Fall ~ 2014


Fall ~ 2014
FALL - 2014
The Official On-line Publication for the Episcopal Cursillo® Movement
of the Diocese of Southeast Florida, Published Quarterly
The Lay Director’s Message
Fall ~ 2014
Brenda Ann McGintis
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As I sit to write this article, I am reminded that my term as Lay Director will expire at
the end of 2014. I have been privileged and honored to work as your Lay Director and to see God’s hand
move in ways that I could not have anticipated. What a Mighty God we serve! At this point in my tenure, I wish
to thank the Secretariat and Servant Community for all that has been accomplished in this Diocese.
As we move forward, let us think of and plan for Apostolic Action that will change the way we serve our Lord.
Let us be open to new and bold ways of incorporating all factions of our diocese in the working of this
movement. The Holy Spirit has guided us in adding 76 new Cursillistas this year. Both EWC #109 and EMC
#91 were such wonderful experiences for all who attended. We look forward to these new ‘Babe Chicks’
embracing our mantra of ‘Make a friend; Be a friend; and bring new friends to Christ.’
If you are interested in becoming a leader in this movement, I urge you to attend our upcoming Episcopal
Cursillo Leaders Workshop (ECLW). Here is where you will learn about the workings of your Secretariat.
What each committee chair is responsible for and what the authority of the Secretariat covers. Should you
also want to be a part of planning the goals and objectives for the upcoming year, this will give you that
There is so much going on in our 4th Day. There are planned Ultreyas, Sector fund raisers, an ECLW here in
this Diocese, and also we will be taking this workshop to Jamaica in the Fall. Doing God’s work requires
commitment, organization, and most of all a willingness to embrace those who are not a part of the movement
by inviting them to become Cursillistas.
My work in the movement as your Lay Director will come to an end, however, my commitment to the
movement will always be a part of my life and ministry. As we go forward, I see our movement growing from
‘strength to strength.’ We are in good hands because the Holy Spirit is invoked in all the work we do for the
Lord in His vineyard.
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a
hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
In His Service,
FALL - 2014
Keeping the Focus…
The Spiritual Director
Rev. Mary Ellen Cassini
Hebrews 12:1
Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let
us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin that so easily entangles us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes
on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him
endured the cross, despising shame, and has sat
down at the right hand of the throne of God . . .
As we move into the second half of the year and ponder where Cursillo is headed, I am proud and
thrilled that our movement is growing and expanding through the Diocese of Southeast Florida.
Hundreds of pilgrims traveled to the Keys in June to gather, to celebrate Jesus, and the movement
of the Holy Spirit in our lives.
Spiritual Director’s Message May 23, 2014
DeColores! I am so looking forward to our Women’s Weekend on May 29 – June 1 and the Men’s on July 31 – August
As Charles Darwin stated: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that
3! Cursillo is a wonderful, energizing and fulfilling time with Our Lord. At the end of April I was fortunate to participate
survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” This is true for the Cursillo movement as well. Our
CREDO, a retreat
for priests
me of Cursillo.
was spent visioning,
is judicious
in that
and yet
ways toexercising,
and grow
retirement itpossibilities,
on health
being. Getting
We recognize
is essential
hold fast
to the and
of our
is our
is the cornerstone
of that
Christ. It is with
to recognize
is transitory
and our experiences present us with different
scenarios every minute of the day. Our movement must stay current and relevant. Let us pray for the Holy
During one of the various sessions, the psychotherapist and the nurse practitioner laid down very simple and clear
Spirit to inform our choices.
rules to follow for a healthy psychological existence:
How gratifying to complete two successful teams. A blessing of thanksgiving to Dawna Poitier and
Tom Harman for committing the last few years of their lives to ensuring successful weekends! Their
and the support from the teams showed that a group of dedicated individuals willing to work
above and beyond the standard practice, to create a sacred Christian environment that inspires and
PLAYS on his or her journey with Christ.
each pilgrim
and feelings!
Let usassumptions
keep our eyes
on the prize. Amen,
or guilt vocabulary.
I encountered these rules to live by three times during the week. They are modern day commandments that keep us
out of conflict and true to ourselves.
One of the presenters asked: “Why is it so easy to see other people’s paths? This is in spite of the fact that we never
know someone else’s reality.” And maybe we are struggling with our own path. According to Wendell Berry: “It may 2
be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and when we no longer know which way
to go, we have begun our real journey.”
FALL - 2014
“CURSILLO” A Unique Experience
Approximately 25 years ago, my parents attended “a spiritual retreat” that is
popularly known as “Cursillo“.
This unique three day experience has
changed the life of thousands of individuals, especially in the way in which
they live out the day-to-day practice of their faith. I always wanted to attend, but I signed up to become a
priest and entered to the Seminary at the age of 18 which disqualified me to go, because they did not allow
anyone to attend Cursillo until the age of 21. Although I took part in a lot of spiritual activities and similar
retreats, I never had the opportunity to attend as an actual participant.
Last weekend, I had the privilege of attending "Cursillo" with 80 men from the Episcopal Church in the
Diocese of Southeast Florida, to which I belong and am proud to serve. At first it was very interesting,
because even though several of the men immediately identified that there were two priests "infiltrated" in this
large group of laymen, they quickly realized that we were simply there to spend the weekend with them just
as regular participants; not looking to be the “priests” of the group – but just looking forward to living through
the experience – like most of them. And what a tremendous experience it was!
One quickly learns that Cursillo is not just a retreat; it is an experience that encourages, shapes, inspires and
instructs an adult Christian to face the challenges we all face as followers of Jesus in our times. Today the
Cursillo Movement is present and alive in several denominations, but its content is relevant to anyone truly
interested in the Christian life and in the desire to live as disciple of Jesus. The name Cursillo is a Spanish
word which literally means “short course”. As the weekend goes on, you begin to realize that it is actually a
series of short lessons aimed at teaching the participant practical things that serve to enrich the Christian life
and to actually practice the spiritual principles we profess.
Perhaps from my perspective, as a member of the clergy, the most amazing thing was to experience the
coming together of so many people from such diverse cultures, ages and socio-economic status, actually
sitting down at the same table, sharing the same experience and receiving a very similar personal and
spiritual benefit in the end. It was truly impressive to see a 23 year old opening his heart and speaking about
a spiritual topic with a 70 year old participant and seeing a real palpable connection between the two. This
kind of thing is only possible with God!
I am aware that now-a-days speaking of faith and religion bores many people. I am also equally aware that
there are thousands of options and 'spirituality programs' available for those who seek them. After going
through this weekend, I just think that instead of reinventing the wheel, it would be good for this incredible lay
movement - founded by a laymen in the 1940’s with the idea of offering a weekend that would provide
spiritual renewal for those living inside and outside the Church – to be of benefit to so many young adults
today, which have the same hunger for God as those first “Cursillistas” and desire to live-out their faith but
often do not know where to start. My hope is that everyone would take the opportunity to actually live this
very unique and life-changing experience.
While Bishop Frade` is on vacation and in lieu of his usual COY message, he has invited the Rev. Albert Cutie` to share
impressions of his pilgrimage with the EMC #91. This message also appears en Espanol, on page 5.
FALL - 2014
A Pilgrim’s Reflection on EMC # 91
“…three amazing days that deepened my faith in Christ…”
Fr. Paul Kane†
Wow…what an incredible three days for a pilgrim!
Last weekend (July 31st – August 3rd), I had the joy of joining 35 other men from through out the Diocese of
Southeast Florida as a “pilgrim,” or participant, in the Episcopal Men’s Cursillo # 91 at the Duncan Center in
Delray Beach.
“Cursillo,” a Spanish word that means “short course,” as a retreat movement, was founded in 1944 by a group
of Spanish laymen. Essentially, we 36 pilgrims experienced a three-day short course in Christianity, primarily
guided by lay persons in the church..
Leading us on this three-day journey were a team of laypersons, two priests and one deacon who served as
our spiritual directors. The “team” is composed of several “Cursillistas” (those who had already made a
Cursillo), who made presentations, supported us in worship, and served our every need.
For me, it was three amazing days that deepened my faith in Christ and strengthened my sense of Christian
fellowship. Like many of my fellow pilgrims, I came to the Cursillo with no small amount of trepidation,
wondering what these three days would hold for me. What would God say to me during this time? What would
my wife, my family, and my parish do without me for three days? Could I survive three days without my wife,
my family, and my parish…to say nothing of surviving three days without my cell phone or lap top?
The answers to the latter two questions, of course, were…they and I survived just fine! The answer to the first
question, “what would God say to me during this time,” is still unfolding. God certainly reaffirmed to me that I
am loved and cared for beyond measure. God certainly showed me wonderful examples of Christian joy and
commitment through those who made the journey with me and through those who prayed for us from afar and
sent us “palancas” (messages of love and care). I suspect that God’s Cursillo message to me will continue to
unfold in unexpected and incredible ways over the coming days, weeks, and months.
For now, I continue to bask in the light and joy of God’s love made manifest so powerfully in Cursillo. I would
encourage anyone who is serious about strengthening their Christian life to consider making a Cursillo. It was,
for me, three days that have changed my life for the better!
De Colores!
Fr. Paul Kane†
St. James in-the-Hills Episcopal Church
FALL - 2014
“CURSILLO ” de cristiandad - experiencia única
Hace unos 25 años, mis padres asistieron a un retiro espiritual que le
llaman “Cursillo”. Esa experiencia única de tres días ha cambiado la
vida de miles y miles de personas, especialmente en la forma en la cual viven su fe y practican
el cristianismo en el mundo. Yo siempre quise ir, pero ingresé al seminario a los 18 años, y
aunque participé en muchas actividades de Cursillo y retiros parecidos, nunca tuve la
oportunidad de asistir como participante.
El fin de semana pasado, tuve el privilegio de pasar el Cursillo de Cristiandad con 80 hombres
de la Iglesia Episcopal en la Diócesis del Sureste de la Florida, a la cual pertenezco. Al principio
era interesante, pues aunque la mayoría enseguida identificaron que habíamos dos curas
“infiltrados” en ese grupo grande de laicos, también se dieron cuenta que al igual que ellos,
fuimos para simplemente pasarlo como cualquier otro participante; o sea, no fuimos en función
de ser los sacerdotes del grupo – sino con la idea de vivir la experiencia. ¡Y que experiencia tan
Realmente, el Cursillo de Cristiandad no es solo un retiro espiritual; es una experiencia que
anima, forma, inspira e instruye para enfrentar todos los retos de un seguidor de Jesús en
nuestros tiempos. Hoy día existe el movimiento de Cursillos de Cristiandad y se celebra en
varias denominaciones, pero su contenido se aplica cualquiera que realmente le interese la vida
cristiana y el seguimiento de Cristo. Como lo dice su nombre, es un verdadero “curso pequeño”
que te enseña cosas prácticas que te sirven para la vida y para poner en práctica los principios
espirituales que profesamos.
Quizás desde mi perspectiva —como un hombre dedicado a la Iglesia y al evangelio— lo más
tremendo es ver a tantas personas de caminos, edades y estados socio-económicos tan
diversos, pasar una misma experiencia y sacarle el mismo beneficio. Es impresionante ver a un
joven de 23 años conversando sobre un tema espiritual con un hombre de 70 y ver una conexión
inmediata. ¡Eso solo lo logra Dios!
Estoy consciente de que hoy día hablar de fe y religión aburre a mucha gente. Además, vivo
consciente de que existen miles de opciones y “programas de espiritualidad” para quienes lo
buscan. Solo creo que en vez de reinventar la rueda, sería bueno que este movimiento fundado
por un laico en la década de los 40 con la idea de ofrecer una experiencia para quienes viven
dentro y fuera de la Iglesia, pudiera ser vivido por tantos jóvenes adultos de hoy día —que
tienen la misma hambre de Dios y de vivir su fe— aunque muchas veces no la sepan identificar.
Qué bueno sería que todos puedan darse la oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia única.
FALL - 2014
Helen attended EWC # 63 in May 1989. She and her family worship at Church of the Ascension in
South Dade. She states that “It has been a wonderful journey since when I made my Cursillo
weekend”. Recently she has been reading her journal, where she wrote about her weekend
experience. According to Helen: “I read words like: ‘radiance’, ‘serenity’, “Angelic Voices’ and ‘heavenlike’ and the statement: ‘Surely the presence of God is in this place’. After reading this, I realize that
after twenty five years, Cursillo still evokes in me the same “heaven-like” sentiments. I therefore give
thanks, as my heart overflows with joy, that my Father and King has called me to join Him in leading
EWC #110 and I look forward to this mission with much enthusiasm. Thanks to all of you who have
already extended your love and support to help me through this undertaking.
Helen, a registered nurse by profession, is very active in her parish with a myriad of lay ministry duties.
She is especially proud of her work on the diocesan and national levels with the Daughters of the King;
and as a parish Lay Eucharistic Minister
Michael is a proud member of Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, (as indicated by the shirt he is sporting in
the cheerful photo above). He attended EMC #82, where he sat at the table of St. Matthew. Since his
pilgrimage weekend, (EMC #82), Michael has served the Movement in a variety of roles including: Cha
Cha, Mail Cha, Asst Head Cha, Head Cha, Rollista, and Observing Rector. In addition to serving in
assigned duties, Mike says he has felt a special calling to volunteer his services in handling
Candidates’ luggage during the EWC weekends. Additionally, he confesses that he simply ‘LOVES’
the Serenades.
Mike shares Cursillo - Parish Rep duties at Holy Spirit with Catherine Dye, he teachs [a little Sunday
Let Us Pray!
school], (sic), currently serves his parish as Jr Warden,
and assists as a Eucharistic minister on the
Since we know and believe in the power of prayer, the Cursillo Community is reminded to keep these servant leaders,
and the Teams, and Candidates whom they will be led to call, lifted in prayer. Also pray for the respective families of
both Teams and prospective Pilgrims, that God’s goodness and mercy will shine forth abundantly in their lives and
circumstances as they prepare for their journey.
FALL - 2014
Episcopal Cursillo Leaders Workshop
St. Benedict’s Episcopal Church
Plantation, Florida
October 3 – 5, 2014
The upcoming ECLW to be held at St. Benedict’s, Plantation, will give those
persons who want to move up to leadership positions in the movement a method to
deepen their commitment to Christ by clarifying the purpose and method of the
Cursillo movement and enable the help needed to grow new leaders for the Cursillo
movement and explore methods to do the work more effectively.
Please continue to pray for God’s guidance in your decision to attend this
workshop. Further information will follow as it is developed.
Additional information regarding activities and events
pertaining to the Southeast Florida Cursillo community can
be found on the Diocesan website. Please log in to stay
informed; and remember to share information with other

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