Brides Club Wedding Expos | Fall 2012 | Issue # nw01
Brides Club Wedding Expos | Fall 2012 | Issue # nw01
Brides Club Wedding Expos | Fall 2012 | Issue # nw01 A DAY AT EXPO Welcome to the B “ My date is just four months away and I just wedding. Coming to a bridal show saves me place to find everything I need. ” T THE Brides Club Wedding Expo t don’t have much time to organize my e hours as I don’t have to run all over the S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 2 | I S S U E # N W0 1 | N O R T H W E S T W E D D I N G E X P O S BY B R I D E S C LU B BUCKLES PRODUC TIONS , INC . 4957 Lakemont Blvd. SE, Ste C4 #04 Bellevue, WA 98006 W W W. B RIDESCLU B .COM P H O N E : (4 2 5 ) 3 7 3 -1 8 9 4 | FA X (4 2 5 ) 3 7 3 -1 8 9 5 T WITTER: @BR ADBUCKLES FAC E B O O K .CO M / W E D D I N G E X P O S E D I TO R & S A L E S D I R E C TO R Brad Buckles C R E AT I V E D I R E C TO R C h r i s to p h e r H e n d r i c k s WEBMASTER M a r l o n S a r m i e n to D E S I G N A S S I S TA N T K i m b e r l y Lo n g O F F I C E M A N AG E R H e a th e r B u c k l e s A D M I N I S T R AT I V E A S S I S TA N T S A my H i c kox K a s ey H e n d r i c k s o n O N T H E COV E R PHOTOGR APHY Christiaan Phleger and Lexi Mackenzie L O C AT I O N The Polo Fields at Mokule’ia, Oahu G OW N S Jules Bly, New Zealand F L OW E R S Anny Heid, Maui ST YLING Jacqui Rojas MODEL Erica Spangler © 2012 by Buckles Production, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Brides Club, The Wedding Spotlight Magazine & the Northwest Wedding Expos are a registered trademark of Buckles Productions, Inc, Table of Contents Welcome to the Brides Club Wedding Expo P H O T O G R A P H Y BY: Christiaan Phleger and Lexi Mackenzie 2 Thank You to Our Troops 6 A Message from Brad Buckles 7 Spotlight - Infinite Professional 12 Catering to Fit Your Needs 18 Spotlight - Wedding Planner 808 20 Wedding Etiquette 30 After the Expo 36 Index - Floor Plans & Merchants 40 W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B is committed to excellence in the plann planning and execution of your catering needs. We formal sit down style services. 02 67 services Hall Rental Information Wedding Cakes & Desserts Limousine or Valet Services Beverage & Bartending Services Flowers & Decorations Ice Sculptures & Invitations Live or DJ Music Table, Chair & Linen Rentals FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL US AT 253.826.1799 OR VISIT If we don’t supply it, we can coordinate it for you ble at a reasonable price from a reliable vendor, you have e our word on it. ng Please call on us when planning your next event. W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 04 67 W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 06 67 A MES SAG E F R OM B R AD BUCK L ES We are proud to introduce to you to WEDDING SPOTLIGHT, an e-magazine brought to you by BRIDES CLUB. As President of Brides Club, I would like to personally thank you for your interest in participating in the most exciting bridal event of the season, the NORTHWEST WEDDING EXPO. Over 1400 brides attend the Expo every year, as we offer you, your groom, and the whole wedding party access to exceptional services by wedding industry leaders and the information to help you plan and inspire the wedding beyond your wildest dreams. The collection of retailers & wedding service providers we have gathered are experts in their respective markets and are happy to provide you with answers to your most difficult inquiries and with ideas to suit your unique tastes and budgets. Come early and bring your friends, as our vendors’ calendars fill up quickly! I wish you the happiest wedding day & the most beautiful memories to follow, Black and White Photography by Christiaan Phleger and Lexi Mackenzie. (pgs. 2-3) “ Our style is classic photojournalism to capture the moment. The black and white images are hand printed by Christiaan on fiber-based paper to create exquisite fine art museum quality prints. We have been professional wedding and fashion photographers for 14 years and are now developing a new TV show for KFVE called Hot Hawaiian Weddings. ” For more information, visit W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 08 67 T 116 W The Liberty Theater located on West Main Street in Puyallup Washington has served as a historical landmark for past 85 years. Although the original theater chairs have been removed and the floor has been tiered to accommodate up to 340 guests seated at tables or 540 standing/seated; this beautiful theater has been preserved for generations to enjoy. This multipurpose theater can accommodate just about any event imaginable. Weddings are common at The Liberty Theater…Brides and Grooms can be seen exchanging their vows on our commercially lighted stage and heard through our state-of-theart PA System. Many backgrounds and stage props can be custom set by our friendly and efficient staff. Contact us at (253) 845-5105 for a free consultation! The Liberty Theater W E D D IS N GH S PIOT I G HT T M N E8 b y3B7 RID W E S T M A I N AV E • P U YA L L U P, WA NL G OAGNA Z I9 1E S C L U B ves a s e ryon Eve $30 LS ENTA R X IR TU E r H T in ou o ON j y e s h t rd when Fit® rewa ct Perfe program! Plus, get a FREE SUIT or FREE TUX RENTAL for your groom with five paid rental packages. Special bonus: Get another FREE TUX RENTAL with 10 paid rental packages! Visit a store or go to for complete details. W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B E N T E R TA I N M E N T EVENT PLANNER Wedding Spotlight : Infinite Professional I N F I N I T E PROF E S SIONA L E V E N T PL A N N I NG + E N T E RTA I N M E N T M A NAGE M E N T DE N N I S W E Y MOU T H , OW N E R Web: Phone: 206.694.9317 Email: [email protected] W H AT O T H E R R E F E R R A L S S AY A B O U T M E : I am always thinking three steps ahead while multi tasking on the present. I am the Jack of All Trades and Master of Each unlike many that try to do too many things, but none very well. W H AT ’ S M Y FAV O R I T E S AY I N G : Our imagination is our destination. F U N N Y W E D D I N G M O M E N T: The Bride was ready, the groom was waiting to walk down the aisle, people and guests were all seated, but the minister was nowhere. He was later found locked in the comfort room. I B E G A N M Y B U S I N E S S B E C A U S E : I have a passion for organizing and entertaining. Noticing details at many weddings while I was a DJ over the years, it was natural for me to jump in and help wherever help was needed. The experience continued to grow as I learned how to manage entire weddings. People continued to ask for me to help them with their events and so I began the business because I love to help others and see the happiness and appreciation when I helped them create the perfect event. I G E T I N S P I R E D W H E N : Someone asks for help. I love to help people and I want to always jump in immediately and say yes, every time. G R E AT E S T D E S I R E : To be able to provide for those that need it. W E A K N E S S : Saying No. C O N T R I B U T I O N S : Volunteer and organizer for Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Gala, GSBA Scholarship Awards Dinner, Seattle United Soccer League FAV O R I T E C H A R I T I E S : American Cancer Society Relay for Life, Lifelong, GSBA H O W M A N Y Y E A R S I N B U S I N E S S ? 20 H O W M A N Y W E D D I N G S A Y E A R ? 15 12 67 SPOTLIGHT what creates a fun and successful wedding every time. A S W I T H A L L M AT T E R S O F T H E H E A R T: Be grateful for what you have. Many are less fortunate, so share an opportunity with someone, because someone has shared them with me. 3 T H I N G S I ’ M G R AT E F U L F O R : 1. Parents. 2. My talent and skill set. 3. People who make me a better person. H O W M A N Y W E D D I N G S O V E R A L L ? 250 WHY SHOU LD A B RIDE OR VE N DOR WOR K W I T H YO U ? I like to listen to the details. I take notes when an idea is thought of by a client. I like to develop those ideas into special surprises to share during the process of arranging a wedding. Preparation and Planning are key essentials throughout the design and planning process and I am always prepared with a contingency for the unexpected. Being organized and good planning is 10 TH INGS PEOPLE DON ’ T KNOW ABOUT M E : 1. Passionate 2. Dedicated 3. Hard Working 4. Attention to Detail 5. Perfectionist 6. Coach 7. Athlete 8. Compassionate 9. Christian 10. Gay W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B SPOTLIGHT Infinite Professional (Continued)... “ I want to create the perfect wedding every ti I L I K E : I like to surround myself with positive people. I D O N ’ T L I K E : Judgmental people, Gossip or Violence I L O V E : Keno, my Boxer I have had since he was six weeks old. He will be twelve this year. H O B B I E S : Entertaining, Board Games and Playing Sports. FAV O R I T E F O O D/ M E A L : Love surf and Turf. Could sit on a beach at the Ocean all day with a bucket of Steamers and a few Dungeness Crab or fire up the Grill for some Ribs or a 10 oz. Rib Eye Steak. FAV O R I T E T I M E P E R I O D : 40s 60s 80s. I would love to go back to the Forties, when the Big Band Sound was around and life was more simple. However, today we can communicate all over the globe and the ability to travel is more available than before. FAV O R I T E Q U O T E : Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. “John Wooden” B O O K : Face_Book? D E S S E R T S : Butter Toffee Ice Cream and my mom’s Old Fashioned Chocolate Chip Cookies S O N G : American Pie-Don Mclean, Come Sail Away-”Grand Illusion” Styx, Sunny Side of the Street-”Father of the Bride” Steve Tyrell C A N DY : Hershey Kisses (Cont.) A R T I S T: Rembrandt...not the musical group, the Artist. P E T S : Keno (see above) M O V I E S : The Wedding Planner, Devil Wears Prada, Caddyshack C O L O R : Blue WAY I R E L A X : Hot tub. Relaxing, soothing and therapeutic. 3 WAY S I I N S P I R E M Y S E L F : 1. Walk through downtown and see all the people and feel the vitality and energy of the city. 2. Remind myself how fortunate I am all the time to be healthy, have family and be blessed with a mind that continually wants to expand and learn. 3. When I think of an idea. FAV O R I T E P E O P L E : Family, elder folks who I admire and because of their wholesomeness and experiences. 14 67 M O V I E Q U O T E : “Build it and they will come” Field of Dreams C E L E B R I T I E S : Sandra Bullock, Ellen Degeneres, Betty White P E O P L E S AY I L O O K L I K E : Someone they know. So many times people come up to me and say… Do I know you? You look like someone I know. S U P E R H E R O : Superman - I would love to be able to fly. V I D E O G A M E : Don’t play them. Rather be doing something productive than playing with an electronic device. ime we are involved.” FA M I LY : I could not be bigger fans of anyone more than my parents. They raised me to be respectful, kind, compassionate, courageous and to always do the right thing. My mom and I are so much alike, I tell her it’s her fault that I love to do what I do. She always gets worried and asks me “What abouts” and I always get to tell her I have thought of it already. Great minds think alike. Dad is always there to help just in case. T R I P S TA K E N : Love Vegas! Or Las Vegas? N E X T T R I P I WA N T T O TA K E : Need to get to Hawaii for some golf after all the weddings this year. FAV O R I T E P O S S E S S I O N : A Cross-stitch of an actual Monopoly Board. W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 16 67 A Trio Claique Music samples available at E-mail [email protected] Telephone (253) 857-6529 Professional symphonic musicians will add a touch of elegance to your special day. Founded in 1998, we are professional musicians with the Tacoma Symphony Orchestra and have performed for a wide variety of events to include corporate & political events, open houses, grand openings, VIP receptions, garden tours, and we offer a broad spectrum of music suitable for all occasions. bridal showcase bridal showcase october October6, 6, 2012 2012 February 16&&october October 5, 5, 2013 february16 2013 admission isis free! admission free! VENDOR OPPORTUNITIES CALL 253.840.2828 X 3 vendor opportunities call 253.840.2828 x 3 Hwy 512 & South Meridian, Puyallup, WA Highway 512 & South Meridian, Puyallup, WA www.mallgif W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B CATERING Choosing the right caterer ranks among the most important tasks Follow these tips to make sure you find the balance between valu One of the most important aspects of planning your special day is finding the right caterer because the food you serve will be one of the most memorable parts of the reception for your guests. Caterers can be booked up to a year in advance, so it is wise to search one out early. A simple timeline for finding the perfect caterer is to start looking for one at least 10 months before the wedding, make sure you have booked the caterer by 8 months, and decide on a menu by 6 months. A good caterer does more than one might think. They are well trained in food selection and preparation, reception staging, serving and clean up. Some go as far as to decorate for you, hire bartenders, and provide the wedding cake. Others may only prepare and serve the food and then clean up. When looking for a caterer, keep the following in mind: • • • • Find a caterer with a good reputation whose food you can sample before signing a contract. Make appointments and interview many different caterers to find the right one for you. Some caterers may even give you phone numbers of past customers who were pleased with the caterer’s work. Many reception sites have their own catering services, so when you’re looking for a hall, decide if it has what you want in both catering and atmosphere. Check to see what services the caterers will provide other than just the meal (electricity, lighting, tents, tables, linens, chairs, etc.) If you feel like you have found the right caterer, wait to sign a contract until the caterer understands your expectations and you understand the terms of agreement. Keep in mind questions such as: will the cost be a flat rate or a per-person fee? Are gratuities automatically added? Are you going to have a sit-down dinner or a buffet? Will drinks be included in the price? Catering is one of the most expensive parts of the wedding, so when it comes to cost, it is up to you whether you want to spend any amount or keep costs down. There are different ways to serve food at your wedding that will vary the price. Some tips can to keep in mind are: • • • Most caterers will charge per-person, which means the cost will depend on the number of guests that you expect to come. American food will cost much less to serve than an exotic or international dish such as French, Mediterranean, Thai, or Indian. Cost will increase if you decide to have the caterer take care of the wine and 18 67 s of planning a wedding. ue & quality. • • • • the wedding cake instead of doing that yourself. Buffet-style catering will cost less than if waiters serve your guests, yet it is also elegant. Most caterers include set up and clean up in perperson cost; if they do not, that will increase cost. Most caterers have special rates for children, so be sure to ask about that. Overtime costs, gratuities or taxes will all affect the final cost of drinks when planning for a caterer. This can really rack up the price depending on what you want to serve for beverages: 1. The least expensive option is to not serve alcohol and instead have a cash bar where guests can buy their own drinks. If you decide to do this, inform your guests so they know to bring their own money. 2. A nicer option, but more expensive, is to serve only beer and wine. You can buy the beer and wine yourself or have the caterer provide them. 3. The most expensive option will be to have an open bar with free drinks. Your guests will love this and you won’t have to worry about providing drinks yourself. Remember to include champagne for the wedding toast. Because the food and drink at your wedding will be one of the most memorable parts for the guests and for you, be sure you are happy with your choice of a caterer. Remember these tips to when selecting a caterer, and make sure they have what you want. W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B EVENT PLANNER Wedding Spotlight : Wedding Planner 808 W E DDI NG PL A N N E R 8 0 8 E V E N T PL A N N I NG JA N IC E M .T. B AC H I L L E R , OW N E R Web: Phone: 808.688.4405 Email: [email protected] Facebook: W H AT O T H E R R E F E R R A L S S AY A B O U T M E : People say I’m very passionate about my clients, each wedding, and life in general. W H AT ’ S M Y FAV O R I T E S AY I N G : Anything is possible if you have faith, and when you believe – You can Achieve and Succeed! Work Hard, Play Harder and Party Like a Rock Star. F U N N Y W E D D I N G M O M E N T: Most recent is my wedding rehearsal on Saturday, May 19, 2012. When I asked the bride and groom to say a few words after The Hawaiian Lei Exchange, the bride starts laughing and stated that she loved the groom longer than the telephone pole in a Filipino accent. It was hilarious because no one else was Filipino except for me at the rehearsal. S E N T I M E N TA L W E D D I N G M O M E N T: It is very touching for me to see the bridal couples’ raw emotion of loving bliss and tears when they are doing their vows and the first time they see the ceremony and reception completely decorated and are in “awe” because it was executed better than they had envisioned. S P E C I A L I N S I D E R TA L E N T: Although I am very career oriented and ambitious, I am a DOMESTICATED GODDESS. I love every aspect of a harmonious home – I love to cook, bake, clean house, babysit and care for children. My special talent is organizing spaces and folding laundry in a professional way. W H AT K I N D O F FA C E B O O K U S E R A R E YO U : I’m a moderate Facebook user updating it based on my interests, experiences, work status, travels and activities. I want to be 20 67 uplifting and enrich people’s lives versus being negative online. I also have a Wedding Planner 808 page. W H Y I B E G A N M Y B U S I N E S S : I began my business in June 2004 and Celebrating my 8th Years Anniversary this year. I started my business because I was already doing weddings and events for families and friends as a hobby. I am naturally organized, detail oriented and have mastered time management from an early age. Being the oldest and closest to my grandparents growing up, I was a natural leader and was appointed the family organizer and coordinator for all our family events. I have been planning and organizing special occasions and high school special events; and my own Sweet 16th since 1989 in high school. Seeing all of their happy expressions and nal production of everything I planned brought a natural high for me. Coordinating everything became second nature and I thought that if I could do any business in this world, it would be something I loved doing. Being a Wedding Planner is a dream career in the making. I G E T I N S P I R E D W H E N : I get inspired when meet bridal couples that have a vision of what they want their wedding day to turn out. Learning their personality, style and knowing their budget allows me to get creative using their color schematics and theme to produce a one of a kind and unique wedding for each and every client. No two weddings are the same nor will they ever be duplicated. Inspiration comes from the bridal couple alone. M Y G R E AT E S T D E S I R E : My greatest desire is to have an entourage of wedding planners/coordinators to duplicate my wedding planning and coordination procedures throughout the world by expanding to provide future bridal couples the SPOTLIGHT Photography by: Liquid Light Images W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B SPOTLIGHT Wedding Planner 808 (Cont)... opportunity to experience our excellent customer service model. We want our weddings to be an inspiration to future brides seeking our awesome services. Not every bridal couple requires a wedding planner but every couple deserves to have a coordinator. W E A K N E S S : Being able to say NO to others who require my help or assistance. I love to help people, and not just clients either - even other wedding coordinators! C O N T R I B U T I O N : My contribution to this world is to succeed and share my blessings and experiences with others less fortunate than me. I am passionate about raising awareness and educating people about stopping Domestic Violence through sponsorship and The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Hawaii throughdonation and volunteering. OUR SOCIAL & ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY INITIATIVE Wedding Planner 808 is working to provide our clients with the best eco-friendly options for their wedding day and beyond! Our green credentials set us apart from the competition and help us stand out to the growing number of couples seeking green alternatives. We received 5 Leaves – APPROVED VENDOR! I would like to lessen my carbon footprint in this world and leave it a better place than when I entered it. I A M G R AT E F U L F O R : I am grateful for my life and being given this opportunity and blessing of living my dreams doing what I love most and for being able to enjoy life, family and friends simultaneously. Y E A R S I N B U S I N E S S : 8 years in June 2012, averaging 19-21 weddings per year ranging from destination weddings of a bridal couple of two to 300 guests. Our average guest list is from 200 to 300 guests. The largest guest list was for a party with over 800 guests for a wedding on 07/07/07. W H Y S H O U L D A B R I D E O R V E N D O R W O R K W I T H YO U : with me will be provided with excellent customer service through interpersonal communications, personalized service by attention to detail and making a conscious effort to remember all of the details of each and every wedding without reference to any notes or client flle. I value every relationship I encounter as if they are family. Every person that enters my life becomes lifetime friends professionally and personally. 22 67 10 THINGS PEOP 1. I am God-fearin 2. I have old fashio minded to const 3. I was born and r speak Ilocano, a 4. I’m an adrenalin sharks, held an 8 the forest & mou 5. I enjoy cleaning ing on clutter an 6. I don’t eat Beef a 7. I was raised in a Filipino, Hawaii 8. I’m not a fan of a ipod, iphone, ipa 9. I have 2 other bu Coordination. 10. I am not physica health condition PLE DON’T KNOW ABOUT ME: ng but otherwise FEARLESS. on values and morals, but very open tant changes to life and society. raised in Hawaiibut can read, write, and a dialect from the Philippines. ne rush junkie and have swam with 8ft Python & 3ft Iguana, gone ATVing in untains, and more. g, cooking, baking, organizing, downsiznd folding laundry – very domesticated. and Pork; haven’t since December 1997. a multi-cultural household observing the ian and Portguese cultures. anything beginning with the letter i = ad, itunes, etc. usinesses besides Wedding Planning & ally challenged but do have a rare n and internal disability. Photography by: Liquid Light Images W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 24 67 Photography by: Liquid Light Images Light W E D D I N G S P OT LPhotography I G H T M AG A Zby: I N ELiquid by B R I D E SImages C LU B 26 67 F I R M E R A S S E T S P E R S O N A L T R A I N I N G get wedding fit in weeks WITH BARBI GRIFFITH, CP T | { 4 2 5 } 3 8 7 ~ 5 6 3 3 | barbi@f hundr eds of br ides are r e a ding the w edding spotlight m aga zine Be in the Spotlight! Bride s Club Wedd ing Expo s | Fall 2012 | Issue # nw01 Call Today for Advertising Information! Contact Brad Buckles at (425) 373-1894 or visit WWW.BRIDESCLUB.COM W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 28 67 W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B H aving a wedding will mostly be all about you and your special person, yet you need to remember some etiquette rules that apply to your guests. The better you treat your guests, the more likely they are to enjoy your wedding and think of you in a positive light. WEDDING INVITATIONS Wedding invitations should be mailed out six weeks prior to the wedding day, unless friends or relatives need to fly in from out of town. Then the invitation should be mailed eight to ten weeks in advance to give your guests time to make travel and hotel ar rangements, Custom also has it that invitations need to be mailed from the bride’s home, even if the guests are friends and family of the groom, The envelope should have the full names of the family or individual you are inviting, and the inside card should just have first names. When you are inviting a single person, it is polite to write “and Guest” next to their name. Wedding invitation wording should reflect the for mality of your wedding, The more formal, the closer to tradition you would want to be. Invitations should tell your guests exactly what they need to know. The wording you use is also important, although there are many vaieties to choose from. Consult a wedding guide or catalog before you order your invitations to know which wording will suit you best. For destination weddings, make sure you mail “Save the Date” cards at least a year in advance so guests can begin making travel plans. THANK YOU NOTES It used to be that if you said thank you to someone in person for his or her gift, a thank you note was not required. But these days, when couples are inviting more guests to the wedding, and more people send gifts through mail, thank you notes are the only way to express your sincere appreciation. When should you send out thank you notes for your bridal shower or wedding? ASAP! The sooner, the better. Everyone appreciates a thank you note, espe cially if it comes soon after the event. For the shower, notes should be sent out 10-14 days after the event. - Thank you notes for wedding gifts received before the wedding should go out 2 weeks after receiving the gift so a prolonged period of time does not go between receiving the gift and sendng the note. Proper wedding etiquette says that notes should be sent out 2 weeks to a month after you return from the honeymoon. If time starts racing and you’ve put notes on the back burner for too long, send them any way. People expect thank you notes for their gifts and they will still appreciate one even if its is late. 67 - Handwritten notes are the only way to go. If a guest receives a pre-printed thank you note, he or she may feel unappreciated for the time and effort they took in choosing your wedding gift. No matter how short your handwritten note is, it adds a personal touch which expresses your appreciation so much better. Lastly, your wedding day could not be possible with out the special people you share it with - express your gratitude in your own unique way to everyone who made your wedding the most memorable experience. A thank you note to those who least expect it shows that you noticed all the little details that make the biggest difference. WEDDING 30 - - ETIQUETTE Wedding Invitations & Thank You Notes P H O TO G R A P H Y BY : W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E by B R I D E S C L U B Eugene Kam Love gives naught but itself And takes naught but fro 32 67 om itself. Love possesses not nor would it be possessed; For love is suf ficient unto love. ~ KAHLIL GIBRAN W E D D I N G S P OTP Lh IG A Zby I N: ELiquid by B R I D E SImages C LU B oH t oTg M r aAG p hy Light 34 67 206.851.9778 [email protected] Specialists in Destination Weddings and Honeymoons Schedule your FREE LASIK Exam today! Call 1-877-577-3937 or visit [email protected] 425.453.8200 Michael Cornell, M.D. 320 106th Ave. NE, Suite B • Bellevue Spectacular Views of the Puget Sound & Olympic Mountains! Environmental Services Building in University Place. 253-798-4141 [email protected] Whether holding your event indoor, outdoor, or both, there is no other place like the Environmental Services Building! Located at Pierce County’s Chambers Creek Regional Park, the Environmental Services Building is a unique and beautiful setting for your wedding and reception. W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B AFTER THE Now that you have attended the Bride’s Club Wedding Expo, what brochures, business cards, and giveaways that you’ve received? Organize them into different categories (e.g. venues, coordinators, photographers, videographers, DJ’s florists, hair/makeup artists, etc.) After that re-order each category by personal preference based on the quality, style, or personality of the vendor. Narrow the categories even further by choosing 3-5 vendors that really interest you. Take note of all the special offers on all the flyers and brochures, as well as any expiration dates. Contact the vendors for a consultation, and make sure to find out if it’s complimentary to make sure there are no surprises. Create a budget for each aspect of the wedding. Having a budget will help you shorten your list of companies even further, and is invaluable when you eventually meet with the vendors. Meet with the vendors and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Look to meet with at least 3 different wedding planners, caterers, dj’s, etc. to ensure you’re making the right choice in getting the services your wedding will require, and within budget. Ask about contract policies, deposits, special offers, as well as guarantee of work and completion date with deadlines. Make no commitments until you’re done shopping around. Ask the vendor if they will be working with you directly or will someone else assist you, as you should be consulting with the person that will help you up until you say, “I do” versus having a stranger show up to your wedding. Now comes the big decision…determine which vendor works well with your personality, style, and budget. Remember, you will be working with them for weeks, even months, from the planning stage up until your wedding day. EXPO t do you do with all the H E R E A R E A F E W QU E S T IONS TO A SK YOU R V E N DOR : • • • • • • • • • • • • • What sets your company apart from your competitor? What unique products or services do you provide? How long have you been in business? Tell me about your level of expertise in the wedding industry. Do you belong to any professional associations, clubs, or non-profit organizations? Will you be working with me directly or will you be sending someone else? What are your working hours from set up, breakdown, and end time? (e.g. some vendors may charge extra for parties that go past 9pm) What do your charges entail (e.g. service fees, gas, mileage, parking, overtime) and how transparent are these fees in the billing process? What are your event policies and what is not covered under your contract? When are initial payments due? Subsequent payments? What type of payments do you accept? What are your cancellation and refund policies? Do you carry General Liability Insurance? Would I be covered under your insurance? How many weddings can you accommodate in one day or in one weekend? Lastly, if you are unsure about the vendor, do a little research by asking friends and family for referrals, reading online reviews on sites like Yelp or Google+, or contact the Better Business Bureau for additional information. P h o t o g r a p hy by : Eugene Kam Photography 38 67 W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B VENDORS at the expo [ seattle ] ACC E S S O R I E S CL ASSIC ST YLE DE SIG N Lynn Clendenen (360) 668-9318 [email protected] K ATO E NTE R PRIS E S , LLC Janet Kato (206) 427-6247 katoenterprises TH E ST YLE U WANT Mira Abolink (801) 833-3585 Work [email protected] TH INGS R E M E M B E R E D Rachel Frutkin (440) 473-2000 Ext. 5346 [email protected] MICH E BAGS Shirley Diaz (253) 202-9462 [email protected] B AC H E L O R E T T E PA R T I E S TOY BOX PARTIE S Carli McSorley (425) 301-0721 [email protected] B E AU T Y & S K I N C A R E 40 ADVOCAR E Jonathan LeBaron (206) 423-3338 [email protected] AM E RICAN L AS E R CE NTE RS Megan Sullivan (248) 426-8250 Ext. 308 [email protected] L ASIK PLUS VISION CE NTE RS Shay Maney (513) 354-5910 [email protected] MARY K AY COS M ETIC S Cindy Wallace (253) 719-8957 [email protected] PARTINGTON PLASTIC SURGERY Carolyn Miglino (425) 883-2243 [email protected] ZIJA Ann Meier (360) 390-8933 [email protected] 67 B R I DA L C O N S U LTA N T S LOVE B LOOM S WE DDING & E VE NT DE SIG N Caity Garness (425) 890-0760 [email protected] B R I DA L G OW N S & D R E S S E S ALFR E D ANG E LO B RIDAL Mary Jane Fillman (267) 948-1159 [email protected] B RIDE S & B E YON D Mounira Dlaikan (425) 275-7521 [email protected] DAVID ’ S B RIDAL Ingrid Kelly (610) 943-6217 [email protected] LOR R AIN E B RIDAL Lorraine Layman (206) 295-8221 [email protected] PROM S & PROMIS E S Betty J Dietz (206) 363-5869 [email protected] TH E WE DDING B E LL Kim Miller (253) 279-7473 [email protected] B R I DA L R E G I S T R Y DIN N E R FOR T WO BY 21ST CE NTU RY ’ S R P Jerry Russo (973) 586-2316 [email protected] MY NAKE D KITCH E N (858) 488-8382 [email protected] PAM PE R E D CH E F Heather Walsh (206) 790-6063 [email protected] CAKES & DESSERTS HAPPY E N DINGS DE SSE RT Heather Lakefish (206) 607-7267 [email protected] MY CAKE S Cynthia Gulgope (425) 281-5211 [email protected] TH E PEOPLE ’ S CAKE Kaysie Lackey (206) 484-2063 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B C A N DY B U F F E T S CL ASSIC ST YLE DE SIG N Lynn Clendenen (360) 668-9318 [email protected] C AT E R E R S DE SIG N PE R FEC T Daina/Mark Carter (425) 467-8129 [email protected] SCOOTE R ’ S CUSTOM CATE RING Ralph Manguso (206) 445-3400 [email protected] CHAPE L S + CLE RGY A H E AVE N LY CE R E M ONY Rev Pat Stimac (206) 789-9788 [email protected] CE LE B R ATION S BY AM B E R Amber Bartz (360) 301-0243 [email protected] D E C O R AT I O N S & R E N TA L S G R AN D E VE NT R E NTAL S Eddie Redman (425) 462-7368 [email protected] PROP GALLE RY E VE NTS Rachel Meade (206) 762-6808 [email protected] D I S C J O C K E Y S + AU D I O LE U JAM PRODUC TION S Dave Leu (253) 537-5955 [email protected] 42 67 OT TOMATIC MOB ILE M USIC Eric Olson: (425) 750-4111 [email protected] VIVA PRODUC TION S Johnny Gargano (206) 542-5733 [email protected] FITNESS & NUTRITION CR 50 0 WE IG HT LOSS SYSTE M Sandra (206) 423-7293 [email protected] IT WOR KS! G LOBAL Stephanie Hardin (253) 202-8627 [email protected] F L O R I S T S & F L OW E R S B R E N NA’ S BOUQ U ETS Brenna Smith (360) 886-0680 [email protected] CONTE M P OR ARY FLOR AL Kristin (206) 354-4132 [email protected] FLOVE RY Hoc Phan (206) 734-7805 [email protected] VIC TORIA G R ACE SON Vicky Grace (425) 443-7905 [email protected] FORMAL WEAR & TUXEDOS M E N S WE AR HOUS E Maureen Ryan (925) 849-68436 [email protected] TH E TUX S HOP Nancy Fox (503) 260-2476 [email protected] HAIR ST YLISTS B R E E IN NORTH - HAIR ST YLE Breein North (425) 444-5442 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B H O N E Y M O O N VAC AT I O N S E XECUTIVE TR AVE L CON SU LTANTS - VACATION S Tina Skelton (425) 453-8200 [email protected] VACATION INTE R NATIONAL JW WOR LD R E SOU RCE S Jeff Jackson (425) 835-3809 [email protected] W YN DHAM WOR LDWIDE Rebecca David (206) 315-8657 B E N B RIDG E J E WE LE RS Stephanie Ingle (206) 239-6864 [email protected] J LEWIS JEWELRY Jill Lewis (425) 455-2204 [email protected] [email protected] JEWELERS & RINGS A WEDDING RING EXPERIENCE Lewis Barnes (619) 583-6982 [email protected] COOKIE LE E Shirley Diaz (253) 202-9462 [email protected] L I M O & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N B LISS LUXU RY LIM OS (253) 880-4486 [email protected] LIVE MUSICIANS CAM EO STRING Q UARTET Jennifer Sokol (206) 453-5969 [email protected] NUTRITION & WEIGHTLOSS 5 HOU R SAM PLE Zac Carr (206) 235-7448 [email protected] 44 67 XOCAI (S HOW CAI) Ray Bloom (425) 736-1077 [email protected] PHOTO BOOTHS DIG I PHOTO BOOTH Luis Ongpin (206) 501-1960 [email protected] EZ PHOTO Travis Elmquist (253) 569-8748 [email protected] P ORTAB LE PAPAR A ZZI Tim Auld (425) 417-7862 [email protected] PHOTOG R APHE RS 5TH AVE N U E LIFE ST YLE PHOTOG R APHY BY R ACH E LLE Rachelle Erickson (425) 829-0532 [email protected] CAREN MORRIS PHOTOGRAPHY Caren Morris (425) 786-7787 [email protected] CARINO & TAM PHOTOGRAPHY Chris Carino (253) 256-2050 [email protected] CE LE B R ATE YOU R S E X Y Scott Barrie (509) 332-0106 [email protected] CICCAR E LLLI PHOTOG R APHY Eric Ciccarelli (614) 893-9027 G R ANT HORI UCH I PHOTOG R APHY Grant Horiuchi (206) 261-7681 [email protected] HEATHER LYNN PHOTOGRAPHY Heather Cournoyer (360) 927-2552 [email protected] HILDE B R AN D PHOTOG R APHY Brandon Hildebrand (425) 239-5915 [email protected] H R NORTHWE ST PHOTOG R APHY Ryan & Heather Shipley (425) 420-5944 [email protected] LU NA B E LL A E VE NTS Kyle Miller (253) 307-4488 [email protected] MARI US PHOTOG R APHY Marius Bildar (425) 268-6622 [email protected] HILDE B R AN D PHOTOG R APHY Brandon Hildebrand (425) 239-5915 [email protected] MAT T FE R R E LL PHOTOG R APHY Matt Ferrell (425) 772-8608 [email protected] MOLLY LANDRETH PHOTOGRAPHY Molly Landreth (206) 234-9003 [email protected] NOLD PHOTOG R APHY Kurtis Nold (206) 226-1285 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B PHOTOG R APHE RS PIC TU R E THIS DIG ITAL G U E STBOOK TJ Lefty (425) 761-1224 [email protected] STU DIO 7 PHOTOG R APHY Jean Durnal (425) 283-8771 [email protected] VAN WHYE PHOTOG R APHY Gabriel Van Whye (253) 208-9872 [email protected] VOIR PHOTOG R APHY Vladimir (206) 769-8417 [email protected] R E C E P T I O N L O C AT I O N S B LU E RIB BON COOKING Vanessa Johns-Webster (206) 328-2442 [email protected] CROWN PL AZA HOTEL SEATTLE Kim Straight (206) 676-3921 [email protected] HOLLY WOOD SCHOOLHOUSE Lori Reeder (425) 481-7925 [email protected] METROPOLITAN BANQUET HALL Rashpal Buttar (425) 306-9331 [email protected] MOUNT BAKER ROWING & SAILING CENTER Philly Hoshko (206) 724-4083 [email protected] SALT Y ’ S ALKI B E ACH Jeff Wilson (206) 937-1085 [email protected] TPC SNOQUALMIE RIDGE Rashpal Buttar (425) 306-9331 [email protected] VIDEOGRAPHERS FLIPPE D OUT PRODUC TION S Josh Hershfield (425) 433-8344 46 67 WE B SE RVICES PIRQ Caterine Pellanda (360) 480-6090 [email protected] WEDDING VENUES B IG SK Y R E SORT Margo Humphries (406) 995-5886 [email protected] HOLIDAY IN N SEQ U IM Bret Wirta (206) 295-0247 [email protected] MONTE CRISTO BALLROOM Tawana Moses (425) 740-5045 [email protected] OL SON MAN SION Adrielle Flinders (425) 432-1359 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B VENDORS at the expo [ tacoma ] AC C E S S O R I E S B LING - ACCE SSORIE S Michael Stock (253) 447-8257 [email protected] M ICH E BAGS Shirley Diaz (253) 202-9462 [email protected] TH E ST YLE U WANT Mira Abolink (801) 833-3585 [email protected] THINGS REMEMBERED Rachel Frutkin (440) 473-2000 Ext. 5346 [email protected] TH E MIX Randy Hamilton (253) 383-4327 [email protected] B AC H E L O R E T T E PA R T I E S PUG ET SOU N D PASSION S PASSION PARTIE S Robyn Rosas-Renner (253) 678-2188 [email protected] B E AU T Y & S K I N C A R E 48 ADVOCAR E Jonathan LeBaron (206) 423-3338 [email protected] ALDE R B ROOK R E SORT & SPA Mark Phelan (360) 898-5505 [email protected] AM E RICAN L AS E R CE NTE RS Megan Sullivan (248) 426-8250 Ext. 308 [email protected] MARY K AY COS M ETIC S Cindy Wallace (253) 719-8957 [email protected] SUNKISSED GOLDEN MOBILE SPRAY TANNING Elizabeth Williams (253) 245-0165 sunkissedgoldenmobilespraytan@ ZIJA Ann Meier (360) 390-8933 [email protected] 67 B R I DA L C O N S U LTA N T S DILIG E NT DETAIL S E VE NT & WE DDING PL AN N ING Donna Gonzalez (253) 232-0570 [email protected] IN FIN ITE PROFE SSIONAL Dennis Weymouth (206) 694-9317 [email protected] J U B ILE E WE DDINGS AN D E VE NTS Melissa Pelletier (253) 861-3002 [email protected] YOU AR E TH E STAR WE DDINGS & E VE NTS Atiya Canley (253) 468-3903 [email protected] B R I DA L G OW N S & D R E S S E S ALFR E D ANG E LO B RIDAL Mary Jane Fillman (267) 948-1159 [email protected] B RIDE S & B E YON D Mounira Dlaikan (425) 275-7521 [email protected] DAVID ’ S B RIDAL Ingrid Kelly (610) 943-6217 [email protected] GOODWILL - TACOMA N E IG H BOR HOOD B ISTRO John Nadeau (253) 573-6696 [email protected] N E W B EG IN N INGS B RIDAL Tina Berry (253) 841-9455 [email protected] PROM S & PROMIS E S Betty J Dietz (206) 363-5869 [email protected] TH E WE DDING B E LL Kim Miller (253) 279-7473 [email protected] WE DDINGS WITH J OY Angela Bossard (360) 943-9860 [email protected] B R I DA L R E G I S T R Y B E D BATH & B E YON D Sasha Gersaba (808) 486-3791 [email protected] DIN N E R FOR T WO BY 21ST CE NTU RY ’ S R P Jerry Russo (973) 586-2316 [email protected] PART YLITE Kelly Nalley (253) 927-851 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B B R I DA L S H OW E R S PAM PE R E D CH E F Heather Walsh (206) 790-6063 [email protected] B R I DA L S H OW S KOH LE R E XP OS (616)532-8133 CAKES & DESSERTS CE LE B RIT Y CAKE S & DE SSE RTS Odette & Dave D’Aniello (253) 627-4773 [email protected] C AT E R E R S AC T 3 CATE RING Laura Gately (425) 251-9102 [email protected] CAR RS R E STAU R ANT Ellie Carr (253) 584-4622 [email protected] E LYS E ’ S CATE RING/ SCH MIDT HOUS E Judi Davis (360) 943-5555 [email protected] GALLUCCI ’ S CATE RING Ronald & Treia Gallucci (253) 826-1799 [email protected] LE GAR MACH E CATE RING Betsy Jolliffe (360) 895-0602 [email protected] PAPA E DDIE ’ S CATE RING/ AFIFI S H RIN E Zachary Hill (360) 943-5555 [email protected] SCOOTE R ’ S CUSTOM CATE RING Ralph Manguso (206) 445-3400 [email protected] 50 67 D E C O R AT I O N S & R E N TA L S AM E RICAN PART Y PL ACE Lori Dunham (425) 462-7368 [email protected] G R AN D E VE NT R E NTAL S Eddie Redman (425) 462-7368 [email protected] S DP LIG HTING & DE SIG N Andy Pope (425) 829-2524 [email protected] TENTS & EVENTS PARTY RENTALS Kim or Penny (253) 872-6020 [email protected] D I S C J O C K E Y S + AU D I O ADAM S DJ SE RVICE & NW E VE NT LIG HTING Adam Tiegs (425) 652-6690 [email protected] CLU BTE K PRODUC TION S Todd McKellips (253) 353-1417 [email protected] INTEG R AL DJ ’ S Marc Matsui (206) 850-5840 [email protected] LE U JAM PRODUC TION S Dave Leu (253) 537-5955 [email protected] TM P PRODUC TION S Ty Podeszwa (253) 347-2184 [email protected] VIVA PRODUC TION S Johnny Gargano (206) 542-5733 [email protected] FITNESS + NUTRITION IT WOR KS! G LOBAL Stephanie Hardin (253) 202-8627 [email protected] M E LT Zach Walker (253) 777-5541 [email protected] F L O R I S T S & F L OW E R S B R E N NA’ S BOUQ U ETS Brenna Smith (360) 886-0680 [email protected] PLU M TR E E FLOR AL DE SIG N S Jennifer Klingenstein (206) 227-4771 [email protected] P OS H WE DDING FLOWE RS Maureen Croft (253) 380-3500 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B FORMAL WEAR & TUXEDOS FOR MAL IMAG E Marcus Jellen Sr (253) 922-3898 [email protected] M E N S WE AR HOUS E Maureen Ryan (925) 849-68436 [email protected] TH E TUX S HOP Nancy Fox (503) 260-2476 [email protected] G U E S T AC C O M M O DAT I O N S HAM P TON IN N SU ITE S Autumn Shuffield (253) 539-228 [email protected] P OU L S BO IN N & SU ITE S Shawna Seals (360) 779-3921 [email protected] HAIR ST YLISTS B R E E IN NORTH - HAIR ST YLE Breein North (425) 444-5442 [email protected] H O N E Y M O O N VAC AT I O N S 52 ALE X’ S TR AVE L LE ADE RS Teri Trettin (253) 383-8000 [email protected] KIANA LODG E Pamela Weatherill (206) 282-4633 [email protected] VACATION INTE R NATIONAL JW WOR LD R E SOU RCE S Jeff Jackson (425) 835-3809 [email protected] W YN DHAM WOR LDWIDE Rebecca David (206) 315-8657 [email protected] 67 TR AVE L N ET WOR K KE NT SAN DAL S Lorraine Glenn (253) 859-2040 [email protected] JEWELERS & RINGS A WEDDING RING EXPERIENCE Lewis Barnes (619) 583-6982 [email protected] B E N B RIDG E J E WE LE RS Stephanie Ingle (206) 239-6864 [email protected] COOKIE LE E Shirley Diaz (253) 202-9462 [email protected] KEN WALKER JEWELERS Stacey Frient (253) 851-6516 [email protected] MARCI JEWELRY John Borghess (425) 455-4567 [email protected] L I M O & T R A N S P O R TAT I O N A AM E RICAN LIMO Bryan Groves (253) 298-7224 [email protected] B LISS LUXU RY LIMOS Coral Slater (253) 880-4486 [email protected] LIVE MUSICIANS S E AT TLE M USICIAN S ASS N LOCAL 76 - 493 Susan McLain (206) 441-7600 [email protected] PA I N T I N G PA R T I E S MOYE R STU DIO Kandance Moyer (701) 351-4175 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B PHOTOG R APHE RS 5TH AVE LIFE ST YLE PHOTOG R APHY BY R ACH E LLE Rachelle Erickson (425) 829-0532 [email protected] ALEX STUDIO Alex Shiu (206) 728-9056 [email protected] B E AUX ARTS STU DIO Lorie Weldon (253) 838-2941 [email protected] CE LE B R ATE YOU R S E X Y Scott Barrie (509) 332-0106 [email protected] COLLE E N CAR ROLL PHOTOG R APHY Colleen Carroll (253) 278-2938 [email protected] F7 PHOTOG R APHY Jennifer Guzman (425) 868-6829 [email protected] FR E D CALMA PHOTOG R APHY Fred Calma (253) 927-2920 [email protected] G R ANT HORI UCH I PHOTOG R APHY Grant Horiuchi (206) 261-7681 [email protected] J OS H UA MAHAR PHOTOG R APHY Joshua Mahar (253) 777-2397 [email protected] LU NA B E LL A E VE NTS Kyle Miller (253) 307-4488 [email protected] PIC TU R E THIS DIG ITAL G U E STBOOK TJ Lefty (425) 761-1224 [email protected] R E B ECCA JAN E PHOTOG R APHY Rebecca Jane (206) 313-1731 rebecca@rebeccajane SCOT T TU R N E R PHOTOG R APHY Scott Turner (253) 857-4895 [email protected] VAN WHYE PHOTOG R APHY Gabriel Van Whye (253) 208-9872 [email protected] VOIR PHOTOG R APHY Vladimir (206) 769-8417 [email protected] R E C E P T I O N L O C AT I O N S B LU E RIB BON COOKING Vanessa Johns-Webster (206) 328-2442 [email protected] 54 67 CROWN PL AZA HOTEL SEATTLE Kim Straight (206) 676-3921 [email protected] IN DIAN SU M M E R GOLF & COU NTRY CLU B Trish Huff (360) 923-1075 susan.aaron@indiansummer KING COU NT Y AQ UATIC CE NTE R Donna Toombs parks/pools.aspx (206) 296-4550 [email protected] LAKE WILDERNESS LODGE Tannley DeVincent (425) 432-9953 tannley.devincent@ LE MAY - AMERICAN CAR MUSEUM Trudy Cofchin (253) 536-2885 [email protected] MCCORMICK WOODS GOLF Tiffany Schenk (360) 895-0142 [email protected] METROPOLITAN BANQUET HALL Rashpal Buttar (425) 306-9331 [email protected] OLSON MANSION Adrielle Flinders (425) 432-1359 [email protected] PIERCE COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION Andrea Clay (253) 798-7427 [email protected] POINT DEFIANCE ZOO & AQUARIUM Heidi Radunzel (253) 404-3805 [email protected] PORT GAMBLE Julie McAfee (360) 297-8074 Ext. 23 [email protected] REIN FIRE RANCH Rich Kaalaas (360) 886-5102 [email protected] SALT Y ’ S ALKI B E ACH Jeff Wilson (206) 937-1085 [email protected] TACOMA L ANDMARK CONVENTION CENTER Lynne Blaylock (253) 272-2042 [email protected] THORNEWOOD CASTLE Wayne & Deanna Robinson (253) 584-4393 [email protected] TROPHY L AKE GOLF & CASTING CLUB Trista Shinnick (360) 876-8994 [email protected] WINE & ROSES COUNTRY ESTATE Johanna Wolters (206) 226-9892 [email protected] WE B SE RVICES PIRQ Caterine Pellanda (360) 480-6090 [email protected] TH E KNOT Jacqueline Ornellas (877) 476-4317 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B WEDDING VENUES E VE NTS ON 6TH Jim Sheridan (253) 279-7473 [email protected] TH E R AINIE R ROOM AT TH E TRU IT T B U ILDING David Allen (253) 804-3555 [email protected] 56 67 LIB E RT Y TH E ATE R Adrielle Flinders (425) 432-1359 [email protected] OLD G E N E R AL STOR E WE DDINGS Diana Riehm www.generalstoreweddingand (425) 740-5045 [email protected] VENDORS at the expo [ everett ] AC C E S S O R I E S MICH E BAGS Shirley Diaz (253) 202-9462 [email protected] THINGS REMEMBERED Rachel Frutkin (440) 473-2000 Ext. 5346 [email protected] B E AU T Y & S K I N C A R E ADVOCAR E Jonathan LeBaron (206) 423-3338 [email protected] B AC H E L O R E T T E PA R T I E S PASSION PARTIE S Jessica Pagan consultants/jessicapagan/ (253) 670-0735 [email protected] B R I DA L C O N S U LTA N T S IN FINITE PROFE SSIONAL Dennis Weymouth (206) 694-9317 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E by B R I D E S C L U B B R I DA L G OW N S & D R E S S E S ALFR E D ANG E LO B RIDAL Mary Jane Fillman (267) 948-1159 [email protected] B RIDE S & B E YON D Mounira Dlaikan (425) 275-7521 [email protected] B R I DA L R E G I S T R Y B E D BATH & B E YON D Sasha Gersaba (808) 486-3791 [email protected] DIN N E R FOR T WO BY 21ST CE NTU RY ’ S R P Jerry Russo (973) 586-2316 [email protected] B R I DA L S H OW S KOH LE R E XP OS (616)532-8133 C AT E R E R S ROSE ’ S CL ASSIC CATE RING Jean Cole (425) 772-2292 [email protected] DA N C E L E S S O N S ARTH U R M U R R AY - SHOR E LIN E Juliana Lee (206) 805-1815 [email protected] 58 67 SCOOTE R ’ S CUSTOM CATE RING Ralph Manguso (206) 774-9122 [email protected] DAVID ’ S B RIDAL Ingrid Kelly (610) 943-6217 [email protected] D E C O R AT I O N S & R E N TA L S G R AN D E VE NT R E NTAL S Eddie Redman (425) 462-7368 [email protected] S DP LIG HTING & DE SIG N Andy Pope (425) 829-2524 [email protected] D I S C J O C K E Y S + AU D I O LE U JAM PRODUC TION S Dave Leu (253) 537-5955 [email protected] OT TOMATIC MOB ILE M USIC Eric Olson (425) 750-4111 [email protected] PUG ET SOU N D DJ Alan Chitlik (206) 890-2930 [email protected] VIVA PRODUC TION S Johnny Gargano (206) 542-5733 [email protected] FORMAL WEAR & TUXEDOS M E N S WE AR HOUS E Maureen Ryan (925) 849-68436 [email protected] TH E TUX S HOP Nancy Fox (503) 260-2476 [email protected] H O N E Y M O O N VAC AT I O N S VACATION INTE R NATIONAL JW WOR LD R E SOU RCE S Jeff Jackson (425) 835-3809 [email protected] W YN DHAM WOR LDWIDE Rebecca David (206) 315-8657 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B JEWELERS & RINGS A WEDDING RING EXPERIENCE Lewis Barnes (619) 583-6982 [email protected] B E N B RIDG E J E WE LE RS Stephanie Ingle (206) 239-6864 [email protected] COOKIE LE E Shirley Diaz (253) 202-9462 [email protected] NUTRITION & WEIGHTLOSS XOCAI (SHOW CAI) Ray Bloom (425) 736-1077 [email protected] PHOTOG R APHE RS 60 5TH AVE LIFE ST YLE PHOTOG R APHY BY R ACH E LLE Rachelle Erickson (425) 829-0532 [email protected] ALEX STUDIO Alex Shiu (206) 728-9056 [email protected] BLUE DOOR STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY Heather Morris (503) 475-4746 heather@bluedoorstudio BSMART PHOTOG R APHY Jenny Tan (206) 890-8880 [email protected] CE LE B R ATE YOU R SE X Y Scott Barrie (509) 332-0106 [email protected] LU NA B E LL A E VE NTS Kyle Miller (253) 307-4488 [email protected] PIC TU R E THIS DIG ITAL G U E STBOOK TJ Lefty (425) 761-1224 [email protected] STU DIO 7 Jean Durnal (425) 283-8771 [email protected] VAN WHYE PHOTOG R APHY Gabriel Van Whye (253) 208-9872 [email protected] 67 R E C E P T I O N L O C AT I O N S A CHAPE L ON SWAN S TR AIL Lynn Hallstrom (425) 315-5623 [email protected] B LU E RIB BON COOKING Vanessa Johns-Webster (206) 328-2442 [email protected] HOLLY WOOD SCHOOLHOUSE Lori Reeder (425) 481-7925 [email protected] KNIG HTS OF COLU M B US Cindy Roeter (425) 418-3185 [email protected] TH E OLD S PAG H ET TI FAC TORY Rachael Steer (425) 672-7006 [email protected] WE B SE RVICES PIRQ Caterine Pellanda (360) 480-6090 [email protected] WEDDING VENUES LE IFE R MANOR Melody Leifer-Fitzmaurice (360) 659-2285 [email protected] MONTE CRISTO BALLROOM Tawana Moses (425) 740-5045 [email protected] W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B VENUES W E ’ V E G AT H E R E D T H E N O R T H W E S T ’ S TO P WEDDING PROFESSIONALS! 1 8 0 E XH I B IT S DAI LY | FA S H I O N S H OWS | G OW N SA LE Remember to Book Early! Vendor’s Calendars will Fill Up Quickly Accessories Beauty & Skincare Banquets & Receptions Bridal Attire C atering & C akes Chocolate Fountains Chapels + Clergy Consultants 62 67 Decorations Entertainment Favors Financial Ser vices Florists Formal Wear Guest Accomodations Honeymoon Travel Guest Accommodations Honeymoon Travel Invitations Jewelr y Limousines Photography Videography S E AT T L E C E N T E R E X H I B I T I O N H A L L SEPTEMBER 8 - 9, 2012 S AT U R DAY 1 0A M - 4 P M S U N DAY 1 1 A M - 4 P M W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B VENUES TAC O M A D O M E E X H I B I T I O N H A L L SEPTEMBER 15 - 16, 2012 S AT U R DAY 1 0A M - 4 P M S U N DAY 1 1 A M - 4 P M 64 67 [ continued ] COM CAST AR E NA - E VE R ET T SEPTEMBER 22 - 23, 2012 S AT U R DAY 1 0A M - 4 P M S U N DAY 1 1 A M - 4 P M W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T M AG A Z I N E b y B R I D E S C L U B 66 67 We seek the comfort of another. Someone to share and share the life we choose. Someone to help us through the neverending attempt to understand ourselves. And in the end, someone to comfort us along the way. ~ MARLIN FINCH LUPUS oto W E D D I N G S P OT L I G H T P MhAG AgZrIaNpEhy b yby B:REugene I D E S C Kam LU B