2016 Fall Issue
2016 Fall Issue
Fall 2016 www.ci.farmington.mn.us What’s Inside City News pg 4 & 5 DEVELOPMENT New Bike Racks Ribbon Cutting Miller’s Receive Preservation Award HWY 3 Project Left: Movie in the Park, A Sponge Out of Water on Saturday, September 17; details on pg 14. Cover photo: Parks and Recreation seasonal staff Emilee Shearer and Kayla Collins with one of the city’s new bike racks; story on pg 4. HHW DROP-OFF day pg 7 REMINDERS Holiday Garbage and Recycling Every Drop Counts Hydrant Flushing Parking pg 8 & 9 GENERAL ELECTION Elections Dates Candidate Filing Registration Polling Locations Election Judge Form pg 10 REFERENDUM Proposed Recreational Facilities pg 11 Yard care Fall Yard Care Tips Yard Waste Natural Areas and Buffers Be Nice to Tree Trunks Clean Ponds and Parks pg 12 PUBLIC SAFETY Citizens Academy Graduates Fire Department Open House Turkey Bingo 2 © Paramount Pictures pg 6 Insert Your Movie Info Here Parks & Recreation pg 21 pg 13 MAKE A SPLASH Swim at the Pool Private Pool Rental Summer Blast Back to School Bash Aqua Zumba pg 14 & 15 SPECIAL EVENTS Music and Movies in the Park Who Done it Hike Halloween Walk S.O.R.R. Mother-Son Morning Fun Trains & Treats Secret Holiday Shop pg 16 & 17 YOUTH RECREATION Fall Golf Lessons New Puppet Wagon Flag Football Amazing Kids/Amazing Athletes pg 18, 19 & 20 Schmitz-MAKI ARENA Open Skate and Events Arena Rental Learn to Skate Open House Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us PARK IMPROVEMENTS Troy Hill Park Playground FYHA Helps City Achieve Goals pg 22 ADULT PROGRAMS Softball Leagues Dodgeball Weather Cancellations/Closings pg 23, 24, & 25 RAMBLING RIVER CENTER About Memberships Membership Social Grandparents, Grandkids, and Senior Day at the Holtz Farm White Bear Lake Tour Dad’s Belgian Waffles Silent Auction and Bake Sale Defensive Driving Classes Great Mississippi River Cruise pg 26 &27 PROGRAM REGISTRATION pg 28 FALL DATES COMING UP I A Better Place to Visit I n July 2015, the city began working with CivicLive on the city’s website redesign project to help with the growing needs of our visitors. CivicLive provides creative web design and user engagement solutions for governmental agencies. The new website is scheduled to go live in August 2016. The city conducted a website survey to learn about what people are looking for when they visit the website. According to the survey, website users reported that they are most often hoping to find: program registration, facility reservations, calendar of events, trash/recycling collection days, parks and trail locations, city council meeting minutes, and online fillable forms. Improved user experience The new site will focus on accessibility. •The website will include a mobile friendly format for easy viewing on hand held devices. This will be an advantage for the 52 percent of Farmington users that visit the site through a mobile phone, and 35 percent that use a tablet. •Multi-lingual support will be available. •Online forms will be offered. Subscribe to Enews/Mailing Visitors will be able to subscribe to receive city news from select categories including: Employment opportunities, media releases, publications, and calendars. Alerts & Emergency Notification Sign up for notifications about weather cancellations and facility closings, snow plowing notices, hydrant flushing, water main breaks, natural disasters, and more. These time sensitive notifications will be available through the Alerts & Emergency Notification application via email, text message, and social media. This application will replace Nixle, which was formerly used by the city. Share Farmington Photos Photographers may upload and share their Farmington photos through the new website. The photos may be featured in city print and digital publications, on the website, and via social media. Visit the city’s website and look for share photos (pictured) for details. Mobile App The city will offer a mobile app to provide quick, easy access to the services that are provided on the new website. After the new site is launched, it will be available through iTunes or Google Play. Look for updates on the city’s website. Report an Issue or Service Request Use SeeClickFix the mobile app and website tool for reporting non-emergency issues in your neighborhood directly to city staff. It empowers residents to build a collaborative relationship with local government and it improves your community. You can alert and track reported issues 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The city’s app can be used to report things like: abandoned vehicles, graffiti, Illegal dumping, and potholes. You can upload photos with your request and follow it from the time it’s reported to the time it’s resolved. Visit the iTunes or Google Play app store to download the free app or use SeeClickFix to report and issue or service request on the city’s website (look for the wrench image above) at www.ci.farmington.mn.us. More Than a Calendar The city of Farmington’s Community Calendar is a resource for city meeting dates, holidays, garbage and recycling schedules, parks and recreation, and more. The 2017 Community Calendar will be mailed to Farmington households and businesses in December 2016. New residents receive the Community Calendar in a packet with their garbage collection carts. Each month features a Farmington photo taken by a photographer. Photographers can share their photos through the city’s website, look for share photos. Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 3 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I Midwest Dental Opens The city of Farmington and the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce welcomed Midwest Dental to Farmington with a ribbon cutting. They opened for business at 20700 Chippendale Avenue, Unit 10 on June 6. Visit the Midwest Dental website for more information at www.midwest-dental.com. New Bike Racks in the Art of Downtown By Community Development Director Adam Kienberger Look for these colorful bike racks in downtown Farmington this summer. F Dr. Jenna Palmer cut the ribbon with Farmington Economic Development Authority member Geraldine Jolley and Mayor Todd Larson at her side. Host a Ribbon Cutting The city offers businesses the opportunity to host a ribbon cutting event free of charge. Businesses interested in hosting a ribbon cutting should call 651-280-6803 to schedule the event. Wine Club Tasting Events Thursday, September 15, 2016 Thursday, November 3, 2016 Celt’s Pub & Grill - Banquet Room, 200 Third Street Free admission for Wine Club members/$3 door non-members. Celt’s offers food pairing for a small additional charge. Join the club at events or store locations. Look for sale and event information at www.ci.farmington.mn.us Like us on Facebook. 4 www.ci.farmington.mn.us • Fall 2016 armington City Council adopted the Downtown Redevelopment Plan at their meeting on April 18. This plan is the result of more than six months of work by the Downtown Redevelopment Plan Task Force, consulting firms Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc., Northland Securities, and Maxfield Research, along with community input that was shared at public engagement meetings. As a 5-10 year plan, this redevelopment plan is intended to provide a proactive tool for communicating the community’s vision for downtown reinvestment and redevelopment projects, both by the public and private sectors. One of the initial action items noted in the plan is the installation of bike racks in the downtown core to promote the area as a bike trail hub. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed a number of options and selected a unique collection of bicycle shaped bike racks. These colorful pieces will serve as new “functional art” in the downtown core. The bike racks were funded with proceeds from the Farmington Municipal Liquor Stores as part of the City Council’s directive to reinvest the stores profits into the community. The new bike racks are being installed this summer for immediate use by the public. The Downtown Redevelopment Plan can be viewed on the city’s website www.ci.farmington.mn.us, search Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Please contact me if you have questions about the plan at [email protected] or 651-280-6820. Gregory and Julayne Miller Receive Preservation Award Each May, during Heritage Preservation month the city’s Heritage Preservation Commission solicits nominations for the Heritage Preservation Award. The commission selects an individual, family, company, or organization that has made an outstanding contribution to the preservation, rehabilitation, restoration and use of a Farmington heritage resource. This year, the Miller’s received the Heritage Preservation Award for their home located at 621 Third Street. The house was built in 1910 and is a notable and well preserved example of the American Foursquare house type that was popular from the 1890s through the 1920s. The house possesses the following distinctive design characteristics of the vernacular foursquare cottage: two story height, symmetrical massing, hip roof with overhanging eaves, wood lap wall cladding with corner boards, doublehung windows and a front porch extending across the entire façade. The house was designated a Farmington Heritage Landmark by the city council in 2011 due to its architectural significance. Learn more about the Farmington Heritage Preservation Commission and landmarks on the city website, search heritage landmarks. Are you a small business owner, or future small business owner in need of some guidance? Whether it be financial advice, business structure, or something as small as having someone to discuss ideas with, Open to Business can help! Open to Business is a partnership between Farmington, the Dakota County CDA, and the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers (MCCD). MCCD provides oneon-one business counseling to current and prospective entrepreneurs who are then able to access MCCD’s small business loan fund. The service is free to Farmington businesses or residents. To set up an appointment to learn more about this program, please contact Laurie Crow at 952-484-3107 or [email protected]. Visit www.opentobusinessmn.org for additional information. Highway 3 Project Update By City Engineer Kevin Schorzman By the time you are reading this, you will probably be aware that the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) is performing a project on Highway 3 this summer. The project includes the replacement of the traffic signals at Ash Street and Elm Street, completion of the paved trail between 194th Street and the roundabout, updating pedestrian crossings to meet accessibility standards, milling and overlaying the road and the frontage roads, installing storm sewer between the north and southbound lanes through the city, as well as access modifications. When the project is finished, some of the noticeable changes will be the trail connection, access modifications, and median changes through the city. Trail Connection The trail connection from 194th to the roundabout will complete a loop over eight miles in length that will serve both residents of Farmington and Empire Township. The trail connection would not be possible without the cooperation of the Seed family (owners of the property west of Highway 3 in this area) as well as a generous donation from the Farmington Liquor Stores. Access Changes The access modifications will include closing access to Main Street from Highway 3 (213th will be accessible to and from Highway 3), removing the median crossover at Walnut Street (if you are coming from Walnut Street onto Highway 3 you will only be able to turn right), and modifying the median crossover at Larch Street to prohibit left turns onto Highway 3 from Larch Street (you will still be able to turn left from Highway 3 onto Larch Street). Median Changes Finally, the median of Highway 3 will change because of the storm sewer installation in the median that allows the ditch between north and southbound Highway 3 to be filled in so that the ditch side slopes will not be as steep, which should improve safety if a vehicle were to leave the road. The project extends from Ash Street in Farmington north to 170th Street in Empire Township. There will be short (3 - 5 day) closures during the project to allow the contractor to complete work that cannot be completed under traffic. The project is scheduled to be completed in October. For more information about the project, visit MnDOT’s project website at: http://www.dot.state. mn.us/metro/projects/hwy3farmington/index.html Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 5 Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day Saturday, September 10 • 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. City of Farmington Maintenance Facility • 19650 Municipal Drive Televisions and monitors are $10/each. Household hazardous waste, household chemicals, and electronics accepted from Dakota County residents - proof of residency is required. Household Chemicals Aerosol cans (w/product remaining) Antifreeze Auto batteries Batteries Driveway sealer Fluorescent lights, ballasts Gasoline, fuels Herbicides Household cleaners Lawn and garden products Lighter fluid Nail polish remover Oil and oil filters Paint (latex and oil) Paint strippers and thinners Pesticides Photographic chemicals Poisons Pool chemicals Propane tanks Roofing tar Stain Varnish Weed and insect killers Wood preservatives And, most products labeled dangerous, flammable, combustible, poisonous, or corrosive. Automotive Tires Farmington residents can drop-off up to four automotive tires (on or off rims). No Business or Farm Waste will be Accepted 6 Small Household Electronics Electronics Answering machines Cell phones -- including Blackberry®, iPhone® and other smart phones Copiers Computer equipment (keyboards, mouse, towers, hard drives, modems, etc.) DVD players Electronic games systems (Wii™, PlayStation™, Xbox®, Nintendo DS™, Leap Frog®, VTech®, etc.) Fax machines iPods®, MP3 and other portable media players Laptops Monitors ($10/each) Printers Radios Scanners Stereo equipment Telephones Televisions ($10/each) VCR players Blenders (no glass) Blow dryers Coffee grinders Coffee pots (no glass) Curling irons Food processors Mixers Toaster ovens and toasters Vacuums (no bags) Questions? Call 651-280-6905. Please check www.ci.farmington.mn.us for important updates. No Yard Waste! The Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Day is partially funded by the Farmington City Council, the Dakota County Board of Commissioners, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. www.ci.farmington.mn.us • Fall 2016 Garbage & Recycling Collection Are you inviting maggots into your garbage cart? M aggots are a common concern, especially in warmer weather. Maggots are eggs that are laid by flies. Then in 8-20 hours, baby maggots are born and in a few days maggots become flies. Flies lay their eggs where their babies will be safe and fed, which is why you find them in rotting food and garbage where they can eat continuously. To avoid maggots in your cart, bag and tie your garbage bags tightly. Loose garbage and open garbage carts attract birds, animals, and insects that make a mess of your garbage. Clean garbage carts thoroughly and regularly. If your attempts to avoid maggots are unsuccessful, there are a couple of ways you can get rid of them. Once the trash has been emptied, wash your cart out with boiling water, this should kill the maggots. After you’re sure that all maggots are out of your trash cart, scrub the interior and exterior of the cart well with a solution of one part vinegar, two parts water. If you prefer to use chemicals, check with an expert at a hardware store, or an exterminator. When your cart is clean, get rid of the flies using a fly spray or natural substances that repel them. Vinegar, mint oil, eucalyptus, cloves, basil, and bay leaves have all been noted to repel flies. Keep your cart clean by periodically washing it out using a soapy solution; you can add ammonia or vinegar to make it less attractive to critters. If you have extra garbage, set additional bags 3-5 feet away from your cart on your garbage day or you can request a return trip (651-280-6905) for an additional fee. 2016 Holiday Garbage & Recycling The city observes the following holidays, with residential collection scheduled on the following days: Holiday Observed Normal Service Day Alternate Service Day Labor Day Mon., Sept. 5 Tue., Sept. 6 Veterans Day Fri., Nov. 11 Mon., Nov. 13 Thanksgiving Day Thu., Nov. 24 WED., Nov. 23 Day After Thanksgiving Day Mon., Nov. 28 Fri., Nov. 25 Commercial routes will run on normal service days, except on Thanksgiving Day. Questions? 651-280-6905 Reminders Every Drop Counts The city’s outdoor watering policy is in effect year round. Observe odd/even days and never water from Noon to 6:00 p.m. Properties with odd addresses (ending in 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9) water on odd calendar days. Properties with even addresses (ending in 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8) water on even calendar days. Outdoor water tip: watering early in the morning reduces evaporation. The outdoor policy is available at www.ci.farmington.mn.us. Hydrant Flushing Starts October 3 Hydrants north of Highway 50 and west of the railroad tracks will be flushed October 3 - 7. Hydrants in the remaining areas will be flushed October 10 - 14. A tentative schedule is posted on the city’s website. Hydrant flushing keeps Farmington’s water clean. It can cause rusty water and stain laundry. If you have rusty water, try running an outside faucet (without a hose attached) until the water runs clear. If laundry stains occur keep the items damp. Rust remover is available at City Hall, 430 Third Street, Farmington. Winter is Coming... Avoid Sod Damage Mark your curb with bright orange stakes. Stakes are free to residents and are available at City Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Winter Parking Restrictions No parking is allowed on any street, highway, alley, or public parking area between 2:30 and 5:30 a.m. or after a two inch or greater snowfall until the streets are plowed. The 2” snowfall clause extends the prohibition outside of the restricted hours until the street is cleared of snow from curb to curb. Parking restrictions are in effect from November 1 through April 15. Snow Removal for Businesses Businesses are responsible for keeping their garbage enclosures clear of snow for garbage and recycling collection, as well as for the removal of snow and ice from parking lots and walkways that are on or abut their property. Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 7 ELECTIONS I IMPORTANT DATES City Council / School District Candidate Filing August 2 - 16 Primary Election August 9 (7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.) General Election Absentee Voting September 23 - November 7 Voter Pre-registration Ends October 18 (for General Election) General Election November 8 (7:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.) General Election Absentee Voting September 23, 2016 to November 7, 2016 General Election Absentee Voting will take place for Farmington residents at the following location: Farmington City Hall 430 Third Street September 23 - November 7, 2016 Hours: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Farmington City Hall will also be open on Saturday, November 5, 2016, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and on Monday, November 7, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Alternative Absentee Voting Method Due to new legislation effective May 23, 2016, an alternative absentee voting method is allowed during the seven days before the election. Beginning August 2, 2016, for the primary election or November 1, 2016, for the general election, absentee voters will have the option of placing their voted ballot directly into the ballot counter or using the absentee ballot envelopes for central count processing later. You do not need a reason to vote absentee. Candidate Filing August 2 - 16, 2016 Farmington residents interested in filing for Mayor and two City Council seats may file at Farmington City Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. beginning on August 2 and until 5:00 p.m. on August 16, 2016. Candidate withdrawal ends on August 18, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. 8 www.ci.farmington.mn.us • Fall 2016 Register to Vote By October 18 for General Election Residents are strongly encouraged to pre-register to vote to save time on Election Day. If you have moved since the November 2014 election, have changed your name, or have not voted within the last four years, you will need to register to vote. This can be done at county offices, drivers’ license centers, Farmington City Hall or a Minnesota Voter Registration Application is available on the city’s website at www.ci.farmington.mn.us under Elections. Pre-registration may be done any time until October 18, 2016, for the November General Election. Not sure if you are registered? Visit https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/ VoterStatus.aspx. Election Judges Needed for the General Election Forms are due by September 21, 2016 Be a part of the 2016 election process and serve your community by signing up to become an election judge! Requirements are on the form on the following page. A minimum of two hours of paid training is required and training on new voting equipment will also be provided. Training sessions are held at Farmington City Hall and at Dakota County offices. Election Judges can work the entire day (16 hours) or half a day (8 hours) and are paid $9.50 or $10.50/hour depending on the position. If you are interested in serving as an election judge, return the fold-out form on the next page. The form is also available on the city’s website at www.ci.farmington.mn.us, search Serve as an Election Judge, and at City Hall, or you may contact Cindy Muller at 651-280-6803 or [email protected]. Once you sign up, it is very important that you keep this commitment. POLLING LOCATIONS 180TH STREET ELK RIVER TRAIL 3 EM BE 5 RS E AV 190TH STREET NU E 195TH STREET 3 5 IN R D OA 4 TH 3 203R D ST REE T AK 4 6 66 208TH STREET 220TH STREET 1 2 6 2 WALNUT STREET 1 3RD STREET DENMARK AVENUE CSAH 50 R. C. PILOT KNOB New legislation has approved additional proofs of residence. Everyone who registers on Election Day must provide one of the proofs listed below. •ID with voter’s current name and address –Valid Minnesota driver’s license, Minnesota learner’s permit, Minnesota ID card, or yellow receipt for any of these. •Photo ID plus a document with name and current address One approved photo ID: –Driver’s license, state ID card or learner’s permit issued by any state –United States passport –United States Military ID card –Minnesota university, college or technical college ID card –Minnesota high school ID card •Plus one of these approved documents: –Residential lease or rental agreement valid through Election Day –Current student fee statement –Bill, account or start of service statement due or dated within 30 days of election for: •Phone (landline, cell, VOIP, etc.) •TV (cable, satellite, etc.) •Internet services •Solid waste or sewer services •Electric, gas or water •Banking or credit card •Rent or mortgage payments •Registered voter who can confirm the registrant’s name and address. •Valid registration in the same precinct (if you changed names or moved within the same precinct, your registration serves as proof of residence, but you will need to re-register with your new name or address). •Notice of late registration (received from county auditor if you registered less than 21 days before the election). FLAGSTAFF AVENUE Proofs of Residence Precinct/Polling Locations Rambling River Center, 325 Oak Street Robert Boeckman Middle School, 800 Denmark Avenue Farmington Maintenance Facility, 19650 Municipal Drive Farmington Lutheran Church, 20600 Akin Road Bible Baptist Church, 19700 Akin Road Farmington City Hall, 430 Third Street Where Do I Vote? Your polling location is dependant on the address where you live (where your house is physically located). For example, if you have a Farmington mailing address but your house is in Lakeville (pay property taxes in Lakeville), you vote in Lakeville. Here are a few resources: use the State poll finder at http://pollfinder. sos.state.mn. us, or use the city’s website at www.ci.farmington. mn.us. You can also determine your polling location by contacting the city of Farmington at 651-280-6803. Polling locations are open for voting on election day from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 9 Election Judge Sign-up Form General Election Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Required Qualifications: •Eligible to vote in the State of Minnesota •U.S. citizen and at least age 18 •Able to read, write and speak English •Appointed by the city of Farmington •Minnesota resident for at least 20 days prior to the election •Trained and certified as an election judge An Election Judge cannot: •Be a candidate on the ballot •Be a spouse, parent, step-parent, child, step-child, sibling or step-sibling of a candidate or another election judge serving in the same precinct •Live with a candidate on the ballot Election Judge Duties: •Set up the polling place •Operate voting equipment •Register and assist voters •Demonstrate how to vote •Distribute ballots •Close polling place •Determine and certify voting results Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number____________________ Email address _____________________________________________ Democratic-Farmer-Labor_______ Republican_ _______ (Required for party balance in precincts) Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Shift: All Day (6:00 a.m.–10:00 p.m.) ________ Wages: $10.50/hour Head Judge Half Day (6:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m.) ________ $9.50/hour Regular Judge Half Day (2:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.) ________ (Food and Beverages Not Provided) I would like to attend training on: Monday, October 17, 2016, 1:00–4:00 p.m._______ or Tuesday, October 25, 2016, 5:30–8:30 p.m._______ Once you sign up, it is very important that you keep this commitment. Return to: Cindy Muller City of Farmington 430 Third Street Farmington, MN 55024 Questions: Call 651-280-6803 or email [email protected] DUE: SEPTEMBER 21, 2016 This form is also available at City Hall. and on the city’s website at www.ci.farmington.mn.us, search Serve as an Election Judge. ✁ Election Judge Sign-up Form Primary Election Tuesday, August 9, 2016 General Election Tuesday, November 8, 2016 Please complete the form on the front of this page and return it to: Cindy Muller City of Farmington 430 Third Street Farmington, MN 55024 DUE: September 21, 2016 Questions Call 651-280-6803 or [email protected] This form is also available at City Hall. and on the city’s website at www.ci.farmington.mn.us, search Serve as an Election Judge. Resources for Voters www.ci.farmington.mn.us MNVotes is Minnesota’s official resource from the Office of the Secretary of State. Check the MNVotes website for the election information below at https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us The city of Farmington’s website is your local resource for election information. 3 Election Information 3 Am I registered to vote? 3 Register to Vote 3 Where do I vote? 3 Absentee Voting 3 Serve as an Election Judge 3 Candidate Filing 3 Military and Overseas Absentee Voting–Get Your Ballot 3 Check absentee ballot status REFERENDUM I Residents to Vote on Recreational Facilities Referendum F armington City Council approved two questions related to proposed city recreational facilities be placed on the November 8, 2016, General Election ballot. The two questions are based on recommendations made by the Recreational Facilities Task Force that was appointed by the City Council. Question one represents stage one of the proposed recreational facility improvements. Question two represents proposed enhancements that would follow stage one. You must be a city of Farmington resident to vote. Question One Shall the city of Farmington, Minnesota be authorized to issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $9,997,608 to finance the phase one acquisition, betterment, construction, and related costs of recreational facilities including, without limitation: •Initial development of Jim Bell Park and Preserve’s outdoor aquatic facility, ballfields, athletic fields, expanded trail system, and community play areas; •Outdoor refrigerated ice hockey rink near the existing Schmitz-Maki Arena; •Completion of the North Creek Greenway trail, bridge, and connections. Question two would be conditional upon question one passing. Question Two Shall the city of Farmington, Minnesota be authorized to issue its general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $2,337,696 to finance phase two acquisition, betterment, construction, and related costs of additional recreational facilities including, without limitation: •Concession and restroom facility, equipment maintenance building and lighting of new ball and athletic fields at Jim Bell Park and Preserve; •A new shelter building in North Creek Park; •A roof for the new outdoor refrigerated ice hockey rink located near the existing Schmitz-Maki Arena. By voting yes on the ballot questions you are voting for a property tax increase. The estimated annual tax increase on a 2016 median value home of $212,787 if question one passed is $75.00 for 20 years. If both questions one and two are passed the estimated annual tax increase is $102 for 20 years. Public Meetings Jim Bell Park and Preserve This is a concept plan. Final design will occur when construction plans are created. 10 www.ci.farmington.mn.us • Fall 2016 A Recreational Facilities Referendum newsletter will be mailed to city of Farmington households the week of September 26, 2016, and after this mailing the following public informational meetings will be held: •Wednesday, October 12, 2016 10:00 a.m. Rambling River Center - Empire Room, 325 Oak Street •Wednesday, October 19, 2016 7:00 p.m. City Hall - Council Chambers 430 Third Street •Wednesday, October 26, 2016 7:00 p.m. Maintenance Facility - Conference Room 19650 Municipal Drive Information will also be available on the city’s website. If you are interested in additional information about the recreational facilities, please contact Parks and Recreation Director Randy Distad at 651-280-6851 or [email protected]. mn.us I YARD CARE Fall Yard Care Tips K eep your grass 2 to 2-1/2 inches tall throughout the fall. This height is good for food and water storage all through the winter. •Lawn raking in the fall removes excess organic debris and can help maintain water quality. Remember to keep leaves and grass clippings out of the street. •Continue to water your lawn to sustain its growth. •Minnesota State Fair time is a good time for that final dose of fertilizer to provide your grass with nutrients that will be stored until it is needed for spring growth. •Fall is the best time of year to establish or repair lawns by seeding or sodding. For more information visit the Minnesota Department of Agriculture website at www.mda.state.mn.us/ protecting/waterprotection/lawntips Yard Waste Reminder Curbside weekly yard waste collection is available through Dick’s Sanitation, Inc. (DSI). This prepaid service includes a cart on wheels and up to 10 compostable paper bags collected weekly. The 2016 season continues through the week of November 14, weather permitting. New subscribers can call DSI at 952-469-2239 to sign up. Visit the city website for other yard waste disposal options. Be Nice to Tree Trunks Ouch! That hurts. Trees are damaged every time they are hit with lawn mowers and line trimmers and, unlike people, they do not regrow the important tissue when wounded. The tree in the photo shows trunk damage from a line trimmer. This tree will ultimately die an untimely death due to something that could have been prevented. To keep your trees healthy take time around trees when mowing and trimming and use mulch around the base of the tree, not against the trunk, to keep grass and weeds down. Your trees will thank you by being more vigorous and living longer! Clean Ponds and Parks Natural Areas and Wetland Buffers Many properties in the city abut natural areas and wetlands. These areas contain native trees, flowering plants, shrubs, and grasses that provide food for birds, fish, and other native wildlife. The plants also help to hold soil and prevent erosion, improve water quality, and provide a natural habitat for animals. Clearing or removal of vegetation in the natural areas and wetlands is not allowed. Dead trees or branches provide excellent habitat for native wildlife and should not be removed from the buffer. Questions? Contact the Natural Resource Specialist at 651-280-6845. Storm Drain Stenciling Storm drains are the grated openings in the street that collect water from rain and melting snow. They connect your property directly to nearby water bodies. Everything that washes down a storm drain winds up in local streams, ponds, or wetlands - NOT the wastewater treatment facility. Call 651-280-6845 for information about stenciling storm drains in your neighborhood! A group from Cub Scout pack 117 volunteered on cleanup day. The 2016 cleanup was a little chilly but 400 volunteers brought their A-game! They collected 1.15 tons of garbage in only two hours from 12 city parks and 67 city ponds and natural areas. Participants were given a coupon for lunch at the Farmington Dairy Queen in appreciation of their cleanup efforts. The city of Farmington is extremely grateful to all those who offered their valuable weekend hours to help clean up winter’s garbage from so many of Farmington’s natural areas! Mark your calendar for 2017 Pond & Park Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 29. To volunteer, please contact Jen Dullum at [email protected] or 651-280-6845. Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 11 PUBLIC SAFETY I Citizen’s Academy Graduates Fire Department’s Annual Open House Thursday October 13, 2016 • 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Fire Station 2 • 19695 Municipal Drive he Farmington Fire Department invites you to our annual Fire Prevention Week Open House. The theme for this year’s Fire Prevention Week is Don’t Wait-Check the Date! Replace Smoke Alarms Every 10 Years. The open house is an opportunity to educate the public about fire safety and preventative measures that you can take to avoid fires or other emergencies in your home. In addition, we will be giving tours of the fire station and fire trucks. We will also demonstrate some of the many ways we serve the community. Sparky the Fire Pup will be there for photos and if the weather is favorable, we will get a visit from the North Memorial Air Care helicopter and flight crew! We look forward to seeing you. T Academy graduates pictured with Police Officer Pete Zajac and Police Chief Brian Lindquist. The graduates include: (pictured) Tara Schiller, David Hartnett, Kirk Zeaman, Chris Miller, Bruce Matzdorff, Rachael Kane, Derek Hurd, Jacob Nelson, Randy Nelson, Neil Gislason, Brad Gisch, Jenna Pellicci, Kyle Thompson, Tony Ersfeld, Kathryn Trevis, Mandi Brown, Jeffrey and Nicole Boe; (not pictured) Lori Nelson, Wendy Boos, and Nancy Nelson. The 2016 Citizen’s Police Academy graduated on July 6 at City Hall, following a six week course that met one evening each week. The academy learned about police work through wide range of topics that included the Police Department’s history, MAAG (SWAT) Team, police psychology, the Dakota County Drug Task Force, practical patrol experience, traffic stops, computer aided dispatching and how technology is used to improve police work. The group also toured the Dakota County Jail and Dakota Communications Center. The Farmington Police Department offers the course every other year. Information about the 2018 class will be available through the city’s website, social media, and publications. Turkey Bingo Check Your Lifesaving Equipment By Fire Chief Jim Larsen Here in Farmington, fire-rescue staff frequently respond to false fire alarms due to poorly maintained smoke detectors. Many homeowners do not regularly check this lifesaving piece of equipment and we have helped replace detectors that are as old as 20 years. •To find out how old a smoke alarm is, look at the date of manufacture on the back of the alarm; the alarm should be replaced 10 years from that date. PLEASE, make sure to check your smoke detectors. Find out if they are less than 10 years old, and most importantly...that a good battery is installed! 12 www.ci.farmington.mn.us • Fall 2016 Saturday November 5, 2016 • begins at 6:00 p.m. Fire Station 1 • 21625 Denmark Avenue The Farmington Firefighters Auxiliary Association (FFAA) invites you to the 66th Annual Farmington Fire Department Turkey Bingo. This is the largest fundraiser the FFAA holds each year and it provides funding to support your Farmington Firefighters. Over the past two years alone, the FFAA has donated nearly $20,000.00, which was used to purchase portable radios and emergency alerting pagers! We hope you will join us for this family friendly event with plenty of Bingo games, door prizes, raffles, and our famous turkey sandwiches! I MAKE A SPLASH Outdoor Pool Evergreen Knoll Park • 626 Heritage Way 651-463-3450 General Swim Open daily through Sunday, August 21, 2016 Hours through August 14 Monday - Friday Noon–4:00 p.m. and 6:00–8:00 p.m. Saturday - Sunday Noon–7:00 p.m. August 15 - 21 • Monday - Sunday 2015 Back to School Bash. Noon–5:00 p.m. Special Events Daily Admission Fees* $5 afternoon session $2.50 evening session (after 6:00 p.m.) $5 August 15 - 21 (open Noon to 5:00 p.m.) *Daily fees are a per person rate. Punch Cards* 10 punches - $45 20 punches - $80 50 punches - $187.50 (Can be used for one or more guests) *Punch cards are good during the 2016 swim season only. Private Pool Rental Reservations Rental reservations are available through Sunday, August 14, on a first come first served basis. Reserve the pool at www.ci.farmington.mn.us or in person at Farmington City Hall, 430 Third Street. Private pool rentals are not available the following dates: August 11 and August 15 - 21, 2016. >>> Summer Blast Grades 4 - 5 • $8 pay at pool Saturday, August 6 • 7:00–9:00 p.m. The Summer Blast event is for elementary aged students who will be in fourth and fifth grades during the 201617 school-year. Event includes a DJ with music, games, and prizes. You will be “cool” when you attend this event at the pool. >>> Back to School Bash Grades 6 - 8 • $8 pay at pool Thursday, August 11 • 8:00–10:00 p.m. Tween events are for students who will be in the sixth through eighth grades during the 2016-17 school-year. Event includes a DJ with music, games and prizes. Please note: Parents are not allowed inside the pool during tween and elementary events. Sorry, NO punch cards or passes can be used for these events. Aqua Zumba A NEW WIFI at the Outdoor Pool You can stay connected at the pool this summer, the city will be offering free WIFI. Check with pool staff to get the WIFI password. qua Zumba is taught by a certified instructor, and is suitable for both beginners and Zumba fitness enthusiasts! Moves are performed at a slower pace than on land, but don’t let the slower pace of a water-based class fool you. You’ll still get a great workout. Water resistance keeps this class challenging, resulting in less stress on your joints! This class requires you to be at least 16 years of age or older to participate in. Session 1: Saturday, August 13 7:10-7:50 p.m. $5.00 per class Session 2: Sunday, August 7 and 14 7:10-7:50 p.m. Cost: $5.00 per class Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 13 SPECIAL EVENTS I Music and Movies in the Park Who Done it Hike - 26th Annual Dog Friendly Event P The Teddy Bear Band Thursday, August 25 Rambling River Park, 17 Elm Street 7:00 p.m. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be held at Farmington City Hall in the expansion space on the second floor, 430 Third Street. Sing, clap, and play with the Teddy Bear Band, known for entertaining children for 25 years and counting! Kids Rock! >>> Sponsored by: Chemquest, Farmington Gymnastics Center, Park Dental, and Xpress Coin Laundry. At Park Dental Farmington we love kids and go out of our way to make sure every child’s visit to the dentist is the best experience it can be. February is National Children’s Dental Health Month and a perfect time to set up a visit for your child. 952-303-7028 ParkDental.com Inside Out &RP&DO.LGVLQGG 30 Friday, September 9 Trinity Healing Garden (S. of Trinity Care Center) 3410 - 213th Street West Dusk approximately 7:30 p.m. This free movie is sponsored by Trinity Senior Campus. A Sponge Out of Water Life Saturday, September 17 Rambling River Park, 17 Elm Street Dusk approximately 7:30 p.m. Life is dandy in Bikini Bottom for SpongeBob Squarepants and his friends Patrick, Mr. Krabs, and Sandy. However, when the top-secret recipe for Krabby Patties is stolen, SpongeBob finds that he must join forces with perpetual adversary Plankton and come ashore to battle a fiendish pirate named Burger Beard who has his own plans for the delicious delicacies. Free popcorn will be available at this movie. >>> Sponsored by: Farmington Youth Hockey Association, VFW, and Nesbit Agencies - Insurance Services. 14 lay Sherlock Holmes by collecting clues, gathering information and solving mysteries, while walking the trails at Ritter Farm Park. When the end is near and you think you have it solved, you’ll have a chance to guess “who done it.” For those who guessed correctly, there will be another mystery—who will be a winner in the prize drawing? Grab the family and don’t forget Fido! All ages welcome. Saturday, Sept. 10, FREE Registration day of only, 9:30-9:50 a.m. Ritter Farm Park – Lakeville 19300 Ritter Trail Hike starts at 10 a.m. sharp! Halloween Walk Celebrates 30 Years The Halloween Walk is an opportunity for local businesses, churches, and other community groups to have a good time while promoting their business/group and participating in a great community event! Children stroll through an indoor path and visit Halloween themed exhibits (not expo tables) set-up by local businesses and community groups. Exhibits will be designed with young children in mind (violent scenes are discouraged) and those helping with candy will be in costumes. This creates a magical, memorable experience for the children. Join us for our popular Halloween Walk! In honor of celebrating 30 years participants will vote on their favorite display, enjoy special photo opportunities, and of course receive free, safe candy, and prizes from our generous local businesses. Don’t forget to bring a nonperishable food item for the Farmington Food Shelf and dress in costume. Have a spooktacular good time! For more information call 651-280-6854. Friday, October 28 5:30–7:00 p.m. Dodge Middle School FREE (Food Shelf items will be accepted) >>> Sponsored by: Farmington Parks and Recreation, Farmington Area Community Education, and area businesses. www.ci.farmington.mn.us • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • Fall 2016 S.O.R.R. Mother-Son Morning of Fun – “Under Construction” Dump everything and join the crew for some groundbreaking fun! The Mom and Son Morning of Fun is now “Under Construction!” The excitement is building so put on your hardhat and come dig with us! Little contractors and their mothers (or aunts, older sisters, grandmothers, caregivers, etc.) are cordially invited to attend a fun filled morning together while dancing, playing games, creating fun projects, and much more! A DJ will have everyone up and dancing to old and new favorites. Each couple will receive a special photo keepsake taken by a professional photographer and snacks will be served. Kids and moms are asked to dress in their construction attire. Save the date and join in on the fun - register today! This special event is being hosted by the SORR communities of Apple Valley, Eagan, Farmington, Lakeville, Rosemount, and Savage. We are teaming up to offer a series of family-oriented dances and special events to celebrate togetherness and strengthen the special bond between family members. Watch for details in our winter brochure on the father/daughter event planned for February. Saturday, November 5 10:00 a.m.–noon Rosemount Steeple Center 14375 South Robert Trail $30 per couple; $10 per additional child Register by: Friday, October 21 (registration will close when all spaces are filled) Trains & Treats A ll aboard, next stop is the Rambling River Center for a fabulous train display and tasty Twinkie trains. Of course, Santa will make an appearance. Saturday, November 26 Train Display - FREE: 9:00 a.m.–noon Twinkie Train Activity: (all the makings for Twinkie Train guided activity) 9:00–10:30 a.m. - $2 Santa will follow at 10:30 a.m. Rambling River Center, 325 Oak Street, Farmington 2016 Secret Holiday Shop Kids, join us for a morning of shopping! This is the perfect time and place to buy that special gift for that hard to shop for person. The Holiday Shop has gifts for all ages and we’ll even do the wrapping! Shop ‘til you drop and then relax while we get the gifts ready to be put under the tree. Children shop, wrap, and label their own gifts with assistance from volunteers. It is so much fun to see what your child will choose to buy for you. Children of all ages welcome – No Parents Allowed* Saturday, December 3 9:00 a.m.–noon Rambling River Center 325 Oak Street, Farmington Enter through the garage, follow the signs. No registration needed – show up ready to shop! The Holiday Shop will have gifts ranging from 50¢ to $6.50 for all ages. The children will need to buy tickets ($1 per ticket). Please send a shopping list with names and how much to spend on each person (examples: mom - $2, dad - $2, brother - $1, and dog - $1). *Parents are encouraged to shop Downtown Farmington while their children are at the Holiday Shop. Volunteers Needed The Holiday Shop is asking for volunteers to assist shoppers who need help, if you are interested in volunteering call the Recreation Office at 651-280-6854. Santa Calls The Rambling River Center made special arrangements with Santa to call your child on Monday, December 12, between 5:30–7:30 p.m. If your child (ages 3 - 7 years) would enjoy a call from the North Pole, complete and mail the form below with payment to: Farmington Parks and Recreation, 325 Oak Street, Farmington, MN 55024. $2 per call (proceeds will benefit the Rambling River Center). Deadline: Wednesday, December 7, 2016. Sorry, no make-up calls will be made. Child’s Name___________________Gender_ ___ Age_ __ Phone_ ____________School_______________Grade_ __ Gifts they would like to receive:____________________ Suggestion/requests you would like Santa to mention e.g.: eat your vegetables, listen to mom/dad): ________ ______________________________________________ Is there a brother or sister Santa should mention?______ List name/s and age:_ ____________________________ Is there a family pet?_____________________________ Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 15 YOUTH RECREATION I Fall Golf Lessons - Adult/Child This is the perfect opportunity to get a child involved in this lifetime sport. Learn the basics of golf and spend some time together with your son, daughter, niece, nephew, or grandchild. Class will meet twice per week for two weeks with limited enrollment of 4 adult/child couples, so register early! Please bring golf clubs. Ages 7 years and older with an adult $45 per adult/child couple When registering be sure to register under the adult’s name and add the name of the child. Southern Hills Golf Club - 18950 Chippendale Avenue Mondays & Wednesdays August 22 - 31* #35GF.10: 5:30–6:15 p.m. #35GF.11: 6:15–7:00 p.m. #35GF.12: 7:00–7:45 p.m. *Make-up date - September 7 Deadline: Monday, August 15 New Puppet Wagon Flag Football Leagues T hese introductory programs will teach the game of flag football to 1st - 7th grade participants in a fun, exciting environment. One night a week will be spent learning the fundamentals of flag football. The other night participants will put their skills to use in “scrimmage” or “game” situations. Participants will be placed on a team for the season. Grade levels are 2016-17 school year. Fee includes team jersey, no jersey guaranteed after August 19. Schedules and team rosters will be emailed to participants the week of August 15. 1st - 2nd Grade Flag Football League #12FF.12 Boys and girls* (grades 1 - 2) Mondays and Wednesdays • August 29 - October 10 Skip September 5 • Rain make up on October 12 Pictures on Tuesday, September 6 Practices and scrimmages 6:00 p.m. End of season 5:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. with earlier sunset Farmington neighborhood parks $70 3rd - 4th Grade Flag Football League #12FF.34 Boys and girls* (grades 3 - 4) Tuesdays and Thursdays • August 30 - October 11 Rain make up on October 13 Pictures on Tuesday, September 6 Practices and scrimmages 6:00 p.m. End of season 5:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. with earlier sunset Farmington neighborhood parks $90 5th - 7th Grade Flag Football League Farmington Parks and Recreation seasonal staff Cece Rogers and Emilee Shearer shared their artistic talents by painting the puppet wagon. The puppet wagon enjoyed a picture perfect season, thanks to the CEEF Enhancement Group, which donated $5000 towards the project. City staff built the wagon in-house with the help of the Farmington School District Special Education Work Experience Coordinator, Heidi Revels and her students. If you would like the puppet wagon to make a stop at a park near you, please call 651-280-6854. 16 #12FF.57 Boys and girls* (grades 5 - 7) August 30 - October 11 • Tuesdays and Thursdays Rain make up on October 13 Pictures on Tuesday, September 6 Practices and scrimmages 6:00 p.m. End of season 5:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. with earlier sunset Farmington neighborhood parks $90 *All teams are co-rec, review team placement notice below. Team Placement Notice Farmington Parks & Recreation does not allow special team placement requests for youth sports including Flag Football. The only guaranteed team placements are siblings and coach’s children on the same team. Email addresses are REQUIRED for all participants. Roosters and schedules will be emailed one week before program. www.ci.farmington.mn.us • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • Fall 2016 Amazing Kids Amazing Athletes This developmental sports and fitness program teaches the basic fundamentals of nine different sports including baseball, volleyball, lacrosse, football, basketball, soccer, golf, hockey, and tennis. Build selfconfidence, practice teamwork, and improve motor skills. $60 Amazing Kids 3 - 4.5 years Tuesdays, 3:40–4:25 p.m. #18AK.07 August 30 – October 4 Hill Dee Park 5535 Upper 182nd Street Deadline: Monday, August 29 Amazing Athletes 4.5 - 6 years Tuesdays, 4:30–5:15 p.m. #18AA.07 August 30 – October 4 Hill Dee Park Deadline: Monday, August 29 Amazing Tots Amazing Tots is a discovery based program designed to get your toddler moving! Classes focus on activities that help your child meet his or her major motor development goals. This sixweek program will introduce four different ball sports including basketball, football, soccer, and baseball. Structure is also introduced through following directions, taking turns, and sharing. Amazing Tots is a parent-child class and parent participation is encouraged. $48 Amazing Tots 20 months - 36 months Tuesdays, 3:00–3:30 p.m. #18AT.07 Tuesday, August 30 - Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Hill Dee Park 5535 Upper 182nd Street Deadline: Monday, August 29 Warming House Attendants T he city of Farmington is accepting applications for the position of Warming House Attendant working the outdoor skating rinks. This position is responsible for creating a positive first impression by providing excellent customer service. Duties include locking and unlocking warming house, looking out for the safety and security of the warming houses and skaters. Starting salary is $9.00 per hour. The position is open until filled; first review of applications will begin November 1, 2016. Seasonal applications are available at City Hall, 430 Third Street, Farmington, MN 55024 or download from www.ci.farmington.mn.us. Look for the 2016-17 winter issue in your mailbox and on the city’s website in November www.ci.farmington.mn.us YOUR CHILD DESERVES THE BEST POSSIBLE START. > ENROLL TODAY! Tour your local Goddard School and experience why it’s the best preparation for social and academic success. Goddard Systems, Inc.’s program is AdvancED accredited. LAKEVILLE 952-232-6761 GoddardSchool.com The Goddard Schools are operated by independent franchisees under a license agreement with Goddard Systems, Inc. Programs and ages may vary. Goddard Systems, Inc. program is AdvancED accredited. © Goddard Systems, Inc. 2015 Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 17 ARENA I LEARN TO SKATE Schmitz-Maki Arena 114 West Spruce Street • 651-280-6960 The arena provides indoor ice for school and community events and will open for ice rental from August through mid-September, 2016. Open skating begins Wednesday, October 5. Skating events will be held throughout the season. Skate rental is available at $3 per pair, with an assortment of sizes for youth and adults. Visit the city’s website for the latest information. Open Skate Open Skate Events Halloween Skate Join us for a spooktacular good time! Prizes and costume contest. All Ages Welcome Friday, October 28, 2016 7:00–8:30 p.m. FREE with a food shelf donation. October 5, 2016 - March 10, 2017* Wednesdays: 11:30 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Sundays: 1:30–3:00 p.m. $4.50/per time or Punch Card/10 admissions for $42 *No open skating on Wednesday, November 23, and Wednesday, December 28, 2016. No School Open Skate $4.50/per time or Punch Card/10 admissions for $42 October 20 • 3:15–4:45 p.m. October 21 • 3:15–4:45 p.m. March 10 • 1:30–3:00 p.m. No School Open Hockey Cost $10 per skater/goalies skate for free. All hockey equipment is required to be worn during open hockey. October 20 PeeWee/U12 • 10:00–11:30 a.m. Squirts/U10 • 11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. Mites/U8 • 1:30–3:00 p.m. October 21 PeeWee/U12 • 10:00–11:30 a.m. Squirts/U10 • 11:45 a.m.–1:15 p.m. Mites/U8 • 1:30–3:00 p.m. December 2 PeeWee/U12 • 9:00–10:30 a.m. Squirts/U10 • 10:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Mites/U8 • 12:30 p.m.–2:00 p.m. Get Social www.ci.farmington.mn.us 18 Holiday Skate with Santa Games, prizes, and of course Santa. All Ages Welcome Sunday, December 11, 2016 1:30–3:00 p.m. FREE with a food shelf donation. Arena Rental S chmitz-Maki has hours available to rent for birthday parties, organized practice time, or to play a game. Ice Rental Late summer ice will be available in August through mid-September. Turf and Dry Floor Rental In 2017, indoor turf and dry floor rental will be offered from mid-March through May. Contact Jeremy Pire about renting ice at 651-280-6902 or [email protected]. www.ci.farmington.mn.us • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • Fall 2016 Learn to Skate Program T his program teaches the basic skating fundamentals to become a great figure skater or hockey player. Class size is limited, so register early. Regular lessons consist of a 30 minute lesson and a 30 minute practice. Skate rentals are available for $3 per pair. No double blades. Gloves or mittens required. Helmets strongly recommended for beginning skaters. Please contact Janelle Wall, the Skate School Coordinator, with “Learn to Skate” Program questions at [email protected] or 651-775-7462. We reserve the right to cancel or combine classes. Learn to Skate Fall Evening 3-week Program Tuesday and Thursday Evenings September 13 - 29, 2016 Adult/Child & Private Lessons $84 Group Lessons $66 Tuesdays and Thursday Evenings Lesson 6:00 p.m. • Practice 6:30 p.m. Activity # Level Age SKS1.01 Snowplow Pre-K SKH1.01 Hockey 1 5+ years SKB1.01 Basic 1 5+ years SKAC.01 Adult/Child 3+ years Practice 6:00 p.m. • Lesson 6:30 p.m. SKB1.02 Basic 1 - 3 5+ years SKB6.01 Basic 4 - 5 5+ years SKFS.01 Free Skate 1 - 6 5+ years SKB4.09 Basic 4 -5 5+ years Lesson 7:00 p.m. • Practice 7:30 p.m. SKP1.04 Private Lessons 5+ years Practice 7:00 p.m. • Lesson 7:30 p.m. SKH2.01 Hockey 2 5+ years SKH3.01 Hockey 3 - 4 5+ years SKH5.01 Hockey 5 - 6 5+ years Skate Class Descriptions Private - A 15 minute lesson and 45 minute practice Snowplow - Intro to skating for three years and older Basic 1 - Forward skate and stopping Basic 2 - Backward skate, one-foot glide Basic 3 - Two-foot turn, forward pumping on a circle Basic 4 - Forward edges and crossovers Basic 5 - Back inside and outside edges, T-stops, and one-foot spin Basic 6 - Inside three turns, two-foot turns, and hockey stop Basic 7 - Mohawks, backward crossovers, and scratch spin Basic 8 - Moving three-turns, waltz jump, and combination moves Free Skate 1 - 6 - Stroking, more advanced jumps and spins Hockey 1 - Intro. to basic hockey skills (hockey helmet required) Hockey 2 - 3 - Backward, stops, transitions, and turns (hockey helmet required) Hockey 4 - 6 - Stronger skating, drills, and turns (hockey helmet required) Adult/Child - For ages preschool and up, great way for children and adults to learn together Learn to Skate Open House Sunday, September 11 Open Skate • 1:00–2:00 p.m. Exhibition • 2:15–2:45 p.m. The open house is a great opportunity to see what your child will learn and ask any questions you may have prior to registering or starting lessons. Staff will be available to assist newer skaters. All ages welcome. Learn to Skate program information is available at www.ci.farmington.mn.us or contact the Skate School Coordinator Janelle Wall at [email protected] or 651-775-7462. Learn to Skate Coordinator Janelle Wall has over 25 years of teaching experience and has competed locally and nationally. Her goal is that children and adults learn to skate safely so they can be fit and have fun. Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 19 SKATING PROGRAMS I Learn to Skate Fall Daytime 8-week Program October 12 - December 7 (No Lesson on November 23) Wednesdays • 10:00–11:00 a.m. or 1:00–2:00 p.m. October 8 - December 10 (No Lessons on October 22 and November 26) Saturdays • 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Adult/Child & Private Lessons $112 Group Lessons $88 Wednesdays Lesson 10:00 a.m. • Practice 10:30 a.m. Activity # Level Age SKS1.02 Snowplow Pre-K Lesson 10:30 a.m. • Practice 10:00 a.m. SKH1.02 Basic 1+ - Hockey 1+ 5+ years Lesson 1:00 p.m. • Practice 1:30 p.m. SKS1.03 Snowplow Pre-K Lesson 1:30 p.m. • Practice 1:00 p.m. SKH1.03 Basic 1+ - Hockey 1+ Learn to Skate group at Schmitz-Maki Arena. Saturdays 5+ years Lesson 10:00 a.m. • Practice 10:30 a.m. Activity # Level Age SKP1.02 Private Lessons 5+ years Lesson 10:30 a.m. • Practice 11:00 a.m. C hildren who participate in sports at a young age play for life. Register your child for a Learn to Skate class and they will learn a sport they can participate in for a lifetime. Skating is a Great Workout Aerobic exercise is an important aspect of cardiovascular health, and ice skating provides a great aerobic workout. The best part about ice skating is you get a great cardio workout without even knowing it. Burn Those Calories A 150 lb person will burn between 600 and 800 calories while skating for one hour, which is about the equivalent of a five mile run. Check out the Schmitz-Maki Arena’s Open Skate schedule on page 18. 20 SKFS.02 Free Skate 1 - 3 5+ years SKFS.03 Free Skate 4 - 6 5+ years SKB5.02 Snowplow 3+ years SKAC.02 Adult/Child 3+ years Practice 10:30 a.m. • Lesson 11:00 a.m. SKB2.01 Basic 2 5+ years SKB3.01 Basic 3 - 4 5+ years SKB5.01 Basic 5 - 8 5+ years SKH1.04 Hockey 1 5+ years Lesson 11:30 a.m. • Practice Noon SKS1.04 Snowplow 3+ years SKS1.05 Snowplow 3+ years SKB1.03 Basic 1 5 - 7 years SKB1.04 Basic 1 8+ years Practice 11:30 a.m. • Lesson Noon SKH2.02 Hockey 2 5+ years SKH3.02 Hockey 3, 4 5+ years SKH5.02 Hockey 5, 6 5+ years www.ci.farmington.mn.us • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • Fall 2016 PARK I FACILITY I IMPROVEMENTS Troy Hill Park Playground 19260 Everest Path • Farmington The city is working on a $60,000 playground replacement project at Troy Hill Park. The playground improvements will ensure that the equipment is viable and safe. The old playground equipment, playground border, and wood fill fall material have been removed. The new equipment will include a structure for children that are two to five years old, a structure for children that are five to twelve years old, and swing sets. New wood fiber fall material under the equipment and a new concrete sidewalk playground border will also be added. The playground is closed during construction. It will reopen when the project is complete. Construction is weather dependent but the project should be completed during the summer. The playground images below show the types of playground structures that will be installed at the park. Scoop the Poop Not only does it keep harmful bacteria out of our local waterbodies; it’s the neighborly thing to do. Photo © Adrian Danciu FYHA Helps City Achieve Goals F armington Youth Hockey Association (FYHA) is committed to organize and promote youth hockey for girls and boys. They encourage development of sportsmanship, teamwork, and individual achievement in hockey. As a part of their commitment to youth hockey, the organization agreed to make monetary contributions to the city for Schmitz-Maki Arena operations, improvements, and equipment. Since 2012, the FYHA has donated $25,000 towards operational costs and $25,000 towards capital improvements and/or equipment. As a result, the arena has been able to operate with a small profit for the past several years. The city used FYHA contributions along with a Mighty Ducks Grant, and city funds to cover costs to purchase a new electric ice resurfacer. The resurfacer will arrive in time for the 2016 summer season. The new resurfacer will not produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, or nitrogen dioxide emissions inside the arena, which helps to ensure a clean air environment. Spectators will be happy to hear this - the FYHA made a donation of $7,500.00 that was made on the condition it be used for the purchase of a new sound system for the arena. This money has been deposited into the arena’s Capital Improvement Fund, so it may be used for this purchase. As you may know, a properly working heating, ventilating, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is essential for an indoor ice arena. The association covered a portion of the costs associated with HVAC equipment improvements in 2013. The association has made improvements at outdoor rinks too. They recently donated $1,259.00 to purchase an automated external defibrillator (AED) for the city’s warming house in Rambling River Park, which is located just south of Levi Dodge Middle School. North Creek Park hockey rink boards will be built with their donation of $3,517.46 for lumber materials to replace the 10 year old plastic hockey boards. The plastic boards were in poor condition and it was difficult to find replacement boards. The replacement of the current plastic hockey boards with new wood hockey boards will benefit both the city and FYHA long term. To learn more about Farmington Youth Hockey visit their website www.farmingtonhockey.org Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 21 ADULT PROGRAMS I Softball Leagues Adult Fall Mixed Doubleheader Softball League Go around the horn at the friendly confines of Rambling River Park this fall with our USSSA sanctioned mixed softball league. This is going to be a hit that you don’t want to miss! Sunday Nights August 14 - October 2, skip September 4 Rambling River Fields $500 per team Deadline: Friday, July 29 To receive priority, returning teams must have their registration forms into our office by Friday, July 15. Interested teams or individuals should contact the Recreation Office at 651-280-6854. Fall Men’s Doubleheader Softball Leagues The dog days of summer will be here, but don’t put the bats and mitts away quite yet because we are offering Fall Men’s Softball Leagues. These USSSA sanctioned leagues will be the catch of the season, therefore you need to register your team to play! Monday Nights August 15 - October 3, skip September 5 Rambling River Fields Tuesday Nights August 16 - September 27 Rambling River Fields $500 per team Deadline: Friday, July 29 22 Fall Dodgeball A fall dodgeball league will be offered at Century Middle School, 18610 Ipava Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044. The league is self-officiated. Teams consist of at least six players beginning play in September. Register through the city of Lakeville at www.lakevillemn. gov, or call 952-985-4600. Registration: August 5 - 19 Thursdays Start date: September 8 $120 per team Winter Dodgeball The dodgeball league will be offered at Century Middle School, 18610 Ipava Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044. The league is self-officiated. Teams consist of at least six players beginning play in January. Register through the city of Lakeville at www.lakevillemn.gov, or call 952-985-4600. Registration: November 21 December 9 Thursdays Start date: January 5 $120 per team How to Register for Farmington Parks & Recreation Programs If a program registration number is listed following the program description, you may register for the program online or use the mail-in form on page 26. Online registration is available through the city’s website at www.ci.farmington.mn.us. Look for the Parks & Rec icon (pictured). Or use the direct Active link at https:// apm.activecommunities.com/ farmington. Click on Login and then Create an Account. Your account will be verified within two business days and when verified, you may proceed with registration. If you want to register family members, you must first setup an account for yourself; then add individual family members to your account. Details on page 27. Weather Cancellations and Closings Program Cancellations and Refund Policy F armington Parks & Recreation reserves the right to cancel, postpone, combine classes, or substitute instructors. Program refunds will be issued or not issued as follows: •City cancels program: No processing fee charged and participant receives a full refund. •Participant withdraws before registration deadline: $8 processing fee charged and participant receives remainder of fee. •Participant withdraws after registration deadline: $8 processing fee charged and any program costs (tickets, T-shirt, etc.) and participant receives the remainder of the fee. •Participant withdraws after program begins: No refund. The most current cancellation and closing information can be accessed 24 hours a day and seven days a week through the Farmington Parks & Recreation weather cancellation and closing information line at 651-280-6870. www.ci.farmington.mn.us • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • Fall 2016 I RAMBLING RIVER CENTER About Our Memberships Welcome! A The Rambling River Center is committed to providing quality programs and services, while encouraging the involvement of adults over age 50. 325 Oak Street • Farmington 651-280-6970 • Hours: Monday - Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Membership is valid for one year from the date of purchase and qualifies you to enjoy discounted classes, trips, and free programs. Members receive the bimonthly newsletter The River in the mail and first pick from the bread programs. Membership rates include sales tax. $27/person General Membership $60/person Jack & Bev McKnight Fitness Center Membership (requires General Membership) Benefits of Membership Rent the RRC for your next event… t the Rambling River Center (RRC), you’ll find a wide range of recreational opportunities that can help you enjoy the most exciting chapters of your life. Our Mission There are many benefits of memberships, including discounts on programs, classes, outing opportunities, The River (RRC’s bimonthly newsletter), and the Jack and Bev McKnight Fitness Center. Another fundamental benefit of joining the Rambling River Center is establishing new friendships and strengthening old ones! RRC Offerings Join us and try something new. Classes Defensive Driving Beginner Tap Dance Zumba Gold Yoga The Rambling River Center is available for rent for various functions. If you are interested, please visit www.ci.farmington.mn.us for more information or stop by the center for a reservation packet. Rambling River Center Program Registration How to Register for Programs and Events Use this form to register for the programs and events listed ONLY on pages 24 - 25 at the Rambling River Center. Return this form in person with a check payment to: Rambling River Center, 325 Oak Street, Farmington, MN 55024 Name_________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________ Programs Phone Number_________________________________________________ Fundraising Special Events Educational Programs Presentations on various topics Email Address__________________________________________________ Special Interest Groups Are you a current member of Rambling River Center (circle one): Yes Participant Name Program/Trip No Member NonMember Fee Fee Arts & Crafts Card Games (Bridge, 500, Pinochle) Wood Carving Model Railroad Club And much more... Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 23 RAMBLING RIVER CENTER I End of Summer Membership Social C elebrate the Rambling River Center and all it has to offer by joining us for a Membership Social. Enjoy an afternoon of sweet treats, entertainment, and time with friends! Thursday, August 18 1:00 p.m. FREE members $3 non-member Registration is required! Deadline: Tuesday, August 16 S.O.R.R. Grandparents, Grandkids, and Seniors Day at the Holtz Farm Experience the nostalgia of days gone by at the 1940’s era Holz Farm in Eagan, Minnesota on Friday, August 26 from 1:00–3:30 p.m. This event welcomes seniors, grandparents, and their grandchildren to share in an event to reconnect seniors and youth to farm life in the 1940s. Activities will include a tractor hay ride, entertainment, family games, and a picnic complete with roasted corn. The “Friends of The Farm” will also offer walking tours of the farm and farm house sharing education and cultural perspectives that appeal to a wide range of interests and ages. This event is sponsored by S.O.R.R. (South of Photo by Rob Holschbach the River Recreators) Senior Section. Register at the Rambling River Center with the registration form on page 23. Friday, August 26 1:00–3:30 p.m. Holz Farm 4665 Manor Drive, Eagan, MN $7 per person with a maximum of $50 for a family of eight. Deadline: Monday, August 15 24 White Bear Lake Tour White Bear Lake is filled with stories from the golden era of Minnesota’s first resort town. On a riding tour, a guide will bring the past to life. Conclude the riding tour at the Fillebrown House, an 1879 lakeside cottage. Enjoy a home cooked turkey dinner at Key’s Café. Following lunch, take a wagon ride and shop at Pine Tree Apple Orchard. Friday, September 16 10:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. $67 members $77 non-members Deadline: Friday, August 19 All You Can Eat! Dad’s Belgian Waffles, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale Giant Belgian waffles topped with butter, whipped cream, and nine choices of syrup and sausages will be served! There will also be a fabulous silent auction and bake sale. Everyone is welcome. If you are interested in volunteering or donating to this event, please call the center at 651-280-6970. Ticket sales begin on Monday, September 12 at the Rambling River Center. Saturday, October 22 8:30 a.m.–noon Rambling River Center, 325 Oak Street Waffle Tickets: $7 advance, $9 door, and ages 5 and under Free. Silent Auction bidding will close at 11:00 a.m. Bake Sale will be held 9:00–11:00 a.m. The Waffle Breakfast, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale are the Rambling River Center’s biggest fundraisers of the year. If you’d like to donate a basket for the silent auction or a goody for the bake sale, please contact the center at 651-280-6970. Fundraising monies go to support capital projects not in the operating budget. Please call the center to learn more at 651-280-6970. www.ci.farmington.mn.us • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • Fall 2016 MN Highway Safety Research Center Defensive Driving Classes This accident prevention course is approved by the MN Department of Public Safety and is similar in content to the nationally recognized 55 Alive or 55 + course. You will receive information on crash data trends, defensive driving tips, changes in laws, vehicle technology, and the latest traffic safety information. This class will qualify most people 55 and older for a 10 percent discount on their car insurance (check with your agent). The discount can be maintained by taking a four hour refresher course every three years. Classes listed below are held at the Rambling River Center, 325 Oak Street in Farmington. Call 1-888-234-1294 to register. Evening Course Great Mississippi River Cruise Have coffee and a treat at L.A.R.K. Toys, a unique toy store. Step back in time to the riverboat era in La Crosse. Enjoy a buffet luncheon of Swedish meatballs, ham, potato, vegetable, rolls, dessert and coffee. View the colorful scenery of the bluffs and the great Mississippi River Valley. Friday, October 14 8:15 a.m.–5:45 p.m. $77 member $87 non-members Deadline: Friday, September 9 Circle of Christmas (Four-hour renewal) Tuesday, August 9 5:30–9:30 p.m. $22 Monday, October 3 5:30–9:30 p.m. $22 T ravel to the heart of historic and picturesque downtown Stillwater to visit the Käthe Wohlfahrt of America to discover the unforgettable charm of items that are reminiscent of Christmas stores in Germany. Enjoy lunch at The Dallas House Restaurant in St. Croix Falls. Menu includes honey glazed roasted ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetable, bread, beverage and holiday cookie tray. Following lunch, arrive at Angel Hill historic District of Taylors Falls at the historic Folsom House. Each of the rooms has been decorated for Christmas by local groups and businesses. Please note that the second story is only accessible by a flight of stairs. Tuesday, November 29 8:45 a.m.–4:45 p.m. $60 member $70 non-members Deadline: Friday, November 4 Day Course Options (Four-hour renewal) Friday, September 9 8:00 a.m.–noon $22 Friday. November 4 8:00 a.m.–noon $22 Day Course (Eight-hour initial course) Saturday, December 10 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. $26 A Merry Mankato Are you 50 years of age or older and looking for ways to connect in the community? If you are interested in activities, events, and issues that pertain to the needs of an active adult or your wondering about what retirement could hold for you; watch for exciting opportunities to enrich your life and build community in Farmington at www.ci.farmington.mn.us, www.farmingtonCE. com, and www.farmingtonindependent.com Enjoy a guided tour of the historic Hubbard House. The Hubbard House will be showcasing traditional Victorian Christmas decorations. Following the tour, arrive at Charley’s Restaurant for an early dinner. Ride in a horse-drawn carriage through Sibley Park and see the holiday light display that features over one million lights. Tuesday, December 13 12:30–8:15 p.m. $71 member $81 non-members Deadline: Friday, November 18 Fall 2016 • weather closings/cancellations 651-280-6870 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 25 PROGRAM REGISTRATION I Parks & Recreation Program Registration Form Parent/Primary Contact Name________________________________________________________________ Phone_ ___________________________________ _(Emergency)_____________________________________ Address________________________________ City__________________________ St_ ______ Zip__________ Email Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Additional Contact______________________________________ Phone (if different)_ __________________ Please be aware of registration deadlines. Participant Name Gender M/F Grade Level Date of Birth Program/Activity # Fee T-shirt Size Youth T-shirt sizes: 6 - 8, 10 - 12, 14 - 16 Adult T-shirt sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large Waiver for Participation by Parent: In consideration of your accepting my child’s entry, I hereby, for myself, my child, my heirs, executors and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I or my child may have against the city of Farmington and its representatives, successors and assigns for any and all injuries suffered by myself or my child at any activity sponsored by these groups. Minnesota law effective on September 1, 2011: It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to review the Concussion Awareness Training information and share this with their child. The information is available at: www.cdc.gov/concussion/HeadsUp/online_training.html. Concussion Awareness Training is completed. Parent or guardian Initials __________________ Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________________________ Date______________________ Special Needs or Requests________________________________________________________ Complete if paying with a credit card: Name on Card (please print)_ _________________________________________________________ Card Billing Address_________________________________________________________________ Credit Card # __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ - __ __ __ __ CVV/CVS # __ __ __ Expiration Date __________________________________________ Visa Master Card (Circle one) Signature__________________________________________________________________________ Mail registration form: (Check, credit or debit card) 430 Third Street, Farmington, MN 55024 - processed the next day. Office Use Only Confirm# Cash/Check# 26 Date Entered CC/DC Initials Scholarship Amount Online Registration Begins August 15 Set Up Accounts Now! Online fall program registration will be open on Monday, August 15. If you don’t have an account you can set one up today. Opening an online registration account with us now, avoids delays, and it’s easy. •Visit the city’s website - look for “Parks and Rec” on the city’s website at www.ci.farmington.mn.us •Use the Active link below for direct access https://apm.activecommunities.com/farmington •Click on Login and then Create an Account First time users, once registered your account will be verified, this may take up to two business days. When the account is verified, you may proceed with program registration. The Active website offers answers to FAQ’s or email [email protected]. Tip for Registering Family Members •You must first setup an account for yourself (adult member of household); then you may add individual family members to your account and your address etc. will automatically populate. Data Privacy The information you provide when registering for programs is available to city staff who require it to perform their duties, but is not available to the public. You are not legally required to provide this data. If it is not provided, we may not be able to complete your registration and/or you may not receive updated program information such as schedule changes. Photographs Farmington Parks & Recreation periodically takes photographs of people in our parks and recreation programs. These photographs may be used in city digital and print publications, on the website, and on cable access channels. If you or a family member do not wish to be photographed or published, please notify us in writing. Scholarships The Farmington Rotary Foundation and the Louis Schmitz Foundation have made generous commitments to area youth as sponsors of the Youth Scholarship Program. This program provides registration/fee assistance to income qualified families or those who are experiencing unforeseen personal/financial situations. Contact the Parks and Recreation Office at 651-2806850 for further information. Age Requirements The participants age on the first day of class must meet the age criteria set for each program, unless otherwise specified. Do not request to have your child put in a program when they do not meet the age criteria. Age requirements are set for safety reasons and to benefit the participants. Cancellations & Refunds Farmington Parks & Recreation reserves the right to cancel, postpone, combine classes, or substitute instructors. Program refunds will be issued or not issued as follows: •City cancels program: No processing fee charged and participant receives a full refund. •Participant withdraws before registration deadline: $8 processing fee charged and participant receives remainder of fee. •Participant withdraws after registration deadline: $8 processing fee charged and any program costs (tickets, T-shirt, etc.) and participant receives the remainder of the fee. •Participant withdraws after program begins: No refund. FYI •Registrations are on a first come, first served basis. •Most classes and trips are limited in size, prompt registration is encouraged. •Classes may fill before the deadline date. •Registration must include payment (see below). Five Easy Ways to Register Online: (Credit or debit card) 24-hour online registration at www.ci.farmington.mn.us - processed immediately. Fax: (Credit or debit card) Call 651-280-6898 - processed the next day. In Person: (Cash, check, credit or debit card) 430 Third Street, Farmington, MN 55024 - processed the next day. Mail: (Check, credit or debit card) 430 Third Street, Farmington, MN 55024 - processed the next day. Drop Box: (Cash, check, credit or debit card); behind City Hall, 430 Third Street and at the Maintenance Facility, 19650 Municipal Drive, Farmington, MN 55024 - processed the next day. 27 Presort Standard ECRWSS US POSTAGE PAID Twin Cities, MN Permit #29206 City of Farmington 430 Third Street Farmington, MN 55024 This publication is published by the city of Farmington. Contact Danielle Cahlander at [email protected] or 651-280-6807, with questions or suggestions regarding this publication. Questions about Parks & Recreation programs? Call 651-280-6850. *****************ECRWSS**** Postal Customer Farmington, MN 55024 Mayor Todd Larson Council Members Jason Bartholomay Douglas Bonar Terry Donnelly Tim Pitcher City Administrator David McKnight City Meetings Visit the City Calendar for up-to-date meeting schedules at www.ci.farmington.mn.us Monthly Meetings City Council: 7 p.m., City Hall First & Third Mondays Planning Commission: 7 p.m., City Hall Second Tuesday Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission: 7 p.m., City Hall Second Wednesday Rambling River Center Advisory Board: 9:30 a.m., Rambling River Center Second Monday Economic Development Authority: 6:30 p.m., City Hall Fourth Thursday Water Board: 7 p.m., City Hall Fourth Monday Bimonthly Meeting Heritage Preservation Commission: 7 p.m., City Hall Fourth Tuesday Fall Dates August 9 11 25 Primary Election, pg 8 Back to School Bash, pg 13 Music in the Park - The Teddy Bear Band, pg 14 September 5 10 15 17 Labor Day - City offices closed Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Day, pg 6 Wine Club Tasting Event, pg 4 Movie in the Park, pg 14 October 13 28 22 Fire Department Open House, pg 12 Halloween Walk, pg 14 Waffle Breakfast, Silent Auction, and Bake Sale, pg 24 November 3 8 11 24-25 Wine Club Tasting Event, pg 4 General Election, pg 8 Veterans Day - City offices closed Thanksgiving Day Holiday- City offices closed December 23 26 Christmas Eve Observed - City offices closed Christmas Day Observed - City offices closed Fall 2016 • www.ci.farmington.mn.us 28