June 2015 - Hunter Valley Scots Club
June 2015 - Hunter Valley Scots Club
Page 1 Hunter Valley Scots Club inc Hunter Valley Scots Hunter Valley Scots Club inc June 2015 Issue 215 Hello members! How are things in your world? Have an idea? Maybe a new event or place to go? Then please Tell us about it . In this issue What better way to cope with the gloom and chills of winter than have a pleasant evening with friends in the warmth of Teralba Hall at a Hunter Valley Scots Club Members Night ! Members Night 10th June 7 for 7.30pm Teralba Hall Anyone welcome The speaker this month will be Andrew McPherson from the Mine Workers Band. This is the band which has entertained us so well at many Burns Nights over the years Members Night Wednesday 10th June I’m sure Andrew will have lots of interesting things to show us and talk about, and we will come away from the evening with a much greater knowledge of the band and its activities Soup and Damper 12th July Joan Elliott has an item to ‘show and tell’, and of course there is likely to be other activities like dance, music, and that most important part of the program, supper. The evening will conclude about 9.30pm A WEB PAGE FOR THE CLUB CAN BE FOUND AT www.hvsc. org.au Hope to see you there SOUP AND DAMPER LUNCH Sunday July 12th—further information page 6 Australian Celtic Awards honours Pumpkin Juice The gala evening of the Australian Celtic Festival is the Australian Celtic Music Awards where this year more than 200 people came to celebrate Australian and international achievements in Celtic music. On this night Pumpkin Juice were humbled and very honoured to receive a Triquetra Ambassador Award. The Triquetra Ambassador Award is a performance-based award and is given to musicians in recognition of their achievements in performance and as ambassadors for the Australian Celtic Festival at their appearances throughout the year. Other winners pictured with Pumpkin Juice (in red) are: Murphy’s Pigs, Celia Pavey, Villanova, John Roy and Peter Miller. The Australian Celtic Festival, held every year in Glen Innes NSW, was celebrated this year with warmer weather and record crowds. The atmosphere at this year’s festival was fantastic with the Standing Stones grounds being treated to a make-over which contributed to the success of the weekend. There was an exciting line up of Celtic bands, dancers and pipes and drums performing this year, with the crowds enjoying the diversity and richness of our Celtic culture that was on offer. Pumpkin Juice performed at three concerts during the Festival including a sell-out dinner and show concert at the Glen Innes Showground. The Showground concert was a very enjoyable evening despite some rainy weather with great food and great company complementing some fine Celtic music. The night was full of fun, with pumpkin prizes for the audience, Margaret Kenning and her Hunter Welsh Folk Dancers leading some easy folk dances, and Pumpkin Juice’s fast Scottish and Irish jigs and reels which certainly kept everyone warm. The 2015 Australian Celtic Festival in Glen Innes was a very enjoyable celebration of Celtic music, dance and culture and is definitely a festival to put in your calendar for 2016. Thanks Jennifer for this information on the weekend in Glen Innes (first weekend in May). ________________________ Does anyone have news to report from the Bonnie Wingham weekend last weekend? ___________________________ ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP NOW DUE— see page 5 EMAIL ADDRESSES Postage and printing is a significant cost to the Club. If you have an email address but are still receiving your newsletter by snail mail, it would really be appreciated if you could advise us of your email address for the newsletter. Editor Robyn Smith, [email protected] Page Page 3 3 Issue 215 Calendar of Events 2015 Hunter Valley Scots club inc Positions 2014-2015 President: Gary Gray 0477691573 Vice Pres: Peter Adams Secretary: Grahame Pricter Treasurer: Peter Tranter Committee Members Helen Fulton Nance Adams Joan Elliott Mike Elliott Graeme Auchterlonie Newsletter Editor Robyn Smith [email protected] 4959 5123 Note these dates in your diary now June 10th—Member’s Night July 12th —Soup and Damper ‘The 1715 Jacobite Uprising’ 12.00 for 12.30 August 22nd—Caledonian Dance Night October—Hallowe’en November 29th—St Andrew’s Day Church Service and Golf Day December—Hogmanay Watch out for more dates as the Committee works on new ideas and activities. If transport to HVSC events is a problem for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will endeavour to arrange some assistance for you OTHER SCOTTISH ACTIVITIES If you attend an activity it would be great to have some photos and a brief report to pass on to our members in our newsletter Aberdeen: 4 July 2015 Gathering of the Clans, Norah Head: 5 September 2015 Clans on the Coast: Nelsons Bay: 19 September 2015 For information on these and other Scottish events see the HVSC web page and follow the “What’s On” link to “Other Scottish Events.” Page Page 4 4 Issue 215 Our Caledonian Dance Night is back! Where: Club Macquarie When: 22nd August 2015, 7.30pm Hunter Valley Scots club inc A Dance Night with a difference, dancing to the fabulous music of Chris Duncan, Catherine Strutt and Jennifer Strutt. Dances will be called by Peter Adams Tickets: $30 Light supper provided Contact us: Hunter Valley Scots Club PO Box 34 Kotara NSW 2289 Website: hvsc.org.au Email [email protected] Facebook Don’t forget to ‘like’ Hunter Valley Scots Club Put this date in your diary now and get your friends together ______________________ NAME BADGES Have you ordered your name badge yet? Cost—$12.75 with a magnet backing or $9.50 with a pin backing. Please advise the Secretary if you would like a badge 4943 5849 0402335410 [email protected] ____________________ ROYAL EDINBURGH MILITARY TATTOO COMES TO AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND (Information from Nancy Riach, Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo) The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo with its unique blend of music, ceremony, entertainment and theatre set against the backdrop of a floodlit Edinburgh Castle is a vivid and intentionally emotional display and unfailingly enthrals… and of course it symbolises the Scotland dear to so many hearts. The Australian 2016 show will feature breathtaking performances from traditional Scottish favourites, precision drill teams, pipers, fiddlers, and highland dancers combined with military and cultural groups from around the world. Edinburgh castle in all its glory will be recreated in a magnificent 1:1 scale façade (29 metres high, 80 metres across) with the figures of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce standing guard over proceedings. The 1,200 performers will present an original Tattoo event—a truly spectacular and emotive experience. The Tattoo has only ever left Edinburgh Castle three times in 65 years. Wellington in 2,000, Sydney in 2005 and 2010. In 2016 the show will be in Melbourne and Wellington Melbourne 12, 13, 14 February 2016 Maybe you will be lucky enough to be in Victoria around that time and can catch a show Annual Fees 2015 – 2016 Annual Fees for the Hunter Valley Scots Club Inc. are due by 1st July 2015 Please complete the form below and return with remittance to the Treasurer. If you choose to pay by direct deposit, it would be appreciated if you could still return this form to ensure that your details are correct on our records Enclose a stamped addressed envelope for receipt. The Treasurer, Hunter Valley Scots Club Inc. PO Box 34 KOTARA 2289 The information below will be used only for the Register of Members as required by the Incorporation Rules and for mailing of information to members. PLEASE DETACH Name______________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________P/Code____________________ Phone__________________________Email_______________________________________ Enclosed is remittance of $________as Annual Subscription (No cash by mail) OR Remittance of $ _____________ was made by Direct Deposit Signed____________________________________Date_____________________________ Ordinary members $20.00 $30.00 For Direct Deposit: Pensioner $15.00 Junior $10.00 Two in one family Hunter Valley Scots Club Working Account ANZ BSB 012571 Account No. 2045 68722 Clearly indicate your name and deposit is for membership Please note: An email address allows the Club considerable savings in photocopying and mailing costs Failure to renew membership will result in the removal of your name from the Register of Members as required under the Constitution SOUP & DAMPER DAY SUNDAY 12th JULY 2015, TERALBA HALL THEME: “THE 1715 JACOBITE UPRISING” This year our annual Soup & Damper day will feature the story of the 1715 Jacobite Uprising, when the Highland Clans in Scotland staged an uprising in an attempt to restore the deposed Stuart King, James III, to the Scottish throne. President Gary Gray will present an interesting talk on the subject, together with songs and poems from the time. Guests should arrive at 12 noon, for a 12.30pm Lunch, when we will partake in the delicious soups our Members always create for the event. This will be followed, after Gary’s talk, by a selection of sweets, cakes & slices. The cost is $10 per head, and bookings are essential by returning the form below to the Treasurer, P.O. Box 34, KOTARA NSW 2289. Include a stamped, self addressed envelope. APPEAL FOR SOUP COOKS: If you have a treasured family recipe for a great soup, would you be prepared to make up a batch to share with Members? We find soups made in slow cookers are easiest to plug in and reheat on arrival at the Hall. However, we do have a stove, and several electrical hotplates we can use to heat saucepans of soup. If you would like to make a soup or soups, please advise Joan Elliott, on 4943 6427, or [email protected], so we have a record of what soups will be coming in on the Day. You will be reimbursed all costs for the ingredients, so please keep a note of same. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOUP & DAMPER DAY SUNDAY 12th JULY, 2015, TERALBA HALL, 12 NOON. I require……………………..TICKETS TO THE SOUP & DAMPER DAY. @ $10 each. ENCLOSED IS………………………. NAME& ADDRESS………………………………………………………………………………………….