Winter 2014 - Operating Engineers Local 520
Winter 2014 - Operating Engineers Local 520
IUOE Local 520 Volume 6, Issue 111 Winter 2014 Levee Project CAHOKIA - DUPO IL Inside this Issue... Ron Kaempfe, Business Manager Per Capita Tax Increase DUES INCREASE— Effective July 1, 2014 3 At the General Executive Board Winter Meeting the Board voted to increase the Per Capita rate Twenty-Five Cents ($0.25) per month. The following monthly dues rates went into effect July 1, 2014 for Local 520 Operating Engineers. Mark Johnson, President Mike Parkinson, Treasurer 520, 520A, 520R .............................................. $34.25 4 News & Events Retiree Recognition Job Sites Health & Welfare Training Department 520D ................................................................... $34.50 Retirees (low dues)......................................... $11.25 Please note: Union dues are due by the first of each month. After that time, there will be a $1.50 late fee per month. Vern Parmley, Financial Secretary Chad Goldschmidt, Recording-Corresponding Secretary 520B, 520C ....................................................... $29.50 5 Schedule of Events Member meetings take place at 7 PM on the second Friday of each month. Specific dates for the next 4 months are as follows: 6-7 8-11 Friday, January 9 Friday, February 13 Friday, March 13 11 Friday, April 10 Pin Presentation Labor Day Parade & Picnic Officers, Retirees and Obituaries 12-13 14 Page 3 Ron Kaempfe, Business Manager Brothers and Sisters, It seems like there is much to talk about since the last Hoister. I must start back at Labor Day. At 8:15 on that morning I was sticking boxes of shirts back in the Tahoe and wondering what we would do with 300 lbs. of fish if the light rain continued and people didn’t come out. By 8:45 those worries were over and we had one of our largest crowds of 520 members and families I can remember. Thanks to all of those who made the parade route a “sea of orange” as our contractors’ equipment rolled down the streets. I also want to thank the contractors who let employees bring equipment to the parade. The crew that assembled and dismantled the fish stand, the members who took care of frying the fish and the ladies who did all of the work in the stand all deserve a big round of applause. I am proud to say that our bunch of people makes it happen and look good doing it. Again, thanks to all who participated! The week following Labor Day the phone started ringing for operators and we had our biggest dispatches of the year. We used an extras list at times to help fill jobs. We were about 20 CCO Operators short of filling all the jobs at Wood River Refinery. The work went well at U.S. Steel. Asphalt contractors and dirt contractors were calling for people. This continued till almost the end of October. It made for some good man hours worked for both September and October. The morning of October 18th, Local 520 Health and Welfare held our annual Health Fair at St. Joseph’s Hospital at Highland. Over 300 people attended and I’m sure there would have been more except a lot of people had to work that day. Dave and his staff at the Health and Welfare office always do a great job of getting this lined up with the hospital staff so that a person can get in and out in no time at all. The evening of October 18th brought us to Albert’s Convention Center in Belleville for Local 520’s annual Pin Presentation honoring members for their years of service. Approximately 50 members were able to attend, many bringing their spouses or sons or daughters. Our secretaries here at the hall worked on making arrangements, sending out the invites, taking the RSVPs and giving out directions so people made it there. These ladies do so much for activities like this that I for sure want to thank them here for all they do. November 4th was Election Day and I believe across the Nation voters showed their disfavor for our President, and here in the State of Illinois voters showed their disfavor with what has happened in Springfield. The effects flooded all the way down to local elections with some people that are our friends getting beat. Time will tell how this is going to affect Local 520 in the future. Whatever it is, we will have to deal with it as best we can. To me the really disgusting thing is how much money is spent by both sides in these elections. When is there going to be some kind of limit put on it? If you don’t contribute, will you be forgotten about? If things don’t change, one of these days Local 520 will have to increase contributions to the PAC Fund in order to be in line with what other Locals in this state do. My thanks go to all the Veterans of this great nation for their contributions in making this country what it is today. Every year someone has to call and ask if we can trade the Veterans Day holiday for the day after Thanksgiving or the Friday of deer season. My answer is always a firm “No, we here at Local 520 honor our veterans on Veterans Day!” They did not make any trades in what they did for us. I have mentioned several times in meetings over the last couple of years that there were places requiring that your O.S.H.A. 10 card had to be no more than three years old. The time is here. We had our first requirement of this for a CCO hand at Patoka Tank Farm. Almost everyone with the exception of new apprentices have O.S.H.A. cards that are over three years old. Please take the time this winter to update your O.S.H.A. 10 card along with all the rest of your updates. It is only a matter of time till this will catch up with you. May you and your families enjoy the upcoming Holidays to the fullest! Hope all who can will make it to the December meeting Christmas Party. If I or the staff at Local 520 can help you with any questions or concerns you may have about something, please call. Be safe on the job and at home. Always, Ron “Employers and employees alike have learned that in union there is strength, that a coordination of individual effort means an elimination of waste, a bettering of living conditions, and is in fact, the father of prosperity.” — Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt (D-N.Y., 1929-1932), in address before the New York Women’s Trade Union League, 6/8/1929 THE 520 HOISTER Page 4 Mark Johnson, President Mike Parkinson, Treasurer Brothers and Sisters, Brothers and Sisters, The 2014 midterm elections are now behind us and I have spent much of the last few weeks talking to labor leaders throughout the Midwest about the results. We discussed how Operating Engineers in Southern Illinois and around the country need to adjust our tactics to best promote our cause and ensure the voices of working families are heard. The third quarter hour report has rebounded nicely from the dismal first quarter report. The actual hours reported nearly double in the third quarter what was reported in the first quarter to 400,200 hours. Much needed road repair provided a portion of the rebound in hours. Both the Dynegy Plant in Baldwin and PSEC had outages, providing good work hours. The Pinckneyville Hospital started this summer and the Mt. Vernon High School began site work early this fall. While it was discouraging to lose so many friends of labor in House and Senate races around the country, it was clear that when our issues of jobs and wages were put on the ballot we won. Not only did Illinois voters support an increase in the minimum wage, voters in Arkansas, Alaska, South Dakota and Nebraska voted by wide margins to support an increase in their state’s minimum wage as well. These results are a direct reflection of voter disappointment in this country’s ongoing economic recovery. Jobs are coming back, but wages are not and middle class Americans find themselves still living paycheck to paycheck. It is time to educate our newly elected leaders on how to improve these conditions for hard working Americans. There are no better tools to do this than raising the minimum wage, preserving and enforcing Davis Bacon laws, and protecting the collective bargaining rights of working people. Another topic that came up in many of these conversations was the large increase in the amount of money being spent on political campaigns. For example, in 2010 there was about $50 million spent in the race for Governor in Illinois. In the 2014 election that number rose to over $100 million. While this trend is disturbing to me, it is the reality of the political environment in which we live. The cost of promoting candidates that champion our cause is rising and our political contributions are going to have to follow suit. In Solidarity, Mark Season’s Greetings from all of us at the Local 520 Office Projects on the horizon that could have a major impact on work activity to the southeast region of Local 520’s jurisdiction are the development of the fracking industry and the construction of a new ethanol plant in Waltonville. Many parts of the country from Pennsylvania to North Dakota, down to Texas have experienced the boom in oil and gas exploration process called fracking. Fracking—hydraulic fracturing, a drilling process that injects water, chemicals and sand at high pressure into shale rock to unleash oil and gas. A Chicago Tribune article recently stated that an arm of Illinois State Government recently cleared the way for oil and gas drillers to apply for permits to begin fracking in Illinois. The counties where the activity is to take place are east of the counties that Local 520 has jurisdiction. The geographical proximity and close relations with sister locals to our east, will assist members’ access to that work. Allowing drillers to apply for permits is a long way from the reality of jobs. Ongoing criticism by environmental groups and industry groups could slow or even halt the further development of this industry. The nearly year-long process developing regulations to govern the fracking process in Illinois has had its critics on both sides. Although we won’t likely see any fracking activity until next fall, the potential is great. The New Albany shale in Southern Illinois has been compared to the Eagle Ford shale in Texas, one of the hottest fracking areas of the country. It is estimated that each well could bring in $725,000 in new tax revenue, and provide many direct and indirect jobs. Two grants have been awarded to the Village of Waltonville to develop new infrastructure to support the proposed ethanol plant there. Illinois Department of Transportation awarded $2 million and U.S. Congressman Bill Enyart presented $1.9 million from the U.S Department of Commercial Economic Development Administration. Details of the proposed ethanol facility are relatively quiet, but one has to think that kind of governmental assistance that has been provided would help make this proposed project a reality. I hope everyone and their family has a joyous Holiday Season! Respectfully, Michael Parkinson Page 5 Chad Goldschmidt, Vern Parmley, Financial Secretary RecordingCorresponding Secretary Brothers and Sisters, Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope by now you are ready for winter. I also hope that your summer and fall work season was good for you this year. I hope everyone has had a good and prosperous summer. Unfortunately, the fall has brought the ill effects of winter on us quickly this year and are slowly taking its toll on our work. But, at this time there still seems to be a steady stream of jobs coming through dispatch. The majority of the jobs are usually 1-2 day jobs with contractors trying to finish up things before the brunt of winter hits. Let’s take a look at some of the larger jobs in our jurisdiction for 2015, mainly in Fayette, Macoupin, Madison, and Marion Counties. Union Pacific Railroad Work: A proposed job letting of 24 miles Southwest of Carlinville, IL to East Alton, IL section of work. Estimated cost of work is near $100 million. The contract letting will be just after the first of the new year. I’d like to give you an overview of some of the larger jobs in my area that are scheduled to start in hopefully early spring. Sangamo Construction: River dock piling and parking lot expansion project starting soon. Proposed work start date unknown at this time, but this job should go through December, January and February, weather permitting. After completing some preliminary work this October on the sizable I-70 Kaskaskia Bridge project located in Vandalia, Plocher Construction is expected to resume work in the spring 2015. U.S. Pipeline Work: Enbridge Luxcor – Pigging Cleaning of old 10 inch line. A pre-job was completed on November 4, 2014. U.S. Pipeline has the contract of 110 miles of decommissioning the old line. We have sent out a few operators already. This job will be split between Local 520, Local 649 and Local 965. We are hoping this Luxcor line project will go through the winter months before the start of the new Sax 24” or 30” line installation. We will keep you updated on anything new that we hear at the union meetings and also in the Spring Hoister next year. Howell Paving will also be starting work on the I-70 project they were awarded this year. This project has started with some patch work earlier this year. Howell will come in this spring and finish by overlaying this stretch of highway with asphalt. Marathon Oil Co: Foltz Pipeline is well underway with Piping and Installation of 4 new tanks at Patoka Tank Farm. It is estimated at well over 2 years of work on that one job. Foltz also has the piping work at the new Enbridge Pumping Station at Patoka Tank Farm. Enbridge Pumping Station: Jones-Blythe Construction is the General Contractor, Subcontractors are Kolb Excavating with the site work and Foltz Welding has the piping. A rough estimate of the contract is well over $10 million. We currently have 3 operators on site as of November 15, 2014 and another operator through the winter project completion of September, 2015. Thank you for reading your Hoister. Also, I would like to wish you and your families a very Happy Holiday season. Respectfully, Vern Parmley Now I want to touch on a political note for a moment. After the final results were read from the November 4th mid-term elections, organized labor friendly politicians took one on the chin to say the least. Although our former governor was not the most popular governor, he never had Organized Labor in his crosshairs. Unfortunately, I can’t say the same for our newly elected governor. If any of you noticed, in Rauner’s early campaign ads he was targeting the “union bosses”, PLA’s, and prevailing wage as something he wanted to “do away with”. Then a little further into his campaign he was consulted that if he wants a chance in hell to win in the gubernatorial race that he should probably try a different approach in the union friendly state of Illinois. He did, he won and now he’s our governor. Just because he stopped using our livelihoods (union bosses, PLA’s, prevailing wage, etc.) as campaigning material, doesn’t mean he forgot us. You can draw your own picture of Mr. Rauner if you like, but anyone that is against raising the minimum wage and takes $27 million out of his own pocket to win a political race isn’t thinking of the middle class, he thinks he stands to gain something. Finally, last but not least, if anyone has any questions or concerns about anything in my area, please do not hesitate to call me. In solidarity, Chad R. Goldschmidt The right to join a union of one’s choice is unquestioned today and is sanctioned and protected by law. – President Harry S. Truman, 33rd President of the United States, 1945–1953 THE 520 HOISTER Page 6 WELCOME NEW SIGNATORY CONTRACTORS Deep Foundations Terra Firma Stabilization D.E. Martin Roofing KBL, Inc. SENDING M AIL TO T H E H A L L PLEASE BE SURE TO: 1. Add your return address 2. Add postage (if required) 3. change Seal your envelope! and smoke alarm batteries! A BIG THANK YOU to Pat and Ronna Jenne and all those who volunteered their time to help at the DuQuoin State Fair! Operating Engineers Local 520 sponsored nine $50 VISA gift cards for the daily drawings held at the labor pavilion booth. Congratulations to all who won! Have you recently been to a doctor that has told you that you are on your road to some dangerous, and expensive, medical conditions should you not get proactive with your health? Are you nervous to go to your doctor because you know what you are going to hear? Do you have a family history of medical conditions that you’re worried you’re going to be diagnosed with? If you answered, “yes” to any of these, you may be concerned with where to go next. Obesity is an epidemic. It is the #1 preventable cause of death in the United States. Weight loss should be the first treatment plan for any newly diagnosed diabetic, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, sleep apnea patient. Weight loss and changing lifestyle behaviors is the best route to getting healthier; not tacking on a medication that you are unclear what the side effects may be for you. There are so many weight loss programs available that you have no clue where to start. PHYSICIAN’S CHOICE WELLNESS (PCW) is a program that your physician would tell you has all the tools to not only help you get to a healthier weight, but more importantly—help keep you there. PCW is a nationally recognized, award-winning program that Operating Engineers Local 520 has allowed to share its information on how to help its members battle this chronic disease. This is a multi-disciplinary, comprehensive healthcare team educated and trained to help you take back control of your health. Whether it is education, accountability, or support—PCW has what you have been searching for. Your Coventry plan has guidelines in place to make this program affordable for you and your adult dependents. Call PHYSICIAN’S CHOICE WELLNESS to schedule your free, no obligation informational session to hear what level we offer that meets your needs. For more information call (314) 449-6464 or visit our website at Happy Anniversary! Jack & Waunita Cohlmeyer of Salem, IL 55 years of marriage on September 19, 2014 Donald & Lois Dauksch of Bunker Hill, IL 55 years of marriage on September 19, 2014 Joseph & Rose Cicardi of Pinckneyville, IL 60 years of marriage on October 17, 2014 Reminder: Dues Increase Effective July 1, 2014 The following monthly dues rates went into effect July 1, 2014 for Local 520 Operating Engineers: 520, 520A, 520R ......................................................$34.25 520B, 520C................................................................$29.50 520D ...........................................................................$34.50 Retirees (low dues).................................................$11.25 Accounts have been adjusted to reflect the recent rate change. If you have paid Union Dues in advance, please call the Hall to check on the amount you may owe. James & Patricia Grah of Rockwood, IL 60 years of marriage on October 30, 2014 Joseph & Gledith Chapman of Pinckneyville, IL 60 years of marriage on October 30, 2014 James & Mildred Chapman of Wood River, IL 50 years of marriage on November 22, 2014 Scott & Kathleen Raitt of Waterloo, IL 50 years of marriage on November 28, 2014 Gerald & Carolyn Wright of DuQuoin, IL 50 years of marriage on November 30, 2014 Morris and Betty Long of Jerseyville, IL 60 years of marriage on December 4, 2014 Page 7 October 2014 RETIREE Henry Hurst — 4 years JOB SITES Left to right: Jason Wright & Blake Wolff Levee Project Cahokia-Dupo IL Left to right: Chase Vanuytven, Danny Kellerman, Gary Schicker Gateway Commerce, Edwardsville IL Donnie Knope, Northwest Mechanical, Inc. Pinckneyville Community Hospital, Pinckneyville, IL Gary Schicker Levee Project Cahokia-Dupo IL Page 8 THE 520 HOISTER HEALTH & WELFARE, PENSION, ANNUITY, AND VACATION TRUST FUNDS’ BENEFIT REPORT Administrative Manager – David Glastetter As we approach the end of the year and celebrate the holiday season, on behalf of everyone in the Fund Office, I am pleased to have this opportunity to wish you and your family all the best in the year 2015 and provide you with this update on matters relating to your Health and Welfare, Pension, Annuity, and Vacation Funds. HEALTH & WELFARE FUND: The Health and Welfare Fund processed 27,117 claims (25,574 Medical, and 1,543 Optical) during the first 10 months of 2014 and paid out benefits, including Humana Advantage Plan premiums, totaling $10,934,520.28 ($7,772,405.11 Medical, $924,402.88 Dental, $272,831.09 Optical, and $1,964,881.20 Humana Premiums) compared to $9,963,396.72 that was paid out during the first 10 months of 2013, an increase of $971,123.56 or 9.7%. The Managed Pharmacy Program, administered by CVS/Caremark, processed 26,859 prescriptions during the first 10 months of 2014 at a cost of $1,325,357.77 compared to 44,948 prescriptions filled during the first 10 months of 2013 at a cost of $2,174,672.39, a decrease of $1,849,314.62 or 39%, due to the fact that prescription drug coverage for Medicare-eligible participants was transitioned to Humana effective January 1, 2014. Also, the prescription drug benefit limit was removed effective January 1, 2014, in accordance with the provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). As of September 30, 2014, the Health & Welfare Fund had total assets of $29,669,650.65 compared to $30,109,495.91 as of September 30, 2013, a decrease of $439,845.26 or 1.5% during that 12-month period. As of December 31, 2013, the Health & Welfare Fund had a Reserve Bank liability of $11.2 million, covering 656 individuals. As of November 1, 2014, the Health & Welfare Fund was providing coverage to 1,371 families (743 Active, 460 Retirees, and 168 Widows) representing 3,111 individuals. ANNUAL HEALTH FAIR: The 15th annual Health Fair was held on October 18, 2014, at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Highland, IL. Over 350 individuals participated in the Health Fair and we want to thank all of those who attended. The Trustees of the Health & Welfare Fund feel these types of blood tests, flu shots, and health screenings can be extremely important in the prevention and early detection of potentially serious medical problems. We want to thank the staff and volunteers at St. Joseph’s Hospital for all of their hard work in preparing for and hosting this event in their impressive medical facility. A special thanks also to the representatives of Crown Vision, Delta Dental, Coventry Health Care, Humana, Great West Retirement Services, and Investment Consulting Services (ICS) for giving up part of their weekend to participate in our Health Fair and helping to make it a success. HUMANA MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN: After much discussion and consideration these past few months, and after taking into account the concerns expressed by many of our Medicare covered participants, the Health and Welfare Fund Board of Trustees has made the decision to cancel the medical coverage portion of the Humana Medicare Advantage Plan effective January 1, 2015. Please note, your prescription drug coverage under Medicare Part D will continue to be insured through Humana, with the same copayment amounts that were in effect during 2014. You will receive a new Humana prescription drug I.D. Card during December 2014. Please be sure to keep your current Humana medical/prescription drug card through December 31, 2014. We have decided to insure the prescription drug benefit through Humana in order to have the least disruption in terms of prescriptions that may be on file and to continue to place a limit on the liability of the Health and Welfare Fund for prescription drug expenses for calendar year 2015. Therefore, effective January 1, 2015, your medical expenses will once again have traditional Medicare Parts A and B as the primary payer and the Local 520 Health and Welfare Fund will provide secondary coverage, as was the case prior to calendar year 2014. You will no longer use the Humana I.D. card that you currently have when you receive medical services on or after January 1, 2015, and you will receive a new I.D. card from the Fund Office to be used when you receive medical or optical services on or after January 1, 2015, so the providers may bill the Health and Welfare Fund as your secondary coverage. If you agree with this decision to return your coverage to traditional Medicare with the Local 520 Health and Welfare Plan processing your medical claims as the secondary payer, and Humana providing your Medicare Part D prescription drug coverage, you do not need to take any action. If you decide not to continue in the Fund’s offering, you may be eligible to enroll in another Medicare Advantage plan in your geographic area, or you may choose to go back to original Medicare and elect your own Medicare Supplement plan. You can obtain information about the Medicare Program and Medicare health plans by visiting on the web or by calling 1-800-MEDICARE. If you decide to drop coverage for any reason, you MUST notify the Fund Office in writing no later than December 1, 2014, that you are dropping coverage as of January 1, 2015. This is required so that deductions from your pension payment for self-payments (if applicable) can be stopped. Please remember, once you terminate retiree coverage from the Health and Welfare Fund, you may not purchase coverage from the Fund in the future. The Trustees, the Fund Office, and Humana will make every effort to ensure this transition on January 1, 2015, is as smooth as possible. Please call the Fund Office if you have any questions. Reimbursement of Excess Deductibles and Out-of-Pocket Expenses On July 30, 2014, the Fund Office mailed payments totaling $139,235.77 to 451 Medicare-eligible retirees and widows, as reimbursement for excess deductibles and out-of-pocket maximum expenses that those individuals incurred for medical services received during the period June 1, 2013 through May 31, 2014. This Page 9 payment was authorized and directed by the Board of Trustees to make sure that no one individual incurred a 12-month (6/13-5/14) deductible of more than $500 or an out-of-pocket expense of more than $2,000 for that same period, as a result of the transition to the Humana Medicare Advantage plan on January 1, 2014. The Trustees and those of us in the Fund Office want to express our appreciation to those of you who waited patiently for this reimbursement, but it was necessary to wait until Humana had processed the claims for medical services received through May 31, 2014, before the final accounting could be completed in order to determine the correct amount of the reimbursement. The Board of Trustees have authorized a similar review and reimbursement program related to excess deductibles and out-of-pocket maximum expenses incurred for medical services received during the period June 1, 2014 through May 31, 2015, for those Medicare-eligible participants that exceed the plan limits, after the transition back to original Medicare on January 1, 2015. WORKER’S COMPENSATION MATTERS: No benefits are payable under the Plan for any expense covered by a Worker’s Compensation Act or similar legislation or any injury arising out of or in the course of any employment for wage or profit. Once you file a Claim Form with the Fund Office indicating your condition is the result of a work-related accident or injury, the Health & Welfare Fund will not be in a position to consider any related medical expenses. Should your Worker’s Compensation Claim be denied, you must file an Appeal with the Industrial Commission for a final determination. If your claim is found not to be work-related, then the Health & Welfare Fund will be in a position to re-evaluate the submitted medical expenses. THIRD-PARTY LIABILITY MATTERS: The Health & Welfare Fund will be the secondary payer in those situations where the injury or illness of a covered individual (member or dependent) is the result of a negligent or wrongful act by a third party (automobile accident, etc.) who is primarily responsible for the payment of medical expenses incurred by that covered individual. Once you notify the Fund Office your condition is the result of an injury or illness caused by a liable third party, the Health & Welfare Fund will not be in a position to consider any related medical expenses for payment until the responsible third party or their insurer has paid up to the maximum limit of their liability in the matter. You should promptly notify the Fund Office of the name, address, and phone number of the responsible third party, attorneys, and insurance companies involved in such matters, as well as keeping us informed when legal action is instituted and the progress of that legal action. The Health & Welfare Fund, at your request, will notify medical providers that the Fund will be in a position to process all eligible claims in accordance with Plan Provisions after the maximum amount has been paid by the liable third party. PENSION FUND: As of September 30, 2014, the Pension Fund had total assets of $173,557,771.54 compared to $161,670,700.42, an increase of $11,887,071.12 or 7.4% during that 12-month period. The Pension Fund is currently paying benefits to 868 Retirees or their surviving beneficiaries, such payments totaling $10.25 million during the first 10 months of 2014 or slightly more than $1 million per month at the present time. Thus far during 2014, we have had 18 members retire, after having had 63 members retire during calendar year 2013. If you plan to retire in the near future, you may want to contact me to request a draft of your Pension Quotation detailing the various benefit options that will be available to you at the time of your retirement. When you file your application for pension benefits, you will need to provide a copy of your birth certificate, your spouse’s birth certificate, and a copy of your marriage license, if applicable, in order for us to process your retirement papers. Once you make your benefit selection and begin receiving payments, you are not permitted to change your pension option. Pension payments are made on the first day of each month, for that month, either by Direct Deposit or check. Currently 68% of the pension payments are being made by direct deposit, which reduces the amount of clerical work and eliminates concerns about timely mail delivery. If you need a Direct Deposit Authorization Form to initiate direct deposit or notify us of a change in your bank account information, please contact the Fund Office. As of January 1, 2014, the Pension Fund has a Funded Percentage of 91.4% and is classified in the “Green Zone” under the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA). Based on the current contribution rate and actuarial assumptions, the Pension Plan is projected to attain a Funded Percentage of 100% during the year 2016 or 2017. ANNUITY FUND: The Annuity Fund assets continue to grow at a steady rate. As of September 30, 2014, the market value of Plan assets was $128,008,974.16 compared to $117,532,976.69 as of September 30, 2013, an increase of $10,475,997.47 or 8.9% during that 12-month period. We have listed below the Year-to-Date, 1-Year, 5-Year, and 10-Year average returns as of 10/31/2014, for the 23 Mutual Fund and one Stable Value Fund selections that are currently available to you under the daily valuation investment program: Fund Name 1-Year Return 5-Year Average Return 10-Year/Since /ŶĐĞƉƟŽŶ Avg. Return Year-to-Date Return as of 10/31/14 ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨ Investments &ĞĚĞƌĂƚĞĚĂƉŝƚĂůWƌĞƐĞƌǀ ĂƟŽŶ;zͿ .97% 1.94% 3.04% .80% 25.54% Federated U.S. Gov’t: 2-5 Years (Svc.) .43% 1.45% 2.99% .77% 2.34% 1.83% 3.60% 4.46% 3.84% 1.09% T. Rowe Price U.S. Treasury Intermediate continued — THE 520 HOISTER Page 10 1-Year Return Fund Name Dodge & Cox Income 5-Year Average Return 10-Year/Since /ŶĐĞƉƟŽŶ Avg. Return Year-to-Date Return as of 10/31/14 ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨ Investments 5.28% 5.34% 5.32% 5.24% 2.02% Dodge & Cox Balanced 12.28% 13.69% 7.23% 7.08% 4.12% Vanguard Small Cap Index (Admiral Shares) 10.79% 18.91% 10.08% 5.13% <.10% Vanguard 500 Index (Admiral Shares) 17.21% 16.66% 8.19% 10.95% 3.30% Dodge & Cox Stock 15.59% 16.72% 7.91% 7.86% 5.13% Fidelity Focused Stock 12.14% 18.06% 11.05% 5.07% 1.04% T. Rowe Price Mid-Cap Growth 14.89% 18.76% 11.47% 8.97% 4.93% Fidelity Low-Priced Stock 10.03% 17.94% 10.31% 5.64% 4.03% &ŝĚĞůŝƚLJ ŝǀ ĞƌƐŝĮ ĞĚ/ŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂů 2.48% 7.92% 6.33% -1.87% 2.47% Manning & Napier Target — Income 5.54% 6.93% 5.65% 4.52% <.10% Manning & Napier Target — 2010 5.71% 8.23% 4.72% 4.45% <.10% Manning & Napier Target — 2015 6.13% N/A 9.63% 4.51% N/A Manning & Napier Target — 2020 6.60% 9.93% 5.16% 4.68% .10% Manning & Napier Target — 2025 7.37% N/A 12.30% 4.94% <.10% Manning & Napier Target — 2030 7.69% 11.47% 5.06% 4.87% .10% Manning & Napier Target — 2035 8.00% N/A 14.32% 4.81% <.10% Manning & Napier Target — 2040 8.30% 11.71% 4.73% 4.76% <.10% Manning & Napier Target — 2045 8.50% N/A 15.89% 4.66% .29% Manning & Napier Target — 2050 8.53% 11.99% 4.89% 4.70% <.10% Manning & Napier Target — 2055 8.49% N/A 14.86% 4.73% <.10% Buffalo Flexible Income Fund * 6.76% 11.22% 7.91% 4.50% 43.32% * Default Fund Designation of Beneficiary: With the transition to Great West Retirement Services on October 1, 2012, it became necessary to complete and file new Designation of Beneficiary information, since that information was not transferred to Great West by the prior record-keeper. You can file your Beneficiary Designation on the Great West website at or you can obtain a paper form from Great West or the Fund Office, which should be completed and returned as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Great West has a New Name: Great West Retirement Services is now “Empower Retirement.” Empower unites the retirement businesses of Great West Financial, J.P. Morgan Retirement Plan Services, and Putnam Investments. This announcement does not affect your account or how it is serviced, and there is nothing you need to do. You will continue to call 1-855-463-5520 or go to to access your account. All retirement plan materials and websites will be gradually updated to reflect the new name, with an expected completion date of March 2015. VACATION FUND: The 2014 annual Vacation benefit check was mailed to 1,431 participants during mid-November 2014. Your Vacation benefit amount was determined by the number of hours reported and paid by contributing employers for the work period October 2013 through September 2014. If you worked for an employer that was delinquent in the payment of fringe benefits for any month(s) during that period, you will receive an adjustment vacation check when the Fund Office collects those deductions from that employer. continued — Page 11 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION: A copy of your work history for the period October 2013 through September 2014, detailing those hours reported on your behalf by contributing employers, was mailed to all participants during November 2014. Since your Health & Welfare eligibility and level of Annuity, Vacation, and Pension benefits directly relate to the number of hours worked, we ask that you carefully review the quarterly work history reports and notify the Fund Office of any discrepancies as soon as possible. It is very important that you keep your check stubs as it may become necessary to use them to verify the number of hours that you worked for a particular employer. Also the quarterly Health & Welfare eligibility letters were mailed during the first week of November 2014 for the coverage period December 2014 through February 2015. As always, we ask that you notify the Fund Office of any changes in your mailing address, phone number, marital status, beneficiary status, etc. If you have any questions about your fringe benefits, please let us know. The Fund Office is open from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday to assist you and your dependents in whatever way possible. TRAINING DEPARTMENT Brothers and Sisters: Well it’s that time of year again to get signed up for your classes whether it’s refresher or initial. If you haven’t signed up for your classes you need to do it as soon as possible because classes are filling up fast. When you attend your classes make sure and bring your old cards that you are refreshing so we can put your sticker on the back or give you a new card. We are offering a couple new classes this winter which we hope will make everyone more employable. OSHA 30 is a 30 hour class that some people have been asking about so this year we put a class together. This class is required of superintendents and foreman but could be very beneficial to have if the contractor would be required to use OSHA 30 trained people. Another class we have added this year is the INITIAL for MSHA. We have been doing refresher for MSHA and now will offer initial to those who are interested in working on mine property. Well it has been discussed at the last couple union meetings about the OSHA 10 card expiring or not. There has now been some jobs that are requiring your OSHA 10 card to be current in the last 3 years. If you want to get current on OSHA card call the training department and get signed up for the OSHA 10 class. We have had one apprentice graduate from the program this November meeting. Congratulations to Eric Dasenbrock for completing the apprenticeship program and I hope you have a long and successful career as an Operating Engineer. November 2014 Bring your union card to the training department with you and make sure your dues are paid for the month you are using the facility. It looks like old man winter is moving in fast so please be careful driving to and from work and also be extra safe as the cold always presents a lot more unsafe conditions on the job site. In closing, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Respectfully, Rick Cicardi Administrator / Coordinator Local 520 JATC Eric Dasenbrock THE 520 HOISTER Page 12 2014 PIN PRESENTATION 25 Years: 30 Years: Left to right—Scott Schuepbach, Ken Frisse, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe Left to right—Kurt Schroeder, Jeff Christ, Kathy Brown, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe 35 Years: 40 Years: Left to right—Derrick Huebner, David Heim, Charlie Diekemper, Dennis Frey, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe Left to right—Don Santel, Wyatt Smith, Reginald Marion, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe 45 Years: Seated left to right—Lewis Lorenzini, Ronaldo Marion, Corky Kleber, Mark Weinel, Ronald Place, William Himes, Gary Hammel, Butch Krieg, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe; Standing left to right—Michael Landreth, Robert Saatkamp, Ron Peppenhorst, Larry Pierce, Lou Simpson, Al Nicol, Gene Etchason, Terry MacZura, Charlie Arnold, Don Fadler, Elmer Holthaus, Fred Eisenhauer Page 13 50 Years: Seated left to right—Larry Walz, Richard Behnken, Ferd Roth, Don Dauksch, Morris Long, Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe Standing left to right—Richard Showalter, Ronald Dailey, Ralph Griebel, Lawrence Havel, Charlie Holthaus, Jack Hicks, Robert Warner, Douglas James 55 Years: 60 Years: Left to right—Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe, James Hediger, Paul Holthaus, Dale Newcomb Left to right—Bus. Mgr. Ron Kaempfe and Fred Moretti THE 520 HOISTER Page 14 2014 LABOR DAY PARADE AND FISH STAND We’d like to thank all members and their families who walked with us in the Belleville Labor Day Parade and helped out with the fish stand. A special thank you to our fish stand helpers!! Susan Place Ron Place Sheila Slifka Julie Parmley Vern Parmley Michelle Coats Denise Andrews Dean Andrews Natalie Watts Bill Hasty, Jr. John Grimm, Jr. Butch Dohrman Walt Rohwedder Rich Kaiser Rusty Redman Taylor Tabing David Parkinson Mike Hare, Jr. Nick Santel Andrew Slifka Trent Halstead Daniel Milano Dylan Rutz Charles Penford Josh Miller Scott Hefner Justin Brisk Dave Hirschl Tyler Kempfer Robert McKinney III Page 15 ATTENTION LOCAL 520 MEMBERS Please contact the Union Hall or any agent in the event of an illness or death of any member or any member of their family. Please make sure that the Union Hall, Health & Welfare Fund Office and Training Department have your correct address, phone numbers and beneficiaries on file. NOTICE DOYOU HAVE OLD PHOTOS ? We may include them in an issue of The Hoister! Please contact the office or email: [email protected] Local 520 will not be accepting new referral applications until further notice. Next Referral Re-registration date: Monday, January 5th REMINDERS MONTHLY CARD CHECK Please make sure you have your card with you and that your dues are paid up when you come to the union meetings. A late charge of $1.50 will be added to dues if received after the second Friday of the month. If you are mailing in your dues, please keep this in mind. IUOE WEBSITE Visit for information regarding the International Union of Operating Engineers and the latest in labor news. Also visit to stay informed of member deaths. LOCAL 520 CONTACT INFORMATION Operating Engineers Local 520 520 Engineer Road Granite City, IL 62040 618-931-0500 Health and Welfare Office 8 Executive Woods Court Swansea, IL 62226 618-233-7978 Training Department J.A.T.C. Operating Engineers Local 520 1969 Triad Road St Jacob, IL 62281 618-644-1969 and 644-JATC (5282) Office Hours - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Office Hours - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Office Hours - 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. NONPROFIT ORG PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID EDWARDSVILLE, IL PERMIT NO. 88 Operating Engineers Local 520 520 Engineer Road Granite City, IL 62040 618-931-0500 IUOE Local 520 Officers Business Manager .................................... Ron Kaempfe President ..................................................... Mark Johnson Vice-President................................................ Steve Smith Recording-Corresponding Secretary .....................................Chad Goldschmidt Financial Secretary .....................................Vern Parmley Treasurer ................................................. Mike Parkinson Conductor .....................................David “Kelly” Brown Guard ............................................................. Rick Cicardi Trustee ............................................................ Jim Stevens Trustee ...................................................... Don Robinson Trustee ......................................Raymond “Alex” Burris Auditor .................................................. Bryan Anderson Auditor .................................................. Christy Hopkins Auditor ............................................... William Schlueter ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Retirees David Porter Rex Moreland Charles Hundley Mike Grzegorek Edward Bryan James Boehler Timothy Wall Wilbert McMath Carol Horton Larry Hixenbaugh Joseph Thyer Mark L. Gelly Lawrence Kanallakan John L. Schellingburger Mikel D. Alexander Jeff Stamps Wayne Baur Warren C. Courtoise Stephen A. Awalt Robert E. Pepple Leland Jones Russell Broadwater George Robinson Gerald Bathon Mark McDonald David Awalt Henry Hurst Robert Dunihoo 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 12/01/2013 01/01/2014 01/01/2014 01/01/2014 01/01/2014 01/01/2014 04/01/2014 04/01/2014 05/01/2014 06/01/2014 06/01/2014 06/01/2014 06/01/2014 07/01/2014 07/01/2014 09/01/2014 10/01/2014 10/01/2014 Obituaries We extend our condolences to the families of: Charles Stephens, Jr. 05/06/2014 Lee Otten 05/21/2014 Anthony Draege 05/25/2014 Virginia Cortner (Norman)06/03/2014 Audrey Ragland (Roy) 06/03/2014 Roger Poos 06/04/2014 Neil Eschmann 06/07/2014 Matthew Barrios 06/19/2014 Gloria Wofford (Jack) 06/24/2014 Cletus Kreher 06/27/2014 Charles Kujawski, Sr. 06/29/2014 Gregory Spurgeon 07/03/2014 Thomas Griffin 07/11/2014 Patricia Schroedel (Walter) 07/17/2014 Floyd Lay, Jr. 07/19/2014 Mary Lohr Behme (Eugene Lohr)07/20/2014 Johnnie Hearty 08/08/2014 Judy Mills (Gary) 08/21/2014 Gerald Hopper 08/24/2014 Janet Engel (Omer) 08/28/2014 Robert Fally 09/03/2014 Donald Hoeffken 09/11/2014 Lydia Stodnick (Frank) 09/13/2014 Jeanette Walz (Larry) 09/13/2014 Billy Kelly 09/20/2014 Melvin Lark 09/24/2014 Kenneth Dunahee 09/29/2014 Gloria Behnken (Richard) 10/10/2014
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