Term 4 Week 8 - Our Lady of the Rosary Primary
Term 4 Week 8 - Our Lady of the Rosary Primary
The R o s a r y L i n k Newsletter Of Our Lady Of The Rosary Catholic School, St Marys Phone No: 9623 2500 Principal: Mr Mark Geerligs School Website: http://www.olorstmarys.catholic.edu.au Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Church, Fr Brendan Murphy, Ph No: 9623 1962 Emmaus Catholic College, Principal: Mr Paul Ryan, Ph No: 9670 4588 ______________________________________________ Term 4, Week 8 27th November, 2013 Dear Parents, This Sunday represents the beginning of the season of Advent. “The word Advent derives from the Latin word meaning coming. The Lord is coming. We may reflect that every year at this time we celebrate his coming, so that in a sense we can lose the feeling of expectancy and joyful anticipation, because at the end of the season, everything seems to return to pretty much the same routine. If that is the case, then our preparation may have been lacking and we have therefore been robbed of much of the true meaning of this season. During Advent we recall the history of God's people and reflect on how the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament were fulfilled. This gives us a background for the present. Today we can reflect on the past track record of God and so begin to understand what it means to us now for the sake of what is to come, in our own future and that of our world.” Next Wednesday night we will be celebrating the year with the theme “Christmas around the world”. This begins at 6.30pm. All OLR community members are welcome to attend. All school students will be involved in the songs on the night. Over the past 2 years the school and P&F have been working with Mrs. Tanya Davies MP, Member for Mulgoa in relation to removing the old Kiss and Drop area directly outside the Infants building on Saddington Street. This has now been passed through council and will become an unrestricted parking area. Also, the section between our 2 driveways has become a “No Stopping (school Days)”. This will therefore make it safer for cars trying to come out of the school as there will be no visual obstruction from parked cars. This has now been completed. The teachers for the 2014 Classes are: Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Ms Dunn and Ms Coutinho Mrs Turner and Miss Franciscus Mrs Wakeling (3 days)/Mrs Van Doorn (2 days)/ and Ms Webb Mrs Boyce and Mr Vanjour Mr Ahern (4 days)/Miss Hooker (1 day) and Mrs Bates (5 days f/n)/Mrs Mammoliti (5 day f/n) Mrs Sidoruk and Mrs Casis Mr Faccin and Mrs Wolfe Classes for 2014 – All learning spaces are open with 2 teachers in each. The criteria for selection is based upon: ♦ ♦ ♦ Behavioural needs Relationship needs Special needs ♦ ♦ ♦ Range of abilities Gender mix Optimum learning group placement The final placement decision will be made by the Principal (or delegate). If you have any issues you feel are significant and need the school’s attention before making a final decision as to which class your child is placed, please inform the principal in writing before next Wednesday, 4th December. Please understand that not all requests will be able to be met. Please note that being in a class with a child’s best friend does not always result in an optimum learning placement. Mark Geerligs, Principal REC CORNER THE YEAR OF FAITH concluded last weekend and we celebrated the feast of Christ the King. This weekend the new church year begins. It is the first week of Advent. Gospel Mt 24:37-44 A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew Stay awake, you must be ready. Jesus said to his disciples: ‘As it was in Noah’s day, so will it be when the Son of Man comes. For in those days before the Flood ‘The Year of Matthew’ people were eating, drinking, taking wives, taking husbands, right up Romans 13:11-14; Matthew 24: 37-44 to the day Noah went into the ark, and they suspected nothing till the Flood came and swept all away. It will be like this when the Son of ‘Stand ready because the Son of Man is coming at an Man comes. Then of two men in the fields one is taken, one left; of hour you do not expect.’ two women at the millstone grinding, one is taken, one left. The Liturgical year has turned full circle and we begin the ‘So stay awake, because you do not know the day new year with the first Sunday of Advent. This year we will when your master is coming. You may be quite read from the Gospel of Matthew which was written some- sure of this that if the householder had known at time in the 80s, approximately fifty years after the death and what time of the night the burglar would come, he resurrection of Jesus. Each of the four Gospels provides us would have stayed awake and would not have with a portrait of Jesus, and a glimpse into the life and allowed anyone to break through the wall of his concerns of one very early Christian community. To really house. Therefore, you too must stand ready hear the ‘good news’ Matthew offers, it will be helpful to because the Son of Man is coming at an hour you step inside Matthew’s community, to get a sense of the do not expect.’ colours and textures used in his portrait. The gospel of the Lord. R: Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ WEEK-END MASS TIMES: Saturday: Evening: 6.00pm Sunday: 7.30am, 9.00am, 10.30am and 5.30pm. RELIGIOUS LITERACY ASSESSMENT Religious Literacy Assessment Reports from Year 4 and Year 6 will be sent home to families today, in a sealed envelope for your consideration. A parent letter has been included with each student report. At school a copy of this report will also be kept with your child’s learning records. We look forward to hearing any feedback you’d like to share with the school. These reports have been generated by the Catholic Education Office data bank for all schools in the Diocese. ST VINCENT DE PAUL WINTER APPEAL Thank you for your continued generous support in sending in food items for the Christmas Hampers. These hampers will be distributed by St Vincent de Paul to families within our local community who are in great need of our care and support. WHOLE SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION OF CHRIST’S BIRTH Have you booked in this date to celebrate Christ’s birth, with the school community. Time: 6.00pm for a 6.30pm start. Venue: School Undercroft Area We look forward to sharing this important evening with many families to celebrate Christ’s birth. Have you booked this date in your diary? The P & F will also be drawing the winners of their raffle on this evening. Colleen Fuller, REC DATES TO REMEMBER CANTEEN MEAL DEAL Thursday, 28th November, 13 Year 5 go to Reconciliation Meal Deal $ 4.50 As from Monday 2/12/13 Friday, 29th November, 13 Year 6 and Kindergarten go to Mass Hot Dog with Sauce Juice Bomb Drink Zooper Dooper Ice Block Tuesday, 3rd December, 13 Year 4 go to Reconciliation Wednesday, 4th December, 13 School Christmas Celebration Time: 6.30 pm Venue: School Undercroft Area We look forward to sharing this important evening with families to celebrate Christ’s birth. Tuesday, 10th December, 13 Star Award Ceremony Wednesday, 11th December, 13 • Gold Award Ceremony • Meet & Greet 11.15—12.00 Thursday, 12th Decembe, 13 • Reports go home • Year 6 Graduation Liturgy Friday, 13th December, 13 End of Year Liturgy WHAT DO I DO IF…. What do I do if my child needs to take medication at school? If your child needs to take medication at school that has been prescribed by a doctor, you need to send the medication into the school office along with a note from the doctor advising how much and when the medication needs to be taken. What do I do if my child has a food allergy or anaphylaxis? Please advise your child’s teacher as soon as possible. What do I do if I need to send money into the school? Please place money and completed order form/permission note in a sealed envelope and send with your child who will place it into the class office bag in the morning. For excursions, a printed envelope will be sent home to you. What do I do if I need t get a message to my child? If you need to get a message to your child such as changes to the way the child is going home, these can be given to the school office and they will then be given to your child after lunch. Monday 16th December, 13 • Year 5 visit Emmaus • Year 6 Fun Day Wednesday, 18th December, 13 Last day of school for students QUIRKY HINTS AND HELPFUL TIPS • • • • • • • • How to unshrink clothing that has been shrunk in the dryer. Fill a sink with lukewarm water and add a capful of baby shampoo into the water. Let the item soak in the baby shampoo water and gently work it through. This will relax the fibres in the clothing. Remove the garment from the shampoo water and gently squeeze it out. DO NOT rinse it. Take a large towel and lay the clothing flat on it. Roll the towel up with the clothing inside it. Your goal is to absorb the extra moisture, so your clothing is damp but not wet. Then, get another dry towel and put the piece of clothing out on the dry towel. Gently stretch the clothing item as it lays out to dry. ARE YOU LEAVING OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY? We understand that family circumstances change and that children sometimes need to change schools. If you know that you will not be attending OLOR in 2014 please advise Mr Geerligs and complete a notification of leaving form that is available from the school office. Please note that concerns regarding financial difficulties are not a reason for seeking another school, as the Catholic Education Office and Our Lady of the Rosary can and will assist families with meeting these costs when genuine financial difficulties arise. We have very healthy enrolments for all classes in 2014, and some children on waiting lists, so in fairness to these families we ask you to let us know if you are changing schools. If you know of anyone considering a Catholic school education for their child here at OLOR from 2014, in any grade, please encourage them to contact us as soon as possible to assist us with our planning for 2014. UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN SYDNEY - PENRITH OBSERVATORY Family Astronomy Night - Telescopes for Christmas The UWS Penrith Observatory together with the Western Sydney Amateur Astronomy Group (WSAAG) will be running a Family Astronomy Night on Saturday, 30 November from 8pm – 10pm. The evening will include a presentation from WSAAG members who will look at some of the different types of telescopes you could buy for your families and friends, a 3D astronomy movie and stargazing through the University’s computerised telescopes (weather permitting). Cost: $15 adult, $10 child/concession and $40 family. Bookings are essential: Book and pay online: www.uws.edu.au/ observatory, What’s On Enquiries: Phone (02)4736 0135 or email [email protected] Mr Geerligs Farewell Dinner Variety Club Christmas Party Last Thursday, 21st November, 34 lucky children went to the Variety Clubs Annual Christmas Party at the Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour. We went on a coach and saw the Harbour Bridge and Opera House on the way. There were lots of exciting activities including rides, face painting, bands, concerts, meeting super heroes and Santa. We could also choose a free book, eat some fairy floss and make a mask. There were lots of children, so we had to wait in long lines for the rides but they were worth the wait. The children were all given free lunch, ice cream and a wonderful Christmas present. They all had a fantastic day. Each child gave a donation to the Variety Club and we raised $170.00 Learning Support.
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