740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:31 Page 1 Issue 740 “ ServingtheCommunity” 11th March 2016 C l u b W o o d h a m p i z z a n i g h ts Every Thursday & Friday : 5.00 -8.30pm ! all pizzas £6 : New menu : selection of starters & sides : takeaways available our doughs & toppings are freshly prepared & cooked in our stone ovens for an authentic Italian taste !!! S P E C I A L O F F E R !!! Purchase anyy pizza p with a pint p / medium wine / soft drink for £8 20 Heralds Way South Woodham Ferrers CM3 5TQ Tel: 01245 327 277 EKA MARTIAL See ARTS TAKE EUROPE BY STORM! full report page 21 NOW LICENSED FOR CIVIL WEDDINGS being ay w o n s und ng Bookior Easter Se and f m taken March coth the kids 27th e fun wi e to see th it enjoyit our websmenu Vis our full BRAND NEW YEAR MENU If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call our clinic TODAY. The registered practitioners at the Spinal & Natural Healthcare Centre will help you get back on your feet. If you want to make the most of life & be at your best, Call Now on 01245 333900 .(,!* !,# !12/!* $!*1'"!/$ $,1/$ 01 *--/ -%%("$0 $/!*#0 !5 '!, '-/,1-, ""-2,1!,10 -3, $,1/$ -21' --#'!+ $//$/0 '$*+0%-/# 00$4 * Carvery available all day Sunday (subject to availability) * Bar Food served all day, every day * Wide selection of Wine served by the glass * Childrens Menu Available *2 Course Special £11.95 - 3 Courses £13.95 * Hotel rooms recently refurbished available from £39.95 Why not hire our Marquee for that special occasion. Can comfortably accommodate 60 people or can be extended for up to 200 plus. Marquee now has it’s own wash room facilities Special offer Pie night and fish Friday is selected dates in March LIVE FRIDAY BANDS Friday 11th March Larry and the Streamers JAZZ NIGHT every Tuesday starts at 8.30pm KARAOKE Every Sunday 8pm The Lodge Country Inn, Hayes Chase, Burnham Rd, Nr Battlesbridge, Essex. SS11 7QT Tel: 01245 320060 www.lodge-inn.net 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:31 Page 2 2 Celebrating Chinese New Year Celebrating Chinese New Year at the Library On Friday 12th February, local children, children from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School and students from William de Ferrers School Chinese Club celebrated the Year of the Monkey at South Woodham Ferrers Library. They learnt about Chinese traditions and took part in a dragon parade, blessing the library with music, monkey masks and ribbon dancing ENGLISH MARTYRS CHURCH DANBURY WITH HOLY TRINITY S.W.F. R O ES CL O TH ES RECORDS SH M A M G & U MOCK E GOOD AS NEW YS TO AUCTION S AL E S G BA TA P s Admission 30p CD ES 1:30 PM 12th MARCH 2016 G AM ES KS O Info: Jacqui 01245 225509 BO Please bring your Rummage to the hall from 9.30 am. No large furniture please. In aid of Justice & Peace Charities (Local & Abroad) 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 3 South Woodham Focus 3 14357&27 #*0*4-32* 81'*56 "387- %33)-&1 3(86 7;,4)97 2'<541+56+77 )42 30.(* "7&7.32 343 +2+6-+3)/+7 46 .5* "7&7.32 *.,-'385-33) %&7(! !# ! ! # #3:2 382(.0 "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 86731*5 "*59.(* *275* *.685* *275* #% #;/22/3- !441 $.00&,* &00 .'5&5< $30827**5 *275* -*016+35) 31182.7< #5&264357 = .&0 !.)*> '2 52 367 ++.(* -*1.676 39&2. -*1.67 " $ $ !3:0&2)6 -&51&(< #-* $.00&,* -&51&(< *&07-(&5* *&07- 0.2.( " .5*(7 5 "86&2 &77-*: .2,6:&< "85,*5< 2632 036* "85,*5< 5.(/+.*0)6 "85,*5< 5>6 &7*0 <632 9*5*77 #-* 5&(7.(* "% 5 351&(/ *27.676 # &7*0 -1*) 380) "8)-&/*5 &4.2*2. -&8)5< n Minicab & Minibuses (up to 14 seats) n Theatres n Weddings n Airport Transfers n Nights out .'3*1+67 %'< CM3 Cars Require The Following Taxi Drivers & PSV Minibus Drivers Good Rates Of Pay Owner Drivers also required Please Call 07860968639 Blackwater Will Writing Company Have your will prepared in the comfort of your own home. Single Will £49.99 -- Mirror Wills (for couples) £90 01621 744984 Don’t put it off any longer !!!!!! Regulated by The Society of Will Writers 47.(.&26 8++.*0) 8++.*0) 5*1.*5 47.(.&26 382(*00356 .00 0.66 <423 6<(-37-*5&4.67 67*34&7"387- %33)-&1 67*34&75&-&1 .6(377 67*34&7- 5&2.&0 67*34&7- -<6.37-*5&4.67 66*; -<6.37-*5&4.67 0.2.( *2 &55*00 31*34&7&2 #&<035 31*34&7!.(-&5) 8,-*6 "(-3306 300.2,:33) 5.1&5< 01:33) 5.1&5< "7 364*->6 &7-30.( 5.1&5< "7 &5<>6 5.1&5< .)*) %33)-&1 *55*56 $.00&,* #5.2.7< "7 &5<>6 .)*) %33)9.00* 5.1&5< %.00.&1 )* *55*56 $*76 *).9*7 "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 *67 5.*2)6 0&.5(3857 *7 0.2.( 538(- $&0* $*7*5.2&5< 5&(7.(* ! " ! ;;; )649).:'1+:+87 )4 90 1478 '3* ,493* -85(-*6 9&2,*0.(&0 -85(-85(- 3+ 2,0&2) *7-3).67 -85(*: .+* -85(!31&2 &7-30.( -85(!.9*56.)* -85("&09&7.32 51< %33)-&1 *55*56 32,5*,&7.32&0 -85("7 &5<>6 -85(- %33)-&1 *55*56 ! ! " "!! $ Alistair Black Jewellers & Diamond Specialists For a limited time only We will double our gold, silver and platinum prices when exchanged for an in-store voucher "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 #3:2 382(.00356 -*7:33) %&5) = 7.1+< 4.3 4( '77+< +/8. /1+7 1'3 #.+'66/3300.2,:33) %&5) = !+8+6 +66< '1)412 #/72+< .6/78/3+ %+/6 ;/3- /11 %/33 01:33) %&5) = ')0/+ /6). .6/7 14;+67 #'2 41+< /7' +11< !/55' %./8+;'6* %33)9.00* %&5) = +/8. +381+< +:/3 41*/3- /1'6< #2/8. '3 "4(+687 !+8+6 %<'88 '6*2'3 "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 .7< 382(.00356 -*7:33) 300.2,:33) %&5) 7.1+< 4.3 4( '77+< '1)412 #/72+< 01:33) %33)9.00* %&5) /3*' +37843 4( +37843 $6/)/' 9-.+7 7 & 7A Blackall Industrial Estate, South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5UW Tel: 01245 426555 email: [email protected] Published and printed by Maypole Press & Publishing Co. All material contained within this publication is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Every care is taken by the publishers in compiling the contents of the South Woodham Focus, but no responsibility is assumed for any injury, loss or damage arising from any article or advertisement contained within the publication. The views expressed within this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. LEAD CRYSTAL "4< Choose from our top designer brands in Diamonds, Gemstones, Silver, Watches including pre-owned Rolex, second hand jewellery and giftware Tak advantage this fanta e of s offer tic Next to Asda, 22 Queen Elizabeth II Square South Woodham Ferrers Tel: 01245 322334 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 4 South Woodham Focus 4 44 Trusted by local families since 1925 31 Hullbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers 01245 328307 #$ " $ %+ * ! " $" "$# " ! ( ! $ $"( ## $ ! !,,/ ! 2 )#,*0%)# .*!) %'- 2 *,)- 2 ''*/-!%' %-! -!- 2 /)# ' )"! .%*)!)!, ' **. ,! +*,.- %)&/,%!+! % '%1!- %) /-.*( ( ! ,.$*.% %" "( $ ' ' "& *, ) ++*%).(!). .!'!+$*)! Driving you anywhere ² including local runs Airport Transfer Specialists Airport / Seaport transfer experts 24 Hour Chauffeur-bus - Journeys '&%')( - '* ( 07932 158006 327701 Call '# $ "( - *'%() ' ) ) %$( [email protected] www.journeysswfltd.co.uk 01245 328030 or 01621 828356 +++ * *' *( "#( %' % *! +++ * *' *(+ ! %' % *! ESSEX ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC CLINIC PLEASE SUPPORT 2/4/) 2/4/) 6+4/46+4/4-!/3+8 !/3+8 (' 22 )& (' -)& 22 )& )& !-* 22 )& !-* )& *"*" 22 )& )& YOUR LOCAL MARKET Thursday and Saturday ! www.essexphysio.co.uk www.essexphysio.co.uk Pitches available FREE OF CHARGE 77King KingEdwards EdwardsRoad, Road,South SouthWoodham WoodhamFerrers, Ferrers,Essex EssexCM3 CM35PQ 5PQ ! / #+! " $$ " #( ' " )), . &!)'-#&! ! +' & #$* . ')&* . $$',* * #$ #* * * . ,&! $ & +#'&* . ,*+'%!% )+"'+# * & ) $ ''+ ) $$ ') & (('#&+% &+ 9th March 1927 to 44 5;/45;/4- +357> +357> 29th February 2016 , , Finally at rest after years of suffering and reunited with her '7057/+ '7057/+#/298./7+ #/298./7+ husband Fred, son 9. John 67/2 9. 67/2and @@ 9. 9. 5;+3(+7 5;+3(+7 beloved sister Vera. #44'& 17'/$'3 #44'&2'#%'(6..9 2'#%'(6..910 10 5* 5* 17'/$'3 South Woodham Focus Mum's cremation will take #(5'3 #(5'3##.10) .10)+..0'44 +..0'44 #3,13+' #3,13+'8+.. 8+..$' $'41 41 place on Thursday 17th March at 4#&.9 4#&.9/+44'& /+44'&$9 $9*'3 *'3 64$#0& 64$#0& 1*0 1*0 3.30pm at Chelmsford 10 10 +%+%- #6)*5'34 #6)*5'34 11 #9 #9#0& #0& 00# 00# Crematorium. Please don't buy #0& #0&#.. #..*'3 *'3/#09 /#09.17+0) .17+0) 3#0&%*+.&3'0 3#0&%*+.&3'0#0& #0&%.14' %.14'(3+'0&4 (3+'0&4 flowers but donations to the 60'3#. 51 10 17'/$'3 60'3#. '37+%' '37+%' 515#-' 5#-'2.#%' 2.#%' 10 10	 10	 5* 5* 17'/$'3 Alzheimer's Society would be most gratefully received to #5 *'./4(13& #5 #/ #5 put *'./4(13& 3'/#513+6/ #5 #/ help an end to3'/#513+6/ this heartbreaking disease. Thank you. We miss you Mum/Nan! our love Karen, 10#5+104 +(+(&'4+3'& 51 < < .:*'+/'3=4 1%+'59= /#9 10#5+104 &'4+3'& 515*' 5*'All .:*'+/'3=4 1%+'59=Krystina, /#9$' $' Joanna, and60'3#. Adam xxxxx /#&' 11 #6. +0) +3'%5134 /#&'%%Christopher #6. +0) 60'3#. +3'%5134 6+.& 6+.&!#9 !#9 165* 165*!11&*#/ !11&*#/ '33'34 '33'34 %#&) "#% ## # % #%! " %'& LoST Ford ignition key. Possibily dropped in the car park outside the first block of flats in Littlecroft. If found please contact 01245 324086. '94 '94 (160& (160& +0 +0 +)*(+'.& +)*(+'.& !#.!#.- 10 10 3+	 3+	 #(5'30110 #(5'30110 .'#4' .'#4' %105#%5 %105#%55*' 5*' 1%64 1%641((+% 1((+%'10 '10 Found "A pair of spectacles in black case" found near end of East &97/ Road. =>?./8>= 0<97 '2/ 328665. <9=@/89< &-2996 90 $/<09<7381 Bridge Phone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with + ,<3663+8> >/+-2/< +8. 7/8>9< (+*7553+* 6756+79> 95 7+49 </9. '' 2'7-+ (+*7553+* 6756+79> 95 7+49 </9. 2'7-+ CLAIRVOYANCE SUE BOWLAND, A29 1+@/ >2/7 + 6995<.+7+ 38>9 23= 6+98 -+<//< A3>238 >2/ :/<09<7381 -'7*+4 '))+69+* -'7*+4 <.+7+ 6+98 '7+ '7+ '))+69+* +<>= '2/ =>?./8>= A366 .8;+ >2/8 ,/(++4 09669A381 ?: >2/3< -6+== A3>2 + on WEDNESDAY 16th MARCH 54 8351+7 '9 6756+79> 54 8351+7 .8;+ (++4 '9 67+8+49 67+8+49 6756+79> @3=3> >23= A//5 >9 =// >2/ 7?=3-+6 +8. A3>8/== A2+> >2/C 6/+<8> ,57 5;+7 >+'78 ,57 5;+7 >+'78 at CHAMPIONS MANOR HALL, ?= ,/09</ 2/ 38 +->398 )/ +</ =9 1<+>/0?6 >957 "35/ 09< @3=3>381 2+'8+ 6.54+ 9+=9 2+'8+ 6.54+ 57 9+=9 >+5/= 98 + 8/A 6/+.381 <96/ 38 '2/ HULLBRIDGE RD 9.C1?+<. CM3 5LJ " " $3'8 $3'8 '?''7 '?''7 Doors open 7-45pm 8pm Start Admission £3.50 " # " !! " # !!to Charity " !! !! All Proceeds 44 5:8+ 5:8+ .'7+ .'7+ Tel: Jo 01702 322422 645 645 $' $' %.'#0 %.'#0 #0& #0& 5+&9 5+&9 ;; 13 13 2'3 2'3 8''8''- !! ) / ACCOUNTANTS !! !! !! !! Accountancy & Taxation Services for all businesses -Startups welcome*First Consultation Absolutely Free 14-18 Heralds Way, Town Centre, South Woodham Ferrers 01245 328217 ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC " South SouthWoodham WoodhamFocus Focus GLAdYS MAY dAVIE $ "" ! & TIDE TABLES MARCH 2016 TIDE TABLES NOVEMBER TIDE TABLES 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 a.m. mtrs p.m. mtrs ""-312 0013:08 -312 - 5.38 -312 -312 9th Wed 00:45 5.56 10th8.8. Thu 01:29 5.63 13:51 5.71 %+* %+* 11th8.8. Fri#.9 02:10 5.79 14:33 5.73 #.9 12th7878 Sat6/6/ 02:50 5.83 15:14 5.61 13th Sun 03:28 5.74 15:53 5.37 3* "'8 3* "'8 '2/ /B:/<3/8-/ >3/= ?: +8 /B></7/6C ,?=C C/> A98./<0?6 C/+< 14th Mon 04:07 5.53 16:33 5.07 09< >2/6* =-2996 "93 6* "93 =>?./8>= +8. >2/3< 0+7363/= A23-2 2+@/ 38-6?./. 15th Tue 04:50 5.22 </=?6>= 8/A 17:18 4.74 7+8C 0+8>+=>3/B+7 +8. 0/=>3@+6 -6+==/= +../. 8. 8. 43 43 Wed 05:43=299>= 4.86:9=> 1<+. =>?./8>= 18:18 -98>38?381 4.41 >9 16th >2/ -?<<3-?6?7 :29>9 8. #9+ 8. #9+ 17th><+38381 Thu 06:58 :/<09<7381 4.54 19:45 4.24 >2/3< +> .300/</8> +<>= -966/1/= @+<39?= 8. %+* 8. %+* =-2996 ./798=><+>398= 0+8>+=>3>2 +883@/<=+<C 18th Fri 08:24 +4.45 21:13 4.37 #.9 #.9 +> 3=8/C!+8. :/<09<7+8-/ $+<3= /+. 90 =381381 19th8.8. Sat 09:48 4.60 22:25 "3== 4.63 3+ >+5381 + 6/+.381 <96/ 38 >2/ 38-</.3,6/ +A+<. A388381 8. 6/ 8. 6/ 20th Sun 10:58 4.82 23:23 4.87+@3. C<8/ +8. 7?=3-+6 >9: 3> "'8 8. "'8+>,9C &637 21st8. Mon 11:50 4.98 /</ !3/= !9@/ -------+8. >9 -----900 +8 +::/+<+8-/ 38 >2/ )/=> 8. "+7+= 2<3=>7+= &29A 22nd8. Tue 00:10 5.03 12:30 5.05 "93 "93 A3>2388. >2/ 8/B> -9?:6/ 90 A//5= Start Sailing Eyott SC, 7+==3@/ >2+85 C9? >9 +66 9?< at =>?./8>= =>+00 +8. :+</8>= "8'68 '8 ;488 "" "8'68"'/1/3"'/1/3'8 ;4887AL Court, A29 2+@/ 7+./ 3> + Whitetree ./0383>/ C/+< >9CM3 </7/7,/< +8. A/ 6995 %./8+86++ %./8+86++ 4968 01245 321986384968 01245 322282 09<A+<. >9 +66 A/ 2+@/ :6+88/. www.eyottsailingclub.org.uk ::: +;4887'/1/3-)19( 4690 :::98 +;4887'/1/3-)19( 4690 09< =>?./8>= 9< 79</ 3809<7+>398 +66 >2/ =-2996 900/<= +1/. :6/+=/ @3=3> 9?< A/,=3>/ AAA 1<9=@/89<:/<09<7381+<>= -97 9< /7+36 +.738 1<9=@/89<:/<09<7381+<>= -97 $6/+=/ ,/+< 38 738. G'"$!("$?-,#*+$-"#$*;#$2#+*$-,.#"*$&0$;&9$='1;$0')$9#$-"#$+&$1&=#$,&9)$-),$-+7$*;#=S$ 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 5 $ $ T&'$1-)$0(),$'+$&)$?"##7$U(#9$V&-,/$:&'*;$<&&,;-=$>#""#"+/$?ICLWX@$ $ Y=-(3$'+$-*$*"-()()8@ZLCB[-("1-,#*+@&"8$*&$3#*$'+$7)&9$%&'\"#$1&=()8S$ $ South Woodham Focus ?-)]*$9-(*$*&$+##$%&'$*;#"#S$ 5 Are you interested in adventure Paul J King (' * "( ) #( FUNERAL DIRECTORS .&+* A family-run firm, caring at your time of need Memorial Consultants Pre-payment Plans Chapel of Rest Horse-drawn funerals Home Arrangements Bereavement Support Green Funerals 01245 321866 (24 HRS) $ Are you interested in adventure, fun and incredible experiences? Are you looking for a new lease on life? South Woodham Ferrers Air Cadets is the place for you. If you are aged 13-17, or know someone who is, and are looking for a new and interesting way to make friends; then come and try Air Cadets. On Thursday 17th March come and visit the Squadron from 7:15pm to 9:00pm for a taster into what Air Cadets is really like. There will be outdoor Cooking, Archery, Parade/Drill, Camping and star gazing displayed along with lots of other information on what our Cadets do each ! week. Our Air Cadets are the best advert of how much fun we are so come down and ask them! You can find us on Creek View Road, South Woodham Ferrers, CM35GX. Email us at [email protected] to BEST WISHES DEREK let us know you’re coming! Can't wait to see you there! BEST WISHES DEREK After almost four years as Town 5 Guild Way, CM3 5TG www.pauljking.com C ar p e t s D i r e c t Guaranteed Lowest Prices WHY PAY MORE ? )* # "( * "**"% ," !&$ ,")"*) Carpets • Vinyls • Laminates • Wood flooring / ' " #")* "% -&&# *-")* '"# / & ! ( ) ## / &+( $& "# )!&-(&&$ "% *! !&$ &$$ ( " # '( $") ) (' *) &$ &(* & .&+( We will move your furniture old carpets FREE removal / uplift of your Town Clerk of South Woodham and Ferrers After almost four years Town of South Derek Farr as has bidClerk Council, farewell to Woodham residents, Councillors and Ferrers Town Council, Derek Farr has bid farewell to colleagues. w w w. c a r p e t s - d i r e c t . c o . u k residents, Councillors and colleagues. Weir-Ewing and Pictured below are the Town Mayor Councillor Christi Christine WeirPictured are theCouncillor Town Mayor Councillor Christine cards and gifts to Peter Wyatt presenting Deputy below Town Mayor Weir-Ewing and Deputy Town Mayor Councillor Peter Wyatt Ewing thanked Derek for all his work on behalf of Derek. Councillor Weir-Ewing presenting cards and gifts to Derek. Councillor Weir-Ewing wished him well for Town the future. futu the Town Council thanked Derek for all and his work on behalf of the Council and wished him well for the future. 8IFUIFSZPVBSFBTPMFUSBEFSCVTJOFTTTUBSUVQPSFTUBCMJTIFECVTJOFTT we have a tax solution to suit you! t'3&&JOJUJBMDPOTVMUBUJPO t0VUPG)PVSTBQQPJOUNFOUT t'JYFE'FFTPMVUJPOTBWBJMBCMF Patricia Jerrett 19 May 1942 - 03 March 2016 It is with great sadness that we announce that Pat lost her short battle with cancer. Beloved wife, mother, grandmother, great grandmother and friend, Pat will be loved and remembered by all who knew her. Funeral to be held on 29 March at 2.30pm at Chelmsford Crematorium. Family flowers only. Donations to Cancer Research. Call us today! 5FM XXXQPDLOFMMTDPVL 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 6 Neighbourhood Plans - Community Involvement is the key to success 6 South Woodham Focus Neighbourhood NeighbourhooPlans d Pla-ns - Commun Community Involvement is Hopefully PODIATRIST our earli-eCHIROPODIST r articles on the Neighbothe urhoodkPey lan hto ave s illu strc ates ed ts he vital role the uc Verrucae - Ingrown toenails - Corns - Callouses the key to success MANUELA PIPE MSSCh,DipPodMed, MBChA, hcpc Registered Member of the British Chiropody & Podiatry Association & hcpc townNail s fo lk play in the process. Perhaps the best example is in the form of the referendum & Skin fungal infection * General Foot care that haSports s to injuries be he&ld oncMade e thorthotics e Plan has been dHopefully rafted a ndearlier checarticles ked. U imaNeighbourhood tely if resid ents our onltthe Plan Reoccurring Custom or insoles illustrated the vital role the towns folk play in the Row don’tSurgery: vote18,tMiddleton o supp or(off t iBenbow t, thDrive) e PlS.W.F an will not behave a d o p t e d . process. Perhaps the best example is in the form of the by appointment only Tel: 01245 322 766 Hopefullythat ouhas r etoarbelie r aonce rticthe lesPlan on has thebeen Nedrafted ighbourhood Pl referendum held Whilst your vote at the end of the process and ito swvi t a l , i t s n o t a c a s e o f w a i t i n g fo r 3 ab rsest exam checked. Ultimately if residents don’t vote to support it, ns folk play in the process. Perhaps tye he Airport Transfer Specialists the Plan will not be adopted. before you have a chancAllemajor toCreditgive your vietwhaatt htahse tfi nbael rheefe lb f the renndcu . eDP ulrain gha oe em tprocess h alsits Whilst your o vote at theld endoof the isn vital, notean drafted a 24 Hour Chauffeur-bus Cards accepted work to research and create the Neighboucase rh Pltaentfor of d oo no ’tdwaiting vo oths3euyears ppobefore rt it, you thehave Plaanchance will ntootgive be adopted Cars, at tthe views oMPV’s f local rand esideMinibuses nts are essential and onyour e oview f the hinfinal gs referendum. During all of the work to research and create the • Airports • Cruise Terminals • Eurostar Stations thAirport e SteeSpecialists ring Groupsince that 1998 produces the PlaNeighbourhood n hhia to udrPlan ovoisthe W lsst yo te at the end of the process is vital, i views of local residents demonstrate when and how it has been sharb inegfoin rmuathioanve a chance to give your view at the refoyo are essential and one of 01245 01621 with an328030 d listeningor to yo u. If th828356 e Group cannthe p o wootrthings kro tove rets eaan rch and create the Neighbourhood Pla the Steering independent examiner that it has communicaGroup teedwe fo fefproduces cltoiv vi sthat ce alyr,the esidents are essential and one of the Plan has to do is the Plan cannot go forward to be adopted. demonstrate the Steerwhen ing G roup that produces the Plan has to and how itohas sharing dem nsbeen trate when and how it has been sharing inform and There is also the issue of what is this Stinformation eieth rinagndGlrwith w io stuepn? ing to you. If the Group cannot prove to you. If the Although it is your Town Council that stlistening a r t e d t h e P l a n indepcannot endenprove t exatominer that it has communicated effec Group process, we need to hand over the issue to aan tceaenrinnogt go forward to be adopted. independent texaminer hloeca PllaS nthat ituhas Group. 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The Town Council will be here to support issues to discuss that we think will be of eqit, a ln icannot ntwehrecontrol snt.wIef it,yo ot rlkociits n tphleanthas ow p ee nsd, we gen Ouft e losoouk a al really n inton g,beisyour su but inw reality arrns, Crows Lan ne, Steering Group. leisure time here, beTlhoeWnBog t o a c o m m u n i t y g r o u p , u s e l o c a l s e r vi c e s , u s e t h e s h o p s i n t hear from residents who have an interest behceause pro odham Ferrers, Often when we look at local planning issues, we generally town or just travel arounCdMt3h8ReRse parts, thenhear lay imcp tnan or le d pyo u t ufrom focrowu aldrdpm a yan ehave ffe toorinterest thteribecause hoin mproposals ee . ciCdein rtgainly tha residents who an O n l y 5 m i n ut t e s f r o m S W F how these are provided for in the future. Oput ltih ste acba osve eonsttheir neotPhome. cla on veCertainly yt n tbe harte many may that may buer forward e effect wdioth h troe ove , bru t htih egre www.blaircourtpetclinic.co.uk the case with the Plan too, but there are many other issues to may be impacted by t0h1e N e i g h b o u r h o o d P l a n , b u t I a m p r e t t y s u r e t h a t u n d e r t h e issues to discuss that we think will be of esqeual inter 245 324437 discuss that we think will be of equal interest. If you work in headings alone we have included just aboutthe yotspend n e ealleisure leeisve ure im hrea red,y. belohere, ng tbelong o a co unity group, use town, time tom am community group, use local services, use the shops in the town just townaround or juthese st tra vel then arouyou ndcould theplay se pan arimportant ts,orth en you coul parts, o m e f o r w a r d t o h e l p s h a p e t h e t o w n ’ s f u t urOeu, r list ab As we move forward and seek volunteers to ctravel h o w t h e s e a r e p r o vi d e d fo r i n t h e fu t u r e . role in deciding how these are provided for in the future. Our plaeabove diomnot cpoancover rbvo eNeermay nh gb WPelan, but t9 herFeulm aqyuib betoo impacted ly E ppeedm Pra acntiy ce w Ina clys udinyo g Lu ab bocra attn ory yhelp, so list m yasbeedoes cstieddeeverything y tlu hn etthat iig urhheolpo.dby the Neighbourhood Plan, but I cam pretty sure that under mea rglesnocyu Arftg tee r Hyo ouru s Ctao sestS en Apt a Trhte Cin linitche nu m e r o u s s u r ve ys a n d o n s u l t a t i o n s t h a t w w9ouEld aeke headheadings ings alalone one we wehave have inclujust ded juseveryone t aboutilleveryon these included about 9 C o u n t r y s i d e L o c at t i o n Lastly we hope that the Plan will attract your doubtless take place in the next few years. already. 9 Large Car Park k Asw we seek s9upp ort antdtFhra t referendum too. eers tto o come forw As e move movforward e forwand ard anvolunteers d seek vtoocome luntforward Warm an iendly Stafff help shape the town’s future, there may be many ways you can elp,also so please do therso e please maydobconsider e manvolunteering y ways yo caWe n hwould 9 Continuity Of Carre help, tou help. urge in theandnumerous 9 Yearly Fit Friends Health Plan woulyou d altosotake urgpart e yoinu the to tnumerous ake partsurveys consultations that doubtless take placeAin next few ltabke ewill prlo dein d ta nthe u To Furthe nform walye arwsn . Lastly we doautiboLastly tnlew ssilwe avi cthe e htwill eth ne extnfe years. hope p that Plan attract your support Meeting being 8fe Arpernild2u0m16toaot. Champions at that too. suh pepld oreferendum ro t natFrtihdaa tyre Manor Hall Community Centre - please come along. Microchips £10Website: plan2021.southwoodhamferrersFtucr.gthoev.unkformation wi Further information will be provided at the Annual Town ing on being held on eetheld Meeting M being Friday 8 April 2016 at Manor Hall Commun Champions Manor Hall Community ebs ite: plan2021. Centre - pleaseW come along. Website: plan2021.southwoodhamfer rerstc.gov.uk 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 7 7 South Woodham Focus Now is the time to plan ahead Taking control of your future and planning ahead for your funeral gives you the opportunity to share your ideas on how you would like to be remembered, and how your life should be celebrated. It can also provide you with the comfort of knowing your family won’t be faced with financial strain and worries in the future, making planning ahead for your funeral all the more worthwhile. East of England Co-op Funeral Services has been trusted by local families since 1925 to provide excellent levels of service, care and reassurance when helping to create unique and personalised tributes. By combining their knowledge and experience they have created five pre-payment funeral plans for you to choose from. Alternatively, a member of their team can help you create an entirely bespoke plan, so you can rest assured that every last detail will be just as you wish so you can get on with enjoying life. Clearly priced, and with no hidden costs, their plans allow you to pay for your funeral in full now, or in manageable monthly payments over a time that suits you. All of their funeral plans are completely inflation proof, so by planning ahead you pay today’s price no matter how much costs may rise in the future. If you are a member of the East of England Co-op you can also collect dividend points on your prepayment plan, which you can use visiting new places, treating yourself or doing things with friends and family. Find out more about East of England Co-op pre-payment funeral plans, or order a brochure, by visiting eastofengland.coop/funerals. Alternatively, you can contact your local funeral branch at 31 Hullbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers 01245 328307 who can also arrange a home visit for you. Plan for the future today... with our pre-payment funeral plans £ £100 100 off off with this vouc voucher her To order a brochure and find out more, call our funeral plan advice line on 0800 0744361* or visit your local funeral branch. As a member you can earn dividend points on your funeral plan. Not a member yet? You can join in branch or online at www.eastofengland.coop/joinus Valid for the purchase of East of England Co-op funeral plans taken out before 30/6/16. Terms and conditions apply ask in branch for details. *Free from a landline, mobile charges can vary. SWFMAR16 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 8 8 SSM uPVC HOME SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR HOME MAINTENANCE NEEDS • Fascias, soffits and bargeboards specialists • Guttering • Windows, doors & conservatories • Cladding • Carpentry & General Building • Exterior painting • NEW REPAIR SERVICE • Door & window adjustments • Locks/barrels • Handles, hinges & gaskets • Roof sheets & sealed glass units • Leak Troubleshooting *FREE no obligation estimates * No job too small * No pushy salesmen* Over 25 years experience Call Now on 07896 127 410 (day) or 01245 400 314 (eve) www.ssmhomeservices.com BALGoRES LAunCHES REVoLuTIonARY nEW WAY To SELL PRoPERTIES Traditional methods of sale often have delays which create uncertainty, stress and additional costs and result in 30% of agreed sales failing to reach their planned conclusion. According to Balgores Property Group, leading Estate Agents in Essex, this is all about to change with company's revolutionary new Network E, which reduces the sales process to just 20 working days from agreeing a sale to exchange of contracts. Network E takes the best aspects of traditional methods of sale and combines these with a process that adds speed, transparency and security. It enables a property to be fully marketed to ensure the best price possible is agreed, but takes experience from the auction industry in ensuring legal paperwork is immediately ready and an agreed completion date can be set at the outset. Carpets · Vinyls · Laminates · Wood Flooring · Karndean · Designer Flooring Fantastic offers on laminates Modern trends PRICES FROM £7.99m2 - £29.99m2 Stainfree stair carpet WAS £20.99m2 NOW £13.99m2 Great prices Half price Karndean, Amtico and Designer Floorings FROM ONLY £14.99m2 Stainfree Marvel Bleach Cleanable Saxony WAS £25.99m2 NOW £12.99m2 Free and easy carparking at both our showrooms 43 HULLBRIDGE ROAD • SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS • CM3 5NG TEL: (01245) 322188 341 LONDON ROAD • HADLEIGH • ESSEX • SS7 2BT TEL: (01702) 552018 To find our South Woodham Showroom, follow signs to the Railway Station. Our store is located a little before the Station and level crossing. It is opposite the ‘Railway’ pub in Hullbridge Road. WEB: www.essexcarpets.co.uk EMAIL: [email protected] Mike Low of Balgores Low Estate Agents comments: “Balgores is the only agent in Essex able to offer this exciting and proven method of sale and we do so alongside our traditional sales offering. Network E drastically reduces the time it takes to exchange contracts and it gives potential buyers a great advantage. They will be able to make an offer on a property and move quickly, which could help them to secure their dream home. “In some parts of Essex, demand is far outstripping supply. In some case, we are seeing many potential buyers chasing one property. We have seen so many buyers bitterly disappointed that they have missed out on a property because they could not move quickly enough. Unless buyers are in a good position to purchase a property, they will not be able to compete with those that are. In this current market, most vendors are accepting offers from buyers who have already sold their home and who are financially and legally prepared. My advice to buyers is make sure they are in a good position to move. “Home owners thinking of selling in 2016 should certainly ensure that they have considered Network E as a selling option. Balgores would be delighted to provide free property valuations and discuss the options open to homeowners thinking of selling, which have now been extended to include the Network E proposition.” For further information, contact your local office or www.balgoresproperty.co.uk 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 9 South Woodham Focus 9 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:32 Page 10 10 Big Brother watches Woodham – “1984” is here South Woodham Amateur Theatre Society (SWATS)’ next show is set to be their most ambitious yet, with a production of Matthew Dunster’s adaptation of George Orwell’s “1984” playing at the Village Hall on March 10th, 11th and 12th at 8.00. “1984” is a classic yet harrowing look at a post-apocalypse Britain ruled by a merciless all-seeing government ruled by Big Brother, where despite love being made illegal two ordinary people try to break the rules and make a life for themselves. This powerful production packs a punch in many ways and tickets are available priced £8 (£7 concessions) from our website atwww.theswats.org.uk or call 07531 471072 Holy Trinity church Knit and Natter Group We meet on the second Monday in the month at the Town Crier Pub. We meet at 12oclock for lunch, 1pm to 3pm in the Function Room for Knitting. Everyone is welcome we are a very friendly group. Most of us Knit for charity Basildon Baby Unit, Sea Men’s Mission at Tilbury Docks, and other charities. We also need wool if anyone has any spare wool then please contact me Christine Hardy on 01245 325234 for further details. Contact Person Christine Hardy 01245 325234 Holy Trinity church Knit and Natter Group We meet on the second Monday in the month at the Town Crier Pub. We meet at 12oclock for lunch, 1pm to 3pm in the Function Room for Knitting. Everyone is welcome we are a very friendly group. Most of us Knit for charity Basildon Baby Unit, Sea Men’s Mission at VISIand T OUR Tilbury Docks, other charities. We also need wool if anyone has any spare wool then SHOWROOM please contact me7 DAYS Christine Hardy on 01245 325234 for further details. OPEN A WEEK Contact Person Christine Hardy 01245 325234 ! 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:33 Page 11 11 South Woodham Focus World Book Day Thursday 3rd March 2016 World Book Day at Elmwood Primary School this year was absolutely fantastic! As well as receiving their vouchers for a £1 book, the children had the opportunity to take part in a range of activities, working alongside children from other classes. It was lovely, for example, to see Year 6 and Reception children together, exploring the library and Year 4 and Year One children writing poems and newspaper articles together. Every year the teachers work incredibly hard to put together something different and plan fantastic, inspiring activities and this year was no different. From a library treasure hunt to acting out poems and learning stories together, there was a real buzz of excitement and enjoyment around the school, that provides something extra for our children that goes beyond the usual 'dressing up'. Can I take this opportunity to thank all the staff for their hard work in putting together such a brilliant day. The children certainly enjoyed themselves! "The Year Ones were great at helping us write a newspaper report!" Livia "I enjoyed reading to a younger child," Charlie "The younger children reminded me to include finger spaces!" Jay "I enjoyed acting out 'Going on a Lion Hunt'" Charley "I liked writing a newspaper about a lion in the library with a child from another class." Aaron Well done children, you were all great! Ian Eagleton English Co-ordinator, Elmwood Primary School AVE !.. ROCHFORD ROCKS..!! at King Edmund School, Shires Way, Rochford SS4 3BR on Saturday March 12th at 7.30 pm. Ave Maria highlights an eclectic mix of rock and trad music when MEN2SING join the Rotary Club of Rochford in a gala concert as part of a "concerted" effort raise a total of over £600,000 to fund a state-of-the-art keyhole surgery suite at Southend Hospital..one of Europe's leading " Centre of Excellence " cancer treatment facilities. M2S will also feature brand new arrangements of Buble, Groban, Manilow, Adele, Queen, Elton and more, to have the audience appreciating show stopper tunes in company with the county's foremost team of male harmony singers. Tickets £10 are available from www. men2sing.org.uk...Bob: 01245 321414..and glynjarvis1 @ btinternet.com ( 01702- 299915 ) Middleton Row £359,995 New #Instruction %"& !$ ' Rettendon Common £850,000 New Instruction %"& # !$ ' ! ( )! # * &- + !! %& ' #( &$$" &$)# !$$& % &(" #( !!- ') ( $& &'( ( " # * .&-&'+$&!! %& #( ! )-! &'( )! $+#' #* ''($&' # ' &$$" $&( ( &$)# !$$& % &(" #( !!- ') ( $& &'( ( " %&$% &(- ' $# $) ! &$$" ( &$$" )- &' $+#' . &' $& #* '($&' ! # ' $&( ( (( ( # !!$ ( #)" & % & # '% %&$% &(- ' $# $) ! &$$" ( &$$" ! # &!!$ #'( # #)" ' )'( ' $&( ! &$" (($"")# & #+ '% A( UNIQUE DETACHED& SIX% bedroom Well presented FOUR bedroom DETACHED ($"")# ($+# #(& &' $ family ! & offering #' # ' spacious )'( ' $&(and + ! &$" home versatile family home located just a short walk from the !accommodation. ' &#(& " # # The + # property ' (- &($+# -!- &'has $ been town centre, shops, schools and amenities. The & $"" # basis and property has three double bedrooms and- a & ! architecturally ' & " # # designed + # on ' an individual !comprises of five double bedrooms and a single, single, en suite to bedroom one, downstairs & $"" # cloakroom, lounge, kitchen, separate dining room, single garage and off road parking. Viewing advised. two receptions rooms, separate dining room and three bath/shower rooms and is located in the popular village of Rettendon Common. Culver Rise £140,000 The Cedars £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enant in ** IDEAL FIRST TIME BUY ** Delightful and very nice # TWO well presented ONE bedroom ground floor & ( ( suited for first time $ buyers, # # ')situ ( currently ! bedroom )- &paying + top &£725 $#!-pcm.' Very # $& double floor ' apartment located apartment &ideally ( ( $ # # ') ( ! )& + & $#!# $& # + '$! # - & alike. " #(In $&short !! $)& &) &-to#'(&) ( $#' # and railway + $ station. #$( %)( the local shops downsizers the close + &'$!or# investors # %( - &! $" #( $#' $ #$( %)( With $&+ & +$&(bathroom, #!! $)& + '&) $ &-" #'(&) & ( #(two + double +# !! + $)&bathroom, kitchen/diner, bedrooms, property has one double bedroom, $&+ & # %( ! $ & + ( # + ' $ " & ( # + + !! $)& fitted kitchen, allocated numbered parking space. lounge, balcony, communal gardens, allocated and visitor buyers or BTL mortgage Viewing is highly recommended. NO ONWARD $&$&"$& $#%!%! 'parking. ' !! !!)'Cash )'#$+ #$+ "$& (( !'!' ## ($ ($ $$ $$ && ** !)!) (($# $#$# CHAIN. Call Andy Barrell on: 01245 327788 www.intercounty.co.uk required due to length of remaining lease. Call Andy Barrell on: 01245 327788 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:33 Page 12 12 South Woodham Focus The WI for Inspiring Women Our February meeting was our 600th and we celebrated by having an open meeting which was a great success. Our speaker was Tracy Mackness from The Giggly Pig Company. Her talk was titled "Turning My Life Around” Tracy and her brother used to help out on their dads fruit and veg stall in Romford Market and then in his shop in Collier Row. Tracy didn’t like school and stopped going when she was fifteen. Her dad was in and out of prison and the last time he was in prison her mum decided to divorce him. Afterwards he left them and sold the business. She was sixteen when she met her first boyfriend and he was eighteen. At 24 she had a part time job delivering cars in Ilford then she went on a course to be a warranty administrator. Her first marriage ended in divorce because of her husbands unreasonable behaviour. She was 28 when she married her 2nd husband. They moved to Clacton but her husband was still working in Ilford and was away from home a lot of the time. They split up and she had a breakdown and eventually she went home to her mum. Tracy was asked if she knew a couple of guys who could help unload a lorry, Tracy was arrested with six others. The trial was at Chelmsford court and Tracy was sentenced to ten years. In prison Tracy took several courses including a step course and she was able to teach step in prison. After five years Tracy applied to go to an open prison in Kent which had a pig farm. When she got there she had to share a dorm with eleven others. When she was shown round the farm she met a sow called Biddy who had recently had her babies taken away. Tracy said she felt a connection with Biddy and she wanted to take care of her. She took an NVQ in Pig Husbandry and then went on to do NVQ 2,3 and 4. She met Jimmy from Jimmy’s Farm when they filmed at the prison farm when they were looking for a new boar. She then got the chance to sell the sausages they made at The Farmers Market, She loved it and knew from that moment that she wanted to have her own business when she got out of prison. She was able to learn butchery at a butchers shop in Harold Hill. In 2007 with £3000 savings she bought 30 pigs from the prison. The butchers rented her half the shop so she could make her sausages. Tracy entered a competion for people that had turned their life around and she won £5000. She acquired land in Hornchurch. She now has 800 pigs, 14 vans, 24 staff and 65 different flavours of sausages. She goes to Farmers markets shows, festivals and Hog Roasts and also gives talks to schools colleges and WI’s. Tracy said that going to prison gave her a chance to turn her life around.Tracy has brought out a book called Jailbird. After her amazing talk we were able to purchase the sausages after sampling the many different variety of sausages on display. Tracy also did a book signing. On Monday 8th February we had our post Christmas Dinner at Club Woodham and had a very enjoyable evening with about 36 of us attending. Our next meeting is on Wednesday 23rd March at Champion Manor Hall 7.30 for a 7.45 start. Our speaker is Amy Leslie and her talk is called ’Herbal Remedies in the Kitchen' We will be selling plants at our trade stall. RACInG FoR A CAuSE Richard Gaskin is a motorbike racer from South Woodham Ferrer’s who is about to start a full season of racing. This year he is foregoing any potential sponsorship deals for the 2016 racing season, instead opting to place names of any people willing to donate to his cause on his race bike instead of the usual sponsors. The cause he is raising money and awareness for, is the little girl pictured above - her name is Cecilia Fisk (nickname: Ceci Wren) from Billericay and she was 11 months when she was diagnosed (a week before her 1st birthday). She has a rare subtype of Infant Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL) which only affects 5% of Leukaemia cases. She has completed her first 5 weeks induction phase of her treatment At GOSH which consisted of Steroids and Intense Chemotherapy. She is now 1 week into her 2nd phase and has treatments split between GOSH, Basildon and home. All being well the treatment in total will be 2 years 3 months so she has a long journey ahead. Richard said: “My daughter and Ceci became friends just after birth and after meeting at a baby massage class. When we found out about her diagnosis, it really hit home. We appreciate how fortunate we are to have a healthy baby girl, but at the same time understand the importance of having support from our friends and family should the worst ever happen. “I have set out to raise as much money as possible, but also to raise awareness of the illness. People can support cases like Ceci's through not only donating to help her directly but other acts like giving blood and registering as stem cell donors also make a huge difference. If we can highlight the importance of doing these things it will not only help Ceci, but hundreds of other children and adults alike. “We have so far raised over £2000 but I would like to take this a step further. I transport the bike by van and I want to use the whole van as a blank canvas for advertising any company or person willing to donate to this cause. I have said that for a company to have its name on the bike or van, the minimum donation amount is £50, but we are grateful for anything we receive, and if there is space left at the start of the season we shall put everyone’s name up who has donated. Richards just giving page can be found at https://crowdfunding.justgiving.com/richard-gaskin-racing-for-Ceci 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:33 Page 13 South Woodham Focus Purleigh school celebrate their Centenary Purleigh school had a final chance to celebrate their Centenary with the planting of a special tree. The Sugar Maple tree was planted by a child from each class and is a replacement for an original Sugar Maple planted in 1915 that unfortunately had to be felled due to safety reasons. The whole school watched as the tree was planted and were happy to see the replacement in their school grounds - the children will look after it and water it to make sure this one thrives! Head of School, Neil Stotter, said 'The children love their environment at Purleigh School and will take care of our new Centenary tree. We are an Ecoschool and being responsible for the environment is a key message that we teach at Purleigh.' 13 Whole school watching the tree planting, Reception back to Year 6. $GGDVW\OLVK QHZHQWUDQFH WR\RXUKRPH for only £699 Fully Install ed Inc. VA T eRHUDYDLODEOHLQFKRLFHRI EOXHUHGEODFNRUZKLWHLQVW\OHV VKRZQDERYHZLWKFKURPHHHFW KDQGOHDQGD<DOH0DJQXPORFN Or design your door online and get a FREE quote! www.ez2ownwindows.co.uk Above photo L-R Jacob Cartwright Year 2, Taanvi Negi Year 1, Miles Ledwell Reception, Jacob Penn Year 6, Star Healy Year 4, Millie Jones Year 3, Katie Harlacher Year 5 (OHFWULF5ROOHU *DUDJH'RRUV from only £999 ΖQZKLWHRUEURZQ &RORXUXSJUDGHVDYDLODEOH 3YFX:LQGRZV ZLWKȆ.ȇ*ODVV Fully d lle Insta AT V Inc. Senior Citizen Discount available for only £1499 Fully Install ed Inc. VA T Registered 17593 Call Kelly for a FREE quote on 01245 835011 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:33 Page 14 Happy 4th Birthday to our lovely Ruby rocket!!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday, we love you more than all the stars in the sky!! Love Mummy, Daddy and Millie xxxx Welcome to the world little Thomas! Many Congratulations to Jon and Anna on the birth of their beautiful Son. With much love Anita, Steve, Becci and Josh. X x x X Wishing Casey a Happy 11th Birthday, with all our love Daddy, Suzie, Olivia, Rio, Summer and Jude xxxxxxx Happy 7th Birthday Grace on 9th March. Lots of love from Mummy, Millie and all the family xxx Happy 5th birthday !! To our gorgeous little girl Yasmin May we love you so much with all our love and kisses mummy, daddy, little sis Summer and all your family xxxxxx Congratulations to Jon and Anna on the birth of our Grandson Thomas, born on the 25th of February weighing in at 8lb 4oz. Love you big much Mum and Dad x x Happy 8th Birthday for the 9th March Abbie. The best daughter and big sister in the world. Love you so so much love from Mummy, Dad, Jake and all your family and friends xxxx Happy 11th birthday Alfie on the 9th March. Have a great day. Love you lots. Nanny xx Happy 11th birthday Alfie on 9th March! Hope you have a fantastic day and lots of fun at the weekend with your friends. We love you to the moon and back Mum, Dad, Molly, Darcey, Elvis & Buster xxx Happy 6th Birthday Oliver Love you to the moon, stars and back again Mummy and Daddy xxxxxx Happy "18th" Birthday to My Very Special daughter, "Hayley" for the 10th March. Hope you have a fantastic day and that it is as Special as You! Love you so much, Always! With lots of Love, Kisses and very best wishes, Love Mum, Graham, Chloe, Nan, Belle & Lola Xxxxxxxxxxx Happy 7th Birthday to our super duper Austin. Enjoy your day darling. Lots of love Mum, Dad and Alexa xxxx "To Bethany, Happy 1st Birthday to the best sister in the world. I love you more than chocolate ice-cream! Love from Emily. xxx 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:33 Page 15 Happy Birthday to our beautiful Mummy Frances, for 3rd March. We love you to the moon and back always. Love Betty, Gracie and Maddie, Fudge and Popcorn, and Daddy. xxxxxx Happy 5th Birthday to Leo Wing back on 19th February. Lots of Love from Mumma, Dadda, Layla & Mackie Happy 60th Birthday Grandad, thank you for an amazing holiday. Love from Grace and Ruby. Xx A big happy 40th birthday to Carla ! Have a fab day! Love all the gang xxx Thank you to all my friends for sharing my birthday fun with me & for all your beautiful presents. Meg xx THE ANCHOR ANCHOR RIVERSIDE R IVERSIDE Pub & R Restaurant estaurant 25TH – 28TH MARCH ENJO ENJOY Y EASTER at the anchor Celebrate Easter with all the ffamily family and enjoy Bank holid ay weekend with us at The Anchor. With live music and al ffresco dining with the barbecue open in in the the ggarden. (Weather (W eather permitting) MICHELIN BIB GOURMAND A AWARD WARD 2016 EXCEPTIONAL FOOD AT AT MODEST PRICES MICHELIN BIB GOURMAND 2016 The BIB Gourmand recog cogni nises quality and value of fo food and is awa awa warrded only to restaurants serving three courses at at exceptional prices. Only 18 were awa awa warrded in England and only one in Essex, The Anchor. WHAT’SS ON AT THE ANCHOR WHAT’ 1ST APRIL SEAFOOD FRID FRIDAY AY Join us for for our next Seafood Seafood Friday event on Friday, 1st April and enjoy a range of beautiful seaf seafood, ood, locally-sourced and reasonably priced. MOND MONDAY AY TO FRIDAY FRIDAY Be wowed by our AWARD-WINNING AW ARD-WINNING LUNCH MENU The perfec perfect place for for a spot of lunch 2 CCOURSES OURSES £1 6.95 £16.95 3 CCOURSES OURSES £1 8.95 £18.95 The Anchor Riv erside Ferry Road, Hullbridge, Essex SS5 6ND O theanchorhullbridge.co.uk 2 CCOURSES OURSES £1 5.95 £15.95 3 CCOURSES OURSES £1 7.95 £17.95 A glass of house wine included O 01702 230 777 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:33 Page 16 16 South Woodham Focus Kick Off for South Woodham Ferrers 3G Pitch Grassroots football in South Woodham Ferrers was given a boost when former England International Terry Butcher officially opened a brand-new, thirdgeneration (3G) artificial grass pitch for use by local schools, clubs and the wider community. A £262,000 grant from the Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund allowed joint-use partners Chelmsford City Council and the William de Ferrers School to undertake a full refurbishment of their out-dated artificial pitch. The School and City Council also contributed funding to the £466,000 project, which includes new fencing, equipment and improved floodlighting. All this investment means that opportunities to grow and develop football in South Woodham Ferrers are stronger than ever. Terry cut the ribbon on the new facility then enjoyed a Q&A session with the school pupils before witnessing them being put through their paces in a series of training exercises. The facility will be used by the School during the daytime and local users and clubs in the evenings and weekends when the South Woodham Ferrers Leisure Centre is in operation. Usage will focus on younger player development and Key Partner Clubs, identified in conjunction with the Essex County FA, will have dedicated training evenings. Demand for the facility has been extremely high, but will still include various small-sided leagues and casual use. Former England Captain, Terry Butcher; Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Pual Hutchinson and Headteacher of William de Ferrers School, Neal McGowan with children from William de Ferrers School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`1*X11Y( ( a:8$:0(E+:(!"45"678(9%3'A(M:%<:'(b"%&:8<A(?=-BC7%&(!!))(Y9c( Cabinet Member for Leisure, Councillor Julia Jeapes, commented: “The City Council listened to the high level of local support and demand for guaranteed training and match venues and with support from Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund and School have helped provide a high quality community facility which will enhance opportunities for local people to improve their health, develop their skills and enjoy sport.” Neal McGowan, Headteacher, William de Ferrers School, remarked: “The 3G pitch will be a real asset for both the School and our local community, providing an excellent surface for our pupils to develop their skills in a high-quality and safe environment.” Kelly Simmons, The FA’s Director for Participation and Development, said: “Investment in new facilities such as these forms part of The FA’s £12 million per year investment in improving grassroots facilities through the Football Foundation. This is one component of our wider £260 million four-year plan to boost participation, facilities and coaching across grassroots football.” Former England Captain, Terry Butcher, said: “It’s wonderful to see the work that The FA is doing to boost football at grassroots level through the Premier League & The FA Facilities Fund. This pitch is an example of the positive impact that this funding is having on our grassroots game. Providing first-class facilities like this, coupled with coaching at the appropriate age group, are crucial to creating more opportunities for local people who already play grassroots football regularly and attract new players to enjoy the game.” Since 2000, the Football Foundation, funded by The FA, The Premier League and the Government has awarded 178 grants worth £13.6m across Essex towards grassroots sports projects worth nearly £26m.” Representing AFC Woodham and Focus Ferrers FC, Chairmen, Chris Firminger and Darren Thompson said: “This new playing surface is a fantastic addition to the town’s sports infrastructure and is welcomed by everyone. Our players now have a truly state of the art facility that they can be proud of. We would like to thank Chelmsford City Council and William de Ferrers School for leading the way in getting this project off the ground and for completing it in less than a year.” For more information about the work the Football Foundation is doing visit www.footballfoundation.org If you are interested in hiring the pitch please contact the Centre on 01245 605600 or visit www.chelmsford.gov.uk/swflc 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 17 South Woodham Focus 17 LOCAL VAUXHALL RETAILER TOOMEY VAUXHALL SOUTHEND WOWS NEW GENERATION OF ASTRA FANS Local Vauxhall retailer, Toomey Vauxhall Southend is delighted to announce motorists in Essex, can get up close and personal with the award-winning New Astra on its forecourt now, at Cherry Orchard Lane. Paving the way for a new generation of fans, the New Astra 1.0 Turbo ecoFLEX Design has been recognised at the What Car? Car of the Year Awards 2016, bagging the award for ‘Best Family Car under £16,000’, demonstrating its value in this extremely competitive class. Kristian Hills, Retail Operator at Toomey Southend comments: “Boasting some of the latest technology, the New Astra stands out from the rest as this level of specification wouldn’t necessary be associated with an Astra.” “The New Astra is the best Astra yet and widely recognised for its superior performance, striking interior and sophisticated connectivity which means it feels more premium than ever. “We’d like to encourage all motorists in the area looking for a new vehicle to visit Toomey Group and see what the New Astra has to offer.” COFFEE MORNING AND BOOKS SALE We We are are pleased pleased tto oa announce nnounce o our ur next coffee morning and and the the usual usual paperback p a p e rba c k coffee morning books for for 50p! 50p! T The he stall stall will w ill b be eo outside u ts id e H Holy o ly T Trinity r in ity C hurch in in tthe he ttown own ccentre e n tr e o nS a tu r d a y Church on Saturday th 12 March March ffrom rom 11.00 1 1 .0 0 a m to to 1.00 1 .0 0 p m. am pm. te a You You can can also a ls o e enjoy njoy a ccup up o off ccoffee o ffe e o orr tea for £1.00 £1.00 iin no ur ffriendly r ie n d ly m e e tin g and cake for our meeting rroom. oom . A ro c e e d s w Allll p proceeds will ill g go o tto oh help e lp m maintain a in ta in a C h u rc h o n g la n d p resence iin n tthe he ttown. ow n. Church off E England presence H HOPE OPE T TO O SEE SEE YOU YOU THERE!! T H E R E !! Now in its seventh generation, the New Astra exudes coolness, thanks to its savvy technology and slick designs. With a stream of options, the Astra has high-speed 4G WiFi capability, new-generation IntelliLink infotainment system compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, and Driver Assistance System to name a few! Going from strength to strength, Vauxhall also recently launched the highly anticipated ‘Yes it’s an Astra’ campaign, which first aired on Boxing Day, and exhibits many of the features that make the New Astra such a compelling car. The ad was rolledout across TV, cinema, digital, poster, print, national and retail communications earlier this year. For detailed information about the New Astra or any of the other models at Vauxhall, please visit Toomey Vauxhall Southend on Cherry Orchard Way, Rochford, Southend on Sea, Essex, SS4 1GP. Go online to www.vauxhallsouthend.co.uk or call 01702 416841 to book an appointment. 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 18 18 South Woodham Focus SITUATIONS VACANT OVER TO YOU Jade being ‘Deaf for the Day’ 01245 425 293 &$% &$% % * ' # ) #$ )$ # "& # $$ #) % $% #% ! &# % % ' # & % ' #' ( ( # &% % ( # $ $&# ( ## #$ $ ( My name is Jade Farrow, I'm fourteen years old and although I currently live in Kent, I grew up in South Woodham Ferrers. As a part of my Citizenship GCSE, which I am taking in June, I have to raise awareness and/or money for an issue. I have chosen to raise deaf awareness as my five year old sister Jessica, who currently lives in Woodham with my step-mum, dad and brother, was born deaf. On the 12th of March I will be going 'Deaf for the Day'. It will be a sponsored event with all proceeds going to the National Deaf Children's Society, and I will block my ears using ear plugs and sound defenders. I'll then proceed to do everyday activities primarily in the town centre while handing out flyers to raise awareness. Jade Farrow To All patients at Brickfields Surgery Thank you all for your good wishes, lovely cards and gifts. I am so touched at how generous you have been to me. I have had an amazing working life because of you all. It has been a great pleasure being your nurse. I will miss you all, but I will see all of you in town, I am sure. I am still tearful when I think I won’t be coming to work at the surgery or wearing the blue uniform again, but, I know that my boys, daughter-in-laws and grandchildren are going to keep me busy. With love and best wishes Love Gloria 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 19 19 South Woodham Focus OVER TO YOU Live Exports and the EU Burnham on Crouch Golf Club The men’s Mail on Sunday had an emphatic 5 – 0 win against Maldon at home at the weekend. Brian Roche went out first and won 4 &3, Dean Bewers won 4 & 2, James Marchant also won 4 & 3. Club Captain Roger Miles giving 10 shots did not have it all his own way but went on to win 2 & 1. Team captain Paul Hegarty sealed the victory with 3 & 1 win. The winter league ¼ finals were on the Sunday and Matt and Rob Hawksworth beat Nic Hockings and Steve Smith and will play Andy and Ryan Davies who beat Brian Roche and Fenton Yeullett in the one of the semi finals next week. James Marchant and Tony Wilkin won against Matt McGlone and Walter Thompson and meeting them in the next semi final is Micky Leonard and Paul Lindus who beat Dean Bewers and Dave Watson. In the mixed winter league ¼ finals Cally Fearn and Dan Munro had an excellent win 9 &7 against Mel Lewis and Martin Makey. They will play Janet Quinlan and Geoff Kimber who beat Elaine Elphinstone and Keith Lewis 2 & 1. Denise Howat and Dean Bewers had a close match and won on the 19th against Claire Lewis and Chris Roberts. They will play the winners of another close game when Avis Greenaway and Nic Hull beat Eugene Quinlan and Helen Kimber 1 up. On Monday Bob Willett strengthened his grip on the Seniors Arthur West Winter League trophy when he again led the field coming in with 36 stableford points and gaining 12 more league points. In three rounds he has had 2 firsts and a second giving him a total of 35 points which is almost unassailable. Stephen Hull in 2nd and Tom Harrison in 3rd still have an outside chance but one of them must win both of the last two rounds. The ladies winter competitions are drawing to the end and there is much to play for with a few weeks to complete rounds. In the pairs (minimum combined handicap of 40) Jean Bailey and Elaine Mason are looking strong but close behind are Anne James and Shelagh Edwards, Mel Lewis and Mary Hull and Jillen Hipsey and Linda Sinden. In the 9 hole Icicle Pam Barrow leads with Joyce Leach close behind. The ladies singles over 18 holes is very up in the air as many Ladies have some good scores but need to complete more matches. Looking strong at the moment are Linda Sinden and Cally Fearn. Readers who came to the hustings at South Woodham Ferrers just prior to the last election may remember the UKIP party candidate, Beverley Acevedo replying to a question about live exports. She said that UKIP were the only party who would immediately ban all live exports. Whilst I have no doubt that she answered the question in good faith, I believe this would not have been possible for UKIP to achieve in reality. So, because I have heard of this inaccuracy being repeated again, by others who also wish to leave the EU, I am writing so that readers are not given the wrong information and will not cast a vote to leave the EU for the wrong reasons. This is my understanding of the issue: * Even if the UK left the EU we would not be able to ban live exports – at least not while animals are deemed to be property. Trade rules are operated by The World Trade Organisation (WTO) and we would be in breach of GATT rules on free trade. * We have given away far more sovereignty to WTO than we have to Europe, where we are at least able to send elected representatives to vote for animal protection. There is much that needs reforming, but we have to be in it to change it. We have no such democracy within WTO. *Even if we could ban live exports from the UK, being outside Europe we could have no effect whatsoever on the millions of animals cruelly exported from the EU who have to suffer hours of transport throughout the union and beyond, often with little or no consideration for their welfare. By being in the EU and campaigning for change, means we will be able to change the plight of animals bred for slaughter across the entire EU. *The new Lisbon Treaty, in force from December 1st 2009, includes animal sentience as an Article, meaning that recognition of animal sentience is now in the main body of the Treaty. This has not been enough to ban the trade, nor to adequately ensure animal welfare on these long and arduous journeys, but it is a start and one that will eventually bring campaigners the ban we seek by identifying the differences between sentient beings and things with no feelings that cannot suffer. To be part of this change we must remain in the EU and I would ask all those for whom animal welfare is important to consider the issues and what the EU has already done for animals and to vote to stay in. Name and address supplied EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 01245 426555 7 BLACkALL IND ESTATE, HAMBERTS ROAD, SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS CM3 5UW 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 20 18 FOCUS ON HEALTH A TALL STORY. The late great Eddie Cochran sang about two young men running a race to decide which of them will wed the lovely Miss Lucy. "Now Dan had all the money, And he also had the looks, But Shorty must have had something, boys, That can't be found in books. Shorty was the exception to the rule, according to the BMJ. Being a vertically challenged man is associated with lower chances in life in areas such as education, occupation, and income, as is being an overweight woman. We're told that: "The findings provide the strongest evidence to date that overweight people, especially women, are at a socioeconomic disadvantage - and that taller people, especially men, are at a socioeconomic advantage" and "It is well known that higher socioeconomic status is associated with better health and longer life. In developed countries, being taller and thinner are associated with higher socioeconomic status." A bunch of researchers from the University of Exeter, decided to look again at the accepted view. They set out to test whether genetic variants influencing height or BMI play a direct (causal) role in socioeconomic status using info on 119,000 individuals aged between 40 and 70. They say: "The results show that shorter height, as estimated by genetics, leads to lower levels of education, lower job status, and less income, particularly in men, and that higher BMI leads to lower income and greater deprivation in women" ... so no change there. Miss Lucy, however, clearly hasn't been reading the BMJ. She says: "Cut across Shorty, Shorty cut across, It's you I wanna wed!" They say if you're forced to play an instrument when you're at school you're less likely to want to do it in later life. That's true of a lot of things. When I was at school I was forced to stick my head down the toilet. Tim Vine ENJOYING LIFE FOR LONGER. We are living longer - but are paying the price for the 21st century lifestyle in that far too many are suffering from avoidable maladies in old age. Jane Kirby writes in the Independent that “Public Health England (PHE) said evidence shows that living healthily in mid-life can double a person’s chances of staying well aged 70 and older.” She adds: “Middleaged Britons are being urged to get off their couches and cut down on unhealthy food as part of a Government-backed drive to make people look after themselves. Stark warnings about the risks of drinking and obesity form part of a new Public Health England campaign, called One You, which has been billed as the biggest national health drive since Change4Life.” The reasons behind the campaign are that about 40 per cent of all deaths in England are related to poor lifestyles, such as smoking, drinking too much and being sedentary. JK also gives a financial rationale for the campaign: “The NHS spends more than £11bn a year on treating illnesses caused by the effects of diet, lack of exercise, smoking and drinking alcohol. The direct cost to the NHS of obesity and people being overweight is estimated to be £6.1bn a year, while lack of exercise costs around £900m a year. Alcohol misuse costs the NHS £3.5bn a year.” So, given that we fund the NHS, we’re paying a great deal to try to reduce the damage done by our unhealthy lifestyles and to lessen the pain resulting from preventable diseases. The money could be better spent. For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened. AVOIDING ALLERGIC DISEASES. Allergic and autoimmune diseases have increased in prevalence in many countries and are leading causes of chronic illness among young people. The BMJ tells us that: "Evidence suggests that early dietary exposures in infancy, such as intact cows’ milk protein in the form of infant formula, can increase the risk of these diseases. Current infant feeding guidelines, including those in North America, Australasia, and Europe, recommend hydrolysed cows' milk formula, in place of standard infant formula, to prevent such diseases in infants during the first months of life. However, Robert Boyle at Imperial College London and colleagues have found no consistent evidence that partially or extensively hydrolysed milk formula prevents allergic or autoimmune diseases in infants. " They looked at data on 19,000 participants, undertaken between 19462015 ... including common allergic conditions, such as asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis and/or conjunctivitis, food allergy and allergic sensitisation, and the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes. They conclude: ""We found no consistent evidence to support a protective role for partially or extensively hydrolysed formula." Despite a lack of evidence in their favour, experts from the University of Melbourne point out that these formulas are still recommended. This has a downside, however ... "They explain that this can unwittingly undermine efforts to promote breastfeeding and attempts to conduct more definitive research on this issue, and hinders efforts by formula producers to improve products. They conclude: “It is now time for this evidence to be used for updating recommendations and guidelines." South Woodham Focus and clarifying current I asked a young mum who had chosen to breastfeed her child why, despite the weight of evidence, so many mothers are choosing to bottle feed their kids. She said that one factor was disapproval. For example it's taboo to breastfeed your child in some coffee shops. Perhaps the 'breastfeeding friendly' ones should put a notice on the door - they may even attract more business. The reason they take organs from pigs and give them to humans is because pigs can't play organs. Tim Vine RUGBY INJURIES. Lucy Sherriff writes in The Huffington Post “A row has erupted over whether contact rugby should be banned in schools after a group of more than 70 doctors wrote a letter calling for the government to remove the sport from school. The letter, addressed to ministers, chief medical officers and commissioners and published on Wednesday, said students should play touch rugby as tackling and scrums pose a risk of injury. Fractures, concussions, spinal and head injuries are among the consequences of under-18s playing the contact sport, with the health experts saying the conditions can have "shortterm, life-long, and life-ending consequences for children". "The majority of all injuries occur during contact or collision, such as the tackle and the scrum," the letter read. "A link has been found between repeat concussions and cognitive impairment and an association with depression, memory loss and diminished verbal abilities, as well as longer term problems.” They add that "Children take longer to recover to normal levels on measures of memory, reaction speed and postconcussive symptoms than adults." Needless to say rugby professionals have rejected the calls for the ban. This is not the first time the medical profession has been involved in this sort of campaign. In the past the BMA has called for an outright ban on boxing, including mixed martial arts. There is a point – these are ‘dangerous sports’ – but, providing people know the risks they run, let’s not forget the benefits. Indulging in a sport in which there is a little bit of risk is probably a whole lot safer in the long term than sitting at home in an armchair eating chips. Here’s a risk you probably haven’t thought about. The BMJ (can’t get enough of the BMJ this week) tells us about “Unusual sporting injuries in young rugby players”. It goes on to say that acetabular fractures affect the socket of the hip bone, and are generally sustained after violent trauma, such as road traffic accidents. “But a group of doctors in Ireland describe these injuries in three young rugby players and say ‘we have not previously encountered these injuries in a juvenile sporting population’” The injuries were sustained while playing rugby union. All four injuries occurred during the tackle phase of play, and occurred as a result of pressure exerted through a flexed hip with the knee on the ground. This position can be encountered during a two man tackle, as one tackler hits low and the other hits high. Three of these fractures occurred along with hip dislocations. All the boys involved in the most recent report recovered following surgery and rehabilitation, without any major implications. There is a word of warning, however: “These injuries can have a potentially devastating impact on growth, sporting participation and lifestyle of young players.” "In order to prevent the potentially devastating consequences of these injuries it may be necessary to implement rule changes or size restrictions in the juvenile game," say the doctors. Players may be of the same age, but can be different in size and stage of development. This is associated with an increased injury risk, they explain, adding to the problems linked with excessive force in an immature skeleton. “An evaluation of the rules at the breakdown and an emphasis on proper tackling could aid injury prevention," they explain. You don't know who to believe. Like Abraham Lincoln. He said all men were created equal. He never went to a nude beach! Rodney Dangerfield POPPERS. A 52-year-old man developed distorted vision after inhaling poppers for the first time - "on hospital admission he had been experiencing 10 days of blurring in his central vision and metamorphopsia, (a type of vision problem where the shape of objects seen are distorted). These problems were experienced immediately after a night of clubbing, during which he inhaled poppers", says the BMJ. An examination revealed clear-cut evidence of damage to the retina. Doctors advised the man to stop taking the drugs, and after three months there was marginal improvement in his vision. In the past there have only been a few published cases of poppers causing vision loss and damage, but “the actual incidence is likely to be much higher.” Disease progression can be prevented by stopping the use of these drugs, but recovery is variable. Poppers are legal highs regularly used for their euphoric effects. If there are unintended consequences (such as damage to your vision) that seems a high price to pay for a transient beneficial effect. If I was offering to write you up for a drug and said in passing: "By the way, this can damage your vision" my guess is that you might politely decline. 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 21 21 South Woodham Focus EKA MARTIAL ARTS TAKE EUROPE BY STORM! On the 28th February, 30 members of the EKA Martial Arts Family travelled to Solihull for the WOMAA/ WKS European Open Championships. It was an incredibly busy day, with over 200 different divisions, ranging from traditional karate to musical forms and weapons. Our squad ranged in age from 4 years old, to competitors in their 50s, and differed in ability from total novices through to seasoned international competitors. We are delighted to say that everyone performed their socks off, against some extremely tough competition!!! The total medal tally for the day was as follows: 1 European Grand Title 18 Gold medals 22 Silver medals 20 Bronze We are sure the people of South Woodham will join us in congratulating the squad on their amazing achievements. Every one of you gave 100% and conducted yourself with courage and dignity. Huge congrats to you all: Archie Bedford, Rachel Gregory, Ryan Cook, Abigail Hodgkiss, Ethan Hodgkiss, Gavin Hodgkiss, Chase duce, nick duce, Alisha duce, Alison orchard, Luke orchard, Mia-Louise orchard, Jude Fuller, Ava Sardinha, donna Sardinha, Sam Powell, Steve Powell, Lila Powell, Marshall Powell, Lily-Ella Aldworth, Isla Aldworth, Phebe Quinton-Holt, Ruby Quinton-Holt, Isobel Quinton-Holt, Penny Sucharitkul, Rachel Chiverton, James Bevan, oscar Allan, Leah Carr, Evany Carr and Edie Bowden. As the keen-eyed amongst you will have noticed from the list above, we have a number of family members within our team. We pride ourselves on being a family-friendly club, and we are delighted that a number of parents competed alongside their children at the tournament. We are also very thankful to all non-competing parents for their continued support, not only of their own children, but of all club members in general. Sensei Steve and Sensei Sam would also like to thank one parent in particular – Jimmy Allan aka DJ Phiz, who provided PA services for the event. Thank you DJ Phiz, you did a grand job! The next stop for team EKA is The Isle Of Man Open Championships on May 1st, following that members of our squad will meet up with team England to compete at The World Games in Germany in July this year. Our talented squad members are always looking for sponsorship to help them compete in their chosen sport, which is all self funded. If there are local companies who would like to help, however small, then please get in touch. EKA offer martial arts classes to suit everyone, with the opportunity to compete locally, nationally and internationally in a number of different disciplines: traditional karate, kickboxing, EKA Xtreme and EKA Xtreme Minis (martial arts and gymnastics moves set to music) and musical and traditional weapons. Although we clearly enjoy competing and produce a very successful competition squad, we also welcome new members who just wish to learn a new skill, get fit or make new friends. If you are interested in joining the “EKA Family”, why not get in touch? Tel: 01245 632286/ 07930 048946, Email: [email protected] , visit our website at www.essex-karate.co.uk or find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/ekamartialarts Tigers edge even match with Wanderers under 11s. AFC Woodham Wanderers under 11s put Torquespeed Tigers under early pressure when Jacob put in a shot to challenge the keeper, while at the other end an alert Sam sprung to palm the ball away. Joshua demonstrated the first of multiple defensive headers which are becoming his trademark, setting up a string of passes which saw a wily Jacob fight off five tackles to force a corner. Freddie showed off his skills by sending the ball sky-high to confuse the opposition and keep clever possession, while Jacob continued his high-energy dribbling routine. Mack showed outstanding acceleration to dispossess a marauding striker, while Joshua’s skilful dribbling again kept the Tigers at bay. With a clever dummy Tom created another chance, but on a boggy pitch, Wanderers struggled to clinically finish their passing manoeuvres with a goal. Tom, Freddie and Jacob combined well to pile on the pressure, but Tigers always looked quick on the break and Sam was roundly applauded by both teams for embracing a challenging catch while blinded by the sun. Harry and Daniel needed to be alert to loose balls, with Daniel making a mighty clearance to open up a chance for Freddie. Tom was back to his dynamic self, storming up and down the pitch to challenge the keeper while tracking back to make defensive tackles. James dug out the ball from a crowd of feet and his pass to Tom drew a great chance, but the on-form Tigers’ keeper made a double save to thwart him. On the edge of half time with the game evenly balanced, a conceded penalty was converted to allow Tigers to stretch a paw ahead. The second half saw lots of solid passing from both teams, but few clear-cut chances from either. Joshua’s accurate pass found Jacob, who nudged the ball just wide. James had a similar chance which also trickled wide before Tigers were prowling up field, but Joshua did enough to put the striker off. Harry and Mack showed staunch defending skills down the wings, while Matthew was his usual energetic self, looking to open up chances. Tom’s delightful free kick saw an assortment of headers from players of both teams in the box, but Wanderers just couldn’t gain control, unlike Tigers who forced Sam to demonstrate two more stunning saves, including a stupendous fingertip clearance that even the Tigers’ striker applauded, before he was finally beaten. From then on Tigers doggedly defended their lead: Daniel made a sequence of impressive-looking runs down the wing but his crosses were powered away by the organised back line. Mack made another careful tackle when Tigers were bearing down for a third, passing to Joshua whose lively attack gave Daniel a last chance which flashed wide. An even game and great Wanderers’ team performance which made their mums proud, but Tigers edged it with sharper finishing. Squad: daniel, Freddie, Harry, Jacob, James, Joshua, Mack, Matthew, Sam, Tom 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 22 22 South Woodham Focus LIonS HIT WITH SMASH n GRAB Focus Ferrers Lions u16s 0 Upminster Park Rovers u16s 2 First game for over 4 weeks for the Lions and with new signings Lukas Darby and Harry Blenkarn making their debut a squad of 13 offered some selection dilemmas. With the new astro having been ‘blessed’ by England legend Terry Butcher on Thursday it was hoped the boys would draw on some old fashioned bulldog spirit. From the start the boys controlled possession and camped in the Upminster half. George Bass in particular looked very sharp and the ball rarely left his control as he probed for some gaps in the well organised Upminster defence. Tom Butcher made some smart runs beyond the last defender and Harry Blenkarn was looking strong in the centre of attack. However chances were few and far between. Georgie Smith operated on the left flank and Nathan Warren and Louis Goode held most of the ball in the middle. The possession was extremely one sided in the Lions favour but they really struggled to develop clear cut chances. Tom had two shots in close succession and Georgie and Louis had firm strikes charged down. The boys at the back were looking very comfortable with Ben Jackman assisted by Callum Osmond in the middle and Alex Bird and George Blackledge pushing down both wings. A fine George Bass run where he really stretched the wide defender saw him steer a ball wide for Tom Butcher who whipped over a cross that Georgie Smith fizzed over. Upminster had a game plan and in truth made more use of their wide men and on 35 mins the Lions were really caught napping as the midfield sat back and allowed a simple ball over the top to be finished with ease. Two minutes later it was 2 as a cross shot was nicely parried by Lukas but the visiting striker reacted quicker than the Lions defence and popped it home. Possession counts for nothing and 2 down at the break left the boys feeling a little flat. A fine response took place on the re-start with Tom playing in Harry who just failed to hit the target with a nicely weighted chip. Another chance fell soon after and an early goal would have really changed things. As it was the possession began to even out and Upminster started to pose more of a threat with some direct play which called upon Ben Jackman to rescue matters on several occasions, Hugh Search and Jamie Penkman kept the left side solid but the Lions still lacked real penetration even when in good positions. It finished 2-0 and much to applaud in Lions passing and overall team play but we need to drive the advantage home and not always seek out the perfect goal. No Mothers Day victory but a good outing on a very bright morning and with still 6 games to go there remains much to play for. TEAM: Lukas darby Alex Bird Hugh Search Callum osmond Ben Jackman (C )George Blackledge George Bass nathan Warren Louis Goode Georgie Smith Tom Butcher Harry Blenkarn Jamie Penkman MAN OF MATCH – George Bass – Very effective in beating players and keeping possession . Created most of Lions best work. FOCUS FERRERS LIONS FC U13s 'ROAR' INTO DIVISION FOUR LEAGUE CUP FINAL! ‘Focus Ferrers Lions’ were on course for their first ‘League Cup Final’. But first, they had to face Uplands Rangers Yellows, in the ‘away’ second leg. Focus entered the game with a five goal advantage, having won the first leg 6-1 at Saltcoats Park. However, the Lions were aware that the Yellows were eager to cause an upset. This wasn’t going to be an easy match. The Lions starting line-up was Morgan, Tom H, Michael and Sam B leading the attack, Sean and Alex in mid-field, Dan W, Edward, Josh and Callum in defence and James C in goal. Oliver, Sam M and James O were the first substitutes. James D and Dan L were unavailable. The Lions were not going to let their five goal cushion slip and pressed the Yellows into their half for the first ten minutes. Sean and Alex in mid-field, provided service through to the forwards. Morgan, Michael, Tom and Sam B, each had strikes on goal. Uplands broke but had their attacks smothered by Dan W, Edward, Josh and Callum; leaving goalie James C to scoop up the ball and clear it upfield. Oliver, Sam M and James O came into play. Sean finally gained the breakthrough early in the second half, scoring with a ‘cheeky chip’ over Uplands’ goalie’s head. James O nearly added the Lions second goal but his strike ricocheted off the right post. Uplands equalised with a right hand shot which James C dived for, but was just beyond his reach. Uplands then increased the pressure and Focus instantly responded. The Lions defence remained strong, which frustrated the Yellows. Focus remained cool, and used attack as the best form of defence. The play became more physical. Callum had to battle to defend his left corner but managed to clear the ball through to Alex in mid-field. With Uplands’ defenders now on the half-way line, Alex slipped the ball onwards to Sean (with Sam B, Tom and Morgan in support). With only the Yellows goalkeeper to beat, Sean neatly slotted the ball into the net, taking the Lions 2-1 ahead. With four minutes of the match remaining, both sides were continuing to give 100% effort. The Lion’s final goal came from Alex’s pass to Sean, who then fired past Yellows’ diving goalie. The Lions had won the Semi-Final 9-2 on aggregate! ‘Focus Ferrers Lions’ now face ‘Broomfield Youth Flame’ in the ‘Division 4 U13s League Cup Final’, on 8th May 2016. Next Sunday, the Lions are back in ‘League’ action, at ‘Saltcoats Park’ against ‘Heybridge Swifts Tigers’. Focus Ferrers Lions F.C. U13s are:- Alex, Callum, dan L, dan W, Edward, James C, James d, James o, Josh, Michael, Morgan, oliver, Sam B, Sam M, Sean and Tom ‘H’. South Woodham Ferrers Speed Skating South Woodham Ferrers Speed Skating team are hosting the British Indoor Championships at Madison Heights, Maldon on Sunday 13th March 9am-6pm. It is free for the public and will include a parents race if interested for a small fee. Come and support Team SWF and see what they are made of. We have the pleasure of British Super Bike star danny Buchan doing the presentation. And also this year we celebrate our 20th Anniversary a great achievement all round. Just one more thing to say really is Go Team SWF. 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 23 South Woodham Focus &:@?3 *::/3,8 :.@> 23 (" K<99@G !CC Under 11’s; Focus Ferrers Terriers 3 – AFC Galaxy 0 Jayden and Harry Selvey were in place at the back to provide their usual strong coverage to Bradley in goal. Ryan Everitt, Max Jones and Ben Guy played across the centre of midfield, with Josh and Harry Thornton provided the width. Ben Roper led the line upfront this week. Zoe and Ryan Neale were ready in the wings to inject additional pace and energy to proceedings. From the off, Focus looked really up for this one. Both sides battled to gain dominance in the opening minutes; but it was the Terriers midfield that won the majority of the early exchanges. Once they had begun to dominate possession, some of their passing football started to shine through. Ben Roper was linking play superbly up front as always; and Harry Thornton and Josh were making powerful runs at the AFC backline. In the centre of midfield, Ryan Everitt and Max Jones were winning headers and tackles galore, and then playing neat simple passes to set off the next wave of attacks. AFC are a strong side though, and they continued to battle hard to carve out their own chances. It was Focus who got the breakthrough though. Bradley pounced on the loose ball, after a strong tackle from Jayden quashed an AFC attack. He rushed to the edge of his box, and having spotted AFC were too high up the pitch - fired a terrific early clearance the length of the pitch, which split the AFC defence in two. Ben Roper was alert to it, and raced through unchecked. Composure personified, he took his time, and then passed a neat finish into the bottom left corner to give the home side a 1-0 advantage. Straight from the kick off, the Terriers won the ball back, and Harry Thornton beat two players down the right wing, before flashing a low cross-shot inches wide of the far post. Two minutes later, and it was Max Jones’ turn; making a weaving run through the centre of midfield – only to be halted by an excellent last-ditch tackle by an AFC defender. Focus were attacking from all angles though, and when Josh cuts in from the left on one of his trademark runs – we know he takes some stopping. Having beaten his defender, he struck a shot from the edge of the box which spun awkwardly for the keeper, and snuck into the bottom corner for a 2-0 lead at halftime. As expected, AFC came out firing at the start of the second half and had the best of the first 10 minutes. Ben Guy made a number of key interceptions though in the CDM role, providing excellent protection to the defence. Jayden and Harry Selvey have formed a truly formidable partnership at the back this season, and when the occasional attack did get past the midfield, they were met with some strong and welljudged tackles from the dangerous-duo. Following one such challenge though, the ball spun straight to another AFC player, and his first time shot was hit firm and accurately toward the top corner. Bradley was in no mood to concede today though either, and he flung himself across the goal to tip it round the post brilliantly. The Terriers midfield then started to dominate play again. Zoe was making run after run up the right hand side of the pitch, and also winning tackles all across the midfield. Ryan Neale was now playing upfront, and causing a lot of problems with some good hold up play, and showing some neat skills to create space in the AFC box. Following another good tackle by Jayden, Harry Selvey picked up the loose ball, and slid a lovely pass into the path of Max. He knocked the ball wide of the defender to create an angle, and then delivered a dangerous cross into the box. An AFC defender instinctively stuck out a hand, and a penalty was rightly awarded. Multiple pleas then ensued from the Terriers players to take the penalty, with the strongest claims coming from Max (who won the penalty), and Jay (who so deserves a goal). Having seen what happened with West Ham vs Everton this weekend though, and knowing the small margins involved in games like this one – this was no time for sentiment. Calm, composed and clinical was required, and Harry Thornton was asked to take the responsibility. A shrug of the shoulders, he placed the ball down, took three steps back, and then passed the ball perfectly into the bottom right corner. 3-0, and that really put the result out of any doubt. In the closing minutes both sides continued to battle, and a few halfchances came and went – but the final score finished 3-0; with the clean sheet being a deserved reward for the hard work put in by the entire team. The players again worked exceptionally hard for each other all across the pitch, as well as playing some terrific football. A number of particularly strong performances again this week, but Man-of-thematch went to Harry Thornton for an all-action performance, showing some great skills and pace – but also battling hard for the team for the full 60 minutes. Well done Harry!! BuRnHAM on CRouCH GoLF CLuB After several frustrating weeks of course closures and wet conditions, we were finally able to hold our first competition of 2016 on 29th February, so I am writing to give you the results for your next publication. The course had dried out well and the Rachael AnneTrophy competition was held over 18 holes. The results were:1st ( on count back) Jackie Scollen 33 points 2nd Sharon Warrington 33points 3rd Bridget Brown 31 points. 9J9B=B;G $ " 5FA -<CD 5H H<9- black ( ! " Storage unit with )@8 6 GH 1CC8<5A ,C58 adjustable shelves.5HH@9G6F=8;9 multiple uses -IB85M C: H<9 ACBH< 5A H=@@ asDA .9@bedroom cabinet, tv cabinet/coffee table using baskets 7 R # !( ACK9F ! 117cm as #! storage. wide x 39cm ACIBH :=9@8 9B;=B9£15 high<D x "CB85 40cm deep. R ACK9F @97HF=7 0! CBC O 07974607425 5G B9K CB9 @58M CKB9F (9K CBC GIDD@M @958 5B8 D@I; O arMchair with CF G=A=@5F & 0 leather :=H brown ,95F GH9D HC in 65F B9K .CK O feet. 9; .F5BG=H wooden bun £15 7CAD@9H9 K=H< 9@97HF=7G :=HG (=GG5B 07974607425 -9H C: ;C@: *F=A9F5 CF G=A=@5F O 65@@G B=79 65; 7@I6G 7@I6G tv/video combined unit ACGH@M =?9G O 5B8 GCA9 H99G 07974607425 M95F C@8G O HC ;=F@G 6=?9G HC O @97HF=7 A9H9F 9LH9F=CF HC .9@ O dreSSing up clotheS5A Strictly DA come dancing dress up & dance with # ! " wrap " satin ! "# dvd, . 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" # $! -A5@@=G< !5@J5B=G98 # & digital with answerphone, VGC, 7CBG=89F CB9 1CI@8 .F5=@9F ,C58 £20ono. B998=B; 5HH9BH=CB CF =B ;CC8 01245 322191 7CB8=H=CB @=;<HK9=;<H "$ # $ Single bed with 2 drawers 7CHHCB K<=H9 G=N9 A5H9F=5@ 6ftX4ft O with CMG mattress all in ) very 6@57? ./2 goodK=H< condition. £15 F98 ono.6CK H=9 K<=H9 G<=FH GI=H CF :CF D5FH=9G 5;9 If not 5DDFCL sold will ;F95H be donated to Biffa. 8F9GG=B; ID O CB8 $5A9G Bt 01245 321634 @57? D=BGHF=D9 '$ -ACCH< F=A=B5@ ! (!-. , GI=H <5H 5B8 MiniH=9 pod 240v O '$ 5DDFCL light 5;9 carry 6@57? 500w halogen. & boxed. G=@J9F£10. " . K=H< GHM@9 New =@@=9 $95B CMG 6FCKB :5IL O 897CF5H=CB Bt 01245 321634 @95H<9F )' , >57?9H :@9979 @=B=B; CB@M KCFB 5 :9K C775G=CBG O 5G B9K 5;9 laMpS X 2 beautiful ornate .9@ cream/brass lamps 27" high cost K=H< ! £25 %( ("so bargain '# each £250 at each <CC8 needs :IF HF=AA98 F9ACJ56@9 or £45 the pair (shade M95FG 0! -=N9 07974607425 .9@ Oreplacing). G9F=9G !" -K5D:CF79 ( " diSplay/booK cabinet solid ;=:H !F95H LA5G D57?5;9 light oak 80"high x 12"deep x D@IG DCFH5@ 5B8 !5A9 30"wide £25 07974607425 7<5F57H9FG 5@@ GH=@@ <C@8=B; DF=79G @@ =B O :FCA O toddlerS dollS. Rosie & #B 0! FI7?G57? G?M@5B89FG H57H =B :=;IF9G @@ 7CB8=H=CB Roxie dolls by Smoby approx 60in K=@@ @CH H<=G :CF O CJ9F *5=8 (24cm) tall available with6IH outfits :CF H<9 @CH H5?9 O inc bridesmaids, party, pink PJ, -ID9F !F5:=L 5FH 6C5F8 O cheerleading 7CB8=H=CBand rain & winter ;CC8 coats boots. doll) O ;5A9 (boy 6C5F8Ronnie K<C !I9GGand 0! with7CB8=H=CB school uniform, paige boy O !CC8 ;5A9 9AD=F9 'CBCDC@M and blue pj outfits. Another boy 7CB8=H=CB toddler dolls by GH=@@ dolls=Bworld 69 1 6CL HCand K5FG &9;C -H5F zapf creation. slighterA5B85@CF=5B large girl byGD9989F 6I=@H OAlso small cousin doll. can spilt. ;CC8 O K<C ;I9GG 69B Dolls 7CB8=H=CB £8 and outfits £4 each. tel =: =BH9F9GH98 D@95G9 7CBH57H 07846172422 for more info. B;9@5 CB F958M698 & ZanuSSi# built in double ;CC8 65; K=H< DIAD CF=;=B5@ =B oven (multifunction) Good clean 7CB8=H=CB condition and full working order. O House move H56@9 forces5 7<5=FG sale £50.00 =B 7<=@8F9BG #?95 PhotoKCC8 available K=H< 6=F8G 5B8 :@CK9FG K<=H9 J=BM@ Ring 7CJ9F=B; 07770 960968 ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB O =: =BH9F9GH98 D@G 7CBH57H 5B;9@5 CB dining chairS 6 High Back Brown Leather Dining 9?C " £100, Tel: 07790 858592 & Chairs K<=H9 =B ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB CB@M O :56F=7 7CB8=H=CB9F 5G froSted glaSS8=GD9BG9F diSplay BCH KCF?=B; D9F:97H =: DIH==B; unitS H56G 8=F97H@M =BHC 8FIA O =B 2 slim maple wood effect frosted .9@ glass display units H 178cm W ! 48cm#D 41cm # /G98 6IH =B :I@@ KCF?=B; CF89F £15 each . Tel: 07790858592 7CBG=89F98 C::9FG BM G9BG=6@9 69=B; GC@8 6M -CIH< 1CC8<5A corner, -7<CC@ l Shaped, double *F9 Sofa bed lounge Suite. :H L :H G=N98 Sofa :I@@ # This Leather Double Bed K=H< G@5H9 698 7<5AD=CBG<=D Lounge suite is in Excellent 09FM EI5=@HM K=H< 5@@ 5779GGCF=9G Condition.Color 7CB8=H=CB O Dar k Brown. ;CC8 .9@ Should Be Seen to be Appreciated.Storage 5@@ =B CB9 Give " Compartment included. DF=BH9F B998G 5 B9K DF=BH <958 Away 75B Price of £350 .Buyer %C85?to :FCA 69 6CI;<H K<=7< Collect.Tel.01245 426028. CB@=B9 O CF 7@ =B?G 6 %) % 7CA6C D57? B9K =B G95@98 6F5B8 Double DF=BH9Fnew :CF brand Bed with K=H< D5FH IG98 =B?G 5G 6CL O matching padded headboard K9@@ all wrapped up. Brand new Double orthopaedic memory foam 65G9 ;CC8 :H 698 " mattress all still wrapped up 7CB8=H=CB unwantedO gift. treble the price in =G<K5G<9F 9?C :I@@ G=N9 ;CC8 Dreams O 7CB8=H=CB £180, 01245 CF 7CBH57H400041, *@95G9 Can deliver locally " ! MFG C@8 :FCA KCFB CB G=HH IG9 5 H<FCK A 89DH< ! 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" G B9K 6G M95FG C@8 6I .9@ " DF=BH9F G75B ,95GCB :CF G 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 24 From: Subject: Date: To: Reply-To: &:@?3 24 *::/3,8 :.@> <[email protected]> FW: Emailing: Scan0079 7 March 2016 14:30:20 GMT "'julie fenner'" <[email protected]> <[email protected]> 1 Attachment, 275 KB South Woodham Focus 5HH9BH=CB BCH DF=BH=B; 5G =H ,98 5B8 6@57? (" G<CI@8 )H<9F H<5B H<5H =H KCF?G .9@ K<99@G !CC8 7CB8=H=CB O :=B9 '5M69 :CF GD5F9G CF F9D5=F CF @GC <5J9 6CL 7CA6C =B?G O 9J9B=B;G -----Original Message----6F5B8 B9K O ] 5B8 GD5F9 =B IG9 From: Elaine Green [mailto:[email protected]] [ Sent: 01 March 2016 11:23 =B?G 6FCKB @95H<9F " ! To: [email protected] H5;G - <5G :=F9 MFG C@8 :FCA Subject: Emailing: Scan0079 KCFB CB G=HH=B; 5F95 6IH C? =: MCI Hi Vikki, thank you. 7M@=B89F J57IIA (" 7A L IG9 5 H<FCK K=8H< 7@95B9F #B :I@@ KCF?=B; CF89F AIGH 69 7C@@97H98 H9@ 89DH< ElaineMallindine-Green -H5B85F8 :@CCF 6FIG< 5B8 D9H <5=F Director 6FIG< +44 (0)1708 395395#B7@I89G Mob: +44 (0)7800 7237346FIG<9G Fax: +44 (0)1708 GC:H 9LHF5 .)3(" LA5G Tel: ! " 395555 :IFB=G<=B; :@5H :@CCF A5HHF9GG & 5FHG Address: Coryton Commercials Ltd, Coryton House, Meads Corner, A1306 -D5F9 Arterial Road, Purfleet, Essex, RM19:=@H9F 1TS 79BHF9 95G9@ O 8=GB9M 6CIB7=B; (C @CB;9F F9EI=F98 H=;;9F O www.corytonltd.co.uk 7C@@97H HCServicing IM9Fand & KCC89B >IB;@9 K=H< 5B=A5@G Road Tanker Repair, Maintenance Specialists O 5G B9K O 5B8 A5;B9H=7 D@5M 79BHF9 F98Your message is ready to be sent with the following file or link ,97CF8 7C@@97HCF G99?G # & attachments: M9@@CK C@89F J9FG=CB G '9H5@ *IB? &* G * G @CHG C: 6CL K=H< 75FFM <5B8@9 5B8Scan0079 -% 9H7 .9@ ,9;;59 ,C7? A5;B9H=7 @9HH9F BIA69FG 5G?=B; O Note:CH<9F =B & :CF O To protect against computer viruses, e-mail programs may prevent =B7 6F5HN 8C@@G sending or receiving certain types of file attachments. Check your e-mail security settings to determine how attachments are handled. =B7< K=H< " ;=F@G 8=GB9M 8C@@G O 957< 'CL=9 K<99@G F98 5B8 =B ;CC8 CF5 5B8 D9DD5 D=; <5=F O 7CB8=H=CB 1CI@8 GI=H 5 7<=@8 C: =H9AG :FCA CH< 6=?9G CB@M IG98 O HC O 957< 0 H97< 5@D<569H kITCHEn 5H K99?9B8G 6M AM ;F5B8GCB O H5@?=B; FoR H957<9F CBHC 5 '2 K=H< ACJ98 <5G K<C G<F9? O .5@?=B; SALE&=;<HB=B; ;95FG '7+I99B O ;C@89B 7C=B A5?9F Lovely condition, -1 .9@ O @CHG ACF9 H9@ WANTED " $ p bath. glass-<CD curved )@8 5H H<9 5FA ! " ( Shaped GH 5HH@9G6F=8;9 ,C58 1CC8<5A shower door. Tapes, waste, bath H=@@ 5A ACBH< H<9 C: -IB85M panel. Used for few weeks still DA .9@ under garentee. 07984 877179. 7 R ! # !( ACK9F #! hotpoint fridge :=9@8 9B;=B9 ACIBH <D "CB85future R @97HF=7 ACK9F 0! CBC O 1.3m Larder Fridge A Energy (9K Tall @58M CKB9F CB9 Shelf 5G B9K Split Rating for Storing CBC GIDD@M @958 5B8 D@I; O Items 3 Salad Salad CF G=A=@5F & 0for Extra HC :=HBins ,95F GH9D Storage, Local B9K .CK 65F O deliver 9; .F5BG=Hcan K=H< 9@97HF=7G :=HG (=GG5B 7CAD@9H9 Condition Excellent -9H C: ;C@: O CF G=A=@5F *F=A9F5 £45, 01245 400041 65@@G B=79 65; 7@I6G 7@I6G =?9G ACGH@M 5B8 GCA9 H99G O 12 gloss O C@8Gwhite M95F HC sizes 6=?9G ;=F@GaSSorted kitchen cupboard doors (2 with 9LH9F=CF @97HF=7 A9H9F HC O HC 5A .9@ O glass) handles and hinges DA included. Very good condition. 2 ikea stainless steel # ! "kitchen " ! "# utensil wall racks *)1 , *& . HF5=B9F 0# , .#(! £75 the lot H9? J=6F5H=B; DCK9F D@5H9 DFC 6C8= 5=8 K9=;<H @CGG HCB9 K<=7< 75B 01268 545289/07582869548 5B8 69B9:=H MCIF <95@H< #B B9K 7CB8=H=CB O )() aluminium ladder £25, 2X sofas *<CB9 :CF 89H5=@G 3seater and 2 seater £100 for the J9B9H=5B $' KCC89B two, three quarter size guitar and =B7<9G @CB; L bag=B7<9G for beginner £20, <=;< Avery GA5@@9F H<=G A5?9 75B 3CI O scales £10, haywain print by =: F9EI=F98 constable gilt frame £50 tel: D<CB9 CF 89H5=@G in 07792919680 # ! $! #$! " GHCF5;9 756=B9H K=H< £25, 8=GD@5MbooKcaSe pine 2 desks C::99 H56@9 =B7<9G & £20, UPVC window frame /B=H part .0 7CFB9F =B7<9G L glazed £30, Dog kennel tel: = IB=H G=N9G "=£20 J5F=CIG G=89 H56@9 07792919680 F99 :CF 7C@@97H=CB 7CC8 7CB8=H=CB .9@ Single white wooden bed ! <5F8@M frame, only 2 years very good K=H< 7<5=F GHM@9old IG98 9L97IH=J9 condition. £50 Tel 01245 323433 DCG=H=CBG 5FAG :I@@M 58>IGH56@9 J;7 GAC?9 :F99 <CA9 '99HG 5@@ BC C::9FG O *F=79used F9;Ghardly G5:9HM Zed bed £60 ONO .9@ Single bed with 2 drawers good condition £60, Dark wood tall ( # !& display cabinet =B with BC K=H< shelves J;7open 'C89@ ', 7CJ9F also GHCF98 IB89F D5H7<9G and cupboards underneath, '9F7IFM CIH6C5F8 =B:@5H98 5@GC matching 2 door cupboard £60 "* =B J;7 6CH< CKB98 :FCA Seller D<CB9 357635 CBC 01245 B9K Omoving fiShing Equipment-Saber .C;;= %I8I G=N9 #" ! MCIB; 5B8 <5F@9G O Boat/Pier/Uptide Rod)K9B Chuyo J9@CIF G=N9Reel 6@57? =B <5H F=89FG Multiplyer 6CH< =B 9L79@@9BH O Weights/Lures/Hooks/Line/Beads #AC@5 DCF79@5=B 7CB8=H=CB etc etcH=@9G Also6FCKB Selection Of G=N9 Crab BH5F9G #H5@=5B O Encyclopedia Of GEI5F9 7A Plus Nets The 6@57? :@CCF H=@9GFor 1=7?9G Bargain Fishing Someone GEI5F9 O 7A01245-324341 G=N9LOT! 09GIJ=5THE £30.00 StaMp albuMS $ For Sale U.K. & " EI=7? G5@9 ACJ=B; :CF World O And Ideal HC For 5J5=@56@9 *=7HIF9G DFCD9FHM GA5@@9F Collector/Beginner Prices From CB F9EI9GH 5B 89@=J9F @C75@@M £15 An Album Also Large 'C6=@9 Assortment Of First Day Covers ." # ." " ! .<9FA5@ 5B8 K5FA Q @589BR @GC @C5H5H=CB -I=H 2& O CH<9F -I=HG D@IG 1589FG <9GH 957< .<=;< :FCA O -<CD ,=89F 05F=56@9 -D998 CIF K<99@98 'C6=@=HM -7CCH9F L79@@9BH 7@95B 5B8 H=8M 7CB8=H=CB !CC8 5HH9F=9G =B7@I8=B; <5F;9F D@IG -K=J9@ -95H F5?9G "CCH9F ,9J9FG=B; @5FA FCBH &=;<HG 5B8 5G?9H 9@=J9FM *CGG=6@9 O ! K=H< <95H :CF "" :I@@ IDD9F 5B8 @CK9F 657? 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K=H< ! %( (" '# :IF HF=AA98 <CC8 F9ACJ56@9 01245 400026. -=N9 .9@ O M95FG 0! wanted: Record collector seeks Metal,G9F=9G Punk, -K5D:CF79 ( EP's,!"45's, "LP's, Rock, Reggae, SKA ;=:H etc. Tel: !F95H LA5G D57?5;9 D@IG DCFH5@ !5A9 079235B8 516010 7<5F57H9FG 5@@ GH=@@ <C@8=B; DF=79G @@ =B O :FCA O a lovelyFI7?G57? navy proM #B 0!dreSS, G?M@5B89FG backless with a small train and H57H =B :=;IF9G @@ 7CB8=H=CB K=@@ @CH 6IH :CF H<=G CJ9F Oneckline, *5=8 detailed very elegant, :CFItH<9 H5?9 size O6 to 8. has@CH only been worn O at £100. 5FHa 6C5F8 !F5:=L -ID9F once paid £350 bargain ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB Telephone 6C5F8 ;5A9 O !I9GG K<C07789616855 0! 7CB8=H=CB O !CC8 ;5A9 'CBCDC@M Black Gear9AD=F9 4 Music Starter Drum 7CB8=H=CB Kit £80 or near offers. Telephone &9;C -H5F K5FG GH=@@ =B 6CL HC 69 Number 07789616855 GD9989F A5B85@CF=5B 6I=@H O wanted: Diecast Cars 1/18 ;CC8 O K<C ;I9GG 69B 7CB8=H=CB scale. Burago, Hot Wheels, Maisto 7CBH57H D@95G9 =BH9F9GH98 =:etc.Tel: 07923 516010 B;9@5 CB electric tile cutter # ceramicF958M698 & DIAD CF=;=B5@ 65; =B Diemond nip K=H< blade with;CC8 water 7CB8=H=CB tank £18; 17” electric hover Omower draper garden power long #?95 7<=@8F9BG H56@9 5 7<5=FG =B cable KCC8 goodK=H< con6=F8G £24.00; Wheel 5B8 :@CK9FG K<=H9 clamp for can or car large £30.00; 7CJ9F=B; J=BM@ O 7CB8=H=CB ;CC8 2 pairs of platform steps 3 tread 5B;9@5 CB 7CBH57H D@GTel: =BH9F9GH98 =:£3.00 each. 07714507777 7am to 10pm Battlesbridge 9?C & " Single bed7CB8=H=CB with 2 drawers CB@M O 6ft X =B ;CC8 K<=H9 5G 4ft:56F=7 plus7CB8=H=CB9F mattress 8=GD9BG9F all in very D9F:97H =: DIH==B; KCF?=B; condition. BCH good/clean £15 ono. =B H56G 8=F97H@M =BHC 8FIA O If not sold will be donated to Biffa. .9@ Bt 01245 321634 ! # # CF89F from :I@@ KCF?=B; 6IH =B table /G98 dining bought 7CBG=89F98 C::9FG G9BG=6@9 BM Dansk with 4 chairs. Was £1500. 69=B; GC@8 6M -CIH< 1CC8<5A Would like £150. 07897563736 -7<CC@ *F9 :I@@ G=N98 :H L :H # K=H< G@5H9 698 7<5AD=CBG<=D EI5=@HM K=H< 5@@ 5779GGCF=9G 09FM ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB O .9@ 5@@ =B CB9 " DF=BH9F B998G 5 B9K DF=BH <958 K<=7< 75B 69 6CI;<H :FCA %C85? CF CB@=B9 O 7@ =B?G 6 %) % 7CA6C D57? :CF DF=BH9F 6F5B8 B9K =B G95@98 K=H< D5FH IG98 =B?G 5G 6CL O K9@@ :H 698 65G9 ;CC8 " 7CB8=H=CB O =G<K5G<9F 9?C :I@@ G=N9 ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB O CF *@95G9 7CBH57H CARS, VANS, CLASSICS ANYTHING CONSIDERED SAME-DAY COLLECTION £100 - £25,000 CASH OR BANK TRANSFER CALL US FOR QUOTATION 07521 468948 / 07940098447 gas hob, double @A ::97Hand8F5KG " oven,! fridge all 5 7ID6C5F8 957< 9B8 K=H<dishwasher 7A 7A working 7A 1 " perfect .9@ L79@@9BH 7CB8=H=CB O oorder. Must be seen. Available ( =H9AG :CF G5@9 ## ( April.#79Real bargain 05B *CD F95A #B7@I8=B; 5B79 -HI8=C 5B8 Elaine CFB at'57<=B9 350. Call .9@ 09FM ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB O 07800 723734 *F57H=79 $ # ! #! AD -HF5HC75GH9F 7CDM GIB6IFGH 5B8 GA5@@ 5AD@=:=9F K5HHG A5L K=H< 65; @958 5B8 ;I=H5F GHF5D G B9K -I=H56@9 .9@ :CF 69;=BB9F O !C@89B 5KB CFB9F ! D9F:97H 1400 =H9A zetec F9GG9F EI5@=HM ford fieSta G5@9 owner :CF79G ACJ9 7CB8=H=CB hatch.red. 2003 [petrol]1 C::9F H9@9D<CB9 CF B95F history Oonly. Service for each year. Air con.115000 miles. MOT :F99GH5B8=B; K5G<=B; $""2017. )til Feb £950. AC89@ 4%! 6F5B8 A57<=B9 Phone 01245 327371 =BH9;F5H98 4 (/--# B9K O H9@ 8=G<K5G<9F 6F5B8 B9K O autoSleeper Sigma EL Motorhome, 2008 4 Berth, U ( "# #converts to "shaped end-lounge HC;9H<9F K=H< F9ACH9 7CBHFC@G Double;5A9G or 2 single 6 gear <F=GHA5G *9F:97Hbeds, 5B8 2200cc engine .9@ 28711 O 5F;5=B 5H133bhp, DF9G9BH miles, reversing CFsensors, 3 gas/1 electric hob on cooker with ." " separate grill, *" 3/% way #B7@I89G " F958M D@5GA5 HJGas/electric fridge/freezer, K5@@ ACIBH98 6IH 75B GH5B8 convector and69blown air space CB 5 GI=H56@9 6F57?9H 5B8 9LHF5 heater, gas/electric CBCwater heater, O 7CBB97H=J=HM separate cubicle with L6CL CB9 !<CGHG :CF 5@@ C: IHM shower swing wall.IBCD9B98 12 months tax and 5B8 G95@98 F5B8 B9K CBC OMOT, £30995, Tel 01245 329535 ford Mondeo MK2 2 L Auto #" " ! 4"months, "# MOT LX, Silver!2006. D=B? 5@@ =B 9L79@@9BH 7CB8=H=CB New6=?9 Firestone VGC, 5B8 ^%) 75FF=9F K=H< 8C@@tyres :=FGH Tel: 01245 763723 & Mob O GH56=@=G9FG F9ACJ956@9 07796057218 ?9M6C5F8 CB GH5B8 K=H< GH5@@ D=B? & D=B? O :FCA MFG O ?9M6C5F8 :FCA ACBH<G & 8F9GG=B; H56@9 5B8 GH5@@ O =:= <9@A9H ?B99 =:= -7CCH9F O D58G 5B8 9@6CK D58G O 5FHK<99@ 5B8 CIB7=B; .=;;9F O 957< =GB9M DF=B79GG @5DHCD O '9;5 8F=J9 ;5A9 7CBGC@9 O *=B? :=FGH @95D D58 O 0H97< :=FGH 7CADIH9F 7CBGC@9 O H9@ #( # ! # ! 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HF=A @CHG C: windows IBIG98 and O electric 7CAD5FHA9BHG heated:C5A mirrors, player, @=B9FG L cd 6@I9 5AD=B; @CH '5F?G 5B8 H<9 O 7C@CIF audio connector, drives -D9B79F 8F9GG GI=H 8FM 7@95B98 well, family >57?9H car, K5=GH CB79 great KCFB 7<9GH K<=H9 couple smallG<=FH marks 7C@@5F on body 7CAD@9H9 9BBM *CHH9F O work, £6000 ono call 01245 1<99@ 7C::99 DCH O ,98 6@57? GHM@9 :FCA 5=H< G@=B; 657?between G<C9G 323130 9-5, FG9B5@ 6C5F8 ;5A9 5B8 O 07595430728 after 5. <5F8657? 6CC? IBIG98 9L 7CB8 :CF 6CH< !I=H5F "9FC O ;5A9 <5F8@M IG98 O L6CL '98=5 ;6 <5F8 8F=J9 :CF 8G @=H9 5BH9F6IFM *CHH9FM 8CA9 O <9F=G<98 .988=9G 8=G< O $57?=9 O 'IA A5?9F C: A=F57@9G O &=66M AM 7CIBHFM C: &=69FHM C: H<99 -H5HI9 H=G adverts are FREE and your CCH65@@ DFC;F5AA9G O advert will appear=HM in Othe next <9@AG:CF8 FG9B5@ O 5B8 G=B;@9G &* F97CF8G available issue.:FCA Photo CF Billboard/Billboard Motoring adverts cost £31 (plus VAT) :@CCF @5A=B5H98 and will appear in maximum GE :H K=H< :C5A IB89F@5M B9K 4 consecutive issues unless .9@9 O previously sold. Maximum ! )either ! (! ! 35 words. Please DFC:9GG=CB5@ @57? "5K? =B email adverts to 9L79@@9BH KCF?=B; 7CAD@9H9 K=H< 5@@ 7<5=BG 7CB8=H=CB [email protected] or 5B8 7@5ADG <5F8@M IG98 O call in with them to the office at 7 Blackall Industrial K=H< 656M ! # "& # Estate, Hamberts O 7CB8=H=CBRoad, 9L79@@9BH G95H =B South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, CM3 5UW or call in 5F -95H 9L79@@9BH " ' with them the5HCommunity CB@M IG98 to 7CB8=H=CB "CIG9 Centre. !F5B8D5F9BHG Information O 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 25 South Woodham Focus Computer Services - TRADE PAGE - Upgrades, Virus Removal Hardware/Software Installation Advice and Basic Tuition. Mark Piesse Reasonable Rates. 01245 321514 For a Home Visit call: 07973 522412 [email protected] ADM GARDENING ' " !% $ $ ' %" ' " ##%" # ' "% ' ' ' ' $& " # ' # $ # Plumbing and Heating Engineer Plumbing and Heating Engineer x x x x x x x Domexstic Dan deCstoicman mderCcial Pelurcial mbin gmb Sein rvic om omm Plu g Ses e vices hrig oonman Des d Inio stnallation BathrxoomBDates d ig Innstan allat x Plumbing and Heating Systems Plumbx ingRan d H ea t in g S yst e ms enewable Energy Design and Installation x ble 24Ehnoeurrgy seDes ceign and Installation Renewa ed in South Woodham Ferrers 24 hoxxur sB eForas vi ce r a ee quotation, call Brad Woodward on 07918 105 804 Based in South Woodham Ferrers For a free quotation, call Brad Woodward on 07918 105 804 0(/ %*!%*$ +1"-%*$ .."3 "./ *.," /%+*. +(+0- *$" ,"/-+( -"$ 0--+0*!%*$ -" . "2 0%(!. ++"/-+( )+!"( )&(". )"/ ((& ( ' %*/"* * " +*/- /. $-" / &!" 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COMPLETE INSTALLATION BY BATHROOM SPECIALISTS All work at a High Standard Very Competitive Prices Bathrooms, En-suits, and Clockrooms Shower Rooms, Wet Rooms & Power Showers All types of bathroom furniture available All work*"2 Guaranteed Fully Insured 0/+) /& -"$ FREE *"2 Estimate -" call your ."-1&For"! - local bathroom specialist on: 01245 324187/07768 695140 "( - '". .&(1")&( $" !++- Valley Builders Building for the future, maintaining the past Extension Specialists, Loft conversions and all General Building / Maintenance Work Small Jobs Welcome • 40 years experience Tel: Bob on 078014 39237 FENCING SERVICES All aspects of gates & fencing Local, fully registered company Clear & open pricing Removal of all waste material All work insured & guaranteed Free, written quotations Call Guy on 07517474905 Email: [email protected] FRONTIER CONTRACTS LTD South Woodham % #!! )!& ( )$ ( % % Fencing "# )!& !# 4 Install - Maintain - Repair (!# % # #) ! 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Call David on Mob: 07921 392515 Landline 01245 325814 NO CALL OUT CHARGE " *Drain Work *Decorating *Coving *Rendering *New Windows *Double Glazing *Artex *Bathrooms Fitted *Tiling *Electrical Work *Insurance Work *Facias *Soffits *Roof Repairs *Plastering *Guttering *Plumbing *Chimney Stacks *Upvc Fascia *Soffit/ Cladding *Plans & Laminate / Hardwood Flooring *Lintels Fitted* Brickwork *Concrete Repairs *Kitchens Supplied & Fitted * Kitchen Alterations *Garage Conversions *Carpentry *Locks *Velux Windows *Scaffolding *Electrical Rewires *Electrical Fault Finding *Extra Sockets / Lights *New Fuse Boards *Radiators Renewed / Boilers Renewed. ALL INSURANCE WORK UNDERTAKEN 01245 410190 740 pages _2-754744265.e$S_Layout 1 08/03/2016 12:34 Page 27 TRADE PAGES - TRADE PAGES - TRADE PAGES South Woodham Focus " & $ #"&'%( ' #" 0)4%5!71 8 !2).1 8 %-#)-' 8 %#*)-' 8 30&)-' 8 0)#*5.0* 8 /! 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THE ALL NEW ASTRA SRi 1.0i TURBO ONLY £239 A MONTH WITH ADVANCE RENTAL. The Astra SRi features Vauxhall OnStar with 4G Wi-Fi* to connect up to 7 devices – and that’s just for starters. Toomey Southend Cherry Orchard Way Rochford Southend-on-Sea SS4 1GP 01702 416840 www.toomeysouthend.co.uk/vauxhall Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km). Astra SRi 1.0i Turbo 105PS Start/Stop ecoFLEX: Urban: 54.3 (5.2), Extra-urban: 72.4 (3.9), Combined: 64.2 (4.4). CO2 emissions: 102g/km# Personal contract hire offer on New Astra SRi 1.0i 105PS Turbo S/S ecoFLEX, on orders received between 1 January and 31 March 2016, subject to availability and status. Age 18+ only. Figures based on a nonmaintenance contract hire package with advance rental of £2,390, then 35 monthly rentals of £239. Excess miles over contracted mileage of 24,000 over 36 months charged at 10.46 pence per mile. Excess charges also apply if you breach manufacturer servicing or maintenance guidelines or if the car exceeds BVRLA Fair Wear & Tear guidelines for its age/mileage when it is returned to Vauxhall Leasing. Package includes Road Fund Licence and Vauxhall Assistance. Guarantee/indemnity may be required. Prices and details are subject to change without notice. For full specification and Ts&Cs contact your local Retailer. You will not own the car. ALD Automotive Ltd., trading as Vauxhall Leasing, BS16 3JA. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. #MPG figures are official test data and may not reflect real driving results. *Wi-Fi available only when OnStar activated. OnStar available as standard on selected models. OnStar services free for 12 months. Subscription charges apply thereafter. Correct at time of going to press.
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