
2010/11 Baycrest
and baycrest foundation
annual report
being able
to go home
your first
novel at 84
Imagine a world
where age is just a number
where most people live long,
active and socially engaged lives
here bodies remain strong
and brains sharp
here a nursing home,
if needed, is a place
to spend the last three days
of life, not the last
three years
where wisdom is respected
and passed on
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
this is the
next generation
of Baycrest.
This is
transforming Care
Where clinicians, scientists
and educators work in concert
to develop and share with
the world “next” practices in
seniors’ care.
commercialization arm
Our Know-How
finding answers
Where innovation creates,
drives and transfers new
practices, knowledge
and products from Baycrest
Health Sciences to Baycrest’s
commercialization arm.
Where new products,
technologies and practices
support better aging
worldwide and provide an
additional revenue source
for Baycrest.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
message from the chair of the baycrest board of directors
and the president and chief executive officer of baycrest
NOW is the
time to transform
THE future
Why Next Generation? Because whenever the time
was right over the course of our almost 100-year
history, we adapted to changing needs to remain at
the forefront of seniors’ care, research and education.
Today is such a time.
The world is bracing for an unprecedented demographic shift that will see the number of persons over
age 60 grow by 1.2 billion in the next 40 years, with
those aged 80 and up growing at the fastest rate.
Every great achievement starts
in the imagination. This past year,
the best minds at Baycrest have
been imagining nothing short of
a transformation in the experience
of aging for millions worldwide.
How would that be achieved?
In leading this transformation,
what does Baycrest have to offer
that no other organization in
our field can match?
Our examination of these critical questions, which
involved measuring our strengths and identifying
areas for improvement, has resulted in a bold new
organizational structure we are calling the “Next
Generation of Baycrest”. Outlined in this report, this
new approach will enhance the integration of care,
research and education at Baycrest and create new
sources of revenue by commercializing our science
and care innovations through business partnerships.
A declining birth rate and rising life expectancy have
combined to create this trend. While many seniors
will remain healthy enough to enjoy greater longevity,
there are serious challenges inherent in this shift, one
of the most notable being a sharp increase in the rate
of dementia. The social and economic demands of
Alzheimer’s disease, stroke and other brain disorders
will put an enormous strain on individuals, families
and health-care systems everywhere.
We currently provide a comprehensive suite of
evidence-based services to 2500 seniors a day. We
believe we are uniquely positioned to expand those
services on a national and international scale not just
to share our excellence in aging care but to create new
sources of revenue for the development of Baycrest.
An independent benchmarking study has validated
our readiness for this role. The study found that
while global peers that focus on aging and cognition
demonstrate excellence in research and clinical care,
few match the breadth and uniqueness of the integrated models of service delivery and the calibre of
translational research at Baycrest.
To view this report online,
visit baycrest.org.
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2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Our new Next Generation organizational structure will advance
our vision of being the global
leader in aging and brain health by:
•driving innovation through
a model of integrated care,
research and education that
links patients, family caregivers, health-care workers,
research and industry;
•allowing for the development,
evaluation, commercialization
and dissemination of our care
models, supportive technologies and evidence-based approaches for the prevention,
early diagnosis, intervention,
rehabilitation and treatment of
age-related disorders.
Our goal is to take promising ideas
that emerge from our day-to-day
work, and that of our partners
and collaborators, and refine them
into the scientifically-validated
products, goods and services the
market is seeking. The revenue
from our commercial enterprise
will be used to support our present
activities and grow our capacity to
influence the best possible care of
seniors, first and foremost in our
local community, but also across
Canada and around the globe.
We will build on our considerable
strengths to develop innovations
and “next” practices that will
consolidate our international
reputation and attract to our
doorstep more of the world’s
top neuroscientists, geriatric
medicine specialists, educators,
and global partners.
This past year, we have been
working with the Ontario government on a number of senior care
initiatives. We are partnering,
for example, with the Ministry of
Health and Long-Term Care and
the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences to develop a provincial framework for the evaluation
of health innovations.
Baycrest is also making its mark
internationally. Following a trade
mission to China, led by the MRI,
a Memorandum of Understanding
between the Ontario government
and the Ministry of Science
and Technology of the People’s
Republic of China to promote
scientific, technological and
industrial research and commercialization co-operation has
Whenever the time was right over our almost 100-year
history, we adapted to changing needs to remain
at the forefront of seniors’ care, research and education.
Today is such a time.
Baycrest was also invited by
the Ministry of Research and
Innovation (MRI) to develop
an international symposium on
brain health innovations.
paved the way for the BaycrestBeijing discussions around
developing a seniors’ hospital in
China (see page 19).
Dr. Paul Katz, chief of staff and
vice-president of Medical Services
at Baycrest, has been invited by
the Alzheimer Society of Canada
to co-lead an initiative to develop
best practices in client-centred
care for nursing homes.
Baycrest has also been invited
by the Community for Excellence
in Health Governance to lead a
national seniors collaborative
initiative that will result in a
consortium of up to 12 North
American senior care organizations coming together to achieve
higher performance in quality
and safety. In March, the Neurological Health Charities of
Canada honoured Baycrest with
a national award for innovation
and leadership in aging and
brain health.
In the end, the successes outlined
in this report add up to better
care for the aging population,
including our own community.
At Baycrest, we are not just
imagining a better experience
of aging; we are promising one.
Dr. Anthony Melman
Chair, Baycrest Board
of Directors
Dr. William Reichman
President and Chief Executive
Officer, Baycrest
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
your dream
career in
your 60s
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Building the Future
of Aging
a new approach sets the foundation
In January 2011, we unveiled the
Next Generation of Baycrest, a bold
new organizational approach that
builds on current strengths to create
a future where Baycrest leads the
world in aging and brain health.
This new direction is driven by the imperative to find
solutions to the challenges posed by a rapidly aging
global population. A shift in thinking is demanding a
more proactive, concerted and economically sustainable approach to improving the health, well-being
and autonomy of individuals as they age.
When we benchmarked Baycrest against other “like”
organizations, we found that we are a unique global
leader in our field. Our combination of assets — a
continuum of care dedicated entirely to aging populations, a world-renowned research institute focused
on aging and brain health, and unsurpassed clinical
training programs in geriatric care — gives us the
strengths needed to bring aging and brain health to
a new level of excellence for our community, our
nation and people around the world.
The Next Generation of Baycrest
is composed of three pillars that work in concert to make Baycrest the global leader in aging and brain health.
Baycrest Health Sciences (BHS)
integrates care, research and education to meet the needs of older
adults using novel, cost-effective
and transformative methods. BHS
provides evidence-based clinical
programs and services to defined
populations. The research component of BHS, Baycrest’s Rotman
Research Institute, one of top five
brain institutes in the world, leads
groundbreaking studies in cognitive
neuroscience. The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange in
Aging at Baycrest, through its local
and globally focused efforts, serves
as a vital bridge to translate knowledge from the “bench” to clinical
care at the bedside, in the community and around the world.
commercialization arm
The Baycrest Innovation Engine
develops, evaluates and transfers
new practices, knowledge and
products from our health sciences
platform to the division at Baycrest
responsible for bringing products
to market, and has a system-wide
impact on care delivery, quality
of life and health and wellness.
Baycrest’s commercialization arm
is the catalyst for adopting and
marketing Baycrest’s innovations
in aging, including breakthrough
technologies, systems, products,
processes and new knowledge.
Through its various product lines,
this arm will market its products
and expertise directly to governments, life sciences corporations,
consumers, professionals, students
and health systems around the
world. Revenue generated will be a
new and additional source of funding for Baycrest Health Sciences.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
a fifth
at 92
Read more about the Next Generation of Baycrest in this report.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Baycrest Health Sciences
New model enhances integration of care,
research and education
Ask Karima Velji to
describe how she imagines the geriatric care
facility of the not-toodistant future and the
first words that come
to her mind are mobility,
participation and
In choosing these words, the
vice-president of Clinical and
Residential Programs and chief
nursing executive at Baycrest is
describing a place where seniors
are fully engaged in life — keeping physically and mentally fit;
learning new skills; interacting
with others; making choices about
how they want to live the remainder of their lives; and having their
culture, history and individuality
honoured and respected.
The future of aging is being created at Baycrest today. Introduced
this year, Baycrest Health Sciences
(BHS) is an academic health-care
delivery system designed to take
our vision of successful aging and
turn it into a reality for millions,
at home and around the world.
Enhancement of mobility is one
of eight “big dot” measures we
will be using to assess how well
the new system is performing for
those we serve at Baycrest.
The new system enhances the
integration of clinical care,
research and education in patient
population-focused, interdisciplinary centres and programs
that provide a continuum of
health care, wellness and prevention. Patients, family caregivers,
health-care providers, scientists,
educators and industry are
linked in a model that will drive
the development of innovative
“next” practices in geriatric
medicine globally.
BHS has been identified by the
Ontario government as its strategic
partner for the introduction and
testing of innovative models of
care delivery and services to the
senior population.
Baycrest Health Sciences is
comprised of the Rotman Research Institute, The Centre for
Knowledge Exchange in Aging
(see page 13), and the following
clinical centres and programs:
Centre for Memory and
It is expected that dementia will
have affected 115.4 million people
by 2050. This Centre’s integrated
research, clinical and educational
programs provide insights to help
identify the “next generation”
of interventions for maintaining
healthy memory and other cognitive functions.
Centre for Mental Health
This Centre investigates the
causes and effects of mood disorders and develops and applies
new prevention and treatment
techniques. A specialized mental
health team works closely with
practitioners who are providing primary care in community
settings. The team also offers
technology-enabled consultation
province-wide, as well as patient
Residential and Aging
at Home Program
This Program provides an array
of community-based services that
serve as models of care to enable
seniors to successfully “age at
home.” Combining residential
care at Baycrest with programs
we provide to the community
enhances that all-important
continuum of care for seniors,
some of whom will eventually
move from their community to
either an assistive living facility
like the Terraces at Baycrest or
a long-term care home, such as
Baycrest’s Apotex Centre.
continued on page 10
“It is a basic paradigm of
treating geriatric patients
that you need a team.”
continued from page 9
Rehabilitation Program
Having a healthy mind and body
is fundamental to successful aging.
Following a serious illness — a
stroke, for example — appropriate
and timely rehabilitation, both
physical and cognitive, is key to
helping patients return to health
and independent living whenever possible. The Rehabilitation
Program combines both high- and
low-intensity rehabilitation for
patients on one floor of Baycrest
Hospital. This allows our students
to experience the continuum
of rehabilitation care to acquire
their competencies, and allows
our scientists to conduct research
that spans the rehabilitation
care continuum.
Complex and Specialized
Geriatric Care Program
This Program is the hub for
developing and delivering new
models of integrated, interprofessional collaborative care. Our
expertise in the care of frail,
elderly individuals has historically
placed Baycrest at the forefront in
this field. We have combined the
complex care program with the
specialized geriatrics program
Acute care
program benefits
seniors and the
Since its introduction in 2009,
an innovative program at Baycrest
Hospital, Ben and Hilda Katz
Building, has provided highly
specialized care to more than
500 patients and saved the
Ontario health-care system an
estimated $9.3 million.
The Acute Care and Transition
(ACT) Unit provides an inpatient
we deliver to seniors as outpatients or in their homes. The
integration of these two services
allows our health-care providers to follow patients through
the various levels of wellness and
illness across the continuum.
Seniors benefit from the program
through better access to timely
and appropriate care, reduced
wait times for care, and being
able to live longer in communities
rather than in institutions.
The centres and programs are
interdisciplinary because, as
Dr. Paul Katz explains, “it is a
basic paradigm of treating
geriatric patients that you need
a team.” Katz is vice-president
of Medical Services and chief
medical officer at Baycrest.
“These patients problems are
complex and bio-psychosocial,”
he adds. “For example, the
physician is not going to know
all of the social issues that come
up with a patient – they have
expertise in the medical side,
but they need access to this other
expertise as well, so it is about
working together.”
Programs and services also focus
on the specific needs of particular
program that diverts patients from
hospital emergency departments.
Patients with heart problems,
pneumonia, infections or other
acute conditions are assessed,
treated and monitored in the ACT
Unit by an interdisciplinary team
of geriatric care experts.
Patients are admitted from across
the Baycrest campus, from the
community at large, and from
hospital emergency departments.
The ACT model of care is more
appropriate for these patients
than admitting them to acute care
hospitals or having them wait for
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
patient populations. For example,
the Rehabilitation Program will
include the full continuum of care
services from inpatient to outpatient rehabilitation.
Speaking to the cognitive
neuroscience component of the
new health sciences platform,
Baycrest’s vice-president of
Research Dr. Randy McIntosh
points out that the new organizational structure means “people
who rely on Baycrest will know
that we provide excellent clinical
care, but also do the latest
and greatest research to make
sure that their clinical care is
at the forefront.”
Because “Baycrest is an academic
health science centre, the promise
we have made to the people we
serve is that the care they receive
will be top notch,” says Karima
Velji. “That means when a patient
comes to Baycrest, they should
know that the assessments and
interventions we provide here
are like no other.”
See the 2010/11 Baycrest Research
Annual Report for more information
on the integral role scientific
discovery and its application plays
in the Next Generation of Baycrest.
care in busy emergency rooms,
a stressful experience for the frail
elderly and costly for the system.
The ACT program has so far
diverted more than 400 emergency department visits and close
to 400 acute care admissions,
and has now been expanded for
greater system impact. ACT partnerships have been developed with
provincial long-term care homes
such as Villa Colombo, and with
geriatric emergency management
nurses in acute care hospitals,
geriatric assessment teams, and
community outreach teams.
Population of seniors in
Ontario expected to double
in next 20 years.
New rehab
progRam provides
a specialized
for frail seniors
seniors, enabling them to return
home or to another residential
setting. At the system level, the
unit helps to reduce visits to hospital emergency departments and
unnecessary early admission to
long-term care.
Baycrest recently opened the
Charlotte and Lewis Steinberg
Slow Stream Rehabilitation Unit.
The 30-bed unit combines low
intensity therapy with a longer
stay (on average 90 days) for
rehabilitating patients who have
suffered an acute illness, such as
a stroke or a heart attack.
The slow stream program helps
fill the gap in services for a frail
and elderly population that can’t
be treated through traditional
rehabilitation. A team of interprofessional health-care providers
delivers patient-centred rehabilitation to improve the physiological, physical and cognitive health
of these patients.
With the population of seniors
in Ontario expected to double
in the next 20 years, the Ontario
Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care requested that
Baycrest develop slow stream
rehabilitation because it recognizes our unique expertise in
delivering highly specialized
geriatric care.
Gently paced to maximize
success, the program offers the
best chance of recovery for frail
Both the slow stream and high
tolerance units (the latter is
higher intensity, shorter stay) are
located on the same floor of the
hospital and form the integrated
Baycrest Rehabilitation Program.
The goal is to create a streamlined, seamless program for
patients, focused on rehabilitation
care, education and research.
Critical to the overall program’s
strength are our outpatient
services, which continue to support patients after they leave
the hospital.
The program is also being structured to test emerging strategies
in cognitive neurorehabilitation
based on research.
“The entire rehabilitation program is a base for exceptional
care, clinical research and teaching,” said Dr. William Reichman,
president and chief executive
officer of Baycrest. “It will serve
to foster the development of
innovative rehabilitation strategies for medically and cognitively
frail seniors who are in need
of highly specialized approaches
to care.”
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
earning a
Ph.D at 65
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Teaching and learning in
the Next Generation
New strategy strengthens Baycrest’s commitment
to education excellence
A growing need for expertise in the
prevention, diagnosis and treatment
of age-related disorders is challenging
health-care systems worldwide.
The statistics tell the story. Today, some 4.8 million
Canadians are 65 or older, a number expected to
grow to 10.4 million by 2036. Yet we currently rely on
fewer than 300 geriatricians, 200 geriatric psychiatrists and an insufficient number of family physicians
trained in geriatric medicine to provide the specialized knowledge and expertise demanded by this
global demographic shift.
Baycrest is responding to this challenge head on.
Under a new five-year strategic plan, we are organizing and integrating the different components of our
education enterprise into The Centre for Education
and Knowledge Exchange in Aging. A key goal of the
plan is to recruit and train the best and the brightest
and encourage them to focus their practice on the
older adult.
Baycrest is already home to the greatest number of
trainees of any leading institution focused on aging.
Each year, more than 800 students from 24 universities and colleges are trained in a wide variety of
health disciplines on our campus. More than 200
members of our staff have academic appointments.
We host a number of provincial, national and international educational programs each year, and we are
an emerging hub for global tele-education in aging,
collaborating with close to 50 institutions around
the world. We also provide educational programs
for staff, clients, families and caregivers, as well as
the general public.
The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange
in Aging brings all of these endeavours together,
providing infrastructure and co-ordination, and
supporting both educators and learners.
Canadians are 65 or older,
a number
expected to grow to
by 2036
Through the establishment of a state-of-the-art
learning simulation lab and recruitment of educational researchers and clinician educators, the
Centre will enable Baycrest scientists and clinicians
– together with our collaborators and partners – to
communicate breakthroughs and discoveries across
the province and beyond; teach trainees, patients
and families about the latest knowledge regarding
seniors’ care; and provide consultation services to
organizations in need.
Educational excellence is a strategic priority at
Baycrest, notes Dr. David Conn, vice-president of
Education and medical director of the Mood and
Related Disorders Clinic. “In the first phase of implementing our new strategic plan, we are looking at
enhancing the student experience here, and asking
how are we doing with our students and trainees
[in geriatric medicine and psychiatry, and family
practice with additional training in the care of the
elderly]. We have to be sure we don’t just give them
a good experience, but a wonderful experience so
that they will want to stay in geriatrics.”
continued on page 15
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
a bicycle
when you
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
continued from page 13
Now more closely integrated with clinical care and
research, education is a key component of the new
Baycrest Health Sciences model introduced this year.
The Centre for Education and Knowledge Exchange
in Aging provides a vital bridge for translating
knowledge into clinical practice. “How do you move
knowledge from basic research to the bedside?
How does it actually get there? You do it with education and the right kind of education, actually helping
people to change the way they practice, based on
new discoveries in research,” says Dr. Conn.
lecture series has
global reach
In January, The Centre for Education and Knowledge
Exchange in Aging launched the Visiting Professor
Lecture Series as a way to expand and exchange professional and scientific knowledge.
“We’re seeing an increase in the number of guest
clinicians, researchers and academics who come
through Baycrest, so the lecture series is a wonderful
opportunity for us to capture and share this broad
range of expertise with our staff,” says Dr. Conn.
“The series is a tangible way to advance our strategic
focus of integrating care, education and research.
It is designed to have broad appeal and to enlighten
and inspire attendees.”
Endorsed by the International Psychogeriatric
Association, the program has so far hosted lecturers
from Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom
and Canada. The lectures are also broadcast on the
Ontario Telemedicine Network and webcast around
the world.
It’s back to school for
members of the community
In May, the Centre introduced a “mini-medical”
school for members of the community interested
in a crash course in how to maintain good health,
navigate the health-care system, and better manage
chronic conditions that come with age.
An innovator in aging, Baycrest trains students and
fellows from around the world on best practices
for caring for older patients and optimizing their
health and well-being. The Insights into Aging 101
program is a way to bring this vital knowledge to the
broader community. The extensive curriculum has
been repackaged into concise teaching modules
for a general consumer audience.
The classes cover 10 topics, including advice on
how to age successfully; navigate the health-care
system; deal with pain; prevent falls; care for an ill
family member; and understand the causes and risks
of cognitive impairment. At each class, two Baycrest
experts discuss the topic of the evening. Speakers
represent a wide variety of disciplines, including
medicine, psychiatry, neurology, ethics and pharmacy.
“The concept of a mini medical school for the general
public was initially developed at the University of
Colorado and has been replicated around the globe,”
notes Dr. Conn. “We are very excited to offer this
program, which is designed to focus specifically on
issues related to the challenges of aging.” Dr. Conn,
who is also medical director of the Mood and Related
Disorders Clinic, was a guest speaker at a class that
discussed how to maintain a positive mood as we age.
After completing Insights in Aging 101, participants
can expect to know how to access community resources and critically appraise the barrage of health
and science news headlines they see every day.
“We’re seeing an increase in the number of
guest clinicians, researchers and academics
who come through Baycrest, so the lecture
series is a wonderful opportunity for us
to capture and share this broad range of
expertise with our staff.”
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
with your
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Innovation Engine
bringing great ideas
to life
As a world-leading academic health
sciences centre focused on aging
and brain health, Baycrest is fertile
ground for producing and validating new and innovative products and
services aimed at improving care
delivery across the continuum and
enhancing the health and well-being
of older adults.
Design thinking
A key part of the new organizational structure,
the Baycrest Innovation Engine is taking the
most promising ideas that emerge from Baycrest
Health Sciences (BHS) and developing them as care
models, supportive technologies and evidence-based
approaches for the prevention, early diagnosis,
rehabilitation and treatment of age-related disorders.
brain fitness
The Innovation Engine is a bridge between BHS and
the new company we have launched to commercialize and bring to the international marketplace our
innovations in aging, including breakthrough
technologies, systems, products, processes and new
knowledge. Working with partners, the company
will respond to the growing need for solutions to
the challenges associated with a rapidly aging global
population. In so doing, it will provide a new and
ongoing source of revenue (in addition to government and philanthropic funding) to sustain Baycrest
Health Sciences well into the future.
The Baycrest Innovation Engine has three
•Aging Innovation and Technology Laboratory
• Centre for Brain Fitness
• Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied and Evaluative
Research Unit (KLAERU)
In a process known as design thinking, the Aging
Innovation and Technology Laboratory brings
together scientists, engineers, architects, designers,
clinicians and health-care consumers to inform,
evaluate and develop new products, technologies
and processes that enable successful aging at home
and improve the care environment within the
institutional setting. This year, the laboratory has
appointed a designer-in-residence and an artistin-residence, and has explored best practices in
design laboratories with other leading organizations.
The Centre for Brain Fitness (CBF) serves as a catalyst
for the commercialization of evidence-based technologies and interventions aimed at early detection
and prevention of aging-related memory decline,
repair and rehabilitation of function. To that end,
CBF scientists and clinicians work with entrepreneurs to develop and market life-changing products
and services. The first two entrepreneurs came on
board this year, working on three projects over six
months to build commercialization plans and explore
market opportunities.
One diagnostic prototype is INCAS, a computer
tablet testing platform for conducting neurological
assessments of patients. The tablet-based interface
is convenient for both clinicians and patients and
allows for more accurate and timely assessment of
cognitive function.
In the brain training field, Dr. Sylvain Moreno, a lead
scientist at the CBF, is developing a “virtual game”
product to improve intelligence, memory, decisionmaking, reaction time, attention and language skills.
continued on page 19
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
for mayor
in your
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
continued from page 17
Applying research to care
The Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied and Evaluative
Research Unit (KLAERU) plays a pivotal role in the
Baycrest Innovation Engine. It provides evaluative
science expertise and clinical research support
services to the research enterprise, essential elements
in the translation of knowledge from discovery to
application in patient care. Working at a programmatic level of analysis, KLAERU scientists build
on, contribute to and extrapolate from the worldrenowned expertise in basic cognitive neuroscience
found at Baycrest’s Rotman Research Institute.
For more information about KLAERU and Baycrest’s
Rotman Research Institute, see the 2010/11 Baycrest
Research Annual Report.
In November 2011, Baycrest and the Chinese
Enterprise Hospital Association will co-host a symposium in Beijing to share Ontario’s best practices
in seniors’ care with Chinese government officials
and leaders of health-care organizations in China.
A Memorandum of Understanding between the
Ontario government and the Ministry of Science
and Technology of the People’s Republic of China
to promote scientific, technological and industrial
research and commercialization co-operation has
paved the way for the Baycrest-Beijing discussions
around developing a seniors’ hospital.
Ontario and Beijing have each contributed $200,000
to fund a feasibility study for the development of a
seniors-focused facility. The building is already
constructed in Beijing’s most populated district,
Chaoyang, where 3.2 million people live. In April,
members of Baycrest’s executive team visited
with Chinese health officials and toured the area.
Chinese officials have also visited Baycrest.
Partnering with Microsoft
Baycrest’s president and chief executive officer Dr. William
Reichman in Beijing with Dr. Ze Guang Wang, exploring
opportunities to bring our expertise in seniors’ health-care
to China.
Baycrest in China
With a population of more than 1.3 billion, China has
chosen Baycrest as the appropriate partner to help
develop a “best practices” care model for its growing
number of seniors. By 2025, one in five people who
live in urban areas in China will be 60 or older.
After surveying different models around the world,
Chinese officials came to Baycrest to explore how
to develop the first dedicated health system for the
elderly in their country.
“Baycrest is excited by this extraordinary opportunity to do business with China and share our leadingedge knowledge and expertise in seniors’ care,”
said Dr. William Reichman, Baycrest’s president
and chief executive officer.
Baycrest has partnered with Microsoft Canada
and consulting company Orangutech to create
a mechanism for health-care organizations to
conveniently share electronic documents using cloud
computing. Beginning this year, eHealth2Share
will serve as an online hub for the time- and costsaving sharing of electronic forms and workflow
templates, best practices in patient care, clinical
user groups, e-Learning, international collaboration,
and shareware applications such as a Freedom of
Information tracking system.
Membership of e2HealthShare will be open to
health-care organizations around the world.
An annual subscription fee will cover the cost of
maintaining the site, with potential for increased
revenue for Baycrest as membership and content
volumes grow.
next generation products
Cogniciti is a for-profit company with majority
ownership by Baycrest that develops and markets
brain games, employee assistance memory workshops, smart phone and on-line applications for
brain fitness, and clinical cognitive diagnostic tools.
The company takes innovations developed in the
Centre for Brain Fitness and turns them into marketcompetitive products that benefit the brain health
of end-users.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
2010/11 Baycrest Board of Directors,
Board of Governors, Executive Team
and Medical Staff
Jordan Banks
Jane Barratt
Jeffrey Blidner
Bonnie Freedman
Paul Godfrey
Daphna Grossman
Ellis Jacob
Paul Katz
Warren Kimel
Manfred Koo
Anthony Melman
Sioban Nelson
William Reichman
Craig Rimer
Stuart Schipper
Marla Shapiro
Honey Sherman
Pekka Sinervo
Karima Velji
Catharine Whiteside
Chair, Board of Directors
Baycrest Centre
Anthony Melman
Vice Chair
Baycrest Centre
Paul Godfrey
Stuart Schipper
Ellis Jacob
Honourary Directors
Tobie Bekhor
Stephen Cole
Sydney C. Cooper
Ephraim Dimond*
Edwin Goldstein
Edwin A. Goodman*
Fred Karp
Sydney Loftus*
Geoffrey Matus
Florence Minz
Wilfred Posluns*
Sam Ross*
Joseph Rotman
Sam Ruth*
Marvin Sadowski
Lionel Schipper
Norman Schipper
Barry Sherman
Honey Sherman
Louis Siminovitch
Fran Sonshine
Honourary Governors
Walter Bick
Sydney C. Cooper
Edmond Creed
Leonard Davies
William Davis
Herbert Epstein
Alan Posluns
Sydney Robins
Monty Simmonds
Vice-President, Research
and Director, Rotman
Research Institute
Randy McIntosh
Immediate Past Chair,
Board of Directors
Fran Sonshine
* deceased
President and Chief
Executive Officer
William Reichman
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
President and Chief
Executive Officer
William Reichman
Vice President, Medical
Services and Chief of Staff
Paul Katz
Vice-President, Education
David Conn
Vice-President, Corporate
Services and Chief Financial
Laurie Harrison
Vice-President, Human
Resources and Organizational
Joni Kent
Vice-President, Clinical
and Residential Programs and
Chief Nursing Executive
Karima Velji
Vice-President, Development
and Interim President, Baycrest
Centre Foundation
Florence Weinberger
Vice-President, Public Affairs
and Stakeholders Relations
Nancy Webb
Paul Katz
Daphna Grossman
Howard Dombrower
Sid Feldman
Terumi Izukawa
Rita Kandel
Randy McIntosh
William Reichman
Matthew Robillard
Gili Rosen
Karima Velji
Jon Ween
2010/11 Baycrest
Financial Summary
year ended march 31, 2011
revenue by organization
3% Other
expenses by organization
55% Hospital
12% Research
27% Apotex
6% Terraces/Wagman
6% Terraces/Wagman
revenues by source
6% Other grants
15% Client
10% Foundation grants
2% Commercial activities
52% Hospital
11% Research
24% Apotex
5% Other revenue
4% Other
expenses by type
62% Provincial grants
1% Interest expense
5% Depreciation
73% Salaries
& benefits
18% Operating expenses
3% Medical supplies/drugs
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Baycrest financial summary 2010/11
research division revenues
6% Commercialization
& innovation funding
8% Other funding
43% Peer-reviewed grants
14% Foundation
restricted grants
29% Foundation general grants
growth in peer-reviewed grants 2001–2011
Research peer-reviewed grants
Growth in external sources of research grant funding from 2001 to 2011.
* Fiscal 2007 includes equivalent of 18 months of funding for multi-institutional project.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
2010/11 Baycrest
Financial Summary
year ended march 31, 2011
sources of fundraising revenues
24% Donor designated gifts
11% Additions to endowment capital
38% Events
27% Annual Campaign & Planned Giving
total assets 2006-2011
total revenues 2006-2011
Number of donors
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
message from the baycrest foundation Board Chair
and interim President
NOW is the
time to support
THE future
The strategic directions set out in the Next
Generation of Baycrest are the same for both
Baycrest and the Baycrest Foundation: leverage
our strengths in order to enhance our ability
to care for seniors; increase our impact worldwide;
and generate revenue.
Just as Baycrest is seeking ways to commercialize
its “know how” to achieve greater financial stability,
the foundation is making headway in our endeavours
to move beyond our traditional donor base and find
new avenues of support.
In every generation and in every
decade since it was founded
on the values of Judaism almost
100 years ago, Baycrest has made
remarkable contributions to the
field of aging and seniors’ health
care, both locally and globally.
International governments, universities, hospitals
and long-term care facilities, from Beijing to
Reykjavik, are looking to Baycrest for its expertise
to help meet the escalating needs of the world’s
aging population.
The Baycrest Foundation is extremely proud of
Baycrest’s considerable achievements and the place
it has earned on the world stage, and we are
excited to support Baycrest’s aspiration to become
the global leader in aging and the brain.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
The growth of our hockey tournament, the Scotiabank
Pro-Am for Alzheimer’s, exemplifies our efforts to
gain national exposure for Baycrest while raising
funds in new markets. With tournaments in Toronto,
Edmonton and Calgary this year, the Pro-Am has
raised more than $16 million since 2006. Expansion
to Ottawa and Vancouver next year, and Montreal
in 2013, will generate critical new revenue for
Alzheimer’s disease research and care.
Women of Baycrest (WB) is also raising Baycrest’s
profile and garnering support from new individuals
and corporations interested in finding ways to help
women’s brains stay healthy longer. This year’s first
academic symposium and upcoming public forum
are introducing Baycrest to more people and gaining
support for the WB’s $5 million campaign. In two
short years, this incredible initiative has raised close
to $2 million.
“The strategic directions set out in the
Next Generation of Baycrest are the
same for both Baycrest and the Baycrest
Foundation: leverage our strengths in
order to enhance our ability to care for
seniors; increase our impact worldwide;
and generate revenue.”
Events as diverse as tennis, golf, cycling and dancing
with stars continue to attract new participants and
sponsors. This year, even with the tight competition
for donor dollars, our events raised more than
$7.5 million – a one per cent increase over last year –
and our total number of donors rose by 18 per cent.
With donations coming in from 49 different countries
around the globe, it is evident that Baycrest has
made its mark far beyond our local community.
However, the importance of our community donors,
leaders and volunteers is indisputable. They are
absolutely crucial to Baycrest’s ongoing success
and we are extraordinarily grateful for their
generosity and commitment.
Baycrest would not be where it is today without
the formidable and constant support of our community, but a global leader requires global support.
The Baycrest Foundation will continue to build on
our strengths to ensure Baycrest fulfils its vision
to bring innovations in aging and brain health to
people around the world.
Warren Kimel
Chair, Baycrest Foundation Board of Directors
Florence Weinberger
Interim President, Baycrest Foundation
2010/11 baycrest
Foundation Board
of Directors
Warren Kimel
President (until
January 14, 2011)
Mark Gryfe
Interim President
(as of January 17, 2011)
Florence Weinberger
Immediate Past Chair
Ronald Appleby
Chair, Women of
Lynn Posluns
Board of Directors
Cheryl Appleby Jackson
Karen Baruch
Tobie Bekhor
Golda Brown
Joseph Burnett
Hilda Cohen
David Cynamon
Aubrey Dan
John Doig
Andrew Duckman
Susan Fenwick
Garry Foster
Harvey Frisch
Laurence Goldstein
Mark Goodman
Joseph Gottdenker
Carole Grafstein
Molline Green
Robert Harlang
Mira Koschitzky
Anita Lapidus
Michael Levy
Randolph Masters
Harley Mintz
William Moir
Margaret Nightingale
Neville Pather
Gerald Pulvermacher
Philip Reichmann
Ian Rosmarin
Gerald Ross
Jeffery Ross
Shari Silverstein
Gerald Slan
Peter Slan
Fran Sonshine
Leonard Waldman
Carol Weinbaum
Nelly Zagdanski
Edwin Goldstein
Harry Gorman
Barbara Hania
Wilfred Posluns*
Barry Sherman
Ex Officio
Laurie Harrison
Geoffrey Matus
Anthony Melman
William Reichman
Craig Rimer
2010 Event
David Markowitz
Faye Markowitz
Strokes Fore
Perry Steiner
Ron Steiner
Leonard Waldman
Aces for
Andrew Duckman
Laurence Goldstein
Dancing With
Our Stars
David Cynamon
Stacey Cynamon
* deceased
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
hockey for
five decades,
having your
best season
at age 48,
and playing
with your
two sons for
seven seasons
gordie howe
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Taking to
the ice for a
great cause
Scotiabank Pro-Am for
Alzheimer’s goes national
An innovative Baycrest
hockey fundraiser
launched in Toronto in
2006 with an ambitious
goal to “Stick it to
Alzheimer’s” is now
becoming a national event,
taking the Baycrest name
across Canada and raising
more than $16 million
for Alzheimer’s disease
research and care.
Sponsored by Scotiabank, the tournament expanded to Edmonton
in 2010, Calgary in 2011, and is
expected to arrive in Ottawa and
Vancouver in 2012 and Montreal
in 2013. Gaining support and
awareness nationwide and beyond
is central to Baycrest’s new vision
to become the global leader in
aging and the brain.
“Baycrest’s history has been
marked by unique ambition,
remarkable accomplishment and
unrivalled leadership in our field,”
says Dr. William Reichman,
president and chief executive
officer of Baycrest. “Our new
strategic plan, The Next Generation of Baycrest, includes rethinking our current business model
and finding new, creative ways
to bring in revenue so that we
do not merely survive, but really
thrive and instill a legacy that
is national and global in scope.
The Scotiabank Pro-Am for
Alzheimer’s is one excellent
example of that reinvigorated
business model at work.”
“The Scotiabank Pro-Am combines our love of hockey with the
fight against Alzheimer’s disease
and related disorders – a health
concern affecting half a million
Canadians and their families, and,
as our population ages, many more
will be affected,” says Duncan
Hannay, senior vice-president of
Canadian Marketing at Scotiabank.
“We believe very strongly in
supporting the communities in
which we live and work, with
a focus on initiatives that are
important to our customers
and employees.”
Corporate Partnerships
Association Partnerships
Scotiabank came on board as
the Pro-Am title sponsor in 2008,
recognizing the potential of
associating its brand not only
with Baycrest, but with such
an innovative event. Beyond
supporting the Pro-Am’s national
expansion, the partnership has
enabled Baycrest to reach a new
donor base through Scotiabank’s
in-branch marketing initiatives.
Association partnerships have
also been vital in helping grow
the profile and reach of the event.
The unique relationship with the
NHL Alumni Association is the
reason a roster of hockey stars
is lacing up for the fight against
Alzheimer’s disease. Those players, and the chance to skate and
stickhandle with them, drive the
impressive fundraising numbers
year over year.
continued on page 28
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
raised for Alzheimer’s
research and care
“The Scotiabank Pro-Am combines our love
of hockey with the fight against Alzheimer’s
disease and related disorders – a health
concern affecting half a million Canadians
and their families, and as our population
ages, many more will be affected.”
amateur players raised
money for Baycrest
continued from page 27
Mark Napier, executive director
of the NHL Alumni Association,
knows personally from the
experiences of his father-in-law
the challenge of Alzheimer’s
disease or a related dementia and
how expert diagnosis, followup
and care at Baycrest can make
a huge difference. “We play the
tournament to raise money for
Alzheimer’s research and, hopefully, we can do our small part to
help eradicate this awful disease.
Every year we get a little bit closer
and raise more and more money.” Newly minted relationships
with the Alzheimer Society of
Canada and regional Alzheimer
societies are helping expand
the event’s reach as well. The
Pro-Am launched successfully in
both Edmonton and Calgary in
partnership with the Alzheimer
Society of Alberta and Northwest
Territories. Proceeds benefit the
Gordie and Colleen Howe Fund
for Alzheimer’s, which supports
research funded by the local
Alzheimer society, and research
and care at Baycrest. Expansion
to other Canadian cities will build
on that model.
The Power of Players
In 2011 alone, more than 1,500
amateur players – 15 teams in
Calgary, 26 in Edmonton and
48 in Toronto – raised money
for Baycrest. Many players are
spreading the message through
their fundraising networks.
“Because it’s hockey, this event
has amazing potential to expose
Baycrest to people who are outside its traditional scope of influence,” says Jay Waks, co-chair of
the Toronto Scotiabank Pro-Am.
“People play, raise money and
come back year after year because
of the energy of the event, the
universal love of hockey and the
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
chance to support Baycrest doing
something that is so unique.”
That was certainly Josh Mosko’s
experience. A lifelong hockey fan
and avid player, he participated
for the first time in 2010. It was
such an amazing and meaningful
experience that he captained
a team in May 2011. But it’s not
only the hockey that draws him
to the event; it’s the chance to
raise money for research into
Alzheimer’s, a disease that has
affected a number of his family
members, both past and present.
“As one of the top 20 fundraisers
last year, I got to play in the all
star game and fulfil a childhood
dream of playing with my brother
alongside some of our hockey
heroes, including Wendel Clark
and Gary Roberts,” says Mosko.
“My goal for this year was to
raise even more money for
Alzheimer’s research and create
more lifelong memories.”
Foundation highlights
of the year
Women of Baycrest aim
to raise $5 million
is making great strides in
its efforts to raise $5 million for a new research chair
in women’s brain health and aging, as well as innovative education initiatives. Through memberships,
corporate support and special events, WB has now
raised close to $2 million and is supporting the
work of Baycrest researchers Drs. Tiffany Chow
and Norman Farb.
Women of Baycrest (WB)
At the Women’s Brain Health Symposium launch, from
left, Karen Baruch, Diane Mavrinac-Ross, Simmie Antflick,
Lynn Posluns and Ellen Goldstein.
This year, WB membership increased by 42 per cent
from 242 members to 349, and Young Women of
Baycrest (under age 35) grew by 38 per cent.
On April 6, 2011, WB held its first full-day academic symposium featuring scientists from across North America,
with a focus on women’s brain health. A one-day public conference, The Women’s Brain Health Symposium,
on October 18, 2011 will feature CTV News anchor Christine Bentley as emcee and guest speaker, and actress
and women’s health advocate Hilary Swank. Materials from the symposia will be published in A Guide to
Women’s Brain Health. WB is also working on the first Brain Health Cookbook. For more information,
visit womenofbaycrest.com.
Tennis tournament
a smashing success
Aces for Alzheimer’s tennis
tournament was a smashing success, raising
$135,000 for Alzheimer’s disease research and care
at Baycrest. On April 25, 2010, Mayfair Clubs once
again graciously hosted and sponsored the event,
which was co-chaired by Andrew Duckman and
Laurence Goldstein.
The second annual
Of the 48 registered players, the top fundraiser
was Steve Miller, who was honoured with the
Harold Soupcoff Memorial Trophy. Sign-up is
about to start for the 2011 tournament, which takes
place on October 16. Visit baycresttennis.com for
more information.
The 2010 Aces for Alzheimer’s committee presents a
“big” cheque to Dr. William Reichman (right), president
and chief executive officer of Baycrest.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Barrie to Baycrest co-founders Larry Saltsman
and his wife, Michelle Lavine (left), celebrate at
the finish line with Michelle’s sister Lesley Sas.
Bike riders
chalk up the miles
for Baycrest
134 cyclists
geared up for the 15th annual
Barrie to Baycrest/B2B 100kilometre bicycle ride, raising
$560,000 to bring the event’s
grand total to $8.6 million.
On September 12, 2010,
Proceeds from the 2010 ride
helped fund important brain
health and fitness initiatives at
Baycrest. All the cyclists are
committed to Baycrest and most
are repeat participants who often
ride with relatives and friends.
Two annual awards are presented
to cyclists who demonstrate
outstanding contributions and
ongoing support. This year’s
Harold Lederman Award went to
Lisa Draper and Michael Bregman,
and the Sam Ruth Award was
presented to Michael Diamond.
B2B celebrates its “Sweet 16” on
September 11, 2011 and is opening
spots for new riders. For information, visit baycrest.org/b2b.
Dancing stars light
up the night
the wildy successful,
inaugural Dancing with Our Stars
fundraiser in 2009, David Cynamon
was back, along with his wife Stacey, to
co-chair season two in November 2010.
Five community leaders – Zane Cohen,
Eliot Muzzo, Honey Sherman, Anton
Rabie and Linda Waks – performed
complex dance routines with their
professional dance partners, dazzling
a cheering crowd of 900 supporters
and celebrity judges including Bruno
Tonioli from the popular television
show Dancing with the Stars.
After winning
Dancing Star Honey Sherman with
dance partner, Mikhail Zaslavskiy
(left), accepts the disco ball trophy
from Ed Sonshine, CEO of evening
sponsor, RioCan.
Hosted by actor-comedian Howie
Mandel, the highly anticipated event raised an astounding $2.1 million to
support Baycrest’s Centres for Innovations in Aging. Honey “Hip Hop”
Sherman, who alone raised $725,000, was crowned the champion.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
At the 2010 Strokes Fore Stroke
(from left) co-chair Perry Steiner,
committee member Richard Sherman
and Joey Arfin give a lift to their
fourth – professional golfer and stroke
survivor Andrew Parr.
Swinging into
action for
stroke research
and care
Last fall, 60 lucky golfers
swung into action at the 21st
annual Strokes Fore Stroke
golf tournament at the exclusive Redtail Golf Course near
St. Thomas, Ontario and raised
$315,000 for stroke research
and care at Baycrest.
Larry Glazer received the Syd
Loftus Cup as top fundraiser for
the event, which was co-chaired
by Perry Steiner, Ronnie Steiner
and Lenny Waldman. Special
thanks to event sponsors C. A.
Delaney Capital Management Ltd.
and Allan and Susan Fenwick.
The 2011 Golf Classic is on
July 25 at the renowned
St. George’s Golf and Country
Club, host of the 2010 Canadian
Open. For more details, visit
thank you to
all our baycrest
We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all those who made donations
to Baycrest during the period of April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2011. We are extremely grateful
for your commitment and ongoing support.
$1 Million Plus
Ben & Hilda Katz
Charitable Foundation
$500,000 - $999,999
The Kimel Family
$250,000 - $499,999
David & Emily Durbin
Barry & Honey Sherman
Lewis & Charlotte Steinberg
Family Foundation
$100,000 - $249,999
Allergan Inc.
Lorne & Carol Goldstein
Joseph Gottdenker
Shirley Granovsky
Anthony & Valerie Melman
& Family
Donald & Elaine Rafelman
RioCan Real Estate
Investment Trust
Rose Family Fund
Joseph & Sandra Rotman
Royal de Versailles Jewellers Inc.
Louis Savlov
Jack & Anne Weinbaum
Irving & Sylvia Wortsman
$50,000 - $99,999
Herb Abramson
C.A. Delaney Capital
Management Ltd.
Phillip & Peggy DeZwirek
Harryetta Holdings
The Koschitzky Family
The Joseph Lebovic
Charitable Foundation
Sheila Loftus
Allan Markin
Medical Pharmacies Group Inc.
Bill Moir
OZZ Electric Inc.
Edward & Fran Sonshine
Lawrence & Judith Tanenbaum
Family Foundation
$36,000 - $49,999
Canaccord Genuity
David & Stacey Cynamon
Allan & Susan Fenwick
Zoltan & Yetta Freeman
Harvey & Leah Fruitman
Robert & Edie Harlang
The Maxwell & Ruth Leroy
Phillip & Barbara Lev
Macquarie Group Foundation
Marel Contractors
Agnes Moses
Nancy Pencer
Anton & Ilana Rabie
Rayjo Charitable Trust
TD Securities
Watson Building Supplies Inc.
$18,000 - $35,999
Agrium Inc.
Bitove Foundation
Canadian Direct Insurance
Canadian Gypsum
Paula Cohen
Sydney & Florence Cooper
Deloitte & Touche
Foundation Canada
Carey Diamond & Tina Urman
Ernst & Young LLP
Fabricland Distributors Inc.
Ken & Rachel Flood
Aron & Miriam Frankel
Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.
The George & Kay Goldlist
Goodmans LLP
Harry & Sara Gorman
Joel & Ruth Greisman
George & Kitty Grossman
HSBC Bank Canada
Buschie Kamin
Jack & Pat Kay
Kenair Apartments Limited
Henrietta Kostman
Albert & Temmy Latner
Family Foundation
The Wolf Lebovic Foundation
Robert & Sheila Masters
MDC Partners Inc.
Alan & Elise Mecklinger
The Mendelson Family
Minto Foundation Inc
Barry & Esther Naiberg
Penn West Petroleum Ltd.
Prominent Homes Ltd.
Ellen & Martin Prosserman
RBC Foundation
Redev Properties Ltd.
Reimer Construction
Riocan Management Inc.
Robins Appleby Charitable
Rolex Canada Ltd.
Sam & Ida Ross Foundation
Jeff Ross & Diane Mavrinac-Ross
Royal Painting &
Contracting Limited
Bill & Judith Rubinstein
Michael Schayer
Michael & Orna Serruya
Alex & Simona Shnaider
Mark & Marla Shoom
Allan & Hinda Silber
ways of giving
Planned gift provides financial
security to Baycrest
After seeing the benefits his mother-in-law
derived from living at the Terraces of Baycrest,
David Durbin decided he wanted to make a
meaningful contribution to Baycrest through
a planned gift.
“I could see how important this place was
to my mother-in-law,” he explains, “so I chose
to establish a charitable remainder trust as a
bequest to Baycrest and to honour my late
parents and brother.”
A charitable remainder trust allows a donor to
make a gift to a charity that will be realized in
the future, yet they can continue to earn income
on the money during their lifetime and receive
an immediate tax credit. The Durbins add to the
charitable remainder trust each year, providing important financial security to Baycrest. In
recognition of their support, a third floor wing in
Baycrest Hospital was named in their honour.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
The Philip Smith Foundation
Solutions With Impact Inc.
Karen Soupcoff
Bryna & Fred Steiner
Joey & Toby Tanenbaum
Trinity Development Group Inc.
Harold Vickers
Evelyn Burns Weinrib
Milton & Florence Winberg
Howard & Nancy Wise
$10,000 - $17,999
Adams & Waks Construction
Albi Homes Ltd
Alzheimers Society of
Athletic Knit
Barry & Eleanor Appleby
B. A. Beresh Professional
Amnon & Karen Baruch
Brian Beresh
Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Jack & Kathy Bloom
Lawrence & Frances Bloomberg
Michael Bregman
The Brettler Mintz
Charitable Foundation
Allan & Lisa Brown
Budds’ Imported Cars
Byron Developments Limited
Canadian Traffic Network
Brett Chorney
Christenson Developments
Christenson Equities Ltd.
Cineplex Entertainment LP
Zane & Joan Cohen
Sidney & Judith Cohen
Stephen & Wendy Cole
Richard & Sophia Crenian
Davna Investments
Colin Devine
Michael & Janette Diamond
Mark & Shelley Diamond
Stephen & Karen Diamond
Phil & Pearl Ehrlich
Elite Construction
Esro Construction Limited
H. Lawrence & Beverley Fein
Minda Feldman & Family
Stephen & Rose Fishman
Ab & Phyllis Flatt
Michael & Sandra Florence
Garry & Joanne Foster
George & Judy Frankfort
Sydney Frankfort
Cindy Freeman Gordon
Dov & Nancy Friedberg
George Friedmann
Harvey & Annice Frisch
Naomi Fromstein
GBH Supply Inc.
Max & Gianna Glassman
David L. Goldberg Family
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Pearl Goodman
Michael Gordon & Gilda Berger
Jerry & Carole Grafstein
Grundy Holdings Inc.
Harold R Vickers Prof. Corp.
Harry Rosen Inc.
William & Linda Hechter
Bernard Herman & Sharon
Holcim (Canada) Inc.
Home Trust Company
Igloo Building Supplies
Interior Systems Contractors
Norman & Gloria Jacobs
The Jay & Barbara Hennick
Family Foundation
Joseph Kerzner
KIK Custom Products
Reuben Klein
Murray & Marvelle Koffler
Korn/Ferry International
Graeme MacGregor
Marilyn Maheux
Manulife Asset Management
The Marder Family Foundation
James Mccoy
Eliot Muzzo
Nat Frankel Construction Ltd.
Fred & Elaine Newman
William & Gertrude Nyman
Pals Surveys & Associates Ltd.
Paul Pape
Parkview BMW
Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Morris & Sarah Perlis
Pharmx Rexall Drug Stores Ltd.
Alan & Sandra Posluns
Postmedia Network
Quinn Corp Holdings Inc.
Reinders Family Foundation
The Morris & Goldie Reiss Family Charitable Foundation
Laurence & Helen Reiss
Kurt & Edith Rothschild
Danny & Vivienne Saltzman
Sambenco Corporation
The Gerald Schwartz &
Heather Reisman Foundation
Phineas & Francine Schwartz
Scotia Capital Inc.
Scotiabank Group
Allen & Mary Shechtman
Phil Shnier
S. Sigler Family Charitable
Nathan & Lily Silver Family
Albert Silver
Sheldon & Vivian Silverberg
Howard Sokolowski &
Linda Frum-Sokolowski
Joseph Soren
Mynne Soupcoff
Southgate Buick GMC
Spin Master Ltd.
State of Israel Bonds
Andrew & Gaye Stein
Louis Strauss
The Joseph Tanenbaum
Charitable Foundation
TD Commercial Banking
Tech-Star Fluid Systems Inc.
The Clyr Charitable Foundation
The Jodamada Foundation
Tim Hortons
Torkin Manes LLP
John & Lori Ulmer
Gloria Ungerman
Rhoda Vyner
Fred & Linda Waks
Ernest & Susan Werner
Burton & Marilyn Winberg
Chuck & Libby Winograd
Harold & Carole Wolfe
Heather Woods
Gerald & Elaine Yaffe
Rochelle Zubcov
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Donors & Supporters
$5,000 - $9,999
A.B.C. Recycling Ltd.
Leonard & Marcy Abramsky
Acme Scrap Iron
Marc & Karen Adler
All Weather Windows
Allardyce Bower Consulting Inc.
Keith Allin & Jan Loftus-Allin
Alterra Developments
2000 Limited
Arc Financial Corp.
Avanzar Janitorial Services Ltd.
Lewis & Elaine Baker
Henry & Barbara Bank
Rose Baum
Ted & Tobie Bekhor
Austin & Nani Beutel
Walter B. Bick
Biltmore Inc.
Roy & Ronna Birnboim
Blankenstein Family Foundation
Abraham Bleeman Foundation
David & Molly Bloom
Gary Bluestein
Charitable Foundation
BMO Capital Markets
Brad Boland
Samuel & Rita Bresler
Broadstreet Properties Ltd.
Morley Brown
Brownlee LLP
Jack & Marlene Brudner
Michael & Rena Buckstein
Irwin & Shirley Cadesky
Cambridge Group
David & Vivian Campbell
Camrost-Felcorp Inc.
Canada West Limited
Canadian Western Bank
Jordan Caplan
Sheldon & Bonni Carr
Casimir Capital
Cedarglen Homes
Robert Chaisson
Mark & Gloria Charness
Marty Cheyne
Civil Underground
Arthur Cohen
Gerald & Hilda Cohen
Richard & Clara Cooper
Ken Crystal & Lynn Posluns
Jack & Elaine Culiner
Camille Dan
Danier Leather inc.
Brian & Lois Demone
Phil & Lisa Draper
David Dube
Duff & Phelps Canada Limited
David & Risa Dulberg
Tom & Karen Ehrlich
Elliott & Wendy Eisen
Anita Ekstein
Elinchrom Ltd.
Elktone Interiors Ltd
Empire Health Distribution Inc.
Enable Capital Corporation
Excel Homes
Falconcrest Homes
David Farberman
Kurt Feigel
Susan & Stan Feldman
Jon & Roberta Fidler
Fiera Sceptre Inc.
Bernard Fishbein
Steven & Susan Forberg
Stephen & Helen Freedhoff
Harvey & Miriam Freedman
Jeremy Freedman &
Judith Finer-Freedman
Joe & Budgie Frieberg
Joseph Fried
Barry & Joy Gales
Giftcraft Ltd.
Edward & Heather Gilbert
Larry & Lynn Glazer
Leonard & Eileen Gold
Ron & Anne Golden
Mel Goldstein
Milli Gould
Herman & Marya Grad
Irving & Toddy Granovsky
Grant MacEwan University
The Patrick & Freda Hart Green
Al & Malka Green & Family
David & Molline Green
Morton Greenberg
Mark & Pearl Gryfe
Jack Gwartz
Anne Handelman
Harris, Scheaffer LLP
David Helman &
Gilda Goodman-Helman
Agnes Herczeg
Herzig Eye Institute
Gary Himel & Risa Mintz
HKMB Hub International Limited
Joel & Lisa Hock
Ibero-American Cultural Society
International Forest
Products Limited
Avrom Isaacs
Ivanhoe Cambridge
Ellis & Sharyn Jacob
Morris Justein & Myrna Ross
Marvin & Bernyce Kalifer
David Kassie & Susan Harris
Ruth Kerbel
Kilbarry Holding Corporation
Shawn Kimel
KRG Children’s Charitable
Michael Krylov
Sy & Libby Ann Langer
Leon & Anita Lapidus
Lavtor Holdings (Alberta) Ltd
Gary & Leila Lax and
Bella Goldstein
Legacy Kitchens
Mel & Helen Leiderman
Nathan & Glennie Lindenberg
Bernie & Bev Little
Lorex Canada Inc.
Mackenzie Financial Corporation
Madison Bathurst Limited
David & Faye Markowitz
Julia Markowitz
Mauro Realty Ltd.
Helen Mcinnis
Shelly & Sema Mecklinger
Murray & Pauline Menkes
Stephen Miller
The Peter & Melanie Munk
Charitable Foundation
Lou & Wendy Myles
Joseph & Freda Naiman
David & Lorraine Nakelsky
Yetta Orfus
Martin & Myrna Ossip
Pekarsky Stein Ltd.
Shaya Petroff
Sheila Pollock
Popeyes Supplements Canada
Posluns Family Foundation
Prairie Merchant Corporation
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
Principal Mortgage Group
Provident Energy Ltd.
Oskar Rajsky
David & Shanea Rakowski
Darin Rayburn
The Linda Judith Reed
Bill & Nancy Reichman
Kevin Reinhart
Louie & Marla Reznick
Elsie Rich
Andrew Rivkin
Ron Hodgson Chevrolet-Buick
Jack Rose & Judith Megow-Rose
Ian & Pamela Rosmarin
John & Susan Rothschild
Robert Rubinoff
S.R.T. Med-Staff International Inc.
Marvin & Victoria Sadowski
Sal Investments
Larry & Michelle Saltsman
Sanderling Developments Ltd.
Rosino Santo
Tom & Marjorie Schwartz
Charles & Mina Schwarz
Robert & Doreen Scolnick
Seligman & Associates
Marvin & Carole Sherkin
Milton & Joyce Shier
Roberta Shnier
Dorothy Shoichet
Shoppers Drug Mart Life
Silver Family Charitable
Leonard Simpson &
Micki Moore Simpson
The Ernest & Helen Singer
Family Foundation
State Building Corporation
Helen Stollar
Harvey & Lilyan Stork
Stuart Olson Dominion
Construction Ltd.
Avrom & Reesa Sud
Super-Glide Canada
Tailwind Capital Inc.
Howard & Carole Tanenbaum
Terco Construction Limited
The Cambridge Club
The Lillian & Norman Glowinsky
Family Foundation
Elliot & Sandra Title
Stephen & Carole Title
Murray & Janice Tkatch
Benjamin & Sarah Torchinsky
Freddie Waks
William Walker
William & Phyllis Waters
The Meyer & Idelle Weinstock
Charitable Foundation
Mark & Susan Weisbarth
Allan & Terese Weisberg
The Weitz Family Foundation
Gord Wiebe
Jerold & Gale Winter
Sidney Wolbrom
The Leonard Wolfe Family
Charitable Foundation
Irwin & Elayne Wortsman
Jay Wunder & Leesa Avrith
Daniel & Shayna Yolleck
Bernie & Carole Zucker
Donors & Supporters
$1,800 - $4,999
411 Local Search Corp.
Ida Abrams
Acumen Capital Partners
Doris Lee Adams
Howard Adams
Agincourt Roofing Ltd.
Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited
Al - Terra Engineering Ltd.
Michael & Pam Albert
Keith & Sheila Alexander
Elsa Allen
Cory Almquist
Stephen & Heshy Altbaum
Samuel & Anne Alter
Alzheimer Society of Canada
Alzheimer Society Peterborough
Irene Amram
Walter & Edie Arbib
ARC Resources Ltd.
Patrick Assaraf &
Elise Latner Assaraf
ATE Contracting Co. Ltd.
Allan & Gila Badner
Richard & Harriet Bain
Judith Baker
Larry & Arna Banack
Mark & Debbie Bank
Jordan & Faith Banks
Barb Morel Foundation
Danny & Shelley Baruch
Boyd Basaraba
Beaverhall Homes
Godfrey & Daryl Beder
Larry & Pearl Bell
Brent & Lynn Belzberg
Murray & Cathy Belzberg
Benedek Family
Robert & Vivian Benmergui
The Bennett Family Foundation
Donald Bennett
Dennis & Laura Bennie
Gary & Rosa Bensky
Ralph & Fiona Benson
John & Gay Berger
Irving & Susan Berger
Robert Berger & Marla Shapiro
Eric & Sheryl Berke
Stuart Berkowitz
Roy & Naomi Berman
Harvey & Joan Bernstein
Frank & Ellen Bialystok
Donald & Helen Biback
Billy Bee Honey Products Ltd
Herb & Fran Binder
Birchwood Properties Corp.
Jack & Doris Bistricer
Jeff & Ilsa Blidner
Gerald & Pearl Bloom
Mr. Leon Bloom &
Dr. Bernita Young
Blue Bird Dress
Jeffrey Bly
BMO Harris Private Banking
B’nai B’rith Foundation
Oliver Bock
Gary & Harriett Bomza
Gary Bourgeois &
Sheilah Wallin-Bourgeois
Marc Boyman &
Tiana Koffler Boyman
Bratty & Partners, LLP
Cecil & Elaine Brauer
Barbara Bregman
Harry & Bernice Bregman
Mike Broadfoot
Aaron & Toby Brotman
Brown Window Corporation
Paul Brown
Howard & Kim Brown
Vivien Brown
Morton Brownstein
Lisa Brush
Lois Buckstein
Theodore & Esther Burnett
Barry & Debra Campbell
CanCare Health Services Inc.
Rosanne Cancian
Canon Canada Inc.
Martin & Fran Caplan
Melvyn Caplan
Lorne & Trudy Cappell
Care Plus Pharmacy
Carl Orbach Foundation
Cascade Energy Services L.P.
CB Richard Ellis Limited
Centron Group Of Companies
Century Home Fashions Inc.
Rod Cheresnuik
CIR General Contracting Inc.
Alec Clark
Marshall & Sandra Clavir
Cody Clayton
Marie Clipperton
Mickey Cohen &
Judith Loeb Cohen
Trevor & Andrea Cohen
Hilliard & Barbara Cohen
Elliot & Maura Cohen
Bob & Marilyn Cohen
Alan & Sharon Lerman
Esther Cole
Richard & Gloria Cole
Conam Charitable Foundation
Irving Cooper &
Verna Wagman-Cooper
Ernie & Barbra Cooper
Joel & Lorraine Cooper
Joseph Cosentino
Mal Coven
David & Ellen Cowan
Laureen Cowie
Brian Craig
Ronald & Rene Daiter
D’Angelo Brands
Stuart & Andrea Hytman
The John & Myrna Daniels
Charitable Foundation
Hugh Schure & Gayle Danziger
Daniel Daviau & Karine Krieger
Ian & Kiki Delaney
Delbridge Contracting Limited
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Ifa Demon
Marvin & Judy Demone
Alan & Joan Dessau
Jason & Audrey DeZwirek
Shirley Diamond
Divine Hardwood Flooring
Eleanor Dover
Downsview Healthcare Inc.
Downsview Heating &
Air Conditioning Ltd.
Downsview Plumbing Limited
Dr. Norman Aurlick Dentistry
Professional Corporation.
Cyril & Risa Drabinsky
Joseph & Angela Dubrofsky
DUCA Financial Services
Philip Duchen
Lindsay Dvornik
Dynamic Tire Corp.
Mr. Samuel Eckler
Ron & Honey Edelstein
Effort Trust
Mel & Sylvia Ehrlich
Beatrice Eisen
Joyce Eisen
Robert & Ellen Eisenberg
The Mariano Elia Foundation
Endeavour Promotions Inc.
Stan Engelberg
The Edith & Bernard Ennis
Erin D. Wright Professional
Charles Erlichman
Annette Exton
Hershell Ezrin &
Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin
Fabricville Co.
Donald & Toby Farb
Alan & Adele Farber
Peter Faria
Feature Foods International Inc.
Rochelle Feldberg
Saul & Toby Feldberg
David & Angela Feldman
Goldie R. Feldman
Roni Feldman
Florence Fenwick
Brad Ferguson
Kenneth Field
Gary & Tamara Fine
George Fine &
Lois Friedman Fine
Sheldon & Norma Finkelstein
Michael & Judy Firestone
First Canadian Properties Ltd
Edward & Sylvia Fisch
George Fischer & Karen Green
Abe & Marcy Fish
Murray Flegel
Russell & Mandy Fleischer
Ted Fox
Patrick Francey
Freedom International
Brokerage Company
Jack Frieberg & Sandra Herlick
David & Kathy Frieberg
Alan & Kelli Friedman
Norma Fromer
Hugh Furneaux & Penny Fine
G4S Cash Solutions
(Canada) Ltd.
The Sam & Gitta Ganz Family
Harvey & Sylvia Gefen
Ray & Rhonda Gelgoot
Genworth Financial Canada
The Frank Gerstein
Charitable Foundation
Bertrand Gerstein Family
Jon Gilbert
John Gill
Muriel Ginsberg
Martin & Shirley Glick
Global Egg Corporation
Global Machine & Supply Inc
Claire Glowinsky
Leonard & Eleanor Godfrey
Charles Goldberg & Carole Gruson
Mark & Esther Goldenberg
Naomi & Gerald Goldenberg and
Family Charitable Foundation
Stanley & Sue Goldfarb
Marvin & Lillian Goldman
Larry & Anette Goldstein
Grace & Gilbert Goodman
Marvin & Diana Goodman
Sheldon & Lindy Goodman
Alan & Renee Gozlan
Jerry & Helen Grad
Harold Grammer
Renata Grant
Great Gulf Homes
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Greatwest Kenworth Ltd.
Bob & Lisa Greben
Barry & Lisa Green
David & Daphne Green
Lindy Green
Lou & Shirley Greenbaum
Jack & Anita Greenberg
Sidney & Reggie Greenberg
Greenrock Investments Ltd.
Norma Greenspan
Allan & Rachel Greenspoon
Lorne & Iris Greenspoon
Mel & Mimi Greenspoon
Paul & Debbie Greenspoon
Mark Grenville
Michael Grobin
Helen Gross
Douglas Grundman
Jan Gutter & Lauren Gutter
Howard Hacker & Lisa Feld
Ralph & Roslyn Halbert
Stephen & Andrea Halperin
Stephen & Carol Handelman
Sam & Pam Handelsman
Steffany Hanlen
Dale Hansen
Peter & Beverly Harris
Jay & Janet Harris
Joseph & Linda Harris
Harvey Kalles Real Estate Ltd.
Doug Haughey
Faryl Hausman
Help Eliminate Disease &
Addiction Canada
Douglas & Judy Hendler
Barbara & Jay Hennick
Family Fund
Heritage Pointe Properties Inc
Larry & Simone Herman
Todd & Carol Herzog
B.A. Himel Family Foundation
Mory & Hindy Hirt
Ronald & Heather Hoffman
Hopewell Residential
Communities LP
Ivor & Este Hughes
Hutton Forest Products Inc.
Jarome Iginla
Ingot Metal Company Ltd.
Jack Chisvin Holdings Limited
The Jackman Foundation
Rosemary Jaffares
Henry Jakubovic
Jatec Electric
Jokabe Oilfield Services Ltd.
Harvey & Marsha Joseph
Hillel & Donna Kagan
Bruno & Christine Kaiser
Allen & Sharon Karp
Marty & Sandra Karp
Toby Kasner
Edward Kassel
Marvin & Estelle Kates
Fred Kaufman &
Donna Soble Kaufman
Jay Kellerman
Marty Kelman & Gilda Tanz
Norman & Ellin Kert
Roey & Wendy Kert
Morris & Miriam Kerzner
Barbro Kimel
Charles Kirk
Patti Kirk
Ken Kirsh & Faith Roebuck-Kirsh
Paula Kirsh
Sarah Kirzner
Katie Klasner
Allan & Christine Klassen
Stuart & Francie Klein
Zelda Korenblum
David & Marla Korman
Israel Koschitzky Family
Charitable Foundation
Henry & Julia Koschitzky
Bernard & Nancy Kraft
Kenneth Kramer
Henry & Barbara Krieger
John Krill
Keith Kroker
Lorn & Karen Kutner
L. E. Glazer Architect Limited
Lagover Mutual Benefit Society
Joel & Elizabeth Landau
Jack & Ferne Langer
Rene Laprade
Frank & Nancy Laurie
Karyn Lazareck
Marlyne Lazer
Bruce & Lianne Leboff
Harry Lebovic
Rob Leone
Judith Leranbaum
Alan & Ellen Levine
Larry & Cecily Levine
Murray & Sandy Levine
Michael & Caren Levy
Sally Libman
Rena Lichtblau
Phillip & Fauna Lidsky
Lincolnberg Homes Ltd.
Lions Club of Streetsville
Marc Lipton & Carolyn Naiman
Henry & Burtha Liss
Michael & Rayna Litchen
Paul & Marilyn Little
Mark & Beth Litwin
Fred & Mary Litwin
Loyaltex Sourcing, Inc.
Ben & Jill Lustig
Jeff & Sandy Lyons
Ruth Magder
Magna IV Engineering
Natie Maister
Judith Mandel
Min Mandel
Seth Mandell
Manulife Financial
Leora Marcovitz
Anita Marcus
Malcolm & Andrea Marcus
Zoe Margolis
Ivan Mark
Markio Designs Inc.
Frank Markus
Laurie Markus
Martin & Judith Markus
Stanley Martin
Master Property
Consultant Group
Masters Insurance Limited
Randolph & Risa Masters
Tony Matera
David & Leanne Matlow
Irving & Esther Matlow
James Mcintyre
Myra Merkur
Ken & Renee Metrick
Howard Meyer
Albert & Esther Michaels
Tom Mihalik
Mark & Susan Milchman
Earl & Eleanor Miller
Ron & Lesley Miller
Murray & Susy Miller
Harley Mintz & Judy Nyman
Saul & Evelyn Mintz
Faye Minuk
Sam & Michal Mizrahi
Modern Granite & Marble Inc.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Mosaic Studios Inc
Mr. Submarine Limited
Mulmer Services Ltd.
Allan & Esther Nadler
Berl & Rebecca Nadler
Eleanor Nadler
Harvey & Barbara Naglie
Quentin Nanninga
Martin & Georgine Nash
Nexen Inc.
Ab & Frances Nisker
Neil & Rachel Nisker
Nortown Air
Nova Services Group Inc.
Leon & Paula Nussbaum
Leland Oberst
Annette F. Oelbaum
Of Things Past Inc.
Albert & Margi Oksner
Benson Orenstein
Mark & Zippy Orland
Fred & Marty Panet
Scott & Linda Paris
Eric Paul & Risa Rotenberg
Al Pearlstein
Ed & Deanna Peranson
Victor & Esther Peters
Steven & Wendy Pezim
Picov Farms Inc.
Jack & Marti Pilz
Richard Pivnick &
Annette Pivnick
Adam & Karen Pivnick
Danny Pivnick
Jillian Pivnick
Saul & Sandra Plener
Joseph Podemski
Gary & Alison Polan
David & Felicia Posluns
Irving & Elissa Posluns
Nancy Posluns
Lewis Mitz & Wendy Posluns
Andrew Pringle
Prior Construction Corporation
Probyn Eastman Ltd.
Miriam Prusky
Morton & Sylvia Pullan
Wayne & Marlene Pulver
Qualico Land
Quince Flowers Ltd.
Harry & Karen Radomski
Leonard & Carol Raizin
Esterita Rajsky
Realm Developments Ltd.
Linda Reed
Fred Reisman
Joel & Jill Reitman
Richard Rennick
Garnet & Lisa Rich
Richard S. Rennick
Professional Corporation
Luba Richardson
Rigsat Communications
Craig Rimer & Elyse Zelunka
Riva Plumbing Ltd.
Paul Rivett
Mark Rivkin & Jenny Solursh
Monica Roberts
The Lionel Robins Foundation
Marvin & Natalie Roebuck
Romspen Investment Corporation
The Rose Corporation
Rose E. Dee (International) Ltd
Arthur & Helen Rose
Harry & Evelyn Rosen
Larry Rosen & Susan Jackson
Elliott & Rina Rosenberg
David Ross
David P. Ross
Graeme Ross
Barry & Chris Rotenberg
Norman & Ronda Roth
Ronald & Lynda Roth
John Rothstein & Dionne Klein
Earl Rotman & Ariella Rohringer
Michael Roulston
Neville Rozowsky & Penny Petroff
Jeff & Honey Rubenstein
Fred Rubinoff
Lloyd Rubinoff
Jordan Rumanek
Nancy Ruth
Samuel J. & Jean Sable Family
Susan Sacchi
Richard & Honi Sacks
Mark & Susan Sager
Andrew & Judith Sanders
Hans & Arlene Sanders
Louis & Fern Sanders
John Sanders
Sarasota Homes Ltd.
George & Lesley Sas
David & Mary Saunders
Bob & Marlene Savlov
Michael & Julia Sax
Stewart & Dianne Saxe
Stuart & Jayne Schipper
Paul Schnier & Liz Wolfe
Scotiabank Alberta
Lawrence & Kesa Senders
Serenity Funeral Service
Dean Setoguchi
SF Partnership, LLP
SGNC Charitable Trust
David & Wendy Shapira
David Share
ShaRna Foundation
Steven & Ricki Sharpe
Marvin & Elaine Shedletzky
Stan & Donna Shenkman
Robert & Mona Sherkin
Leslie & Freida Sherman
William & Gwen Sherman
Lisa Shiff
Mendel & Anita Shore
Judi Shostack
Gloria Shulman
Alan & Monelle Siegal
Julie Silver
Louis & Roz Silverstein
Ron & Shari Silverstein
Fred & Rene Skurka
Gerald & Judith Slan
Peter & Neri Slan
James & Elaine Slater
Paul & Carol Slavens
SMS Equipment
Sniderman Investments
Soberman LLP
Francine Socket
Ethel Solomon
Harvey & Renee Solursh
Sorrell Financial Inc.
Sylvia Soyka
Saul & Hermi Spears
Paul & Roseanne Spiar
Harold Spring
Yittie Starkman
Steeles Memorial Chapel
Bernard Steinberg
Ronald Steinberg &
Nancy Prussky
Jay & Carole Sterling
Robert & Dorothy Sterling
Gary & Julie Stern
Zan & Sylvia Stern
Lou & Edith Stillman
Bert & Barbara Stitt
Dorothy Stone
Joan Stossel
Erwin & Debra Stuart
Martha Sud
Barbara Sugar
Supplements Canada West
Eric & Lynn Sutkiewicz
Bob Sutton
Ray & Helen Sweig
Susan Szainwald
Gabriella Szanto
Sheldon & Susan Taerk
Carol Tanenbaum
TDL Group Corp
Teamsters Local Union No. 362
Paul & Kitty Tepperman
The Cupcake Shoppe
The Leslie Group Limited
The Manson Family Foundation
The Metrick System
The Pickle Barrel Restaurants
The Reisler Group Inc.
The Shandex Group
The Tiffen Company
Stephen & Christine Tile
Bernie Tishman
Barry & Maxine Tissenbaum
Gary & Evelyn Title
Moses & Temara Tobe
Foundation Inc.
Erwin Tonn
Trail Appliances
Tundra Boiler & Instrumentation
Turner Fleischer Architects Inc.
Nadine Tytel
UBS Securities Canada Inc.
Alan & Sally Ungerman
Up Media Group Inc.
Darryl Ura & Joanne Nisker
Joel & Helen Vale
David & Susan Van Der Hout
Herbert & Andrea Veisman
Richard Venn & Carol Mitchell
Viewmark Homes Ltd.
Village Auto Of Ancaster
Vistek Ltd.
Brett Vyner
Joanne Waddington
Beulah Wagman
Elliott & Helene Wahle
Lionel & Sandra Waldman
Paul & Sandra Walfish
Steven Warsh & Debra Alexander
Wasser Holdings Limited
Gary Wasserman
Stephen & Janet Wasserman
Margaret Wayne
Len & Adele Wechsler
George & Florence Weinberger
Hank & Jo-Anne Weinstein
Lucy Weinstein
Myrna Weinstein
Moss Weinstock &
Michelle Porepa
Stephen & Terri Weintraub
Phil & Cecilia Wynn
Weisz Family Foundation
The Eddie & Marilyn Weisz
Family Foundation
Thomas & Sasha Weisz
Wellington West Capital Inc.
Judith Wells
Allen & Janet Werger
West Coast Classic Invitational Golf Tournament
Whissell Contracting Calgary Ltd.
Whitecastle Investments Limited
Morris & Audrey Wilson
Frank & Judith Wilson
Daniel Wilton
Jack & Judy Winberg
Herbert & Fern Wisebrod
Jack & Nan Wiseman
Barbara & Harvey Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation
Ralph & Renée Wolfe
Richard Wolfe
Sheila Wolfish
Henry Wolfond
Simon & Liora Yakubowicz
Howard & Felice Yesovitch
Marvin Yontef & Fran Topplin
Rochelle Zabitsky
Harold & Beverley Zacks
Ian & Sara Zagdanski
Tim Zarowny
Alan & Michelle Zelunka
Oscar Zimmerman & Anna Day
Zolty Charitable Foundation
Walter & Helen Zwig
Donors & Supporters
$1,000 - $1,799
3Haus Photographics
659825 Alberta Ltd.
751492 Alberta Ltd.
794334 Alberta Ltd.
ABG Ontario Inc.
Sam Abouhassan
Absolute Interiors Inc.
Absolute Mechanical Ltd.
ACL Student Benfits
Advanced Chiropractic
Jack Agrios
Steven & Rosanne Ain
AlarmForce Industries Inc.
Alberta Neon
Alpa Stairs & Railings Inc.
Ampere Limited
Ann Love Interiors
Antamex International Inc.
Brad Antoniuk
Arcom Enterprises
Joey & Sandy Arfin
Timothy Arnett
Aspen Ridge Holdings
Joshua Auslander &
Karen Glenn-Auslander
Paul & Pamela Austin
Avcon Construction
Avenex Energy Corp
Avison Young Property
Advisors & Managers Inc.
Avoca Technologies Incorporated
Baagwating Community
Glenn Babcock
Geoff Badger
Bailey’s Ice Cream
Bakonyi & Company
Robert Balfour
William Ballard
Meyer & Anita Balter
Allan & Anne Bank
Barclays Bank PLC
Allan & Stacey Barish
Eleanor Barlin-Daniels
Jeff Barnes & Marcia Zuker
Marvin & Linda Barnett
DTZ Barnicke Limited
David Barth & Sheryl Gutzin
Peter & Jeannie Bartha
Joseff & Susan Baruch
Ron & Sharon Baruch
Saniout Bassilious
Bateman Foods
Bayview Summer Homes Limited
Bayview Summit
Development Ltd.
Edwin & Elaine Beallor
Todd & Catherine Beallor
Howard & Delores Beck
Beckett Electrical Inc.
Adam Beder
Paul Beeston
Abe & Simmie Beker
Robert Beliak & Tamara Glied
Belrock Design Build Inc.
Benefit Strategies Inc.
Alan & Wendy Berger
Paul & Barbara Bernstein
Geoff Bertram
Murray & Mary Betel
Bird Mountain Homes Inc
Ronald & Bonnie Birken
Bistro On Avenue
Bistro on Dufferin
BKDI Architects
Black Diamond Group Limited
The Norman Black Foundation
Jim Bladon
Murray & Ellen Blankstein
Leon & Terry Bleiwas
David & Cheryl Blinick
Ned & Doris Blinick
Elaine Bloomberg
Stan Bobrow Projects Inc.
Paul Bodnarchuk
Norman Boersma
Harvey S. Borden
Andrew & Marlene Borins
Sheldon Bornstein &
Marla Levant-Bornstein
Boss Lubricants
Boston Pizza
David Bowman
Brampton Brick Limited
William Brereton
Hildegard Breuer
Sarah Brickman
Robert Bridel
Leif Bristow
Britco Structures
David Broadhurst
Christina Broeker
Marsha Bronfman
Rick Bronson
Judi Brotman
David W. Brown
Gary & Gail Brown
Linda Brown
Mel Brown
Morris & Freda Brown
Sidney Brown
Sid & Gina Brown
Budget Brake & Muffler
Distributors Ltd.
Mike Bullard
Joseph Burnett/Burnac Corp.
Craig Butler
Cabinet Doors and More
Hugh Cameron
Scott Cameron
Camp New Moon
Michael Campbell
Canada Brokerlink Inc.
Canada Life
Canadian Forest Oil Ltd.
Canadian Mortgage Capital
Canadian Tech Air Systems Inc.
Canyon Spring Master Builder
Carbecca Construction
Carma Developers LP
Greer Carter
Cash Store Financial
Bryan Cathcart
Cedar Creek General Contracting
Century Hospitality Group
Chaitons LLP
Challenger Homes Inc.
Rafael & Linda Charyk
Indraneal Chatterjee
Aki & Gail Chencinski
J.S. Cheng & Partners Inc.
Joy Cherry Weinberg
Chisholm Mechanical
Contractors Ltd.
Andrew Chisholm
Jeff & Shawna Citron
Michael Clayton
CLC Construction Ltd.
Judith Cohen
Peter & Ricky Cohen
Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen
George & Susan Cohon
Peter Cohos
Judith Coldoff
Clifford Cole
Jeffrey & Dianne Cole
Colliers International
Jason Collins
Colonial Building Restoration
Tony Comper
William Comrie
Contact Chemicals Inc.
Michael Cooper
Rose Cooper
Corby Distilleries Limited
Coreydale Contracting Co.
David Cotterchio
Cougar Contractors Ltd
Cougar Fuels Ltd.
Collin & Marian Craig
Purdy Crawford
Judy Csillag
CST Corporation
Bernie Cugelman
Culloden Holdings
Cushman & Wakefield Lepage
Lawrence & Elizabeth Cyna
Ed & Lorraine Cyrankiewicz
Vern Da Re
Steve & Pearl Dacks
Daiter’s Creamery & Appetizer
The Gussie & Thomas Dale
Dalson Marketing 79 Ltd.
Davies Ward Phillips &
Vineberg LLP
Sean & Jennifer Debow
Lyndon Decore
Dale Degner
Geno Della Rocca
Perry Dellelce
Allan Detsky & Rena Mendelson
Howard & Mirah Detsky
Diamond Corp
Jules & Reesa Diamond
William Dickson
Joseph Dickstein
DMS Financial Management
John Domsy
Miriam Dorfman
Double R Building Products Ltd
Doug’s Place Collision Repair Inc.
Arthur Downton
Drain-Tite Industries Inc.
Karyn Drewnowsky
Ruth Druxerman
Duncan Homes Limited
Arthur & Agi Dunec
Duron Ontario Ltd.
E & S Mechanical Limited
E Construction Ltd
Bernice Eckler
Norman & Ellen Eckler
Jim & Kaitlin Eckler
Ecoh Management Inc.
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Eecol Electric Corp.
David Ehrlich
Alex & Olga Eisen
Elite Roofing &
Contractors Limited
Elliott & Rina Rosenberg
Charitable Foundation
Elliott & Parr (Peterborough) Ltd.
Encore Sales
Beatrice Endler
Sheila Engel Cohen
Engelite Charitable Foundation
Epson Canada
Paul Evered
Export Metal Salvage Ltd.
Export Packers Company Limited
Haron & Irene Ezer
Faithfull Friends Foundation
Jay Feferman
Feigelsohn Kellar
Bernard & Barbara Feinstein
Frank & Deborah Fisher
Kevin Fisher
Flatt Foundation
Howard & Nancy Fleischer
Jackie Florence
Ken & Melanie Florence
David & Anita Franklin
Janet Franklin
Fraser Milner Casgrain LLP
Jay Freeman
Jeremy & Elayne Freeman
Herb & Betty Frieberg
Alan & Janice Friedman
Peter & Eva Friedmann
Robert & Toba Frimet
Sandra B. Fruitman
Sheldon & Sharron Fruitman
D H Gales Family
Charitable Foundation
Steven & Debbi Gallen
Arthur & Shelley Gans
ways of giving
Annual campaign funds the most
urgent needs
Max and Gianna Glassman feel a sense of responsibility for the frail elderly who require the kind
of care only available at an organization like
Baycrest. They know each patient and resident
is an individual who was once vibrant and energetic with a joie de vivre that may have been
suppressed by illness or the effects of aging.
“It could, and possibly will, happen to us,” Max
reflects, “so we owe it to them to help.” For this
reason, the Glassmans are long-standing Baycrest
supporters and founding members of our prestigious Circle of Honour — donors who make a fouryear commitment to the Baycrest Foundation
Annual Campaign, which provides unrestricted
funds for Baycrest’s most urgent needs. This
year, the Glassmans made their second four-year
pledge to ensure Baycrest has the funding it
needs to help those who need it most.
Alan & Beverlee Feldman
Allen & Marilyn Feldman
Gail Fields
Joseph Fierro
Fillmore Construction
Jack Fireman
Warren & Courtney Fireman
Martin & Marilyn Firestone
Ed & Pauline Garber
Gardiner Roberts LLP
Gates Canada Inc.
Howard & Carole Gelfand
Gem Campbell Terrazzo & Tile Inc.
Genumark Promotional
Merchandise Inc.
Rick Giammarino
Faye Gitter
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Richard Glatt
David & Marilyn Glick
Eddie Glick &
Susan Rapoport Glick
William & Marika Glied
Global Accident Legal Services Professional Corp.
Global Edmonton
Norman Glowinsky &
Lillian Vine Glowinsky
Paul & Gina Godfrey
Stanley & JoAnn Gold
Allan & Linda Gold
Charles & Marilyn Gold
Howard & Denise Gold
Bernat & Jennie Goldberger
Malka Goldenberg
Erika Goldfarb
Harry & Gayle Goldgut
David & Marilyn Goldhar
Leo & Sala Goldhar
Cal & Donna Goldman
Gary & Wendy Goldman
David & Bonnie Goldstein
David Goldstein
Norman & Ellen Goldstein
Marvin Gord
Lindsay Gordon
Philip & Rachel Gordon
Howard Gorman
Irwin & Judith Gould
Michael & Dianne Gould
Jonathan & Hannah Graff
Cecil & Lee Graff
Mark & Cheryl Grammer
Shawn Grant
Fred Green
Terry & Mimi Green
Mark & Corin Greenberg
Richard Greene & Shelly Haber
Brian Greenspan & Marla Berger
Mark & Susan Greenspan
Harry & Ruthe Greenspan
Ben & Jacqui Grosman
Pegi Lee Gross & Associates Inc.
Sheldon Gross
Rob Grundleger
GS Holdings
Dan Gundersen
Ina Gurofsky
Chris Guthrie &
Elisabeth Wigmore
Gary & Myrna Gutmann
H & M Hospitality
Brent Halarewich
Gerald & Tootsie Halbert
Mark & Cindy Halperin
Henry Hamm
Adrian & Shirley Hanick
Mark Hanley
Matt Hanley
Jay Haralson
Harbour Mortgage Corp.
Cheryl Hargrave
Harris Rebar
Elaine Harris
Barry Heck
Joel Heft
Alexander Hefter
Helard Investments Limited
Rickey Hennick
Stephen W. & Marcia Herbert
Aubrey Herman
Peter & Janet Herman
High Standard Landscape
David & Cathy Himelfarb
Sheldon Hirsch
Allen & Celia Hirsh
HM Hospitality
Joseph & Helen Hochberg
Jo Ann Hoffman
Alan & Jennifer Hoffmann
Michael Hogg
Audrey Holgate
Mel & Marlyn Horowitz
Gary Hudson
Humford Management Inc.
Hunt Design Associates Inc.
Tally Hutchinson
Hydro One Employee’s &
Pensioner’s Charity Trust Fund
Karen Hyman
Jill Wagman & Warren Ikeman
Industrial Electrical
Contractors Limited
Intact Insurance Company
Invar Building Corporation
Iress Canada
Arthur & Sandra Irving
David Isenman &
Jacqueline Segall
Peter Jackson
Judy Jacobs
Jardine Lloyd Thompson Canada
Carson Jen
Joachim Jeschke
Isaac & Basia Jesin
Vadim Jivov
Jones DesLauriers Insurance
Management Inc.
David Juvet
Alfred Kalke
Brian & Alison Kashin
William & Carol Kassel
Harvey & Helene Katz
Paul Katz & Laurel Pfeil
Tony Katz
David & Sarah Kaufman
Nathan & Carol Kaufman
The Henry & Berenice
Kaufmann Foundation
Iser Kay
Katherine Kay
Roland Keiper
Michael Kennedy
Michael & Rachel Kerbel
Theodor Kerzner
Michael & Henrietta Kestenbaum
Perry Kiefer
Andrew Kim
Rodney King
The Dianne & Irving Kipnes
Kirschner, Swanson & Kane LLP
Anne Kirsh
Joel Kirsh
Eric Kirzner
Fred & Joan Klap
Joe Klassen
Henry Klecan
Les Klein & Toby Rose
Dale Klein
Samuel Kleinberg
Keith Klover
Melvin Klug
Michael Koch
Shirley Kofman
Ryan Konotopsky
Marc & Joy Koplowitz
Marshall & Tami Korenblum
Clifford & Katy Korman
Howard & Linda Kornblum
Joel & Judy Kornblum
Alan & Shayndee Kornblum
Alexander Kossman
Brandon Kot
Gordon Kotler
Kott Lumber
Jack Koven
Kraft Berger LLP
Paul & Rhonda Krandel
Danny & Myra Krangle
Krauss Family Charitable Trust
Robert Kriscunas
Gordon & Deborah Krofchick
Kronis Rotsztain Margles Cappel
Krylov & Company
Bill Kucharuk
Kwinter Packers Ltd.
Candace Kwinter
Bobby Kyle
Chris Lachance
Philip & Caryn Ladovsky
Bernard & Ryna Langer
Donna Larkin
William Larkin
Carl & Randy Laskin
Albert Latowsky & Faye Arnold
Laurentian Bank of Canada
Clifford & Joan Lax
Mike Lee
Allan & Barbara Leibel
Jerry & Lily Leiderman
Mark Leier
Bob & Judy Lester
Karen Levenstein
The Ruth & Irving Levine
Michael Levitt &
Barbi Benjamin-Levitt
The Abner Levy Foundation
Richard & Rena Levy
Randy Lewis
Rhoda Lewis
Stephen Lewis
Leon Liffmann & Miriam Shiell
Lawrence Light
Lincolnberg Communities Inc.
Ken Lindsay
Harvey & Sharon Lipman
Philip Lipsey & Arlene Ackerman
Norton Lithwick & Adele Rich
Sheldon & Marilyn Little
Robbie & Mindy Little
Einat Litvinov
Loblaws Inc.
Don & Lorraine Loeb
Norty & Geraldine Longert
Lund Propane Ltd.
Ian & Elaine Lurie
Michael & Vikki Lyons
M & A Gabaee
M.A. Reuter Benefits Inc
Ronald & Diana MacFeeters
Serena Machat
Macleod Dixon LLP
Gary Macneil
Sherry Mailo
Michael Major
Howard & Fran Malach
Gerald & Susan Maldoff
Malen Capital
Howard Manley
Maplebank Homes Limited
Greg Martin
Larry Martin
Ronald Masleck
Mastermind Toys
Joel Matlin
Robert Mattacott
Mattamy Homes Limited
Jonathan & Beverly Matthews
Debra Mauro
Arlene Mayers
Mayfair Tennis Courts Limited
MCAP Commercial LP
McDonald’s Restaurant
of Canada Ltd.
Peter Mcdougall
Mike Mcinnis
Rod Mcinnis
James Mckelvie
Brian Mclachlan
McLennan Ross LLP
McMillan Family Foundation
Mcnish Steel Ltd
Brian Medjuck
Heidi Medline
James Meekison &
Carolyn Keystone
Ronald & Wendy Melvin
Alan & Patti Menkes
Merck Frosst
Ephry & Barbara Merkur
Peter Mertz
Marty & Sharyn Middlestadt
Midwest Propane Inc
Milestone Property
Management Limited
Michael & Ellen Miller
Eric Miller
Mint Homes Inc.
Anil Mital
Manny Mitchell & Merle Friedman
Modern Niagara Toronto Inc.
Molinaro’s Fine Italian Foods Ltd.
James More & Bonnie Shore
Mori Lee LLC
David Morrow
Paul & Karen Morton
David Moseley
Alex Moses
Eldon Moses
Milton & Sandra Moskowitz
Helen Mosoff
Moulding & Millwork
Mr. Greenjeans Restaurant
Barry Munro
Rick Murray
Robert Muschamp
Mutual Propane Ltd
Andy Myers
David & Sharon Naiberg
Andrei Nemirovski
Dennis Nerland
New Securities LP
Christa Nicholson
Mac & Faye Nisker
Nomad Editing Company, Inc.
Nordic Mechanical Services
Derrick & Louise Novis
Mark & Barbara Nusinoff
Odyssey America Reinsurance Corporation
Jordan & Barbara Oelbaum
Adrienne M. Offman
Allan & Lesley Offman
Onex Corporation
Optus Capital Corp.
Max & Marlene Orenbach
Thelma Orzeck
Jack Osland
Pacesetter Homes Ltd.
Correen Pacht
Pal Insurance Services Limited
Marie Pall
Larry Pals
Vic Pamensky
J. E. Panneton Family Foundation
Gary Park
Richard & Ellen Paulin
Mayeer & Stacey Pearl
Geoff & Linda Pearlstein
Elliott Peranson & Sharon Cohen
Reynah Pereira
Gary & Corinne Perlmutar
Joseph & Judy Pernica
Petrocom Construction Ltd.
Pfizer Canada Inc.
PGA Architects
Steve & Paula Pippert
Martin & Debbie Pivnick
Sheldon & Nonie Plener
David Podmore
Larry Pollock
Bob Pomerantz
Popeye’s Supplements Calgary
Popeye’s Supplements Ottawa
Popeye’s Supplements Toronto
Rick & Debra Pottens
Powerone Capital Markets
Leonard Powers
Prairie Mud Service
Premform Limited
Stephen & Susan Pustil
Mark Pytosh
Quest Window Systems Inc.
Ranchman’s Renegades
Bernard Rasch
Michael Rayfield
Harvey & Linda Rechtsman
Seth Reichman
Paul & Lea Reichmann
Reitmans (Canada) Limited
Russell & Janie Rendely
Gary Rich
Verona Richards
Steven & Estelle Richmond
Jack Ritchie
Lisa Ritchie
Jay Robinson
Fran Rodness
Rogers Cable
Communications Inc.
Rose, Persiko, Rakowsky,
Melvin LLP
Jordan & Gina Rose
Robert Rose
Irving L. Rosen Foundation
Herb & Riva Rosenfeld
William & Bertha Rosengarten
Michael & Deanna Rosenswig
Ronald & Cynthia Rosenthal
Jeff & Lori Rosenthal
Rosmar Drywall Ltd
Ross Clair Contractors
Gerald & Pauline Ross
Avie & Fonda Roth
Marvin & Sybil Rothschild
Ken Rotman & Amy Kaiser
The Royal Canadian Legion
General Wingate (Ontario
No. 256)
RRMG Professional Corporation
Alan & Elaine Rubinoff
Daniel Rumack & Gail Burnett
Dean Rutledge
Jeffrey Sack
Mark & Fern Sadowski
Marian Saltsman
Frank Sammeroff
Samper Developments Ltd.
Lawrence & Kay Sandy
Michael & Joan Saron
Saskatchewan Minerals Inc.
Ruth Schacter
Les & Judy Scheininger
Lionel & Carol Schipper
Norman & Honey Schipper
Oskar Ascher Schmidt
Charitable Foundation
Brian & Ellen Schneidman
Abe & Pearl Schwartz
Carol Schwartz
Morry Schwartz
Jack Schwartzberg
Earl & Joanne Schwebel
Scor Canada
Seaspan Marine Corporation
Marianne Seger
Joel & Tammy Seigel
Robert Sellars
Harry & Betty Senders
Sentinel Storage Corporation
Zev & Susan Shainhouse
Shanked Computer Recycling Inc.
Robert & Naomi Shapero
Shaw’s Enterprises Ltd.
Barbara Shefsky
Shepherd’s Care Foundation
Sherman & Cappell
Investments Limited
Harry Sherman
David & Francine Shields Family Charitable Foundation
Arthur & Margaret Shiff
Gary Shiff
Randy & Donna Shiff
David & Edna Shiffman
Shimmerman Penn LLP
Solomon Shiner
Mark & Mira Shnier
Paul & Elissa Shnier
Saul & Thelma Shulman
Cary & Ruth Silber
Silcom Interiors &
Contracting Inc.
Esther Silver
Larry & Carolyn Silverberg
Larry Silverberg & Judi Gottlieb
Sid & Sue Silverberg
The Saul A. Silverman
Family Foundation
Choc & Gail Silverstein
Harvey Silverstein
Jeff & Rhoda Simbrow
Helen Simpson
Pekka Sinervo
Henry & Sueann Singer
Adrienne & Joel Slan
Slavens & Associates
Real Estate Inc.
Barry Slawsky
Sam & Marilyn Sliwin
David Smith & Amy Gaskin
Jerry & Christine Smith
John Smith
Sam & Joyce Sniderman
Tony & Eliza Solomon
Ian & Dahlia Solomon
Henry Solow
Gary & Carole Solway
Cam Sonnenberg
Soul Integrated Solutions
Rodrigo Sousa
Stan Spencer & Maryam Levitan
Wayne Squibb
SRS Restoration Limited
Laurie Starkman
Rita Starkman
Stay Kleen Services &
Contracting Ltd.
Steel-Craft Door Products Ltd.
Michael & Joanne Steinberg
Wilf & Susan Steinberg
Joseph & Elaine Steiner
Mark & Cheryl Steiner
Ronnie & Sandy Steiner
Barbara Stepak
Stephenson Engineering Ltd.
Michael Stewart
Martin & Francie Storm
Strategic Outdoor
Robert L. Strom
Sugardale Homes Limited
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Richard Sugarman
Constance Sugiyama
Superior Medical Limited
Sureway Construction Group
Sussexwest Developments Inc.
Suzi-Q Textiles (1998) Ltd.
Martin & Barbara Sversky
Carol Swallow
Malcolm & Marjorie Swartz
Sweetner Homes Limited
Philip Swift
Swim Time
T.I. Marketing Inc.
Rose & Charles Tabachnick
Neil & Lauren Tabatznik
Bryan Tannenbaum
Arthur & Harriet Tarshis
Lorne & Sharon Tarshis
Enzo Tatangelo
Robert Tatangelo
Martin & Ruth Tauber
Michael & Ronda Taylor
Sydney & Ethel Taylor
TD Waterhouse Private Banking
TD Williamson Canada ULC
Technicoil Corporation
Tenkorn Holdings
Teskey Construction Limited
Stan & Dorothy Tessis
Teva Canada
TGM Investments
The Bridge Network Inc.
The Bridle Bash Foundation
The Group Connect Ltd.
The Herzig Eye Institute
The Liquor Depot
Charitable Foundation
The Plan Group Inc.
The Sovereign General
Insurance Company
Dan Themig
Sam Thierman
Adam Thomas
Mary Throop
Tim Hortons
Tnt High Pressure
Esther Tock
Sherie Toner
Lance Torgerson
Toronto Residents in Partnership
Torys LLP
Totten Group Insurance
Trans American Customs
Brokers of Canada Ltd.
Travelers Guarantee
Company of Canada
Treeview Homes Limited
Tridel Corporation
Trimor Capital Corporation
Steven Troster
Andrew Tylman
David & Chantal Ulmer
University City
David Usher
Vantage Asset Management
Vencor Production Testing Ltd.
Verdiroc Development
George Vertes
Victoria Park Properties
David Vinokur
Sam Vise
Volker Stevin Contracting Ltd.
Vulcan Electrical Ltd.
Mark & Valarie Wafer
William Wagman
Lorie Waisberg
Jeffrey Walderman &
Eva Schilling
Mike Walker
Richard Wallin
Walton Capital Management
King Ward
Mary Ward
Larry & Marla Wasser
Norman Watt
Robert & Rochelle Waxman
Bernard & Belle Weinstein
Michael Wekerle
Marvin & Lynda Wenger
Richard & Wendy Wengle
Steven Wesfield
Michael & Cheryl West
Gary Westman
Wetaskiwin Credit Union
Leon & Iris Weverman
Gerald Whiteside
Mitchell & Lilian Whyne
William Wiener &
Lillyann Goldstein
Douglas & Ruth Wilansky
Wildeboer Dellelce LLP
Mark Wilder
Robert Wilkins
Williams Engineering Canada
Bernice Wilson
Carrol Wilson
David & Jan Wilson
Win-Bar Insurance Brokers Inc.
Sam & Julie Winberg
Howard & Donna Winick
Gerald Wise
Joshua Wise
Paul & Ellen Wise
Jerry & Stacy Wiseblott
WJ Properties
Michael Wolfish & Holly Bick
Allan Wolinsky
Works Alberta Ltd.
World Wide Electric Inc.
WRD Borger Construction Ltd.
John Wright
Phil & Eileen Wunch
Ari & Vanessa Yakobson
Yellow Pages Group
Leon & Dora Yolles
Charitable Foundation
David Young & Ellen Young
Gregory Young
Sveta Zaidman
Mark Zaretsky & Lindy Zaretsky
Rick Zarnett & Janice Weiss
Ray & Michelle Zatzman
Zehr Kalman Levesque Inc.
Don Zehr
Karol & Stella Zenwirt
Danny & Joy Zigelman
Max Zive & Harriette Kahn-Zive
Alexandre Zlotta
Rena Zolty
--We gratefully acknowledge
the support of the following
community organizations who
facilitate the distribution of
donor gifts to The Baycrest
The Benjamin Foundation
Jewish Community Foundation
of Montreal
Toronto Community Foundation
United Jewish Welfare Fund
of Toronto
United Way of Greater Toronto
United Way of Winnipeg
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Planned Giving
Planned Giving is simply gift planning from an array
of assets. Gifts may be made through a bequest in a
will, life insurance, RRSP or RRIF, annuities, marketable
securities, trusts, or property such as real estate.
Gifts may be made today or promised now to be given
some time in the future. This type of giving allows a
donor to make a gift much larger than they ever
thought possible. This source of revenue is crititcal for
Baycrest to meet the changing and growing needs of
the elderly we serve.
Planned Gifts received
from the estates of:
Anne Jaffey
Benjamin Birstein
Shirley Caplan
Theodora Danson
Celia Eisenberg
Freda Weiner
Morris G. Goldenberg
Dr. Leon Goldenberg
Ilona Gondor
Florence Gordon
Anne Eleanor Gough
George Grossman
Ben & Hilda Katz
Harry Hersh
Annemarie Kent
Rose Kirsh
Jean Lea
Bert Lev
Irving & Molly Levins
Earl Mandell
David Meltzer
Lea Michaels
Thomas Cyril Moore
Norman Morrison
H. Albert Morton
Beverley Nisenboim
William H. Owen
Sara Ratney
Helen Rotberg
Judith Sanders
Louis Savlov
Jack Siegal
Max J. Singer
Alice Stanford
Pearl Stone
Helen Sugar
Louis Swartz
Murray Sweigman
J.E. Wagman
Ilona Wellesz
Alan N. Winnick
Toby Wintraub
Family of Fundholders
Honouring the Past, Enriching the Present,
Securing the Future
Endowment Funds An Endowment Fund at Baycrest
is a meaningful expression of honour and support.
The name of the fund endures, providing a lasting
tribute to beloved family members or admired individuals.
Donations to a fund provide crucial financial stability
and ongoing support for Baycrest’s important client
services and programs, cutting-edge research and
educational initiatives. With a minimum donation of
$10,000, you can establish an endowment fund and
have the name permanently inscribed in the Gottdenker
Hall of Honour. All donations are eligible to receive
receipts for income tax purposes.
$5 Million Plus
Ben & Hilda Katz Research,
Education and Care
Sam & Ida Ross Fund for
Alzheimer’s Research
$1 Million PLUS
Elkie Adler MS Clinic
Ben Birstein
Marla & Aubrey Dan
Robert & Maxine Fish*
Al Hertz Family Advanced
Practice Nurse in Pain
Ben & Hilda Katz Chair in
Gerontological Nursing
Ben & Hilda Katz Centre for
Gerontological Social Work
Ben & Hilda Katz Transportation
Applied Research
The Reva James Leeds Chair
in Neuroscience & Research
Sam & Ida Ross International Prize in Alzheimer’s Research
Sandra A. Rotman Chair
In Neuropsychiatry
Saul & Rae Saltzman
Community Programming
$500,000 - $999,999
Toby Battle
Women’s Auxiliary
Men’s Service Group
Sidney Jessel Cohen &
Judy Weissenberg Cohen
Morris Goldenberg
Medical Research
Albert & Sadye Jessel
Community Outreach
Morris & Sally Justein
Heritage Museum
Ben & Hilda Katz
Postdoctoral Research
Ben & Hilda Katz International
Visiting Scientist
$250,000 - $499,999
Irving Acenberg Research
Baycrest Foundation
General Purpose
Baycrest Hydrotherapy
Pool Programme
Baycrest Leadership
Development Group
Baycrest Special Needs
Lynn & Brent Belzberg
and Family
Finkler International
Visiting Scientist
Gerber Greenhouse &
Horticultural Centre
Louis Lasowsky
Samuel Lunenfeld Special
Louis Savlov Medical Research
Savlov Family
Hy & Bertha Shore and
Harry & Sara Gorman Award
Mynne & Harold Soupcoff
Studentship with Hebrew
$100,000 - $249,999
Ackerman Family
Baycrest Foundation Women
of Baycrest*
Baycrest Men’s Service Group
Graduate Student Training
Baycrest Men’s Service Group
Hydrotherapy Pool
Baycrest Palliative Care
Baycrest Women’s Auxiliary
Alzheimer’s Research
Arthur & Essie Cohen
Stephen & Wendy Cole
Dorothy & William Drevnig
Nancy Ida Field
Roy Foss
Joseph Garfinkel Family
Max & Roslyn Gordon
Al & Malka Green
Pinchas & Dorothy Gutter
Harry Guzick & Gayle Guzick
HSBC Bank Canada
Selma Jelinek
Kenneth & Mildred Kelman
Leon Koffler
Harry & Henrietta Kostman
Landsman Family
Rose Lasowsky
Maxwell A. & Fanny Levy
Fela & Saul Lichtblau
Lokash Summer Student
Earl & Renee Lyons
Sidney & Zillah Matus
Frances & Jack Melman
Carol Moir
Simon Muskat
Bella and Irving Naiberg
Elsie & Lawrence Pifko
Dr. Ira Pollock
Stanley & Tanya Rossby
Harry & Pearl Rotenberg
Lidsky/Rotterman Family
Nancy & Sam Ruth Family
Samuel & Jean Sable
Savlov Family
Savlov Family
Savlov Family
Gertrude & David Sher
Allan Silber Family
Tauba & Solomon Spiro Family
Helena & Samuel Strasser
Murray & Florence Sweigman
Morris & Freda Tabachnick
Sonia & Manley Tessler Family
Morris Urovitz
Max & Sala Walerstein
Bert & Marilyn Winberg
Florence Winberg
Max & Ruth Wiseman
Max & Beatrice Wolfe
Tillie & Maurice Wolfe
Rose & Henry Wolkoff
Leon S. & Dora Yolles
$50,000 - $99,999
Harry & Ethel Abramsky
Lily & David E. Barr
Baycrest Art
Baycrest Community Day Centre
Baycrest Program Enrichment
Karl & Hilde Breuer
Edward Bronfman Family
Michael & Rena Buckstein
Phillip DeZwirek Family
Kathleen McGuire Eastman
William & Celia Eisenberg
Morris & Sarah Feldman
Barbara Meissner Fishbein
Rose & William Fishman
Israel & Yetta Fruitman
Myra & Albert Gallander
Samuel & Anne Gans
Lou, Al & Jack Gilbert and
Ruth & Perry Sherman
Rose & Jonas Glowinsky
Marilyn & David Gluskin
All Gold
Nathan & Eva Gold
Goldgrub Family
Minnie & Robert Grafstein
Joel & Ruth Greisman
Fay Florence Grobin &
Dr. Wulf Grobin
Helen & Morris Grosman
Jack & Buschie Kamin
Magda Klein
Arthur & Sadye Krangle
Alfred & Helen Krieser Family
Frida & Irving Lebovici
Reva James Leeds
Hertel Leibovici
Joseph B. Lubotta
Markowitz Family
William & Blima Martin
Sheila & Robert Masters Family
Sarah & Gordon Mendly
Faye & Al Mintz Family
Becky & Koppel Pancer
Izzie & Annie Petroff
Anne & Louis Pritzker
Sam & Luba Richardson
Ronnie & Marty Richman
Rossi Rosenthal Family
Toby & Ben Roth
Roth Family
Eva Schutz
Serruya Family
Carol Sharyn Tanenbaum Family
David & Edna Shiffman
Norman & Roberta Shnier Family
Dr. Abraham & David Shore
Fanny & Sol Sky
Morris Slivka Family
Harry Sonshine
Helen & Benjamin Sonshine
Grace & Joseph Soren Family
Ada Starkman
Philip & Pearl Stone
Rose & Karl Stork Family
Harry & Ruth Tater
Chave & Burnett Thall
Yetta Ungerman
Rebecca Van Der Hout
Stan & Helen Vine
June Wade
Lionel & Sandra Waldman
Esther & Samuel Wallin
Mollie & Jack Weinberger
Maurice Joseph Weisfeld &
Louis Weisfeld
Stephanie & Leslie Weisz
Louis & Dora White
Sylvia Winestock
Blanche Wolbrom Family
David Wolfish
$36,000 - $49,999
Adolph & Rose Bain
Baycrest Equipment
Baycrest Research
Baycrest Special Gifts
Baycrest Synagogue
Baycrest Terrace Improvement
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Physical Fitness & Stroke
Norman Black
Albert & Celia Bleiwas Family
Andrew & Toby Boas
Lisa & Allan Brown & Family
Rose Storfer Citry &
Dr. Edgar Citry
Asher & Mildred Cohen
Irving Bloomberg and
Sarah & Karl Cohen
Stuart & Paula Cohen
Pearl & Carl Cole
Beatrice Collis
Harold & Pearl Cooper
Morris & Ifa Demon
Gordon Edelstone
Ginger & Max Eisen
Morris & Rose Feldman
Sylvia Feldman
Phyllis & Ab Flatt
Budgie Frieberg
Norma & Sidney Fromer
Howard Gitter & Family
Golden Age Recreation
Charles & Charlotte Goldlist
Sally & Jack Goldstein
Louis & Pearl Goodman
Al & Sorcy Gorlick Family
Zelda & Simon Harris
Himel Family
Dr. Arnold & Ruth Iscove
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Rona & Joshua Nathan Katz
Daniel & Marion Kert
Debbie Kimel*
Henrietta Kostman
Sidney Lax
Aaron & Ruth Leiderman
Barbara & Phillip Lev*
Jacob & Sara, Murray &
Adrienne Levinter
Honey & Sam Lipson
Syd Loftus
Walter Lyons
Natie & Esther Maister
Jean & Bert Mendelson
Sam & Becky Milgrom
Jacob & Frida Moll
Margaret Nightingale
Dr. William Pascoe
Persiko Family
Pickard & Kofman Family
Betty Podemski
Elsie & Abe Posluns
Joyce Posluns
Julius Rosen & Harry Silverberg
Rabbi Dr. Samuel Rosenblum
Vivienne & Danny Saltzman
Anna & Frank Schipper
Peter Seligman Family
Fred & Roselind Shapero Family
Samuel Louis & Edith Shields
Eleanor & Irving Shnier Family
Harry & Anne Silverman
Fannie Smith
Fran Sonshine
Sara Thier
Gloria & Kievy Ungerman
Murray Walderman
Evelyn (Burns) Weinrib for
Brendel Frimer
Percy Weinstein
Florence & Jack William
Gabi Weisfeld
Pearl & Label Wetstein
Berty & Leon (Ben) Wittlin
Frank J. Wolff
$18,000 - $35,999
Mollie & Harry Alexandroff
Freda & Sidney Altfest
Irene & Lucien Amram Family
Nathan & Rina Arback & Family
Leon & Honey Arthurs
Harry & Tillie Baker
Eva & Jack Baltman
Faigel & Leo Barkin
Lil & Harry Barkin
Eva & Mary Barrer
Sophie & Joseph Bassin
Baycrest Behaviour Neurology
Baycrest Community Day Centre
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Sylvia Beckwith
Allen & Judy Berg
Sandra & Irving Berger Family
Harold & Esther Berk
Dorothy & Murray Biback
Sarah Lois Binder & Beverley
Ann Nisenboim
Aaron & Beverley Black
Jenny & Joseph Bloom
M. Frederick & Helen Bochner
Meilech & Chana Book
Sadie & Irving Bowman*
Freda & Max Bregman
Irving & Sarah Brothman
Dr. Reuben Brown
Rose Brown
Sidney & Gina Brown
Sol & Ruth Brown Family
Ruth Burnett
Fred & Celia Chapnick Family
Samuel & Minnie Charendoff
Esther & Harold Cherry
Bill Clarfield Family
Andrea & Trevor Cohen*
Cohen & Morrison
Sylvia & Joseph Cohen Family
David & Beck Collins
Hyman, Doris & Mervin Cooper
Louis Cooper
Sydney & Florence Cooper
Corbin Family
Bertha Cozman
Cecil R. & Faye Croll
Jack & Elaine Culiner
Cyna Family
Fay & Harry Daiter
Hazel & Murray Davis
William G. Davis
Dessau Family
Louis & Anne Dubrofsky
Sophia Vera & Jack Bernard Ellis
Aaron & Madzia Erlichman
Florence & Harold Fagan
Alice & Joseph Falk
Jaime & Herminia Faria
Diana & John Farro
Federman & Levenstein Family
Dorothy & Nathan Feldman
Issie & Annie Feldman
Stan & Susan Feldman and
Sidney & Lillian Manheim
Allan & Susan Fenwick
Sue & Lewis E. Field
Izzie & Helen Fine
Moses & Anne Flatt
Mannis Frankel & Merle Prager
Sidney & Ivy Freeman
Ruth & Irving Frisch
Dr. Juliusz, Dorota, Zofia Frist
Helaine & Harold Gallander
Ruth & Manny Gans
Betty & Solly Gelfund
Marye & Al Ginsburg
Lillian Vine Glowinsky
Jean & Frank Godfrey
Samuel Gold & Family
Abraham & Elizabeth (Lizzie) Goldberg
Jennie & Bernat Goldberger
Marian Goldblatt
Harry & Gertrude Golden Family
Henry & Helen Goldenberg
David & Sonia Goldfarb
Eric & Fay Goldlist Family
Al & Gert Goldstein
Bella Goldstein
Jean & Milton Goldstein
and Family
Manny Goldstein
Shirley & Morris Goldstein
Gilda & Henry Goodman
Sarah & Jacob Gordon
Joseph Gottdenker & Family
Simon & Esther Gottlieb
Milton & Sara Graff
Helen Rose Grafstein
Moishe & Goldie Grafstein
Fred Green
Judi Green & Elsie Green
David & Della Greenberg Family
Kay & David Greengarten
Helen & Sid Greenwald
Polly & Bill Gryfe Family
Lilyan Gutmann
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Harvey & Esther Hacker
Anne & Joseph Halpern
Frances Soble Harnick
Frances & Harvey Harnick
Anne & Albert Harris
Ronald & Aviva Heller
Rickey & Harry Hennick
Lillian & Isadore Hertz
Charles Hilary & Dianne Ingles
David & Rae Hildebrand
Hollend Family
Judith & Philip Hooper
Judith & Philip Hooper
Jean & Ben Isaacs
Robert William & Dorothy
Beatrice Jackson & Family
Prof Andrzej, Karolina, Ludwik,
Estelle Jus
Sam & Esther Kaiman
Bernyce & Marvin Kalifer Families
Saul & Mildred Kelman
Izzy & Betty Kirshenbaum
Sarah & Paul Kirzner
Sheila & Arthur Klarman Family*
Michael Jay Kleinberg
Belle & Harry Kochen Family
Fred Kolin
Leib & Toby Krieger
Ladovsky Family/United Bakers
Milton (Mickey) Lambert
Frances & Al LaPorter Family
Jack & Elise Latner
Allan Lax
Jean & Charles Lea and
Gloria Ellen Lea
E. Harry & Hazel Lepofsky
Ruth & Irving Lerman
Polly & Mannie Levi
Abe & Ethyle Levine
Evelyn & Frank Levine Family
Freda & Murray Levine
Norman & Shelley Levine
Sydney & May Levitt
Caren & Michael Levy Family
Joel H. Lewis
Ted & Lorraine Libfeld Family
Sally & Louis J. Libman
Nathan & Frances Lieberman
Rose & Manny Lipman and
Shari Sugar
Sidney & Natalie Liswood
David & Betty Little
Netty Loftus
Bess & Hy Lustig
Molka & Joseph L. Lyons
Samuel, Joseph & Lyndsay Lyons
Jack & Pearl Mandel
Julius & Margaret Marcus
Marshall Margolis
Barnet & Gert Markson Family
Dr. Charles Markson
Judith & Martin Markus
and Family
Lyla Gutzin Markus
Jack Marmer
Lillian & Elliott Marrus
Lillian & Haskell Masters
Mendelson Holiday & Festival
Dr. Marvin Miller
Sol Miller
Harold & Maxine Minden
Riva Mintz
Mitz Family
Helen & Philip Mosoff
Florence & Melvyn Naimer
Jack & Dorothy Newman
Annie & Albert Nightingale
Emma & Jack Oelbaum
J. Irving Oelbaum
Fay & Norman Oster
Rae & Joseph Louis Pancer
Jack & Susan Pasternak
Jeffry Alan Penner
Petroff Family
Hinda Annie Picov
Edwin & Charlotte Pivnick Family
Nancy Posluns
Goldie Potashin
Benjamin David & Ethel Rachlin
Ramstein Family
Norman & Rae Rebick
Rosalie Rich
Jack & Ritta Ritchie
Alexander & Bernice Robins
Sophie & Max Rochman
Allan & Elizabeth Rodda
Lionel & Martin Roher
Sam & Ethel Roher
Arnold & Lillian Rose
Bea & Carl Rosenbloom
Freda & Joe Rosenfeld
Willie & Bertha Rosengarten
George & Ethel Roth
Israel & Ray Rothbart
Molly & Morris Rubenstein
Iz & Sophie Rumack
Samuel J. & Jean Sable Family
Marvin & Ruth Fine Sadowski
and Family
New Fraternal Jewish
Association’s J.B. Salsberg
Allan & Marian Saltsman
Ruth & Leo Schacter
Esther & Mark Schipper
Laura and Sidney Schipper
Jack Schwartz, Ida Schwartz,
Bertha Schwartz Katzman &
Murray Schwartz
Ruth & Charles Schwartz
Carrie Schwarz
Frank J. Seger
Liba & Israel Senderowitz
Andrew & Magdi Senyi
Robert & Naomi Shapero Family
Eva & A. Morris Shapira
Morris & Rose Shear
Samuel & Rose Shendroff
Lou & Esther Sher
Harry & Sarah Sherman
Theodore & Donna Sherman
Sylvia & Murray Shiffman Family
Bernice & Mac Shore
Rebecca & Sam Shore
Becky & Irvin Shulman
Harry & Jean Silver Family
Joseph & Bertha Silverberg
Saul Simon
Philip & Esther Skovronek
Robert & Rose Slan
Annita Slochowski
Freda & Louis Slotnick Family
Ben & Sylvia Smith
Sam & Minka Smith
Anne & Harold Sniderman
Harry & Molly Sniderman
Cantor Max & Mina Snyder
Harry L. Solomon
Rose & Louis Soupcoff
Donna & Ronald Steinberg Family
Eric Stone
Rose Storfer Citry
Ruth & Jacob Streiner
Dr. Donald Stuss and Family
David & Fern Sugarman
Louis Swartz
Yhetta Swartz-Lewis &
Charles Lewis
Hetty & David Swartzman
Joseph & Sally Switzer
Bella & Jakob Szterenlicht
Joseph & Dena Tessis Family
Lloyd & Lillian Title Family
Moses & Temara Tobe
Toronto Hebrew
Benevolent Society
Izzy & Fanny (Faye) Trefler
Harry & Yetta Ungerman
United Families
Peggy Vogel
Madelin & Harry Waisberg
Alma & Ted Waldman
Max & Sala Walerstein
Judith Walters
Warsaw Lodzer Mutual Benefit
Saul & Jean Weisbrod
Max & Ida Rose Weisfield
Rose & Henry Weissburst
Benjamin & Sarah Weverman
Louis & Dora White
Molly & Ben Willer
Mary & Percy Wilner
Ab & Kate Witkin Family
Beatrice & Max Wolfe
Regina Wolff
Elizabeth & Joseph Yolles
Jack E. Young*
$10,000 - $17,999
Irving & Helen Aaron
Sarah & Sam Adams &
Ruth Adams
Susan & Simon Adams
Sam Adelkind
John Alexander*
Alexander & Verk Families
Sheila J. Allen
Faye & Morris Alter
Arthur & Sonia Anisman
Rose & Israel Appel
Morris & Fanny Applebaum
Nechemiah & Esther Shaindel
Applebaum Family*
Jennie & Moishe Appleby
and Family*
Rena Lillian & Max Appleby
Ida & Jack Ashrow
Deborah & Nathan Austin Family
Sara & Lionel Axler
Eddie Baker
Mathilda Bald
Larry & Arna Banack and Family
Morris & Frances Basen
Fanny & Nathan Baumstein
Baycrest Department of Psychiatry
Baycrest Rotman Research
Baycrest Tuition Reimbursement
Baycrest Volunteer Services
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Program Enrichment
Mary Beallor
Annette & Sid Bearg Family
Esther & Morris Bearg
Jack B. Bedder
Ethel Benoway & Family
Rebecca Berenzon
Ira & Celia Berg & Sam &
Helen Mandel
Ida Berman
Allen & Ann Bernick Family
Louis & Jean Bernstein
Max & Sarah Bernstein
Stan & Syrelle Bernstein Family
Frank & Edith Birnbaum
Joseph & Anne Black
Sydney & Hilda Blackman
Freda & Ralph Blankier
Belle (Berlin) Bliman
Leah & Joseph Blinick
Mary & Sydney Blinick
Mary & Sydney Blinick
Hattie & Martin Bloom
Max & Yetta Bluestein and
Willi Karpel*
Joseph & Carla Blum
Abraham & Jennie Bogomolny
Saul Bookspan
Sara & Morris Botnik
Harry & Sarah Brandes
Max & Bella Brandriss
Harry & Pearl Brandwein
Sidney Brickman
Florence & Edward Brill
Charlotte Pauline Brody
Brown Family*
Fannie & Ruben Brown
Ida & Benjamin Brown
Jean Brown
D. Nathan Buckler
Ada & Ben Caplan
Blanche & Herb Caplan
Sally Caplan*
Dr. Sol & Mary Cappe
Sam & Celia Carr
Hillis Cass
Harry Casse
Harry (Morris) Chaim
Max & Beckie Chapnick
Joseph & Janet Chapnik Family
Berel & Ruth Cohen
Beverley & Samuel H. Cohen
Clara & Benjamin Cohen/
Pauline & Joseph Kline
Eileen & Louis Cohen Family
Max & Mary Cohen
Rose & Louis Cohen
Phil & Adele Cohl
Rena & Arthur Cone
Abraham & Rose Consky
Jack & Gussie Constant
Bessie & Harry Cooper
Daisy (Deborah) & Max Cooper
Margaret Cooper
Libbie L. Cowan
Hy & Layah Day*
Leah & Isaac Day
Sean & Jennifer Debow
C. A. Delaney
Faigel & Abba Diamond
Sarah Diamond
Lena Dickstein
Samuel Z. & Lillian Donnenfield
Dover Family
Irving & Fanny Dryer
Marvin & Miriam Dryer
Chippy & Danny Dubinsky
and Family
Evelyn & Joseph Dunkelman
Helen & Luzer Dzialoszynski
Fred & Bea Eisen Family
Sam & Sarah Elkind
Freda & Mailey Ellenzweig
William & Gertrude Engel Family
Jeannette Enkin
Murray Etlin Family
Nathan & Freda Farb
Reuben & Dorothy Farberman
Shirley Farberman*
Gurston Sidney Allen &
Laya Fauman Allen
Harry & Molly Federman
David & Cara Feldman
Joe & Anita Feldman And Family
Morris & Rebecca Feldman
Henry & Mali Fenigstein Family
Judith Fine & Avrom H. Fine
Lois & George Fine
Samuel & Natalie Fine
Jeffrey & Barbara Fineberg
Sala & Morris Finkelstein
Finkelstein & Levine Family
Harry & Shirley Firestone
Joseph & Faye Firestone
Civia Fischer
Albert Florence
Harry Fogler
Joanne & Garry Foster
Morris & Ida Frankfort
Sydney G. Frankfort
Dr. Samuel & Pearl Freedhoff
Albert & Charlotte
Freedman Family
Esther & Jack Freeman
Hilda & Myer Freeman
Claire & Isadore Frilegh*
Molly Frimer-Kaminker
Jack & Celia Frimet
Bessie & Harry Frisch
Morris & Ethel Fruitman
Joy & Barry Gales
Sarah & Phillip Gangbar
Mamie & Max Garfinkel
Betty Garnet Family
Martin & Harriet Gelb Family
Samuel Geller
Harry & Marion Gilbert
Etta Ginsberg
Etta Ginsberg
Israel & Mildred Ginsburg
Shirley & Sid Gladstone
Morris & Rose Glick*
Max and Lillian Glickman
Murray “Bucky” Glicksman
Max & Freda Godfrey
David & Enid Gold
Harry, Grace & Blanche Goldberg
Tillie & Wolfe Goldberg
Jack & Sylvia Golden
Tuty & Adolph Goldenberg
Rose & Sam Goldhar
George & Kay Goldlist
Jack & Marilyn Goldman
Max & Mania Goldmintz Family
Anne & Harry Goldstein
Edwin & Joyce Goldstein
Lena & Sam Goldstein
Muriel & Archie Goldstein
Sylvia & Gordon Goldstein*
Ben & Julia Golinsky
Atkin Goodis
Ada & Saul Goodman
Chana Faiga & Izzie Goodman
Daisy & Max Goodman
Garry, Shirley, Jason &
Helen Goodman
Eve & Joseph Gordon
Harry & Ida Gordon
Philip & Lillian Gordon
Ethel & Ben Gorlick
Joseph Gottdenker & Family
Bernhard & Rachel Gottlieb
Milli Gould
Abe & Rose Granatstein
Harry & Millie Greenspoon
Mimi & Mel Greenspoon
Jack & Jean Gringorten
Ben & Freda Gryfe Family
Gurau Family
Judy & Jack Gwartz Family
Hailman & Horowitz Family
George & Merele Hamell
Bella Zeifman Handelsman
Diane & Gary Harris
Stella & Max Haubenstock
Anna & Edmund Hefner
Rose Heisel
Mickey & Eunice Heller
Milton Henry
Marcia & Stephen Herbert
Rebecca Sonia Hershoran
Elaine Herzog Family
Dr. Henry & Ella Himel
Phillip Hirsch
Fayga & Louis Hochberg
Aranka Hofstedter
Kalman & Ray Holtzman
Samuel & Olga Honig
Deirdre Hopkins
Bebe Isha Husain Family*
Irving & Mina Ingber
Mollie Isaacson*
Albert & Sarah Isenberg
Annie & Joseph Isenman
Harry & Zelda Jonas and Family
Harry & Toby Jordan
Marshall & Esther Jubas Family
Siegmund & Sofie Kamnitzer
Edith & Jack Kaplan
Allen & Sharon Karp and Family
Toba (Toby) & Harry Kash
Kaufman Family
David & Golda Kazdan Family
Harry & Rose Kesten
Irving M. Keyfitz
Joseph & Jean Kichler
David & Rose Kirsh
Pearl & Herman Klebanoff
Oscar & Edith Kochberg
Max & Minnie Koffman
Shirley Kofman
Avrum & Golda Kohl
Koralek Family
Morris & Ruth Korman
Harry & Mary Korolnek
Jack & Ida Koskie
Jack & Gertrude Kosoy
Rose & Ben Kozierok
Molly & John Jacob Kramer
Anna & David Kulas Geist
Adele Kuperstein
Anne & Sam Kuretzky
Betty & Samuel Kwinter Family
Lagover Mutual Benefit Society*
Oscar & Selma Lang
Harvey Langer
Sara & Hyman Langer and
Toba & Mendel Weinrib*
Anita & Leon Lapidus Family*
Adele & Saul Laskin
Nathan Lastman
Jessica Lax
Jonathan Lax
Pauline & Julius Laywine
Max & Myna Lazer
Mel J. & Marlyne Lazer*
Harry & Ida Lester
Dr. Joseph & Rita Leventhal
and Family
Polly Levi
Phyllis & Murray L. Levin
Bessie Levine
Morris & Ruth Levine
Ruth & Irving Levine Family
Florye & Percy Levy
Pauline & Harvey Lewis
Jonah Aaron &
Faigie Miriam Libman
Lipman Family
Sam & Manya Lipshitz
The Isadore Lipson Family Fund
Evalyn & Arthur Lipton Family
Ruth & Norem Litvak and
Louis & Lillian Bloom
Harry & Tillie Litwin
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Louis & Pearl Litwin
Sylvia & Willy Lobel
Florence & Joseph Lokash
Fay and Fred Malemud
Rivka (Regina) & Max Males
Aouali (Hatchouel) Malka
Matatia Malka
Erica Elayne Schiller Mammon
Dorothy Sarner Manace &
Dr. Bernard Abraham
Manace & Family
Abraham & Dora Mandel
Joseph & Min Mandel
Max & Sophie Mandel
Gordon & Ethel Mandell
Dr. John J. & Ruthe Mann
Marsha & Paul S. Manson
Rose & Jack Manson and
Goldie & John Rosen
Markslan Endowment,
Ben & Sylvia Marks
Anne & Lewis Markus
Mildred Mazin Family
Dorie McKittrick & Family
Zelda & Samuel Mednick
Olga & Sam Meister & Family
Albert & Elsie Mend
Sarah & Gordon Mendly
Ann & Samuel Meyers
Irwin & Mariel Michael Family
Hadassah & Henry Milchman
Harold & Eleanor Miller*
Jack & Dora Miller
Harold & Ruth Milne
Beatrice & Arthur Minden Family
Dr. Howard Mitchell
Cindy & Joel Moldaver
Faggie & Albert Molson
Rose, James & Mela Montagnes
Sylvia Moore
Rose Musicar
Annette & Arnold Naiman Family
Hershel & Hela Naiman*
Ann & Alter Nakelsky
Hilda & Irving Nashman
Bernie & Anna Newton
Estelle Klasner-Nimni*
Samuel & Frances Nissenbaum*
Olga & Leslie Nyiri
Bill & Gert Nyman*
Alex & Shirley Ogden
Maurice & Fanny Orenbach
Joel A. Organek
Jacob and Jenny Ostrow
Leon & Elsie Pape
Pauline & Al Pattenick Family
Lilyan & Albert Pearl
Mary & Moishe Perlmutar
Perlmutter Family
Harry & Dina Phillips Family
Norman and Lynda Picov
Esther & Harry Pike
Selma Plaut Education
George & Marley Pollock
Joseph & Bessie Pollock
Dr. M.A./Clara Pollock
Bertha & Irving Pomotov
Arna & Harry Potashin
Lillian & David Powell
Daniel Prenick
Moniek & Genia
Prusznowski Family
David & Brenda Rafalovitz
Leo & Hilda Raider
Oskar & Esterita Rajsky
Lily & Kuba Rakusin
Esther & Gerald Ray
Harry & Joyce Raymond
Reuben & Lillian Reiken
Laurie & Helen Nussbaum Reiss
Morris & Goldie Reiss*
Morris & Lillie Resnick Family
Louis & Rose Revitch
Donald H. Rich
Abraham Richman
Helen & Alex Richmond
Ted & Miki Richmond
Selma Robins
Fanny Roff
Ernest & Clara Roger
Mary & Murray Rose
Abie & Sarah Rosen
Harvey & Alma Rosen
Minnie & Joseph Rosen
Hynda & Joseph Rosenberg
Rivka Rachel Rosenberg &
Ala Rosenberg Ackerman
Sam & Sarah Rosenberg
Florence & Maury Rosenblatt
Frances Rosenfield
Danny & Marilyn Rosenzweig
Rosmarin Family
Ida & Sam Ross
Louis & Minnie Rotenberg
Martin & Rose Roth
Rothschild Family*
Dov Rozenmutter Family
Maude & Jack Rumack
Sophie Rygier
Rose & Gordon Saltzman
Minn Sandler
Jacob & Libbie Sandy
Maria Santo & Family*
Selim Sassoon
Beatrice & Joseph Schipper
Sigmund & Gabriella Schmidt
Rubin (Ruven) & Fradel
Julius & Else Scholem
Benjamin & Katy Schwartz
and Family
Jack & Bertha Schwartz Family
Fae Scolnik
Irving & Shirley Scolnik
Sidney & Merle Seligman
Edward & Helen Sheffman Family
Sherkin Family
Gertrude Sherman
Sherman Family
Isie Golombek & Doris Sherwin
Nat & Ethel Sherwin
William & Ethel Shiman
Morris Shoom
Anne & William Shore*
Harry Tochterman Shuber &
Annie Shuber
Yetta & Maurice Shully
Michael & Jackie Shulman
Sara (Sal) & Ted Sidon & Family
Mary & George Silver
Nathan & Mollie Silver
Harry & Evelyn Silverberg Family
Maurice & Rose Silverstein
Dr. Murray Simon
Kalman & Devorah Gitel Sinaberg
Polly E. Singer
Betty & Joseph Skolnik
Beth & Jack Sky
Adrienne & Joel Slan
Benjamin Slatt
Blanche (Salsberg) &
Garfield P. Smith
Clara & Gerald Smith
Hy & Rose Smith
Irene & Gerald Smith
Sara & Leonard C. Smith
Aaron Sokalsky Family
Sarah & Eddie Solish
Honey Soll
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Dr. Coleman Solursh
Jerry Solway
Albert & Frances Sonenberg
Louis & Ruth Spencer
Mort & Doris Spiar
Annie & Harry Spring
Minna & Abe Squires
Joseph & Rose Stahl
Samuel Stark Family
Sid & Yittie Starkman
Isadore & Fay Steinberg
Sidney & Shirley Steinberg
Anne & Jerry Steiner*
Dorothy & Bob Sterling
Jacob & Minnie Sterling
Samuel & Ruth Sterling Family
Myrna & Irving Stern Family
Louis & Edith Stillman Family
Dr. Meyers & Belle Stitt
Lilyan and Harvey Stork*
Francie & Martin Storm Family
Louis & Susan Strauss
Anne & Robert Strom
Irving & Doreen Strom Family
Jennie Stupp
Norman & Rachel Suckonic
Avrom & Reesa Sud Family*
Pearl & Sam Sugarman
Tilly Sugarman*
Jack, Min & Joanne Swadron
Ernest & Bertha Swirsky Religious
Miklos & Ilonka (Seder) Szabolcsi
Miklos & Gabriella Szanto
Mimi Szekely
Goldie Tanner
Bert & Anne Taradash
Dr. Jacob & Rose Tarshis Family*
Moses & Anne Tartick
Brunina Tassone
Luigi Tatangelo
Harold N. & Catherine Taube
Arthur Abraham Tenen
Jack & Ida Teplitsky
Irene & Sydney Tepperman
Gittel & Abraham Tessis
Dora Anna Till & Morris
Sanford Till
Rita & Myron Tobias
Rubin & Elaine Todres Family
Rose & Joseph Trefler
Michael & Sue Turk
Nadine Tytel
Ladislav Verny
Brian & Bunny Vyner*
Etta Wagman
Goldie Wagman
Harvey & Beulah Wagman*
Isadore & Rachel Wagman
Rose & Henry Wagman and
Harry Horowitz
Sol & Lilyan Wainberg
Tillie & Jack Wainberg
Harry J. & Mari Waisglass
Henry & Selma Walfish*
Irwin A. & Frances Wallace
Toby & Murray Waltman
Harry & Ester Warsh
Betty & Morris and Brian &
Joel Wasser Family*
Ethel Wasserman &
Martin Wasserman
Sam & Sarah Waxman
Sara Gertrude Wayman
Margaret & Irving Wayne Family
Anne & Moe Weiner
Maurice & Mary Weisdorf
Aube & Fae Weisman
Emma Weiss
Isidore, Giselle & Magda Weiss
Eva Weissenberg &
Leslie Weissenberg
Samuel & Minnie Wexler &
Bernard Gurofsky
Dr. Samuel Marcus Wigser
Fanny & Jack Wineberg and
Esther & Bernard Yale
Bernice & Jack Winnick
Minnie Winocur
Jack & Betty Winston Family
Max & Sally Wintraub
Albert & Gertrude Wise
Honey & Julie Wise and Family*
Gertrude & Hyman Wisebrod
Ruby Wohl
Beatrice Wolfe
Joyce & Jack Wolfe
Morris & Pauline Wolfman Family
Samuel & Esther Wolfman
Dr. Solomon Jacob &
Kate Woolfson
Irwin & Elayne Wortsman
and Family
Sylvia & Irving Wortsman
Moishe & Ettie Wosnick & Family
Elaine Yaffe*
Israel & Perla Yakubowicz
Bessie Yolleck*
Cecil & Annette (Denny) Yolles
Chaim Yontef Family
Zabitsky Family*
Anna & Morris Zaidman
Helen & Harold Zamon
Eliezer & Itta Zeisler
Betty & Noel Zeldin
Harry & Celia Zener
Zuckerman Family
Oscar Zuker
Ruth & Oscar Zuker*
Freda & Michael Zulauf
Robert I. Zweig
Therese Zwetschkenbaum
$2,000 - $9,999
Louis & Esther Abella
Shina & William Abrams
Sam & Esther Ackerman
Judge Joseph L. Addison
Belle Adler
Allan Albert
Irving S. Albert
Nettie Albert
Barbara & Marshall Alexander
Bertha Allen
Lillian Samuels Appel
Louis & Fanny Applebaum
Agnes Armstrong
Joyce Arshawsky
Bernard Arshoff
Ethel & David Atlas
Bernie Auerback
Hadassah & Label Bachst
Tillie & Barney Bader and
Sally & Earl Bader
Charles Bain
Margaret & Louis Barany &
Tibor Rottmann
Judah H. & Rachel Barcessat
Rose Bardenstein
Bryna & Leonard Barkin
Harry L. & Pauline Barkin
and Alan Berk
Jack & Freda Barkin
Sarah & Pinkus Barth
Herb Baskin
ways of giving
Centenarian expresses gratitude
to Baycrest in her will
Rose Piper may have been slight of stature, but
her spirit was large and effervescent.
Her friends remember her most fondly for her
intelligence, dignity and devotion. Rose was
particularly devoted to her husband, Alex, who
was a resident of the Apotex Centre for five
months before he died in 2007 at age 102. That’s
when Rose moved to the Terraces of Baycrest
where she was comfortable, happy and active for
the remaining four years of her life. She passed
away in October 2010 at 101 years.
In appreciation of the compassionate care her
husband received at the Apotex Centre, Rose left
a significant bequest to Baycrest in her will which
she designated to Alzheimer’s research. Her gift
will have a lasting impact on the lives of others
and Rose will be remembered in perpetuity as
a member of the Sam Ruth Legacy Society,
a special group of thoughtful donors who have
made a planned gift to Baycrest.
Baycrest Department of
Baycrest Education
Baycrest Eim B’Israel
Baycrest Health Care
Education & Lecture
Baycrest Mazel Tov
Baycrest Terrace Health Care
Baycrest Terrace Shabbat Tea
Baycrest Wagman Centre
Creative Arts
Thomas & Laurie Beckerman
Frances & Alex Beder
Simmie & Abe Beker
Goldie & Morris Bellack
Harriett Belzberg-Reppas
Frankie & Oscar Bender Family
Jane Berenbaum
Stanley & Sylvia Bergman
Pauline & Jack Berman Family
Bella Bernstein
Mayer Bialoglowsky
Ann & David Biderman
Morris & Minnie Biderman
Rose Biderman
Sam & Cecille Bidner
Laura & Abraham Bien
Harry & Faye Bierstock Family
Jennie & Joe Birenbaum Family
Allan Blackstien
Max & Sophie Blackstien
Roslyn Bleiweis
Dorothea R. “Dofy” Bloom
Hilda & Jack Bluestein Family
Celia, Louis & Barry Blumenfeld
& Allan Brooks
Hy & Sadie Bocknek
Sadie Boltman
Harriett Bomza
Adeline & Norman Borins
Fanny & Jacob Borinsky Family
Joseph & Sadie (Syd) Bornstein
Martin Bornstein
Morris & Esther Bornstein
Sam H. & Renee Borovoy
Soorah & Sid Borovoy
Jack & Edith Brahams
Dorothy Brassel
Joe Brenner
Sadie & Sam Brodkin
Meyer & Gertrude Bromberg
Olia Brownstone
Helen Burstein
Anne & Lou Cadesky
Samuel Camelgar
Vivian & David Campbell
Ruth & Harry Caplan Family
Sam & Shirley Caplan
Reuben A. & Pearl Cappe
Rose Leah Cappe
Rose & Nathan Cappe
Cappe Family
Ron, Gail & Gary Carbell Family
Fanny Cardish/Jennie
Chandler Holocaust
Resource Project
Dr. Morris & Hudy Charendoff
Evelyn & Louis Charles
Herb Charles
Jack Charles & Lorne Chousky
Jack & Rose Chelsky
Freda Chernovsky Family
Joel Alan Cherry
Sonya & Michael (Church)
Beatrice & Henry Cieman
Sam Ciglen
Rose & Abraham Citron
Harry Clairman
Albert & Sylvia Clausner
Tanya & Jack Clement Family
Roslyn Climans
Abe & Eva Cohen
Debbie & Farley Cohen
Harold & Kay Cohen Family
Harry Cohen
Max & Rebecca Cohen
Rose & Ida Cohen
Ruth Cohen
Sara Cohen
Sonnee Ruben Cohen
Celia & Elliott Collins
Etta & Sam Collins
Min & William Collins
Jean & Garson Conn
Bert & Esther Cooper
Jack & Sybil Cooper
Jack & Lillian Cooper
Martin Cooper
Murray Cooper
Allen G. Copnick Family
Cornish Family
Norman & Bertha Cowan
Samuel Cowan
John & Freda Cozman Family
William A. Crocker
Sally E. Croll
Senator & Mrs. David A. Croll
Senator David A. Croll
Sylvia & Marvin Daniels
Grace V. Davey
Anna David
Susan Centner Davidson
Wilfred R. Davis
Ralph & Dorothy De Sola
Harry & Lola Derlachter
Rochelle & Charles Diamond
Shirley & Eph Diamond Family
Irene Dick
Leon & Golda Diener
Annie Hilda Dillick
Emanuel Don
Szlomo Zelman Don/Joseph
Fraidenraich/David Lieberman
Ethel & Moses Donenfeld
Donin Family
Lisa & Philip Draper
Sarah & Louis Drew
Harry & Sarah Dubinsky
Pearle & Morris Duckman
Oscar Duskes
Norm & Millie Egelnick/
Al & Ray Rabin
Murray & Edythe Ehrlick
David & Eva (Chavala) Eisen
Sarah & Issie Eisen
Max & Rose Eisenberg
Vincent James & Leona Equable
Goldie & Irving Erenberg Family
Fairbloom Family
Faith Family
Gertrude & Ralph M. Farber
Sammy Federman
Gert Fenkell
Fara Fenwick
Lillian & Myer Fine
Morris Fingrut
Joel Fink
Mary & Wilfred Fink
David & Sadie Finkelberg Family
Gertrude & David Finkelstein
Louis Finkelstein
Rozalia & Berek Finkelstein Family
Morris Finsten
Sam Fireman
Louis Firestone Family
Kate & Phil Fischman
Joseph & Fannie Fish
Henry David Fisher
Hy & Rita Fisher
Jacob & Sarah Fisher
Annie & Eddie Fleisher
Mendel & Malka Flint
Lillian Fogle
Annie & Hymie Forman
Toni Franco
Minnie & Simon Frankel
Belle & Saul Freedman
Dora Freedman
Gilda & Sam Freedman
Eli & Sylvia Freeman
Morris & Kate Freeman
Jeffrey Steven Friedland
Jeshua & Gitla Friedland
Pat & Allan Friedland Family
Sophie Fromovitz Birthday
Ruth & Joe Fruchtman Family
Joy Gales
Sam Galinsky
Philip & Eva Gantman
Sam Garber
Charles Gardner
Robert & Ethel Garfinkel
Norman Garnet
Marvin & Terry Geist
Benjamin & Thelma Gelgoot
Ida & Isaac Gelman
Isaac Gelman
Devin Lauter Gerstein
Lee Zwig Gerstein
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Gilinsky Family
Harry & Ettie Gilman
Etta Ginsberg
Etta Ginsberg
Givertz Family
Sarah & Henry Gladstone
Max Glazer
Manuel & Muriel Godfrey
Rae Godfrey
Ben & Rae Gold Family
Harry Goldberg
Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg
Wolfe & Tillie Goldberg Family
Sandor Goldberger Family
Goldblatt Family
Irvin & Etta Golden Family
Louis & Ethel Goldenberg
Pearl & Benjamin W. Goldenberg
Gertrude (Snider) Goldfarb
& Shep Snider
Isaac Goldkorn
Bella Goldmacher
Albert & Katie Goldman
Fanny & Jacob Goldman Family
Jack & Lil Goldman Family
Miriam Goldman
Zalman & Shaindel Gittel
Phyl Goldner
Phyl & Roy Goldner
David & Helen Goldsilver
Manny Goldsmith
Edward & Mildred Goldstein
John & Sylvia Goldstein
Norman & Trudy Goldstein
Rose & Sydney Goldstein
Golvin Family
Moe & Bertha Goodman
Nathan Goodman
Frank & Hilda Gould
Sarah Grammer
Gertie & Morris Granatstein Family
Nathan Gray
Gilbert & Pearl Green
Philip Green
Thelma Green
Harry & Sonia Greenberg Family
Toby Greenberg
Betty & David Greenglass
Mordechai & Rose Greenspan
Rabbi Abraham Greenspan
William & Toby Greenspoon
Groman Family
Harold & Dinah Gross
Murray & Bessie Grossman Family
Shirley Grotell
Faye & Sol Grupp
Hilda Grushcow
Michele Lecker-Gryfe &
Moishe Gryfe
Ruth & Arthur Gryfe
Frank Gula and Dorothy Kurtz
Chaim Gurfinkel
Frank & Jolan Guttman
Jacob & Adela Guttman
Nathan & Barbara Haber
Lila & Saul Halpern
Handelman Family
Minabelle & Irving Haneford
Mary Harris
Ethel Hebscher
Sonia Hershman
Marion & Alex Hertzman Family
Hillel & Asher Family
David & Toby Himelfarb
Lorraine & Aubie Himmel
Rebecca Hoch
Arnold & Frania Hochberg
Joe & Helen Hochberg
Goldie & Louis Hoffman
Mollie Hoffman
Ruth Holesh
Robert & Leona Hurwitz
Edwin & Sylvia Hyde Family
Harry & Eleanor Hyde
Rose & Irving Ingles
Harold & Samuel Isenberg
Saul & Bev Isenberg
Frances Jacober
Chava & David N. Jacobson
Dora & Frank Jacobson
Bernard H. Jaffee
Tor & Pearl Jakobson
Elaine & Jules James
Jesion Family
Goldie Joseph
Connie & Ben Kachuck Family
Rita & William Kagan
Sadie Kagan
William Kagan
Edith Kalles
Mary & David Kalnitzsky Family
Hy & Bella Kaman
Philip & Lena Kandel &
Joseph Kandel
Frank & Sarah Kappy
Robert & Leatrice Karmazin
May & Fred Karp
Morris Kasman
Aaron & Marion Kates
Esther & David Kates Family
Gertie Kates
Jules & Dorothy Kates
Ethel & William Kathron
William Katz
Woolf & Freda Katz
Benjamin & Annie Katzman
Rose & Charles Kay
Sylvia Kellermann
Charles Aaron Kent
Sam & Sarah Kerzner
Harry & Ida Keshen
Margaret & Murray Keyfetz
Pearle & Carl Keyfetz
Alex & Helen Kielish
Kipper Family
Ralph & Bessie Kirsh
Sheldon Kirsh & Esther Kirsh
Lily & Jack Kirshenblatt
Irene & Morley Klayman
Klebanoff Family
Belle & Joseph (Lucky) Klein
A. Sol & Rebecca Kling
Bernard Koffman
Helen & Irving Kofsky
Edward Kohn
Meta & Henri Kolin
Kon & Szpigiel Family
Toby & Jules Kopman
Korentager & Yellin Families
Edythe and Myron Korn
Louis & Florence Krandel Family
Solly Krieger
Michael & Shirley Krofchick
Sam & Funia Krongold
Barney & Fanny Kronis
Geraldine (Gerri) Kronis
Charlotte & William Krossel
Krugel Family
Rose Lagunoff Family
Steve & Heather Lamasz
Jules & Toby Lambert
Sylvia & Philip Lampert
Lillian Langer
Rose Langer
Samuel & Mary Langer Family
Rose Lastman
Lillian Lavine Baumwald
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Sam & Gert Leich Family
Fred & Estelle Lepofsky
Harry & Annie Lerner
Ben & Ruth Levant
Lillian Levine Landman
Frances Levinsky
Isaac & Jennie Levy
Harry Lewis
Sadie Lieff
Sigmund (Sigi) Lightman
Marion Lim
Allan Lindzon
Toby & Alfred Lipman
Al Lipson & Sylvia Burstein
Jeffrey & Beverly Lipson
Arthur & Isabell (Belle) Liss
Joseph & Gertrude Litvak and
Lewis & Rebecca Goldblatt
Beverley Colman Lokash
Ann & Harry London
Bill & Fannie Love
Joseph Lucatch
Ben & Vera Lyons
Irwin & Katherine Lyons
L Z A Senior Citizens
Elsie Maclean Family
Mina & Reuben Madesker
Lottie & Jack Magder
Olga & Leslie Maibaum
Hanna-Maria Maijala-Root
Toby Malamud
Dr. Bernard & Ida Mandel
Hilda & Max Mandel
Tillie Penwick Mandel
Gilda & Philip Mandelbaum
Frances & Morrey Manilla
Louis & Anne Manley
Norman & Fanny Manly
Louis Manpel
Adele Manson
Louis & Helen Marcovitch
Haya & Chaim Marcovitz
Lillian Marcus
Freda & Irving Margles
Peter Margolis
Mary & Morris Marks
Professor Nathan Markus
Willie Martin
David & Sylvia Matlow
Maven-Thornhill Lodge B’nai Brith
Ann & Manuel Mayers
Jack & Sara Mazin Family
Arnold Medad
Ann & Samuel Meltz
Arthur & Lillian Messinger
Rowena Meyer
Louis Milgram
Arthur & Sylvia Miller
Jack (Whitey) & Gertrude Mills
Lily & Hyman Milstein
Gary & Genia Minz
Dr. Sidney Moll
Joseph & Helen Morgan & Family
Fay & Gerry Morris
Bettye Morton
Fay & Alex Mosoff
Muller & Hirsch Families
Agnes Murphy Family
Minnie Myers
Sally Myers
Miriam Naiman
Esther & Hyman Naistein
Rose Nash & Herschel Friedman
Ida Nefsky
Rose Nepom
New Fraternal Jewish Association
Louis & Frieda Newman
Jessie & Charles Norman
Northwood Country Club
Rita Offman
Lou & Ida Oiffer
Lillian & Louis Okun
Jerry & Shirley Olch
Belle & Lou Onrot
Joel A. Organek
Thora & Fred Ornstein
Eva & Henry Ostro
Annie Page
Esther & George Panzer
Parlow Family
Jack Parr
Yona Pattenick
Esther & Irving Pearl
Samuel Pelchovitz
Rivy & Murray Perelman
Mark Perlmutter
Pesce Family
Marsha Pezim
Arnold & Florence Phillips
Howard Arnold Phillips
Rosa Pinhas
Sylvia & Max Plant and
Paul & Fanny Feld
Avrum & Ida Platt
Poizner Family
Dr. Edward M. Pollak & Family
Millie (Tobenstein) &
Sidney Pollock
Belle & Joseph Posluns
Richard Posluns
Sam & Rebecca Posluns
Winnie & Sam Posner
Irvine Potash
Rolf & Regina Power
Dr. William Prusin
Charles & Fanny Prussky &
Sydney Prussky Family
David & Ida Pulver
Dannie & Tilly Rabinowitz
Max & Annie Rabinowitz
Rose Rabovsky &
Frances Deutsch
Rebecca Rafalovitch
Dr. David Rakowski
Dr. Harry Rakowski
Harry & Goldie Rash
Dr. Norman Rasky
Max & Vera Rasminsky Family
Isaac & Molly Ray
Redhill Family
Rose Reiss
Ethel Rensler
Leah & Saul Resnick
Esther & Samuel Richardson
Ben & Sunny Richman
Samuel & Bella Richman
Irene & Irving Rife Family
David Rigler
Eleonora Rinde
Abraham & Sarah Ritchie
Nathan Rochwerg
Steven Rodness
Max & Dorothy Roher
Denise Rose
Eva & Morris Rose
Dr. Barry Rosen
Bella & Joseph Rosen
Carl & Rebecca Rosen
Himey & Helen Rosen
Louis Rosen Family
Gertrude Rosenberg
Ben Rosenberg &
Hilda Rosenberg
Judy & Morris Rosenberg
Norman and Rita Rosenberg
Doris & Sam Rosenblat
Ruth Rosenblum
Riva & Herb Rosenfeld
Sam & Gert Rosenthal
Mendel Rosner
Henry & Ann Ross
Harry & Sara Rotbard
Bill Rotenberg
Matys Rotenberg & Ita Rotenberg
Peretz & Chanka Rotenberg
Toby Roth
Nathan, Sara & Morris Rotman
Lillian Rotstein
Molly Rubinoff
Safron Ruderman Family
Ethel & Alex Rumianik
Esther & Joseph Rutman
Martin Rynski
Joseph Herman Sadowski
Anne Salem
Sam & Anne Salem
Sam & Anne Salem
Kenneth & Toby Saltzman
Saltzman Family
Jennie Samuels
Lucy & Louis Jules Samuels
Bertha & William Savlov
Aileen Sax
Helen F. Schacter
Irving & Mae Schacter
Anne & Kalman Schaffran
Izzy & Yetta Schatten
Ruth & Herb Scheinman
Hannah Ambrose Schiff
Frank & Florence Schipper
Irvin Schipper
Kamilla A. Schonberg
Sol & Eva Schulman
Louis & Pearl Schwartz
Bessie Schweitzer
Eva & Irving Seligman
Hy & Esther Seligman
Jessica & Tonya Seltzer
Rae & Abe Shachter
Rose Shain
Sam & Trudy Shain
Gerald & Hannah Shane
Beck Shapiro
Dr. Ernest K. Shapiro
Harry & Clara Shapiro
Harry & Eva Shefman
Al Shendale
Louis Sherman
Stanley & Sally Sherman
Anshei Shidlov
Esther & Sam Shilling Family
Manny & Sadye Shinehoft
Sam & Elsie Shulman
Jack Sibulash
Irving Siegel Family
Mollie & Max Sigal
Harry Silverberg
James & Marie Silverberg
Sam & Molly Silverberg
Samuel J. Silverberg
Harry & Bessie Silverhart
Annalee Silverman
Joseph Louis & Celia Silverman
Dr. Harry & Tannis Silverstein
Harry & Jennie Silverstein
Murray & Joanne Silverstein
Bernice & Percy Singer
Fred & Belle Singer
Fred & Ann Singer Family
Joseph, Reta & Bruce Sipper
Sally & Max Skrow
Sam & Fanny Skurka
Pearl & Jack Slan
Harry Slavner
Rachel Sliwinska
Lou Sloan
Rabbi Reuben & Rita Slonim
William (Bill) Sluser
Ben & Sally Smith
Isadore & Ruth Smith
Jennie Snider
Sam Snider
Betty & Boris Sokoloff
Lillian Soles
Sam & Inez Solish
Sone Family
Rose & Louis Sonenberg
Young Women’s Branch of
The Sons of Jacob
Mindy Souberman
Raizel (Aronovitch) Spector
Rose & Tommy Speisman
Munja Spiegel
Bill Sprackman
Mae Stein & Dorothy
Mary Stein
Renee & Mel Stein
Alte & Edgar Steinberg
William & Ida Steinberg
Fanny Stern
Max & Ruth Stern
Pearl & Albert Stevens
Pearl & Jerome Stone
Samuel Stone
Harry & Sophie Stransman
Morris & Rebecca Stulberg
Bob & Goldie Sugar
Rose & Aaron Sugar
Charles, Rose & Ann Sutton
Edith and Leo Szigeti
Goldie & Louis Talsky
Esther & Harry Tator
Celia & Henry Taube
Jack & Bernice Taylor Family
Henry and Ruth Tenser
Rhoda & Benjamin Tepper
Morris & Lily Tepperman
Rose & Jack Tesher
Rose Ticktin &
Carole Marilyn Fisher
Fred Tittel
Rita & Myron Tobias
Louis & Rose Tobis
Jaakov & Lilli Toporek and Family
Eze & Alice Torkin
Ruth Torneck
Sydney & Ruth Tozman
Max Trachter
Sylvia & Philip Trager
Stephen & Maura Turk
Harry & Mary Unger
Kopel & Lilian Unger
Bessie Urowitz
Lillian & Ben Valin
Samuel Verman Visenberg
Stanley Vyner and
Millie Abramovitz
Arthur & Sue Wagman
Debbie Wagman
William Wagman
Morris & Zena Waldman Family
Reva & Mark Waldman
Annette & Jack Walman Family
Dora Waltman
Irving Waltman
Sarah & Samuel Warner
Clara Warsh
David & Mary Wasserman
Covenant Funds
Covenant Funds provide another opportunity to create an enduring testament to
a loved one or to celebrate a special occasion. Established with a minimum commitment of $1,000, these named funds are designed so that the capital of the fund is
invested and the interest generated each year is directed toward your choice of Client
Care, Research, Education, or “Baycrest’s most pressing needs.” In this way, the name
of the fund becomes a lasting legacy, while the capital provides ongoing support for
important programs and services at Baycrest, now and into the future. All donations
to the fund are eligible to receive receipts for income tax purposes.
Covenant Funds
$1,000 - $9,999
Sid & Lil Abel
Joseph M. Abraham
Dr. John & Frances Ackerman
Harvey & Frances Adelman
Gerald Herbert Albert
Dr. Max & Rhona Alexandroff
Goldy Alexandroff
Elsa Allen
Lillian Allen
Eve & Mickey Alter
Mary Alter
Phillip Alter & Family
Lauren Amato
Ronnie & Bunnie Appleby/Robins
Appleby & Taub LLP
Murray & Joyce Arlin
Michele Andrea Arshawsky Fine
Dr. Harvey Atin
Cantor David & Klara Bagley
Bert Bainerman
Irving Bain
Louis Bain*
Mildred & David Bakan
Bill Baker
Sophie & Sid Baker
Alex Bakerspigel
Ethel Tamas Balint
Samuel & Ruth Banks
Joseff & Susan Baruch
Karen & Amnon Baruch
Genia & Kalman Baum
Rose Bayer & Alexander Bayer
Morris & Lena Bederman
Sara & Leo Beliak
Vela Belsky
Leonard & Goldie Berger
Sam & Sara Berger
Harry Wasserman
Moishe & Rayla Wasserman Family
Betty & Max Weinberg
Yaacov & Freda Weinberg
Sam Weiner & Marci Weiner
Julie & Michael Weingarten
Norman Weingarten Family
Esther & Ben Weinrib
Rita & Ralph Weinstein Family
Emma & Irving Weintraub
Rose Weisblatt
Harry Weisfeld
Herbert J. Weiss
Stephen Weiss
Andrew & Margaret Weisz
Samuel & Rose Wiener
Mina Wierzchowski
Morris & Muriel Wilensky
Sol & Anne Wilks
Molly & Max Wingust
Irving & Frances Wintrob
Morris (Moishe) & Pauline Wise
Benjamin & Nellie Wisleski
Faye Wohl Kover & Anne Wohl
Rose Wohlgelernter
Edward Wolfish
Phyllis & Saul Wolfish-Morton
Rose & Harry Wolfson
S. David & Rose Wolfson
Lena Wolinsky
Abe Woolf
Bernice & Abe Wygodny
Belle & Wilf Yaphe
Young Men’s Hebrew Association
Sam & Norma Yurman
Leslie & Gertrude Zack
Morris Zaretsky
Anne and Joseph Zarnett
Fanny & Thomas Zelin
John Ziner (Czinner) & Family
Betty Zweig
Dinah & David Zweig Family
* Indicates new funds opened
between April 1, 2010 and
March 31, 2011.
Morton Bernholtz
Rebeka Bialystok*
Ronald & Bonnie Birken*
Philip Birman
Lillian Bobkin
Guta Boimal
Milton Book
Celia Bookman*
Anton Braun*
Bella Bricks
Frances Bromstein
Sarah Brothman
Samuel Burman
Rebecca Burstein
Rose & Carl Calmenson
Calvin Cappell
Harry Carsley
Carrie & Martin Cash
Tom Cash
Mania Chaikof
Esther Clairmont
Yetta Cohen*
Anna Cojocariu
Domenico & Maria Colaiacovo
Farrel & Rhoda Cole
Ruth & William Coldoff
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Albert & Rose Cooper
Goldie (Yarmouth) Cooper*
Joseph Cooper
Mervis & Horace Crosswell
Ede (Teddy) Csillag & Irene Blasz
Csillag & Family*
Shirley Cutler
Cecil & Barbara Davidson
Harold & Bunny Davidson*
Charles H. Davis
Sammy Davis
Elizabeth de Roode
Edward Donnenfield
Marshall Drewnowsky
Belle & George Drutz
Chaim & Fira Dunec
Sarah (Sally) Dzialoszynski
Miriam (Micky) Ebedes & Family
Howard J. Edelson
Frances & Murray Eisen
Leon Elfan
Ethel & Sidney Elias*
Beatrice Elkind
Philip, Edith & Martin Ely
Mary Ernest
Faye & Sydney Faibish Family
Ida & Fishel Farber
Nettie Favor
Mina & Julius Feder
Gizella Fein
Allen & Marilyn Feldman
Bess Feldman
Claire Feldman
Gert & Syd Fink
Anna Flancman*
Nancy & Howard Fleischer
Stephen Foldy
Solomon & Marlene Fox
Jean Frankel
Harold & Gitta Frazer
Max & Yetta Freedman
Sarah Freedman
The Freedman Family
Alfred & Mary Freeman
Harvey Freeman
Herb & Betty Frieberg Family
Yetta Friedman
Esther Fridson
Israel & Rachel Frydberg
Ben Gangbar*
Sheppard & Geraldine Gangbar
Arthur & Shelley Gans
Saul & Lilly Garden
Karen Garscadden
Faye Gewarter
Hilda Giddens
Ella & Daniel Gilbert*
Anne & Ben Ginsberg*
Bess & Philip Godfrey
Margaret Rich Godfrey
Freda Goldberg
Jack Goldberg
Ernest Goldberger
Joseph & Renee Goldhar Family
Nathan & Anne Goldman
Jack Goldstein
Evelyn Gollin
Louis & Esther Gomberg
Harry & Fanny Goodman
Dr. Jack M. Goodman
Philip Greenspan
Moe and Sylvia Greenspoon
Sandra Mae Greenspoon
David & Matilda Grossman
Joseph Grossman
Dora Grunwald
Magda & Arie Grunwald
Abraham & Chana Grynberg; Karolyn (Grynberg) Karten
Ben Gussack
Bernice Guziker
David Gwartz
Martin Halberstadt
Morris & Eudy Halberstadt
Jack & Amy Hauer
Sophie Hausman
Saba Hecht
Joseph & Gertrude Helfand
Sylvia Herberman
Elyse & Lawrence Hildebrand
Tillie (Shier) Himel
Alfred Ho
Judy Horowitz
Ann & Ben Houpt
Kelly & Daniel Isakow
Daisy & Sydney Jacobs Family
Leo & Sadye Jacobs
Jeanette Jacobsen
David & Nacia Kaczka
Sarah & Percy Kassel
Pearl (Katz) Kates
Abe & Bunny Katz
Jane & Israel Katz
Sara Katz
Minnie & Samuel Katzman
Carol & Nat Kaufman
Jack & Zita Kaufman
Richard & Anne Gertrude Kay*
Daniel Kayfetz
Sam & Rita Kenigsberg
Philip Kerbel
Norman & Ellin Kert
Isadore & Sarah Kerzner
Laura & Jack Kirk*
Alex Kirsh
Edith Kirsh
Murray & Lila Kirsh Family
Lou & Esther Kirshenblatt
Ruth Kirshner
Ileana Klein
Leo & Blossom (Bluma)
Klein Family
Sylvia Klein
Leon Kluger
Bertha Komaromi
Leo Kon
Allan & Esther Konikoff
Harold Korenblum
Koven Family
Nathan Kozloff
Esther Bluma Krakowski
George & Bess Kreser
Beatrice & Bernard Krestell
Gail & Fred Krofchick
Blanka Kronenberg
Freda & Chaim Kuper
Moshe Kurtz
Jean & Bert Lams
Brenda and Brian Lass Family
Anne Lebow
Raye Filderman Lebow
Jessie Leffell Eklove
Henrietta Leinwol
Anna & Harvey Lerner
Judy & Bob Lester Family*
Evelyn & Charles Levenstein
Rae Levine
William & Minora Levine
Nathan Levinne
Nye Levy
Harry Lewkowicz
Miriam & Bernie Liberman
Benjamin & Rita Libman
Paula & Rachmil Licht Family*
Morris & Cyla Lieberman
Alice Light
Ida & Jack Linetsky
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Shirley Luft
Molly Lustman
Mendy and Marilyn Maierovitz
Sharron (Sherry) Mandell
& Family
Jeanette and Max Manes
Molly Manly
Fran Mann
Rose & Jack Manson
Clarence & Bernice Marcus
Alter & Chaya Fradel Markus
Frank & Pearl Maron
Arlene Mayers*
Seymour & Evelyn Mayers
Sara Mazin
Margaret G. McCreight
Anthony McGregor*
Moishe Mendlowitz
Paul & Lily Menceles
Jacqueline Michaels
Bella & Abe Miller
Jonathan & Ursula Miller
Mary Miller
Samuel & Sophie Milgram
William J. Mimms
Thelma Mintz
Bessie & Morris Mock
Eva and Nathan Mogil
Shirley Moldaver
Freda & Sam Morgenstern
Ruth Morayniss &
Leland Harris Family*
Murray Morgenthau*
Joseph and Molly Moses
Gertrude Most
Doris Naiman
Sue and Max Naiman
Jack & Sue Nelson
Schlomo Neugebauer
Oscar & Rae Newman Family
Jack & Dorothy Nightingale
Arnold Nirenberg
Ura - Nisker Family
Charles & Minnie Nochomovitz
Jacob Nusinowitz*
Perla Ohana
Jack & Sala Ordynans
Herbert & Ida Orliffe
Joseph C. Pardo
Jack & Marie Parker
Lester Parks
Earl Parnes
Alvin Pearson
Mary Pencer
Sarah & Joe Pinkus
Sheldon & Nonie Plener Family
Audrey Radden
Harry Ralston
Helen Rauchwerger
Gilbert and Reingold Family
Emil Remez
Bella Rich
Betty & Mitchell Richler Family
David Risen
Bella & Chaim Rochwerg
Samuel Brian Rodgers
Trudie Roebuck
Murray & Annette Roher Golden
Rosen Family
Mona Rosenbaum
Sidney Rosenblum
Joseph & Beatrice (Joe & Bea)
Fanny & Arthur Rosenblum
Josef & Fela Rosenthal
Florence Ross
Aaron & Jessica Rotenberg
Aaron & Sarah Rotenberg
Nellie Rothman
Patti & Sheldon Rotman Family
Meyer & Rose Rotstein
Edith Rowan
Berte & Alex Rubin
Rubenzahl Family*
Harry Rubenstein
Sam & Goldie Rubin
Morris & Julia Ruby
Albert Rudolph
Sara & Phil Rutman
Charles Sager
Sophie Salutin
Esther Sandberg
Tom Sankey*
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Schachter
Dr. Ricky Kanee Schachter
Minka Schaeffer
Beverley & Leonard Schechtman
Brian Scholl
Adolf & Alice Schmid and
Amanda & Jordana Irwin
Helen & Benny Schreiber
Harriet & Benjamin Seaton
Lily Poss Segar
Toby Seligman
Renee & Sydney Shapiro
Adele Sharpe
Harris Sheaffer LLP*
Kaelen Sherman
David & Dorothy Shessel*
Ida and Ben Shore
Ray Shore
Bebe Shreiber & David Lipman
Belle Shub
Abe & Gertrude Shuman
Jean Siegel*
Sonia Siegal
Philip Simon
Fran Simms*
Miriam Singer*
Myer Harold Singer
Lottie & Harry Slotnick
Lena Smolack Family
Percy Smith
Dora & Isaac Sobel
Max Soberman
Beatrice & Sam Solomon
Queenie Solomon
Greta Sonshine
Anne Spetter
Orna Spiegel
Sarah Spiel*
Sarah Spitz
Dr. Manuel & Phyllis Spivak
Allan Spring
Claire Spring
Myrle & Nathan Spring
Bella & Charles Springer
Ben & Elly Springer Family
Lillian T. Starkman
Minnie Starkman*
Gussie & Moe Starr
Dorothy Sterling
Nathan & Clara Stein
Frances Titel Steinberg
Rose Steckler
Lily & Fred Stoll
Dorothy & Eddie Stossel*
Bea & Al Swartz
Edith Swartz
Erzsebet Szabo
Jack & Dvora Szmeiser
Tanny Family
Claire Tapiero
Helen Tator *
Dean Jordan Taylor
Sy Techner
Anna Tencer
Minnie Tishler
Elliot & Sandra Title Family*
Meyer & Marnie Toben
Lou & Ida Tohn
Ruth & Norman Trachter
Nat & Jeanette Train
Albert Treibitsch
Samuel & Mollie Troster
Molly & Irving Trostin
Toby Tuvel
Helen Urbach
John & Shirley Vanderheym*
Verrall - Barsony
Eva & George Vertes Family
Jack & Lillian Vinokur
Libby Waese
Dr. Ben & Ruth Wagman
Zelda Wagman
Chana Wallace
Samuel Wang
Mary Warszawski
Belle Green Wax
Philip & Shirley Waxman
Rose W. Weiner
Mietek Weinreich
Harold Weinrib
Ada & Willie Weinstein Family
Lucy & Isadore (Gus) Weinstein
Eddie Weisberg
Alice Wiener
Bertha Wilenczyk
Faygie & Benny Winbaum
Alex & Eva Winick
Howard & Donna Winick
Jerold & Gale Winter
David Wise
Violet Wolf
Jacob & Fanny Wolfe
Milton Wolfe
Betty & Max Wolfman Family
Tamara Wolman
Yacht Family
Hy & Ruth Young
Jack & Bea Young*
Arthur Zabinski
Szoszana Zaide
Mary Zealley
Edward Zeit
Jacob & Anna Zigelman
Ziga Zimmerman
Olga & Andy Zober
* Indicates new funds opened
between April 1, 2010 and
March 31, 2011
Women of Baycrest Members
Women of Baycrest is leading an ambitious $5 million
campaign in support of the Women’s Brain Health
Research Fund to raise money for a new Research Chair
in Women’s Brain Health & Aging as well as innovative
education initiatives. The objective is to increase the
amount of scientific knowledge about women’s brain
health and aging, and disseminate this knowledge for
the benefit of women everywhere. Listed below are
the Women of Baycrest members who have already
invested in their own futures, and the future of generations of women to come. For more information, visit
Baycrest Friends Forever
$36,000+ Endowment
In Honour of Mildred Cohen
Budgie Frieberg
Joy Gales
Lillian Vine Glowinsky
Debbie Kimel
Henrietta Kostman
In Honour of Bella Goldstein
Barbara Lev
Sheila Loftus
In Honour of Carol Moir
Margaret Nightingale
Joyce Posluns
Fran Sonshine
Gabi Weisfeld
Leading Women of
$3,600 - $35,999 annually
Pamela Austin
Tobie Bekhor
Harriett Bomza
Andrea Cohen
Florence Cooper
Peggy DeZwirek
Beverley Fein
Minda Feldman
Susan Fenwick
Rose Fishman
Sharon Flancman
Gitta Ganz
Maxine Granovsky Gluskin
Gina Godfrey
Milli Gould
Molline Green
Edie Harlang
Elise Kalles
Ruth Kerbel
Anita Lapidus
Burtha Liss
Diane Mavrinac-Ross
Judith Megow-Rose
Pauline Menkes
Carol Mitchell
Lynn Posluns
Linda Reed
Gaye Stein
Carole Tanenbaum
Susan Weisbarth
Women of Baycrest
$1,800 - $3,599 annually
Sheila Alexander
Simmie Antflick
Bunnie Appleby
Debbie Bank
Faith Banks
Sharron Barlin-Fruitman
Karen Baruch
Shelley Baruch
Rose Baum
Daryl Beber
Holly Pencer Bellman
Lynn Belzberg
Gay Berger
Irene Berkowitz
Molly Bloom
Vivien Brown
Lisa Brush
Orah Buck
Lois Buckstein
Beverley Burdeyney
Esther Burnett
Debra Campbell
Rosanne Cancian
Tiffany Chow
Sandra Clavir
Kimberly Cohen
Marilyn Cohen
Clara Cooper
Lorraine Cooper
Carole Cowper
Elaine Culiner
Stacey Cynamon
Camille Dan
Kiki Delaney
Lori Di Monte
Shirley Diamond
Lisa Draper
Karen Ehrlich
Beatrice Eisen
Wendy Eisen
Anita Ekstein
Evelyn Ernest-Title
Sharyn Salsberg Ezrin
Toby Farb
Rachel Farber
Toby Feldberg
Angela Feldman
Roni Feldman
Roberta Fidler
Norma Finkelstein
Sylvia Fisch
Phyllis Flatt
Mandy Fleischer
Nancy Dover Fleischer
Sandi Florence
Joanne Foster
Yetta Freeman
Lois Friedman Fine
Norma Fromer
Linda Frum
Sylvia Gefen
Gail Gerstein
Lynn Glazer
Shirley Glick
Eleanor Godfrey
Yvonne Goldberg
Naomi Goldenberg
Libby Goldgrub
Lillian Goldman
Ellen Goldstein
Diana Goodman
Grace Goodman
Bonnie Goodman-Bloom
Gilda Goodman-Helman
Cindy Gordon
Sara Gorman
Helen Grad
Carol Grafstein
Renata Grant
Lisa Green
Malka Green
Reggie Greenberg
Debbie Greenspoon
Mimi Greenspoon
Rachel Greenspoon
Michelle Gross
Kitty Grossman
Risa Grossman
Fran Grundman
Pearl Gryfe
Roz Halbert
Andrea Halperin
Pam Handelsman
Diane Harris
Janet Harris
Faryl Hausman
Catherine Himelfarb
Susan Jackson
Rosemary Little Jeffares
Bernyce Kalifer
May Karp
Toby Kasner
Miriam Kerzner
Aitana Klein
Anna Koffler
Julia Koschitzky
Merilyn Lean
Rena Lichtblau
Karyn Lipman
Jan Loftus-Allin
Ruth Magder
Leora Marcovitz
Faye Markowitz
Jean Marmoreo
Ellen Marr
Roxanne McEwan
Valerie Melman
Ofra Menkes
Myra Merkur
Renee Metrick
Esther Michaels
Faye Minuk
Wendy Switzer Myles
Eleanor Nadler
Lorraine Nakelsky
Janice Nathanson
Louise Novis
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Judy Nyman
Annette Oelbaum
Margi Oksner
Cindy Orfus
Judy Pencer
Nancy Pencer
Sarah Perlis
Penny Petroff
Nonie Plener
Elissa Posluns
Felicia Posluns
Nancy Posluns
Wendy Posluns
Nancy Prussky
Esterita Chananie Rajsky
Fern Reich
Ronnie Richman
Ariella Rohringer
Susan Rose
Myrna Ross
Risa Rotenberg
Lynda Roth
Rochelle Rubinstein
Dianne Saxe
Honey Schipper
Marjorie Schwartz
Mina Schwarz
Doreen Scolnick
Marla Shapiro
Ricki Robins Sharpe
Elaine Shedletzky
Bonnie Shore
Hilda Shore
Judi Shostack
Hinda Silber
Ruth Silber
Julie Silver
Vivian Silverberg
Helen Silverstein
Roslyn Silverstein
Karen Simpson
Beth Singer
Helen Singer
Carol Slatt
Francine Socket
Sylvia Soyka
Rodeen Stein
Carole Sterling
Julie Stern
Joan Stossel
Debra Stuart
Martha Sud
Reesa Sud
Barbara Sugar
Susan Szainwald
Susan Taerk
Jeannie Tanenbaum
Judy Tanenbaum
Charlotte Tessis
Janice Tkatch
Gloria Ungerman
Helen Vale
Susan Van Der Hout
Debbie Waks
Linda Waks
Sandy Waldman
Sheilah Wallin - Bourgeois
Florence Weinberger
Myrna Weinstein
Sharon Weintraub
Terri Weintraub
Marilyn Weisz
Karen Whitney
Elizabeth Wolfe
Renée Wolfe
Elayne Wortsman
Cecilia Wynn
Liora Yakubowicz
Nelly Zagdanski
Sara Zagdanski
Libby Znaimer
Carole Herman Zucker
Young Women of
$365 annually
Joanna Alexandroff
Shelly Arbib
Elissa Atlin
Leah Baruch
Casey Gorman Belzberg
Rikki Bennie
Shawna Brand
Jennifer Brodlieb
Leah Brown
Emily Charyk
Shaina Davis
Stephanie DiGiuseppe
Lindsay Farber
Ashley Faust
Daphne Fenwick
Fara Fenwick
Jodi Fenwick
Courtney Fireman
Claudia Fleischer
Samantha Margolis Fogle
Haley Frimerman
Michelle Frost
Amanda Gales
Natalie Gee
Lesley Glowinsky
Laura Stern Goldsilver
Sari Goodman
Candice Gordon
Jaime Greenspoon
Lani Greenspoon
Lauren Greisman
Joanna Gryfe
Naomi Gryfe-Saperia
Jordana Joseph
Jodi Kaplovitch
Samantha Kimel
Alana Konopny
Dana Lerner
Barbi Benjamin Levitt
Amy Little
Alexa Marr
Lisa Marvin
Kailee Mecklinger
Justine Melman
Kirsten Menkes
Tamara Mimran
Rebecca Mintz
Alex Mitz
Julie Mitz
Lexi Mitz
Rebecca Berkowitz Moffs
Lauren Moir
Dary Ngem
Rebecca Oksner
Cara Orzech
Victoria Phan
Julia Posluns
Dara Rames
Joanna Richler
Katherine Ross
Sara Ann Ross
Joanne Sallay
Macy Scharfstein
Nicole Schwartz
Meytal Algranti Shekhter
Lauren Charyk Silverberg
Cydney Simpson
Jessica Snow
Shelley Sonshine
Alexandra Charyk Spinner
Erin Sternberg
Brittany Sud
Riva Turner
Debra Weintraub
Robyn Weintraub
Lauren Kimel Wise
Sara Zborovski
2010/11 Baycrest and Baycrest Foundation Annual Report
Art Donations
Ahron Bezalel
Drew Cohen
Jane Corkin
Jack Culiner
Rouhama Danto
Dr. Murray Finkelstein
Stephen Freedhoff
Yetta Freeman
Doug Gameroff
Joe Gottdenker
Norman Griesdorf
Sandra Halbert
Leo Kamen
Sol Koschitzky
John Kazanjian
Walter Ross Murray
Gorden Nodwell
Anna Oren
Hayla Prenick
Dr. Joel Ray
Lawrence Rosenfield
Michael Ruscetta
David Saunders
David Shaul
Shaun Singer
Bernice Starkman
Jay Teitel
David Urban
Sue Weinstein
Jack and Betty Winston Our thanks
to all donors
who support
including those
Every effort has been made
to ensure the accuracy and
completeness of this list. If we
have erred, please accept our
sincere apologies. If you have
any questions, please contact
Carol Berns in the Baycrest
Foundation at 416-785-2500,
x 2035 or [email protected].
Baycrest gratefully acknowledges
the funding we receive from the
Province of Ontario and the
Government of Canada as well
as all other funding agencies.
For a full list, please go to
Funding support for Baycrest
provided by the Toronto Central
Local Health Integration Network.
For more information about
Baycrest’s programs and services,
please visit baycrest.org.
Produced by
Public Affairs, Baycrest
Concept and design by
Clear Space
Portrait photography by
Malcolm Taylor
Printed by
Exodus Graphics Corp.
To view this report online,
visit baycrest.org.
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Baycrest is an academic health
sciences centre affiliated
with the University of Toronto
3560 bathurst street
toronto, ontario
canada m6a 2E1
T 416 785 2500
f 416 785 2378
of baycrest