Florida Counseling for Future Education Handbook
Florida Counseling for Future Education Handbook
Florida Counseling for Future Education Handbook 2008‐2009 Edition Published by the Florida Department of Education 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................................................1 GENERAL ADVISING ............................................................................................................................................................3 FACTS.org: Online Student Advising..................................................................................................................................4 ePersonal Electronic Planner (ePEP)......................................................................................................................4 High School Academic Evaluations ........................................................................................................................4 Access for Secondary School Personnel.................................................................................................................4 Major Areas of Interest (MAIs) & ePEP..................................................................................................................5 District Reporting of MAIs......................................................................................................................................5 Training Opportunities & Materials .......................................................................................................................6 Frequently Asked Questions ..................................................................................................................................6 The Role of Middle School Counselors in Postsecondary Advising...................................................................................8 Postsecondary Readiness and the Middle Grades.................................................................................................8 High School Graduation Programs.........................................................................................................................9 Challenging Courses Help Students Enter and Succeed in College........................................................................9 Selecting a Program of Study.................................................................................................................................10 Help for Parents .....................................................................................................................................................10 Florida High School Graduation Options for a Standard Diploma ....................................................................................11 Florida Law ‐ 2007‐2008 Students Entering Grade Nine and Thereafter ..............................................................11 Chart: Students Entering Grade Nine in 2007‐2008 School Year and Thereafter .................................................16 Chart: Students Entering Grade Nine in 2006‐2007 School Year...........................................................................17 Chart: Students Entering Grade Nine in 2005‐2006 School Year...........................................................................18 Making the Right Choice ........................................................................................................................................19 Points to Remember when Choosing a Graduation Program................................................................................19 High School Graduation Programs Questions and Answers ..................................................................................20 2008‐09 High School Graduation Contact Information .........................................................................................28 Florida Virtual School ........................................................................................................................................................29 Chart: 2008‐09 FLVS Course Offerings...................................................................................................................30 Career Development Programs and Services....................................................................................................................31 Support Services for Minority and Low‐Income Students ................................................................................................32 Talented Twenty ....................................................................................................................................................32 College Reach‐Out Program (CROP) ......................................................................................................................32 2008‐09 CROP Contact Information ......................................................................................................................33 TRIO Programs .......................................................................................................................................................34 2008‐09 TRIO Contact Information........................................................................................................................35 Centers of Excellence .............................................................................................................................................37 Americorps.............................................................................................................................................................38 Postsecondary Counseling for Students with Disabilities .................................................................................................39 College Credit Programs for High School Students ...........................................................................................................42 Dual Enrollment and Early Admission....................................................................................................................42 Dual Enrollment Course High School Subject Area Equivalency List – July 2008 ..................................................48 i Advanced Placement (AP) Program®.....................................................................................................................67 International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program...............................................................................................70 Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma .........................................................................77 College‐Level Examination Program (CLEP) ..........................................................................................................82 Florida’s Tech Prep Program..................................................................................................................................83 Seamless Transition within Florida ...................................................................................................................................85 Florida’s 2+2 System ..............................................................................................................................................85 State University Transfer Admissions Requirements.............................................................................................85 Articulation Agreements........................................................................................................................................85 General Education Requirements ..........................................................................................................................85 Florida Statewide Course Numbering System .......................................................................................................86 Transfer Student Bill of Rights ...............................................................................................................................87 Articulation Coordinating Committee....................................................................................................................87 How to Appeal an Admission or Transfer Difficulty...............................................................................................87 FINANCIAL AID ....................................................................................................................................................................88 Financial Aid ......................................................................................................................................................................89 How to Apply for Financial Aid...............................................................................................................................89 Types of Financial Aid ............................................................................................................................................89 Fact and Fiction about College Costs .....................................................................................................................91 Federal Financial Aid Programs..............................................................................................................................92 Bright Futures Scholarship Program ......................................................................................................................95 Other State of Florida Financial Aid Programs.......................................................................................................99 COMMUNITY COLLEGES......................................................................................................................................................105 Florida’s College System....................................................................................................................................................106 Location Map .........................................................................................................................................................106 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................107 General Admission Information.............................................................................................................................107 Transfer to Four‐Year Institutions..........................................................................................................................110 How to Get a Bachelor’s Degree or Higher Degree at a Community College Campus..........................................111 2008‐09 Community College Contact Information................................................................................................122 Chart: Career & Technical Programs Offered in Florida Community Colleges ......................................................123 COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES..................................................................................................................................................138 State University System (SUS) of Florida...........................................................................................................................139 Location Map .........................................................................................................................................................139 Overview ‐ Freshman Admissions and Transfers...................................................................................................140 Academic Degree Programs...................................................................................................................................143 State University Admissions Policies......................................................................................................................143 High School Courses that Satisfy Course Distribution Requirements for SUS Admissions....................................145 Statistics on SUS Admission and Enrollment .........................................................................................................152 2008‐09 SUS Contact Information .........................................................................................................................153 Private Colleges and Universities ......................................................................................................................................154 Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) ......................................................................................154 Statistics on ICUF Admission and Enrollment ........................................................................................................154 2008‐09 ICUF Contact Information ........................................................................................................................156 Commission for Independent Education (CIE).......................................................................................................158 2008‐09 CIE Degree‐Granting Institution Contact Information.............................................................................158 ii CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION.....................................................................................................................................171 Career and Technical Education Centers Operated by School Districts............................................................................172 Location Map .........................................................................................................................................................172 Overview of Mission ..............................................................................................................................................173 Chart: 2008 Florida PSAV Certificate Program Inventory ......................................................................................174 2008‐09 Career and Technical Center Contact Information..................................................................................197 Independent Technical and Vocational Schools ....................................................................................................199 iii INTRODUCTION The Florida Counseling for Future Education Handbook is annually updated to provide school counselors and advisors with a comprehensive academic advising resource to guide students with planning for postsecondary education in Florida. This edition includes information and answers to questions about middle and high school reform measures, known as the A++ Plan Initiatives, career planning, Major Areas of Interest, Florida’s college readiness data, acceleration mechanisms, credit‐by‐exam scores, financial aid, and updated postsecondary programs, degrees, and requirements. The Handbook provides valuable information to address the growing need to increase “college and career readiness”. Higher education and secondary reform are national and state priorities. Responding to the challenge of U.S. Secretary of Education Spellings and the Go Higher, Florida! Task Force, our high schools and postsecondary institutions must improve student preparation and readiness for postsecondary education and the workforce. The competitive economy of the nation and Florida require increasing demands of our high school graduates, with 90% of the fastest‐growing jobs requiring postsecondary education or training. "By 2012, we will have three million more jobs requiring a bachelor's degree and we won't have the college graduates to fill them", were the remarks by U.S. Secretary of Education Spellings at the regional higher education summit, A Test of Leadership: Committing to Advance Postsecondary Education for all Americans (June 14, 2007, U.S. Dept. of Education Press Release). National data indicates: • By age 24, 75% of students from the top‐income bracket have earned a postsecondary degree. • Less than 9% of low‐income students have earned a postsecondary degree. • Seventy percent of college‐bound high school students are not ready for further learning (ACT, 2005). What is Florida doing to address these gaps? The Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation, using data collected and reported by the K‐20 Education Data Warehouse, produces online college readiness reports, available through the High School Feedback Report and Performance on Common Placement Tests at http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/. The latest performance data for the 2006 Florida public high school graduate cohort collected by community colleges and universities indicate: • 40.8% of high school graduates completed at least one AP, IB, AICE, or dual enrollment course; • 31.4% of high school graduates enrolled in a community college; • 20.9% of high school graduates enrolled in a state university; • 43.3% of high school graduates enrolled in a community college earned passing scores on all three sections of the college placement tests in reading, math, and writing; and • 45.2% of students passed AP exams with a score of three or better. In 2007‐2008, the Go Higher, Florida! Task Force, represented by Florida’s respected educational community, has engaged in robust dialogue to address challenges related to college readiness, access, and accountability. The following key Task Force recommendations are intended to raise levels of awareness and commitment. 1. Adoption of a definition of “college and career readiness” for Florida by both the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors. 2. Require all high school students to take rigorous and relevant courses that prepare them for life after graduation. 3. Develop/adopt high school/postsecondary assessment(s) which are clear in purpose and function, i.e., assessing skills in core courses for high school graduation and/or assessing postsecondary readiness in core courses. 4. Using FACTS.org and other media avenues, improve public awareness/understanding of current and future assessments, at all levels, their use as diagnostic tools, and the relationship between these assessments as 1 measures of achievement and learning gains. Emphasize/promote system wide, cross‐sector communication and participation. 5. The State of Florida should join 30 other states in The American Diploma Project (ADP) initiative. The 2008 Legislature enacted SB 1908 (Ch. 2008‐238, Laws of Florida), which mandated that existing Sunshine State Standards be replaced by the “Next Generation Sunshine State Standards.” These standards, to be completed by December 31, 2010, shall: 1. Identify the core curricular content that a student is expected to learn for each subject at each individual grade level in order to acquire the broad background knowledge needed for reading comprehension. 2. Be rigorous and relevant and provide for the logical, sequential progression of core curricular content that incrementally increases a student's core content knowledge and skills over time. 3. Integrate critical‐thinking and problem‐solving skills; communication, reading, and writing skills; mathematics skills; collaboration skills; contextual and applied‐learning skills; technology‐literacy skills; information and media‐literacy skills; and civic‐engagement skills. 4. Be organized according to a uniform structure and format that is consistent for each subject. The Next Generation Sunshine State Standards shall, for each subject and grade level, use the same alphanumeric coding system. 5. Be aligned to expectations for success in postsecondary education and high‐skill, high‐wage employment. The Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation, along with the Articulation Coordinating Committee and the Statewide Course Numbering System produces advising resources that support acceleration, seamless articulation, and transfer of credit. Listed below are links to these valuable resources: • The Dual Enrollment Course‐High School Subject Area Equivalency List, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/DEList.pdf; • The 2008 Credit‐by‐Exam Equivalencies, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC‐CBE.pdf; • The Statewide Articulation Manual, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/statewide‐postsecondary‐ articulation‐manual.pdf; and • The Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement information and sample template, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/interinstitutional‐articulation‐agreements.pdf. In addition, the following reports produced by the Office of Program Policy Analysis & Government Accountability (OPPAGA), emphasize the gaps that Florida high school graduates face. • "Half of College Students Needing Remediation Drop Out; Remediation Completers Do Almost as Well as Other Students", Report No. 37‐31, May 2007 available at http://www.oppaga.state.fl.us/reports/educ/r07‐31s.html. Over half (55%) of Florida high school graduates are placed in college remedial courses. Only 52% of these students complete the college preparatory program and are likely to discontinue their postsecondary education. • "Steps Can Be Taken to Reduce Remediation Rates; 78% of Community College Students and 10% of University Students Need Remediation", Report No. 06‐40, April 2006 available at http://www.oppaga.state.fl.us/reports/educ/r06‐40s.html. Recommendations suggest the state improve alignment of K‐12 Sunshine State Standards with college readiness expectations, increase high school graduation requirements, and improve collaboration between Florida high schools and postsecondary educational institutions. We thank Florida's guidance counselors and academic advisors for your support and continued efforts to encourage students to pursue relevance and rigor throughout their academic experiences. The 2008‐2009 Handbook is available online through www.FACTS.org, along with a variety of other useful guidance tools. Many thanks to all that contributed to the new edition. 2 General Advising 3 FACTS.org: ONLINE STUDENT ADVISING SYSTEM FACTS.org is the Florida Department of Education’s statewide student advising website. The site enables students to: plan their high school courses, track their progress toward graduation, check their eligibility for Bright Futures and other scholarships, explore careers, learn about Florida’s postsecondary opportunities, apply online to state universities and community colleges, and apply online for state and federal financial aid. The site was redesigned in the summer of 2008 based on input from users. Navigation was streamlined, language simplified, content updated, and the search and planning tools enhanced. In addition, the secondary and postsecondary Login IDs were consolidated, allowing students to create one Login ID that they can use for all FACTS functions, from middle school through college. FACTS.org Helpdesk: email [email protected] or call toll‐free at 1‐866‐324‐2618. ePERSONAL EDUCATION PLANNER (ePEP) The ePEP is an interactive online planner that enables students to map out coursework for every year of high school. Students choose from school‐specific course options, based on their goals after graduation, such as admission to college, attending a career technical center, or going directly into the workforce. The ePEP automatically populates the courses in which the students are enrolled and those completed, along with the students’ grades. Guidance counselors and other educators can access their students’ planners online and can leave comments. The creation of an ePEP as part of a Career and Education Planning course is a promotion requirement for all 8th graders beginning in the 2008‐2009 school year. The course can be taken in 7th or 8th grade and can be stand alone or integrated into another approved course. A list of all of the approved courses can be found on the Department of Education website at http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/ced/pdf/approved‐courses.pdf. To create an ePEP, students go to www.FACTS.org and select the middle or high school tab and then the "ePEP" button. First‐time users will create a Login ID and Password, complete a short demographic form, and then establish their settings. Once created, this Login ID and Password will be used for all FACTS functions, including college admission applications. Students who enter high school in 2009‐2010, and thereafter without an ePEP must be assisted in creating a plan. This would include students who were previously home schooled, went to private school, or those who transferred from another state. The law also requires that all students must review their ePEP in each year of high school. As of May 30, 2008, almost 950,000 7th‐12th grade students in Florida had created an ePEP and nearly half of all 8th graders had done so. Monthly reports on the number of ePEPs by district and grade level are posted on FACTS.org. HIGH SCHOOL ACADEMIC EVALUATIONS The High School Academic Evaluations (HSAEs) work in concert with the ePEP allowing students to evaluate their transcripts. The tool compares any public high school student’s transcript to state course requirements for graduation, Bright Futures Scholarships, State University System (SUS) admission, and the Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG). The HSAEs allow students to see their weighted Bright Futures grade point average (GPA), as well as met and unmet requirements for the state scholarships. Students access the High School Academic Evaluations via the High School Students tab. ACCESS FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL PERSONNEL Authorized middle and high school educators, guidance counselors, and administrators can access their students' ePEP and High School Academic Evaluations and view summary information with the FACTS.org Student Activity System. The System includes a roster of students by school and grade level with the students’ information listed below: 4 • FACTS.org Login ID; • date ePEP was created, last viewed, and last updated; • total number of credits planned; • current Major Area of Interest (MAI) selected; • total number of MAI credits planned; • diploma type; • graduation plan; and • current MAI career cluster. This year, authorized users will be able to "lock" ePEPs, which means that students can be blocked from adding or deleting courses, or changing ePEP Settings such as their Major Area of Interest. The lock on a student’s ePEP may be turned on or off at the district's discretion via the Student Activity System. Students whose records are shaded in the Student Activity System have incorrectly entered their Florida Student Identifier Number (FSIN) and they will be unable to access their transcript information until they correct it. This is done via the “My Profile Information” tab on the ePEP. The Student Activity System requires a Login ID and Password assigned through the district. Authorized high school counselors can continue to utilize the Bright Futures System and choose action code "F" to view their students' FACTS.org High School Evaluations. However, ePEP and Major Area of Interest information is only available through the FACTS.org Student Activity System. To access the Student Activity System select the Counselors & Educators tab > Secondary Access: Student Activity System. A Student Activity System Guide, which provides detailed instructions on how to access and use the system, is available from this page. If you do not have a Login ID, please contact your District Guidance Supervisor or the FACTS.org Helpdesk for assistance. MAJOR AREAS OF INTEREST (MAIs) & ePEP The latest edition of the ePEP, for students entering 9th grade in 2007 and beyond, contains the new graduation requirements, including Major Areas of Interest (MAIs), and several enhancements: • Major Area of Interest by Career Clusters • advising for College Prep, Career Prep, College and Career Prep, and Standard Graduation plan types • Special Diploma option • Print version with signature lines • New course search options • More advising notes related to the student’s plan Under these graduation requirements, students working toward a standard diploma are required to earn four Major Area of Interest credits; however, they are not required to have four credits in the same Major Area of Interest. The law does not stipulate that a student must earn a Major Area of Interest credit each year. As students earn MAI credits, districts must record credits to the student’s high school transcript. FACTS.org offers district reports to assist the process of identifying students’ MAIs and credits earned. For this reason, it is a good idea for students to have an up‐to‐ date ePEP with an accurate detail of the planned MAI and courses. Students working toward a special diploma are not required to select a Major Area of Interest. Should they wish to do so, they can select from MAIs designed for all students or from those designed for students in ESE programs. DISTRICT REPORTING OF MAIs Districts are the system of record in certifying that students have met graduation requirements and are required to record on each student’s transcript the declared Major Area(s) of Interest (MAIs) and courses taken (if any) to satisfy the 5 graduation requirement each term. They are also required to certify for graduation that students have successfully completed four credits aligned with a Major Area of Interest. Districts may institute policies regarding when and how often students may change their major, as well as policies regarding schedule changes. For example, changing a Major Area of Interest on the ePEP during an academic year does not obligate the district to change a student’s schedule for the current academic year. There are three methods districts may use to capture students’ MAI credits: Method 1: District‐generated. This method is determined and supported by district means; however it would involve districts collecting declared majors from students, verifying the credit(s) and major(s) were successfully completed, storing information, and placing a 4‐digit major code for each major course on student transcripts. Method 2: FACTS.org ePEP Course File. Districts may download this file from NWRDC containing the student’s declared major. The file represents a complete download of ePEP planner information including student demographics, settings, planned courses, and Major Area of Interest selections. Authorized users (typically district MIS personnel) may access the file in the Bright Futures Directory, file name OB.DXnn.FACTS.EPEP.COURSES. The file is updated on the first Tuesday of every month. In May, the file is provided every Tuesday, after which, the file is provided monthly again. Method 3: Department of Education (DOE) Reconciliation File. Districts may download this file from NWRDC containing the student’s declared major (as reported in the FACTS.org ePEP Course File) and whether or not courses for the major were located on a student’s transcript. Authorized users (typically district MIS personnel) may access the file in the Bright Futures Directory, file name OB.DXnn.FACTS.RECON.Dyyyymm. The file is updated three times a year (November, March, and June). Methods two and three require that students create and maintain an ePEP so that the information is current each year. TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES & MATERIALS The FACTS.org training staff present at conferences throughout the year and schedule training sessions at the district level upon request. To learn about available training opportunities in your area, please visit the FACTS.org "Training Services and Materials" area after clicking on the “Counselors & Educators” tab. Requests for district training or questions about training can be emailed to [email protected]. Materials FACTS.org has a number of educational and promotional materials for educators, students, and parents that can be ordered online from the FACTS.org from the Counselors & Educators tab > Training Services & Materials: Order Materials from Online Catalog. Items can also be downloaded from Counselors & Educators tab > Training Services & Materials: Resources & Logo. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Is FACTS.org the official repository of MAI credits? No. Districts will ascertain MAI credits (by one of the methods noted above), store that information, place it on a student’s transcript, and certify students for graduation. The DOE will capture MAI information from student transcripts for longitudinal information purposes. 2. Do all incoming 2008‐09 ninth graders need to have an ePEP with their major identified on FACTS.org? No. By law, the 2008‐09 eighth graders are required to have an ePEP prior to grade nine. Therefore, incoming 2008 ninth graders are not required to have an ePEP; however, districts may choose to implement this requirement earlier. 6 3. What exactly is required on ePEP? The ePEP is a high school plan. Students must create a Login ID, provide demographic information, establish their ePEP settings, and select courses for their graduation plan. Standard diploma students will plan coursework for 24‐ credits depending on their graduation plan and district requirements, including their major area of interest (MAI). The types of courses planned will vary depending on the student's goals for graduation and postsecondary education. The courses and majors available to select from are specific to each school. 4. Can a counselor check to see which students have and have not created an ePEP and/or identified a major in their ePEP? Yes. The FACTS.org Student Activity System provides this information. The Student Activity System requires a Login ID and Password assigned through the district. To access the Student Activity System, select the Counselors & Educators tab > Secondary Access: Student Activity System. A Student Activity System Guide, which provides detailed instructions on how to access and use the system, is available from this page. If you do not have a Login ID, please contact your District Guidance Supervisor or the FACTS.org Helpdesk toll‐free at 1‐866‐324‐2618 for assistance. 5. Can a counselor modify a student’s ePEP or their Profile, Settings, or Major Area of Interest from the Student Activity System? No. Only a student can change their information. 6. Is there a way to block students from making changes to their ePEP once the plan has been reviewed and signed? Yes. Students can be prevented from making changes to their ePEPs after they are approved by locking their ePEP accounts. The lock on a student’s ePEP may be turned on or off at the district's discretion via the Student Activity System. 7. Are there any resources available to train personnel on how to build an ePEP and/or facilitate the instruction of the middle school career and education planning course? Yes. Training and specific guidance on how to facilitate the new middle school career and education planning course content is available. For information, please visit the FACTS.org “Counselors & Educators” webpage. 8. Can districts download a file of the Statewide Major Areas of Interest with each major’s 4‐digit code? Yes. DOE’s A++ website (www.fldoe.org/APlusPlus/) provides the statewide approved MAI codes, titles, and courses as well as school‐specific MAI titles and courses. 9. What are the Florida Automated System for Transferring Educational Records (FASTER) file formats for entering MAI credits on a student’s transcript? The FASTER data elements and format for reporting MAI information are available from the FASTER website at http://www.fldoe.org/faster/. 7 ROLE OF MIDDLE SCHOOL COUNSELORS IN POSTSECONDARY ADVISING By the time a child is in sixth grade, families should start talking about career interests and postsecondary education options such as career and technical centers, community colleges/colleges, and universities. Middle school counselors are in an excellent position to help parents and students begin thinking about the important knowledge and skills acquired in earlier years and how these skills may be used in the student’s future. Middle school counselors are encouraged to collaborate with the school leadership team, teachers, and others in order to expand opportunities for students to build on current skills and (1) develop effective learner skills and attitudes; (2) explore self‐interests and the world of work; and (3) pursue more rigorous courses. The challenge for counselors is how to help all students build upon their aspirations and skills to be successful in postsecondary settings. Middle school counselors and educators need to be aware how access to postsecondary education differs for students (especially low‐income, underrepresented minority groups, or the first generation to attend college) and become involved in making the changes needed to guarantee each child equal postsecondary opportunities and choices. POSTSECONDARY READINESS AND THE MIDDLE GRADES Florida Law Florida Statute sections pertaining to middle school preparation for high school, in part, include the following: • Section 1007.21, (Readiness for postsecondary education and the workplace.), Florida Statutes (F.S.), specifies that during the middle grades, students and their parents shall develop a four‐ to five‐year academic and career plan based on postsecondary and career goals, in preparation for entering the ninth grade. • Section 1003.4156, (General requirements for middle grades promotion.), F.S., outlines general requirements for middle grades promotion. • Section 1003.428, (General requirements for high school graduation; revised.), F.S., includes grade forgiveness policy requirements for middle grades students who take high school level courses for high school credit. Academic Implications The implications for students include the following: • In 2006, the high school grading system was expanded to include middle school [s. 1003.437, F.S.]. • Beginning with students entering grade 6 in the 2006‐2007 school year, promotion from middle school requires three middle school or higher courses in the academic areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and one course in career and education planning to be completed in the 7th or 8th grade. The career and education planning course must include the following: o Career planning using CHOICES (http://www.flchoices.org) or a comparable cost‐effective program; and o Educational planning using Florida's online student advising system available at http://www.FACTS.org resulting in a personalized academic and career plan [electronic Personalized Education Plan (ePEP)]. Each student shall complete an ePEP. The student, student’s instructor, school counselor or academic advisor, and the student’s parent must sign the ePEP. • Effective for students in grades 6‐8 in the 2007‐2008 school year and thereafter, grade forgiveness policies apply to students who take any high school course for high school credit and earn a grade of: o C or the grade equivalent of 70‐79, o D or the grade equivalent of 60‐69, or o F or the grade equivalent of 0‐59. Districts must allow the replacement of the grade with a grade of C or the grade equivalent of 70‐79 or higher, earned subsequently in the same or comparable course. Any course grade replaced shall not be included in the calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average required for graduation [s. 1003.428(4)(d), F.S.]. The implications for middle schools include the following: • Each middle school must offer at least one high school level mathematics course for which students may earn high school credit. 8 • Each middle school must hold a parent meeting in the evening or weekend to inform parents about the middle grades curriculum and activities. FCAT below Level 3 Implications • Students scoring below Level 3 on the Reading or Mathematics sections of the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) must be provided with additional diagnostic assessments to determine the following: o the nature of the student's difficulty; o the area of academic need; and o strategies for appropriate intervention and instruction. • The school in which the student is enrolled must develop and implement a progress monitoring plan in consultation with the student's parent. A progress monitoring plan is intended to target instruction and identify ways to improve academic achievement for a student who is not meeting the school district or state requirements for proficiency in reading and math. • The plan must be designed to assist the student in meeting the state and district expectation for proficiency and to prepare the student for a rigorous high school curriculum. • For each year in which a student scores at Level 1 on FCAT Reading, the student must be enrolled in and complete an intensive reading course the following year. • Placement of Level 2 readers in either an intensive reading course or a content area course in which reading strategies are delivered shall be determined by a diagnosis of reading needs. • For each year in which a student scores at Level 1 or Level 2 on FCAT Mathematics, the student must receive remediation the following year. Remediation may occur through applied, integrated, or combined courses. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION PROGRAMS Each district school board must provide all students in grades six through nine and their parents with information concerning the three‐year and four‐year high school graduation options, including the respective curriculum requirements for those options, so that students and parents may select the postsecondary education or career plan that best fits their needs. Middle school counselors help to acquaint students and their parents with information about the high school graduation options including: • • • • • The four‐year 24‐credit high school graduation program; The three‐year 18‐credit college preparatory program; The three‐year 18‐credit career preparatory program; The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program; and The Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Program. Middle and high school counselors are integral to the implementation of these requirements as they work with administrators, curriculum specialists, and instructional staff to ensure that all students have the opportunity to design an academically challenging program of study. The graduation requirements are detailed in this Handbook in the Florida High School Graduation Options for a Standard Diploma section. CHALLENGING COURSES HELP STUDENTS ENTER AND SUCCEED IN COLLEGE Students who take Algebra in middle school can enroll in challenging courses such as Chemistry, Physics and Trigonometry in high school. Just as employers want workers who have certain skills, most colleges want students who have completed certain courses. Many of these courses can be taken only after a student has mastered basic coursework. The most important thing a student can do to prepare for any postsecondary education is to enroll in the appropriate courses and maintain good academic performance throughout their middle school and high school experience. Middle school counselors play an important role in acquainting parents of entering high school students with high school courses, including the opportunity and benefits of acceleration mechanisms such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), International General Certificate of Secondary Education (pre‐AICE) Program (IGCSE), and the dual enrollment program. 9 SELECTING A PROGRAM OF STUDY A student's program of study should lead to successful completion of requirements for the student's chosen postsecondary goals. School counselors perform a critical function in assisting students in the development of a comprehensive plan to accurately assess strengths, interests, and preferences that encourage the selection of challenging educational courses. Middle school counselors help students and their parents understand what is included in high school programs of study, the courses that link to a student's academic and career interests, and where to obtain additional information. They may be part of an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) team, helping eligible students with disabilities to address the experiences and services needed to reach their goals. Counselors have the knowledge and skills to provide guidance for students and their parents about including challenging courses in their program of study. HELP FOR PARENTS Some parents, especially those who did not attend or finish college themselves, may worry that they cannot provide their child the guidance and support needed to get ready for college. This Handbook is an excellent resource for helping students and parents learn about higher education options and possibilities. The following areas are particularly important in developing early awareness activities and strategies: • The Application Process; • Career Development Programs and Services; • College Credit Programs for High School Students; • Florida's 2 + 2 System; • Financial Aid; • Facts and Fiction About College Costs; • High School Graduation Options; and • Support Services for Minority and Low‐Income Students. The information in this Handbook could be included in parent newsletters, the local newspapers' school news section, student handbooks/planners, school websites, and bulletin boards. A series of parent workshops offered throughout the school year could also be developed. Middle school counselors, students, and parents can find more useful information on these topics by checking some of the following websites: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ACT for Educators http://www.act.org/edcareer/index.html ACT for Parents http://www.act.org/path/parent/ ACT for Students http://www.actstudent.org/index.html Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services Publications (DOE) http://www.fldoe.org/ese/ Bureau of School Improvement Student Progression Resources (DOE) http://www.flbsi.org/schoolimprove/studentprogression/index.htm College Board.com for Education Professionals http://www.collegeboard.com/prof/index.html College Board.com for Parents http://www.collegeboard.com/parents/ College Board.com for Students http://www.collegeboard.com/student/index.html?student Educator’s Online Toolkit on Career and Education Planning (DOE) http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/ced/ A++ Plan Implementation/Major Areas of Interest website (DOE) www.fldoe.org/aplusplus/ Florida’s Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students website (DOE) www.FACTS.org National Middle School Association http://www.nmsa.org Think College Early (USDOE) http://www.ed.gov/students/prep/college/thinkcollege/early/edlite‐tcehome.html Students.gov (student gateway to the U.S. government) http://www.students.gov/STUGOVWebApp/Public Florida Prepaid College Plan http://www.florida529plans.com/prepaid/index.html For more information on the role of middle school counselors in postsecondary advising and high school graduation programs, contact Helen Lancashire or Dr. Janet Adams at (850) 922‐3727 or via email [email protected] or [email protected]. 10 FLORIDA HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION OPTIONS FOR A STANDARD DIPLOMA FLORIDA LAW – 2007‐2008 STUDENTS ENTERING GRADE NINE AND THEREAFTER The 2008 Legislature passed Senate Bill 1908 that, in part, • amends s. 1003.428(2)(a), (General requirements for high school graduation.), F.S., • amends s. 1003.413(3)(i), (Florida Secondary Redesign Act.), F.S., and • creates s. 1003.4285, (Standard high school diploma designations.), F.S. The Florida Department of Education’s (DOE) website provides Secondary Reform and Major Area of Interest (MAI) memoranda and technical assistance, at www.fldoe.org/aplusplus/. In addition, technical assistance related to student progression and high school graduation requirements is available online from the DOE's website at http://www.flbsi.org/schoolimprove/studentprogression/index.htm. 24‐Credit Program Beginning with students entering grade nine in the 2007‐2008 school year, graduation requires a successful completion of a minimum of 24 credits, an International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum, or an Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) curriculum. Students must be advised of eligibility requirements for state scholarship programs and postsecondary admission. Under this law, s. 1003.428, F.S., graduation requirements for this program are summarized below: 1. Earn passing scores on the Grade 10 Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) or scores on a standardized test (ACT or SAT) that are concordant with the passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT. 2. Earn 24 credits through applied, integrated, and combined courses approved by the DOE and distributed as follows: • 16 core curriculum credits: o English ‐ four credits English courses must include major concentration in composition, reading for information, and literature. Also, see Basic Education Course Substitutions and Career and Technical Education Course Substitutions in the Course Code Directory. o Mathematics ‐ four credits One of the Mathematics courses must be Algebra I, a series of courses equivalent to Algebra I, or a higher‐ level mathematics course. School districts are encouraged to set specific goals to increase enrollment and successful completion of Geometry and Algebra II. Courses or series of courses deemed "equivalent" for satisfying the Algebra I graduation requirement are: – Algebra I – Algebra I Honors – Algebra Ia and Algebra Ib – Applied Mathematics I and Applied Mathematics II – Integrated Mathematics I and Integrated Mathematics II – Pre‐AICE Mathematics I Higher level courses meeting this requirement when Algebra I content is mastered but not reflected in the transcript: any Level 3 Math course; Algebra II; or Integrated Mathematics III. o Science ‐ three credits Two of the science credits must include a laboratory component. Agriscience Foundations I, the core course in the secondary Agriscience and Natural Resources programs, can satisfy one science credit. A waiver of the laboratory component by the State Board of Education may be requested by a school district in accordance with s. 1003.43, F.S. Also, see Basic Education Course Substitutions and Career and Technical Education Course Substitutions in the Course Code Directory. o Social Studies ‐ three credits – one credit in American History – one credit in World History 11 • This course shall include a comparative study of the history, doctrines, and objectives of all major political systems. – One‐half credit in Economics This course shall include a comparative study of the history, doctrines, and objectives of all major economic systems. – One‐half credit in American Government This course shall include the study of the U.S. Constitution and Florida government including the study of the State Constitution, the three branches of government, and municipal and county government. o Fine Arts or Performing Arts, Speech and Debate, or a Practical Arts course that incorporates artistic content and techniques of creativity, interpretation, and imagination ‐ one credit All courses listed in the Course Code Directory under Art, Dance, Drama/Theatre and Music meet the Fine Arts or Performing Arts requirement. Practical Arts courses, for use in meeting this requirement, are under consideration at this time; eligible courses will be specified in the Course Code Directory following approval of the Department of Education and the State Board of Education. o Physical Education ‐ one credit Physical Education must include integration of health. District school boards may not require students to complete the one credit in Physical Education during the ninth grade year. Please refer to the Florida Department of Education technical assistance paper, New Legislation Relating to Physical Education (K12: 2007‐103, dated June 15, 2007) available online at http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document‐ 4461/K12‐2007‐103.pdf. 8 credits in Majors, Minors, or Electives: o Four credits in a Major Area of Interest (MAI), such as sequential courses in a career and technical program, fine and performing arts, or academic content area, selected by the student as part of the education plan required by s. 1003.4156, F.S. Students may revise Major Areas of Interest (MAIs) each year as part of the annual course registration process and should update their education plan to reflect such revisions. o Four credits in elective courses selected by the student as part of the education plan required by s. 1003.4156, F.S. These credits may be combined to allow for a second MAI, a minor area of interest, elective courses or intensive reading or mathematics intervention courses. For each year in which a student scores at Level 1 on FCAT Reading, the student must be enrolled and complete an intensive reading course the following year. Placement of Level 2 readers in either an intensive reading course or a content area course in which reading strategies are delivered shall be determined by diagnosis of reading needs. The Department shall provide guidance on appropriate strategies for diagnosing and meeting the varying instructional needs of students reading below grade level. Reading courses shall be designed and offered pursuant to the Comprehensive Reading Plan. For each year in which a student scores at Level 1 or Level 2 on FCAT Mathematics, the student must receive remediation the following year. Remediation may occur through applied, integrated, or combined courses. o Elective courses are selected by the student in order to pursue a complete education and to meet eligibility requirements for scholarships. A district school board may require specific courses and programs of study within the minimum credit requirements for high school graduation and shall modify basic courses, as necessary, to assure exceptional students the opportunity to meet the graduation requirements for a standard diploma, using one of the following strategies: o Assignment of the exceptional student to an exceptional education class for instruction in a basic course with the same student performance standards as those required of non‐exceptional students in the district school board student progression plan; OR o Assignment of the exceptional student to a basic education class for instruction that is modified to accommodate the student's exceptionality. 12 The district school board shall determine the strategies to employ based upon an assessment of the student's needs and shall reflect this decision in the student's Individual Educational Plan (IEP). 3. Students are required to maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the courses required for high school graduation. • High School Grade Forgiveness Policy A forgiveness policy for required core courses shall be limited to replacing a grade of: D or the grade equivalent 60‐69, or F or the grade equivalent 0‐59 With a grade of C or the grade equivalent 70‐79 or higher, earned subsequently in the same or comparable course. A forgiveness policy for elective courses shall be limited to replacing a grade of: D or the grade equivalent 60‐69, or F or the grade equivalent 0‐59 With a grade of C or the grade equivalent 70‐79 or higher, earned subsequently in another course. • Middle School Grade Forgiveness Policy A district forgiveness policy for a middle school student who takes any high school course for high school credit and earns a grade of: C or the grade equivalent 70‐79, D or the grade equivalent 60‐69, or F or the grade equivalent 0‐59 Must allow the replacement of the grade with a grade of C or the grade equivalent 70‐79 or higher, earned subsequently in the same or comparable course. Any course grade not replaced according to a district school board forgiveness policy shall be included in the calculation of the 2.0 cumulative GPA required for graduation. Three‐Year, 18‐Credit Programs: College Preparatory Program At least six of the 18 credits required for successful completion of this program must be received in classes that are offered pursuant to the International Baccalaureate (IB) Program, the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, dual enrollment, Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) or specifically identified by the DOE as rigorous pursuant to s. 1009.531(3), F.S. The 18 academic credits required for completion of this program, pursuant to s. 1003.429, F.S., shall be distributed as follows: • Four credits in English, with major concentration in composition and literature; • Three credits in Mathematics at the Algebra I level or higher from the list of courses that qualify for state university admission; • Three credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component; • Three credits in Social Sciences, which must include one credit in American History, one credit in World History, one‐half credit in American Government, and one‐half credit in Economics; • Two credits in the same second language; and • Three credits in electives. Three‐Year, 18‐Credit Programs: Career Preparatory Program The 18 academic credits required for this program shall be distributed as follows: • Four credits in English, with major concentration in composition and literature; • Three credits in Mathematics, one of which must be Algebra I or its equivalent; • Three credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component; • Three credits in Social Sciences, which must include one credit in American History, one credit in World History, one‐half credit in American Government, and one‐half credit in Economics; 13 • • Three credits in a single vocational or career and technical education program, three credits in career and technical certificate dual enrollment courses, or five credits in vocational or career education courses; and Two credits in electives unless five credits in vocational or career education courses are earned. Selection of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit Programs Prior to a student selecting a college preparatory program or a career preparatory program, the following requirements must be met: • The student and student's parent(s) must meet with designated school personnel to receive an explanation of the relative requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of each program option; and • The student must receive the written consent of the student's parent. Each district school board must provide each student in sixth through ninth grade and their parents with information concerning the three‐year, 18‐credit and 24‐credit graduation program options, including the respective curriculum requirements for those options, so that students and their parents may select the program that best fits their needs. The information must include a timeframe for each graduation option. Selection of one of the graduation options must be completed by the student prior to the end of ninth grade, subject to the requirements as stated above. Each district school board shall establish policies for extending this deadline to the end of a student's first semester of tenth grade for a student who entered a Florida public school after ninth grade upon transfer from a private school or another state or who was prevented from choosing a graduation option due to illness during the ninth grade. If the student and parent fail to select a graduation option, the student will be assigned the 24‐ credit graduation program. Three‐Year Program Assessment and Grade Point Average Requirements Students pursuing accelerated three‐year high school graduation options are required to: • Earn passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT as defined in s. 1008.22(3)(c), F.S., or scores on a standardized test that are concordant with passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT (ACT or SAT), as defined in s. 1008.22(9), F.S., and one of the following: o Achieve a cumulative weighted grade point average of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the courses required for the college preparatory accelerated high school graduation option; and receive a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 3.0 points, or its equivalent, in course credit toward the 18 credits required for the college preparatory accelerated three‐year high school graduation option; OR o Achieve a cumulative weighted grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, or its equivalent, in the courses required for the career preparatory accelerated three‐year high school graduation option; and receive a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 2.0 points, or its equivalent, in course credit toward the 18 credits required for the career preparatory accelerated three‐year high school graduation. The GPA for a three‐year graduation program is calculated using the specific 18 credits required to graduate. The school district is responsible for determining which courses to include in the calculation if a student earns more than 18 credits. Weighted grade calculation referred to above shall be applied to those courses specifically listed or identified by the DOE as rigorous pursuant to s. 1009.531(3), F.S., or weighted by the district school board for class ranking purposes. If, at the end of tenth grade, a student is not on track to meet the credit, assessment, or grade point average requirements of the accelerated graduation option selected, the school shall notify the student and parent of the following: • The requirements that the student is currently not meeting; 14 • The specific performance necessary in eleventh grade for the student to meet the accelerated graduation requirements; and • The right of the student to change to the four‐year program set forth in s. 1003.43, F.S. A student who selected one of the accelerated three‐year graduation options shall automatically be assigned to the 24‐ credit program set forth in s. 1003.428 or s. 1003.43, F.S., if the student: • Exercises his or her right to change to the four‐year program; • Fails to earn five credits by the end of ninth grade or fails to earn 11 credits by the end of tenth grade; and • Does not achieve a score of three or higher on the Grade 10 FCAT writing assessment; or • Does not meet requirements of s. 1003.429(8), F.S., by the end of eleventh grade. In addition to an IB or an AICE curriculum, students who enter ninth grade in the 2007‐2008 school year may select one of the three high school graduation options listed in the following chart. Students are encouraged to consider their postsecondary education or career goals when selecting an option. By 2008‐2009 school year, each standard high school diploma shall include, as applicable: • A designation for Major Area of Interest; • A designation reflecting completion of four or more accelerated college credit courses in Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, Advanced International Certificate of Education, or dual enrollment; • A designation reflecting career education certification; and • A designation reflecting a Florida Ready to Work Credential. The Florida Department of Education will establish guidelines for successful passage of examinations or coursework in each of the accelerated college credit options, [s. 1003.4285, (Standard high school diploma designations.), F.S.]. 15 STUDENTS ENTERING GRADE NINE IN 2007‐2008 SCHOOL YEAR AND THEREAFTER Subject Area English Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Language Fine Arts or Performing Arts, Speech and Debate, or Practical Arts Physical Education Majors, Minors, or Electives Graduation Requirements of 24‐Credit Program 4 credits with major concentration in composition, reading for information, and literature 4 credits, one of which must be Algebra I 2 or its equivalent , or a higher‐level mathematics course 3 credits in Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics Not required for high school graduation; but required for admission into state universities 1 credit in Fine or Performing Arts, Speech and Debate, or Practical Arts (eligible courses specified in Course Code Directory) 1 credit in Physical Education to include 4 the integration of Health 5 8 credits • 4 credits in a Major Area of Interest • 4 credits in elective courses, which may be combined to allow for a second Major Area of Interest, a minor area of interest (3 credits), individual elective courses or intensive reading or mathematics intervention courses Graduation Requirements of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit 1 College Preparatory Program Graduation Requirements of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit Career Preparatory Program 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits at the Algebra I level or above from the list of courses that qualify for 3 state university admission (SUS) 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics 2 credits in the same language or demonstrated proficiency in a second language Not Required 3 credits, one of which must be Algebra I 2 or its equivalent Not Required Not Required 3 credits in electives 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics Not Required Not Required Total State Assessment 6 Requirements 24 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or scores on a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) 18 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or scores on a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) 3 credits in single vocational/career education program and 2 credits in electives or 3 credits in single career/technical certificate dual enrollment and 2 credits in electives or 5 credits in vocational/career education (including 3 credits in one sequential career and technical education program) 18 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or scores on a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) Grade Point Average (GPA) 7 Requirements Cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale Cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in required courses and a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 3.0 points or its equivalent in each of the 18 required credits Cumulative weighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the required courses and a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 2.0 points or its equivalent in each of the 18 required credits 1 All courses earned toward the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program must satisfy admission requirements for the State University System. To determine which courses meet State University System admission requirements, please use the Comprehensive Course Table at http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02 or see high school counselor for assistance. At least six of the 18 credits must be completed in courses that include dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), or specifically listed as rigorous by the Department of Education. 2 See high school counselor for assistance with Algebra I equivalents. Courses or series of courses deemed "equivalent" for satisfying the Algebra I graduation requirements are: Algebra I; Algebra I Honors; Algebra Ia and Ib; Applied Mathematics I and II, Integrated Mathematics I and II; and Pre‐AICE Math. Pacesetter Mathematics I is not available to students entering grade 9 in 2008‐2009. 3 Students seeking admission to a SUS institution must complete an additional mathematics academic unit of Algebra I or higher (bringing the mathematics requirements to 4 units) [Rule 6.002, B.O.G.]. 4 For more information on meeting the Physical Education requirement, please visit http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document‐4461/K12‐2007‐103.pdf or see high school counselor. 5 Students may revise major areas of interest each year as part of their annual course registration process. 6 Students must earn passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT in Mathematics and Reading (or scores that are concordant with the passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT). Please visit http://fcat.fldoe.org/pdf/fcatpass.pdf for additional information on state assessment requirements. 7 Students in grades 6‐8 who take any high school‐level course(s) for high school credit and earn a grade of "C", "D", or "F" may replace the grade with a grade of "C" or higher earned subsequently in the same or comparable course(s) in accordance with the district school board’s forgiveness policy. 16 STUDENTS ENTERING GRADE NINE IN 2006‐2007 SCHOOL YEAR Noted differences when compared to the 2007‐2008 requirements for the 24‐credit/4‐year program include: • Mathematics – three credits required for 06‐07, four required for 07‐08 • Life Management Skills – no longer required for 07‐08 • Physical Education – for 07‐08, must include health information and is no longer defined as .5 credit in Personal Fitness and a .5 credit in a Physical Education elective • Electives – for 07‐08 and thereafter, four credits in a Major Area of Interest and four general electives (which may be a second MAI, a minor area of interest [three credits], elective courses, or intensive reading or mathematics intervention courses). Subject Area English Mathematics Graduation Requirements of 24‐Credit Program Graduation Requirements of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit 1 College Preparatory Program Graduation Requirements of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit Career Preparatory Program 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits, one of which must be Algebra I 2 or its equivalent 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits at the Algebra I level or above from the list of courses that qualify for state university admission 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics 2 credits in the same language or demonstrated proficiency in a second language Not Required 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits, one of which must be Algebra I or 2 its equivalent Science 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component Social Studies 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics Not required for high school graduation; but required for admission into state universities 1 credit Practical Arts Career/Technical education or Exploratory Career Education or 1 credit Performing Fine Arts or .5 credit in Practical Arts and .5 credit in Performing Fine Arts Foreign Language Practical Arts/ Performing Fine Arts Life Management Skills Physical Education Electives .5 credit 1 credit, including .5 credit Personal Fitness and .5 credit Physical Education 3 elective 8.5 credits Total State Assessment 4 Requirements 24 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) Grade Point Average Requirements (GPA) Cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale Not Required Not Required 3 credits (must meet state university admission requirements) 18 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) Cumulative GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale in required courses and a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 3.0 points or its equivalent in each of the 18 required credits 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics Not Required 3 credits in single vocational/career education program or 3 credits in single career/technical certificate dual enrollment or 5 credits in vocational/career education courses (including 3 credits in one sequential career and technical program) Not Required Not Required 2 credits unless 5 credits in career/technical education earned 18 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) Cumulative weighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the required courses and a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 2.0 points or its equivalent in each of the 18 required credits 1 All courses earned toward the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program must satisfy admission requirements for the State University System. To determine which courses meet State University System admission requirements, please use the Comprehensive Course Table at http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02 or see high school counselor for assistance. At least six of the 18 credits must be completed in courses that include dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), or specifically listed as rigorous by the Department of Education. 2 See high school counselor for Algebra I equivalents. 3 See high school counselor for Physical Education electives. 4 Students must earn passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT in mathematics and reading (or scores that are concordant with the passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT). Please visit http://fcat.fldoe.org/pdf/fcatpass.pdf for additional information on state assessment requirements. 17 STUDENTS ENTERING GRADE NINE 2005‐2006 SCHOOL YEAR Noted differences when compared to the 2006‐2007 requirements for a three‐year, 18‐credit accelerated program include: • The student is no longer required to achieve a Level 3 score or higher on the FCAT in Reading, Mathematics, and Writing in order to choose a three‐year, 18‐credit program; • "Honors" was deleted as a category of courses and is no longer a requirement; and • Students must earn a cumulative weighted GPA of 3.5, instead of a 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for the college preparatory program. Subject Area English Mathematics Science Social Studies Foreign Language Practical Arts/ Performing Fine Arts Life Mgmt Skills Physical Education Electives Total State Assessment Requirements Grade Point Average Requirements (GPA) Graduation Requirements of 24‐Credit Program Graduation Requirements of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit 1‐2 College Preparatory Program Graduation Requirements of Three‐Year, 18‐Credit 2 Career Preparatory Program 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits, one of which must be 3 Algebra I or its equivalent 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits at the Algebra I level or above from the list of courses that qualify for state university admission 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 4 credits with major concentration in composition and literature 3 credits, one of which must be Algebra I or its 3 equivalent 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics 2 credits in the same language or demonstrated proficiency in a second language Not Required 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics Not Required 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component 1 credit World History 1 credit American History .5 credit American Govt. .5 credit Economics Not required for high school graduation; but required for admission into state universities 1 credit Practical Arts Career/ Technical Education or Exploratory Career Education or 1 credit Performing Fine Arts or .5 credit in Practical Arts and .5 credit in Performing Fine Arts .5 credit 1 credit, including .5 credit Personal Fitness and .5 credit Physical 4 Education elective 8.5 credits 24 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) Cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale 3 credits in Natural Science, two of which must have a laboratory component Not Required Not Required 3 credits in single vocational/career education program or 3 credits in single career/technical certificate dual enrollment or 5 credits in vocational/career education (including 3 credits in one sequential career and technical education program) Not Required Not Required 3 credits (must meet state university admission requirements) 18 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) 2 credits unless 5 credits in career/technical education earned 18 credits Passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT or a standardized test that is concordant with passing scores on the FCAT (ACT or SAT) Cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in required courses and a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 3.0 points or its equivalent in each of the 18 required credits Cumulative weighted GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in the required courses and a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 2.0 points or its equivalent in each of the 18 required credits 1 All courses earned toward the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program must satisfy admission requirements for the State University System. To determine which courses meet State University System admission requirements, please use the Comprehensive Course Table at http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02 or see school counselor for assistance. At least six of the 18 credits must be completed in courses that include honors, dual enrollment, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), or specifically listed as rigorous by the Department of Education. 2 Students who chose a three‐year program prior to July 1, 2004, must meet with their school counselor for information regarding graduation requirements. 3 See high school counselor for Algebra I equivalents. 4 See high school counselor for Physical Education electives. 18 MAKING THE RIGHT CHOICE The right graduation program for a particular student is the one that best fits the abilities, interests, and goals of the individual student. Families should consider the educational benefits of each program and choose the program that will best prepare the student for his or her postsecondary education or career plan. Here are some things that students and families should consider: 9 What are the student's postsecondary education and career goals? 9 Is the student prepared to make a choice about postsecondary education and possible career paths? 9 Is the student mature enough to leave high school after three years? 9 If the student is planning to attend a postsecondary institution away from home, does he or she have the mature decision‐making skills needed to make the informed, safe choices required for independent living? 9 Is the student interested in taking more electives in high school, or are three electives enough? 9 Does the student want to participate in sports or other extracurricular activities for four years, or are three years enough? 9 Can the student meet admission requirements for postsecondary education institutions of his or her choice by choosing a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program? 9 Has the family considered expenses and possible financial aid needs that may result from the student starting postsecondary education a year early? 9 Is the student going to compete for scholarships that require certain academic core courses, community service experiences, demonstrated leadership skills, or participation in extracurricular activities? 9 Has the family considered that the student has the option of taking an additional year of academic or technical courses through dual enrollment or AP courses to earn college credit by choosing the 24‐credit program? 9 Does the student intend to play college level sports and need to meet National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) course eligibility requirements? 9 If the student is enrolled in a prepaid college tuition plan, can the family pay off the balance a year early? Families and students should work with the school counselor or career specialist on a regular basis during the middle and high school years to get more information about graduation programs, financial aid opportunities, acceleration programs, and college or career plans to help make this important decision. POINTS TO REMEMBER WHEN CHOOSING A GRADUATION PROGRAM • Students who choose a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program may still qualify for acceleration programs (e.g., Advanced Placement, dual enrollment, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced International Certificate of Education) and for a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship if they meet the eligibility and/or admission requirements for those programs and scholarships. • Students who choose a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program can participate in the National Merit Scholarship Program if they take the Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT)/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT) in either the next‐to‐last year or the last year they are enrolled in high school. Those who take the PSAT/NMSQT in their last year of high school will be entering competition for awards to be offered as they are completing their first year of college. 19 • Students who choose the three‐year program, complete the 18 credits, earn a cumulative weighted GPA (with individual course credit GPA requirements), and pass the Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics and Reading assessment (or scores on a standardized test that are concordant with the passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics and Reading assessment), pass the FCAT Writing+ assessment with a score of three or higher, graduate at the end of the three years. Students cannot remain in school for a fourth year after graduating from high school. Students will lose a year of potential athletic eligibility by opting for a three‐year program. • Students who choose a three‐year, 18‐credit program will automatically be assigned to the 24‐credit program if they do not earn five credits by the end of ninth grade or 11 credits by the end of tenth grade; do not achieve a score of three or higher on the FCAT Writing+ assessment; do not pass the Grade 10 FCAT; or do not meet credit or GPA requirements by the end of their third year. Passing the Grade 10 FCAT is critical. • Students who meet specified requirements for a comprehensive program of study in career education may be recognized with a career education certification on their high school diploma. • High school credits awarded before grade nine shall be counted toward the required credits for all graduation programs. • The three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs are only available to students who will receive a standard diploma. • Selection of one of the three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program options must be completed by the student prior to the end of grade nine and is exclusively up to the student and parent. • Students who complete the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program must satisfy minimum academic core credit requirements for State University System admission. • Students who choose the three‐year, 18‐credit career preparatory program must complete their electives in career or technical education courses. • Students who plan to apply to an out‐of‐state or private in‐state college or university and who are interested in one of the three‐year graduation programs should contact those institutions as early as possible for specific admission requirements. • Students who choose a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program must be treated equally in all ways with students who choose the 24‐credit program, including eligibility for valedictorian or salutatorian ranking, Talented 20, and Bright Futures. HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION PROGRAMS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 24‐credit graduation program for students entering grade nine in 2007‐2008 and thereafter Major Area of Interest 1. What is a Major Area of Interest (MAI)? A MAI includes four credits in a common area such as sequential courses in a career and technical program, fine and performing arts, or academic content area, selected by the student as part of the student’s education plan. A student must earn a total of four credits in a MAI. MAIs are proposed by school districts to the Commissioner of Education and, once approved, are available for students’ consideration. It is important for educators providing student advisement on the selection of a MAI to review 1) the student’s desired postsecondary education goals and 2) the student’s transcript to ensure he/she is on track to meet the requirements for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program and the 18‐credit distribution requirements for admission to the State University System. 20 2. What are the purposes of a MAI? A MAI can provide opportunities that allow students to: • Engage and understand the relevance of the high school experience through in‐depth study of an academic or career technical area; • Earn additional credit toward college or career technical certification; • Learn more about career areas related to future professions; • Participate in courses that develop and enhance lifetime skills; • Value the appeal and merit of "elective" classes; and • Enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the high school diploma. 3. How is the high school MAI different from a college major? The focus of the high school MAI is to engage student interest in related courses that increase the depth of student learning. MAIs are organized by career themes that represent broad categories of associated courses. A college major is a declared major area of study that requires completion of college courses in a specific degree, while a high school MAI represents four of the eight high school elective credits that students must complete beyond the identified core courses required for graduation. The high school MAI is a means by which a student can explore areas of interest in depth. Students may revise MAIs each year as part of the annual course registration process without penalty. A student MAY choose to take courses in an area that they will later pursue in postsecondary education or training. 4. How do students identify a MAI? Students are encouraged to: • Explore their academic and career goals, using CHOICES to explore individual interests, at www.flchoices.org; • Discuss individual interests with parent(s)/guardian(s), school counselors, and teachers; and • Use FACTS.org to view Major Areas of Interest offered at their high school and identify courses for a chosen MAI in the electronic Personal Education Planner (ePEP) at www.FACTS.org. 5. If a student revises his/her MAI every year and has not completed four credits in one approved MAI, is he/she eligible to graduate? Yes. A student must successfully complete four MAI credits in total, from one or more Major Areas of Interest to satisfy graduation requirements. Students may revise their MAI throughout high school without penalty. Not completing all of the courses required for a specific MAI will not prevent students from graduating on time. 6. Does a student have to be enrolled in a MAI each year? No. However, a student must successfully complete a total of four (4) MAI credits in order to graduate. 7. If a student decides to pursue a MAI in one of the required core areas, can enrollment in a one‐credit course during the ninth grade year count as enrollment in a course that applies to the student’s MAI? Yes. School counselors and advisors should emphasize that to complete a MAI in a required subject area, the student will need to earn the total number of credits in that area required for graduation plus four credits to satisfy the MAI requirements. Examples include: a total of eight math credits to complete the four core requirements and the four credits needed for a MAI in math, a total of five fine arts credits to complete a MAI in fine arts, or a total of seven science credits to complete a MAI in science. Because core subject courses often require enrollment in prerequisite foundation courses to build more advanced skills, students should be advised of the sequence of courses needed to complete the core graduation requirements and the four credits that will count toward the MAI. Credits completed for a MAI will be recorded on the high school transcript. 8. If a student changes his/her mind about the selected MAI, when can the student make changes? The law specifies that students may revise Major Areas of Interest each year as part of the annual course registration process and should update their education plan to reflect such revisions. Districts may establish policies related to when students may revise their MAIs and course selection changes. Each year, schools must provide 21 information about MAIs, courses available, and the courses that meet eligibility requirements for scholarships and postsecondary admission. 9. Can a parent opt out of having a child select a MAI? No. 10. Do students entering grade nine who select a three‐year, 18‐credit program or enroll in an International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum or an Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) curriculum have to select a MAI? No. Students who enter grade nine in the 2007‐2008 school year and thereafter, who elect to complete a three‐ year, 18‐credit college preparatory program, a three‐year, 18‐credit career preparatory program, an IB curriculum, or an AICE curriculum do not have to select or complete a MAI. However, as delineated in s. 1003.429, F.S., students pursuing a three‐year, 18‐credit program are required to meet certain criteria. Failure to meet these criteria will result in assignment to the 24‐credit program requiring students to select a MAI. In addition, designated MAIs are provided for IB and AICE students for the purpose of tracking completed credits for students who may transfer out of IB or AICE curriculum to a high school that does not offer IB or AICE curriculum. 11. Can students count dual enrollment courses toward a MAI? Eligible students interested in dual enrollment courses should be encouraged to participate. School counselors may approve appropriate dual enrollment courses identified in the district’s Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement for credit in a student’s MAI. Districts and community colleges may propose dual enrollment courses within the annual timeframe designated for updating MAIs. For information on the MAI annual timeframe please visit http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document‐5031/k12‐2008‐100.pdf. 12. Can the stand‐alone Intensive Reading courses apply to a student’s MAI or minor area of interest? Yes. Please review Approved Majors and Associated Courses at https://app1.fldoe.org/HSMajors/ListMajorsAndCourses.aspx. Minor Area of Interest 1. What is a "minor area of interest"? Minor areas of interest are composed of three elective credits selected by the student as part of the education plan required by s. 1003.4156, F.S., and approved by the district school board. 2. Are students required to select a minor and a MAI? No. Electronic Personalized Education Plan (ePEP) 1. What is an electronic Personal Education Plan (ePEP)? An ePEP is a high school course planner that helps middle and high school students set a graduation goal and select coursework from their high school to meet that goal. For instance, standard diploma students may select college prep, career prep, college and career prep, or standard graduation prep. Each of these goals has specific course requirements for graduation, Bright Futures Scholarship awards, and/or State University System admission. 2. What constitutes a complete ePEP? An ePEP is a high school plan. Students must create a Login ID, establish a profile and ePEP settings, and plan credits for their graduation plan. Standard diploma students will plan either 24‐ or 18‐credits depending on their graduation plan. The types of courses planned will vary depending on the student's goals for graduation and postsecondary education. Understanding that circumstances may change or alter a student’s plan makes it even more important to review and update the ePEP as part of annual course registration processes. 22 3. Do incoming 2008‐2009 ninth grade students have to complete an ePEP on FACTS.org? No. The law requires students in eighth grade in the 2008‐2009 school year and beyond, to create an ePEP prior to ninth grade promotion. However, it is strongly encouraged that students who enter ninth grade in 2008‐2009 use FACTS.org to create an ePEP and explore MAIs available at their high school. 4. How will students change their MAI? Students may revise their MAIs each year as part of annual course registration processes and should update their education plan on FACTS.org to reflect such revisions. FACTS.org will offer district reports to assist the process of identifying students’ MAIs and credits earned. For this reason, it is a good idea for students to have an up‐to‐date ePEP with an accurate detail of the planned MAI courses. 5. How will middle and high school counselors access student ePEP activity information? To assist school districts and schools in meeting the Florida law requirements, FACTS.org has developed a Student Activity System. The Student Activity System will provide access to individual student ePEPs and High School Evaluations as well as a summary report of activity. The report is intended to help identify which middle school students have completed the ePEP in order to be promoted to 9th grade and view students’ status in terms of Major Area of Interest planning. The Student Activity System requires a Login ID and Password that is assigned through the district. Authorized high school counselors can continue to utilize the Bright Futures System and choose action code "F" to view their students' FACTS.org High School Evaluations. However, ePEP and Major Area of Interest information is only available through the FACTS.org Student Activity System. To access the Student Activity System, got to www.FACTS.org and select the Counselors & Educators tab > Secondary Access: Student Activity System. A Guide, which provides detailed instructions on how to access and use the system, is available from this page. If you do not have a Login ID, please contact your District Guidance Supervisor or the FACTS.org Helpdesk toll‐free at 1‐ 866‐324‐2618 for assistance. 6. What are the requirements for district school boards to ensure review of students’ ePEPs? Beginning with students who enter grade 9 in the 2009‐2010 school year, each district school board is required to establish policies that address the annual review of each high school student’s electronic education plan (ePEP) and procedures for high school students who have not prepared an ePEP to prepare such a plan [s. 1003.413(3)(i), F.S.]. Transfer Students 1. What resources are available to assist students who enter ninth grade from out‐of‐state or private schools to help identify a MAI if they have not previously participated in career exploration or career education activities? Invite parents and students to explore the CHOICES website at www.flchoices.org. To select academic courses related to student interests, guide them to FACTS.org and the selection of ePEP. 2. What if a student transfers to another school and his/her MAI is not offered? Are there ground rules that should be used from district to district or school to school? If a student transfers to a school that does not offer the MAI for which he or she was enrolled, then the district or school is encouraged to work with the student to determine options. Once a MAI credit has been successfully earned and recorded on the student’s transcript, it will count towards meeting the graduation requirement regardless of whether the new school offers the MAI or not. Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program 1. Will courses in an approved MAI satisfy Bright Futures program requirements for Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award (GSV) eligibility? Yes. Students must select, as part of their education plan, sequential courses in a career and technical program, fine or performing arts, or academic content area. The program and course requirements are identified for the Florida Academic, Florida Medallion, and Florida Gold Seal Vocational (GSV) Scholars awards on the Bright Futures 23 Comprehensive Course Table (CCT) at http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02. The CCT is a valuable advising resource that provides information about courses that meet requirements for State University System Admission, Florida Bright Futures Scholarship eligibility, and International Baccalaureate and Advanced International Certificate of Education curricula. Academic requirements for Florida Bright Futures scholarship programs initial eligibility are detailed on the website, http://www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org/ssfad/bf/acadrequire.htm. Course Selection 1. Do students who entered grade nine in the 2007‐2008 school year and thereafter, have to select a Practical Arts credit to fulfill graduation requirements? No. However, certain Practical Arts courses may be selected as an option to meet the one credit requirement in Fine Arts or Performing Arts, Speech and Debate, or Practical Arts (course that incorporates artistic content and techniques of creativity, interpretation, and imagination). Please keep in mind that all courses listed in the Course Code Directory under Art, Dance, Drama/Theatre and Music meet the Fine Arts or Performing Arts requirement. Practical Arts courses that are eligible to satisfy this requirement will be identified in the Course Code Directory. Exceptional Student Education 1. Do students have to have a current IEP to select an approved ESE MAI? Yes. 2. How is the determination made as to whether or not a student can select from the approved ESE MAIs? The student, with guidance from the IEP team, should be actively involved in selecting his/her MAI. In determining whether a student should select a MAI approved only for ESE students, consideration should be given to student’s ability level and interests. 3. Do ESE students have a choice in selecting from the MAIs available for all students or do they have to participate in the ESE MAIs? All ESE students should be given the opportunity, to the greatest extent possible, with appropriate accommodations and support to participate in MAIs designated for all students. 4. Do ESE students have to complete a career and planning course and an ePEP? Yes. Section 1003.4156(1)(a), Florida Statutes, does not provide an exception for students with disabilities for the career and education planning course or for any of the other course requirements stipulated in the statute. Students with disabilities can elect to complete an ePEP related to the requirements for a standard high school diploma or a special diploma plan, but they must complete an ePEP in order to be promoted into high school. In order to view the DOE memorandum related to this, please visit http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document‐4901/clarification.pdf. Three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs Selection of Graduation Programs 1. The law requires that prior to a student selecting one of the three‐year, 18‐credit programs, the designated school personnel must meet with each student and student's parent to provide an explanation of the relative requirements, advantages, and disadvantages of each of the three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs. Does this mean an individual meeting with each student and his/her parents is necessary or can this requirement be met by presenting the information in a group meeting or by providing written information? School districts may provide this information through written communication or a group meeting. 24 Selection of Coursework 1. For students who select the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program in 2006‐2007 and thereafter, at least six of the 18 credits must be earned in courses from specific areas. What course areas are available to satisfy the required six credits? At least six of the 18 credits required for successful completion of this program must be earned in courses that are offered pursuant to the Advanced Placement (AP) Program, the IB Program, dual enrollment, AICE or specifically listed or identified by the DOE as rigorous pursuant to s. 1009.531(3), F.S. Honors courses were deleted from the specified areas for the six credits requirement pursuant to 2006 legislation. 2. Must the 18 credits required for the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program meet the admission requirements for the State University System? Yes. All credits required for the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program, including the three electives, must satisfy the course distribution requirements for state university admission. Please note that students who entered as high school freshmen July 1, 2007 or later and will be seeking admission to a SUS institution, are required to complete an additional mathematics academic unit of Algebra I or higher (bringing the mathematics requirements to 4 units), less one elective (bringing the elective requirements to 2 units) [Rule 6.002, B.O.G.]. 3. What courses or series of courses are deemed "equivalent" for satisfying the Algebra I graduation requirement for high school graduation? • Algebra I ‐ 1200310 (1 credit) • Algebra I Honors ‐ 1200320 (1 credit) • Algebra Ia ‐ 1200370 and Algebra Ib ‐ 1200380 (2 credits) • Applied Mathematics I ‐ 1205400 and Applied Mathematics II ‐ 1205410 (2 credits) • Integrated Mathematics I ‐ 1207310 and Integrated Mathematics II ‐ 1207320 (2 credits) • Pre‐AICE Mathematics I ‐ 1209810 (1 credit) 4. Do Algebra Ia and Ib or Applied Mathematics I and II count as two of the three required Mathematics credits for the three‐year, 18‐credit career preparatory program? Yes. Algebra Ia and Ib or Applied Mathematics I and II will count as two credits for the three‐year, 18‐credit career preparatory program. Students will be required to complete one additional Mathematics credit. 5. Do Algebra Ia and Ib or Applied Mathematics I and II count as two of the three required Mathematics credits for the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program? No. Algebra Ia and Ib or Applied Mathematics I and II will count as one credit for Algebra I equivalency for the college preparatory program. Students are required to complete two additional credits in Mathematics at a higher level than Algebra I from the list of courses that satisfy state university admission requirements. College Preparatory Program 1. Can a student choose a 24‐credit college preparatory graduation program? Florida law does not designate an "official" 24‐credit college preparatory graduation program, but students are able to choose any combination of courses that meet the minimum 24‐credit high school graduation requirements, including more rigorous college preparatory curricula within the 24 credits that satisfy the state university admission requirements. 2. Can a student who chose one of the three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs, maintained the required grade point average on a 4.0 scale, and earned the required credits but failed to earn passing scores on the Grade 10 FCAT Mathematics and Reading assessment or Writing+ assessment receive a certificate of completion? No. A student who selected one of the accelerated three‐year graduation options shall automatically move to the four‐year program set forth in s. 1003.428 or s. 1003.43 if the student does not meet the requirements provided in s. 1003.429(8), F.S. 25 3. Does the state prohibit a student who has completed 24 credits and all other requirements from graduating in three years? No. Neither state law nor State Board of Education rule prohibits a student in the 24‐credit high school graduation program who completes all requirements from graduating in less than four years. This is a district decision that should be addressed in the student progression plan. 4. If a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program student has earned 14 to 16 credits by the beginning of his or her third year, must the student attend as a full‐time student in the third year? Yes. Students choosing one of the three‐year graduation programs must attend high school as full‐time students for three full school years, which may include summer school. 5. May a student who selects one of the three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs earn more than 18 credits in three years? If so, will the state fund these credits up to six periods per day? Yes. 6. Can a student who attends a special magnet program on a block schedule that requires more than 18 credits select a three‐year, 18‐credit accelerated program? No. If a student selects a special magnet program that requires completion of more than 18 credits, the student would be unable to complete the magnet program credit requirements within three years. Therefore, he or she would need to complete the 24‐credit graduation program. A school district may not establish additional requirements for the three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs as specified in s. 1003.429(5), F.S. 7. May a district exclude three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program students from designation as valedictorian and salutatorian or have separate designations for valedictorian and salutatorian for the different graduation programs? No. Students selecting one of the three‐year programs must be treated equally with students graduating via the minimum 24‐credit general high school graduation program in all ways, including eligibility for valedictorian, salutatorian, Talented 20, and Bright Futures. A school district may, however, choose to recognize a valedictorian and a salutatorian from each graduation program. Students graduating in three years cannot be excluded from activities traditionally provided for graduating students during their anticipated graduation year. Career Preparatory Program 1. Must the three courses required in a vocational or career education program, career or technical education certificate dual enrollment courses, or the five credits in vocational or career education courses be earned in a single career and technical education (CTE) program? Yes. The three‐year, 18‐credit career preparatory program is designed to prepare students for postsecondary career education and training. Completion of CTE coursework at the secondary level is essential in this process. Students choosing the career preparatory program must complete a minimum of three vocational job preparatory or technology education program credits in a single focused career education program as evidenced by identification in the CCT to satisfy requirements for the Bright Futures GSV award. Students choosing three CTE credits in a single focused career education program may take any two credits listed in the CCD as two electives to complete the three‐year career preparatory program. Students choosing five CTE credits must complete at least three credits in a single focused career education program. 2. To be eligible for a GSV award, a student must complete courses in a "sequential program". What does that mean? Must students take courses in the order established in the curriculum framework to qualify for a GSV award? A "sequential program" means that the courses within that program have been developed so that the theories and skills taught in one course build upon the theories and skills taught in a previous course. Students completing three credits in a sequential program do not necessarily have to select the three credits in the identified sequence in the 26 CCD or in the curriculum framework. Career education programs are competency based and as students master the competencies of a course and become ready to accelerate within their career education program, they may be able to demonstrate mastery and skip a course in a set sequence within the program. Calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) 1. Students who select the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program must receive a weighted or unweighted grade that earns at least 3.0 points or its equivalent in each course credit toward graduation. What does this mean? Students must earn a "B" or better or its equivalent whether or not the grade is weighted. 2. What does this policy mean for students who select the three‐year, 18‐credit career preparatory program? Students must earn a "C" or better or its equivalent whether or not the grade is weighted. Grade Level Classification 1. How will a student who has selected one of the three‐year, 18‐credit graduation programs be classified and reported? In the past, districts were advised that students must be classified and reported in accordance with the district’s student progression plan. It was recommended that a student selecting one of the three‐year graduation programs be classified as a twelfth grade student or senior at the beginning of their last year in school. For purposes of state reporting, it is now recommended that students who select one of the three‐year programs be classified as ninth, tenth, and eleventh grade students. This ensures that students are eligible to participate in Grade 11 FCAT Science even if it is the students’ last year in high school. A student who has selected a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program must be allowed to participate during his or her third year in all activities traditionally provided for graduating students. Same Second Language Proficiency 1. How can proficiency be documented in the second language for a student whose native language is not currently taught by the high school or for which a commercially developed test is not available? Through one of the following options: • Provision of an official transcript indicating that the student previously completed (and passed with a "C" or higher) at least two years of language arts in his or her native language; • A notarized letter from the educational attaché with the consulate office or embassy representing the student's country and language of origin indicating that the student is proficient at a level at least equivalent to two years of formal instruction in the language of origin; • A statement from a transcript evaluation company, such as World Education Services, documenting proficiency; OR • Use of an assessment instrument developed by the U.S. Foreign Service, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), the U.S. Armed Forces, or Cambridge International Education. 2. Are Cambridge International Examinations acceptable assessments to document two years of same second language proficiency? Yes. These examinations, called International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), are available in the following foreign languages: English as a Second Language, Dutch, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Latin, Malay, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, and Spanish. A school must be registered with Cambridge International Center in order to administer the examination, but Cambridge does not require a student to be enrolled in a Cambridge course to take the examination. 27 3. What course number is used to indicate a waiver on the transcript for a student who has demonstrated same second language proficiency? Course number 0791920 (Bright Futures Foreign Language Proficiency Waiver—Local Documentation Required) should be reported on the student's transcript to indicate the demonstration of proficiency and subsequent waiver of the same second language requirement. Students with Disabilities 1. Is a student with a disability that chooses a three‐year, 18‐credit graduation program eligible for consideration for the FCAT waiver? No. For more information regarding the FCAT waiver for students with disabilities, please contact the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services at (850) 245‐0475 or access additional information at http://www.fldoe.org/ese/. Diploma Type Code 1. What diploma type code should be reported for students who receive a standard diploma using one of the three‐ year, 18‐credit graduation programs? Students graduating via the three‐year, 18‐credit college preparatory program must be reported using the W6A code. Students graduating via the three‐year career preparatory program must be reported using the W6B code. 2008‐09 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION CONTACT INFORMATION Belinda Chason, State Supervisor Agriscience and Natural Resources Education Career & Technical Programs (850) 245‐9017 [email protected] Todd Clark, Bureau Chief Bureau of Instruction and Innovation (850) 245‐0423 [email protected] Loretta Costin, Vice Chancellor Career & Technical Education (850) 245‐0446 [email protected] Helen Lancashire, School Counseling Consultant Student Support Services Project (850) 488‐1842 [email protected] 28 FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL The mission of Florida Virtual School (FLVS) is to deliver a high quality, technology‐based education that provides the skills and knowledge needed for success in the 21st Century. FLVS is an established leader in developing and providing virtual K‐12 education solutions. As a state funded public internet‐based school, FLVS provides engaging online courses for students throughout the state of Florida in grades 6 through 12. Providing students a choice in how, when and where they learn is paramount to their mission. Florida Virtual School has over 700 certified and highly qualified instructors for more than 80 middle and high school courses including honors, Advanced Placement courses and AP Exam reviews. These courses are offered at no cost to Florida students, including public, charter, home education, and affiliated private school students. FLVS students log on to www.FLVS.net to take courses anywhere Internet connectivity is available. FLVS credits are fully‐transferable to any public school in Florida. Parents and students turn to FLVS for flexible education solutions for many reasons, including: • Access ‐ FLVS brings learning opportunities that may not be otherwise available, such as Advanced Placement (AP) and honors, or courses not easily offered, such as Chinese. • Flexible Schedule ‐ FLVS accommodates students with disabilities, medical issues, homebound care, scheduling conflicts, credit recovery, and other unique student needs. • Excellent Curriculum – FLVS’s award‐winning curriculum of more than 80 courses is built upon research‐based teaching strategies and is assessed and validated by an independent panel of educational experts. • Study Tools ‐ AP Exam reviews are available in the Spring for enrolled and non‐enrolled students at no cost. • Integration ‐ Students must use technology to take the course and complete assignments, so improved technological skills are a by‐product of online learning. • Individualized Instruction ‐ Pace and methods are fashioned to meet specific student needs. • Professional Instruction ‐ One‐on‐one instruction is delivered by highly‐qualified state and nationally certified teachers who teach within their certification areas. • Communication ‐ Teachers communicate regularly with students and parents via email, instant messaging, and regular phone conversations. • High Standards ‐ Curriculum meets or exceeds all Florida Sunshine State and National Standards and all teachers are certified in the subjects they teach. • Accreditation ‐ The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and the Commission on International and Trans Regional Accreditation accredit FLVS as a Distance Learning School. Courses are NCAA approved. As stipulated by the Florida K‐20 Education Code (s.1002.20, F.S.), parents have the right to choose educational options such as FLVS for their children. A student's full‐time school may not deny access to courses offered by FLVS, assuming that the desired online course(s) is an appropriate course placement based on the student's academic history, grade level, and age. If you would like more information about Florida Virtual School's excellent curriculum, individualized instruction, and flexible scheduling, visit the FLVS website at www.FLVS.net or call (407) 513‐3587, press 1. In addition, the Department of Education issued the following memorandum regarding specific policies and education opportunities afforded by FLVS as a School Choice Option: http://info.fldoe.org/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document‐ 3801/policy_memo.pdf. The following website, www.floridaschoolchoice.org/Information/Virtual_Schools/, also has information about Florida Virtual School. 29 2008‐2009 FLVS COURSE OFFERINGS ART 0100300 AP Art History 0101000 Orientation to Art 2‐D BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY 8209020 Computing for College and Careers 8207110 Web Design I 8207120 Web Design 2 2300040 M/J Keyboarding COMPUTER SCIENCE 0201330 Computer Programming ‐ Basic I 0200320 AP Computer Science A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 0711300 Chinese I 0706300 Latin I 0706310 Latin II 0706320 Latin III 0708340 Spanish I 0708350 Spanish II 0708000 M/J Spanish Beg HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION 1500300 Adaptive Physical Education IEP or 504 Plan 1501310 Fitness Lifestyle Design 0800300 Health I‐Life Management Skills 1501300 Personal Fitness LANGUAGE ARTS 1001310 English I 1001320 English I Honors 1001340 English II 1001350 English II Honors 1001370 English III 1001380 English III Honors 1001400 English IV 1001410 English IV Honors 1001430 AP English Literature and Composition 1001420 AP English Language and Composition th 1001010 M/J Language Arts 1 (6 ) th 1001020 M/J Language Arts 1 Advanced (6 ) th 1001040 M/J Language Arts 2 (7 ) th 1001060 M/J Language Arts 2 Advanced (7 ) th 1001080 M/J Language Arts 3 (8 ) 1001080 M/J Language Arts 3 Advanced (8th) MATH 1200310 Algebra I 1200320 Algebra I Honors 1200330 Algebra II 1200340 Algebra II Honors 1206310 Geometry 1206320 Geometry Honors 1208300 Liberal Arts Math 1202340 Pre‐Calculus 1202310 AP Calculus AB 1205010 M/J Mathematics 1 (6th) 1205020 M/J Mathematics 1 Advanced (6th) 1205040 M/J Mathematics 2 (7th) 1205050 M/J Mathematics 2 Advanced (7th) th 1205070 M/J Mathematics 3 (8 ) 1205080 M/J Mathematics 3 Advanced (8th) SAFETY AND DRIVER EDUCATION 1900300 Driver Education SCIENCE 2001310 Earth Space Science 2001320 Earth Space Science Honors 2003340 Chemistry I 2003350 Chemistry I Honors 2002500 Marine Science I 2002520 Marine Science Honors I 2000310 Biology I 2000320 Biology I Honors 2003380 Physics I 2003390 Physics I Honors 2000340 AP Biology 2002040 M/J Comprehensive Science 1 (6th) th 2002050 M/J Comprehensive Science 1 Advanced (6 ) th 2002070 M/J Comprehensive Science 2 (7 ) 2002080 M/J Comprehensive Science 2 Advanced (7th) 2002100 M/J Comprehensive Science 3 (8th) 2002110 M/J Comprehensive Science 3 Advanced (8th) SOCIAL STUDIES 2104320 Global Studies 2109310 World History 2109320 World History Honors 2100310 American History 2100320 American History Honors 2106310 American Government 2106320 American Government Honors 2102310 Economics 2102320 Economics Honors 2106420 AP U.S. Government and Politics 2100330 AP U.S. History 2102370 AP Macroeconomics 2102360 AP Microeconomics 2105020 M/J World Cultures (6th) 2105030 M/J World Cultures Advanced (6th) 2103010 World Geography (7th) 2100010 M/J U.S. History (8th) 2100020 M/J U.S. History Advanced (8th) STUDY SKILLS 1700370 Critical Thinking and Study Skills th 1008010 M/J Reading I (6 ) 1008020 M/J Reading I Advanced (6th) 30 CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES The Division of Workforce Education provides career, educational, financial aid, and related information through printed products and Internet based programs. This information is used by counselors, career specialists, teachers, and others to assist students in making informed career and educational decisions. Customized workshops can be requested for training on career development and Florida CHOICES. The Career Planning and Distribution Services Unit offer the following programs and services. Florida CHOICES Planner provides free online career and educational exploration and information. Databases contain information on careers, Florida public and independent postsecondary institutions, national institutions, and financial aid. Florida CHOICES includes assessments for career interests, values, and skills. Live action videos of occupations are included. Go to www.flchoices.org or www.FACTS.org to access the Internet version, Florida CHOICES PLANNER, which offers students, educators, and parents access to CHOICES from home, school, or the office. "Guideways" is a feature that gives step‐by‐step instructions to navigate through the program. Users can build career and education plans and resumes that are securely stored in "Your Portfolio" section. Enhanced accountability tools allow educators to review students' assessment results, measure progress, and report program success. CHOICES EXPLORER, an online education and career exploration system for middle school students, provides extensive libraries of education, career, and recreation articles in an interactive magazine‐style format. CHOICES EXPLORER provides many activities and lesson plans that can be used to enhance the seventh or eighth grade career and education planning course. EXPLORER provides a seamless transition to Florida CHOICES PLANNER. There is a charge for CHOICES EXPLORER. THE CAREER CRUISER is a career exploration activity book for middle school students; it is shipped directly to middle schools in August. The Career Cruiser provides self‐assessment activities to assist students in thinking about personal interests and career goals. Charts display sample occupations in 16 career clusters. Occupational descriptions, average earnings, and minimum educational level required for the job are also listed. It is also available on the Internet: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/publicat.asp. PAWS IN JOBLAND offers students in grades K‐5 the opportunity to explore 20 different work environments and view over 100 real workers talking about their jobs. This Internet based multimedia program contains interest surveys, game‐ style quizzes, and fun puzzles. Free Trials are available. FLORIDA'S SCHOOL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE FRAMEWORK is a model for program development that can be used to develop or revise current district guidance plans. Available on the Internet: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/publicat.asp. The Framework is being updated to align more closely with the ASCA National Model and will be available in November, 2008. ADMINISTRATOR'S GUIDE TO FLORIDA'S SCHOOL COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE FRAMEWORK is a summary version of Florida's School Counseling and Guidance Framework with an emphasis on administrator's roles. Available on the Internet: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/publicat.asp. PARENT PRIMER is a booklet that provides up‐to‐date information on changes taking place in education and the workplace. Strategies are available for parents to assist teens with career and education decision making. Available on the internet: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/publicat.asp. The PRODUCTS CATALOG represents a compilation of publications available from the Department of Education. Look for videos, curriculum, instructional materials, software, and other educational resources. Many items are FREE: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/publicat.asp. For more information contact: Florida Department of Education, Career Planning and Product Distribution Unit, 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 644, Tallahassee, Florida 32399‐0400; (850) 245‐0452; Toll‐free: 1‐800‐342‐9271 (Florida only). 31 SUPPORT SERVICES FOR MINORITY AND LOW‐INCOME STUDENTS Counselors play a key role in helping minority and low‐income students to be competitive and well‐prepared to meet admission standards for colleges and universities. Early motivation and enrollment in regular and advanced courses that prepare students for college‐level work are critical to students' success in getting into and staying in college. Counselors can assist by ensuring that students complete courses that prepare them for success in college and connect students with the support systems available to them. Counselors may also serve students with special needs by maintaining a good working relationship with the admission and financial aid officers and other key personnel at the colleges and universities who provide academic guidance and support for these students. The following information will assist counselors in connecting students with the systems that are available to support minority and low‐income students. TALENTED TWENTY As part of the Governor's Equity in Education Plan, the Talented 20 program was first instituted beginning with the graduating class of 2000. The purpose of the Talented 20 program is to guarantee admission to students who succeed in their respective K‐12 public schools, encourage students to strive for better grades, and pursue rigorous academic courses. Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule [Rule 6C‐6.002 (5), Entering Freshman, Florida Administrative Code (FAC)] specifies the requirements for the Talented 20 program. Students eligible for the Talented 20 program are guaranteed admission to one of the eleven state universities and are given priority for the awarding of funds from the Florida Student Assistance Grant, a needs‐based student assistance program. Please note, that while eligible students are guaranteed admission at one of the state universities, they may not be admitted to the campus of their choice. We invite you to view Rule 6C‐6.002 (5), FAC, online at www.fldcu.org/chn/rules_index.asp. In order to qualify for the Talented 20 program, students must: • Be enrolled in a Florida public high school and graduate with a standard diploma; • Be ranked in the top 20% of the class after the posting of seventh semester grades; • Take the ACT or SAT (no minimum score is required); and • Complete all eighteen college preparatory credits as specified in State Board of Education Rules. For more information on the Talented 20 program, you may wish to visit the Florida Department of Education's Talented 20 program link at www.fldoe.org/Talented20/. COLLEGE REACH‐OUT PROGRAM (CROP) The College Reach‐Out Program (CROP) is a statewide initiative that connects low‐income and educationally challenged middle and high school students (grades 6‐12) with community colleges and four‐year institutions. The state office is located in the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Equity and Access. Programs vary across the state, and include academic enrichment sessions, test preparation, annual college tour, counseling, educational trips, summer residential experience (on campus), leadership exposure and awards and recognition ceremonies to motivate and prepare students who might not otherwise consider college. Upward Bound Programs consist of three types: Classic (available at many colleges; see contact list below), Veteran's (Miami‐Dade College), and Regional Centers for Math and Science (Florida A&M University). The purpose of the Upward Bound Programs is to increase the number of students from low‐income/first‐generation college backgrounds who enter postsecondary education. The Classic Upward Bound Program provides high school students with academic skill building, counseling, and career planning activities in a model that includes an academic year program and a summer on‐campus residential program. Continuous contact is provided to students in grades nine through high school graduation. The Veteran's Upward Bound Program targets veterans and provides services similar to that of the Classic Upward Bound Program. Upward Bound Regional Centers for Math and Science offer some academic year activities; the major activity consists of summer residential programs designed to identify and motivate students to pursue postsecondary degree programs in the areas of mathematics and science. Regional Centers draw students from a large geographical area (Florida Center at Florida A&M University recruits from eight southeastern states). 32 2008‐09 CROP CONTACT INFORMATION Barry University Ms. Silvia Reyes (305) 899‐3726 [email protected] Brevard Community College Ms. Chyrell Gibbs (321) 433‐‐5564 [email protected] Broward College Mr. Vernon Jones (954) 201‐6746 [email protected] Central Florida Community College Ms. LerVerne Jacobs (352) 854‐2322 ext. 1681 [email protected] Chipola College Ms. Gayle Duncan (850) 718‐2417 [email protected] Daytona State College Ms. Dora Giddens (386) 506‐3794 [email protected] Flagler College Ms. Kathy Drake (904) 819‐6351 [email protected] Florida A&M University Col. William Liptrot (850) 599‐3527 [email protected] Florida Atlantic University Ms. Rosalee Fyffe (561) 297‐3619 [email protected] Florida Community College at Jacksonville Mr. John W. Grissett, Jr. (904) 633‐8219 [email protected] Florida Gulf Coast University Ms. Nakisha Harris (239) 590‐7905 [email protected] Florida International University Ms. Sofia Santiesteban (305) 348‐1745 [email protected] Florida Keys Community College Ms. Carrie Groomes‐Davis (305) 809‐3261 [email protected] Florida Memorial College Ms. Faye Rodney (305) 626‐3132 [email protected] Florida State University Ms. Daisy Garcia (850) 644‐0778 [email protected] Gulf Coast Community College Ms. Karen Parham (850) 747‐3201 [email protected] Hillsborough Community College Mr. Warren Smith (813) 253‐7984 [email protected] Indian River State College Ms. Adriene Jefferson‐Dover (561) 462‐4242 [email protected] Jacksonville University Ms. Glori White Peters (904) 256‐7150 ext. 7152 [email protected] Lake‐Sumter Community College Mr. Reinaldo Cortes (352) 323‐3691 [email protected] 33 Manatee Community College Ms. Kristen Anderson (941) 752‐5257 [email protected] Miami‐Dade College Ms. Deveni Hodges (305) 237‐3271 [email protected] North Florida Community College Ms. Nancy Lillis (850) 973‐1661 [email protected] Northwest Florida State College Ms. Pam Walters (850) 729‐5291 [email protected] Palm Beach Community College Ms. Robin Johnson (561) 868‐3377 [email protected] Pasco‐Hernando Community College Mr. Imani Asukile (352) 518‐1235 [email protected] Pensacola Junior College Mr. Earl Evans (850) 484‐1608 [email protected] Polk College Mr. Sylvester Little (863) 297‐1010 ext. 5227 [email protected] St. Petersburg College Ms. Linda Hogans (727) 341‐3537 [email protected] Santa Fe College Mr. Alvaro Ortiz (352) 395‐5268 [email protected] Seminole Community College Ms. Yolanda Williams (407) 328‐2069 williamy@scc‐fl.edu South Florida Community College Ms. Felecia Dozier (863) 453‐6661 [email protected] Tallahassee Community College Ms. Amy Gaughf (850) 201‐8308 [email protected] University of Central Florida Ms. Rhonda Hall (407) 823‐5611 [email protected] University of Florida Dr. Michael Bowie (352) 392‐5242 ext. 21 [email protected] University of North Florida Ms. Cindy L. Dickerson (904) 620‐1493 [email protected] University of South Florida Ms. Allyson L. Nixon (813) 974‐9261 [email protected] University of West Florida Dr. Fernaundra Ferguson (850) 474‐3266 [email protected] Valencia Community College Ms. Tanisha Carter (407) 582‐5521 [email protected] TRIO PROGRAMS The Federal TRIO Programs were established by the 1965 Higher Education Act and amended to provide counseling, basic skills development, tutoring, and information about college admission and financial aid to low‐income, disabled, and first‐generation college students. Full details about TRIO programs are available at: www.ed.gov/offices/OPE/HEP/trio/ or www.coenet.us. All TRIO Programs are designed to increase the number of underrepresented individuals earning postsecondary educational degrees. The target populations and the services vary with each program. Collectively, the programs provide services for students from grade six through the terminal degree. • Educational Opportunity Centers (Central Florida Community College, Pensacola Junior College) provide assistance in selecting a career, choosing an appropriate educational program, applying to a postsecondary institution, and completing financial aid applications. This program usually serves adults who desire to pursue postsecondary education. • Educational Talent Search (Aspira of Florida, Inc., Bethune‐Cookman College, Chipola College, Florida A&M University, Lake‐Sumter Community College, Pensacola Junior College, Polk College, Rollins College, Santa Fe College) offers assistance to those who want to continue their educational or vocational training. Services provide individual counseling, exploration of careers, assistance with admission to college or vocational‐ technical schools, and assistance obtaining financial aid. Middle school components may offer Saturday on‐ campus sessions or after‐school tutoring and career planning. In‐school clients range from grade 6 through 12; out‐of‐school clients include those who have completed high school or equivalency programs, veterans, and persons who left school or postsecondary education before graduating. • Ronald E. McNair Post‐Baccalaureate Programs prepare low‐income, first‐generation college students and students from groups underrepresented in graduate education for doctoral study. Activities include career and personal counseling, mentoring, courses in research and analytical skills, and research internships. Participants receive assistance with graduate school admission processing and securing financial support for graduate studies. Target students are currently enrolled in postsecondary education and have completed at least their sophomore year. Eligible students receive stipends of approximately $2,800 during the research phase. • Student Support Services provide retention and academic support services to students enrolled in host colleges and universities from the freshman year through graduation. Follow‐up services and graduate school admission assistance are provided to upper classmen. Program participants receive career, academic, and personal counseling and are eligible for supplemental financial aid. Depending on the program design, early orientation sessions, credit‐earning student development courses, academic support laboratories, and tutoring may be available on host college campuses. 34 2008‐09 TRIO CONTACT INFORMATION Aspira of Florida, Inc. (Talent Search) Ms. Ruth Bland (305) 893‐0970 [email protected] Bethune‐Cookman College (Student Support Services) Dr. Mary Alice Smith (386) 255‐1401 [email protected] Bethune‐Cookman College (Talent Search) Mr. Fernando Lecuona (386) 255‐1401 [email protected] Brevard Community College (Student Support Services) Ms. Gail McKinley (321) 632‐1111 ext. 64291 [email protected] Central Florida Community College (Educational Opportunity Center) Mr. Eric Lightsey (352) 854‐2322 ext. 1642 [email protected] Central Florida Community College (Student Support Services) Ms. Lisa Smith (352) 854‐2322 ext. 1243 [email protected] Chipola College (Talent Search) Ms. Judy Riviere (850) 718‐2363 [email protected] Daytona State College (Student Support Services) Ms. Sue Hawkins (386) 947‐3130 [email protected] Daytona State College (Upward Bound) Ms. Dora H. Giddens (386) 284‐2111 ext. 8131 [email protected] Edison College (Student Support Services) Ms. Carmen Rey (239) 489‐9111 [email protected] Edison College (Upward Bound) Ms. Paula Dailey (239) 433‐8038 [email protected] Florida A&M University Asst.Dean/TRIO Director Dr. Dorothy Henderson (850) 599‐3805 [email protected] Florida A&M University (McNair Program) Ms. Lisa McClelland (850) 599‐8401 [email protected] Florida A&M University (Student Support Services) Ms. Linda C. Williams (850) 561‐2106 [email protected] Florida A&M University (Talent Search) Ms. Carolyn Hiers (850) 561‐2108 [email protected] Florida A&M University (Upward Bound) Ms. Geraldine Seay (850) 599‐3055 [email protected] Florida A&M University (Upward Bound Math/Science) Mr. Errol Wilson (850) 561‐2109 [email protected] 35 Florida Community College at Jacksonville (Upward Bound) Ms. Ann Ivey (904) 766‐4446 [email protected] Florida Gulf Coast University (Student Support Services) Dr. Vincent June (239) 590‐7834 [email protected] Florida Memorial College (Student Support Services) Ms. Argerine Williams (305) 626‐3723 [email protected] Florida National College (Upward Bound) Ms. Angela Rodriquez (305) 226‐9999 [email protected] Florida International University (McNair Program) Dr. George Simms (305) 348‐2446 [email protected] Florida International University (Student Support Services) Mr. Dorret Sawyer (305) 348‐2597 [email protected] Florida International University (Talent Search) Pre‐College Programs (305) 919‐4223 [email protected] Florida International University (Upward Bound) Ms. Sofia Santiesteban (305) 348‐1745 [email protected] Florida State University (Student Support Services) Ms. Wyntress Patterson (850) 644‐9699 [email protected] Florida State University (Upward Bound) Ms. Angela Alvarado Coleman (850) 644‐3492 aalvarado‐[email protected] Gulf Coast Community College (Student Support Services) Ms. Melissa Hagan (850) 769‐1551 ext. 3526 [email protected] Hillsborough Community College (Student Support Services) Mr. Derrick Brown (813) 253‐7629 [email protected] Hillsborough Community College (Talent Search) Ms. Natalie Powell (813) 253‐7059 [email protected] Indian River State College (Student Support Services) Ms. Maribeth Craft (561) 462‐4481 [email protected] Indian River State College (Talent Search) Ms. CaSandra Benjamin‐Smith (772) 462‐6380 [email protected] Indian River State College (Upward Bound) Ms. Denise Bennett (772) 569‐6738 [email protected] Indian River State College (Upward Bound) Mr. Reginald Floyd (772) 462‐4528 [email protected] Jacksonville University (Upward Bound) Ms. Glori Peters (904) 745‐7150 [email protected] Lake‐Sumter Community College (Talent Search) Mr. Reinaldo Cortes (352) 536‐2107 [email protected] Lake Sumter Community College (Upward Bound) Ms. Hillary Knepper (352) 323‐3668 [email protected] Miami‐Dade College (Veterans Upward Bound) Mr. Winthrop Samuel (305) 237‐0940 [email protected] Miami‐Dade College (Educational Opportunity) Dr. Franklin Valcine (305) 237‐6120 [email protected] Miami Museum of Science, Inc. (Upward Bound Math & Science) Ms. Jennifer Schooley (305) 646‐4254 [email protected] North Florida Community College (Student Support Services) Ms. Nancy McClellan (850) 973‐1661 [email protected] Northwest Florida State College (Veterans Upward Bound) Ms. Patricia Young (850) 729‐4999 [email protected] Palm Beach Community College (Educational Opportunity) Mr. Richard Marshall (561) 868‐3684 [email protected] 36 Palm Beach Community College (Student Support Services) Ms. Carol Bond (561) 868‐3395 [email protected] Palm Beach Community College (Talent Search) Mr. Richard Dozier (561) 868‐3677 [email protected] Palm Beach Community College (Upward Bound) Mr. James Culver (561) 868‐3072 [email protected] Pensacola Junior College (Educational Opportunity) Ms. Debi Bick (850) 484‐1963 [email protected] Pensacola Junior College (Student Support Services) Ms. Cindy Minor (850) 484‐1817 [email protected] Pensacola Junior College (Talent Search) Dr. Ann Smith (850) 484‐1620 [email protected] Polk College (Student Support Services) Mr. Edward LoPresto (863) 297‐1010 ext. 5139 [email protected] Polk College (Talent Search) Mr. Pete Rodriquez (863) 297‐1010 ext. 5223 [email protected] Polk College (Upward Bound) Ms. Cathy Lewis‐Brim (863) 297‐1010 ext. 6261 [email protected] Rollins College (Talent Search, Upward Bound) Mr. Udeth Lugo (407) 646‐2282 [email protected] Santa Fe College (Student Support Services) Mr. Isaac Jones (352) 395‐5067 [email protected] Santa Fe College (Upward Bound) Ms. Patricia West (352) 395‐5793 [email protected] Santa Fe College (Talent Search) Ms. Susan Jones (352) 395‐5958 [email protected] St. Petersburg College (Student Support Services) Mr. George Carbart (727) 341‐3527 [email protected] University of Florida (McNair Program) Ms. Vanessa Gordon (352) 846‐2575 [email protected] University of Florida (Upward Bound) Mr. Harry B. Shaw (352) 392‐0788 [email protected] University of Miami (Upward Bound) Ms. Marie Grimes‐Davis (305) 284‐3015 [email protected] University of South Florida (Student Support Services) Ms. Reba Garth (813) 974‐4301 [email protected] University of South Florida (Upward Bound) Mr. Robert Davis (813) 974‐3581 [email protected] University of West Florida (Student Support Services) Ms. Angela McCorvey (850) 474‐3266 [email protected] Valencia Community College (Student Support Services) Mr. Harry Jernigan (407) 582‐6889 [email protected] Valencia Community College (Upward Bound) Mr. Fred Robinson, Jr. (407) 582‐4850 [email protected] CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE African‐American churches and other community‐based facilities serve as supplemental learning centers to assist elementary and high school students in becoming motivated and prepared for postsecondary education. In this community‐based effort, a director and small staff mobilize the community to provide academic enrichment that includes tutoring in basic academic skills, counseling, career exploration, and technical assistance to African‐American and other minority students. The programs also provide training for the personnel who assist student participants. The ten Centers of Excellence currently funded are: • Escambia County Center of Excellence, Pensacola; • North Florida Center of Excellence, Lake City; • Tallahassee Coalition Center of Excellence, Tallahassee; • Gainesville/Alachua County Center of Excellence, Gainesville; • Center of Excellence in Jacksonville; • Center of Excellence University of Central Florida, Orlando; • Hillsborough County Center of Excellence, Inc., Tampa; • Pinellas County Center of Excellence, St. Petersburg; • Atlantic Coast Center of Excellence, Ft. Lauderdale; and • South Florida Center of Excellence, Miami. The centers conduct residential and/or non‐residential summer and year‐round enrichment programs in which students receive academic support and exposure to the college setting and to the requirements for college. 37 AMERICORPS The Americorps Program provides individuals ages 17 and over with the opportunity to earn education awards of $4,725 in exchange for full‐time service of at least one year or part‐time service during at least two years in an approved program of community service. An individual may serve up to two terms and earn up to two education awards. For more information, contact Americorps at 1‐800‐942‐2677 or visit their website at www.americorps.org. 38 POSTSECONDARY COUNSELING FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Counselors can make a big difference in the lives of students with disabilities as they move on to postsecondary education. Planning for transition into postsecondary education should begin early. This planning process begins at age 14, through the Transition Individual Educational Plan (IEP) process required for students served in exceptional student education (ESE) programs. Involving postsecondary personnel, particularly coordinators for students with disabilities, is an important part of the Transition IEP process and may begin for students with disabilities as early as age 16. As students begin applying to postsecondary institutions, counselors should be aware of the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities. Many state and federal laws protect students from discrimination. Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act prohibit institutions from asking about student's disabilities prior to admission and require institutions to make appropriate accommodations. At the postsecondary institution, students are responsible for self‐identifying and requesting accommodations and services. Students are not guaranteed the same services at the postsecondary institution as provided by the secondary school. For example, personal care attendants are not provided by the college or university. Students pursuing or obtaining a special diploma should also be aware that they are not eligible to enroll in college credit courses at the postsecondary level; however, they may be eligible to enroll in career and technical education courses and other courses that do not lead to a diploma. Counselors should discuss these issues with students as they formulate their college plans. Postsecondary institutions will often require different documentation of disabilities from what high schools have established. Often, they will require that the documentation be less than three years old. It is important, therefore, to encourage students to make early contact with the postsecondary institution's Office of Disability Services to find out what documentation is required as well as what accommodations and services may be provided. Division of Vocational Rehabilitation The Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) can assist eligible high school students with disabilities as they transition from school directly into employment or postsecondary training leading to employment. To be determined VR eligible, students of transition age must apply for VR services. Students are encouraged to apply at age 16 if they are involved in community work experiences or at least a year prior to high school exit. This allows the VR Counselor sufficient time for eligibility determination and development of the student's Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), which lists the student's desired post‐school employment goal and the services necessary for successful employment. The VR Counselor will review each transition student's records, including academic and career goals, advise each student on their vocational plan, and identify available resources to assist with the financial costs of postsecondary education. VR Counselors can also work with postsecondary schools to identify special needs associated with the student's disability that may affect his or her participation in the classroom. Before the VR Counselor can determine the level of financial support necessary for college or university training, the student eligible for VR must apply for a Pell Grant and provide evidence of the award determination or denial. Call the VR Help Line at 1‐800‐451‐4327 or check the VR website, www.rehabworks.org, for a VR office in your local area. Vivian Johnson Scholarship The Vivian Johnson Scholarship is available to students with disabilities attending a Florida public university. Students should contact the university's financial aid office regarding the application process and deadline. This is a need‐based scholarship. The following website provides information on the Vivian Johnson Scholarship for students with disabilities in the section on Scholarships, State University System of Florida: http://www.johnsonscholarships.org/index_new.asp. Where Can I Learn More? Below is a list of publications and websites with information on postsecondary counseling, legal issues, financial aid, and resources available to students with disabilities. Many of the postsecondary institutions listed in this Handbook also have a designated contact person to help meet the needs of students with disabilities. If a designated contact is not listed, call the admission office for more information about resources available at the institution. 39 Florida Department of Education Publications • Accommodations and Modifications for Students with Disabilities in Career Education and Adult General Education • Dare to Dream for Adults • Simply Careers • Diploma Decisions for Students with Disabilities: What Parents Need to Know For more information about Department of Education publications listed here, or to order copies, contact: Clearinghouse Information Center Florida Department of Education 325 W. Gaines Street, Room 628 Tallahassee, FL 32399‐0400 Phone: (850) 245‐0477 website: http://www.fldoe.org/ese/clerhome.asp Other Useful Publications • Transition to Postsecondary Education: Strategies for Students with Disabilities (2000), Kristine Wiest Webb. Available from PRO‐ED, Inc., 8700 Shoal Creek Boulevard, Austin, Texas 78757‐7633; (800) 897‐3202; FAX (800) 397‐7633; www.proedinc.com. • Dollars for College: The Quick Guide to Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities (1998), edited by Elizabeth A. Olson, is available for $7.95 plus $1.50 shipping and handling from Garrett Park Press, P.O. Box 190B, Garrett Park, MD 20896; (301) 946‐2553. • Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families (1998‐2000), by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David Weber is available for $40 plus $5 shipping and handling from Reference Service Press, 5000 Windplay Drive, Suite 4, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762; (650) 594‐0743; www.rspfunding.com. • Guidance and Career Counselor’s Toolkit: Advising High School Student with Disabilities on Postsecondary Options may be downloaded from the HEATH Resource Center’s Online Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities; http://www.heath.gwu.edu/node/15. Websites • Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf: www.agbell.org • American Council for the Blind: www.acb.org • Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD): www.ahead.org • Bank of America Abilities Scholarship Program: www.scholarshipprograms.org • CLHE—Council on Law in Higher Education: www.clhe.org/ • Disability Network, Inc.: www.disabilitynetwork.com/ • Disability Resource Center: http://sas.calpoly.edu/drc/resources/related_links.html • Educational Testing Service: www.ets.org/ • Florida Board of Governors, State University System, Services for Students with Disabilities, including University Student Disability Resource Centers: http://www.flbog.org/forstudents/ati/disabilities.php • Florida Community Colleges, Disability Support Services: http://www.fldoe.org/cc/educators/Disability/directory.asp • Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services, DOE: www.fldoe.org/ese/ • Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (VR), DOE: www.fldoe.org/rehabworks.org • Workforce Education, Special Needs, DOE: www.fldoe.org/workforce/programs/spec_nds.asp • Office of Equity and Access (OEA), DOE: www.fldoe.org/eeop/ • Institute on Independent Living: www.independentliving.org/ • Learning Disabilities Association of America: www.ldanatl.org/ 40 • • • • • • • • National Alliance for Mental Illness (NAMI): www.nami.org/ National Center on Secondary Education and Transition: www.ncset.org National Clearinghouse on Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Disabilities: www.heath.gwu.edu/ National Institute of Mental Health: www.nimh.nih.gov/nimhhome/index.cfm National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center (NSTTAC): www.nsttac.org Regents Centers for Learning Disorders: http://www.usg.edu/academics/initiatives/cld/ The International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet: www.icdri.org/ The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center at the University of Hawaii at Manoa: http://www.rrtc.hawaii.edu/ 41 COLLEGE CREDIT PROGRAMS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS Florida provides several acceleration mechanisms that provide students with the opportunity to simultaneously earn high school and college credit: Advanced Placement (AP); dual enrollment; Tech Prep; the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program; and the Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Program. These programs are available free of charge or at minimal cost to the student. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) published four reports (March 2006) examining Florida's acceleration programs, student participation, and performance. Over one third of Florida high school students participate in one or more acceleration programs and about half of these students earn college credit. Students who participate in accelerated programs receive favorable consideration in the college admission process, earn higher GPA's, and enjoy an enriched high school experience. Students who graduated from college with accelerated credit typically graduated from Florida's public universities with fourteen fewer credit hours than other students, reducing time and tuition costs toward earning a college degree. Copies of the OPPAGA reports on acceleration programs can be found online at www.oppaga.state.fl.us/about.html. The Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation provides key advising resources for high schools, guidance counselors, students, and parents to facilitate "college readiness", seamless articulation, acceleration opportunities, and ease of postsecondary transition. Guidance counselors are encouraged to carefully review the resources available online at the Office of Articulation website, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation and at www.FACTS.org. These resources provide up‐to‐date information to: 1) inform districts and high schools about graduate cohort performance measured by pre‐graduate and post‐graduate indicators of "college readiness" and 2) assist guidance counselors, students, and parents in the careful selection of courses. These resources provide information to reduce duplication of college credit, support informed decision‐making, and guide careful and effective academic planning for postsecondary success. The Office of Articulation provides the following key advising resources: • Comparison of Florida’s Articulated Acceleration Programs, compares program elements across the dual enrollment, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate programs; • The Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC) 2008 Credit‐by‐Exam Equivalencies reflect new exams and revised passing scores, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC‐CBE.pdf; and • The Dual Enrollment Course ‐ High School Subject Area Equivalency List, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/DEList.pdf, provides an annually updated list of state approved dual enrollment courses and credit that meet high school subject area graduation requirements. This List does not identify the hundreds of postsecondary courses that count as practical art for high school graduation, such as Psychology, foreign language, or career and technical education courses. These courses are available to eligible dual enrollment students as high school electives and credit in High School Major Areas of Interest. Current law allows for any course in the Statewide Course Numbering System, with the exception of remedial courses and Physical Education skills courses, to be available through dual enrollment. DUAL ENROLLMENT AND EARLY ADMISSION Dual enrollment is a successful acceleration mechanism that allows high school students to pursue an advanced curriculum related to their postsecondary interests. Over 32,000 students participated in Florida’s dual enrollment program in 2006‐2007. According to the U.S. Department of Education, college credit earned prior to high school graduation reduces the average time‐to‐degree and increases the likelihood of graduation for students who participate in these programs. There is also evidence that dual enrollment improves academic performance and educational attainment. Successful completion of dual enrollment courses allows eligible high school students to simultaneously earn high school core or elective credit and postsecondary credit toward a career and technical certificate, an associate degree, or a baccalaureate degree. Through effective dual enrollment partnerships, districts can enhance curricular options available 42 to students, reduce class size, and strengthen relationships with the local community college, university, career technical center, and private postsecondary institutions. The 2006 A++ legislation clarified statutory language relating to district GPA weighting requirements for dual enrollment courses. The legislation made a strong statement regarding the need to increase access to dual enrollment courses for all eligible students. Specifically, subsections (5) and (16) of s. 1007.271, F.S., now read: (5) Each district school board shall inform all secondary students of dual enrollment as an educational option and mechanism for acceleration. Students shall be informed of eligibility criteria, the option for taking dual enrollment courses beyond the regular school year, and the minimum academic credits required for graduation. District school boards shall annually assess the demand for dual enrollment and other advanced courses, and the district school board shall consider strategies and programs to meet that demand and include access to dual enrollment on the high school campus whenever possible. Alternative grade calculation, weighting systems, or information regarding student education options which discriminates against dual enrollment courses are prohibited. (16) Beginning with students entering grade 9 in the 2006‐2007 school year, school districts and community colleges must weigh dual enrollment courses the same as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced International Certificate of Education courses when grade point averages are calculated. Alternative grade calculation or weighting systems that discriminate against dual enrollment courses are prohibited. As the emphasis on career planning increases, more students are encouraged to select an advanced curriculum that aligns with postsecondary goals. Pursuant to section 1003.428, F.S., students entering high school in the 2007‐2008 year and thereafter must satisfy the revised requirements for high school graduation, which includes earning four credits in a Major Area of Interest. Through collaborative partnerships between school districts and local postsecondary institutions, dual enrollment courses will continue to provide options for students to accelerate and pursue advanced coursework in academic areas and in Major Areas of Interest. With hundreds of dual enrollment courses available, there is great potential to further engage and motivate students to pursue academically rigorous courses that capture their interests. Student advisement should focus on individual student needs to ensure continued success. Guidance counselors play an important role in communicating accurate information to students and parents, fostering a positive understanding of the merits of dual enrollment, and developing collaborative relationships with college advisors and peers. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is dual enrollment? Dual enrollment is an acceleration program that allows high school students to simultaneously earn credit toward high school completion and a career certificate, or an associate or baccalaureate degree at a Florida public postsecondary institution. 2. What is early admission? Early admission is a form of dual enrollment permitting high school students to enroll in college or career courses on a full‐time basis on a university, college or technical center campus. As with all dual enrollment programs, students earn both high school and college/career credits for courses completed. Participation in the career early admission program shall be limited to students who have completed a minimum of 6 semesters of full‐time secondary enrollment, including studies undertaken in the ninth grade. 3. Who is eligible for dual enrollment courses? Students must meet the following eligibility criteria: • Enrollment in a Florida public or nonpublic secondary school, or in a home education program; 43 • • • Have a 3.0 unweighted grade point average to enroll in college credit courses, or a 2.0 unweighted grade point average to enroll in career certificate courses; Pass the appropriate section of the college placement test; and Meet any additional admission criteria specified by the postsecondary institution in the district Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement. 4. What courses are available for students to take through dual enrollment? There are hundreds of rigorous courses available to students through dual enrollment. The Bright Futures Comprehensive Course Table, http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02, lists dual enrollment courses by academic core areas and career and technical program areas. Approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee and the State Board of Education, the 2007 Dual Enrollment Course‐High School Subject Area Equivalency List, http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/DEList.pdf, provides dual enrollment courses and credits that satisfy subject area requirements for high school graduation. The List is also posted on FACTS.org, under Counselors & Educators>College Credit Programs & Exams. The FACTS.org ePEP student academic planner provides a comprehensive list of the dual enrollment courses offered throughout the state within the drop down course selection menu. Any dual enrollment course not on the equivalency list must count, at a minimum, as an elective toward high school graduation. However, districts are not prohibited from granting subject area credit for those courses not included on the list, if appropriate. Many dual enrollment elective courses not on the List serve to increase the curricular options available to students when choosing courses for the newly required Major Areas of Interest. *Note: Remedial and Physical Education skills courses are not available for dual enrollment. 5. Can dual enrollment courses satisfy requirements for high school Major Areas of Interest? Yes. Districts have been advised to approve appropriate dual enrollment courses for credit in Major Areas of Interest. High school counselors are encouraged to continue to advise eligible students about dual enrollment opportunities for college and career credit, and include course options that will satisfy credits needed for a high school Major Area of Interest. 6. When and where are dual enrollment courses taught? Pursuant to s. 1007.271, F.S., students eligible for dual enrollment shall be permitted to enroll in dual enrollment courses conducted during school hours, after school hours, and during the summer term. Dual enrollment courses can be offered on the high school campus or the local career and technical education center, community college, state university, or private postsecondary institution. In 2006, House Bill 7087, commonly known as the A++ Secondary Redesign Act, included language that requires district school boards to include access to dual enrollment courses on the high school campus whenever possible. 7. Can a student take dual enrollment courses beyond the 24 credits required for high school graduation? Yes. If a student is permitted to earn high school courses/credits beyond the 24 credits required for graduation, then the student participating in dual enrollment must be permitted to earn more than 24 credits toward high school completion through participation in dual enrollment courses. Similarly, if a student who completes 24 credits mid‐year (December) has the option to graduate early, then the dual enrollment student must have the same option. 8. Are dual enrollment courses considered rigorous? Postsecondary curriculum taught through college credit instruction or career credit courses is rigorous. All faculty must meet qualification standards to teach college‐level courses. Eligible students must demonstrate college readiness demonstrated by GPA and college placement exam scores. 9. How are dual enrollment courses weighted by the public school district? Beginning with students entering grade nine in the 2006‐07 school year, the revised language for s. 1007.271(16), F.S., requires districts to "weigh dual enrollment courses the same as Advanced Placement, International 44 Baccalaureate, and Advanced International Certificate of Education courses when grade point averages are calculated. Alternative grade calculation, weighting systems, or information regarding student education options which discriminate against dual enrollment courses are prohibited." The 2006 Legislature also specified that, "for the purpose of class ranking, district school boards may exercise a weighted grading system pursuant to s.1007.271, F.S." This new provision relating to GPA weighting applies to all dual enrollment courses, including career education courses. 10. How are dual enrollment courses weighted by state universities for admissions? Beginning with students admitted Summer Semester 2009, Florida Board of Governors Regulation 6.006(5) mandates that dual enrollment courses that meet core state university admission requirements in English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, or Foreign Languages (as specified in Board of Governors Regulation 6.002(6)(a)(1)) shall receive the same weighting as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and Advanced International Certificate of Education courses in the calculation of the high school grade point average used for admission decisions. 11. Who pays the college tuition for dual enrollment courses? Eligible public school students are exempt from registration, matriculation, or laboratory fees for courses taken through dual enrollment. Tuition is waived. 12. Who pays for textbooks? Section 1007.271, F.S., specifies "Instructional materials assigned for use within dual enrollment courses shall be made available to students from Florida public high schools free of charge." Early admission, listed in subsection (7), represents full‐time dual enrollment, and the same statutory provisions apply. Students enrolled in home education programs or nonpublic secondary schools must provide their own instructional materials. Instructional materials purchased by a district school board or community college board of trustees on behalf of dual enrollment students shall be the property of the board against which the purchase is charged. Students may be responsible for materials that become the property of the individual student, such as an electronic license fee. 13. Do school districts generate full time equivalent (FTE) funding for students in dual enrollment courses? Section 1011.62(1)(i), F.S., was modified by the 2008 Legislature to read: “Instructional time for dual enrollment may vary from 900 hours; however, the school district may only report the student for a maximum of 1.0 full‐time equivalent student membership, as provided in s. 1011.61(4), F.S. Dual enrollment full‐time equivalent student membership shall be calculated in an amount equal to the hours of instruction that would be necessary to earn the full‐time equivalent student membership for an equivalent course if it were taught in the school district.” Therefore, for a six‐period day, a dual enrollment course would be reported as 75 membership hours; and on a block schedule, a dual enrollment course would be reported as 90 membership hours. 14. Why are dual enrollment courses not listed in the Course Code Directory? Dual enrollment courses are postsecondary courses identified with a prefix and number by the Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS). The SCNS course number and title used by the public postsecondary institution for dual enrollment in an area career and technical center, community college, or state university course must be recorded in the student's school district records and reported by the district to the Department of Education's high school transcript database (s. 1011.62(1), F.S.). 15. When a student withdraws from a dual enrollment course, what procedures should the high school follow for entering course credit and grades to the high school transcript? The postsecondary institution records dual enrollment courses and grades to the official postsecondary transcript and provides end‐of‐term grade reports. The postsecondary institution specifies dates by which students are permitted to drop a course without penalty, known as "drop/add". If a student drops within this approved 45 timeframe, the dual enrollment course is not recorded to the postsecondary transcript. I f the student withdraws after the college "drop‐add" deadline, the postsecondary transcript will indicate a "W" or an "F" code for the course(s), depending on the date of withdrawal during the term. Section 1007.235(12), F.S., was added by the 2008 Legislature to ensure the district interinstitutional articulation agreement included provisions for: 12. An identification of the responsibility of the postsecondary educational institution for assigning letter grades for dual enrollment courses and the responsibility of school districts for posting dual enrollment course grades to the high school transcript as assigned by the postsecondary institution awarding the credit. State Board Rule 6A‐1.09941, F.A.C., State Uniform Transfer of High School Credits, establishes uniform procedures related to the high school’s acceptance of transfer credit for students in Florida’s public schools. (1) Credits and grades earned and offered for acceptance shall be based on official transcripts and shall be accepted at face value subject to validation if required by the receiving school’s accreditation.... Public high schools must accept dual enrollment course grades from the public postsecondary institution’s official college transcript at "face value," and enter the SCNS course prefix/number and grade, including a "W" code to the high school transcript. High schools may not change or modify postsecondary transcript grades, or change a "W" withdrawal code to an "F" grade on the high school transcript. The following provides guidance related to FASTER transcript instructions: • • If the high school student withdraws from a college course by the college "drop‐add" deadline and the postsecondary transcript does not reflect a course or grade, the high school can enter "NG" for "No Grade Assigned" or omit the entry of the postsecondary course to the high school transcript. If a student withdraws from a dual enrollment course and the postsecondary institution coded the withdrawal with a "W" code, the high school must enter a "W" code for the dual enrollment course to the high school transcript. A new code will be created to allow the entry of a "W" to the high school transcript, specific to dual enrollment courses. This new code is reported in the updated FASTER User Manual and Change Summary. Preliminary Advising High school students must demonstrate "college readiness" in order to participate in the dual enrollment program by passing college placement exams, earning a qualifying high school GPA, and obtaining approval from the high school. During the advising process, it is important to share with both the parent and the student the consequences of poor performance or course withdrawal. High schools should make every effort to accommodate returning seniors who have withdrawn from a dual enrollment course to allow the student to recover the credit needed for graduation through courses on the high school campus or through the Florida Virtual School. Key advising points may include: • Students who withdraw from the dual enrollment course(s) must immediately notify the high school counselor in order to facilitate appropriate high school course placement decisions. • Students must follow the college protocol for course withdrawal to minimize the reporting of negative information to the postsecondary transcript. • Students who withdraw from dual enrollment courses are subject to the limitations of midterm high school course availability and must consider the potential impact on meeting graduation requirements. 16. What course number should be entered for postsecondary courses completed from eligible private colleges, independent universities, or out‐of‐state postsecondary institutions? 46 Postsecondary credit earned from private, independent, and out‐of‐state postsecondary institutions is recorded to the postsecondary transcript. Students should be advised to submit a copy of the private, independent, or out‐of‐ state postsecondary transcript for high school transfer of credit. After reviewing the postsecondary transcript, counselors must determine the appropriate content area for which the dual enrollment course may satisfy high school subject area credit and enter the course codes as described in the following instructions. The coding information is further explained in the Bright Futures Comprehensive Course Table within the "Spcl Case" hypertext in the "Dup Crse" column. Private College Dual Enrollment Courses Course code "ZZZ9999" is provided for schools to report dual enrollment credits earned at private colleges or universities. Except in the case of science credits (see the two special cases that follow), there is no limit on the number of private college courses for which this code can be used. To distinguish between two courses using the "ZZZ9999" code, enter the course name under "Local Course Title" (Bright Futures on‐line system) or in the "Course Title, Abbreviated" field (FASTER electronic transcript system), and specify the subject area in which the course should be used. Private College Dual Enrollment Science Courses with Labs The maximum credit awarded for a dual enrollment science course taken at a private college or university will be limited to 0.5 credits, because there is no "ZZZL999" course code to record the lab course required to earn a full 1.0 credit. If code "ZZZ9999" is used, and a school needs to report a full 1.0 science credit for a student completing a dual enrollment science course with a lab at a private college or university, the school should assign course code "ZZZC99A." If the school needs to similarly report a second course for a full credit, the school must use code "ZZZC99B" and code "ZZZC99C" for a third such course. Note: Three course codes have been provided to record science graduation requirements completed through private college dual enrollment science courses for 1.0 credit each. Private College Dual Enrollment Science Courses without Labs Code "ZZZ9999" can be used to report a dual enrollment science course taken at a private college or university where the course did not have a lab component (lecture only). If more than one such lecture‐only course needs to be reported, the following course codes can be used: "ZZZ999D", "ZZZ999E", "ZZZ999F", "ZZZ999G", and "ZZZ999H." These courses shall be awarded a maximum of 0.5 credit each. Note: Five course codes are provided to record all of the science graduation requirements completed through private college dual enrollment science lecture courses (0.5 credit each). 17. What course codes apply for dual enrollment Science courses taken with a separate lecture and lab, and how does Bright Futures calculate the lab grade and credit? The Bright Futures Comprehensive Course Table (CCT) provides an explanation of the award of credit for the different combinations of science lecture and lab courses. In June 2006, the Office of Articulation, upon the recommendation from the Standing Committee for Postsecondary Transition, amended the identification of a dual enrollment science "corresponding lab" as a lab course with the same three‐character prefix as the lecture course. Previously, both the three‐character prefix and the three‐digit number of the lecture and lab courses needed to correspond. This revision allowed for a corresponding prefix, rather than an exact course number, to match the lecture course and signify 1.0 credit for the Bright Futures calculation. This change was retroactive to the 2005‐06 academic year and effective for the summer 2006 evaluations. See the example below: CHMC045 = 1.0 credit CHM1045 and CHML045 = 1.0 credit CHM1045 (with no lab) = 0.5 credit CHML045 (with no course) = 0.0 credit CHM1045 and CHML211 = 1.0 credit CHM1045 and a non‐CHM lab = 0.5 credit 47 18. What dual enrollment courses count toward a Bright Futures Scholarship? The Bright Futures Comprehensive Course Table (CCT), http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02, lists all courses considered for state scholarships. To locate the dual enrollment courses on the CCT, scroll down below the red text heading of each subject area list. The CCT provides an online advising resource for identifying courses weighted for Bright Futures Scholarship consideration. The CCT also indicates which of the dual enrollment courses count as a "core" course considered by the State University System (SUS) for admission purposes. 19. Will dual enrollment courses transfer to other colleges and universities? Florida dual enrollment college credit will transfer to any Florida public college or university offering the SCNS statewide course number and must be treated as though taken at the receiving institution. However, the application of transfer credit to general education, prerequisite, and degree programs may vary at the receiving institution. Private and out‐of‐state colleges and universities may or may not grant college credit for courses taken through dual enrollment. Transfer policies are at the discretion of the individual institutions. 20. Is dual enrollment right for everyone? The dual enrollment program provides an opportunity for students to take challenging courses and accelerate education opportunities. Students who successfully complete dual enrollment courses will save time toward the college degree and save money with free tuition and textbooks. Students should understand, however, that dual enrollment courses are college level courses and the amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment courses may be much greater than in high school courses. In addition, dual enrollment course grades become a part of a student’s permanent college transcript and are calculated into the student’s permanent postsecondary GPA. It is important to do well in these courses to realize the benefits of dual enrollment. 21. How can school districts expand curricular options available to students via dual enrollment? Section 1007.235, F.S., describes the required elements that must be included in the district Interinstitutional Articulation Agreements that are jointly developed for dual enrollment programs. Through updating the annual Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement with postsecondary institutions, school districts can increase the number of dual enrollment courses available to students. For example, the A++ legislation specifically encourages school districts to offer dual enrollment courses on the high school campus. The community college or university may share faculty members to teach a dual enrollment course on the high school campus or a high school teacher with the appropriate credentials may teach a postsecondary level course at the high school. For a copy of the Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement template or information relating to the dual enrollment program, please contact: Dr. Heather Sherry Florida Department of Education, Office of Articulation [email protected] (850) 245‐0427 DUAL ENROLLMENT COURSE –HIGH SCHOOL SUBJECT AREA EQUIVALENCY LIST‐JULY 2008 The following list presents postsecondary courses taken through dual enrollment that will satisfy high school subject area graduation requirements. Additions to the 2008‐2009 List are capitalized; two asterisks (**) signify that all community colleges and universities offer or accept this course in transfer as part of their general education (GE) requirement. PSY X012 “Introduction to Psychology” is also offered or accepted by all institutions as a part of their general education programs, but is a high school elective, and therefore not included on this list. Note: Public postsecondary courses in Florida are considered equal in content if the three‐letter prefix and the last three digits in the four‐digit number are the same. They may have different titles, or the first digit of the course number may 48 be different at different postsecondary institutions; however, if the prefix and last three digits are the same, they are considered to be the same course. For example, if you want to find AMH 1050, "American Experience: Institutions and Values" at Tallahassee Community College, look at the list below for AMH X050. Even though the title listed is slightly different, it is considered to be the same course. ELECTIVES Current law allows for any course in the Statewide Course Numbering System, with the exception of remedial courses and Physical Education skills courses, to be offered as dual enrollment. Three‐credit (or equivalent) postsecondary courses taken through dual enrollment that are not listed below shall be awarded 0.5 high school credits, either as an elective or as designated in the local interinstitutional articulation agreement. FOREIGN LANGUAGE COURSES All four‐credit foreign language courses (including American Sign Language) shall be awarded one full high school credit. ENGLISH POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML AML ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENC ENG ENL ENL ENL ENL X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 000 001 010 011 012 020 021 022 023 050 070 300 301 410 101 102 107 121 122 123 133 135 141 144 145 210 300 301 302 305 321 012 000 010 011 012 SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE INTRODUCTION TO AMERICAN FOLKLORE American Literature I: Colonial to the Civil War American Literature I: Colonial to 1875 American Literature I: Colonial to 1900 American Literature II: Civil War to Present American Literature II: 1875 to Present American Literature II: 1900 to Present American Literature: 1900 to the Present MODERN AMERICAN LITERATURE SURVEY OF AMERICAN LITERATURE MAJOR AMERICAN AUTHORS Studies in Individual American Authors ISSUES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE Freshman Composition Skills I Freshman Composition Skills II Advanced College Writing Honors Freshman Composition Skills I Honors Freshman Composition Skills II Honors Introduction to Writing LIBRARY RESEARCH AND WRITING ARGUMENT AND PERSUASION (NON‐GORDON) Writing About Literature FRESHMAN ARTICLE AND ESSAY WORKSHOP Freshman Special Topics Composition Technical Report Writing Intermediate Composition Advanced Composition Advanced Composition II Topics in Advanced Composition Advanced Composition APPROACHES TO LITERARY CRITICISM British Literature Survey:Comprehensive English Literature to 1660 English Literature to 1750 English Literature to 1798 49 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 GE ** ** ** POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT ENL ENL ENL ENL ENL ENL ENL LIN LIN LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT LIT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 020 021 022 230 251 273 280 670 742 000 081 090 100 110 118 120 128 English Literature since 1660 English Literature since 1750 English Literature since 1798 RESTORATION AND 18TH CENTURY LITERATURE VICTORIAN AND EDWARDIAN LITERATURE MODERN BRITISH LITERATURE CONTEMPORARY BRITISH LITERATURE Writing and Grammar English Grammar and Style Introduction to Literature Introduction to Modern Literature Contemporary Literature World Literature World Literature through Renaissance Honors World Literature I World Literature since Renaissance Honors World Literature II HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English English HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 GE MATHEMATICS POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT MAA MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 102 105 106 107 114 133 140 145 147 154 223 233 234 241 242 253 254 281 282 283 300 311 312 313 331 332 333 334 421 Advanced Multivariable Calculus I College Algebra Combined College Algebra/Pre‐Calculus College Algebra II Trigonometry COLLEGE ALGEBRA AND TRIG. II Precalculus Algebra PRECALCULUS MATH Precalculus Algebra/Trigonometry Analytic Geometry Calculus For Architecture I Calculus For Business I Calculus For Business & Soc. Science II Life Science Calculus I Life Science Calculus II Calculus For Engineering Technology I Calc. For Engineering Technology II Engineering Calculus I Engineering Calculus II Engineering Calculus III Calculus Calculus I Calculus II Calculus III Integrated Math I Integrated Math II Integrated Math III Integrated Math IV Calculus With Differential Equations I 50 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 GE ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC MAD MAD MAD MAP MAP MAS MAS MAS MAS MAS MAT MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MGF MHF MTG MTG MTG QMB STA STA STA STA STA STA STA X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 422 423 472 473 474 100 104 401 302 401 103 105 106 121 300 033 106 107 108 111 112 113 114 120 131 210 214 300 204 206 212 100 013 014 021 022 023 037 122 Calculus With Differential Equations II Calculus With Differential Equations III Honors Calculus I Honors Calculus II Honors Calculus III APPLICATIONS‐ORIENTED ALGEBRA DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Numerical Analysis Differential Equations Advanced Differential Equations Linear Algebra Linear Algebra LINEAR ALGEBRA I Linear Operations and Differential Equations Numbers and Polynomials Intermediate Algebra Liberal Arts Mathematics I Liberal Arts Mathematics II Honors Mathematical Ideas & Explorations Geometry And Measurement Informal Logic Mathematics For Teachers I Mathematics For Teacher II Basic Probability (L) SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS FOR MATHEMATICS Finite Mathematics FINITE MATH‐TAUGHT THROUGH ENVIRONMENT ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICAL LOGIC INFORMAL GEOMETRY College Geometry College Geometry BASIC BUSINESS STATISTICS Basic Descript. & Inferential Statistics Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Introd. to Statistics and Probability Basic Statistics Statistical Methods I Statistics with Calculus Statistical Applic. in Social Science I HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 GE ** ** ** PERFORMING/FINE ARTS Subject area credit in Performing/Fine Arts is awarded for approved courses regardless of whether a lab is taken with the course. All performing fine arts courses must be taken for 3 or more college credit hours in order to be guaranteed 0.5 high school credits. POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT ARC ARC X X 301 701 Architectural Design I Architectural Development 51 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 0.5 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ARH ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 000 002 003 006 010 050 051 052 060 402 411 500 001 003 100 110 111 130 150 162 181 201 202 203 205 220 230 253 280 300 301 302 310 330 332 340 375 400 401 500 501 502 503 510 520 600 601 602 613 701 702 703 710 Art Appreciation THE ARTISTIC EXPERIENCE Purposes Of Art History Of Visual Ideas I INTRODUCTION TO ART HISTORY Art History I Art History II INTRODUCTION TO ART HISTORY III THE HISTORY OF ARCHITECTURE ART HISTORY 3 Art History: Modern Art INTRODUCTION TO NON‐WESTERN ART Studio Art For Nonmajors Studio Art For Majors Crafts I Ceramics I Ceramics II FABRIC/FIBER I, LOWER METALS I, LOWER WOOD, METAL, AND PLASTICS Stained Glass Design I DESIGN II, LOWER (2‐D) Design III Color And Composition FORM AND SPACE Communication Design I Illustration I SERIAL CONTENT & CLASSIC FORM I Drawing I Drawing II Drawing III DRAWING I, UPPER Drawing FIGURE DRAWING I, UPPER Beginning Illustrations Drawing Printmaking I PRINTMAKING II Painting I Painting II Painting III Painting IV Painting I ADVANCED PAINTING Electronic Media I Electronic Media II DIGITAL IMAGING ELECTRONIC MEDIA IV Sculpture I SCULPTURE II SCULPTURE II (ALTERNATE NUMBER) ADVANCED SCULPTURE 52 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART ART DAA DAA DAA DAA DAA DAA DAN DAN DAN DIG FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL FIL GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA GRA MUE MUH MUH MUH MUH MUH MUH MUH MUH MUH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 750 751 752 759 760 761 768 802 803 820 100 101 102 104 200 201 100 600 757 115 000 001 002 030 031 100 200 400 420 423 506 101 111 122 151 152 190 191 500 543 740 743 802 290 011 012 017 018 051 052 110 111 112 Ceramics I Ceramics II WHEEL THROWING I CERAMIC STUDIO I CERAMICS I CERAMICS II CERAMIC SCULPTURE ART WORKSHOP: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE ART WORKSHOP: RESEARCH AND PRACTICE VISUAL THINKING Modern Dance I Basic Contemporary Dance CONTEMPORARY/MODERN DANCE III FOR NON‐MAJORS (L) Contemporary Dance I BALLET BALLET II FOR NON‐MAJORS (L) Introduction to Dance MUSIC AND DANCE (SINGLE COURSE) (L) PILATES TECHNIQUE FOR THE DANCER DIGITAL IMAGING Introduction To Film Studies INTRODUCTION TO FILM PRODUCTION Appreciation Of Film I HISTORY OF MOTION PICTURES HISTORY OF FILM I SCREEN WRITING Film Production History Of Motion Pictures INTRODUCTION TO FILM PRODUCTION I (L) FILMMAKING I (L) Critical Methods GRAPHIC DESIGN FOR NON‐MAJORS GRAPHIC DESIGN I DESKTOP PUBLISHING Computer Graphics I Computer Graphics II Graphics Design I Graphics Design II Introduction To Graphic Arts Graphic Design Presentations Commercial Illustration Computer Graphics For Artists MUSIC SKILLS ‐ ‐ NONMUSIC MAJORS Music Appreciation I INTRO TO MUSIC HISTORY‐APPREC II CONTEMPORARY JAZZ Jazz History And Appreciation MUSIC/TRIBAL & FOLK CULTURES‐NONMAJOR CONTEMPORARY MUSIC CULTURES Introduction To Music History & Lit INTRODUCTION TO MUS HISTORY I INTRODUCTION TO MUSIC HISTORY 53 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT MUH MUH MUL MUL MUL MUL MUL MUM MUN MUN MUN MUS MUS MUT MUT MUT MUT MUT MUT MUT MUT MUT MUT PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY PGY RTV SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC SPC THE THE THE THE THE THE THE THE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 371 632 010 110 111 112 380 600 310 340 450 360 550 001 011 111 112 116 117 121 122 126 127 100 102 103 400 401 410 420 750 801 802 890 300 010 016 023 024 060 062 300 511 541 600 000 010 011 020 030 071 100 300 20th Century Music MUSIC IN THE UNITED STATES Music Appreciation Survey Of Music Literature INTRO TO MUS LIT I (MUSIC MAJORS) INTRO TO MUS LIT II (MUSIC MAJORS) Jazz And Popular Music In America Recording Techniques College Chorus Chamber Singers Piano Ensemble Music and Computers Music Technology Fundamentals of Music Music Theory For Nonmajors Music Theory I MUSIC THEORY II 2ND YR MUSIC THEORY I 2ND YR MUSIC THEORY II Music Theory I Music Theory II Music Theory III Music Theory IV Basic Photography For Nonmajors Photography II For Nonmajors PHOTOGRAPHY TECHNIQUES ‐ AS ONLY PRINCIPLES OF PHOTOGRAPHY ‐ AS ONLY Photography I For Majors Photography II Advanced B&W Photography Introduction To Video Art Digital Photography I Digital Photography II DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING BROADCAST NEWS (A.S.) SURVEY PUBLIC SPEAKING/LISTENING PUBLIC SPEAKING/ INTERPERSONAL FUNDAMENTALS OF SPEECH PUB SPEAKING GR DISC INTERPSNL & LIST BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS FUNDAMENTALS OF INTERPERSONAL COM ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE PERSUASION Public Speaking I Theatre Appreciation Survey of Drama: Ancient Greece to Early Renaissance Survey of Drama: High Renaissance to Present Introduction To Theatre Introduction Theatre I Cinema Arts INTRODUCTION TO THEATRE HISTORY DRAMATIC LITERATURE 54 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT THE THE THE TPA TPA TPA TPA TPA TPP TPP TPP TPP X X X X X X X X X X X X 305 820 925 000 210 220 230 231 100 110 111 700 SURVEY OF DRAMATIC LITERATURE CREATIVE DRAMATICS Play Production Introduction To Theatre Design Stagecraft I Stage Lighting Theatre Costuming I ADVANCED THEATRE COSTUMING Acting I Acting I (Majors) Acting II Voice Preparation for the Actor HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts Performing Fine Arts HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 PHYSICAL EDUCATION POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT HLP HLP HLP HSC HSC HSC HUN PET X X X X X X X X 081 082 083 100 101 102 003 303 Personal Health And Fitness PERSONAL WELLNESS Human Performance Personal Health Perspectives of Health and Wellness HEALTHFUL LIVING I Wellness:Nutrition, Personal Growth, Fitness Appl. Of Scientific Prin. To Conditioning Programs HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PE: Personal Fitness PRACTICAL ARTS/CAREER EDUCATION CREDIT All 3‐credit (or equivalent) postsecondary courses taken through dual enrollment that are part of a postsecondary career/technical program of study (PSAV Certificate, Technical Certificate, Advanced Technical Certificate, ATD, AAS, AS) shall be awarded 0.5 Practical Arts/Career Education credits toward high school graduation. Note: Students seeking to meet the requirements of a 3‐year Career Preparatory Diploma or a Gold Seal Vocational Scholarship through dual enrollment must carefully choose dual enrollment courses that meet the requirements for 3 sequential credits in one career education program. SCIENCE Criteria for Awarding High School Subject Area Credit in Science: • Since all high school science courses (with lab) are awarded 1.0 high school science credits, then all college‐level dual enrollment science courses (with lab) will be awarded 1.0 high school science credits. • College‐level dual enrollment science courses taken without a lab component will be awarded 0.5 high school science credits. Note: Section 1003.43(1)I, Florida Statutes, states that high school graduation requirements include successful completion of “Three credits in science, two of which must have a laboratory component.” Regardless of the number of science credits earned through dual enrollment, the requirement of two sciences with a lab component must be met to graduate. 55 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT AST AST AST AST AST X X X X X 002 002/002L 002C 003 003/003L AST X 003C AST AST AST AST AST AST AST AST AST AST AST AST BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BOT BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 004 004/004L 004C 005 005/005L 005C 006 006/006L 006C 100 100/100L 100C 000 000/000L 000C 010 010/010L 010C 011 011/011L 011C 153 153/153L 153C 501 501/501L 501C 710 710/710L 710C 001 001/001L 001C 005 005/005L 005C 006 006/006L 006C 007 007/007L 007C 008 008/008L Introduction To Astronomy (Lecture Only) Introduction To Astronomy (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction To Astronomy (Combined Lecture and Lab) DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY OF SOLAR SYSTEM (Lecture Only) DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY OF SOLAR SYSTEM (Lecture and Lab Course) DESCRIPTIVE ASTRONOMY OF SOLAR SYSTEM (Combined Lecture and Lab) DESCRIPTIVE STELLAR ASTRONOMY (Lecture Only) DESCRIPTIVE STELLAR ASTRONOMY (Lecture and Lab Course) DESCRIPTIVE STELLAR ASTRONOMY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Astronomy I (Lecture Only) Astronomy I (Lecture and Lab Course) Astronomy I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Astronomy II (Lecture Only) Astronomy II (Lecture and Lab Course) Astronomy II (Combined Lecture and Lab) SOLAR SYSTEM ASTRONOMY (Lecture Only) SOLAR SYSTEM ASTRONOMY (Lecture and Lab Course) SOLAR SYSTEM ASTRONOMY (Combined Lecture and Lab) PLANT SCIENCE (Lecture Only) PLANT SCIENCE (Lecture and Lab Course) PLANT SCIENCE (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introductory Botany (Lecture Only) Introductory Botany (Lecture and Lab Course) Introductory Botany (Combined Lecture and Lab) Botany (Lecture Only) Botany (Lecture and Lab Course) Botany (Combined Lecture and Lab) LOCAL FLORA (Lecture Only) LOCAL FLORA (Lecture and Lab Course) LOCAL FLORA (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTRODUCTORY PLANT PHYSIOLOGY (Lecture Only) INTRODUCTORY PLANT PHYSIOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) INTRODUCTORY PLANT PHYSIOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) BASIC PLANT TAXONOMY (Lecture Only) BASIC PLANT TAXONOMY (Lecture and Lab Course) BASIC PLANT TAXONOMY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Biology (Lecture Only) Introduction to Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Biology (Non‐Majors) (Lecture Only) General Biology (Non‐Majors) (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Biology (Non‐Majors) (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Biology (Lecture Only) General Biology (Lecture And Lab Course) General Biology (Combined Lecture And Lab) Life Sciences (Lecture Only) Life Sciences (Lecture and Lab Course) Life Sciences (Combined Lecture and Lab) BIO SCI II: EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOR (Lecture Only) BIO SCI II: EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOR (Lecture and Lab 56 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science Science Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 ** ** ** POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT BSC X 008C BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC X X X X X X X X X X X 009 009/009L 009C 010 010/010L 010C 011 011/011L 011C 012 012/012L BSC X 012C BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 020 020/020L 020C 022 022/002L 022C 023 023/023L 023C 024 024/024L 024C 025 025/025L 025C 040 040/040L 040C 041 041/041L 041C 050 050/050L 050C 051 051/051L 051C 080 BSC X 080/080L BSC X 080C BSC BSC X X 083 083/083L Course) BIO SCI II: EVOLUTION, ECOLOGY & BEHAVIOR (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction To Biology (Lecture Only) Introduction To Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction To Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Biology (Lecture Only) General Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) General Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Biology (Lecture Only) General Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) General Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) GENERAL BIOLOGY: HABITATS & ORGANISMS (Lecture Only) GENERAL BIOLOGY: HABITATS & ORGANISMS (Lecture and Lab Course) GENERAL BIOLOGY: HABITATS & ORGANISMS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Human Biology (Lecture Only) Human Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Human Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) BIOLOGY OF AGING (Lecture Only) BIOLOGY OF AGING (Lecture and Lab Course) BIOLOGY OF AGING (Combined Lecture and Lab) Human Biology (Lecture Only) Human Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Human Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) HUMAN SPECIES (Lecture Only) HUMAN SPECIES (Lecture and Lab Course) HUMAN SPECIES (Combined Lecture and Lab) NUTRITION AND DRUGS (Lecture Only) NUTRITION AND DRUGS (Lecture and Lab Only) NUTRITION AND DRUGS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Honors Biology I (Lecture Only) Honors Biology I (Lecture and Lab Course) Honors Biology I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Honors Biology II (Lecture Only) Honors Biology II (Lecture and Lab Course) Honors Biology II (Combined Lecture and Lab) Man & Environment (Lecture Only) Man & Environment (Lecture and Lab Course) Man & Environment (Combined Lecture and Lab) Specialized Environmental Biology (Lecture Only) Specialized Environmental Biology (Lecture And Lab Course) Specialized Environmental Biology (Combined Lecture And Lab) ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (1 SEM.) (Non‐HS Maj.) No Prereq (Lecture Only) ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (1 SEM.) (Non‐HS Maj.) No Prereq (Lecture and Lab Course) ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (1 SEM.) (Non‐HS Maj.) No Prereq (Combined Lecture and Lab) Human Anatomy (Lecture Only) Human Anatomy (Lecture and Lab Course) 57 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 ** ** ** Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science 0.5 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC X X X X X X X X X X X 083C 084 084/084L 084C 085 085/085L 085C 086 086/086L 086C 088 BSC X 088/088L BSC X 088C BSC X 092 BSC X 092/092L BSC X 092C BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC BSC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 093 093/093L 093C 094 094/094L 094C 250 250/250L 250C 254 254/254L 254C 300 300/300L 300C 301 301/301L 301C 311 311/311L 311C 312 312/312L 312C 420 420/420L 420C 421 421/421L 421C Human Anatomy (Combined Lecture and Lab) Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture Only) Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture and Lab Course) Anatomy & Physiology I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture Only) Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture and Lab Course) Anatomy & Physiology I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture Only) Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture and Lab Course) Anatomy & Physiology II (Combined Lecture and Lab) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (PHYSIOLOGY ONLY) (HS Maj.) No Prereq (Lecture Only) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (PHYSIOLOGY ONLY) (HS Maj.) No Prereq (Lecture and Lab Course) HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY (PHYSIOLOGY ONLY) (HS Maj.) No Prereq (Combined Lecture and Lab) ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (1 SEM) (HS Maj.) with Prereq (Lecture Only) ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (1 SEM) (HS Maj.) with Prereq (Lecture and Lab Course) ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY (1 SEM) (HS Maj.) with Prereq (Combined Lecture and Lab) Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture Only) Anatomy & Physiology I (Lecture and Lab Course) Anatomy & Physiology I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture Only) Anatomy & Physiology II (Lecture and Lab Course) Anatomy & Physiology II (Combined Lecture and Lab) FLORA & FAUNA OF FLORIDA (Lecture Only) FLORA & FAUNA OF FLORIDA (Lecture and Lab Course) FLORA & FAUNA OF FLORIDA (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTRODUCTORY TROPICAL BIOLOGY (Lecture Only) INTRODUCTORY TROPICAL BIOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) INTRODUCTORY TROPICAL BIOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) BIOLOGY SYSTEMS I (Lecture Only) BIOLOGY SYSTEMS I (Lecture and Lab Course) BIOLOGY SYSTEMS I (Combined Lecture and Lab) BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS II (Lecture Only) BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS II (Lecture and Lab) BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS II (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction To Marine Biology (Lecture Only) Introduction To Marine Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction To Marine Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Marine Biology (Broad Concepts) (Lecture Only) Marine Biology (Broad Concepts) (Lecture and Lab Course) Marine Biology (Broad Concepts) (Combined Lecture and Lab) Biotechnology (Lecture Only) Biotechnology (Lecture and Lab Course) Biotechnology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Biotechnology In Industry (Lecture Only) Biotechnology In Industry (Lecture and Lab Course) Biotechnology In Industry (Combined Lecture and Lab) 58 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT BSC BSC BSC CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 427 427/427L 427C 020 020/020L 020C 021 021/021L 021C 022 022/022L 022C 023 023/023L 023C 025 025/025L 025C 026 026/026L 026C CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM X X X X X X 030 030/030L 030C 031 031/031L 031C CHM CHM X X 032 032/032L CHM X 032C CHM CHM X X 033 033/033L CHM X 033C CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM X X X X X 035 035/035L 035C 040 040/040L CHM X 040C CHM CHM X X 041 041/041L CHM X 041C CHM X 045 BIOTECHNOLOGY METHODS II (Lecture Only) BIOTECHNOLOGY METHODS II (Lecture and Lab Course) BIOTECHNOLOGY METHODS II (Combined Lecture and Lab ) Chemical Science (Lecture Only) Chemical Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Chemical Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) CHEMISTRY FOR LIBERAL STUDIES II (Lecture Only) CHEMISTRY FOR LIBERAL STUDIES II (Lecture and Lab Course) CHEMISTRY FOR LIBERAL STUDIES II (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chemistry (Lecture Only) General Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chemistry II (Lecture Only) General Chemistry II (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chemistry II (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Chemistry (Lecture Only) Introduction to Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) ADVANCED CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS (Lecture Only) ADVANCED CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS (Lecture and Lab Course) ADVANCED CHEMICAL CALCULATIONS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Elementary Chemistry (Lecture Only) Elementary Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) Elementary Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) Sci Allied Fields‐Gen/Org/Biochm(2 of 2) (Lecture Only) Sci Allied Fields‐Gen/Org/Biochm(2 of 2) (Lecture and Lab Course) Sci Allied Fields‐Gen/Org/Biochm(2 of 2) (Combined Lecture and Lab) GEN CHEM SCI ALLIED FIELDS(ONE SEMESTER) (Lecture Only) GEN CHEM SCI ALLIED FIELDS(ONE SEMESTER) (Lecture and Lab Course) GEN CHEM SCI ALLIED FIELDS(ONE SEMESTER) (Combined Lecture and Lab) SCI ALLIED FIELDS‐GEN/ORG/BIOCHM(1 SEM) (Lecture Only) SCI ALLIED FIELDS‐GEN/ORG/BIOCHM(1 SEM) (Lecture and Lab Course) SCI ALLIED FIELDS‐GEN/ORG/BIOCHM(1 SEM) (Combined Lecture and Lab) Expanded General Chemistry (1 of 2) (Lecture Only) Expanded General Chemistry (1 of 2) (Lecture and Lab Course) Expanded General Chemistry (1 of 2) (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chem (Expanded Sequence:1 of 3) (Lecture Only) General Chem (Expanded Sequence:1 of 3) (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chem (Expanded Sequence:1 of 3) (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chem (Expanded Sequence:2 of 3) (Lecture Only) General Chem (Expanded Sequence:2 of 3) (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chem (Expanded Sequence:2 of 3) (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chemistry (Lecture Only) 59 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science 0.5 ** POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM X X X X X X X X X X 045/045L 045C 046 046/046L 046C 047 047/047L 047C 050 050/050L CHM X 050C CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 051 051/051L 051C 084 084/084L 084C 120 120/120L 120C 121 121/121L 121C 132 132/132L 132C CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM CHM ENY ENY ENY ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC ESC EVR EVR X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 200 200/200L 200C 205 205/205L 205C 210 210/210L 210C 211 211/211L 211C 040 040/040L 040C 000 000/000L 000C 070 070/070L 070C 001 001/001L General Chemistry I (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chemistry I (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chemistry (Lecture Only) General Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chemistry (Lecture Only) General Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis (Lecture Only) General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis (Lecture and Lab Course) General Chemistry and Qualitative Analysis (Combined Lecture and Lab) Honors: General Chemistry ( 2 of 2) (Lecture Only) Honors: General Chemistry ( 2 of 2) (Lecture and Lab Course) Honors: General Chemistry ( 2 of 2) (Combined Lecture and Lab) Environmental Chemistry (Lecture Only) Environmental Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) Environmental Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (Lecture Only) QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (Lecture and Lab Course) QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (Combined Lecture and Lab) HONORS QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (Lecture Only) HONORS QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (Lecture and Lab Course) HONORS QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS (Combined Lecture and Lab) CHEMICAL INSTRUMENTATION SURVEY (Lecture Only) CHEMICAL INSTRUMENTATION SURVEY (Lecture and Lab Course) CHEMICAL INSTRUMENTATION SURVEY W/LAB (Combined Lecture and Lab) BRIEF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Lecture Only) BRIEF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Lecture and Lab Course) BRIEF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Survey of Organic/Bio Chemistry (Lecture Only) Survey of Organic/Bio Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) Survey of Organic/Bio Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) Organic Chemistry (Lecture Only) Organic Chemistry (Lecture and Lab Course) Organic Chemistry (Combined Lecture and Lab) Organic Chemistry II (Lecture Only) Organic Chemistry II (Lecture and Lab Course) Organic Chemistry II (Combined Lecture and Lab) THE INSECTS (Lecture Only) THE INSECTS (Lecture and Lab Course) THE INSECTS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Earth Science (Lecture Only) Earth Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Earth Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) Global Change (Lecture Only) Global Change (Lecture and Lab Course) Global Change (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Lecture Only) INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (COURSE + LAB) 60 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 ** ** Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT EVR X 001C EVS EVS EVS X X X 001 001/001L 001C GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY GLY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 000 000/000L 000C 001 001/001L 001C 010 010/010L 010C 030 030/030L 030C 050 050/050L 050C 080 080/080L 080C 100 100/100L 100C 103 103/103L 103C 151 151/151L 151C 171 171/171L 171C GLY GLY GLY IDS IDS IDS ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC X X X X X X X X X X X 730 730/730L 730C 152 152/152L 152C 001 001/001L 001C 002 002/002L ISC X 002C (Lecture and Lab Course) INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Lecture Only) Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Geology (Lecture Only) Introduction to Geology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Geology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Elements of Earth Science (Lecture Only) Elements of Earth Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Elements of Earth Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) Physical Geology (Lecture Only) Physical Geology (Lecture and Lab Course) Physical Geology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Environmental Geology (Lecture Only) Environmental Geology (Lecture and Lab Course) Environmental Geology (Combined Lecture and Lab) SCIENCE, EARTH AND LIFE (Lecture Only) SCIENCE, EARTH AND LIFE (Lecture and Lab Course) SCIENCE, EARTH AND LIFE (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Marine Sciences (Lecture Only) Introduction to Marine Sciences (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Marine Sciences (Combined Lecture and Lab) HISTORICAL GEOLOGY(Lecture Only) HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) HISTORICAL GEOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) HISTORY OF EARTH AND ORGANISMS (Lecture Only) HISTORY OF EARTH AND ORGANISMS (Lecture and Lab Course) HISTORY OF EARTH AND ORGANISMS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Geology & Environment of FL (Lecture Only) Geology & Environment of FL (Lecture and Lab Course) Geology & Environment of FL (Combined Lecture and Lab) PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE U.S. (Lecture Only) PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE U.S. (Lecture and Lab Course) PHYSIOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF THE U.S. (Combined Lecture and Lab) MARINE GEOLOGY(Lecture Only) MARINE GEOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) MARINE GEOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) ECOLOGY, POLLUTION, AND MAN (Lecture Only) ECOLOGY, POLLUTION, AND MAN (Lecture and Lab Course) ECOLOGY, POLLUTION, AND MAN (Combined Lecture and Lab) Integrated “Principles” of Science (Lecture Only) Integrated “Principles” of Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Integrated “Principles” of Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTEGRATED “PRICINPLES” OF SCIENCE (CONT) (Lecture Only) INTEGRATED “PRICINPLES” OF SCIENCE (CONT) (Lecture and Lab Course) INTEGRATED “PRICINPLES” OF SCIENCE (CONT) (Combined Lecture and Lab) 61 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE Science 1.0 Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT ISC X 003 ISC X 003/003L ISC X 003C ISC X 004 ISC X 004/004L ISC X 004C ISC X 005 ISC X 005/005L ISC X 005C ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC ISC MCB MCB MCB MCB X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 006 006/006L 006C 007 007/007L 007C 140 140/140L 140C 141 141/141L 141C 000 000/000L 000C 004 MCB X 004/004L MCB X 004C MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB MCB X X X X X X X X X X 010 010/010L 010C 013 013/013L 013C 020 020/020L 020C 278 MCB X 278/278L MCB X 278C GLOBAL CHANGE, ITS SCIENTIFIC AND HUMAN DIMENSIONS(Lecture Only) GLOBAL CHANGE, ITS SCIENTIFIC AND HUMAN DIMENSIONS (Lecture and Lab Course) GLOBAL CHANGE, ITS SCIENTIFIC AND HUMAN DIMENSIONS(Combined Lecture and Lab) INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE I: SCIENCE THAT MATTERS (L) (Lecture Only) INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE I: SCIENCE THAT MATTERS (L) (Lecture and Lab Course) INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE I: SCIENCE THAT MATTERS (L) (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE II: SCIENCE THAT MATTERS (L) (Lecture Only) INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE II: SCIENCE THAT MATTERS (L) (Lecture and Lab Course) INTEGRATED NATURAL SCIENCE II: SCIENCE THAT MATTERS (L) (Combined Lecture and Lab) WIDE WORLD OF SCIENCE I (Lecture Only) WIDE WORLD OF SCIENCE I (Lecture and Lab Course) WIDE WORLD OF SCIENCE I (Combined Lecture and Lab) WIDE WORLD OF SCIENCE II (Lecture Only) WIDE WORLD OF SCIENCE II (Lecture and Lab Course) WIDE WORLD OF SCIENCE II (Combined Lecture and Lab) Earth and its Environment (Lecture Only) Earth and its Environment (Lecture and Lab Course) Earth and its Environment (Combined Lecture and Lab) Earth, Sea, and Sky (Lecture Only) Earth, Sea, and Sky (Lecture and Lab Course) Earth, Sea, and Sky (Combined Lecture and Lab) Intro Microbiology: No Prerequisites (Lecture Only) Intro Microbiology: No Prerequisites (Lecture and Lab Course) Intro Microbiology: No Prerequisites (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introductory Microbiology: Biology/ Chemistry Prerequisite (Lecture Only) Introductory Microbiology: Biology/ Chemistry Prerequisite (Lecture and Lab Course) Introductory Microbiology: Biology/ Chemistry Prerequisite (Combined Lecture and Lab) Microbiology (Lecture Only) Microbiology (Lecture and Lab Course) Microbiology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Microbiology (Lecture Only) Microbiology (Lecture and Lab Course) Microbiology (Combined Lecture and Lab) MICROBIOLOGY (Lecture Only) MICROBIOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) MICROBIOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Intro to Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases W/Lab‐Bs 1006c (Lecture Only) Intro to Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases W/Lab‐Bs 1006c (Lecture and Lab Course) Intro to Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases W/Lab‐Bs 1006c 62 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT MET MET X X 001 001/001L MET X 001C MET MET MET MET MET X X X X X 010 010/010L 010C 101 101/101L MET X 101C MET MET MET OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCB OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE OCE PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 700 700/700L 700C 000 000/000L 000C 003 003/003L 003C 010 010/010L 010C 013 013/013L 013C 630 630/630L 630C 000 000/000L 000C 001 001/001L 001C 002 002/002L 002C 005 005/005L 005C 008 008/008L 008C 011 011/011L 011C 030 030/030L (Combined Lecture and Lab) WEATHER & CLIMATE ‐ GENERAL SURVEY (Lecture Only) WEATHER & CLIMATE ‐ GENERAL SURVEY (Lecture and Lab Course) WEATHER & CLIMATE ‐ GENERAL SURVEY(Combined Lecture and Lab) Meteorology (Lecture Only) Meteorology (Lecture and Lab Course) Meteorology (Combined Lecture and Lab) GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY‐PHYSICAL PROCESSES (Lecture Only) GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY‐PHYSICAL PROCESSES (Lecture and Lab Course) GENERAL CLIMATOLOGY‐PHYSICAL PROCESSES (Combined Lecture and Lab) GENERAL METEOROLOGY – MAJORS (Lecture Only) GENERAL METEOROLOGY – MAJORS (Lecture and Lab Course) GENERAL METEOROLOGY – MAJORS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Survey of Marine Biology (Lecture Only) Survey of Marine Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Survey of Marine Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Marine Biology (Lecture Only) Marine Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Marine Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Marine Biology (Lecture Only) Introduction to Marine Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Marine Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Marine Biology (Lecture Only) Introduction to Marine Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Marine Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Marine Ecology (Lecture only) Introduction to Marine Ecology (Lecture and Lab Course) Introduction to Marine Ecology (Combined Lecture and Lab) THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT (Lecture Only) THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT (Lecture and Lab Course) THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT (Combined Lecture and Lab) Survey of Oceanography (Lecture Only) Survey of Oceanography (Lecture and Lab Course) Survey of Oceanography (Combined Lecture and Lab) Survey of Oceanography II (Lecture Only) Survey of Oceanography II (Lecture and Lab Course) Survey of Oceanography II (Combined Lecture and Lab) Survey of Oceanography (Oceanus) (Lecture Only) Survey of Oceanography (Oceanus) (Lecture and Lab Course) Survey of Oceanography (Oceanus) (Combined Lecture and Lab) OCEANOGRAPHY (U) (Lecture Only) OCEANOGRAPHY (U) (Lecture and Lab Course) OCEANOGRAPHY (U) (Combined Lecture and Lab) FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGY (Lecture Only) FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) FUNCTIONAL BIOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Introduction to Ecology (Lecture Only) Introduction to Ecology (Lecture and Lab Course) 63 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE Science Science 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PCB PHY PHY PHY X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 030C 033 033/033L 033C 050 050/050L 050C 061 061/061L 061C 099 099/099L 099C 131 131/131L 131C 300 300/300L 300C 304 304/304L 304C 435 435/435L 435C 440 440/440L 440C 610 610/610L 610C 703 703/703L 703C 001 001/001L 001C PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY X X X X X X X X 004 004/004L 004C 005 005/005L 005C 007 007/007L PHY X 007C PHY PHY PHY X X X 020 020/020L 020C Introduction to Ecology (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Intro Ecology: Prereq. (Lecture Only) General Intro Ecology: Prereq. (Lecture and Lab Course) General Intro Ecology: Prereq. (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTRO GENETICS (NON‐MAJORS) (Lecture Only) INTRO GENETICS (NON‐MAJORS) (Lecture and Lab Course) INTRO GENETICS (NON‐MAJORS) (Combined Lecture and Lab) Genetics (Lecture Only) Genetics (Lecture and Lab Course) Genetics (Combined Lecture and Lab) Foundations of Human Physiology (Lecture Only) Foundations of Human Physiology (Lecture and Lab Course) Foundations of Human Physiology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Cell Biology (Lecture Only) Cell Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Cell Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) Aquatic Biology (Lecture Only) Aquatic Biology (Lecture and Lab Course) Aquatic Biology (Combined Lecture and Lab) RIVER ECOLOGY (Lecture Only) RIVER ECOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) RIVER ECOLOGY(Combined Lecture and Lab) Florida Environmental Systems (Lecture Only) Florida Environmental Systems (Lecture and Lab Course) Florida Environmental Systems (Combined Lecture and Lab) Basic Florida Ecology (Lecture Only) Basic Florida Ecology (Lecture and Lab Course) Basic Florida Ecology (Combined Lecture and Lab) INTRO GENETICS AND EVOLUTION (Lecture Only) INTRO GENETICS AND EVOLUTION (Lecture and Lab Course) INTRO GENETICS AND EVOLUTION (Combined Lecture and Lab) Human Physiology I (Lecture Only) Human Physiology I (Lecture and Lab Course) Human Physiology I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Technical Phys (Single Course Overview) (Lecture Only) Technical Phys (Single Course Overview) (Lecture and Lab Course) Technical Phys (Single Course Overview) (Combined Lecture and Lab) Tech Phys I (Lecture Only) Tech Phys I (Lecture and Lab Course) Tech Phys I (Combined Lecture and Lab) Applied Physics II (Lecture Only) Applied Physics II (Lecture and Lab Course) Applied Physics II (Combined Lecture and Lab) PHYSICS FOR HEALTH RELATED TECHNOLOGIES (Lecture Only) PHYSICS FOR HEALTH RELATED TECHNOLOGIES (Lecture and Lab Course) PHYSICS FOR HEALTH RELATED TECHNOLOGIES (Combined Lecture and Lab) Physical Science (Lecture Only) Physical Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Physical Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) 64 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY X X X X X X X X 023 023/023L 023C 025 025/025L 025C 033 033/033L PHY X 033C PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PHY PSB PSB PSB PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 048 048/048L 048C 049 049/049L 049C 053 053/053L 053C 054 054/054L 054C 101 101/101L 101C 105 105/105L 105C 420 420/420L 420C 000 000/000L 000C 001 001/001L 001C 020 020/020L 020C 104 104/104L 104C 121 121/121L 121C 311 311/311L PSC X 311C SURVEY OF GENERAL PHYSICS (Lecture Only) SURVEY OF GENERAL PHYSICS (Lecture and Lab Course) SURVEY OF GENERAL PHYSICS (Combined Lecture and Lab) Basic Physics (One Semester) (Lecture Only) Basic Physics (One Semester) (Lecture and Lab Course) Basic Physics (One Semester) (Combined Lecture and Lab) DESCRIPTIVE CLASSICAL AND MODERN PHYSICS (Lecture Only) DESCRIPTIVE CLASSICAL AND MODERN PHYSICS (Lecture and Lab Course) DESCRIPTIVE CLASSICAL AND MODERN PHYSICS (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Physics (Lecture Only) General Physics With Calculus (Lecture and Lab Course) General Physics With Calculus (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Physics With Calculus II (Lecture Only) General Physics With Calculus II (Lecture and Lab Course) General Physics With Calculus II (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Physics I (Lecture Only) General Physics I (Lecture and Lab Course) General Physics I (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Physics II (Lecture Only) General Physics II (Lecture and Lab Course) General Physics II (Combined Lecture and Lab) Elements of Modern Physics (Lecture Only) Elements of Modern Physics (Lecture and Lab Course) Elements of Modern Physics (Combined Lecture and Lab) MODERN PHYSICS (Lecture Only) MODERN PHYSICS (Lecture and Lab Course) MODERN PHYSICS (Combined Lecture and Lab) ELEMENTARY WAVE THEORY (L) (Lecture Only) ELEMENTARY WAVE THEORY (L) (Lecture and Lab Course) ELEMENTARY WAVE THEORY (L) (Combined Lecture and Lab) BASIC PSYCHOBIOLOGY (Lecture Only) BASIC PSYCHOBIOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) BASIC PSYCHOBIOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (Lecture Only) IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (Lecture and Lab Course) IDEAS AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (Combined Lecture and Lab) Fundamentals of Physical Science (Lecture Only) Fundamentals of Physical Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Fundamentals of Physical Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) Physical Science Survey (Lecture Only) Physical Science Survey (Lecture and Lab Course) Physical Science Survey (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Physical Sciences (Lecture Only) General Physical Sciences (Lecture and Lab Course) General Physical Sciences (Combined Lecture and Lab) FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOLOGY (Lecture Only) FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) FUNDAMENTALS OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) 65 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 ** ** ** ** ** ** Science 1.0 POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT PSC PSC X X 321 321/321L PSC X 321C PSC PSC X X 331 331/331L PSC X 331C PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC PSC STS STS STS X X X X X X X X X 341 341/341L 341C 512 512/512L 512C 300 300/300L 300C ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO X X X X X X 010 010/010L 010C 203 203/230L 203C ZOO ZOO X X 205 205/205L ZOO X 205C ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO ZOO X X X X X X 303 303/303L 303C 503 503/503L 503C ZOO X 710 ZOO X 710/710L ZOO X 710C FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY (Lecture Only) FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY (Lecture and Lab Course) FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY (Combined Lecture and Lab) FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY & GEOLOGY(Lecture Only) FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY & GEOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY & GEOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Physical Science (Lecture Only) Physical Science (Lecture and Lab Course) Physical Science (Combined Lecture and Lab) Physical Science & The Environment (Lecture Only) Physical Science & The Environment (Lecture and Lab Course) Physical Science & The Environment (Combined Lecture and Lab) HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (Lecture Only) HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) General Zoology (Lecture Only) General Zoology (Lecture and Lab Course) General Zoology (Combined Lecture and Lab) GENERAL INVERTEBRATE ZOO (PREREQ) (Lecture Only) GENERAL INVERTEBRATE ZOO (PREREQ) (Lecture and Lab Course) GENERAL INVERTEBRATE ZOO (PREREQ) (Combined Lecture and Lab) ADVANCED INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (UPPER) (Lecture Only) ADVANCED INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (UPPER) (Lecture and Lab Course) ADVANCED INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (UPPER) (Combined Lecture and Lab) GENERAL VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (Lecture Only) GENERAL VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (Lecture and Lab Course) GENERAL VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (Combined Lecture and Lab) Intro to Comparative Animal Behavior (Lecture Only) Intro to Comparative Animal Behavior (Lecture and Lab Course) Intro to Comparative Animal Behavior (Combined Lecture and Lab) COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY‐LOWER LEVEL (Lecture Only) COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY‐LOWER LEVEL (Lecture and Lab Course) COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY‐LOWER LEVEL (Combined Lecture and Lab) 66 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED Science Science HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED GE 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science Science 0.5 1.0 Science 1.0 Science Science Science Science Science Science 0.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 1.0 1.0 Science 0.5 Science 1.0 Science 1.0 SOCIAL STUDIES Social studies requirements for high school graduation in Florida are prescribed by statute. Unless indicated on the list below, all college social science courses taken through dual enrollment receive elective credit. POSTSECONDARY COURSE COMPLETED THROUGH DUAL ENROLLMENT AMH AMH AMH AMH AMH AMH ECO ECO ECO EGN POS POS POS POS WOH WOH WOH WOH WOH X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 010 011 020 041 042 050 000 013 023 613 041 042 049 050 001 012 022 023 030 Introductory Survey To 1877 Introductory Survey To 1877: Honors Introductory Survey Since 1877 SURVEY OF THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE I SURVEY OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL HISTORY SINCE 1865 SURVEY OF THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE II Introduction To Economics Principles Of Macroeconomics Microeconomics ENGINEERING ECONOMY American Government I American Government AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 1, HONORS World Civilization World History To 1500 World History 1500 To Present MODERN WORLD HISTORY WORLD HISTORY SINCE 1815 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION SUBJECT AREA REQUIREMENT SATISFIED SS: American History SS: American History SS: American History SS: AMERICAN HISTORY SS: AMERICAN HISTORY SS: AMERICAN HISTORY SS: Economics SS: Economics SS: Economics SS: ECONOMICS SS: American Government SS: American Government SS: AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SS: AMERICAN GOVERNMENT SS: World History SS: World History SS: World History SS: WORLD HISTORY SS: WORLD HISTORY HIGH SCHOOL CREDIT AWARDED 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 GE ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) PROGRAM® The College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Program® consists of 38 college‐level coursework and exams in 23 subject areas offered by participating high schools, including the Florida Virtual School. Students earning a "qualifying" grade on an AP Exam can earn college credit or advanced placement for their efforts. More than 3,300 universities and colleges worldwide grant credit, advanced placement, or both to students who have performed satisfactorily on the exams. Florida's passing and participation rates are increasing. In 2007, 605 Florida public and private high schools participated in the AP Program. In 2007, 103,547 students took one or more AP Exams for a total of 186,152 exams; 44.8% of the exams taken had scores of 3 or above on a scale of 1‐5. Most postsecondary institutions grant college credit for AP Exams with a score of 3 or higher. Students can find information regarding a college's AP credit policy in the college's catalog or website, or by using the AP Credit Policy search at www.collegeboard.com/ap/creditpolicy. Refer to the ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for specific award guarantees available online at http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC‐CBE.pdf. Studies have shown that students who complete a solid academic core, including advanced courses, are more likely to be successful in college. A 1999 U.S. Department of Education study8 found that the strongest predictor of college graduation is something students do before they ever go to college: participation in rigorous, college‐level coursework in high school. The study also showed that the impact of such a curriculum on African‐American and Hispanic students' college completion rates is particularly profound. Another study, completed in 2003, found strong correlations between AP and college completion.9 This study showed that 29% of college students who did not take any AP Exams completed Clifford Adelman, Answers in the Tool Box: Academic Intensity, Attendance Patterns, and Bachelor's Degree Attainment (1999), U.S. Department of Education. 8 Camara, Wayne (2003). College Persistence, Graduation, and Remediation. College Board Research Notes (RN-19), New York, NY: College Board. 9 67 a bachelor's degree in four or fewer years, while 45% of students who took one AP Exam completed bachelor's degrees in the same amount of time. An even greater number of students, 61% of those taking two or more AP courses, finished college in four or fewer years. Traditionally, schools have selected students for AP courses based on the courses they have already taken, perceived student motivation, and a perception of probable success on the AP Exam. However, based on the postsecondary success of students completing AP courses, this practice is changing. AP courses are now viewed as "gate‐openers" for traditionally disadvantaged students who have often had a low success rate in their postsecondary education experiences. In fact, many guidance counselors have found that AP courses provide the challenging content necessary to engage all kinds of learners. Even "average" students can benefit from the challenge, and some students who are underperforming may do better when presented with material that is more difficult. Additional information regarding AP is available online at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com. A web‐based tool, AP Potential™, is available free to Florida high schools administering the PSAT/NMSQT to assist educators in recognizing candidates for AP curricula. This software will help identify students likely to succeed in rigorous academics. If your school does not already have access to this tool, contact the College Board's Florida Office at (850) 521‐4900. Information on free Advanced Placement (AP) Program® publications for students and parents is available at www.collegeboard.com/prof/counselors/tests/ap/downloads.html. Support is available for schools wishing to add or expand Advanced Placement course offerings. AP Summer Institutes for teachers, Pre‐AP programs and workshops, and student and family materials are available free to Florida schools through the College Board Florida Partnership. For additional information, contact the Florida Partnership at (850) 521‐4900 or visit www.collegeboard.com/floridapartnership. ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for AP Students sit for Advanced Placement exams after completing the corresponding Advanced Placement course in high school. Advanced Placement courses are challenging courses designed to parallel typical lower‐level undergraduate courses. Exams are developed by committees of college and secondary faculty and tested by groups of students in actual college courses to determine appropriate passing scores. Institutions must use the course number listed, unless it would be advantageous to award the student a specific course number with equal credit that satisfies program prerequisites. More information about Advanced Placement, including descriptions of courses and sample examination questions, is available at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com. Page 18 of the AP Calculus Course Description, available at http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/05836apcoursdesccalc% 200_4313.pdf describes how to award credit for the AP Calculus BC subscore. The subscore description for the Music Theory exam is available in the Course Description booklet online at AP Central, http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/52437_apmusiclocked_4324.pdf. AP Exam Score of 3 ARH X000 (min. 3 credits) AP Exam Score of 4 ARH X050 and X051 (min. 6 credits) BSC X005C or BSC X005/X005L (min. 4 credits) BSC X010C or BSC X010/X010L (min 4 credits) Calculus AB MAC X311 (min. 4 credits) Same as 3 Calculus BC MAC X311 (min. 4 credits) MAC X311 and X312 (min. 8 credits) Exam Art History Biology 68 AP Exam Score of 5 Comments Same as 4 BSC X010C or BSC X010/X010L and BSC X011C or BSC X011/X011L (min. 8 credits) Same as 3 Same as 4 The BC exam includes a subscore for the AB portion of the exam for Calculus Exam AP Exam Score of 3 AP Exam Score of 4 AP Exam Score of 5 Comments AB credit. Colleges should regard the subscore on the BC exam the same as an AP Calculus AB Exam score. Chemistry CHM X020C or CHM X020 /X020L (min. 4 credits) Chinese Language and Culture One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) CHM X045C or CHM X045/X045L or CHM X040/X045L (min. 4 credits) Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) CHM X045C or CHM X045/X045L and CHM X046 or X046/X046L (min. 8 credits) Same as 4 No literature credit CGS X075 is unique to this exam. Exam content changes frequently. CGS X076 is unique to this exam. Exam content changes frequently. Computer Science A CGS X075 (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 Computer Science AB CGS X076 (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 4 English Language and Composition ECO X013 (min. 3 credits) ECO X023 (min. 3 credits) ENC X101 (min. 3 credits) English Literature and Composition ENC X101 (min. 3 credits) Environmental Science ISC X051 (min. 3 credits) Economics: Macro Economics: Micro European History French Language French Literature German Language Government and Politics: Comparative Government and Politics: United States Human Geography Italian Language and Culture Japanese Language and Culture EUH X009 (min. 3 credits) One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) One semester introductory literature (min 3 credits) One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) CPO X001 or X002 (min. 3 credits) POS X041 (min. 3 credits) GEO X400 or GEO X420 (min. 3 credits) One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) ENC X101 and X102 (min. 6 credits) ENC X101 and either ENC X102 or LIT X005 (min. 6 credits) Same as 3 EUH X000 and X001 (min. 6 credits) Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) Two semesters of introductory literature (min 6 credits) Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) Same as 4 Same as 3 Same as 4 LIT X005 is unique to this exam. Literature content varies widely. ISC X051 is unique to this exam. Interdisciplinary environmental studies course. EUH X009 is unique to this exam. Same as 4 No literature credit Same as 4 Same as 4 No literature credit Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 4 No literature credit Same as 4 No literature credit Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) 69 Exam Latin: Latin Literature Latin: Vergil Music Theory Physics B Physics C: Electricity / Magnetism Physics C: Mechanics Psychology Russian Language and Culture Spanish Language Spanish Literature Statistics Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio Studio Art: 2‐D Design Portfolio Studio Art: 3‐D Design Portfolio AP Exam Score of 3 AP Exam Score of 4 AP Exam Score of 5 LNW X700 Same as 3 Same as 3 LNW X321 MUT X001 if composite score is 3 or higher. MUT X111 and MUT X241 if both aural and non‐aural subscores are 3 or higher. (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 3 PHY X053C or PHY X053/ X053L (min. 4 credits) PHY X054C or PHY X054/X054L (min. 4 credits) PHY X053C or PHY X053/X053L (min. 4 credits) PSY X012 (min. 3 credits) One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) One semester of intermediate‐level language (min 3 credits) One semester introductory literature (min 3 credits) PHY X053C or X053/X053L and PHY X054C or X054/X054L (min. 8 credits) PHY X049C or PHY X049/X049L (min. 4 credits) PHY X048C or PHY X048/X048L (min. 4 credits) Same as 3 Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) Two semesters of intermediate‐level language (min 6 credits) Two semesters of introductory literature (min 6 credits) Comments LNW X700 is a unique number for this exam. Exam includes Catullus and either Horace, Ovid, or Cicero. Subscore descriptions are available online at AP Central. Same as 4 Same as 4 Same as 4 Same as 3 Same as 4 No literature credit Same as 4 No literature credit Same as 4 STA X014 or STA X023 (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 ART X300C (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 ART X201C (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 ART X203C (min. 3 credits) Same as 3 Same as 3 Same as 4 Same as 3 United States History AMH X000 (min. 3 credits) World History WOH X022 (min. 3 credits) AMH X010 and X020 (min. 6 credits) Same as 3 INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB) DIPLOMA PROGRAM Through comprehensive and balanced curricula coupled with challenging assessments, the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) aims to assist schools in their endeavors to develop the individual talents of young people and teach them to relate the experience of the classroom to the realities of the world outside. Beyond intellectual rigor and high academic standards, strong emphasis is placed on the ideals of international understanding and responsible citizenship. The ideal profile of an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program student is that of a critical and compassionate thinker, an informed participant in local and world affairs, who values the shared humanity that binds all people together while respecting the variety of cultures and attitudes that makes for the richness of life. 70 The IB Diploma Program is designed to meet the highest standards required of any high school student in the world. Successful completion of the Diploma Program earns the student a diploma recognized for university admission throughout the world and course credit and academic placement at over 1,000 leading colleges and universities in the United States. The IB Diploma Program is a system of syllabi and examinations based on the idea that general education at the postsecondary level should encompass the development of all the main powers of the mind through which the student interprets, modifies, and enjoys his or her environment. The Curriculum The IB curriculum can best be displayed as a hexagon with six academic areas surrounding the core. Subjects are studied concurrently, and students are exposed to the two great traditions of learning – the humanities and the sciences. Candidates are required to select one subject from each of the six subject groups. Distribution requirements ensure that the science‐oriented student is challenged to learn a foreign language and the natural linguist becomes familiar with laboratory procedures. While overall balance is maintained, flexibility in choosing higher level studies allows students to pursue areas of personal interest and to meet special requirements for university entrance. The six groups of study include: • Group 1 Language A1 (First Language) including the study of selections from World Literature; • Group 2 Language B (Second Language) or second Language A; • Group 3 Individuals and Societies (Social Sciences); • Group 4 Experimental Sciences; • Group 5 Mathematics; and • Group 6 The Arts and Electives. Assessment & Evaluation of Student Work Judgments about the quality of students' work depend not only on internal assessment of course work by school faculty over the four‐year period, but also on external assessment and evaluation by a worldwide staff of more than 4,700 examiners led by chief examiners with international authority. Unique Characteristics The Diploma Program offers special features in addition to the traditional strengths of a liberal arts curriculum. Theory of Knowledge (TOK) ‐ the key element in the IB educational philosophy. Theory of Knowledge is a required interdisciplinary course, intended to stimulate critical reflection upon the knowledge and experience gained inside and outside the classroom. TOK challenges students to question the basis of knowledge, to be aware of subjective and ideological biases, and to develop a personal mode of thought based on analysis of evidence expressed in rational argument. TOK seeks to unify the academic subjects and encourage appreciation of other cultural perspectives. Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) ‐ a fundamental part of the diploma curriculum. The CAS requirement acts as a balance to the demanding academic school program. Participation in theater productions, sports, and community service activities encourages students to share their energies and talents. The goal of educating the whole person and fostering a more compassionate citizenry becomes real as students reach beyond themselves and their books. Extended Essay ‐ diploma candidates are required to undertake original research and write an extended essay of some 4,000 words. This project offers students an opportunity to investigate a topic of special interest and acquaints students with the kind of independent research and writing skills expected at a university. Successful completion is also a very important part of a student's overall IB score. 71 Award of the IB Diploma The award of the IB diploma requires students to meet defined standards and conditions including: • Completion of the required sequence of courses in each of the six groups; • Acceptable score on assessments in three or four subjects at the higher level; • Acceptable score on assessments at the standard level in other subjects; • Completion of an extended essay in one of the IB curriculum subjects; • Completion of a course in Theory of Knowledge; and • Completion of Creative, Action and Service activities. Students who fail to satisfy all requirements may be awarded a certificate for successful completion of examinations. University Recognition The International Baccalaureate Program is recognized by universities in more than 100 countries. Among the United States universities which have enrolled IB diploma holders are: Carnegie‐Mellon, Johns Hopkins University, New York University, Dartmouth, MIT, Duke, U.S. Naval, Air Force and Military Academies, Georgetown, Harvard/Radcliffe, Columbia, Brown, Yale, Cornell, Princeton, Stanford, University of California/Berkeley. ALL Florida universities recognize and enroll IB diploma holders. Many IB students are enrolled in special honors programs at universities. Certainly, an IB diploma can offer a student an "edge" or boost a student's acceptance into a university where admittance is competitive. However, other advantages include: • In most universities, IB diploma holders receive college credit or advanced standing or a combination of the two; credit for up to a year is not unusual; • In Florida, the IB diploma can translate into 30 semester hours in all state universities; and • Students who earn an IB certificate in a specific subject are also frequently awarded credit or advanced standing in that subject. The International Baccalaureate Program provides a service, which is unique in its depth, scope, rigor and international emphasis. Fifty‐five (55) Florida high schools currently participate in the IB Diploma Program. Frequently Asked Questions The following questions and answers were developed to provide an additional resource for parents and students to learn more about how the Diploma Program has been implemented by schools in North America and the Caribbean. For additional information on IB, please contact the IBNA office in New York at (212) 696‐4464, Vancouver at (604) 733‐ 8980, Toll Free at 1‐866‐VAN‐IBNA, or by email at [email protected]. 1. How is the Diploma Program different from other pre‐university academic programs? The Diploma Program is a comprehensive and balanced two‐year curriculum and assessment system that requires students to study courses across all disciplines. Within this structured framework, the Diploma Program provides a great deal of flexibility, accommodating student interest and abilities. Through careful subject selection, students may tailor their course of studies to meet their needs. Regardless of the subject selection, all students will explore the connections between the six major subject areas, study each subject through an international perspective, will reflect critically on what it means to be a "knower," pursue one subject in great detail through independent research, and have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in local and community outreach. Assessment of student achievement happens in a variety of ways throughout the course of the two‐year program. It includes assessment of the student's work both by outside examiners as well as by the students' own teachers. All assessment undergoes careful review and moderation to ensure that a common, international standard is applied equally to the work of students around the world. 72 For these reasons, the IB Diploma is recognized by colleges and universities around the world as a university entry credential. Among North American colleges and universities, the IB Diploma is recognized as a superior education, preparing students to succeed at postsecondary institutions. 2. Is a lot of extra homework involved in the Diploma Program? IB courses are typically more challenging than regular high school courses, so students may be asked to do more homework. The challenge, however, is not always in the amount of homework assigned; rather it is in the quality of the assignments and the extent to which students engage those assignments. The added benefit here is that students take greater responsibility for their own learning while they learn the valuable skills of time management and organization. Diploma students do not have to forego other important parts of high school life. They may still remain involved in sports, student government, clubs, theater, music, community events, and other extra‐curricular activities. Such activities are incorporated into the Diploma Program through the "CAS" (Creativity, Action and Service) requirement. 3. The IB Diploma Program sounds like a lot of extra work. What are the advantages of enrolling in an IB program? Students with IB Diplomas, who now attend universities, report that their involvement with IB has given them the tools needed to succeed at a university and to make the most of their postsecondary education. In particular, students comment on their sense of preparedness, self‐confidence, research skills, ability to manage their time, and willingness to be actively engaged in their own learning. More importantly, they have developed a sense of the world around them, their responsibility to it, and the skills with which to embrace the complexities of life. The IBO often employs a variety of phrases to describe these traits and abilities: "learning how to learn"; "life‐long learners"; "critical and compassionate thinkers"; and "informed participants in local and world affairs." 4. How does the IBO' s Diploma Program compare with The College Board's Advanced Placement (AP) Program®? Both programs provide students with rich and challenging curricula. Both programs enjoy national and international college and university recognition. The College Board and the IBO issued a joint publication in 2003, "IB & AP" which compares and contrasts both programs. A copy can be found on the IBNA regional pages of the IBO website under "Diploma Program." To decide which program is right, students are encouraged to compare their own interests, abilities, and goals with the requirements of both programs. The local school's AP and IB program coordinators should be able to assist students in reaching their decision. 5. What preparation do students need in order to succeed in the Diploma Program? Students prepare for the Diploma Program in a number of ways. Many IB schools have created "pre‐IB" programs designed to assist students in developing a solid background in such subjects as languages and mathematics. Another excellent preparation for the Diploma Program is the IBO's Middle Years Program, which, besides providing a solid academic foundation, helps students develop a sense of connection between subject areas. 6. Can students take individual IB courses or do they have to study the whole Diploma? Yes, students can take individual IB courses; however, the strength of the IB Diploma Program is in the Diploma itself, and schools are expected to promote the Diploma. Students who enroll in individual courses will receive an IB certificate noting the courses they took and the marks they earned. 7. When do IB students begin taking IB courses? The IB Diploma Program encompasses only the final two years of the secondary school sequence. In North America, this generally refers to grades 11 and 12, although in some schools it refers to grades 12 and 13. These are the only years in which students are permitted to take IB courses. However, to help prepare students for the two‐year IB Diploma Program, some schools may enroll students in their locally developed, "pre‐IB" programs for the high school years leading up to the final two years. Although only the last two years make up the actual IB Diploma Program, schools often refer to the entire three or four‐year sequence (pre‐IB plus IB years) as the "Diploma Program". 73 8. How many IB exams are there and when do students take them? The IBO offers curriculum and exams in over 50 different courses for schools. Generally, students can only sit for exams in courses offered by their IB‐authorized school; a typical IB Diploma Program in North America offers between 12‐15 different IB courses. A student pursuing the full IB Diploma will take six IB exams, including one literature course taught in the student's native language, one foreign language, one social science, one experimental science, one math, and one arts course. A second social science, a second experimental science, or a third language can replace the arts course. Of the six exams, three are completed at the standard level (after a minimum of 150 teaching hours) and three are completed at the higher level (after a minimum of 240 teaching hours.) IB students are expected to take their examinations at the conclusion of the two‐year Diploma Program. However, the IBO permits students to take one or two standard level examinations at the end of the first year of the Diploma Program. The remaining exams are taken at the conclusion of the second year of the Diploma Program. Higher level exams can only be taken at the end of the second year. In many schools, all examinations are taken in the final year. 9. Can I take an IB exam without taking the IB course in that subject? No. Part of the student' s final IB grade comes from work done in the classroom so it is impossible to take an IB exam without having participated in the IB course in that subject. 10. Does the IB Diploma Program satisfy my state or provincial requirements? Students who succeed in receiving the IB Diploma will meet the local high school's graduation requirements and, therefore, will receive the local high school diploma. Even if students fail to satisfy all of the IB Diploma requirements, they will generally have met the school's requirements to receive the local high school diploma. In some cases, students who participate in the IB Diploma Program will also fulfill the requirements of their state's standards examinations or their province's curriculum and examination. Please contact the North American office of the IBO for a list of which states or provinces have accepted the IB Diploma as having met their expectations. 11. May I take IB examinations even if I am not attending an IB school? No. The IBO permits only students enrolled in and attending IB‐authorized schools to participate in an IB program and take IB examinations. 12. How can I enroll in the IB program? Each school establishes its own student enrollment policies. We encourage you to contact your school's IB Diploma Program coordinator to learn how to enroll your child. You can find the names and addresses of authorized schools on the IBO website at www.ibo.org. Click on "IB schools directory". 13. Can students with special needs participate in an IB program? The IBO has published the established policies for accommodating students with special needs. This publication is available from the publications department website at www.ibo.org/ibo/index.cfm/en/ibo/services/publications. Schools are asked to notify the IBO of participating students identified as having special needs. This is especially important at the time student‐learning plans are being developed. 14. Does the Middle Years Program lead directly to the Diploma Program? The IBO Middle Years Program (MYP) is an excellent preparation for the Diploma Program. Many of the concepts, program elements, and the underlying philosophy found in the MYP are consistent with those found in the Diploma Program. Nevertheless, the MYP is not a prerequisite. Indeed, schools and school districts might not offer both the MYP and Diploma Program. Further, because schools and school districts establish their own enrollment criteria for participating in the Diploma Program, a student's prior involvement with the MYP is not a guarantee of entry into the Diploma Program. 74 15. Can students transfer from one Diploma Program school to another? Yes, but while the Diploma Program itself is the same from school to school, the subject choices available to students will vary. Economics may be offered at one school, while another offers History of Europe; Language B German may be the only option at one school, while another may have five different Language B options – none of them German! For this reason, families are encouraged to contact the Diploma Program coordinator at the school in the area where they plan to relocate. 16. What do colleges and universities think about the Diploma Program? Colleges and universities throughout North America view the IB Diploma Program as providing outstanding preparation for university work. Additionally, many of the selective institutions have established policies that recognize the work students have done. Some universities also offer scholarships to IB graduates. We encourage you to visit the University and Government page of the IBO website: www.ibo.org/ibo/goto/universities. There you will be able to research the IB recognition policies of postsecondary institutions throughout the world. 17. Can I earn college credit for IB even if I do not earn the full IB diploma? Yes, as of December 2005, according to the Florida State Board of Education Rule/BOG Regulation 6A‐10.024, students who earn passing scores for IB exams are awarded college credit according to the equivalencies determined by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). Refer to the 2008 ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for specific awarded guarantees available at http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC‐CBE.pdf . 18. In taking difficult courses, do students' chances improve for qualifying for scholarships and admission to universities? At a time when increasing numbers of college and university applicants are presenting equally impressive GPAs or percentages, admission officers must look for other evidence that the student will succeed in the challenges of the new academic environment. Admission officers look for factors such as the quality of the courses represented on the transcript, the balance of courses across all disciplines, the record of the student's research abilities, and the details of school and community involvement–all requirements of the Diploma Program. Research conducted at several North American universities reports that IB Diploma holders do enjoy success in their postsecondary studies, often earning higher grades than their colleagues. Increasingly, universities are actively recruiting IB students by offering enhanced recognition or scholarships for successful IB work. 19. Does an IB Diploma allow students to go abroad to a university? Yes, in many cases. One of the founding ideals of the Diploma Program was to establish an internationally recognized system of curriculum and assessment that would be accepted by universities and ministries of education around the world. The Diploma Program is accepted by universities in 102 countries. We encourage you to visit the University and Government page of the IBO website: www.ibo.org/ibo/goto/universities. There you will be able to research the IB recognition policies of postsecondary institutions throughout the world. 20. How do I send a transcript of my IB results to a college or university? Students who have completed IB examinations are encouraged, and often required, to request that a special IB transcript of their results be sent to the North American college or university they plan to attend. Their Diploma Program coordinator should file a request on their behalf while they are still high school students. Transcripts requested by current IB students in this way are free. After leaving the secondary school or high school, students may write directly to the North American office of the IBO in New York and request a transcript of results. The letter should include the student 's name, IB student code number, the IB high school they attended, the year(s) in which examinations were taken, and where the transcript should be sent. A fee is charged for transcripts requested in this way. A check or money order, made out to IBNA, of US$10 or CND$15 should accompany this request. For more information about transcript requests, please call the IB North American office in New York City at (212) 696‐4464, or send an email to [email protected]. 75 ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for IB Exam Biology Business and Management Chemistry IB Score of 4 Minimum 3 credits per exam. BSC X005C or BSC X005/X005L GEB X011 or MAN X604 or MAN X652 CHM X020C or CHM X020/X020L Computer Science CGS X078 Design Technology ETI X410 (3 credits) Economics Ecosystems and Societies English A1 One semester of language credit at Elementary Language II level (min 3 credits) MHF X202 MHF X202 and MHF X209 GEA X000 One semester of language credit at Elementary Language II level (min 3 credits) GEO X200 and GEO X400 Two semesters of Elementary Language II and Intermediate Language I level (min 6 credits) ECO X000 EVR X017 or EVR X018 ENC X101 ISC X050 (3 credits) Film Studies FIL X000 or FIL X001 Further Mathematics (Advanced Mathematics) Geography German History Information and Technology for a Global Society Islamic History Latin Comments CGS X078 is unique to this exam. Exam content updated or changed frequently. ETI X410 is unique to this exam. Interdisciplinary engineering technology course. CGS X078 and other Computer Science course ETI X410 and other Engineering Technologies course determined by institution ECO X013 and ECO X023 EVR X017 or EVR X018 and other Interdisciplinary Science or Environmental Studies course determined by institution ENC X101 and ENC X102 or LIT X100 or LIT X110 ISC X050 and other Interdisciplinary Science or Environmental Science course determined by institution FIL X000 or FIL X001 and FIL X002 or FIL X420 Two semesters of Elementary Language II and Intermediate Language I level (min 6 credits) Environmental Systems French IB Score of 5‐7 Minimum 6 credits per exam. If courses listed do not equal 6 credits, institutions must give elective credit or assign own numbers BSC X005C and BSC X010C or BSC X005/X005L and BSC X010/X010 GEB X011 or MAN X604 or MAN X652 and General Business or Management course determined by institution CHM X020C or CHM X20/X020L and CHM X045C or CHM X045/045L ISC X050 is unique to this exam. Interdisciplinary environmental studies course. No literature credit MHF X209 is unique number for this exam. No literature credit WOH X030 WOH X030 and one semester (min. 3 credits) of lower‐level History elective depending on student’s choice of specialized subject. All students study 20th‐Century World History. Higher Level students also study a 100‐year period between 1750 and the present in one of several regions. Standard Level students do a project in any History subject. No direct equivalent (min 3 credits) No direct equivalent (min 6 credits) No direct equivalent (min 3 credits) No direct equivalent (min 6 credits) LAT X230 or LAT XXXX MAC X147 can substitute for MAC Math Methods MAC X105 Math Studies MAT X033 LAT X230 and LAT XXXX or LNW XXXX MAC X105 and MAC X140 or MAC X140 and MAC X233 MAT X033 and MGF X106 Mathematics MAC X147 MAC X147 and MAC X233 or MAC 76 Exam Music Philosophy Physics IB Score of 4 Minimum 3 credits per exam. MUL X010 (3 credits) PHI X010 (min. 3 credits) PHY X020C or PHY X020/X020L Psychology PSY X012 Social Anthropology ANT X410 Spanish Theatre Arts Visual Arts One semester of language credit at Elementary Language II level (min 3 credits) THE X000 or THE X020 ART X012 or ART X014 (3 credits) IB Score of 5‐7 Minimum 6 credits per exam. If courses listed do not equal 6 credits, institutions must give elective credit or assign own numbers X233 and MAC X311 MUL X010 and additional course determined by institution (6 credits) PHI X010 and additional Philosophy course (min. 6 credits) PHY X020C or PHY X020/X020L and PHY X009 or PHY X053C or PHY X053/X053L and PHY X054C or PHY X054/X054L PSY X012 and additional course determined by institution. ANT X410 and additional ANT course determined by institution. Two semesters of Elementary Language II and Intermediate Language I level (min 6 credits) THE X000 or THE X020 and one semester (min. 3 credits) credit in theater history, performance, stagecraft, theory or literature depending on student’s strengths ART X012 or ART X014 and additional Art course determined by institution. Comments X140 and MAC X114 Exam has music theory, history, and literature aspects. Emphasis is on post‐Renaissance European music with significant additional coverage of alternating world music topics. PHY X009 is a unique number for this exam. No literature credit All students study core topics in dramatic literature, performance and stagecraft. Higher Level students do an independent project in a Theater Arts subject of their choice. Content will vary widely for each student. All students do both studio work and research notebooks. Standard Level students choose to emphasize one or the other. Higher Level students emphasize studio work. Courses in ART and/or ARH prefix may be appropriate. ADVANCED INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION (AICE) DIPLOMA About AICE The Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Diploma program is administered and assessed by University of Cambridge International Examinations (CIE), a not‐for‐profit department of the world‐renowned University of Cambridge in the UK. CIE offers a wide range of academic and vocational qualifications in more than 150 countries. AICE is an international pre‐university curriculum and examination system, which emphasizes the value of broad and balanced study for academically able students. Its strengths lie in the flexibility and structure of the curriculum encouraging in‐depth, working knowledge of each subject, and essay‐based examinations of knowledge and skill mastery. AICE courses are equivalent to those offered at U.S. university freshmen level or beyond. Routes to the AICE Diploma are extremely flexible and offer students the opportunity to tailor their studies to individual interests, abilities, and future plans within an international curriculum framework. The AICE program was piloted and studied by the Florida Department of Education for four years in three Florida school districts and since 2001 has been approved for use in any Florida school district looking for an inexpensive, flexible advanced academic program for grades 11 and 12. In order to offer these and other CIE assessments, schools must register with CIE as Examination Centers. 77 Pre‐AICE Education – IGCSE The optional pre‐AICE curriculum program, called the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE), was developed in 1985 to meet the need for an internationally focused curriculum appropriate for a wide range of student ability. IGCSE is suitable for grades 9 and 10 and features over 50 subjects with end of course, international criterion‐ referenced, externally assessed examinations. While schools offering AICE subjects are not required to also offer IGCSE courses, students are expected to have mastered the IGCSE level of study and skills in a subject before beginning an AICE subject course. Most IGCSE subjects are offered at two levels: extended and core. The extended level is for students planning to progress to AICE or other college‐level coursework in grades 11 and 12. The core level of IGCSE is suitable for a wider range of ability student. Students at the core level may find during their course of study that they are actually able to move to the higher, extended level of IGCSE study and continue on to the AICE program. This possibility opens doors for previously unidentified advanced students. Pre‐AICE Education ‐ Lower Secondary and Primary Education For middle schools, CIE offers the Cambridge Lower Secondary three‐year curricula for three subjects: Math, Science and English with externally written formative (Progression) and summative (Checkpoint) assessments. In addition, the Cambridge Primary Program curricula, formative progression, and summative achievement assessments in Math, Science and English may be used starting in the second grade. Skills development and assessment The Primary, Lower Secondary, core and extended levels of IGCSE, AS and A Levels in AICE all emphasize the development of higher order thinking skills, oral skills, writing skills, problem solving, real world applications, independent investigative skills, teamwork, and international understanding. Assessment methods include written examinations, laboratory practicals for the science subjects, oral and listening tests for the languages, and coursework projects. These examination papers are sent to Cambridge for marking. While teachers are free to develop their own lesson plans based upon AICE subject syllabi, the variety of CIE assessment methods promotes the use of all these methods in the classroom. The Advanced International Certification of Education Curriculum for High School Diploma Section 1003.428, F.S., effective 2007‐08 defines the revised options for earning a high school diploma; graduation requires successful completion of either a minimum of 24 academic credits in grades 9 through 12, an International Baccalaureate curriculum, or an Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) curriculum. The components of the AICE curriculum that meet this requirement are as follows: AICE subjects Within AICE, there are over 50 subjects from three curriculum areas: 1. Mathematics and Sciences 2. Languages 3. Arts and Humanities. Most subjects may be studied either at the Advanced (A) Level, which has been offered worldwide for over 50 years, or at the Advanced Subsidiary (AS) Level. A Level examinations require two years (360 hours) of study in a subject while AS Level examinations cover the first year (180 hours) of the two‐year A Level syllabi. Students are allowed to choose specific subjects and levels of study for each. 78 It is possible to take the AS Level examination one year and then continue study in that subject and take the remaining examination papers (called A2) required for an A Level examination the following year. Alternatively, students may opt to wait until after the second year of study to take all the examination papers at the A Level. Other students may choose to study a subject for a year and be assessed only at the AS Level and then select a different subject to study and be assessed at the A Level the following year. Completion of the AICE curriculum requires students to complete six AICE courses and take the examinations for each with at least one course and examination from each of the three subject areas: Mathematics & Sciences, Languages, and Arts & Humanities. In the AICE Diploma qualification scheme, passing AS Level examinations earn one credit and each passing A Level examination counts for two credits. In addition, there is a Research Project option worth one credit, which requires a student to write two essays of 3,000 to 3,500 words each from two different subjects for which AS or A Level examinations are taken. Students pursuing a full AICE Diploma must earn a total of six credits and include at least one subject examination from each of the three curriculum areas at either AS or A Level. The AICE Diploma is awarded at Distinction, Merit or Pass level depending on the passing grades earned on the AICE subject examinations. For AICE exams, the CIE passing letter grades range from A to E with A being the highest. The lowest passing grade of E is equivalent to a US grade of C or a 3 on an Advanced Placement examination. Students may take up to 13 months to earn the six credits required for an AICE Diploma. Students who do not qualify for an AICE Diploma will receive AS or A Level General Certificate of Education (GCE) subject certificates for the subject examinations passed. Students who complete the AICE curriculum will be provided with the best possible foundation for advanced postsecondary studies anywhere in the world. AICE Exams and College Credits Both AS and A Levels are considered college level courses of study and students passing these examinations with a Cambridge grade of E or higher may receive up to 30 hours of college credit or advanced standing based on their scores in these examinations from universities throughout the United States and all public universities and colleges in Florida. Credit is typically awarded based on each subject and examination grade earned. Refer to the ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for specific awarded guarantees available at http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC‐CBE.pdf. AICE Diploma and Curriculum completion to qualify for Florida Bright Futures Scholarships Students who have earned an AICE Diploma and completed an approved 75‐hour community service program automatically qualify for the Florida Academic Scholars Award (100% tuition) from the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Students who complete the AICE curriculum (see above curriculum definition) with best composite score of 1270 SAT or 28 ACT and 75 hours of community service will also receive the Florida Academic Scholars Award. S tudents who have completed the AICE curriculum with best composite score of 970 SAT or 20 ACT will receive the Florida Medallion Scholars Award (75% tuition) from the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. How to find out more For additional information about the AICE program, please contact CIE's U.S. Representative, Sherry Reach, at (850) 230‐ 4770 or email [email protected]. To see a list of subjects, downloadable syllabi and sample examination papers, please visit the CIE website at www.cie.org.uk/usa (the CIE USA webpage). Click on blue "Qualifications" link near top of page and then select the desired level of qualification link on pink left side menu. 79 ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for AICE Accounting (AS‐Level) Passing Score of "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" (grades are not based on the American "A" – "F" grading scale) ACG X001 (min 3 credits) Accounting (A‐Level) ACG X001 and ACG XXXX (min 6 credits) Art and Design (AS‐Level) No number recommendation (min 3 credits) Art and Design (A‐Level) No number recommendation (min 6 credits) BSC X005C or BSC X005/X005L (min 4 credits) BSC X010C or BSC X010/X010L and additional credit at institution’s discretion, based on optional topics studied (min 7 credits) GEB X011 (min 3 credits) GEB X011 and GEB XXXX (min 6 credits) CHM X020C or CHM X020/020L or CHM X025C or CHM X025/025L (min 4 credits) CHM X020C or CHM X020/020L or CHM X025C or CHM X025/025L and CHM X045C or CHM X045/045L (min 8 credits) CLA X010 (min. 3 credits) Exam Biology (AS‐Level) Biology (A‐Level) Business Studies (AS‐Level) Business Studies (A‐Level) Chemistry (AS‐Level) Chemistry (A‐Level) Classical Studies (AS‐Level Computing (AS‐Level) CGS X073 (min 3 credits) Computing (A‐Level) CGS X073 and CGS X074 (min 6 credits) Comments CGS X073 is a unique number for this exam. CGS X073 and CGS X074 are unique numbers for this exam Design and Technology (AS‐Level) ETI X482C (min 3 credits) Design and Technology (A‐Level) ETI X482C or ETI X482/482L and ETI XXXX (min 6 credits) ECO X000 (min 3 credits) ECO X013 and ECO X023 (min 6 credits) ENC X101 (min 3 credits) Economics (AS‐Level) Economics (A‐Level) English (AS‐Level) – English Language or Language & Literature in English English (AS‐Level) – Literature in English English (A‐Level) – Literature in English Environmental Management (AS‐ Level) French Language (AS‐Level) French Literature (AS‐Level) French (A‐Level) Further Mathematics (A‐Level) Award credit for ENC X102 if student has credit for X101. Award credit for ENC X102/LITX006 if student has credit for ENC X101. ENC X101 or ENC X102 (min 3 credits) ENC X101 and X102 or ENC X102 and LIT X100 (min 6 credits) EVR X001C or EVR X001/X001L or ISC XXXX (min 3 credits) Only offered at AS‐level At least one semester of language credit up to elementary II level (min 3 credits) One semester of literature survey credit (min 3 credits) At least two semesters of language credit up to intermediate II level (min 6 credits) MAC X311 and MAC X312 General Paper IDS X110 (min. 3 credits) Geography (AS‐Level) GEA X000 (min 3 credits) Geography (A‐Level) GEO X200 and GEO X400 (min 6 credits) At least one semester of language credit up to elementary II level (min 3 credits) At least two semesters of language credit up to intermediate II level (min 6 credits) Three credits for each successfully passed paper, subject to institutional review. German Language (AS‐Level) German (A‐Level) History (AS‐Level) 80 There are six choices of "papers" or exams covering different geographical Exam History (A‐Level) Passing Score of "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" (grades are not based on the American "A" – "F" grading scale) Six credits for each successfully passed paper, subject to institutional review. Marine Science (AS‐Level) At least one semester of language credit up to elementary II level (min 3 credits) OCE X001 (min. 3 credits) Marine Science (A‐Level) OCE X001 and OCB X000 (min. 6 credits) Mathematics (AS‐Level) MAC X147 or MAC X140/X114 (min 4 credits) Mathematics (A‐Level) MAC X311 and other Mathematics course (min 6 credits) Latin (AS‐Level) Music (AS‐Level) MUH X001 (min. 3 credits) Music (A‐Level) MUH X001 and MUH X011 or MUH X012 (min. 6 credits) Physics (AS‐Level) Comments areas and periods. Examinations are rigorous but do not align easily with frequently‐taught American college courses. Institutions should assign course equivalents based on each student’s curriculum, and may need more information than is available on students’ score reports or transcripts. There are six choices of "papers" or exams covering different geographical areas and periods. Examinations are rigorous but do not align easily with frequently‐taught American college courses. Institutions should assign course equivalents based on each student’s curriculum, and may need more information than is available on students’ score reports or transcripts. MAC X147 is composed of topics in both MAC X114 and MAC X140. Students are tested on a core curriculum roughly equivalent to MAC X311 as well as on one or two optional topics. Institutions may need more information than is available on students score reports or transcripts. Choice of MUH X011 or MUH X012 dependent on musical selections in Components 3, 4, and 5. Psychology (AS‐Level) PHY X020C or PHY X020/X020L (min 3 credits) PHY X053C or PHY X053/X053L and PHY X054C or PHY X054/X054L (min 8 credits) PSY X012 (min 3 credits) Psychology (A‐Level) PSY X012 and other Psychology course (min 6 credits) Sociology (AS‐Level) No course or credit recommendation Sociology (A‐Level) SYG X000 (min 3 credits) At least one semester of language credit up to elementary II level (min 3 credits) One semester of literature survey credit (min 3 credits) At least two semesters of language credit up to intermediate II level (min 6 credits) Physics (A‐Level) Spanish Language (AS‐Level) Spanish Literature (AS‐Level) Spanish (A‐Level) 81 COLLEGE‐LEVEL EXAMINATION PROGRAM® (CLEP) CLEP is a College Board program that offers students of any age the opportunity to earn college credit by earning qualifying scores on any one or more of 34 examinations. CLEP exams provide an opportunity for high school students to earn college credit in subject areas for which no AP Exams are available, such as Sociology, College Algebra, Accounting, or Precalculus; or for which your high school does not yet offer an AP course. CLEP exams do not relate to a specifically designed college‐level course taught in high school. Rather, CLEP exams test mastery of college‐level material acquired through a variety of ways – such as through general academic instruction, significant independent study, or extracurricular work. Typically, CLEP candidates study on their own for the examinations. Each exam is approximately 90 minutes long and, except for English Composition with Essay, is comprised of multiple‐ choice questions; however, some exams do have other types of questions. Students obtain their score report upon completion of the exam, except for English Composition with Essay (students receive a score report after the essay has been graded, usually two to three weeks after the test date). Postsecondary institutions grant three to 12 college credits for each CLEP exam passed. Refer to the 2008 ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for specific awarded guarantees available at http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/ACC‐CBE.pdf. No high school credit is awarded for CLEP exams. Over 2,900 colleges and universities have CLEP credit‐granting and/or placement policies. CLEP exams are administered year‐round on computers at over 1,400 college test centers. The fee for each CLEP exam is $70. Most test centers charge an administration fee, usually $15 to $20. A current list of all test centers is available at www.collegeboard.com/CLEPtestcenters. Students must contact the site directly for information about registration, scheduling, and fees. For additional information about CLEP, please contact the College Board's Florida Office at (850) 521‐4900 or email [email protected]. ACC Credit‐By‐Exam Equivalencies for CLEP Exam Scale Score of 50 for Passing Accounting, Principles of ACG X001 (min. 3 credits) Algebra, College MAC X105 (min. 3 credits) Algebra‐Trigonometry, College MAC X147 (min. 4 credits) American Government POS X041 (min. 3 credits) American Literature Analyzing and Interpreting Literature Biology, General AML X000 (min. 3 credits) No direct equivalent. Recommend American or English Literature exams instead. BSC X005 (min. 3 credits) Comments Retired June 30, 2007. Replaced by "Financial Accounting". MAC X147 can substitute for MAC X140 and MAC X114. Retired June 30, 2006. No lab credit Business Law, Introduction to BUL X241 (min. 3 credits) Calculus MAC X233 (min. 3 credits) CHM X020 or X025 (min. 3 credits) No lab credit Educational Psychology, Introduction to EDP X002 (min. 3 credits) English Composition with Essay ENC X101 (min. 3 credits) English Literature ENL X000 (min. 3 credits) French Language On Level I French Language exam—one semester of Elementary Language I (min 3 credits) On Level 2 French Language exam‐score of 59 earns a minimum of two semesters of Elementary Language I and II (min 6 credits). No literature credit Chemistry, General 82 Exam Freshman Composition German Language History of the United States I: Early Colonizations to 1877 History of the United States II: 1865 to Present Human Growth and Development Scale Score of 50 for Passing No direct equivalent. Recommend English Composition with Essay instead. Comments On Level I German Language exam—one semester of Elementary Language I (min 3 credits) On Level 2 German Language exam—score of 60 earns a minimum of two semesters of Elementary Language I and II (min 6 credits). No literature credit AMH 010 (min. 3 credits) AMH 020 (min. 3 credits) DEP X004 (min. 3 credits) Information Systems and Computer Applications Macroeconomics, Principles of ECO X013 (min. 3 credits) Interdisciplinary exam: 50% literature and 50% fine arts CGS X077 is unique to this exam. Exam content updated frequently Management, Principles of MAN X021 (min. 3 credits) Marketing, Principles of MAR X011 (min. 3 credits) Exam covers sets (10%), Logic (10%), Real Numbers (20%), Functions and Graphs (20%), Probability and Statistics (25%), and additional Algebra topics (15%) Interdisciplinary exam: 50% Biological Science and 50% Physical Science (incl. Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy, and Geology) Humanities Mathematics, College Microeconomics, Principles of Natural Science HUM X235 or HUM X250 (min. 3 credits) CGS X077 (min. 3 credits) MGF X106 or MGF X107 (min. 3 credits) ECO X023 (min. 3 credits) No direct equivalent. Recommend specific subject exams instead. Precalculus MAC X140 (min 3 credits) Psychology, Introductory PSY X012 (min. 3 credits) Social Science and History No direct equivalent. Recommend specific subject exams instead. Sociology, Introductory Spanish Language Trigonometry Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 Western Civilization II: 1648 to Present MAC X114 (min. 2 credits) Interdisciplinary exam: 40% History (U.S., Western, and World) and 60% Social Sciences (Government, Sociology, Economics, Psychology, Geography, and Anthropology) On Level 2 Spanish Language exam—score of 63 earns a minimum of two semesters of Elementary Language I and II (min 6 credits). No literature credit. Retired June 30, 2006. EUH X000 (min. 3 credits) EUH X001 (min. 3 credits) SYG X000 (min. 3 credits) On Level I Spanish Language exam—one semester of Elementary Language I (min 3 credits) FLORIDA'S TECH PREP PROGRAM 1. What is Tech Prep? Tech Prep is a rigorous career and technical education (CTE) program that allows high school students to earn Tech Prep articulated college or technical center CTE (vocational) credits and/or priority admission into a two‐year Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) postsecondary degree or certificate program at a Florida public institution while enrolled in high tech CTE programs as a high school student. Tech Prep is part of the 2 + 2 system, which helps students move seamlessly into postsecondary education without duplication of coursework between high school and postsecondary education. 83 2. What is Tech Prep articulated credit? Tech Prep articulations are agreements between secondary and postsecondary institutions that provide for the seamless transfer of credits between high schools and community colleges, technical centers, and universities. The articulation agreements are independent agreements specific to individual high schools and postsecondary institutions. Partnerships between high schools and postsecondary institutions are referred to as Tech Prep Consortiums; more information is available through high school guidance offices. 3. Who is eligible for Tech Prep postsecondary credit? Students must meet the following eligibility criteria: • A Florida public secondary school student; • Complete Florida graduation criteria with courses that are Level 2 or above; • Complete a Tech Prep CTE Program meeting or exceeding the Tech Prep Consortium's GPA requirement; • Take and pass the Tech Prep Assessment, if required, by the Tech Prep Consortium; and • Begin the postsecondary program within the timeline specified by the Tech Prep Consortium. 4. What type of assessments may be used? Not all consortiums require Tech Prep assessments. For those consortiums that do require assessments to verify student competencies in the CTE area, a variety of assessments may be used including a written exam, a student portfolio, a performance‐based demonstration, or a combination of assessment types. 5. Are all CTE (vocational) programs Tech Prep? Tech Prep articulations are created only for CTE programs that require more in‐depth, postsecondary study. The purpose of Tech Prep articulation is to avoid duplication of curriculum for students who have already completed high‐level CTE programs in high school and then move on to a postsecondary institution where they are working toward a minimum two‐year degree or certificate. 6. How many Tech Prep credits can I earn and what grade will I receive for them? The number of Tech Prep college credits is specific to the Tech Prep articulations upon which the consortium has agreed. The "transfer" grade you receive for Tech Prep credits varies in each consortium. Contact the guidance or CTE department for specific details on the number of postsecondary credits that can be earned and how they may or may not impact a student's GPA. 7. Will Tech Prep credits transfer to other colleges and universities? Again, this varies with each consortium. Contact the guidance or CTE departments for specific details on your consortium. Students should contact their high school guidance counselors or the CTE Department. For more information about Tech Prep, please contact Gayle Manley, Division of Workforce Education at (850) 245‐ 9057 or via email [email protected]. 84 SEAMLESS TRANSITION WITHIN FLORIDA FLORIDA'S 2+2 SYSTEM Many students begin their college education at one of Florida's 28 open‐admission community colleges, and plan to transfer to pursue a bachelor's degree at one of Florida's public or independent four‐year colleges or universities. Currently, more than half of the juniors and seniors in the State University System (SUS), as well as many students attending independent four‐year colleges and universities, began their postsecondary work at a community college. Florida is nationally recognized for its highly effective articulation between and among institutions. For instance, in Florida's 2+2 System, students: • Can complete the two‐year Associate in Arts (AA) degree at a community college; • Are guaranteed admission with an AA to at least one of the SUS institutions; and • Can transition to a four‐year institution to complete the baccalaureate degree. STATE UNIVERSITY TRANSFER ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Although completion of a community college AA degree guarantees admission to the SUS, it does not guarantee admission to the institution of choice or to all programs at all universities. Common prerequisite courses have been identified for more than six hundred university baccalaureate degrees across all public institutions. Additionally, some degree programs are designated as limited access programs because their admission requirements are more selective than an institution's general admission requirements. These more stringent requirements may include a higher grade point average and/or test scores, or auditions and/or portfolios. In such programs, selection for admission is competitive. However, community college AA transfer students have the same opportunity to enroll in university limited access programs as students who are already enrolled at the university. Students should work with community college counselors to make sure they take the required courses and meet other criteria for entry into a university program of choice. The selection and enrollment criteria for limited access programs have been published in institutional catalogs, counseling manuals, and other appropriate documents. ARTICULATION AGREEMENTS Statewide Articulation Agreement The Statewide Articulation Agreement provides for the seamless transfer process between and among Florida postsecondary institutions. This agreement ensures that if a student completes the AA degree, admission to at least one of the SUS institutions is guaranteed. During the student's enrollment as a junior and senior at the university, the student will not be required to repeat courses already satisfactorily completed. It protects the transfer of equivalent courses and the general education program completed by students during their freshman and sophomore years at Florida public institutions. Additional information about statewide articulation can be found online at http://www.fldoe.org/articulation/pdf/statewide‐postsecondary‐articulation‐manual.pdf. Independent Colleges & Universities of Florida (ICUF) Agreement Florida's community colleges have an articulation agreement with the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF). The agreement establishes the provisions for the transfer of AA degree students into private colleges and universities. It guarantees that community college AA degree students will enter as juniors, receive at least 60 credit hours toward their bachelor's degree, and receive recognition for the general education core completed at the community college. Please access www.FACTS.org to view a list of the participating independent colleges and universities that have recognized this agreement. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Florida also has a general education agreement. The state's 36‐hour general education program is designed to introduce college and university students to the fundamental knowledge, skills, and values that are essential to the study of academic disciplines. General education requirements include courses within the subject areas of communications, humanities, mathematics, natural sciences, and social sciences. Each institution develops its own general education 85 program, but the statewide general education agreement stipulates that public universities and those participating ICUF institutions cannot require students to take additional general education courses if they have already successfully completed a general education sequence at another public institution. FLORIDA STATEWIDE COURSE NUMBERING SYSTEM Florida's Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS) is a classification system for courses offered at public universities, community colleges, vocational‐technical centers, and selected non‐public institutions. Institution courses are assigned by faculty discipline coordinators to appropriate discipline areas and course numbers. A course is identified by a prefix, level digit, course number, and lab code. • The prefix is a three letter alphabetic acronym or abbreviation representing a broad content area. • The level digit represents pre‐college, or the year in college the course is generally taken. 0 = College preparatory or vocational 1‐2 = Lower level undergraduate courses 3‐4 = Upper level undergraduate courses 5‐9 = Graduate and professional courses • A three‐digit course number represents the specific content of the course. • The lab code is used to indicate that the course is a laboratory, which may be taken with a correspondingly numbered lecture or that a laboratory component is included in the course. L = Laboratory course C = Combination lecture/laboratory The following is an example of a course identifier: Prefix Level Digit Course Number Lab Code ENC 1 101 In this example, ENC 1101 is Freshman Composition I within the English Language and Literature discipline. The course is a lecture only, with no laboratory component. The Statewide Course Numbering System facilitates the transfer of students among Florida's postsecondary institutions. Courses that have the same academic content and taught by faculty with comparable faculty credentials are assigned the same prefix and number and considered equivalent courses. By Florida law, an institution accepting a transfer student from another participating institution must award credit for equivalent courses at the receiving institution. Credits awarded must satisfy the requirements of the receiving institution on the same basis as credits awarded to native students. Excluded from this guaranteed transfer are: 1. College preparatory and vocational preparatory courses; 2. Applied courses in the performing arts (dance, interior design, music, studio art, theater); 3. Clinical courses in health related areas; 4. Skill courses in Criminal Justice; 5. Graduate courses; 6. Courses with the last three digits ranging from 900 – 999; 7. Courses not offered at the receiving institution; and 8. Courses offered at non‐regionally accredited institutions prior to the established transfer date. 86 TRANSFER STUDENT BILL OF RIGHTS Students who graduate from a Florida community college with an Associate of Arts (AA) degree are guaranteed the following rights under the Statewide Articulation Agreement (State Board of Education Rule/BOG Articulation Resolution 6A‐10.024): • Admission to one of the eleven state universities, except to limited access programs (see "State University Transfer Admission Requirements" above); • Acceptance of at least 60 semester hours by the state universities; • Adherence to the university degree/program requirements, based on the catalog in effect at the time the student first enters a community college, provided the student maintains continuous enrollment; • Transfer of equivalent courses under the Statewide Course Numbering System (SCNS); • Acceptance by the state universities of credits earned in accelerated programs (e.g., CLEP, AP, Dual Enrollment, Early Admission, International Baccalaureate, and AICE); • No additional General Education Core requirements; • Advance knowledge of selection criteria for limited access programs; and • Equal opportunity with native university students to enter limited access programs. **NOTE – Students earning an AA degree at a Florida community college are guaranteed admission with 60 semester hours into the State University System. However, admission into a specific program at a given university may not be assured: • Some degree programs may include additional admission requirements. These programs are referred to as "limited access" programs; and • These more stringent requirements may include a higher grade point average and/or higher test scores, additional courses or prerequisites, or auditions and/or portfolios. Should a guarantee be denied, students have the right to appeal (see "How to Appeal an Admission or Transfer Difficulty" below). Each state university and community college shall make available established appeal procedures through the respective articulation officers. ARTICULATION COORDINATING COMMITTEE The Articulation Coordinating Committee is responsible for recommending polices to ensure that students can move easily and efficiently from one Florida institution to another and from one level of education to the next. It includes representatives appointed by the Commissioner of Education from community colleges, state universities, private colleges and universities, public and non‐public schools, and career and technical education centers. The Articulation Coordinating Committee reviews violations of statewide transfer policies and advises the State Board of Education and the Board of Governors on potential resolutions to statewide transfer policy issues. HOW TO APPEAL AN ADMISSION OR TRANSFER DIFFICULTY Prior to contacting the Department of Education, the student should pursue all available appeal options at the postsecondary institution level. The student should keep a copy of all correspondence and a log of all telephone contacts. If the denial is upheld at the postsecondary level and there is still a question of potential violation of the Articulation Agreement, the student may contact the Office of Articulation for assistance. The Office of Articulation, in consultation with the Articulation Coordinating Committee, will review and attempt to resolve all student transfer difficulties. Florida Department of Education Office of Articulation 325 W. Gaines St., Suite 1401 Tallahassee, FL 32399‐0400 87 Financial Aid 88 FINANCIAL AID HOW TO APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID Paying for college is not always easy. College costs rise each year and many students and their families need some form of financial assistance to help pay these costs. The following suggestions will help facilitate the financial aid process. • Students should contact their high school guidance counselor to inquire about federal, state, and other sources of student assistance programs. • Students should complete the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application, available online at www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org, to be considered for State of Florida student financial aid programs, including the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. This application opens December 1, 2008 for 2009‐10 academic year funding. • Students should contact the college/school they want to attend and request a financial aid application packet. The packet will provide them with information about the financial aid programs the school offers and the forms they will need to complete. • Each college will request that students complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), available online at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Some colleges will also require completion of other forms. Be sure to contact the college to inquire about other forms that the financial aid office may require. • Application processing can take four weeks to four months from the date the completed forms are mailed before the student is notified of his or her award. • If possible, students should apply for financial aid in January or February before the academic year they plan to begin college. A late application may reduce the amount of money the student ultimately receives. The early application date ensures students a better chance of being considered for all available programs. Some programs, however, such as the Federal Pell Grant and the Federal Stafford Loan, are open for application throughout the year. TYPES OF FINANCIAL AID Financial aid is money provided by various agencies (federal, state and local governments, public and private postsecondary institutions, community organizations, and private corporations or individuals) to help students meet the costs of attending college. It includes gift aid (grants and scholarships) and self‐help (loans and student employment). • Scholarships are based on academic or athletic achievement, but financial need may also be considered. Scholarships are considered gift aid because they do not have to be paid back. Scholarships are awarded by states, institutions, departments, private companies, and individuals. • Grants are gift aid awarded to students who demonstrate financial need. Grants do not have to be repaid. • Student loan programs offer long‐term, low‐interest educational loans, which may allow students to defer repayment until after graduation, withdrawal, or termination of attendance. Students must file the FAFSA to be considered for any federal loan program. The Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA) serves as a guaranty agency for the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP). In its role as a guaranty agency, OSFA puts money back into financial aid activities that benefit Florida's families. You may reach the Florida Guaranty Agency toll‐free at 1‐800‐366‐3475. 89 • Students can obtain part‐time employment to assist in meeting their college costs and, if possible, gain work experience in a field related to their chosen profession. Jobs may or may not require special skills. Important Financial Aid Contacts • Online FAFSA Application: www.fafsa.ed.gov. • FAFSA Status, Aid Report and General Financial Aid Questions (Federal Student Aid Information Center): toll‐free 1‐800‐4‐FED AID (1‐800‐433‐3243); Hearing Impaired Students: 1‐800‐730‐8913 (TDD). • State of Florida Scholarships and Grants: www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org or Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance, State Programs, 1940 North Monroe Street, Suite 70, Tallahassee, FL 32303; 1‐888‐827‐2004. • Student Loans: http://www.floridastudentfinancialaid.org/FFELP/ffelp_homepage.html or you may call the OSFA Customer Service Center at 1‐800‐366‐3475. Important Dates • Federal Grants: July 2, 2008 (FAFSA must have been received by this date for any 2008‐09 Federal Grants) and July 2, 2009 (for 2009‐10 Federal Grants). • Florida Student Assistance Grant: For the 2008‐09 academic year, the FAFSA deadline for the Florida Student Assistance Grant (FSAG) is established by the postsecondary institution the student attends. APPLY EARLY! • Bright Futures: For 2009 high school graduates, all students must complete the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application by high school graduation to be considered for an award under the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program. Some Financial Aid Acronyms AGI: Adjusted Gross Income COA: Cost of Attendance EFC: Expected Family Contribution FAFSA: Free Application for Federal Student Aid FRAG: Florida Resident Access Grant FSAG: Florida Student Assistance Grant OPS: Other Personal Services (part‐time employment program) OSFA: Office of Student Financial Assistance (Tallahassee) PLUS: (Federal) Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student SAR: Student Aid Report SEOG: (Federal) Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Part‐Time Students with Disabilities Students with a documented disability, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, are eligible to be considered for state financial aid while attending an eligible postsecondary institution on a part‐time basis. Financial aid awards shall be prorated based on the number of credit hours taken. State Board of Education Rule 6A‐20.111, FAC, establishes the criteria for documentation. Students should see a financial aid officer at their institution for necessary information and accommodation. In addition, students attending Florida private or public postsecondary institutions who require adult norm‐referenced testing to qualify for accommodations under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 or the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 may qualify to have the cost of this testing included in their institution's Cost of 90 Attendance (COA). Indirect restoration of such costs will be dependent upon the student's individual need and the availability of financial aid at the institution the student is attending. Students should see a financial aid officer at their institution for necessary information. FACT AND FICTION ABOUT COLLEGE COSTS With all the publicity about elite private colleges with $30,000‐a‐year price tags, many students and parents have misconceptions about how much it actually costs to attend college. One California study found that high school students overestimated the tuition cost of public universities by several thousand dollars! Such perceptions can have negative effects on students' and parents' ambitions. : Fiction: My family can't afford the $20,000+ a year that it takes to go to college. ; Fact: Full‐time tuition at Florida public universities is only about $2,700 a year. A four‐year degree costs less than a new car and will pay for itself many times over in graduates' higher incomes. At community colleges, tuition is even lower, generally under $1,750 a year. Living expenses are extra, but you'd have those even if you didn't go to college! : Fiction: Tuition fees pay for the full cost of running public colleges and universities. ; Fact: Only out‐of‐state students pay the full cost. Florida resident tuition is set at about 25% of the cost of instruction. The state pays 75%. In effect, every resident receives a 75% "scholarship." It's a bargain you shouldn't miss! : Fiction: If I don't have money for tuition and living expenses, I can't go to college. ; Fact: Money should not be a reason for a qualified student not to go to college. Most students in Florida receive some kind of financial aid. Those who qualify for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarships are paid the equivalent of 75‐100% of tuition and fees at a public state university or community college. The federal Hope Tax Credit also helps some families get reimbursed for the first two years of college. Many sources of need‐based aid are also available. On‐ or off‐campus jobs and low‐interest loans can help pay living expenses for some low‐ and middle‐ income students. Many students with few resources manage to work their way through college. Before saying you can't afford it, call a college financial aid office to discuss your options! : Fiction: Students and parents shouldn't take out loans for college. ; Fact: Most financial planners agree that if you're careful and don't take out too much, student loans, unlike car loans or credit cards, can be "good debt." That is, they represent an investment that will pay for itself. A student who graduates with $25,000 in student loans and gets a job paying $30,000 a year will have a higher standard of living than a student who doesn't attend college and has a job paying $20,000 a year. Many families qualify for subsidized loans with low interest and flexible repayment plans. Student loans are also easier to get than many other loans. : Fiction: Private colleges are for rich kids. ; Fact: Some private colleges are more expensive than others. Many of the most expensive ones also have the most generous financial aid programs for low‐income families. Even middle class students who attend private colleges often receive "discounts" from full tuition. Getting into selective private colleges isn't easy, but qualified students shouldn't shy away for financial reasons. Colleges want students with diverse backgrounds and may make generous financial aid offers to low‐income students with good academic credentials. In addition, Florida offers scholarships to resident students who attend in‐state private colleges. Some families find out that when financial aid offers are considered, a seemingly "pricey" private college is less expensive than a public one. 91 FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS Academic Competitiveness and SMART Grants President Bush signed into law the Academic Competitiveness Grant on February 8, 2006, as part of the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005. The grant is intended to encourage high school students to complete challenging and rigorous coursework in high school, which will likely increase their success in college and lead them to pursue college majors in high demand in the global economy. National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) Grants will be available to students for their third and fourth years of college if they major in mathematics, science (including physical, life, and computer sciences), technology, engineering, or a critical foreign language. See the links below for additional U.S. Department of Education (ED) information and Florida eligibility criteria options for 2008‐09. ED Student Eligibility Options for New Academic Grants: http://www.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/competitiveness/ac‐smart.pdf http://www.ed.gov/admins/finaid/about/ac‐smart/fl06.doc Florida Eligibility Criteria Options: https://www.FloridaStudentFinancialAidsg.org/pdf/fl08.pdf Federal Pell Grant Program Description: The Federal Pell Grant Program is a need‐based grant provided to degree or certificate‐seeking undergraduate students who have not received their first baccalaureate degree. It is considered as gift aid and does not have to be repaid. Pell Grants are awarded to students with exceptional need. Eligibility: Eligibility for a Pell Grant is determined by the completion of the FAFSA and calculated by Federal Methodology. The hours enrolled determine the payment amount. Awards range from $400 to $4,310 per academic year. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Description: The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) is a need‐based grant provided to degree‐seeking undergraduate students who have not received their first baccalaureate degree. It is considered as gift aid and does not have to be repaid. FSEOG is awarded to students with exceptional need. Eligibility: Eligibility for FSEOG is determined by the completion of the FAFSA. Awards range from $100 to $4,050 per academic year. Federal Work Study Program Description: The Federal Work Study Program is available to undergraduate and graduate students, and students seeking a second baccalaureate or professional degrees. It is considered self‐help aid and does not have to be repaid. Students can be employed on‐campus or by authorized off‐campus employers or community service agencies. Eligibility: Eligibility for the Federal Work Study Program is determined by the completion of the FAFSA. Federal Perkins Loan Program Description: The Federal Perkins Loan Program is a need‐based, low‐interest loan awarded by the institution. Priority must be given to students with exceptional financial need. The interest rate is 5% and there is no origination fee. Repayment of a Federal Perkins Loan is deferred until nine months after graduation or termination of at least half‐time attendance. 92 Eligibility: Applicants must complete the FAFSA. Loan maximums are as follows: • $4,000/year for undergraduate study and $6,000/year for graduate study; • $20,000 cumulative for undergraduates who have not completed undergraduate program; and • $40,000 cumulative for graduate students, inclusive of loans borrowed for undergraduate study. The Federal Family Education Loan Program Description: The Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) is authorized in Part B of Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Under the FFELP, students and their parents can obtain low‐cost education loans to help pay for the cost of higher education. Eligibility: Students must complete the FAFSA to apply for a loan under this program. There are several types of education loans currently offered under the FFELP: Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan: Subsidized Federal Stafford Loans are available to eligible students attending participating postsecondary schools. A student who demonstrates financial need is eligible to have the federal government pay the interest on the loan to the lender until repayment of the loan begins and during any deferment periods. The student is allowed a grace period (usually six months) after leaving school or dropping below half‐time enrollment before repayment begins. Repayment of the loan is scheduled over a maximum period of ten years or 25 years for borrowers eligible for an extended repayment schedule. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan: Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans are available to eligible students attending participating postsecondary schools. A student who does not demonstrate sufficient financial need is typically eligible for an unsubsidized Stafford loan. An unsubsidized Stafford loan can also be used to supplement a subsidized Stafford loan. An unsubsidized Stafford loan borrower does not have any interest paid on his or her behalf by the federal government; such a borrower is responsible for paying to the lender all interest that accrues on the loan from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. Otherwise, the terms of an unsubsidized Stafford loan are the same as those for a subsidized Stafford loan. Additional unsubsidized Stafford loan limits applicable to undergraduate students are increased for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2008. Subsidized limits (up to base amount) are unchanged. For students enrolled as regular students in eligible programs, annual Stafford loan limits are as follows: Additional Unsubsidized Loan Amount Dependent Students Base Amt (Excluding Students Whose Parents Cannot Borrow PLUS) Sub/Unsub First‐year undergraduate Second‐year undergraduate Third‐year and beyond undergraduate $3,500 $4,500 $5,500 Loan disbursed prior to July 1, 2008 0 0 0 Loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2008 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Additional Unsubsidized Loan Amount Independent Undergraduate Students and Dependent Students Whose Parents Cannot Borrow PLUS Base Amt Sub/Unsub First‐year undergraduate Second‐year undergraduate Third‐year and beyond undergraduate $3,500 $4,500 $5,500 93 Loans disbursed prior to July 1, 2008 $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 Loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2008 $6,000 $6,000 $7,000 Base Amt Sub/Unsub $8,500 Graduate and Professional Students Annual Loan Limits for Preparatory Coursework and Teacher Certification Additional Unsubsidized Loan Amount Unchanged at $12,000 Additional Unsubsidized Loan Amount Dependent Students Base Amt (Excluding Students Whose Parents Cannot Borrow PLUS) Sub/Unsub Preparatory coursework (for enrollment in an undergraduate program) Preparatory coursework (for enrollment in a graduate or professional program) Teacher certification coursework Loans disbursed prior to July 1, 2008 Loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2008 $2,625 0 $5,500 0 $5,500 0 Additional Unsubsidized Loan Amount Independent Students (and Dependent Students Whose Parents Cannot Borrow PLUS) Base Amt Sub/Unsub Preparatory coursework (for enrollment in an undergraduate program) Preparatory coursework (for enrollment in a graduate or professional program) Teacher certification coursework $2,625 Loans disbursed prior to July 1, 2008 $4,000 Loans disbursed on or after July 1, 2008 $6,000 $5,500 $7,000 $7,000 $5,500 $7,000 $7,000 Maximum Aggregate Loan Limits (Effective July 1, 2008) • Dependent Students (excluding student whose parents cannot borrow PLUS): $31,000 (no more than $23,000 of which can be subsidized) • Independent Student (and dependent students whose parents cannot borrow PLUS): $57,500 (no more than $23,000 of which can be subsidized) • Graduate and Professional Students: $138,500 (no more than $65,500 of which can be subsidized) Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS) Description: Federal PLUS loans are available to eligible parents of dependent undergraduate students attending participating postsecondary schools. The parent is responsible for paying the lender the interest that accrues on the loan from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. Repayment of the loan is scheduled over a maximum period of ten years or 25 years for borrowers eligible for an extended repayment schedule. Eligibility: A PLUS loan borrower must be creditworthy or must obtain a creditworthy endorser on the loan. PLUS – Graduate/Professional: As a result of the Higher Education Reconciliation Act of 2005 (HERA), graduate or professional students are now eligible to borrow under the PLUS Loan Program up to their cost of attendance minus any other estimated financial aid in the Federal Family Education Loan Program and Direct Loan Program. The same terms and conditions that apply to the Parent PLUS loans, apply to the Graduate/Professional PLUS loans. 94 Federal Consolidation Loan Description: Federal Consolidation Loans are available to borrowers who want to combine their outstanding education loans into a single loan with a single monthly payment. In most cases, the borrower is responsible for paying the lender the interest that accrues on the loan until the loan is paid in full. Consolidation loans usually have a longer repayment period and a lower monthly payment than is available with the underlying education loans. BRIGHT FUTURES SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program establishes three lottery‐funded scholarships for Florida high school graduates who demonstrate high academic achievement and enroll in eligible Florida public or private postsecondary institutions. There are three award levels for which high school seniors may qualify. The scholarship may be used for either full‐time or part‐time enrollment and is renewable. All initial applicants must meet the general requirements for participation in this program and specific requirements for the individual award. To be eligible for an initial award from any of the three types of scholarships, a student must: • Apply online and complete the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application at www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org, by selecting Apply Here, during their last year in high school (after December 1 and prior to graduation). Students must apply by high school graduation or all future eligibility for a Bright Futures Scholarship is forfeited. • Be a Florida resident and a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen. The postsecondary institution the student attends is responsible for verifying Florida residency and U.S. citizenship status. • Earn a Florida standard high school diploma or its equivalent. For information on GED, Home Education, or dependents of military or public service personnel outside of Florida, students should visit the State Student Financial Aid website at www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org. Select Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program and then GED, Home Education, or Out‐of State. • Be accepted by and enrolled in an eligible Florida public or independent postsecondary education institution. All public community colleges, state universities, and public vocational technical schools are eligible, as are many private postsecondary institutions. For a list of eligible private institutions, students should visit www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org, State Grants, Scholarships & Applications link. • Be enrolled for at least six non‐remedial semester credit hours or the equivalent. • Not have been found guilty of, nor pled no contest to, a felony charge. • Begin using the award within three years of high school graduation. If enlisting directly into the military after graduation, the three‐year period begins upon date of separation from active duty. Call State Scholarship and Grant Programs/Bright Futures at 1‐888‐827‐2004 for application deadlines. The following charts outline the eligibility requirements for each of the three types of Bright Futures awards for 2009 high school graduates. A student may receive funding for only one award. The highest award earned by the student will be selected. Note: The Florida Legislature is authorized to change eligibility and funding requirements for future graduating classes. 95 BRIGHT FUTURES: Florida Academic Scholars Award (FAS)* Initial Eligibility Requirements for 2009 High School Applicants (Initial Eligibility Requirements must be met prior to graduation from a Florida high school.) Award Amount A student may receive funding for only one award (FAS, FMS, or GSV). The highest award earned by the student will be selected. Public Institution — An award equal to 100% of tuition and allowable fees plus the specified amount established by the Florida Legislature in the General Appropriations Act provided for college‐related expenses (excluding summer term) prorated by term and hours. Note: Award Amounts will differ at quarter or clock hour institutions. Private Institution — Fixed award amount based on 100% of the average tuition and allowable fees covered at a comparable Florida public institution including the specified amount established by the Florida Legislature in the General Appropriations Act provided for college‐related expenses (excluding summer term) prorated by term and hours. 3.5 weighted GPA using the credits listed below combined with the test scores and community service hours listed below. Grade Point Average (GPA) Weighting for more challenging higher level courses is prescribed by law as .25 per course per semester or .50 per course per year. Required Credits See the Comprehensive Course Table on the Bright Futures website to identify courses that count toward each award level. NOTE‐ GPAs are not rounded. Courses must include 15 credits of college preparatory academic courses. 4 English (3 with substantial writing) 3 Mathematics (Algebra I and above) 3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab) 3 Social Science 2 Foreign Language (in the same language) 15 Credits Community Service Test Scores Sections of the SAT, ACT, or CPT from different test dates may be used to meet the test criteria. For spring eligibility evaluations, test dates through the end of January will be admissible. May use up to 3 additional credits from courses in the academic areas listed above as well as AP, IB, or AICE fine arts courses to raise the GPA. 75 hours, as approved by the district or private school. Best composite score of 1270 SAT Reasoning Test (based on the combined Critical Reading and Math sections only) or 28 ACT (excluding the writing section). NOTE‐ The new writing sections for both the SAT and ACT will not be used in the composite. SAT Subject Tests are not used for Bright Futures eligibility. ACT scores are rounded up for scores with .5 and higher; SAT scores do not require rounding. For summer eligibility evaluations, test dates through the end of June will be admissible. Other Ways to Qualify Initial eligibility criteria used in "Other Ways to Qualify" must be met by high school graduation. Contact the Bright Futures office for further details. The other ways to qualify listed below must also meet the community service hours requirement. • National Merit or Achievement Scholars and Finalists • National Hispanic Scholars • IB Diploma Recipients (based on exams taken prior to high school graduation) • Students who have completed the IB Curriculum with best composite score of 1270 SAT or 28 ACT • AICE Diploma Recipients (based on exams taken prior to high school graduation) • Students who have completed the AICE Curriculum with best composite score of 1270 SAT or 28 ACT • Students who have attended a home education program according to s. 1002.41, F.S., registered with the district during grades 11 and 12, with best composite score of 1270 SAT or 28 ACT • GED with best composite score of 1270 SAT or 28 ACT and a 3.5 weighted GPA in the above 15 required credits • 3‐year standard college preparatory program with best composite score of 1270 SAT or 28 ACT and a 3.5 weighted GPA in the above 15 required credits 96 BRIGHT FUTURES: Florida Medallion Scholars Award (FMS) Initial Eligibility Requirements for 2009 High School Applicants (Initial Eligibility Requirements must be met prior to graduation from a Florida high school.) Award Amount A student may receive funding for only one award (FAS, FMS, or GSV). The highest award earned by the student will be selected. Note: Award Amounts will differ at quarter or clock hour institutions. Grade Point Average (GPA) Weighting for more challenging higher level courses is prescribed by law as .25 per course per semester or .50 per course per year. Required Credits See the Comprehensive Course Table on the Bright Futures website to identify courses that count toward each award level. Public Community College ‐ An award equal to 100% of tuition and allowable fees for college credit courses leading to an associate degree (excluding summer term). Other Public Institutions – An award equal to 75% of tuition and allowable fees (excluding summer term). Private Institution ‐ Fixed award amount based on 75% of the average tuition and allowable fees covered at a comparable Florida public institution (excluding summer term) prorated by term and hours. 3.0 weighted GPA using the credits and test scores listed below, combined with the test score listed below. NOTE‐ GPA's are not rounded. Courses must include 15 credits of college preparatory academic courses. 4 English (3 with substantial writing) 3 Mathematics (Algebra I and above) 3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab) 3 Social Science 2 Foreign Language (in the same language) 15 Credits May use up to 3 additional credits from courses in the academic areas listed above as well as AP, IB, or AICE fine arts courses to calculate a higher GPA. No requirement. Best composite score of 970 SAT Reasoning Test (based on the combined Critical Reading and Math sections only) or 20 ACT (excluding the writing section). Community Service Test Scores Sections of the SAT, ACT, or CPT from different test dates may be used to meet the test criteria. NOTE‐ The new writing sections for both the SAT and ACT will not be used in the For spring eligibility evaluations, test dates composite. SAT Subject Tests are not used for Bright Futures eligibility. ACT scores are through the end of January will be admissible. rounded up for scores with .5 and higher; SAT scores do not require rounding. For summer eligibility evaluations, test dates through the end of June will be admissible. Other Ways to Qualify Initial eligibility criteria used in "Other Ways to Qualify" must be met by high school graduation. Contact the Bright Futures office for further details. • • • • • • • National Merit or Achievement Scholars and Finalists and National Hispanic Scholars who have not completed 75 hours of community service Students who have completed the IB Curriculum with best composite score of 970 SAT or 20 ACT AICE Diploma Recipients who have not completed 75 hours of community service Students who have completed the AICE Curriculum with best composite score of 970 SAT or 20 ACT Students who have attended a home education program according to s. 1002.41, F.S., registered with the district during grades 11 and 12, and: • Have a best combined score of 1070 SAT or 23 ACT or • Have a best combined score of 970 SAT or 20 ACT with a 3.0 weighted GPA in the above 15 required credits (documented through Florida public, FDOE‐ registered private, FLVS or dual enrollment transcripts) GED with best composite score of 970 SAT or 20 ACT and a 3.0 weighted GPA in the above 15 required credits 3‐year standard college preparatory program with best composite score of 970 SAT or 20 ACT and a 3.0 weighted GPA in the above 15 required credits 97 BRIGHT FUTURES: Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award (GSV)* Initial Eligibility Requirements for 2009 High School Applicants (Initial Eligibility Requirements must be met prior to graduation from a Florida high school.) Award Amount A student may receive funding for only one award (FAS, FMS, or GSV). The highest award earned by the student will be selected. Note: Award Amounts will differ at quarter or clock hour institutions. Grade Point Average (GPA) Weighting for more challenging higher level courses is prescribed by law as .25 per course per semester or .50 per course per year. Public Institution – An award equal to 75% of tuition and allowable fees (excluding summer term). Private Institution ‐ Fixed award amount based on 75% of the average tuition and allowable fees covered at a comparable Florida public institution (excluding summer term) prorated by term and hours. 3.0 weighted GPA using the 15.5 credits listed below for a 4‐year Diploma and a 3.5 unweighted GPA in a minimum of 3 vocational credits in one vocational program, combined with the test scores listed below. (See "Other Ways to Qualify" listed below for 3‐year graduation options.) NOTE‐ GPAs are not rounded. Required Credits 4‐year Diploma** See the Comprehensive Course Table on the Bright Credits must be the 15.5 core credits required for high school graduation. Futures website to identify courses that count toward each award level. 4 English 3 Mathematics (including Algebra I) 3 Natural Science 3 Social Science (Am. Hist., World Hist., Am. Govt., and Economics) 1 Practical Arts OR 1 Performing Arts OR .5 credit in each .5 Life Management Skills .5 Personal Fitness .5 Physical Education 15.5 Credits Plus a minimum of 3 Vocational Job‐Preparatory or Technology Education Program credits in one vocational program. (See "Other Ways to Qualify" listed below for 3‐year graduation options.) Community Service No requirement Test Scores Students must earn the minimum score on each section of the CPT or SAT or ACT. Sections Sections of the CPT, SAT, or ACT, from different of different test types may not be combined. test dates may be used to meet the test criteria. For spring eligibility evaluations, test dates through CPT: Reading 83; Sentence Skills 83; Algebra 72 the end of January will be admissible. OR For summer eligibility evaluations, test dates SAT: Reasoning Test: Critical Reading 440; Math 440 through the end of June will be admissible. OR ACT: English 17; Reading 18; Math 19 Other Ways to Qualify The other ways to qualify listed below must also include a 3.5 unweighted GPA in a Initial eligibility criteria used in "Other Ways to minimum of 3 vocational credits in one vocational program and minimum test scores listed Qualify" must be met by high school above. graduation. 3‐yr Career Preparatory Diploma** with 3‐yr College Preparatory Diploma with 3.0 3.0 weighted GPA using the 13 core credits weighted GPA using the 15 core credits Contact the Bright Futures office for further required for graduation listed below: required for graduation listed below: details. **NOTE: For other diploma options established by 4 English ( 3 with substantial writing) 4 English ( 3 with substantial writing) legislative sessions, visit 3 Mathematics (including Algebra I) 3 Mathematics (Algebra I and above) www.MyFloridaEducation.com/brfuture/acadrequire.htm 3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab) 3 Natural Science (2 with substantial lab) 3 Social Science 3 Social Science 13 Credits 2 Foreign Language (in same language) 15 Credits GED with 3.0 weighted GPA using the core credits required for your selected high school graduation option (standard, career, or college). 98 OTHER STATE OF FLORIDA FINANCIAL AID PROGRAMS You can apply for all State of Florida financial aid programs, including the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program, by completing the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application online at www.FloridaStudentFinancialAid.org. There are three steps in the process: 1. Complete the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application. Once you submit your application you will receive a list of programs for which you will be considered and a User ID and PIN to check the status of your application; 2. Follow through with needed information and certifications, adhering to individual program deadlines; and 3. Monitor the status of your application online with your assigned User ID and PIN. If you have questions about filing the Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application or about Florida state scholarship and grant programs, you may call toll‐free 1‐888‐827‐2004 for assistance. Remember to also file the FAFSA. Most federal financial aid programs and some Florida programs require you to complete the FAFSA. The FAFSA is available online at www.fasfa.ed.gov, or you can get a copy from your high school guidance counselor or college financial aid advisor. William L. Boyd, IV, Florida Resident Access Grant Description: The William L. Boyd, IV, Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG) provides tuition assistance to Florida residents enrolled as undergraduate students at eligible private, non‐profit Florida colleges or universities. The amount of the FRAG award cannot exceed the total amount of tuition and fees charged by the institution. The annual amount of a FRAG award is a maximum of $2,837 for the 2008‐09 award year. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Meet Florida's general eligibility requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 4. Enroll at a private, non‐profit Florida college or university accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools in a program of study other than divinity or theology for a minimum of 12 credit hours per term; and 5. Submit an application to the financial aid office of the institution by the established deadline. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, met the institution's definition of satisfactory academic progress and earned the equivalent of 12 credit hours for each term an award was received during the previous academic year. Florida Student Assistance Grants Description: The Florida Student Assistance Grants (FSAG) are need‐based grants provided to degree‐seeking, resident, undergraduate students. FSAG is comprised of four individual grants based upon the type of institution eligible to participate. The annual amounts of these grants range from $200‐$1,916 for the 2008‐09 award year. 1. The Florida Public Student Assistance Grant is available to part‐time and full‐time students who attend a Florida public community college or state university; 2. The Florida Public Postsecondary Career Education Student Assistance Grant Program is available to part‐time and full‐time students with need who are enrolled in certificate programs of at least 450 clock hours or 15 credit hours at participating community colleges or career centers operated by district school boards; 3. The Florida Private Student Assistance Grant is available to full‐time students who attend an eligible Florida eligible private, non‐profit, four‐year college or university; and 99 4. The Florida Postsecondary Student Assistance Grant is available to full‐time students who attend an eligible Florida private college or university that offers degrees and is not eligible under the FSAG‐Private. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Meet Florida's general eligibility requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 4. Enroll for a minimum of 12 credit hours per term if attending an eligible Florida private institution; 5. Enroll for a minimum of six credit hours per term if attending a Florida community college or state university; 6. Enroll for a minimum of 180 clock hours or six credit hours per term in a certificate program of at least 450 clock hours or 15 credit hours at a community college or career center operated by a district school board; and 7. Demonstrate financial need by submitting a fully completed FAFSA (without errors) by the deadline established by the postsecondary institution the student attends. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and the equivalent of 12 credit or the equivalent in clock hours for full‐time enrollment, six credit or the equivalent in clock hours for half‐time, and nine credit or the equivalent in clock hours for three‐quarter‐time enrollment for each term an award was received during the previous academic year. José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund Description: The José Martí Scholarship Challenge Grant Fund provides financial assistance to Hispanic‐American high school seniors and graduate students who demonstrate financial need, meet scholastic requirements, and enroll for undergraduate or graduate study at an eligible Florida school. The amount of the grant is $2,000 per academic year for a maximum of eight terms over a period of six consecutive years. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Meet Florida's general eligibility requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Be a person of Spanish culture who was born in, or whose natural parent was born in Mexico, Spain, or a Hispanic country of the Caribbean, Central America, or South America, regardless of race; 4. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 5. Have earned a minimum unweighted cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale at the end of the seventh semester in high school or, if a graduate applicant, have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for undergraduate college level courses; 6. Enroll at an eligible Florida public or private college or university for a minimum of 12 credit hours of undergraduate study or nine credit hours of graduate study; 7. Demonstrate financial need by submitting a FAFSA (without errors) in time to be processed by the May 15 deadline; and 8. Submit an Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application to the Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance by April 1 during the last year of high school for undergraduate assistance, or by April 1 prior to the academic year for which the funds are requested for graduate study. The high school or college must certify the applicant's grade point average online. A renewal applicant must have earned a grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and the equivalent of 12 credit hours for each term an award has been received during the previous academic year for undergraduate study or nine credit hours for graduate study. Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program Description: The Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship Program is a highly competitive scholarship, which provides scholarships to outstanding high school graduates who show promise of continued academic achievement. Each public, 100 private, and district office for home‐educated students and GED recipients in Florida may nominate one applicant to compete for a Robert C. Byrd Honors Scholarship. The Department will rank nominees based on cumulative, unweighted GPA multiplied by test scores. SAT test scores are converted to ACT test scores. Scholarships will be equitably distributed so that each of five geographic regions of the state has a proportionate share of awards. The scholarship provides awards for postsecondary study up to a maximum of four years (or 8 terms). The award amount is $1,500 for the 2008‐09 academic year, as determined by the U.S. Department of Education. This award may be used at eligible Florida and out‐of‐state postsecondary institutions. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Be a U.S. citizen or national or provide evidence from the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service that the student is a permanent resident of the United States; or is in the United States for other than a temporary purpose and has the intention of becoming a citizen or permanent resident; 2. Meet Florida's residency requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 4. Enroll full‐time at an eligible Florida or non‐Florida public or private nonprofit postsecondary institution; 5. Submit an Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application for this program to the Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance by April 15 of the last year in high school. The high school principal must certify the applicant's grade point average and test score information and nomination by May 15; and 6. Be selected by the high school principal as the high school's nominee by May 15. Each high school submits nominations electronically and may nominate only one Byrd applicant. In addition, each school district may nominate only one home schooled or one GED student. Eligible initial applicants will be awarded after all eligible renewal applicants. An equitable number of initial scholarships will be awarded in each of the five designated geographical areas of the state. Applicants are ranked by highest GPA multiplied by ACT/converted SAT scores within their respective regions. A renewal applicant must have made Satisfactory Academic Progress during the previous academic year as determined by the institution attended. Florida Work Experience Program Description: The Florida Work Experience Program (FWEP) is a need‐based program that provides eligible Florida students the opportunity to secure work experiences that are complementary to and reinforce the students' educational programs and career goals. The student's award in combination with all other resources shall not exceed the student's net financial need. The student's earnings shall not exceed the FWEP award by more than $300 per academic year. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Meet Florida's general eligibility requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree unless the student is enrolled in an educator preparation institute (EPI); 4. Enroll in an eligible participating Florida public or private college or university, an educator preparation institute, or a certificate program of at least 450 clock hours or 15 credit hours at a community college or career center operated by a district school board for a minimum of six credit or 180 clock hours; 5. Demonstrate financial need by completing a FAFSA (without errors) by the deadline specified by the institution; and 6. Submit, if applicable, an application to the institution by the deadline established by the institution. 101 The amount of the award is determined by the institution's financial aid office. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and a minimum of six credit hours or 180 clock hours per term in the previous academic year. Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship Program Description: The Mary McLeod Bethune Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to Florida residents who enroll as full‐time undergraduate students, meet scholastic requirements, demonstrate financial need, and attend Bethune‐Cookman University, Edward Waters College, Florida A&M University, or Florida Memorial University. The annual award to each recipient is $3,000 for up to eight semesters or 12 quarters over a period of six consecutive years. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 3. Have earned a minimum, unweighted cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in high school; 4. Submit an application as specified to the institution by the deadline established by the institution; 5. Enroll at Bethune‐Cookman University, Edward Waters College, Florida A&M University, or Florida Memorial University for a minimum of 12 credit hours per term; and, 6. Demonstrate financial need as specified by the institution. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and have earned the equivalent of 12 credit hours for each term an award was received during the previous academic year. Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans and Servicemembers (CSDDV) • Description: Scholarships for Children and Spouses of Deceased or Disabled Veterans and Servicemembers provides scholarships for dependent children and unremarried spouses of Florida veterans or servicemembers whose official military and residency status have been certified by the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs, as Florida residents for one year immediately preceding the time of death or determination of 100% disability, and either died as a result of service‐connected injuries, diseases or disabilities sustained while on active duty or have a service‐connected 100% permanent and total disability. Dependent children whose parent became classified as prisoner of war or missing in action in the Armed Forces of the United States or as a civilian personnel captured while serving with the consent or authorization of the United States Government during wartime service are also eligible. The annual amount of the scholarship is equivalent to the cost of tuition and fees at an eligible public Florida postsecondary institution. This scholarship may be received for a maximum of 110% of a student's program of undergraduate study. Eligibility: The child or spouse must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Meet Florida's general eligibility requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 4. Enroll in an undergraduate degree or certificate program; 5. Be a dependent child or spouse of a qualified veteran as certified by the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs; 6. Enroll in an eligible Florida postsecondary institution for a minimum of six credit hours, or the equivalent, per term; and 7. Submit an Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application to the Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance by April 1 of the year prior to the academic year, which the scholarship is sought. The Florida Department of Veterans Affairs must certify the applicant's status online. 102 Additional eligibility requirements for children. The child must: 1. Be between the ages of 16 and 22. 2. Receive educational opportunity until such a time as the parent so classified as prisoner of war or missing in action is returned alive or until classified otherwise. Additional eligibility requirements for spouses of deceased service members. The spouse must: 1. Be unremarried; 2. Have been, with the service member, a Florida resident for one year immediately preceding the service member’s death and whose military and residency status are certified with the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs; and 3. Apply for the scholarship within five years after the service member’s death. Additional requirements for spouses of disabled service members. The spouse must: 1. Have been married to the disabled service member for one or more years; 2. Have been, with the service member, a Florida resident for one year immediately preceding the occurrence of the service member’s disability and whose military and residency status are certified with the Florida Department of Veterans Affairs; and 3. Accept scholarship funding only during the duration of the marriage and up to the point of termination of the marriage by dissolution or annulment. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale and have earned at least the equivalent of six credit hours or 180 clock hours per term, or the equivalent, for each term an award was received during the academic year. Rosewood Family Scholarship Program Description: The Rosewood Family Scholarship provides financial assistance for a maximum of 25 eligible minority students to attend a Florida state university, public community college, or public postsecondary vocational‐technical school. Students who are direct descendants of African‐American Rosewood families affected by the incidents of January 1923 will receive priority for awards. The annual award is the cost of tuition and fees or $4,000, whichever is less, for up to eight semesters. Eligibility: An applicant must: 1. Be a minority individual belonging to one of the following race/ethnic categories: Black, not of Hispanic origin; Hispanic; Asian or Pacific Islander; American Indian; or Alaskan native; 2. Not have previously received a baccalaureate degree; 3. Enroll full‐time at an eligible postsecondary institution in a program of study leading to an undergraduate degree, a certificate, or a diploma; 4. Complete the FAFSA (without errors) to demonstrate financial need, in time to be processed by the U.S. Department of Education by May 15; 5. Submit an Initial Student Florida Financial Aid Application for this program to the Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance by April 1 of the year prior to the academic year of which the scholarship is sought; and 6. Applicants must provide copies of documents of ancestry by April 1. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, and have earned the equivalent of 12 credit hours per term or 80% of the clock hours for which the recipient was awarded each term the previous year. 103 Ethics in Business Scholarship Program Description: The Ethics in Business Scholarship Program provides assistance to undergraduate college students who enroll at community colleges and eligible Florida colleges and universities. Scholarships are funded by private and state contributions. Awards are dependent on private, matching funds. Eligibility: An applicant must be enrolled at a community college or an eligible Florida college or university. Contact the financial aid office or the foundation office at participating institutions for further information. Access to Better Learning and Education (ABLE) Grant Program Description: The Access to Better Learning and Education Grant Program (ABLE) provides tuition assistance to Florida undergraduate students enrolled in degree programs at eligible private Florida colleges or universities. ABLE is a decentralized program, and each participating institution determines application deadlines and student eligibility. The annual amount of an ABLE award is a maximum of $1,182 for the 2008‐09 award year. Eligibility: The student must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Meet Florida's general eligibility requirements for receipt of state aid; 3. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 4. Enroll for a minimum of twelve (12) credit hours per term at an eligible Florida college or university in a baccalaureate degree program; 5. Submit an application to the financial aid office of the institution where enrolled by the deadline date established by the institution; and 6. Not be enrolled in a program of study leading to a degree in theology or divinity. A renewal applicant must have earned a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale, met the institution's definition of satisfactory academic progress and earned the equivalent of 12 credit hours for each term an award was received during the previous academic year. First Generation Matching Grant Program Description: The First Generation Matching Grant Program (FGMG) provides need‐based grants to undergraduate students who are enrolled in state universities and community colleges and whose parents have not earned baccalaureate degrees. Available state funds are contingent upon matching contributions from private sources on a dollar‐for‐dollar basis. Eligibility: The student must: 1. Meet Florida residency requirements for receipt of state aid and be a U.S. citizen or eligible non‐citizen; 2. Not have previously received a baccalaureate or higher degree; 3. Be a first generation college student. A student is considered "first generation" if neither of the student's parents earned a college degree at the baccalaureate level or higher. A student would also be eligible if he/she regularly resided with and received support from only one parent who did not earn a baccalaureate degree; 4. Be accepted at a state university or community college; 5. Enroll for a minimum of six credit hours per term as a degree‐seeking undergraduate student; 6. Meet additional eligibility requirements as established by the postsecondary institution; 7. Submit, if applicable, an application to the institution by the deadline established by the institution; and 8. Demonstrate financial need by completing a FAFSA (without errors) by the deadline specified by the institution. Students should consult the postsecondary institution for renewal requirements established by the institution. 104 Community Colleges 105 FLORIDA’S COLLEGE SYSTEM LOCATION MAP 20 4 17 • Pensacola 27 16 7 Tallahassee • Jacksonville 12 9 22 24 • Gainesville 3 5 13 25 • Orlando 19 Tampa y10 28 1 21 23 14 Florida’s College System 1. Brevard Community College, Cocoa 2. Broward College, Ft. Lauderdale 3. Central Florida Community College, Ocala 4. Chipola College, Marianna 5. Daytona State College, Daytona Beach 6. Edison College, Fort Myers 7. Florida Community College at Jacksonville, Jacksonville 8. Florida Keys Community College, Key West 9. Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City 10. Hillsborough Community College, Tampa 11. Indian River State College, Fort Pierce 12. Lake City Community College, Lake City 13. Lake‐Sumter Community College, Leesburg 14. Manatee Community College, Bradenton 15. Miami Dade College, Miami 16. North Florida Community College, Madison 17. Northwest Florida State College, Niceville 18. Palm Beach Community College, Lake Worth 19. Pasco‐Hernando Community College, New Port Richey 20. Pensacola Junior College, Pensacola 21. Polk College, Winter Haven 22. St. Johns River Community College, Palatka 23. St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg 24. Santa Fe College, Gainesville 25. Seminole Community College, Sanford 26. South Florida Community College, Avon Park 27. Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee 28. Valencia Community College, Orlando 26 • Fort 11 18 Ft. Myers y 6 2 15 • Miami 8 106 OVERVIEW Florida’s 28 community colleges are an integral part of the state system of postsecondary education. They prepare students for transfer to a university or for entry into jobs requiring special skills. Students may earn an Associate in Arts (AA), an Associate in Science (AS), or an Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree by completing a two‐year program of study. Specialized career and technical programs culminating in certificates are also offered in diverse areas such as laser optics, radiology, and law enforcement. Additionally, several community colleges have been granted authority to award baccalaureate degrees in limited program areas that meet workforce needs such as nursing, teaching, and technology. Florida’s College System includes 28 colleges with over 175 sites and approximately 2,000 other service delivery centers. In 2007‐08, there were 796,932 enrolled students, with 247,914 in the AA degree program. Most students in Florida’s College System are graduates of Florida high schools, including a large number of valedictorians and honors students. The following pages provide information that high school guidance counselors will find helpful in advising high school students who are interested in entering community colleges in Florida. A student interested in particular institutions or academic programs in the system should contact the registrar or director of admission at the institution in which he or she wishes to enroll. Special attention should be paid to the requirements, opportunities, and provisions listed in this Handbook. Although not all of the information will affect every student entering the colleges, the information is provided to encourage students to become more aware of educational opportunities and to plan their educational programs. GENERAL ADMISSION INFORMATION Admission to an associate degree program requires a standard high school diploma, a high school equivalency diploma (GED), a certificate of completion that specifically stipulates eligibility for the Common Placement Test, or previously demonstrated competency in college‐credit postsecondary course work. Home‐schooled students should submit an affidavit signed by the student’s parent or legal guardian attesting that the student has completed a home education program. It is strongly advised that students wishing to enroll in a community college AA, AS, or AAS degree program take the same college preparatory courses designated by the State University System (SUS). (See the University section for the list of courses designated by the SUS.) Failure to complete the college prep curriculum does not preclude admission to a community college; however, students who lack this preparation may need to take college‐preparatory (remedial) classes after high school graduation and before enrollment in college‐credit courses. All entering freshmen in AA, AS, and AAS degree programs take a placement test. Students who do not pass the placement test are assigned to remedial, non‐degree credit instruction offered by the college. Once the student passes the course and an institutionally developed test, he or she can enroll in a degree program. Beginning with the 2008‐09 school year, high school students with an intent to continue to college may be eligible to take a placement test in the 11th grade. Students who pass the test will not be re‐tested once admitted to a community college (test scores will be valid for 2 years). Students who do not pass will be given an opportunity to enroll in college preparatory (remedial) courses before graduating from high school. Admission of Students with Disabilities ‐ Each community college district board of trustees has substitute admission and graduation policies and procedures for students with certain disabilities that prevent them from meeting requirements for admission to the institution, for admission to the program of study, for entry to upper‐division, or for graduation. All students enrolling in a degree program are required to take a placement exam, there is no substitution for this exam. Students with documented learning disabilities may be eligible for accommodations to assist with completion of the exam. Students should contact the Disability Support Services office at their institution for information and assistance (see Sections 1007.264, F.S., 1007.265, F. S. and Rule 6A‐10.041, FAC). Housing ‐ Information about the availability of on‐campus and/or off‐campus housing can be accessed at each community college website or by calling the campus. 107 Community College Programs with Limited Enrollment Capacity (sometime called Limited Access Programs) ‐ Some community colleges offer programs in which there are limited spaces available for student enrollment. Admission to such programs is competitive and generally is based on high school grades or community college grade point average, and in some instances, on results of standardized tests. Students should consult with the individual colleges regarding limited access programs. Residency and Tuition ‐ Students in Florida’s community colleges pay a fee on a per‐credit‐hour basis. Student fees at community colleges are lower than the fees established by the SUS. Maximum fees are established by the Florida State Board of Education based on legislative intent expressed in the annual Appropriations Act. Students who are not residents of Florida must pay out‐of‐state tuition. To qualify as a resident for tuition purposes, an independent student, or his or her parent/guardian if the student is classified as dependent, must have established and maintained legal residence in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months prior to the first day of classes for the term in which the student is registered at a community college. For students seeking Florida residency, the student or parent/guardian must provide residency documentation, including proof that the student’s presence in the state is not solely for the purpose of attending an institution of higher education (see Section 1009.21, F.S., and Rule 6A‐10.044, FAC). Acceleration – College students can receive full postsecondary credit for passing scores on certain national standardized tests, such as those in the CLEP; completion of institutional or departmental examinations for which credit for courses can be awarded; and demonstration of competency achieved through experiential learning. High school students can receive postsecondary credit for passing scores on Advanced Placement exams administered by the College Board; dual enrollment course credit including credits earned through early admission from a community college or university prior to graduation from high school; and passing scores in the IB and AICE Program exams.; Students may receive credit for any combination of the above (Rule 6A‐14.031, F.A.C.). Immunization ‐ Postsecondary institutions must provide information concerning the risks associated with meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B and the availability, effectiveness, and known contraindications of any required or recommended vaccine associated with those diseases, to every student accepted for admission. For enrolled students residing in on‐campus housing, documentation of vaccinations against meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B must be provided unless 1) the individual is 18 years of age or older or 2) the parent declines the vaccinations for a minor by signing a separate waiver provided by the institution for each of the vaccines, and acknowledges receipt and review of the information provided. Postsecondary institutions are not responsible for providing or paying for the vaccine (see Section 1006.69, F.S.). College Preparatory Instruction ‐ Students who intend to enter degree programs must achieve minimum cut‐off scores established in State Board Rule on one of the following approved tests before being permitted to enroll in college‐level courses in math, reading or writing. 1. Florida College Entry‐Level Placement Test (CPT); 2. Enhanced ACT; OR 3. SAT‐I. Community college students who do not achieve the specified cut‐off scores on these tests must enroll in approved college‐preparatory courses that will help students develop the skills necessary for college‐level courses. Satisfactory completion of the college preparatory courses yields no credit toward a degree (see Rule 6A‐10.0315, FAC). Career and Technical Preparatory Instruction ‐ Students enrolled in a career and technical certificate program of 450 clock hours or more must be tested to determine whether they have the minimal level of basic skills needed for successful completion of the program. The designated examinations for assessment of a student’s mastery of basic skills are: 108 1. 2. 3. 4. Florida College Entry‐Level Placement Test (CPT); Multiple Assessment Placement Service (MAPS); Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) Wonderlic Basic Skills Test (WBST), 1994. Students who lack the minimal level of skills as measured by the above‐mentioned tests must enroll in career and technical preparatory courses designated to correct the deficiency. Upon completion of the instruction, students may be re‐tested using the same examination administered for initial testing. The specific level of basic skills necessary in math and language are defined in each career and technical certificate program description adopted under Rule 6A‐ 6.0571, FAC (see Rule 6A‐10.040, FAC). College‐Level Instruction and Testing ‐ Students in an AA degree program must demonstrate mastery of college‐level competencies in communication and computation subject areas before graduating from a Florida community college or university. Students can demonstrate these competencies by taking the CLAST. Students may be exempt from the CLAST by fulfilling one of the following requirements: 1. Obtaining a passing score on a nationally standardized examination; OR 2. Demonstrating successful remediation of any academic deficiencies identified by the College Placement Test and achieving a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above in designated postsecondary course work. Foreign Language Requirement for Transfer to State Universities ‐ Community college students intending to transfer to a public university must satisfy a university admission requirement of completion of two credits of sequential high school foreign language instruction or the equivalent before entering the university. This requirement is outlined in Section 1007.262, F.S., which states all students shall have two years of a high school foreign language or its equivalent in order to be admitted to any one of Florida’s public universities. Eight to ten community college credits in one foreign language will meet the university foreign language requirement for admission. Those students intending to transfer to a state university are encouraged to meet the foreign language requirement before they transfer. Any AA degree graduate from a public community college admitted to a university without meeting the foreign language requirement must earn such credits prior to graduation from a state university. An alternate method for students to demonstrate equivalent foreign language competence is by means of a foreign‐language examination, such as those offered through the College Board’s CLEP exams, approved by the college. Degrees and Certificates Awarded ‐ The AA degree is the transfer degree of the community colleges. It is the primary basis for admission of transfer students for upper‐division study in a state university. The AA degree is awarded upon completion of 60 college credits (including 36 credits in liberal arts and sciences. also called general education courses); achievement of a grade point average of 2.0 in all courses attempted and in all courses taken at the institution awarding the degree; completion of specified college‐level English and Mathematics courses; and demonstrated mastery of college‐level competencies in communication and computation (see Rule 6A‐10.024, FAC). The award of the AA degree is based upon satisfaction of specific college‐level English and Mathematics courses with a grade of "C" or higher. The specific courses, as indicated in Rule 6A‐10.030, FAC, include 12 credits of English coursework and six credit hours of Mathematics course work at the level of College Algebra or higher (see Rule 6A‐ 10.030, FAC). For purposes of this rule, an English course is defined as any semester‐length course within the general study area of humanities. The AS degree is earned through a student’s satisfactory completion of a planned program of instruction consisting of college‐level courses to prepare for entry into the workforce. The AS degree is awarded upon completion of at least 60 college credits as determined by program of study (including at least 15 credits in general education courses) and 109 demonstration of the attainment of predetermined and specified performance requirements (see Rule 6A‐14.030, FAC). Selected AS degrees articulate with baccalaureate degrees under the provisions of Rule 6A‐10.024(5) (b), FAC. The AAS degree is awarded to a student who satisfactorily completes a planned program of study consisting of college‐ level courses to prepare for entry into employment. The AAS degree is awarded upon completion of the standard credit hour length established for a program of study and demonstration of the attainment of predetermined and specified performance requirements. The Career and Technical Certificate is awarded to a student who satisfactorily completes a planned program of instruction consisting of non‐college‐credit postsecondary career and technical courses. The courses in the career and technical certificate programs prepare students for employment. Career and technical certificates are available at many community colleges, as well as at area career and technical centers assigned to public school boards (see Rule 6A‐ 14.030, FAC). Selected baccalaureate degrees are offered at several Florida community colleges as provided for in Sections 1007.33 and 1004.73, F.S. Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and Bachelor of Applied Science (B.A.S.) degrees are offered in critical workforce areas such as nursing, teaching, and technology. Currently, Chipola College, Daytona Beach College , Edison College, Florida Community College at Jacksonville, Indian River State College , Miami Dade College, Northwest Florida State College (formerly Okaloosa‐Walton College), and St. Petersburg College offer selected baccalaureate degrees. Prospective students can find a listing and links including some information on baccalaureate degrees offered at community colleges by accessing http://www.fldoe.org/cc/students/bach_degree.asp. For more detailed information, contact individual colleges on programs currently being offered. Financial Aid ‐ Community college policies encourage and support every effort to remove financial barriers to pursuing postsecondary education. Therefore, each community college has a student financial aid office that provides assistance to students who qualify. Several types of assistance, including scholarships and grants, loans, and student employment, are available through state, federal, and local sources for students who qualify for financial aid. All high school students interested in attending a college are encouraged to apply to qualify for federal financial aid through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASFA) available online at http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. Dual Enrollment ‐ Community colleges share responsibility with secondary schools in Florida for dual enrollment programs. These programs are for eligible high school students to take postsecondary courses for which they receive high school and postsecondary credit. Students, parents and guidance counselors are encouraged to consider the student’s postsecondary goals and reference guidance documents, such as the Dual Enrollment Course Equivalency List, in order to align dual enrollment course selection with postsecondary goals. Career and technical certificate programs are also closely coordinated with high school offerings to ensure a smooth transition for career and technical students from high school to community colleges. The Bright Futures Comprehensive Course Table is an important reference for students planning to dual enroll in career and technical certificate programs. See the section "College Credit Programs for High School Students" of this Handbook for more information. TRANSFER TO FOUR‐YEAR INSTITUTIONS Transfer to State Universities ‐ One method for students to access the SUS is through the community colleges. Approximately 50% of the students in upper‐division courses at the universities are community college transfers. A statewide Articulation Agreement, which is a contract between the SUS and the Florida College System, creates a "2‐ plus‐2" system. In other words, students earn a bachelor’s degree by earning an AA at a community college then transferring to a state university for the upper‐division coursework. The agreement protects the credits earned by students during their freshman and sophomore years at the community colleges. It guarantees that students who complete the AA degree will be admitted to one of the state universities and that they will not have to repeat courses already satisfactorily completed at a community college. Admission to a specific program is not guaranteed through this statewide articulation agreement. Students should be made aware of 110 the required common prerequisites for entry into specific baccalaureate degree programs to ensure a smooth transition. The Statewide Course Numbering System maintains course equivalencies for all public postsecondary institutions and participating nonpublic institutions. Courses with the same prefix and last three digits are guaranteed to transfer. The Articulation Coordinating Committee, which includes representatives from community colleges, universities, career and technical centers, and school districts oversees all articulation activities. This committee recommends policies to remove barriers and facilitate student transitions. Transfer to Private Colleges and Universities ‐ Community college graduates with an associate degree can also easily transfer course credits to many private colleges or universities. The Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) have maintained an articulation agreement with the community colleges since 1992. The agreement guarantees that students with an associate degree transfer as juniors, receive 60 credit hours toward their baccalaureate degree, and receive recognition for the general education taken at the community college. These non‐profit, Florida‐based colleges and universities include: Barry University, Bethune‐Cookman College, Clearwater Christian College, Eckerd College, Edward Waters College, Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University, Flagler College, Florida College, Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences, Florida Institute of Technology, Florida Memorial University, Florida Southern College, Hodges University, Jacksonville University, Lynn University, Nova Southeastern University, Palm Beach Atlantic University, Rollins College, Saint Leo University, St. Thomas University, Southeastern University, Stetson University, The University of Tampa, Warner Southern College, and Webber International College. The University of Phoenix, a for‐ profit national university, signed a similar articulation agreement with the Florida’s College System in 1999. Keiser University and Strayer University (also for‐profit national universities) signed articulation agreements in 2007. In 2008 the Division of Community Colleges signed another statewide articulation agreement with the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities and provides articulation avenues for students seeking advanced degrees in nursing. HOW TO GET A BACHELOR'S OR HIGHER DEGREE AT A COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS Location shouldn't be a barrier for place‐bound students wanting to pursue a bachelor's or higher degree. Florida students can take upper‐level and graduate courses through more than 510 programs located on community college campuses. These programs enable students to remain on a community college campus and receive the upper‐level and graduate instruction they need to complete a bachelor's or higher degree. Broward College, Chipola College, Daytona State College, Edison College, Florida Community College at Jacksonville, Indian River State College, Miami Dade College, Northwest Florida State College, Palm Beach Community College, and St. Petersburg College have all received authority to offer their own bachelor degrees in certain areas. In most cases, however, the degrees are provided through a partnership between a community college and a public or private four‐year institution. Some community colleges have even established an on‐site "university center" through which students may receive academic advising, financial aid assistance, and other student services. Below is a list of community college baccalaureate programs and concurrent‐use partnerships, bachelor's level or higher, that are self‐reported by community colleges and universities as of April 2008, to be offered in the 2008‐09 school year. IMPORTANT: In order to provide the most accurate information to students, please be sure to check with the individual institution for program updates using the contact information listed in each community college heading. Chart Symbols: *Denotes baccalaureate degree offered directly by the community college, not through a partnering college/university. +Denotes some of the courses for the program are offered on the community college campus and some are on the four‐ year institution campus. If this designation does not appear, all courses for the program are offered on the community college campus. BREVARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program +Accounting (Core) +Administration +Aerospace Engineering Partnering Institution University of Central Florida Barry University University of Central Florida 111 Location Cocoa Palm Bay, Titusville Cocoa Betsy Wetzel (321) 433‐7402 Degree Offered BS BS BS Applied Science +Applied Sociology Business Administration +Business Administration Business Administration Communicative Disorders Computer Science Counseling Criminal Justice Early Childhood Education Education Leadership Engineering Technology/Oerations Exceptional Child Ed./Varying Exceptionalities +Finance Health Services Administration Industrial Engineering & Mgmt Systems +Information Technology Interdisciplinary Studies Interpersonal/Organizational Communication Legal Studies +Liberal Studies + Management Management & Leadership +Marketing Mathematics Education + Mechanical Engineering + Management Information Systems Nursing Political Science Psychology +Public Administration Public Administration Reading Education Social Science Education Sociology BROWARD COLLEGE Name of Program Accounting Architecture Biology Business Communication Computer Arts Computer Arts in Animation, Graphic Design Computer Engineering Computer Science +Counselor Education Criminal Justice +Criminal Justice Curriculum and Instruction Educational Leadership Educational Technology Elementary Education English +English *Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education +Exceptional Student Education Exercise Science Wellness +Exercise Science Wellness University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Webster University University of Central Florida Webster University Webster University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Barry University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Barry University University of Central Florida Webster University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Barry University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Cocoa, Palm Bay Cocoa Cocoa, Palm Bay Cocoa, Palm Bay Palm Bay Cocoa Palm Bay Palm Bay Cocoa Palm Bay Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa Palm Bay Cocoa, Palm Bay Cocoa Cocoa Palm Bay Cocoa Palm Bay Cocoa Cocoa, Palm Bay Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa, Palm Bay Palm Bay Cocoa Cocoa Cocoa, Palm Bay Cocoa Partnering Institution Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Broward College Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Florida Atlantic University Location BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward Central Campus BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward 112 BAS MA BA BS MBA BA, BS MS MA BA, BS BS MEd BS BS BS MS MS BS BA, BS BA BA, BS BLS BA MA BS BS BS BS BSN BA BS BPA MPA MEd BS BA Kevin Doherty (561) 297‐2718 Degree Offered BBA, BS, MAC BArch BA, BS MBA BA MFA BFA BS BS MEd, EdS, EdD BA MS MEd, EdS, EdD MEd, EdS, EdD MEd BAE BA MAT BS BA, BAE MEd, EdD BS, BSE MS +Finance Florida Atlantic University Graphic Design Florida Atlantic University Health Administration Florida Atlantic University History Florida Atlantic University Information Engineering Technology Florida Atlantic University Interdisciplinary Studies: Arts & Humanities Florida Atlantic University Interdisciplinary: Social Science Florida Atlantic University International/Business Florida Atlantic University +International/Business Florida Atlantic University Management Florida Atlantic University Management Information Systems Florida Atlantic University Marketing Florida Atlantic University Marketing Advertising Florida Atlantic University Marketing Retailing Florida Atlantic University Marketing Sales Florida Atlantic University *Middle Grades Mathematics Broward College *Middle Grades Science Broward College Multicultural Education Florida Atlantic University Non‐Profit Management Florida Atlantic University Nursing Florida Atlantic University Political Science Florida Atlantic University Psychobiology Florida Atlantic University Psychology Florida Atlantic University Public Mgmt/Public Admin Florida Atlantic University Reading Education Florida Atlantic University *Secondary Biology Broward College +Secondary Biology Florida Atlantic University +Secondary English Education Florida Atlantic University *Secondary Mathematics Broward College +Secondary Mathematics Education Florida Atlantic University Social Foundations of Education Florida Atlantic University Social Work Florida Atlantic University +Social Work Florida Atlantic University Sociology Florida Atlantic University Taxation Florida Atlantic University Urban & Regional Planning Florida Atlantic University CENTRAL FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Partnering Institution Accounting St. Leo University Applied Science University of Central Florida Business University of Florida Business Administration Florida Southern College Business Administration St. Leo University Business Administration University of Central Florida Business Administration Webster University Business Administration (Account, Mgt, Market) St. Leo University Business Administration‐Financial Mgmt Florida Southern College Business Admin‐IT Management Florida Southern College Business Admin‐Management Florida Southern College Business Admin‐Marketing Florida Southern College Computer Information Systems St. Leo University Counseling Webster University Criminal Justice St. Leo University Educational Leadership St. Leo University Educational Studies Florida Southern College Elementary Education St. Leo University Elementary Education University of Central Florida Exceptional Student Education Barry University Finance Webster University Health Administration Webster University 113 BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward Central Campus Central Campus BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward Central Campus BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward Central Campus BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BCC/FAU Broward BBA, BS MFA BHS BA BIET BA BA BBA, BS MS BBA, BS BBA, BS BBA BBA BBA BBA BS BS MEd MNM BS, MS BA BS BS BPM, MPA, PhD MEd BS BA, BAE BA, BAE BS BA, BAE MEd BSW MSW BA MTX BURP, MURP Dr. Sharon Cooper (352) 854‐2322, ext. 1223 Location Degree Offered Ocala CFCC Campus BA Ocala CFCC Campus BAS Distance Learning BABS Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BA Ocala CFCC Campus BA Ocala Metro Campus MA Ocala CFCC Campus BA, MA Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala Metro Campus MA Ocala CFCC Campus BA Ocala CFCC Campus MA Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BA Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala CFCC Campus BS Ocala Metro Campus MS Ocala Metro Campus MA Human Resource Development Human Resource Management Human Services Interdisciplinary Studies Management and Leadership Middle School Education (Eng, Math & Soc Sci) Nursing ‐ RN to BSN MPsychology Reading Secondary Education ‐ Mathematics Secondary Education ‐ Social Science CHIPOLA COLLEGE Name of Program Criminal Justice *Elementary Education *Exceptional Student Education *General Business Management *Middle School Mathematics (5‐9) *Middle School Science (5‐9) *Nursing *Secondary Education Math (6‐12) *Secondary Science ‐ Biology (6‐12) DAYTONA STATE COLLEGE Name of Program +Accounting Applied Science Business Administration +Business Administration Clinical Psychology Criminal Justice Early Childhood Education Educational Leadership *Elementary Education Elementary Education *Exceptional Student Education Exceptional Student Education +Finance Health Sciences +Health Services Administration +Hospitality Management +Information Technology Interdisciplinary Studies +Interpersonal/Organizational Communication Legal Studies +Management +Marketing Mathematics Education Nursing Photography Political Science Psychology Reading Education *Secondary Biology Education *Secondary Chemistry Education *Secondary Earth/Space Science Education *Secondary Mathematics Education *Secondary Physics Education Social Science Education Social Sciences Webster University Webster University St. Leo University University of Central Florida Webster University St. Leo University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Barry University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Ocala Metro Campus Ocala Metro Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala Metro Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Ocala CFCC Campus Partnering Institution University of West Florida Chipola College Chipola College Chipola College Chipola College Chipola College Chipola College Chipola College Chipola College Dr. Kitty Myers (850) 718‐2260 Location Degree Offered Chipola University Center BA Main Campus BS Main Campus BS Main Campus BAS Main Campus BS Main Campus BS Main Campus BS Main Campus BS Main Campus BS Partnering Institution University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Daytona State College University of Central Florida Daytona State College University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Daytona State College Daytona State College Daytona State College Daytona State College Daytona State College University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Angela Kennerly (386) 506‐3223 Location Degree Offered Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BAS Daytona Beach Campus BA, PMBA Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus MA Daytona Beach Campus BA, BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus MEd, EdD Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus MS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BA, BS Daytona Beach Campus BA Daytona Beach Campus BA, BS Daytona Beach Campus BA Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BSN Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BA Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus MEd Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS Daytona Beach Campus BS 114 MA MA BA BA, BS MA BA BS BA, BS MS BS BS Social Work University of Central Florida Sociology University of Central Florida *Supervision and Management Daytona State College EDISON COLLEGE Name of Program Partnering Institution Accounting Franklin University Administration, Human Resources Barry University Applied Management Franklin University Applied Science and Technology Thomas Edison State College Banking St. Petersburg College Business Administration Franklin University Business Administration Thomas Edison State College Business Administration University of Florida Computer & Information Science Florida State University Computer Science Franklin University Criminal Justice Florida Gulf Coast University Digital Communication Franklin University +Elementary Education Barry University +Elementary Education Florida Gulf Coast University *Elementary Education Edison College Health Administration Hodges University Health Care Management Franklin University Health Science Nova Southeastern University Human Resources Management Franklin University Health Services Barry University Human Services Thomas Edison State College Information Systems Management Hodges University Information Technology Management Franklin University Interdisciplinary Social Sciences Florida State University Interdisciplinary Studies Hodges University Legal Studies Florida Gulf Coast University Legal Studies Hodges University Liberal Arts & Sciences Charter Oak State College Liberal Arts & Sciences Thomas Edison State College Management Hodges University Management Information Sciences Franklin University Marketing Franklin University *Nursing Edison College Nursing Florida State University *Public Safety Management Edison College Psychology Barry University +Psychology Barry University Public Administration Barry University +Public Administration Barry University *Secondary Biology Education Edison College *Secondary Mathematics Education Edison College *Supervision and Management Edison College FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE AT JACKSONVILLE Name of Program Partnering Institution *Computer Networking Florida CC at Jacksonville *Fire Science Management Florida CC at Jacksonville *Nursing Florida CC at Jacksonville *Supervision and Management Florida CC at Jacksonville FLORIDA KEYS COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Partnering Institution +Management Hodges 115 Daytona Beach Campus Daytona Beach Campus Daytona Beach Campus MSW BA BAS Kristen Zimmerman (239) 985‐3475 Location Degree Offered Distance Learning Program BS Collier Campus BPS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BAS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Lee Campus BS Charlotte Campus BA Lee Campus BS Charlotte Campus BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BHSc Distance Learning Program BS Collier Campus BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Charlotte, Lee BS Distance Learning Program BS Lee Campus BS Distance Learning Program BA, BS Distance Learning Program BA Lee, Charlotte BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Lee Campus BS Distance Learning Program BS Lee Campus BAS Collier Campus BLS Lee Campus BLS Collier BPS Lee BPS Lee Campus BS Lee Campus BS Lee Campus BAS Location Main Campus Main Campus Main Campus Main Campus Dr. Nancy Yurko (904) 632‐3261 Degree Offered BAS BAS BS BAS Location Main Campus Linda MacMinn (305) 809‐3285 Degree Offered BS GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE John Mercer (850) 872‐3842 No baccalaureate degree or above programs were offered at Gulf Coast Community College at the time of the report. Please contact the college for the most recent information. HILLSBOROUGH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Maridru Clark (813) 253‐7082 Name of Program Partnering Institution Location Degree Offered Agricultural Education University of Florida Plant City Campus BS Business St. Leo University SouthShore BA Counseling, Mental Health Webster University SouthShore MA Elementary Education St. Leo University SouthShore BA Forest Resources & Conservation University of Florida Plant City Campus MS Geomatics University of Florida Plant City Campus BS, MS +Horticultural Science University of Florida Plant City Campus MS Landscape and Nursery Horticulture University of Florida Plant City Campus BS Natural Resource Conservation University of Florida Plant City Campus BS Social Work St. Leo University SouthShore BA INDIAN RIVER STATE COLLEGE Dr. Mary Locke (772) 462‐4702 Name of Program Partnering Institution Location Degree Offered +Accounting Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BS Business Administration in Management Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BBA, BS Computer Science Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BS Counselor Education Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus MHS Criminal Justice Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BA Criminology and Criminal Justice Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus MS Curriculum and Instruction Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus MEd Educational Leadership Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus MEd Elementary Education Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BAE Exceptional Student Education Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BAE, MEd *Exceptional Student Education w/ESOL Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BS General Finance Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BS Geomatics Engineering Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BS Information Engineering Technology Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BS Marketing Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BS +Medical School Clinical Training, 3rd and 4th Yr Florida State University Ft. Pierce MD *Middle Grades Mathematics Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BS *Middle Grades Science Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BS +Music Therapy Florida State University Ft. Pierce BA Nursing Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BSN, MSN *Nursing Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BS *Organizational Management Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BAS *Secondary Biology Education Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BS *Secondary Mathematics Education Indian River State College Ft. Pierce BS Social Work Florida Atlantic University Joint‐Use/SLW Campus BSW LAKE CITY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Charles Carroll (386) 754‐4477 Name of Program Partnering Institution Location Degree Offered Business Administration St. Leo University Lake City BAS Business Admin – Accounting Specialization St. Leo University Lake City BA Business Admin – Management Specialization St. Leo University Lake City BA Computer Information Systems St. Leo University Lake City BS Criminal Justice St. Leo University Lake City BA Educational Leadership St. Leo University Lake City MA Elementary Education St. Leo University Lake City BA Health Care Administration St. Leo University Lake City BS Human Services Administration St. Leo University Lake City BA Middle Grades Education St. Leo University Lake City BA Psychology St. Leo University Lake City BA 116 LAKE‐SUMTER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Applied Science Business Administration Business Administration Early Childhood Education Elementary Education Elementary Education Human Services Administration Interdisciplinary Studies Nursing Psychology Secondary Education – Mathematics Secondary Education – Social Sciences Sports & Fitness MANATEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program +Applied Science +Criminal Justice +Educational Leadership +Elementary Education +General Business +Interdisciplinary Social Sciences +Psychology MIAMI DADE COLLEGE Partnering Institution University of Central Florida St. Leo University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida St. Leo University University of Central Florida St. Leo University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Dr. Wellington Estey (352) 365‐3520 Location Degree Offered South Lake Campus BAS Leesburg BA South Lake Campus BA South Lake Campus BS Leesburg Campus BA Leesburg, South Lake BS Leesburg Campus BA South Lake Campus BA, BS Leesburg Campus BSN South Lake Campus BS South Lake Campus BS South Lake Campus BS South Lake Campus BS Partnering Institution University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida Location Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Venice Name of Program Acting Art/Art Studies General Dance Drawing Electronic Intermedia *Exceptional Student Education Graphic Design Music‐Piano Music‐Strings and Guitar Music‐Voice and Opera Music Composition Music Performance General (Instrumental) Music Theater Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture *Nursing *Public Safety Management *Secondary Education – Biology (6‐12) *Secondary Education – Chemistry (6‐12) *Secondary Education – Earth Science (6‐12) *Secondary Education – Mathematics (6‐12) *Secondary Education – Physics (6‐12) NORTH FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Business Administration and Management Educational Leadership Elementary Education Elementary Education Partnering Institution New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF Miami Dade College New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF New World School of the Arts/UF Miami Dade College Miami Dade College Miami Dade College Miami Dade College Miami Dade College Miami Dade College Miami Dade College Mollie DeHart (305) 237‐3715 Rosario Roman (305) 237‐3529 Location Degree Offered Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA InterAmerican Campus BS Wolfson Campus BM Wolfson Campus BM Wolfson Campus BM Wolfson Campus BM Wolfson Campus BM Wolfson Campus BM Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Wolfson Campus BFA Medical Center BS North Campus BAS InterAmerican Campus BS InterAmerican Campus BS InterAmerican Campus BS InterAmerican Campus BS InterAmerican Campus BS Partnering Institution St. Leo University Florida A&M University Florida A&M University St. Leo University Location Madison Madison Madison Madison 117 Teri Bouwer (941) 752‐5301 Degree Offered BS BA MEd BA BA BA BA John Grosskopf (850) 973‐1603 Degree Offered BA MEd BS BA Human Services Administration St. Leo University NORTHWEST FLORIDA STATE COLLEGE Name of Program Partnering Institution +Accounting University of West Florida Computer Engineering University of West Florida +Computer Science University of West Florida Criminal Justice University of West Florida Electrical Engineering University of West Florida *Elementary Education Northwest Florida State College Elementary Education University of West Florida Environmental Studies University of West Florida Exceptional Education University of West Florida +Finance University of West Florida Hospitality, Recreation & Resort Mgmt. University of West Florida Management University of West Florida *Middle Grades Math/Science Education Northwest Florida State College *Nursing Northwest Florida State College *Project Management Northwest Florida State College +Psychology University of West Florida PALM BEACH COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Partnering Institution +Early Childhood Education Florida Atlantic University +Math Education (6‐12) Florida Atlantic University Professional Mental Health Counseling Webster University +Science Education ‐ Biology (6‐12) Florida Atlantic University *Supervision and Management Palm Beach Community College PASCO‐HERNANDO COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Partnering Institution Business Administration St. Leo University +Criminal Justice Hodges University Criminal Justice St. Leo University Elementary Education University of South Florida Health Services Administration Barry University +Interdisciplinary Studies Hodges University +Management Hodges University +Management Hodges University +Management Hodges University Public Administration Barry University PENSACOLA JUNIOR COLLEGE Name of Program Environmental Horticulture Natural Resource Conservation +Nursing Turfgrass Science POLK COLLEGE Partnering Institution University of Florida University of Florida University of West Florida University of Florida Name of Program Adult Education Applied Science Business Administration Business Administration Marketing +Civil Engineering Communication Criminology Partnering Institution University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida Madison Melinda Stein (850) 729‐5366 Location Degree Offered Fort Walton Beach Campus BSBA Fort Walton Beach Campus BSCE Fort Walton Beach Campus BS Fort Walton Beach Campus BA Fort Walton Beach Campus BSEE Niceville Campus BS Fort Walton Beach Campus BA Fort Walton Beach Campus BA Fort Walton Beach Campus BA Fort Walton Beach Campus BS Fort Walton Beach Campus BS Fort Walton Beach Campus BSBA Niceville Campus BS Niceville Campus BS Niceville Campus BAS Fort Walton Beach Campus BA Location Lake Worth Lake Worth Belle Grade Lake Worth Lake Worth Karen Lippe (561) 868‐3735 Degree Offered BA BA MA BA BAS Burt Harres (727) 816‐3490 Location Degree Offered Brooksville BS Dade City BS Brooksville BS New Port Richey BA Brooksville BS Brooksville, New Port Richey BS Brooksville, Dade City BS Brooksville, Dade City BS New Port Richey BS, MS Brooksville BPA Dr. Martin Gonzalez (850) 484‐4436 Dr. Marcia Williams (850) 484‐2230 Location Degree Offered Milton Campus BS Milton Campus BS Warrington Campus BS Milton Campus BS 118 BA Location Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Charles Lyles (863) 667‐7085 (USF) (863) 297‐1010 Ext. 5901 (Barry) Degree Offered MA BSAS BA, BS, MBA BA BA BA BA Educational Leadership Elementary Education Guidance and Counselor Education Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering Information Technology Interdisciplinary Social Science +Mechanical Engineering Psychology Public Administration Reading Teacher Education Social Work +Visual and Performing Arts ST. JOHNS RIVER COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Business Administration – Accounting Business Administration – Health Services Mgmt Business Administration – Management Major Computer Information Systems Criminology Educational Leadership Elementary Education Human Services Middle Grades Education Psychology ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGE Name of Program Acquisition and Contract Management Administration Adult Education Aeronautical Science American Studies *Banking Business Business Business Administration Business Administration Business Management – Information Systems Business Management *Business Technology Education (6‐12) Center of Philanthropy Computer Science Construction Engineering Tech Criminal Justice Criminology Criminology Dental‐DMD Residency Dental‐Foreign Trained Dentists *Dental Hygiene Educational Leadership *Educational Studies Electronic Engineering Technology *Elementary Education Engineering Technology Exercise Science *Exceptional Student Education General Business Health Sciences Health Services Administration Hospitality Management University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida Barry University University of South Florida University of South Florida University of South Florida Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Winter Haven Lakeland Lakeland Lakeland Partnering Institution St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University Dr. Edward Jordan (386) 312‐4055 Location Degree Offered SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BS SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus MA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA SJRCC‐Palatka Campus BA Partnering Institution Florida Institute of Technology Barry University University of South Florida Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Eckerd College St. Petersburg College Florida State University University of South Florida St. Leo University University of Florida Eckerd College Eckerd College St. Petersburg College Indiana University Florida State University Florida A&M University Florida Gulf Coast University Florida State University University of South Florida University of Florida University of Florida St. Petersburg College Florida State University St. Petersburg College Florida A&M University St. Petersburg College University of Central Florida Barry University St. Petersburg College University of South Florida Florida Gulf Coast University Barry University Florida International University Catherine Kennedy (727) 394‐6202 Location Degree Offered Distance Learning Program MS Seminole Campus BPS, MA Seminole Campus MS Seminole Campus MS Seminole Campus BA EPI Center BAS Distance Learning Program MBA Seminole Campus MBA Seminole Campus BA Distance Learning Program BS Seminole Campus BA Seminole Campus BA Clearwater Campus BS Gibbs Campus MA Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program MS Allstate Campus MA Seminole Campus DMD Seminole Campus DMD Health Ed Center BAS Distance Learning Program MS Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon BS Distance Learning Program BS Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon BS Distance Learning Program BS Gibbs, Seminole BS, BPS, MS Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon BS Seminole Campus BA, BS Distance Learning Program BS, MS Seminole Campus BPS Seminole Campus BS, MS 119 MEd BS, MA MA BS BS BA BA BA BPA MA MSW BA Human Development Human Resources Human Resources Management Humanities Information Systems Tech Information Technology Instructional Technology *Interdisciplinary Health and Human Studies *International Business Leadership and Education Legal Studies Library Science Logistics Management Management *Management and Organizational Leadership Management Information System Management/Risk Management and Insurance *Middle Grades Mathematics Education *Middle Grades Science Education Nursing *Nursing Nursing Forensics Nursing Practice *Orthotics and Prosthetics *Paralegal Studies Pharmacy Physician Assistant Professional Administration Professional Aeronautics Public Administration Public Administration *Public Safety Administration *Secondary Education ‐ Biology *Secondary Education ‐Mathematics Social Work Special Education Sport Management Sport Management *Technology Education (6‐12) Technical Management *Technology Management Transportation Management *Veterinary Technology Visual Disabilities SANTA FE COLLEGE Name of Program Accounting Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Business Administration Business and Organizational Security Mgt Computer Information Science Counseling Criminal Justice Elementary Education (K‐6) Entrepreneurship & Family Business Health Care Administration Human Resources Administration Human Services Eckerd College Barry University Florida Institute of Technology Eckerd College University of Central Florida Barry University University of South Florida St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg College Barry University Florida Gulf Coast University University of South Florida Florida Institute of Technology Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. St. Petersburg College Florida State University Florida State University St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg College University of South Florida St. Petersburg College Cleveland State University Case Wesern Reserve Univ. St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg College University of Florida Barry University Barry University Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Barry University Florida Gulf Coast University St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg College St. Petersburg College University of South Florida University of South Florida Barry University Barry University St. Petersburg College Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. St. Petersburg College Florida Institute of Technology St. Petersburg College Florida State University Seminole Campus Seminole Campus Distance Learning Program Seminole Campus Distance Learning Program Seminole Campus Distance Learning Program Health Ed Center Tarpon Campus, EPI Center Seminole Campus Distance Learning Program Seminole Campus Distance Learning Program Seminole Campus EPI Center Distance Learning Program Distance Learning Program Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon Distance Learning Program Health Ed Center Distance Learning Program Health Center Health Center Clearwater Campus Seminole Campus Health Center Seminole Campus Seminole Campus Seminole Campus Distance Learning Program Allstate Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon Gibbs, St. Pete, Tarpon Seminole Campus Seminole Campus Gibbs, Seminole Seminole Clearwater Campus Seminole Campus EPI Center Distance Learning Program Health Ed Center Seminole Campus Partnering Institution St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University University of Florida Webster University Webster University St. Leo University Webster St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University St. Leo University Martha Morton (352) 395‐5176 Location Degree Offered Gainesville BA Gainesville BA Distance Learning Program MBA Distance Learning Program BS Distance Learning Program MBA Distance Learning Program MA Gainesville BS Gainesville MA Gainesville BA Gainesville BA Gainesville BA Gainesville BS Gainesville BA Gainesville BA 120 BA BPS MS BA BS BPS MEd, EdS BAS BAS PhD BS MA MS MS BAS MS MS BS BS BSN, MSN BS MS DNP BAS BAS PharmD MS BS BS BS, MPA MPA BAS BS BS BS, MSN MA BS, MS BPS BS BS BAS MS BAS BS, MS Media Communications Middle Grades Education Nursing Professional Administration Psychology SEMINOLE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Applied Science Administration +Administration Business Administration Criminal Justice Elementary Education Interdisciplinary Studies Legal Studies Mathematics Education Nursing +Public Administration Social Science Education SOUTH FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program +Business Administration Business Administration Counseling Educational Leadership Educational Leadership Elementary Education Public Administration Reading TALLAHASSEE COMMUNTIY COLLEGE Name of Program Accounting +Administration Aeronautical Science Business Administration Criminal Justice Elementary Education Elementary Education/Special Education Information Technology +Legal Studies Professional Aeronautics +Professional Studies Public Administration Technical Management VALENCIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE Name of Program Applied Science Business Administration +Electrical Engineering Elementary Education Liberal Studies Mathematics Education Psychology Social Science Education Webster University St. Leo University University of Central Florida Barry University St. Leo University Partnering Institution University of Central Florida Barry University Barry University University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Barry University University of Central Florida Distance Learning Program MA Gainesville BA Distance Learning Program BS, MSN Gainesville BA Gainesville BA Craig Simpson (407) 708‐2693 Location Degree Offered Sanford/Lake Mary BS Sanford/Lake Mary BS Sanford/Lake Mary BPS Sanford/Lake Mary BA Sanford/Lake Mary BA, BS Sanford/Lake Mary BS Sanford/Lake Mary BA, BS Sanford/Lake Mary BA, BS Sanford/Lake Mary BS Altamonte BSN Sanford/Lake Mary BS Sanford/Lake Mary BS Partnering Institution Webber International University Webster University Webster University Barry University University of South Florida University of South Florida Barry University University of South Florida Location Highlands Highlands Highlands Highlands Highlands Highlands Highlands Highlands Partnering Institution Flagler College Barry University Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Flagler College St. Leo University Flagler College Flagler College Barry University Barry University Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Barry University Barry University Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical Univ. Location Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Tallahassee Partnering Institution University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida University of Central Florida Location Osceola, West Osceola, West West Osceola Osceola, West Osceola Osceola, West Osceola 121 Laura White (863) 784‐7154 Degree Offered BA MA MA PhD MA BA BA MA Scott Balog (850) 201‐6087 Degree Offered BA BS MS BA BA BA BA BS BS BS BA BA, MPA BS Dr. Karen Borglum (407) 823‐1582 Degree Offered BS BA BS BS BA BS BA BS 2008‐09 COMMUNITY COLLEGE CONTACT INFORMATION Brevard Community College 1519 Clearlake Rd Cocoa, FL 32922‐6597 Main: (321) 632‐1111 Admission: (321) 632‐1111 www.brevardcc.edu Broward College 111 East Las Olas Blvd Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 Main: (954) 201‐7400 Admission: (954) 201‐7491 www.broward.edu Central Florida Community College 3001 South West College Rd Ocala, FL 34474 Main: (352) 873‐5800 Admission: (352) 873‐5801 www.cfcc.cc.fl.us Chipola College 3094 Indian Circle Marianna, FL 32446‐2053 Main: (850) 526‐2761 Admission: (850) 718‐2211 www.chipola.edu Daytona State College 1200 W International Speedway Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Main: (386) 506‐3000 Admission: (386) 506‐3059 www.dbc.edu Edison College 8099 College Parkway SW Fort Myers, FL 33919 Main: (800) 749‐2322 or (239) 489‐9300 www.edison.edu Florida Community College at Jacksonville 101 West State St Jacksonville, FL 32202‐4030 Main: (904) 633‐8100 Admission: (904) 997‐2500 www.fccj.edu Florida Keys Community College 5901 College Rd Key West, FL 33040‐4397 Main: (305) 296‐9081 Admission: (305) 809‐3188 www.fkcc.edu Gulf Coast Community College 5230 West Highway 98 Panama City, FL 32401‐1058 Main: (850) 769‐1551 Admission: (850) 872‐3892 www.gulfcoast.edu Hillsborough Community College 4001 Tampa Bay Blvd Tampa, FL 33614 Main: (813) 253‐7000 Admission: (813) 253‐7004 www.hccfl.edu Indian River State College 3209 Virginia Ave Fort Pierce, FL 34981‐5596 Main: (772) 462‐4700 Admission: (772) 462‐7460 www.ircc.edu Lake City Community College 149 SE College Place Lake City, FL 32025‐8703 Main: (386) 752‐1822 Admission: (386) 754‐4287 www.lakecitycc.edu Lake‐Sumter Community College 9501 US Highway 441 Leesburg, FL 34788‐8751 Main: (352) 787‐3747 Admission: (352) 323‐3665 www.lscc.edu Manatee Community College 5840 26th St W Bradenton, FL 34206‐1849 Main: (941) 752‐5000 Admission: (941) 752‐5000 www.mccfl.edu 122 Miami Dade College 300 North East Second Ave Miami, FL 33132‐2296 Main: (305) 237‐3000 Admission: (305) 237‐3644 www.mdc.edu North Florida Community College 1000 Turner Davis Dr Madison, FL 32340‐1602 Main: (850) 973‐1600 Admission: (850) 973‐1622 www.nfcc.edu Northwest Florida State College 100 College Blvd Niceville, FL 32578 Main: (850) 678‐5111 Admission: (850) 729‐4922 www.owc.edu Palm Beach Community College 4200 Congress Ave Lake Worth, FL 33461‐4796 Main: (866) 576‐7222 or (561) 967‐7222 Admission: (561) 868‐3300 www.pbcc.edu Pasco‐Hernando Community College 10230 Ridge Rd New Port Richey, FL 34654‐5199 Main: (727) 847‐2727 Admission: (727) 816‐3371 www.phcc.edu Pensacola Junior College 1000 College Blvd Pensacola, FL 32504‐8898 Main: (888) 897‐3605 or (850) 484‐1000 Admission: (850) 484‐1600 www.pjc.edu Polk College 999 Ave H, NE Winter Haven, FL 33881‐4299 Main: (863) 297‐1000 Admission: (863) 297‐1000 www.polk.edu Santa Fe College 3000 NW 83rd St Gainesville, FL 32606‐6200 Main: (352) 395‐5000 Admission: (352) 395‐5444 www.sfcc.edu Seminole Community College 100 Weldon Blvd Sanford, FL 32773‐6199 Main: (407) 328‐4722 Admission: (407) 328‐2050 www.scc‐fl.edu South Florida Community College 600 West College Dr Avon Park, FL 33825‐9399 Main: (863) 453‐6661 Admission: (863) 784‐7408 www.sfcc.cc.fl.us St. Johns River Community College 5001 St. Johns Ave Palatka, FL 32177‐3897 Main: (386) 312‐4200 Admission: (386) 312‐4030 www.sjrcc.cc.fl.us St. Petersburg College 6605 5th Ave N St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Main: (727) 341‐3600 Admission: (727) 712‐5896 www.spcollege.edu Tallahassee Community College 444 Appleyard Dr Tallahassee, FL 32304‐2895 Main: (850) 201‐6200 Admission: (850) 201‐8555 www.tcc.fl.edu Valencia Community College 1800 S Kirkman Road Orlando, FL 32811 Main: (407) 299‐5000 Admission: (407) 582‐1507 www.valencia.cc.fl.us CAREER AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMS OFFERED IN FLORIDA COMMUNITY COLLEGES Career and technical programs leading to the award of the AS degree, AAS degree, or a career and technical certificate vary from institution to institution. The table on the following pages shows the specific AS/AAS degree and certificate programs offered in Florida’s College System, listed by abbreviated college title. For public school district‐operated career and technical programs, see Section E in this Handbook. The following are the official titles of the colleges referenced on the table. College Abbreviations Used In Chart BREV Brevard Community College, Cocoa BROW Broward College, Ft. Lauderdale CFLA Central Florida Community College, Ocala CHIP Chipola College, Marianna DAYT Daytona State College, Daytona Beach EDIS Edison College, Ft. Myers FJAX Florida Community College at Jacksonville FKEY Florida Keys Community College, Key West GULF Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City HILL Hillsborough Community College, Tampa INDR Indian River State College, Ft. Pierce LCTY Lake City Community College, Lake City LSUM Lake‐Sumter Community College, Leesburg MANA Manatee Community College, Bradenton MIAM Miami Dade College, Miami NFLA North Florida Community College, Madison OKAL Northwest Florida State College, Niceville PALM Palm Beach Community College, Lake Worth PASC Pasco‐Hernando Community College, New Port Richey PENS Pensacola Junior College, Pensacola POLK Polk College, Winter Haven 123 STJO St. Johns River Community College, Palatka STPE St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg SANF Santa Fe College, Gainesville SEMI Seminole Community College, Sanford SFLA South Florida Community College, Avon Park TALL Tallahassee Community College, Tallahassee VALE Valencia Community College, Orlando Key to Hours/Awards CLK Clock Hours SSH Student Semester Hour, equivalent to a college credit PSAV Postsecondary Adult Vocational, used for non‐college‐credit job preparatory programs (also known as Career and Technical Certificate) CC College Credit Certificate AAS Associate in Applied Science AS Associate in Science ATD Applied Technology Diploma ATC Advanced Technical Certificates B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E A/C, REFRIG., & HEATING APPR APPRENTICE ACADEMY OF INTERN. MARKETING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X ACCOUNTING APPLICATIONS X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X ACCOUNTING OPERATIONS CLK/PSAV CERT. X ACCOUNTING TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X ACCOUNTING TECHNOLOGY OPERATIO ACCOUNTING TECHNOLOGY SPECIALI SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X ADDICTION STUDIES SSH/CC CERT. X X ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X AGRIBUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X AGRICULTURAL PROD TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X AIR CARGO MANAGEMENT SSH/CC CERT. X AIR COND/REFRIG/HEAT ASST. SSH/CC CERT. X AIR COND/REFRIG/HEAT SYSTEM SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE AIR COND/REFRIG/HEAT TECH. SSH/CC CERT. AIRCRAFT AIRFRAME CLK/PSAV CERT. MECHANICS AIRCRAFT POWERPLANT MECHANICS CLK/PSAV CERT. X X AIRLINE/AVIATION X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X 124 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE MANAGEMENT APPLIED TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST APPLIED WELDING TECHNOLOGIES E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E SSH/CC CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X HOURS/AWARD AQUACULTURE MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X AQUACULTURE TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. ARCH DESIGN/CONSTRUCTION TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X ARSON INVESTIGATOR CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X AS IN DATABASE TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE ASSESS & SAFETY COMPLIANCE SPC SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X AUDIO TECHNOLOGY X X SSH/CC CERT. AUTO. COLLISION REPAIR & REF. CLK/PSAV CERT. AUTOCAD FOUNDATIONS TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE MGT TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNOLOGY AUX. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X AVIATION ADMINISTRATION SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X AVIATION MAINTENCE MGMT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X AVIATION OPERATIONS SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X AVIONICS CLK/PSAV CERT. X X BAIL BOND AGENT CLK/PSAV CERT. X X BAKING & PASTRY ARTS SSH/CC CERT. X BAKING & PASTRY MGMT SSH/A.S. DEGREE X BANKING SSH/A.S. DEGREE X BANKING MANAGEMENT SSH/CC CERT. X BANKING OPERATIONS SSH/CC CERT. X BANKING SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. X X BARBERING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X BASIC ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN SSH/CC CERT. BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT ENGINEER SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/ATC X X X 125 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD SSH/A.S. DEGREE R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E X X X X BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT TECH CLK/PSAV CERT. X BIOTECHNOLOGY X SSH/ATC SSH/A.S. DEGREE BIOTECHNOLOGY LABORATORY TECH SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X BIOTECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. X BRICK AND BLOCK MASONRY BRICK AND BLOCK MASONRY APPR CLK/PSAV CERT. X X APPRENTICE X X X X BROADCAST PRODUCTION BUILDING CONST. TECHNOLOGIES BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SPECIALT SSH/CC CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X BUILDING CONSTRUCTION TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BUSINESS COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X BUSINESS MANAGEMENT SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X BUSINESS OPERATIONS SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X BUSINESS SPECIALIST BUSINESS SUPERVISION AND MGMT SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X CABLE INSTALLATION CARDIOVASCULAR/CARDIO‐ PULMONARY SSH/CC CERT. X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X CARPENTRY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X CARPENTRY MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X CARPENTRY APPR CHEMICAL LABORATORY SPECIALIST APPRENTICE X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY CHILD CARE CENTER MANAGEMENT CHILD CARE CENTER OPERATIONS CHILD DEVELOPMENT EARLY INTERV SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X CISCO CCNA CERTIFICATE CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X CNC MACHINIST SSH/CC CERT. COMM/INDUSTRIAL INSULATION APP APPRENTICE X X 126 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E COMMERCIAL ART TECHNOLOGY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X COMMERCIAL VEHICLE DRIVING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X COMPUTER ENGINEERING TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X COMPUTER INFORMATION ADMINISTR SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X COMPUTER INTEGRATED MANUFACTUR SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SSH/CC CERT. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING & ANALYSI SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/ATC X COMPUTER PROGRAMMING SPECIALST SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X COMPUTER SPECIALIST COMPUTER SYSTEM TECHNOLOGY CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY ASST. CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY TECH. CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICITY ASST. CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICITY MGMNT CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICITY TECH. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TECH. SSH/CC CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X CORRECTIONAL OFFICER CORRECTIONAL PROBATION OFFICER CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X COSMETOLOGY COURT REPORTING TECHNOLOGY CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X CRIME SCENE TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X CRIME SCENE TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CRIMINAL JUSTICE TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CULINARY ARTS SSH/CC CERT. X CULINARY MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X CULINARY OPERATIONS CLK/PSAV CERT. X CULINARY OPERATIONS APPR APPRENTICE X X X 127 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E CUSTOMER ASSISTANCE TECH CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MGMT CLK/PSAV CERT. SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X CUSTOMER SERVICE REP CUSTOMER SERVICE TECHNOLOGY CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/ATD X X DATA BASE TECHNOLOGY DATABASE/E COMMERCE SECURITY SSH/ATC X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE DEALER SPECIFIC AUTOMOTIVE TEC SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X DENTAL ASSISTING DENTAL ASSISTING NON ACCREDITE CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X DENTAL HYGIENE SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X DENTAL LABORATORY TECH & MGMT SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X DIAGNOSTIC MED SONOGRAPHY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/ATC X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X DIAGNOSTIC SONOGRAPHY SPEC SSH/CC CERT. X X X X DIETETIC MGMT & SUPERVISION CLK/PSAV CERT. X X DIETETIC TECHNICIAN SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X DIGITAL DESIGN DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA VIDEO PROD CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X X X DIGITAL VIDEO FUNDAMENTALS SSH/CC CERT. DIGITAL/MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/ATC X DIVING BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X DRAFTING & DESIGN TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X DRAFTING & DESIGN TECH SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X DRAFTING ARCH DESIGN TECH SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X E BUSINESS SSH/CC CERT. X X X X E BUSINESS SECURITY SSH/CC CERT. X X X E BUSINESS SOFTWARE E BUSINESS SYSTEMS&APPLICATION SSH/CC CERT. X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X E BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X 128 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD SSH/A.S. DEGREE R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E X X EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION CLK/PSAV CERT. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION A.D. SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION APPR APPRENTICE EARLY CHILDHOOD SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE MANAGEMENT X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X EDUCATIONAL ASSISTING SSH/CC CERT. X ELECTRIC LINE SERVICE/REPAIR CLK/PSAV CERT. ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTATION CLK/PSAV CERT. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION ADV/CR SSH/CC CERT. ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE ELECTRICAL SSH/CC CERT. DISTRIBUTIONBAS/CR X X X X X X X ELECTRICAL LINE SERV/REP APPR APPRENTICE ELECTRICAL POWER TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X ELECTRICIAN CLK/PSAV CERT. X ELECTRICIAN APPR APPRENTICE X ELECTRICITY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ELECTRONIC SYSTEM ASSEMBLY CLK/PSAV CERT. X ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING TECH X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN EMERGENCY ADMIN & MANAGER EMERGENCY ADMINIST. & MANAG. SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE EMERGENCY MED SERVS ASSOC DEG SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECH SSH/ATD X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECH CLK/PSAV CERT. X X EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN A ENG. TECHNOLOGY ADVANCED TECH ENG. TECHNOLOGY ELECTRONICS SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X CLK/ATD X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X ENG. TECHNOLOGY QUALITY 129 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE ENGINEERING SUPPORT SPECIALIST ENTREPRENEURSHIP MARKETING HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES EQUINE ASSISTANT MANAGEMENT CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X EQUINE STUDIES EVENT PLANNING MANAGEMENT SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/CC CERT. X EYE CARE TECHNICIAN SSH/CC CERT. X FACIALS SPECIALTY CLK/PSAV CERT. X FAMILY CHILD CARE FAMILY HEALTH SUPPORT WORKER FASHION MARKETING MANAGEMENT CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/ATD X X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X FILM PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X FINANCIAL PARA PLANNER SSH/CC CERT. X FINANCIAL SERVICES SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X FIRE APPARATUS OPERATOR CLK/PSAV CERT. X X FIRE FIGHTER II CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X FIRE INSPECTOR CLK/PSAV CERT. X FIRE INSTRUCTOR CLK/PSAV CERT. X FIRE OFFICER I CLK/PSAV CERT. X FIRE SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/ATC X FIRE SPRINKLER DSGN TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X FIRE SPRINKLER SYS TECH APPR APPRENTICE FOOD & BEVERAGES MANAGEMENT SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X FOREST OPERATIONS SSH/CC CERT. X FOREST TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X FUNERAL SERVICES SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X GASOLINE ENGINE SERVICE TECH. GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X SSH/CC CERT. X 130 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E GOLF COURSE OPERATIONS SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X GRAPHIC ARTS TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X GRAPHIC DESIGN SUPPORT SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X GRAPHICS DESIGN PRODUCTION SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X GRAPHICS TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X GUEST SERVICES SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. X X HEALTH CARE SERVICES HEALTH INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SSH/ATD X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X HEALTH SERVICES MANAGEMENT SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/ATC X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR CLK/PSAV CERT. HEAVY DUTY TRUCK/BUS CLK/PSAV CERT. MECHANICS HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION APPR APPRENTICE X X X HISTOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X HOME HEALTH AIDE (CERT) CLK/PSAV CERT. HOMELAND SECURITY EMERG. MNGR. SSH/CC CERT. X HOSPITALITY & TOURISM MGMT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X HUMAN RESOURCES ADMINISTRATOR SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X HUMAN SERVICES SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X HUMAN SERVICES ASSISTANT SSH/CC CERT. X X INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICITY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X INDUSTRIAL MGMT TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X INDUSTRIAL PIPEFITTER APPR APPRENTICE X INFANT TODDLER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMIN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ANALYST INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MGNT SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X 131 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE SPECIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TECH HOURS/AWARD SSH/CC CERT. R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E X X X X X X X X X X X INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE INSURANCE CLAIMS ADJUSTER CLK/PSAV CERT. INSURANCE CUSTOMER SERVICE REP CLK/PSAV CERT. INSURANCE GENERAL LINES AGENT CLK/PSAV CERT. INTERACTIVE MEDIA PRODUCTION SSH/CC CERT. X INTERACTIVE MEDIA SUPPORT X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X INTERIOR DESIGN TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/ATC X INTERNET SERVICES TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE INTERPRETATION STUDIES/ENG SPN SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X IRRIGATION MANAGEMENT SSH/A.S. DEGREE X IRRIGATION TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X IT PROJECT MANAGEMENT KITCHEN & BATH SPECIALIZATION LANDSCAPE & HORTICULTURE PROF LANDSCAPE & HORTICULTURE SPEC LANDSCAPE & HORTICULTURE TECH LANDSCAPE & HORTICULTURE TNLGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X LASER AND PHOTONICS TECHNICIAN SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LEAN SIX SIGMA GREEN BELT SSH/CC CERT. X LEGAL ASSISTING SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X LEGAL ASSISTING SSH/ATC X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X LEGAL SECRETARY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X LIFE INSURANCE MARKETING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X LINE ERECTOR APPR APPRENTICE X LODGING OPERATIONS CLK/PSAV CERT. X MACHINING CLK/PSAV CERT. X MACHINING APPR APPRENTICE X 132 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X MARINE ENG, MGMT & SEAMANSHIP MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOG SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X MARINE TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X MARKETING CLK/PSAV CERT. X MARKETING MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X MARKETING MERCH & PARTS OPER SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X MARKETING OPERATIONS SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X MASSAGE THERAPY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X MECHANICAL DRAFTING CLK/PSAV CERT. X MEDICAL ASSISTING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X MEDICAL CODER/BILLER SSH/ATD X X X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X MEDICAL CODER/BILLER ATD CLK/ATD X X MEDICAL INF CODER/BILLER MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MEDICAL OFFICE MANAGEMENT SSH/CC CERT. MEDICAL RECORD TRANSCRIBING CLK/PSAV CERT. MEDICAL RECORDS TRANSCRIBING SSH/ATD MEDICAL RECORDS TRANSCRIBING A CLK/ATD X X X X X X MEDICAL SECRETARY MICROCOMPUTER REPAIR/INSTALLER CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X MICROSOFT CERTIFIED DBA SSH/CC CERT. X X X X MICROSOFT CERTIFIED MCSD SSH/CC CERT. X X X MIDWIFERY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X MOLD ASSESSMENT SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. X MORTGAGE BROKER CLK/PSAV CERT. X MORTGAGE FINANCE MGMT MOTION PICTURE POST PRODUCTION SSH/CC CERT. X SSH/CC CERT. X MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION SSH/CC CERT. MOTION PICTURE PRODUCTION MGMT SSH/CC CERT. X MULTIMEDIA AUTHORING MULTIMEDIA INSTRUCTIONAL TECH SSH/CC CERT. X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X 133 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION SSH/CC CERT. X MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION MUSIC PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X NAILS SPECIALTY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS (LAN) SSH/CC CERT. NETWORK COMMUNICATIONS (WAN) SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NETWORK SUPPORT SERVICES X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X NETWORK SYSTEMS DEVELOPER SSH/CC CERT. NUCLEAR MEDICINE SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE TECHNOLOGY X X X NUCLEAR MEDICINE TECHNOLOGY SP SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X NURSERY MANAGEMENT CLK/PSAV CERT. X X NURSING SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X SSH/ATC X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X NURSING ASSISTANT NURSING ASSISTANT(ARTICULATED) OCCUPAT. SAFETY & HEALTH TECH OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X OFFICE ADMINISTRATION SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X OFFICE MANAGEMENT SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OFFICE SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X OFFICE SUPPORT OPHTHALMIC LABORATORY TECH SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X OPTHALMIC TECHNICIAN SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X OPTHALMIC TECHNICIAN SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X OPTICAL MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X OPTICIAN SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X ORACLE CERTIFIED DBA SSH/CC CERT. X ORACLE CERTIFIED DBD SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 134 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E PROGRAM TITLE ORACLE SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ORACLE SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR SSH/CC CERT. X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X PARAMEDIC SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PARENTING CLK/PSAV CERT. X PARKS & LEISURE SERVICE TECH SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X PASSENGER SERVICE AGENT SSH/CC CERT. X PATIENT CARE ASSISTANT CLK/PSAV CERT. X PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN CLK/PSAV CERT. X PC SUPPORT SERVICES CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X PEST CONTROL OPERATIONS SSH/ATD X X PHARMACY MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X PHARMACY TECHNICIAN SSH/ATD X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X PHLEBOTOMY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X PHYSICIAN ASSISTING SSH/A.S. DEGREE X PLASTERING APPR PLASTICS ENGINEERING TECHOLOGY APPRENTICE X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X PLUMBING ASSISTANT SSH/CC CERT. X PLUMBING MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X PLUMBING TECHNICIAN SSH/CC CERT. X PLUMBING TECHNOLOGY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X PLUMBING TECHNOLOGY APPR APPRENTICE X X X X X X X POLICE SERVICE AIDE CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X PRACTICAL NURSING CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X PRE SCHOOL SSH/CC CERT. X X X X PRINTING AND GRAPHIC ARTS CLK/PSAV CERT. X PRIVATE SECURITY OFFICER PROFESSIONAL PILOT TECHNOLOGY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X PUBLIC SAFETY TELECOMM. CLK/PSAV CERT. X X RADIATION THERAPY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X 135 B B C C D E F F G H I L L M M N O P P P P S S S S S T V VOCATIONAL PROGRAMS OFFERED BY COMMUNITY COLLEGES PROGRAM TITLE HOURS/AWARD R R F H A D J K U I N C S A I F K A A E O T T A E F A A E O L I Y I A E L L D T U N A L A L S N L J P N M L L L V W A P T S X Y F L R Y M A M A L M C S K O E F I A L E RADIATION THERAPY SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. RADIO/TV BROADCAST PROGRAMMING SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X RADIOGRAPHY SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X SSH/ATC X X REAL ESTATE APPRAISER TRAINEE SSH/A.S. DEGREE X CLK/PSAV CERT. X REAL ESTATE BROKER CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X REAL ESTATE SALES AGENT CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X RECREATION TECHNOLOGY REFRIG & HEATING TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X RESPIRATORY CARE SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X SSH/ATC X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X ROOMS DIVISION MANAGEMENT SAFETY ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X SSH/CC CERT. X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SCHOOL AGE SCHOOL AGE CERTIFICATION TRNG SHEET METAL FABRICATION APPR SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION SSH/CC CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X APPRENTICE X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X X SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X SIMULATION TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SIX SIGMA BLACK BELT CERT SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X SPECIAL FIRESAFETY INSPECTOR CLK/PSAV CERT. X SPORTS AND FITNESS SSH/A.S. DEGREE X STAGE TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X X STRUCTURAL DRAFTING CLK/PSAV CERT. X STRUCTURAL STEEL WORK APPR APPRENTICE X X SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY SURVEYING & MAPPING TECNOLOGY TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENG TECH CLK/PSAV CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X SSH/A.A.S. DEGREE X X X TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECH APPR SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X APPRENTICE X TELEVISION & MEDIA SSH/A.S. 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DEGREE X SSH/ATC X VIDEO EDITING & POSTPRODUCTION VOCATIONAL ED FOR THE DISABLED WASTEWATER TREATMENT TECH WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES SSH/A.S. DEGREE X SSH/CC CERT. X X CLK/PSAV CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X CLK/PSAV CERT. X X X X X X X WEB DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST SSH/CC CERT. X X X X X X X X X X X X WEB PRODUCTION SSH/CC CERT. X X X WEBCAST TECHNOLOGY SSH/CC CERT. X WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS SSH/CC CERT. WIRELESS&IP COMMUNICATION TECH SSH/CC CERT. X CORR OFF TO CORR PROBATIONAL CLK/PSAV CERT. X CORR OFF TO LAW ENF OFFICER CLK/PSAV CERT. X CORR PROB TO LAW ENF OFFICER CLK/PSAV CERT. X LAW ENF OFF TO CORR OFFICER CLK/PSAV CERT. ZOO ANIMAL TECHNOLOGY SSH/A.S. DEGREE X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 137 Colleges & Universities 138 STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM (SUS) OF FLORIDA LOCATION MAP FSU • Pensacola FAMU UNF Tallahassee • Jacksonville UWF UF • Gainesville UCF Tampa y • Orlando USF • Fort NCF State University System UWF FSU FAMU UF UNF UCF USF FAU FIU FGCU NCF University of West Florida, Pensacola Florida State University, Tallahassee Florida A & M University, Tallahassee University of Florida, Gainesville University of North Florida, Jacksonville University of Central Florida, Orlando University of South Florida, Tampa Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton Florida International University, Miami Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers New College of Florida, Sarasota Ft. Myers y FAU FGCU • Miami FIU 139 OVERVIEW – FRESHMAN ADMISSION AND TRANSFERS The State University System (SUS) of Florida is comprised of eleven universities, some with branch campuses and centers located off campus. The SUS is committed to providing educational opportunities of the highest quality for the state's residents. Ten of Florida's eleven public universities offer baccalaureate and selected graduate degrees. New College of Florida, the eleventh university, is an honors college that offers an individually oriented Bachelor of Arts degree with concentrations in a variety of disciplines. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) accredit each institution, and many of the specialized and professional programs are accredited by organizations. Information on the degree programs (majors) provided by each of the individual universities is available directly from the university admission offices. Websites to Locate Regulations Florida Statutes (F.S.), Board of Governors Regulations, and policies can be found in detail on the Internet at www.flbog.edu. Each university has a website that is linked to this website. Board of Governors (BOG) Regulations may be found at www.flbog.edu/about/regulations. Florida Statutes are located at www.leg.state.fl.us. Freshman Admission The state universities have a limit on the number of new students who may be enrolled at the freshman level. As a result of the institutions' space, faculty, resources, and policy limitations, a number of qualified students may be denied admission to one or more of the state universities, but may be accepted for admission by others. Tables showing admission statistics are presented following the list of high school courses at the end of this section. Students with Disabilities Students with disabilities should be aware that they may be able to substitute particular coursework for required high school credit considered for SUS admission under certain circumstances (Section 1007.264, F.S.). Documentation must be provided to show that the student's failure to meet the admission requirement is directly related to his or her disability. Students with any type of disability are invited to contact admission offices while in high school to coordinate completion of the university admission requirements with high school graduation requirements. They are also encouraged to contact the university disability services offices early to determine necessary documentation. Applicants with disabilities for whom part‐time college enrollment status is a necessary accommodation are eligible to apply for state financial aid. Certain requirements have to be met regarding disability documentation. Therefore, applicants should check with the college or university disability or financial aid offices for guidance. Transfer from Community Colleges Many students are admitted to the state universities as transfers from Florida's public community colleges after completing an Associate of Arts (AA) degree. The transfer of students who have earned an AA degree in a Florida community college is governed by the terms of an Articulation Agreement between the SUS of Florida, the Division of Community Colleges. The articulation agreement covers certain associate of science (AS) degrees, but not all. The Agreement guarantees, within certain limitations, priority for graduates of Florida public community colleges with an AA degree. There are some admission limits placed on specific programs within each university (see Limited Access Programs below). A student transferring to a state university without first completing the AA degree must meet the admission requirements for first‐time‐in‐college students (see BOG Regulation 6.002 and http://www.flbog.edu/documents_regulations/guidelines/). Entry‐Level Placement All degree‐seeking first‐time‐in‐college applicants will be tested in reading, writing, and mathematics. Students who fail to meet state standards on the common entry‐level placement tests (CPT) will be placed in college preparatory courses, which do not count towards fulfillment of graduation requirements. Students who earn minimum scores on the SAT/ACT can be exempt from taking the CPT (see Rule 6A‐10.0315, FAC). 140 CLAST and Gordon Rule Students are expected to meet the College‐Level‐Academic‐Skills Testing (CLAST) requirement in communication and mathematics prior to receiving the AA degree or matriculating into upper‐division coursework. There are several mechanisms available for students to show mastery of the required academic skills (see Rule 6A‐10.0311, FAC). Students may earn either passing scores on the CLAST, a 2.5 GPA in designated courses, or minimum scores on the SAT I or Enhanced ACT. The "Gordon Rule" requires students to complete six (6) semester hours of English coursework and six (6) semester hours of additional coursework in which the student is required to demonstrate college‐level writing skills through multiple assignments. S tudents should work with their academic advisor at their postsecondary institution to ensure that courses taken qualify as English, or as part of the additional required coursework that demonstrates writing. E ach undergraduate student must also complete six semester hours of mathematics coursework at the level of college Algebra I or higher (see Rule 6A‐10.030, FAC). Students with certain types of disabilities may request test modification. Disabled students should read the applicable information in the CLAST packet and discuss their needs with the university's test administrator or office for disabled students. Florida Collegiate Admission Application (FCAA) High school students are encouraged to apply to participating state universities using an electronic application. Some universities provide access to the SUS application online. Links to the universities are found through the website located at www.flbog.edu. Applications may also be submitted electronically through the Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students' website at www.FACTS.org. Directions for completing electronic applications vary among universities, but, generally, the student must print out a certification form attesting to the veracity of the information submitted and granting the university authorization to request transcripts and test scores. Some schools send an application validation after the electronic application is received. To claim Florida residency, a parent or guardian must sign the appropriate section. An application fee of $20‐ $30 must be received before the application is processed. Students will need to contact the universities for clarification as to the amount of fees owed. Many universities allow students to waive application fees if they meet certain financial need criteria. Please read each university's directions carefully. Admission Deposit Some of the universities require students to send an admission deposit after the student has been admitted. This non‐ refundable deposit confirms the student's admission standing and is applied toward payment of tuition upon enrollment. The deposit may be waived for those individuals who have provided documentation that they have received an application fee waiver because of economic need, as specified by the university. Florida Residency Status A student's residence at the time of admission determines the amount of tuition that must be paid each semester. A residency statement for fee‐paying purposes, included in the admission application packet, must be completed and returned to the university, according to the instructions, in order for a student to be considered for classification as a Florida resident (see BOG Regulation 7.005). Financial Aid Each university offers financial aid programs. See the Financial Aid section for more detailed information regarding the types of financial aid available. Housing All universities have on‐campus student housing. 141 Immunization Requirements Each student is required to provide documentation of immunity to measles and immunization against rubella prior to registration. The documentation should be submitted as soon as possible to avoid denial or cancellation of registration (see BOG Regulation 6.001(8)). Students (or their parents if the student is a minor) will receive information concerning meningococcal meningitis and hepatitis B from postsecondary educational institutions. If they plan on residing in campus housing, they will be required to show documentation of vaccinations against these two diseases or, if they decline the vaccinations, will be required to sign a waiver acknowledging receipt and review of the information provided (see Section 1006.69, F.S.). Limited Access Programs Some academic degree programs are designated as limited access programs and require higher grade point averages or other specific criteria for admission at the junior level. Florida public community college graduates with AA degrees and graduates with specified AS degrees will be considered for admission into limited access programs at the universities using the same criteria as university students who have completed their sophomore year. Students wishing to transfer into a limited access program are advised to contact the program director at the university well before completion of the AA degree, or the specified AS degree, to obtain the list of admission requirements into the specific program (see Rule 6A‐10.024(4), FAC and BOG Regulation 8.013). Acceleration Mechanisms Students may earn credit toward college through examinations rather than college courses. The transfer of credit earned on the basis of examinations is regulated by Rule 6A‐10.024, FAC. By achieving specified minimum standard scores on Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), and other examinations accepted by the university, college, school, or academic department, students may earn college credit prior to admission. Other acceleration mechanisms include dual enrollment and early admission. In the dual enrollment program, an eligible high school student may enroll in postsecondary courses that earn credits towards both college and high school completion. Counselors should be aware that some academic degree programs offer little flexibility in college electives. If students know their potential future major and/or postsecondary institution, counselors should guide students to dual enrollment courses that serve to meet the necessary high school credit, and also fit into the students' appropriate postsecondary major and/or general education requirements. Early admission is a form of dual enrollment, by which a student who is working toward a high school diploma enrolls full‐time at the postsecondary institution. The courses are creditable toward both the high school diploma and college degree. Interested students should discuss specific acceleration mechanisms and suitable options with their advisors. University catalogs describe policies in more detail. Distance Learning Distance education is a significant resource for students who need maximum flexibility in course scheduling, or for those needing to take hard‐to‐find courses in order to graduate. Students may enroll in college credit courses offered through distance education by state universities. Courses are offered using synchronous (everyone at the same time), asynchronous (no set time for anyone), and mixed (includes both synchronous and asynchronous) methods of instruction. Several technologies may be used for instructional delivery. A course could use the Internet, two‐way video, two‐way audio, video‐taped instruction, printed material, interactive CD‐ROM, television broadcast, or any combination of these methods. For more information, students should visit their university's website or refer to the university catalog and course schedule. The Distance Learning Consortium helps students easily locate all distance learning courses offered at Florida's colleges. The website, www.distancelearn.org, features a searchable database of distance education offerings from the state’s public colleges and universities and SACS accredited private institutions. Students must be enrolled at one of the 142 participating institutions, but may take courses appropriate to their program of study at any other institution, provided they obtain approval from their home institution for the course. ACADEMIC DEGREE PROGRAMS The State University System (SUS) includes the University of Florida, Florida State University, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University, University of South Florida, Florida Atlantic University, University of West Florida, University of Central Florida, Florida International University, University of North Florida, Florida Gulf Coast University, and New College of Florida. New College awards Honors Bachelor of Arts degree (CIP 24.0199) in a variety of concentrations. To search for a program of study in one of the state’s universities, use the “Find a College or Program” feature under the High School Students or Finding a College or Program main menu tabs of the Florida Academic Counseling and Tracking for Students website, http://www.facts.org. STATE UNIVERSITY ADMISSION POLICIES Competitive Admission Admission into Florida's state universities is limited by available space. Competition for space depends on the number and qualifications of those who apply for admission. To increase the chance of admission, high school students should try to exceed the minimum requirements and apply to more than one university. Substitutions of Requirements for Students with Disabilities An individual with a documented disability may wish to be considered for admission based on a reasonable substitution for an admission requirement, as long as the substitution does not alter the fundamental nature of the requirement. Information is available from the universities' offices of admission (see s. 1007.264, F.S., and s. 1007.265, F.S.). Students should contact their university's disability services office for further details. Admission Criteria The minimum state level admission policies have been established for first‐time‐in‐college students and for undergraduate students transferring without an AA degree from a Florida public community college. Admission decisions are based on: 1) high school graduation; 2) grade point average in academic core courses; 3) admission test scores; and 4) course distribution requirements (see BOG Regulations 6.001 and 6.002). The minimum requirements apply to all eleven universities. However, universities are permitted to set higher admission standards. There are three methods to qualify for admission into the universities: traditional admission criteria based on a sliding scale, the Talented Twenty Program, or the student profile assessment. These methods are explained in detail below. 1. Determining Eligibility by Meeting Traditional Requirements The minimum admission criteria that most applicants will need to meet are listed below. Universities are permitted to hold standards that are higher than the minimum. • High School Graduation ‐ Graduation from an accredited high school or the equivalent (e.g., GED) is required. An applicant from a non‐traditional program, such as home schooling, may be required to present additional documentation by the individual university. • Grade Point Average In High School Academic Core Courses ‐ A weighted high school GPA will be calculated by the university using a 4.0 scale from grades earned in high school in academic core courses in designated subject areas, as well as specified AP and IB Fine Arts courses (see lists of academic core courses on the following pages). Additional weights may be assigned to certain grades in AP, dual enrollment, Honors, IB, AICE, and other advanced courses (see chart). 143 Institution SUS GPA Weighting Calculations Additional Quality Points (QP) for Advanced Coursework Advanced Dual Enrollment Honors IB Placement (AP) FAMU AICE 1 QP 1 QP .5 QP 1 QP 1 QP FAU *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP FGCU 1 QP 1 QP .5 QP 1 QP 1 QP FIU *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP FSU *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP NCF *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP UCF 1 QP 1 QP .5 QP 1 QP 1 QP UF *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP UNF *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP USF *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP UWF *1 QP *1 QP *.5 QP *1 QP *1 QP *Courses must have a grade of C or better to be weighted. • Admission Test Scores ‐ Admission eligibility for students who are not in the Talented Twenty Program will be determined from a sliding scale that considers the university calculated high school grade point average and the admission test score. Students with a calculated "B" average (3.0 on a 4.0 scale) or higher do not need to meet a minimum test score, although either an SAT or ACT score must be submitted. The sliding scale shown allows an applicant to balance a lower GPA with a higher test score or a lower test score with a higher GPA. The sliding scale reflects the state’s minimum standards; institutions may set higher standards. The applicant's GPA will be calculated by the university as described above, using only the grades earned in the required academic core courses listed on the following pages. SUS Sliding Admission Scale If HS GPA in required Academic Courses is: Then SAT or ACT Score must equal or exceed: GPA ACT SAT Reasoning Test (all three sections) 2.0 25 1680 2.1 24 1620 2.2 24 1620 2.3 23 1560 2.4 22 1510 2.5 21 1450 2.6 21 1450 2.7 21 1450 2.8 21 1450 2.9 20 1390 3.0 * * *There is no minimum test score for students with a GPA of 3.0 or better. However, either an SAT or ACT score must still be submitted. 144 • High School Course Distribution Requirements ‐ Students must complete at least 18 units of high school work in the five core areas listed below in addition to two or three additional electives (depending on the year the student began high school) as will be explained in the list of approved college prep courses (in the Mathematics and Electives areas). English Mathematics Natural Science Social Science Foreign Language Electives TOTAL 4 Units 4 (or 3) Units 3 Units 3 Units 2 Units 2 (or 3) Units 18 Units 2. Talented Twenty Program Within space and fiscal limitations, graduates from Florida public high schools who rank in the top 20% of their class, who have completed the required 18 units of core courses listed above, and have submitted an SAT or ACT test score shall be admitted into one of the eleven state universities, although not necessarily the university of the applicant's choice. After three notifications of denial, other universities will provide complimentary reviews of the transcripts of the Talented Twenty applicants at the request of the high school counselor. Once any university accepts the student, the guarantee for admission has been considered met, even if the student does not wish to attend that particular university (see BOG Regulation 6.002(6)(c)). 3. Student Profile Assessment The majority of students are admitted on the basis of their past academic achievements and admission test scores in relation to the minimum requirements. Universities are allowed flexibility to admit a limited number of students as exceptions to the minimum requirements provided that the university determines that the student has potential to be successful in college. Applicants who do not meet the minimum admission requirements may be eligible for admission through a student profile assessment that considers factors such as: family educational background, socioeconomic status, special talents, or the high school or geographic location of the applicant. Any important attributes or special talents should be reported with the application. The factors will not include preferences on the basis of race, national origin, or sex (see BOG Regulation 6.002(6)(b)). HIGH SCHOOL COURSES THAT SATISFY COURSE DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS FOR SUS ADMISSION The courses listed on the following pages are the preferred "college prep" courses. These courses best prepare students for university‐level work and they carry the most weight in the competitive admission process. They also meet the requirements for Bright Futures Scholarships and can be used in meeting the 24‐credit standard high school program or the 18‐credit college preparatory program. Equivalent courses to those listed taken outside the Florida public school system may also satisfy the state's minimum requirements for admission into state universities in Florida. A few of these courses, marked with an asterisk (*), do not meet state requirements for credit in the designated subject areas for graduation from high school according to the Florida Department of Education Course Code Directory. Courses that were approved as meeting college prep requirements, but are no longer being offered, are listed at the end of the list of core courses. In advising students on courses for the Major Areas of Interest, counselors should pay particular attention to whether or not those courses will satisfy SUS Admission requirements. 145 English Course Requirements (Academic Core Courses in English) POLICY: A SUS freshman applicant must have four academic units in English, three of which must have included substantial writing requirements. The following courses are the "college prep" courses in English that include these writing requirements. Students should complete four or more academic credits from courses on this list. *Courses marked with an asterisk do not give subject area credit for high school graduation. 1001310 English I 1001320 English Honors I 1001340 English II 1001350 English Honors II 1001370 English III 1001380 English Honors III 1001400 English IV 1001410 English Honors IV 1001420 AP English: Language & Comp. 1001430 AP English: Literature & Comp. 1001480 *Adv Comm. Methodology 1001550 AICE English Language 1001560 Pre‐AICE English Language 1001800 English I Pre IB 1001810 English II Pre IB 1001820 English III IB 1001830 English IV IB 1002300 Eng I through ESOL 1002310 Eng II through ESOL 1002320 Eng III through ESOL 1002520 Eng IV through ESOL 1004300 *Semantics and Logic 1005300 World Literature 1005310 American Literature 1005320 British Literature 1005330 Contemporary Literature 1005340 Classical Literature 1005350 Literature and the Arts I 1005360 *Lit and the Arts II 1005370 AICE English Literature I 1005375 AICE English Literature II 1005380 Pre‐AICE English Literature 1009300 Writing I 1009310 Writing II 1009320 *Creative Writing I 1009330 *Creative Writing II 1009331 *Creative Writing III 1009332 *Creative Writing IV 1009333 *Creative Writing V 1009360 AICE General Paper I 1020810 American Literature Honors 1020820 British Literature Honors 1020830 Classical Literature Honors 1020840 Contemp. Literature Honors 1020850 World Literature Honors 1020860 Great Books Mathematics Course Requirements (Academic Core Courses in Mathematics) POLICY: Beginning in 2011, a freshman applicant to an SUS institution (2008 10th grade high school students), must successfully complete four academic units in mathematics, all of which must be at the Algebra I level and higher. To implement the change from the previous requirement of three math credits to the new requirement of four math credits for SUS admission consideration, note the following temporary policy change as determined by the student’s grade level as of 2008‐09: • 2008‐09 students in grades nine and ten: These students are permitted to count the sequences of Algebra 1a and 1b and the sequence of Applied Math I and II as two credits for high school graduation as well as for meeting SUS admission requirements. For example, a student placed in Algebra 1a in 9th grade for 2008‐09, must complete Algebra 1b or a higher math course from the list below in 10th grade and then complete two more of the listed courses. Similarly, if an 9th or 10th grade student is placed in Applied Math I in 9th grade in 2008‐09, the student must complete Applied Math II or a higher math course from the list below in 10th grade and then complete two more of the listed courses. • 2008‐09 students in grade eight: High school math credits for these students will revert to the traditional SUS policy that states the sequences of Algebra 1a and 1b and the sequence of Applied Math I and II satisfy a total of one credit of math for SUS admission purposes. SUS admission requirements count these sequences as one credit of Algebra I. If a student needs one of these sequences and plans to meet state university admission standards, he or she must begin it in 8th grade to avoid taking two credits of math within one year during the high school years. The following courses are the "college prep" courses that meet or exceed the minimum level. Students should complete four or more academic credits in mathematics from courses on this list. 146 *Courses marked with an asterisk do not give subject area credit for high school graduation. 1200310 Algebra I 1200320 Algebra I Honors 1200330 Algebra II 1200340 Algebra II Honors 1200370 Algebra Ia** 1200380 Algebra Ib** Algebra 1a and Ib , taken sequentially, equate to one unit of Algebra I. 1200500 Advanced Financial Applications 1201300 Math Analysis 1201310 Analysis of Functions 1201320 IB Math Analysis 1202300 Calculus 1202310 AP Calculus AB 1202320 AP Calculus BC 1202340 Pre‐Calculus 1202352 AICE Mathematics I 1202354 AICE Math & Mechanics I 1202356 AICE Math & Mechanics II 1202362 AICE Math & Prob & Statistics I 1202364 AICE Math & Prob & Statistics II 1202366 AICE Math & Mech & Prob & Stats II 1202370 AICE Further Mathematics 1202373 Pre‐AICE Additional Mathematics III 1202375 IB Pre‐Calculus 1202800 Calculus IB 1202810 IB Calculus & Descriptive Statistics 1202820 IB Further Mathematics 1202830 IB Advanced Calculus 1209820 Pre‐AICE Mathematics II 1209830 IB Mathematics Higher Level 1205400 Applied Math I** 1205410 Applied Math II** Applied Math 1 and II, taken sequentially, Equate to one unit of Algebra I. 1206310 Geometry 1206320 Geometry Honors 1206330 Analytic Geometry 1206800 Analytical Geometry IB 1207310 Integrated Math I 1207320 Integrated Math II 1207330 Integrated Math III 1209800 Math Studies IB 1209810 Pre‐AICE Math 1 1210300 Prob & Stats w/Applic 1210310 IB Statistics & Intro Differential Calculus 1210320 AP Statistics 1210330 AICE Mathematics: Statistics 1211300 Trigonometry 1211800 Trigonometry IB 1220610 Linear Algebra 1220612 Abstract Algebra 1220810 Differential Equations 1220812 Multivariate Calculus 1220910 Discrete Mathematics **COUNSELOR ALERT: Because 2008 9th and 10th graders enrolled in either Algebra Ia and Ib or Applied Math I and II may not be able to gain math credit above Algebra II unless doubling up math credit per year, these students are strongly encouraged to take rigorous academic credit for electives in order to be best prepared for academic success in college as well as competitive with other students for admission to the more selective universities. Natural Science Course Requirements (Academic Core Courses in the Natural Sciences) POLICY: A SUS freshman applicant must have three academic units in natural science, two of which must have included substantial laboratory requirements. The following courses are the "college prep" courses in natural science which include these laboratory requirements. Students should complete three or more natural science academic credits from courses on this list. Students who start the integrated science courses should complete a minimum of three courses to meet the science requirements. *Courses marked with an asterisk do not give subject area credit for high school graduation. 2000310 Biology I 2000320 Biology I Honors 2000321 AICE Biology I 2000322 Pre‐AICE Biology 2000330 Biology II 2000340 AP Biology 2000350 Anatomy & Phys 2000360 Anatomy & Phys Honors 2000370 Botany 2000380 Ecology 2000390 Limnology 2002500 Marine Science I 2002510 Marine Science I ‐ Honors 2002520 Marine Science II 2002530 Marine Science II ‐ Honors 2003310 Physical Science 2003320 Physical Sci Honors 2003340 Chemistry I 2003350 Chemistry I Honors 2003360 Chemistry II 2003370 AP Chemistry 2003371 AICE Chemistry I 2003372 Pre‐AICE Chemistry I 2000410 Zoology 2000430 Bio Tech 2000440 Genetics 2000800 Biology I PreIB 2000810 Biology II IB 2000820 Biology III IB 2001310 Earth/Space Science 2001320 Earth/Space Sci Honors 2001340 Environmental Science 2001350 Astronomy Solar/Galactic 2001370 IB Environmental Systems 2001390 Pre‐AICE Coordinated Science I 2001400 Pre‐AICE Coordinated Science II 2002515 AICE Marine Science I 2002535 AICE Marine Science II 2003380 Physics I 2003390 Physics I Honors 2003400 Nuclear Radiation 2003410 Physics II 2003420 AP Physics B 2003430 AP Physics C: Mech, Elec & Mag 2003431 AICE Physics 2003432 Pre‐AICE Physics 147 2003600 Principles Tech I 2003610 Principles Tech II May take either of these for up to one credit each in Physical Science, but not in addition to Physics. 2001380 AP Environmental Science 2001381 AICE Environmental Science I 2002330 Space Tech & Engineer 2002400 Integrated Science I 2002410 Integrated Science I ‐ Honors 2002420 Integrated Science II 2002430 Integrated Science II ‐ Honors 2002440 Integrated Science III 2002450 Integrated Science III ‐ Honors 2002460 Integrated Science IV 2002470 Integrated Science V 2003800 Chemistry I PreIB 2003810 Chemistry II IB 2003820 Chemistry III IB 2003850 Physics III IB 2020710 Nuclear Radiation Honors 2020910 Astronomy Solar/Galactic Honors 8106810 Agriscience Foundations I Social Science Course Requirements (Academic Core Courses in the Social Sciences) POLICY: A SUS freshman applicant must have three academic units in Social Science, which may include any combination of the following subjects: Economics, History, Political Science, Psychology, Sociology, and Geography. The following courses are the preferred "college prep" courses in social sciences. Students should complete three or more academic credits in the social sciences from courses on this list. *Courses marked with an asterisk do not give subject area credit for high school graduation. 2100310 American History 2100320 American History Honors 2100330 AP American History 2100340 *African American History 2100350 *Florida History 2100360 *Latin American History 2100370 East & West Heritage 2100380 Visions & Pursuits (U.S. Hist) 2100390 Visions & Countervis (US/World Hist) 2100400 *History of Vietnam War 2100410 *Caribbean Studies 2100420 Civil War & Reconstruction 2100460 Eastern & Western Heritage Honors 2100470 Visions & Pursuits Honors 2100480 Visions & Countervisions Honors 2100490 AICE International History, 1945‐1991 2100500 AICE US History 2100800 History of Americas IB 2100810 American History IB 2101300 *Anthropology 2101310 *Archeology 2101800 *Social Anthropology I IB 2101810 *Social Anthropology II IB 2102310 Economics 2102320 Economics Honors 2102321 AICE Economics I 2102322 AICE Economics II 2102330 Comp Econ Systems 2102323 Pre‐AICE Economics 2102360 Adv Pl Micro Economics 2102370 Adv Pl Macro Economics 2102380 American Economic Experience 2102390 American Economic Experience Honors 2102800 Comp Econ Systems Pre IB 2102810 Economics I – IB 2102820 Economics II ‐ IB 2103300 *World Cultural Geography 2103400 *AP Human Geography 2103410 AICE Geography I 2103420 * Pre‐AICE Geography 2103800 *World Geography IB 2104310 *Future Studies 2104320 *Global Studies 2104340 *Women's Studies 2104600 *Multicultural Studies 2104610 *The American Mosaic 2105300 *Western Civilization 2105310 *World Religions 2105340 *Philosophy 2105860 *Philosophy IB 2106310 American Government 2106320 American Government Honors 2106330 *Civics 2106340 *Political Science 2106350 *Law Studies 2106360 *Compar Political Systems 2106370 *Comprehensive Law Studies 2106375 Comprehensive Law 2106420 AP US Govt/Politics 2106430 *AP Comp Govt/Politics 2106440 *International Relations 2106445 International Relations 2106450 American Political System 2106460 American Political System Honors 2106468 * Constitutional Law I 2106470 * Constitutional Law II 2106480 Consitutional Law Honors 2106800 American Government Pre IB 2107300 *Psychology I 2107310 *Psychology II 2107350 *AP Psychology 2107360 AICE Psychology 2107800 *Psychology I IB 2107810 *Psychology II IB 2108300 *Sociology 2109310 World History 2109320 World History Honors 2109321 Pre‐AICE History 2109330 *African History 2109340 *Asian History 2109350 *Contemporary History 2109360 *British History 2109370 *European History 2109371 AICE Modern European History 2109380 *AP European History 2109410 *Jewish History 2109420 AP World History 2109430 *Holocaust 2109800 *Contemporary Hist IB 2109810 World History Pre IB 2109820 *European Hist. IB 2120710 * Anthropology Honors 2120910 * Philosophy Honors 2120915 Philosophy Honors II Fine Arts POLICY: The following Fine Arts courses may be calculated in the high school grade point average by the university. 0100300 AP Art‐ History of Art 0101370 AICE Art & Design I 0101371 AICE Art & Design II 0104300 AP Art‐ Drawing Portfolio 0105320 AICE Dress Textiles 0107460 Visual Technology III 0107470 IB Film Studies 0109350 AP Studio Art: 2D 0109360 AP Studio Art: 3D 0114820 IB Art‐I‐B‐ Art Design, Research 0114830 IB Art‐II‐B‐ Art Design, Research 0114840 IB Art‐I‐A‐ Art Design, Studio 0114850 IB Art‐II‐A‐ Art Design, Studio 0114860 IB Art I‐A&B‐ Art Des, Higher Level 0114870 IB Art II‐A&B‐ Art Des, Higher Level 0400345 Pre‐AICE Drama 0400810 IB Theatre I 0400820 IB Theatre II 1300330 AP Music Theory 1300430 Pre‐AICE Music 1300820 IB Music III 1300830 IB Music IV Foreign Language Requirements (Academic Core Courses in Foreign Languages) POLICY: A high school student who is a freshman SUS applicant must have two academic units in a foreign language, both of which must be in sequential courses in the same language. This requirement can be met in the following ways: a. Two years of a sequential foreign language or American Sign Language in high school; b. Dual enrollment at a postsecondary institution for 8 to 10 semester credits in a sequential foreign language or American Sign Language; OR c. Passing an appropriate exam for the specific language. 148 A student admitted to a state university as an exception to this admission requirement must make up the credits prior to graduation from the postsecondary institution. Foreign language courses taken in high school to meet admission requirements do not count as college credit for a university graduation requirement in foreign language. 0700300 Haitian Creole I 0700310 Haitian Creole II 0700320 Haitian Creole III 0700330 Haitian Creole IV 0701320 French I 0701330 French II 0701340 French III 0701350 French IV 0701360 French V 0701370 French VI 0701380 AP French Language 0701390 AP French Literature 0701391 AICE French Language 0701392 AICE French Literature 0701394 Pre‐AICE French I 0701396 Pre‐AICE French II 0701800 French I Pre IB 0701810 French II Pre IB 0701820 French III Pre IB 0701830 French IV‐B‐IB 0701840 French V‐B‐IB 0701850 French IV‐A‐IB 0701860 French V‐A‐IB 0702320 German I 0702330 German II 0702340 German III 0702350 German IV 0702360 German V 0702370 German VI 0702380 AP German Language 0702800 German I Pre IB 0702810 German II Pre IB 0702820 German III Pre IB 0702830 German IV‐B‐IB 0702840 German V‐B‐IB 0702850 German IV‐A‐IB 0702860 German V‐A‐IB 0703320 Greek I 0703330 Greek II 0703340 Greek III 0703350 Greek IV 0703360 Greek V 0703370 Greek VI 0703380 Classical Greek I 0703390 Classical Greek II 0704300 Hebrew I 0704310 Hebrew II 0704320 Hebrew III 0704330 Hebrew IV 0704340 Hebrew V 0704350 Hebrew VI 0705320 Italian I 0705330 Italian II 0705340 Italian III 0705350 Italian IV 0705360 Italian V 0705370 Italian VI 0705380 AP Italian 0706300 Latin I 0706310 Latin II 0706320 Latin III 0706330 Latin IV 0706340 Latin V 0706350 Latin VI 0706360 AP Latin: Latin Literature 0706370 AP Latin Vergil 0706380 AICE Latin Language 0706382 Pre‐AICE Latin I 0706384 Pre‐AICE Latin II 0706390 AICE Latin Literature 0706800 Pre‐IB Latin I 0706810 Pre‐IB Latin II 0706820 Pre‐IB Latin III 0706830 Pre‐IB Latin IV‐B 0706840 Pre‐IB Latin V‐B 0707300 Russian I 0707310 Russian II 0707320 Russian III 0707330 Russian IV 0707340 AP Russian 0707800 Russian I ‐ Pre IB 0707810 Russian II ‐ Pre IB 0707820 Russian III ‐ Pre IB 0707830 Russian IV ‐ B ‐ IB 0708340 Spanish I 0708350 Spanish II 0708360 Spanish III 0708370 Spanish IV 0708380 Spanish V 0708390 Spanish VI 0708400 AP Spanish Language 0708410 AP Spanish Literature 0708530 AICE Spanish Language 0708532 Pre‐AICE Spanish I 0708534 Pre‐AICE Spanish II 0708540 AICE Spanish Literature 0708800 Spanish I ‐ Pre IB 0708810 Spanish II ‐ Pre IB 0708820 Spanish III ‐ Pre IB 0708830 Spanish IV ‐ B ‐ IB 0708840 Spanish V ‐ B ‐ IB 0708850 Spanish IV ‐ A ‐ IB 0708860 Spanish V ‐ A ‐ IB 0709300 Spanish Speaking I 0709310 Spanish Speaking II 0709320 Spanish Speaking III 0709330 Spanish Speaking IV 0709340 Spanish Speaking V 0709350 Spanish Speaking VI 0710300 Arabic I 0710310 Arabic II 0711300 Chinese I 0711310 Chinese II 0711320 Chinese III 0711330 Chinese IV 0711340 AP Chinese 149 0712300 Japanese I 0712310 Japanese II 0712320 Japanese III 0712330 Japanese IV 0712340 AP Japanese 0712810 Japanese I – Pre IB 0712820 Japanese II – Pre IB 0712830 Japanese III – Pre IB 0712840 Japanese IV – Pre IB 0712850 Japanese V – Pre IB 0712860 Japanese VI – Pre IB 0713300 Portuguese I 0713310 Portuguese II 0713320 Portuguese III 0713330 Portuguese IV 0713340 Portuguese for Portuguese Speakers I 0713350 Portuguese for Portuguese Speakers II 0714300 For. Lang. Hum. for Intl. Studies I 0714310 For. Lang. Hum. for Intl. Studies II 0714320 For. Lang. Hum. for Intl. Studies III 0714330 For. Lang. Hum. for Intl. Studies IV 0715300 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies I 0715310 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies II 0715320 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies III 0715330 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies IV 0715340 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies V 0715350 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VI 0715360 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VII 0715370 French Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VIII 0715400 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies I 0715410 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies II 0715420 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies III 0715430 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies IV 0715440 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies V 0715450 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VI 0715460 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VII 0715470 German Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VIII 0715500 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies I 0715510 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies II 0715520 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies III 0715530 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies IV 0715540 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies V 0715550 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VI 0715560 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VII 0715570 Spanish Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VIII 0715580 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies I 0715590 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies II 0715600 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies III 0715610 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies IV 0715620 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies V 0715630 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VI 0715640 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VII 0715650 Italian Lang/Lit for Intl Studies VIII American Sign Language (Counts as Foreign Language for University Admission Purposes Only) 0717300 American Sign Lang I 0717310 American Sign Lang II 0717312 American Sign Lang III 0707314 American Sign Lang IV Courses That Were Approved, But Are No Longer Being Offered The following courses are no longer listed in the Course Code Directory, but may be accepted as meeting "college prep" qualifications by the universities if they were taken while they were being offered at the high school. American Sign Language 1010330 American Sign Lang I 1010340 American Sign Lang II 1010350 American Sign Lang III 1010351 American Sign Lang IV 109830A American Sign Lang IV English 1001490 Pacesetter English 1001500 Pacesetter Language Arts 1001510 Pacesetter English I 1001520 Pacesetter English II 1001530 Pacesetter English III 1001540 Pacesetter English IV (formerly Pacesetter English 1001490) 102081A American Literature Honors 102081B British Literature Honors 102081C Classical Literature Honors 102081D Contemp. Literature Honors 102081E World Literature Honors 102081F Great Books Mathematics 1200350 Linear Algebra 1200360 Abstract Algebra 1200500 Pacesetter Math I 1200510 Pacesetter Math III 1202330 Multivar Calculus 1202350 Pacesetter Math IV (New Title) 1 1202360 AICE Mathematics 1204300 Differential Equations 1206400 Pacesetter Math II 1210310 IB Statistics 1212300 Discrete Mathematics 1213300 Elements of Math I 1213310 Elements of Math II 1213320 Elements of Math III 1213330 Elements of Math IV 1213340 Elements of Math V 1213350 Elements of Math VI 1213360 Elements of Math VII 1213370 Elements of Math VIII 122061A Linear Algebra 122061B Abstract Algebra 122081A Differential Equations 122081B Multivariate Calculus 122091A Discrete Mathematics 129830A Advanced Topics in Math 129830A Advanced Topics in Math IB Natural Science 2000400 Marine Biology 2002310 General Science 2002350 Int. Sci. I 2002360 Int. Sci. II 2002370 Int. Sci. III 2002380 Int. Sci. IV 2002390 Int. Sci. V 2003440 AP Physics C: Elec & Mag 2003450 AP Physics C: Mech 202071A Nucl. Radiation Honors 202091A Astronomy Solar/Galactic Honors Foreign Language (NOTE: Conversational languages are marked with a plus (+) sign to indicate that they are generally not preferred college prep classes and may not be accepted as college prep.) 109830A American Sign Lang IV 0702300 +Conversational German I 0702310 +Conversational German II 0705300 +Conversational Italian 0705310 +Conversational Italian 0708300 +Conversational Spanish I 0708310 +Conversational Spanish II 0708320 +Conversational Spanish III 0708500 Pacesetter Spanish I 0708510 Pacesetter Spanish II 0708520 Pacesetter Spanish III (formerly Pacesetter Spanish 0709360) 0709360 Pacesetter Spanish Fine Arts 0109300 AP Art‐ General Portfolio Social Science 2106410 Constitutional Law 212071A *Anthropology Honors 212091A *Philosophy Honors SUS Electives 8209030 Business Systems & Technology 2 8506310 Fashion Production 1 8506320 Fashion Production 2 8506330 Fashion Production 3 8506510 Custom Garment Making/Tailoring 4 8506520 Custom Garment Making/Tailoring 5 8506530 Custom Garment Making/Tailoring 6 8527011 Interior Design Services 1 8527012 Interior Design Services 2 8527013 Interior Design Services 3 8527014 Interior Design Services 4 8527015 Interior Design Services 5 8527016 Interior Design Services 6 8527017 Interior Design Services 7 1006311 Journalism II Honors 1006321 Journalism III Honors 1006322 Journalism IV Honors 150 Approved Elective Courses POLICY: Freshman applicants to the SUS must have two or three additional high school credits as electives, depending on the year they entered high school: • SUS applicants who entered high school before July 1, 2007 must have three additional high school credits as electives (with three math courses) • SUS applicants who entered high school July 1, 2007 or after must have two additional high school credits as electives (with four math courses). Students and counselors are advised to carefully consider the importance of elective coursework. Completion of the required 18 credits for SUS admission guarantees acceptance only in the case of Talented 20 students. Therefore, the stronger an applicant's preparation (including electives), the better their chances of admission in general, and to the university of their choice. Students who entered as high school freshmen July 1, 2000 to June 30, 2007 may complete the three elective requirements in any combination of courses listed in the Department of Education Course Code Directory, as follows: Up to three credits of: Level II courses in: • English/Language Arts • Social Science • Mathematics • Natural Science • Foreign Language • Fine Arts (See Florida Course Code Directory) Level III courses in any discipline (See Florida Course Code Directory) OR Two credits from the above list and one credit of: Courses grade nine or above in ROTC/Military Training; or Equivalent courses in any discipline as determined by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (see list on following page). Students who entered as high school freshmen July 1, 2007 or later may complete the two elective requirements in any combination of courses listed in the Department of Education Course Code Directory, as follows: Two credits of: Level II courses in: • English/Language Arts • Social Science • Mathematics • Natural Science • Foreign Language • Fine Arts (See Florida Course Code Directory) Level III courses in any discipline (See Florida Course Code Directory) OR One credit from the above list and one credit of: Courses grade nine or above in ROTC/Military Training; or Equivalent courses in any discipline as determined by the Articulation Coordinating Committee (see list on following page). COUNSELOR ALERT: Because 2008 9th and 10th graders enrolled in either Algebra Ia and Ib or Applied Math I and II may not be able to gain math credit above Algebra II unless doubling up math credit per year, these students are highly encouraged to take rigorous academic credit for electives in order to possibly be competitive with other students. 151 Additional Electives Newly‐Approved by the Articulation Coordinating Committee effective for the 2008‐2009 Academic Year For a comprehensive list of courses that will be considered as electives for SUS admissions consideration, please refer to the Bright Futures Scholarship Program Comprehensive Course Table (CCT) online at http://nwrdc.fsu.edu/fnbpcm02. Experiential Education 0502400 AICE Accounting I 0502410 AICE Accounting II Fine/Visual Arts 0102330 AICE Art & Design – Ceramics 0104420 AICE Art & Design – Painting & Related Media 0111340 AICE Art & Design ‐ Sculpture 0110320 AICE Art & Design – Print Making 0105340 AICE Art & Design – Textiles 0106320 AICE Art & Design – Graphic Design 0107480 AICE Art & Design – Film & Video 0105330 AICE Art & Design – Fashion & Design 0108360 AICE Art & Design – Photography Humanities 0900500 AICE Classical Studies I 0900510 Pre‐AICE Religious Studies Library Media 1100420 Digital Video Prod I 1100430 Digital Video Prod II 1100440 Digital Video Prod Honors III 1100450 Digital Video Prod Honors IV Music 1300395 AICE Music I Natural Science 2001342 Pre‐AICE Environmental Management 2001410 AICE Food Studies 2002480 Forensic Science I 2002340 Experimental Science I 2002350 Experimental Science II 2002360 Experimental Science III 2002370 Experimental Science IV Personal Fitness 3026020 AICE Physical Education Social Studies/Economics 2102400 Pre‐AICE Travel & Tourism 2102410 Pre‐AICE Travel & Tourism I 2102420 Pre‐AICE Travel & Tourism II STATISTICS ON SUS ADMISSION AND ENROLLMENT Number Applied, Admitted, and Enrolled and Percent Admitted and Enrolled of First‐Time‐In‐College Students – Fall 2007 UF FSU FAMU USF FAU UWF UCF FIU UNF FGCU NCF # Applied 17,705 20,097 5,097 21,558 10,169 3,376 20,142 12,255 6,757 4,913 1,029 # Admitted 7,153 9,847 3,264 10,779 5,759 2,370 9,193 4,404 4,134 3,799 587 % App/Adm 40.4% 49.0% 64.0% 50.0% 56.6% 70.2% 45.6% 35.9% 61.2% 77.3% 57.0% # Enrolled 4,165 3,767 1,575 3,652 2,403 1,033 4,039 2,348 1,617 1,710 202 % Adm/Enr 58.2% 38.3% 48.3% 33.9% 41.7% 43.6% 43.9% 53.3% 39.1% 45.0% 34.4% Source: Fall 2007 Admission Files Middle Range of SAT Scores (Critical Reading/Math), ACT Scores, and High School Grade Point Averages of First‐Time‐In‐College Students Admitted* ‐ Fall 2007 UF FSU FAMU USF FAU UWF UCF FIU UNF FGCU NCF SAT 1190‐ 1370 1140‐ 1280 840‐ 1000 1060‐ 1220 970‐ 1120 960‐1110 1150‐ 1280 1080‐ 1200 1090‐ 1250 960‐ 1100 1250‐ 1390 ACT 26‐30 25‐28 17‐21 23‐27 20‐23 21‐25 24‐28 23‐26 21‐24 20‐23 26‐30 3.30‐4.00 3.27‐3.93 3.00‐ 3.68 3.70‐4.23 4.00‐ 3.50‐ 2.68‐ 3.43‐ 2.91‐ 3.10‐4.00 3.42‐4.03 4.40 4.00 3.38 4.00 3.51 Source: Fall 2007 Admission Files *Includes First‐Time‐In‐College Students admitted under the alternative admission program. H.S. GPA* 152 Total Headcount Enrollment: Percent Full‐Time, Female, Minorities ‐ Fall 2007 UF FSU FAMU USF FAU UWF UCF FIU UNF FGCU NCF TOTAL* 52,084 41,002 11,567 45,524 26,525 10,394 48,699 38,614 16,570 9,388 769 %Full‐Time 86.1% 82.9% 87.3% 64.4% 53.6% 63.0% 69.9% 59.5% 66.8% 69.7% 99.7% %Female* 52.9% 55.6% 58.6% 59.6% 60.3% 60.7% 54.9% 56.3% 57.7% 61.1% 60.9% % White* 62.8% 71.0% 4.8% 65.5% 56.5% 76.9% 67.2% 17.1% 75.2% 76.6% 80.3% % Black* 8.3% 10.6% 90.1% 11.5% 17.0% 10.2% 8.4% 12.5% 10.2% 4.5% 2.0% %Hispanic* 11.5% 9.9% 2.0% 11.8% 17.4% 4.6% 12.9% 59.2% 6.4% 10.9% 9.3% % Asian* 7.2% 3.2% 1.0% 5.6% 4.6% 4.9% 4.9% 3.8% 5.1% 1.9% 2.4% Source: SUS Student Data Course Files, 2‐A Report. Headcount does not include students using fee waivers. *Includes both full‐time and part‐time students in totals. 2008‐09 SUS CONTACT INFORMATION Florida Agriculture & Mechanical University Tallahassee, FL 32307 Main: Toll Free (866) 642‐1198 or (850) 599‐3000 Admission: (850) 599‐3796 http://www.famu.edu Florida Atlantic University 777 Glades Road Boca Raton, FL 33431 Main: (561) 297‐3000 Admission: Toll Free (800) 299‐4FAU or (561) 297‐3040 Email: [email protected] http://www.fau.edu/ Florida Gulf Coast University 10501 S FGCU Blvd Ft. Myers, FL 33965 Main: Toll Free (800) 590‐3428 or (239) 590‐1000 Admission: Toll Free (888) 889‐1095 or (239) 590‐7878 Email: [email protected] http://www.fgcu.edu Florida International University 11200 SW 8th St Miami, FL 33199 Main: (305) 348‐2000 Admission: (305) 348‐3662 Email: [email protected] http://www.fiu.edu Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306 Main: (850) 644‐2525 Admission: (850) 644‐6200 Email: [email protected] http://www.fsu.edu http://www.admissions.fsu.edu New College of Florida 5800 Bay Shore Rd Sarasota, FL 34243 Main: (941) 359‐4269 Admission: (941) 359‐4269 Email: [email protected] http://www.ncf.edu University of Central Florida Progress Energy – University Welcome Center 4000 Central Florida Blvd Orlando, FL 32816 Main: (407) 823‐2000 Admission: (407) 823‐3000 Email: [email protected] http://www.ucf.edu University of Florida 201 Criser Hall Gainesville, FL 32611 Main: (352) 392‐3261 Admission: (352) 392‐1365 http://www.ufl.edu http://www.ufl.edu/admissions 153 University of North Florida 1 UNF Drive Jacksonville, FL 32224 Main: (904) 620‐1000 Admission: (904) 620‐2624 Email: [email protected] http://www.unf.edu http://www.unf.edu/admissions University of South Florida 4202 E Fowler Ave SVC 1036 Tampa, FL 33620 Main: (813) 974‐2011 Admission: Toll Free (877) USF‐BULL or (813) 974‐3350 http://www.usf.edu http://www.usf.edu/admissions University of West Florida 11000 University Parkway Pensacola, FL 32514 Main: (850) 474‐2000 Admission: Toll Free (800) 263‐1074 or (850) 474‐2230 Email: [email protected] http://www.uwf.edu PRIVATE COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES Florida's private colleges and universities are a diverse group. Each institution sets its own admissions requirements, and many have unique programs not offered at other institutions in the state. All institutions that are a part of the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF) and some licensed by the Commission for Independent Education (CIE) are accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), the accrediting body for Florida public institutions. Many other private institutions are nationally accredited. Students should determine their degree and/or transfer plans to decide whether or not a particular institution is likely to meet their educational goals. A personal visit to the college or university is also a good idea. For additional information about programs at independent postsecondary institutions, visit www.FACTS.org. INDEPENDENT COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES OF FLORIDA (ICUF) The Independent Colleges & Universities of Florida (ICUF) consists of 28 private, higher education institutions. These colleges and universities award 26% of Florida's bachelor degrees and more than half the graduate and professional degrees in Florida. ICUF institutions are non‐profit, Florida‐based and (like Florida public universities and community colleges) accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). They serve more than 120,000 students at 180 sites around the state. They offer bachelor degree opportunities on 18 community college campuses. Institutional enrollments vary from approximately 100 to nearly 25,000 students. The average class has 19 students. These institutions are funded through student tuitions that can be paid using: federal loans; Federal Pell Grants; Florida Bright Futures Scholarships and other merit scholarships; pre‐paid tuition plans; need‐based assistance; institution awards; scholarships from the Florida Independent College Fund; and the Florida Resident Access Grant (FRAG). ICUF institutions award financial aid to 85% of the students. For more information, visit www.ICUF.org. STATISTICS ON ICUF ADMISSION AND ENROLLMENT Number Applied, Admitted, and Enrolled and Percent Admitted and Enrolled of First‐Time‐In‐College Students – Fall 2007 Institution Name Barry University Beacon College Bethune‐Cookman University Clearwater Christian College Eckerd College Edward Waters College Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University Flagler College Florida College Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences Florida Institute of Technology Florida Memorial University Florida Southern College Hodges University Jacksonville University Lynn University Nova Southeastern University Palm Beach Atlantic University Ringling College of Art and Design Rollins College Saint Leo University # Applied 3,623 68 4,469 365 3,118 # Admitted 1,944 48 1,245 340 2,086 3,878 2,353 292 153 3,027 4,989 2,559 214 6,236 2,647 2,818 2,385 539 2,998 2,188 154 % App/Adm 54% 71% 28% 93% 67% 3,037 933 249 128 2,451 1,971 1,490 170 2,513 1,792 1,433 967 340 1,658 1,548 # Enrolled 385 32 1245 175 1,075 78% 40% 85% 84% 81% 40% 58% 79% 40% 68% 51% 41% 63% 55% 71% % Adm/Enr 20% 67% 100% 51% 52% 1,821 534 249 92 681 549 424 163 859 522 544 453 292 501 456 60% 57% 100% 72% 28% 28% 28% 96% 34% 29% 38% 47% 86% 30% 29% Institution Name St. Thomas University Southeastern University Stetson University The University of Tampa University of Miami Warner Southern College Webber International University # Applied 601 # Admitted 544 2,948 7,885 19,809 452 414 % App/Adm 91% 1,897 3,871 7,527 271 226 # Enrolled 248 64% 49% 38% 60% 55% % Adm/Enr 46% 558 1,177 1,991 148 118 ICUF SAT and ACT Scores of First‐Time‐In‐College Students Admitted ‐ Fall 2007 Middle Range of SAT Scores (Critical Reading/Math) 860‐1040 730‐895 870‐1140 1100‐1218 970‐1220 1030‐1200 890‐1180 1040‐1250 950‐1200 888‐1130 810‐990 900‐1100 980‐1180 1060‐1270 923‐1078 763‐950 980‐1190 980‐1150 1180‐1370 713‐1073 795‐1010 Institution Name Barry University Beacon College Bethune‐Cookman University Clearwater Christian College Eckerd College Edward Waters College Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University Flagler College Florida College Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences Florida Institute of Technology Florida Memorial University Florida Southern College Hodges University Jacksonville University Lynn University Nova Southeastern University Palm Beach Atlantic University Ringling College of Art and Design Rollins College Saint Leo University St. Thomas University Southeastern University Stetson University The University of Tampa University of Miami Warner Southern College Webber International University 155 ACT Average Score 20 16.5 22 24.5 24 23 22.5 25 22.5 20.5 18 21 23.5 25 21 18.5 23.5 23 29 18.5 17.5 29% 30% 26% 55% 52% ICUF Enrollment and Diversity ‐ Fall 2007 Institution Name Barry University Beacon College Bethune‐Cookman University Clearwater Christian College Eckerd College Edward Waters College Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University Flagler College Florida College Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences Florida Institute of Technology Florida Memorial University Florida Southern College Hodges University Jacksonville University Lynn University Nova Southeastern University Palm Beach Atlantic University Ringling College of Art and Design Rollins College Saint Leo University St. Thomas University Southeastern University Stetson University The University of Tampa University of Miami Warner Southern College Webber International University Total 8,882 112 3,111 586 2,555 842 4,863 2,246 513 2,086 4,741 1,867 2,441 1,640 3,093 2,715 25,960 3,264 1,090 3,478 14,179 2,517 2,901 3,762 5,381 15,670 1,043 617 %White 32% 78% 1% 88% 73% 2% 64% 89% 91% 61% 51% 0% 78% 60% 58% 50% 42% 64% 77% 70% 47% 25% 66% 76% 64% 48% 63% 54% %Black 22% 13% 91% 3% 5% 96% 5% 2% 3% 13% 8% 80% 8% 16% 19% 5% 27% 16% 3% 6% 27% 24% 7% 5% 6% 8% 21% 22% %Hispanic 27% 4% 2% 6% 5% 1% 8% 3% 4% 13% 6% 5% 6% 20% 5% 7% 17% 10% 11% 10% 7% 37% 11% 9% 9% 21% 10% 8% %Asian or Pacific Islander 2% 4% 0% 2% 2% 0% 5% 1% 0% 7% 3% 0% 1% 1% 2% 1% 4% 3% 4% 4% 2% 2% 1% 2% 2% 5% 1% 1% 2008‐09 ICUF CONTACT INFORMATION Barry University 11300 NE Second Avenue Miami Shores, FL 33161 (305) 899‐3100 (800) 695‐2279 (toll free) http://www.barry.edu/ Beacon College 105 E Main Street Leesburg, FL 34748 (352) 787‐7660 http://www.beaconcollege.edu/ Bethune‐Cookman University 640 Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (386) 481‐2000 http://www.bethune.cookman.edu Clearwater Christian College 3400 Gulf‐to‐Bay Blvd Clearwater, FL 33759 (727) 726‐1153 http://www.clearwater.edu/ 156 Eckerd College 4200 54th Avenue South St. Petersburg, FL 33711 (727) 867‐1166 (800) 456‐9009 (toll free) http://www.eckerd.edu/ Edward Waters College 1658 Kings Road Jacksonville, FL 32209 (904) 470‐8000 (888) 898‐3191 (toll free) http://www.ewc.edu/ Embry‐Riddle Aeronautical University 600 S Clyde Morris Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (386) 226‐6100 (800) 862‐2416 (toll free) http://www.erau.edu/ Flagler College 74 King Street St. Augustine, FL 32084 (904) 829‐6481 http://www.flagler.edu/ Florida College 119 N Glen Arven Avenue Temple Terrace, FL 33617 (813) 988‐5131 (800) 326‐7655 (toll free) http://www.floridacollege.edu/ Florida Hospital College of Health Sciences 800 Lake Estelle Drive Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 303‐9798 (800) 500‐7747 (toll free) http://www.fhchs.edu/ Florida Institute of Technology 150 W University Blvd Melbourne, FL 32901 (321) 674‐8000 http://www.fit.edu/ Florida Memorial University 15800 NW 42 Ave Miami, FL 33054 (305) 626‐3600 http://www.fmuniv.edu/ Florida Southern College 111 Lake Hollingsworth Dr Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 680‐4111 http://www.flsouthern.edu/ Hodges University (formerly International College) 2655 Northbrooke Drive Naples, FL 34119 (239) 513‐1122 (800) 466‐8017 (toll free) http://www.hodges.edu/ Jacksonville University 2800 University Blvd North Jacksonville, FL 32211 (904) 256‐8000 http://www.ju.edu/ Lynn University 3601 North Military Trail Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 237‐7000 http://www.lynn.edu/ Nova Southeastern University 3301 College Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33314 (800) 541‐6682 (toll free) http://www.nova.edu/ Palm Beach Atlantic University 901 S Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (561) 803‐2000 http://www.pba.edu/ Ringling College of Art and Design 2700 North Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34234 (941) 351‐5100 (800) 255‐7695 (toll free) http://www.ringling.edu/ Rollins College 1000 Holt Ave Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 646‐2000 http://www.rollins.edu/ Saint Leo University 33701 State Road 52 Saint Leo, FL 33574 (352) 588‐8200 (800) 334‐5532 (toll free) http://www.saintleo.edu/ St. Thomas University 16401 NW 32nd Ave Miami, FL 33054 (305) 628‐6546 http://www.stu.edu/ Southeastern University 1000 Longfellow Blvd Lakeland, FL 33801 (863) 667‐5000 http://www.seuniversity.edu/ 157 Stetson University 421 N Woodland Blvd DeLand, FL 32723 (386) 822‐7100 (800) 688‐0101 (toll free) http://www.stetson.edu/ University of Miami Coral Gables, FL 33124 (305) 284‐2211 http://www.miami.edu/ The University of Tampa 401 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33606 (813) 253‐3333 http://www.ut.edu/ Warner Southern College 13895 Hwy 27 Lake Wales, FL 33859 (863) 638‐1426 (800) 309‐9563 (toll free) http://www.warner.edu/ Webber International University 1201 North Scenic Highway Babson Park, FL 33827 (800) 741‐1844 (toll free) http://www.webber.edu/ COMMISSION FOR INDEPENDENT EDUCATION (CIE) The Commission for Independent Education (CIE) has statutory responsibilities in matters relating to non‐public, postsecondary, educational institutions. In keeping with the Florida Department of Education's goal of producing a seamless educational system, some of theses functions include consumer protection, program improvement, institutional polices and administration, data management, and the licensure of independent schools, colleges and universities. Licensed Colleges and Universities During the 2007‐2008 fiscal year, 313 degree‐granting institutions were under the jurisdiction of the Commission. Total reported enrollment for these degree programs was 205,326. There were 41,977 graduates reported from these degree programs. Currently, 282 (90%) of these degree‐granting institutions are accredited by one or more regional or national accrediting agencies. A complete listing of these independent colleges and universities are available at the Commission for Independent Education's website (http://www.fldoe.org/cie/index.htm). You may also call the CIE at (850) 245‐ 3200. If you have any complaints about these independent postsecondary institutions, call the Consumer Protection Hotline at 1‐888‐224‐6684. Be aware that there is no guarantee that students will be able to transfer credits to another institution. The acceptance of students or graduates is up to the receiving institution. Students and counselors should determine, prior to enrollment, whether or not a particular institution is likely to meet the students’ educational goals. If a student is considering a transfer in the future, it is important to ask the college or university to which the student might transfer about the credits that will be accepted from their previous institution. Remember that a personal visit to the college or university is always a good idea. 2008‐2009 CIE DEGREE‐GRANTING INSTITUTION CONTACT INFORMATION Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, Inc. 305 SE 2nd Ave Gainesville, FL 32601 (352) 335‐2332 www.acupuncturist.edu Academy for Practical Nursing and Health Occupations 5154 Okeechobee Blvd, Suite 201 West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561) 683‐1400 www.APNHO.com Acupuncture and Massage College 10506 North Kendall Drive Miami, FL 33176 (305) 595‐9500 www.amcollege.edu Adolfo Ibanez School of Management, Inc. 1200 Brickell Ave, Suite 300 Miami, FL 33131 (305) 416‐6015 www.adolfoibanez.com American Academy of Clinical Sexologists 3203 Lawton Road, Suite 170 Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 645‐1641 www.esextherapy.com American College of Applied Science, Inc. 123 Dream Pond Road Cresent City, FL 32112 (800) 403‐3347 www.amcollege.com American Intercontinental University 2250 N Commerce Pkwy Weston, FL 33326 (954) 446‐6100 www.aiufl.edu American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine 901 Ponce De Leon Blvd, Suite 700 Coral Gables, FL 33134 (305) 446‐0600 www.aucmed.edu 158 Americare School of Nursing 7275 Estapona Circle Fern Park, FL 32730 (407) 673‐7406 www.Americareschools.com Angley College 230 North Woodland Blvd, Suite 310 Deland, FL 32720 (386) 740‐1215 www.angley.edu Argosy University 5250 17th Street Sarasota, FL 34235 (941) 379‐0404 http://www.argosy.edu Argosy University 4401 North Himes Ave, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33614 (813) 393‐5290 www.argosyu.edu Asbury College 8401 Valencia College Lane Orlando, FL 32825 (859) 858‐3511 www.asbury.edu ATI Career Training Center 7265 NW 25th Street Miami, FL 33122 (305) 591‐3060 www.aticareertraining.edu ATI Career Training Center 3501 NW 9th Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33309 (954) 563‐5899 www.aticareertraining.edu ATI Career Training Center 2890 NW 62nd Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 973‐4760 www.aticareertraining.edu ATI College of Health 1395 NW 167th Street Miami, FL 33169 (305) 628‐1000 www.aticareertraining.edu Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine, Inc. 100 East Broward Blvd. Suite 100 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301‐3510 (954) 763‐9840 www.atom.edu Ave Maria University, Inc. 5050 Ave Maria Boulevard Ave Maria, FL 34142 (239) 280‐2500 www.avemaria.edu Barbara Brennan School of Healing 500 NE Spanish River Blvd, Suite 108 Boca Raton, FL 33431‐4559 (800) 924‐2564 www.barbarabrennan.com Belhaven College 2301 Maitland Center Parkway Building 200, Suite 165 Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 804‐1424 http://orlando.belhaven.edu/ Brentwood College 2455 E Sunrise Blvd, Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33304 (954) 565‐8505 www.brentwoodu.com Brown Mackie College ‐ Miami 1501 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33132 (305) 341‐6608 www.brownmackie.edu Capella University 225 South 6th Street, 9th Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 977‐5060 www.capella.edu Carlos Albizu University 2173 NW 99th Avenue Miami, FL 33172 (305) 593‐1223 www.mia.albizu.edu CCI School of Counseling & Technology 14625 SW 42nd Street Miami, FL 33175 (305) 480‐5800 www.ccischool.org Center of Cinematography, Arts, and Television 1637 NW 27th Ave Miami, FL 33166 (386) 668‐1784 www.ccat.edu Central Florida College 1573 W Fairbanks Ave, Suite 100 Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 843‐3984 www.centralfloridacollege.edu Central Florida College 6565 Ulmerton Road Largo, FL 33771 (727) 531‐5900 www.centralfloridacollege.edu Central Florida Institute of Orlando 6000 Cinderlane Pkwy Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 253‐5354 www.cfi.edu 159 Central Florida Institute of Palm Harbor 30522 US Highway 19 North Palm Harbor, FL 34684 (727) 786‐4707 www.cfinstitute.com Centura Institute 6359 Edgewater Drive Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 275‐9696 www.polytechnic.edu Chaim Yakov Shlomo College of Jewish Studies 9540 Collins Ave Surfside, FL 33154 (305) 868‐1411 www.cys‐college.org City College ‐ Casselberry 853 East Highway 436, Suite 200 Casselberry, FL 32707 (407) 831‐9816 www.citycollege.edu City College ‐ Ft. Lauderdale 2000 West Commercial Blvd Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 493‐5353 www.citycollege.edu City College ‐ Gainesville 2400 SW 13th Street Gainesville, FL 32608 (352) 335‐4000 www.citycollege.edu City College ‐ Miami 9300 South Dadeland Blvd Miami, FL 33156 (305) 666‐9242 www.citycollege.edu College of America 5950 Lakehurst Drive, Suite 101 Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 896‐0101 www.collegeofamericausa.com College of Business & Technology 8991 SW 107th Ave, Suite 200 Miami, FL 33176 (305) 273‐4499 www.cbt.edu College of Business & Technology 8230 W Flagler Street Miami, FL 33144 (305) 273‐4499 www.cbt.edu College of Business & Technology 935 West 49th Street Hialeah, FL 33012 (305) 273‐4499 www.cbt.edu Columbia College ‐ Jacksonville 7077 Bonneval Rd, Suite 114 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 338‐9150 www.ccis.edu/nationwide/jacksonville Columbia College ‐ NAS Jacksonville Navy College Office PO Box 137, Bldg 110 Jacksonville, FL 32212‐0137 (904) 778‐9769 www.ccis.edu/nationwide/nasjacksonvi lle Columbia College ‐ Orlando 2600 Technology Dr, Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32804 (407) 293‐9911 www.ccis.edu/nationwide/orlando Columbia College ‐ Patrick AFB 1020 Central Ave, Suite C‐9 Patrick Air Force Base, FL 32925‐2901 (321) 783‐5506 www.ccis.edu/nationwide/pafb Concorde Career Institute 10933 Mark's Way Miramar, FL 33025 (954) 731‐8880 www.concorde.edu Concorde Career Institute 4202 West Spruce Street Tampa, FL 33607 (813) 874‐0094 www.concorde.edu Concorde Career Institute 7960 Arlington Expressway, Suite 120 Jacksonville, FL 32211 (904) 725‐0525 www.concorde.edu Dade Medical College 2750 West 68th St, Suite 202,206 Hialeah, FL 33016 (786) 363‐3340 www.dademedicalinstitute.com Dade Medical College 3401 NW 7th Street Miami, FL 33125 (305) 644‐1171 www.dademedicalinstitute.com Daytona College 425 S Nova Road Ormond Beach, FL 32174 (386) 267‐0565 DeVry University 8131 Baymeadows Circle West Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 367‐4942 www.devry.edu DeVry University 6700 Lakeview Center Dr, Suite 150 Tampa, FL 33619 (813) 664‐4260 www.devry.edu DeVry University ‐ Ft. Lauderdale 600 Corporate Dr, Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33334 (954) 938‐3083 www.devry.edu DeVry University ‐ Miami 1111 Brickell Ave, 11th Floor Miami, FL 33131 (786) 425‐1113 www.devry.edu DeVry University ‐ Miramar 2300 SW 145th Avenue Miramar, FL 33027 (954) 499‐9700 www.devry.edu DeVry University ‐ Orlando 1800 Pembrook Drive, Suite 160 Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 659‐0900 www.devry.edu 160 DeVry University ‐ Orlando South 4000 Millenia Blvd Orlando, FL 32839 (407) 345‐2800 www.devry.edu DeVry University ‐ Tampa 3030 N Rocky Point Drive West Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33607 (813) 288‐8994 www.devry.edu Digital Animation & Visual Effects School 2000 Universal Studios Plaza, Suite 200 Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 224‐3283 www.daveschool.com Digital Media Arts College 3785 N Federal Hwy Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 391‐1148 www.dmac‐edu.org Dominican University, School of Education 9417 Princess Palm Ave, Suite 400 Tampa, FL 33619 (708) 524‐6830 Dragon Rises College of Oriental Medicine 1000 NE 16th Ave, Building F Gainesville, FL 32601 (352) 371‐2833 www.dragonrises.edu East Florida College 1845 Town Center Blvd, Bldg 100 Orange Park, FL 32003 (904) 269‐7002 East West College of Natural Medicine 3808 N Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34234 (941) 355‐9080 www.ewcollege.org Erudio University 15321 S Dixie Highway, Suite 302 Miami, FL 33157 (786) 242‐6330 Everest Institute 111 NW 183 St, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33169 (305) 949‐9500 www.nst.cc Everest Institute 9020 SW 137th Avenue Miami, FL 33186 (305) 386‐9900 www.nst.cc Everest Institute 530 W 49th Street Hialeah, FL 33012 (305) 558‐9500 www.nst.cc Everest University 1199 E Bay Drive Largo, FL 33770 (727) 725‐2688 www.everest.edu Everest University 3924 Coconut Palm Drive Tampa, FL 33619 (813) 621‐0041 www.everest.edu Everest University 225 N Federal Hwy Pompano Beach, FL 33062 (954) 783‐7339 www.everest.edu Everest University 8226 Phillips Highway Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 731‐4949 www.everest.edu Everest University 5421 Diplomat Circle Orlando, FL 32810 (407) 628‐5870 www.everest.edu Everest University 995 E Memorial Drive, Suite 110 Lakeland, FL 33801‐9881 (863) 686‐1444 www.everest.edu Everest University 2401 N Harbor City Blvd Melbourne, FL 32935 (321) 253‐2929 www.everest.edu Everest University 3319 W Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33614 (813) 879‐6000 www.everest.edu Everest University 9200 Southpark Center Loop Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 851‐2525 www.everest.edu Everest University 805 Wells Road Orange Park, FL 32073 (904) 264‐9122 www.everest.edu Everest University Online 10117 Princess Palm Avenue Tampa, FL 33610 (480) 598‐6900 www.everest.edu Everglades University 6001 Lake Osprey Dr, Suite 110 Sarasota, FL 34240 (941) 907‐2262 www.evergladesuniversity.edu Everglades University 887 E Altamonte Drive Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 (407) 277‐0311 www.evergladesuniversity.edu Everglades University 5002 T‐REX Avenue, Suite 100 Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 912‐1211 www.evergladesuniversity.edu Florida Career College ‐ Clearwater 410 Park Place Blvd Clearwater, FL 33759 (727) 724‐1037 www.careercollege.edu 161 Florida Career College ‐ Clearwater 410 Park Place Blvd Clearwater, FL 33759 (727) 724‐1037 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career College ‐ Hialeah 3750 W 18th Ave Hialeah, FL 33012 (305) 825‐3231 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career College ‐ Lauderdale Lakes 3383 N State Road 7 Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33319 (954) 733‐7551 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career College ‐ Miami 1321 SW 107th Ave, Suite 201B Miami, FL 33174 (305) 553‐6065 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career College ‐ Pembroke Pines 7891 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 (954) 965‐7272 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career College ‐ Riverview 2662 S Falkenburg Rd Riverview, FL 33569 (813) 621‐5775 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career College ‐ West Palm Beach 6058 Okeechobee Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33417 (561) 689‐0550 www.careercollege.edu Florida Career Institute, Inc. 5925 Imperial Pkwy, Suite 200 Mulberry, FL 33860 (863) 646‐1400 www.floridacareerinstitute.com Florida Christian College 1011 Bill Beck Blvd Kissimmee, FL 34744 (407) 847‐8966 www.fcc.edu Florida Coastal School of Law 8787 Baypine Road Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 680‐7707 www.fcsl.edu Florida College of Integrative Medicine 7100 Lake Ellenor Drive Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 888‐8689 www.fcim.edu Florida College of Natural Health 2001 W Sample Rd, Suite 100 Pompano Beach, FL 33064 (954) 975‐6400 www.steinered.com Florida College of Natural Health 2600 Lake Lucien Dr, Suite 140 Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 261‐0319 www.steinered.com Florida College of Natural Health 7925 NW 12th St, Suite 201 Miami, FL 33126 (305) 597‐9599 www.steinered.com Florida College of Natural Health 616 67th Street Circle East Bradenton, FL 34208 (941) 744‐1244 www.steinered.com Florida Medical Training Institute 4400 W Sample Rd, Suite 134 Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (954) 979‐6500 www.fmti.edu Florida Medical Training Institute 478 N Babcock Street Melbourne, FL 32935 (321) 751‐9696 www.fmti.edu Florida National College, Inc. 4206 W 12 Ave Hialeah, FL 33012 (305) 231‐3326 www.fnc.edu Florida National College, Inc. 11865 SW 26 St, Unit H3 Miami, FL 33175 (305) 226‐9999 www.fnc.edu Florida National College, Inc. 4425 W 20th Ave Hialeah, FL 33012 (305) 821‐3333 www.fnc.edu Florida Technical College 8711 Lone Star Road Jacksonville, FL 32211 (904) 724‐2229 www.flatech.edu Florida Technical College ‐ Deland 1199 S Woodland Blvd Deland, FL 32720 (386) 734‐3303 www.flatech.edu Florida Technical College ‐ Lakeland 4715 S Florida Ave, Suite 4 Lakeland, FL 33813 (866) 967‐8822 www.flatech.edu Florida Technical College ‐ Orlando 12689 Challenger Pkwy, Suite 130 Orlando, FL 32826 (407) 447‐7300 www.flatech.edu Florida Virtual University 2900 Glades Circle, Suite 800 Weston, FL 33327 (954) 845‐0661 www.fvconline.com Full Sail University 3300 University Blvd Winter Park, FL 32792 (800) 226‐7625 www.fullsail.com Galen School of Nursing 9549 Koger Blvd, Suite 100 St. Petersburg, FL 33702 (727) 577‐1497 www.nursingcareer.com 162 Gooding Institute of Nurse Anesthesia 615 North Bonita Avenue Panama City, FL 32401 (850) 747‐6918 www.baymedical.org Gulf Coast College 3910 US Highway 301 N, Suite 200 Tampa, FL 33619‐1283 (813) 620‐1446 Health Career Institute 1926 10th Avenue N, Suite 106 Lake Worth, FL 33461 (561) 586‐0121 www.healthcareerinstitute.com Health Opportunity Technical Center, Inc. 18441 NW 2nd Ave, Suite 300 Miami, FL 33169 (305) 249‐2275 www.healthopportunitytechnicalcenter .com Hebrew College 3404 South University Drive Davie, FL 33328 (617) 559‐8654 www.hebrewcollege.edu Heritage Institute 6811 Palisades Park Court Ft. Myers, FL 33912 (239) 936‐5822 www.Heritage‐Education.com Heritage Institute 4130 Salisbury Rd, Suite 1100 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 332‐0910 www.heritage‐education.com Herzing College 1595 S Semoran Blvd, Suite 1501 Winter Park, FL 32792‐5509 (407) 478‐0500 www.herzing.edu Higher Level Vocational Training School 1480 Pinehurst Drive Spring Hill, FL 34606 (352) 263‐2703 High‐Tech Institute 3710 Maguire Blvd Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 893‐7400 www.hightechinstitute.edu Hobe Sound Bible College 11298 SE Gomez Hobe Sound, FL 33455‐1065 (772) 546‐5534 www.hsbc.edu Impac University 900 West Marion Avenue Punta Gorda, FL 33950 (941) 639‐7512 www.impacu.edu Institute of Allied Medical Professions Delray Medical Center 5150 Linton Blvd, Suite 340 Delray Beach, FL 33484 (561) 381‐4990 www.iamp.edu Inter American University of Puerto Rico 3201 E Colonial Drive, Suite U‐4 Orlando, FL 32803 (407) 218‐4164 www.inter.edu/en/index.asp International Academy of Design & Technology 5104 Eisenhower Blvd Tampa, FL 33634 (813) 881‐0008 www.academy.edu International Academy of Design & Technology 5959 Lake Ellenor Drive Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 857‐2300 www.iadt.edu International Vocational Training Center 8213 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33138 (305) 754‐4035 www.ivtc.educate.com ITESM, Instituto Technologico Y De Estudios Superiores De Monterrey 3625 NW 82nd Ave, Suite 205 Miami, FL 33166 (305) 592‐8306 www.thunderbird.edu/globalmba ITT Technical Institute 3491 Gandy Boulevard Pinellas Park, FL 33781 (727) 209‐4700 www.itt‐tech.edu ITT Technical Institute ‐ Ft. Lauderdale 3401 S University Dr Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33328 (954) 476‐9300 www.itt‐tech.edu ITT Technical Institute ‐ Jacksonville 6600 Youngerman Circle, Suite 10 Jacksonville, FL 32244 (904) 573‐9100 www.itt‐tech.edu ITT Technical Institute ‐ Lake Mary 1400 S International Parkway Lake Mary, FL 32746 (407) 660‐2900 www.itt‐tech.edu ITT Technical Institute ‐ Miami 7955 NW 12th Street, Suite 119 Miami, FL 33126 (305) 477‐3080 www.itt‐tech.edu ITT Technical Institute ‐ Tampa 4809 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL 33634‐7350 (813) 885‐2244 www.itt‐tech.edu Jefferson Davis Community College 220 Alco Drive c/o PO Box 958 Brewton, AL 36427 (251) 867‐4832 www.jdcc.edu Johnson & Wales University 1701 NE 127th St North Miami, FL 33181 (305) 892‐7000 www.jwu.edu 163 Jones College 1195 Edgewood Ave S Jacksonville, FL 32205 (904) 743‐1122 www.jones.edu Jones College 5353 Arlington Expressway Jacksonville, FL 32211‐5588 (904) 743‐1122 www.jones.edu Jones College 11430 N Kendall Dr, Suite 200 Miami, FL 33176 (305) 275‐9996 www.jones.edu Jose Maria Vargas University 8300 S Palm Drive Pembroke Pines, FL 33025 (866) 650‐JMVU www.jmvu.com Kaplan University 6301 Kaplan University Ave Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (866) 527‐5268 www.kaplan.edu Keiser Career College ‐ Greenacres 6812 Forest Hill Blvd, Suite D‐1 Greenacres, FL 33413 (561) 433‐2330 www.keisercareer.edu Keiser Career College ‐ Miami Lakes 17395 NW 59th Avenue Miami Lakes, FL 33015 (305) 820‐5003 www.keisercareer.edu Keiser Career College ‐ St. Petersburg 11208 Blue Heron Blvd, Suite A St.Petersburg, FL 33716 (727) 576‐6500 www.keisercareer.edu Keiser University ‐ Daytona Beach 1800 Business Park Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32114 (386) 274‐5060 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Ft. Lauderdale 1500 NW 49th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 776‐4456 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Jacksonville 6700 Southpoint Parkway Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 296‐3440 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Kendall 8505 Mills Drive Miami, FL 33183 (305) 596‐2226 www.keiseruniversity.com Keiser University ‐ Lakeland 2400 Interstate Drive Lakeland, FL 33805 (863) 682‐6020 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Melbourne 900 South Babcock Street Melbourne, FL 32901 (321) 255‐2255 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Orlando 5900 Lake Underhill Road Orlando, FL 32807 (407) 273‐5800 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Pembroke Pines 12520 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, FL 33027 (954) 431‐4300 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Port St. Lucie 10330 South US 1 Port St. Lucie, FL 34952 (772) 398‐9990 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Sarasota 6151 Lake Osprey Drive Sarasota, FL 34240 (941) 907‐3900 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Tallahassee 1700 Halstead Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32309 (850) 906‐9494 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ Tampa 5225 Memorial Highway Tampa, FL 33634‐7357 (813) 885‐4900 www.keiseruniversity.edu Keiser University ‐ West Palm Beach 2085 Vista Parkway West Palm Beach, FL 33411 (561) 471‐6000 www.keiseruniversity.edu Kellogg School of Management 95 Merrick Way, Suite 100 Coral Gables, FL 33134 (305) 442‐7780 www.kellogg.northwestern.edu/emba/ programs/miami.htm Key College 225 E Dania Beach Blvd Dania Beach, FL 33004 (954) 923‐4440 www.keycollege.edu Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine 5000 Lakewood Ranch Blvd Bradenton, FL 34211‐4900 (941) 756‐0690 www.lecom.edu Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts Miami 3221 Enterprise Way Miramar, FL 33025 (954) 628‐4414 www.miamiculinary.com LECOM Bradenton School of Pharmacy 5000 Lakewood Ranch Blvd Bradenton, FL 34211 (941) 756‐0690 www.lecom.edu Liberty University 407 Third Street Neptune Beach, FL 32266 (434) 582‐7600 www.liberty.edu 164 Lincoln College of Technology 2410 Metrocentre Blvd West Palm Beach, FL 33407 (561) 842‐8324 www.lincolncollegeoftechnology.com Logos University 9000 Regency Square Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32211 (904) 745‐3311 www.university.logos.edu Luther Rice University 3990 Loretto Road Mandarin, FL 32223 (770) 484‐1204 www.lru.edu Medici College 195 Wekiva Springs Road, Suite 208 Longwood, FL 32779 (407) 702‐1446 www.medicicollege.com Medvance Institute 1630‐1640 South Congress Ave Palm Springs, FL 33461 (561) 304‐3466 www.medvance.edu Medvance Institute 9035 Sunset Drive, Suite 200 Miami, FL 33173 (305) 596‐5553 www.medvance.org Medvance Institute of Ft. Lauderdale 4850 W Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33313 (954) 587‐7100 www.medvance.org Miami Ad School 955 Alton Road Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 538‐3193 www.Miamiadschool.com Miami Institute of Medical Technology, Inc. 7483 SW 24th St, Suite 301 Miami, FL 33155‐1459 (305) 269‐9964 www.miamiinstitute.com Miami International University of Art and Design 1501 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 100 Miami, FL 33132‐1418 (305) 428‐5700 www.aimiu.artinstitutes.edu Millennia Atlantic University 10395 NW 41st St, Suite 100 Doral, FL 33178 (786) 331‐1000 www.mau‐university.net Mountain State University ‐ Orlando 151 S Wymore Rd, Suite 200 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 (407) 774‐6200 www.mountainstate.edu National Aviation Academy 6225 Ulmerton Road Clearwater, FL 33760 (727) 531‐2080 www.naa.edu National Louis University ‐ Florida Regional Center 4950 W Kennedy Blvd, Suite 300 Tampa, FL 33609‐1831 (800) 366‐6581 www.nl.edu/campuses/florida National Professions, Inc. 401 W Lantana Rd, Suite 10 Lantana, FL 33462 (561) 585‐1400 www.nationalprofessions.com North Florida Institute 560 Wells Road Orange Park, FL 32073‐2999 (904) 269‐7086 Northwood University 2600 N Military Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33409 (561) 478‐5500 www.northwood.edu Northwood University 9720 Princess Palm Ave, Suite 122 Tampa, FL 33619 (813) 664‐1711 www.northwood.edu Orlando Culinary Academy 8511 Commodity Circle Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 888‐4000 www.orlandoculinary.com Palmer College of Chiropractic Florida 4777 City Center Parkway Port Orange, FL 32129‐4153 (866) 890‐5498 www.palmer.edu/PCCF Polytechnic University of The Americas 4800 Howell Branch Road Winter Park, FL 32792 (407) 677‐5661 www.polytec.pupr.edu Polytechnic University of The Americas 8180 NW 36 Street, Suite 401 Miami, FL 33166 (305) 418‐4220 www.pupr.edu/miami Professional Golfers Career College, Inc. 16349 Phil Ritson Way Winter Garden, FL 34787 (800) 877‐4380 www.golfcollege.edu Professional Training Centers, Inc. 13926 SW 47th Street Miami, FL 33175 (305) 220‐4120 www.ptcmatt.com Rasmussen College 9160 Forum Corporate Pkwy, Bldg 2 Ft. Myers, FL 33905 (239) 477‐2100 www.rasmussen.edu Rasmussen College 2221 SW 19th Avenue Road Ocala, FL 34471 (352) 629‐1941 www.rasmussen.edu Rasmussen College 2127 Grand Boulevard Holiday, FL 34690 (727) 942‐0069 www.rasmussen.edu 165 Reformed Theological Seminary of Florida, Inc. 2400 Yamato Rd Boca Raton, FL 33431 (561) 994‐5000 www.rts.edu Reformed Theological Seminary of Florida, Inc. 1231 Reformation Drive Oviedo, FL 32765 (407) 366‐9493 www.rts.edu Remington College ‐ Jacksonville 7011 AC Skinner Pkwy, Suite 140 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 296‐3435 www.remingtoncollege.edu Remington College ‐ Largo 8550 Ulmerton Road, Unit 100 Largo, FL 33771 (727) 532‐1999 www.remingtoncollege.edu Remington College ‐ Tampa 2410 E Busch Blvd Tampa, FL 33612 (813) 935‐5700 www.remingtoncollege.edu Ross University School of Medicine 7000 SW 62nd Ave, Suite 520 South Miami, FL 33143 (732) 509‐4600 www.rossmed.edu Saba University School of Medicine 7590 Manasota Key Rd Englewood, FL 34223 (978) 630‐5122 www.saba.edu San Francisco University At Florida 7915 NW 53rd Street Miami, FL 33166‐4608 (305) 591‐0471 www.usff.edu Sanford‐Brown Institute 1201 W Cypress Creek Rd Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (954) 308‐7400 www.sbftlauderdale.com Sanford‐Brown Institute 5701 E Hillsborough Ave, Suite 1417 Tampa, FL 33610 (813) 621‐0072 www.sbtampa.com Sanford‐Brown Institute 10255 Fortune Pkwy, Unit 501 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 363‐6221 www.sbjacksonville.com Schiller International University 300 E Bay Drive Largo, FL 33770 (727) 736‐5082 www.schiller.edu Siegal College 3267 N Military Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33409 (561) 640‐0700 www.siegalcollege.edu Siegal College ‐ Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education 4200 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL 33137 (305) 576‐4030 www.siegalcollege.edu South University ‐ Tampa 4401 N Himes Ave, Suite 175 Tampa, FL 33614 (813) 393‐3800 www.southuniversity.edu South University ‐ West Palm Beach 1760 N Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33409 (561) 697‐9200 www.southuniversity.edu Southern Illinois University ‐ Carbondale c/o Kris Garrick, NAS Jacksonville Bldg 110, Box 114 Jacksonville, FL 32212 (904) 778‐3130 http://www.siuc.edu/~military/ Southern Illinois University ‐ Eglin AFB 502 WD Ave, Room 108 Eglin AFB, FL 32542 (850) 678‐8533 www.siu.edu/~military Southern Illinois University ‐ Hurlburt Field 16 MSS/DPE 221 Lukasik Ave Hurlburt Field, FL 32544‐5416 (850) 581‐9840 www.siu.edu/~military Southern Illinois University ‐ Mayport NS 3604 Mayport Rd, Bldg 460 Mayport, FL 32238‐0041 (904) 246‐4549 www.siu.edu/~military Southern Illinois University ‐ Pensacola NAS 250 Chambers Ave, Bldg 634, Suite 13 NAS Pensacola, FL 32503‐5265 (850) 458‐6263 www.siu.edu/~military Southern Illinois University ‐ Pensacola NH 250 Chambers Ave, Bldg 634, Suite 13 Pensacola, FL 32508 (850) 455‐2449 www.siu.edu/~military Southern Illinois University ‐ Tyndall AFB 921 Beacon Beach Rd Bldg 1230, Rm 49 Tyndall AFB, FL 32403 (850) 286‐1217 www.siu.edu/~military Southern Technical College 1485 Florida Mall Ave Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 438‐6000 www.southerntech.edu Southern Technical College 298 Havendale Blvd Auburndale, FL 33823 (863) 551‐1112 www.southerntech.edu Southern Technical College ‐ Sanford 2910 Orlando Drive Sanford, FL 32773 (407) 438‐6000 www.southerntech.edu 166 Southwest Florida College 1685 Medical Lane Ft. Myers, FL 33907 (239) 939‐4766 www.swfc.edu Southwest Florida College 3910 Riga Blvd Tampa, FL 33619 (813) 630‐4401 www.swfc.edu Springfield College 225 W Busch Blvd Tampa, FL 33612‐7945 (813) 936‐2800 www.spfldcol.edu/shs St. George's University School of Medicine Miami Children's Hospital 3100 SW 62nd Street Miami, FL 33155 (800) 899‐6337 www.sgu.edu St. John Vianney College Seminary 2900 SW 87 Ave Miami, FL 33165‐3244 (305) 223‐4561 www.sjvcs.edu St. Matthew's University School of Medicine 12124 High Tech Ave, Suite 350 Orlando, FL 32817 (800) 498‐9700 www.stmatthews.edu St. Petersburg Theological Seminary, Inc. 10830 Navajo Drive St. Petersburg, FL 33708 (727) 399‐0276 www.sptseminary.edu Stenomax Institute 3986 Boulevard Center Dr Bldg 1200, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32207 (800) 273‐5090 www.stenomax.com Strayer University 8375 Dix Ellis Trail, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 538‐1000 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 8529 S Park Circle, Suite 310 Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 264‐9400 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 6302 E Martin Luther King Blvd Tampa, FL 33619 (813) 663‐0100 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 11025 RCA Center Dr, Suite 200 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 (561) 904‐3000 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 4902 Eisenhower Blvd, Suite 100 Tampa, FL 33634‐6310 (813) 882‐0100 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 850 Trafalgar Court, Suite 360 Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 618‐5900 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 2307 W Broward Blvd, Suite 100 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 (703) 558‐7018 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 5830 Coral Ridge Dr, Suite 300 Coral Springs, FL 33076 (703) 558‐7018 www.strayer.edu Strayer University 2200 N Alafaya Trail, Suite 500 Orlando, FL 32826 (407) 926‐2000 www.strayer.edu Taylor College 5190 SE 125 Street Belleview, FL 34420 (352) 245‐4119 www.phtacademy.com Teacher Education University 1079 W Morse Blvd, Suite B Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 629‐4877 www.teachereducationuniversity.com Technical Career Institute, Inc. Mall of the Americas 7757 W Flagler Street, Suite 230 Miami, FL 33144 (305) 261‐5511 www.TechnicalCareerInstitute.com The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale, Inc. 1799 SE 17th Street Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 (954) 463‐3000 www.aifl.edu The Art Institute of Jacksonville 8775 Baypine Road Jacksonville, FL 32256‐8528 (904) 732‐9393 www.aii.edu/jacksonville The Art Institute of Tampa, Inc. Tampa Bay Business Park 4401 N Himes Ave, Suite 2 Tampa, FL 33614 (813) 873‐2112 www.aii.edu/tampa The Baptist College of Florida 1230 Hendricks Avenue Jacksonville, FL 32207‐8619 (386) 546‐6645 www.baptistcollege.edu The Baptist College of Florida 5400 College Drive Graceville, FL 32440‐1831 (850) 263‐3261 www.baptistcollege.edu The Baptist College of Florida 1836 Olive Road Pensacola, FL 32514 (850) 475‐1128 www.baptistcollege.edu 167 The Baptist College of Florida 3000 S John Young Pkwy Orlando, FL 32805 (407) 425‐2555 www.baptistcollege.edu The Golf Academy of the South 1200 E Altamonte Dr, Unit 1010 Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 (407) 699‐1990 www.sdga.edu The National Graduate School Centurion Tower 1601 Forum Place, Suite 602 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (866) 647‐5962 www.ngs.edu The Stenotype Institute of Jacksonville, Inc. 3986 Boulevard Center Dr Bldg 1200, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32207 (904) 398‐4141 www.stenotypeinstitute.net The Stenotype Institute of Jacksonville, Inc., ‐ Orlando 1636 West Oak Ridge Road Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 816‐5573 www.stenotypeinstitute.net Thomas University 2626 Capital Medical Blvd Tallahassee, FL 32308 (229) 226‐1621 www.thomasu.edu Thunderbird School of Global Management 3625 NW 82nd Ave, Suite 205 Miami, FL 33166 (305) 592‐8306 www.thunderbird.edu/globalmba Touro College South 1703 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139‐7541 (305) 535‐1066 www.touro.edu/tcsouth Trinity Baptist College 800 Hammond Blvd Jacksonville, FL 32221‐1398 (904) 596‐2400 www.tbc.edu Trinity College of Florida 2430 Welbilt Blvd New Port Richey, FL 34655 (727) 376‐6911 www.trinitycollege.edu Trinity International University 8190 W State Road 84 Davie, FL 33324 (954) 382‐6500 www.tiu.edu/sfc Troy University TSU, Bldg 1230, Room 44 P.O.Box 40097 Tyndall AFB, FL 32403 (850) 283‐4449 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University NAS Whiting Field 7559 USS Essex Street Milton, FL 32570 (850) 455‐5836 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University 21 N New Warrington Rd Pensacola, FL 32506 (850) 455‐5836 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University PO Box 9250 Hurlburt Field, FL 32544 (850) 581‐3130 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University 2683 St. John's Bluff Rd S, Suite 123 Jacksonville, FL 32246 (904) 641‐1005 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University Bldg 251, Room 125 PO Box 1955 Eglin AFB, FL 32542 (850) 678‐1865 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University University Center 3094 Indian Circle Marianna, FL 32446 (850) 301‐2145 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University 81 Beal Parkway SE Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32548 (850) 551‐6076 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University 5201 W Kennedy Blvd Tampa, FL 33609 (813) 835‐6220 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Troy University 1020 N Orlando Ave, Suite Z Winter Park, FL 32789 (407) 599‐6993 http://fwr.troy.edu/ Ultrasound Medical Institute 1177 Hypoluxo Rd, Suite 201 Lantana, FL 33462 (561) 585‐4625 www.sonogramcenter.com UNAD Florida 1820 N Corporate Lakes Blvd Office 203 Weston, FL 33326 (954) 389‐2277 www.unad.us Unilatina, UL School of Business 4801 S University Dr, Suite 114 Davie, FL 33328 (954) 607‐4344 www.unilatina.edu Union Institute & University 16853 NE 2nd Ave, Suite 102 North Miami Beach, FL 33162‐1746 (305) 653‐7141 www.tui.edu UNIR College of Technology: UNITECH 1444 Biscaynne Blvd, Suite 104 Miami, FL 33132 (305) 377‐8817 www.unitechmiami.com 168 Universidad Del Este 5601 S Semoran Blvd Orlando, FL 32822 (407) 207‐3363 www.suagm.edu/orlando/ Universidad Del Este 3502‐3560 Enterprise Way Miramar, FL 33025 (954) 885‐5583 www.suagm.edu Universidad Del Turabo 5601 S Semoran Blvd, Suite 55 Orlando, FL 32822 (888) 747‐8362 www.suagm.edu/orlando/ Universidad Del Turabo 3502‐3560 Enterprise Way Miramar, FL 33025 (888) 378‐8342 www.suagm.edu Universidad FLET 14540 SW 136th St, Suite 108 Miami, FL 33186 (305) 378‐8700 www.flet.edu Universidad Metropolitana 3502‐3560 Enterprise Way Miramar, FL 33025 (954) 885‐5583 www.suagm.edu Universidad Metropolitana 5601 S Semoran Blvd Orlando, FL 32822 (407) 207‐3363 www.suagm.edu University of Arkansas 221 Lukasik Ave, C/O Box 9056 Hurlburt Field AFB, FL 32544 (479) 575‐7426 www.opnsmgmt.uark.edu University of Fort Lauderdale 4093 NW 16th Street Lauderhill, FL 33313 (954) 486‐7728 www.uftl.edu University of Oklahoma 221 Lukasik Avenue Hurlburt Field, FL 32544‐5416 (405) 325‐3916 www.goOU.ou.edu University of Phoenix 11410 NW 20th Street Miami, FL 33172‐1111 (954) 382‐5303 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix ‐ Daytona Learning Center 1540 Cornerstone Blvd Daytona Beach, FL 32117‐0000 (813) 626‐7911 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix ‐ Miramar 2400 SW 145th Avenue Miramar, FL 33027 (954) 382‐5303 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix ‐ Palm Beach Gardens 7111 Fairway Dr, Suite 205 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418‐4204 (407) 667‐0555 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix ‐ Sarasota 501 N Cattlemen Rd Sarasota, FL 34232 (941) 554‐2500 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ Central Florida Campus 2290 Lucien Way, Suite 400 Maitland, FL 32751 (407) 667‐0555 www.uophx.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ Cypress Creek Learning Center 550 W Cypress Creek Rd Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 (407) 345‐8868 www.uophx.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ East Orlando Learning Center 1900 N Alafaya Trail Orlando, FL 32826 (407) 563‐1500 www.uophx.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ North Florida Campus 4500 Salisbury Rd N, Suite 200 Jacksonville, FL 32216 (904) 636‐6645 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ Orange Park 505 Plaza Circle Orange Park, FL 32703 (904) 636‐6645 www.uophx.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ South Florida Campus 600 N Pine Island Rd, Suite 500 Plantation, FL 33324 (954) 382‐5303 www.uophx.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ South Orlando Learning Center 8325 S Park Circle, Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32819 (407) 345‐8868 www.uophx.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ St. Petersburg Learning Center 1901 Ulmerton Rd Clearwater, FL 33762 (727) 561‐9008 www.Phoenix.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ West Florida Campus 12802 Tampa Oaks Blvd, Suite 200 Tampa, FL 33637 (813) 626‐7911 www.phoenix.edu University of Phoenix, Inc. ‐ Westshore 4805 W Independence Parkway Tampa, FL 33634 (813) 626‐7911 www.phoenix.edu 169 University of St. Augustine For Health Sciences 1 University Boulevard St. Augustine, FL 32086‐5783 (904) 826‐0084 www.usa.edu University of St. Augustine For Health Sciences Mae Volen Senior Center 1515 W Palmetto Park Rd Boca Raton, FL 33486 (904) 826‐0084 www.usa.edu University of St. Francis ‐ Miami Wayside Baptist Church 7701 SW 98th Street Miami, FL 33156 (305) 596‐6533 www.stfrancis.edu University of St. Francis ‐ Orlando 500 Wilcox Street Joliet, IL 60435 (866) 890‐8353 www.stfrancis.edu University of St. Francis ‐ Tampa 500 Wilcox Street Joliet, IL 60435 (800) 456‐4543 www.stfrancis.edu Vincennes University 1002 N First Street Vincennes, IN 47951 (904) 823‐3955 www.vinu.edu Virginia College 19 W Garden Street Pensacola, FL 32501 (850) 436‐8444 www.vc.edu Virginia College Online 10401 Highland Manor Dr, Suite 300 Tampa, FL 33610 (205) 397‐6601 www.vconline.edu Walden University 155 5th Avenue S, Suite 200 Minneapolis, MN 55401 (800) 925‐3368 www.waldenu.edu Webster University, Jacksonville 10407 Centurion Pkwy N, Suite 210 Jacksonville, FL 32256 (904) 268‐3037 www.webster.edu Webster University, Jacksonville ‐ Navy Campus Navy Campus Education Center Bldg 110, 2nd Floor Jacksonville, FL 32212‐5000 (904) 779‐7124 www.webster.edu Webster University, Lakeland 101 W Main Street, Suite 150 Lakeland, FL 33815 (863) 858‐9100 www.webster.edu Webster University, Merritt Island 150 N Sykes Creek Pkwy, Suite 200 Merritt Island, FL 32953 (321) 449‐4500 www.webster.edu Webster University, North Orlando 2180 W SR 434, Suite 5100 Longwood, FL 32779 (407) 869‐8111 www.webster.edu Webster University, Ocala 3405 SW College Rd, Suite 113 Ocala, FL 34474 (352) 861‐9330 www.webster.edu Webster University, Orlando 6750 Forum Dr, Suite 300 Orlando, FL 32821 (407) 345‐1139 www.webster.edu Webster University, Palm Bay 250 Community College Pkwy Palm Bay, FL 32909 (321) 956‐6700 www.webster.edu Webster University, Patrick AFB 1020 Central Ave, Suite C15 Patrick Air Force Base, FL 32925‐2995 (321) 868‐5194 www.webster.edu 170 Webster University, Sarasota 8043 Cooper Creek Pkwy, Suite 101 University Park, FL 34201 (941) 365‐7040 www.webster.edu Webster University, Tampa 11201 Corporate Circle N, Suite 140 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 (941) 358‐3840 www.webster.edu/sarasota Wolford College 1336 Creekside Blvd, Suite 2 Naples, FL 34108 (239) 649‐0238 www.wolford.edu Career & Technical Education 171 CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION CENTERS OPERATED BY SCHOOL DISTRICTS LOCATION MAP 4 1 5 41 • Pensacola 2 3 7 Tallahassee 9 6 • Jacksonville 10 8 11 • Gainesville 43 District‐Operated Career Technical Centers 1. George Stone Career Center, Pensacola 2. Locklin Technical Center, Milton 3. Okaloosa Applied Technology Center, Ft. Walton Beach 4. Walton County Vocational Technical Center, Defuniak Springs 5. Washington‐Holmes Technical Center, Chipley 6. Haney Technical Center, Panama City 7. Lively Technical School, Tallahassee 8. Taylor Technical Institute, Perry 9. Suwannee‐Hamilton Technical Center, Live Oak 10. Bradford‐Union Technical Center, Starke 11. First Coast Technical Institute, St. Augustine 12. Withlacoochee Technical Institute, Inverness 13. Lake Technical Center, Eustis 14. Mid‐Florida Tech, Orlando 15. Orlando Tech, Orlando 16. Westside Tech, Winter Garden 17. Winter Park Tech, Winter Park 18. Marchman Educational Center, New Port Richey 19. Technical Education Center of Osceola (TECO), Kissimmee 20. Ridge Technical Center, Winter Haven 21. Traviss Technical Center, Lakeland 22. Aparicio‐Levy Adult Technical Center, Tampa 23. Erwin Technical Center, Tampa 24. Brewster Technical Center, Tampa 25. Learey Technical Center, Tampa 26. Tampa Bay Technical High School, Tampa 27. Pinellas Technical Education Center, Clearwater 28. Pinellas Technical Education Center, St. Petersburg 29. Manatee Technical Institute, Bradenton 30. Sarasota County Technical Institute, Sarasota 31. Charlotte Technical Center, Port Charlotte 32. Lee County High Tech Center Central, Ft. Myers 33. Lee County High Tech Center North, Cape Coral 34. Atlantic Technical Center, Coconut Creek 35. McFatter Technical Center, Davie 36. Sheridan Technical Center, Hollywood 37. Miami Lakes Educational Center, Miami Lakes 38. Robert Morgan Educational Center, Miami 39. Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center, Miami 40. The English Center, Miami 41. Baker Aviation, Miami 42. Gadsden Technical Institute, Quincy 43. Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology, Naples 44. Marion County Community Technical & Adult Education, Ocala 45. Desoto Family Service Center, Arcadia 13 12 14-17 • Orlando 18 20-21 Tampa y 19 22-25 26-27 28 44 29 • Fort 30 Ft. Myers y 31-32 42 33-35 • Miami 36-40 172 OVERVIEW OF MISSION Career and Technical Education postsecondary centers, which include community colleges and technical centers, provide job preparatory and continuing workforce education training to high school graduates, adults who have left school before graduation, and adults returning for additional postsecondary training for occupational retention or enhancement. Programs are directly related to employment and are suited to the needs, interests, and abilities of students. Career and Technical Education postsecondary centers offer programs in Agriscience and Natural Resources Education, Business Technology Education, Diversified Education, Family and Consumer Sciences Education, Health Science Education, Industrial Education, Marketing Education, and Public Service Education (See chart below for a detailed listing of programs by institution). Programs for students with special needs are also offered. Additional programs and services support career goals of students and economic development needs of business, industry, and the community. High school students may attend a Career and Technical Education center or a community college as a dual‐enrolled student to obtain career and technical education instruction not available at their high school. This credit will also count toward postsecondary education after high school graduation. Programs Career and Technical Education postsecondary centers offer the following types of programs and activities: • Occupational proficiency courses: An occupational proficiency course includes instruction in a specific occupation or cluster of closely related occupations in order to develop skills needed for employment. Such courses are provided if students are preparing to enter an occupation or a registered apprenticeship program, or for those who are already employed but want to update or learn new knowledge and skills in order to achieve job stability or advancement. • Remedial education courses: A remedial education course consists of instruction to correct any education deficiencies. • Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs): When provided, CTSOs are an integral part of the career and technical education programs. The activities of CTSOs are part of the curriculum. • Apprenticeship: Career and Technical Education postsecondary centers cooperate with local apprenticeship committees and provide pre‐apprenticeship programs and apprenticeship‐related instruction. • Adult General Education Development (GED): Career and Technical Education postsecondary centers may provide a GED program to support the career goals of a student, including basic literacy instruction and elementary and secondary level courses. English for Speakers of Other Languages and Vocational English for Speakers of Other Languages courses are also offered. Articulation with High Schools Technical centers and community colleges allow for articulation of high school programs with postsecondary programs. Both public and private high school students may attend a community college or technical center to receive career and technical education instruction that is not available at their individual high schools. Specific information for each of the community college programs can be found in the community college section of this Handbook. 173 2008 FLORIDA POSTSECONDARY ADULT VOCATIONAL (PSAV) CERTIFICATE PROGRAM INVENTORY COUNCIL OF OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION (COE) ACCREDITED INSTITUTIONS Atlantic Technical Center (Broward Co) Program Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Health Unit Coordinator (PS) 17.0513 500 Hemodialysis Technician 17.0202 600 Machining 48.0503 1500 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Coder/Biller ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1000 Medical Record Transcribing ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1200 Multimedia Design Technology 10.0199 1350 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Voice Writing B070603 07.0602 1620 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Bradford‐Union Technical Center (Bradford and Union Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 Program 07.0401 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) 1050 Clock Hours 48.0508 1170 Applied Welding Technologies Brick and Block Masonry 46.0102 1650 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Family Child Care Training 20.0202 30 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours 07.0101 900 Charlotte Technical Center (Charlotte Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 174 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Communication Electronics 47.0103 2840 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electrocardiograph Technology 17.0203 465 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Structural Drafting 48.0103 1800 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Web Programming Services B079200 07.0399 1200 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 D.G. Erwin Technical Center (Hillsborough Co) Program Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Barbering 12.0402 1200 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electroneurodiagnostic Technology 17.0204 1250 Floral Design and Marketing 08.0503 900 Interior Decorating Services 04.0501 1050 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Clinical Laboratory Technology ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0305 1515 Medical Coder/Biller ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1000 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Refrigeration Technology 47.0202 1350 Structural Drafting 48.0103 1800 175 Surgical Technology 17.0211 Surveying and Mapping Technology 15.0203 1350 Voice Writing B070603 07.0602 1620 Wireless Telecommunications 47.0103 1500 1330 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 The English Center (Miami‐Dade Co) Program Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Veterinary Assisting 17.0512 750 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours First Coast Technical Institute (St. Johns Co) Program Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) 17.0205 250 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Family Child Care Training 20.0202 30 Fire Apparatus Operator 43.0203 305 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Fire Inspector I 43.0202 200 Fire Instructor 43.0299 80 Gasoline Engine Service Technology 47.0606 1200 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Irrigation Operations 01.0206 600 Landscape Management 01.0605 900 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursery Management 01.0606 900 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Paramedic 17.0206 1100 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pest Control Operations ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 02.0408 720 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Printing and Graphic Communications 48.0201 1800 176 Real Estate Broker 06.1701 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 School Age Certification Training 20.0203 120 Sports and Recreational Turf Management 01.0607 900 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 EX: Putnam County Campus Program 72 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) 17.0205 250 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Family Child Care Training 20.0202 30 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 Refrigeration Technology 47.0202 1350 School Age Certification Training Fred D. Leary Technical Center (Hillsborough Co) Program 20.0203 120 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0205 250 Family Child Care Training 20.0202 30 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Private Security Officer 43.0109 68 School Age Certification Training 20.0203 120 Teacher Assisting George T. Baker Aviation (Miami‐Dade Co) Program 13.1299 450 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Aviation Airframe Mechanics 47.0607 1440 Aviation Powerplant Mechanics 47.0608 1440 Avionics 47.0199 2120 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 George Stone Career Center (Escambia Co) Program 177 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Autotronics 47.0604 1785 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Gasoline Engine Service Technology 47.0606 1200 Landscape Management 01.0605 900 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Web Design Services B070500 Henry W. Brewster Technical Center (Hillsborough Co) Program 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Academy of Public Works 15.0499 450 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Health Unit Coordinator (PS) 17.0513 500 Industrial Machinery Maintenance 47.0303 1350 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Lodging Operations 06.0701 600 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Pharmacy Technician ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0507 1050 Practical Nursing Lake Technical Center (Lake Co) Program 17.0605 1350 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 178 Cosmetology 12.0403 Crossover Corr. Off. to Law Enf. Officer 43.0107 1200 434 Crossover from Law Enf. Off. to Corr. Officer 43.0102 199 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) 17.0205 250 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 Paramedic 17.0206 1100 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 School Age Certification Training Lee County High Tech Center Central (Lee Co) Program 20.0203 120 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 307 Business Supervision and Management B060200 06.0401 900 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Crossover Corr. Off. to Law Enf. Officer 43.0107 434 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Gasoline Engine Service Technology 47.0606 1200 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Web Programming Services B079200 07.0399 1200 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Lee County High Tech Center North (Lee Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 179 Blueprint Reading and Estimation 46.9999 150 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Diversified Career Technology 98.8610 600 Electrical Drafting 48.0104 1200 Electronic System Assembly 47.0199 450 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Coder/Biller 17.0506 1000 Medical Coder/Biller ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1000 Multimedia Design Technology 10.0199 1350 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Structural Drafting 48.0103 1800 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Teller Operations 07.0205 150 Voice Writing B070603 07.0602 1620 Web Design Services B070500 Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center (Miami‐Dade Co) Program 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Central Service Technology 17.0502 500 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Customer Assistance Technology B079100 07.9999 450 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Dental Laboratory Technology 17.0103 2040 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Industrial Electricity 46.0302 960 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 180 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 Nutrition and Dietetic Services 20.0404 150 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Sewing Technology and Services 20.0306 900 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Tile Setting 46.0103 500 Web Design Services B070500 Lively Technical School (Leon Co) Program 1050 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Barbering 12.0402 1200 Blueprint Reading and Estimation 46.9999 150 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Photography Technology 48.0204 1650 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Criminal Justice Operations 43.0199 450 Culinary Operations 20.0401 1200 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electrocardiograph Technology 17.0203 465 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Machining 48.0503 1500 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Record Transcribing 17.0506 1200 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Real Estate Broker 06.1701 72 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 Related Industrial Technology 46.9999 450 Structural Drafting 48.0103 1800 Teacher Assisting 13.1299 450 Television Production 10.0104 1650 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Web Programming Services B079200 07.0399 1200 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours BR. Lively Aviation Center (Leon Co) Program 181 Aviation Airframe Mechanics 47.0607 Aviation Powerplant Mechanics 47.0608 1440 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology (Collier Co) Program 1440 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Aviation Airframe Mechanics 47.0607 1440 Aviation Powerplant Mechanics 47.0608 1440 Blueprint Reading and Estimation 46.9999 150 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electrocardiograph Technology 17.0203 465 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Private Security Officer 43.0109 68 Real Estate Broker 06.1701 72 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 Surgical Technology Branch: The Bethune Center of Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology (Collier Co) Program 17.0211 1330 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Brick and Block Masonry 46.0102 1650 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Pre‐Apprenticeship 91.0100 900 Private Security Officer 43.0109 68 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours 3‐D Animation Technology 10.0304 1050 Academy of Travel and Tourism 08.1104 600 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Manatee Technical Institute (Manatee Co) Program 182 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1050 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Auxiliary Correctional Officer 43.0102 254 Auxiliary Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 307 Barbering 12.0402 1200 Blueprint Reading and Estimation 46.9999 150 Boat and Yacht Repair/Refinishing Technology 49.0306 1350 Brick and Block Masonry 46.0102 1650 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Business Ownership 06.1801 150 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Concrete Masonry 46.0102 900 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 Correctional Probational Officer 43.0102 412 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Criminal Justice Operations 43.0199 450 Crossover Corr. Prob.Off. to Corr. Officer 43.0102 256 Crossover Corr. Off. to Law Enf. Officer 43.0107 434 Crossover Corr. Prob. Off. to Law Enf. Off. 43.0107 544 Crossover from Corr. Off. to Corr. Prob. Officer 43.0102 172 Crossover from Law Enf. Off. to Corr. Officer 43.0102 199 Crossover Law Enf. Off. to Corr. Prob. Off 43.0102 112 Culinary Operations 20.0401 1200 Dietetic Management and Supervision 20.0404 450 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electrician 46.0302 1500 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Family Child Care Training 20.0202 30 Film Production Equipment Operation 10.0102 1600 Fire Apparatus Operator 43.0203 305 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Fire Inspector I 43.0202 200 Fire Instructor 43.0299 80 Fire Investigator I 43.0202 160 Fire Officer I 43.0203 553 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Machining 48.0503 1500 Major Appliance and Refrigeration Repair 47.0106 1500 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 183 Nursery Management 01.0606 Occupational Safety and Health Technology 15.0701 40 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Police Service Aide 43.9999 206 Pre‐Apprenticeship 91.0100 900 Private Security Officer 43.0109 68 School Age Certification Training 20.0203 120 Sheet Metal Fabrication Technology 48.0506 1350 Special Fire safety Inspector 43.0201 40 Television Production 10.0104 1650 Travel and Tourism Industry Operations 08.1105 600 Wastewater Treatment Technologies 15.0506 405 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Web Programming Services B079200 07.0399 1200 Workplace Essentials 98.8650 75 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) 17.0205 250 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Coder/Biller 17.0506 1000 Optometric Assisting 17.0705 1080 Paramedic 17.0206 1100 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Criminal Justice Operations 43.0199 450 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Manatee Technical Institute East Campus (Manatee Co) Program Marchman Educational Center (Pasco Co) Program 900 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Printing and Graphic Communications 48.0201 1800 Television Production 10.0104 1650 Veterinary Assisting 17.0512 750 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Marion County Community Technical and Adult Education (Marion Co.) Program 184 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Basic X‐Ray Machine Operator 17.0209 650 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) 17.0205 250 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Gasoline Engine Service Technology 47.0606 1200 Heavy Equipment Operation 49.0202 1200 Hemodialysis Technician 17.0202 600 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Clinical Laboratory Technology ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0305 1515 Medical Coder/Biller 17.0506 1000 Medical Laboratory Assisting (PS) 17.0304 465 Medical Record Transcribing 17.0506 1200 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Paramedic 17.0206 1100 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Radiologic Technician (MARION COUNTY ONLY) 17.0209 2700 School Bus Driver Training 49.0205 40 Veterinary Assisting 17.0512 750 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours EX ‐ Florida State Fire College Program Fire Fighter II Miami Lakes Educational Center (Miami‐Dade Co) Program 43.0203 450 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Commercial Class B Driving 49.0205 150 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Heavy Equipment Mechanics 47.0302 1740 Major Appliance and Refrigeration Repair 47.0106 1500 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Related Industrial Technology 46.9999 450 Television Production 10.0104 1650 Okaloosa Applied Technology Center (Okaloosa Co) 185 Program Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Irrigation Operations 01.0206 600 Landscape Management 01.0605 900 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Sports and Recreational Turf Management 01.0607 900 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours 07.0101 900 Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Commercial Class B Driving 49.0205 150 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Commercial Photography Technology 48.0204 1650 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 OTEC Mid Florida Tech JATC 107100 (Orange Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 Digital Printing Technology 48.0201 990 Electrician 46.0302 1500 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0205 250 Fire Apparatus Operator 43.0203 305 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Fire Inspector I 43.0202 200 Fire Instructor 43.0299 80 Fire Officer I 43.0203 553 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Lodging Operations 06.0701 600 Machining 48.0503 1500 Major Appliance and Refrigeration Repair 47.0106 1500 Marketing, Merchandising, and Parts Operations 08.1203 1350 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 New Media Technology B077400 10.0101 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pre‐Apprenticeship 91.0100 900 Private Security Officer 43.0109 68 186 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 Surveying and Mapping Technology 15.0203 1350 Travel and Tourism Industry Operations OTEC Orlando Tech (Orange Co) Program 08.1105 600 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours 3‐D Animation Technology 10.0304 1050 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Basic X‐Ray Machine Operator 17.0209 650 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Culinary Operations 20.0401 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Health Unit Coordinator (PS) 17.0513 500 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Laboratory Assisting (PS) 17.0304 465 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 Sewing Technology and Services 20.0306 900 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Television Production OTEC Westside Tech (Orange Co) Program 10.0104 1650 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Cosmetology Culinary Operations 12.0403 20.0401 1200 1200 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Floral Design and Marketing 08.0503 900 Insurance Customer Representative 08.1001 100 Insurance General Lines Agent 08.1001 200 Insurance Marketing 08.1001 450 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Pre‐Apprenticeship 91.0100 900 Veterinary Assisting 17.0512 750 OTEC Winter Park Tech (Orange Co) Program Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 187 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Electrocardiograph Technology 17.0203 465 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Hemodialysis Technician 17.0202 600 Interior Decor Fabrication 20.0502 1050 Interior Decorating Services 04.0501 1050 Jewelry Making and Repair 48.0602 1650 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Coder/Biller ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1000 Medical Record Transcribing ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1200 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Voice Writing B070603 07.0602 1620 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Web Programming Services B079200 07.0399 1200 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours PTEC ‐ Clearwater Campus (Pinellas Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Customer Assistance Technology B079100 07.9999 450 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Industrial Machinery Maintenance 47.0303 1350 Machining 48.0503 1500 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 School Age Certification Training 20.0203 120 School Bus Driver Training 49.0205 40 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Telecommunications Technology PTEC ‐ St. Petersburg Campus (Pinellas Co) Program 47.0103 600 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours 15.0499 450 Academy of Public Works 188 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Photography Technology 48.0204 1650 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Culinary Operations 20.0401 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Jewelry Making and Repair 48.0602 1650 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 School Age Certification Training 20.0203 120 Television Production 10.0104 1650 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Radford M. Locklin Technical Center (Santa Rosa Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Diversified Career Technology 98.8610 600 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Printing and Graphic Communications 48.0201 1800 Refrigeration Technology 47.0202 1350 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Ridge Technical Center (Polk Co) Program Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Class B Driving 49.0205 150 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Culinary Operations 20.0401 1200 189 Customer Service Representative 08.0706 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Industrial Machinery Maintenance 47.0303 1350 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Refrigeration Technology 47.0202 1350 School Bus Driver Training 49.0205 40 Teacher Assisting 13.1299 450 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Robert Morgan Educational Center (Miami‐Dade Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Major Appliance and Refrigeration Repair 47.0106 1500 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Practical Nursing Sarasota County Technical Institute (Sarasota Co) Program 17.0605 1350 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 190 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Crossover Corr. Off. to Law Enf. Officer 43.0107 434 Customer Assistance Technology B079100 07.9999 450 Dietetic Management and Supervision 20.0404 450 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) 17.0205 250 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Coder/Biller ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1000 Medical Laboratory Assisting (PS) 17.0304 465 Medical Record Transcribing 17.0506 1200 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Paramedic 17.0206 1100 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Pharmacy Technician ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0507 1050 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 School Age Certification Training 20.0203 120 Wastewater Treatment Technologies 15.0506 405 Water Treatment Technologies 15.0506 405 Sheridan Technical Center (Broward Co) Program Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Advanced Automotive Technology 47.0604 2250 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Barbering 12.0402 1200 Business Supervision and Management B060200 06.0401 900 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electrical Drafting 48.0104 1200 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Health Unit Coordinator (PS) 17.0513 500 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Medical Coder/Biller ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1000 Medical Laboratory Technology (Certificate) 17.0305 1515 191 Medical Record Transcribing ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0506 1200 Multimedia Design Technology 10.0199 1350 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Systems Administration B079300 07.0304 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Structural Drafting 48.0103 1800 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Teacher Assisting 13.1299 450 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Suwannee‐Hamilton Technical Center (Suwannee and Hamilton Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Basic X‐Ray Machine Operator 17.0209 650 Brick and Block Masonry 46.0102 1650 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Court Reporting B070602 07.0602 2850 Diversified Career Technology 98.8610 600 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Family Child Care Training 20.0202 30 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Taylor Technical Institute (Taylor Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Electrical and Instrumentation Technology 15.0404 1800 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0205 250 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Industrial Machinery Maintenance 47.0303 1350 Industrial Pipefitter 46.0503 600 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursery Management 01.0606 900 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 192 Precision Metal Fabrication 48.0504 1600 Related Industrial Technology 46.9999 450 Teacher Assisting 13.1299 450 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours TECO‐ Technical Education Center of Osceola (Osceola Co) Program Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 Correctional Probational Officer 43.0102 412 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Pharmacy Technician 17.0507 1050 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Wireless Telecommunications 47.0103 1500 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Tom P. Haney Technical Center (Bay Co) Program Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Business Supervision and Management B060200 06.0401 900 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Child Care Center Operations 20.0203 45 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electrician 46.0302 1500 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Electronic Technology 15.0303 1400 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Parenting 20.0101 45 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 193 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Refrigeration Technology 47.0202 1350 School Bus Driver Training 49.0205 40 Structural Drafting 48.0103 1800 Teller Operations Traviss Technical Center (Polk Co) Program 07.0205 150 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Customer Assistance Technology B079100 07.9999 450 Dental Assisting 17.0101 1230 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Health Unit Coordinator (PS) 17.0513 500 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Landscape Management 01.0605 900 Legal Administrative Specialist B072000 07.0604 1050 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Optometric Assisting 17.0705 1080 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Surgical Technology 17.0211 1330 Teacher Assisting 13.1299 450 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Academy of Entrepreneurship 08.0301 450 Academy of International Marketing 08.0703 600 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Washington‐Holmes Technical Center (Washington and Holmes Co) Program Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Cabinetmaking 48.0703 1200 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Class B Driving 49.0205 150 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 194 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 Correctional Officer 43.0102 1650 532 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Crossover from Law Enf. Off. to Corr. Officer 43.0102 199 Customer Service Representative 08.0706 600 Customer Service Technology ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 08.9999 540 Diversified Career Technology 98.8610 600 Electrician 46.0302 1500 Facials Specialty 12.0403 260 Gasoline Engine Service Technology 47.0606 1200 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Heavy Equipment Mechanics 47.0302 1740 Heavy Equipment Operation 49.0202 1200 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Interior Decor Fabrication 20.0502 1050 Landscape Management 01.0605 900 Marketing 08.9999 450 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursery Management 01.0606 900 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Printing and Graphic Communications 48.0201 1800 Real Estate Sales Agent 06.1701 63 Refrigeration Technology 47.0202 1350 Sports and Recreational Turf Management 01.0607 900 Surveying and Mapping Technology 15.0203 1350 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Architectural Drafting 48.0102 1900 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Boat and Yacht Repair/Refinishing Technology 49.0306 1350 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Commercial Photography Technology 48.0204 1650 William T. McFatter Technical Center (Broward Co) Program Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Dental Laboratory Technology 17.0103 2040 Environmental Services 20.0601 300 Fire Apparatus Operator 43.0203 305 Fire Fighter II 43.0203 450 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Mechanical Drafting 48.0105 1900 Medical Assisting 17.0503 1300 Multimedia Design Technology 10.0199 1350 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nutrition and Dietetic Services 20.0404 150 Optometric Assisting 17.0705 1080 Pharmacy Technician ‐ ATD (MUST have approved paperwork) 17.0507 1050 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Printing and Graphic Communications 48.0201 1800 School Bus Driver Training 49.0205 40 Television Production 10.0104 1650 195 Withlacoochee Technical Institute (Citrus Co) Program Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Carpentry 46.0201 1200 Commercial Class B Driving 49.0205 150 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Commercial Vehicle Driving 49.0205 320 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Correctional Officer 43.0102 532 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Law Enforcement Officer 43.0107 760 Marine Service Technology 49.0306 1350 Massage Therapy 12.0405 750 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 NON‐COE ACCREDITED AGENCIES THAT ALSO OFFER PSAV PROGRAMS Gadsden Technical Institute (Gadsden Co) Program Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Applied Welding Technologies 48.0508 1170 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Barbering 12.0402 1200 Cosmetology 12.0403 1200 Gasoline Engine Service Technology 47.0606 1200 Medical Administrative Specialist B070300 07.0605 1050 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Tampa Bay Technical High School (Hillsborough Co) Program Academy of International Business B060901 06.0901 750 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Accounting Operations B070110 07.0101 900 Administrative Assistant B070330 07.0401 1050 Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Technology (PS) 47.0203 1350 Automotive Collision Repair and Refinishing 47.0603 1400 Automotive Service Technology 47.0604 1800 Building Construction Technologies 46.0401 1050 Business Computer Programming B070320 07.0301 1200 Business Supervision and Management B060200 06.0401 900 Commercial Art Technology 48.0203 1500 Commercial Foods and Culinary Arts 20.0403 1500 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Consumer Electronic Product Servicing 47.0199 1800 196 Cosmetology 12.0403 Early Childhood Education 20.0202 600 Electricity 46.0302 1200 Heavy Duty Truck and Bus Mechanics 47.0605 1680 Nursing Assistant (Long‐Term Care) 17.0602 120 Parenting 20.0101 45 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Plumbing Technology 46.0503 960 Real Estate Broker 06.1701 72 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 Federal CIP Code (1985 CIPs) Clock Hours Walton County Vocational Technical Center (Walton Co) Program 1200 Agricultural Sales and Services 01.0501 450 Computer Systems Technology 47.0104 1650 Home Health Aide (PS) 17.0404 165 Landscape Management 01.0605 900 Nails Specialty 12.0403 240 Network Support Services B078000 07.0304 1050 Nursery Management 01.0606 900 Patient Care Technician 17.0699 600 PC Support Services B070400 07.0305 900 Phlebotomy 17.0301 165 Practical Nursing 17.0605 1350 Web Design Services B070500 07.0399 1050 2008‐09 CAREER AND TECHNICAL CENTER CONTACT INFORMATION Aparicio‐Levy Adult Technical Center 10119 E Ellicott Street Tampa, FL 33610 Main: (813) 740‐4884 http://altc.mysdhc.org/ Atlantic Technical Center 4700 Coconut Creek Pkwy Coconut Creek, FL 33063 Main: (754) 321‐5100 www.atlantictechcenter.com Baker Aviation 3275 NW 42nd Ave Miami, FL 33142 Main: (305) 871‐3143 http://bakeraviation.dadeschools.net Bradford‐Union Technical Center 609 N Orange St Starke, FL 32091 Main: (904) 966‐6764 www.bradfordvotech.com Brewster Technical Center 2222 N Tampa Street Tampa, FL 33602 Main: (813) 276‐5448 www.brewstertech.org Charlotte Technical Center 18300 Toledo Blade Blvd Port Charlotte, FL 33948 Main: (941) 255‐7500 www.yourscharlotteschools.com Desoto Family Service Center 310 W Whidden Street Arcadia, FL 34266 Main: (863) 993‐1333 www.desotoschools.com/fsc Erwin Technical Center 2010 E Hillsborough Ave Tampa, FL 33610 Main: (813) 231‐1800 www.erwin.edu 197 First Coast Technical Institute 2980 Collins Ave St. Augustine, FL 32084 Main: (904) 829‐1010 www.fcti.org Gadsden Technical Institute 201 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Quincy, FL 32351 Main: (850) 875‐8324 www.gti‐careers.com George Stone Career Center 2400 Longleaf Dr Pensacola, FL 32526 Main: (850) 941‐6214 www.georgestonecenter.com Haney Technical Center 3016 Highway 77 Panama City, FL 32405 Main: (850) 747‐5500 www.bayschools.com/htc Lake Technical Center 2001 Kurt Street Eustis, FL 32726 Main: (352) 357‐8686 www.laketech.org Learey Technical Center 5410 N 20th Street Tampa, FL 33610 Main: (813) 231‐1850 www.learey.org Lee County High Tech Center‐ Central 3800 Michigan Ave Fort Myers, FL 33916 Main: (239) 334‐4544 www.hightechcentral.org Lee County High Tech Center ‐ North 36 Santa Barbara Blvd N Cape Coral, FL 33993 Main: (239) 574‐4440 www.hightechnorth.com Lindsey Hopkins Technical Education Center 750 NW 20th St Miami, FL 33127 Main: (305) 324‐6070 http://lindsey.dadeschools.net/ Lively Technical School 500 N Appleyard Dr Tallahassee, FL 32304 Main: (850) 487‐7555 www.livelytech.com Locklin Technical Center 5330 Berryhill Rd Milton, FL 32570 Main: (850) 983‐5700 www.santarosa.k12.fl.us/schools/ltc Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology 3702 Estey Ave Naples, FL 34104 Main: (239) 377‐0903 www.lwit.edu McFatter Technical Center 6500 Nova Dr Davie, FL 33317 Main: (754) 321‐5700 www.mcfattertech.com Manatee Technical Institute 5603 34th St W Bradenton, FL 34210 Main: (941) 751‐7900 www.manateetechnicalinstitute.org Marchman Educational Center 7825 Campus Dr New Port Richey, FL 34653 Main: (727) 774‐1700 http://mtec.pasco.k12.fl.us Marion County Community Technical and Adult Education 1014 SE 7th Road Ocala, FL 34474 Main: (3532) 671‐4181 www.mcctae.com Miami Lakes Educational Center 5780 NW 158th St Miami Lakes, FL 33014 Main: (305) 557‐1100 http://mlec.dadeschools.net Mid‐Florida Tech ‐ Orange Technical Education Centers 2900 W Oak Ridge Rd Orlando, FL 32809 Main: (407) 855‐5880 www.mft.ocps.net Okaloosa Applied Technology Center 1976 Lewis Turner Blvd Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547 Main: (850) 833‐3500 www.okaloosa.k12.fl.us/oatc Orlando Tech ‐ Orange Technical Education Centers 301 West Amelia St Orlando, FL 32801 Main: (407) 246‐7060 www.orlandotech.ocps.net Pinellas Technical Education Center (PETC) ‐ Clearwater Campus 6100 154th Ave N Clearwater, FL 33760 Main: (727) 538‐7176 www.ptec.pinellas.k12.fl.us 198 Pinellas Technical Education Center (PTEC) ‐ St. Petersburg Campus 901 34th Street S St. Petersburg, FL 33711 Main: (727) 893‐2500 www.ptec.pinellas.k12.fl.us Ridge Technical Center 7700 State Rd 544 Winter Haven, FL 33881 Main: (863) 419‐3060 www.polk‐fl.net/ridge Robert Morgan Educational Center 18180 SW 122nd Ave Miami, FL 33177 Main: (305) 253‐9920 http://rmec.dadeschools.net Sarasota County Technical Institute 4748 Beneva Rd Sarasota, FL 34233 Main: (941) 927‐9000 www.sarasotatech.org Sheridan Technical Center 5400 Sheridan St Hollywood, FL 33021 Main: (754) 321‐5400 www.sheridantechnical.com Suwannee‐Hamilton Technical Center 415 SW Pinewood Dr Live Oak, FL 32064 Main: (386) 364‐2750 www.suwannee.k12.fl.us/shtc/ Taylor Technical Institute 3233 Highway 19 S Perry, FL 32348 Main: (850) 838‐2545 www.taylortech.org Technical Education Center Osceola (TECO) 501 Simpson Rd Kissimmee, FL 34744 Main: (407) 344‐5080 www.teco.osceola.k12.fl .us The English Center 3501 SW 28th St Miami, FL 33133 Main: (305) 445‐7731 www.tecmiami.com Traviss Technical Center 3225 Winter Lake Road Lakeland, FL 33803 Main: (863) 499‐2707 www.travisstech.org Walton County Vocational Technical Center 761 North 20th Street DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32433 Main: (850) 892‐1240 www.walton.k12.fl.us/ Washington‐Holmes Technical Center 757 Hoyt Street Chipley, Florida 32428 Main: (850) 638‐1180 www.whtc.org Westside Tech ‐ Orange Technical Education Centers 955 East Story Rd Winter Garden, FL 32812 Main: (407) 905‐2000 www.westside.ocps.net Winter Park Tech ‐ Orange Technical Education Centers 901 Webster Ave Winter Park, FL 32789 Main: (407) 622‐2900 www.wpt.ocps.net Withlachoochee Technical Institute 1201 W Main Street Inverness, Fl 34450 Main: (352) 726‐2430 www.wtionline.cc INDEPENDENT TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS The independent technical and vocational schools that are under the jurisdiction of the Commission for Independent Education (CIE) are a diverse group. Some have unique programs not offered at Florida’s public technical schools. These independent postsecondary schools are licensed by the state and many schools are accredited by recognized independent accrediting agencies. There were a total of 508 institutions offering only non‐degree programs under the jurisdiction of the Commission for Independent Education during the 2007‐2008 fiscal year. The reported enrollment for these non‐degree programs was 72,494. There were 48,037 reported graduates from these program and, of this number, 41,085 or 86% were placed in jobs, joined the military, or are continuing their education at an institution of higher learning. Currently, 116 (23%) of the CIE institutions that offer only diplomas are accredited by one or more regional or national accrediting agencies Be aware that there is no guarantee that students will be able to transfer credits to another institution. The acceptance of students or graduates is up to the receiving institution. Students and counselors should determine, prior to enrollment, whether or not a particular institution is likely to meet the students’ educational goals. If a student is considering a transfer in the future, it is important to ask the institution to which the student might transfer to verify the credits that will be accepted from their previous school. Remember that a personal visit to the school is always a good idea. A complete listing of nonpublic postsecondary vocational and technical schools is available at the CIE’s website (www.fldoe.org/cie/index.htm). You may also call the Commission at (850) 245‐3200. If you have any complaints about these independent postsecondary institutions, call the Consumer Protection Hotline at 1‐888‐224‐6684. 199