An Attitude of Gratitude


An Attitude of Gratitude
Volume 61 | Issue 3
An Attitude of Gratitude
My favorite Hasidic story is about the man who complains to the
rabbi that he is jealous of his friends who all seem more successful
than he with newer cars, bigger houses and more thriving
businesses. He tells the rabbi that every day he looks around his
small house and feels like a failure. “There isn’t enough room in my
small house for my wife, my two children,
myself and all my dreams to fit."
The rabbi assured him that he had a cure
for his problem and told him to go home
and bring into the house his two pet dogs,
his pet cat and the family goat (naturally,
being an old Hasidic story, it takes place
in a small village in Poland). The man was
confused but was taught to listen when
the rabbi speaks (that’s really why I love
the story, of course), so he went home
and brought in the dogs, the cat and the
family goat. After a week he couldn’t stand
it anymore and ran back to the rabbi to
complain about the animals and the noise.
“No worries,” said the rabbi, “but before
your troubles will end, you have to go back
home, buy a cow and bring her into your
house as well.” Now the man knew the
rabbi had lost his mind, but being brought
up to always listen to his rabbi, he went
home, bought a cow and brought her into his house as well.
By the third week he was going out of his mind, so he ran back
to the rabbi and explained, “First I complained that my house was
too small, so you had me bring in my two dogs and cat and the
family goat. Then you had me buy a cow and bring her into my
house as well. Now I can’t sleep, can’t eat, can barely think at all
from all the noise, and thrashing about, and chaos and clutter that
is everywhere I turn. Rabbi you have to help me – it’s driving me
So the rabbi took the man by the hand and said, “Ok, like I said,
no worries. Go home immediately and take out the two dogs, the
cat, the family goat and the cow from your house – so the man
ran home as fast as he could, emptied the house of all but his wife
and two daughters and himself, and then sighed a giant sigh of
relief, looked around his empty home and said, “Thank God for this
beautiful home with all this luxurious space in which my family can
live. What a lucky man I am!”
Of course, I love the story because it reminds
me every time that attitude is everything in
life. Our greatest gift, our greatest challenge
each and every day when life seems difficult
and challenging, whether from illness or
loss or grief or despair, is to see the world
and our place in it with an attitude of
gratitude. When we get up every morning
and say, “Thank you God for the gift of this
day, for the gift of love which flows from my
heart to envelope my family and friends, for
the blessings I find in every life lesson along
the way,” then we will truly feel blessed
as well.
Like the Yiddish proverb that teaches,“If
you are going to be miserable when you
are sick, then be thankful and happy when
you are well,” every day is an opportunity
to experience the gratitude that makes life
worthwhile. Look around at all who have less, who struggle just to
survive every day, at the billion human beings who survive on less
than $2 a day of food, at the millions of children who suffer with
illness and death each day simply due to lack of clean water, at
the 600,000 families in East Africa who today are on the verge of
disease and death from the triple devastations of war, drought and
famine, and how can you think anything other than how blessed
your life truly is? This is the season of gratitude, the month to say
thanks for the blessings that fill our lives. Join Rabbi Bernstein and
me at the Annual Pacific Palisades Interfaith Thanksgiving
Service on Monday November 22, at 7:00 p.m., at the Self
Realization Fellowship to join with our larger community in
gratitude and thanks.
from the
There once was a small village, every year they had a grand community celebration. Their tradition was to simply ask
everyone in the village to bring a cup of wine to the center of town, which was then poured into a giant vat for all to
share. At the start of the celebration, the Mayor would dip her ceremonial ladle into the vat and pour the first cup of wine to start the festivities.
One year, a member of the community felt he was having a difficult time and could not contribute to the community effort - Instead of a cup of wine,
he decided he would contribute a cup of water. “After all, I’m just one person, and it’s just one cup, what difference will it make?” he said to himself.
The night of the celebration arrived, the entire town gathered in the square, the Mayor stood proudly on the stage and dipped the ladle into the vat –
and out she poured – water. It seems everyone that year had the exact same idea – “What difference will my one cup make?”
The moral of the story is obvious: EVERYONE MATTERS. ALWAYS.
On Rosh Hashanah I introduced our new Commitment to Community Annual Giving Campaign.
Here’s the reality: We must generate $600,000 in order to sustain our programming, and we will only be able to do this if we have 100%
participation. We cannot depend on someone else to make a contribution. Whether it’s $18 or $18,000, our success is in our hands. The campaign to
date has already generated $200,000 from congregants who stepped up early, including 100% participation from the KI Board of Trustees. We thank
you for your generosity and commitment to this community.
In late September, NPR aired a piece on High Holy Day appeals. At Yom Kippur, temple presidents across the nation were standing before their
congregations asking for financial support. At first it felt uncomfortable to me, speaking about such matters during this hallowed time. But really, what
better time is there for us to take a look at our shul, ourselves, our peoplehood and renew our commitment to each other.
Our tradition of Reconstructionism tells us that together we are the driving force behind this community’s culture and success – and so, this seems like
the perfect time and place for us to consider the reality of our bottom-line. When you receive your Commitment to Community mailer, think about your
synagogue, think about your congregational family and please send what you can.
When my family joined KI in 1996, Neil Selman was just beginning his tenure as temple President. On Yom Kippur he stood in this same spot and did
something that deepened my understanding of what it means to belong to a congregational family. On behalf of the congregation, Neil blessed our
clergy. It seems to me this is something we should do each year but is certainly most especially necessary as we enter into this year of Commitment
To Community.
From our beginning 60-years ago to this very day, KI is our blessing. The men and women that work as our beloved clergy, staff and faculty are
our blessing.
It is because of our Commitment to Community they are part of our lives. We look to them for guidance, for knowledge, for comfort, for friendship. For
some, they are surrogate parents or connected to us like a brother or sister. They nourish our souls, help us bury our loved ones, inspire, encourage and
pick us up when we stumble. They educate our children. Unlock the doors. Turn on the lights. Get the ark moved, so gently moved from the sanctuary
to services. They help us know where we are supposed to be and when, and without our commitment and their unfaltering dedication, KI would only
be a really great idea.
KI News
Mi-sheh-bay-rach avotaynu v’-ee-motaynu, hu ye-va-rech et kol ay-leh sheh ahs-ku leekh-vod ha-tzee-bur b’le-va-vay-hem, gu-fay-hem v’naf-sho-tayhem, bees-khar zeh ha-ka-dosh baruch hu yeesh-lach bracha v’hatz-la-kha b’khol ma-a-seh yeh-deh-hem, v’no-mar amein.
May the One who blessed our ancestors Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless those who toil in the service of this
community with the labor of their hearts, bodies and spirits. May they find blessing and success in all they do, and let us say, “Amen.”
Thank you for permitting me to serve as your temple president. G'mar hatima tova.
November 5 | Leh Leha (Genesis 12:1-17:27)
This week we meet Abraham and Sarah, the father and mother of the
Jewish people. Abraham believes that his destiny is to leave the past
behind and create a society based on spiritual and ethical laws. God tells
him that his main task in life is for him (and his descendents) to become
blessings in the world. This week you might think of three ways that you
can bring more blessings into your world.
November 12 | Vayera (Genesis 18:1-22:24)
We read in this week’s portion about the births of Isaac and Ishmael.
These two sons of Abraham go on to father both the Jews and Arabs.
Perhaps this week is a good time to think about two ways that prejudice
and fear have kept us and the Arabs from creating peace. You might come
up with two things that you can do to further the process of reconciliation
between Arabs and Jews this week, whether by writing a letter, supporting
a cause, engaging in a dialogue or studying the facts about the history of
the Middle East.
November 19 | Hayey Sarah (Genesis 23:1-25:18)
This week we read of the death of Sarah, the marriage of her son Isaac
to Rebekah (whose outstanding qualification for marriage was her
compassion for all living things), and the death of Abraham. We are told
that Abraham died “in a good old age, an old man, and full of years.”
Think about how you would have to live your life so that at the end it
would be said of you that your years were “full” and “good,” and take
steps this week to live in accordance with those goals.
November 26 | Toldot (Genesis 25:19-28:9)
This week’s portion tells of the dramatic sibling rivalry between Jacob and
Esau, the pain caused by parental favoritism, and the treachery of Jacob
in stealing his brother’s blessings from his father. The famous phrase, “The
voice is the voice of Jacob, but the hands are the hands of Esau,” reminds
us of the price we pay for lack of integrity in our own lives. Think of at
least two ways this week in which you can make “voice” and “hands”
consistent so that your words and actions reflect the integrity you desire
in your life.
Shabbat Services Schedule
4, Friday
9:30 am 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Torah Study
Tot Shabbat led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
“On the Rabbi’s Mind” Shabbat
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
5, Saturday | Leh Leha
9:00 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Reuben
10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Sarah Shindler becomes Bat Mitzvah
10:30 am KI Monthly Minyan led by congregants
4:30 pm Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Abraham Fleck becomes Bar Mitzvah
11, Friday
9:30 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
7:30 pm Shabbat Services led by Rabbi Bernstein
and Cantor Frenkel
Rabbi Bernstein shares an Israel update from
her recent mission
12, Saturday | Vayera
9:00 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Reuben
18, Friday
9:30 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
7:30 pm Limmud Shabbat – A Shabbat of Learning
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
19, Saturday | Hayey Sarah
9:00 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Reuben
10:00 am Shabbat Morning Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Griffin Morris becomes Bar Mitzvah
4:30 pm Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Reuben and Cantor Frenkel
Casey Longstreet becomes Bat Mitzvah
25, Friday
9:30 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
7:30 pm Shir Shabbat – A Shabbat in Song
led by Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel
26, Saturday | Toldot
9:00 am Torah Study led by Rabbi Bernstein
4:30 pm Shabbat Afternoon Service
led by Rabbi Bernstein and Cantor Frenkel
Megan Banchik becomes Bat Mitzvah
(See page 5 for B’nai Mitzvah schedule)
KI News
Deborah & Mark Attanasio
Sandra & Rodney Chase
Hillarie & Steven Dietz
Elizabeth & Mark Kogan
Angela & Mark Milstein
Anna Sanders Eigler
Diana & Robert Friedman
Rachel & Bruce Jeffer
Jo Ann & Charlie Kaplan
Beth & Kenneth Karmin
Susan Purcell & Yair Landau
Therese & Jeff Lotman
Laurie Hasencamp & Michael Lurey
Ann & Jerry Moss
Tia Palermo & Jess Ravich
Tracey & Jake Steinfeld
Joyce & Jeffrey Sudikoff
Blossom Trustman
Lauren & Bobby Turner
Audra & Jeff Nathanson
Linda & Tony Rubin
Rosalind & Mark Schurgin
Rosanne Ziering
Jo & Larry Feldman
Valerie Karno & Eric Glaser
Patricia Collins & Gordon Greenberg
Stefanie & Jonathan Greenberg
Ron Grossblatt
Jill Grey
Harriet Zaretsky & Steve Henry
Keiko & Laurence Jacobson
Jill & Daniel Leanse
Susan Lebow
Todd Morgan
Jenny & Robert Morton
Zuzka & Philip Polishook
Synthia & Gary Praglin
Gail & Gary Rachelefsky
Wendi & Robert Resnick
Lisa & Richard Rogg
Gretchen & Daniel Rush
Loni & Jeff Rush
Stephanie & Jordan Schur
Patti & Richard Sinaiko
Deena & Martin Singer
Gina Deutsch-Zakarin & Mark Zakarin
Jodi & Elliot Zorensky
Marilyn & Izzy Freeman
Lora Fremont
Rhonda Sherman-Friedman & Barry Friedman
Pat Train Gage & Sanford Gage
Helen & Dennis Gaskin
Gordon Gerson
Leslie & Bruce Gifford
Marianne & Irwin Gold
Emily Blumenthal & Michael Goldstein
Wendy Felson & David Goodman
Maxine & Eric Greenspan
Priscilla & Jamie Halper
Patricia & Lewis Halpert
Andrea & Scott Holtzman
Eve & Glenn Jaffe
Jacqueline & Marvin Jubas
Joan & Arnold Kalan
Wendy Bishop & David Kendall
Celia Bernstein & Brad Kesden
Kristen Klein
Ilana & Klaus Koch
Mary Beth & Robert Kors
Nancy & Todd Kurtin
Laura Ornest & Rick Leslie
Serena & Shawn Levy
Stephanie & Stuart Liner
Shelley & Phil London
Ruth Sorotzkin & Bert Mandelbaum
Patricia & Gilbert Martin
Ron & Pamela Mass
EJ & Gregory Milken
Andie & Mark Miller
Jennifer & David Miner
Marcy & Steve Morris
Julie & Jean-Baptiste Nadal
Sheila & Rick Nasch
Rebecca & Michael Neidorf
Joyce & Michael Ostin
Susan & Andrew Pauly
Maya Iwanaga & Jeffrey Pinkner
Melissa & Glen Polson
Barbara & Arnold Price
Jill & Jeffrey Reichwald
Gail Geyer & Bernie Resser
Meli & Stephen Rose
Hilary & Glenn Rosen
Linda & Michael Rosen
Sheryl & Gary Rosenbaum
Rochelle & Kenneth Rosenberg
Maxine & Eugene Rosenfeld
Sari & Matthew Ross
Catherine Schreiber & Miles Ruthberg
Barbara Kreitzer & Alan Sanders
Lisa & Ian Schapiro
Linda & Robert Schibel
Lauren & Anton Schiff
Carole & Jeffrey Schwartz
Stephanie Kerley Schwartz & Michael Schwartz
Beth Abrams & Stuart Senator
Tracy Seretean
Eileen Cohen-Shore & Andrew Shore
Paulette & Richard Silver
Ellen & Harry Sondheim
Lainie Shapiro & Barry Sugarman
Sandra Gottlieb & David Swedelson
Moira & Stuart Tenzer
Robin & Mark Terman
Elyse & David Walker
Julie & Eric Wasserman
Donna & Jason Weiss
Lori & Tim Wilson
Deborah Lehman & Marc Wishingrad
Lauren & Lloyd Braun
Nancy & Sandy Bresler
Sherry & Gary Burdorf
Rita & Joe Cohen
Jan & Chuck Davis
Leslie & William Elkus
Charla & Michael Barnathan
Harriet Leva & Norm Beegun
Nancy & Russell Belinsky
Bobbie & Jim Beller
Pamela & Alan Bergman
Robin & Ed Berman
Jeanne & Edwin Bernstein
Ami & Joe Cohen
Susan & Jeffrey Cohen
Amy Bersch & Christopher Crain
Cynthia Pett-Dante & Peter Dante
Mary & Chuck Dembo
Lynne & Jimmy DeWitt
Marci & Jeff Dinkin
Robin & Robert Eatman
Alison & Geoffrey Edelstein
Jill & Robert Eisfelder
Dana & Rick Entin
Joan Lurie Farb & Scott Farb
Janet Leahy & Richard Farber
Samantha & Jonathan Firestone
Lauren & Austin Fite
Upcoming KI Events
Nov. 2 1:30-3:30 pm
KI Sages Bridge
7:00-9:00 pm
One False Move: A Forum on
Teens, Race & Justice - Panel discussion
presented by Young Angels
Nov. 3
7:00-9:00 pm
KIBN Speed Networking
7:00-9:00 pm
ECC Speaker Series:
Ready for School,
Ready for Success
Nov. 6
9:00-11:30 am
6:00-8:00 pm
KI News
Yom HaMishpaha
(Family Program) 2nd Grade
7th Grade Rosh Hodesh
Nov. 8
10:00 am-Noon
JLI Cooking Class
Preparing Thanksgiving –
Jewish Style
Nov. 9
3:00-4:30 pm
KI Sages –
Documentary and Discussion
with Jessica Simon
7:00-9:00 pm
Everything You Wanted to Know
about College Prep but Didn't
Know to Ask!
7:30-9:00 pm
JLI - Being Jewish:
Things I Should Have
Learned in Sunday School
Kosher: What’s the Deal
with Jews and Food?
Nov. 10
ECC Closed
Teacher Professional Development Day
Nov. 11
Veteran’s Day –
Offices and schools closed
Nov. 13 3:00 pm
JLI Music Series –
featuring pianist David Syme
Nov. 14 7:30 pm
KI Book Group – Zipporah, Wife of Moses
Nov. 15 7:30 pm
JLI – A Priest, a Rabbi and
a Minister walk into a bar –
The Power of Prayer
(at St. Matthew's Episcopal Church)
Nov. 16 8:30 am-3:30 pm
ECC Parent Teacher Conferences
Nov. 23 12:00 pm
ECC Noon Dismissal
3:00-4:30 pm
KI Sages Class
“The Most Important Ideas in the Torah” with Rabbi Reuben
Nov. 24
Thanksgiving – Offices and schools closed
Nov. 25
Thanksgiving – Offices and schools closed
No Torah Study
Nov. 29 7:30-9:00 pm
Real Housewives of the Bible:
Hagar – Class led by Rabbi Reuben at
American Jewish University
Our B’nai Mitzvah
Sarah Shindler, daughter of
Merri Howard-Shindler and
Merril Shindler, will be called
to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah
November 5, 2011, at
10:00 am Abraham Fleck, son of
Rochelle Huppin and Gary
Fleck, will be called to the
Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
November 5, 2011, at
4:30 pm
Casey Longstreet, daughter
of Marlo and Greg Longstreet,
will be called to the Torah as
a Bat Mitzvah November 19,
2011, at 4:30 pm
Megan Banchik,
daughter of Jannell and
Randy Banchik, will be
called to the Torah as a
Bat Mitzvah November 26,
2011, at 4:30 pm
Griffin Morris, son of
Marci and Steve Morris, will
be called to the Torah as a Bar
Mitzvah November 19, 2011,
at 10:00 am
The Power of Prayer
Clergy from different faith traditions will respond to the
challenges of whether or not prayer really matters, does God
hear prayers and respond, and why pray if you don’t believe in
an omnipotent supernatural Being.
No fee, please RSVP at , or call
Eleanor at 424.214.7461.
November 15 • 7:30 PM • St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
It's like Speed Dating for Your Business!
Thursday, November 3, 7:00-9:00 PM
Fee: $20 (4-event series cost is $50)
Share personal and business
connections with dozens of
other KI congregants in the
course of a fun, fast-paced,
intimate evening.
The Kehillat Israel Business
Network designs programming
to enrich your business life,
sharpen your business skills,
and broaden your business contacts. This is one of four
events in a don’t-miss program!
For RSVP and for more information on other KIBN
programs visit
Music @ KI
with David Syme
Sunday, November 13, 3:00 PM, Fee: $25
“Immensely accomplished American pianist” (The Times,
Join us for another fabulous music program hosted by
Cantor Chayim Frenkel. This entertaining and informative
performance by internationally-acclaimed pianist David Syme
explores the interrelationships between traditional Jewish
music and classical music. David’s unique concert style is to
play wonderful music, punctuated with little-known and often
amusing facts about the lives of famous musicians.
The concert will include renditions of Gershwin’s “Rhapsody
In Blue,” Mendelssohn’s “Rondo Capriccioso,” and various
pieces from Liszt, Mozart and others. Learn more online at
KI News
KIBN Speed Networking
Tribute cards are a wonderful way to remember your friends
and relatives on important occasions: birthdays, anniversaries,
recoveries from illness, as well as condolences. A tribute card
will be sent in your name and an acknowledgment published
in the KI News.The synagogue extends its sincere appreciation
for the following donations:
In Honor of
• KI Staff for HHD efforts by Judith Ubick
In Memory of
• Edna Gyepes by Judith Ubick
In Memory of
• John Newman by Margot and Michael Morrison
• Edna Gyepes by Margot and Michael Morrison
In Honor of
• Austin Fickman's Bar Mitzvah by Andrew Fickman
• Cantor Frenkel by Stefanie Hirsch
• Cantor Frenkel by Laura Kuper
• Chayim for his wonderful help to Abe and
Estelle Grundstein at this difficult time by Daniel
and Enid Lambert
• Commitment to Community by Dick and
Bobbi Nathanson
• Their wedding by Robert and Wendi Resnick
• The marriage of my wonderful son and beautiful
new daughter by Joan Van Horn
In Memory of
• Belle Berger by Michael and Francine Ostrow
• Cathie Wishnick, a remarkable woman, by Arnie Wishnick
In Honor of
• Jean Kahn
In Memory of
In Gratitude for
• Rabbi Bernstein and Torah study by Tikva Kaszas
• Don Freeman by Meg Freeman
In Honor of
• Nancy and Sandy Bresler by Eric Bresler
In Memory of
• Visca Mayer by Elena Alcalay
• Ben Kahn by Jean and Steven Dubowsky
• Albert J. Kaplan by Bruce and Leslie Gifford
• Max Lasky by Dale Nutter
• Max Tenzer and Berta A. Tenzer by Albert and
Isobel Tenzer
KI News
In Memory of
• Helga Angress and Helmut Angress by Andrew
and Stephanie Baum
In Memory of
• Morton Berdy by David and Carole White
• Abraham Starkman by Robert and Phyllis Starkman
In Honor of
In Memory of
• The New Year by Laura Kuper
• Paul Gutman by Jane Gutman
In Memory of
• Ruth Wishnick, his mother and master teacher,
by Arnie Wishnick
• Robert and Robin Burg
In Appreciation of
• The High Holy Days at KI by Yvonne and
Rabbi Stuart Lasher
In Gratitude for
• Rabbi Reuben's Rosh Hashanah sermon
by Mark Goldman
• Rabbi Reuben and Torah study by Tikva Kaszas
• The New Year by Laura Kuper
In Honor of
• Their wedding by Marcia Chapnick and Myron Caplan
• Their wedding by Robert and Wendi Resnick
In Memory of
• Mary Brooks by Mel and Pearl Brooks
• Hyman Zeldin by Estelle Grundstein
• Edna Gyepes by Michael Gyepes and Family
• Leon Abraham Hart by Nancy Hart
• Harry Schwartz by Jules Schwartz
• Seymour Grubman by Judy Whitmore
• Cathie Wishnick, his wife and an extraordinary person,
by Arnie Wishnick
• Hannah Rose Reilly by Bert and Carol Kleinman
In Memory of
In Honor of
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Dene Anton
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Rhonda Anton
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Steven Brown
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Roger and Fran Diamond
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Scott Farb and Joan Lurie Farb
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Kip and Cyja Kelly
• The marriage of Wendi and Robert Resnick
by Bernard Resser and Gail Geyer
In Memory of
• Bernard Braveman and Isadore Braveman
by Phyllis Braveman
• Jennie Moskowitz by David and Leah Manning
present a Kehillah for our
Sisters of Congo
Wednesday, November 16
7:00-9:00 PM
Join Naama
Haviv, Assistant
Director of Jewish
World Watch, in a
dynamic evening
of friendship,
education and activism to learn
about JWW’s current efforts on
behalf of women in Congo. You
will also hear a special musical
performance by the Congolese
Choir and participate in “Hineni,”
a healing art project.
Refreshments provided.
Suggested minimum donation $18
with all proceeds going to JWW
Project for Women of Congo.
Make Your
Commitment to
Community Gift Today
Community is…
new members
Susan Brooks
Caroline and Lucien Grainge
Martin Monti
Rebecca and Michael Neidorf
Diana and Randall Rothschild
Anna and Eric Suddleson
Holly and David Tishbi
Honoring our seniors Providing a Jewish education Helping those less fortunate Celebrating life’s events
Building a legacy for future generations
• To Julie Silver, on the death of her grandmother,
Sylvia Plotkin
We need you to help us reach our goal
of 100% participation and $600,000.
• To Leila Newman, on the death of her son, John
Newman; to Robert and Laurie Newman, on the
death of their brother
We ask every congregant to take responsibility
for our community and make a meaningful
contribution. Whether you give $18 or $18,000,
every dollar makes a difference.
ONLINE: Visit our secure website at
PHONE: Call Nadine Zysman at 424.214.7459
words of comfort
• To Larry Dubey, on the death of his father,
William Dubey
• To Michael Gyepes, on the death of his wife, Edna
Gyepes; to Steven Gyepes, David Gyepes, and
Nancy Gilbert, on the death of their mother
• To Bonita Hornstein, on the death of her mother,
Marie Hornstein
• To Linda Rubin, on the death of her mother,
Elayne P. Bernstein Schwartz
• To Natalie Graff-Radford, on the death of her uncle,
Frank Becker
• To Randee Samsky Hilborne, on the death of her
husband, Dean Hilborne
December 11, 6:30 PM
Kodak Theatre
6801 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, CA 90028
KI invites you to a Musical Sunday. A fun
evening out and a perfect Hanukah gift
idea to go see with your KI family!
Recommended for children ages 5 and
up. Seats assigned on a first come, first
served basis.
• To James Carter, on the death of his child,
Jaylah Carter
• Mazal Tov to Steve Soboroff on being selected by the
California Science Center Foundation as senior advisor
for its project to transport and permanently exhibit the
Space Shuttle Orbiter Endeavour in Los Angeles.
ki scrip program
All proceeds will benefit the Kehillat
Israel Ernest and Lisa Auerbach Jewish
Experience Center Scholarship Fund.
Thank you to the following people who
supported the Scrip Program in September
Patti and Richard Sinaiko
Geraldine and Jack Weichman
let us know!
let the ki community share in your life-cycle events.
If you would like to announce a birth or death in KI News, please contact Leslie Zimmer at
424.214.7466. Or if you would like to congratulate someone for an event or accomplishment in
Kvell Corner, please send to [email protected].
$675.00 from Gelsons
K E H I L L AT I S R A E L ,
Return Service Requested
a Reconstructionist Congregation,
is an inclusive spiritual community,
providing a warm, nurturing
environment where we pray, learn,
educate, and perpetuate Torah and
Jewish values, while serving the
greater community.
Steven Carr Reuben, PhD, Rabbi
Amy Bernstein, Rabbi
Chayim Frenkel, Cantor
Marca Gay, Executive Director
Alice Greenwald, Director, Youth and Family Education
Julie Dubron, Director, Early Childhood Center
Abraham Winokur z”l, Founding Rabbi
Mickey Bienenfeld, Cantor Emeritus
KI Board of Trustees 2011-12/5771-5772:
Officers: Kathleen Rawson, President; Miriam Bookey, VP Synagogue Services;
Jessica Dishell, VP Education; Angela Milstein, VP Strategic Planning/Special Projects;
Robert Resnick, VP Finance; Moira Tenzer, Ex-Officio, Advisor to the President;
Trustees: Laura Diamond, Lani Farar, Cindy Freedland,
Steve Gomer, Nancy Handler, Rachael Jeck, Heidi Katz, Richard Klein,
Bert Kleinman, Jill Leanse, Steven Lewis, Mark Miller, Rick Nasch, Michael Rosen,
Stephanie Kerley Schwartz, Pamela Solomon, Rosanne Ziering
KI Communications Director:
Barbara Lehman
KI News Art Direction and Production:
Barbara Lehman, Gili Wolf
Editorial Support:
Matt Davidson, Mariana Grosz
KI News is published monthly by Kehillat Israel
Reconstructionist Congregation of Pacific Palisades,
16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to
KI News, 16019 W. Sunset Blvd., Pacific Palisades, CA 90272