The Hebron Church Birth Register
The Hebron Church Birth Register
The Hebron Church Birth Register Author(s): Arthur L. Keith Source: The William and Mary Quarterly, Second Series, Vol. 20, No. 2 (Apr., 1940), pp. 194211 Published by: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/12/2014 08:36 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The William and Mary Quarterly. This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE HEBRON CHURCH By ARTHUR L. BIRTH REGISTER KEITH First Installment Inasmuchas 1940 marks the bicentennialof the buildingof Hebron LutheranChurchit seems appropriateto publishthe followingaccountin commemoration of thatevent. Hebron Church stands about two and a half miles northof Madison, Virginia. It arose to satisfythespiritualneedsof theGermancolonyof 1717 and its later accretions. From 1717 to 1725 these Germanslived near Germannain presentSpotsylvaniaCounty. They migrated to the regionbetweenthe Robinsonand Rapidan Rivers, present Madison County,in 1725. From 1725 to 1740 they apparently had some sort of a churchorganizationand a place of worship, probablyon thesiteof thepresentbuilding. The presentstructure, or at least the mainpart,was erectedin the year 1740, as the date, carved in large characterson one of the massive beams, attests. From thattimeto the presentthe buildinghas been in continuous use as a place of worship. The formalorganization,however, of the congregationcertainlygoes back to Jan. 1, 1733, on which datethetreasurerof theGermancongregation filedhis report. But some sort of an informalorganizationmust have existed as far back as May 13, 1727, for a communionset, consistingof three pieces of pewter,the giftof one Thomas Giffinof London, bears that date. It would certainlyrequire some monthsfor Thomas Giffinof London to learn that therewas such a congregationin the wildernessof Virginia,so we may concludethatthisorganization existedas earlyas 1726. A petition,apparentlybelongingto 1776,publishedin the VirginiaMagazine of Historyand Biography, Vol. XVIII, 268, of the descendantsof these Germanscontains these words: "Soon after they (their ancestors) were gathered to the place wherewe now live theyconcludedto build a Church and a School House." It would probablybe safe to say that the Germansupon comingto this regionin 1725 almostas theirfirst act organizedthemselvesinto a churchbody. It is claimed that the Hebron Churchis the oldest LutheranChurchin the United States withan unbrokenhistory. It is a cause of deep regretthatthe extantrecordsbegin as late as 1750. There musthave been earlierrecordsbut theyhave not been preserved. The extant recordsare found in the Birth Registernow kept in the fireproofvault of the clerkof Madison County. The firstdate in this Registeris Aug. 8, 1750 and the latest birth recorded is dated June 18, 1825. Aside from the This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 195 are found. Some recordof birthsseveral lists of communicants late hand has recordedthe names of those votingfor and against the sellingof the glebe lands in 1848. From 1750 to 1775 the births are arranged under family heads. The date of birthonly is given and not the date of the baptism,whichprobablyfollowedsoon afterthe birth. Beginning with Oct. 20, 1775, probablywith a change of pastors,the births are recorded not under family heads but as the childrenare presentedforbaptismand in additionthe dates of baptismare now first regularlyfound. This method was followed until 1778. Then comes a period in which the recordswere kept very carelessly,probablydue to the factthatthe churchwas for some years withouta regular pastor. The fewness of the recordationsas comparedwith those of precedingyears suggeststhat the births were not regularlyrecorded. But in 1787 the original method was resumed and the birthsonce more recorded under family heads and quite often,thoughby no means always, the dates of baptismare given also. At thistimein the middleof the present volumethepages beginto be numbered1 and run on consecutively. Evidentlya new hand had begunthe task of recordingor else two volumesat some latertimewere bound in one. In the firstperiod (1750-1775) in some instancessome later hand has placed under the familyheads those birthsoccurringafter 1775. The present writerwill also add some not so transferredby this laterhand,in order to secure completeness. With these exceptionsthis paper is concernedonlywiththe period 1750-1775. Regularlythereare in thisperiodseveralsponsors,quite often two males and two females. These sponsors seem to be chosen from the near relativesof the parents. As genealogicalclues these names are importantthoughof course theycan not be regarded as actual proof. In the period following1787 very often Die Eltern (the parents) are the sole sponsors. This articlewill use the English equivalentsfor the Latin and Germanwords of the originalrecord. The Germannames howeverwill be given in the originalspelling,exceptingthat the German umlaut will be omitted. It will be rememberedthat the German femininesurnameswere usuallywrittenwiththe suffix-in. (Thus Peter Klor and his wife Barbara Klorin). Many of these Germans marriedinto the Garr familyand will be foundin the Garr Genealogy,publishedin 1894 by John C. Garr. Some of the names will be found in my articlein the William and Mary College Quarterly,Sec. Ser., Vol. 9, pages 186-200and 275-290,the subject of whichis Nicholas Yager and Descendants. The writer is a descendantof several of these This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 196 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY Germanfamiliesand throughlong studyhas becomefamiliarwith relationsnot obvious to the general reader,and he will add his own commentsand references,always in parentheses. Likewise afterthemother'snamehe willadd in parenthesesher familyname, if known,thoughtheyare not foundthus in the Register. Parents NICHOLAS KRICKLER and MARGARETHA [KAIFER, KAFER, CAFER] Children Date of Birth Sponsors Elizabeth Aug. 8, 1750 Michael Utz Marie Kaferin Dorothea Klorin Aron July9, 1756 Michael Kafer Michael Utz Dorothea Klorin Margaret March 8, 1759 Michael Kafer JohannesKlor Susanna Utz Barbara Chelf Nicolaus April 14, 1762 Peter Klor Michael Kafer Susanna Utz Dorothea Klorin Susanna Sept. 13, 1764 JohannesKlor and wifeDorothea Barbara Chelf Anna Dec. 16, 1768 Michael Utz Dorothea Klorin Elizabetha Christlerin Abraham June3, 1771 Mattias Rausch JohannesKlor Elizabeth Christlerin Jacob and Ludwig, died (twins apparentlydied beforebeing christened.) [The name Kricklerappears also as Grickler,Crigler,Creagler. Nicholas was the son of JacobCreaglerwho died about 1734, leavingwidow Susanna and sons Nicholas and Christopher. Margaretha,wife of Nicholas, was the daughterof Michael Kaifer (Kaffer,Cafer, etc) of the 1717 colony. Elizabeth Criglermarried Adam Crisler, see Garr Gen. 66. Aron Crigler married CatharineCrisler,see Garr Gen., 67. Margaret Criglermarried Benjamin Garr, see Garr Gen., 64. Abraham Crigler married Lydia Carpenter,May 21, 1795. Their childrenappear later in the Register. Sponsors: Michael Kafer is the fatherof Margaretha (Michael Kafer had no sons). Maria Kaferin is Michael's daughter who later married George Utz. Dorothea This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM AND MARY 197 QUARTERLY Klorin,wifeof JohannesKlor, is also a daughterof MichaelKafer, marriedto JohnKlor in 1750 or before]. Parents Children JOHN WEBER and BARBARA [KAIFER, KAFER, CAFER] Date ofBirth Sponsors Margaret Dec. 19, 1752 AndreasZimerman Mathias Weber Susanna Utzin Maria May 3, 1755 Michael Utz Elizabetha Weberin Barbara Zimermanin Hanna Aug. 15, 1757 AndreasZimerman Mathias Weber Elizabetha Weberin Susanna Utzin John Feb. 10, 1761 Peter Weber Michael Utz Barbara Carpenter Elizabetha Weberin Aron March 6, 1763 AndreasCarpenter Mathias Weber Elizabetha Weberin Susana Utzin [John Weber, later Weaver, was the son of Peter Weber who died 1763. JohnWeber's wife Barbara was the daughterof Michael Kaifer. Sponsors: Andreas ZimermanmarriedBarbara Weber, sisterof JohnWeber. Apparentlyhe changedhis name to Carpenterbetween 1757 and 1763, the English equivalentof Zimerman. He was the son of John Carpenterwho joined the colony in 1721, died 1782. Mathias Weber was the brotherof John. Elizabeth Weber was probablythe wife of Mathias and the daughterof Mark Finks whose will dated Oct. 17, 1763, probated March 16, 1764, mentionsamong others his daughter ElizabethWeaver]. Parents Children CHRISTOPH BLANKENBUCHER and CHRISTINA [FINKS] Date of Birth Sponsors Maria Sept. 29, 1754 Adam Barlow Adam Weyland and wifeElizabeth Jacob Blankenbucher and wifeBarbara Catherine Sept. 28, 1759 Adam Weyland Adam Barlow and wifeMaria [?] Jacob Blankenbucher and wifeBarbara This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 198 WILLIAM Parents AND Children CHRISTOPH BLANKENBUCHER and CHRISTINA [FINKS] MARY QUARTERLY Date ofBirth Sponsors Ephriam June29, 1762 Adam Weyland and wifeElizabeth Jacob Blankenbucher Adam Barlow Ludwig Jan. 21, 1765 Adam Weyland and wifeElizabeth Jacob Blankenbucher Jonas June 18, 1776 Adam Weyland and wifeElizabeth Jacob Blankenbucher Adam Barlow Margaret Nov. 13, 1769 Adam Weyland and wifeElizabeth Jacob Blankenbucher Martin Christophers wifeElizabeth forperhapsMartin Christopherand wifeElizabeth] Sara Nov. 7, 1772 Adam Weyland and wifeElizabeth Jacob Blankenbucher Marg. Schwarbeg[?] Elizabetha June9, 1775 Adam Weyland Hanna Einsten [?] JemimahBarlow Hanna May 25, 1778 (christened June8, 1778) Jacob Blankenbucher Maria Waylandin Maria Utzin [ChristopherBlankenbakerwas the son of MatthiasBlankenbakerof the 1717 colony. His wife Christinawas the daughterof Mark Finks. See underJohnWeber. Ludwig (Lewis) Blankenbaker,born 1765, is probablyidenticalwith the one of the same name who married Susanna, about 1784, whose twelve children are recordedlaterin theRegister. JonasBlankenbaker, born 1767, is undoubtedlyidenticalwiththe one who marriedElizabeth Carpenter,1790, daughterof William and Mary Wilhoit Carpenter. Margaret or Peggy Blankenbaker,born 1769, married Samuel Carpenter. Sponsors: Adam Wayland marriedElizabeth,daughter of Balthasar Blankenbaker. She died beforeApr. 7, 1776, on whichdate Adam Wayland had wife Maria , who is probablytheMaria Waylandactingas sponsorin 1778. JacobBlankenbakerwas the son of JohnNicolaus Blankenbaker,who died 1743. JacobBlankenbakermarried1. Thomas,daughterof JohnThomas, This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM AND MARY 199 QUARTERLY who on Nov. 20, 1760, made deed of giftto Jacob Blankenbaker, withoutmentionof any daughter'sname. She must have died beforeJune 23, 1753, date of will of George Utz, who mentions daughterBarbara Blankenbaker. Jacob probablyhad issue by forthe deed of his firstwife whichwould furnishthe justification giftof JohnThomas to him. Garr says thatJacob Blankenbaker record also marrieda Weaver but I fail to findthe contemporary to prove this. Martin ChristophermarriedElizabeth, daughter of Adam Wayland. The frequentappearance of the Barlow name among the sponsors suggestsa relationshipwhich has not yet been discovered]. Parents GEORGE MILLER and MARY MARGARETHA Parents JOHN ZIMMERMAN and SUSANNA Children Date ofBirth Sponsors Anna Barbara March 11, 1754 The parents Johannes The parents June25, 1758 Maria Salome 1761 The parents Children Joshua Date ofBirth Sept. 12, 1771 Sponsors WilhelmZimmerman Daniel Dulp Magdalina Dulphin Barbara Olerin [later,Ayler] Ana Madelena June 12, 1772 [probablyerror for1773] Adam Dulp David Dulp Maria Schneiderin Elizabeth Breilin Rebecca Nov. 7, 1775 Daniel Dulp Rebecca Dulpin Barbara Zimerman Simeon Johannes Nancy Georg Hanna June 10, 1779 June 14, 1782 Feb. 28, 1788 May 9, 1789 Apr. 14, 1790 Not given. Not given Not given Not given Not given [The last fivenamesare added laterprobablyby someonewho wishedto make the familyrecordcomplete. JohnZimermanwas veryprobablythe son of John Carpenter,son of JohnCarpenter of 1721. If this ascriptionis correct John Zimermanwas a brotherof Michael Zimermanwho marriedRebecca Delp (Dulp) about 1776 and had nine childrenwhose birthsare recordedlater This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 200 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY in the Register. One of these childrenis Lydia Carpenter,born Sept. 29, 1777, who marriedAbraham Crigler,1795. See above underNicolaus Krickler. There was anotherJohnZimermanwho had wife KatharinebeforeDec. 23, 1771. He was the son of anotherJohn Zimermanwho marriedUrsula Blankenbakerbefore 1743. JoshuaCarpenter,probablyidenticalwiththe Joshua,born 1771,marriedSarah Smithin 1790 and appears laterin the Register. Sponsors: Wilhelm Zimmermanwas almost certainlythe brotherof John,and not his firstcousinof the same name. Since this Wilhelm married a Delp later, probablythe very Rebecca Dulpin who served as sponsor in 1775, perhaps John's wife Susanna whose familyname we do not have was also a Delp. Elizabeth Breilin could have been the wife of Jacob, Peter, or Michael Broyles,who were bornYowell, Blankenbaker,and Klug, respectively, but her sponsorshipwas due to no relationshipthat I am aware of. Barbara Zimermancould have been the wife Barbara [nee Weber] of John Carpenter,uncle of this John,or could have been the wife Barbara [nee Kerker] of the Johnof 1721. She was still livingin 1782. If it was the latterBarbara she was actingas sponsorforher great-grandchild]. Parents MATHEUS WEBER and ELIZABETHA [FINKS] Children Date of Birth Sponsors Daniel March 3, 1757 AndreasZimerman William Zimerman Barbara Weberin Elisabetha Christlerin Maria Nov. 2, 1760 JohannesWeber Michael Zimerman Maria Zimermanin Elizabetha Christlerin Ambes Nov. 2, 1762 AndreasZimerman Barbara Zimermanin HeinrichChristler Barbara Weberin Elizabetha Nov. 3, 1763 JohannesWeber WilhelmZimerman Barbara Zimermanin Elizabeth Christler Sara July9, 1769 AndreasZimerman HeinrichChristler Barbara Weberin Maria Zimermanin This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM Parents MATHEUS WEBER and ELIZABETHA [FINKS] AND MARY 201 QUARTERLY Sponsors Children Date ofBirth Matheus Oct. 23, 1772 JohannesWeber WilliamZimerman Barbara Zimermanin Elisabetha Christlerin Margaretha Dec. 7, 1775 AndreasZimerman HeinerichChristler Barbara Weberin Maria Zimermanin Veronica Feb. 12, 1780 JohannesWeber Barbara Carpenterin Elizabetha Christlerin William Carpenter [Matheus Weber was the son of Peter Weaver whose will made about 1760, probated Aug. 18, 1763, mentionssons John Weaver, Matthias Weaver, Peter Weaver, and daughtersBarbary Carpenter,Elizabeth Christler,CatharineWeaver, Margaret Weaver,and Hannah Weaver. Lloyd in her ClaspingHands weith GenerationsPast, page 46, says that Matthias Weber married Elizabeth, daughter of ChristopherZimimerman. Christopher Zimmermanwho made will Nov. 30, 1748, mentionsdaughter Elizabeth Zimmerman,apparentlystill unmarriedand perhaps to have marriedMattheusWeber in 1756 or before. But eligibleMark Finks in his will dated Oct. 17, 1763, mentionsdaughter Elizabeth Weaver. There appear to have been only two other Weaversat thattime,namely,Johnand Peter Weaver,and neither had wife Elizabeth. So it musthave been Matheus Weaver who marriedElizabeth Finks. No Finks appears among the sponsors but the name Finks scarcelyever appears in the Register. The name Zimmermanoccurs frequentlyamong the above sponsors but not one of them belongs to ChristopherZimmerman'sline. ChristopherZimmermanbelongedto the 1717 colony. William Carpenterand his youngerbrotherJohnjoined the colonyin 1721. William died in 1745 withoutissue. John is describedin the of his estateas William'sonly recordspertainingto the settlement heir. So Christophercould not have been anotherbrother. There probablywas, however,some more remoterelationshipbut it has not been discovered. Sponsors: Andreas Zimermanhad married Barbara, sisterof Matheus Weber. JohnWeber was of course Matheus's brother. Heinrich Christlerhad married Elizabeth, sisterof MatheusWeber. So far as we know,William Zimerman and wife Maria [nee Wilhoit] were not relatedto eitherthe father or mother. William Zimermanis identicalwithWilliam Carpenter. Barbara Carpenter'sname thoughanglicizedretainsthe Ger- This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 202 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY man suffix-in. The manyinconsistencies in the writingof these names may be due to the fact thattheywere writtenby different hands. The presentwriterhas not triedto removethem]. Parents NICOLAUS BROIL and DOROTHEA [CHRISTLER] Children Date ofBirth Sponsors Daniel Aug. 18, 1757 HeinrichChristler JohannesWeyland Maria Zimermanin Magdalina Fischerin Elisabetha May 15, 1760 HeinrichChristler JohannesWeyland Maria Zimermanin Magdalina Fischerin Abraham Sept. 24, 1762 WilhelmZimerman Stephan Fischer Elisabetha Christerlin Catharina Weylandin Sara July21, 1764 HeinrichChristler JohannesWeyland Elisabetha Gaar Elisabetha Wilheitin Maria July17, 1766 JohannesWeyland Stephan Fischer Maria Zimermanin Elisabetha Christlerin Rosina Oct. 23, 1770 Michael Gaar CatherinaWeylandin Maria Zimermanin Phebe July30, 1773 HeinrichChristler JohannesWeyland Maria Zimermanin Elisabetha Blankenbucherin Lea May 20, 1775 JohannesWeyland Maria Zimermanin Elisabetha Christlerin [Nicholas Broil, also Breils, Broyles, etc. was the son of Jacob Broyles who came to Virginia with his fatherJohn Broil, 1717. A full accountof him is foundin the writer'sunpublished Broyles Family History. Nicholas Broyles married Dorothea, daughterof Theoboltor Deobold Christler, who made will Feb. 20, 1776, probatedNov. 18, 1776. Garr in the Garr Genealogy,62, gives his name as Fawatt Crislerand assigns to him childrenas theyappear in the will withthe exceptionthathe gives an Andrew Christler,not foundin the will or elsewhereso far as I can discover,and strangelyomitsdaughterDorothyBroyleswho is clearly This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 203 named in the will. Deobold ChristlermarriedRosina Gaar and their descendantsappear in the Garr Genealogy,exceptingthe many who descend from Nicholas Broyles and wife Dorothy. Nicholas Broylescertainlyhad a son Reuben Broyleswhose name does not appear in the Register. A seriesof deeds in Washington Co., Tenn., to whichplace Nicholas emigratedabout 1782, clearly indicates that Reuben Broyles, son of Nicholas, had married Rosina Broyles,born Nov. 19, 1769, daughterof Cyrus Broyles, and said Reuben died beforeSept. 19, 1797,leavingwidow Rosina and four small daughters. Sponsors: Heinrich Christlerwas brotherof DorothyBroil. Elizabeth Christlerwas wife of Heinrich. JohannesWeylandhad marriedCatharinaBroyles,sisterof Nicholas. WilhelmZimmermanhad marriedMaria, daughterof Adam Wilhoit by his wife Catharine Broyles, Nicholas's aunt. So Maria WilhoitZimmermanwas firstcousin of Nicholas Broil. Elizabeth,wife of Michael Gaar, stood in the same relationship, for she was also the daughterof Adam Wilhoit. The relationof to the parents,if the Fischers and of Elizabeth Blankenbucherin any, has not been discovered]. Parents HEINERICH MILLER and SUSANNA [SIBLER] Children Date ofBirth Sponsors Maria Feb. 7, 1756 The parents Sara Nov. 7, 1757 The parents Heinerich Jan. 4, 1759 The parents Johannes Feb. 5, 1762 Jacob Mayer and wifeMary Susanna Catharina Dec. 4, 1763 George and Feb. 6, 1766 Mary [twins] [christened] Jan. 17, 1772 Jacob JohannesSchwarbach and wifeMargaretha GeorgeUtz and wife Mary ? or Margaret ? Adam Weyland Elisabetha Dec. 8, 1768 Adam Weyland and wifeElisabetha Adam Feb. 5, 1769 Adam Weyland and wifeElisabetha Sophia Oct. 23, 1771 [christenedin Lancaster] JohnAple and his mother Sophia Anna Jan. 27, 1772 ChristophBlanckenbucher and wifeChristina Adam Weylandt This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 204 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY [Upon the authorityof the Miller familygenealogist,HeinerichMiller lived firstat Germantown,Penna., thenwentto Virginia,apparentlybefore 1756, thenback to Penna., and later still to Virginia. The Lancasterat whichSophia was christenedprobably means Lancaster, Penna. Sophia Miller married Burgess Rogers, 1792, Culpeper Co., Va. Adam Miller married Mary Wilhoit, daughterof John Wilhoit, about 1791. See the Garr Gen.,90. Sponsors: No apparentrelationships.This is probably an indicationthe Millers were late arrivals and came to the Hebron communityalready married]. Parents MICHAEL YEAGER and ELIZABETHA [MANKSPEIL, MANSPEIL, [ETC.] Children DateofBirth Sponsors Johannes Nov. 28, 1750 Johannes Weber PeterKlor DorotheaCarpenter Samuel Dec. 28, 1752 JohanesZimerman Johannes Weber BarbaraChelf Barbara Aug.13,1755 [diedsoonafter] Susanna Jan.5, 1759 NicolausYeager SusannaYagerin SusannaUtz Eva March11,1760 NicolausYeager SusannaUtz BarbaraWeberin Elisabetha July15,1762 NicolausYeager SusannaYeager BarbaraWeberin Jemima Dec. 13,1765[?] Gotfried Yeager NancyGraves Elis. Bederin Michael Jan.13,1768 PhilippChelf BarbaraChelf Yeager Johannes Hanna Dec. 1, 1770 PhilippChelf BarbaraWeberin Rahel March10,1773 Johannes Yeager MariaYagerin SusannaYagerin This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM 205 AND MARY QUARTERLY [Michael Yager was the son of Adam Yager, son of Nicholas Yager, of the 1717 colony. Very littleis knownof the Manspeil family. They were in the Hebron communityas early as 1734. Sponsors: Nicholas, Gotfried,and JohnYager were brothersof the father,Michael Yager. Susanna Yager, wife of Nicholas,and Maria Yager, wife of John,were the daughtersof JohnWilhoit. Peter Klor had marriedBarbara Yager, sisterof Michael, about 1747. Peter Clore died 1763 and his widow Barbara married Philip Chelf about a year later. This accountsfor the appearance of Philip and Barbara Chelf as sponsorsin 1768. But it does not accountfor the appearanceof Barbara Chelf as sponsorin 1752. This fact suggeststhat the Registeras we now have it was not the originalform,thatat some later date some scribegroupedthe variousnames under familyheads, and gave Barbara the name he knew her by at the time of makingthis arrangement. In other words, Barbara in 1752 was Barbara Klor and not Chelf until someyearslater. JohannesWeber is theone who marriedBarbara Kaifer in 1752 or earlier. No relationof eitherwith eitherof the parents is known. John Carpenter,the second, son of the JohnCarpenterof 1721, marriedDorothea Koch (Cook) before Aug. 15, 1751, on which date Michael Cook sold to "sons-in-law John Carpenter,Jr., and Philip Snyder". This John Carpenter is probably the Johannes Zimerman, sponsor in 1752, while DorotheaCarpenter,sponsorin 1750, is probablyhis wife,in spite of the inconsistency in the mannerof givingthe name. Again we witheitherof the parents. Nancy Graves knowof no relationship may have been the Germanwife of someoneof English descent. The name Bederin does not seem to appear again. Since George Utz, thesecond,had wife Mary,Susanna Utzin shouldbe the wife of his only brother,Michael Utz]. Parents CHRISTOPH KRICKLER and CATHERINE IFINKSI Children DateofBirth Sponsors Maria Sept. 9, 1751 AndreasCarpenter JohannesWeber Dorothea Klor CatharinaWeyland Ruben Jan. 28, 1753 AndreasCarpenter JohannesWeber Dorothea Klor Jacob June27, 1756 AndreasCarpenter JohannesKlor Barbara Weberin Elisabetha July7, 1759 JohannesKlor Barbara Carpenter Barbara Weberin This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 206 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY Parents Children Date ofBirth CHRISTOPH KRICKLER and CATHERINE [FINKS] Susanna Jan. 3,1762 AndreasCarpenter Barbara Weberin Dorothea Klorin Ludwig Oct. 1, 1764 Paul Lether JohannesKlor Dorothea Klorin Johannes June 10, 1767 AndreasCarpenter JohannesWeber Dorothea Klor Christoph Nov. 28, 1769 JohannesKlor JohannesWeber Barbara Carpenter Anna July6, 1771 JohannesKlor Barbara Carpenter Barbara Weberin James March 23, 1775 AndreasCarpenter JohannesKlor Catharina Klorin William June28, 1778 [christened July6, 17781 Nicolaus Grickler Michael Utz, Jr. Elizabetha Christopherin Sponsors [ChristopherKricklerwas the brotherof Nicholas Krickler whose recordis the firstin the Register,see above. Not even his wife's firstname is given in the Registerbut we know that she was Catharine,daughterof Mark Finks,whosewill, 1763-64,mentionedabove,namesdaughterCatharineCrigler. Ludwig (Lewis) CriglermarriedAnn Carpenter,daughterof Andreas Carpenter. Johannes(John) CriglermarriedSallie Hume, 1789. Christopher CriglermarriedFrances Botts, 1793. Anna CriglermarriedJohn Hume, 1792. William CriglermarriedKittyBrown,1803. Sponsors: No Finks appears and only one Grickler,namely,Nicolaus, who mayhave been eitherthebrotherof Christopheror Nicolaus's son of the same name. The Klor name predominates,including Paul Lether whose wife was Margaret,sister of John Klor, but whetherthiswas based upon morethana close intimacyis not known. The Criglerand Clore farmswere adjacent. Catharina Weyland, nee Broyles,the Carpentersand Weavers were of no knownrelationto eitherof the parents]. This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM Parents PETER KLOR and MARIA [FREY, FRAY] Children AND MARY 207 QUARTERLY DateofBirth Sponsors Hanna Apr. 17, 1775 JohannesWeber JohannesBecker Hanna Weberin Mary Freyin Elizabetha Dec. 5, 1776 [christened Jan. 12, 1777] JohannesBecker Rebecca Frehin Hanna Weberin Mary Aug. 24, 1782 JohnWever Rebecka Frey Hanna Swindel John Sept. 18, 1784 JohnFray JohnWeeber Hanna Swindel Moses Nov. 11, 1787 [christened Feb. 10, 1788] JohannesWeber Hanna Schwindel Margaret Oct. 11, 1789 [christened Jan. 3, 1790] The parents Aron May 17, 1792 [christened May 24, 17921 The parents [Peter Clore was the son of George Clore who died before Sept. 19, 1751, son of the emigrantMichael Clore. A straight traditionin the familygives his wife's name as Mary Fray. The same traditiongives the names of two otherchildrenwhose names do not appear in the Register,probablybecause theirbirthsbelong to the period 1776-1782,in whichthe recordswere not well kept. These two names were Peter Clore and Ephraim Clore. Peter Clorewas bornabout 1782, [his age givenas 68 in the 1850 census]]. He never married. Ephraim Clore marriedAnnie [?] Weaver, Dec. 28, 1801 [license],Madison Co., Va. His name appearslater in the Registerwithwife Amy whichis probablycorrect. Hanna Clore, born 1775, marriedElias Weaver, Dec. 27, 1793 [license], Madison Co., Va. They appear later in the Register. Moses Clore, born 1787, marriedJudithYager, Jan. 19, 1813 [license]. Aaron Clore,born 1792, marriedRosannah Crisler,for whomsee the Garr Gen., 77, thoughGarr errs in makingAaron the son of Peter, son of Peter. The second Peter should be George. Margaret (Peggy) Clore marriedCarder, and not John Deer as the gave it in the Williamand Mary College Quarwritererroneously This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 208 WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY terly,Vol. XXVI, 181. The-Margaret Clore who marriedJohn Deer was the daughterof Michael Clore. Sponsors: JohnBecker almost certainlymarriedElizabeth Clore, sister of Peter. [See below underJohnBecker. Relationshipof the others,if any, not known]. Parents Children GEORGE UTZ, JR. and MARGARETHA Date ofBirth Sponsors Rahel Aug. 16, 1763 Peter Weber Barbara Carpenter Elisabetha Schwindel Johannes Apr. 14, 1766 Peter Weber Michael Schwindel Barbara Carpenter Absalom May 5, 1768 Peter Weber AndreasCarpenter CatharineGaarin Georg Nov. 8, 1770 Peter Weber Michael Utz Elizabetha Weberin Elizabetha Schwindel Hanna Apr. 20, 1773 AndreasCarpenter Hanna Schwindelin Elisabetha Schwindel Salomon June 19, 1775 Peter Weber Adam Utz Hanna Schwindel Moses Oct. 17, 1777 AndreasCarpenter [christened Adam Utz Nov. 2, 1777] Maria Weberin Maria Barbara. Nov. 22, 1782 Adam Utz Barbara Carpenter Maria Weberin Maria and June 19, 1790 None given Susanna [twins] [christened June23, 1790] [Maria Barbara and the twins are found in later pages of the Registerbut theyare describedas the childrenof George Utz and wife Margaret. Sponsors: CatharineGaar, the wife of Louis Garr,see Ga'rrGen., 64, was the daughterof Peter Weaver who died 1763. Barbara Carpenter,wife of Andreas Carpenter,was also a daughterof the same Peter Weaver. Since the Webers predominateamongthe sponsors,we may suggestthatMargaretha, This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM AND MARY 209 QUARTERLY wife of George Utz, Jr., was the daughterMargaret named in Peter Weaver's will, 1763. She is eligibleas to her age and no other MargaretWeaver has been found who is eligible]. Parents PETER WEBER and MARIA Children Date ofBirth Sponsors Elisabetha Sept. 28, 1762 GeorgUtz and wife Margaret Helena Nov. 4, 1766 JohannesWeber Georg Anna Hoffmanin, Koch's wife MargaretUtzin Diana Nov. 27, 1768 GeorgUtz Anna Hoffmanin CatharinaGaarin Maria Barbara Feb. 4, 1770 AndreasZimerman Maria Barb. Weberin AugnesHoffmanin Elias Apr. 16, 1773 JohannesWeber DieterichHofman Barbara Carpenter Dec. 20, 1774 Moses and Peter [twins] Rosina Jan. 24, 1777 [christened March 9, 1777] Peter Klor JohannesSchwindel AugnesHofmanin MargarethaUtzin JohnWeber Barbara Carpenter AugnesHoffmanin [The last name is froma laterpage and thereMaria, wife of Peter Weber, is called a Calvinist. Peter Weber was the son of the Peter who died 1763. Maria, being a Calvinist,probablybelonged to the Calvinisticfamilyof Hoffmans. Moses Weber, born 1774, marriedRosanna Crisler. See Garr Gen., 77. Diana or Dinah, born 1768, marriedAbrahamGaar. See Garr Gen., 84. Sponsors: The explanationfor the Hoffmansponsorshas already been given. The Weber connectionsare obvious. The appeartheconjecture,given ance of Georgeand MargaretUtz strengthens above, thatshe was the daughterof Peter Weaver. No explanation is known for the appearance of Peter Klor or Johannes Schwindel. Peter Weaver's will, Mar. 3, 1816, names the above childrenwiththeexceptionof Helena, and namestwo others,Amy, Rouse]. wife of Ephraim Clore, and Anna, wife of This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 210 Parents ZACHARIAS BREIL and DELILA [CLORE] WILLIAM Children AND MARY QUARTERLY Date ofBirth Sponsors Benjamin Apr. 7, 1768 Michael Yager ZiriakusBreil Elisabetha Breilin Nimrod Dec. 19, 1771 ZiriakusBreil Solomon Klor Marg. Schwarbachin Mary Schmidtin Zacharias March 1, 1774 ZiriakusBreil Salomon Clore Marg. Schwarbachin Elisabetha Bohmin Elisabetha Apr. 6, 1776 Adam Clore and wife ZiriakusBreil Solomon June 1, 1778 [christened July12, 1778] HermanWehman ZiriakusBreils Eva Bohmin Susanna May 30, 1783 [christened Aug. 3, 1783] Herman Waman Susana Yager MargrethaYagerin [There were at least fiveotherchildrenwhose names do not appear in the Register,namely,Barbara, or Barbara Catherine, Anna, Thomas, Judith,and Rhoda Broyles. Since theirmother Delila remainedformanyyearsa faithfulcommunicant of Hebron Church,the omission of these names seems to be due to some accident. Zacharias Breil (Broyles) was the son of JacobBroyles, son of JohnBroylesof the 1717 colony. His wife Delila was the daughterof Peter Clore who died 1763, son of Michael Clore of the 1717 colony. Peter Clore's wife was Barbara Yager, daughter of Adam Yager, son of Nicholas Yager of the 1717 colony. Zacharias Breil had eightbrothersall of whom marriedand left issue. The childrenof Nicholas and of Peter Breil are found in the Register,and six of Zacharias's children. The other six brotherswere Adam, Ziriakus (Cyrus), Michael,Jacob,John,and MatthiasBreil,all of whomhad familiesborn in thisperiod,most of them large families,but no child of Ziriakus appears in the record,and of Michael, Matthias,John,and Jacob only one each appears. This is the more remarkablefor the reason that Adam Breilwas a trusteeof thechurchin 1776,and Michaeland Matthias Breil had marrieddaughtersof thepastor,theRev. GeorgeSamuel Klug. These factsalong with many otherssuggeststronglythat the Registeras we now have it is incomplete. The writerbelieves that the losses occurredbefore 1775. Sponsors: Michael Yager This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions WILLIAM AND MARY QUARTERLY 211 was the uncle of Delila. Ziriakus was the brotherof Zacharias. Elisabetha Breilin could have been the wife of Jacob, Peter, or Michael Breil, each of whomhad wife Elizabeth. Solomon Clore and Adam Clore were brothersof Delila. Herman Wayman's firstwifewas ElizabethClore,sisterof Delila. Susana Yager was the wife of Nicholas Yager, Delila's uncle. MargarethaYagerin is probablythedaughterof Nicholasand Susanna. Marg. Schwarbachinwas probablythe wife of the new pastorand of no relation to eitherZacharias or Delila. The otherscan not be placed]. (To be Concluded) This content downloaded from on Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:36:23 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions