Seniors / Graduate Students
Seniors / Graduate Students
Page 8 Classifieds W e d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 1 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m Classified ads:may be placed in Student Union 404, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Call (213) 740-2707:for more information. Classified ads cannot be taken over the phone and require advance payment. No refunds on cancelled classified ads. Visit for more rates, information, and policies. 000 Rentals Rooms 000·Rentals 100·Property Sales 200·Help Wanted CLASSIFIEDS (213) 740-2707 RENT ROOM BY ROOM OR ENTIRE TOWNHOUSE UNIT FOR $2,495/MONTH Great rental, just blocks from USC, new construction, spacious bedrooms with hardwood floors, high ceilings w/fans, granite & marble kitchen and bath, new appliances, skylights, central air & heat, security, high-speed internet, free use of washer/dryer in unit, 2 free parking spaces, large storage room. No pets. 1354 W. 24th Street. Gary - (310) 995-0075 or [email protected] USC WOMENS HOUSE $675/month. One block to campus, private room, share bathroom with one USC female. Internet, laundry are free. Utilities are $34. Paul (310) 466-2910 (10-12) $30/NT USC EXTENDED STAY. Hotel-style rooms. Semester prices available. (562) 882-8185. (S) Apartments CALL TODAY (888) 657-8495 and ask about our VIP Student Specials for the fall enrollment. The Medici. 2 miles from USC. Studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Granite kitchens, washer/dryers, business center, 2 gyms, 2 pools, 2 spas! Visit: for a full list of amenities. (10-19) WALK. YOUR OWN CONTRACT. Apts & Houses. $30/nt Extended Stay. $525-$725/mo. (562) 882-8185. (1-20) BRAND NEW APARTMENTS!! The Orsini offers . . . gorgeous apartments, city views, fitness studio, highend interiors, tanning beds, pools, spas, basketball court, bowling alley, movie theater, library and so much more. Starting @ $1,525/month. Call today (877) 288-3311 or visit our website for more information and to schedule a tour. (10-19) 1 BDRM DISCOUNTS fo r M ove- in Now Troy View Apts. Dazzling white Decor. Furnished, new Paint, new carpet, refrig. 1 Block To Campus, tram Stop, a/c, Pool. 1184 w. 30th St. (323) 734-0624 EXPERIENCE ELEGANT LIVING AT PIERO II and be within a couple miles of the main campus in Downtown Los Angeles. BRAND NEW!! Upgraded interiors, resort-style amenities & proximity to shopping/dining all contribute to a lifestyle of convenience & pleasure. Studio, 1, 2 bdrms available starting at $1,750/month. Visit our website or call (855) 829-9069 for more information on our specials. (10-19) VISCONTI. Studio, 1 & 2 bdrms available. Upgraded interiors & washer/dryer in every home. Abundant amenities: pool & spa with a skyline view, gym, sauna, FREE tanning bed usage, business center, study library, beautiful architecture and living environment. Visit our website for more information: or call (877) 300-4463 and ask about our VIP Student Special. (10-19) 1 AND 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT HOMES available from $1,350/month. Washer and dryer in every unit, gourmet kitchens with granite countertops. Amenities included: Central heat and air, rooftop pool and spa, gated with controlled access, and dramatic skyline views on our hilltop hideaway. Visit for more information on our specials or call (877) 267-5933. (10-19) STUDIO $725/MONTH, 1 BDRM $865/MONTH. Stove, refrigerator, parking, wall to wall carpet, renovated units. We pay for all utilities. (323) 557-5509 or (213) 765-3330. (28) 200 Help Wanted On-Campus USC EMERITI CENTER seeks work-study student for office work. Freshman/Sophomore preferred. MS Office proficient, detail oriented. $9+/hour. E-mail resume & available hours to: [email protected] 300·Services 600·Miscellaneous 400·Merchandise 700·Announcements 500·Transportation Off-Campus Classified Line Ad: Daily: $9.85 for 15 words or fewer, 35¢ for each additional word • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $44.50 for 15 words or fewer, $1 each additional word Classified Display Ad: Daily: $13.85 per column inch • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $62.50 per column inch • Monthly: (20 consecutive insertions) $233.50 per column inch GO TROJANS!! 400 merchandise Student Job in Marina del rey USC’s Information Sciences Institute, a cutting-edge computer research center in beautiful Marina del Rey, is seeking a conscientious, detail-oriented and energetic worker to check the content of a new Web site being built for one of USC-ISI’s divisions. The ideal applicant will have experience writing HTML code to build Web sites. Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Send resumes to [email protected] Logistics/ transportation saLes BTX Air Express has 3 immediate openings for entry level sales personnel. Local territory. Intensive training program. Contact Chris Clancy for more details. (630) 975-3707 or [email protected] Small Group TuTorS WanTed Experience w/ elementary & middle school age students preferred. 4 p.m.-7 p.m., Mon-Fri, $13+/hour. Los Angeles: (323) 937-3320 La Crescenta: (818) 542-6400 [email protected] (18) STUDENT WORKERS NEEDED for USC Advancement office located in the AT&T building. Detail & technology oriented. Proficient in Access & Excel. Work-study preferred, but not required. (213) 740-1202 (10-20) Bicycles Sales, Repairs & Accessories WORK, STUDY, LIVE IN CHINA while earning your MA, all in one year., [email protected] (S) 300 Beach Cruiser Used Bicycles $125 $65 & up University Village 3219 Hoover St. • (213) 741-1090 ServiceS Made Fresh Daily Sperm / Egg Donors SPERM DONORS: HIGH PAY, PLUS BONUS. $100 per 15-30 minute visit, plus $400 in program bonuses. Pasadena. Pacific Reproductive Services. Apply online: (S) $$SPERM DONORS WANTED$$ Earn up to $1,200/month for less than 5 hours time. Give the gift of family through California Cryobank’s donor program. Apply online: (S) (10-18) Off campus and need to catch up on current university events? View the DAILY TROJAN online edition to read all the same stories without getting ink on your hands Seniors / Graduate Students Take your FREE yearbook photo ear ly and order ext ras for Holiday and Graduat ion g ifts! Sign up NOW for your yearbook portrait! . YOU! in the 2012 USC Yearbook Lauren Studios (Official Photographer for the USC El Rodeo yearbook) Schedule your appointment online Classifieds Page 9 O c t o b e r 1 2 , 2 0 1 1 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Wednesday, October 12, 2011 It’s Yearbook Time !!! ATTENTION: Clubs, Organizations, Recreation Club Council, Fraternities, Sororities and Housing El Rodeo Yearbook Group Photography Reservations Available Now!! Student Union 406 • (213) 740-5634 9 a.m. - 12 noon & 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Reservations must be made in person with payment $100 - 1/2 page Clubs, Organizations and Recreation Club Council $175 - 1 page Clubs, Organizations, Recreation Club Council, Fraternities, Sororities and Housing $300 - 2 pages Clubs, Organizations, Recreation Club Council, Fraternities, Sororities and Housing Don’t Miss Out !!! Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Job for a cleanup crew 5 Fasten, in a way 11 PC “brain” 14 Place for a pavilion 15 Wild child 16 Cauldron stirrer 17 Sing-along direction 20 Masago, e.g., at a sushi bar 21 Writer Chekhov 22 Team nicknamed the Black Knights 23 Obey 25 Frank with six Oscars 28 River ferried by Charon 29 Childrenʼs game 33 Direction to an alternative musical passage 36 Become fond of 37 Fertility lab stock 40 Chase scene shout 42 “___ who?” 43 Figure of many a Mayan deity 45 Before dawn, say 47 Pursue a passion 49 Spreadsheet function 53 Neuters 54 Word missing from the answers to 17-, 23-, 29-, 40-, 47and 62-Across 56 Worthless sort 58 One of 22 in a Krugerrand 61 “Agnus ___” 62 Do as a mentor did, say 66 Home of the Tisch Sch. of the Arts 67 First-timer 68 Play ___ (enjoy some tennis) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE T A L C A R E A T R A V I J E S T A L L Y B I O O T T T E M P A L S C A D A H S E X I T C O N E O N E R M E S A E A G E R E L C A R D N G D I E E R S O N E T C T S C A R F Z O N E O U E S T O K L S E D U L E D S L L O P E D O U B L O Z Z I E M Y O B A I R F C A A R R E T E S A N T A E T C H T R I A L P E R I O D T A M I L A S S T K A N Y E S W E A R I M E O A X U G O 69 Longtime mall chain 70 Times for showers 71 Modest response to kudos Down 1 Some urban transit systems 2 Urge on 3 Quick 4 Turn on the waterworks 5 Knocks for a loop 6 Oxygen ___ 7 Sacramentoʼs former ___ Arena 8 Singer whose “name” was once a symbol 9 Chaney of film 10 Dyne-centimeter 11 Game with many “points” 12 Lifelineʼs location 13 Like a 16-Across 18 Thole insert 19 Netanyahuʼs successor, 1999 24 Prefix with biology 26 The constellation Ara 27 Cultured gem 29 ___ Maria (liqueur) 30 Misanthrope, e.g. 31 Balmy time in Bordeaux 32 “Frasier” role 34 Lesley of “60 Minutes” 1 2 3 4 5 14 7 8 10 11 25 28 29 33 39 43 34 31 32 51 52 22 24 38 13 19 21 23 12 16 18 20 26 27 30 35 36 40 41 44 42 45 47 46 48 49 53 56 9 15 17 37 6 No. 0907 54 57 58 59 60 64 50 55 61 62 63 66 67 65 68 69 70 71 Puzzle by Jim Hilger 35 Tiny bit 37 Acapulco “eye” 38 Transportation for many a rock band 39 Demographic division 41 Whiskas eater 44 Apply to 46 Fashion monogram 48 Invite, as trouble 50 Guinness superlative 51 Richard with a much-used thumb 52 Like pretzels, typically 54 Clotho and sisters 55 Game extenders: Abbr. 56 Throw a barb at 57 “And Winter Came …” singer 59 Isao of the Golf Hall of Fame 60 Stir up 63 Sports stat thatʼs best when low 64 Bribe 65 ___ chi For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
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