Nov - Redwood Region - Porsche Club of America


Nov - Redwood Region - Porsche Club of America
In this Issue
Upcoming Events at a Glance
President's Message
Holiday Party
Click on the event name for a link to additional details, including contact and
RSVP information.
PCA Tech Tactics 2012
November 2012
From the Editor
Notice of Election
Annual Members' Meeting
Tue 11/13 Redwood Region Calendar Planning Meeting
Tue 11/27 Redwood Region Board Meeting
December 2012
Eagle Vines Dinner Run
Overnight Tour to Benbow
Sat 12/1 Holiday Party
The Midfield Report
Click here for a single-page 2012 Redwood Region calendar in PDF format.
Membership Information
Click here to view the full 2012 Redwood Region calendar online.
Membership Report
Board Meeting Minutes
Redwood Region Contacts
der Marktplatz
President's Message
by Vern Rogers, Redwood Region President
Well, it looks like no one is rushing in to take the stick of leadership away from me. We had our
annual members meeting a few weeks ago on Sunday, 10/21, just one day after our last Region
Autocross. Opportunity was given to all to throw their hat in the ring for the coveted President, VP,
Secretary, and Treasurer positions on next year's Board of Directors. Believe it or not, no one else
stepped forward. All kidding aside, I want to express my thanks to all who attended the meeting, and especially to
Craig Steele for accepting the nomination for Secretary. The run was fun, the weather sunny, the food and service
excellent - Thank you Union Hotel staff. The people, however, were the best part by far.
Voting this year will be in an electronic format, so we will 'miss' the previous election steps of making copies, folding
ballots and bio pages, pealing and sticking address labels, putting stamps on and sealing envelopes, as well as having to
constantly check the PO Box for new votes. I cannot say any of us involved will be disappointed. Specific details on voting
procedures will be forthcoming.
Along with the election of the four officers, this year we will be asking you to approve updates to the Region Bylaws. Jerry
Gladstone has put extensive work into these updates, and along with those on the Board who have assisted as part of
Jerry's committee, has provided some much needed changes to outdated language within this document. On another topic, we will be trying to get ahead of the game this year with event scheduling. The annual calendar planning
meeting for 2013 will be held on the evening of November 13, 2012 at the home that Susan and I share in San Rafael. I
and the rest of the Board encourage any and all of you that want to have a direct influence on the events scheduled for
next year to attend. Please email me at [email protected] if you plan on coming. I will provide directions at that
2012 is winding down for the Redwood Region, but we still have a bit of fun in store. Saturday, November 10, will be our
last Breakfast Run for the year, and Dillon Beach Café will be our destination. This is always a great drive, and a fabulous
meal. I hope you can attend.
Our last event of the year will be the Annual Holiday Party. This year, we return to the southern part of the Region. The
party will be on Saturday, December 1, at Nourish Restaurant at Harbor Point in Mill Valley. Those of you who were lucky
enough to be present for our Club picture in front of the Golden Gate Bridge and participate in our May Breakfast Run
have had an opportunity to sample the view as well as the cuisine. Nourish is owned by RRPCA member Ray Kaliski, and he has been a joy to work with in setting up this event. Don
Magdanz and I have been back to Nourish to sample meals other than breakfast. Both of us found the food to be excellent.
An added bonus to this year's party is that corkage charges are being waived. Wine and beer will be included with the
event cost, but we are all aware that many members prefer to bring something from their own cellars as well. Additional details on the Holiday Party have been posted here, on our Region website. These include the menu, as well as
details regarding registration and nearby hotel accommodations.
That's all for now. Down the road,
From the Editor
by Chris Harrell, der Riesenbaum Editor
Wow - I was going through this month's member anniversaries and realized that I have now been a
PCA member for 10 years. How time flies. My membership story is an interesting one: about 3 months after I got my 914, my in-laws gifted me
a PCA membership for my birthday. I was aware of the Club and had spent some time at Club
events, but I had no idea what I was getting into. Ten years later, I've had the opportunity to serve in
several Board positions in multiple Regions and participate in a wide variety of Club events, both
casual and "competitive". What stands out the most is that I have made so many great friends along the way. As most or all of you know by now, Veronica and I are in the middle of a relocation to Southern California. Although this
move has been stressful, we have had great support. Two of our biggest supporters have been friends we have met in the
Club. Our friend Cesar Munoz, whom we met while members of the San Gabriel Valley Region, helped us find a house in
SoCal, and has helped a ton with the move, including "rescuing" my 914 from the Ontario Airport, fixing a flat tire, and
bringing the car to me at the new house last week. Our good friend and Redwood Region Secretary (also a candidate for
2013 VP), Mike Hinton, has been tremendously supportive as well; in fact, as I write this column, Mike and I are returning
from a crazy same-day round trip to and from SoCal to bring a bunch of personal items to the new place. Mike is driving
so I can work on the newsletter. Now that's teamwork!
Speaking of anniversaries, this month is Mike's 5-year PCA anniversary. Congrats, Mike, and congrats and thanks to
everyone else as well for making this such a great Club.
CH Notice of Election
Nominating Committee Chairman Greg Maissen presents the following officer candidates for Redwood Region elected
positions in 2013. This year's election will commence on November 15 and will be electronic (online). A voting link will be posted and
members notified on November 15, and members will have through November 30 to vote. Election results will be
announced at the Holiday Party on December 1.
President - Vern Rogers
My first year as Region President is just about over, and I ask you to think back through 2012, and evaluate the job I have
done based on your answers the questions below:
Do you feel welcomed and valued as members of PCA and our Region?
Are you happy with the variety and quality of events in the Region?
Do you feel that the Region and its Board of Directors are stable?
Do you feel that my leadership has improved this Region?
Do you feel that the future of the Region is secure?
It is certainly my hope that each and every question above received a yes answer. Assuming that is true, please give me
your vote once again this year for Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region President.
Vice President - Mike Hinton
Wow, what a difference a year makes! At this time last year, I was asked to write up a short bio in connection with my
candidacy for Secretary of the Redwood Region. I was a bit apprehensive about taking the position, not knowing what the
time commitments would be, or how difficult the tasks would be. Vern Rogers and Chris Harrell assured me that all would
be well, and that I'd have no problem growing into the position. The events of 2012 proved them to be correct, and I looked
forward to continuing as Secretary in 2013.
As you all know by now, the well-laid plans for 2013 and forward had to be revised when our current Vice President, Chris,
announced that his employer had transferred him back to Southern California. Vern asked me to consider the possibility of
becoming Vice-President for 2013. I'm honored to be considered for the position. I will do my best to continue the tradition
established by Chris and his predecessors to ensure that our Club provides a good experience for all of its members. Treasurer - Jerry Gladstone
My lifelong love affair with Porsches has resulted in ownership of five different models over the years. Though I truly
enjoyed my 912, 356A, 911 and 944, the Arctic Silver 993 Coupe is my favorite. I have been a member of PCA on and off
for a very long time, but only became an active member during the last 16 years - I did not know what I was missing! It
has been so much fun and I have met so many wonderful people during that time - PCA activities are truly a great way to
enjoy my Porsche even more. Driving tours, tech sessions, going to the races, car corrals, Concours, and social events
are my favorites. I was Redwood Region Secretary for six years and Treasurer for the past two years. I would enjoy
continuing to serve as Treasurer for 2013.
Secretary - Craig Steele
I am really new to Porsches and PCA. I have a son, Sean, who is all things Porsche and BMW in San Diego. He owns
Autobahn Auto Dismantlers and sold me my 1999 Porsche 911 Carrera Cabriolet in December, 2009. My wife, Sandy, and
I love our red Porsche. We have participated in every aspect of the Redwood region activities from autocrosses, to tech
sessions, to brunch runs, to car shows, to winery tours, to holiday parties, to special club events. I have driven my Cab at
Laguna Seca, doing a driver education course. I have a long history of serving in volunteer leadership positions from my
College Fraternity, to IFMA (International Facility Management Association), to Leadership Santa Rosa, Cultural Arts
Council, to United Centers for Spiritual Living. I believe I can add value to the Club team leaders and assist in sustaining
the high standard of offering outstanding activities for our Porsche owners and associates. I am a fifth generation
Californian, born in San Rafael. I also have a daughter; Shannon and her husband live in Parker, CO with my two
granddaughters (six and two years old). Also, my son just had his first child, Sophia, in September. My hobbies include:
photography, traveling, shooting, genealogy, comic book collecting (just started), etc.
Annual Members' Meeting - Sunday, October 21, 2012
by Tom Short, Redwood Region Member
The annual members' meeting started with a group of 22 cars and 39 members gathering on a
Sunday morning in the parking lot outside of Chevy's in Novato, our staging area next to good coffee
under a clearing sky. Dave Bunch was on hand with the Redwood swag wagon set up and ready for
the members.
President Vern kicked things off with a review of our current officers, gave a tip o' the hat to our
previous ones, and then led a brief driver's meeting and route review. Forgoing a LeMans-style start,
everyone seemed to be in a pretty laid-back mood as we strapped on our cars and got underway. The route included
some of North Marin's best roads, including the Pacific Coast Highway and Coleman Valley Road, a narrow, windy goatpath of a road that snakes up from the coast and ends at our destination, just outside the the Union Hotel in Occidental.
The traffic gods smiled on our tidy string of gumballs, leaving us with several great sections of road to ourselves. By the
time we got to Occidental, it was nearly noon and everyone was ready to sample the Union Hotel's menu choices that
included a nice selection of pizzas, pastas, sandwiches, and small plates. The ballroom we were in was from another era,
with three-foot-high candelabras on the tables and old photos lining the wood paneled walls. Wine was poured, bloody
marys were served, and the usual Redwood club conviviality was enjoyed by all.
Then came the business part of the meeting - this was the annual members' meeting after all - and President Vern led us
through the agenda, encouraging discussion and getting input from the group along the way. We talked about plans and
events for next year, voting for our next round of officers, and thanked the folks who will be handing over the reins to
someone else come the new year.
The meeting wrapped up, the group dispersed in twos and threes, friends chatting about the year that was. We headed
back to our steering wheels and bolstered seats and fired the sixes that fire our imaginations one more time - this time to
find our own way home.
Eagle Vines Dinner Run - Saturday, October 13, 2012
by Vern Rogers, Redwood Region President
Dinner runs are a new thing (I say this knowing full well that Redwood Region probably did them
some time in the past...just before my time) for the Club this year. Attendance has been good, and
these will continue to be a part of our calendar next year. I would first like to acknowledge and thank Greg Matsumoto for all his work and good energy, both
leading up to and following this event. I constantly encourage members to bring new event ideas to
the Club, and as Greg can attest, they are given all the support necessary to succeed. I would also
like to acknowledge Don Magdanz and Jerry Gladstone, since they handled the vast majority of that support.
We started the run off by meeting at a spot that was new to many of us: the Starbucks parking lot on Trancas Road, off of
Highway 29, in the town of Napa. A few folks had their first challenge of the day in actually finding the location, but in the
end, all but one couple were present for the start of the drive. That couple met up with the group at the restaurant. Greg started the driver's meeting talking about his many trips over the backroads east of Napa on early weekend
mornings. I believe he said this was a way to maintain his calm and sanity while raising his offspring. As evidenced by the
roads we traveled down that day, he has found some of the best. In fact, he, like a few other tour leaders this year, must
have some pull with the county. We were once again treated to absolutely new pavement on a lengthy stretch of our
route. I found myself very much enjoying the pace set by our leader. Following Greg, we had both a scenic, as well as a spirited,
driving experience. A stop at Lake Berryessa provided a little history lesson, assisted by Bob Schoenherr, and a very
necessary bio break. I heard lots of great feedback about the road, the route, and the pace. Our only obstacles were a
lone BMW driver, who pulled over for the group, both before and after the Berryessa stop, and a guy with a pick-up truck
loaded with a very long surf board. Neither of these impeded our progress for long.
We got to Eagle Vines Golf Club just prior to a splendid sunset, and had the opportunity for a group photo with a beautiful
backdrop. Restaurant staff were kind enough to actually take the shot so that all of the members could be in the picture.
Redwood Region 2012 Napa Dinner Run
Those of you who have participated in Breakfast/Brunch/Dinner Runs will know that we make every attempt to have the
food and the service be of high quality. Our members who ordered steak know that our standard was not attained on this
occasion. Please accept my apologies, as Region President, since the buck stops here. Suffice it to say that a discounted
rate for dinner was negotiated (thanks to Greg and Jerry), and members who had ordered steak were given the choice of
receiving a partial refund, or donating that refund to our Region Charity, CASA. The vast majority opted to donate. I and
CASA thank you all very much. In closing, I should mention that the Eagle Vines general manager was much chagrined at the quality of our meal and was
more than happy to grant a significant discount. Overnight Tour to Benbow - Saturday and Sunday, September 15- 16, 2012
by Mary Neidel, Redwood Region Member
It was a bit chilly in Santa Rosa that morning but it was going to be a hot weekend. Twenty-two of
us gathered at Kaffe Mocha. Before we left, Porsche trivia questions were handed out to the drivers
and it was announced that a prize would be given away later that night for the most correct or most
creative answers to the questions. Then we were on the road. Highway 101 is such a nice drive from there that we took 101 all the way to Garberville, with a quick
rest stop in Ukiah on the way. We arrived at the Benbow Inn in time for lunch. Some of us went to the Benbow dining
room, while others decided to picnic on the beautiful grounds. We were among those who decided to picnic. Rob and I,
joined by George and Shirley Neidel, grabbed some food and wine at the local market and joined Vern Rogers and Susan
Stuart for a picnic on the patio overlooking the river and historic bridge. As we sat there enjoying the warmth and
conversation, others joined in bringing wines to share. We spent many hours sharing stories, laughing, and enjoying
afternoon tea, wine, and the freshly baked scones, warm from the oven, that come out at "Tea Time" in the lobby every
The Redwood Region gang at Benbow Inn
Some of our group with young children enjoyed the hotel pool and dined in town that night. Most of us met back up at our
room for happy hour. We announced the winner of the Porsche trivia questions my husband Rob had put together and
handed out at the beginning of the tour. The winners were Paul and Kay Simmons. We gifted them with wine; is there a
theme here?
After happy hour we made our way downstairs and back out to the patio for dinner. The sun had gone down and it was
still warm. The trees were strewn with lights and it was a gorgeous night.
Dinner was long and leisurely and a few of us moved to the lobby to enjoy the rest of the evening. We visited and played
games late into the night.
There were no plans for Sunday, but most had breakfast at the Inn and went on their way to drive through the redwood
trees or visit historic local towns. It was very relaxing to spend time with our fellow Porsche enthusiasts.
The Midfield Report: Observations from an Autocross Apprentice
by Mike Hinton, Redwood Region Secretary
October 20 was the date of the Redwood Region's final autocross event for the 2012 season. Aside
from being the last event of the year, the event was special in that it incorporated an "enduro"
component for the afternoon session. In Redwood Region parlance, an "enduro" event is one in
which the participants complete multiple circuits of the course (usually four) at a time, as opposed to
the single-lap runs that we typically do.
For me, the enduro events are the most eagerly-anticipated events of the year, for several reasons. First, and most important, is the fact that completing four circuits of the course in succession gives me the opportunity to
truly learn the course, and allows more "real-time" fine-tuning in search of the fastest way around the course. Secondly,
because of the multiple lap approach, the courses themselves are usually more free-flowing, which allows a driver to
establish a rhythm, and drive more smoothly. Finally, the intense concentration associated with 3+ minutes of flat-out
driving is simply invigorating.
This event's course was designed by our intrepid Autocross Director, David Bunch. David's design featured the typical
slalom, and twisty ride through the go-kart section, as well as a fast, sweeping section through a series of cone walls that
was similar to a long slalom. The course didn't feature any truly slow elements, which meant that the faster cars would be
able to stretch their legs a bit, and less-powerful cars like 914s and my 911T would probably run out of breath in second
gear on the fast sections. From a pedestrian's point of view, the course looked like a lot of fun, but the "wall element"
would severely punish any untidy driving through the long sweepers.
The weather started off cool and damp. In fact, the fog was so thick that the far end of the course wasn't visible from the
starting grid. The weather forecasters had promised warm and sunny weather for the day, but you know how accurate
Northern California weather forecasts can be. Weather forecasting seems to be the only job (except for that of a major
league batter) where you can be wrong 70% of the time, and still get paid! As all of the participants shivered in the mist
prior to the driver's meeting, we all hoped that the sunny skies would eventually arrive.
Last Redwood AX of 2012
By the time the morning runs began, the fog began to lift, and it appeared that the sun would shine after all. The format of
the morning session differed from the usual practice of one timed lap per run. Instead, for the first run, drivers completed
an untimed warm-up lap, followed by a timed flying lap for the first run. For the second and third runs of the morning, the
drivers started at a different spot on the course, and then completed two consecutive timed laps. This format was excellent
preparation for the big four-lap enduro that would constitute the afternoon session.
Our group was the first to tackle the course, and given the chilly weather and lack of sun, it was no surprise to discover
that grip proved to be elusive on the first untimed lap. However, conditions seemed a bit better on the second lap, and I
was optimistic that times would improve in the second and third runs of the morning. During the bench-racing session that
occurs between runs, everyone I talked to felt that conditions would improve as the course warmed up. Sure enough, the
sun finally overpowered the clouds and fog, and my times improved steadily - about 0.2 to 0.3 seconds per lap, which was
gratifying. The course was outstanding, technical enough to be challenging, but not so tight to be frustrating. Great job,
With the exception of one off-course incident involving a new driver, the morning session for the second run group ran
smoothly. Working as the starter, I was able to watch all of the competitors, and noted that very few cones were being
sacrificed on the altar of speed. Soon enough, the lunch break was over, and it was time for the main event.
As you know, an autocross event is designed to reward fast, precise driving. Ordinarily, I'd say that my personal bias is
towards the "fast" aspect. After all, driving Porsches fast is fun! I hate hitting cones, but with up to 14 or 15 runs available
at an event, a fallen cone or botched run won't ruin your entire day. Enduro events are different - they're more like
qualifying for the Indy 500: you basically get one chance to drive four near-perfect laps. With that in mind, I decided to
switch my approach to "precise" and (relatively) smooth. The actual four laps were somewhat of a blur, and I think I
remembered to breathe at least once per lap! When the dust settled, I managed to keep the car on the course, and
avoided all of the cones, meaning that the outcome was a success. My times were a bit slower than in the morning, but
my laps were much smoother. Next year's task: combine smoothness with more speed!
On behalf of the Redwood Region, I'd like to say thanks to all of the drivers, spectators, and volunteers who participated in
the 2012 events. I hope to see all of you again in 2013. I would also encourage any non-participants to come out and give
autocross a try. Short of being on an actual race track, I believe that autocrossing is the most fun activity available to
Porsche drivers. Hope to see you next year!
Click here for detailed results from all Redwood Region autocross events.
Membership Information
Please contact Bob Schoenherr, Membership Director for general information about Club membership, including changes
of address and/or contact information, dual-membership inquiries, inter-region transfers, membership referrals, and name
Redwood Region Members are welcome and encouraged to attend monthly Board Meetings, held on the last Tuesday of
each month (except December) at 7:00 p.m. at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, 1535 South Novato Blvd., Novato.
Membership Report
by Bob Schoenherr, Redwood Region Membership Director
Thirty-seven years of PCA membership for John Byrne and Jose Garcia. Congratulations to the two
of you! I remember John auto-crossing an RS back in the early 80's. You'll see that the Redwood
Region has a rich history: just ask some of the members you see on our anniversary list below, or
any member from any of our anniversary lists.
Autocross season is over and, speaking of history, the now annual Emmett Wilder Enduro was a
blast! Anita and I are taking a break from Concours and autocross, and we hope to see you all on
more tours and other fun stuff. We are so lucky to live in the Bay Area and have so many great Regions in Zone 7. We get
to see our friends from SVR, GGR, Diablo, LPR, Yosemite , etc. Great cars and people.
As always, please feel free to email me at [email protected] or call me at 707.995.5082 with any questions.
October 2012 Membership Summary
New Members 2
Transfers In 3
Transfers Out 1
Renewals 41
Non-Renewals 6
Dual Members 16
Primary Members 486
Affiliate Members 355
Total Members 841
October 2012 New Members
Scott and Diane Buchanan, Napa - 2012 Cayman S Black
Marc Touitou and Traci Freeman, Sausalito - 2012 997 Turbo S Gray (transferred from California Central Coast)
Ian Graham and Stephanie Heinsohn, San Rafael - 1974 911, 2003 996 (transferred from Los Angeles Region)
Christian Rowcliffe, San Rafael - 1996 993 C2 White
Robert Redner and Robert Scott, Cloverdale - 1997 993 (transferred from San Diego Region)
Welcome to the Redwood Region! We hope to see you at an upcoming event....
November 2012 Membership Anniversaries
John Byrne, Pt. Richmond - 37 years Jose Garcia, Novato - 37 years
Deven Wailes, San Rafael - 30 years Raymond Manzano, Santa Rosa - 29 years
Richard Elb, Novato - 25 years
Bill Newton, Santa Rosa - 25 years Dave Benson, Sonoma - 23 years
David Danchuk, Point Arena - 16 years
Scott Alber, Fairfax - 14 years
Eric Christensen, Sausalito - 12 years
Edward Lee, Ross - 12 years
Milann Reynolds, Crescent City - 12 years
Frank Altamura, Napa - 11 years
Charles Wear, Santa Rosa - 11 years
Chris Harrell, San Rafael - 10 years
Jay Polak 10 Cotati, CA David Lundgren, Mill Valley - 9 years
Bruce Mooers, Napa - 8 years
Thomas Noonan, Trinidad - 8 years
Ronan Papillaud, Mill Valley - 8 years
John Wooster, Mill Valley - 7 years
Lawrence Proctor, Santa Rosa - 6 years
John Trefethen, Napa - 6 years
Kate Carrade, Novato - 5 years
Michael Hinton, Saint Helena - 5 years
Thorsten Kopitzki, Mill Valley - 5 years
Warren Weagant, Sausalito - 5 years
JC Buller, Napa - 4 years
Thomas Flick, Belvedere - 4 years
John Siragusa, Petaluma - 4 years
Bob Boinski, Petaluma - 3 years
Martin Kadlecovic, Richmond - 3 years
Claude Labeeuw, Mill Valley - 3 years Larry St John, Vacaville - 3 years Stanley Chasen, Cloverdale - 2 years
Robert Smyth, Redway - 2 years
Frederick Van Overbeek, Bolinas - 2 years Kris Harvey, Napa - 1 year
Greg Kryder, Napa - 1 year
Mike Nikolov, Hidden Valley Lake - 1 year
Mike Oechsel, Kentfield - 1 year
George Somers, Healdsburg - 1 year
Thanks and Happy Anniversary to all of you!
Membership information is based on the Porsche Club of America National database. If you feel that any of the information
included in this Membership Report is inaccurate, please contact the Editor or Membership Director.
Board Meeting Minutes
by Mike Hinton, Redwood Region Secretary
Redwood Region Board Meeting Minutes - October 30, 2012
In attendance: President Vern Rogers, Secretary Mike Hinton, Treasurer Jerry Gladstone, Event
Director Don Magdanz, Webmaster Barbara McCrory, Past President Greg Maissen, Concours
Director James Heisey, Sponsorship Director Simone Kopitzki, Membership Director Bob
Schoenherr, and members Grady Carter and Thorsten Kopitzki.
Meeting called to order at 6:59 p.m. by President Vern Rogers at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, Novato.
President's Report for October, 2012
Sent recommendation for new Zone 7 Representative to National (Paul Czopec).
Reviewed contract with Nourish for 2012 Holiday Party.
Attended Oktoberfest in Vacaville - Thanks go out to Holger and Martina Siebert.
Attended Ledson Concours, and Judged storage area on 911's - Won first place for Competition class (I was the
only entry). Also, big thanks to Greg Maissen for his support of James in this event.
Wrote article for Napa Dinner Run and supported Greg Matsumoto on the refund/apology letter for the quality of the
steak dinners. Members who ordered these were offered a partial refund on dinner costs. Most have opted to
donate this refund to CASA. Big thanks to both Greg, and Jerry for their additional efforts in member satisfaction.
Attended last Redwood AX for 2012 and had a blast. What a great course David...thanks! We did have an incident where an AX newbie ran his wife's new Panamera GTS off track and into the
weeds. David supported Mac in filing the incident report. Thanks to both! This just underscores the need to
assure that all names on the waivers are legible.
Created and Distributed Certificates of appreciation to all members of our core AX support team. Attended and spoke at Annual Members Meeting. Previously nominated candidates for elected offices are still running unchallenged (Big Surprise). Announced these candidates, as well as the folks that have stepped up to run AX, and cover for newsletter.
Also announced that voting will be electronic this year.
It appeared that all attendees had an excellent meal, and also enjoyed our ballroom dining location.
Acknowledged current Board members and others that have contributed to this year's events.
Spent a Saturday removing the pedal cluster from my '83 SC, replacing the plastic bushings with a new bronze set,
and then reinstalling. Only took 5 hours...and then, it turned out that the sticky clutch pedal travel was really about
the cable, not the bushings... Items discussed at meeting:
The Board discussed the platform to conduct this year's election, which will be conducted electronically.
Bob Schoenherr will get a sample template and work with Mike Hinton to distribute the voting template to members.
A revision to the "elections policy" portion of the Bylaws was approved to enable the election to be held, and the
results tabulated, prior to the Holiday Party on December 1.
Vice President's Report
No report this month.
Treasurer's Report: This report covers the period from September 21, 2012 through October 26, 2012.
Certificate of Deposit (CD) total investment stands at $10,162.58.
Money Market Account stands at $7,571.95.
Checking account stands at $17,960.32 in total.
$13,248.51 in unrestricted funds.
4,711.81 in funds restricted as the autocross reserve.
The major income items for the period were:
$2,480.00 from Autocrosses #8 and #9.
$1,216 from tours.
$800.00 from the Ledson Concours.
$369.00 from Goodie Store sales.
Major expense items for the period were:
$1,011.06 for tours.
$730.39 for Goodie Store stock purchases.
$688.12 for Autocrosses #8 (copies, water, ice) and Autocross #9 (track rental, copies, water, ice).
$200.40 for meeting dinners.
Net income (loss) for the "period" was $2,167.44.
Net income for 2012 is $9,640.59.
Redwood Region's total assets are valued at $38,398.53 (includes Goodie Store inventory).
Goodie Store sales for 2012 to date were $1,485.65.
Total funds collected and earmarked for CASA currently stand at $3,201.63 (funds included in all numbers). Notes:
ACTION: 2012 Bylaws Revision referendum vote needed. Make part of the 2013 election process.
Eagle Vines: After all the monies were collected either by check or through MSR, pre-dinner refunds given, postdinner refunds distributed, MSR service fees paid and paying Eagle Vines the negotiated price, there was $379.98
left to be credited to our CASA donation fund. Thank you to all those people who donated their offered refunds for
the benefit of CASA.
Decision: I will be prepared, with analysis, to make a recommendation for our 2012 CASA donation.
Balance Sheet as of October 26, 2012
Profit & Loss Statement for the period September 21, 2012 through October 26, 2012
Profit & Loss Statement for 2012 through October 26, 2012
CASA Funds Log 2012 through October 26, 2012
Sponsors/Advertisers table through October 26, 2012 Items discussed at meeting:
The recommended CASA donation of $3,500 was approved by the Board.
The Bylaws Revision referendum vote will be incorporated into the upcoming election ballot.
Secretary's Report:
Created Event folders containing waivers, event reports and maps for September events.
Attended 10/20 autocross event.
Attended 10/13 dinner run.
Attended 10/21 annual membership meeting. Past-President's Report:
No report this month.
Items discussed at meeting:
Bios for all candidates were received and distributed to Barbara and Mike for inclusion on the web site, and ballot,
respectively. der Riesenbaum Editor's report:
The October issue of der Riesenbaum was sent on 10/8/12 to 666 email addresses; 313 (47.0%) opened as of 10/22/12.
Sent event reminder ("email blast") on 10/20, focusing on 10/21 Annual Members' Meeting
Open Items:
Meet with Jerry Gladstone and Barbara McCrory to begin hand-off of newsletter for 2013
Membership Director's Report: (full report included in Membership section of October der Riesenbaum) Autocross Director's Report:
AX #10, 33 paid drivers and deposited $1,155 to our account.
Transferred most of AX gear to Grady & Bob.
Barbara made up a "Photo" sample for the AX winners.
Topics for discussion:
Webmaster's Report:
During the month of October 2012 it is estimated that the visitor count will be 5100 (50% more than last year). There were 1723 unique IP's that accessed the site. Activity on the site was spread evenly during the month with the busiest day being October 1, 230 visitors. Monday
and Friday had the most activity this month.
Autocross and Classifieds were the most popular pages.
Daily country activity was led by the United States, China, Canada, Japan, Germany, Ukraine and Russian
Federation accounting for 94% of the visitors. iPads, iPhones and Androids continue to access the site, 333 this month. Top browsers are IE and Firefox.
Also worked on the Holiday Party flyer and autocross trophies.
Goodie Store Director's Report:
Received the last order -cost $730.39 including shipping-- retail $960.00
Ledson $ales-- $369
Oct. AX $ales-- $125
Members meeting $ales--$110
Total Sales $604.
Topics for discussion:
Event Director's Report: 11-10-12 Breakfast Run Dillon Beach
Please check the website for the info on this event. If you have questions, comments, suggestions before the Board
meeting, please email them to me ASAP; that event is only 11 days after the Board meeting. I plan to post the Map and
Itinerary on the website as soon as it is finalized so that members can comment beforehand and bring the appropriate
Porsche for the roads.
11-13-12 Calendar Planning meeting
Please attend this if you have interest in what Events we will do in 2013. Come with ideas and suggested dates,
particularly if you have locations (wineries in particular) that have given us or are limited in when they can accommodate
us. As far as I know, the calendar is blank until we start putting in Events.
12-1-12 Holiday Party
Attached is the Contract and Menu from Nourish and the Acqua Hotel information; Jerry and I have reviewed the Contract
and Menu and are ready to sign it and give them a deposit by 11/1. If you have questions, comments, suggestions before
the meeting, please email them to me ASAP so that I can be prepared. The flyer is attached as well for the website and
derRiesenbaum. I will ask the Board for approval of the Event.
Items discussed at meeting:
The Holiday Party event, including the subsidy provided by the Club, was approved by the Board.
The issue of door prizes will be discussed further, and Simone will contact sponsors for prizes and items for a
potential "sponsor table."
Concours Director's Report: None
Sponsorship Director's Report:
Nothing to report this month.
Item discussed at meeting:
Simone has been in contact with another potential sponsor. Safety Director Report:
Incident and accident reports from AX #10 were provided to the Board.
Charity/CASA Report: No report this month. Jerry provided the Board with a summary of monies collected on behalf of CASA to date.
Social Media Report:
Nor report this month.
Meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
Our next Board Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on November 27, 2012, at Ghiringhelli Pizzeria Grill & Bar, 1535 South
Novato Blvd., Novato.
Redwood Region Contacts
2012 Redwood Region Board of Directors
Executive Council
Vern Rogers, President
[email protected]
Chris Harrell, Vice President
[email protected]
Mike Hinton, Secretary [email protected]
Jerry Gladstone,Treasurer
[email protected]
Greg Maissen, Past President
[email protected]
Appointed Directors
Bob Schoenherr, Membership Director
[email protected]
David Bunch, Autocross Director
[email protected]
Mac Cranford, Safety Director
[email protected]
Deven Wailes, Technical Advisor
[email protected]
James Heisey, Concours Director
[email protected]
Don Magdanz, Event Director
[email protected]
Simone Kopitzki, Sponsorship Director
[email protected]
David Bunch and Sharon Neidel, Goodie Store
[email protected]
Scott Downie, Northern Representative
[email protected]
Barbara McCrory, Webmaster
[email protected]
Chris Harrell, der Riesenbaum Editor
[email protected]
Ad-Hoc Committees
Kurt Fischer, Social Media Committee Co-Chair
[email protected]
David Bunch, Social Media Committee Co-Chair
[email protected]
Zone 7 Representative
Sharon Neidel, Zone 7 Representative
[email protected]
der Marktplatz
1971 914 1.7 - This beautiful Irish Green car is an original...body, appearance
group, engine, trans, upholstery, spare tire, jack, tool kit, owner's manual and
most all of the paint, with 96K original miles. Original steel wheels/hubcaps,
extra moon roof, and misc. items included. I bought this car from the first
owner 40 years ago and have all records continuous from its first arrival into
the US in May, 1971. This car has a rich history, with numerous Concourse
trophies, an overall Third Place at the 22nd Porsche Parade, and a connection
with the Porsche family. $15,000. John FitzGerald 707.290.1635.
1986 944 Turbo (951) Sell or Trade - Guards Red over Black Leather.
Excellent condition with 205,000 miles (about 7600 miles/yr). Exceptional
example with great paint, great leather, clear title. Always garaged California
car. All services done regularly with complete history and service records.
Needs a few minor things (I'll tell you exactly in detail) but this is truly exotic
car performance at economy car expense. Chip and a few minor performance
mods but very civilized and happy to putter around town, but when you want it
this car is seriously quick. Essentially the way it left Germany in 1986, even
down to the original Phone Dial alloys. Needs nothing to drive it daily.
Will consider trades for later year Honda Element EX or other utility or van
type vehicles in excellent condition. Asking price is the Agreed Value on my
Hagerty policy, which is $11900 but MAKE AN OFFER! Let's talk.
I'm in Santa Rosa. Call for more details, more pics, any questions, test drive. Text or leave message with your contact info.
Thanks for looking. Chris Carter, [email protected] or 707.322.5514. New (never used) Blaupunkt Denver stereo from an '89 Carrera, $100. Contact Martin at [email protected].
Classified ads for Porsches and Porsche-related parts or accessories are available at no charge to PCA members and may
be submitted to the editor via email by the 15th of each month to be included in the next month's issue of der
Riesenbaum. Ads will run for three months, space permitting, unless canceled by the seller. Classified ads are also
included in the der Marktplatz section on our Club website. Editor may modify ad copy as needed based on space
constraints, and is not responsible for content, errors or omissions. Commercial ads are not accepted. Please
contact Sponsorship Director Simone Kopitzki at 415.299.7563 for sponsorship information and rates. Der Riesenbaum is the official newsletter of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, encompassing Del Norte,
Humboldt, Lake, Marin, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties. This publication is intended to inform Club members
about Club activities and other related matters of interest. The opinions expressed in der Riesenbaum are those of the
authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region, its officers,
or its members.
Letters to the editor, feedback, questions, and suggestions about der Riesenbaum and the Redwood Region in general are
welcome. We also encourage members to submit photos and/or write-ups about Club events or related activities. Written
contributions and photos are welcome and should be emailed to the editor. The submission deadline for publication in der
Riesenbaum is the 15th day of the month preceding the month of publication. Material received after the deadline will be
considered for publication the following month. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for
All written content and images in this publication are protected by copyright. Permission is granted to reprint any original
content herein provided credit is given to the author, to der Riesenbaum, and to the Porsche Club of America, Redwood
Region. Click here to visit us on the web or here to visit our Facebook page.
Thank you all for supporting your Club!
Chris Harrell, der Riesenbaum Editor
Porsche Club of America, Redwood Region
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