Newsletter 1 - Moorings Presbyterian Church
Newsletter 1 - Moorings Presbyterian Church
March 2015 Your Invitation to Worship 9:00 AM Casual Worship/Webster Chapel 10:00 AM Traditional Worship/Sanctuary Church School for Children 10:00 AM Nursery/Childcare 8:45 AM Doug Learned Continues the Sermon Series And I Remembered God... preaching from the book of Jonah during the middle four weeks of Lent. This is one of the shorter books of the Bible, and a popular story in Sunday school lessons. It has powerful lessons for adults as well. Jonah is known as the recalcitrant prophet, different than many others portrayed in the Old Testament. He sometimes fails in fulfilling his mission for God, and even sulks when he does fulfill the mission! The great theme of Lent is repentance, and repentance means to turn around. Jonah is a prime example of someone whom God sent one way, but who chose to go in the opposite way. His character is complex, as is ours at times. Please join in exploring this fascinating person from the Bible, and see how his calling from the Lord might relate to your own. ... March 1 2nd Sunday in Lent "Throw Me Into the Sea" Jonah 1 March 8 3rd Sunday in Lent "And My Prayer Came to You" Jonah 2 Daylight Saving Time begins March 15 4th Sunday in Lent "So That We Do Not Perish" Jonah 3 March 22 5th Sunday in Lent "In and Out of the Shade" Jonah 4 March 29 Palm Sunday "Untying the Colt" Mark 11: 1-11 Welcome to our Newest Members Mark and Mary Beth Bardo join as Regular Members by Letter of Transfer from Cornelius, NC. Mark is active in real estate and enjoys boating. He was drawn to the friendly and accepting reception he received at MPC. Larry and Doris Clay join as Affiliate Members and spend their summer in Waynesville, OH where they attend Cross View Christian Church. Larry became familiar with MPC through the Hyacinth Series and the music program. He enjoys singing in the choir and has a special interest in computers. Doris loves the music program at MPC, especially the Hyacinth Series. Glenn and Meredith Holtz join as Regular Members by Letter of Transfer from Westminster Presbyterian in Munster, IN where they served as Deacons. They love to travel. Glenn has joined the Art Guild, Meredith has joined Elizabeth Circle and they both enjoy attending various activities here at MPC. Bill and Anne Keesor join as Affiliate Members from First Presbyterian in Ann Arbor, MI where Bill was a former Elder and Deacon. Bill enjoys boating, fishing and home renovation. Ann has an interest in art photography, vegetable gardening and home decorating. She is a semi-retired, self-employed photographer. 2 Kipp and Mary Koester join as Affiliate Members from North Shore Presbyterian in Shorewood, WI where Kipp served as an Elder. Kipp enjoys reading, hunting, golfing and spending time with his grandchildren. Mary is active with women’s groups, playing the violin, golfing and reading. Margery Mitchell joins as an Affiliate Member from Granville, OH. She is a a semi-retired, self-employed realtor. She is active in the art program here at MPC and formed the Art Guild, which already has over 40 members. Jeanne Oelerich joins as a Regular Member by Profession of Faith. She likes the friendly nature of the people at MPC. Her hobbies include art, travel and photography. Tony and Nancy Pressley join as Regular Members by Letter of Transfer. Tony enjoys golf and biking. Nancy enjoys golf, tennis, biking and working with disadvantaged children. Pat Schrenk joins as an Affiliate Member from Broadway Baptist Church in Louisville, KY. She loves to travel and has joined some of the MPC art trips. Pat enjoys bridge, cooking, gardening and mahjong. Claudia Schmitt joins MPC as a Regular Member from Indiana. Claudia is a librarian in Collier County and enjoys all things domestic, is internet savvy and speaks Spanish. She likes books, reading and book discussions. Joanne St. John joins as a Regular Member by Letter of Transfer from Westminster Presbyterian Church in Albany, NY. Joanne is 87 years old and still rides her bicycle and drives. She enjoys reading and the activities at The Glenview. New Members cont. Dan and Lindsay Statile join as Regular Members by Profession of Faith. Dan enjoys long distance running, traveling, cooking, photography and Bocce Ball. Lindsay enjoys the outdoors, the beach, running and crafts. Jeff and Cheryl Wallace join as Regular Members by Letter of Transfer from Presbyterian Church of the Master in Mission Viejo, CA. Jeff is a trained Stephens Minister and has served as a Deacon in NJ. Jeff likes to golf, swim and hike. He also has interest in woodworking, handyman work and scouting. Cheryl enjoys walking, needlework,and cooking. Her special interests are hospital volunteering and women’s group activities. Your Invitation to Become a Member of The Moorings Presbyterian Church Our Next Membership Inquiry Class is Sunday, March 15 at 11:30 AM in Moss Hall North. Lunch is provided. Contact Jana Geiger in the church office ([email protected] or 213-5233) to express your interest in attending this class. You may also indicate your interest on the Friendship Pad or at the Kiosk on Sunday mornings. Lenten Soup for the Soul Series A Luncheon Series for the Greater Naples Community "The Activity of the Holy Spirit" You are invited to join each Wednesday of Lent for a simple meal and reflection offered by spiritual leaders in our community. We begin at Noon and conclude by 1:00 PM. Your donations to cover expenses and support the mission of The Theological Center in Naples is appreciated. February 25 Presenter: Rev. Diane Scribner Clevenger (Unity of Naples) Location: St Paul’s Episcopal (3901 Davis Blvd, East of Airport) March 4 Presenter: Dr. Kirt Anderson (Naples Community Church) Location: Vanderbilt Presbyterian (1225 Piper Blvd-off Immokalee-opposite Sam’s Club) March 11 Presenter: Dr. Jack Haberer (Vanderbilt Presbyterian) Location: Mayflower Congregational UCC (2900 County Barn - off Davis Blvd.) March 18 Presenter: Deacon Mark Leonard (San Marco Catholic) Location: St. John the Evangelist Catholic (625 111th Ave N-West of 41) March 25 Presenter: Chaplain Michael Harper (Naples Community Hospital) Location: Trinity-By-The-Cove (553 Galleon Dr-off Gordon Dr.) April 1 Presenter: Nicole Partin, Certified Celebrant (Hodges-Josberger Funeral Home) Location: Hodges University (2655 Northbrooke Dr-off Vanderbilt Beach Road) John White Community Room 3 A Message of Thanks February 22, 2015 Dear friends, We write from our new chapter of life - retirement. For us, these past weeks have been filled with gratitude for Sunday, February 1 - a day forever etched in our minds. We remember how many of you joined in worship and singing the hymns, ringing handbells, and hearing the choir's excellence yet again. How special it was to be surrounded by these musicians, the children on the steps and so many of you as Pastor Doug offered a meaningful Commissioning Prayer! In communion, we were reminded of God's eternal feast that certainly set the tone for the love shared soon thereafter. We relished the thoughtfulness displayed in Moss Hall - hymns recycled into hanging starbursts, festive table decor, lavish food for all, just the right amount of roasting via the choir's humorous song, loving spoken tributes, your wonderful cards and messages that fill our treasured scrapbook, and such a generous love gift. Speaking of gifts... What a gift! Getting to know so many of you, in a genuine way, is a wonderful take-away from our long tenure at MPC. We have seen children turn into adults, youth become moms and dads, and Sunday School kids assume church leadership and pastoral roles. Together, we have shared ways a church family of singles, couples, and families learn to live the circle of life in community. What a gift! Sharing the worship experience with fellow disciples of Jesus Christ has given us countless moments sharing the faith journey from the waters of baptism through the passage from earthly life. You have prayed with us, praised with us, and meditated with us in search of God's kingdom on earth and in eternity. What a gift! Your tributes, given in love gifts, are a humbling token that spills over with generosity. We will think of these time and again as we celebrate retirement. And, as a congregation, you have given us three decades of "home" - in our ministry. You provided us with "a calling" for which we are ever grateful. What a gift! You continue to welcome us both around town and around Moorings. May these ways of upholding one another flourish as we open ourselves to God's will day by day. We see the family of God alive and growing at Moorings. While our drive out West approaches, we have been enjoying home and the freedom of a relaxed schedule. For now, we hold you in our hearts and look forward to showing up one Sunday morning with freshly-made Danish and homegrown strawberries. Lovingly, Dick and Martha Crofts 4 Distinguished Speaker Series Jean Graham Ford and Rev. Leighton Ford Wednesday, March 4 at 6:15 PM Please RSVP at the Reception Desk, Kiosk, or 261-1487. Jean Graham Ford, sister of Reverend Billy Graham, has shared in her husband Leighton Ford’s global ministry by speaking around the world to encourage thousands in their faith walks. She is a graduate of Wheaton College and has served as Presbyterian elder and Bible study leader. Leighton Ford, world-known evangelist, author, and mentor, was cited by Time Magazine as one of the most influential preachers. He ministered side by side with Billy Graham for many years, chaired the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelism, and today leads Leighton Ford Ministries You may also want to attend our Church-wide Dinner in Moss Hall at 5:15 PM Dinner cost: $7 adults, $4 children with a reservation ($1 more at the door) Please RSVP by 1 PM Monday, March 2 at 261-1487, the Reception Desk, the Kiosk at the church, or online: 5 Mission Outreach Committee Funds Approved for Kitchen in Jim Smith School in Guatemala At the Mission Outreach Committee’s February meeting, the committee approved the allocation of over $3,200 to fund half the expense of building a kitchen for the Jim Smith School in Balcones de Palin, Guatemala. The other half will be funded by Miracles in Action. Food currently is prepared in and served from one of the classrooms for over 400 children with the morning session children receiving breakfast, and the afternoon children lunch. The walls of the kitchen are to be built from Eco-Bricks which are made of plastic bottles filled with recycled materials – an economic and ecologically friendly means of construction. The bricks have already been prepared, under the direction of Paco Valiente, by the children of the community from materials they collected. One Great Hour of Sharing SPECIAL OFFERING This year 50% of your One Great Hour of Sharing gifts will go to local hunger relief efforts, and 50% will go to the causes designated by PCUSA. Local hunger relief funds will be used to help replenish food pantries during the summer months when there is both a seasonal increase in demand (from children out of school and other factors) and a decrease in supply (with fewer people residing in Naples). PCUSA will utilize their funds to provide disaster assistance, to alleviate hunger, and to help empower economically poor, oppressed and disadvantaged people. To contribute to this offering, make your check payable to Moorings Presbyterian Church, marked OGHS. Envelopes for the offering will be available on Palm and Easter Sundays. Your Invitation to Join Us MPC's Mission Outreach Committee is excited to announce that as part of our growing relationship with St. Matthew's House, MPC will be hosting the next graduation event of St. Matthew's House "Justin’s Place" recovery program. Moorings members are invited to attend this meaningful event, recognizing thirteen Justin’s Place graduates on Monday, March 16 at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary, followed by food and refreshments in Moss Hall prepared by St. Matthew’s House’s (SMH) Catering. There is no charge for the ceremony event or the meal afterwards. Justin’s Place is a one-year, Christian faith-based recovery program incorporating the 12 Steps and their Biblical comparisons. Participation is open to all men and women who want to change their lives. This is an excellent opportunity for Moorings' members to learn more about St. Matthew’s House, a very important mission partner of MPC. Those who would like to attend are asked to RSVP to Jonathan Hargrove: 298-5034, or email: jhargrove@, or sign up at the Reception Desk or Kiosk. Those also interested in volunteering to help with the set up in Moss Hall from 1:00 - 3:00 PM on March 16 are asked to please contact Moorings' team leader for St. Matthew’s House, Katie Lamb, at [email protected]. March Food Donations Benefit The Salvation Army 6 Their needs include: canned food, canned meats such as salmon, chicken, tuna, spam, sardines, Vienna sausages and potted meat, canned beans or dry packaged beans, peanut butter, jelly, crackers, oatmeal, evaporated, dry or shelf stable milk, canned or boxed soup, canned fruits and vegetables, beef stew, tea, rice. Donations of food and basic household items such as: toilet paper, shampoo, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes can be dropped off in the two white wicker bins in the Narthex or to the three large bins behind the Reception Desk in Moss Hall. New Horizon's Founder, Ellen Nichols to Speak at MPC All Moorings members and guests are invited to join Mission Outreach Committee members in the Parlor on Sunday, March 22, at 11:15 AM to meet and hear from New Horizons of Southwest Florida. Ellen Nichols, founder of New Horizons, will discuss the mission, operations and outcomes of New Horizons, an organization that empowers at-risk youth (grades K – 12) to reach their full potential through tutoring, mentoring and faith. New Horizons is a new mission partner for MPC, and this is a good opportunity to learn about it. Ellen will also describe interesting volunteer opportunities, such as after school tutoring. Fellowship Activities Cooking Class - New Orleans Style Monday, March 23 at 6:00 PM in Moss Hall S. Put on your apron and your beaded necklaces and join us for this wonderful Mardi Gras style cooking class. Our menu: Savory Cheesecake with Tasso Ham, Crawfish and Creole Mustard Sauce Chicken Jambalaya with Andouille Sausage and Shrimp Steamed Rice Traditional Bananas Foster Contact Susan Mainwaring ([email protected] or 434-9145) to get your name on the list for this fun evening Cost is $25. Readers’ Rendezvous Wednesday, March 11 10:00 AM in Strozier Library Join us for this wonderful review of the book "Angle of Repose" by Wallace Stenger. DeeDee Jeffries McNerney discusses this modern classic about a uniquely American family. We suggest reading the book ahead of time, or you may just come and enjoy the review. See you on March 11 where you'll meet old and new friends, enjoy coffee and refreshments, and discuss this wonderful book. Outreach Caregiver Support Group Meeting every third Monday of the Month 9:30 - 10:30 AM We'll meet Monday, March 16 at 9:30 AM in the Conference Center. This group is relevant to direct and indirect caregivers of those dealing with chronic illness or a progressive neurological disease. Leader: Sandra Lee Buxton, RN, BSN, MA. The Conference Center is located in the Christian Education wing. From the parking lot, enter the walkway marked Baker Center. Walk straight back. Take the stairs to the first door on the right (above the Preschool Office). An elevator is located across the courtyard behind the stairs. From the Needlepoint Guild If you have ever worshipped, meditated or walked into Webster Chapel, you have noticed that God’s needlepoint garden is growing. For the last ten years, many women from the church and friends have been stitching faithfully trying to fill the room with flowers and plants from the Bible. Sixty-eight pieces are finished and we have thirty-four remaining. If you are not a needlepoint stitcher, you can still participate by commissioning a piece for approximately $300. You can dedicate a part of God’s garden to a loved one or friend. Please call Dee McClay if you are interested: 495-0510. 7 Faith & Art Ministries “Expressions of Faith” Art Exhibition In Moss Hall Artists Reception March 21 4 PM – 6 PM Exhibition Opening Day March 22 10 AM – 2 PM March 28 & Palm Sunday, March 29 10 AM – 2 PM Church-wide Dinners March 25 & April 1 4 PM – 7 PM Good Friday, April 3 12 PM – 2 PM & 3 PM – 5 PM April 4 & Easter Sunday, April 5 10 AM – 2 PM The non-juried, no-fee Exhibition of original fine art of paintings, sculptures, photographs, fabrics and more will be displayed in the north end of Moss Hall. All art of MPC members and the wider community will express the artists’ faith as it relates to a Bible verse. MPC children’s and youth art will also be presented. Please plan to attend with your family and friends and witness the beauty of these creations to God’s glory. 8 Moorings Art Guild The February 3 meeting of the Moorings Art Guild was both fun and informative. Jamie Treadwell, artistin-residence, spoke and showed us a sampling of his art. After our business meeting and lunch, we had a field trip to watercolorist Barbara Groenteman’s studio and gallery. Barbara was eager to demonstrate her talent and shared some of her techniques with us. Our next meeting will be held at 1:00 PM (note time change) on Tuesday, March 3 in Classroom A (second floor of Moss Hall). Please put this on your calendar. We want your input to further establish the direction of the group. NOTE: If you would like to bring a project to work on after the meeting, we have the room until 4:30. All visual artists are welcome to attend. At the March 3 meeting, Jeanne Oelerich will give a lecture and a Greek and Art History slide show. This lecture is a precursor for the upcoming Faith and Art visit to the Baker Museum on Thursday, March. 5, at 9:45 AM entitled “Gods and Heroes.” The attendees will have a private tour and buffet lunch. Following the lecture, we will have our business meeting. On Monday, March 30, our group will have a special treat. We have been invited to an exhibit and lecture at the Harmon-Meek Gallery located at 599 Ninth St. North (Rt. 41 at 6th Ave. North). Solo artist Gabriela Gonzalez Dellosso will speak to us and show us her art. Gabriela paints in oil and also exhibits at the Butler Institute in Ohio. Her work is beautiful with extraordinary attention to detail. Lunch will follow. There will be a sign up sheet at the Reception Desk for this event, as space is limited. Our group gets the first opportunity to reserve space for the event, then other guests may be invited. Moorings Music Ministry Hyacinth Series Presents Casey Cantwell Organist Sunday, March 15 at 4:00 PM Hear Moorings Presbyterian’s excellent pipe organ in the hands of Casey Cantwell, Organist and Director of Music at Trinity Episcopal Church in Tulsa where he plays a Moller organ of 80 ranks. He is the Artistic Director of the Tulsa Boy Singers and a concert organist who has performed across the states and abroad. Doors open at 3:15 PM; donations welcome. Church-wide Dinners Church-Wide Wednesday Evening Dinners 5:15 - 6:15 PM Join us in March for dinners featuring delicious food prepared by Michael and Evie Viggiani. We'll also enjoy dinner music of Moorings very own musical duo of Jim Dewitt on the piano, and Llew Williams on the bass. Their smooth, easy listening music is just another reason to join us each Wednesday for a reasonable and healthy meal and great company with which to enjoy it. Food service is from 5:15 to 6:15 PM. $7 for adults and $4 for children with a reservation (261-1487) by Monday 1:00 PM. $8 and $5, without a reservation. Our Menus ] March 4 Roast Loin of Pork with Sauerkraut Mashed Potatoes Buttered Broccoli & Carrots Applesauce Spinach Salad/Maple Dijon Dressing Rolls & Butter Black Forest Cake March 11 Hawaiian Pineapple Chicken Steamed Rice Stir Fried Vegetables Salad with Asian Dressing Hawaiian Rolls & Butter Coconut Cupcakes March 18 Beef Tacos & all the fixings Soft Flour & Hard Corn Shells Black Beans & Rice Salad with Southwestern Dressing Hot Fudge Brownie Sundae March 25 Lasagna Tossed Salad/Italian Dressing Garlic Bread Italian Cream Cake 9 Youth News Youth Omelet Breakfast Sunday, March 1 Come and Support our Youth Come enjoy made-to-order omelets, fresh fruits and breads or just come sit, and enjoy a cup of coffee with your friends. Donations are accepted with proceeds going towards Youth Mission and Fellowship trips. Lenten Prayer Station The middle and high school youth invite you to participate in the Lenten Prayer Station in the Narthex. The project was started with the youth and the children of the church, talking about the importance of prayer and reflection during Lent. They spent time writing their prayers on the sheets of origami paper and then quietly folding them to make a heart. The prayers will be hung creating a visual reminder of God’s love for us. 10 Children's Page With Lent underway, the children of MPC are already preparing their hearts for Easter. On Ash Wednesday, our children’s choirs marked the beginning of the Lenten Season by singing “The Good Samaritan” at the Ash Wednesday service. Under the direction of Cindy Learned, Joan Haff and Ed Byrom, they helped set the tone for an evening of repentance and reflection. The 4th and 5th graders will spend a few weeks during Lent working with Barbara Graefe of the Faith and Art Committee to create aquatic works of art as the whole congregation focuses on Jonah. Their finished projects will highlight Bible verses that include water themes and will be displayed starting March 22 as part of the “Expressions of Faith” Art Exhibition. Our 4th and 5th grade Sunday School Class will also be welcomed to the Lord’s Table on March 1, as they participate in the Celebrating Communion Milestone. They have spent time in Sunday School and with their families learning about this important part of Christian life and are ready to partake with their minds set on remembrance of Christ’s love. This month, preschoolers will be learning to love like Jesus by hearing parables about a stingy farmer, a generous widow, and a Good Samaritan. They will finish the month by hearing about Jesus’ loving act of washing the disciples’ feet and the events of Palm Sunday. In our Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes, students will be learning about God’s perfect timing and the importance of practicing patience. All month long they’ll be encouraged by Psalm 27: 14 to “Wait for the Lord. Be strong and don’t lose hope. Wait for the Lord.” Each week they’ll be given tools to use when they feel like they can’t wait for God’s timing. During the first three weeks of March, they’ll learn to “think twice” from Genesis 25: 24-34, to “think about what’s true” from Exodus 32: 1-35, and to not “lose their cool” from Proverbs 14:29. Hannah will lead the way for them in the fourth week to learn to “talk to God” when they feel impatient (1 Samuel 1: 6 – 2:1). During the last week of March, stories of Jesus’ own disciples will teach them how to cope when “God’s plan is bigger than ours” (Mark 11: 1-11; 14:43 – 15:47). March will be busy, but extremely meaningful in the life of our children. We ask that you pray for the youngest members of our congregation as Jesus draws them nearer to Him. Preschool News March will be a month of merriment and mischief for the preschool children, as the leprechauns will make their evening visit to the classrooms, sprinkling gold dust and green shamrocks throughout. Catching the leprechaun in the act is always a goal of the children, but finding the map he leaves behind is exciting as it leads to the magical pot of gold. St. Patrick’s Day looks to be memorable, as always. On March 2nd the preschool will celebrate the birthday of the infamous Dr. Seuss. All the classes will be reading and listening to Dr. Seuss stories and talking about the famous Cat in the Hat. To complete the celebration the children will have a snack of green eggs and ham. Openings are still available for fall 2015. If anyone is interested in registering their child please visit our school website; or contact the preschool office, 213-5250. 11 Church Officers Officer Classes Go Through September. Session Clerk of Session, Bill O'Neill Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Tamara Cannon Lance Godley Ales Hale (Youth Elder) Marjorie Hemmer Barbara Rumberger Larry Tibstra Michele Boughton Michael Lofendo Mary Beth Schultheis Anne Sellers Jim Shannon Steele Stewart Salomon Cardenas Burns Dobbins Jeanne Fehrenbaker Tom Moser Charlie Paulk Mary Poston Nan Vande Wege Board of Deacons Moderator, James R. Kirk Class of 2014 Class of 2015 Class of 2016 Nancy Lazear Jay Eichholzer Shirley Eichholzer Candace Godley Nancy Hayes Andrea Kirk James R. Kirk Jessica Lawson Jenna McCarthy Jonathan Foss Peggy Foss Arlene Harper Beverly Metcalf George Metcalf Harry Osborne Linda Osborne Gail Adams Virginia Blankenbaker Elizabeth Glattfelder Charis Nelson Carrie Shannon Marcia Williams Allison Zablo Bob Haff Nominating Committee Lance Godley (Chair), Dee McClay, Kris Doyle, Peggy Foss, Elsie Larson, Michele Boughton, Russell Williams. Alternates: Glenn Haughie, John Lawson, Susan Liebetrau Associate Pastor Nominating Committee Don Hale, Lance Hendrix, Matt McLean (Vice Chair), Mary Beth Schultheis (Chair), Anne Sellers, Kathy Shannon and Jeanne Tierney 12 Church Financials MOORINGS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH As of January 31, 2015 January 2015 90,106 Plate & Pledge Income YTD 2015 90,106 Other Income 7,747 7,747 Total Operating Expenses 83,281 83,281 14,572 14,572 Operating Gain/(Loss) Easter Flowers The Giving of Easter Flowers... remember loved ones has become a tradition in our church. Loved ones may also be remembered by contributing to The Moorings Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund. FOR GIVING TO THE ENDOWMENT FUND Enclosed is a check for $_________ the Endowment Fund of The Moorings Presbyterian Church. Given in Honor or Memory of:___________________________________________________________ From:__________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________ Kindly send your gift, payable to The Moorings Presbyterian Church and clearly marked “ENDOWMENT,” either by mail (to Jen Sullivan's attention) or by using the pew envelopes. FOR GIVING EASTER FLOWERS I would like to order ______ Easter flower(s) at $12.50 each for a total of $________. Kindly send your gift, payable to The Moorings Presbyterian Church and clearly marked “EASTER FLOWER” either by mail (to Jen Sullivan's attention) or by using the pew envelopes. These flowers are given in Honor or Memory of:_____________________________________________ From:________________________________________________________Phone__________________ All flower orders and information must be in the church office no later than Friday, March 27 to be printed in the Easter bulletin. 13 Presbyterian Women’s News If you’ve not yet been to a Gathering, you have two more opportunities for a worthwhile luncheon outing. We have a great team of coordinators that plan a season’s worth of program speakers that both educate and entertain. At the March Gathering, Tuesday the 10th, we’ll hear from Susan Batagglia of Norman Love Chocolates. She will talk to us about Healthy Chocolate! (Is there any other kind?!) Nancy Hayes and Karen Miller have put together six stand-out programs this year, concluding in April when John McKerrow, Founder/President of Shakespeare in Paradise brings a little Shakespeare to us with a preview of The Merry Wives of Windsor. Barbara Knepshield leads the mission front keeping us aware, informed and involved with organizations in our community covering a wide range of needs. In February we dedicated the entire program to human trafficking in Southwest Florida – a sobering and eye-opening topic. On the agenda for March is Friends of Foster Care. We extend our hospitality to everyone and look forward to sharing a time for fellowship, learning and a good meal. (Often the best lunch I have in a month!) Please sign up at the Reception Desk or call 261-1487 so that we have an accurate count for meal planning - we don’t want anyone going hungry. Look forward to see you. Molly Baker Dates to Remember: Wednesday, March 4 9:00 AM Reconciling Paul lesson #6 (Parlor) Tuesday, March 10 10:00 AM P.W. Coordinating Team (Classroom B) 11:30 AM Gathering (Moss Hall) Susan Batagllia from Norman Love Chocolates Friends of Foster Children – Mission in Action Wednesday, March 11 10:00 AM Readers’ Rendezvous (Strozier Library) Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner DeeDee Jeffries McNerney – Reviewer PW Circle Meetings 14 Elizabeth March 19 9:15 AM Classroom 202 Esther March 19 1:00 PM Home of Mary Nelson White (621 Jacana Circle) Lydia March 19 6:00 PM Church Board Room Martha/Rachel March 17 10:00 AM Church Parlor Naomi March 24 10:00 AM Church Parlor Rebecca March 17 10:00 AM Home of Dorothy Ander (2150 Gulf Shore Blvd. N #305) Look Who Is Celebrating a Birthday in March! Martha Crofts 3/1 Kathleen Stott 3/1 Doug Clough 3/2 Pat DeLorenzo 3/2 David Donaldson 3/2 Jay George 3/2 Virginia Hann 3/2 Janet Munroe 3/2 Sean Wilson 3/2 Max Winia 3/2 Peggy Englert 3/3 Austin Nicol 3/3 Augie Boyd 3/4 Max Daniels 3/4 Carol Robinett 3/6 Larry Imeson 3/6 Amy Kalmans 3/6 Gail Laub 3/6 Megan Bolen 3/7 Chad Crowley 3/7 Isabel Denny 3/7 Doris Clay 3/8 JoAnn St. John 3/8 Carolyn Ferguson-Yorde 3/8 Treanna Graff 3/8 Jim Knepshield 3/8 Nancy Lascheid 3/8 Mitchell Reidy 3/8 Jamie Rumberger 3/8 Gary Tate 3/8 Elsie Emerick 3/9 Diane Garland 3/9 Kathleen Hawryluk 3/9 Robert Hubbard 3/9 Harry Osborne 3/9 Ray Rush 3/9 Nan Vande Wege 3/9 Joanne Wolfe 3/9 Kristopher Boughton 3/10 Nico Masone 3/10 Sally Wiley 3/10 Lexi Bancroft 3/11 Amy Evans Kaitlin Jones Jean Leiber David Tierney Jodi Sutherland Keegan Heald Riley Heald Phillip Arpin Jill Keith Stewart Macfarlane Jack Roseman Brittany Zablo Alison Nygaard Andrew Sasak Susan Bolen Carolyn Chormann Samuel Clark Lorraine Jones Robert Sawyer Nancy Theado Walker Thies Jennifer Clark Sarah Denny EJ Santana Marcia Williams Janet Alonzo Nancy Kelly Robert Kinkley Mark Bardo Todd Gates Kenzie Giblin Glenn Haughie Ethel Kurtz Jackson Nygaard Sarah Rowland Samuel Benedict Elle Boyd Katie Crocker Eleanor Lorig Kris Monette Nancy Morris Mary Poston 3/11 3/11 3/11 3/11 3/12 3/13 3/13 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/14 3/15 3/15 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/16 3/17 3/18 3/18 3/18 3/19 3/19 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/21 Garrett Price Hunter Strohmeyer Denise Greer Helen Poppert Brooks Beynon Margaret Ross Michele Boughton Ann Johnston Amanda Kantorcik Linda Kirch Reeves Godley Rheanna Davis Murall Hancock Jean Hopler David Kettelle Dwight Cornell Bob Fenzan Lance Hendrix Shirley Callison Terry Kirch Lorna Caine Teri Ringham Chris Baker Samantha Bradley Susanne Landis Brett Rankin Bunny Sewell Virginia Blankenbaker Kristi Foster Anthony Ginocchio Rodney Swingley Jr. Carol Overley Joanne Halstead 3/21 3/21 3/22 3/22 3/23 3/23 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/25 3/26 3/26 3/26 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/27 3/28 3/28 3/28 3/28 3/28 3/29 3/29 3/29 3/29 3/30 3/31 Happy Anniversary Bill & Billie Stevens Richard & Phyllis Mason Doug & Karen Clough Jack & Barbara Graefe Kent & Christine Taubensee Peter & Sybil McGennis Bill & Anne Keesor John & Erica Vanover 3/03 3/04 3/04 3/05 3/06 3/07 3/07 3/08 Art & Dee Forsman George & Pat Hermanson Matthew & Kathryn Betz Neal & Kathy Lewis Edward & Barbara Rumberger Lawrence & Jeanne Fehrenbaker Anthony & Diana Amato Howard & JoAnn Gust 3/14 3/18 3/20 3/21 3/27 3/28 3/28 3/29 15 The Moorings Presbyterian Church 791 Harbour Drive Naples, FL 34103 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID NAPLES, FL PERMIT NO. 88 In Memoriam James Maiden Jean Wieting Warren Cecil Ruth McNeal Audrey Kroning Maxine Pankonin Bernice Lawson Dr. Douglas A. Learned Dr. Frank T. Mohr, Jr. Dr. Herbert B. Anderson Rev. Nancy P. Stewart Dr. Edward Byrom Alicia Rowland Jen Sullivan Jennifer Clark Cindy Lauri Jana Geiger Susan Mainwaring Nanette Rathbun Steve Tynski Lea Leonard January 17, 2015 January 18, 2015 January 28, 2015 January 29, 2015 February 2, 2015 February 11, 2015 February 18, 2015 Pastor/Head of Staff Parish Associate Parish Associate Parish Associate Interim Director of Music Director of Youth Ministries Assistant to the Pastor Director of Children and Family Ministries Manager of Publications Manager of Stewardship/Membership Fellowship Coordinator Preschool Director Maintenance Technician Wings of Change Counseling 213-5223 213-5226 213-5240 213-5226 213-5246 213-5208 213-5225 213-5222 213-5201 213-5233 434-9145 213-5250 213-5219 287-0810 791 Harbour Drive, Naples, Florida 34103 (239) 261-1487 | FAX (239) 261-8740 | Pastor’s Emergency Line (239) 213-1582
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