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Stop Gum Disease...
From stealing your teeth
When you think of your teeth, you
probably worry about the same thing
you fretted over as a child – cavities.
The fact is that very few adult teeth are
lost because of cavities. The real tooth
menace is gum disease. At least 90% of
Americans suffer from some form of
gum disease. Although it is sometimes
not very painful or noticeable in
the early stages, it is responsible for
more tooth loss than any other dental
What is gum disease? Teeth are
surrounded by gums, bone, and
ligaments which hold them firmly in
place. Gum or periodontal disease is an
infection that attacks these supportive
tissues. It’s caused by plaque – a film
of harmful bacteria that forms on teeth
and irritates the gum. Over time, the
gum will pull away from the teeth and
the exposed jawbone is destroyed.
Without treatment the tooth is lost.
Early warning signs for periodontal
disease include: red, swollen or
tender gums; gums that bleed when
you brush; receding gums; loose
teeth; a change in your bite or the
way dentures fit; and chronic bad
breath. A thorough examination in
the dental office is the only way to
know for sure.
There are many ways to fight gum
disease, depending on what stage it is
in, but of course, the best treatment
is prevention. If you brush, floss,
and keep your appointments,
you need not lose teeth to
gum disease!
Produced for the Patients of Dr. Robert A. Levy
Holiday Greetings!
And all the best!
LEFT: Without brushing
and flossing, bacteria have
the potential to damage
your gums which could
eventually lead to tooth loss.
RIGHT: Research has shown
that we see teeth as whiter
when they are surrounded
by pink gums.
Dry Mouth Meds
Imagine This!
Robert A. Levy, DMD, LLC
Treat symptoms. Reduce
Sip all day ... get decay
777 South New Ballas Road
Suite 322E
St. Louis, MO 63141-8720
Office Hours
8:00 am – 5:00
10:00 am – 7:00
Wednesday 8:00 am – 5:00
8:00 am – 5:00
8:00 am – 1:00
* One Saturday per month
Contact Information
(314) 569-0106
(314) 569-1645
(314) 871-2324
Email contact@
Web site
Office Staff
Pat.................Appointment Coordinator
Clare.......................... Dental Hygienist
Mary Jo...................... Dental Assistant
Information included is not dental or medical advice. For your
specific information be sure to consult our office. If you do not wish
to receive this newsletter, please contact us directly.
For one out of five adults, dry
mouth is a chronic condition that
leaves the mouth and the throat rough,
sore, and sticky. It even has a name
– xerostomia. In most cases, dry mouth
is the result of drug therapy including
those used to treat depression, anxiety,
and hypertension. Other medications
with this side effect may include
antihistamines, antispasmodics,
decongestants, and muscle relaxants.
Don’t rely on hard candies to solve the
problem! Call us – we can help! We may
suggest a special rinse or different oral
hygiene techniques. Fluoride treatments
can help you to resist tooth decay.
Remember, if you suffer from dry
mouth, you are at greater risk of both
cavities and gum disease, and hard
candies can make it worse. So please, give
us a call for a consultation.
Printed on recycled paper.
Open your mouth and put in 11
teaspoons of sugar. Then pour in
phosphoric acid, citric acid, add a little
water, mix well. That little concoction
creates cavities. Imagine doing that to
your teeth all day long. That’s exactly
what you’re doing if you drink soda
throughout the day. Remember, sip all
day ... get decay.
© California Dental Association
Contents may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
1189-W61-22598 ML06-5 © PATIENT NEWS PUBLISHING (800) 667-0268
The holiday season is here, and
with it a chance for all of us to give
all of you a heartfelt thanks for your
loyalty and friendship during the
past year.
As the new year draws closer,
many of us are inspired by our
anticipation of everything a new
beginning can offer. This is the time
of year when each of us considers
how we can make the coming year
the best that it can be.
We intend to make this new
year our personal and professional
best by continuing to provide you
with leading-edge dental care in an
atmosphere that is as warm, relaxed,
and as welcoming as we can make it.
Our entire practice team hopes
your holidays are happy, healthy,
and filled with family and friends.
Have a wonderful holiday,
Dr. Robert A. Levy & Staff
Smile transformations you won’t believe!
Go ahead! You too can take your first steps!
How to get whiter teeth!
Winter 2006/2007
Temporomandibular joint disorder
Do you suffer from tenderness in
the jaw muscles, limited jaw opening,
jaws that get stuck, unexplained facial
or head pain, joint grating or clicking?
You may be one of the sixty million
North Americans who have a condition
called temporomandibular joint
disorder (TMD). In most cases TMD
can be diagnosed and treated in the
dental office.
The best way to diagnose a TMD
problem is to have us do a thorough
oral examination, medical history,
and radiographs in the dental office.
There’s no simple prescription for TMD
problems and no single cause.
TMD difficulties can develop
because of teeth grinding or clenching,
misaligned jaw growth, or a dislocating
injury. Other causes of TMD include
worn, loose or missing teeth, gum
problems, poorly fitting dentures or
repetitive habits like pipe clenching
and pen and pencil biting.
That’s why restoring your jaw’s
harmony may require several kinds of
treatment to reduce muscle tension,
regain a stable bite, or rest and heal
your jaw joint. Usually the first step is
to eliminate the pain and correct the
way the teeth fit together.
We may smooth down your
The lower jaw
teeth or use a corrective
(mandible) is
attached to the
skull by a joint on
If you have signs of TMD
each side of the
trouble … relax! Thousands
face called the
of patients with TMD have
been diagnosed and treated
joint (TMJ). Any
successfully with excellent
number of problems
can prevent the TMJ
results. The first step is to
from functioning
bring signs and symptoms
to our attention during your
next visit.
Thank you for all your referrals – we appreciate them!
Using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS),
neurologists can produce smiles and
euphoria. Smile and you’ll feel good
...and because people like what they
see, they’ll smile right back! If you are
ONTOURING Too short ... too much ... TWO methods
Are you self-conscious because your teeth look too short or too long ... because too much of your gums show...
because your teeth look different lengths?
Now dentistry can cosmetically contour your smile! If your gumline is uneven or if your teeth look too small,
short, or square, we can restore symmetry and proportion by sculpting your gumline with a gum lift or crown
lengthening. Both reveal the natural enamel hidden by excessive gum tissue.
If your teeth look too long, it could be that ageing or periodontal disease has caused your gumline to recede. The
proportion of gums that
appear “too short” can
be restored by applying
the same porcelain
veneers that we use to
hide other smile flaws.
reluctant to reveal your less-than-perfect
smile, you could be missing out. Cosmetic
dentistry can benefit anyone who wants to
look better, feel better, and smile healthier!
With cosmetic
Balancing pHacts
...look younger by filling out wrinkles...
hide severely stained teeth ... close gaps between your teeth ... improve the look of
crowded or overlapped teeth without braces.
Strong, hand-sculpted porcelain veneers can give your teeth such a straight
appearance that they have sometimes been called “instant orthodontics.” Once
ACID: Some factory
workers, lab technicians,
and professional wine
tasters can experience teeth
staining and erosion. For
example, wine makers can
taste from twelve to eighty
wines per day!
bonded to your teeth, they’re durable and easy to maintain. They are extremely
Competitive swimmers
of any age can develop
swimmer’s calculus
– brownish stains on their
teeth. Chlorinated water’s
high pH factor can cause
salivary proteins to break
down, forming organic
deposits on teeth enamel.
and see us at our office for a consultation.
patients can control
exposure to these kinds of hazards.
But if staining or tooth sensitivity
due to enamel erosion are a problem
for you, come and see us.
provide a professional assessment
and cleaning, and suggest home care
products and techniques.
smooth, solid, and glass-like so ... veneers look completely natural ... they reflect
light like natural tooth enamel ... they mask flaws and rejuvenate smiles ... veneers
resist staining from food, tobacco, and beverages like tea, coffee, and red wine...
veneers reject most oral bacteria which tend to slide off their smooth surface!
veneers can give you the two things most people notice first in
anyone’s smile ... straightness and the whiteness and color of teeth! Please come
Building Healthy Smiles
Progressive Makeovers
Supervised teeth whitening and cosmetic bonding are
popular and affordable first steps toward a smile makeover
that can dramatically improve your smile.
Teeth whitening is a
new invention. FALSE
Supervised teeth whitening
which removes stains is
completely safe, reliable,
quick, and convenient
because the procedure has
been refined for more than
100 years. Bonding, which
can also give you whiter
teeth by covering stains,
was invented in the 1950s.
Teeth whitening and
bonding are minimally
invasive and require no
anesthetic. TRUE Not only
that – but your teeth can be
brightened in our office or
over several weeks at home.
You decide!
Age is a factor. FALSE For patients
under twenty, whitening is the mostdemanded cosmetic procedure. After
childhood, age is not an issue, and
most people can benefit because there
is no upper age limit. Even children
can benefit from tooth-colored bonding
materials for fillings.
Teeth can be whitened up to eight
shades. TRUE Whiteness depends on
the intensity of staining. Our team can
help you select the best option for your
materials can
be used to
replace older,
amalgam fillings.
TRUE Especially
in your front teeth
where appearance
is important.
Porcelain inlays
and onlays are
excellent options
for back teeth.
Your smile foundation!
Did you know that a cavity is what
is left after tooth decay is removed?
Or that the incidence of tooth decay
is second only to the common cold?
Decay is the most important cause
of tooth loss in younger people.
Periodontal (gum) disease is the
leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
Both are caused by the presence of
Thanks to preventive, minimally
invasive dentistry, we can help you
to control bacteria and preserve your
oral health with some back-to-basics
1. Brush, floss, and rinse.
2. Stay away from sugary foods.
3. Get regular checkups for your whole
family to curtail decay, gum disease,
and correct overcrowding or gaps that
can cause problems.
Remember ... the true foundation of
even the most glamorous Hollywood
smile is a healthy mouth!
BALANCE: Symmetry
and balance affect your
smile’s appearance in
more ways than one. Some
substances can affect the
acid balance of your smile.
veneers you can...
Gum sculpting revealed the
beautiful smiles of twin sisters
with amazing results!
Using Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS),
neurologists can produce smiles and
euphoria. Smile and you’ll feel good
...and because people like what they
see, they’ll smile right back! If you are
ONTOURING Too short ... too much ... TWO methods
Are you self-conscious because your teeth look too short or too long ... because too much of your gums show...
because your teeth look different lengths?
Now dentistry can cosmetically contour your smile! If your gumline is uneven or if your teeth look too small,
short, or square, we can restore symmetry and proportion by sculpting your gumline with a gum lift or crown
lengthening. Both reveal the natural enamel hidden by excessive gum tissue.
If your teeth look too long, it could be that ageing or periodontal disease has caused your gumline to recede. The
proportion of gums that
appear “too short” can
be restored by applying
the same porcelain
veneers that we use to
hide other smile flaws.
reluctant to reveal your less-than-perfect
smile, you could be missing out. Cosmetic
dentistry can benefit anyone who wants to
look better, feel better, and smile healthier!
With cosmetic
Balancing pHacts
...look younger by filling out wrinkles...
hide severely stained teeth ... close gaps between your teeth ... improve the look of
crowded or overlapped teeth without braces.
Strong, hand-sculpted porcelain veneers can give your teeth such a straight
appearance that they have sometimes been called “instant orthodontics.” Once
ACID: Some factory
workers, lab technicians,
and professional wine
tasters can experience teeth
staining and erosion. For
example, wine makers can
taste from twelve to eighty
wines per day!
bonded to your teeth, they’re durable and easy to maintain. They are extremely
Competitive swimmers
of any age can develop
swimmer’s calculus
– brownish stains on their
teeth. Chlorinated water’s
high pH factor can cause
salivary proteins to break
down, forming organic
deposits on teeth enamel.
and see us at our office for a consultation.
patients can control
exposure to these kinds of hazards.
But if staining or tooth sensitivity
due to enamel erosion are a problem
for you, come and see us.
provide a professional assessment
and cleaning, and suggest home care
products and techniques.
smooth, solid, and glass-like so ... veneers look completely natural ... they reflect
light like natural tooth enamel ... they mask flaws and rejuvenate smiles ... veneers
resist staining from food, tobacco, and beverages like tea, coffee, and red wine...
veneers reject most oral bacteria which tend to slide off their smooth surface!
veneers can give you the two things most people notice first in
anyone’s smile ... straightness and the whiteness and color of teeth! Please come
Building Healthy Smiles
Progressive Makeovers
Supervised teeth whitening and cosmetic bonding are
popular and affordable first steps toward a smile makeover
that can dramatically improve your smile.
Teeth whitening is a
new invention. FALSE
Supervised teeth whitening
which removes stains is
completely safe, reliable,
quick, and convenient
because the procedure has
been refined for more than
100 years. Bonding, which
can also give you whiter
teeth by covering stains,
was invented in the 1950s.
Teeth whitening and
bonding are minimally
invasive and require no
anesthetic. TRUE Not only
that – but your teeth can be
brightened in our office or
over several weeks at home.
You decide!
Age is a factor. FALSE For patients
under twenty, whitening is the mostdemanded cosmetic procedure. After
childhood, age is not an issue, and
most people can benefit because there
is no upper age limit. Even children
can benefit from tooth-colored bonding
materials for fillings.
Teeth can be whitened up to eight
shades. TRUE Whiteness depends on
the intensity of staining. Our team can
help you select the best option for your
materials can
be used to
replace older,
amalgam fillings.
TRUE Especially
in your front teeth
where appearance
is important.
Porcelain inlays
and onlays are
excellent options
for back teeth.
Your smile foundation!
Did you know that a cavity is what
is left after tooth decay is removed?
Or that the incidence of tooth decay
is second only to the common cold?
Decay is the most important cause
of tooth loss in younger people.
Periodontal (gum) disease is the
leading cause of tooth loss in adults.
Both are caused by the presence of
Thanks to preventive, minimally
invasive dentistry, we can help you
to control bacteria and preserve your
oral health with some back-to-basics
1. Brush, floss, and rinse.
2. Stay away from sugary foods.
3. Get regular checkups for your whole
family to curtail decay, gum disease,
and correct overcrowding or gaps that
can cause problems.
Remember ... the true foundation of
even the most glamorous Hollywood
smile is a healthy mouth!
BALANCE: Symmetry
and balance affect your
smile’s appearance in
more ways than one. Some
substances can affect the
acid balance of your smile.
veneers you can...
Gum sculpting revealed the
beautiful smiles of twin sisters
with amazing results!
Stop Gum Disease...
From stealing your teeth
When you think of your teeth, you
probably worry about the same thing
you fretted over as a child – cavities.
The fact is that very few adult teeth are
lost because of cavities. The real tooth
menace is gum disease. At least 90% of
Americans suffer from some form of
gum disease. Although it is sometimes
not very painful or noticeable in
the early stages, it is responsible for
more tooth loss than any other dental
What is gum disease? Teeth are
surrounded by gums, bone, and
ligaments which hold them firmly in
place. Gum or periodontal disease is an
infection that attacks these supportive
tissues. It’s caused by plaque – a film
of harmful bacteria that forms on teeth
and irritates the gum. Over time, the
gum will pull away from the teeth and
the exposed jawbone is destroyed.
Without treatment the tooth is lost.
Early warning signs for periodontal
disease include: red, swollen or
tender gums; gums that bleed when
you brush; receding gums; loose
teeth; a change in your bite or the
way dentures fit; and chronic bad
breath. A thorough examination in
the dental office is the only way to
know for sure.
There are many ways to fight gum
disease, depending on what stage it is
in, but of course, the best treatment
is prevention. If you brush, floss,
and keep your appointments,
you need not lose teeth to
gum disease!
Produced for the Patients of Dr. Robert A. Levy
Holiday Greetings!
And all the best!
LEFT: Without brushing
and flossing, bacteria have
the potential to damage
your gums which could
eventually lead to tooth loss.
RIGHT: Research has shown
that we see teeth as whiter
when they are surrounded
by pink gums.
Dry Mouth Meds
Imagine This!
Robert A. Levy, DMD, LLC
Treat symptoms. Reduce
Sip all day ... get decay
777 South New Ballas Road
Suite 322E
St. Louis, MO 63141-8720
Office Hours
8:00 am – 5:00
10:00 am – 7:00
Wednesday 8:00 am – 5:00
8:00 am – 5:00
8:00 am – 1:00
* One Saturday per month
Contact Information
(314) 569-0106
(314) 569-1645
(314) 871-2324
Email contact@
Web site
Office Staff
Pat.................Appointment Coordinator
Clare.......................... Dental Hygienist
Mary Jo...................... Dental Assistant
Information included is not dental or medical advice. For your
specific information be sure to consult our office. If you do not wish
to receive this newsletter, please contact us directly.
For one out of five adults, dry
mouth is a chronic condition that
leaves the mouth and the throat rough,
sore, and sticky. It even has a name
– xerostomia. In most cases, dry mouth
is the result of drug therapy including
those used to treat depression, anxiety,
and hypertension. Other medications
with this side effect may include
antihistamines, antispasmodics,
decongestants, and muscle relaxants.
Don’t rely on hard candies to solve the
problem! Call us – we can help! We may
suggest a special rinse or different oral
hygiene techniques. Fluoride treatments
can help you to resist tooth decay.
Remember, if you suffer from dry
mouth, you are at greater risk of both
cavities and gum disease, and hard
candies can make it worse. So please, give
us a call for a consultation.
Printed on recycled paper.
Open your mouth and put in 11
teaspoons of sugar. Then pour in
phosphoric acid, citric acid, add a little
water, mix well. That little concoction
creates cavities. Imagine doing that to
your teeth all day long. That’s exactly
what you’re doing if you drink soda
throughout the day. Remember, sip all
day ... get decay.
© California Dental Association
Contents may not be reproduced without permission from the publisher.
1189-W61-22598 ML06-5 © PATIENT NEWS PUBLISHING (800) 667-0268
The holiday season is here, and
with it a chance for all of us to give
all of you a heartfelt thanks for your
loyalty and friendship during the
past year.
As the new year draws closer,
many of us are inspired by our
anticipation of everything a new
beginning can offer. This is the time
of year when each of us considers
how we can make the coming year
the best that it can be.
We intend to make this new
year our personal and professional
best by continuing to provide you
with leading-edge dental care in an
atmosphere that is as warm, relaxed,
and as welcoming as we can make it.
Our entire practice team hopes
your holidays are happy, healthy,
and filled with family and friends.
Have a wonderful holiday,
Dr. Robert A. Levy & Staff
Smile transformations you won’t believe!
Go ahead! You too can take your first steps!
How to get whiter teeth!
Winter 2006/2007
Temporomandibular joint disorder
Do you suffer from tenderness in
the jaw muscles, limited jaw opening,
jaws that get stuck, unexplained facial
or head pain, joint grating or clicking?
You may be one of the sixty million
North Americans who have a condition
called temporomandibular joint
disorder (TMD). In most cases TMD
can be diagnosed and treated in the
dental office.
The best way to diagnose a TMD
problem is to have us do a thorough
oral examination, medical history,
and radiographs in the dental office.
There’s no simple prescription for TMD
problems and no single cause.
TMD difficulties can develop
because of teeth grinding or clenching,
misaligned jaw growth, or a dislocating
injury. Other causes of TMD include
worn, loose or missing teeth, gum
problems, poorly fitting dentures or
repetitive habits like pipe clenching
and pen and pencil biting.
That’s why restoring your jaw’s
harmony may require several kinds of
treatment to reduce muscle tension,
regain a stable bite, or rest and heal
your jaw joint. Usually the first step is
to eliminate the pain and correct the
way the teeth fit together.
We may smooth down your
The lower jaw
teeth or use a corrective
(mandible) is
attached to the
skull by a joint on
If you have signs of TMD
each side of the
trouble … relax! Thousands
face called the
of patients with TMD have
been diagnosed and treated
joint (TMJ). Any
successfully with excellent
number of problems
can prevent the TMJ
results. The first step is to
from functioning
bring signs and symptoms
to our attention during your
next visit.
Thank you for all your referrals – we appreciate them!