherapy Pool
Baycrest Leadership
Development Group
Baycrest Special Needs
Lynn & Brent Belzberg & Family*
Finkler International Visiting Scientist
Gerber Greenhouse &
Horticultural Centre
Louis Lasowsky
Samuel Lunenfeld Special Day Care
Hy & Bertha Shore and Harry &
Sara Gorman Award
Mynne & Harold Soupcoff
Studentship with Hebrew University
$100,000 - $249,999
Baycrest Men’s Service Group
Graduate Student Training
Baycrest Men’s Service Group
Hydrotherapy Pool Program
Baycrest Palliative Care
Baycrest Women’s Auxiliary
Alzheimer’s Research
Arthur & Essie Cohen
Stephen & Wendy Cole
Dorothy & William Drevnig
Nancy Ida Field
Roy Foss*
Joseph Garfinkel Family
Max & Roslyn Gordon
Harry Guzick & Gayle Guzick
HSBC Bank Canada
Selma Jelinek
Kenneth & Mildred Kelman
Leon Koffler
Harry & Henrietta Kostman
Landsman Family
Rose Lasowsky
Maxwell A. & Fanny Levy
Fela & Saul Lichtblau
Lokash Summer Student
Frances & Jack Melman
Simon Muskat
Elsie & Lawrence Pifko
Dr. Ira Pollock
Harry & Pearl Rotenberg
Lidsky/Rotterman Family
Nancy & Sam Ruth Family
Samuel & Jean Sable
Louis Savlov
Savlov Family
Gertrude & David Sher
Allan Silber Family
Tauba & Solomon Spiro Family
Helena & Samuel Strasser
Morris & Freda Tabachnick
Sonia & Manley Tessler Family
Morris Urovitz
Max & Sala Walerstein
Florence Winberg
Max & Ruth Wiseman
Tillie & Maurice Wolfe
Rose & Henry Wolkoff
Leon S. & Dora Yolles
$50,000 - $99,999
Harry & Ethel Abramsky
Ackerman Family
All Gold
Lily & David E. Barr
Baycrest Centre Art
Baycrest Centre Program Enrichment
Parkland/Oceanside Club
(Day Care Programs) Fund
Karl & Hilde Breuer
The Edward Bronfman Family
Michael & Rena Buckstein
Phillip DeZwirek Family
William & Celia Eisenberg
Morris & Sarah Feldman
Myra & Albert Gallander
Samuel & Anne Gans
Lou, Al & Jack Gilbert and
Ruth & Perry Sherman
Rose & Jonas Glowinsky
Marilyn & David Gluskin*
Nathan & Eva Gold
Goldgrub Family
Minnie & Robert Grafstein
Al & Malka Green
Joel & Ruth Greisman
Fay Florence Grobin & Dr. Wulf Grobin
Helen & Morris Grosman
Pinchas & Dorothy Gutter
Magda Klein
Arthur & Sadye Krangle
Alfred & Helen Krieser Family
Reva James Leeds
Hertel Leibovici
Joseph B. Lubotta
Earl & Renee Lyons
Sheila & Robert Masters Family
Sidney & Zillah Matus
Sarah & Gordon Mendly
Bella Naiberg
Becky & Koppel Pancer
Izzie & Annie Petroff
Anne & Louis Pritzker
Sam & Luba Richardson
Ronnie & Marty Richman
Rossi Rosenthal Family
Stanley & Tanya Rossby
Roth Family
Toby & Ben Roth
Savlov Family Alzheimer’s Research*
Savlov Family Brain Health*
Savlov Family Palliative Care*
Serruya Family
Norman & Roberta Shnier Family
Fanny & Sol Sky
Morris Slivka Family
Harry Sonshine
Ada Starkman
Rose & Karl Stork Family
Chave & Burnett Thall
Yetta Ungerman
“The cornerstones of aging well are
continued intellectual stimulation, physical activity and
purpose-driven community
all three of which are richly supported by loving family
and friends. If I can stay true to that formula, my 100th birthday
is going to be quite the wild party.”
Jordan Banks, Chief Executive Officer, Jump TV,
and a member of the Baycrest Board of Directors and
the Baycrest Foundation Board
Jordan’s family: mother
Debbie Kaplan and wife
Faith (standing),
grandmother Becky
Shulman and children
Justin and Skylar.
$50,000 - $99,999
Rebecca Van Der Hout
Lionel & Sandra Waldman
Mollie & Jack Weinberger
Maurice Joseph Weisfeld &
Louis Weisfeld
Louis & Dora White
Bert & Marilyn Winberg
Sylvia Winestock
Blanche Wolbrom Family
Max & Beatrice Wolfe
$36,000 - $49,999
Adolph & Rose Bain
Baycrest Equipment
Baycrest Research
Baycrest Special Gifts
Baycrest Synagogue
Terrace Improvement
Wagman Centre Physical Fitness &
Stroke Recovery
Norman Black
Andrew & Toby Boas
Rose Storfer Citry & Dr. Edgar Citry
Stuart & Paula Cohen
Pearl & Carl Cole Family
Beatrice Collis
Kathleen McGuire Eastman
Gordon Edelstone
Ginger & Max Eisen
Rose & William Fishman
Norma & Sidney Fromer
Howard Gitter & Family
Charles & Charlotte Goldlist
Errol & Cindy Gordon Family
Al & Sorcy Gorlick Family
Zelda & Simon Harris
Marcia & Stephen Herbert
Dr. Arnold & Ruth Iscove
Rona & Joshua Nathan Katz Family
Jacob & Sara, Murray &
Adrienne Levinter
Walter Lyons
Abraham & Reva Markowitz
William & Blima Martin
Sam & Becky Milgrom
Pickard & Kofman Family
Betty Podemski
Elsie & Abe Posluns
Julius Rosen & Harry Silverberg
Rabbi Dr. Samuel Rosenblum
Fred & Roselind Shapero Family
Carol Sharyn Tanenbaum Family
Samuel Louis & Edith Shields
David & Edna Shiffman
Dr. Abraham & David Shore
Fannie Smith
Grace & Joseph Soren Family
June Wade
Murray Walderman
Esther & Samuel Wallin
Percy Weinstein
Stephanie & Leslie Weisz
Pearl & Label Wetstein
Berty & Leon (Ben) Wittlin
Frank J. Wolff
$18,000 - $35,999
Mollie & Harry Alexandroff
Irene & Lucien Amram Family
Nathan & Rina Arback Family
Leon & Honey Arthurs
Harry & Tillie Baker
Eva & Jack Baltman
Faigel & Leo Barkin
Lil & Harry Barkin
Eva & Mary Barrer
Sophie & Joseph Bassin
Baycrest Behaviour Neurology
Baycrest Mountainview Club
(Special Day Care)
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Sylvia Beckwith
Harold & Esther Berk
Dorothy & Murray Biback
Aaron & Beverley Black
Celia & Albert Bleiwas
M. Frederick & Helen Bochner
Meilech & Chana Book
Freda & Max Bregman
Irving & Sarah Brothman
Dr. Reuben Brown
Lisa & Allan Brown & Family
Rose Brown*
Sidney & Gina Brown
Sol & Ruth Brown Family
Ruth Burnett
Fred & Celia Chapnick Family
Esther & Harold Cherry
Bill Clarfield Family
Asher & Mildred Cohen
Sylvia & Joseph Cohen Family
Sarah & Karl Cohen
Hyman, Doris & Mervin Cooper
Harold Cooper
Corbin Family
Fay & Harry Daiter
Hazel & Murray Davis
William G. Davis
Dessau Family
Louis & Anne Dubrofsky
Sophia Vera & Jack Bernard Ellis
Aaron & Madzia Erlichman
Florence & Harold Fagan
Alice & Joseph Falk
Diana & John Farro
Sam Federman & Harry Levenstein
Dorothy & Nathan Feldman
Morris & Rose Feldman
Sylvia Feldman
Allan & Susan Fenwick
Sue & Lewis E. Field
Phyllis & Ab Flatt
Moses & Anne Flatt
Mannis Frankel & Merle Prager
Sidney & Ivy Freeman
Ruth & Irving Frisch
Dr. Juliusz, Dorota, Zofia Frist
Israel & Yetta Fruitman
Helaine & Harold Gallander
Ruth & Manny Gans
Marye & Al Ginsburg
Samuel Gold & Family
Abraham & Elizabeth (Lizzie) Goldberg
Marian Goldblatt
Harry & Gertrude Golden Family
Golden Age Recreation
Henry & Helen Goldenberg
David & Sonia Goldfarb
Eric & Fay Goldlist Family
Sally & Jack Goldstein
Al & Gert Goldstein
Manny Goldstein
Shirley & Morris Goldstein
Gilda & Henry Goodman
Louis & Pearl Goodman
Sarah & Jacob Gordon*
Joseph Gottdenker & Family
Simon & Esther Gottlieb
Milton & Sara Graff
Helen Rose Grafstein
Moishe & Goldie Grafstein
Fred Green
Helen & Sid Greenwald
Lilyan Gutmann
Harvey & Esther Hacker
Anne & Joseph Halpern
Frances & Harvey Harnick
Frances Soble Harnick
Anne & Albert Harris
Ronald & Aviva Heller
Lillian & Isadore Hertz
Charles Hilary & Dianne Ingles
David & Rae Hildebrand
Himel Family
Hollend Family
Judith & Philip Hooper
Robert William & Dorothy
Beatrice Jackson & Family
Prof Andrzej, Karolina, Ludwik,
Estelle Jus
Sam & Esther Kaiman
Jack & Buschie Kamin
Saul & Mildred Kelman
Daniel & Marion Kert
Izzy & Betty Kirshenbaum
Leib & Toby Krieger
Milton (Mickey) Lambert
Frances & Al LaPorter Family
Sidney Lax
Frida & Irving Lebovici
Aaron & Ruth Leiderman
E. Harry & Hazel Lepofsky
Ruth & Irving Lerman
Polly & Mannie Levi
Evelyn & Frank Levine Family
Abe & Ethyle Levine
Freda & Murray Levine
Sydney & May Levitt
Caren & Michael Levy Family
Joel H. Lewis
Ted & Lorraine Libfeld Family
Nathan & Frances Lieberman
Rose & Manny Lipman
Sam & Honey Lipson
Sidney & Natalie Liswood
David & Betty Little
Netty Loftus
Samuel, Joseph & Lyndsay Lyons
Molka & Joseph L. Lyons
Natie & Esther Maister
Jack & Pearl Mandel
Julius & Margaret Marcus
Dr. Charles Markson
Barnet & Gert Markson Family
Jack Marmer
Lillian & Elliott Marrus
Lillian & Haskell Masters
Jean & Bert Mendelson
Mendelson Holiday & Festival
Sol Miller
Riva Mintz
Mitz Family
Jacob & Frida Moll
Helen & Philip Mosoff
Florence & Melvyn Naimer
Emma & Jack Oelbaum
J. Irving Oelbaum
Alex & Shirley Ogden
Fay & Norman Oster
Dr. William Pascoe
Jack & Susan Pasternak
Persiko Family
Hinda Annie Picov
Nancy Posluns
Goldie Potashin
Benjamin David & Ethel Rachlin
Ramstein Family
Norman & Rae Rebick
Alexander & Bernice Robins
Sophie & Max Rochman
Allan & Elizabeth Rodda
Lionel & Martin Roher
Sam & Ethel Roher
Freda & Joe Rosenfeld
George & Ethel Roth
Israel & Ray Rothbart
Molly & Morris Rubenstein
Iz & Sophie Rumack
Marvin & Ruth Fine Sadowski
and Family
New Fraternal Jewish Association’s
J.B. Salsberg
Allan & Marian Saltsman
$18,000 - $35,999
Ruth & Leo Schacter
Anna & Frank Schipper
Esther & Mark Schipper
Laura and Sidney Schipper
Ruth & Charles Schwartz
Jack Schwartz, Ida Schwartz &
Bertha Schwartz Katzman
Carrie Schwarz
Frank J. Seger
Peter Seligman Family
Andrew & Magdi Senyi
Robert & Naomi Shapero Family
Morris & Rose Shear
Samuel & Rose Shendroff
Lou & Esther Sher
Harry & Sarah Sherman
Theodore & Donna Sherman
Sylvia & Murray Shiffman Family
Bernice & Mac Shore
Harry & Jean Silver Family
Joseph & Bertha Silverberg Family
Harry & Anne Silverman
Philip & Esther Skovronek
Annita Slochowski
Freda & Louis Slotnick Family
Ben & Sylvia Smith
Anne & Harold Sniderman
Cantor Max & Mina Snyder
Eric Stone
Philip & Pearl Stone
Rose Storfer Citry
Ruth & Jacob Streiner
Dr. Donald Stuss and Family
David & Fern Sugarman
Yhetta Swartz-Lewis & Charles Lewis
Sara Thier
Moses & Temara Tobe
Gloria & Kievy Ungerman
United Families Organization
Stan & Helen Vine
Peggy Vogel
Alma & Ted Waldman
Judith Walters
Warsaw Lodzer Mutual
Benefit Association
Florence & Jack William Weintraub
Max & Ida Rose Weisfield
Rose & Henry Weissburst
Louis & Dora White
Molly & Ben Willer
Beatrice & Max Wolfe
Regina Wolff
David Wolfish
Elizabeth & Joseph Yolles
$10,000 - $17,999
Irving & Helen Aaron
Susan & Simon Adams
Alexander & Verk Families
Sheila J . Allen
Faye & Morris Alter
Freda & Sidney Altfest
Arthur & Sonia Anisman
Morris & Fanny Applebaum
Ida & Jack Ashrow
Deborah & Nathan Austin Family
Eddie Baker
Mathilda Bald
Morris & Frances Basen
Fanny & Nathan Baumstein
Baycrest Department of Psychiatry
Baycrest Education Reimbursement
Baycrest Rotman Research
Baycrest Volunteer Services
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Improvement Program
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Program Enrichment
Mary Beallor
Esther & Morris Bearg
Ethel Benoway & Family
Rebecca Berenzon
Ira & Celia Berg & Sam & Helen Mandel
Allen & Judy Berg
Sandra & Irving Berger Family
Ida Berman
Allen & Ann Bernick Family
Max & Sarah Bernstein
Sarah Lois Binder
Frank & Edith Birnbaum
Joseph & Anne Black
Sydney & Hilda Blackman
Freda & Ralph Blankier
Leah & Joseph Blinick
Mary & Sydney Blinick
Program Enrichment
Mary & Sydney Blinick
Medical Research
Jenny & Joseph Bloom
Hattie & Martin Bloom
Joseph & Carla Blum
Abraham & Jennie Bogomolny
Saul Bookspan
Sara & Morris Botnik
Harry & Sarah Brandes
Max & Bella Brandriss
Harry & Pearl Brandwein
Sidney Brickman
Florence & Edward Brill
Charlotte Pauline Brody
D. Nathan Buckler
Blanche & Herb Caplan
Dr. Sol & Mary Cappe
Sam & Celia Carr
Hillis Cass
Harry Casse
Max & Beckie Chapnick
Joseph & Janet Chapnik Family
Samuel & Minnie Charendoff
Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen
Clara & Benjamin Cohen/
Pauline & Joseph Kline
Max & Mary Cohen
Eileen & Louis Cohen Family
Cohen & Morrison
David & Beck Collins
Arthur Cone
Abraham & Rose Consky
Jack & Gussie Constant
Bessie & Harry Cooper
Louis Cooper
Sydney & Florence Cooper
Libbie L. Cowan
Bertha Cozman*
Cecil R. & Faye Croll
Jack & Elaine Culiner
Cyna Family
Leah & Isaac Day*
Sean & Jennifer Debow
C. A. Delaney Capital Management Ltd.
Morris & Ifa Demon
Faigel & Abba Diamond
Sarah Diamond
Lena Dickstein
Samuel Z. & Lillian Donnenfield
Irving & Fanny Dryer
Evelyn & Joseph Dunkelman
Helen & Luzer Dzialoszynski
Sam & Sarah Elkind
Jeannette Enkin
Murray Etlin Family
Nathan & Freda Farb
Reuben & Dorothy Farberman
Jaime & Herminia Faria
Gurston Sidney Allen &
Laya Fauman Allen
David & Cara Feldman
Issie & Annie Feldman
Joe & Anita Feldman and Family
Morris & Rebecca Feldman
Stan & Susan Feldman
Henry & Mali Fenigstein Family
Izzie & Helen Fine
Judith Fine & Avrom H. Fine
Samuel & Natalie Fine
Jeffrey & Barbara Fineberg
Sala & Morris Finkelstein
Finkelstein & Levine Family
Harry & Shirley Firestone
Joseph & Faye Firestone
Civia Fischer
Albert Florence
Harry Fogler
Joanne & Garry Foster*
Morris & Ida Frankfort
Sydney G. Frankfort
Dr. Samuel & Pearl Freedhoff
Albert & Charlotte Freedman Family
Hilda & Myer Freeman
Jack & Celia Frimet
Bessie & Harry Frisch
Morris & Ethel Fruitman
Joy & Barry Gales
Sarah & Phillip Gangbar
Mamie & Max Garfinkel
Betty Garnet Family
Betty & Solly Gelfund
Samuel Geller
Harry & Marion Gilbert
Etta Ginsberg
Etta Ginsberg
Israel & Mildred Ginsburg
Murray “Bucky” Glicksman
Jean & Frank Godfrey
Max & Freda Godfrey
Harry, Grace & Blanche Goldberg
Tillie & Wolfe Goldberg
Jennie & Bernat Goldberger Family
Tuty & Adolph Goldenberg
Rose & Sam Goldhar
George & Kay Goldlist
Jack & Marilyn Goldman
Max & Mania Goldmintz Family
Anne & Harry Goldstein
Edwin & Joyce Goldstein
Jean & Milton Goldstein and Family
Muriel & Archie Goldstein
Ben & Julia Golinsky
Atkin Goodis
Chana Faiga & Izzie Goodman
Ada & Saul Goodman
Daisy & Max Goodman
Garry, Shirley, Jason & Helen Goodman
Philip & Lillian Gordon
Eve & Joseph Gordon
Harry & Ida Gordon
Ethel & Ben Gorlick
Bernhard & Rachel Gottlieb
Abe & Rose Granatstein
Judi Green
David & Della Greenberg Family
Kay & David Greengarten
Harry & Millie Greenspoon
Mimi & Mel Greenspoon
Polly & Bill Gryfe Family
Gurau Family
Hailman & Horowitz Family
George & Merele Hamell
Bella Zeifman Handelsman
Diane & Gary Harris
Stella & Max Haubenstock
Anna & Edmund Hefner
Rose Heisel
Mickey & Eunice Heller
Rickey & Harry Hennick
Milton Henry
Rebecca Sonia Hershoran
Dr. Henry & Ella Himel
Phillip Hirsch
Fayga & Louis Hochberg
Aranka Hofstedter
Kalman & Ray Holtzman
Deirdre Hopkins
Irving & Mina Ingber
Albert & Sarah Isenberg
Harry & Zelda Jonas and Family
Harry & Toby Jordan
Marshall & Esther Jubas Family
Bernyce & Marvin Kalifer Families
Siegmund & Sofie Kamnitzer
Kaufman Family
David & Golda Kazdan Family
Harry & Rose Kesten
Joseph & Jean Kichler
David & Rose Kirsh
Sarah & Paul Kirzner
Michael Jay Kleinberg
Oscar & Edith Kochberg
Belle & Harry Kochen Family*
Max & Minnie Koffman
Shirley Kofman
Fred Kolin
Morris & Ruth Korman*
Harry & Mary Korolnek
Jack & Ida Koskie
Jack & Gertrude Kosoy
Molly & John Jacob Kramer
Anna & David Kulas Geist
Adele Kuperstein
Anne & Sam Kuretzky
Betty & Samuel Kwinter Family
Herman & Dora Ladovsky & Family
Harvey Langer
Adele & Saul Laskin
Nathan Lastman
Jack & Elise Latner
Allan Lax
Jonathan Lax
Jessica Lax
Pauline & Julius Laywine
Max & Myna Lazer
Charles Lea & Gloria Ellen Lea
Dr. Joseph & Rita Leventhal and Family
Phyllis & Murray L. Levin
Norman Levine Family
Ruth & Irving Levine Family
Florye & Percy Levy
Sally & Louis J. Libman
Lipman Family
Sam & Manya Lipshitz
The Isadore Lipson Family
Ruth & Norem Litvak and
Louis & Lillian Bloom
Sylvia & Willy Lobel
Florence & Joseph Lokash
Bess & Hy Lustig
Rivka (Regina) & Max Males
Matatia Malka
Aouali (Hatchouel) Malka
Erica Elayne Schiller Mammon
Dorothy Sarner Manace & Dr. Bernard
Abraham Manace & Family
Joseph Mandel
Abraham & Dora Mandel
Gordon & Ethel Mandell*
Dr. John J. & Ruthe Mann
Rose & Jack Manson and
Goldie & John Rosen
Marshall Margolis
Markslan Endowment,
Ben & Sylvia Marks
Judith & Martin Markus and Family
Lyla Gutzin Markus
Anne & Lewis Markus
Mildred Mazin Family
Zelda & Samuel Mednick
Olga & Sam Meister & Family
Albert & Elsie Mend
Sarah & Gordon Mendly
Irwin & Mariel Michael Family
Dr. Marvin Miller
Jack & Dora Miller
Harold & Ruth Milne
Harold & Maxine Minden
Beatrice & Arthur Minden Family
Dr. Howard Mitchell
Cindy & Joel Moldaver
Faggie & Albert Molson
Sylvia Moore
Rose Musicar
Annette & Arnold Naiman Family
Ann & Alter Nakelsky
Hilda & Irving Nashman
Bernie & Anna Newton
Annie Nightingale
Samuel & Frances Nissenbaum
Olga & Leslie Nyiri
Maurice & Fanny Orenbach
Joel A. Organek
Jacob and Jenny Ostrow
Rae & Joseph Louis Pancer
Leon & Elsie Pape
Pauline & Al Pattenick Family
Lilyan & Albert Pearl
Jeffry Alan Penner
Perlmutter Family
Petroff Family
Harry & Dina Phillips Family
Norman and Lynda Picov
Esther & Harry Pike
Edwin & Charlotte Pivnick Family
Selma Plaut
Dr. M.A./Clara Pollock
Joseph & Bessie Pollock
George & Marley Pollock
Bertha & Irving Pomotov
Arna & Harry Potashin
Lillian & David Powell
Daniel Prenick
Moniek & Genia Prusznowski Family
David & Brenda Rafalovitz
Leo & Hilda Raider
Oskar & Esterita Rajsky
Lily & Kuba Rakusin
Esther & Gerald Ray
Morris & Lillie Resnick Family
Louis & Rose Revitch
Rosalie Rich
Donors go
“behind the scenes”
From touring research facilities to learning about
cutting-edge health studies from lead scientists,
donors had an exciting opportunity to visit behind
the scenes at Baycrest. A series of luncheons and
afternoon teas showcasing a variety of Baycrest
services, programs and research was offered by
the Baycrest Foundation. These events give supporters a unique insight into their areas of interest
and a chance to meet key Baycrest personalities.
For more information about this program, please
contact Carol Berns at [email protected] or
416-785-2500, ext. 2035.
Donor Ruth Korman (left) talks with Rotman clinician-scientist
Dr. Tiffany Chow at a recent luncheon.
$10,000 - $17,999
Spiro Family Garden delights
Thanks to the generosity of Rabbi Solomon and
Tauba Spiro and their family, Baycrest clients,
families, staff and visitors can now enjoy the
recently completed Spiro Family Garden, a beautiful outdoor space located on the second floor
rooftop connecting the Brain Health Complex and
Baycrest Hospital.
Designed to be safe for clients with wheelchairs
and medical equipment, the 3000-square-foot
garden is dedicated to the memory of Rabbi Spiro’s
parents, Rabbi Joshua and Sarah Spiro, and his
sister, Chana. Its focal point is 12,000 square feet
of decking and planters made of Ipé, a hardwood
from Brazil.
Donald H. Rich
Ted & Miki Richmond
Helen & Alex Richmond
Jack & Ritta Ritchie
Selma Robins
Ernest & Clara Roger
Arnold Jacob Rose
Harvey & Alma Rosen
Abie & Sarah Rosen
Sam & Sarah Rosenberg
Rivka Rachel Rosenberg &
Ala Rosenberg Ackerman
Florence & Maury Rosenblatt
Willie & Bertha Rosengarten
Danny & Marilyn Rosenzweig Family
Rosmarin Family
Ida & Sam Ross
Louis & Minnie Rotenberg
Martin & Rose Roth
Dov Rozenmutter Family
Maude & Jack Rumack
Rose & Gordon Saltzman
Vivienne & Danny Saltzman
Minn Sandler
Jacob & Libbie Sandy
Selim Sassoon
Beatrice & Joseph Schipper
Sigmund & Gabriella Schmidt
Julius & Else Scholem
Jack & Bertha Schwartz Family
Fae Scolnik
Sidney & Merle Seligman
Liba & Israel Senderowitz (Senders)
Eva & A. Morris Shapira
Sherman Family
Isie Golombek & Doris Sherwin
Nat & Ethel Sherwin
William & Ethel Shiman
Morris Shoom
Rebecca & Sam Shore
Harry Tochterman Shuber &
Annie Shuber
Yetta & Maurice Shully
Becky & Irvin Shulman
Sara (Sal) & Ted Sidon & Family*
Harry & Evelyn Silverberg Family
Maurice & Rose Silverstein
Saul Simon
Dr. Murray Simon
Kalman & Devorah Gitel Sinaberg
Polly E. Singer
Beth & Jack Sky
Robert & Rose Slan
Adrienne & Joel Slan
Benjamin Slatt
Sam & Minka Smith
Sara & Leonard C. Smith Q.C.
Hy & Rose Smith
Irene & Gerald Smith
Harry & Molly Sniderman
Aaron Sokalsky Family
Honey Soll
Harry L. Solomon
Dr. Coleman Solursh
Jerry Solway
Albert & Frances Sonenberg
Helen & Benjamin Sonshine
Rose & Louis Soupcoff
Louis & Ruth Spencer
Annie & Harry Spring
Minna & Abe Squires
Joseph & Rose Stahl
Samuel Stark Family
Donna & Ronald Steinberg Family
Sidney & Shirley Steinberg
Isadore & Fay Steinberg
Dorothy & Bob Sterling
Samuel & Ruth Sterling Family
Jacob & Minnie Sterling
Myrna & Irving Stern Family
Dr. Meyers & Belle Stitt
Francie & Martin Storm Family
Louis & Susan Strauss
Anne & Robert Strom
Irving & Doreen Strom Family
Jennie Stupp
Norman & Rachel Suckonic
Pearl & Sam Sugarman
Louis Swartz
Hetty & David Swartzman
Ernest & Bertha Swirsky
Joseph & Sally Switzer
Mimi Szekely
Bella & Jakob Szterenlicht
Goldie Tanner
Moses & Anne Tartick
Luigi Tatangelo*
Harold N. & Catherine Taube
Arthur Abraham Tenen
Jack & Ida Teplitsky
Irene & Sydney Tepperman Family
Joseph & Dena Tessis Family
Gittel & Abraham Tessis
Dora Anna Till & Morris Sanford Till
Lloyd & Lillian Title Family
Rita & Myron Tobias
Rubin & Elaine Todres Family
Toronto Hebrew Benevolent Society
Rose & Joseph Trefler
Izzy & Fanny (Faye) Trefler
Ladislav Verny
Goldie Wagman
Rose & Henry Wagman and
Harry Horowitz
Isadore & Rachel Wagman
Tillie & Jack Wainberg
Sol & Lilyan Wainberg
Madelin & Harry Waisberg
Harry J. & Mari Waisglass
Max & Sala Walerstein
Irwin A. & Frances Wallace
Toby & Murray Waltman
Sara Gertrude Wayman
Margaret & Irving Wayne Family
Anne & Moe Weiner
Saul & Jean Weisbrod*
Maurice & Mary Weisdorf
Aube & Fae Weisman
Emma Weiss*
Eva Weissenberg & Leslie Weissenberg
Benjamin & Sarah Weverman Family
Samuel & Minnie Wexler &
Bernard Gurofsky
Dr. Samuel Marcus Wigser
Mary & Percy Wilner
Fanny & Jack Wineberg and
Esther & Bernard Yale
Bernice & Jack Winnick
Minnie Winocur
Jack & Betty Winston Family
Max & Sally Wintraub
Gertrude & Hyman Wisebrod
Ab & Kate Witkin Family
Ruby Wohl
Joyce & Jack Wolfe
Beatrice Wolfe
Samuel & Esther Wolfman
Dr. Solomon Jacob & Kate Woolfson
Sylvia & Irving Wortsman
Irwin & Elayne Wortsman Family
Moishe & Ettie Wosnick & Family
Israel & Perla Yakubowicz
Chaim Yontef Family
Anna & Morris Zaidman
Helen & Harold Zamon
Eliezer & Itta Zeisler
Oscar Zuker
Zuckerman Family
Robert I. Zweig
Therese Zwetschkenbaum
$2,000 - $9,999
Louis & Esther Abella
Shina & William Abrams
Sam & Esther Ackerman
Sarah & Sam Adams & Ruth Adams
Judge Joseph L. Addison
Sam Adelkind
Belle Adler
Louis Albert & Jean Bernstein
Nettie Albert
Allan Albert
Irving S. Albert
Barbara & Marshall Alexander Family
Bertha Allen
Lillian Samuels Appel
Louis & Fanny Applebaum
Rena Lillian & Max Appleby
Agnes Armstrong
Joyce Arshawsky
Bernard Arshoff
Ethel & David Atlas
Bernie Auerback
Hadassah & Label Bachst
Sally & Earl Bader
Tillie & Barney Bader
Charles Bain
Banack Family
Margaret & Louis Barany &
Tibor Rottmann
Judah H. & Rachel Barcessat
Rose Bardenstein
Bryna & Leonard Barkin
Harry L. & Pauline Barkin
and Alan Berk
Jack & Freda Barkin
Dr. Leonard J. & Harry Barron
Sarah & Pinkus Barth
Herb Baskin
Baycrest Education Program
Baycrest Department of
Psychology Internship
Baycrest Health Care
Education Lecture Program
Baycrest Mazel Tov Program
Baycrest Terrace Health Care Program
Baycrest Terrace Shabbat Tea Program
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Creative Arts Program
Annette & Sid Bearg Family
Thomas & Laurie Beckerman
Frances & Alex Beder
Goldie & Morris Bellack
Harriett Belzberg-Reppas
Frankie & Oscar Bender Family
Jane Berenbaum
Stanley & Sylvia Bergman
Pauline & Jack Berman Family
Bella Bernstein
Mayer Bialoglowsky
Morris & Minnie Biderman
Rose Biderman
Ann & David Biderman
Sam & Cecille Bidner
Laura & Abraham Bien
Harry & Faye Bierstock Family
Jennie & Joe Birenbaum Family
Allan Blackstien
Max Blackstien
Roslyn Bleiweis
Belle (Berlin) Bliman
Hilda & Jack Bluestein Family
Celia, Louis & Barry Blumenfeld &
Allan Brooks
Hy & Sadie Bocknek
Sadie Boltman
Harriett Bomza
Adeline & Norman Borins
Fanny & Jacob Borinsky Family
Morris & Esther Bornstein
Joseph & Sadie (Syd) Bornstein
Martin Bornstein
Sam H. & Renee Borovoy
Soorah & Sid Borovoy
Jack Brahams
Dorothy Brassel
Joe Brenner
Sadie & Sam Brodkin
Meyer & Gertrude Bromberg
Fannie & Ruben Brown
Ida & Benjamin Brown
Olia Brownstone
Helen Burstein
Anne & Lou Cadesky
Samuel Camelgar
Vivian & David Campbell
Ada & Ben Caplan
Sam & Shirley Caplan
Ruth & Harry Caplan Family
Cappe Family
Reuben A. & Pearl Cappe
Rose & Nathan Cappe
Rose Leah Cappe
Ron, Gail & Gary Carbell Family
Fanny Cardish/Jennie Shoot-Austin
Harry (Morris) Chaim
Chandler Holocaust Resource Project
Dr. Morris & Hudy Charendoff
Jack Charles & Lorne Chousky
Herb Charles
Evelyn & Louis Charles
Jack & Rose Chelsky
Freda Chernovsky Family
Joel Alan Cherry
Sonya & Michael (Church) Chuchura
Beatrice & Henry Cieman
Sam Ciglen
Rose & Abraham Citron
Harry Clairman
Albert & Sylvia Clausner
Tanya & Jack Clement Family
Roslyn Climans
Abe & Eva Cohen
Berel & Ruth Cohen
Debbie & Farley Cohen
Harold & Kay Cohen Family
Harry Cohen
Max & Rebecca Cohen
Rose & Louis Cohen
Rose & Ida Cohen
Ruth Cohen
Sara Cohen
Sonnee Ruben Cohen
Phil Cohl
Min & William Collins
Etta & Sam Collins
Celia & Elliott Collins
Jean & Garson Conn
Daisy (Deborah) & Max Cooper
Margaret Cooper
Martin Cooper
Murray Cooper
Jack & Sybil Cooper
Jack & Lillian Cooper
Bert & Esther Cooper
Allen G. Copnick Family
Cornish Family
Samuel Cowan
Norman & Bertha Cowan
John & Freda Cozman Family
William A. Crocker
Senator & Mrs. David A. Croll
Senator David A. Croll
Sally E. Croll
Sylvia & Marvin Daniels
Grace V. Davey
Anna David
Susan Centner Davidson
Wilfred R. Davis
Ralph & Dorothy De Sola
Harry & Lola Derlachter
Rochelle & Charles Diamond
Shirley & Eph Diamond Family
Irene Dick
Leon & Golda Diener
Annie Hilda Dillick
Szlomo Zelman Don/Joseph
Fraidenraich/David Lieberman
Emanuel Don
Ethel & Moses Donenfeld
Donin Family
Lisa & Philip Draper
Sarah & Louis Drew
Marvin & Miriam Dryer
Norma & Harry Dubinsky Family
Harry & Sarah Dubinsky
Pearle & Morris Duckman
Oscar Duskes
Norm & Millie Egelnick/Al & Ray Rabin
Murray & Edythe Ehrlick
Eim B’Israel Fund
(W.A. Bat Mitzvah Fund)
Sarah & Issie Eisen
David & Eva (Chavala) Eisen
Max & Rose Eisenberg
Freda & Mailey Ellenzweig
William & Gertrude Engel Family
Vincent James & Leona Equable
Goldie & Irving Erenberg Family
Fairbloom Family
Faith Family
Gertrude & Ralph M. Farber
Harry & Molly Federman
Sammy Federman
Gert Fenkell
Fara Fenwick
Lillian & Myer Fine
Morris Fingrut
Mary & Wilfred Fink
Joel Fink
David & Sadie Finkelberg Family
Gertrude & David Finkelstein
Louis Finkelstein
Rozalia & Berek Finkelstein Family
Morris Finsten
Sam Fireman
Louis Firestone Family
Kate & Phil Fischman
Joseph & Fannie Fish
$2,000 - $9,999
Hy & Rita Fisher
Jacob & Sarah Fisher
Henry David Fisher
Annie & Eddie Fleisher
Mendel & Malka Flint
Lillian Fogle
Annie & Hymie Forman
Toni Franco
Minnie & Simon Frankel
Gilda & Sam Freedman
Dora Freedman
Belle & Saul Freedman
Esther & Jack Freeman
Morris Freeman
Eli & Sylvia Freeman
Pat & Allan Friedland Family
Jeffrey Steven Friedland
Jeshua & Gitla Friedland
Molly Frimer-Kaminker
Sophie Fromovitz
Ruth & Joe Fruchtman Family
Sam Galinsky
Philip & Eva Gantman
Sam Garber
Charles Gardner
Robert & Ethel Garfinkel
Norman Garnet
Marvin & Terry Geist
Martin & Harriet Gelb Family
Benjamin & Thelma Gelgoot
Ida & Isaac Gelman
Isaac Gelman
Lee Zwig Gerstein
Devin Lauter Gerstein
Gilinsky Family
Harry & Ettie Gilman
Etta Ginsberg
Etta Ginsberg
Givertz Family
Shirley & Sid Gladstone
Sarah & Henry Gladstone
Max Glazer
Max and Lillian Glickman
Rae Godfrey
Manuel & Muriel Godfrey
David Gold
Ben & Rae Gold Family
Harry Goldberg
Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg
Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg Family
Sandor Goldberger Family
Goldblatt Family
Jack & Sylvia Golden
Irvin & Etta Golden Family
Louis & Ethel Goldenberg
Pearl & Benjamin W. Goldenberg
Gertrude (Snider) Goldfarb &
Shep Snider
Isaac Goldkorn
Bella Goldmacher
Fanny & Jacob Goldman Family
Jack & Lil Goldman Family
Miriam Goldman
Albert & Katie Goldman
Zalman & Shaindel Gittel Goldmintz
Phyl Goldner
Phyl & Roy Goldner
David & Helen Goldsilver
Manny Goldsmith
Lena & Sam Goldstein
Norman & Trudy Goldstein
Edward & Mildred Goldstein
John & Sylvia Goldstein
Rose & Sydney Goldstein
Golvin Family
Moe & Bertha Goodman
Nathan Goodman
Joseph Gottdenker & Family
Frank & Hilda Gould
Sarah Grammer
Gertie & Morris Granatstein Family
Nathan Gray
Philip Green
Gilbert & Pearl Green
Thelma Green
Toby Greenberg
Harry & Sonia Greenberg Family
Betty & David Greenglass
Mordechai & Rose Greenspan
Rabbi Abraham Greenspan
William & Toby Greenspoon
Jack & Jean Gringorten
Groman Family
Harold & Dinah Gross
Murray & Bessie Grossman Family
Shirley Grotell
Faye & Sol Grupp
Hilda Grushcow
Ben & Freda Gryfe Family
Ruth & Arthur Gryfe
Michele Lecker-Gryfe & Moishe Gryfe
Frank Gula and Dorothy Kurtz
Chaim Gurfinkel
Jacob & Adela Guttman
Frank & Jolan Guttman
Nathan & Barbara Haber
Saul Halpern
Minabelle & Irving Haneford
Mary Harris
Ethel Hebscher
Sonia Hershman
Marion & Alex Hertzman Family
Elaine Herzog-Shecter
Hillel & Asher Family
David & Toby Himelfarb
Lorraine & Aubie Himmel
Rebecca Hoch
Arnold & Frania Hochberg
Joe & Helen Hochberg
Goldie & Louis Hoffman
Mollie Hoffman
Ruth Holesh
Judith & Philip Hooper
Robert & Leona Hurwitz
Edwin & Sylvia Hyde Family
Harry & Eleanor Hyde
Rose & Irving Ingles
Harold & Samuel Isenberg
Saul & Bev Isenberg
Frances Jacober
Chava & David N. Jacobson
Dora & Frank Jacobson
Bernard H. Jaffee
Tor & Pearl Jakobson
Elaine & Jules James
Jesion Family
Goldie Joseph
Connie & Ben Kachuck Family
Sadie Kagan
Rita & William Kagan
William Kagan
Edith Kalles
Mary & David Kalnitzsky Family
Hy & Bella Kaman
Philip & Lena Kandel & Joseph Kandel
Edith & Jack Kaplan
Frank & Sarah Kappy
Robert & Leatrice Karmazin
Allen & Sharon Karp Family
May & Fred Karp
Morris Kasman
Gertie Kates
Aaron & Marion Kates
Esther & David Kates Family
Jules & Dorothy Kates
Ethel & William Kathron
William Katz
Woolf & Freda Katz
Benjamin & Annie Katzman
Rose & Charles Kay
Sylvia Kellermann
Charles Aaron Kent
Sam & Sarah Kerzner
Harry & Ida Keshen
Pearle & Carl Keyfetz Q.C.
Margaret & Murray Keyfetz
Irving M. Keyfitz
Alex & Helen Kielish
Kipper Family
Ralph & Bessie Kirsh
Sheldon Kirsh & Esther Kirsh
Lily & Jack Kirshenblatt
Irene & Morley Klayman
Pearl & Herman Klebanoff
Klebanoff Family
Belle & Joseph (Lucky) Klein
A. Sol & Rebecca Kling
Bernard Koffman
Helen & Irving Kofsky
Avrum & Golda Kohl
Edward Kohn
Meta & Henri Kolin
Kon & Szpigiel Family
Toby & Jules Kopman
Emil & Emma Koralek
Korentager & Yellin Families
Edythe and Myron Korn
Rose & Ben Kozierok
Louis & Florence Krandel Family
Solly Krieger
Michael & Shirley Krofchick
Sam & Funia Krongold
Barney & Fanny Kronis
Geraldine (Gerri) Kronis
Charlotte & William Krossel
Krugel Family
Rose Lagunoff Family
Steve & Heather Lamasz
Jules Lambert
Isabel Lampel Leibel
Sylvia & Philip Lampert
Oscar & Selma Lang
Rose Langer
Samuel & Mary Langer Family
Lillian Langer
Rose Lastman
Lillian Lavine Baumwald
Elsie & Edward Lederman
Sam & Gert Leich Family
Fred & Estelle Lepofsky
Harry & Annie Lerner
Harry & Ida Lester
Ben & Ruth Levant
Bessie Levine
Lillian Levine Landman
Frances Levinsky
Isaac & Jennie Levy
Pauline & Harvey Lewis
Harry Lewis
Jonah Aaron & Faigie Miriam Libman
Sadie Lieff
Sigmund (Sigi) Lightman
Marion Lim
Allan Lindzon
Toby & Alfred Lipman
Al Lipson & Sylvia Burstein
Jeffrey & Beverly Lipson
Evalyn & Arthur Lipton Family
Arthur Liss Family
Joseph & Gertrude Litvak and
Lewis & Rebecca Goldblatt
Harry & Tillie Litwin
Louis Litwin
Beverley Colman Lokash
Ann & Harry London
Bill & Fannie Love
Joseph Lucatch
Irwin & Katherine Lyons
Ben & Vera Lyons
L Z A Senior Citizens
Elsie Maclean Family
Mina & Reuben Madesker
Lottie & Jack Magder
Olga & Leslie Maibaum
Hanna-Maria Maijala-Root
Toby Malamud
Max & Sophie Mandel
Hilda & Max Mandel
Tillie Penwick Mandel
Dr. Bernard & Ida Mandel
Gilda & Philip Mandelbaum
Sidney & Lillian Manheim
Frances & Morrey Manilla
Louis & Anne Manley
Norman & Fanny Manly
Louis Manpel
Adele Manson
Louis & Helen Marcovitch
Haya & Chaim Marcovitz
Lillian Marcus
Freda & Irving Margles
Peter Margolis
Mary & Morris Marks
Professor Nathan Markus
Willie Martin
David & Sylvia Matlow
Maven-Thornhill Lodge B’nai Brith
Ann & Manuel Mayers
Jack & Sara Mazin Family
Arnold Medad
Ann & Samuel Meltz
Arthur & Lillian Messinger
Rowena Meyer
Hadassah & Henry Milchman
Louis Milgram
Arthur & Sylvia Miller
Jack (Whitey) & Gertrude Mills
Lily & Hyman Milstein
Faye & Al Mintz Family
Gary & Genia Minz
Dr. Sidney Moll
Joseph & Helen Morgan & Family
Fay & Gerry Morris
Bettye Morton
Fay & Alex Mosoff
Muller & Hirsch Families
Agnes Murphy Family
Sally Myers
Minnie Myers
Miriam Naiman
Esther & Hyman Naistein
Rose Nash & Herschel Friedman
Ida Nefsky
Michael Nelson
Rose Nepom
New Fraternal Jewish Association
Louis & Frieda Newman
Newman Family
Jessie & Charles Norman
Northwood Country Club
Rita Offman
Lou & Ida Oiffer
Lillian & Louis Okun
Jerry & Shirley Olch
Belle & Lou Onrot
Joel A. Organek
Thora & Fred Ornstein
Eva & Henry Ostro
Annie Page
Esther & George Panzer
Parlow Family
Jack Parr
Yona Pattenick
Esther & Irving Pearl
Samuel Pelchovitz
Rivy & Murray Perelman
Moishe & Mary Perlmutar
Mark Perlmutter
Pesce Family
Marsha Pezim
Arnold & Florence Phillips
Howard Arnold Phillips
Rosa Pinhas
Sylvia & Max Plant and
Paul & Fanny Feld
Avrum & Ida Platt
Poizner Family
Dr. Edward M. Pollak & Family
Millie (Tobenstein) & Sidney Pollock
Belle & Joseph Posluns
Richard Posluns
Sam & Rebecca Posluns
Winnie & Sam Posner
Irvine Potash
Rolf & Regina Power
Dr. William Prusin
Charles & Fanny Prussky &
Sydney Prussky Family
David & Ida Pulver
Max & Annie Rabinowitz
Dannie & Tilly Rabinowitz
Rose Rabovsky
Rebecca Rafalovitch
Dr. David Rakowski
Dr. Harry Rakowski
Harry & Goldie Rash
Dr. Norman Rasky
Max & Vera Rasminsky Family
Isaac Ray
Redhill Family
Reuben & Lillian Reiken
Rose Reiss
Ethel Rensler
Leah & Saul Resnick
Esther & Samuel Richardson
Abraham Richman
Ben & Sunny Richman
Samuel & Bella Richman
Irene & Irving Rife Family
David Rigler
Eleonora Rinde
Abraham & Sarah Ritchie
Nathan Rochwerg
Steven Rodness
Fanny Roff
Max & Dorothy Roher
Mary & Murray Rose
Denise Rose
Eva & Morris Rose
Minnie & Joseph Rosen
Bella & Joseph Rosen
Himey & Helen Rosen
Sukkah offers a reason
to celebrate
Thanks to a generous donation from the Klein
family in honour of their mother, Magda Klein,
a sukkah has been built at the Samuel Lunenfeld
Mountainview Club day centre to celebrate the
holiday of Sukkot. (A sukkah is a small outdoor
hut symbolic of the temporary dwellings used
by the Israelites during their 40 years of exile.)
“A sukkah has significance, since my mother
moved a great deal in her life, from Vienna to
Israel to Canada,” says Eli Klein.
$2,000 - $9,999
Carl & Rebecca Rosen
Louis Rosen Family
Dr. Barry Rosen
Hynda & Joseph Rosenberg
Judy & Morris Rosenberg
Ben Rosenberg & Hilda Rosenberg
Gertrude Rosenberg
Doris & Sam Rosenblat
Ruth Rosenblum
Riva & Herb Rosenfeld
Sam & Gert Rosenthal
Mendel Rosner
Henry & Ann Ross
Samuel & Rose Ross
Harry & Sara Rotbard
Matys Rotenberg & Ita Rotenberg
Peretz & Chanka Rotenberg
Bill Rotenberg
Toby Roth
Nathan, Sara & Morris Rotman
Lillian Rotstein
Molly Rubinoff
Safron Ruderman Family
Ethel & Alex Rumianik
Esther & Joseph Rutman
Sophie Rygier
Martin Rynski
Joseph Herman Sadowski
Sam & Anne Salem
Sam & Anne Salem
Anne Salem
Kenneth & Toby Saltzman
Saltzman Family
Lucy & Louis Jules Samuels
Jennie Samuels
Bertha & William Savlov
Aileen Sax
Helen F. Schacter
Irving & Mae Schacter
Anne & Kalman Schaffran
Izzy & Yetta Schatten
Ruth & Herb Scheinman
Hannah Ambrose Schiff
Frank & Florence Schipper
Irvin Schipper
Rubin (Ruven) & Fradel Schneider
Kamilla A. Schonberg
Sol & Eva Schulman
Benjamin & Katy Schwartz & Family
Louis & Pearl Schwartz
Bessie Schweitzer
Irving & Shirley Scolnik
Eva & Irving Seligman
Hy & Esther Seligman
Jessica & Tonya Seltzer
Rae & Abe Shachter
Rose Shain
Sam & Trudy Shain
Gerald & Hannah Shane
Harry & Clara Shapiro
Beck Shapiro
Dr. Ernest K. Shapiro
Harry & Eva Shefman
Al Shendale
Sherkin Family
Gertrude Sherman
Stanley & Sally Sherman
Louis Sherman
Anshei Shidlov
Esther & Sam Shilling Family
Manny & Sadye Shinehoft
Eleanor & Irving Shnier Family
Sam & Elsie Shulman
Michael & Jackie Shulman
Jack Sibulash
Irving Siegel Family
Mollie & Max Sigal
Mary Silver
Nathan & Mollie Silver
Harry Silverberg
James & Marie Silverberg
Samuel J. Silverberg
Sam & Molly Silverberg
Harry & Bessie Silverhart
Annalee Silverman
Joseph Louis & Celia Silverman
Peter A. Silverman Q.C.
Murray & Joanne Silverstein
Harry & Jennie Silverstein
Dr. Harry & Tannis Silverstein
Fred & Belle Singer
Bernice & Percy Singer
Fred & Ann Singer Family
Joseph & Bruce Sipper
Betty & Joseph Skolnik
Sally & Max Skrow
Sam & Fanny Skurka
Pearl & Jack Slan
Harry Slavner
Rachel Sliwinska
Lou Sloan
Rabbi Reuben & Rita Slonim
William (Bill) Sluser
Blanche (Salsberg) & Garfield P. Smith
Clara & Gerald Smith
Ben & Sally Smith
Isadore & Ruth Smith
Jennie Snider
Sam Snider
Betty & Boris Sokoloff
Lillian Soles
Sarah & Eddie Solish
Sam & Inez Solish
Albert & Shirley Sone
Rose & Louis Sonenberg
Young Women’s Branch
of The Sons of Jacob
Mindy Souberman
Raizel (Aronovitch) Spector
Rose & Tommy Speisman
Mort & Doris Spiar
Munja Spiegel
Bill Sprackman
Minnie Starkman
Renee & Mel Stein
Mae Stein & Dorothy Schoenberger
Mary Stein
William & Ida Steinberg
Alte & Edgar Steinberg
Max & Ruth Stern
Fanny Stern
Pearl & Albert Stevens
Stillman-Rosenberg Family
Pearl & Jerome Stone
Samuel Stone
Harry & Sophie Stransman
Morris & Rebecca Stulberg
Bob & Goldie Sugar
Rose & Aaron Sugar
Charles, Rose & Ann Sutton
Jack & Min Swadron Family
Miklos & Gabriella Szanto
Edith and Leo Szigeti
Goldie & Louis Talsky
Bert & Anne Taradash
Esther & Harry Tator
Celia & Henry Taube
Jack & Bernice Taylor Family
Norman and Rita Rosenberg
Henry and Ruth Tenser
Rhoda & Benjamin Tepper
Morris & Lily Tepperman
Rose & Jack Tesher
Rose Ticktin & Carole Marilyn Fisher
Fred Tittel
Rita & Myron Tobias
Louis & Rose Tobis
Jaakov & Lilli Toporek and Family
Eze & Alice Torkin
Ruth Torneck
Sydney & Ruth Tozman
Max Trachter
Sylvia & Philip Trager
Michael & Sue Turk
Stephen & Maura Turk
Harry & Mary Unger
Kopel & Lilian Unger
Bessie Urowitz
Lillian & Ben Valin
Samuel Verman
Stanley Vyner
Etta Wagman
Arthur & Sue Wagman
Debbie Wagman
William Wagman
Morris & Zena Waldman Family
Reva & Mark Waldman
Annette & Jack Walman Family
Dora Waltman
Irving Waltman
Sarah & Samuel Warner
Harry & Ester Warsh
Clara Warsh
David & Mary Wasserman
Martin Wasserman
Moishe & Rayla Wasserman Family
Harry Wasserman
Sam & Sarah Waxman
Yaacov & Freda Weinberg
Betty & Max Weinberg
Sam Weiner & Marci Weiner
Norman Weingarten Family
Julie & Michael Weingarten Family
Esther & Ben Weinrib
Rita & Ralph Weinstein Family
Emma & Irving Weintraub
Rose Weisblatt
Harry Weisfeld
Herbert J. Weiss
Stephen Weiss
Andrew & Margaret Weisz
Samuel & Rose Wiener
Mina Wierzchowski
Morris & Muriel Wilensky
Sol & Anne Wilks
Molly & Max Wingust
Irving & Frances Wintrob
Albert Wise
Morris (Moishe) & Pauline Wise
Benjamin & Nellie Wisleski
Faye Wohl Kover & Anne Wohl
Rose Wohlgelernter
Edward Wolfish
Phyllis & Saul Wolfish-Morton
Rose & Harry Wolfson
S. David & Rose Wolfson
Lena Wolinsky
Abe Woolf
Bernice & Abe Wygodny
Belle & Wilf Yaphe
Young Men’s Hebrew Association
Sam & Norma Yurman
Leslie & Gertrude Zack
Morris Zaretsky
Anne and Joseph Zarnett
Betty & Noel Zeldin
Fanny & Thomas Zelin
Harry & Celia Zener
John Ziner (Czinner) & Family
Freda & Michael Zulauf
Dinah & David Zweig Family
Betty Zweig
*indicates new funds opened between
April 1, 2007 and March 31, 2008.
Covenant funds
Covenant funds provide another opportunity to create an
enduring testament to a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion. Established with
a minimum commitment of $1,000, these named funds are designed so that the
capital of the fund is invested and the interest generated each year is directed toward
your choice of client care, research, education, or Baycrest’s most pressing needs.
In this way, the name of the fund becomes a lasting legacy, while the capital provides
ongoing support for important programs and services at Baycrest, now and into
the future. Donations to the fund and tribute card purchases are eligible for receipts
for income tax receipts.
$1,000 - $9,999
Sid Sam Abel
Joseph M. Abraham*
Millie Abramovitz
Harvey & Frances Adelman
Goldy Alexandroff
John Alexander
Dr. Max & Rhona Alexandroff
Elsa Allen*
Eve & Mickey Alter
Mary Alter*
Phillip Alter & Family*
Lauren Amato
Ronnie & Bunnie Appleby/Robins
Appleby & Taub LLP*
Murray & Joyce Arlin
Michele Andrea Arshawsky Fine
Dr. Harvey Atin
Sara & Lionel Axler
Cantor David & Klara Bagley*
Alex Bakerspigel
Bill Baker
Mildred & David Bakan
Sophie & Sid Baker*
Ethel Tamas Balint
Samuel & Ruth Banks
Joseff & Susan Baruch
Genia & Kalman Baum
Rose Bayer & Alexander Bayer
Jack B. Bedder
Morris & Lena Bederman
Sara & Leo Beliak*
Vela Belsky
Morton Bernholtz
Sam & Sara Berger
Philip Birman
Lillian Bobkin
Guta Boimal
Milton Book
Sadie & Irving Bowman
Bella Bricks
Frances Bromstein
Rebecca Burstein
Samuel Burman
Rose & Carl Calmenson
Calvin Cappell
Harry Carsley
Carrie & Martin Cash
Tom Cash
Mania Chaikof
Anna Cojocariu
Domenico & Maria Colaiacovo*
Ruth & William Coldoff
Joseph Cooper
Mervis & Horace Crosswell*
Lynn Posluns & Ken Crystal
Charles H. Davis
Sammy Davis
Elizabeth de Roode
Edward Donnenfield
Dover Family *
Marshall Drewnowsky*
Belle & George Drutz
Chaim & Fira Dunec*
Sarah (Sally) Dzialoszynski
Miriam (Micky) Ebedes & Family
Howard J. Edelson
Frances & Murray Eisen
Leon Elfan
Beatrice Elkind
Philip, Edith & Martin Ely
Mary Ernest
Ida & Fishel Farber
Nettie Favor
Mina & Julius Feder*
Gizella Fein
Allen & Marilyn Feldman
Bess Feldman
Claire Feldman*
Gert & Syd Fink
Nancy & Howard Fleischer
Stephen Foldy
Solomon & Marlene Fox*
Harold & Gitta Frazer
Jean Frankel
The Freedman Family
Max & Yetta Freedman
Sarah Freedman
Alfred & Mary Freeman
Harvey Freeman
Esther Fridson
Yetta Friedman
Claire & Isadore Frilegh
Israel Frydberg
Sheppard & Geraldine Gangbar
Arthur & Shelley Gans
Karen Garscadden
Hilda Giddens
Morris & Rose Glick*
Margaret Rich Godfrey
Freda Goldberg
Jack Goldberg*
Ernest Goldberger
Nathan & Anne Goldman
Jack Goldstein
Evelyn Gollin
Louis & Esther Gomberg*
Harry & Fanny Goodman
Ann & Percy Grafstein*
Philip Greenspan*
Joseph Grossman
David & Matilda Grossman
Dora Grunwald
Magda & Arie Grunwald*
Ben Gussack
Bernice Guziker
David Gwartz
Martin Halberstadt
Morris Halberstadt
Jack & Amy Hauer
Sophie Hausman
Saba Hecht
Joseph & Gertrude Helfand*
David Hersch
Hildebrand Family*
Tillie (Shier) Himel
Judy Horowitz
Ann & Ben Houpt
Bebe Isha Husain
Jean & Ben Isaacs
Mollie Isaacson
Kelly & Daniel Isakow
Annie & Joseph Isenman
Daisy & Sydney Jacobs Family
Leo & Sadye Jacobs
Jeanette Jacobsen
David & Nacia Kaczka
Sarah & Percy Kassel*
Pearl (Katz) Kates
Jane & Israel Katz*
Sara Katz
Minnie & Samuel Katzman
Jack & Zita Kaufman
Daniel Kayfetz
Philip Kerbel
Norman & Ellin Kert
Isadore & Sarah Kerzner*
Alex Kirsh
Edith Kirsh
Murray & Lila Kirsh Family
Lou & Esther Kirshenblatt
Ruth Kirshner
Ileana Klein
Sylvia Klein
Leon Kluger
Bertha Komaromi*
Leo Kon
Harold Korenblum
Koven Family
Nathan Kozloff
Esther Bluma Krakowski*
George & Bess Kreser
Beatrice & Bernard Krestell
Gail & Fred Krofchick
Blanka Kronenberg
Freda & Chaim Kuper
Moshe Kurtz*
Lagover Mutual Benefit Society
Jean & Bert Lams
Brenda & Brian Lass Family
Mel J. & Marlyne Lazer
Anne Lebow
Raye Filderman Lebow
Jessie Leffell Eklove
Henrietta Leinwol
Anna & Harvey Lerner*
Evelyn & Charles Levenstein*
Rae Levine
William & Minora Levine
Nathan Levinne
Nye Levy
Benjamin & Rita Libman
Morris & Cyla Lieberman
Alice Light
Ida & Jack Linetsky
Shirley Luft
Molly Lustman
Fay & Fred Malemud
Jeanette & Max Manes
Molly Manly
Fran Mann*
$1,000 - $9,999
Rose & Jack Manson
Clarence & Bernice Marcus
Frank Maron
Sara Mazin
Paul & Lily Menceles
Ann & Samuel Meyers
Jacqueline Michaels
Samuel Milgram
Bella & Abe Miller
Harold Miller
Jonathan & Ursula Miller
Mary Miller *
William J. Mimms
Thelma Mintz
Bessie & Morris Mock
Eva & Nathan Mogil
Shirley Moldaver
Freda & Sam Morgenstern
Joseph & Molly Moses*
Gertrude Most
Hershel Naiman
Sue & Max Naiman
Jack & Sue Nelson
Schlomo Neugebauer
Oscar & Rae Newman Family
Arnold Nirenberg
Ura-Nisker Family
Charles & Minnie Nochomovitz
Perla Ohana
Jack & Sala Ordynans
Joseph C. Pardo
Earl Parnes
Alvin Pearson
Sheldon & Nonie Plener Family
Audrey Radden*
Harry Ralston
Gilbert and Reingold Family
Emil Remez*
Bella Rich
Bella & Chaim Rochwerg
Samuel Brian Rodgers
Trudie Roebuck
Murray & Annette Roher
Rosen Family
Beatrice & Joseph Rosenberg*
Fanny & Arthur Rosenblum
Sidney Rosenblum
Frances Rosenfield
Josef & Fela Rosenthal*
Florence Ross
Aaron & Sarah Rotenberg
Nellie Rothman
Patti & Sheldon Rotman Family
Meyer & Rose Rotstein
Edith Rowan
Harry Rubenstein*
Sam & Goldie Rubin
Morris & Julia Ruby*
Albert Rudolph
Sara & Phil Rutman
Charles Sager
Adolf & Alice Schmid and
Amanda & Jordana Irwin
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Schachter
Dr. Ricky Kanee Schachter
Minka Schaeffer
Brian Scholl
Helen & Benny Schreiber
Harriet & Benjamin Seaton
Lily Poss Segar
Toby Seligman
Renee & Sydney Shapiro
Adele Sharpe
Kaelen Sherman
Ray Shore
Bebe Shreiber & David Lipman
Abe & Gertrude Shuman
Philip Simon
Myer Harold Singer
Percy Smith
Lena Smolack Family*
Dora & Isaac Sobel
Max Soberman
Queenie Solomon
Beatrice & Sam Solomon
Greta Sonshine*
Orna Spiegel*
Sarah Spitz
Dr. Manuel & Phyllis Spivak
Claire Spring*
Bella & Charles Springer
Lillian T. Starkman
Gussie & Moe Starr
Rose Steckler
Nathan & Clara Stein*
Frances Titel Steinberg
Jerry Steiner
Dorothy Sterling
Lily & Fred Stoll
Lilyan & Harvey Stork
Avrom & Reesa Sud Family*
Tilly Sugarman
Bea & Al Swartz
Edith Swartz*
Erzsebet Szabo
Jack Szmeiser
Tanny Family
Brunina Tassone
Harry Tater
Dean Jordan Taylor
Anna Tencer
Minnie Tishler
Lou & Ida Tohn
Nat & Jeanette Train
Albert Treibitsch
Samuel & Mollie Troster
Molly & Irving Trostin
Toby Tuvel
Helen Urbach
Verrall - Barsony
Libby Waese
Dr. Ben & Ruth Wagman
Harvey Wagman
Zelda Wagman
Chana Wallace*
Samuel Wang
Mary Warszawski*
Betty & Morris Wasser
Belle Green Wax*
Philip & Shirley Waxman
Mietek Weinreich*
Harold Weinrib*
Ada & Willie Weinstein Family
Lucy & Isadore (Gus) Weinstein
Eddie Weisberg*
Alice Wiener
Bertha Wilenczyk
Alex & Eva Winick
Howard & Donna Winick
David Wise
Wise Family
Violet Wolf
Milton Wolfe
Betty & Max Wolfman Family
Tamara Wolman
Yacht Family
Bessie Yolleck
Cecil & Annette (Denny) Yolles
Hy & Ruth Young
Arthur Zabinski
Mary Zealley
Jacob & Anna Zigelman
Ziga Zimmerman
Ruth & Oscar Zuker
*indicates new funds opened between
April 1, 2007 and March 31, 2008.
Our thanks to all donors who support Baycrest, including
those requesting anonymity.
Every effort is made to ensure proper
recognition of each donor. Please contact
Kris Shenvi in the Baycrest Foundation
regarding any omissions or corrections
at 416.785.2500, ext. 2261
or by e-mail at [email protected].
Thank you.
Baycrest gratefully acknowledges
the support of our funders:
To find out more about programs and
services at Baycrest, please visit our
website at www.baycrest.org
or call Public Affairs at 416-785-2500,
ext. 2645 for a copy of our
Baycrest Community Guide.
“From my patients, I’ve learned that it’s
important to be able to reflect on life
and feel that you’ve accomplished things
and that you’ve done well.”
Dr. Linda Mah, Clinician-scientist,
Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research Unit
Dr. Linda Mah
with son Dylan
and parents
Ken and
May Mah.
3560 Bathurst St.
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M6A 2E1
416 785 2500
416 785 2378