751 - Maypole Press Quality Printers in Essex
751 - Maypole Press Quality Printers in Essex
“ ServingtheCommunity” Issue 751 27th May 2016 6 WEEK GUARANTEED RESULTS WEIGHTLOSS PROGRAMME FORGET FADS & GIMMICKS THIS PLAN DELIVERS LONG-TERM RESULTS & WILL HELP YOU LOOK GREAT FOR YOUR SUMMER BREAK THE PROGRAMME INCLUDES: Y ONL.50 •18 x 1 to 1 TRAINING sessions £12ESSION • A lifestyle & NUTRITION plan S PER FOR MORE INFO CALL US ON 01245 329882 !! !! 20 Heralds Way South Woodham Ferrers CM3 5TQ Tel: 01245 327 277 Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Patricia Hughes starts her term of office, see page 8 STATION GARAGE 5 I S P V H I P V U + V O F M.O.T. & REPAIR CENTRE All servicing and repairs FREE MOT WITH A 5 I F B W F O E F S ' F T U J W B M FULL SERVICE $VU U J OH PG U IF S J CCPO G PS U IF PïDJ BM PQFOJ OH PG U IF 'FTU J WBM BU BN TU +VOF #Z U IF %FQVU Z .BZPS PG 4PVU I 8PPEIBN 'FS S FS T 5IS PVH IPVU PVS + VOF -B WFOEFS ' FT U J WBM XF XJ M M XJ M M CF T VQQPS U J OH U IF -B WFOEFS 5S VT U B D IBS J U Z T VQQPS U J OH ZPVOH XPNFO XJ U I CS FBT U D BOD FS 8F M M EP U IJ T CZ EPOB U J OH PG BM M -B WFOEFS T BM FT U P U IF U S VT U BT XFM M BT IPM EJ OH -B WFOEFS %FNPOT U S B U J POT BOE -B WFOEFS U IFNFE F WFOU T BM M NPOU I J OD M VEJ OH -B WFOEFS $S FBN 5FBT %S PQ J O U P U IF H BS EFO D FOU S F U P çOE PVU NPS F BCPVU XIB U T H PJ OH PO .F B PXEî $ ( SF P B O $SF U S EO F "=N @AJE JCT LAN P O .K 4KQ KJ P #=R A / K A :RRGKDP5RDG%DWWOHVEULGJH:LFNIRUG(VVH[6648 ZZZPHDGRZFURIWFRXN Unit 3, Woodham Halt (opp the station) Call: Perry or Maria TELEPHONE: (01245) 323002 ! ! 2 Summer Volunteering Opportunity at South Woodham Ferrers Library '2/ /B:/<3/8-/ >3/= ?: +8 /B></7/6C ,?=C C/> A98./<0?6 C/+< ACCOUNTANTS Accountancy & Taxation Services for all businesses -Startups welcome*First Consultation Absolutely Free 14-18 Heralds Way, Town Centre, South Woodham Ferrers 01245 328217 ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC " $ "" ! & 09< >2/ =-2996 =>?./8>= +8. >2/3< 0+7363/= A23-2 2+@/ 38-6?./. South Woodham Ferrers Library are 7+8C 0+8>+=>3/B+7 +8. 0/=>3@+6 </=?6>= 8/A -6+==/= +../. >9looking for volunteers aged 14 or over to help >2/ -?<<3-?6?7 :29>9 =299>= :9=> 1<+. =>?./8>= -98>38?381 >2/3< ><+38381 +>keep .300/</8>reading :/<09<7381 in +<>= the -966/1/=summer @+<39?= children =-2996 ./798=><+>398= + 0+8>+=>3+883@/<=+<C holidays. Have fun, gain new >2 skills and it’s :/<09<7+8-/ +> 3=8/C!+8. $+<3=We /+. 90 =381381 "3== for 3+ great for your CV. are looking >+5381 + 6/+.381 <96/ 38 >2/ 38-</.3,6/ +A+<. A388381 +@3. volunteers who can commit to a minimum of C<8/ +8. +>,9C &637 7?=3-+6 /</ !3/= !9@/ +8. >9 >9: 3> between Saturday July &29A and 90021 +8 hours +::/+<+8-/ 38 >2/ )/=> 8. "+7+=16th 2<3=>7+= A3>238 >2/ 8/B> -9?:6/ 90 A//5= Saturday 3rd September 2015. Volunteers can 7+==3@/ >2+85 C9? >9 +66 9?< =>?./8>= =>+00 +8. :+</8>= do more than the 21 hours if they wish to. A29 2+@/ 7+./ 3> + ./0383>/ C/+< >9 </7/7,/< +8. A/ 6995 09<A+<. >9 +66 A/ 2+@/ :6+88/. 38 As a Summer Reading volunteer they 9< 79</ 3809<7+>398 98 +66 >2/ Challenge =-2996 900/<= 09< =>?./8>= will help9?< library staff: +1/. :6/+=/ @3=3> A/,=3>/ AAA 1<9=@/89<:/<09<7381+<>= -97· Join 9< children /7+36 to the +.738 1<9=@/89<:/<09<7381+<>= -97 $6/+=/ ,/+< 38Reading 738. Summer =97/ 90 9?< -6+==/= -+<<C A+3>381 63=>= =9 :6/+=/ -98>+-> ?= 09< Challenge. Karndean · Designer Flooring 79</ 3809<7+>398 www.essexphysio.co.uk Carpets · Vinyls · Laminates · Wood Flooring · 7 King Edwards Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5PQ Fantastic offers on laminates Modern trends PRICES FROM £7.99m2 - £29.99m2 Stainfree stair carpet WAS £20.99m2 NOW £13.99m2 Great prices Half price Karndean, Amtico and Designer Floorings FROM ONLY £14.99m2 Stainfree Marvel Bleach Cleanable Saxony WAS £25.99m2 NOW £12.99m2 Free and easy carparking at both our showrooms 43 HULLBRIDGE ROAD • SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS • CM3 5NG TEL: (01245) 322188 341 LONDON ROAD • HADLEIGH • ESSEX • SS7 2BT TEL: (01702) 552018 To find our South Woodham Showroom, follow signs to the Railway Station. Our store is located a little before the Station and level crossing. It is opposite the ‘Railway’ pub in Hullbridge Road. WEB: www.essexcarpets.co.uk EMAIL: [email protected] · Talk to children (mainly aged 4-11) about their books. · Hand out stickers and rewards. Closing date for applications is Friday 3rd June 2016. For more information or a registration form, pop in to the library and speak to one of the library staff or visit www.essex.gov.uk/ libraries CHECK OUT OUR MAGAZINES ONLINE... Visit www. maypolepress.com and click the tab for magazines you can see all the latest editions online as they become available South Woodham Focus 3 14357&27 #*0*4-32* 81'*56 "387- %33)-&1 3(86 8<-5*:8 3(=652,67,88 *53 30.(* "7&7.32 454 ,3,7.,4*0,8 57 .5* "7&7.32 *.,-'385-33) %&7(! !# ! ! # #3:2 382(.0 "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 86731*5 "*59.(* *275* *.685* *275* $& $<03304. "552 $.00&,* &00 .'5&5< $30827**5 *275* -*016+35) 31182.7< #5&264357 = .&0 !.)*> (3 63 367 ++.(* -*1.676 39&2. -*1.67 " $ $ !3:0&2)6 -&51&(< #-* $.00&,* -&51&(< *&07-(&5* *&07- 0.2.( " .5*(7 5 "86&2 &77-*: .2,6:&< "85,*5< 2632 036* "85,*5< 5.(/+.*0)6 "85,*5< 5>6 &7*0 <632 9*5*77 #-* 5&(7.(* "% 5 351&(/ *27.676 # &7*0 -1*) 380) "8)-&/*5 &4.2*2. -&8)5< 47.(.&26 8++.*0) 8++.*0) 5*1.*5 47.(.&26 n Airport Transfers n Nights out n Minicab & Minibuses (up to 14 seats) n Theatres n Weddings /(4+2,78 &(= Well established domestic house cleaners have limited cleaning slots available. Please ring Kim 01245 325603 For further information Driving you anywhere ² including local runs Airport / Seaport transfer experts Journeys 07932 158006 Call 327701 [email protected] www.journeysswfltd.co.uk 382(*00356 .00 0.66 <423 6<(-37-*5&4.67 Blackwater Will Writing Company 67*34&7"387- %33)-&1 67*34&767*34&75&-&1 .6(377 5&2.&0 Have your will prepared in the comfort of your own home. Single Will £49.99 -- Mirror Wills (for couples) £90 67*34&7- -<6.37-*5&4.67 66*; -<6.37-*5&4.67 0.2.( *2 &55*00 01621 744984 Don’t put it off any longer !!!!!! Regulated by The Society of Will Writers 31*34&7&2 #&<035 31*34&7!.(-&5) 8,-*6 3< 0.66 "(-3306 300.2,:33) 5.1&5< 01:33) 5.1&5< "7 364*->6 &7-30.( 5.1&5< "7 &5<>6 5.1&5< .)*) %33)-&1 *55*56 $.00&,* #5.2.7< "7 &5<>6 .)*) %33)9.00* 5.1&5< %.00.&1 )* *55*56 $*76 *).9*7 "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 *67 5.*2)6 0&.5(3857 *7 0.2.( 538(- $&0* $*7*5.2&5< 5&(7.(* ! " ! <<< *75:*/;(2,;,98 *5 :1 2589 (4+ -5:4+ -85(-*6 9&2,*0.(&0 -85(-85(- 3+ 2,0&2) *7-3).67 -85(*: .+* -85(!31&2 &7-30.( -85(!.9*56.)* -85("&09&7.32 51< %33)-&1 *55*56 32,5*,&7.32&0 -85("7 &5<>6 -85(- %33)-&1 *55*56 ! ! " "!! $ "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 #3:2 382(.00356 -*7:33) %&5) > 8/2,= 5/4 5) (88,= ,09/ 02,8 2(4 $/,(7704. 300.2,:33) %&5) > ",9,7 ,77= (2*523 $083,= /708904, &,07 <04. #0*/(7+ &,07 <04. 022 &044 01:33) %&5) > /708 25<,78 $(3 52,= 08( ,22= :775:./ !? 70,4 "066( &/09,<(7+ %33)9.00* %&5) > ,09/ ,492,= $9,;, ,99,70+., ,;04 52+04. (4 #5),798 ",9,7 &=(99 #5= ## ' $ $ # $% ! "!! # (7+3(4 "387- %33)-&1 *55*56 .7< 382(.00356 -*7:33) 300.2,:33) %&5) 8/2,= 5/4 5) (88,= (2*523 $083,= 01:33) %33)9.00* %&5) 04+( ,48954 5) ,48954 %70*0( :./,8 7 & 7A Blackall Industrial Estate, South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5UW Tel: 01245 426555 email: [email protected] Published and printed by Maypole Press & Publishing Co. All material contained within this publication is strictly copyright and all rights are reserved. Reproduction in any form without permission is prohibited. Every care is taken by the publishers in compiling the contents of the South Woodham Focus, but no responsibility is assumed for any injury, loss or damage arising from any article or advertisement contained within the publication. The views expressed within this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. LUXURY AS STANDARD " " " " ! ! ! ! ! # $ !%" # !&"!! $ ! !%$ !! &&& ## ' $ #$% ! ! "" "# # ! !*++ %' )-+&*,( 4 ! & #! $ 44 " " ' " WWW.ACROSSTHEROOM.CO.UK Airport Transfer Specialists Cars, MPV’s and Minibuses FERRERS QUILTERS OPEN MEETING WITH RICHARD BOX 24 Hour Chauffeur-bus • Airports • Cruise Terminals • Eurostar Stations Transport Specialists since 1998 All major Credit Cards accepted TIDE TABLESCM3 5PL DECEMBER 2014 01245 328030 or 01621 828356 7.30pm for 7.45pm ',*+ )' ',*+ £3 includes tea/coffee and homemade cakes 0'Please contact Susan on 07534 251203 10 '94 (160& '94 (160& +0 +0 +)*(+'.& +)*(+'.& !#.!#.- 10 10 3+	 3+	 #(5'30110 #(5'30110 .'#4' .'#4' 3' 6( (Access via the rear entrance of Village Hall) %105#%5 %105#%55*' 5*' 1%64 1%641((+% 1((+%'10 '10 $' # $$ $ & # & $ %' % #'($ " South SouthWoodham WoodhamFocus Focus # Face (% with Black Leather # MANNIS WATCH, Gold strap. Inscription on the back. # Lost in Shawfarm, Whalebone ,&44either # 5;/45;/4- +357> +357> or Hustlers. Huge sentimental value , , If found please contact 07791032798. '7057/+ '7057/+#/298./7+ #/298./7+ Lost Saturday AFRICAN GREY PARROT. ! night 21/5/16 - @@ 9. 9. 9. 67/2 67/2 9. 5;+3(+7 5;+3(+7 6 month old, ! his name is Richi and has his right #44'& 2'#%'(6..9 10 5* 17'/$'3 #44'& 2'#%'(6..9 10a ring 5* on 17'/$'3 " foot. He flew Saturday night and got himself lost. Please #(5'3 41 #(5'3##.10) .10)+..0'44 +..0'44 #3,13+' #3,13+'8+.. 8+..$' $'help 41 us return him home4#&.9 safely, Please Brian Sebright /+44'& $9 *'3 1*0 4#&.9 /+44'& $9contact *'3 64$#0& 64$#0& 1*0 on Mobile 07938 739456 11 #9 10 #6)*5'34 10 +%+%#6)*5'34 #9#0& #0& 00# 00# #0& #0&#.. #..*'3 *'3/#09 /#09.17+0) .17+0) 3#0&%*+.&3'0 3#0&%*+.&3'0#0& #0&%.14' %.14'(3+'0&4 (3+'0&4 ! 51515#-' # 10	 60'3#. 60'3#. '37+%' '37+%' 5#-'2.#%' 2.#%'10 10 10	 5* 5* 17'/$'3 17'/$'3 #5 #/ #5 *'./4(13& *'./4(13& 3'/#513+6/ 3'/#513+6/#5 #5 #/ 10#5+104 10#5+104+(+(&'4+3'& &'4+3'&51 515*' 5*'< < .:*'+/'3=4 .:*'+/'3=4 1%+'59= 1%+'59= /#9 /#9$' $' South Woodham Ferrers Village Hall, /#&' %%11 #6. +0) /#&' #6. +0) 60'3#. 60'3#. +3'%5134 +3'%5134 Hullbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers 6+.& 6+.&!#9 !#9 165* 165*!11&*#/ !11&*#/ '33'34 '33'34 High Success rate % FREE BROCHURE &" Over 25,000 members LOST # " ! ! $ "! South Woodham Focus " ! " " 5+ "(' 5+ +6 !"#$"%&'(")*"+('%"),-.)/0-%1)2$03) ) .+-'##)45#.. ) %1458+.. ) $';;) ##5#$.' 5+ 3, ((#0910' 816.& #0910' 816.&.+-' 45#..5*' 5*'%145 8+..$' 5#$.'#0& #0& 23+13 51 23+13 $11-+0) 515*' 5*''7'05 '7'05+4+4'44'05+#. '44'05+#. 5+ $11-+0) $5 .'#4' .'#4' %#.. +/ +/13 13 #31. #31.10 10 5+ 60%#.. 5+ 10 !% !! !% !! 5+ 6( '9:7+ '9:7+ 2'*> 2'*> /8 /8 2551/42551/4- ,57 ,57 67+,+7'(2> 67+,+7'(2> 54+ 54+ 45(+*7553+* "(' 6756+79> (+*7553+* 6756+79> 95 95 7+49 7+49 </9. </9. 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" !!! !! !! 5+ 60 44 5:8+ .'7+ 5:8+ .'7+ "#!$%&$'#!()*!')!'+$,!,#-&$.#!)/!0*$#'!1-2(#-!2%3!-#/4#.'$)%!$%!'+#!.)512%(!)/!6)37!8'! 5+We10invite you to this service of quiet prayer and !)11)-'*%$'(!')!4$9+'!2!.2%34#!$%!5#5)-(!)/! 1-)&$3#,!2!,12.#!/)-!.)%'#5142'$)%!2%3!'+#!)11)-'*%$'(!')!4$9+'!2!.2%34#!$%!5#5)-(!)/! 1-)&$3#,!2!,12.#!/)-!.)%'#5142'$)%!2%3!'+# 645 #0& 5+&9 2'3 645 $' $' %.'#0 %.'#0 #0& 5+&9 ;; of God. 2'3 8''8''5+ 6( reflection in the company ! 4)!)%#,7! 4)!)%#,7 5+ "(' It provides a space for contemplation and the 13 13 ESSEX ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC CLINIC 2/4/) 2/4/) 6+4/46+4/4-!/3+8 !/3+8 (' 22 )& (' -)& 22 )& )& !-* 22 )& !-* )&! *"*" 22 )& )& www.essexphysio.co.uk www.essexphysio.co.uk 77King KingEdwards EdwardsRoad, Road,South SouthWoodham WoodhamFerrers, Ferrers,Essex EssexCM3 CM35PQ 5PQ / ) / )), #+ " $$ " #( ' " . &!)'-#&! +' & #$* . ')&* . $$',* * #$ #* * * . ,&! $ & +#'&* . ,*+'% % )+"'+# * & ) $ ''+ ) $$ ') & (('#&+% &+ SSM uPVC HOME SERVICES !! FOR ALL YOUR HOME MAINTENANCE NEEDS !! • Fascias, soffits and bargeboards specialists !! • Guttering !!& conservatories • Windows, doors • Cladding • Carpentry & General Building • Exterior painting • NEW REPAIR SERVICE • Door & window adjustments • Locks/barrels • Handles, hinges & gaskets • Roof sheets & sealed glass units • Leak Troubleshooting *FREE no obligation estimates * No job too small * No pushy salesmen* Over 25 years experience Call Now on 07896 127 410 (day) or 01245 400 314 (eve) www.ssmhomeservices.com opportunity to light a candle in memory of! loved :)44);#3!<(!2!,+2-#3!4*%.+!=.),'!>?@!2'!AB!)!.4).C7 :)44);#3!<(!2!,+2-#3!4*%.+!=.),'!>?@!2'!AB!)!.4).C7! ones. Followed by$5a!!shared lunch 5$35 $,.,0* 8155 ! D)*!2-#!;#4.)5#!')!2''#%3!#$'+#-!12-'!)/!'+#!#&#%'7 D)*!2-#!;#4.)5#!')!2''#%3!#$'+#-!12-'!)/!'+#!#&#%'7! (cost £3) at 12 o clock. "+,5(53(( 1635 You are welcome to attend either part of the event. GABHI! :)-!5)-#!3#'2$4,!14#2,#!.)%'2.'!E#&#-#%3!F2-)4!GABHI!?BBA?H!)-!J2%#'!K$%.42$-! :)-!5)-#!3#'2$4,!14#2,#!.)%'2.'!E#&#-#%3!F2-)4!GABHI!?BBA?H!)-!J2%#'!K$%.42$-!GABHI! 777 please (81554$,.,0*&.6% 13* 6For more details contact Reverend Carol HBLBHB7! HBLBHB7! 01245 322134 or Janet Sinclair 01245 426242. TIDE TABLES NOVEMBER TIDE TABLES NOVEMBER 2014 TIDE TABLES MAY 20162014 25th Wed %+* %+* 26th8.8. Thu 27th8.8. Fri #.9 #.9 28th7878Sat6/6/ 29th3* Sun"'8 3*"'8 30th Mon "93 6* "93 31st6* Tue 8. 8. 43 43 8. 8.#9+ #9+ 8. 8.%+* %+* 1st Wed 8. 8.#.9 #.9 2nd Thu 8. 6/6/ 3rd 8. Fri 8. 8."'8 "'8 4th Sat 5th Sun 8. 8."93 "93 a.m. ""03:40 04:14 04:49 05:29 06:18 07:20 08:30 mtrs -312 -312 5.15 5.05 4.94 4.83 4.72 4.67 4.71 June 2016 a.m. 09:44 10:58 ---00:25 01:20 mtrs 4.83 5.01 --5.35 5.55 p.m. 16:29 17:04 17:45 18:36 19:41 20:58 mtrs -312 -312 5.05 4.94 4.82 4.72 4.63 4.58 4.66 p.m. 22:16 23:25 12:04 13:02 13:53 mtrs 4.85 5.10 5.18 5.33 5.44 0015:57 - Start Sailing at Eyott SC, "8'68 '8 ;488 "" "8'68"'/1/3"'/1/3'8 CM3 ;4887AL Whitetree Court, %./8+86++ %./8+86++ 4968 01245 3219864968 01245 322282 www.eyottsailingclub.org.uk ::: :::+;4887'/1/3-)19( +;4887'/1/3-)19(4646-90 90 5 South Woodham Focus SOUTH WOODHAM FLOWER CLUB Paul J King (' * "( ) #( FUNERAL DIRECTORS .&+* A family-run firm, caring at your time of need 01245 321866 (24 HRS) 5 Guild Way, CM3 5TG Memorial Consultants Pre-payment Plans Chapel of Rest Horse-drawn funerals Home Arrangements Bereavement Support Green Funerals www.pauljking.com C ar p e t s D i r e c t Our last meeting was very special as it was our Ruby Anniversary (40 years), that is, as you will all agree, a long time for a Club to exist and still be popular. Members were treated to a Celebratory Supper, provided by and served by the Committee (pictured above), Ronnie Hurst, who was a Founder Member, was invited to cut the cake, this was followed by our Guest of Honour, David Thomson, who put on a superb demonstration. There are a lot of Clubs in our District which have closed in the past few years due to lack of support, we are always on the look out for new members, including people who are approaching retirement and wondering what to do with some of their spare time. Come along and try, this may be for you. Our next meeting will be on Thursday 9th June, at the WI Hall, Guys Farm Road, 7.30 pm for 8 when Sue Horne will Guaranteed Lowest Prices WHY PAY MORE ? )* # "( * "**"% ," !&$ ,")"*) Carpets • Vinyls • Laminates • Wood flooring / ' " #")* "% -&&# *-")* '"# / & ! ( ) ## / &+( $& "# )!&-(&&$ "% *! !&$ &$$ ( " # '( $") ) (' *) &$ &(* & .&+( We will move your furniture and FREE removal / uplift of your old carpets w w w. c a r p e t s - d i r e c t . c o . u k ! Heralds Way Dental Clinic Helping you you smile s m ile Helping with confidence. c o n fid e n c e . with ! ntroducing our our team team of of g entle and and professional p r o fe s s io n a l • IIntroducing gentle H y g ie n is ts . Hygienists. m p ro v e o n your your confidence confidence by by looking looking and and feeling fe e lin g • IImprove on your best. b e s t. your ffe r in g S caling, Gum • O Offering Scaling, Gum Disease Disease Therapy, Therapy, Stain S ta in removal, Whitening, Whitening, Polishing, Polishing, Preventative Preventative Dental D e n ta l removal, Treatments, Oral Oral Exams Exam s a nd Cancer Cancer S c r e e n in g . Treatments, and Screening. lim in a te b ad breath breath and m ake y our tteeth eeth llook ook w h ite r • E Eliminate bad make your whiter whilst improving improving the the health health of of your your gums. gum s. whilst You can can now now make make appointments appointments directly d ir e c tly You w ith our our hygienists. h y g ie n is ts . with Our hygienist hygienist will will be be happy happy to to see see you you even even if if you’re y o u ’r e a Our patient at at another another practice. p r a c tic e . patient 30 minute minute appointments appointments available available at at £40. £ 40 . 30 Heralds Way, Way, South South Woodham Woodham Ferrers, Ferrers, CM 3 5TQ 5TQ 2 Heralds CM3 T: 01245 322277 6 South Woodham Focus MANUELA PIPE MSSCh,DipPodMed, MBChA, hcpc Registered Member of the British Chiropody & Podiatry Association & hcpc PODIATRIST - CHIROPODIST Verrucae - Ingrown toenails - Corns - Callouses Nail & Skin fungal infection * General Foot care Reoccurring Sports injuries & Custom Made orthotics or insoles Surgery: 18, Middleton Row (off Benbow Drive) S.W.F by appointment only Tel: 01245 322 766 % # ' ! & " # ' # # ' ' # VISIT OUR SHOWROOM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK $ ! # ' # # ! # " # ! interesting Facts about Your carpet Kevin Barber Owner of Careclean, Carpet Cleaning Business has been established for over 32 years and will be writing our featured monthly column on Cleaning providing tips and guidance to keeping your home clean and healthy. So, you’ve spent the weekend decorating and are toying with the trendy idea of throwing away the carpet and Having a hard floor ‘like they did on the telly’. Well, before you do, just stop for a moment and think about all the things you take for granted in your carpets. Before taking a trip to your local tool hire shop you need to sit yourself down and consider what benefits your carpets actually do provide. You will be very surprised as hardly any of these are purely cosmetic and all of which we take entirely for granted. Imagine for a second, five pairs of schoolboy feet on the hard floor - does a heard of elephants spring to mind? Well, without your carpet, believe me, it would sound just like that, but, when was the last time that you thought ‘thank heavens for my carpet absorbing the sound’ probably the same as me - never. But this is one of the aspects of your carpet that we never pay a second thought to and is vital for a stress free life. Also, imagine if you can, 50% more dusting that would be the case if you didn’t have a carpet and yes, believe it or not, it is a fact that thanks to your carpet’s dust trapping properties, it can reduce your housework and I think you’ll agree that is a definite benefit. Not only do we have less dusting but also the environment in which we live is more hygienic because of it. Let me explain, carpet fibres draw in dust particles like water going down a plughole until it is vacuumed and if vacuumed regularly you will get rid of those nasty germs that travel around on dust particles causing us all sorts of health problems. This, in turn, contributes to reducing the potential risk to family members who suffer from allergies such as asthma and hay fever. So you spend less of your valuable time nursing them – Another point to bear in mind is it’s insulating properties. In other words, keeping us warm. Not only does your carpet act as a visual comforter it also acts as a thermal insulator, retaining heat within its dense pile and backing material. It is proven that you will feel at least 2C warmer with a carpet fitted! And if that isn’t enough to make you run to your nearest carpet shop, if you are all in favour of life’s little comforts like a thick, clean, woolen, fitted carpet to relax on, it’s worth bearing in mind that it’s not only comfortable on your toes but it also has orthopedic benefits too and can actually do you good. Fitting a soft resilient carpet is gentle on the joints and if you can walk on them barefoot as often as possible, it is, according to prominent orthopedic specialists, equivalent to the effects of natural reflex massage treatment and that sounds like a nice bit of pampering to me. The rule that applies is quite obvious, the deeper the carpet pile the more effective it is. For many of us in today’s Eco-friendly society, there is one more very important point to bear in mind. There are now available carpets and carpet products, which have been tested for any contaminants, emissions and potentially dangerous odours. Once tested, they are awarded a certification mark, which enables you to identify them immediately. If you are still edging towards the sanded floorboards, maybe it’s because of the maintenance of a carpet, so let me put your mind at rest. Granted, your carpet does need regular maintenance to keep it looking good. You should vacuum on a regular basis with an efficient vacuum cleaner, which both extracts dust and dirt from the depths of the pile and also contributes towards the attractive appearance. When your carpet is looking a bit tired and worn, give it a treat by employing the labors of a specialist carpet cleaner to give it the once over. However, ensure that your chosen cleaner is a member of to a recognized body such as the National Carpet Cleaners Association (NCCA) in order to avoid disaster. (Your local NCCA member can be found on Google. You are now better informed in the battle of carpets v hard floors and are in a better position to decide whether you want a cold draughty, dusty room or a warm, relaxing, healthy one. 7 South Woodham Focus Above: Heathcote School, Danbury enjoying the celebrations for the th day 16 May the Olympic Torch came to Heathcote School, TheDanbury. forthcoming Olympics in en were Rio privileged to accompany Dawn Barnard carrying the Olympic Torch OLYMPIC TORCH VISITS HEATHCOTE SCHOOL 1.' (0%19 14610 < 4,8( < Danbury sports field. Dawn Barnard carried the Torch on its journey ! n Basildon and Chelmsford during the 2012 Olympics. The visit to Heathcote rt of the Chelmsford Schools celebration for the forthcoming Olympics in Rio ear. On Monday 16th May the Olympic Torch came to Heathcote School, Danbury. The children were privileged to accompany Dawn Barnard carrying the Olympic Torch around Danbury sports field. Dawn Barnard carried the Torch on its journey between Basildon and Chelmsford during the 2012 Olympics. The visit to Heathcote was part of the Chelmsford Schools celebration for the forthcoming Olympics in Rio this year. ,67$6(' ,0 $ 37,(6 6740,0* 9,6+,0 6+( 2127.$4 8,..$*( 1) 1.' 14610 9,6+,0 $ 5+146 9$.- 1) 6+( .1&$. 24,/$4; 5&+11. $0' 10.; $ 5+146 ',56$0&( )41/ 6+( 4(0190(' +4(( ,8(45 1.) $0' 17064; .7% 06(4&1706; $4( '(.,*+6(' 61 24(5(06 )14 5$.( 6+,5 9(.. 24(5(06(' 6+4(( )174 %('411/ &+$.(6 %70*$.19 1))(4,0* 57424,5,0*.; 52$&,175 $&&1//1'$6,10 %(0(),6,0* )41/ $ 0(9.; $''(' # 4(),66(' %$6+411/ 0(9 76,.,6; 411/ 0(9 *4170' ).114 &.1$-411/ .170*( ',0,0* 411/ 57//(4 +175( $0' 691 '17%.( *$4$*(5 ,(9,0* ,5 +,*+.; 4(&1//(0'(' " # !(.. 24(5(06(' %('411/ (0' 1) 6(44$&( )$/,.; +1/( .1&$6(' 9,6+,0 ($5; 4($&+ 1) 6+( 6190 &(064( $0' 1..,0*911' 5&+11. +( 2412(46; &1/24,5(5 1) -,6&+(0 ',0,0* 411/ .170*( '19056$,45 &.1$-411/ 76,.,6; $4($ 6+4(( '17%.( %('411/5 $0' $ 5,0*.( 2.75 )$/,.; %$6+411/ &1746;$4' *$4'(0 $0' 1)) 41$' 2$4-,0* 4,&(' 61 5(.. $0' 51 8,(9,0* ,5 +,*+.; 4(&1//(0'(' 7..%4,'*( < ! ! :6(0'(' %('411/ 5(/, '(6$&+(' )$/,.; +1/( 1))(4,0* 52$&,175 $0' 8(45$6,.( .,8,0* $&&1//1'$6,10 ,0 6+( 2127.$4 4,8(45,'( 8,..$*( 1) 7..%4,'*( !(.. $221,06(' )174 %('411/ +1/( &1/24,5,0* 1) $ .170*( ',0(4 -,6&+(0 9,6+ )746+(4 ',0,0* $4($ *4170' ).114 &.1$-411/ 76,.,6; 411/ 2.$;411/ 6+4(( %('411/5 $0' )$/,.; %$6+411/ 61 6+( ),456 ).114 $0' $ .1)6 &108(45,10 *,8,0* $ )746+(4 %('411/ 2.75 )6 9(56 )$&,0* 4($4 *$4'(0 9,6+ 8,(95 18(4 )$4/.$0' ,(9,0* ,5 +,*+.; 4(&1//(0'(' Heathcote School͛s Head Boy and Head Girl accompany Dawn Barnard with the Olympic Torch in Danbury Heathcote School’s Head Boy and Head Girl accompany Dawn Barnard with the Olympic Torch in Danbury 14 $ )4(( 8$.7$6,10 2.($5( &$.. 0'; $44(.. 10 999 ,06(4&1706; &1 7- 0,6 .11/5%74; 1746 4,&-),(.'5 1$' 176+ !11'+$/ (44(45 55(: " 8 South Woodham Focus Welcoming the new Mayor of Chelmsford (L-R) Deputy Mayor's Escort, Councillor Bob Denston; Deputy Mayor, Councillor Linda Denston; Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Patricia Hughes; Mayor's Escort, Paul Hughes $GGDVW\OLVK QHZHQWUDQFH WR\RXUKRPH for only £699 Fully Install ed Inc. VA T eRHUDYDLODEOHLQFKRLFHRI EOXHUHGEODFNRUZKLWHLQVW\OHV VKRZQDERYHZLWKFKURPHHHFW KDQGOHDQGD<DOH0DJQXPORFN Or design your door online and get a FREE quote! www.ez2ownwindows.co.uk (OHFWULF5ROOHU *DUDJH'RRUV from only £999 ΖQZKLWHRUEURZQ &RORXUXSJUDGHVDYDLODEOH 3YFX:LQGRZV ZLWKȆ.ȇ*ODVV Fully d lle Insta AT V . c In Senior Citizen Discount available for only £1499 Fully Install ed Inc. VA T Registered 17593 Call Kelly for a FREE quote on 01245 835011 At an official ceremony on Wednesday 18th May during the Annual Council Meeting, Councillor Patricia Hughes and her husband Paul began their term of office as Mayor and Consort of Chelmsford for 2016-17. Patricia has been an elected Chelmsford City Councillor for thirteen years, representing Elmwood and Woodville Wards, Patricia has also been the Council’s representative on the Board of CHP (Chelmer Housing Partnership) and a Trustee on the CAB (Citizens’ Advice Bureau). She is currently a member of the Planning and Licensing and Regulatory Committees. On her election as Mayor of Chelmsford, Councillor Hughes said: “It is a huge honour and privilege to be the Mayor of Chelmsford, and to be able to thank and recognise the people who make it such a fantastic place to live and work. My husband Paul, who is a wheelchair user, will be my Consort for the year. For some mayoral events he will be accompanied by his Personal Aid, Mr Graham Moulds.” The Mayor has chosen J’s Hospice as her charity. J’s is a Chelmsford based charity that was formed in memory of Jonathan Whiffin, who was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy at three years of age. It provides hospice and respite care to young people throughout Essex, who are living with lifethreatening conditions. They are unique as one of the few hospice charities in the country caring solely for 16-40 year olds. As the Mayor’s charity is the J’s Hospice, her theme for the coming year will be ‘Transforming young adult lives’. The Mayor appointed Councillor Linda Denston to be her Deputy and she will be supported by her husband Councillor Bob Denston as her Escort. Councillor Denston, on newly appointed Deputy Mayor, said: “I was very excited and honoured to be asked by the Mayor to be her Deputy. My husband Bob was Deputy Mayor in 2009-2010 when I was Deputy Mayoress and we met many amazing people from the voluntary sector. I know from experience what a privilege supporting the Mayor will be.” Reverend Carol Ball, Vicar of the Holy Trinity Church, South Woodham Ferrers, and Priest in Charge of South Woodham Ferrers and Bicknacre, was appointed as the Mayor’s Chaplain. Reverend Ball will act during her term of office to open all meetings of the Council with prayers and officiate at various civic events. 9 South Woodham Focus South Woodham Ferrers £375,000 South Woodham Ferrers £425,000 North Fambridge £650,000 Four bedroom detached house which boasts ensuite to master bedroom, three reception rooms, family bathroom, detached garage, double glazing, 35ftx38ft rear garden. The property is situated in a mews of four properties and conveniently located for South Woodham Ferrers train station and Town Centre. Four bedroom detached house benefits from a lovely South facing rear garden, a detached double garage and off street parking for a number of vehicles. Briefly comprising of three receptions, a re-fitted kitchen and ground floor cloakroom with a re-fitted family bathroom and en-suite to Master bedroom. Call to view 01245 323729 Call to view 01245 323729 Rettendon Common £700,000 South Woodham Ferrers £575,000 South Woodham Ferrers £350,000 Call to view 01245 323729 Call to view 01245 323729 Four/five double bedroom detached family home ienjoying a secluded plot approaching 1/3rd of an acre with lovely views from all sides and extensive accommodation including a large and welcoming reception hall, an open plan lounge/diner and a modern, spacious family kitchen with walk in larder and separate utility room. Further benefitting from a large study/bedroom five, two family bathrooms and an en-suite to Master. Call to view 01245 323729 Call to view 01245 323729 Five bedroom detached family home which benefits from three reception rooms detached double garage, En-suite bathroom to master bedroom, En-suite shower to second bedroom, kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, re-placement uPVC double glazed windows and a 77ftx39ft south facing rear garden. The property is located in a mews of 5 properties close toMarsh Farm. Basildon t: 01268 271 110 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01268 280 066 Brentwood t: 01277 216 800 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01277 210 506 Chelmsford t: 01245 492 424 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01245 455 584 Gravesend t: 01474 369 955 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01474 369 959 Hornchurch t: 01708 470 756 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01708 463 003 Ongar t: 01277 369 925 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01277 210 506 Romford t: 01708 755 507 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01708 755 508 South Woodham Ferrers t: 01245 323 729 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01245 455 584 Upminster t: 01708 259 539 e: [email protected] Lettings: 01708 259 535 Four bedroom detached property located in the much sought after picturesque waterside village. Three double bedrooms, en-suite to master bedroom, open planned re-fitted kitchen/breakfast room, lounge, separate dining room, ground floor cloakroom, backing onto open fields. Large loft space with scope to convert, driveway with parking for several vehicles, plot approximately 227 x 40ft. Four bedroom semi detached house which boasts 27ft lounge/diner, kitchen breakfast room, ground floor cloakroom, en-suite shower to master bedroom, family bathroom, west facing rear garden, garage and no onward chain. GET YOUR FREE INSTANT ONLINE INSTANT VALUA ALUATION TION balgoresproperty.com balgoresproperty.com .com balgoresproperty 10 South Woodham Focus M odern, ccontemporary ontemporary aand nd sstylish offee sshop, hop, cchampagne, hampagne, ccocktail, ocktail, ccheese heese & w ine ba tylish ccoffee Modern, wine barr From 12 noon an ans sand ansand 8, Market Square, rers, CM 3 5XA Square, South Woodham Fer Ferrers, CM3 Te l: 01245 425588 Tel: Mo bile: 07903 353944 Mobile: ! 11 South Woodham Focus Wine&KitcheN RELAUNCHED Boris and Nora would like to welcome you to the brand new relaunched bar and restaurant Wine & Kitchen at The Norton in the village of Cold Norton for a new and unique experience. We are passionate about local, top quality ingredients and that’s why we have personally sourced every ingredient you’ll find on your plate. Expect an innovative and ever changing menu according to the seasons. This philosophy extends to our drinks offering which features real ales from local breweries, a unique spirits selection and delicious hand crafted wines. Look out on our website or facebook page for upcoming events such as wine tastings, meet the brewer evenings and our beer festival taking place from the 19th August! Beer garden for thet famous summer, including u e s d British ay t o s u n bar d a snacks y homemadeu crisps n d e available, r n e w child m afriendly, n a g e dog m etreats n t provided freel ofu charge n c h ,fordyour i n four n e rlegged A N friends! D BAR SNACKS Open Tuesday to Sunday noon til late. Book now on 01621826948. Brand new ‘farm to fork’ menu * CAsk New ales, weekday a burger and of getSpirits a free pint fine lunch wines offer: and Abuy great selection on us! (Ts & Cs of course!) @The Norton is Now open 01621 826948 e: [email protected] Local Garden Centre to www.wineandkitchen.co.uk hold Lavender Festival in aid the CM3 6JB 54 LAtchingdon road, of Cold norton Lavender Trust SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESSES Wine&KitcheN @The Norton is Now open t u e s d ay t o s u n d ay under new management lunch, dinner AND BAR SNACKS Brand new ‘farm to fork’ menu CAsk ales, fine wines and A great selection of Spirits 01621 826948 e: [email protected] www.wineandkitchen.co.uk 54 LAtchingdon road, Cold norton CM3 6JB SUPPORTING LOCAL BUSINESSES Meadow Croft Garden Centre, based in Battlesbridge, on the outskirts of South Woodham Ferrers is going ‘Lavender’ for the month of June. During the month of June, Meadow Croft Garden Centre will be holding their annual Lavender Festival, an event that has been held traditionally to celebrate this quintessentially English garden plant. This year Meadow Croft’s Lavender Festival will be supporting the Lavender Trust, part of Breast Cancer Care, a charity that supports young women with breast cancer. 10% of all Lavender sales during June will be donated to the Trust and various events will be held around the centre. The Festival will be officially opened at 11am on 1st June, when newly-elected Deputy Mayor, Kevin Golding will be cutting the ribbon. On Saturday 4th June and Sunday 5th June, there will be Lavender oil-making demonstrations at 11am, 1pm and 3pm. You can enjoy a sumptuous Lavender Cream Tea in the restaurant, daily. A delicately infused Lavender scone, with clotted cream and blueberry jam, topped with fresh blueberries. Served with Lavender Earl Grey or Lavender infused coffee for just £4.99. Or enjoy home-made Lavender Lemonade, Lavender biscuits and Lavender-infused Gin, with 10% of Lavender food sales going to the Lavender Trust. There will also be a ‘Guess the Weight of the Cake’ competition by the tills. Entry is £1 per guess. The winner will receive a Sparkling Afternoon Tea for two and all proceeds will go to the charity. A Lavender Hunt will be held on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th June for children, which will be 50p per hunt, with all proceeds going to the Trust. Complete the Hunt and win a Lavender gift. And finally, there will be a Wishing Tree just outside the restaurant, where customers can hang Lavender ribbons as wishes or offerings. Donations to the Lavender Trust are welcome. The Lavender Festival runs from 1st June to 30th June at Meadow Croft Garden Centre. A+ Quiz Night Where? When? Tickets available from Clare or Sheila [email protected] or [email protected] Poster design by www.northsouthdesign.co.uk o.uk Happy 30th birthday daddy for the 29th May We hope u have a lovely day Lots of love Parker and mummy xxx Happy 2nd birthday on 25th may to our beautiful and very cheeky daughter and sister Ava, we hope you have an amazing day, Love you to the moon and back again, Mummy, Daddy, Olivia, Chloe & Lucy xxxxx Happy 6th Birthday Brandon & Ryan on the 28th May , Lots of love, From Mummy, Nannie & Grandad, Paul, Bunny, Annie and all the family XXXXXX I would like to wish the bestest Brother in the world an awesome 8th birthday. I love our football training sessions and the fun we have together. Love you all the chocolate and cheeky giggles in the world. Imogen xxxx Happy 7th Birthday George. For 26th May. All our Love Mum, Steve, Jess & Isla xxx Happy 5th Birthday to our gorgeous son and the best big brother Archie. We love you lots bubba, love Mummy & Daddy & Jack xxx Thank you to all of Archie’s family and friends that came to celebrate his birthday with him x Happy 10th Birthday to our gorgeous boy Harry! Have a fantastic birthday! Lots & Lots of Love Mummy, Daddy, Charlie & Ruby xxxxxxxx Many happy returns to my gorgeous handsome grandsons, Callum and Daniel for the 31st. I love you to the moon and back. Have fun! Nanny xx Teenager alert! Happy birthday to our dynamic duo Daniel and Callum for 31st May. Lots of love from Mum, Dad, Matthew and Baxter x Happy 7th Birthday Will! We hope you have a wonderful birthday! Lots of Love Mummy, Daddy, Evie, Nanny and Grandad, Tony, Toni, Steve, Nicola, Reece, Luke, Jade and Eden, Charli and Izzie xxx We would like to wish our fantastic Flynn an amazing 8th birthday. You are growing up so fast and you make us proud every day with your kind and cheeky ways! Don't ever stop being you!! All our love always. Mum, Dad, Imogen and the rest of the family xxxx Happy 8th Birthday Ellis on the 26th May. All our love, Mum, Dad and Ellie xxx (and thanks to all that came to Ellis' pool party) 13 South Woodham Focus South Woodham Ferrers WI Our May Meeting started with the sad news that Chris Cunnington has passed away. Chris was a relatively new member but really enjoyed WI and our Craft Club. She was a talented lady who made lovely little knitted teddies to be placed in dolls’ houses, among other things. There was a minute’s silence to remember her and she will be sadly missed. This time of year is also when Resolutions are discussed and the votes taken to the Annual Conference - held this year in Brighton. Resolutions, on any subject, may be put forward by any WI member around the country and the ones selected are debated locally and voted upon. The final decisions, agreed at the Conference, are then put before Parliament for its consideration. This is a way of every WI member having a voice on important issues. Unfortunately Secretary Christine suffered a mild stroke a few days before the meeting so thanks to Hazel for stepping in to take the Minutes at short notice. All the best for a speedy recovery, Christine. The business of the afternoon being successfully concluded, we ended in the usual way. Many thanks to Lena who made the tea and provided a lovely selection of cakes. Our WI stall at The Lions Club Spring Fair on the 30th April on the Village Hall playing field was a great success. The ladies came up trumps again with their excellent fairy cakes, cornflake and rice crispy cakes, bread pudding (a great draw - particularly for the men!) cream horns (a favourite with the ambulance men!) and The Craft Club meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month in the WI Hall, Guys Farm Road, from 1.30 until 4 to explore various crafts and have a chat over tea and biscuits! All Saints Church Rettendon says HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA’AM homemade marmalade. There were lovely handmade cards, book marks, lavender bags and shoe bags. A big ‘thank you’ to all the ladies who contributed their time and expertise and especially those who helped to sell the items on the day. It was a great result for our fundraising so it keeps our Treasurer happy too! May is traditionally our AGM month and this year was no exception. We were fortunate to have June Ward, WI Adviser, to oversee the proceedings. June was Essex County Chairman for three years so she really knows what she’s doing and guided us expertly through the business of the afternoon. We were very fortunate that all the Committee Members were willing to stand again and another lady has joined us too. Welcome Margaret! Join the celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday Bank Holiday Monday 30th May 2016 Great refreshments Plants Gifts 14 South Woodham Focus #,3*2*7#zs x"--01 0% APR ty **-75&##*1 From £149 per month 0% APR From £139 0#.0#1#,22'4# per month &#-q!'*$ 3#*!-,13+.2'-,n%30#1',+.%I *Hts s) +K$-02&#!011&-5 ,0#B30 ,v|@uIz@uK T wz@tIyKC#6 20R30 ,ys@tIw@zK T yu@{Iw@xKC!-+ ',#"xt@wIx@xK T xx@w Ix@tK@ &# -q!'* u #+'11'-,1 0# tuzTttw %H ) +@ '0#! 2'4# ," #%3*2'-, y|uHus s{ 2#12 #,4'0-,+#,2 n%30#1@ 3#* !-,13+.2'-, ," u +7 40 7 !!-0"',%2-"0 '4',%12 7*#1A0-"!-,"'2'-,1,"-2�$! 2-01@ ?*'-+-,2&*7.7+#,2 1#"-,uAz{u"#.-1'2I',!*3"#1xss--+#7#,3*2#.-1'2-,20' 32'-,KAuw+-,2&*7.7+#,21-$tv|A-.2'-,*n,*.7+#,2-$yAszz@5',%-+-,2&*7.7+#,2 1#"-,tAww|"#.-1'2Auw +-,2&*7.7+#,21-$tw|A-.2'-,*n,*.7+#,2-$wA|[email protected]+-,2&*7.7+#,2 1#"-,uAyuw"#.-1'2I',!*3"#1xss--+#7#,3*2#.-1'2-,20' 32'-,KAuw+-,2&*7.7+#,21-$tz|A-.2'-,*n,*.7+#,2-$ {Avzx@ ',,!#.0-4'"#" 7#,3*2 ',,!#A-6tw|A2$-0"tzt @3 (#!22-12231@,"#+,'2'#1+7 #0#/3'0#"@0#1'"#,21-,*7I#6!*3"',%2&#&,,#*1*,"1K@4#0t{1@#0+1,"!-,"'2'-,1..*7@p#0 1#"-,yAsss+'*#1.#0,,3+A#6!#11+'*#%#{..#0+'*#',!@ ',,!#4'* *#-,1#*#!2#",#54#&'!*#15&#,-0"#0#","0#%'12#0#" 7vs3,#usty@6!*3"#1#,3*21.-02,"6.0#11'-,+-"#*1@*'-1&-5,&1 -.2'-,*'@"@+#2**'!.',2A2,#620x|x@5',%-1&-5,5'2&-.2'-,*-5"#0*3#.',2A4'* *#2[email protected]&-5,5'2&+#2**'!'@"@.',2A,".',2#"0--$2,#620{|w@ TOOMEY RENAULT SOUTHEND 32-+-2'4##2'*0)A� 70!&0"7A-!&$-0"A-32&#,"wt #*stzsuwty|{|555@0#,3*21-32&#,"@!-@3) --)2#12R"0'4# 15 South Woodham Focus USED CAR EVENT Only a Nissan CARED4 vehicle Only vehicle has been obsessiv obsessively ely inspected inspected by by Nissan trained trained technicians, has a minimum 12 months’ manufacturer-approved manufacturer-approved warranty arranty and comes comes with our 30 days/1,000 days/1,000 mile* w worry w orry free free exchange exchange promise. promise. Nobody Nobody cares cares for for a like Toomey Toomey Nissan Southend used Nissan, like DEEPER UNDERS UNDERSTANDING TANDING AND GREA GREAT T VALUE TO O GREA ALUE LEADS T GREATER TER PEACE OF MIND MICRA FROM FROM JUKE FROM FROM NOTE £3,9 995 95 FROM FROM £4,995 995 £6,9 995 95 FROM FR OM £14 £ 14,9 995 95 Toomey Nissan Southend Automotive Retail Park, Cherry Orchard Way, Rochford, Southend SS4 1GP Telephone: 01702 410543 | www.nissansouthend.co.uk Terms, T erms, conditions conditions and exclusions exclusions apply. apply. See nissanusedcars.co.uk nissanusedcars.co.uk for for full full details. Participating Participating dealers dealers only. only. Used vehicles vehicles mentioned above above are are subject subject to availability availability (they (they ar are e available available at time of publication). publication). *Exchange *Exchange promise promise applies for for 30 days days or 1, 000 miles, whichev er is sooner s (GB) Ltd Rivers Office Office Park Park Denham Way, Way, Maple Cross, Rickmanswor orth, th, Hertfordshire, Hertfordshire, WD3 9YS. 9YS. Images and c 1,000 whichever sooner.. Nissan Motor Motors Ltd.,., The Rivers Cross, Rickmansworth, colours olours sho shown wn ar are e ffor or ilillustrative lustrative purposes onl only y and ma may y sho show w optional equipment. 18 FOCUS ON HEALTH DIET CONTROVERSY - AGAIN. This week we have seen the ‘food factions’ fighting once more. The traditionalists have been accused of promoting dietary advice which has failed given that, whilst it has been out there, the weight and waistlines of we Brits have ballooned. As ever, these controversies generate more confusion than enlightenment and we reel away from them clutching on to scraps of advice that we knew already and which have survived the argument unscathed ... like ‘eat more fruit and veg.’ The current arguments have been bubbling along for some time and last year the NHS ‘Behind the Headlines’ team examined the facts. This is the advice we were given: “Traditionally, weight-loss diets were based on the concept of eating a low-fat diet. But in recent years the idea of low or no carbohydrate diets, such as the Atkins diet, have become popular. A new diet lab rigorously enforced either a low-carbohydrate or low-fat diet for 19 obese men and women over six days. The six-day low-carb diet led to more weight loss than a low-fat diet, but the low-fat diet looked more likely to lead to fat loss, which is generally better for your health. And losing fat tissue is generally better for your health. The study was small, short term, and the diets were quite extreme. This makes them less relevant to most people’s everyday life or efforts to lose weight. They aren’t convincing enough to settle the low-carb versus low-fat diet debate. But you could argue the whole low-fat versus low-carb debate is a needlessly overcomplicated distraction from what should be four simple words of advice – eat less, exercise more.” Professor Susan Jebb, Professor of Diet and Population Health at the University of Oxford, hits the nail on the head, saying: “The real challenge for science is not the nutritional composition of the diet, but the behavioural strategies to promote adherence. “All diets ‘work’ if you stick to an eating plan that cuts calories, whether from fat or carbohydrate, but sticking to a diet is easier said than done, especially given the prolonged time it takes to lose weight.” South Woodham Focus hungrier, especially early on in the study. Interestingly, weight loss slowed at the three-month mark for both groups, which was when the dietitian follow-up tapered out, showing support may be the key element in continuing success.” So this study agrees with the ‘eat less’ bit of the ‘eat less, exercise more’ common sense advice that comes unscathed through all the controversy. There are three ways to get something done: do it yourself, hire someone, or forbid your kids to do it. Mona Crane A NEW TWIST ON AN OLD THEME. We love processed foods - we can’t get enough of them. They gel with our ‘pack in as much as you can’ philosophy of life in the 21st century. In Brazil, though, they’ve woken up to the fact that production and consumption of industrially processed food and drink products have risen in parallel with the global increase in overweight and obesity. Bela Gil, who hosts one of Brazil’s most popular food TV shows, advises viewers to eat real food .... mostly plants that are native to your country. And absolutely nothing ‘ultraprocessed.’ Olga Khazan, writing in ‘The Atlantic’, takes up the story: “In one episode, Gil baked cookies using the baru nut, which tastes a bit like peanuts and is crammed with protein. Though the baru is indigenous to Brazil, many of Gil’s viewers either didn’t know what it was or couldn’t find it in stores. Some said, “‘I’ve never seen these ingredients. She’s crazy,’” Gil says. To her, widespread ignorance about native foods says something profound about the country’s broader nutritional woes. As part of her mission, Gil occasionally meets with the country’s health authorities. They share a goal: To get young Brazilians to eat the traditional foods their grandparents would recognize. That means more family dinners with slow-cooked, local ingredients, and a lot less chips and soda! I said: “I always put an ‘s’ on the end of words doctor”. He said: “You’ve got pleuralsy”. Tim Vine If thine enemy offend thee, give his child a drum. Fran Lebowitz CARBS: NHS Choices comes to the rescue of beleaguered carbohydrates. “‘Carbs’ has become a dirty word in recent times, especially in the weight loss world, due in no small part to the popularity of low-carb diets such as the Atkins, Dukan and South Beach. The ‘carbs are bad’ mantra from Dr Atkins and co has left many people confused about carbohydrates and their importance for your health, including maintaining a healthy weight. Dietitian Sian Porter says: ‘Carbohydrates are such a broad category and people need to know that not all carbs are the same and it is the type and quantity of carbohydrate in our diet that is important. While we should reduce the amount of sugar in our diet, we should base our meals on starchy carbs. There is strong evidence that fibre, found in wholegrain versions of starchy carbs for example, is good for our health.” I’d like to smack smug parents who say “Our three year old is reading Harry Potter”. Well my three year old’s smearing his shit on the fridge door. Jack Dee MORE CONFUSION ABOUT DIETS ... SBS News this week put the boot into the much hyped 5:2 diet. It started with the good news, though: “The popular 5:2 diet, when you eat normally for five days and heavily restrict your intake for two, does work in the short-term, a study has found.” Then came the bad news: “But you can lose about the same amount of weight while on a standard diet of reducing your daily kilojoule (kJ) intake in a much less restricted way. The mean weight loss after six months for those on the standard kJ-reduced diet was 5.5 kilos, while those on the 5:2 diet lost 5.3kg, say researchers from Austin Health and the University of Melbourne. Researcher Margie Conley presented the findings to the Dieticians’ Association of Australia’s National Conference in Melbourne. She commented: “Compliance rates were similar for the two groups, but the 5:2 diet group reported being Khazan explains that: “Like many middle-income countries, during the past few decades Brazil has whiplashed from an epidemic of malnutrition to one of obesity. The majority of Brazilians are now overweight, and around one in seven are obese. Though Brazil’s obesity rate still pales in comparison to America’s, or even Mexico’s, it has now surpassed that of most European countries, according to the OECD. There were reportedly 4,750 extra-wide seats built into the stadiums for the World Cup, which Brazil hosted in 2014, to accommodate the heavyset. Newly middle-class Brazilians want to buy their children the sodas and snacks they never had as kids. Among the poor, less education and longer working hours translate to a greater susceptibility to junkfood marketing. The Brazilian government’s solution is an innovative food guide. The health authorities’ chief villain is ultra-processed food, which comprises 22 percent of the average Brazilian’s diet. A recent study in a Brazilian medical journal found that Brazilians who consume the most ultraprocessed food have worse health outcomes than those who consume the least. Thus, “reducing ultra-processed food consumption is a natural way to promote healthy eating in Brazil,” the authors concluded. That theory is bolstered by a major 2003 study by three Harvard economists which suggested that it’s snacks, rather than meals, that are primarily responsible for the rise of obesity in America.” So, whilst the ‘paleo diet’ might be difficult to envisage, let alone emulate (not everyone looks good when setting out on a hunting expedition carrying a club and clad only in a loincloth) copying what your grandparents used to eat is somewhat more achievable. Moreover, providing they didn’t have fried sausage, bacon, eggs and beans for breakfast, lunch and tea, it might do you a bit of good. All this might involve an adjustment to our vocabulary, though. If someone says to you: “I’m off for a Brazilian”, don’t jump to conclusions ... it could just mean: “I’m off for a healthy meal just like Granma used to make.” Dr John Collingwood Primary School is School judged asjudged “good” by“good” Ofsted! Collingwood Primary School is judged as “good” by Ofsted! Collingwood Primary is as by Ofsted! • that leaders are “showing a determination • “Theprovision school’s for provision for theofwelfare of pupils and the promotion of their well-being “The school’s the welfare pupils and the promotion of their well-being and safetya outstanding. Aspupils a result feel extremely safe and and happy atAnd school.” And “The scho outstanding. As a result feelpupils extremely safe andStaff happy at school.” “The school does al Governors have welcomed the r can to keep pupils safe at all times.” 17 to keep School pupils safe all times.” in order to get to “Outstanding” since the Collingwoodcan Primary is at judged as “good” by Ofsted! • “Pupil’s behaviour in lessons, in the playground and throughout schoolSometimes is good. Some • School “Pupil’s inaslessons, in by theas playground andOfsted! throughout the schoolthe is good. it is School Development Plan. Collingwood Primary School isSchool judged as “good” by“good” Ofsted! Collingwood Primary is judged by Collingwood Primary isbehaviour judged “good” Ofsted! South Woodham Focus COLLINGWOOD PRIMARY SCHOOL IS JUDGED AS “GOOD” BY OFSTED! outstanding.” outstanding.” “Pupils makegood at least good and sometimes outstanding “Pupils•make at least and sometimes outstanding progress” progress” • “Outstanding Leadership of the Early Years provision hasinresulted in excellent support • “Outstanding Leadership of the Early Years provision has resulted excellent support for teach Collingwood Primary School, in South Woodham Ferrers, isstrong delighted to announce that it has moved up an in training and very links with parents to promote children’s learning and well-bei in training and very strong links with parents to promote children’s learning and well-being,” and t School, in South Woodham Ferrers, is Ferrers, delighted announce itthat hasit moved up an imary School, in South Woodham Ferrers, isindelighted to announce hasitmoved up anup out od Primary School, inits South Woodham isto delighted tothat announce that has moved an Ofsted grade since previous inspection, February 2014. The recent inspection, carried at the end “strong teamwork ensures that children are fullyin engaged in learning.” “strong teamwork ensures that children are fully engaged learning.” its previous inspection, in February 2014. The recent inspection, carried out at the end since its previous inspection, in February 2014. The recent inspection, carried out at the end rade since its previous inspection, in February 2014. The recent inspection, carried out at the end of April, judged the school• as“Leadership “good”• in“Leadership allofareas and some aspects of created the have school’s workan asenvironment ofhighlighted isand strong,” and have “Leaders where pu teaching isteaching strong,” “Leaders ancreated environment where pupils flouris school as “good” inasall“good” areas and highlighted some some aspects of aspects the school’s work as ed the school as “good” in all areas and highlighted aspects of the school’s work as judged the school in all areas and highlighted some of the school’s work as “outstanding”. ding”. ngwood Primary School, in South Woodham Ferrers, is delighted to announce that it has moved up an Collingwood Primary in South Ferrers, is announce TheSchool, report states that: learning and well-being,” “strong Primary School, inSchool, South Woodham Ferrers, isFerrers, delighted to itmoved has moved upand an that, up llingwood Primary in School, South Woodham delighted to that announce that has moved an teamwork ary in South Woodham Ferrers, is Woodham delighted toisannounce that it has upitan hat: delighted to announce it has moved up anOfsted gradeThe recent The report can be found on the school ted grade since its previousthat inspection, in February 2014. inspection, carried out at the ensures that children arefull fully engaged in end learning.” ates that: rt states that: since itsinspection, previous inspection, in February 2014. 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The recent inspection, carried out at the end • “Leadership of teaching is strong,” and “Leaders have • judged “The school’s provision for welfare ofthe pupils and the promotion of their well-being and safety is from soon on the Ofsted website 23rd May pril, the school as inthe all areas and highlighted some aspects of the school’s work asflourish.” inspection, carried out“good” at the end of April, judged school as created an environment where pupils provision for the welfare of pupils and the promotion of their well-being and safety is ged the school as “good” in all areas and highlighted some aspects the school’s work assafety April, judged the as “good” in all areas and highlighted some of the school’s hool’s provision forschool the welfare of pupils and the ofof their well-being and safety isworkisas the school as “good” in all areas and highlighted some aspects the school’s work as he school’s provision for the welfare offeel pupils and the promotion ofofaspects their well-being and “good” in all areas and highlighted some aspects of promotion the school’s The Headteacher, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised outstanding. As a result pupils extremely safe and happy at school.” And “The school does all it pupils, standing”. As a result pupils feel extremely safe and happy at school.” And “The school does all it work as “outstanding”. staff, governors and parents for their hard work and support ding. As a result pupils feel extremely safe and happy at school.” And “The school does all it g”. utstanding”. tstanding. As a result pupils feel extremely safe and happy at school.” And “The school does all it canThe to report keep states pupilsthat: safe at all times.” over the last two years, in moving the school forward and pupils safe at allschool’s times.” • “The provision forThe the Headteacher, welfare of pupils andBuckland-Garnett, the Mrs praised pupils, staff, governors andfor parents for thei keep pupils safe at all times.” nreport to• keep pupils safe at all times.” welcomed the inspector’s recognition thatit leaders are hard states behaviour that: The Headteacher, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents their wo “Pupil’s in lessons, in the playground and throughout the school is good. Sometimes is states that: report states that: se that: promotion of their well-being andthroughout safety is outstanding. 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As a result pupils feel extremely safe and happy at school.” And “The school does all it at least good and sometimes outstanding progress” • “Pupil’s behaviour insometimes lessons, inoutstanding the playground and anding. As a result pupils feel extremely safe and happy at school.” And “The school does itdoes outstanding. As afeel result pupils feel extremely safe and happy at“The school.” And “The school all already it make ata“Outstanding least good and sometimes outstanding progress” ng. As result pupils extremely safe and happy at school.” And school does all it all these upils at least good and progress” order to get to since been now nee • make Leadership of Early Years provision resulted in “Outstanding” excellent support teachers Staff and Governors have welcomed the report’s recommendations onhave what the school Staff and Governors have welcomed thehas report’s recommendations on what for the school needs to work throughout the school isthe good. Sometimes it excellent is identified and are on Collingwood’s currentnow School can to keep pupils safe at all times.” Leadership of the Early Years provision has resulted in support for teachers o keep pupils safe at allsafe times.” can to outstanding.” keep pupils at Early all times.” anding Leadership of the Early Years provision has resulted in excellent support forand teachers ep pupils at all times.” Outstanding Leadership of the Years provision has resulted in excellent support for teachers in order to get to “Outstanding” since these have already been identified and are on Collingwoo Development Plan. insafe training and very strong links with parents to promote children’s learning well-being,” and that, in order to get to “Outstanding” since these have alreadyisbeen identified and it areison Collingwood’s curren •l’s “Pupil’s behaviour in lessons, into the playground and throughout the school good. Sometimes dtraining strong with promote children’s learning and well-being,” and • “Pupils make at least good and sometimes outstanding The full report can be that, found on the that, school’s website now at behaviour inlinks lessons, inparents the parents playground and throughout the school is good. Sometimes it is •very “Pupil’s behaviour in lessons, in the playground and throughout the school is good. Sometimes it is ing and very strong links with to promote children’s learning and well-being,” and that, haviour in lessons, in the playground and throughout the school is good. Sometimes it is and very strong links with parents to promote children’s learning and well-being,” and School Development Plan. “strong teamwork ensures that children are fully engaged in learning.” progress” School Development Plan. www.collingwoodschool.net and will be published on the work ensures that children are fully in engaged learning.” outstanding.” • “Outstanding Leadership of are the engaged Early Years provision has anding.” outstanding.” teamwork ensures that children fully engaged in learning.” ng.” trong teamwork ensures that children are fully in learning.” Ofsted website from 23rd May. • “Leadership ofexcellent teaching is strong,” and in “Leaders have created an environment where pupils flourish.” resulted in support for teachers training and of teaching is strong,” and “Leaders have created an environment where pupils flourish.” •rship “Pupils make at least good and sometimes outstanding progress” ls make at least good and sometimes outstanding progress” • “Pupils make at least good and sometimes outstanding progress” ke at least good and sometimes outstanding progress” of teaching is strong,” and “Leaders have created an environment where pupils flourish.” eadership of teaching is strong,” and “Leaders havechildren’s created an environment where pupils flourish.” very strong links with parents to promote • •standing ofofthe Early Years has resulted ininexcellent support for Leadership ofEarly the Early Years provision has resulted in excellent support for teachers • “Outstanding “Outstanding Leadership the Early Years provision has resulted excellent support forteachers teachers ding Leadership ofLeadership the Years provision has provision resulted in excellent support for teachers inin training and very strong links with parents totopromote children’s learning and well-being,” aining and very strong links with parents toparents promote children’s learning and well-being,” and that,and training and very strong links promote children’s learning and well-being,” andthat, that, and very strong links with parents towith promote children’s learning and well-being,” and that, “strong teamwork that children are engaged ininlearning.” ng teamwork ensures that children are fully engaged inengaged learning.” “strong teamwork ensures that children arefully fully learning.” amwork ensures that ensures children are fully engaged in learning.” dership of teaching is strong,” and “Leaders have created ancreated environment where flourish.” “Leadership ofteaching teaching strong,” and“Leaders “Leaders have environment where pupilsflourish.” flourish.” •ip• of “Leadership isis strong,” and have created ananwhere environment where pupils teaching isofstrong,” and “Leaders have created an environment pupilspupils flourish.” The Headteacher, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hard work ! Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents forparents their hard work The full report can be the found on the school’s website now at www.collingwoodschool.net will her, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hard work The full report can be found on school’s website now at and will beand publish dteacher, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and forwww.collingwoodschool.net their hard workrecognition and support over the last two years, in moving the school forward and welcomed the inspector’s rd rd May. soon on the Ofsted website from 23 e last two years, in moving the school forward and welcomed the inspector’s recognition May. soon on moving the Ofsted website from ver the last two in moving the school forward and23 welcomed inspector’s recognition ort over the last two years, the school forward and welcomed the inspector’s recognition school.” that leaders areyears, “showing a in determination to drive improvement sothe that it becomes an outstanding owing a determination to drive improvement so that it becomes an outstanding school.” re a determination to drive improvement so that becomes an outstanding school.” ers“showing are “showing a determination to drive improvement so it that it becomes an outstanding school.” Staff and Governors have welcomed the report’s recommendations on what the school now needs to work on have welcomed the report’s recommendations on what now school needs to work on have welcomed the report’s recommendations on the what the school now needs work on oncurrent dsernors Governors have welcomed the report’s recommendations onschool what the now needs to work in order to Buckland-Garnett, get to “Outstanding” since these have already been identified and are onto Collingwood’s acher, Mrs praised pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hard work e Headteacher, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hardwork work ! r, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hard work Outstanding” since these have already been identified and are on Collingwood’s current Headteacher, Mrs Buckland-Garnett, praised pupils, staff, governors and parents for their hard tto toget “Outstanding” since thesethese have have already been been identified and are onare Collingwood’s current toDevelopment “Outstanding” since already identified and on Collingwood’s current Collingwood Pre Pre-School School are celebrating 25 years!! School Plan. over theover last two years, inyears, moving the school forward and welcomed the inspector’s recognition dsupport support over thelast last two years, in moving the school forward andwelcomed welcomed the inspector’s recognition the last two years, in two moving theinschool forward and welcomed the inspector’s recognition Plan. the moving the school forward and the inspector’s recognition pment Plan. evelopment Plan. lease come com e a along long tto oo our ur F Fete ete iin n tthe he Pre-school Pre--school Playground P la y g r o u n d are “showing a“showing determination to drive improvement so that it so becomes outstanding school.” at leaders a determination to driveso improvement thatPPlease it an becomes an outstanding school.” “showing a are determination to drive improvement that it becomes leaders are “showing a determination to drive improvement so thatanitoutstanding becomes anschool.” outstanding school.” (or (or in in the the school school h hall all iiff iinclement n c le m e n t w weather). e a th e r ) . overnors have welcomed the report’s on what the now needs to aff and have welcomed therecommendations report’s recommendations on school what now needs nors haveGovernors welcomed the report’s recommendations on what the school nowthe needs to7thwork on F Friday ridschool ay 2 27 M May aywork 3 3.15pm .15pon mto tto owork 5 5pm pm on ff and Governors have welcomed the report’s recommendations on what the school now needs to work on get to “Outstanding” have already identified andon are to get to “Outstanding” since these havebeen already been are Collingwood’s oorder “Outstanding” sincesince thesethese have already been identified and identified are Collingwood’s w ouon ldand loCollingwood’s ve tto os ee on a o ur p recurrent s e n t, p ast a nd current ffuture u tu r e c hildren and and their th e ir We W e would love see allll current our present, past and children rder to get to “Outstanding” since these have already been identified and are Collingwood’s famion lie s a t this this very very special s p e c ia l c ecurrent le b r a tio n ! families at celebration! lopment Plan. hool Development Plan. ent Plan. we will w ill b eav a r ie ty o talls and and light light refreshments refreshments to to enjoy enjoy There be variety off s stalls There we ool Development Plan. Lucky Lucky S Star ta r G Game ame Guess Guess No. No. of of Lego Lego Hoopla Hoopla Hook Hook a duck duck Face Face Painting P a in tin g Teddy Teddy Tombola T o m b o la Lucky Lucky Dip D ip Cream Teas Teas & Cakes Cakes Cream And much mand uch more! mwill ore! be published And The full report can be found on the school’s website now at www.collingwoodschool.net be found onbethe school’s website now at www.collingwoodschool.net and will bewill published tsoon can be found on the school’s website www.collingwoodschool.net and be published rd now at report can found on the school’s website now at www.collingwoodschool.net and will be published May. on the Ofsted rd website from 23 website from 23 fsted website fromMay. 23rd May. he Ofsted website from 23rd May. We W e look look forward forward to to seeing s e e in g y you ou tthere… here…!!!!!!! ort can be found on the school’s now at www.collingwoodschool.net andbe will beand published e full report can beschool’s found on thewebsite school’s website now at www.collingwoodschool.net will be published an be found on the website now at www.collingwoodschool.net and will published rd rd rd full report can be found the23 school’s May. May.website now at www.collingwoodschool.net and will be published Ofsted from 23 on on on thewebsite Ofsted website from May. ed website from 23 on the Ofsted website from 23rd May. 18 South Woodham Focus OVER TO YOU THANKS EVERYONE ! Two weeks ago I put an enquiry in for help in obtaining an old games console to provide help to a young disabled person where the simple early games like pong or tennis would be more suitable. Thanks for the many replies and offers of old units. I have a couple now and hopefully I can modify them to work on a modern TV. Thanks once again for the help. Your a good lot in South Woodham ! Bob Richardson CHARITY SHOP WARNING I'd like to make everyone aware that last weekend on Sunday I popped to Spa down Hullbridge Road and could not believe what I saw... A bag of someone's unwanted bits outside the charity shop and a man walked right up to it and picked it up and took it and put it in his van and drove off!!! I I can't believe how low some people can be. Maybe best for people to take things into the shop from now on as it seems sadly some people can't be trusted to leave the stuff for charity. Name supplied EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 01245 426555 7 BLACkALL INd ESTATE, HAMBERTS ROAd, SOUTH WOOdHAM FERRERS CM3 5UW BROWN BIN STALKER OF CELEBORN STREET My Sturdy Upright Brown Bin Went Walkabout I Know not when Monday or Tuesday AM or PM Inside, the Withered Leaves and Weeds Rotting Grass Didn’t smell very nice The dirty Wheels and Mucky Handle So come on you vandal Wheel it back to my Door You Know the Number 104 ! Many Thanks, M Partridge St John Ambulance Charity Shop Jenny and Maggi wish to thanks all our customers for their continuing support. We urgenty require donations, there is parking at the side of the shop (opposite Ladbrokes). Kind of Blue Following the success of their concert in aid of the Parkinson's Disease Society , last Saturday in the hall of the Bell, "Kind of Blue", a local modern jazz group, will next be in the pub for their usual gig on the 6th June, 8.30-11 (please note, not 30th May, which is a bank holiday). So, if you enjoy the the iconic music of '50s and early '60s America, whilst tucking into Sue's delicious food, make a point of putting this date in your diary. 19 South Woodham Focus SITUATIONS VACANT Woodham Joinery(UK) Ltd Based in South Woodham Ferrers, we are now looking for full time Sprayers and Bench Joiners for an extremely busy workshop These vacancies are for full time employees only, please do not apply if you are NOT looking for long term employment Please send your CV to [email protected] Alternatively call on 01245 322839 for further details Wages negotiable depending on experience Full Time Yardman, Labourer, and Building Maintenance Operative There is a position available for a full time enthusiastic and energetic yardman to join our wellmotivated team. Duties are varied and involve some manual labour, cleaning painting and assisting in maintaining the buildings, steam cleaning trucks for the works, hire and paint department. PPE, and work wear provided. Salary in the region of £18,000 plus overtime Please E-mail CV to [email protected] Phone: 01245 322252 Fax: 01245 322227 Safety Signs & Supplies Uk Ltd Based in South Woodham Ferrers We are supply company into the Construction industry covering the whole of the UK & Europe. Due to continuous growth we have the following vacancies for immediate start. Internal Sales Executive & Trainee Sales Executive This is an Excellent opportunity to build a career in sales. Full Training will be given Duties will include Developing new & Existing business & generating new enquiries Working closely within the existing sales team. Email CV to - [email protected] EMAIL: [email protected] TEL: 01245 426555 7 BLACkALL INd ESTATE, HAMBERTS ROAd, SOUTH WOOdHAM FERRERS CM3 5UW 20 South Woodham Focus Nurses Needed to ‘Make Every Day Count’ for Local Families Additional nurses are needed at the only children’s hospice for Essex so more care can be given to families, it has been revealed during Children’s Hospice Week (23rd-29th May 2016) Between 2014 and 2015, there was a 17% increase in the demand for the specialist care which is only available at Little Havens Hospice in Thundersley, which looks after babies, children and young people with life-limiting conditions and their families from across Essex. This is coupled with national research for Together for Short Lives (2014) that up to 10% of nurse vacancies within the children’s hospice sector are vacant at any one time. No child is refused care if they meet the criteria to be cared for at Little Havens, but this has had a knockon effect to existing families who have had less short breaks. There is also a growing need in the community for children with more complex conditions to be cared for, such as those who require parenteral nutrition (are fed directly into the blood stream) and children who are tracheo-vented. Two Nursing Recruitment Days are taking place on Friday 8th July between 5pm and 8pm and Sunday 10th July from 10am to 2pm at Little Havens Hospice in Thundersley to try and attract more qualified Band 5/6 nurses to this area of care. Director of Care Helen Forster says, “In recent years we have seen the number of children requiring our care rise and their medical needs are becoming increasingly complex. Therefore the need for highly qualified nurses who can help bring the service forward is growing. “It is challenging to entice people into the hospice sector. We’re not sure if this is because of the misconceptions of hospice care being all about the last few hours of someone’s life. “It couldn’t be further from the truth. As a nurse, you are given time to care for each patient in the way they choose to be cared for. “Our focus is on ‘Making every day count’ - giving as much choice as possible about how our children are cared for and treating them as an individual. Many have a range of conditions which, when they were diagnosed, meant they weren’t expected to live into adulthood. Fortunately advances in research and medicine mean these children are now living longer, however this adds to the complexities of the care they need. “We have been made aware that some nurses have been concerned Little Havens Care Team Nurse Cat with 11-year-old Brandon who accesses Little Havens care. about losing benefits if they switch from the NHS to a charity employer. However, we’re delighted to say that at Havens Hospices, salaries for nursing staff are matched to the NHS through Agenda for Change and NHS pensions can also continue. “There is also a strong emphasis on training and development here at the charity to ensure the fitness to practice and Continuing Professional Development for our nurses are in line with the NMC Code of Professional Standards.” As well as taking a look around the hospice on the Nursing Recruitment Days, there will be the chance to speak to other nurses about the realities of caring for children with life-limiting illnesses. Current vacancies include full and part-time Band 5/6 paediatric nurses for Little Havens Hospice, and flexible working is considered. To find out more about the Nursing Recruitment Day please call 01702 426241 or email Fred Heale on [email protected] OVER TO YOU Francesca's Charity Cake and Toy shop My family recently found out some devastating news about a close family friend that really broke our children's hearts. Maddi is a very happy 15 year old girl that has been diagnosed with an extremely rare life threatening disease Krabbe. Unless treated within two years Maddi could be left blind, deaf and crippled or even worse Maddi could be lost to the disease. At the age of 15 Maddi is the only person within the whole of the UK to be diagnosed with Krabbe and the life saving treatment need is only available in Pittsburgh USA. Maddi needs this surgery to survive and the surgery alone will cost over £300,000. My daughter Francesca is 5 and she can not understand why it would take money to save her friends life, and she decided she is going to help raise the money Maddi so desperately needs. Francesca started cooking cakes and did not stop until she had bundles of them. On Saturday the 21st of May Francesca set up her shop on Brent Avenue. (With a little bit of pre advertising help from mummy on FB) a huge crowd of people turned up to support Francesca with cakes and toys to be donated. Francesca had so many customers she sold out of cakes and had to close her shop early (after 3 hours). Francesca has so far raised over £500 and the money is still coming in. My son has also organised an event by himself at Trinity St Marys School. So fingers crossed that will help raise the donations a little higher. Francesca and all of our family want to personally thank every person that donated and supported my little girl. We are so proud of her, my son and the supportive loving community we live in. We just pray that the fund raising continues and we can get our very special friend to the USA for her life saving surgery very very soon. If you would like to help us save Maddi please go to crowdfunding.justgiving.com/saveour-Maddi , South Woodham Focus 21 22 South Woodham Focus BURNHAM ON CROUCH GOLF CLUB The Ladies County teams had a good week with the Bronze team playing The Warren on Tuesday at home and winning 6 & 1. Wins for Claire Lewis, Jae Bray, Elaine Elphinstone, Jillean Hipsey, Liz Tolhurst, and Cally Fearn. Even the loss was a game that went to the 18th. The Silver team were away on Friday to Canons Brook and with wins from Denise Howat, Jean Bailey, Avis Greenway and Sue Frost it was a good away win 4 &1. The men held the 36 hole foursomes on Saturday. The winners were Dean Bewers and Gordon Howat with 142 2nd Roy Cotter and Stuart Steele – 144 3rd James Marchant and Tony Wilkin - 148 The midweek stableford had 16 entries. 1st Barry Pressley 35 pts 2nd OCB Roger Miles 33 pts from 3rd Seamus McGee from 4th Bob Willett. The ladies played the Silver spoon medal this week with 26 entries. Silver: 1st Helen Ford 72 nett 2nd Liz Clark 74 3rd Jae Bray 75. Bronze: 1st Eve Corfield 76 nett 2nd OCB Jane Hull 77 from Shelagh Edwards. There was also a 9 hole competition and that was won by Kathy Brown with 16 pts. The Seniors came back from a surprise defeat at home last week to Three Rivers with a comprehensive 7 - 1 against Five Lakes on Monday. In fact they were 7 nil up with one match remaining which resulted in a narrow 2 and 1 win to the visitors. Joe Elgie won nearest the pin on the 11th. Sunday was a fun day on the course with Ladies Invitation when they invite a man to partner them in a greensomes competition. With picnics on the course it is a leisurely game but always some great scores as well as the not so great. Nearest the pin Ladies (5th) Viv Locke and men (11th) John Culff. 3rd OCB Cally Fearn and James Marchant to 2nd Elaine Elphinstone and Dean Bewers 1st Liz Tolhurst and Micky Hammond 44 pts. The cadets played the May Stableford. 1st Richard Smith 32pts. 2nd Rachel Clark 31pts. Photo above: 36 Hole foursomes Winners – Captain Roger Miles, Dean Bewers, Gordon Howat. Below: Ladies Invitation Winners: Liz Tolhurst, Vice Captain Mel Lewis, Captain Jane Hull , Micky Hammond. 23 South Woodham Focus NEW GIRLS TEAM PICTURED - PLAYERS NEEDED Hi, I’m the manager and coach of the team who are part of Afc Woodham and Focus Ferrers, who are merging in June to form a new club. (Southwoodham Ferrers United ) My girls play in the Chelmsford league in the u12's division, we currently have 12 players but are looking for new players to join us. Also we have a younger team who are just training, but we are hopefully going to get that team up and running for the new season. We are looking for players currently in school years 4,5,6 & 7. We play all over Essex, we train twice a week in South Woodham Ferrer's on the new 3G pitch and the grass, Tuesday and Saturday. We are also looking at getting a ladies team going too(aged 16 and over) Andy Bishop (AFCWOODHAM) My mobile is 07709553514 or email [email protected] JOIN CHELMSFORD CITY COUNCIL’S FAMILY FUN WEEKEND !"#$%"!&'()"!()*+,) " A Cut Above AverAge SOUTH Woodham Ferrers Wheelchair Rugby enthusiast, Jonathan Coggan, has made the cut for the fourth consecutive time into the 12 Chelmsford City Council is organising a free family fun strong British Paralympic weekend on 28-30 May at its four Leisure Centres to encourage Wheelchair Rugby Squad. people to get active and find a sport that suits them. Athens, Beijing, London and now to the sunny climbs of Free gym and exercise taster sessions will be on offer, Rio de Janeiro beckon with all including a whole range of fitness activities from parkour to the hope and promise of Hatha yoga and martial arts to trampolining. There will also be Olympic Gold. Jonathan, an opportunity to trial the ever-popular City Camps and try a new sport no matter what your age, such as badminton, ice ! who grew up in Woodham and went to ! the William de Ferrers School, still lives in the town skating and snorkelling. although he seldom seems to be here as the intense training schedule ! takes him away from the town so frequently. Chelmsford City Council’s Cabinet Member for Leisure, "#$%&!'(()*+,!-.//./0!'*..12*+3/!45678!.9:*503+0:;!<(9+:*+9!=(66+9;!*+0!,+).!:*.!25:!>(/!:*.! Jonathan is the only player in the squad to be selected for every Councillor Julia Jeapes, says: “We’re very fortunate to offer the >(5/:*!2(90.25:3?.!:3,.!39:(!:*.!@A!0:/(96!B/3:30*!C+/+18,D32!'*..12*+3/!45678!"E5+)F!! Olympiad since 2008. This wealth of experience will stand him in good City of Chelmsford four Leisure Centres, which can cater for all ! stead as the team now has an exciting and eclectic mix of experience of the family’s fitness needs. The Family Fun Weekend will G:*.90;!B.3H396;!I(9)(9!+9)!9(J!:(!:*.!05998!213,70!(>!43(!).!<+9.3/(!7.2K(9!J3:*!+11!:*.!*(D.!+9)! players and young talent all of whom are eager to bring back gold. offer over 60 free sessions, such as a special ‘Musical Splash’ Jonathan’s first specially adapted wheelchair for rugby was very kindly for pre-schoolers, inflatable fun D/(,30.!(>!#18,D32!L(1)F!!!<(9+:*+9;!J*(!6/.J!5D!39!'(()*+,!+9)!J.9:!:(!:*.!'3113+,!).!-.//./0! for 8-16 year olds, scuba diving donated by South Woodham’s local Rotary Club and this kindness and "2*((1;!0:311!13?.0!39!:*.!:(J9!+1:*(56*!*.!0.1)(,!0..,0!:(!7.!*./.!+0!:*.!39:.90.!:/+39396!02*.)51.! tasters for those aged over eight and a range of fitness and the support of many within the town has always been very much weight loss workshops for those over 14. Whatever your age :+K.0!*3,!+J+8!>/(,!:*.!:(J9!0(!>/.E5.9:18F!!! appreciated. this open weekend is a great opportunity to pop down to your ! Whether you manage to get to Rio or like most of us be watching on local Leisure Centre and try <(9+:*+9!30!:*.!(918!D1+8./!39!:*.!0E5+)!:(!7.!0.1.2:.)!>(/!.?./8!#18,D3+)!0392.!AMMNF!%*30!J.+1:*!(>! a new sport or re-introduce television, look out for shirt number 2 - that’ll be Jonathan. yourselves to something you used to love.” .OD./3.92.!J311!0:+9)!*3,!39!6(()!0:.+)!+0!:*.!:.+,!9(J!*+0!+9!.O23:396!+9)!.21.2:32!,3O!(>! http://rio.paralympics.org.uk//meet-the-team All trials and taster sessions.OD./3.92.!D1+8./0!+9)!8(596!:+1.9:!!+11!(>!J*(,!+/.!.+6./!:(!7/396!7+2K!6(1)F!! need to be booked in advance ! and some sessions, such as swimming, require a small fee (£1), <(9+:*+9P0!>3/0:!0D.23+118!+)+D:.)!J*..12*+3/!>(/!/5678!J+0!?./8!K39)18!)(9+:.)!78!"(5:*! please call the sports centre direct to find out more. The Open Weekend will be taking place at'(()*+,P0!1(2+1!4(:+/8!=157!+9)!:*30!K39)9.00!+9)!:*.!05DD(/:!(>!,+98!J3:*39!:*.!:(J9!*+0!+1J+80! the Riverside Ice and Leisure Woodham Radars U11s (season 2016/17 – year 6) are holding Centre, Victoria Road, Chelmsford, CM1 1FG T: 01245 615079; 7..9!?./8!,52*!+DD/.23+:.)F! trials for their under 11s football teams for next season. Trials Chelmsford Sport and Athletics Centre, Salerno Way, ! will be held on 4th June, between 9.30am and 11.30am at the Chelmsford, CM1 2EH T: 01245 605666; Dovedale Sports '*.:*./!8(5!,+9+6.!:(!6.:!:(!43(!(/!13K.!,(0:!(>!50!7.!J+:2*396!(9!:.1.?303(9;!1((K!(5:!>(/!0*3/:! Village Hall in South Woodham Ferrers. We are looking to Centre, Vicarage Road, Chelmsford, CM2 OJQ T: 01245 605685 build on our current successful teams as we move to 9v9 next 95,7./!A!Q!!:*+:P11!7.!<(9+:*+9F! and South Woodham Ferrers Leisure Centre, Trinity Square, season, but are also looking for a manager to run an additional ! South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5JU T: 01245 605600. team, building on the development squad that we have trained *::DRSS/3(FD+/+18,D320F(/6F5KSS,..:Q:*.Q:.+,! over the last year that are now ready for games. If you are To discover more about Chelmsford City Council’s Family interested, please contact Peter Fry or message us on our Fun Weekend, visit www.chelmsford.gov.uk/openweekend. Facebook page for more details. WOODHAM RADARS U11’s &:@?3 *::/3,8 24 :.@> South Woodham Focus ,98 5B8 6@57? (" K<99@G !CC8 7CB8=H=CB O CF 9J9B=B;G $ G550 with" large LAPTOP - Lenovo 15.6" screen. Comes with Windows7, Adobe Reader & Microsoft office (Excel, Word & )@8 -<CD 5FA H<9 5H " ! ( PowerPoint) already installed. Has a 1CC8<5A ,C58 5HH@9G6F=8;9 GH built in C: web cam & 5A DVD-RW. H=@@ H<9 ACBH< -IB85M Excellent DA .9@condition. Only fault is it wIll only run with power lead 7 R !( ACK9F #! in!as# needs plugged new battery. :=9@8 ACIBH "CB85 <D can (these be9B;=B9 bought online for R @97HF=7 ACK9F CBC 0! O about £15) selling (9K for only @58M CKB9F CB9hence 5G B9K £40. Tel Jo 07513 CBC D@I; O 5B8 934393 @958 GIDD@M CF G=A=@5F ,95F GH9D HC :=H & 0 B9K and O - .CK 9; .F5BG=H OFFICE ChAIR black65F - swivel 7CAD@9H9 K=H< 9@97HF=7G :=HG (=GG5B on castorsCF G=A=@5F with removable arms. ;C@: -9H C: O *F=A9F5 Adjustable height. in65@@G VGCB=79 Image 65; 7@I6G 7@I6G available. £25 ovno =?9G ACGH@M O H99G 5B8 GCA9 O C@8G table M95F HC 6=?9G extendable ;=F@Ground Pine dining A9H9F @97HF=7 O HC 45” to 60” with butterfly 9LH9F=CF middle flap 5A HC .9@ O withDA 6 chairs £100 ovno Buyer to collect Vinyl LPs - Original # " ! " ! "# , *& *)1End; 0# , .#(! Streisand - Stony £5. HF5=B9F D@5H9 DCK9F J=6F5H=B; H9? 6C8= DFC The Peddlers - Three in a Cell; £5 K<=7< 75B 5=8 K9=;<H @CGG HCB9 Andy - Happy Heart; £3 <95@H< 69B9:=H MCIF 5B8 Williams Neil Diamond - Moods, Serenade )() O 7CB8=H=CB #B B9K and Tap :CF Root89H5=@G Manuscript £5 each *<CB9 Ovno J9B9H=5B Zip drive leads$' x 2 KCC89B Image available =B7<9G <=;< =B7<9G @CB; L £5 both A5?9 H<=G GA5@@9F 75B£8 3CI O each or Collectable =: F9EI=F98figurines - Robert Harrop Doggie People Country D<CB9 and CF 89H5=@G Companions collection - various #$! $! ! # prices images available 8=GD@5M 756=B9H K=H< GHCF5;9 " Country companions collection C::99 H56@9 =B7<9G & labrador CC1b Receipt 7CFB9F /B=H .0 shooting =B7<9G L G=89 H56@9 1997 £30 J5F=CIG G=N9G "= = IB=H 7CB8=H=CB 7CC8 7C@@97H=CB :CF F99 Alsation CC54 - small chip right ear .9@ £15 Cocker spaniel shooting black/white ! <5F8@M CC101b £45 GHM@9 7<5=F K=H< IG98 9L97IH=J9 DCG=H=CBG 58>IGH56@9 :I@@M 5FAG Springer spaniel CC2a £20 <CA9 '99HG 5@@ :F99£25 J;7 GAC?9 Border collie CC4 C::9FG *F=79 OCC20BC F9;G G5:9HM Irish setter shooting £35 .9@ Doggie - limited( # !&People Collection =B J;7 K=H< BC 'C89@ ', edition 7CJ9F IB89F GHCF98 D5H7<9G Springer spaniel black fishing '9F7IFM =B:@5H98Ltd5@GC CC130b Ed.CIH6C5F8 (2001) £35 "* =B J;7 6CH< CKB98 :FCA Labrador chocolate CC129c CBC D<CB9 B9K O shooting Ltd Ed - Doggie People Collection #" .C;;= %I8I G=N9 ! All boxed ovno £35 5B8 <5F@9G )K9B MCIB; 01245O329928 F=89FG <5H =B 6@57? J9@CIF G=N9 6CH< =B 9L79@@9BH O CARPET. quality roll of carpet DCF79@5=B 7CB8=H=CBGood#AC@5 15' x 5.11". green with small G=N9 BH5F9G 6FCKB H=@9G Pale #H5@=5B O GEI5F9 7A pattern of squares here and there. 6@57? H=@9G :@CCF 1=7?9G Quite modern. Believe it's hessian 7A GEI5F9 O 09GIJ=5 G=N9 backed. (NOT foam backed). £15. T: 01245 631544 " & $ HC ACJ=B; EI=7? G5@9 :CFBUNK O DOLLS BEDS WOODEN 5J5=@56@9 *=7HIF9G DFCD9FHMAND GA5@@9F WITH LADDER MATCHING CB F9EI9GH 5B 89@=J9F @C75@@M BEDDING. Nice item. £8. 'C6=@9 T: 01245 631544 ." # ." ! " Q @589BR 5B8 K5FA .<9FA5@ ThREE 3mETRE LENGThS of 12cm @GC O 2& -I=H @C5H5H=CB plaster coving. <9GH CH<9F -I=HG D@IG 1589FG £10. Buyer toOcollect 957< :FCA .<=;< Telephone 01245 426414 -D998 CIF 05F=56@9 -<CD ,=89F K<99@98 'C6=@=HM -7CCH9F L79@@9BH 7@95B 5B8 H=8M 7CB8=H=CB !CC8 5HH9F=9G =B7@I8=B; <5F;9F D@IG -K=J9@ -95H F5?9G "CCH9F ,9J9FG=B; @5FA FCBH &=;<HG 5B8 9@=J9FM *CGG=6@9 O 5G?9H ! K=H< <95H :CF "" :I@@ IDD9F 5B8 @CK9F 657? DFC;F5AA9G '5?9 "CA98=7G -<=5HGI K=H< 6CL "5F8@M IG98 ;CC8 =895 :CF <F=GHA5G O .9@ $ ! – # ChINA ACCESSORIES ! BAThROOm Marks" & Spencer “Floral Trellis” Toothbrush Holder and 2 matching oval lidded pots. (£15) White shell -A5@@=G< !5@J5B=G98 # & shaped wall mounted soap dishCB9 (£9). 1CI@8 7CBG=89F .F5=@9F ,C58 Peach coloured ceramic =B ;CC8 swan B998=B; 5HH9BH=CB CF shaped decorative bowl (ideal for 7CB8=H=CB cottonwool) (£9). All in excellent # @=;<HK9=;<H "$ Tel: $ condition. 01245 321657 7CHHCB K<=H9 G=N9 CMG 6@57? ./2 ) O DANSK WhITE WARDROBE with F98 6CK H=9 GI=H K=H< K<=H9 G<=FH :CF D5FH=9G CF ;F95Hdoors 5DDFCLsliding 5;9 3 x Mirrored ID O buyer 8F9GG=B; $5A9G L2240 xCB8 H2200 x D600mm '$ -ACCH< @57? D=BGHF=D9 dismantles & removes F=A=B5@ ! (!-. , GI=H <5H 5B8 Any H=9 reasonable/sensible '$ O offers. 5;9 5DDFCL 6@57? Could emailGHM@9 pictures " . K=H< G=@J9F =@@=9 $95B CMG 6FCKB :5IL O 897CF5H=CB Call 07766-365419 @95H<9F )' , >57?9H :@9979 :9K C775G=CBG KCFB 5 CB@M @=B=B; ShARPS BEACh WARDROBE with O 5G B9K 5;9 built-in drawers L2600 x H2110 x .9@ A5H9F=5@ D600mm buyer dismantles & K=H< ! %( (" '# removes :IF HF=AA98 <CC8offers. F9ACJ56@9 Any reasonable/sensible 0! M95FG -=N9 Could email pictures .9@ O Call 07766-365419 !" -K5D:CF79 G9F=9G " ( !F95H LA5G D57?5;9WhITE RhINO with ;=:H Blue inlay D@IGunit DCFH5@ 5B8with !5A9 Wardrobe vanity 7<5F57H9FG 5@@ GH=@@ <C@8=B; DF=79G L2280O x H2150 x D580mm buyer @@ =B O :FCA dismantles & removes #B 0! FI7?G57? G?M@5B89FG Any reasonable/sensible @@ :=;IF9G =B H57H offers. 7CB8=H=CB :CF H<=G @CH 6IH K=@@ O pictures *5=8 CouldCJ9F email :CF H<9 @CH O H5?9 Call 07766-365419 -ID9F !F5:=L 5FH 6C5F8 O ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB BOyS - 6" ;5A9 purpleO & white K<C 6C5F8 !I9GGBIKES boys7CB8=H=CB bike. Suitable for age 5 years 0! !CC8 ;5A9 O 9AD=F9 'CBCDC@M and over. Good condition - £5 24" 7CB8=H=CB Apollo blue mountain bike with 18 &9;C -H5F K5FG GH=@@ =B 6CL HC 69 gears. Suitable for age 10 years and GD9989F A5B85@CF=5B 6I=@H over. Excellent condition - £45. Tel: O 07513 ;CC8 ;I9GG K<C O 69B 934393 7CB8=H=CB 7CBH57HTV unit, D@95G9 =BH9F9GH98 =: OAK EFFECT matching B;9@5 CB Sideboard and Coffee Table (Refer Argos Heart piece living F958M698 # of House 3 & room pack)65; £75K=H< ono.DIAD ;CC8 CF=;=B5@ =B 7CB8=H=CB Tel: 07790858592 O #?95 7<=@8F9BG H56@9 5 7<5=FG =B LIGhTKCC8 ChARCOAL SLIm Next :@CK9FG 5B8FIT, K=H< 6=F8G K<=H9 2 piece suit £20 7CJ9F=B; J=BM@ O Reg ;CC8 Jacket7CB8=H=CB slim Fit 38 CB 7CBH57H D@G Slim =BH9F9GH98 =: Trousers 30 Reg Fit, 5B;9@5 Worn Once for Prom, excellent condition Dark" Charcoal Slim Fit, Next 2 piece 9?C & suit £20 =B ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB CB@M O K<=H9 7CB8=H=CB9F :56F=7 5G Jacket slim Fit 38 Reg8=GD9BG9F =: DIH==B; D9F:97H KCF?=B; BCH Trousers 34 Reg Slim Fit 8FIA O =BHCcondition 8=F97H@M =B WornH56G twice Excellent .9@ Mckenzie Boys Medium Jacket Black Good condition £# 5 ! # :I@@ KCF?=B; /G98 6IH Okoia Nail=B Manicure Set CF89F 7CBG=89F98 G9BG=6@9 C::9FG 9 BM attachments, Nail blow dryer 69=B; GC@8 Brand New 6M £5 -CIH< 1CC8<5A *F9 -7<CC@ Phone Linda 07518395839 # :I@@ G=N98 :H L :H 7<5AD=CBG<=D 698 K=H< G@5H9 TABLE TOP SNOOKER TABLE 3ft6 09FM 5779GGCF=9G K=H< 5@@(buyer EI5=@HM x 6ft (approx.) to collect) £30 7CB8=H=CB O ;CC8 Ikea ono. high/low white single bed .9@ frame (buyer to collect) (mattress available if"wanted) £30 Please =B CB9 5@@ ono. DF=BH <958 B998G 5 B9K DF=BH9F call 07963287721 to view K<=7< 75B 69 6CI;<H :FCA %C85? CF CB@=B9 O 7@ =B?G 6 % 7CA6C D57? %) :CF DF=BH9F 6F5B8 B9K =B G95@98 K=H< D5FH IG98 =B?G 5G 6CL O K9@@ :H 698 65G9 ;CC8 " 7CB8=H=CB O =G<K5G<9F 9?C :I@@ G=N9 ;CC8 7CB8=H=CB O CF *@95G9 7CBH57H .9@ 6FCKB @95H<9F " ! - <5G :=F9 H5;G MFG C@8 :FCA KCFB CB G=HH=B; 5F95 6IH C? =: MCI 7A L IG9 5 H<FCK K=8H< AIGH 69 7C@@97H98 H9@ 89DH< (" LA5G .)3! " & 5FHG 79BHF9 95G9@ O 8=GB9M 6CIB7=B; PANASONIC DVD Home Theatre O H=;;9F 5B=A5@G K=H< & KCC89B Sound System>IB;@9 (black) speakers x6 B9K O + instruction book. All in 5G + remote 5B8black D@5M 79BHF9 A5;B9H=7 good condition £50. F98 Also M9@@CK C@89F J9FG=CB receiver the<5B8@9 system C: @CHGDVD 5B8with 75FFM K=H< for 6CL player. There is aBIA69FG problem with the @9HH9F A5;B9H=7 CH<9F O 5G?=B; & :CF =B output to O one of the speakers not 8C@@Gbut could be repaired. 6F5HN fully =B7 working 'CL=9 ;=F@G O 957< 8C@@Ggood 8=GB9M Otherwise condition. Free. CF5 5B8 D9DD5 D=; <5=F O Please:FCA phone 07932 684783. Buyer =H9AG toO collect. 957< 0 H97< 5@D<569H H957<9F O H5@?=B; &=;<HB=B;As new. .5@?=B; G<F9? OTIKES LITTLE SEESAW. A5?9F 7C=BToy. ;C@89B '7+I99B Not faded.O Ideal Garden £18. O @CHG ACF9 H9@ Baby Swing. Fastens onto tree, doorframe, etc. £10 8F5KG ::97H @A ! " Injusa 3-Wheel Trike. 6 volt. With 9B8year, but 957<last 5 7ID6C5F8 K=H< Charger. Was used 7A£10. 7ABargain 1 flat. 7A now " battery .9@ L79@@9BH 7CB8=H=CB O Sea Fishing Tackle, Beach and Pier, Rods & Reels, ideal for catching the G5@9 ( =H9AG ## ( shoals large of skate at the:CF moment 05B *CD F95A Essex #79Crouch, #B7@I8=B; in the River Beaches CFB '57<=B9 5B8 5B79 -HI8=C and Piers. wait O they .9@ are they 7CB8=H=CB ;CC8 Don’t 09FM are there now! Bargain £40 the lot. Lawn Mower Lawnpro, Self*F57H=79 ! $ # #! Petrol Propelled Rotary. Large Grass 7CDMto start and -HF5HC75GH9F AD Late Box. Model. Easy GIB6IFGH 5B8 GA5@@ 5AD@=:=9F use.K5HHG Can A5L be tried lawn. @958 65;my K=H<on Bargain £125 01245 400026. -I=H56@9 G B9K GHF5D ;I=H5F 5B8 :CF 69;=BB9F O .9@ WANTEDPair of Oars and possibly CFB9F01245 !C@89B 5KB ! small Outboard Engine. F9GG9F EI5@=HM =H9A D9F:97H 400026 ACJ9 :CF79G G5@9 7CB8=H=CB O CF B95F C::9F H9@9D<CB9 IKEA bookshelves for sale."Leksvik" type 3 shelf- 900mm x 800mm high K5G<=B; $"" :F99GH5B8=B; ) x 250mm deep. In good condition 6F5B8 A57<=B9 AC89@ 4%! £10. OPhoto 4 can(/--# be emailed. Contact =BH9;F5H98 B9K 07985-513583 (SWF) H9@ 8=G<K5G<9F 6F5B8 B9K O PAIR OF GENTS Dr Martin boots, # ( "# unwanted " black, size 9, new, gift HC;9H<9F K=H< F9ACH9 7CBHFC@G were £110 asking £70,o.n,o, please <F=GHA5G *9F:97H ;5A9G 5B8 tel 07504070687 or O 01245/425018 .9@ 5F;5=B 5H DF9G9BH CF GALVANISED DOG run, 6ft high *"can/% ." but " 3 ft wide, 13ft long be made " F958M D@5GA5 HJ #B7@I89G up to 6IH different also dog K5@@ ACIBH98 75B 69 sizes, GH5B8 kennel, made6F57?9H of t&g 5B8 wood all in 9LHF5 5 GI=H56@9 CB CBC over £1,000 O 7CBB97H=J=HM excellent condition was CB9 !<CGHG IHMonly 5@@ C:new, when 2yrs :CF old,L6CL will accept 5B8 G95@98 IBCD9B98 B9K F5B8 for £400, both, can separate. please CBC O tel, 01245 425018 or 07504070687. #" " ! " ! "# D=B? 7CB8=H=CB =B 9L79@@9BH 5@@ PAIR OF LADIES ankle boots, 5B8 8C@@ K=H<size :=FGH black6=?9 leather 5,75FF=9F new, still in&box, F9ACJ956@9 GH56=@=G9FG O in pluse buy, regretted later,GH5@@ only CB GH5B8 K=H< ?9M6C5F8 D=B? asking,MFG £20.O Please telephone, & D=B? :FCA O ACBH<G :FCA Or, ?9M6C5F8 01245/425018. 07941743408 & 8F9GG=B; H56@9 5B8 GH5@@ O =:= <9@A9H ?B99 =:= -7CCH9F O WANTED: Diecast Cars O 1/18 scale. D58G 5B8 9@6CK D58G Burago, Hot Wheels, Maisto etc. .=;;9F CIB7=B; 5B8 5FHK<99@ Tel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roller skates or heelys size IM9F 6-7 HC 7C@@97H O 07974607425 ,97CF8 7C@@97HCF G99?G # & Stainless Steel *IB? G '9H5@ G *G &*LANDmANN 9H7 .9@ in Very -% Barbecue ,9;;59 ,C7? Pedestal Charcoal Good All Round condition with all it,s Bits. "£ 20.00 K=H< .Tel 01245 426028. =B7< K<99@G F98 5B8 =B ;CC8 7<=@8 C:16/18 GI=H 5 SIZE 1CI@8 7CB8=H=CB WEDDING DRESS HClooksO like aCH< two6=?9G pieceCB@M but IG98 all in one ;F5B8GCB AM 6M K99?9B8G 5Hivory with Ivory/gold boned bodice. K<C <5G ACJ98 CBHC 5 '2 K=H< Button detail at the back with hidden ;95FG zip long train and -1 square neckline .9@ bought from Bellissima in SWF has =*<CB9 "("# been cleaned. !If picture required 6F5B8 = $&=J9 (IA5F? =*C8 CFring 01245 699196 or 07753765554 B9K IBK5BH98 6=FH<85M DF9G9BH PRICE £50 O NEW 5@@ " ARDROBE/ C !# A m$ PING W G =H9A CBBC=GG9IFG 7C@@97HCF CUPBOARD 4 shelves with zip up IH FMGH5@ "5B8 /BCD9B98 front Size 59 x 48 x 140cms. Used -<=DG 975BH9F :=@@98 K=H< GD=F=H once useful pockets outside £22 =B 5onCFHBIA F5B8M DFC656@M ono. Tel: 07729838295 6CL @=B98 DF9G9BH5H=CB '5GCB K=H< 6@I9 G5H=B 1CI@8 A5?9 5B <F=GHA5G IBIGI5@ 9L79@@9BH 8 WhITE hIGh BACK resin garden .9@ )B@M O condition DF9G9BH chairs excellent £50 Mobile: 07708903444 $" K=H< " & ;CC8 J9FM G9HG C: D9CD@9 HKC WANTED a Nest of Stag Minstrel O 7CB8=H=CB mahogany coffee tables in good C8M EI9GHF=5B #H9AG condition =FCK95F )IH@MB9 *FCH97H=CB Tel: 07944 -@=A -=N9 &415661 &58=9G 7A O ,9;I@5F <9GH CB $C8 CCHGunused I6@=B 2 x hP 5=@M INK*I@@ CARTRIDGES, 1CA9BG &95H<9F @57? brand new, both sealed-=N9 /% !CC8 7CB8=H=CB O 1 HP 57 black5:H9F 1 HP *' 28 4 colour £10 D<CB9 *@95G9 for pair FREEBIE pair of B&Q glass bedside O $ "' ) lights %wall 5B8 GHCB9 7C@CIF ,I7?G57? Tel: 079446@I9 415661 K=H< 6@57? HF=A @CHG C: 7CAD5FHA9BHG IBIG98 O hOTPOINT ICED DIAmOND 6@I9 fridge L @=B9FG 5AD=B; :C5A with small freezer compartment, 5B8 @CH '5F?G H<9 O 7C@CIF 7@95B98 8FM GI=H 8F9GG -D9B79F Excellent condition, 33 1/2” High x >57?9H K5=GH CB79 KCFB 21 1/2” width x 22” deep 7C@@5F 7<9GH K<=H9 G<=FH Phone 01245 763723 SWF or *CHH9F 9BBM O£457CAD@9H9 07796057218 7C::99 DCH O ,98 6@57? 1<99@ G<C9G G@=B; 657? GHM@9 :FCA 5=H< ;5A9 5B8 FG9B5@ 6C5F8LAThE OWOODWORK + turning 7CB8 IBIG98 <5F8657? plate and6CC? various chisels9L £45 ono :CF 6CH< !I=H5F "9FC O Tel: 01245 426987 <5F8@M IG98 O ;5A9 L6CL '98=5 ;6 <5F8 8F=J9 :CF 8G @=H9 8CA9 5BH9F6IFM OELECTRIC LOG*CHH9FM FIRE on legs, door .988=9G <9F=G<98are 8=G< openOand controls on side £10 C: A5?9F 'IA O $57?=9 Video Player six head Nican Hi/Fi A=F57@9G O &=66M AM 7CIBHFM £10 C: H<99 -H5HI9 C: &=69FHM H=G DisneyDFC;F5AA9G Video’s all kinds £2 each OWaltCCH65@@ =HM O FG9B5@ all <9@AG:CF8 DVD’s kinds £3 each O two :FCAwith G=B;@9G 5B8 F97CF8G &* One door wardrobe in white CF drawers 1ft 3” wide, 6’ long £10 Double bed head board:@CCF in grey @5A=B5H98 (metal) £5 :C5A IB89F@5M B9K GE :H K=H< .9@9 RICHARDS Premier 1700 OMORPHY Hoover £5 ) ! Wood, ( ! in !Brown ! Wall Clock DFC:9GG=CB5@ @57? "5K? =B Westmister Chime Daniak Dakota £5 KCF?=B; 9L79@@9BH GLEN Electric heater goes wall or 7<5=BG 5@@on K=H< 7CAD@9H9 7CB8=H=CB IG98 O <5F8@M 7@5ADG 5B8 stand on two legs £5 Home Comfort Thermostat electric £245 K=H< 656M "& ! #legs #fire on four Toshiba flatscreen television 32” O 7CB8=H=CB =B 9L79@@9BH G95H screen £25 Sony CD/DVD Player £12 9L79@@9BH 5F -95H " CD ' Panasonnic system with radio 7CB8=H=CB IG98 CB@M 5H and two Panasonic Speakers £10 !F5B8D5F9BHG "CIG9 OSet of two drawers brown wood £5 Electric trouser press with hanger for shirts £3 Leather two seater sofa in cream and black not been used £60 Tel: 07807886727 South Woodham Focus TRADE PAGES FIBERGLASS TWO PERSON CANOE ,4.8 METRES OR APROX 16 FEET LONG, VERY STABLE, COMES WITH PADDLES AND BOUYANCE AIDS MAY BE USFUL FOR GROUP ACTIVITIES , SCOUTS etc £50 BUYER COLLECTS. IT WILL GO ON A ROOF RACK. phone first. David 01245 324645 SILVER RENAULT CLIO for sale -£2,400 ONO, 05 Reg, 2.0 litre Full service history, 10 months MOT, Mileage - 67,345 Please call Connor on 07515021309 SILVER FORD FUSION 2 TDCi 1400cc diesel 5 door. With air con. £35 Yearly road tax. Insurance Group 7 55 REG. 60,000 Miles. MOT Jan 2017 Full service history. £1800 To view tel. 01245426414 0(/ %*!%*$ "./ *.," /%+*. "2 0%(!. %*/"* * " +*/- /. "./%*$ +1"-%*$ .."3 0--+0*!%*$ -" . +-' 4 0 (%#%"! - !".)"* 0((4 0 - */""! *.0-"! Tel: 01245 256319 FORD FIESTA FLIGhT, 2001, Yreg. 1.3L. 5-door. White. Manual. Petrol. Great runner. 93k miles. C/L. Alloy wheels. CD radio with aux input. Sunroof. 2 months MOT. Ideal first car. £450. 01245 323405. FORD FOCUS ESTATE Lx 1800 Diesel 2002, Petrol Blue, Very good condition, MoT August 2016, £650 ono Tel: 01245 320468 AUDI TT 2 litre, only 48K miles, 07 Reg on a private reg plate, Silver with full red leather interior. Recent service and long MoT in lovely condition throughout £7,950.00 Tel: 07443532127 / 01245 699540 Billboard/Billboard Motoring adverts are FREE and your advert will appear in the next available issue. Photo adverts cost £31 (plus VAT) and will appear in maximum 4 consecutive issues unless previously sold. Maximum 35 words. Please either email adverts to [email protected] or call in with them to the office at 7 Blackall Industrial Estate, Hamberts Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, CM3 5UW or call in with them to the Community Information Centre. FENCING SERVICES Install - Maintain - Repair All aspects of gates & fencing Local, fully registered company Clear & open pricing Removal of all waste material All work insured & guaranteed Free, written quotations Call Guy on 07597 601594 Email: [email protected] FRONTIER CONTRACTS LTD Aspen Tree Services All tree and hedge work undertaken Call Jay for free quotation Tel: 01245 401495 or MOBILE 07857 011737 TRADE PAGES - South TRADE PAGES - TRADE PAGES Woodham Focus + $ "* - *! (' ' %) $+ % " & - )* %) *"& -) * % ) (, " " &* & & "$ ) )" & * %b i"n&g & H e a*t"i&n g P l$u+m % "$ ' " $ () (( - $ &)* $$ *"'&) $ ( ( )#- '% Millmark Electrical Ltd domestic/Industrial/Commercial Installations Full or Part Rewires Fault Finding Update Consumer Units Electrical Safety Certs Emergency Lighting/Indoor/Outdoor Lighting Qualified CCTV Installations & Reworking FREE QUOTES Email: [email protected] ,* ) 01245-328805 (office) 07949 600966 ! W H #%* C2<6D Tel 01245 320314 @@C E 42C A> EST. 1981 )(,-+. -$)( ,$"( ( ,-+) -.+! .&-$/ +$/ 0 1, +$ %0)+% %$(" /$(" &) % ( $(" )( , ) % +$ , -$), + 21 * /$(" + / & " + (, - + ! -.+ , + ,,.+ 0 ,#$(" ,-$' - , + 01245 322163 or 07791744773 www.andrewwinglandscapes.co.uk % #!! )!& ( )$ ( % (!# % % ! #!! $ !# % "# )!& !# # #) ! " % % ' # $ % #!! $ $& %$ !( # !! $ % !! $ !( # !( #$ %)" $ ! % #!! &# %&# ' (!# & # % & ) $&# $% % )!&# ! % #!! $" $% ! FENCING SERVICES Install - Maintain - Repair Valley Builders 99 .@=20A@ <3 4.A2@ 32;06;4 &2:<C.9 <3 .99 D.@A2 :.A2?6.9 Building for the future, maintaining the past <0.9 3B99F ?246@A2?21 0<:=.;F 99 D<?8 6;@B?21 4B.?.;A221 Extension Specialists, Loft 92.? <=2; =?606;4 ?22conversions D?6AA2; >B<A.A6<;@and all General Building / Maintenance Work Call Guy on 07517474905 Small Jobs [email protected] Welcome • 40 years experience Email: Tel: Bob on 078014 39237 FRONTIER CONTRACTS LTD DDD A<;FAB?;2?@521@ 0< B8 ELECTRICIANS & GENERAL BUILDERS *Drain Work *Decorating *Coving *Rendering *New Windows *Double Glazing *Artex *Bathrooms Fitted *Tiling *Electrical Work *Insurance Work *Facias *Soffits *Roof Repairs *Plastering *Guttering *Plumbing *Chimney Stacks *Upvc Fascia *Soffit/ Cladding *Plans & Laminate / Hardwood Flooring *Lintels Fitted* Brickwork *Concrete Repairs *Kitchens Supplied & Fitted * Kitchen Alterations *Garage Conversions *Carpentry *Locks *Velux Windows *Scaffolding *Electrical Rewires *Electrical Fault Finding *Extra Sockets / Lights *New Fuse Boards *Radiators Renewed / Boilers Renewed. ALL INSURANCE WORK UNDERTAKEN 01245 410190 TRADE PAGES - TRADE PAGES - TRADE PAGES South Woodham Focus %# ! % # ! % % " &% "!$ " $ " ! % "# # % " % " " & $ #"&'%( ' #" 0)4%5!71 8 !2).1 8 %-#)-' 8 %#*)-' 8 30&)-' 8 0)#*5.0* 8 /! 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"$( !" & Computer Services $# $ We specialise in all aspects of: Landscaping, Foundations, Patios, Driveways Drainage, Full House Refurbishments & Extensions Upgrades, Virus Removal Hardware/Software Installation Advice and Basic Tuition. Mark Piesse Reasonable Rates. 01245 321514 For a Home Visit call: 07973 522412 [email protected] Tel: 07802 888829 or 01245 364362 ''' "# " % ' " # CJ APPLIANCES We repair: washing machines, dishwashers, tumble dryers, electric cookers electric ovens JOHN PRICE Reliable service ! % ! ! ! 20 years experience# $ ! ! 01245#" 225472 % $ 01245 - 320774 / 07546 397576 07800 819502 ! % # %# " &% "!$ " $ % " ! # % " % Based in South Woodham Ferrers and only minutes away from you. Natural Gas LPG Registered ! $ ! % # ! Call David on Mob: 07921 392515 Landline 01245 325814 NO CALL OUT CHARGE "
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