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Page 12 Classifieds F r i d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 3 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m Classified ads:may be placed in Student Union 400, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Call (213) 740-2707:for more information. Classified ads cannot be taken over the phone and require advance payment. No refunds on cancelled classified ads. Visit for more rates, information, and policies. 000 Rentals Rooms 28th & hoover Large room for 1 or 2 people IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. Gas, water, electricity, refrig, A/C, parking, laundry, some furniture all included! For quick response, text / phone: (213) 747-2900 (9-17) SHARE LARGE HOUSE NEAR CAMPUS with other students (Grads/Seniors). Call Mr. Curry for details (310) 503-3836 / (310) 532-9375. (9-19) WALK TO USC Gated Properties Private Bedrooms starting at $700/mo. 12 Month Lease Shorter Terms Available (213) 985-4828 [email protected] (S) ROOMS FOR RENT, share bath & kitchen, $750/month. Hardwood flooring, cable, high speed internet, stove, frig, microwave, A/C, gated parking. 1156 W. Exposition Blvd. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: (9-27) ROOMS FOR RENT IN VICTORIAN HOUSE Graduate students preferred. Furnished, washer/dryer, green friendly. Orchard/28th. Rooms from $795/mo. AvAilAble NOw!! (323) 333-9947; [email protected] (9-13) ROOMS FOR RENT, private bedroom & bath, share kitchen, $995/mo. Cable, high speed internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, LCD TV on selected units, hardwood flooring, laundry, dishwasher, gated parking. 2611 S. Portland St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: (9-27) Apartments $1,150/MONTH, 2 BDRM/1 BATH APT. Gated parking, pay laundry room, newly remodeled, close to 10 freeway, 1 block from USC Health Sciences Campus. Call Cecilia (323) 221-2069. (9-16) TOTALLY RENOVATED BUILDING AND UNITS ON THE ROW. Two bedroom $2,100/month and up. Cable, high speed internet, stove, frig, A/C, microwave, LCD TV on selected units, hardwood flooring, laundry, dishwasher, gated parking. 2611 S. Portland St. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: (9-24) US C $35 Best prices All Semesters Hotel-Style Night 725 $ YoUr own room AptS & HoUSeS BeSt LoCAtionS Walk to USC t i ny u r l.c o m /n u ppm nuppm b ria n @h o t m ai l . com Of f ice: (562) 882- 8 1 8 5 TWO BEDROOM $1,450/MONTH AND UP. Hardwood flooring, cable, high speed internet, stove, frig, microwave, A/C, gated parking. 1156 W. Exposition Blvd. Call us at (213) 765-3330 or visit us at: (9-24) 000·Rentals 100·Property Sales 200·Help Wanted LARGE 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT ON TRAM STOP. $1,600/ month and up. Walk or bike to campus. Can house more than 2 persons. Call (323) 393-5966. (9-13) CHARMING OLD CRAFTSMAN BUILDING Large 1 Bedroom $1,100/mo. Hardwood floors, remodeled kitchen, tile bath, close to school, on site manager, very quiet. (323) 294-5744 (,s,) LORENZO STUDENT LIVING ** IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY ** HURRY & MOVE-IN TODAY (213) 985-1165 – Don’t miss out! Experience Student Living like no other. Fully Furnished 1, 2, 3 bedrooms – utilities included. Over the top amenities: 4 resort pools, 4 grilling decks, 2 indoor basketball courts, 4 libraries w/ computer labs & study rooms, 3-story fitness center w/rock climbing wall, running track & cardio room, sand volleyball, daily resident activities, private shuttles to campus, and much more! (9-24) 200 Help Wanted On-Campus STUDY and EARN EXTRA CASH! Looking for undergrads to promote a new academic networking website. For details contact: [email protected] (9-26) Sperm / Egg Donors SPERM DONORS: HIGH PAY, PLUS BONUS. $100 per 15-30 minute visit, plus $400 in program bonuses. Pasadena. Pacific Reproductive Services. Apply online: (S) BECOME AN EGG DONOR. $100 Signing Bonus for Egg Donors. Beverly Hills Agency. Help Create a Family! Apply Now! http://www.alternativeconceptions. com/egg_donors.asp (9-25) $$SPERM DONORS WANTED$$ Earn up to $1,200/month for less than 5 hours time. Give the gift of family through California Cryobank’s donor program. Apply online: (S) EGG DONORS NEEDED. Up to $15,000 for qualified applicants. Exclusive Agency since 1999. Dawn: [email protected] (S) 500 TransporTaTion 4-Wheel JEEP LIBERTY JET 4x4 Showroom condition, under 2,000 miles, delivered new March 2013, black, loaded, fully snow-equipped for Big Bear, Mammoth, Tahoe. [email protected] (9-18) for details, pictures 300·Services 600·Miscellaneous 400·Merchandise 700·Announcements 500·Transportation Classified Line Ad: Daily: $10.00 for 15 words or fewer, 35¢ for each additional word • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $45.00 for 15 words or fewer, $1 each additional word Classified Display Ad: Daily: $14.25 per column inch • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $64.00 per column inch • Monthly: (20 consecutive insertions) $239.50 per column inch Seniors / Graduate Students Take your FREE yearbook photo early and order extras for Holiday and Graduation gifts! Sign up nOW FOr yOur yearbOOk pOrtrait! . YOU! in the 2014 USC Yearbook Lauren Studios (Official Photographer for the USC El Rodeo yearbook) Schedule your appointment online WANT TO ATTRACT A CROWD?? Daily Trojan Photo sessions scheduled Now through Oct. 4th Advertise your organization’s special events, meetings and fund-raisers in the Student Union 400 (213) 740-2707 Classifieds Page 13 S e p t e m b e r 1 3 , 2 0 1 3 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Friday, September 13, 2013 HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR YEARBOOK YET?? $50.00 NOW!! The 2014 El Rodeo Yearbook is when you purchase it online That’s $20 off when you order by Oct. 31st Reserve your copy today at: Crossword ACROSS Where Union Pacific is headquartered 6 Chinese ___ (popular bonsai trees) 10 Medieval drudge 14 Sister of Castor and Pollux 15 Fighter getting a leg up? 17 Site of Tiberius’ Villa Jovis 18 Page on the stage 19 Comfortable 21 Taking place (in) 22 One-point throws 24 Appliance sound 25 Checkers, for instance 26 Play critic? 28 Hype 1 32 33 36 37 38 39 41 42 43 44 45 48 50 54 55 Onetime Arapaho foe Grooming tool Vietnamese holiday O-shaped Priest in I Samuel Dread Zeppelin or the Fab Faux Sports div. that awards the George Halas Trophy Gold Cup venue Quote qualification Coin of many countries Pretension Get more inventory Country whose flag is known as the Saltire Bubble handler? Foundation devoted to good works? ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE D E F L A T E O R I O L E S G A S L A M P S M U S H E S H A S H O U T R I D A B L E G S H A R P H U L A H O O P Y B A G A B L E H O O K Y U K M O E S T S O I L O R S E N K D S I N N O R S T O E S T G Y C O N S S O D S I P L I L T P A W S A X I O L E S S S H O H B R I V O R T O N Y H O E E D M R O F E O I N D R O R E I R E A N C A R G A A M E R I C A T S E T S E S A S K S O U T A S S A N T E 57 58 59 60 61 62 Uniform Bag lady? 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