1975 - the City of Newnan
1975 - the City of Newnan
Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, Monday, January 6,1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Chuck Moates delivering the invocation A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tem T. Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, Director of Community Development George Robinson, City Attorney Charles Goodson and City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting December 19, 1974 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that reading of the minutes of the special meeting December 30, 1974 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED City Manager read a letter from Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission dated December 13, 1974, regarding application of Charlie Lail, et al. This letter stated that the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission voted to approve the application to rezone property on Roscoe Road from Rl to R1S. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the recommendation of the Planning Commission'be approved, and the ordinance amending the zoning map reflecting this change be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of December, 1974 be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin stated that the City had ended the fiscal year in the black for the fifth consecutive year. this. City Manager thanked the department heads for their assistance in accomplishing City Manager stated that the City has about $95,000, 75% of which will be transferred into the Capital Equipment Fund. City Manager stated that without this surplus, the City would not have had any funds for Capital Improvements. Mr. Craft said he would like to congratulate Mr. Bolin and city department heads on the fine .: job they had done in the past year. Mayor Norman said he would like to thank the employees of the City, members of the Council and Mr. Bolin for the outstanding job they had done. Mayor Norman stated he would also like to thank the news media and the Ministerial Association for participating in these meetings. Meeting was adjourned sine die. CITY CLERK~,&..ok. C2.- k:= _ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, Monday, January 6, 1975 in the Council Chambers of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman recalled the meeting to order. Mayor Joe Norman administered the oath of office to the two re-elected Aldermen, Mr. Ed Craft 305 and Mr. Alvin Johnston. Mayor Norman requested the Council re-elect Ed Craft as Mayor Pro Tern. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that Ed Craft be re-e1ected as Mayor Pro Tern. i II I, MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin recommended all department heads be reappointed for the year 1975. Motion I i Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that all department heads be reappointed. I MOTION CARRIED , , Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Charles Goodson be reappointed as City Attorney.11 MOTION CARRIED II City Manager Bolin recommended Nathan Knight be reappointed as Judge of Recorders Court. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft thatM:~:::nc:::~:: be reappointed as Judge of City Recorders Court. I I, Ii City Manager Bolin read a letter from Mr. James Mann, Executive Director, Newnan Housing Authorit1r The letter requested Miss Mary Freeman be reappointed as a commissioner of the Housing Authority. III Mayor Norman said this was an appointment by the Mayor, and he would like concurrence to reappoint Miss Mary Freeman. Every member of the Council was in favor of this appointment. Miss Mary Freeman was reappointed to the Housing Authority for a term of 5 years, term to expire January 1, 1980. City Manager Bolin read a memorandum from the City Clerk. This requested authority to charge off tax on property of Dora Burroughs Estate, et a1, 1973 tax in the amount of $10.07, since this property was purchased by the Urban Renewal Department through condemnation proceedings in 1973. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that City Clerk be allowed to charge off this account. MOTION CARRIED City Manager read an ordinance adopting the City's annual budget for 1975. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that this ordinance be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented a resolution regarding the Urban Renewal Department. City Manager stated it would be necessary to pass this resolution in order for the City, which comes under the hold harmless clause, to receive or expend these funds. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED George Robinson, Director of Community Development, presented a list of people who would be willing to serve on the Citizens Committee for Community Development Program. These were: Marshall Arnold, Inman Beadles, Leno B1andenburg, John L. Byrd, Herby Lee Hall, Elwood Moss, Minnie Robinson, Josephine Rush, David G. Helton, Edward L. Norton, A1 Robertson, William R. Miller, Shirley Cooley, James Beavers, Gandy Glover, Bob Campbell and Claude Jones. Mr. Robinson requested these people be appointed to serve on this committee, as well as the people who are now members of the Citizens Advisory Committee. Mr. Robinson stated this Committee would serve for 1 month only. During this month there will be 4 public hearings. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that the above listed people be appointed to the Citizens Advisory Committee, which committee is to serve also as the Citizens Committee for Com- III, II :106 munity Development. Program for 1 month. MOTION CARRIED Resolution was presented amending the Urban Renewal Agreement. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Application was presented for pouring beer/wine license from Mr. Henry L. Gilbert, Robert and Alf's, 276 Greenville Street. City Manager Bolin read a letter from Police Chief Helton stating that he had no objection to the issuance of this license, since he had checked on Mr. Gilbert. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this request be approved. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. CLERK::Hl~ ~ ~ 307 ~EW.NAN.~. GEQRGIA •.J.ANUARY2Q. J9ZS. Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, held on Monday, January 20, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Mr. Richard Bolin delivering the invocationl A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, I Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Fire Chief O. C. Williams, and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of January 6, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. I I MOTION CARRI ED !I Mrs. Sue Roberts, Treasurer of the Newcomers Club of Newnan, appeared before the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to explain the purpose of this club. II II Mrs. Roberts advised that an annual fee of $3.00 was paid into the treasury by each member, and that no merchants were approached for any type of donations or advertising fee; and that each member in good standing could contact any newcomer just to acquaint the newcomer with information and assist in any way in welcoming the newcomer to Newnan and Coweta County. The Club also plans to have some type of fund raising project and to use the revenue from this project to make donations to the Open Door School and other charitable organizations, just as other civic clubs do. Mayor Norman advised that since no service or advertisement was solicited or provided for any merchant that the City could not require a business license for the Newcomers Club, and all other Aldermen concurred with his opinion. Alderwoman Slaton advised that she thought the work performed by the Club was commendable and a great asset to the City and County. Mayor Norman requested that each Alderman and Alderwoman express their feelings about the Local Option Sales Tax Bill pending in the Legislature. The Mayor and members of the Board were unanimously in favor of this bill since it would provide for a reduction in ad valorem tax. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that Mr. Bolin be authorized to prepare a resolution approving the local sales tax bill and opposing the Local Option Income Tax Bill and mail copies to the Representatives and Senators. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that Zoning Ordinance be amended from twelve months waiting period to six months, for filing applications a second time. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that the Zoning Ordinance amending Article X, Section 10-1, be adopted as amended above. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the ordinance regarding Article X of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with fees for applicants for zoning changes be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the resolution authorizing the filing of an amendatory· application for loan and grant for Project No. Ga. R-117 be adopted. MOTION CARRIED I I I. [I i i i I I I. 308 City Manager Bolin read a letter from Gold Kist, Inc. requesting that a new road, beginning at the intersection of Corinth Road and Highway 29S and extending to a dead end at a fence at Gold Kist, be constructed by the City. After some discussion Mayor Norman recommended that Mr. Bolin be authorized to study the cost for the construction of this road. Alderman Craft advised that he had been requested to check the visibility of the VC Street railroad crossing and had found that it was very bad. City Manager Bolin was instructed to con- tact the Southern Railway System reagrding this problem. On motion council adjourned. · . 309 ...... .. NEWN.I\N,GEORGlA.EEBRUARY.5, 19]5. Informal meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Wednesday, February 5, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were: Mayor Norman, Alderwoman III I' il Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City I Manager's secretary Frances Barnett, Mr. J. T. Haynes, Mr. Carl Miller, Attorney Litt Glover, Jr., I I and Mr. Alexander Simon. Mayor Norman explained that this meeting had been called when he received an invitation from the Water & Light Commission to discuss the water supply system. I II Mr. J. T. Haynes said he understood this meeting was not for publication since they would Ii I only be discussing possibilities, not deciding on any issue. Mr. Haynes said they had rather not I I advertise this to the public at the present time. tion as follows: Mr. Haynes gave a brief history of the situa- About a year ago back in November a contract was signed with the City of Newnan, Water & Light Commission and Long Acre Development Co., that called for raw water intake at Flat Sholes, building a water treatment plant and laying 36" line into White Oak Creek pumping station. Mr. Haynes said this was the first phase of the 12 million gallon plant. i II II 'I Ii Mr. Haynes said the Water & Light Commission was to supply treated water to Alvaton, Gay, Sharpsburg and other II communities along the way. II II Mr. Haynes said that due to inflation the original estimate of 12 Ii million dollars had increased to 18 million dollars, and this was out of the question. Mr. Haynes said the proposal of 3D" water line from Flint River into the plant would enlarge it to 7~ million gallons, and laying another line to Shenandoah would furnish 3 million gallons until this new could be built. Mr. Haynes said that they did not go along with this proposal. Mr. Haynes said Mr. Carl Miller had an alternate plan, and Mr. Haynes called on Mr. Miller to explain this plan. Mr. Miller said the real problem occured during the summer when it came time to validate the bonds and updating the engineering report was required. At that time it was found that the price was up to 18 million dollars. Mr. Miller said that was when alternate ideas were studied. Mr. Miller said that the first time the Commission had a chance to meet was Monday of this week. Mr. Miller said that in the beginning they would have had a 12 million gallon plant, and 36" water line. Newnan was to receive 8 million gallons of water and Shenandoah 4 million. Mr. Miller said he felt that by reducing the plant from 12 million to 6 million gallons, it could be built. Mr. Miller said that Shenandoah would receive 4 million gallons and Newnan 2 million gallons. Mr. Miller said the engineers are studying this, but it will entail some indepth study. Mr. Miller said that the Commission did not feel that it had an alternate idea that was acceptable to them, and they thought this could be one idea that could be worked out. Mr. Miller said they have finished the 20" line out Bullsboro, but they have not put any water in it. Mr. Litt Glover, Jr. spoke concerning the matter. said the project would be able to pay for itself. Mr. Glover said that John Weiterman first Then later on in taking a look, it had gone from 12 million dollars to 18 million dollars--an increase by 50%. Since the economy had gone down, and sales had ground to a halt, it was decided to take another look at it. It was thought that it might take a long time to take in the income they had projected at that time. Mr. Glover ,II I 310 said that even as late as December, however, they still went ahead with the original bond agreement. Mr. Glover said they drew up a draft and met with Bob Lee and the Bond Attorney and completed the draft in November. Mr. Glover said that during December they had to get the bonds validated and this required an indepth studY. Mr. Glover said that John Weiterman came up with a plan which was considered by the Commission on Monday morning, and also Carl came up with an alternate idea. Glover said it has taken two years since the original agreement was entered into. that the original bonds were termed 1973 bonds, now they will be 1975 bonds. required a change in funding of only 90 days in advance instead of 1 year. Mr. Mr. Glover said Mr. Glover said HUD Mr. Glover said his understanding from Carl's proposal was it would be postponing a portion of the treatment plant at Flint River. The rest would be the same. The bonds would be issued. an engineer should study and see if it is feasible. project will pay for itself. Mr. Glover said they felt Mr. Glover said HUD will not pay unless the Mr. Glover said the present legal status was that they have a binding document and all steps have been completed to this date. Mayor Norman asked if the original plans had changed, or would Turin and other communities still be able to hook on, or would it be raw water. Mr. Glover said if it is economically feasible, the people would be provided with water. Mr. Simon spoke concerning Shenandoah's position, and handed out a letter which summarized this. Copy attached. Meeting adjourned. CLER~~~ . February 5, 1975 ". Mayor and Board of Aldermen, City of Newnan commissioners, Newnan Water, Sewerage &light Commission Newnan. Georgia 30263 Gentlemen &Ms. Inez Slaton: The November, 1973 Agreement between the City of Newnan, the Commission and Shenandoah is one of the most important agreements any of these parties will ever execute because of the benefits provided for residents of Newnan, Shenandoah, the Coweta County area, and the small towns along the route of the waterline from the Flint River. The Commission had for years been concerned about the inadequacy of its present water supply. SheDandoah was not pleased with the different sources of water available to it. Coweta County and the small towns along the. proposed water line route from the Flint River have for years been plagued by a shortage of water. Thus the importance of the Agreemen~ for a joint water supply system. Shenandoah confirms its commitment to the joint water system and the attainment of the benefits which will flow from this system. Since the Agreement was executed" inflation and the state of the national economy, and the effect of both of these upon the real estate industry, have forced Shenandoah to revise some of its schedules for construction in Shenandoah . and, thus, necessarily revise. the projected rate of growth for Shenandoah. As a consequence of these factors, over which we had absolutely no control, we have been forced to seek re~isions. in the Engineering Report which is a part of the joint water system Agreement. The changes required 1n tile Engineering Report are almost entirely changes in the staging and scheduling of construction of the joint system. The ultimate result remains substantially unchanged and the benefits to the residents of Newnan, Shenandoah, Coweta County and the towns along the water line route from the Flint River will still be realized. Because of the tremendous importance of this matter and the vital time frame within which we are working we wish to outline briefly some of the factors which led to the necessity of changes in the Engineering Report • . When the conclusion was reached that the Flint River joint undertaking provided the best solution for the water problems of the areas to be benefited, detail studies had to be prepared to show that the system was financially feasible. This is why the Engineering Report contains detailed projections on cost of construction, cost of operation, and. projected revenues. It had to be shown that the bonds, to be purchased by Shenandoah, could be retired from revenues realized from the joint water system •. As most' of you know, the Newnan bonds are to be purchased by Shenandoah from revenues obtained from the sale of bonds by Shenandoah which are guaranteed by the United States Government. In order to obtain approval of the joint water system as a part of the Shenandoah undertaking, it was necessary to prove the overall economic and financial feasibility of the entire development, including the water system. We were required to file financial cash flows projected on a year-to-year basis. These cash flows showed year-by-year the cost of various types of construction, including the water system, and projected revenues. All of this was done. National economic conditions, and the effect of these conditions on real estate development, resulted in the necessity of revising schedules of construction as described above. These changes in the rate of growth vitally affect the. schedule of projected revenue receipts from land sales by Shenandoah. Thus, sound financial policy has made it essential that Shenandoah reduce and/or postpone expenditures wherever possible in order to preserve the funds which will be required to go forward with the development just as soon as changes in the economy make this desirable. Shenandoah is funded as a long-range development and is a strong one. It is able to "carry" even a development as large as this one for a considerable period of time. However the development and the joint water system would be jeopardized if careful attention were not given to all expenditures and the schedule of construction during this bleak economic period. The thing which would jeopardize the Shenandoah Development and the joint water agreement would be the reckless spending of money ahead of requirements. It is solely for the above reasons that we need to change the staging and schedule of construction of the joint water system. When the Agreement was executed the state of the economy was such that we even thought we might want to accelerate the construction of the joint system. Certainly we did not, nor did anyone else, anticipate the disastrous effect which the down trend in the economy would have upon the real estate industry. The Shenandoah commitment to the joint water system is clearly demonstrated 'by the fact that it is willing to go forward immediately with the expenditure of millions of dollars to begin construction of the system. As a matter of fact we have already expended several hundred thousand dollars in the planning of the system. Shenandoah is assuming all of the risks in this undertaking. The expenditures which it has already made and the tremendous sums which it is ready to provide now will inure solely to the benefit of Newnan if Shenandoah should experience difficulties. Because 'of the tremendous future benefits to the residents of Newnan, Shenandoah, Coweta County and the small towns along the intended route of th~ waterline it is imperative that all parties sit down and undertake to determine in good faith how these benefits may still be realized. we are confident that this can be done and we stand ready to go forward promptly. The changed conditions were not of our making and were not ones of whicb we had any control. The achievement of our original objectives now depends upon all parties' willingness and ability to adjust'to these changed conditions. We ask for your cooperation in making the necessary adjustments. The ultimate benefits are still available and all of us have the obligation to do everything we can to see that they are obtained. We look forward to working with you to that end. • Yours very truly, Shenandoah Development, Inc. By TA"-le-x-a-n-;d-e-r-A ....--"S"'"im-o-n-,-'J-r-.- - - - - Director of Operations 311 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 10, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, Mond~y February 10,1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. I Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. John Lerhinan delivering the invocation' Roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Director of Community Development G. David Robinson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, City Engineer Charles Hanavich, Police Chief Jerry Helton, Fire Chief O. C. Williams and Sanitation Superintendent Donald Spradlin. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting I il II Ii II II Ii I,I Ii MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that reading of the minutes of the informal meeting held on February 5, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. II II ,I Ii II I, MOTION CARRIED Assistant Scout Master Harold Lawrence asked the Ii I' I,I 'I members of the troop to introduce themselves. Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., representing himself, said he had entered into a contract to purchase the land at West Broad Street/Brown Street. Mr. Glover said that the land between the sidewalk and the building could be used for parking. Mr. Glover said there was some misunderstanding as to whether or not this was street right-of-way. been a right-of-way deed granted to the City. I II held on January 20, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. Mayor Norman welcomed Boy Scout Troop 96. I Mr. Glover said he did not believe there had Mr. Glover requested the City execute the proper legal document granting him authority to use this space for parking purposes. Mr. Glover said he i ,I " Ii II II Ii I' was not going to block the sidewalk. II Mayor Norman asked Mr. Glover if he would bear the expenses to make such changes. :1 II Mr. Glover said yes, he was willing to do so. "ii City Attorney Goodson stated that if the City did own the right-of-way, it would have to be either advertised and sold in front of the Courthouse or a quit claim deed executed. II II Mr. Goodson said he needed to check the title before any decision was made. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Glover and Mr. Goodson get together and come up with a solution, either quit claim deed or disposition by auction and submit this to the Mayor for his signature. MOTION CARRI ED City Manager Bolin read a letter from Mrs. Blanche Kennedy, 97 Berry Avenue Extension, requesting that "NO PARKING" and "NO TRUCK" signs be erected along the street and also that the street be repaired. Mayor Norman requested Chief Helton to check into this and see if all houses have driveways II I"! ,I "I! i "II Ii II II II il I,'I il IIn IiI " II " and make a recommendation at the next meeting, since the street is dangerous and something needs IiI, to be done as soon as possible. II Ii II I Ii :1 [I " ,! " 1 312 City Manager Bolin read a letter from G. David Robinson and Robin Miller. stating the recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee for expenditure of Community Development Funds for the year 1975. Mayor Norman asked if the priorities were listed in order of preference. Mr. Robinson said yes. they first wanted to consider neighborhood recreation and housing second. Mayor Norman stated that the discussion of expenditures of funds for Community Development would be postponed until the next Council Meeting. February 24. 1975. Mr. Craft requested he be furnished a list of all City-owned property before the next Council Meeting. Mr. Bolin stated this would be done as soon as the City Clerk returned from the University of Georgi a. Mrs. Slaton asked if it was possible to set aside any of these funds for maintenance. Mr. Robinson said it does allow to put money into this. but the program is so uncertain after 3 to 5 years. Mr. Johnston stated that since the Old Junior High School is owned jointly by the City and County would the money remain idle for a number of years before it would be used. Mr. Robinson said that these agencies listed in the attached letter are anxious to come into thi s. Mr. Robinson stated that these funds could also be used to match Federal grants but there was still some question as to what exact facilities these funds can be used for. City Manager Bolin read a letter from Coweta County Civil Defense Council Chairman. George T. Allen. This letter requested that the City pay $240.00 for the telephone extension off the Police telephone #253-1221. in the EOC. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this request be approved and the funds be taken from the Contingency Fund. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated he had received a letter from Coweta County Civil Defense. which requested that the city advise them of its plans for use of the generator CD had given to the Police Department. Mayor Norman requested City Manager to check and see if the generator could be installed in the building and if not turn it back over to Civil Defense. City Manager Bolin read a letter from Mr. James Mann. Executive Director. Housing Authority. This letter stated that the City was negligent in keeping the streets clean in the projects. Also included was a letter from HUD requesting Mr. Mann to make every effort to contact the City again in order to correct this problem. City Manager stated that the weather has been extremely bad this winter. and it is impossible to sweep when it rains. Sanitation Supt. Donald Spradlin was present to discuss the problem. Mr. Spradlin stated that he and Mr. Bolin had driven over a good portion of the city streets. and the streets in the project area were in about the same condition as other streets. Gate and asked them if the service had been satisfactory. Mr. Spradlin said he had checked with East Mr. Spradlin said they had no complaints. I Mr. Spradlin stated that the sweeper generally sweeps each street one time per week. unless the sweepe II breaks down. Mr. Spradlin said that some time ago it was agreed the cars on Hannah Street would be I I 313 " moved each Thursday so the street could be swept since the street is so narrow. this lasted about 3 weeks. Mr. Spradlin said Mr. Spradlin stated that Hannah Street accumulates more trash than other neighborhoods in town, and they should work on the cause rather than the cure. Mr. Spradlin said r II I, I' that a large part of the trash is found on the sidewalk and in the yards. II , Mayor Norman said he would like Mr. Spradlin to select a day to sweep the street and advise Mr. Mann so that the cars can be moved. Mayor Norman said that a letter should be written pointing 1 I out the conditions found in this area, such as the sidewalks and yards; and that the City will do I i its best in maintaining the area. II II Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for January, 1975 be approved. II il MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated that expenditures for January, 1975 were more than January 1974, and revenues were less for 1975 than 1974. business licenses. City Manager stated that the revenues are lacking, especially in City Manager said that if the 25% penalty was put back into effect, the license fees would come in earlier. II City Manager stated the City will be operating very closely until tax il " II II II I time. "11 Mayor Norman stated he had heard nothing on the LaGrange Street Bridge. City Manager read the Balance Sheet of the 1974 Audit Report. City's Annual Report will be published on February 20. II City Manager stated that the City Manager stated the financial condition is not as good as in 1973, but it is only within $20,000 of being as well off as in 1973. II ii "'I I' I,I Ii [I Mayor Norman asked what was the balance of the C. J. Smith Park Fund. [I City Manager stated he did not know since it is operated by a separate Board of Trustees and has never been audited. II !I H Mayor Norman asked City Manager to check and find out if there is a balance and report at the II II next meeting. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the 1974 Audit Report be accepted. II II" II MOTION CARR IED i I, Bid results were presented at this time. City Manager recommended bid for 2 Police cars be awarded to the low bidder, Weddington Chevrolet, at a bid of $7,708.98. bid includes trade-in of 2 1973 Plymouths. II Ii City Manager stated this Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that this bid II I, !I III. [I be accepted. II i'I MOTION CARRIED City Manager recommended accepting bid from Weddington Chevrolet for the 1974 Luv pickup truck II at a low bid of $2,885.00, and accepting bid from Newnan Motor Company for 1 Courier 74 mode} truck ,I II at a bid of $2,982.00 Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that these bids be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager recommended accepting bid from Newnan Motor Company for the truck cab & chassis, i: Ii II Ii II11 " l' " at a low bid of $6,743.00. City Manager said this includes trade-in of our #11 truck. Moti on Mr. abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that low bid be accepted. "Ii 'I II 'I, ,I ! " MOTION CARRI ED City Manager recommended accepting bid from Service Systems for a Load Master garbage body, at a low bid of $9,245. City Manager said we will have the truck delivered to Culpepper, Virginia il I' I,'I [! II II 314 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 10, 1975 ~~""""-~-"~~~~~~~~~~~~ for mountin9. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager recommended accepting low bid on office printing supplies. City Manager said a portion of the bid would be awarded to Helms Printing Company, and other items to Thomasson. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the low bid on each item be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the resolution expressing sympathy at the loss of Assistant Police Chief, Theo D. Austin, Jr., be adopted. MOTION CARRiED City Manager Bolin requested permission to expend funds in the amount of $5,770 for aerial photography and base maps. City Manager read a memorandum he had written concerning this. Manager also presented a memorandum from City Engineer, Charles Hanavich. on Mr. Hanavich to explain. City City Manager then called Mr. Hanavich explained the purpose and the type maps that would be included in this. Mr. Hanavich said this was a very reasonable figure for the amount of work that would be included. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this money be allocated for this project. Vote 3-1, Johnston opposed. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented a memorandum from the City Clerk stating that County had advised her of an error in the assessment of the property of Mrs. Ann Dykes, in the amount of $11,105. City Clerk requested permission to adjust Mrs. Dykes 1974 tax bill to the correct amount. Amount of adjustment is $122.16. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request be approved. MaTI ON CARR IED Request for beer/wine license was presented from Grady Stancel, Southside produce, located at 282 Greenville Street Ext. Chief Helton said he had checked this out, and had no objection to the issuance of this license. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this application be I' I approved. MOTION CARRIED I Mayor Norman stated that about a month ago, he had tried to bring the members of the Council up-to-date on the Drug Squad. Mayor Norman said the city is receiving a grant for two people. city has already hired one, and he is working directly under Chief Helton. will be some additional cost to the city. The Mayor Norman said there Chief Helton explained that the School Board will furnish the equipment and an office, but the city will need money to provide workman's compensation, insurance, etc. Chief Helton said he will have one man retiring in April. Chief Helton said the men hired will be working only with drug cases. Mrs. Slaton asked if our drug man will be working with the county. Chief Helton said the man hired by the County will be working on all types of cases, and not specifically drugs. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Chief Helton be authorized to use some funds budgeted for his department for the purpose explained above. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. ~ CLERt:11\~ ~ ~_ _ I MAYOR:~.'--« ... I 315 =~:::::N:::::EW:::,:::NAN, GEORGIA,_ FEBRUAR'C24. 197~~ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, Monday, c _ r I February 24, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. J. E. Cammon delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Director of Community Development David Robinson, City i Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry Helton. I Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting February 10, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. II II 'I MOTION CARRIED I Mrs. Litt Glover, Jr., representing the Driftwood Garden Club, presented an ordinance designating Newnan as a bird sanctuary. City Manager Bolin read this ordinance. City Manager Bolin recom-/ mended the clause dealing with violation provisions be changed to read"Anyone violating the provisions of this Ordinance shall be punishable by a fine in accordance with Section 1-11 of the Code of Ordinances". City Attorney Goodson concurred with this recommendation. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this ordinance be adopted with the revision stated above. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Mullins appeared before the Council requesting the City lower the license fees for family amusement centers. She stated her place of business would serve no alcoholic beverages and would be open to all ages. Mr. Craft pointed out to Mrs. Mullins that no one under the age of 18 may enter a pool room. Mayor Norman stated that he was not in favor of changing the ordinance on playing pool. Mr. Craft asked City Attorney Goodson if there was any way to tie coin-operated pool tables with amusement centers and a lower age limit. City Attorney Goodson said this would be a narrow distinction. Mr. Bolin stated that the billiard tables at Robert &Alfs are coin-operated. Mrs. Slaton asked Chief Helton for his opinion. Chief Helton said he was not in favor of changing the ordinance because young people should not be in the pool rooms around town, however, he had no objection to family amusement centers. Mrs. Slaton asked City Attorney if it would be possible to distinguish between the different operations and permit only family amusement centers to have this license. City Attorney stated it would be hard to distinguish this type from coin-operated and other types. City Attorney stated he will check and see if there is some solution to reduce the age II II Ii II " Ii limit and rates. Ii Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that City Attorney study this and make a recommendation II Ii on allowing 18 year-olds and under in amusement centers. " 11 MOTION CARRIED II'I Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the matter of license fees for amusement machines III be tabled until the report from City Attorney regarding age is presented. - MOTION CARRIED I ;1 il I' I 316 NEWNA~,_GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 24,1975 Mrs. Mullins stated that there are many places where these amusement centers are operated: The Gold Mine at Cumberland Mall, Back Street Boogie at North East Plaza, Back Street Boogie at Paces Ferry Road off I-85, Arrowhead at Jonesboro, Red Oak Amusement at Red Oak, The Name of the Game at Covington, and one located at Kennesaw. Mayor Norman asked Mrs. Mullins if a person may win free games? Mrs. Mullins said, yes, some of the games are this way, but most of the games are not. Mayor Norman asked Attorney Goodson if this was a form of gambling? City Attorney said he would check on this. City Manager Bolin read a letter from Mr. Bobby Williams, dated February 18, 1975. This letter requested the City to sponsor boys and girls again this year to a week at Camp Safety Patrol at $20.00 for each camper. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the City sponsor 10 boys and girls at $20.00 each to·a week of Camp Safety Patrol. MOTION CARRIED A letter from Mr. George T. Allen, Chairman, Coweta County Civil Defense, was presented. This letter dated February 17, 1975 explained the use of the Civil Defense aircraft. Mayor Norman said he did not agree with part of this letter which states "The Civil Defense Council got this aircraft through the Federal Excess Property Program at the request of the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners and the Mayor of Newnan." Mayor Norman stated that at no time was this ever presented to this Council that we authorize them to purchase this aircraft. Mayor Norman said he wanted to make sure, so he talked to Mr. Kirby, and Mr. Kirby also agreed that he did not remember this being brought up. Mr. Mottola requested the City to accept the right-of-way to Bilbo Drive, property of Mrs. Ophelia Phillips and Nancy S. Phillips. Mr. Mottola said he was representing Southern Bell, and the reason they wanted the City to accept this right-of-way was to make sure that Southern Bell has access to this right-of-way. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City adopt the resolution authorizing Mr. Mottola to get this deed recorded in the City of Newnan's name. MOTION CARRIED A letter dated February 20, 1975 from Mrs. Eloise Thompson and other residents of McIntosh Street was presented. This letter requested that Price Street be paved, since it is frequently used by these residents, although their houses do not face this street. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that this street be paved this spring. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin presented a letter from Mr. William H. Murphy, Chairman, Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission, dated February 14, 1975. This letter stated that the Commission voted 6 to 3 to deny the change in definition of "home occupation", as requested by George Robinson, City Planner. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 317 ~EWNM,GEQRGIA, FEBRUI\RXg~, 1975 Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that City Planner Robinson and City Attorney Goodson get together and define "home occupation". MOTION CARRIED Letter from Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission, dated February 13, 1975 was presented. This letter stated that the Commission voted to deny the application of George N. Wilson, 87 Berry Avenue, as the property is not contiguous to any other property zoned C2. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be approved. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated he had received a letter from the Georgia Municipal Association regarding Local Option Sales Tax, House Bill No. 150. This letter requested support of this House Bill on Wednesday, February 26, 1975. The purpose of this bill was explained as follows: This would allow counties to have a referendum on whether or not they would have additional sales tax. If the county failed to call for a referendum, then the cities could call for a referendum. If this passed, the local option sales tax collected would be applied to property tax relief. Since this would shift part of the property tax burden to another revenue source that is responsive to the economy, it would be the best option to bring about meaningful property tax relief. Bid results for office supplies were presented at this time. accepting the low bid on each item. City Manager recommended Mrs. Slaton suggested that those supplies which were quoted the same be awarded to the local bidder. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the low bid be accepted on each item, and those items which were quoted the same be awarded to the local bidder. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin read a list of possible projects for Community Development Funds. Mayor Norman said this list would be studied by the Council, and would be decided upon at the next regular meeting. City Manager Bolin presented a second amendment to the Bond Purchase and Joint Use Agreement as prepared by J. Littleton Glover, Jr., Attorney for the Newnan Water and Light Commission. Ii I City Manager Bolin said Mr. Glover told him this would just be bringing everything up-to-date. II Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this resolution be adopted amending the Bond II II Purchase and Joint Use Agreement. II d Ii MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin presented a resolution modifying the Urban Renewal Plan. II City Manager i' stated this would change the West Side Urban Renewal Plan by taking better land, which would have Ii Ii been used for a park, and using this for housing. II area. Everything else would stay the same. The park area will be moved to a less desirable This change is necessary because at first, a mobile home park for the elderly was planned, but now is no longer needed, due to relocation allowance II II 'I was increased to $15,000 instead of $5,000 as planned, and most were able to purchase standard housing. ,II' Ii III! II,I II II ( , Mr. Russell Shreeve, Consulting Engineer, stated this modification would cut back and save the City $160,000 if this plan was carried out. same. The street structure would remain essentially the The total number of lots would be basically the same. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution modifying the Urban Renewal Plan for Ga. R-117 be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Police Chief Helton recommended "No Parking" on both sides of Berry Avenue Extension to be put in effect, but to continue to allow trucks through the area. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that Chief Helton's recommendation be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented a letter from Gold Kist, Inc. which stated that they would be willing to furnish the cost for the black topping of the proposed road from U. S. 29 to Gold Kist, Inc. City Manager recommended this matter be referred to Coweta County. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that this matter be referred to Coweta County. MOTION CARRIED City Attorney reported that he found no right-of-way deed to the City in regard to the property where Skinner Furniture is located, however, he did find in an 1828 map, and also in another map that there was an 80' right-of-way. City Attorney recommended authorizing Mayor and City Clerk to execute a quit claim deed to this right-of-way. All members of the Council voted in favor of this resolution. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Craft stated he had checked the situation at Posey/Jefferson Street intersection and had concluded that the traffic signal which is to be erected in the near future, will only make things more dangerous. Mr. Craft said that Bullsboro/Greison Trail is in much greater need of a traffic signal. Mayor Norman advised that the State Department of Transportation is now making a study of the intersection at Bullsboro/Greison Trail, and a traffic signal will have to meet with their approval. Mayor Norman stated that this will be a more complicated traffic signal than the one purchased for Posey/Jefferson intersection. Mayor Norman instructed'Mr. Bolin to contact the Statepepartment,of~ransportation and find out the status of this survey. Mr. Craft stated that initially it was his request to install the light at Jefferson/Posey, but he would like to wait and see what we hear on Greison Trail/Bulldboro intersection. Mr. Bolin stated that the traffic signal for Jefferson/Posey was ordered on September 27, 1974, and it was supposed to take 14 weeks. Mr. Bolin stated that after 16 weeks, he called, and they said they had everything except the controller and they would call when it came in. Mrs. Slaton asked if anything had been decided about the sight clearance at Roscoe Road. Mayor Norman said he felt the only way this could be corrected was with a traffic signal. City Attorney stated a resolution was prepared onll/ll/74 and mailed to the State Department of Transportation concerning Roscoe Road. Mayor Norman requested City Manager to write the State Department of Transportation and ask them 319 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, FEBRUARY 24, 1975 ~~=::::: ~------~~~ -- "":- .. __ -,._---~-----" -- ---- -- ._~ ... _.~----~ .. _- -- - to look favorably on this resolution. i_ Meeting adjourned. ",YO" ~? E" I I !, II ; L _ II Ii I II II i I · ~tE_~{NAN .. GEORGIA, . March lQ.. 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, Monday, March 10, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Jack Snell delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Oirector of Community Development David Robinson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting February 24, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRI ED Mr. Willie P. Mitchell, representing the SCLC and NAACP Chapter, appeared before the Council to discuss Community Development. problems--one being housing. Mr. Mitchell stated he was present to discuss some community Mr. Mitchell said there are people who own their homes, but have no money to upgrade their homes. Mr. Mitchell stated a grant would enable these people to upgrade their houses and would help beautify the community. Mr. Mitchell stated that since we have an economic problem this could also help create jobs for people out of work, such as carpenters and contractors. Mr. Mitchell said there are other things such as recreation and bad streets that need to be fixed. Mr. Mitchell asked that his requests be considered before any final decisions are made in regard to expenditure of Community Development Funds. Mayor Norman stated that the Council felt they were not in a position at this time to determine who was in need and who was not in need of home loans. made, and this is planned for next year's grant. Mayor Norman said a study will have to be Mayor Norman said they felt they should not go into anyone area without talking to the people first. Mr. Don McCarty stated he was concerned with the problem on North Avenue. Mr. McCarty stated he would like this area to be placed on the priority list, since there is a great problem with flooding and erosion. Mr. Nicky Soles stated he also owned property on North Avenue, and he would like to see this project placed on the priority list for Community Development Funds. Mr. Soles stated the pavement is beginning to crack because of flooding. Mr. Soles said he felt this was a hazard. Mr. Johnston asked Mr. Bolin if he could give an estimate on repairing this street. Mr. Bolin stated the cost would be approximately $43,000, which would include widening the street, curb, gutter and a sidewalk. Mrs. Norma Haynes, Co-Chairman of the Citizens Advisory Committee, stated she felt they had wasted 5 weeks coming and discussing priorities for Community Development Funds. Mrs. Haynes said she thought any paving, gutter or sidewalk must be over and above what the City normally does. Mrs. Haynes said her Committee felt that supervised recreation and recreation would reach the most people. Mrs. Haynes said they wanted the recreation at Wesley Street Gum improved, Pickett Field lighted, swimming pool repaired, and skating rink rebuilt. Mrs. Haynes asked why the YMCA on I II I 321 =:':::==:':~~~~===::': =_'=__==='===-='::::: Hospital Road could not be included in the funding. NEWN1\N, GEORGIA, MARCH 10, 1975 Mrs. Haynes said the Council had not considered anything the people of the Citizens Advisory Committee had voted on. Mayor Norman stated that the first item discussed was Wesley Street Gym. Mayor Norman said there is a major problem there, since every year we have to have a section of pipe removed which is caving in. This is 20 feet deep in some places and is a terrible problem. Mayor Norman said they were trying to correct this problem, but they had rather wait until the problem has been thoroughly studied. Mayor Norman stated they would go into the Pinson Street area and purchase land and put a park area there. Mayor Norman stated the YMCA on Hospital Road was owned by the County, and it was determined that we would not spend money on this. Mayor Norman stated that the Babe Ruth League at the present time is making repairs to the C. J. Smith Park. Mayor Norman stated the City contributed a good bit of money to C. J. Smith Park last year. Mayor Norman stated that so far as the flood plain area at 4th Street and Hollis Heights was concerned, he had received numerous calls from residents who wanted no part of that. had been requested for senior citizens. County. Mayor Norman stated the Old Junior High Mayor Norman stated this is owned jointly by the City and Mayor stated he had approached the County for assistance. Mr. Mitchell asked why people on the Citizens Advisory Committee lived in the county rather I ! than the city. Mrs. Haynes asked what relocation and administrative cost involved. Mr. Bolin stated this was for relocating the people on Savannah Street. administrative cost for our personnel. II Ii There will also be II II L Mr. Bolin stated there were 4 or 5 homes on this street, II ,I and they would have to relocate these people. I' " Mayor Norman said that they were trying to spread their funds in all areas, not one particular area. I Mayor Norman stated they have had 2 public meetings and not one person has shown up until II II tonight. !I City Manager Bolin said they took the recommendations of the Citizens Advisory Committee, the City Council, the staff of the City and the people who represented various organizations, in Ii deciding these priorities. I City Manager said the City will receive $365,000 for 3 years, 2/3 this I amount for the 4th year, and 1/3 this amount for the 5th year--or a total of $1,400,000 in the next 5 years. All priorities not on this list will be on the July 1,1975 list. At that time the Citizens Advisory Committee will get back into action and discuss these priorities and others. City Manager read a list of priorities for the fiscal year 1975: 1. Milton Avenue - Acquire right-of-way and extend street across railroad to Greenville Street/Sewell Road intersection (relocate intersection to north) - $56,000 2. Jefferson Street - add curb &gutter and a sidewalk from Bu11sboro Drive to Greison Trail $23,000 ,I II I! II I ,I I, !I'I I, 'I I,I " 3. Ray Park - add two tennis courts and parking area - $20,000 4. Phillips Street - widen, add curb &gutter, from U.S. 29 to Roscoe Road - $15,000 5. 6. 7. Water & Light projects - (a) 1600' of 8" sanitary sewer line from 15" outfall line on West Washington Street, to serve residences on Be1k Road; (b) 300' of 8" sewer line under A.&W.P. Railroad to serve lOW-lying area in Fairmount - $19,000 Berry Avenue - add curb &gutter and storm drainage, from Roberts Road to Greison Trail $30,000 Spence Avenue - widen, add curb & gutter, from Greenville Street to Central of Georgia RR - $9,000 il II i I II !' :1 I,'I II \ 322 8. West Washington Street - add a sidewalk from the RR to the Urban Renewal project boundary $3,500 9. South Street - acquire land in flood plain south of area for park, recreation use; add curb & gutter and storm drainage to street - $42,000 10. Savannah Street - acquire properties, including flood plain, on north side (east of Pinson Street) for recreation area; add curb &gutter, storm drainage, sidewalk from Pinson Street to Mitchell Street - $55,000 11. Melson Street - add curb &gutter and storm drainage, from Spring Street to Rowe Street $20,000 12. Frank Street - acquire right-of-way and build turnaround at end of street, add curb & Gutter and storm drainage - $14,500 Relocation &Administrative Costs - $58,000 Mr. Bolin stated the recommendations from the Citizens Advisory Committee concerning home improvement, was not a grant program, but a loan program. Mr. Bolin said it will be necessary to find out how many people will want to borrow this money. Mr. Mitchell asked how some people on the Citizens Advisory Committee could represent the City when they live in the County. Mayor Norman stated this was an advisory committee, and he could appoint anyone he saw fit to appoint. Mrs. Haynes stated she wanted to thank the Council, and she now better understood how they had reached their decisions regarding the Community Development Funds. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that the above listed priorities for the fiscal year 1975 be approved, but also that North Avenue be added to this list in case all funds are not expended. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Norma Haynes asked if anything has been decided about Phillips Street/Roscoe Road intersection. Mayor Norman stated they had received no response from the State Department of Transportation. Mrs. Haynes stated she would go before Mr. Young Longino and Mr. Tom Moreland and ask them for assistance. Mrs. William Gilmer presented a petition from the residents of Turner Alley. Mrs. Gilmer read the petition. This petition requested the alley be either closed or made one-way. Mayor Norman called on City Attorney Goodson for his opinion. Mr. Goodson stated he would like to hold this until the next meeting so he could thoroughly study the legal ramification of thi s ma tter. Mr. Abraham asked Chief Helton to give his opinion regarding this matter at the next council meeti ng. Mr. Charles Barrett, representing the Newnan-Coweta Babe Ruth League, extended an invitation to each member of the Council to be their guest on March 24, 1975 at 7:00 p.m. at the First Methodist Church. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that Accounts Payable for the month of February, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin stated the financial condition seemed to be about the same as last year, 323 considering the Federal Revenue Funds have not been transferred. Mayor Norman presented a resolution from Perry, Georgia. This resolution was regarding crime in the state, and requested each city join with them against crime. i II Mr. Goodson stated this ordinance supported capital punishment. II Mr. Johnston stated he did not feel he should speak for all the people in Newnan. II Mr. Abraham stated he would like to see this adopted, but he thought the Council should speak I for everyone, not just themselves. This matter was postponed until the next council meeting. Mayor Norman stated he had met with the Coweta County Commissioners, and he had asked them to deed their share of the Old Jr. High to the City, and they made an offer to swap their share for the Merchants' Parking Lot. Mayor Norman stated he had met with LeRoy Johnson on Saturday regarding this. Mayor Norman stated he proposed to trade the County's Barron Building for the City's share of the Old Junior High. !I Ii II II !I,. II ! I I' I Mayor Norman stated Mr. Johnson said he could not speak for I I his board. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City decline the offer from the County I.I Commissioners to trade the Merchants' Parking Lot for their half of the Old Junior High School. MOTION CARRIED II II Mr. Craft stated the Old Jr. High is deteriorating and is becoming an eyesore. Mr. Craft stated he did not feel the City could do anything with the building until an ownership was established. Mayor Norman stated he felt they should ask the County to join the City in repairing the roof and broken windows, because unless this is done, the roof will be down in a couple of years. Mrs. Slaton asked if the Old Jr. High was made into a Civic Center, where would the parking area be. Mayor Norman stated the 2nd and 3rd levels behind the building would be used for parking area. Motion Mayor Norman seconded by Mr. Abraham that a request be made to the County to join with the City and make the necessary repairs to the roof and windows to keep the building from deteriorating. I I I Vote 4-1, Craft opposed. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Johnston stated he hated to see this building torn down, and he would go along with fixing II II ! the roof; but before any other funds were spent, the decision of ownership should be settled. Mayor Norman stated he would attend the next meeting of the County Commissioners and make this I I request. II Mrs. Slaton said that a list of city-owned property should be furnished to the county to see if they would settle for any other property. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that City Clerk be granted authority to charge I' II III I off 1973 tax for Vogue Beauty Shop in the amount of $12.05 due to duplicate billing. MOTION CARRIED City Manager deferred his request to purchase low lead gasoline tank until the next meeting. I I II III !I II I City Attorney Goodson presented a letter he had prepared concerning reduction of age limit in amusement centers. A portion of the letter read as follows: "In my opinion there is no way to distinguish between existing pool rooms or billiard parlors and the proposed amusement parlor. I doubt if any distinction based upon the billiard tables being coin operated would stand a court test. Even if such an ordinance were legal, there would be no way to keep present billiard parlors from installing the coin operated tables. It is my opinion that our ordinance on minors playing billiards under the age of 18 years (Section 14-71, City Code) would apply to the proposed amusement parlor and that it cannot be exempted from our ordinance without also exempting other bi 11 i ard parlors." Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the ordinance regarding age limit in pool rooms remain as is. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Harry Mullins stated he owned several amusement centers, and he was opening one in Newnan. Mr. Mullins asked if a child had written permission from his parents, could he be allowed in the amusement center. City Attorney stated yes, so long as it was notarized and in writing. Mayor Norman presented Mr. Mullins' request for reduction in license fees. Being no motion, the. business license fee will remain as is. Mayor Norman explained that if the fee was lowered, then the City would have to give refunds to those who have paid their license fees, and the City was not in a position to do this. Mr. Mullins asked if this could be brought up again at the time the business licenses are set for next year. Mayor Norman advised Mr. Mullins that he should appear before the Council in November, 1975 for this request. Mr. Griffith asked if children could come in the amusement center without a card. Mr. Mullins explained that there are two separate rooms, one for pool and one for amusement machines. Mr. Goodson advised that since there are two separate rooms, those under 18 years may enter the pinball area, but will not be allowed in the pool room without written permission from his parents, signed by a notary public. be subject to a fine. Meeting adjourned. Mr. Goodson stated if a violation did occur, the owner would 325 -- - -- -- - - - -- .._-- Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen was held on Monday, March 24, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Mr. Richard Bolin delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on March 10, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MaTI ON CARR IED Mr. Pope Jones, 15 Atkinson Street, presented a map of his property and stated he had severe drainage problems. Mr. Jones stated that in a recent storm his basement door was knocked off its hinges by the force of the water, and his basement was 4 feet deep in water. Mr. Jones requested the city either install a pipe or dig the ditch out and keep it clean. Mayor Norman advised Mr. Jones that the policy of the city concerning installation of pipe on a person's property was that the city would install the pipe, but the owner had to pay for the pipe. Mayor Norman advised that the city would see that this ditch is kept clean, and requested Mr. Jones to call anytime the ditch needed cleaning out. Mayor Norman stated he had received a letter from Mr. W. Melvin McKenzie, Executive Director of Community Action for Improvement, Inc., requesting a person be appointed to fill the vacancy. Mayor Norman stated he would like the Council's concurrence on appointing Mr. Billy A. Abraham. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that Mr. Abraham be appointed to the Community Action for Improvement, Inc., Board of Trustees. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Allen Bell, Eleanor Blalock and Sally Bowen be reappointed to the Newnan Carnegie Library Board for 3 year terms (terms to expire March, 1978). MOTION CARRIED The appointment to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission was deferred until the next Council Meeting. City Attorney Goodson stated he had checked on Turner's Alley, and he recommended that since two people living in the area were opposed to closing the alley, that no action be taken to close the alley. Mr. Goodson stated that the alley could be made one-way, however. Police Chief Helton stated that if the street is made one-way, there will be two businesses that are going to have to cross the railroad tracks. Chief Helton requested more time to study the problem. I' il II 'I I Mr. Otis F. Jones, representing himself, stated he was concerned because of his business. II I, Mr. Jones stated the major problem was not with residents, but children speeding up the alley after ,I school each day. Mr. Jones stated it would be inconvenient for it to be made one-way since he would have to cross the railroad tracks with his trucks fully loaded. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded Mr. Abraham that the matter of Turner's Alley be deferred until II II I,I II (, .. - :126 -- ~--~ - -- --- ----- -- - -- ---------------:=.::-==-=::-_=-=- the next council meeting when Chief Helton will present his recommendation. MOTION CARRI ED Mayor Norman stated he had received an ordinance from the City of Griffin which was similar to that of the one received from Perry, regarding crime in the state. City Attorney Goodson stated that the state of Georgia already has the death statute on the books. Alderman Craft stated they were all in favor of reducing crime and enforcing the laws, but this ordinance would not affect things one way or the other. Mr. Johnston stated he had talked to several people about this, and did not wish to vote on this issue, since the death penalty is so controversial. Mrs. Slaton stated she was concerned about crime, but she did not think this ordinance would make any difference. City Manager presented a request to purchase a low-lead gasoline tank. Mr. Bolin stated that all 1975 model cars are required to use no-lead or low-lead, and the only gas tank the city has is high-test. City Manager stated it was the feeling of the Sanitation Superintendent and himself that the city should buy an additional tank for no-lead or low-lead gas. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this item be purchased, using funds from Capital Improvement. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Bolin introduced the new Assistant Chief of Police, Ronnie Williams. City Manager stated that one of the approved priorities for Community Development Funds was to purchase land on Savannah Street. for sale at $6,000. City Manager stated that part of this land (6.355 acres) is City Manager stated he would like to go ahead and purchase this land out of Revenue Sharing Funds, since Community Development Funds will not be available for several months. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the City get an option for 4 to 6 months on this property, and if the city has not received the Community Development money at the end of this time, to purchase it with Revenue Sharing Funds. MOTI ON CARR IED Meeting Adj ourned . CLERK;]y\~ 0- b 327 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan. Georgia was held on I Tuesday. April 1. 1975 at 1:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. II Present were Mayor Norman; Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft; Alderwoman Inez Slaton; Alderman Alvin Johnston; Alderman Billy Abraham; City Manager Richard Bolin; City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett; Mr. J. T. Haynes. Chairman. Newnan Water & Light I II Commission; and Mr. Carl Miller. General Manager of the Newnan Water & Light Commission. Mayor Norman stated the reason he had called this meeting was so that the members of the Council could be brought up-to-date on the Shenandoah water system. because sooner or later a decision would have to be made by this board. Mayor Norman called on Mr. J. T. Haynes. Mr. Haynes stated that last Wednesday there had been a meeting with Shenandoah. Some of the people present at this meeting were Scott Huggins. Mr. Russ. Sandy Simon. Don Prell from Union America Bank. Mayor Norman. members of the Newnan Water &Light Commission and General Manager Mr. Haynes said that at this meeting the Water &Light Commission was told that Carl Miller. Shenandoah project had been re-eva1uated. and the amount of money had been reduced to 3 to 5 million dollars for the water system. (6 or 7 million dollars at the maximum with grants). said they told them they could not build a water plant for that amount of money. Mr. Haynes Mr. Haynes said they would render a decision within two weeks. Mr. Haynes said that was the extent of the latest happening. Mr. Haynes said he had not been contacted by any member of Shenandoah. Mr. Haynes stated that the information given by the press concerning the Shenandoah water system had been correct. Mayor Norman asked if Water &Light Commission had given Shenandoah a counter proposal of a 6 million gallon plant with 3D" water main. Mr. Haynes said this was correct. Mayor Norman asked if Water & Light Commission's position had changed. Mr. Haynes said no. the city needs the raw water. Mr. Miller stated that the original agreement called for a 12 million gallon plant which was to cost 12 million dollars. Later this was updated and found it would cost approximately 18 million dollars. Mr. Miller stated they could not build a plant for 3 or 5 million dollars. Mr. Miller said they have discussed many things including raw water. but no decision has been made. Mayor Norman asked if it had been stated that there was a possibility of receiving 7 million dollars with grants. and could this amount build a raw water plant. Mr. Haynes said yes. this had been stated. take and a 3D" line. Mr. Haynes said this could build a plant for in- Mr. Haynes said he didn't think this would hurt them too bad if they would lay 3D" line into the pumping station with the promise we would furnish them so many million gallons per day. Mr. Haynes said if their demand exceeded this amount. they could build a treatment plant. Mr. Craft asked Mr. Haynes if he had a cost estimate on this. Mr. Haynes said they had not gone back to them with this proposition. II I 328 NEWNAN,~EQRGIA, APRIL 1, 1975 Mr. Miller said what he was basing his estimate on was they had a separate figure estimate for the plant, and judging from this it could be done. Mr. Johnston asked if Shenandoah was interested in just laying a raw water line, and if they did this could they get the water they need from Newnan. Mr. Haynes said if they did that, they would have to have an agreement that Shenandoah would have to build a plant after a maximum so many gallons. Mr. Craft asked did the Union America Bank give any indication on helping out. Mr. Haynes stated that Don Prell said at the meeting that he was going back to Atlanta and put in 3.1 million dollars. Mayor asked if the Water & Light Commission had any moral obligation to Haralson, Turin and other small cities along the way. Mr. Haynes stated their first obligation was to the people of Newnan, and he did not think they had any moral obligation to these small cities. Mayor Norman asked how they planned to retire the bonds, if they did not sell water to these cities. Mr. Haynes said that if they did not have the revenue to take care of it, Shenandoah was automatically responsible for it. Mr. Miller said the original proposal from HUD was for this project to be area-wide, and we were going to include cities along the way. Since HUD changes people every year, the people who were in favor of this when the agreement was signed are no longer with HUD. The people who are now with HUD are not for this proposal, and are considering Shenandoah only. Mayor Norman asked if there was a time limit on completion of a plan. Mr. Miller said they had heard that Mr. Stolz gave 30 days to come up with an acceptable plan. Mr. Johnston asked if they came up with 3 or 5 million dollars would this make any difference. Mr. Haynes said, no they could not build it for this amount. Mr. Miller said Mr. Prell did make the statement that they wanted to sit down with the engineer and the Water & Light Commission and determine what was the least Water & Light would accept, and what was the most they could put in, and how much money HUD could put into this. Shenandoah and Union America could get together and put in the rest. Mr. Haynes said Union America has a big stake in this. Mr. Haynes said he was very much impressed with Don Prell. Mr. Miller said that Union America is the one that stands to lose in this project. Mayor Norman asked if they said they would be willing to put in 24" line and pump raw water. Mr. Haynes said this proposal was not acceptable to the Water & Light Commission. They would not accept less than 30". Mr. Haynes said that with the 24" line they would have to have two boos- ter stations and this would cost a lot of money. Mr. Craft asked where the plant was to be located. Mr. Haynes said either at the source or here, they didn't care which. 329 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 1,1975 - - - - -- -------_._.- Mr. Craft said regarding the original contract with Shenandoah, what agreement do they have with HUD to warrant signing such a contract for 12 million dollars. Mr. Haynes said HUD approved those plans. Mayor Norman asked didn't the city execute bonds in the amount of 25 million dollars. Mr. Haynes said they executed them, not the city. Mr. Miller said the bonds Mayor Norman was talking about were bonds sold on open market, guaranteed by HUD. Mr. Haynes said that February 18 had been the expiration date on validating these bonds, but that this date was extended to May 31st. Mr. Haynes said this was the extent of their knowledge on this. Mr. Miller said they would contact the Council if anything developed. MEETING ADJOURNED. CLERK~ @ ,k- 330 -- - - _,=--~==.",._".;::"_: ~'_=':O:C'=""',,,,-- . NEWNAN,. G~QRGIA, APRIL], 1975 ". Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Monday, April 7, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. W. J. Addie delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Aoderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, Director of Community Development G. David Robinson, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. At this time Mayor Norman presented Mr. James A. Wilson with a Certificate of Appreciation along with the revolver Mr. Wilson had carried during his tenure as a policeman for the City of Newnan. The Certificate read as follows: WHEREAS, James A. Wilson had been a concientious and loyal employee of the City of Newnan for a period of more than twenty (20) years; and WHEREAS, during his tenure of service he performed the duties of a policeman and as a meter patrolman; and WHEREAS, on April 2, 1975 he retired from active duty as a member of the Newnan Police Department. NOW, THEREFORE, I Joe P. Norman, do hereby express to him on behalf of the Board of Aldermen, myself and the citizens of Newnan our profound gratitude for his dedicated service. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the minutes of the regular meeting held March 24, 1975 be dispensed with and aoproved as recorded. MOTION CARRI ED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the minutes of the special meeting held April 1, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED Mrs. Bessie Sanders, a resident of Turner's Alley, stated that this narrow street has an overload of traffic. Mrs. Sanders said she would appreciate anything the Council could do to cor- rect this situation. Chief Helton stated he had talked to several people along this street, and any solution he could come up with would not be satisfactory to all people. Chief Helton recommended "NO THRU TRAFFIC" signs be erected at each end of the street. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Chief Helton's recommendation be approved. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Jed Zigler, owner of Hilda's TV &Stereo located at 3 Jackson Street, stated he had a problem concerning the parking of his vehicle in the Loading Zone. Mr. Zigler said he was con- stantly loading and unloading TV sets from his truck to the store, and also he had a large supply of parts on his truck which he frequently needed access to. Mr. Zigler asked the Council to grant him some kind of easement in this situation. Mr. Goodson read a section from the Code of Ordinances which stated that the City has the authority to tow away a vehicle after a period of one hour in the Loading Zone. Mr. Goodson stated the only way the Council could approve Mr. Zigler's request would be to amend the ordinance. II 331 I . !,/ NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 7, 1975 -----._-... - _.. ~----_ ----- - _--.. Mr. Johnston stated he was in sympathy with Mr. Zigler, but he didn't see how anything could be done. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mr. Zigler's request be denied. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Bolin presented a letter from Mrs. Brenda Craft. This letter requested that the City curb and gutter a 200' portion of Edgewood Drive. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the City curb and gutter this, with the owner paying 1/2 the cost and the City paying 1/2 the cost. Vote 3 in favor. Mr. Craft did not vote. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin read a recommendation from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission concerning the application of Judith Griffith to rezone property located at 7 Dunbar Place and 18 Savannah Street. This letter stated that the Commission had voted 5 to 1 to recommend the rezoning of the property on the following conditions: 1. Lots 9, 10, 11 (9 and 11 being lots listed in application) be zoned C2. All that property south of Savannah Street, the east boundary being an extension of Dunbar Place, be zoned to C2 to connect to present C2 zoning on the south. 2. Rezone the C1 property east of Greenville Street, south of Salbide Avenue and north to present C2 property to C2. 3. The City evaluate traffic patterns in the area for more efficient flow of traffic in the C2 zone. This is to fulfill the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance for C2 (Section 5-2.3(a), Paragraph 2, p. 24). A possible consideration is making Salbide Avenue and Savannah Street one-way. II Ii " I' " Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the rezoning of thie property be approved. II MOTION CARRIED !i'I I, Chief Helton was instructed to look into the traffic situation on these streets and make a recommendation at the next Council Meeting. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that Accounts Payable for the month of March, 1975 be approved. "'I II I'I Ii I' II " I ii I' 11 MOTI ON CARR IED City Manager Bolin presented the bid results for police summer uniforms. Ii City Manager Bolin recommended acceptance of the low bid from Uniform Sales of Georgia at $19.75 for pants !I I,'I I,I"' and $14.94 for caps. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that recommendation of City Manager be approved. II II Ii City Manager requested permission to purchase summer shirts directly from the factory. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this request be granted. Ii II I';1 ,II' Ii MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman advised that in response to the letter from a local citizen complaining about the Housing Authority, he had advised the Housing Authority of this complaint. II Ii MOTION CARRIED The Housing Authority had responded, and Mayor Norman stated that he was satisfied with their response. Mayor Norman pointed out that the City of Newnan has no authority over the Housing Authority's decisions. II Ii'I The only way the City is connected with them is that they appoint members to the 'i IiI, iI !I 11 II" I, i 332 == . NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 7, 1975 Housing Authority. David Robinson presented a resolution approving the Urban Renewal Plan including amendment No.1, Project No. Ga. R-117. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this resolution be approved. MOTION CARRIED A resolution was presented authorizing G. David Robinson to file amended application with HUD for Project No. Ga. R-117. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that this resolu- tion be adopted. MOTION CARRIED A resolution was presented stating that the City agrees to provide 25% of their share for Project No. Ga. R-117. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager read a memorandum from City Clerk regarding delinquent tax on property of Dr. G. T. Jarrard. This memorandum stated that Dr. G. T. Jarrard had failed to file a tax return with the City for property he had purchased in 1973; therefore the tax notices had been mailed to the former property owner, but had been returned by the Post Office with the notice--"moved left no forwarding address". In checking the 1974 County Digest it was found that Dr. Jarrard has returned this property in the County. The delinquent notices were then mailed to Dr. Jarrard including the penalty which Dr. Jarrard feels he should not have to pay. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that Dr. Jarrard's request be denied, and he pay the penalty on his property tax. Vote 3-2, Craft and Norman opposed. MOTION CARRIED Ordinance was presented amending the Code of Ordinances to provide for the uniform taxation of beer in containers of 15~ gallons or more. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this ordinance be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin read a letter from Fire Chief W. J. Lott, Volunteer Fire Department, requesting he be permitted to parkin a space near the Courthouse, until July 1,1975. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that he be granted a parking space as close to the City's Fire Department as possible. Chief Williams is to get with Mr. Lott and decide on a space and contact Chief Helton for placement of a sign. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman advised the Council that Mr. W. B. HaAwond had offered to sell the City a tract of land located on Hull Street. Mayor Norman stated that Mr. Hammond said this land was appraised at $5,000 per acre, but he would sell it to the City for $4,000 per acre. Mayor Norman stated he had advised Mr. Hammond that the City had allocated all Community Development Funds for the present fiscal year. After a brief discussion, it was decided that the City would not be interested in this property at this time. Mr. Robinson was instructed to return the plat to Mr. Hammond. . ~ ~=~_~ 333 --_._._-.. -.--_._----_. __- .~_._---_ .. NEWNAN, GEORGIA,... APRIL7, 1975 _- --_. __ _._... __ .. .. ~-----_ _~----~ --- - - - - - ---- -- .. _~--- ---------- Mr. Craft nominated Mr. Tommy Pike to fill the unexpired term of Rev. William Dudley on the Planning Commission. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. Tommy Pike be ap- pointed to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Rev. William Dudley, term to expire June 30, 1979. MOTION CARRIED II City Manager Bolin stated he had received a request from Skinner Furniture that the two hour parking be put in effect in front of his establishment. City Manager stated that this is !I a two hour parking zone, and the two hour parking is in effect. il !I !I Chief Helton stated he would see that this is enforced. City Manager asked Chief Helton to give a report on his survey regarding the elimination of !I " II "II loading zones in the downtown area on Saturdays. Chief Helton stated he had covered about 4 blocks, which took about a week. II II II Chief Helton said it was difficult to locate the owners, and he suggested that an advertisement be placed in the paper requesting that merchants who would desire the loading zones to be eliminated on Saturdays, to present a petition signed by all merchants on that block. Mrs. Slaton asked if it would be confusing if some were two hour parking and some were II '1 II i Ii n Ii " 'I II 'I 'I !I loading zones. Ii 'I" Mayor Norman said this could be done by covering the loading zones which were approved for !! I,'I :,!I two hour parking. Ii Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that an advertisement be placed in the newspaper requesting that merchants who would desire their loading zone to be eliminated on Satur- II 'I II I' :1 days to present a petition signed by the merchants on that block. il II MOTI ON CARR IED II I' Mr. Johnston asked if anything had been heard on the LaGrange Street Bridge. II Mayor Norman stated he had tried to call Mr. Moreland but was unable to get in touch with I him, but would try again tomorrow. Mr. Goodson stated he had talked to Leroy Johnson, and he said the LaGrange Street Bridge was at the top of the priority list. II I ":1 Mr. Craft asked about the railroad crossing at VC Street. " City Manager Bolin stated a letter had been received advising the City that they would I II check into this situation. Mr. Johnston asked when the traffic lights for Fourth Street would be installed. City Manager stated he had heard nothing from the company since he had last reported to the Counci 1. !II I',I il I i! II I! Ii :1, :i Mr. Bolin was instructed to check and see if this light can be purchased from another company, unless the light can be delivered immediately from the present company. Mayor Norman requested City Manager to send a memorandum to the Council advising them of his findings. Ii i"i II Ii ;!, ":i " Mr. Abraham stated that last year the City appropriated the money to fix the entrance to Oak Hill Cemetery, and this was never done. pleted. Mr. Abraham stated he would like to see this com- Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that City Manager contract with someone to do :I" II 'I ~I :i Ii i ,1 this work. II MOTION CARRIED /334 . N~WNAN, GEORGIA, APRlk?,. 1975 Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that these funds be taken from the Contingency Fund. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Slaton stated that she was concerned about the parking space for Fire Chief Lott, and she felt this might be setting a precedent for all good causes. Mrs. Slaton suggested extending the City's Fire Department parking spaces one more space, and letting him park there. Meeting Adjourned. CLER~,(£ ~ 335 . . ,-- --'-'-'-~""'-, ----__ . .---~--.- -- - ~ - _----_-_ _ ~ NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 18 1975 __ --_-=.c.--:.:.--~_- Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Friday, April 18, 1975 at 1:15 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Norman; Mayor Pro Tem T. Ed Craft; Alderman Alvin Johnston; Alderman Billy Abraham; City Attorney Charles Goodson; City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett; members of the Newnan Water & Light Commission, Mr. J. T. Haynes, Mr. Litt Glover, Sr., and Mr. Hershall Norred; General Manager of Newnan Water & Light Commission, Mr. Carl Miller; and Attorney Litt Glover, Jr. Mayor Norman stated that this portion of the meeting would be an informal discussion. Mayor Norman stated the Council had received the report from Wiedeman & Singleton Engineers and the letter from Mr. Alexander Simon concerning the latest proposal for the Shenandoah water system. Mayor Norman called on Mr. J. T. Haynes to explain. Mr. Haynes stated that Shenandoah had abandoned the Flint River project. Mr. Haynes said their latest proposal, dated April 14, 1975, was to build a lake south of the Sullivan Lake dam. Mr. Haynes stated that the Newnan Water & Light Commission had studied this pro- posal and last night met and rejected the proposal, and they recommended this rejection by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Mr. Haynes said that in reality they had not proposed any- thing Newnan doesn't already have, and there was nothing about the proposal they liked. Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., said that Shenandoah had come to the conclusion that the original proposal was too high and the 3 to 5 million dollars was too high also. Mr. Glover said Shenandoah came up with the idea of building a lake at the lower end of Sullivan Lake and pumping water from White Oak Creek up to the lake during the months of January, February and March when there is an excess of water. Mr. Glover said their idea was to store up large amounts of water to use when the water is less plentiful. Shenandoah's plans would be to build a 3 million gallon treatment plant at the dam site in a year or so which would provide treated water in excess of what we need today. Mr. Glover said that at such time more raw water was needed, Shenandoah planned to build a 24" line into Line Creek which would supply water, depending on whether or not White Oak Creek became polluted. Mr. Glover stated the engineers had prepared tables in regard to the projected water usage. Newnan would operate and own the entire project. Shenandoah would give an easement for complete usage and control. Mr. Glover stated that Shenandoah planned to have some kind of recreational facility on this lake. Mr. Glover said in regards to the Newnan Water & Light Commission's opinion: (1) They would never want to rely on water where a recreational facility is allowed. (2) The Commission pointed out that this would not give Newnan any more raw water than we already have, and we would be taking a chance that if the 3 million gallon treatment plant was built and White Oak Creek was polluted and Shenandoah did not have the funds available to build the 24" line, the City would have to do this. (3) The Commission did not want to operate this facility for Shenandoah. Mr. Glover said the Commission did not see how this would benefit the City of Newnan in any way. Mr. Glover said Newnan would be giving up Line Creek and the right to serve outside the city. Mr. Johnston asked if they compromised on these points, would it make any difference to 336 the Commission. Mr. Glover said that the Commission had found the proposal unacceptable. Mr. Litt Glover. Sr .• said that the Commission had made every suggestion they thought feasible and everytime Shenandoah would come back with a different plan. and this plan would not benefit the City. Mr. Haynes said if they made a public lake. there is always the danger of oil from boats polluting the water. Mr. Craft asked if the Water & Light Commission had given any thought to selling water to Shenan- I doah. if Newnan could get another source of water. Mr. Litt Glover. Sr., said they would have to furnish l~ million to 2~ million gallons. and they didn't think they could afford to do this except over a gradual period of time. Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., said that if Newnan provides them with water now, White Oak Creek will become polluted from their industrial development, and Newnan will have to find a new source of water. Mayor Norman recalled the meeting to order. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the Mayor and Board of Aldermen accept the recommendation of the Newnan Water &Light Commission to reject the proposal for Shenandoah dated April 14, 1975. MOTION CARRIED (unanimously) Mayor Norman suggested a letter be written to Mr. Sandy Simon advising him of the decision. Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., said he would also like to discuss the power contract at this time. Mr. Glover stated he and Mr. Miller had attended several meetings in regard to state-wide electric authority by cities. Mr. Glover said this would be cities going together to form this authority by purchasing a portion of the Georgia Power Company plants--Hatch Unit I, Hatch Unit II. Vogal Unit I and Vogal Unit II. Mr. Glover said that the Georgia Power Company has finished the Hatch Unit I and is in the process of building Hatch Unit II, however, they have not built Vogal Unit I or II. Unless REA and cities go in and purchase this, they will not be built. Mr. Glover said the Ogle- thorpe EMC is a group of all EMC's joined together. and they have purchased 30% of Hatch and Vogal and a portion of Yellow Dirt. They are proposing the major cities go in together and purchase a portion of Hatch Unit I and II, and a portion of Vogal Unit I and II. Mr. Glover said the benefit of this would be lower cost of electricity. ing to do this because they need the money. Georgia Power is will- Mr. Glover said there is some risk involved, however, if the Atomic Energy Commission decided that these atomic plants were undesirable and closed them down. Mr. Haynes said there was one thing different, and that was the liability on the cities' part. Mr. Litt Glover, Sr., said he felt there was very little likelihood that the Atomic Energy Commission would close down the plants thus there would be no liability to the City. City Attorney Goodson stated he t-ought this was a good deal, and the only reason it is being offered is because of the financial difficulty of Georgia Power. Mr. Glldson stated he recommended the city endorse this. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that the City endorse this proposal. 337 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, APRIL 18, 1975 -., .. _ =·-'--------'-'-·-=---=----=-=-=-.:...--'__ -'-'---'-=::-: --,,:c:;,,--:_:,,:"--=-~_. - - - - - - - - --------- -- - -_,··,·--"--'-'-:_--=----=---'-----'c.c.=-=------=-------=-· ._._ - c:.:;;.. _.•.•'-.,. ---------------_. - _.- - - ---- MOTION CARRIED il Meeting Adjourned. !i "'i " I! Ii 'I II Ii Ii ii il Ii II II I,I I' II I! I' II II II II I' II !I II II \1 II !,'i II,I II ,I 'I II II jI Ii!' II I! Ii !\ I' Ii II Ii II !I Ii Ii I "jl II Ii II CLERK~~" - \1 II L " ~ 'I Ii!I il il I! ii " !i Ii " !, " II Ii ii Ii !" ,' II II 338 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Monday, April 21, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. John Whatley delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 7, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED City Manager Bolin stated that city operations had been running smoothly, and since the weather is breaking, street and sidewalk priority lists will be drawn up. City Manager stated that other projects such as paving the area at the fire training tower will also be started. City Manager stated he would like to compliment the department heads on their efficient management of their departments. City Manager presented bids for one low lead gasoline pump and one diesel pump. recommended low bid from McDonald & Hansard at $1,098.00 for each pump. City Manager Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the resolution enforcing the leash law from May 1 through May 31, 1975 be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution regarding the flood insurance requirements (dealing specifically with the Building Official's responsibilities) be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Police Chief Helton recommended two "No Parking" signs be erected on Sal bide on the north side from Perry Street to the bridge. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that Chief Helton's recommendation be approved. MOTION CARRIED Chief Helton recommended "No Parking" on the railroad side of Dunbar Place. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that Chief Helton's recommendation be approved. MOTION CARRIED Police Chief Helton recommended no action be taken regarding the parking on Savannah Street since he felt there was no immediate problem with the parking. Being no motion, Savannah Street will remain as is. Mr. Craft said that he had received a complaint about the spelling of Kellog (Kellogg) Street. Mr. Bolin advised that City Engineer Hanavich is in the process of checking out the spelling of all street names, and these corrections will be presented to the Council before the new base maps are printed. Meeting ~~ned. ~~ CLERK~~_Q1~--\o~.:c.-:... _ MAYOR:....,..L""7rL~~~_'·~...:..,~ __ __ L- -_ 339 NEWNAN. GEORGIA.M~AY~~5._19~5 ~ __ ~ _ ~~--~--~-; c-_~_~~~c:~;-u~~c:c-me-e-t~n-g-O-f----t-he~~a~y~or-and Boa rd of Aldermen of the Ci ~~-o~-~~wna n. Geo:gi a~- W~:~:d-on--r .. Monday. May 5. 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. ,I i! Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Bill Dudley delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman. Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft. Alderwoman Inez Slaton. Alderman Alvin Johnston. Alderman Billy Abraham. City Manager Richard Bolin. City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson. City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held on April 18. 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 21. 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARRIED City Clerk stated that the LaGrange Street Grocery had called her and said they were cooperating with the nation-wide clean-up campaign. and they wanted permission to put "Pitch In" stickers on any litter barrels the city may have. City Clerk said they also stated that there would be no commercial advertisement on these stickers. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that permission be granted to the LaGrange Street Grocery to put Pitch In stickers on any litter barrels the city may have. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Abraham stated he would like to call on Mr. Bill Mitchell to explain the Summer Lunch Program. Mr. Bill Mitchell stated he was Center Coordinator for Community Action for Improvement in Newnan. Manchester and Troup County. such as the center on Savannah Street. He said he was in charge of lunches for day care centers Mr. Mitchell stated that since July of last year. 16.756 children had been fed. which meant they were feeding about 93 children per day. The Department of Agriculture has a special summer program where they feed children and have recreational activities during the summer. and in Troup County. Mr. Mitchell stated that last year they had a program in Manchester Mr. Mitchell said that in order to participate in this program they were asking the City of Newnan to: 1. Pay the site workers' salary 2. Have the lunches prepared (and he would recommend a school lunchroom) 3. Deliver the lunches to the play sites 4. Be responsible for the food cost until the Department of Agriculture makes the reimbursement. (They will reimburse only food costs. The City would have to pay for napkins. paper bags. etc.) City Manager stated that the City had such a program in 1971. and the cost for labor and paper bags was $2.736.36. Mayor Norman stated if this was a county-wide program. the Recreation Department would have to sponsor this program. 340 - .- .. '," --- . _.'._"---.. ..- --~- -- - , - -_.,,' ..... _----'-',-- ~-- Mr. Mitchell said there was no certification for the children to participate. Anyone between the ages of 4 and 21 may participate. Mr. Mitchell stated the purpose of this was to supplement for the school lunch each day. Mr. Ben Green, Director of the Coweta County Recreation Department, asked who would supply the vehicles and manpower to deliver these lunches to the play sites. Mr. Green said his de- partment did not have the manpower or the vehicles to do this with. Mr. Green said he would like to talk to his board regarding this matter. Mr. Abraham said that in 1971 the Police vehicles carried these lunches. City Manager stated that also the city had a pickup truck to deliver these lunches in 1971. Mayor Norman asked Mr. Mitchell if he could give an approximate cost for this program. Mr. Mitchell said he could not. Mr. Green said they didn't have this in their budget. If it were a county-wide program, there would be about 10 to 12 play sites. Mr. Mitchell was asked if he could appear before the County Recreation Commission and present his request. Mr. Mitchell said he would to this. Mayor Norman requested Mr. Green to report back to the Council at the next Council Meeting regarding this. Mrs. Minnie Robinson, representing CAFI and the Savannah Street Service Center, stated that the Center's back yard was very mushy due to a drainage problem. Mrs. Robinson requested this problem be corrected. Mayor Norman requested City Manager Bolin to look into this problem. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of April, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman advised that he and Mr. Bolin have an appointment with the Department of Transportation on Wednesday, May 7, 1975 to discuss various problems. Mayor Norman stated he hoped they would come back with some information regarding the LaGrange Street Bridge, and a memorandum will be sent to the members of the Council after this meeting. Bit results for two rotary cutters were presented at this time. City Manager stated the city only had $1,000 budgeted for this item, and the lowest bid was $690.00 from Coweta Ford Farm Equipment. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that this recommendation be approved. MOTION CARRIED ... City Clerk requested that the 1974 city tax in the amount of $43.34 be refunded to Clarence McGinty, 65 Fairmount Drive due to a computer error. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request be granted. MOTION CARRIED 341 City Clerk requested that she ba allowed to charge off tax of Mildred Strickland, 9 Center Place, since this land was purchased by Urban Renewal in 1973. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that City Clerk be allowed to charge off this tax in the amount of $10.67. MOTION CARRIED Chief Helton stated that the leash law was working very well, since quite a few dogs have been picked up. Chief Helton said the Animal Warden was working some at night, since some people only keep their dogs tied during the day. Meeting Adjourned. MAYOR~' .. . • i' I \ 342 343 Sped a1 meeti ng of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgi a, was h~l d- .. '1 on Thursday, May 15, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. II Present were Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed I Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard I, II !i II II Bolin and City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett. " City Manager Bolin presented a resolution which read as follows: :1 WHEREAS, heretofore, on May 7, 1975, the City of Newnan did make a proposal to the Coweta II" County Development Authority requesting that the Coweta County Development Authority purchase for " II Ii the use and benefit of the City of Newnan certain property located at the intersection of Spring II II Street and LaGrange Street in Newnan, Georgia; said property being identified as the premises oc- ]' II cupied by Camp Glass Company and owned by the Estate of the late Theo Davis, and if I, WHEREAS, the Coweta County Development Authority on May 8, 1975, by resolution duly adopted, II did agree to the proposals as set forth by the City of Newnan. II II II !i IIq II THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the City of Newnan enter into a contract with the Coweta County Development Authority authorizing said Coweta County Development Authority to purchase said property for the sum of Thirty-eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($38,250.00) Dollars. The City of Newnan shall make immediate payment to the Coweta County Development Authority in the amount of Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty and 00/100 ($8,250.00) Dollars toward the purchase il :i l]" II II " I' price. The Coweta County Development Authority wi 11 borrow the remaining Thirty Thousand and 001100 II ($30,000.00) Dollars at the lowest available rate of interest. Title to the property will be in !I the Coweta County Development Authority subject to a lease to Tu1in Austin Camp d/b/a Camp Glass IIII II Company. The City of Newnan shall pay to the Coweta County Development Authority the balance of the purchase price in three (3) equal annual installments, plus interest. The first installment to be due one year from the date of closing and the last installment to be due three (3) years from the date of closing. All payments under the Camp Lease will be made to the City of Newnan i! II II II I,II !I I' I! and applied toward the purchase price of subject property in such amounts as the City of Newnan " ,II' chooses. Ii The City of Newnan shall have the right of pre-payment at any time without penalty or forfeiture. Upon final payment of said property, the Coweta County Development Authority would execute a warranty deed to the City of Newnan. It shall be further stated in said contract that if said property should be vacated by Mr. Tu1in Austin Camp or his lease terminated for any reason, the City of Newnan would be entitled to go into possession of the property and at its option demo1ish the present structure located thereon and use the property for a parking lot or for any II II Ii'I II I',I 'I II I, Ii II other purposes. Be it further resolved that the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Newnan are authorized to Ii execute said contract to said Coweta County Development Authority and to sign any deeds, notes, or other documents necessary to conclude this transaction. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED II I:;!'I i; Ii 'i 1\ City Manager Bolin stated he had talked to a state highway engineer regarding the LaGrange Street Bridge. City Manager stated the engineer said the grade level at Grand Pontiac will be the same as it is now, or possibly 6 to 8 inches below the present level, which will not hurt them in any way. This could vary slightly, however, because the Highway Department has not decided on the exact length of the bridge. City Manager Bolin stated that in order to adequately curb and gutter this, the city would have to acquire 4 pieces of property. City Manager stated the present right-of-way is 70 feet, but they would need additional right-of-way. Mayor Norman stated that the State Highway Department had agreed to go ahead and let the contract by no later than September 1, 1975. Mayor Norman advised that Mr. Bill Wood said they would be ready to move some dirt, and the city should go ahead and let the county begin on this. City Manager stated that Mr. Leroy Johnson said that they agreed to do this, but there was no set time. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that City Manager Bolin contact the property owners to acquire the right-of-way for the LaGrange Street Bridge, and report back to the Council the cost of this property, if any. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that in regard to the entrance to Gold Kist property, he had met with Gold Kist and the county to discuss this. The county agreed to put in the drainage to the railroad provided the city would get the right-of-way and easement. This would cost $6,250.00; however, Gold Kist agreed to pay $5,000 which would leave $1,250 for the city to pay. City Manager Bolin said that Gold Kist and Southern Railway would give most of the rightof-way, but they would have to go into the county and get a small amount. City Manager stated that the only reason the city would do this was because the railroad was going to close two crossings and those people would not have access to their property. This is why the county is involved in this--the property is in the county. City Manager said he felt the county should pay 1/2 of this because it will benefit county people as well as Gold Kist. Mayor Norman said he felt if the city acquired the easement for them, the city should not have to put in any money. Mrs. Slaton said she felt the city had some obligation to Gold Kist. Mrs. Slaton stated she felt the Council should get a legal opinion from Mr. Goodson. Mr. Craft stated he felt this was a small amount to pay for a lot nicer entrance. Mrs. Slaton said if the City can do it legally she felt it should be done. City Manager stated this road will be a publically dedicated road. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that City Manager Bolin get a legal opinion on this and present a report at the Monday, May 19, 1975 Council Meeting MOTION CARRI ED Meeting Adjourned. CLERK:~~~ MAYOR~ 345 MAY 19, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, May 19, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Marion Pierson delivering the II II II invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tem T. II 11 " ji Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez W. Slaton, Alderman Alvin E. Johnston, Alderman Billy A. Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the minutes of the regular meeting held on May 5, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin read a letter from Mrs. Patricia Long, Manager of Lee Products (Buy Wise) located on the corner of East Broad/Greenville Street. This letter requested a loading zone be placed at the third parking space on East Broad Street next to the store since it is already marked with yellow paint, but there is no sign. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that this request be approved. MOTI ON CARRI ED City Manager Bolin read a letter from Mrs. Lucia Cates Green, 26 West Washington Street, dated May 17, 1975. This letter stated that she was requesting for the second time that the large tree growing on city property at 28 West Washington Street be removed. Mrs. Green further ,I 'I II I stated that she had had two different plumbers working there to clear the roots from this tree from the city tap. Mrs. Green said that the roots have caused the city's terra cotta pipes to burst, and the very large roots are growing under the new cement sidewalk. !I I'I E. B. Wilson, Chief Building Official, give a report on this matter. Mr. Wilson stated he had contacted Mr. John Landers this date, and they would check this Mr. Wilson stated that possibly the plumbing would have to be re- routed, or the tree removed. I, il Mayor Norman stated he would like to see this matter resolved, and he requested that Mr. out as soon as possible. I Mr. Wilson stated that he would like to talk to Mr. Landers before making a recommendation, however. Mayor Norman stated he felt Mr. Wilson should be given time to investigate this matter, II II I,I II II il II 11 " but if Mrs. Green does not have sewerage this matter should not be delayed. Bid results were presented at this time. II City Manager stated they had received two bids II I' " for the power mower. Yazoo. One bid was from Blalock Machinery Company which was $1,586.52 for a Another bid was from Stovall and Company, Inc. for $1,732.00 for a Kut-Kwick. On I i ii 'I " motion duly seconded, the Yazoo at $1,586.52 was approved subject to it being suitable for the Ii city's purposes. II !I MOTION CARRIED An ordinance was presented imposing taxes for the year 1975. that the tax millage would remain the same at 11~000 City Manager Bolin stated mills; however, since the city will be using the 1974 tax digest, the taxes will increase approximately 10%. Motion Mr. Craft seconded I' ! ,I :1 "Ii i r by Mr. Abraham that this ordinance be adopted. MOTION CARRIED " Ii II 346 Mayor Norman requested City Manager to update everyone on the proposed road to Gold Kist, Inc. City Manager stated that approximately 6 to 8 weeks ago Mr. James Beavers made a request that the city construct a new street into Gold Kist property. The city felt this matter should be re- ferred to Coweta County since a portion of this property is in Coweta County. This was presented to the Coweta County Commissioners, and they proposed that they would do the work if the city would acquire the right-of-way and easements to construct this street, and if the city would pay $10,000. The city reported back that they would not pay $10,000. The county then proposed that they would construct the road if the city would acquire the easements and pay $6,250.00. At that time Mr. Beavers stated that Gold Kist had agreed to pay $5,000, which left $1,250 for the city to pay. At that point City Attorney Goodson was requested to give his legal opinion on this matter. City Manager presented a letter from Mr. Goodson which advised that it would be illegal for the City of Newnan to participate financially or with labor or materials on the portion of the road outside the City Limits. However, it would be legal for the city to participate in that portion of the road lying within the City Limits, provided the city was furnished with a right-of-way deed. The city would have the responsibility of maintaining that portion of the road lying within the City Limits. Mr. Craft asked if this street would have curb and gutter. Mr. Bolin advised that it would not. Mayor Norman asked City Attorney if the city would be setting a precedent. Mr. Goodson stated it was possible other industries would request the same thing. Mr. Johnston asked how many people in the county would this road serve. City Manager Bolin stated that it would serve McCullough's place of business and two houses. Mrs. Slaton stated she did not feel it would be setting a precedent, since they would have the opportunity of accepting it as a city street. Mr. Craft stated he felt it would be eliminating two hazardous crossings, and was in favor of the new street. Mr. Johnston stated he was opposed to spending public funds for private drives. Mr. Abraham stated he agreed with Mr. Johnston. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the city go back to the County Commissioners and propose that the city will acquire the necessary easements and right-of-way, and will maintain the street in the city, but will not contribute any funds. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Euell Wilson stated that he had just met with Mr. Landers regarding the tree located at 28 West Washington Street. Mr. Wilson stated he felt that the tree was not in good shape and should be cut down. City Manager read a letter received from the Georgia Forestry Commission dated November 25, 1974, stating that the tree was in good condition at that time. Mayor Norman stated that he would like to wait until the Water & Light Commission completes the boring around this tree; and since time is of such importance, he would like for Mr. Wilson to give the final report to Mr. Bolin, and Mr. Bolin is to advise the Council. 347 ~~~ ~ ~--~ City Manager Bolin stated he had talked to Mr. Ben Green, Director of Coweta County Recreation Department, regarding the summer lunch program. Mr. Green stated that the Recreation Department would distribute the lunches at the play sites, provided the city and county furnished the funds, transportation and personnel to prepare the lunches. Mr. Boone, member of the CAFI Board of Directors, stated that this program is USDA funded and financed to provide lunches for organized activities for private and public groups. partiemtn of Agriculture will reimburse the city and county for any food cost. The De- Mr. Boone stated that they were running out of time, and there would be no financial commitment on the city's part. Mr. Boone stated that the city may cancel out at any time at no loss to the city. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that the city will participate in the summer lunch program on the following conditions: 1. The County Commissioners agree to participate 2. The Recreation Department agrees to participate 3. The cost to the City of Newnan will not exceed $1,100.00 MOTION CARRIED Meeting Adjourned. CLERK~C!.~ 348 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, June 2, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett, Mr. J. T. Haynes, Mr. Litt Glover, Sr., Mr. Hershall Norred, Mr. Carl Miller, Mr. Lamar Smith, Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., and Mr. Alexander Simon. Mayor Norman stated that Mr. Simon had contacted the Newnan Water & Light Commission and requested this meeting be called. Mayor Norman called on Mr. Simon to explain. Mr. Simon presented a letter he had written to Mr. Carl Miller, General Manager of the Newnan Water & Light Commission. The letter, dated June 2, 1975 read as follows: "Under the terms of your letter to us dated May 5, 1975, we enclose our check number 570 bearing today's date, in the amount of $1,675,000.00, payable to the Commission. As we begin the implementation of the arrangement, I think it would be appropriate to clarify below some of the provisions of your May 5 letter so that, upon approval by the City and the Commission, you can proceed without delay to construct the Line Creek project and we can proceed without delay to begin receiving water in our tank. 1. You are authorized to deposit the enclosed check into the Special Escrow Account only upon the formal approval of your May 5 letter, as clarified herein, by the Commission and the City Council and upon written notification to us of such formal approval. The notification should include a certified copy of the resolutions of the Commission and the City Council approving the arrangement. 2. While the funds are on deposit in the Special Escrow Account and have not been withdrawn for the purposes contemplated by this arrangement, they will be invested in the short-term money-market instruments at the direction of Shenandoah. The earnings from the investments will be deposited in the Special Escrow Account and treated the same as the initial deposit. 3. Construction of the Line Creek project will begin immediately after approval by the Commission and Shenandoah of the construction contract and of the contractor. The City and the Commission will thereafter diligently pursue completion of construction of the Line Creek project. 4. Until construction commences, the withdrawal of funds out of the Special Escrow Account will be subject to the approval of the Commission and Shenandoah. After construction commences, withdrawal of funds to pay for construction of the Line Creek project will be subject to the approval of the Commission and Wiedeman and Singleton, and all other withdrawals will be subject to the approval of the Commission and Shenandoah. 5. The City, the Commission and Shenandoah will in particular continue diligently to pursue a governmental grant for construction of the Line Creek project. To the extent the City or the Commission receives such a grant, the funds deposited in the Special Escrow Account will be reimbursed to Shenandoah immediately upon the awarding of the grant. 6. In addition to the relinquishing of rights to White Oak Creek as set forth in the May 5 letter, the City and the Commission agree immediately to relinquish to Shenandoah any rights they might have to withdraw water from the Shoal Creek watershed and to use their best efforts to assist Shenandoah in obtaining governmental approval to withdraw raw water from the Shoal Creek watershed. 7. In light of the fact that this arrangement is intended to supersede the Flint River joint undertaking and the revenue bond financing related thereto, the City and the Commission will cooperate fully with Shenandoah to perfect by whatever means are appropriate the legal enforceability of this new arrangement for a period of fifty (50) years and, until such enforceability is perfected, will do nothing to interfere with the legally binding effect on the City and the Commission of this arrangement." After a brief discussion, Mr. Carl Miller, General Manager for the Newnan Water and Light Commission was asked to read his letter to Mr. Alexander A. Simon, Jr., dated May 5, 1975. The letter read as follows: "For a number of years, the Newnan Water, Sewerage and Light Commission has been planning for the future growth and well being of its citizens. Some ten years ago two locations on Line Creek were purchased for future water supplies for Newnan. 349 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 2, 1975 '~ I have read your letter of April 28, 1975, and the concept which we discussed, in general I feel would be a workable solution. The Newnan Water, Sewerage and Light Commission, at the present time, has two sources of water, White Oak Creek and Line Creek. Subject to the approval of the full Commission and the Mayor and Council, the following is the only remaining proposed plan which I could recommend to the Commissioners and the Mayor and Council. i Ii" 1. Subject to the approval of HUD, Shenandoah would immediately deposit into a Special Escrow Account in the name of the Commission the amount of $1,675,000, which is the estimated cost of the Line Creek proposal. This money would be allocable only to the construction of a 24" line and appurtenances from Line Creek at the site presently owned by the Commission. Based on April 1975 estimates and plans by Wiedeman &Singleton, this figure should be adequate for the cost of that line, the construction of the intake and the necessary engineering and anticipated contingencies. The line could follow the rights-of-way of Lower Fayetteville, Mary Freeman and Big Poplar Roads to the site of the existing raw water intake at White Oak Creek. It would also include the connection and a short line to the proposed site of Lake Shenandoah. The draw requests would be on a 30 day basis, in accordance with the contract let by the Commission for the construction of the proposed facilities. The total figure would be committed unequivocally by HUD, Shenandoah and the Commission subject only to bona fide cost requests by the Contractor. Design would begin immediately with bids taken by the Commission as quickly as possible, and the contract would be awarded to the lowest and best bidder. Since the Commission is not being asked to pay for any costs in this proposal, if the costs are less than the figure stated above, Shenandoah would be reimbursed the difference. If the costs are more, Shenandoah would pay the difference not to exceed $2,000,000. Should the lowest and best bid exceed $2,000,000, then all in excess of $2,000,000 would be subject to the approval of Shenandoah. IiI, il II Ii I' Ii :1 II i IiI, i: I' ,I11 Ii ii Ii " ii " i 2. Shenandoah would simultaneously proceed to undertake design and construction of the proposed Lake Shenandoah, a raw water line from White Oak Creek to Lake Shenandoah (likely at lower Fayetteville Road) and the first phase of the water treatment plant, a 3 MGD facility. (It is anticipated this expenditure alone would exceed $3,700,000). Thus, Shenandoah is proposing to underwrite forthwith expenditures exceeding $5,375,000. Newnan is not being asked to expend any monies for this system at all. I' " ii i Ii Ii Ii i' Ii 3. Shenandoah would begin filling its lake from the White Oak Creek source. As soon as available, Shenandoah would have the right to buy raw water from the Commission during high flow months with the Commission's needs receiving priority at a price of cost plus 10% of cost. 4. The Commission agrees to relinquish its rights to the White Oak Creek watershed and to the elimination of any liability of Shenandoah to Newnan, et al, with regard to the White Oak Creek water shed, simultaneously with the completion of the water line from the Newnan water intake site on Line Creek to the present Newnan water line at the existing intake and the receipt of approval of the construction and Newnan's utilization of same by all applicable governmental agencies. It is understood that both Shenandoah and Newnan could be served from White Oak Creek until such time as the proposed 3 MGD plant is in operation. Before Newnan could begin serving water to Shenandoah, use of Line Creek by Newnan must be approved by all governmental agencies, including Peachtree City. !I Ii Ii 'I " II 'i " I,'I II, !i" "ii " II II I, Iii 5. Assuming approval of the above, the Commission, simultaneously with the deposit of the aforementioned $1,675,000 shall begin selling treated water to Shenandoah at the Highway 34 meter. It is agreed that the Commission will sell to Shenandoah up to 500,000 gallons per day as needed by Shenandoah until the completion of the above referenced 3 MGD plant, provided that Shenandoah shall have commenced construction of said plant on or before July 1, 1976 and shall have thereafter diligently pursued the completion of same. In the case of a short term emergency, say 10 to 15 days maximum, the quantity could increase to as much as 750,000 gallons per day if available over and above the needs of Newnan. After completion of said 3 MGD plant, the Commission shall not be required to sell said 500,000 gallons per day to Shenandoah. The cost of said water to Shenandoah would be based on actual usage and would be priced the same as within the City's prevailing commercial rate structure. In the event of a shortage Shenandoah's supply would be reduced pro rata with all other of Newnan's customers. 6. There shall be no restruction on the sale of water by either party, except that Shenandoah shall in no event be allowed to sell any water within the City Limits of Newnan and without Shenandoah's written permission Newnan will not offer or sell water within Shenandoah's limits. 7. The Commission agrees, immediately upon deposit of the $1,675,000, to extend to Shenandoah a permanent easement for the construction and use of a proposed 42-inch sewer line extending southward from Big Poplar Road on land owned by the Commission and/or City of Newnan and further to extend a permanent easement for the construction and use of the proposed sewer plant lagoon on Commission and/or City of Newnan property also south of Big Poplar Road. It is estimated that this easement would affect approximately 3.5 acres. 8. It is understood that because of tremendously increased costs and reduced income projections, the above described plan for providing raw and treated water to the City of Newnan i " :I Iid ii !' IiIi Ii,I :I Ii II,'I, I' II !I I, Ii 11 I 'I I, II " "Ii'i " i iI III, l' !i :'" !i ii " i II I' :1 II :150 ... t-lEWNAN,GEORGIA,JUNE 2,. 1975~ and the community of Shenandoah is being utilized rather than the original plan for bringing treated water from a Flint River intake near Flat Shoals. It is anticipated, however, that with the successful development of Shenandoah and the commensurate growth of both Newnan and Shenandoah, additional raw and/or treated water facilities will be required at some date in the future. In light of this projected requirement, it is agreed that Newnan will proceed to condemn the water intake site at the Flint River near Flat Shoals. Also, it is agreed that the ,.engineering studies commissioned by Shenandoah for the development of the joint water supply system from the Flint River shall be equally available to the City of Newnan and Shenandoah at any time in the future, thereby allowing such an expanded water supply to be furnished by either of the parties to this agreement alone or in conjunction with other agencies. It would be understood, however, that in the event either of the parties did utilize the Flint River intake point as a source of supply, the water thus made available would be utilized to provide the needs of both parties and any other agencies involved. ,I II II I I I This entire agreement is predicated on a mutually beneficial plan with the intent that both parties will continue to cooperate and help each other with regard to obtaining various approvals, grants, governmental permits and so forth." Each paragraph was then discussed. Paragraph 3 was clarified by the Commission to mean that Newnan would only sell excess water to Shenandoah, and the City's needs would always be considered first. The City would continue serving those it is presently serving outside the city limits, and would serve any annexed property. Paragraph 8 was also discussed. It was decided that this paragraph should be eliminated since municipalities cannot condemn for future purposes. Following the reading and discussion of the two letters, Mr. J. L. Glover made a motion, seconded by Mr. Norred that the Newnan Water and Light Commission recommended to the Mayor and Council acceptance of the check in the amount of $1,675,000, subject to the approval of a contract which will be drawn according to the proposals set forth in the two above letters dated May 5, 1975 and June 2, 1975. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor Norman stated the Council was now in session. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the recommendation of the Water and Light Commission be approved. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. I CLER~~ ~ I I II i"l II 351 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 9, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Monday, June 9, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Norman called the meeting to order, and Rev. Hendree Harrison delivered the invocation. Present were: Mayor Joe Norman, Alderman Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham. Also City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk Martha Ball, City Planner George Robinson and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting of May 15, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of May 19, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting of June 2, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED Dr. Charles M. Barron, Chairman of the Bicentennial Committee, presented a verbal report of the progress and plans of this committee. He advised that sales of the Bicentennial Medal- lions were progressing, and that the Coweta County Board of Commissioners had donated $500 to purchase the medals, and the committee would appreciate a donation from the City of Newnan for the same amount for purchase of additional medals. Dr. Barron also advised that the com- mittee was cooperating with the merchants for a festive occasion on July 4, 1975 on the Court I Ii Square, consisting of an art show, bar-b-que, to be prepared by the 4H Clubs, a speaker and [i an old fashion singing, a program and fireworks display is planned to be held at Drake Stadium II on the same day. Dr. Barron also advised of the plans to have the TVA Caravan, consisting of five trailer trucks, exhibiting pictures of American History from the Indians to the Astronauts. This ex- hibit to be on display on February 23, 1976, at Drake Stadium and the committee was requesting police and fire protection, along with ambulance and first aid service during the showing. He advised that this location was selected so that all students might have an opportunity to see the exhibit and all other citizens without charge, and that more parking space was available at this location. Dr. Barron advised that the cost of obtaining this exhibit was $500 per day and that the Coweta County Commissioners had agreed to donate $250, and he would appreciate a donation of $250 from the City. Alderwoman Slaton asked Dr. Barron about funds from the National Bicentennial Commission, and he advised that an application was being prepared requesting the limit of $2,000 to be matched by local funds and hoped that the application would qualify for these funds. I I 352 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 9, 1975 - --_._--- - - ------==---- ---------- Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Dr. Barron's request for the $500 be approved. MOTION CARRI ED II I ! Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that report of Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commissio to remove R-3 zoning, Section 5-1.3 of the Newnan Zoning Ordinance be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of May, 1975 be approved as submitted and paid. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that all reports on operations by City Manager be approved as submitted. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman advised that an appointment to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission to fill Robert Campbell vacancy would be necessary at the next regular meeting. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that bid from J. L. Weddington Jr., Inc. for two 1975 Chevrolet automobiles at a price of $8,008.98 be accepted, since this was the low bid. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that bid from James McLarty for fire hose in the amount of $620.00 be accepted, this being the low bid. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that application from Mr. H. L. Wright, President, J &L Oil, Inc., to sell packaged beer and wine at 114 Temple Avenue be approved on payment of required license. MOTION CARRI ED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that application by Mr. Daniel Ward Hurley for license to sell packaged beer and wine at Kroger Grocery Store located at Greenville Street Shopping Center be approved. MOTION CARRI ED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that letter advising Mrs. Lucia Cates Green that the City would not remove the tree located in front of 28 West Washington Street, and report from the Newnan Water and Light Commission regarding roots and sewer line be mailed as soon as possible. MOTION CARRI ED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that regular meeting of June 23, 1975 be rescheduled to Friday, June 20, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. due to a conflict with the GMA meeting in Savannah. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that allocation of Revenue Sharing Funds for fiscal year 1976 be approved as presented by City Manager. MOTION CARRIED 353 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 9, 1975 Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that ordinance adding Section 3-21(a) to the Code of Ordinances be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that ordinance adding Section 3-21(b) to the Code of Ordinances be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that Ordinance to amend Section 5-1 Building Code by the addition of the 1975 revision of said code be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that ordinance to adopt the National Electrical Code be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that ordinance to amend Section 11-1 Gas Code, by the addition of the 1974 revision of said code be approved. MOTION CARRI ED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that ordinance to amend Section l~-l Mechanical Code, by addition of the 1975 revision of said code be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that ordinance to amend Section 20-1 plumbing Code, by the addition of the 1974 revision of said code be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that sidewalk construction proposal by the City Manager be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that action on letter from Goldkist regarding construction of road be postponed indefinitely. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that request of City Manager for donation of funds for Newnan Water and Light and City of Newnan employees participation in the Professional Softball League teams in the amount of $400.00 for uniforms and other expense be approved. MOTION CARRIED On motion council adjourned. CLERK:~ I I ___ ~_~__~ ~_tiEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 16, 1975 i -~~:::::::::g,:::::~:'p::d ~.~~g;g:::~:.:~:h:fC;: g:.:~,". :"~i' "~~'ld Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett. Representing the Water & Light Com- mission were Mr. J. T. Haynes, Mr. Litt Glover, Sr., Mr. Carl Miller and Mr. Lamar Smith. Mayor Norman stated that this meeting had been called at the request of the Newnan Water and Light Commission. Mayor Norman called on Mr. J. T. Haynes. Mr. Haynes stated that the Newnan Water & Light Commission had adopted a resolution on June 13, 1975 authorizing the City of Newnan to contract with the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia for electric power and energy. Mr. Haynes requested that this resolution be adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this resolution be adopted. MOTI ON CARR IED Mr. Haynes advised that a study had been made recently of the water and sewer rates. At this time Mr. Haynes and Mr. Glover approved the rate changes as follows: Water rates would increase from 35¢ per thousand gallons to 40¢ per thousand gallons at the highest level of usage (over 100,000 gallons). Sewer rates would remain at $2.00 for the first 3,000 gallons water usage. 17,000 gallons, 25¢ per thousand. Meeting adjourned. Allover 20,000 gallons, 20¢ per thousand. For the next ~~---"-----~ NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 20, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Friday, June 20, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft called the meeting to order with Rev. Chuck Moates delivering the invocation. Present were: Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett, City Clerk Martha Ball and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the minutes of the regular meeting held on June 9, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that the minutes of the special meeting held on June 16, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Jerry Griffin, a resident of Dixon Street, stated she was representing the residents of Dixon Street. Mrs. Griffin requested that something be done to alleviate the speeding automobiles on Dixon Street. Mrs. Griffin stated that there were no speed limit signs other than the school signs. Police Chief Helton stated that he recommended the placement of speed limit signs on Dixon Street. Mr. Craft requested that in addition to the signs being erected, the area be patroled more frequently. Mrs. Slaton stated that since there are no sidewalks on Dixon Street, this street should be considered for next year's sidewalk program. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the matter of appointing someone to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be deferred. MOTION CARRIED City Clerk presented request to charge off tax in the amount of $24.64, Frank Dry Cleaners due to closing and seizure of equipment by Sheriff's Office. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that City Clerk be authorized to charge off the above tax. MOTION CARRIED On motion council adjourned. II ii I' II" [ I CLERK~ ......,,- S· - 356 ~ --_.._--,._-------- "----,.= . = -- NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 27, 1975 - ---_._-_._"-----_._---~_._--_._----~~---_.-- -... -, _-~---._,------- Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Friday, June 27, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of Ci.ty Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Attorney Charles Goodson and City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett. Mayor Norman called on Mr. Goodson to explain the purpose of this meeting. Mr. Goodson stated, "On June 10, 1975 the Justice Department sent a letter which was received in my office on June 13, 1975. This letter objected to staggered terms for members of the Board of Aldermen. They did not object to the four year terms. In a telephone conversation with the Jus- tice Department, they stated that the reason for it was that to stagger the terms knocked out single shot voting. From this letter one thing is crystal clear and that is that we have to have two alder- men running for office at the same time. The question for us today is how to achieve this with a minimum of disruption of city government and election procedures. As I see it this board has three alternatives: (1) You can vote to go back to the law as it exhisted prior to the enactment of the 1973 law. The effect of this would be that Mayor Norman, Alderwoman Slaton and Alderman Abraham's posts would be up for election for two year terms. year terms. Alderman Johnston and Craft's would be up next year for two Since the Justice Department didn't object to the four year term, my recommendation to the Board would be we try to salvage the four year term. (2) This leaves us with two other alternatives. I have been in consultation with Representative Nathan Knight, and he has presented and introduced a bill in the General Assembly which would provide that no city election be held this year, and that Mrs. Slaton's term would be extended over until next General Election. In conversa- tion with Mr. Knight just a few minutes ago, he said that for this bill to be constitutional we would have to have a referendum attached thereto. by amendment in the Senate. The provision for the referendum can be added Alderman Craft has suggested that we request that the bill be amended also to provide for an extension of his term to be included in the referendum. If the Council de- cides on this approach I would have to leave directly after the meeting to get in touch with Representative Knight in Atlanta. (3) The only other recourse is for the two aldermen with the longest terms agree to give up one year of their terms. fall's election. Mr. Abraham would give up a year and would run with Mrs. Slaton in this This would mean that Alderman Johnston would give up one year of his term and would run with Alderman Craft in the 1977 General Election. I am convinced that the Justice Department would accept this, and it would stand a court test." Mayor Norman stated he would like to know what the feeling of the Board is in regard to the first proposition. Mayor Norman stated that if we reverted to the old law with two year terms, this would mean Mrs. Slaton and Mr. Abraham would be running this year. Mrs. Slaton stated that she felt it would not be fair to Mr. Abraham or Mr. Johnston because they ran for four year terms and the people elected them for four years. -- 357 NEWNAN. GEORGIA. JUNE 27, 1975 Mr. Abraham stated he agreed with Mrs. Slaton. and this would mean he would have to give up a year of his term. Mr. Craft stated he was in favor of the four year term. Mr. Johnston stated that he was in favor of the four year term. Mr. Johnston stated he would not voluntarily give up a year of his term. Mayor Norman stated that since no motion was made to reinstate the old law. this matter would be dropped. Mr. Goodson stated that the next proposal would be extending the terms of Mr. Craft and Mrs. Slaton. This would require having a referendum. City Attorney read the resolution as follows: WHEREAS. heretofore by letter dated June 10. 1975. the United States Department of Justice did interpose an objection to Act No. 675 (House Bill No. 1231) insofar as said bill provided for staggered terms and for the annual election of a single member of the Board of Aldermen. and WHEREAS. no objection was interposed as to the four year terms set by said act. and WHEREAS. the Justice Department's intent is to require that two aldermanic posts be up for election at each aldermanic election. and WHEREAS. the action of the Justice Department leaves the status of city elections under the City Election Code uncertain. THEREFORE. this is to request that our local representatives in the General Assembly provide that there be no election in the City of Newnan for the year 1975 and that the aldermanic seat scheduled to be filled in 1975 be held by the incumbent until the duly called election in 1976 and that an election for the Board of Aldermen be held in 1976 and at that time the two seats which were filled in 1973 election would be open and subject to election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our local representatives introduce and pass legislation to provide that there be no election for Board of Aldermen in 1977 and that the aldermanic seat scheduled to be filled in 1977 be held by the incumbent until the duly called election in 1978 and that an election for Board of Aldermen be held in 1978 and at that time the two seats which were filled in 1974 election be open and subject to election. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said legislation provide for a referendum by voters of the City of Newnan asking for their approval or disapproval of said legislation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the regular 1976 session of the General Assembly that our local representatives in the General Assembly take such other and further action as is necessary to clarify and correct the election procedures for the City of Newnan. BE IT SO RESOLVED. Adopted in open session by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen this the 27th day of June. 1975. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that this resolution be adopted. vote was taken: I' A roll call Norman - yes; Craft - yes; Slaton. yes; Johnston - yes; Abraham - yes. II I! I' MOTION CARR IED I Meeting adjourned. CLERK1bc~ <? •~ III ...... t t ~58 359 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JUNE 28, 1975 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Saturday, June 28, 1975 at 11:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Slaton, Alderman Abraham and City Manager Richard Bolin. Represent- ing the Newnan Water and Light Commission were Mr. J. T. Haynes, Mr. Litt Glover, Sr., Mr. Hershall Norred, Mr. Lamar Smith and Mr. Carl Miller. After a discussion on the proposed contract between the Newnan Water &Light Commission and Shenandoah, Ltd., during which discussion several items were omitted from the agreement, a motion was made by Alderman Craft, seconded by Mr. Abraham that the contract with deletions and addendum be approved. Vote to approve was unanimous. MOTI ON CARR IED Motion by Alderman Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that in the event of legal action to enjoin the City of Newnan and Newnan Water & Light Commission to enforce this agreement, then whatever legal action that is necessary to take would be taken by the Commission. MOTION CARRIED (UnanimouslY) Meeting adjourned. CLERK~@.~ Newnan Water & Light 360 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 7, 1975 Re9ular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, July 7, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. J. E. Cammon delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held June 20, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held June 27, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held June 28, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that Mr. Joel Cox, who had planned to attend the Council Meeting to discuss the purchase of tour maps, had postponed his request until a later date. Residents of Colony Creek appeared before the Council to request the following in the Colony Creek area: (1) Additional "Stop" signs (2 ) A "3-Way Stop" si gn at Colony Drive and Christian Road (3 ) Additi ona1 "Children Playing" signs (4) Crosswalks painted at the Post Office and at the lake (5 ) Additi onal patrols in the area (6 ) "25 MPH" signs at the lake Mayor Norman advised that the City could not erect "Stop" signs on Hospital Road or Roscoe Road because they were outside the City. Mayor Norman called on Chief Helton for his recommendation. Chief Helton stated he needed more time to study the problem, but he would recommend that crosswalks be painted at the Post Office and at the Lake, and also that speed limit signs be placed in the area. Mayor Norman stated he felt "Stop" signs should be placed at each intersection, provided the residents of Colony Creek wanted these signs. The residents agreed that they would get a petition signed by the residents of Colony Creek so that the additional "Stop" signs could be erected. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that crosswalks be painted at the Post Office and at the lake, and a "3-Way Stop" sign be erected. MOTION CARR IED 361 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 7, 1975 Mr. Abraham presented a letter from Mrs. Minnie Robinson requesting the City donate $205.95 so a freezer can be purchased for the Day Care Center. Mrs. Robinson stated in her letter that USDA will pay 75%, the County will pay one-half of the remaining balance. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that $205.95 be taken from the Contingency Fund for this donation. MOTI ON CARR IED Mrs. Heggood, sponsor for the Newnan High School Cheerleaders, requested permission for the cheerleaders to have a fund raising project to help with their camp expenses. Mrs. Heggood stated the girls would wash store windows and also wash car windows (only cars that were parked) in the downtown area. Mr. Goodson stated there were not any legal objections to this. Chief Helton stated that he interposed no objection so long as the cars were parked when being washed. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mrs. Heggood's request be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of June, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented a request to charge off tax in the amount of $1.10 for Reese Beauty shop due to the fact they were out of business and there was not any personal property on which to levy. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this tax be charged off. MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated that the tax bills have been mailed and some have already been collected, making the City's financial position more solvent. are running well for this time of year. City Manager stated that the expenditures City Manager stated that revenues are off-beer tax approximately 10% and police fines 16-17%. Mayor Norman stated he would like to take this opportunity to commend the Bicentennial Committee for the outstanding 4th of July project. Mayor Norman stated the flags, art show and other activities were well planned and were an outstanding success. Mayor Norman stated he would like to commend all those who contributed in helping the City earn the Silver Award in the Georgia Certified City Program. Mayor Norman stated the City had worked for this award for the past 15 years, and he would like to thank all those who contributed toward this award. City Manager presented a resolution designating Mayor Joe P. Norman as the city official to execute and sign any documents and papers necessary for the Community Development Block Grant. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated, "There appears to be a misunderstanding by the School Board, because some of them have been led to believe that these Community Development projects were approved :162 . -------_ .. _,- "._. ,. __ .- _.- - - --------- - - - - - - - - - - --,---'.-- only by me. Council. '--,----- ------~--- I would like to point out that every project that was accepted was approved by this Also it was felt by the school that possibly they could have tennis courts. They did not qualify under the rules and regulations of the grant." Mayor Norman stated that he could not make any changes, and any changes made would have to be made by the entire Board of Aldermen. City Manager presented a request to enter into a contract for engineering services with Miller, Stevenson & Steinichen, Inc. City Manager stated this would be to design Milton Avenue Extension, and he felt the city should get professional engineering for this road. be paid out of Community Development funds. This will Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this contract be executed. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Mr. E. B. Wilson be reappointed to the Retirement Board for a three year term, term to expire July, 1978. MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated that in regards to the letter dated June 5, 1975 from Mr. E. B. Wilson, Building Official, he was asking if a decision had been made by the Council on the house located at 3 Lee Street. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this matter be held over until the City finds out the future plans for this property. MOTION CARR IED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that a letter be written to the Newnan Water & Light Commission asking them what their plans are for future expansion of their office space. Vote 4-1, Norman opposed. MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated he had talked to Mr. Bray with the Department of Transportation, and one topic which was discussed was a traffic signal for Bu11sboro Drive/Greison Trail intersection. City Manager stated that in order to erect this signal an application to erect, maintain I and operate a traffic signal must be made. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that application be made to erect this traffic signal. I MOTION CARRIED i I Discussion on the referendum was postponed until the next Council Meeting. City Manager presented a resolution to sell property to Coweta County. I i City Manager stated that this property was adjacent to Central High School, and was of no use to the City because of its shape. City Manager stated it would be sold for the same amount the City had paid for this property which was $4,250.00 since it was purchased by the City because the school system did not have the funds available at that time. Motior Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this resolution be adopted. MOTI ON CARR IED Ii Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the appointment to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be postponed until the next regular Council Meeting. MOTION CARRIED I II 363 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 7, 1975 Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the City enter into a contract with Coweta County to construct the Gold Kist road. Under this agreement Gold Kist will pay $5,000 and the City agrees to move the dirt and maintain the portion from Greenville Street to the railroad track. MOTION CARRIED City Manager read a letter dated July 2, 1975 from the Coweta County Commissioners which congratulated the City of Newnan on receiving the Silver Award in the Georgia Certified City Program. Mr. Craft stated he had received a complaint about the vacant lot on Carmichael Circle being grown up with weeds. City Manager stated he would notify the property owner. Mayor Norman asked City Manager if the drainage problem at 31 Jones Street had been checked. City Manager stated he had checked this problem, and there was no satisfactory solution. II Mayor Norman requested City Manager to contact the resident of his finding. II Mr. Abraham stated he had received complaints about noisy motorcycles on Farmer, Spring and East Washington Street. Chief Helton was requested to patrol the area more frequently and to strIctly enforce the ordinance regarding excessive noise. Meeting adjourned. CLERK~ I ! 364 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 21,1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, July 21, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall with Mayor Joe P. Norman presiding. Mayor Norman called the meeting to order with Father Berry delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting of July 7, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman recognized Mr. Bill Miller of the Civitan Club at this time. Mr. Miller re- quested the adoption of a resolution regarding a bicentennial bicycle trail from Atlanta to the West Point Reservoir, and advised that the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation and Fulton County Planner had begun work on a county-wide program. The APDC would assist in application for request for funds, and the Civitan Club would be glad to cooperate and follow through on a city-county effort to promote the program. Mayor Norman suggested to Mr. Miller that the County Recreation Depart- ment be contacted and allowed to contribute to the program also. Motion Mrs. Slaton, seconded by Mr. Johnston that the resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED A letter from the Newnan Water and Light Commission regarding the construction of a new office building was read by City Manager Bolin. Alderman Craft stated that he would oppose the location as a private citizen, as very inconvenient to customers paying accounts and would necessitate additional use of gasoline which was bad in view of the economy. Mrs. Slaton stated that she thought the two boards should have a meeting and discuss the relocation of this office. Alderman Johnston stated that he would like to know the effect on monies contributed to the City in the future. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mayor Norman be authorized to write the Newnan Water and Light Commission requesting a joint meeting as soon as possible. MOTI ON CARR IED Chief Helton reported that three way stop signs had not been erected in the ColonY Creek subdivision and walkings painted, per request of residents at last council meeting. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mr. James A. Beavers be appointed to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission. MOTI ON CARR IED Alderman Abraham stated that the Health Inspector had found the Day Care Center p1aY9round on Savannah Street still in bad shape and requested that the Street Department be authorized to correct the drainage problem. I II 365 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 21,1975 Alderwoman Slaton requested that a letter of commendation and appreciation be written to Mr. Robert Campbell for his services on the Planning Commission. Chief Helton was commended for the pedestrian safety award received by the Police Department. On motion council adjourned. i II '[ [I II I Ii II CLERK~ i i I Ii ,I /366 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, July 2~, 1975 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held July 29, 1975 at 10:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall with Mayor Joe P. Norman presiding. Mayor Norman called the meeting to order. Present were: Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett, members of the Newnan Water and Light Commission Mr. J. T. Haynes, Mr. Litt Glover, Mr. Hershall Norred, and Secretary for the Newnan Water and Light Commission Mr. Lamar Smith. Mayor Norman explained that the purpose of this meeting was to obtain information regarding the Water and Light Commission moving from the Municipal Building to a new location. Mayor Norman advised that the reason the Water and Light Commission was sent the letter requesting this meeting was because the Mayor and Board of Aldermen must take action regarding the house located at 3 Lee Street. Mr. Haynes stated that he had heard the opinion from two aldermen regarding the plans of the Water and Light Commission, which was heard over the radio. objected because of the fuel crisis. to the City of Newnan. Mr. Haynes stated that Mr. Craft Mr. Johnston questioned the effect on the monies contributed Mr. Haynes said he assured the City that this would not affect the con- tribution to the City of Newnan. Mr. Haynes stated that in regards to Mr. Craft's statement only 23% of the customers pay at the window (80% of these drive to City Hall). by mail. The remaining 77% pay Mr. Haynes stated he did not feel that the new location would inconvenience the people because they plan to have drop boxes located throughout the city. Mr. Haynes stated that the Commission had $165,000 earmarked for the purpose of constructing a new office facility. small office. Mr. Haynes stated, "We are crowded with sometimes 6 to 8 people in one The architects went over this and their reaction was stated in the letter. thought you would approve the findings of the architects. We do not have any interest in the house Mayor Norman asked how the Commission assumed the Mayor and Council approved this. Mr. Haynes stated that no objections were voiced by the Mayor and Council. Mayor Norman stated that at a meeting in March or April, he was given a copy of the report Mayor Norman stated he felt that many people who come into the building need to see both the City and the Water and Light Commission. I I Mayor Norman stated, "A copy of this report was sent to the Board of Aldermen, and you said you would like to have a meeting in regards to this. A meeting was set up, and then we were advised that Mr. Glover was out of town and the meeting would be rescheduled. The next time one member was sick, and again the meeting was postponed." Mayor Norman stated he personally assumed the two boards would get I together and discuss this matter. Mr. Haynes stated that the two bodies separating would not be unusual. Mr. Haynes stated, "We had a meeting of the Electric Authority in Ft. Valley recently, and their Water and Light Commission is in the same situation. out beautifully. They moved to the surburbs and their situation has worked They have put in drop boxes and the people are delighted." Mr. Haynes stated they would like to put a drop box downstairs if the Mayor and Board approved this. i We on Lee Street." and at that time voiced his opinion. II Mr. Haynes I I 367 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 29, 1975 said that many cities have their utilities separate from City Hall. Mr. Haynes stated they have only so much money to put into a building and on the advise of the architects they have decided to build the one story building. Mayor Norman asked if their board had reached the decision that they were going to move. Mr. Haynes stated they had unanimously agreed and would like to go with the blessings of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Mayor Norman asked if this one story building could be built much cheaper than an annex to this building. Mr. Haynes stated, "Yes, it would be much cheaper." Mayor Norman stated that if the Mayor and Board of Aldermen did not approve this, there was nothing they could do. Mr. Haynes stated they did not want to defy the Council and were just going on the advice of the architect. ing. Mr. Haynes stated he felt they could do better by building a separate build- Mr. Haynes stated that they wanted to make it just as easy as they could for the customers and that was why they would put in drop boxes. Mayor Norman asked could this facility be built, landscaped and equipped for $165,000. Mr. Haynes said, "Yes, this can be done. We would have to cut out something if we could not come within the figure." Mayor Norman stated he did not want the Commission to move from the building because a number of people came into this building to see both bodies. Secondly, the relationship between the two boards is better than it has ever been. Mr. Haynes stated he felt the two boards could still be just as close. Mayor Norman stated he felt this was an inconvenience to the people who have to drive up to pay their bills. Mr. Haynes stated that is why they will have the drop boxes. Mr. Haynes stated they will also have a drive-in window. City Manager Bolin stated he would like to give a bit of historical data concerning this. Mr. Bolin stated that for as long as he had been City Manager, the expansion of this building has been discussed by the two bodies. Mr. Bolin stated that the City has spent $40,000 purchasing adjacent property in order to expand this building. City Manager stated that the plans had been for the entire first floor to be occupied by the Water and Light Commission, and the second floor would be for city offices. City Manager stated that if the Water and Light Commis- sion does move, the space left by them will not help the City that much, because of the design of this building. City Manager stated that a better office arrangement was needed. City Manager stated he had put considerable time into this project, and the City alone cannot build this extension. City Manager stated that the city does not need 10,000 sq. ft., but does need 5,000 sq. ft. Mayor Norman stated that the city had purchased three houses at a total cost of approximately $70,000 for this expansion. Mr. Craft asked Mr. Haynes if he felt this move would take a little more business away from the downtown area. NEWNAN, GEORGIA, JULY 29, 1975 Mr. Haynes stated that the old plan of expanding around the Courthouse was obsolete, and he did not feel it would hurt the merchants of the downtown district. Mr. Norred stated he had a business in the downtown area, and he did not feel it would be jeopardized in any way by this move. Mr. Glover said the only way he would object to the proposed building was that if the cost exceeded the figure $165,000. Mr. Lamar Smith stated that in the future they will have to have training sessions and also a meter testing program. Mr. Smith stated that the proposed building provides a classroom area for approximately 50 people. Mr. Smith stated that it also provides a sanitary area in which the water meters could be tested. At this time Mr. Carl Miller was called to the meeting to discuss the development on territorial rights. Mr. Miller explained that he had met with Mr. John Hood, of Coweta-Fayette EMC and had reached an agreement subject to the approval of Mr. Hood's board. This will be presented to his board in about two weeks. Mr. Miller stated he had also met with Georgia Power, and after going to the Public Service Commission the territory was finalized with Georgia Power. Mayor Norman asked Mr. Miller to provide the Board of Aldermen with a map as soon as the areas have been decided. Mr. Miller stated he would do this. Mayor Norman asked Mr. Miller if there was any new developments with Shenandoah. Mr. Miller stated he had heard that Mr. Stokes had given verbal approval to the water agreement, and he felt sure that Mr. Stokes would sign this agreement. Meeting adjourned. CLER;jJ\~ ill- k _ MAYOR'~~'- 369 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 11,1975 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Monday, August 11,1975 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were: Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett. Members of the Newnan Water and Light Commission present were Mr. J. T. Haynes; Mr. Litt Glover; Mr. Hersha11 Norred; Mr. Lamar Smith, Secretary-Treasurer; and Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., Attorney. Mr. Haynes stated that the Newnan Water and Light Commission had signed the Addendum to Water Agreement along with Shenandoah, and the remaining signature was that of the Mayor. Mr. Haynes called on Mr. Litt Glover, Jr., to explain any questions regarding the addendum. Mayor Norman asked Mr. Glover to clarify the phrase under Item 2 which stated "The City and the Commission shall bear the cost of any such legal expenses in excess of $15,000". Mr. Glover stated he did not envision spending this amount on a court case since there was no likelihood of there being any expenses under those circumstances. Mr. Glover stated ! this was a recommendation by the Commission. Mayor Norman stated he was opposed to this. Mr. Abraham stated he was opposed to this. Mr. Glover stated that Item 7 was included for clarification purposes only. Mr. Glover stated that Item 9 explained what would happen in the event Peachtree City I I Ii II, Ii interfered. Mr. Glover stated that Item 9 states that if something happens and the Court enjoins II Ii I the City for getting water from Line Creek, at that time the agreement becomes null and void. 'I Mr. Glover stated that the Commission does agree to use their best efforts to find another source. Mr. Glover stated if there was no interference from Peachtree City, then the extra water would be sold to Shenandoah at cost plus 10%. Mr. Glover stated that if their amount of water they take from Line Creek is limited, then the Newnan Water and Light Commission agrees not to sell excessive amounts to new parties outside the City. Mr. Glover stated that excessive amount was over 23 million gallons per month to such third party users. City Manager asked if the City wanted to serve an industry outsi de the city, wou1 d they have to get approval from Shenandoah. Mr. Glover states yes, but it states that approval has to be based on reasonable population projection and if this shows there would be insufficient water from Line Creek, then the Water and Light Commission would not be allowed to sell to the new industry. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that the Addendum to Water Agreement dated July 25, 1975 be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. CLERK:~a i I II I 370 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 11, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, August 11,1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Victor Green delivering the invocati on. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft; Alderwoman Inez Slaton; Alderman Alvin Johnston; Alderman Billy Abraham; City Manager Richard Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball; City Attorney Charles Goodson; Director of Community Development, George Robinson; City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that reading of the minutes of the regular council meeting held on July 21, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Warren Brockway, representing the Newnan-Coweta Humane Society, read a letter requesting they be allowed to assist with the City Dog Pound. Mr. Brockway stated they would provide personnel to go to the pound on a regular basis during the week. They would provide many ser- vices such as answering phones and providing information to callers, the feeding and watering of animals, the cleaning of the floors in the pound, the making of minor repairs, the construction of a cat cage, the construction of a locked cabinet and possibly in the future, the establishment of a regular time for the adoption of animals. Mayor Norman asked if he had the approximate cost of the materials for the repairs. Mr. Brockway stated the approximate costs as follows: 2 yds. concrete lumber for cat cage weather pads for doors lumber cabinet repair locks shelves paint wi ndow fan heater $ 50.00 40.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 60.00 100.00 150.00 $ 520.00 Mr. Brockway requested that $750.00 to $800.00 be authorized so that miscellaneous items could be purchased as needed. Mayor Norman asked Mr. Goodson for his legal opinion regarding liability of the City. Mr. Goodson stated he could possibly draw a waiver in the event the City wanted them to work. City Attorney stated it was doubtful if anyone under 18 years of age could participate unless they had consent from both parents. City Manager stated that Building &Grounds, Materials & Supplies had some remaining funds in their 1975 budget. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the City enter into this proposal with the Newnan-Coweta Humane Society as stated in their letter dated July 21,1975, funds for repairs to be taken from Building &Grounds, Materials and Supplies. MOTION CARRIED II 371 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 11,1975 Mayor Norman stated he had received a letter from Mrs. Bertha Storey, 136 Temple Avenue regarding a drainage problem. Mayor Norman stated that Mrs. Storey had complained several times about the drainage problem at her home. Mayor Norman stated he reported this to Mr. Bolin, and i he had Mr. Brown look into this. Mr. Brown stated the catch basin was large enough. I Mr. Bolin stated that this problem had occurred 2 or 3 months ago for the first time. 'I City Manager stated he felt the trouble was in the pipes since this problem had not occurred prior to this time. Mayor Norman stated they would wait and see if cleaning out the pipes would correct this matter, however, if a new catch basin is needed, this should be reported to the Council at the next meeting so that action can be taken if necessary. Mr. Bruce Woods, Rt. 4, Box 293E, appeared before the Council stating that on April 12, II II I 1975 smoke was reported behind Luckie's store. The Newnan Fire Department was notified and stated that this was outside the city. Mr. Woods stated that this was inside the city, however, the Coweta County Volunteer Fire Department was called after the Newnan Fire Department refused to go to the fire. Mr. Woods stated his building was completely destroyed, and he felt the city was responsible. Mr. Woods stated this building was set on fire by five children, and this was reported to the Newnan Police Department and no action was taken by them. Mayor Norman called on City Attorney Goodson for his legal opinion. Mr. Goodson stated that it appeared to him after doing research, that cities are immune against suit regarding fire protection. City Attorney stated he would send Mr. Woods a letter this week citing the cases showing this, and Mr. Woods could take this to his lawyer if he had any questions. Mr. Melvin Samuels, representing the Social Knights Club, appeared before the Council and requested that he be appointed as a Deputy Registrar. Mayor Norman advised that anyone wanting to register to vote could do so at the City Clerk's Office, or if someone was sick or disabled, the Clerk's Office would take the book out to their home to register them. Mayor Norman advised that the law does not require Deputy Registrars, but they may be appointed if needed. Mr. Craft stated that is would cost a lot to maintain the voters list, since everytime the book was taken from the Clerk's Office every name on the book would have to be purged when it returned. Mayor Norman advised that the Clerk's Office is open on Saturdays before elections to make it convenient for everyone to register. Mr. Alvin Camp, representing himself, also requested he be appointed as a Deputy Registrar. Mr. Camp stated it was inconvenient for the people, and many people didn't know where to come since it was not advertised. Mayor Norman advised that this was incorrect, it was advertised before every election. I I '[ Brenda L. Camp, representing the Social Knights Club, also presented herself as a candidate for Deputy Registrar. She stated that some people are working during the Clerk's Office hours , NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 11, 1975 ~========= and are unable to register. She also stated that people are misinformed and go to the Courthouse to register. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that no Deputy Registrars be appointed. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that Accounts Payable for the month of July, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bid results for two pickup trucks. City Manager recommended the low bid from Weddington Chevrolet on both trucks, bid being $3614.00 for truck with 8 ft. long body, and $3581.00 for truck with 6~ ft. long body. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that the low bids be accepted. MOTI ON CARR IED City Manager requested permission to purchase traffic signals for Bullsboro Dr./Greison Trail intersection. City Manager recommended the lights be installed by a professional. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that the cheaper traffic lights be purchased at an estimated cost of $8,800.00 (including installation), funds to be taken from Street Maintenance Account in 1976, and should the hardware arrive, from the 1975 Budget. MOTION CARRI ED Mayor Norman advised Chief Helton that people are using the front entrance to McDonald's as an exit to the intersection and requested this be watched. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that Mr. Jimmy Sprayberry and Dr. Tom Pettet be reappointed to the Board of Appeals for a period of 3 years. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution from Urban Renewal Department approving revised schedule of prices of comparable housing in locality be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Letter was presented from Mr. Joe McNabb, Chairman, Newnan-Carnegie Library Board of Trustees, requesting the following maintenance be done by the City. 1. Interior walls are peeling and need to be painted. 2. Apparently, one of the local 4-H Clubs uses the space above the library for a rifle range. Several months ago bullets from the rifle range area were discharged through the ceiling and the adjoining wall. The damaged portions need to be replastered or otherwise repaired. 3. A large number of fluorescent light bulbs in the library have burned out and need to be replaced. 4. Senior Citizens and other patrons of the library have indicated that it would be very helpful to have an iron railing placed along the center portion of the front steps of the library for support and safety. 5. The library is in great need of additional book shelves. If the City is willing to construct these book shelves, the library board will pay the costs of all materials used from its current allocated funds in view of the fact that said book shelves will need special staining and features . • 373 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 11,1975 ~==------~-~ - -_._----~----~-_. - - - - - - - - - -. City Manager stated the City built two book shelves last year, and the library found them unacceptable because of color. City Manager advised that the City replaces the fluorescent light bulbs. Mayor Norman requested that the Building Official go over and take a look at the items and report at the next Council Meeting as to the cost. A letter from Mr. Bruce Hamilton, President, Coweta Festivals, Inc., was presented. This letter requested permission to park a flat-bed trailer on the south side of the Court Square all day Friday, August 29, 1975, and permission to block the south side of the Court Square beginning Friday at 6:00 p.m. until the conclusion of the street dance. Mr. Hamilton also requested permission to park James Rainwater's trailer, an historical exhibit, at a point to be designated by the Police Department on the Court Square on Friday and Saturday. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mr. Hamilton's requests be approved. MOTION CARRI ED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the ordinance regarding blocking of sidewalks be suspended August 29-30, 1975. MOTION CARRIED Resolution was presented which requested the Coweta County Planner, Director of Community Development for the City of Newnan, and a planner from the Chattahoochee-Flint Area Planning and Development Commission, to assist the Council on Aging. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this resolution be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Bolin advised that he had received a call from Mr. Matthew Avant, with Manpower Training Council, advising that the City of Newnan had been granted $96,000 to continue the Public Employment Program. City Manager stated that $20,000 was for present employees and $76,000 was for new jobs. Mr. Johnston requested Chief Helton to investigate the parking situation on Fourth Street between Hollis Heights and Second Avenue where the housing for the elderly is located. Mr. Johnston stated that cars are parking along the street making the street one-way. Chief Helton stated he would look into this situation and report at the next Council Meeting. Mr. Johnston requested that "Traffic Signal Ahead" signs be placed on Jackson Street. City Manager advised that these signs have already been placed, and he would check to see if they are still there and have them re-erected if necessary. Mr. Craft asked about the County Registrars serving as Deputy Registrars for the City. Mr. Goodson advised that they had refused to do so. On motion council adjourned. .. .... 37~ NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 25, 1975 ~~~~==~==~==-~ ~~._=~~~~~~~~~ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on August 25, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Jack Snell delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held on August 11,1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on August 11, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED A petition from Major Boone, President, Boone Gas Company, was presented. The petition requested that curb and gutter be placed at their new place of business located at 24 Lee Street. The petition also requested permission to install a 250 gallon propane gas tank. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City install the curb and gutter at the above location, subject to Mr. Boone paying 50% of the cost. MOTION CARRIED Fire Chief O. C. Williams advised that the tank was not in violation of State or local laws. Chief Williams advised that said tank would have to be placed 10 feet from any building. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution declaring surplus equipment be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bid results for office printing supplies. City Manager recom- mended acceptance of low bid from Thomasson Printing & Office Equipment Company. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Craft that recommendation of City Manager be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Bid results for construction of a water and sewer line in the Westside Urban Renewal project (Lovelace Street) were presented. City Manager recommended acceptance of low bid from Double H Construction, P. O. Box 727, Jonesboro, Georgia, at a bid of $26,462.25. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that bid be awarded to Double H Construction Company. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman advised that the parking lot at the Coweta County Health Department had been resurfaced recently. Mayor Norman stated he would like for that parking lot to be named, as well as the parking lot in town (now known as the Merchants Parking Lot). Mayor Norman recommended the Merchants Parking Lot be named the E. W. Brown, Sr. Parking Lot and the parking lot at the County Health Department be named the Gill-Walls Parking Area. 375 -. ~ --- ----_ .. --_ ... - NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 25, 1975 ~~='=:::;=_~~ . . __-c _-c_~~~_~~~~~, -~-----~- ------._.-- ~_. ---_.---.---. . .._ Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that City Manager Bolin draw up a resolution naming the parking lots and present this at the next Council Meeting. III, MOTION CARRIED Ii Mrs. Slaton recommended that two rails be placed at the Carnegie Library entrance instead of one rail down the middle of the steps. I! II II City Manager stated he would ask the Library Board II to consider two railings on the sides of the steps instead of one in the center. Ii I' Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that the following expenditure for Carnegie Library be approved, funds to be taken from Building &Grounds, Maintenance &Repairs. (1) I Interior walls painted - $496.00 II-, I MOTION CARRIED I Police Chief Helton stated he had checked the parking situation on Fourth Street (between Second Avenue and Hollis Heights), and found that the street is narrow making the street oneway when cars park along the side of the street. Chief Helton stated that all residences I have driveways, and he recommended making both sides of the street "NO PARKING" beginning at II Second Avenue and extending to Hollis Heights. Ii II II Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that recommendation of Chief Helton be approved. II I, MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that a decision should be made regarding the city property located "II II, ,I ! I at 3 Lee Street. Mrs. Slaton stated she would prefer to sell the property if the City had no plans for I'I II the property. I, Mr. Abraham stated he felt the property would be needed by the City at some future date I' I and should not be sold. II Mayor Norman stated that this property was bought for future expansion purposes and would il be needed at some time in the future, and it would be poor business to sell this property. I Mayor Norman stated he would be in favor of purchasing the house located on the other side I, I! Ii of the Municipal Building if it were offerred. Mr. Craft stated he did not feel that government should be in real estate. Mr. Craft stated he was in favor of demolishing the house. Mr. Craft stated that this property could be used as a parking lot, even if it were used for nothing else. Motion Mrs. Slaton that if the city has no further need for this property, to sell it. Being no second the motion died. i II II 'I II '[ Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that the house located at 3 Lee Street be demolished and Miss Parks be given notice to evacuate the premises by January 15, 1976. Ii Vote 4-1, Slaton opposed. Ii MOTION CARRIED Ii I' Ii I' Ii II II i I' I I, NEWNAN, GEORGIA, AUGUST 25, 1975 - - - --=---------- ~~""'-==~= --- -=--=--------=---------- City Manager advised that Chief Helton had received a verbal request to remove the loading zone in front of Hilda's TV Repair located at 3 Jackson Street. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that City Manager check and see if the occupant has any need for the loading zone, and if he does not, remove the loading zone. MOTI ON CARR I ED Mr. Craft stated that the site clearance at the railroad intersection on VC Street is poor due to tall grass. Mr. Craft requested this situation be corrected. Mr. Craft stated that Nimmons Street was blocked at times due to cars parking in the traffic lanes. City Manager stated he would see that this situation was corrected. Mayor Norman advised that he had talked to Mr. Jensen and Mr. Hooten regarding the parking situation at the Atkinson Street School. Mayor Norman stated that Bobby Welch was to speak to the School Board regarding this matter. Mayor Norman stated he would persue this further. Mayor Norman advised that Mr. Jim Redding who lives on Hollis Heights stated a tree limb fell on his car which caused some damage. City Manager stated this would be handled by the City's insurance company. Mr. Abraham stated that tractor trailers are parking in the streets to make deliveries to downtown merchants, which is causing a severe traffic situation. City Attorney stated he would draw up an ordinance regarding this. Mrs. Slaton requested City Manager to check into the parking situation across the street from Newnan High School. Meeting adjourned. CLERKd\~ 01. ~_ II 377 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held III, on Wednesday, September 3, 1975 at 11:30 a.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Mayor Norman stated that the Department of Housing and Urban Development would like to make a grant to the City of Newnan for the Shenandoah water system in the amount of $1,675,000. Mayor Norman stated that the Newnan Water and Light Commission would keep the money in account that has already been given by Shenandoah and as the work progresses the City of Newnan would pay back Shenandoah with this grant money from HUD. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution be adopted authorizing the City of Newnan to file an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the purpose of securing Federal assistance for the construction on a new water supply line and related components of the system known as the Line Creek Water Supply. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. MAYOR'~ I Ii i! Ii I Manager Richard Bolin and City Manager's secretary Frances Barnett. CLERK~(!,~ I o' M I I NEWNAN, GEOR~SE£I£MBER 8. 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, September 8,1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. John Whatley delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Ma~ager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Director of Community Development George Robinson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held August 25, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held September 3, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED A letter from Mr. Walter E. Dodgen, Manager, Skinner's Furniture, was presented. This letter requested that the City remove the yellow curb on Brown Street that runs from Washington Street to the corner of Skinner Furniture Store. Mayor Norman called on Police Chief Helton for his recommendation. Chief Helton stated that the loading zone is being used by other stores in the area and should not be removed. Mr. Storey stated he was opposed to removing the loading zone because trucks park there to make deliveries to his store. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the request of Mr. Walter E. Dodgen be denied. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Lucia Cates Green, 26 West Washington Street, stated she was having a problem with dogs in her neighborhood. Mrs. Green asked about enforcing the Leash Law. City Manager read Section 4-21, Code of Ordinances, which stated the following: "The mayor and council may, by the passage of a resolution prohibit the running at large of all dogs. The resolution shall state the dates that the dogs must be safely and securely penned or on a leash." Mrs. Green requested this law be enforced at least 3 months each year. Mr. Johnston recommended that the Animal Warden concentrate in this area and pick up all dogs not wearing collars. Other members of the Council concurred with this recommendation. City Manager read a report from the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission regarding application by W. C. West to rezone property at Thompson and Savannah Streets from Mto R2. == ~- =~::="::':...="=.=-_":::::. . NEWNAN. GEORGIA. SEPTEMBER 8. 1975 CONTINUED .•... -.. ~-=--" ---·~---..,c-_-_~_,_-c=_-- __ ._._-~. ---~ The letter stated that the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend that not only this property but the rest of this block be rezoned to R2. Ii Ii Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the recommendation of the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission be approved and the ordinance showing this change be adopted. II 'I I! Ii I' MOTI ON CARR IED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that Accounts Payable for the month of August. 1975 be approved. II II Ii I ! I II MOTION CARRIED I City Manager Bolin reported that he and Mayor Norman had visited Commissioner Tom Moreland of the Department of Transportation last week. The City should now be priority number one or II ! two on repaving of five streets. Mr. Moreland advised that the Perimeter Road bid is scheduled to be let in November. Also. the Department of Transportation is staking off the right-of-way II at the LaGrange Street Bridge. and they will be doing the appraisal of this land. City Manager presented the bid results for paving of the Fire Training Tower site. I Ctty il II I I Manager stated they had received only one bid. that being West Georgia Concrete in the amount of $10.522.75. City Manager stated that since the City only has $6.600 for this project. he recommended that the bid be rejected and bids be re-let at a later date. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that recommendation of City Manager be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the ordinance establishing rules and regulations for controlling soil erosion and sedimentation be adopted. MOTION CARR IED I il II I, II II I' il Ii !I II !I I, l " Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that the resolutions naming the E. W. Brown Sr. t Parking Lot and the Gill-Walls Parking Lot be adopted. MOTI ON CARR IED City Manager requested that Price Street. from McIntosh Street to Mary Ann Street be paved. and the funds are to be taken from the Street Restricted Account. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin advised that the City Softball Team had won both the regular season II II,I II il Ii I: I I, II II II championship and the tournament championship in the Professional League. Mayor Norman congratulated the team. I Mr. Craft requested that City Manager Bolin check into the possibility of the Department II of Transportation providing a turn lane into Newnan Hospital and Parks Avenue from Jackson Street. Iii ,, City Manager is to report his findings at the next Council Meeting. Mr. Craft requested that Chief Helton check into the possibility of adding another median crossing at K-Mart. Chief Helton is to take a look at this area and report back at the next Council Meeting. / ~80 ==========c: =o==~~~~~~~~.~N~EW;;:NAN ..._ GEORGlA, SEPTEMBER 8... 197~ CONTINUED ..... Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that a letter be written to the Coweta County Commissioners requesting that Mrs. Evelyn Cartledge be appointed as Deputy Registrar for the City of Newnan. MOTION CARRIED Meeting Adjourned. 381 NEWNAN GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 22, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Monday, September 22, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. J. E. Cammon delivering the invocation. I A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, II Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard i i II Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Director of Community Development George Robinson, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams, Sr. :1 II Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that reading of the minutes of the regular meet- 'I I! ing held on September 8, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. II I MOTION CARRIED I Dr. M. H. Cole, Jr., representing the Newnan Community Music Association, requested additional wiring in the Municipal Auditorium, necessary for the 1975-76 concert season. Mayor Norman advised Dr. Cole that City Manager Bolin was investigating the cost of this project, and a report would be available by the weekend. Mr. Ray Petty, representing the Newnan High Booster Club, requested that the ordinance prohibiting circuses from performing only at specified locations be waived, since arrangements had been made for the King Bros. Circus to appear at Drake Stadium before he was aware of the i,l. I' ordinance. II Motion Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Abraham that City Attorney draw up an ordinance to amend the Business License Ordinance regarding carnivals and/or circuses location and fee for this one time only. I I MOTION CARRIED I AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND SECTION 42(c) CODE OF BUSINESS LICENSES TO ALLOW CIRCUS AT NEWNAN HIGH SCHOOL AND TO WAIVE BUSINESS LICENSE FOR ONE OCCASION AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES II BE IT ORDAINED, and it is hereby ordained by the authority of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, that Section 42(c) of Section 14.1 of the Code of the City of Newnan is amended as follows: I Section 42(c) is amended by the addition of the following language: School property" "And Newnan High It is further amended to excuse the $500 fee for King Bros Circus on October 5, 1975. It is so ordained. I: I II I' This the 22nd day of September, 1975. The ordinance was unanimously approved. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution authorizing Mayor Norman to execute Tri-Party Agreement between Southern Railway, State Department of Transportation and the City of Newnan be adopted. MOTI ON CARR IED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the following results of the special election be adopted: i i,I· II II I' Ii I',I " 1 1 II d I' I, Special election held on September 9, 1975 on the question of "Shall the act extending for one year the term of office of the aldermen of this city whose terms would otherwise expire in 1975 and 1977 be approved" TOTAL VOTES CAST AT POLLS TOTAL ABSENTEE VOTES CAST TOTAL VOTES CAST 304 2 306 TOTAL YES VOTES TOTAL NO VOTES TOTAL VOTES VOIDED 248 57 1 306 306 MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation of Mr. Lynn B. Hooven, Forester, and City Manager to remove two trees located at 56 Jackson Street be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the Ordinance amending the Electrical Ordinance Chapter 9, Code of Ordinances, be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that the request of City Clerk to charge off 1973 and 1974 tax on Nelson Green Estate in the amount of $16.39 due to duplicate billing, be granted. MOTION CARRIED Police Chief Helton advised that he had investigated the possibility of a median crossing at K-Mart on Bullsboro Drive and thought it would be unnecessary after the traffic lights are installed at Bullsboro Drive/Greison Trail intersection. City Manager Bolin advised that he had contacted the State Highway Department regarding turn lanes at Newnan Hospital and Parks Avenue intersections with Jackson Street. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the low bid from Double H Construction Company for paving contract be accepted. MOTION CARRIED A letter was presented from Mr. Daniel Moten requesting no parking on Hill Street from 28 Hill Street to Savannah Street. Chief Helton was instructed to investigate. Mayor Norman advised that the request to Coweta County Commissioners regarding County Voter Registrar, to register City voters, was referred to Mr. Gene Newman, Chief County Registrar, who is appointed by the Superior Court Judge. Mayor Norman suggested a joint meeting with the Coweta County Commissioners to duscuss the publicity for the sales tax referendum to be held on November 4, 1975. City Attorney Goodson advised that he was investigating ordinance on trucks making deliveries in the city and would present an ordinance at the next council meeting. On motion council adjourned. MAYOR:_~~~~~~~~~-II 383 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 6, 1975 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on Monday, October 6, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Merrell Minter delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Director of Community Development George Robinson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams, Sr. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held September 22, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin presented a letter from Mrs. Julie Jones, Chairman, Ways and Means, Junior Service League, requesting that the auditorium fee be waived for the follies production in March, 1976. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the auditorium fee be waived for the follies production in March, 1976. MOTION CARR IED City Manager Bolin advised that regarding insurance for City employees he had consulted Mr. Matt Cole. City Manager called on Mr. Cole to explain. Mr. Matt Cole stated that he would like to give a background regarding the premium increases over the past year. Mr. Cole stated that up until April, 1974 medical costs were limited by the Federal Government, but on this date they were unfrozen. Up to that time Blue Cross/Blue Shield had to absorb the cost they had incurred, so they began to pass this cost on through premium increases. This has created a hump that most everybody is experiencing. This increase is also to take care of expenses to be incurred next year. Mr. Cole stated that it will be impossible to duplicate the present coverage the City has. Mr. Cole stated that should the City decide to let bids on this, the specifications should be broad enough so that other companies will be able to bid. Mayor Norman stated he felt the City had nothing to lose by letting bids on this. Mr. Cole stated that he suggested the City include a cover statement with the bids, stating that all bids may be rejected. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that City Manager and Mr. Cole draw up il specifications for insurance and submit it for bids. MOTION CARR IED II Dr. M. H. Cole, Jr., stated that regarding the additional lighting for the City Auditorium, he had come up with a lower quotation than previously stated. I Dr. Cole stated that Mr. E. B. Wilson, and Mr. Carl Miller had quoted the figure $1,928.68, which would include the Water & Light Commission purchasing the wire wholesale, and the Building I I I II II " 1.1 II II 384 Department and Water & Light Commission assisting in providing free labor. Dr. Cole requested that the Council see fit to initiate this work and to assist with the funding as much as possible and to allow the Building Department and Water &Light Commission to assist with this work. Mayor Norman called on City Manager Bolin for his recommendation. City Manager Bolin stated that the City would be glad to help with the work, but had no funds for this project. Mayor Norman asked Dr. Cole if he would like this item to be placed in next year's budget. Dr. Cole stated that the labor would be of considerable help. Dr. Cole stated he would withdraw his original request that the City fund this project, and request that the City allow the Building Department and the Water &Light Commission to assist by providing labor and purchasing the materials wholesale, which money will be paid for by his civic group. Mr. Craft stated he would like to commend Dr. Cole for his efforts in this worthwhile project. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City assist in any way possible other than spending funds for this additional wiring and stage renovation. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of September, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARR IED Mayor Norman advised that in regard to the Local Option Sales Tax Referendum, a meeting will be held on Thursday, October 9, at 7:00 p.m. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution regarding the continuation of Revenue Sharing Funds be adopted. MOTION CARRIED An application for beer/wine license for Kwickie Food Store located at Be1k Road/Franklin Highway intersection was presented. City Manager read the recommendation from Police Chief Helton, which stated that he had no objection to issuing this license. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that Kwickie Food Store, located at Be1k Road/ Franklin Highway intersection be issued a beer/wine license in the name of Joe Pasche1 Crutchfield. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bids for Police trousers & ties. City Manager recommended acceptance of the total low bid from Banner at $22.95 for trousers, and $1.50 for ties. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that recommendation of City Manager be approved. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that the bid for street work for Phillips Street be awarded to the low bidder, Double H Construction Co. at a bid of $18,818.70, funds to be taken from Community Development. MOTION CARRIED i. 385 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, OCTOBER 6, 1975 CONTINUED ••.. _ - .. ~ - -------.-------~._--------_ --.. -- -- ---- Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that bid for electrical work at Newnan Fire Department be awarded to the low bidder, Don McCarty at a bid of $1,866.43. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that in regard to the proposed ordinance amending Section 15-92, regarding deliveries by tractors and trailers in the first fire district, he had asked Mr. Tommy Pike to be present to answer any questions the Council might have. I Mr. Pike stated he didn't see that this ordinance would penalize anyone. Mr. Pike 1 stated he felt this was a good ordinance. Mr. Johnston asked if other surrounding cities have ordinances such as this one. Mr. Pike stated that cities such as College Park, Hapeville and East Point all have ordinances, but each is different. II II I Mr. Pike stated that this ordinance would restrict 20' tractors and trailers. City Attorney stated it would prohibit them from making deliveries to more than one place. I Mr. Abraham stated he would like to give this ordinance more thought before introducing II II it. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the resolution closing the unused extension of Madison Street, known as H. V. Kell Company property be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated that in 1972 the City granted Georgia Power a franchise for 15 years, II I Ii I, I' . and Georgia Power was not required to pay the City a fee because all customers were commercial III and industrial. II Recently, in a court case it was decided by the Public Service Commission that since Georgia Power paid the cities of Athens and Atlanta 4% that all cities should be II paid 4%. III, Since then, Georgia Power asked for 99 year franchises, but the Public Service Commission ruled that they would be granted 35 year franchises and would pay 4% of the gross income. City Manager stated this would mean about $36,000 revenue to the City based on 1974 electrical sales within the City by the Georgia Power Company, City Manager stated that he wanted to bring this matter to the attention of the Council, but before any decision was made this should be presented to the City Attorney and the Water & Light Commission for their review. II I! II !I " il I' I[ IIII II City Manager presented a letter from Dr. James M. Bryant, M. D., stating that Mrs. Virginia Millians be granted a parking permit for one month subject to paying the $7.50 fee. MOTION CARRIED Police Chief Helton recommended that Hill Street, from Linda Street to Savannah Street be designated as "No Parking". IiI Ii Ii I[ I; \1 IIII .' Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that recommendation of Chief Helton be approved. MOTION CARRIED II ... NE_WNAN,--GEORGIALOCTOBER~975 Mayor Norman advised that in regard to the injunction filed against the City of Newnan by Peachtree City, a meeting will be set up and Mr. Goodson will contact Mr. Bolin when arrangements have been made. Mayor Norman stated that he had received a letter from the State Department of Transportation which stated that they will make a study of the feasibility of turn lanes on Jackson Street at Newnan Hospital and Parks Avenue. Mayor Norman stated he had received a request from Mr. James Mann, Executive Director, Newnan Housing Authority, for $70,000 from Community Development Funds, for enlargement of their office space. Mayor Norman requested this be presented when the 1976 Community Develop- ment Projects are discussed. Meeting adjourned. I II I CLER~c!2- ~ 387 NEWNAN~GEQ~G l~. OCTOBER 20 .J 97!5 Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan. Georgia was held on Monday. October 20. 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager Richard Bolin delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman. Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft. Alderwoman Inez Slaton. Alderman Alvin Johnston. Alderman Billy Abraham. City Manager Richard Bolin. City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball. City Attorney Charles Goodson. City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Director of Community Development George Robinson and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 6. 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the recommendation from Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission regarding application by Herman P. Cates to rezone property located on Bu11sboro Drive from Mto C2 be approved. and the ordinance showing this change be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin presented a letter from Mr. Rhodes H. Shell. 68 First Avenue. This letter stated that a portion of his driveway is now on city property and he requested that he be granted an easement or be allowed to purchase this property. City Manager also presented a letter from the Newnan Water &Light Commission which stated that they had no objection since they had no plans to utilize the property. City Attorney Goodson stated that the only way the property could be sold would be to declare it surplus. advertise it and sell it at public auction at the courthouse. Mayor Norman recommended that City Manager write a letter to Mr. Shell stating that permission to use the property would be granted. which permission could be revoked at any time; and advise him that this land could only be sold at public auction. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that recommendation of Mayor Norman be approved. I' MOTION CARRIED Ii Mayor Norman advised that the quarterly meeting of the cities. county and school board would be held on Tuesday. October 21.1975 at 7:00 p.m. at the waterworks. Mayor Norman advised that a referendum on Local Option Sales Tax will be held November 4, 1975. and urged that all residents vote either for or against the tax. Mayor Norman stated 11 I I 'I Ii II II 'i I',I that he would vote in favor of the tax. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that bid for street work on Berry Avenue be awarded to Double H Construction Co. at a bid of $34.170.50. \1 I' " il I MOTION CARRIED II City Manager requested that Frank Street. which is now Community Development priority i! Ii Ii number 12. be moved up so that Frank Street can be repaired before winter. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the Frank Street project be moved up to priority number 7. !i 'i I, it Ii "!I MOTION CARRIED Mee~ed. CLERK: (3.. ii I MAYOR:~"~ II ••. 'I --~ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia, was held on November 10, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager Richard Bolin delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tern Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball, City Attorney Charles Goodson, Director of Community Development George Robinson, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Assistant Police Chief Ronnie Williams and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 20, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mr. William G. Dailey, representing Dailey Auto Parts, Genuine Auto Parts, Hawkins Auto Parts and Vans Auto Parts, stated they all had met and agreed that their grievance should be brought to the attention of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen. Mr. Dailey stated that their com- plaint was that the City of Newnan has been purchasing certain automobile parts from out-oftown dealers rather than local dealers. Mayor Norman stated that the City tried to keep its business at home, but they also had to protect the citizens by getting the best price. City Manager presented a list of all automobile parts purchased during 1975. City Manager stated that some automobile parts are bought wholesale, which accounts for some out-of-town business. City Manager pointed out that the largest amount of purchases by the City was from Genuine Auto Parts here in Newnan. City Manager stated that the City also buys many of its parts from Ford Motor Company and Gentry Motor Company. City Attorney stated that there is no law which requires the City to take the low bid, and anything under $1,000 can be purchased without taking bids. Mrs. Slaton stated she felt that the City should check and see if the automobile part can be purchased locally for the same price before going out of town to buy it. Mr. Johnston stated he felt since the City was dealing with public funds, they should be distributed in the best way possible; and when the City can purchase an item cheaper they should do so. Mayor Norman requested that the Sanitation Superintendent be once again reminded to deal locally when possible, and possibly work out a plan so as to purchase parts from one business one month and another the next so as to evenly distribute the City's business. Mr. John White, Coweta County Fire Department, appeared to request that the City join with them in a mutual aid pact. Fire Chief Lott read a list of accomplishments by the Coweta County Fire Department over the past three years. 389 NEWNAN. GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 10, 1975 CONT'D ...•. ~=c~~~ -_~-- ----~ -~C:-;. Mr. White stated that it would benefit the City as well as the County to enter into this pact. Mr. White stated that this was also recommended by the Fire Institute of Georgia. Mr. White requested that the City authorize this pact to be drawn up by Fire Chief Williams and Fire Chief Lott. Mr. White said he didn't see any reason that the County would have to call on the City of Newnan for fire assistance except on rare occasions when tall buildings were involved. Mayor Norman stated that he would prefer City Attorney, Fire Chief Williams, City Manager and the Council to sit down and discuss this. Mayor Norman stated they would do this and would have an answer at the December 8, 1975 meeting. Mrs. Georgia Hinely, Historical Society, requested that the City pay for running 5,000 brochures (Tour of Homes) at a cost of $550.00, and to include in their 1976 budget the cost for an additional 15,000 to 25,000 brochures at a cost of approximately $1,000 to $1,500. Mrs. Hinely stated that this brochure would include sketches of approximately 26 homes along with a numbered map. Mrs. Hinely stated that the Historical Society had already spent ap- proximately $1,000 for the signs which will be placed in front of the tour homes. Mrs. Hinely stated that these brochures could be placed at state welcome centers, the local Chamber of Commerce, Courthouse and other locations. Mayor Norman stated that he thought this was a good idea, and he would like the City to go along with this request. Mayor Norman stated that he had previously stated that he was not in favor of spending any more this year for unappropriated items, however, approximately $400 will be left from the money allocated to the Humane Society, and these funds could be used for this purpose. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the City spend $550 to purchase these brochures. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that in regard to the request for $1,000 - $1,500 for additional brochures, they did not have an answer at this time, but Mrs. Hinely would be advised of their decision. City Manager called on Mr. Matt Cole for his recommendation on health/life insurance for city employees. Mr. Cole said that a disappointing number~of quotations had been received. Mr. Cole stated that the prices were all very much in line with the present Blue Cross/Blue Shield premium. Mr. Cole stated that also additional personnel would have to be hired to handle the claims with the other companies, because Blue Cross/Blue Shield is the only one that handles its own claims. Mr. Cole stated the quotations were as follows: Present Policy (Blue Cross/Blue Shield) - $28.52 single, $70.53 family; Intergon $25.18 single, $68.15 family; Time - $27.50 single, $74.95 family; Republic - $22.24 single, $58.38 family; Phoenix - $21.61 single, $62.20 family. Mr. Cole recommended the City keep its present insurance. ~90 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 10, 1975 Mr. Craft stated he, City Manager and Mr. Abraham had discussed this, and it was their recommendation that the City keep its present policy. City Manager read a letter from Mr. G. S. Wilheit, Jr., 5 Willow Drive, which stated that he had received notice from the Police Department to pay $15.00 for an alleged parking violation. Mr. Wilheit stated he had never received the ticket, however, he had paid the $15.00. Mr. Wilheit requested that he be refunded his $15.00, and recommended the adaptation of a better means of securing tickets to vehicles. Being no motion, Mr. Wilheit's request was denied. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of October, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated that all prior year tax for 1974 had been collected. City Manager stated that the City would end the year once again in the black. Mayor Norman advised that a contract from the State Department of Transportation on repaving 3 miles of city streets would be forthcoming. City Manager presented a proposed business license ordinance for 1976. City Manager requested that the Council take this under consideration, and also consider the possibility of a 10% across the board increase on business licenses. City Manager stated that the 10% increase would give the City approximately $16,000 to $18,000 additional revenue. City Manager requested that the Council study this and be prepared at the next Council Meeting on this matter. City Manager presented the bid results for one small truck, and recommended that the low bid from Weddington Chevrolet at $3,983.16 be accepted. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bid for one larger truck, with the low bid being $5,848.03 from Newnan Motor Company. City Manager recommended acceptance of the low bid. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bids for one flat body, with the low bid being $1,160.00 from Truck Equipment Company. City Manager recommended acceptance of the low bid. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bids for one dump body, with the low bid being $1,195.00 from Truck Equipment Company. City Manager recommended acceptance of the low bid. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager stated that the trucks and bodies would be purchased from the Capital Improvement Fund. 391 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 10, 1975 CONT'D ... City Manager presented the bids for South Street improvements. City Manager recommended acceptance of the low bid from Double H Construction Company, at a bid of $33,264.60. ii I I,,I Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented the bids for the Lovelace Street improvements. II City Manager recommended acceptance of low bid from McDowell-Kelly, Inc., at a bid of $46,230.15. I Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mayor Norman that the low bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Slaton requested that the Council set some policy on accepting local bids when they are close to the low bid. City Manager read a resolution regarding an agreement with the Atlanta and West Point Railroad Company for the purpose of constructing the Gold Kist road. Mayor Norman requested City Attorney give his opinion on Section 8 of the proposed agreement. City Attorney advised that this section required the City to bear the cost if any flashing light signals had to be erected. City Attorney recommended this paragraph be del eted. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this agreement be entered into with the deletion of Paragraph 8. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin read a letter from the State Department of Transportation regarding turn lanes at Newnan Hospital and US 29, and Parks Avenue and US 29. This letter stated that the turn lane at Newnan Hospital has been approved and will be installed as soon as manpower and funds become available. The Department of Transportation denied the request for a turn lane at Parks Avenue and US 29. City Manager presented a letter from Dr. Mike Collier which stated he was resigning from the Newnan-Coweta Aounty Planning Commission due to a conflict with his profession. Mr. Abraham nominated Mr. Carlton Ingram. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mr. Carlton Ingram be appointed to the Newnan-Coweta County Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Mike Collier, term to expire July, 1978. MOTI ON CARR IED Mayor Norman stated that the Budget Committee would meet Thursday, November 13, 1975, at 7:00 p.m. and requested all members of the committee be prepared on this matter. City Manager presented a franchise from Georgia Power Company. This franchise provides for the payment of 4% of gross sales to the City of Newnan and the franchise would last for l a period of 35 years. Mayor Norman stated that the Georgia Municipal Association recommended against the ,; II !, II " II il 11 [I II , I 392 ~=~ _._.~--=---._._~ - - .- --.---._- NEWNAN, GEORGIA, NOVEMBER 10, 1975 CONT'D ---------=.---.-cc----------- .._-_.---- -_.=-====~=~===-_ .. .. signing of this franchise, but the Newnan Water and Light Commission recommended signing it. City Manager stated it would be approximately $40,000 additional revenue each year for the City. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this franchise be accepted. MOTI ON CARR IED Mayor Norman advised that the Georgia Safety Militia would meet Wednesday, November 19, at 7:00 a.m. at the Newnan House. Mrs. Slaton, Mr. Abraham and Assistant Chief Williams stated they would be attending this meeting. City Manager requested that the funds in the amount of $4,700, which were received from selling the five pickup trucks, be placed in the Capital Equipment Fund. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that this request be approved. MOTION CARRI ED Mr. Abraham presented an ordinance regarding tractor-trailer trucks in the first fire district. This ordinance prohibits delivery to more than one business establishment or pickup from more than one business establishment with a tractor-trailer within the first fire district between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this ordinance be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. CLER~~k .-.---.------ _._------~ -~-- =.~---- 393 NEWN~N, ~ C--:C-C:-~~ "-~~- GEORGIA, NOVEMBER ~24, 1975 ~ ~-~-~-" - -~ -~~~ "- ----~~"---~ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, November 24, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. Victor Greene delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett, Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the regular Council Meeting held on November 10, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTI ON CARR IED Mayor Norman stated that Mr. Johnny Brown had requested he appoint a member of the Council to serve on the Water Committee. Mayor Norman appointed Mr. Ed Craft with Mr. Billy Abraham to serve as an alternate. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the resolution authorizing payment of Christmas bonus to city employees be adopted. MOTION CARRIED City Manager Bolin presented the proposed Business License Ordinance for 1976. City Manager stated that this ordinance only increased certain licenses, however, the Council should also consider a 10% across the board increase. Motion Mrs. Slaton that City Manager's recommendation be approved, without the 10% increase. I I Motion died due to a lack of a second. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that City Manager's recommendation be approved with the 10% across the board increase. Vote 4-1, Slaton opposed. MOTION CARRI ED II II II II Meeting adjourned. ! II I I I Il I 'I I CLERK: i/~ (l /3.-av II II Ii Il -----==-==-===Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on December I, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton, Alderman Alvin Johnston, Alderman Billy Abraham, City Manager Richard Bolin, City Attorney Charles Goodson and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that the resolution covering acquisition and clearance of rights of way with control of future encroachments and regulation of vehicular traffic on highway construction projects, be adopted. MOTION CARRIED Meeting adjourned. I I 395 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 4, 1975 Special meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Thursday, December 4, 1975 at 10:00 a.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order. Present were Mayor Joe Norman, Mayor Pro Tem Ed Craft, Alderwoman Inez Slaton and Alderman Billy Abraham. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the Water Agreement, dated July 4, 1975 :1II II !J ,: i) '. I II between the City of Peachtree City, Georgia; Garden Cities Corporation; Georgia Utilities il Company; the City of Newnan, Georgia; the City of Newnan Water, Sewerage and Light Com- Ii " mission; Shenandoah, Ltd.; and Shenandoah Development Inc. be adopted. MOTION CARR IED Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that the following resolution be adopted: ': " II Ii, " I,I j1 " 'I " The undersigned, being the duly-qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Newnan, Georgia, does hereby certify that the following resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen on December 4, 1975, and that the said resolution is a true and correct copy of said resolution and is in full force and binding effect on the date hereof and has not been rescinded, amended or modified: RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Newnan, Georgia, be and they hereby are, authorized by and on behalf of the City to enter into that certain Agreement between the City of Peachtree City, Georgia; Garden Cities Corporation; Georgia Utilities Company; the City of Newnan, Georgia; the City of Newnan Water, Sewerage and Light Commission; Shenandoah, Ltd.; and Shenandoah Development, Inc., dated as of December 5, 1975, in the form as set forth in the attached form of Agreement and to take any and all other actions they deem advisable, necessary or in the best interests of the City to effectuate such Agreement. I hereby further certify that as of the date hereof Joe P. Norman holds the office and title of Mayor, and Martha C. Ball holds the office and title of Clerk of the City of Newnan, Georgia. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said City, this 4th day of December, 1975. MOTION CARRI ED Meeting Adjourned. II I,, II I 'i"I ,I I " I I,I il II II " " 1i II " \1 il II II "" I I! IiIi il I' i II !I 'I ,I Ii II i 'I II 'I i Ii 'I I: !I II !I Ii ,; II \I " !I Ii --------- !i:, " II " i 1\ 396 -- NEWNAN, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 8, 1975 ---------_.~.====~ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, December 8, 1975 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with City Manager Richard Bolin delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, Ed Craft; Alderwoman Inez Slaton; Alderman Alvin Johnston; Alderman Billy Abraham; City Manager Richard Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer Martha Ball; City Attorney Charles Goodson; City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett; Police Chief Jerry Helton and Fire Chief O. C. Williams. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs Slaton that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on November 14, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Abraham that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held on December 1, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that the reading of the minutes of the special meeting held on December 4, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Bubba Hardegree, 238 Jefferson Street, stated he had a complaint about the construction of curb and sidewalk on Jefferson Street. Mr. Hardegree said it was in deplorable condition, and for the past seven weeks he has been unable to use his driveway. Mr. Hardegree stated that some work was done on his driveway last week, but this was not satisfactory. Mr. Hardegree stated his driveway had been 10', but now they have replaced it with a 9' driveway; and he wanted this put back as it originally was. Mr. Hardegree said this needed to be dug up and lowered to what his original driveway was. Mr. Bolin stated that the contractor worked on this alone for one and a half days, plus the City had rolled this with a roller. would cause a drainage problem. paving it. City Manager stated that if this were lowered any it City Manager said that the dirt will have to settle before City Manager stated that the road was engineered for the road that was there. The curb must be in line with the road, and in order to lower the curb we would have to lower the street. Mr. Johnston asked if Mr. Hardegree's car would drag when the driveway was complete. City Manager said it would not. Mayor Norman requested that two councilmen meet with Mr. Hardegree, along with City Manager and the City Engineer, to discuss this problem. Mr. Abraham and Mrs. Slaton volunteered to meet with Mr. Hardegree. City Clerk presented a request from Mrs. Jo Ann Williams for a parking permit. City Clerk read a statement from F. D. Bass, M. D., stating that Mrs. Williams was unable to walk certain distances at this time due to recent surgery. 397 ,-------.-.. _._---_ .. ---~-----.~-_._-~- _--,._-_._--~._------_ .. __._.-_.-_ NEWNAN,GEORGIA, DECEMBER 8, 1975 CONT'D ••. .• _- - - - ' - _- - - - - . _ - - - ... -----_.----_.----~. -~--------_ ... Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that request for a parking permit for the month of December, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED Mr. Warren Brockway, 217 Jackson Street, stated he was representing the Newnan-Coweta Humane Society. Mr. Brockway stated he would like to clarify the report that was submitted by Mrs. Henrietta Blackman. Mr. Brockway stated that the Humane Society had been working toward establishing an animal control program. Mr. Brockway stated that the figure in the amount of $20,900 in the financial report was incorrect and should be $2,900 instead. Mr. Brockway said also the amount of $35,000 listed for salaries was an unrealistic figure. Mr. Brockway stated that this week the Board of Health will present a proposed program on animal control to the County Commissioners. Mr. Brockway said that an ordinance was passed by Coweta County in 1966 which provides that the county have a dog pound. Mr. Brockway stated he hoped the city and the county could work jointly in this project. Mayor Norman commended Mr. Brockway for the many improvements made to the city pound by :1 the Humane Society. !""I Mayor Norman requested Police Chief Helton to inspect the dog pound at least once each 'I " !l I',I II week to see that it is kept in good order. II " Mr. Hardaway asked City Attorney Goodson if he would proceed to draw up the documents which are necessary before members of the Humane Society can begin their volunteer assist8nce at the city dog pound. ifit II ti II i! II Mr. Goodson said he would draw up this agreement. I I, Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that Accounts Payable for the month of November, 1975 be approved. MOTION CARRIED I !) Mayor Norman commended the Junior Service League for carrying out the M-Day Project in Ii Ii !i )i I', such an outstanding manner. i' I', City Manager requested that the Christmas holidays for city employees be changed so as to observe December 25 and 26 as holidays. II Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this request be granted. I il MOTI ON CARR I ED City Manager presented a request for a beer and wine license by Mr. Merritt D. Buck at the J & L Service Station on Temple Avenue. :1 City Manager read the recommendation by Chief Helton which stated he had no objection to issuance of this license. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Johnston that this request be approved. III. I' Ii II" ,I 'I MOTION CARRIED " " II City Manager stated that this is the second public hearing on Community Development funds, and no one has come forth with any recommendations. II II City Manager recommended that the staff and consultant proceed to draw up a list of possible projects for Community Development funds 11 !I I' II 'I I 11 and present this at the December 22, 1975 meeting. City Manager stated that there is $560,000 in discretionary funds, and the application for these funds must be submitted by January 13, 1975. II II,I I' i,I :,1 :1 t ~98 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, DECEMBER.~~ 8, 1975 CONT'D ... ~._~~.-~ ~ - = = ~ .. . c··· - .. . . Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Abraham that this recommendation be accepted. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that last week, City Manager, City Attorney and Fire Chief Williams had met and discussed the mutual aid pact with Coweta County Fire Department. Mayor Norman called on Mr. Bolin to give the details of this meeting. City Manager stated that City Attorney had advised that there was a possibility of law suit if the Fire Department was in the County and something burned down in the City, but that under the law the City would be immune to the charge. City Manager stated that although we would be immune under the law, the City could subject itself to criticism, should this occur. He further stated that the Council requested the Fire Chief to give his recommendation on entering into this agreement, and the Fire Chief recommended that the agreement not be entered into with the County. City Manager stated that he concurred in the Fire Chief's recommendation. Mrs. Slaton asked the Chief if he still would not recommend entering into this agreement. Fire Chief Williams stated that his recommendation was the same. City Manager stated that the City already offers its services to schools and churches in the County. Mr. John White with the Coweta County Volunteer Fire Department stated the intent of this pact was more symbolic than actual. He stated that it would not mean the city would have to send all the equipment, but only what it could spare. This pact is also recommended by the State Fire Insurance Board. He further stated that it would be of benefit to the citizens of Newnan. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the request of the Coweta County Volunteer Fire Department to enter into a mutual aid pact be denied. MOTION CARRIED Meeting Adjourned. I • I !, II CLER;]\~ ~ ~_ _ 399 ~~==:::: NEWNAN, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 22, 1975 ~ __~:~_~ '_'~__=-" ~~_~~~:_--=-~_ ~~.~. c_ _ _c _ Regular meeting of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Newnan, Georgia was held on Monday, December 22, 1975 at 2:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall. Mayor Joe P. Norman called the meeting to order with Rev. J. E. Cammon delivering the invocation. A roll call was taken with the following present: Mayor Joe P. Norman; Mayor Pro Tern, T. Ed Craft; Alderwoman Inez Slaton; Alderman Alvin Johnston; Alderman Billy A. Abraham; City Manager Richard Bolin; City Clerk-Treasurer, Martha Ball; City Attorney Charles Goodson; Director of Community Development, George Robinson; City Manager's Secretary Frances Barnett and Police Chief Jerry Helton. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that the reading of the minutes of the regular meeting held on December 8, 1975 be dispensed with and approved as recorded. MOTION CARRIED Mrs. Lucia Cates Green, 26 West Washington Street, stated she had two problems. she stated she was requesting that city taxes not be raised in 1976. First, Mrs. Green stated her second request was that something be done about the parking on West Broad Street where her two houses are located and also at 26 and 28 West Washington Street where two more of her houses are located. pa rki ng. Mrs. Green stated that people living in these homes have difficulty Mrs. Green requested that "Private Parking" signs be erected at 19 and 21 West Broad, and 26 and 28 West Washington Street. Mrs. Slaton asked if the houses had driveways. Mrs. Green stated that the homes at 26 and 28 West Washington Street share a driveway, and both houses on West Broad Street have driveways but are sometimes blocked by parked cars on the street. Mayor Norman called on City Attorney Goodson for his legal opinion in this matter. City Attorney Goodson stated that the only parking restriction the Council has placed was "No Parking". City Attorney requested some time to check into this matter. Mayor Norman requested Police Chief Helton to patrol the area regularly to see that none of the driveways are blocked by cars parking on the street. Mayor Norman advised Mrs. Green that in regard to her telephone call regarding Federal :1 II Revenue Sharing, that it will expire December 31, 1976. Mayor Norman stated that also the III, rumor regarding expenditure of funds in the amount of $20,000 on the old Junior High School Ii property was not true. !I !I II II II Mayor Norman stated that they would like to see this implemented by the County Commissioners. ,I Mrs. Green asked Mayor Norman's opinion regarding the 1% sales tax. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Craft that the resolution regarding "Stop Drugs at II :1 Source" program be adopted. il MOTION CARRI ED II i II il I l 400 Mr. Carl Miller, General Manager for Newnan Water and Light Commission, stated that the recent contract dated December 5, 1975 which had been approved by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, has been amended by the State Department of Natural Resources. Mr. Miller stated he had received a letter from Mr. Gene Welch stating the changes that should be made to this contract. Mr. Miller read this letter. Motion Mrs. Slaton seconded by Mr. Johnston that Mayor Joe P. Norman be authorized to sign the amended agreement between the City of Peachtree City, Georgia; Garden Cities Corporation; Georgia Utilities Company; the City of Newnan, Georgia; the City of Newnan Water, Sewerage and Light Commission, Shenandoah, Ltd; and Shenandoah Development, Inc., dated as of December 19, 1975. MOTION CARRIED Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that the following resolution be adopted: RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Clerk of the City of Newnan, Georgia, be, and they hereby are, authorized by and on behalf of the City to enter into that certain Agreement between the City of Peachtree City, Georgia; Garden Cities Corporation; Georgia Utilities Company; the City of Newnan, Georgia; the City of Newnan Water, Sewerage and Light Commission; Shenandoah, Ltd; and Shenandoah Development, Inc., dated as of December 19, 1975, in the form as set forth in the attached form of Agreement, and to take any and all other actions they deem advisable, necessary or in the best interests of the City to effectuate such Agreement. MOTI ON CARR IED City Manager stated that application for Community Development discretionary funds in the amount of $560,000 must be made by Jaunary 13, 1976. Mr. Bolin called on Mr. Russell Shreeve to present the proposed projects. Mr. Shreeve stated that the proposed projects were as follows: 1. Melson Stl'eet or "Crack" area. The total estimate is $1,021,390, but this could be divided into two projects. Mr. Shreeve stated that there might be some problem relocating the 27 tenants since public housing is already filled. 2. Peachtree Street - Fisher Alley Area. (Peachtree Street to the west, the railroad to the northeast, West Washington Street to the south). to do this area. The total estimate is $753,870 Mr. Shreeve stated that the main purpose o~ this project would be to move Peachtree Street to line up with Boone Drive and erect traffic controls. 3. VC Street - Peachtree Street Area. The total estimate is $617,700, but could be done within the $560,000. 4. Upper Mann-Lower Mann Street Area. Mr. Shreeve stated that there are 18 homeowners and 25 tenants, and would cost approximately $580,000 for this project. 5. Pinson Street Recreation Area. Mr. Shreeve stated this would involve tearing down the old Pinson Street YMCA, and constructing a multipurpose center. $591,850. The total estimate is 401 NEWNAN, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 22, 1975 6. McBride Area. Mr. Shreeve stated that this was the lowest of his priorities because tnis involved industrial development rather than residential development. Mr. Shreeve explained that the reason for the order of these priorities was that slum clearance would get first priority, and the city would be assured of getting the grant. Lower priorities were recreational facilities, and the lowest priority was industrial development. Mayor Norman asked if the people in these areas had been polled to see if they were in favor or opposed to these projects. Mr. Shreeve stated that they only had obtained cost estimates. City Manager Bolin stated that two public hearings were held with no citizen input. Mayor Norman stated he would like to study this before making a decision. Mrs. Slaton requested that these possible priorities be published before any decision on priority is made. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mr. Abraham that this matter be postponed until the first meeting in January. MOTION CARR IED City Manager stated that the Newnan Water and Light Commission had installed a line in Frank Street, and he requested that $2,108.75 be paid out of Community Development Funds for this project. Mr. Bolin stated they are well within the $19,000 allocated some time back for these projects. Motion Mr. Craft seconded by Mrs. Slaton that City Manager's request be approved. MOTION CARRIED City Manager presented a request from Mr. Clarence McGinty for "No Parting" signs to be placed on the south side of Fairmount Drive from Haynie Street to Jordan Street. Mr. ,; " .1,' Bolin also read Police Chief Helton's recommendation, stating that these signs should be erected. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mrs. Slaton that this request be approved. MOTION CARRI ED City Manager requested permission to remove two trees, one on Spring Street that fell on a house some time back, and one tree on LaGrange Street in front of Mr. Bowman's house. Motion Mr. Abraham seconded by Mr. Johnston that these trees be removed. MOTION CARRIED Mayor Norman stated that there is a tree in front of Dr. Bryant's Office that appears to be dead, and he would like this checked on. City Manager stated he would do so. Bids for paving Price Street were presented. City Manager recommended the low bid from West Georgia Concrete, at a bid of $1,650 be accepted. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that this bid be accepted. MOTION CARRIED 402 --- ----- NEWNAN, GEORGIA, DECEMBER 22, 1975 -=~~~~ Mayor Norman called on Mr. Abraham to give a report on Mr. Hardegree's situation regarding; sidewalk and curb at his property on Jefferson Street. Mr. Abraham said he, Mrs. Slaton, City Manager and the City Engineer had met with Mr. Hardegree. Mr. Abraham stated he felt Mr. Hardegree did not realize that they would have to let his driveway settle before paving it. Mr. Rardegree was supposed to write a letter to Mr. Bolin stating what he wanted. Mrs. Slaton said she felt the work had greatly improved his property, and he had no complaint. City Manager requested that 75% of the 1975 surplus funds be transferred to the 1976 Capital Equipment Fund. Motion Mr. Johnston seconded by Mr. Craft that 75% of the 1975 surplus funds be transferred to the 1976 Capital Equipment Fund. MOTION CARRIED Meeting Adjourned. ,I I CLER~C!2. ~