April 03, 2014 - Escambia County Clerk of the Circuit Court
April 03, 2014 - Escambia County Clerk of the Circuit Court
MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HELD APRIL 3, 2014 BOARD CHAMBERS, FIRST FLOOR, ERNIE LEE MAGAHA GOVERNMENT BUILDING 221 PALAFOX PLACE, PENSACOLA, FLORIDA (4:34 p.m. – 7:41 p.m.) Present: Commissioner Steven L. Barry, Vice Chairman, District 5 Commissioner Wilson B. Robertson, District 1 Commissioner Grover C. Robinson IV, District 4 Commissioner Gene M. Valentino, District 2 Susan Woolf, General Counsel to the Clerk (Regular Meeting only) Larry Newsom, Interim County Administrator Alison Rogers, County Attorney Doris Harris, Deputy Clerk to the Board Judy H. Witterstaeter, Program Coordinator, County Administrator's Office Absent: Commissioner Lumon J. May, Chairman, District 3 PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION Click the icon in the left margin to view Public Forum Speaker Slips 2014000290 Vice Chairman Barry called the Public Forum Work Session to order at 4:34 p.m. 1. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Bill Smith, who provided photographs depicting beach erosion at the Sandy Key Condominium on Perdido Key, and advised that, while Pensacola Beach has been re-nourished twice since Hurricane Ivan, Perdido Key has had no nourishment. 2. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from James C. Nims, Jr., concerning the Fort Hood, Texas, shooting incident on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, the appropriate handling of the American Flag, County road work crews, and various other issues. 3. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Andrew Blewer concerning the County Library, the need to require sidewalks for commercial development, the County Administrator position, and a community center in District 1 that is leased (to Beulah Senior Citizens Center, Inc., a non-profit organization) for $1 per year, yet citizens who wish to use the center are required to pay a $100 rental fee, plus a $25 security deposit. 4/3/2014 Page 1 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION – Continued 4. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Gabrieli A. Davis, who advised that, during a recess of the Escambia County Contractor Competency Board Meeting yesterday (April 2, 2014), he overheard three Competency Board members conversing about his pending appeal, which the Board of County Commissioners has requested that the Competency Board rehear. 5. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from L. Gary Sansing concerning Public Forum, the Fort Hood shooting incident, the Wildlife Sanctuary, museums and other amenities in the County, and other local, state, and national issues. 6. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Barbara Mayall concerning a previous Public Forum speaker's comments, her support for Interim County Administrator Newsom, today's Agenda Work Session, and an upcoming Regional Transportation Planning Organization symposium. 7. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Brad Bish concerning the East Olive Road Improvement Project, and heard his request for lighting on Olive Road, in the vicinity of the Belle Meadow Subdivision, in conjunction with the Project. 8. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Jacqueline Rogers concerning the process for hiring a permanent County Administrator, decorum at Board Meetings, and emails between Commissioner Valentino and Paul Sinor, an advisor to the producers of the "Party Down South" reality television show. 9. FOR INFORMATION: The Board heard comments from Barry Goodson concerning the five finalists for the County Administrator position, various issues relating to Pensacola Beach, the impact of the cutting of trees on Scenic Highway (by the Florida Department of Transportation), and various other issues, and was advised by Commissioner Robinson, relative to Pensacola Beach, that the public conservation/recreation and infrastructure lands have been preserved into perpetuity, and, further, that taxation of the leasehold improvements occurred prior to the present Board. 5:37 P.M. – PUBLIC FORUM ADJOURNED 5:47 P.M. – REGULAR BOARD MEETING CONVENED 4/3/2014 Page 2 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued REGULAR BCC AGENDA 1. Call to Order Vice Chairman Barry called the Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to order at 5:47 p.m. 2. Invocation Commissioner Robinson introduced Reverend Brian Kinsey, Pastor, First Pentecostal Church, to deliver the Invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Vice Chairman Barry led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. Adoption of the Agenda Click the icon in the left margin to view Meeting Agenda & Speaker Slips Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, adopting the agenda, as prepared and duly amended. 2014000291 5. Commissioners’ Forum A. District 5 – Commissioner Barry requested a moment of silence in honor of Santa Rosa County Commissioner Jim Williamson, who passed away April 2, 2014; B. District 1 – Commissioner Robertson advised that he has known Commissioner Williamson and his wife for many years, and he will be missed in Escambia County and Santa Rosa County; and C. District 4 – Commissioner Robinson advised that Commissioner Williamson served with Escambia County Commissioners on the Transportation Planning Organization, and the Williamson family, as well as the Santa Rosa County Commissioners, will be in the thoughts and prayers of all. 4/3/2014 Page 3 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued REGULAR BCC AGENDA – Continued 6-7. Approval of Two Agenda Items Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving Items 6 and 7, as follows: 6. 2014000292 Adopting the following seven Proclamations: A. The Proclamation commending and congratulating Barbara Merrill, Facilities Management Custodial Manager, on her selection as the "Employee of the Month" for April 2014; B. The Proclamation proclaiming the week of April 6 through April 11, 2014, as "Youth Success Week" in Escambia County and calling upon all the citizens of our community to embrace this year's theme of "Respecting Authority – A Pathway to Excellence" in celebration of all the successes of the Juvenile Justice Programs in strengthening families and in turning around the lives of troubled youth; C. The Proclamation commending Earl "Joey" Whibbs (Environmental Specialist I, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Emergency Response) for his exemplary public service and dedication to our environment and for improving the quality of life for the citizens of Escambia County; D. The Proclamation commending Dominic Marcanio (Environmental Specialist I, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Emergency Response) for his exemplary public service and dedication to our environment and for improving the quality of life for the citizens of Escambia County; E. The Proclamation commending Sarah Kell (Environmental Specialist III, Florida Department of Environmental Protection) for her exemplary public service and dedication to our environment and for improving the quality of life for the citizens of Escambia County; F. The Proclamation proclaiming April 2014 as "Fair Housing Month" in Escambia County and urging all citizens to join in the efforts to continue to support fair housing opportunities for all people; and (Continued on Page 5) 4/3/2014 Page 4 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued REGULAR BCC AGENDA – Continued 6-7. 6. Approval of Two Agenda Items – Continued Continued… G. The Proclamation proclaiming May 1, 2014, as "Law Day" in Escambia County and urging all community residents, school administrators, teachers, students, business and civic leaders, legal professionals, and law students to support this national day by participating in "Law Day" activities. 2014000292 Speaker(s): Earl "Joey" Whibbs Dominic Marcanio Sarah Kell Rebecca Hale Bo Harper 7. 2014000293 Taking the following action concerning the adoption/ ratification of the following four Retirement Proclamations: A. Ratifying the Proclamation, dated March 14, 2014, commending and congratulating Marjorie H. Hunter, Administrative Supervisor, Solid Waste Management Department, on her retirement after 17 years of service; B. Adopting the Proclamation commending and congratulating Richard D. Hardy, Detention Sergeant, Corrections Department, on his retirement after 31 years of service; C. Adopting the Proclamation commending and congratulating Donald W. Kever, Detention Deputy, Corrections Department, on his retirement after 13 years of service; and D. Adopting the Proclamation commending and congratulating John W. Privitera, Detention Sergeant, Corrections Department, on his retirement after 25 years of service. 4/3/2014 Page 5 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued REGULAR BCC AGENDA – Continued 8. Written Communication – 918 Cranbrook Avenue Motion made by Commissioner Robertson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving to extend this for 60 days and hear it again, relative to the March 7, 2014, communication from Eleanor Gibson requesting the Board forgive a Code Enforcement Lien attached to property located at 918 Cranbrook Avenue. 2014000294 Speaker(s): Eleanor Gibson 9. 2014000295 Proof of Publication Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, waiving the reading of the legal advertisement(s) and accepting, for filing with the Board’s Minutes, the certified affidavit(s) establishing proof of publication for the Public Hearing(s) on the agenda, and the Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule, as follows: A. The following four Public Hearings on the agenda: (1) The 5:31 p.m. Public Hearing, advertised in The Escambia Sun-Press, LLC, on March 20, 2014, for consideration of the vacation of portions of Rawls Avenue and Orange Avenue and Alleyway, on the Board's own motion; (2) The 5:45 p.m. Public Hearing, advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on February 14, 2014, for consideration of adopting an Ordinance amending the Official Zoning Map; (3) The 5:46 p.m. Public Hearing, advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on February 19, 2014, for consideration of transmittal of Large Scale Amendment 2014-01 to DEO; and (Continued on Page 7) 4/3/2014 Page 6 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued REGULAR BCC AGENDA – Continued 9. Continued… A. Continued… 2014000295 (4) The 5:47 p.m. Public Hearing, advertised in the Pensacola News Journal on February 19, 2014, for consideration of Small Scale Amendment SSA-2014-01; and B. The Board of County Commissioners – Escambia County, Florida, Meeting Schedule March 31, 2014-April 4, 2014 – Legal No. 1621398, as published in the Pensacola News Journal on March 29, 2014, as follows: April 1 8:30 a.m. Planning Board/Rezoning April 1 1:30 p.m. Environmental Enforcement Special Magistrate April 1 6:00 p.m. District 4 Public Outreach RESTORE Advisory Committee April 2 8:30 a.m. Contractor Competency Board Exam Committee April 2 9:00 a.m. Contractor Competency Board Regular Meeting & Public Hrgs April 2 1:00 p.m. Development Review Committee April 2 4:00 p.m. Special Meeting West Florida Public Library Bd of Governance April 3 9:00 a.m. Board of County Commissioners Agenda Work Session April 3 4:30 p.m. Board of County Commissioners Public Forum April 3 5:30 p.m. Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing & Reports NEXT WEEK’S NOTE: April 7 1:00 p.m. FL-AL TPO Technical Coordinating Committee Meeting April 7 3:00 p.m. FL-Al TPO Citizens’ Advisory Committee Meeting April 7 6:00 p.m. District 3 County Commissioner Town Hall Meeting 4/3/2014 Page 7 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued REGULAR BCC AGENDA – Continued 10. 2014000296 5:31 p.m. Public Hearing Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, taking the following action concerning the vacation of portions of Rawls Avenue (approximately 0.16 acre) and Orange Avenue and alleyway (approximately 0.18 acre), on the Board's own motion (Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210107/56101/56301, Project No. 08EN0313): A. Approving the vacation of portions of Rawls Avenue (approximately 0.16 acre) and Orange Avenue and alleyway (approximately 0.18 acre), on the Board's own motion; B. Adopting the Resolution to Vacate (R2014-21); and C. Authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to accept the documents as of the day of delivery of the documents to the Chairman or Vice Chairman, and authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute them at that time. Speaker(s) – None. 4/3/2014 Page 8 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued CLERK OF COURTS & COMPTROLLER’S REPORT – Honorable Pam Childers, Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller I. 1-3. CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving Consent Agenda Items 1 through 3, as follows: 1. Accepting, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Investment Portfolio Summary Report for the month ended February 28, 2014, as required by Ordinance Number 95-13; on February 28, 2014, the portfolio market value was $241,325,146 and portfolio earnings totaled $202,101 for the month and $1,217,700 year-to-date; the short term portfolio yield was 0.17%, which should be compared to the S&P Government Index Pool Index 30 Day benchmark of 0.10%; the long-term CORE portfolio achieved a total return of 0.16%, which should be compared to the Merrill Lynch 1-5 Year Treasury Index benchmark of 0.14%. 2. Accepting, for filing with the Board's Minutes, the Tourist Development Tax Collections Data for the January 2014 returns received in the month of February 2014, as prepared by the Finance Department of the Clerk of Court and Comptroller's Office; this is the fifth month of collections for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014; total collections for the January 2014 returns was $311,838.38; this is a 13.56% increase over the January 2013 returns; total collections year to date are 2.14% more than the comparable time frame in Fiscal Year 2012-2013. 3. Approving the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held March 18, 2014, as prepared by the Clerk to the Board's Office. 2014000297 2014000298 2014000299 4/3/2014 Page 9 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Horace Jones, Interim Director, Development Services Department I. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning Cases Motion made by Commissioner Robertson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, taking the following action concerning Rezoning Case Z-2013-20 heard by the Planning Board (PB) on March 4, 2014: A. Adopting the PB recommendation and approving R-6; and B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Order of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for the Rezoning Case that was reviewed, as follows: (1) Case Number: Address: Property Reference Number: Property Size: From: To: 2014000300 FLU Category: Commissioner District: Requested by: PB Recommendation: Z-2013-20 12511 Lillian Highway 02-2S-32-6000-005-002 3.26 (+/-) acres R-4, Multiple-Family (cumulative), Medium-High Density (18 dwelling units per acre) R-6, Neighborhood Commercial and Residential District (cumulative), High Density (25 dwelling units per acre) MU-S, Mixed Use-Suburban 1 Jesse W. Rigby, Agent for Bobby Gene and Sally Reynolds, Owners Approval Speaker(s): Tanya DeGruccio Jesse W. Rigby (Continued on Page 11) 4/3/2014 Page 10 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued I. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Continued 1. Rezoning Cases – Continued Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, taking the following action concerning Rezoning Case Z-2014-03 heard by the Planning Board (PB) on March 4, 2014: A. Adopting the PB recommendation and approving ID-2; and B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Order of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for the Rezoning Case that was reviewed, as follows: (2) 2014000301 Case Number: Address: Property Reference Number: Property Size: From: To: FLU Category: Commissioner District: Requested by: PB Recommendation: Z-2014-03 End of Stone Boulevard 14-1N-31-1001-011-002 14.67 (+/-) acres ID-CP, Commerce Park District (cumulative) ID-2, General Industrial District (noncumulative) MU-S, Mixed Use-Suburban 5 Bill Newlon, Agent for Black Gold of Northwest Florida, LLC, Owner Approval Speaker(s) – None. For Information: The Board heard Commissioner Robinson disclose that he represents a property for sale at the corner of Highway 29 and Becks Lake Road; however, the property is outside the 500-foot radius, and he is not precluded from voting on this issue. (Continued on Page 12) 4/3/2014 Page 11 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued I. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Continued 1. Rezoning Cases – Continued Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, taking the following action concerning Rezoning Case Z-2014-04 heard by the Planning Board (PB) on March 4, 2014: A. Adopting the PB recommendation and approving R-6; and B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Order of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for the Rezoning Case that was reviewed, as follows: (3) Case Number: Address: Property Reference Number: Property Size: From: To: 2014000302 FLU Category: Commissioner District: Requested by: PB Recommendation: Z-2014-04 12501 Lillian Highway 02-2S-32-6000-002-002 .77 (+/-) acre R-4, Multiple-Family District (cumulative), Medium-High Density (18 dwelling units per acre) R-6, Neighborhood Commercial and Residential District (cumulative), High Density (25 dwelling units per acre) MU-U, Mixed Use-Urban 1 Ronald D. Bailey, Trustee for Ronald D. Bailey Trust Approval Speaker(s): Ken Ellzey (Continued on Page 13) 4/3/2014 Page 12 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued I. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Continued 1. Rezoning Cases – Continued Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving to reschedule, for April 29, 2014, the recommendation that the Board take the following action concerning Rezoning Case Z-2014-05 heard by the Planning Board (PB) on March 4, 2014 (rescheduling of Rezoning Case Z-2014-05 and the 5:47 p.m. Public Hearing were approved in the same motion): A. Review and either adopt, modify, overturn, or remand to the PB, the PB’s recommendation; and B. Authorize the Chairman to sign the Order of the Escambia County Board of County Commissioners for the Rezoning Case that was reviewed, as follows: (4) Case Number: Address: Property Reference Number: Property Size: From: To: 2014000303 FLU Category: Commissioner District: Requested by: PB Recommendation: Z-2014-05 6841 Kemp Road 24-1S-30-1600-000-001 9.38 (+/-) acres R-5, Urban Residential/Limited Office District (cumulative), High Density (20 dwelling units per acre) C-2, General Commercial and Light Manufacturing District (cumulative) (25 dwelling units per acre) MU-U, Mixed Use-Urban 3 T. Heath Jenkins, Agent for Rodney Sutton, Owner Approval Speaker(s) – None. 4/3/2014 Page 13 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued I. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Continued 2. 5:45 p.m. Public Hearing Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, adopting an Ordinance (Number 2014-13) to amend the Official Zoning Map to include the Rezoning Cases (Z-2013-20, Z-2014-03, and Z-2014-04) heard by the Planning Board on March 4, 2014, and approved during the previous agenda item, and to provide for severability, inclusion in the Code, and an effective date. 2014000304 Speaker(s): Andrew Blewer 3. 2014000305 5:46 p.m. Public Hearing Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving, for transmittal to the Department of Economic Opportunity, Large Scale Amendment (LSA) 2014-01 (changing the Future Land Use Category of a parcel, totaling 14.67 acres, located off Stone Boulevard, east of U.S. Route 29-Palafox Highway, from Mixed Use-Suburban [MU-S] to Industrial [I]); at the March 4, 2014, Planning Board meeting, the Planning Board recommended approval to the BCC. Speaker(s) – None. For Information: The Board heard Commissioner Robinson disclose that he represents a property for sale at the corner of Highway 29 and Becks Lake Road; however, the property is outside the 500-foot radius, and he is not precluded from voting on this issue. 4/3/2014 Page 14 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued I. PUBLIC HEARINGS – Continued 4. 5:47 p.m. Public Hearing Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, rescheduling the Public Hearing for April 29, 2014, at 5:49 p.m., for consideration of adopting (an Ordinance approving) Small Scale Amendment SSA-2014-01; amending Part II of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances (1999), the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan, as amended; amending the 2030 Future Land Use Map designation (of a parcel, totaling 9.38 [+/-] acres, located on Kemp Road, from Mixed Use-Urban [MU-U] to Industrial [I]; at the March 4, 2014, Planning Board meeting, the Planning Board recommended approval to the BCC (rescheduling of the 5:47 p.m. Public Hearing and Rezoning Case Z-2014-05 were approved in the same motion). 2014000306 Speaker(s) – None. II. ACTION ITEMS 1. Reappointment to Planning Board Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, waiving the Board's Policy, Section I, Part B 1. (D), Appointment Policy and Procedures, and reappointing Karen Sindel to a two-year term as the At-Large appointee to the Escambia County Planning Board, effective April 6, 2014, through April 5, 2016. 2014000307 2. 2014000308 Board of Adjustment Appointment Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving to hold, until the April 29, 2014, Regular Board Meeting, the recommendation that the Board take the following action concerning a two-year, At-Large reappointment/appointment to the Escambia County Board of Adjustment, effective April 6, 2014, through April 5, 2016: A. Reappoint Bill Stromquist; OR B. Appoint Rodger Lowery. 4/3/2014 Page 15 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued 2014000309 III. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Scheduling of Public Hearings Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, authorizing the scheduling of the following four Public Hearings for April 29, 2014: A. 5:45 p.m. – A Public Hearing to amend the Official Zoning Map to include the following Rezoning Cases heard by the Planning Board on April 1, 2014: (1) Case Number: Address: Property Reference Number: Property Size: From: To: FLU Category: Commissioner District: Requested by: Z-2014-06 6521 Rambler Terrace 39-1S-30-1114-000-000 1.03 (+/-) acres R-5, Urban Residential/Limited Office District (cumulative), High Density (20 dwelling units per acre) ID-1, Light Industrial District (cumulative) (no residential uses allowed) MU-U, Mixed Use-Urban 1 Wiley C. "Buddy" Page, Agent for Bear Marcus Pointe, LLC, Owner (Continued on Page 17) 4/3/2014 Page 16 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued GROWTH MANAGEMENT REPORT – Continued III. CONSENT AGENDA – Continued 1. Continued… A. Continued… 2014000309 (2) Case Number: Address: Property Reference Number: Property Size: From: To: FLU Category: Commissioner District: Requested by: Z-2014-07 1100 North Blue Angel Parkway 19-2S-31-3202-001-001 8.20 (+/-) acres R-3 One-Family and Two-Family District (cumulative), Medium Density (10 dwelling units per acre); SDD, Special Development District (noncumulative), Low Density (3 dwelling units per acre) C2NA General Commercial and Light Manufacturing District (cumulative); bars, nightclubs, and adult entertainment are prohibited uses (25 dwelling units per acre) MU-S, Mixed Use-Suburban 1 Wiley C. "Buddy" Page, Agent for Richard and Vickie Beck, Owners B. 5:46 p.m. – A Public Hearing concerning the review of an Ordinance amending the 2030 Future Land Use Map – LSA-2014-02; C. 5:47 p.m. – A Public Hearing concerning the review of an Ordinance adopting the 2013-2017 Annual Update to the Five-Year Schedule of Capital Improvements; and D. 5:48 p.m. – A Public Hearing concerning the review of an Ordinance amending the Escambia County Comprehensive Plan: 2030. 4/3/2014 Page 17 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Larry Newsom, Interim County Administrator I. 1-8. TECHNICAL/PUBLIC SERVICE CONSENT AGENDA Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving Consent Agenda Items 1 through 8, as follows: 1. Approving the three Request for Disposition of Property Forms for the Corrections Department, for property which is described and listed on the Disposition Forms; the listed items have been found to be of no further usefulness to the County; thus, it is requested that they be auctioned as surplus or properly disposed of. 2. Approving the assignment/transfer of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for provision of Basic Life Support and the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for provision of Advanced Life Support, with specified limitations, approved by the Board in its Regular Meeting held November 21, 2013, to Lifeguard Ambulance Service of Florida, LLC, to apply to its new Application outlining a change in the company's majority stockholders; this action will not require a change to the Certificates issued for the period January 1, 2014, through December 31, 2014. 3. Taking the following action regarding Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity (COPCN): 2014000310 2014000311 A. Terminating, effective April 3, 2014, the COPCN issued to Baptist Hospital (LifeFlight), as approved by the Board in its meeting held November 21, 2013; 2014000312 B. Approving the issuance of a COPCN for the provision of Advanced Life Support services in Escambia County, Florida, effective April 3, 2014, through December 31, 2014, with noted limitations, to Rocky Mountain Holdings, LLC, d/b/a Air Methods Corporation; and C. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the COPCN for Rocky Mountain Holdings, LLC, d/b/a Air Methods Corporation. 4. 2014000313 Authorizing the scheduling of a Public Hearing for April 29, 2014, at 5:32 p.m., for the purpose of receiving public comments concerning the Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Federal Transit Administration 5307 Grant Application by Escambia County Area Transit for mass transit project funding. 4/3/2014 Page 18 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued I. 1-8. Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued 5. Confirming the reappointment of Gracie Parker, Business Representative, Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 366, to the CareerSource Escarosa (formerly Workforce Escarosa) Board of Directors, as a labor representative, for a second three-year term, per the end date of her current appointment, with the term of appointment to be effective May 5, 2014, through May 4, 2017. 6. Taking the following action concerning the Park License and Management Agreements for County athletic parks between Escambia County and volunteer athletic associations: 2014000314 2014000315 TECHNICAL/PUBLIC SERVICE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued A. Approving each of the Agreements authorizing license and management of County-owned property for public recreation purposes with the following volunteer athletic organizations: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Bellview Baseball Association at Bellview Park; Bellview Football Club at Bellview Park; Brent Baseball Youth Sports Association at Brent Baseball Park; Brent Youth Sports Association at Brent Football Park; Cantonment Football Club at Cantonment Athletic Park; Ensley Chiefs Football Association at John R. Jones Park; Miracle League of Pensacola at John R. Jones Park; Molino Recreation Association at Don Sutton Park; Myrtle Grove Athletic Association at Myrtle Grove Park; Northwest Escambia Bradberry Park at Harvey C. Bradberry Park; Pensacola Futbol Club, Inc., at Ashton Brosnaham Park; Perdido Bay Futbol Club at Southwest Escambia County Sports Complex Park; (13) Perdido Bay Youth Sports Association at Southwest Escambia County Sports Complex Park; (14) West Pensacola Youth Association at Raymond Riddle Park; and (15) Youth Association of NE Pensacola at John R. Jones Park; and B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign each Park License and Management Agreement for the same aforementioned 15 volunteer athletic organizations, effective upon Board approval. 4/3/2014 Page 19 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued I. TECHNICAL/PUBLIC SERVICE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued 7. Taking the following action concerning the Circuit One Juvenile Justice Circuit Advisory Board: A. Acknowledging, for the Official Record, the appointment, by the Circuit One Juvenile Justice Circuit Advisory Board, of Commissioner Lumon J. May, to serve an indefinite term as Escambia County's Representative, effective retroactively January 31, 2014, and running as long as Commissioner May holds the office of Escambia County Commissioner or at his discretion; and 2014000316 B. Acknowledging, for the Official Record, the appointment of Marilyn D. Wesley, Community Affairs Department Director, as Commissioner May's designee, effective retroactively January 31, 2014, to run concurrently with Commissioner May's term of office or at his discretion. 8. Approving the Request for Disposition of Property Form for the Public Works Department, indicating two items to be properly disposed of, which are described and listed on the Request Form, with reasons for disposition stated. II. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA 2014000317 1-23. Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving Consent Agenda Items 1 through 23, as follows, with the exception of Items 4 and 14, which were held for separate votes (Item 24 was also held for a separate vote): 1. 2014000318 Approving, and authorizing the Interim County Administrator to sign, the Agreement for Livestock Collection and Boarding Services between Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and Josh Weekley (Funding: Fund 103, Code Enforcement Fund, Cost Center 290101, Object Code 53401). 4/3/2014 Page 20 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 2. 2014000319 BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning the Master Agreement and AT&T ILEC Intrastate Pricing Schedule to provide a redundant private IP Network (Metro E) through AT&T Fiber and Ethernet backhaul in direct support of the Cassidian VESTA 4.0 IP Based 911 System, at an annual cost of $49,608 (Funding Source: Fund 145, E-911 Operations Fund, Cost Center 330404, E-911 Communications): A. Approving the Master Agreement and AT&T ILEC Intrastate Pricing Schedule (Case Number FL13-4381-05); and B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Agreement and Pricing Schedule. 3. 2014000320 Authorizing the issuance of a Purchase Order, per PD 10-11.065, General Paving and Drainage Pricing Agreement, to Roads, Inc., of NWF, in an amount not to exceed $250,000 in total (Funding: Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax III, Project Code 14FS2968, Cost Center 330228, Account Code 56301). This action was rescinded. See Page 32 of the November 6, 2014 Minutes. 2014000322 4. See Page 32. 5. Approving, for the Fiscal Year 2013-2014, the issuance of blanket and/or individual Purchase Orders in excess of $50,000, based upon previously awarded Contracts, Contractual Agreements, or annual requirements, for the Facilities Management Department, as follows (Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 310204, Object Code 54601, Cost Center 310203, Object Code 54601): Vendor/Contractor Neptun Light, Inc. Vendor Number: 141459 Lighting Supplies Fund: 001 General Cost Center: 310204 and Cost Center: 310203 4/3/2014 Amount Contract Number $56,000 N/A Page 21 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 6. 2014000323 BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County Board of County Commissioners and the Pensacola Downtown Improvement Board for the management and operation of County parking facilities (Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 310203, Maintenance; Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 310207, Utilities): A. Approving the Interlocal Agreement; and B. Authorizing the Chairman to sign the Interlocal Agreement and any subsequent Agreement-related documents, including time extensions. 7. Adopting the Resolution (R2014-22) approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #119, Other Grants and Projects Fund (110), in the amount of $91,000, to recognize proceeds from the State of Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and to appropriate these funds to be used for monitoring PCB levels near the Ex-Oriskany Artificial Reef site in the Gulf of Mexico. 8. Adopting the Resolution (R2014-23) approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #127, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) III Fund (352) and Transportation Trust Fund (175), in the amount of $94,547, to recognize Project reimbursements from the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority for Beach Haven, Myrtle Grove Jackson, Ensley Drainage, and a Lafitte Cove maintenance reimbursement from the Santa Rosa Island Authority, and to appropriate these funds back to these Projects for future expenditures. 9. Adopting the Resolution (R2014-24) approving Supplemental Budget Amendment #134, General Fund (001), in the amount of $203,885, to recognize insurance proceeds for flood damage at the Escambia County Jail from the flood event during the month of June 2012 and to appropriate these funds to be used for repairs and equipment replacement at the Escambia County Jail. 10. Approving property located at 4523 46th Avenue Place, Account Number 07-0573-727, Reference Number 34-2S-30-0300-027-031, for Tax Deed Application on parcels over $5,000; the process fees total $746; the County must deposit the fees with the Tax Collector, in the amount of $275, and with the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in the amount of $471 (Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 110201). 2014000324 2014000325 2014000326 2014000327 4/3/2014 Page 22 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 11. 2014000328 BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning the surplus and sale of six small real wasteland properties located on Red Cloud Road, none of which have a number address: A. Declaring surplus the following Board's real properties: (1) Account Number 10-2057-675, Reference Number 21-3S-31-3000-001-015, value in the amount of $62; (2) Account Number 10-2057-678, Reference Number 21-3S-31-3000-002-015, value in the amount of $66; (3) Account Number 10-2057-681, Reference Number 21-3S-31-3000-003-015, value in the amount of $71; (4) Account Number 10-2057-684, Reference Number 21-3S-31-3000-004-015, value in the amount of $71; (5) Account Number 10-2057-687, Reference Number 21-3S-31-3000-004-0, with Commissioner May absent15, value in the amount of $71; and (6) Account Number 10-2057-690, Reference Number 21-3S-31-3000-006-015, value in the amount of $71; B. Authorizing the sale of the properties, in the amount of $412, to the only adjacent property owner, Bobby L. Stephens, in accordance with Section 46-131, Escambia County Code of Ordinances, which states the total value of the real properties is less than $15,000, as determined by the records of the Escambia County Property Appraiser, and the size, shape, location, and value of the property would make it of use only to adjacent property owners; and C. Authorizing the Chairman to sign all documents related to the sale 4/3/2014 Page 23 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 12. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning the conveyance of real properties to Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, using Escambia County’s Surplus Property Disposition for Affordable Housing Development Program: 2014000329 A. Declaring surplus the Board’s real properties located at 3414 West Jackson Street, Account Number 06-3986-000, Reference Number 33-2S-30-3300-009-262; 2505 West Lakeview Avenue, Account Number 06-1327-000, Reference Number 17-2S-30-1300-006-033; and 2615 North 6th Avenue, Account Number 133648-000, Reference Number 00-0S-00-9020-014-094; B. Adopting the Resolution (R2014-25) authorizing the conveyance of these three parcels of real property to Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, Inc.; C. Approving the sale price of $20,840.25 for the three parcels of real property; D. Acknowledging that Habitat for Humanity, Inc.’s, design/structure shall be subject to architectural review and approval by Escambia County; E. Approving to allow Pensacola Habitat for Humanity, Inc., up to a maximum of 120 days to close because of HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) approval requirements; and F. Authorizing the Chairman to execute the Resolution and all documents related to the sale. 4/3/2014 Page 24 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 13. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning the surplus and sale of real property located at 1700 Blakely Avenue that has escheated to the County: A. Declaring surplus the Board’s real property, Account Number 10-0303-500, Reference Number 35-2S-31-1000-022-040; 2014000330 B. Authorizing the sale of the property to the bidder with the highest offer received at or above the minimum bid of $14,375, in accordance with Section 46.134 of the Escambia County Code of Ordinances; and C. Authorizing the Chairman to sign all documents related to the sale. 14. See Page 32. 15. Approving three-year Agreements for Fire Equipment and Supplies, PD 13-14.017, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the solicitation and the annual appropriation of funds, for an approximate amount of $750,000, to the following companies (Funding: Fund 143, Fire Protection Fund, Cost Center 330206, Object Codes 55201 and 56401): 2014000332 A. Municipal Equipment Co., LLC; B. North American Fire Equipment Company, Inc. (NAFECO); and C. Ten-8 Fire Equipment, Inc. 16. 2014000333 Awarding a contract, PD 13-14.024, for the 69th North Drainage Improvements, to Chavers Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1,286,301.40 (Funding: Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax [LOST] III, Account 210107/56301, Project #12EN1754 – $1,165,175.40; Fund 352, LOST III, Account 210107/56301, Project #11EN0992 – $121,126.00). 4/3/2014 Page 25 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 17. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statute 287.055 (Funding: funds to be budgeted for on an annual basis and Project basis): 2014000334 A. Awarding, and authorizing the County Administrator to sign, Task Order-based Continuing Contracts to Peterson Engineering, Inc., per PD 02-03.79, Professional Services as Governed by Florida Statute 287.055 (A&E Services), on a "Maximum Ceiling" basis fee schedule, as follows: Maximum Overhead – 168% Maximum Profit – 12% Maximum FCCM – 1.50% Maximum Multiplier – 281.5% (providing no single item above is exceeded) Existing hourly rates for each firm (based on an audited or auditable financial package) B. Authorizing the Department(s), in conjunction with the Office of Purchasing, to negotiate Task Orders, according to Florida Statute 287.055, "Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act" (A&E Services), on a project-by-project basis. 4/3/2014 Page 26 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 18. 2014000335 BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Approving, and authorizing the County Administrator to execute, the following Change Order #1, due to a change in scope for design analysis, design services, and support services (Funding Source: Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax [LOST] III, Cost Center 220102, Object Code 56301, in the amount of $5,416.00; Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, in the amount of $15,722.30): Department: Division: Type: Amount: Vendor: Project Name: Community & Environment Community Redevelopment Agency Addition $21,138.30 Engineering & Planning Resources, P.C. Navy Boulevard Public Involvement Drainage Study Contract: PD 02.03.079 Purchase Order Number: 131279 Change Order (CO) Number: 1 Original Award Amount: $49,335.30 Cumulative Amount of Change Orders through CO #1: $21,138.30 New Contract Total: $70,473.60 19. Plan and Taking the following action concerning the 2013 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fire Protection Improvements Project (Funding: Fund 129/2013 CDBG, Cost Center 220453): 2014000336 A. Approving the Interlocal Agreement between Escambia County and the Emerald Coast Utilities Authority, in the amount of $90,000, providing for the completion of the Fire Protection Improvements Project (2013), including installation of fire hydrants and associated water main upgrades, primarily within Census Tract 34; and B. Authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute the Agreement and all related documents as required to implement the Project. 4/3/2014 Page 27 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 20. 2014000337 BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning acceptance of the donation of a parcel of real property, located on Blue Berry Lane, for road paving and drainage improvements (Funding: funds for incidental expenses associated with recording of documents are available in an Engineering Escrow Account accessed by the Escambia County Clerk's Office): A. Accepting the donation of a parcel of real property (approximately 0.05 acre), located on Blue Berry Lane, from National Residential Nominee Services, Inc., for road paving and drainage improvements; B. Authorizing the payment of documentary stamps because the property is being donated for governmental use, which is for road and drainage improvements, and the County benefits from the acceptance of this property, which enhances the safety and well-being of the citizens of Escambia County; C. Authorizing the payment of incidental expenditures associated with the recording of documents; and D. Authorizing staff to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice Chairman to accept, the Warranty Deed as of the day of delivery of the Warranty Deed to the Chairman or Vice Chairman, and authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to acknowledge the Board's acceptance at that time. The Warranty Deed is recorded in Official Records Book 7161, Pages 863-866 4/3/2014 Page 28 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 21. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning the Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling Project (Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210107/56301, Project No. 08EN0208, "Resurfacing"): 2014000338 A. Authorizing the County to piggyback off of the Agreement between Orange County, Florida, and Cutler Repaving, Inc., for Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling Project, Amendment #2, Contract No. Y11-1039, "Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling," in accordance with the Escambia County Code of Ordinances, Chapter 46, Article II, Section 46-44, Application; exemptions; and Section 46-64, Board approval; and B. Authorizing the issuance of a Purchase Order to Cutler Repaving, Inc., in the amount of $498,596.16, for repaving portions or all of Hancock Lane, Ferguson Drive, Ferguson Court, Ladybird Lane, Coleman Road, Luther Street, Mockingbird Lane, Broyhill Lane, Pullman Circle, Tomlinson Road, Rowe Lane, Colony Road, Chateau Court, Inda Avenue, Belguim Road, Belguim Circle, Saddlebrook Drive, Greenbrier Road, Spanish Trail, Woodchuck Avenue, Woodchuck Lane, and 72nd Avenue; other roads recognized on the five-year Resurfacing Program List may also be resurfaced as part of this Project if resurfacing material, funding, and/or time allow. 4/3/2014 Page 29 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 22. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning County Road (CR) 97 (Jacks Branch Road) Safety Improvements (Funding: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project #14EN2885): 2014000339 A. Approving, and authorizing the Interim County Administrator to execute, the following Change Order to Roads, Inc., of NWF, for CR 97 (Jacks Branch Road) Safety Improvements, to provide structural upgrades to the roadway by milling and resurfacing within the project limits: Department: Public Works Division: Engineering/Infrastructure Division Type: Addition Amount: $738,126.85 Vendor: Roads, Inc., of NWF Project Name: CR 97 (Jacks Branch Road) Contract: PD 12-13.046 Purchase Order Number: 131226 Change Order (CO) Number: 1 Original Contract Award: $2,694,118.63 Cumulative Amount of Change Orders through this CO: $ 738,126.85 New Contract Total: $3,432,245.48 B. Approving the State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Local Agency Program (LAP) Supplemental Agreement, Supplemental No. 1, between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and Escambia County, to decrease the Project funding amount from $3,700,000 to $3,333,530, a decrease in the amount of $366,470; FDOT is decreasing the funding as a result of lower than expected bids; milling and resurfacing was not part of the safety scope of the LAP even though the County has requested FDOT's participation on several occasions; and C. Adopting a Resolution (R2014-26) authorizing the Chairman to sign the LAP Supplemental Agreement, Supplemental No. 1. 4/3/2014 Page 30 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 1-23. 23. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Approval of Various Consent Agenda Items – Continued Taking the following action concerning PD 13-14.006, Various Roadway Materials Pricing Agreement for Fiscal Year 2013-2014 (Funding Source: Fund 352, "LOST III," Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project #08EN0208, "Resurfacing"): 2014000340 A. Amending the Board's action of February 6, 2014, revising the authorized amount approved for Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax (LOST) III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Various Projects, from $850,000 to over $1,000,000; and B. Authorizing the issuance of a Purchase Order to Roads, Inc., of NWF, in the amount of $700,000, to provide hot-mix asphalt to Escambia County; the Roads Division of the Public Works Department will deliver hot-mix asphalt to the site for the contractor for hot-in-place resurfacing of the following roads: Hancock Lane, Ferguson Drive, Ferguson Court, Ladybird Lane, Coleman Road, Luther Street, Mockingbird Lane, Broyhill Lane, Pullman Circle, Tomlinson Road, Rowe Lane, Colony Road, Chateau Court, Inda Avenue, Belguim Road, Belguim Circle, Saddlebrook Drive, Greenbrier Road, Spanish Trail, Woodchuck Avenue, Woodchuck Lane, and 72nd Avenue; other roads recognized on the five-year Resurfacing Program List may also be resurfaced if material, funding, and/or time allow. 4/3/2014 Page 31 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued 4. Interruptible Natural Gas Service Agreement Motion made by Commissioner Robertson, seconded by Commissioner Robinson, and carried 3-0, with Commissioner May absent and Commissioner Valentino abstaining (and filing Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and Other Local Public Officers), taking the following action concerning the State of Florida County of Escambia Agreement with the City of Pensacola (d/b/a Pensacola Energy) and Escambia County for Interruptible Natural Gas Service (Funding: Fund 001, General Fund, Cost Center 310207, Object Code 54301): 2014000321 A. Approving the City of Pensacola (d/b/a Pensacola Energy) Agreement for Interruptible Natural Gas Service for 2935 North "L" Street, 1200 West Leonard Street, 357 South Baylen Street, and 201 South Palafox Street, establishing service, subject to the current City Rate Schedule GAF (Almost Firm Gas Transportation Service, Ordinance No. 28-11); and B. Authorizing the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute all documents relating to the Agreement, as required. VICE CHAIRMAN BARRY RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR TO COMMISSIONER ROBINSON 14. 2014000331 Maplewood Subdivision Motion made by Commissioner Robertson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 3-0, with Commissioner May absent and Commissioner Barry abstaining (and filing Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and Other Local Public Officers), awarding a contract to Brown Construction of NWF, Inc., for the Maplewoods Subdivision Ditch Piping and Ashland Avenue Bridge Enhancement, PD 13-14.015, in the amount of $958,168.28 (Funding: Fund 352, Local Option Sales Tax [LOST] III, Cost Center 210107, Object Code 56301, Project #09EN0093 – $239,542.07; Fund 352, LOST III, Cost Center 210112, Object Code 56301, Project #09EN0093 – $718,626.21). ACTING CHAIRMAN ROBINSON RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR TO COMMISSIONER BARRY 4/3/2014 Page 32 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued II. 24. Steven Vargas – 2720 Wilde Lake Boulevard Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 3-0, with Commissioner May absent and Commissioner Robertson abstaining (and filing Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and Other Local Public Officers), approving to collect the hard costs (in the amount of $10,300) from the Bank, and forgive the fines (in the amount of $57,420), relative to the lien relief request made by Steven Vargas against property located at 2720 Wilde Lake Boulevard (relative to the February 3, 2014, email communication from Mr. Vargas, Title Administrator, Skyhill Financial, Inc., requesting that the Board reduce the fines relative to a Code Enforcement Lien, recorded in Official Records Book 7126, Page 844, on January 17, 2014, against the property, previously owned by Therell D. and Patricia Roberts). 2014000341 III. FOR DISCUSSION 1. Bay Area Resource Council Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving this item, as it was the Board's intent to have paid this $10,000, relative to discussion concerning funding for the Bay Area Resource Council. 2014000342 2. 2014000343 BUDGET/FINANCE CONSENT AGENDA – Continued Human Relations Commission Reappointment Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, reappointing Kathleen A. Wilks to the Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission, for a two-year term, effective April 5, 2014, through April 4, 2016. 4/3/2014 Page 33 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued 2014000344 III. FOR DISCUSSION – Continued 3. Purchase of Property Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving, by super majority vote, the following (Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210109/ 56301, Project No. 10EN0363): A. The purchase of two parcels of real property, totaling approximately 1.16 acres, located at 2605 and 2607 East Olive Road, for the Olive Road East Improvement Project, from Skater's Choice Realty, LLC, for the purchase price of $175,000, which is above the appraised value of $120,000, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sale and Purchase; B. The Contract for Sale and Purchase for the acquisition of two parcels of real property (approximately 1.16 acres), from Skater's Choice Realty, LLC; and C. The authorization for the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute, any documents, subject to Legal review and sign-off, necessary to complete the acquisition of this property, without further action of the Board. Speaker(s): Randy Grieser For Information: The Board heard Commissioner Robertson disclose that, although he owns several properties along Olive Road, and one property at Lawton Street, he has no vested interest in these properties and is not precluded from voting on Items 3, 4, and 5. 4/3/2014 Page 34 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued 2014000345 III. FOR DISCUSSION – Continued 4. Purchase of Property Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving, by super majority vote, the following (Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210109/ 56301, Project No. 10EN0363): A. The purchase of a parcel of real property (approximately 0.48 acre), located at 7940 Lawton Street, for the Olive Road East Improvement Project, from Callie Bonifay, for the purchase price of $25,000, which is above appraised value of $10,000, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sale and Purchase; B. The Contract for Sale and Purchase for the acquisition of a parcel of real property (approximately 0.48 acre), from Callie Bonifay; and C. The authorization for the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute, any documents, subject to Legal review and sign-off, necessary to complete the acquisition of this property without further action of the Board. For Information: The Board heard Commissioner Robertson disclose that, although he owns several properties along Olive Road, and one property at Lawton Street, he has no vested interest in these properties and is not precluded from voting on Items 3, 4, and 5. 4/3/2014 Page 35 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued 2014000346 III. FOR DISCUSSION – Continued 5. Purchase of Property Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving, by super majority vote, the following (Funding Source: Fund 352, "Local Option Sales Tax III," Account 210109/ 56301, Project No. 10EN0363): A. The purchase of a parcel of real property (approximately 2.55 acres, with a residential structure), located at 7965 Kipling Street, for the Olive Road East Improvement Project, from Jean Drabkin, for the purchase price of $250,000, which is above the appraised value of $130,000, in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract for Sale and Purchase; B. The Contract for Sale and Purchase for the acquisition of a parcel of real property (approximately 2.55 acres, with residential structure), from Jean Drabkin; and C. The authorization for the County Attorney's Office to prepare, and the Chairman or Vice Chairman to execute, any documents, subject to Legal review and sign-off, necessary to complete the acquisition of this property, without further action of the Board. For Information: The Board heard Commissioner Robertson disclose that, although he owns several properties along Olive Road, and one property at Lawton Street, he has no vested interest in these properties and is not precluded from voting on Items 3, 4, and 5. 4/3/2014 Page 36 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT – Continued III. FOR DISCUSSION – Continued 6. Innerarity Island Development Corporation Motion made by Commissioner Valentino, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving to give immediate authority to the City of Gulf Breeze to begin whatever measures are necessary to assist Escambia County with becoming a receiver of the Innerarity Water and Sewer, relative to discussion concerning Innerarity Island Development Corporation. 2014000347 VICE CHAIRMAN BARRY RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR TO COMMISSIONER ROBERTSON 7. 2014000348 Selection of County Administrator Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Barry, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, approving to schedule, for the Special Board Meeting April 10, 2014, the recommendation that the Board take the following action concerning the selection of the County Administrator: A. Select the County Administrator; and B. Authorize the County Attorney to negotiate the County Administrator's Employment Contract. Speaker(s): Andrew Blewer Barbara Mayall For Information: The Board failed 2-2, with Commissioner Robinson and Commissioner Barry voting "no," a motion by Commissioner Robertson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, that the Board "go ahead and just start the process all over again." ACTING CHAIRMAN ROBERTSON RELINQUISHED THE CHAIR TO COMMISSIONER BARRY 4/3/2014 Page 37 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Alison Rogers, County Attorney 2014000349 I. FOR ACTION 1. Natural Gas Franchise Ordinance Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Robertson, and carried 3-0, with Commissioner May absent and Commissioner Valentino abstaining (and filing Form 8B Memorandum of Voting Conflict for County, Municipal, and Other Local Public Officers), authorizing the scheduling of a Public Hearing on April 29, 2014, at 5:31 p.m., to consider adoption of a new Natural Gas Franchise Ordinance for the Town of Century, Florida. Speaker(s): Don Suarez 4/3/2014 Page 38 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued COUNTY ATTORNEY’S REPORT – Continued 2014000350 I. FOR ACTION – Continued 2. Scheduling of Attorney-Client Session Motion made by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Valentino, and carried 4-0, with Commissioner May absent, taking the following action concerning the scheduling of an Attorney-Client Session: A. Scheduling a private meeting with the Board's attorneys to discuss pending litigation, in accordance with Section 286.011(8), Florida Statutes, for April 10, 2014, at 9:55 a.m.; and B. Approving the Public Notice printed below to be published in the Pensacola News Journal on Saturday, April 5, 2014: PUBLIC NOTICE IT IS THE INTENTION of the Board of County Commissioners of Escambia County, Florida, to hold a private meeting with its attorney to discuss pending litigation in the case of Escambia County, FL v. Innerarity Island Development Corporation in accordance with Section 286.011(8), Florida Statutes. Such attorney-client session will be held at 9:55 a.m. on Thursday, April 10, 2014, in the Board Meeting Room, Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, 221 Palafox Place, First Floor, Pensacola, Florida. Commissioners Wilson B. Robertson, Gene M. Valentino, Lumon J. May, Grover C. Robinson, IV, and Steven L. Barry, Interim County Administrator Larry M. Newsom, County Attorney Alison Rogers, Attorney representing Escambia County Charles V. Peppler, Deputy County Attorney, and a certified court reporter will attend the attorney-client session. 4/3/2014 Page 39 of 40 dch PUBLIC FORUM WORK SESSION AND REGULAR BCC MEETING MINUTES – Continued ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA – None. ANNOUNCEMENTS – None. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, Vice Chairman Barry declared the Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners adjourned at 7:41 p.m. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ESCAMBIA COUNTY, FLORIDA ATTEST: Pam Childers Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller 2014000289 By: ______________________________ Lumon J. May, Chairman _______________________________ Deputy Clerk Approved: April 29, 2014 4/3/2014 Page 40 of 40 dch
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