teacher`s notes - Mummy and Mumma Get Married
teacher`s notes - Mummy and Mumma Get Married
MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes PREPARED BY KAREN BECKER Currently Lead Teacher at Robinvale, Karen Becker has 15 years experience teaching in the private and government sectors. She is also a former book editor with the educational publisher, Pearson Australia. COMPREHENSION AND CONNECTION QUESTIONS Teachers can ask these questions as they read the book. pg 4-5 On page 4 Phoebe describes her two mummies. On page 5 there are pictures of two ladies. Which one is Mummy and which one is Mumma? Who is holding Biscuit? Phoebe calls her parents Mummy and Mumma. What do you call your family members? Do you have special names for your grandparents? VOCAB BUILDING: pg 6-7 What do you think these people’s weddings might have been like? pg 8-9 Why do you think the mummies want to marry? pg 10-11 W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U Mummy and Mumma are concerned that ‘You-Know-Who’ won’t come to their wedding. Who might You-Know-Who be? Why does it matter if someone doesn’t attend your wedding? Phoebe lists lots of things which are her mummies’ favourite. How could she include these likes into a wedding? What are your parents favourite things? How could you include their interests in a party?’ MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - comprehension questions 1 COMPREHENSION AND CONNECTION QUESTIONS pg 12-13 Look at Mrs Peabody’s florist shop. What can you see hiding amongst the flowers? What the book doesn’t tell you is that Phoebe has no money to pay for the flowers. Instead she traded with Mrs Peabody by offering to work in her florist shop for a week. What adventures could Phoebe have in this florist? What things might she have had to organise? pg 14-15 Who are these people? How can you tell? What tools of their trade are they holding? pg 16-17 What flavour do you think this cake might be? Do you like icecream? Have you ever had an ice-cream cake? How would you store this cake? pg 18-19 Who could You-Know-Who be? What reasons could there be for them not agreeing to come to a wedding? pg 20-21 Why do you think Phoebe wants her mummies to be married? Why are weddings such a big deal? Why is BIG DEAL written in capital letters? How do you read capital letters? Phoebe is worried about things that could go wrong. What is she worried about in the picture? Which things in the picture could really happen? Which things are fantasy? What else could she be worried about? pg 22-23 Why is Phoebe ‘excited and nervous all mixed up together?’ Have you ever had mixed emotions? Which emotions were they and why were you mixed up? W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - comprehension questions 2 COMPREHENSION AND CONNECTION QUESTIONS pg 22-23 Phoebe is imagining who You-Know-Who might be. Who do you think she is imagining and why? pg 24-25 The big day has finally arrived. How do you think Phoebe is feeling? pg 26-27 What would your parents think if you organised a party for them? What do you think Mummy and Mumma will think? pg 28-29 If all the guests ‘love to come’ and did, do you think it matters if You-Know-Who comes or not? Do you recognise the guests in the bus? Who can you recognise? pg 30-31 Why is it described as a magical day? Mummy and Mumma get married under a frangapani tree. This makes it a special place for them. Do you have a special place? VOCABULARY BUILDING: pg 30-31 You-Know-Who arrives to the wedding just in time. Does this mean that the wedding was more successful? Is this wedding legal? What makes weddings legal? W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U can you describe a frangapani tree? Can you list names of any other trees?’ MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - comprehension questions 3 EMPATHY “We would love to be married.” said Mummy. “But what about You-Know-Who? We can’t have a wedding until they agree to come to the party” added Mumma. When you read this page 8, what do you think, feel wonder? On this page I think I can see … When I read this page I feel … When I read this page I wonder … W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - empathy 4 FAVOURITE THINGS On page 10 Phoebe lists things which her mummies like. ‘How could these things be used in a wedding?’ W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - favourite things 5 CUTE COUPLES All weddings are different to suit the couple. Look at pages 6 &7. What do the pictures tell you about their weddings? Describe their wedding. What makes you think this? Jack Carnaby and his new wife Pam and Colin from up the road Uncle Adam and Uncle Steve in Ireland W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - cute couples 6 CUTE COUPLES Miss Singh and Mr Johnson Hugh Packman and Jennifer Aniseed Li Na and Zhang Wei W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - cute couples 7 WEDDING HELP On pages 14-15 Phoebe runs into many people in town while she is planning the wedding. Who are these people? What could she have asked them to do to help her organise the wedding? What do you think each person below does? What makes you think this? What could they be doing to help organise the wedding? This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - wedding help 8 WEDDING HELP This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... This person is ... I think this because ... They are helping by ... W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - wedding help 9 DEBATE TOPICS 1.Read through the statements and decide if you agree or disagree. Discuss your ideas with a partner. 2.Select the topic that you feel most passionate about and write a persuasive essay on the topic. AGREE DISAGREE The wedding industry consumes too much money. All weddings should be banned. ❑ ❑ Weddings are religious affairs and should only happen in places of worship. ❑ ❑ There is too much divorce in Australia. No one should get married. ❑ ❑ People should marry before they have children. ❑ ❑ Too much attention is on the wedding and not enough on the marriage. ❑ ❑ Weddings are about the whole family and everyone should attend the event. ❑ ❑ Arranged marriages are a good tradition. ❑ ❑ Weddings should contain all the traditional elements from the couple’s background. ❑ ❑ Getting married is important and everyone should do it. ❑ ❑ People should know each other for at least five years before they get married. ❑ ❑ Love is the only reason to get married. ❑ ❑ W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - debate topics 10 ORGANISING A WEDDING From the menu below, choose a role and help organise a part of the wedding. YOU ARE AN EVENT ORGANISER Plan a schedule for the day. YOU ARE A TAILOR Phoebe orders clothes that suit her mothers’ personalities. Read the descriptions of Mummy and Mumma and design wedding clothes for them. YOUR JOB IS TO CREATE A WEDDING MOVIE To get organised plan the shots. 1. List events and symbols in a wedding. 2. What long, medium, close-ups would you want to shoot? YOU ARE A WEDDING DJ Create a play list of songs which celebrate love. Think of the different people going to the wedding. What songs might they like to dance to? YOU ARE A CAKE DECORATOR Follow the directions to design the cake. 1. Each tier is a circle shape. 2. Make the cake 5 tiers high. 3. Around the cake sides have tulips and daffodils. 4. Decorate the top of the cakes with stars. 5. On top draw 2 brides. One should be upside down doing yoga. The other should be surfing. YOU ARE A PRINTER Design and write the wedding invitations. W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - organising a wedding 11 YOU ARE A MARRIAGE COUNCILLOR What questions should you ask the couple to assess if they are compatible? Write a list of conversation topics a couple must agree on before they get married. Are there any topics they can agree to disagree on? YOU ARE A WEDDING REPORTER Write a news report of the wedding. What details should you include? Write a list of questions to ask the couple. Get two friends to pretend to be the couple and answer the questions. Use their answers to write your news report. YOU WERE A GUEST AT THE WEDDING Write a recount letter describing the day. You are an expert scrap booker. The couple have got their wedding photos and want captions for their wedding book. Design the pages and write the captions. YOU ARE A CELEBRANT Write your script for the marriage ceremony. Write the wedding speeches. YOU WERE A GUEST AT THE WEDDING Write a thankyou card to Phoebe for the invitation. What special compliment could you give for the special day? YOU ARE A TRAVEL AGENT Research and write a list of suitable honeymoon holidays for the couple that you suggest they take. YOU ARE A JEWELLER How would you design the rings? YOU ARE PHEOBE On Monday Phoebe is going to do show’n’tell. What could she bring to school from the wedding? What could she say about it? What could she not say about the wedding? W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - organising a wedding 12 RAINY DAY The weather forecast that there will be rain. Brainstorm alternatives there could be for the ceremony. W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - rainy day 13 YOUR WEDDING Think, draw and describe your 1. wedding ceremony 2.clothing 3.celebrations 4.partner W W W. C A P T A I N H O N E Y. C O M . A U MummyandMUMMA getMARRIED teacher’s notes - your wedding 14