Newsletter Autumn 2015
Newsletter Autumn 2015
A u t u m n T e r m 2 0 1 5 School Community Perins Inside this issue… Christmas Carol Concert Remembrance Week South Africa Tour and more... HEAD TEACHER: Mr S Jones Newsle er Editor: Mrs L Bingham Issue 24 1 Message from Mr Jones ......................................................................... 3 Year 7 Xmas Party .................................................................................. 3 Presenta on Evening ............................................................................. 4 Christmas Carol Concert ......................................................................... 6 The Christmas Cracker and Live at Lunch ............................................... 7 Fes ve Cheer at the Alresford Community Centre ................................. 8 Na vity Art Morning at Sun Hill ............................................................. 9 Phantom of the Opera .......................................................................... 10 Christmas Poetry Compe on Winner ................................................... 11 Science and STEM News ......................................................................... 12 Cooking for Year 10 Tutors ..................................................................... 17 Transforma onal Learning ..................................................................... 18 Remembrance Fortnight ........................................................................ 20 Equestrian News .................................................................................... 21 Student Achievement ............................................................................ 23 Library News and Reading Winners ........................................................ 24 Fundraising ............................................................................................ 25 Sports News ........................................................................................... 26 South Africa Tour ................................................................................... 31 Events Diary ........................................................................................... 32 2 Welcome to our end of term newsle er. I hope that the achievements and ac vi es enjoyed by our fantas c students throughout this term will fill you with as much joy and pride as they do me. Christmas me is a me to reflect and look back at the year that has passed. In such a short me at Perins I have shared so many amazing moments with our students, staff, parents and wider community and relish the opportuni es that await. Our year 7 students in par cular have impressed in the way that they have quickly se led into life at Perins and I know from the conversa ons I have had with them, that they are excited about their futures with us. Our older students have been perfect role models and their achievements, many contained within this newsle er, have provided the aspira ons for future years. Well done to all! As we enter the new year the future Perins is looking extremely posi ve. A school is not about the buildings, it is about the people within and the support from outside, and by that benchmark our school is second to none. May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at Perins School. Mr Jones—Head Teacher Year 7 students changed in to their party clothes and Christmas jumpers recently to join in the fun and games at their Christmas party. Mr Calver, Miss Bisse , the tutors and student mentors helped to make the party a great success. Tutor groups went head to head in a dance the Macarena compe on and they also had to use their crea ve skills to make the longest paper chain. Perins Community 3 Leavers of 2015 On Monday 23rd of November the 2015 Year 11 leavers came together to celebrate their fantas c GCSE results at this year’s Presenta on Evening. A er drinks and nibbles, the evening began with a talk from Mr Nevola, who congratulated the students on their hard work and dedica on. Each tutor group were then called up onto the stage in turn to receive their GCSE cer ficates. A erwards, a number of individual prizes were presented to pupils who had worked especially hard to achieve their goals. A special thanks goes to Mr Charde who presented these prizes, which are listed below. It was also a chance for the Year 11’s to collect their yearbooks, which they had designed themselves. Thank you everyone who a ended. If you were unable to a end, cer ficates will be available for collec on from the School Office from 24th November; we are unable to post them to you. Cer ficates will only be retained by the School un l the end of the Academic Year, a er which they will be returned to the Exam Boards. Should you require your Cer ficates a er this date, you will need to apply directly to the Exam Board for a copy for which there is a significant charge. Michael Cur s Design & Technology Prize—Harrison Cur s Mark Holden Music Prize—Cameron Walker Modern Language Prize—Ellie Gifford Ken Hampton Memorial Science Prize—Tristan Holmes Dr K Collins Science Prize—David Carnegy Arthur Stowell History Prize ‐ Jack Welling Margaret Murray History Prize ‐ Emma Henshaw Art Prize—Jade Hough Constance Foster Memorial English Prize—Rachel Arkell Tony Dowling Mathema cs Prize—Jack Trinder Merfyn Hewins Award for Achievement in Sport‐ Ka e Butler Drama Prize—Oliva Bravery‐Harris Religious Educa on Prize—Cameron Massey Geography Award—Ben Crabbe Perins Community 4 Compu ng Prize ‐ George McCarthy T Houghton Service to the School Award ‐ Darcey Spurge “Best Use of Ability” Award—Elise Drinkwater Determina on to Succeed Award—Ka e Rossiter Best Student at College prize ‐ Sadie Blenkhorn Head Boy Award ‐ George Taylor Head Girl Award ‐ Anna Parker House Captain of Challenger Award ‐Ka e Butler House Captain of Challenger Award—David Carnegy House Captain of Discovery Award—Phoebe Witherington House Captain of Discovery Award—Jack Mitchell House Captain of Endeavour Award—Milly Cornforth House Captain of Endeavour Award—Samuel Arrowsmith Perins Community 5 Carol Concert The annual Christmas Carol Concert was held in St John’s Church just before the end of term. Pupils from local primary schools and then Year 7 students a ended the concert in the morning and a ernoon and, as well as enjoying the fantas c programme of music and carols, they also joined in with a tremendous rendi on of ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ as part of a compe on to judge which tutor group sang and acted their part the best. Mr Manzat’s group, 7E3 were in good vocal form and proudly won the n of chocolates! Students from Sun Hill Junior School won sweets for their enthusiasm. In the evening the Reverend Phil Collins welcomed family and friends of Perins students back to the church for an eclec c mix of music. The concert opened with the Chamber Choir singing the beau ful ‘Ecce Homo.’ Students excelled in solo and group performances. There were too many amazing performances to men on but the Acabellas sang ’Valete Voces Dulces’ and ’Suo Gan,’ Sam Booth played ‘The Mission’ on the cello and Samantha Lister and Chloe Barnham showed their incredible vocal ranges ‘Pie Jesu’ and ‘Ave Maria’ respec vely. The audience were also treated to next year’s Phantom of the Opera cast singing ‘Past the Point of No Return.’ The Jazz Band with Ellie Mills as soloist rounded up the evening with a rousing version of ‘Just the Way You Are’ and as an extra Christmas Surprise the Chamber Choir, Choir and Jazz Band, with Leah Thirke le singing the lead part, rocked the church with ‘All I Want for Christmas.’ Mrs McLaughlin, Crea ve Arts Development Organiser said, “A er a jam packed day of not only a year 7 concert but also a new addi on to the rehearsal day, a Primary School concert with an audience of 140, it was fantas c to see the church burs ng at the seams with proud parents, community members and teachers of Perins School, coming to support the 130 plus students in this year’s Christmas Carol concert. The pupils always put their heart and souls in to each performance, so eager to please not only the audience, but also their peers and teachers, they certainly succeeded. Congratula ons to everyone involved, including the Crea ve Arts Leaders and Tech Assistants, Miss Co on and I con nue to be amazed at the amount of musical talent Perins School has, you have done us proud.” Community Engagement 6 Year 7 & 8 Drama club have been working towards the ‘Christmas Cracker’ this term with a produc on of ‘A Christmas Carol.’ Students have worked non‐stop to bring together the show and have been fantas c. The evening was wonderful, with an interval filled with mince pies, showcase music and an art exhibi on. Miss Craig said, “We are so proud of all the students who took part in the Christmas Cracker. They have once again done a great job and we can’t wait for next year!” Live at Lunch The Crea ve Arts Faculty is very excited to announce that 'Live at Lunch' has officially been launched and has been very successful! Live at lunch is an opportunity for students to perform classwork to their peers, teachers and invited guests and so far over two performances we have had 70 audience members. Keep your eyes open for posters and ckets in the Spring term, there will be plenty of opportuni es to be entertained! Please note, ckets are free and you must have one to enter. Mrs Baker (Drama) Perins Community 7 Fes ve Cheer at the Alresford Community Centre On Monday 14th December Miss Co on took the year 11 vocal group The Acabellas, and guests, up to the Alresford Community Centre to entertain the Giles group, a local community organisa on that provides mee ngs and event for elderly and disabled members of the community (and their carers), as they met for their Christmas Lunch. The ladies and gentlemen of The Giles group had a wonderful me singing along to songs from Sound of Music, Amazing Grace and some well‐known Christmas hits as well as Valetes Voces Dulces (Farewell Sweet Voices); a song wri en by Miss Co on especially for the girls as this would be the last year that they sing together. The girls were delighted to be invited back to perform again a er the new year. Well done to Miss Co on, The Acabellas; Ellie Mills, Charlo e Sandell, Catherine Essex, Rachel Wood, Charlo e Burns and Rosanna Wallace, along with India Taylor and Ella Woods for a beau ful performance that was truly enjoyed by all. Mrs McLaughlin—Crea ve Arts Development Organiser Santa Specials Q. What is the best Christmas present in A. the world? Q. If athletes get athlete's foot, then what do astronauts get? A. A broken drum, you cant beat it Missile-toe. Q. What do call Santa when he stops moving? Q. What did the reindeer say when he saw an elf? A. Santa Pause A. Q. Why did the elf push his bed into the fireplace? A. Because he wanted to sleep like a log! Nothing, reindeer can't talk. Community Engagement 8 Na vity Art Morning at Sun Hill On the morning of 1st December our 2015/16 Art Crea ve Arts Leaders, along with some poten al future leaders, took a walk up to Sun Hill Infant School to use their ar s c skills to support the KS1 pupils during their Na vity Art Morning. Our pupils had a fun morning full of gli er, spla er pain ng, prin ng, marble pain ng and iPad art; a very different scene to the Art lessons at Perins. Maddie Burrows‐Griffin said “It was lovely to see my old teachers and to go back to Sun Hill and support them. The children were really sweet and really loved having us there to help; they all knew that we were from Perins and looked up to us.” The teachers and parents of Sun Hill Infant School praised our students for their brilliant behaviour and excellent leadership skills with many commen ng on how proac ve they were during the session. Well done to our Art Crea ve Art leaders Josh Taylor, Jessica Bravery‐Harris, Alex Nankivell, Lauren Knight, Niamh Young and Samantha Lister and our poten al future leaders in year 9 Maddie Burrows Griffin, Grace Wadsack, Anna Picke , Lauren Parker Brown, Raine Wherry, Spencer Carroll, Izzie Binfield, Emily Finden, Jess Aspell, Georgia Calotychos and Annabel Lloyd. Mrs McLaughlin (Crea ve Arts Development Organiser) Community Engagement 9 Perins Youth Theatre can proudly announce that the 2016 produc on is…. Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom of the Opera! A er a long and gruelling audi on process we have finally found our cast. 300 pupils turned up to audi on for our July 2016 produc on of Phantom of the Opera; each taking on an iconic line from the stage show. Some acted their socks off, whilst others surprised us with vocals that we never knew they were capable of. Some very hard decisions had to be made as the talent at Perins seems to be never ending. A er a lot of delibera on, call backs were organised and our minds made up. 300 audi onees had turned into a 120 strong cast. We would like to congratulate everyone who audi oned and those the made the final cut. We would like to introduce you to our 2016 lead cast of Phantom of the Opera…. Toby Cooper Sophie Jarre Ma Roberts Sam Booth Phantom Chris ne Raoul Carlota Josh Taylor Sasha Wells Freddie Besley Piangi Madame Giry Andre Buddy Wells Maddie Thomas Michaela Be ridge Anya Rhodes Firmin Meg Giry Madame Andre Madame Firmin Rehearsals will kick off during the first week back a er the Christmas break, look out for more informa on regarding Cast hoodies soon. Mrs McLaughlin (Crea ve Arts Development Organiser) Perins Community 10 Year 7 Christmas Poetry Compe Well done to Daisy Taylor (7D2) who won this compe on Winner on. Runners up were Molly Ralph (7D2) and Jake Gore (7E1). Isn’t Christmas the best me of the year? Mum’s in the kitchen, Dad’s drinking beer. Carols being sung, As the mistletoe is hung. Bells are being rung, We are having so much fun. The crisp white snow is falling down, And no‐ones got a sad frown. Presents are joyfully handed out, Mum has peeled her 100th sprout! The Fire glows orange and red We are s ll wai ng to be fed. The turkey is star ng to brown, Mother’s s ll in her dressing gown. Presents are being revealed, The snow is se ling on the field. Crazy charades are coming up, And li le sis has just got a pup. We go out in the snow to play, Pretending we are Santa on his sleigh. The snow is ge ng very deep, Soon it’s me to go to sleep. Christmas is over with all its cheer Only 365 days now to go – oh yes another year! Perins Community Community Perins 11 Science Teaching at Froxfield Primary School Last term Mrs Gillespie’s Year 9 class was given the opportunity to create a lesson based on light and shadows that could poten ally be used to teach the Froxfield primary school Year 4/5/6 class. On November 18th the winning team of three, plus five of their chosen friends, went to Froxfield Primary school to teach the pupils all there is to know about transparent, translucent and opaque objects as well as carry out an inves ga ons into shadows. They put together a series of PowerPoints, quizzes and experiments to test and expand the knowledge of the Froxfield students. Each Year 10 worked closely with three primary school children with the lesson they had been working on for the past few weeks. There were two key, fun and unique experiments that let the school children use equipment to test what objects they thought were transparent, translucent or opaque and also let them create their own plas cine models to find out that the closer an object is to the light the bigger a shadow will be. The students had lots of fun teaching and hope to go again soon. Georgina Warburton (year 10) A special congratula ons to Georgina, Molly Ullyot and Emily Ba s for designing the lesson and also to Tom Sherry, Tom Bicknell, Jess Blake, Harvey Riches and Francesca Adams for doing such a great job teaching the Year 4/5/6 class. Mrs Gillespie (Science) Community Engagement 12 STEM Careers Speed‐Networking Event In September a group of Year 11 students visited the Winchester Science Centre to talk to STEM Ambassadors about their careers. The focus of the discussions was on the nature of different STEM jobs, the possible career pathways and qualifica ons needed for a wide variety of careers. The students ini ally had an opportunity to use the equipment in the Science Centre, a bit of a flash back for some of them who hadn’t visited since Primary school, and they were treated to a Planetarium show a er the Speed‐ Networking event. Although they seemed to be moved around the STEM Ambassador tables at a fast rate they had some interes ng conversa ons with the professionals and, as always, conducted themselves very well throughout the a ernoon, listening intently and asking lots of per nent ques ons. Mrs Gillespie (Science) UK/International Community 13 Teamwork Prize Winners ‐ Top of the Bench Compe on The Top of the Bench compe on is a na onal chemistry compe on run by the Royal Society of Chemistry for 14–16 year old students. This event presents an opportunity for gi ed and talented students to use their chemistry in a fun and compe ve way. The compe on takes the form of prac cal and wri en challenges and was held in the chemistry laboratories at Portsmouth Grammar School. In order to comply with na onal rules the team had to consist of 2 pupils from Y9, 1 pupil from Y10 and one from Y11. However, Perins Year 11 students were in the middle of their mock exams and so we took 2 Year 9 students, Arda Caglar and Anna Picke along with 2 Year 10 students, Lauryn Crabbe and Vita Bush. The day was split into two sessions, before and a er lunch and the students enjoyed a demonstra on/lecture given by a Southampton University Chemistry Professor. The students worked really hard all day, completely absorbed in their work, barely stopping to give me a smile when I popped into the lab to take a photograph. They thoroughly enjoyed the prac cal challenges especially making a weighing boat and spatula from polymorph plas c and carrying out an olfactory tra on using onions. I was very proud of the way they conducted themselves during the day and especially so when they received the award for Best Teamwork – using those valuable Transform skills they have learnt. Congratula ons to the 4 of them; well deserved winners. Mrs Gillespie UK/International Community 14 Science – Inside Cells This term in Science, all year 7 classes studied a “Cells” biology topic. The work in class covered the structure and func on of plant and animal cells, as well as a look into specialised cells. Students had the opportunity to make their own plant and animal slides and look at them under microscopes to iden fy the key parts. The part of the topic that many students enjoyed the most was the independent learning task to make their own model cells. Some of Mrs Evans’ classes are pictured below with their impressive models. New ‐ Year 7 STEM Science Club This term the Science department set up an exci ng new STEM club especially for year 7, focusing on prac cal experiments in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Each week on a Tuesday a er school, the students led by Mrs Ahluwalia and supported by Mrs Runnalls and Mrs Griffin, took on the challenge of a new experiment. In the last 4 weeks students have: ♦ Competed in balloon rocket races ♦ Made bath bombs ♦ Inves gated their lung capacity ♦ Conducted flame tests to help them understand fireworks In the pictures below, the students are mixing the reactants (chemical ingredients) to make bath bombs. The club resumes in January. Any year 7 students wan ng to join should contact Mrs Ahluwalia for a le er. Mrs Evans (Science) Perins Community 15 Plea for Toy Cars Do you have any unwanted metal or plas c toy cars? They need to be 1:32 scale or over 13cm long. These are required in the science department for Physics work. Please give to Mrs Furness, Mrs Runnalls or Mrs Griffin. Thank you! Filming in Class Film produc on company, Wailing Banshee Ltd., came into Perins recently to film footage of students in Maths and Science classes. This was a wonderful opportunity for year 9 drama students to gain an understanding of how professional film makers go about shoo ng footage as well as a great chance to put their ac ng skills to the test alongside a professional actor. The film makers explained the use of different equipment and the terminology used on set. Impressive Images Stars of the Show Perins Community 16 Cooking for the Year 10 Tutor Team Miss Gibbs’ Year 10 GCSE Food Technology class rose to the challenge recently, when they were asked to create a range of savoury and sweet dishes for their tutors. The class did their research well; asking their tutors whether they had any allergies and more importantly what their favourite foods were! It was decided that a range of dishes would be made, from Sausage Rolls and Samosas, to Bakewell Tart and Jaffa Cakes. During the prepara on lesson the class were keen to impress and show off their cooking skills. With all of the dishes prepared and labelled, the classroom dressed and final prepara ons made, lunch me came and the tutors arrived hungry for lunch. The tutor team were impressed; firm favourites were Paige Tedder’s Quiche and Keiran Daniel’s Vegetarian Spaghe Bolognese. Miss Gibbs would like to thank all of the tutors who came and her class who did a great job of proving themselves great future chefs! Students who cooked for the team include: Emily Ba s, Jessica Bravery Harris, Zack Crates, Keiran Daniel, Ayesha Dickinson, Holly Fletcher, Jessica Dyer, Lucy Hall, Clara Harland, Kaitlin Lafferty, Lilly Merry, Paige Tedder, Alex Nankivell, and Sophie Tickner. Miss Gibbs (Technology) Perins Community 17 Perins Staff and Students Present at Mahara Hui Conference On Tuesday 10th November, Amy Craig, leader of Transforma onal Learning and Jo Leve , eLearning administrator, from Perins School took three year 8 students (Tara Perry, Rose Kenyon and Amy Leve ) to Solent University in Southampton to do a presenta on at the Mahara Hui 2015 conference. #maharauk15 The presenta on was about e‐Learning at Perins where 99% of students in years 7 to 9 are in the laptop scheme which enables them to use their own device for learning. Transforma onal Learning lessons at Perins teach students ‘so skills’ through cross curricular projects and develop skills that employers are looking for. The skills include crea ve thinking, team work, independence, self‐management and reflec ng thinking. Mahara is an ePor olio where students record their progress with projects, set themselves targets and monitor their own progression. As well as using text, photos and pictures they also explore the different e‐ Learning tools on the internet and embed these into their work. The three Perins girls took part in the presenta on and spoke to over 70 professionals about their views on Mahara and how they use it. Amy Craig, Team Leader of Transforma onal Learning, said, ‘It was an absolute pleasure to be able to showcase the outstanding e‐Learning provision, use of Mahara and the Transforma onal Learning programme we have at Perins School. I truly believe in Transform and it was lovely to be able to share this with other educa onal agencies. The students were fantas c and a real credit to the school, they presented to a room full of adults and spoke with confidence and pride.’ Amy Leve (12) said, ‘We really enjoyed our day at the conference. Although I was quite nervous about speaking in front of all of these people, I felt a real sense of achievement when we had finished. Everyone was so impressed with what we do at Perins; it makes me feel proud to go there.’ Amnesty Interna onal In October, year 8 Transform students got the chance to listen to a guest speaker from Amnesty Interna onal. She introduced them to the Human Rights Act and spoke about freedom of speech. Students then researched and wrote a Le er of Appeal to support people who have been wrongly imprisoned. It was so wonderful to see the students ge ng so passionate about world issues and being able to voice these in a construc ve and mature manner. Miss Craig (Head of Transforma onal Learning) UK/International Community 18 Discover Arts Award This term during year 8 Transform lessons the students have been working towards the Discover Arts Award. Students have been researching different ar sts, crea ng their own art work out of recycled materials and sharing their journey through a final presenta on and exhibi on. The project was kicked off by a guest speaker from Arts Work, Lorraine Cheshire. She spoke to the students about the Na onal Discover Award and how they could con nue onto the next level up outside of Transform lessons. David Harkin with the Winning Group In year 7 Transform, students have been working alongside David Harkin, the CEO of the company 7billion Ideas. Students have been coming up with their own world changing ideas, sharing these with their peers and the company 7Billion Ideas. They were able to then develop the best ideas, create prototypes and a presenta on to sell their product. Each class had a winning group and these winning groups then presented to the year and the three judges, Mr Jones, Miss Craig and David Harkin. The overall winning idea was a ‘Bench Bed’. A bench which can change into a sheltered bed at a click of a bu on, with a view to try and cut down on homelessness and drink driving. What wonderful crea ve minds the students have! Miss Craig (Head of Transforma onal Learning) Perins Community 19 Remembrance Fortnight During Remembrance fortnight this November, the Humani es Leaders hosted an assembly informing others years about the role of women in conflict during the First World War and conflicts since. During 1915, the Home Front was vital in restoring the shell gap crisis which Britain was facing. Most importantly, Britain witnessed, for the first me in history, women flooding into the factories to fulfil ‘men’s roles’. Thank you to Sophia Hawkins, Rose Loveday, Ayesha Dickinson, Charlo e Wingent, Ma hew Wilcox, Max Byford, Thomas Sherry, Harvey Riches and Oliver Defelice‐ Hubbard for wri ng and delivering the assemblies. Addi onally, thank you to Stephanie Hodne and Ka e Twel ree for their technical support during each assembly. On Remembrance Day, students were shown a brief presenta on and observed the 2 minute silence. Furthermore, Years 7 – 10 were invited to get involved in a special project on a Gallipoli Memorial. During 1915, the Allies witnessed one of the greatest disasters of World War One, the Ba le of Gallipoli, which was fought in the area of the O oman Empire. The aim was to create a new front, in order to split the German army further. However, the Allies were not aware of the difficult terrain they would be figh ng in and had over 200,000 Allied casual es. As this Ba le was so significant in the dura on of the First World War, we asked students to research the Ba le; to create a fact file and furthermore, some students produced beau ful memorials in a special commemora on of those who lost their lives. A special men on to Klaudia Oczek, 7D1; Emily Russell, 7D1; Poppy Gibbons, Ka e Wood, Emma Cronk, Jessica Hobbs, Sarah Bromfield, 7E1; Rosie Wimbleton, Rebecca Cholerton, Sasha Wells and Brianagh Melling from 10C3. Thank you to the Humani es Team and Tutors of Year 7‐10 students for their support in this project. However, I would really like to thank the students who got passionately involved in this Tutor work and for producing such beau ful work, which is on display in the History corridor in Rousseau. Thank you (Mrs Williams ‐ History) Perins raised £103.10 for the Poppy Appeal Perins Community 20 Alresford Show Success and Polo Three of the Perins Equestrian Team members were in the ribbons at the annual Alresford Agricultural Show on September 5th, 2015. I entered Riding Club Horse in the morning, and following an early start, Praline (my Mum’s horse) managed to place 2nd, a er a brief show in front of the audience. I also entered the Moda Rosa Show jumping which was good prac ce for this winter’s show jumping circuit although Praline and I didn’t place. Ben McFarling was placed in Pony Club Pony on Winton Rocket. He also came third in the Moda Rosa Novice Jumping – the winner being Maddie Dowek on Gigi who was presented with the Baigent Perpetual Challenge Goblet. She did a beau ful double clear with a fast jump off. It was a great opportunity to showcase a different side to Perins School on home turf and we were all proud to do so. In October, Perins Equestrian Team also went to learn to play polo for the first me, kindly organised by Ms Bazan and Mrs Yates. I have been told that it was a great experience and the polo ponies were impeccably trained. We are all keen to learn more about this unique sport, so we are keenly wai ng spring when there is more light a er school so we can go again. Ellie Livingstone said, “On Monday, 19 October, 7 students from Perins travelled to the other side of Winchester to take part in a trial polo lesson with the Hampshire Polo School. We arrived at around 4pm, were introduced to the ponies and started warming up straight away. The lessons started off with some walking around, ge ng used to hi ng the ball the correct way and then we got into a game! There was a team of three, containing Hermione Ware, Rebecca Webster and Ellie Turrall and a team of four which was Holly Webster, Ellie Livingstone , Poppy Gibbons and Maia Datson. It was a really fun lesson that was enjoyed by all and we can’t wait to try it again and even make the first ever Perins Polo team! Maia Datson said, “Polo was awesome, we had never played before which made it even more the fun. We had to have a break in the middle From le : Ella Vincent (Praline), Ben McFarling (Winton Rocket) and Maddie Dowek (Gigi) UK/International Community 21 as our arms were aching. In our break we played tag it was so exci ng, cantering around!!! Nearer to the end we played a game and it was very thrilling! Thank you very much Mrs Yates, Mrs Bazan and Mr Calver, we all had an awesome me!!!” The new school year has brought us lots of new Equestrian team members, both riders and helpers, and all of us are all looking forward to doing some compe ons and training sessions in 2016. If you are interested in joining the Equestrian Team, then please come along to one of our mee ngs or contact Ms Yates, Ms Bazan or Ella Vincent for more informa on. Ella Vincent (Year 11) UK/International Community 22 Perins Student Plays Cello at the Royal Albert Hall Congratula ons to Sam Booth, (Year 9), who performed in the Royal Albert Hall in November. Hampshire Music Services took a Massed Ensemble to the Music For Youth Prom . Over 550 Hampshire school children (mostly from primary schools) sang, with dancers from Wessex Dance Academy, brass music from Hampshire County Youth Band and it was all held together with music performed by the Hampshire County Youth Chamber Orchestra. At just 13, Sam is the youngest member of the County Youth Chamber Orchestra. He was thrilled and delighted to have been part of such an amazing event. Sam has been playing the ‘cello since Year 2, and loves performing. Kaitlin Wins World Silver in Tumbling Kaitlin Lafferty (Y10) has recently become World Silver Medallist in tumbling, represen ng Great Britain in the Gymnas cs World Age Group Championships in Denmark. Kaitlin’s mother, Clare Lafferty said, “‘World Silver medallist’ is obviously a massive achievement for her, and I think this is s ll sinking in for us all. I know this has just fed her hunger for the medals, so she will con nue to work hard on her skills. We have also found out that she had the highest execu on marks of the en re compe on (this includes all groups from age 11 through to 18). Again another huge achievement. Kaitlin was also nominated and awarded a Pride of Britain Sports award for ‘Young Achiever’. We took her to London for the event at Dorchester House at the end of November. She met lots of spor ng celebri es, including her idol, Lewis Smith. Beth Tweddle and Iwan Thomas presented her with her award and she was suitably in awe of it all. It was an absolutely wonderful evening and one she will remember for a very long me. The next biggest challenge will be the European Championships in Spain next year. She will trial for this in February.” UK/International Community 23 Crea ng a Buzz about Reading In September, students star ng in Year 7 were excited to find out that they were all to receive a free book through the Book‐ trust ‘Bookbuzz’ scheme. In their English lessons students were shown a video of authors talking about their books from a selec on of 12 to suit all kinds of reader. The year 7s then cked the box for the book they had chosen on a bookmark made especially for the Bookbuzz scheme. Mrs Bingham, the Library Manager, ordered the books and everyone was thrilled that they arrived so quickly! Mrs Bingham said, “It’s wonderful to take the box of books into the classrooms and see the enthusiasm of the students as they are given their own book to keep. It really does create a ‘buzz’ and the scheme hopefully creates a keenness in students to con nue reading. Find out more about Bookbuzz and other books that students can read here: h p:// Mrs Bingham (LRC Manager) Word Millionaires As students in year 7 read books and take quizzes on them for Accelerated Reader, the programme adds up the words read by each student. So far this year we have 8 Word Millionaires who each received a badge and prizes for their achievement. Congratula ons to the following students: Oliver, Molly, Megan, Ben, Christopher, Lo e, Alex and Sean. Perins Community 24 Accelerated Reader Tutor Compe on for Year 7 Year 7 tutor groups all take part in the Accelerated Reader programme. This has been developed to help students become enthusias c, confident readers. The programme provides real me forma ve assessment throughout the school year through fun, mo va onal quizzes. Students take an ini al reading comprehension test online and this gives a reading level for them to choose books which will not only engage them but also will be at their ‘comfort level’ for reading. Once they have read the book they take an online quiz about it and get instant results which help the students and staff recognise their levels of comprehension. Students are awarded house points each me they pass a quiz and the tutor groups compete to achieve the most house points. This term the winners were Miss Sau er’s tutor group 7E1 with runners up Mrs Nunn and Mr Clayton Shepherd’s tutor group 7D2. The winning tutor groups were given chocolates and biscuits for their tutor Xmas party. Mrs Bingham—Library Manager 8D3’s Marathon Fund Raise 8D3 had decided that we wanted to do something for charity, but we didn’t want to be the average tutor group that does a bake sale; no, we were going big. We were doing a collec ve marathon! We started to raise as much money as possible and within a week we already had £100! Then on the week commencing the 7th December, we began to go round to tutor groups with a bucket where we raised approximately £10 every day. This week we also went up to Evolu on gym where over lunch mes we ran our marathon. We had allowed ourselves an en re week but by Tuesday we had already smashed our target. Everybody played their part; if they weren’t running they were suppor ng! In total we ran a marathon and a half over just four days. We are all very proud off each other and our achievements and would like to thank Evolu on Health and Fitness for allowing us to use the wonderful facili es and everyone who sponsored us. We have raised a lot of money; our original target was £260 but we think we have exceeded that with more money to collect over Christmas. The money raised will go to a great cause which will help children more unfortunate than us who are in Great Ormond Street Hospital. Ka e Elliot (8D3) Perins Community 25 Rotary Shoeboxes for Christmas Children in Need Year 7 students contributed to the Rotarians’ annual collec on of shoeboxes for children living in Third world countries where presents are few and far between. A total of 67 boxes brimming with gi s such as small games, gloves, hats, scarves and pencils were donated. Perins students and staff raised more than £1,110 in aid of the BBC Children in Need appeal by paying £1 to wear their own clothes to school, selling cakes and compe ons. Winchester Food Bank Winchester Basics Bank provides emergency food and clothes to individuals and families in need and aims to make appropri‐ ate resources available to the maximum number of people at their point of greatest need. Students at Perins gave an amazing 410 items to the Winches‐ ter Food Bank in October. Totals by House were: Challenger – 148 Endeavour – 136 Discovery – 126 Students from 7D1 (right) gave 30 items alone! Hampshire Rowing Championships On 14th December Mr Fuccio and Mr Arthur took 12 students to the Hampshire Indoor Rowing Championships at Barton Peverill College and came back with some great successes. Not only did 7 of the students beat their personal best scores, but we had one Hampshire County win. In the year 9 category, Holly Tomlinson was crowned as the Hampshire County Champion for the second year in a row where she won with 999m in 4 minutes. Holly will now represent Perins and Hampshire at the na onals next year. Hopefully if she con nues with her hard training, she might gain some further success. Mr Fuccio—PE UK/International Community 26 Perins Trampolining Compe on Members of Perins Trampolining Club have been prac cing regularly for this compe on, crea ng a personal 10 bounce rou ne using their most technical skills and skills they are comfortable performing. Each compe tor performed their own individual rou ne alongside a compulsory rou ne created for their entry level (intermediate/advanced). On the day, all students were scored with a start value of 10. Points were then deducted for lack of form/ neatness, travelling forwards and backwards from the centre of the trampoline and needing addi onal bounces between skills. The idea was for all trampolinists to take part in a more compe ve environment, showcasing their abili es but to also have fun. Hopefully this is something they achieved and we will be looking to host a similar event later in the year. Intermediate winner – Beth France Runner up – Charley Thompson Advanced Winners – Ellie Mills and Merryn Holmes‐ Jefferd Runner up – Molly Hawthorne Miss Page (PE) Perins Community 27 The KP Cup The Perins’ Rugby Program for the autumn term concluded in style with the annual KP Cup (Kings v Perins) which was hosted for the first me in Alresford on 6 December. A record 11 matches took place on the day involving 7 boys teams and 4 girls teams from each school. Kings edged to victory on an incredibly windy day, winning 6 of the es. Perins won 3 and 2 further matches ended in a draw. All Perins’ teams performed heroically, but the highlights were produced by the teams that won. The show piece matches which were played on the spectacular Alresford RFC pitches at Arlebury Park were both won by Perins (Year 10 & 11 girls and Y11 boys) who produced some exhilara ng rugby and the Year 9 boys reversed a 75‐0 loss from last year’s event to win 24‐20 with a try coming in the final play of the match. The event capped another pleasing term of rugby for the school. Enthusiasm levels from our newly arrived Year 7s have been sensa onal with over 60 boys and girls a ending training regularly and over 100 fixtures have been played in total. 13 Perins pupils past and presented have represented Hampshire this term (U18s – Doug Wicks, Lara Forster, India Gilmore, Phoebe Moulson, Sophie Tandy, Poppy Wheway, U17s – George Co erell, U16s – Harry Thomas, U15s – Lulu Hands, Sophie Jarre , Jack Caldwell, Chloe Stuart and Blossom Colborne – Tanner). From this long list special men ons must be afforded to Lulu Hands who has been captaining the Hampshire U15 side and to Sophie Tandy who has been selected for the England U18 training squad. Mr Whybro (PE) Perins Rugby Girls Support Ex‐student Olivia at Varsity Match Former Perins’ Head Girl Olivia Probert (2012 leaver) became the school’s first Varsity Match Blue on Thu 10 December when she represented Cambridge University in the first women’s varsity match to be held at Twickenham. Cambridge beat Oxford 52—0! Olivia was Head Girl at Perins and excelled academically as well as on the sports field. She le us to go to Peter Symonds College, and then gained a place at Downing College, Cambridge to read Natural Sciences. She is now in her second year at university and playing for the University Team. Girls from Perins rugby teams went to Twickenham to watch the match and Olivia was extremely grateful for the support. UK/International Community 28 Netball Perins Netball this term has been full on with 70 fixtures taking place over the term and training twice a week. Highlights of the season so far include: ♦ B team tournament wins for the year 9 B team and the year 8 B Team. ♦ U14 A team coming third in the Na onals Compe ♦ 9 teams away at Guildford High School ♦ 12 fixtures against Kings School in this last week, including A‐D teams in year 7 and 8 (year 8 picture a ached) on held at Southampton Sports Centre The girls are playing some great netball, with Shoo ng stats increasing due to the number of commi ed players a ending our shoo ng only workshop every Tuesday. Training will con nue a er Christmas and more Eastleigh and Winchester league matches are to be played. Good Luck! Miss Tourino (PE) Dance A group of Perins dance students from years 9 and 10 rehearsed for 8 weeks to dance in a recent Contemporary dance performance at the Farnham Mal ngs. Nicky Norton, Dance Ar st from the Dance Movement said, “We created an extremely ambi ous piece of dance and it was very challenging on all levels. We had a major issue with the raked sea ng which on the day meant there was about 4 metres less dance space, but the Perins girls dealt with it brilliantly well and did me proud. One group missed their cue to come on and this impacted on a sec on of the dance which your amazing girls then took up the slack and improvised around. We learn from things like this happening and the main thing is that none of the audience no ced! “ Miss Page (PE) UK/International Community 29 Hockey 20 hockey matches have been played this term, half of which have been won by Perins teams. The stand out squad thus far is the Year 8 Boys’ team which has won all matches to date. 7 Perins pupils were selected from the Hampshire Junior Development Centres for the Hampshire Junior Academy. These pupils are Jack Caldwell (Y10 pictured), Heidi Nother and Nicky Houghton (Y9) and Frank Struthers, Sam Hughes, Sam Blackwell and Sam Dowek (Y8). Football 70 football matches have been played this term involving over 150 Perins pupils. The stand out team thus far is the Year 9 Boys’ squad which is currently unbeaten. On the individual front Jake Adams and George Wickins con nue to impress Bournemouth and Fulham Academies respec vely, highlighted by their sustained involvement in day release programs. Will Swan and Sam Freeman are also heavily involved with the Portsmouth and Reading Academies respec vely. Lilly Merry, Jessica Bradley and Issy Cornes have been playing for the Southampton Academy. Lilly and Jessica Karate In November, Kienan Dolan (7C1) won Gold in Kumite (figh ng ) at IKU (Interna onal Karate Union) World Children's Championships in Slovenia. Harry Cronk (11E3) also a ended the IKU World Karate Cadets Championships represen ng England. He is now 5th in the world in Kata and won through to the 2nd round in Kumite. The team achieved a Gold in the Rota on event and a Bronze in Team Sanbon Kumite. Kienan Harry (le ) with England Karate Cadets UK/International Community 30 SPORTING SUCCESS IN SOUTH AFRICA A trip of a life me for commi ed and outstanding Perins students took place during the summer holidays. Students and staff spent two weeks on a sports tour of South Africa visi ng Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg. This was the 5th South Africa Tour organised biennially by the Perins PE department. Eighty students from years 10 and 11, double the amount than previous years, formed 3 girls’ netball squads, a girls’ hockey team and 2 boys’ rugby teams. They played some extremely tough opposi on, compe ng against schools such as Wynberg Boys School, Maritzburg College, Rhenish Girls and Pietermaritzburg High School. Perins teams achieved some excellent results. Apart from sports fixtures, students had the opportunity to climb Lions Head, surf at Muizenberg Beach, visit Robin Island, and go on safari at Pilanesberg game reserve. The students had all spent the two years leading up to going on tour doing fund raising. They packed bags in local supermarkets, helped at the Alresford Show and organised a Sports Dinner. Molly Poupart , a hockey player, said, “The tour was a once in a life me experience and it was incredible to meet new people from different cultures of all ages. The atmosphere of the group made the whole experience even be er and I made so many new friends. The thing I enjoyed most about the tour was visi ng the Ogwini School, and helping pupils to learn new sports but in return I learnt a lot from them.” One of the main highlights for the students was returning to our Township school – Ogwini School. Perins students coached the Ogwini sports leaders in how to run a session, using sports equipment and new kit that Perins donated to the school. It was also a fantas c opportunity to meet the Ogwini pupils and experience their classroom environment. Miss Jones (PE) UK/International Community 31 Mon 21st Dec – Fri 1st Jan All Years CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY th All Years INSET DAY th All Years START OF TERM Mon 4 Jan Tues 5 Jan Mon 25th Jan – Fri 5th Feb Year 8 Assessment Period Fri 29th Jan Year 11 Reports Issued Thurs 4th Feb Year 11 Parents Evening (1) (5‐7pm) Fri 5th Feb Year 10 Reports Issued Mon 8th – Fri 12th Feb All Years Arts Fes val Week Tues 9th Feb Year 11 Parents Evening (2) (5‐7pm) Year 9 Ba lefields History Trip Sat 13th – Tues 16th Feb th th Mon 15 – Fri 19 Feb th Thurs 25 Feb All Years HALF TERM Year 8 Informa on Evening Year 9 Short Reports Issued Mon 29 Feb ‐ Fri 11 March Year 10 Assessment Period Weds 9th March Year 9 Parents Evening (4 ‐7pm) th Fri 26 Feb th th Fri 18th March All Years Fri 18th March Year 8 Reports Issued Tues 22nd March Year 8 Choices Fair (5–7pm) Thurs 24th March Year 7 Reports Issued Thurs 24th March All Years END OF TERM (3.15PM) Fri 25th March ‐ Fri 8th April All Years EASTER HOLIDAY All Years START OF TERM th Mon 11 April th nd Mon 11 – Fri 22 April Free Dress Day (Sport Relief) Year 7 Assessment Period th Year 8 HPV Injec ons (Girls only) th Year 8 Parents Evening (4 ‐7pm) Thurs 14 April Thurs 14 April th Fri 29 April All Years INSET DAY Mon 2nd May All Years BANK HOLIDAY Fri 6th May Year 10 Reports Issued Thurs 12th May Year 10 Parents Evening (4 ‐7pm) Mon 16th May Year 9 Parent Laptop Informa on evening Mon 16th May – Weds 22nd June Year 11 GCSE Exams Tues 17th May Year 10 Post of Responsibility (POR) Evening Year 6 Parent Laptop Informa on evening Wed 18th May th rd Mon 30 May – Fri 3 June All Years HALF TERM Perins Community 32 Sat 28th May – Weds 1st June th Fri 10 June Years 9 & 10 All Years Geography Trip to Sorrento and Naples Free Dress Day (Hampshire Air Ambulance) Mon 13th – Fri 17th June Year 9 Assessment Period Tues 14th June Year 6 Out of Catchment Evening Year 7 Cultural Arts Day Fri 17 June Year 8 Reports Issued Thursday 23rd June Year 11 Leavers Ball Fri 24th June Year 7 Reports Issued th Weds 15 June th th Mon 27 June All Years Sports Day th Year 6 th Thurs 30 June All Years Open Morning/Evening Fri 1st July All Years Open Morning Mon 4th July All Years Reserve Sports Day Weds 29 June th Fri 8 July th th Mon 11 – Sat 16 July Thurs 14th July Fri 15th July th Wednesday 20 July Induc on Day Sports BBQ Drama Produc on – Phantom of the Opera Year 6 2nd Induc on Day Year 9 Reports Issued All Years END OF TERM (School ends at 12 noon) * If only specific year groups involved Please note that there may be unavoidable changes to this event diary during the year. The most up to date list of events is on the Perins website WISHING EVERYONE A HAPPY CHRISTMAS AND A PEACEFUL NEW YEAR 33