Cursillo Cursil - Arlington Cursillo
Cursillo Cursil - Arlington Cursillo
✝✝ Cursillo CursilloFAQs FAQs How Howisisthe themovement movementlinked linked totothe theCatholic CatholicChurch? Church? We’re We’refocused focusedon onJesus JesusChrist, Christ,Savior Saviorand andLord. Lord. StStPaul Paulisisour ourpatron patronsaint. saint. Our Ourmission missionisisthe the church’s mission. We’re fully Catholic, and obedient church’s mission. We’re fully Catholic, and obedient totothe theMagesterium. Magesterium.We Weare arejoined joinedtotothe theNational National Conference ConferenceofofCatholic CatholicBishops Bishopsthrough throughour ourofficial official liaison, liaison,Most MostRev. Rev.James JamesA. A.Tamayo, Tamayo,Bishop Bishopofof Laredo, Laredo,and andthrough throughthe theBishops’ Bishops’Secretariat Secretariatfor forthe the Laity in Washington, D.C. Popes Paul VI (1966) Laity in Washington, D.C. Popes Paul VI (1966)and and John JohnPaul PaulIIII(1980) (1980)mentioned mentionedCursillo Cursilloasasone oneofofthe the hopes hopesfor forthe thechurch. church. The TheMost MostReverend ReverendPaul PaulLoverde, Loverde,Bishop Bishopofof Arlington, Arlington,himself himselfaaCursillista, Cursillista,knows knowswho whowe weare, are, and andsupports supportswhat whatwe’re we’redoing. doing. Many Manyofofususare areactive active ininour parishes. However, the Cursillo aim is to teach our parishes. However, the Cursillo aim is to teach you youhow howtotolive livethe theChristian Christianlife. life.Your Yourapostolate apostolate may maybe beininthe theparish—or parish—ornot. not. How Howdid didCursillo Cursillostart? start? Young Youngmen menfrom fromthe theCatholic CatholicAction ActionMovement Movement on Mallorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean, on Mallorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean, were weremoved movedby bythe theHoly HolySpirit Spirittotodevelop developthe thegroup group reunion, reunion,then thendeveloped developedthe theweekend. weekend.They Theydid didthis this under underthe theguidance guidanceofoftheir theirbishop, bishop,beginning beginningaround around 1939. 1939. Cursillos Cursillosde deCristiandad CristiandadisisSpanish Spanishfor for“short “short courses in Christianity.” courses in Christianity.” “The “TheCursillo Cursilloisisaaunique unique opportunity opportunityininwhich whichtoto deepen deepenyour yourawareness awareness ofofChrist’s Christ’slove loveand andofof our oursharing sharingininHis Hissaving saving mission missionthrough throughprayer, prayer, study studyand andwitness witness––all all rooted rootedininaatrue truespirit spiritofof community. community.The TheCursillo Cursillo will willchange changeyour yourlife life immensely! immensely! IIknow knowfrom from personal personalexperience!” experience!” Cursillo Cursillo it itstarts starts with witha aretreat. retreat. it itgrows grows in infriendship. friendship. Most MostReverend Reverend Paul PaulS.S.Loverde Loverde Bishop BishopofofArlington ArlingtonDiocese Diocese How Howdo doIIget getinvolved? involved? You Youneed needaaSponsor, Sponsor,aafriend friendwho whoinvites invitesyou youtotothe the Cursillo. Cursillo.This Thisperson personmay mayhave havealready alreadyinvited invitedyou you totohis hisororher hergroup groupreunion. reunion.The Thesponsor’s sponsor’sjob jobisistoto arrange transportation to the weekend site; to arrange transportation to the weekend site; topray pray for foryou youbefore, before,during, during,and andafter afterthe theweekend; weekend;and andtoto get getyou youinto intoaagroup groupreunion. reunion. Contact Contactususififyou youneed need help helparranging arrangingsponsorship. sponsorship.!/ groups/29859321414/ it itnever neverhas has to toend. end. ✝ Find a friend. Be a friend. Bring that friend to Christ. Those three sentences—so easy to say, so challenging to do—are at the heart of Cursillo [cur SEE yo], a Lay Catholic movement. Jesus said, “I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you” ( John 15:15). Friends love each other, and listen to each other. We help each other—and hold each other accountable in growing in our faith through: • PIETY what we do to grow in holiness • STuDY learning; the bridge between holiness and helping our neighbor, and • ACTION bringing our Christian values to bear in all our environments. WhAt is Cursillo? Cursillo starts with a three-day retreat to examine and celebrate yourself, your relationship with Christ, and your relationship with the Christian community. We begin with a silent retreat Thursday evening through Friday morning. For the rest of the weekend, you’ll hear short talks on a variety of topics from faith perspectives. During the days, you’ll discuss the talks and your impressions with the same small group. In the evenings, each group summarizes its discussion for the other tables. We strive to provide an environment that helps you to grow in Christ’s love. We also offer meditation and reconciliation time as well as community meals. Two spiritual directors, at least one of them a priest, will be on the team and present throughout the weekend. And there’s a lot of music and singing—if you have an instrument, bring it along! Throughout the weekend, your experiences will bring you closer to knowing yourself and Christ and the Christian community. Men and women have separate retreats because the way we communicate is different. This is a safe but challenging weekend. We strive to provide an environment that helps you to grow in Christ’s love. WhAt Comes next? How do we continue to grow in the community after we leave the rosy glow of the retreat for the real world? Through weekly group reunion, which is where we stay in touch with the lived reality of our Fourth Day. In these small groups, we share our ongoing efforts at Piety, Study and Action. We break open our lives so we can grow from our shared experiences, our successes and failures. This accountability helps us all stay on track. Our goals for a week may be large or modest-sounding. Mostly, group reunion is the most real conversation we’ll have all week. Your own group reunion will be unlike any other in your parish. That’s OK. Find the one that meets your needs and fills your soul. unlike the retreat, men and women may participate in the same group reunion. We believe in the power of grouping so strongly that we refer to your entire life after the retreat as the Fourth Day. Occasionally, a parish’s groups renew contact with each other at larger gatherings we call Ultreya [ull TRAY ya], a Spanish word of encouragement. ultreya usually features a guest speaker and live music, in addition to a potluck meal. How much time you choose to invest is up to you, but we encourage you to give group reunion a try after the three-day retreat.