y - South Woodham Focus
y - South Woodham Focus
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Every care is taken by the publishers in compiling the contents of the South Woodham Focus, but no responsibility is assumed for any injury, loss or damage arising from any article or advertisement contained within the publication. The views expressed within this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. Alistair Black’s are currently buying Gold, Silver & Platinum Jewellery (Even Broken) GOOD QUALITY WRIST/POCKET WATCHES DIAMOND - RINGS/ PENDANTS/ BRACELETS ALSO GOLD COINS ANY AMOUNT N O W EVEN H I G H E R PR ICES INSTANT CASH (Proof of identity required) D O N ’ T B E F O O L E D B Y P O S TA L C O M PA N I E S P R I C E S Queen Elizabeth II Square, (Next to Asda’s Sth Woodham). Tel: 01245 322334 See us on Facebook - alistair-Black-Jewellers 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 10:50 Page 4 4 South Woodham Focus FOuNd taBBy Cat. Jas Sambi mSSCh mBCha rmaNm HPC School of Surgical Chiropody Registered with the Health Professions Council and The British Chiropody & Podiatry Association The British Chiropody Association CHIROPODIST / PODIATRIST REFLEXOLOGIST & Holistic tHerapist 3 Roding Leigh, South Woodham Ferrers CM3 5JZ www.jassambi.co.uk Tel: 01245 323703 or 07979 060786 ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC Clinic Opening Times: Mon/Tue 9.00 – 8.00pm Wed 3.00 – 8.00pm Thur 9.00 – 8.00pm Fri 9.00 – 7.00pm 01245 325037 www.essexphysio.co.uk 7 King Edwards Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5PQ Airport Transfer Specialists 24 Hour Chauffeur-bus Have you lost your large Tabby Cat? He's a beautiful boy, a neutered male. Long legged, very handsome and friendly. He's a dark tabby with all the usual rings on his body. He started coming, under the cover of darkness to start with, but now never leaves. This has happened over the past week or so. We think he's gorgeous, but worry that someone may be missing him. I've left a description of him at all the local vets too. If he sounds like your big boy, give us a call on 01245-324283, thank you. Leslie SOUTH WOODHAM FLOWER CLUB This is a reminder to all our members that the first meeting of the year will take place at the WI Hall, Guys Farm Road, on the 13th February, at 7.30pm for 8 pm, commencing with the Annual General Meeting. After which there be a short talk by Kathy Stangaard, illustrated with some flower designs. Any visitors who are interested will be most welcome. Margaret Locke, Publicity Cars, mPV’s and minibuses • Airports • Cruise Terminals • Eurostar Stations airport Specialists since 1998 01245 328030 or 01621 828356 www.chauffeurbuschelmsford.co.uk www.chauffeurbuswickford.co.uk LOST BRACELET Silver coloured bracelet with heart charm and T-bar. Lost between Wednesday 22nd and Saturday 25th January, whilst walking from Clements Green Lane, though Inchbonnie Road and Ferrers Road (near Ford Dovercourt). The bracelet is of high sentimental value and its safe return will be very much appreciated. Please call Focus office if you have found it on: 01245 426555 Email: [email protected] tEl: 01245 426555 TIDE TABLES JANUARY 2014 29th Wed 30th Thu 31st Fri a.m. 11:12 ---00:43 mtrs 5.10 --5.40 p.m. 23:48 12:13 13:06 mtrs 5.13 5.40 5.64 February 2014 1st Sat 2nd Sun 3rd Mon 4th Tue 5th Wed 6th Thu 7th Fri 8th Sat 9th Sun a.m. 01:30 02:14 02:55 03:35 04:13 04:52 05:37 06:35 07:52 mtrs 5.62 5.76 5.79 5.69 5.48 5.19 4.85 4.50 4.26 p.m. 13:53 14:38 15:19 15:58 16:37 17:20 18:08 19:13 20:44 mtrs 5.78 5.78 5.65 5.41 5.10 4.78 4.46 4.21 4.17 focus 630 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 14:56 Page 5 $*( South Woodham Focus 5 Danbury proofreader celebrates his third anniversary Paul Churchouse celebrates the third anniversary of his proofreading business this month. If you need a book, magazine or article checked for spelling, punctuation and grammar before publication, Paul would be pleased to help. Or you may even want a new website or webpage checked before going live. Paul J King FUNERAL DIRECTORS A family-run firm, caring at your time of need 01245 321866 (24 HRS) 5 Guild Way, CM3 5TG Memorial Consultants Pre-payment Plans Chapel of Rest Horse-drawn funerals Home Arrangements Bereavement Support Green Funerals www.pauljking.com Please contact him on 01245 227426 to discuss or why not take look at his website www.paulchurchouse.co.uk. Blackwater Will Writing Company Have your will prepared in the comfort of your own home. Single Will £49.99 — Mirror Wills (for couples) £79.98 01621 744984 Don’t put it off any longer !!!!!! Regulated by The Society of Will Writers Hair by Nicola Topham ( '( ( # "( &" ( #" " %) ' " "% ##" !' !' *$ & " # #)&' (! , !'& ##" !' ) focus 630 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 15:20 Page 6 South Woodham Focus 6 Qualified POdiaTRiSTChiROPOdiST Manuela PiPe MSSCh dipPodMed MBCha Diploma in Podiatric Medicine Registered Member of The British Chiropody & Podiatry Association & Hpc Verrucae – ingrowing toenails – Corns – Callouses nail diseases – fungal infections & General footcare Sports injuries & Specializes in custom made!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orthotics Surgery: 18, Middleton Row (off Benbow Drive), SWF for an appointment telephone 01245 322 766 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " South Woodham Ferrers ! Rotary Sleigh ! ! ! ! ! South Woodham Ferrers Rotary Club wishes to thank everyone who contributed to our collection with the Christmas Sleigh both around the streets and outside ASDA during the run up to ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Christmas. driving you to airports, restaurants, clubs, theatres or Sensible prices-quality service [email protected] ! # ! ! Some ! £8500 ! was collected !6 and ! we! will be supporting ! 2 charities ! ! swf limited % anywhere! ! ! as below:! ! ! ! ! ! ! 327701 ! Little Havens Childrens Hospice £3000 !Inner ! Wheel £1,902.94 ! ! SWF Cadet Corps £250 FREE ! Collection / Delivery Service SWF ! ! ! ! ! We are grateful !!!!?LAB! ! for the support we receive and we cannot do it without your support. ! CYCLE REPAIRS Don’t forget " ! !!!! !!!!?IBB! ! if you would like to join us with any of your events Wheel truing. Punctures, Gear setting. Any type of Cycle. Cycle Repairs Repairs to Electric Bikes. Cycle servicing Comprehensive range of Cycle/Car accessories Accessories/parts in stock. 18 Years Experience 5 Years serving SWF E ! STEVE Tel: 07813 955190 ! remainder !of the money will be saved in the Clubs Charity !!!The 1!!!?IJKBL>KM! Trust Fund to be used during the year. ! & " ! SWF Scouts £100 Lisa ! Kelly and ! ASDA Charities !!!!?GBBB!!£250 Facets Ambulance and First Aid £250 ! H you can join as a full member or an associate member. For more details send an email via our “Contact Us” page on our website www.swfrotaryclub.co.uk ! ! ! B! ! Tony Graham Rotary! PRO! ! ! !!! !!!?LAB!! Open Mon-Sat 9.00 to 5.30pm O ! ) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !6 ! Barn ! ! ! ! Charity Dance $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Saturday 5th April 2014 Woodham Walter ! ! !Village Hall! CM9!6RE! ! ! ! !6 ! ! ! ! ! ! 7.30 - 11.00pm ! ! ! ! ! ! !0 ! ! ! ! ! ! Ticket £7 bring own food and drink ! !!!!6 Live music by Metric Footband Details: 01621 859202 Sale tables available in February The next South Hanningfield Village Hall Indoor Table Top Sale will be on Sunday, 23rd February 2014. There are still a few stall tables available. Various stalls include bric-a-brac, second hand goods and some new goods. Doors open at 10am to the public (sellers 9am). off all bathroomare and sanitaryw ! Barn Dance raising funds for Helen Rollason Cancer Charity ! - ! ! ! ! ! ! 20% discount ! ! Refreshments will be available. For further information and to book a table from £5, contact Clive on: 07891 653238 ! ! ! ! ! focus 630 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 09:36 Page 7 South Woodham Focus 7 Lisa Wren goes to new salon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ew London Haircutters, would like to welcome Lisa Wren to our friendly professional team. %)B608/FA)?60?560<)?50FF5)M26)@0=015675;)5F106;517@0N) /21)8:??06)37FF)J0)?62@7<0<()J:1)A2:)37FF);00<)12) J67;=)A2:6)23;)F7O:7<)60B608/C0;18K) EMAIL: [email protected] */0)D281)2B)1/0)0@0;7;=)78)PGKQR)?06)?0682;)?5A5JF0) 2;)1/0);7=/1K)E230@06()7;)26<06)12)?F5;)B22<) 60O:760C0;18()?210;175F)?561A=2068)8/2:F<)J22S)JA) D2;15D17;=)#2F7;)2;)RITHI)UHUQRQ) WWW.SWFOCUS.CO.Uk 7 BLACkALL Ind EStAtE, HAMBErtS rOAd, SOUtH WOOdHAM FErrErS CM3 5UW INDEPENDENT LADIES BOUTIQUE SELLING THE BEST IN FASHIONABLE CLOTHES, SHOES & ACCESSORIES IN SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS WE ARE 11 HERALDS WAY (JUST NEXT TO NATWEST), SWF, CM3 5TQ TEL: 01245 328488 [email protected] BooBoutiqueSWF BooBoutiqueFashion BooBoutiqueSWF OPEN MON-FRI 9-5PM SAT 9.30-5.30PM 632 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 16:41 Page 8 8 South Woodham Focus The Holistic Centre for natural healing and well-being Homeopathy & Food Intolerance/Allergy Testing Jan Taylor ACH, RSHom, Dip AIT 01245 325312 www.essex-homeopathy.co.uk Counselling Hypnotherapy & Psychoanalysis Jaina Bloxsidge Ad.Dip CP, Dip HYP CS 01245-225583 www.mindspring.co.uk Osteopathy & Cranial Osteopathy Graham Hiscott BSc Ost. DO Registered Osteopath 01702 584400 www.grahamhiscott.co.uk All practitioners will speak to you personally on their above telephone numbers. 100 Haltwhistle Road South Woodham Ferrers Chelmsford Essex CM3 5ZF Ask Graham Registered Osteopath Graham Hiscott, Registered Osteopath at the Holistic Centre answers here some typical patient questions. Q-neck and shoulder pain I have been suffering with a stiff and painful neck, and now my shoulder has also become painful. I think it may be related to my posture. Can you assess this type of problem and can osteopathy help? Answer I treat patients with painful neck and shoulder problems frequently in my practice. This type of condition is often found to be related to postural problems of the neck and spine. Postural problems can be the result of accumulated strain, minor injuries and - often seen in teenagers – poor postural habits. Although Osteopaths see a wide range of conditions, many of my consultations do concern those patients suffering with spine and neck related problems and are often associated with shoulder, elbow and arm pain. Common problems Graham treats include – Hewes Security is a privately owned specialist security company who have systems and products for the corporate, small business and domestic environments and have served the community for over years. Posture related problems Neck pain and stiffness Joint and muscle problems Back ache and low back pain • Police registered installer • NSI Gold NACOSS (National Approved Council for Security Systems) approved installer of intruder alarms, CCTV and access control systems. To arrange an appointment or to find out more, please contact Graham On: • We can offer all types of Graded intruder alarm systems and offer both wired and wire-less systems. Find us on Facebook “SECURE IN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU’RE IN SAFE HANDS” For a free no obligation quotation please contact: For all Advertising & Print Requirements Contact POINT GRAPHICS LTD 21C HIGH STREET, MALDON, ESSEX CM9 5PE www.itsaseasyas123.co.uk Tel: 01621 858849 www.thebusinessguide.co.uk Telephone – 01702 584400 www.grahamhiscott.co.uk SIMPLY HEALTH & AXA-PPP Healthcare Provider When in doubt always seek the help of a medical professional. W be o 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 11:49 Page 9 South Woodham Focus 9 focus 630 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 15:53 Page 10 South Woodham Focus 10 Desk to rent within office/shop location in South Woodham Ferrers occupied by Mortgage Broker & Estate Agent. Would ideally suit a Financial Adviser or Will Writer due to our extensive customer base. Please call Glen on 07734055833. William de Ferrers Students succeed in the ‘Real Business Challenge’ Creating an idea for a healthy new fruit drink has earned students from the William de Ferrers School a place in the regional round of an enterprise competition being held in February. Team Capital, consists of eight students from Year 10 and will be heading off at 6.15am to Norwich City Football Club on Monday 10th February for the next stage in Coca-Cola's Real Business Challenge competition. To rent Furnished Room When coming up with the plan for a new brand of healthy fruit juice, the team had to consider sustainability, a target market, and choose a charity to support. They created an in-depth business plan along with an entertaining advertisement film highlighting their healthy drink. 07860 168051 COME & VISIT our newly refurbished bar & restaurant Exciting New Dishes from award winning chef! Carvery midweek £4.95 W/ends from £5.95 Go large for only £2 They competed against seven other teams in their school to be chosen by teachers to have their entry put forward for the competition. Coca-Cola then chose them to attend the East Anglian Regional Finals. Each of the eight team members were assigned a company role. Harry Watkin, creative director, said: "I found my job fun, although it had its challenges as the image of the product rested on my shoulders. I am pleased that it turned out just as we had imagined it. The Real Business Challenge has given us all a clear insight into the business world." (choice of 4 meats on Sundays) James Gilroy, marketing manager, added: "I have learnt so much and now understand the importance of brand identity within a business." The glasshouse restaurant presents 2 Courses £10.95 3 Courses £12.95 Mon - Sun lunchtime & evenings SPECIAL - Full A la Carte menu available VALENTINES MEAL NOW LICENSED FOR £39.90 per couple inc. welcome glass of CIVIL WEDDINGS prosecco & Megan Jones, finance director, also added: "I have learnt a lot more than I expected. I've become good friends with everyone I worked with. It made me realise that finance could be something I would be interested in a career in, which I had never considered before and I realised I love working with others. Why not hire our Marquee for that red rose for the ladies special occasion. Can comfortably accommodate 60 people or can be extended for up to 200 people. Free Hire Mon-Thurs, Weekends from £250 conditions apply WHAT’S ON Quiz every Wednesday starts at 8.15 Traditional Jazz every Tuesday Karaoke every Sunday The other team members are Aaron Grace, Charlotte Fossett, Kristian Donnelle, Crystal Oliver and Harriet Bottrill. ENTERTAINMENT Live Bands last Friday of every month 31st Jan Graffitti Hotel roo ms available! Mrs Yvonne McAuley, teacher of Applied Business commented “I am delighted with the achievements of our Year 10 Applied Business group. The competition gives students an opportunity to develop enterprise skills that will give them a competitive edge in the ever-changing world of business. We are all looking forward to the regional finals and wish them every success" Picture left to right: Crystal Oliver, Harriet Bottrill, Charlotte Fossett, Harry Watkin, Aaron Grace, Megan Jones, James Gilroy and Kristian Donnelly 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:14 Page 11 11 South Woodham Focus South Woodham Ferrers £465,000 Five bedroom detached property occupying a good size plot and situated in this sought after and frequently requested road. The property benefits from an unoverlooked south facing 60ft rear garden, ensuite to master bedroom, dining room, re-fitted kitchen, double glazed windows and block paved driveway provided parking for several vehicles. Call to view 01245 492424 South Woodham Ferrers £500,000 An opportunity to acquire in this highly sought after Cul De Sac this individually designed and built Four bedroom three reception detached family home with double garage, sitting on this generous plot measuring approximately 180ft by 45ft. The property is ideally centrally located for the town centre and within three quarters of a mile of the station. Call to view 01245 492424 South Woodham Ferrers £300,000 Well presented extended four bedroom three reception roomed detached house, which boasts re-fitted kitchen, refitted bathroom, large double glazed conservatory. The property is conveniently located for Fenn Creek with its magnificent river walks and great access into the town centre. Call to view 01245 492424 South Woodham Ferrers £325,000 Super four bedroom detached house is presented to an excellent standard throughout and features a spacious Lounge with separate dining room, a large modern kitchen, WC and and En suite to master bedroom. Also benefitting from a garage and a good sized rear garden. It really must be seen to appreciate the size and quality of the property. Call to view 01245 492424 4 8 ' focus 630 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 16:43 Page 12 South Woodham Focus 12 A treasured historic asset the Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation MALDON CONSTITUENCY IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM JOHN WHITTINGDALE OBE MP Will be holding... ADVICE BUREAUX FRIDAY 28th FEBRUARY - 5.00pm SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS CLUB WOODHAM 5 - 7 BARON ROAD SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS CM3 5XQ RING 01621 855663 FOR AN APPOINTMENT ! % ! & ! ! & ! " ! & " & " ! ! ! & " " & $! " ! ! ! ! # # ! $ & $ ! "! & " # ! # ! ! " $ ! ! ! & " $ " ' $ ! # $ $ ! ! $ & "! ! ! $ ! ! ! ! ! $! "! ! " Today the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation provides an attractive 14-mile recreation corridor serving ramblers, natural history enthusiasts, fishermen, and boat users - as well as those who might just want to relax with a nice cup of tea and watch the world go by at places like Paper Mill Lock. The navigation incorporates 13 locks, has a towpath throughout its length and runs from Springfield Lock in Chelmsford to the sea lock at Heybridge Basin near Maldon. It was opened in 1797 and at its peak it was carrying 60,000 tons of goods traffic each year. When commercial goods traffic ceased in 1972 leisure pursuits were encouraged but all was not plain sailing: soon many locks were N broken or in a bad state of repair and, after surviving for more than 200 years, the original Navigation Company collapsed in 2003. Now all locks are in full working order and the navigation is managed by Essex Waterways Ltd.- a company formed as a subsidiary of the Inland Waterways Association. The South Woodham Ferrers Local History Society is delighted that Essex Waterway’s hard-working chairman Roy Chandler has agreed to give a presentation at the Society’s next meeting. His talk ‘The Chelmer & Blackwater Navigation: Its Recent History’ will concentrate on what Essex Waterways has been able to achieve in the last 20 years or so. The evening should give a valuable insight into the practical outworking of a project with a significant local history interest and will provide an interesting new perspective for any ramblers, natural history enthusiasts, fishermen, boat users - and tea drinkers - who may already enjoy what this treasured local asset has to offer... The talk will take place at 8pm on Wednesday 5th February at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre, Hullbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers CM3 5LJ. Visitors are very welcome to attend (admission £3). The event is free for Members of the South Woodham Ferrers Local History Society (subscription £12 per annum). Enquiries: 321518 After-eight Social Club present hand clapping, foot stomping, funky and live at Maldon Town Hall ‘Down Home Jazz Band’ 5 + $"*. #"* ! &) (''%) & )*+ " ) Saturday 15th February Admission: £8 members, £10 non members Doors open 8pm No bar so bring your own drinks & nibbles! (" # " $ ) ' '+*! '' ! % )) ,,, )! *) +(.!'+) ' +# (( () For further information call Mike on 01621 856219 You can find us at www.aftereightsocialclub.co.uk focus 630 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:02 Page 13 South Woodham Focus 13 Save the Date for the Chelmsford Marathon! Could Chelmsford be hosting the most scenic marathon in the South East? The J’s Hospice are delighted to announce the date of the very first Chelmsford Marathon - to be held on Sunday 19th October 2014! Essex boasts some of the flattest and most beautiful scenery in the UK, attracting runners of all levels, and the Chelmsford Marathon promises to establish itself as a unique race not to miss in the running calendar With a route that takes runners through five of Chelmsford’s most beautiful parks; Central Park - where the Marathon begins - through Admirals Park, Tower Gardens, Bellmead Park and the award-winning grounds of Hylands Park, via the picturesque village of Writtle, the route showcases some of the best of Essex countryside. The idea for a Chelmsford Marathon was generated from some very keen interest and demand from local running enthusiasts who could see the need for The J’s Hospice to showcase Chelmsford’s new ‘city’ status and our beautiful parkland. Over six months of planning, discussions and consultation have brought us to the point of launching the Marathon with the enthusiastic approval and backing of local authorities. Dominique Brunning, Fundraising Manager at The J’s Hospice had the following to say: “We wouldn’t have got to this point without the support of the local community - everyone has recognised this as a unique opportunity; not just runners but the general public have taken the idea - and run with it!” Potential Marathon runners can register online or using dedicated leaflets from Tuesday 25th February - keep the date in your diary! Entry costs just £28 per person, but of course we’re hoping that runners will raise their own sponsorship for a very worthy cause. This event will raise much-needed funds for The J’s Hospice as well as creating a lasting legacy for the City of Chelmsford of a successful marathon that can grow year on year, bringing visitors to the city and highlighting all that the city has to offer. You can register to take part in the Chelmsford Marathon online by visiting www.thejshospice.org.uk from 25th February or call The J’s on 01245 475474 to request a registration form to be sent to you. Beginners FREE First Month lll# h e^ cVa X Vg ZX Zci g Z# X d# j` 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:24 Page 14 14 South Woodham Focus Be Best st Friends Friends V Vets ets outh Wo odham F errers South S Woodham Ferrers Neutering Neutering from £22.99 2.99 for cats ats & £83.99 ffo for dogs ogs or d Free Post Op pC Check heck ost O Included Included T: 01245 1245 3 321 21 7 717 17 T: 0 59 59 Hullbridge Hullbridge R Road oad South Woodham odham F Ferrers errers South Wo C CM3 M3 5 5NH NH Open: Mon – Fri 9 9am 7pm pm & S Sat at 2 – 5 5pm pm am – 7 p * Conservatories * Windows & Doors inc Fascias & Soffits * Up and Over Garage Doors * Integral Blinds CANE FURNITURE SUITES FROM £640 Pets Corner: Cold Weather Tips for Pet Owners Part 2 Below is the final part of our cold weather tips article, if you have any tips you’d like to share with other pet owners, please feel free to post them on our Facebook page. Increase ambient temperature in reptile tanks or move away from windows and doors Outside guinea pigs should be moved indoors for the winter months and you may want to consider moving outside rabbits into sheds or garages, plus you should always increase the amount of hay in your rabbits bedding area during winter. You can prevent water bottles from freezing by purchasing specially designed protective covers, however you should still inspect the spout daily for blockages Gritted paths and roads can cause contact allergies and make animals ill if the grit is consumed, so if you know your pet comes into contact with grit you should ensure you bathe their paws or protect them against contact using paw covers/boots. Keep antifreeze well out of your pets reach as it tastes delicious to them, but is deadly. Owners of chickens should check water is available and not frozen frequently, as well as increase the amount of bedding available. Reduce any drafts in the coop and if your chicken coop is portable move it to a sunny spot to get the day time sun over winter. Like other hutched animals chickens will also benefit from having their coop covered with a blanket or piece of carpet. Best Friends Vets South Woodham Ferrers Is your wardrobe too full? dŽŚĞůƉdŚĞ:͛ƐĐŽŶƚŝŶƵĞŽƵƌǀŝƚĂůǁŽƌŬ͕ƉůĞĂƐĞDONATE your old clothes, shoes, handbags, books, CDs, DVDs and bric-a-brac to The J's! HOW TO DONATE: Drop items off on Sunday 2nd February between 10:00am Ͷ 14:00pm At:The County Hotel, Chelmsford, Essex , CM1 2PZ Call us to arrange a collection on 01245 475474 Visit our website; www.thejshospice.org.uk to donate money directly & & & & & & & & & & & & 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:24 Page 15 & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & && & & & & & 15 South Woodham Focus JAMIE WILLIAMS & THE ROOTS COLLECTIVE PRE ALBUM LAUNCH GIG AT THE ALE HOUSE Jamie Williams & the Roots Collective are making a rare home town appearance at the Ale House in Chelmsford on 1st February in support of their new album DUG DEEP, FOUND STEEL which is due for release on 3rd March. NOW OPEN SUNDAY’S 10AM to 4PM Jamie Williams & the Roots Collective love playing live & 2014 will see them playing the Broadstairs Blues Bash in February; Cosmic& Puffin; Cambridge Rock Festival & the British Stage at the 25th Colne Great British R&B Festival, with more to be announced soon. Their next local gig will be at the legendary Railway Hotel in Southend, home to Wilko Johnson amongst others on Sunday 2nd March. DUG DEEP, FOUND STEEL their 3rd album in 4 years will be available on Amazon & iTunes as well as for download. The album was recorded at Saint Studios in Burnham on Crouch & was produced by local legend Pete Crisp who captured the essence of their live performances, delivering an earthy, gritty collection of songs chronicling life’s vagaries both happy & sad. The band comprises Jamie on lead vocals, rhythm guitar/mandolin; Lizzie B on vocals/acoustic guitar; Chris Found on lead guitar; Kev ‘the Rock’ Warner on bass, ‘Charity’ Nick Garner on harmonica and not forgetting Dan Mills on drums. There’s certainly an Americana feel to the music, as though the band were born & raised on the Delta... it’s groovy, it’s rocking” Firebrand Magazine “a gritty sound that made me think of the sound of The Kinks of the mid-sixties (or imagine The Feelgoods with acoustic guitars)” - Blues In the North West For more information and the latest tour dates, please visit http://www.jwroots.co.uk ! ! NEWLY REFURBISHED F focus 630 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 11:09 Page 16 South Woodham Focus 16 COME AND JOIN US GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LOCAL ENVIRONMENT Why not come and join our band of conservation volunteers on Woodham Fenn on Sunday, 9th February? Normally we meet on the first Sunday in the month but that is not possible this month. We are a very friendly group of local residents, both men and women, working to keep the Fenn a great place for people to visit and enjoy. The work mainly comprises cutting and burning blackthorn. Where else can you have a bonfire these days? Don’t forget to wear old clothes and bring some strong gloves - blackthorn is well named!! However if you don’t have the gloves we do have some for you and all tools are provided. We meet at the small car park adjacent to the Civic Amenity Site at 9.30 and usually pack up about 12.30. For more 01245 321364 information phone Sam on or visit www.essexinfo.net/woodham-fenn-volunteers/. Woodham Fenn is a nature reserve on the edge of the town maintained for the benefit of the wildlife and as an open space for the benefit of residents but it does need constant maintenance part carried out by contractors but a lot done by volunteers. Please come along and enjoy a morning working in the fresh air with a new group of friends for the benefit of the town and wildlife. You will have a great time. 3.3 Ez steps to getg youry online quote . ( (supplied li d & iinstalled installed lled in10days) www.Ez2ownwindows.co.uk .Ez2ow E2 Vertical sliders M e a ce free weatherboarding 288 coou Ma colourss Call Kelly on C The Fenn Volunteers joined other residents on 12th January at Salthaven Community Orchard to help plant a hedge and additional fruit trees and, yet again, the sun shone on us - we must be doing something right. For more information about the orchard visit www.essexinfo.net/swfvolunteers/ 632 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 14:57 Page 17 17 South Woodham Focus TOWN COUNCIL NEWS RIVERSIDE FOOTPATH Following the completion of the footpath along the riverfront by the Town Council some months ago, it is very pleasing to see the area being used in all types of weather by a number of people, young and old. If you are looking for somewhere to walk, take the children or pets out then look no further than the riverside footpath at the end of Marsh Farm Road. If you are travelling by car there is a small car park available, free of charge. There are spectacular views over the River Crouch and a number of seats provided by the Town Council for a well earned rest as well as a picnic benches to enjoy your own light refreshments. DOG FOUL We receive many enquiries regarding the amount of dog foul both on the pavement and green areas in the town. Please remember that if you are a dog owner, you are responsible for disposing of any foul left by your animal. There are a large number of dog foul bins situated within the town provided by the Town Council and Chelmsford City Council. Also provided by both Councils, FREE of charge are dog foul bags. These can be obtained from the Town Council office, first floor at Champions Manor Hall in Hullbridge Road and the Customer Service Centre in the town centre. Please lets try and make the town a cleaner and safer environment for everybody to enjoy by acting responsibly. ANNUAL TOWN MEETING – Tuesday 8 April 2014 Each year we host the meeting for the town to hear what many local organisation have been up to and to consider any major issues we all face. This year we have two very interesting speakers lined up and expect to have a good number of local community groups and clubs attending with their displays. If your group would like to be involved or if you need more information about the meeting, please contact the Town Council on 01245 321817 or email us at; [email protected]. Look out for more details nearer the event. CUSTOMER SERVICE CENTRE (Chelmsford City Council) At a recent meeting of the Town Council’s Leisure and Community Committee additional services for the Customer Service Centre based in the town centre which is operated by Chelmsford City Council were discussed and the Committee has agreed to recommend the following to the City Council: Amended directional signage for the building to read ‘Customer Service Centre’, Benefits service – being able to sign-on, availability of bus and train timetables, information available on tourism for the surrounding areas, information on local club/societies and services, improvements to customer service skills including empathy with customers, a larger area for community notices, hold volunteer days. If there are any other additional services which residents feel could be provided then please contact the Town Council with your comments. RECYCLING BAGS The Town Council holds a supply of recycling sacks for plastic, paper and cardboard waste. Please call in to collect these from the first floor office at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre in Hullbridge Road. CHAMPIONS HALL COMMUNITY CENTRE – hiring facilities Are you looking for a venue for your club or organisation either as a one off or a regular hire? The Main Hall and Multi Purpose Room are ideal for family celebrations, quiz nights, etc. with the Conference Room and Meeting Room on the first floor suitable for training events and conferences. Fully air conditioned with AV equipment for slideshows and playing of music, kitchen facilities available and free Wi Fi – good hiring rates. For further information or a guided tour of the building, contact the Town Council office on 01245 321817 or email [email protected] PARKING ON GRASS VERGES The Town Council has received several complaints recently regarding vehicles that are parking on the grass verges within the town. This action causes damage to the grass and has a detrimental effect on the area. Registration numbers are recorded of the offending vehicles and then passed onto the Police for the appropriate action to be taken. PLANNING APPLICATIONS One of the roles of the Town Council is as a consultee in the planning process. The following planning applications are due to be considered at the next meeting of the Town Council’s Environment and Planning Committee being held on 4 February 2014: 38 to 50 Reeves Way – Change of use of restaurant into 2no self contained 2 bedroom flats. Refurbish existing 2 bedroom flats & convert studio flats into 2 bedroom flats. Change of use of shop into management company office. 135 Hullbridge Road – extension to existing dropped kerb 38 Drywoods single storey rear extension and first floor side extension 6 Raymonds Close – first floor extension over existing garage and change to roof over existing rear extension 24 Carron Mead – single storey side infill extension and conversion of garage to form breakfast room and utility 14 Creekview Road – T1 Maple immediately in front of house crown reduce by 2m maximum, cutting to suitable growing points and leaving natural shape, crown lift small branches to 2m from ground level, taking back to branch collar, lateral growing towards garage - remove 2 x small sub-laterals house side and 2 x small sub laterals overhanging pavement back to branch collar EVENTS DIARY – ARE YOU HOLDING AN EVENT? All local groups, club and organisations please let us know if you are holding an event this year and we can help you publicise it on our EVENTS DIARY. Email or bring in the information to the Town Council office and we will upload the information to our web site. This also helps if you are planning an event to avoid any clashes of dates. Please contact the Town Council office by phone 01245 321817 or email [email protected]. WEBSITE The Town Council’s website is www.southwoodhamferrerstc.gov.uk. Latest News - here can be found useful items relating to the Town regarding services and facilities. There is also a complete list of all regular bookings at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre. If you operate a club and are listed on the Organisations Directory could you please check your listing and advise us of any alterations. CONTACT US If you need to contact the Town Council the details are as follows: Telephone – 01245 321817, email – [email protected] Opening Hours are – Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 4.30pm. We are situated at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre in Hullbridge Road on the first floor (lift available). Your Town Councillors can play a vital part in representing the interests of the community and improve the quality of life and the local environment. Full details of Town Councillors and the Wards they represent can be found on the Town Council’s website detailed above. All Town Councillors can be contacted via email [email protected] DATES FOR YOUR DIARY – Meetings of the Town Council Tuesday 4 February 2014, 8pm Tuesday 11 February 2014, 8pm Tuesday 25 February 2014, 8pm Environment and Planning Committee Policy and Resources Committee Council All meetings of the Council and its Committees are open to the public and take place at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre, Hullbridge Road. Agendas are displayed on the notice board in Champions Manor Hall Community Centre and are available at the Library, Trinity Square for three days before the meeting. Agendas and Minutes may also be viewed on the Town Council’s website or viewed at the Town Council Office at Champions Manor Hall Community Centre. Birthday's Focus 632_Layout 1 27/01/2014 14:24 Page 1 Happy 8th Birthday Leah for 30th January 2014!! Have a great time and love you loads, lots of love from Mummy, Daddy & all your family xxxx Look who's 21 Happy Birthday Scott Lots of love Mum, Dad & Karl xxx Michelle + Liz Happy Birthday for the 19th January. Lots of love from all your family xxxx Drew Bowdidge would like to say a big thank you to all his friends for coming to his party and for all his lovely presents. Happy 6th Birthday Charlie Bigs. Lots of love, hugs and kisses Elsie Small, Mummy and Daddy x x x x Wishing our hyper Jade a fabulous 12th Birthday! 12 going on 17! Lots of love, everyone! xoxo Happy 5th Birthday to our gorgeous Charlie!! We love you lots and lots, Mummy, Daddy, Harry & Ruby xxxxxxxxx Happy 65th Birthday to our beautiful Nanny Jackie. Lots of love Jay & Calum xx Happy Birthday to our beautiful girl Evelyn on the 26th Jan, we love you lots & lots, from Mummy, Daddy, Nathan & Frankie xxxx Tom Harrison - Happy 70th Birthday Grandad. Lots of love Ben & Emilia and all your family & friends xx Happy 12th Birthday Samuel Love from all of "us" xx Happy 1st Birthday to our beautiful little rascal Ruby Brock for the 23rd January. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy, Lucas and all the family xxxxx Happy Sweet 16!! Happy Birthday Charlotte on 1st February. Love Mum, Dad, Jack & Nan xxxx Happy 10th Birthday to our beautiful Jacob! We love you so much, from Mummy and Daddy xxxx Happy "10th" Birthday to Harvey, with all our love, from Mum, Dad and Nathan xxx Happy 2nd Birthday to our gorgeous girl Mya for the 4th of Feb. Love you loads baby girl! Love Mummy, Daddy and big bro Freddie xxxxxxxxxxxx Birthday's Focus 632_Layout 1 27/01/2014 14:25 Page 2 Happy Birthday Millie! Lots of love from Mummy, Daddy, Maisie, Nanny and Rich xxx Happy 5th Birthday Jamie for the 3rd February. Hope you have a great day. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy and Emily xxxx Happy 1st Birthday to our little hamster William for the 30th Jan! Where has that year gone! Love Mummy, Daddy and big brother Edward xx Happy 5th Birthday to our gorgeous little girl Jessica. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy, Ollie and Maddie xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx Happy 10th Birthday to our dear grandaughter Lily for the 19th January, hope you had a lovely day darling. Lots of love and kisses, love you lots Nannie & Grandad xxxx Happy 10th Birthday to our beautiful daughter Claudia! Hope you have a fabulous time. With all our love from, Mummy, Daddy and Cameron xxx Edward, have a great time at your next visit to Upton Park on the 1st Feb! Singing Bubbles again! Love Mummy, Daddy and William! X Toby Arnett Congratulations on your 21st Birthday and enjoy your special day darling. We love you lots, from all your loving family xxx Happy 9th Birthday to our beautiful daughter Tia. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy & Morgan xxx Happy Birthday Mum. With love from all your family xxx CONGRATULATIONS & BIRTHDAYS Please either email messages and photographs to [email protected] or call in with them to the office at: 7 Blackall Industrial Estate, Hamberts Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, CM3 5UW. Messages must be with us by 5pm on the Friday before the issue you wish it to be published in. Pictures can be collected following publication. Due to limited space please may we ask that you reduce multiple messages and photographs down to one photograph per person. If multiple messages and photographs are received, we will condense them down to one. 632 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 15:11 Page 20 20 South Woodham Focus SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS IS DEMENTED! South Woodham Ferrers is a hive of madness! There is still a terrible stigma about mental illness and such headlines don’t help, although we know they’d never appear in our wonderful weekly magazine, South Woodham Focus. Sadly the number of people suffering from dementia is growing and many of our families are touched by this terrible condition. So SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS HEALTHCARE 2000 GROUP IS DEVOTING ITS NEXT PUBLIC MEETING TO THE SUBJECT OF DEMENTIA 1230-1400 ON TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY 2014 IN CLUB WOODHAM, BARON ROAD, CM3 5XQ INCLUDING A FREE HEALTHY BUFFET LUNCH Our speakers will be: · North Essex Partnership Foundation Trust [our local mental health provider] will explain the different types of dementia and deliver a short ‘Dementia Friends’ practical session of tips for helping care for people suffering with dementia; · The Alzheimer’s Society about aspects of this particular form of dementia, treatments and care options; and · Action for Family Carers about support for those caring for people suffering from Dementia. There will be a Question & Answer session with the panel of speakers. If wanted, looking at the healthcare implications, there will also be a short opportunity which may run until 1415 for discussion and views about the proposals for a new Sainsbury’s supermarket, petrol filling station and a NHS health facility, which have recently been publicised. This open public meeting and lunch is free but it is essential to reserve a place as there is a limit on numbers and we expect a full attendance. Please contact our Vice Chair David Birch on 01245 322139 or at [email protected] to book a seat. Hoping you all had a happy Christmas and with belated good wishes for a healthy and peaceful 2014. We look forward to seeing you on 11 February. Peter Blackman, Chair, SWF Healthcare 2000 Group Care Lunch Wednesday 12 February 2014 12.45pm Champions Manor Hall Community Centre Andrea Wise from The J’s Hospice will describe the support J’s gives to young adults with life limiting and life threatening conditions One of a series of lunches arranged to provide an opportunity for those in the local care organisations, either voluntary or professional, to get together. Buffet lunch provided There is no charge but pre-booking required please Contact South Woodham Ferrers Town Council Tel: 01245 321817 email: [email protected] A new generation of 2nd SWF Guides A new year means a new start for many. Usually this is the time for new beginnings and dreams of adventure; this was certainly the case for two young women, Robyn Hadley and Sam Watson, and eight girls back in January 2013 who were about to become the newest addition to the South Woodham Ferrers GirlGuiding community. On January 9th 2013 a new generation of 2nd SWF guides was established (the old unit was closed many years ago) and since then they have been extremely busy: creating clothes out of recycled rubbish, and then organising their very own fashion show; making their own organic face masks (which were edible and proved as a very tasty snack during relaxation and meditation techniques!); learning and understanding about different countries during international evenings; bringing a friend to a meeting – a chance for friends of the girls to be a honorary member of the unit; holding a film evening and a quiz night with music and games; and taking part in a fitness evening. This doesn’t include the special nights when the girls had the opportunity to make their promise. There have been three of these memorable evenings so far (one was at the local swimming pool, a wet yet wonderful experience for all, even if it was slightly chilly), with one more already scheduled for two new starters in March 2014. They also had a trip out ten pin bowling (where the newest girls made their promise); they have been on a night hike and the entire group attended their first camp at Thriftwood in Brentwood in May. 2013 was a great year for 2nd Guides. The group now has four patrols, one young leader, three leaders, (one is currently completing her leadership qualification and one is completing the Queen's Guide Award) and most importantly 19 incredibly, kind, funny, talented and enthusiastic girls. This is more than Robyn and Sam could have hoped for back in January. 2nd Guides already have lots in store for 2014 including learning about different cultures and traditions in countries all over the world, much more crafting, learning, a weekend camp away at Belchamps and most importantly - fun! We are also very excited about moving back into our new HQ which is being built this year. Having been involved with guiding for much of my youth (being a Brownie, an original 2nd Guide and young leader) and rediscovering it all again this year, I have experienced great pleasure in working with these amazing girls and the leaders. I have always thought of Guiding as fun and worthwhile, but this year has proved to me that it’s a chance to be part of something special. I’m part of a community: an extended family where I have the support, guidance and opportunity to be myself. I’d like to wish 2nd Guides a very happy first birthday and thank them for an incredible 2013, I can’t wait for the adventures we have planned in 2014 and the rest of the years we will share together. Here we all are at our first birthday party sharing our very own themed birthday cake! Anyone who is interested in joining the fun with guides, brownies or rainbows, please contact Angela Ellis on 01245 322072 or email [email protected] and we would love you to join our family. Amy Walker Leader in Training 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:21 Page 21 21 South Woodham Focus WANT TO TAKE BETTER PHOTOGRAPHS? Join South Woodham Ferrers Camera Club Since the advent of digital cameras we have all started taking a lot more pictures but we are often disappointed with the results and we get frustrated that we cannot do better. Computer programmes such as Photoshop and Paintshop Pro are a great help to us in producing better photos but, without help, they can seem very complex and daunting. Well help is at hand. Why not join South Woodham Ferrers Camera Club. One of the great benefits of joining a club like ours is that there are lots of people only too happy to share photographic problems and ideas and to impart their knowledge to others. We are a very friendly club made up of about 30 photographers of all abilities and backgrounds who meet weekly between September and the end of May to share our love of photography. The emphasis of the club is on having fun so we try to make sure that we have quite a few laughs at our meetings. Meetings vary between club competitions, discussion and practical evenings and talks from local photographers. I am sure that we will see some great photos and come away with fresh ideas for our own efforts. We meet at the Village Hall in Hullbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers every Wednesday at 8pm. So why not come along to one of our meetings and see for yourself – you will be sure of a warm welcome. For more information why not visit our website at www.swf-camera-club.org.uk or email Debbie at [email protected] . Volunteering opportunities for young people Essex Libraries are looking for young people to volunteer for a variety of exciting projects. The first opportunity is for young people aged 12 to 16 with an interest in art to help develop a project called ImagiNation which has been funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England. Over the summer Essex Libraries will be running a series of art workshops for young people. They are now looking for young volunteers to become Project Planners and select the artists for the project and help design the workshops. The selection of the artists will take place on 21 February in Chelmsford and reasonable travel expenses will be paid. There will also be planning sessions for the summer workshops taking place in May. Young people are invited to volunteer to take part in the artist selection, the workshop planning, or both. The application deadline for this project is 7 February. Essex Libraries are also looking for young volunteers aged 14 and above to work alongside Essex Library staff to run the annual Summer Reading Challenge, supporting children to take part in the challenge. Last year nearly 44,000 children took part in Essex by reading books to gain rewards. This year’s challenge is called Mythical Maze. Libraries are looking for volunteers who can commit to a minimum of 15 hours from 19 July to 3 September. The closing date for applications is 23 May. To find out more about both opportunities and to apply go to www.essex.gov.uk/libraries and click on ‘Volunteering with libraries’. Councillor John Jowers, Cabinet Member for Libraries, Communities and Planning, said: “These are fantastic opportunities for young people to engage with professional artists, their library and their local community. It’s a brilliant way to meet new people, have fun and it looks great on the CV.” Worried about Worried energy price rises? Renewable energy products can reduce your energy bills by up to 60%. Book your free energy survey today and see how much money you could save. For further information call us today 0800 500 3186 www.thinkgreene energy.co.uk the he alternative a e energy gy company om y 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:21 Page 22 22 South Woodham Focus Danbury Country Park Happy New Year from Danbury Country Park. It has been a mild, but wet, winter and the park is still water logged, but there are the first brave shoots of bulbs pushing their heads up through the carpet of wet leaves and the birds are beginning to establish territories in preparation for the breeding season. The Yarn bombing event went very well with the local Girl Guides and other children’s and community groups decorating the trees with colourful yarn creations. The winter winds buffeted the decorations around but many have survived and can still be seen with a keen eye! Park visitors have been delighted by these charming, fun creations and have taken lots of photos. It is hoped that Essex Knitters and Country Park Rangers can do it all again next year! Conservation volunteers, and Country Park Rangers, made a Conservation volunteers help maintain a diverse habitat for the benefit of people and wildlife. Properly maintained formal borders, for example, benefit invertebrates and bees; they also contribute to an enhanced visitor experience. As well as acquiring new skills, volunteers enjoy gentle exercise, and meet other people out in the countryside, as they learn more about their local area. Initially the new Danbury team will work alongside the Flitch Way conservation volunteers. Supervision, tools, training and a car park day pass are provided; volunteers must wear suitable outdoor clothes, steel toe cap boots and gloves. County Councillor John Jowers, Cabinet Member for Libraries, Communities and Planning, said: “Conservation volunteering is extremely interesting and rewarding. It’s ideal for people who’ve made a New Year pledge to enjoy the great outdoors.” Anyone wishing to try a taster session is welcome to call Wendy Moss on 01376 329245. Or you can visit their web site http://www.friends-of-the-flitch-way.org.uk/ There is a lot for children to get involved with at Danbury Country Park: Nature Club, run by Andrea the Ranger, resumes on Saturday, January 18th when they will be making damper bread and toasting it on an open fire. On February 22nd Nature Club will be den building and the next one after that is on March 8th, Nature Club is suitable for children aged from 7 to 11, it costs just £3 a child and runs from 10am to 12noon. Puddleducks – outdoor exploration for children under 5, resumes every Monday afternoon in term time. Meet Louise in the lakes car park at 1:30pm. Just £1 a family. Wild Wednesday – free family fun resumes in February half term. Following the signs, and noise, to find out where Wild Wednesday is on the park - there is a lot to do for everyone! Take care! The park is still saturated and some of the paths are quite slippery with mud, but this is all the better for good start to lay the boundary hedge between the park and the Outdoor Centre. Hedge laying is a traditional method of managing a boundary to ensure re growth is maintained from the base, and as such the hedge provides an excellent boundary offering good nesting and cover for wild birds. Danbury Country Park is seeking people with a passion for the countryside for a new band of conservation volunteers to get involved with tasks similar to the hedge laying, and other practical jobs that need doing to maintain a diverse range of habitats. Initially volunteers can contact the established Flitch Way Volunteer Group coordinated by Wendy Moss on 01376 329245. Or you can visit their web site http://www.friends-of-the-flitchway.org.uk/ There is a wide range of activities to get involved with and the group is very welcoming, bringing together local, like-minded people. If you want to join in why not give Wendy a call? Volunteers meet at Rayne Station at 9.15 for a 9.30 departure to wherever the day's work party is taking place. Car sharing is used to minimise costs and to reduce the number of car journeys. They currently pay a mileage rate to anybody asked to use their car. Usually they return to the station between 3.30 and 4.00pm. Volunteers living near to the workplace can choose to meet us on site. Everybody intending to take part in a work party should contact Wendy the day before the event to ensure there is sufficient work for the numbers wishing to attend. Autumn and Winter are probably our busiest periods and work parties usually take place each Tuesday and Thursday during those times. stomping through in wellies, so why not grab your waterproofs and come over to the park and see if you can spot any signs of spring! To express an interest and to find out about upcoming dates and activities, call Andrea Gabriel on 01245 222350 or email [email protected] 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:21 Page 23 South Woodham Focus 23 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:21 Page 24 24 South Woodham Focus unpublished Mary Shelley letters discovered at Essex record office Thirteen unpublished letters by Frankenstein author Mary Shelley have been discovered in the Essex Record Office (ERO) archives by Nora Crook, Professor Emerita at Anglia Ruskin University. Professor Crook writes about the find in the latest Essex Record Office blog, published today. Woodville School is awarded The Green Flag “New Mary Shelley missives surface from time to time, but this is the largest cache to surface for decades,” explains Nora, who found references to Shelley in ERO’s online Seax catalogue following a Google search. The discovery of items previously unread by Mary Shelley scholars prompted a visit to the ERO to examine the letters more closely. “The letters were written between 1831 and 1849,” she continues. “Eight of them are to Horatio (Horace) Smith and the rest to his eldest daughter Eliza, aka ‘Tizey’. Smith, a stockbroker, wit, and minor author, became friends with Shelley [Mary’s husband – poet Percy Bysshe Shelley] in 1817, and handled his money affairs when he went to Italy. After Shelley drowned in 1822 the Smith family befriended his widow. They remained among her warmest friends until her death in 1851. “The letters show Mary Shelley in many lights – playful, charming, wheedling, fashion-conscious, anxious about riots in Sussex, apologetic, flustered, in pain. “To me, this is a prime example of how online catalogues of county record archives are helping scholars to ‘tread in unknown paths’, in Mary Shelley’s words. “Many, many thanks to the superb ERO archivists! Just before Christmas an assessor from the Eco School team came and looked at our school grounds and asked the eco action team all about how we keep our school eco-friendly. She was very impressed with our hard work and we have been awarded the top eco award of a green flag. This article has been written by a Year 6 Pupil Grace Wakefield who is the Press Officer for The Eco Action Team. Councillor John Jowers, Cabinet Member for Libraries, Communities and Planning, said: “This discovery illustrates the importance of archiving local documents – many of which have greater significance than first imagined.” The full blog dedicated to the letters, their contents, and how they came to be archived at the ERO, can be read at http://www.essexrecordofficeblog.co.uk/your-favourite-erodocuments-thirteen-letters-by-the-author-of-frankenstein-in-theero 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 11:51 Page 25 25 South Woodham Focus Toomey T oome ey V Vauxhall aauxhall SSouthend outhend New Corsa Sting ting 1.0i 12v ecoFLEX FLEX X 3drr ONL LY Y....... £7995 OPTIONAL TWIN SPORTS STRIPES FREE OF CHARGE • 16” ALLOY WHEELS PLUS Airbags • Anti-lock Braking System ( ABS) • CD / MP3 CD Playerr, AUX in socket • Electric doorr mirrors • Daytime running lights • Remote control central locking • Electric front windows • up to 65.7 MPG • Low Insurance Group 1in4 ne new w cars sold in South South Essex Essexx oome ey S are are from from T Toomey Southend outhend NOW ONLY NOW ONL LY Y 12 12 AVAILABLE AT A VAILABLE A T THIS PRICE DON’T OUT T DON’T MISS MISS OU ORDER TODAY!!! TODAY!!! MUST MUST BE ORDERED AND REGISTERED REGISTERED BY BY 31ST 31ST JANUARY JANUARY Toomey V Vauxhall auxhall Southend Automotive Retail Park, Cherry Orchard Way, Rochfford, Southend SS4 1GP www.toomey.uk.com Tel: 01702 419913 Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km). Vauxhall Corsa Sting: Urban: 39.2 (7.2) – 53.3 (5.3), Extra-urban: 62.8 (4.5) – 80.7 (3.5), Combined: 51.4 (5.5) – 6 67 7.3 (4.2). CO2 emissions: 129 -110g/km.# Savings shown are against list price at time of publication, for details refer to Vauxhall’s current price guide. All other sales categories are excluded; cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Offers may not apply to all retailer stocks. UK-supplied vehicles only. Finance subject to status. Terms and Conditions apply. Applicants musstt be 18 or overr. Finance supplied by Vauxhall Finance, PO Box 6666, Cardiff, CF15 7YT. Offer will apply to privvat ate individuals. All other customers are excluded. We can introduce you to a limited number of finance providers, commission maybe received. Vauxhall Lifetime Warranty covers lifetime ownership of first registered keeperr, 100,000 mile limit. Terms and Conditions appllyy. Offers available on orders and registrations by 31 January 2014. Model shown Corsa SXi. #Official EU-regulated test data are provided for comparison purposes and actual performance will depend on driving style, road conditions and other non-technical ffact actors. focus 630 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 12:41 Page 26 South Woodham Focus 26 OVER TO YOU Many Thanks Lisa and I would like to thank Mr Happy for his help on Christmas Eve, we managed to raise £54 for Help for Heroes! We would also like to thank Props and Frocks for the Santa costume they contributed! A fun time was had by all! We hope our customers had a fantastic Christmas and New Year! We look forward to seeing you all soon! Mark Paine THANK YOU On the 17th of January 2014, when I was cleaning up the litter and empting the bins next to the William de Ferrers School I was not feeling well. But I wanted to continue working trying to keep my mind focused on the job. But I was felling unwell and decided to pack up work an take my barrel back to storage. I could not get passed to Dominos Pizza, I had to sit down to stop the pain in my stomach and chest. Luckily enough I could hear young ladies, I think they might have been from school, had come up to me to see if I was ok. The ambulance was called and checked to see if I was ok. I was a bit cold and shaky. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who helped me, you have been so kind and patient with me. Now I am feeling a bit better and will get plenty of rest. The next day, the 18th in the evening, I would like to say a big thank you to the couple who gave me a lift back home in their car. From Shawn, Street Cleaner outside William de Ferrers Sch PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Dear Focus, I wish to thank you for the article on the plans for new Sainsbury’s Supermarket and Health Facility in our town published last week. Without this I would not have been aware that there was to be a public consultation last week. I attended on the Friday for a fact finding mission. I spoke with a health consultant who turned out to be John Niland, Chief Executive of the Provide organisation. I asked various questions about our existing health facilities, including the Clinic at Brickfields and why a mini hospital at Braintree was not operating as it should. I could not see why we needed a similar facility if that one was not successful! He asked me if I was in favour of the proposal. I replied that I had not heard anything to convince me that it was a good idea. He said, and I quote, “I do not care!” This staggered me and I said to him that I had never heard a specialist say such words at any other presentation on anything I had ever previously attended. I asked the people standing around me if they had heard what he said and they replied that they had. He then added that if the proposal does not go ahead then he will continue to provide the health cover that he already provides. I thanked him for that and terminated my conversation with him as I did not know what else to say! I then entered conversation with a “planner”. None of what he told me made sense and he even got his facts wrong by saying that Sainsbury’s do not open 24 hours, which, of course, they do. It then turned out that he works for the developers and was being paid to talk to us and he did not live in South Woodham Ferrers. He said that I should write my objections down on the form provided so that they could modify the application. I replied that if this was a true and unbiased “consultation,” if it was found that the majority of residents did not want the proposal, then it should be rejected at this stage and the application should not go ahead. He did not reply. I came away with the feeling that this proposal is just a money making idea being submitted by the developers for a fee to submit an application which does not stand scrutiny for many reasons and that the town does not need. Passionate Resident THANK YOU CREEPY CRAWLIES I wanted to say a big thank you to Creepy Crawlies. I had my sons 5th Birthday party there and they made it a very happy and stress free occasion. All food, drink and party bags were provided and all I had to do was bring the cake! I cannot recommend this place high enough. Thanks again to Sarah, Annabel, Katy and Hannah for all you did. From a very happy mum PLEASE DON'T DO IT! Please could I put an appeal out to those who park outside their houses close to a junction or on a bend. PLEASE DON'T DO IT! It necessitates myself and other drivers putting ourselves at risk because we are forced to pass on the wrong side of the road, potentially into the path of an oncoming vehicle. We may not be able to see the vehicle turning into the turning we are coming out of and they may not be able to see us in time to slow down or stop. If you have a driveway or garage, please use it! Fed up resident in south Inchbonnie Road area! iPod Found Found at junction of Broughton and Creekview Roads at about 10am Monday 27th January. Please contact the Focus office on 01245 426555 for more details. 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 11:51 Page 27 27 South Woodham Focus SITUATIONS VACANT Driver/Warehouseman Small company in South Woodham Ferrers require a Van driver / Warehouseman. CM3 Cars Require The Following Experience would be an advantage but not essential but will require a UK driving licence. Working hours 08.30 to 17.00 Taxi Drivers & PSV Minibus Drivers Good Rates Of Pay Owner Drivers also required Please contact Dave or Sharon 01245 324455 Please Call 07860968639 Fill your job vacancies in our SITUATIONS VACANT section ExpEriEncEd AdministrAtor required for a large property maintenance company based in South Woodham Ferrers due to expansion. We are looking for a bright and enthusiastic person with a confident telephone manner who is fully computer literate in Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook. This is a varied and involved role which will need an adaptable, flexible and proactive person preferably with experience in the building/property maintenance sector. Experience in compiling Risk Assessments and Method Statements would be an advantage. You must be a confident person, able to multi task with a cando attitude, the ability to complete all tasks accurately and on SATURDAY 12th July 2014 time, able to take instruction and work under pressure. You “BOUNCERS”, WICKHAM BISHOPS, ESSEX CM8 3JJ will be part of a team but must have the ability to work OPERA IN THE ORCHARD was started by Robbie Bishop. independently and prioritise your workload effectively. Whilst he was working in Rome he went to many operas and Duties will include but not be limited to: typing and sending realised that opera was enjoyed by all the family from quotations, answering e-mails and telephone queries and grandparents to grandchildren. With this in mind he opened enquiries, filing, booking appointments with tenants and up the gardens of his home for performances of classical opera, clients, keeping detailed computerised logs of appointments encouraging families to see opera for themselves in a relaxed and jobs, invoicing, compiling Method Statements and Risk atmosphere; children come free with their families. This is our Assessments for site works, maintaining the office diary and twelfth year and many people have been coming from the sending daily details of appointments to all operatives, beginning. This is still a family affair run by Robbie’s children, updating and completing yearly accreditation paperwork and grandchildren and friends. working with the Health and Safety consultant to complete all We are thrilled to have Garden Opera returning to perform Health and Safety questionnaires, answering accounts La bohème. The two such previous years have been a huge queries from the accountant including bought and sales success; this is reflected in the many thank you letters we ledger queries, chasing outstanding payments, ordering T have received. stock, materials and stationery, ensuring that the employment Giacomo Puccini's romantic depiction of bohemian Paris. records and ID cards are kept up to date and all other day to This love story drawn from everyday captivated This lovelife, storyhas drawn from everyday life, captivated tasks. dayhas administrative audiences round the world, making La bohème one of the bestHours: 8.30am-5.00pm Monday to Friday with ½ hour for loved of all opera, containing some of Puccini's finest music. lunch. The plot centres around a community of artists in Paris, Salary: £16,000 - £18,000 according to experience particularly between the romantic relationship of poet Rodolfo Please send your CV to: [email protected] no agencies or and grisette Mimi. Their love is not without conflict and they phone calls please. are united tragically as Mimi returns to the garret and dies there, surrounded by her friends. EARLY BIRD TICKETS £20PP BEFORE THE END OF MARCH Price of tickets are £30 (1st April to 9th July) £40 (after 9th July) Children up to 18yrs FREE Performance; 17:00hrs (gates open 15:00hrs) Interval "#!$%&#!&%'%(')#*!+,-!.)/!/%0!%**)*1%(1*2!! 18:00hrs –19:30hrs Refreshments -Make up your own picnics from the food 34255%.!1,!32556.!/%)702! stalls supplying local produce. Bouncers roast meat rolls, Caprilatte ice-cream, Lottie and Jakes cupcakes, licensed beer 89.:#-*!,+!/%0*!6#-!;##<!%-#!(#=,1)%:7#! tent selling Farmers Ales from Maldon, wine, tea, coffee will be available before the performance and during the interval. >+!0,9!;,97/!7)<#!.,-#!/#1%)7*!,-!%(! Camping - £10 per pitch per night. FOR TICKETS SALES & INFORMATION VISIT %667)'%1),(!6%'<!67#%*#!',(1%'1!1$#!*'$,,7! www.operaintheorchard.co.uk Email: [email protected] ,++)'#!,(!! Tel: 01621 894112 BOX OFFICE Maldon T.I.C – 01621 856503 for credit card 534?@!?55AA42! payments La bohème ! EAST HANNINGFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 11:51 Page 28 28 FOCUS ON HEALTH LOCAL NEWS: The Sainsbury’s saga rolls on. The residents have had a chance to find out more about the project and give their views – and, by the time this article reaches you, will have had the opportunity to attend the public meeting convened by the Town Council and held at Champions Manor Hall. As before, I’ll limit myself to taking about the healthcare implications. For years we have campaigned for a large shared centre in the middle of the town – I recall sending a video to the old Maldon and South Chelmsford PCT showing the sites that were available at the time - but through a combination of inertia and incompetence, nothing happened and the land available (and the parking space required) were gobbled up. Needless to say, if such a project had been planned, you would have been kept informed. Unfortunately experience shows that the NHS is unlikely ever to take the lead in projects such as this. Do you remember that same PCT’s attempt to build a ‘New St Peter’s in Maldon.’ After spending a vast amount of public money on all the tasks that one needs to undertake to bring such a project to fruition, drawing up plans, and announcing that the hospital would be up and running in 2007, the PCT people then discovered that they had forgotten the most basic requirement: to make sure that they could purchase the land they’d set their hearts on for the new build! D’Oh!!! The private sector works in a different way. It likes to have a project well thought out before it goes public – and, whilst this has a lot to recommend it, this does mean that the announcement, when it comes, hits you like a bombshell. I was addicted to soap once, but now I’m clean. Not being a Facebook devotee, I have had to rely on others for feedback thus far. I was told that one comment was that ‘Cormack stands to make a lot of money out of this.’ My first thought was: “How dumb can you get?” None of the doctors concerned will own as much as a single door handle in the new medical centre if it’s built. On reflection, though, given that healthcare in this part of the world has attracted more than its fair share of crooks, why shouldn’t people think that one more doc has joined their ranks? So let me explain. There is a convention in medical circles that you declare your interests in cases such as this. So if, for example, I advise you to place your mother in a home for the elderly, telling you that it’s a little more pricey than most but gives an excellent service – and you later discover that I own that home - you would have every right to show your displeasure. Likewise if I were to write a piece for the BMJ telling everybody that I think that new Bloggozide, made by Glizer plc, is the best drug on the market, I have to declare that Glizer plc has funded the research that brought me to that conclusion. As for this proposal – I don’t have shares or any form of personal interest in Sainsbury’s or any of the companies involved in the project - and, as far as I’m aware none of the other docs have either – and nor are we receiving any form of payment for our involvement. Indeed, far from making a quick buck, the worry is that we may lose out where there is no obvious alternative use for existing buildings that may be made redundant by a brand new rival. I mention this because, in cases like this, people are often distracted by minutiae and lose sight of the fundamental point at issue – is this project likely to be of overall benefit to SWF and its residents or not? That is for you to decide. Apparently mobile phones give you cancer. Mind you, you’ve got to smoke about 20 a day. Tim Vine. ONE BINGE IN PREGNANCY ‘HARMS CHILD YEARS LATER’: Children are ‘more likely to be badly behaved’ if their mother drinks more than two glasses of wine, according to the Mail Online. The study was carried out by researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the Department of Public Health, Copenhagen. A ‘binge’ according to the researchers equated to about three and a half standard glasses of wine. This may come as a bit of a shock to rugby fans and medical students for whom three and a half standard glasses of wine constitutes ‘a light tipple.’ The NHS Choices website pointed out some obvious confounding factors in the trial ... such as the fact that “The mothers who binge-drank during late pregnancy were different to other mothers: they were less well educated, more likely to smoke, and more likely to have at least one psychiatric diagnosis.” Its conclusion is that: “In light of the evidence provided in the study it would appear unlikely that a few too many glasses of wine during pregnancy – while certainly not recommended – will permanently influence how a child will develop emotionally in later life. Childhood emotional development is an extremely complex issue and many parents whose children do develop behavioural and emotional problems will find that they do so for no apparent reason. Often, these South Woodham Focus types of problems are not somebody’s ‘fault’, they just occur.” The UK Chief Medical Officer’s advice to women is: “Women who are pregnant or trying to conceive should avoid alcohol altogether. However, if they do choose to drink, to minimise the risk to the baby, we recommend they should not drink more than one to two units once or twice a week and should not get drunk.” What about alcohol consumption when you’re not pregnant? The American Cancer Society gives the following advice: “While low to moderate alcohol consumption is linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, drinking too much alcohol can increase risk of high blood pressure, heart failure, sudden death and stroke. Overall, alcohol consumption is one of the top 10 contributors to sickness and death from injuries, motor vehicle crashes, homicides and suicides, sexual assaults, sexually transmitted infections from unsafe sex, falls, birth defects, depression, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and sleep disorders. Additionally, there is a lot of evidence that drinking alcohol increases the risk of several cancers. In 2007, a working group of experts convened by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed the scientific evidence on alcohol and cancer risk for 27 different anatomical sites. They found sufficient evidence that alcohol drinking is a cause of cancers of the mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and female breast. And for cancers of the mouth, larynx, and oesophagus, when people drink and use tobacco, the risks are combined to be greater than either tobacco use or alcohol use alone! Importantly, it is also now well recognized that drinking even low amounts of alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer, the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the U.S. and worldwide. Compared to non-drinkers, there is a 10% to 12% higher risk of female breast cancer associated with each drink per day.” The good news ... with regard to women who have had a breast cancer and received treatment, regular exercise combined with eating at least five servings of vegetables and fruit per day have been shown to lower recurrence risk. If at first you don’t succeed, you’ll get a lot of free advice from people who didn’t succeed either. ODDS AND ENDS: The UK government is stalling over young driver safety policy, despite compelling evidence that it would prevent casualties and save money, argue public health experts, road safety groups and insurance industry representatives in a letter to this week’s BMJ. In the UK, motor vehicle crashes account for a quarter of deaths in 15-19 year olds. A review found compelling evidence for introducing graduated driver licensing (GDL), designed to provide new drivers with experience and skills gradually over time in low-risk environments before attaining a full licence. *** HRT (hormone replacement therapy) taken regularly for six months after a knee or hip replacement seems to cut the risk of repeat surgery by around 40%, indicates a large population based study published online in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases. What’s that you say? No Mr Fernhead, you can’t have a prescription! I used to dress up as Ray Davies and sing ‘Waterloo Sunset’. Bit kinky! Tim Vine joke Book THE SAFETY OF HOME-BIRTH has focused on risk of death – but mums-to-be are poorly informed of other issues according to ‘leading ethicists’ in the Journal of Medical Ethics. They say the risk of future long term disability to the child should “weigh heavily” in decisions about whether to give birth at home or in hospital. “Women should, of course, be free to choose where they want to give birth”, insist Oxford University ethicist Professor Julian Savulescu and obstetrician and gynaecologist Associate Professor Lachlan de Crespigny of the University of Melbourne. But “if complications arise during birth, it is vital that mother and baby can access immediate medical expertise to ensure the long term well-being of both”, they say. “Even small delays can be crucial and have lifelong implications. And inevitably, there will be few resources available to pick up and manage these complications at home.” When a home birth is good, it’s very, very, good … but when something goes wrong it can be scary, as ‘Call the Midwife’ devotees will attest. And the further you are from a hospital, the more worrying it can be. Dr John 632 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 16:11 Page 29 29 South Woodham Focus SWF RFC Weekend Round Up Rotary Club of South Woodham Ferrers M Make a splash 2014 Get out your water wings and take the plunge in the 10th Swimarathon being staged by the Rotary Club of South Woodham Ferrers. It commences on Friday 14th March and runs until afternoon of Sunday 15th March at the South Woodham Ferrers Leisure Centre, Trinity Square. The cash raised will help Little Haven hospice, other charities, and those charities as requested by the swimmers. Teams of six will be collecting sponsorship and will be in the swim in relays throughout the weekend in an effort to swim constantly for 55 minutes. Tony Graham, one of the organisers, says there are still places left if anyone else wants to join: “The most important thing is that it is fun. It could be family event or young people can get together and work together, or even renew your interest in swimming for fitness. Or it could be a team from your work or your club, church or school. There are trophies for, schools with most teams entered, teams with highest sponsorship, commercial companies with most teams entered as well as medals for swimmers who “catch our eye”. These are awarded at the Swimarathon Committee’s discretion “At the end of the day a lot of people get satisfaction actually raising money for special events.” If you want to take part contact Tony on 01245 329543 or log on to the Rotary Club’s website www.swfswimarathon.co.uk team entry page. You can enter your teams direct from the website HAWKS THROW IT AWAY! AVERLY YOUTH SAXONS 6 FOCUS FERRERS HAWKS 4 The Hawks travelled to averly today to play our first game in 2014, we started off our usuall sloppy selfs and were behind by a very soft goal confusion saw them tap it home, we began to play and soon drew level with a great corner by jack being met with a very calm finish by taylor, we kicked on and Taylor from 25 yards screemed one into the top corner 2 1, chances came thick and fast and the Averly goal was leading a charmed life to say the least with the Hawks in total control. We added a third with another good corner being met with an equally good header 3 1 halftime, the second half saw a deluge of rain and within the first ten minutes Averly had got level with again some poor play by the Hawks, we continued to try and pass the ball but the conditions meant this was getting harder. Averlys approach however suited this with a kick over the top and chase kind off football, good to watch not really effective you bet, we continued to press the self distruct button and three more bad errors led to three more goal, we did rally at the end and pulled one back but time was not on our side seeing us lose in the league for the first time since september. We will have to put this down as a bad day im sure the boys will bounce back next game come on HAWKS! Players today :- Liam, Henry A, Henry C, Ashley, Ronnie, Bradley, Sam, Jack , Chaz, Luke and Taylor London North East Division 2: Braintree 1’s 29 v SWF 1’s 40 SWF 1’s travelled to Braintree on a wet and blustery day to play their first match of 2014. Coming away with a good win taking them to 4th in the division. Under 16’s Thurrock U16’s 14 v SWF U16’s 0 SWF played their first league game of the season at top of the table Thurrock last Sunday. In tough playing conditions and with key players absent through injury the task was always going to be a challenging one but the lads turned up determined and spirited, an attitude that continued from the kick off. The first half was evenly contested with both teams enjoying equal possession. Thurrock squandered a chance to take the lead early on when they missed a penalty in front of the posts before SWF were unlucky not to score at the other end when Kalen Patel broke through in his first game in the back line. The Forwards were dominant in the scrum once more as the have been for much of the season but it was Thurrock that broke the deadline against the run of play right at the end of the half. This did not deflate the lads who continued to work their socks off in the second period. Possession of the ball was hard to come by in the wet and windy conditions and knock on's were occurring with frustrating regularity. Thurrock were gifted a second try when what looked to be an innocuous kick forward struck the base of the posts and sat up invitingly for the chasing attacker to ground the ball. The result flattered Thurrock in the end and much can be taken from a very dogged performance from the lads. SQUAD: Andy Sutton (C), Joseph Bowers, Max Reardon, Jordan Knight, Alex Rollings, Sam Long, Lawrence Branch, Sam Toye, Alex Pilkington, Oliver Clarke, Sam Warman, Scott Elliott, Kalen Patel, Jamie Lamb, Brandon Renshaw, Anton Valente, Liam Tilley, Harry Phelps-Knight, Elliott Madle The Chelmsford Sport Relief Mile goes live. The Chelmsford Sport Relief Mile takes place at 11am on Sunday 23rd March in Central Park, Chelmsford. The event is open to people of all ages and abilities with a choice of a 1, 3 or 6 mile run/walk around the paths of the park starting from the area around the Skateboard ramps, adjacent to Parkway. Fancy dress is positively encouraged. The entrance fee is £6.00 for adults and £3.00 for children with all proceeds going to Sport Relief. Further details and online booking is available by going to: http://my.sportrelief.com/search/event/result?id=1820 The Sport Relief Mile is organised by Chelmsford City Council’s Community Sport and Wellbeing Team. For further information please call 01245 606978. 10.00 am till 4.00pm Open Day Fun for all the family Arts & Crafts Fair Lots to see & buy Dengie U3A Short Mat Bowls olidays PottePrrizse H D ra w Refreshments Sunday Lunch Bar & Shop Qualified Instructors Demonstrations Ample car parking Jacks Centre BC Burnham Road Latchingdon CM3 6EX Telephone 01621 742 051 www.jackscentre.com 632 pages_Layout 1 27/01/2014 16:11 Page 30 30 South Woodham Focus South Woodham Ferres Yacht Club Dinghy Race 1 Series 1 The first dinghy race of the winter series took place on Saturday 18th January. Three brave soles attended this event with Martin and Steve electing to race the clubs new Gull dinghies Minerva and Athena, and Doug his faithful smacks boat Maggie Lou. Grant and his Dad Craig kindly manned the rescue boat. Thie wind was from the South South East and was averaging 10 – 15 knots with gusts up to 30 knots. This created a dilema with the racers, to reef or not to reef, that was the question. Steve and Doug intitially rigged their sales reefed (reduces the sail area), however when Steve saw Martin launching with his sails fully up, he decided to carry out unreefing on the water with the kind asistance of the rescue boat. This meant that Martin and Steve were in identical boats ready for a bit of head to head. Due to the gusty conditions the course was set to Start heading east down river, but only half a mile or so to race mark Tower, then back past the club, taking in markers Olympic, Miles, River, Ledger and Upper, with two laps of the upper part of the course with the inclusion of Horse racing marker between each lap. The boats prepared for the start and as the Gun went they were all pretty close together, however the wind dropped into a lull, and we all seemed to “hang” for a few moments before moving off over the line. Martin in Minerva squeezed over the line first with Steve right on his tailed with Doug only feet away. All headed for the North bank to get out of the tide. Martin stayed upwind of Steve to shadow his sails in an attempt to hold him off, with Doug right on Steve’s tail. As we approached the first mark, Martin pointed up into the wind to lay the mark, however Steve went a few yards further before pointing up, which cost him, as Martin rounded the Mark some 20yds ahead, and got the advantage on the next leg. After all boats had rounded the mark, we headed back past the club, and the section of river with trees on the South back. The wind was basically blowing across the river, however was up and down, and variable in direction, creating challenging Burnham on Crouch Golf Club On Saturday 25th January the green staff did a great job in getting the course playable for the Dave Chittendon Charity Football Event when 86 players turned out for this great event. Dave was a great member of the club and his family presented a trophy and organise this event every year in his memory. Players sign up for 8 football teams and then play in pairs scoring 4 ball better ball and the points score for their team. There were 35 mens pairs playing off the yellow tees and 13 pairs of ladies. There was some competitive scoring with 27 pairs scoring over 40 points. When it came to the points with 6 pairs playing for each team and 5 scores to count it was quite close. 3rd was Manchester Utd with 208 pts. 2nd Liverpool with 211 pts and the WINNERS ARSENAL with 213 pts. The main winner was The Captains Charity with £555 being raised. Margaret his wife supported the day with daughters Lara and Jo who was playing and son in law Micky who does all the organisation. A great day for the family and the club Photo; Captain Paul Greenaway on the left and Margaret Chittendon in the middle with some of the Arsenal players Liz Tolhurst sailing conditions. Martin worked Minerva through the gusts, and coaxed her through the lulls, gradually putting distance between himself and Steve. Doug was doing a great job in the slower Maggie Lou, keeping Steve well within his sights. Martin reached Olympic racing mark which required a jibe, a tricky manouver, made more tricky with the gusty conditions. Round he went, then across to Miles marker, another Jibe then headed off up river towards River marker. Looking back he could see Steve and Doug still struggling through the wind shadow of the trees. As the race progressed Martin pulled away as he was in the windy section of the course. He rounded Upper the west most marker, which is off Hayes Farm, and turned to make his way back down river. Reaching the ‘S’ bend in the river, Martin attemted to navigate it in one tack. This meant flattening the sails to get the boat to point as high in to wind as possible, and hiking out to work the boat upwind. This would give a massive advantage if acheived, as it was likely (or Martin was hoping) the following boats would put in a tack or two to get round these bends. Working the boat as hard as possible Martin shaved the final bend with literally a few feet to spare, slightly nervous in case the water was getting shallow, however it worked and he set off down towards horse bouy. Coming the other way was Steve (Athena) with Doug right on his tail. Doug was having a blinding race, and although he was reefed (aparently so he would not be over powered too much, which would prevent him from enjoying a mid race coffee on the move!), he was tracking Steve on every move. As they reached Upper and started back down, they faced the ‘S’ bend. Doug (Maggie Lou) made a better job of it than Steve (Athena, and it looked as though he might get past him. A very tactical battle ensued between the two, with Doug (Magggie Lou) hugging the North bank, using his extensive knowledge of back eddies and tidal flows, in an attempted to out wit Steve (Athena) who was in the faster boat. Rounding horse for the second lap the two were still battling in out. The second lap had some tremendous gusts, which magically appear just as one is about to Jibe (which is the most likely time to capsize). Martin caught a massive gust at Ledger marker, just as he started to jibe. This took the boat on it’s side, causing water to gush over the gunwhales. Spinning the boat round into wind to rectify the situation, only a few yards from the bank, Martin ended up carrying out a 360 o turn to sort himself out, and prevent the boat from fully capsizes. Gathering himself and boat back together, he set off for River marker, with bailers open to let the few gallons of univited water out the boat. Steve (Athena) and Doug, both had similar experiences of Jibing right in a gust, with that heart stopping moment when it appears you are going over out of control. Martin worked the ‘S’ the second time, however this time he did put a tack in, however this placed him nicely in the middle of the river for the final leg home. Meanwhile Doug (Maggie Lou) and Steve (Athena) battled it out, with Doug getting so close, it was painfull. However on the final leg back past the trees and onto the club, Steve (Athena) finally broke what appeared to be an invisible umbilical cord between them, and started to pull away. Martin (Minerva) meanwhile was crawling literally a few feet from the North bank, and managed to not have to tack, crossing the finish line as leading boat. Looking back he could see Steve (Athena) was some way off, crossing the finish line some 20 minutes behind, with Doug (Maggie Lou) only 6 minutes behind Steve (Athena). The race was over, however the drama continue. With the wind onshore, landing the boats was extremelly tricky. Proved by Steve, as he bore away at the last minute to stop the boat by the slipway. He tried to exit under the boom swiftly, however the boom was swifter, cracking him across the bridge of his nose, Ouch that’ll need icing. After the handy cap numbers had been applied the final results stand as 1st Martin (Minerva), 2nd Doug (Maggie Lou), 3rd Steve (Minerva). So the race is on for the series, next race Sat 1st February. If you are interesting in sailing or learning to sail, we welcome you to visit our club. We run a scheme where we can teach you to sail from scratch by certified instructors. We have fun events and cruises, as well as socoals, and welcome all abilities. You can use our super club boats if you don’t have your own. We welcome dinghy and cruiser sailors, as well as those with canoes and we are starting up a rowing section. Why not visit www.swfyc.co.uk and have a browse or pop down to the club for a chat. See you on the water. Billboard Focus 632_Layout 1 27/01/2014 10:10 Page 1 South Woodham Focus 31 ConservaTory suiTe- 2 seater sofa and 2 chairs. Pine wicker framework with cream and taupe coloured upholstery, well used but still in good condition £65. Tel: 01245 328408 When replying to an Advertiser: We suggest when telephoning - you check all details (description & price) of vehicle/item(s) of interest Taylor maDe R9 Supertri Driver with Taylor Made Phenom RIP Stiff R11 S Shaft. 9½ degree loft. Fully adjustable. Good condition. £60 ono. Call Dean on: 07595 430728 maxi-Cosi Car seat used but good condition £25. Millie and Boris baby change unit complete with bath excellent condition only used at Grandparents house £50. Mothercare moses basket with luxury rocking stand in white £25. 01245 320974 gooD as neW very unusual slate dining table & 4 oak chairs was over £1500. Will accept £250. 07542 117758 aquarium 36" by 18" by 15", sits on a cabinet 24" tall, a light sort of pine colour. Includes Fluval 104 external pump/filter/hoses and light in the hood. £50. Please call: 01245 327030 TeD baker blaCk evening bag new with labels only £20. Pink iPod with separate speakers, lead, case, first one that came out £25. Ted Baker large black Ikon bag with white bow and Ted Baker on the front £35. An introduction to counselling book by John McLeod 4th edition £20. A to Z in counselling book £20. Phone: 07990 917876 Double oven- Fan assisted, white Electolux, hardly used, excellent condition £95. Fridge freezer Beko with manual, hardly used, very clean £95. 01245 324555 a lovely aquarium holding 250 litres. It sits above a black ash cabinet consisting two cupboards and an open middle section. I am selling this separately from all the equipment you will need to run the aquarium but if you would like to buy everything together then I can sort this out for you. Sizes are as follows:- Length 137cm, width 38cm, height 62cm. The cabinet sits directly underneath and measures the same. £160. Tel: 07999 583952. Buyer to collect. busH WasHing maCHineModel no. A127QW. Only 9 months old. Selling due to house move £75. Please phone: 07857 327621 viCTorian sTyle metal double bed frame, off white, good condition £50. 07947 722157 (based in South Woodham) pine Double beD with headboard and handy storage drawers £40 VGC bargain! In spare room hardly used need to make way for a playroom! Double mattress £20. Duvets-Doubles x 2 £5 each. Babyliss You Curl curling tongs boxed as new unwanted present £7. Babyliss Rapide heated rollers boxed £4. Avent breast milk containers (x 10) boxed unused RRP £11 sell for £4. Breastmilk storage bags (x 50) for freezing/storing breast milk, boxed as new RRP £8.99 sell for £3. Breast feeding pillow pink £5. Beige plastic Baby Bath from Mothercare RRP £7.99 sell for £4. 2 fluffy white snowsuits with pretty pink ribbons (Baby Boutique Mothercare) size 3-6 months and 6-9 months £5 each. White 3-6 months snowsuit (George) £2. DVD's for saleWoman In Black (starring Daniel Radcliff), The Kings Speech, Life As We Know It, Taken, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Grease, The Golden Compass, Percy Jackson & Lightening Thief, The Back Up Plan, About a Boy, 50 First Dates, King Arthur, 300, Angels & Demons, Red Dragon, Kingdom of Heaven, Shaun of the Dead, Alien Vs Predator, Blade Runner, Blade Trinity, Gothika, Master and Commander, Dracular, Hunt for Red October, Leon, Sea Biscuit, Pirates of Caribbean The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Mans Chest & At Worlds End. All £1 each if collected in SWF. Please call: 07876 550567 CHilDs HigH sleeper bed, white wood, Aspace.co.uk Warwick range. 3 years old VGC. Desk and sliding doors wardrobe underneath. (Cost new £1,000) for sale at £150 (child has outgrown it) buyer dismantles and collects, all instructions and allen keys included. Call Janet: 07500 631670 branD neW TeFal frying pan £5. Projector screen £10. Brass pendant ceiling light 6 glass shades £15. Large lamp shade in cream £5. 2 brass pendant ceiling lights with 3 glass shades each £10 each. 07897 563736 nike T90 lime green football boots size 5½ VGC £10. Golf shoes- white & blue with red or blue laces size 5 VGC £10. Hornby Faulkner Electrical Store Building. Boxed as new £7. Tel: 01245 322215 WanTeD- Record collector seeks LP’s, EP’s, 45’s, Metal Punk, Rock, Reggae, SKA etc. Tel: 07923 516010 Billboard/Billboard Motoring adverts are FREE and your advert will appear in the next available issue. Photo adverts cost £31 (plus VAT) and will appear in maximum 4 consecutive issues unless previously sold. Maximum 35 words. Please either email adverts to [email protected] or call in with them to the office at 7 Blackall Industrial Estate, Hamberts Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex, CM3 5UW or call in with them to the Community Information Centre. binoCulars Helios Quantum4 15 x 70 high quality waterproof for long range & terrestrial observation, with carry case £75. Tel: 07867 783391 briDes CompleTe seT- Two piece ivory wedding dress size 8/10 apron style straight skirt with bussle & small train at back. Strapless boned bodice with ivory flowers across the top. Very simple/classic. Comes complete with small elegant tiara which has pearls & diamantes & short ivory veil with satin trim. All dry cleaned & ready to wear. Viewings welcome £150.00 ono. Contact: 07719 727979 laDies ski Wear Sweaty Betty Ski Jacket, size M; 3 pairs of ski trousers, size L, assorted colours, excellent condition, £50 the lot!! Tel: 01245 325539 panasoniC aaa batteries 4 in pack, 50p each, 10 packs, £5 the lot. Media player 4gb hard drive for DS Lite, also compatible with Nintendo DS, stores movies, songs, photos, boxed, £5. Bally tan leather handbag, slight scratch on front, £100. Bag of McDonalds toys, some unopened, approx 25 years old, £20. Arsenal board game, "All About Football", ex cond, unused. Arsenal book, "Memories and Marble Halls", £10 for both. Guitar Hero Xbox 360 game, only used couple times, boxed, £10. Ladies Faith shoes, deep red with black tie detail, sling back style, pointed toes, worn once, cost £55 (receipt) accept £10. Steel tech gents watch, steel bracelet type, unwanted raffle prize, £3. Rastar model Lamborghini white car, with battery remote, unused & boxed, £5. Canterbury pottery dome lid cheese server, ex cond, neutral colours, £8. Denby "Potters Wheel" coffee pot, ex cond & hardly used, £5. 01245 269356 or 07980 368087 Crazy FiT super Body Shaper for fitness and slimming. Complete with instructions £80.00. Contact: 07736 424257 Floor lamp- Swing arm, brass with cream shade- £10.00. Telephone: 01245 328629 x 2 graCo logiCo child booster seats. x 1 booster seat in mid grey and light grey padding. x 1 booster seat in black and light blue. Both are high backs and have the following features: Triple side impact protection, luxury foam on head, seat and sides, 2 retractable cup holders, seatbelt guides, arm rests. In pretty good condition and recently washed all covers £10 each. Interested call Angela on: 07810 248463 bob THe builDer scoop £1.50. Tomy Tumblin Monkey Game £2.50. Toy Story 3 puzzle (3 x 49pc) £2.00. Ravensburger 3D Eiffel Tower puzzle £3.50. Mr Men/ Boys ELC painting/baking aprons excellent condition £1.50 each. Childs inflatable hopper brand new and boxed £3.00. Lovely Peter Pan pop up sound book excellent cond £2.50. Tel: 07914 595564 single size ikea beech veneer wardrobe. Full length mirror to outside of left door. Top shelf and hanging space. Plus matching bedside cabinet with two shelves. Retro white circular handles to both. Ideal guest room or teenagers bedroom. Used for 18 months. Excellent cond. Can email photos. £50 the set. 2 floor standing tall cylindrical lamps, chrome base fabric shade with cut outs to form a pattern. One in brown, one in cream. Excellent cond. Can email photos. £12 each. Tel: 07971 977506 SWF. everlasT exerCise bench adjustable bench press, leg developer, pad to perch for arm curling. Includes barbell 35kg weight, gloves and belt. Floor pads for free £100. Telephone: 01245 320603 Dyson DC01 Absolute+ Vacuum Cleaner £30.00. Very good condition but requires new HEPA filter. Please phone: 01245 425107 vHs viDeos- Music, football and films 50p each. 01245 324555 Dansk beDroom furniture (Nora range- teak, retro look) comprising of: king size bed base, 2 x bedside units with 2 drawers & 1 x chest with 5 drawers, used but lots of life in them- all for £100. Call: 07784 842316 Table supplied by Conway Pine. Solid single pedestal, 48” diameter, with general wear marks- £150 ono. 6 chairs, Beech, VGC- £25 each ono. Tel: 01245 323558/07947 905114 Dolls pram silver cross junior XT pushchair from ELC. Grey and pink in colour 3 wheeler type with footmuff £15. Baby Annabel bouncy chair that you can carry too. Dolls chicco high chair pink, light blue and white in colour £4. Various dolls, puzzles and games from £2 to suit aged 3-9. The golden coin maker- only used a few times (no chocolate) £8. Tel: 320266 mobiliTy Walker with seat and storage box (takes up to 19 stone weight) £40. Le Creuset large beige casserole dish £40. Red Devil Dust Buster with attachments £10. Bean slicer, made from cast metal (boxed) £5. Kleeneze super defrost tray (boxed) £5. 4 white corn on the cob dishes £2. All in good condition. Tel Linda on: 07932 684783 one meTal framed double bed silvery coloured with two matching bedside tables with glass tops £60 ono. Tel: 01245 329299 inDesiT Automatic Washing Machine. Perfect working order £40. Matsui microwave oven. Good working order £10. 01245 328595 leaTHer Desk CHair with plastic arms £15. Dark pine long mirror 43cm x 134cm can be hung on wall £20 ono. Call: 01245 328043 WeDDing iTems- Mori Lee wedding dress 14, worn once Jan 14 from Bellissimas, was £700 wanted £250, good condition, rosalind style tule full skirt, under skirt included can be tried on. Veil from Bellissimas was £100 wanting £50. 10 fish bowls £25. 10 square plate mirrors £25. Bird cage style table plan £20. Cream heart wire table plan £5. Sweet scoops and tongs £5. Glass wear for sweets mixed prices. Fur shrug ivory £10. Satin ivory cape mid length with hood £50. Offers accepted photos can be sent. 07904 194402 arCHimeDes battery operated bath chair lift with a charger, the chair sits in the bath and the battery is charged separately from the chair and then inserts in the lift controller, no danger of electricity near water, simple and easy to use. By pressing buttons you raise and lower the chair. Ideal for an elderly or a disabled person who finds it difficult to get into or out of a bath. Comes with booklet and instructions. Full working order, and very good condition. Buyer collects. Asda 2 litre coolwall deep fat fryer only used a couple of times, very good condition, comes with a user manual £10. Buyer collects. 07908 426194 2 seaTer reClining settee brown faux suede finish, deep sink in cushion, hardwearing, smoke and pet free home, 18 months old excellent condition, can deliver. £195. Samsung slim 50 inch Plasma TV- piano black frame, excellent condition and picture. £230. Tel: 01245 324790 Billboard Focus 632_Layout 1 27/01/2014 11:29 Page 2 South Woodham Focus 32 bRaND NEW iPHONE 5. Boxed with headphones. No charger. £375. 07720 045886 GiRlS PiNK & white bike with sparkly tassels on handle bars and front basket, for age approx 6yr+ £25. Boys BMX bike electric blue for age approx 8yr+ £25 both in good condition. Pink karaoke machine with mic, bought last year for £60 has flashing red disco lights on the front £25. Xbox steering wheel and pedal (never used) £20. Also kids kickboxing bits. 07546 215033 ORTHaPEDiC DOublE divan bed with drawers 3yrs old used 6 times as a spare bed unmarked £50. Babies bouncy chair (little circus from Mothercare) with soft play animals on wrap round bar, has music and massage settings. Unused gift £25. Ready made full length drop eyelet curtains from Paul Simon (browns and gold inlay) with 4 matching cushion covers with cushions £45. Paul Simon ready made eyelet curtains cream with plum horizontal stripe at top unmarked £20. Mamas and Papas carry cot for urbo sola etc in plum with over night airflow mattress aswell as day mattress as new RRP 199 with mattresses would take £50. Large selection of new born to 3 to 6 month baby clothes all immaculate mostly Next and George £50 the lot. All from a smoke and pet free home. 07887 726031 RaNGEMaSTER Classic 90 Dual Range Cooker Gas Hob and Electric Fan Assisted Oven Black and Chrome, excellent condition, selling due to kitchen new layout. £650 ono. Zanussi washing machine, full working order, nice condition, white, approx 5 years old, selling to integra washing machine being fitted. £45 ono. Please phone: 01245 425345 HEllO KiTTy CD player £15.00. New puzzles (Hello Kitty, Spongebob Squarepants and Disney Fairies) 100 pieces for 6+ £4.00 each. New 1000 piece dog puzzle £4.00. Selection of used puzzles, maths games & shapes £7.50. Graco dolls travel cot and baby carrier £8.00. Bratz, Moxie, Barbie dolls etc and some accessories (car and clothes, approx 23 dolls) £50.00. Have some other Barbie items and can split. New 4 x Zhu Zhu Hamsters in original box £20.00. New Zhu Zhu puppy £10.00. New Interactive Patch the Dog £15.00. Riley Cougar 2 piece snooker cue in black case £15.00. Zinc Spark Scooter £10.00. Arsenal signed and framed 1971 shirt £150.00 7 signatures, (original, but no certificate of authenticity). New 2 x Superman rucksacks £5.00 each. New Mini Super Speed High Performance 2WD Remote Racing Car £18.00. Double bed in a bag £45.00, ideal for when guests are staying over (RRP £120.00) used twice. Boys 14" Kids Cool blue bike with stabilisers £20.00. Boys 14" Juggler bike £30.00 with helmet and bell. Toy Story Scooter £7.00. Mamas and Papas dolls pram £15.00. V Tech learning system £8.00. V Tech Challenger Laptop £12.00. V Tech Storio with 3 cartridges £30.00. Leapfrog Tag Reader, learn to read box set 1 and 3 other books £35.00excellent condition as hardly used. New Next boys black Chelsea boots size 1, still in original box £25.00. Lilac Bumbo seat VGC £10.00. New Boys and Girls bedroom clocks £6.00. 187 Mega Bloks with top which makes sounds £12.00 or 175 Mega Bloks £8.00. Can email photos. All items listed are from a smoke and pet free home. Tel: 07801 048534 PiNE CHEVal MiRROR £15.00. Tel: 07733 011278 iKEa WOODEN cot in good condition and mattress included if needed can be at 2 levels depending on age of baby £30. Call Sarah: 325010 FiTTED WaRDRObES (2 doubles) with sliding aluminium frame. Come complete with wooden frame and shelving. Dimensions are: 7ft 10” W x 2ft 2” D x 7ft 8” H, two white wooden panel doors measuring 2ft 10” W. £40 the lot. Tel: 01245 235765/ 07528 707971 WaNTED- Computer monitor. Around 20”. Prefer Dell. Must be working order and reasonably priced. 01245 400026 2 THREE SEaTER cream material couches- Habitat. Good condition£150 for the pair. Lylie: 01245 321578 WaNTED- Small Galvanised Car Trailer, anything considered. 01245 400026 DiSCO uNiTS- Choice of 2 professional units, 1st unit: kam kcd 960 twin CD unit, with a professional kam gx5 mk11 dj mixer, all wired in a carpeted lockable dj cabinet. 2nd unit: kam kcd mp3180-1d3 twin CD unit, with a numark 15 channel mixer, built into a lockable dj cabinet, both unit have new lasers, absolute bargain @ £145 each unit. Tel: 07765 578091 laDiES T-SHiRTS and tops size 12-14 all in very good condition and reasonably priced. Can be viewed at South Woodham Ferrers. Womens two piece suit from Wallis size 12. Silver grey, fully lined, worn once. Excellent condition. Cost £300 but will accept £50. 01245 320644 or 07930 821305 TWO KiDDiCaRE child car seats each with harness for 9mths to 4yrs 9-8kg or secured with car seat belt 3-12yrs 15-36kg good condition only used in Nanny's car £10 each. Tel: 01245 320421 lOFT iNSulaTiON- 2 rolls in original packing 100mm thickness each will cover 14.15m². Now selling in Wickes at £40-£60. Bargain price £20. 01245 322282 BLOCK PAVING SPECIALISTS CLEANING * REPAIRS * NEW PAVING TAKING CARE OF YOUR PAVING WE CLEAN WEED REPAIR DRAINS SAND YOU PAY ALL THAT MONEY FOR YOUR PAVING SO LET ME HELP YOU LOOK AFTER IT 07957 916003 SAM/DAVID CARS WANTED CASH PAID PETROL OR DIESEL TOP 2014 PRICES HIGH MILEAGE * NON-RUNNER RUSTY * NO MOT DAMAGED * UNWANTED AS NEW YES WE WANT YOUR CAR 07775 998628 WANTED OLD MILITARY-ARMY ITEMS MEDALS * TOY SOLDIERS SWORDS * HELMETS DOCUMENTS * CANNONS UNIFORMS * BLUNDERBUSS EQUIPMENT * MOTORBIKES ANTIQUES * TRUNKS FLYING HELMETS * MILITARIA TOP PRICES PAID 07831 589763 D.B. KIDDLE DVD- The Class of ‘92’. Brand new, unwanted gift. Bargain- £6. Mobile phone- Nokia 2220 slide phone (same as C2-05). Unlocked. Dark grey. Nice condition. Bargain- £15. Tel: 07799 567611 laDiES CREaM Next jacket, ex cond, £5. Beatrix Potter figures x 7, Peter Rabbit, Mr Jackson, Foxy Whiskered Gentleman, etc. Rucksack, blue, stone, black trim, lots of pockets, unused, £4, excellent quality. Viz annuals x 6 £20. Camping foam liner x 5, blue colour, £10. Yew wood telephone seat, padded seat, storage for underneath, ex cond, £15. Quicksilver ski jacket, blue, grey, stone & black, worn once, large size, ex cond, £30. Dress suit from Marks & Spencer, worn once, dry cleaned, trousers 34" waist, jacket 40" chest, ideal for Xmas functions, top quality, complete with white shirt 17" collar, dry cleaned, £25 complete. 01245 269356 or 07980 368087 PRiNCiPlES lEaTHER ¾ coat. Soft black supple leather, size 12, ex cond, side pockets- £40 ono. Tel: 07067 520662 MaMaS aND PaPaS Pliko pramette complete travel system including Primo Viaggio car seat and Isofix base. Can be used as a pram, buggy or to clip car seat on. Very good condition, neutral grey pattern. Was £600 new, selling for £190 ovno. Accessories including foot muff, sun shade etc. Please contact: 07798 517455 FORD FiESTa ZETEC- 3 door, MOT, Tax, Fords bought, Fords maintained. 77,000 miles. 2003 Reg. £1900 ovno. 01245 325088/07761 617124 FORD FOCuS 2.0 TDCi Titanium 3 door. Black, 06, 102k, 6-speed, excellent condition, Tax MOT Oct 2014, FSH, AC, parking sensors, heated windscreen, auto-dimming mirror, CD/MP3, h-leather seats, ABS, electric mirrors, 16" alloys, alarm, immobiliser, drivers-side airbags. £3,700 ono. 07921 774244 FORD ESCORT 1.8TDi- 2000, excellent car. 121k miles but with 12 months MOT, 7 months Tax, CD/radio, excellent air con, cambelt changed within last 20k miles, regularly serviced, 45mpg, same owner 5+ years. £795 ono. 07547 917486 FORD FOCuS 2006- Sport 1.6l. 3 door. Grey. 70,000 miles. MOT and Tax until June 2014. Very good condition, very reliable car. £2900. 07792 956806 VOlVO 760 TuRbO Estate. 10 months MOT. Electric drivers seat. 5 alloys with good tyres. Comes with full service history, original hand books and bits- £495 ono. 01245 324555 NiSSaN MiCRa 1.0 S Automatic 2003, Silver, 36,000 miles, Taxed and tested till March, clean inside and out- £1500 ono. Please contact Alan: 07564 926589 or 01245 325103 WaNTED- Small/medium car, preferred Automatic, Tax/tested and reasonably priced. 01245 400026 MERCEDES Ml 270 CDi Diesel, Automatic, 2004, full 12 months MOT. Just serviced and Taxed. 71000 miles only. Host of other extras, unmarked, in superb condition throughout. Any trial or inspection invited. £7950. Tel: 01245 322092 (Bicknacre) Trade Pages Focus _Layout 1 27/01/2014 11:43 Page 1 South Woodham Focus 33 * 24 Hr Service * Lock Changing & Fitting * Garage Door Lock Replacement * Upvc/Compostite Doors * Locks & Handles * Multipoint Adjustment & Repair * Non Destructive Entry to Lock Outs * Fully trained, Insured & CRB Checked "# *!"& ''# )* )" ) &+ ) + ) "# !"& * . )* (($" & & # " !" !$ !" ,% $ )- )* "*! *! )* '%% ) " $ (($" & * * ' & - % !"& * "& *+' # * ( ) * %"$. ,& ,*"& ** #* (($" & * '$ '% . )* Based in South Woodham Ferrers and only minutes away from you. ! $ ! % # ! " Call David on Mob: 07921 392515 Landline 01245 325814 NO CALL OUT CHARGE SWF LOCAL TREE SURGEON "% # % $ $ " ' $% & ) % # " %#$ $ " #$ ) %" "$) ) %" $" # ) # $ " $ $ $ " ) %" $" # $ $ # "% $ ) " $ ) $ " ) %"# " ) %" %"*# " "$) " ) %" $" # )$ $ ) %" % *# #$"% $%" $ ) "# ( " ' " '$ $" # ' % # $ " ) % " & !% $ $ " $ " & $ $ ($$ '" !! &* $"% ( ( ) ( ' + $$ & # ! 07957 916003 - Sam or David ' Trade Pages Focus _Layout 1 27/01/2014 10:17 Page 2 34 South Woodham Focus + $ "* - * ! (' ' % ) $+ % " & -) * % ) * "& "$ -) * %) (, " " &* & & ) ' " $ () )" & $+ % "& % "$ $ ( ((-$ &)* $$ *"'&) ( )#- * * "& '% A.P. Chapman Painting & Decorating Interior • Exterior • Wallpaper etc City & Guilds • Fully Insured • Free Estimates ! $! " " % ) & * #! " * 01245 324117 Mob: 07956 216982 # A L L 0 E T E R Computer Services " & $ #"&'%( ' #" 0)4%5!71 8 !2).1 8 %-#)-' 8 %#*)-' 8 30&)-' 8 0)#*5.0* 8 /! (%$ !1%1 8 .-1%04!2.0)%1 62%-1).-1 8 .., .-4%01).-1 0.3-$5.0* !2%0 !0$%-1 8 0%% 30'%07 8 ),"%0 203#230%1 8 %0'.+!1 3++ 3"+)# )!")+)27 -130!-#% .0 ! 3.2!2).- !++ !-)%+ ! "$ & ! #$"( !&% $ "! " & $ ) %& "! "& ))) $ # !& Andrew Wing Landscapes Design Construction & Maintenance • Themed & Gravel Gardens Patios & Driveways • Slabbing, Block & Crazy Paving • Decking, Rockeries & Ponds • Property Maintenance Service • Fencing • Brickwork FREE ESTIMATES est 01245 322163 or 0779 174 4773 since www.andrewwinglandscapes.co.uk 1981 #( # # $& ( # ■ )& ' " #(' # ' % # ■ & +$& ' ■ & * + ,' # % ( $' # ■ )!! ' # # ) ! ' &* ■ ■ ■ 07973 522412 [email protected] # ! 555 $!-)%+5)-$1.0+!-$1#!/%1 #. 3* %,!)+ )-&. $!-)%+5)-$1.0+!-$1#!/%1 #. 3* !& ! $"# $&* Upgrades, Virus Removal Hardware/Software Installation Advice and Basic Tuition. Mark Piesse Reasonable Rates. 01245 321514 For a Home Visit call: "' "$ " ' KEVIN PAUL LOCKE ! ! Painting & Decorating • Wallpapering • Plastering • Carpentry • Tiling • General Maintenance Fully qualified and insured 30 years experience [email protected] %" " $ " # ! " " $ " % % % % % ! # " # Call: 01245 425094 / 07812152725 % % % % % FLAT ROOFING for unts Discor citizens Senio *Lifetime Guarantee *100% maintenance free * resistant to all weathers * Anti-slip finish No deposit - Payment On Completion Call Kelly Today for A Free Estimate 01245-835011 Free Estimates & Advice General Builders all Fully Licensed Trades Catered For. No Jobs too Small Insurance Backed Guarantee offered GENERAL BUILDERS 4%-1 #24. )'24%6-1+ 28-1+ )1()4-1+ )9 #-1(295 27&/) /%<-1+ 46): %6,42205 -66)( -/-1+ /)'64-'%/ #24. 1574%1') #24. %'-%5 2**-65 22* )3%-45 /%56)4-1+ 766)4-1+ /70&-1+ ,-01); 6%'.5 !38' %5'-% 2**-6 /%((-1+ /%15 %0-1%6) %4(922( /224-1+ -16)/5 -66)( 4-'.924. 21'4)6) )3%-45 -6',)15 733/-)( -66)( -6',)1 /6)4%6-215 %4%+) 218)45-215 %43)164; 2'.5 ")/7: #-1(295 '%**2/(-1+ /)'64-'%/ )9-4)5 /)'64-'%/ %7/6 -1(-1+ :64% 2'.)65 -+,65 )9 75) 2%4(5 %(-%6245 )1)9)( 2-/)45 )1)9)( )164%/ )%6-1+ ;56)05 156%//)( &; %5 %*) -66)45 '3&&1)0/& $ " * " / 0 / 01245 410190 999 &%/%1')%1('2 '20 Trade Pages Focus _Layout 1 27/01/2014 10:13 Page 3 South Woodham Focus 35 Ruby Windows Plastic Surgery for Your Home Upvc & Aluminium double glazing problems solved. Handles, Door & Window Locks - Hinges - Sealed Units - Leaking Conservatories Full replacement doors & windows. For warm, friendly service with over 22 years experience, call 01245 322525 or 07541 213321 email: [email protected] www.rubywindows.com ! South Woodham Fencing 4 ■ $+"(+& ■ 1.%(+& ■ $")(+& ■ !0(,/ ■ !0$/ ■ !+#/"!-$/ ■ '$# !/$/ ■ .$$ 2,.)/ Call Terry 07754 841693 01245 633320 ! 03 %-- +0.) ,.1307).)/5 3)26,3).)/54 9 %,/5,/* )'03%5,/* 9 -003 #%-- !,-,/* 9 )%- #00( %.,/%5) -003,/* 9 %5+300. ,5'+)/ /45%--%5,0/ 03 )45,.%5)4 2605)4 %/( %(7,') %-- )5)3 0/ 03 1)5)38%554 &5,/5)3/)5 '0. ! ! $ " SA SERVICES 5 # 5 ! " $ FREE ESTIMATES $" $ " $ ! ! 5 5 5 5 5 $ " $ 5 5 " 5 333 /&/(.2*'(/).,1- ', 1+ FREE ESTIMATES ! ! Cornice, Fibrous Cornice, Mouldings & Rendering. Insurance Work undertaken, 15 yrs experience. Very clean, reliable & PL Insurance. $ $ !" 5 5 " 07967 595 485 or 01245 403218 ! %$ ! # # " ! ‘Trust a Trader Approved’ W Tel 01245 320314 CLIFF’S TELEVIDEO SERVICES ■ ) "' &) %$ &'% " #( ' (%"+ ■ ' " (-() #( *& ' ,)' &% $)( ■ ' ( ) !" & %$ % $)( ■ " (# (*&&" $ $() "" ■ %# $ # %*$ (-() # ) " " $ % ## &)%(! %$ "%' # ' # ' ! ! " ' # ' # ' # # $ & # ! # " # # ! 632 pages_Layout 1 28/01/2014 10:42 Page 36 NEW PEUGEOT STILL AFFORDABLE 208 ACCESS Up to 65.7mpg Electric front windows £155 Cruise control with speed limiter Remote central locking & £155 initial payment per month # on Passport Personal Lease INCLUDES £750 CONTRIBUTION FROM PEUGEOT P PEUGEOT EUGEOT 2 208 08 A ACCESS CCESS With a small , sporty steering wheel and intuitive eye-level dash, you’ll find the award-winning Peugeot 208 Access very, very driveable. And at just £155 a month with up to 65.7mpg, it’s also very, very affordable. Ready to take a test drive? Give us a call . TOOMEY - SOUTHEND Automotive Park, SOUTHEND ON SEA , SS 4 1GP 01702 563150 w w w.toomey-southend.co.uk Of ficial Fuel Consumption in MPG (l /100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km) for the 20 8 range are: Urban 32.8 – 78.5 (8.6 – 3.6), Ex tra Urban 54.3 – 88.3 (5.2 – 3.2), Combined 44.1 – 83.1 (6.4 – 3.4) and CO2 149 – 87 (g/km). MPG figures are achieved under of ficial EU test conditions, intended as a guide for comparative purposes only, and may not reflect actual on-the-road driving conditions. Terms and conditions apply, par ticipating dealers only or visit w w w.peugeot.co.uk . To finance your [lease /purchase] we may introduce you to a limited number of lenders. #Passpor t Personal Lease: A guarantee may be required. O ver 18’s only. Writ ten quotations available on request from Peugeot Financial Ser vices, Quadrant House, Princess Way, Redhill, RH1 1QA . Passpor t Personal Lease contract e xamples. 20 8 Access 1.0 V Ti 68 3dr customer initial payment £155, Dealer initial payment contribution £250, Peugeot initial payment contribution £50 0, optional final payment £3,0 68. 46 monthly rental s payable. A nnual mileage 60 0 0 miles. E xcess mileage charges may apply. If you choose to pay of f the optional final rental at the end of contract, you can keep the car but will not own it – you will pay an annual rental equivalent to one of your monthly rental s. However, car ownership is possible with Passpor t – ask us for detail s. O f fers apply to vehicles ordered by 31st March 2014. Call s m ay be recorded for t raining p urposes. D
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