September 2015 - Redwood Electric Cooperative
September 2015 - Redwood Electric Cooperative
POWER LINE September 2015 “A TOUCHTONE ENERGY COOPERATIVE” Redwood Electric Cooperative 60 Pine Street ● Clements, Minnesota 56224-5000 Alliant Purchase Complete ~REC Welcomes New Members and Employees~ Redwood Electric Cooperative with 11 other electric distribution cooperatives, wrote a new page in history with the completion of the acquisition of Alliant Energy’s electric service territory in southern Minnesota. As a result, all southern Minnesota customers of Alliant Energy are now memberowners of their respective electric cooperative. “It is a very unique situation for electric cooperatives to have the opportunity to purchase service territory from investor-owned utilities,” said Ron Horman, general manager of Redwood Electric Cooperative. “Further, it is the first time to our knowledge that several – we have 12 – electric cooperatives have banded together to acquire new service territory.” In 2013, the 12 cooperatives formed Southern Minnesota Energy Cooperative (SMEC) as the single point of contact for the purchase of electric service territory in southern Minnesota from Alliant Energy. The more than two-year process of acquiring the territory involved receiving approvals from the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, Iowa Utilities Board and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The acquisition transfers approximately 43,000 electric accounts to local electric cooperatives. For Redwood Electric Cooperative, the combined territory serves approximately 4,500 members. Cities added to those Redwood already serves are Lamberton, Revere, Sanborn, Vesta, Seaforth, Wabasso, Walnut Grove and Wanda. “We are excited to share the benefits of being a member of a cooperative with these new memberowners,” Horman added. “Our team of local professionals has been serving this area with reliable, affordable electricity for more than 70 years. We look forward to meeting and building relationships with these individuals, families and business owners. “It has been a win-win opportunity from the beginning,” said Horman “For our new member-owners, they will receive high-quality service at lower rates than if Alliant Energy had continued to serve as their electric utility. For our legacy member-owners, this acquisition grows and increases the efficiency of each cooperative by spreading fixed costs over more member-owners. We are grateful that all our members benefit so much from this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” Redwood Electric welcomes about 2000 new members and we acquired 3 of Alliant Energy’s Local Lineman. Office Hours & Contact Information Monday-Friday 7:00 AM-3:30 PM (507) 692-2214 or (888) 251-5100 Email address: [email protected] Web: Pay By Phone: 844-846-2696 OUTAGES (507) 692-2214 or (888) 251-5100 24 HOURS A DAY *CALL BEFORE YOU DIG* Gopher State One Call (800) 252-1166 General Manager Ronald Horman Board of Directors Werner Fischer Dick Nelson Michael Baune Dan Tauer Welcome! Leo Mertens Dean Fultz Jill Weber VanDerWal STATEMENT OF NON-DISCRIMINATION Pictured Left to Right: Matt Grunewald, Don Dietz, Dave Irlbeck ~IMPORTANT~ *Payments are due in our office the 6th of EVERY month to avoid Penalty Charges. *For payments please allow an adequate amount of time for mail in route. For your convenience, utilize our drop boxes located outside our office in Clements or at the Lucan Bank, sign up for automatic payment or use our Pay-By-Phone Option (844-846-2696). Energy & Money Saving Tips From Willie Turn off all lights, appliances and electronics not in use. A power strip can help turn off multiple items at once. (Sometimes the simplest things are really effective!) Redwood Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider and employer. If you wish to file a Civil Rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form found online at, or at any USDA office, or call (866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter containing all of the information requested in the form. Send your completed complaint form or letter by mail to: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20250-9410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at [email protected]. Sauerkraut Hot Dish 1 can sauerkraut 1 lb. fried hamburger 1 can soup (celery, mushroom, chicken or whatever you prefer) 1 pkg Cooked Reames frozen egg noodles. (or any other kind of pasta or rice.) SEND ME YOUR By: Mary Lange Combine all the above ingredients (hamburger and pasta cooked) and cook until cooked through. Tastes better the second day after everything is soaked together. Minnesota Cold Weather Rule Avoiding Disconnect Notice of Residential Member Rights & Responsibilities If you receive a notice of scheduled disconnection, you must call Redwood Electric at 507-692-2214 or 888-2515100 immediately to apply for Cold Weather Rule Protection and fill out and return the Inability to Pay Form to Redwood Electric Cooperative. You will not be protected from disconnection if Redwood Electric does not receive this completed form. Your service will be subject to disconnection if you do not make the agreed upon payments. If you cannot keep your original payment plan, advise Redwood Electric immediately. It may be possible to make a new payment plan and avoid disconnection. The law provides for income verification which may be requested by Redwood Electric. You are automatically eligible for protection against disconnection if you are a recipient of any form of public assistance, including energy assistance but you must enter into a payment agreement and make timely payments. Copies of the Cold Weather Rule are available at Redwood Electric Cooperative. This explains the Cold Weather Rule and the steps you must take if you cannot pay your bill or your electric service is scheduled to be disconnected. The Cold Weather Rule does not forbid all winter disconnections. If you receive a Notice of Disconnection this winter, you must act immediately. The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule Each year, some Redwood Electric Cooperative members are unable to pay their electric bill during cold weather. If you can’t pay your electric bill, please contact us. The Minnesota Cold Weather Rule was established to protect residential members from electrical service disconnection between October 15 and April 15. Cold Weather Rule protection is available if ALL THREE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS EXIST: 1. 2. 3. FAVORITE RECIPE The disconnections would affect your main heating source; Your household meets Cold Weather Rule payment plan guidelines; You and Redwood Electric Cooperative agree to a payment plan and that arrangement is kept. If you receive any form of public assistance, including energy assistance between October 15 and April 15, you are eligible for Cold Weather Rule Protection; however, you MUST call Redwood Electric Cooperative with your specific information. Cold Weather Rule Payment Plans If you can’t pay your entire bill and need to make arrangements, call Redwood Electric Cooperative at 507-692-2214 or 888-251-5100 to enter into a payment plan which is acceptable to both you and Redwood Electric Cooperative. The arrangement must cover the amount that is past due plus your current charges must be paid each month. The arrangement must be put on the inability to Pay Form and returned to Redwood Electric Cooperative. If you and Redwood Electric cannot agree on a payment plan, you have ten days to appeal to the State Public Utilities Commission. Your service will stay on during the appeal process. Third Party Notification Redwood Electric Cooperative offers all members the opportunity to have a third party notified when their electric service is about to be disconnected. This program can be especially helpful for the ill, senior citizens, or those who live alone. The purpose of this program is to notify a third party, as well as the member, that a Notice of Proposed Disconnection has been sent. A third party cold be a friend, relative, church, or community agency. The third party receives copies of all disconnection notices mailed to the member but is NOT required to pay the bills. The third party is authorized to exchange information about the member and make a payment plan with Redwood Electric on the member's behalf. This helps avoid the hardship that would result from disconnecting the member’s service. If you want to name a third party, please fill out the Third Party Notice form, and return it to Redwood Electric Cooperative. THIS IS EFFECTIVE BETWEEN OCTOBER 15TH, 2015 TO APRIL 15TH, 2016 ONLY! EACH YEAR A NEW FORM MUST BE FILLED OUT TO ALLOW THIRD PARTY NOTIFICATION. 60 Pine St. Clements, MN 56224 Or email me at [email protected] Financial Assistance Energy Assistance Providers Serving Redwood Electric Cooperative Service Area: Southwest Health and Human Services 507-637-4050 Minnesota Valley Action Council (MVAC) 507-354-3138 or 800-767-7139 Lyon Co. Region 8 Welfare Office: 507-537-6747 Western Community Action 800-658-2448 or 507-537-1416 Medical Alert If you have a medical emergency, disabled person in the residence or require medically necessary equipment requiring electricity, a certification form needs to be filled out by your medical provider and given to Redwood Electric. You are still responsible to pay your utility bill each month. IF YOU CAN’T PAY YOUR REDWOOD ELECTRIC POWER BILL AND NEED COLD WEATHER PROTECTION FROM YOUR UTILITIES BEING SHUTOFF, YOU MUST CALL OUR OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES $ 15.00 -Return check charge—check return for nonsufficient funds, account being closed & payment stopped. $ 40.00—Meter reading fee - Linemen read meter after meter has been estimated two consecutive months. (Does not apply to members who have made arrangements with the office personnel) $ 40.00—Collection fee—payment past due and no arrangements were made with collection department. $ 40.00—Disconnect fee—no payment or arrangements made after collection was attempted. $ 40.00—Reconnect fee during Office hrs.—plus security deposit and any amount owed. $100.00—Reconnect fee after Office hrs.—plus security deposit and any amount owed.