B777 GFM June 2004
B777 GFM June 2004
AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Boeing 777 Refresher Course GF 777 Technical Training Manual Revision Date : June 2004 AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Training Manual Revision Record B777 General Familiarization – GF777.GF Revised Section(s) / ATA(s) All Sections Remarks Complete Revision Revised By Date Boeing JUN 04 Checked By Date FOPRMG 14 MAR 08 Approved By Date FOPSJW 14 MAR 08 The Training Manual herein is authorized by the Technical Training Manager. The use of unauthorized Training Manual is not allowed. Revisions hereto will be done in accordance with TTS PPM. David Taylor Technical Director AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ground Engineer Training Manual Disclaimer 1. This training manual although comprehensive in detail, is intended for use only with a course of instruction. 2. This training manual is issued to each student at the commencement of each course; you may highlight the manuals for study purposes. 3. When compiled it is as up to date as possible but may require revision in light of modifications. Instructors will indicate areas which may have changed and will issue handouts as appropriate. 4. This training manual is not intended to replace official manuals and cannot be used as official working data. AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Table of Contents SECTION TITLE 1 Introduction 2 Structures 3 Equipment Centers 4 Flight Deck 5 Airplane Information Management System 6 Communications 7 Navigation 8 Autopilot Flight Director System 9 Electrical Power 10 Fuel 11 Power Plant 12 Auxiliary Power Unit 13 Hydraulics 14 Landing Gear 15 Flight Controls 16 Environmental Systems 17 Ice and Rain Protection 18 Fire Protection 19 Cabin Systems 20 Lights 21 Cargo Abbreviations and Acronyms Table of Contents AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Introduction About This Book Other features include: • Principal Characteristics This book supplies an introduction to the 777 airplane systems. This book uses a basic airplane configuration, but it has data on some usual options. The description of the systems includes: • • • • Payload Capabilities • Ground Operations • • • • • Component location Component installation System operation. To get more system data, refer to other Boeing publications such as the Airplane Flight Manual, Operations Manual, Airplane Maintenance Manual, and Detail Specification. If the data in this book does not agree with the data in these publications, use the publications. • • • Fly-by-wire technology ARINC 629 data buses Ultrasonic fuel quantity measurement Six-wheel landing gear trucks with steering An air data inertial reference system (ADIRS) A cabin services system An electrical load management system (ELMS) Composite structures. This book shows the design of the airplane as of the date of printing. It is for training purposes only. Features The 777 design is for ETOPS (extended range operation with twoengine airplanes). The 777 has an advanced flight compartment for two crew operation. It has digital avionics and flat panel liquid crystal displays. An airplane information management system (AIMS) supplies these functions: • • • • • • • • Primary display functions Flight management computing functions Data conversion gateway functions Central maintenance functions Communications management Airplane condition monitoring Flight data acquisition Thrust management functions. June 2004 1-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. 777 - 200 777 - 200ER 777 - 200LR 777 - 300 777 - 300ER 537,000 (243,600) 535,000 (242,700) 445,000 (201,900) 420,000 (190,500) 634,500 (287,800) 632,500 (286,900) 460,000 (208,700) 430,000 (195,000) 750,000(340,194) 752,000(341,101) 487,000(221,363) 456,000(207,272) 662,000 (300,300) 660,000 (299,400) 524,000 (237,700) 495,000 (224,500) 752,000 (341,101) 750,000 (340,194) 554,000 (251,290) 524,000 (237,682) Pratt & Whitney 74,600 - 77,200 84,600 - 90,600 N/A 98,000 N/A General Electric 76,400 - 90,000 90,000 - 94,000 110,000 N/A 115,000 Rolls Royce 73,400 - 76,900 84,900 - 92,000 N/A 95,000 N/A 31,000 (117,300) 45,220 (171,200) 53,440(202,000) 45,220 (171,200) 47,890 (181,300) 305 375 440 305 375 440 301 375 440 368 451 550 365 451 550 5,656 (160) 5,656 (160) 5,302(150) 7,552 (214) 7,080 (200.5) Maximum Weight, Lb (Kg) Taxi Takeoff Landing Zero Fuel Engines Thrust, Lb Fuel Capacity U.S. Gal (L) Seating Three Class Two Class All Economy (10 Abreast) Lower Hold Volume Cubic Feet (Cubic Meters) Maximum Operating Speed Knots CAS (Mach) 330 (0.87) Principal Characteristics Principal Characteristics Payload Capabilities Ground Operations The 777 is a twin-engine airplane. It is for medium and long range flights. The 777 size is between a 767-300 and a 747-400. Seat combinations include: Doors, service connections, and access panels give easy access. It is possible to do servicing of these locations at the same time. This decreases turnaround times. Boeing has these four 777 airplanes: • • • The 777 gives better passenger comfort and appeal with a new entertainment system and flexible cabin configuration. • • 777-200 (4000 to 5000 miles) 777-200ER (6000 to 7000 miles) 777-300 (777-200ER stretched) 777-300ER (6000 to 7000 miles). A fifth version of the 777 will go into service. This airplane is the: • • • Six-abreast first class Seven or eight-abreast business class Nine or ten-abreast economy class. New overhead flight and cabin crew rest areas increase passenger cabin revenue capability. The central maintenance computing function (CMCF) of the airplane information management system (AIMS) collects fault data and supplies a central location for access to maintenance data and system test. This decreases turnaround times. A power-operated cargo system decreases load and unload times. 777-200LR (9,000 miles). Not all data on the 777-200LR is in this document. 1-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Introduction Jakarta Kuala Lumpur Singapore Bangkok Hanoi Hong Kong 777-200 545,000-lb (247,210-kg) MTOW 305 three-class passengers Colombo Delhi Seoul Tokyo 777-200ER 656,000-lb (297,560-kg) MTOW 301 three-class passengers Mumbai Karachi Port Moresby Dubai Moscow Cairo Rome 777-200LR 750,000-lb (340,200-kg) MTOW 301 three-class passengers Honolulu Lagos NEW YORK Nadi 777-300 660,000-lb (299,370-kg) MTOW 368 three-class passengers Luanda Addis Ababa Dar Es Salaam Harare Hannesburg Maputo Papeete 777-300ER 750,000-lb (340,200-kg) MTOW 365 three-class passengers Auckland Rio de Janeiro Santiago Buenos Alres Typical Mission Rules Standard Day Cruise Mach = 0.83 85% Annual Winds Airways And Traffic Allowances Included Cayenne Dakar 777-200 545,000-lb (247,210-kg) MTOW 305 three-class passengers 777-200LR 750,000-lb (340,200-kg) MTOW 301 three-class passengers 777-300 660,000-lb (299,370-kg) MTOW 368 three-class passengers New York Madrid Abidjan Rome Lagos 777-200ER 656,000-lb (297,560-kg) MTOW 301 three-class passengers Caracas Miami Chicago Lima Mexico City Cairo Luanda Addis Ababa Los Angeles Riyadh Mumbai Honolulu Harare TOKYO Santiago Manila Singapore 777-300ER 750,000-lb (340,200-kg) MTOW 365 three-class passengers Perth Sydney Auckland Typical Mission Rules Standard Day Cruise Mach = 0.83 85% Annual Winds Airways And Traffic Allowances Included Range Capability June 2004 1-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. 199 ft 11 in (60.9 m) 70 ft 7.5 in (21.5 m) Note: Wingspan for 777-300ER/200LR is 212 ft 7 in (648 m) 36 ft (11 m) 2 ft 11 in (0.9 m) nominal, changes by engine manufacturer 777 61 ft 8 in (18.8 m) 7 ft 9 in (2.4 m) 84 ft 11 in (25.9 m) 209 ft 1 in (63.7 m) 777-200 Note: All airplane heights listed are nominal, and change by airplane gross weight. 60 ft 8 in (18.5 m) 102 ft 5 in (31.2 m) 242 ft 4 in (73.8 m) 777-300 777 Dimensions 1-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Introduction Hydrant Fuel Truck (Option) Galley Truck, Door No. 2 Utility Tug and LD2/LD3 Trailers Lower Cargo Hold Loader Utility Tug and Pallet Trailers Utility Tug and Bulk Trailers Bulk Cargo Loader Lower Cargo Hold Loader Galley Truck Potable Water Truck Galley Truck Electrical Power Tow Tractor Passenger Bridge Lavatory Service Truck Air Conditioning Truck Cabin Cleaning Truck Air Start Truck Hydrant Fuel Truck 777 - 200 Utility Tug and Pallet Trailers Galley Truck, Door No. 2 Hydrant Fuel Truck (Option) Utility Tug and LD2/LD3 Trailers Utility Tug and Bulk Trailers Lower Cargo Hold Loader Bulk Cargo Loader Galley Truck Lower Lobe Loader Potable Water Truck Galley Truck Electrical Power Tow Tractor Passenger Bridges Air Conditioning Truck Galley Truck Air Start Truck Lavatory Service Truck Cabin Cleaning Truck Hydrant Fuel Truck 777 - 300 Ground Operations June 2003 1-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Steering Angle (Deg) R1 Inner Gear R2 Outer Gear R3 Nose Gear R4 Wingtip R5 Nose 45o Main Gear Centerline Projection R6 Tail FT M FT M FT M FT M FT M FT M 30 123 37.5 165 50.3 168 51.3 247 75.3 177 53.8 209 63.6 35 98 29.7 140 42.6 147 44.8 222 67.6 157 47.8 187 57.1 40 78 23.7 120 36.6 131 40.0 202 61.7 142 43.4 171 52.2 45 62 18.9 104 31.7 120 36.4 187 56.9 132 40.2 159 48.5 50 49 14.8 91 27.7 111 33.7 174 52.9 124 37.7 150 45.6 55 37 11.2 79 24.1 103 31.5 162 49.5 118 35.8 142 43.2 60 27 8.1 69 21.0 98 29.9 152 46.5 113 34.4 135 41.2 65 17 5.3 60 18.2 94 28.6 143 43.7 109 33.3 130 39.5 70 (Max) 9 2.7 51 15.6 90 27.6 135 41.2 107 32.5 125 38.1 50o 24 Inches (0.61 mm) 55o Turning Center Steering Angles (Example) 62o 70o Notes: Actual turn radii can be more than shown. Dimensions are to nearest foot and 0.1 meter. R1 R4 radius inreased 6 feet (2M) for 777-200LR Steering Angle R2 R3 R5 R6 R4 777-200 Turning Radius Steering Angle (Deg) R1 Inner Gear R2 Outer Gear R3 Nose Gear R4 Wingtip R5 Nose 45o Main Gear Centerline Projection R6 Tail FT M FT M FT M FT M FT M FT M 30 153 46.5 196 59.6 202 61.7 277 84.3 211 64.4 243 73.9 35 122 37.2 165 50.3 177 53.9 247 75.1 187 57.0 217 66.1 40 98 30.0 141 43.1 158 48.1 223 68.0 169 51.6 198 60.2 45 79 24.1 122 37.2 144 43.8 204 62.2 156 47.7 183 55.7 50 63 19.2 106 32.3 133 40.4 188 57.4 147 44.7 171 52.2 55 49 14.9 92 28.0 124 37.8 175 53.2 139 42.4 162 49.3 60 37 11.1 80 24.2 118 35.8 163 49.6 133 40.6 154 46.9 65 25 7.8 68 20.8 112 34.3 152 46.3 129 39.2 148 45.0 70 (Max) 15 4.6 58 17.7 108 33.1 142 43.3 125 38.2 142 43.3 50o 24 Inches (0.61 mm) 55o Turning Center Steering Angles (Example) 62o 70o Notes: Actual turn radii can be more than shown. Dimensions are to nearest foot and 0.1 meter. R1 R4 radius inreased 6 feet (2M) for 777-300ER Steering Angle R3 R2 R5 R6 R4 777-300 Turning Radius 1-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Structures Features CORROSION PROTECTION • Fuselage STRUCTURAL DESIGN The corrosion protection for the 777 includes: • Wing • Composite Structure • Stabilizers • Corrosion Prevention The design of the fail-safe structure includes: • • • Relevant experience from the Boeing aging fleet program Redundant structural load paths Fatigue tests. A plan for scheduled structural inspections and coordination with the airlines completes the design process. • • • Better drainage Increased use of corrosion resistant materials Special protective coatings and sealants. Corrosion prevention procedures are continuously updated for the latest technology and in-service experience. This helps to keep a structurally-durable airplane. COMPOSITE MATERIAL USAGE The use of new composite materials on the 777 helps: • • • Improve resistance to damage Prevent corrosion Reduce overall airplane weight. June 2004 2-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Section 41 Section 43 Section 44 (Upper Lobe) Section 46 Section 45 (Lower Lobe) Section 47 Aft Pressure Bulkhead Passenger Entry Doors (-300 has Overwing Doors) Section 48 APU Firewall APU Inlet Door Forward Pressure Bulkhead APU Exhaust APU Access Doors Forward Cargo Door Radome Wing Center Section Keel Beam Nose Gear Wheel Well Forward Equipment Center Main Gear Wheel Well Forward Cargo Compartment Main Equipment Center Aft Cargo Bulk Cargo Door Door Aft Cargo Compartment Stabilizer Compartment Bulk Cargo Compartment NOTE: The 777-300 has an overwing door. Fuselage Fuselage The fuselage is a pressurized semimonocoque structure. It is made with circumferential frames, longitudinal stringers, stressed skin, and pressure bulkheads. The fuselage includes many improvements that were identified by the Boeing aging fleet program. • • • • Nose gear wheel well Main equipment center Forward cargo door (right side) Forward part of the forward cargo compartment. Section 47 (STA 1832 - 2150). This section contains these items: Section 43 (STA 655 - 1035). This section contains the aft part of the forward cargo compartment Section 48 (STA 2150 - 2570). This section contains these items: FUSELAGE SECTIONS Section 44/45 (STA1035 - 1434). This is the center portion of the fuselage. It contains these items: These are the major fuselage sections and their station numbers (STA). • • • Section 41 (STA 92.5 - 655). This section contains these items: Section 46 (STA 1434 - 1832). This section contains these items: • • • • • • Radome Flight deck Forward pressure bulkhead Forward equipment center Wing center section Keel beam Main gear wheel wells. • • • • • • • Bulk cargo door (right side) Bulk cargo compartment. Aft pressure bulkhead Stabilizer compartment APU firewall APU inlet and exhaust APU compartment. All sections except sections 45 and 48 contain parts of the passenger compartment. Aft cargo door (right side) Aft cargo compartment. 2-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Structures Side-of-Body Rib 777-300ER/ 200LR Wingbox Extension (777-300ER/200LR) Dry Bay Access Panel Leading Edge Slat (7) Wing Center Section Front Spar Tank End Rib Tank End Rib (-300ER/200LR) Flaperon Landing Gear Beam Spoiler (7) Flaps Rear Spar Aileron Wing Tip Wing Wing WING SECONDARY STRUCTURE WING ACCESS PANELS The wing holds fuel, contains fuel system components, and includes the attachment points for the engine strut, landing gear, and flight control surfaces. The wing secondary structure includes the leading edge, trailing edge, and aerodynamic fairings. The leading edge slats attach to the front spar. These items attach to the rear spar and auxiliary structure: Access panels are on the lower surface of the wing. The wing center section has one access panel. Openings in some ribs and the center section spanwise beams permit movement in the tank. • • • • CHANGES FOR 777-300ER/200LR WING PRIMARY STRUCTURE The wing primary structure is aluminum alloy and includes: • • • • Front and rear spars Skin panels Stringers Ribs. Trailing edge flaps Aileron Flaperon Spoilers. The wing tip is an aerodynamic fairing on the end of the wing. The 777-300ER and 777-200LR have an extended wing and new wingtip. Fuel tank volume increases with a new tank end rib. Center tank volume also increases into part of the wing dry bay. Tank end ribs are sealed and make the ends of the fuel tanks. The sideof-body rib connects the outboard wing section to the wing center section. The main landing gear attaches to the wing rear spar and the landing gear beam. June 2004 2-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Legend: Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic Torque Box Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic + Nylon Aileron Rudder Torque Box Fiberglass Leading and Trailing Edge Panels Wing Fixed Leading Edge Outboard Flap Elevator Trailing Edge Panels Strut Fairings Wing-to-Body Fairing Floor Panels Inboard Flap Floor Beams Flaperon Inboard and Outboard Spoilers Main Landing Gear Doors Radome Wing Landing Gear Doors Nose Gear Doors Engine Cowling Composite Structure Composite CARBON FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC Some of the airplane structure is made of composite materials to improve resistance to corrosion and to reduce weight. These structural components are made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic: Composite materials are layers or plies of high strength fibers (carbon fiber or fiberglass) in a mixture of plastic resin. Components made of composite materials use laminations or combine layers of the composite materials with a honeycomb core to form a sandwich construction. • • • • • • • • • The structural repair manual contains the necessary inspections, damage limits, and repair procedures for each component. These structural components are made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic + nylon (toughened carbon fiber reinforced plastic): • • Elevators Rudder Ailerons Flaperons Flaps Spoilers Strut fairings Engine cowlings Nose gear doors. FIBERGLASS These structural components are made of fiberglass: • • • • • Leading and trailing edge panels Wing-to-body fairing Wing and main landing gear doors Floor panels Radome. Torque boxes Floor beams. 2-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Structures Tip Rudder Leading Edge Torque Box Tip Tab Trailing Edge Panels Vertical Stabilizer Leading Edge Elevator Horizontal Stabilizer Torque Box Stabilizers Stabilizers VERTICAL STABILIZER Major structural parts of the stabilizers are made of composite materials. These components of the vertical stabilizer are made of toughened carbon fiber reinforced plastic: HORIZONTAL STABILIZER • • • • These components of the horizontal stabilizer are made of toughened carbon fiber reinforced plastic: • • • • Torque box spars Ribs Stringers Skins. The elevators are made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic. Torque box spars Ribs Stringers Skins. Auxiliary structure is aluminum or titanium. The leading edge and tip are removable. All panels are fiberglass. Only the panels on the left side of the stabilizer are removable for access. The rudder and tab structure are made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic. June 2004 2-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Two Coats of Primer Finishes Titanium Seat Track Frame Fiberglass Floor Panels Stringer Drainage Corrosion Resistant Materials Corrosion Prevention Corrosion Prevention FINISHES The 777 includes several corrosion prevention features. These improve the airplane finish: DRAINAGE • • Increased use of primer Corrosion inhibiting compounds. These features improve drainage: • • • • Centerline drain path Stringer drain holes Drainage clearance at frames, stringer splices and fittings Increased number of skin centerline drain holes. Access for inspection is improved to permit better corrosion surveillance. CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIALS These items are new: • • • • Better aluminum alloys (2524T3) Titanium seat tracks Toughened carbon fiber reinforced plastic floor beams Fiberglass floor panels. 2-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Equipment Centers Features • Antenna Locations EASE OF ACCESS • Electronic Equipment Centers Equipment racks contain most of the electronic equipment in the airplane. The access to the racks is from the ground, passenger cabin, or cargo compartments. • Shelf-Mounted Equipment REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION The equipment centers have line replaceable units (LRUs). The LRUs are easy to remove and replace. PASSIVE COOLING Forced air cooling is not necessary for some LRUs. These LRUs use passive cooling. Passive cooling gives better reliability because it permits system operation with no equipment cooling operation. June 2004 3-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. TV (Option) ATC SATCOM HF (Top-Mounted) (Dual Option) SATCOM (Top-Mounted) ADF VHF L GPS VOR VHF C TCAS Weather Radar ILS Glideslope Capture and Localizer Telephone Antenna (L, R) ILS Glideslope Track (Dual Option) DME R Marker Beacon ATC DME L TCAS VHF R SATCOM (Side-Mounted) RA Antenna Locations Antenna Locations Shelf-Mounted Equipment The basic communication and navigation antenna locations show above. Easy to remove shelf-mounted equipment permits easy change and troubleshooting of electronic equipment. The shelves contain standard ARINC 600 line replaceable units (LRUs). The configuration of the LRUs is in relation to use and ease of access. Cooling to some LRUs is by forced air, and some LRUs have passive cooling. Electronic Equipment Centers Electronic equipment racks are in different locations in the airplane. The main equipment center is below the passenger cabin floor. Access to the main equipment center is: • • • From the forward cargo compartment Through a door on the bottom of the airplane Through a hatch in the passenger cabin. 3-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Equipment Centers E7 Rack E17 Rack E11 Rack E12 Rack E10 Rack E6 Rack E5 Rack E15 Rack E16 Rack Main Equipment Center Forward Equipment Center Equipment Center and Rack Locations P210 Right Power Management Panel P300 Auxiliary Power Panel E1/E2 Rack P110 Left Power Management Panel P100 Left Power Panel P320 Ground Service/ Handling Power Panel (Looking Aft) P310 Standby Power Management Panel P110 Left Power Management Panel P210 Right Power Management Panel P200 Right Power Panel (Looking Forward) E3/E4 Rack Main Equipment Center June 2004 3-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. RIGHT AIRPLANE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AIMS) CABINET ACTUATOR CONTROL ELEC (ACE) LEFT 2 E2-1 GENERATOR CONTROL UNIT (GCU) LEFT BUS POWER CONTROL UNIT TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT (TRU) LEFT E1-1 CABIN TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER (CTC) RIGHT QUICK ACCESS RECORDER (QAR) E2-2 DISTANCE TRAFFIC ALERT MEASURING EQUIPMENT & COLLISION AVOIDANCE SYS INTERROGATOR COMPUTER (DME) (TCAS) LEFT CABIN TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER (CTC) RIGHT AIR VHF SUPPLY COMM CABIN XCVR PRES CTL (VHF) (ASCPC) CENTER LEFT INSTR LAND SYS RCVR (ILS) LEFT ADF LEFT WINDOW HEAT AND CNTRL UNIT FWD AND LEFT SIDE GENERATOR CONTROL UNIT (GCU) RIGHT AIR SUPPLY CABIN PRESSURE CONTROL (ASCPC) RIGHT SEL CAL DEC UNIT TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT (TRU) RIGHT E1-2 INSTR LAND SYS RCVR (ILS) RIGHT VOR RCVR MKR BCN (VOR) RIGHT VHF COMM XCVR (VHF) RIGHT AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL TRANS (ATC) RIGHT DISTANCE MEASURING EQUIPMENT INTERROGATOR (DME) RIGHT INSTR VHF LAND COMM SYS XCVR RCVR (VHF) (ILS) LEFT CENTER APU GENERATOR CONTROL UNIT (APU-GCU) VOR RCVR MARKER BEACON (VOR) LEFT AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL (ATC) LEFT AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR COMPUTER (AFDC) LEFT E1-3 E2-3 ARBRN VIBRATION MON UNIT RIGHT AUDIO PASSENGER PRE-REC ENTERINFLIGHT ANNOUNCE- INFORMATION TAINMENT MENT PLAYER COMPUTER 2 AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT ENTERMULTIPLEXER TAINMENT CONTROLLER MULTIPLEX (EMC) 1 AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT PLAYER 1 AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT MULTIPLEX 2 AUDIO ENTERTAINMENT PLAYER 3 CABIN SYSTEM MANAGEMENT UNIT (CSMU) PASS ADDRESS CABIN INTERPHONE CONT (PACI) AUDIO MANAG UNIT GRND PROX WARN COMP ADF RIGHT WINDOW HEAT CNTRL UNIT LFWD AND RSIDE ARBRN VIBRATION MON UNIT LEFT E1-4 E2-4 ACTUATOR CONTROL ELEC (ACE) CENTER FCDC BATTERY CENTER AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR COMPUTER (AFDC) RIGHT WEIGHT BAL COMP A CALIB MODULE WEIGHT A BAL COMP CALIB B MODULE B E2-5 PROXIMITY SENSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT (PSEU) 1 ENGINE DATA INTERFACE UNIT (EDIU) LEFT WARNING ELECTRONICS UNIT (WEU) LEFT ACTUATOR CONTROL ELEC (ACE) LEFT 1 E1-5 FLIGHT CONTROL POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (PSA) CENTER PRIMARY FLIGHT COMPUTER (PFC) CENTER E2-6 FLAP/SLAT ELECTRONICS UNIT (FSEU) 1 SECONDARY ATTITUDE AIR DATA REFERENCE UNIT (SAARU) E2-7 FLIGHT CONTROL POWER SUPPLY ASSEMBLY (PSA) LEFT FCDC BATTERY LEFT PRIMARY FLIGHT COMPUTER (PFC) LEFT E1-6 E2 Rack (Looking Aft) E1 Rack (Looking Aft) Main Equipment Center Racks PORTABLE MAINTENANCE ACCESS TERMINAL (PMAT) COOLING EXHAUST HOOD COOLING EXHAUST HOOD LEFT AIRPLANE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (AIMS) CABINET PROXIMITY SENSOR ELECTRONICS UNIT 2 (PSEU) E3-1 STATIC INVERTER AUTOPILOT FLIGHT DIRECTOR COMPUTER (AFDC) CENTER ENGINE DATA INTERFACE UNIT RIGHT (EDIU) FLAP/SLAT ELECTRONICS UNIT 2 (FSEU) E4-1 STATIC INVERTER TOWING (PROVISION) MAIN BATTERY CHARGER TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT (TRU) CENTER 1 TRANSFORMER RECTIFIER UNIT (TRU) CENTER 2 SERVER INTERFACE UNIT E3-2 E4-2 AIR DATA INERTIAL REFERENCE UNIT (ADIRU) E3-3 WARNING ELECTRONICS UNIT (WEU) RIGHT BACKUP CONVERTER (VSCF) E4-4 MAIN BATTERY E4-3 E3 Rack (Looking Forward) E4 Rack (Looking Forward) Main Equipment Center Racks 3-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Equipment Centers Right Primary Flight Computer (PFC) Right Flight Control Power Supply Assy (PSA) Right FCDC Battery Right Actuator Control Electronics Forward Cargo Handling Accessory Panel P35 Right Radio Altimeter Fuel Quantity Processor Unit Forward Cargo System Controller Center Radio Altimeter Left Radio Altimeter E16 Rack (Fwd Cargo Door) (Looking Forward) E5 Rack (Fwd Cargo Door) (Looking Aft) Forward Cargo Door Racks Left HF Right HF Brake System Control Unit Brake Temperature Monitor Unit Aft Cargo Handling Accessory Panel P39 Aft Axle Steering Control Unit Tire Pressure Monitor Unit Aft Cargo System Controller E6 Rack (Aft Cargo Door) (Looking Aft) E17 Rack (Aft Cargo Door) (Looking Forward) Aft Cargo Door Racks June 2004 3-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Voice Recorder Flight Data Recorder Satellite Data Unit Radio Frequency Unit APU Controller High Power Amplifier FWD FWD E7 Rack (Overhead Passenger Compartment) (Right Side Looking Outboard) E11 Rack (Basic SATCOM) (Overhead Passenger Compartment) (Left Side Looking Inboard) Overhead Racks in the Passenger Compartment Left Telephone Transceiver Disc Drive Unit E12 rack Right Telephone Transceiver Cabin Telecommunications Unit Cabin File Server E10 Rack (APU Battery and Charger) Bulk Cargo Door Speaker Drive Modules FWD FWD E15 Rack (Overhead Passenger Compartment) (Left Side Looking Outboard) E10 and E12 Racks (Bulk Cargo Compartment) (Looking Outboard) E10, E12, E15 Racks 3-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck Features FLAT PANEL LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY UNITS OVERVIEW The 777 has a two-pilot flight deck and room for two observers. The flight deck supplies airline and flight crew needs into the 21st century. The 777 flight deck has flat panel liquid crystal display (LCD) technology and the digital flight deck technology shown successful on the 747-400, 767, and 757. The LCDs replace cathode ray tube (CRT) displays used in other Boeing airplanes. The manual operations on the 777 flight deck are made easier. Many of the manual flight crew operations done before are automatic in the 777. Easier manual operations and more automatic operations decrease the flight crew work load. Less power is necessary for the flat panel liquid crystal display units (DUs), and they have a larger display area than the usual CRT displays. The standby indicator is also a flat panel LCD. CONTROL DISPLAY UNITS Three LCD control display units (CDUs) in the flight deck have multicolored displays. MAINTENANCE ACCESS TERMINAL The maintenance access terminal (MAT) in the flight deck makes it easy for the maintenance crew to isolate system faults and load airplane systems software. • Flight Deck Panels • Main Instrument Panels • Center Forward Panel • Glareshield Panels • Control Stand • Aisle Stand Panels • Overhead Panels • Cursor Control Device • Maintenance Access Terminal • Crew Seats • Control Wheels and Visibility • Other Flight Deck Components CURSOR CONTROL DEVICE The flight crew and maintenance crew use the cursor control devices to request flight and other data to show on the display units that use the multi-function (MFD) formats. The maintenance access terminal (MAT) also has a cursor control device. June 2004 4-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. P61 Overhead Maintenance Panel P11 Overhead Circuit Breaker Panel P5 Overhead Panel P2 Center Forward Panel P55 Glareshield Center Panel P7 Glareshield Panel P7 Glareshield Panel P3 Right Forward Panel P1 Left Forward Panel P14 Right Side Panel P13 Left Side Panel P18 Maintenance Access Terminal P9 Forward Aisle Stand Panel P8 Aft Aisle Stand Panel P10 Control Stand Flight Deck Panels Flight Deck Panels The 777 flight deck decreases and makes flight crew operations better. System control location gives easy access. The main instrument panels of the flight deck include six 8" X 8" flat panel liquid crystal display (LCD) display units (DUs) that are the same and interchangeable. The DUs supply a larger display area than the usual cathode ray tube (CRT) displays. The left and right outboard DUs show the primary flight display (PFD) format. The upper center DU shows the EICAS display. The lower center DU normally shows the MFD formats. It can also show the EICAS display or the ND. The arrangement of the captain and first officer main instrument panels decreases pilot head and eye motion and gives full visibility. The maintenance access terminal (MAT) is a new panel that the maintenance technicians use to do many maintenance related functions. The left and right inboard DUs usually show the navigation display (ND) format. They can also show the multi-function display (MFD) formats. 4-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck Instrument Source Select Switches Left Outboard Display Unit Right Outboard Display Unit Clock (2) Left Inboard Display Unit Brake Accumulator Pressure Indicator Right Inboard Display Unit Heading Reference Switch P1 Left Forward Panel Instrument Source Select Switches Left Inboard Display Selector FMC Selector Right Inboard Display Selector P3 Right Forward Panel Main Instrument Panels Left Forward Panel The left forward panel has these displays: • • The PFD normally on the outboard display unit The ND normally on the inboard display unit. The inboard display selector permits different formats to show on the inboard display unit. Also, the left forward panel has these components: • • • • The instrument source select switches make it possible to select the primary or alternate source of the display data for the PFD and an alternate source of navigation data for the ND. Right Forward Panel The right forward panel is almost the same as the left forward panel, without the brake pressure indicator and the heading reference switch. Also, there is an FMC selector. Brake pressure indicator Heading reference switch Clock Instrument source select switches. June 2004 4-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. P2 Center Forward Panel Ground Proximity Light and Override Switches Landing Gear Lock Override Switch Landing Gear Lever Alternate Gear Switch Integrated Standby Flight Display Autobrake Selector Upper Center Display Unit Lower Center Display Unit Control Display Unit (2) Center Display Control Source Switch EICAS Event Record Button Center Panel Brightness Control P9 Forward Aisle Stand Panel Center Forward Panel and Forward Aisle Stand Panel Center Forward Panel Forward Aisle Stand Panel These are the components on the center forward panel: These are the components on the forward aisle stand panel: • • • • • • • • • • • Upper center display unit Standby instrument for attitude, airspeed, altitude, and heading Ground proximity light and override switches Landing gear lever Alternate gear switch Autobrake selector Landing gear lock override switch. The standby instruments use the same flat panel liquid crystal display (LCD) technology as the DUs. • Lower center display unit Display brightness controls Control display units (CDUs) Center display source switch and brightness control EICAS event record button. The CDUs use the same flat panel LCD technology as the DUs. The CDUs have a multicolored display. The multicolored CDUs show a highlight for pilot inputs, flight management command data, and other important data. 4-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck Master Warning and Caution Lights and Reset Switch (2) Mode Control Panel EFIS Control Panel (2) Microphone Switch (2) Map Light Control (2) Clock Switch (2) P55 Glareshield Center Panel P7 Glareshield Panel Data Uplink Accept, Reject, and Cancel Switches (2) Display Select Panel P7 Glareshield Panel Glareshield Panels Glareshield Panels These are the components on the glareshield panels: • • • • • • • • Mode control panel Left and right EFIS control panels Display select panel Master warning and caution lights and reset switches Accept, reject and cancel switches for data uplink information Map light controls Clock switches Microphone switches. June 2004 4-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Speedbrake Lever Thrust Reverser Flap Lever Cursor Control Device (2) Stabilizer Position Indicator (2) Alternate Flaps Arm Switch Alternate Pitch Trim Levers Alternate Flaps Selector Parking Brake Lever Stabilizer Cutout Switches P10 Control Stand Thrust Levers Fuel Control Switches Control Stand Control Stand The control stand has controls that are easy to reach by either pilot. These are the components on the control stand: • • • • • • • • • Thrust levers Flap lever Stabilizer position indicators Alternate flaps controls Fuel control switches Stabilizer cutout switches Parking brake lever Alternate pitch trim levers Speedbrake lever. The control stand also has two cursor control devices. The cursor control devices let the flight crew make selections on some multifunction displays. 4-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck Center Control Display Unit Engine Fire Panel Radio Tuning Panel (3) Audio Control Panel (3) Transponder Panel Weather Radar Panel Emergency Evacuation Panel Aileron and Rudder Trim Panel Flight Deck Door Lock Switch Light Controls Observer Audio Selector Flight Deck Printer Pilot Handset Printer Paper Aft Aisle Stand Panel Aft Aisle Stand Panel The aft aisle stand has easy to reach controls and easy to see indications. These are the components on the aft aisle stand panel: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Engine fire panel Three radio tuning panels Three audio control panels Transponder panel Emergency evacuation panel Aileron and rudder panel Light controls Full size 8 1/2" x 11" flight deck printer Pilot handset Observer audio selector Flight deck door lock switch Weather radar control A multicolored CDU. June 2004 4-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Standby Power Flight Control Hydraulic Power APU and EEC Maintenance Panel Backup Window Heat Cargo Temperature Ground Test Switch Voice Recorder CARD FILE CARD FILE P61 Overhead Maintenance Panel Overhead Maintenance Panel Overhead Maintenance Panel The overhead maintenance panel has the controls that are set before takeoff or during ground maintenance and do not require adjustment during flight. These are the functions on the overhead maintenance panel: • • • • • • • • Backup window heat controls Standby power Flight control hydraulic power controls APU and EEC maintenance controls Cargo temperature control Ground test switch Voice recorder Card files. Each card file has two interface cards. These interface cards are the interface between the switch signals from the overhead panels and two overhead panel bus controllers. The bus controllers convert the switch signals into ARINC 629 data and send them on the ARINC 629 buses to the airplane systems. Two panel data concentrator units under the main instrument panels, supply the interface between the switch signals from the instrument panels and the overhead panel bus controllers. 4-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck APU BTL DISCH CARGO FIRE 11 ARM FWD AFT ARMED ARMED FWD AFT DISCH DISCH FIRE/ OVHT TEST EQUIP COOLING AIR CONDITIONING GASPER AUTO DISCH ON RECIRC FANS UPPER LOWER OVRD SERV INTPH OFF ON 1 EMER LIGHTS 5 ADIRU ON BAT OFF PASS OXYGEN ALTN ARMED ON ON PRIMARY FLIGHT COMPUTERS 2 SIDE DISC 7 OFF AUTO L FWD ON INOP 3 ON ON OFF OFF 6 OFF UNLKD 9 FAULT OFF P R I M A R Y R BUS TIE AUTO AUTO SECONDARY EXT PWR PRIMARY EXT PWR ON ON AVAIL L GEN L MAIN CTRL ON OFF ISLN L ENG ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON FAULT 4 R ENG ON FAULT ON ON VALVE VALVE DECR ARMED INCR INT OFF LOW ON C ISLN R AUTO AUTO CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED 17 WAI WAI OFF ON FWD PRESS CENTER PUMPS R ON ON PRESS PRESS WING AUTO OFF L AUTO ON OFF OFF ENGINE OFF ON OUTFLOW VALVE AFT AUTO AUTO AFT MAN MAN 14 OPEN OPEN VALVE L ON PRESSURIZATION PRESS AFT PRESS AFT R ENG ON 15 ANTI-ICE SEAT BELTS AUTO OFF ON APU AUTO R PUMPS FWD VALVE ON D E M A N D 10 NO SMOKING AUTO OFF ON OFF AUTO ON CROSSFEED FWD ON PASS SIGNS OFF AUTO R ON FAULT ISLN L ARM FAULT L PUMPS FWD FAULT L WIPER TRIM AIR ON FAULT BLEED AIR 13 FUEL FAULT FAULT R L L ENG FAULT FAULT CAMERA LTS AUTO PULL ON P R I M A R Y C1 C2 AIR L ELEC R ELEC AUTO AUTO ON OFF ON OFF D AUTO AUTO OFF ON ON E OFF M A N D R GEN CTRL DRIVE DRIVE DISC FUEL TO REMAIN L NOZZLE R C2 FAULT W R PACK OFF PRESS R MAIN BACKUP GEN L R DRIVE L ELEC 16 C W OFF HYDRAULIC C1 MAN ON 12 INOP AVAIL R XFR L XFR CON AUTOSTART ON CABIN TEMP L PACK START CON START SIDE 8 PRESS APU GEN C R NORM START/IGNITION FUEL JETTISON START ON ISLN INOP RAM AIR TURBINE OFF ON L BUS TIE R ON INOP APU ON BATTERY FWD ON ELECTRICAL IFE/PASS CABIN/ SEATS UTILITY ALTN L NORM ON AIR COND RESET WINDOW HEAT DISC AUTO FLT DECK TEMP AUTO R NORM NORM ON THRUST ASYM COMP ENGINE EEC MODE L OFF ON R AUTO OFF ON MAX P,11 PSI TAKEOFF & LDG LDG ALT DECR 18 INCR PULL ON MANUAL CLOSE CLOSE R WIPER OFF INT 4 LOW HIGH HIGH OVHD/ CB 777-300 DOME STORM MASTER BRIGHT ON OFF GLARESHIELD PNL/FLOOD MIN LANDING LEFT OFF NOSE OFF ON RIGHT OFF ON BEACON NAV LOGO WING ON ON ON ON IND LTS TEST BRT PUSH ON/OFF 19 DIM RUNWAY TURNOFF L OFF R TAXI OFF STROBE OFF ON ON ON ON P5 Overhead Panel Overhead Panel Overhead Panel Because of its central location, either pilot can reach any of the systems controls. The two outboard columns of the overhead panel have a fivedegree angle inward. This increases the visibility across the panel. The overhead panel includes controls and indications for these functions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 - Air data inertial reference system control 2 - Primary flight computer disconnect 3 - Electrical system/APU 4 - Wiper control 5 - Emergency lighting 6 - Passenger oxygen 7 - Window heat 8 - Ram air turbine switch 9 - Hydraulic system 10 - Passenger signs 11 - APU and cargo fire control 12 - Engine start 13 - Fuel jettison 14 - Fuel management 15 - Anti-ice 16 - Air conditioning 17 - Bleed air 18 - Pressurization 19 - Lighting. June 2004 4-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cursor Location Switches Touch Pad Hand/Palm Support Cursor Select Switch Cursor Control Device Cursor Control Device Two cursor control devices (CCDs) on the control stand make it possible to access some communication systems and get real-time maintenance information from the MFD. The touch sensitive pad of the cursor control device permits control of the cursor position on the active display. When the cursor is in the desired position, push the cursor select switch to activate the selection. With the CCDs on the control stand, the flight crew or maintenance crew uses the cursor location switches to select the inboard displays or lower center display for maintenance information. 4-10 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck Maintenance Access Terminal (MAT) MAT Display MAT Cursor Control Device MAT Disk Drive and Mass Storage Device Maintenance Access Terminal Maintenance Access Terminal The maintenance access terminal (MAT) at the second observer position makes it possible for the maintenance crew to do these functions: • • • Request system and component fault and maintenance information Do ground tests of airplane systems and components Load software into the components that need onboard software loads. The MAT includes these components: • • • • • Display Cursor control device Disk drive Mass storage device Keyboard. There are several portable MAT (PMAT) interfaces in various positions on the airplane. June 2004 4-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Second Observer Seat First Observer Seat Captain and First Officer Seats Crew Seats Crew Seats Crew seats in the 777 are made for comfort and convenience. The captain and first officer seats electrically adjust in the vertical and forward/aft directions. The captain and first officer seats have these adjustments: • • • • • Recline Vertical Forward and aft Thigh support Lumbar region of the back. The captain and first officer seats have these features: • • • • • Arm rests that fold Crotch strap Inertia-reel shoulder harness with manual lock Lap belt Headrest. The first observer seat mounts on a pedestal. It adjusts manually in the vertical and forward/aft directions. The first observer seat has these features: • • • • • Arm rests that fold Crotch strap Inertia-reel shoulder harness Lap belt Headrest. The second observer seat is not adjustable.The second observer seat has these features: • • • • • Arm rests that fold Crotch strap Shoulder harness Lap belt Headrest. 4-12 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Deck Pitch Trim Switch Push-to-Talk Switch (Not Visible) Eye Reference Point 22 degrees Autopilot Disconnect Switch Clear View Control Wheel and Visibility Control Wheel and Visibility Each control wheel includes these functions: • • • Pitch trim switches Autopilot disconnect switch Oxygen mask or boom microphone push-to-talk (PTT) switch. When the pilots adjust their seats so that their eyes are at the eye reference point (ERP), the control column design permits a clear view of all flight instruments. June 2004 4-13 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Overhead Stowage Spare Bulb Stowage Oxygen Mask Stowage Emergency Equipment Sunvisor Stowage Cupholder Smoke Goggle Stowage Headset Stowage Oxygen Mask Stowage Cupholder Side Display (Option) Stowage, Chart Holder Oxygen Mask Cupholder Manual/ Diskette Stowage Quick Reference Handbook Stowage Keyboard Stowage Map Stowage Fold-Down Worktable Crew Closet Ashtray Flight Kit Stowage Suitcase Stowage Manual Stowage Fold-Down Worktable Sunvisor Stowage Flight Kit Stowage Left Sidewall Manual Stowage Right Sidewall Flight Deck Components Other Flight Deck Components Necessary equipment in the flight deck includes: • • • • • • • Emergency equipment Manual stowage Flight kit stowage Smoke goggles Oxygen masks Suitcase stowage Cup holders. Optional side displays on the P13 and P14 panels show flight crew selected data such as aeronautical charts. 4-14 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System Features FLIGHT CREW INTERFACE • Airplane Information Management System INTEGRATED FUNCTIONS These components are used with the AIMS: • Data Conversion Gateway Function • Primary Display System • Flight Management Computing System • Thrust Management Computing System • Central Maintenance Computing System • Airplane Condition Monitoring System • Flight Data Recording System • Ground Manuever Camera System • Data Communication Management System The airplane information management system (AIMS) is a new system introduced on the Boeing 777 airplane. Advancements in technology, microelectronics, fault tolerance, and software permit the development of highly integrated, digital avionics. The AIMS integrates the avionics functions that require large quantities of data collection, processing, and calculations. On other model airplanes, many LRUs are necessary to handle these avionics functions. • • • • • EFIS control panel (2) Display select panel Control display unit (CDU) (3) Display switching panels (2) Cursor control device (2). The two cursor control devices (CCDs) in the flight deck are new features. The flight crew uses the CCDs to: • • Control menus Select items on the multi-function display Manage communications. AIMS CABINETS • The AIMS has two cabinets. Each cabinet has eight line replaceable modules (LRMs), four of these are input/output modules (IOMs) and four are core processor modules (CPMs). The AIMS cabinets operate as the main computer for several avionics systems. MAINTENANCE INTERFACE The AIMS cabinet integrates the computing functions for the avionics systems. Software partitioning keeps a necessary separation between computing functions. The software partitioning allows the integration of multiple computing functions in a single core processor module. SYSTEM INTERFACES The AIMS cabinets interface with approximately 130 LRUs, sensors, switches, and indicators. The large quantity of interfaces permits the AIMS to integrate the information from a majority of airplane systems in one place. It is efficient to integrate this information for central maintenance computing, flight data recording, airplane condition monitoring flight management, thrust management and displays. The onboard maintenance system uses the AIMS cabinets for the computing function. The maintenance crew uses a maintenance access terminal (MAT) to control the central maintenance computing system and the airplane condition monitoring system. The MAT is a station with a display module, disk drive module, keyboard, and cursor control module. The MAT is at the second observer position. ENGINEERING INTERFACE Engineers use the ground based software tool (GBST) to create airline modifiable information (AMI). The AMIs allow the airline to customize information. The AMI software is loaded into these functions: • • • • • • ACMF CMCF DCMF FDCF FMCF PDF. June 2004 5-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. CPM GG Primary Display System AIMS Data Conversion Gateway Function Primary Display Function Thrust Management Computing System Airplane Condition Monitoring System CPM BASIC AIMS Data Conversion Gateway Function Flight Management Computing System Flight Management Computing Function Thrust Management Computing Function Airplane Condition Monitoring Function CPM COMM AIMS Data Conversion Gateway Function Central Maintenance Computing System Central Maintenance Computing Function Data Communication Management System Data Communication Management Function Flight Deck Communication Function Flight Data Recorder System Digital Flight Data Acquisition Function Airplane Condition Monitoring System Quick Access Recorder Function Airplane Information Management System Airplane Information Management System (AIMS) The LRMs do the main calculation for these seven avionic systems: The AIMS has two cabinets in the main equipment center. Each cabinet has ten line replaceable modules (LRMs.) They are the: • • • • • • • • • Core processing module/communications (CPM/Comm) CPM/graphics generator (CPM/GG) (2) Input output module (IOM) (4) CPM/basic (right AIMS cabinet only) CPM/airplane condition monitoring function (CPM/ACMF) (left AIMS cabinet only). Power conditioning modules (2) • • • • Primary display system (PDS) Flight management computer system (FMCS) Thrust management computer system (TMCS) Central maintenance computer system (CMCS) Airplane condition monitoring system (ACMS) Data communication management system (DCMS) Flight data recorder system (FDRS). These are the functions that the LRMs in the AIMS cabinet calculate: • • • • • • • • • PDF FMCF TMCF CMCF ACMF QARF DCMF FDCF DFDAF. The LRMs also do other functions to change data between nonARINC 629 and ARINC 629 data. There is a backplane bus in each AIMS cabinet. This bus controls all data communication between the eight LRMs in the AIMS cabinet. 5-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System ARINC 717 and RS 422 (DFDR) (QAR) Recorders Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) ARINC 453 26 LRUs VHF Radios Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) 40 LRUs Analog ARINC 618 ARINC 429 RF 56 LRUs Weather Radar/ EGPWS 14LRUs Display Units (6) AIMS Intercabinet Ethernet Bus (4) MAT PMATS Ethernet Ethernet AIMS Cabinet (2) Airplane Information Management System Interfaces AIMS Interfaces The AIMS has interfaces with many airplane systems with different types of data formats. These are the data formats that AIMS uses: • • • • • • • • ARINC 629 ARINC 429 ARINC 618 ARINC 453 ARINC 717 RS 422 Analog Radio frequency (RF). There are different isolated ARINC 629 buses in relation to the type of data and the redundancy requirements. The flight controls buses have flight critical data necessary for the primary flight control system and the autopilot flight director system. The systems buses give data to and receive data from many other systems for system operation and for display. The AIMS intercabinet buses have data that the AIMS cabinets give to each other and the CDUs. The interface between the AIMS cabinets and the MAT and the portable MATs is with an Ethernet connection. The data used for downlink on the VHF communication system is ARINC 618. Many systems transmit and receive ARINC 429 data. The weather radar system and enhanced ground proximity warning system use ARINC 453. The flight data recorder and quick access recorder use ARINC 717 and RS 422 data. The AIMS cabinets receive discrete switch data and some engine sensor data with analog interfaces. The display units receive an RF signal from the AIMS cabinets. June 2004 5-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. DCGF - Seven types of data transfers 1 7 Type 1: Non-ARINC 629 to FC 629 buses Type 2: Non-ARINC 629 to Systems 629 Buses Type 3: FC 629 Buses to Systems 629 Buses Type 4: Systems 629 Buses to FC 629 Buses Type 5: FC 629 Buses to Non-ARINC 629 Type 6: Systems 629 Buses to Non-ARINC 629 Type 7: Systems 629 Bus to Systems 629 Bus Analog or to ARINC 429 ARINC 429 Analog Analog discrete ARINC 429 Analog Analog discrete Analog ARINC 429 1 2 5 6 7 AIMS Cabinet (2) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) Data Conversion Gateway Function Data Conversion Gateway Function The data conversion gateway function (DCGF) moves data between: • • • • Buses and analog discrete signals Buses and analog signals Buses of different formats Buses of the same format. The DCGF supplies seven types of data conversions and transfers. These are: • • Type 1 - receive ARINC 429 data, analog signals, and analog discrete signals and transmit this data to the flight controls (FC) ARINC 629 buses Type 2 - receive ARINC 429 data, analog signals, and analog discrete signals and transmit this data to the systems ARINC 629 buses • • • • • Type 3 - receive data from the FC ARINC 629 buses and transmit this data to the systems ARINC 629 buses Type 4 - receive data from the systems ARINC 629 buses and transmit this data to the FC ARINC 629 buses Type 5 - receive data from the FC ARINC 629 buses and transmit ARINC 429 data, analog signals, and analog discrete signals Type 6 - receive data from the systems ARINC 629 buses and transmit ARINC 429 data, analog signals, and analog discrete signals Type 7 - data transfers between same types of buses and data transfers between analog and ARINC 429 buses. DCGF supplies redundant and isolated paths for the data. For systems with higher levels of importance, like engine data, the 5-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System ND PFD Left Remote Light Sensor Left Outboard DU Left Inboard DU ND PFD Upper Center DU Right Inboard DU Right Outboard DU To Inboard & Lower Center DUs MFD Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) All Airplane Systems EICAS Lower Center DU Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) Right Remote Light Sensor TAXI CAMERA INTERFACE UNIT C A M E R A L CAM A D J U S T N CAM NORMAL L R CAM N DSP ARINC 429 Analog Discretes R CAMERA SELECT CAMERA POWER VIDEO OUT 75 OPAS CDU (3) EFIS CP (2) Cursor Control Device (2) Taxi Camera Interface Unit (777-300) Coax Coupler (6) Coax Coupler (6) ARINC 429 BITE Monitoring AIMS Cabinet (2) Primary Display System Primary Display System The primary display system shows data on six flat panel liquid crystal display (LCD) display units (DUs). The DUs show these four types of displays: • • • • Primary flight display (PFD) Navigation display (ND) EICAS Multi-function display (MFD) that includes the secondary engine, status, synoptic, maintenance page, electronic checklist, and flight deck communication function (FDCF) formats. These are the components of the display systems: • • • • • • • • • • Primary display function in the AIMS cabinets LCD display units (6) Remote light sensors (2) Electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) control panels (2) Cursor control devices (2) Display select panel Coax couplers (4) Center display control panel (not shown) Display switching panels (not shown) (2) Instrument source select panels (not shown) (2). June 2004 5-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. INBOARD DSPL HDG REF NAV SELCAL NORM AUTO MFD L EICAS PFD INBOARD DSPL FMC NORM MFD R NORM NAV PFD EICAS SELCAL TRUE Captain Display Switching Panel BARO IN HPA MINS RADIO BARO FPV First Officer Display Switching Panel MTRS RST VOR L INBD SIDE NAV STD VOR MAP APP PLN 40 80 20 CTR OFF 10 160 320 TFC DSPL CTRL VOR R 640 ADF L WXR LWR CTR OFF AIR DATA /ATT ADF R STA WPT ARPT DATA POS Instrument Source Select Panel Cursor Control Device TERR EFIS Control Panel L INBD R INBD LWR CTR CTR PNL BRIGHTNESS DSPL CTRL UPR DSPL ENG LWR DSPL /WXR STAT ELEC HYD FUEL AIR DOOR GEAR FCTL CAM CHKL COMM NAV 777-300 EICAS EVENT RCD CANC/RCL Center Display Control Panel Display Select Panel Display Control Panels Display Control Panels The display system has these control panels: • • • General controls EFIS controls EICAS controls. The general controls include: • • The captain and first officer display switching panels to select the display format on the inboard display units The cursor control device to select and activate items on the MFD. The EFIS controls include: • • The instrument source select panel to select the source of EFIS data The EFIS control panel to control the PFD and ND. The EFIS control panel has these controls for the PFD: The EICAS controls include: • • • • • Barometric altitude reference in inches of mercury or hectopascals Radio altitude decision height value or barometric minimums Flight path vector on or off Altitude reference in feet or in feet and meters. For the ND, the EFIS control panel selects these functions: • • • • • • Display mode format (map, plan, approach, or VOR) Range VOR and ADF pointers on or off Weather radar on or off TCAS on or off Other navigation data. 5-6 • The center display control panel to control the display source and event recording The display select panel to control the EICAS and MFD formats. On the EICAS display, the display select panel does these functions: • • Scrolls through message field Shows compacted format in a limited mode. On the MFD format, the display select panel does these functions: • • Selects display format Scrolls the status message field. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System EFI S EFI S CONTROL BARO SET MO D E < WXR V OR > < ST A TERR > M AP > <WPT MTRS > PL N > < A RP T TFC > CT R > - - - - - - - - - - OPTIONS > < DAT A SEL A DF / V OR OF F ADF V OR < P OS - - - - - - - - - - - C ON T R OL > < M INS RESET < R A N GE < FM C EFI S CT L OF F ON > I N CR 1 6 0 NM < RA NGE DE CR FPV> APP > 2 9 . 9 2 IN < SEL > RA D/ B A RO S E L RA D < B A RO> MI N S S E T 35 0FT M EN U OP T I ONS EF I S> DSP CT L OF F ON > DS P > MA I N T I NF O DISPLAY MODES DI SPL AY> SEL <L D I SPL AY I NB D < R I NB D SEL CHK L > < L WR C T R Alternate Control Panel Functions on CDUs DISPLAY SYNOPTICS MO D E HY D > < L W R CT R NAV > < R I NB D CAM > < DOOR E I CAS < E NG EL EC > < L I NB D C OM M > < SEL > D I SPL AY < ST AT CA NC/ RCL > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SYNOPTICS > < SEL > F UE L > AI R > < GE A R F CT L > - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - M ODE S > 777-300 Alternate Control Panels Alternate Control Panels The left and right CDUs operate as alternate EFIS control panels. Any CDU can operate as an alternate display select panel. The flight crew selects this alternate function from the CDU main menu. The left CDU operates as the left EFIS control panel, the right CDU operates as the right EFIS control panel. The center CDU is a backup for the left or right CDU. June 2004 5-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. PFD ND EICAS ND PFD MFD SPD 139 200 IBFI /130° DME 3.3 LOC G/S ROLLOUT FLARE 2000 LAND 3 180 6 800 160 0 139 8 2 1 00 0580 60 REF 120 1 400 560 100 6 RADIO 200 100 80 L 130 H 2 29.89 600 IN MAG Primary Flight Display Primary Flight Display Primary Flight Display The captain and first officer have a primary flight display (PFD). The PFD normally shows on the outboard display units. The PFD can also show on the inboard display units. The PFD integrates, on a single format, the primary state of the airplane as well as autoflight, flight management, and thrust management command information. The PFD shows this information: • • • • • • • • • • Attitude Airspeed Barometric altitude Vertical speed Heading Flight modes Radio altitude ILS data TCAS resolution advisory Time critical warning (TCW). 5-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System GS 338 TAS 326 156°/15 PFD ND EICAS HDG 090 MAG VOR R 116.80 CRS 055 DME 13.5 PFD ND MFD VOR Mode GS 338 TAS 326 HDG 156°/15 090 MAG ILS L 110.10 CRS 055 DME 13.5 GS 338 TAS 326 156°/15 TRK 140 GRH 0838.4 Z 32.5 NM MAG GS 338 TAS 326 N 156°/15 320 T/D CHRIS 1230 Z 110 NM A KGEG BILL 160 FRED A 40 KMWH W CHRIS KYKM E YKM WX+T +5 VAR 160 ELN STEVE VOR L 116.00 DME 121 APP Mode A A KMAT GRH VOR R ELN DME 28.5 Map Mode 320 S Plan Mode Navigation Display Navigation Display The captain and first officer each have a navigation display (ND). The ND normally shows on the inboard display units. An ND can also show on the lower center DU. The ND provides flight and navigation information in one of several formats. The ND shows these four display modes: • • • • VOR APP (approach) Map Plan. June 2004 5-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. GS 315 TAS 312 156° /15 HDG 090 MAG VOR R 116.80 CRS 055 DME 13.5 GS 315 TAS 312 156° /15 VOR R HDG FROM Expanded VOR Mode 090 116.80 CRS 055 DME 13.5 MAG FROM Centered VOR Mode Navigation Display - VOR Mode VOR Mode • The VOR mode shows in a centered or expanded display format. The VOR deviation shows only when the flight crew tunes the VOR manually. Both displays are heading up displays. The centered VOR mode shows 360 degrees of the compass rose with the airplane symbol and lateral deviation bar in the center. The expanded VOR mode shows 80 degrees of the compass rose with the airplane symbol and the deviation bar at the bottom. Weather radar (expanded only). Additional VOR data shows in the lower corners of the display. Select VOR on the EFIS control panel to show bearing pointers on the compass rose. The VOR mode shows this information: • • • • • • • • System source annunciation VOR deviation TO/FROM annunciation Station identification and frequency Station bearing Selected course DME distance TCAS data 5-10 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System GS 315 TAS 312 156° /15 HDG 090 ILS L MAG 110.10 CRS 055 DME 13.5 ILS L GS 315 TAS 312 156° /15 HDG Expanded Approach Mode 090 110.10 CRS 055 DME 13.5 MAG Centered Approach Mode Navigation Display - Approach Mode Approach Mode The APPROACH mode shows as an expanded or centered display. The centered APPROACH mode shows 360 degrees of the compass rose with the airplane symbol and lateral deviation bar in the center. The expanded APPROACH mode shows 80 degrees of the compass rose with the airplane symbol and the deviation bar at the bottom. Glideslope deviation shows on the side of the display. Both displays are heading up displays. The approach mode show this information: • • • • • • • • System source annunciation Localizer deviation Glideslope deviation Station identifier and frequency Selected runway heading DME distance TCAS data Weather radar (expanded only). June 2004 5-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. 124 130° /7 GS TAS 131 TRK 130 RW13R 1838.4 Z 6.3 NM MAG 315 TAS 312 156° /15 GS N 1230.0 Z 0110 NM 320 TRAFFIC A KGEG GHI 160 A KMWH 20 VAMPS A W DEF A KYKM E KMAT NOLLA 13R 160 ABC NOLLA E/D ADF L BF VOR R SEA 12.2 CF13R 320 S VOR-DME DME Expanded Map Mode Plan Mode Navigation Display - Map Mode and Plan Mode Map Mode The map mode shows this data: Plan Mode The map mode shows the part of the flight plan in the selected range. The range is up to 640 NM. The map mode shows as an expanded or centered display. The centered MAP mode shows 360 degrees of the compass rose with the airplane symbol in the center. The expanded MAP mode shows 80 degrees of the compass rose with the airplane symbol at the bottom. The displays can be track up or heading up. • • • • • • • • • • • The flight crew uses the plan mode to make, see, or change a flight plan. The display is a north up display. The airplane symbol shows present position and FMC track. FMC route Active waypoints Distance to go Estimated time of arrival (ETA) Vertical deviation Lateral deviation Trend vector Tuned NAVAIDS Weather radar FMCS NAV data TCAS traffic. 5-12 This plan mode shows this data: • • FMCS route TCAS data. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System PFD ND EICAS ND PFD MFD TAT +15c +21c TO 1.380 1.380 1.004 1.004 ENGINE FIRE L ENGINE SHUTDOWN L CABIN ALTITUDE AUTO CARGO HEAT AFT EPR EAI EAI 21.9 21.9 N1 WAI WAI 394 •GROUND CALL •COM SEATBELTS ON RECALL STATUS PG 1 FL 0 180-360 KTS DOWN 394 GEAR F L A P S EGT 40 CAB ALT DUCT PRESS40 0 RATE LDG ALT 0 MAN ýP 0 0 FWD AFT OP M CL M 5 62.3 FUEL QTY 83.1 62.3 TOTAL FUEL 207.7 TEMP +10c LBS X 1000 EICAS Display EICAS Display EICAS Display The engine indication and crew alerting system (EICAS) display normally shows on the upper center display unit. It can also show on the lower center DU or the inboard DUs. The EICAS display shows this data: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Engine pressure ratio (EPR) N1 rotor speed Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) Total air temperature (TAT) Thrust mode Selected temperature for derate ECS duct pressure Cabin altitude and rate of change Landing altitude Cabin differential pressure Crew alert messages Status Alert In-flight start information Landing gear position Flap/slat position • • Total fuel quantity (lbs or kg) Fuel temperature. The crew alerting part of the EICAS monitors airplane systems. If a fault occurs, EICAS shows a crew alerting message on the upper center display unit. As well as the messages, some crew alerts have aural tones, and the master warning or caution lights come on. Messages are in one of these groups: • • • • • Warnings Cautions Advisories Communications Memos. Messages show on the display in the order of importance and occurrence. Warnings show in red at the top of the message field. Cautions show in amber below warning messages. June 2004 Advisories show in amber below caution messages. Advisories have a one-space indent. Communication and memo messages are white. A bullet (•) shows before each communication message. Different aurals come on with warning and caution level alerts. Warning aurals can be a bell, a voice, or a siren. All caution aurals are a beeper that comes on four times in one second and stops. Some communication messages have a chime. All aurals stop automatically when the alert condition stops. The master warning or caution lights come on for a warning or caution alert. The lights stay on for the time of the warning or caution. Push one of the switch/lights to put off and set the two lights for future alerts. 5-13 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. HYDRAULIC L 81.1 QTY 81.1 PRESS ND EICAS 17.6 FF R 0.90 3000 0.72 RF 3000 APU N2 PFD C 0.91 3000 RPM 100.1 OIL PRESS 17.6 82 PSI 560 C 75 C OIL QTY 7.9 EGT OIL TEMP OXYGEN 185 MFD OIL PRESS CREW PRESS 1950 185 ELEC GEN SYS L FLAP/SLAT CONTROL #2 120 15 OIL TEMP 120 OIL QTY 15 VIB 1.2 1.2 N2 N2 Secondary Engine Display ATC REVIEW Maintenance Page (Typical) FLIGHT INFORMATION MANAGER Status Display Synoptic Display (Typical) Electronic Checklist Ground Maneuver Camera System Display (777-300) COMPANY NEW MESSAGES Communication Display Multi-Function Display Multi-Function Display The multi-function display (MFD) format normally shows on the lower center display unit. The format can also show on the inboard display units. The MFD format shows auxiliary information to the flight crew and maintenance crew. These are the MFD formats: • • • • • • • Secondary engine display Status display Synoptic display Maintenance page Communication display Electronic checklist Ground maneuver camera system display (777-300). 5-14 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System HYDRAULIC L 81.1 81.1 QTY PRESS C 0.91 3000 N2 17.6 R .090 LO 3000 0.72 RF 3000 APU FF 17.6 145 OIL PRESS 145 150 OIL TEMP 150 RPM 100.1 OIL PRESS 82 PSI 560 EGT 75 OIL TEMP C C OIL QTY 7.9 OXYGEN CREW PRESS 1950 ELEC GEN SYS L FLAP/SLAT CONTROL 2 15 1.2 N2 OIL QTY VIB 15 1.2 N2 Secondary Engine Display Status Display MFD Formats Secondary Engine Display Status Display The secondary engine display shows automatically at power up. The format also shows when the flight crew selects the ENG switch on the display select panel. The status display shows on the MFD when the flight crew selects the STAT switch on the display select panel. The secondary engine display shows this information: • • • • N2 rotor speed Fuel flow Oil pressure, temperature, and quantity Engine vibration. The status display shows this information: • • • • • • • Hydraulic quantity Hydraulic pressure APU EGT APU rotor speed APU oil quantity Crew oxygen pressure Status messages. June 2004 5-15 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. FLAPS L REV FLT CTRL NOSE GEAR & STEERING MAIN GEAR & STEERING ALTN/RSV BRAKES CANCEL PG MENU NORM BRKS R REV FLT CTRL AC-V FLT CTRL FREQ LOAD ISLN L ENG L ELEC SOV P R I M A R Y ELECTRICAL L IDG R IDG APU GEN PRI EXT PWR SEC EXT PWR BACKUP CONV 115 400 0.50 115 400 0.40 0 0 00.0 115 400 0.00 115 400 0.00 0 0 0.00 MAIN BAT L TRU C1 TRU C2 TRU R TRU APU/ BAT RAT GEN 0 0 0.00 ISLN ELEC C1 P R I M A R Y ELEC C2 AIR C1 AIR C2 RAT D E M A N D D E M A N D 0.90 0.90 DC-V DC-A R ENG R ELEC 0.68 29 45 PRESS 3010 Synoptic Display (Typical) PRESS 29 32 L IDG R IDG RISE TEMP 92 10 93 12 OIL LEVEL NORMAL OIL FILTER NORMAL OUT TEMP SOV 27 38 CHG DC-A SEND PRINT OVERTEMP IDG L 29 38 L GEN 27 2 DIS BACKUP R GEN 0 0 SERVICE NORMAL NORMAL BLOCKED BLOCKED NORMAL L 3010 29 8 0 0 RF DC-V 2990 AUTO PAGE 1/2 28 15 ERASE FBW C R PREV 28PAGE 28 15 15 RECORD NEXT DATE 20 AUGPAGE 90 UTC CONV 70 ---PREV MENU MAIN MENU 18:54:04 Maintenance Page (Typical) MFD Formats Synoptic Display Maintenance Page The synoptic display shows a picture of systems status.These are the systems that have synoptic displays: Initial access to maintenance pages is through a prompt on the CDUs. The cursor control devices give other controls. • • • • • • • Electrical Fuel Air (environmental control) Flight control Hydraulic Doors Landing gear. The maintenance page shows airplane system data for use by maintenance crews. The data helps in troubleshooting and repair of airplane systems. A maintenance page records automatically when an exceedance occurs for a parameter on that maintenance page. This data is available to the maintenance crew after the end of the flight to help make an analysis of a fault. 5-16 These are the maintenance pages available by ATA chapter: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 21 Air Conditioning 24 Electrical 26 Fire Protection 27 Flight Controls 27 Flap/slat 28 Fuel Quantity 28 Fuel Management 29 Hydraulic 30 Ice Protection 31 Maintenance Task 32 Landing Gear Actuation/ Indication 32 Landing Gear Brakes/ Steering 36 Air Supply 49 APU 71 Performance 71 EPCS 71 Propulsion Data Limits 71 Engine Exceedance. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System ATC REVIEW FLIGHT INFORMATION MANAGER COMPANY NEW MESSAGES Electronic Checklists Communication Display MFD Formats Communication Display Electronic Checklist The communication display provides the crew interface with the data communication management system (DCMS). The electronic checklists are available for all the checklists that show in the Operations Manual. These are the checklists available: • • • Normal checklists Non-normal checklists Unannunciated checklists. Normal checklists show in order for the current flight phase. Non-normal checklists show in order of critically and time of occurrence. A white box adjacent to an EICAS message shows that there is a related non-normal checklist for that message. Unannunciated checklists are available for non-normal conditions that do not cause an EICAS message. June 2004 5-17 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ground Maneuver Camera System Display (777-300) MFD Formats Ground Maneuver Camera System Display This display shows the video from three cameras. This display lets the flight crew or the ground taxi crew see the main and nose landing gear from the flight compartment during ground maneuvers of the 777-300 airplane. This display is a three-view split screen. 5-18 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System Master Dim & Test Module SDU Navigation Radios PA/CI DME (2) ILS (3) VOR (2) CDU (3) AFDC (3) ADF (2) Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) All Airplane Systems OPAS Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) ARINC 429 Analog Discretes SELCAL MCP ISSP (2) F/O Display Switching Panel AIMS Cabinet (2) Displays (6) Flight Management Computing System Flight Management Computing System The flight management computing system (FMCS) decreases flight crew work load. To do this, it gives vertical and lateral guidance for all phases of flight but takeoff and landing. The FMCS also gives navigation data to the flight crew on the forward displays and does an autotune of the navigation radios. The two AIMS cabinets have the same flight management computing function (FMCF). The active FMCF sends lateral guidance commands and vertical guidance commands to the AFDCS with mode requests from the MCP. The other FMCF operates as a standby. The primary crew interface for the flight management computing system are the three CDUs. The flight crew puts data in on the left or right CDU. The center CDU operates as a back-up if the left or right CDU has a failure. If the FMCF has a failure, the CDUs can calculate lateral guidance commands and let the crew manually tune on-side radios. The two AIMS cabinets use the data entries. The CDUs have interfaces with other systems for control and display. The FMCF has these functions: • • • • Navigation Flight planning Performance management Navigation radio tuning. The navigation function calculates airplane position and velocity. The FMCF memory contains a navigation database. This database has data for: • • • NAVAID locations Waypoints Departure/arrival procedures June 2004 • Company flight plans. The flight planning function uses flight crew entries to make the lateral flight plan. The FMCF performance management function uses the airplane aerodynamic model and flight crew entries to calculate the most economical vertical flight path. The flight crew entries are: • • • Cost index Cruise altitude Airplane gross weight. The FMCF navigation radio tune function does an autotune of the NAV radios for position and display update. The GBST gives AMI for: • • • FMCF software option code Performance factors AMI P/N. 5-19 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. AFDC (3) ASCPC (2) ASG (2) CTC (2) EDIU (2) FSEU (2) OPBC (2) PSEU (2) WEU (2) ADIRU SAARU PFC (3) CDU (3) TO/GA Switches A/T Disconnect Switches Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) RA (3) ASM (2) ARINC 429 N1/N2 (4) Fuel Shutoff Switch (2) Master Caution (2) Analog Discretes MCP AIMS Cabinet (2) Displays (6) Thrust Management Computing System Thrust Management Computing System • • The thrust management computing system (TMCS) moves the thrust levers, gives the thrust limit displays, and shows the autothrottle modes during takeoff and all flight phases. The TMCF also supplies trim commands to the engines. The two AIMS cabinets have the same thrust management computing function (TMCF). The active TMCF sends autothrottle commands to the autothrottle servo motors (ASMs) and trim commands to the engine electronic controllers (EECs). The other TMCF operates as a standby. These are the components in the TMCS: • Thrust management computing function (TMCF) of AIMS • • Autothrottle servo motors (ASM) Autothrottle arm and mode switches on the mode control panel (MCP) TO/GA switches A/T disconnect switches. The TMCF calculates and sends engine trim commands through the EDIUs to the EECs. To do this, the TMCF monitors engine thrust differences. This occurs for all phases of flight when the engines are at idle power or above to decrease engine thrust differences. The TMCF has these outputs: • • • • Autothrottle commands for all flight phases (1 or 2 engines) Engine trim equalization commands through the EDIUs to the electronic engine controllers (EECs) Thrust limits for display and control Autothrottle modes for display. The TMCF calculates autothrottle commands with crew entries from the flight deck and inputs from the FMCF and external sensors. The TMCF sends thrust lever position commands to the ASMs. 5-20 The TMCF supplies autothrottle modes and calculates thrust limits. These outputs go to the display system. The flight crew selects autothrottle modes from the mode control panel (MCP) and the TO/GA levers. The flight crew selects the thrust limit mode from the thrust limit page on the CDU. Thrust limit mode selection also occurs automatically when the flight management system engages in the vertical navigation mode. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) All Airplane Systems MAT (P18) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) ARINC 429 Analog Discretes PMAT PMAT Receptacle (P18 and MEC) PMAT (MEC) GND TEST NORM ENABLE Ground Test Switch AIMS Cabinet (2) Central Maintenance Computing System Central Maintenance Computing System The central maintenance computing system (CMCS) collects, keeps, and shows maintenance data for most of the airplane systems. You use the CMCS for fault isolation and test. These are the components of the CMCS: • • • • • • Central maintenance computing function (CMCF) in the AIMS cabinets Ground test switch Side display (2) (optional) MAT and its keyboard PMAT receptacles (5) PMAT. The crew uses a maintenance access terminal (MAT) in the flight compartment or a portable MAT (PMAT) in the main equipment center to operate the central maintenance computing system. There is a second PMAT receptacle in the flight compartment on the P18 panel adjacent to the MAT. The MAT and PMAT connect with the CMCF in the AIMS cabinet through Ethernet connections. There is a CMCF in each AIMS cabinet. Only one CMCF operates at a time. The other CMCF is a backup. The CMCF gets fault reports from systems and stores this data in fault history. When the primary display system shows a flight deck effect, the CMCF does a correlation of the fault with a maintenance message. This maintenance message shows what LRU had a failure. diskette in the MAT to an LRU that must have a software load. These are the other functions of the CMCS: • • • • • • • LRU software load Input monitoring Configuration report Access to LRU shop faults Onboard engine balance PSEU and air/ground rig Report capabilities. The CMCS also permits ground tests on many systems from the MAT or a PMAT. The CMCS also does the data load gateway function that permits software to load from a June 2004 5-21 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. LINE MAINTENANCE EXTENDED MAINTENANCE OTHER FUNCTIONS HELP REPORT ONBOARD MAINTENANCE Left Central Maintenance Computing Function (CMCF) MAT INBOUND FLIGHT DECK EFFECTS PRESENT LEG FAULTS EXISTING FLIGHT DECK EFFECTS EXISTING FAULTS GROUND TESTS FAULT HISTORY INPUT MONITORING SCREEN HELP CENTRAL MAINTENANCE OPTIONS GENERAL HELP ENGINE BALANCING SYSTEM CONFIGURATION EXIT MAINTENANCE DATA LOAD HARD DRIVE SOFTWARE PART NUMBER MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE PLANNING MAINTENANCE ENABLE/DISABLE REPORT PAGE DATA PRESENT LEG FAULTS SUMMARY REPORT SHOP FAULTS FAULT HISTORY SUMMARY REPORT PSEU AND AIR / GROUND RIGGING EXISTING FAULTS SUMMARY REPORT ALL SYSTEMS CONFIGURATION SUMMARY REPORT CENTRAL MAINTENANCE COMPUTER SWITCH CONTROL CABIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ALL SUMMARY REPORT SPECIAL FUNCTIONS EXIT MAINTENANCE CABIN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM CONFIGURATION SUMMARY REPORT EXIT MAINTENANCE OUTPUT STATUS Maintenance Access Terminal Maintenance Access Terminal The maintenance crew uses the maintenance access terminal (MAT) to operate the central maintenance computing system. The LINE MAINTENANCE menu supplies access to these: • • • • • Inbound and existing flight deck effects, and their correlated faults Airplane systems tests Configuration information. The MAT includes a: • • • • • Cabinet Display module Cursor control device Keyboard Disk drive module. The crew selects items on a menu with a cursor control device. The maintenance crew can also use the keyboard to key in data. The five main menu selections are: • • • • • LINE MAINTENANCE EXTENDED MAINTENANCE OTHER FUNCTIONS HELP REPORT. The EXTENDED MAINTENANCE menu supplies access to these: • • • • Present leg faults, existing faults, and historical faults Data load procedures Maintenance memos Maintenance enable/disable of the flight leg and the maintenance phase. procedures PSEU and air/ground rigging procedures Central maintenance source switching. The HELP menu supplies access to help for the MAT and for each function. The REPORT menu supplies access to reports. The crew can send the report to the flight deck printer, MAT disk drive, or a ground station. The PMAT has the same menu structure as the MAT. The GBST provides AMI for: The OTHER FUNCTIONS menu supplies access to these: • • • • Input monitoring CMCF options activation/deactivation LRU shop faults Engine balancing information and 5-22 • • • • Notes for specific information Help pages for general information Automatic downlink table to define data reports Airplane identification cross reference table. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) All Airplane Systems QAR (Optional) MAT Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) Printer ARINC 429 Analog Discretes SDU AIMS Cabinet (2) VHF Airplane Condition Monitoring System Airplane Condition Monitoring System The airplane condition monitoring system (ACMS) monitors, records, and give reports for selected airplane data such as: • • • • Maintenance data Performance data Troubleshooting data Trend monitoring. These are the components of the ACMS: • • • Airplane condition monitoring function (ACMF) of AIMS Quick access recorder function (QARF) of AIMS Quick access recorder. The airlines can use the ground based software tool (GBST) to set the report format, content, logic, and destination. The destination of a report can be one of these: • • • • Quick access recorder Printer Diskette in disk drive Ground station through the data communication management function. The quick access recorder (QAR) is an optional unit. The QAR records data from the ACMF to an optical cartridge. The software for the quick access recorder operates in the left AIMS cabinet only. The ACMF software function is in the left AIMS cabinet only. June 2004 5-23 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) All Airplane Systems Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) ARINC 429 Analog Discretes FDR AIMS Cabinet (2) Flight Data Recorder System Flight Data Recorder System The flight data recorder system (FDRS) records mandatory and optional flight data for the most recent 25 hours of operation. These are the components of the FDRS: • • Digital flight data acquisition function (DFDAF) in the AIMS cabinet Flight data recorder (FDR). The DFDAF in the AIMS collects and does a format of the data and sends it to the FDR. The DFDAF receives data in ARINC 429, ARINC 629, analog, and discrete formats. The DFDAF changes this data into one digital format to send to the FDR. The FDR records these accelerations. The FDR records the data in a fire and crash resistant LRU. The FDR operates when at least one of the engines are on, or the airplane is in the air. The DFDAF also monitors FDR faults. The DFDAF sends these faults to the central maintenance computing function and the primary display systems function. There is no dedicated FDRS accelerometer on the airplane. The ADIRU supplies longitudinal, lateral, and vertical accelerations. 5-24 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System TAXI CAMERA INTERFACE UNIT Nose Landing Gear Taxi Camera Left Main Landing Gear Taxi Camera C A M E R A L CAM A D J U S T N CAM Left Inboard Display Unit NORMAL Right Inboard Display Unit L R CAM N Right Main Landing Gear Taxi Camera R CAMERA CAMERA SELECT POWER VIDEO OUT 75 S3110B CAMERA SYSTEM ON OFF Taxi Camera Kill Switch Lower Center Display Unit Camera System Control Relay AIMS Cabinet (2) Taxi Camera Interface Unit Ground Maneuver Camera System (777-300) Ground Maneuver Camera System (777-300) Because of the size of the 777-300 airplane, the ground maneuver camera system (GMCS) helps the flight crew or taxi crew maneuver the airplane on the ground. The system has these three cameras: • • • Nose landing gear taxi camera Left main landing gear taxi camera Right main landing gear taxi camera. The main landing gear cameras are in the leading edge of the left and right horizontal stabilizer. They give a view of the landing gear, engine, and the ground on each side of the airplane. The taxi camera kill switch is on the P56 main wheel well electrical service panel on the bottom of the airplane in the aft part of the wing-tobody fairing. This switch gives the ground crew the capability to turn off the camera system. The taxi camera interface unit sends the three-view split screen video directly to the three display units that can show an MFD. The primary display function in the AIMS gives the display unit(s) the command to show the GMCS video when the crew member pushes the camera (CAM) switch on the display select panel. The nose landing gear camera is on the bottom of the airplane. It gives a view of the nose landing gear and the ground in front of the airplane. June 2004 5-25 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Data Communication Management System The data communication management system (DCMS) supplies these three functions: • • • Printer driver control Ethernet interface ACARS datalink management. ETHERNET INTERFACE The Ethernet interface supplies communications between the AIMS functions and these units: • • MAT Portable maintenance access terminals (PMATs). ACARS DATALINK The DCMS uses these two AIMS functions: • • Data communication management function (DCMF) Flight deck communication function (FDCF). The DCMS connects to many components of other systems to do its functions. These include: • • • • • • • • • Flight deck printer Maintenance access terminal (MAT) Accept / reject / cancel buttons Control display units (CDUs) Cursor control devices (CCDs) Display units (DUs) Radio tuning panels (RTPs) VHF radios Satellite data unit (SDU). PRINTER DRIVER The DCMS controls the aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS) datalink data. The FDCF supplies the flight crew interface for control of ACARS operations. The DCMF finds if the VHF or the SDU is available for the ACARS. The DCMF transmits the digital data through the available system. GROUND BASED SOFTWARE TOOL The airlines can use the ground based software tool (GBST) to set these: • • • Frequency selections Routes for data Message reject criteria. The print driver function controls all printing requests from the AIMS functions. It sends print jobs from AIMS functions to the flight deck printer and sends printer job status and errors back to the AIMS functions. 5-26 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Airplane Information Management System Printer Driver Flight Deck Printer SDU MAT Ethernet Interface VHF (2) PMAT PMAT Receptacle (2) Radio Tuning Panel (2) PMAT ACARS Datalink DCMF To AIMS Cabinet To AIMS Cabinet Input/Control Accept / Reject / Cancel Buttons (2) CCD (2) EICAS Flight Deck Comm Display CDU (3) MFD FDCF To DCMF To DCMF Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) AIMS Cabinet (2) Data Communication Management System June 2004 5-27 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Communications Features CABIN SERVICES SYSTEM • ARINC 629 Communication System ARINC 629 A cabin services system (CSS) puts these functions together: • Flight/Service Interphone Systems • Cabin Services System • Ground Crew Call System • Voice Recorder System • VHF/HF Communication Systems • SELCAL System • SATCOM System The 777 airplane uses ARINC 629 data buses. ARINC 629 data buses permit faster transfer of data between LRUs than ARINC 429 data buses. ARINC 629 data buses operate at a rate of 2 megabits per second. The buses are bi-directional and permit more than one transmitter on the same bus. • • • • The integration of these systems permits: • SATELLITE COMMUNICATION • The 777 has a satellite communication (SATCOM) system as standard equipment. SATCOM supplies reliable long range voice or data communication. The system can transmit and receive data that includes: • • • • • Passenger address Cabin interphone Passenger service Cabin lighting. The airline to set many passenger cabin configurations A central location for test and fault reports. The CSS has a standard ARINC 628 interface that lets you add an in-flight entertainment (IFE) system. Flight crew voice Passenger voice Data communication Telex Facsimile services. June 2004 6-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. LRU No. 2 Termination Resistor Data Bus Cable LRU No. n Current Mode Coupler No. 2 Stub Cable Current Mode Coupler No. 1 Current Mode Coupler No. n (46 maximum) Termination Resistor Terminal Controller Serial Interface Module OPAS Line Replaceable Unit No. 1 Flight Deck Panels ARINC 629 Communication System ARINC 629 Communication System The ARINC 629 communication system has these characteristics: • • • • • Two way transmission Multiple transmitters Broadcast type Autonomous terminal access Time division multiplex. It permits data communication between many terminals over the same bus. There are seven ARINC 629 buses on the 777. The primary flight control system has three dedicated ARINC 629 flight control buses that connect with approximately 26 line replaceable units (LRU). Four ARINC 629 system buses supply the main communication path between these systems: • • • • • Avionics Electrical Electro-mechanical Environmental control Propulsion. The ARINC 629 system buses connect with approximately 53 LRUs. These buses operate independently from the flight control buses. ARINC 629 components include terminal controllers and serial interface modules. These components are internal to the LRUs. As well as the LRU ARINC 629 components and the eleven ARINC 629 data bus cable assemblies, the ARINC 629 communication system includes stub cables and current mode couplers. 6-2 The LRUs use a coupler and terminal (terminal controller and serial interface module) to connect with the bus. Each terminal monitors the bus and does not transmit until there is a quiet period. Only one terminal on a bus transmits at a time. After a terminal transmits, three different timers make sure that it does not transmit again until all of the other terminals on the bus has an opportunity to transmit. The overhead panel ARINC 629 system (OPAS) does a multiplex of the flight deck panel switch positions for transmission on the ARINC 629 system buses. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Communications OBS AUDIO NORM CAPT F/O Service Jack Locations SEATTLE, WASHINGTON USA Observer Audio Selector MIC CALL L VHF ON Captain Flight Deck Speaker MIC CALL MIC CALL CAB PA MIC CALL SPKR SAT 1 2 HF L R INT MIC MIC CALL FLT MIC CALL VOR R L ADF L R Glareshield Mic Switch MIC CALL R VHF MIC CALL MIC Control Wheel Mic Switch OFF MIC CALL C VHF APP R LC V B R MKR Captain Audio Control Panel HEAD PHONE CAUTION THIS ASSEMBLY CONTAINS ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVE DEVICES AIMS Cabinet (2) ARINC 629 System Bus (4) Service Interphone Switch Voice Recorder System Navigation Receivers Communication Radios Service Interphone Jacks MEC Jack Panel Service and APU Shutdown Panel SELCAL decoder PA System SATCOM Cabin Interphone System BOOM MIC HEADSET Captain Jack Panel Headset SERV INTPH First Officer First Observer Second Observer Headphone Audio Management Unit Oxygen Mask Microphone Hand Microphone Flight/Service Interphone Systems Flight Interphone System The flight interphone system permits the flight crew members on the flight deck to communicate with each other and with: • • Audio communication systems Ground crew members. There are four systems. The captain system is shown. Switches on the audio control panels (ACPs) permit selection of the following types of audio: • • • • • • Communication transceiver audio Navigation receiver audio Cabin interphone audio Passenger address (PA) audio Flight interphone audio SATCOM audio. Hand microphones, boom microphones, or oxygen mask microphones can be connected through the audio management unit (AMU) to the radio transceivers, cabin interphone system, or PA system. Functions selected on the ACP go digitally to the AMU. The AMU uses new technology digital signal processing for clear sound quality. The AMU sends the selected audio to and from the flight deck. Each flight crew member station has a jack outlet for a boom microphone/headset and headphones. There can be an optional fourth ACP for the second observer. Service Interphone System The service interphone permits communication between the pilots, ground crew, and maintenance personnel. Jacks for plug-in microphone and headsets are at various locations on the airplane. When the service interphone switch is ON, the service and flight interphone systems connect together. Mic switches are on each pilot glareshield and control wheel for the boom and oxygen mask microphones. Interphone switches are on the audio control panels. June 2004 6-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Services System The cabin services system (CSS) integrates many cabin and passenger systems. CSS controls these systems: • • • • Passenger address Cabin interphone Passenger service Cabin lighting. The CSS also monitors and controls many cabin functions. The integration of these systems permits control, monitor, and test of the system from a central location. The CSS has a standard interface (ARINC 628) that allows the addition of an in-flight entertainment (IFE) system. The interface to the IFE is through a head-end interface and through a zone interface. The IFE controls functions of the passenger entertainment system and of airline applications. Software controls the CSS. The CSS uses a configuration database to define the cabin interior configuration. Interior configuration changes are easy to do by changing the configuration database. The configuration database generator (CDG) is a menu-driven database editor that operates on a personal computer (PC). The CDG changes the database. After the change, the operator loads the database into the cabin services system through the cabin system control panel (CSCP). The CSCP stores many databases and operational software in memory. Flight attendants use the CSCP for CSS functions and maintenance technicians use the CSCP for test and program functions. Each ZMU connects to the overhead electronics units (OEUs) and to the IFE through an ARINC 628 zone interface bus. Each ZMU also connects to one cabin area control panel (CACP) and up to five cabin attendant handsets (CAHs). These are the functions of the ZMU: • • Each passenger seat can have any of these IFE components: • • • • • Seat video display Telephone handset Passenger controls Joystick Credit card reader. Analog to digital and digital to analog audio conversion for the cabin interphone system Control the passenger service selections from the IFE and cabin light selections from the CACP. The ZMUs monitor the configuration database for the correct state of each light. They also have interfaces with the OEUs to control the lights. The airlines can add any of these IFE components and functions: • • • • • • • • • • • • Audio entertainment to the passengers Interactive video for passenger games and applications Video entertainment to the passengers Video on demand Passenger in-flight information computer (PIIC) to show navigation and flight data Prerecorded announcements and boarding music for the passenger address system Passenger telephone Facsimile equipment Cabin printer to supply paper copies of CSS data Keyboard/track ball/credit card reader for airline applications Airplane configuration information in the airplane configuration database Status and control. The passenger address/cabin interphone (PA/CI) controller controls the passenger address (PA) and cabin interphone (CI) functions. There is a zone management unit (ZMU) in each zone. 6-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Communications CAH CSCP Audio Entertainment Video Entertainment Passenger In-Flight Information Prerecorded Announcements Boarding Music Telephone and FAX Equipment Printers Keyboard and Trackball Credit Card Readers Configuration Database Information Status and Control In-Flight Entertainment System CDU-C CSS Intersystem Bus ZMUs Components and Functions ARINC 628 Head-End Interface Right ARINC 629 Sys Bus Cabin Illum Pass Info Call Lts RDG Lts Discrete Analog CACP Master Call Lts OEUs ARINC 628 Zone Interface Passenger Services Functions Attendant Call Reading Light Control In-Seat Passenger Info Signs CSMU Passenger Entertainment In-Flight Entertainment System ARINC 628 Head-End Interface Left ARINC 629 Sys Bus FDH PA/CI ARINC 429 SDMs Flight Interphone Audio AMU Speakers Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 777-200 Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 777-300 Cabin Services System June 2004 6-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Interphone System Passenger Address System The cabin interphone (CI) function permits communication between cabin attendants and between cabin attendants and the flight crew. The passenger address (PA) function sends announcements to the passenger cabin. The cabin interphone function uses these components: The passenger address function uses these components: • • • • • Passenger address/cabin interphone (PA/CI) controller Cabin attendant handsets (CAH) Zone management units (ZMU) Flight deck handset (FDH). The cabin attendants use the CAH for communications on the cabin interphone. Each CAH station has a two-number dial code. A station can make a call to other stations. A cabin station that receives a call gets a chime and a call light. The flight compartment gets a chime, a call light on each audio control panel (ACP), and a message on the center control display unit (CDU). • • • • • Passenger address/cabin interphone (PA/CI) controller Ambient noise sensors (ANS) Speaker drive modules (SDM) Zone management units (ZMU) Cabin system control panel (CSCP) Cabin system management unit (CSMU). Announcements come from the flight crew, the cabin attendants, or the IFE system. The IFE system sends. The attendants can also make manual adjustments from the CSCP or a CACP. The PA/CI controller has two circuits for the PA function that are the same and two circuits for the CI function that are the same. Each has a primary and alternate circuit. The attendant selects an alternate circuit from the attendant switch panel if a primary circuit has a failure. Passenger Service System The passenger service system (PSS) controls reading lights, call lights, and passenger information signs. The PSS uses these components: Prerecorded announcements Boarding music Video entertainment audio. • • • The airline can make the passenger cabin configuration in as many as six PA areas for announcements. • The PA/CI controller receives all audio inputs and selects the input with the highest priority. It makes the audio digital and sends it to the SDMs. The SDMs change the digital audio back to analog. Each SDM can operate one or two speakers. The in-flight entertainment (IFE) system lets passengers control their reading lights and passenger-toattendant call functions. The IFE system sends status and configuration database data to the PSS. The PA/CI controller does these functions: Chimes are put together with the audio so passengers and crew hear them at the same time. The ZMU supplies an interface from the IFE system to the OEU. The OEU controls the light and the attendant call function. • PA volume control is: The ZMU is the interface between the CAH and the PA/CI controller. The flight crew uses the flight interphone or the FDH as an interface with the CI. The audio management unit (AMU) uses the flight interphone audio and sends it to the PA/CI. • • • Receives, sets priorities and sends out multiplexed audio and data to and from the ZMU Has an interface with the CDU to send messages and get dial data Sends and gets audio to and from the FDH and AMU Sends AIMS a signal to make a flight compartment chime and message. The configuration database software controls the cabin interphone function. • • • • • • From the configuration database Automatic Manual. The configuration database sets the normal reference level for each speaker in flight. Automatic control adjusts the normal reference level because of flight conditions. 6-6 • Zone management unit (ZMU) Cabin area control panel (CACP) Cabin system control panel (CSCP) Cabin system management unit (CSMU) Overhead electronics unit (OEU). The lavatories have an interface with the OEU for these functions: • • • • Lavatory call Lavatory occupied Smoke detection Return to seat. The cabin attendants control passenger reading and cabin lights and do resets of attendant calls from the CACP or the CSCP. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Communications To Flight Interphone System Center Control Display Unit To AIMS Attendant Switch Panel Flight Deck Handset Cabin System Management Unit Boarding Music Other Zone Speaker Drive Modules Prerecorded Announcements Video Entertainment Audio Zone 1 Speaker Drive Module Cabin Speakers Speaker Drive Module Cabin Speakers PA Audio PA Pause In-Flight Entertainment System Passenger Address/Cabin Interphone Controller Cabin Attendant Handsets Zone Management Units Cabin Area Control Panel or Cabin System Control Panel To Other Zone 1 Speaker Drive Modules Cabin Interphone and Passenger Address Functions System Interface CDB Information Status Control In-Flight Entertainment Center Cabin System Management Unit Passenger Address/ Cabin Interphone Controller No Smoking Fasten Seat Belts Decompression CSS Intersystem Bus ARINC 629 System Bus (2) Master Call Lights Cabin Area Control Panel or Cabin System Control Panel Passenger Seat Functions Attendant Call Reading Light On/Off In-Seat Passenger Information Signal In-Flight Entertainment System Zone Management Unit Lav (Call, Door Sw, Smoke Det) Passenger Information Signs, Reading Lights, Call Lights Remaining Zone 1 OEUs To Other OEUs Overhead Electronics Unit Zone 1 Passenger Service Functions June 2004 6-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. AIMS Cabinet (2) EICAS ARINC 629 System Bus (4) ARINC 629 System Bus (4) Aural Warning Speaker (2) Warning Electronic Unit (2) Ground Crew Call Horn Standby Power Management Panel MIC CALL Flight Deck Call L VHF MIC MIC CALL C VHF MIC CALL INT VOR R L ADF L R MIC CALL MIC CALL R VHF MIC CALL FLT MIC CALL MIC CALL HF L R MIC CAB SPKR SAT 1 2 V B R PA MIC CALL APP R LC MKR Audio Control Panel (3) Passenger Address/ Cabin Interphone Controller Audio Management Unit Flight Deck Call Switch (P40 Service and APU Shutdown Panel) Center CDU Ground Crew Call System Ground Crew Call System The flight crew and the ground crew use the ground crew call system to alert each other. The system supplies aural and visual signals in the flight deck and in the nose wheel well area. When the flight crew selects the ground crew call code on the cabin interphone menu of the center control display unit (CDU), the ground crew call horn sounds in the nose wheel well. The ground crew call horn also comes on when the airplane is on the ground and one of these occurs: • • There is an equipment cooling failure The air data inertial reference unit (ADIRU) is on and there is no ac power on the airplane. There is a flight deck call switch on the P40 Service and APU shutdown panel. When the ground crew operates this switch: • • • The audio control panels FLT call lights come on A message is shown on EICAS A chime sounds through the aural warning speakers. 6-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Communications Captain First Officer First Observer Audio Management Unit Cockpit Voice Recorder Microphone TEST Airplane On Ground ERASE HEADSET 600 OHMS Parking Brake Set COCKPIT VOICE RECORDER Cockpit Voice Recorder Panel Cockpit Voice Recorder Voice Recorder System Voice Recorder System The four-channel, solid-state cockpit voice recorder with flight deck area microphone records the most recent 30 minutes of flight crew communications. A cockpit voice recorder that records for 120 minutes is also available. Input to the voice recorder is from the cockpit voice recorder microphone and from the captain, first officer, and first observer audio hot microphone inputs to the AMU. There is a voice recorder jack on the service and APU shutdown panel that permits the ground crew to monitor flight deck conversation. The recorder unit is in the E7 equipment rack. It includes an underwater locator beacon (ULB). To do a bulk erase of the cockpit voice recorder, the airplane must be on the ground, and the parking brake set. The cockpit voice recorder panel has test and erase buttons and is on the maintenance panel in the flight deck. The cockpit voice recorder microphone is on the overhead panel in the flight deck. June 2004 6-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Speakers, Headsets MIC CALL Microphone/PTT Inputs L VHF MIC COLLINS MIC CALL C VHF MIC CALL INT LRU FAIL CONTROL INPUT FAIL Antenna Coupler (2) SQL/LAMP TEST HFS-900 ACTIVE STANDBY VHF L VHF C VHF R MIC CALL MIC CALL HF L R VOR R L ADF L R MIC CALL FLT MIC CAB PA MIC CALL SPKR SAT 1 2 APP V B R LC R MKR HF L AM HF R PHONE MIC Audio Management Unit Audio Control Panel HF Transceiver (2) Collins HF SENS OFF MIC CALL KEY INTERLOCK HF Antenna P N L MIC CALL R VHF LRU Radio Tuning Panel (3) CONTROL ANTENNA PHONE MIC VHF-900 VHF Antenna (3) AIMS Cabinet (2) SELCAL Decoder VHF Transceiver (3) VHF/HF Communication Systems VHF/HF Communication Systems The very high frequency (VHF) communication system supplies line-of-sight voice and data communication from air to ground or air to air. The short to medium range of VHF keeps interference with distant stations at the same frequency to a minimum. Each VHF communication system includes a transceiver and a dedicated antenna. The high frequency (HF) communication system permits voice communication over distances much farther than line-ofsight radio systems. Communication from aircraft to ground stations or other aircraft is provided during long over water flights. Each HF communication system includes a transceiver, an antenna coupler, and a common antenna. The antenna is on the leading edge of the vertical stabilizer. The antenna couplers are in the vertical stabilizer behind the antenna. The antenna coupler matches the impedance of the transmission line to that of the transceiver. Frequency selection for each transceiver is from any of the three radio tuning panels (RTPs). Any RTP can provide tuning data to any of the VHF or HF transceivers. A radio tuning switch selects one of the five transceivers. The frequency selectors select the desired frequency. This shows on the liquid crystal display standby frequency window. The frequency transfer switch toggles between active and standby frequencies. 6-10 The VHF radios interface with the AIMS data communication management function (DCMF). The DCMF supplies tuning data to the RTPs. This frequency shows on the RTPs standby frequency window. The flight crew selects that frequency to tune the VHF radios. The audio control panels supply microphone selection, headphone monitoring, and PTT functions. The central maintenance computing function (CMCF) of the AIMS tests and monitors the VHF and HF communication systems. The digital flight data acquisition function (DFDAF) of the AIMS receives microphone keying information. The flight data recorder records the microphone keying information. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Communications ARINC 629 System Bus (4) ARINC 629 System Bus (4) Aural Warning Speaker (2) COLLINS LRU FAIL KEY INTERLOCK CONTROL INPUT FAIL SQL/LAMP TEST PHONE MIC HFS-900 Warning Electronic Unit (2) Audio Management Unit HF Transceiver (2) EICAS Collins LRU CONTROL AIMS Cabinet (2) ANTENNA PHONE MIC CALL L VHF MIC VHF-900 MIC MIC CALL C VHF MIC CALL INT SELCAL Coding Switch VHF Transceiver (3) VOR R L ADF L R MIC CALL MIC CALL R VHF MIC CALL FLT MIC CALL MIC CALL MIC CAB SPKR SAT 1 2 HF L R V B R PA MIC CALL APP R LC MKR Audio Control Panel (3) SELCAL Decoder SELCAL System SELCAL System The selective calling (SELCAL) system monitors all communication radios in the airplane. The system alerts the flight crew when it receives a ground call with the correct airplane code. This removes the need for continuous monitoring of the communication radios by the flight crew. The SELCAL decoder receives audio signals from the VHF and HF communication systems. The SELCAL decoder processes the SELCAL messages and sends them to the audio management unit. The audio management unit sends a signal to the ACP and to AIMS. The ACP turns the call light on. AIMS makes a COMM medium message, SELCAL, which shows on the EICAS display. AIMS sends a signal to the warning electronic unit (WEU) which causes the hi/lo chime to sound. These are the SELCAL indications: • • • A call light on the ACP An EICAS message A hi/lo chime. The SELCAL supplies indications only if the signal received has the airplane unique SELCAL code. The flight crew pushes the appropriate transmit switch on the ACP or the appropriate PTT to stop the indications. June 2004 6-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Satellite Network Aircraft Earth Station (AES) Passenger Telephone System High Gain Antenna LNA/Diplexer BSU Combiner AIMS Cabinet (2) Note: Side mount antenna system shown. High Gain Antenna SDU AMU RFU High Power Amplifier High Power Relay LNA/Diplexer BSU Ground Earth Station (GES) SATCOM System Satellite Communication (SATCOM) System The SATCOM system transmits and receives data and voice messages. The system uses satellites as relay stations for long distances. SATCOM is more reliable than the HF communication system because atmospheric interference does not have an effect on it. The system has the satellite network, the ground earth stations (GES), and the aircraft earth stations (AES). The satellite network does a relay of radio signals between the AES and the GES. Each GES is a fixed radio station that has interfaces with communication networks through ground links and the aircraft earth stations through the satellite. The AES is the SATCOM system on the airplane that has interfaces with different airplane communication systems and the ground earth stations. AIRCRAFT EARTH STATION DESCRIPTION The basic SATCOM configuration has a high-gain system that uses side-mounted antennas. The satellite data unit (SDU) is the interface between all other related airplane systems and the SATCOM system. The radio frequency unit (RFU) changes the signal from the SDU to an L-band signal for the high power amplifier (HPA). The HPA supplies sufficient radio frequency power to the antenna. The low noise amplifier (LNA) and diplexer are one unit. The diplexer connects transmit signals from the HPA to the antenna. It also connects receive signals from the antenna to the LNA. The LNA does an amplification of the low level 6-12 L-band signal from the antenna. The SDU sends directional control signals to the beam steering unit (BSU). The BSU electronically controls the antennas to point the beam at the necessary satellite. The AES has interfaces with the data communication management system (DCMS) for transmission and reception of data messages. The AES also has interfaces with the passenger telephone system and the audio management unit (AMU) for voice call audio and control signals. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation Features COMMON COMPONENTS • NEW AVIONICS The 777 uses many common avionics LRUs that the 747-400, 767, and 757 use. The use of common avionics equipment decreases the cost of maintenance and spares. Air Data Inertial Reference System (ADIRU, SAARU, ADM/ Pitot-Static) • Navigation Radios (VOR, Marker Beacon, ILS, ADF, DME) • Global Positioning System • Radio Altimeter System • Air Traffic Control/Mode S System • Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System • Ground Proximity Warning System • Weather Radar System • Warning Electronic System • Clock System The 777 uses some new avionics systems such as the highly fault tolerant, air data inertial reference system (ADIRS). The ADIRS combines the air data system and the inertial reference system into two line replaceable units (LRUs), the air data inertial reference unit (ADIRU) and the secondary attitude air data reference unit (SAARU). HIGH RELIABILITY Because there are only two main LRUs in this system instead of three ADCs and three IRUs, there is less weight. Also, the high reliability of the air data inertial reference system decreases the need for maintenance and spares. SATELLITE NAVIGATION The 777 uses the newest in satellite navigational systems, the global positioning system (GPS). GPS gives improved navigation accuracy. This saves fuel and improves the airline on-time performance. June 2004 7-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Air Data Inertial Reference System If failures occur, all IRU functions are available with: • • • • • • • • • The ADIRS consists of: • • • • • • One ADIRU One SAARU Six air data modules (ADMs) Two standby air data modules (SADMs) A standby attitude indicator The air data sensors. The ADIRS operates the same as a system of three IRUs, two ADCs and pressure, temperature, and angle of attack sensors. The ADIRS sends primary, secondary, and standby air data and inertial reference information to the flight deck displays, flight controls, autopilot system, and other airplane systems. ADIRU The ADIRU has these components: • • • • • Six ring laser gyro sensors Six linear accelerometer sensors Four processors Three power supplies Three dual-channel ARINC 629 interfaces. The ring laser gyros and linear accelerometers are along six nonparallel, symmetrically skewed axes. This orientation gives a fault-tolerant system. IRU Function The ADIRU uses ring laser gyros and accelerometers to sense angular rates and linear accelerations. The ADIRU calculates this data: • • • • • • • • • • • Attitude (pitch, roll, and yaw) Position (latitude and longitude) True heading Magnetic heading Inertial velocity vectors Linear accelerations Angular rates Track angle Wind speed and direction Inertial altitude Vertical speed. Four gyros Four accelerometers Two power supplies One processor A single ARINC 629 interface. The ADIRU has one ON/OFF switch on the overhead panel. When the switch is ON, the ADIRU gets power. When the On/Off switch is OFF, the ADIRU goes off when the airplane is on the ground and less than a certain ground speed. Three of the gyro and accelerometers sensors are on the pitch, roll, and yaw axes and the fourth sensor pair is on a skewed axis. The SAARU calculates these parameters: • • ADC Function The four processors get air data from the air data modules. The ADIRU gives these air data outputs: • • • • • • • • • • • Altitude rate Pressure altitude Computed airspeed Mach number True airspeed Static air temperature Total air temperature Impact pressure Total pressure Static pressure Angle-of-attack. Secondary Attitude Air Data Reference Unit (SAARU) The SAARU supplies pitch and roll attitude to the standby attitude indicators. It is also the secondary source of inertial navigation and air data for the PFDs, primary flight controls system (PFCS), autopilot flight director system (AFDS) and other airplane systems. During a catastrophic failure of the ADIRU, the SAARU gives the AFDS reduced navigation data. Four fiber optic rate gyros Four analog linear accelerometers Two processors Three ARINC 629 interfaces. • • • • • • • • • • • Pitch and roll attitude and heading Angular rates about the airplane pitch, roll, and yaw axes Linear accelerations along the pitch, roll, and yaw axes Barometric inertial altitude Vertical speed Computed airspeed True airspeed Altitude Altitude rate Static air temperature Total air temperature Mach number Angle of attack. The SAARU sends pitch and roll attitude information on an ARINC 429 data bus to the standby attitude indicator. The SAARU has no manual mode control for operation. It begins operation when power is applied to the airplane. ADIRS Interface You enter barometric correction on the onside EFIS control panel. If one of the EFIS control panels fail, barometric corrections can come from the onside CDU. There are two AIR DATA/ATT source select switches on the flight deck. IRU and Air Data Functions The SAARU uses: 7-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation CDU (3) Right AOA Sensor Right Pitot Probe Center Pitot Probe Center Pitot ADM Pitot SADM Right Pitot ADM To PFDs Static Ports Right TAT Probe (Option) Left AIMS Cabinet Right AIMS Cabinet Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) AFDC (3) PFC (3) SAARU Center Static ADM Left Static ADM Right Static ADM ADIRU Left Pitot ADM Static SADM Standby Instrument Pneumatic Lines Left Left AOA Sensor Pitot Probe Left TAT Probe Static Ports Air Data Inertial Reference System ADIRS Interface (Continued) The switches control the source of display data for the on-side PFD. The primary source of display data is the ADIRU, and the secondary source of display data is the SAARU. The ADIRU sends data on the left and right ARINC 629 flight control buses and gets data from all three ARINC 629 flight controls buses. The SAARU sends data on the center flight controls bus and gets data from the left, center, and right flight controls buses. The ADIRU and the SAARU send inertial reference data and air data to these units: • • • • AIMS AFDS PFCS CDUs. AIMS sends the inertial reference data and air data to many other airplane systems and systems components. These include: • • • • • GPS WES TCAS EEC APU. The ADIRU and SAARU store fault data in their nonvolatile memory. You use the maintenance access terminal (MAT) to get the fault data. Air Data Modules Each pitot probe and static port connects to an air data module (ADM). The ADMs change the air pressure into ARINC 629 digital data. The ADIRU and SAARU get the 629 air data from the ADMs. June 2004 The center pitot probe and the center static ports also have a standby air data module (SADM). The standby altimeter and airspeed indicator get the 429 air data from the SADMs. Three flat panel LCD standby instruments show this data: • • • Attitude from the SAARU Indicated airspeed Altitude. Air Data Sensors The AOA sensors send analog signals to the on-side AIMS cabinet. The TAT probe is a dual element probe with two analog outputs. One output goes to the right AIMS cabinet, and the other goes to the left AIMS cabinet. 7-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation Radios The navigation radios supply reference data for instrument navigation. The flight management computing function (FMCF) of AIMS supplies most of the control for the navigation radios. VHF Omnidirectional Ranging System The VHF omnidirectional ranging (VOR) system supplies bearing and deviation signals relative to ground stations to the FMCF and the NDs. Automatic Direction Finder System The automatic direction finder (ADF) receives radio signals from a ground station. It supplies bearing information to the NDs and audio to the flight deck. Some ADF stations in major terminal areas provide weather information. Each ADF system has an integral sense and loop antenna and a receiver. The ADF data shows on the NDs. Instrument Landing System The FMCF uses VOR data to calculate airplane position. A dual element VOR antenna is on the top of the vertical stabilizer. Marker Beacon System The marker beacon system gives displays and aural tones in the flight deck when the airplane passes over a particular geographical location. The marker beacon receiver is a module in each VOR receiver. The marker beacon function operates in the left system only. Distance Measuring Equipment System The distance measuring equipment (DME) system supplies slant range distance between the airplane and a ground station to the FMCF and the NDs. The distance shows on the NDs. The FMCF uses DME distance to calculate airplane position. The DME system supplies suppression pulses to the ATC transponders and TCAS. This is because DME frequencies are in the ATC and TCAS frequency range. The instrument landing system (ILS) supplies precision approach guidance during instrument approaches to the NDs, PFDs, and AFDCs. The FMCF uses ILS data to calculate airplane position. The PFDs show localizer and glideslope deviation. When the EFIS control panels are in the APP mode, the NDs show: • • • • • • Navigation Radio Tuning The flight management computing function (FMCF) of AIMS tunes the VOR, ILS, DME, and ADF systems. The onside control display units (CDUs) supply manual tuning if AIMS fails. Audio Interface Audio from the VOR, ILS, DME, ADF, and marker beacon systems goes to headsets and speakers in the flight deck through the audio management unit. Fault Reporting And Testing The central maintenance computing function (CMCF) of AIMS supplies test and fault reporting functions for the navigation radio systems. ILS course pointer ILS source annunciator DME distance Localizer and glideslope deviation Selected ILS course ILS frequency/identifier. When the airplane is on approach, the AFDCs send a discrete to each multi-mode receiver (MMR). This discrete prevents ILS test and tuning. The AFDCs also control the position of the localizer and glideslope antenna switches. The ILS system uses the localizer radome antennas during approach. The system uses the VOR antenna to help the pilot maintain a straight track during takeoff. The system uses the glideslope track antennas on the leading edge of the nose landing gear doors when the landing gear is down and locked. 7-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation Alternate Tune Systems ARINC 629 Bus (3) A Manual Tune CDU (3) A DME Antenna (2) Primary Flight Display To AMU DME Interrogator (2) A ADF Antenna (2) 5 +10 +02 TFC To AMU AIMS ADF Receiver (2) +02 -10 Navigation Display Marker Beacon Antenna RF Power Dividers VOR Antenna A To AMU VOR/MB Receiver (2) Localizer Antenna Switches A Localizer Antenna (2) (Radome) Glideslope Capture Antenna (2) (Radome) Glideslope Antenna Switches To AMU MMR (3) AFDC (3) GPWC Glideslope Track Antenna (2) (Leading Edge, Nose Gear Doors) Navigation Radios June 2004 7-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) ADIRU Left GPS Antenna Left MMR AIMS Right GPS Antenna Right MMR Global Positioning System Global Positioning System The global positioning system (GPS) uses navigation satellites to supply accurate airplane position to the FMCF, ADIRU, and the flight crew. The GPS calculates this data: • • • • Airplane latitude Airplane longitude Airplane altitude Time. The GPS receiver is a card in the multi-mode receivers (MMR). The ADIRS uses GPS position data to aid in the automatic calibration of the inertial sensors in the ADIRU. This reduces ADIRU position drift as the airplane flies. The FMCF uses GPS position as the prime source for the calculation of airplane position. It is also the source for accurate time. The GPS reports faults and test results to the central maintenance computing function (CMCF) of AIMS. The ADIRU supplies inertial reference position and air data parameters, through the data conversion gateway function of AIMS, to the GPS. The GPS uses these parameters to find the best satellites during system initialization. 7-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation RA Antennas Left AFDC Left RA Transceiver GPWC AIMS RA Antennas Center AFDC Center RA Transceiver Primary Flight Display TCAS Computer RA Antennas Right AFDC Right RA Transceiver Radio Altimeter System Radio Altimeter System The radio altimeter (RA) system supplies the pilots and airplane systems with altitude above the terrain. The system operates at low altitude (0 to 2,500 feet). The RA system also supplies radio altitude data to these units: • • • The system has three transceivers each with its own transmit and receive antennas. The transceivers calculate the radio altitude, which shows on the primary flight display (PFD). Autopilot flight director computers (AFDCs) Ground proximity warning computer (GPWC) Traffic alert and collision avoidance (TCAS) computer. The central maintenance computer function (CMCF) of AIMS does a test of the RA system. Each pilot can select a radio minimums altitude on the onside EFIS control panel. The radio minimums show on the onside PFD above the radio altitude display. When the radio altitude is equal to or less than the radio minimums, the radio minimums display and the radio altitude change color and momentarily flash. June 2004 7-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. TCAS Directional Antenna (Top) TCAS Directional Antenna (Bottom) Transponder Panel MODE S BENDIX/KING TPR ALT ATC Antenna (Top) WES BENDIX/KING DATA IN TOP BOT TP TCAS PROCESSOR T1 TOP ANTENNA EL1 B1 BOTTOM ANTENN TCAS MAINT RESERVED RESERVED RA RADIO ALTIME PT PITCH ATITUA RL ROLL ALTIATA HD HEADING DATA RD RA DISY #1 & #2 PP PROGRAM PINS OK NO FAILURE 066-50000- 8101 TCAS PROCESSOR TPA-81A TEST CAUTION SW MOD 01/01 Left, Right Radio Altimeter Transceivers GPWC ATC Antenna (Bottom) ATC Coaxial Switches TCAS Computer ATC Mode S Transponder (2) MINS RADIO BARO IN FPV BARO HPA MTRS RST STD VOR MAP APP PLN VOR L OFF CTR 40 80 160 20 320 VOR R 10 OFF 640 ADF R TFC ADF L WXR STA WPT ARPT DME Interrogator (2) AIMS DATA 5 +10 +02 POS TFC EFIS Control Panel (2) Primary Flight Display -02 -10 Navigation Display Air Traffic Control/Mode S System and Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System ATC TCAS The ATC/Mode S transponder system lets ground facilities monitor airplane movement through controlled airspace. The ground facilities monitor airplane location and altitude: TCAS gives alerts to the flight crew of possible collisions with other transponder airplanes. TCAS uses the ATC/Mode S transponder system to send TCAS data to other TCASequipped airplanes. TCAS gives two types of advisories to the flight crew. One type of advisory is the traffic advisory (TA) that gives indication of other airplanes in the area. The other type of advisory is the resolution advisory (RA). The RA gives an indication to the flight crew to change the direction of the airplane or hold the present course to prevent a possible collision. The transponder panel permits the flight crew to select the: • • • • Left or right ATC/Mode S transponder for operation Altitude reporting mode Airplane ATC identification code Initiation of the identification pulse. The ATC/Mode S transponder gets ADIRS altitude data from AIMS and uses it for the altitude reporting function. The ATC/Mode S system supplies suppression pulses to the DME interrogators and TCAS. If an airplane is a collision threat, the TCAS computer selects the best maneuver to prevent a collision. If the other airplane has TCAS, a maneuver coordination is done through the ATC/Mode S data link. 7-8 The TCAS computer sends data to the NDs and the PFDs through AIMS. The traffic button on the EFIS control panel causes the location and track of other airplanes to show on the NDs. The PFDs show the flight crew how to change or hold vertical speed. Aural alerts come on in the flight deck through the WES. TCAS antennas are on the top and bottom of the airplane. The antennas are directional. Fault Reporting and Testing The central maintenance computing function (CMCF) of AIMS supplies test and fault reporting functions for the ATC/Mode S transponder and TCAS systems. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation Terrain Display Data GS 315 TAS 312 190 o/15 HDG 131 MAG Inertial Reference Data VOR L 116.80 DME 82.5 12 15 9 Air Data TERRAIN 18 GPWC 20 TERR AIMS Central Maint Data General Purpose Data PFD and ND Faults, Results, Displays WX RADAR Aural Warning Speakers WES Bendix Air Transport Avionics R/T ANT IND WARNING WARNING CON WG SW GYRO AIR TEST CAUTION CAUTION WXR R/T GND PROX G/S INHIBIT RA Transceiver (3) GND a FLAP OVRD GEAR OVRD OVRDw OVRDw w w PROX G/S INHB a RETRACT 270K-.82M TCAS Computer TERR OVRD OVRD Glideslope Deviation and GPS Ground Proximity Warning Computer MMR (2) Ground Proximity Warning Module Ground Proximity Warning System Ground Proximity Warning System The ground proximity warning system (GPWS) gives alerts or warnings to the flight crew of not safe terrain clearance. Alerts and warnings have aural and visual indications. These indications continue until the pilots correct the condition that started the warning or alert. The GPWS uses these inputs to start alerts and warnings: • • The GPWS supplies these prioritized modes when the airplane is between 30 and 2450 feet of radio altitude: • • • • • • • AIMS - includes air data, inertial data, flight management data, central maintenance data, flap position, landing gear position, and stall warning data Instrument landing system Radio altimeter. GPWS outputs go to these functions: • data and failure data GND PROX annunciator light Warning electronic system for audio amplification and control of the warning lights. • • • • • Mode 1 - too much descent rate Mode 2 - too much terrain closure rate Mode 3 - too much descent after takeoff or go-around Mode 4 - not safe terrain clearance when not in the landing configuration Mode 5 - below glideslope deviation Mode 6 - radio altimeter aural callouts with gear down Mode 7 - windshear condition Terrain awareness mode Terrain clearance floor mode. The system supplies voice warnings to help the pilots identify the cause of the warning or alert. The guarded FLAP OVRD and GEAR OVRD switches prevent some modes. The FLAP OVRD switch gives a signal that is the same as flaps extended. The GEAR OVRD switch gives a signal that is the same as landing gear down. The GPWS sends discretes to TCAS and to the WXR. These discretes put a priority on the warnings that can come from the three systems. The terrain awareness mode uses a world-wide terrain data base to give warning of terrain proximity. The terrain clearance floor mode uses data for the landing airport to make a safe approach. AIMS - includes PFD and ND June 2004 7-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. 5 +10 +02 Weather Radar Antenna Assembly TFC +02 -10 Navigation Display Bendix Air Transport Avionics WX RADAR ARINC 453 R/T Inhibit ANT AIMS Systems CDU (3) ARINC 629 Bus (3) IND CON WG SW GYRO GPWC AIR MINS RADIO BARO TEST ARINC 429 General Purpose and IRS Data RADAR TRANSCEIVER RTA-4A WES Weather Radar RT Aural Warning Speakers IN STD RST VOR MAP APP PLN VOR L OFF CTR 40 80 160 20 320 VOR R 10 OFF 640 ADF R TFC ADF L WX RADAR NORM BARO HPA MTRS FPV WXR STA WPT ARPT DATA POS TEST SYS L SYS R TILT 5 MID PCIP LEVEL MAX EFIS Control Panel (2) 15 UP 0 DOWN GND RTN TURB DET PRECIP DOPPLER 15 5 OFF RA Xcvr (3) ON ONLY BOTH ONLY Weather Radar Control Panel Weather Radar System Weather Radar System The weather radar system shows the flight crew weather conditions along the flight path. This lets them change the flight path to go around bad weather conditions. The flight crew also uses the weather radar system as a navigational aid. The weather radar receiver/transmitter (RT) sends weather display data to the AIMS on a ARINC 453 data bus. AIMS then shows a four-color weather display on the NDs. The on-side EFIS control panel selects weather returns to show on the ND and also controls the range for the weather display. The weather radar button on the EFIS control panel selects weather returns to show on the on-side ND. The flight crew selects the operation mode, receiver gain, and antenna tilt angle on the weather radar panel. When the flight crew selects the weather mode on the weather radar panel: • • • • • Heavy rainfall shows in red Moderate rainfall shows in yellow Light rainfall shows in green In the turbulence mode, turbulence from heavy rainfall shows in magenta Windshear conditions show with a special symbol to give a warning to the flight crew. The map mode can show coastlines or large bodies of water. conditions that cause a windshear. If it finds these conditions, it makes an aural warning and shows a special display on the ND. Because a windshear is most dangerous when the airplane is at low altitude, the weather radar comes on automatically on the ground during takeoff and when the airplane goes below 2200 feet during approach. Antenna attitude stabilization is done by the ADIRS for horizontal scan. You put the mode selector switch of the weather radar control panel in the TEST position to do a system test. The CMCF of AIMS stores weather radar system faults. Weather returns show on the ND in all EFIS modes but PLAN, full rose APPROACH, and full rose VOR. The weather radar has a predictive windshear mode that can find 7-10 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Navigation WARNING ARINC 629 System Buses (3) CAUTION Left Master Warning Light Left Aural Warning Speaker Left Warning Electronic Unit TCAS Computer Discrete Analog Inputs Weather Radar Left Stick Shaker Actuator Ground Proximity Warning Computer AIMS WARNING CAUTION Right Master Warning Light Right Aural Warning Speaker Right Warning Electronic Unit Right Stick Shaker Actuator Warning Electronic System Warning Electronic System WES performs these functions: The warning electronic system (WES) supplies visual and aural indications of incorrect airplane system conditions to the flight crew. The system also turns on the stick shaker actuators when the airplane is near a stall condition. • • The system has two warning electronic units (WEUs). Each WEU has two internal channels. The channels do the same functions. The system receives inputs from sensors, airframe, and avionics systems. The ARINC 629 system buses supply most of the data. • • • • • • Master warning lights control Landing and takeoff configuration warning Altitude alert Alert and warning aurals control and amplification Stall warning Speed tape parameters calculations Auto-slat deployment Stabilizer green band calculation and selection. Outputs go to these: • • • • The aural warning speakers The master warning lights The stick shakers The AIMS for displays and maintenance functions. June 2004 7-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. MAN UTC CHR DAY MO/YR DATE MIC MAP TIME CLOCK AIMS ET/CHR Glareshield Panel (2) RUN RUN HLD HLDY MM HD RESET Clock (2) Clock System Clock System There are two clocks in the flight deck, one on the captain and the other on the first officer instrument panel. The AIMS supplies global positioning system (GPS) time to the clock. The flight crew selects UTC manual input or GPS UTC time to show on the clock. Each clock shows: • • • • Universal time (coordinated) (UTC) Date (Day, month, and year) Elapsed time in hours and minutes Chronograph time in minutes and seconds. The airplane information management system (AIMS) receives clock UTC through ARINC 429 data buses. 7-12 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Autopilot Flight Director System Features • System Description SYSTEM REDUNDANCY • Controls The autopilot flight director system (AFDS) has three channels that supply automatic control of the airplane and flight director guidance. When selected, the system controls the airplane on the selected flight path and at the selected speed. • Indication SIMILARITIES The 777 autopilot flight director system is like the autoflight system on Boeing 757/767 and 747-400 airplanes.There are differences in the way the AFDS interfaces with the flight control system. June 2004 8-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Autopilot Engage Switch Autopilot Engage Switch Legend: Mechanical Connection Mode Control Panel (P55) AIMS Airplane Sensors Nav Sensors Systems ARINC 629 Bus (3) Backdrive Actuator (6) Position Transducers TO/GA Switch (2) PFC (3) ACE (4) PCU Elevator Aileron Rudder AFDC (3) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) Disengage Switch (2) ADIRU SAARU AIMS AFDS Block Diagram System Description The autopilot automatically controls airplane heading, track, speed, altitude, navigation paths, and goaround. The flight director provides guidance commands for these functions plus for takeoff. The autopilot can do fail-operational and fail-passive approach and landings. These are the AFDS components: • • • • • One mode control panel (MCP) Three autopilot flight director computers (AFDCs) Six backdrive actuators Two control wheel disengage switches Two takeoff/go-around switches (TO/GA). The AFDS does not have servos to move the primary flight control surfaces. The primary flight computers (PFCs), the actuator control electronics (ACEs), and power control units (PCUs) control the movement of the surfaces. There are two autopilot engage switches on the MCP. All available autopilot channels engage when the flight crew pushes either switch. The AFDS autopilot commands go to the PFCs through the flight controls ARINC 629 buses. The PFCs select which signal to use by mid-value selection. The PFCs process and change the autopilot commands to surface commands that go to the ACEs and backdrive commands that go to the AFDCs. The backdrive commands operate the backdrive actuators. The actuators move the control columns, control wheels, and rudder pedals to a position that represents the autopilot command. 8-2 Autopilot commands go to the rudder system only during automatic approach and landings. The AFDS does not control the horizontal stabilizer. Pitch trim control is from the primary flight control system. Controls Mode selection and engage switches for the autopilot, flight director, and autothrottle are on the MCP. The TOGA switches are on the thrust levers. Indication The PFDs show the AFDS selected values, mode annunciations, and AFDS status annunciations. Warning, caution, and advisory messages show on the EICAS. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Autopilot Flight Director System A/T ARM L R IAS IAS A/P TRK HDG MACH LNAV TRK OFF 5 F/D ON OFF CLB CON VNAV A/T FLCH FPA V/S ALTITUDE . FPA A/P AUTO 25 AUTO SEL BANK LIMIT LOC HOLD DISENGAGE 1000 DOWN VS/FPA APP HOLD UP F/D ON OFF Mode Control Panel TO/GA Switches P10 Control Stand Autothrottle Engage Status Mode Roll Mode Pitch Mode Selected Speed SPD 138 LNAV VNAV LOC G/S 5 100 Selected Altitude 110.90/120 DME 25.3 200 A/P Altitude Tape 6 180 5 000 2 1 160 Speed Tape 14 3 2 4 800 Selected Vertical Speed REF 1 120 4 600 2400 100 2 6 1000 Actual Vertical Speed RADIO 150 L 135 H 29.86 MAG IN Selected Heading (or Track) Primary Flight Display Controls and Indications June 2004 8-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Electrical Power Features • Electrical Power System Components • Electrical Power System Schematic • Electrical Power System Control • Controls and Indication NO BREAK POWER TRANSFER Two power sources momentarily supply power to the same bus (parallel sources) when a bus changes from one source to a source on the ground. This no-break power transfer decreases faults in electronic equipment. THE ELECTRICAL LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ELMS) The ELMS controls the distribution of electrical power to the airplane. It also supplies control logic and indications for some airplane systems. ELMS replaces complex relay logic, discrete wiring, and circuit cards on other airplanes. TWO EXTERNAL POWER CONNECTORS There are two external power connectors on the 777. Each can receive 90 kVA of electrical power for ground operations. BACKUP GENERATORS Each engine has a 20 kVA generator as a backup power source for the transfer buses that supply essential loads. RAT GENERATOR A ram air turbine (RAT) 7 kVA generator is a standby power source for the flight instrument buses. SYNOPTIC DISPLAY The electrical power synoptic display shows a real-time picture of the electrical power system configuration. June 2004 9-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. E10 Rack RAT IDG E5 Rack P30 External Power Panel APU Generator Main Equipment Center RAT Generator Backup Generator Electrical Power System Components Electrical Power System Components The electrical power system supplies 115 volt ac and 28 volt dc electrical power to the airplane. These are the power sources: • • • • • • Two integrated drive generators (IDGs) APU generator Two backup generators Ram air turbine (RAT) generator Main and APU batteries External power. There is one IDG on each engine. They are the primary source of ac power in flight. An additional source of ac power is the APU generator. Each generator supplies up to 120 kVA. There is one backup generator on each engine. They are variable speed variable frequency generators. Each supplies up to 20 kVA of ac power. A backup converter changes the variable frequency power to constant frequency power. Each backup generator also contains two permanent magnet generators (PMGs) that supply power to three flight control dc (FCDC) power supply assemblies. These electrical system components are in the main equipment center: A RAT generator is another source of backup ac power. It supplies up to 7 kVA. • • For ground operations, there are two external power connectors. These are on the forward, right side of the fuselage. Each external power connector is rated for 90 kVA of ac power. 9-2 • • • • • • Generator control units (GCU) (4) Bus power control unit (BPCU) Backup converter Electrical load management system (ELMS) panels (7) FCDC power supply assemblies (PSA) (2) Transformer rectifier units (TRU) (5) Battery charger FCDC batteries (2). One FCDC PSA and its related battery are in the E5 rack. The main battery is in the main equipment center. The APU battery and charger are in the E10 rack. Both batteries supply 28 volt dc power. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Electrical Power L IDG BU Gen PMG APU Gen L Main AC Bus L UB ELCU Backup Converter Main Bat Charger GH AC Bus R TBB R UB ELCU R Xfr Bus GH TRU Gnd Svc Xfr Rly TRU C2 R TRU Rly GH DC Bus Gnd Svc Sel Rly TRU C2 R DC Bus L DC Bus Gnd Svc Bus Main Bat Rly AC Stby Pwr Rly Main Battery L FCDC PSA Capt- F/O Bus Tie Rly Bat - Capt Iso Rly Cpt Flt Inst Bus Bat Bus Hot Bat Bus PMG (L1) Bat R Util Bus TRU C1 Rly DC Bus Tie Rly TRU C1 L TRU Gnd Hdlg Rly R GCB R CCB L CCB R IDG R Main AC Bus R BTB L Util Bus BU Gen PEPC L BTB L TBB PMG Rat Gen SEPC APB L GCB L Xfr Bus SEC EP Standby Bus APU Bat Charger F/O Flt Inst Bus APU Bat Bus Gnd Pwr Bat Rly Static Inverter APU Battery Bat Bus #2 C FCDC PSA Bat PMG (L2,R2) Bat PMG (R1) R FCDC PSA Electrical Power System Schematic Electrical Power System The electrical power system normally operates as two independent left and right power channels. Each channel has a main ac bus. The twoft main ac buses get power from the onside IDG. Either main bus gets power from the APU generator or external power connections. The right main ac bus supplies power to the ground service bus. When the right bus does not have power, the APU generator or primary external connector can supply power to the ground service bus. On the ground, the APU generator or primary external power source supply power to the ground handling bus. Five TRUs make 28 volt dc power from the ac power. The hot battery bus and APU battery bus receive power from the ground service bus through the main and APU battery chargers. The standby bus normally receives power from the left main transfer bus. If no ac power is available, the standby inverter supplies power to the standby bus. Backup generators operate when the engines are running. They supply power to the backup converter. If a main ac bus looses power, the converter supplies power to the related transfer bus. If the backup generators are not available, the RAT generator supplies power to the flight instrument buses. Three FCDC PSAs receive power from the dc buses, hot battery bus, and PMGs in the backup generator. Small batteries prevent power interruptions during power transfers. June 2004 These are the acronyms for the components on this page: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • APB - auxiliary power breaker BTB - bus tie breaker BU - backup CCB - converter circuit breaker ELCU - electrical load control unit FCDC - flight control dc GCB - generator circuit breaker IDG - integrated drive generator PEPC - primary external power contactor PMG - permanent magnet generator PSA - power supply assembly RAT - ram air turbine SEPC - secondary external power contactor TBB - transfer bus breaker TRU - transformer rectifier unit UBR - utility bus relay XFR - transfer. 9-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. L IDG APU Gen L GCU R IDG APU GCU BU Conv Sec EP Pri EP R GCU BPCU P100 Left Power Panel Large Loads P300 Auxiliary Power Panel P200 Right Power Panel Large Loads Large Loads P320 Ground Hdlg/Svc Distribution Panel P110 Left Power Mgmt Panel CCU/SIUs Small Loads Small Loads P310 Stby Power Mgmt Panel CCU/SIUs P210 Right Power Mgmt Panel CCU/SIUs Small Loads ELMS Small Loads Airplane Systems Legend: Control and Communication Power Main Battery RAT Generator RAT GCU ARINC 629 System Bus (3) Electrical Power System Control Electrical Power System Control BACKUP CONVERTER CONTROL GCU AND BPCU CONTROL The backup converter monitors, gives protection, and controls the backup generators and power switching for the transfer buses. The backup converter controls the backup generator voltage, the TBBs, and the CCBs. The generator control units (GCUs) and bus power control unit (BPCU) monitor, give protection, and control switching for the main ac buses. The left and right GCUs control: • • • • • Generator control relays (GCR) GCBs BTBs IDG voltage IDG frequency. The APU GCU controls the APB and the APU voltage and frequency. The bus power control unit controls: • • • • EPCs Ground handling relay Ground service select relay Ground service transfer relay. ELECTRICAL LOAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (ELMS) The ELMS has seven panels for distribution, monitor, and protection of electrical power. The ELMS computers replace complex relay logic and circuit cards used on other airplanes. ELMS components are in the power panels and the power management panels. POWER PANELS breakers and contactors are in the power panels. The GCUs and BPCU control these breakers and contactors. POWER MANAGEMENT PANELS The three power management panels send power to loads that use less than 20 amps. They have a computing and communications unit (CCU) and signal interface units (SIUs) that monitor loads and control many switching components in the seven ELMS panels. GROUND SERVICE/HANDLING DISTRIBUTION PANEL The ground service/handling distribution panel sends power to the ground handling and ground service buses. They do not have processors. The three power panels receive power and send power to loads that use 20 amps or more. The main 9-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Electrical Power BACKUP WINDOW HEAT ELECTRICAL APU ON BATTERY IFE/PASS CABIN/ SEATS UTILITY ON LEFT OFF RIGHT START OFF ON w OFF a ON w OFF a ON AUTO w OFF APU GEN OFF a L BUS TIE ON w OFF a FAULT ON L MAIN ON w a w OFF a w a R XFR R GEN CTRL R MAIN BACKUP GEN L R ON ON OFF a w OFF a ON w w OFF a w DRIVE ISLN a AVAIL L XFR ON Backup Window Heat Panel (P61) a AUTOw PRIMARY EXT PWR SECONDARY EXT PWR AVAIL L GEN CTRL BAT R BUS TIE AUTOw ISLN a STANDBY POWER w DRIVE a a L DRIVE DISC R Electrical Panel (P5) Controls and Indications Controls and Indications SYNOPTIC DISPLAY MAINTENANCE PAGE CONTROLS The electrical power synoptic display shows a real time summary of the electrical power system configuration. This synoptic has indications for these functions: The maintenance page shows electrical system data. This page includes these indications: The electrical power system control panel is on the P5 overhead panel. It includes controls and indications for these electrical system functions: • • • • • • • • • Main battery IFE/passenger seats Cabin/utility APU generator Left and right bus tie Primary and secondary external power Left and right backup generator Left and right generator Left and right generator drive disconnect. • • • • • • • • IDGs APU generator Backup generators External power Bus tie breakers Main ac buses Transfer buses Main and APU batteries. • • • • • • • • AC and dc voltages AC frequencies AC loads DC currents Generator oil temperatures Oil level status Oil filter status Fly-by-wire (FBW) voltage and current. The panel also has the APU start selector. A guarded, standby power switch is on the P61 overhead maintenance panel. June 2004 9-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. APU GEN ISLN R BUS TIE L BUS TIE PRI EXT PWR SEC EXT PWR R MAIN R UTIL L XFR R XFR L GEN CTRL R GEN CTRL L DRIVE R BACKUP GEN R DRIVE MAIN BAT 28 12 CHG VOLTS AMPS VOLTS AMPS 27 10 DISCH Electrical Power Synoptic Display Synoptic Display PAGE 1/2 ELECTRICAL L IDG R IDG APU GEN PRI EXT PWR SEC EXT PWR BACKUP CONV RAT GEN AC-V 0 115 115 0 0 115 FREQ 0 400 400 0 0 400 0 LOAD 00.0 0.50 00.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 L TRU C1 TRU C2 TRU R TRU MAIN BAT 0 APU/ BAT DC-V 28 28 28 28 28 27 DC-A 12 CHG 25 12 11 30 10 DIS BACKUP R GEN L IDG R IDG OUT TEMP 27 57 25 62 33 RISE TEMP 3 12 1 14 -- OIL LEVEL SERVICE NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL -- OIL FILTER NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL BLOCKED -- L GEN L FBW C R DC-V 28 28 28 DC-A 14 15 15 DATE 20 AUG 96 UTC CONV 18:54:04 Electrical Power Maintenance Page Maintenance Page 9-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fuel Features AUTOMATIC FUEL JETTISON SYSTEM FUEL CAPACITY One center tank and two main tanks hold 306,000 pounds (139,000 kg) in the 777-200ER and the 777-300. The 777-200 has a smaller center tank, so the airplane holds 209,000 pounds (94,700 kg). The 777-300ER holds 323,700 pounds (147,00 kg) with larger main and center tanks. The 777-200LR holds 361,250 pounds (164,200 kg) with auxiliary tanks. The fuel jettison system moves fuel overboard to decrease airplane gross weight. This prevents an overweight landing. The pilots start the jettison system operation. Operation stops at the maximum landing weight. The pilots can also manually select the quantity of fuel for jettison. The FQIS uses an ultrasonic system and an advanced microprocessor to measure fuel quantity. Many fuel system components are removable from the rear spar without removal of fuel. WATER DETECTION When the fuel in the center tank gets low, the main tanks supply the engines. The remaining fuel in the center tank moves to the main tanks. WATER SCAVENGE Fuel Tanks and Vent System • Fuel Quantity Indicating System • Pressure Refuel System • Engine and APU Fuel Feed Systems • Jettison and Defuel Systems • Controls and Indications ULTRASONIC FUEL QUANTITY INDICATING SYSTEM (FQIS) FUEL TANK COMPONENT REPLACEMENT WITHOUT DEFUEL AUTOMATIC CENTER TANK SCAVENGE • Ultrasonic sensors find water in the bottom of a tank. The primary display system shows a maintenance page message as an alert to the ground crew of water in a tank. FUEL SYSTEM SYNOPTIC DISPLAY This synoptic display shows a schematic of the fuel feed system. Each tank has water scavenge pumps that operate continuously. June 2004 10-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Right Main Tank 10,300 gallons (39,000 liters) Center Tank 27,290 gallons (103,300 liters) Right Main Tank 9300 gallons (35,200 liters) Vent Surge Tank Center Tank 12,400 gallons (46,940 liters) Right Main Tank 9,560 gallons (36,200 liters) Dry Bay Left Main Tank 9,300 gallons (35,200 liters) Center Tank 26,100 gallons (98,800 liters) Dry Bay Left Main Tank 9,560 gallons (36,200 liters) Vent Surge Tank Left Main Tank 10,300 gallons (39,000 liters) 777-300ER 47,890 gallons (181,300 liters) 777-200 31,000 gallons (117,340 liters) 777-200ER/300 45,220 gallons (171,200 liters) Fuel Tanks and Vent System Fuel Tanks Fuel Vent System The fuel system has three fuel tanks, two main tanks and one center tank. The tanks are part of the wing structure and the center wing section. The fuel vent system keeps the fuel tanks near ambient pressure during all flight phases, airplane attitudes, and refuel/defuel operations. Each fuel tank has a vent to its surge tank through channels in the wing. Most fuel system components are in the tanks. These are the components on the rear spar: • • • The vent channels also let a fuel overflow go into the surge tank if necessary. Fuel pumps Scavenge jet pumps Valve actuators. You can remove most of these components on the rear spar without the removal of fuel. 10-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fuel TOTAL FUEL 155.8 TEMP + 15C 155.8 62.7 30.4 62.7 FQIS Processor Unit LBS X 1000 EICAS Display AIMS P28 Integrated Refuel Panel ARINC 629 System Buses (3) Temperature Sensor Densitometer (3) Water Detector (3) Tank Unit Fuel Quantity Indicating System Fuel Quantity Indicating System (FQIS) COMPONENTS The fuel quantity indicating system (FQIS) does these functions: • • • • Measures the fuel quantity Calculates the fuel weight Controls fueling operations Shows when there is water in the tanks. These are the FQIS components: • • • • • Tank units Densitometers Wiring harnesses Water detectors FQIS processor unit. The 777-200 has 52 tank units in the three tanks. The 777-200ER and 300 have 60 tank units. The 777300ER has 76 tank units. Each tank unit is an ultrasonic transmitter/receiver that measures fuel height. The densitometers measure the fuel density in each tank. The wiring harnesses go from the tank units and densitometers to electrical connectors on the front and rear spars. Wiring from the connectors go to the processor. The processor sends fuel quantity data to the AIMS and the integrated refuel panel. OPERATION BITE The processor sends a signal to each tank unit to find the fuel height. The tank unit transmitter sends a sound pulse from the bottom of the tank to the fuel surface. The processor measures the fuel height by the time for the pulse to give a reflection back to the bottom. The processor uses fuel height to calculate the fuel volume and then multiplies fuel volume and density to calculate the fuel weight. The processor has a different channel for each tank so that one fault does not cause loss of indication in more than one tank. Built-in test equipment (BITE) finds the FQIS faults and sends the data to the AIMS. June 2004 There is an ultrasonic water sensor at the bottom of each tank. They send a signal to the processor if there is water in the tank. 10-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Controls and Indications FUEL JETTISON CONTROL FUEL MANTENANCE PAGE CONTROLS Controls on the fuel jettison panel include: There is one fuel maintenance page for the left and right tanks, and one page for the center tank. The maintenance pages show this information: Controls on the fuel management panel include: • • • Forward and aft boost pump switches for each main tank Forward and aft crossfeed valve switches Left and right override/jettison pump switches for the center tank. Fuel pump and crossfeed valve switch positions go through the ARINC 629 system buses to the ELMS. When the fuel pump switches are on, the ELMS supplies power to the pumps. When a valve switch is on, the ELMS supplies power to open the valve. • • • Left and right nozzle valve switches Fuel to remain selector ARM switch. The ELMS monitors fuel jettison switch positions through the ARINC 629 system buses. When the jettison system is armed and at least one jettison nozzle valve is commanded open, the ELMS supplies power to the main tank jettison pumps and the jettison isolation valves. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATION REFUEL SYSTEM CONTROL FUEL SYNOPTIC DISPLAY Both the FQIS processor and the ELMS control refueling and defueling. The integrated refuel panel sends load select quantity, load select control, and valve switch positions to the FQIS processor. The processor stores the load select fuel quantity in memory. The processor sends valve switch positions to the ELMS through the ARINC 629 system buses. The ELMS supplies power to open and close the refuel or defuel valves. The fuel synoptic display shows a schematic of the fuel system. This schematic shows the configuration of the fuel feed system. It includes this information: Surge tank overfill sensors send a signal through the IRP to the ELMS. If too much fuel is in the surge tank the ELMS removes power from the refuel valves to close the valves. Fuel quantity Fuel density Maintenance messages Fuel height at each tank unit Velocity of sound at each tank unit. The ELMS also calculates the maximum landing weight and time to complete jettison and sends them to the AIMS. The ELMS monitors the pump pressure switches and valve positions. If there is a disagreement or fault, the ELMS turns on a light on the fuel management panel and sends fault data to the AIMS. ELMS monitors valve positions and sends them on ARINC 629 to the FQIS processor. The processor sends the valve position signal to the refuel panel for indication. • • • • • The EICAS display shows total fuel quantity. When the jettison system is operating, the EICAS display shows fuel to remain. • • • • • Fuel tank quantities Fuel pump on/off indication Fuel flow path Crossfeed valve positions Fuel valve positions. When the jettison system is in operation, the fuel synoptic display shows this information: • • • • • Jettison pump on indication Isolation valve positions Jettison nozzle valve position Fuel to remain Jettison time. 10-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fuel FUEL JETTISON FUEL TO REMAIN L NOZZLE R ON ON VALVE VALVE DECR Valves Pumps ARM INCR ARMED Overfill Sensors FAULT PULL ON FUEL CROSSFEED FWD L PUMPS FWD ON ELMS R PUMPS FWD OPAS ON VALVE 155.8 PRESS PRESS AFT ON 62.7 30.4 62.7 ON PRESS PRESS VALVE AFT L AFT CENTER PUMPS R ON ON PRESS PRESS Integrated Refuel Panel Fuel Panel AIMS To EICAS Displays FQIS Processor Unit ARINC 629 System Bus (3) 155.8 +15C From AIMS EICAS Display 155.8 62.7 62.7 30.4 -37C +15C 75.4 10 Fuel Synoptic Display Fuel Maintenance Pages (2) Controls and Indications June 2004 10-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. OVERFILL POWER DEFUEL VALVE RESET TEST LOAD SELECT QTY BATT OPEN TEST IND 0 SYSTEM 0 0 0 OPEN NORMAL CLOSE IND QTY X1000 NORMAL TOTAL/BACKUP FUEL QTY RIGHT MAIN 155.8 CENTER 62.7 LEFT MAIN 30.4 62.7 FUEL QTY LOAD SEL LOAD SEL LB TF QTY X1000 LB QTY X1000 LB QTY X1000 QTY X1000 LOAD SELECT SET TOTAL LOAD SELECT SET OUTBD OPEN INBD RIGHT LEFT INBD OPEN OPEN TOTAL/BACKUP DISPLAY TANK SELECT OUTBD Center Tank OPEN CLOSE REFUEL VALVE CONTROL CLOSE Refuel/Jettison Manifold P28 Integrated Refuel Panel Refuel Station Surge Tank (2) Refuel Valve (6) Left Main Tank Right Main Tank Pressure Refuel System Pressure Refuel System The refuel station is on the leading edge of the left wing. It has two refuel adapters and an integrated refuel panel (IRP). A refuel station on the right wing is optional. The integrated refuel panel has these components: • • • • • • • • • • • • Overfill test and reset switches Overfill indication light Indication and system test switches Load select quantity switches Defuel valve control switch Defuel valve position light Battery power switch LCD fuel quantity and load select indicators Load select set switches Display transfer switch Refuel valve position lights Refuel valve control switches. There are six refuel valves, two for each main tank and two for the center tank. The fuel/jettison manifold supplies fuel from the refuel station to the valves. You can fill the tanks individually or all at the same time. Power for the refuel system comes from the ground handling bus or the main battery. If electrical power is not available, you can not operate the valves manually. Fuel measuring sticks permit manual fuel quantity measurement. The control switches on the integrated refuel panel open and close the refuel valves. The valves also close automatically when one of these occur: • • • • Tank weight gets to a level set on the refuel control panel Tank gets to the volumetric shut off (VSO) Fuel flows into the surge tank You push the system test switch. When you push the system test switch, the valves close and then open again automatically. 10-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fuel Crossfeed Valves APU Isolation Valve Engine Feed Manifold Bypass Valve Fuel Spar Valve To Engine To Engine APU Shutoff Valve To APU APU DC Pump Override/ Jettison Pumps Boost Pumps Boost Pumps Engine and APU Fuel Feed Systems Engine Fuel Feed System There are two boost pumps for each main tank and two override/jettison pumps in the center tank to supply fuel to the engines. The fuel flows through the crossfeed manifold to the engines. Redundant crossfeed valves isolate the left and right sides of the manifold. When the override/jettison pump output pressure decreases because of low fuel quantity in the center tank, the boost pumps automatically supply fuel to the two engines from the main tanks. The pilot puts off the override/jettison pumps. A scavenge jet pump moves the remaining center tank fuel to the main tanks. APU Fuel Feed System The APU can receive fuel from each tank. A dc pump supplies fuel from the left main tank if no ac power is available. When ground service ac power is available, the left forward boost pump automatically operates during an APU start. At the start of a flight, when all the tanks are full, the normal procedure is to put on all the fuel pumps. The override/jettison pumps supply center tank fuel to the two engines. This occurs because the override/jettison pumps have a higher output pressure than the main tank boost pumps. June 2004 10-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. FUEL JETTISON L NOZZLE R ON ON VALVE VALVE FUEL TO REMAIN DECR ARM INCR ARMED FAULT PULL ON Fuel Panel (P5) Crossfeed Valve (2) Refuel/Jettison Manifold Fuel Feed Manifold Defuel Valve Bypass Valve (2) Fuel Spar Valve (2) Override/Jettison Pump (2) Jettison Nozzle Valve (2) Jettison Nozzle (2) Jettison Pump (2) Isolation Valve (2) Boost Pump (4) Refuel Valve (6) Jettison and Defuel Systems Jettison System The fuel jettison system moves fuel overboard to decrease the landing weight. The system only operates in the air. To operate the system, you set the ARM switch to ARM and the nozzle switches to ON. This opens the isolation valves, puts on the jettison pumps, and opens the jettison nozzles. The jettison pumps put main tank fuel into the refuel/jettison manifold. The override/jettison pumps put center tank fuel into the fuel feed manifolds, through the isolation valve, and into the refuel/jettison manifold. The fuel goes overboard through the jettison nozzles. Fuel quantity and jettison time show on EICAS and the fuel synoptic. The jettison system automatically goes off at the maximum landing weight (MLW). You can set the MLW up or down with the FUEL TO REMAIN switch. 10-8 Defuel System The override/jettison and boost pumps put fuel into the engine feed manifold. You open the defuel valve from the refuel panel. Fuel goes through the defuel valve, the refuel/jettison manifold, and the refuel panel adapters into a ground container. FUEL TRANSFER You use the boost pumps and the defuel, crossfeed, and refuel valves for a tank-to-tank transfer on the ground. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE Features EGT PYROMETER (-90 SERIES) • Engine Specifications ENGINE An EGT pyrometer uses an infrared sensor to measure turbine blade metal temperature. • Engine Cowling • Engine Indication DUAL ANNULAR COMBUSTOR AND DUAL TIP SPRAY NOZZLES • Engine Control System • Engine Fuel System • Engine Air System • Engine Start and Ignition • Engine Oil System DEBRIS MONITORING SYSTEM • Engine Exhaust System An electronic chip detector monitors the engine oil system for ferrous contamination. • Maintenance Pages The GE90 - 90 series is a high bypass turbofan engine with a 123inch (3.12-meter) fan diameter. The GE90 - 100 series is a growth version of the - 90 series with a 128-inch (3.25-meter) fan diameter. POWERED DOOR OPENING SYSTEM The fan cowls and thrust reverser assemblies have a powered door opening system for easy operation. Each fuel nozzle assembly has two spray nozzles on it for the dual annular combustor. This combustor design gives efficient combustion with decreased emissions. June 2004 11B-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Station Numbers 12 13 25 3 HPC Fan 49 HPT 5 LPT LPC Engine Specifications GE90 The GE90 engine is a high bypass ratio, two-spool turbofan engine. The low pressure shaft (N1) has these components: • • • 123-inch (3.12m) fan Three-stage low pressure compressor (LPC or booster) Six-stage low pressure turbine (LPT). The high pressure shaft (N2) has these components: • • The GE90 engines have different takeoff thrust ratings. Software pin programming in the electronic engine control (EEC) changes the ratings. Most of the engine line replaceable units (LRUs) attach to the core of the engine or the gearbox. You open the thrust reverser assembly to get access to these components. Some LRUs attach to the fan case and you open the fan cowls to get to them. Ten-stage high pressure compressor (HPC) Two-stage high pressure turbine (HPT). 11B-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE Station Numbers 12 13 25 3 HPC Fan 49 HPT 5 LPT LPC Engine Specifications GE90-100 Series The GE90-115/110 engine is a growth version of the GE90-90 series engine for the 777-300ER/200LR. The low pressure shaft (N1) has these components: • • • 128-inch (3.25 m) fan Four-stage low pressure compressor (LPC or booster) Six-stage low pressure turbine (LPT). The high pressure shaft (N2) has these components: • • Nine-stage high pressure compressor (HPC) Two-stage high pressure turbine (HPT). The GE90-115 engines have a different takeoff thrust rating for the 777-200LR. Software pin programming in the electronic engine control (EEC) changes the ratings. Most of the engine line replaceable units (LRUs) attach to the core of the engine or the gearbox. You open the thrust reverser assembly to get access to these components. Some LRUs attach to the fan case, and you open the fan cowls to get to them. Most engine systems have design or parts commonality with the GE90-90 series engines. June 2004 11B-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulic Pump IDG/VSCF Air/Oil Heat Exchanger Oil Tank IDG F/O Heat Exchanger Drain Mast Backup Generator Drive Shaft Control Alternator Oil Pump Engine Left Side and Forward Gearbox Components EEC VSV Actuator ICC Ducts Hydraulic Pump Pyrometer (- 90 series) Starter Valve Main F/O Heat Exchanger Drain Mast Fuel Pump IDG Starter HMU Engine Right Side and Aft Gearbox Components 11B-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE PDOS Pump/Power Pack Plug Inlet Cowl Thrust Reverser Assembly Fan Cowl PDOS Switches Thrust Reverser PDOS Switches Fan Cowl Engine Cowling Engine Cowling Fixed and hinged cowls are the parts of the engine nacelle. The cowls permit smooth airflow through and around the engine. They also give protection to the engine components. The fixed cowls include the inlet cowl and exhaust plug. The fixed cowls attach to engine flanges. Hinged cowls include the fan cowl and thrust reverser assembly. They have hinges on the strut and latches on the bottom. There is no core cowl on this engine as was on earlier GE engines. You open the hinged cowls to get access to engine components. The fan cowls and thrust reverser assemblies open hydraulically with the powered door opening system (PDOS). The PDOS includes these components: • • • • Fan cowl opening actuators (2) Thrust reverser assembly opening actuators (2) Strut-mounted pump/power pack Control switches (one set per side). The PDOS is a self-contained system. If there is no electrical power, you can operate the PDOS manually to open the hinged cowls. June 2004 11B-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. EDIU EEC EICAS & Maintenance Pages AIMS RCC Vibration AVM SCU Primary Display System ARINC 629 System Buses N1 N2 Accelerometer EGT N1 N2 MAT Accelerometer Thermocouples N1 Speed Sensor Pyrometer (-90 series) N2 Speed Sensor Engine Indication Engine Indication System The engine indication system supplies engine performance data to the AIMS and has these subsystems: • • • Tachometer (N1 & N2) Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) Airborne vibration monitoring (AVM). The EEC uses ARINC 429. An engine data interface unit (EDIU) changes ARINC 429 to ARINC 629. The engine tachometer system supplies N1 and N2 signals to: • • • • EEC AIMS EDIU AVM signal conditioning unit (SCU). The N1 speed sensor on the fan hub frame measures fan shaft speed and is the main thrust indication. The N2 speed sensor is on the gearbox. The EICAS display shows N1 and the secondary engine display shows N2. The EGT subsystem measures temperatures at the low pressure turbine (T49). The -90 series engines use two measurement techniques. At low temperatures, two thermocouple probes supply temperature signals to the EEC. During normal operation above 600C, a pyrometer (infrared sensor) measures the LPT first stage turbine blade temperature and supplies the signal to the EEC. The EEC uses the signals and sends them to the AIMS. EGT shows on the EICAS display. On the -100 series engines 8 thermocouple probes measure T49. The EEC does an average of the inputs for display. amplification of the signals and sends them to the AVM signal conditioning unit (SCU). The SCU uses the accelerometer signals and N1 and N2 speed signals to calculate vibration levels. The secondary engine display shows the vibration data. Engine vibration and phase angle data is also stored for use by the onboard engine balancing function of the SCU. The maintenance pages show many engine parameters that go to the AIMS from the EEC. The AIMS central maintenance function stores fault data that comes from the EEC. You use a maintenance access terminal (MAT) to see the fault data. The AVM system monitors engine vibration. Two accelerometers on each engine send vibration signals to the remote charge converter (RCC) in the strut. The RCC does an 11B-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE Prog Plug HMU TLA Resolvers T/R Isln Valve Fuel Ctrl Switch Ch A Fire Switch Start Valve EEC Mode Sw Start/Ignition Sel Exciters Autostart Switch T/R Interlock Act Maintenance Sw Ch B Engine Sensors CCC Valve Control Alt AIMS EDIU LPT ACC Valve OPAS ARINC 629 System Buses EEC Engine Control System Engine Control System The full authority digital electronic control (FADEC) system controls these engine functions: • • • • Thrust management Engine systems control Engine fault detection, storage, and recall Engine communication with other airplane systems. The heart of the system is the electronic engine control (EEC). The EEC is a two-channel digital electronic control. Each channel receives the necessary control inputs. Each channel also divides functionally so that if it is not able to do a specified control function. It uses that part of the other channel to do it. Most engine control inputs come from airplane sources. Engine sensors supply engine status data to the EEC. The engine-driven control alternator supplies power to the EEC. The flight deck maintenance switch connects airplane power to the EEC for maintenance. The EEC controls these engine systems: • • • • • • • • Fuel Thrust reverser Starting Ignition Fuel and oil cooling Compressor airflow Nacelle ventilation Turbine cooling. The EEC has two modes of operation, normal and alternate. If the normal mode does not operate, the EEC automatically changes to the alternate mode. You can also select the alternate mode with the EEC mode switches. June 2004 11B-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. EICAS Displays Thrust Levers Fuel Control Switch EDIU Airplane Fuel Supply ELMS ARINC 629 System Buses Off EEC Fire Switch AIMS Fuel Flow Transmitter Fuel Pump Fuel Filter HMU Servo F/O HX Main F/O HX Servo Functions IDG F/O HX Fuel Nozzles (30) Legend: Main Fuel Servo Fuel Bypass Fuel Engine Fuel System Engine Fuel System The engine fuel system does these functions: • • • Supplies fuel to the engine for combustion Removes heat from the engine and IDG oil Supplies servo fuel to the hydromechanical unit (HMU) and engine system actuators and valves. The main gearbox turns a two-stage fuel pump. The fuel pump supplies high pressure fuel to the HMU. The fuel filter is part of the fuel pump housing. The main and servo fuel/oil heat exchangers are in a single unit. They add heat to the fuel to prevent icing. The HMU supplies metered fuel to the engine for combustion in relation to thrust lever position and the engine operation condition. Fuel not used (bypass fuel) goes back to the fuel pump. The fuel flow transmitter sends a signal to the EEC for indication on the engine primary format. The fuel filter differential pressure switch on the fuel pump housing also supplies an input to the EEC for indication. Fuel flows from the fuel flow transmitter to two fuel manifolds. The fuel manifolds connect to 30 dual spray fuel nozzles. The EEC controls the HMU fuel metering valve. The fuel control switch and fire switch supply a direct command to the fuel shutoff valve in the HMU through the ELMS. 11B-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE VSV Actuators t/m Booster Inlet Anti-Ice EEC t/m PS 3 Core Compartment Cooling BAI Valve (-100 series) 7th Stage Air LPT Active Clearance Control CCC Valve LPT ACC Valve HPT Active Clearance Control HPT ACC Valve t/m t/m HMU Fan Air VBV Actuators Engine Air System Engine Air System ENGINE COOLING The engine air system controls airflow through the compressors. It also supplies cooling air to engine systems and components. The EEC controls the air system components. The engine air cooling system increases engine efficiency and extends engine life. Engine air removes heat from these parts of the engine: AIRFLOW CONTROL • • Airflow control increases compressor stability during start, transient, and reverse thrust operations. The airflow control components include: • • Variable stator vanes (VSV) Variable bypass valves (VBV). The stator vanes and bypass valves operate with servo fuel by torque motors in the HMU. The EEC controls the torque motors. Feedback comes from the actuators. BOOSTER INLET ANTI-ICE (-100 SERIES ENGINES) The booster anti-ice (BAI) system gives warm seventh stage air to the booster inlet flow divider. The BAI valve operates with servo fuel pressure. Engine core compartment Turbine cases. The core compartment cooling (CCC) system supplies fan air to remove heat from the engine core area. The CCC valve operates with HPC discharge pressure (PS 3). The HPT and LPT active clearance control (ACC) systems supply fan air to remove heat from the HPT and LPT cases. The HPT ACC air valve operates with servo fuel pressure. The LPT ACC valve operates with PS 3. June 2004 11B-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. OPAS EDIU Ground Air Connections AIMS Autostart Switch Airplane Power Start/Ignition Switch Fuel Control Switch ELMS ARINC 629 System Buses EEC Isolation Valves Precooler APU Air Valve PRSOV Starter Control Valve ENGINE L R EEC MODE NORM NORM ALTN ALTN L START START/IGNITION NORM START CON R Ignition Exciters (2) APU NORM CON AUTOSTART ON OFF Engine Control Panel (P5) Igniters (2) Starter Engine Start and Ignition Engine Start and Ignition Systems START The engine start system supplies the initial engine movement (N2) to permit fuel combustion. These are the components in the system: • • • Starter control valve and solenoid Starter Flight deck controls. Pneumatic sources for engine starts include: • • • APU Ground air Engine crossbleed. The isolation valves operate automatically to permit different pneumatic configurations. The flight deck controls permit automatic or manual starts. During an autostart, the autostart switch is ON, and the fuel control switch is in the RUN position at the start of the start. The EEC controls fuel and ignition. The EEC also monitors the start sequence and makes corrections for fault conditions. During a manual start, the autostart switch is OFF, and the fuel control switch is put to the RUN position at maximum motor. The EEC controls fuel and ignition, but the pilot must monitor the start sequence and make corrections for fault conditions. IGNITION Each engine has two ignition systems that operate independently. They supply the spark to start or keep combustion in operation. These are the main components in the system: • • • Ignition exciters Igniters Flight deck controls. The flight deck controls permit continuous or automatic selection of ignition. The EEC controls ignition. The EEC controls the starter operation with the starter control valve. 11B-10 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE BU Generator O/O Heat Exchanger Oil Temperature Sensor AIMS DMS SCM EEC ARINC 629 System Buses Oil Quantity Sensor DMS 72 OIL PRESS 73 60 OIL TEMP 61 23 OIL QTY Oil Pressure Sensor Magnetic Chip Detectors Oil Tank Lube & Scavenge Pump Boost Supply 23 Accessory Gearbox Secondary Engine Display Oil Filter Legend: Supply Oil Pressure Oil Scavenge Oil Main F/O Heat Exchanger Engine Oil System Engine Oil System The engine oil system supplies oil to lubricate, remove heat, and clean engine bearings and gearboxes. The system also adds heat to engine fuel to prevent ice formation in the fuel. The oil system has no regulation, so oil pressure changes with engine speed. The oil system has these subsystems: • • • Pressure Scavenge Indication. PRESSURE The pressure sub-system supplies oil to engine bearings and gearboxes. Oil flows from the oil tank to the pressure stage of the lube and scavenge pump. Pressurized oil then goes through a filter. The filter does a bypass of the oil if it has a blockage. Oil then flows through the main fuel/oil heat exchanger. The oil adds heat to the fuel as it decreases temperature. A small amount of boost supply oil goes back to the lube and scavenge pump before it goes to two of the engine main bearings. Oil flows through the backup generator oil/oil heat exchanger before it goes to the bearings and gearboxes. INDICATION The indication sub-system supplies oil system data through the EEC to the AIMS. The secondary engine display shows oil pressure, temperature, and quantity. The EICAS display and status display show fault messages. Oil data also shows on the maintenance pages. SCAVENGE The scavenge sub-system removes oil and contaminants from the bearing compartments and gearboxes. The lube and scavenge pump assembly has five scavenge pumps. Each pump removes oil from its bearing compartment or gearbox and sends it to the oil tank. A debris monitoring sensor (DMS) is on the oil tank. It collects metal particles in the return oil and counts their landing on the probe. June 2004 11B-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cascade Segments Drag Links SLV DCV IV ELMS Interlock Actuator Directional Control Isolation Valve Valve ELMS TLA Blocker Doors T/R Sleeve Sync Lock Valve Thrust Lever Assembly Hydraulic Supply T/R Test Enable Switch RVDT EEC EDIU AIMS Proximity Sensor System Non-Locking Actuator EICAS Sync Shaft Locking Actuators ARINC 629 Systems Buses Sync Lock Engine Exhaust System Engine Exhaust System • • The engine exhaust system controls the direction of exhaust gases to supply forward and reverse thrust. • The thrust reverser (T/R) system supplies reverse thrust to decrease the speed of the airplane on the ground. Fan exhaust turns forward during reverse thrust. • • • The T/R system is electrically controlled and hydraulically operated. You can operate it manually for maintenance. Hydraulic actuators Synchronizing (sync) shaft and lock Proximity sensors. These other T/R components are in the strut: Isolation valve (IV) Directional control valve (DCV) Sync lock valve (SLV). System components include reverse thrust levers in the flight deck and interlock actuators below the control stand. OPERATION COMPONENTS There are two T/R halves on each engine. Each half includes: • • • • T/R sleeve Blocker doors Drag links Cascade segments When you lift the reverse thrust lever, these three things occur to extend the translating cowl: • • • SLV releases the sync lock DCV moves to the deploy position EEC energizes the IV. 11B-12 The EEC controls the operation of the T/R. The IV supplies hydraulic pressure to the T/R system. The hydraulic actuators extend the T/R. When the reverser extends, the EEC energizes the interlock actuators. This permits more movement of the reverse thrust levers to increase reverse power. When you put the reverse thrust lever to the down position, the T/R retracts. The locking actuators and sync shaft lock to keep the reverser in the stowed position. RVDTs and proximity sensors monitor the T/R system for fault conditions. The RVDTs also supply signals for T/R control and flight deck indications. A maintenance switch on the fan case permits a bypass of the EEC engine run logic to let the T/R deploy during maintenance. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - GE EPCS PG 1/2 LEFT ENGINE A B RIGHT ENGINE A TACH 97.2 103.7 97.2 97.2 103.7 103.7 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 4.7 276 276 -17 -17 39 39 528 528 0 0 81 81 0 0 B TACH STB 97.2 97.2 103.7 103.7 72.0 72.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.7 4.7 276 276 -17 -17 39 39 528 528 0 0 81 81 0 0 DATE02 SEP 94 N1 N2 TRA T/R L T/R R PAMB PS3 T12 T25 T3 VBV VSV 97.2 103.7 UTC18:54:04 EPCS PG 2/2 RIGHT ENGINE LEFT ENGINE A B 52 52 0 0 100 100 30 30 OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED 60 60 73 73 4 4 3 3 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 A FMV BSV MSV HPT ACC LPT ACC CCC OIL T OIL P OIL FLT FUEL FLT STATUS 1 STATUS 2 STATUS 3 STATUS 4 DATE02 B 52 52 0 0 100 100 30 30 OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED 61 61 72 72 4 4 3 3 0000 0000 0000 0000 SEP 94 0000 0000 0000 0000 UTC18:54:04 Maintenance Pages June 2004 11B-13 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - RR Features CONTROL • Engine Specifications ENGINE The Trent engine uses a dual channel, full authority digital electronic control (FADEC) system. The main component of the FADEC system is the electronic engine controller (EEC). The EEC controls: • Engine Cowling • Engine Indication • Engine Control System • Engine Fuel System • • • Engine systems Starts and autostarts Thrust reverser operation. • Engine Air System • Engine Start and Ignition The EEC also supplies fault monitoring data to the central maintenance computing system (CMCS). • Engine Oil System • Engine Exhaust System • Maintenance Pages The Rolls-Royce Trent 800 engine is a growth version of the RB211 engines. It has advanced wide-chord fan blades. POWERED DOOR OPENING SYSTEM (PDOS) The two thrust reverser assemblies and fan cowls have a powered door opening system. INDICATION Most engine parameters go to the AIMS from the electronic engine controller (EEC). EICAS pages show engine parameters and dispatch data. Four primary display system maintenance pages show engine maintenance data. June 2004 11C-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. 160 Station Number 20 30 44 50 LPT HPC IPT HPT FAN IPC Engine Specifications RB211 Trent 800 The Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 800 engine is a high bypass ratio, threespool turbofan engine. The low pressure shaft (N1) has these components: • • 110 inch (2.8 m) fan Five-stage low pressure turbine (LPT). The intermediate pressure shaft (N2) has these components: • • Eight-stage intermediate pressure compressor (IPC) Single stage intermediate pressure turbine (IPT). The high pressure shaft (N3) turns the external gearbox and has these components: • • Six-stage high pressure compressor (HPC) Single stage high pressure turbine (HPT). The Trent 800 engines have different takeoff thrust ratings. An external data entry plug selects different software in the EEC to set the ratings. Most of the engine line replaceable units (LRUs) are on the fan case of the engine or the gearbox. You open the fan cowl to get access to these components. Some LRUs are on the core of the engine and you open the thrust reverser assembly to get to them. 11C-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - RR Electronic Engine Controller (EEC) Electrical Power Controller Unit (PCU) Overspeed Protection Unit (OPU) Precooler Data Entry Plug Ignition Units EGT Probe Starter Control Valve HP Bleed Valve P50 Manifold Tube IDG Air/Oil Heat Exchanger Starter IDG Engine Left Side Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler HP Bleed Valve (2) LP Fuel Filter Oil Tank Scavenge Oil Filter Igniter Plug (2) Engine Air/Oil Heat Exchanger BU Generator Drain Mast Engine Right Side June 2004 11C-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. PDOS Pump/Power Pack Inlet Cowl Turbine Exhaust Plug Turbine Exhaust Nozzle Fan Cowl PDOS Switches Fan Cowl Thrust Reverser Assembly Thrust Reverser PDOS Switches Engine Cowling Engine Cowling Fixed and hinged cowls make up the engine nacelle. The cowls permit smooth airflow through and around the engine. They also protect the components installed on the engine. These are the fixed cowls: • • • Inlet cowl Turbine exhaust nozzle Turbine exhaust plug. The fixed cowls attach to engine flanges. Hinged cowls include the fan cowl and thrust reverser assembly. They hinge to the fan cowl support beam and the strut. The cowl latches are on the bottom. There is no core cowl on the engine. You open hinged cowls to get access to engine components. The fan cowls and thrust reverser assemblies open hydraulically with the powered door opening system (PDOS). The PDOS has these components: • • • • Fan cowl actuators (2) Thrust reverser assembly actuators (2) Strut-mounted pump/power pack Control switches (one set per side). The PDOS is a self-contained system. You can override it and open the hinged cowls mechanically. 11C-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - RR ARINC 629 System Buses EEC EDIU EICAS & Maintenance Pages AIMS N2 AVM SCU N3 OPU Primary Display System N1 PCU RCC Vibration N3 EPR P20/T20 MAT Accelerometer (3) P50 EPR EGT OPR Probe N1 N2 T44 N1 Probe (3) N2 Probe (3) N3 and Power Dedicated Alternator Engine Indication Engine Indication System SHAFT SPEED AVM The engine indication system supplies engine performance data to the AIMS. The system has these subsystems: The engine shaft speed system supplies N1, N2, and N3 speed signals to the EEC, AIMS, the EDIU, and the AVM signal conditioning unit (SCU). Speed probes supply the N1 and N2 signals through the overspeed protection unit (OPU). The dedicated alternator gives the N3 signal through the electrical power controller unit (PCU). The EICAS display shows N1 and the secondary engine display shows N2 and N3. The AVM system monitors engine vibration. Three accelerometers on each engine supply vibration signals to the remote charge converter (RCC) in the strut. The RCC amplifies the signals and sends them to the AVM SCU. The SCU uses the signals and rotor speed signals to calculate vibration levels.The secondary engine display shows the vibration. A once-per-rev (OPR) speed probe supplies a signal for fan balancing. EGT MAINTENANCE The EGT subsystem measures intermediate pressure turbine exhaust temperature (T44). Eleven temperature probes supply a signal to the EEC. The EEC processes the signal and sends it to the AIMS. The EICAS display shows the EGT. The maintenance pages show many engine parameters. You use a CDU to see the maintenance pages. The CMCS stores fault data that comes from the EEC. You use a maintenance access terminal (MAT) to get the fault data. • • • • Engine pressure ratio (EPR) Shaft speed (N1, N2, and N3) Exhaust gas temperature (EGT) Airborne vibration monitoring (AVM). The EEC uses ARINC 429. To communicate with the airplane ARINC 629, an engine data interface unit (EDIU) changes ARINC 429 to ARINC 629. EPR EPR is the main thrust indication. It is the ratio of low pressure turbine exhaust pressure (P50) over fan inlet pressure (P20). The EEC calculates EPR. EPR shows on the EICAS display. June 2004 11C-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Data Entry Plug FMU TLA Resolvers T/R Isln Valve Fuel Ctrl Switch T/R Interlock Act Fire Switch Ch A PCU Ignition Units Start Selector Eng AOHE Valve Probe Heat Autostart Switch VIGV/VSV Maintenance Sw HP/IP Bleed Vlvs EEC Mode Sw Engine Sensors IP/LP TIC Ded Alternator N1,N2 PCU Ch B Start Valve A B OPU AIMS EDIU EEC OPAS Engine Control System Engine Control System The full authority digital electronic control (FADEC) system controls these engine functions: • • • • Thrust management Engine systems control Engine fault detection, storage, and recall Engine communication with other airplane systems. The heart of the system is the electronic engine controller (EEC). The EEC is a two-channel digital electronic control. Each channel receives the necessary control inputs and can control the engine. The EEC controls these engine systems: • • • • • • • • Fuel Thrust reverser Starting Ignition Probe heat Oil cooling Compressor airflow Turbine impingement cooling. The EEC has two modes of operation, normal and alternate. If the normal mode does not operate, the EEC automatically changes to the alternate mode. You can also select the alternate mode with the EEC mode switches. The engine-driven dedicated alternator supplies power to the power controller unit (PCU) and the overspeed protection unit (OPU). The PCU supplies power to the EEC, ignition units, and probe heat. The OPU receives N1 and N2 signals to independently give overspeed protection to the engine. The flight deck maintenance switch connects airplane power to the EEC for maintenance. Most engine control inputs come from airplane sources. Engine sensors supply engine status data to the EEC. 11C-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - RR EICAS Displays Thrust Levers EDIU Airplane Fuel Supply Fuel Control Switch Off ELMS EEC AIMS ARINC 629 System Buses Fire Switch Main Fuel Fuel Manifolds Bypass Fuel HP Fuel Filter Fuel Pump FMU Servo Fuel Fuel Flow Transmitter Fuel Spray Nozzles Fuel Cooled Oil Cooler Drains Tank Legend: LP Fuel Filter Main Fuel Servo Fuel Ejector Pump Engine Fuel System Engine Fuel System The engine fuel system supplies fuel to the engine for combustion and cools the engine oil. It also supplies servo fuel to engine system control actuators. The airplane fuel system supplies fuel to the engine fuel pump. The external gearbox turns the two-stage fuel pump. Low pressure fuel flows from the fuel pump, through the fuel cooled oil cooler and LP fuel filter, and back to the fuel pump.The pump then supplies high pressure fuel to the fuel metering unit (FMU) and servo fuel to the engine system control actuators. The FMU supplies metered fuel to the engine for combustion based upon thrust lever position and the engine’s operating condition. Fuel not used for combustion (bypass fuel) goes back to the fuel pump. The EEC controls the FMU and supplies fuel on/off commands. The fuel control switch and fire switch can supply a direct fuel off command to the FMU through the ELMS. Metered fuel flows from the FMU to the fuel flow transmitter. The fuel flow transmitter sends a signal to the EEC for flight deck indication. Fuel flows from the fuel flow transmitter through the high pressure fuel filter to the fuel spray nozzles. June 2004 11C-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Air Flow Control Servo Fuel VIGV/VSV Actuators (2) IP 8 Bleed Valves (3) HP 3 Bleed Valves (3) VSV Actuator Control Valve IP Bleed Valve Solenoid HP Bleed Valve Solenoid Fuel Pump Servo Air (HP3) Cooling Air (IP8) TIC Solenoid Valve EEC Fan Air TIC Valve TIC Internal Gearbox Bearing Compartment Engine Air System Engine Air System The engine air system controls air flow through the compressors. It also supplies cooling air to engine systems and components. The EEC controls the air system components. AIR FLOW CONTROL Air flow control increases compressor stability during start, transient, and reverse thrust operations. The EEC controls these air flow control components: • • • • Variable stator vanes (VSV) Variable inlet guide vanes (VIGV) IP 8 bleed valves HP 3 bleed valves. The EEC controls the pneumaticallyoperated bleed valves with solenoids to ensure engine operating stability. IP compressor air (IP8) cools the internal gearbox bearing compartment. ENGINE COOLING The engine air cooling system increases engine efficiency and extends engine life. Engine air cools the turbine cases and the internal gearbox bearing compartment. The turbine impingement cooling (TIC) valve supplies fan air to cool the IPT and LPT cases. The TIC solenoid valve pneumatically opens the TIC valve. The EEC controls the TIC valve. The VSVs mechanically lock to the VIGVs under normal conditions. When the VSV actuator control valve moves the VSVs with the VSV actuators, it also moves the VIGVs. 11C-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - RR AIMS EDIU Autostart Switch Start Selector Ground Air Connections Fuel Control Switch Airplane Power ARINC 629 System Buses ELMS Isolation Valves EEC PCU Starter Control Valve APU Air Valve Precooler PRSOV L START ENGINE CONTROL R NORM NORM ALTN ALTN L NORM START START Ignition Units R NORM AUTOSTART APU ON OFF Engine Control Panel (P5) Igniter Plugs (2) Starter Engine Start and Ignition Engine Start and Ignition Systems START The engine start system supplies the initial engine movement (N3) to permit fuel combustion. The system has these components: • • • Starter control valve Starter Flight deck controls. Pneumatic sources for engine starts include these: • • • APU Ground air Engine crossbleed. The isolation valves operate automatically to permit different pneumatic configurations. The flight deck controls permit automatic or manual starts. During an autostart, the autostart switch is ON, and the fuel control switch is in the RUN position at the start of the start. The EEC controls fuel and ignition. The EEC also monitors the start sequence and makes corrections for fault conditions. During a manual start, the autostart switch is OFF, and the fuel control switch is put to the RUN position at maximum motor. The EEC controls fuel and ignition, but the pilot must monitor the start sequence and make corrections for fault conditions. IGNITION Each engine has two ignition systems that operate independently. They supply the spark to start or keep combustion in operation. The main components in the system are the ignition units and igniter plugs. The EEC completely controls ignition. There is no continuous ignition selection in the flight deck. Relays in the power controller unit (PCU) connect power to one or the two exciters. The EEC controls the starter operation with the starter control valve. June 2004 11C-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Master Chip Detector Fuel Cooled Oil cooler Oil Tank Oil Quantity Transmitter Servo Fuel Fan Air Oil Temperature Thermocouples Air/Oil Heat Exchanger Scavenge Oil Filter EEC Oil Pressure Transmitters Oil Pump 90 260 15 OIL PRESS OIL TEMP OIL QTY 90 External Gearbox Pressure Oil Filter 260 15 Legend: Supply Oil Pressure Oil Scavenge Oil Breather Magnetic Chip Detectors (Provisions) Secondary Engine Display Engine Oil System Engine Oil System The engine oil system supplies oil to lubricate, cool, and clean engine bearings and gearboxes. The system also heats engine fuel to prevent ice formation in the fuel. The oil system is unregulated so that oil pressure changes with engine speed. The oil system has these subsystems: • • • • Pressure Scavenge Breather Indication. PRESSURE The pressure subsystem supplies oil to the engine bearings and gearboxes. Oil flows from the oil tank to the pressure stage of the oil pump. Pressurized oil then goes through a filter. Next, oil flows through the engine air/oil heat exchanger and the fuel cooled oil cooler. The fuel cooled oil cooler is the primary source of cooling for engine oil. When additional cooling is necessary, the EEC sends a signal to open the air/oil heat exchanger valve. This lets fan air cool the oil. The valve is a modulating valve. SCAVENGE The scavenge subsystem removes oil and contaminants from the bearing compartments and gearboxes. The oil pump has a row of scavenge pumps. Each pump removes oil from its related bearing compartment or gearbox and sends it to the oil tank through the scavenge filter. Magnetic chip detectors remove ferrous particles from the scavenge oil. 11C-10 BREATHER The breather subsystem vents bearing seal pressurization air from the bearing compartments and oil tank. The engine breather in the external gearbox separates air from the oil. The air vents overboard while oil remains in the system. INDICATION The indication subsystem supplies oil pressure and temperature data through the EEC to the AIMS. The oil quantity transmitter has a direct analog connection to the AIMS. The secondary engine display shows oil pressure, temperature, and quantity. The EICAS display and the status display show fault messages. Oil data also shows on the maintenance pages. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Power Plant - RR Cascade Vanes Drag Links ELMS SLV DCV IV Interlock Actuator Directional Control Valve ELMS TLA Isolation Valve Blocker Doors Sync Lock Valve S Thrust Lever Assembly T/R Sleeve S S Hydraulic Supply T/R Test Enable Switch RVDT EEC EDIU AIMS Proximity Sensor System Non-Locking Actuator Sync Shaft Locking Actuators EICAS ARINC 629 System Buses Sync Lock Engine Exhaust System Engine Exhaust System • The engine exhaust system controls the direction of exhaust gases to supply forward and reverse thrust. • The thrust reverser (T/R) system supplies reverse thrust to decrease the speed of the airplane on the ground. Fan exhaust turns forward during reverse thrust. The T/R system is electrically controlled and hydraulically operated. You can operate it manually for maintenance. Synchronizing (sync) shaft and lock Proximity sensors. These T/R system components are in the strut: • • • Isolation valve (IV) Directional control valve (DCV) Sync lock valve (SLV). System components in the flight deck include reverse thrust levers and interlock actuators below the control stand. OPERATION COMPONENTS There are two T/R halves on each engine. Each half includes: • • • • • T/R sleeve Blocker doors Drag links Cascade segments Hydraulic actuators When you lift the reverse thrust lever, these three things occur: • • • SLV releases the synch shaft lock DCV moves to the deploy position EEC commands reverse thrust. June 2004 The EEC controls the operation of the T/R. The IV supplies hydraulic pressure to the T/R system. The hydraulic actuators extend the T/R. When the reverser extends, the EEC energizes the interlock actuator. This permits more movement of the reverse thrust lever to increase reverse power. When you put the reverse thrust lever in the down position, the T/R retracts. The locking actuators and synch shaft lock to keep the reverser in the stowed position. A maintenance switch on the fan case permits a bypass of the EEC engine run logic to let the T/R deploy during maintenance. RVDTs and proximity sensors monitor the T/R system for fault conditions. The RVDTs also supply signals for T/R control and flight deck indications. 11C-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. SHOW PG MENU EPCS LEFT ENGINE A B 19.5 46.3 60.3 33.9 0.0 0.0 14.7 52 14.7 10 37.1 11 101 59 32.7 19.5 46.3 60.3 33.9 0.0 0.0 14.7 52 14.7 10 36.9 11 101 61 32.7 RIGHT ENGINE A TACH 19.5 0.0 60.3 N1 N2 N3 TRA T/R L T/R R PAMB P30 P20 T 20 VSV T24 OIL T OIL P FMV ENG OIL TEMP L SHOW PG MENU PG 1/2 DATE EPCS LEFT ENGINE A B 347 15 15 347 15 15 3060 0E00 0008 4200 00A0 0010 0020 BA28 3040 0E00 0008 4200 00A0 0010 0020 BA28 ENG OIL TEMP L B 19.4 46.1 60.4 34.0 0.0 0.0 14.7 52 14.7 12 37.0 12 101 62 32.2 TACH 19.4 46.1 60.4 34.0 0.0 0.0 14.7 52 14.7 12 36.2 12 100 61 32.2 16 SEP 980 19.4 0.0 60.4 UTC 18:54:04 PG 2/2 RIGHT ENGINE A B 344 15 15 344 15 15 3060 0E00 0008 4400 00A0 0010 0020 BA28 3040 0E00 0008 4400 00A0 0010 0020 BA28 EGT EEC TEMP P50 STATUS 1 STATUS 2 STATUS 3 STATUS 4 STATUS 5 STATUS 6 STATUS 7 STATUS 8 DATE 16 SEP 98 UTC 18:54:04 Maintenance Pages 11C-12 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Auxiliary Power Unit Features DUAL OPERATING MODES • Auxiliary Power System OPERATES ON THE GROUND OR IN FLIGHT • Control and Indication • Fuel System The auxiliary power unit (APU) is an electrical and pneumatic power source for aircraft systems on the ground or in flight. The APU may operate in either the attended or unattended mode. In the attended mode, only safety related faults cause automatic protective shutdowns. In the unattended mode, all faults that may damage the APU cause protective shutdowns. • Pneumatic System • Ignition and Starting System PNEUMATIC POWER SOURCE OPERABLE DURING REFUELING • Lubrication System The APU load compressor supplies pneumatic power up to an altitude of 22,000 feet (6700 m). The APU operates normally during refueling operations. CLUSTER COMPONENT DESIGN ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE A 120 kVA APU generator supplies electrical power up to the service ceiling of the airplane. DUAL STARTING SYSTEM The APU has an electric and an air turbine starter. The air turbine starter starts the APU when there is pressure in the pneumatic system. EDUCTOR COOLING SYSTEM The APU eductor air/oil cooling system replaces the more usual mechanical fan. For easier line maintenance, these subsystem components are in functional clusters: • • • • Fuel Lubrication Ignition Pneumatic. The clusters are line replaceable units. OPERATIONAL HISTORY RECORDING A data memory module records APU operation data. AUTOSTART OPTIONAL EXHAUST MUFFLER The APU automatically starts if the airplane is in the air and both the left and right transfer buses lose power. An optional exhaust muffler in the exhaust duct decreases exhaust noise. FULL AUTHORITY DIGITAL ELECTRONIC CONTROL The APU control system uses microprocessor electronics to supply automatic, full-authority digital electronic control for all APU operating conditions. June 2004 12-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Air Inlet Exhaust APUC APU Access Doors Auxiliary Power System Auxiliary Power System The auxiliary power system supplies electrical and pneumatic power to the airplane. This permits independent ground operation. The auxiliary power system is also available for use in flight. The auxiliary power unit (APU) is an AlliedSignal Engines 331-500. The APU is in the tail cone of the aircraft. The APU can start at all altitudes up to the service ceiling of the airplane (43,100 feet / 13,100m). Electrical power is available up to the service ceiling and pneumatic power is available up to 22,000 feet (6700m). A data memory module (DMM) attaches to the left side of the APU inlet plenum. The DMM makes a record of this APU operation data: To make maintenance easier, some subsystem components are in removable clusters. • • • • • Number of starts Type of start (electric or pneumatic) Operating hours Time in the different operating modes Average generator load. The APU controller (APUC) controls and monitors the APU starting sequence, normal operation, and shutdown. The APUC does protective shutdowns, if necessary, to prevent damage to the APU. 12-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Auxiliary Power Unit Air Turbine Starter Control Valve Air Inlet Plenum Bleed Air Check Valve Air Turbine Starter Oil Cooler Fuel Manifolds APU Generator Data Memory Module Electric Starter Fuel Cluster Lube Cluster APU Components - Left Side Exhaust Eductor Air Turbine Starter Electric Starter Motor Fuel Cluster Surge Control Valve Bleed Air Check Valve APU Generator Oil Filler Port APU Components - Right Side June 2004 12-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. ELECTRICAL ON APU BTL DISCH a APU ON BATTERY OFF APU FIRE WARNING HORN START w OFF a DISCH APU GEN ON w OFF a FAULT a r APU FIRE FIRE BOTTLE ARMED APU Selector (P5) APU Fire Switch (P5) BOTTLE DISCHARGE APU Fire Shutdown Switch APU FIRE SHUTDOWN APU BOTTLE DISCHARGE Starting and Ignition Fuel Control APU MAINT Surge Control FLIGHT DECK CALL FLIGHT INPH NLG DOORS CLOSE OFF IGV Control APU POWER NORM Data Storage ARM OFF Protective Shutdown Normal Shutdown COCKPIT VOICE SERVICE INPH EMER EXIT LT TEST WHEELWELL LIGHTS BITE TEST ON APU Indications NORM OFF APUC TEST APU Maintenance Switch (P61) P40 Service and APU Shutdown Panel APU Control and Indication Control and Indication CONTROL The APUC controls these APU functions: • • • • • • • • • Starting and ignition Fuel control Surge control Inlet guide vane (IGV) control Data storage Protective shutdowns Normal shutdowns Bite/Fault reporting APU indications. The APU selector is on the electrical panel on the P5 overhead panel. You use this selector for normal APU start and shutdown. The APU fire switch on the P5 overhead panel or the APU fire shutdown switch on the P40 service and APU shutdown panel are for emergency shutdown. The APU maintenance switch on the P61 overhead maintenance panel lets you supply power to the APUC when the APU selector is OFF. The APU maintenance page shows the output of the APU sensors and other APU data. A fault light below the APU selector comes on when the APU does a protective shutdown. The fault light also flashes during APU start and shutdown to show the APUC selftest BITE. INDICATION The EICAS display shows an APU RUNNING memo message when the APU is on. The status display normally shows this APU data: • • • Exhaust gas temperature Speed Lubrication system status. 12-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Auxiliary Power Unit HYDRAULIC L C R QTY 0.91 0.98 0.90 PRESS 3000 3050 3010 APU RPM OIL PRESS 100.6 70 PSI EGT OIL TEMP 520 C 98 C OIL QTY 7.9 OXYGEN CREW PRESS 1850 Status Display Primary Display System Indications APU DUCTPRESS ONSPEED SPEED SENSOR 1 100.6 SPEED SENSOR 2 100.8 EGT CORRECTED 388 EGT THERMOCOUPLE 1 387 EGT THERMOCOUPLE 2 388 OIL PRESS 70 OIL TEMP 98 OIL QTY 7.90 INLET STATIC PRESS 14.5 LOAD COMP TOTAL PRESS 30.3 LOAD COMP DIFF PRESS 15.3 COMP INLET TEMP 105 OIL SUMP TEMP 49 SURGE CONTROL VLV POSN 63.7 IGV ACTUATOR POS 60.0 FMU FUEL TEMP 80 FUEL CLUSTER FMV POS 100.0 INLET DOOR CMD OPEN INLET DOOR POS OPEN 240 240 28.0 DIS 120 0 0 0.00 PNEU MODE BLD CORRECTED FLOW APUC MODE BLD CORRECTED FLOW SET APU BAT DC-V APU BAT DC-A APU GEN AC-V APU GEN FREQ APU GEN LOAD APU FUEL FEED COMMAND STATUS S/O VLV DC PUMP AC PUMP OPEN CLOSED ON PRESS OFF STATUS CODE STATUS 1 STATUS 2 STATUS 3 0000 0000 0000 APU OPER HOURS APU STARTS DATE 23 JUN 97 00 -0 000 0000 250517 29891 UTC18:51:04 APU Maintenance Page Primary Display System Indications June 2004 12-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. APU Fuel Feed APUC Fuel Cluster Fuel Manifolds APU Fuel System Fuel System The APU fuel system gets fuel from the left main tank and supplies it to the APU for combustion. These are the main components of the fuel system: • • Fuel cluster Fuel manifolds. To make maintenance easier, many of the fuel system components are in a cluster. The fuel cluster has these components: • • • • • • • • Boost and pressure pumps Fuel filter Pressure regulator Pressure relief valve Fuel metering section Flow divider Fuel shutoff valve Fuel temperature sensor. The APUC sends fuel control signals to the fuel cluster for normal operation. The APUC also controls fuel flow during start and shutdown (both normal and protective), and adjusts APU generator speed for no-break electrical power transfers. The APU fuel cluster pressurizes, filters, and meters the fuel flow. The fuel flow divider separates the metered fuel into the primary and secondary fuel manifolds for supply to the combustion chamber. The secondary fuel manifold operates after the APU speed increases to more than 50 percent RPM to supply more fuel flow. 12-6 Regulated (servo) fuel pressure operates the inlet guide vane actuator and the surge control valve actuator. Overspeed causes fuel system protective shutdowns. No light-off and no acceleration cause protective shutdowns in the unattended mode only. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Auxiliary Power Unit Pneumatic Cluster Air Inlet Door Air Inlet Door Actuator Surge Control Valve FWD ELMS Inlet Plenum Surge Control Valve Bleed Air Check Valve IGVs IGV Actuator FWD To Exhaust Duct Load Compressor Surge Control Valve Actuator IGV Actuator APUC APU Pneumatic System Pneumatic System The APU supplies pressurized air for these pneumatic system functions: • • • • Environmental control system (ECS) Air driven hydraulic pumps (ADPs) Main engine start (MES) Wing anti-ice. The electrical load management system (ELMS) controls the operation of the air inlet door. Air comes into the APU inlet air plenum from the air inlet door. The load compressor gets air from the plenum through variable inlet guide vanes (IGVs). The IGVs control the volume of air available to the load compressor. The load compressor sends pressurized air into the pneumatic ducts. The APUC controls the IGVs as a function of how the airplane systems use pressurized air. High pressure fuel supplies the force that operates the IGVs. To make maintenance easier, some pneumatic components are in a cluster. The cluster includes three pneumatic pressure sensors and the surge control valve that mounts on a section of the bleed air duct. A surge control valve sends any unneeded pressurized air into the APU exhaust. The APUC controls the surge control valve. High pressure fuel supplies the force that operates the surge control valve. A bleed air check valve prevents reverse pressurized air flow from the airplane system. June 2004 12-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. ELECTRICAL APU ON BATTERY ON OFF START w OFF a APU GEN ON w OFF a ATS Control Valve FAULT a APU Selector (P5) Air Turbine Starter Ignition Unit APUC Electric Starter Ignitors Ignition Cluster APU Ignition and Starting System Ignition and Starting System The ignition and starting system supplies the combustion spark and starts the APU acceleration. These are the components of the ignition and starting system: • • • • • Air turbine starter (ATS) control valve Air turbine starter Electric starter Ignition unit Dual ignitors. The ignition components are in a cluster. The ignition unit supplies energy to the two ignitors. The APUC controls the power to the ignition unit. The ignitors supply the spark to the combustion chamber. Automatic starting of the APU occurs when transfer bus power is lost in the air. One of the two starters starts the APU. The pneumatic starter operates when pressurized air is available. If pressurized air is not available, the electric starter starts the APU. 12-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Auxiliary Power Unit ATS APU Gen Gearbox Load Comp Midframe Bearing Compt Gas Gen Turbine Bearing Compt Exhaust Lube Cluster Oil Cooler Magnetic Chip Collectors Legend: Pressure Scavenge Oil Fill Port and Sight Gage Lube Cluster Supply APU Lubrication System Lubrication System The APU lubrication system removes heat and lubricates these components: • • • • APU generator Air turbine starter APU gearbox APU bearings. These lubrication system components are in the lube cluster: • • • Pressure and scavenge pumps Oil filters Pressure and temperature sensors. These are the other lubrication system components: • • • Oil cooler Magnetic chip collectors Oil heater assembly. The APU oil supply is in the gearbox sump. Oil servicing is through a pourtype fill port. A sight glass shows oil quantity. A transmitter sends oil quantity data to the APUC. Cooled and filtered pressurized oil goes to the bearings, the generator, and the accessory section gearbox. Scavenge pumps send oil back to the reservoir from the turbine and load compressor bearings. Scavenge pumps also send back filtered oil from the generator to the reservoir. The APU exhaust gas operates an eductor that pulls APU compartment air through the oil cooler. Five magnetic chip collectors collect metallic particles in the APU lubrication system. June 2004 12-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulics Features TRIPLE REDUNDANCY There are three independent hydraulic systems. Each system has two or more pumps that operate from different pneumatic, mechanical, or electrical power sources. Each hydraulic system can independently operate the flight controls for safe flight and landing. PUMP OPERATION ON DEMAND Normally, one or two pumps in each hydraulic system operate continuously. The other pumps operate only when there is a hydraulic demand. This increases pump life, system efficiency, and reliability. AUTOMATIC SYSTEM CONTROLS The flight crew sets the pump switches for flight before engine start. Normally no further action is necessary. The demand pumps operate automatically. Each hydraulic system uses hydraulic interface module electronic cards for automatic control, fault detection, and indications. Left and right system tubes are on opposite sides of the body. In the wheel wells, there is maximum separation of tubes. In the wings, one system is forward of the rear spar and two systems are aft of the rear spar. CENTER HYDRAULIC ISOLATION SYSTEM • Hydraulic Systems • Controls and Indications • Automatic Control • Reservoir Servicing Station • Maintenance Panel A center hydraulic isolation system (CHIS) supplies a reserve brake and steering function if there is a loss of center hydraulic system fluid. HYDRAULIC FUSES Hydraulic fuses in some of the hydraulic lines to these systems protect against fluid loss: • • • • Main Gear Steering Brakes Main Gear Actuation Flight Controls. COMPONENTS GROUPING Hydraulic reservoirs are near the pumps they supply. Pump filter modules are close to each pump. Return filter modules are close to each reservoir. COMMONALITY OF COMPONENTS RAM AIR TURBINE If all usual pressure sources become unavailable during flight, the ram air turbine is an emergency source of hydraulic power for the primary flight controls. TUBE SEPARATION The location of the hydraulic system tubes decreases the risk of multiple system losses from a single failure source. Only one hydraulic system has tubes in an engine strut and nacelle. Only two systems go to the end of the wings. All electric pumps are interchangeable. The air-driven pumps and engine-driven pumps are also interchangeable. The pressure and case drain filter modules are the same for the engine-driven pumps and the air-driven pumps. The pressure and case drain filter modules are the same for all electric pumps. SINGLE-POINT RESERVOIR SERVICING A hydraulic reservoir servicing station in the right aft body fairing makes it possible to fill all three reservoirs from one location. June 2004 13-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Center System Left System APU Engine Bleed AC Motor Pump (ACMP) Right System APU Air Engine Bleed Left Engine AirDriven Pump (ADP) AirDriven Pump (ADP) Right Engine EngineDriven Pump (EDP) AC Motor Pump (ACMP) AC Motor Pump (ACMP) EngineDriven Pump (EDP) AC Motor Pump (ACMP) Ram Air Turbine (RAT) Spoilers 2, 4, 11, 13 1, 5, 7, 8,10,14 Ailerons LOB and ROB LIB and RIB 3, 6, 9, 12 Flaperons LOB ROB LIB and RIB Elevators LOB and ROB LIB RIB Middle PCU Upper PCU Lower PCU Center Right Rudder Pitch Trim Thrust Reverser Left Right Main Gear Brakes Alternate Reserve Nose Gear Steering Normal Reserve Landing Gear Actuation Nose Gear Main Gear Normal Legend: Main Hydraulic Connection Main Gear Steering Normal Connections for Alternate and Emergency Supply Trailing Edge Flaps Primary Leading Edge Slats Primary LOB ROB LIB RIB - Left Outboard PCU - Right Outboard PCU - Left Inboard PCU - Right Inboard PCU Hydraulic System Block Diagram 13-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulics Right System Color Code: Green One EDP One ACMP Main Components in the Right Engine Strut Center System Color Code: Blue Two ACMPs Two ADPs, One RAT Main Components in/near the Wheel Wells Left System Color Code: Red One EDP One ACMP Main Components in the Left Engine Strut Hydraulic Systems Component Locations Hydraulic Systems The three hydraulic systems operate independently at 3,000 psi nominal pressure. The three systems are named left (L), center (C) and right (R) for the location of their main components. Each system has its own reservoir, pumps, and filters. ram air turbine (RAT) pump. The left and right AC buses supply power to the ACMPs. Pneumatic power from the two engines or the auxiliary power unit (APU) operates the ADPs. • All three hydraulic system pressures are low. Ram air then turns the turbine. Only the flight controls use hydraulic power from the RAT. The RAT can be retracted only on the ground. The center system supplies power for these functions: PRIMARY AND DEMAND PUMPS The left system has an engine-driven pump (EDP) and an alternatingcurrent motor pump (ACMP). The right AC bus supplies power to the ACMP. The left system supplies power to the flight controls and the left thrust reverser. • • • • The primary pumps are the EDPs in the left and right systems and the ACMPs in the center system. These pumps operate continuously. The right system also has an EDP and an ACMP. The left AC bus supplies power to the ACMP. The right system supplies power to the flight controls, the normal main gear brakes, and the right thrust reverser. • • The center system has two ACMPs, two air-driven pumps (ADPs) and a • • • Flight controls Leading edge slats Trailing edge flaps Alternate and reserve main gear brakes Normal and reserve nose gear steering and nose gear extension-retraction Main gear extension-retraction Main gear steering. The demand pumps are the ACMPs for the left and right systems and the ADPs for the center system. These pumps normally operate only during heavy system demands. The RAT deploys automatically during flight when any of these conditions occur: Both engines are shut down Both AC buses are not powered June 2004 13-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. RAT Deploy Switch RAM AIR TURBINE PRESS UNLKD ACMP Primary Pump Switch HYDRAULIC P R I M A R Y C1 ELEC C2 L ENG ON ON ON FAULT FAULT R ENG ON FAULT FAULT C1 AUTO L ELEC AUTO OFF D E M A N D OFF AIR C2 AUTO ON OFF ON ON R ELEC AUTO ON OFF FAULT FAULT FAULT P R I M A R Y D E M A N D EDP Primary Pump Switch ADP Demand Pump Selector ACMP Demand Pump Selector FAULT Fault Light Hydraulic/RAT Panel (P5) ENG BTL 1 DISCH ENG BTL 2 DISCH DISCH 1 DISCH 2 L E F T 1 R I G H T 2 Engine Fire Switches (P8) Controls and Indications Controls and Indications INDICATING LIGHTS The hydraulic pump controls and indication lights are on the P5 overhead panel. Each pump has an amber fault light which shows a pump overheat or low pressure condition. The RAT switch has a green light which shows high RAT output pressure and an amber light which shows the RAT is unlocked. PUMP MANUAL CONTROLS Pump controls on the Hydraulic/RAT panel permit manual control of the hydraulic systems. The primary pump switches have ON and OFF positions. Primary pumps are normally ON. Demand pump selectors may be set to OFF, AUTO, or ON. To permit automatic pump control, demand pumps are normally set to AUTO. ENGINE FIRE SWITCHES The engine fire switches shut off hydraulic fluid supply to the EDPs. The engine fire switches are on the P8 aft control stand. PRIMARY DISPLAY SYSTEM INDICATIONS These conditions cause alert level EICAS indications: • • • • • • • RAT unlocked Low system pressure Low pump pressure Pump overheat Reservoir low quantity Reserve brake and steering failure HYDIM card failure. The status display shows reservoir quantity and system pressure for each system. The hydraulic synoptic display is a real-time diagram of the operational status of the hydraulic system. RAT MANUAL CONTROL The RAT deploy switch, on the upper part of the hydraulic /RAT panel, permits the flight crew to manually deploy the ram air turbine. The hydraulic maintenance page shows hydraulic data for maintenance personnel. 13-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulics HYDRAULIC QTY PRESS L C 1.20 2990 0.72 3010 R 0.39 3010 RF LO APU RPM OIL PRESS EGT PSI OIL TEMP C C OIL QTY OXYGEN CREW PRESS 1850 Status Display Hydraulic Status Page HYDRAULIC NORM BRKS FLAPS NOSE GEAR ALTN/RSV MAIN GEAR BRAKES & STEERING FLT CTRL FLT CTRL & STEERING R REV SYSTEM PRESS: 2990 PRIMARY PUMP: PRESS TEMP SEL RUN S/O VLV DEMAND PUMP: PRESS TEMP SEL RUN RAT PUMP: PRESS RPM POS RESERVOIR: QTY PRESS TEMP F/C S/O VLV: TAIL WING RESERVE ISLN: VALVE POS NOSE GR ISLN: VALVE POS 3050 103 ON -OPEN 50 20 AUTO NO ---1.20 OF NORM 90 NORM NORM --- L ENG FLT CTRL ISLN ELEC C1 P R I M A R Y ELEC C2 AIR C1 L ELEC AIR C2 RAT D E M A N D D E M A N D SOV 1.20 P R I M A R Y 0.72 OF 2990 PRESS Hydraulic Synoptic Display 3010 R ENG R ELEC SOV 0.39 LO RF PRESS 3010 3010 1 ISLN R C L L REV 2980 75 ON YES -50 20 AUTO NO 2 2980 75 ON YES -40 20 AUTO NO 2950 4550 NOT STOWED 0.72 RF NORM 55 NORM NORM NORM NORM 50 55 ON -CLOSED 3020 45 AUTO YES ---0.39 LO LOW 30 CLOSED NORM --- 3010 Hydraulic Maintenance Page Hydraulic Synoptic and Maintenance Pages June 2004 13-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulic System Sensors Hydraulic/ RAT Panel Switches Other Airplane Systems HYDIM L Demand Pump AUTO Operation HYDIM CL RAT Deployment HYDIM CR Landing Gear Auto-Off HYDIM R Center System Isolation Systems Card Files EICAS MFD AIMS MAT Hydraulic Control Interfaces Automatic Control HYDIM FUNCTIONS HYDIM CARDS The HYDIM cards control these functions: Hydraulic interface module (HYDIM) cards control the hydraulic system operation and indication. These cards are in the systems card files in the main equipment center. There is one card for the left system (HYDIM L), two for the center system (HYDIM CL and CR) and one for the right system (HYDIM R). The HYDIM cards send data to the airplane information management system (AIMS) through ARINC 629 buses. • • • • Demand pump AUTO operation Rat deployment Landing gear Auto-Off operation Center hydraulic system isolation. MAINTENANCE ACCESS TERMINAL Maintenance personnel can use the maintenance access terminal (MAT) to do tests on the hydraulic systems. The ON position of the demand pump switches cancels the HYDIM demand pump control. The HYDIM cards also control these hydraulic system indications: • • • • • • System pressure Pump pressure Pump temperature Reservoir quantity Reservoir temperature Reservoir pressure. 13-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulics Instruction Placard Suction Hose FLT CONTROL HYD VALVE POWER L C TAIL Selector Handle NORM Remote Quantity Indicator Inlet Filter NORM SHUT OFF Pressure Fill Connection Manual Pump VALVE CLOSED R SHUT OFF VALVE CLOSED VALVE CLOSED WING NORM NORM SHUT OFF FWD VALVE CLOSED SHUT OFF VALVE CLOSED VALVE CLOSED Flight Control Hydraulic Power Panel (P61) Reservoir Servicing and Maintenance Power Reservoir Servicing Station Maintenance Panel A reservoir servicing station in the right aft body fairing lets maintenance personnel fill the three hydraulic system reservoirs. The flight control hydraulic power panel is on the P61 overhead maintenance panel. Guarded switches control six hydraulic shutoff valves to the wing and tail flight controls. An amber light, below each switch, shows that its shutoff valve is not fully open. An EICAS message also shows. A selector handle selects the reservoir to fill. The remote quantity indicator shows the fluid quantity in the reservoir selected. To fill the selected hydraulic reservoir, maintenance personnel use either a ground cart that connects to the pressure fill connection, or the manual pump and suction hose. Maintenance personnel use these switches to isolate hydraulic pressure for system checks. Replacement hydraulic fluid goes through an inlet filter in the service station. June 2004 13-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Landing Gear Features MAIN GEAR STEERING • Main Landing Gear TRICYCLE LANDING GEAR The aft axles of the main gear trucks pivot to help the nose gear steer the airplane. This helps to decrease the turn radius and tire scrub. • Nose Landing Gear • Landing Gear Controls and Indications CARBON BRAKES • Proximity Sensor System All wheels of the main landing gear trucks have carbon brakes for reduced weight and longer life. • Air/Ground System • Airplane Ground Steering • Brakes • Antiskid and Autobrake • Brake Temperature Monitor System • Tire Pressure Indication System The tricycle landing gear has two main landing gear under the wings and one nose landing gear. HYDRAULIC ACTUATION The landing gear operates with center hydraulic system pressure. During normal operation, valves control the sequence of operation. An alternate gear extension system extends the landing gear without center hydraulic system pressure. When the landing gear is fully retracted in flight, valves automatically remove hydraulic pressure from the landing gear. ELECTRICAL CONTROL OF LANDING GEAR The landing gear control lever has two positions and electrically controls the landing gear selector valves for landing gear operation. PROXIMITY SENSOR SYSTEM BRAKE SYSTEM CONTROL UNIT A brake system control unit (BSCU) controls antiskid and autobrake operation and other brake system functions. TAXI BRAKE RELEASE During low taxi speed, the BSCU releases two brakes on each truck. This decreases brake and tire wear. BRAKE INDICATIONS Lights on the nose gear show if the brakes and the parking brake are applied. TAIL STRIKE INDICATION The proximity sensor system monitors the position of the proximity sensors and supplies signals to show the position of the landing gear and other aircraft systems. A tail strike assembly (TSA) on the bottom of the aft part of the fuselage sends signals to the PSEUs if a tail strike occurs. AIR/GROUND SYSTEM OTHER FEATURES Load sensors monitor the weight of the aircraft on the landing gear and supply signals for air/ground detection. Many aircraft systems use these air/ground signals. Nose gear and main truck proximity sensors also supply air/ground signals for some limited functions. Other features include a brake temperature monitor system, a tire pressure indicating system, and an optional brake cooling system. SIX WHEELS ON THE MAIN TRUCKS Each main landing gear truck has six wheels. June 2004 14-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Uplock Hook Retract Actuator Door Actuator Side Brace Main Gear Trunnion Door Uplock Lock Link Downlock Actuator Drag Brace Landing Gear Door Tail Skid (777-300) Main Gear Strut Torsion Links Main Gear Steering Components Wheel-Tire Assembly 777-300ER Semi-lever Main Landing Gear FWD Truck Truck Position Actuator Main Landing Gear and Tail Skid Main Landing Gear NORMAL OPERATION ALTERNATE EXTENSION The main landing gear strut includes an air-oil shock absorber. A drag brace and a side brace transmit loads from the strut to the airplane structure. Over-center mechanisms lock the two braces when the landing gear fully extends. The main landing gear uses hydraulic pressure from the center system to retract and extend. Sequence valves control the door and gear movement. The alternate extension system permits landing gear extension if the center hydraulic system has no pressure. An alternate extend power pack supplies hydraulic pressure to release the landing gear doors and the landing gear. The doors open, and the gear extends by their own weight. The gear doors stay open after an alternate extension. A landing gear door on each main gear wheel well opens and closes during gear retraction and extension. Drag brace and side brace downlock actuators lock the gear in the extended position. Uplock hooks lock the landing gear in the retracted position. GROUND DOOR OPERATION Each truck has three axles. A brake and a wheel-tire assembly are at the end of each axle for a total of six wheels on each main landing gear. The aft axle turns for main gear steering. The main landing gear trucks do a tilt of approximately 13 degrees forward wheels up with the gear extended in flight. The gear trucks do a tilt of approximately 5 degrees forward wheels down when the gear is up and locked, or the gear is in transit. The alternate extension system lets you open the doors when the airplane is on the ground. The doors open by their own weight. Center system hydraulic pressure closes the doors. The 777-300ER has a semi-lever gear for an increased takeoff lift and tail clearance. The truck position actuator locks during takeoff, and airplane rotation is around the rear axle. 14-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Landing Gear Retract Actuator Nose Gear Operated Sequence Valve Drag Brace Lock Link Nose Gear Trunnion Door Actuator Nose Gear Strut Aft Door Torsion LInks Steering Mechanism Forward Door Wheel-Tire Assembly FWD Note: Left doors not shown for clarity. Nose Landing Gear Nose Landing Gear NORMAL OPERATION GROUND DOOR OPERATION The nose landing gear strut includes an air-oil shock absorber. A drag brace transmits loads from the strut to the airplane structure. The drag brace folds. At full extension or retraction of the nose gear, the overcenter mechanism of the lock link locks the drag brace. The nose landing gear uses center system hydraulic pressure to retract and extend. Sequence valves control forward door and landing gear movement. The alternate extension system permits you to open the forward doors when the airplane is on the ground. The forward doors open by their own weight. The doors close with hydraulic pressure from the center system. The forward doors of the nose gear wheel well operate hydraulically during gear retraction and extension. The aft doors operate by mechanical linkages that connect to the nose gear. The aft doors close only when the gear retracts. ALTERNATE EXTENSION Nose gear alternate extension uses hydraulic pressure from the alternate extend power pack. The forward doors open and the landing gear extends by its own weight. The forward doors stay open after an alternate extension. June 2004 14-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. BRAKE SOURCE 4 Parking Brake Set Light a G/S BRAKE ACCUM 3 GND PROX GEAR FLAP Brake-On Light 0 GND PROX PSI X 1000 2 1 Brake Accumulator Pressure Indicator (P1) OVRD RETRACT 270K-.82M UP OVRD ALTN GEAR NORM LOCK OVRD Brake-Off Light Lever Lock Override Switch Alternate Gear Switch Landing Gear Lever DOWN DN Parking Brake Lever Autobrake Selector EXTEND 270K-.82M AUTOBRAKE DISARM OFF MAX AUTO RTO P10 Control Stand Landing Gear Panel (P2) Nose Gear Landing Gear Controls and Indications Landing Gear Controls and Indications alternate extend power pack. This permits the gear to extend by gravity. FLIGHT DECK CONTROLS The autobrake selector is below the landing gear lever. This selector arms the autobrake system for landing autobrakes or for rejected takeoff (RTO). These landing gear controls are on the flight deck: • • • • Landing gear lever Alternate gear switch Autobrake selector Parking brake lever. You set the parking brakes with the parking brake lever on the P10 control stand. There are warning, caution, and advisory messages for the landing gear. The status, maintenance, and synoptic displays show additional landing gear information. A brake accumulator gage shows brake accumulator pressure. Brake status lights on the nose gear show the condition of the brakes. DOOR GROUND CONTROL The landing gear lever has two positions, down (DN) and UP.The lever electrically controls the landing gear selector valves to control the hydraulic operation of the landing gear. An automatic lever lock prevents the lever from being moved up on the ground. A lever lock override switch permits the lever to be unlocked manually. A guarded switch next to the lever lock override switch turns on the LANDING GEAR INDICATION The EICAS display shows the position of the landing gear. The DOWN indication shows continuously when the landing gear is down and locked. The UP indication goes out of view 10 seconds after the landing gear is up and locked. During an alternate landing gear extension or a nonnormal condition, an expanded indication shows the position of each gear. 14-4 Two switches on the main wheel well electrical service panel open all the landing gear doors. These switches also close the main landing gear doors. Two switches on the service and APU shutdown panel close the nose gear doors. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Landing Gear TAT +13c 1.83 LANDING GEAR ACTN/INDN D-TO 1 +15c 1.83 1.624 PSEU 1 1.624 TAILSTRIKE ALTN EXT CMD NOSE GEAR: 75.6 DOWN MAIN GEAR: NOT DN DOWN GND NOT DN NOT DN FAR FAR NEAR NEAR GEAR DOWN FAR FAR DOOR FAR NOT COMP FAR GEAR F L A P S 777-300 20 L R NEAR NEAR FAR FAR SIDE BRACE FAR NEAR NEAR NEAR DRAG BRACE NEAR NEAR NEAR NEAR DOOR FAR FAR NEAR NEAR TRUCK TILT NEAR NEAR NEAR NEAR FLAP PRIORITY CMD HYDIM R FSEU 1 ENGAGED NOT ENGA 182.6 TEMP+15c EICAS Display LBS X 1000 FSEU 2 CMD NOT CMD TAIL SKID PSEU 2 HYD PRESS C SYS 3000 TOTAL FUEL FAR R AUTO-OFF HYDIM L FAR L UP LOCK EGT UP NOT DN GEAR UP 587 NORM UP DOWN PWR LOCK N1 587 GND/OPEN NORM UP GEAR LEVER: EPR 75.6 PSEU 2 28V AIR/GND L WOW L TILT 3000 UP FAR L MLG GND R TILT 3000 DOWN NEAR R MLG GND DATE 02 SEPT 95 R WOW AIR SIM AIR SIM UTC 19:23:09 Landing Gear Actuation/Indication Maintenance Page APU FIRE WARNING HORN OFF S3 MLG DOORS CLOSE 05 OFF S32018 APU FIRE FIRE BOTTLE ARMED RESET FIRE/OVHT TEST SW (P5) ARM DOORS ALL DOORS OPEN D23009 SERVICE INTERPHONE D23024 P.M.A.T. BOTTLE DISCHARGE APU FIRE SHUTDOWN FLIGHT DECK CALL APU BOTTLE DISCHARGE NLG DOORS UNSAFE LIGHT PRESS TO TEST FLIGHT INPH NLG DOORS CLOSE OFF ARM COCKPIT VOICE SERVICE INPH EMER EXIT LT TEST MAIN WHEEL WELL INSP LIGHT SW ON MLG DOOR UNSAFE LT PRESS TO TEST OFF S32017 OPEN WHEELWELL LIGHTS TEST ON NORM OFF P40 Service and APU Shutdown Panel MAIN WHEEL WELL ELECTRICAL SERVICE PANEL OFF S33002 P56 Main Wheel Well Electrical Service Panel Landing Gear Controls and Indications June 2004 14-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Landing Gear Prox Sensors Doors Prox Sensors Left and Right Main Gear Load Sensors Left Weight on Wheels Card PSEU 1 Left Card File ARINC 629 System Buses (3) Right System Air/Ground Relays Thrust Reverser Prox Sensors Tail Strike Assembly Left System Air/Ground Relays Left and Right Main Gear Load Sensors PSEU 2 Other Inputs Right Weight on Wheels Card Standby System Air/Ground Relays Right Card File ELMS AIMS ARINC 629 Flight Controls Buses (3) Proximity Sensor and Air/Ground System Block Diagram Proximity Sensor System The proximity sensor system (PSS) monitors the position of some airplane components. The proximity sensor system has two proximity sensor electronic units (PSEUs) which get input from proximity sensors on these systems: • • • • Landing gear Landing gear doors Passenger entry, cargo and access doors Thrust reversers. The tail strike assembly is on the bottom of the airplane in the tail strike area. The TSA has two electrical wires that go to the PSEUs. If a tail strike occurs, the wires will open or short. This tells the PSEUs that there has been a tail strike. The PSEUs supply data to the AIMS through the ARINC 629 system buses. The PSEUs also supply signals for other airplane systems through hard wires. Air/Ground System (AGS) Two load sensors on each main landing gear support beam send airplane weight on wheels data to two weight on wheels (WOW) cards. The WOW cards supply signals to airplane systems and control air/ground relays in the ELMS. These air/ground relays control electrical circuits for many of the systems. The WOW cards supply data to the AIMS for indication on EICAS and to the ARINC 629 flight control buses. The PSEUs also get signals from the tail strike assembly (TSA) and other airplane systems. 14-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Landing Gear Tiller Rudder Pedal Interconnect Mechanism Upper Cable Loop Tiller Lower Cable Loop Steering Metering Valve Module Position Transducers MGSCU Torsion Links Towing Lever Steering/ Locking Actuator Steering Actuators FWD Nose Wheel Steering FWD Aft Axle Left Truck (Looking Forward) Nose Wheel and Main Gear Steering Airplane Ground Steering MAIN GEAR STEERING NOSE GEAR STEERING Main gear steering operates when nose wheel steering commands are more than 13 degrees. The main gear steering control unit (MGSCU) receives tiller position and controls the aft axles to steer up to 8 degrees left or right. Main gear steering also uses center hydraulic system pressure. Two tillers control the nose wheel movement to a maximum of 70 degrees in each direction. The rudder pedals control the nose wheel movement to a maximum of 7 degrees in each direction. An upper cable loop gets inputs from the tillers or from the rudder pedals through the rudder pedal interconnect mechanism. The upper cable loop drives a lower cable loop. The lower cable loop supplies inputs to the steering metering valve module to supply center hydraulic pressure to the two actuators. The steering metering valve module has a dynamic load damper for shimmy protection. It also has a towing lever to depressurize the nose wheel steering during towing. A pin holds the towing lever in the tow position. When not steered, the steering/locking actuators align the aft wheels with the forward wheels of the main landing gear and lock the aft axles. The MGSCU monitors the aft axle steering system for faults. Faults stop the operation of the main gear steering system and an EICAS message shows. June 2004 14-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Main Gear Retract Actuator Pressure Center Hydraulic System Right Hydraulic System ASSV Brake Accumulator AIV Altn BMV Norm BMV Norm BMV A/B Valve F Hydraulic Fuse S Shuttle Valve Altn BMV AIV S S Normal Antiskid Normal Antiskid ASSV Altn Antiskid F F F F F F F F F F F Shuttle Valve Module F F F F Altn Antiskid F F F Shuttle Valve Module F F Accumulator Isolation Valve Alternate Source Selection Valve BMV Brake Metering Valve A/B Autobrake ALTN Alternate 1 2 3 4 Normal Brake Pressure 5 6 7 8 Alternate Brake Pressure 9 10 11 12 Brake System Diagram Brakes A multiple disc carbon brake is on each main landing gear wheel. There are no brakes on the nose wheels. BRAKE SYSTEM Two sets of brake pedals control the brakes. The pedals connect by cables to the left and right brake metering valves. The metering valves supply hydraulic pressure to the brakes in proportion to the pedal movement. Normal braking uses right system hydraulic pressure and alternate braking uses center system hydraulic pressure. The accumulator isolation valve (AIV) and alternate source selection valve (ASSV) make an automatic selection of normal or alternate braking based on the hydraulic pressure source available. When there is no available hydraulic pressure for normal or alternate braking, a BRAKE SOURCE light and an EICAS message alert the flight crew. The brake accumulator then supplies brake pressure for about six full brake applications. Separate brake metering valves, antiskid valves, and hydraulic fuses control the normal and alternate hydraulic pressure to the brakes. The normal and alternate brake lines connect at the shuttle valve modules. GEAR RETRACT BRAKING During landing gear retraction, center system hydraulic pressure operates actuators on the alternate brake metering valves. The metered pressure stops wheel spin before the wheels enter the wheel wells. The nose gear tires rub against spin brakes in the nose gear wheel well to stop wheel spin as they enter the nose wheel well. PARKING BRAKE The brake accumulator in the right hydraulic system supplies brake pressure to the brakes when there is no hydraulic power on the airplane. 14-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Landing Gear Center Hyd Sys Right Hyd Sys/ Accumulator AUTOBRAKE 1 2 3 DISARM 4 MAX AUTO OFF Altn Brake Metering Valve Autobrake Valve Module Norm Brake Metering Valve RTO Thrust Levers Speedbrake Lever Position Autobrake Shuttle Valve Altn Antiskid Valve Mod Brake Pedal Pressure Norm Antiskid Valve Mod Return Antiskid Surge Accumulator (Left Only) Other Airplane Systems Inputs BSCU Antiskid Shuttle Valve Module Transducers (6) Left Main Landing Gear (Right Similar) Antiskid and Autobrake Diagram Antiskid and Autobrake The brake system control unit (BSCU) in the aft cargo compartment controls the antiskid and the autobrake systems. These are the BSCU secondary functions: • • ANTISKID The primary function of the antiskid system is to control brake pressure to prevent tire skid. The normal antiskid valve modules contain six antiskid valves. In normal braking, each valve controls hydraulic pressure to one brake. The alternate antiskid valve modules contain four valves. In alternate braking, each valve controls pressure to one or two brakes. • Control brake pressure for locked wheel and hydroplane/touchdown protection Release, in sequence, one third of the brakes during low speed and low effort braking to reduce brake wear Make sure the antiskid system does not operate during gear retract braking. AUTOBRAKE Before landing, the pilot arms the autobrake and selects one of five deceleration rates with the autobrake selector. At touchdown with the thrust levers at idle, the BSCU controls the autobrake valve module to meter brake pressure for the selected deceleration rate. On the ground, the autobrake disarms with these pilot inputs. • • • Thrust lever movement forward Speedbrake lever movement forward Brake pedal application. The RTO function applies full hydraulic system pressure to the brakes if a takeoff is rejected. Each wheel has a wheel speed transducer which supplies signals to the BSCU. When a tire skids, the BSCU decreases the brake pressure to keep wheel skid to a minimum. June 2004 14-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. LANDING GEAR BRKS/STRNG 200 200 NOSE GEAR TIRE PRESS DOOR 200 CLOSED STEERED ANGLE 70 L 70 L L TILLER R TILLER 200 MAIN GEAR LEFT 200 200 7.1 200 6.2 200 200 3.3 200 3.1 0.0 200 3.1 BRAKE 200 3.3 3.1 Brake Symbol BRAKE TEMP RIGHT 7.1 6.2 3.1 0.0 200 200 200 200 3.3 3.1 3.3 3.1 200 200 200 200 3.1 3.3 3.1 3.4 200 200 200 200 FANS ON TIRE PRESS AFT AXLE 200 200 3.1 200 3.3 8.0 200 3.1 3.4 AFT AXLE 8.0 R R UNLOCKED UNLOCKED BRAKE METERED PRESS CLOSED CLOSED DOOR NORM 3000 ALTN 0 AUTOBRAKE 50 DATE 02 SEP 93 Landing Gear Synoptic Display NORM 3000 ALTN 0 UTC 18:54:04 Brake and Steering Maintenance Page Brake Temperature and Tire Pressure Indications Brake Temperature Monitor System A thermocouple in each wheel brake measures the brake temperature and sends signals to the brake temperature monitor unit (BTMU). The BTMU shows the temperature for each brake on the landing gear synoptic display and the brake and steering maintenance page. A two digit number that goes from 0.0 (cold) to 9.9 (hot) shows temperature. A brake symbol next to the tire outline on the landing gear synoptic display changes color to show brake temperature conditions. When a brake temperature is more than the value of 5.0, EICAS shows a BRAKE TEMP advisory message. The color of the number and the brake symbol on the synoptic display changes from white to amber to show this condition. The BTMU contains BITE capabilities to find and show faults. Tire Pressure Indication System A tire pressure transducer, on each nose and main wheel, measures the tire pressure and sends signals to the tire pressure monitor unit (TPMU). The TPMU processes the signals and shows the tire pressure for each wheel on the landing gear synoptic display and the brake and steering maintenance page. Each tire pressure is in psi. EICAS shows a TIRE PRESSURE advisory message when a tire pressure is not normal. The color of the number on the synoptic page changes to amber to show which tire pressure is non-normal. Brake Cooling System An optional brake cooling system operates automatically when the temperature of any of the brakes gets warm. The system includes a brake cooling fan motor in each of the axles of the main landing gear wheels. The motor turns a fan impeller which causes air to flow around the main gear brake assemblies. The BTMU supplies a signal to start and stop the fan motors. The brake and steering maintenance page shows a FANS ON indication when the system operates. The TPMU contains BITE to find and show faults. 14-10 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls Features ADDITIONAL PFCS FUNCTIONS • Flight Control Systems FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEMS Other functions of the PFCS are: • PFCS Operational Overview Two separate systems control the flight of the airplane, the primary flight control system (PFCS) and the high lift control system (HLCS). • • • • • • • • • • • PFCS Operational Modes • Roll Control • Yaw Control • Pitch Control - Elevator • Pitch Control - Stabilizer • PFCS Mechanical Control • PFCS Indications • High Lift Surfaces • HLCS Operational Overview • Flap and Slat Indications • HLCS Functions • HLCS Maintenance Page PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM (PFCS) The PFCS is an electronic fly-by-wire system. The PFCS supplies roll, pitch, and yaw control with these control surfaces: • • • • • • Ailerons Flaperons Spoilers Elevators Rudder Horizontal stabilizer. HIGH LIFT CONTROL SYSTEM (HLCS) Aileron lockout Aileron and flaperon droop Yaw damping Gust suppression Modal suppression Rudder ratio control Elevator off-load Flare compensation Backdrive actuator control Thrust asymmetry compensation. HLCS PROTECTION FUNCTIONS The HLCS has these protection functions: • • • • Flap and slat load relief Autoslat extension Flap/slat sequencing Skew or asymmetry shutdown. SHIELDING The HLCS is an electronic fly-by-wire system. It has these control surfaces: • • • Inboard and outboard trailing edge flaps Leading edge slats Krueger flaps. ARINC 629 DIGITAL DATA BUSES The PFCS and the HLCS use ARINC 629 digital data buses to communicate with other systems. Provisions, such as shielding, have been made to protect PFCS wiring from the effects of lightning and high intensity radiated fields (HIRF). MECHANICAL CONTROL Two spoilers and the horizontal stabilizer receive mechanical control signals from the pilots. FLIGHT ENVELOPE PROTECTION The PFCS has these flight envelope protection modes: • • • • Bank angle protection (BAP) Overyaw protection Overspeed protection Stall protection. The pilots can always override the protection modes if necessary. June 2004 15-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Single Tabbed Rudder Spoilers (7 Per Wing) Leading Edge Slats (7 Per Wing) Elevator Flaperon (1 Per Wing) Horizontal Stabilizer Inboard Flap (1 Per Wing) Outboard Flap (1 Per Wing) Aileron (1 Per Wing) Krueger Flap (1 Under Each Wing) Flight Control Systems Flight Control Systems PRIMARY FLIGHT CONTROL SYSTEM The PFCS calculates commands to move the control surfaces with sensor inputs from these components: The primary flight control system (PFCS) is a modern, three-axis, flyby-wire system. The fly-by-wire design permits a more efficient structural design. Some benefits of this design are increased fuel economy, and smaller vertical fin and horizontal stabilizer. This technology lets the airplane meet strict safety requirements with decreased weight and supplies improved control and protection. • • • • • The PFCS supplies manual and automatic airplane control and envelope protection in all three axes. There is stability augmentation in the roll, pitch. and yaw axes. For pitch control, there are two elevators and a moveable horizontal stabilizer. Control wheels Control column Rudder pedals Speedbrake lever Pitch trim switches. HIGH LIFT CONTROL SYSTEM The high lift control system (HLCS) supplies increased lift at lower speeds for takeoff and landing. High lift surfaces include one inboard and one outboard trailing edge flap on each wing. There are seven leading edge slats and one Krueger flap on each wing. These are the control surfaces for roll control: • • • Two ailerons Two flaperons Fourteen spoilers. There is a tabbed rudder for yaw control. 15-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls Pitch Rate Sensors (4) (777-300) Speedbrake Lever Analog Analog PCU (Typical) Position Transducers Control Surfaces ACE (4) Backdrive Actuators PFC (3) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) Analog Legend: Mechanical Connection AIMS ADIRU SAARU AFDC (3) PFCS Operational Overview PFCS Operational Overview MANUAL OPERATION Position transducers change the flight crew commands of the control wheels, the control columns, the rudder pedals, and the speedbrake lever to analog electrical signals. These signals go to the actuator control electronics (ACEs). The ACEs change the signals to digital format and send them to the primary flight computers (PFCs). The PFCs communicate with the airplane systems through the three flight controls ARINC 629 buses. The PFCs use mid-value selection on the input command signals. In addition to command signals from the ACEs, the PFCs also receive data from the AIMS, ADIRU and SAARU. These signals are airspeed, attitude and inertial reference data. The PFCs calculate the flight control commands based on control laws, augmentation and envelope protections. The digital command signals from the PFCs go to the ACEs. The ACEs change these command signals to analog format and send them to the power control units (PCUs). One, two or three PCUs operate each control surface. The PCUs contain a hydraulic actuator, an electro-hydraulic servo-valve, and position feedback transducers. The servo-valve causes the hydraulic actuator to move the control surface. The actuator position transducer sends a position feedback signal to the ACEs. After conversion to digital format, the ACEs send the signal to the PFCs. The ACEs stop the PCU command when the position feedback signal equals the commanded position. June 2004 Some of the PCUs have differential pressure transducers to measure the force from the PCU. The PFC uses this pressure data to equalize the force of all PCUs of a control surface. AUTOPILOT OPERATION The PFCs receive autopilot commands from the three autopilot flight director computers (AFDCs). The PFCs calculate the flight control commands in the same manner as for manual operation. In addition, the PFCs supply the backdrive signals to the backdrive actuators through the AFDCs. The backdrive actuators move the control wheels, control columns and rudder pedals in synchronization with the autopilot commands. The movement of the flight deck controls supplies visual feedback of autopilot control to the flight crews. 15-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. PRIMARY FLIGHT COMPUTERS DISC DISC a AUTO Normal Automatic or Manual Switching to the Highest Mode Available PFC Disconnect Switch (P5) Automatic or Manual Switching PFC ACE Secondary Automatic Selection Automatic or Manual Switching PFC Direct ACE Automatic or Manual Switching ACE PFCS Operational Modes PFCS Operational Modes SECONDARY MODE The PFCS has three modes of operation: The PFCS changes to the secondary mode if the PFCS finds a loss of important sensor data. • • • Normal Secondary Direct. NORMAL MODE The secondary mode operates the same as the normal mode except that the protection functions and the autopilot are not available. All control laws and protection functions are active in the normal mode.The control laws calculate commands for roll, yaw, and pitch control. The protection functions include stall warning, overspeed, overyaw, and bank angle. DIRECT MODE The autopilot operates only in the normal mode. It cannot be engaged in the secondary or direct mode. In the direct mode, position transducer signals (pilot commands) go directly to the ACEs and to the PCUs. The PFCs do not operate in this mode. The PFCS changes to the direct mode if sensor data degrades further or if there are failures that make the normal and secondary modes unreliable. 15-4 The PFCS protection functions and the autopilot are not available in the direct mode. FLIGHT DECK CONTROLS The PFC disconnect switch, on the P5 overhead panel, has two positions: AUTO and DISC. In the AUTO position, the PFCS mode selection is automatic. When the switch is in the DISC position, the PFCS changes to the direct mode. The PFC disconnect switch permits the pilots to select the direct mode of operation. If the switch is cycled or moved again to AUTO, the PFCS goes from the direct mode to the highest mode available. An amber light adjacent to the switch shows when the PFCS is in the direct mode. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls AILERON PCU (2) LEFT WING DOWN Spoilers 4 and 11 RIGHT WING DOWN Aileron Trim Switches (P8) PCU (2) R Flaperon PCU (2) L Flaperon Aileron Trim Actuator Control Wheel Breakout Mechanism PCU (2) Feel and Centering Mechanism R Aileron Position Transducers (6) PCU (2) Force Transducer L Aileron ACE (4) Speedbrake Lever Transducers (4) Speedbrake Lever Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) PCU (12) Spoilers Typical of All Spoilers Except 4 and 11 Legend: Mechanical Connection Backdrive Actuator (2) AFDC (3) PFC (3) PFCS Roll Control Roll Control The ailerons, the flaperons, and the spoilers control the roll attitude of the airplane. The spoilers also function as speedbrakes. FLIGHT DECK CONTROLS A cable system connects the two control wheels through a breakout mechanism. A mechanical feel and centering mechanism supplies feel forces to the control wheels. Each control wheel moves three independent position transducers. The position transducer signals go to the ACEs and then to the PFCs. There is a force transducer to detect a pilot override of the bank angle protection. Two trim switches supply power to the aileron trim actuator to move the control wheels. A decal, on the top of the control wheel, shows the position of the aileron trim. CONTROL SURFACES The ailerons move a maximum of 33 degrees up and 19 degrees down. Counterweights balance the ailerons. The flaperons move a maximum of 11 degrees up and 34 degrees down. Two PCUs operate each aileron and flaperon. The inboard and outboard spoilers move a maximum of 60 degrees up except for spoilers 4 and 11, which move a maximum of 45 degrees. One PCU operates each spoiler. AILERON AND FLAPERON DROOP When the flaps extend, the ailerons and flaperons move down (droop) to increase lift. When drooped, the ailerons and flaperons continue to supply roll control. June 2004 AILERON LOCKOUT During high speed flight, the PFCs fair the ailerons to the wing and lock out their operation. At low speed, the PFCs unlock the ailerons and command their operation. SPEEDBRAKE The speedbrake lever, on the control stand, moves a multiple channel speedbrake transducer. The speedbrake transducer signals go to the ACEs and then to the PFCs. In flight, the PFCs command the speedbrakes to extend as a function of the speedbrake lever movement. At high speed, the PFCs prevent the operation of some spoilers. When the airplane lands, the auto speedbrake actuator automatically moves the speedbrake lever to cause the spoilers to deploy. Some spoilers are delayed until the pitch attitude is less than 2 degrees. 15-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Manual Trim Cancel Switch THRUST ASYM COMP Rudder Trim Selector AUTOw OFF a P8 Aft Aisle Stand P5 Overhead Panel Modal Accelerometers (2) Rudder Trim Actuator Gust Suppression Pressure Transducers (2) Feel and Centering Mechanism Rudder Pedal Position Transducers (4) PCU (3) ACE (4) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) AIMS Cabinet (2) Legend: Mechanical Connection Backdrive Actuator (2) AFDC (3) PFC (3) Rudder Trim Indicator (P8) PFCS Yaw Control Yaw Control The rudder controls the yaw attitude of the airplane. FLIGHT DECK CONTROLS Linkages connect the two pairs of rudder pedals. A feel and centering mechanism supplies feel forces to the rudder pedals. The pedals move two independent position transducers that send their signals to the ACEs and the PFCs. A crank, in front of each pilot, permits the adjustment of the pedals. A rudder trim selector, on the aisle stand, supplies trim signals to the ACEs. The rudder trim actuator moves the rudder pedals when commanded by the ACEs. Two rudder trim rates are available. A rudder trim indicator, also on the aisle stand, shows the rudder trim position. A manual trim cancel switch, on the aisle stand, sends a signal to the ACEs to command the trim to zero. gradually reduces the maximum movement of the rudder as the airspeed increases. A switch on the P5 overhead panel permits the pilots to disable the thrust asymmetry compensation function. YAW DAMPING CONTROL SURFACE The rudder moves a maximum of 27 degrees in either direction. Three PCUs, which get power from different hydraulic power sources, operate the rudder. The rudder PCUs have a pressure valve to increase the PCU pressure when another PCU is not operating. A rudder tab hinges on the rudder. The tab moves mechanically with the rudder to increase its effect. RUDDER RATIO The PFCs calculate the rudder ratio based on airspeed. The rudder ratio 15-6 In flight, the PFCs send commands to move the rudder for Dutch roll damping and turn coordination. GUST AND MODAL SUPPRESSION The gust and modal suppression functions increase passenger comfort. The PFCs adjust the rudder position to dampen the effects of side gusts and other causes of lateral motion of the vertical fin. THRUST ASYMMETRY COMPENSATION (TAC) The TAC function helps the pilots during asymmetrical engine thrust. The PFCs send commands to the ACEs to move the rudder. June 2003 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls Elevator Feel Actuators (2) Control Columns PCU (2) R Elevator PCU (2) L Elevator Elevator Feel Units (2) Force Transducers (2) Position Transducers (6) Column Breakout Mechanism Legend: ACE (4) Backdrive Actuator (2) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Buses (3) AIMS Cabinet (2) AFDC (3) PFC (3) ADIRU Mechanical Connection PFCS Pitch Control - Elevator Pitch Control - Elevator The elevators supply short-term correction of the pitch attitude of the airplane. FLIGHT DECK CONTROLS The torque tubes of the two control columns connect with a breakout mechanism. Each control column moves three independent position transducers. The position transducer signals go to the ACEs and then to the PFCs. The force transducers measure the force that the pilot applies to the columns. When the force transducer signal is zero, the PFC uses a zero input position command. Two elevator feel units, one forward of each torque tube, supply limited feel and center the columns. Two electric actuators, commanded by the PFCs through the ACEs, increase the feel forces supplied by each feel unit. The PFCs command the feel forces as a function of airspeed. CONTROL SURFACES The elevators hinge on the rear spar of the horizontal stabilizer. The elevators move a maximum of 33 degrees up and 27 degrees down. Two PCUs, which get power from different hydraulic power sources, operate each elevator. The elevator PCUs have a pressure reducing valve operated by a solenoid and controlled by an ACE. When a PCU is not operating, the ACEs increase the pressure on the other PCU to maintain elevator movement. June 2003 STALL PROTECTION When the airplane approaches a stall condition, the PFC causes the elevator to move for airplane pitch down. OVERSPEED PROTECTION During an overspeed condition, the PFC causes the elevator to move for airplane pitch up. SPEED STABILITY AND FLARE COMPENSATION The PFC commands the elevator in pitch up or pitch down based on airspeed changes for speed stability. During flare, the PFC commands a pitch down to simulate the natural attitude of the airplane in ground effect. 15-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Hydraulic Brakes (2) ALTN Alternate Pitch Trim Levers (P10) Stabilizer Position Modules (3) STCM (2) Control Wheel Pitch Trim Switches (4) C STAB R NORM CUTOUT ACE (4) Stabilizer Cutout Switches (P10) Flight Controls ARINC 629 Bus (3) Hydraulic Motors (2) Stabilizer Ballscrew Actuator AIMS Legend: Mechanical Connection Hydraulic Connection PFC (3) Stabilizer Position Indicator (2) (P10) PFCS Pitch Control - Stabilizer Pitch Control - Stabilizer CONTROL SURFACE The horizontal stabilizer supplies long-term correction of the pitch attitude of the airplane. The horizontal stabilizer is a one piece airfoil. It pivots at its rear spar. A ballscrew actuator, attached to the front spar, moves the stabilizer leading edge to a maximum of 4 degrees up and 11 degrees down. FLIGHT DECK CONTROLS The pilots use two pitch trim switches for manual pitch trim control. The switches, on the outboard of each control wheel, send electrical pitch trim signals to the ACEs. The pilots also use two alternate pitch trim levers on the left of the control stand. Two guarded cut-out switches, on the control stand, control hydraulic shutoff valves to stop hydraulic pressure to the stabilizer. Two stabilizer position indicators, on the control stand, show the position of the stabilizer. A green band on the indicator shows the range of correct stabilizer position for takeoff. Two hydraulic motors, which get power from different hydraulic power sources, cause the ballscrew actuator to rotate. Two hydraulic brakes prevent the ballscrew actuator from moving. Two stabilizer trim control modules (STCMs) receive commands from the ACEs to control the hydraulic pressure to the motors and brakes. A shutoff valve, on each STCM, stops hydraulic power when the applicable cutout switch is in the CUTOUT position. Cables transmit the stabilizer movement to three stabilizer position modules (SPMs) in the stabilizer 15-8 compartment. The SPMs supply stabilizer position data to the ACEs. ELEVATOR OFFLOAD In the normal mode of operation, the PFCs command pitch trim when the elevator is not faired to the stabilizer for more than a set time. COLUMN CUTOUT When the pilot moves the control column in the opposite direction of the pitch trim direction, the PFCs cut out the pitch command to the STCMs. This stops the stabilizer ballscrew. STABILIZER AUTO SHUTDOWN If there is an uncommanded pitch trim, the PFCs command the STCM hydraulic shutoff valves to close. June 2003 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls PCU Spoiler 11 PCU Spoiler 4 Mechanical Cables Stabilizer Mechanical Cables Right STCM R Hyd Sys Alternate Pitch Trim Levers M/B Ballscrew Actuator M/B Left STCM Legend: C Hyd Sys Mechanical Connection Hydraulic Connection PFCS Mechanical Control PFCS Mechanical Control HORIZONTAL STABILIZER A cable-driven system controls two spoilers and the stabilizer. The pilots use two alternate pitch trim levers and a set of cables to send mechanical control signals to the horizontal stabilizer. Two alternate pitch trim levers on the control stand connect to valves on each stabilizer trim control module (STCM).If the pilots move both levers in the same direction, this moves the valves in the STCMs. This sends hydraulic fluid to the hydraulic motors and brakes to move the horizontal stabilizer. SPOILERS The pilots use the control wheels and cables to mechanically control signals to spoilers 4 and 11. The captain’s or first officer’s control wheel controls the position of a hydraulic control valve on the spoiler PCUs. This causes the hydraulic PCUs to move the spoilers. In normal mode only, the PFCs calculate commands to electrically control spoilers 4 and 11 as speed brakes. Spoilers 4 and 11 deploy to a maximum of 45 degrees. June 2003 15-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. SPOILERS L AIL L FLPRN R FLPRN R AIL STAB RUDDER TRIM 6.50 L L ELEV 10.5 R ELEV RUDDER FLT CTRL MODE SECONDARY PFCS Synoptic Display PFCS Indications PFCS Indications Trim position of the stabilizer and rudder shows in degrees. SYSTEM MONITORING The PFCs do a self-test and a test of the ACEs each time the system gets power. A failure of a test may cause an EICAS status message. SYNOPTIC DISPLAY The synoptic display helps the flight crew understand the impact of flight control system failures. It is not necessary to use the synoptic display to do any normal or nonnormal crew procedures. MAINTENANCE PAGES There are three maintenance pages. Maintenance personnel use the maintenance pages to do maintenance functions, such as rigging, and to do checks of the discrete outputs from the PFCS components. The flight controls synoptic display gives the flight crew a graphical overview of the flight control system. The display has this information: • • • Primary flight control surface positions Failures Current flight control mode. 15-10 June 2003 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls FLIGHT CONTROL ROLL RATE ROLL ANGLE -0.70 -0.18 +2.39 ALT ANGLE OF ATTACK +5.23 CAS YAW RATE PITCH RATE: ADIRU +0.15 L1 ACE INT XDCR +0.15 EXT XDCR COLUMN +5.36 2 +5.36 3 +5.36 FORCE 1 +0.05 2 +0.05 FDR +0.062 POS 1 SPD BRK HANDLE CAPT WHEEL +0.15 PEDAL +3.57 +3.57 +3.57 +0.05 -0.42 -0.42 +15.3 +18.7 RUD TRIM FLIGHT CONTROL AUTO PG 1/3 L2 2000 257 C +0.15 +0.15 R +0.15 +0.15 COLUMN +5.36 +5.36 +5.36 +0.05 +0.05 +0.062 +0.15 +0.15 F/O WHEEL +3.57 +3.57 +3.57 +0.05 PEDAL -0.42 -0.42 +18.7 POS 1 +0.00 +0.05 +0.05 UPR +1.2 L +1.2 2 +0.00 +0.00 +0.05 +0.05 LWR +1.2 R +1.2 3 4 +0.00 HYD PRESS 3000 3000 R 3000 L C AUTOPILOT: PROT MODE ACTIVITY: NORMAL ENGAGED OVERSPEED PROT FLAPERON POSITION PCU FORCE +3.36 +10 +3.36 +10 +0.75 +0.75 AILERON POSITION +0.75 S +0.75 RUDDER POSITION DELTA PRESS UPR MID LWR +2.20 +2.20 S +2.20 +2.35 +2.35 S +20 -20 STAB POSITION 1 2 3 STABILIZER DATE 17 JAN 91 1.20 1.20 10 1.20 S 1.23 12 1.20 1.23 14 1.20 S +3.36 S -10 ELEVATOR POSITION DELTA PRESS PFC MODE: 8 +3.36 -10 SUPPRESS GUST MODAL ELEVATOR FEEL SPOILER POSITION 1.23 S 1.20 5 1.23 S 1.23 3 1.20 1.23 1 1.23 S 7 AUTO PG 2/3 UTC 18:44:33 STABILIZER PFCS Maintenance Page – Controls +20 +20 -20 ELEVATOR POSITION DELTA PRESS -2.06 +2.35 +10 SR -2.06 +2.35 S +10 SC -2.06 DATE 17 JAN 91 UTC 18:44:33 PFCS Maintenance Page – Surfaces PFCS Indications FLIGHT CONTROL ACE ANALOG DISCRETES: FSEU 1 TE & LE RETRACTED FSEU 2 TE & LE RETRACTED PFC DISCONNECT SWITCH ACE MODE RUD MTC SWITCH PUSHED RUD TRIM ARMED RUD TRIM RATE RUD TRIM DIRECTION RUD TRIM BRK RELEASED CAPT PITCH TRIM ARM CAPT PITCH TRIM/CTRL F/O PITCH TRIM ARM F/O PITCH TRIM CTRL STCM BRK RELEASE PRESS STCM HYD SO RLY POWER ELEV FEEL ENGAGED SPDBRK ACTR RETRACTED TAC SWITCH POSITION L1 AUTO PG 3/3 L2 YES NO AUTO DIRECT YES --LEFT -UP ------YES -- C YES NO AUTO NORM -------NO ---YES --- L AIMS ANALOG DISCRETES: ALTN PITCH TRIM LEVER ARM ALTN PITCH TRIM LEVER CTRL STABILIZER R YES NO AUTO NORM ------UP --YES YES YES -AUTO YES NO AUTO NORM -YES FAST -YES ---NO YES YES ---- R ACTIVE DIRECTION ACTIVE DIRECTION YES YES UP UP YES YES UP UP DATE 17 JAN 91 UTC 18:44:33 PFCS Maintenance Page – Discretes PFCS Indications June 2003 15-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. FSEUs Slats Flap and Slat Primary Control Valves Krueger Flap Flap and Slat Position Sensors Slat PDU Flap Position Sensors Torque Tubes Flap Transmission Assembly Slat Rotary Actuators Flap PDU Inboard Flap Outboard Flap Slat Position Sensors High Lift Surfaces High Lift Surfaces TRAILING EDGE FLAPS The trailing edge flaps have an inboard double slotted flap and an outboard single slotted flap on each wing. The flaps have six positions: up, 5, 15, 20, 25, and 30. The takeoff setting is at 5, 15, or 20. The landing setting is at 25 or 30. The flaps retract at settings 1 and up. Hydraulic or electric motors on the flap PDU turn the flap torque tubes. The torque tubes operate the flap transmission assemblies. The transmission assemblies use a ballscrew and gimbal to extend and retract the flaps. LEADING EDGE SLATS The leading edge slat system has seven slats and one Krueger flap on each wing. The Krueger flap seals the gap between the engine strut and the inboard slat. The slats have these three positions: • • • Cruise (retracted) Takeoff (sealed) Landing (gapped). The Krueger flap has only two positions: retracted and deployed. Hydraulic or electric motors on the slat power drive unit (PDU) turn the slat torque tubes. The torque tubes drive the slat rotary actuators. The rotary actuators extend and retract the slats with a rack and pinion drive. FLAP/SLAT ELECTRONIC UNITS Two identical and interchangeable flap/slat electronic units (FSEUs), in the main equipment center, process the high lift commands. 15-12 FLAP POSITION SENSING There are two position sensors on each side of the flap PDU. These sensors supply the flap position to the FSEUs for control and monitoring. The FSEUs also receive inputs from 16 flap skew sensors. These sensors are on the flap linkages and monitor for flap misalignment. SLAT POSITION SENSING There are two position sensors at each end of the slat torque tubes. These sensors supply the slat position to the FSEUs for closed loop control and for monitoring. The FSEUs also receive inputs from 12 slat skew/loss proximity sensors. These sensors monitor for slat misalignment and for a lost slat. June 2003 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls ALTN FLAPS ARM ALTN w Sec/Altn Control Relays w OFF RET EXT Center Hydraulic System Limit Switches Autoslat Priority Valve Alternate Flaps Panel (P10) PDU (Typical) Flap/Slat Priority Valve FLAP 1 Flap Lever Position Sensors Hydraulic Motor 5 15 FSEU (2) 20 Primary Control Valve (Typical) Electric Motor 25 Flap and Slat Position Sensors 30 Flap Lever (P10) Legend: Mechanical Connection Hydraulic Connection Systems ARINC 629 Bus (4) Flap and Slat Skew Sensors TE Flaps and LE Slats HLCS Operational Overview HLCS Operational Overview The high lift control system (HLCS) extends and retracts the trailing edge and leading edge devices. The HLCS operates in three modes: • • • Primary Secondary Alternate. PRIMARY MODE The primary mode has a fly-by-wire closed loop control and operates hydraulically. The pilot controls the HLCS with the flap lever on the control stand. The lever has seven detents with gates at detents 1 and 20. Four sensors transmit the flap lever position to the two FSEUs. The FSEUs receive and transmit data on the systems ARINC 629 buses. Other airplane systems supply airspeed and hydraulic data through these buses for the high lift protection functions. The FSEUs control solenoids in the primary control valves. These valves control the hydraulic power to the hydraulic motors on the flap and slat PDUs. These motors operate the flap and slat mechanisms. The FSEUs also operate the autoslat priority valve for autoslat extension when the airplane is near a stall condition. SECONDARY MODE If the FSEUs find a fault in primary mode, they switch to the secondary mode. The secondary mode operates electrically, but the pilot control is the same as in the primary mode. The FSEUs control the secondary/alternate control relays. These relays engage clutches and June 2003 supply electrical power to electric motors on the flap and slat PDUs. The electric motors move the flap and slat mechanisms. ALTERNATE MODE The alternate mode is independent of the FSEUs and uses electrical power to move the flaps and slats. The pilot selects the alternate mode with the alternate flaps arm switch. The pilot then selects extend or retract using the alternate flaps selector. These switches are on the control stand, outboard of the flap lever. These switches control the secondary/alternate control relays for the flaps and slats in the same way as the secondary mode. The alternate mode uses flap and slat limit switches to limit the flaps to 20 degrees and the slats to the sealed position. 15-13 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flap/Slat Indication EICAS Tape Left Wing Slats Left Wing Flaps F L A P S Command Bar Command Bar 20 Detent Number Primary Mode Display F L A P S 15 Detent Number Secondary Mode Display 5 20 F L A P S 5 20 Alternate Mode Display Flap and Slat Indications Flap and Slat Indications SECONDARY MODE DISPLAY ALTERNATE MODE DISPLAY The EICAS display shows all HLCS indications. The FSEUs supply surface positions to the primary display system which shows the indications in the three modes of operation. When the system changes to the secondary mode, the flap/slat indication expands to show position tapes for both the slats and flaps on each wing. A magenta command bar and detent number shows the flap setting. The command bar and detent number change to green when the surface position agrees with the flap lever command. The tape, command bar, and detent number change to amber to show faults in the secondary mode. The alternate mode display shows when the alternate system is armed. This display is similar to the secondary mode display, except the command bars do not show and tick marks show flap lever detent positions. The alternate mode uses X’s on the tapes to show faults. PRIMARY MODE DISPLAY The primary mode display is a single white tape that moves down as the flaps and slats extend. A magenta command bar and detent number shows the flap setting. The command bar and detent number change to green when the surface position agrees with the flap lever command. The secondary mode display goes out of view 10 seconds after the flaps and slats fully retract and the flap lever is in the UP position. The primary mode display goes out of view 10 seconds after the flaps and slats fully retract and the flap lever is in the UP position. 15-14 June 2003 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Flight Controls Slats Flaps Cruise Sealed Position Takeoff Gapped Position Landing HLCS Functions HLCS Functions The FSEUs control the sequence of the flaps and slats extension and retraction. The FSEUs also supply protection functions such as autoslat extension, load relief and skew or asymmetry. FLAP AND SLAT SEQUENCE The flaps and slats extend and retract in sequence. This sequence is different in the three modes of operation. In the primary mode, the slats extend to the sealed position before the flaps extend. When the flap lever is at 25 or 30, the slats extend to the gapped position before the flaps extend from the 20 position. In the secondary mode, the slats extend to the gapped position before the flaps extend. In the alternate mode, the slats and flaps extend at the same time. In all three modes, the flaps retract before the slats retract. AUTOSLAT The autoslat function improves the airplane stall performance near stall conditions. The autoslat function is available only in the primary (hydraulic) mode. When the airplane is near a stall condition, the FSEUs send a command to extend the slats from the takeoff (sealed) position to the landing (gapped) position. The slats return to the takeoff position when the airplane is no longer near a stall condition. LOAD RELIEF The flap and slat load relief functions protect the flaps and slats from June 2003 airload damage. The flap load relief function is available only in the primary (hydraulic) mode. The slat load relief function is available only in the secondary (electric) mode. When the airspeed is more than set levels, the flaps retract to a new position. This new position depends on airspeed. The slats retract from the gapped to the sealed position. When the airspeed is less than the reset value, the flaps extend to the commanded position. The slats extend to the gapped position. When load relief is active, the EICAS display shows a LOAD RELIEF message adjacent to the flap/slat indication. SKEW OR ASYMMETRY When the FSEUs detect a skew or asymmetry, they shut down the flap or slat drive. 15-15 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. FLAP/SLAT STATUS FLAP LEVER AIRSPEED 1A 1B 2A 2B C SYS PRESS 9.00 8.47 8.91 9.05 AUTOSLAT LOAD RELIEF PRIORITY VLV AIR/GND FSEU 1 FSEU 2 STANDBY 200 3000 CMD NOT CMD OPEN AIR IN CONTROL 200 3000 NOT CMD CMD CLOSED AIR SLATS DRIVE CMD MODE S/O VLV CMD SLAT 2 SLAT POS PRI EXT LO SPD CLOSED SLAT 7 A FAR B NEAR L 1 200.40 2 198.80 SLAT 8 INBD OUTBD FAR A FAR B NEAR NEAR OUTBD FLAP L1 A 3.50 B 3.49 L2 3.50 3.49 FLAP POS PRI EXT LO SPD CLOSED INBD FLAP L3 A 3.50 B 3.49 SLATS DRIVE SLAT 13 A FAIL B NEAR OUTBD INBD FAR A FAIL B NEAR NEAR FLAPS DRIVE CMD MODE S/O VLV CMD R 200.40 198.80 L4 3.50 3.49 L 1 200.40 2 198.80 INBD FLAP R5 A 3.50 B 3.49 R6 3.50 3.49 DATE 23 JUN 90 R 200.40 198.80 OUTBD FLAP R7 A 3.50 B 3.49 R8 3.50 3.49 UTC 18:54:04 HLCS Maintenance Page HLCS Maintenance Page HLCS Maintenance Page There is one maintenance page for the HLCS. Maintenance personnel use the maintenance page to do maintenance functions, such as rigging, and to do checks of the discrete outputs from the HLCS components. 15-16 June 2003 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems Features PNEUMATIC Two controllers supply these functions: • • • • Pneumatic system control Pressurization system control Air conditioning pack flow schedule control Air conditioning pack backup control. The only crew action is to select auto operations or off. The system automatically removes pneumatic loads if the airplane stalls. The controller BITE monitors and tests components to the LRU level. AIR CONDITIONING The airplane has seven temperature control zones. The system can have as many as sixteen zones to permit options, without adding more controllers. Two controllers control the air conditioning system. They both do zone and pack control. Each controller has two control channels. The controller BITE monitors and tests components to the LRU level. Air bearings in the air cycle machine, and a mechanical water collector reduce service needs. An optional gasper system gives additional air circulation at each passenger seat. CREW REST AREA AIR DISTRIBUTION (-200 IGW AND 300) • Pneumatic • Air Conditioning Pack Air is provided to an optional lower lobe attendants rest (LLAR) from the air conditioning packs. Electric heaters in the LLAR give additional heat to the module. • Air Distribution • Temperature Control and Recirculation • Gasper EQUIPMENT COOLING • Flight Deck, Door, and Galley Heating • Equipment Cooling, and Lavatory and Galley Ventilation • Cargo Compartment Heating and Bulk Cargo Compartment Ventilation The aft system uses the lavatory and galley ventilation system. It pulls air through aft electrical equipment. • Cabin Pressure Control • Synoptic Displays CARGO COMPARTMENT HEATING AND VENTILATION • Maintenance Pages There are forward and aft equipment cooling systems. The forward system uses supply and exhaust fans to cool equipment in the MEC, forward equipment center, and flight deck. Waste heat from the exhaust part of the forward equipment cooling system heats the forward cargo compartment. Hot air from the pneumatic system heats the aft and bulk cargo compartments. Ventilation permits the transport of animals in the bulk cargo compartment. CABIN PRESSURE CONTROL Two controllers control the pressurization system. They also control the pneumatic system. The system has two outflow valves. Electric heaters give additional heat in the flight deck, galleys, and door areas for crew and passenger comfort. System operation is automatic. The flight management computing function (FMCF) of AIMS supplies the necessary flight plan data. A backup mode controls cabin pressurization if the flight crew does not use the FMCF for the flight. Manual outflow valve control is also available. June 2004 16-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Pneumatic Air from the pneumatic system does these functions: • • • • • • • • • Starts the APU Starts the engines Ventilates the cabin Pressurizes the cabin Prevents ice formation on the wing slats Causes air flow across the total air temperature probes Pressurizes hydraulic reservoirs and potable water tanks Supplies power to the air driven hydraulic pumps Supplies aft, and bulk cargo heat. These are the sources of air for the pneumatic system: • • • Ground air compressors APU load compressor Engine bleed air system. There are two air supply cabin pressure controllers (ASCPCs) in the main equipment center. They use data about the air sources and air users to select the valve positions. The data for automatic operation comes from these: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Airfoil and cowl ice protection system (ACIPS) Autopilot flight director system (AFDS) Airplane information management system (AIMS) Air supply cabin pressure controllers (ASCPC) Auxiliary power unit controller (APUC) Cabin temperature controller (CTC) Duct leak and overheat detection (DLODS) ECS miscellaneous card (ECSMC) Electronic engine control (EEC) Electrical load management system (ELMS) Flap slat electronics unit (FSEU) Hydraulic interface module (HYDIM) cards Overhead panel ARINC 629 • • system (OPAS) Warning electronic unit (WEU) Weight on wheels (WOW) cards. The engine bleed part of the system has these three control levels: • • • Digital Analog Pneumatic. Digital is the primary mode. Analog and pneumatic are backup modes. The ASCPCs give digital and analog control. Valves give pneumatic control. Air from the engine fan section cools engine bleed air in the precooler. If the bleed air does not cool sufficiently, the PRSOV reduces the air flow to keep the temperature to a limit. Over-pressure and over-temperature bleed air and duct leak conditions causes a system protective shutdown. The ASCPCs monitor system operation to the level of the line replaceable unit (LRU). The central maintenance computing system (CMCS) gives fault information. The ASCPCs control the: • • • Engine bleed air supply Isolation valves APU shutoff valves. Sensors (not shown) in the system give the controllers pressure, temperature, valve position, and flow data. Engine bleed air comes from either an intermediate stage or the high stage of the engine high pressure compressor. The controllers use engine pressure and airplane altitude to make the stage selection. The high pressure shutoff valve (HPSOV) controls system pressure when the high stage supplies the bleed air. A check valve prevents reverse flow through the intermediate pressure port. The pressure regulating and shutoff valve (PRSOV) controls system pressure when the intermediate stage supplies the bleed air. 16-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems BLEED AIR L ISLN C ISLN AFDS ACIPS R AUTO w AUTO w AUTO w CLOSEDa CLOSED a CLOSEDa WAI WAI CTC (2) APUC L ENG ON A APU w OFF a AIMS FSEU DLODS R ENG AUTO w ON OFF OFF a w a ECSMC (2) Bleed Air/Pressurization Panel (P5) EEC (2) ELMS OPAS (2) ARINC 629 System Buses (3) HYDIM (4) WEU WOW Left ASCPC Right ASCPC A AC Pack Manifold Flow Sensor AC Pack To Hydraulic Reservoir Air-Driven Pump (C2) To Wing Anti-Ice Ground Air Supply Manifold Dual Temperature Sensor Ground Air Connection To TAT Probe Right Engine Bleed Air Supply Isolation Valve (3) To Hydraulic Reservoir To Engine Starter Fan Air Modulating Valve Aft Cargo Heat Precooler High Pressure and Fan Air Controller Intermediate Pressure Check Valve Bulk Cargo Heat To Potable Water Air-Driven Pump (C1) APU Shutoff Valve Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve Duct Vent Valve Engine Anti-Ice Valve Controller Air Cooler High Pressure Shutoff Valve Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve Controller Intermediate Pressure Sensor APU Starter Control Valve To APU Start Supply From APU Air Pneumatic System June 2004 16-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ram Air Inlet To Trim Air System From Pneumatic System Reheater Temperature Sensors (Typical) Economy Cooling Check Valve Water Spray Low Limit Valve Condenser Inlet Temperature Sensors Condenser Economy Cooling Valve Sec Hx Water Collector Pri Hx Flow Sensor Ozone Converter Flow Control Shutoff Valves To Flight Deck (Left Pack Only) C T1 To Mix Manifold T2 Ram Air Exhaust Turbine Bypass Valve ACM: Fan ACM: Compressor Turbines To LLAR (200 IGW -300) (Left Pack Only) Gnd Air Connection Pack Airflow Pack Air Flow Two flow control and shutoff valves control air flow from the pneumatic system to each pack. One valve is open at a time.The upper valve is open at altitudes up to 26,000 feet (7930m). Above 26,000 feet the lower valve opens to let air go through the ozone converter. When the airplane goes below 24,000 feet (7315m), the upper valve opens and the lower valve closes. Heat exchangers use ambient ram air to remove heat from the pneumatic system and the air cycle machine (ACM) compressor. The air cools more in the condenser. The water collector removes water that has condensed and sends it to the ram air for evaporative cooling. Air from the collector warms in the reheater to remove any ice particles.Air expands in the turbines of the ACM to give cooling. The cabin temperature controller (CTC) controls the turbine bypass valve, low limit valve, and ram air doors to adjust the air temperature from the packs. The controllers use data from sensors for control and indication. valve. It does not go through the ACM. The CTC modulates only the ram air doors to control cooling air flow through the heat exchangers. When less cooling is necessary, the pack goes to the economy cooling mode. The economy cooling valve opens to decrease the air flow through the compressor and turbine. This decreases the pneumatic pressure needed for pack air flow.The CTCs modulate the turbine bypass valve and ram air doors to control pack outlet temperature. Connections for ground conditioned air are in the ECS bays in the ducts that come from the packs. Normally air from the left side goes to the flight deck and the mix manifold and air from the right side goes only to the mix manifold. If there is a failure of the ACM, or the condenser inlet temperature sensors, or if the economy cooling valve fails open, the pack can operate in the standby cooling mode. Air goes through the economy cooling check valve, the economy cooling valve, and the turbine bypass 16-4 Distribution Air Flow Air from the left pack also goes to the optional LLAR (-200ER and -300). The mix manifold is in the aft end of the forward cargo compartment. Ducts and risers for each zone connect the mix manifold to conditioned air distribution ducts above both passenger compartment aisles. The ducts have outlets that let air go into the passenger compartment. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems Conditioned Air Overhead Distribution Duct (Typical) Aft Upper Recirculation Fan Mix Manifold Fwd Upper Recirculation Fan Risers (8) (Typical) Conditioned Air Outlet Ducts Pack Locations (In Underwing Fuselage Area) Lower Recirculation Fans Flight Deck Conditioned Air Distribution Duct Ram Air Exhaust Ground Conditioned Air Connector (2) FWD ECS Bay Doors (Access to Packs) Ram Air Inlet Doors Underwing Fuselage Area Distribution Airflow June 2004 16-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Air Conditioning Control There are two cabin temperature controllers (CTCs) that give normal air conditioning control. Each CTC has two channels for redundancy. There are two air supply cabin pressure controllers (ASCPCs) that give backup control. The left controllers control these left components: • • • Flow control and shutoff valves Air conditioning pack Trim air system. The right controllers control the right side. There are two control panels. The flight crew uses the air conditioning panel on the P5 to do these functions: • • • • Sensors in the flight deck and passenger zones give temperature information to the controllers. The controllers control the pack to get air temperature for the zone that is set the lowest. The controllers use information from the temperature sensors in the mix manifold to adjust the pack temperature because of the temperature of recirculation air. The controllers control the trim air system to warm the air that goes to zones that are set higher than the lowest set temperature. There are temperature sensors in the ducts that carry air to the zones. The controllers use their information to control the packs and trim air systems. Operate the air conditioning packs Operate the recirculation fans Set the flight deck temperature Set the cabin temperature. Recirculation Air from the passenger cabin goes through return air grilles to the area between the fuselage skin and sealed cargo compartments. Some of this air goes out of the airplane through the pressurization outflow valves. The lower recirculation fans get air from the area between the fuselage skin and sealed cargo compartments. The upper recirculation fans get air from above the passenger compartment ceiling near passenger doors two and three. They move the air through filters into the distribution system. About one-half of the air in the distribution system comes from the recirculation fans. This decreases the quantity of bleed air from the engines. The CTCs control the operation of the fans.The environmental control system miscellaneous control cards (ECSMC) monitor their operation. The cabin crew can use the cabin temperature screen on cabin services system (CSS) control panels to adjust the temperature of each cabin zone 10F (6C) above or below the set temperature. 16-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems EQUIP COOLING AIR CONDITIONING GASPER AUTO MAIN MENU Optional CABIN TEMPERATURE ON RECIRC FANS UPPER LOWER OVRD ON FLT DECK TEMP AUTO AREA DESCRIPTION ON CABIN TEMP ACTUAL AIR COND RESET TARGET 21 C C MAN W C L PACK F R PACK AUTO OFF 70 W L TRIM AIR R AUTO ON OFF ON 70 AREA RESET F FAULT FAULT Cabin Services System Panel AIMS Air Conditioning Panel (P5) ELMS ARINC 629 System Buses (2) APUC Right ASCPC Left ASCPC Left Cabin Temperature Controller Passenger Cabin Zones Flight Deck Zone Forward Upper Recirculation Fan (Ref) Right Cabin Temperature Controller A B C D E ECSMC (2) Zone Air Temp Sensor (9) F Aft Upper Recirculation Fan (Ref) Filter (Typical) Trim Air Pressure Regulating and Shutoff Valve (2) Zone Duct Temp Sensor (14) Gasper Fan (Optional) Trim Air Pressure Sensor (2) Pneumatic System Zone Trim Air Modulating Valves (7) Flow Control and Shutoff Valves Mix Manifold Left A/C Pack Right A/C Pack Pneumatic System Lower Recirculation Fans Ozone Converter To LLAR Temperature Control and Recirculation June 2004 16-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP COOLING GASPER AUTO ON Gasper Fan Switch RECIRC FANS UPPER LOWER OVRD ON FLT DECK TEMP AUTO ON Gasper Fan Conditioned Air Overhead Distribution Ducts CABIN TEMP AIR COND RESET C MAN W C L PACK AUTO OFF W R PACK L TRIM AIR R ON ON FAULT FAULT AUTO OFF Gasper Air Distribution Ducts Air Conditioning Panel (P5) Adjustable Outlets Air Flow Air Flow Passenger Service Units (PSUs) Gasper Gasper (Optional) The gasper system increases air flow in the passenger cabin through outlets in the passenger service units (PSUs). The system has these components: • • • • Gasper fan above the ceiling in the passenger cabin Switch on the air conditioning control panel in the flight deck Air outlets on the passenger service units Ducts that connect the gasper fan to the air supply and the air outlets. A switch on the control panel and the two environmental control system miscellaneous card (ECSMC) control the fan. The left card gives backup control. The fan takes air from the distribution system. It sends it to individual outlets on the PSUs. Passengers can adjust the outlets. 16-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems Warm Air Flow Warm Air Flow Warm Air Flow Warm Air Flow Foot Heaters Air Flow Heater Warm Air Flow Heaters Flight Deck, Door, and Galley Heaters Electric heaters give additional heat to these areas: • • • Flight deck Galleys Passenger entry doors. The ELMS and the ECSMCs control the heaters. There are two different types of heaters in the flight deck. One type heats the air going to the left shoulder of the captain and right shoulder of the first officer. The other type heats the foot area for the captain and first officer. Each of the crew has individual heater controls. The heaters can operate only in the air. The galley heaters heat the air that goes to the floor area. There is a control switch in each galley. The heater will operate only if a pack is on. The door heaters heat the air that goes to the bottom of each passenger entry door opening. There are no control switches. Operation is automatic during these conditions: • • • Airplane is in the air Outside air temperature is less than 35F (2C) Pack or recirculation fan is on. June 2004 16-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Main Equipment Center Flight Deck O/H Panel Inst Equipment Cooling Switch Aisle Stand E2 E1 MAT E3 MEC Supply Duct Fwd Cargo Heat Duct Vent Valve E4-1 E4-4 -2 -3 Smoke Det AIR CONDITIONING EQUIP COOLING Fwd Cargo Heat Valve Vent Fan A GASPER AUTO ON RECIRC FANS UPPER LOWER OVRD ON FLT DECK TEMP AUTO ON Pressure Sensor (4) CABIN TEMP Conv Supp Cooling Fan WXR Supply Fans Air Filter AIR COND RESET C MAN W C L PACK AUTO OFF W R PACK L TRIM AIR R ON ON FAULT FAULT Fwd Equipment Center AUTO OFF F/D Supply Duct A Fwd Outflow Valve (Ref) E16 E5 Override Valve Flow Detector (2) Forward Equipment Cooling System Air Conditioning Panel (P5) Pass Cabin Temp Sensors E11 Equip Rack Airplane Skin Fwd Cargo Compartment Lav and Galleys Lavatory and Galley Ventilation Fans Bulk Cargo Temp Sensors Aft Electrical Equipment Aft Cargo Temp Sensors Aft Equipment Cooling System Equipment Cooling and Lavatory and Galley Ventilation Systems Equipment Cooling and Lavatory and Galley Ventilation The forward equipment cooling system has two supply fans. The lower fan operates. The upper gives automatic backup. They send air from around the cargo compartment to the override valve. When one disc of this valve is open, the other is closed. Normally the upper disc is open. When the lower disc is open, the valve is in the override position.In the normal position supply fan air goes to this equipment: • • • • Main equipment center E5 and E16 racks near the forward cargo compartment door Forward equipment center Flight deck. The vent fan pulls the air from these areas except the E5 and E16 racks. It sends the air to the vent valve and the forward cargo heat valve. When one of these valves is open, the other is closed. The cargo heat valve is part of the cargo heat system. It is open when the outside temperature is less than 45F (7C). At a temperature more than 45F (7C), the vent valve is open. The outlet from the vent valve is near the forward pressurization outflow valve. When the vent valve is open, air goes overboard through the outflow valve. There is a smoke detector. The supply fans and vent fan push air through the smoke detector. The detector uses LED photoelectric cells to find if there is smoke in the air. There are also flow detectors. Smoke or low flow will cause the system to go to the override mode. Also, the flight crew can use the equipment cooling switch for the override mode. In this mode, the: • • • Supply fans stop Vent fan stops Override valve goes to the override position 16-10 • Pressurization pushes air through the equipment and overboard. The converter supplemental cooling fan operates when the supply fans are off, to supply cooling air to the backup electrical power system. There are two lavatory and galley ventilation fans. The right fan operates. The left fan gives automatic backup.The fans pull air: • • • • Through temperature sensors Through equipment on racks From lavatories From galleys. The air goes overboard through the aft pressurization outflow valve. The two ECSMCs control the forward system, and the lavatory and galley vent fans. They use controllers to control the forward system supply fans and the override valve. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems Temperature Sensor (777-300) Door Floor Forward Cargo Heat Valve Equipment Cooling Ventilation Fan Forward Cargo Compartment Heating System Forward Cargo Heater (777-300) Aft Cargo Compt Vent Valve Door Bulk Cargo Bulk Ventilation Fan Cargo Compt Door Cabin Air Floor CARGO TEMP SELECT AFT LOW OFF BULK LOW HIGH OFF Temperature Sensors HIGH Pneumatic System Distribution Duct Cargo Heat Panel (P61) Temperature Control Valves Shutoff Valves Aft and Bulk Cargo Compartment Heating System Cargo Compartment Heating and Bulk Cargo Compartment Ventilation Cargo Compartment Heating and Bulk Cargo Compartment Ventilation The forward, aft, and bulk cargo compartments each have heating systems. The bulk cargo compartment also has a ventilation system. The forward cargo compartment heating system uses vent air from the forward equipment cooling system. The two ECSMCs give control. There is no control switch. The AIMS tells the ECSMC when the total air temperature (TAT) is less than 50F (10C). The card tells ELMS to close the vent valve and open the forward cargo heat valve. The warm air flows into the forward cargo compartment. The aft and bulk cargo compartment heating systems are independent of each other. The ECSMCs control the systems. Air from the pneumatic system is the heat source. Each compartment has these components: • • • • Shutoff valve Temperature control valve Temperature sensor Control switch on P61. The valve operation for both compartments is the same.The crew sets HIGH or LOW on the control switch. The ECSMC tells the ELMS to open the shutoff valve. The ELMS also opens and closes the temperature control valve. When the switch is set to LOW, the control valve opens at a compartment temperature of 40F (4C) and closes at 50F (10C). When the switch is set to HIGH, the valve opens at a compartment temperature of 65F (18C) and closes at 75F (24C). The crew uses HIGH for the bulk cargo compartment when animals are in the cargo.This turns on the bulk cargo ventilation fan. The fan takes cabin air from around the compartment and blows it into the compartment. Smoke in the compartments causes the heating and ventilation systems to stop operation. June 2004 16-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Negative Pressure Relief Vent (4) Positive Pressure Relief Valve (2) PRESSURIZATION FWD OUTFLOW VALVE AFT AUTOw AUTOw MAN a MAN a OPEN OPEN MAX P .11 PSI TAKEOFF & LDG LDG ALT DECR INCR PULL ON MANUAL Manual Control Manual Control Bleed Air/Pressurization Panel (P5) CLOSE CLOSE Remote Sensor 28v dc ELMS Right ASCPC Controllers Outflow Valves: Forward Aft AIMS Left ASCPC Card Files ARINC 629 Systems Buses (3) Cabin Pressure Control Pressurization The pressurization system controls the air pressure inside the airplane for the comfort and safety of the passengers and crew. The pressurization system has these components: • • • • • • Control panel on the P5 overhead panel Two air supply cabin pressure controllers (ASCPC), in the main equipment center Two outflow valve assemblies, one each below the left forward and left aft passenger doors Remote cabin pressure sensor in the main equipment center Two positive pressure relief valves in the forward cargo compartment, opposite the cargo door Four negative pressure relief vents in the forward cargo compartment, two on each side. The left ASCPC controls cabin pressure automatically. The right ASCPC gives automatic backup control. Control data comes from the: • • • • • AIMS Landing altitude select switch on the control panel Cabin pressure sensors on the controllers Remote cabin pressure sensor Weight on wheels card. The air conditioning packs put air into the airplane. The outflow valves control the rate at which the air goes out of the airplane. There are two motors on each outflow valve assembly. Each ASCPC uses one motor on each valve assembly to control the valve position. A controller on each valve controls motor operation. For manual control of the outflow valves, the crew uses the switches 16-12 on the panel. They use the pushbutton switch to turn off the auto control for a valve. They use the toggle switch to open or close the valve. These indications show on the primary display system: • • • • • • Cabin altitude Cabin altitude rate of change Differential pressure Selected landing altitude Outflow valve positions System problems. Differential pressure is the difference in pressure between the inside and outside of the airplane. The maximum pressure is 8.6 psi. The positive pressure relief valves open if the pressure inside the airplane is too high. If the pressure outside the airplane is higher than the pressure inside, the negative pressure vents open. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Environmental Systems F/D 74 75 MASTER 72 F B C A 76 73 72 71 72 D 72 72 FWD F/D TRIM W L 28 L TRIM AIR R 65 R PACK STBY COOLING ISLN C ISLN AIR 1 HYD WAI 74 1 L PACK DUCT PRESS 44 70 45 F 74 72 BULK AFT 44 C E 74 72 DUCT PRESS R 44 AIR 2 HYD WAI APU EAI EAI GND AIR START L ENG 1 START APU R ENG START This information shows only if the forward cargo A/C option is installed. Air Synoptic Display Synoptic Display For the pneumatics system, the air synoptic display shows this information: • • • • • Ground air in use Duct pressures Engine bleed air pressure regulating and shutoff valve position Isolation valve position APU shutoff valve position. An X on an isolation valve symbol or the APU shutoff valve symbol shows the valve has failed or the switch on the bleed air/pressurization panel for the valve is in the non-normal position. For the air conditioning system, the air synoptic display shows this information: • • • • • • • Normal air conditioning pack operation Standby air conditioning pack operation Trim air pressure regulating and shutoff valve position Master air conditioning temperature for the whole airplane Target and actual temperature for each air conditioning zone Flight deck trim air modulating valve position Target and actual temperature in the cargo compartments. June 2004 The air synoptic display shows position data for these valves: • • • • APU start valve Engine start valves Engine thermal anti-ice valves Wing thermal anti-ice valves. 16-13 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. AIR SUPPLY L HIGH PRESS S/O VLV PRESS REG S/O VLV FAN AIR VLV STARTER VLV ENG HIGH STAGE PRESS INTERIM DUCT PRESS MANIFOLD DUCT PRESS PRECOOLER OUT TEMP BLEED FLOW RATE ENG N1 FAN SPEED AIR CONDITIONING MASTER TEMP R F/D OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED 120 38 38 400 120 90 OPEN CLOSED OPEN CLOSED CRUISE OPEN OPEN CLOSED CLOSED 120 38 38 400 120 90 LEFT ISO VLV CENTER ISO VLV RIGHT ISO VLV APU ISO VLV FLIGHT PHASE ZONE TEMP TRGT TEMP DUCT TEMP TRIM VLV CTRL CH CAB ALT LDG ALT 5000 3000 RIGHT LOWER RECIR FAN ASCPC IN CONTROL AC TEMP ZONE AUTO +125 P 7.0 0.45 L PACK FLOW-VOLUME PACK FLOW-MASS PACK OUT TEMP PRI HX IN TEMP L CONDENSER IN TEMP STG 2 TURB IN TEMP MAN DATE 17 JAN 91 TRIM AIR PRESS UTC Air Supply Maintenance Page 1 SEC HX OUT TEMP 0.45 18:44:33 E 2700 200.0 40 385 350 400 300 9 77 5.0 1 426 SEATS D F FWD AFT 77 77 77 50 50 ---- 1 FWD UPPER RECIR FAN AFT UPPER RECIR FAN 77 MIX MANIFOLD TEMP OUTFLOW VALVES FWD AFT 72 C ON ON LEFT LOWER RECIR FAN CPRSR OUT TEMP RATE B 70 75 72 72 70 71 70 70 76 72 72 70 71 70 80 87 87 97 97 57 50 0.35 0.25 0.31 0.35 0.35 0.02 0.00 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 PRI HX OUT TEMP CABIN PRESSURE SYSTEM: A FLOW SCHEDULE R 2700 200.0 40 385 350 400 300 59 77 5.0 A/C TEMP ZONE BULK 70 70 ---- ON ON 1 L PACK CTRL CH PACK IN PRESS LOW LIM VLV POS TURB BYP VLV RAM AIR INLET RAM AIR EXIT ECON COOL VLV LOWER FLOW CTRL VLV UPPER FLOW CTRL VLV DATE 23 JUN 90 1 55.0 0.00 0.15 0.35 0.35 CLSD OPEN CLSD R 2 55.0 0.00 0.15 0.35 0.35 CLSD OPEN CLSD UTC 18:54:04 Air Conditioning Maintenance Page This information shows only if the forward cargo A/C option is installed. Air Supply and Air Conditioning Maintenance Pages Maintenance Pages Environmental control system data is on two maintenance pages. The air supply maintenance page shows this information: • • • • • • Pneumatic system valve positions Pneumatic system pressures Pneumatic system temperatures Flight phase Cabin pressure system data Outflow valve position. The air conditioning maintenance page shows this information: • • • • • • • • Zone temperatures Trim valve positions Recirculation fan conditions Pack data Pack flow schedule Pack flow Temperatures at points throughout the pack Pack valve positions. 16-14 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ice and Rain Protection Features • Anti-Ice ICE DETECTION • Ice Detection Ice detectors are on the side of the forward fuselage. When the airplane is in the air and the detectors sense ice, they operate the engine and wing anti-ice systems. • Wing Anti-Ice • Engine Anti-Ice • Air Data Probe Heat • Window Heat • Windshield Rain Removal • Water and Waste Heat WING ANTI-ICE When the airplane is in the air, bleed air prevents ice on three of the five outboard leading-edge slats. ENGINE ANTI-ICE Bleed air from the engine prevents ice on the forward edge of the engine inlet cowl. AIR DATA PROBE HEAT Electric heaters heat these air data sensors: • • • • Three pitot probes Two angle-of-attack sensors One total air temperature probe Two engine inlet probes (P&W and R-R). WINDOW HEAT Electric heaters in the flight deck windows prevent fog and ice on the windows. WINDSHIELD RAIN REMOVAL A permanent coating on the forward flight deck windows repels water. Windshield wipers remove water. WATER AND WASTE HEAT Electric heaters prevent freezing in the water and waste systems. June 2004 17-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Portable Water Tank (Typical) Waste Tank (Typical) Water and Waste Heat Windshield Rain Removal Window Heat Wing Anti-Ice Ice Detection Engine Anti-Ice Air Data Probe Heat Anti-Ice Systems Anti-Ice The wings and engine inlet cowls have anti-ice systems that use bleed air. The ice detection system automatically operates these systems during icing conditions. The flight deck windows, air data sensors, drain masts, and potable water lines have electric anti-icing systems. 17-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ice and Rain Protection ANTI-ICE WING L AUTO OFF ENGINE AUTO ON OFF R AUTO ON OFF ON AIMS Anti-Ice/Lighting Panel (P5) Systems ARINC 629 Buses Right Fuselage Ice Detector ACIPS Control Card – WNG ACIPS Control Card – ENG R Card File ACIPS Control Card – ENG L Card File Ice Detector Left Fuselage Ice Detection System Ice Detection The ice detection system has an ice detector on each side of the forward fuselage. When ice collects on either detector, a signal goes to the engine airfoil and cowl ice protection system (ACIPS) card. Also, an EICAS message shows for these conditions: • • A switch is in the OFF position and ice is detected A switch is in the ON position and no ice is detected. The engine ACIPS cards share the information with the wing ACIPS card. The cards operates the wing and engine anti-ice systems automatically when the engine and wing switches are in auto and the airplane is in the air. June 2004 17-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. ANTI-ICE WING L AUTO OFF ENGINE AUTO ON OFF ON OFF ON OPAS ADIRU WOW AIMS Anti-Ice/Lighting Panel (P5) Ice Detector (Left) ACIPS Control Card - EAI Engine Bleed Air (Left) ASCPC ECSMC WES R AUTO Systems ARINC 629 Buses ACIPS Control Card - WAI Ice Detector ACIPS Control Card - EAI Engine Bleed Air (Right) (Right) WAI Valve WAI Valve WAI Pressure Sensor WAI Pressure Sensor Perforated Duct Perforated Duct Heated Slats Heated Slats APU Bleed Air Wing Anti-Ice System Wing Anti-Ice The wing anti-ice (WAI) system prevents ice on slats three, four, five, ten, eleven, and twelve. It uses air from the pneumatic system. The ice detection system turns on the WAI system when all of these conditions occur: • • • The airplane is in the air The selector is in auto Ice is detected. The flight crew can also use the selector to turn the system on in the air. The system has a wing anti-ice (WAI) valve and a pressure sensor inside the leading edge of each wing. The valve regulates pressure. A spray tube takes the hot air into the slats. The air goes through perforations in the tube to heat the slats. Then it goes overboard through vents in the bottom of the slats. There are no test switches for the WAI system. The central maintenance computing system (CMCS) can do a test of the system with the airplane on the ground. 17-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ice and Rain Protection ANTI-ICE WING L AUTO AUTO OFF ON OFF ENGINE R AUTO ON OFF ON AIMS Anti-Ice/Lighting Panel (P5) Systems ARINC 629 Buses Fan Case Duct Leak Detector (Ref) Nozzle Ice Detector (Left) ACIPS Control Card - EAI (Left) Duct Leak and Overheat Detection System ACIPS Control Card - EAI (Right) Ice Detector (Right) Nozzle Fan Case Duct Leak Detector (Ref) Pressure Sensors Pressure Sensors High Stage Bleed Port High Stage Bleed Port EAI Valve EAI Valve EAI Valve Controller EAI Valve Controller Engine Anti-Ice System Engine Anti-Ice The engine anti-ice (EAI) system uses air from a dedicated bleed port on the engine to prevent engine inlet cowl ice. The ice detection system turns on the EAI system when all of these conditions occur: • • • The airplane is in the air The selector is in auto Ice is detected. The flight crew can also use the selector to turn on the system on the ground or in the air. Hot bleed air flows from the EAI valve, through a duct, and into the inside of the engine inlet cowl. The bleed air leaves the cowl through an overboard vent on the bottom of the cowl. Two pressure sensors are in the EAI duct for each engine. The sensors give pressure information to the EAI ACIPS card to control the valve position. There is an overheat detector adjacent to the EAI duct. When the detector senses a leak, the duct leak and overheat detection system (DLODS) sends a signal to the applicable ACIPS card. It closes the EAI valve. June 2004 17-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Center Pitot Probe Left Pitot Probe Right Pitot Probe Left AOA Sensor Right AOA Sensor TAT Probe Engine Inlet Probe (P&W and R-R only) ELMS ELMS Left Pitot ADM Right Pitot ADM TAT Probe (Optional) Engine Inlet Probe (P&W and R-R only) Systems ARINC 629 Buses Left Engine ELMS Electronics Unit WOW ERU ELMS Right Engine Flight Controls ARINC 629 Buses ERU EEC EEC PFC ADIRU SAARU ELMS AIMS EDIU EDIU Air Data Probe Heat System Air Data Probe Heat The air data probes have electric heaters. The air data modules and the electrical load management system (ELMS) control the heaters. These are the conditions on the ground with an engine on: • • • Pitot probes are on low heat AOA sensors are heated The engine inlet probes on each operating engine is heated. The pitot probes have two levels of heat. The angle of attack (AOA), total air temperature (TAT), and engine inlet probes have one level. These are the conditions during flight: On the ground with both engines off, the heaters do not operate. • • • • Pitot probes are on high heat AOA sensors are heated TAT probes are heated The engine inlet probes are heated. 17-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ice and Rain Protection Left Number 3 Window Right Number 1 Window Number 2 Window Number 1 Window Number 2 Window Number 3 Window BACKUP WINDOW HEAT LEFT RIGHT ON AIMS Systems ARINC 629 Buses OFF Backup Window Heat Panel (P61) Window Heat Control Unit (2) WINDOW HEAT SIDE L R FWD FWD ON ON ON ON SIDE INOP INOP INOP INOP Window Heat/Emergency Lights Panel (P5) Window Heat System Window Heat The window heat system prevents ice and fog on the flight deck windows. Electrically resistive material in the window lamination heats the windows. The heat layer for the number two and three windows is near the inside surface. It is for antifog. The number one window has two heat layers. The one near the inside surface is for anti-fog. The one near the outside surface is for anti-ice. Two window heat control units (WHCUs) in the main equipment center control the system. One controls the power for the left number one window and the right number two and three windows. The other controls the power for the right number one window and the left number two and three windows. A backup heat circuit in the controllers gives power to the number one window anti-fog circuit. The window heat switches are on the P5 overhead panel. The switches for the backup window heat system are on the P61 overhead maintenance panel. When the window heat switches are on, the controllers send power to the number one window anti-ice layer and the number two and three window anti-fog layer. The WHCUs reduce their power output to the number one windows during the first four minutes of operation. This reduces the thermal stress on the number one windows. The WHCUs contain an automatic shutoff circuit to protect the windows from overheat conditions. A controller sends power to the number one window anti-fog layer if the anti-ice heat fails or if the window heat switch is off. The backup window heat switch on the P61 lets maintenance personnel remove backup heat power. June 2004 17-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. L WIPER R WIPER OFF OFF INT LOW HIGH OBS AUDIO ENT INT OFF LOW HIGH Coating ON Coating Right No. 1 Window Left No. 1 Window Wiper Assembly Wiper Assembly Windowshield Rain Removal System Windshield Rain Removal A coating on both number one windows repels rain. The window manufacturer applies the coating. The airplane operator can renew it. Electrically powered windshield wipers remove water from the left and right number one windows. There is a selector on the P5 overhead panel for each wiper. 17-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ice and Rain Protection Water Supply Line Heat (Typical) Gray Water Drain Mast Heat Waste Drain Heat (Typical) Water Supply Line, Gray Water Drain Mast, and Waste Drain Heat Water and Waste Heat Electrical heat sources prevent ice in the water and waste systems. These components heat the water supply lines: • • • Heater tape Inline heaters Heated hoses. Heaters in the gray water drain masts give high heat in flight and low heat on the ground. Heated gaskets protect the waste drains. Heater blankets heat the waste tank drain lines. June 2004 17-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fire Protection Features FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS • Engine Fire and Overheat Detection FIRE AND OVERHEAT DETECTION SYSTEMS An APU fire on the ground when both engines are off automatically discharges the APU fire extinguisher. • Engine Turbine Overheat Detection - Rolls-Royce • Engine Fire Extinguishing • APU Fire Detection • APU Fire Extinguishing • Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection • Cargo Compartment Fire Extinguishing • Wheel Well Fire Detection • Duct Leak and Overheat Detection • Lavatory Smoke Detection and Fire Extinguishing • LLAR Smoke Detection (-200 ER and -300) • LLAR Fire Extinguishing (-200 ER and -300) Dual loop systems protect these areas: • • • • Engines APU Pneumatic ducts Wheel wells. Detection circuits monitor these areas and cause flight deck indications. Detectors on the engines monitor both fire and overheat conditions, they also supply temperature data to the airplane conditioning monitoring system. The cargo fire extinguishing system uses flow valves to send the fire extinguishing agent to the forward or aft compartment. There are no multiple-bottle discharge outlets. The fire extinguishing system in the LLAR sends the fire extinguishing agent to the common area inside the module (-200ER and -300). The ELMS does an automatic squib test during each flight leg. Detection systems are automatically tested. They can also be manually tested. Pneumatic and anti-ice system valves close automatically to isolate a leaking duct segment. SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEMS Cargo smoke detectors use light emitting diodes for high reliability. The smoke detectors can tell the difference between smoke and other aerosols. A smoke detector in the optional lower lobe attendants rest (LLAR) operates similar to the cargo smoke detectors to monitor for smoke in the module (-200ER and -300). June 2004 18-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. AIMS CAUTION Master Caution Light (2) Engine Fire Detectors Speaker (2) L&R Systems ARINC 629 Buses Loop 1 Loop 2 Fire Detection Card – Eng WARNING Master Warning Light (2) WEU (2) FUEL CONTROL R L RUN CUTOFF P10 Control Stand FIRE/ OVHT TEST ENG BTL ENG BTL 1 DISCH 2 DISCH DISCH 2 1 P5 Cargo Fire/ Engine Control Panel L E F T DISCH 2 1 R I G H T P8 Engine Fire Panel Engine Fire and Overheat Protection Engine Fire And Overheat Detection These are the engine overheat indications: Each engine has three fire detectors in a dual loop system. The detectors monitor the engine for fire and overheat conditions. They also supply nacelle temperature data to the airplane condition monitoring system. Detector signals go to a fire detection card. The card sends signals for flight deck indications. • • • These are the engine fire indications: There are also periodic automatic tests. There are no indications from these tests unless there are faults. • • • • • EICAS caution message Master caution lights Caution aural. You use the fire/overheat test switch on the P5 to manually test the system. The test includes the engine fire indications. Test results show on the primary display system. EICAS warning message Fire warning aural Master warning lights Fuel control switch fire warning light Engine fire warning light. 18-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fire Protection IP Turbine Fire Detection Card – Engine Engine Turbine Ovht Thermocouple – Front To Engine Fire Warning Circuits AIMS Engine Turbine Ovht Thermocouple – Rear EDIU Electronic Engine Controller L & R Systems ARINC 629 Buses Engine Turbine Overheat Protection — Rolls-Royce Engine Turbine Overheat Detection - Rolls-Royce The engine turbine overheat detection system monitors the temperature of the cooling air at the front and rear of the intermediate pressure (IP) turbine. Engine fire warnings occur in the flight deck if the front or rear temperature is more than limits. Two thermocouples give IP cooling air temperature information to the electronic engine controller (EEC). The EEC makes an analysis of the temperature information. If the EEC finds an overheat condition, it sends a signal to the engine fire detection card. The fire detection card turns on the engine fire warning indications in the flight deck. BITE does a check of the condition of the system. Status and maintenance messages give information about system failures. The fire detection card monitors its interface with the EEC for failures and sends information about the failure to the AIMS. The EEC monitors the thermocouple circuits for failures. The EEC sends information about the failure through the engine data interface unit (EDIU) to the AIMS. The FIRE/OVHT TEST switch in the flight deck does not do a test of this system. June 2004 18-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Engine Bottle Discharge Lights Engine Fire Switches Engine Fire Extinguishing Bottles Bottle 1 Engine Fire Switches (P8) Squibs Left Engine Right Engine To Discharge Nozzles Bottle 2 Check Valve Pressure Switch Discharge Manifold Engine Fire Extinguishing Engine Fire Extinguishing The two engine fire extinguishing bottles are in the forward cargo compartment. They are aft of the cargo compartment door and outboard of the liner. They contain Halon. Each bottle has two discharge squibs. The squib is an electrically operated explosive device which breaks the seal on the discharge port. Pipes connect both bottles to discharge nozzles in each engine compartment. These things happen when you pull a fire switch: • • • • • • The squib arms Fuel supply to the engine stops Engine generators electrically disconnect Hydraulic fluid supply to the engine-driven pump stops Engine bleed air valves close Engine thrust reverser is deactivated. When you turn a fire switch, the squib on one bottle fires and breaks the bottle seal. Halon discharges and flows to the selected engine. When you turn the switch in the other direction, the other bottle discharges to the same engine. Discharge lights and the primary display system give indications of fire bottle discharge. The ELMS does an automatic squib test during each flight leg. You can also use the MAT to do a squib test. Status messages show inoperative squib circuits. 18-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fire Protection Fire Detectors Fire Extinguishing Bottle APU Compartment P40 Service and APU Shutdown Panel APU BTL DISCH CARGO FIRE FWD ARM ARMED FWD AFT DISCH A P U AFT ARMED FIRE/ OVHT TEST DISCH DISCH Cargo Fire/Engine Control Panel (P5) APU Fire Detection and Extinguishing System APU Fire Detection There are three, dual loop fire detectors in the APU compartment. These are the flight deck indications: • • • • • APU shut down Master warning lights Fire warning aural EICAS warning message APU fire warning light. These are the P40 service and APU shutdown panel indications: • • Red APU fire warning light Fire warning horn. You use the fire/overheat test switch on the P5 to do a manual test of the system. The test includes the APU fire indications. Test results show on the primary display system. There are also periodic automatic tests. There are no indications from these tests unless there are faults. APU Fire Extinguishing • • • The APU fuel shutoff valve closes The APU air shutoff valve closes The fire warning horn stops. The APU fire extinguishing bottle is on the forward side of the APU compartment firewall. It contains Halon. When you turn the APU fire switch on the P5 or push the bottle discharge switch on the P40 panel, the squib fires. Halon flows into the APU compartment. The system has automatic and manual bottle discharge. Automatic discharge occurs when: These are the discharge indications: • • • The airplane is on the ground The engines are off An APU fire is detected. These things occur when you pull the APU fire switch (P5) or push the APU shutdown switch (P40): • • The bottle squib arms The APU generator electrically disconnects June 2004 • • • Discharge light on the cargo fire/engine control panel Primary display system messages Discharge light on the P40. The ELMS does an automatic squib test during each flight leg. You can also use the MAT to do a squib test. Status messages show inoperative squib circuits. 18-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. AIMS Speaker LLAR Smoke Detector (Optional) WARNING Master Warning Lights Warning Electronic Unit Aft Cargo Smoke Detector CARGO FIRE OPAS FWD ARINC 629 Systems Buses ARM AFT ARMED ARMED FWD AFT DISCH FIRE/ OVHT TEST Fwd Cargo Smoke Detector Equipment Cooling System Systems Card File (P84/P85) DISCH Cargo Fire/Engine Control Panel (P5) MEC Cooling Smoke Detector Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection These components make up the cargo smoke detection system: The cargo smoke detection system (CSDS) monitors air in these areas for smoke: • • • • Forward cargo compartment Aft cargo compartment Bulk cargo compartment. The forward cargo compartment smoke detector processes signals from the main equipment center (MEC) cooling smoke detector. The aft cargo compartment smoke detector processes signals from the smoke detector in the optional LLAR (-200ER and -300). • • Light emitting diode smoke detectors Smoke detector fans Air sampling ducts. The smoke detector fans bring air from the cargo compartments through the sampling ducts and into the smoke detectors. The smoke detectors analyze the air for smoke. Cargo compartment smoke detection signals go to the ASG cards in the system card files. It sends signals to: • • • OPAS WES AIMS. 18-6 These are the indications: • • • • EICAS warning message Fire warning aural Master warning lights Fwd or aft cargo fire warning light. You use the fire/overheat test switch on the P5 to manually test the system. The test includes the cargo compartment fire indications. Test results show on the primary display system. There are also periodic automatic tests. There are no indications from these tests unless there are system faults. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fire Protection CARGO FIRE APU BTL DISCH FWD ARM AFT ARMED ARMED FWD AFT DISCH A P U Pressure Switches FIRE/ OVHT TEST DISCH DISCH Cargo Fire/Engine Control Panel (P5) Fwd Cargo Compartment Fwd Flow Valve Aft Flow Valve Aft and Bulk Cargo Compartments Dump Bottles (2) (Larger capacity on 777-300) Metered Bottles (3) R Discharge Squib (5) Filter/ Regulator Cargo Compartment Fire Extinguishing System Cargo Compartment Fire Extinguishing System The cargo compartment fire extinguishing bottles are in the forward cargo compartment. They are aft of the cargo compartment door and outboard of the liner. The bottles are filled with Halon and pressurized with nitrogen. Tubes and flow valves connect the bottles to the forward, aft and bulk cargo compartments. Each bottle has one discharge squib. Each flow valve has two squibs. The squib is an electrically-operated explosive device which breaks a seal in the bottle and in the flow valve. Halon flows from the bottle through the flow valve to the selected cargo compartment. Push the forward or aft cargo fire arm switch to arm the system. Push the discharge switch to: The filter/regulator causes the metered bottles to discharge slowly for long-term fire suppression. • • It takes 180 minutes for all three bottles to completely discharge (240 minutes is an option). • This is how the metered bottles discharge: • • • The cargo fire/engine control panel has forward and aft cargo fire arm switches and a discharge switch. Open the flow valve Release halon from the dump bottles Start a timer in ELMS for the discharge of the metered bottles. If the airplane is on the ground when the discharge switch is set, one metered bottle will discharge 20 minutes after the dump bottles. If the airplane is in the air but lands less than 20 minutes after the switch is set, one metered bottle will discharge at landing. If the airplane is in the air 20 minutes after the switch is set, all of the metered bottles will discharge. June 2004 A pressure switch in the discharge line turns on the light in the discharge switch. A pressure switch in each bottle shows bottle discharge on the primary display system. The primary display system also shows the condition of the squibs. The ELMS does an automatic squib test during each flight leg. You can also use the MAT to do a squib test. Status messages show inoperative squib circuits. 18-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Duct Leak and Overheat Detectors Wheel Well Fire Detector Wheel Well, Duct Leak, and Overheat Detection Systems Wheel Well Fire Detection Duct Leak and Overheat Detection Dual loop fire detectors monitor the main wheel wells for brake and tire fires. There is a detector in each wheel well. These are the fire indications: The duct leak and overheat detection system (DLODS) is a dual loop system. The detectors parallel the high pressure ducts. These are the detectors: • • • • EICAS warning message Master warning lights Fire warning aural. You use the fire/overheat test switch on the P5 to do a manual test of the system. The test includes the wheel well fire indications. Test results show on the primary display system. There are also periodic automatic tests. There are no indications from these tests unless there are system faults. • • Two detectors in each engine strut Five detectors on the wing ducts Twelve detectors on the body ducts. Lavatory Smoke Detection and Fire Extinguishing Each lavatory has a smoke detector. Visual and aural indications occur in the lavatory and at attendant stations. A Halon fire extinguisher is in the sink cabinet of each lavatory. Heat from a waste compartment fire causes the extinguisher to discharge. Some duct leaks are automatically isolated. A fan case overheat causes the engine anti-ice valve to close. Strut, wing, or body duct leaks cause pneumatic system valves to close. There is continuous monitoring of the system. The fire/overheat test switch on the P5 does not test the system. 18-10 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems Features LAVATORIES PASSENGER COMPARTMENT EQUIPMENT AND FURNISHINGS The ability to change the configuration of the vacuum waste system gives more cabin interior flexibility. The vacuum toilets reduce odors and improve resistance to structural corrosion. The passenger compartment equipment and furnishings give comfort, convenience, and safety to the passengers and crew. DOORS Interior design and flexibility let the airline select and rearrange the configuration to meet their needs. LOWER LOBE ATTENDANTS REST An optional lower lobe attendants rest (LLAR) is in the forward end of the aft cargo compartment. The LLAR contains equipment and furnishings for attendants. There is an entrance enclosure in the passenger compartment for access to the LLAR (-200ER and -300). Passenger entry door openings are wide enough for two people. A large cargo door is standard on the forward cargo compartment and optional on the aft. The large door permits the loading of pallet size cargo. • Passenger Compartment Equipment and Furnishings • Lower Lobe Attendants Rest • Overhead Flight Crew and Attendant Rest • Overhead Stowage Bins • Flight Crew Oxygen • Passenger Oxygen • Potable and Gray Water • Lavatory Waste System • Doors • Windows OVERHEAD FLIGHT CREW AND ATTENDANT REST An optional overhead flight crew and attendants rest are in the overhead of the main cabin. The crew rests contain equipment and furnishings for the flight crews and attendants. OXYGEN SYSTEMS The flight deck crew gets oxygen from cylinder(s). All passenger seats, attendant seats, and lavatories get oxygen from chemical generators. Passenger oxygen from cylinders is an option. POTABLE WATER There are two potable water storage tanks on the 777-200. There are three tanks on the 777-200ER and the 777-300. Each tank has a capacity of 109 gallons. June 2004 19-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Galley Flexibility Zone (-300) Galley Flexibility Zone (-200) Lavatory Flexibility Zone (-300) Lavatory Flexibility Zone (-200) Interior Flexibility Passenger Compartment Equipment and Furnishings These functions also have flexibility zones: INTERIOR CONFIGURATION • • • • • • • • • The airline specifies the airplane interior configuration. INTERIOR FLEXIBILITY Interior flexibility zones are the areas in the airplane for the location of movable lavatories and galleys. The airline can move the lavatories and galleys to any position within these areas. Additional connections for plumbing, wiring, and air ducts are already installed. Stowage bins Closet Class dividers/partitions LCD monitors Projection screens Video projectors Passenger service units Passenger entertainment Purser stations. The flexibility allows for changes in passenger loads and route structures. 19-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems FWD FWD FWD 777-300 Overhead Flight Crew and Attendant Rest 777-300 Overhead Flight Crew and Attendant Rest and climb the stairs to the seat area. The bunks are aft of the seats. OVERHEAD FLIGHT CREW REST OVERHEAD FLIGHT ATTENDANT REST The overhead flight crew rest (OFCR) contains two seats and two bunks for two crew members and a storage compartment for their belongings. The OFCR module has these functions: • • • • • • • • Ventilation and heating Fire detection Aural and visual fire/smoke indication Cabin interphone Passenger address Lighting Attendant call Supplemental oxygen. Access to the overhead flight crew rest (OFCR) module is in the main cabin area by door 1 left. You must open the entrance enclosure door the stairs into the common area. The bunks are forward of the common area. The overhead flight attendant rest (OFAR) contains a common area and four modules with two bunks in each module and two storage areas for attendant belongings. The OFAR module has these functions: • • • • • • • • Ventilation and heating Fire detection Aural and visual fire/smoke indication Cabin interphone Passenger address Lighting Attendant call Supplemental oxygen. Access to the flight attendant rest module is in the main cabin area by door 5 left side. You must open the entrance enclosure door and go up June 2004 19-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. First Class Seats Economy Class Seats Overhead Stowage Bins Overhead Stowage Bins There are overhead stowage bins for carry-on items. They are above the outboard and center seats. The center stowage bins move downward for easier use by the passengers. In higher density seating areas, they also move outboard toward the aisle. 19-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems AIMS Transducer Fill Panel (Optional) Pressure Regulators Indicator Relief Valve Oxygen Cylinder Crew Masks Shutoff Valve Thermal Relief (Overboard Discharge) Mask Pressure Regulator Bleed Valve Regulator ELMS Mask in Storage Flight Crew Oxygen System Flight Crew Oxygen System A high pressure oxygen cylinder supplies oxygen to the fight crew. The cylinder is on the left side of the main equipment center. A pressure regulator on the oxygen cylinder decreases the pressure to the flight deck to 60 to 85 psig. A second pressure regulator on the crew mask also makes sure the pressure is not more than 60 to 85 psig. CONTROL AND INDICATIONS There is a pressure gage on the cylinder. There is a pressure transducer on the supply line that goes to the flight deck. The pressure transducer sends a signal to the optional fill panel and to the AIMS for the primary display system. The bleed valve opens for 15 seconds when the first engine starts. If the cylinder shutoff valve is not open, oxygen does not pressurize the supply line. The flight crew will see the low pressure on the status display. The user holds the control and puts on the mask with the harness inflated. The user releases the lever and the harness deflates. Elastic in the harness holds the mask to the users face. REGULATOR CONTROLS CREW OXYGEN MASK STOWAGE The oxygen mask and regulator are in a stowage box at each crew position. A valve in the box controls the oxygen flow to the mask. The box door opens the valve when the door is opened. You use a reset control on the box to close the valve after you close the door. Oxygen flows into the mask when the user breathes. Controls on the mask lets the user set the oxygen to normal (diluted oxygen on demand), 100 percent (100 percent oxygen on demand), or emergency flow (continuous oxygen). The flow indicator on the stowage box shows the flow to the mask. PNEUMATIC HARNESS A pneumatic harness holds the mask to the user’s face. A lever on the mask controls the inflation of the mask harness. June 2004 19-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems THERAPEUTIC OXYGEN RESET NORM ON Therapeutic Oxygen Panel (P5) Cylinders Thermal Compensator Pressure Transducer Pressure Regulator From Additional Cylinders EMER LIGHTS OFF SERV INTPH PASS OXYGEN OFF ARMED ON From Additional Cylinders ON ON Window Heat/Emergency Lights Panel (P5) Pressure Gage Overboard Discharge Port From Service Panel (Optional) Shutoff Valve Check Valve Medium Pressure Manifold PSU Oxygen Module (Typical) Bleed Valve (Typical) Flow Control Unit Flow Control Unit Therapeutic Oxygen Connection Vent Valve To Other Oxygen Modules Gaseous Oxygen System (Optional) Gaseous Oxygen System (Optional) Gas cylinders supply oxygen in the optional system. The cylinders are on the right side of the aft cargo compartment. There can be as many as 23 cylinders. The airline selects the number of cylinders (-200). A pressure regulator on the oxygen cylinders keep the pressure to the flow control unit at 600 - 700 psi. INDICATIONS These things happen by a switch on the P5 overhead panel or if the cabin altitude is 13,500 feet or more: • • There can be as many as 25 cylinders. The airline selects the number of cylinders (-200ER and 300). Cylinder pressure and gage transducers measure the cylinder pressures. The transducer sends a signal to the voltage averaging unit (VAU). The VAU sends a signal to the fill panel gage (optional) and to the primary display system. connects a mask to the fitting for a passengers use. A light on the switch and on an EICAS message show when the masks are released. Starts flow through both flow control units to the PSUs Releases the masks from the PSU. Each mask has a shutoff valve (not shown) in the PSU. When a passenger or attendant pulls on a mask, it opens the valve for that mask. There is an option for therapeutic oxygen mask fittings on the outboard PSUs. The therapeutic oxygen switch on the P5 starts flow through one flow control unit to the PSUs but does not cause the masks to drop. An attendant June 2004 19-9 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Isolation Valve Isolation/ Drain Valve Lavatory Water Supply Shutoff Valve LAV (TYP) GALLEY (TYP) LAV (TYP) DOOR 2 GALLEY (TYP) DOOR 3 LAV (TYP) LAV (TYP) DOOR 4 LAV (TYP) GALLEY (TYP) Fill Overflow Valve Water Tank Pressurization (Ref) Distribution Drain Shutoff Valve Gray Water Drain Restrictor Valve (2) (Ref) Overhead Distribution Line P M P M Forward System Drain Valve Left Water Tank 1 Aft System Drain Valve T T Water Quantity Transmitter (3) (Ref) T Right Water Tank Center Water Tank Q 1 Additional Water Tank on -200ER & -300 Forward System Drain Panel Drain Mast (Ref) Aft Potable Water Service Panel Tank Fill Valve Handle Tank Drain Valve Potable and Gray Water Systems Potable Water System There are two potable water tanks aft of the bulk cargo compartment. The usable quantity of each tank is 109 gallons (413 liters). There is an additional water tank aft of the bulk cargo compartment. It can also contain 109 gallons (-200ER and -300). Air pressure inside the tanks pushes the potable water through the distribution system to the lavatories and galleys. The pressure comes from the pneumatic system or a compressor. A pressure switch on the tank starts the compressor when tank pressure is low. The compressor does not operate when you open the fill overflow valve. The tank quantity sensors and transmitters give information to: • • • The cabin services system Service panel gages Optional quantity preselect systems (not shown). The standard system configuration has an aft potable water service panel and a forward potable water system drain panel. The aft service panel is below the aft end of the aft cargo compartment. The drain panel is forward of and below the right wing. You use the aft panel to fill. You can use the gage to monitor the quantity, or fill the tanks until water comes out of the tank overflow and drain.You use both the forward and aft panels to drain the system. 19-10 There is a quantity preselect option (not shown). The controls and fill connections can be on a dedicated forward potable water service panel below the number one left passenger door, or on the aft potable water service panel. You use a switch to select the quantity. The fill valves open. They close when the selected quantity is in the tanks. Gray Water System The gray water system drains water from the galley and lavatory sinks through two drain masts on the bottom of the fuselage. There are restrictor valves in the system to reduce air noise. Water pressure in the lines opens the valves. They are fail safe to the open position and are open on the ground. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems Flush Control Unit Flush Switch Toilet CSS Potable Water Bypass Check Valve Vacuum Blower Logic Control Module Barometric Switch Water Separator Point Level Sensors Waste Tank Continuous Level Sensor Legend: Electrical Tank Drain Valve Flush Valve Tank Drain Connection Tank Flush Connection Rinse Valve Lavatory Waste System Lavatory Waste System Each lavatory has a vacuum toilet. Three waste tanks outboard of the left wall of the bulk cargo compartment hold the waste. The total waste capacity is 189 gallons for the 777-200 and -200ER. The total waste capacity is 229 gallons for the 777-300. The waste tank service panel is on the bottom aft fuselage. Waste lines connect the lavatories to the waste tanks. Each tank gets waste from a specified group of lavatories. A vacuum in the tank pulls the waste from the toilet into the tank. Below 16,000 feet, a vacuum blower causes the vacuum. Above 16,000 feet, the ambient atmosphere causes the vacuum. Each toilet has a flush switch that connects to a flush control unit (FCU). When a person pushes the flush switch, the FCU starts the flush cycle. During the flush cycle: • • The waste moves from the toilet into the waste tank Potable water flushes the toilet. There are two tank full sensors and a logic control module (LCM) for each tank. If a tank is full, the LCM: • • Prevents operation of the lavatories that connect to that tank Shows a tank full message on the CSS. There is a continuous level sensor and two point level sensors on each tank. Sensor information goes to an LCM on each tank. Continuous level sensor information shows on the CSS. The point level sensor information is used to stop toilet operation when a tank is full. The waste tank service panel has one drain connection. It has a drain handle and a rinse connection for each of the three tanks. This lets the ground crew do servicing of each tank independently from the other tanks. There are two vacuum blowers. One is for the forward tank, and the other is for the mid and aft tanks. June 2004 19-11 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. MAIN MENU PREVIOUS MENU LAVATORY/WASTE TANK STATUS LAVATORIES FWD DR 1L VACANT AFT DR 1R OCCUPIED FWD DR 2L VACANT FWD DR 3R INOP WASTE TANK 1 E 1/8 1/4 E 1/8 1/4 E 1/8 1/4 LAVATORIES CSS Control Panel FWD DR 1R OCCUPIED AFT DR 2R VACANT DR 3 CTR L VACANT FWD DR 4R VACANT MAIN MENU PREVIOUS MENU E 1/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 F 7/8 F 7/8 F WASTE TANK 2 LAVATORIES DR 3 CTR R INOP FWD DR 4L INOP AFT DR 4L INOP DR 4 CTR INOP 3/8 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 WASTE TANK 3 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 POTABLE WATER STATUS 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 7/8 82 GALLONS REMAINING 65 GALLONS REQUIRED FOR TAKEOFF F CSS Waste System Page CSS Potable Water System Page Water and Waste Systems Display Water and Waste Systems Displays The potable water system and the lavatory waste system each have a CSS page. The potable water system page shows the quantity of potable water in both tanks. The lavatory waste system page shows the waste level in each waste tank. It also shows which lavatories: • • • Are in use Are not in use Have been locked by an attendant because they are inoperative. 19-12 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems Equipment Center Access Doors Cargo Door (3) Fueling Control Panel (Optional) Passenger Entry Door 1 Nose Landing Gear Door Environmental Control System (ECS) Low Pressure Connection Access Door (2) External Ground Power Supply Door Forward Potable Water System Drain Panel Door ECS High Pressure Connection Access Door ECS Access Door (2) Hydraulic Service Door Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) Access Doors Potable Water Service Panel Door Main Landing Gear Door (2) Fueling Control Panel Forward Potable Water Service Panel (Optional) ADP Filter Access Door ADP Pressure Relief Door 1 Air-Driven Pump (ADP) Exhaust Access Door 8 on -200, 10 on -300 Control Bay Access Door Service Access Door Waste Tank Service Access Door Doors Doors Doors give access to these areas: • • • • Passenger and flight compartments Cargo compartments Equipment centers Service areas. June 2004 19-13 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Mode Select Lever Mode Select Mechanism Window Vent Door Mechanism Door Hinge Programming Chain Mechanism Hold-Open Mechanism EPAS Reservoir EPAS Battery Hold Open Release Handle Slide Pack (With Stored Gas Bottle and Pressure Gauge) Interior Door Handle FWD Girt Bar Mechanism (2) Internal View of Door Mechanisms Passenger and Service Entry Doors Entry Doors There are four passenger entry doors on each side of the airplane (-200). There are five passenger entry doors on each side of the airplane (-300). The overwing doors are for emergency use only. The door openings have sufficient width to let two people go through the door at the same time. The doors are plug type that open outward. There are stops on the door and on the door frame. The door stops put the pressurization load on the frame stops. All of the doors operate manually from inside and outside of the airplane. A single hinge arm attaches the middle of the door to the door frame. The mechanism that connects the door to the hinge permits this door movement: • • Move up and down Turn in relation to the hinge arm. As the door opens, it first moves up so the door stops can move over the frame stops. The door then moves outward and forward. The programming mechanism chain keeps the inboard side of the door toward the airplane. The door does not turn in relation to the airplane. The inboard side of the door always faces inboard. 19-14 A hold-open mechanism holds the door in the open position. The mode select lever lets the cabin attendants arm the emergency power assist system (EPAS) and the escape slides. The EPAS uses compressed gas from a reservoir to help open the doors in an emergency. The gas goes from the reservoir to an actuator (not shown). The actuator connects to the programming chain. It uses the chain to open the door. Each door has a flight lock assembly that locks the door when airspeed is more than 80 knots. June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems Emergency Escape System (-200) Emergency Escape System There is an escape slide/raft at each passenger entry door. A bustle covers each slide/raft. Each slide/raft has two passenger lanes. Lights on the end of the slides come on when the slides are inflated. They are safe for use in winds up to 25 knots, and with the collapse of one or more of the landing gear. As the door opens, the slide/raft releases from the door. This starts the slide/raft inflation sequence. When you use the external door handle, the EPAS and escape slide automatically disarm. The mode select lever on the door lets the cabin attendants arm the emergency power assist system (EPAS) and the escape slides. The EPAS opens the door when it is armed and you move the interior door handle to the open position. June 2004 19-15 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Over-Wing Door Slide Compartment Off-Wing Slide Off-Wing Escape System (777-300) Off-Wing Escape System The off-wing escape system lets passengers and crew get off the wing after they go out of the airplane through the number three passenger entry (over-wing) door. There is an off-wing slide for each wing. The slide is stowed in a compartment aft of the wing in the wing-to-body fairing. The inflation bottle is in a compartment in the wing-to-body fairing below the wing. Operation of the over-wing door is the same as the other passenger entry doors. The off-wing slide inflates when you open the door in the armed mode. 19-16 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems and Lighting Door 28V DC L BUS Chime Module Deadbolt Handles And Door Lock Handle (RED) (AMBER) (GREEN) Pressure Sensor Strike Assembly (In Door Post) Strike Assembly FWD Flight Compartment (Looking Aft) NORM/OFF Switch Keypad FLT DECK DOOR Door Chime Module Program Mode - Programs Access Code for Keypad - Programs Time Delays AUTO UNLKD LOCK FAIL AUTO UNLK DENY w w Chime Module Keypad Control Panel (P8) Deadbolt Key Lock And Door Handle Lock Pin Strike (Catch Position) Door Post Door Lock Bolt (Connects to Forward Door Lock Handle Only) Decompression Panel (2) FWD Chime Module Operational Mode - Controls Strike Assembly - Controls Indications Door Door Post Area (Top View) Passenger Compartment (Looking Forward) FWD Flight Compartment Door Flight Compartment Door The flight compartment door divides the flight compartment from the passenger cabin. The door and the structure around the door gives ballistic and intruder protection to the flight compartment. The door opens forward into the flight compartment. The mechanical part of the door has these main components: • • • Decompression panel (2) Door lock assembly Deadbolt assembly. The decompression panels open aft if the passenger cabin has a loss of pressurization. The door lock assembly has one handle on the flight compartment side of the door that operates the door lock bolt. The handle on the passenger side of the door lets you move the door but does not connect to the door lock bolt. The deadbolt assembly has handles on the forward side of the door and a key lock on the aft side of the door. The handles let you extend or retract a deadbolt and let you enable or disable key operation. The electrical part of the flight compartment door is the flight deck access system (FDAS). This system has these components: • • • • • Chime module Door strike assembly Pressure sensor Control panel Keypad. The chime module is a computer that controls the system. It controls the strike assembly and system indications. It also lets you set the access code and system time delays. June 2004 The strike assembly has a solenoid that extends or retracts a pin to lock or release the strike. The pressure sensor finds a loss of pressurization in the flight compartment. If there is a loss of pressurization, the sensor opens the circuit to the solenoid in the strike assembly. This releases the strike and lets the door open to make the pressure equal. The pilots can control the strike assembly with a switch on the control panel. Lights on the control panel show system status. A keypad lets authorized people go into the flight compartment after they put in the correct access code. Power to lock the strike comes from 28v dc left bus. If power is lost, the door strike releases. This safety feature releases the door strike in an emergency. 19-17 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Bulk Cargo Door Small Cargo Door Large Cargo Door Cargo Doors Cargo Doors SMALL CARGO DOOR LARGE CARGO DOOR BULK CARGO DOOR The small cargo door is standard on the aft cargo compartment. The door opening lets you load cargo in containers and one-half size pallets. The large cargo door is standard on the forward cargo compartment, and optional on the aft. The size of the door opening is sufficient for cargo on pallets. The bulk cargo door opening lets you load items that are not in containers or on pallets. The door is a plug type that opens inward and upward. Two hinge arms attach the top of the door to the airplane. There are exterior and interior handles. The door operates manually. A counterbalance helps you open the door. The door opens outward. Two hinge arms attach the top of the door to the airplane. Electric actuators open and close the door. The door is a plug type. There are stops on the door and door frame. As the door closes, it lowers to a position where the door stops are inboard of the frame stops. When the airplane is pressurized, the door stops put the pressurization load on the frame stops. This holds the door closed. A continuous hinge along the top of the door attaches it to the airplane. The door opens outward. The door is not a plug type door. Latches and locks hold the door closed. Electric actuators lock and unlock, and open and close the door. There are control panels inside and outside of the compartment. There are control panels inside and outside of the compartment. 19-18 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cabin Systems FWD ACCESS FWD ACCESS E/E ACCESS ENTRY 1L M E/E ACCESS ENTRY 1R ENTRY 1L FWD CARGO ENTRY 2L M ENTRY 2R ENTRY 2L ENTRY 3L ENTRY 3L A A ENTRY 4L ENTRY 3R AFT CARGO A A 777-200 ENTRY 2R ENTRY 3R ENTRY 4R AFT CARGO BULK CARGO ENTRY 4L ENTRY 1R FWD CARGO BULK CARGO ENTRY 5L ENTRY 4R ENTRY 5R 777-300 Door Synoptic Display Door Synoptic Display The door synoptic display shows the doors. An amber box shows an open door. The box goes away when the door is closed. There is an option to show if a door is in the manual (disarmed) or automatic (armed) mode. The symbol M identifies a door in the manual mode. The symbol A identifies a door in the automatic mode. June 2004 19-19 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Door-Mounted Flight Deck Windows 1 Windows 1 Passenger Compartment Windows Overwing Passenger Entry Door on -300 Not Shown. Windows Windows The flight deck has three windows on each side. Number one window is in the front. Number three window is in the back. The number two window opens from inside the flight deck. There is a window in each passenger entry door. Passenger compartment windows are along both sides of the passenger compartment. 19-20 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Lights Features SERVICE AND CARGO LIGHTS • Flight Deck Lights FLIGHT DECK LIGHTING • Flight Deck Light Controls Panel lights give light to the instruments for the flight crew. Each flight crew position has a map light, chart light, and a work table light. Dome lights are in the ceiling of the flight deck. There are lights in all of the service and cargo compartments for the ground crew. Cargo loading lights give light during cargo loading.The cargo loading lights are on the outside of the fuselage and on the inside of the forward, aft, and bulk cargo doors. • Exterior Lights • Exterior Light Controls • Lighting Control Displays • Service and Cargo Lights EXTERIOR LIGHTS EMERGENCY LIGHTS • Emergency Lights Landing lights on the wings and nose landing gear show the runway to the flight crew. Anti-collision lights and position lights show the airplane to the flight crews in other airplanes. Logo lights on the horizontal stabilizers give light to the airline logo on the vertical stabilizer. Emergency lights show the emergency escape routing to the passengers and crew. CABIN LIGHTING The cabin services system (CSS) controls the passenger cabin lighting. June 2004 20-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Observer Map Lights Dome Light Dome Light First Officer Chart Light Center Aisle Stand Flood Light Captain Chart Light First Officer Work Table Light Flight Crew Map Lights Captain Work Table Light Glareshield and Forward Instrument Panel Floodlights Floor Lights Glareshield and Forward Instrument Panel Floodlights Flight Deck Lights Flight Deck Lights The flight deck has these lights: • • • • • • • • Integral panel lights for all of the instrument and circuit breaker panels Flood lights for all of the panels except the overhead panel Dome lights Map lights for the flight crew and observers Chart lights for the captain and first officer Work table lights for the captain and first officer Floor lights Utility lights for the observers. 20-2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Lights PASS SIGNS SEAT BELTS AUTO ON NO SMOKING AUTO OFF ON OVHD/ CB OFF MASTER BRIGHT STORM DOME ON OFF MIN GLARESHIELD PNL/FLOOD PUSH ON/OFF LANDING LEFT OFF NOSE OFF RIGHT OFF ON ON ON Lighting Panel (P5) AISLE STAND PNL/FLOOD HEATERS SHOULDER OFF OFF OFF HIGH SHOULDER HIGH HIGH OFF INBD DSPL/ WXR HIGH FWD PANEL BRIGHTNESS FWD PANEL BRIGHTNESS OUTBD DSPL HEATERS FOOT LOW FOOT LOW PNL/ FLOOD PNL/ FLOOD INBD DSPL/ WXR OUTBD DSPL P8 Aft Aisle Stand P13 Left Sidewall Panel P14 Right Sidewall Panel Flight Deck Light Controls Flight Deck Light Controls The P5 overhead panel has controls for these lights: • • • • • Panel and flood lights for the glareshield instrument panel Panel lights for the overhead circuit breaker panel Dome lights Storm lighting Master brightness control. The storm lighting control lets you turn on these lights to the full bright level: • • • • A master bright control on the P5 overhead panel lets you control all of the panel and instrument lights together. You can also use individual controls for the panel lights. The individual panel and flood light controls for the forward instrument panels are on the left and right sidewall panels. The individual panel and flood light control for the aisle stand instrument panel is on the aft end of the aisle stand. Dome Flood Lighted switches System annunciator lights that are on. June 2004 20-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. White Anti-Collision Light Green Position Light White Position Light White Anti-Collision Light Red Anti-Collision Lights Logo Lights White Position Light Landing Lights, Taxi Lights Wing Illumination Light Runway Turnoff Light Wing Landing Light Red Position Light White Anti-Collision Light Exterior Lights Exterior Lights The empennage has these lights: The wings have these lights: • • • • • • One white anti-collision light on each wing tip One red and one white position light on the left wing tip One green and one white position light on the right wing tip One main landing gear (MLG) ground maneuver camera light on the outboard flap outboard support fairing on each wing (777-300). One white anti-collision light on the aft end Two logo lights on the top of each horizontal stabilizer. The nose gear strut has these lights: • • • Two landing lights Two taxi lights One nose landing gear (NLG) ground maneuver camera light (777-300). The fuselage has these lights: • • • • One red anti-collision light on the top and one on the bottom One landing light at the inboard forward edge of each wing One runway turnoff light located with the landing light One wing illumination light on each side, forward of the wing. 20-4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Lights ANTI-ICE PASS SIGNS NO SMOKING AUTO ON OVHD/ CB WING AUTO SEAT BELTS AUTO ON OFF OFF OFF DOME OFF ENGINE ON LOGO WING ON w ON w ON w ON w w w w w w MIN BEACON NAV R AUTO OFF ON w STORM OFF GLARESHIELD PNL/FLOOD MASTER BRIGHT L AUTO ON ON IND LTS TEST BRT PUSH ON/OFF DIM LANDING LEFT OFF NOSE OFF ON RIGHT OFF RUNWAY TURNOFF L OFF R ON ON TAXI OFF STROBE OFF ON ON ON Anti-Ice/ Lighting Panel (P5) Red Anti-Collision Lights Wing Position Lights Wing Illumination Lights White Anti-Collision Lights Exterior Light Controls Exterior Light Controls The P5 overhead panel has controls for these exterior lights: • • • • • • • • Landing lights Red anti-collision lights (beacon) Wing position lights (nav) Logo lights Wing illumination lights White anti-collision lights (strobe) Taxi lights Runway turnoff lights. June 2004 20-5 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Ceiling and Night Lights MAIN MENU Reading Lights LIGHTING MENU CABIN LIGHTING ENTRY WAY LIGHTS READING LIGHTS Sidewall Lights CSS Panel (Typical) Passenger Cabin Lights Passenger Cabin Lights Ceiling lights are fluorescent tubes above the outboard stowage bins. The light reflects off of the ceiling panels to light the passenger compartment. The cabin attendants use the cabin services system (CSS) to control the lights. They select the: • • Night lights are incandescent bulbs that are with some ceiling lights in the cabin. They give a dim light when the ceiling lights are off. Reading lights are incandescent bulbs in the passenger service units above the passenger seats. There is a light for each passenger. • Cabin lighting screen to set the intensity of the ceiling lights or set the night lights on or off Entry lights screen to set the entry on or off Reading light screen to give control of the lights to the passengers, or to set the reading lights on or off. When the passengers have control, they use individual controls at their seats to control the reading lights. 20-6 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Lights Nose Wheel Well Forward Cargo Compartment Forward Cargo Loading Light Equipment Centers ECS Compartments Aft Cargo Loading Light Refuel Station APU Compartment Aft Cargo Compartment Main Wheel Wells Bulk Cargo Loading Light Stabilizer Compartment Service and Cargo Lights Service and Cargo Lights The ground crew uses lights in these locations: • • • • • • • Nose and main gear wheel wells Equipment centers ECS compartments Refuel station Cargo compartments Stabilizer compartment APU compartment. There are cargo loading lights on the fuselage aft of the cargo doors and on the inside of the door. June 2004 20-7 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Aisle Illumination Light EMER LIGHTS Exit Signs OFF ARMED ON Emergency Lights (P5) EMER LIGHTS Slide Illumination Lights EMER LIGHTS TEST Attendants Switch Panel Floor Proximity Lights P40 Service and APU Shutdown Panel Emergency Lights Emergency Lights An EICAS advisory message shows when: All of the emergency lights come on if one of the these occurs: The passenger compartment has these emergency lights: • • • • • • Floor proximity lights on the sides of the aisle seats Aisle illumination lights in the ceiling with the air conditioning outlets Exit signs above and adjacent to the doors. There are emergency escape slide lights on the outside of the fuselage, aft of the doors. The emergency power supplies for the lights are above each door. The P5 emergency lights switch is not set to the armed position The attendant’s emergency light switch is set to the on position. • The emergency lights switch on the P5 is set to armed and the electrical power fails The emergency lights switch on the P5 is set to on The emergency lights switch on the attendant’s panel is set to on. These are the locations for the three emergency light test switches: • • • The emergency lights in the area near a passenger entry door will come on if the door is opened in the armed mode. • P40 on the nose gear Attendants switch panel at the left number one or two passenger door Attendants switch panel at the left or right number four passenger door. The emergency light switch for the flight crew is on the P5 overhead panel. There is one emergency light switch on the attendants panel. The panel can be at the left number one or two passenger door. 20-8 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cargo Features • Overview CARGO HANDLING • Cargo Handling System Forward and aft cargo compartments hold certified and uncertified containers. Bulk cargo compartment holds loose baggage. Forward and aft cargo handing systems let a single operator load or unload containers and pallets. Two cargo handling system controllers control the operation of the cargo handling system components. FIRE RESISTANCE Compartment sidewalls, ceilings, and walkways are made of fire resistant materials. The compartments meet these classC requirements: • • • Sidewalls and ceilings contain fire Smoke detection system gives warning to the flight compartment Fire extinguishing system lets the operator put fires out. June 2004 21-1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Fwd Cargo Compartment LD-3 Aft Cargo Compartment Bulk Cargo Compartment LD-2 LD-3 (18) (777-200) LD-3 (14) (777-200) (20) (777-300) (24) (777-300) All LD-3 Containers LD-1 LD-6 LD-3 (14) (777-200) (20) (777-300) Size M Pallets (6) (777-200) (8) (777-300) Pallets And Containers LD-5 LD-10 LD-11 Size M Pallets (4) (777-200) (6) (777-300) Size M Pallets (6) (777-200) (8) (777-300) Pallets: Size A – 125 in x 88 in Size M – 125 in x 96 in 1/2 Size – 60.4 in x 61.5 in 1/2 Size – 60.4 in x 125 in 1/2 Size – 96 in x 61.5 in All Pallets* Note: * Requires Optional 104-Inch Wide Aft Cargo Door Compartment Features and Capacities Cargo Compartments These are the three cargo compartments in the lower deck: • • • Forward cargo compartment Aft cargo compartment Bulk cargo compartment. The forward and aft cargo compartments hold certified and non-certified unit load devices (ULD). The forward cargo compartment holds these ULDs: • • • • • • • • • • LD-1 LD-2 LD-3 LD-5 LD-6 LD-7 LD-9 LD-10 LD-11 Pallets (size A, M, and 1/2 size). The aft cargo compartment holds these ULDs: • • • • • • • • LD-1 LD-2 LD-3 LD-5 LD-6 LD-10 LD-11 1/2 size pallets. Optional equipment let both compartments hold these ULDs: • • LD-4 LD-8. The aft cargo compartment holds the larger ULDs if the airplane has the optional aft large cargo door. The forward and aft cargo compartments have a cargo handling system. 21-2 A divider net separates the bulk cargo compartment from the aft cargo compartment. The cargo compartments have a lining of fire resistant material. Cargo Capacities The capacity of the forward cargo compartment of the 777-200 is 2,844 cubic feet (80.5 cubic meters). The capacity of the forward cargo compartment of the 777-300 is 3,792 cubic feet (107.4 cubic meters). The capacity of the aft cargo compartment of the 777-200 is 2,212 cubic feet (62.6 cubic meters). The capacity of the aft cargo compartment of the 777-300 is 3,160 cubic feet (89.5 cubic meters). The capacity of the bulk cargo compartment is 600 cubic feet (17 cubic meters). June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Cargo Aft Cargo Handling System Forward Cargo Handling System Secondary Joystick Cargo Handling Accessory Panel Cargo System Controller Center Stop/Lock Cargo Control Joystick Lateral Guide *Auxiliary Stop/Lock *Auxiliary Guide Cargo Handling Control Panel Powered Drive Unit Rollout Stop/Lock Retractable Guide Roller/Lock Note: * Option for LD-4 / LD-8 containers Cargo Handling System Cargo Handling System A cargo handling system is in the forward and the aft cargo compartments. The operator uses an external joystick and control panel to set the configuration and operate the system. The operator may also use a secondary joystick in the ceiling of the compartment to operate the system. The LD-4/LD-8 option adds these: • • Auxiliary Guides Auxiliary Lock/Stops. Auxiliary guides and stop/locks give lateral and longitudinal restraint for LD-4/LD-8 containers. Center lock/stops give separation and vertical restraint for LD-3 containers. The lateral guides give these functions: • • • • • A joystick above the cargo handling control panel operates the PDUs for lateral and longitudinal movement of cargo. Lateral guidance for container Longitudinal restraint for all ULDs Vertical restraint for pallets. Powered drive units (PDUs) move the ULDs laterally and longitudinally. Rollout stop/locks give lateral and vertical restraint. The retractable guide roller/lock guides containers through the doorway and gives vertical restraint for pallets and containers. There are switches on the cargo handling control panel and a switch near the cargo handling accessory panel. The switches let the operator set the configuration of the system for these functions: • • Type of ULD PDU operation. The secondary joystick lets the operator move ULDs longitudinally from inside the cargo compartment. The cargo handling system also has these components: • • • • Guides Rollers Stops/Locks Restraints. The operator moves the ULDs manually if the PDUs do not operate. System power on/off Lock, load or unload June 2004 21-3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Abbreviations and Acronyms A AIV accumulator isolation valve A/B autobrake AMI airline modifiable information ac alternating current AMU audio management unit ACAC air cooled air cooler ANS ambient noise sensor AOA angle of attack AOC air/oil cooler AOHE air/oil heat exchanger APB auxiliary power breaker APP approach APU auxiliary power unit APUC auxiliary power unit controller ARINC Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated ACARS aircraft communications addressing and reporting system ACC active clearance control acclrm accelerometer ACE actuator control electronics ACIPS airfoil and cowl ice protection system ACM air cycle machine ACMF airplane condition monitoring function ACMS airplane condition monitoring system ACMP ASCPC air supply and cabin pressure controllers ASG ARINC signal gateway ASM autothrottle servo motor ASSV alternate source selection valve ATC air traffic control ATS air turbine starter air data inertial reference system ATT attitude A/T autothrottle air data inertial reference unit AVLAN avionics local area network AVM airborne vibration monitor alternating current motor pump ACP audio control panel ADC air data computer ADF ADIRS ADIRU automatic direction finder ADM air data module ADP air driven pump AES aircraft earth station AWS attendant work station AFDC autopilot flight director computer A/P autopilot AFDS autopilot flight director system B AGS air/ground system BAP bank angle protection AIL aileron BITE built-in test equipment AIMS airplane information management system BMM boarding music machine June 2004 BMV brake metering valve BPCU bus power control unit BSCU brake system control unit BSU beam steering unit BSU bypass switch unit BTB bus tie breaker BTMU brake temperature monitor unit BU back up C CACP cabin area control panel CAH cabin attendant handset CAPT captain CCB converter circuit breaker CCD cursor control device CCR credit card reader CDG configuration database generator CDU control display unit CFS cabin file server CHG charge CHIS center hydraulic isolation system CI cabin interphone CLB climb CMCF central maintenance computing function CMCS central maintenance computing system CMD command Comm communication COMP compressor CON continuous CPC cabin pressure controller CPM core processor module 1 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Abbreviations and Acronyms cprsr compressor DMM data memory module EPC CPS cabin pressure sensor DMS CRT cathode ray tube debris monitoring sensor external power contactor EPCS electronic propulsion control system CSC cargo system controller EPR engine pressure ratio ERP eye reference point ERU engine relay unit ETOPS extended range operation with twoengine airplanes CSCP CSDS cabin system control panel cargo smoke detection system CSS cabin services system CSMU cabin system management unit CTAI cowl thermal anti-icing CTC cabin temperature controller CTU cabin telecommunications unit DSF display system function DSP display select panel DU display unit E EAI engine anti-ice ECS environmental control system F ECSL left environmental control system card FADEC full authority digital electronic control ECSMC ECS miscellaneous card FBW fly-by-wire ECSR right environmental control system card FCDC flight controls dc FDAF flight data acquisition function FDH flight deck handset FDR flight data recorder D EDI engine data interface EDIF engine data interface function dc direct current DCGF data conversion gateway function EDIU FDRS data communication management function engine data interface unit flight data recorder system EDP engine driven pump FLCH flight level change FLPRN flaperon DCMF DCMS data communication management system EEC electronic engine control (PW, GE) flt ctrl flight control DCV directional control valve EEC flt inst flight instrument ded dedicated electronic engine controller (RR) digital flight data acquisition function EEU ELMS electronics unit FMCF DFDAF flight management computing function EFIS electronic flight instrument system FMCS flight management computing system EFIS CP EFIS control panel FMU fuel metering unit F/O first officer DFDR digital flight data recorder DH decision height disch discharge EGT exhaust gas temperature DLGF data load gateway function EICAS engine indication and crew alerting system F/O fuel/oil (cooler) FOC fuel/oil cooler DLODS duct leak and overheat detection ELMS electrical load management system FPA flight path angle DLS data load system EMC FPV flight path vector DME distance measuring equipment entertainment multiplexer controller FQIS fuel quantity indicating system EP external power 2 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Abbreviations and Acronyms FQPU fuel quantity processor unit HYDIM hydraulic interface module L FREQ frequency HX heat exchanger LCD liquid crystal display FSEU flap slat electronics unit LIB left inboard F/D flight director LNA low noise amplifier LOB left outboard LOC localizer LPC low pressure compressor LPT low pressure turbine LRM line replaceable module LRU line replaceable unit G GBST GCB ground based software tool generator circuit breaker I IC intercabinet IDG integrated drive generator IDS ice detection system IFE in-flight entertainment IGV inlet guide vane IGW increased gross weight ILS instrument landing system GCU generator control unit GES ground earth station GG graphics generator H ground handling ind indicator GND ground INPH interphone GPS global positioning system IOM GPSSU global positioning system sensor unit GPWC GPWS MAT maintenance access terminal input/output module MCP mode control panel IP intermediate pressure MEC main equipment center IPC intermediate pressure compressor MES main engine start ground proximity warning computer MFD multi-function display IPT intermediate pressure turbine MGSCU ground proximity warning system main gear steering control unit IRP integrated refuel panel MLW IRS inertial reference system maximum landing weight MMR multi-mode receiver IRU inertial reference unit H HDG heading ISLN isolation HIRF high intensity radiated field ISO isolation IV isolation valve HLCS high lift control system IVD HF high frequency HP high pressure HPA high power amplifier HPC high pressure compressor K high pressure shutoff valve KB keyboard high pressure turbine kVA kilovolt-ampere HPSOV HPT M interactive video downloader N NAVAID navigational aid ND navigation display O J June 2004 OAT outside air temperature OEU overhead electronics units OPAS overhead panel ARINC 629 system 3 - For Internal Training and Reference Only - AIrline Maintenance and Engineering Training Ltd. Abbreviations and Acronyms OPBC overhead panel bus controller OVRD override OPR once per revolution W OPU overspeed protection unit WAI wing anti-ice oxygen WES warning electronic system WEU warning electronic unit WHCU window heat control unit oxy P VSV variable stator vane VTO volumetric top-off PA passenger address WOW weight on wheels PA/CI passenger address/ cabin interphone WPT waypoint PC personal computer WTAI wing thermal anti-icing PCU passenger control unit WXR weather radar PCU power control unit U X xdcr transducer ULD unit load device xfr transfer UTC universal time (coordinated) xmt transmit xmtr transmitter V Y VAU voltage averaging unit VBV variable bypass valve Z VEP video entertainment player ZMU VHF very high frequency VIGV variable integral guide vane VLV valve VOR VHF omnidirectional ranging VOR/MB VOR/ marker beacon VOS velocity of sound V/S vertical speed VSCF variable speed constant frequency zone management unit 4 June 2004 - For Internal Training and Reference Only -