The Distribution of Capture Fisheries Based Small Pelagic


The Distribution of Capture Fisheries Based Small Pelagic
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 6(2)2014:149-153, April 2014, Said Abdusysyahid et al.
International Journal of Science
and Engineering(IJSE)
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The Distribution of Capture Fisheries Based Small PelagicMackerel Fish Species In Balikpapan Waters,
East Kalimantan
Said Abdusysyahid1), Sutrisno Anggoro2) and Azis Nur Bambang2)
and Marine Science Faculty of Mulawarman University, Kampus Gunung Kelua Samarinda, East Kalimantan
2)Fisheries and Marine Science Faculty of Diponegoro University, Jl. Prof. Soedarto, SH. Campus UNDIP Tembalang Semarang 50275
Email: [email protected]
Abstract - In the utilization of common property resource, long term balance in aquaculture is difficult to maintain as
people trying to maximize their profit leading to considerable extensification. The objective of this research was to analyze
the number of stock, production, and effort of Mackerel fish (Scomberomorus commersonii) resource based on bioeconomic approach. Primary data was collected based on purposive sampling method where the respondents in this
research were Small Pelagic fishers which determined deliberately due to specific consideration. Secondary data used in
this research was obtained from several sources. Data production and effort (input or effort) was arranged in a time
sequence according to the type of fishing gears and their targets of fishery resource being studied and then determined the
value of CPUE (catch per unit effort). Mathematically, the input gear to be standardized is calculated from fishing power
index multiplies with input (effort) of standardized gear. The result shows that the renewable capacity begins to decrease
leading to a condition of biologically over fishing. Aside from that, the Mackerel fish resource in this area also experiences
economically over fishing condition which indicated by higher economic calculation value and lower capture yield.
Keywords: potency; capture fishery; mackerel fish; bio-economy(;)
Submission: March 28, 2014
Correction: April 1, 2014
Accepted: April 14, 2014
Doi: 10.12777/ijse.6.2.149-153
[How to cite this article: Abdusysyahid, S., Anggoro, S. and Bambang, A.N. 2014. The Distribution of Capture Fisheries Based Small Pelagic- Mackerel
Fish Species In Balikpapan Waters, East Kalimantan, International Journal of Science and Engineering, 6(2),149-153.
Fishing activity can be carried out either in coastal or
off-shore area. In coastal area, small fishers use very
simple technology to catch marine biota such as shellfish,
mollusk, and plant vegetation including mangrove, algae,
sea grass and so on. While fishing catchment in off-shore
area, besides of small fishers, capital-intensive fishers play
the most significant role (Jennings, and Kaiser, 1998).
In general, fishery resources are classified into four
classes, namely Demersal fish resources, Small Pelagic
resources, Large Pelagic resources and marine biota
resources (Gulland, 1971). If exploitation exceeds the net
annual production or disobey the existing rule then the
destruction will be higher overtime which means that the
resource begins to decrease (Koslow et al., 2000). In the
utilization of common property resource, long term
balance in aquaculture is difficult to maintain as people
trying to maximize their profit which leads to
considerable extensification (Allison et al., 1998).
National development should address fisheries sector
as the main potential contribution due to their abundant
resources. This abundance resource is one of the
reasonable factors to industrialize fishery and marine
sectors. An increasing number of fishers and other
economic actors continually rise so that all the economic
advantage will be distributed due to the open access
characteristic where people is free to enter or leave the
exploration project (Holland and Brazee, 1996). This
causes exploitation of fisheries resource on a large scale
that could damage the sustainability of this resource
(Hastings and Botsford, 2003).
Balikpapan as one of the major city in East Kalimantan
province has very strategic location for fishery
development activities (Susanto and. Gordon. 2005).
© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, 15th April, 2014, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 6(2)2014:149-153, April 2014, Said Abdusysyahid et al.
Statistic Office of Balikpapan (2009) noted that there are
many exporter companies which have operated for more
than 10 years. Some of fishery resource exploitation
activities are fish capture, fish farming and processing of
fish product (Heino, 1998).
In 2007, marine fisheries production of Balikpapan
was still the primary contributor which accounted by
88.93% of the total fishery sub-sector or 5.990,16 tons
with production value reached up to IDR 38.348.860. This
number was lower compared to the previous year i.e.
12.970 tons, 13.118 tons, 13.635 tons and 12.986 tons in
2006, 2005, 2004 and 2003, respectively. Mackerel fish
(Scomberomorus commersonii) is one of the main
commodities due to the economic value and high selling
price. In 2006, the production reached up to 244.2 tons.
However, the production dramatically decreased up to 8.8
tons in 2007. Thus, a study which concern on the
investigation of dramatic decreasing production value of
Mackerel fish in Balikpapan waters should be conducted
(Fishery and Marine Office of Balikpapan, 2007).
Policies on fisheries issue such as overfishing,
decentralization, fiscal, illegal fishing and others relevant
policies are new scientific breakthrough in the
perspective of management and utilization on maximizing
the fishery and marine resource utilization.
Primary data was collected based on purposive
sampling method. In other words, respondent i.e. Small
Pelagic fishers are determined deliberately due to specific
consideration. Singarimbun and Effendi (1989) stated
that purposive sampling is sampling method based on
certain purposes. In this method, respondent is
determined by data collector in accordance with the
objective and purpose of the research. In this research, a
respondent criterion is fishers who use gears to catch
Small and Large Pelagic fish, Demersal, crustacean and
mollusk. Sample of respondents were deliberately chosen
due to these underlying factors:
1) Respondents were fishers who land their captures in
fish auction center Manggar, Balikpapan,
2) Respondents were assumed could represent fishers
who use gears for their operation,
3) Respondents were able to communicate well in filling
the questionnaire,
4) Total respondents taken from whole population were
50 people, consisting of:
1. Fishers with trawl bag as many as 10 people,
2. Fishers with fishing gear as many as 30 people,
3. Fishers with gill nets as many as 10 people.
Data was collected through direct interview with
Mackerel fishers based on the questioners (direct
Secondary data used in this research was obtained
from several sources, such as:
1) Annual statistic report published by Fishery and
Marine Office of Balikpapan for 10 years period;
2) Annual statistic report published by Fishery and
Marine Office of East Kalimantan Province for 10 years
3) Statistic report published by Office of Statistic of
Balikpapan from 2010 to 2011;
4) Statistic report published by Office of Statistic of East
Kalimantan Province from 2010 to 2011;
5) Research report published by Regional Development
Office (BAPEDA) of Balikpapan and Regional
Development Office of East Kalimantan.
Data production and effort (input or effort) was
arranged in a time sequence according to the type of
fishing gear and their targets of fishery resource being
studied and then determined the value of CPUE (catch per
unit effort). CPUE calculation was intended to determine
the level of abundance and utilization of fishery resource
in particular waters area. CPUE was written as follow
(Gulland, 1983):
catcht …………................……........……(1)
CPUE t =
CPUE = catch per unit effort at year -t
Catcht = capture yield at year -t
effortt = effort at year -t
Figure 1. Research location map in Balikpapan,
East Kalimantan
© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, 15th April, 2014, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 6(2)2014:149-153, April 2014, Said Abdusysyahid et al.
According to Gulland (1983), the standardized gears is
high productivity or dominant gear in capturing fishery
resource being studied or having highest average CPUE at
a period of time and having fishing power index equals to
one. Mathematically, the input gear to be standardized is
calculated from fishing power index multiplies with input
(effort) of standardized gear (Fauzi, 2004).
The potential utilized area for marine or coastal
resources is 4 miles from the coastline which governed in
Act No. 32 year 2004 concerning on Regional
Development. Thus, the potency of capture fisheries from
a total area of Balikpapan 503.30 km2 is 337.805 km2
crossing over Makassar straits and Balikpapan bay with
coastline of 45.6 km length and the marine fisheries
resource potency is 16.850 tons/year. Aside from that,
high fishery ground located of more than 12 miles and
ZEE which is the central authority still remains free from
the access of the small fishers.
According to the report of Fishery and Marine Office
of Balikpapan (2010), Mackerel fish resource found in
Balikpapan waters consisted of different kinds of fishes,
E std = j i Ei ...........................................................................(2)
j i = U i .......................................................... ...........................(3)
U std
= standard effort
= CPUE = Cacth per Unit Effort at catch-i
U std
= CPUEstd = standardized CPUE
Table 2. Latin and local name of fishes found in
Balikpapan waters (2014)
Balikpapan city consists of five sub-districts and 27
villages. Among those, there are four sub-districts and 16
(sixteen) villages which have activity in fishery and
marine sector:
Table.1. Potency of Fishery Resource found in Villages
of Balikpapan
Potency of Fishery and Marine Resource
Capture Fisheries
Aquaculture Fisheries
Local name
Latin name
Bilis tembaga
Ikan kakatua
Ikan kue
Siganus sp
Valamugil seheli
Anchoviclla commersoni
Chlorurus sordidus
Caranx Sexfasciatus
Ikan sarden
Ikan tembang
Sardinella gibbosa
Kakap anjing
Kakap batu
Kakap domba
Kakap merah
Latjanus jocu
Latjanus griseus
Latjanus analis
Lutjanus capprchanus
Kakap ratu
Kakap sirip hitam
Kakap sutra
Kembung laki-laki
Kembung perempuan
Latjanus oculatus
Latjanus buccanella
Latjanus vivanus
Rastrelliger kanagurta
Rastrelliger negletus
Kerapu bebek
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus
Cromileptes altivalis
Kerapu biru
Epinophilus flavoucoenules
Kerapu lumpur
Kerapu sunu
Epinephelus Coiodes
Plectrocopomus leopardus
Nemipterus nemotophorus
- Vil. Sepinggan
- Vil. Gn. Bahagia
- Vil. Damai
- Vil. Klandasan Ilir
- Vil. Klandasan Ulu
- Vil. Margasari
- Vil. Baru Tengah
Kuwe Batu Besar
Kuwe Florida
Seriola Dumerili
Trachinotus Carolinus
- Vil. Baru Ulu
Kuwe Gerong
Caranx Ignobilis
- Vil. Kariangau
- Vil. Margomulyo
North Balikpapan
- Vil. Batu Ampar
- Vil. Karang Joang
Kuwe gerong
Kuwe Lilin
Kuwe Rambe
Pari Burung Elang
Caranx Ignobilis
Caranx Hippos
Alectis Ciliaris
Detapterus pusailus
Istiophorus oriantalis
Aetomyleus nichofii
Source : Statistic of Balikpapan (2010), Fishery And Marine Department 2010
Pari Keprak
Pari Macan
Aetoplatea Zonura
Himantura Undulata
There are 14 villages which potential for the
development of capture fisheries while two others
villages are intended for aquaculture farming. Fishers
distribution across 14 villages was based on their living
place, while their fishing activity was carried out in
Balikpapan waters area.
The area of Balikpapan is 503.30 km2 with the coastal
area crossing over 45.6 km length from Kariangau village
to Teritip village, making it categorized as famous and
potential coastal city.
Trachinotus Falcatus
Elagatis Bipinnulata
Scomberomorus guttatus
East Balikpapan
- Vil. Teritip
- Vil. Lamaru
- Vil. Manggar Baru
- Kel. Manggar
West Balikpapan
There are two kinds of Mackerel fish found in
Balikpapan, namely:
1. Tenggiri, Scomberomorus commerson (Lacepede),
Narrow-barred King Mackerel.
© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, 15th April, 2014, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 6(2)2014:149-153, April 2014, Said Abdusysyahid et al.
second dorsal and pelvic is blackish brown. While the
ventral and anal fins are silvery white.
Similar to other Scomberomorus, the main food of S.
guttatus is fish. During juvenile period, this species feeds
telestei variety particularly klupeid. While mature fish
feeds small number of crustacean and squid besides of
klupeid. Teri including Stolephorus and Anchoviella is also
the main food for this species.
This species belongs to pelagic fish, lives in coastal
area at 15 m to 200 m depth and found in small groups of
fishes (Fischer and Whitehead 1974).
Mackerel is regarded as important fish due to the
The first dorsal fin is 15-18 spines, usually 17, second economic value and popular worldwide. This fish is
dorsal is 15-20 spines, usually 17 or 18; followed by small geographically distributed crossing over West Pacific
dorsal fin 8-11, usually 9 or 10; anal fin is 7-12, usually 9 from North Africa to Red Sea and Indonesia, Australia and
or 10; pectoral fin rays is 21-24, usually 22 or 23; Fiji waters and spread over to the north reaching up to
vertebrae is 42-46, usually 44 or 45. Gillrakers on first China and Japan waters. In Indonesia, Mackerel fish is
arch few is (0 – 2) + (1 – 8), usually (0 – 1) + (3 – 4) = 3 – 5. distributed over Sumatra, Jawa, Nusa Tenggara,
The maximum size is 230 cm FL and 59 kg, usually 60-120 Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Maluku and Irian waters. Tropical
cm. Female species has larger size than the male size. The climate such as in Indonesia is the most favorable climate
color of both sides is silvery grey marked with transverse condition for Mackerel fish. Besides of Indonesia,
vertical bars of a darker grey, slightly wavy, sometimes mackerel fish is also found in the north side of China and
breaking up into spots ventrally.
Japan, south east side of Australia and even in Red Sea.
Similar to the other species from Scomberomorus Suitable depth for Mackerel fish is approximately 10-70 m
family, S. commerson eats smaller fishes particularly teri below sea surface.
fishes, Stolephorus, Anchoviella and also kupleid species
Data on the number of input aggregate (total effort) of
such as Sardinella. Other feeding sources are small fishery resource is required in order to analyze the biokaranggid species, peperek (Leiognathidae), squid (Loligo), economic value for optimizing the fish resource itself
and some species of peneid shrimp. They could eat all day (Sissenwine and Shepherd, 1987). The characteristic of
long (Tongyai, 1970). This species belongs to pelagic fish, fishery resource found in Indonesia is generally multi
found in the small groups of fishes in coastal area at 15 m species with multi gears. Thus, the capability of each gears,
to 200 m depth (Fischer and Whitehead, 1974).
species and number of species is different.
Standardization of fishing gear towards standardized gear
2. Tenggiri papan, Scomberomorus guttatus (Bloch and
with high productivity is used to determine the capture
Schneider), Indo-Pacific King Mackerel.
capability of fishers.
In studying Mackerel fish resource, standardization of
fishing gear was conducted based on the highest
productivity of fishing gear. Mackerel fishes were caught
by trawl, gill nets and fishing rods. The fishing gears i.e.
trawl and gill net were standardized toward the fishing
rods. Figure below shows comparison of each CPUE,
production and effort of Mackerel fish in Balikpapan.
Lateral line is gradually curving down toward caudal
peduncle. The first dorsal fin is 15-18 spines, usually 16 or
17; the second dorsal fin is 18 to 24 spines, usually 20-22;
small dorsal fines is 7-10, usually 8-9; anal fin is 19-23
rays, usually 20-22 rays and 7-10 spines, usually 8 spines;
pectoral fin is 20-23 rays, usually 21. Total vertebrae are
47-52, usually 50 or 51. Gill rakers on the first arch is (1-2)
+ (7-12) = 8-14, usually 2 + (9-10) = 11-12.
The maximum size is 76 cm FL. The color is greyish
blue at the dorsal side and silvery white at the lateral and
ventral side. Longitudinal rows of dark brownish spot is
scattered and centered along lateral line. First dorsal fin
membrane is black. The color of caudal fins, pectoral,
Figure 4. Comparison of production, effort and CPUE in
the mackerel fishery in 1999-2011
Illustrates the comparison of production, effort and
CPUE in the mackerel fishery during 1999-2011. From the
figure above, it can be seen that production number tends
to decrease. The production in 1999 reached up to 1.539
tons per year and sharply decreased up to 1.42 tons per
© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, 15th April, 2014, All rights reserved
Internat. J. Sci. Eng., Vol. 6(2)2014:149-153, April 2014, Said Abdusysyahid et al.
year in 2011. Meanwhile, the effort fluctuates over the
years. The highest effort was found in 2009 with 72.125
trips per year. Fluctuation also emerges in CPUE number
following the trend occurred in production and effort. The
highest CPUE number occurred in 2002 with 0.8212 tons
per trip per year while the lowest occurred in 2011 with
0.00005 tons per trip per year (Figure 4).
The sharp difference between production fluctuation
and effort indicated from 1999 to 2011 was due to several
factors, including: high increasing number on the mackerel
production during 1999 to 2002 thus depletion of
mackerel fish stock had occurred from 2003 until 2005.
The following years i.e. 2006 to 2011, the production of
mackerel fish was low due to over fishing.
Sustainable production is a condition where capture
effort and its capture volume will not endanger the
sustainability of fishery resource. It is demonstrated by
quadratic curve which correlates capture volume
(production) with capture effort. The estimation of
sustainable production is obtained by substituting the
biological parameter value into the equation. The result of
this calculation is regarded as sustainable production
function or sustainable yield-effort curve.
Massive conversion of mangrove forest particularly
Nypa (Nypa fruticans) area into pond has driven conflict
among related stakeholders on the utilization of natural
resource and the area. It impacts on the fish and shrimp
source regeneration, loss of ecological functions of
mangrove forest for feeding, nursery and spawning
ground of fish and other organisms.
Besides of fisheries, oil and gas activity also exists in
Mahakam Delta. Mahakam Delta is regarded as important
area due to the largest producer of oil and gas mining.
Thus, oil and gas industry is the most reliable sector that
contributes to the economic development of Kutai
Kartanegara. As a resource provider, Mahakam Delta
ecosystem provides various resources for livelihoods. As a
life-support service provider, Mahakam Delta ecosystem
provides habitat and ideal environment to support variety
of living kinds. As a convenience provider, Mahakam Delta
ecosystem provides unique and interesting recreation site.
As a protector from natural disaster, Mahakam Delta
ecosystem is able to protect humankinds from natural
disaster threatening coastal area.
Figure 6. Curve of Sustainable Production, Actual
Production and Effort of Tenggiri Fish
Illustrates that during 1999–2011 most of actual
production volume of mackerel fish resource placed inside [9]
the sustainable curve (Fig 6). However, the actual
production volume placed outside the sustainable curve in [10]
the 2001 to 2003 and 2009. This condition demonstrates
that the renewable capacity of Mackerel fish resource has [11]
decreased leading to a condition of biologically overfishing.
Mackerel fish resource in Balikpapan waters had not
shown degradation and depreciation during 1999-2011.
However, the renewable capacity begins to decrease
leading to a condition of biologically over fishing. Aside
from that, the Mackerel fish resource in this area
experiences economically over fishing condition which
indicated by higher economic calculation value and lower
capture yield. According to this situation, the
recommendation on resource management strategy relies
on the divestment policy i.e. reducing the uses of fishing
gears which indicates over capacity in the utilization of
fishery resource including mackerel fish.
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© IJSE – ISSN: 2086-5023, 15th April, 2014, All rights reserved