Annual Activity Report_2014 - Fundația pentru o societate deschisă
Annual Activity Report_2014 - Fundația pentru o societate deschisă
Activity Report 2014 0 Contents Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. Open Data .......................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 A Plea for Open Data ................................................................................................................................... 4 1.2 The Coalition for Open Data ........................................................................................................................ 5 1.3 Open Society Reports .................................................................................................................................. 7 1.4 Personal Data Protection Is a Fundamental Right! ...................................................................................... 8 2. Education ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 2. 1 Open Educational Resources ...................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Support Culture in Education ....................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Access for Children and Young People to Learning for Life -‐ ACTIV ........................................................... 10 2.4 Correlation between Learning for Life and Socio-‐Educative Integration -‐ CIVIS ........................................ 11 3. Roma inclusion ................................................................................................................................................. 13 3.1 MERI-‐ Mayors Active in Roma Social Inclusion .......................................................................................... 13 3.2 Socio-‐graphic Mapping Of The Roma Communities In Romania For A Community-‐level Monitoring Of Changes With Regard To Roma Integration -‐ SocioRoMap ............................................................................. 14 4.1 Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration ....................................... 15 4.2 MIPEX -‐ Migrant Integration Policy Index .................................................................................................. 17 4.3 NEXUSnet Moldova .................................................................................................................................... 18 5. Women inclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 18 5.1 Social Innovation for Sustainably Integrating Women in the Labour Market ............................................ 18 5.2 Women Integration and Promotion on the Labour Market ...................................................................... 19 6. Fight against Human Traffic ............................................................................................................................. 20 6.1 CONFRONT-‐ Countering New Forms of Roma Children Trafficking: Participatory Approach .................... 20 6.2 Briseis – Fight against Traffic for Forced Labour ........................................................................................ 21 7. Elections and The Right to Vote ....................................................................................................................... 22 7.1 Elections 2014: Countering The Rise of Hate Speech ................................................................................ 22 7.2 Romanians Vote for Europe! ...................................................................................................................... 23 1 7.3 Politics without Barriers ............................................................................................................................. 25 8. Social Economy ................................................................................................................................................ 25 8.1 “The Social Enterprise”-‐SEn ...................................................................................................................... 26 9. Participatory Social Architecture ..................................................................................................................... 26 9.1 Arhipera ..................................................................................................................................................... 26 9.2 International School for Participative Social Architecture -‐ SIASPA ........................................................... 27 9.3 ARHIPERA Summer School ......................................................................................................................... 27 10. Open Society Monitor .................................................................................................................................... 28 11. Access to European Funds ............................................................................................................................. 28 11.1 NGO Coalition for Structural Funds ......................................................................................................... 28 Online Presence in 2014 ...................................................................................................................................... 29 Budget 2014 ......................................................................................................................................................... 31 Team of The foundation for an open society in 2014 .......................................................................................... 32 2 Introduction 2014 was a year of change for The foundation for an open society. After 24 years since its set-‐up, the organization announced its separation from the Open Society Foundations (OSF) network founded by George Soros and became independent, aiming at building its future by its own means. The foundation for an open society continues to believe in open society values. We are open to partnerships with all those who share these values and we wish to build together a society based on freedom, responsibility and respect for diversity. We are proud that our organization, in all the different forms under which it operated during the first 24 years, had always symbolized and still symbolizes, especially for many NGOs, The FOUNDATION of Romania’s civil society edifice. In 2014, we started the new stage of our existence by carrying out projects in fields of significant expertise for our organization and on topical areas of the public agenda: 2014 elections, with emphasis on fighting hate speech and on mobilizing Romanian migrants to vote for EU elections, open data, second chance in education for those who had abandoned school, promoting gender equality and equal opportunities, development of social enterprises, Roma inclusion, open educational resources, migration studies, social participatory architecture and housing solutions for the poor. The significant projects which we carried out had a social contribution that had been acknowledged, as always. Thus, the project "RURES. Spațiul Rural și Economia Socială în România" ("RURES. Rural Space and The Social Economy in Romania") which was completed in 2013 received the Second Prize under the "Economic and Social Development " of the Civil Society Gala in 2014. In 2014, The foundation for an open society focused on communicating online about its main activities. Therefore, we created more websites and more Facebook pages by means of which we reached more varied and numerous audiences: from Romanian migrants to European countries, to the Foundation customary audience made by NGO representatives and students or beneficiaries of our projects that promoted social enterprises, and gender equality and equal opportunities. We set up a new organization website and a new Facebook page and, although new, they were as accessed and read as our old pages, by a substantial community interested in the activity of our organization. 3 1. Open Data 1.1 A Plea for Open Data The program was launched in December 2011, as an initiative of The foundation for an open society and since April 2014 the activities have been performed under the umbrella of The Coalition for Open Data, a collaborative platform of citizens and NGO’s. The program promotes efficient governance by opening public interest information owned by the Government and by involving citizens in the governance process, in the context of using new technologies. In 2014, the main objectives of this program were: ● ● ● Developing a collaborative platform of NGO’s and citizens, promoting the concept of open public data in Romania (advocacy and development); Monitoring the actions of the Romanian Government on opening the data owned by public authorities and institutions and especially of the state budget; Supporting the Department of Online Services and Design, subordinated to the Prime-‐Minister Chancellery, in the activity of data inventorying and of implementing commitments included in the National Action Plan related to the Open Government Partnership. Until April 2014, the following activities took place: -‐ -‐ Organizing the Open Data Hackathon, together with the Department of Online Services and Design within the Prime-‐Minister Chancellery, on the occasion of International Open Data Day; 30 programmers and activists participated in this event and they reused data available on the governmental portal; Sending comments related to the first draft of the new National OGP Action Plan, July 2014-‐ June 2016. 4 nd Open Data Hackathon, February 22 , 2014, Bucharest 1.2 The Coalition for Open Data The Coalition for Open Data is a project implemented between April 2014 -‐ April 2015 by The foundation for an open society in partnership with the Association for Technology and Internet, Ceata Foundation, Median Research Centre Foundation, Geo-‐ Association, financed by SEE 2009-‐2014 grants, under the NGO Fund in Romania. Besides the homonym project, whose beneficiary is the Foundation, The Coalition is an informal platform, made up of over 20 de non-‐ governmental organizations, citizens and universities, promoting publication and reuse of open public data. Project objectives: ● Consolidation of The Coalition for Open Data by increasing the number of members and collaborators; ● Positioning The Coalition as the main voice of the civil society in the open data field; ● Promoting open data on the public agenda. The activities performed in 2014 were: -‐ organizing 2 Open Data Hackathons, in Timișoara and Brașov, in which 70 programmers participated, developing 5 applications; -‐ organizing 2 information sessions for 54 public administration clerks; -‐ organizing 2 sessions about manipulating data sets for 20 journalists; -‐ creating a database including 15 experts in open data field; -‐ publishing 2 reactions on the Strategy of Digital Agenda and of National Action Plan for implementing the Open Government Partnership. th HackTM, October 19 , 2014, Timișoara 5 Until the end of 2014, The Coalition for Open Data had 30 issues in the media:‐lansat-‐coalitia-‐pentru-‐date-‐deschise-‐2014-‐06-‐01‐locale-‐timisoara/cel-‐mai-‐mare-‐hackathon-‐din-‐vestul-‐tarii_14946‐digitala-‐strategia-‐fara-‐strategie/ http://edu-‐‐cel-‐mai-‐mare-‐hackathon-‐din-‐vestul-‐tarii-‐va-‐avea-‐loc-‐la-‐timisoara/‐evenimentul-‐pasionatilor-‐de-‐it/ http://www.ultimele-‐‐mai-‐buni-‐hackeri-‐isi-‐dau-‐intalnire-‐la-‐timisoara/306716 e+ore+la+soft‐data-‐hackathon-‐maraton-‐de-‐programare-‐decembrie-‐la-‐brasov/‐open-‐data-‐hackathon-‐12-‐14-‐decembrie-‐brasov-‐colina-‐universitatii-‐transilvania-‐din-‐ brasov-‐256032947.html‐open-‐data-‐hackathon-‐12-‐14-‐decembrie-‐brasov-‐colina-‐universitatii-‐transilvania-‐din-‐brasov-‐ 256032947.html‐data-‐hackathon-‐12-‐14-‐decembrie-‐brasov-‐colina-‐universitatii-‐transilvania-‐din-‐ brasov.html‐data-‐hackathon-‐12-‐14-‐decembrie-‐bra-‐ov-‐colina-‐universita-‐ii-‐transilvania-‐din-‐bra-‐ov http://news.portal-‐‐data-‐hackathon-‐1214-‐decembrie-‐brai/ http://www.ziare-‐pe-‐‐data-‐hackathon-‐12-‐14-‐decembrie-‐bra-‐ov-‐colina-‐universita-‐ii-‐transilvania-‐din-‐bra-‐ ov-‐3532705.html‐data-‐hackathon-‐12-‐14-‐decembrie-‐bra-‐ov-‐colina-‐universita-‐ii-‐transilvania-‐din-‐bra-‐ ov_13866.html‐data-‐hackathon-‐maraton-‐de-‐programare-‐in-‐decembrie-‐la-‐brasov#sthash.21MKyHuS.dpbs‐maraton-‐de-‐programare-‐cu-‐date-‐libere-‐open/‐pentru-‐date-‐deschise-‐guvernare-‐electronica-‐la-‐5-‐vezi-‐cum-‐sta-‐romania-‐si-‐la-‐ ceilalti-‐indicatori-‐si-‐comparativ-‐cu-‐alte-‐tari-‐europene/‐divers/sapte-‐elevi-‐din-‐brasov-‐dezvolta-‐un-‐motor-‐de-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐ comun-‐din-‐oras_419046.php 6‐elevi-‐din-‐Brasov-‐au-‐ inventat-‐un-‐motor-‐de-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐comun-‐din-‐oras‐brasoveni-‐inventat-‐aplicatie-‐itiarata-‐ajungi-‐destinatie-‐folosind-‐autobuzul-‐ 1_549d1bd7448e03c0fd0dba15/index.html‐inteligent-‐de-‐cautare-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐comun-‐pus-‐la-‐punct-‐de-‐elevi-‐brasoveni-‐ a81395‐elevi-‐dezvolta-‐motor-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐transportul-‐comun-‐brasov/‐actualitate/elevii-‐brasoveni-‐au-‐inventat-‐o-‐aplicatie-‐care-‐iti-‐arata-‐cum-‐sa-‐ajungi-‐la-‐ destinatie-‐folosind-‐autobuzul-‐5216536‐divers/brasov-‐7-‐elevi-‐dezvolta-‐un-‐motor-‐de-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐ comun_418995.php‐elevi-‐din-‐Brasov-‐au-‐ inventat-‐un-‐motor-‐de-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐comun-‐din-‐oras http://stiri-‐‐elevi-‐dezvolta-‐un-‐motor-‐de-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐ comun-‐din-‐Brasov‐elevi-‐din-‐brasov-‐dezvolta-‐un-‐motor-‐de-‐cautare-‐inteligent-‐pentru-‐transportul-‐in-‐comun-‐din-‐oras/ 1.3 Open Society Reports Open Society Reports represent a series of five policy analyses, a general one about open data and open governance and four specific ones about: transparent public-‐private contracts, open educational resources, open public budgets and open data in culture. Open Society Reports complete information gaps, fundament debates and decisions of public policies about open data in Romania, being useful resources for both decision-‐makers and public clerks. Imagine reused from 7 The project takes place between July 2014 and September 2015 in partnership with the Association MetruCub Resources for Culture and it is financed by SEE 2009-‐2014 grants, within NGO Fund in Romania. The project proposed the following objectives: ● Substantiating debates and decisions of public policies about open data in Romania by performing a series of five policy analyses; ● Promoting on the public agenda the open data subject and applying it in 4 domains; ● Strengthening the capacity of the Foundation and of the Public Policy Department, a think tank specialized in the field of open data. In 2014, the following activities were performed within the project: -‐ developing the report Open Governance and Open Public Data in Romania; -‐ first edition of the School of Activism for Open Data, in which 14 persons participated; -‐ developing a virtual platform, centralizing information about open data, The following pieces of news were published in 2014 about the Open Society Reports:‐telecom-‐18212286-‐portalul-‐national-‐date-‐deschise-‐contine-‐erori-‐nu-‐exista-‐procedura-‐ actualizare-‐datelor-‐dar-‐initiativa-‐este-‐laudabila-‐raport-‐fundatiei-‐pentru-‐societate-‐deschisa.htm‐ong/in-‐romania-‐guvernarea-‐deschisa-‐nu-‐este-‐1‐23320‐deschisa-‐democra%C8%9Bie-‐forumista-‐%C8%99i-‐master-‐planul-‐de-‐ transport/ 1.4 Personal Data Protection Is a Fundamental Right! The project Personal Data Protection is a Fundamental Right! is implemented by the Association for Technology and Internet, in partnership with The foundation for an open society and Active Watch and it is financed by SEE 2009-‐2014 grants, under the NGO Fund in Romania, between September 2014 and February 2016. The project proposed to increase the information and involvement level related to this subject, under the circumstances of lack of useful information in Romanian about the right to private life and personal data protection. The main activities of the project: ● ● ● ● ● writing and publishing informative materials about the right to private life and personal data protection; monitoring public policies and legislation affecting these rights; identifying situations when the rights to private life were flagrantly infringed; initiating a series of strategic litigations for the two intervention areas mentioned above; informing over 100,000 citizens about their rights. The project beneficiaries are both citizens and groups discriminated by illegal collection of sensitive data, such as data related to ethnic group, sexual life or religion. 8 The project takes place between September 2014 and February 2016. 2. Education 2. 1 Open Educational Resources The long-‐term objective of the project is to adopt a public policy for open educational resources in Romania. On short term, the project focused on introducing OER-‐associated concepts in Romania and on facilitating a Coalition for OER (Open Educational Resources). The main activities of the Open Educational Resources project: -‐ -‐ -‐ organizing the first national conference Open Education Romania; publishing the Good Practice Guidelines for Open Educational Resources; sending an open letter to the Ministry of National Education. 2.2 Support Culture in Education The project Support Culture in Education aims at building a solid base for bringing to life cultural programs with educational dimension in Romania. Between November 2014 and April 2016, training activities intended for professionals in cultural and educational fields and debates on current topics take place within the project; studies and analyses about culture potential with educational dimension in Romania are carried out. Support Culture in Education is coordinated by MetruCub Association – Resources for Culture and implemented together with the“Sintagma” Centre for Education and Development, Gabriela Tudor Foundation, The foundation for an open society and the “Ion Luca Caragiale” National University of Theatre and Cinematographic Art. The objectives of the project Support Culture in Education: ● ● Increasing the competences for developing cultural projects in schools within cultural and educational organizations in Romania, by organizing training sessions and informal meetings on various topics related to the place of culture in education; Better understanding of the reasons and of the dynamics of involving the cultural sector in activities meant for children, young people and schools; acquiring a better understanding of the possibility of developing strategic 9 ● ● ● programs for the integration of culture in education in Romania by carrying out studies, performing analyses and making documentations regarding the evolution and the current situation of art integration in the educational offer in Romania, including in a comparative perspective to Norway and programs in other countries; Developing a training and professional network that brings together educational actors, interested in the potential of culture in the lives of children and young people and cultural actors willing to be involved in their education and development; Developing an advocacy community to focus on culture in education, which will gather together specialists and professionals in the field who understand the importance of inter-‐sectorial policies in culture and education; Influencing public authorities' decisions with regard to the problematic of culture in education; also, influencing the possibility of developing or improving strategic programs in the field, by issuing periodic information, documents of public policies and also within an event for constructive dialogue among public authorities, network members and international experts. 2.3 Access for Children and Young People to Learning for Life -‐ ACTIV Access for Children and Young People to Learning for Life -‐ ACTIV (Acces pentru Copii și Tineri la a Învăța pentru Viață) is a project co-‐financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013, implemented by Tulcea County School Inspectorate in partnership with Brăila County School Inspectorate and with The foundation for an open society, for 18 months (April 2014 – September 2015). The foundation for an open society was a partner in the project until November 2014. The project objective was to increase the number of children/young people in Tulcea and Brăila counties who reintegrated in the educational public system, finalizing at least the primary educational cycle. The project supported pre-‐ school children and pupils in disadvantaged communities in the two counties, by means of integrated operations, in order to reduce school abandonment and the risk of early school dropout. The following activities are performed within the project: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Enrolling 360 children or young people that abandoned school and did not finalize primary/secondary education in the Second Chance program; Advising 200 pupils at the risk of school abandonment; Advising 100 pre-‐school children from disadvantaged environment; Training 120 specialists from the personnel involved in the development and implementation of “A Second Chance” education programs; Advising 100 parents of the pupils and pre-‐school children targeted by the project; Building 4 Socio-‐Educative Assistance Centres (CASE), provided with modern technologies, where remedial education and assisted corrective learning programs will take place. Between April 2014 and November 2014, the following pieces of news were published:‐activ-‐formare-‐corp-‐specialisti-‐tulcea-‐Braila.htm‐300-‐de-‐elevi-‐care-‐au-‐abandonat-‐scoala-‐convinsi-‐sa-‐isi-‐reia-‐cursurile/ 10‐pentru-‐reducerea-‐abandonului-‐scolar‐doua-‐proiecte-‐POSDRU-‐Tulcea.htm th Launch of ACTIV project, June 27 , 2014, Tulcea 2.4 Correlation between Learning for Life and Socio-‐Educative Integration -‐ CIVIS The project Correlation between Learning for Life and Socio-‐educative Integration -‐ CIVIS (Corelarea Învățării pentru Viață cu Integrarea Socio-‐educativă ) is co-‐financed from the European Social Fund through the Sectoral Operational Program for Human Resources Development 2007 – 2013, implemented by Brașov County School Inspectorate in partnership with Galați County School Inspectorate and with the Foundation for an open society, for 18 months (April 2014 -‐ September 2015). The Foundation for an open society was a partner in the project until November 2014. Objectives: ● ● Reintegrating in the educational system children and young people who have abandoned school and who originate from Brașov and Galați counties, so that as many of them as possible should finalize at least the primary educational cycle; Supporting pre-‐school children and pupils originating from disadvantaged communities in the two counties, by integrated actions of reducing school abandonment and the risk of early school drop out. Four Socio-‐Educative Assistance Centres (CASE) are set up within the project, implementing programs of remedial education and assisted corrective learning. The four centres coordinate together 16 ADS ("A Second Chance") centres, created in the schools in villages and small towns in Brașov and Galați counties, where the "A Second Chance" program 11 takes place. These centres benefit from teams of IT specialists, from state of the art modern technology and last, but not least, from being located within the communities for which they will work. The project "Correlation between Learning for Life and Socio-‐educative Integration -‐ CIVIS" has several target groups and, at the same time, categories of beneficiaries: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ 360 children and young people who abandoned school and did not finalize inferior primary/secondary education; 200 pupils at risk of school abandonment; 100 pre-‐school children from disadvantaged communities; 120 specialists of the personnel involved in developing and implementing „A Second Chance” type educational programs and personnel involved in developing programs to prevent school drop out phenomenon and 100 parents of pupils and pre-‐school children targeted by the project. Project activity was reflected in mass media, as well:‐actualitate/doua-‐noi-‐proiecte-‐cu-‐finantare-‐europeana-‐la-‐isj-‐brasov-‐ 4798904‐scolare-‐din-‐brasov-‐si-‐galati-‐au-‐lansat-‐doua-‐proiecte-‐comune-‐a74462 th Launch of CIVIS project, June 17 , 2014, Brașov 12 3. Roma inclusion 3.1 MERI-‐ Mayors Active in Roma Social Inclusion The MERI (Mayors Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma Inclusion) project aims at creating a network of local public authorities preoccupied by the issue of social inclusion for Roma minority. The MERI Romania network is an informal network made up of mayors or representatives of local public authorities created using support from OSI Budapest, under the program Making the Most of EU Funds for Roma. The network was created under the present project, which started in July 2012. At the moment when MERI Romania was launched in 2013, the network included approximately 40 communities, in large, medium and small municipalities. The objectives of the MERI Romania network in 2014 were: ● ● ● Increasing the capacity of local public authorities to attract funds for Roma communities; Increasing the degree of influencing political decision with regard to local authorities' priorities/financing needs in solving the problems faced by Roma communities; Facilitating and promoting experience exchanges between municipalities with regard to good practices in Roma inclusion. In 2014, the MERI network had the following agenda: -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ organizing the meetings of MERI secretariat and facilitating exchanges of good practices in Roma social inclusion; developing a bi-‐monthly bulletin on financing sources available at that moment; creating a database including consultants for various expertise fields; organizing international experience exchanges in order to discuss social inclusion policies; performing advocacy activities for appropriate distribution of 2014-‐2020 European funds towards poor communities (with an emphasis on poor Roma communities); promoting MERI network visibility in mass media; organizing a closing event during which the results of the network activities was evaluated and the future strategy was adopted; organizing three training sessions depending on the needs announced by mayors in the MERI network; supporting project development for active financing lines, projects that will have impact upon improvement of the situation of vulnerable Roma communities. Among press issues that reflected MERI project activity:‐despre-‐europa-‐1 13 th Exchange of experience of MERI network in Spain, June 25 , 2014 3.2 Socio-‐graphic Mapping Of The Roma Communities In Romania For A Community-‐level Monitoring Of Changes With Regard To Roma Integration -‐ SocioRoMap The main objective of the project is to contribute to the fight against social exclusion of Roma in Romania by providing the tools and developing the necessary capacities in order to improve social and economic inequalities between Roma and the majority population. The project is financed by the 2009-‐2014 Norwegian Financial Mechanism within the Program "Fight against Poverty in Romania" (R025) and it takes place between November 2014 and November 2016. The project novelty consists in the focus at local level. Monitoring the status and dynamics at city and community level (levels where concrete interventions take place) allows interception of the results of these interventions. The comparative evaluation of outputs and inputs allows estimation of efficiency and capacity deficiencies that need to be treated in order to reach results and to improve efficiency foundation. SocioRoMap creates and trains a network of community focal points at local level with a view to collecting current, relevant and reliable data regarding Roma communities in rural and urban areas and with a view to monitoring changes, as well. The project develops and tests a set of indicators for monitoring progress of the Roma inclusion process at local level and improves the capacity of specific (targeted) intervention and of result-‐based monitoring respectively. The Romanian Institute for Research on National Minority implements the project in partnership with the Centre for Research of Interethnic Relations and The foundation for an open society. 14 4. Migration 4.1 Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration The project “Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration” takes place between July 2012 and June 2015 and is implemented by the Romanian Association for Promoting Health, in partnership with The foundation for an open society. The project is financed by “General Program Solidarity and Management of Migratory Flows” (Framework agreement ref. no.: IF/11.01-‐03.01) from the European fund for integration of persons that receive protection from third party countries, Annual program 2012, Project: Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration. The program is managed in Romania by the Ministry of Administration and Internal Affairs – General Department for European Affairs and International Relations as Responsible Authority and by the General Inspectorate for Immigrations, as Contracting Authority. The general objective of the project is to create and develop a Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration, that will represent a central point for exchange of information and good practices in the field of integration in Romania, for coordinating research in the integration field and for facilitating partnerships between organisations and experts, having three major components: • Documentation centre – access to the latest information and to international practices for institutions, organizations, interested professionals and researchers. • Multidisciplinary research network – having the role to overview literature on immigrant integration, to build a new conceptual framework and new research instruments, to perform research in a multidisciplinary perspective and to monitor integration policy implementation – in the context of instruments constituted at European level – and to elaborate recommendations for decision-‐makers and authorities related to integration practices, legislation and policies. • Network of organizations and experts – the centre will form a network of organizations and will interact with actors in integration field, such as organizations involved in specific projects/initiatives, local and national authorities that act in relevant fields for third countries residents' social integration, other public or private entities and experts recognized at European/international level as well. The projects will facilitate partnerships among universities, researchers and other actors in Romania and exchange of good practices, as well related to research in the field of immigration and integration with foreign partners. 15 th Launch of Immigrant Integration Barometer, second edition, June 18 , 2014 The specific objectives of the project: ● Setting up a Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration; ● Creating a multidisciplinary network of researchers; ● Facilitating partnerships among universities, researchers and other interested actors in Romania with foreign partners will be accomplished by the envisaged role of the Research centre as nodal, scientific and credible point for documentation and research for immigrant integration; ● Facilitating exchanges of good practices among universities, researchers and other interested actors in Romania with foreign partners, relevant actors in other member states, including similar centres in EU member countries. The literature on immigrant integration from a multidisciplinary discipline will be overviewed annually by the multidisciplinary research team; ● Innovatory approach of the conceptual framework and completion of new instruments for researching the processes of integration of immigrants in the Romanian society; ● Developing a study in the integration field based on the new conceptual approach and on the new research instruments developed. The main activities of the project: -‐ setting up the Centre for Research and Documentation in the Field of Immigrant Integration; -‐ making up a multidisciplinary team of researchers; -‐ building organisation networks and facilitating partnerships; -‐ developing a research in integration field; 16 -‐ exchange of good practices by means of a digital platform; -‐ annual participation in international conferences and delivering presentations within them. The project had the following media coverage in 2014:‐ne-‐vede-‐un-‐imigrant-‐irakian-‐-‐%E2%80%9Ecu-‐poporul-‐roman-‐nu-‐ sunt-‐probleme-‐-‐cu-‐institutiile-‐statului-‐e-‐mai-‐greu%E2%80%9D-‐339735‐roman-‐din-‐trei-‐are-‐o-‐parere-‐buna-‐despre-‐imigranti-‐‐roman-‐din-‐trei-‐are-‐o-‐parere-‐buna-‐sau-‐foarte-‐buna-‐despre-‐imigranti-‐12784953‐18736‐sunt-‐toleranti-‐cu-‐imigrantii/‐privind-‐opinia-‐romanilor-‐despre-‐imigranti-‐a429661.html‐romania-‐o-‐tara-‐ospitaliera-‐vezi-‐ce-‐spune-‐un-‐studiu http://www.ziare-‐pe-‐‐roman-‐din-‐trei-‐are-‐o-‐parere-‐buna-‐sau-‐foarte-‐buna-‐despre-‐imigranti-‐3363546.html‐roman-‐din-‐trei-‐are-‐o-‐parere-‐buna-‐sau-‐foarte-‐buna-‐despre-‐imigranti-‐529322.html‐roman-‐din-‐trei-‐are-‐o-‐parere-‐buna-‐sau-‐foarte-‐buna-‐despre-‐imigranti_1343480.html http://index-‐‐ne-‐vede-‐un-‐imigrant-‐irakian-‐cu-‐poporul-‐roman-‐nu-‐sunt-‐probleme-‐cu-‐institutiile-‐ statului-‐e-‐mai-‐gre-‐1048082‐ospitalieri-‐cu-‐strainii-‐pana-‐vine-‐vorba-‐de-‐bani-‐1306452‐natura/sunt-‐romanii-‐un-‐popor-‐ospitalier-‐un-‐nou-‐studiu-‐dezvaluie-‐ce-‐parere-‐au-‐ romanii-‐despre-‐imigranti/ http://www.stiri-‐presa-‐‐romanii-‐un-‐popor-‐ospitalier-‐un-‐nou-‐studiu-‐dezvaluie-‐ce-‐parere-‐au-‐romanii-‐ despre-‐imigranti/‐cluj/romania-‐ospitalier-‐vezi-‐spune-‐studiu-‐1712588‐ne-‐vede-‐un-‐imigrant-‐irakian-‐cu-‐poporul-‐roman-‐nu-‐sunt-‐probleme-‐cu-‐institutiile-‐ statului-‐e-‐mai-‐greu-‐s4381062253.html 4.2 MIPEX -‐ Migrant Integration Policy Index The program is funded by “General Program Solidarity and Management of Migratory Flows” (ref. no.: IF/11.01-‐ 03.01/2012). In November 2013, the Foundation started the second edition of MIPEX within the project "Integration Policies: Who Are the Beneficiaries?", co-‐financed by the European fund for integration of persons that receive protection from third party countries led by Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB) and by Migration Policy Group (MPG). The project evaluates the integration degree for immigrants in EU third countries form integration policies point of view. The main project objectives are: 17 ● ● ● Identifying and measuring integration results, integration policies and other contextual factors, as well, that can influence the efficiency of the integration policy; Describing actual or potential beneficiaries of the policies in seven key fields, namely: labour force employment, education, political participation, access to citizenship, family getting together again, long term stay and anti-‐ discrimination; Collecting and analyzing evaluations of integration policy effects. In 2014 a research was performed on the integration of immigrants coming from third party countries in Romania. 4.3 NEXUSnet Moldova NEXUS Moldova is the prototype of an integrated and sustainable service platform for migrants launched on December 15th, 2012 in the Republic of Moldova, financed by the European Union and co-‐financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. The project is implemented by a consortium of organizations led by the International Agency for Source Countries Information – IASCI Vienna ( "We are helping the Moldavians reach their objectives related to migration – from the stage before leaving until coming back – by means of a network of integrated and market-‐oriented Service Centers, which will offer them specialized information, individual assistance and concrete solutions from NEXUS partners”, said Nicolaas de Zwager, IASCI Coordinator, founder and Director. The role of The foundation for an open society in this project is to offer organizational and training consultancy for the expanding team of NEXUS Moldova. With the Foundation's support, out partners in Moldova succeeded in creating a network of NEXUS Service Centers opened at present in Cahul, Chișinău, Edineț and Ungheni, as well as a virtual service center that one can access here In 2014, The foundation for an open society offered training sessions for General Management, Decision Making and Management of Change for the personnel of the Nexus Service Center in Cahul between May 20th and May 23rd and in Ungheni and Edineț between May 26th and May 30th, 2014. Also, in December 2014, the Foundation delivered a training course for all Nexus Moldova personnel at Chișinău. Furthermore, the Foundation representatives participated in the meeting of the Nexus Steering Committee held at Ungheni in April 2014. 5. Women inclusion 5.1 Social Innovation for Sustainably Integrating Women in the Labour Market Between May 2014 and November 2015, The foundation for an open society, together with the Foundation for Social Inclusion and Cohesion, the Centre Partnership for Equality, the Association TISO Humanitarian Centre, Fondazione Casa della Carità Angelo Abriani implement the project Social Innovation for Sustainably Integrating 18 Women in the Labour Market. The project is financed from the European Social Fund -‐ “Invest in People!”, Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007–2013, Contract no. POSDRU/144/6.3/S/135544. The general objective of the project is developing and promoting the principle of equality of chances and gender in the Romanian society with a view to ensuring equal access to employment for women and professional development of 740 persons, out of which 680 women aged 16-‐35, especially graduates from high school, professional school or faculty, facing difficulties in integrating in the labour market. The project is implemented at multi-‐regional level, in the following counties: Argeş, Brăila, Buzău, Bucureşti, Călăraşi, Constanţa, Dâmboviţa, Ilfov, Prahova, Tulcea. Specific objectives: ● Increasing the qualification/requalification/professional development degree for a number of 450 women aged 16-‐35, especially graduates from high school, vocational school or faculty, facing difficulties in integrating in the labour market; ● Developing entrepreneurial culture for 130 women with a view to launching an independent activity; ● Developing an innovative web instrument Young Women Jobs by which women in the target group should be promoted in order to find a job (no matter the duration); ● Increasing awareness of project target groups related to the importance and the benefits of equality of gender on labour market and of stereotypes elimination. Anticipated results: -‐ 450 women benefiting from qualification/requalification development programs -‐ 100 women participating in courses for the development of IT&C competences -‐ 1 web platform Young Women Jobs -‐ 130 women will benefit from training in the entrepreneurship field 5.2 Women Integration and Promotion on the Labour Market The foundation for an open society, together with the Foundation for Social Inclusion and Cohesion, the Centre Partnership for Equality, the Association Tiso Humanitarian Centre, Fondazione Casa della Carità Angelo Abriani implement the project Women Integration and Promotion on Labour Market, between May 2014 and November 2015. The project is financed from the European Social Fund -‐ “Invest in People!”, Sectoral Operational Program Human Resources Development 2007–2013, Contract no. POSDRU/144/6.3/S/135100. The general objective of the project is developing and promoting the principle of equality of chances and gender in the Romanian society with a view to ensuring equal access to employment for women and professional development of 750 persons, out of which 690 women aged 16-‐35, especially graduates from high school, professional school or faculty, facing difficulties in integrating in the labour market. 19 The project is implemented at multi-‐regional level, in the following counties: Argeş, Brăila, Buzău, Bucureşti, Călăraşi, Constanţa, Dâmboviţa, Ilfov, Prahova, Tulcea. Specific objectives: ● Increasing the qualification/requalification/professional development degree for a number of 460 women aged 16-‐35, especially graduates from high school, professional school or faculty, facing difficulties in integrating in the labour market; ● Developing entrepreneurial culture for 130 women with a view to launching an independent activity; ● Developing an innovative web instrument Young Women Jobs by which women in the target group should be promoted in order to find a job (no matter the duration); ● Increasing awareness of project target groups related to the importance and the benefits of equality of gender on labour market and of stereotypes elimination. Anticipated results: -‐ 460 women benefiting from qualification/requalification development programs -‐ 100 women participating in courses for the development of IT&C competences -‐ 1 web platform Young Women Jobs -‐ 130 will benefit from training in entrepreneurship field 6. Fight against Human Traffic 6.1 CONFRONT-‐ Countering New Forms of Roma Children Trafficking: Participatory Approach The objective of this project is to develop a reply mechanism in the field of protection and reintegration of children who are victims of human traffic, by actively involving Roma communities and local service providers offering assistance to victims of trafficking in human beings. The conclusions of the research performed within the project contribute to supporting children who are victims of trafficking in human beings in origin and destination countries, by sensitizing involved institutions and organizations with regard to new forms of human trafficking and improving their coordination. 20 The project was launched in Romania in September 2013. Also, consultations took place within the project with the main institutions and organizations involved in prevention of human traffic, such as the National Agency Against Trafficking in Persons (ANITP) and a series of local actors in NGO sector that provide specific public services for human traffic victims. Besides the research component, the project also has a component of raising awareness within Roma communities. A number of 30 Roma students or graduates in Romania were trained within a training program organized by The foundation for an open society, with support from ANITP experts, with a view to organizing local debates in Roma communities from where the participants in the training course originate. Of these trainees, a group of 6 participants was selected. They were involved in the field research organized within the project between May and June 2014. The CONFRONT project is implemented by a consortium of non-‐governmental or academic organizations in Austria (Ludwig Bolzmann Association – Institute of Human Rights/BIM), Bulgaria (Centre for the Study of Democracy), Greece (Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy), Italy (Censis Foundation), Slovakia (People in Need), Hungary (Centre for Policy Studies al Central European University) and Romania (The foundation for an open society). 6.2 Briseis – Fight against Traffic for Forced Labour The Briseis project – Fight against Traffic for Forced Labour is co-‐financed by the European Commission, through ISEC program and is implemented by the Portuguese Association for Victim Support (APAV), in partnership with The foundation for an open society, with Tavistock Institute in Great Britain and with the Authority for Compensation and Support for Crime Victims in Sweden. The project aims at raising awareness on the dangers of traffic for forced labour among possible victims and the wide public, by means of information campaigns and platforms covering the phenomenon. The projects is intended at improving the capacity of traffic victim identification by organizing training sessions with professionals who could come in contact with traffic victims, such as policeman, employees of Employment Agencies. The foundation for an open society is a partner in the project between September 2013 and August 2015. 21 7. Elections and The Right to Vote 7.1 Elections 2014: Countering The Rise of Hate Speech *Caricatures made by Ion Barbu under the project The project approached the issue of hate instigating speech in Romania, focusing on most affected groups (Roma, women and homosexuals), using the opportunities offered by European elections in 2014 and the connections established among political parties belonging to the same European family. The project used an innovative combination of “name & shame” and satire in order to both fight against hate speech and to sanction populist speeches. The activities also had a significant educational and mobilizing dimension. The project took place between January 2014 and December 2014. The two main objectives of the project were as follows: ● Reducing use of discriminatory statements and hate speech in the interventions of Romanian politicians, taking advantage of the pressure exerted by their colleagues in European Coalitions during European elections. ● Promoting the open society values by educating Romanian voters and mobilizing them against politicians who instigate to hate in their speeches or use populism in order to obtain votes. Activities: -‐ Developing a network of connections between open society advocates, from various European countries, willing to disseminate the messages against hate-‐speech; 22 -‐ -‐ Developing a set of materials that can be used to educate or mobilize, or to support other future undertakings on the deeper dimensions of the problem; Developing a replicable model of monitoring and rapid-‐reactions; -‐ Organizing a series of debates with the members of political parties who ran for the European Parliament elections; -‐ Organizing a discrimination-‐free campaign, by which the candidates for the for the European Parliament elections and for the President elections respectively assumed non-‐discrimination principles during electoral campaigns. Media coverage in 2014:‐urile-‐se-‐asteapta-‐la-‐derapaje-‐in-‐alegerile-‐europarlamentare-‐330311‐politicienilor-‐taxate epochtimes-‐‐fata-‐cu-‐subiectele-‐sensibile-‐ce-‐spune-‐stolojan-‐despre-‐gazele-‐de-‐sist-‐si-‐raportul-‐ estrela-‐-‐-‐216615‐de-‐presa-‐udmr-‐19-‐21-‐40‐ce-‐o-‐sa-‐merg-‐la-‐vot-‐pe-‐25/‐iunea/articol/nu-‐va-‐supara-‐i-‐unde-‐i-‐europa‐niciun-‐partid-‐extremist-‐nu-‐trecut-‐pragul-‐alegerilor-‐pentru-‐pe-‐2014-‐05-‐27 7.2 Romanians Vote for Europe! The purpose of the project was to increase voting participation for the Romanians in Romania and in the European Union, during the elections for the European Parliament in May 2014. The project took place between January and July 2014. Romanians Vote for Europe had 2 objectives: ● Informing Romanian citizens living abroad about specific administrative procedures in 13 residence countries, in order to exercise their voting right abroad for the European Parliament scrutiny; ● Mobilizing Romanian citizens in Romania and abroad with a view to participating in the elections for the European Parliament. 23 The activities performed in order to reach the project objectives were: -‐ Identifying and documenting migrant networks – identification of communication channels and of opinion influencers for Romanian migrants in 12 European Union countries, where there were significant Romanian communities. The activity included monitoring and analyzing the content distributed via online communication channels, forums, websites, online newspapers, social networks, interviews with key actors of Romanian communities; -‐ Developing and promoting a Voting guide for target communities – analysis of electoral laws in the 13 countries, synthesising the stages that needed to be implemented so that immigrants should exercise their voting rights in the elections for the European Parliament in their residence country. The enrolment stages and the legal deadlines for voting participation were transposed in brochures for each country. 15,000 brochures were physically distributed in Italy, Spain, France, Great Britain and Germany, the others being promoted online; -‐ Running an awareness campaign for the importance of voting participation. Four public personalities: Andrei Pleșu, Irina Margareta Nistor, Cătălin Ștefănescu and Iuliana Tudor voiced the main message of the campaign – “Vote! Be in Picture!”. Besides the 4 testimonials, the Foundation launched the video competition "Romanians Vote for Europe!", where 10 films were registered. The materials were broadcast by means of Facebook and YouTube and live to Prima TV and Adevărul, as well. The web page of the two above-‐mentioned projects that focused on the 2014 elections is 24 7.3 Politics without Barriers The campaign Politics without Barriers aims at modifying the legislation that provides the rights to political association and participation in elections. Legislation change is a necessary repair as regards exercising the right to association and to political participation, which is severely restricted. The campaign started in June 2014 and is still under way. The proposals focus on two major objectives: ● Eliminating administrative barriers when registering a party, at the same time with conditioning enrolment of party lists in all electoral competitions upon presentation of a lower number of supporting signatures than required at present; ● Ensuring greater equality of chances among big parties, small parties or newly set-‐up parties and independent candidates. The organization members of the campaign Politics without Barriers share common values such as respect for fundamental human rights, non-‐discrimination, liberty, equality and militate for democracy and the rule of law in Romania. The members of the campaign Politics without Barriers (in alphabetic order): ActiveWatch Asociația E-‐Civis Asociația Civitas ’99 Asociația Funky Citizens Asociația Mișcarea Civică Miliția Spirituală Asociația Națională a Birourilor de Consiliere pentru Cetățeni Asociația pentru Apărarea Drepturilor Omului în România – Comitetul Helsinki APADOR-‐CH Centrul de Asistență pentru Organizații Neguvernamentale – CENTRAS Centrul de Resurse pentru participare publică – CeRe Asociația România Vie Centrul pentru Jurnalism Independent Comunitatea Uniți Salvăm Expert Forum Fundația pentru o societate deschisă Grupul pentru Democrație Participativă – Plenum Rezistența Urbană Societatea de Educaţie Contraceptivă şi Sexuală 8. Social Economy 25 8.1 “The Social Enterprise”-‐SEn By means of the project "The Social Enterprise" – SEn, financial assistance was provided to social enterprises in whose activity Roma people are involved and that were set up with the support of the European Social Fund (FSE). The financial help provided aimed at covering investment costs necessary for the sustainability of the enterprise activity, costs that the beneficiaries could not cover by their own forces. Besides grants, the social enterprises benefited from consulting services in the fields of social entrepreneurship and of business management from the experts of The foundation for an open society. The enterprises followed the principle of social economy, meaning that the surplus resulted from their activity was reinvested in the community, for its own good, under educational, social or cultural programs, donations or provision of free services for vulnerable groups. The program was supported by Open Society Foundations by means of the program “Making the Most of European Union Funds for Roma” and ended in November 2014. In 2014, the following activities were performed within the project: -‐ Consultancy for social enterprises; -‐ Organizing the Serendino competition, under which USD 68,000 were given for innovative projects for PETEG waste selective collection, building houses made of soil, energetic independence for household consumers, community greenhouses, electric thermal-‐generator, etc.; -‐ Granting social enterprises co-‐financing for their projects financed from the European Social Fund, amounting to USD 94,342. 9. Participatory Social Architecture 9.1 Arhipera The purpose of the program is to create architecture of public interest in Romania. The program is run by The foundation for an open society in partnership with the Arhipera Association. Objectives: ● improving life conditions for groups living in extreme poverty and suffering from social exclusion, by increasing the quality of the built fund intended for dwelling and social services; ● creating an intervention methodology and model applicable at national level – creating a participatory social architecture school in Romania. Three dwelling houses were finalised within the project in Belciugatele in 2014. The three houses of the families Tara, Radu and Burtea have the structure and the framing built 100%, the exterior carpentry built 100% and the interior and exterior plastering built 100%. 26 9.2 International School for Participative Social Architecture -‐ SIASPA SIASPA in an initiative of the Arhipera Association and of The foundation for an open society's. The purpose of SIASPA is to create a replicable model of education, practice and research of the architecture of public interest in Romania by creating a partnership among academic environment, local communities, public administration, NGO environment and financers/sponsors. The school is intended for students in the following profiles: architecture, urbanism, interior design, civil constructions and for the graduates from these profiles as well, willing to complete their education by activities complementary to the ones included in the university curricula. During university year 2014-‐2015, SIASPA has 6 trainees. 9.3 ARHIPERA Summer School The foundation for an open society, the Arhipera Association and the University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” organized the third edition of ARHIPERA Summer School intended for participatory social architecture in Belciugatele, Călărași County, between July 14th and July 19th, 2014. ARHIPERA 3.0 Summer School combined theory and practice of participatory social architecture, by means of lectures and site working in a village where many people live in extreme poverty, facilitated the meeting between students that will become architects in the future and the beneficiaries of the built houses and challenged the participants to find construction solutions using resources available in the area. The Summer School courses were delivered by dr. arch. Lorin Niculae, University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” (UAUIM), the Director of the Department of Community Construction within The foundation for an open society and the president of Arhipera Association, dr. arch. Alexandru Călin, UAUIM, arch. Anca Rusu, conf. dr. arch. Ştefan Ghenciulescu, eng. Bogdan Horezeanu, and the special guest was prof. dr. arch. Augustin Ioan, director of the UAUIM doctoral school. The third edition had 15 participants, students and PhD students. Arhipera Summer School, third edition, Belciugatele, 2014 27 10. Open Society Monitor Open Society Monitor is a permanent monitoring program for evolution in Romania from the perspective of observing open society values. Besides actual monitoring, the program includes activities such as: public interventions; social knowledge improvement through research; analyses and recommendations for public policies; participation in coalitions and other joint activities together with other organizations of civil society. Among priority themes currently, we can mention: constitutional reform, electoral reform, freedom of consciousness, the right to quality education, discrimination. The themes approached by thematic projects and programs are added. In 2014, the Foundation wrote several letters to public authorities, such as the following ones:‐deschis%C4%83-‐adresat%C4%83-‐ministrului-‐justi%C8%9Biei-‐%C8%99i-‐ministrului-‐ afacerilor-‐externe-‐privind-‐selectar‐organiza%C8%9Bii-‐civice-‐cer-‐dezbaterea-‐public%C4%83-‐formei-‐finale-‐proiectului-‐legii-‐de-‐ revizuire-‐constitu%C8%9Bi‐%C3%AEn-‐familie-‐r%C4%83mas-‐f%C4%83r%C4%83-‐coordonare-‐ institu%C8%9Bional%C4%83‐deschis%C4%83-‐domnului-‐remus-‐pricopie-‐ministrul-‐educa%C5%A3iei-‐ na%C5%A3ionale-‐%C8%99i-‐domnului-‐nicolae-‐b%C4%83nicio 11. Access to European Funds 11.1 NGO Coalition for Structural Funds The Coalition, in which The foundation for an open society is a member, as well, targets: ● ● ● ● an actual result-‐oriented partnership between the state institutions involved in the process of absorption of structural funds in Romania and the beneficiaries accessing these funds; taking into account the requirements of non-‐governmental organizations in the planning, implementing and evaluating processes for programs and projects run from European funds; making the processes of awarding European funds transparent; making easier the contracting and implementing corresponding projects processes. In 2014, the Foundation participated together with organizations members of the Coalition in meetings with the representatives of the Ministry of European Funds and of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration and contributed to the development of the Coalition strategy and of interventions. 28 Online Presence in 2014 The online products of The foundation for an open society: www.proiectul-‐ www.proiectul-‐ www.activ-‐ www.civis-‐ția-‐pentru-‐Date-‐Deschise The website -‐ 28,670 unique visitors in 2014 105,440 visits Facebook -‐ In March 2014, we set up a new Facebook Foundation page and we grew its fans community to 1,590 at the end of 2014. 5,6 new likes per day, on average (a more than twice bigger average than in 2013) we gahtered 34 new page likes in one day on 23 July 2014 29 our messages reached 121,916 people on 25 June 2014 61% of the page fans were women and 39% men in 2014 30 Budget 2014 Type of financing /projects (including administrative expenses) Budget (USA dollars) Open Society Foundations funds 1,440,000 EU funds 1,093,000 SEE Grants 2009 -‐ 2014 -‐ NGO Fund 75,500 European Commission funds 84,000 Others -‐ UNICEF 50,000 TOTAL 2,742,500 31 Team of The foundation for an open society in 2014 President Mircea Vasilescu Members of the Board st Corina Șuteu (until December 31 , 2014) st Horia Roman-‐Patapievici (until December 31 , 2014) st Mariea Ionescu (until December 31 , 2014) Șerban Sturdza Executive Team Executive Director Gabriel Petrescu Financial Director Ileana Mușetescu Public Policy Department (DPP) Director Ovidiu Voicu Program Coordinators Andra Bucur Daniela Tarnovschi Iulian Stoian Victoria Cojocariu Program Experts/Researchers Bianca Floarea Marana Matei Program Assitant Ancuța Radu Community Construction Department (DCC) Director Lorin Niculae Social Service Assistant Radu Cata (until the end of October 2014) European Projects Experts Dana Dumitrescu – Iomer Marilena Andrei Project Specialist Alina Totti (starting November 2014) 32 Training and Consulting Department (DTC) Project Manager Daniela Giurcă IT Specialist Andrei Ianușco Communication Department Director Liana Rusu Communication Specialists Adrian Abrudan (until the end of January 2014) Claudia Iordache Assistant Valentin Duran IT Department Mihai Dinu Financial and Accounting Department European Projects Financial Managers Dana Ștefan Ilinca Bela (starting November 2014) Vasile Frigioiu Virginia Porcișanu Legal Advisers Camelia Mihalache Gabriela Dinca Cashier Mariana Stanciu Human Resources Manager Corina Ștefan Administration Sebastian Goșman 33 34