Classifieds - Daily Trojan
Classifieds - Daily Trojan
Page 8 Classifieds M o n d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m Classified ads:may be placed in Student Union 404, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Call (213) 740-2707:for more information. Classified ads cannot be taken over the phone and require advance payment. No refunds on cancelled classified ads. Visit for more rates, information, and policies. 000 Rentals Rooms LOOKING FOR 2 STUDENTS to share my home. Close to campus. $450-$650/month. Female preferred. (323) 292-0756. (9-10) NEAR CAMPUS Rooms available from $675/month. Gated parking, all utilities included, internet, washer/dryer facilities and new carpet. Don’t Wait - Lease Now!! (323) 835-5592 • (323) 255-9901 [email protected] (11) RENTING: FALL 2012-SPRING 2013. Furnished rooms, 3 blocks north of university, study house, graduate students preferred, $575-$750/month. (310) 456-3330. (9-11) BEAUTIFUL LARGE ROOM FOR RENT 2 Blocks North of USC. $600/month/person. 2 People Minimum. ( 3 2 3 ) 2 4 3 - 3 5 0 5 (9-14) SPACIOUS SINGLE FOR STUDENT, $750-$950/month, first and last, pool, washer/dryer, cable, utilities included, street parking, 15 minutes to campus. (323) 299-8620. (,s,) Apartments MEDICI – CALL TODAY (888) 657-8495 and ask about our 1 bedroom and 2 bedroom specials. The Medici. 2 miles from USC. Studio, 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Granite kitchens, washer/dryers, business center, 2 gyms, 2 pools, 2 spas! Visit: for a full list of amenities. (9-26) SKYLINE TERRACE – Studio’s, 1 and 2 Bedroom Apartment Homes starting at $1,450/month. Washer and dryer in every unit, efficient well designed kitchens. Amenities include: Central heat and air, pool and spa with dramatic downtown skyline views, assigned parking with controlled access. Visit for more information on our specials or call (877) 267-5933. (9-26) EXPERIENCE ELEGANT LIVING AT PIERO II and be within a couple miles of the main campus in Downtown Los Angeles. BRAND NEW!! Upgraded interiors, resort-style amenities & proximity to shopping/dining all contribute to a lifestyle of convenience & pleasure. Studio, 1, 2 bdrms available starting at $1,750/month. Visit our website or call (855) 829-9069 for more information on our specials. (9-26) VISCONTI. Studio, 1 & 2 bdrms available. Upgraded interiors & washer/dryer in every home. Abundant amenities: pool & spa with a skyline view, gym, sauna, FREE tanning bed usage, business center, study library, beautiful architecture and living environment. Visit our website for more information: or call (877) 300-4463. (9-26) FOR RENT PASADENA. 2 bdrm/2 bath $1,795/month, 3 bdrm/3 bath $2,200/month. Central air, stove, washer/dryer included. Close to 210 freeway and old downtown. 70 N. Catalina Ave. (626) 281-2904. (9-11) THE ORSINI – offers . . . gorgeous apartments, city views, fitness studio, high-end interiors, tanning beds, pools, spas, basketball court, bowling alley, movie theater, library and so much more. Starting @ $1,525/month. Call today (877) 288-3311 or visit our website for more information and to schedule a tour. (9-26) 000·Rentals 100·Property Sales 200·Help Wanted HIGHLAND VILLAS. 1 & 2 bedrooms starting @ $1,250/month. Looking to live near USC but it’s just too expensive, well just 8 miles North you’ll find your new home. The Gold Line takes you to USC & home again. Call Penny (323) 254-9954. (9-10) House/Condo FOR RENT TEMPLE CITY. 2 bdrm/2 bath $1,550/month, 3 bdrm/2.5 bath $1,795/month. Twostory condo, 2 car garage, central air. 5561 Sultana Ave. (626) 281-2904. (11) Roommate Wanted ROOMMATE WANTED! Beautiful 3+1 Craftsman in Midcity, garage, 3.5 miles from USC. $833/month. Call Ivan (707) 540-5396. (9-10) 100 ProPerty SaleS House/Condo FSBO HOUSE, 3+2, laundry room. $300,000. 10 minutes USC. (213) 893-1329. (9-26) 200 Help Wanted ON-Campus MOBILE APP SALES. Campus Rep.; sell clubs, organizations; commission plus bonus; flexible hours. (817) 925-5503, [email protected] (9-12) COMPUTER TECHNICIAN POSITION at the Engemann Student Health Center. $12/hour Gain hands-on skills in a health care setting. Win XP/Win 7 and MS Office required. On the job training provided. Fall/Spring CWSP REQUIRED. At least 15 hours/week. E-mail resume to: [email protected] (9-11) HIRING USC STUDENT REPS! Promote a new tech product on campus! Good experience and pay. brandambassadors (9-13) CLASSIFIEDS Student Union 404 (213) 740-2707 Off-Campus HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH / HISTORY / MATH / SCIENCE TUTORS 4:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m., Mon-Fri, Starting $17/hour. Locations in L.A. and La Crescenta. Please e-mail resume: [email protected] (9-27) or call: (323) 937-3320 CHILDCARE NEEDED: Looking for reliable help with my two kids after school. Melrose/Western area. Call Deborah (310) 415-1204. (9-13) Small Group TuTorS WanTed Must Like to Work with Elementary School Age Students. 4 p.m.-7 p.m., Mon-Fri, Starting $13/hour. Los Angeles: (323) 937-7737 La Crescenta: (818) 542-6400 [email protected] (9-27) 300·Services 600·Miscellaneous 400·Merchandise 700·Announcements 500·Transportation Classified Line Ad: Daily: $9.85 for 15 words or fewer, 35¢ for each additional word • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $44.50 for 15 words or fewer, $1 each additional word Classified Display Ad: Daily: $13.85 per column inch • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $62.50 per column inch • Monthly: (20 consecutive insertions) $233.50 per column inch G R E I N S T R U C TO R P O S I T I O N Loyola Marymount University seeks a highly motivated individual to hire as a part-time GRE instructor. We seek candidates who possess a MA/MS degree with knowledge of the revised 2012 GRE General Test. Must commit to a minimum of 7 months, teaching 3 hour/week. Pay is $30/hour. E-mail resume to Derenda King at [email protected] DRIVER / CAREGIVER NEEDED MUST BE SMART AND GOOD WITH KIDS Seeking driver / caregiver to work 20+ hours per week with great family; 3 kids (12, 12 & 8) who need pick up after school; driving to activities and homework help / oversight until parents get home from work; additional nights and weekends to-be-determined on a negotiated basis. Must be smart, responsible, safe, good with kids, have good judgment, safe driving record, and fun. $16-$20 per hour depending on experience. Please send resume and references to: [email protected] (12) 300 ServiceS Personal Counseling GROUP THERAPY – Young Professional’s Mood/Anxiety Group. Obtain peer support to manage anxiety and depression symptoms. A safe place in which to engage and interact with peers. For further information, please contact Dr. Jennifer Roberts @ (310) 896-6957. (9-26) Personal COACHING STUDENT PERFORMANCE COACHING. Get clear and ahead. Athletes and successful alumni have coaches, so can you. Starting at $19/ month. Student_Coaching. (213) 986-4949. (9-11) Lessons TURKISH CLASSES The Turkish Language Institute offers classes for adults in Westwood. The new term begins Sept. 17th. Please contact Emre (646) 272-8762. (9-19) Sperm / Egg Donors SPERM DONORS: HIGH PAY, PLUS BONUS. $100 per 15-30 minute visit, plus $400 in program bonuses. Pasadena. Pacific Reproductive Services. Apply online: (S) $$SPERM DONORS WANTED$$ Earn up to $1,200/month for less than 5 hours time. Give the gift of family through California Cryobank’s donor program. Apply online: (S) EGG DONORS NEEDED. We are seeking attractive and intelligent women of all ethnicities to help our clients build their family. No hair or eye color preference, but must be between the ages of 21-29. If you are interested or want more information, please contact us at: 1 (800) 264-8828 or [email protected]. $10,000 plus expenses. CA Health and Safety Code Section 125325: “Egg donation involves a screening process. Not all potential egg donors are selected. Not all selected egg donors receive the monetary amounts or compensation advertised. As with any medical procedure, there may be risks associated with human egg donation. Before an egg donor agrees to begin the egg donation process, and signs a legally binding contract, she is required to receive specific information on the known risks of egg donation. Consultation with your doctor prior to entering into a donor contract is advised.” (9-10) 700 Announcements Miscellaneous CAN’T FIND THE ONE? Maybe you’re the problem. Maybe not. Find out. FREE PERSONALITY TEST. Church of Scientology LA, 4810 Sunset Blvd. 90027. (9-10) CLASSIFIEDS Student Union 404 (213) 740-2707 Seniors / Graduate Students Take your FREE yearbook photo early and order extras for Holiday and Graduation gifts! Sign up NOW for your yearbook portrait! . YOU! in the 2013 USC Yearbook Lauren Studios (Official Photographer for the USC El Rodeo yearbook) Schedule your appointment online today Classifieds S e p t e m b e r 1 0 , 2 0 1 2 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m Page 9 The New York Times Syndication Sales Corporation 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 The New York Syndication Sales For Times Monday, September 10,Corporation 2012 620 Eighth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Saturday, September 8, 2012 Edited by Will Shortz $50.00 NOW!! The 2013 El Rodeo Yearbook is when you purchase it online That’s $20 off when you order by Nov. 1st Reserve your copy today at: Across 1 What a slob makes ACROSS 51Start of a play Neighboring 11 Far from 9 House, in selfHavana effacing 13 Poker pot starter 15 Water-park? 14 Animal used for 16 Davy RoseCrockett’s in a field 17 cap Singing pair 18 Ancient Old Broadway 15 doctor production grp. known for his 19 work Classes on anatomy 20 *Big Fresno-to-L.A. 16 gamble direction 18 host 21 Daytime Albuquerque’s DeGeneres ___ Racing Museum 19 Good-looker 22 Impressive Luis who directed 20 “Anaconda,” accomplishment 1997 22 Scarfed down 24 Big shot on Al 23 Commencement Jazeera 24 27 *Election Passé PCDay piece 28 receptacle Botched 26 31 Blabs Oxford offering 32 Former Thing toChevy charge 28 with subcompact 36 Doofus Ghost’s sound 29 37 Poses Crown(for) polisher 32 39 Many hand34 Pass, as a law Edited by Will Shortz No. 0806 No. 0804 37 *Result of a 66 Verdi’s opera 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 financial panic slave girl 13 14 15 Sign of things to 40Sleeper’s *Tight braid 40 option 6367 They’re 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 come a sleeper abandoned in 42inHogs 16 17 18 charm school 68 Loathe 41 15 16 43Flee Desserts good for 69 Gas in a DINER 19 20 21 22 42 Norepinephrine a hot day 17 18 sign DOWN producer 45 “CSI” evidence, 23 24 25 Uncool 170 Big name sort in 43 Full Sail or 19 20 21 often relief Fuller’s 26 27 28 46 D.C.-based 2 Like wags Down 22 23 24 25 26 27 44 Put on agents 3 Informal name 1 Like he-men 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 45 Recipient of 28 29 30 31 for a monkey 48much Adams who 2 Energy giant that praise photographed 40 41 4 Take ___ went bankrupt in32 3733 34 35 38 39 36 50 TALKS LIKE (decline) Yosemite 2001 THIS! 42 43 44 45 37 38 5 Presidential 3 Rebounds per 51They *Series ofsit 52 may nickname game and others changes from next to castles: 46 47 48 49 50 39 40 6 Accompaniers birth to death 4 Two trios plus Abbr. of one cover letters: 41 51 42 52 53 54 55 56 57 54Aarnio Criticize 55 of in good Abbr. 5 Pine (for) furniture fun 7 Basic training 43 58 44 45 47 48 49 59 60 46 6 Murmur lovingly 56 ___ P. 58Oilman Low-ranking figs. 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Lagoon encircler setting Ripken 62 63 ___” 61 Glory 63Old *Precipitous drop 10 Train conductor’s 10 Sterile Puzzle by Lynn Lempel saluter, shout in cost most Puzzle by Jim Page environments, likely 38 Leg joint 55 Genre of the 11 50 2012 Olympics 65 Like Cinderella’s forTake shortcare of 32 Contents of 36 It waslocale, retiredwith by a 48 62 They broke up “Pokémon” TV hintIn the back Building stepsisters 39 Blood component the Yankees some music in 1112 Decade or wing 49 Hurricane noises helds, for short in 1991: Abbr. series to the ends of the cabinets that contains 1986 15 Recover from century 51 Off,56 pricewise answers to the Break off hemoglobin ANSWER PREVIOUSPUZZLE PUZZLE 1217 Web locale 38 Powerful Syrian ANSWER TO TO PREVIOUS six starred clues It’s likely to have 33 Indicators of 53 It follows a mine 57 General way city in the third 41 W.W. 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Tool ___ a magician R EI TT C DA NR YD AO NOD O I O 2330 “What mind C R E D For For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 $1.49 a minute; or, withor, a credit uses in a womanN T D A L EL G reader?” answers, call 1-900-285-5656, a minute; with a credit DH EI N H Y GG EI TE SN S I E ST T 1-800-814-5554. in-a-crate act card, card, 1-800-814-5554. Y P PO DD AA S L AO C W E TR I B CE R T H 25 “Guten ___” Annual subscriptions are available for thefor best Sunday Annual subscriptions are available theofbest of Sunday 31 Detects like a T A M L I M E S N O B E T crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 26 One of the L A M A D R E N A L crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. bloodhound P R E S I D E N T S T I R E AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit Gandhis A L E W O R E A L L A H AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Movie snippet A E S O P S T E N T C A R 2933 “That works” for more Y E L L S K T S E E R O Online subscriptions: Today’s puzzle and information. more than 2,000 past N Y A L A H A V E A C A S E 35 Pro’s opposite puzzles, Online subscriptions: Today’s($39.95 puzzleaand more than 2,000 past year). E R L E P E E R R E V I E W 30 Journalist who T O K E S O V E R T U R E S puzzles, ($39.95 a year). 36 Old “We’re up to Share tips: wrote “Come to RS TU EE S S ON NA DT E I RO BNR AA L Share tips: D E U W Crosswords for young solvers: something good” Think of It,” 2007 S S R S B A D M A N N E R S Crosswords for young solvers: carrier
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