Bulletin for May 1 - St. Martin of Tours
Bulletin for May 1 - St. Martin of Tours
PAGE 2 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS A Message from our Pastor Fr. Santos “Sunny” Castillo GOD NEEDS YOU I once saw this poster of a guy with a big stars and stripes hat, pointing right at me with a caption that said, “Your country needs you.” It was some advertisement for the military. Throughout the history of a nation, such captions can draw the attention of many citizens to offer their service, even their life, for their country, to be willing to die a hero’s death for the sake of the common good, for freedom and lasting peace. Indeed, the patriotic American understands the need and responds with generosity and courage. This weekend, picture a similar thing, with Jesus’ face gazing straight at you and me, pointing to us with His divine finger, saying “I NEED YOU.” How will we respond? Last weekend at Saint Teresa and this weekend at Saint Martin and Saint Rose, we will be inviting people to our annual ministry sign up during the English masses. Soon this spring, we will do the same in our Spanish Masses. It is a form of invitation to seriously consider being involved in the ministries of our church, no matter how little of our talent and our time we may be able to give. We wish to work with one another as we move forward in our efforts to build our Catholic communities here in Kankakee, and we know that this invitation comes directly from God Himself who calls us to a life of love and service. Statistics on the Catholic Church throughout the United States indicates that only about 30% of Catholics attend Church regularly, and out of these only about 10% participate in various types of ministries in the life of the Church. Some look at it as very sad statistics, and rightly so, but I tend to look at it more as a great potential. Imagine if we even just doubled that number – 60% going to Church and 20% are involved in ministry. I can imagine what a great impact it would have! And so with that hopefulness, I make this invitation – please help! I need your help to make our dreams come true. I need help in order that the Church that has been passed on from generation to generation since the time of the apostles can continue to be present for future generations of our families and communities. We need one another to rally toward making Christ known in our community, especially to those that have been marginalized and those who have lost their voice through the years, those who have been forgotten and alienated from our communities, those who have stopped the practice of the faith in which they have been baptized. There is much work to be done, and we need help. It goes without saying that I am thankful for the 10%. This past year, especially, you have been a true gift and a source of joy to me personally, and have helped me in one of the most challenging, but also most rewarding times of my priestly ministry. I do believe that the experiences of ministry that I’ve had here in Kankakee will help me in whatever God wants me to do in the future; it has always been like that in my life, to begin with. But for now, I look forward to seeing more Catholics and lovers of God being involved in ministry, as we say yes to God’s invitation to say YES to the call to love and to serve Him and His people. God bless the Church! In faith and love of God, Fr. Sunny Castillo PAGE 3 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS A Message from Fr. Roy He was a strong devotee to St. Anthony and very much predisposed to say the novena to him for any personal needs and interest. One day he offered a Novena to St. Anthony for getting a good job in the nearby town. He very much insisted to him to get the desired job before the end of the nine-day Novena. After a few days of the Novena he found there is no trace of getting the job and on the sixth day after having some alcohol treat he just came to the church, in front of the statue of St. Anthony. He gave St. Anthony a strong warning and reminder saying loudly that if he did not receive the expected job “ I will hit you and destroy you in to several pieces.” As he was praying, the priest was hearing his prayer from the sacristy. He immediately told the sacristan to remove the statue of St. Anthony and put a small one instead, so that if he breaks the statue nothing should happen to the big one. The sacristan did as he was asked and on the final day of his novena for not granting his wish he came to the church in front of the statue and he was surprised to see the small one, he shouted loudly and Cried out “ you little child where is your father I want to crush him”. This story echoes our motivation for prayers, how much am I willing for God to fulfill His will in me although we pray everyday that your will be done. I am good with God if God grants all that I wish and pray and on the other hand if God does not grant my wish we will denounce God. God some times does not comply all that we wish because He wanted to give us something greater than we wish. What God gives is always great as He is great. Therefore what is more fitting is first of all to make us acceptable to God by giving Him the first priority in our life. And secondly pray unceasingly, look for Him with our whole heart and get rid of all that is evil. This is what the book of Chronicles reminds us. “ If then My people, upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their evil ways, I will hear them from heaven and pardon their sins and heal their land.” (2 Chronicle 7:14) The influence of the evils in the world is beyond our imagination it makes us dead. The book of revelation says: “I know your works, that you have the reputation of being alive, but you are dead. Be watchful and strengthen what is left, which is going to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God”. (Rev. 3:1-2) God is always perceiving the best and the worst scenario of each individual and appealing to every one to be alive and awake and fight against evils. So we need to be always cognizant and subsisting and invite God to all realms of our life. We need to pray day and night to make ourselves strengthened and powerful. Take a look at the words of the book of Lamentations: “Cry out to the Lord from your heart, wall of daughter Zion! Let your tears flow like a torrent. Day and night; give yourself no rest, no relief for your eyes. Rise up! Wail in the night, at the start of every watch; Pour out your heart like water before the Lord; Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, Who collapse from hunger at the corner of every street.”(Lam 2:18-19). So let God be our Pilot and Guru. Have a good week! Rev. Roy Jacob CMI ANNIVERSARY BLESSINGS Earle and Doris Uribe who Tom and Donna Celebrating are celebrating 65th Wedding their 50th Wedding Anniversary Anniversary PAGE 4 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS Pastor Rev. Santos (Sunny) Castillo Pastor Emeritus Fr. Dennis Settles Parochial Vicar Fr. Roy Jacob [email protected] Deacon Gregory Clodi Parish Secretaries Mrs. Betty Clodi Margaret Sula Carolyn Levy Music Director Michael Berger [email protected] Kankakee Hearts of Hope Youth Group Ken & Michelle Barrie (815) 382-8130 [email protected] Rectory Office 953 S. Ninth Ave., Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 933-7177 - Fax (815) 304-4438 [email protected] www.stmartinkankakee.com FIND US ON FACEBOOK Masses Sunday - 8 a.m. & 11 a.m. Daily - 7 a.m. Monday - Friday Community Mass 4 p.m. at St. Rose - Saturday Faith Formation Office Sister Rose Urbanczyk [email protected] 907 S. Ninth Ave.. Kankakee, IL 60901 (815) 932-7911 Baptism: Family must be active, registered parishioners. A preparation class is required. This may be completed prior to the child’s birth. Please call to make an appointment. Reconciliation: 1st Friday of month after 7:00 a.m. Mass. Communal Celebration. 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 - 3:30 at St. Rose MASS Intentions SATURDAY – APRIL 30 – VIGIL: SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 4:00 p.m. COMMUNITY MASS AT ST. ROSE SUNDAY – MAY 1 – SIXTH SUNDAY OF EASTER 8:00 a.m. In Memory of Sandy Gonski, req. by Fran and Sandy Girard In Memory of Jeanne Hansen, req. by Jim and Shirley Marion In Memory of Deacon Ron Whitman, req. by Father Sunny, Father Roy and the Parishioners of St. Martin of Tours 11:00 a.m. In Memory of Jim Kresl, req. by His Daughter Katie Kresl In Memory of Dana Grant req. by Aunt Patsy In Celebration of the 65th Wedding Anniversary of Earle and Doris Uribe, req. by The Family MONDAY – MAY 2 – ST. ATHANASIUS 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Malachy “Mal” O’Gorman, req. by Anna Einfeldt TUESDAY – MAY 3 – STS. PHILIP AND JAMES 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Leland Milk, req. by Girard Electric WEDNESDAY – MAY 4 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of John Rashinskas, Anniversary, req. by His Daughter Kay and Rick Scott In Memory of Clemens Kosakowska, req. by St. Mary’s 2-West Co-Workers THURSDAY – MAY 5 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Marilyn Blanchette, Birthday Remembrance, req. by Mary Schott In Memory of Doug Call, Birthday Remembrance, req. by Kathy and Family FRIDAY – MAY 6 – EASTER WEEKDAY 7:00 a.m. In Memory of Josephine Merten, req. by Clara Kinkade SATURDAY – MAY 7 – EASTER WEEKDAY/VIGIL: THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD/MOTHER’S DAY 4:00 p.m. COMMUNITY MASS AT ST. ROSE In Memory of Robert “Bob” Vaughn, req. by Raymond Gullquist and LaRae Westphal SUNDAY – MAY 8 – THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD/MOTHER’S DAY 8:00 a.m. Mother’s Day Intentions 11:00 a.m. Mother’s Day Intentions THE SANCTUARY CANDLE THE SANCTUARY CANDLE IS BURNING THIS WEEK IN MEMORY OF FELIX CZERNIK, REQUESTED BY BETTY AZZARELLI. Marriage: Arrangements must be made well in advance (six months minimum). At least one of the couple must be an active registered member of St. Martin of Tours. May 13 is the Feast of Eucharist for Shut-ins: Emergency calls are handled at any time. We are happy to visit the sick. Please notify the Rectory. Our Lady of Fatima Parish Registration: Stop by or call the Rectory at your earliest possible convenience. Bulletin Deadline: All articles must be submitted by noon Monday. 99th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Come join us to say the rosary in honor of this anniversary. Friday, May 13, 2016 10:00 a.m. St. Martin Church Kankakee, Illinois PAGE 5 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS LITURGICAL Schedule Please check the schedule and find a replacement if you cannot make your appointed time. Thank You! DAY & TIME EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS READERS Cheryl Heldt, Desiree Grant Diane Sheehan Jacob Levy ALTAR SERVERS May 2 - 6 Sun., May 8 8:00 a.m. Izzy Wendinger, Anthony Johnson, Joseph Butzen Diane Devine, Alex Ewers, Jan Rodgers John Rodgers, Diane Sheehan Sun., May 8 11:00 a.m. Adrian Molina, Alex Lopez Axel Lopez Sandra Girard, David Hegg, Sr. Kasia Katarzyna Darby Thomas Sr. Krystyna Kosakowska, Sr. Rose Urbanczyk Sr. Krystyna, Sr. Kasia May 9 - 13 BLESS OUR SICK RIVERSIDE: Rita Hiles OTHERS: Benjamin Worsham, Sheila Somers, Preston Wilcox, Bill Johnson, Kay Harris, Chris Harris, Alesia Hartman, William Veronda, Mia Martin, Kathy Call, Carol Veronda, Kenneth Emling, Ed Menigoz, Craig Robison, Yvonne Borem, Judy Buchholz, Arthur Licon, Diane Sheehan, Margaret Guimond, Bud Bates, Abraham Daily, Joyce Mayo, Gary Paruszkiewicz, Eleanor Leriger, Francis Raut, Donna Valex, Andy Summers, Rosemary Miller, Elizabeth Hitzen, Cheryl Heldt, Michael Garcia, Father Dennis Settles, Delmar Skeen, Kathy Lenzi, Mary Lou Murphy, Dan Jacobs, Ruth Lochner, Richard Veronda, Lucille Marcotte, Ron Fenton. WE ARE GOOD STEWARDS Last Sunday, April 24th, 126 families returned $4,417.50. There was $75.00 Easter, $10.00 Easter Flowers, $1,014.00 Home Missions for a total collection of $5,516.50. For those who participate, thank you for your continued generosity. CCW NEWS The CCW Spring Institute is set for June 1, 2016 beginning with Mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Margaret Mary Church in Herscher, Il. Tickets are $15 for the dinner. Please call Janis Hillary at 815937-1962 to register. The registration deadline is May 14, 2016. CALLING ALL COOKS, ON GOING MINISTRY!! Looking for people to share their culinary skills by providing dinner for Fr. Sunny, Fr. Roy, and the Deacons every Saturday evening after the 4:00 pm mass. Find a friend to join you and call St. Martin Parish Office at 815-933-7177 for more details on how you can become part of this FUN and MEANINGFUL MINISTRY for our clergy. FATHER’S SUNNY’S MEETING OF ALL COMMISSIONS O F S T. M A R T I N O F T O U R S TUESDAY MAY 3RD, 2016 AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE FAMILY CENTER/MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM Tom Lamie YEAR OF MERCY ROSARY WITH THE HOMEBOUND The Year of Mercy project for May is providing the experience of saying the rosary with our homebound parishioners and those in nursing or assisted living facilities who do not always have the opportunity to do so. We are developing a list of homebound and facility parishioners from our 3 parishes to set up a schedule with them during the month of May. We are in need of volunteers to make up our “Rosary Teams”. A team of 2 or 3 people will go to the assigned parishioners and say the rosary with them. This is a onetime event and will take up a small piece of your time but will be so meaningful to those parishioners who have difficulty or are unable to get out. Schedules will be made for various times of day or evening to allow more people to participate. Please consider signing up for this ministry. It takes little time and no specific skills required other than being able to pray. Signup sheets are available at each of the churches. Contact Cathi Willi (309 – 255-5441) with any questions. PAGE 6 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS THIS WEEK AT St. Martin’s Monday 7:00 p.m. CHOIR PRACTICE in the church Tuesday 10:00 a.m. ROSARY GROUP meets in the church 11:00 a.m. LIVING WORD BIBLE STUDY meets in the Faith Formation Center Conference Room 6:00 p.m. FR. SUNNY’S MEETING OF ALL COMMISSIONS OF ST. MARTIN’S in the church 7:00 p.m. LIVING WORD BIBLE STUDY meets in the Faith Formation Center Conference Room Wednesday 6:15 p.m. FFP CLASSES 6:30 p.m. GROWING IN FAITH TOGETHER meets in the Faith Formation Center Conference Room Friday 7:30 a.m. CONFESSION 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Saturday 10:00 a.m. FIRST COMMUNION at St. Rose Church (English Mass) 12:30 p.m. FIRST COMMUNION at St. Rose Church (Spanish Mass) Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 MASS – MAY CROWNING OUR LADY CLASSIC - PRESENCE OUR LADY OF VICTORY - 31ST ANNUAL GOLF OUTING MONDAY, MAY 16, 2016: 11 A.M. KANKAKEE COUNTRY CLUB Help make a difference in the lives of patients and residents at Presence Our Lady of Victory. Our ministry is committed to treating our patients and residents with dignity and respect, ensuring their quality of life. 11:00 a.m. ............................ Registration, lunch, driving range 12:00 p.m........................................ Shot gun start (Scrambles) 4:30 p.m. To 6:30 p.m........................Social networking, Buffet Donation amounts: Golf, lunch & social: $250 per golfer. For an additional $50, golfers can purchase in advance all course contests, 2 Mulligans, and 2 chances at Split the Pot. Social only:$75 per person Just in case: In the event of a rain out, all registered golfers will receive a golfer gift, and certificate to play one round of golf at the Kankakee Country Club. The details of the golf will be identified as part of the certificate. For more information, contact [email protected]. 312-308-3236. Mother’s Day Intentions As has been the custom here at St. Martin’s for a number of years, all masses on Mother’s Day are celebrated for those names of Mothers, Grandmothers, StepMothers, Godmothers, Foster Mothers, or those who have been like a Mother to us. These cards can be found in the back of church. These names will be prayed for all summer long. Just return the cards either in the basket, or you can mail to/or drop off at the rectory. PAGE 7 ST. MARTIN OF TOURS SPACE AVAILABLE Full color and Black and White ads available Call 815-932-6432 for more information! Painting Company Residential & Commerical (815) 370-8829 • (815) 823-2607 KANKAKEE SPRING & ALIGNMENT AUTO-TRUCK-TRAILER SPRINGS & SUSPENSION PARTS & SERVICE 88 W. ISSERT DRIVE • KANKAKEE, IL 60901 815-932-6718 FAX 815-932-3492 BARTLE AZZARELLI • NORMA J. VAUGHN, President “Kankakee’s Complete Music Store” 815-935-1030 Over 40 Years of Experience HOME REPAIR & SERVICES Offered By Hemza Enterprises 1030 Kennedy Dr., Kankakee Cuts&Color by Patti 3rd Generation of Master Carpentry & Remodeling 288 W. Jeffery St. Rose Parishioner - ask for Richard Sr. Kankakee, IL Cell 815-935-8897 • Cell 815-383-3243 (815) 935-5940 (815) 685-4064 ake It Happen… Let’s Make ItIt Happen… Happen… Let’s Make PeoplesBankDirect.com PeoplesBankDirect.com PeoplesBankDirect.com 936-7600 (815) 936-7600 936-7600 (815) 15 West Industrial Park Drive Kankakee • 815-935-BOAT ROY BROTHERS SPACE AVAILABLE BVM, Illinois Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais, Bourbonnais, Illinois AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR oplesBankDirect.com Complete Automotive Repair from Oil Call 815-932-6432 Change to Overhaul - Foreign & Domestic 5) 936-7600 855 S. Schuyler, Kankakee Maternity BVM, Bourbonnais, Illinois for more information! 815-933-5353 SANDY GIRARD, Broker KNIGHTS VM, Bourbonnais, Illinois OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 745 Mobile (815) 592-0567 • Home (815) 933-7943 www.sandygirard.com Rosenboom Realty DISCOVER THE CATHOLIC DIFFERENCE Contact me today: Rivers Area Credit Union www.adcraftprinters.com Rely on the Knights of Columbus to protect your family’s future. JOIN TODAY LIFE INSURANCE DISABILITY INSURANCE LONG-TERM CARE RETIREMENT ANNUITIES All people living in or working in Kankakee County SPACE AVAILABLE Full color and Black and White ads available Call 815-932-6432 for more information! can now join our credit union! 1355 W. Jeffery • Kankakee, IL KEEP IT LOCAL! Why shop out of town? Patronizing local businesses benefits the entire community. Dr. Bernard Ryan DDS Dr. Mark Ryan, DDS RYAN FAMILY DENTISTRY 9 Briarcliff Professional Center Bourbonnais, Illinois 60914 815-932-9695 Clancy - Gernon Funeral Homes, Inc. Kankakee - Bourbonnais Manteno - St. Anne PHONE: 815-932-1214 HOLOHAN HEATING & SHEET METAL, INC. Air Conditioning Sales & Service 575 W. Seneca Ave., Kankakee (815) 932-7711 St. Martin of Tours John Blazevich Office: 708-328-4703 Cell: 708-646-6705 [email protected] 2 Rivers Area Credit Union 296 W. Jeffery St. Kankakee, Illinois 60901 815-935-2270 www.2riversacu.com BILINGUAL SERVICES AVAILABLE JEFF CHIERO Parishioner Rt. 50 at Brookmont Blvd. Kankakee, IL 815-933-2201 PASSENGER TRUCK • RV www.marquieandlambert.com Exten New d 7am- ed Hou 7p r No nt ntme Appoi ssary Nece m Mo n 5pm -Fri Sat 8am- Rivers AreaOil & Filter Change Credit Union s $26.95 & Free Tire Rotation Offer Includes: Motorcraft Oil & Filter Change • Free Tire Rotation Up to 5 quarts of Motorcraft oil. Offer valid on most vehicles. Taxes and disposal fee extra. See Service Advisor for details. Offer valid with coupon. Court Street Ford 558 Latham Dr., Bourbonnais, IL 815-802-2100 815-932-5326 Visit us at www.trycleancut.com [email protected] JOE’S AUTOMOTIVE Big & Small We Do Them All! 560 S. Washington Ave. Kankakee, IL 60901 815-937-9281 Make your ad stand out with color! SCANLON COLLISION SPECIALISTS, INC. Sandblasting - Frame Straightening Semi-Tractor Repairs Complete Auto Body Repair 815/426-2178 9392 W. Rte. 115 Herscher, IL 60941 Full color ads are now available Call 815-932-6432 for more information! 4312 W. Rt. 17 - Kankakee, IL 60901 815.939.7475 Fax 815.939.7536
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