Firefighters train on Texas props Firefighters train on Texas props
Firefighters train on Texas props Firefighters train on Texas props
IFW Industrial Fire World Firefighters train on Texas props Friendly Fire P.O. BOX 9161, COLLEGE STATION, TX 77842 rds a nd a t : S e ssu Air i his w n t Ne i o . Als Vs s ice o Ch e gin n E PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID Permit #204 Bollingbrook, IL Volume Volume 23, 23, No. No. 55 September-October September-October 2008 2008 2 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD IFW CONTENTS SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 2008 Volume 23 Number 5 DEPARTMENTS 21: COVER STORY FRIENDLY FIRE BY ANTON RIECHER Photo by Anton Riecher Firefighters attended the annual Industrial Fire School at Texas A&M University in College Station to test themselves against the newest fire ‘prop,’ a replicia of an industrial process unit that boasts 18 duel fuel-leak points. 6: Coming Clean Engine manufacturers faced with stringent new EPA standards are opting out of the fire truck market. 25: A Fire Truck for Trona A California minerals operation upgrades to the latest model off the Ferrara assembly line. 8: Emissions Mandate To date the impact of new EPA emissions standards on fire apparatus remains largely unseen. 28: Temperature Rising Report attributes an explosion at a Texas refinery to a cracked pipe. 12: Silent Alarm A pencil jammed in an alarm switch contributed to a 2001 fire aboard a ship loaded with ammo. 16: Failure to Lift Crane safety makes national headlines after a refinery accident that left four workers dead. 18: Proper Respect Emergency Services Training Institute initiates new live-fire process unit training prop. Publisher David White Editor Anton Riecher Circulation Manager Gloria Thompson Marketing Manager Lynn White Associate Editor Kendra Graf Marketing Representative Sherrill Miller 32: Dust to Dust OSHA slams sugar refiner with near record fines after blast. 34: Firefighters on Demand Illinois company specializes in keeping fire departments staffed. 36: 15 Minutes Combustion equipment requires special care by skilled technicians. 39: Decision Pending State budget crisis may force Nevada fire academy to close. Technical Consultant Louis N. Molino, Sr. Incident Log Editor Jason Marsh Hazmat Contributor John S. Townsend, Ph.D. EMS Contributor Bill Kerney Education Contributor Attila Hertelendy Risk Contributor John A. Frank 4: Dave’s Notes By David White What happens when a simple system tries to regulate a complex system? One word — trouble. 17: Industry News • Federal Signal sells E-ONE • Alabama fire school renamed • Ferrara distributes First Attack • Feds probe Houston fire. 23: Incident Log 40: Risk Assessment By John Frank Systems knowledge essential to adequate emergency preplanning. 41: Focus on Hazmat By John Townsend Unintended consequences have too often negated new regulations. 45: EMS Corner By Bill Kerney Big changes are on the way. 46: Industrial Service Directory 48: Spotlight Ads 49: New Products INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD® SINCE 1985 (ISSN 0749-890X) P.O. Box 9161/540 Graham Rd. College Station, TX 77842/45 (979)690-7559 FAX (979)690-7562 E-MAIL [email protected] WEB SITE Industrial Fire World, September-October 2008, Volume 23, No. 5. Industrial Fire World (ISSN 0749-890X) is published bimonthly by Industrial Fire World, Inc., P.O. Box 9161, College Station, Texas 77842. (979) 690-7559. Fax: (979) 690-7562. E-mail: [email protected]. All rights reserved under International Convention. Copyright © 2007 by Industrial Fire World Inc., all rights reserved. Industrial Fire World is a registered trademark of David White Investments, Inc., College Station, Texas. The design and content are fully protected by copyright and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher. Bulk rate postage paid at Fulton, MO, and additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: USA, one year $29.95, two years $49.95, and three years $59.95; Canada and foreign, add $20 per year postage. Single copies $6. Back issues available at $6 a copy plus postage. Payment must accompany orders for single copies. All inquiries regarding subscription problems, change of address and payments, call (979) 690-7559. Please allow six to eight weeks for your first subscription copy to be shipped. Please state both old and new addresses when requesting an address change and notify us at least six weeks in advance. (If possible enclose subscription address label.) Industrial Fire World is edited exclusively to be of value for people in the industrial fire protection field. Subscriptions are reserved to those engaged in the area of industrial fire protection and related fields or service and supply companies’ personnel. Address advertising requests to Marketing Director, Industrial Fire World, P.O. Box 9161, College Station, Texas 77842. (979) 690-7559. Advertising rates and requirements available on request. Editorial Information: Industrial Fire World welcomes correspondence dealing with industrial fire and safety issues, products, training and other information that will advance the quality and effectiveness of industrial fire and safety management. We will consider for publication all submitted manuscripts and photographs. All material will be treated with care, although we cannot be responsible for loss or damage. Submissions should be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. (Any payment for use of material will be made only upon publication.) Industrial Fire World assumes no responsibility for the return of unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Industrial Fire World reserves the right to refuse any editorial or advertising material submitted for publication. Information and recommendations contained in this publication have been compiled from sources that are believed to be reliable and representative of the best current opinion on various topics. No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made by Industrial Fire World as to the absolute validity of sufficiency of information contained within the publication. Industrial Fire World assumes no responsibility for statements made by contributors. Advertising in Industrial Fire World does not imply approval nor endorsement by Industrial Fire World. Printed in the USA. CPC publication number 40801529. Postmaster: Send address changes to Industrial Fire World, P.O. Box 9161, College Station, Texas 77842. For subscription inquiries call: (979) 690-7559. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 3 DAVE’S NOTES Shortsightedness breeds crisis Trying to regulate complex systems using simple ones By DAVID WHITE W hat happens when a simple system tries to regulate a complex system? It seems simple for our political system to clear up problems with regulations. According to Columbia University Professor Andrew Gelman, a simple system operates with limited information (rational ignorance), short time horizons, low feedback, and poor and misaligned incentives. Society and society, in contrast, are complex, evolving, high-feedback, incentive-driven systems. When a simple system tries to regulate a complex system the ultimate outcome can be unforeseen. We live in a world today challenged by emergencies that we failed to envision despite our best science and reason. For example, in the HazMat column of this issue you will see how something as simple as compact fluorescent light bulbs have major unintended consequences. These are miniatures of full-sized fluorescents that serve as a more energy efficient alternative to the ordinary incandescent bulbs commonly used. CFLs are four times more efficient and last up to 10 times longer than incandescents. All of this is positive as long as the contents of CFL bulbs stay out of the environmental waste stream once the bulb expires. CFLs contain toxic materials that may be released if the bulb is broken. Although household CFL bulbs may legally be disposed of with regular trash in most states, they are categorized as household hazardous waste. Apparently, the impact on emergency responders who encounter CFLs at a fire scene never appeared on the DOE or EPA radar screen, let alone the long term problems of placing this waste in sanitary landfills. There are other examples of such loose 4 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD thinking. Ethanol sounded like a good idea until food prices started going up. Some experts maintain that the Americans with Disabilities Act has actually resulted in lower employment levels among the disabled. Lack of foresight in our drive to deal with environmental issues is creating other problems for emergency responders as well. Our choices with regard to diesel engines for fire apparatus will soon be severely restricted thanks to EPA intervention (see page 6). We are accustomed to a wide range of choices about the engines we use in our fire engines. That is about to change dramatically. Soon there will be only one manufacturer left who is willing to take on the challenge in light of the new, more restrictive EPA emissions standards. Not only will there be a supply and demand factor at work, but the diversity of engine sizes and capacity will be severely curtailed. Engine cost is project to rise from about $15,000 to as much as $45,000 per engine. Thank the environmentalists for scoring another crunch on our economy by inhibiting the market and prohibiting firefighters from driving what we need and want. Another area where best intentions do not always translate into better service is emergency health care. Starting with me, no one wants less than top notch care when we have a medical emergency. Hence, the push to improve the capabilities of EMS personnel from basic to paramedic. In many instances, this push has improved the level of care the public can access. However, there is a downside. Rural communities and industrial plants were formerly able to keep a few paramedics on hand by granting them the time necessary to get the required training. But with new training standards requiring more and more hours of training, the rank of paramedic in industrial plants has almost disappeared. People can not be away the number of hours needed for training to the new standards, particularly in the more remote areas where they are most needed. Once again, the unintended consequences generate results that reduce the quality of operations when the intention was to Continued on Page 33 P.O. Box 9161 • 540 Graham Road • College Station, TX 77842/45 • 979.690-7559 Fax 979.690-7562 • E-mail [email protected] • 24th Industrial Fire World Emergency Responder Conference & Exposition COMPANY SPONSOR FORM A company sponsorship for the 24th Industrial Fire World Emergency Responder Conference and Exposition offers general session presentations, free workshops, special demonstrations, product exhibits, recognition in marketing materials and a time and place to host a company meeting. Our company commits to support Industrial Fire World, ISTC/BEST Complex, Sabine Neches Chiefs Association and area industries by assuring the group participation of fire and emergency response managers and personnel. We recognize that the group rate does not include special fees like certification workshops or the LNG Symposium. Register each individual at using the provided group pass code. Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: ____________ Please type or print Company: ________________________________________________________________________________ Number of people in my group: __________________ Bill our company for payment of the group rate checked below: ( ) $1,000 for up to 5 people ( ) $2,000 for 6 - 10 people ( ) $3,000 for more than 10 people (Unlimited.) Contact person to receive the group code and coordinate individual registration of group members through the registration page: Name: ________________________________________________________ E-mail address: _________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ FAX: __________________________________________ Bill group registration fee to: Name: __________________________________________________________________ Title: ___________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ___________________ Purchase Order Number: ____________________________ Phone: __________________________________________ FAX: ____________________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________ Or charge to the following credit card: Account Number: _____________________________________ Expiration Date: ______________________________________ Name on Account if different from name above: _____________________________________ Card Billing Address if different from above: Address: __________________________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: _____ Zip: __________________________ 24th Industrial Fire World Emergency Responder Conference & Exposition SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 5 March 23-27, 2009 Holiday Inn Beaumont Plaza ... Beaumont, Texas APPARATUS Coming Clean Engine manufacturers opt out of the emergency services market in the face of new, more stringent EPA emissions standards being phased in by 2010 By ANTON RIECHER/IFW EDITOR L egend states that Henry Ford once said his Model T was available in any color the public wanted – as long as it was black. Something similar can be said for the choices that fire chiefs will have in fire truck engines beginning in 2010. You can have any engine you want as long as it is Cummins. Behind this radical market constriction are new EPA emissions standards being phased in by 2010. Caterpillar and Detroit Diesel have chosen to pull out of the emergency services market and the over-the-road truck market as well, said fire truck consultant Robert Barraclough. Mercedes, which owns Detroit Diesel and Freightliner, is eliminating its Series 60 engines rather than make them compatible with the new 2010 standards. “Mercedes will have alternate engines, probably coming from Germany or Brazil for their over-the-road trucks – but only theirs,” Barraclough said. “A new engine is being built by Detroit Diesel in addition to those from Germany and Brazil but, again, I understand they will only be available in Freightliner products.” Mack has engines capable of being certified to the 2010 requirements but so far has been uninterested in manufacturing “vocational” engines that could be sold to others for custom chassis, Barraclough said. Only Cummins has announced its intention to remain available for commercial and custom chassis. Engine changes to fire trucks imposed by 6 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD new Environmental Protection Agency emissions regulations beginning in 2007 have been essentially invisible to the end user so far. The same will not be true once the complete set of regulations take effect in 2010, said Donald Frazeur, Los Angeles City Fire Department division commander in charge of supply and maintenance for 1,200 vehicles. “What we don’t know is how the fire apparatus industry is going to incorporate these requirements into their designs,” Frazeur said. “It is going to have an impact on the engine doghouse and the ability to provide the cooling that’s required. So you’re seeing design changes as we speak.” Frazeur serves as chairman of the National Fire Protection Association’s Fire Department Apparatus Committee. New NFPA requirements dealing with exhaust issues stemming from the EPA standards are under consideration. As of 2007, the use of diesel particulate filters (DPF) on diesel engines has been mandated by EPA to lower emissions as the first step in phasing in tougher emissions standards by 2010. An ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel must be used with this device. With the sulfur content in diesel reduced from 500 parts per million to 15 parts per million, the use of this fuel presents a variety of problems for engine manufacturers. Finding room to add the DPF is hard enough. By 2010, secondary catalytic reduction (SCR) emission systems will be mandated on most chassis, making further serious demands for space. For example, SCR systems require a supplementary tank with urea, an organic compound that fights nitrogen oxide emissions when injected into a vehicle’s exhaust. “A urea tank is fairly common in Europe,” Barraclough said. “They’ve been meeting standards similar to these for a long time.” The moment engineers add more complexity and hardware to the truck, it means encroaching somewhere else on the vehicle, he said. “Right now, the size of the primary DPF has encroached into the pump area and underneath the cab, both in space and in heat,” Barraclough said. For chassis manufacturers, the trick is finding an efficient way to configure the exhaust system. Unfortunately, the new EPA regulations frown upon extensive exhaust modifications. “The fire truck manufacturers used to be able to move exhaust whenever it got in the way of anything,” Barraclough said. “They’d just cut and splice and get it done. You can’t do that anymore. Once you get a chassis that has an exhaust system you’re probably going to have to leave it right where it is.” In a recent issue of the Darley Times newsletter, W.S. Darley Co. Vice President for Engineering Mike Ruthy said that a SCR system would encroach on the Darley pump house and may be problematic for other brands of pumps. “It will take up a lot of extra space, but I hear Cummins has a ‘design-around’ solution that accommodates midship pumps,” he said. Darley midship pumps have a narrow gear box because of its vertical gear alignment, meaning less trouble fitting new exhaust systems, he said. CAFS (compressed air foam systems) may need to be reconfigured to accommodate the exhaust, but it would merely be a matter of mirroring the current design of the driver’s side instead of the passenger’s side. PTO (power take off) driven pumps will be harder to work around, Ruthy said. Unless chassis manufacturers change to the 3000 EVS transmission with the top mounted PTO, options may be limited. “That said, I cannot say that any chassis manufacturer has laid down a clear and firm direction, so I expect some future surprises,” Ruthy said. The simple fix would seem to be vertical exhaust, but that presents its own problems under special circumstances, Frazeur said. For instance, what if the truck is parked under a canopy? “Rather than just say ‘route it up vertically,’ I think we have to keep the exhaust within a certain temperature,” he said. The combustion-ignition cycle of an engine involves a fixed mass of air being acted upon. A basic four-stroke diesel cycle consists of combustion being replaced by heat added to the air. Exhaust is then replaced by a heat rejection process that restores the air to its initial state. The 2007 EPA standards have increased total heat rejection between five and 30 percent, depending on the engine make, model and power rating. Exhaust gas temperatures can rise to 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit downstream of the DPF. However, NFPA 1901 standards effective in 2009 limit tailpipe gas to 851 degrees F. “NFPA is coming down with added requirements to deal with some of the changes in design, particularly with the DPF,” Frazeur said. “It’s not so much where you put it but exhaust temperatures are going to be a lot higher. We’re going to have to regulate these temperatures so that we’re not driving around starting grass fires.” One temperature issue of concern to firefighters is emissions control by steady state burn off of particulates. When the emissions system reaches a certain level of particulates, the exhaust flow reverses to burn them out. Under the right circumstances, this burn off can constitute a fire danger during emergency operations. Emissions controls will slow or shut down the engine when a certain level of emissions is sensed to allow the burn off, potentially affecting pump pressure at a critical moment. “An override on the burn off is one of the things we are specifying,” Frazeur said. “The engine doesn’t automatically go into burn off. The operator has the ability to override if you’re in a bad spot, such as pumping at a scene and you’ve got grass up against the exhaust.” Requiring an override for fire trucks may mean obtaining a special exception from the EPA, he said. “The EPA has not shown a willingness to Beginning in January 2007, all Cummins on-highway engines utilize exhaust aftertreatment for particulate control as well as a crankcase coalescing filter to control crankcase emissions. allow us that,” Frazeur said. Dealing with the heat problem is going to mean a bigger radiator, among other things. To gain the space for that added equipment is probably going to mean a redesign of the cab interior. But updates such as SCBA integrated into special seats built to crash standards make that redesign difficult. Giving up the custom chassis in favor of a return to commercial chassis for fire trucks is a possibility, Frazeur said. Some tough tradeoffs would have to be made regarding available space. “The problem with those apparatus is that they’re made for over-the-road truckers, not firefighters,” Frazeur said. “There are design issues regarding durability and access in an emergency.” The most immediate impact is expected to be larger emergency vehicles in the future, he said. The cost of the engines to pull these bigger trucks will probably range between $25,000 and $30,000. “It looks to me like it is going to impact our apparatus, especially ambulances,” Frazeur said. “It looks like our apparatus is going to grow one to two feet longer.” C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 7 To date, the impact of engine changes on fire apparatus mandated by the EPA remain largely unseen Emissions MANDATE Increased engine tunnel heat rejection should not increase under hood temperatures significantly, but some components may now be closer to the tunnel. Items like Turbo Chargers now may be required. By Mark Sackett & Roger Lackore 8 E ngine changes to fire trucks in response to new Environmental Protection Agency emissions regulations have been essentially invisible to the end user, a presentation by spokesmen for two leading fire truck makers states. With regard to power and torque ratings, engine offerings remain similar to those offered before the lower emissions mandated by EPA in 2007, Mark Sackett, chief engineer for Spartan Chassis, reported. As of 2007, the use of diesel particulate filters on diesel engines has been mandated by the EPA to lower emissions. An ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel must be used with this device. The new diesel engine standards are INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD expected to reduce smog-causing nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions nearly 2.6 million tons. Soot or particulate matter (PM) will be reduced by 110,000 tons a year. With the sulfur content in diesel reduced from 500 parts per million to 15 parts per million, the use of this fuel presents a variety of problems for engine manufacturers. Sackett and Pierce Manufacturing Director of Research and Development Roger Lackore worked together on a presentation entitled “Impact of 2007 Engine Changes on Fire Apparatus” presented in January at the 20th annual Apparatus Specification & Vehicle Maintenance Symposium. Sackett focused on power and torque ratings while Lackore’s contribution dealt with exhaust aftertreatment. ENGINE & COOLING SYSTEMS The combustion-ignition cycle of an engine involves action to a fixed mass of air. A basic four-stroke diesel cycle consists of combustion being replaced by heat addition to the air and exhaust is replaced by a heat rejection process which restores the air to the initial state. According to Sackett, the 2007 engine changes have increased total heat rejection between five and 30 percent depending on engine make, model and power rating. “In most cases, the contribution of heat rejection between the radiator and charged air cooler has changed significantly,” Sackett said. This has meant heat exchanger enhancements. The radiator and charge-air-cooler now require different core sizes, new core materials, different fin density and internal turbulation. For example, the series packaging cooling system offered by Spartan utilizes a radiator with a 1,434-inch core area, increased from 1,116 inches. The core material is now copper instead of aluminum. The charge-air cooler has increased from 881 square inches to 941 square inches. The parallel packaging cooling system offers a radiator with a 900 square inch core area, up from 600 square inches. The charge-air cooler has increased from 300 to 500 square inches. Air flow enhancements to the fan and shroud include fan size, speed, material, emersion, number of blades and shroud shape. In Spartan’s series packaging cooling system, the fan has increased from a 30-inch diameter to 32 inches. The shroud shape is now optimized for fan emersion. Transmission cooler has moved from the bottom tank to a separate shell and tube unit. The parallel packaging cooling system expands the fan diameter from 28 to 30 inches. Blade depth and shape has also been changed. Transmission cooler is changed from air to oil. All cooling system components are aluminum. Higher fuel flow rates on certain engines may require changes in supply and return line size and fuel cooler restriction. Regarding air intake, certain engines appear to be more sensitive to air intake temperatures than in the past. Intake locations have been changed and baffles have been added to avoid recirculation. EXHAUST AFTERTREATMENT Under the heading of exhaust aftertreatment, new leakproof requirements are in place. Leak-proof designs are mandatory to deal with atomized fuel in the exhaust pipe during dosing. Spiral-wrap style flex joints have been replaced with metal bellows to provide a hermetic all-metal pressure barrier and seal that flexes various directions. A heavy duty band clamp known as a Marmon is now used for joints. Increased engine tunnel heat rejection may be a problem. Under-hood temperatures should not increase significantly, but some components may be closer to the tunnel than before. Items such as turbo charger shields may be required to protect other components. Since 2007, all diesel engines are required to have diesel particulate filters (DPF) to lower emissions. Engine to DPF insulation is now required by all engine manufacturers. The DPF itself is insulated, and the area behind the DPF may require insulation or shielding to protect body compartments. Exhaust insulation lowers skin temperature from as high as 700 degrees Fahrenheit to as low as 200 degrees F. As insulation, stainless steel mat and silica quilt mat are the most effective. Header wrap is less effective. Exhaust gas temperatures can rise to 1,200 degrees F downstream of the DPF. However, NFPA 1901-2009 limits tailpipe gas to 851 degrees F, meaning that exhaust diffusers will be needed. As a result, while bright chrome tailpipes may be offered, do not expect them to stay bright. Most commercial manufacturers are offering only limited warranties on chrome due to discoloration from high temperatures. Exhaust modifications are mostly frowned upon. Commercial and custom chassis manufacturers will not allow exhaust modifications between the engine and the DPF. Some modifications after the DPF may be permissible. Modifications between the turbo and the DPF could cause serious operational problems and a loss of EPA certification. Exhaust gas aftertreatment involves a process known as regeneration. With passive regeneration, no fuel is added. Regeneration happens on its own when the temperature is high. With automatic active regeneration, fuel is added to increase DPF temperature. This puts the engine in control. Regeneration happens only if Measuring for exhaust skin temperature. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 9 Names That Once Figured Prominently in Diesel Engines Seagraves • Americanni LaFrance • Ahrens-Fox • International • Diesel particulate filters (DPF) are larger than the 2006 muffler and may force compartments to be blistered or notched. needed. Manual active regeneration occurs while the vehicle is stationary and is initiated by the operator. DPFs must be cleaned between 50,000 and 150,000 miles of use. The middle section of the unit must be removed to perform cleaning. It also requires special equipment. As of yet, 2007 engines do not have enough miles on them to provide experience yet. CAB DESIGN CHANGES Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) works by recirculating a portion of an engine’s exhaust gas back to the engine cylinders. Engines meeting the 2007 emission standards have an enlarged profile for larger or dual turbochargers and additional EGR piping on the engines. For example, radiator capacity increases by almost 15 percent to compensate for additional demands on the cooling system. To provide the required engine enclosure clearance, some manufacturers maintain their current cab width and provide pocketed areas or offset engine enclosures to provide the required engine enclosure clearance. Some manufacturers increase cab width to accommodate the wider engine profiles. Lackore also addressed the issue of increased engine tunnel heat rejection. “Under-hood temperatures should not increase significantly, but some components may be closer to the tunnel than before,” Lackore said. “Multi-layered insulations are available to enhance protection. Thinner or denser insulations are also being utilized.” Ground clearance of vehicles may be reduced dramatically in the area of the DPF. Because a DPF is larger than the 2006 approved muffler, manufacturers may be forced to use blistered or notched compartments. With approximately two inches of clearance for heat shielding and service access, only 28 inches are available for compartments or accessories mounted outboard of the DPF. Regarding exhaust system packaging, the engine to DPF pipe cannot be modified by a body builder. This ensures EPA compliance. The DPF is primarily a straight exhaust routing installation for most of the larger engines utilized in custom fire chassis. With the limited flexibility of the exhaust system piping, vertical exhausts and specialized installations will have limitations. 10 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD • Continential • Waukasha • Mack • Ford • GMC INDOOR AIR QUALITY The 2007 EPA regulations place limits on four main pollutants for diesel engines. • Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) – 1.2 gm/bhp-hr (grams/ brake horsepower-hour) • Non Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) – 0.14 gm/ bhp-hr • Carbon Monoxide (CO) – 15.5 gm/bhp-hr • Particulates – 0.01 gm/bhp-hr Likewise, OSHA has established indoor air quality limits as per 29CFR§1900.1000. • Nitric Oxide (NO) – 30 mg/m3 (milligram per cubic meter) (eight hour average) • Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) – 9 mg/m3 (ceiling) • Carbon Monoxide (CO) – 55 mg/m3 (eight hour average) Particulates not otherwise regulated are likewise restricted. • Total Dust – 15 mg/m3 (eight hour average) • Respirable Fraction – 5 mg/ m3 (eight hour average) These limits are based on a fire truck in a sealed garage measuring 14 feet by 14 feet by 50 feet. The truck measures eight feet by nine feet by 40 feet. While idling, the engine consumes 25 hp. Emissions should be 20 percent nitrogen dioxide and 80 percent nitric oxide. Testing under these conditions indicates the time by which OSHA limits are reached varies by the substance involved. For nitrous oxide, the limit is reached in 15 minutes. For carbon monoxide, the time limit is 16 minutes, while nitrogen dioxide reaches the limit in 18 minutes. It takes almost four hours before the limit on particulate matter is exceeded. “Pulling apparatus into a garage bay and shutting down the engine within a minute or two should never exceed the OSHA indoor air quality limits,” Lackore said. Exhaust extraction should be used if operations require vehicle engines to be running while indoors. CONCLUSION Now that 2007 diesel engines are being installed and shipped in fire apparatus chassis, manufacturers are learning more about the impact these engines will have. While the trucks remain almost the same on the exterior, firefighters should be aware of changes under the hood.C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 11 A pencil jammed in an alarm switch almost turns an ammunition ship into a floating bomb By ANTON RIECHER/IFW Editor Silent Alarm I magine fighting a fire inside a giant steel oven. Worse, imagine having to fight that fire blind. Southport (NC) Fire Department volunteer John Sledge said that describes the conditions responders faced battling a fire aboard a loaded ammunition cargo ship in July 2001. “By the time you got five feet inside the (engine room) door, you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face,” Sledge said. From gaining access to enduring broiling heat, firefighters overcame a variety of difficulties and brought the ship fire under control within six hours. The blaze never came close to reaching the five million pound cargo of explosives aboard. “Most of us had little or no experience with shipboard fire fighting, particularly of this type, so we were in somewhat unfamiliar territory,” Sledge said. The Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal at Sunny Point, NC, is the largest ammunition port in the nation and the Army’s primary east coast deep-water port. For this reason, the 16,000-acre Army-owned site near the Cape Fear river includes a large undeveloped buffer zone and huge sand berms for safety, in case of explosion. Sunny Point is the only Department of Defense terminal equipped to handle containerized ammunition, as opposed to ammunition loaded on pallets. The terminal transshipped more than 90 percent of the resupply munitions sent to and from the Persian Gulf during operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm and Desert Sortie, amounting to nearly 2.1 million tons of cargo. At about 4:10 p.m. on July 14, 2001, a fire started onboard the 950foot container ship SSG Edward A. Carter, Jr., while the vessel was moored at the south wharf of the terminal. Since the fire occurred on a Saturday afternoon, the explosive cargo was not being handled. Eighteen of the vessel’s crew were onboard when the fire started. 12 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD Photo Courtesy of The State Port Pilot According to a subsequent Coast Guard report, the ship’s second assistant engineer started a transfer of about 20 tons of heavy fuel oil from the port and starboard overflow tanks to a central settling tank. The transfer was left unsupervised other than by automatic equipment. “Their electronic system measured the tank levels and sounded an alarm if the preset levels were exceeded,” Sledge said. “If you are starting to overfill the tanks, it sounds a warning tone.” Unfortunately, because cables to several tanks had become contaminated with fuel oil, false alarms had become a repeated nuisance. The easiest solution was to simply turn off the alarms. “There was a spring-loaded switch on the control panel that you held down to acknowledge that the alarm had sounded,” Sledge said. “A pencil had been jammed into that switch to keep it in the acknowledged position. It had been that way for months before the fire.” Fuel oil overfilled the settling tank and began overflowing into the vent piping connecting it to the main engine mixing tank. The fuel oil mixed with about one ton of diesel fuel oil, then overflowed into the venting system for that tank. Eventually, the fuel reached a common vent chamber tying together the vent systems for all the tanks aboard. “Because of all the different branches, it is called the Christmas tree,” Sledge said. During the two weeks before the fire, repeated difficulties with transfers of heavy fuel oil had been reported, indicating that the transfer system was developing blockages that needed to be repaired. The Christmas tree was a suspected source for those blockages. “The concern was that rust and corrosion had plugged up some of these lines,” Sledge said. “So they disassembled parts of it.” The Coast Guard report states that the chief engineer failed to tag out the heavy fuel oil transfer pump and associated valves to ensure that the transfer system remained off-line while the Christmas tree flanges were disconnected. As a result, the mixed diesel and fuel oil was forced up through two disconnected lines and spilled one deck above the main deck. “The specific area where this happened is called the fidley, which is like a pipe chase through which the smokestack travels up through the main deck,” Sledge said. “There are other conduits and various pieces of equipment found in this pipe chase.” The mixed fuel cascaded over the 01 level deck, which is one deck above the main, or weather deck, making contact with the hot auxiliary boiler exhaust stack several feet away, resulting in ignition. Fire spread quickly throughout the aft levels of the engine room and inside the fidley. A witness reported burning globs of fuel oil the size of baseballs raining down inside the engine room, rapidly expanding the blaze. An initial attempt to use a dry chemical extinguisher to control the fire failed. Other issues compounded the emergency. An initial attempt to start the main fire pump from the bridge failed, leading to a 10-minute delay in providing water to crew members battling the blaze. It would be 35 minutes into the fire before a low-pressure CO2 system was activated, its effectiveness hopelessly compromised by the open portside doors on either side of the vessel. “That was allowing a lot of ventilation to get to the fire, allowing it to grow,” Sledge said. “There were a number of other hatches that had not been closed to isolate the fire. Smoke spread through the rest of the ship.” Two fatalities resulted from the fire. The vessel’s third assistant engineer was found on the 03 level inside the fidley about 12 feet from the fire door leading to the galley. The wiper (the most junior engine room crew member) drowned in the Cape Fear river after jumping overboard through the open port sideport door to escape the engine room. Although a crew member tossed the wiper several life rings, he was unable to reach them before disappearing from sight. Thick smoke limited access to emergency gear stored where the crew had been trained to muster. No attempts were made to shut any watertight or fire doors to form a fire boundary around the engine room. Soon the fire fighting effort was limited to cooling the main deck and forcing water down the supply vents. Sunny Point terminal firefighters arrived within 10 minutes of the first alarm. At the time of the call, only nine terminal personnel were on duty, including the dispatcher. “Fairly shortly after the federal fire department responded they called the Brunswick County 911 center requesting mutual aid,” Sledge said. “Our volunteer department is the closest to the terminal. By the time the emergency was over, every fire department within a fivecounty area had some amount of equipment or personnel there.” Southport, population 2,300, is an idyllic community near the mouth of the Cape Fear river that has served as a location for television shows like “Dawson’s Creek” and several movies. Before the fire aboard the Edward A. Carter, Jr., the closest thing to marine fire fighting handled by the volunteer department involved the city’s small boat marina, Sledge said. “It’s become less commercial and more tourist oriented now, but we used to have a lot of commercial fishing boats,” Sledge said. “My department has been to a lot of boat fires, but the biggest of those was a 40- or 50-foot shrimp boat.” That inexperience would hinder fire fighting operation. Any cargo vessel weighing more than 500 gross tons is required to have an international shore connection permitting the shipboard fire main systems to be charged from another source. Unfortunately, an accident damaged Photo Courtesy of U.S. Coast Guard Within the engine control room, there are visual and audible alarms, called the Tank Level Indicator, that actuates when the bilges or any liquid storage, settling, or service tank has reached a high or low level. Previous problems with the TLI had resulted in creative alterations to the system. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 13 Photo Courtesy of The State Port Pilot the hand-wheel controlling the starboard aft end connection. “Somebody stood up on top of the handle and broke it off,” Sledge said. “We weren’t able to open that valve.” The crew failed to alert firefighters responding from onshore that a second shore connection was available along the port aft end of the second deck. Likewise, the ship’s fire control plan was mislaid after an initial review by firefighters upon arrival. The firefighters were unaware that a duplicate of the fire plan was kept on the vessel’s main deck. “We went for hours where they couldn’t find the plans,” Sledge said. “That didn’t help.” Key personnel in the Southport VFD could call upon their experience as industrial emergency responders. The fire chief worked at a nearby Archer Daniels Midland citric acid plant Sledge was an operator and shift brigade commander at the two-unit, 1,875 megawatt Brunswick Nuclear Plant located next to the military terminal. The first challenge faced by arriving firefighters was gaining access to the vessel, Sledge said. The open sideport door provided the most immediate access to the engine room. However, crossing the gap between the vessel and the wharf would be the first test of courage for the firefighters. “They had put down a gang plank between the vessel and the wharf,” Sledge said. “It was scary crawling across this board 15 or 20 feet above the water. It was very unstable, what with the movement of the ship and everything.” Six firefighters gained access into the engine room with two charged hoses through the open starboard sideport door. The fire hoses were charged by fire trucks located on the wharf, which were supplied water from nearby fire hydrants. Firefighters did not use any of the vessel’s fire hoses because the pressure was too low. Once aboard the vessel, the firefighters were reduced to working blind because of the intense smoke. “You couldn’t see the fire but you knew what general direction it was in,” Sledge said. “So we were just shooting water in that direction. Probably a lot of that water was not effective. You had no way of knowing.” Two teams were set up inside the engine room, one on either side of the engine. The teams used a water and foam mixture to cool the hotspots which were predominately located below the main engine in the aft sections of the engine room. Firefighters used 1,300 gallons of AFFF against the fire. The team was initially unable to advance through the engine room due to the intense smoke and heat. Water sprayed into the back of the main engine 14 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD produced a great deal of steam. Radio contact could not be established because of the vessel’s metal structure. Firefighters relayed information to the incident command through a messenger system. At about 6 p.m. the vessel’s emergency generator failed. After attempts to restart it failed, firefighters ordered the ship’s crew to evacuate to shore. By this time, the shoreside fire response included nearly 150 firefighters from 30 surrounding volunteer, city and county fire departments. About 20 minutes later, a 32-foot fire boat from the Wilmington (NC) Fire Department arrived on scene. The fire boat was directed to use their monitor to cool the sideshell plating along the port side of the engine room space and two cargo holds. A fire boat operated by the terminal was not available until approximately 8 p.m. because it was only manned during regular business hours Monday through Friday. Once the terminal’s boat arrived, three monitors delivering 7,500 gpm were directed to cool the aft end of the engine room exhaust stack above the main deck. During most of the fire, the Southport VFD responders found themselves applying water from a catwalk overlooking the engine room. “That night after the fire was extinguished and the smoke cleared, I went back,” Sledge said. “Past the railing you were looking at the top of the diesel engine. It was a 15- to 20-foot drop in some places.” Worse than the blindness was the heat, Sledge said. “It was a matter of just going in and gritting it out,” he said. “It was the hottest fire I’ve ever experienced. It was like walking into an oven.” What the Southport VFD lacked in experience it made up for in equipment. It was the closest department that owned a thermal imaging camera. Brought aboard after the first 90 minutes of fire fighting, that camera became an important tool in locating the fire deep in the smokeclogged innards of the burning vessel. “The camera allowed for better stream placement and foam application,” Sledge said. With the camera identifying hot spots, two fire teams were able to move further in the engine room. The camera identified the highest concentration of heat right below the main engine. The fire was declared under control by 10 p.m. and extinguished by 1:30 a.m. on Sunday. Firefighters with the terminal brigade routinely train in marine fire fighting. But despite the July 2001 fire, training for marine fire fighting on the scale this emergency required remained a low priority for most area fire departments, Sledge said. “That was literally the one time that I have done anything like that in the 25-plus years I have been with the department.” C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 15 USCG photo by PA3 Christopher Grisafe Workers assess damage after a construction crane crashed atop a floating fuel pier at Auke Bay Harbor, AK. Crane safety makes national headlines following accident at Houston refinery Failure To Lift By ANTON RIECHER/IFW Editor A ccidents involving construction cranes are not usually identified in an industrial facility’s emergency action plan as a specific hazard, said crane expert Matthew Burkart. Unfortunately, the risk is not usually addressed in the specific lift plan governing the crane’s operation either. “I’ve lifted over chemical vessels, nuclear vessels and oil refineries,” Burkart said. “The lift plan is intended to keep things from going wrong. The assumption is that if it does go wrong the emergency action plan 16 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD for the entire site will take care of it.” Burkart’s comments follow a July 20th accident at a Houston refinery in which a 30-story-tall crane capable of lifting one million pounds collapsed, killing four employees of the contractor hired for the specific lift. The crane had been assembled to lift the top off a coker unit in order to replace the drum. However, the collapse occurred prior to that operation. An investigation is being conducted by the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). Two high profile construction crane collapses in New York City that involved fatalities earlier this year had focused attention on crane safety even before the Houston incident. In the week following the Houston collapse, fatality accidents involving cranes were reported in Smithville, TX, and Normal, IL. Burkart is president of his own consulting firm, Aegis Corporation. He has been involved in construction litigation and has served as an expert witness for OSHA and many of the country’s most well-known law firms. A widely published author, he also serves on American Society of Civil Engineers construction site safety committee as well as other committees governing the construction industry. An industrial fire chief should take an early interest in any big lifts scheduled for his facility, Burkart said. “The fire chief should ask a) what is the crane going to be picking up and b) what is it going to be swinging over?” he said. “These cranes have a long reach. If you’re reaching over places where people are working and where there are hazardous materials, you need to give it a second thought.” Before a lift is made, a lift plan is formulated. It describes the machine, its capacity, what is being lifted, where it is going to be picked up from, where it is going to be set down, the radius the crane will operate within and a general description of the rigging and all the lifting devices that might be used. Emergency response is not usually part of the lift plan, Burkart said. That is usually left to the facility’s overall emergency action plan. However, that action plan rarely addresses the specifics of a crane accident. “The crane is treated as just another piece of equipment,” Burkart said. Given the congested nature of most industrial facilities, avoiding all risk when developing a lift plan is not always practical, he said. “You’re going to have to identify the risks, probably pick the least hazardous and develop your own plan for dealing with that area of the plant if something does happen,” Burkart said. ANSI A10 standards govern construction and demolitions operations. Among Burkart’s current projects is developing an A10 standard for emergency response plans. Current OSHA crane standards were promulgated in the agency’s early days and have not changed since the 1970s. “The real difficulty when a catastrophe occurs on a construction site is coordinating and controlling what goes on,” Burkart said. “You have to have someone in charge. But that person may not be in the construction business or know much about it.” Too often, the first step taken by emergency responders is to run off anyone with construction expertise, he said. Construction supervisors should integrate emergency personnel into the project at an earlier stage. “Don’t wait until you have an emergency,” Burkart said. “Go down and grab hold of these rescue people whether they are industrial, municipal or volunteer firefighters. Get them out to the site to size up the hazard potential and confer on actions to reduce risks. Take the opportunity to stage emergency responders in the safe zone.” C INDUSTRY NEWS Federal Signal announces E-ONE sale F ederal Signal Corporation (NYSE: FSS), a leader in advancing security and well-being, announced in July that it has signed a definitive agreement to sell E-ONE, a manufacturer of fire apparatus located in Ocala, FL, for approximately $20 million to American Industrial Partners. AIP has confirmed that E-ONE management will invest alongside AIP as significant shareholders of the company. The transaction is expected to close by mid-August. BMO Capital Markets has acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Federal Signal on the deal. Jim Goodwin, interim CEO, stated, “We are pleased to be nearing completion of this divestiture. The E-ONE employees in Ocala have been a part of Federal Signal for many years. With a strong management team led by Peter Guile, and the experience of American Industrial Partners, I am confident that the future of E-ONE is in good hands and that they will be able to focus on continuing to build quality, innovative fire apparatus and growing their customer base. I would like to thank all of the E-ONE employees as well as the dealers and customers who have supported E-ONE while it has been part of Federal Signal.” C Alabama fire school assumes new name First Attack nozzles wins 1st distributor T F he Oliver Field Emergency Response Training Center near Mobile, AL, that reopened in April 2007 after being closed nearly seven years, is now operating under a new name -The Gulf Coast Emergency Response Academy. Mike McCreary, a co-owner in the company that reopened the facility, has joined with a new group to buy out control of the academy, said James W. Kiesling, one of those involved in the purchase. Kiesling is a captain with the Fire Department of New York’s special operations command. The 52-acre site is mainly set up for industrial training but plans are to expand beyond that, Kiesling said. “There are numerous haz mat (tanker trucks, rail cars, etc.) props and numerous confined space entries (above and below ground),” Kiesling said. “A local steel mill that is currently under construction has expressed an interest in duplicating some of their extensive underground system on our site.” The fire school is built around a four-story industrial mock-up that can simulate as many as 30 different fire scenarios, including mishaps involving chemical process, railcar loading, pumps, tanks, vessels, flanges, overhead pipe rack, acetylene cutting torches and electrical transformers. The fire training academy was originally owned by the past Greater Mobile Industrial Association, a not-for-profit industrial mutual aid organization. C errara Apparatus of Holden, LA, has agreed to serve as distributor for International Fog Inc.’s First Attack piercing fog nozzle in the southern United States, said First Attack inventor Eugene Ivy. Ferrara is the first company to sign up as a distributor of the First Attack nozzle, a slender device with a stainless steel tip honed to a 25 degree angle. Behind this piercing tip is a rotating sleeve made from Kevlar that creates a 30-foot diameter fog pattern. Available in two, three and four foot lengths, the First Attack normally operates in a water pressure range between 50 to 225 psi. However, Ivy has tested it at as much as 400 psi. Ivy, a former Port Arthur, TX, firefighter, designed First Attack for volunteer fire departments with limited manpower and water resources. It atomizes water into a fog pattern of droplets sized anywhere between five and 20 microns. The nozzle produces a shield that can reduce the amount of heat reaching the firefighter by 80 percent. Ferrara is a leading manufacturer of fire and rescue apparatus. The company has apparatus in service in 35 major U.S. cities, China, South America, the Middle East and The Philippines. “We welcome Ferrara is our first distributor,” Ivy said. “We are looking for others as well to represent us in other regions of the U.S.” C CSB probes fatal Houston heat exchanger rupture T he U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) announced in August that it is proceeding with an investigation of the causes of a recent accident at a rubber manufacturing facility in southeast Houston, in which one employee was killed and seven others were injured, including contract workers who were exposed to anhydrousammonia. CSB investigators have now completed two week-long visits to the plant conducting interviews and gathering other evidence. The accident occurred on June 11 during a maintenance operation on a heat exchanger, which used pressurized, liquid ammonia to cool chemicals that are later processed to make synthetic rubber. The rubbermaking chemicals were pumped through steel tubes inside the heat exchanger, while ammonia flowed through a cylindrical steel shell that surrounded the tubes. The day prior to the accident, the process was shut down for cleaning. During the shutdown, an isolation valve was closed between the heat exchanger and a pressure-relief device designed to protect the heat exchanger from possible over-pressure. On the morning of the accident, an operator used steam to clean out process piping; the steam also flowed through the heat exchanger tubes. The steam heated the liquid ammonia remaining in the exchanger shell which caused the pressure to build. With the path to the pressure-relief device blocked, the heat exchanger ruptured catastrophically. C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 17 Photos by Anton Riecher At far right, the new process unit prop at TEEX’s Emergency Services Training Institute is fired up. At top, firefighters work their way up to the top level of the burning prop. Immediately above, firefighters move against a ground fire at the base of the unit. At immediate right, a firefighter organizes for the next test as instructors discuss the first fire. Emergency Services Training Institute initiates new process unit replicia Proper Respect 18 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD O n July 14, Brayton Fire Training Field’s new prop – Prop No. 31/Process Unit – was planned to be used for training for the first time. It’s the largest live prop on the largest live-fueled fire training facility in the world. At approximately 3:50 p.m. – literally seconds after the prop was lit – the lightning prediction system sounded at the fire field. The prop was shut down and firefighters on hand to attend the 46th annual Industrial Fire Training School had to clear the field. Safety is always the top priority at the Texas Engineering Extension Service’s Emergency Services Training Institute in College Station, TX. The lightning prediction system is an automatic signal to clear the field. “There were a lot of people who were here to see the new prop burn,” said Ron Peddy, lead safety official. “But, safety is our most important concern and we can always burn the new prop tomorrow.” At its highest point, the process unit stands an amazing 66 feet tall and is a multi-level prop encompassing 21,608 square feet. It boasts six fixed monitors and burns LPG and E3 fuel. The project contains 18 dual-fuel leak points, although not all are lit at once. The valve station controlling the project is 12 feet wide to accommodate the large number of valves involved. The project can simulate various scenarios such as a process sump fire, truck-loading area fire and various other process unit-related emergency situations. Cost of the new prop exceeded $1 million. The first test burn on the new prop, which involved fire field instructors only, was held on June 16. A successful training burn for instructors was conducted on July 12. C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 19 At top,students attending the TEEX Industrial Fire School at the Emergency Services Training Institute deal with a critical exposure at the tank and dike project. Above, at right, an instructor advises on connecting a fire hose. At right, an instructor supervises a hose team. Below, a hose team tackles the tank and dike project. Below, at right, a firefighter suits up to train. 20 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD Industrial emergency responders gather for fire training in Texas Friendly Fire T hree million inhabitants of the Caribbean nation of Jamaica depend on a single refinery, Petrojam Ltd., to provide their petroleum. For that reason, Sean Soso and other refinery employees attended the 46th annual Industrial Fire School at the Emergency Services Training Institute in College Station, TX. “The fact is we’re working at a refinery and there is a likelihood of fire at any time,” Soso said. “We are the first people to respond.” More than 580 industrial firefighters and safety personnel representing 23 states and 10 countries attended the July fire school held at the Texas Engineering Extension Service’s Brayton Fire Training Field. Firefighters from The Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Equatorial Guinea, Jamaica, Mexico, Trinidad and the United States attended the industrial school. Brayton boasts more than 100 specific training sites or “props,” many of them live-fire, fueled training replicas representing everything from oil tankers to refineries. Soso said he was a first time visitor to the school. On the first day of live-fire exercises, he and his Jamaican colleagues trained using the railcar loading rack prop. “It is important for purposes of insurance that we be certified under NFPA 1081 exterior structural fire fighting,” Soso said. Certification was an important issue to many of the firefighters on hand this year. Whereas exterior structural fire fighting has been the chief concern in year’s past, certification under NFPA 1081 interior structural fire fighting has also become a focus. Joseph Melton, an operator at the ExxonMobil refinery in Baytown, TX, was one such firefighter. “Most of us have industrial certification and we had to come get the interior part to deal with fires inside control rooms, trailers and office buildings,” Melton said. “It’s an area that we have overlooked in the past.” Working beside the students on the fire field are the instructors. More than 200 highly qualified guest instructors and speakers from industrial and manufacturing companies trained the emergency responders through extensive classroom and hands-on exercises. Melvin Templeton, a safety inspector with Eastman Chemical in Longview, TX, has helped manage the LPG training prop for five years. However, he resists being dubbed an expert. “You’re never an expert,” Templeton said. “If you’ve been in the SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 21 business 50 years, you’re never an expert. There is always something you don’t know and need to learn.” Kevin Parker, an operator at the Marathon refinery in Texas City, TX, visited the fire school for the first time in three years to obtain his NFPA 1081 exterior fire fighting certification. A fire marshal for Union Carbide for 17 years before joining Marathon, Parker formerly served as an instructor at the industrial fire school. “It’s good for beginners and it’s also good for senior people,” Parker said. “You get to go through the different projects and different experiences. Some of those you can use inside the plant.” Parker, who also served as a municipal firefighter in Texas City, only recently joined the fire brigade at Marathon. “I promised my wife I wouldn’t join,” Parker said. “The next thing I know somebody told her I was on the fire brigade again.” He said the couple has since made peace over the issue. C Above, firefighters move into position to tackle the pipe alley project at TEEX’s Emergency Services Training Institute. Above, at right, firefighters are carefully monitored for any signs of heat exhaustion. At immediate right, the first blazing moments after the railcar loading project is ignited. 22 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD INCIDENT LOG Underline Items Denote Fatality July 1 – Birmingham, UK: A fire broke out at a factory in the center of the city. July 1 – Cedar Rapids, IA: 3 workers were injured in an accident involving an elevator shaft at a cereal plant warehouse. July 1 – Godfrey, IL: A fire in a vacuum system forced a plastics plant evacuation. July 1 – Grandview, WA: An electrical fire spread through a food processing plant. July 1 – Hardin County, TX: Lightning ignited a fire in a tank battery at an oil transfer station. July 1 – Lubeck, WV: A transformer exploded at a plastics recycling plant. July 1 – Milford, CN: Firefighters were tested for toxic exposure after a paint factory fire. July 1 – Niigata, Japan: Fire broke out in the dryer ductwork at an ethanol plant. July 1 – Plock, Poland: A refinery fire injured 2 workers. July 1 – Sakai, Japan: A small fire near a crude distillation unit was enough for officials to shut down production at an oil refinery. July 1 – Sitra, Bahrain: Fire destroyed a paint factory. July 1 – Winchester, KY: A small fire broke out at a biodiesel plant. July 1 – Edison, NJ: Trace amounts of cadmium leaked at an avionics plant. July 2 – Crystal Lake, IL: Fumes ignited in a paint booth, severely damaging a plant specializing in conveyor systems. July 2 – Louisville, KY: A reaction in a methylmethacrylate railcar triggered a hazmat emergency at a chemical plant. July 2 – New Milford, CN: 2 paper mill workers became ill after being exposed to vapor venting from a tank of bleach. July 2 – Newport Beach, CA: A 300-gallon barrel of overheated hypoxy triggered an evacuation at an adhesives plant. July 2 – Savannah, GA: 3 men were injured in an explosion at an aerospace manufacturer. July 2 – Wilmington, DE: A worker at an ash processing plant was trapped 30 feet in the air by a conveyor belt. July 2 – York, NE: Fire broke out in the dryer ductwork at an ethanol plant. July 3 – City of Industry, CA: A fire broke out at a plastics plant. July 3 – Cork, Ireland: Hydrochloric acid leaked at a fertilizer plant. July 3 – Elyria, OH: A 4-story factory used for making sinks was destroyed by fire. July 3 – Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta: A storage well at a chemical plant began leaking. July 3 – Hantsport, Nova Scotia: Fire spread through the ventilation system at a power plant. July 3 – Jusuit Bend, LA: 3 contract workers doing maintenance on an oil refinery steam line were scalded by a release. July 3 – Kahna, Pakistan: 1 person died and 11 were injured when a vessel exploded at a pharmaceuticals plant. July 3 – Lanesburo, MN: A tanker truck spilled more than 3,000 gallons of ethanol. July 3 – Xinjiang, China: 7 people died in an oil tank explosion. July 4 – Boode Guarnizo, Spain: Several explosions were reported at a metals processing plant. July 4 – Ferndale, MI: A chemical plant pump used to transfer polymer disintegrated in use, triggering an evacuation. July 4 – Industriepark Hochst, Germany: A water curtain was used by refinery firefighters after diphyl fumes were released. July 4 – Kearny, NJ: An electrical fire at a power plant sent smoke billowing into the sky. July 4 – Tarbock Green, UK: A blaze at an ink factory threatened to ignite highly flammable solvents. July 5 – Clinton, PA: Heavy smoke resulted from a fire at a fertilizer plant. July 5 – Kerteh, Kuala Lumpur: A flash fire at a power distribution station shut down a gas processing plant. July 5 – Mataura, New Zealand: A wood dust explosion at a factory injured one worker. July 5 – Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan: A truck with 43,000 pounds of dynamite caught fire. July 6 – Kentland, IN: A fire at a plastics plant filled the air with acrid smoke. July 6 – Mitchell, SD: A rail car loaded with smeltering byproducts began leaking fumes. July 6 – Muhlenberg, PA: Ammonia leaked at a dairy plant. July 7 – Arteixo, Spain: A wildfire threatened a refinery. July 7 – Bollene, France: Nearly 8,000 gallons of solution containing a low level of uranium spilled at a power plant, entering two rivers. July 7 – Clyde, OH: An appliance factory worker suffered a head injury. July 7 – Kurashiki, Japan: Nearly 250 gallons of sulfuric acid leaked at an oil refinery. July 7 – Porto, Portugal: Fire destroyed a chemical warehouse at an industrial park. July 7 – Royal City, WA: Several thousand wood pallets surrounding anhydrous ammonia tanks caught fire. July 7 – Tacoma, WA: Partially refined crude oil spewed from a vent stack when a power outage shut down a refinery. July 7 – Taiz, Yemen: An electrical fire spread through a biscuit factory. July 7 – West Palm Beach, FL: A concrete recycling plant worker was trapped beneath fallen debris. July 7 – Wheatfield, NY: A furnace fire broke out at a chemical plant. July 8 – Belle, WV: Pressure built inside a tanker car when flammable liquid penetrated the inner tank. July 8 – Berngen, Belgium: An explosion rocked a silo filled with polypropylene powder. July 8 – Curtis Bay, MD: A contractor repairing a valve on a sulfuric acid tank at a chemical plant was sprayed in the face. July 8 – Greensboro, NC: Fire broke out in a dumpster at an industrial waste facility. July 8 – Hoboken, NJ: A dust collector at a pump valve factory was destroyed by fire. July 8 – Northampton, PA: A sprinkler system extinguished a smoke fire at a plant that processes waste plastics. July 8 – Omaha, NE: A fire fueled by acetone For August Incident Logs, Visit broke out at a beauty supply plant. July 8 – Tonawanda, NY: A grass fire spread to a large tank of tar at a coking plant. July 8 – Wells Twp., MI: 2 workers were burned in a paper mill accident. July 9 – Alton, IA: A grain dust explosion in an elevator set fire to 60,000 bushels of corn. July 9 – Blackpool, UK: Explosions and fire were reported at a factory. July 9 – Blount County, IN: A fire broke out at an aluminum plant. July 9 – Cedar Rapids, IA: A rail car valve leaked hydrochloric acid at an agricultural products plant. July 9 – Chalan Piao, China: Fire destroyed a garment factory. July 9 – Crystal Lake, IL:A fire damaged a plant manufacturing process equipment. July 9 – Kingsport, TN: A lightning strike interrupted production at an ammunition plant. July 9 – Medellin de Brave, Mexico: A man received severe burns when an industrial alcohol warehouse exploded. July 9 – Morfeklen-Waldorf, Germany: A phosphoric acid release was reported at a refinery. July 9 – North Somerset, UK: Fire erupted in a paint booth at a plant specializing in molds and casts. July 9 – Somerset, UK: Local residents were evacuated when fire broke out at a factory. July 10 – Angola, IN: A plant for repackaging firewood was destroyed by fire. July 10 – Bastrop, TX: Oil leaking on a hot power plant turbine ignited. July 10 – Belgachia, India: Fire broke out in a heat treatment factory. July 10 – Burns Harbor, IN: A coke oven at a steel foundry began leaking carbon monoxide, forcing workers to evacuate. July 10 – College Grove, MN: Natural gas ignited in a heat recovery unit at a power plant. July 10 – Corpus Christi, TX: The Coast Guard established a one-mile safety zone after a vessel released chloride monomer fumes. July 10 – Hastings, UK: A furniture plant warehouse burned. July 10 – Oxnard, CA: A fire in a water cleaning machine damaged a saw making plant. July 10 – Port Adelaide, Australia: A small fire damaged a factory. July 10 – Red Bay, AL: An auto parts plant worker was injured when he caught his arm in machinery. July 11 – Abilene, TX: A freight company forklift punctured a 55-gallon drum of acetone and methyl-ethyl-ketone. July 11 – Boise, ID: A manufacturing building at a timber plant was destroyed by fire. July 11 – Bradford, UK: 2 workers at a food processing plant suffered flash burns. July 11 – Gothenburg, Sweden: A small fire broke out on the roof of a turbine building at a nuclear power plant. July 11 – Green River, WY: Fire broke out on the roof of a soda ash plant. July 11 – Kiev, Ukraine: 4 workers died when oxygen tanks exploded at a metals factory. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 23 July 11 – Neptune, NJ: An electrician was injured by a flash fire at an electronics plant. July 11 – Paterson, NJ: A water tower at a cable manufacturing plant burned. July 11 – Rothschild, WI: A sulfur storage bin caught fire at a power plant. July 11 – Rye, UK: Flames spread from a factory spray booth. July 11 – Seattle, WA: Smoke rose over a cement plant. July 12 – Crossville, TN: A tanker crash spilled titanium tetrachloride on the interstate. July 12 – Lower Heidelburg, PA: An aluminum foundry worker doing repair work died when he fell 12 feet. July 12 – Melksham, UK: Fire broke out at a tire factory. July 13 – Ashland, NY: Fire destroyed a tannery. July 13 – Minneapolis, MN: A fire at a recycling plant threatened nearby buildings. July 13 – Moscow, Russia: A power failure triggered a release of gas at an oil refinery. July 13 – Potter, PA: Zinc oxide fueled a fire at a metals plant. July 13 – Sana’a City, Yemen: 1 worker died and 4 were injured in a gas factory explosion. July 13 – Starkville, MS: Fire started in a ventilation system at a furniture plant. July 14 – Baytown, TX: A small flash fire was reported at an oil refinery. July 14 – Elwood, IN: Fire spread through a paint room at an auto parts plant. July 14 – Mansfield, LA: Vapor from mixing paints threatened to ignite at a power plant. July 14 – New Haven, IN: A stack of 55gallon drums containing hydrofluoric acid collapsed at a chemical plant. July 14 – Les Roces, Spain: An explosion occurred in a sawdust silo. July 14 – Oak Ridge, TN: Workers evacuated a waste processing plant when a chemical reaction produced yellow smoke. July 14 – Rockdale, Australia: A chemical spill at a factory forced neighboring businesses to evacuate. July 14 – Springfield, MO: Responders were decontaminated after exposure to onion juice during a food processing plant fire. July 14 – Tiffin, OH: An equipment fire broke out at a furniture factory. July 15 – Baytown, TX: A small flash fire at an oil refinery was put out with a steam lance. July 15 – Camp Taylor, KY: A fire broke out in two overheated asphalt processing tanks. July 15 – Elgin, IL: A worker at an aluminum products plant was splashed with sulfuric acid. July 15 – Fagras, Romania: 2 people were missing after an explosion during demolition at an aggregate plant. July 15 – Graham, TX: A fire at a plant for flotation devices severely injured 3 workers. July 15 – Louisville, KY: A fire at an asphalt plant produced thick smoke. July 15 – Marion, PA: An explosion rocked a fireplace manufacturer. July 15 – Panaktos, Greece: A forest fire threatened a munitions plant. July 15 – Port Arthur, TX: A refinery reported a hydrogen sulfide leak. 24 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD July 16 – Arjun Nagar, Pakistan: An ammonia release followed an explosion at an ice factory. July 16 – Athens, Greece: 3 factories producing timber products and auto parts were destroyed by a forest fire. July 16 – Bedfordshire, UK: A factory for Formula One racing cars caught fire. July 16 – Inoi, Greece: A forest fire threatened a munitions factory. July 16 – Kaesong, N. Korea: A worker died when a steel frame at an industrial complex collapsed. July 16 – Kenly, NC: An evacuation was ordered when vapor escaped from a tanker truck hauling silicon tetra fluoride. July 16 – Lynchberg, VA: Baling equipment caught fire at a corrugated cardboard factory. July 16 – Miami, FL: A concrete recycling plant worker was crushed to death by a loader. July 16 – Solihull, UK: Fire destroyed a plant that mades curtains and blinds. July 16 – Tullamore, Ireland: Sprinklers contained a fire at a candle factory. July 17 – Butte, MT: An acetylene tank caught fire at a metal processing facility. July 17 – Coldwater, MI: Fire broke out in the furnace room of a brake parts plant. July 17 – Shanghai, China: Three firefighters died battling a plastics factory blaze. July 18 – East Bridgewater, MA: An electrical fire broke out at a meat packing plant. July 18 – Grand Blanc, MI: A sulfuric acid tank exploded at a factory. July 18 – Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand: Flames from a cold storage facility threatened an ammonia plant. July 18 – Leggiuno, Italy: An explosion occurred at a hydrogen peroxide maker. July 18 – Perris, CA: A plastics recycling worker died when he was pulled into the rotating blades of some heavy equipment. July 18 – Saginaw County, MI: A pipe ruptured at a semi-conductor plant, releasing silicon vapor. July 18 – Stamford, CN: A fire at a pool chemicals warehouse resulted in 13 police officers being treated for toxic exposure. July 18 – Williston, FL: Fire erupted at a water bottling plant. July 19 – Essex, UK: A press drying machine caught fire at a printing plant. July 19 – Harrison Twp., PA: A 3-hour blaze broke out at a specialty metals manufacturer. July 19 – Ludwigstad, Germany: A fire broke out in a filtering unit of a melting furnace at a metallurgical plant. July 19 – Rush Twp., PA: Several firefighters suffered heat exhaustion at a manufacturing plant specializing in aluminum flake pigment. July 19 – St. Charles, IL: Fire spread through the high rack storage in a chemical plant warehouse. July 20 – Frisco, TX: Fire broke out at an electronics plant. July 20 – Jundiz, Spain: A worker at an industrial products plant was struck by a cover flung during an explosion. July 21 – Betim, Brazil: A fire broke out at an oil refinery. July 21 – Chignik Bay, AK: Fire gutted a seafood processing plant. July 21 – Lafourche, LA: An ammonia leak at a shrimp processing plant halted traffic nearly 3 hours. July 21 – Louisville, KY: Production resumed shortly after a fire at a bakery plant. July 21 – Manchester, UK: At least 1 gas cylinder detonated during a lengthy fire at a pallet factory. July 21 – Mildred Lake, AB: An oil refinery worker collapsed while inside a vessel used to clean hydrocarbons. July 21 – Minas Gerais, Brazil: A fire broke out in a delayed coker at an oil refinery. July 21 – Mount Pleasant, TX: A firefighter received minor injuries from a fire at a food processing plant. July 21 – Muskegon County, MI: A major highway was closed when ethanol spilled while an overturned tanker was being emptied. July 21 – Paso Robles, CA: An outbuilding at a chemical plant caught fire. July 21 – Salix, IA: A worker at an agricultural plant died when he was buried in soybeans. July 21 – Thibodaux, LA: An ammonia leak at a seafood processing plant closed down area traffic for three hours. July 22 – Columbia, TN: An overturned tanker leaking argon injured two people. July 22 – Esmeraldas, Ecuador: A gas leak at a refinery caused concern. July 22 – Martinsville, VA: Fire broke out at a furniture finishing plant. July 22 – Mt. Clemens, MI: A solvent spill disrupted operations at a car finishes plant. July 22 – Naperville, IL: A dust system caught fire at a plant specializing in plastic coloring. July 22 – Schwarza, Germany: A chemical tank exploded at a metalworking plant. July 22 – Toowoomba, Australia: Fire spread inside an 80-ton grain silo. July 22 – Toronto, ON: Corrosive hydrogen peroxide leaked from a storage tank at an empty dye plant. July 23 – Almelo, Netherlands: An explosion rocked a plant where centrifuges for separating uranium were made. July 23 – Detroit, MI: An auto plant employee was crushed to death by machinery. July 23 – Mt. Eden, New Zealand: Fire broke out at a foundry for precious metals. July 23 – Offenbach, Germany: A rail tanker leaked crotonaldehyde in a freight station. July 23 – Willemstad, Netherlands Antilles: Fire broke out in an oil refinery distillation unit. July 23 – York, PA: A transformer at a nuclear power station caught fire. July 24 – Auckland, New Zealand: Firefighters may have been exposed to arsenic during a fire at a metals factory. July 24 – Cameron, TX: Fire broke out at a pipe plant. July 24 – Fort McMurray, AB: A pipeline at a tar sands operation was vandalized. July 24 – Harmattan, AB: A fire in a heater closed a natural gas extraction plant. July 24 – Porvoo, Finland: Phosphoric acid leaked from a corroded valve at an oil refinery. Continued on Page 31 An isolated industrial facility in southeast California buys a new fire truck. The result is better fire protection for the entire region. A Fire Truck for Trona By ANTON RIECHER/IFW Editor Photo courtesy of Searles Valley Minerals A cross California is a chain of dry pleistocene lakes which were formed during the Ice Ages. Today, the lake bed near Trona, CA, contains a plethora of sodium and potassium minerals of the carbonate, sulfate, borate and halide classes, due to long sedimentation and evaporation processes, which occurred over a period of about 150,000 years. Ed Townsend, chief of emergency services at the Searles Valley Minerals Operations in Trona, said it feels like it took almost that long to get an okay for his new Ferrara Intruder II pumper, collected fresh off the assembly line in early August. “I was using a 1986 Boardman pumper that held 750 gallons of water and pumped 1,250 gallons per minute,” Townsend said. “It seated Above, the Searles Valley Minerals plant in Trona, CA. At left, the new truck delivered to Trona in August. Below, at left, the truck early in construction at Ferrara. Below, the truck nearly finished. Truck photos courtesy of Ferrara SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 25 Work in progress on the new Trona fire truck. Ferrara customers are able to check the current status of work on their vehicles visually via the Internet. Photo courtesy of Ferrara about two large people, and that was all.” By comparison, Townsend’s new Ferrara seats five firefighters. Built from heavy duty extruded aluminum, it boasts a 400 horsepower Cummins ISL-400 engine, an Allison 3000 EVS automatic transmission and a single stage Waterous CSU pump capable of 1,500 gallons per minute. The pumper comes with a 1,000 gallon water tank and a 20 gallon foam tank. “There aren’t a whole lot of extras, but it’s sure a lot nicer than what we’ve got,” Townsend said. Searles Valley Minerals manages extensive operations in California’s Searles Valley. Power and production facilities cover more than 339 acres at the Argus, Trona and Westend plants. Of these three, the Trona facility is the oldest, dating back to 1916. It uses a solvent extraction method to recover boric acid from weak Searles Lake brines. “We pump the brine out of the dry lake bed to get the salt crystals we need,” Townsend said. “From that, we recover sodium sulfate and boron products.” In addition to boric acid, the Trona facility produces anhydrous borax containing low sulfate values and borax decahydrate. “We have our own coal fired boilers, so we are self sufficient for energy,” Townsend said. “We employ about 650 employees, and 100 contractors.” Protecting the Trona plant is a fire rescue and hazmat team consisting of 34 volunteers. Townsend, an 18-year veteran of the plant fire brigade, has served as chief for the last eight. He said it was obvious that the time had come to replace his former pumper. “We’ve thrown money at it and more money at it,” Townsend said. “Finally, it came down to repairing the pump again. I said, ‘Wait a minute – let’s stop throwing money at this and get something we can really use.’” The local challenge is not limited to industrial fires. The Trona brigade has a mutual aid agreement with the San Bernardino County Fire Department. At 20,160 square miles, San Bernardino County is the largest county in the continental United States. The fire department’s jurisdiction encompasses 18,353 square miles of extremely diverse environments that stretch from the Los Angeles County line on the 26 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD west, to the Colorado River on the east, to the Nevada State line and Kern and Inyo counties on the north. Trona is only one of 53 communities that the San Bernardino County Fire Department serves. That results in the brigade responding to as many as eight structural fires a month. Trona, population 1,885, has been losing residents for many years, resulting in a large number of unoccupied houses. Searles Valley Minerals also has a mutual aid agreement with a nearby coal-fired power plant that serves as a public utility. Beside the new pumper, the Trona brigade operates two brush units referred to as “squad and rescue” units, each carrying 300 gallons of water. One of the trucks is kept in Trona near Townsend’s office and another is kept at a Searles Valley Mineral facility six miles away. Townsend’s brigade trains weekly. In addition, Townsend brought in Baton Rouge, LA – based Roco Rescue, specialists in confined space and rope rescue training, to conduct two 100-hour classes for the volunteers. “We have everyone on the brigade certified,” Townsend said. “We get together for rescue training twice a month for six hours and for fire training twice a month for four hours per session. We also do 50 hours a year of hazmat training.” All of the Trona firefighters are certified as Firefighter I in the state of California. Townsend himself has attended training in industrial fire fighting at Emergency Services Training Institute in College Station, TX. As for large scale training exercises, the Trona volunteer gets together with the county firefighters when possible, Townsend said. Often joining them are firefighters from the Navy’s single largest facility, the China Lake Naval Weapons Center, located about 20 miles away. The center is dedicated to airborne weapons testing and training. Trona’s new fire truck came close to its first emergency even before it left the Ferrara plant in Holden, LA. Tropical Storm Edouard, threatening the Gulf Coast, concerned Searles Valley Minerals when Townsend visited Holden to pick up the finished truck. “They said bring it straight back here as safe as you can,” Townsend C said. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 27 FINAL REPORT February 2007 refinery blast attributed to cracked piping Temperature Rising A massive fire that injured four workers and caused the legs can pose special hazards in refineries that should be carefully total shutdown and evacuation of a refinery in Sunray, managed.” Holmstrom said the refinery (then owned by another TX, in February 2007 likely occurred after water leaked company) did not identify hazards arising from the dead-leg when it through a valve, froze and cracked an out-of-service was created in the 1990s and did not implement safeguards, such as section of piping, causing a release of high-pressure liquid removing the piping, isolating it from the process using metal plates propane, the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) said in a final known as blinds for protecting it against freezing temperatures. investigation report issued in July. Over time, water seeped past the leaking valve and built up inside The CSB’s final report concluded the root causes of the accident the low point of the piping elbow. A period of cold weather in early were that the refinery did not have an effective program to identify and February 2007 likely caused the water to freeze, expand and crack the freeze-protect piping and equipment that was out of service or piping. On Feb. 16, the daytime temperature increased and the ice infrequently used; that the refinery did not apply the company’s policies began to melt. At 2:09 p.m., high-pressure liquid propane flowed through on emergency isolation valves to control fires; and that industry and the leaking valve and was released through the fractured elbow. company standards did not recommend sufficient fireproofing of Investigators estimated that propane escaped from the pipe at an initial structural steel against jet fires. rate of 4,500 pounds per minute, quickly creating a huge flammable “This was a significant accident that seriously burned three people, vapor cloud, which drifted toward a boiler house where CSB investigators shut down a major oil refinery for two months, and contributed to believe it contacted an ignition source. gasoline shortages hundreds of miles away in Denver,” said CSB “Once the fire started, there was no way to shut off the supply of Chairman John Bresland. “The CSB investigation points to a number of fuel because the refinery had not implemented company procedures areas where oil industry practices should be improved to reduce the requiring the installation of remotely operable shutoff valves,” likelihood and the severity of process-related fires. Fireproofing, remotely Holmstrom said. “Such valves are especially critical in high-pressure operable shutoff valves, and effective water deluge systems can spell service to prevent large inventories of flammable material inside process the difference between a small, quickly contained fire and a massive blaze that cripples a large industrial facility.” The fire occurred in the refinery’s propane de-asphalting unit, which uses high-pressure propane as a solvent to separate gas oil from asphalt; gas oil is used as a feedstock in other gasolineproducing refinery processes. The propane leaked from an ice-damaged piping elbow that was believed to have been out of service since the early 1990s, CSB investigators said. Unknown to refinery personnel, a metal object had wedged under the gate of a manual valve above the piping elbow, allowing liquid to flow through the valve. Piping above the valve contained liquid propane at high pressure, and small amounts of water were entrained in the propane. “The elbow was part of a ‘dead-leg’ formed when the piping was taken out of service,” said CSB Investigations Supervisor Don Holmstrom. “This was a section of piping that remained connected Photo Courtesy of U.S. Chemical Safety Board to the process but was not intended to have any flow of liquid through it. Dead- Surveillance video reveals the emergency scene 90 seconds after the first alarm. 28 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 29 equipment from contributing to a fire.” The growing fire caused the failure of a pipe flange on a large extractor tower filled with propane, igniting a powerful jet fire that was aimed directly at a major pipe bridge carrying liquid products throughout the refinery. Because the pipe bridge supports were not fireproofed, they quickly collapsed, severing process pipes that were essential to the operation of the refinery. Company and industry standards “require fireproofing of structural steel supports up to a maximum of 50 feet from possible fuel sources,” Holmstrom said. “The collapse of a non-fireproofed pipe bridge 77 feet away from the source of the jet fire indicates that industry practices need to be revised.” The fire also caused the release of an estimated 5,300 pounds of toxic chlorine from three one-ton cylinders stored 100 feet from the fire. The chlorine, used to disinfect cooling water, could have posed a serious threat to emergency responders had they not already been evacuated, investigators said. In addition, the fire threatened a large spherical tank that contained up to 151,000 gallons of highly flammable liquid butane. As a result of the growing fire, the valves controlling a water deluge system designed to cool the sphere became inaccessible to operators and could not be opened. “The consequences of this accident could have been even more serious, under slightly different circumstances,” Bresland said. “Refineries should minimize the Photo courtesy of U.S. Chemical Safety Board presence of hazardous substances Crack found in the 10-inch diameter propane mix control station inlet elbow at Sunray. near units where they may be exposed to fire hazards and should ensure that emergency systems alternatives such as bleach. The CSB also recommended that refinery remain operable if a disaster strikes.” staff work with United Steelworkers, which represents employees at The CSB made recommendations to the American Petroleum Institute the plant, to upgrade hazard analysis procedures. (API), a leading oil industry trade association that develops safety The CSB is an independent federal agency charged with investigating practices that are widely followed in the U.S. and overseas. The CSB industrial chemical accidents. The agency’s board members are appointed called on the API to develop a new recommended practice for freeze- by the president and confirmed by the Senate. CSB investigations look protection of refinery equipment and to improve existing practices into all aspects of chemical accidents, including physical causes such as related to fireproofing, emergency isolation valves and water deluge equipment failure as well as inadequacies in regulations, industry systems. The report also called on the refinery’s owner to improve standards and safety management systems. freeze protection, fireproofing, hazard analysis and emergency isolation The CSB does not issue citations or fines but does make safety procedures at its 16 North American refineries. recommendations to plants, industry organizations, labor groups and The CSB urged the refinery to implement its strategic plan to eliminate regulatory agencies such as OSHA and EPA. Visit the CSB Web site at C the use of chlorine for water treatment in favor of inherently safer 30 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD Incident Continued from Page 24 July 24 – Toledo, OH: A smoky fire broke out at a recycling plant. July 24 – Tronchiennes, Belgium: A tanker truck filled with acid rolled on its side. July 24 – Torgan, Germany: 2 workers were severely burned in an explosion at a wood pellet plant. July 25 – Brimingham, UK: Fire broke through the roof of a factory. July 25 – Bridgeton, NJ: A worker fell from the roof of a textile plant. July 25 – Jefferson County, OH: Machinery caught fire at a power plant. July 26 – Bethlehem Twp., NJ: A worker suffered serious injuries when machinery exploded at a plastics processing plant. July 26 – Calvert City, KY: An explosion at a chemical plant caused no injuries. July 26 – Hunterdon County, NJ: A plastics plant worker was burned in an explosion. July 26 – Marquion, France: Traffic was interrupted for six hours when nitric acid was discovered leaking from a tank truck. July 26 – Newcastle, UK: A fire at a packaging plant sent company shares tumbling. July 26 – Nelson, New Zealand: Fire destroyed a bitumen plant. July 26 – Phoenix, AZ: A parked tanker truck caught fire at a plant specializing in rubberized asphalt. July 26 – Surrey, UK: Fire spread through a plant specializing in pharmaceutical packaging. July 27 – Bucharest, Romania: An explosion in a sawdust dryer at a wood processing factory injured 23 people. July 27 – Gardner, MA: Fire broke out at a furniture factory. July 27 – New Orleans, LA: A massive oil spill into the Mississippi River shut down river traffic for days. July 27 – Potter Twp., PA: A fire broke out at a zinc plant fire. July 27 – San Bernardino, CA: A machine that injects preheated dye into plastic caught fire at a plastics manufacturing plant. July 28 – Henley, UK: Heavy smoke made extinguishing a fire at an air conditioning plant difficult. July 28 – Hillsville, VA: Fire broke out at a textile plant. July 28 – Lenoir, NC: A fire shut down a wood panel plant. July 28 – Mina Abdullah, Kuwait: Six workers were injured in a refinery fire. July 28 – Palm Beach, FL: Firefighters used dry chemical to extinguish a magnesium fire at a metal recycling plant. July 28 – Port Neches, TX: Fire broke out at a chemical plant. July 28 – Richmond, CA: A sulfuric acid spill at an oil refinery caused no injuries. July 28 – Rockaway Twp., NY: 2 workers were splattered with hot plastic from a machine used to make disposable trays. July 28 – Ulsan, S. Korea: A researcher died in a laboratory explosion at a chemical plant. July 29 – Brownsville, NY: Fire erupted in the ceiling of a fiberboard manufacturing plant. July 29 – Hamilton, TX: Fire broke out in the dust control unit at a molding mill. July 29 – Iowa City, IA: Fire ignited on the roof of a detergent factory. July 29 – Kitakyushu, Japan: A conveyor belt fire spread to a steel plant. July 29 – Laurel County, KY: A security guard at a waste management company died when a heavy iron security gate fell on him. July 29 – Loves Park, IL: An equipment fire at a machining plant spread through the facility. July 29 – Owego, NY: Fire tore through a recycling plant. July 29 – Pori, Finland: A storage building at a hardboard factory caught fire. July 29 – Port of Vancouver, WA: A smoldering fire spread through a hopper at a malting plant. July 29 – Prince George County, MD: A power plant fire injured one worker. July 29 – St. John, New Brunswick: A brief fire at an oil refinery lit up the skies. July 29 – Tomahawk, WI: 3 workers performing maintenance atop a fiber storage tank at a paper mill died in an explosion. July 29 – Wisconsin Rapids, WI: A paper Continued on Page 33 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 31 Photos courtesy of OSHA Photos taken by OSHA investigators showing the depth of sugar dust found at a Gramercy, LA, sugar refinery. February sugar refinery blast results in near record fines Dust to Dust 32 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD I n the wake of a February 7 explosion that killed 13 workers at a sugar refinery near Savannah, GA, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issued citations in July proposing penalties totaling $8.7 million against a Sugarland, TX-based company and its two affiliates, the third largest fine in OSHA history. More than $5 million of the proposed fines were for violations at the Port Wentworth, GA, refinery. OSHA added nearly $4 million related to inspections at the company’s Gramercy, LA, refinery following the February explosion. “I am outraged that this company would show a complete disregard for its employees’ safety by knowingly placing them in an extremely dangerous work environment,” said OSHA Assistant Secretary for Labor, Edwin G. Foulke, Jr. Despite the explosion at Port Wentworth, the company has done little to ensure abatement of the combustible dust hazards at its other plant, he said. “If OSHA investigators had not inspected and posted an imminent danger notice regarding areas at the second plant, the same thing could have happened again,” Foulke said. That notice resulted in a temporary shut-down of the mill. The company filed a notice that it intends to fight the citations. OSHA inspections at both facilities found that there were large accumulations of combustible sugar dust in workrooms, on electrical motors and on other equipment. The investigation also determined that officials at the company were well aware of these conditions but took no action. At the Gramercy refinery alone, accumulations on the workroom floor were measured as deep as 48 inches. Officials theorize that cumulative sugar dust inside the packaging elevator of one of three silos caught fire. Speculation is that a bucket came loose from the elevator system, igniting the suspended sugar. A second explosion in the silo gallery and tunnel spread to the packaging house and adjacent building. Aside from the fatalities, 40 workers were injured. The citations included 108 instances of willful violations related to the combustible dust hazard. A willful violations was defined as a violation committed with plain indifference to, or intentional disregard for, employee safety and health. OSHA also issued 10 citations for other willful violations and 100 citations for serious violations. The largest fine in OSHA history was $21.3 million issued against a major oil company after an explosion on March 23, 2005, at its Texas City, TX, refinery. That explosion killed 15 people and injured more than 170 others. The second largest fine was against a Louisiana fertilizer company in 1991 after an explosion C that killed eight workers and injured 128 others. Incident Continued from Page 31 mill employee who suffered burns was transported by helicopter. July 30 – Biblis, Germany: A crane struck a utility line at a nuclear power plant, triggering a shutdown. July 30 – Brisbane, Australia: A gas leak at a food processing plant sent six people to the hospital. July 30 – Byram, MS: An explosion and small fire were reported at a plant that extracts oils from various materials. July 30 – Catoosa, OK: Fire broke out at an industrial coatings plant. July 30 – Chicago, IL: A candy plant worker was crushed to death by a pallet mover. July 30 – Clydach, UK: An auto suspension plant damaged by fire is expected to be closed for months. July 30 – Columbia, SC: Sparks ignited a gas line at a steel factory. July 30 – Hartford, CN: A small fire broke out at a trash-to-energy power plant. July 30 – Jackson, MS: A fire broke out at a plant that processes grease from fast food restaurants. July 30 – Javene, France: A worker at a hazmat disposal plant suffered burns when waste being handled reacted. July 30 – Indiantown, FL: A fuel pressure line ruptured at a power plant, causing a small fire. July 30 – LaPlace, LA: A worker died when he was pinned by a truck at a steel plant. July 30 – Lee, MA: An equipment explosion at a plate glass factory injured two. July 30 – Richmond, KY: Fire damaged a battery plant. July 30 – Rock Hill, NC: Fire forced the evacuation of a carbon fibers plant. July 30 – Seoul, S. Korea: Lightning triggered a fire in a crude oil storage tank. July 30 – St. George, Australia: A chocolate factory was destroyed by fire. July 30 – Summerside, UK: A generating engine at a power plant caught fire. July 31 – Almaty, Kazakhstan: An oil spill briefly halted production at a steel plant. July 31 – Bitola, Macedonia: A power plant fire was quickly extinguished. July 31 – Busalla, Italy: Fire engulfed an atmospheric distillation column. July 31 – Cardon, Venezuela: An oil refinery electrician was burned by a high voltage shock. July 31 – Durham, UK: A tractor plant worker hurt his back in a fall. July 31 – East Lothian, UK: A worker was sprayed with chemical from a burst drum at a recycling center. July 31 – Jaranwak, Pakistan: Seven workers were critically injured when fire broke out following an explosion in a textile mill boiler. July 31 – Moorabbin, Australia: A forklift ruptured a high pressure gas line at a factory making construction materials. July 31 – Palmasola, Bolivia: More than 80,000 gallons of diesel spilled from a ruptured pipeline at a refinery. July 31 – Parkgate, UK: A steelworker became trapped underneath a cooling bed. July 31 – Pensnett, UK: An office fire broke out at a factory. July 31 – Plano, TX: Fire from a storage silo incinerator spread to the roof of a paper processing plant. July 31 – Rochester, NY: Two workers at a metal recycling plant suffered smoke inhalation. July 31 – Shelbyville, IN: Fire broke out in a new warehouse at an insulation manufacturing plant. July 31 – Spokane Valley, WA: Cardboard ignited at a recycling plant. July 31 – Taunton, MA: Flames broke out at a recycling plant. C Dave’s Notes Continued from Page 4 improve them. These examples leads to an important question for emergency responders — will the failure to think issues such as these through to their potential ultimate conclusion pose a greater danger in the future? The challenge is enhanced by today’s emergency responders’ more limited hands-on experience with the broad range of potential disasters that still rank among the less likely but still possible. Our planning and training must identify new emerging hazards, even from familiar sources, and thinking through “What if?” As environmental issues become increasingly important it becomes more and more critical for both researchers and practitioners to understand what are these indirect impacts and the directions these indirect environment impacts will compel business and economies to move towards. It sets an agenda for future research.C 2009 IFW Emergency Responders Conference & Expo March 23 - 27th • Beaumont, TX SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 33 Illinois company specializes in keeping fire departments fully staffed with certified professional responders Firefighters On Demand Photo Courtesy of Kurtz Above, Kurtz firefighters tackle a live-fire training prop to keep their certification current. 34 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD W hen industry contracts with an outside company for fire protection, it usually means the plant fire brigade is reorganized to suit the company taking charge. However, Kurtz Industrial Fire Services, based in the Chicago area, seeks to work with the organization in place. Kurtz President and CEO Tom Vana said his company provides trained fire fighting personnel that supplement existing industrial fire brigade operations. Kurtz employs more than 100 industrial firefighters working for six industrial sites in four different states. Proposals are on the table to add two more industrial sites to the Kurtz list. In total, Kurtz employs more than 300 firefighters when its 16 Chicago-area community fire departments are included. The advantage to industry is that Kurtz carries the load with regard to paperwork. “We handle all the wage and benefits, liability, workers comp and employment practices part of the business,” Vana said. “Our clients simply pay us a flat fee to provide them X amount of personnel.” Industry in major cities often has the option of participating in a mutual aid organization that unites various fire brigades for the common good. The same is not always true for plants and refineries operating in remote locations across the Midwest and other areas of the country,” Vana said. “These plants may be isolated but they have good infrastructure in place,” Vana said. “They also have good leadership. We provide them with the firefighters to follow that leadership.” Kurtz started as a private ambulance service in 1977, he said. The move into fire fighting came in the mid- 1980s. “In 1984, the Chicago area had a great push for fire departments to have a contractual arrangement so they could utilize our personnel to provide firefighters and EMS services,” Vana said. “Then, in 1999, the fire chief of a major refinery approached us about providing industrial fire protection.” The biggest difference in recruiting industrial firefighters is that while fire fighting experience is required, it is not always possible to hire personnel with first-hand knowledge of industrial fire fighting. The minimum requirement was an Illinois State Firefighter II certificate. “Because of the inherent risks in a refinery, an industrial firefighter should also be a state licensed EMT-B at a minimum before they come on board with us,” Vana said. Utilizing various fire fighting schools such as Refinery Terminal Fire Company in Corpus Christi, TX, Emergency Services Training Institute in College Station, TX, and the University of Nevada, Reno Fire Science Academy near Elko, NV, Kurtz firefighters go through an extensive 12-week training program before ever going into a plant. Retired refinery Fire Chief Dale Pirc recently took charge of the Kurtz Consulting and Training Division. His mission is to have all Kurtz employees NFPA 1081 ProBoard certified. “One important thing to remember is that the people Tom is providing are not intended to replace employees in their existing emergency response organization,” Pirc said. “It’s meant to supplement the existing organization and provide a good quality core organization.” A frequent problem for mandatory brigades is job turnover, Pirc said. For example, someone who works in the laboratory is designated as driver of a fire truck. Despite the time and effort to train that person to a sufficient level, all that may well be lost when the lab assistant transfers to another position that does not require time on the fire brigade. Likewise, personnel trained as emergency responders may find themselves with other operational priorities from their primary job and unable to respond in an emergency, Pirc said. “The emergency may be in their area of the plant,” he said. “They may have to go out and close valves on tanks or perform an emergency shutdown or by-pass procedure.” To avoid this, Kurtz provides a fixed number of trained fire fighting personnel who are on hand no matter what happens to supplement volunteer or mandatory responders, Pirc said. “You know what you’ve got seven days a week, 24 hours a day,” Pirc said. “A lot of facilities don’t have that. The same holds true for high angle and confined space rescue, hazmat and emergency medical services responses.” With the advantages the Kurtz approach offers, getting industry interested is not such a hard sell, Vana said. “OSHA and NFPA have established so many regulations that there is no way volunteers or mandatory responders can maintain their competencies in all areas of emergency response and still keep an industrial facility completely compliant,” he said. Lower insurance rates are one major selling point, Vana said. Mustering workers from various points across the plant and deploying them as firefighters costs valuable minutes. Keeping the fire stations staffed with Kurtz firefighters means an instant response. “For what it costs to put 15 trained people into a refinery, it is almost a wash insurancewise,” he said. “Your insurance drops dramatically when you can demonstrate that you have firefighters available 24/7, not just an emergency response organization composed of employees hopefully coming from their normal job duties.” However, these firefighters do not spend the day just waiting for the fire bell, Pirc said. “Our people work a 24 hour shift, just like municipal firefighters,” he said. “Every morning starts with a safety talk and reviewing what is going on in the facility that day. Then they tackle a safety issue, usually related to the daily facility activites in the field. Half of the workday in the morning is spent on what we call mechanical integrity or equipment checks.” In the afternoon, training is always emphasized for the Kurtz personnel on duty shift. At other times, the Kurtz personnel will either conduct or assist in conducting classes for refinery employees including firefighting for operators, maintenance, fire brigade personnel or, in some cases, Photo Courtesy of Kurtz clerical employKurtz firefighters undertake a live-fire training assignment. ees. Training depends on roles and responsib-ilities of the em-ployees. Time The quick self generated actions of the Kurtz not spent at the fire stations goes toward fire firefighters in the area of the incident did in prevention in other ways – industrial hygiene, fact save a life that day. “That man would clearly have died had fire extinguisher inspections, fire water system flushing and preventative maintenance, flushing there not been a rescue team or fire brigade at monitors, maintaining nozzles, air pack that refinery,” Vana said. “That refinery manager gave awards to our guys because they inspections and record keeping. “At one refinery, our staff began to do all prevented a death in the refinery that day.” The financial cost to the refinery could have the fit testing,” Vana said. “If it costs $25 or more to fit test each person, imagine what you been staggering as well. “Take the increased premiums and other save if you have 1,000 employees and another 700 to 800 contractors. Hose testing is another numbers into account and our firefighters paid for themselves for about two or three years in chore we’ve taken over as well.” After dinner, firefighters can either utilize that one incident alone,” Vana said. In addition to emergency response services, their time in exercise or computer-based Kurtz Industrial Fire Services can provide intraining, Pirc said. To date, Kurtz industrial firefighters have house reviews of existing in-place fire handled three major process unit fires. In one protection facility services including fire, hazmat and rescue. case, the damage reached $350 million. The reviews provide a thorough third party “We held it to the point of origin,” Pirc said. “The process supervisor told me, ‘Thank God set of eyes to review compliance with NFPA for the fire crew because if it wasn’t for them, and OSHA codes and standards including the fire would not have been contained to the training procedures and record keeping, fixed and mobile equipment maintenance and testing point of origin.’” In at least one case, having Kurtz firefighters procedures and documentation, emergency on site was the difference between life and response plans, policy and organization death for two contract refinery workers, Vana statements, employee training and compliance with OSHA 1910.119, section 13, Emergency said. C Two contract employees were inadvertently Planning and Response. trapped by a catalyst which had formed a crust at an inspection door on a catal-yst hopper. The catalyst gave way and consumed both employees while they attempted to escape on a large catwalk and stairway area. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 35 Failure to properly care for combustion equipment can have fatal consequences 15 Minutes Can Save Your Life By JOHN R. PUSKAR, PE/CEC Combustion afety within manufacturing plants is an ongoing issue that needs more focus and attention from those who are in charge of maintenance and safety. Combustion equipment can be a main source of explosions. These types of disasters are preventable even for someone who does not work with combustion equipment on a daily basis. What follows is no substitute for a skilled technician but it can help to save lives if someone is guilty of even one of the 10 deadly combustion equipment sins that follow. This screening takes less than 15 minutes. In each case the issue is spelled out along with the potential hazard. All of the 10 “deadly sins” illustrated below are real-life examples of what auditors at Combustion Safety, Inc. have come across when asked to evaluate the safety of combustion equipment. All of these examples could make for a dangerous working environment that could result in a fire or explosion under the right conditions. 1) Tightness testing of safety shut-off valves and blocking valves is not being carried out. S Gas trains keep gas out of the combustion chamber when no combustion is taking place through a series of tight closing , specially designed shut-off valves that are spring-loaded to close. These are the safety shut-off and blocking valves. Equipment codes and laws require these valves to be tightness tested on a regular basis. Auditors at Combustion Safety, Inc. find that proper checkouts and testing are seldom performed on the building code required schedules. Leaking gas through these valves into a combustion chamber can enhance the chances of an explosion. 2) Bad things can happen in control panels! Critical safety components can be mistakenly jumpered out and/or unreliable wiring or controldocumentation may exist. C D E F The photographs show evidence of jumpered out safety components, poor wiring installations and/or poor documentation practices. (c) indicates wiring not labeled and not arranged such that it can be understood without a high probability of error. The wiring diagram shown in (d) has been customize in the field. This may or may not be accurate or correct. Bypassing safety circuits is a big no-no. In the case of (e), an obvious electrical jumper wire bypasses a control. It is a wire that is not the same as the others, is connected with alligator clips and is of a different gauge and color. In (f) a popsicle stick is broken off and jammed into an air switch contact to hold it open. These are things to look for and find before trying to start equipment. 3) Obsolete burner management systems can make for long outages and less protection. G A B The photographs show evidence of valve testing plugs that do not appear to have ever been removed. This is an obvious sign that the required gas train automatic valve tightness testing is probably not taking place. 36 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD H The burner management system in (g) is a new model RM7800 from Honeywell. An older electro mechanical model R4138 is shown in (h). Burner Management Systems (BMS) are the most important single safety component that exists for any piece of gas-fired equipment. Recent advances have put more features and safety into this equipment. For example, newer BMS have purge timers that are solid state and not adjustable. Many explosions have occurred where purge timers have been turned down in the field, making for ineffective removal of flammable mixtures before pilot light-off cycles have occurred. Another important issue is BMS obsolescence. If a BMS system or component fails that is no longer manufactured, it could take days of rewiring for a newer, different style to be installed. 4) Valves in the instrument lines can render switches / instruments ineffective. M I N J Valves in instrument lines can be left in the closed position, rendering switches out of service and functionally incapable of operating. This could leave personnel and equipment unprotected. Valves should always be removed or at least locked open as soon as they are found. This especially applies to (i) high / low gas pressure sensing lines, steam pressure switches and water column connections. 5) Set points that are obviously wrong can render switches / instruments ineffective. Instruments and / or safety devices without correct set points provide O leaked. These valves are usually spring-loaded to close (not needing the hydraulic fluid for closing). The risk here is mostly one of equipment downtime when least expected since the hydraulic fluid is needed to open the valve to light the unit. 8) Lubricated plug valves can be leaking in the closed position or be frozen in place and inoperable. P Q K little or no protection. Gas pressure switches are shown that have set points pulled all the way to one side or the other. These are most likely not set correctly. Improper gas pressures could cause flameouts and explosions. 6) Flame roll-out (hard starting) can be a warning for dangerous conditions that may get worse. L When the bottom of equipment is burned or scorched, it may indicate flame rollout. This can occur when flues are partially blocked and / or fuel and air mixtures are set incorrectly. In these cases combustible mixtures and flames can exist outside of the firebox. One of the risks is catching things on fire that are near the base of this equipment. Another is that as things continue to degrade, the flame rollout condition could turn into a catastrophic explosion from the accumulation of unburned gasses that ignite at once. 7) Automatic valve actuator failures (safety shut-off valve, blocking valve, pilot or vents) can make for hazardous operating conditions and down time. Hydraulic valve actuator failures are sometimes indicated by the presence of hydraulic fluid on the valve’s exterior. These photographs show oil stains on the sides of valves (m), puddling at the valve (n) and obvious excessive leakage (puddling under the equipment) (o). This condition it indicates that some of the actuator’s hydraulic fluid has R S T U Lubricated plug valves fail a number of ways, including leaking when in the closed position and being stuck in the open or closed position. Inspections at more than 200 sites found that more than 60 percent leaked in the closed position. A typical plug valve showing the body, plug and lubricant coating on the plug that makes the seal is shown in (p). A frozen valve that cannot be closed in an emergency is indicated in (q). Exterior stem corrosion is shown in (r). A valve that has been painted shut is shown in (t). A valve in the closed position that is leaking through the inside of the pipe downstream is indicated in (u). Lubricated plug valves need to be properly maintained on a regular basis. This means installing the proper sealant material and making sure the valves are exercised. 9) Vent valves can be failed open, disrupting burner operating conditions that put live fuel on roofs and sending improper mixtures into burners. Normally open vent valves are installed in gas trains to improve safety when equipment is off (v). They allow gas leakage through the first automatic valve to get outside instead of to the firebox. When the burner tries to light, they are supposed to close tight so all the gas goes to the burner. If they are failed and leaking, they can vent natural gas from the gas train while the burner tries to operate (w). This makes for risks from ignition sources on the roof. It also makes for burners with unstable flames that cannot stay lit. If this happens, back-up systems SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 37 Boilers Continued from Page 37 V W must recognize the loss of flame and be called upon to shut off the gas. If these fail, an explosion is likely. 10) Outside vent terminations can be blocked with insect nests. Most instruments and switches are vented with pipes outside to safe locations (x) to allow for proper operation and for gas to escape if a diaphragm failure occurs. Vent terminations are often found to be blocked with insect nests (y). A clogged vent can mean that there is no protection from leaking safety shut-off valves / blocking valves or for relieving failed components. Safety codes require protected vent terminations (z) be installed with screening devices. Gas And Combustion System Explosions Can Be Avoided For companies that are combustion system sinners, salvation can often be found in the form of awareness and training. It is also most likely going to take a culture change at the facility and a new found respect for combustion equipment. Consider the case of a 100-gallon water heater. The energy stored in a 100-gallon water heater can be equivalent to 10 sticks of dynamite. If a company has10 sticks of dynamite stored at its facility, it would treat the dynamite with respect. Combustion equipment is not like fall protection or employees wearing safety glasses. This equipment has the power to destroy people and property on a massive scale. It only gives one chance. That chance can mean death and destruction for those that may be working on or near the equipment, as well as many innocent bystanders. Companies must find 15 minutes to review their sites! C For more information, please visit or contact Combustion Safety at 1-888-826-3473. X 38 Y INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD Z 2009 IFW Emergency Responders Conference & Exposition March 23-27 • Beaumont, TX Photo by Lynn White Firefighters tackle one of 25 fire training ‘props’ available at the University of Nevada, Reno Fire Science Academy. State budget crisis may force closure of Nevada fire academy Decision Pending decision on closing the University of Nevada, Reno Fire Science Academy (UNR) near Elko, NV, in response to a state budget crisis has been postponed by university regents until October to allow more time to pursue possible funding partnerships with industry. The regents’ action comes in the wake of a report by an advisory council chaired by former Nevada governor Kenny Guinn and prominent business people recommending closure of the facility. According to The Elko Daily Free Press, regents are unanimous in their decision to continue discussion about the closure, but disagree on whether they should allow until October or December for progress to be shown. UNR president Milt Glick recommends the regents to continue the discussion to allow more time for the partnerships to be explored. University representatives are talking to oil companies and mining companies who are customers of the academy. The university is also in discussion with an oil company trade association representing more potential students. The Guinn report notes that the fire academy has a long-term capital debt of $27.1 million, which is being paid off through student fees. The academy also faces operating and construction repair deficits totaling $12 million. Costs of closing the school after this season could run another $3.5 million. According to the Associated Press, the report says the academy is well run and recognized internationally for its fire fighting training, but it has a business plan that was “fatally flawed from the outset with A unrealistic cost, enrollment and revenue projections.” “While we wish our recommendation to close the FSA could be otherwise, we believe it to be in the best long-term interests of the university, the Nevada System of Higher Education, present and future students and the taxpayers of Nevada,” the report states. For the 2009-11 biennium, state agencies face a mandated budget cut of 14 percent to make up for a projected state shortfall approaching $1 billion. The university gets 60 percent of its funding from the state’s general fund. Located in the Ruby Mountain region of northern Nevada, the UNR Fire Science Academy is home to 25 full-sized live burn props, together with a staff residence, administration building, cafeteria and recreation building, classrooms and observation tower. The isolated location permits year-round live burns, as opposed to the annual eight-month schedule allowed at the academy’s previous home in Stead near Reno. The 426-acre academy near Elko opened in March 1999. Eighteen months later, amidst much red ink and unexpected environmental impact, FSA ceased live-burn training operations. By November 2000, it closed its doors at the new site completely. After untangling a myriad of legal problems, the school reopened in 2002. That year, FSA trained more than 1,800 firefighters. Enrollment has steadily increased since then to more than 4,000 students in 2007. Denise Baclawski, FSA executive director, said the school continues to train firefighters at that enrollment level. “We are committed to providing the same quality services the clients have come to expect,” she said. C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 39 RISK ASSESSMENT Pre-planning then and now I By JOHN FRANK/XL GAPS recently had an opportunity to vacation on the Florida island where I served as a volunteer firefighter in the combination (part paid, part volunteer) department from 1982-1985. I was lucky enough to serve under company officers who believed in pre-planning and that helped spark the interest in this column – where pre-planning is a central focus. Now, 23 years after I left and armed with my experience as a fire protection engineer, I had a chance to reflect on pre-planning then and what more could have been done with more systems knowledge. The analogies apply to planning for all types of firefighting but more so to industrial operations. Interestingly enough, the day I left for the vacation, I read a news story in one of the online fire magazines that continues to drive home the need for industrial pre-planning. It seems that a medium-sized municipal fire department was faced with a fire in a baled paper warehouse. As was to be expected, the tightly packed bales of paper posed a challenge. One of the chief officers stated that due to the difficulty of the fire, they had to come up with a plan on how to deal with the bales. The entire focus of this series is that a planning session should have been done well before the fire, not in the middle of it. The site was there, presumably for years, and unlike a highway hazmat incident, you can know what you can expect before you ever get the call. Back to the island condominium. Some of the things that we did preplan were: 1) How to deal with the fact that the aerial ladder could not access the beach side of the structure. We had 55-foot ground ladders and we were probably one of the last fire departments to carry and actually intend to use scaling ladders so we could go floor-to-floor as needed. We also carried short escape ropes — just long enough to go the floor below if we got trapped on the beach side. We could also rappel down the beach side from the roof. One positive was that building codes limited construction to 75 feet high so the aerial could at least get to the roof from the front. At the time, there were two mutual aid ladder companies as well. This leads to another point with aerial operations. The outrigger spread on newer aerials is much wider than in the past. This is safer, but it takes more space to set them up. Looking at parking lot congestion, a longer aerial will probably be needed to get to those same roofs. Think about high rise industrial occupancies with similar congestion and limited access. What is your plan? Can the newer, longer, safer aerials even negotiate some of the turns or clear pipe racks? 2) We were well versed in the construction features of the building. We used to walk through the condominiums, which were just being built at the time, every shift. We compared what we found to what Frank Brannigan had to say in Building Construction for the Fire Service and planned accordingly. Brannigan also covered industrial occupancies, especially warehouses, tilt-up concrete construction and combustible metal deck roofs. Anyone who fights structural fires should study his book. Brannigan does not cover process structures specifically, but he had a lot to say about steel construction that can be applied. 3) Of course, we know where to find the utility cutoffs, the fire alarm panel, the fire department connection, hydrants, flow available at 20 psi, pool chemicals and the like. 4) We even found that a few unscrupulous contractors were just 40 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD sticking sprinkler heads up with no pipe. This was before a full time fire marshal position was created, and had it not been for our daily construction walk throughs, we may have never found this situation. Now for what I know to look for now that I did not know then: 1) I do not remember ever talking about the operation of the building fire pump. We knew the building had one and that was about it. The recent series of articles by Jeff Roberts describes in detail how to ensure that a building pump will reliably operate during the fire and how to keep it running in an emergency. In the case of the condominium, adequate flow and pressure could be delivered by our 1,000 gpm pumper through the fire department connection. But what about a petrochemical plant with a demand of 20,000 gpm at 125 psi; or even a warehouse with a sprinkler demand of 2,000 gpm at 135 psi and a 4-inch fire department connection? The facility pump(s) had better work in those cases. 2) Even though we focused on construction, I think we missed the potential combustion hazards of Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (EIFS) that were being installed everywhere. It looks like most condominiums on the island uses EIFS. This is often a combustible exterior finish that most industrial property insurance companies and property loss prevention companies recommend to pass a large scale fire test such as FM Approvals Corner Test or the test described by NFPA 285 Standard Fire Test Method for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Non-Load-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components. Systems that have not passed such a test could present responders with an unexpectedly severe exterior fire. A recent hotel and casino fire in Las Vegas reportedly involved an EIFS, although some blogs speculate that it may have been something else. Although major industrial insurance companies look for this, I rarely — if ever — hear the fire service discussing its hazards. EIFS is not as common on industrial facilities as in commercial construction; however, in areas where industrial buildings are trying to blend into the community, it is more common because it looks nice. Unfortunately for the responder, it looks like trowel-finished masonry construction (which is the intent) so it is hard to notice. 3) Although we were well aware of our hydrant flow at 20 psi, we really needed is to know the flow at the sprinkler system demand pressure. If the sprinkler system has a demand of 300 gpm at 125 psi, we need to know if that demand can be met with and without the pump and while supplying hose streams. In dealing with fire protection system hydraulics, both the flow and pressure must be known. Having class AA hydrants (1,500 gpm at 20 psi) is meaningless for system analysis. Saying we have “good” pressure (whatever “good” means) is also meaningless since the flow is not stated. What is needed is a statement like “the water spray system needs 3,000 gpm at 125 psi and we need an additional 2,000 gpm at 125 psi for monitors for a total of 5000 gpm @ 125 psi. Then, through flowtesting, if you know you can supply 6,000 gpm at 150 psi even with the largest pump out of service. Then you know something. You can satisfy system volume and pressure requirements and you have enough reserve to operate two more 500 gpm monitors if needed to. 4) I don’t recall discussing wind driven flames. The wind blows in Continued on Page 45 FOCUS ON HAZMAT Did we really mean to do that? U ntil the dawn of the twentieth century, Americans and most of the rest of the world for that matter, were pretty much on their own so far as insuring the quality of the food they ate, the medicines they took for their illnesses or the safety of their workplace environments. America was an agrarian society made up of small isolated communities in which everyone knew everyone else and one knew who milked his cow, churned his butter, baked his bread and prepared his medicines; and, he knew how it was done and what went into the final product. He knew that he needed to keep his hand out of the feed mill and also what would happen to him if he did not. Any untoward happening was considered to be his own fault; it was too bad but he should have known better or been more attentive to what he was doing. As the urban population grew as a result of the great migration from Europe, this idyllic picture of American society changed radically. Foods, drugs and other essential commodities became products, created in inanimate factories by anonymous employees of aggressive and sometimes insensitive entrepreneurs and, as always, there were those who would place profits before quality. In 1906, Upton Sinclair published his muckraking novel The Jungle, which dealt with conditions in the U.S. meat packing industry. The public uproar that followed is credited, at least in part, with the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act in 1906. Thus began the first sustained effort on the part of the government to insure the health and safety of its citizens through regulations and their enforcement. The trend has continued until the present day, expanding exponentially with the creation of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the Department of Transportation (DOT), The Federal Aeronautics Administration (FAA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) among others, all of which promulgate rules and regulations and have a bearing on legislation passed by Congress. As a result, the American public has become used, or almost addicted to the idea that the way to protect against any risk or hazard is to legislate against it, or, at least, regulate it, and this is the duty or responsibility of government. John Q. Public wants to be guaranteed a risk free environment; but I’ve got news for John Q “it ain’t gonna happen.” To be sure, most of the protective laws and agencies, especially the earlier ones, were created for laudable reasons to satisfy a real need to protect health or safety of the citizenry or the environment. Certainly no one should be allowed to use formaldehyde to preserve fresh milk or sell cosmetics containing salts of lead, mercury bismuth or other heavy metals. Other laws have been enacted for the sake of political expediency. After all, what politician wants to be seen as opposed to preserving the environment or providing a safe work environment? Some laws were created in response to the pressure generated by public concern and in some cases actual fears, which were sometimes exacerbated by the media. Whether these concerns or fears are valid does not really matter; they exist, and they can cause a lot of political heat to be generated. Legislation, and indeed most human endeavor, is subject to the “law of unintended consequences.” In an article appearing in The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, Rob Norton states, “The Law of Unintended By DR. JOHN S. TOWNSEND Consequences, often cited but rarely defined, is that actions of people— and especially of government—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. Economists and other social scientists have heeded its power for centuries; for just as long, politicians and popular opinion have largely ignored it.” In many cases, these “unintended consequences” have actually negated the original purpose of the regulation. Thus we have the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which was intended to increase opportunities for those with disabilities, but, because it increased the cost of hiring employees with disabilities, it has actually decreased their opportunities for employment. Fire prevention measures within forested areas have actually increased the danger of fire and the damage caused by it through the accumulation of debris. The corn-based ethanol program has increased the demand for corn and resulted in a large increase in food prices, not only in the United States but around the world. The environmental movements has delayed, if not actually prevented, the construction of newer, more efficient oil refining facilities, and this has contributed, at least in part, to the current high price of motor fuel. In the Desert Southwest, water is a precious commodity. When we find it, we clean it up and use it. When the EPA mandated that all runoff water had to be confined to the site where it originated, the result was the construction of containment ponds to hold this runoff water. The idea seems to have been that any contained water would percolate into the soil (and in the process possibly contaminate the underground aquifers) instead of flowing to the river where it could be caught in reservoirs downstream for later use. The lawmakers failed to reckon with our “adobe” clay soils. These soils hold water like a jug. This is also true of the red clay in Georgia and the “red bed” of west Texas among many others. To comply with the EPA directive, property owners have constructed holding ponds on the grounds of their buildings to contain the runoff water and keep it on site. As a result, there are numerous, nicely landscaped ponds all over the community. These are usually filled with large rocks to prevent people or animals from falling in and drowning. These ponds have no outlet and once filled simply sit until the water is removed by pumping or evaporated by the sun. The water stagnates, becomes a source of odor, and, worse, provides, an ideal breeding place for mosquitoes, some of which can, and on occasion do, carry West Nile Virus (WNV). Rains produced by the remnants of Hurricane Dolly have prompted local government to initiate a frantic effort to get all of these ponds sprayed before the WNV-carrying mosquitoes can reproduce. Of course, spraying introduces more pesticide into the environment. The basic tenants of the promulgations of EPA and OSHA are good and well intentioned, but the “unintended consequences” that have accompanied these regulations have at times created more hazards than they have eliminated. Another “unintended consequence” of legislation has been the creation of a climate of fear in the mind of the public. As a result, we have seen proposed legislation based on what might happen rather than credible evidence of an existing hazard. No matter how badly society wants it, a risk-free world simply does not and will not exist. Every action carries with it a certain amount of risk. When one steps out to cross the street SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 41 there is a risk present, even though the light is with the pedestrian. Does the pedestrian want to get to the other side of the street badly enough to justify the inherent risk? The search of a risk-free society has been a windfall to the personal injury lawyers. Almost nightly we see television advertisements asking, “Have you been hurt by so and so or think you might have been? If so, call this number you may be entitled to compensation.” Another television ad actually starts off with the words if you or a loved one has died……” It would be interesting to know just how many inquiries this lawyer has gotten from people who have died. There is risk involved in the use of virtually any medicine, but look at the alternatives; would anyone in his right mind want to have his appendix removed sans anesthetic because of the risk? Would a patient with 98 percent heart blockage forego bypass surgery because the drug Trasylol carries a risk of kidney problems? I think not. The means (relief of surgical pain or bleeding) would justify the risks involved; and besides, you can always sue your doctor later, at least according to some of the personal injury lawyers. Risks are not restricted to medical issues and as a result we have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) that warn us of the hazard of dropping a steel plate on toes or being hit on the head with it. The coffee cup that one gets at the fast food restaurant now carries the warning that coffee is hot (one would think that the sense of touch would tell him that), as if anyone would want his morning coffee at room temperature. Mercury (atomic number 80, atomic weight 200.59) is one of the transition (“B” family) elements. Its oxidation states are +2 and +1. Due to its low melting point (-38.58ºC), mercury exists as a liquid at room temperature. It is the only metal with this property but gallium (atomic number 31) is closest with a melting point of 29.76 ºCelsius. Mercury is considered toxic but in reality its toxicity when in the elemental (metallic) state is not nearly as great as it is when combined or when it is encountered in the vapor state. In fact, “elemental mercury is usually quite harmless if touched or swallowed. It is so thick and slippery that it usually falls off your skin or out of your stomach without being absorbed.”1 This accounts for its successful use as a weight when introducing some of the early stomach tubes for gastric analysis. In order to be toxic, a substance must be absorbed into the tissues, and for this reason compounds of mercury which are soluble are far more toxic than the pure metal which is virtually insoluble. Thus the government has banned many mercury-containing medicinals such as red mercurochrome and merthiolate. While it has not yet been banned, thiomerosal, a common preservative for vaccines and used since the 1930’s, has been under scrutiny as a cause of autism and other brain development disorders found in young children. So far mainstream medical opinion is that no convincing scientific evidence supports these claims but the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) under the precautionary principle, which is an assumption that there is no harm in exercising caution even if it later turns out to be unwarranted, have asked vaccine manufacturers to remove thiomerosal from vaccines as quickly as possible. The compound has been rapidly phased out of most U.S. and European vaccines. Mercury vapors are also toxic and the inhalation of these vapors emanating from spilled mercury can have serious consequences. This is the rationale for the current efforts to reduce the amount of metallic mercury in the environment. Mercury that has been absorbed into the body tends to remain in the body. While the average citizen is not aware of it, there is a great deal of elemental mercury in the ordinary environment. It is present in 42 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD thermostats, electrical switches and dental fillings. It is also used to fill various gauging instruments (thermometers and barometers) and manometers (the doctor’s sphygmomanometer for example). Mercury is also a component of batteries and, with the proliferation of small efficient electronic devices such as in-ear hearing aids, cell phones, pocket radios and digital cameras, the number of these being used and later discarded into the environment is growing exponentially, becoming a matter of concern to environmentalists. Because metallic mercury was formerly used in various oil field gauging instruments, the petroleum industry has now been required to spend great sums of money to clean up the sites of numerous pipeline gauging stations and refineries. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, large amounts of mercury were used as a component of the amalgam process to extract precious metals from their ores. In this process, up to 300 pounds of mercury are combined with a ton of metallic ore, thus an amalgamation of the mercury and other metallic minerals is formed. This method, for example, extracted some 50-85 percent of the precious metals from the Comstock Lode ores it was used to treat. In the process, however, one to three pounds of metallic mercury were usually lost to the environment in a typical operation. In the case of the Comstock Lode, several million pounds (up to 14 million pounds by some estimates) of elemental mercury now exists in the Carson River down stream from the mills. This mercury will eventually be converted to soluble compounds and slowly find its way into the food chain as methylmercury or other compounds which can be assimilated by the human body. While the amalgam process has been superseded by the cyanide process in the United States, mercury is still used in many Third World countries to treat precious metal ores and continues to be a source of environmental contamination. Cyanide on the other hand will rapidly degrade into carbon and nitrogen in sunlight or in contact with the atmosphere. Cyanide can also be rapidly neutralized by hydrogen peroxide and other chemicals. Even though cyanide is highly poisonous, the fact that it will deteriorate in the environment makes it more desirable than the amalgam process. Another source of mercury is the exhaust from coal burning power plants. Now there is, of course, nothing unique about power plants. Any coal fired factory will emit mercury, but the generation of power accounts for the largest amount of coal consumption in the U.S. In recent years, the rising cost of energy has caused the general population to focus on efficiency in the home and in the work place. One of the biggest, if not the biggest, energy wasters is the incandescent light bulb. This device has been around for almost a hundred years and it was truly one of the great inventions of the twentieth century; but it is very inefficient with 95 percent of the energy consumed being given off as heat rather than as light. This is not a bad thing when you are brooding baby chicks with a couple of 150 watt light bulbs but it does become a problem when these same lights raise the temperature of an already stifling living room in the summer. The problem becomes more acute with the advent of air conditioning. Now we find ourselves paying to create the heat as a by product of light and then paying again to pump it out of the house. The same thing, by the way, applies to the domestic refrigerator. The heat extracted from the food compartment is discharged into the room through the condenser, thus increasing the load on the air conditioning system and causing us to spend more money to remove it. In 1992 the EPA initiated the Energy Star program to promote efficiency. Part of this program encourages the phase out of tungsten lamps in favor of more efficient types. In reality this means Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs). These lamps are 75 percent more efficient than conventional tungsten lamps. For instance, a standard 150 watt locations and sometimes in public buildings. This usually takes shape tungsten lamp will consume, you guessed it, 150 watts of energy and in the form of a flexible clear plastic tube fitted with sealing end caps produce 2,600 lumens, the equivalent CFL emitting the same light (2,600 that slips over the lamp at the time of installation and contains the lumens) will consume on the average 41 watts of power to produce the fragments and the metallic mercury in the event of breakage. We have same 2,600 lumens; a saving of about 75 percent. The energy saved found no indication of this requirement for fluorescent tubes installed in translates into less required generation of power and less carbon private homes. Neither is there any record of any secondary containment requirement for CFLs. emissions, or a smaller “carbon footprint.” To be sure, each vapor discharge lamp contains only a small amount The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (the “Energy of elemental mercury (four to five mg) but Bill”), signed by the President on December look at a modern city, operating refinery or 18, 2007 requires all light bulbs use 30 other similar industrial installation at night percent less energy than today’s to get an idea of the number of mercuryincandescent bulbs by 2012 to 2014. The containing lamps in operation. In aggregate, phase-out will start with 100-watt bulbs in this represents a significant quantity of January 2012 and end with 40-watt bulbs mercury and this amount will increase as in January 2014. By 2020, a Tier 2 would CFLs become more common. become effective, which requires all bulbs One retailer has announced a sales goal to be at least 70 percent more efficient of one million CFLs for 2008. This goal is (effectively equal to today’s CFLs). While llikely to be met and possibly even exceeded. this legislation does not specifically mandate The main reason is that conversion of an the use of compact fluorescent lamps, they existing light fixture to use CFLs is usually are about the only viable alternative to the easy. Unlike the traditional fluorescent tungsten lamp currently available. On the tubes or other vapor discharge lamps, CFLs surface, this legislation has a laudable do not require a special fixture containing a purpose, but that “Law of Unintended ballast transformer and/or a starter. All of Consequences” does come into play. these components are contained in the base All of the high efficiency lamps now of the lamp. All that is necessary for available contain mercury. This is true conversion is to unscrew the old tungsten whether they are the mercury vapor lamps Any policy decision has multiple imbulb, screw in the new CFL and turn on the or the high pressure sodium vapor lamps pacts/consequences, positive and negaswitch; nothing else is required. It is also that light streets, factories and plant areas tive, as well as intended and unintended. true that as CFLs are discarded, more or the common fluorescent tubes that light We can reduce the negative by thinking valuable materials, mainly metals, are lost supermarkets, offices and classrooms. All them through and anticipating costs vs. and may revert to the environment unless a contain some mercury. Each CFL or benefits before finalizing policy. vigorous effort is initiated and pursued. fluorescent tube contains about four or five The current OSHA standard for mercury mg of the metal. The exception is the low in air is 0.1mg/m3; therefore the 5 mg in an pressure sodium (LPS/SOX) lamps which usually do not contain mercury but these are not suitable for general average CFL could contaminate 50 cubic meters of atmosphere. An illumination where the ability to distinguish colors is essential. This average ten by twelve foot room with an eight foot ceiling contains mercury is a source of environmental contamination in the event of 27.19 m3, thus a spill of the mercury contained in one CFL could significantly contaminate two rooms. Parameters like whether or not breakage or when the lamp is discarded at the end of its useful life. Presently most mercury-containing lamps (particularly those types the lamp was operating at the time or if the mercury contained in it containing the most mercury) are contained in fixtures that are would be warm and therefore more likely to be released in the vapor inaccessible to the general public such as signs, street lights, large state as opposed to the emanation from a cold, or non operating, lamp manufacturing facilities and athletic fields, gymnasiums or auditoriums. which might release some metallic mercury which is less dangerous. A Lamps in such installations are normally fairly well protected from catastrophic event such as a fire, explosion or violent weather, impacting breakage by their housings and their inaccessible locations and are usually a large industrial installation or city could cause the breakage of a maintained by professionals who see to it that the replaced lamps were significant number of mercury-containing lamps and concurrently the disposed of in a safe manner. There are relatively few vapor discharge release of a dangerously large amount of mercury. Firefighters responding to an incident in even a moderate sized lamps in the average home, and those that are present are the familiar fluorescent tubes. These are usually located in mounted fixtures and are mercantile or industrial establishment should bear in mind the large number of mercury containing lamps in these locations and always use out of reach of children or pets. With the advent of the CFL this is changing. CFLs are now found in appropriate respiratory protection. This admonition should also be desk lamps, in mechanic’s drop lights and in other portable lighting heeded by clean up crews removing debris after the initial event. Government guidelines for handling a broken CFL or regular applications throughout the home, office, plant or factory where they have simply been installed in existing fixtures to replace the heat fluorescent lamps include: • Evacuation of the room and preclusion of the use of a vacuum generating and power hungry tungsten lamps previously utilized. CFLs in these applications are far more susceptible to breakage than are those cleaner, which would spread the contamination. • Ventilation of the area for 15 minutes before attempting clean up housed in inaccessible mounted fixtures. Because of this possibility of accidental breakage, many jurisdictions now require secondary and the continuation of ventilation for several hours afterward. This containment of the traditional fluorescent tubes when used in hazardous may lower the concentration of mercury in the room but it will spread SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 43 HazMat Continued from page43 it over a larger area. Air conditioning may well circulate the contamination throughout the entire system. • Pat the area of the spill with the sticky side of duct tape, packing tape or masking tape to pick up fine particles. Wipe the area with a wet wipe or damp paper towel to pick up even finer particles. This is good practice so far as picking up shards and small particles of glass, but just how much mercury will be picked up is questionable since the metal does not readily adhere to such surfaces. • Devices for picking up spilled mercury in the laboratory have been around for years. These devices take advantage of the fact mercury will adhere to a clean copper surface. They usually take form in the shape of a scoop and some sort of sweeper, often a series of copper washers, mounted on an axle, which will pick up the spilled mercury. These fairly inexpensive devices are much more effective than masking tape. A small wad of copper wool (sometimes sold under the name of “Chore Girl”) used for scrubbing pots in the kitchen can also be found to effectively retrieve spilled mercury. • Governmental guidelines also suggest that removal of carpeting may be necessary since cleaning this material is extremely difficult at best and often is a practical impossibility. Practical questions such as central air conditioning and the ability to adequately ventilate interior rooms should be considered. In short, how many building occupants will actually go to the trouble of following all these guidelines? Commercial establishments subject to OSHA regulations may be required to do so but will the average homeowner or tenant follow suit? Now this is not to make light of the recommendations for handling breakages involving mercury-containing lamps. In fact, a cleanup carried out following these guidelines would very likely protect persons working or living in the vicinity from another hazard, namely the phosphors used to coat the inside of the lamps. Some of these are thought to be toxic or carcinogenic. So, in an effort to conserve energy, bring operational costs down and reduce mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants, we have, due to the inexorable operation of the “law of unintended consequences,” Risk Continued from page 40 from the beach side but the only platform for attack was the street side. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently done research in this area for high rise structure fires. Wind also has to be considered at industrial locations when planning attack points. An excellent example is the tank pre-plan published in Hildebrand and Noll’s text Storage Tank Emergencies. Pads for monitor nozzle trailers were set up for prevailing wind conditions and an alternate attack point was also pre-planned. This article will continue with a Part 2 in the next issue. Feel free to contact this author at [email protected] or at +1 404-431 2673.C John Frank, P.E., CFPS is with XL GAPS, a leading loss prevention services provider and part of the XL group of companies. Through its operating subsidiaries, XL Capital Ltd (NYSE: XL) is a leading provider of global insurance and reinsurance coverages to industrial, commercial and professional service firms, insurance companies, and other enterprises on a worldwide basis. As of September 30, 2007, XL Capital Ltd had consolidated assets of approximately $60.9 billion and consolidated shareholders’ equity of approximately $11.4 billion. More information about XL Capital Ltd is available at 44 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD induced another potential hazard, increased mercury content, into the homes and workplaces of America. Is the risk justified by the benefits? Is the energy saving and the concomitant reduction of the carbon footprint worth the increased risk of mercury contamination? Have we really achieved the projected benefits or have we merely moved the source of contamination from the smokestack to the light socket? Do we need to re-evaluate the risks from mercury exposure and take into consideration the toxic properties of compounds of mercury as opposed to those of the metallic element? Should we, perhaps, defer the phase-out of the tungsten lamp to await the advent of non-mercury sources of illumination such as the light emitting diode (LED), which will very likely reach a state of practical viability for use in general illumination in the fairly near future? If so, should we not place greater emphasis on the development of this technology? Once introduced into the environment, and worse into the body, mercury is tenacious and remains for years, even centuries. The mercury contamination caused by the use of the amalgam process at the site of the Comstock Lode in Nevada during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is proof enough of that. The metal per se may do little or no harm, but as it is gradually incorporated into the environment, it is absorbed by living organisms, such as fish and other marine life, and converted into methylmercury (any of the compounds containing the CH3Hg complex) and other toxic compounds or vapors. There is already a lot of mercury out there to convert. In light of the problems associated with inadvertent mercury exposure from compounds like thiomerosal, do we want to add more? As mercury-containing lamps reach the end of their useful lives, they must be disposed of. Will their disposal in community landfills create a new source of mercury contamination near each center of population or will recycling be made “consumer friendly” and economically feasible enough that people will actually use it? These questions and others should give us pause to re-think our initial question with regard to increasing the number of mercury-containing lamps. Did we really mean to do that? C 1 See: National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus entry “mercury” ( 002476.htm). CSB Probes Fatal Mill Explosion T he U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) announced in August that it will conduct a full investigation of the storage tank explosion that killed three workers and injured a fourth at a corrugated cardboard mill in Tomahawk, Wisconsin, on July 29. The accident occurred as workers were performing welding to repair a flange fitting on top of an 80-foot-tall storage tank, which contained recycled water and paper fiber. The three workers were standing on a catwalk above the domed, cylindrical tank performing welding when an internal explosion ripped open the tank lid. All three workers died of traumatic injuries, including two who were found on the ground beneath the tank. A fourth, who had been observing the work from a further distance, survived with minor injuries. Among the issues the probe will examine is whether anaerobic microbes, which grow in the absence of oxygen and feed on organic matter, produced flammable gas to fuel the explosion. C EMS CORNER Musings from the Chalkboard By WILLIAM R. KERNEY/College of Southern Nevada I f you have been paying attention at all, you are aware of major changes that are coming down the pipeline regarding EMS. These changes are significant and puzzling in the same breath and can severely impact many of you. While these may not even be fully released until 2010 (and of course, textbooks gearing up for shortly after that!) with an implementation date for some obscure date post release, we will need to BR ready and able to make these changes when they come about. Notice, I did not say willing. There is already squawking going on about the new standards and these have been out for review in first and second drafts for some time now. While the noise has been somewhat loud regarding the changes, the curriculum comes from a broad and versatile group of individuals representing many big players in the EMS game, such as the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC), International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC), not to mention the National Association of EMS Educators (NAEMSE). After all of the reviewing is completed, they seek to submit the new package to the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration (NHTSA) sometime this Fall. Some of the changes will involve some standardization of the classifications that seemed to have plagued EMS from the beginning. Many will remember EMT Cardiac Rescue Technician (okay, maybe only the REAL old timers for that one), EMT-IV, EMT-D and so on and so forth. Then we went to First Responder, EMT-Basic, EMTIntermediate (and for this you used either a 1992 or 1999 curriculum for scope of practice) and of course EMTP. Now they want to go with a simple 4 category standard with some austere name changes. First Responder will become Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), EMTBasic will go back to Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and EMTIntermediate will become Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT). Paramedic will remain Paramedic (EMTP). Seems simple enough, right? Well for the name changes, I agree, but the real issue will come in with the hours necessary to acquire these certifications. The words “certification” and “license” seem to be used interchangeably in some of the literature, but realize there is a distinct difference where Project Medical Directors (PMD) “hold” certifications (and allow you to practice under their license) and where a license is held by a regulatory agency and can be interpreted to be “free-standing.” It seems that the real drift appears that these are still meant to be certifications held by the PMDs although some areas are granting licensure at the paramedic level. How that whole process plays with the PMDs and how they are overseeing and “regulating” licensed individuals is still out, but it has been successful in some areas. In reality, I do not think it makes a whole lot of difference or will matter if someone needs a license or certification “pulled.” That can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact hours for the various levels are also increasing. EMR is increasing to 48 total hours. EMT is going to 166 to 180 clock hours. AEMT will now require 140to166 hours and may require an internship at the conclusion of the didactic and clinical training. Paramedic training will come in somewhere at the 1,300 hour mark, but here is the corker on the whole gig! It is going to be competency-based training and the hours are “recommended,” and are not carved in stone. Now I’m all for the concept of competency-based education (we really have been doing it for years and, after all, we do want them competent, don’t we?) but this creates a real flux when it comes time to “set the standards” if you will. For instance, if the new standard recommends the airway component to be set at eight hours (and these hours are purely hypothetical and for example only) and one program teaches it in eight hours, but another completes it in four and states it has achieved competency (and might have other variables such as instructor/student ratio), who is to say one is better than the other or one is more competent than the other? If it is competency based, then all you can judge it on is whether or not the student is competent in the areas necessary. Okay, so what is the problem with this you ask? If we achieve a competent provider, where have we made a mistake? The only way that we have to evaluate the students (or employees if you are a training director given the task of training your staff) is through examinations, both written and practical. Written exams will test the depth and breadth of the knowledge base, and the skills exams test, the psychomotor component or the hands-on skills we work so hard to teach in a lab setting. How do we keep instructors from “teaching to the test?” If I ‘teach to the test’ will this really give me a measure of any sort of competency in the skill areas? If I “teach to the test,” will I truly be able to measure any sort of real depth and breadth of the knowledge base with the core material? Will my student have any real penetration of the knowledge if my only concern is that he passes the exam? This has never created good, sound thinking providers and that is what we truly want. All we seem to hear is we need them fast, we need them now; you are not doing it fast enough. The hell with quality (although they don’t come right out and say that…), give us quantity! All we care about is that you can crank ‘em out! More, more, more! If they can pass the national exams and pass the skill tests to get their certs, we are happy. The topic of good quality providers gets swept under the carpet. We ask, “Don’t you want high quality, good EMS providers?” They respond in the affirmative (how can they not?), but then re-assert, “But ya gotta do it fast!” That is what we are hearing from agencies that need trained personnel. No one is denying the need, which is desperate in some areas, but quality cannot be set aside for speed or quantity. With training facilities having a “sliding scale” for the necessary hours, quantity can be substituted for quality. If students can test out, then they must be competent, right? An individual being tested may know when to perform a certain skill. He may also know how to perform a certain skill, but if he does not know why and does not have the knowledge or the critical thinking skills to back up the how, when, and why, then he is not a health care provider. He is merely a machine trained like a robot. As a robot he is unable to tolerate any variance in the programming. He is stuck “in the box” and cannot climb out of it. Unique patients that present him or her with inconsistent problems that may not fit into the classical mold will not receive the care that they need, or worse, may receive substandard care. That is not the kind of professional we seek to train in EMS. I not only consider this a detriment to the profession but dangerous to the public at large. C SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 45 INDUSTRIAL SERVICE DIRECTORY COMPRESSED AIR TESTING & CERTIFICATION TRACE ANALYTICS, INC. 15768 Hamilton Pool Rd. Austin, TX 78738 800/247-1024 • Fax 512/263-0002 FIRE APPARATUS E-ONE 1601 SW 37th Ave. Ocala, FL 34474 352/237-1122 • “Exclusively in the Foam Business” — Sales & Service [email protected] • CONSULTING/TRAINING EMERGENCY SERVICES TRAINING 600 Marina Drive Beaumont, TX 77701 409/833-BEST • Fax 409/833-2376 CHUBB LOSS CONTROL UNIVERSITY “Hands On” Fire Protection Training Sprinklers Activated, Fire Pumps and More Sam Lee 908/903-7172 FIRE & SAFETY SPECIALISTS INC. P.O. Box 9161 College Station, TX 77842 979/690-7559 • Fax 979/690-7562 INDUSTRIAL FIRE TRAINING CONSULTANTS P.O. Box 17947 • Nashville, TN 37217-0947 615/793-5400 • [email protected] LSU FIRE & EMERGENCY CONSULTANTS 6868 Nicholson Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70820 800/256-3473 • Fax 225/765-2416 • [email protected] NATIONAL FOAM - KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 24 Hr. Red AlertTM 610/363-1400 • Fax 610/524-9073 SALT LAKE CITY ARFF TRAINING CENTER P.O. Box 22107 Salt Lake City, UT 84122 • [email protected] TSB LOSS CONTROL CONSULTANTS 3940 Morton Bend Road – Rome, GA 30161 706/291-1222 • Fax 706/291-2255 Industrial fire, hazmat & technical rescue training & consulting — An FM Global company WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 46 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD FOAM 1 Rossmoor Drive Monroe Township, NJ 08831 690/655-7777 • Fax 609/655-9538 E-mail — [email protected] Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. Holden, Louisiana Toll Free 800/443-9006 NATIONAL FOAM - KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 24 Hr. Red AlertTM 610/363-1400 • Fax 610/524-9073 PIERCE MANUFACTURING 2600 American Drive Appleton, WI 54913 920/832-3231 • NATIONAL FOAM - KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 24 Hr. Red AlertTM 610/363-1400 • Fax 610/524-9073 WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 FOAM EQUIPMENT SUTPHEN CORPORATION P.O. Box 0158 Amlin, OH 43002 800/848-5860 FIRE APPARATUS HARDWARE HARRINGTON, INC. 2630 West 21st St. Erie, PA 16506 • 800/553-0078 814/838-3957 • Fax 814/838-7339 TASK FORCE TIPS, INC. Valparaiso, IN 46383 • 800/348-2686 [email protected] • “An American Owned Company.” FIRE FIGHTING & HAZARD CONTROL WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 FIRE PROTECTION KBS PASSIVE FIRE Fire Stop Coating & Penetration Seals 604/941-1001 Fax 604/941-1029 • FOAMPRO-HYPRO 375 Fifth Ave. N.W. New Brighton, MN 55112 651/766-6300 • 800/533-9511 • Fax 651/766-6614 TASK FORCE TIPS, INC. Valparaiso, IN 46383 • 800/348-2686 [email protected] • “An American Owned Company.” WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 FOAM PUMPS Manufactured at: 800 Airport Road North Aurora, IL 60542 Sales Office: 630/859-7000 • Fax 630/859-1226 Visit for details on the 2009 IFW Conference & Expo FOAM TESTING HOTELS MONITORS NATIONAL FOAM - KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 24 Hr. Red AlertTM 610/363-1400 • Fax 610/524-9073 ISO 9001: 2000 Certified Toll Free: 866/713-2299 Email: [email protected] HARD SUCTION HOSE 2355 IH-10 South — Beaumont, TX 77705 409/842-3600 • Fax 409/842-0023 e-mail: [email protected] TASK FORCE TIPS, INC. Valparaiso, IN 46383 • 800/348-2686 [email protected] • “An American Owned Company.” HAZMAT EMERGENCY RESPONSE EQUIPMENT SKEDCO, INC. 10505 SW Manhasset Drive Tualatin, OR 97062 503/691-7909 • Fax 503/691-7973 21 Commerce Drive Danbury, CT 06810 888/473-6747 • Fax 203/207-9780 HOSE/HOSE COUPLINGS NATIONAL FOAM - KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 24 Hr. Red AlertTM 610/363-1400 • Fax 610/524-9073 WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 HOTELS COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT 3939 State Highway 6 South College Station, TX 77845 979/695-8111 • Fax 979/695-8228 Celebrating 80 Years of Hospitality Excellence HOLIDAY INN BEAUMONT PLAZA 3950 I-10 S & Walden Rd. Beaumont, TX 77705 409/842-5995 • Fax 409/842-7878 INCENTIVES/AWARDS/GIFTS 180 Franklin St. Framingham, MA 01702 • 1-800-729-1482 Gifts, badges, & accessories for firefighters LDH EQUIPMENT HARRINGTON, INC 2630 West 21st St. Erie, PA 16506 800/553-0078 814/838-3957•Fax 814/838-7339 TASK FORCE TIPS, INC. Valparaiso, IN 46383 • 800/348-2686 [email protected] • “An American Owned Company.” WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 NOZZLES NATIONAL FOAM - KIDDE FIRE FIGHTING 150 Gordon Drive Exton, PA 19341 24 Hr. Red AlertTM 610/363-1400 • Fax 610/524-9073 TASK FORCE TIPS, INC. Valparaiso, IN 46383 • 800/348-2686 [email protected] • “An American Owned Company.” TASK FORCE TIPS, INC. Valparaiso, IN 46383 • 800/348-2686 [email protected] • “An American Owned Company.” MONITORS P.O. Box 86 • Wooster, OH 44691 800/228-1161 • Fax 800/531-7335 [email protected] WILLIAMS FIRE & HAZARD CONTROL P.O. Box 1359 Mauriceville, TX 77626 409/727-2347 • Fax 409/745-3021 RESCUE EQUIPMENT- CONFINED SPACE SKEDCO, INC. 10505 SW Manhasset Drive P.O. Box 3390 Tualatin, OR 97062 800/770-7533 • Fax 503/639-4538 TURNOUT GEAR 2009 IFW Emergency Responder Conference Specials • Conference registration at half the cost for five or more • Company group meeting space available • Contact [email protected] to make your group’s arrangements. 103 S. Main St. Quakertown, PA 18951-1119 215/536-2991 • Fax 215/538-2164 [email protected] • Visit the IFW Store at SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 47 SPOTLIGHT ADS 48 INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD Sept. 2008: 15-19 22-26 29-Oct. 3 Rope Rescue Confined Space Rescue HAZWOPER 40-HR HazMat Technician Oct. 2008: 6-10 7-9 7-10 14-17 HazMat Chemistry HazMat On-Scene Incident Commander Entry Level Industrial Firefighter Advanced Exterior Industrial Firefighter EDITORIAL BOARD INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD Richard Coates Johnson Controls Mark A. Hawkinson BP America Production Co. Robert Stegall Rio Tinto Mineral Co. Kendall C. Crawford Crawford Consulting Associates John A. Meleta L.A. County Fire Dept. Capt. (Ret.) Tommy Sullivan Howard County (TX) VFD Woody Cole Calpine Corporation Larry Phillips Northwest Region Fire/Rescue Thomas G. Talley Deep South Crane & Rigging Co. John A. Frank XL GAP Services Niall Ramsden Resource Protection International Sherrie C. Wilson Dallas Fire Rescue/Emergency Management Rescue Joseph H. Gross Roberts Company, Inc. Kenneth Roxberry Premix Inc. Robert J. Wood Chevron (Ret.) New Products SMARTDOCK GEN 2 iEVAC FIRE ESCAPE HOOD AG SERIES GAS BOOSTERS LifeGuard Technologies®, a division of IMMI, has announced the introduction of its seat-based SmartDock Gen 2. SmartDock is an innovative SCBA holder that enables single-motion insertion of the SCBA and hands-free release, without straps or levers. SmartDock is designed to help protect firefighters by containing the SCBA and preventing it from becoming a projectile in the event of a collision. The Gen 2 design has one model number and is engineered so it fits with the majority of SCBAs used in today’s North American fire departments. With its low profile, SmartDock interfaces effectively with a wide variety of fire apparatus seats. SmartDock was launched in September 2006. When evaluated to the NFPA 1901 Standard for Automotive Fire Apparatus, SmartDock Gen 2 met requirements for retaining both the cylinder and the pack in dynamic testing. SmartDock Gen 2 will be available for purchase in the fall of 2008. For information on availability, contact LifeGuard Technologies® at 866-765-5835 or visit Elmridge Protection Products announces the introduction of the iEvac® Fire Escape Hood is first to earn Certification to the new American Standard ANSI/ISEA110. iEvac® protects against fire-related risks including toxic gases, harmful particulates and life-threatening physical hazards. American certification involves rigorous independent testing against many challenges including carbon monoxide, smoke, hydrogen cyanide, sulfur dioxide, other gases, particulates, fumes, soot, flammability, radiant heat & environmental conditioning. Additional testing has been performed by the US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center. The iEvac® contains a HEPA filter that removes more than 99.97% of sub-micron particles such as anthrax, smallpox & radioactive particles; also protects against ammonia, chlorine, phosphine & more. One universal size can be put on in 30 seconds. Easy-to-breathe dual-cartridges, compact, lightweight, vacuum sealed in a foil bag for a long shelf life. High visibility reflective strips for easy recognition. Unobstructed view with eyeglasses. Visit or call 561.244.8337 A new series of –50 ratio gas boosters offering higher flow rates and faster fill times for a wide range of industrial and military applications has been introduced by Haskel International, Inc. The AG Series air driven gas boosters can be oxygen cleaned to meet MIL STD 1330D, the highest oxygen cleaning standard approved by the US Navy. The boosters satisfy emerging requirements for greater gas flow than –30 ratio units operating at maximum capacity. At the same time they offer higher gas volumes than – 75 ratio boosters operating at their lowest pressure. For divers and emergency equipment operators, this new ratio provides faster fills at higher pressures for recently developed smaller, lightweight bottles. It is also designed for high flow production applications. The boosters provide outlet pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,034 bar) with built-in cooling. They require no electricity or airline lubrication. With assured separation between the air drive and gas booster sections, they are hydrocarbon free. Units are available in various configurations of single stage-single acting, single stage-double acting and two-stage models. Call 1-818-8434000 or visit www. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008 49 Preparing yourself and your responders with top value, top quality & top training Make plans to attend the 24th Industrial Fire World Emergency Responder Conference & Exposition • Receive a FREE general admission pass to the IFW conference with a 3year subscription to Industrial Fire World magazine. Subscribe online at • Group rates for ½ price are available! Complete the Corporate Sponsor Form on Page 5. • Schedule space for your corporate meeting while your chiefs are in one place. Contact IFW at (979)690-7559. • Interact with industry professionals for certification and training on emergency issues to help you excel as an industrial emergency responder. Visit for more information about these 2009 IFW Conference Workshops: • ASSE Seminar* • CFPS Prep Course & Exam* • Fire Instructor I* • Flammable Liquids/Storage Tank Fire Protection • Incident Safety Officer Certified Training* • LNG Symposium • New Standards & Technologies • NFPA 1005: Marine Fire Fighting for Land-based Firefighters* • NFPA 1081: Leadership Training* • NIMS 300: Intermediate Incident Command System* • NIMS 400: Advanced Incident Command System* • Pre-Emergency Planning for Industrial Facilities * Fee-added workshop ProBoard or IFSAC certification courses are italicized. INDUSTRIAL FIRE WORLD EMERGENCY RESPONDER CONFERENCE & EXPO March 23 - 27, 2009 Beaumont, Texas Industrial Fire World emerged 23 years ago for you, the industrial emergency responder, based on the expertise of IFW publisher David White. He and other leading experts gather each year at the IFW conference to address cutting edge issues that face industrial fire and emergency response managers and personnel. Make sure that your brigade receives professional development through certified and informational sessions at the premier conference designed especially for you. P.O. Box 9161 • College Station, TX 77845 • PH# 979.690.7559 • FX# 979.690.7562 • E-MAIL [email protected] • WILLIAMS FP-4C