Eötvös Loránd University


Eötvös Loránd University
Eötvös Loránd University
Participant reports
Project no.: 128-1-E4, 129-1-E4
Eötvös Loránd University
University of Bergen
Bergen University College
This project has been financed by the Lifelong Learning
Programme. All responsibility rests with the publisher.
The European Commission does not take any responsibility for its content.
Eötvös Loránd University
Bergen University College
Agreement Nr.:
Project Title:
Student Mobility
Period of the report
01.09.2008. – 30.09.2009.
Outgoing participants
126 weeks of scholarship
Number of students and duration
6 students for 21 weeks of scholarship
Incoming participants
75 weeks of scholarship
Number of students and duration
5 students for 15 weeks of scholarship
Number of socially disadvantaged participants
Scientific field:
Eötvös Loránd University
University of Bergen
Agreement Nr.:
Project Title:
Student Mobility
Period of the report
01.09.2008. – 30.09.2009.
Outgoing participants
76 weeks of scholarship
Number of students and duration
4 students for 19 weeks of scholarship
Incoming participants
0 weeks of scholarship
Number of socially disadvantaged participants
Scientific fields:
law, geology, physics and psychology
Eötvös Loránd University – www.elte.hu/en
Bergen University College – www.hib.no/english/index.html
University of Bergen – www.uib.no/en
WE MET Ove Kvammen ( the leader of the
Our host school – Bergen University Col-
Chemistry Department) on a course he held
lege (Høgskolen i Bergen) – provides bache-
at ELTE. He suggested the universities
lor study programs. We studied at the
should exchange students, and the Norwe-
Faculty of Engineering in the in the chemical
gian Found seemed to be the proper way to
engineering class. The school was well-
do it.
equipped, except the student’s lab which we
After we’ve applied and won the scholar-
intended to work in.
ship, Ove came to Hungary again to have a
The flight coupons were purchased by the
talk about the things we’ll experiencing the
Pályázati Iroda after we decided on the date
next semester and to provide general infor-
of departure. The costs of the flight were
mation about the school and the city. We
covered by the scholarship.
had to apply for housing to the International
The local Studentassistant was waiting for
Office, which reserved rooms for us in the
us at Bergen Airport, and took us with a cab
biggest student hostel in Bergen. They sug-
to Fantoft Studenthostel, a place with 1300
gested some courses for us, which we ac-
international students living in. We had dou-
cepted, but we had some ideas and wanted
ble rooms which means that two people
to change a few things which didn’t happen,
shared a kitchen and a bedroom. The
but it turned out later, they would have been
romms were simple: desk, chair, bed, cup-
board. The semester in Norway starts at the
beginning of January, so we had to speed
Hungarian one. Like in the western coun-
up our exams. That’s why we arrived at the
tries, students have 4-5 subjects each se-
end of the orientation week, so we’ve missed
mester. This means they have a lot of free
most of the orientation programs.
time. One thing that must be noticed: the
When we started the studies we got a
level of education in Norway is way below
password to the internet and access to the
the Hungarian. We didn’t learn much new
administration website of the school (like
staff there, but due to the quite liberal style
ETR). We didn’t had to apply to courses, we
of education, they provided free access to
were added by the administrative staff.
the laboratory and the chemicals storage
Our courses were held in English. Most of
room. So we spent most of our study time at
them were together with the local students,
the lab and tried to experience everything in
of course in English. This was a try-out by
the real life, what we’ve learned in theory.
the school.
We had a Norwegian course before we left
The education is quite different from the
to Norway, which was covered by the schol-
arship. This gave us a stabile basis of Nor-
brands exist, and you can not find anything
wegian knowledge. Unfortunately the lan-
except these. The price of the products is
guage course we had out there, was so
the same in every store of a kind. Meat, fresh
unorganized and pointless, that we were
fish and vegetables are incredibly expen-
stuck on the level of Norwegian we brought
sive. They rather eat tinned or pre-cooked
with ourselves. Otherwise the language is re-
food. Going out is more expensive than eat-
ally easy: a mixture of English and German
ing. A beer costs 1600-2800 HUF at the bar,
both in vocabulary and grammar.
but you can buy is at the grocery store for
We had access to the library and school
600 HUF. Liquors can be found at the gov-
computers. Organized programs were held
ernmental store called Vinmonopolet.
by the International Office which were really
Exams in Norway are written, and they last
cheap and we’ve seen a lot of nice and
4-6 hours. You write the exam on special
amazing places.
paper, so it will be available in 3 original
Norwegian people are really different from
copies. During the exam you can go wher-
the known Europeans. Integration goes quite
ever you want if an authorized person stays
fast, except in our class, which consisted of
with you. You don’t have to sign up for an
rather antisocial people. Otherwise we made
exam, because there is only one exam day
good Norwegian friends in the student hos-
for each subject. If you fail, you have to re-
peat the course. You can get the grades A-
Norway in a really expensive country, but
F, where F means failed.
is you do your things well, you can save a lot
The project was a good chance to try ut
of money. If you rent a flat in Norway the
myself in living alone in a total unknown
price starts at 65000 HUF (2000 NOK) a
place and culture.
month and can be higher than 150000 HUF
We took the same way home, than started
per month. Our place was the cheapest in
to pass our exams at ELTE.
town. The cost of local transportation is
much higher than in Hungary: a month card
We had a contract with ELTE that the
for students costs about 12000 HUF, the
courses we pass in Bergen will be accepted.
price for adults is double. The price of food
This did not happen. We got 12 credits from
is very interesting. You can choose from sev-
the 30 which was in the contract, and we
eral brands, which have the same quality but
had to arrange it ourselves.
the price can differ a lot. They have a brand
“First price” which is the cheapest, and not
that bad at all. The most unusual thing con-
Barát Viktor, ELTE TTK Kémia BSc,
cerning food is that you can buy in every city
2008/2009 spring semester,
and every store the exact same foods. 5-6
Høgskolen i Bergen
of the UiB (Faculty of Psychology, founded in
Host university, studies:
WITH THE HELP of the Fund, I spent the fall se-
1980). There are two different ways of edu-
mester of 2009-2010 at one of Norway’s uni-
cation for pyschology in Norway. Profes-
versities, the University of Bergen (UiB). UiB is
sional studies is an undivided five years
the second rated institution of Norwegian
study that – besides general psychological
higher education after University of Oslo and
knowledge – focuses mainly on clinical sub-
can be found among the first 2-300 worldwide,
jects and training. Apart from this, there is
rated higher than ELTE. An estimated number
also a 3 plus 2 years education available, in
of 14-15 000 students are learning at UiB, in-
accordance with the Bologna system, with
cluding about 1 500 from abroad (around 600
two masters degrees offered. During the se-
foreign students arrive at UiB each semester) –
mester I was allowed to take courses from
UiB emphasizes international relations, offering
the professional studies (those that were
numerous grants especially to talented stu-
thought in english), but not from the masters
dents from third world countries.
degrees (altough we received an abundant
Within the confines of my grant – in accor-
amount of information prior to our departure,
dance with my main subject – I could take
this was not clear – probably because of the
psychology courses at the youngest faculty
different study structures).
International relations and research are
greatly emphasized at UiB and influence
campus life and education in many ways. On
the one hand quality researches conducted
at the university guarantee that educatoin is
based on the most relevant and up-to-date
informations. An example (that also shows
the different financial opportunities): in cognitive neuroscience, while teaching research
methods we also had a demonstration of
functional magnetic resonance imaging, with
the device and the current paradigm used by
local researchers. On the other hand (and
here comes the important relation of research
and internationality), many times courses are
based on scientists from abroad, who were
somehow in connection with the university –
Education was conducted in English and
this way a particular domain within the main
we had the same courses as Norwegian stu-
subject is taught by its expert who is invited
dents. Informations regarding applying for
to make his presentations.
courses and requirements were clear and
After arriving in Bergen, the range of
available, with any question we could always
courses I could take turned out to be shorter
turn to the international coordinator.
than expected – thus I had a chance to
deepen my knowledge in the field of cogni-
Departure and arrival:
tive psychology, as courses were primarily
The language course prior to our departure
available on this subject. As for myself, cog-
provided us with the minimal needed level of
nitive psychology served as complementary
Norwegian for everyday life. Unfortunately,
studies: at my home university I attend
because we obtained our grant too late for
courses on counseling and personality psy-
that, we could not attend a language cousre
chology, so I changed my focus for a se-
in Bergen. However, the primary language
mester. I found education highly professional
used in education and also in everyday com-
and purposive in Norway, that supported my
munication was English.
home studies with the newest achievments
Informations on arrival and housing were
in experimental psychology, subsequently
clear, we did not experience any problems
founding my knowledge in applied psychol-
with that. We were placed at Fantoft Student
Hostel, the primary accomodation for inter-
national students with a colourful, multicul-
always many ongoing cultural events in the
tural atmosphere – it was especially interest-
town - partly organized by the university, as
ing to meet other Hungarians in Bergen
Bergen is known for its cultural and educa-
tional values.
Following our arrival, there were orienta-
Altough cost of living in Norway is gener-
tional programmes held in two steps – on
ally high, the financial support via the grant
university and on faculty level. These were
proved to be enough for a standard living.
integrated into the introduction week, that
provided new students of UiB with the basic
Personal gains:
informations about studies, Bergen itself, etc
At UiB I had the opportunity to study the
– two-three days of guidance. So interna-
functioning of a complex and professional
tional and Norwegian students were mixed
counseling service. I could make interviews
to some degree already at the beginning,
with the employees and through these I got
helping their integration. Apart from that, uni-
an insight how a professional service is or-
versity life was also shown at faculty level. At
ganized – this is important for me since it
our faculty, Faculty of Psychology, the inter-
lays in my range of interests.
national coordinator and a representative of
Other benefits of the semester spent in
the student welfare organization were in
Norway were that I came to know the culture
charge for this and they carried this task out
and the country itself, and - of course – the
fantastically. But what facilitated our integra-
international relations. The order of the se-
tion the most was the education itself: the
mester let us make shorter trips inside the
courses we could attend were part of the
country and the atmosphere at the university
regular studies, both for Norwegian and in-
facilitated long term friendships between stu-
ternational students.
It is harder to phrase correctly, but an
University life, atmosphere:
other huge benefit was simply the felling of
The local student welfare organization – that
the work conducted at the university: the
is a regional organization, joining the stu-
way the education and the curriculum were
dents from more educational institutions –
organized, the attitudes of teachers and stu-
contributes to the kind atmosphere of the
dents – these things were all somehow dif-
UiB with many welfare services: housing,
ferent, and resulted in a friendly but still
sports facilities, health and counseling serv-
highly professional and purposeful ap-
ices, cafeterias and book shops, among oth-
proach. It also gave me a new point of view
ers. Libraries and working rooms are
in my profession.
well-equipped, providing students with ac-
An other, more personal gain is my own
cess to every database needed. There were
change – the experiences and also simply
the situation made me – at least I feel so –
and I was not committed enough to bring
maturer and more sufficient.
this through – that was my fault.
Returning home:
Reintegration was simple and without diffi-
Adam Boncz
culties. I had problems with the acknowl-
Eötvös University, Budapest, Faculty
edgement of my courses. Since I could not
of Psychology and Pedagogy
attend the courses chosen previously, there
Subject: psychology, eleventh semester
were changes in my learning agreement,
Host university: University of Bergen
c) TVK112 - Physical chemistry lab
4- It was OK. At home physical lab is bit dif-
Please, score the questions on a 1-5 scale
ferent, but I liked that we had some instru-
(1- the worst, 5- the best) and also com-
mental analysis experiments. Those were the
ment shortly.
most useful ones in the whole lab. For me it
was really a nice surprise that how many
1. What do you consider about the scien-
useful analytical instruments you have. In the
tifically success of your project
future in my opinion instead of the physical
chemistry measurements there should be
more instrumental measurements, maybe an
a) TOK007 – Chemometrics
Instrumental Analysis Lab instead of Physi-
3- this subject had some interesting topics,
cal. This subject will fit into our studies, but
but as we are not studying to became chem-
an Instrumental lab would fit much better,
ical engineers, this is/was not the most use-
because till this time we already had a Physi-
ful subject for us. Personally I liked, that after
cal chemistry lab, but we did not have any
two-three theoretical lectures we had one
instrumental analysis lab (only classical
day with example solving. In overall, I
analysis), only theory in Instrumental analysis
learned about interesting things there.
(this lecture was held by Gyula Záray and
some of his other co-workers)
b) TVK111 - Organic chemistry lab
5+++++ - OK, maybe this is because Organic
d) ENT005 - Entrepreneurship
Chemistry is my personal favorite, but I think
4- This subject was a really nice surprise for
this subject was scientifically far the most use-
me. I had some fears concerning the useful-
ful. Grace to the lab teacher (Jarle), we had
ness and the meaning of this subject, but to
the possibility to perform as many interesting
the end, it turned out for me that this can be
and useful experiments as possible. It was
very useful. I’ve learned many new things (I
also very useful, that we had the chance to
have never had before anything concerning
practice the analytical techniques (GC-MS, IR
business) and even I hope, that I will never
and UV-vis) also. During this semester I man-
establish my own business, this course was
aged to try many reactions about which ones
very useful in showing us how to establish a
I’ve learned only in theory before. If I can sug-
nice convincing business plan and how to
gest only one thing: for the better completion
make a good presentation of it. This part (I
of labwork, I think there should be some com-
mean, how to sell ourselves) is really useful
pulsory experiments, because we have al-
in every aspects of science. So, I am glad
ready done the majority of the experiments
that we had this. Instead of this subject at
which were for the Norwegian students.
home we should have had some theoretical
subjects in economics and quality manage-
this course more organized and also longer
ment and I prefer practical subjects.
(we finished by mid march…)
e) UTVNKS-I - Norwegian language and culture
2. How does the accumulated knowledge
1- Sorry, but this course was not well organ-
fit in your studies?
ized and for 5 credits I was not expecting to
have 25 lessons. 25 lessons are really few.
I think, that this knowledge, what we got here
We also had some organization problems
is quiet useful, mainly because this is mostly
with the course. This subject was mainly
practical knowledge. As I now see, I will never
about nothing. I was expecting that I can
regret that I spent this semester here. Here,
learn something about Norwegian culture,
mainly in organic lab, I had the possibility to
history and also to learn something useful,
perform 4-5 times more experiments, that at
but we did very few things. The main prob-
home. This is something very valuable for me.
lem for me was that we did not have any
structure in the course. At the beginning we
3. How difficult was the examination?
did not have the same starting level and this
caused some problems for me. So I think
To tell the truth, I did not find it very difficult.
next time it would be more useful, to have
It vas fair and objective
4.Any suggestions that help in the further
value in credits, but we still have to per-
improvement of the cooperation.
form them.
I think that this second year spring semester
On the other side, when coming to our Uni-
can be OK for the further students, if there
versity, I think you should not only have the
will be any. I’ve already written some sug-
“Virtual Chemlab” lecture, but maybe other
gestions to the subjects, but in total:
subjects. It is just a suggestion, but I think
• Instead of physical chemistry lab an instru-
that it could be organized also.
mental analysis lab would be better, with
10-12 measurements.
5. The overall impressions (both scientifi-
• The organic lab is fine.
cally and non-scientifically) of these
• Instead of chemometrics can you propose
months spent at the receiving university.
something else, maybe some environmental or biological studies? Those are more
Overall I had a very good time here, in
interesting for chemistry students, I think.
Bergen. I am only sad because we discov-
• The visit to either Toro factory of to any
ered the Brass Band Teknolikken only in
other industrial places could be obligatory
April. I hope we did not cause too much
and writing a report on it also, because in
trouble, if so, than sorry.:) I hope that I will
our studies at home we will have two com-
have the possibility to come back to Bergen
pulsory factory visits, they do not have any
and Norway. Thanks for everything.
IN THE SPRING semester of 2008, Ove Kvammen held a course in Hungary about a computer program. At the end of this course they
announced a possible scolarship in Norway.
The sutedents who participated in this
course had a priority in the scolarship.
The semester before my studies in Norway,
we had a norvegiean language course. We
made a Learning Agreement, which purpose
would have been to make a sutdy program
in norway, that garantees that all our subjects learnt in Norway will be accepted in
Hungary later in our study programme.
Our accepting school was the Bergen Universtiy College. We were taking part in the
Chemic-engineer program, in the Engineer-
dents, but for example teacher Diesen Jahre
ing Facoulty. We had free computer and li-
had the oragnic lab open every day, and
brary access. In the library we could access
waited for students who wanted to work
the most important scientific journals, and
more, and do more experiments. In my free
find enough literature for our lab courses.
time I made some trips in Norway (fjord-trip,
sky-trip), to get to know Norway, and for ex-
All the norwegian subject in the Learning
ample I took part in the National Day cere-
Agreement, made no difficoulty for me, the
mony, with the brass band (Teknolikken) of
courses were trivial, and the learning did not
the school.
take up any of me free time. The ammount of
knowledge said in courses, and needed for
In Norway we had language course too, but
the exams were far less, than our previous
the number of lessons, and time spend for
subjects in Hungary. I had half the lessons a
lessons, were not enough to get enough
week, than in Hungary. The homeworks and
knowledge in Norway. The lessons started
prejects were a bit more than in Hungary,
from entry level again, and we already had
but even with that I did have much more free
some knowledge in norvegian. Fortanately, I
time than home.
could speak english everywhere, even the
classes were held in english. This opportu-
The school gave much more free time to stu-
nity was very good to practice english.
The scolarship paid our flight tickets, and
and we willl have a half year delay in our
paid us 50.000 Ft pro week. This was well
study program, due to some hungarian
enough for everything, even for traveling and
courses missed this semester. The main dif-
trips in Norway. I had no financial problems.
ficoulty will be to make the exams in hungary, after travveling home, without taking
This opportunity was good to practice eng-
part in lessons. But apart from all these neg-
lish, get to know students, techers, scien-
ative effects, all the good foreign experi-
tists, try an other education system, and get
ments make me say, that these programs
foreign experience. Due to diffenrces in
worth applying, and I encourage everybody
sutdy programs we could not exept to ac-
to take part in foreign scolarships.
cept all the foreign courses in Hungary. Now
it seems that that 10 ECTS credits will be ac-
Lorántfy László
cepted, from the 30 credits learnt in norway,
ELTE-TTK Chemistry Bsc II. year stuendt
First of all, I am very grateful for this opportunity and it was an incredible semester for
I studied chemistry in Bergen University Collage in this semester. The school is a state
institution of higher education, established in
August 1994 by the merging of six former
independent colleges in Bergen, Norway.
The total number of students is now about
The University Collage offers high quality
study programmes. The spring semester
started on
5th january and ended for me on the 29th
boliger ☺. I liked it very much, because a
lot of foreign students lived there, and they
We had a norwegian language course both
were kind and friendly. I found quite a lot
at home and in Bergen.
there. The accomodation was cheap for a
We had quite the same subjects in Bergen
norwegian, but for us it was a fortune. But
than in Budapest, and they fitted well into
my studies. We had Organic chemistry lab,
our scholarship was more than enough to
Physical chemistry lab, Entrepreneurship
pay our bills.
Norwegian language and culture in college.
We had a great opportunity to travel, to go
Personally I believe the organic chemistry
hiking, because of the spectacular land and
we tried to make the best of this chance.
was the best course during the semester.
The education level was very high. The
In conclusion I could tell I enjoyed every
teacher was always prepared and helpful. I
minutes of this scholarship.
loved this course, honestly. It was really interesting for me to study my favourite subject
Mate Petzke
in English.
Chemistry BSC.
2nd year
I lived in a dormitory called Fantoft Student-
THE SIGN-UP started with a computer course,
much, compared to the Norwegian prices.
held by prof. Ove Kvammen, and the journey
With the teachers home everybody was in
was offered to the participants. Our acceptor
contact on their own as needed, of course
school was the Bergen University Collage
via e-mail. With the organizers we were in
(Høgskole i Bergen). In the institute there`s
touch collectively.
engineer education, at BSc level.
We didn`t need to sign up for the exams,
Before leaving, we had a 60-lesson lan-
they were organized by the teachers accord-
guage course, where we learnt the basics.
ing to our time. Most of the exams were oral,
We had a complete plan of studies, what
what`s not common in Norway. I wouldn`t
was set up according to our home studies.
say they were hard.
The travel was organized by the university,
Finally it was a nice semester for me, I
also the tickets was booked by it.
even plan to continue my studies there.
Our timetable was already organized, we
The travel home was similar to the way
only had to register. The lectures started in
there with the same charters. The accepta-
the first half of January. The language
tion of studies have some problems, be-
course started from the beginning again, so
cause of the 30 credits we`ve done there
it wasn`t really useful. We spent most of our
only 10 are accepted. If zou thought it was a
time in the lab, and we could have a good
full semester of your studies, it can even ter-
relationship with the teachers. During all the
minate your studies.
time, the library and the computer system
I think it`s not too hard to reintegrate
was available for us.
home, the only problem can be to catch the
The organized programs mostly served
speed again.
the free time, plus we also organized our
own programs. The scholarship was
Siklósi, Bálint; Department of Nature Science,
50000HUF a week, which wasn`t really
Chemistry BSc (chemist), Høgskole i Bergen.
and responsible teacher for every subject,
here we made some mistakes.
With the application I had mixed experiences. First it was quite easy how to get the
In Bergen we attended the College of
scholarship, because it wasn’t a lot of stu-
Bergen, the chemistry-engineering depart-
dents who applied. After that we had to do a
ment. From this university in 2007 we got to
lot of things, which we weren’t experienced
know Ove Kvammen professor, who gave us
enough in, such as how to apply for a for-
a huge help when we were in Bergen. He
eign college place etc. I think it would be
was the Norwegian coordinator of the schol-
good if there is an internet page for students
arship. We got some information before, and
with scholarship, where they can find the im-
we could find a lot more about the college,
portant things, what they have to do before
and about the student life in Bergen on the
they go abroad. My advice for other stu-
homepage of SiB (www.sib.no ).
dents: they should really check what kind of
subjects can they study abroad and what
Before we went to Bergen we had a lan-
will their home university accept of these. It
guage course in Hungary, which was very
is really important to find the most competent
helpful, and I would recommend a similar
language course to everybody, (if they have
On Friday, the 9th of January, when we ar-
a chance to have it,) before they go abroad.
rived, was the last event of the buddy week
(the buddy week started on the 5th of January, but we had an exam in Hungary on the
7th of January). Here we got to know the
Travel and arrival
other students from abroad. In the weekend
We travelled with airplane; we had to transfer
we met with Ove Kvammen, who showed us
in Frankfurt, because there is no plane be-
the College. On Monday after our first lesson
tween Budapest and Bergen without a trans-
we did some more paperwork in the College,
fer. On the airport of Bergen the coordinator
where we got our student card, internet ac-
of the Bergen buddy programme was wait-
count and password, and the account of the
ing for us and brought us to our college. In
internet page where we could see informa-
the reception of the college we had to fill in
tions about our lessons.
the paperwork, and we could occupy our
rooms. Unfortunately we didn’t have our
Study period
rooms in the same place, but we were close
to each other. We shared the flat with an-
We had the following subjects in Bergen:
other person. In the flat it was a bathroom, a
Chemometrics, Entrapreneurship, Norwe-
kitchen and two rooms, one each. The rooms
gian language, Organic Chemistry lab, and
after some decorations looked very homely.
Physical Chemistry lab. The subjects were in
English and we participated on them until
There were organised excursions in the Col-
the end of the semester except the Norwe-
lege, for example we visited a powder soup
gian language course, because it finished in
factory and an oil factory also. We visited the
Vilvite centre also, which is similar to the Hungarian “Csodák Palotája”. The buddy pro-
It is very hard to say something in general
gramme also organised events, like fishing,
about the lessons; it depended on the teacher
fjord-trip, skiing, etc. But maybe the best pro-
and the subject. For example before the Phys-
gramme was the last one, when the Norwegian
ical Chemistry labs we always got a subscrip-
coordinator invited us (the Hungarian fellow
tion, what we had to read and understand
students) and his colleagues to a dinner,
before the lesson. In the beginning of every
where we tasted smoked whale-steak or rein-
lesson the teacher discussed the experiment
deer-steak. I think they really took care of the
with us. In the Organic Chemistry lab we got
international students, so I have a very good
some more freedom, because it was told to
impression about the services and student life.
have 12 syntheses until the end of the year,
but we could choose the experiments. The En-
Our integration went really good, especially
trapreneurship was about a project what we
in the college, where we lived, because
had to develop from week to week, so finally
three of us had a volunteer job in the club of
we got a very professional business plan. The
the college (Klubb Fantoft). It was a very
language of the lessons was in English, which
good place to get to know other international
wasn’t as hard in the lab courses as in
Chemometrics. There I found it harder. This
I can tell about the prices, that everything
subject was about statistical chemistry.
was very expensive, and if you are living in a
very “cheap” place in Norway, like we did,
In May we had one exam date of every subject, from Chemometrics and Norwegian lan-
for one month we had to pay more than 2200
guage it was a written, but the other exams
krones, and for transporting and meals, you
were oral exams. On the Entrapreneurship’s
need at least 5000 Norwegian krones for a
exam we had to make a presentation, and on
month. It is hard to go out from this money,
the lab courses’ exams we got an experiment
because the drinks are very expensive, es-
to explain. We got grades between A-F, where
pecially in pubs. Compared to Erasmus, the
F means failed, and A-E means passed.
scholarship of the Norwegian Found is much
I was satisfied with the student services. First
enough money to live from the Erasmus
we had internet in the college, and we could
money, it would have been enough just for
also go to libraries.
the price of the accommodation.
better, because it is sure you don’t have
In addition to these, it is very important to tell
credits were accepted of 30 credits what we
that Bergen is a beautiful city and the five
had in Bergen (in generally we can tell, the
months there gave me unforgettable adven-
Norwegian credit value of the subjects is
tures and experiences. It was a very big
more than the Hungarian). If this scholarship
benefit that we practised English a lot, so our
will continue, it would worth to consider how
language knowledge got much better than
the students can have a scholarship without
before. It is not negligible to mention the in-
to fall behind in studies in the home university.
ternational relationships what we had there,
This problem was especially because of the
and we found a lot of friends from all over
lab courses what we supposed to have in
the world. I am so happy I applied for this
Hungary, but we didn’t have them in Bergen.
grant, and I am so glad I got the scholarship,
Besides I believe the five month I spent in
because I had unbelievably good time in
Norway was very useful for me from the point
of view of profession, language skills, and
relationships. And of course I appreciate to
get a possibility to live for five month in such
Arrival home
a beautiful country as Norway.
We came back how we went to Norway in
the same way: we transferred in Frankfurt.
Zita Török, Eötvös Loránd Science Univer-
We arrived home on the 29th of May.
sity, Faculty of Science, Chemistry BSc.,
The subjects weren’t well accepted, 12-14
3rd year, Høgskolen i Bergen
this I read the www.norvegia.hu website and
with these I’ve got holistic guidance.
• Applicational experiences
I’ve found the paper of the competition on
• Short introduction of the receiving
the 4th floor, B building, Eötvös Loránd Uni-
versity in March. It announced anywhere
The University of Bergen is a young and
else not at all. The announcement was de-
modern university. Most of its premises are
tailed, and was given a lot of useful informa-
concentrated in the heart of the city of
Bergen. It has got six faculties, mostly focusing on researches. The Faculty of Law hasn’t
• Getting information about the receiving
got great number of students but deals with
university and training programs
a lot of fields of law. The great number of in-
From the faculty coordinator, named in the
ternational students is typical of the whole
announcement, I’ve got a lot of help and in-
university who get high quality of training on
formation. The sites of the receiving univer-
every faculty.
sity and faculty was also available contained
very useful descriptions. From the sites I
• Language course
found out everything, not only about courses
The Norwegian language course is very
but accomodation, university life. Besides
popular, it’s worth to apply before go
abroad. Nevertheless, the courses are
the other things weren’t so complicated. The
tought in English for foreign students so it’s
choosable courses and descriptions were
not necessary to get through with it.
available and the receiving institution sent
Before leaving we had attended a free Nor-
me all of the required papers in time. After
wegian language course in Hungary what
the arrival we were informed of the charac-
was the condition of having the scholarship.
teristics of the courses so I could change in
Sorry to say, it was int he middle of the
time if it was necessary.
spring examination period, so you have to
count on this..
• Preparation of the travelling, compilation
• Manner and duration of travelling
of courses
The travelling was paid and after conciliation
It wasn’t hard to plan anything, the ELTE co-
of the possible dates the University Erasmus
ordinators gave me a hand in everything and
Coordinator booked the flight tickets for us.
There is an airport at Bergen, but usually you
should change the flight in Germany or
Netherlands. This takes just a few hours.
• Arrival: accomodation, orientation programme, student services at the receiving
university, apply for courses, start of the
We have already booked the accomodation
before travelling. If you’re going to arrive
after opening hours and you’ll give a sign
about that they will be waiting for you. I’ve
been living at Fantoft Studentboliger what
was the cheapest, quite well-equipped and
where you can meet several kind of foregners. It’s a few kilometers away from the city
centre, but it’s easy to approach by bus or
To the orientation programme which was
very useful, not worth to skip, everybody was
taken by separate bus. The faculty mentors
have already contacted us there who from
that time regularly cared for the students.
Everything is well organized.
The student services are holistic. You can
have your student card make fast, with
which you can get in every sportcenter with
paying a general amount of money. Moreover you can copy and print with this card.
The faculty ensures for everybody an online study page (My Space), e-mail address (Webmail) and a registration page
(Studentweb) where every administration
You can find several English books at the li-
or change it, of course. However, this period
brary of the faculty, and bookstore, cafe,
is fully enough to decide convenient. There
swimming pool are waiting for everyone at
are also information meetings till then what
the Student Center.
are help the students and the coordinators
Mentors sold second hand books when the
also give you hand every time.
semester started. On the Open Day of the
university every student association intro-
At the start of the studies you have to pre-
duced themselves, most of them welcome the
pare for that some of the courses start al-
foregners, too. In Bergen there is also the
ready in August, so you have to go abroad
Buddy Bergen Programme in which Norwe-
accordingly. We have every kind of help to
gian students deal with foreign students. It’s
start the semester.
typical that the Student’s Union (SiB) organizes the digs in the city for international stu-
dents, the clubs of the dormitories, the cafes.
There are organized university programmes
• Administration of studies
from cultural evenings to parties. I can speak
At the administration everything was told.
of student services just in high terms.
Typical that everything is on the Internet, you
have to solve everything by yourself but it’s
You can apply for your courses pending a
not so hard. We had to go somewhere about
defined period, usually there are free places
one or two timesbut there weren’t so much
till then. After that it’s not posible to sign off
problems .
• Teaching language
• Student services due the study period
Every courses what are available for foreign
See above. Widespread possibilities, good
students tought in English at the Faculty of Law.
infrastructure, most of them for free.
• Teaching style and culture
• Integration
The teachers had already been studying or
The faculty mentors deal with the interna-
teaching abroad so they speak English very
tional students int he whole semester, and
well. The lectures are usually good where
within the Buddy Bergen Programme of the
they try to have conversations with the stu-
city Norwegian students who study not just
dents as well at the seminars. Be in contact
law care about the foreigners. There were
with them is easy, they use projector presen-
programmes and parties at the dormitory,
tations at the lectures what later is given to
too, where you can be friends with people
the students.
from all over the world.
There are a lot of possibilities to study and
• Living conditions
the students take an advantage of this. Here
Everything is expensive in according to the
truly predominates the „you study for your-
Hungarian conditions. It’s more worth to take
self”-rule, the teachers help a lot.
this scholarship than the Erasmus. The stu-
dent season ticket is about 10 000 Ft and
nothing else, but finally everything was
I rarely ate in restaurants, I cooked for my-
solved. But you have to count on this.
self. A mug of beer of the cheap kind is
If you like the beautiful landscape, calmness,
about 1200 Ft as well as one box of ciga-
you want to know people from all over the
rettes. Luckily there are two work office in
world and you want to see a totally different
town (Adecco, TopTemp) where my friends
study system, you have to go to Norway.
found working possibilities.
• Contact with teachers at the home
• Manner and duration of travelling
This depends on the teachers,too. I was usu-
See above.
ally successful via e-mail.
• Tanulmányok elismertetése,
• Experiences about examinations
In the semester you’ve got just one trial per
In proceeding.
course to take the exam, if it’s not successful, you can try it again just int he next se-
• Reintegration
mester. This exam is at a defined time but
In proceeding. A bit strange.:)
usually you have got enough time to prepare.
• Else
Thanks everybody who helped me for the
It was a written exam for four hours, I had to
write essays when I answered the questions.
Cheating is punished very well but there is
Budapest, 2009.01.08.
so good control that you have no chance to
do it anyway.
I like this kind of system, in spite of it seems
hard. It was correct, they expected what you
Barbara Tóth
Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law,
• Experiences, difficulties, „earnings” of
Department: Law
There were problems with the administration
Class: IV.
at the home university, because only the
Receiving institution: University of Bergen,
Erasmus has tradition at the Faculty of Law,
Faculty of Law, Norway
Life as an exchange student at
the University of Bergen
arriving to Bergen. As I experienced, it’s
technically impossible to learn the Norwegian language without attending to a course
I SPENT MY LAST SEMESTER as an exchange stu-
even if one is surrounded by natives. How-
dent at the Universitetet i Bergen (from now
ever I have not met a single person in
on UiB), thanks to a scholarship financed by
Bergen during the semester who could not
the Norwegian Foundation and the Tempus
speak English which means that it’s not an
Foundation. Below one can read a little sum-
urgent issue to learn Norwegian expect if
mary of this semester from my point of view.
one wants to work.
Thanks to the approximately one month dif-
Anyone can find almost every detail regard-
ference between the schedule of the UiB
ing the education on the webpage of the
and the ELTE, the proclaim of this applica-
hosting university. On my field, the education
tion is not that obvious. It only has a signifi-
and the courses had really high standard.
cance from the applicants point of view
The only thing one have to keep in mind
when he tries to apply for a free language
when looking after courses is that there is a
course on the UiB. It is hard to get into these
possibility to apply for one several semesters
courses and anyone who wants to partici-
ahead hence there are courses which al-
pate has to apply for a place even before the
ready full in the following three semesters...
I f I would have to describe the UiB with one
the middle of the examination period, which
word, than I would say it is “correct”. The
is not fortunate for the students and the
standards and the requirements are always
teachers either.
made clear ahead of the semester and are
followed strictly, but there are no impractical
Everything went really well regarding the
expectations. The courses are well organ-
preparations of the travel and if the sending
ised, well structured and the only concerns
department is flexible enough, there can be
can rise when one attends to a course which
no problem about setting up an appropriate
is held week-in week-out and another one
course list either. The scholarship covers the
which is held in one block on some point of
expenses of the travel. It takes only a few
the semester. In this case the lectures may
hours and one stop via the way to get the
crash each other in time. The exam require-
Bergen airport.
ments are generally down-to-earth and correct and I can say the same things about the
The housing arranged by the universities as
marking practice.
well and everyone gets a room in the Fantoft
International Student hostel. The rooms in
I honestly think that no one can have any
the hostel are spacious and cosy as well as
complaints about the standards of the lan-
quite well equipped. It is easy to fund new
guage and cultural course given by the
international relationships as the community
ELTE ahead of the semester, but in our par-
of the Fantoft is extremely diverse in the
ticular year the lectures have been given in
sense of nationalities although there are only
a really handful of Norwegians living there.
The university buildings are further in town
about 20 minutes by bus which is not exactly
a big distance but it also increase the
chance that the whole semester is spent
among all sort of people from around the
globe except Norwegians. The student
community of UiB arranges a wide variety of
programs for the international students so
that no one can complain about the lack of
activities. I myself found the BuddyBergen
program particularly useful and worthy. I feel
it important to mention, that the UiB and its
Library is exceptionally well equipped and
up-to-date. Among many things, one can get
a free excess to the online journals available
in SciencDirect system which can be really
useful in certain cases. The international stu-
porary job here. Everything costs about 3-4
times as much as it would cost in Hungary,
but this factor is way bigger in case of the
salaries. The travelling is expensive in general
but if someone plans well ahead, than a few
shorter or even longer trip in Norway is feasible if a similar budget as mine is given.
Keeping in touch with the sending department is probably completely dependent on
the particular student, and department. In
dents continuously can rely on the help of
case of a flexible department – just as mine
the UiB administration employees in any
– de distance means nothing. I had no prob-
case regarding the education.
lems with the transcription of the followed
courses. What I think is important to mention
Because of the significant amount of the for-
is the order of the Transcript Report. Every-
eign students, the language of the lectures on
one have to order it individually online from
my field in particular is English in almost every
the studentweb of the UiB. Of course one
case. The courses are usually well con-
can make the order after travelling back
strained and the lecturers are well prepared.
home to Hungary as well.
In my opinion, the education on the UiB is
more focused on the practical knowledge.
I had no problems regarding the reintegration, but I spent quite a lot of time keeping
The requirements are clear and ordered and
my relationships alive during the time spent
the expectations are down-to-earth. I have only
abroad as well. As I have not completely fin-
positive experiences regarding both the oral
ished the transcriptions of the courses be-
and the written exams. The atmosphere is en-
fore writing this document, I do not would
couraging and positive and there is no place
like to say anything final regarding this topic.
for cheating or abuse in this system. No one
Anyone who might be interested in a bit
tries to cheat on the exams but if someone stu-
more detailed description of the semester I
pid enough to give it a go, and gets caught
spent in Bergen, from my point of view, can
that always entails really strict consequences.
find one on my online blog (sadly only in
Hungarian): http:\\coki86.blogspot.com
The scholarship, given by the above mentioned Foundations proved sufficient in my
Zoltán Erdôs, ELTE-TTK
case, but I would say it is worth to find a tem-
- Universitetet i Bergen, Geophysisist