japanese illustrated woodblock printed books, of all periods
japanese illustrated woodblock printed books, of all periods
List Date : NOVEMBER 19, 2016 WOODBLOCK ILL'D BOOK 1 - 497 ============================================================ RARE ORIENTAL BOOK CO. ABAA, ILAB An Art & Intellectual Property Company Since 1967 P.O. BOX 1599 APTOS, CALIFORNIA 95001 TEL [831] 689 0203 email [email protected] website: http://www/rareorientalbooks.com Dear Antiquarian Oriental Bibliophile, SOMETHING NEW !! WE ARE NOW MAKING COLOR-ILLUSTRADED CATALOGS ! FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO OUR MAILING LIST You are invited to join our free color-catalog mailing list. Please let us know your collecting, reading and book buying interests, we shall be happy to add you to our email mailing list. 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LIBRARIANS: Your duplicates, G & E items in our area specialty will be happily considered for credit or cash. Please send us a simple hand list, or inquire. ============================================================ NOVEMBER 19, 2016 BEGINNING OF THE MEIJI PERIOD BOOK OF KABUKI & SAMURAI RareOrientalBooks.Com Book Number: 27024801 1 [ADACHI, Ginko.] [EHON SHOSETSU SAI GINKOH: WOODBLOCK BOOK BY GINKOH. [Japan 1880, no publisher]. Stiff boards, accordion album, contains 11 double-page woodcut color prints, or 22 smaller prints, each Chuban page is 21 x 17 cm., rebacked,mismatched covers, each page is a small dyptich. OBSCURE ITEM ! The contents consists of 10 double-illustrations in full woodblock printed color. Some of the pages are slightly mis-aligned, which is normal for a book of this period and nature. * THE ARTIST: Sho-Setsu-Sai Gin-Koh is his real name, and he used his studio name Adachi Ginkoh for this book, he flourished 1874-97. He had several other Go or studio names, see Roberts below for more details. * Each print shares a date cartouche at the top, stating Meiji period, these are diptych type woodcuts, each pair equals a single image or scene from a Kabuki play. The action starts out with a Buddhist priest talking to an itinerant traveler. The next shows two ruffians engaged in conversation. Followed by a man with a stab wound in the belly biting his Kimono to stave off the pain, while two other men look at him. The next shows a man offering a cup of Sake to an Onnagata [woman form, actually acted by a man]. Nest shows a man holding a Kiseru tobacco pipe talking to another man and an Onnagata. Two men are locked in crossed bamboo Kendo swords during sword play and practice. Two samurai look at the same direction, one has drawn his sword in anger. Two Samurai engage in combat, the man on the right trying to avoid being roped while trying to stab his opponent with a short dagger; the other uses a fork-like weapon to jab the other man in the neck while pulling the rope tight. Three Samurai all look to the left, one holds Kiseru pipe, the other two fans. Next shows a central Samurai figure who holds his sword, he looks at a man to his left as does an Onnagata to his right. * DATES: The top of several prints show the dates, which range from 1868-1888, essentially meaning the scenes were from these years. * CONDIDITON: The work is solid having been rebacked at some time. Each of the woodblock prints are laid down on the backing, some show previous old vertical folds, minor corner wear, dusty, old minor stains, but solid and nicely executed in the usual Meiji genre. The album has mismatching covers. The contents RareOrientalBooks.Com consists of 10 double-illustrations in full woodblock printed color. Some of the pages are slightly mis-aligned, which is normal for a book of this period and nature. We tend to be over critical on condition, nevertheless this is a nice work, highly collectable. * A good representation of Meiji type Kabuki/Samurai style plays, with good costumes, period Kimono as well as Western style clothing, typical of that period. The artist's name is on some of the prints along with his cinnabar Hanko or seal. All prints show the names of the actors and whom they portray in the story. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.32 left colum, states he was an Ukiyo-e printmaker, life unknown, good at Nishiki-e and actors' portraits [as is evidenced by this book], as well as battle scenes. Served as an lillustrator during the Sino-Japanese war, and is highly collected by world museums. * AN EARLY OPHTHALMOLOGCAL & ILLUSTRATED TREATISE Book Number: 21085401 2 AI, Gakuen. GANKA ZENSHO:TREATISE & MANUAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGICAL DISEASES. Kyoto 1824, Suwahara. Blue stitched stiff wrs., 6 vol. set, bound in 3, very good, 53+57+55 double folded leaves, woodblock printed on handmade mulberry paper, 76 illustrations of eyes each with a different appearance or malady. R A R E The first edition of this work was published in 1688 in 3 volumes, again in 1791 and greatly enlarged, or doubled in the current edition of 5 volumes, with additional illustrations of eyes with disease. An amazing work, contains therapeutics, operations, use of Moxa in ocular disorders. The use of & application of medicine, pharmacopoeia, what plants to use, how to use them, application of fish oils and other salves and washes. The profuse illustrations, each show a different eye disease or problem. Each is identified, named, discussed, with the remedy & prescription. During this time, the Majima School of Ophthalmology flourished & was important to the end of the Edo period [1604-1867], they taught anatomy and pathology of the eye, & therapy through drugs & operations. The beginning of this text discusses the anatomy and illustrates its parts with proper names cited. This text was part of that "secret" knowledge supplemented by word of mouth, or dictated to others, but not allowed to be seen or copied into books or in their entirety. See G. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS, p.328 et al for citation of this work and more on the Majima Opthalmology School. This work was originally taken from a Chinese manual of diseases of the eye by Ai, thus the text is still in Chinese, or Kambun in Japanese, with the Furigana grammatical marks for Japanese to read and understand. Also cited in Yu. Fujikawa; JAPANESE MEDICINE Clio Medica Series 1934, p.58: "First knowledge of European ophthalmo- RareOrientalBooks.Com $524 ology came to Japan with the translation of von Plenck's work by Kinchoo Sugita published 1815 with the title GANKA SHINSHO A NEW WORK ON OPHTHALMOLOGY." cited in S.Kure: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION 1925, p.46. A very bright copy, with a minor bit of old worming, text barely affected else clean, solid & complete as originally issued. Books of this subject interest were highly coveted and protected by Japanese physicians and practitioners, used widely by physiians and Rangakusha [Dutch learning scholars] & not commonly available to the general public. Contained in a blue Chitsu cloth covered folding case, ivory pegs. Scans can be sent by email. $6120 A BUDDHIST PILGRIM'S GUIDE TO THE TEMPLES OF KYOTO Book Number: 22025201 3 AKATSUKI, Kanenari. SAIKOKU SANJUSAN SHO MEISHO ZU: PICTORIAL RECORD OF THE FAMOUS THIRTY-THREE TEMPLES OF KYOTO & ENVIRONS CONSECRATED Osaka 1853, Shogagoshi.Blue stitched stiff wrs., dusty, some title slips rubbed away, contents clean, solid, 10 vol. set, woodblock printed on hand-made mulberry paper, 18 x 25.5 cm. 31+75+61+50+59+37+64+50+60 double folded leaves. R A R E With 89 single, 151 double page illustrations by Matsukawa Hanzan flourished [1850-82], Kikugawa Chikkei [1816-67], Uraga Kosai. A most substantial & copious illustrated guide. This superb work covers the 33 temples of Kyoto and environs consecrated to the goddess Kwannon. During the middle ages, it was commonly believed that whosoever had gone to these temples would be preserved from hell. This work is a copious and illustrated guide to those temples. They are: Nyoirin, Kokawa, Fujii, Ryakai, Nan-en-do, Kami-no-Daigo, Ishiyama, Shin Kuimano, Ryuhara-Mitsu, Gyokwan, Bodai, Kacho, ShinKiyomizu, Nyorin, Matsu-no-o, Chomei, Kegon, Kongho, Sefuku, Minami-Hokkei, Hase, Shoho, Mii, Kiyomizu, Rokkaku, Yoshimine, Sozen, Nakayama, Hokke, Seiso, Chikubu & Kwannon. Note, we have omitted the common suffix for "temple" [dera, ji] from these names. A most charming and lovely period work, showing contemporary life and life style of the Japanese. Shows the common people, tea shops and resting places, inns, Samurai, Buddhist priests, landscapes, whaling along the coast, activities of the lay people along the roads and in the villages, out door bathing and so much more. Cited in much bibliographical detail in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMMA, SHIJO...p. 455-6. Wrong author attribution to Akeno in R. Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS...London 1898 & 1904 editions. For a nice description of the subject of this book, see E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, p.540, which lists all thirty-three temples cited in this work. In L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.13 good biographical notes on two of the artists: Chikkei; p.39 for Hanzan. Scans can be sent by email. RareOrientalBooks.Com $3400 EARLY PRIMARY TALE OF JAPANESE CASTEWAY IN MEXICO & AMERICA Book Number: 41033301 4 AKIKO, Gyosoh. KAIGAI IBUN: STRANGE INFORMATION FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SEA. [Japanese Castaway in Baja California & Mexico, 1850's] [Japan], n.p. 1854, Seifuen Juou]. Stitched wrs.,5 vol. set, 17.5 x 25.5 cm., Japanese text, double-page color map, 13 double-page & 26 single-page illustrations, woodblock color printed, 101 double-sheets in all. FIRST & ONLY RARE EDITION In the 18th and 19th centuries many Japanese junks were driven by storms and currents to the California coast. Under punishment of death by the Shogun, no Japanese were allowed to leave nor return back to Japan from about 1604 through 1867. This tale is an exception to that rule ! * JAPANESE TITLE: Kaigai Ibun, Ichimei, Amerika Shinwa. * The true and fascinating story of 13 Japanese castaways who were rescued in mid-ocean, then taken to Mexico and finally returned to Japan via Canton. The story was written by one of the castaways, Hatsutaro [no last name was held by him at that time, a common Japanese name feature] then published in Japan. Hatsutaro was a peasant from Awa, along with twelve other sailors were the crew aboard the Eiju Maru, a coastwise shipping vessel. They were blown out to sea in their disabled craft. The work is vividly illustrated with some 39 color pages [13 are double-page illustrations] in all. With charming and naive scenes of early Mexico, their homes, people, activities and native costumes. * This fascinating primary resource covers the tale of the story of castaways as written by Hatsutaro. They were all lost off the coast of Hyogo, Japan in 1841, the crew of 13 men sailed without rudder for some six months southeast to be rescued by a Spanish galleon returning from S. China, and then dropped off in Baja California, at San Jose del Cabo. They went to Mazatlan, and eventually boarded a ship bound for Canton, and then back to Nagasaki in 1854. A wonderfully brilliant work, full of excitement and the unusual. * RareOrientalBooks.Com There is a lovely double-page map in full color of the Pacific showing the route of the author, his visit to Lower [Baja] California and Mexico, and his return back to Japan. See Maekawa below for full English translation of the voyage. * COMPILER: A-Boku Shin-Wa compiled by Confucian minister Bunzo MAEKAWA and that was then translated by Zumwinkle, see citation below. * COLLATION: Vol. 1: 26 sheets, 2 sheets preface, 1-18 pages text 4 . sheets illustrations, 2 sheets maps. Vol. 2: 20 sheets, 1-15 text, 5 sheets illustrations. Vol. 3: 21 sheets: 1-19 text, 2 sheets illustrations. Vol. 4: 19 sheets: 1-10 text, 9 sheets illustrations. Vol. 5: 15 sheets: 1-9 text, 6 sheets illustrations. All illustrations are in color. Issued with no title page, no Hashira title, no colophon; above extracted from Kerlen & Toda, see bibliography below. *** FULL TITLE: Title: KAIGAI IBUN, STRANGE INFORMATION FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE SEA [or STORY OF A CASTAWAY] Subtitle: AMERIKA SHINWA: The New Story of America. *** CONTENTS: Book 1: The preface, with notes on the illustrations, map of the castaways' route. Narrative from the time their drifting began until their arrival in America, and their sojourn at the town of San Jose [del Cabo]. * Book 2: The account of the homeward voyage from America across the ocean to Canton, in China. The account of the trip from Canton to Chapu [Ning-po] and their return to Japan. * Book 3: Geography, climate, population, language, food and drink, housing. * Book 4: clothing, customs. * Book 5 : Amusements, coinage, ships, flora, faunal. *** THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION: We also include a copy of the full English tranlation of MAEKAWA, Bunzo: "KAIGAI IBUN: A Strange Tale From Overseas, or a New Account Of America. compiled from the narrative of Hatsutaro, a Japanese Castaway" title with any order for this book. See below for bibliographical details. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Dawson's Book Shop: ASIATIC BOOKS 1949-1952 compiled by Jack Gyer, item #211, page 29. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, no. 724, page 311. * MAEKAWA, Bunzo. comp. et al. KAIGAI IBUN: A Strange Tale From Overseas, or a New Account Of America. compiled from the narrative of Hatsutaro, a Japanese Castaway. Los Angeles RareOrientalBooks.Com 1970, Dawson's Book Store. This work provides an excellent and complete English translation of the text along with many color illustrations. Translated by Richard Zumwinkle, assisted by Tadanobu Kawai. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 900 Copies only. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.441 * KSM: [kiko, hyoruki], 2-5-3 * Dawson's Book Store, ASIATIC BOOKS, catalog by Jack Gyer, L.A. 1952, item 211, page 29. * Not in Mitchell ***** $9836 Book Number: 84022901 5 AKIMOTO, Shunkichi. THE TWILIGHT OF YEDO. Tokyo [1952], Tokyo News Service. Blue boards, 231p., very good, dj. A trilogy of Edo period literature, reflecting a time now passed. Illustrated from old period woodblock printed books & a print of the Himeiji Castle by Yoshida Hiroshi. Titles are: Twilight of Yedo, The Mad Karo of Himeiji, Kibyoshi-bon or Yellow-Cover Story Books. Poignant and reflective essays. Nice & easy, enjoyable reading. A STUNNING RECORD OF SHANK'S MARE ON JAPAN'S INLAND HIGHWAY Book Number: 22025101 6 AKIZATO, Ritoh. KISOJI MEISHO ZUE: PICTORIAL DESCRIPTIONS OF NOTED PLACES ALONG THE NAKASENDO HIGHWAY CROSSING THE CENTRAL PART OF THE Osaka 1814, Kawachi-ya. Blue stitched stiff wrs., very good, 7 volumes bound in 6, profusely illustrated, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Masa paper, bright clean copy, no worming, solid, 18 x 25.5 cm., paper folding case. R A R E Kiso: a mountainous region comprising the S. W. of Shimano and the East of Mino. In 702 A.D. a road was built there, called the Kiso-kaidoh or Nakasendoh. The ancient fief of Kiso, extended as far as the modern city of Matsumoto [Shinano] now called Nagano prefecture. It was given to a branch RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 of the Minamoto clan, among whom Yoshinaka became famous. In the Ashikaga era, the region belonged to the Kiso family, who resided first at Suhara, then at Fukushima. Hideyoshi gave it to Ishikawa Sdakiyo. A historic road and main inland route connecting Kyoto to Edo [modern Tokyo]. It passed through the provinces: Yamashiro, Omi, Mino, Shimano,Kozuke and Musashi, as it followed the great Kiso river for a long distance, thus being called the Kiso-kaidoh, it counted some 69 Eki [stations]. In Edo, all roads began [and ended] at Nihon Bashi, the famous arched bridge in the center of town. Thus, this work also shows that famous location with its charming and famous bridge. This lovely travelogue shows the majestic and wondrous sights along the highway, from its beginning in the deep mountains and lush forests. It shows the marvelous Buddhist shrines, Shinto temples, nestled villages, teashops, resting places, quaint inns, rivers, rapids, rural scenes, and of course, the people who worked and traveled this road. There were regal personages and royalty who traveled in their lacquered & screened carriages, religious pilgrams visiting the adjacent shrines, laborers, Samurai, entertainers, cloistered women, processions of festivals and portable shrines, fierce horse-mounted armoured Samurai, a Buddhist priest riding a horse facing backwards, mixed out door bathing and so many more. The work also lingers on important places & shows one the interior of celebrated shrines & temples, noble palaces, giving us valuable insights to the actual life styles of the times. Famous & holy places shown, great waterfalls, river crossing ferries, the lovely Gifu cormorants ply the Nagara River at night catching fish, magnificent holy rocks, deep gorges and canyons, epic poems cited. A most charming intimate insight to the life & times of early 19th century Japan. Cited in H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.373-4, as item #873. This was bound in several variants, 197 full page illustrations by Nishimura Chuwa. Several are connecting, that is to say, 3-4-5 make a single image of a famous place in panoramic form. See E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, Kiso Kaidoh p.285-6; Nakasendoh p.429 for more details. The set is in very good condition, with rubbed & bit soiled covers for volume one only, the balance clean, occasional old worm pin-holes, but not detracting from the overall look & value. By and large a most stunning guide book and period reference to Edo period life. A STUNNING RECORD OF SHANK'S MARE ON JAPAN'S INLAND HIGHWAY Book Number: 22025102 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2856 7 AKIZATO, Ritoh. KISOJI MEISHO ZUE: PICTORIAL DESCRIPTIONS OF NOTED PLACES ALONG THE NAKASENDO HIGHWAY CROSSING THE CENTRAL PART OF THE Osaka 1814, Kawachi-ya. Blue stitched stiff wrs., very good, 7 volumes bound in 6, profusely illustrated, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Masa paper, some old minor occasional worming, else text clean & bright, 18 x 25.5 cm. R A R E Kiso: a mountainous region comprising the S. W. of Shimano and the East of Mino. In 702 A.D. a road was built there, called the Kiso-kaidoh or Nakasendoh. The ancient fief of Kiso, extended as far as the modern city of Matsumoto [Shinano] now called Nagano prefecture. It was given to a branch of the Minamoto clan, among whom Yoshinaka became famous. In the Ashikaga era, the region belonged to the Kiso family, who resided first at Suhara, then at Fukushima. Hideyoshi gave it to Ishikawa Sdakiyo. A historic road and main inland route connecting Kyoto to Edo [modern Tokyo]. It passed through the provinces: Yamashiro, Omi, Mino, Shimano,Kozuke and Musashi, as it followed the great Kiso river for a long distance, thus being called the Kiso-kaidoh, it counted some 69 Eki [stations]. In Edo, all roads began [and ended] at Nihon Bashi, the famous arched bridge in the center of town. Thus, this work also shows that famous location with its charming and famous bridge. This lovely travelogue shows the majestic and wondrous sights along the highway, from its beginning in the deep mountains and lush forests. It shows the marvelous Buddhist shrines, Shinto temples, nestled villages, teashops, resting places, quaint inns, rivers, rapids, rural scenes, and of course, the people who worked and traveled this road. There were regal personages and royalty who traveled in their lacquered & screened carriages, religious pilgrams visiting the adjacent shrines, laborers, Samurai, entertainers, cloistered women, processions of festivals and portable shrines, fierce horse-mounted armoured Samurai, a Buddhist priest riding a horse facing backwards, mixed out door bathing and so many more. The work also lingers on important places & shows one the interior of celebrated shrines & temples, noble palaces, giving us valuable insights to the actual life styles of the times. Famous & holy places shown, great waterfalls, river crossing ferries, the lovely Gifu cormorants ply the Nagara River at night catching fish, magnificent holy rocks, deep gorges and canyons, epic poems cited. A most charming intimate insight to the life & times of early 19th century Japan. Cited in H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.373-4, as item #873. This was bound in several variants, 197 full page illustrations by Nishimura Chuwa. Several are connecting, that is to say, 3-4-5 make a single image of a famous place in panoramic form. See E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, Kiso Kaidoh p.285-6; Nakasendoh p.429 for more details. The set is in very good condition, with rubbed & bit soiled covers for volume one only, the balance clean, occasional old worm pin-holes, but not detracting from the overall look & value. By and large a most stunning guide book and period reference to Edo period life. A STUNNING & MOST LOVELY 18TH CTY. GUIDE TO KYOTO & ENVIRONS RareOrientalBooks.Com $2992 Book Number: 24022501 8 AKIZATO, Ritoh. SHUI MIYAKO MEISHO ZUE: ADDENDUM OF PICTORIAL DESCRIPTION OF NOTED PLACES IN KYOTO. [Osaka 1787, Kawachiya]. Blue stiff wrs.,4 vol. set bound in 5, 56+48+49+59+72 double folded leaves, 568p. in all, 25+34+ 32+33+43 woodcuts, hand printed Washi paper, Japanese text, bit of old minor worming vol.3, 5, else solid, complete.RARE This title is a supplement or addendum another title by the same author, under title: MIYAKO MEISHO ZUE, please see our other entry for the first part of this set, our book #220253, at our website, or ask us to send you more information on that part. *** This work was illustrated by Shunchosai Takehara Nobushige. It is a superb guide to the famous sights and architectural monuments. It covers famous places in Kyoto the ancient capital, shrines, residents, palaces, Buddhist temples and other famous and historic places are drawn from a distant or close-up and in much detail. *** REFERENCES: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.454, #1066. *** A MOST LOVELY ILLUSTRATED PERIOD GUIDE TO KYOTO'S SIGHTS Book Number: 22025301 9 AKIZSATO, Ritoh. MIYAKO MEISHO ZUE: PICTORIAL DESCRIPTION OF NOTED PLACES IN KYOTO. [Osaka 1780, Yoshinoya].Blue stitched wrs., very good,covers covers bit dusty, extremities bit worn, contents clean,solid a 6 vol. set, complete, woodblock printed on hand-made mulberry paper by Takehara Shunchosai flourished [1772-1801] A collection of famous views in and around Kyoto, the ancient capital. A lovely period guide to the Buddhist temples and shrines, the Emperor's outings in and around the city, his Royal processions, great funeral processions to Kitano Tenman temple, Buddhist ceremonies and musical rituals. A documentary on 18th century contemporary Kyoto life, the common people, Samurai, the Imperial family, New Year's celebrations, great merchant houses & activities. In volume 2, part 2 is a very fascinating illustration of RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 three Hollanders visiting a temple. * Large numbers of onlookers cast astonished glances at the first Westerners to grace their city. Akizato also wrote SHUI MIYAKO MEISHO ZUE, a supplement to this title, please check with us to see if this is in stock, or request our full list of Japanese illustrated books. *** Contains 418 wood cut illustrations. *** SEE US FOR THE SUPPLEMENT ITEM: We have separately listed the supplement to this title as our book # 240225. Please see it listed on our website, or ask us for more information. This supplement completes the first series of this title. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS...p.453 item #1065. * D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS...p.53 item #139. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.136. * C.H. Mitchell: ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO...lists a later edition on p.420. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.155 for biographical details on the artist Shunchosai. * $9520 A RUN FROM VOLUME 1 NUMBER 1 OF THIS COLLECTOR'S JOURNAL Book Number: 99087602 10 ANDON. ANDON: SHEDDING LIGHT ON JAPANESE ART: A Journal. [Leiden, 1981-2003, S.J.A.]. Stiff buff & color wrs., very good, broken run, beginning with Vol.1, no. 1 to #15, 17-25, 30-32, 34-36, 38-43, 47, 49, 52-58, 62,74 as a lot missing a few, FROM THE BEGINNING to 2003, very clean.FIRST & ONLY ED. ANDON SHEDDING LIGHT ON JAPANESE ART A Journal. * This run has many color & b.w. photos, contains some 47 issues in all, each bright, tight, new as issued. *** Covers a wide range of subjects, focus on Japanese woodblock prints, woodblock printed books, albums, Netsuke, collectors, Surimono, signatures & the folklore, customs, erotic themes found in these objects. * With scholarly article contributions, as well as those of collectors. Fine reference for collectors & students alike. ANDON is the Bulletin of the Society for Japanese Arts & Crafts. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $275 COMPLETE MID-19TH CTY. ATLAS OF JAPAN'S PROVINCES & ISLANDS Book Number: 22034301 11 AOU, Tohkoku. KOKU GUN ZEN ZU: COMPLETE ATLAS OF JAPAN SHOWING SECTIONAL MAPS OF EACH PROVINCE, COLOUR WOODBLOCK PRINTED. Osaka 1837, Kawachi. Yellow stiff stitched wrs., very good, 2 volume set, 41+35 double folded leaves, woodblock printed in color by hand, on hand-made mulberry paper, 19.5 x 28 cm. covers minor rubbed,some faint marginal staining,else solid. This is a color national atlas of Japan. The work begins with a nice double-page national map. It continues with 66 double-page color maps 66 provinces or "Kuni" the name for ancient provinces, and the "Gun," some 69 maps in all. Also all of the island provinces; the five main highways, that crossed much of the country. Each map shows the area in much detail & color outline: mountains, rivers, villages, towns, castles and roads, with the four directional symbols noted, each place labeled with proper names. An exceptionally detailed set of provincial maps, each map occupies two facing pages ca. 34 x 21 cm. The maps are drawn in the "bird's eye view" with a charming perspective style and show the water, sea, lakes & rivers in blue, mountain areas in green, important towns in yellow. With an index of each Kuni and road listed. Nicely executed, a fascinating early atlas. Listed in G. Beans: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA p.36-7, entries: 1837.1-1837.69. A MARVELOUS RENDERING OF BEAUTIFUL COLOR ART IN WOODBLOCKS Book Number: 95138502 12 ARAKI, Kampo. KAI GA CHO, KAMPO, KAGETOSHI, BAIREI, YOSHIFUMI KATEI &c.: A Salute to Ancient Painters. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2448 Tokyo [1892], Okuma. Stitched stiff wrs., vol 2 of 2 vol set blocks carved by Minokichi, complete in itself, 23 double folded leaves [ie 46p.], 40p. color woodblock prints, hand printed on hand made paper, 16 x 14.5 cm., very good. A most interesting color illustrated book. Consisting of flowers, birds, landscapes, traditional Japanese style pictures. Also shrimps and a cat, a Chinese feminine beauty, ducks, Noh drama, Japanese woman making paper, Chinese scholar, morning glories, ancient Japanese nobleman & a water waterfall. The artist pays homage to ancient painter's techniques and subjects, showing his great skill and execution of line, color & composition. Beautifully illustrated, fine example of the last phase of expert Japanese woodblock printing in color in the traditdional style. Each painting is cinnabar sealed. $544 Book Number: 29041801 13 ARCHIVES OF ASIAN ART. VOL. XLVII, 1994. New York 1994, Asia Soc. Stiff buff wrs., very good, 23 x 30 cm., 100p., many b.w. photos. With articles: Kathyln Liscomb: A COLLECTION OF PAINTING AND CALLIGRAPHY DISCOVERED IN THE INNER COFFIN OF WANG ZHEN; Tsuji Bobuo: ORNAMENT [KAZARI] AN APPROACH TO JAPANESE CULTURE; Quitman Phillips: HONCHO GASHI AND THE KANO MYTH; Timon Screech: THE MEANING OF WESTERN PERSPECTIVE IN EDO POPULAR CULTURE; C.C. Wang and Katleen Yang: THE REDISCOVERY OF NI ZAN, LONGMEN DUBU TU. A SUPERB MONOGRAPH ON ONE OF JAPAN'S GREATIST ARTISTS Book Number: 88025501 14 [ASAI, CHU Tadashi.] MOKUGOKAI comp. MOKUGO NIHON GASHU: A GROUP OF PAINTINGS BY ASAI [CHU] TADASHI COLLECTED BY THE MOKUGO CLUB. [Kyoto 1909, Unsodo]. Green boards, thread-tied spine, tall folio 24.6 x 37.5 cm., very clean. a bit of edge/corner wear contents solid, 8 color woodblock prints, 81 b.w. collotype photos, [Small Edition ca.200 Copies] THE RARE FIRST EDITION . * * A STUNNING COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED MONOGRAPH * * . . AN IMPORTANT JAPANESE PAINTER AND INFLUENTIAL ARTIST . This is a stunning work, with 8 full-page color woodblock RareOrientalBooks.Com $70 printed illustrations, plus 81 b.w. collotypes, showing 89 examples of Asai's and other artist's paintings. . A DELUXE BOOK: This work was beautifully printed with 8 color woodblock prints, before which are tissue guards with the Japanese painting title and the owner's name. This copy also contains seven additional typed English sheets giving the title, owner's name for the first 8 color prints, [lacks 1 sheet] and translation of the Japanese. . The work was compiled by the committee from the MOKUGO KAI [MOKUGO CLUB] and includes the works of Nakazawa Iwata, Ikebe Gissho, Tsumaki Tsuruichi, Yamamoto Shunkyo, Kagoi Toshiro, Kikuchi Samataro and Miyakodori Eiki. *** . WHO WAS THE ARTIST ASAI CHU [Tadashi] [1856-1907]: . Per Roberts below states, he was a "Western-style painter, born in Kazusa province,, moved to Tokyo, later Kyoto, a pupil of Kunisawa Shikuro at his private school Shogido in 1875, and Antonio Fontanesi the next year at the Kobu Daigaku Bijitsu Gakko. In 1888, with Kawamura Kiyo-o and others, set up the Meiji Bijutsukai. In 1898 taught at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Served as a war artist in the Sino-Japanese war. From 1900 to 1902 in France, living first in Paris, then in Grez [near Paris], where he did some of his best work; exhibited at the Paris Exposition of 1900. On his return moved to Kyoto and became professor at the Kyoto Kogei Gakko; also took a leading part in Kyoto art circles as director of the Kansai Bijutsuin and founder of the Shogoin Yoga Kenkyusho. Among his best pupils were Ishii Hakutei, Umehara Ryuzaburo, and Yasui Sotaro. A leading painter of his time, most influential in the development of Western-style painting in Japan." He is well collected by world museums. *** Wikipedia has an excellent article on Asai Chu. Asai Chu was a Japanese painter, noted for his pioneering work in developing the yoga (Western-style) art movement in late 19th century and early twentieth-century Japanese painting. . Asai was born to an ex-samurai class household in Sakura, in the Kanto region of Japan, where his father had been a retainer of the Sakura Domain. He attended the domain school, where his father was principal, and left home in 1873 to pursue English language studies in Tokyo. However, he became interested in the arts, and enrolled as a pupil of Kunisawa Shinkuro in western oil painting classes. In 1876, he enrolled as one of the first students in the Kobubijutsu Gakko [the Technical Fine Arts School], where he was able to study under the Italian foreign advisor Antonio Fontanesi, who had been hired by the Meiji government in the late 1870s to introduce Western oil painting to Japan. . He also tutored the noted poet Masaoka Shiki in the techniques of Western art, and was the model for a character in Natsume Soseki�s novel "SANSHIRO." . Asai also used a number of "Go" or "studio names: Go: RareOrientalBooks.Com Mokugo, Mokugyo. . A number of Asai�s works have been recognized by the Japanese government's Agency for Cultural Affairs as "IMPORTANT CULTURAL PROPERTIES.". . *** . THE TWO EDITIONS: [AND UNSODO THE PUBLISHER] . The title was printed in two editions: The FIRST EDITION OF 1909, superbly done, and a much later and poor quality edition of 1927. . This the FIRST EDITION OF 1909 is an exceptionally fine printing of the first pull off the woodblocks in full color. The quality of Unsodo in their early days was of the highest standard in Japan of the period. . The second edition was printed some eight years later in 1927, reflecting the world-wide depression attitude of poor-quality Japanese goods. This edition is can not compare to the high quality First Edition. . *** THE BINDING: The work is bound in the original green-pictorial paper covered boards, with a decoration of flowers from the artists collection. The binding is solidly stitched with [recent] purple threads. * . PROTECTED IN CHITSU: . The book is protected in a typical indigo-blue cloth covered Japanese Chitsu case, circa the 1940's-50's period. It is very clean and solid, without any issues, complete with 2 bone clasps, all in all, in excellent condition. * CONDITION: The book covers show signs of use and wear at the corners and edges, the contents is very clean, with all tissue guards placed before each illustration. There was a tiny worm hole on 2 pages, in the lower margins, properly restored ages ago, this is not anywhere near the graphics, the work is very solid. *** . REFERENCES: WorldCat lists: http://www.worldcat.org/title/mokugo-nihongashu/oclc/8447778 77/editions?editionsView=true&referer=br * Wikipedia cites him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asai_Ch%C5%AB * Link: http://www.myjapanesehanga.com/home/artists/asai-chu-1856-19 07 This illustrates a number of his drawings, and prints, with biographical data. * RareOrientalBooks.Com ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, cites this artist on p.6, left column. *** $1559 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 15 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1913, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards,very good,p.493-680 vol 51, pt.4: W.Schwartz; THE GREAT SHINTO SHRINE OF IDZUMO: Some notes on Shinto,Ancient & Modern, author's presentation copy, clean ex-liberary copy, the usual marks, solid. SCARCE These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 16 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1914, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 681p. vol 42, pt.1: article: W. MCLAREN: JAPANESE GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS, clean ex-library copy, usual marks, College gift book plate, PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION signed by Payson J. Treat. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 17 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1915, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good,170p., vol 43, pt.1: articles: J. Robertson: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EARLY SPANISH JAPANESE RELATIONS, clean ex-library copy, the usual marks, solid,signed by Payson J. Treat & his gift bookplate. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 18 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1915, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 307p., vol.43, pt.2: W. Schwartz: A SURVEY OF THE SATSUMA DIALECT,+ parts: 1,2,3: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DIALECT; LEXICAL COMPARISON OF THE DIALECT; VOCABULARY. Schwartz signed copy.RARE These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 19 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1916, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 55p., vol 44, pt.1: articles: M. TAKESHIRO:OLD GEOGRAPHER. CRUCIFIXION OF THE TWENTY-SIX IN 1597. Clean ex-library copy, the usual marks, solid, signed by Payson J. Treat. R A R E These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 20 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1917, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 185p. vol. 45, pt. II: articles: S. Kato: WARONGO OR JAPANESE ANALECTS. G. Fisher: KUMAZAWA BANZAN. Rev. Macauley: PERCIVAL LOWELL: A MEMORIAL. Clean ex-library copy, usual marks,solid These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 21 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1917, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 204p. vol. 45, pt.I: articles: F. Star: NOSATSU-KWAI. E. Kellogg: HOGEN MONOGATARI. H. COLEMAN: LIFE OF YOSHIDA SHOIN, clean ex-library copy, College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 22 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1918, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 278p. vol 46, pt.2: one article: A. Sadler: THE HEIKE MONOGATARI, clean ex-library copy, usual marks, College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, Payson J. Treat signed copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 23 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1918, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 112p. vol 46, pt.1: articles: E. Kellogg: SPRING & AUTUMN FIRES IN JAPAN. E. Clement: YEDO & TOKYO. K. Asakawa: SOME ASPECTS OF JAPANESE FEUDIAL INSTUTIONS. Treat signed, ex-libray, &c. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 24 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1919, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 171p. +57p. list of books in TASJ library. Vol. 47: articles: F. Purvis: SHIP CONSTRUCTION IN JAPAN. G. Bouldin: TEN BUDDHISTIC VIRTUES. S. Wainright:JAPAN'S TRANSITION. Treat signed. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 25 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1920, A.S.J.Grey cloth over boards, very good, 45p., vol 48, articles: F. Starr: EMA. E. Clement: SAKURADA AFFAIR J. Troup: ABRAXAS, clean ex-librarly copy, usual marks,solid College gift book: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, Treat signed. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 26 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1921, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 354p. vol. 49, pt. 1: A. Sadler: THE HEIKE MONOGATARI [cont], fold out map, index, very clean solid ex-library copy, signed by PAYSON J. TREAT, College gift book plate: TREAT COLLECTION. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 27 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1922, A.S.J. Gray cloth over boards, very good, 100p., vol.50, articles: N. Tsuda: MANUSCRIPT COPIES OF BUDDHIST SCRIPTURES & HOW THEY WERE MADE. E.CLEMENT: SAGA & THE SATSMA REBELLION. J.Gubbins: FEATURES OF TOKUGAWA. Treat signed. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 28 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1924, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 99p.,2nd series, vol.1: G. Sansom; IMPERIAL EDICTS IN THE SHOKU-NIHONGI. G. Ramstedt: COMPARISON OF THE ALTAIC LANG. WITH JAPANESE. J.KUIPER:FOREIGN RELATIONS OF JAPAN...&c... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 29 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1924, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 168p.,2nd series, vol.8:D.Holtom:SOME NOTES ON JAPANESE TREE WORSHIP. M. Anesaki: WRITINGS ON MARTYRDOM IN KIRISHITAN LITERATURE.C.Boxer: NOTES ON EARLY EUROPEAN MILITARY INFLU.. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Book Number: 22018006 30 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1927, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 184p.,2nd series, vol.4: L. Tomkinson: THE SOCIAL TEACHINGS OF MEH TSE. Pason J. Treat's signed copy, clean ex-library copy, usual marks, college gift plate from Pason J. Treat. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 31 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over grey boards, very good, 205p., second series,vol. 7,articles on: Jan Compagnie in Japan by C.R. Boxer; Japanese Criticisms by M. Anesaki; A.K. Reischauer: GENSHIN'S OJO YOSHU: W.M. Bickerton: 2 STORIES. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 32 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 205p., 2nd series, vol.7, articles: M. Anesaki; JAPANESE CRITICISMS & REFUTATIONS OF CHRISTIAITY in 17 & 18th CETURIES.A.Reischauer: GENSHIN'S OJO YOSHU: COLLECTED ESSAYS. & Others... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 33 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 122p., 2nd. series,vol.5, articles:C.Parker:COGNATES OF NATIVE JAPANESE WORDS. W. Gundert: INTRO TO THE MAIN CURRENTS OF BUDDPHILOSOPHY IN JAPAN. R. Layard: INDEX OF TASJ FIRST SERIES. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 34 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 179p., 2nd. series,vol.3, articles:A. FOUCHER: CRADEL OF GRECO-BUDDHIST ART. A.WHYMANT:OCIANIC THEORY ORIGIN OF JAPANESE LANGUAGE & PEOPLE. F. Starr: JAPNESE TOYS. & Other essays. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 35 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 121p., 2nd. series,vol.2, articles: A.Clement:50 SESSIONS OF JAPANESE IMPERIAL DIET. S.Wainright: APPRECIATION OF NATURE IN JAPANESE POETRY. F.Gookin:AESTHETIC VALUE OF FAR EASTERN ART These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 36 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 179p., 2nd. series,vol.3, articles:A. FOUCHER: CRADEL OF GRECO-BUDDHIST ART. A.WHYMANT:OCIANIC THEORY ORIGIN OF JAPANESE LANGUAGE & PEOPLE. F. Starr: JAPNESE TOYS. & Other essays. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 37 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1930, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 70p., 2nd. series,vol., supp. articles: G.Kato: STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE RELIGIOUS IDEA AMONG THE JAPANESE PEOPLE AS ILLUSTRATED BY JAPANESE PHALLICISM. Clean ex-library copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 38 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1932, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 166p.,2nd series, vol.9: B.Trollope: CARLETTI DISCOURSE. J. Batchelor: AINU BEAR FESTIVAL. C. BOXER: RIN SHIHEI AND HIS PICTURE OF A DUTCH EAST INDIA SHIP, 1782. Pason Treat Coll. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 39 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1933, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 158p., 2nd. series, vol.10, articles:J.Romieux: LES ALTERATIONS DES RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 RADICAUX ET DES RACINES EN JAPONAIS. J.Hackin: IRANIAN INFLUENCES IN BUDDHIST ART. R.Ponsonby-Fane: NIBUKAWAKAMI. &c... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 40 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1934, A.S.J. Gray cloth over grey boards, very good, 244p.,2nd series,vol.11:J.SNELLEN: IMAGE OF ERASMUS IN JAPAN N. SMITH:WRITINGS OF THE 18TH CENTURY. J. PIERSON:WAS JAPANESE A LANGUAGE OF OPEN SYLLABLES IN THE 7TH CTY. & others.. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 41 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1935, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 191p., 2nd. series,vol.12, articles:D. Buchanan: INARI: ITS ORIGIN, DEVELOPMENT & NATURE. Clean ex-library copy, bibliography, index, many b.w. photo plates. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 42 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1936, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good,137p., 2nd. series, vol.13, articles: R .K. Reischauer: ALIEN LAND TENURE IN JAPAN, clean ex-library copy, Pason J. Treat Collection gift book plate, 15 x 21.7 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 43 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1937, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 284p., 2nd series, vol.14,articles: N. Smith: MATERIALS ON JAPANESE SOCIAL & ECONOMIC HISTORY. A.Sadler:NAVAL CAMPAIGN IN KOREAN WAR OF HEDYOSHI. J. SNELLEN: SHOKU NIHONGI pt.IV-VI cont.& c These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 44 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1937, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 268p., 2nd. series,vol.14, articles:YT. Tsuchiya: AN ECONOMIC HISTORY OF JAPAN, trans. by N. Smith, intro. and notes by Kurt Singer, 40 b.w. photos, clean ex-library copy, usual marks. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 45 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1938, A.S.J. Gray cloth over boards, very good, 259p., 2nd series, vol.17, articles: K.Singer: DAS BILD DER KREISEDEN DREI. R.Van Gulik: ON THREE ANTIQUE LUTES. Z. Itani:THE ECONOMIC CAUSE OF THE MEIJI RESTORATION. & other essays. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 46 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1938, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 356p., 2nd. series, vol.16, articles:H.Borton: PEASANT UPRISINGS IN JAPAN TOKUGAWA PERIOD. F.Fisher: KUMAZAWA BANZAN, HIS LIFE & IDEAS. & his transl: DAI GAKU WAKUMON BY KUIMAZAWA BANZAN. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. RareOrientalBooks.Com $43 Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $37 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 47 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1939 A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 204p., 2nd. series,vol.18, article: S. Sakamaki: JAPAN & THE UNITED STATES 1790-1853: A Study of Japanese Contacts with & Conceptions of the Unites States & its People Prior to 1853-4.&c. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 48 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1940, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 307p., 2nd. series,vol.19,articles:U. Casal: SOME NOTES ON SAKAZUKI & ON THE ROLE OF SAKE DRINKING. J. RABBIT: RICE IN CULTURAL LIFE OF JAPANESE PEOPLE. S.KISHIBE:ORIGIN OF P'I P'A. &c... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018006 49 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1954, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 241p., 3rd. series, vol.7 articles:I.Morris:ECONOMIC REALISM IN THE LATER WORKS OF IHARA SAIKAKU. J. Ackroyd: WOMEN IN FEUDAL JAPAN. J. Lwerski: A POLISH CHAPTER OF THE RUSSO-JAP. WAR... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. RareOrientalBooks.Com $37 * $32 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 50 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1954, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 189p., 3rd. series, vol.3, articles: C. Spinks: TOKAIDO IN POPULAR LITERATURE & ART;E.DeBecker:POST-WAR TRENDS IN JAPANESE LAW. U.CASAL: INCENSE. G.Stramigioli: HIDEYOSHI'S EXPANSION...&c. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018008 51 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1955, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 258p., 3rd. series, vol.4 articles:THE KAGERO NIKKI: Journal of a 10th Century Noblewoman, translated by E. Seidensticker, 15 x 21.7cm., illustrated. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $43 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 52 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1957, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 157p., 3rd. series, vol. 5 articles: I. Shimizu: TAKAOKA, PRIEST IMPERIAL PRINCE SHINNYO; G.Wenck: JAPANESE LANGUAGE STUDIES SINCE CHAMBERLAIN. D.Keene: BASHO'S JOURNEY TO SARASHINA. &c These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 53 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1958, A.S.J. Grey cloth over boards, very good, 96p., 3rd. series, vol.6: COMPREHENSIVE INDEX: 1872-1957., very clean ex-library copy, College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, 15 x 21.7 cm. AN IMPORTANT INDEX REFERENCE These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018001 54 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1961, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 251p., 3rd. series, vol.8 articles:E.Crawour: SOME OBSERVATIONS ON MERCHANTS CHONIN KOKEN ROKU; J. Figgess: GLAZED POTTERY IN THE SHOSOIN. U. Casal: THE KAPPA. I. Dan: INFLUENCE OF ...&c These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in RareOrientalBooks.Com $70 Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $32 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018002 55 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1980, A.S.J. Red cloth over grey boards, very good, 122p., third series. Articles on Don Brown, Japan Queries & Answers, Shimoda, Minoan & Japanese Ritual, Griffis & Japanese Education, 5 in all by Japanologists. Vol. 15. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018004 56 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1980, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 175p., 3rd series,11, articles: R. Rabinowitz:LAW & SOCIAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN. V.Hrdlickova: CHINESE STORY TELLERS & SINGERS OF BALLADS. L. Zolbrod: KUSAZOSHI:CHAPBOOKS IN JAPAN. & others. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018005 57 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1980, A.S.J. Red cloth over boards, very good, 160p., third series,vol.9:U.Casal:JAPANESE COSMETICS & TEETH BLACKING. E.Crawcour: KAWAMURA ZUIKEN. J.Kidder: HANIWA: ORIGIN & MEANING. S.O: MODERNIZATION & JAPANESE PHILOSOPHY. & others. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $20 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018007 58 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1986, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 177p., 4th series, #1. Articles on KIDO TAKAYOSHI & THE YOUNG EMPEROR MEIJI; IMAGES F WOMAN; SAIOKUKEN SOCHO & THE LINKED VERSE; BRUSH STROKES OF ENLIGHTENMENT ZEN ART & other articles. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Book Number: 22018008 59 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1987, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 203p., 4th series, #2. Articles on: JAMES MURDOCH; ELITIST ORIGINS OF JAPANESE WELFARE; BASIL H. CHAMBERLAIN; GOLDEN DECADE FORGOTTEN; & several other articles, as new bright copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018009 60 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1988, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 188p., 4th series, #3. Articles on:CULTURED NATURE OF HEIAN COLORS;JAPANESE-SPANISH RELATIONS 1936-1945; BUSY YEAR: BUSON'S LIFE; KAGA'S TARDY SUPPORT & several other articles, as new copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * $20 EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018000 61 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1989, A.S.J. Buff stiff wrs. very good, 215p., 4th series, #4. Articles on:INVESTIGATION INTO ESSENCE KUKI SHUZO;TOKYO-MOSCOW-PEKING-TRIANGLE;JAPANESE MUSICAL HERITAGE IN THE HALFSHADE & several other articles, a very good copy. These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EXCELLENT SCHOLARLY ARTICLES IN ALL FIELDS ABOUT JAPAN Book Number: 22018003 RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 62 ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1995, A.S.J. Stiff buff wrs., very good,240p., vol.10, 4th Series.Articles: AYUTTHAYAN-JAPANESE RELATIONS IN PREMODERN PERIOD; STATESMAN FOR 21ST CENTURY: SIDEHARA;TALES OF TOYOKAGE; MYTHICAL ELEMENTS IN SECRET HISTORY OF MONGOLS... These are bound in the original 1/2 cloth spine over boards, all in very good or better condition. Uniformly bound by the publisher. By and large these books were reference copies, and not circulated. Later editions are in the original stiff buff wrappers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was only published by the Asiatic Society in Japan, by and large all are this original edition, except where stated otherwise. * PASON J. TREAT GIFT PLATE COPIES: Some copies are with College gift book plate: PAYSON J. TREAT COLLECTION, ex-library copies with the usual stamps, and or small stamp on margin of title page & or possibly another on lower edge, else very clean solid copies. . Some of these copies are also signed on the inside cover by PAYSON J. TREAT, all with the above gift bookplate came from his private collection. * NOTE: Not all copies listed came from PAYSON J. TREAT. Please inquire with us, if you want to know which copy came from his collection. * EARLY JAPANESE BOTANICAL TREATISE Book Number: 32041801 63 BABA, Nobutake. RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 SHUURUI SANKOH, BAIKA SHIN-I SHOCHU SHINAN: INSTRUCTION & GU INSTRUCTION & GUIDANCE FOR WILD FLOWERS, BLOSSOMS EASILY [Japan ca.1811,n.p.].Blue stitched wrs.,77 double leaves,150 bw. woodcut illustrations, hand printed on Washi paper, 15.5 x 22.5, 5 vols. bound in 1,covers spotted, corners worn contents solid, lower corner thumbing, a few old stains, old worming on a few pages and also a few old stains, all in all solid. * This is a profusely illustrated botanical. Shows a very large number of plants, flowers and grasses, all of which are named, along with their Furigana for easy reading. * The work contains 5 volumes bound in one, with the cover title slip wrongly stating 'volume 4.' The work lacks the title page. Volume 1: begins at page 4, continues 8-18, 23-24. Volume 2: page 2-19. Volume: 3: page 2-21. Volume 4: page 3-15. Volume 5: page 2-15, else complete. * DATE & EDITION: Because this book does not have the colophon, we believe it to be the Bunka 8 [1811] edition rather than the Genroku 10th year [1697] edition. * REFERENCES: NOT found in: Bartlett Edgren Kerlen * $340 ECCLECTIC WORK, ILLUSTRATED WOODBLOCK BOOKS, IVORY, METAL... Book Number: 89043501 64 BAEKELAND, Frederick. IMPERIAL JAPAN: The Art of the Meiji Era 1868-1912. Ithaca [1980], Johnson Museum. Stiff wrs.,very clean, 155 bw photos, index, bibliography, 22 x 28 cm., solid copy. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 2500 COPIES This well organized exhibition addresses the various art forms of the Meiji era, including painting, calligraphy, lacquer, woodblock prints and illustrated books, ivory, wood, metalwork, cloisonne and ceramics. The print section covers works by Yoshitoshi, Koson, Kiyochia, Gyosai, Gekko, Seitei, Kokyo et al. A very useful reference source. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 A MAJOR REFERENCE WORK FOR JAPANESE WOODBLOCK-PRINTED BOOKS Book Number: 85011002 65 BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. Part I: On the Development of Natural History, Especially Los Angeles 1961, Dawson's. Green cloth, very good, 267+3p., index, bibliography, 103 b.w. photos, co-author Hide Shohara this is an exact reprint of the first Asa Gray Bulletin edition. SUBTITLE: cont.: An Exhibition of Japanese Books & Manuscripts, Mostly Botanical, Held at the Clements Library of the University of Michigan, in Commemoration of the Hundreth Anniversary [1954] of the First Treaty Between the United States and Japan. . WHO WAS BARTLETT: Harley H. Bartlett [1886-1960] see: http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/archivesphotos/results/ item.do?itemId=P0037357 . A most valuable, useful & comprehensive bibliographic reference work addressing Japanese woodblock illustrated books pertaining to botany. . This superb resource illustrates and describes over 100 titles. It gives full bibliographical description, with English translation,cites Latin names of botanical examples, illustrates many books & has a valuable commentary on each. . With indices of Japanese artist/author, Japanese title, scientific name of plants. Cross references cited, with a copius bibliography. Divided into two parts per the subtitle. This highly useful bibliography is coveted by collectors of Japanese woodblock printed books and also Japanese [and Chinese] botany. This is the one and only comprehensive source, showing examples from the actual books. *** THE CO-AUTHOR: Co-author was Hide Shohara, who being a Japanese could properly read and understand the bibliographic colophon as well as read Japanese texts to derive ample critical cataloging information for this excellent reference. **** Please contact us if you are interested in woodblock printed Japanese botanical books, we have several in stock. Or you can visit our website and select this catalog and down load a color-illustrated copy of it. ** REFERENCES: E. D. Merrill et al: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY and supplement by E. H. Walker. Please check with us to see if we have this rare gem in stock. H. Bartlett [1886-1960] This title is ALWAYS QUITE RARE ! *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $238 A MAJOR REFERENCE WORK FOR JAPANESE WOODBLOCK-PRINTED BOOKS Book Number: 85011003 66 BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. Part I: On the Development of Natural History, Especially Ann Arbor 1961, Asa Gray Bull.Green cloth, very good, 267+3p index, bibliography,103 b.w. photos. Co-authored by Hide Shohara. FIRST EDITION SUBTITLE: cont.: An Exhibition of Japanese Books & Manuscripts, Mostly Botanical, Held at the Clements Library of the University of Michigan, in Commemoration of the Hundreth Anniversary [1954] of the First Treaty Between the United States and Japan. . WHO WAS BARTLETT: Harley H. Bartlett [1886-1960] see: http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/archivesphotos/results/ item.do?itemId=P0037357 . A most valuable, useful & comprehensive bibliographic reference work addressing Japanese woodblock illustrated books pertaining to botany. . This superb resource illustrates and describes over 100 titles. It gives full bibliographical description, with English translation,cites Latin names of botanical examples, illustrates many books & has a valuable commentary on each. . With indices of Japanese artist/author, Japanese title, scientific name of plants. Cross references cited, with a copius bibliography. Divided into two parts per the subtitle. This highly useful bibliography is coveted by collectors of Japanese woodblock printed books and also Japanese [and Chinese] botany. This is the one and only comprehensive source, showing examples from the actual books. *** THE CO-AUTHOR: Co-author was Hide Shohara, who being a Japanese could properly read and understand the bibliographic colophon as well as read Japanese texts to derive ample critical cataloging information for this excellent reference. **** Please contact us if you are interested in woodblock printed Japanese botanical books, we have several in stock. Or you can visit our website and select this catalog and down load a color-illustrated copy of it. ** REFERENCES: E. D. Merrill et al: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY and supplement by E. H. Walker. Please check with us to see if we have this rare gem in stock. H. Bartlett [1886-1960] This title is ALWAYS QUITE RARE ! *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $238 A MAJOR REFERENCE WORK FOR JAPANESE WOODBLOCK-PRINTED BOOKS Book Number: 85011004 67 BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. Part I: On the Development of Natural History, Especially Los Angeles 1961, Dawson's. Green cloth, very good, 267+3p., index, bibliography, 103 b.w. photos, co-author Hide Shohara this is an exact reprint of the first Asa Gray Bulletin edition, minor foxing to inside covers, balance clean & solid. SUBTITLE: cont.: An Exhibition of Japanese Books & Manuscripts, Mostly Botanical, Held at the Clements Library of the University of Michigan, in Commemoration of the Hundreth Anniversary [1954] of the First Treaty Between the United States and Japan. . WHO WAS BARTLETT: Harley H. Bartlett [1886-1960] see: http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/archivesphotos/results/ item.do?itemId=P0037357 . A most valuable, useful & comprehensive bibliographic reference work addressing Japanese woodblock illustrated books pertaining to botany. . This superb resource illustrates and describes over 100 titles. It gives full bibliographical description, with English translation,cites Latin names of botanical examples, illustrates many books & has a valuable commentary on each. . With indices of Japanese artist/author, Japanese title, scientific name of plants. Cross references cited, with a copius bibliography. Divided into two parts per the subtitle. This highly useful bibliography is coveted by collectors of Japanese woodblock printed books and also Japanese [and Chinese] botany. This is the one and only comprehensive source, showing examples from the actual books. *** THE CO-AUTHOR: Co-author was Hide Shohara, who being a Japanese could properly read and understand the bibliographic colophon as well as read Japanese texts to derive ample critical cataloging information for this excellent reference. **** Please contact us if you are interested in woodblock printed Japanese botanical books, we have several in stock. Or you can visit our website and select this catalog and down load a color-illustrated copy of it. ** REFERENCES: E. D. Merrill et al: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY and supplement by E. H. Walker. Please check with us to see if we have this rare gem in stock. H. Bartlett [1886-1960] This title is ALWAYS QUITE RARE ! *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $196 Book Number: 83002501 68 BERNOULLI, Rudolf. AUSGEWAHLTE MEISTER-WERKE OSTASIATISCHER GRAPHIK IN DER BIBLIOTEK FUR KUNST UND KUNSTGEWERBE IN BERLIN: SELECTED Vogtland 1923, Schultz. Half red cloth over boards,11 color, 32 b.w. tipped in plates, 110p., very good, German text, 22 x 29 cm., very good, clean solid copy FIRST EDITION An excellent study of Japanese, Chinese & Korean color woodblock prints. Also covered are the Ukiyo-e schools, the primitives, illustrated Japanese books [Ehon], prints, &c. * An excellent comparative study. Well illustrated & carefully written. Important reference. * $26 Book Number: 36032101 69 BREA, Luigi B. et al. UKIYO-E PRINTS AND PAINTINGS FROM THE EARLY MASTERS TO SHUNSHO: Edoardo Chiosonne Civic Museum of Oriental Art Genoa [1980], Sagep. Buff cloth, as new copy, in likewise dj & slipcase, introduction by Giuliano Frabetti, 322p., index bibliography, 433 color, b.w. figures & photos,English text, 17 x 25 cm., co-author Eiko Kondo. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Book Number: 98132501 RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 70 BROWN, Yu-Ying. JAPANESE BOOK ILLUSTRATION. [London 1988], British Library. Stiff color wrs., very good, 80p., 75+ color & b.w. photographs of Japanese illustrated books, bibliography, 17 x 24 cm., clean, bright copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This excellent reference covers examples of Japanese woodblock printed books. Subjects include romances & folk-tales, poetry & poets, guides & documentaries, nature & landscapes, women's world: flowers, prostitutes, learning, their arts. The floating world, pleasures of the flesh, the golden age. Each book is illustrated & carefully described, with choice passages & graphics displayed. A very useful resource. * $31 SHOWS THE RESIDENCES OF DAIMYOO AND SAMURAI Book Number: 93080801 71 BUNKEN KAIHOO OEDO EZU: CONVENIENT SCALE MAP OF EDO. BUNKEN KAIHOO OEDO EZU: CONVENIENT SCALE MAP OF EDO. Edo 1830, Suharaya. Single sheet, woodblock, color printed, 90 x 71 cm., with the appendage, 37 x 17.5 cm., very good, solid copy, in larger indigo-blue Chitsu case, verso folds, old worm holes all restored, mended, now solid. R A R E The Mon [family crest] are clearly shown on residences and detached villas. Large directional characters on each side, with colophon. The Hatamoto are within the moat, near the Palace. Clearly shows rivers, roads, individual wards, houses, ships ply the harbor with the folding appendage at the East. * A nice work suitable for framing and display. Nicely executed in pastel colors. S C A R C E * BIBLIOGRAPHY: NANBA, Matsutaro. OLD MAPS IN JAPAN: listed as 93, Nanba states: "This map, drawn to scale of 1 bu to 20 ken is much like many others of this type in both scale & content. They all originated...from maps drawn by Ochikochi Doin. What distinguishes this from others is its detailed information on residences of Daimyoo and other Samurai." * RareOrientalBooks.Com $622 A LARGE FOLDING WOODBLOCK PRINTED MAP SHOWING EDO [TOKYO] Book Number: 93086701 72 BUNSEI KAISEI OEDO OEZU: GREAT MAP OF EDO IN BUNSEI. BUNSEI KAISEI OEDO OEZU: GREAT MAP OF EDO IN THE BUNSEI TO KAISEI PERIODS, 1830. Edo 1830, Suharaya Mohie. Blue stiff paper covers, black and white, printed, some folds tender, minor old worming, 1.6 meters x 87.5 cm., distance chart, key to famous places and cities, directional symbols, folds down to 16 x 23.4 cm. Entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper, as issued, without color. A grand map of Edo [old Tokyo], documenting the location of Hatamoto or the closest Shogun supporters, shows the family Mon or crest, detailed map of the streets, family Zashishi or Daimyo mansions, Kamon [family crests], with the Edo Castle located in the center. Distance to some 68 cities listed, and also a list of famous places, products and sellers, shops, medical [Chinese] herbs &c. With a with date colophon. Suitable for display and framing. A handsome example of an early period map of Edo. Cited in G. Beans: LIST, p.35, 1830.1 for a very similar items. A handsome work in good condition, uncolored as issued. Large scale early maps of Edo are always scarce. Scans can be sent by email. A STUNNING GROUP OF FLOWER & FRUIT ARRANGEMENTS Book Number: 34043301 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 73 [BUNSHOSAI, Issen]. SOKA SHIKI EN: SOKA SCHOOL FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE FOUR SEASONS: SPRING & SUMMER. [Edo 1813, n.p.].Greem stiff stitched wrs., very good, title slips, 2 vols.: Spring & Summer of a 4 vol. set, 15.5 x 22.3 cm., vol.1.: 17+4, vol.2:17+4 double-folded leaves, most all pages are woodcut plates, clean, solid, nice copy. R A R E ! This is a lovely set of illustrated books. Of the four seasons, of which we only have Spring and Summer. These are the two seasons which have the most variety of flowers and fruits of the whole year. These two volumes are devoted to flower arrangements of these two prolific seasons. * The work is lavishly illustrated with stunning arrangements and vessels, woodblock printed on handmade Washi paper. * A superb and early guide for any student of flower arrangement and its vessels. Each arrangement has a caption and title giving additional information. * The art was selected by who we believe to be a master flower arrangement Sensei [teacher] SHOHAKUSAI Ippyo. * This is volumes 1 and 2 of a 4 volume set. The other lacking volumes are Autumn and Winter. *** REFERENCES: Not listed in: ROBERTS, Laurance P. :A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER. . KERLEN, H.:CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. *** $408 Book Number: 22018101 74 CALMELS CHAMBRE COHEN. ESTAMPES ET LIVRES ILLUSTRES JAPON ECOLES ANCIENNS XX eme SIECLE...Samedi 9 Decembre 2000 Drout Richelieu...Paris. Paris 2000, C.C.C. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, 26p., 8 color, 1 b.w. photo, lits 1-91 concern Japanese items, each with French text descriptions, estimates, works of Hokusai, Hiroshige, Utamaro, Torii, Kunisada, Sadahide, Keisai &c... Basically clean, 3 items have blue pen line & marks. A VALUABLE REFERENCE RESOURCE Book Number: 85065202 75 CEADEL, Eric B. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF MODERN JAPANESE BOOKS IN CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Cambridge [1961], Heffer. Red cloth, 552p., index of names & titles, very good, dj. S C A R C E RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 A copious bibliography, classified under the Cambridge system, with comprehensive coverage, index of titles and names, thousands of entries in both English, Japanese & Romaji. $94 A VALUABLE REFERENCE RESOURCE Book Number: 85065203 76 CEADEL, Eric B. CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF MODERN JAPANESE BOOKS IN CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. Cambridge [1961], Heffer. Red cloth, 552p., index of names & titles, very good, dj. S C A R C E A copious bibliography, classified under the Cambridge system, with comprehensive coverage, index of titles and names, thousands of entries in both English, Japanese & Romaji. LATE 18TH CENTURY ILLUSTRATED JAPANESE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS Book Number: 34043401 77 CHIBA, Ryuboku. HYAKKI ZUKAI: DRAWINGS OF FLOWER VASES, WITH FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND OWNER'S NAMES. [Kyoto 1773, Toundo]. Blue stiff wrs., stitched spine, 3 vol set, engraved by Morimoto Richo, 16.3 x 22.2 cm., profusely illustrated woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper, 20 + 20+16 double folded leaves, very clean solid copy. R A R E ! A lovely set of books, showing a large number of flower arrangement vases, trays, baskets, enamels and ceramics, and trays used. Also some Bonkei style arrangements. . The three volumes focus strictly on the wide variety of vessels use in Japanese flower arrangement. Volume 2 shows some furniture used in the tea room or the flower arrangement room. Each vase or recepticale has a name, size, and other details. Nicely done, artistic work ! *** REFERENCE: DAWES, Leonard G.: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. See p.21, last entry at the bottom. **** RareOrientalBooks.Com $94 NOT IN: . MITCHELL, C.H. et al. THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography. * KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * EDGREN, J.S. CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY. *** $447 AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE & BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE WHOLE GENRE Book Number: 85011601 78 CHIBBETT, D.G. et al. A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, AND PRINTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF London 1975, Oxford Univ. Red cloth, dj., 185p., very good, bibliography, chronology, glossary, chronology, indices, many b.w. illus.Co-authored by B.F. Hickman & S. Matsudaira. Excellent reference work for single sheet print & woodblock printed books with copious indices: illustrators, print makers, by series, or individual title, Kabuki actors, Kabuki roles, plays and publishers. An all together useful resource which gives detail bibliographic descriptions of each entry, illustrations, binding, notes & more. Essential for any collector or library reference desk. One more very valuable item for looking up those elusive E-Hon ! A MOST RELIABLE COLOR RESOURCE AND REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 89040101 RareOrientalBooks.Com $109 79 CHIBBETT, David. THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION. Tokyo [1977], Kodansha. Cloth, very good, 264p., 30 color,72 b.w. photos, 5 appendices, book title index, artists and A general index, unclipped dj. in mylar protector, glossary, 23 x 29 cm., bibliography, clean, sharp copy. FIRST EDITION This is an important contribution to Japanese illustrated book bibliography. It covers in great detail a history of Japanese printing, writing, paper, manscript, binding techniques, block & color printing. Historical origins in Nara & Kyoto, movable type boom, and publishing in the Edo period. * Also covering the history of woodblock printed book illustrations, the various "schools" and supported with a wealth of appendices. * This is an essential reference work for any student, collector or dealer of Japanese woodblock printed works. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Arntzen N149 * A BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED COLOR ALBUM Book Number: 84211502 80 CHIKANOBU, Toyoharu. [Yoshu] [ONNA FUZOKU]: LADIES' MANNERS & CUSTOMS. Of The Meiji Era Tokyo 1896, Fukuda. White boards, silk floral and butterfly pattern laid onto covers, very good, 10 double-page color wo woodcuts, ca 17.5 x 24 cm., opens to ca. 35.5 x 24 cm., ie. Oban, each page is Chuban, together making an Oban album. A fine example of Meiji era Nishiki-e brocade style polychrome woodblock printing with the rare technique of Gauffrage. A stunning album, consisting of ten Oban horizontal prints, with split in the center margin, as issued. Each print has a double-fish like colophon showing the date, publisher, carver's seal and other bibliographic details. * THE TITLE: The work is without title. As a common practice, many prints of the time lacked title, and were simply issued in serial form with each print matching the same format, by the same artist. RareOrientalBooks.Com $83 * THE ARTIST: Though the work is not signed, it is obviously the work of Chikanobu Toyoharu [aka Yoshu his studio name] [1838-1912], who was know for his excellent depiction of Meiji period women, warriors, snow, moon, flowers and political scenes. Chikanobu studied Kano style painting, studied under Toyohara Kunichika, who's surname he adopted. A skillful painter of women & historical subjects. See L. Roberts below. * THE PRINTS A SUITE OF TEN: Number 1: The art of Koto, depicts a woman on the floor playing the Koto, with a Hibachi [brazier] and a cat. She is elaborately dressed in a very elegant and formal Kimono. * Number 2: Playing with sparrows. This shows two refined Japanese women, the first stands and points to two sparrows which fly near-by. The second woman is kneeling while she prepares to cover a candle with a large basked. The candle stand is superbly toned with orange, an iron-based pigment that takes more than one-hundred years to oxidize, yielding a lovely patina. Both women wear superbly elegant Kimono, both have very fine gradation in color from solid to nearly clear white background. This technique is exceptionally difficult to achieve in color woodblocks. Nevertheless, the great skill of the printers achieved success with this technique of applying the ink with a light stroke, the brush having more ink on one end graduating out to nothing....stunning work ! * Number 3: Bird cage. This shows a mother seated and leaning her left arm on a cushion, while her young daughter holds a fan and touches the birdcage. Again the are dressed in stunningly elegant Kimono, each of which have colors gradually fading into the white background or pale pastels, marvelous. A summer lantern hangs in the center of the illustration, with black-lacquer wooden bottom and wind chime. * Number 4: Peony Iris and Sakura: A mother and daughter are illustrated. The mother looks back at her daughter who carries a younger brother. All are dressed in summer Kimono with elegant and Shibui design. The young boy wears a silken head cover, and wears a lovely child's patterned Kimono. In the background is a lovely floral arrangement of sprigs of Cherry, Iris and red peony. * Number 5: Presentation of the bride. The first woman carries a lantern and leads the way. She is followed by two attendants who guide a bride. The bride is dressed in stunning white Kimono, with Gauffrage-pattern of swastika's, an ancient Buddhist symbol. Her undergarments are of crimson-red. Others wear elegant silken Kimono, with excellent printing techniques. * Number 6: The game of Goh. This lovely domestic scene shows two women playing the traditional Japanese game of Goh. The woman on the left is about to place a black stone on the board, while the other looks on. Both are dressed in stunning Kimono with floral designs. In the background is a lovely red-lacquer table and roses in full bloom. A small RareOrientalBooks.Com tray with tea cups and snacks are present. * Number 7: New Year's Shuttle Cock. Its New Years and the traditional game is Shuttle Cock [a kind of badminton]. Each girl holds a paddle and tries to keep the "birdie' in the air. The girls are young and both wear special new year's style Kimono, and wear black-lacquered Pokkuri type "shoes." * Number 8: The art of wearing Kimono. This depicts three women, one helps another wear very elaborate heavy silk Kimono. The pattern of fans and Shibori [tie-dye] are done with great skill. Another woman kneels while preparing a jacket. Again the printing technique shows great skill of the artists in showing the gradations of color. A small mirror is the focus of attention of the woman who tries on her new fashions. * Number 9: Ikebana. This shows two very elegantly dressed women. The first presents a tray with flowers to the other. The other holds a scissors and is preparing to cut then arrange the flowers in a bronze vase. Each wear elaborate Kimono, one has lovely gradations of color. * Number 10: Cat's cradle. The last illustration shows two young girls playing Cat's Cradle. A mother looks on, holding a sprig of chrysanthemums. In the background is a lovely screen with a painting of Mt. Fuji. * CONDITION: The work is in an unusual binding, with embroidered flowers and butterflies laid down on both front and back covers. The covers are clean and in very good condition. The contents by and large are clean and solid. There is a small defect in the hand-made paper on illustration number 5 at the bottom but this is of no consequence and is not obvious. The last page has a small amount of minor, faint transfer and a bit of thumbing, the backside of each illustration has been reinforced at some time with Washi [hand-made Japanese] paper to give hinge strength, otherwise this is a very clean and nice album. * According to Coats: "Like many Japanese government officials in the 1890's, Chikanobu began to show increasing concern for teaching moral values to the new generations, especially to women. Increasingly women were seen as the protectors of Japanese customs and virtues, while men were expected to cope with Western influences and modernization..." From ca. 1890 Chikanobu began to produce prints showing women at appropriate pastimes, such as those that would enrich their cultural and social skills. Following the traditional Zen arts such as Tea, archery, flower arrangement were just a few of the several that also agreed with ancient Confucian attitudes. Ladies' etiquette [Onna Reishiki] was also a major subject found in his prints. Part of this etiquette was stunning ladies' dress in Kimono, hand & body movements, discreet eating practice and the proper entertainment of guests. [Liberally summarized from Coats, pp.46-47 et al.] * BIBLIOGRAPHY: B.A. Coats et al. CHIKANOBU: Modernity and Nostalgia in Japanese Prints. Especially pages 46-47, plate 21, pages RareOrientalBooks.Com 172-196 plates196--203; 210-212; 224-228; 232-235. Useful bibliography. * L. Roberts: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.185-6. He devotes about a half of a page to this celebrated artist. * R. Lane: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD p.214. * $1413 A STUNNING AND MOST LOVELY COLOR WOODBLOCK BOOK Book Number: 84211801 81 CHIKUYO, Suiken. NIKKO MEISHO JUNI KEI ZU: TWELVE VIEWS OF FAMOUS PLACES IN NIKKO. [Tochigi 1868, Kobayashi]. Folding album, very good, silk brocade covers, all edge gilt, in folding slipcase, minor corner wear, 13 color Chuban prints, ca. 18 x 24 cm., title page, pristine prints, bright and most lovely. R A R E ! Depicts the beautiful waterfalls, bridges & shrines of that mountain forest area. Nice technique on the cascades. Books of this beauty are rare, & this one is a fine copy. * Book Number: 21086001 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 82 [CHINZAN.] CHINZAN GAFU: AN ALBUM OF CHINZAN'S PAINTINGS. Kyoto 1911, Yoshikawa Kobunkan. Yellow boards, 2 vol. set, accordion folded, covers spotted, stained, corners rubbed, contents, clean, solid, 20 color, 4 Sumi [black] double-page paintings, 16.5 x 25.5 cm., a posthumous edition. R A R E This work contains delicately executed fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, grases, silkworms on mulberry leaves, loquats, peach, plum, bamboo, various flowers, a bat, lotus flower, sprit of cherry blossoms, persimmon sprig, bowl of cherries, a duck &c. All painted with great Zen skill in shades of pastels. Chinzan [1801-54] was a Nanga painter, born & lived in Edo. His family was of Samurai stock, attached to the Tokugawa government. He first studied under Kaneko Kinryoh, then under the most famous and celebrated Tani Buncho, and finally under the most august Watanabe Kazan who was his best pupil. Painting in a style derived from the famous the classic Chinese painting manual, CHIEN TZU YUAN HUA CHUAN, or commonly called THE MUSTARD SEED GARDEN MANUAL OF PAINTING executed 1679-1701. His works are usually flowwers. See L. Roberts: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.14. As a point of interest, Chinzan in Kanji or Japanese characters means "Camellia Mountain." Each painting was impressed with his cinnabar [chop] seals, at east one or two per work. The two volume set is contained in a blue cloth Chitsu folding case, with ivory clasps. Color scans can be sent by email. $2856 Book Number: 96004501 83 CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK. SALE 5956. JAPANESE PRINTS, BOOKS, PAINTINGS AND SCREENS FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Sale of Sept. 26, 1985. New York 1985, Christie's. Tan pictorial wrappers, very good 101p., 284 well-described lots, 4 color, many others in b.w. price estimates. A useful reference & bibliography. The selling the works of Kunisada, Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, &c. $31 AN IMPORTANT PRICED AUCTION REFERENCE GUIDE Book Number: 94179601 84 CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK. SALE 6670: THE DONALD AND MARY HYDE COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS: Sold for the Benefit of the Pierpont New York 1988, Christie's. Red cloth, very good, 215p., 40 color photos, 170 b.w. photos, bibliography, 160 lots described, pictorial dj. This attractive volume describes the incomparable Hyde collection, including illustrative examples. Includes asking prices, contents of books, &c. Covers such names as Kitagawa Utamaro, Tsuruoka Rosui, Torii Kiyotsune, Ippitsusai Buncho, Katsukawa Shunsho, Matsuo Basho, Utagawa Hiroshige, Suzuki Bokushi, Katsushika Hokusai, &c. Superlative reference source. With prices realized list, many color plates. RareOrientalBooks.Com $53 PART I: SALE OF MARCH 21, 1989, PART II: OCTOBER 16, 1989 Book Number: 97118701 85 CHRISTIE'S NEW YORK. SALE 6782 & 6896. JAPANESE PRINTS & DFRAWINGS FROM THE COLLECITON OF THE LATE THEODORE SCHEIWE, PARTS I, II. New York 1989, Christie's. Black cloth, very good, dj., 99p. 176 well described lots, price estimates, 176 color & b.w. photos, excellent refrence source. Lots 1-176, Part II only. Covers prints by primitives, Torii Kiyonobu, Harunobu, Utamaro, Koryusai, Buncho, Shunsho, Shunei, Kiyonaga, Eishi, Eisho, Eisui, Choki, Sharaku, Toyokuni, Kunimasa, Hokusai, surimono, Hokkei, Gakutei, Eizan, Eisen, Kunisada, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, Hiroshige II, Yoshitoshi,Gyosai et al. $83 Book Number: 97064201 86 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON. SALE COR 4605. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 23 JAN., 1992. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 38p., 417 well described lots, many b.w. photos, price estimates, very solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION & illustrated books [e-hon], Buddhist sculpture, cloisonne & Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese prints. $22 Book Number: 97064701 87 CHRISTIE'S SOUTH KENSINGTON SALE COR 4491. ORIENTAL CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART. SALE OF 28 NOV. 1991. London 1992, Christie's. Stiff white wrs., very good, 45p., 456 well described lots, price estimates, many b.w. photos, clean solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Covers Chinese & Japanese ceramics, Japanese woodcut prints, woodblock printed & illustrated books [e-hon], Chinese jades & ivory carvings, lacquer, bronzes, Buddhist art &c... $19 Book Number: 97048001 88 CHRISTIES EAST. SALE 5109. FINE JAPANESE PRINTS, BOOKS & PAINTINGS: From Private Collections & from Various sources. Dec. 16, 1981. New York 1981, Christie. Stiff white wrs., very good, 49p., price estimates, 229 well described items, many b.w. photos. Sale of December 16, 1981, From Private Collections et al. RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 AN EXCELLENT & MAJOR MONOGRAPH ON THIS SUPERB PAINTER Book Number: 95243101 89 CLARK, Timothy. DEMON OF PAINTING: ART OF KWANABE KYOSAI. London 1993, British Museum. Grey pictorial wrappers, very good, 192p., 122 color photos 1 folding, 163 b.w. photos, bibliography, appendix, index, clean, 22 x 27.5 cm. R A R E FIRST & ONLY EDITION A well-constructed monograph, with an informative introduction, catalog with 112 well-described items, with additional descriptive text about each item. A highly useful & copious reference, loaded with great color plates, some foldouts, with good annoations. An essential tool for any collector interested in Kyosai painting and artistic production, wood block books and his prints. Perhaps the best single resource in English on this fantastic artist and woodblock book and print designer. The book profusely illustrated with a very large number of excellent color and b.w. photos of Kyosai's marvelous and imaginative art works. Quite useful reference. $403 Book Number: 86103302 90 CRIGHTON, R.A. THE FLOATING WORLD: Japanese Popular Prints 1700-1900. London 1973, Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, 8 color plates, 296 b.w. illustrations, 76 b.w. figures. QUITE SCARCE This important exhibit catalog is divided into 5 subject areas: Kabuki, the popular theatre, Beautiful women, landscapes & views, birds and flowers, including animals & water life, and Heroes & heroines, battles and warriors, myths and legends, poetry and fiction. This work was a highwater mark for prints from this 200 year period. Illustrated books are also listed. With signature index & brief biography of the artists. QUITE RARE A COMPREHENSIVE BUDDHIST SECT WORK Book Number: 97087501 91 DAI NIPPON OHKURA KYOO. THE OHKURA BUDDHIST SECT. DAI NIPPON OHKURA KYOO. THE OHKURA BUDDHIST SECT IN THE JAPANESE EMPIRE. [Tokyo 1884, Koh Kyoo Shoin]. Stitched buff wrappers, very RareOrientalBooks.Com $131 good, 10 volume set, Japanese text, total of 828 double folded pages, 8 woodcut Buddhist illustrations, few old worm holes, not significant. Double page pagination: vol. I: 55p. II: 75p. III: 97p. IV: 108p. V:98p. VI:111. VII:81p. VIII:74 p. IX:41p. X:88p. This source covers various sects: Nichiren Shishoo, Rinsaishuu, Soobushuu, Shingonshuu, Jishuu, Joboshu Tendaishu, Yuutsuu Nenbutsu shuu et al. An excellent reference for the various sects within Buddhism in Japan. $748 USEFUL PRICED REFERENCE GUIDE TO YOKOHAMA PRINTS, E-HON &c. Book Number: 90000501 92 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. FOREIGNERS IN EARLY JAPAN: Paintings, Prints, Books, Including a Remarkable Perry Scroll of Russians in Japan, Los Angeles [1965-6], Dawson's. Brown cloth, as new, 136p., 323 b.w. photos, a series of catalogs #'s: 354, 363 & 386, covering hundreds of items, illustrations, & photos. An excellent reference to the genre. Consisting of three separate catalogs, all bound in one, items consecutively numbered through item 1-561. A highly valuable reference for a host of various Japanese prints, woodblock printed books, painted scrolls, guidebooks &c. All related to the opening of Japan & Commodore Perry, Yokohama, Nagasaki, maps, early foreigners in Japan. Each item is well described, catalogued & priced. Including a substantial part on the Dutch in Nagasaki, their Chinese assistants, exotic paintngs, foreign birds, whaling in Japan, Japanese Christianity, Yokohama prints showing a host of foreigners, maps shwowing Yokohama & other ports, foreign technology, "Black Ships," Sino-Japanese War prints & tryptichs, and a host of other fascinating resources on the subject. Useful for any serious student & collector of this genre. $65 Book Number: 98168002 93 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. JAPANESE PAINTINGS OF THE FLOATING WORLD. Catalogue 352. Los Angeles [1966 ], Dawson's. Stiff pictorial wrs., very good, 55p., color cover print + many b.w. photos, covers 128 individual items, priced, with good descriptions, Catalogue 352 on the covers, very clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent resource for a wide variety of scrolls, Kakemono, paintings in various forms, manuscripts, early Japanese woodblock prints [primitives], E-hon or illustrated books and a host of fascinating illustrated works. * A useful guide to the genre. FEATURING JAPANESE & CHINESE PAINTINGS, BUDDHIST ART &c... RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Book Number: 98167901 94 DAWSON'S BOOK SHOP. JAPANESE PICTURE SCROLLS AND PAINTINGS. [Including Chinese & Korean Paintings &c.] Los Angeles [1965-67], Dawson's. Blue cloth, AS NEW,clean 191p., title, artist & author indexs, profusely illustrated with b.w. photos, 511 individuially described & priced item many illustratations, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Excellent priced dealers catalog & a valuable reference resource for any collector or student of both Japanese & Chinese painting, Buddhist art, Buddhist woodblock prints [Japanese], sculptures, scrolls, Kakemono, Zen Buddhist arts, woodblock printed books [E-hon]. . Also manuscript scrolls, books, paintings, fans, Samurai fenching, Noh drama, Kano and early Sumi paintings, literati, Shijo, fine calligraphy, Shijo school work, picture scrolls, flower arrangement, Korean art works & a host of others. * An ecclectic reference, most useful. * Contains Catalogue numbers: 343, 349, 351, 357 & 366, all items consecutively numbered 1-511. SUPERB FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL 3 VOL. SET Book Number: 41044301 95 DICKINS, Frederick V. FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. [1960 Reprint Edition] New York 1960, Frederick. Gray cloth, ribbon tied, very good double-folded pages, profusely illustrated in b. w. from the original, intro. by Jack Hillier, descriptions by F.Dickins, 15.5 x 24 cm., red slipcase ends taped, solid, [124] pages. THIS TITLE: F.V. Dickins: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. An English translation of the entire original woodblock printed set of 3 volumes. A valuable reference and enhancement to the original set. See F.V. Dickins below. * There is a mistake on the title page, they cite the author's name as "F.W. Dickins" the actual and correct name of the author was Frederick Victor, not "W." Dickins. * This was printed in a FIRST AND ONLY REPRINT EDITION in 1960. * There was another edition done in 1880 of this English translation that came with an original 3 volume edition of the Japanese set: FUGAKU HYAKKEI. * If you are interested in the original 3 volume woodblock printed edition, please inquire with us. RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS --for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp. 21--22 outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE --ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI NO. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. Please inquire to see if we have this in stock. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * SUPERB FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE ORIGINAL 3 VOL. SET Book Number: 41044302 96 DICKINS, Frederick V. FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. [1960 Reprint Edition] New York 1960, Frederick. Gray cloth, ribbon tied, very good double-folded pages, profusely illustrated in b. w. from the original, intro. by Jack Hillier, descriptions by F.Dickins, 15.5 x 24 cm., red slipcase, solid, bright copy,[124] pages. THIS TITLE: F.V. Dickins: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. An English translation of the entire original woodblock printed set of 3 volumes. A valuable reference and enhancement to the original set. See F.V. Dickins below. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $114 There is a mistake on the title page, they cite the author's name as "F.W. Dickins" the actual and correct name of the author was Frederick Victor, not "W." Dickins. * This was printed in a FIRST AND ONLY REPRINT EDITION in 1960. * There was another edition done in 1880 of this English translation that came with an original 3 volume edition of the Japanese set: FUGAKU HYAKKEI. * If you are interested in the original 3 volume woodblock printed edition, please inquire with us. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS --for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp. 21--22 outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE --ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI NO. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. Please inquire to see if we have this in stock. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * EXCELLENT COLOR STUDY OF CHINESE & JAPANESE EROTIC ART WORKS RareOrientalBooks.Com $126 Book Number: 22084801 97 DOPP, Hans-Jurgen. THE EROTIC ORIENT. New York 2001, Parkstone Press. Pictorial boards, 104p., as new, profusely illustrated in color, English text, 15.5 x 23 cm., dust jacket, as new bright copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A useful recent study, covers the erotic theme as found in Chinese painted albums & books, carvings, sculptures, hidden erotic art and in ceramics. The Japanese section also covers erotic woodblock printed books, prints, and a lovely section on erotic ivory carvings or Netsuke. An unusual color reference, nicely done. A COPIOUS AND MAJOR BIBLIOGRAPHY ON ALL CLASSES OF E-HON Book Number: 98157902 98 EDGREN, J.S. CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY. Stockholm 1980, [Royal Library]. Green stiff wrs., very good 388p., slight bump to corner, contents clean, concordance, with 1082 excellent entries with full bibliographic description for each, with English & Japanese characters. OBSCURE ! With 1082 entries with full bibliographic notes , Also with personal name & book title index. . The A.E .Nordenskiold collection of Japanese illustrated books was made in Japan 100 years ago as a direct result of the famous & celebrated successful voyage of the "VEGA" through the so-called North-east Passage: from Sweden over the Northern waters of Russia and through the Bering Strait. * The world-famous expedition was led by Adolf Erik Nordenskiold [18 Nov. 1832-12 Aug. 1901], who with his officers and crew spend the months of September & October, 1879 in Japan before proceeding on to Sweden by the Southerly route and through the Mediterranean Sea. RareOrientalBooks.Com $15 * Nordenskiold related the history & findings of the expedition in an eminently readable, popular report of the journey, in 2 vols. entitled THE VOYAGE OF THE VEGA AROUND ASIA AND EUROPE, London & N.Y., 1881.It contains three chapters devoted to the 2 months in Japan, in which brief mention of the book collection is made. *** From a Swedish translation: "An even more valuable contribution to the knowledge of Japan's older history & its people's ancient culture is provided by the rather extensive Japanese book collection that I succeeded to bring together during my brief stay there. I was assisted by a young Japanese...on my account he searched through the stocks of countless antiquarian book dealers in Yokohama, Tokyo & Kyoto...I was guided by the desire to be able to bring home a more valuable & more enduring memento than could be conveyed by the natural history collections..." Thus it was very clear, during his visit the old feudal estates were being confiscated & the dispersal of a large number of historical & family collections of arms, armor, old books were completely disregarded & went to curio & book stores in great numbers." * This major and hitherto most OBSCURE bibliographical resource offers the collector a new & keen insight to a whole genre of E-hon many of which are NOT listed in the other standard reference bibliographies of the past. The preface offers a rich history of the collection and the first attempt at cataloging by Leon de Rosny, which was severely flawed. * A major resource for pre-Meiji books. Each entry shows the Romanized, Kanji author & title with English notes on date, original price, size, Rosny and other reference citations, with notes on the covers & title labels. The whole work is organized in the traditional subject format following that of the Naikaku Bunko with sections on: general, Shintoism, Buddhism, language, literature, music and drama, history, geography, government -law -economics, education, physical sciences, medicine, industries, fine arts and amateur arts, military arts, Sinology and Chinese works, book & personal name index. An essential reference for any collector or student of E-hon. * GROUP OF LOVELY COLOR PERIOD MAPS OF OLD EDO CITY AREAS Book Number: 35011601 RareOrientalBooks.Com $83 99 EDO KIRI CHIZU. EDO KIRI CHIZU: A GROUP OF 19th CENTURY COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED SECTION OR "KU" MAPS OF EDO [OLD TOKYO]. [Edo 1850-1861]. A group of 28 of 31 original period color woodblock-printed maps, folds to 9.2 x 16.5 cm.,all the same uniform size blue covers, title slips, smallest opens to be 54.49.3 cm.; largest is 54.5 x 74 cm.,1-7,8-21,23-30. RARE ! This is an offering of a group of original period woodblock printed sectional maps of the old city of Edo, now modern day Tokyo. *** GENERAL CONDITION: All in original blue paper covers with labels, a few labels are in facsimile. Any old worming was restored from the verso using period handmade Washi paper and rice glue. All maps are now stable and solid. Old stains, discoloration or other typical condition issues with the covers, by and large very good contents, no stains or blemishes, restored old worming. *** GROUP 1: Contains 28 of 31 maps, 1 title slip in facsimile, else all original. This group also contains six original map envelope covers which originally contained each map. These are for the most part soiled, torn, rear cover detached or otherwise simply excellent examples of how the maps were originally protected. These are seldom found if ever with the maps. An added bonus to the group ! . Condition: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming, and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issued. Complete with all covers. *** GROUP 2: Contains 23 of 31 maps, 3 title slips in facsimile, else all original. . CONDITION: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issue. One map lacks the back cover, else complete with all covers. *** THE MAPS: Each map shows a specific area of old Edo, now called "Ku" [ward, district or section] of the city. Much detail to each map shows the name of the Daimyo Loyal Retainers, their Mon, name of the street, location of rivers, canals, bridges, directional compass, temples, shrines, special gardens, flower locations, fire stations, with a color coded key to the above and also stores, roads, rivers and other geographical features. * There is also a colophon on each map, showing date of publication, author or compiler, location of the publisher and address. *** An excellent example of the complex and grand city of Edo during the late Edo period [prior to 1868]. Each individual map is a cartographic treasure. With all of the usual RareOrientalBooks.Com features found in larger and earlier maps. *** REFERENCE: HAMADA, Giichiro. comp. EDO KIRI E ZU: ILLUSTRATED SECTIONAL MAPS OF EDO. 2 volume set. These maps are found & listed in both vol. 1 and 2 of this set. We have elected to follow the numbering found in volume one, which shows some 31 maps in all. There has always been a variation as to the exact count of the sections of old Edo, and this work shows both versions and lists each section's name. The list in volume 1 seems to best suit the group of sectional maps we have. * [KONDO Gennichi.]: MEIJI TOKYO KUBUN CHIZU ZEN: Tokyo Daishoo Kubun Chizu & Tokyo Jyuugo Kubun Chizu: COMPLETE MEIJI TOKYO WARDS [KU]:LARGE & SMALL WARDS & THE FIFTEEN WARDS OF TOKYO. * EDO KIRI MAPS: https://books.google.com/books?id=eYuojP7kgvkC&pg=PA3&lpg=PA 3&dq=EDO+KIRI+MAP+NAMES&source=bl&ots=r3MkvkDGOT&sig=3Q5PE4s SpuYcmEsbNPqL50n9-tg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=F0NbVfzfGcfTsAXeuIGgBg&ve d=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=EDO%20KIRI%20MAP%20NAMES&f=false *** GROUP OF LOVELY COLOR PERIOD MAPS OF OLD EDO CITY AREAS Book Number: 35011602 100 EDO KIRI CHIZU. EDO KIRI CHIZU: A GROUP OF 19th CENTURY COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED SECTION OR "KU" MAPS OF EDO [OLD TOKYO]. [Edo 1850-1861]. A group of 23 of 31 original period color woodblock-printed maps, folds to 9.2 x 16.5 cm.,all the same uniform size blue covers, title slips,smallest opens to 54 x 49.3 cm.;largest: 54.5 x 74 cm.,#'s 1-6,9-17,19-21,23-26,30. This is an offering of a group of original period woodblock printed sectional maps of the old city of Edo, now modern day Tokyo. *** GENERAL CONDITION: All in original blue paper covers with labels, a few labels are in facsimile. Any old worming was restored from the verso using period handmade Washi paper and rice glue. All maps are now stable and solid. Old stains, discoloration or other typical condition issues with the covers, by and large very good contents, no stains or blemishes, restored old worming. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $3313 GROUP 1: Contains 28 of 31 maps, 1 title slip in facsimile, else all original. This group also contains six original map envelope covers which originally contained each map. These are for the most part soiled, torn, rear cover detached or otherwise simply excellent examples of how the maps were originally protected. These are seldom found if ever with the maps. An added bonus to the group ! . Condition: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming, and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issued. Complete with all covers. *** GROUP 2: Contains 23 of 31 maps, 3 title slips in facsimile, else all original. . CONDITION: All maps are very good or better some have old restored worming and are now solid. Some covers have old stains, oxidizing of the blue color, else contents clean, excellent registry, excellent color, all folded several times as issue. One map lacks the back cover, else complete with all covers. *** THE MAPS: Each map shows a specific area of old Edo, now called "Ku" [ward, district or section] of the city. Much detail to each map shows the name of the Daimyo Loyal Retainers, their Mon, name of the street, location of rivers, canals, bridges, directional compass, temples, shrines, special gardens, flower locations, fire stations, with a color coded key to the above and also stores, roads, rivers and other geographical features. * There is also a colophon on each map, showing date of publication, author or compiler, location of the publisher and address. *** An excellent example of the complex and grand city of Edo during the late Edo period [prior to 1868]. Each individual map is a cartographic treasure. With all of the usual features found in larger and earlier maps. *** REFERENCE: HAMADA, Giichiro. comp. EDO KIRI E ZU: ILLUSTRATED SECTIONAL MAPS OF EDO. 2 volume set. These maps are found & listed in both vol. 1 and 2 of this set. We have elected to follow the numbering found in volume one, which shows some 31 maps in all. There has always been a variation as to the exact count of the sections of old Edo, and this work shows both versions and lists each section's name. The list in volume 1 seems to best suit the group of sectional maps we have. * [KONDO Gennichi.]: MEIJI TOKYO KUBUN CHIZU ZEN: Tokyo Daishoo Kubun Chizu & Tokyo Jyuugo Kubun Chizu: COMPLETE MEIJI TOKYO WARDS [KU]:LARGE & SMALL WARDS & THE FIFTEEN WARDS OF TOKYO. * EDO KIRI MAPS: https://books.google.com/books?id=eYuojP7kgvkC&pg=PA3&lpg=PA 3&dq=EDO+KIRI+MAP+NAMES&source=bl&ots=r3MkvkDGOT&sig=3Q5PE4s RareOrientalBooks.Com SpuYcmEsbNPqL50n9-tg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=F0NbVfzfGcfTsAXeuIGgBg&ve d=0CBQQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q=EDO%20KIRI%20MAP%20NAMES&f=false *** $2722 A CLASSIC STORY OF SAMURAI COURAGE FROM THE 16TH CENTURY Book Number: 99069701 101 EHON AMAGO YUUSHI DEN: ILLUSTRATED STORY OF A BRAVE SAMURAI. EHON AMAGO YUUSHI DEN: ILLUSTRATED STORY OF A BRAVE AMAGO SAMURAI: The Story of Yamanaka Shikanosuke. [Tokyo 1870 Tohsendoh]. Stitched orange wrs., very good, 8.5 x 12 cm., 19 double folded leaves, 50 pages of steel or copper engraved illustrations, two large fold-outs opens to be a double set with 4 illustrations on both sides 8 in all. This work shows the courage & heroism Yamanaka Shikanosuke, one of the bravest who served his Shogun Amago in the Sannin district. * It was during the 16th century, that Yamanaka became a wellknown legend for his bravery. This work outlines his deeds & escapades as a warrior. It shows various scenes in the life and actions of Yamanaka, a women who threw off male attackers, young people listening to the tales of recited by Yamanaka. Views of his early childhood, as he rode a deer, while his mother was protected by a monkey. * Suppressing the Inoshishi [wild boar], how he protected his Lord Amago from attackers while traveling in a palanquin as he fends off attackers. His sword duels, in full armor, protection of unarmed Buddhist priests, suppression of animal monsters, capture of enemies &c. Fascinating graphic representations of true stories from Japan's rich Samurai past. * The theme of courage, loyalty and honor is clearly delivered, and has become legendary. Expertly executed etchings drawn by Bai-Doh Kunimasa. * FORMAT: The book is a very small size, easily put in the pocket. The kind of a book people carried around and read. Nicely done, profusely illustrated work, capturing the imagination of the reader. ********** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in Kerlen. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $270 DRAMATIC SWORD PLAY, MANY SAMURAI FIGHTING SCENES Book Number: 32007801 102 EISEN, Keisai. BUYU SAKIGAKE ZUE: ILLUSTRATIONS OF MILITARY COURAGE. [Nagoya 1844-47?, Eirakuya]. Stiff orange wrs., stitched,16 x 23 cm., very good, usual minor edge wear, bit old worming only in the upper margin to 8p., else strong clear images, [20] double-folded leaves, 40 full page illustrations. Eisen was known for his stunning portrayal of Samurai warriors and traditional heroes. Like Kuniyoshi he excelled at action and sword play. This work continues in that vein with famous warriors subduing wild animals and challenging the most powerful sword fighters. A dramatic work, loaded with dynamic Samurai sword play and action ! **** THE WORK IN BIBLIOGAPHICAL TERMS: Kerlen states vol.1, vol.2 as the complete set; our copy clearly states "Zen" or "Complete" on the title slip, which appears to be 2 vols. bound in one. Kerlen states the complete set consists of 20 unnumbered pages. If it were incomplete, or an odd volume, the title slip would say vol. 1, or vol. 2, per Kerlen; as is. FIRST EDITION. **** REFERENCES: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS #116, p.48-49. * KSM: KAIGA [Eiga]7-139-3 * Forrer:156-157 * Kraft: vol. 2, no. 40 * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.21. *** A STUNNING SET OF DESIGN BOOK FOR JAPANESE OBJECTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $493 Book Number: 84355501 103 EITAKU, Sensai. BANBUTSU HINAGATA GAFU: BOOK OF DESIGNS. [Tokyo 1880-81, Eto]. Vols. 1-4 of a 5 vol. set, very good, blue, green, purple stitched wrs., some faint damp stain on vol.1, 129 double-pages woodcut illustrations, hand-printed on Washi paper, 15 x 23.5 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Contains b.w. illustrations of E-hon, textiles, scrolls and birds, flowers, Chinese heroes, pottery, porcelain &c. Compiled by Otagawa Yasuchika, the well known ivory carver. * This is signed "Sensai Eitaku" [Kano School, 1843-90]. Eitaku [Kobayashi] was a Japanese style painter & became a pupil of Kano Eitoku Tatsunobu. He attained Samurai status, later he edited several painting books & was an illustrator for the "Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun," specializing in historical subjects. He worked in the Kano, and later Nanga styles. Eitaku: [1843-90]. Superbly done, quite nice ! * CONDITION: The set is bound in original various colored covers, with title slips, title slip of vol. 4 is half gone, and there is some spotting to the front and rear covers of that volume else all are with usual edge wear and some small nibbles on the bottom of vol. 1. Contents of all are clean, no worming. **** REFERENCE: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.23 for more details. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS #29, p.14. * Louise N. BROWN: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.180. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: pp.180-181. *** A STUNNING SET OF DESIGN BOOK FOR JAPANESE OBJECTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $1358 Book Number: 84355503 104 EITAKU, Sensai. BANBUTSU HINAGATA GAFU: BOOK OF DESIGNS. [Tokyo 1881, Eto]. Purple stitched binding wrs., vol. 4 of 5 only, 20 double page woodblock illustrations, printed on hand made paper, 15 x 22.5 cm., very good. Contains b.w. illustrations of E-hon, textiles, scrolls and birds, flowers, Chinese heroes, pottery, porcelain &c. Compiled by Otagawa Yasuchika, the well known ivory carver. * This is signed "Sensai Eitaku" [Kano School, 1843-90]. Eitaku [Kobayashi] was a Japanese style painter & became a pupil of Kano Eitoku Tatsunobu. He attained Samurai status, later he edited several painting books & was an illustrator for the "Yokohama Mainichi Shimbun," specializing in historical subjects. He worked in the Kano, and later Nanga styles. Eitaku: [1843-90]. Superbly done, quite nice ! * CONDITION: The set is bound in original various colored covers, with title slips, title slip of vol. 4 is half gone, and there is some spotting to the front and rear covers of that volume else all are with usual edge wear and some small nibbles on the bottom of vol. 1. Contents of all are clean, no worming. **** REFERENCE: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.23 for more details. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS #29, p.14. * Louise N. BROWN: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.180. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: pp.180-181. *** A CHARMING AND QUAINT HAND-PAINTED MINIATURE EROTIC BOOK RareOrientalBooks.Com $136 Book Number: 27052401 105 EN SHO HI CHO. EN SHO HI CHO: SECRET BOOK OF BIG LEAVES AND SWALLOW. [An Erotic Color Painted Japanese Miniature Albuml] [Japan n.d.ca.1860's]. Green silk brocade cloth covers, very clean, solid copy, 8.5 x 12 cm., accordion folded, painted on both sides, 12 double-page erotic color paintings, all edges gilt, on thick album leaves. OBSCURE CHARMING WORK *** *** *** . . . A SUPERB POLYCHROME PAINTED MINIATURE EROTIC ALBUM . . TWELVE DOUBLE-PAGE STUNNING EROTIC SCENES . . *** A miniature Japanese hand-painted erotic album. As was the custom at the time, these albums were seldom signed or signed with a pseudonym to hide the true artist's name. . This stunning and skillfully painted album is most likely the anonymous work of a famous Ukiyo-e artist, executed in polychrome with the utmost detail. * THE TITLE: EN SHO HI CHO:SECRET BOOK OF BIG LEAVES THE SWALLOW: Is a play on words, the "big leaf" means the vagina, and the "swallow" refers to the penis, and of course most of the erotic books contain the character "Hi" [Himitsu = secret] secret or hidden book in the title. . **** TWELVE DOUBLE-PAGE EROTIC PAINTINGS: Front Side: . 1. A man with a large hard-on holds his penis projecting from his Kimono, as he listens to a couple on the other side of the Shoji screen making love. . The opposite page shows a sexually excited woman flushed and RareOrientalBooks.Com pink-faced, while she also listens to the adjacent couple making love. She prepares to wipe her freely flowing love-fluids, she holds a packet of Chirishi [toilet paper] at the ready. Her Kimono is parted, revealing her red under wear with her legs parted. . 2. A man inserts his fingers inside the his lover's vulva, she closes her eyes in ecstasy, pink-faced and flushed. . 3. A couple making love, the woman rides on top of the man, her rear end exposed, showing his penis entering her vagina. She is flushed and red-faced in excitement. . 4. A couple making love. The woman is on her knees offering her rear to him, as he enters her vagina, we can see his testecals and a fierce look on his face. His Kimono is pulled open, her Kimono is pulled over her back, revealing her bright red under Kimono. . 5. Before a grand screen of landscape and a plum tree in blossom, a couple make love. She clutches a packet of Chirishi [toilet paper] in her right hand. She is on her back, spread wide and open, he penetrates her fully-exposed vagina revealing his penis half-way inside her. He clutches her around the back of her neck with both arms, holding her Kimono firmly. He is flushed and pink-faced in ecstasy. . 6. A man makes love and enjoys two women. His penis penetrates the closest woman and sucks her nipple, while inserting his fingers into the vagina of the second. Both women have exposed vagina's. All three display very bright red-pink-flushed faces in fits of sexual passion. * VERSO OR BACK SIDE OF THE ALBUM: . 7. A naked woman is on her back, spread-eagle, right leg held up by his left arm. She is top-mounted by her passionate male lover. He is on his knees penetrating her anus. The woman flails her arms, squinting in pain, the man has a firm look on his pink-flushed face. Her Kimono is spread below, her wooden pillow is pushed off to the side. . 8. A fully naked and well-tattooed man sits on the Tatami mat, while holding a naked woman's left leg up enough to easily enters her exposed vagina from the rear. Love fluids freely flow from her vagina. She faces away from her lover while supporting herself by holding his right leg and left hand on the Tatami. He is pink-faced in ecstasy. . 9. A man catches a prostitute on the street. He pushes her against a building, while pulling up the back side of her Kimono. Spreading his Kimono open, he enters her vagina from the rear. They are both exposed from the hips downward, revealing their genitals. The are both quite red-faced in moment of sexual passion and ecstasy. . 10. An afternoon scene, the man wears a cloth over his head, hiding himself from the public. He secretly entered his lover's room. The eager and passionate lovers embrace, he is on his knees, she willingly sits back spreading her vagina while he penetrates her, ejaculating quickly with excitement. Love fluids flow from her vagina. Their Kimonos RareOrientalBooks.Com are pulled up to their hips, revealing their genitals. She is clutches him tightly holding his Kimono fast. Her face is brightly flushed pink. A white cockatoo observes from his cage. . 11. A night scene, the man has secretly entered his lover's room, he uses his Kimono to block out the lantern light. Holding a lighted candle in his left hand, he sheds light to reveal the sight of the couple's love-making. She is on her back, knees spread wide revealing her naked vagina, he sits on his knee, fully penetrating her vagina, which flows love-fluids. He holds her firmly with right hand. She is locked in a passionate grip behind her neck, eyes closed lost in ecstasy. His face and neck are pink-flushed with sexual passion. Her Kimono is thrown open, her bright-red under Kimono above her pubic area. . 12. The last scene is a classic of Japanese erotica. A man visits his beloved and favorite prostitute. She has pulled open her Kimono revealing her breasts and vagina. She sits back, resting both feet on her lover's chest, offering her vagina to him. He sits back resting against the door jam near naked as his Kimono is pulled off his shoulders. His penis penetrates her vagina as he suddenly notices a person just outside the doorway. . Just beyond the open sliding doors is an unashamed young prostitute, who is voyeuring the couple making love, which greatly excites her. Pulling her Kimono up over her back and on all fours, reveals her naked rear end and vagina. She reaches under and between her legs with her right hand, masturbating her vagina with her fingers. Her whole body is a sexually excited pink-flush. . *** . EXCELLENT AND HIGHLY SKILLED PAINTING TECHNIQUE AND DESIGN: . This adorable and charming miniature album is a very solid, with excellent color and fine detail, executed by a first class artist. Much attention has been paid to the facial details, sensual facial expressions, the elaborately designed Kimono, rooms, their design and art work, and every facet of common life during the mid-19th century Japanese culture. The book reflects the average person, and their dwellings, costume, coiffeur and erotic social customs. . *** EROTIC ART BANNED BY THE SHOGUN: From the Tokugawa period [1604], the Shogun banned erotica in all forms. This was an effort to demonstrate to foreign missionaries and foreign traders [i.e. Dutch merchants in the Nagasaki] that the Japan and the Japanese were a high-cultured people, not a "base people or culture" by prohibiting erotic books and paintings from their culture. . Being illegal, these books mostly circulated privately or "underground," being passed around discreetly. Artists either avoided signing their erotic woodblock-printed books and prints, or signed them with some ironic anti-political or anti-Shogunate name. Nevertheless the public could easily identify the painting style and know the artist's name. Many RareOrientalBooks.Com artists were jailed for either erotic art production or anti-Shogunate political satirical books and prints. . Regardless, substantially large number of anti-Shogun and erotic works were popularly circulated in society continually down to the modern period. Erotica in Japan is an ancient art form, continuing for millenum. . *** SIZE AND FORMAT: The album is small, commonly called "Mamebon" or "Bean Book" in Japan due to its miniature size. This kind of miniature book was easily concealed in the Kimono sleeve and joyfully carried around and jshared among friends, loaned or sold in the street. . *** REFERENCES: LANE, Richard.: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E. . LANE, Richard.: THE EARLY SHUNGA SCROLLS. Tokyo 1979, Gabundo. . LANE, Richard.: THE EROTIC THEME IN JAPANESE PAINTING AND PRINTS. [Tokyo 1968-69, Gabundo.] . LANE, Richard.: EROTIC THEME IN JAPANESE PAINTING: THE EARLY SHUNGA SCROLL. [Tokyo 1979, Gabundo] . BEURDELEY, Michel. et al.: EROTIC ART OF JAPAN: The Pillow Poem. * FAGIOLI, Marco.: SHUNGA THE EROTIC ART OF JAPAN. * ILLING, Richard.: JAPANESE EROTIC ART: And the Life of the Courtesan. . Note: Please check with us as we may have some of the above reference items. *** Color scans of this & most other items posted to our website. A FASCINATING MINIATURE ACCORDION ALBUM OF EROTIC PRINTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $2725 Book Number: 90077901 106 EROTIC MEIJI JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED COLOR ALBUM. EROTIC MEIJI JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED COLOR ALBUM. [Japan ca. 1870]. Small calico cloth covered accordion album 10 x 13 cm., very good, 12 color erotic woodblock prints, with 1 b.w. photo layed down on the verso of an old erotic woodcut print,a bit of the old silver gilt edges left. RARE! The title slip on the cover is somewhat illegible, but possibly can be read: UME TO TORA: PLUM & TIGER. * The contents are nicely done, showing twelve different scenes of love-making prints of a man and a woman. . 1. & 2. Man on top missionary position, shows genital parts. . 3. Man licking her vulva while she holds it open and she licks his penis. . 4. & 5. Man on top making love, they exchange tongue kiss. . 6. A Bonze [Buddhist priest] inserts his fingers into her vulva, while he sucks on her nipple . 7., 8. & 9. Woman is on top, making love, genitals exposed. . 10. 11 & 12. Man is on top, love making, genitals exposed. *** CONDITION: The calico covers are a bit dusty, the accordion folds are solid, not weak or torn. Title slip is rubbed. . Each print is nicely woodblock printed. There is a tiny bit of purple transfer from the end paper on the first & last print. Others clean, * A nice example of Meiji [1867-1912] period printing by a skilled painter & artist. As usual, this work is not signed as this kind of erotically illustrated work was banned by the Shogun. Nevertheless this kind of "Shun-pon [erotic book] was still produced and distributed under the table. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $2312 A STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED CRAPE BOOK Book Number: 85057201 107 FLORIAN, J.P. Claris de. FABLES CHOISIES DE J.P. CLARIS DE FLORIAN. Ilustrees Par Des Artists Japonais Souos La Direction de P. Barboutau. Paris [1895], Marpon. Stiff wrs., woodblock printed covers, 14 color woodcuts in Oban sizes, deuxieme serie, [18p.], 34 x 24 cm., printed on hand-made Torinoko paper,very clean, minor rubbing. FIRST LIMITED EDITION OF 190 ONLY COPIES This fascinating book comes in two variants. First printed by woodcuts on Torinoko paper, large paper edition oblong format, 34.3 x 24.4 cm. The second woodblock printed, on Hosho paper, then creped, 15.2 x 20.2 cm. The contents are identical, but the order of the stories may vary. The illustrations also are the same in both editions. *** The oblong version: exceptionally nice book, lavishly illustrated with 30 color woodcut prints, Oban size, also with line drawings. Artists/illustrators: Koubota [Kubota] Beisen [aka To-soui], Yosai, Tosoui, Kano Tomonobu & Kajita Hanko. Second series. * Consists of illustrated stories & verses in French, such as "L'Aveugle et le Paralytique," "Le Chat et le Miror," "Le Grillon," "Le Singe qui Montre la Lanterene Magique," &c... * The vertical version: a beautiful work, from the 2nd series on Japanese Fairy Tales, illustrated by Japanese artists. Printed by Shueisha, a printer/publisher very well-known for their charming crepe paper children's books. Text in French, 14 double-page color woodblock printed illustrations, using subtle vegetal natural colors. Artists/illustrators: Koubota [Kubota] Beisen [aka To-soui], Yosai, Tosoui, Kano Tomonobu & Kajita Hanko. *** JAPANESE CREPE PAPER BOOKS: RareOrientalBooks.Com If you would like to see more of our listings of Japanese crepe paper books please let us know, we have many in stock. *** REFERENCES: Kyoto University 1980, vol.I, #843, page 52. * SHARF, Frederic A. TAKEJIRO HASEGAWA: Japanese Pictures of Japanese Life. * WorldCat: http://www.worldcat.org/search?q=kw%3Ajaponais+ti%3Afables+c hoisies&qt=advanced&dblist=638 **** $629 A USEFUL RESOURCE ON JAPANESE WOODCUT BOOKS & SCROLLS Book Number: 20045002 108 FRANKLIN, Colin. EXPLORING JAPANESE BOOKS AND SCROLLS. [Limited Edition 450 Copies for the Book Club of California] San Francisco 1999, Book Club of California. Blue cloth spine over pictorial boards, very good, as new, 157p., folio, index, slipcase, 26 x 36 cm. S C A R C E FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 450 COPIES This excellent reference is a guide by the well-known dealer and scholar-bookseller. The author collected some of the finest Japanese woodcut books, painted scrolls and early printing examples from Japan some decades ago. This work describes those wonderful items with much of the background and provenance as well as the books and items. Covers early Buddhist printing, woodcut illustrated books [e-hon], hand scrolls [Makimono], and some woodcut printed maps, early Buddhist woodcut prints i.e. Hyakuman Toh &c. * Beautifully illustrated, large type face, solid binding. A useful reference for any curator, collector or student of this genre. * AN EXCELLENT BIOGRAPHY ON THE DA VINCI OF JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $80 Book Number: 84239601 109 FRENCH, Calvin L. SHIBA KOKAN: Artist, Innovator, and Pioneer in the Westernization of Japan. New York [1974], Weatherhill. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 200p., bibliography, index, appendix, notes, 105 color & b.w photos, 18 x 26.5 cm., bright, clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Profusely illustrated biography of a most uncommon man. This work covers the amazing life of a man comparable to Leonardo Da Vinci. He was an artist of startling accomplishments, he played a formative role in the development of Japanese art, and was second to none in his wide knowledge & inquisitive mind. At one and the same time he was an ink painter in the traditional Oriental style, an admitted and excellent forger of Harunobu's woodblock prints, the artist who perfected in Japan the Western techniques of copperplate etching, a geographer, a cartographer, a scholar, a philosopher and a Ran-gakusha [student of Dutch learning]. * He was also the author of a most celebrated and famous illustrated set of books, documenting his journey from Edo to Nagasaki SAIYU RYODAN: ACCOUNT OF A WESTERN JOURNEY 1788-1789. Kokan was Japan first and true renaissance man and great scholar. * Check with us regarding original editions of other works by Kokan. * SUPERSTITIOUS PAPERS TO BE PASTED ON A SHINTO SHRINE Book Number: 36062401 110 FUDA/SENJAFUDA. FUDA/SENJA FUDA: TALISMAN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED VOTIVE NAME PAPER. [Japan ca 1870-80's]. Group of 5 separate woodblock printed miniature b.w. Fuda/Senjafuda, hand printed on Washi deckle- RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 paper [1 example], various sizes, each excellent, unused as new old period genuine examples. UNCOMMON *** **** *** . . A GROUP OF VARIOUS FUDA ISSUED BY THE SAME KUMI-I . . WHAT ARE 'FUDA' AND 'JINJA FUDA: Since Heian period [794-1185 AD],, 'Fuda' and 'Jinja Fuda' [Shinto Shrine personal name papers] have been used by the Japanese as a talisman to appeal to the gods for the New Year's blessing. These became most popular during the Edo period [160-1868 AD]. . For over 800 hundred years, Japanese have been visiting Shinto shrines at New Years and plastering their Fuda, invoking prayers for "cleansing and purification" which are central to the values of Shinto. . Fuda were plastered on Shinto shrines by Kumi-ai [local organized workers] of various kinds. Individual tradesmen and 'tradesmen union' workers [Kumi-ai], actors and merchants and so many others [see below] have used Fuda, annually during their lifetime. . A the old tradition continued, every New Years, each person or 'tradesmen union members' group would have a new Votive woodblock printed, the glued to the stanchions and Torii gates of their local Shinto shrine. The higher one can place it the closer to the Gods and the sooner the Gods will see and grand protection. . The offering was to insure good: luck, health, fortune for the next year. . Fuda and Jinga Fuda ranged from the most simple person's name to elaborate color prints with bold Edo period Kanji characters. They were exceptionally popular with celebrities, famous leaders, local law enforcers, Meiji police, firemen, fishermen, builders, roofers, bricklayers, ceramicists, laborers, long-shore men, carpenters, and other manual laborers & various other workers. . In some cases, these Fuda were composed, drawn and executed by famous Ukiyo-e woodblock artists of the time. Wealthy people vied to create the most attractive Fuda by well-known artists. Such Fuda were a source of pride. . Posting these to the local Jinga was an act of superstitious belief. A kind of Karmic action "proactive-action." . *** READY FOR DISPLAY AND FRAMING: These lovely items are presentable and will be conducive to be framed and displayed. . *** THE CONDITION: These are original old period items unused, in new condition, nicely preserved since they were printed. There are no issues. The versos are clean, also no issues. The RareOrientalBooks.Com first is deckle edge at the top, all others are clean, squar cut, as issued. . *** THE SIZE: Please view the photo posted to our website. From the left the sheet sizes are: a. 12.1 x 25.5 cm. b. 5.1 x 15 cm. c. 5.7 x 15.9 cm. c. 6.8 x 19.3. . *** REFERENCES: Senjafda: https://www.google.com/search?q=SENJA+FUDA&biw=1920&bih=984& source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbpInDq-3OAhUD32MKHTcPA JcQ_AUIBigB . http://www.greenshinto.com/wp/2015/02/25/senja-fuda-1000-shr ine-stickers/ . *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE 13TH CENTURY WOODBLOCK PRINT Book Number: 29044101 111 FUDOH MYOH-OH HYAKU INBUTSU: FUDOH MYOH-OH INBUTSU: ONE-HUNDRED IMAGES OF FUDOH MYOH-OH, FROM TOH-JI TEMPLE, KYOTO, JAPAN. [Kyoto 1185-1333, Tohji Temple]. A single sheet woodblock printed, white Washi mulberry paper, 32 x 48 cm., minor old worming now rebacked, shows 100 FUDOH MYOH-OH icon images, extremely rare and famous work. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION This FUDOH MYO-OH is a thirteenth century Late Heian [1185-1336] A.D. Buddhist work and is represented showing one-hundred individual Buddhist images, woodblock printed. . WHAT IS FUDOH MUYO-OH: FUDOH MYO-OH was one of the supernatural guardians of the paradise of the Amida Buddha. Also known commonly as the "Immovable Wisdom King," is the patron deity of the Yamabushi. He usually portrayed holding a sword and a lariat, clad in rags, has one fang pointing up and another pointing down, and a braid on one side of his head. It is also know in Chinese as BU DONG MING WANG. * PULSATING: Jon Rosenfield stated: "Overcrowded, pulsating with bristling energy, this sheet of one hundred tiny stamped images of Fudoh is typical of those found inside Buddhist statues of the 13th century." See his book cited below. * FUDO MYOO: In Sanskrit: Acalanatha, was the principal of the Myojh or "Enlightened Kings" of Esoteric Buddhism, A RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 manifestation of Dainichi and a powerful conquer of evil, he is shown in many frightening aspects. Commonly depicted in very early woodblock prints with a fiery Mandala behind his head. See references below for Wikipedia citation. * This print was found in the Toh-ji [Eastern Temple], Kyoto. from the Shingon Buddhist sect. This is located next to the famous Rashomon gateway to the Heian capitol [now Kyoto]. It was formerly known as Kyoh-oh-gokoku [The Temple for the Defense of the Nation by Means of the King of Doctrines] believed to defend the nation. * This work upon discovery was first considered to have been printed in the Heian period [794-1185], later after study, it is currently believed to have been printed in the Kamakura [1185-1392] and is so cited by Baskett and Rosenfield to be this period. This Inbutsu [woodblock print] along with several others, was rolled up, then placed inside a hollow place in a Fudoh Myoh-oh statue and left for over nearly a millennium. In the 1960's Japanese temple monks began to conserve and preserve ancient sculptures in the Toh-ji temple and therefore discovered these prints. * Monk's efforts brought to light a few rare bundles of these prints, undisturbed. In an effort to save the structure and sculptures a very few were given to patrons of the temple in gratitude for substantial donations, which has been a common practice for over 2000 years in Japan, China and Korea. Because these prints were left sealed inside the statues, they were preserved in extraordinary condition. In some cases a few worms or insects penetrated and left some damage to the hand-made Washi mulberry paper, sadly this was unavoidable. Ours is one of those presented to a patron. Mosaku discusses this on pages 29, 30. * TOH-JI TEMPLE: UNESCO designated this as part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto" a World Heritage Site. The temple is located Minami-ku near the intersection of Omiya and Kujo Streets, southwest of Kyoto Station. Toh-ji is often associated with Kobo Daishi [Kukai]. The well-known Buddhist priest was put in charge of Toh-ji in 823 by order of Emperor Saga. The temple's principal image is of Yakushi Nyorai, the Medicine Buddha. * PRINTING AS A DAILY DEVOTION: Ishida points out this on p.30-31, discussing the Heian practice of worshipers printing a number of Buddhist images each day or month to fulfill a religious vow. Printing these images gave merit and virtue to the printer, thereby increasing their position in the Buddhist Sangha [community]. Temples encouraged the Sangha to print images as that aided in soliciting donations. "Donors were allowed to pay for the printing of Buddhist images to be placed inside of statues. This served the purpose of temple finance in much the same way as printed appeals for contributions. The images were never distributed to the people but were instead stored away in sculpted images." See Ishida p.31. * Every morning as part of a daily regimen, women of the Imperial court would print Buddhist images using woodblocks RareOrientalBooks.Com on sheets of thin mulberry Washi paper as religious observance, much like saying prayers every morning. After an appropriate number of pages were printed, the sheets were rolled and tied in bundles and then inserted into the hollow interior of sculptures. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This print was likely printed from a single block containing ten images, then printed ten times on a single sheet, yielding a total of one-hundred images in all. See Baskett p.30. Upon closer observation, taking a single image, the third one from the right, and comparing it to all above there are the exact specks of dust influencing the printing of the flame lines in the upper left quadrant. This is ample evidence to support both Ishida and Baskett's idea that the print was done by use of a single block containing ten images then stamped from the top ten times on a single sheet of paper. * RARITY: The print is exceptionally rare. Only a few examples have been cited, published or illustrated. Apparently this image only came to light in the 1960's and very few came to public view, those few that were given to patrons eluded the usual scholars and their publications. It was not uncommon for patrons of Buddhist temples in Japan to covet and hold their gifts from the temple for several reasons. Namely, the need and desire to remain unknown to the general public for their donations, which were done for the right reasons, avoiding any public acknowledgement. Secondly, there are moral questions vis-�-vis accepting "compensation/gifts" from monks for donations. Above all, donors do not like others to know their private business and so the prints given in acknowledgement by monks commonly remains a private matter. * CONDITION: The work has some worming on the upper left and right edges, where it was rolled up and stored inside a sculpture. All one-hundred images are present, there is some loss to eight of the images on the sides, and other old worming though not major but nevertheless has left its mark on the interior. The print was kept relatvely safe inside a sculpture of Amida Buddha for some 900 years. During that time natural attrition rate to bugs or moisture has taken a toll on this kind of print. It is therefore natural to see some loss and other minor defects. . Unfortunately almost all of the very few prints similar to this one have survived only in fragmented pieces, and none are cited nor illustrated in Ishida, They seem to have eluded the scrutiny of Ishida, and most other studies of early Buddhist woodblock prints. *** REFERENCES: BASKET, Mary: FOOTPRINTS OF THE BUDDHA: Japanese Buddhist Prints from American and Japanese Collections. This exact print is illustrated and discussed on p.30, as plate 6. She attributes this work to the 13th century i.e.: Kamakura period. Source: "Discovered inside a sculpture [Tainai=Fudoh] of Fudoh Myoh-oh." See her Bibliography for other excellent references on this famous work. * RareOrientalBooks.Com ROSENFIELD, John et al.: TRADITIONS OF JAPANESE ART: Selections from the Kimiko and John Powers Collection. This exact print is illustrated and discussed on p.113, and illustrated as item 45. * MUSEE CERNUSCHI: ESTAMPS BOUDDHIQUES JAPONAISES: XIIe-XVIIIe Siecles: Les Precurseurs de l'Ukiyo-e. See item 81; introduction by Kikutake Junichi. * Ishida, Mosaku: JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRINTS: pp.29-30, 120-122, et al; plates 73-75 a, b, c. * Tokuriki, Tomikichiro; TOYO KO HANGA [ORIENT OLDEST WOODBLOCK PRINTS FROM THE TOMIKICHIRO TOKURIKI COLLECTION]. Tokyo 1978, page 63 * Nara National Museum. TOKUBETSU TENRAN BUKKYO HANGA: SPECIAL EXHITIBION OF BUDDHIST WOODBLOCK PRINTS. July-August 1972, no. 44. * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acala http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C5%8D-ji * STUNNING BOOK ON HOW TO GRAFT, BUD, PROPAGATE & MARCOTTE Book Number: 21086401 112 FUJII, Tohru. KAKI SAIBAI HOH: THE METHOD OF PROPIGATING FRUIT TREES. Tokyo 1876, Shizusato. Blue stitched wrs., 4 vol. set, 24+33 +39+21 double folded leaves of text, 13 double folded leaves of color illustrations, 25 color woodcut illustrations, 15 x 22.5 cm., very good, clean, solid copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Reviewed by Tanaka Yoshiwo, edited by Sakamoto Noriyuki. * THE ARTIST: This work is stunningly illustrated in color woodblock engravings by the famous and celebrated Katoh Chikusai [his studio name], commonly known as Bunrin [flourished 1808-77], who's real name was Shiokawa Bunrin. See Roberts below for more details. * THE USE OF LATIN PLANT NAMES The table of contents shows the Japanese names of the plants discussed, along with their Latin names, using the foreign alphabet, in a symbolic way to show this work is a "modern" Meiji [1868-1912] period example. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $4964 STUNNING GRAPHIC EXAMPLES OF PROPAGATING FRUIT TREES This is a most valuable and rare early work on the methods of propagating fruiting plants. The elucidates the reader with superb insight to the current skill of Meiji-period Japanese plant propagators, employing what we would consider to be "modern" techniques. * THE CONTENTS; The first three and one-half volumes are the text. The first volume has a very handsome color frontis piece of the various fruiting trees addressed in this work: cherry, grape, persimmon, peach, pear & plum. The last half of vol. 4 begins the fantastic, copious color illustrations on how and what methods are used to increase known better verities. * ROOTING The planting bed is illustrated for seedlings or small cuttings, with protective "curtains" to keep the heat & moisture in. A kind of "cold frame" is also shown, with raised planting beds for cuttings for rooting. Seedlings and top worked cuttings also shown planted. Roots, and branches are made into rooted propagations. * PROPAGATING & GRAFTING Marcotting is accomplished by employment of a large bamboo segment, split in half, the bottom notched out to match the branch to be propagated, then the two parts aligned, bound & filled with soil until the branch sprouts roots, then is cut off from the mother tree. Variants to this show a branch being gradually bent to enter the soil, staked down, weighted with a flat rock as the new growth sprouts roots. * A final method involves the wrapping of the Marcotte with Wara [rice straw] in a ball with soil inside. * BUDDING AND GRAFTING The next major subject is grafting & budding. A prime branch is selected for its good scions to cut and use to graft onto older root stock. Cleft graft is employed, with details showing how to prepare both the rooted and scion to be grafted. To insure success 2-3 scions are inserted into the root stock, bound with Wara [rice stalks] & tied off. * Some small branches are cut to reveal the open wood & then bound to a rooted stock in a form of primitive "graft" while others are side grafted in the usual way, then all bound with Wara and tied off. * A form of "bud" grafting is shown, wherein the scion is dropped into an area prepared by cutting a flap in the skin so that the scion is inserted, and the flap replaced, tied off while the scion grows-in to the old tree. * Other brilliant ideas employed to graft and co-join scions to root stock & trees, as well as Marcottage. Pine trees are shown being cleft grafted to grafted to the top of an older tree. * A cherry is shown being clef-grafted to an old root stock. "T" budding is also shown on varieties of what looks like either persimmon or Asian pear. Other creative grafting techniques utilizing the maximum "contact" between scion & RareOrientalBooks.Com mother tree skillfully employed. One illustration shows the bending of a branch into the ground with contact grafts on three separate root stocks to hopefully gain new grafted trees. * CREATIVE & UNIQUE TECHNIQUES While many of these techniques now still in use, one wonders just how much of our current knowledge has come from such old and brilliant Japanese techniques. This work clearly shows us that the Japanese knew how to propagate & graft using a wide variety of complex techniques. Although limited to using primitive tools this work displays their great skill and good insight to methods which yielded substantial success. * THE SET: Volumes 1-3 Japanese text, volume 4 text and color illustrations from an 8 vol. set. *** RARITY: This stunning work has eluded the most famous bibliographers and Japanese botanic bibliographies. The work is obscure and quite RARE, not found in the standard bibliographies. * CONDITION: The books are bound in indigo-black dyed paper over stiff covers, solidly stitched, each with a cover labels. The covers are oxidized which is typical of books some 140 years old. It is expected that the natural & organic colors used to dye the covers to be in this state. The cover actually show both indigo-blue and black colors, with some variance and lighter color as well. The contents are quite clean on bright paper. There are some small old mended worm holes in the upper margin of several pages in vol.1. The last 14 pages of vol.4 has a small old worm hole in the upper part of the page, which does not greatly impact the color illustrations. Otherwise the work is solid and stable, by and large a very good example of a very RARE color illustrated woodcut work. *** PER THE COLOPHON: It states: "SEI-RI-EN zo-han" meanning the original wood blocks of figures are located in SEI-RI-EN. *** REFERENCES: ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE,CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER. See page 11, under Bunrin. He was a Shijo painter, lived in Kyoto, pupil of Okamoto Toyohiko, also learned Nanga style. Bunrin is a well collected artist in world museum collections. See more details. * The Below References Works do Not List This Title: . MERRILL, Elmer D. et al.: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY. . BARTLETT, Harley H. et al.: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. . KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** $1505 DESCRIPTIVE & ILLUSTRATED EROTIC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HOKUSAI Book Number: 27046401 113 [FUJII, Yoshio.] comp. NIHON UKIYO-E TAISHU DAI 1 KAN HIHAN HOKUSAI: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EROTIC HOKUSAI WOODBLOCK PRINTED WORKS. [Tokyo 1952, Nihon Bijitsu]. Green boards, very good, 15 color, 1 color woodcut, 12 glossy b.w. photos + 58 other bw. text photos, Japanese text, 15 x 21.5 cm. AN OBSCURE WORK ! FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 1800 COPIES This is a fascinating reference book. It has a good number of color illustrations from Hokusai's erotic prints and books, as well as a substantial list of erotic books by Hokusai. * COMPILERS: NIHON UKIYO-E KAI. [JAPAN WOODBLOCK PRINT SOCIETY] complied this work under their special study group: Hokusai Kenkyu-Kai or Hokusai Research Group. * STANDARD REFERENCE ALL PERIODS, EARLY TO SHIN-HANGA PRINTS Book Number: 84302201 114 FUJIKAKE, Shizuya. JAPANESE WOOD-BLOCK PRINTS. [Tokyo 1949], J.T.B. Blue boards, 2nd. & best revised and enlarged edition, 197p., index, bibliography, 10 color, 11bw photos of prints, very good, clean, solid copy, 12.5 x 18.5 cm., color print on cover. *** *** *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $226 . . A USEFUL AND COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE ON UKIYO-E . . ARTISTS AND PRINTS *** This is a well-rounded study of the whole genre of Ukiyo-e history, from the beginning down to 1949. With inclusion of Shin-hanga prints and artists, covering the Taisho & Showa period. Useful for student, collectors and researchers. A valuable resource. With 11 color & 140 b.w. illustrations. . An excellent reference with many illustrations of 20th century artist's works. Covers Hasui, Goyo, Shinsui & the moderns. Listing following artists works & biographies: Buncho, Denzen, Eishi, Eizan, Haritsu, Harunobu, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kaigetsudo, Kyomasu II, Kyomitsu, Kiyonaga, Kiyonobu, Kokan, Korysai, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Masanobu, Masayoshi, Matabei, Moronobu, Shigemasa, Shigenaga, Sukenobu, Sharaku, Shunman, Shunsho, Toyoharu, Toyohiro, Toyokuni, Toyonobu, Choki, Choshun, Utamaro, Yoshitoshi and his pupils: Toshikata, Toshihide, Eiho, Toshikata, Terukata, Kiyokata, Shinsui and others. . With a bibliography of other useful resources. . *** STANDARD REFERENCE ALL PERIODS, EARLY TO SHIN-HANGA PRINTS Book Number: 84302202 115 FUJIKAKE, Shizuya. JAPANESE WOOD-BLOCK PRINTS. Tokyo [1953], J.T.B. Green cloth, 219p., 11 color 140 b.w. illustrations, index, bibliogaphy, appendix, very good, dust jacket, 13 x 29 cm.,clean, bright copy, biography of artists nice work ! *** *** *** . . A USEFUL AND COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE ON UKIYO-E . . ARTISTS AND PRINTS *** This is a well-rounded study of the whole genre of Ukiyo-e history, from the beginning down to 1949. With inclusion of Shin-hanga prints and artists, covering the Taisho & Showa period. Useful for student, collectors and researchers. A valuable resource. With 11 color & 140 b.w. illustrations. . RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 An excellent reference with many illustrations of 20th century artist's works. Covers Hasui, Goyo, Shinsui & the moderns. Listing following artists works & biographies: Buncho, Denzen, Eishi, Eizan, Haritsu, Harunobu, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kaigetsudo, Kyomasu II, Kyomitsu, Kiyonaga, Kiyonobu, Kokan, Korysai, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Masanobu, Masayoshi, Matabei, Moronobu, Shigemasa, Shigenaga, Sukenobu, Sharaku, Shunman, Shunsho, Toyoharu, Toyohiro, Toyokuni, Toyonobu, Choki, Choshun, Utamaro, Yoshitoshi and his pupils: Toshikata, Toshihide, Eiho, Toshikata, Terukata, Kiyokata, Shinsui and others. . With a bibliography of other useful resources. . *** STANDARD REFERENCE ALL PERIODS, EARLY TO SHIN-HANGA PRINTS Book Number: 84302205 116 FUJIKAKE, Shizuya. JAPANESE WOOD-BLOCK PRINTS. Tokyo 1959, Japan Travel Bureau. Buff cloth, very good, dj., index, bibliography, appendix, chronology, biography of artists, 11 color, 140 b.w. photos, 13 x 19 cm., solid nice clean copy. *** *** *** . . A USEFUL AND COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE ON UKIYO-E . . ARTISTS AND PRINTS *** This is a well-rounded study of the whole genre of Ukiyo-e history, from the beginning down to 1949. With inclusion of Shin-hanga prints and artists, covering the Taisho & Showa period. Useful for student, collectors and researchers. A valuable resource. With 11 color & 140 b.w. illustrations. . An excellent reference with many illustrations of 20th century artist's works. Covers Hasui, Goyo, Shinsui & the moderns. Listing following artists works & biographies: Buncho, Denzen, Eishi, Eizan, Haritsu, Harunobu, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kaigetsudo, Kyomasu II, Kyomitsu, Kiyonaga, Kiyonobu, Kokan, Korysai, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Masanobu, Masayoshi, Matabei, Moronobu, Shigemasa, Shigenaga, Sukenobu, Sharaku, Shunman, Shunsho, Toyoharu, Toyohiro, Toyokuni, Toyonobu, Choki, Choshun, Utamaro, Yoshitoshi and his pupils: Toshikata, Toshihide, Eiho, Toshikata, Terukata, Kiyokata, Shinsui and others. RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 . With a bibliography of other useful resources. . *** $15 AN EARLY HISTORY OF JAPANESE MEDICINE & BIBLIOGRAPHY Book Number: 21157701 117 FUJIKAWA, Y. GESCHICHTE DER MEDIZIN IN JAPAN. Kurzgefasste Darstellung der Entwicklung der Japanischen Medizin mit Besonderer Tokyo 1911, Kaiserlich-Japanischen Unterr. Grey spine over white boards, very good, 115p., chronology, German text,many b.w. illustrations, first few pages slightly browned, else clean, tight copy, 5 photos, 34 text illustrations. R A R E A history of Japanese medicine from the beginning. Covers: die mythische zeit, bis zur Nara, Heian, Kamakura, Muromachi & Azuchi-Momoyama, Yedo, Meiji zeit...Anhang: Kurze ubersichtstabelle zur geschichte der medizin in Japan. A most valuable early & reliable reference to the early origins & beginnings of Japanese medicine found in mythology, as inherited from China, Korea and in the 17th century from the Dutch and from the West in general during the Meiji era. With scarce & fascinating old pictures of Japanese doctors & physicians taken from period woodblock printed texts, old native medical instruments. Also a very good bibliography of antiquarian Japanese medical texts. A useful reference. FIRST EDITION MOST IMPORTANT HISTORY OF JAPANESE MEDICINE FROM THE START Book Number: 21161201 118 FUJIKAWA, Y. JAPANESE MEDICINE. New York 1934, Hoeber. Red cloth, very good, 114p., index of subjects and personal names, appendix, chronology, 8 b. w. photos, translated from the German edition by John Ruhrah 11 x 17 cm. FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDITION S C A R C E With a chapter on the RECENT HISTORY OF MEDICINE IN JAPAN by Kageyas W. Amano. This excellent work addresses the early beginnings of Japanese medicine in antiquity, tracing it down to the 1920's. A monumental resource, outlining the important medical figures in history, their progress, and is also a bibliography of early Japanese medical RareOrientalBooks.Com $51 treatises. * Also a good resource for the Dutch influence in Japanese medicine during the period of when Japan was closed to the outside world, and the Rangaku-sha [Dutch educated Japanese scholars].Many of these are woodblock printed & illustrated. The work is basically organized into historical periods. Useful reference for which little in English is available. Part of the Clio Medica series. * $187 A LOVELY EARLY MEIJI EDUCATIONAL GEOGRAPHY OF JAPAN Book Number: 22028501 119 FUJIKOSHI, Kinnosuke comp. NIHON CHI SO: GEOGRAPHY OF JAPAN. Tokyo 1874-5, Goshobo. Stitched buff wrs., 4 vol. set,covers bit scuffed, minor old worming, some mended, text not badly affected, corners rubbed, worn, but internally clean, solid, 41+46+72+41 double leaves, 79 text illustrations, 15 maps. A lovely illustrated set. Published and initiated under the auspices of the Mombusho or Ministry of Education. This work was basically designed to give the Japanese a good understanding of the geography of their own country. Volume 4 is a supplement, compiled by Okugawa Ryukichi. The set covers the whole of Japan, from Hokkaido, down to the Ryukyu Islands. Written in plain and easy Japanese, this work is essentially a complete national geography. The minor worming has not detracted from the text and is by & large marginal & minimal. With a few double-page illustrations, cover title slips. The illustrations show the landscape & aerial maps of villages, shrines, temples, bridges, seascapes, beach-fronts, oceanside views, active volcanoes, large rivers, primitive trains and shipping in harbors, lakes, great mountains and so on. With early aerial views to Edo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto and other important cities, and associated aerial maps. Nicely executed, and profusely illustrated. Scans can be sent by email. SUPERB REFERENCE OF JAPANESE TATTOO PRINTS OF 19TH CENTURY RareOrientalBooks.Com $612 Book Number: 36003901 120 FUKUDA, Kazuhiko. ed. GENSHOKU UKIYOE SHISEI HANGA: 19TH CENTURY COLOR JAPANESE UKIYO-E [WOODBLOCK] PRINTS SHOWING TATTOOED PEOPLE. [Tokyo 1977, Haga].Blue cloth, very clean like new copy,210p Japanese text, profusely color & b.w. photo illustrated some folding & fold out color plates, small folio: 21 x 30.5 cm., Gunji Masakatsu editorial supervisor. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is an excellent, large-format and size volume. It is loaded with stunning color Japanese woodblock prints depicting Japanese Samurai, actors & tradesmen with tattoos, or famous images, Buddhist art, and examples of some of the most impressive graphics to come out of Japan in the last 200 years. This is a very useful color reference, used in Japanese tattoo studios as samples and selections for tattooing. . The Japanese have been masters of tattooing for more than 400 years. They have used historic symbols, heroes, villains, Monks, priests, goddesses, demons, folk-heroes and other images drawn from the rich Shinto, Buddhist and historic pantheon. . The superb full color Japanese prints within this fabulous reference book cover the breath and width of this genre, using some of the best artists of the time and their impressive, dramatic and "Timeless" images. Their impressive nature survives and continues today. The best collection of such images in any single book, combined herein to give a full perspective of this amazing genre. *** The work focuses on some of the most celebrated and greatest Japanese woodblock color print artists of the time. Illustrating some 87 fine color examples from the best works from the below famous artists. With many fantastic full color illustrations. Showing a large number of tattooed Japanese in the prints. Please visit our website, where we have posted a good number of color photos from this great work ! . RareOrientalBooks.Com STUNNING EXAMPLES FROM THE BELOW ARTISTS: . 1. Kuniyoshi . 2. Toyokuni . 3. Kunisada II . 4. Yoshitoshi . 5. Kunichika . *** There a good number of folding three and two panel color woodblock prints. There are also a good number of smaller black & white print examples, with descriptions. *** THE AUTHOR KAZUHIKO FUKUDA: The author is a celebrated contemporary scholar and respected authority on Japanese Ukiyo-e or color woodblock prints and illustrated woodblock printed period books. He is the author of many superb reference books & monographs on Japanese woodblock color printing. *** RARE FIRST & ONLY EDITION: This is the First & Only RARE edition. It has been scarce since its small publication, and this title seldom comes to market. *** CONDITION: This work is in excellent original condition, contained in the original slip case, with color woodblock images. This is a bright & clean copy with its gold-stamped titles on the blue cloth binding. In collector's condition. *** If you are collecting books about Japanese woodblock prints, or actual Japanese 18-19th century woodblock printed books, or original color Japanese woodblock prints, please inquire as we have a good inventory. *** Please visit our website and view the stunning color photo examples posted. *** EXCELLENT WORK ON CHINESE-JAPANESE CHARACTERS Book Number: 22034501 121 FUKUI, Atsushi.comp. KOH EKI MUSO SEI-JIN TSU: DICTIONARY OF CHINESE CHARACTERS UNRIVALED PUBLIC BENEFIT. Osaka 1885, Hanai. Stiff stitched gray wrs., very good, 11 x 15.5 cm., covers rubbed, mended, solid, contents clean, 256 double-folded leaves, copper plate etched, printed on handmade Washi paper, Japanese text. This Late Ming period dictionary is firstly arranged by character radicles, then by stroke order. Then the work continues with a listing of all characters in use, from RareOrientalBooks.Com $301 one to characters with the largest amount of strokes. * Each entry is clearly written with explanations of the character, part of speech, in combinations [Jukugo], and the Japanese & Chinese sounds. * Even today, this is a highly useful work. *** $100 JAPANESE TRANSLATION OF A CHINESE TREATISE ON SYPHILIS Book Number: 20033901 122 FUWA, Genchoo. trans. BAISO HIROKU: SYNOPOSIS OF A CHINESE SECRET WORK ON SYPHILIS MANUSCRIPT ON SYPHILIS REPRINTED IN JAPAN 1774. [Edo 1774, Tokuraya]. Blue stitched wrs., covers bit soiled, contents clean, 2 vol. set [61] double folded leaves, woodblock printed on hand-made paper, 18 x 26.5 cm., Chinese and Kambun text, very good, title slip on v.1 only,clean, solid. Syphilis in Japanese is Baidoku or poison illness. G. Mestler in his GALAXY OF OLD MEDICAL BOOKS IN JAPAN p.136 states "The familial inheritance of syphilis and immunity to that disease were both recognized by the Chinese. Colles' Law [now obsoelete], states that "a child that is affected with congenital syphilis, its mother showing no signs of the disease, will not infect its mother.' was propounded in China during the Ming dynasty [1368-1644], possibly by one Chin Shi Sei. The work of that Chinese physician was translated and edited by Genchoo Fuwa and reprinted in Japan in 1774 [7224 sic], where it was known as the BAISOO HIROKU, and was in the form of questions and answers, and presented some case reports with remarkable cures. A rather complete descriptive account of that work, including a partial translation will be found in a paper by A. S. Ashmead entitled 'SYNOPSIS OF A CHINESE SECRET; MANUSCRIPT ON SYPHILIS....'" This subject is also carefully chronicled in Mestler from p.125 et al. Scans can be sent by e-mail. Q U I T E R A R E ! NICELY ILLUSTRATED WITH COLOR & B.W. FULL-PAGE PLATES Book Number: 35015001 123 FUZOKU GA HO: THE PICTORIAL MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE FASHION. FUZOKU GA HO:THE PICTORIAL MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE FASHION. RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 A Group of 34 Odd Issues of this Color-Illustrated Meiji Era Tokyo 1889-1908, Toyodo. Original color pictorial wrs., various pagination, color & b. w. plates, 18.5 x 25.7 cm., spines worn, some loose, some stapled, all now solid, 34 odd issues, profusely illustrated. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION FUZOKU GA HO: a group of 34 odd issues of this scarce and obscure color-lustrated Japanese periodical. Some items have the English title: FUZOKU GAHO THE PICTORIAL MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE FASHION. Also: FUZOKU GAHO AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE OF JAPANESE LIFE. . The title is somewhat misleading. It is not actually about fashion, but an illustrated history of Japanese life, customs, political activates, militarism in China, historical events, important people, and government, to only mention a few. . An historical record of Japan's past, important events, political activities, military aggression in China, famous people, festivals, customs, dress, furniture, arms, armor, and too many subjects to list. . Each issue contains a number of illustrations, some in color and b.w. illustrations, as well as a good number of text drawings, figures and illustrations. *** THE LIST OF ISSUES, number of color & b.w. illustrations, last page number, &c. . No. 3. 1889., tinted covers, 5 full page b.w., 2 double page b.w. illustrations, 42p. . No. 4. 1889. Tinted covers, 7 full page b.w., 1 double page b.w. illustrations. . No. 21. 1890. Tinted covers, double page b.w. & 2 full page b.w. illustrations, 14p. . No. 22. 1890. Tinted covers, 5 double page b.w. 3 single full page b.w. illustrations, 20p. . No. 26. 1891. Color covers, 4 double page b.w., 5 single full page b.w. illustrations, 22+3p. . No. 27. 1891. Color covers, 2 color by Hiroshige, 2 double page b.w., 6 full page b.w. illustrations, 22p. . No. 36, 1891, color pictorial covers, 1 double page color, 10 b.w. single page, 32 pages text. . No. 43. 1892. Color pictorial covers, 1 full page color, 5 double b.w. page, 2 single b.w. page illustrations, 28p. . No. 45. 1906. Color covers, 2 full page color, b.w. photos, 1 full page b.w. & 1 double page b.w. illustration, 42p. . No. 53. 1893. Color pictorial covers, 3 page color folding, 1 full page color and 3 double page b.w. illustrations, 30p. . No. 54, 1908, 2 double page color, 9. b.w. photos, 39p. text . No. 54. 1980. Color pictorial covers,1 color double page, 1 RareOrientalBooks.Com color single page, 4 b.w. double page, 8 b.w. drawings, 20 pages text. . No. 55. 1893. Color pictorial covers, 3 page folding color, 3 double page b.w. and 4 single page b.w. illustrations, 30p. . No. 56. 1893. Color pictorial covers, 3p. 1 color folding, 1 single color, 4 double page, 4 single page b.w. illustrations, b.w. 30p. . No. 64. 1894. Pictorial color covers, 1 color folding, 5 double page b.w. & 8 full page b.w. illustrations, 32p. . No. 67. 1894. Title covers, 22 full page b.w. illustrations, pp.51-80. . No. 72. 1984. Color pictorial covers, 2 double page b.w., 1 foldout b.w. and 7 single page b.w. illustrations, 32p. . No. 83. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 2 fold out color,3 double page b.w. 3 full page b.w. and 1 fold out b.w. illustrations, 32p. . No. 85. 1895, color pictorial covers, 1 color folding, 4 b.w. double page, 1 b.w. folding, 4 drawings, 31 page text. . No. 86. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 1 fold out color, 2 double page b.w., 5 single b.w. and a map, 30p. . No. 87. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 1 fold out color, 2 double folding b.w., 7 single full page b.w. illustrations, map, 34p. . No. 88. 1895. Color pictorial covers, 1 fold out color, 3 double page b.w. and 3 single page b.w. illustrations, 36p. . No. 90. 1895, color pictorial covers, 1 folding color, 3 double b.w. pages, 4 single b.w. pages, 1 b.w. folding, 28 pages text. . No. 91. 1895 color pictorial covers, 1 color folding, 2 color single, 2 b.w. , 4 b.w. double, 1 drawing, 1 single b.w. plate, 32 text pages. . No. 98. 1905, color pictorial covers, 1 color double, 1 color folding, 1 b.w. double, 6 b.w. single pages, 32 pages text. . No. 139, 1897, 2 double color page, 4 double b.w. pages, 3 single b.w. pages, 38p. text. . No. 141, 1892, 3 double page color, 5 double page b.w., 3 b.w. single page, 36p. text. . No. 175, 1898, color pictorial covers, 2 double color, 3 double b.w., 4 single b.w., 24 b.w. photos, 40 pages text, typed captions. . No. 176 1897, color pictorial covers, 2 double color, 1 color single, 1 b.w. double, 5 single b.w. pages, 40 page text. RareOrientalBooks.Com . No. 177, 1892, color pictorial covers, 2 double color, 1 double b.w., 7 single b.w. pages, 36p. text. . No. 353, 1897, 11 double color, 5 b.w. single, 17 b.w. photos, 40 pages text. . No. 370. 1907. Title covers, 3 color fold out,21b.w. photos one large fold out, 44p. . No. 379, 1892. Color pictorial covers,2 double color, 2 single page color, 2 double page b.w., 3 b.w. photos. . No. 382, 1908. Cover with double color illustration of Ueno station only. . *** THE COLOR PLATES: The color covers and other color plates are all signed in block, and red cinnabar Hanko [seal/chop] with the artist's name and seal. *** OTHER ILLUSTRATIONS; The work has many full page, double-page and folding b.w. illustrations, + profuse text drawings & illustrations. . Hand-written English captions to most illustrations, or typed captions. ***, CONTENTS: Covers subjects: recording earthquakes, festivals, Buddhist images, Buddhist ceremonies, historical events, famous persons, gardens, sights, telegraph, conflagrations, Shinto shrines, Japanese Imperial Issue: military uniforms, swords; 1894 Sino-Japanese war, New Years celebration, great earthquake of 1855 at the Yoshiwara [prostitution quarters], first Japanese envoys [1960's], Ronin attack on the British minister at Takanawa, Battle of Weihaiwei, floods and disasters. *** CONDITION: As published, most paper clean white, a few are browned, toned paper, some spines modern double staples, some old dog ears, all in all very good, solid. *** Color photos can be sent by email. Book Number: 23020501 124 [GANKI]. et al. RareOrientalBooks.Com $578 KOKON MEIKA NARAI GA CHO: ALBUM OF OLD & NEW PAINTINGS BY FAMOUS PAINTERS: A Practice Book of Drawing Examples. Tokyo 1909, Ohashi/Hakubunkan. Stiff silk-tied buff wrs., 2 volume set, very good, ca. 17.5 x 25.5 cm., Japanese text, 34 color & b.w woodcut illustrations: 2 large folding black & white; single-page color:11, b.w. 11; double-page color 5, single: 5. A very lovely work. * Contains paintings exmaples of many fine and celebrated artists: Ganki, Toba Sojyo, Tanyuu, Gahoo, Tonda Tanryo, Raboku, Kazan, Kohgyoshuku, Kotei, Kanboo, Yuushou, Kagefumi,Tanyuu, Tosashoukan Keimitsu, Kazzan, Okyo and Rantei Kyokusui et al. * Volume 1: The work begins with an introductory essay on how to paint. The basis of this book is to teach interested persons how to paint by observing the masters and their works and techniques of orchids, grasses, leaves, plum, cherry, flower blossoms, chrysanthemum, bamboo &c., in Sumi & gray color. The work then shows how to color flowers and grasses, birds, firefly, with help by example of drawings and paintings of people, a dramatic birds of prey, old sage, pair of dogs, & a classic landscape. * Volume 2 continues with a Chinese scholar, children playing with bows, mythological Gods, Samurai warriors, Chinese literati or scholars, portraits of various people, ending with a large foldout of a pavilion in the pines. * Nicely done and finely executed. * A VERY EARLY ILLUSTRATED WOODBLOCK RESOURCE ON YOSHITSUNE Book Number: 20038101 125 GI KEI KI YOSHITSUNE KI: RECORD OF THE LIFE OF YOSHITSUNE. GI KEI KI [YOSHITSUNE KI]: RECORD OF LIFE OF YOSHITSUNE. Ahead of Title: Shinpan Eiri: New Edition [1697]. [Kyoto 1697, Umemura]. Blue stitched wrs., very good, covers basically clean, bit of minor scuff, tiny bit of old worming vol. 1, else clean, entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper, 43 woodcut illustrations, 8 volume set, complete. A most famous and valuable work. The first edition of this was published in 1635 and is a biography of Yoshitsune in 8 volumes. The title is however written in the Chinese reading thus it is commonly known as GI KEI KI. The earliest copies were neatly hand colored. This set is complete and follows the original in volume count & contents, 18 x 25.5 cm., and follows the bibliographical note cited in L. Brown: BLOCKBLOCK-PRINTING & ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.32 & 48. She also states:"...each illustration extends over 2 full pages...it is one of the most interesting sets of books of this period, not only because it represents rather typical Kwanyei work in wood-engraving, but also because it shows the dress, armour, weapons, etc. for the time of Yoshitsune." K. Toda also cites this on p.28-30 with a careful list of the illustrations and two editions. Yoshitsune was the son of Mina- RareOrientalBooks.Com $818 moto no Yoshitomo, his father turned against the Taira clan in the Heiji uprising. Yoshitsune entered Kuramadera temple in Kyoto to become a monk. Around 1180, he joined his halfbrother to fight the Taira, and the famous battle of Dan No Ura spelled the end of the Taira. Yoshitsune and his famous retainer Benkei are the subject of a number of dramatic books & stories performed as Kabuki plays. This present work outlines the life of Yoshitsune until his death at the hands of the Yoritomo forces. With a nice set of charming illustrations, one in particular shows a young Yoshitsune testing his arm and sword against a solid tree, another shows him in a successful defense against four assassins as he beheads two and cuts another in the heart as blood sprays forth, the fourth flees for his life. For more information on Yoshitsune see: S. Iwao:BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY, p.92, et al; F. Brinkley: A HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE...p.294 et al; E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN p.383-385; [H. Murakami]: GREAT HISTORICAL FIGURES OF JAPAN p.75 et al. J.M. Goedertier: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY index p.347 for several entries. Scans can be sent by e-mail. AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE & EARLY ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE $10200 Book Number: 86070502 126 [GILDER, Peter. et al.] JAPANESE PRINTS. Priced Catalogues. [Carmel 1979-San Francisco 1985]. Trading as Arts & Designs of Japan, a group of 7 sale catalogues #1-7, each is ca. 23 x 15 cm., illustrated covers, with about 60 items, each is illustrated, priced and described. His first 7 catalogues. Contains single sheet prints & albums from the primitives through the late 19th century. Artists: Hokusai, Hiroshige, Eisen, Shunga [erotica], Yoshitora, Eishi, Harunobu, Zeshin, Utamaro, Kunisada, Kuniyoshi, Toyokuni, Yoshitoshi, Yoshida, and others are covered along with portraits and landscapes. Bibliography, a useful reference tool. A HAND-DRAWN AND COLOR PAINTED EROTIC STORY BOOK Book Number: 23013801 127 GOKURAKU NO TOMO: FRIEND OF BLISS AND PARADISE. GOKURAKU NO TOMO: FRIEND OF BLISS AND PARADISE. [An Old Erotic Hand-Painted Color Story] [Japan n.d. ca 1920]. Green brocade silk covers, accordion RareOrientalBooks.Com $131 folded book, all edges gilt, contains 12 double-page color drawing, on front and back sides of the leaves, 12 x 18 cm., very good, tiny faint margin stain on 2 else clean. SCARCE A charming and quaint erotic book. It begins with a couple engaged in love-making and tongue kissing, and also shows the various other positions and styles of love-making. The couples are wearing the usual Taisho period [1912-1926] Kimono and coiffeur, laying on the Tatami mats in typical Japanese style rooms. The artwork is skillfully executed in Sumi black outline, with color applique. Each color drawing occupies double pages, 24 x 18 cm. A very tiny bit of corner wear to the covers, else very bright and unique work. Harubon [erotic books] have been banned in Japanese society since the 1850's, so were always an underground" sub-culture never for sale in the open market, but rather passed among collectors discreetly. Color scans can be sent by email. $1180 AN EXCELLENT COLOR REFERENCE ON THE GREAT MASTER'S WORKS Book Number: 92065002 128 GOLDMAN, Israel. HIROSHIGE BIRDS AND FLOWERS. New York [1988], Braziller. Tangerine cloth, very good, dj., 192p., bibliogaphy, tall folio, 26 x 37 cm., 91 color, 11 bw photographs, very tiny damp mark on first 5 pages, else nice copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A grand work, lavishly illustrated with superb reproductions of color woodblock prints, fan prints, vertical scrolls and a host of other fantastic examples.. A highly useful design book, put out in conjunction with the Museum of Art, Rhode Island Schol of Design. Nice collection of Hiroshige color prints. Book Number: 85012602 129 HAJEK, Lubor. JAPANESE GRAPHIC ART: A Study of Japanese Woodblock Prints. [London 1976], Galley. Blue cloth, very good, dj., 37p.,text + 113p. color plates, many other b.w. plates, glossary,clean sharp copy, tall format: 24 x 30 cm. The typical form of graphic art in Japan has been its Ukiyo-e, or woodblock prints of the 'floating world.' * This work covers those color prints illustrating the actors, Kabuki theatres, the women, men and settings. RareOrientalBooks.Com $39 * Also essays on the wood, colour, paper, reproduction, distribution, pictorial cycles, brush, knife and calligraphy of these prints. * An excellent work, well illustrated in full color. Also covers the primitives, Utamaro, Toyokuni, erotica, woodblock printed books, Meiji prints &c. * A useful reference source. $5 A STUNNING BOOK OF JAPANESE DESIGNS Book Number: 86096501 130 [HARUNA, Shikizan.] SHIN KYOH MOYOH SHUU: COLLECTION OF ANCIENT & MODERN TEXTILE PATTERNS. [Kyoto 1903, Yamada]. Buff Stitched wrs., blind-stamped,[40+ 42] folded leaves, Japanese style binding, 2 vols. complete, [82p.], red tile slips, minor cover dusty, else very clean, 18 x 25 cm., woodblock printed. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Contains original patterns with a total of 80 b.w. and one color illustrated pages of textile design. The work is very copious, showing a wide variety of creative and traditional designs and variations implemented. A Japanese designer wish book. The work is obscure and rare when found complete. * The complete work in 2 volumes with embossed covers. * Scans can be sent by email. A WONDERFUL EARLY JAPANESE VIEW TO THE WORLD OF NATIONS RareOrientalBooks.Com $340 Book Number: 91117001 131 HASEGAWA, Sadanobu. NAGASAKI HANGA BANPAKU ZUE: NAGASAKI WOODBLOCK PRINTS ILLUSTRATIONS OF ALL NATIONS. [Japan 1929, Shiudoh]. Accordion folded album, in Chitsu blue cloth case with ivory clasps, color woodblock printed, 8 prints of ships, 2 color maps 1 folding, [30]p., 31 x 24cm very pristine clean copy. FIRST AND ONLY OBSCURE EDITION A beautiful look at the foreign sailing ships that visited Nagasaki. Including ships from England, Korea, Ryukyu Island Russia, India steam paddlewheeler, Holland, America & China. Each print sheet is 10 x 7.25 inches, with accompanying text in Japanese. . *** Essentially a work discussing and illustrating the vessels from around the world that have visited Nagasaki with examples of foreign writing. The color woodblock printed title sheet shows a globe on its axis, and has two cinnabar seals and a colorful chain boarder. The folding map illustrates Eastern Asia beginning with all of Japan, surrounding islands, Korea & the China mainland. . *** The ships are lavishly done, showing flags flying, cannon, anchor, under sail, national flags, and some with surrounding scenery. A second map shows a double hemisphere view of the world against an indigo background. Each continent is named. . *** CONDITION: A very handsome addition to any collection or library in superb condition. Books of this subject and vintage are quite R A R E ! . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $8000 T.TINDALE'S COPY OF A STUNNING PRE-1923 COLOR WOODBLOCK BOOK Book Number: 36043201 132 HASHIGUCHI, Goyo. [author & comp.] UKIYO FUZOKU YAMATO NISHIKI-E EDO SHOKI JIDAI: PICTURES OF JAPANESE LIFE IN 'BROCADE' PICTURES OF EARLY EDO ERA [1600]. [Tokyo 1917], Nihon Fuzoku Zu-e Kai. Yellow pictorial boards tall folio 25.5 x 37 cm., 17 of 20 color woodblock plates, woodcut color printed endpapers,contents very clean, solidly bound, excellent copy. FIRST & RARE ONLY EDITION *** *** *** . . . A RARE & SUPERB COLLECTION OF PRE-EARTHQUAKE GOYO . . . POLYCHROME WOODBLOCK PRINTS . . . THE FIRST AND ONLY REMAINING EDITION: . . . ALL OTHER COPIES LOST IN THE 1923 EARTHQUAKE & FIRE . . *** A RARE SIGNED & DATED PRESENTATION COPY TO: MR. & MRS. THOMAS K.TINDALE: . This book is brush signed and red-Hanko sealed by the Vice Governor of Aichi Prefecture, Honorable KIRITANI Katsusaburo, who presented this book on January 14, 1950 to an even then famous authors, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Tindale, the writer of the important book entitled: "JAPANESE HANDMADE PAPERS." . The presenter used Japanese Kanji characters "suzu" meaning "tin" & "tani" meaning "dale" or "valley" a kind of transliteration to represent Tindale's name in Japanese characters. The meaning matches Tindale's name, but not the sounds. Regardless, a very rare and important association piece. See us for a copy of the Tindale book and others regarding him and Japanese Washi paper-making. . *** THOMAS K. TINDALE'S PERSONAL COPY: This book bears the blind-stamped embossed seal of Thomas K. Tindale on the first fly leaf, lower right corner. It came from his personal library. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com . A FAMOUS BOOK OF COLOR PRINTS BY HASHIGUCHI GOYO: . Goyo was born Hashiguchi Kiyoshi in Kagoshima Prefecture. His father Hashiguchi Kanemizu was a Samurai and amateur painter in the Shijo style. His father hired a teacher in the Kano style of painting in 1899 when Kiyoshi was only ten. Kiyoshi took the name of Goyo while attending the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, from which he graduated best in his class in 1905. Later, Goyo became a famous Shin-Hanga artist. . This work is a superb example of Goyo's appreciation and primitive foundation of color Japanese prints based in the "Nishiki-E" [brocade color prints] era. The earliest prints were only done in black outline. Color slowly became vogue, and was added sparingly. . This work is his tribute to the masters of the earliest period. Here in Goyo recreates examples of the primitives, from the most famous artists as a tribute to their amazing artistic, and compositional skills. Goyo expressed his respect and appreciation as the old masters moved towards effective use of subtle colors to accent, not overwhelm prints like so many others did. . *** THE WORK AND ITS STUNNING COLOR WOODCUT PRINTS: . This work is seldom found complete, owners simply can not resist pulling out prints and framing them as if they were the originals by the great masters. Sadly, this example like most if ever found, lacks three examples. . The work contains seventeen fine examples of woodcut prints lightly tipped in as published. Each print is full page, many are folding, either in vertical for horizontal format. Many are lightly colored in the tradition of the old masters. . *** THE ART OF THE PRE-EARTHQUAKE WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK: . In 1923, the Kanto Earthquake and ensuing conflagration consumed most of Tokyo, including its publishers, woodblock carvers and stock of prints and books. The fire destroyed most of the books, woodblock prints and their woodblocks. A substantial part of these artistic works were forever lost. After 1923 there was an effort to re-carve blocks and reproduce 'enhanced' versions of the pre-1923 works, which were starkly different than the originals. . This work and its woodblocks like most others, were lost in the fire. There were no reprints of this title or its prints. This is the one and only original FIRST EDITION. . *** A RARE BOOK: This is a superb example of Goyo's pre-1923 artistic work. It is part of the larger Avant-garde movement of 1909-1937. . This and any other pre-1923 original Goyo work is RARE. This RareOrientalBooks.Com title seldom comes to market, if found commonly lacks some or all of the woodblock prints. The work was most likely published in a small printing, of under 200 copies. The work was self-published, producing a lovely "Livre d'Artiste." Goyo had control over every aspect of the book, its paper, binding and printing. He produced a book that satisfied his own artistic needs. Few publishers could afford to publish a book with all of these features. . THE BINDING: This book is beautifully bound with cherry blossoms and fern leafs on the covers, Goyo's Hanko [seal/chop] is tastefully worked in to the lower center. . The front and back endpapers [by Goyo] are woodblock printed, showing lovely white ducks with cherry blossoms in water. The colophon is part of the inside back cover endpapers, and matches the front. This shows the typical usual bibliographic details, including the compiler's name, Goyo. . The inside spine corners are bound with brocade silk [one a bit rubbed]. The spine is tied in two places with matching orange ribbon. . The entire book is printed on double-folding leaves, the traditionally style of E-hon or any other book from the earlier periods. . *** THE PLATES: Each plate represents an important early Ukiyo-e artist and his interpretation of an event or historical and classic event or turning point. Although the contents show a list of twenty plates, three of which have been gently removed. . WORKS THAT INFLUENCE GOYO AND HIS ART: Goyo wrote a six page after word, following the woodblock print pages. Following this is his essay: "UKIYO-E SEI?XX YAMATO NISHIKI E EDO MAKI JIDAI covering 10 pages. He addressing six past Nishiki-e grand masters, noting their style, artistic technique, and composition. Followed by Goyo's list of plates and his analysis and description of each work. He also covers the historical setting, milieu, commentary on subjects, the period, and cultural forces. This work clearly imparts to the reader, evidence of what earlier artists and historical forces influenced Goyo's own artistic works. This is a very important biography of Goyo's artistic journey and insight to his artistic appreciation. . *** THE ARTIST: HASHIGUCHI GOYO [?1880-1921]: Author and co-compiler: . Is best known for his stunning Shin-Hanga style portraits of Japanese Bijin [beautiful women], and a few landscapes. . Hashiguchi was born Kagoshima Prefecture. His father was a Samurai and amateur painter in the Shijo style. His father hired a Kono-style painter to teacher Goyo painting in 1899 he was only ten years old. He took the name of Goyo while RareOrientalBooks.Com attending the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, from which he graduated best in his class in 1905. The name Goyo was chosen because of his fondness for the five needle pine in his father's garden. He is known as an excellent master painter, woodblock print artist & printmaker. . CO-AUTHOR: KABURAGI Kiyokata [1878-1973]: Co-compiler, was a Japanese style painter, studied Ukiyo-e under Taiso Yoshitoshi, later studied with Mizuno Toshikata retaining his style in his own work. From 1901-1912, he was the leading figure in the Ugohkai. In 1917 he helped found the Kinreisha. Exhibited with the Teiten, was a member of the Art Committee of the Imperial Household and of the Japan Art Academy. In 1954, he received the Order of Cultural Merit. He also used the "Go" of Kaburaki. . . He was a genre painter, working also in the style of color woodcut prints of the Edo period. For that reason, Goyo enjoyed collaborating with him to produce this book, a work of 'like-minded artists,' both of whom expressed nostalgia and respect for the art of the Edo period. . Kiyokata further specialized in Bijin-ga [prints of Beauties], and portraits, personalities of the Meiji era, is well collected by world museums. See Roberts below for more. . *** CONDITION: The work is very clean and sharp in the original binding. There is a very minimal amount of edge rubbing, normal for a small folio of this size. The binding is firm, and solid, corners nice, not bumped. . The Covers: The front covers are quite clean, there are a few very tiny pin size spot to the lower left corner, else the cover has a bit of 'dustiness' to the spine area, minor edge wear. With the title slip. . Rear Covers: The rear covers have a few very tiny small brown spots to the center area, minor edge wear. . By and large a clean, solid and nice item, with pristine contents, no issues. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . MERRITT, Helen.: MODERN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS: The Early Years, 69-75 + many other entries in the index. * MERRIT, Helen and Nanako Yamada.: GUIDE TO MODERN JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTS 1900-1975. * ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, p.40. Goyo is well collected by world museums. " "The last great Ukiyo-e artist." "His prints technically among the finest ever made..." . RareOrientalBooks.Com Kiyokata entry see p.63. * Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goy%C5%8D_Hashiguchi * "Livre d'Artiste:" Artists' books [or art books] are works of art that utilize the form of the book. They are often published in small editions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artist%27s_book * TINDALE, Thomas K. et al.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. First & Only Limited Edition of 250 Copies. . *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. A FAMOUS COLOUR MAP BY SADAHIDE-STAR PUPIL OF KUNISADA Book Number: 93086501 133 HASHIMOTO, Gyokuransai. [UTAGAWA, Sadahide.] MUTSU DEWA KOKUGUN KOOTEI ZEN ZU: COMPLETE MAP OF MUTSU AND DEWA PROVINCES WITH HALF OF ECHIGO PROVINCE. N.p. [1868], Gyokuransai. A large color woodblock printed map, 1 meter 45.5 x 92 cm.,minor old worming, else very good hand-printed woodblocks, pastel vegetal dyes, handmade paper symbol key, beautifully executed with superb charm. R A R E Sadahide [1807-1873] was an excellent artist and stylist. He was an Ukiyo-e painter who dogged foreigners in Yokohama,and made large numbers of "Yokohama E" or prints of foreigners; he was also know for his lovely landscape prints often done in a series of three single but matching prints ie tryptich, that again connected to other groups of three to form a long panoramic panel of views of famous sights & Shogun or Imperial processions. He lived in Edo & worked under the master painter & Ukiyo-e print-maker Kunisada I. He was a prolific print maker and cartographer. His "Bird's Eye View" maps are among the most spectacular and decorative ever done in the mid 19th century, and show a high degree of artistic skill, understanding of composition and three-dimensional drawing. He was truly a unique and creative artist and far ahead of his time. * This map is a prime example of his keen ability to imagine, or project himself above the land, as if he were floating in a balloon, while he sketched the country side. Per Namba..."maps of Mutsu & Dewa [provinces] in the Northeastern part of Honshuu, were not published at all until RareOrientalBooks.Com $326 1868 [first year of the restoration of the Meiji Emperor to the seat of power], the last year of the Edo period, when the Shogunate collapsed." This most charming map shows the coast, mountains, rivers, lakes in a pictorial and highly artistic manner. * WHO WAS HASHIMOTO GYOKURANSAI: His works are always graphically pleasant to view and have a magical charm. His use of delicate and pastel vegetal colors was a confirmation of his committment to the use of traditional coloring, while many of his contemporaries were enthralled with the new aniline or foreign pigments, that made so many Meiji prints garish and bright. This work is truly superb for and ready framing and library display. All of his maps are quite R A R E ! Cited and illustrated on 4 full pages in color in in M. Namba: OLD MAPS IN JAPAN as plate #46 pp.86-89, with text on p.190. Due to the very large nature of this map, and difficuly to get a good digital photo we have also posted a scanned from the above book, which shows this map in all its color, large size and glory. Sadahide was also one of eleven Japanese woodblock print-makers who presented their artistic examples at the Paris Exposition of 1866, receiving the Legion d'Honneur. This map folds down to about 18 x 26 cm. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.135. [A major woodblock print artist of the mid-19th Century. Well collected by world museums & collectors. * * KOBE CITY MUSEUM. EZU TO FUKEI, E NO YONA CHIZU, CHIZU NO YONA E: BETWEEN LANDSCAPE PAINTING AND PANORAMIC MAPS. [Literal Title: PICTURE MAPS & LANDSCAPES, PICTURE-LIKE MAPS AND MAP-LIKE PICTURES.] * HASHIYAMA, Takashi. et al. BAKUMATSU MEIJI BUNMEI KAIKA: The Westernization of Japan in Ukiyo-e. * This is one of the best monographs on Sadahide, showing a large variety of his color woodcut prints and books. KANAGAWA KENRITSU REKISHI HAKUBUTSUKAN. YOKOHAMA UKIYOE TO SORATOBU ESHI, GOUNTEI SADAHIDE: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: YOKOHAMA UKIYOE: LIFE AND WOODCUT WORKS OF GOUNTEI SADAHIDE. * A BRILLIANT EARLY STUDY OF FOREIGNERS IN YOKOHAMA, 1862 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2725 Book Number: 28016301 134 HASHIMOTO, Gyokuransai. [UTAGAWA, Sadahide] YOKOHAMA KAIKO KENBUNSHI: RECORD OF SIGHTS AND SOUNDS OF THE OPENING OF YOKOHAMA. [Yokohama 1862]. Blue blind-stamped stitched wrs.,very good, covers oxidized, contents very clean, a bit of old worming on a few pages, else nice, clean, 3 vol. set:19+21+31 double folded leaves, 17.5 x 24.5 cm. R A R E FIRST & ONLY EDITION *** *** *** . . . A FABULOUS EARLY LOOK AT FOREIGNERS THROUGH JAPANESE EYES . . . This is a fabulous look at the first foreign visitors to Yokohama. The lively activities of the American, British, Chinese are recorded in much detail by Sadahide who was one a very few keen observers of foreigners in Yokohama. He produced some of the best and most memorable views of Yokohama both in terms of maps, "Bird's Eye" maps, prints and books and portraits of foreigners and their way of life. His solid contribution to how foreigners looked to Japanese is typical and a valuable historical insight to the quickly changing times in Japan, when all things foreign were respected and studied under the microscope. . *** This set of books reflects the keen insights Sadahide made on all things foreign. Their ships, Indonesian & Chinese servants, horses, customs, dress, activities, food, way of life and the whole genre. . *** Excellent examples of lots of Americans, cigar smoking men, riding horses, American women in elaborate dresses, pool playing, and just cavorting drunk ! . *** The 3 volumes are profusely illustrated with 2 large folding plates in the beginning of volume 1 which shows the whole RareOrientalBooks.Com port of Yokohama and its bund. In all, there are 174 full single page illustrations, plus the two large folding double-page illustrations. There is a colored frontis at the beginning of volume 1. This shows a composite of foreign flags with the author's [artist] name & book title superimposed over the flags. Text in Japanese. . *** The work was issued in two parts, volumes 1-3 in 1862, parts 3-6 1865, but they are seldom found complete with all six volumes together. . A VERY SIMILAR COLOR WOODBLOCK BY SADHIDE: Please see our color photo image illus04.jpg posted to our website. This shows an excellent perspective from the front of Mitsui shop at Yokohama Honcho of 1-Chome, past Kanagawa Suzaki Shrine toward distant point of the ferryboat landing, which is similar to his color print found in Kanagawa Kenritsu Hakubutsu Kan book below, page 21. . *** THE ARTIST HASHIMOTO GYOKURANSAI [1807-1873]: Gyokuransai, or better known commonly as Sadahide and Gountei. He was first known as Utagawa, and also used several other "Go" [studio names]. He was the star pupil of Kunisada, prolific printmaker and illustrator, and was fascinated with Westerners and drawing them at Yokohama. . He did many Yokohama prints, as well as "Bird's Eye" views of Yokohama, Black Ships, and other places throughout Japan. . He was among eleven Japanese artists who exhibited at the Paris Exposition in 1866, for which he received the Legion d'Honneur for his stunning and unique color woodblock prints. He is often referred to as being the leading member of the "Yokohama School." . He is well collected by world museums. He exhibits a unique charm in capturing the essence and flavor of his subjects. See Roberts below for more details. . *** CARVER: The inside of the front cover shows the carver as Nakamura. . *** CONDITION: The blind-stamped covers are all original and a bit oxidized which is usual for a book of this age. The books are solidly string bound, and stable. The contents of each volume are remarkable clean internally. Each is tight, solid, and without any worming whatsoever. Each page is nicely printed with sharp and clear woodblock printed images. An early pull of the blocks which likely yielded about 200 copies. . There is some of the usual "thumbing" in the corners that has some minor discoloring, again usual. The indigo-blue Chitsu folding case has some wear on the edges, some cracks in the hinges [mended], one edge faded, else solid. By and large, this is a sharp and nice copy of a very rare book. . RareOrientalBooks.Com *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: CATALOLGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, no. 1879, p.793 * TODA, Kenji. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO: p.446. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.135. * KOBE CITY MUSEUM. EZU TO FUKEI, E NO YONA CHIZU, CHIZU NO YONA E: BETWEEN LANDSCAPE PAINTING AND PANORAMIC MAPS. [Literal Title: PICTURE MAPS & LANDSCAPES, PICTURE-LIKE MAPS AND MAP-LIKE PICTURES.] * HASHIYAMA, Takashi. et al. BAKUMATSU MEIJI BUNMEI KAIKA: The Westernization of Japan in Ukiyo-e. * KANAGAWA KENRITSU HAKUBUTSU KAN. comp.: SHUTAISEI YOKOHAMA UKIYO-E. COMPREHENSIVE CATALOGUE OF YOKOHAMA UKIYO-E PRINTS. p.21. . KANAGAWA KENRITSU REKISHI HAKUBUTSUKAN. YOKOHAMA UKIYOE TO SORATOBU ESHI, GOUNTEI SADAHIDE: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: YOKOHAMA UKIYOE: LIFE AND WOODCUT WORKS OF GOUNTEI SADAHIDE. [A Woodblock Print Artist of the Mid-19th Century]. Note: This is one of the best monographs on Sadahide, showing a large variety of his color woodcut prints and books. * KSM: Fuzoku, Chishi, vol.7, p.897 * Kraft. vol. 1, no. 7 92 * Color of this and most other items are posted to our website. FOLIO SIZE, WITH EXCELLENT COLOR WOODCUTS & COMPOSITION Book Number: 32000801 135 HATTORI, Torazo. YAMATO-E MONYO SHUN KA SHU JU: JAPANESE DESIGNS OF SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN & WINTER. [Kyoto 1934, Uchida]. Stiff board covers, folio 30.5 x 42.5 cm., 10 fine color woodcut color prints tipped in, pristine condition prints, cover edges worn, else a very nice solid copy of a rare book. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $8301 A STUNNING WOODBLOCK PRINTED "ART DECO" "AVANT-GARDE" ALBUM . . A folio sized large color-printed woodblock accordion folded album with ten stunning "Art Deco" Japanese prints with creative and skilled composition and fantastic color use, reflecting the "Avant-Garde" movement. . . *** CONTENTS: . Title page in Japanese listing ten print titles. Each print is lightly tipped in to the album at the top edge, each 21 x 31.7 cm. . Each woodblock print is printed in stunning polychrome or multi-colors. Each is a masterpiece work, with excellent registry and color, each is flawless, no issues. . THE WOODCUT PRINTS: . 1. Depicts a bird with cherry blossoms and Yanagi [weeping willow] tree. . 2. Shows a large paulownia floral Mon on a grand-size textile partition, indicating the Imperial family home, with white pear blossoming tree. . 3. A stunning iris with bamboo lattice, colorful flowers and leaves. . 4. Illustrates a pair of water-foul in the river, with a double cherry blossom on the shore and three rocks, gentle flowing wave patterns. . 5. Two bamboo stalks and a new bamboo shoot, eight bamboo leaves in purple, red and green. Fascinating composition. . 6. A stunning scene showing a blue butterfly hovering over a wheat-like flower head, with red and green leaves, with a pale yellow flower in bloom. There is some crushed mica used to pattern of the wind in the background, flowing behind the flowers and butterfly. The use of mica is the most difficult and complicated form of woodblock printing ever used in Japan. It is a special technique, involving the use of mica crushed into a "glittering" ink-like color, reflecting silver color. Indicative of a master artist and superb block printer at his best. Seldom used technique due to its high level of application difficulty. . 7. An owl in a cypress tree, with black and white trunk and leaves. The owl has brown outer feathers, pale cr�me chest feathers with a blue-black beak and large eyes with gray outline. The background in a diagonal purple within a gray sky, impressive image and composition. . 8. Weeping willow sprig in the foreground, a traditional Japanese bridge with its red-lacquer posts and rail, topped with a bronze miniature Buddhist pagoda. In the background are two round bamboo baskets, each a different color: foremost is gold with gray background, the second is purple, RareOrientalBooks.Com both sit before a powerful indigo-blue "V" shaped background, with a pale blue-silver second background from the upper left corner progressing through the left half of the image to the lower right corner. A stunning composition and creative use of color. . 9. Two Peony flowers, one in white the other in crimson, with black leaves, against a green-covered mountain with oxidized copper-ochre background. Behind the two mountains are two very tall and jagged mountains with two streams of clouds in brilliant white moving half-way across the sheet. Yet another stunning composition and imaginative and very creative use of color and forms. . 10. Pink flowers with tiny white stamens on a dark brown twig, the background is a blue ocean with lovely wave-patterns in silver, behind which is a green mountain, and a silver background, again special and skillful use of crushed mica to indicate the sea spray rising from the ocean waves. The foreground has pale brown, beige and cream with silver grass and twigs in a delicate pattern. Beautifully executed composition and creative use of color . Please view the images posted to our website for this gem. *** This is a stunning example of some of Japan's best "Art Deco" and "Avant-Garde" work of the period. . *** CONDITION: The front album cover is woodblock-printed paper, with a purple floral pattern and black Sumi-ink Kanji titles. The back cover is covered in a crepe-like embossed pattern in beige. Both covers are well worn on the edges and just inside from the edges, and the internal boards are showing on the edges. The covers have performed their duty to protect the contents. . The contents are exceptionally clean, if not pristine. The front end papers are a gold-fleck hand-made Washi paper covered thick board pages. Each page has a gauze-like cotton hinge material inside and under the page covered paper. Each page hinge is solid, intact and firm. Each page is covered in a "gauze" pattern embossed paper laid down over the stiff board pages. Each print is lightly tipped-in at the top edge, the balance is loose, revealing the verso to any interested observer. . There is a small amount of foxing to the "gauze" paper covering and the title page. Otherwise each print is exceptionally clean, no foxing or other issues whatsoever. We do not like to use the word 'pristine' however in this case it is the proper adjective to describe the flawless condition of each print. . The book can and should be opened as the artist & publisher intended, flat to show two lovely images in juxtaposition. . The last print is facing the colophon. *** By and large an excellent example of mid 1930's Japanese "Art Deco," artistic compositions, "modern" and "creative" RareOrientalBooks.Com use of color, design and artistic concepts of "modernity." *** $1307 Book Number: 22034401 136 HAYABIKI SETSU YO. HAYABIKI SETSU YO: DICTIONARY OF QUICKLY FOUND WORDS. Japan n.d. ca.1820. Blue stiff stitched wrs., no title slip, very good, covers dusty, bit soiled, contents clean, solid, 135 double leaves, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made mulberry paper, ca 9 x 15 cm., Japanese text. An interesting pocket-size dictionary of Japanese words, arranged by the traditional "Iro-ha" sound system. Written in period Japanese, with meanings, sounds and combination of Kanji for more complex words. Scan examples can be sent by email. ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS CATALOG OF SUPERB ASIAN ANTIQUITIES Book Number: 84187104 137 HAYASHI, T[adamasa.] LA COLLECTION HAYASHI: Dessins, Estampes, Livres Illustres. OBJECTS D'ART ET PEINTURES DE LA CHINE ET DU JAPON. Paris 1903, n.p. Stiff brown decorated paper wrs.,vol.2 of 2 327p., many engraved plates, index of artist names, French text, 1743 items described, 22 x 20.8 cm., solid copy, spine restored, contents very clean, no marks or issues. R A R E ! *** **** *** . . THE FAMOUS AND GREATLY CELEBRATED HAYASHI COLLECTION OF . . IMPORTANT JAPANESE, CHINESE & KOREAN ART OBJECTS . . This legendary work covers: Japanese, Chinese & Korean: Buddhist sculpture, sculptures, bronzes, paintings, lacquer ware, bronze masks, porcelains. Netsuke in ivory & wood & buttons. Also Inro, embroideries, religious textiles, diverse metal objects, ceramics, arms, armor, swords, Tsuba, smoking utensils [Kiseru], combs, Ukiyo-e paintings &c., &c. . *** FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION IN TWO VOLUMES: . The work was issued in a Limited Edition, in 2 volumes, RareOrientalBooks.Com $68 bound in decorated brown stiff paper. This work is by and large one of the most valuable illustrated reference resource of the early 20th century. . *** WHO WAS HAYASHI TADAMASA [1853-1906]: . Hayashi was a famous and outstanding Japanese art dealer with a gallery in Paris. From 1878 until his death, he organized and supported several large auction sales from his inventory. He was also an exhibitor at the international Paris Exhibition of 1900. He engaged art connoisseur M.S. Bing to write the text to this and other auction sales catalogs. This and other auction sales were Sales were done at the L'Hotel Drout over several days. . Hayashi contributed significantly to the formation of French taste and knowledge of Japanese art in the late 19th century. *** RARE HELIOGRAVURE PLATES: BY HELIOG P. DUJARDIN, A FAMOUS PHOTOGRAPHER: . Volume 1 contains 1646 fine examples, well described and cataloged by M.S. Bing. The work was originally bound in the brown decorated stiff paper covers. Illustrated with 31 fine full-page heliogravures executed by Heliog P. Dujardin, with tissue guards before each of the heliogravures . We now offer volume 2 only: Volume 2 contains 27 full-page, finely executed monochrome Heliogravure plates by Heliog P. Dujardin, a famous photographer of Japanese art objects, ivories, Netsuke, Ojime, and Sagemono in the 1880's. . *** ARTIST INDEX: Contains a copious index of artists found in this catalog. *** RARITY: This book seldom comes to market, and when found is usually lacking many of the rare heliogravure plates, see above. . *** CONDITION Volume 2: Binding: The work is in the original brown-decorated stiff paper. The spine has been restored with cloth, over which the old spine was laid down and mended. The book is solid and firm. Several pages are uncut, as issued. Covers show a very minor bit of wear to the extremities as usual, else clean, solid and firm. The tissue guards over each of the engraved illustrations are present. Complete as issued. We note others selling single plates from this work for about $100, each by Dujardin. . Contents: The contents are very clean and solid, there are no marks or issues with the plates or text. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com Color scans of this and most other items are posted to our website. $400 Book Number: 86019001 138 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #08. [Including Important 19th & 20th Century Japanese Woodblock [San Francisco 1984, Haynes].Color pictorial stiff wrs., 208 pages, many b.w. photos, glossary of armor and sword furniture,terminology, sword characteristics & Tsuba, price list, 711 lots, as new copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An auction catalog of Tsuba, Menuki, Kozuka, Fuchi-Kashira, & important 19th & 20th century Japanese woodblock prints & books. An excellent reference for students and collectors. *** $75 Book Number: 89100001 139 HAYNES, Robert E. EXHIBITION CATALOG #09. [Japanese Swords, Armor, Tsuba, Japanese Woodblock Books [San Francisco 1984, Haynes]. Stiff color wrs., very good, 207p., many b.w. photos, results of sale #7,8,9, price list, 524 lots, as new copy. FIRST & ONLY EDITION An excellent reference source, covering masterpiece & highly imortant Tsuba, Menuki, Kozuka, Fuchi-kashira from eminent collections in America, England, France & Japan. Also woodblock printed Japanese books [E-hon], Jidai, &c. *** CATALOGUE ABOUT ALL FORMS OF JAPANESE CHILDREN'S BOOKS RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 Book Number: 41005201 140 HERRING, Ann. THE DWAN OF WISDOM: Selections from the Japanese Collection of the Cotsen Children's Library. Los Angeles 2000, Cotsen Occasional Press. Stiff pictorial wrappers, bibliography, 136p.,fold out color plates, profuse color plates, about A4 size or 21 x 29 cm., edited by Don J. Cohn, clean, bright "AS NEW" copy. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION "The Cotsen Children's Library is home to one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of Japanese children's books and printed materials outside of Japan. At present, this remarkable and constantly expanding corpus consists of over 10,000 items, including not only books and documented discussion of an unfamiliar form of publication." * A SUPERB REFERENCE ON HOKUSAI E-HON OR WOODCUT COLOR BOOKS Book Number: 88007401 141 HILLIER, Jack. THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION. [London 1980], Sotheby. Orange cloth,very clean, dj., 288p., glossary, index, appendix of 272 titles , bibliography, 40 color 200 b.w. photos, large, 24 x 31 cm., printed on heavy paper, bright solid copy in nice dj. FIRST & 0NLY EDITION This is the first monograph to deal exclusively with Hokusai illustrated books. As the most admired Japanese woodcut artits & book illustrator this work is so devoted to his copious list of works. Covering 272 books, described and cataloged. These works were produced over a period of 70 years, tracing the evolution of his print designs for every conceivable type of book: cheap novelette, literary classic, craftsmen's pattern book, erotic, travels, how-to-draw, heroes, military, Mt. Fuji, and a host of other great masterpieces. * An essential reference tool for any collector, student, RareOrientalBooks.Com $44 library or museum curators. Truly a treasure trove, profusely illustrated. Well organized resource, by the leading exponent on Japanese woodblock printed works. * $48 A SUPERB REFERENCE ON HOKUSAI E-HON OR WOODCUT COLOR BOOKS Book Number: 88007402 142 HILLIER, Jack. THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION. [London 1980], Sotheby. Orange cloth,very clean, dj., 288p., glossary, index, appendix of 272 titles , bibliography, 40 color 200 b.w. photos, large, 24 x 31 cm., printed on heavy paper, bright solid, book plate, nice dj. FIRST & ONLY ED This is the first monograph to deal exclusively with Hokusai illustrated books. As the most admired Japanese woodcut artits & book illustrator this work is so devoted to his copious list of works. Covering 272 books, described and cataloged. These works were produced over a period of 70 years, tracing the evolution of his print designs for every conceivable type of book: cheap novelette, literary classic, craftsmen's pattern book, erotic, travels, how-to-draw, heroes, military, Mt. Fuji, and a host of other great masterpieces. * An essential reference tool for any collector, student, library or museum curators. Truly a treasure trove, profusely illustrated. Well organized resource, by the leading exponent on Japanese woodblock printed works. * ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE COLOR ILLUSTRATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES Book Number: 96133001 RareOrientalBooks.Com $60 143 HILLIER, Jack. THE ART OF THE JAPANESE BOOK. [New York 1987,] Sotheby's. Gray cloth, 2 vol. set, 11026p., 225 color, 704 b. w. photos, 24 x 33.56 cm., a small folio, dj. in mylar, the author's SUI GENERIUS, beautifully done, contained in a grey cloth slipcase. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A major resource for any serious dealer, library, museum, collector or student of E-hon [Japanese woodblock printed illustrated books]. This substantial reference work is Hillier's single and most valuable contribution to the study of E-hon. * Hitherto there has not been any single resource in English to cover this subject with the breath and the depth found here. Hillier's long experience with Japanese woodblock printed books and prints was legendary. His extensive knowledge gave him insights and perspectives seldom found by others. * This work surveys the whole genre from the 1600 and addresses the beautiful works from the major artists, down to 1951, selecting from the most prolific artist to show them at their most typical and impressive best. * The artistry and techniques of book designers, artists, block-cutters & printers are all examined, based on specimens of optimum condition and un-faded color. Hillier shows the delicate relationship between the craftsmen and artists as they worked in concert to produce fine artistic works with the most delicate of carving techniques, polychrome printing and production techniques of the time. * Over 900 fine examples are represented, covering all genres, including erotic books [Shun-ga or Haru-bon]. Copious and valuable glossary, chronology, bibliography, index of Japanese artists named in the text, index of Japanese illustrated books [E-hon] referred to in the text [titles], general index [names]. A grand work completed just before Hillier's untimely death. * BINDING: The set is bound in heavy cloth, designed to contain a large and heavy book. With dust jackets in mylar protectors, all enclosed in the gray-cloth covered slipcase. A lovely production. Hillier's SUI GENERIS ! * EXTRA SHIPPING: This is a large and heavy item, extra & appropriate packing, insurance and shipping charges will apply. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $359 Book Number: 85013404 144 HILLIER, Jack. HOKUSAI: Paintings, Drawings and Woodcuts. New York [1978], Phaidon. Black decorated cloth, 136p., 18 color, 142 b.w. plates, bibliography, chronology, list of woodblock printed books illustrated by Hokusai, very good, 3rd ed., 22 x 29 cm., as new, bright clean copy. This text describes expertly the slow unfolding of this artist's gifts as a print designer and book illustrator. A highly authoritative work, supported with profuse illustrations. Also covered are his brush drawings, paintings most of which are little known. A comprehensive and fully illustrated reference work. Essential for students or collectors. $26 Book Number: 91128501 145 HILLIER, Jack. THE JAPANESE PICTURE BOOK: A Selection from the Ravicz Collection. New York 1991, Abrams. Green cloth, 74 color, 53 b.w. photos 136p., dust jacket, very good, list of artists, bibliography list of exhibitions. A useful and valuable reference source. Superb survey by one of the world's foremost experts on Japanese prints & woodblock printed Japanese illustrated books. Coverage begins in the 17th century, illustrating the impact of Chinese culture on the art of Ukiyo-E to 20th century pieces that reflect the influence of Impressionism and Art Nouveau. This is also the catalogue of the Robert Ravicz's personal collection of illustrated woodblock printed books. HOW TO MEDICALLY TREAT SAMURAI AFTER THE BATTLE RareOrientalBooks.Com $39 Book Number: 24007001 146 HIRANO, Genryo. GUNJIN BIYO KYUKYU TEKIHO: EMERGENCY MEDICAL TREATMENT FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL. [Tokyo 1853-56, Izumiya].Yellow stitched wrs.,complete 2 vol set, 40+49 double folded leaves, or 178 pages in all,25 wood block printed illustrations, Japanese text, printed on handmade Washi paper, 12.5 x 18.5 cm., very clean. R A R E ! Well illustrated with woodblock prints of medical & surgical treatment. . Shows medical instruments for removing bullets, needles for suturing, bandages, swabs, and a very rare illustration of a dislocated shoulder being "re-aligned." * Other illustrations of various plants, herbs, showing the medicinal or pharmacopoeia of medicine making. * Japan was in various military battles for over four-hundred years. It was a common theme of war lord against war lord or Shogun against other Lords throughout Japan. Samurai were in uncountable battles, and many sustained life-threatening wounds. Therefore military medical treatment was paramount to a Samurai's survival. Books of this subject were commonly coveted and secreted from opponents and other competitors. * An in-depth and copious medical treatment and medicine resource. *** CONDITION: The work is bound in the original yellow paper-covered boards, solidly stitched. There is some old dustiness to the covers, a couple of small stains, else clean with the orignal title lsips. Contents is very clean, no worming, the paper is bright and clean, no issues. *** REFERENCE: *** MESTLER, Gordon E.: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. See p.157, where he cites this as "...the last of the military RareOrientalBooks.Com surgeries of the Chinese school, a one-volume work ..." . The work was issued in 1853 as a one volume title, then three years later in 1856 there was a supplementary volume issued, that Mestler was unaware of. Volume 1 contained a lot of illustrations and text. Volume is mostly text with a few illustrations near the rear of botanical examples and places for acupuncture. Both are cover labeled "Zen" or "Complete" meaning each was complete in itself. Even though issued at different dates. Both are uniform in size, yellow covers & with the same title page. *** A SUPERB ALBUM OF COLOR WOOODCUT PRINTS FROM THE SERIES Book Number: 24022101 147 HIROSHIGE Tokubei. III TOKYO MEISHO ZU E: THE PICTURES OF FAMOUS & SCENIC PLACES IN TOKYO. [Tokyo 1869-1870, Marutetsu]. Brown silk covers, accordion folded album, 43 Oban color woodcut plates, printed on handmade Hosho paper, Japanese cartouche, ca. 24.5 x 36.5 cm., very good copy, excellent images & registry. S C A R C E This lovely album was drawn by Hiroshige II. This wonderful color series is with title: TOKYO MEISHO ZUE and depicts versatile places in all seasons in the Tokyo area and environs, and has the usual Aratame or censor seal dates from January 1869 through March 1870. [See Ishii below]. * The titles of the forty-three [of 50] prints are: Gofuku Bridge gate, The parade in Nihonbashi, Takanawa Okido, The inside of Sakura, Sukiyabashi gate, The fireworks at Ryogoku, The full bloom, Train station, Matsuhanada mountain, Tokugawa Hachiman shrine, Horikiri Country, The stone bridge, A snow field of the ferry, A big gate of Shiba, Inari, The sandbank of Okawa Bridge, Sakamoto town, The picture of the hotel mansion, Eitai Bridge, The gate of Shiba Zojyo shrine, The waterfall in Oji, The evening scene of sails, The country of sundown [Nippori], The shell gathering in Suzaki, The field of Ueno Gate, A scene of Mizono, Honjyo Eko In, Tshukiji hotel mansion, Tsukuda Island, The inside of Saiwai Bridge Gate, The view of Atago Hill, The night view of New Shimabara Naka street, Shinobazu Hill, Tsukiji hotel mansion, Sarugaku town, The night view of Yanagibashi, The Takanawa English mansion, The end of the year market in Konryuzan, Ueno Hirokoji, Suzugamori, The view of cherry blossoms of the Nakano street of New Yoshiwara. The people in the pictures are the local people RareOrientalBooks.Com $544 wearing Kimono and Ijin [foreigners]. * The work is lively, capturing the mood, culture and tone of the Tokyo with a good look at what made Tokyo [aka Eastern Capital] famous. Superb insight to the costume and scenery of the area, how the people lived, worked and celebrated festivals. * PUBLISHERS: The work was published by Marutetsu. * BIOGRAPHY: Per Roberts below,"Pupil & adopted son of Ando Hiroshige [ie Hiroshige I], probably assisted in some of the late work of his master...when his master died in 1858 [he] married his daughter and took his name. About 1865 his marriage was dissolved, [he] retired to Yokohama...his paintings almost as fine as Hiroshige's." Well collected by world museums. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: OCLC locates copies of several prints from this series. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.45. * T. Ishii: NISHIKI-E NO ARATAME-IN NO KOH-SHOH: A book that reads censor seal dates, Section 7, p.28 dates: 1869-70 by the months, exact match. * MORRISON: vol.2. MEISSNER NONOGAMI TAKAHASHI TAMBA * $4080 Book Number: 87059201 148 HIROSHIGE, Ando. I [Utagawa] TOKAIDO: HAMMATSU. [Japan c 1920's]. Color woodcut of Hamamatsu station, very very clean, good registry, Chuban size: 18.7 x 12.3 cm., excellent impression. Shows travellers and boats with pines, from the TOKAIDO series. A lovely small size example from Hiroshige's most famous ser * RareOrientalBooks.Com $85 A FAMOUS & STUNNING COLOR WOOKBLOCK PRINTED ALBUM Book Number: 99001601 149 HIROSHIGE, Ichiryusai. [Hiroshige III] FUJI SANJU ROKKEI & EDO YONJU HAKKEI: THE THIRTY-SIX VIEWS OF MT. FUJI & FORTY-EIGHT VIEWS OF EDO. [Edo 1891]. A brocade silk covered album, Oban size, all edge gilt, with a total of 65 fine color prints, including 2 title pages, and one dedication print, book size 24.5 x 35.5 cm., 4.15 cm. thick. A stunning group of his most famous prints well represented. Hiroshige II [1826-1869] and III [1843-1894] were one in the same, a pupil of the most famous & great Ando Hiroshige. Using his master's name plus his old name Ichiryusai, he was the adopted son of Hiroshige I and was a very skilled painter, who actually painted along side & with the master until his master's death in 1858. After that, Ichiryusai specialized in railroad prints depicting these new innovations recently imported from the West around Yokohama, as well as issuing many series of beautiful prints. In his later years, he executed a most beautiful and exquisite set of his own interpretation of his master's most well-known series of prints showing Mt. Fuji & the celebrated places around Edo. This was not done to merely copy the master's works, but rather as a sincere Confucian tribute to his adopted father [& now father-in-law] and master. He took each of the master's views & repainted them in pastel colors with great control & precision. Some of the more delicate places such as rainbows and clouds behind a flock of birds were actually brushed on by hand, a technique rarely ever done. The wood blocks used were of the highest quality, a majority of which were center cuts & these have left a most beautiful wood-pattern in the print. This example shows 28 prints from the Fuji Sanju Rokkei and 35 from the Edo Yonju Hakkei series, with the title page from each present. There is a dedcation & memorial print to Hiroshige I from his faithful son and pupil. This print is most similar to one found as the frontispiece to the book by E. F. Strange: THE COLOR PRINTS OF HIROSHIGE, London [1925].Its clear that this print by Kunisada [who is Toyokuni I] was used as a model by Ichiryusai, as it differs in what the master is holding.Kunisada shows him holding his rosary beads, while Ichiryusai shows the master with his Fude [brush pen] and paper in hand.Ichiryusai and Kunisada had collaborated to issue a series of 36 prints:EDO JIMAN or THRIY-SIX PLACES OF WHICH YEDO IS PROUD. Ichiryusai has taken much care to represent the most wonderful views of Fuji & Edo with great skill.A majority of these prints are certainly well-known to the art world at large, as well as to Japanese print collectors.Many of these prints prints show up in the usual references. Some of the more famous Edo views are showing a falcon in winter, rain on the river bridge,storks, cat view in Asakusa,busy street scenes, RareOrientalBooks.Com Asakasa temple & lantern in snow, river scenes &c. Some Fuji views show many snow scenes, seasonal views,cherry blossoms, a majority show water and mountains, charming set of prints. Alternate title is MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI. See L. Roberts: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE PRINTS ARTISTS p.44-45 for background on Hiroshige I,II & III. R. Lane: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD p.232-254, most all of the prints in this album are listed under Hiroshige I's series: MEISHO EDO HYAKKEI: ONE HUNDRED FAMOUS VIEWS OF EDO. Beautifully bound in traditional brocade silk-gilt brocade, with prinnts on both sides of an accordion folded album. A L W A Y S R A R E ! SUPERB COLLABORATION BETWEEN HIROSHIGE AND KEISAI Book Number: 85005103 150 HIROSHIGE, Ichiryusai. II et al. UKIYO GAFU: Sketch Book of the Fleeting World. Alternate Titles: UKIYO RYUSAI GAFU & or KEISAI UKIYO GAFU. [Edo c.1830-44 Suwaraya]. Stiff orange stitched wrs., covers worn, thumbed, 29 double folded leaves, [58]pages, profusely illustrated in 3 colors Sumi, black & pale pink, vol. 2 only of a 3 volume set, 16 x 23 cm.,back covers inked. FIRST ED. Delightfully interesting subjects, portrayed with a strong pen. Sketches of human figures, landscapes, flowers, birds, insects, animals of all varieties, done in light tints. The work is reminiscent of Hokusai's most celebrated book series THE MANGA. * THE ARTISTS: Executed in a collaborative effort by two famous artists: Hiroshige I [Ichiryusai 1797-1858] aka Ando and Keisai Eisen [Yoshinobu 1790- 1848]. Working in concert they produced a lovely set of books with superbly charming and quaint illustrations. A fine example of the best of Japan's great master artists. * SUBJECT OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The work reflects all genres and subjects of life, work and RareOrientalBooks.Com $20400 leisure in Japan during the mid-1800's. Its a virtual dictionary of human and animal activity. This encyclopedic work gives us an insight to what most Japanese saw and were familiar with during their life-time. Illustrated in shades of Sumi gray, black and pastel orange. * PUBLISHERS, PLACES & DATES: Not all volumes state the publisher, per Kerlin, a 'second copy' was published in Nagoya by Eirakuya, and was a Meiji period reprint. One can conclude that Kerlin's observations were limited to those he found in the Netherlands, which was void of a matching set published in Edo by Suwaraya. Inside covers show adverts for Hokusai books, inside back cover shows adverts for various Edo, Osaka publishers and adverts for Keisai books. The place of publication is not cited, nor are any dates, therefore we support the dates found in Kerlin on p. 756 and other references cited below to be ca. 1830-1844]. * NOTE ON CONDITION: The "very clean set" has a large amount silver transfer on the back of vol. 3 covers, and a very minor amount of the same on the back of vol. 1; the contents of vol. 1 & 2 remain exceptionally bright and clean, else "as is." * BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, pp.756-757, no. 1800. He cites publication dates for the various volume numbers from ca. 1830-1844. He gives good bibliographical details for each of the 3 volumes in the series. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p.194 and gives ca. 1836 as the approximate publication date. [See Kerlin for better dates]. * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.222, exhibit 85, with illustration from vol. 3. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHLINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, pp.300 & 303. The entry on p.300 matches what we believe is the correct author & title, but lacks any information regarding the co-illustrator Keisen Eisen, and seems to be confused with a work of similar title on p. 303 KEISAI UKIYO GWAFU, which was a variant of volume one of the series we catalogue here. Again see Kerlin 1800 for clarity. Toda seems to think that this was a 10 volume set, lacking from 2-9 when in fact it was a 3 volume set per our description. * J. Gyer. comp. ASIATIC BOOKS: A Priced, Indexed Catalogue of Books Relating to the Orient Offered for Sale 1949-1952. Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles 1952. See item 666, cited as 3 volumes, "originally published ca. 1836...this set is probably a second edition. Nagoya, n.d." He cites the authors as being Hiroshige [Ryusai] & Keisai Eisen. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ...V & A Museum, HSMO 1972. Page 178 KEISAI UKIYO GWAFU "In collaboration with Hiroshige, note variant title again he RareOrientalBooks.Com repeats Toda's error in assuming correctness as a 10 vol. set, again he only has volume 1 ! [E14832-1886]. Also see p.179, and makes the same error assuming its a 10 vol. set having volumes 1-3, E.6944-1916, but does acknowledge that it was "with Keisai Yeisen ?". * S. Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE SPENCER COLLECTION OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY: p. 128, no. 561. Per Sorimachi, "vol.1 & 2 was illustrated by Eisen Keisai and the third by Hiroshige. " * Forrer: 244-246 * KSM [kaiga] 1-356-4 * Kraft: vol.1: no. 26; vol.2: no. 543; vol.3: no. 763. * SUPERB COLLABORATION BETWEEN HIROSHIGE AND KEISAI Book Number: 85005104 151 HIROSHIGE, Ichiryusai. II et al. UKIYO GAFU: Sketch Book of the Fleeting World. Alternate Titles: UKIYO RYUSAI GAFU & or KEISAI UKIYO GAFU. [Edo c.1830-44 Suwaraya]. Stiff orange stitched wrs., covers worn, thumbed, 29 double folded leaves, [58]pages, profusely illustrated in 3 colors Sumi, black & pale pink, vol. 3 only of a 3 volume set, 16 x 23 cm. FIRST EDITION Delightfully interesting subjects, portrayed with a strong pen. Sketches of human figures, landscapes, flowers, birds, insects, animals of all varieties, done in light tints. The work is reminiscent of Hokusai's most celebrated book series THE MANGA. * THE ARTISTS: Executed in a collaborative effort by two famous artists: Hiroshige I [Ichiryusai 1797-1858] aka Ando and Keisai Eisen [Yoshinobu 1790- 1848]. Working in concert they produced a RareOrientalBooks.Com $544 lovely set of books with superbly charming and quaint illustrations. A fine example of the best of Japan's great master artists. * SUBJECT OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The work reflects all genres and subjects of life, work and leisure in Japan during the mid-1800's. Its a virtual dictionary of human and animal activity. This encyclopedic work gives us an insight to what most Japanese saw and were familiar with during their life-time. Illustrated in shades of Sumi gray, black and pastel orange. * PUBLISHERS, PLACES & DATES: Not all volumes state the publisher, per Kerlin, a 'second copy' was published in Nagoya by Eirakuya, and was a Meiji period reprint. One can conclude that Kerlin's observations were limited to those he found in the Netherlands, which was void of a matching set published in Edo by Suwaraya. Inside covers show adverts for Hokusai books, inside back cover shows adverts for various Edo, Osaka publishers and adverts for Keisai books. The place of publication is not cited, nor are any dates, therefore we support the dates found in Kerlin on p. 756 and other references cited below to be ca. 1830-1844]. * NOTE ON CONDITION: The "very clean set" has a large amount silver transfer on the back of vol. 3 covers, and a very minor amount of the same on the back of vol. 1; the contents of vol. 1 & 2 remain exceptionally bright and clean, else "as is." * BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, pp.756-757, no. 1800. He cites publication dates for the various volume numbers from ca. 1830-1844. He gives good bibliographical details for each of the 3 volumes in the series. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p.194 and gives ca. 1836 as the approximate publication date. [See Kerlin for better dates]. * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.222, exhibit 85, with illustration from vol. 3. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHLINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, pp.300 & 303. The entry on p.300 matches what we believe is the correct author & title, but lacks any information regarding the co-illustrator Keisen Eisen, and seems to be confused with a work of similar title on p. 303 KEISAI UKIYO GWAFU, which was a variant of volume one of the series we catalogue here. Again see Kerlin 1800 for clarity. Toda seems to think that this was a 10 volume set, lacking from 2-9 when in fact it was a 3 volume set per our description. * J. Gyer. comp. ASIATIC BOOKS: A Priced, Indexed Catalogue of Books Relating to the Orient Offered for Sale 1949-1952. Dawson's Book Shop, Los Angeles 1952. See item 666, cited as 3 volumes, "originally published ca. 1836...this set is probably a second edition. Nagoya, n.d." He cites the RareOrientalBooks.Com authors as being Hiroshige [Ryusai] & Keisai Eisen. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ...V & A Museum, HSMO 1972. Page 178 KEISAI UKIYO GWAFU "In collaboration with Hiroshige, note variant title again he repeats Toda's error in assuming correctness as a 10 vol. set, again he only has volume 1 ! [E14832-1886]. Also see p.179, and makes the same error assuming its a 10 vol. set having volumes 1-3, E.6944-1916, but does acknowledge that it was "with Keisai Yeisen ?". * S. Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE SPENCER COLLECTION OF THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY: p. 128, no. 561. Per Sorimachi, "vol.1 & 2 was illustrated by Eisen Keisai and the third by Hiroshige. " * Forrer: 244-246 * KSM [kaiga] 1-356-4 * Kraft: vol.1: no. 26; vol.2: no. 543; vol.3: no. 763. * $609 A STUNNING BOOK OF NATIVE JAPANESE DESIGNS Book Number: 84136301 152 HIROTA, Ihei. KODAI KARAKUSA MOYOU SHU: COLLECTION OF ANCIENT ARABESQUE DESIGNS FOR TEXTILES. Tokyo [1885], Okura. Blue stitched wrs., woodblock plates, printed by hand on hand-made Washi paper, 15 x 22 cm., 59 clean, bright copy. 29 double-leaves [58p]. FIRST EDITION A great work, shows traditional designs and patterns. A designer's wish book ! * A GRAND MAP OF ALL JAPAN IN ITS VARIOUS HISTORIC PERIODS RareOrientalBooks.Com $211 Book Number: 98113201 153 HIYAMA, Yoshichika. HONCHO OKO ENKAKU ZUSETSU: ATLAS OF ANCIENT EVENTS OF JAPAN, With Descriptions, Historical Maps of Japan. [Edo 1815, Kitajima Choshiro]. Original blue covers, tall accordian folded, ca. 22 x 31 cm., very good, entirely woodblock printed in color, with 11 double page maps 31 x 44 cm. with accompanying Japanese text, complete. FIRST EDITION An excellent historical atlas, showing Japan and its fiefs by the various years, showing the changes in fiefdoms by the results of military action and political changes. . This group of maps shows the evolution of change for the years: 1184, 1337, 1392, 1467, 1509, 1556, 1568, 1577, 1582, 1586 and 1615, eleven double-page color woodblock printed maps. . Each province or fiefdom is shown in a different color with the current administrative name, the names of the Daimyo at the top of the page, along with the date. Each has neatly written "A.D." and the date penciled in blue by a former owner. *** The work consists eleven double-page color maps, and nine double-pages of text. The text follows each map with an in-depth discussion of who, how and the results of each period change. . RARE EXAMPLE: This atlas is quite rare and seldom found. It an excellent historical reference, illustrating the changes and rulers of all of the fiefs throughout all of Japan, during the 12th 17th centuries. *** CONDITION: The front and back covers are in the original pale blue paper covering, with blind-stamped pattern. There is some of the usual fading, rubbing/scuffing to the surface and edges. The title slip is present and complete. Contents: the maps are very clean and solid, without worming, a few pages have the blue pencil dates per above. *** REFERENCES: . BEANS, George H.: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA, this map is listed in "LIST," 1951, p.33, under 1815. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $1700 BASED ON THE FAMOUS ENGLISH MISSIONARY-PHYSICAN'S WORK Book Number: 22026901 154 [HOBSON, Benjamin]. FUEI SHINSETSU: NEW THERORIES ON GYNECOLOGY. [Pinyin Title: FU-YING XIN-SHUO] [Kyoto 1859, Tenkodo]. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., 2 vol. set, very clean, bright copy, 35+27 double-folded leaves, 41 fine woodcut engravings, 18 x 24. cm., title slips, obscure! FIRST EDITION An excellent example of a Western text brought to China, then to Japan. This work addresses midwifery and pediatrics. There are stunning illustrations showing the states of fetal growth, sections of the pregnant uterus with views of the growing child. Various 'presentations' prior to birth of the fetus, and other anatomical views. . This work shows the female pelvis, with measurements from the sacrum to the uterus, and in the pelvic girdle for estimate of fetus size for birthing. . A very good look at the fallopian tubes, uterus, external female organs. Also excellent graphics of a fetus at 2 and 3 months in the uterus, presentation for birth with baby's head down, afterbirth, the progression of the baby down the birth canal, breech, and other presentations, difficult deliveries, twins, the top of the baby's head and the location of the bones. With a very good look at the circulation system. * This work was based on an unnamed English genealogical text imported to China by Hobson. It eventually it made its way to Japan. While in Canton, Hobson, worked in concert with a Chinese to translate this and several other works into Chinese. Hobson's Chinese name was written in this an all of his other works in Chinese characters. See below for his Chinese name. . The features of the baby are clearly [foreign] or English, rather than Asian, thus proving the original work was RareOrientalBooks.Com English or European. *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The fine detail of the illustrations were carefully copied from the original copper etchings, and converted into woodcut examples. The high-quality of these graphics are a tribute to the great skill of Japanese carvers. This excellent illustrated treatise gave Japanese physicians and medical students an early look at European gynecological reference sources. This can be considered an early resource for the Japanese to observe drawings taken from human cadavers. This shows in much fine detail, bones, muscles, ligaments & structures of the female pelvis area, as well as good view and cut-away views of the tissues. . The Japanese were isolated from the world until the 1850's when Perry opened Japan. Before that the Dutch provided the Japanese with rudimentary texts on anatomy and medicine, but these were all in Dutch, and the Japanese had to scramble for several years to learn enough Dutch to correctly read, translate and print Japanese language versions. . What sets this example apart, is that it was already translated into Chinese from English, which was a language the Japanese could read with care. This work is written in Kambun, an old form of Chinese which was understood by educated Japanese physicians. * An excellent illustrated resource, with superbly carved woodcut examples in much detail. *** WHO WAS BENJAMIN HOBSON: Benjamin Hobson [1816-1873] was a Protestant Christian missionary who served with the London Missionary Society during the late Qing [Ching] Dynasty China. He was a medical missionary who arrived in Macao in 1839 and served about twenty years in China in hospitals in Macao, Hong Kong, Canton and Shanghai. After the death of his first wife, Hobson in 1847 married the daughter of Robert Morrison, the first Protestant missionary to China. He was also known as Hexin his Chinese name. . CHINESE TITLE & AUTHOR'S NAME: Hobson's Chinese name was Ying-guo I shi Ho Xin Shi Chu. or also known in China as Ho Xin. . This book's Chinese title: Ping-an tian xiang tang tsang-pan. . Works authored or edited, He published five medical books in Chinese with Kuan Mao-tsai in the 1850's. Some of these made their way to Japan, where they were copied and Kambun [Japanese reading of Chinese interposed on the characters]. *** CONDITION: The work is bound in its original yellow blind-stamped swastika pattern. The covers & text is exceptionally clean, bright and with out any old worming or other issues. There is a bit of a mild stain to the top one-quarter of the front covers of volume 2, which penetrates the first few pages at the top margin, no text is affected. Else the set is solidly RareOrientalBooks.Com stitched-bound. By and large an excellent bright copy. *** ALTERNATE PUBLISHER Alternate copies pubished by Yorozuya. *** REFERENCE: . WALRAVENS, Harmut.: CATALOGUE OF CHINESE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, see p.18, #35 II, figure 33ic for details & illustrations. * See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benjamin_Hobson * http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23553744 * Not in: MESTLER, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. However, Mestler lists other works by Hobson on pp.306, 127. * Not in: WHITNEY, Willis N. NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN. * Not in: KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. *** AN EARLY JAPANESE TRANSLATION OF A BRITISH PHSICIAN'S BOOK Book Number: 21083901 155 [HOBSON, Benjamin.] SEI I RYAKU RON: THEORIES OF WESTERN MEDICINE [SURGERY]. Chinese Title: XIYI LUELUN. [Kyoto 1858, Tojuen Zoshi]. Stitched yellow wrs., 4 volumes bound in one, very good, reprint of Shanghai 1857 edition, 179 double leaves, 396 fine medical illustrations, woodblock printed on hand made paper, ca. 18 x 26 cm. in cloth case. Hobson [1816-1873] an English physician who practiced in Canton as a medical missionary from 1839 for some twenty years. This was first published in Shanghai in 1857, and was instrumental to introduce formally Western Medicine into China. It was reprinted the next year in Japan. He was also known as Hexin his Chinese name * The Jesuits attempted to introduce Western anatomy to RareOrientalBooks.Com $806 Chinese learned circles in the early 17th century but met with no success. * Hobson's books were the first Western medical texts to be translated & printed in Chinese. They were widely circulated and accepted in China. The original work "PRACTICE OF SURGERY IN THE WEST." * A thoroughly complete resource, with a copious index in both English & Chinese which covers: a general discourse on the healing art, Eastern & Western practice compared, symptoms & diagnosis of disease. Nature & properties of medicines, diet and regimen, causes of diseases, inflammation, suppuration and abscesses, ulceration & ulcers mortification, burns and scalds, wounds: incised, contused, gun-shot and hemorrhage. Aneurysm, tumors, cancer, fever, ague. Diseases of the bones, joints, on fractures, dislocations, wounds of the head & brain, apoplexy & paralysis, inflammation of the brain, and in children. Injuries to the spinal cord. Diseases of the eye & eyelids, outer ear, nostrils, mouth & tongue. Wounds of the chest, abdomen, breast, hernia, anus, urinary organs, scrotum hydrocele. * Casualties: hanging, drowning & poisoning. Tonics: stimulating tonics, stomachs, general tonics. Depressants: diaphoretics, emetics, diureticsasperients, removing blood, water, phlegm. Astringents: restraining, internal secretions, styptics. Diminishing pain, irrigation, destroying worms, demulcents. External remedies: rubefaciants, counterirritants, cautery, cutting & acupuncture, escharotics, fomentations. Ointments: simple, resin & a host of many others. * Pills, powders, infusions, tinctures, oils show a very wide variety of choices and varieties. * The detailed illustrations show many of the diseases and operations, some use block and tackle to assist in dislocations & resetting of broken bones. There are also some illustrations of medicinal plants & insects, including one of a leech, used to "cleanse" wounds. * Also a section devoted to medical instruments are described & illustrated. ** The work is written in Chinese, [Kambun to the Japanese] and was most readable by educated Japanese, with the minor addition of grammatical Japanese characters to the original text. Many Chinese texts were brought to Japan and read by this technique. * An exceptionally rare example of a most important & influential early medical text. With profusely illustrated sections, showing examples & methods of surgery. An historic & valuable medical "FIRST" Western medical book introduced to China. Exceptionally rare resource. *** REFERENCES P. Ho & F. Lisowski: A BRIEF HISTORY OF CHINESE MEDICINE RareOrientalBooks.Com AND ITS INFLUENCE, p.57, figure 14. * Gordon E. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS also cites items by Hobson on pp.306, 323 & 127, with substantial commentaries on Hobson and his historic translations. * H. Walravens; CATALOGUE OF CHINESE BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE FOR THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE, pp.ix, page 1 for related items by Hobson, and other details on Hobson's historic translations into Chinese & Japanese editions as well. *** Scans can be sent by email. A SUPERB CHINESE CONFUCIAN CLASSIC ILLUSTRATED BY HOKUSAI Book Number: 29012301 156 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. EHON KOKYO: THE CANON OF FILIAL PIETY ILLUSTRATED. [KOH-KYOH = HSIAO-CHING in Chinese.] [Edo 1850, Suharaya]. Original grey stitched wrs., 2 vol.set grey covers, title slips faint, Takai Ranzan commentator and author, vol.1: pp.2-28; vol.2: pp. 29-49,title page supplied in facsimile, vol. 1, as is, 15.5 x 23 cm. Third Edition The famous and celebrated Confucian classic, HSIAO-CHING was a well-know treatise in Japan, and it was imported to Japan over the centuries. The original classic was done in Chinese in one volumes with 18 chapters. The contents are the teachings of Confucius on filial piety, given as a talk with his pupil Tseng Ts'an. It is thought that the work was written by some pupils of Confucius, listening to his master's talk with Tseng Ts'an. [Liberally quoted from Toda.] * TITLE: The alternate title as per Kerlin is EHON KOBUN KOKYO. The wood blocks were carved by Egawa Sentaro. The work was compiled by Goshatei Kizan. The Chinese title is HSIAO CHING. * SIGNATURE: The work is signed Zen Hokusai I-itsu ga. * ILLUSTRATIONS: The work has 25 illustrations in vol. 1 and 20 in vol. 2. For exact collation see Kerlin & Toda. * EDITION: The first edition was issued in 1834, and is very difficult to obtain. The contents of the first and third editions of 1850, remain the same, as for the second edition we can not state anything about this one as we have not examined it. See Dr. Lane who refers to the 1864 [second edition] on p. 308, item #241 per citation below. In any case the first and third editions are identical, in size, illustration count. RareOrientalBooks.Com $3400 * CONDITION: This set is with original well-rubbed covers and soiled. Contents dusty, thumbed, some old worming mostly in margins, illustrations are by and large not affected. Vol. 1 a few pages have a few small worn holes, not major, vol. 2 last two illustrations have 3.4 cm. worm in lower part of page. With a facsimilie of the title page sewn in to volume one, new end papers inside front covers, as is. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.265, bottom of page. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS...see item number 281, * KSM [kyokun, kyoten] 1-493-1 8 * J. Hillier ART OF HOKUSAI BOOK ILLUSTRATION: item #242, no. 142, p.108 plate 190 shows the title page of this book, now provided from this resource in facsimile. Text begins on p. 208-208. Per Hillier: "...a few brilliant improvisations, including the charming title-page, with opposing panels of crows on a plain ground and plovers in reserve on a black ground." He continues on p.208-209: "One of them [illustrations] is Basho, showing the great haiku poet standing on a dangerous cliff-ledge path leading to the infamous Hanging Bridge of Kiso. He is in the very pose, bent over a supporting stick, that Hokusai adopted in a famous self-portrait, and the haiku by Basho..." Basho is illustrated as plate 191 on p.209. * Kraft: vol.2, no. 72 [1864 edition; vol. 3, NO. 110 * Richard Lane; HOKUSAI LIFE AND WORK, plate 315 on p.247; pp. 248, 308 #241, A MARVELOUS ACTION PACKED SAMURAI WARRIOR EPIC Book Number: 85001503 157 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. EHON MUSASHI ABUMI: PICTURE BOOK 'THE STIRRUPS OF MUSASHI.' [Edo 1836, Nishimiya]. Original green stitched covers, very good, 58p. woodcut illustrations, 32 double folded sheets, strong impression, recent blue cloth case Chitsu, the usual wear to edges & corners, a bit thumbed, 16 x 22 cm.FIRST ED. RareOrientalBooks.Com $1863 In this sequel to Hokusai's companion work, EHON SAKIGAKE, his warrior series, Hokusai again explains in the preface his goal to express the freedom of movement of the human body under heavy armor. * A very nice example of some of Hokusai's best warrior drawings and action-packed-sword wielding Samurai defending against enemy attacks. Done at age 77, Hokusai signed this work: "The Old Mad of Painting." * Musashi takes on his advisories, fights the great carp, pays homage to the great serpent, rides his fearless steed into war, sword fights, against the forces of evil, and saves the helpless and meek. Stunning period work covering the exploits of Musashi the Buddhist warrior monk. & Original FIRST EDITIONS of this vintage are RARE. This example represents a "by-gone era" of this fine caliber of artistic creation. Seldom found for sale in a complete and solid state with an early & strong impression. * Inquire for our complete list of other original Hokusai E-hon [illustrated books], and references on this celebrated Japanese original artist. We often have many of the below cited references. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Hillier: HOKUSAI, p. 227-232. * Toda: p.263. * Dawes pp.55-57. * Kerlen #295 for much bibliographic detail. * James S. DE BENNEVILLE: SAITO MUSASHI-BO BENKEI: TALES OF THE WARS OF THE GEMPEI...Saito Musashi-bo Benkei the Warrior Monk. * WONDERFUL & CHARMING DESIGNS BY JAPANS'S GREATEST PAINTER Book Number: 87057401 158 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. EHON TEIKIN OHRAI: THE ILLUSTRATED 'COMMUNICATION OF HOME PRECEPTS.' [Edo c.1874, Yoshikawa]. Stitched wrappers, 3 vols.,complete set, 30+30+30p., 166 woodcut illustrations, covers with some RareOrientalBooks.Com $3740 small chips, corners, bit rubbed, contents clean, no worming very good impression,16 x 23.8 cm.,blue Chitsu folding case. THE ARTIST/ILLUSTRATOR: The work was illustrated by Hokusai, and reflects all charm and skill that he is famous for. Hokusai has captured the flavor and charm of his genre, reflecting a lovely panoramic view of the Japanese and their life, set during the 18301840's towards the end of the Tokugawa period. A delightful and most light-hearted illustrated book, typical of Hokusai, who enjoyed poking fun at the irony of daily life and its parade of characters. **** THE AUTHOR: The text was written by Gene Hohshi [?-1350] a Buddhist priest of the Tendai sect, wrote the text in the 14th century, see Hillier p.200 for more. * THE SUBJECT: A popular work during the late Tokugawa period, it was also used in the Ashikaga period, as a text for writing by the literati classes. An eclectic and superbly illustrated text, shows the activities of all classes of Japanese. Tradesmen at their hard toil, paper makers, the daily activities of women, artists and artisans, cultured classes, warriors, Buddhist priests, Lords, and a host of other charming drawings. With a number of natural history illustrations: fish, birds & animals. * Hokusai books are always RARE & highly desirable. They reflect a charm, showing the artist's humor and compassion for life, his talented gift to record for all posterity. A lovely and sympathetic view of what Japan was truly like during his times. His works are celebrated as the best Japanese painter and illustrator of his era. S U P E R B ! ****** PER HILLIER: [See entry in Bibliography below] "It was the first book of what might be termed a serious, didactic type that Hokusai had been called upon to illustrate during his long career..." Page 198. * "Hokusai's book is ingeniously designed, with pages divided in two, and text and illustration separated by a dividing line, but the positions of each part, and their proportions, varied from page to page. ...but seizes upon some incident or object mentioned by the author and builds a drawing around it, situation his pictures in contemporary Edo and his figures in 'modern dress.'" Page 200-201. * "One illustration [plate 181] gives us a picture of another famous publisher's bookshop...it is the premises of Nishumura Eijudoh, the publisher of the TEKIN ORAI, his sign and name being emblazoned on the Noren [or curtain] and on the lantern outside the premises. Another illustration is of Benkei, with his armoury of fearsome weapons, standing on Gojo Bridge." Page 200-201, plate 181, 182. ****** EDITION: This is the Meiji reprint of the first issue, 1828. * CONDITION: The work is printed with good registry and excellent key block line and images are solid. The binding is tight with RareOrientalBooks.Com some minor splits to where the stitching is at either the top or lower edges, some very minor chipping to edges of covers. The set is contained in a recent indigo-blue Chitsu case with bone clips. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, p.258. * E. Dawes: p.57. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.137, #335. * J. Hillier: THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION: p.277, item number 230, the 1828 edition, and pp.198, 200, 201; illustrations 181, 182. * STUNNING CHINESE POEMS ILLUSTRATED BY THE EMINENT HOKUSAI Book Number: 41021301 159 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. EHON TOSHISEN GOGON ZEKKU: SELECTIONS OF ILLUSTRATED TANG POEMS [618-907] IN THE 'GOGON-ZEKKU STYLE.' [Tokyo 1833, Kosanbo]. Stitched blue wrs., covers rubbed,one title slip in facsimile, 2 vol. set: 19 + 18 double leaves, 56 + 53 illustrations [109] in all, woodblock printed, very good impression, 16.5 x 24 cm., unnumbered volumes. R A R E STYLE OF THE PAINTINGS: Zekku [Chueh-chu]; Ritsu [lu]; Ko-shi [ku-shih]; Zekku consists of four verses, please see Toda for more details on the structure of these Chinese poems of the Tang dynasty. The Japanese admired and idealized Chinese art, poetry and emulated many of their most famous works. This is a superb example of Hokusai's respect and appreciation of Chinese art and poetry. * HOKUSAI: This title is signed "Zen Hokusai Iitsu." Per Roberts, Hokusai used over 50 studio names [Go], see below for additional notes. *** CHINESE Pinyin: Artist's Name in Chinese: QIAN BEI SHU [WEI YI WENG HUA.] Chinese title: HUA BENG TANG SHI XIAN WU YUAN JUE JU. *** OBSCURE EDITION: RareOrientalBooks.Com $6249 This title as drawn by Hokusai is not clearly documented in this edition except where referred to by Kerlin. There does not seem to be any other citation to the Meiji edition, and the other bibliographies only cite earlier editions, but with very little reference to Hokusai's contribution to two of the volumes in the larger set drawn by other artists. We believe that our set published during the Meiji period represents a "lost work" of Hokusai illustrated books. *** CONDITION: The volumes are bound in the original blue paper covers. There is ample rubbing to the covers, one volume has the title slip in facsimile. The contents of volume 1 from the 6th leaf to the end being with mild stain, getting stronger by the end, with some old mildew throughout. Purple mildew begins from leaf 6 and gets worse towards the end. Volume 2 also has a similar stain from leaf 12 to the end. Regardless of the condition, this is an exceptionally R A R E book with strong registry and excellent printing. This title has seldom come to market. * ORIGINAL PRINTED PAPER SLEEVE/COVERS: There is a very rare woodblock-printed protective sleeve in which these two volumes were originally containd when issued from the publisher. There are mends where the papers were joined and then separated when originally made. There are substantial purple mildew and other stains on both the front and back. Else complete as issued. See our website for an image of this as illus12.jpg. * ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, number 1769, p.742-744. He cites this Meiji edition as illustrated by Hokusai. We can not find very many other bibliographic citations for this edition elsewhere, only other similar titles per below. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.174 cites "Yehon Toshi-sen THE ILLUSTRATED TOSHI-SEN," see the last paragraph about this, where in Toda states: "This is an early Japanese publication of this book in an illustrated form. There were many "Yehon Toshi-sen" published later. One illustrated by Hokusai is the most famous." . This citation refers to the book we here describe. Toda then refers to "Yehon Toshi-sen" on page 259 from the top. "The series which we have here, is a later publication, and undoubtedly, the best Japanese work of this kind." He described a 6 volume set, not illustrated by Hokusai. Then on page 259-261 Toda lists several of this s ame title by other artists. * Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, pp.535-536, for related editions. * J. Hillier: THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION: see index on p.287 entry: TOSHISEN EHON GOGON-ZEKKU; see also p.278, #238, for edition published in 1833 in 5 volumes; RareOrientalBooks.Com then see text pages 232-234, with plates 216-218 illustrating a double-page from this title [though these plates are not in our set] they came from the 1822 edition. Hillier further states on p.234 "It was at this date [1832] that Hokusai was invited to illustrate the two final parts of the monumental publishing undertaking." [meaning to publish this title by other artists in 5 volumes]. The seventh and final parts probably meaning the last 2 volumes after volumes 5 were by illulstrated by Hokusai. Our copy is a later edition of these two volumes. * Holloway pp.13-14, see illustration #114 * KSM: Kanshi, Kaiga 67-49-4 * Kraft. vol. 1, no.747 * L.P. Roberts: DICTIOMARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.48-50 * R. Lane. HOKUSAI LIFE AND WORK: pp.248,251,308/234, and the illustration # 312. ***** HOKUSAI'S MOST CELEBRATED BOOK ON SACRED MT. FUJI Book Number: 84211702 160 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUGAKU HYAKKEI: THE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. [Nagoya 1875, Tohekido]. Blue stitched stiff wrs.,3 vol. set woodblock printed on hand-made paper, very good,leaf 15 from vol. 2 lacking, else contents complete, clean, clear images, in tones of grey, Sumi, black, indigo blue, 164 x 24 cm.RARE Perhaps Hokusai's [1760-1849] most famous work in book form, illustrating a profusion of views of Mt. Fuji from all perspectives. This was also the prototype for his great color print series on Mt. Fuji. A delightful & impressive work, used as a standard for over a hundred years by artists, designers and collectors. This monograph is devoted to Japan's most sacred Mt. Fuji in all its glory, portrayed in various seasons and as seen by common folk as they go about their daily lives & occupations. * The volumes are 22.5 x 15.5 cm., with 25+25+25 double folded leaves or 150 pages in all, with illustrations of Mt. Fuji on 144 of the pages, 6 pages of Japanese text. The history of the various editions are complex, suffice to say that the work was originally issued in two volumes [it could be that the whole work was simply bound within two covers]. Then RareOrientalBooks.Com $3662 there were basically two main editions: the first being published in 1834-5, and reprints of this the first edition in pink covers called "FALCON FEATHERS," later ones in yellow covers. Another in 1875, in black stiff covers. The contents in all cases identical, the size varied by only a few centimeters, essentially all are identical. * The introduction consisting of the first two pages in volume one were actually written by Hokusai. * The work is marvelous, and shows how Mt. Fuji was portrayed in the life of the Japanese. How in the spring time people sat outdoors and viewed the cherry blossoms with Mt. Fuji in the background. The theme is how Mt. Fuji was always present in their daily lives as a background. The artistry and skill of Hokusai is without parallel, he illustrated using his keen ingenuity at drawing skills. He put the sacred mountain in the picture in a myriad of ways. The mystical quality of Mt. Fuji is illustrated and conveyed by his acute composition, insight and visionary-like avant-garde skills which were head and shoulders above most all other artists of his time. Hailed as perhaps Japan's greatest artist of the 19th century. All of his original woodcut books are rare and of great value. * REPRINT EDITION: The 1948 reprint edition was an exact woodblock-printed edition of the earlier edition and has all of the same pages and illustrations found in earlier editions, with a paper Chitsu or folding cover, nicely done, good registry, color, the exact same size as earlier editions. * AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If you are interested in the English translation of each page of this set, please inquire with us for this title. It is a superb work, giving valuable insight to the texts found in this stunning work. It bears the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. See bibliography below. *** CONDITION NOTE: The 1877 edition has a small mend at the last page, the colophon in vol. 3, else very clean, nice. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS . for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp.21-22 . outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE . ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI: no. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * RareOrientalBooks.Com Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist and the Book in Japan: pages 218-223, i.e. exhibit #54, color plates: fig 54.1-54.5. * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * * The British author F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. We do have this in stock from time to time, if interested, please inquire. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * HOKUSAI'S MOST CELEBRATED BOOK ON SACRED MT. FUJI Book Number: 84211705 161 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUGAKU HYAKKEI: THE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. Tokyo 1877, Hayashi. Black stitched stiff wrs., 3 vol. set, woodblock printed on hand-made paper, very good, vol.1 cover edges bit worn, contents clean, clear impressions, tones of grey, Sumi, black, indigo blue Chitsu case. RARE Perhaps Hokusai's [1760-1849] most famous work in book form, illustrating a profusion of views of Mt. Fuji from all perspectives. This was also the prototype for his great color print series on Mt. Fuji. A delightful & impressive work, used as a standard for over a hundred years by artists, designers and collectors. This monograph is devoted to Japan's most sacred Mt. Fuji in all its glory, portrayed in various seasons and as seen by common folk as they go about their daily lives & occupations. * The volumes are 22.5 x 15.5 cm., with 25+25+25 double folded leaves or 150 pages in all, with illustrations of Mt. Fuji on 144 of the pages, 6 pages of Japanese text. The history of the various editions are complex, suffice to say that the RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 work was originally issued in two volumes [it could be that the whole work was simply bound within two covers]. Then there were basically two main editions: the first being published in 1834-5, and reprints of this the first edition in pink covers called "FALCON FEATHERS," later ones in yellow covers. Another in 1875, in black stiff covers. The contents in all cases identical, the size varied by only a few centimeters, essentially all are identical. * The introduction consisting of the first two pages in volume one were actually written by Hokusai. * The work is marvelous, and shows how Mt. Fuji was portrayed in the life of the Japanese. How in the spring time people sat outdoors and viewed the cherry blossoms with Mt. Fuji in the background. The theme is how Mt. Fuji was always present in their daily lives as a background. The artistry and skill of Hokusai is without parallel, he illustrated using his keen ingenuity at drawing skills. He put the sacred mountain in the picture in a myriad of ways. The mystical quality of Mt. Fuji is illustrated and conveyed by his acute composition, insight and visionary-like avant-garde skills which were head and shoulders above most all other artists of his time. Hailed as perhaps Japan's greatest artist of the 19th century. All of his original woodcut books are rare and of great value. * REPRINT EDITION: The 1948 reprint edition was an exact woodblock-printed edition of the earlier edition and has all of the same pages and illustrations found in earlier editions, with a paper Chitsu or folding cover, nicely done, good registry, color, the exact same size as earlier editions. * AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If you are interested in the English translation of each page of this set, please inquire with us for this title. It is a superb work, giving valuable insight to the texts found in this stunning work. It bears the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. See bibliography below. *** CONDITION NOTE: The 1877 edition has a small mend at the last page, the colophon in vol. 3, else very clean, nice. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS . for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp.21-22 . outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE . ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. " " HOKUSAI: no. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates RareOrientalBooks.Com . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist and the Book in Japan: pages 218-223, i.e. exhibit #54, color plates: fig 54.1-54.5. * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * * The British author F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. We do have this in stock from time to time, if interested, please inquire. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * HOKUSAI'S MOST CELEBRATED BOOK ON SACRED MT. FUJI Book Number: 84211706 162 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUGAKU HYAKKEI: THE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. [Tokyo 1948, Oshima]. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., 3 vol. set woodblock printed on hand-made paper, very good,clean,bright set, contents very clean, white, clear impressions, in tones of grey, Sumi, black, stiff buff paper Chitsu case. R A R E Perhaps Hokusai's [1760-1849] most famous work in book form, illustrating a profusion of views of Mt. Fuji from all perspectives. This was also the prototype for his great color print series on Mt. Fuji. A delightful & impressive work, used as a standard for over a hundred years by artists, designers and collectors. This monograph is devoted to Japan's most sacred Mt. Fuji in all its glory, portrayed in various seasons and as seen by common folk as they go about their daily lives & occupations. * The volumes are 22.5 x 15.5 cm., with 25+25+25 double folded leaves or 150 pages in all, with illustrations of Mt. Fuji RareOrientalBooks.Com $6120 on 144 of the pages, 6 pages of Japanese text. The history of the various editions are complex, suffice to say that the work was originally issued in two volumes [it could be that the whole work was simply bound within two covers]. Then there were basically two main editions: the first being published in 1834-5, and reprints of this the first edition in pink covers called "FALCON FEATHERS," later ones in yellow covers. Another in 1875, in black stiff covers. The contents in all cases identical, the size varied by only a few centimeters, essentially all are identical. * The introduction consisting of the first two pages in volume one were actually written by Hokusai. * The work is marvelous, and shows how Mt. Fuji was portrayed in the life of the Japanese. How in the spring time people sat outdoors and viewed the cherry blossoms with Mt. Fuji in the background. The theme is how Mt. Fuji was always present in their daily lives as a background. The artistry and skill of Hokusai is without parallel, he illustrated using his keen ingenuity at drawing skills. He put the sacred mountain in the picture in a myriad of ways. The mystical quality of Mt. Fuji is illustrated and conveyed by his acute composition, insight and visionary-like avant-garde skills which were head and shoulders above most all other artists of his time. Hailed as perhaps Japan's greatest artist of the 19th century. All of his original woodcut books are rare and of great value. * REPRINT EDITION: The 1948 reprint edition was an exact woodblock-printed edition of the earlier edition and has all of the same pages and illustrations found in earlier editions, with a paper Chitsu or folding cover, nicely done, good registry, color, the exact same size as earlier editions. * AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION: If you are interested in the English translation of each page of this set, please inquire with us for this title. It is a superb work, giving valuable insight to the texts found in this stunning work. It bears the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI BY HOKUSAI. See bibliography below. *** CONDITION NOTE: The 1877 edition has a small mend at the last page, the colophon in vol. 3, else very clean, nice. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS . for more bibliographic details, item #396, pp.163-166. * H. Smith: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI, pp.21-22 . outline the editions. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE . ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.47. * J. Hillier: no. 241, p.278. RareOrientalBooks.Com " " HOKUSAI: no. 110 J. HILLIER: THE ART OF BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.213-225, plates . 195-208 * Kraft: VOL.3, NO. 185-=195; VOL. 4, NO.36 * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist and the Book in Japan: pages 218-223, i.e. exhibit #54, color plates: fig 54.1-54.5. * KSM: [Kaiga] 7-18-1 * Forrer: 170-177 * Not listed in C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN. * * The British author F.V. Dickins did a book with the title: FUGAKU HIYAKU-KEI: OR A HUNDRED VIEWS OF FUJI [FUJISAMA] BY HOKUSAI. It was an interesting edition of the book issued in London in 1880, with English commentaries & translations by F.V. Dickins. This book contained an actual and original woodcut illustrated edition of Hokusai's book bound in with the English translation of the Hokusai text. We do have this in stock from time to time, if interested, please inquire. * Henry Smith II: HOKUSAI ONE HUNDRED VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. * A MOST STUNNING HOKUSAI EROTIC COLOR-BOOK Book Number: 23014201 163 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. FUKUJU SOH: THE ADONIS PLANT. [An Erotic Color Illustrated Woodblock Printed Book] [Japan n.d. ca 1868]. Gold brocade green cloth covers, accordion folded, all edge silver gilt, album size 17 x 25 cm., contains 12 double page prints opening to 34 x 25 cm. Oban RareOrientalBooks.Com $1836 size, plus an introductory illustrated page. STUNNING ! This is a most famous book executed by one of Japan's most famous painters and woodblock print artist, Hokusai [17601849], who was commonly known as the "Mad Man on Painting." The original was printed in the late 1810's it was unsigned, several variant editions are known, most copies were lost or now unaccounted for. It is part of Hokusai's erotic trilogy. This posthumous edition has been meticulously carved and printed with the utmost care and registry. The book used some twenty different colors, each color printed by a different wood-block. An interesting proof of age, is found on page [six], the rape scene. The girl's red under-Kimono was printed from a color made from finely ground iron. The red has now turned to an iron-red patina with a dark purple hue. This common color was used at the beginning of the Meiji period [1868-1912] for most solid reds. Humidity content determines the amount of time it takes to give this patina, on the average, about 100-135 years for this reaction to change the properties of the iron, forcing it to oxidize and change into and achieve this marvelous color and affect [see #6 scan]. While the book has a proper title slip, it was intentionally left blank. The over all condition of the book is quite good with very minor reservations. A small amount of foxing, more on some, less on other prints, some are even approaching fine. On page #11, the print is about 5 mm. shorter at the bottom, but this does NOT affect the overall value of the image as it is insignificant. A small, faint amount of transfer from the black is evident with close scrutiny. Overall the work is quite lovely, and the viewer is soon distracted to the subject of the images rather than the minor flaws. A truly magnificent and unusual example of early Meiji polychrom printing. Most of the Shun Pon [erotic books] of this period show small images, drawn from a distance, with room decorations, food, bedding, flowing robes, furniture and outside scenery. This by stark contrast has directed the viewer to the real point of Shun Pon [literally Spring Book Pictures...after all, spring in Asia means a new beginning and the opening of a New Year...return of nature from a winter's sleep, what better things to think of and do for a good New Year start if not sex !] is to stimulate and enhance the act of making love. The book begins sans title page nor artist's name recognition. Many books of this subject were clearly executed by some of the most famous artists of the period. It was a quick source of cash for starving artists. The work starts out with a double-page showing sliding Fusuma doors, an invitation to voyeurism. The doors are subtly decorated giving no clue to the true nature of the contents, useful for coercing young virgins to have a look...also the reason for no title slip. Each of the subsequent 12 double pages are devoted to the real subject of this book. The joy, art and pleasure of love- making. From the beginning of recorded time the Japanese were not a prudish people. In fact, they held strong beliefs in and worship of inanimate sexual objects such as trees, rocks and other things that showed a natural resemblance to the genitalia. These objects were collected & placed in shrines. Later, some were carved from wood and stone and placed in special "fertility shrines" in Japan. Barren women often visited these shrines offering prayers to the Gods for fertility and evoked charms. Stories passed down over the centcenturies, that some of the keepers of these fertility shrines, or their priests were willing "assistants" of these RareOrientalBooks.Com "Gods" & gladly inseminated such vulnerable women. The Japanese had an affinity with the natural expression of passion passion and lust. Rape of women alone along a pathway, or in their own room was not uncommon. While some may truly object others feigned objection while in ecstasy [see page #6]. The book therefore beings when the first page is turned to page number one. * * Page one shows a very young woman. She has mounted an unseen suitor, while she sits upon his gigantic penis, her eyes are closed in the throes of ecstasy, her lips are red with excitement and a very pale but obvious pink flush envelops her face. On the floor is the usual package of Chirishi or toilet paper used to wipe the aftermath. The male's organ is huge and the veins are blue and popping, her very excited vulva takes on the color of deep red and faint purple, displaying the maximum color of excitement. While fully clothed, her Kimono is open just enough to accomplish the act of love. To the Japanese partially clothed women with their genitals exposed was more erotic than a full nude...after all they did mixed public bathing for centuries. * * Page two shows a couple, she is almost nude, with just her red under Kimono draped over her stomach, while he exposes his organ as he enters her from the "X" angle, he cradles, her from behind while holding her left breast. She pulls him from behind the neck to be close enough to share a tongue kiss, rarely shown in Japanese prints. He inserts his tongue into her willing mouth, as she holds his cheek fast. Her long and flowing hair is still tied with a black ribbon at the bottom suggesting that she is some kind of royal person. She also shows a pink flush to her mouth and vaginal lips. * *Page three shows newlyweds. The woman still wears the traditional head gear of a bride. She holds a package of Chirishi in her lips ready for the flood of love juices that are already flowing out. The man enters her from the top, while she willingly spreads her legs wide open. * * Page four shows the woman on top in a contortion, revealing the organs involved in love-making. * *Page five shows the influence from an earlier Utamaro work a classic. The woman is on the bottom, pulling the covers over her lover's bare back-side, while they are making love in the winter. Her wooden platform pillow is ready as the are hidden from view by a small folding screen to keep out the cool draft. Her vermilion under Kimono is tangled with her outer Kimono. * *Page six shows a ruffian raping a young girl. He is likely a common coolie, all he wears is a "Fundoshi" or loin cloth which was easily moved to reveal his huge and erect penis. He has tumbled this innocent girl by pulling her foot from under her; then with his other hand, inserts his organ into her. She is pushing his cheek away, and attempting to pull his hand off her foot. What is ironical is that her face is flushed pink, and her face shows no frown of rejection, but her eyes are almost closed as she secretly anticipates the oncoming pleasure. For sure, she must resist being innocent, young, coquettish and demure in an attempt to save face. It is important to note at this time, that there exists a most RareOrientalBooks.Com similar print by Utamaro showing this very scene. Surely Hokusai was so impressed, that as a tribute to Utamaro he utilized this stunning image in his own work, the old adage "Copying is the greatest compliment." See more below re: #6. * *Page seven shows an unabashed nude couple enjoying a fully adult pleasure of making love without any restraints. In fact this must the a second or third time as the amount of expended Chirishi has been thrown about after the last joys of love-making pleasure. It is known in Japan, that after the first round of love-making if the couple can clean up the love juices promptly enough, a new erection can be achieved, and the drying of the vagina will give the next round of love-making a new and more pleasurable sensation. In this view the man enters from the rear while holding her fast,his right foot is set for maximum traction ! * *Page eight shows another couple engaged, the woman on top but with her back side facing him. Vis-a-vis each other to observe each other thus increasing the erotic passion. A tiny bit of silver color has accented her Kimono, highly unusual in any woodblock print. Of note, her toes are curled curled down in a fit of ecstasy. * *Page nine shows one of the most fascinating of all prints in this series. In the traditional sixty-nine position, he has his tongue in her very excited and swollen purple-red vulva. She tries with difficulty to contain his very large penis, also with a dark pink-purple flush, as she curled her toes in painful ecstasy, her expression shows her eyebrows in a frown, as she enjoys the agony and ecstasy of this wonderful pleasure. * *Page ten shows a mature couple nude, she holds the tie-died head band in her mount, to silence her cries of joy, while she embraces her lover's neck. The spectacular view of the genitals fully engaged is stunning. The penis has its veins popping out, while the lips of her vulva are flushed bright red, the love juices flowing out. Her breasts are pointed downward, revealing that she has given birth previously. Her her toes are curled in a passionate dream of pleasure. The pair both display a pink flush to their faces with very bright red lips. It is not common to see this in men. * *Page eleven shows a couple preparing to make love. The man who is on top displays a very large and erect penis, while he sucks on her upturned breast; she is being manipulated to move her left leg up so he can then enter her open and waiting vulva. She clutches a handful of Chirishi in preparation for the flood. Her eyebrows are shaved, but a faint pink flush just above her eyes has emerged. * *Page twelve shows a most unusual scene in the world of Haru Bon. While lesbianism is not unusual, openly depicting girls at such play are. This shows two ordinary nude women, likely being bored or abandoned by their male suitors, have taken to the mutual pleasure of dildo play. One wears a huge and most black penis tied about her waist. The other reveals her open and moist vagina, clutches the penis while holding a few Chirishi sheets. The other opens a tiny container with some sort of stimulating potion. This will either be applied to the dildo or her partner's vagina. It seems clear, the RareOrientalBooks.Com two girls have already shared this joy before and could be that the girl grasping the penis has already applied it to her partner,and is now awaiting her turn to be "penetrated." * Books of this subject, quality, nature and rarity are truly most difficult to acquire on the open market. Superbly colored in pastels, prior to the very garish and bright advent and use of aniline dyes imported from Europe. Because Hokusai had lived during the life-time of Utamaro [1754-1806] he was influencd by this great master. The most vivid example of this invluence is found in number six [above], the rape scene. The original inspiration for this print was done by Utamaro in his most celebrated erotic album: UTA MAKURA: PILLOW OF SONG, dated 1788..."Utamaro's masterpieces...most impressive ...series of twelve prints ...this is one of the most dramatic scenes: a plebeian maiden being attacked by a middle-aged laborer and putting up stiff resistance" See R. Lane: IMAGES OF THE FLOATING WORLD, page 140, plate 140 for a most similar example. The original Utamaro shows the exact same action, with nearly identical composition; the man supresses the girl by holding her left leg, while she pushes his cheek away with her right hand...clearly Hokusai was so impressed with this superb composition and subject that he utilized it in his own masterpiece. Note how even the man's "Fundoshi" [loin cloth] is in the exact format, draped over his stiff penis. This is no coincidence ! This series and a few similar prints illustrated also in T. Evans: SHUNGA: The Art of Love in Japan, page 249 for the text; illustrations 6.83, 6.85 and 6.86; 6.88 is an exact match for our number 9 above. A stunning and most fantastic piece of color erotica by Japan's master painter. JAPAN'S MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF COMIC CARICATURES Book Number: 91077403 164 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. HOKUSAI MANGA, 15 VOLUME SET: HOKUSAI'S CARICATURES, THE COMPLETE WORK. RareOrientalBooks.Com $16320 Nagoya 1812-1849 Eirakuya. Stitched replacement blue stiff wrs., 15 vol. set, 411 woodblock illustrations in pastels, very good, bit of lower corner of vol. 2 worn away but illus not affected, else good, cloth case, clasps. FIRST EDITION *** *** *** . . THE HOKUSAI MANGA . . . IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OUT OF JAPAN . . IN THE EARLY TO MID-19TH CENTURY . . . HOKUSAI'S MONUMENTAL 15 VOLUME ILLUSTRATED GENRE BOOK . . REMAINS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS & RECOGNIZABLE BOOKS . . FROM JAPAN'S MOST CELEBRATED AND HUMOROUS MASTER ARTIST . A MONUMENTAL WORK, COMPLETE IN 15 VOLUMES: . This is a monumental work of art! It is probably the most famous of Hokusai's illustrated books. The main feature of this book is an encyclopedic demonstration of Hokusai's great ability in depicting all things Japanese found in daily life. . SUBJECTS OF THE MANGA: People, fauna, flora, landscape, the past, grotesque, technical, architecture, comedians, average people at work, play and mischief. . Covering a host of figures, animals, flowers, birds, landscapes, people, miscellaneous items, historical figures, Buddhist and Shinto temples, religious icons, military arts, Samurai, famous Japanese sights, Japanese and Chinese deities, architecture, a host of fish, landscapes, great and common people at their work, horses, humorous figures and a host of other sketches to tickle the imagination. Some of the illustrations are pastel colored in pink and light blue, the outlines are all are done in Sumi-black. * A wealth of superb art and excellent examples of Hokusai's best drawing and painting skills. Of all books ever done in Japan, it is this set that has captured the imagination of its viewers more than any other single book. It has also portrayed Japan to the world in graphic terms that anyone can understand. * The Manga has always been the most desirable & collectible of all of Hokusai's books. Seldom found in its complete state of 15 matching volumes. Each volume addresses a different aspect of Japanese life, the themes are highly creative and his unique ability to express humor is widely appreciated as his gift to the world at large. * He has always been the most ingenious of all Japanese artists, expressing a true native ability to record the essence of Japan and the Japanese character. The pictures of a giant octopus pouncing on a lonely spectator, the RareOrientalBooks.Com elongated limbs of his humorous characters tickle one's fancy. Chopsticks protruding from a man's nose...zany! * An important reflection of Japan, Japanese culture and daily life before the advent of Western influence. HOKUSAI'S SUI GENERIS ! . *** NOTES ABOUT THE Nagoya 1812-1849 Eirakuya Edition: This set has the title pages for volumes: 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13,14, and the standard two-page introduction by Hokusai in volumes 1-14, volume 15 did not come with this page. . Else the set is complete with all pages, illustrations, publisher's catalogs and colophons, where cited. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . Toda: RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE A.I.C. p.254-5. * J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION pp.96-112. * D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS...p.33 item #85. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS, p.226-239, item #546 for most all editions & variants. * HILLIER, Jack. :THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION p.186. . *** JAPAN'S MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF COMIC CARICATURES Book Number: 91077404 165 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. RareOrientalBooks.Com $13743 HOKUSAI MANGA, 15 VOLUME SET: HOKUSAI'S CARICATURES, THE COMPLETE WORK. [Tokyo 1875]. Stitched stiff wrappers, very good, usual wear to corners/edges, contents very clean,15 vol. set,411 double page illustrations by color-tinted woodblocks, title slips a bit worn as usual, each bound in a different color. COMPLETE *** *** *** . . THE HOKUSAI MANGA . . . IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OUT OF JAPAN . . IN THE EARLY TO MID-19TH CENTURY . . . HOKUSAI'S MONUMENTAL 15 VOLUME ILLUSTRATED GENRE BOOK . . REMAINS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS & RECOGNIZABLE BOOKS . . FROM JAPAN'S MOST CELEBRATED AND HUMOROUS MASTER ARTIST . A MONUMENTAL WORK, COMPLETE IN 15 VOLUMES: . This is a monumental work of art! It is probably the most famous of Hokusai's illustrated books. The main feature of this book is an encyclopedic demonstration of Hokusai's great ability in depicting all things Japanese found in daily life. . SUBJECTS OF THE MANGA: People, fauna, flora, landscape, the past, grotesque, technical, architecture, comedians, average people at work, play and mischief. . Covering a host of figures, animals, flowers, birds, landscapes, people, miscellaneous items, historical figures, Buddhist and Shinto temples, religious icons, military arts, Samurai, famous Japanese sights, Japanese and Chinese deities, architecture, a host of fish, landscapes, great and common people at their work, horses, humorous figures and a host of other sketches to tickle the imagination. Some of the illustrations are pastel colored in pink and light blue, the outlines are all are done in Sumi-black. * A wealth of superb art and excellent examples of Hokusai's best drawing and painting skills. Of all books ever done in Japan, it is this set that has captured the imagination of its viewers more than any other single book. It has also portrayed Japan to the world in graphic terms that anyone can understand. * The Manga has always been the most desirable & collectible of all of Hokusai's books. Seldom found in its complete state of 15 matching volumes. Each volume addresses a different aspect of Japanese life, the themes are highly creative and his unique ability to express humor is widely appreciated as his gift to the world at large. * He has always been the most ingenious of all Japanese artists, expressing a true native ability to record the RareOrientalBooks.Com essence of Japan and the Japanese character. The pictures of a giant octopus pouncing on a lonely spectator, the elongated limbs of his humorous characters tickle one's fancy. Chopsticks protruding from a man's nose...zany! * An important reflection of Japan, Japanese culture and daily life before the advent of Western influence. HOKUSAI'S SUI GENERIS ! . *** NOTES ABOUT THE Nagoya 1812-1849 Eirakuya Edition: This set has the title pages for volumes: 3, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13,14, and the standard two-page introduction by Hokusai in volumes 1-14, volume 15 did not come with this page. . Else the set is complete with all pages, illustrations, publisher's catalogs and colophons, where cited. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . Toda: RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE A.I.C. p.254-5. * J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION pp.96-112. * D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS...p.33 item #85. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS, p.226-239, item #546 for most all editions & variants. * HILLIER, Jack. :THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION p.186. . *** Book Number: 92015301 166 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. HOKUSAI MANGA. Vol. 11. [Tokyo 1878, Katano]. Pink stiff stitched wrappers, very good, 29 double folded leaves, [58 pages], profusely illustrated in black, white, pastel pink & Sumi colors, bit of worming to front label, cover dusty, contents clean, nice++! SUBJECTS OF THE MANGA: People, fauna, flora, landscape, the past, grotesque, technical, architecture, forerunners: . A charming work, with characters, portraits, Sumo wrestlers, people going about daily activities, games, play time, land- RareOrientalBooks.Com $11944 scape, scenery, hunting with a rifle, cannon & other arms, pistol, archery equipment, shrines, Gods &c. * Very delightful! *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Toda, Kenji: DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO, p.254-5. * J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION pp.96-112. * D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS...p.33 item #85. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.226-239, item #546 for most all editions & variants. * J. Edgren: 285#874 * Hickman 33, #83 *** $680 Book Number: 92135901 167 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. HOKUSAI'S SHUU GA ICHIRAN. With An Annotated Description of Hokusai's Shuu-ga Ichiran by O. Ouwehand. [Netherlands 1991, SJA]. Stiff color wrs., very good, 36p., 51 b.w. plates, introduction by Jack Hillier, addendum. The usual wit, humor & charming sketches & drawings, enjoyable. An excellent reference to one of Hokusai's more humorous illustrated books. With translations and loaded with photos. FASCINATING DESIGN BOOK FOR CRAFTSMEN & TEXTILES BY HOKUSAI Book Number: 99067601 168 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. KODAI SHIN GATA KOMON CHOH HOKUSAI: ALBUM OF ANCIENT DESIGNS NEWLY DONE. [Tokyo 1824, Shinbi Zuzoh]. Stitched blue wrs., very good, small size, 12 x 18 cm., calligraphed title slip, 25 double pages, [52]p. in all, Japanese text, 46 full page b.w. woodcut illustrations, slight brown tinge to exterior margin. This very obscure Hokusai book seems to have eluded the usual bibliographers. Consisting of two individual designs per page in a circle, themes on the Buddhist Swastika, wave patterns, lattice-like work, chicken-wire patterns, complex weave, textile & bamboo patterns, plus a host of others that one can not name. Suffice to say, this is a prime example of his most creative talent in designing things Japanese for a host of occasions and craftsmen & textile designers. Many of these patterns are found on sword furniture, military clothing, lacquere ware, ceramics, furniture, Rama in houses and RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 so many others. Scans can be sent by e-mail. QUITE SCARCE $1632 169 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. MANJI-OO SOOHITSU GAFU [Sumi]. HOKUSAI MANGA: SOOHITSU-NOBU [Colour Printed]. AKA: HOKUSAI GAEN. Edo 1843, Suwara-ya]. Orange stitched wrs., very good, supplement complete vol. 3 of 3, complete in itself, 17 double pages of color illustrations, 2p. text, some double pages mended glue shows through in margin, no loss, as is. Listed in J. Hillier: THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p. 279, #257. Also in L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, London 1972, p.49. This work is composed of 3 independent volumes, each complete in itself. They are signed: Hokusai Manji-oo, and was issued in 1820, 1843 & in 1877 under title: HOKUSAI GAEN. The contents consists of his celebrated cariactures from as drawn on from daily life. A wonderful genre book, capturing the flavor & spirit of Japan during this period. This superb work is devoted to the natural subjects as themes found in nature. Covers landscapes, sea, rivers, waterfalls, Mt. Fuji, Samurai & warriors battle dress [Yori], horses in all forms of relaxation, cranes and other birds, crabs, shell-fish & other crustations, flowers, soy beans, fruit &c. Color scans can be sent by e-mail. This superb work is fairly obscure now. $748 A MOST OBSCURE HOKUSAI ILLUSTRATED BOOK Book Number: 99068201 FROM HOKUKSAI'S BRUSH: A MARVELOUS LOOK A THE LIFE OF BUDDHA RareOrientalBooks.Com Book Number: 85001701 170 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. SHAKA GOICHIKI DAI KI ZUE: The Story of Shakyamuni The Lord Buddha. [Osaka 1845, Kawachiya]. Orange stitched wrappers, 6 vol.set very nice copy in original and worn blue silk Chitsu, clips lacking, original title paper slip case used as inside cover to the Chitsu, 17.5 x 25 cm., 25+38+38+37+35+34+29+36 double leaves Japanese text, 33 single & double page illustrations by the master signed: Zen Hokusai Manji Rojin. Excellent and strong impressions, marvelous Buddhist illustrations, text by Yamatoya Keizo. Profusely illustrated with some of Hokusai's best & most famous illustrations of the Buddha's life. * This work is written in a Jataka [stories of rebirth] like format, or true from stories from the Buddha's pasts. They show by example to the Sangha [the Buddhist community] what the "Righteous Path" is by telling stories with examples; showing right from wrong. Dukkha [suffering] is one of the main themes, and the associated punishments for "wanting, greed, wrong livelihood, and other sins" are herein illustrated. Most of the scenes are set in a tropical background, with banana and other warm climate plants. Since the Buddha was from tropical India, this work shows the Japanese idea of that setting. Sanskrit is also written appropriately, but the Japanese text is for a lay public. * Great serpents and daemons are illustrated as omens, many of the people illustrated are in lavish Chinese or Korean gowns, showing the movement of Buddhism from India through China & Korea, as it progressed to Japan. * Vol. 1 begins with illustrations of the Gods of the Elements: Sky, Earth, Wind, Water, Fire and a picture of the Lotus, a flower that grows in the most filthy of atmospheres but sends up the most beautiful & fragranced flower, representative of human life. * Vol. II shows a great gathering of the Sangha as they see the young Shakyamuni standing on a lotus blower as the RareOrientalBooks.Com Heavenly Two-Headed Dragon blows his powerful breath upon the Buddha giving him life. Other great and holy Gods in the Heavens also look upon the Buddha as he is born of the Lotus. Later the powerful and older Buddha suppresses a wild elephant, fights great horse-mounted warriors. * Vol. III shows the Buddha as he is seated beneath the Bo Tree [ficus religiosa] as he speaks to disciples. One impressive illustration shows Shakyamuni as he meditates on a craggy rock, with a gigantic four-eyed daemon who tries to distract him. * Vol. IV shows Shakyamuni as an itinerant priest, another shows great warriors with spears and lances being fended off by the Master's great radiant powers, later one shows a Heavenly Demon holding a lance with a small lantern suspending a Sake bottle with a Swastika [Buddhist] design, under which are two naked and highly emaciated men who float in black space likely for drinking too much...the last one show a sinner with face to the floor as each arm is held fast by the feet of two stick wielding Boddhisatvas as they thrash his backside as Shakyamuni looks on. * Vol. V starts with a great prayer meeting of the Sangha as Shakyamuni displays two Mudras as two disciples sit on either side of him on a high pedestal while other Boddhisatvas look on; one beats the prayer drum & another hits the bronze gong while the others bow their heads in obeisance, one single Bodhisattva looks to the sky as a great and Terrible Dragon flies over the whole Sangha. The next shows Shakyamuni on a great cliff, while the Wind God does his best to blow the small Sangha away. In the next we are presented with an example of those that have been re-incarnated as half animal and human. The Shakyamuni looks upon a man with the "right livelihood" who is bone thin, but is a Mochi maker [rice pounder], but does not eat animals, while in the background sheep-faced animals with human bodies look on, in the distant background is a man & woman that have human heads on horse-like bodies, they are sinners. The last dramatic illustration has a black background with a warrior costumed Shakyamuni holding a long lance [Naginada] as he spears & tumbles a three-eyed demon in the night. * Vol. VI shows the aftermath of a battle with broken arrows, spears and two young women half naked--one is pulled by her Chignon and is about to be raped, the girl is limp and clearly dead, who is being hoisted by a warrior; many Naginada lances in the background. The next shows fourteen Boddhisatvas suppressing a gigantic fish as they thrash it with long poles...their hair style implies the Buddhist image. Next shows the God of Wind as he tries to evoke a Typhoon. The last shows a gigantic elephant as it carries a lotus with a small shrine on its back while being lead by attendants. *** STUNNING ART WORK & COMPOSITION BY HOKUSAI'S GENIUS: This work was inspired and superbly executed by Hokusai who was a devout Buddhist. He creates and expresses his faith by the stunning art work not found in any of his other works. Hints of this greatness were littered throughout his production of prints and books, but this book exemplifies hi RareOrientalBooks.Com greatest artistic effort and supreme skill. He remains Japan's best and most uniquely creative artist. * This is an exciting and great Buddhist work showing the stories and experiences of the Buddha as he went out into the world. An impressive and great artistic work by the old master, [1760-1849]. It is observed that near the end of Hokusai's life, this work was one of the last twenty books he illustrated. * In some way like so many Japanese of his time, at age 81 he began to think of Buddhism, and of his own life, and where he wanted to go after he died. Eighty one was indeed ancient during this time. In a way this is possibly his own testament to becoming a Buddhist, or a way to prepare himself for death All Japanese are born under Shinto Gods, but die as Buddhist, and assume Buddhist names posthumously. Hokusai had already signed his name: Manji Rojin [Manji = Swastika a Buddhist symbol, Rojin=an old man]. Hokusai first used Manji in 1836, then with the publication of this work added Rojin to his name. This is significant. This work was originally issued in 1841, but re-issued in 1845. The re-issuance is also significant, for Hokusai seldom re-issued many of his books. This is his only full study of Buddhism & clearly came at a time in his live when it was meaningful to his own future. Hokusai poured his heart and imagination out, and this is a major success. * Wonderful representations of the Life of the Buddha, of Hell, Temptation & the Eight-Fold Noble Path. * RARITY: One of Hokusai's more obscure titles, seldom found on the market. Today, this remains one of Hokusai's rarest books when found complete and in good condition. Exceptionally rare. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.48-9. * Jack Hillier: THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION p.279, #253 Note, the typo in the romanization of title: Shaka Go Icki [should be Ichi] Dai Ki Zue. * K. Toda: DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUE OF CHICAGO, p.263. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS p.605-6, #1464. * S. Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS & MSS. IN THE SPENCER COLLECTON OF THE N.Y. PUBLIC LIBRARY, p.131, #594. * Not in: Dawes, Edgren or Mitchell. ******* RareOrientalBooks.Com $8500 A CLASSIC WORK ON JAPANESE ARCHITECTURE & ART DESIGN Book Number: 93091702 171 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. SHOHSHOKU EHON KATSUSHIKA SHIN HINAGATA: PICTURES OF NEW AND ORIGINAL DESIGNS, ARCHITECTURAL PLANS & WORKING DRAWINGS FOR Kyoto 1836, Sandoshurin. Stitched blue wrs., very good, but covers bit worn, scuffed, title slip top missing, contents clean solid, bit dusty, old thumbing in lower margin, 26 double folded leaves, 18 double-page & 42 illustrations.RARE This work was woodblock printed, and contains some 50 plates illustrating architectural themes for craftsmen. The building of traditional Japanese structures has been a highly guarded and most secret set of tradesman's techniques. These were never shared with strangers or competitors. These techniques were passed from journey man to his disciples. Therefore when Hokusai attempted to draw the methods and construction techniques he met substantial opposition from those who were the builders and designers. Because of his personal fame he was allowed to sketch these for the purpose of "painting" rather that construction. This work then shows a good number of hitherto guarded subjects, now exposed for the first time in print. * Hokusai takes us on a guided tour of some of Japan's most traditional and typical buildings. Covering the likes of what the builder and architect looks like, his tools, methods of using a compass, how to draw and make things square, basic carpentry tools, as well as the proper attire of head designer and architect. The offering to Shinto gods for a successful and lucky construction. Then the work delves into the actual design of tile roofs, Buddhist themes in architecture, bell & the bell tower, building guardians or "Fu Dogs," ocean wave patterns, shrine Gods, symbols of longevity, floating and rope bridges Swastika and other Buddhist patterns, other protectors of buildings found in mythological animals, dragon, demons, and a handsome horse. * A famous work, used by artisans for making art works. A valuable example of Japanese art and craft work at its best ! * VARIANT READINGS OF THE TITLE: There are variant readings of the title, each bibliographer has selected his own way to read the full title. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: J. Hillier: ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.188, and illustrates 2 full-pages from this work as plates #169, 170. RareOrientalBooks.Com * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.56 for 2 entries. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.619, #1497. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.262. * ONE OF HOKUSAI'S MOST IMPORTANT AND FAMOUS BOOK OF HEROES Book Number: 85004003 172 HOKUSAI, Katsushika. [WAKAN] EHON SAKIGAKE: PICTURE BOOK OF LEADERS OF CHINA AND JAPAN. Alternate Japanese Title: EHON SAKIGAKE. [Edo 1836, Kozanbo]. Original stitched green wrs., very good, 31 woodcuts prints, 15.5 x 23.5 cm., blind-stamped covers a bit scuffed, contents clean, NO WORMING, solid, a variant with uncolored frontis. FIRST EDITION S C A R C E This important work shows the human body moving under the heavy armor, and the flow of Hokusai's [1760-1849] skilled and fluid brush. An exciting and action-packed Samurai illustrated book. Shows a number of Japanese and Chinese heroes as they struggle to suppress evil and encounter overwhelming robust and fierce opponents. Toki Kintaro struggled with a giant bronze-casted Buddhist temple Bell; other heroes struggle and fight with Inoshishi [wild boar]; tiger; suppressing a great wild stallion and huge spider; a giant dragon-snake; devils; Sumo; butchering one's enemy; haunted by living Yurei ghost; ogres; Fu-dog, and one bloodcurdling scene of a person holding a newborn baby by the feet over a boiling cauldron while he split it's stomach shows the blood flowing into the "soup" while a colleague looks on in delight; Buddhist saints and Goddess; seeking salvation, refuge and Nirvana under a freezing cold waterfall in fervent prayer; suffering a barrage of arrows and assailants. * A most dramatic and emotional work, of the strongest Heroes and most powerful warriors as they wield their all-mighty Samurai swords. Executed with the greatest of skill, as only Hokusai could do. Contains one double-page preface, thirty double-page and two single illustrations. The entire book printed on double-folded leaves, by woodblocks, printed on hand-made Washi paper. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $2312 Showing Hokusai's brilliant imagination and ability to fantasize. Books of this high caliber and unique subject, condition and vintage are always S C A R C E. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: A famous work, cited in many standard reference books, a few are cited below: * J. Hillier: THE ART OF HOKUSAI IN BOOK ILLUSTRATION, plates: 209, 210, 212, 214, 215; text on pp.227-231. Because Hiller understood this book to be of exceptional importance, has devoted substantial space to this title, which is part of a major trilogy on the subject of great Japanese and Chinese heroes. This genre was called the "Toshisen" and done in the final decade of Hokusai's artistic life 1840-1849. There are two versions of the First Edition relating to the first illustration, opposite the title page: a. Sumi-zuri or black and white, uncolored plate. b. Saishiki or colored version. The Saishiki type was strictly a made-to-order version for wealthy merchants; the Sumi-zuri being the more common of the two variants. * VIS-A-VIS THE VARIANT EDITIONS: We have become aware of the fact, that there is a strong possibility, that each of the two variant copies may have slightly different plates. For example, the current copy in hand does not have plates 212 nor 214 as cited in Hillier above. One needs to have the luxury of having both variants on their desk and compare page by page to note actual and complete differences. Our copy is consecutively numbered per Kerlen, and so we know that it is complete, but a variant to what Hillier saw in one of the museums cited on his "Acknowledgement" page. All other illustrations he cited are present. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, item #312, p.126-127. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.263. * KSM (KAIGO) 1-494-2 * Kraft: vol. 1, no. 125 * J. Hillier: no. 245, p.278 * AN EXCELLENT REFERENCE ON JAPANESE WOODBLOCK BOOKS OR E-HON RareOrientalBooks.Com $2091 Book Number: 84301401 173 HOLLOWAY, Owen E. GRAPHIC ART OF JAPAN: The Classical School. London 1957, Tiranti. Black cloth, 135+121p., 5 color, 135 b.w. plates. Excellent source for landscape albums, wood block printed books, bird & flower pictures. FIRST EDITION This invaluable text gives a keen insight into some of the more interesting woodblock print & book artists of the Edo period. Devoted to the other than sheet printed works, with a focus on Kyoto & Osaka art of the early 18th century. Social structure of Japanese taste, Chinese culture in Japan, Kyoto, what is graphic art? Medium & method of the classical school. What are brush stroke & engraved 'line'? Graphic art & the brush original, landscape, landscape in the albums, visual & verbal art, figure studies, the albums of figure subjects, bird & flower pictures, list of chief albums of the classical school. With copious descriptive notes to the plates.A very useful reference or illustrated books & albums of the time. Valuable for students, dealers and collectors. Illustrating examples from Kishi Empu, Ki Baitei, Kameda Bosai, Kawamura Bumpo, Yosa Buson, Ki Chikudoh, Onishi Chinnen, Cho Gessho, Matsumura Goshun, Tsuji Hozan, Niwa Kagen, of the time. Valuable for students, dealers and collectors. Illustrating examples from Kishi Empu, Ki Baitei, Kameda Bosai, Kawamura Bumpo, Yosa Buson, Ki Chikudoh, Onishi Chinnen, Cho Gessho, Matsumura Goshun, Tsuji Hozan, Niwa Kagen. $44 AN EXCELLENT EARLY MONOGRAPH ON THIS FANTASTIC ARTIST Book Number: 88079503 174 HOLMES, C.J. HOKUSAI. New York 1901, Longmans. White half cloth over boards, 48p., 4 color, 16 b.w. plates, very good. Edited by Laurence Binyon. R A R E An excellent monograph on this celebrated artist, using 2 examples of his work for discussion points. With a biography of his life, essay on his prints & drawings, as a landscape painter and characteristics of his work. A useful reference. A JAPANESE CLASSIC ON HAND-MADE JAPANESE PAPERS OR WASHI RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 Book Number: 97088801 175 HORIKOSHI, Jusuke. KAMI KOSHII CHOHO-KI: DIARY OF JAPANESE WASHI PAPER MAKER. [WASHI is Japanee for Hand-Made Native Paper] [Tokyo 1925, Sanseido]. Green stitched stiff wrs.,very clean Chuban 15.5 x 23 cm., woodblock printed, 20p.+7p. supplement & 29 illustrations, 5 b.w. collotype photos, reprint of the 1798 First Edition,in recent blue cloth folding Chitsu case. AN IMPORTANT PRIMARY RESOURCE ON JAPANESE HAND-MADE WASHI PAPER-MAKING: . THE EDITION: This is the 1925 reprint of the 1798 original woodblock printed edition. It is printed on double-folded leaves to look like the original, including the period style stitched binding. * This work outlines graphically the whole hand-made process of Washi papermaking. From collecting of the plants to the final trimming of the dried paper sheets. . This excellent example shows the whole & complete process of hand-made Washi papers. Beginning with selecting the plants used, harvesting & culture, separating the fibers, hauling by horse, river washing, scraping by hand, boiling process, alternate & supplemental plants used, beating the fibers, and screening the fiber solution into paper. The native tools used, drying, cutting, bundling & preparation for market. *** WINTER OCCUPATION OF JAPANESE FARMERS - PAPERMAKING: Japanese farmers had little to do during the cold, snowy winter months. Washi papermaking became a useful and productive enterprise in rural Japan. . The process of hand-made paper in Japan was strictly a winter home vocation. The farmers had to immerse their hands in the bitterly cold water to do much of this process. It was not easy work, and most papers were made in the extreme cold of northern Japan where Kozo and other fiber-containing plants grew. * The work is lavishly illustrated, it actually shows the complete process of this early technology. The same basic process was followed for hand-making papers in China and Korea as well. . A charming and wonderful work, with additional commentaries on the papermaking village. A most fascinating period work, always R A R E. RareOrientalBooks.Com * ***** THE PERSONAL COPY OF THOMAS K. TINDALE: This is the personal copy of Thomas K. Tindale, and bears his blind-stamped, embossed seal in the lower edge of the first blank leaf. Tindale was the author of THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN, perhaps the best book on Japanese Washi papers. It included a stunning collection of samples and other valuable essays, resources and examples. Contains a white 3 x 5 inch typed card, with pencil notes in Tindale's hand giving bibliographical information on this book. . Please inquire with us as we may have other items from his library, and about Washi papers and sample books. *** CONDITION: This copy is in superb collector's condition, solidly stitch bound, no worming or other defects. * CHITSU FOLDING INDIGO BLUE CASE WITH CLASPS: This work is contained in a recent indigo-blue folding Chitsu, in superb condition, with hand-made Washi stencil inside papers, 2 bone clasps. *** REFERENCES: TINDALE, Thomas K. et al.: THE HANDMADE PAPERS OF JAPAN. * Color scans of this and most other books are posted to our website. AN IMPORTANT & EARLY JAPANESE BUDDHIST MAP OF THE WORLD 1710 RareOrientalBooks.Com $250 Book Number: 91079801 176 HOTAN, Priest. [ZUDA ROKASHI] NANSEN BUSHUU BANKOKU SHOHKA NO ZU: BUDDHIST MAP OF THE UNIVERSE According to Zuda Rokashi [aka: Monk/Priest Hotan]. [Kyoto 1710, Nagata Chohbei]. Blue original paper covers, title slip, covers rubbed: some blue loss, woodblock printed 1 m. 44.5 x 1 m. 20 cm. accordion folded, very good impression, excellent registry, white hand-made paper,clean solid. An excellent fine early example of a woodblock printed map, with Chinese text. This is the first Japanese world map drawn according to Buddhist cosmology & the prototype for all other later Buddhist world maps done in Japan until the end of the 19th century. . *** THE ARTIST AND AUTHOR: Hotan [aka Zuda Rokashi 1654-1728], was the author, artist, editor, scholar and Buddhist priest, he was also the famous founder of Kegonji Buddhist Temple in Kyoto. He was an eminent Buddhist priest and scholar who reconciled new information from the West with Chinese sources. The work is signed "Rokashi," which means "mapmaker and editor." . *** This map gave the hitherto isolated Japanese "a way to see a wider view of the world, but one that they could easily understand...his map was widely acclaimed for the numerous place names he furnished for Indian & Asian areas.. very rare in Western maps..." Quoted from Namba, see below. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com The map is centered on Jambudvipa the mythological heart of Buddhist cosmography in India. This very vital spot is noted by a horned animal who's breath is a long spiral of flame emanating from the most sacred & holy Buddhist place on the earth. Europe appears as a string of islands. A land bridge connects China with an unnamed continent to its East, which "must undoubtedly be a reflection of America" in the opinion of the celebrated Japanese scholars. . *** Per Rudolph [see below], on p.92, she states: "This map is descended from a line of Japanese manuscript maps based on the journey of the Chinese priest Xuangzang's pilgrimage to India in search of scriptures. Scholars believe that the maps were originally copied out as a from of devotion--a pilgrimage of the spirit if not the body--and that later versions like this, which includes South America, demonstrate an attempt to reconcile sacred geography with the examples of European cartography that were reaching Japan through Dutch traders and, via China, Jesuit missionaries." . *** WHAT ONE MODERN CARTOGRAPHIC SCHOLAR SAYS: Cartographic scholars Prof. Oda discuss the Northern most Japanese island of Ezo where the Ainu lived is located on this map just slightly South of the mystery continent which is actually American. Africa is a diminutive land mass. To the far West is a small island empire identified as "Country of Western Women" along with other mountainous island kingdoms, likely England, Scotland and Ireland. The map text includes a list of Buddhist Sutras, Chinese histories, literary classics &c. All drawn by Hotan, which "Illustrates the fusion of Buddhist dogma and Western geographical knowledge." See Oda below. . *** PROTYPE MAP: The basic outlines of the map are copied from a Buddhist prototype, the Gotenjiku Zu [MAP OF THE FIVE INDIES], whose characteristic features was the shield-shaped continent of Jambu-dvipa. Jambu-dvipa was the habitable world according to the Buddhist cosmographical view. In this example the sacred lake of Anavatapta can be seen in the centre, from which flow four rivers in a whirlpool pattern. Jambu-dvipa can be equated topographically with the Indian peninsula, Lake Anavatapta symbolizes Lake Manasarovar in the Himalayas and the four rivers represent the Ganges, Oxus, Indus and Tarim. In order to preserve the traditional Buddhist outlines and at the same time incorporate the new knowledge of Western geography, the European and American countries are shown as small islands on the periphery of Jambu-dvipa. Although an amalgam of discordant ideas, the map became one of the most popular and widely circulated works of the day and served as a model for all later Buddhist maps." Quoted from Jones, see below. . *** RARITY: This is the first Japanese map to show Europe, Africa and America. . RareOrientalBooks.Com This is an important early Buddhist relic and classic, considered a land-mark of early Buddhist cartography. Maps of this subject and Deluxe size are RARE and were seldom printed, they are not commonly found on the open market. Early Buddhist maps of this Deluxe grandeur and caliber are always quite R A R E ! . *** CONDITION: By and large, very good condition, a few old tiny worm holes, most neatly mended, two very small and faint stains, otherwise a very clean solid copy. Entirely hand-printed by woodblocks on very white hand-made Kozo fiber Washi paper. In the original covers, scuffed and edges worn, but the subtle original blind-stamped traditional Buddhist swastika design still there. Printed on several sheets of Japanese Washi, hand-made paper, then joined to make a Deluxe and grand size work. Folded by the publisher. . *** . BIBLIOGRAPHY: Being a famous work there are many scholarly studies and cartographic references on this marvelous Deluxe size map. * Shintaro Ayusawa: WORLD MAPS MADE IN JAPAN'S AGE OF NATIONAL ISOLATION, in Imago Mundi 10, [1953], pp.123-8. On page 124 he cites the map and says " World maps representing Buddhist cosmology. The earliest map of this type is the NANSENBUSHU BANKOKU SHOKA NO ZU" and is also illustrated as his figure 2, which is this exact map we now offer. * BEANS, George H. A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA. LIST item 1710.1, and the illustration facing p.21 matches this exact item. * H. Cortazzi: ISLES OF GOLD, p.38 and plate 48 again matches ours, but that one he cites found in Kobe City Museum is with [later] hand-coloring and is a poor and stained copy with loss. Ours is a much better copy. * Muroga and Unno: IMAGO MUNDI, vol. 16, 1962, pp.49-69, illustrated as figure 9, Hotan p.62-63.. * K. Unno, Cartography in Japan, 1994, pp. 346-477 and illustration 11.59. * M. Namba et al.: OLD MAPS IN JAPAN, p.13, plate 8. * Yolande Jones et al: CHINESE AND JAPANESE MAPS: In a British Library Exhibition 1974, see 2nd page of Japanese listings, and J3. * T. Oda et al.: THE WORLD IN JAPANESE MAPS UNTIL THE MID-19TH CENTURY, plate 6, page pp. 20-21. * THE COMPASS FOR MAP COLLECTORS, an antiquarian map dealer's catalogue, February 1988 as item number 1. * J.B. Harley & David Woodward: CARTOGRAPHY IN THE TRADITIONAL EAST AND SOUTHEAST ASIAN SOCIETIES, volume 2, book 2: RareOrientalBooks.Com pp.427-429, fig. 11.59 & color plate #29. Ahead of title: The History of Cartography. * K. Yamashita, JAPANESE MAPS OF THE EDO PERIOD, pp.32-33, + illustration. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.19, no. 44. * M. Ramming: Imago Mundi, v.10, pp.123-127, [1954], "Remarks to reproduced Japanese maps", Imago Mundi, v.10, p. 128. The map reproduced as fig. 2, facing p. 124. Map is described as " ... prototype of Buddhist world maps." on p.124 "... whose main distinctive feature is their completely unscientific character." see p.128. * Ayusawa Shintaro: THE TYPES OF WORLD MAPS MADEIN JAPAN'S AGE OF NATIONAL ISOLATION. [Imago Mundi GAI I31, v.10: p.123-128]; the last page has an article by M. Ramming: note 2 discusses this map, He notes the map was reprinted by the "book dealer Bundaiken Uhei...another almost analogous edition of the same map, also dated 1710, but published by Chobei Nagata in Kyoto is reproduced in Beans List, 1951..." XVIIC. * KSM: Chizu. * Deborah Rudolph: IMPRESSIONS OF THE EAST: p.92., illustrated as NANZENBUSHU BANKOKU SHOKA NO ZU, 1710. * KOBE CITY MUSEUM. [KOBE SHI RITSU HAKUBUTSU KAN.]: AKIOKA KO CHIZU KOLEKUSHYON MEI HIN TEN: EXHIBITION OF THE AKIOKA: COLLECTION OF FAMOUS OLD MAPS: plate number 2, page 45. * BRITISH MUSEUM; maps 5.d.11 for another example. * [JONES, Yolande]. et al. CHINESE & JAPANESE MAPS: An Exhibition Organised by the British Library at the British Museum 1 February-31 December 1974, item J3, * FRENCH, Calvin L.: THROUGH CLOSED DOORS: Westerm Influence on Japanese Art 1636-1853 figure 3, p.11. *** Not in L. Roberts: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS. *** . Color scans of this and most items are posted to our webstie. THE 1854 RUSSIA GUNBOAT VISIT TO MANILLA RareOrientalBooks.Com $57076 Book Number: 20023001 177 HOTHAM, Charles. [Lieutenant-General Sir]. et al. RUSSIAN SQUADRON AT MANILLA. Melbourne 1854, Legislative Council. Single blue sheet, printed on both sides, 305 x 255 mm. or 9 x 12 inches,very good quite OBSCURE ! Bulletin issued by the Legislative Council notifying Australian officials of two recent articles of news from neighbouring countries. Firstly that a Russian armed squadron of four ships under the command of Admiral Pontaine had sailed from Japan & arrived in Manilla. Secondly that the American Commodore Matthew C. Perry had taken posession of the Loo Choo Islands a Japanese territory. Commodore Perry had just secured the first foreign trade treaty with hitherto closed Japan with his 1852-1854 voyages. Perry used "Gunboat Diplomacy" forcing the Japanese to "open" their country & forever abandon its feudal economy & to begin trading with the West. The Bulletin reproduces the dispatches fo the Duke of Newcastle, W.B. Hamilton of the Admiralty, Fleetwood Pellew the Vice-Admiral and Commander-in- Chief at Panarouta, Point de Galle, and J.W. Farrow of the British Consulate in Manilla. A very rare ephemeral piece, historic in nature. SUPERB EARLY MAP OF 1859 YOKOHAMA BAY & THE AMERICAN FACTORY Book Number: 23016401 178 ICHIKAWA, Yoshikazu. ON KAIKO YOKOHAMA NO ZU: A PICTURE MAP OF THE OPENING OF YOKOHAMA BAY. [Japan 1859]. Large single sheet woodblock printed color map of Yokohama harbour, 67 x 46 cm., very good, a bit of minor foxing, top margin bit soiled, otherwise the map is very good, hand-printed by hand-carved woodblocks. R A R E An early map of Yokohama harbor, the quays and surrounding areas. There are five large foreign vessels at anchor in Yokohama Bay: 3 American, 1 English and another without an identifying flag. Along the quay foreign consulates are RareOrientalBooks.Com $264 located by their respective flags flying and names in Japanese: Holland, France [2], Portugal, England [2] & America. Along the quay and the waterfront are Japanese villages, rivers & bridges. * Conveniently located adjacent to the quay, is the infamous Yoshiwara or the prostitution quarters, which is situated with a small moat surrounding it; one of the most prominent names is cited called Yujo-ya [Prostitute House]. * A very good bird's eye view of the whole coastal line, where foreign graves, including two American and one Chinese are noted. Next to the wharf is a directional compass in Japanese. * This work was published in Yokohama, per the colophon at Yokohama on Honcho or the Main Street, at address: 2 Chome. * The map has been folded five times, reducing it down to 12 x 23.5 cm., and is a lovely and most early color rendering of the harbor and environs. * Maps of this period and subject are quite obscure and now rare. Historical record of early foreigners in Japan. *** CONDITION: The map is in excellent condition, with a bit of the usual dustiness, and a few Washi paper & rice glue mends on the verso, now stable, solid. A lovely work ! *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: This famous map is cited in K. Nonogami: COLOR PRINTS OF THE LATE TOKUGAWA & EARLY MEIJI PERIODS IN THE NONOGAMI COLLECTTION, see p.9, color illustration #1., p iii #1 & p.iii #1. Nonogami believes this to be published Ansei 6th [1859]. A large and early panoramic view of the harbor & it's facilities. *** A LOVELY PERIOD ALBUM WITH JAPANESE WOMEN AND CHILDREN Book Number: 22058201 179 IKEDA, Terukata. BIJIN: JAPANESE BEAUTIES THROUGHOUT THE FESTIVAL SEASONS. Japan n.d. ca 1900-3. Calico cloth covered accordion folding album, all edges silver gilt, Chuban, 12 x 17.5 cm., 12 fine RareOrientalBooks.Com $4168 color woodblock prints, hand-printed on hand-made paper each is a double-page, or 23.5 x 17.5 cm, nicely done. UNUSUAL ! The complete title can not be read as its written is the "running grass" style or Shosho. Our colleagues in Japan found it most impossible to read, except for the last two characters "Bijin" or Beauties. Thus the work contains a lovely set of 12 views of Japanese women and children during the festivals of the four seasons. This work relfects the "fin-de-secle" feeling. The women and children are nicely clad in beautiful and most colorful Kimono, with elaborate coiffeur, reflective of the late Meiji-early Taisho period. The twelve veiws have a cartouche in the upper right. Subjects covered: 1: A woman is seated on a large Zabuton or cushion, along side a Hibachi or brazier, while she awaits the arrival of a friend. 2: Two women sit outside, one drinks tea while they both view the lovely plum blossoms. 3: A teen-age girl plays with her younger sister as she holds a sprig of cherry blossoms, while under a blossoming cherry tree. 4. Spring outing shows a lovely beauty seated on a cloth with two umbrellas while she looks at butterflies. 5: A young woman looks out of a round window on to the blooming iris garden. 6: Rainy day shows the beauty going out with her umbrella. 7: Shows the beauty seated on a balcony with bamboo screens to keep the mosquitos away, she looks wistfully outside at dusk. 8: Tsuki-Mi or Moon Viewing festival in August, shows a mother and daughter with food offerings on trays and a lovely flower arrangement dedicated to the Gods placed on the Engawa [outer porch], with a moon high in the sky. 9: Omatsuri or summer festival, shows a large Mikoshi or portable shrine is in the background while three beauties observe the festivities from a large platform with lanterns. 10: New Year's offerings, shows a father, mother and daugher who holds a sprig of bamboo with offering poems tied to it as they go out side to celebrate. 11: Shows a serving girl at a Sake shop, others prominade in the background. 12: Shows the last day of the year, the mother is wearing wintery Kimono and a head cover scarf tied around her neck, while her daughter carries New Year's decorations and a kite with a Daruma face, others prominade in the background. A truly lovely work, covering the seasons & festival season in Japan. A good reference book on this period & type of woodblock color prints with examples can be found in Amy Stephens: THE NEW WAVE: 20TH CENTURY JAPANESE PRINTS FROM THE ROBERT O. MULLER COLLECTION. Terukata is also listed in K. Brown: TAISHO CHIC: Japanese Modernity, Nostalgia, & Deco pp.42, 43, 88 for other fine color examples & essays on him. A GRAND BLACK-WHITE WALL MAP OF THE PROVINCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $546 Book Number: 93087601 180 IKEDA, Toori. ECHIGO NO KUNI SAIKEN OOEZU: LARGE DETAIL MAP OF ECHIGO PROVINCE. Kyoto 1842, Omiya Sataro. Blue stiff covers, woodblock map, very good, no worming, clean, 185.5 x 93, folds down to 19 x 31 cm., title slip. FIRST EDITION RARE This work shows mountains, small villages, ocean & coast, boats, rivers, main and tributary roads, directional characters detail names of cities, mountains, rivers, villages &c. * HUGE GRAND WALL SIZED WOODBLOCK PRINTED MAP: A spectacular view of the province, suitable for framing and display. A dramatic work, *** CONDITION: There is a small, minor & subtle damp stain to lower part [see photo posted to our website], 17 x 5 cm., this is a faint stain. Else, a VERY NICE WORK ! * BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEANS, George H.A: LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA. LIST "A": p.22 as 1842.5. * A GRAND COLOR MAP OF KYOTO, THE ANCIENT CAPITA OF JAPAN Book Number: 93086801 181 IKEDA, Toritei. TENPO KAISEI SHINZOH [HOSOMI] SAIKEN KYO EZU DAIZEN: DETAILED MAP OF KYOTO: NEWLY REVISED & SUPPLEMENTED IN THE Kyoto 1835, Takehara. One of two colorful covers,very clean, minor old worming, folds restored, reinforced with acid-free Washi paper & rice glue, now solid, folds down to 15 x 21.3 cm., opens to 74.5 x 10 cm. R A R E A very nice color city map of Kyoto. A charming example, suitable for display & framing. The top is dominated by the huge and impressive Kiyomizu-dera [temple]. The only cities in Japan oriented neatly with streets going east and west, north to south were Nara and Kyoto, based on the Chinese model classical model of Xianthe ancient capital of China.. It also shows Nijo castle, the Imperial Palace, where the Shoguns resided. * With large directional characters, at each edge, rivers in RareOrientalBooks.Com $581 blue, the city was surrounded by a wall. Various colors differentiate the streets, rivers, moats and earthen embankments, all of which were built in 1591 by the Shogun, the most famous Toyotomi Hideyoshi. * THE CORRECTOR/AUTHOR/EDITOR: The editor Ikeda Tooritei [1788-1857] was a Kyoto author who also wrote guide books to Kyoto. He was also a celebrated and accomplished calligrapher. * ARTIST: The artist's name is found in the colophon in the lower left corner, reads Nakamura Yurakusai, a.k.a. Nagahide was his major "studio name" and he flourished ca. 1804-1848, was an Osaka-Kyoto Ukiyo-e printmaker. His works are well collected by world Museums, for more information, see Roberts below. * TITLE: As was common of the time such a famous city as Kyoto needed no title to inform viewers of the name of this all important capitol of Japan. The name was later added by bibliographers, who likely found it inscribed on the covers, or a paper envelope which most likely originally contained the map. Bibliographers below have rightly named it. The map was partially named for the era in which it was published, being Tempo [1830-1844] per Beans, p.21, supplement A. See Beans below for more bibliographical information * REFERENCES: BEANS, George H. A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA: lists this map on p.35, entry 1831.1 as KYO MACHI EZU HOSOMI TAISEI: DETAILED MAP OF THE CITY OF KYOTO, the artist was Nakamura Yurakusai, corrected by Ikeda Toritei of Edo, published by Bunsodo Takehara Kobei, Kyoto, Tempo 2 [1831], color printed, states size was 104 x 177 cm. It is important to point out, that Beans only listed items that had a date written on them. In our example, there is no title, no date, no censor's seal to indicate a date, so one is led to believe that the copy Beans inspected had a date. He never broke his own rule of only listing dated items. * NANBA, Matsutaro. ed. et al. OLD MAPS IN JAPAN: illustrates this exact maps, as a color foldout at the read of the book and has text on p.220 item, plate #90. He clearly states his copy to be "newly revised and supplemented in the Tempo Era by Ikeda Toritei, published by Takehara Kobe, in Kyoto, ca. 1835. * CORTAZZI, Hugh. ISLES OF GOLD: ANTIQUE MAPS OF JAPAN: this exact map is color illustrated as his example #56, on pp. 128-9. Cortazzi mistakenly attributes this work to the publisher: Takehara, while Namba [see below] correctly attributes this work to Ikeda Toritei, and was published per Namba to Takehara Koabe in Kyoto, ca 1835.hara Yoshibei, who was the publisher see p.129. * ROBERTS, Laurance P. A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER: see page 115, lower right column. He also used the "studio name" Chooshuu among several others including Yurakusai. His actual name per Roberts was probably Nakamura Aritsune or RareOrientalBooks.Com Arichika. * $1343 A FAMOUS WOODBLOCK ILLUSTRATED CLASSIC OF RIBALD Book Number: 84059901 182 IKKU, Jippensha. HIZAKURIGE: SHANKS' MARE, OR ON FOOT ON THE TOKAIDO HIGHWAY: Being a Translation of the Tokaido Volumes of Japan's Great [Kobe 1929, Chronicle Press]. Red cloth, spine paper label, 411 p., 16 parts in one vol., 9 color wood cuts 25 x 16 cm., 41 b.w. illustrations, book size: 18 x 25.5 cm., translated by T. Satchell. LIMITED EDITON OF 500 NUMBERED COPIES . A GREAT CLASSIC OF JAPANESE NON-FICTION . . TRAVEL ON THE TOKAIDO HIGHWAY *** THE EDITIONS: . THE KOBE 1929 EDITION: . This early edition includes 9 Chuban color woodcuts after Hiroshige I of the Tokaido serie, size ca. 25 x 17.5 cm. Notes, illustrated in full color reproductions of a rare version of the famous series of woodblock prints by Hiroshige I, The 53 Stages of the Tokaido. A robustly, salty, endless joy. Covering the travels along the great Tokaido Highway from Edo [old Tokyo to Kyoto originally done in 1802. Great reading! Nicely done. . * THE TUTTLE REPRINT EDITION DETAILS: . The Tuttle reprint edition has full title: SHANKS' MARE Being a translation of the Tokaido volumes of Hizakurige, Japan's great comic novel of travel & ribaldry by Ikku Jippensha [1765-1831]. Illustrated with full-color reproductions of a rare version of the famed series of woodblock prints "The Fifty-Three Stages of the Tokaido" by Ando Hiroshige I [1797-1858] & faithfully rendered into English by Thomas Satchell. *** A FAMOUS WOODBLOCK ILLUSTRATED CLASSIC OF RIBALD RareOrientalBooks.Com $224 Book Number: 84059904 183 IKKU, Jippensha. HIZAKURIGE: SHANKS' MARE, OR ON FOOT ON THE TOKAIDO HIGHWAY: Being a Translation of the Tokaido Volumes of Japan's Great Rutland [1960], Tuttle. Red cloth, 414p., 55 tipped in color plates, 47 b.w. photos, end paper maps, very good,translated by Thomas Satchell, dust jacket, slipcase, 15 x 23 cm.,extra clean bright copy. FIRST TUTTLE EDITION . A GREAT CLASSIC OF JAPANESE NON-FICTION . . TRAVEL ON THE TOKAIDO HIGHWAY *** THE EDITIONS: . THE KOBE 1929 EDITION: . This early edition includes 9 Chuban color woodcuts after Hiroshige I of the Tokaido serie, size ca. 25 x 17.5 cm. Notes, illustrated in full color reproductions of a rare version of the famous series of woodblock prints by Hiroshige I, The 53 Stages of the Tokaido. A robustly, salty, endless joy. Covering the travels along the great Tokaido Highway from Edo [old Tokyo to Kyoto originally done in 1802. Great reading! Nicely done. . * THE TUTTLE REPRINT EDITION DETAILS: . The Tuttle reprint edition has full title: SHANKS' MARE Being a translation of the Tokaido volumes of Hizakurige, Japan's great comic novel of travel & ribaldry by Ikku Jippensha [1765-1831]. Illustrated with full-color reproductions of a rare version of the famed series of woodblock prints "The Fifty-Three Stages of the Tokaido" by Ando Hiroshige I [1797-1858] & faithfully rendered into English by Thomas Satchell. *** AN EARLY TREATISE ON ACUPUNCTURE POINTS, TECHNIQUES & MOXA Book Number: 20033801 184 IMAMURA, Ryoan. SHINKYUU SHISHOH: PRINCIPLES OF ACUPUNCTURE & MOXABUSTION. Kyoto 1864, Izumo. Stitched buff wrs., very good, 17 x 26 cm complete in 1 volume, [22+3] double-folded leaves, 37 pages RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 of woodblock illustrations, woodblock printed on hand-made mulberry paper, very clean, minor old worming, but solid. This excellent illustrated resource shows a wide variety of good views to the human anatomy and where the vital acupunture and moxa "points" are located. Giving details of exact measurements for locating the "points". Measurement of the "points" are based on a the 2nd digit of the left middle finger and called "Issun" and form the basis for all other measurements per the book. The spinal column, head & facial "points," hand, arm, rib cage, neck, foot, leg, thigh, fingers, shoulder, low back & hip areas are carefully illustrated & addressed with all "points" noted, along with what ailments are relieved by treatment. This work was influenced by its Chinese physicians and is written in Kambun a form of old Chinese used by the Japanese, with Furigana sounds to give meaning for Japanese readers. A useful reference and text for Japanese physicians and students of acupuncture and moxa [artemisia vulgaris latifolia]. Moxa was also dampened then formed on the end of needles already inserted in the body. Then when dried, were lit to provide additional heat and stimulus to the "point" for maximum results. Moxa was also burned in small lumps on various parts on the body to stimulate "points" & on occasion was burned after placing a small slab of garlic on the body on the "point," then applying the moxa above that. Imamura [1814-1890] was a clebrated physician & medical author, and is cited in Mestler on pages 169 & 297 and also lists his other titles. For additional & useful discussion of this topic, see G. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD MEDICAL BOOKS IN JAPAN, pp.468-480 et al. The first published writing on moxa was written T. Watare: KWANREI SOKYU SHINSHO SHINSHO in 1534, and layed down the basis for all future works on the subject. Scans can be sent by email. EXCEPTIONALLY FASCINATING WORK WITH SEVERAL TITLES & PLATES Book Number: 41005301 185 IMAYOH HYAKUNIN ISSHU AZUMA NISHIKI. IMAYOH HYAKUNIN ISSHU AZUMA NISHIKI: MODERN BROCADE PICTURES OF POEMS FROM A HUNDRED POETS IN EASTERN JAPAN. [Nagoya, n.d. ca.1840-50, Eirakuya].Stitched color pictorial covers, large size 18 x 25.5 cm. by 5 cm. thick, 6 color, pagination: 22+20+50+50+3 of double-leaved pages, profuse bw woodcut illustrated, Japanese text, small stains to leading, top & upper edges of spine, does not affect text or illustrations. * CONDITION: Covers are color woodblock printed, with a red cloth label RareOrientalBooks.Com $2108 in Kanji with Furigana sounds written, usual minor edge wear, but is solidly sewn and bound. The above mentioned stains are a pale indigo blue, but do not encroach into much of the text nor illustrations. By and large a fairly good copy of an obscure title. * THE CONTENTS: The first section consists of six Nishiki-e, or "Brocade Pictures" in full color. These are actually a two panel prints that equal one art work on facing pages. The first shows a woman holding a bamboo broom, with a crane in the background and water with small sail boats. She is accompanied on the left side with a man holding a bamboo rake, these are symbols of the New Year season and good luck. At the foreground in front of the man is a turtle with a long tail, the "Longevity Turtle." * The next two pages show five Japanese women dressed in elaborate Kimono, painting pictures. * The last two pages show women playing the game of "Go," on the left panel, and a girl on the right side reads here music from a book and plays the Koto [Japanese harp]. They are also dressed in elaborate Kimono, the season is spring with a cherry tree in full bloom. * The next section shows the pages divided into thirds, the upper third shows elaborate Origami folding for New Years decorations, the central or illustrated portion shows groups of women celebrating the seasons, while the lower portion is the text, which consists of some 19 pages. This contains some classic stories, pictures of poem writing and court figures in their royal attire. * Next section is varied, showing a group of "Jizo" or Buddhist icons in stone, with their appropriate I-Ching characters, at the bottom. The center shows a story about a famous woman poet, while the upper third shows a different story about court poets. * The next pagination beginning at page one through fifty is the classic Imayoh Hyakunin Isshu Azuma story of poets and their poems. The pages are divided into two sections the top one-third shows the graphic part of the story with some detailed texts, while the lower two-thirds show the text. From the third page, the lower section also contains stately court figures in their formal court attire, nicely interspersed with the lovely calligraphic text. This is done in the typical 17th century drawing style of the classic artists of the period. Through page 50, this part of the work shows an illustration on each page in the lower two-thirds of the work. From page 14, the upper section shows some part of the TALE OF GENJI story, with the usual I-Ching characters and the matching text. The TALE OF GENJI was the first novel ever written by a woman, so it remains the "First" in history, written by Lady Murasaki Shikibu. Please inquire with us for other copies of the TALE OF GENJI. * Essentially the book consists of several titles, all concerning poems, famous poets and the common thread that binds all, the Buddhist theme. The work is profusely RareOrientalBooks.Com illustrated in black and white throughout. We would estimate well over one-hundred illustrations in all, plus the six frontispieces in full color. * THE POETS: This work covers the work of Jite Tenno, Kakinomotono Hiromaro, Yamabeno Akahito, Onono Komachi, Tenji Tenno and other exceptionally famous Emperors and other female poets. * CONDITION: The original covers are color woodblock printed, with a red cloth label in both Kanji with Furigana sounds written, usual minor edge wear, but is solidly sewn and bound. The above mentioned stains are a pale indigo blue, but do not encroach into much of the text nor illustrations. By and large a fairly good copy of an obscure title. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not in: a. K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. * b. H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THR NETHERLANDS * Kokkatoshokan. * $2091 Book Number: 21082101 186 INGA, doshi. MIYAKO HANJO KI: SKETCHES OF KYOTO LIFE. [Kyoto 1827, Rankei Doh]. Blue stitched wrs., very good, 30 double folded leaves [ie 60p.], very clean copy, no worming, entirely hand woodblock printed on handmade Masa paper, no illustrations, 15.5 x 22 cm. A most unusual text, addresses the great prosperity of the old capital city of Kyoto. Written in Kambun, with Furigana. A HAND-COLORED COPPER ETCHED JAPANESE WORLD MAP Book Number: 93090201 187 ISHIDA, Sai. KAI CHUU BANKOKU YOOCHI SAI ZENZU: COMPLETE POCKET MAP OF THE WORLD. RareOrientalBooks.Com $102 Tokyo 1872, Murakami. Yellow paper covers, very good, a few minor old worm holes, 48.5 x 36 cm., very crisp, handsome compass, key, Japanese text, folds down to 6 x 12 cm., handcolored gouache. SCARCE A handsome map, delicately hand colored in pastels, title & Japan done in red. A detailed map of the world, showing each continent, oceans, cities, geographical features: roads mountains,rivers, large Antarctic area, latitude & longitude longitude given. Suitable for framing and display in any library. * A MOST BEAUTIFULLY COLOR WOODBLOCK ILLUSTRATED WORK Book Number: 85102001 188 IWASAKI, Tsunemasa. HONZO ZUFU: ILLUSTRATED HERBAL, MANUAL OF MEDICINAL PLANTS: Fungi. A Six-Volume Set of Color Mushrooms of All Varieties. [Kyoto 1920, n.p.]. Stitched wrs., very good, 6 volume set, double folded leaves, in folding slipcase, [196]p. profusely illustrations by color woodcuts, descriptions of species, Japanese text, Japanese-Latin index in each volume. R A R E The illustrations are executed with fine line, vivid color, & some Gauffrage, showing many species of mushrooms & other fungi. Originally compiled in 1828 & first printed in 1884, due to its popularity in the scientific world, both in Japan & abroad, it was reprinted in 1920. * Each volume of the 1920 edition has supplementary pages by M. Shirai and K. Onuma, giving the Latin names. A most stunning and wonderful group of color woodblock printed examples of fungi and mushrooms found in Japan, basically a mushroom dictionary. Stunningly and beautifully color illustrated by the celebrated Takemoto Sekite. A most famous mycological reference, seldom found on the market and always OBSCURE ! Complete monograph in six uniformly bound volumes. * Books of this nature with the wonderful colour woodcut illustrations are always RARE. Because they are printed on woodblocks, only a very limited number of copies [ca. 200] were possible due to blocks warping. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Bretschneider p.100. * H. Bartlett: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.135-7, exhibit #23 + figure 19. Bartlett has RareOrientalBooks.Com $1263 rightfully recognized the true RARITY of this most excellent Japanese illustrated history of botany. He states: "...odd volumes only are available ...even odd volumes are excessively rare...there was a complete printed edition in 1921 in 93 volumes, with two additional volumes of index by the historian of Japanese science, Shirai... a pioneer floristic work showing European influence and final post-Meiji transition to Latin nomenclature and Western format..." * Merrill and Walker: BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EAST ASIATIC BOTANY, 1938. *** A MOST OBSCURE ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON CH'AN TEAISM Book Number: 22025001 189 IWATA, Kahei. HIGASHI YAMA CHA KAI ZU ROKU: TEA ASSOCIATION OF THE EASTERN MOUNTAINS. [A Treatise on Chinese & Japanese Tea-Ceremony] Kyoto 1908, Shu Chiku Do. Brown stitched wrappers, 4 volume set, complete, double-page leaves: 29+27+27+31, 39 double page illustrations, each sealed by the artist's chop in cinnabar, bound Chinese style, 11.5 x 19.5 cm., a bright copy. A most lovely Japanese reprint of what is clearly a Chinese text. The work is bound with silk thread, in the typical double hole-stitching technique found only in Chinese books, corners protected with blue silk cloth. A most lovely work ! An anthology of writings and paintings by members of the Association. This charming set covers the aesthetics & methods of how to establish the exterior and interior of a proper tea-room [Cha-shitus]. Great attention is devoted to the interior and its design, the kind of alcove [Tokunoma], the objects to be displayed include ancient Chinese bronze and ceramic vessels, the selection and admiration of hanging scrolls, tea pot, warmer and cups, flower-arrangements, furniture, incense & incense burners, delicacies to eat, exterior views of the tea-room. Volume one begins with the location of The Tea Association of the Eastern Mountains nestled in the vicinity of a Buddhist monastery and an offering to the Gods upon establishment of the new tea-room, interior views. Volume two: interior views, garden tea-ceremony, scroll appreciation and viewing. Volume 3: interior views, how to arrange the tea-room, vistas to the tea garden, vertical and horizontol scroll viewing & arrangement. Volume 4: overview of the Buddhist temple and monastery area, ancient bronze vessels, interiors: Tokunoma decoration, tea garden view, interior using scholar's rocks, sculpture, tea flower arran- RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 gements, garden entrance, outdoor tea-party. An exceptionally obscure & delightful resource. Ch'an or Chinese Zen Buddhism is the discipline that started the tea-ceremony in ancient China. The Japanese during their period of borrowing from the Asian mainland saw the importation of a multitude of Chinese & Korean arts. Buddhism was the main vehicle that brought in an uncountable amount of religious, cultural and artistic traditions. The tea-ceremony was imported in conjunction with its austere aesthetics, tea-room architecture, ceramics, appreciation and worship of ancient objects, art art works, paintings, gardens and scholar's items. Charming illustrations grace these pages, each done by a member of the association, along with his calligraphy, signature and red cinnabar chops [seals], most also have put their age. The majority were in their seventies or even older. A fine reference for any serious student of tea, tea-ceremony and scholar's items. A truly wonderful and obscure illustrated work. Very few surviving Chinese tea-ceremony books remain from earlier periods. Conained in a new indigo-blue Chitsu folding box, with clasps. $2720 JAPAN GETS ITS FIRST VIEW OF GEORGE WASHINGTONS'S AMERICA Book Number: 84298401 190 IYATAKA, Suzuki. AMERIKA WASHINTON GUNKI: Wars fought by [George] Washington of America. [N.p.] 1866, Yamato-ya. Yellow/blue stitched wrappers,6 vol. vol set, very good, woodblock printed by hand on handmade paper, two maps, 1 folding colour outline, Japanese text. This is a Japanese translation of George Washington's "War Diary." Outlinging Washingtons fight against the Britith for independence of America. Books of this subject in Japanese of this period are very scarce. It showed the Japanese how America came into existence, how and why Washington led the colonists to triumph over the British colonials. R A R E $1360 Book Number: 85177401 191 JAPAN UKIYO-E SOCIETY. UKIYO-E ART. Individual Journal Numbers. Tokyo 1964.J.U.S. No. 7. Stiff wrs., very good, 26p., with a rticle by Suzuki Juzo:AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF UTAMARO'S ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, 37 b.w. photos, Japanese text. This journal was under the directorship of Muneshige Narazaki, edited by Shigeo Miyao, international editoral staff were J. Hillier, R. Paine, H. Stern, T. Volker, Dr. S. Takahashi president, C. Mitchell international editorial secretary et al. With fine and scholarly articles by leading exponents on all aspects of Ukiyo-e prints & E-hon [illustrated books] of the Edo & other periods. A useful reference tool for any collector or student. Good adverts are also part of this journal giving a variety of dealers & publishers. Also has news, book reviews, timely articles and controversial subjects addressed. RareOrientalBooks.Com $31 A STUNNING SUITE OF 24 EROTIC COLOR WOODCUT MINIATURE PRINTS Book Number: 27048301 192 JAPANESE EROTIC WOODCUT ALBUM. EROTIC MINIATURE WOODCUT ALBUM WITH TWENTY-FOUR POLYCHROME PRINTS FROM THE 19TH CENTURY. [Japan n.d. ca.1830-1880'S]. Green brocade silk covers, all edges gilt, accordion folded, very clean, bright copy small nick to bottom edge, else excellent, contents bright, clean, 24 color woodcut erotic prints, ca. 12.5 x 9.3 cm., Chitsu. BY AND LARGE A MOST SUPERB EXAMPLE OF JAPANESE EROTIC ART . CONTENTS The album contains two miniature polychrome woodcut print series. Each print is well executed with excellent registry and color, care was taken to print them with the utmost quality and attention. This is not one of those quickly produced items lacking quality or refinement. Each print and series is a miniature work of erotic Ukiyo-e art. * The first series of prints are located on the verso or front pages of the album and consist of twelve prints. They show people from Edo period [1604-1868] and clearly from about 1840'S or so. Their hair style and Kimono fashion are of those times. The are done in the colors from that period, and appear to have oxidation commensurate with about 140 years or so ago, that would put their printing date at around 1868. in the Meiji era. There is very little background text at all, but there are cartouches in several. Each print is clean and in excellent condition, flawless. * The second series found on the recto or back side of the album and consists of twelve prints in all. The first three have a most unique and stunning silver background, six with beige, and 3 with indigo or "Aizuri" backgrounds. Each print is uniform within a circular cartouche for the most part, and each print is exceptionally clean, without flaw. * They reflect people of the late Edo or early Meiji [1868-1912] period, printed about 1869-1870's. Number 2 shows a man with a huge phallus, his hand caressing her vagina. No. 3 shows the couple fully engaged in love making, she on top. No. 4 shows the man on top while she locks her arms around him in an erotic embrace. No. 5 is fascinating and rare. It shows a silken cord tied around his penis and she holds the cord so she can control its action. This sort of sexual "toy" is rarely shown in Japanese prints. No. 6 RareOrientalBooks.Com shows what appears to be a male Buddhist priest he is fully engaged in licking her vulva as she consumes his penis. * COMMENTARIES: It begins with a couple about to make love, he licks two fingers in readiness to insert his huge penis into her vulva, she says "Its embarrassing to become like this.." He says "Why ? I am entering...." She covers her mouth with here Kimono sleeve in shyness. She says: "Ready to put it in [her mouth] glug, glug..." He says "Its coming out to no end [of joy]." Numbers 7-12 show couples engaged in love-making again all with fascinating and very legible comments...."Hayaku soko...iku....["Hurry right there, I'm coming" and the like. There is lots of Chirishi [toilet paper strewn around, indicating lots of love-making and love juices freely flowing. This is a common symbol and theme found in erotic Japanese prints. * RARITY: The work is RARE ! During our tenure of over forty years, we have seldom found such a lovely collection in complete and marvelous condition. There are a number of very unique and unusual views found in this remarkable erotic album. series. The work was clearly kept in the best of condition by some meticulous Japanese collector. Because the album consists of two distinct groups of similar period prints, we can only assume it to be the property of a discreet collector from that period. The album matches that period of old silk and paper. * THE GENRE OF JAPANESE EROTICA: This kind of book was banned from being published by the Tokugawa, Meiji and Taisho governments. Erotic woodblock prints and Shumpon [erotic woodcut books] were drawn, carved, printed and published "underground." People took their chances when doing this sort of work and the punishment was imprisonment and severe. All publishers had to submit their proposed publications to the government for the Kiwame or censor's seal of approval, which was then carved into the block as visual proof of sanction. The fact is that all Japanese erotic works completely lack official approval. Given this fact, it is not surprising that the artists never signed their real name, but commonly didn't sign at all. If ever signed it was always some ironic or cynical "studio name" was used, adding to the excitement of the contents. Regardless of any lack of meaningful signature, for most art historians and students of Japanese woodblock art, it is not that difficult to make an "educated guess" as to the actual artist's name by stylistic analysis. Usually this was a giveaway ! Many famous Ukiyo-e artists disliked being controlled by the government so they continued to produce erotic drawings for publication regardless of the law as a means to supplement their meager income. One can also assume the subject sold well and made all concerned extra and easy money ! * CONDITION/BINDING: The album is contained in an indigo-blue Chitsu or cloth folding case with ivory clasps, blank cover title slip, and there is some old fading to the Chitsu cloth. The overall size is 18 x 23.5 cm. * RareOrientalBooks.Com The green brocade-silk covered album is stunningly clean and bright. There is a small nick to the lower edge, its minor and does not encroach into the pages. The paper of the album are very heavy, bright, clean and white, with no foxing whatsoever. The 24 miniature woodcut prints are held in place by black paper mounting corners so they can be removed at will and are not laid down, Each print is exceptionally clean and bright, excellent color and registry. A couple have been mended in the past to restore a few tiny old worm holes, now solid, these are of minimal impact and barely noticeable. As is our habit, we are being over critical. *** SUPERB SET OF HAND-DRAWN COLOR FISH, FLOWERS AND BIRDS Book Number: 32008601 193 JAPANESE NATURAL HISTORY HAND-PAINT 3 VOLUME SET. a. KAI SEN GYO RUI HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED RIVER . AND SEA FISH. Japan n.d. ca.1840-50. Tan stiff stitched wrs., very good, bright set of 3 volumes, hand-painted, each page with a full page color painted illustrations of a named flower, bird and fish, 18 x 25 cm. ORIGINAL HAND-PAINTED ART BOOKS. OBSCURE This is a lovely set of books, beautifully and skillfully hand-drawn and painted in full color. An unusual set of Japanese natural history color drawings. The titles of the three volume set are: 1. KAI SEN GYO RUI HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED . FISHES FROM RIVER AND SEA. . 2. SO KA HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED FLOWERS AND . GRASSES. . 3. CHO KEI RUI HYAKUSHU: COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED BIRDS. *** CONTENTS: Each volume contains 25 double-folded leaves with paintings RareOrientalBooks.Com $2910 on both sides, for a total of 50 color paintings per volume, 150 in all. * TITLE: While the Japanese title reflects the common usage of the word "Hyaku" [One Hundred] this was not meant to be take literally, but rather to indicate a "large number" of painting examples. Many Japanese books use this often. * UNIFORM SET: Each volume is uniformly bound with the same covers and same paper pages, in the same size. * CONDITION: There are no major "condition" issues. Each volume is fairly clean, there is some minor soil or dustiness to the white paper title slips. A minor bit of wear to the exterior edges of the covers. By and large quite nice. The contents are essentially without flaw, no worming or stains. Two inside end papers have wrinkles but are mostly flat now. ******** UNSIGNED ARTIST'S WORK These books were not signed by the artist anywhere. The title labels are written in both Japanese and English. The volume on birds has a tiny bird drawing on the label, and the volume on flowers has a small cherry blossom sketch in pink, the volume on fish has no drawing on its label. Each drawing page has the Katakana Japanese name written in either the upper right or left margin. *** LATE EDO PERIOD PAINTING A lovely example of late Edo period meticulous art work, not a "copy book" nor a "sample book" commonly done by students of Japanese painting, but obviously executed by a very skilled and experienced hand. The work has faithfully recorded for posterity what the artist perceived as his world of flowers, grass, fish and birds. *********** A PILLOW BOOK WITH 17 LOVELY EROTIC VIEWS FOR NEWLYWEDS RareOrientalBooks.Com $2501 Book Number: 23013301 194 [JIN, TAKU SAN-JIN]. [preface by]. HANA NO SATO: THE YOSHIWARA or TOWN OF PROSTITUTION. [A Pillow Book for Japanese With One Rare Print of a N.p. ca 1870, n.p. Blue cloth covers,accordion folded, title slip, all edge silver gilt, 11 x 15.5 cm., covers bit faded, contents clean, 17 color erotic woodcut illustrations, a miniature album, complete as issued. AN OBSCURE EDITION This like other erotic albums of the time were not sanctioned by the Shogun, nor were they authorized for publication with the "censor's seal." These books were printed and published secretly, issued in small numbers and either sold or distributed discreetly. * "Shun-pon" or erotic books were used as gifts to couples on their wedding night, commonly called "Pillow Books" or "Makura Zoshiki." A euphuism for licentious books enjoyed across all spectrum of Japanese society, commonly bought, sold or traded on the "black" market. Because they were officially "banned" by the Shogunate, artists, wood block carvers and printers risked severe punishment if caught, these books were driven "underground" but nevertheless thrived during the Edo and Meiji periods, right down to the Taisho and Showa times. * The preface was written by Jin Taku San-jin, and is undated. The author's and writers of the text were often famous artists or poets who assumed "studio" names of a political nature to openly challenge and taunt the Shogunate. * This example consists of twelve double-page color illustrations 22 x 15.5 cm. and five single page color erotic images which are ca. 9.5 x 13 cm. The subjects are: Title page illustration number: ** Double-page illustrations: 1. Couple under the Futon engaged in love-making. 2. Couple love-making partially unclothed. 3. Couple about to make love, the man licks his fingers to wet the vulva, she spread her legs exposing her genitals in readiness. RareOrientalBooks.Com 4. Couple making love he is nearly nude. 5. Couple after making love, she is before the mirror grooming herself, nude from the hips up, exposing her vulva. 6. Couple fully engaged in making love on a mat, with lots of Chirishi" [a kind of toilet paper] spread about, as evidence of ample love juices. 7. Couple making love, she is on top in an unusual position. 8. Couple making love from the rear. 9. Couple making love while she rests on the Goh board. 10. Couple making love he mounts her from the top. 11. Couple engaged in love making, he inserts his penis, she clings to him. 12. Newlyweds engaged in love-making, she wears the typical bride's veil. ** Begin single-page smaller illustrations: 12. Typical Meiji period man with moustache masturbating his lover, his huge penis at the ready as she caresses it. 13. Older couple making love from the rear. 14. Couple enjoying the pleasures of fondling her vulva, his huge penis at the ready. 15. A sleeping woman nearly nude under the mosquito net is being visited by her lover. 16. A couple prepared to engage in love-making, both are red-faced and ready to start, with their genitals exposed. 17. RARE print of a foreigner engaged in making love with a Japanese woman, the surrounding text states: "Anata wo suki...saa watashi mo iki soo...." [I love you, I am ready to have orgasm." The foreigner's words are stated in Japanese: " Watakushi mo oikimasu" meaning "I am also ready to have orgasm." * WHY IS THIS EROTIC ALBUM DIFFERENT FROM MOST OTHERS ? What makes this album exceptionally unusual and RARE is the Romanized and Katana characters used for the "Seiyo jin" or Westerner's words. That is to say, either the foreigner could speak Japanese, or the author elected to simply use Japanese to indicate the foreigner's willingness to enjoy the pleasures of a Japanese woman and learned enough Japanese to indicate his eagerness to concert with a Japanese woman. In any case being written in Katakana also indicates these are foreign words, or at least Japanese words spoken by a foreigner which accents the whole print. All Japanese could understand the dialogue, and surely some foreigners could learn the words and sentence essential to a successful night out on the town with Japanese prostitutes in the Yoshiwara. The foreigner's Japanese is expressed in quite a polite form, indicating at least he has learned proper Japanese during his sojourn in Japan. * This is one of the rarest of all erotic prints of the Meiji period, actually showing a Westerner engaging in sexual pleasures with a Japanese woman. The woman wears a typical high-neck Victorian dress, and still has on one sock. Her coiffeur is Japanese and she has simply pulled up her dress, revealing a red undergarment, suggestive of an "erotic nature." The illustration is replete with foreign curtains and they both lay on a foreign soft. Clearly the message was that some houses of prostitution were well outfitted with Western settings to give an extra level of "comfort" to foreigners. Few if many exist showing foreigners in the RareOrientalBooks.Com Yoshiwara with Japanese women. * The work is a typical "pillow book" but with the addition of five other erotic prints, including the exceptionally RARE print of a foreigner. While the occurrence of foreigners and Japanese women making love were common-place in the mid-late 19th century Japan, woodblock color prints illustrating and documenting this pleasure are clearly obscure and scarce, few if any exist. * "Chirishi" was a kind of hand-made Washi paper tissue commonly used in the toilet. It's presence in the bedroom as depicted in erotic prints indicate a profusion of love-making when thrown about the bedroom indicated evidence of love juices. Its presence is both symbolic and practical. * Each erotic print commonly had a dialogue of the exchanges between the man and woman, erotic words and sentences to encourage or compliment the other, filled the backgrounds of most prints. This album contains a large number of these dialogues and are quite readable if not memorable, telling him "what a large penis" he has, while he tells her what a "strong vagina she has" &c... * The Japanese were extremely "natural" and open about love-making, there was little stigma as found in Western countries during the same period. Therefore the genre of erotic books were less carnal and more concerned with the natural aspect of love-making in an openly erotic manner. Their healthy if not erotic aptitudes were the norm and acceptable throughout all of Japanese society until the end of World War II, when prostitution was still acceptable, but continued under the guise of not being officially sanctioned. * CONDITION: The work is remarkably clean internally, with some minor repair to the hinges, covers are mildly sunned. * The size of the album is important. That is to say, it was small, discreet and of the size that could be easily kept in the Kimono sleeve and carried to a waiting lover's room. * THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139701 195 JOLY, Henri L. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London 1908, Lane. Red decorated cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates, bibliography, Japanese character index,all edge gilt clean & solid copy, gold stamped titles. RARE FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. $600 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139702 196 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London [1908], Kegan. New red cloth, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, very good, 16 color plates in facsimile, a bit of pencil marginalia, very solid as is. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $600 Book Number: 85139703 197 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London [1908], Kegan. Red cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, very good, new cloth, original covers layed down, all edge gilt, minor corner wear, else a clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139704 198 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London [1908], Kegan. Red cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, very good, 2 vol. set, rebound in 2 parts, preserving the original front covers, all edge gilt, else clean solid. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, RareOrientalBooks.Com $570 paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. $570 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139705 199 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, London 1908, Lane. Red decorated cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates, bibliography, Japanese character index,all edge gilt clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $570 Book Number: 85139706 200 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, Rutland [1967], Tuttle. Red cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index,very good, dj. large size, thick volume 21 x 29 cm., very clean solid copy. FIRST REPRINT OF TE 1908 EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. $126 THE MOST VALUABLE STANDARD JAPANEWE REFERENCE SOURCE ! Book Number: 85139701 201 JOLY, Henri L. LEGEND IN JAPANESE ART: Description of Historical Episodes Legendary Characters, Folk-Lore Myths, Religious Symbolism, Rutland [1979], Tuttle. Orange cloth, 16 color, 700 b.w. plates & illustrations, bibliography, Japanese index, dj., very good, large size, thick volume 21 x 29 cm., clean solid copy. FIRST REPRINT OF THE 1908 EDITION A detailed iconography, one of the first ever compiled on Japan and still considered the best reference work. Devoted to explanations of decorations on Netsuke, Inro, Tsuba and other sword furniture, sculpture, prints, illustrated books, paintings, etc. Illustrates pieces from the Behrens, Trower, Gilbertson, Saltarel, Kawada, Brockhaus, Tomkinson, Collie, Hawkshaw, Naunton and Victoria & Albert Collections, et al. An indispensable reference work for collectors and students. H. Joly died during the 1920's and was probably the greatest European authority on Japanese sword mounts of his time. * By and large one of the most important Japanese art reference books of the 20th century. RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 SCHOLARLY ESSAYS ON SHUNGA & THE EROTIC THEME IN E-HON Book Number: 36068801 202 JONES, Sumie. ed. IMAGING READING EROS: Proceedings For The Conference, Sexuality and Edo Culture, 1750-1850, Indiana University, Bloomington [1996], Indiana Univ. Pink stiff wrs.,a new copy unused, 21.3 x 27.3 cm., many b. w erotic illustrations, 29 essays, 161p. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION *** *** *** . . This is the printed results of the: PROCEEDINGS FOR THE CONFERENCE, SEXUALITY AND EDO CULTURE, 1750-1850 INDIAN UNIVERISTY,M BLOOMINGTON AUGUTS 17-20, 1995. . Below follows a brief list of the lectures and their divisions in the contents. culture, features the keynote lecture followed by articles. See scans of the contents posted to our website for full list and details of all essays and authors. . KEY NOTE LECTURE: Introductory essay: SEX, ART, AND EDO CULTURE: AN INTRODUCTION by Sumie Jones. . * 1. POSITIONING SHUNGA HISTORICALLY With three essays. . 2. EROS OF CONSUMERISM: With four essays. . 3. OTHERNESS WITHIN AND WITHOUT; With four essays. . 4. THE PLACE OFLOVE With four essays. . 5. CONFIGURATIONS OF GENDER: With four essays. . 6. THE RHYTHM AND PLAY OF FLESH AND WORDS: With four essays. . 7. DESIRE FOR NARRATIVE IN STORIES AND PICTURES: With four essays. RareOrientalBooks.Com * With notes on the contributors: identification and brief biography of the authors, scholars, curators *** A RARE AND STUNNINGLY EARLY BEAUTIFUL BUDDHIST PRINT Book Number: 29003601 203 [JORURI-JI TEMPLE.] AMIDA NYORAI HYAKU BUTSUZOU: ONE HUNDRED IMAGES OF AMIDA NYORAI: ONE HUNDRED IMAGES OF AMIDA NYORAI. [Nara ca. 1100 A.D., Joruri-ji Tempe]. A Single sheet 33.3 x 46.8 cm. [backing size], rebacked on hand-made Washi paper, print sheet size: 32.8 . x 45.6 cm., hand-printed woodblocks on thin mulberry Washi paper, stunning work! S C A R C E THIS AN EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND EARLY WOODBLOCK PRINT * "Although printing had been practiced in Japan as early as the eighth century, the stamping or block printing of large numbers of Buddhist images did not gain prominence until the last half of the Heian period. The reception of images was believed to be an effective method of accumulating religious merit, and this stimulated the production of Buddhist prints-often rather crudely made-in vast numbers. The blocks or stamps most commonly used contained anywhere from a single image up to a dozen identical units; large full-sheet blocks, such as this one, seemed to have been used less frequently." [quoted from Rosenfield, see below] *** DETAILS OF OUR ITEM: Our item is printed on high fiber Washi paper, quite bright and still retaining its natural fiber color. There is some loss to the lower margin but very little loss to the printing. The upper left corner is gone and with it five images are gone. There is a minor bit of left margin loss but very little printing loss. The right margin is excellent. The print was acquired from the late Richard C. Rudolph of U.C.L.A., who had cut the print in half horizontally. The two parts are now back together and has been professionally rebacked on Washi paper, there is no loss where they are rejoined. The hand-made Washi paper on the right and left edges are a bit thicker than the rest of the paper, perhaps there was an effort on the part of the paper-maker to give strength to these edges. Our example is exceptional when compared to other known copies. * ILLUSTRATED IN ISHIDA: This excellent example illustrated in Ishida is owned by RareOrientalBooks.Com $90 Joruri-ji Temple and has only 81 of 100 images, there was loss to the margins. [see reference below] *** PRINTING AS A DAILY DEVOTION: Ishida points out on p.30-31, discussing the Heian practice of worshipers printing a number of Buddhist images each day or month to fulfill a religious vow. Printing these images gave merit and virtue to the printer, thereby increasing their position in the Buddhist Sangha [community]. Temples encouraged the Sangha to print images as that aided in soliciting donations. "Donors were allowed to pay for the printing of Buddhist images to be placed inside of statues. This served the purpose of temple finance in much the same way as printed appeals for contributions. The images were never distributed to the people but were instead stored away in sculpted images." It seems little has changed in a thousand years, as Buddhist priests still seem to offer prints to donors even today. It is believed that the prints were discovered in the 1960's and given to donors who gave substantial sums of money for temple restoration. . Every morning as part of a daily regimen, women of the Imperial court would print Buddhist images using woodblocks on sheets of thin mulberry Washi paper as religious observance, much like saying prayers every morning. After an appropriate number of pages were printed, the sheets were rolled and tied in bundles and then inserted into the hollow interior of sculptures. * WOODBLOCK PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This print was printed from a single woodblock containing ten images in a row, with ten rows in all yielding some 100 images on a single sheet. See Baskett p.30 for additional details. Rosenfield supports the idea of a single block with 100 images carved on it. There is ample evidence to support both Ishida and Baskett's idea that the print was done by use of a single block containing 100 images stamped on a single sheet of Mulberry paper. * RARITY: The print is exceptionally RARE ! Only a few examples have been cited, published or illustrated. Apparently this image only came to light in the 1960's and very few came to public view, those few that were given to patrons eluded the usual scholars and their publications. It was not uncommon for patrons of Buddhist temples in Japan to covet and hold their gifts from the temple for several reasons. Namely, the need and desire to remain unknown to the general public for their donations, which were done for the right reasons, avoiding any public acknowledgement. Secondly, there are moral questions vis-�-vis accepting "compensation/gifts" from monks for donations. Above all, donors do not like others to know their private business and so the prints given in acknowledgement by monks commonly remains a private matter. * A QUOTE FROM JOHN ROSENFIELD: Per Rosenfield: "The Main Hall [Hondo] of Joruri-ji, a temple situated in the low mountains east of Nara, houses a notable group of nine statues of Buddha Amida. During restoration on the central image of this group some years ago, many sheets of woodblock prints, among the one shown RareOrientalBooks.Com here, were discovered inside the statue. The pages were printed with rows of small Amida figures, each seated in mediation. In this example one hundred images printed from a single block of wood are arranged in ten horizontal rows. * The example illustrated in Rosenfield shows some loss to the lower corner. *** CONDITION: The print was kept relatively safe inside a sculpture of Amida Buddha for some 900 years. During that time natural attrition rate to bugs or moisture has taken a toll on this kind of print. It is therefore natural to see some loss and other minor defects. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * Rosenfield, John: JAPANESE ARTS OF THE HEIAN PERIOD: 794-1185: pages 74, illustration no. 29, text page 117. * Ishida, Mosaku et al: NIHON HANGA BIJUTSU ZENSHU, vol. I, plates 44, 45. * Ishida, Mosaku et al., English adaptation by Charles Terry: JAPANESE BUDDHIST PRINTS: pages 13-14, 19-23, 29-31, illustrated on p. 102 as number 39. * BASKET, Mary: FOOTPRINTS OF THE BUDDHA: Japanese Buddhist Prints from American and Japanese Collections. * MUSEE CERNUSCHI: ESTAMPS BOUDDHIQUES JAPONAISES: XIIe-XVIIIe Siecles: Les Precurseurs de l'Ukiyo-e. See item 81; introduction by Kikutake Junichi. * Tokuriki, Tomikichiro; TOYO KO HANGA [ORIENT OLDEST WOODBLOCK PRINTS FROM THE TOMIKICHIRO TOKURIKI COLLECTION]. Tokyo 1978. * Nara National Museum. TOKUBETSU TENRAN BUKKYO HANGA: SPECIAL EXHITIBION OF BUDDHIST WOODBLOCK PRINTS. July-August 1972. * AN EARLY GRAPHIC WORK ON JAPANESE CHILDBIRTH AND GYNECOLOGY Book Number: 21085001 204 KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu]. SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. Edo 1775, Suwahara. Brown stitched stiff wrs., very good, 2 RareOrientalBooks.Com $6205 vol. set complete, 32 illustrations, text: 11+2; 4+33 double folded leaves, very clean,a bit of old minor worming to vol. 1,no major consequence,vol. 2 clean, 18 x 26 cm.,new Chitsu. GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTE SLIPS: . THE BELOW REFER ONLY TO THE GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL, ANNOTATED COPY: . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL ANNOTATED COLLECTION COPY: This set was annotated on 2 slips papers by Mestler in his handwriting and initialed "GEM.' There is also a note to "Vincent to make 2 4 x 5 glossy prints [photos] left recto..." in Mestler's hand. An additional note assists in bibliographical annotations used to describe this work in his GALAXY publication. *** CONDITION OF GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY: Volume 1, has a bit of minor old worming to front covers and inside a single worm hole to several pages, legible else clean on bright paper. . Vol. 2 is very clean internally, no worming. it lacks the title slip. Both volume have dusty covers, but are solidly bound, both have very bright clean contents. *** END OF MESTLER SPECIAL COPY NOTES . * * * * * * . THE BELOW BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS ALSO REFERS TO THE MESTLER COPY ABOVE AND ALL OTHER COPIES OF THIS TITLE . . . THE FIRST AND ONLY EDITION . PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODBLOCK PRINTED ILLUSTRATIONS *** This work was written as the "Supplement" to the SAN RON YOKU. *** . WRITTEN BY KAGAWA GENTEKI: . THE JAPANESE "INVENTOR" OF FORCED CHILD-BIRTH & DELIVERY: . The art of Japanese obstetrics was established in a true scientific sense by KAGAWA Genetsu [1700-1777] aka. by his alternate first names: Shigen or Korin, with his historic first publication on the of forced child birth, SAN RON, published in 1765. . He outlined how he "invented" many birth "tools" and methods for forced child-birth and delivery. . "The SAN RON was destined to be the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least a hundred years. That classic work was followed by the SAN RON YOKU written in 1775, by Kagawa [1739-1179], the adopted son of Genetsu, as a "supplement" to the SAN RON and to correct the errors in the published work of his mentor, the elder Kagawa, resulting in a considerable improvement in obstetrical methods." Per Mestler p.494 et al. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com ABOUT KAGAWA GENTEKI & SON RON YOKU: THE SUPPLEMENT TO SAN RON: Kagawa often used anything he could find as an obstetrical instrument, including whale bones, fishing nets, scissor-like clamps and so many others. This became the most reliable and standard work on the subject, studied by medical students, midwives and others interested in child birth. . SAN RON YOKU [this work] written by Genteki [Shikei] Kagawa [1739-1779], who was the adopted son of Geneteki the senior, as a "supplement" to his legendary and primary work: SAN RON. The SAN RON YOKU corrected errors in the elder Kagawa's published work. This resulted in a considerable improvement in Japanese obstetrical methods. . . This work and most all other period books were all written in Kambun [old Chinese] with Japanese grammar [Furigana] written to give sound and meaning to the ancient Chinese characters, copied and used in Japan. *** CONTENTS: The work was addressed to midwives or other who would be concerned and involved with the pregnancy, delivery, caring for the mother & child. It was also a manual to assist mid-wives in difficult deliveries of babies. Chapters on pre-pregnancy & pregnancy, the uterus, pharmacopoeia, medicinal plants and prescriptions, health and hygiene, massage, "shampooing," healthful foods, foods to avoid, bathing, stages of pregnancy, evolution of the fetus, placenta, types of delivery, twins, [the illustrations even distinguish between monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins] showing illustrations of twins enclosed in a single/double egg sack membranes, various types of breech & other "difficult" deliveries nicely illustrated. * THERAPEUTIC USE OF MASSAGE: Of major importance, was Kagawa's advice for therapeutic use of massage [effleurage] for pregnant woman in difficult cases of delivery. This work was an up-date as well as a supplement to the author's earlier title: SAN RON of 1765. Massage was outlined in these two famous and important works. A most instructional, reliable and fascinating early treatise on the subject. * THE AUTHOR: Kagawa was a celebrated practicing obstetrician and author on the subject. The Kagawas were part of a familial dynasty of brilliant individual physicians who were influential in the historical development of medicine in Japan. See Mestler p.495, liberally quoted from Mestler p.300, see citation below. . "Kagawa carried out experiments in order to verify the efficacy of the medicine he practiced, and developed his own form of obstetrics in Japan from that time onwards." Quoted from ISHIMPO, see below for more details. *** EDITION: This is the FIRST & ONLY EDITION of this title. . The only variants we know of are slight differences in the RareOrientalBooks.Com overall size of the book, where margins were trimmed, regardless, the text & illustrations remain identical. . Other variants are the color of the covers or the type of paper used to bind the books. some have a bit larger margins, in variant colors. *** RARITY Books of this early period of Japanese medicine are RARE and seldom found on the market. These books form the early foundations of Japanese medicine and are always of great interest and show the beginnings of Japanese historical medicine as well as practical arts. A good number of these texts were either based on earlier Chinese or Dutch learning. *** WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK: This early work was printed by woodblocks on hand-made Washi paper. With very primitive and charming illustrations, a most fascinating early resource. *** REFERENCES: Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS cites this title & more on Kagawa on pp.485, 491-2, 494 & 495, 498-99 & 199. Please read the extensive footnote #37, at the bottom of p.493 for other valuable information. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE. Useful text, and similar illustrations from period books, valuable history. * W. Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, p.432, #893. * Y. Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE [Clio Medica], p.81, 1775. I, with substantial historic text on the subject. * VEITH, Ilza. HUANG TI NEI CHING SU WEN: THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S CLASSIC OF INTERNAL MEDICINE: pp.48-51. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS *** ISHIMPO 1000 NEN NO AYUMI: DAWNING OF JAPANESE MEDICINEISHIMPO. [Commemorating 1000 Years of "Ishimpo," the Key to Japanese Medicine]. See p.56 and illustration. *** AN EARLY GRAPHIC WORK ON JAPANESE CHILDBIRTH AND GYNECOLOGY RareOrientalBooks.Com $6120 Book Number: 21085002 205 KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu]. SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. Edo 1775, Suwahara. Brown stitched stiff wrs., very good, 2 vol. set complete, 32 illustrations, text: 11+2; 4+33 double folded leaves, very clean, NO worming ! bright, nice copy, 17.5 x 25 cm., recent indigo blue cloth Chitsu folding case. GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTE SLIPS: . THE BELOW REFER ONLY TO THE GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL, ANNOTATED COPY: . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL ANNOTATED COLLECTION COPY: This set was annotated on 2 slips papers by Mestler in his handwriting and initialed "GEM.' There is also a note to "Vincent to make 2 4 x 5 glossy prints [photos] left recto..." in Mestler's hand. An additional note assists in bibliographical annotations used to describe this work in his GALAXY publication. *** CONDITION OF GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY: Volume 1, has a bit of minor old worming to front covers and inside a single worm hole to several pages, legible else clean on bright paper. . Vol. 2 is very clean internally, no worming. it lacks the title slip. Both volume have dusty covers, but are solidly bound, both have very bright clean contents. *** END OF MESTLER SPECIAL COPY NOTES . * * * * * * . THE BELOW BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS ALSO REFERS TO THE MESTLER COPY ABOVE AND ALL OTHER COPIES OF THIS TITLE . . . THE FIRST AND ONLY EDITION . PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODBLOCK PRINTED ILLUSTRATIONS *** This work was written as the "Supplement" to the SAN RON YOKU. *** . WRITTEN BY KAGAWA GENTEKI: . THE JAPANESE "INVENTOR" OF FORCED CHILD-BIRTH & DELIVERY: . The art of Japanese obstetrics was established in a true scientific sense by KAGAWA Genetsu [1700-1777] aka. by his alternate first names: Shigen or Korin, with his historic RareOrientalBooks.Com first publication on the of forced child birth, SAN RON, published in 1765. . He outlined how he "invented" many birth "tools" and methods for forced child-birth and delivery. . "The SAN RON was destined to be the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least a hundred years. That classic work was followed by the SAN RON YOKU written in 1775, by Kagawa [1739-1179], the adopted son of Genetsu, as a "supplement" to the SAN RON and to correct the errors in the published work of his mentor, the elder Kagawa, resulting in a considerable improvement in obstetrical methods." Per Mestler p.494 et al. *** ABOUT KAGAWA GENTEKI & SON RON YOKU: THE SUPPLEMENT TO SAN RON: Kagawa often used anything he could find as an obstetrical instrument, including whale bones, fishing nets, scissor-like clamps and so many others. This became the most reliable and standard work on the subject, studied by medical students, midwives and others interested in child birth. . SAN RON YOKU [this work] written by Genteki [Shikei] Kagawa [1739-1779], who was the adopted son of Geneteki the senior, as a "supplement" to his legendary and primary work: SAN RON. The SAN RON YOKU corrected errors in the elder Kagawa's published work. This resulted in a considerable improvement in Japanese obstetrical methods. . . This work and most all other period books were all written in Kambun [old Chinese] with Japanese grammar [Furigana] written to give sound and meaning to the ancient Chinese characters, copied and used in Japan. *** CONTENTS: The work was addressed to midwives or other who would be concerned and involved with the pregnancy, delivery, caring for the mother & child. It was also a manual to assist mid-wives in difficult deliveries of babies. Chapters on pre-pregnancy & pregnancy, the uterus, pharmacopoeia, medicinal plants and prescriptions, health and hygiene, massage, "shampooing," healthful foods, foods to avoid, bathing, stages of pregnancy, evolution of the fetus, placenta, types of delivery, twins, [the illustrations even distinguish between monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins] showing illustrations of twins enclosed in a single/double egg sack membranes, various types of breech & other "difficult" deliveries nicely illustrated. * THERAPEUTIC USE OF MASSAGE: Of major importance, was Kagawa's advice for therapeutic use of massage [effleurage] for pregnant woman in difficult cases of delivery. This work was an up-date as well as a supplement to the author's earlier title: SAN RON of 1765. Massage was outlined in these two famous and important works. A most instructional, reliable and fascinating early treatise on the subject. * THE AUTHOR: Kagawa was a celebrated practicing obstetrician and author RareOrientalBooks.Com on the subject. The Kagawas were part of a familial dynasty of brilliant individual physicians who were influential in the historical development of medicine in Japan. See Mestler p.495, liberally quoted from Mestler p.300, see citation below. . "Kagawa carried out experiments in order to verify the efficacy of the medicine he practiced, and developed his own form of obstetrics in Japan from that time onwards." Quoted from ISHIMPO, see below for more details. *** EDITION: This is the FIRST & ONLY EDITION of this title. . The only variants we know of are slight differences in the overall size of the book, where margins were trimmed, regardless, the text & illustrations remain identical. . Other variants are the color of the covers or the type of paper used to bind the books. some have a bit larger margins, in variant colors. *** RARITY Books of this early period of Japanese medicine are RARE and seldom found on the market. These books form the early foundations of Japanese medicine and are always of great interest and show the beginnings of Japanese historical medicine as well as practical arts. A good number of these texts were either based on earlier Chinese or Dutch learning. *** WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK: This early work was printed by woodblocks on hand-made Washi paper. With very primitive and charming illustrations, a most fascinating early resource. *** REFERENCES: Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS cites this title & more on Kagawa on pp.485, 491-2, 494 & 495, 498-99 & 199. Please read the extensive footnote #37, at the bottom of p.493 for other valuable information. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE. Useful text, and similar illustrations from period books, valuable history. * W. Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, p.432, #893. * Y. Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE [Clio Medica], p.81, 1775. I, with substantial historic text on the subject. * VEITH, Ilza. HUANG TI NEI CHING SU WEN: THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S CLASSIC OF INTERNAL MEDICINE: pp.48-51. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS *** ISHIMPO 1000 NEN NO AYUMI: DAWNING OF JAPANESE MEDICINEISHIMPO. [Commemorating 1000 Years of "Ishimpo," the Key to Japanese Medicine]. See p.56 and illustration. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** $6528 AN EARLY GRAPHIC WORK ON JAPANESE CHILDBIRTH AND GYNECOLOGY Book Number: 21085003 206 KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu]. SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. Edo 1775, Suwahara. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., very good, 2 vol. set complete, 32 illustrations, text: 11+2; 4+33 double folded leaves, very clean and bright copy, no worming at all 17.5 x 26 cm., recent indigo-blue cloth Chitsu folding case. GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTE SLIPS: . THE BELOW REFER ONLY TO THE GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL, ANNOTATED COPY: . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL ANNOTATED COLLECTION COPY: This set was annotated on 2 slips papers by Mestler in his handwriting and initialed "GEM.' There is also a note to "Vincent to make 2 4 x 5 glossy prints [photos] left recto..." in Mestler's hand. An additional note assists in bibliographical annotations used to describe this work in his GALAXY publication. *** CONDITION OF GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY: Volume 1, has a bit of minor old worming to front covers and inside a single worm hole to several pages, legible else clean on bright paper. . Vol. 2 is very clean internally, no worming. it lacks the title slip. Both volume have dusty covers, but are solidly bound, both have very bright clean contents. *** END OF MESTLER SPECIAL COPY NOTES . * * * * * * . THE BELOW BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS ALSO REFERS TO THE MESTLER COPY ABOVE AND ALL OTHER COPIES OF THIS TITLE . . . THE FIRST AND ONLY EDITION . PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODBLOCK PRINTED ILLUSTRATIONS *** This work was written as the "Supplement" to the SAN RON YOKU. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** . WRITTEN BY KAGAWA GENTEKI: . THE JAPANESE "INVENTOR" OF FORCED CHILD-BIRTH & DELIVERY: . The art of Japanese obstetrics was established in a true scientific sense by KAGAWA Genetsu [1700-1777] aka. by his alternate first names: Shigen or Korin, with his historic first publication on the of forced child birth, SAN RON, published in 1765. . He outlined how he "invented" many birth "tools" and methods for forced child-birth and delivery. . "The SAN RON was destined to be the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least a hundred years. That classic work was followed by the SAN RON YOKU written in 1775, by Kagawa [1739-1179], the adopted son of Genetsu, as a "supplement" to the SAN RON and to correct the errors in the published work of his mentor, the elder Kagawa, resulting in a considerable improvement in obstetrical methods." Per Mestler p.494 et al. *** ABOUT KAGAWA GENTEKI & SON RON YOKU: THE SUPPLEMENT TO SAN RON: Kagawa often used anything he could find as an obstetrical instrument, including whale bones, fishing nets, scissor-like clamps and so many others. This became the most reliable and standard work on the subject, studied by medical students, midwives and others interested in child birth. . SAN RON YOKU [this work] written by Genteki [Shikei] Kagawa [1739-1779], who was the adopted son of Geneteki the senior, as a "supplement" to his legendary and primary work: SAN RON. The SAN RON YOKU corrected errors in the elder Kagawa's published work. This resulted in a considerable improvement in Japanese obstetrical methods. . . This work and most all other period books were all written in Kambun [old Chinese] with Japanese grammar [Furigana] written to give sound and meaning to the ancient Chinese characters, copied and used in Japan. *** CONTENTS: The work was addressed to midwives or other who would be concerned and involved with the pregnancy, delivery, caring for the mother & child. It was also a manual to assist mid-wives in difficult deliveries of babies. Chapters on pre-pregnancy & pregnancy, the uterus, pharmacopoeia, medicinal plants and prescriptions, health and hygiene, massage, "shampooing," healthful foods, foods to avoid, bathing, stages of pregnancy, evolution of the fetus, placenta, types of delivery, twins, [the illustrations even distinguish between monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins] showing illustrations of twins enclosed in a single/double egg sack membranes, various types of breech & other "difficult" deliveries nicely illustrated. * THERAPEUTIC USE OF MASSAGE: Of major importance, was Kagawa's advice for therapeutic use of massage [effleurage] for pregnant woman in difficult cases of delivery. This work was an up-date as well as a RareOrientalBooks.Com supplement to the author's earlier title: SAN RON of 1765. Massage was outlined in these two famous and important works. A most instructional, reliable and fascinating early treatise on the subject. * THE AUTHOR: Kagawa was a celebrated practicing obstetrician and author on the subject. The Kagawas were part of a familial dynasty of brilliant individual physicians who were influential in the historical development of medicine in Japan. See Mestler p.495, liberally quoted from Mestler p.300, see citation below. . "Kagawa carried out experiments in order to verify the efficacy of the medicine he practiced, and developed his own form of obstetrics in Japan from that time onwards." Quoted from ISHIMPO, see below for more details. *** EDITION: This is the FIRST & ONLY EDITION of this title. . The only variants we know of are slight differences in the overall size of the book, where margins were trimmed, regardless, the text & illustrations remain identical. . Other variants are the color of the covers or the type of paper used to bind the books. some have a bit larger margins, in variant colors. *** RARITY Books of this early period of Japanese medicine are RARE and seldom found on the market. These books form the early foundations of Japanese medicine and are always of great interest and show the beginnings of Japanese historical medicine as well as practical arts. A good number of these texts were either based on earlier Chinese or Dutch learning. *** WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK: This early work was printed by woodblocks on hand-made Washi paper. With very primitive and charming illustrations, a most fascinating early resource. *** REFERENCES: Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS cites this title & more on Kagawa on pp.485, 491-2, 494 & 495, 498-99 & 199. Please read the extensive footnote #37, at the bottom of p.493 for other valuable information. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE. Useful text, and similar illustrations from period books, valuable history. * W. Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, p.432, #893. * Y. Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE [Clio Medica], p.81, 1775. I, with substantial historic text on the subject. * VEITH, Ilza. HUANG TI NEI CHING SU WEN: THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S RareOrientalBooks.Com CLASSIC OF INTERNAL MEDICINE: pp.48-51. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS *** ISHIMPO 1000 NEN NO AYUMI: DAWNING OF JAPANESE MEDICINEISHIMPO. [Commemorating 1000 Years of "Ishimpo," the Key to Japanese Medicine]. See p.56 and illustration. *** AN EARLY GRAPHIC WORK ON JAPANESE CHILDBIRTH AND GYNECOLOGY Book Number: 21085005 207 KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu]. SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. Edo 1775, Suwahara. Brown stitched stiff wrs., very good, 2 vol. set complete, 32 illustrations, text: 11+2; 4+33 double folded leaves, solid copy, facsimile title slips, a few old old margin worm holes, 18.5 x 26.3 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTE SLIPS: . THE BELOW REFER ONLY TO THE GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL, ANNOTATED COPY: . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL ANNOTATED COLLECTION COPY: This set was annotated on 2 slips papers by Mestler in his handwriting and initialed "GEM.' There is also a note to "Vincent to make 2 4 x 5 glossy prints [photos] left recto..." in Mestler's hand. An additional note assists in bibliographical annotations used to describe this work in his GALAXY publication. *** CONDITION OF GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY: Volume 1, has a bit of minor old worming to front covers and inside a single worm hole to several pages, legible else clean on bright paper. . Vol. 2 is very clean internally, no worming. it lacks the title slip. Both volume have dusty covers, but are solidly bound, both have very bright clean contents. *** END OF MESTLER SPECIAL COPY NOTES . * * * * * * . THE BELOW BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS ALSO REFERS TO THE MESTLER COPY ABOVE AND ALL OTHER COPIES OF THIS TITLE . RareOrientalBooks.Com $6800 . . THE FIRST AND ONLY EDITION . PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODBLOCK PRINTED ILLUSTRATIONS *** This work was written as the "Supplement" to the SAN RON YOKU. *** . WRITTEN BY KAGAWA GENTEKI: . THE JAPANESE "INVENTOR" OF FORCED CHILD-BIRTH & DELIVERY: . The art of Japanese obstetrics was established in a true scientific sense by KAGAWA Genetsu [1700-1777] aka. by his alternate first names: Shigen or Korin, with his historic first publication on the of forced child birth, SAN RON, published in 1765. . He outlined how he "invented" many birth "tools" and methods for forced child-birth and delivery. . "The SAN RON was destined to be the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least a hundred years. That classic work was followed by the SAN RON YOKU written in 1775, by Kagawa [1739-1179], the adopted son of Genetsu, as a "supplement" to the SAN RON and to correct the errors in the published work of his mentor, the elder Kagawa, resulting in a considerable improvement in obstetrical methods." Per Mestler p.494 et al. *** ABOUT KAGAWA GENTEKI & SON RON YOKU: THE SUPPLEMENT TO SAN RON: Kagawa often used anything he could find as an obstetrical instrument, including whale bones, fishing nets, scissor-like clamps and so many others. This became the most reliable and standard work on the subject, studied by medical students, midwives and others interested in child birth. . SAN RON YOKU [this work] written by Genteki [Shikei] Kagawa [1739-1779], who was the adopted son of Geneteki the senior, as a "supplement" to his legendary and primary work: SAN RON. The SAN RON YOKU corrected errors in the elder Kagawa's published work. This resulted in a considerable improvement in Japanese obstetrical methods. . . This work and most all other period books were all written in Kambun [old Chinese] with Japanese grammar [Furigana] written to give sound and meaning to the ancient Chinese characters, copied and used in Japan. *** CONTENTS: The work was addressed to midwives or other who would be concerned and involved with the pregnancy, delivery, caring for the mother & child. It was also a manual to assist mid-wives in difficult deliveries of babies. Chapters on pre-pregnancy & pregnancy, the uterus, pharmacopoeia, medicinal plants and prescriptions, health and hygiene, massage, "shampooing," healthful foods, foods to avoid, bathing, stages of pregnancy, evolution of the fetus, placenta, types of delivery, twins, [the illustrations even distinguish between monozygotic vs. dizygotic twins] showing illustrations of twins enclosed in a single/double egg sack RareOrientalBooks.Com membranes, various types of breech & other "difficult" deliveries nicely illustrated. * THERAPEUTIC USE OF MASSAGE: Of major importance, was Kagawa's advice for therapeutic use of massage [effleurage] for pregnant woman in difficult cases of delivery. This work was an up-date as well as a supplement to the author's earlier title: SAN RON of 1765. Massage was outlined in these two famous and important works. A most instructional, reliable and fascinating early treatise on the subject. * THE AUTHOR: Kagawa was a celebrated practicing obstetrician and author on the subject. The Kagawas were part of a familial dynasty of brilliant individual physicians who were influential in the historical development of medicine in Japan. See Mestler p.495, liberally quoted from Mestler p.300, see citation below. . "Kagawa carried out experiments in order to verify the efficacy of the medicine he practiced, and developed his own form of obstetrics in Japan from that time onwards." Quoted from ISHIMPO, see below for more details. *** EDITION: This is the FIRST & ONLY EDITION of this title. . The only variants we know of are slight differences in the overall size of the book, where margins were trimmed, regardless, the text & illustrations remain identical. . Other variants are the color of the covers or the type of paper used to bind the books. some have a bit larger margins, in variant colors. *** RARITY Books of this early period of Japanese medicine are RARE and seldom found on the market. These books form the early foundations of Japanese medicine and are always of great interest and show the beginnings of Japanese historical medicine as well as practical arts. A good number of these texts were either based on earlier Chinese or Dutch learning. *** WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK: This early work was printed by woodblocks on hand-made Washi paper. With very primitive and charming illustrations, a most fascinating early resource. *** REFERENCES: Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS cites this title & more on Kagawa on pp.485, 491-2, 494 & 495, 498-99 & 199. Please read the extensive footnote #37, at the bottom of p.493 for other valuable information. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE. Useful text, and similar illustrations from period books, valuable history. * RareOrientalBooks.Com W. Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, p.432, #893. * Y. Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE [Clio Medica], p.81, 1775. I, with substantial historic text on the subject. * VEITH, Ilza. HUANG TI NEI CHING SU WEN: THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S CLASSIC OF INTERNAL MEDICINE: pp.48-51. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS *** ISHIMPO 1000 NEN NO AYUMI: DAWNING OF JAPANESE MEDICINEISHIMPO. [Commemorating 1000 Years of "Ishimpo," the Key to Japanese Medicine]. See p.56 and illustration. *** A CLASSIC WORK BY THE ORTHODOX CONFUCIAN MORALIST Book Number: 93024001 208 KAIBARA, Ekiken. ONNA DAIGAKU TAKARA BAKO: GREAT TREASURY OF LEARNING FOR WOMEN. Together with: [Edo 1863, Naniwa]. Blue covers, stitched, very good, 117 double page b.w. woodcut plates, complete in one volume, Japanese text, hand printed on Washi paper, 18 x 25.5 cm., together with the English translation of London 1914. SCARCE An historically important work on women and women's rights in Japan from the 17th century. Documenting the life, habits, learning and essentials for female social life norms as based on traditional rules. * Each page consists of some form of important lesson & learning for women and girls. Also, by using the Hyakunin Isshu as an example, the text explains the proper attitude and conduct for the women of contemporary Japan. * Beautifully printed on hand-made Washi paper and woodcut illustrated and printed by hand. With one or two illustrat- RareOrientalBooks.Com $6120 ions on each page. Handsome illustrated text renders this a valuable original and grand record of women's classic learning. * The Tale of Genji [ie: Genji Monogatari] is also illustrated and cited as examples of proper feminine conduct. The author was the celebrated Kaibara [1630-1714] who was a respected & famous moralist and philosopher. In this work, he extols the Confucian virtues and precepts as they apply to women together with other admonitions of the Samurai class. Women along with men were expected to follow Bushido [The Way of the Samurai] in their conduct, which prescribed ritual Seppuku [aka Harakiri or self-embowelment] for breaches of socially accepted norms of conduct. * This work was the most popular of all his many books and was for two centuries considered an essential part of any bride's trousseau. * INCLUDED WITH THIS JAPANESE WORK, IS THE BELOW REFERENCE IN ENGLISH: See Takaishi below. This reference is the first and only Western language translation of ONNA DAIGAKU and the first of its kind to be done in English. The London 1914 edition of the English translation of ONNA DAIGAKU, with title page reading: WOMEN AND WISDOM OF JAPAN. This keen insight covers the following chapter headings, now translated into English for the first time: [cover has small stain else clean]: GIRL'S INSTRUCTION DEMARKATION BETWEEN THE SEXES "SEVEN REASONS FOR DIVORCE" THE WIFE'S MISCELLANEOUS DUTIES TREATMENT OF SERVANTS THE INFIRMITIES OF WOMAN -Appendices: A. THE JAPANESE REVOLUTION B. THE LEGAL CONDITIONS FOR A DIVORCE. * A wonderful example of girl's learning for the 17-18th centuries. Profusely illustrated, nicely done Japanese text. * ABOUT KAIBARA: Kaibara Ekken or Ekiken, also known as Atsunobu, [1630-1714] was a Japanese Neo-Confucianist philosopher and botanist during the Edo Period of the 16th century of Japan. * Ekken was destined to introduce two great innovations towards the Tokugawa shogunate. One of such was the systematic study of nature based on Neo-Confucianism, which was the beginning of the empirical science in Japan. Ekken's second innovation was to translate the abstruse and forbidding philosophy of Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism into the language of the ordinary Japanese. * Ekken's science was confined to Biology and focused on the "natural law". Ekken became as famous in Japan as people such as Charles Darwin when it came to Science. Ekken was known for his manuals of behavior, such as changing his Confucian ethical system based on the teachings of Chu Hsi into an easy "self-help" manuals, such as Precepts for Children and Greater Learning for Women. The textbook of RareOrientalBooks.Com Neo-Confucianism was then known as The Great Learning. Ekken's main goal in life was to make sure that that book was known throughout Japan. This project more than any other accomplishment incorporated Neo-Confucianism into the very fiber of Japanese culture * REFERENCES: * Carmen Blacker: THE JAPANESE ENLIGHTENMENT: A Study of the Writings of Fukuzawa Yukichi pp. 11, 79-84. * Shingoro Takaishi : WOMEN AND WISDOM OF JAPAN. This small but excellent resource offers an English translation of title with commentaries about Kaibara Ekiken. Based on Prof. Basil Hall Chamberlain's English translation. * Basil H. Chamberlain: THINGS JAPANESE. See his translation of this title here. * Book Number: 41038201 209 KANOH, Shuhoh. SOSHI MONYO SHU: [Kyoto 1927, Markia Ga Bohiff. Stiff wrs. folded color woodblock printed covers, vols. 3,5-8,12,13.15 only, each holds 9-10 single color woodcut prints, size is 12.5 x 18 cm.,very clean, bright, no issues, some covers mended. OBSCURE ITEM ! This group contains portfolio numbers 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15 in all. Each small portfolio contains the following count of prints: Vol. 3: 10 each Vol. 5: 9 " Vol. 6: 10 " Vol. 7: 10 " vol. 8: 10 " Vol. 12: 10 " Vol. 13: 9 " Vol. 15: 10 prints respectively, 78 individual prints + the woodblock printed covers for each portfolio volume. Each print has a tissue guard protector, most all prints are flawless, 1-2 may have corner chipped away, else each is in lovely clean and bright color with no issues. * CONDITION: Some portfolio covers were worn at the folds, those that needed mending have been skillfully mended using Japanese Washi paper and rice glue. Some edges, folds and closed tears are now solid. The prints are in superb, clean, bright and mostly flawless condition. RareOrientalBooks.Com $1020 * $791 Book Number: 85177803 210 [KANZAKA, Sekka.] A FLIGHT OF BUTTERFLIES: CHO SEN SHU: ONE THOUSAND KINDS OF BUTTERFLIES. [New York 1979, Met. Museum]. Blue cloth, very good, fascsimile of [Kyoto 1904, Unsodo] edition, accordion folded album album, 19 x 25.5 cm., 26 double page color illustrations, in white board slipcase, bright lovely copy. FIRST EDITION With 25 double page color illustrations, very charming color illustrations, true original colors of the woodblock printed edition. Illustrates many different varieties of butterflies in artistic composition. Printed on special made paper. Nice work ! * AN EARLY ILLUSTRATED JAPANESE PHYSICANS REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 20033501 211 KATAKURA, Genshuu. BAIREI SHINSHO: A NEW TREATISE ON LEPROSY & SYPHILIS. [Edo 1786, Suharaya]. Buff stiched wrs., title slips, 2 vol. set, minor cover discoloration, [33+22] double folded leaves woodblock printed on hand-made paper, 18 x 26 cm.,couple of RareOrientalBooks.Com $48 small old worm holes, else clean, very good. QUITE R A R E Originally issued in 1786. Katakura [1750-1822] was a celebrated Japanese physician and Rangakusha. This famous work covers both serious diseases known to the Japanese. Syphilis was treated in Japan & China with mercury. It was brought to Japan from China by Portuguese sailors sometime during the latter part of the 16th century, localized epidemics having been recorded in 1512, and 1569 and in 1630. * The illustrations in this work show a Chinese physician inserting iron medical instruments into a charcoal brazier while his assistant fans the fire. Other metal rods are on the floor, a second illustration page shows close ups of three other metal instruments for cauterization of the infected areas...surely painful but a most primitive and effective treatment. Also covers contagious diseases. * A most early and valuable resource on the subject. This monograph is exceptionally RARE and seldom found on the market. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Mestler:A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS, page 132-3 for more details on this book & the subject in general and some early illustrations. * Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, p.432, item #881. * Scans can be sent upon request. AN EARLY ILLUSTRATED JAPANESE PHYSICANS REFERENCE BOOK Book Number: 20033502 212 KATAKURA, Genshuu. BAIREI SHINSHO: A NEW TREATISE ON LEPROSY & SYPHILIS. [Edo 1803,Suharaya]. Stitched wrs., title slips, 2 vol. set, very good, minor cover discoloration, [33+22] double folded leaves, woodblock printed on hand-made paper, 18 x 26 cm., a couple of small old worm holes, else clean. QUITE R A R E Originally issued in 1786. Katakura [1750-1822] was a celebrated Japanese physician and Rangakusha. This famous work covers both serious diseases known to the Japanese. Syphilis was treated in Japan & China with mercury. It was brought to Japan from China by Portuguese sailors sometime during the latter part of the 16th century, localized epidemics having RareOrientalBooks.Com $4760 been recorded in 1512, and 1569 and in 1630. * The illustrations in this work show a Chinese physician inserting iron medical instruments into a charcoal brazier while his assistant fans the fire. Other metal rods are on the floor, a second illustration page shows close ups of three other metal instruments for cauterization of the infected areas...surely painful but a most primitive and effective treatment. Also covers contagious diseases. * A most early and valuable resource on the subject. This monograph is exceptionally RARE and seldom found on the market. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Mestler:A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS, page 132-3 for more details on this book & the subject in general and some early illustrations. * Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, p.432, item #881. * Scans can be sent upon request. A 1799 ILLUSTRATED OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL TREATISE Book Number: 21084901 213 KATAKURA, Kakuryoh. [Kuwakuryo] SANKA HATSUMO: ILLUSTRATED ENLIGHTENMENT IN OBSTETRICS, TREATMENT OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILD-BIRTH. Edo 1799 Suwaraya. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., very good, 6 vols. bound in 4, complete, profusely illustrated, woodcut printed by hand on handmade paper, 29+30+28+35+22+32 doubleleaves, 18 x 27 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION . !! IMPORTANT NOTE !! . THE IMMEDIATE BELOW DESCRIPTION REFERS TO A SPECIAL COPY: . .GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTES . . . WE HAVE OTHER COPIES THAT MATCH THE BALANCE OF THE . DESCRIPTION, NOT RELATED TO MESTLER. * * * * . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS NOTE SLIPS: . This copy contains 2 small slips of paper, annotated with RareOrientalBooks.Com $4624 Mestler's penned notes, comments and bibliographical observations. These notes were then used to creat entries in his historic and comprehensive land-mark bibliography of early Japanese medical books: . A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. . Note: vol.6 is 1 cm. shorter than the other volumes although it is bound together with vol.5. . The below bibliographic information also refers to the Special Mestler copy above, the only difference being the above contains Mestler's hand-written notes * * * * ........................................................... ====>>>> END OF THE MESTLER-RELATED COPY <====== . THE ABOVE IS FOR THE MESTLER SPECIAL COPY ONLY **** NOTE: THE BELOW REFERS TO ALL COPIES OF THIS TITLE: . . . . THE BALANCE OF THE ENTRY BELOW IS GENERIC TO THIS TITLE . . FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was published in a First & Only Edition * . . THE COMPLETE SET SIX VOLUME SET BOUND IN 4 VOLUMES: . The complete set consists of 6 volumes. This set is usually bound in four volumes, containing 6 numbered volumes in all. There are other variations to the binding above, i.e. 6 bound volumes. . Volumes 1-6, with cover titles vol. 1-4. . Note: Not all of our copies are bound in this exact format, some are 4 volume sets only. Please inquire prior to ordering to confirm you are ordering exactly the set & edition you want. *** THE AUTHOR: KATAKURA: This work was written by Katakura [1750-1822] a Japanese physician who came from a long line of doctors & Rangaku-sha [Scholars of Dutch learning & physicians] and was a pupil of Gentetsu Kagawa the founder of obstetrical science [1700-1776]. See below for more on him & the text upon which this title was based and corrected. *** CONTENTS: The first 3 volumes are the text. A collection of medical science based on actual experience. . Vol. 4-5 contains superb illustrations: the early collection of cells in the primitive egg; early fetus, one with umbilical cord wound around its neck, invitro views of the fetus, growth stages, and twins. Of major importance, was the notice of the two types of twins: mono and dizygotic RareOrientalBooks.Com twins, as the difference being one vs. two separate membranes around each twin. * Volume 6 is an illustrated atlas showing the various progressions of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus, delivery, complications, breech and other abnormal deliveries. . *** WHO WAS KAGAWA: [Katakura's Teacher] . Kagawa began with the publication of his pioneer work SAN RON: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS [1765] in which he "invented" many methods for forced delivery. Kagawa often employed anything he could find as an obstetrical instruments. This work was destined to become the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least 100 years. . Following this work, was the SAN RON YOKU: A BOOK OF OBSTETRICS [1775]. [Please inquire as we may have this book also]. Katakura wrote the present work to correct the errors in the two previous works noted above. It contains realistic and substantial instructions for midwives, the technique of massage, body positions, "shampooing," pharmacopoeia, prescriptions and lists of therapeutic plants & how to combine them for various maladies, increase of mother's milk, a healthy uterus, post-partum recovery &c. . *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: Views of the pelvic bones [redrawn from Deventer's figures made with no attempt to change the facial features of the fetus to those of a Japanese], various presentations of the fetus for delivery, after-birth, uterus and the location of where the after-birth & placenta were attached, thus an excellent description of what are "easy" vs. "difficult" births. Various breech forms, use of whale-bone forceps, methods of "turning" the fetus during a breech [by positioning the mother or by insertion of the whole arm to forcefully turn the baby. * THE TEXT: TAKE FROM ANCIENT CHINESE WORKS The texts was written Kambun, an ancient form of Chinese characters used in Japan, this has the standard "Furigana" Japanese sounds written along the Kanji characters to give sound and meaning to Japanese readers, with grammatical marks, thus making it easy for less than well-studied Japanese to read and understand. It was therefore also used by mid-wives for assistance in child-birth. The original Chinese title was most likely lost or changed by the time this text came to Japan. *** DUTCH ATTRIBUTION: . This work was also most likely based on Heinrich Van Deventer: NEUES HABAMMENLICHT, Jena, 1740, 4th edition. The illustrations on p.20 follow those of Deventer's exactly see VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS figures:3, 4, on pp.52, 53 for these examples. *** SIZE OF THE BOOKS: The size varies just a bit depending on the original binder, RareOrientalBooks.Com average size is 18 x 27 cm. some leaves are shorter, text and illustrations remains identical. *** THIS IS A RARE BOOK ! . A RARE and early woodblock printed and illustrated classic ! A stunning and superb work with a good number of period illustrations, nicely done and finely executed. *** REFERENCES: MESTLER, Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN, pp.493-4, et al. Plates II D & III. Mestler cites on p.494 about one of the interesting illustrations in this work. "...is of the cut surface of an abortus at two or three months of pregnancy." Other references in Mestler for this work or for Katakura found on pp.486-7, 494-7, 142, 339 & 199. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M.W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE for additional useful information. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS, p.51-55, figures 3-6. * Yu Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE, Clio Medica Series, 1934, p. 59.: "...contain extracts from English & Dutch" works translated into Kambun. The instruments & operations used in obstetrics at the time have been described. Delivery of the baby by difficult presentations: by the feet, head first, podalic version and perforation by sharp hooks, extraction by means of the Tanganki or fishbone [whale-bone] noose..." * KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu].: SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. * KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu].: SAN RON: MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. *** NOTE: Anyone interested in purchasing any of the above books or reference books please contact us, we may have them in stock. Also those interested in early Japanese medicine may request a catalog or visit our website and download the latest edition. *** A 1799 ILLUSTRATED OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL TREATISE RareOrientalBooks.Com $4735 Book Number: 21084902 214 KATAKURA, Kakuryoh. [Kuwakuryo] SANKA HATSUMO: ILLUSTRATED ENLIGHTENMENT IN OBSTETRICS, TREATMENT OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILD-BIRTH. Edo 1799 Suwaraya. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., very good, 6 vols. bound in 4, complete, profusely illustrated, woodcut printed by hand on handmade paper, 29+30+28+35+22+32 doubleleaves, 18 x 26 cm.,dusty, stained covers. FIRST EDITION . !! IMPORTANT NOTE !! . THE IMMEDIATE BELOW DESCRIPTION REFERS TO A SPECIAL COPY: . .GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTES . . . WE HAVE OTHER COPIES THAT MATCH THE BALANCE OF THE . DESCRIPTION, NOT RELATED TO MESTLER. * * * * . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS NOTE SLIPS: . This copy contains 2 small slips of paper, annotated with Mestler's penned notes, comments and bibliographical observations. These notes were then used to creat entries in his historic and comprehensive land-mark bibliography of early Japanese medical books: . A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. . Note: vol.6 is 1 cm. shorter than the other volumes although it is bound together with vol.5. . The below bibliographic information also refers to the Special Mestler copy above, the only difference being the above contains Mestler's hand-written notes * * * * ........................................................... ====>>>> END OF THE MESTLER-RELATED COPY <====== . THE ABOVE IS FOR THE MESTLER SPECIAL COPY ONLY **** NOTE: THE BELOW REFERS TO ALL COPIES OF THIS TITLE: . . . . THE BALANCE OF THE ENTRY BELOW IS GENERIC TO THIS TITLE . . FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was published in a First & Only Edition * RareOrientalBooks.Com . . THE COMPLETE SET SIX VOLUME SET BOUND IN 4 VOLUMES: . The complete set consists of 6 volumes. This set is usually bound in four volumes, containing 6 numbered volumes in all. There are other variations to the binding above, i.e. 6 bound volumes. . Volumes 1-6, with cover titles vol. 1-4. . Note: Not all of our copies are bound in this exact format, some are 4 volume sets only. Please inquire prior to ordering to confirm you are ordering exactly the set & edition you want. *** THE AUTHOR: KATAKURA: This work was written by Katakura [1750-1822] a Japanese physician who came from a long line of doctors & Rangaku-sha [Scholars of Dutch learning & physicians] and was a pupil of Gentetsu Kagawa the founder of obstetrical science [1700-1776]. See below for more on him & the text upon which this title was based and corrected. *** CONTENTS: The first 3 volumes are the text. A collection of medical science based on actual experience. . Vol. 4-5 contains superb illustrations: the early collection of cells in the primitive egg; early fetus, one with umbilical cord wound around its neck, invitro views of the fetus, growth stages, and twins. Of major importance, was the notice of the two types of twins: mono and dizygotic twins, as the difference being one vs. two separate membranes around each twin. * Volume 6 is an illustrated atlas showing the various progressions of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus, delivery, complications, breech and other abnormal deliveries. . *** WHO WAS KAGAWA: [Katakura's Teacher] . Kagawa began with the publication of his pioneer work SAN RON: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS [1765] in which he "invented" many methods for forced delivery. Kagawa often employed anything he could find as an obstetrical instruments. This work was destined to become the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least 100 years. . Following this work, was the SAN RON YOKU: A BOOK OF OBSTETRICS [1775]. [Please inquire as we may have this book also]. Katakura wrote the present work to correct the errors in the two previous works noted above. It contains realistic and substantial instructions for midwives, the technique of massage, body positions, "shampooing," pharmacopoeia, prescriptions and lists of therapeutic plants & how to combine them for various maladies, increase of mother's milk, a healthy uterus, post-partum recovery &c. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com THE ILLUSTRATIONS: Views of the pelvic bones [redrawn from Deventer's figures made with no attempt to change the facial features of the fetus to those of a Japanese], various presentations of the fetus for delivery, after-birth, uterus and the location of where the after-birth & placenta were attached, thus an excellent description of what are "easy" vs. "difficult" births. Various breech forms, use of whale-bone forceps, methods of "turning" the fetus during a breech [by positioning the mother or by insertion of the whole arm to forcefully turn the baby. * THE TEXT: TAKE FROM ANCIENT CHINESE WORKS The texts was written Kambun, an ancient form of Chinese characters used in Japan, this has the standard "Furigana" Japanese sounds written along the Kanji characters to give sound and meaning to Japanese readers, with grammatical marks, thus making it easy for less than well-studied Japanese to read and understand. It was therefore also used by mid-wives for assistance in child-birth. The original Chinese title was most likely lost or changed by the time this text came to Japan. *** DUTCH ATTRIBUTION: . This work was also most likely based on Heinrich Van Deventer: NEUES HABAMMENLICHT, Jena, 1740, 4th edition. The illustrations on p.20 follow those of Deventer's exactly see VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS figures:3, 4, on pp.52, 53 for these examples. *** SIZE OF THE BOOKS: The size varies just a bit depending on the original binder, average size is 18 x 27 cm. some leaves are shorter, text and illustrations remains identical. *** THIS IS A RARE BOOK ! . A RARE and early woodblock printed and illustrated classic ! A stunning and superb work with a good number of period illustrations, nicely done and finely executed. *** REFERENCES: MESTLER, Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN, pp.493-4, et al. Plates II D & III. Mestler cites on p.494 about one of the interesting illustrations in this work. "...is of the cut surface of an abortus at two or three months of pregnancy." Other references in Mestler for this work or for Katakura found on pp.486-7, 494-7, 142, 339 & 199. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M.W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE for additional useful information. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS, p.51-55, figures 3-6. * Yu Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE, Clio Medica Series, 1934, RareOrientalBooks.Com p. 59.: "...contain extracts from English & Dutch" works translated into Kambun. The instruments & operations used in obstetrics at the time have been described. Delivery of the baby by difficult presentations: by the feet, head first, podalic version and perforation by sharp hooks, extraction by means of the Tanganki or fishbone [whale-bone] noose..." * KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu].: SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. * KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu].: SAN RON: MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. *** NOTE: Anyone interested in purchasing any of the above books or reference books please contact us, we may have them in stock. Also those interested in early Japanese medicine may request a catalog or visit our website and download the latest edition. *** A 1799 ILLUSTRATED OBSTETRICAL & GYNECOLOGICAL TREATISE Book Number: 21084903 215 KATAKURA, Kakuryoh. [Kuwakuryo] SANKA HATSUMO: ILLUSTRATED ENLIGHTENMENT IN OBSTETRICS, TREATMENT OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILD-BIRTH. Edo 1799 Suwaraya. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., very good, 6 vols. bound in 4, complete, profusely illustrated, woodcut printed by hand on handmade paper, 29+30+28+35+22+32 doubleleaves, covers dusty, else clean, indigo cloth Chitsu case. . !! IMPORTANT NOTE !! . THE IMMEDIATE BELOW DESCRIPTION REFERS TO A SPECIAL COPY: . .GORDON E. MESTLER PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS HAND-WRITTEN NOTES . . . WE HAVE OTHER COPIES THAT MATCH THE BALANCE OF THE . DESCRIPTION, NOT RELATED TO MESTLER. * * * * . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH HIS NOTE SLIPS: . This copy contains 2 small slips of paper, annotated with Mestler's penned notes, comments and bibliographical observations. These notes were then used to creat entries in RareOrientalBooks.Com $4735 his historic and comprehensive land-mark bibliography of early Japanese medical books: . A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. . Note: vol.6 is 1 cm. shorter than the other volumes although it is bound together with vol.5. . The below bibliographic information also refers to the Special Mestler copy above, the only difference being the above contains Mestler's hand-written notes * * * * ........................................................... ====>>>> END OF THE MESTLER-RELATED COPY <====== . THE ABOVE IS FOR THE MESTLER SPECIAL COPY ONLY **** NOTE: THE BELOW REFERS TO ALL COPIES OF THIS TITLE: . . . . THE BALANCE OF THE ENTRY BELOW IS GENERIC TO THIS TITLE . . FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This title was published in a First & Only Edition * . . THE COMPLETE SET SIX VOLUME SET BOUND IN 4 VOLUMES: . The complete set consists of 6 volumes. This set is usually bound in four volumes, containing 6 numbered volumes in all. There are other variations to the binding above, i.e. 6 bound volumes. . Volumes 1-6, with cover titles vol. 1-4. . Note: Not all of our copies are bound in this exact format, some are 4 volume sets only. Please inquire prior to ordering to confirm you are ordering exactly the set & edition you want. *** THE AUTHOR: KATAKURA: This work was written by Katakura [1750-1822] a Japanese physician who came from a long line of doctors & Rangaku-sha [Scholars of Dutch learning & physicians] and was a pupil of Gentetsu Kagawa the founder of obstetrical science [1700-1776]. See below for more on him & the text upon which this title was based and corrected. *** CONTENTS: The first 3 volumes are the text. A collection of medical science based on actual experience. . Vol. 4-5 contains superb illustrations: the early collection of cells in the primitive egg; early fetus, one with umbilical cord wound around its neck, invitro views of the fetus, growth stages, and twins. Of major importance, was the notice of the two types of twins: mono and dizygotic twins, as the difference being one vs. two separate membranes around each twin. RareOrientalBooks.Com * Volume 6 is an illustrated atlas showing the various progressions of pregnancy, the growth of the fetus, delivery, complications, breech and other abnormal deliveries. . *** WHO WAS KAGAWA: [Katakura's Teacher] . Kagawa began with the publication of his pioneer work SAN RON: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS [1765] in which he "invented" many methods for forced delivery. Kagawa often employed anything he could find as an obstetrical instruments. This work was destined to become the standard authority on obstetrics in Japan for at least 100 years. . Following this work, was the SAN RON YOKU: A BOOK OF OBSTETRICS [1775]. [Please inquire as we may have this book also]. Katakura wrote the present work to correct the errors in the two previous works noted above. It contains realistic and substantial instructions for midwives, the technique of massage, body positions, "shampooing," pharmacopoeia, prescriptions and lists of therapeutic plants & how to combine them for various maladies, increase of mother's milk, a healthy uterus, post-partum recovery &c. . *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: Views of the pelvic bones [redrawn from Deventer's figures made with no attempt to change the facial features of the fetus to those of a Japanese], various presentations of the fetus for delivery, after-birth, uterus and the location of where the after-birth & placenta were attached, thus an excellent description of what are "easy" vs. "difficult" births. Various breech forms, use of whale-bone forceps, methods of "turning" the fetus during a breech [by positioning the mother or by insertion of the whole arm to forcefully turn the baby. * THE TEXT: TAKE FROM ANCIENT CHINESE WORKS The texts was written Kambun, an ancient form of Chinese characters used in Japan, this has the standard "Furigana" Japanese sounds written along the Kanji characters to give sound and meaning to Japanese readers, with grammatical marks, thus making it easy for less than well-studied Japanese to read and understand. It was therefore also used by mid-wives for assistance in child-birth. The original Chinese title was most likely lost or changed by the time this text came to Japan. *** DUTCH ATTRIBUTION: . This work was also most likely based on Heinrich Van Deventer: NEUES HABAMMENLICHT, Jena, 1740, 4th edition. The illustrations on p.20 follow those of Deventer's exactly see VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS figures:3, 4, on pp.52, 53 for these examples. *** SIZE OF THE BOOKS: The size varies just a bit depending on the original binder, average size is 18 x 27 cm. some leaves are shorter, text and illustrations remains identical. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** THIS IS A RARE BOOK ! . A RARE and early woodblock printed and illustrated classic ! A stunning and superb work with a good number of period illustrations, nicely done and finely executed. *** REFERENCES: MESTLER, Gordon E. Mestler: GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN, pp.493-4, et al. Plates II D & III. Mestler cites on p.494 about one of the interesting illustrations in this work. "...is of the cut surface of an abortus at two or three months of pregnancy." Other references in Mestler for this work or for Katakura found on pp.486-7, 494-7, 142, 339 & 199. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * M.W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE for additional useful information. * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS, p.51-55, figures 3-6. * Yu Fujikawa: JAPANESE MEDICINE, Clio Medica Series, 1934, p. 59.: "...contain extracts from English & Dutch" works translated into Kambun. The instruments & operations used in obstetrics at the time have been described. Delivery of the baby by difficult presentations: by the feet, head first, podalic version and perforation by sharp hooks, extraction by means of the Tanganki or fishbone [whale-bone] noose..." * KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu].: SAN RON YOKU: BOOK OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. * KAGAWA, Genteki [Genetsu].: SAN RON: MANUAL OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY & CHILDBIRTH. *** NOTE: Anyone interested in purchasing any of the above books or reference books please contact us, we may have them in stock. Also those interested in early Japanese medicine may request a catalog or visit our website and download the latest edition. *** AN EARLY JAPANESE WOODBLOCK ILLUSTRATED WORK RareOrientalBooks.Com $4828 Book Number: 22039901 216 KATSU, Juu. JUSHI KEI HAKKI SHINN KYUU CHI HOU: THE FOURTEEN ACUPUNCTURE "CHANNELS." Kyoto 1764, Kohto Shorin. Blue stitched wrs., covers scuffed 2 vol. set, 28+76 double-folded leaves, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made mulberry paper, 16 superb illustrations of acupuncture "points," some old minor worming, restored. RARE THE AUTHOR: Katsu was also known as Hakunin, was a pre-Ming dynasty Chinese physician who wrote a book on the introduction of moxibustion [moxa is mugwort, the herb artemisia vulgaris latifolia] system into Japan from China. * THE ORIGINAL TITLE: PART ONE: The original one volume edition of 2 parts was published in 1684 with the title: JUSHIKEI HAKKI. Our copy a later edition of this famous first work on the subject. . Mestler in his historic "GALAXY" [see below] has devoted much space to this work on pages 473-476. We quote & summarize his comments: "...it is a theoretical discussion chiefly on acupuncture but equally applicable to moxa...the first part discussed the fundamental belief of the Chinese and Japanese in relationship between specific sites on the outside of the body." . SECOND PART: The second part [author unknown], subtitled JUSHIKEI KETSU CHI-HO gave practical instruction" ...on how to use needles and moxa. The whole work was later explained by Okamoto Ippo under the title JUSHIKEI RYAKI WAGO IN 1693, in 3 volumes. . EXCELLENT ILLUSTRATIONS: Of note are the excellent illustrations found in this work, showing the practitioner the "points" and where to apply acupuncture needles or moxa. Mestler has pointed this out and illustrated this in his book on plate I, B, showing the posterior view of a man with external measurements, and referring also to the differences between lean and fat individuals and the influence of aging. . The anterior view is also illustrated in the Katsu work among so many other illustrations. Moxa was also placed on thin slabs of garlic, then ignited with fire to get the maximum therapeutic results. Needles inserted at these same "points" were often enhanced by rolling small balls of damp moxa at the end of the needles & burned after inserted. See Mestler's "GALAXY" below for many other RareOrientalBooks.Com entries on Katsu, acupuncture & moxa. * A very early and important "First" illustrated resource on the subject of acupuncture and moxa. * CONDITION: The title slip on vol.1 is well rubbed, some loss; vol. 2 title slip was replaced with a hand-written example. The book is solidly stitched adn stable, front, rear covers very rubbed, some color loss. * EDITION: This is the 1764 reprint of the 1684 edition. *** REFERENCES: Mestler, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * Note: Anyone interested in purchasing the above 2 reference books by Mestler, please contact us, we may have them in stock. * THE STORY OF REVENGE, MURDER AND CONVERSION TO BUDDHISM Book Number: 20037901 217 KATSUSHIKA, Isai. SHU ZO FUKUSHU IWAMI EI YU ROKU: THE LEGEND OF THE IWAMI HERO'S REVENGE. [Osaka 1857, Buneido]. Orange stiff wrs., very good, covers bid soiled, solid, 7 vols. bound in 3, complete,[138] double folded leaves, 22 fine woodblock illustrations, entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper, title slips, complete. BY A START HOKUSAI PUPIL: This strange and violent story was illustrated by a star RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 Hokusai pupil Isai, [1821-1880] who was originally named Shimizu. He was an Ukiyo-E painter, printmaker, born in Edo. He lived and studied in Hokusai's house. . In the 1860's he made several prints designed to sell to foreigners. He specialized in genre works & portraits, his style is very close to that of Hokusai. * THE STORY: The story outlines the escapades of the hero as he takes revenge on his mortal enemies. The graphics excellent, and some show dramatic and great motion as the hero defends himself against would-be attackers, one looses his head as the hero delivers it from his shoulders, in another he suppresses his enemy with a Naginada cut to the throat. . In the end the hero takes the Buddhist path for his sins against humanity by killing, he becomes a wandering priest, as he is seen taking leave of his mother. The story was written by Tamamo no Urahito. * THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The set is nicely illustrated, with 22 pages of stunning images. The excellent illustrations and composition are reminiscent of the work by Hokusai, the artist's master. Excellent examples of very nice sword fight action. If the work was not signed one would assume it was the work of Katsushika Hokusai. . Illustrations copied by Mizuhara Gyoku-so, alternate title is: KOKYU EI YU ROKU. * THE BINDING: The book is 7 volumes, bound in three, as issued, with matching title slips. The breakdown of the bindings are: volumes 1,2 = part 1; vols. 3,4,5 = part 2; vols. 6,.7 = part 3. . The pagination is: vol.1: 16p.; vol.2: 21p.; vol.3: 21p.; vol.4: 21p.; vol.5: 22p.; vol.6:24p.; vol.7: 24p. . The size is 15.4 x 21.8 cm., and * CONDITION: The blind-stamped orange covers are solid, and tightly stitched. There is some discoloration to the front and back covers, most likely oxidation of the original iron-based orange color. The contents are free from any old worming, there is a mild stain in the last vol., at the leading and upper edges, text is not very affected. A bit of the usual edge/corner wear. * A NOTE: Its amazing to think this excellent item has eluded the scrutiny of both Kerlen and Toda. One would fully expect that the star pupil of Katsushiki Hokusai would get listed in most any bibliography of E-hon ! *** REFERENCES: Laurance P. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.55 for notes on Isai. * RareOrientalBooks.Com Not listed in: KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, he lists 3 items by Katsushika, this title nor Kokyu Ei Yu Roku are not listed. * Not listed in: TODA, Kenji. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO * Book Number: 27039801 218 KATSUYAMA, Shigetaro. [NO TITLE]. AN ALBUM OF JAPANESE WOMEM ENJOYING THE SEASONS OF THE YEAR IN CELEBRATION: JANUARY THROUGH SEPTEMBER. Tokyo 1892, Bijutsu Chakushokusha. Grass covered boards,with title slip blank, accordion folded, 9 color lithographs,very good, Japanese captions,12 x 17.5 cm. opens to 24 x 17.5 cm. an obscure example. AN OBSCURE WORK ! This lovely and charming work is a group of pastel-colored lithographs of activities for each of the first nine months of the year, with its associated celebration or seasonal activity. A typical Meiji period lithographed picture book in the native artistic tradition. * The illustrations are: * January: Shuttlecock for New Years celebrations * February; Plum tree blossom viewing * March: Gathering & picking flowers * April: Running after cherry blossoms * May: Wisteria flowers in Kameido * June: Listening to music during the rainy season * RareOrientalBooks.Com $1545 July: Cooling off by the Sumida River * August: Oiso Beach * September: Taking a walk in the new snow * Each image occupies two pages, for a size of 21.5 x 13.5 overall including margins: 24 x 17.5 cm. Each is delicately colored in pastels. * Condition: The covers: are a kind of hand-made "grass-paper" with woven fibers laid down over the boards with a blank title slip. There are a few spots to the front and a larger pair on the back, otherwise clean. The images nine are clean, the last shows some minor surface soil and a mend to the center fold. * The artist, Katsuyiama Shigetaro was a well-known lithographer of the period, who did stunning and Deluxe sized graphics mostly of beautiful women during the Meiji period 1868-1912. * A MOST CHARMING NANGA STYLE ACCORDION FOLDING SET OF ALBUMS Book Number: 85003302 219 KAWABATA, Gyokusho. SHUGA HYAKU DAI: A HUNDRED SUBJECTS FOR LESSONS IN PAINTING. [Tokyo 1898, Yoshikawa]. Buff accordion folded boards, 4 of 5 volumes: covers-vols. 1-3 buff; vols.4-5 yellow covers a bit dusty, contents clean, solid, a small stain on 1 image, 48 color woodcuts on double pages, else clean solid. When complete, the whole work contains some 60 color woodcut illustrations done in the Shijo style. * Each volume has 12 double folded illustrations in color, the entire work was woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper. It was issued in a single, FIRST & ONLY EDITION. * The work represents a tender approach to art, with delicate flowing brush lines in a minimalist-Zen way. He limits color which is a "distraction" and focuses on the use of Sumi [black ink] against white paper. He realizes his goal to transmit the shape and substance of his impression of objects and people he perceives. The good-taste in which color is used to reflect the "true nature" is done in the most "Shibui" way, therefore giving the impression, that RareOrientalBooks.Com $248 color is a luxury and to be used sparingly and only when necessary. Typical of Zen artists, this work refreshes and gives one's mind "space" to ingest the image with ease. * The subjects are typical Japanese and Chinese, devotion to a pair of eggplants, a Chinese sage, two sprigs of yet unopened fern [Warabi a delicacy], Mt. Fuji, two wheat grass heads, fanning the Hibachi-fire for tea, cherry blossoms, iris, a bird eating rice grains, a loquat, bamboo and a crane, a clump of ripe grapes, turtle [sign of longevity]. Kitsune or Fox God, birds, flowers, leaves, sleeping God, cherry blossom viewing with the moon, a stag, wisteria, Koi carp, honorable ancient pine tree, bird & Momiji [Japanese maple in autumn], a lobster, bamboo, morning glories, a blue-eyed Siamese cat, mouse, puffer fish, court Noble & wife, landscape at dusk &c... --- It does not get any better than this ! * Per Roberts below we summarize and quote: "Kawabata Gyokusho [1842-1913] was a Shijo painter, born in Kyoto to a family of lacquer artists. He first studied Maruyuama style with Nakajima Raisho. In 1866 he went to Tokyo to study Western style painting under Charles Wirgman. Not liking that style he soon return to the traditional Japanese style painting and became a leading figure in Tokyo art circles and in 1890 professor in charge of the painting division espousing the Shijo school style at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. In 1909 he founded the Kawabata painting school, and had a good number of pupils who became well know. He was a member of the Nihon Bijutsu Kyokai and the Imperial Art Commission. Considered the last great representative of the Shijo school. In his later years the sought to combine Chinese, Japanese and Western elements into his paintings. His work is quite delicate, making use of Japanese techniques in a realistic manner. A most competent artist." Well collected by world museums and institutions. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: p.492 * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.426 * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p.202. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.71. * A MOST LOVELY COLOR ILLUSTRATED REFERENCE WORK RareOrientalBooks.Com $369 Book Number: 22028801 220 KAWABE, Souyoushi. SHINSEN DAI NIPPON ETAI SETSUYO MUJINGURA: NEW SELECTION OF THE GREAT PERPETUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA, ATLAS, ALMANAC & CONCISE Edo 1864, Suhara-ya. Yellow stiff stitched wrs., 2 vol. set, ca. 18.5 x 26 cm., 10 double page color illustrations, 5 color maps, color title page, 433 double-folded leaves, profusely illustrated, Japanese text, woodblock-printed. SCARCE *** A terrific and copious resource on Japan. Essentially compiled into encyclopedia form, this reference work covers much of Japan was in the mid-18th century. First published in 1750. * The book begins with the Zodiac & the twelve animals and the auspicious days noted, along with excellent pictures of the associated animals. * THE ILLUSTRATOR: The work was illustrated by the celebrated and most distinguished book illustrator and artist, Matsukawa Hanzan who flourished 1850-82. * MAPS: A pair of color hemispheric maps of the world, with names of nations, distances and meridians noted. Also a full map of * MT. FUJI: Japan with provinces, cities listed in different colors. A marvelous double-page view of Mt. Fuji with all of the stations shown. * FAMOUS PLACES IN JAPAN: The book continues with views of famous places in the provinces. * FABLES: Stories and fables about Buddhism, loyalty, Confucianism, sincerity, responsibility, duty, and the attributes of a good citizen, Samurai & warrior. * MILITRY HISTORY, SAMURAI, BUSHIDO, ROYAL CAPITAL, SHRINES, MAPS: Military history, famous warriors and Samurai, of courage, swordsmanship & related. Guide to Kyoto the ancient capital, the Emperor's palace and compound, Royal Court, castle and list of his retainers showing their Mon or family crests. The Hundred Famous Shrines of Japan, full list, the celebrated Tokaido Road, map of the stations and the sights along the way. Maps of Kyoto, the Heian castle town the old capital and of Osaka. Honcho Sanju Busen: The tale of the 36 Bushi [Samurai] with illustrations and brief biography of RareOrientalBooks.Com each. * COINS, CHINESE GODS, FALCONS, COMMODORE PERRY, SAMURAI: Illustrations of ancient coins & dates. The 36 Chinese Gods with illustrations of each and notes. Falconry, with a lovely two page article on Falcons illustrated. Arrival of Perry to Uraga in 852, on two illustrated pages. Great list of the Hatamoto, showing their costume, Mon & flags. Official court dress & costume, Hakama jewelry, helmets, armor, flags banners, swords, drums, Naginada [long spears], bow & arrow, Tanigashima [rifle], military horse-related gear, and other decorations, head gear &c. Classic tales. The Zen arts: flower arrangement, tea ceremony and its utensils, bonsai, how to display fish & fowl. How to fold and display Japanese clothing: Hakama, Kimono, scrolls & fans. * PASSTIMES, NEW YEARS, GAMES, SOROBAN, PLAYS : New Years preparations & the making of decorations. How to play "Go" the Japanese checker game. Theatrical plays: Noh dance and drama with 4 pages of masks. How to use the Soroban [Japanese adding machine]. A lovely group of traditional & classic ancient illustrated stories & tragic plays. * SCENERY INJAPAN, DICTIONARY, THE STARS, HISTORY, LANGUAGE: Scenery of Japan, the famous places. A dictionary of subjects for most all things Japanese arranged by subjects. List of the constellations. A major illustrated chronology of Japanese history from the beginning of the origin myths down to the date of publication. * BUDDHISM, KOREAN, MERCHANTS, FARMERS: Buddhist writings and history, ancient ways of writing Kanji [Kambun, or characters borrowed from China], seal characters, Buddhist and Sanskrit characters converted to Kanji, ancient Chinese deities, list of Chinese Emperors. The art and science of divination by physiognomy or the art of reading lines on faces, palmistry. With a list of the Hangul or Korean sound characters and associated Japanese sounds, calendars, essays on the activities of merchants & farmers and so much more ! * CHITSU CASE: Contained in a new indigo-blue Chitsu folding case with bone clasps. * ATLAS AND COPPER-ETCHED MAPS OF JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 Book Number: 22038201 221 KAWAMURA, Koichiro. NIPPON GAISHI JIRUI TAIZEN: KOSEI JO GAIZU: HISTORICAL DICTIONARY & GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES & PLACES IN JAPAN. Kyoto 1876, Bunmei Sho Rozo. Stiff stitched yellow wrs.,very good, small part of cover spine vol. 1, chipped, 2 vol. set, vol. 1 text, vol. 2 atlas with 51 copper-etched maps, 4 fold outs, 8.5 x 11.7 cm., Japanese text, both very good. R A R E Woodblock printed text on hand-made mulberry paper, printed on double folded leaves. The atlas is copper etched, has 47 double-page maps, each is 16.8 x 11.7 cm., the large foldouts are 30 x 15.7 cm. The sketch maps are nicely drawn, showing each place or location in much detail, with ovals citing the name of every village or town. Rivers, mountains and castles nicely drawn in. Text volume has some minimal chipping and loss to the pink title page, but all characters are quite legible, else both volumes clean, solid, text volvolume has a few small illustrations. The maps show major political, battles and historical place names. This kind of educational material was likely supervised or issued under the auspicies of the Mombusho [Japanese Ministry of EducatEducation] in an effort to teach Japanese their local historical and geographical history. THE MOST MAGNIFICIENT SINGLE RESOURCE ON JAPANESE FALCONRY Book Number: 96026801 222 KAWANABE, Kyosai. EHON TAKA KAGAMI: THE ILLUSTRATED MIRROR OF HAWKS. PICTURES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF HAWKS, WITH HAWKING SECRETS & SCENES. [Tokyo 1877-79, Nakamura]. Stitched yellow wrappers, title slips, very good, issued in two parts: part I: vols. 1-3; part II: vols. 1-2, profusely illustrated by woodcuts, the complete 5 vol. set, clean contents, new cloth Chitsu case. JAPAN'S PREMIER SINGLE RESOURCE ON FALCONRY: A major resource on Japanese falconry, the capture, taming & teaching of falcons, the grooming, feeding and culture of RareOrientalBooks.Com $272 the bird of prey. Wonderful illustrations of falcons, the associated tools & equipment, stands, methods of warming in winter before the hunt, winter hunting, respect for. On the flushing to expose game birds to be hunted by the falcon, the kill, capture of the quarry. How to tether, hoods, master's gloves and other accoutrements, field work, breeding, bathing &c. * EDITION: FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This magnificent work was issued once in a single FIRST AND ONLY EDITION, and is complete in five volumes. The first series: 3 vols. were published in 1877, followed by the second series consisting of 2 volumes in 1879. Each volume has identifying title slips with: series 1: volumes jo, chu, ge in 3 parts]; series 2: the supplement jo, ge in 2 parts. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This marvelous work uses crushed mica as an integral part of the hand-made Washi paper. These tiny flecks of mica give a sparkle to the illustrations, and are especially effective on the feather portion of the falcons. Mica gives a realistic and "high-tech" touch to the wood-cut printing technique. Printed by hand. * Per Dr. Shigeru Oikawa, the eminent scholar on Kyosai, in a letter from him to us in 1998, he discusses the dates of the set. He states: "Takakagami was, I think, first published in 3 volumes with the title ...cover was blue or black. Then came the last 2 volumes ...this time the...color was yellow. The exact date is not known but the first edition in 3 volumes [first series in vols. 1,2,3,] could be 1860's and some examples of the full set in 5 volumes has the date of 1875. Kyosai had finished all of the drawings in 1860's but the publication seemed to be delayed..." In essence what he is saying that the first 3 volumes were published first, then later the balance of 2 volumes were published to make a full set of 5 volumes. We have never ever seen the first three in a separate group, in any color except yellow with dates of 1877, nor have we seen in our 45 years tenure any copies in blue/black. We have not found any reference books stating any information about any 1875 edition, we have only found the 1877-79 edition. One would assume that if such an earlier edition did exist bibliographers would have recorded this along with the current edition we now offer for sale. ***** * ABOUT THE ARTIST & AUTHOR KAWANABE KYOSAI: * Per N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. Kawanabe Kyosai aka: Gyosai [1831-89] was a Kano painter, printmaker, illustrator, the son of a Samurai. Studied as a child under Utagawa Kuniyoshi, then in Tokyo under Maemura Towa, later under the most celebrated Kano Tohaku Chinshin who gave him the name Toiku at 19 years old. Loved drinking Sake, did some of his best work while under the influence, exhibited a the Vienna Intl. Exposition in 1873 & in Paris in 1883, where the West recognized his greatness. * Josiah Conder recognized his great talent & wrote a grand reference book on him: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. RareOrientalBooks.Com His famous KYOSAI GADEN, [L. Dawes p.92] was widely appreciated in Europe, it even had English captions for the foreign market! This was Kyosai's attempt to show the world a wide variety of ancient Japanese & Chinese painting styles; it is a magnificent set. Please inquire with us for to see if we have a copy for sale. * COLLATION & SPECIAL ILLUSTRATING TECHINIQUES: None of the above reference books list details of a full set which was issued complete in 5 volumes: 3 + 2 vols. supplement. The full list of the set titles appears in the back of vol. 5 where a catalogue of Kyosai's titles are listed by the publisher. This title was issued as a serial in 1877,the supplemental 2 volumes in 1879. * The collation of the set is: vol. 1,3,4,5, each have 10p.; vol. 2 has 11p. Every page is nicely illustrated, it contains some 111 illustrations in all. Most copies have mica-flecked paper that gives a sparkle and sheen to the bird's feathers. This technique is difficult to create and is exceptionally and RARE ! * THE VARIETY OF BIRDS USED: * The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in falconry in Japan since ancient times. The Chinese call these birds Lao Ying. * RARITY: Seldom found in the complete five volume state, in clean and collector's condition. This work is the most comprehensive single monograph devoted to Japanese falconry ever published in the 19th century or in prior periods. Gyosai's superb artistic skill and solid ability to capture the essence and feel of real and live Japanese falconry has yet to be surpassed in woodcut media. The application of mica dust is now a lost art, and never done. The work outlines the ancient methods and culture of the falcon. This work records the last of the ancient falconry methods of care, raising and training, again a lost art in Japan. Japanese E-hon [illustrated books] on this subject are SCARCE, and are seldom found if ever on the open market, or in auctions in a complete and excellent state. * This set is an historical monument, a corner-stone, the "Sui Generis" on the subject of falconry in Japan. A major treasure to any fancier of falconry or ornithology in Japan. The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in peregrine falconry in Japan. **** REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY: * N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. * G. Schack: KYOSAIS FALKENJAGD, Hamburg, 1968. Harting: BIBLIOTHECA ACCIPITRARIA, 372. Thieme-Becker XXII, S 155. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, 1972 pp.93, 183. * RareOrientalBooks.Com H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, #327, #327A ON P.816. * Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS & MSS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, London 1904, p.24, #16035.b.18. * Mitchell: ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA & MARUYAMA...Los Angeles, 1972, p.113. * Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS... IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY...#625, p.133 for a citation. * Briot, Alain: EHON TAKA KAGAMI article in Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise numero 36, Avirl 1992 * EHON TAKA KAGAMI: vol. ix-2 article in Kyosai Memorial Museum 1985 * Kawanabe Kyosai: KYOSAI GADEN * ANIMA: special number: Aigles et autours" Heibonsha autumn 75 * Bugniot, J.M. CHASSE AU VOL EN EXTREME-ORIENT. An article in LA CHASSE AU VOL AU FIL DES TEMPS, issued by Musee International de la Chasse-Glen, France 1994. pp.187-192, 235-237. * T. Clark: DEMON OF PAINTING: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai, * Riccar Museum: KAWANABE KYOSAI HANGA HANBON TEN: Exhibition of Kawanabe Kyosai's Woodblock Books, Tokyo 1987; this illustrates several pages from this work. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * THE MOST MAGNIFICIENT SINGLE RESOURCE ON JAPANESE FALCONRY Book Number: 96026802 223 KAWANABE, Kyosai. EHON TAKA KAGAMI: THE ILLUSTRATED MIRROR OF HAWKS. PICTURES OF DIFFERENT KINDS OF HAWKS, WITH HAWKING SECRETS & SCENES. RareOrientalBooks.Com $15686 [Tokyo 1877-79, Nakamura]. Stitched yellow wrappers, title slips, very good, issued in two parts: part I: vols. 1-3; part II: vols. 1-2, 111 woodcut illustrations, some doublepage, covers bit darkened, contents very good. FIRST EDITION JAPAN'S PREMIER SINGLE RESOURCE ON FALCONRY: A major resource on Japanese falconry, the capture, taming & teaching of falcons, the grooming, feeding and culture of the bird of prey. Wonderful illustrations of falcons, the associated tools & equipment, stands, methods of warming in winter before the hunt, winter hunting, respect for. On the flushing to expose game birds to be hunted by the falcon, the kill, capture of the quarry. How to tether, hoods, master's gloves and other accoutrements, field work, breeding, bathing &c. * EDITION: FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: This magnificent work was issued once in a single FIRST AND ONLY EDITION, and is complete in five volumes. The first series: 3 vols. were published in 1877, followed by the second series consisting of 2 volumes in 1879. Each volume has identifying title slips with: series 1: volumes jo, chu, ge in 3 parts]; series 2: the supplement jo, ge in 2 parts. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE: This marvelous work uses crushed mica as an integral part of the hand-made Washi paper. These tiny flecks of mica give a sparkle to the illustrations, and are especially effective on the feather portion of the falcons. Mica gives a realistic and "high-tech" touch to the wood-cut printing technique. Printed by hand. * Per Dr. Shigeru Oikawa, the eminent scholar on Kyosai, in a letter from him to us in 1998, he discusses the dates of the set. He states: "Takakagami was, I think, first published in 3 volumes with the title ...cover was blue or black. Then came the last 2 volumes ...this time the...color was yellow. The exact date is not known but the first edition in 3 volumes [first series in vols. 1,2,3,] could be 1860's and some examples of the full set in 5 volumes has the date of 1875. Kyosai had finished all of the drawings in 1860's but the publication seemed to be delayed..." In essence what he is saying that the first 3 volumes were published first, then later the balance of 2 volumes were published to make a full set of 5 volumes. We have never ever seen the first three in a separate group, in any color except yellow with dates of 1877, nor have we seen in our 45 years tenure any copies in blue/black. We have not found any reference books stating any information about any 1875 edition, we have only found the 1877-79 edition. One would assume that if such an earlier edition did exist bibliographers would have recorded this along with the current edition we now offer for sale. ***** * ABOUT THE ARTIST & AUTHOR KAWANABE KYOSAI: * Per N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. Kawanabe Kyosai aka: Gyosai [1831-89] was a Kano painter, printmaker, illustrator, the son of a Samurai. Studied as a child under Utagawa Kuniyoshi, then in Tokyo under Maemura Towa, later under the most celebrated Kano Tohaku Chinshin RareOrientalBooks.Com who gave him the name Toiku at 19 years old. Loved drinking Sake, did some of his best work while under the influence, exhibited a the Vienna Intl. Exposition in 1873 & in Paris in 1883, where the West recognized his greatness. * Josiah Conder recognized his great talent & wrote a grand reference book on him: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. His famous KYOSAI GADEN, [L. Dawes p.92] was widely appreciated in Europe, it even had English captions for the foreign market! This was Kyosai's attempt to show the world a wide variety of ancient Japanese & Chinese painting styles; it is a magnificent set. Please inquire with us for to see if we have a copy for sale. * COLLATION & SPECIAL ILLUSTRATING TECHINIQUES: None of the above reference books list details of a full set which was issued complete in 5 volumes: 3 + 2 vols. supplement. The full list of the set titles appears in the back of vol. 5 where a catalogue of Kyosai's titles are listed by the publisher. This title was issued as a serial in 1877,the supplemental 2 volumes in 1879. * The collation of the set is: vol. 1,3,4,5, each have 10p.; vol. 2 has 11p. Every page is nicely illustrated, it contains some 111 illustrations in all. Most copies have mica-flecked paper that gives a sparkle and sheen to the bird's feathers. This technique is difficult to create and is exceptionally and RARE ! * THE VARIETY OF BIRDS USED: * The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in falconry in Japan since ancient times. The Chinese call these birds Lao Ying. * RARITY: Seldom found in the complete five volume state, in clean and collector's condition. This work is the most comprehensive single monograph devoted to Japanese falconry ever published in the 19th century or in prior periods. Gyosai's superb artistic skill and solid ability to capture the essence and feel of real and live Japanese falconry has yet to be surpassed in woodcut media. The application of mica dust is now a lost art, and never done. The work outlines the ancient methods and culture of the falcon. This work records the last of the ancient falconry methods of care, raising and training, again a lost art in Japan. Japanese E-hon [illustrated books] on this subject are SCARCE, and are seldom found if ever on the open market, or in auctions in a complete and excellent state. * This set is an historical monument, a corner-stone, the "Sui Generis" on the subject of falconry in Japan. A major treasure to any fancier of falconry or ornithology in Japan. The Siberian goshawk or [falcon] O-taka [in Japanese] has been considered the best variety for use in peregrine falconry in Japan. **** REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY: * N. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.196. RareOrientalBooks.Com * G. Schack: KYOSAIS FALKENJAGD, Hamburg, 1968. Harting: BIBLIOTHECA ACCIPITRARIA, 372. Thieme-Becker XXII, S 155. * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, 1972 pp.93, 183. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, #327, #327A ON P.816. * Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS & MSS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM, London 1904, p.24, #16035.b.18. * Mitchell: ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA & MARUYAMA...Los Angeles, 1972, p.113. * Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS... IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY...#625, p.133 for a citation. * Briot, Alain: EHON TAKA KAGAMI article in Bulletin Association Franco-Japonaise numero 36, Avirl 1992 * EHON TAKA KAGAMI: vol. ix-2 article in Kyosai Memorial Museum 1985 * Kawanabe Kyosai: KYOSAI GADEN * ANIMA: special number: Aigles et autours" Heibonsha autumn 75 * Bugniot, J.M. CHASSE AU VOL EN EXTREME-ORIENT. An article in LA CHASSE AU VOL AU FIL DES TEMPS, issued by Musee International de la Chasse-Glen, France 1994. pp.187-192, 235-237. * T. Clark: DEMON OF PAINTING: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai, * Riccar Museum: KAWANABE KYOSAI HANGA HANBON TEN: Exhibition of Kawanabe Kyosai's Woodblock Books, Tokyo 1987; this illustrates several pages from this work. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * A MOST EXCELLENT & ECLECTIC COLOR REFERENCE ON HIS ART WORKS RareOrientalBooks.Com $15162 Book Number: 89039601 224 KAWANABE, Kyosai. EXHIBITION OF KAWANABE KYOSAI'S PRINTS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FROM FUKUTOMI TARO COLLECTION. APRIL 7-MAY 5, 1987 AT THE Tokyo 1987, Riccar. Purple stiff wrs., as new copy, 110p.,32 color, 119 b. w. illustrations, 15 figures, Japanese text, summary and list of exhibits in English, ca. 21 x 30 cm. a crisp and clean copy. S C A R C E FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Excellent and valuable monograph on one of the Meiji period's most unusual, creative & most imaginative print artists. His magnificent woodcut prints and illustrated books, drawings and manuscripts have fascinated collectors and curators for years. years. His diversity and pure imagination of demons and devils is unprecedented, and unsurpassed. * This copious reference book illustrates and discussing almost everything published plus a large percent of his drawings and resulting prints. This work is therefore the closest thing to a "Catalogue Raisonne" on Kyosai to date. Among some of the great entries, are the illustrations and references to his stunning and high-water mark set of three illustrated wood-cut illustrated books on falconry: EHON TAKAKAGAMI: MIRROR OF FALCONRY, please inquire with us about a copy of this stunning work, as well as requesting our current list of Kyosai items for sale.. * An exceptionally useful reference for any collector, student or curator of Kyosai. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * KYOSAI'S MOST FAMOUS COLOR WOODBLOCK TREATISE ON PAINTING RareOrientalBooks.Com $435 Book Number: 85001802 225 KAWANABE, Kyosai. KYOSAI GADEN: GYOSAI'S ACCOUNT OF PAINTING: VARIOUS STYLES BY KYOSAI. [Tokyo 1887, Iwamoto]. Original stitched orange wrs., 4 vols some pages with English subtitles and explanations by Uryu Masakazu, covers: dusty, some old worming, bit scuffed, the contents clean, solid & complete, 17.5 x 25.5 cm. R A R E Profusely illustrated in color & Sumi, with examples of the various "schools" of Japanese painting, & well known artists both classic & contemporary. Includes instruction in the art & genealogies of painters, etc. Also an interesting portion illustrating various incidents of Kyosai's life. He was an exceptionally talented & versatile artist of the 19th century. Very nice copy, in floral design Chitsu, please inquire as we may have a different copy in stock. * KAWANABE KYOSAI: The Artist: Liberally quoted or paraphrased from Roberts: A Kano painter, printmaker, illustrator, son of a Samurai. Studied under the great Utagawa Kuniyoshi, then later under Maemura Towa and Kano Tohaku Chinshin, who gave him the name Toiku when he was 19. Lived and worked in the Hongo area of Edo [old Tokyo]. Said to have done some of his best work while under the influence of Sake. Exhibited in Vienna International Exhibition in 1873, and again in Paris in 1883. A distinguished painter, marked by a wild, eccentric humor, left many sketches of great dexterity and draftsmanship, and superb copies of other artist's work not as a form of fake or forgeries, but in tribute to their great talent and style. This book for example is a tribute to a grand number of other artists, their style, and to his own unique style of drawing. A marvelous artists and well collected by world museums, institutions and private collectors. His sense of humor is unmatched, and his ability to express his feelings in drawings was superb ! * This work shows a large variety of his works, Buddhist subjects, icons, Samurai, ordinary people, landscapes, animals, ghosts & goblins, Gods, demons, festivals, artists, Zen priests, fish, birds, animals, cats, dragons, warriors, Buddhist saints, Samurai, ghosts, monkeys, insects, women, men, horses, court officials, Chinese heroes and other folk-lore, Geisha, prostitutes, anatomical drawings, Dharma, and a host of others. * What makes this book highly unusual and unique is not only the large number of drawings, but the accompanying English text and captions telling of the style of different artists that Kyosai emulated. Few if any such resources exist from this time period in English that show the drawing and RareOrientalBooks.Com artistic styles of other Japanese [and a few Chinese] artists. The work is monumental, and shows the true sense of good humor Kyosai had. His light-hearted nature is reflected in his caring exposition of art styles. No other single work by Kyosai is so diverse. * COMPLETE WORK: The complete work consists of 4 volumes: Naihen 2 volumes first series: part a.: 39 sheets; part b: 40 sheets. Gaihen 2 volumes second series 2: part c: 36 sheets; part d: 36 sheets. Each "sheet" is a double-folded page. Nearly all of the pages are illustrated. Some are single images on a page, other pages have 2 or as many as 4 illustrations per page. The entire work was woodcut printed on hand-made Washi paper. * UNIQUE WORK WITH ENGLISH CAPTIONS: Josiah Conder [1852-1920], was a British subject, teacher in Japan taught at the Imperial College of Engineering in Tokyo from 1877 and an architect who designed numerous public buildings in Tokyo. Condor developed a keen interest in Japanese arts, and after a long period of petitioning, was finally accepted to study painting with the artist Kawanabe Kyosai. He was given the name Akihide by his teacher. His studies led to a number of publications, among them 'THE FLOWERS OF JAPAN; THE ART OF FLORAL ARRANGEMENT; THE HISTORY OF JAPANESE COSTUME; and LANDSCAPE GARDENING IN JAPAN. He also wrote a stunning book first western book on Kyosai: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES BY KAWANABE KYOSAI, published in Tokyo, 1911. This work reflected the respect and admiration he felt toward Kyosai's artistic and unique talent. In an another attempt to introduce Kyosai to the Western he wrote the English captions found in KYOSAI GADEN. It is perhaps the first book with substantial English captions published in Japan, giving foreigners excellent access to Japanese and Chinese painting styles done by Kyosai. * NOTE: We try to have original woodblock printed books by Kyosai and the associated references in stock, so please inquire to see which we have in stock today. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Dawes, CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.92 * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES BY KAWANABE KYOSAI, published in Tokyo, 1911. * Toda, K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.310 for more details. * Yone Noguchi: SPIRIT OF JAPANESE ART, 1915 for a detail biographical essay. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.100 Also many Buddhist icons, demons, Gods and protectors. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: p.197-198, no. 476. * RareOrientalBooks.Com KSM [Kaiga] * [OIKAWA, Shigeru.] et al.: KYOSAI NO GIGA: KYOSAI'S CARICATURE PICTURES. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * A FAMOUS COLOR BOOK ON JAPANESE GHOSTS, GHOULS AND DEMONS Book Number: 23027701 226 KAWANABE, Kyosai. KYOSAI HYAKKI GADAN: KYOSAI'S PICTORIAL ACCOUNTS OF ONE HUNDRED GOBLINS. [Tokyo 1895, Ogawa]. Blue boards, accordion folded, 12 x 21 cm., signed Shoojoh Kyosai Ga, or Drawn by Shojoh Kyosai, on thin slighly browned paper, title slip, edge wear contents very good, 25 double-page color illustrations, 27 doublepages in all. A superbly marvelous look at the various kinds of devils, demons & ghosts found not only in Gyosai's imagination but within Japan's long tradition of supernatural devils and mythological creatures that populate the genre. * This period work covers the gambit of one-eyed, three-eyed ghouls, Tengu, horned creatures, all sorts of Buddhist monsmonsters, phoenix, dragons, musicians, thunder Gods, skulls & skeletons, female ghosts, goblins, magical animals, fabulous creatures &c. Organized in a horizontal scroll painting format. * The scroll begins with a group of people seated around the Hibachi, in the evening, many are hiding under the Kotatsu blanket in fear, as one person dressed in a black Kimono gestures while telling a the Hyaku-Monogari [THE ONE RareOrientalBooks.Com $3264 HUNDRED GOBLIN STORIES. * The next page shows a person holding a lamp, with a horizontal scroll, which is probably a selfportrait of Kyosai, as he he peeks under a cloud to see a group of horrible skeletons and images of death goblins. So the story continues. * Its full of various grotesque and very sick-morbid goblins and ghosts, some with one large or three strange eyes, and weird shapes. Loaded with demons, ghouls, King of Hell, King of Freaks, haunted animals, tonsured monsters, the ugly, horrible, the bizarre, monsters of the free Walpurgis Night as they are engaged in a "hundred monsters" and many other scary things found during the "Obon Festival" in August, or the return of the dead souls. * The work of a very creative and unique [and sick !] and talented artistic mind ! An illustration from this book is found without tribute or citation but we did recognize it immediately. * An exceptionally fine and most RARE AND IMPORTANT example of some of Kyosai's most imaginative and superb artistic work found. * THE ARTIST: Kawanabe Kyosai/Kyosai: [1831-1899], was a great & famous Kano style painter, print & book-maker, illustrator, who studied under Utagawa Kuniyoshi and others. * REFERENCES: Nikolas Kiej'e:JAPANESE GROTESQUERIES, p.148, #82. He states "...To draw an extremely ugly misshapen demon as the servant of these unwholesome looking women is such an instance of [Japanese] fascination with the grotesque." **** K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.309-310. * Not listed in Kerlen. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.100 for more biographical details. * CLARK, Timothy: DEMON OF PAINTING: ART OF KWANABE KYOSAI. *** A MOST LOVELY & CHARMING COLOR WORK ON NATURE BY THE MASTER RareOrientalBooks.Com $5440 Book Number: 85132001 227 KAWANABE, Kyosai. KYOSAI RAKUGA: KYOSAI'S DRAWINGS FOR PLEASURE. [Tokyo 1881, Takeda]. Red silk spine, stiff wrs., 2 vols set title labels, very good, [36] double folded pages [18 per volume], 33 double page color woodblock prints, 14 x 21.5 cm very good, center gutter tight on some illustrations.R A R E Else a very good copy of an exceptionally RARE work. The contents consists of various subjects from nature i.e.: fish, birds, geese, monkeys, turtles, foxes, mice, rabbits, bats, crayfish, fish, crabs, lobsters, insects, flowers, bamboo, landscapes, scholar's rocks, persimmon, fruits, snake, mole &c. * This is one of Kyosai's more obscure works & perhaps one of his last books. Kyosai has been widely collected and appreciated in Japan, his works are quite scarce. * A charming and most delicate work, done in pastel-colors, woodblock printed on hand made thin tissue type paper. In volume 2, some center gutters are a bit stuck together, but this was common for books of this format, in an effort to keep them together, otherwise a solid & nice copy. The work was roughly color printed, each painting covers two pages with a center fold, and is signed in the block by the aritst. It is in remarkably very good condition given the fact that it was printed on such fine and thin paper. One or two small tears or defects, else clean, good registry an unsoiled, by and large a good example. Contained in a new blue cloth folding Chitsu case. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.100. * BUCKLAND, Rosina. et al. A JAPANESE MENAGERIE: Animal Pictures of Kawanabe Kyosai. * Josiah Conder: PAINTINGS AND STUDIES, Tokyo 1911. * T. Clark: DEMON OF PAINTING: The Art of Kawanabe Kyosai, Londdon [1993], British Museum: illustrated on p.144, plate #97. * H. Kerlen: CATALGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS...p.198, items #477 & 448. * J. Meech-Pekarik: THE WORLD OF THE MEIJI PRINT * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.93. * * Riccar Art Museum's: EXHIBITION OF KAWANABE KYOSAI'S PRINTS RareOrientalBooks.Com & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS FROM FUKTOMI TARO COLLECTION: p.36-38, illustrating 4 pages from this work, 2 are in full color. * A SUPERB, NAIVE AND TENDER WORK OF CHARACTURES Book Number: 23004901 228 KEISAI, Kitao. KEISAI RYAKU GA SHIKI:SIMPLIFIED FORMS OF PAINTING BY KEISA [Alternate English Title: "METHODS OF CURSIVE DRAWING." Edo 1799, Suwahara. Stitched wrs., covers well rubbed, soiled, contents clean, solid, 31 double folded leaves [62p]., large size, ca. 18 x 26 cm., 62 pages of woodlbock colored illustrations, back cover there, its paper covering gone. A fascinating and unusual book. This is a famous book by a Kitao Masayoshi, aka by studio names: Kuwagata Keisai et al., [1764- 1824]. Per Lawrence and we summarize, he was a celebrated Ukiyo-e painter, printmaker and illustrator born in Suruga province. He was also the star pupil of Kitao Shigemasa, and worked until 1797 as an Ukiyo-e artist under the 'Go' or studio name of Kitao Masayoshi, designing numerous prints & and illustrating books. * In 1797, he became the official painter to the Daimyo of Tsuyama & was also given some training by Kano Eisen'in. He took his grandmother's name of Kuwagata and then began to work in the Kano school style. Eventually retired and became a lay monk. He is known for his subtle and tender lines, his prints of lowers done with delicacy. His work is charming, expressing innocence and with remarkable delicacy and softness. * The current work is a collection of his color drawings of mostly human figures with a sprinkling of a few animals. Hokusai was influenced by his unique style, which found its way into the his famous series title: HOKUSAI MANGA. These caricature are done with naive innocence, with a dash of fun intended, and some irony. The work shows a great diversity in his ability to draw and perceive the Japanese people of the late 18th century. Delicately pastel colored, revealing his zest for life. A wide variety and large number of his quaint drawings are presented in this book. A delight to behold ! For a companion volume in the same style on animals, birds, fish, insects, please inquire for his CHOJU RYAKU GASHIKI. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: This famous work has been highly collected over the last 200 RareOrientalBooks.Com $3400 years by the most famous libraries and collectors worldwide. It is cited in most of the standard bibliographies. Most cite the date as 1795 however oar's clearly states the date as Kansei 11th year, or 1799. It is possible that some bibliographers are citing the preface date. Ours clearly has a dated colophon of the above year. There is some distinct confusion between the first edition & some later editions, which bear alternate titles: KEISAI RYAKUGA-SHIKI & JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA-SHIKI. See below for some evidence of this problem. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY REFERENCES: * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN, p.453. He wrongly cites Toda: 210, with a different title: JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA SHIKI. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.553-4, #1351. * 3. K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.215, but he cites an 1856 edition . being a reprint. * 3. L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. p.99. item E.2514-1925 seems to be the same as the one cited in Toda, but inaccurately thinks this is volume 3 of a set. * 4. Louise Brown: BLOCK PRINTING & BOOK ILLUTRATION IN JAPAN cites on p.124 two separate entries for a book with this title: first states 1795 "Rare;" second cites what looks like a reprint: "...2 small volumes, not dated ca. 18091810 colors." * 5. L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.75 for more details. Due to the artist's several "studio names" used, there is a tendency to confusion as to his correct name. * KSM: 8-47-1 * KRAFT vol. 3, no. 556. * Corbin 399 with title: Keisai Ryakuga-shiki * Duret 179 * Haviland [xviii] 582, 97 quoting the wrong title: JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA-SHIKI, which is an entirely different book. * Hayashi 1557. According to him, some later issues bore the titles KEISAI RYAKUGA-SHIKI & JIMBUTSU RYAKUGA-SHIKI, * Hubert 39 * Javal [I] 97 * Odin 105, 106, 107 * L. Brown: p.124 *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $816 A NAIVE AND INNOCENT WORK, DRAWN WITH TENDERNESS AND CARE Book Number: 26053501 229 KEISAI, Masayoshi. CHOJU RYAKUGA SHIKI: CURSIVE METHODS OF DRAWING OF BIRDS AND ANIMALS. [Edo 1842 Suwaraya]. Stitched brown wrs., very good example, 48 double leaves + collophon page, ie 95 pages of color wood cut illustrations, 25.5 x 18 cm., replacement covers & title slip, minor thumbing on lower corner, else clean, solid.RARE This is a another famous book by Kitao Masayoshi, aka by studio names: Kuwagata Keisai et al., [1764- 1824]. Per Lawrence and we summarize, he was a celebrated Ukiyo-e painter, printmaker and illustrator born in Suruga province. He was also the star pupil of Kitao Shigemasa, and worked until 1797 as an Ukiyo-e artist under the 'Go' or studio name of Kitao Masayoshi, designing numerous prints & and illustrating books. In 1797, he became the official painter to the Daimyo of Tsuyama & was also given some training by Kano Eisen'in. He took his grandmother's name of Kuwagata and then began to work in the Kano school style. Eventually retired and became a lay monk. He is known for his subtle and tender lines, his prints of lowers done with delicacy. His work is charming, expressing innocence and with remarkable delicacy and softness. * The current work is a collection of his color drawings of mostly of animals [mammals], birds, insects, frogs, fish, turtles, shrimp, lobster, shell-fish, whales and other sea creatures. For a companion volume in the same style on human figures please inquire for his RYAKU GASHIKI. * Hokusai was greatly influenced by his unique style, which found its way into the his famous series title: HOKUSAI MANGA. These caricature were done with naive innocence, with a dash of fun intended, and some irony. The work shows a great diversity in his ability to draw and perceive nature as it actually was, during the late 18th century. The work RareOrientalBooks.Com is delicately pastel colored, revealing his keen sense of nature's animals, wide variety and large number of his quaint drawings are presented in this book. A delight to behold ! * An important book. Properly collected by the world's great libraries and museums, as well as private collectors. * BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS -- IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.57-8, #140, -- cites 1797 edition. 2. KSM 5-687-3 3. Kraft vol. 1, no. 55, vol. 3, no. 60 5. C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARU-- YAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A BIBLIO-- GRAPHY, p.240 6. Duret 181 7. Hayashi 1558 8. Javal [II] 140. 9. Odin 108 10. L. Brown, p.124 11. Toda. 213, cites 1797 edition. 12. Strange, illustrations reproduced [1897], p.88. * BEAUTIFUL COLOR DRAWINGS: A MYRIAD OF FISH, BIRDS & ANIMALS Book Number: 98165401 230 KEISAI, Masayoshi. CHOJU RYAKUGA SHIKI: SIMPLIFIED FORMS OF DRAWING BIRDS AND ANIMALS. [Kyoto nd. ca. 1902, Unsodo]. Stiff buff stitched wrs., very good, 25 double-folded sheets, 50 pages color illustrations 18 x 25 cm., Japanese introductory page & colophon. This lovely work depicts a wide variety of simiple, but very skilfully drawn birds, animals, fish & sea life, insects and a host of items. Highly impressionistic style, without a trace of the Ukiyo-e style. A reprint of the 1795 Edo edition. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Chibbett: DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS, p.6, #14, as authored by Kitao Masayoshi, with an excellent description of the book. * Toda: RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.213 but Toda attributes this to Keisai but shows a variant surname to be Kuwagata. * Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.75 does solve this mystery by noting that one of Keisai's studio studio names is also Kitao Masayoshi, as per Chibbett. Keisai 1764-1824, was a pupil of Kitao Shigemasa a famous natural history painter of birds, flowers & animals. A skilfull painter in the Kano style, who later retired to become a Buddhist monk. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $510 A most charming work. * Book Number: 32042601 231 KEISAI, Masayoshi. RYAKU GA EN: SIMPLE DRAWINGS BY KEISAI. [Edo 1808, Suharaya]. Orange stitched wrs., very good, minor cover soil, contents clean, 18 x 26 cm., 30 double-folded leaves = 60p. in all, 2 are text pages, 56 pages color woodblock printed illustrations.COMPLETE IN 1 VOL. FIRST EDITION A lovely book with a large number of color drawings and sketches. These lovely caricature drawings reflect the daily life of the Japanese engaged in all sorts of activities. Reminiscent of the Hokusai MANGA. Consisting of a large number of vivid and humorous sketches of Japanese life in the early 19th century. A delightful work ! Illustrated in tender pastel colors. * EDITION: This is the very rare and obscure true FIRST EDITION, published per the colophon in the back as Bunka 5th year [1808] edition. Except for Dawes [see below], all of the other references below list this title as the 1823 date, a posthumous edition. . There seems to be a bit of a controversy regarding the actual title. While the front cover clearly shows the title to be RYAKU GA EN, other bibliographers cite an alternate titles KEISAI RYAKU GA EN, et al. per below references. It is one in the same book, but the later 1823 edition may use a variant title, causing confusion. *** REFERENCES: * L. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS,p.100 cites this exact 1808 edition, see 2nd from top entry. * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: p.453, 2nd entry from the top, cites artist's name as Kuwagata Keisai, an alternate "studio name" for Keisai. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.215 with title Keisai Ryakuga-en, see illustrations on pl210-213. * Harley H. Bartlett & Hide Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING: p.174, exhibit RareOrientalBooks.Com $408 58,illustrated as figure 48. He does not cite any date. Our copy does not have the same illustration as figure 48, so we believe that Bartlett was citing the later edition of the book. * Hayashi 1654 * Javal [I] 145 with title Keisai Ryakuga * Odin 118 with title Keisai Ryakuga * Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS p.75 does solve this mystery by noting that one of Keisai's studio names is also Kitao Masayoshi, as per Chibbett. Keisai 1764-1824, was a pupil of Kitao Shigemasa a famous natural history painter of birds, flowers & animals. A skilful painter in the Kano style, who later retired to become a Buddhist monk. * NOT IN: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS *** $762 Book Number: 28042901 232 KETCHAM, W.H. JAPANESE COLOR PRINTS: A Few Words About Their Origin, the Artists Who Designed Them, Their Uses and the Method of New York 1895, Ketcham. Wrappers, Japanese woodblock printed floral covers, 15p., bibliography, 14.5 x 22 cm. An obscure item by a "Picture dealer" from New York. Essays on various print artists, appreciation, list of principal artists. RARE A lovely and obscure ephemeral item.* A MOST SUPERB COLOR BOOK OF JAPANESE GHOSTS, GHOULS & DEMONS RareOrientalBooks.Com $41 Book Number: 84347401 233 KIEJ'E, Nikolas. comp. JAPANESE GROTESQUERIES. Rutland [1973], Tuttle. Half cloth over boards, very sharp, 260p., 155 b.w. plates, introductory essay by T. Barrow, dj. is very clean & bright in clear mylar protector, excellent copy, 14.5 x 21.5 cm., like new. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Superbly illustrated with selections from Hokusai's MANGA, Kyosai's various books and other graphic works. * With focus on the macabre, ghosts, long-necked demons, weird, wonderful creatures, giant spiders, dragons, water spirits and a who's who of weird mythological animals from Japan's rich pantheon of animistic devils. * Excellent examples from the woodblock printed books and prints of Kawanabe Kyosai [Gyosai] and Katsushika Hokusai, both of whom had a delightful personality with lots of humor and weird drawings in their fascinating books of ancient Japanese tales of horror ! * Please inquire with us as we may have some of the original woodblock printed books from the above artists and even those used in this book in stock. * AN EXCELLENT AND EARLY GUIDE TO THE WHOLE TOKYO AREA Book Number: 20036801 234 KIKUOKA, Tenryoo. [Mitsuyuki] EDO SUNAGO ONNOKO MEISEKI SHI: FAMOUS PLACES & SITES OF THE HISTORIC EASTERN CAPITAL [EDO]. [Edo 1732, Yorozu-ya]. Blue stitched wrs., very good, covers worn, scuffed, contents clean, 6 volume set, complete, [208] double-folded leaves, 21 maps, 5 illustrations, entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper, 16 x 23 cm., unusual. This is an excellent guide to old Edo by sections, each RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 volume is devoted to several areas. They include Asakusa, Shin Yoshiwara, Sakamoto, Koishikawa, Ootsuka, Ueno, Yotsuya, Akasaka, Shibuya, Okubo, Ichigaya, Aoyama, Mita, Shinagawa, Oii, &c., only to mention a few. * Japanese commentaries guide the reader to the sights and places of interest, using the maps and illustrations to emphasize. The author was a Haiku poet who wrote essays an Edo citizen. A famous work on Edo typography. nicely described and illustrates a host of familiar places in and around Tokyo. About two maps per volume. * SCARCE EARLY ILLUSTRATED RESOURCE ON TOKYO **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO p.591 under Kikuoka Mitsukuni his nephew. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE Of PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS p.90 #230. This entry shows a 1732 preface date and continues through 8 volumes ending in 1772. Ours is likely an earlier edition ** NOT LISTED IN: This elusive work is not found in: Toda Brown Edgren Dawson's Catalogues Dawes Hickman. **** STUNNING LOOK AT THE GREAT ANSEI FLOOD Book Number: 22027601 235 KINTON, Dojin comp. et al ANSEI FUBUNSHU: NATURAL DISASTERS DURING THE ANSEI PERIOD [1854-59]: The Flood, Typhoon & Pestilence. Edo 1857, Hakuaido. Stitched stiff striped wrs., 3 vol. set, very good, covers bit dusty, soiled, contents clean, solid, 9+13+15 double page Japanese text leaves, 34 color print illustrations, 10 double page. FIRST & ONLY BANNED EDITION A most unique & unusual set of 3 volumes, with two-four page color panoramic views. Each of these two panoramic views have opening pages that have extra pages on each end. Thus folding out from the center to make two pages RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 on each side for a total of four page prints in all. * This set was nicely and skillfully illustrated by:Yoshitsuna [worked 1848-1868] pupil of Kuniyoshi; Kunichika [1835-1900] pupil of Toyokuni III [aka Kunisada]. The work discusses and illustrates some of the natural disasters of the period. * Ansei was the period when Commodore Perry returned to Yokohama and got a treaty of commerce with the reluctant Japanese. Perry's first arrival to Japan in 1852 caused a civil war to erupt. The factions were divided between allowing Westerners to establish diplomatic and commercial relatrelations versus those against allowing any foreigners into Japan. Those who were against use the motto was "Sono Joi" or "repel the foreigners." * It was believed that the eventual allowing of the American Commodore Perry & other Western powers to establish official relations with Japan during this period was the cause of "Mappo." "Mappo" is the Buddhist term to explain nature's revenge for man's wrong-doing and immoral actions. Thus, the profusion of natural disasters during this period were attributed to Perry's arrival and the buckling of the Shogun government to allow official relations with foreigners to begin. * Per Toda, "This book describes the great storm and flood that struck the city of Edo in the autumn of Ansei 3 [1856]. It was probably a private publication." What Toda missed, was that this and another similar book of the period was banned by the Shogunate [see more below]. The entry just above this book in Toda: ANSEI KENBUNSHI by Hattori was also banned, and Toda states: "...this [set] is a record of the great Ansei flood & earthquake of Edo in 1855. According to a note attached to this book, for some reason the sale was prohibited after its publication." Thus, this book does NOT have the usual, standard and required colophon, which should cite imprint, nor any censor's seal ! What this means, is that this set of books were never sanctioned by the Shogunate's censors, therefore the imprint meaning: place, date & publisher was purposely omitted by those who published this work. Obviously this was banned & suppressed by the Shogunate & publication was not allowed. Clearly the Shogunate government didnt want people throughout Japan to learn of the great & profuse amount of natural disasters, because the people would know that "Mappo" had begun and the country was to be punished for its immoral acceptance of foreigners upon the sacred land of Japan. This could cause insurrection so the Shogunate banned any publications that would hint of disasters to avoid this situation. * * DETAILED CONTENTS: The first volume begins with commentary about natural disasters and why they strike Japan. It continues with illustrations, which shows a flood scene, with a kind of BirdGod looking down on a drowning old lady, which is a symbolic portrait of the "Mappo" theme. The next is double panel view of a lucky villager who opens his Tansu [dresser] to find a Tai or seabream [a kind of red snapper, indicating good fortune] which is an ironic image, along with an octopus caught and hung on a hook, an eel, abalone along with edible sea weed are strewn about the floor. This is an omen of good RareOrientalBooks.Com fortune for a man with a "Pure heart" ! Followed by a four panel view of the tremendous flood & damage to the village, its houses, people and how some drowned, others are being rescued, household objects are floating down the main street from the deluge. Another night scene shows a man being pulled from the raging torrent by a fleeing villager as they head for high ground. Another shows the great deluge of rain fall, as animals and household furniture and objects are being rescued as people try to save their dwellings. The last picture shows wrecked ships along the coast. * Volume two continues with a night scene and lightning bolts across the black sky as the rain continues to pour down, villagers flee for their life. Followed by one that shows the reconstruction of the Buddhist temple roof, as the community collects & hands up roof tiles. Next is a double view is of a coast line, a broken bridge and the wreckage of many boats. This opens into the second four-panel panoramic view of a great river flowing through the town as houses crumble, large boats crash into buildings, others on boats attempt to rescue the floating furniture and assorted household goods. Yet another night view of people clinging to trees & roof tops as animals and furniture flow by in the wild torrent. The last shows a tremendous wind that has blown a poor villager off a hill into the air in flight. * Volume three shows a bewildered bird with its feathers quite ruffled. Next shows a flock of dead black birds or crows as villagers collect them for burial. The last shows a big and strong man as he braves the white-water waves to cut a great rope, as he wealds a Japanese sword. The true magnitude of this great disaster becomes crystal clear from the superb images. * It can be understood, that the Shogunate wanted to suppress this sort of catastrophic disaster from the common people. This work also pointed out, that there was absolutely no Shogunate government policy to provide any kind of financial assistance to villages. This lack of recognition by the government was just one more issue which caused unrest, rebellion and insurrection among the masses. * Works of this subject nature with such vivid graphics are truly RARE ! The complete work, a banned book was some how illegally published & distributed in very small and limited numbers. Its a wonder that it survived to inform us of the true disasters of those times. The wrok was co-compiled by Kangaki Robun [1829-1868]. * REFERENCES: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE BOOKS, p.295. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS,p.5, item #12 for more bibliographic details. * For biographical information on the artists, see L. Roberts DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, pp. 95, 204. RareOrientalBooks.Com $3400 A WONDERFUL LARGE FORMAT COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED ALBUM Book Number: 99030001 236 [KITAO, Shigemasa]. KA CHO ZU FU: ILLUSTRATED ALBUM OF FLOWERS & BIRDS. [Japan n.d. ca.1900]. A silk covered accordion folded album, all edge gilt, some leading edges mended, covers bit worn on edges, 48 full color woodblock prints tipped-in, Japanese index, prints 29.5 x 18.5 cm.,quite nice, cloth Chitsu case. This excellent work depicts a wide variety of birds in their natural setting perched & hunting prey among the branches & colorful flowers. The 48 prints are on both sides of the album, contained in a new blue cloth Chitsu folding case with bone clasps, spine title slip. Biographical data for Shigemasa [1739-1820] can be found in L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.145. See also H.H. BARTLETT: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.228-234 for more details on Kitao, and the KACHO tradition of "Flower & Bird" painting, with illustrations 90-101. See L. G. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.6 for biographical information, p.127-127 for details of the first edition: SHASHIN KACHO ZUE, which is the same book, but a later edition. Books with this quantity of individual tipped in plates are seldom found intact any more as most are broken for framing. This work is complete as it was issued in a posthumous edition. Spectacular bird and flower book. Color scans can be sent by e-mail. A L W A Y S R A R E ! $3264 A WONDERFUL LARGE FORMAT COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED ALBUM Book Number: 99030002 237 [KITAO, Shigemasa]. KA CHO ZU FU: ILLUSTRATED ALBUM OF FLOWERS & BIRDS. [Japan n.d. ca.1900]. Blue cloth oblong album, corners bit worn, silk ribbon tied, 48 full color woodblock prints, tipped-in, Japanese index, prints 29.5 x 18.5 cm., quite nice, tissue guards. S C A R C E This excellent work depicts a wide variety of birds in their natural setting perched & hunting prey among the branches & colorful flowers. The 48 prints are on both sides of the album, contained in a new blue cloth Chitsu folding case with bone clasps, spine title slip. Biographical data for Shigemasa [1739-1820] can be found in L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.145. See also H.H. BARTLETT: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.228-234 for more details on Kitao, and the KACHO tradition of "Flower & Bird" painting, with illustrations 90-101. See L. G. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.6 for biographical information, p.127-127 for details of the first edition: SHASHIN KACHO ZUE, which is the same book, but a later edition. Books with this quantity of individual tipped in plates are seldom found intact any more as most are broken for framing. This work is complete as it was issued in a posthumous edition. Spectacular bird and flower book. Color scans can be sent by e-mail. A L W A Y S R A R E ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 STUNNING COLOR PORTRAYAL OF BIRDS AND FLOWERS Book Number: 32073501 238 KITAO, Shigemasa. SHASHIN KACHO ZUE. PICTURES OF BIRDS AND FLOWERS. [Japan 1805, n.p.]. Blue stitched stiff wrs., red title slip very clean copy, vol. 1 of 2 vol set only, 16 x 22.5 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION KITAO Shigemasa [1739-1820] was a well-known Ukiyo-E painter and poet of the period. He was also the eldest son of Suharaya Saburobei, a famous book publisher & dealer in Edo. Influenced by Nishimura Shigenaga and Harunobu, he illustrated many books, designed relatively few prints and his works are rare and paintings even rarer. A respected artist of his time. His natural history books were of the highest caliber, doing birds and flowers exceptionally well. * REFERENCES: ROBERTS, Laurance P. A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER: see p.145 for more details. *** SUPERB GRAPHIC RESOURCE ON 18TH CTY WOMEN'S CULTURE IN JAPAN Book Number: 99068001 239 KITAO, Tatsunobu. [Son of Nishikawa Jitokusai Sukenobu?] JOYOH BUNSHOH ITO GURUMA: THE SPINNING WHEEL OF LETTER WRITING FOR WOMEN. [Osaka 1772, Kashiwaraya]. Stitched blue wrs., large format, 18 x 26 cm., minor edge wear, contents clean, [204]p. woodblock printed on doulbe leaves, 8p. color prints, ca. 75 b w RareOrientalBooks.Com $204 illustrations on women's culture, a small old worm hole on the first few pages, no loss. This excellent work is devoted to Japanese women, with 60 illustrations on the events of the twelve months, about 50 others on women's culture all skillfully drawn by Kitao. * With a profusion of calligraphy examples on how to write a New Year's letter & reply, festival letters, invitations, plum blossom letters, yearly celebration letters, holidays, weddings, births, 'thank you' notes, gifts &c. A very interesting illustrated book, with very good insight to the activities of the Japanese before Western influence. Charming illustrations show a wide variety of customs and festivals. * Color plates show shell gathering at the shore, Great Shrine at Edo, Shamisen & Koto playing, Madame Lady Murasaki composing her "Tales of Genji," the first novel written by a woman. With most beautiful examples of calligraphy examples. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION: p.216 top of the page. * Louise Brown: BLOCK PRINTING & BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p.131, bottom of the page, wherein Brown lists books signed by Sukenobu, although he died in 1751, may actually have been the work of his son. Clearly the art work is exceptionally similar if not that of Sukenobu. It is our opinion, because of the coloring, this must be the work of his son, with the innovative color added. * Not in Kerlen. * Book Number: 35023201 240 KIYOHARA, Shigeome. ed. et al. SOMOKU SEIFU Bound Together With: YUDOKU SOMOKU ZUSETSU: PLANT GENEOLOGY Together With DISCOURCES & ILLUSTRATIONS OF [Osaka] 1823,1827/Maekawa Eirakuya.Stitched yellow stiff wrs RareOrientalBooks.Com $1736 5 vol. set complete, two titles: 3 vols.+2 vols, as issued, profusely illustrated in color and black outline woodblock illustrations, 18 x 28.5 cm., in cloth folding Chitsu case. This is a stunning and famous botanical, and pharmacopoeia, complete in a set of 5 volumes, composed of two celebrated titles: *1. Volumes 1-3; SOMOKU SEIFU: PLANT GENEALOGY, Edited by Kiyohara Shigeomi [Toneri Shigeome], [1779-1847], the editor also used the name Kiyohara Jukyo, corrector Kiyohara Shigemitsu, illustrated by Numata Gessai Masatami [1784-1864] & Mizutani Toyobumi [1779-1883], illustrated by Numata Gessai [1789-1864] et al., published before c.1825, publisher: not cited. . Collation: 3 volumes: All tightly stitched, solidly bound. . a. Vol.1/Ten:23 double-folded leaves, 6 color, 10 two-tone b.w. illustrations, first/last few pages stain to upper 1/3 of page, faint damp-stain to top blank area minimal impact to text or plates, a tiny bit of old worming, very small limited to the upper blank margin, else solid. . b. Vol.2/Chi:31 double-folded leaves, 2 color, 20 b.w. outline drawings, a few very small old worm holes, top margin stained on several pages, covers a bit dusty, small wear spot on back cover . c.Vol.3/ Zenpen:32 double leaves, 61 b.w. outline drawings, a bit of old worming to the upper blank portion and a bit to the leading edge, does not affect illustrations *** 2. Volumes 4-5: YUDOKU SOMOKU ZUSETSU, Zenpen: DISCOURSE & ILLUSTRATIONS OF POISONEOUS PLANTS. Written by Kiyohara Shigeome [Toneri Shigeome], [1779-1847], the author also used the name Kiyohara Jukyo published 1827 in 2 volumes. Vol.1: 32 double folded pages, list of names, seals of contributors. Published by Eirakuya Toshiro/Maekawa, 1837. . Collation: 2 volumes: All tightly stitched, solidly bound, covers dusty, rubbed in a couple places, else solidly stitched and firmly bound. . a. Vol.4/Jin: 29 double-folded leaves, top margin stained on several pages, 3 color, 17 b.w. outline drawings, a couple of very small old worm holes in text/plates but minimal. . b. Vol.5/Zenpen: 32 double-folded leaves, front cover upper 1/3 mild stain first 2 and last 2 pages, else contents clean, a few mild damp-stained pages in the center, a couple of old worm holes here & there, very minor, else contents clean, holes in first 2 blank sheets and a couple elsewhere, very minor, small, 62 b.w. outlines drawings. . Included in the Zenpen volume is a very rare maize or corn most likely imported by the Portuguese to Nagasaki in 1749. In other Japanese botanicals there are references to putting these corn kernels on a fry pan and making "pop corn" perhaps the earliest example of this usage in Japan. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com The set of five are contained in a recent indigo-blue Chitsu, with bone clasps, and a hand brushed title slip. *** THE COMPLETE SET OF 5 VOLUMES: Being edited/written by the same person, this logically has been bound as a five volume set consisting of two variant titles. Edgren also shows these two titles as bound in 5 volumes in his work, see below. Kerlen shows them as separately bound, but not as a set of 5 volumes in all. *** GRAND DELUXE SIZE: The set is an unusually large & tall size, reminiscent of Chinese books of this or an earlier period, 18 x 28.5, and they are stitched bound in the typical period style of Chinese books, with an extra hole in the corner giving them a "Chinese" look. The books are all printed on a heavy, thick hand-made Washi paper, with a generous and unusually wide 5.5 cm. margin at the top, mostly blank, but an occasionally a few "notes' are printed there. The lower margin is 2 cm. wide, more in the Chinese style of printing on tall paper with wide margins. *** COLLATION: Please see Kerlen below for a complete collation of the pagination, lists of artists, contents, &c. *** CONDITION: The work is uniformly bound in yellow stitched stiff wrappers. There is some dustiness to the covers, two have minor rubs on the back covers, some old dark spots, mild stains and a former owner's round and discreet Hanko [chop/seal] on or below the title slips, by and large a very good solid set. *** Please visit our website and see the color and b.w. illustrations posted there. *** REFERENCE: KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS a. SOMOKU SEIFU: pp.696-697, #1657 . b. YUDOKU SOMOKU ZUESETU Zenpen: pp.799-800 #1895 * EDGREN, J.S.: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY a. SOMOKU SEIFU p.254, #776 . b. YUDOKU SOMOKU ZUSETSU p.254-254, #777 * KSM: (Honzo), Shokubutsu 7-845-1 * KBT: No. 130 * Kraft: Vol. 4, no. 314 * Rosny: 239/81 * KS 5-290 & 7-845 * Not In: BARTLETT, Harley H. et al.: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE RareOrientalBooks.Com PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. *** $4780 FASCINATING EARLY RESOURCE ON BUILDING RUSTIC TEA ROOMS Book Number: 21160301 241 KOBAYASHI, Jokichi. SUKIYA KOH ZOH HOH: THE DESIGN & BUILDING OF TEA CEREMONY HOUSE & ROOMS. Osaka 1902, Hasegawa. Stitched blue wrappers, 5 volume set, complete, contents very good: vol. 3 & 5 have had the leading edges knawed off: vol 3 has minor intrusion into bit of the text, vol. 5 just the margin, 21+20+26+23+13 double folded leaves, with 89 lovely illustrations. . This work is entirely woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi paper, with Japanese text. . It begins with vol. 1 which discusses and illustrates various floor plans, profile views of the sides of the structure and roof. . Vol. 2 shows the interior, use of rustic and natural trees for vertical supports and on the important visually aesthetic places for proper internal decor. Also the use of bamboo screening within the window frames. . Vol. 3 depicts the construction and placement of built-in tables & shelves, Tokunoma, metal hooks for scrolls, out-door tea garden and tea room. . Vol. 4 shows more garden layout, placement of stones, various stone lanterns, rustic entrance gate, side lattice work and finish internal tea room shelves. . Volume 5 contains precise dimensions for the various construction of all parts of the projects, for carpenters and architects. *** A very unusual resource & can be applied to practical application, since the dimensions are in the pre-metric days, given in "Shaku & Tsun" which roughly corresponds to Western feet & inches. . An excellent, useful & valuable source for all tea ceremony & tea room lovers. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $476 A SUPERB JAPANESE DESIGN BOOK USED BY ARTISANS Book Number: 32032401 242 [KOBAYASHI, Yonezo.] MOYO MON CHO SHOSHIKI HINA-GATA : DESIGN BOOK OF DECORATIONS & FAMILY CRESTS FOR VARIOUS CRAFTSMEN. [Tokyo 1881,Yokoo/Takeda]. Blue stiff wrs., stitched, title label, complete in 1 vol, 12 x 18 cm., edge wear, scuff to front cover, else solid, no pagination, [34] double-folded leaves. FIRST EDITION A charming book. With a profusion of native Japanese designs, which were used by various artisans to design furniture, swords, sword furniture, armor, textiles, architecture, Kimono and other garments, lacquer ware, Japanese prints, ceramics, and a host of others. * Drawing on Japan's natural and botanical traditions, these patterns and designs draw heavily on nature, flowers, Chinese architecture, Buddhism, bugs, butterflies, beasts, geometrical designs, tie-dyed patterns, I-ching, Buddhist swastika, Mon [family crests], weapons, and too many to list. * A LOVELY EARLY MANUSCRIPT OF NATIVE DESIGNS Book Number: 32033301 243 KODAI MOYO. KODAI MOYO: ANCIENT JAPANESE PATTERNS & DESIGNS. [N.d. ca. 1840's]. Blue stitched wrs., oblong format, covers faded, edges worn, cover with brushed title, 32.5 x 23 cm., 10 double folded leaves = [20]p., + 1 fold out page, black RareOrientalBooks.Com $318 ink on white Washi hand-made paper, some dog ears else good. An excellent early work. Addresses the ancient or primitive designs found on various Japanese textiles as well as other objects. * Phoenix, flowers, birds, native Japanese and traditional patterns, delicate and intricate designs, some used for stencil patterns. Often used on Kimono, and other garments, Japanese lacquer ware, ceramics, arms, amour, swords, furniture, and a host of other native items. *** EARLY & COPIOUS TREATISE ON THE TREATMENT OF BOTH DISEASES Book Number: 20034002 244 [KOHAN, Genji]. TOOSO TAISE SHURAN: COMPLIATION OF WRITINGS ON MEASELS AND SMALL POX. [Edo 1806, Suharaya]. Stitched brown wrs., very good, 3 vol. set, complete, minor scuffing to covers, contents clean, woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper, 19 x 26 cm., [35 +38+45] double folded leaves, clean, complete, 2nd edition. The original work was written by Oh Jaku Gen in Ming in Chinese in Meiwa 8th, 1771, then adapted to be Kambun, a form of easily read Japanese, with Furigana. It was published by Ko-bun-do in Kyoto * The work is illustrated with two examples and enhanced with several figures, one shows a youth with many 'poxes' on his face. * THE PREFACE DATE: The preface cites a 1771 date indicating this work was issued first in that year, in an edition of 2 volumes. The preface was then reprinted again in our copy, which is most likely the second revised edition, complete in 3 volumes. *** FIRST ARRIVAL OF MEASLES TO JAPAN: Measles first showed up in Japan in 988 A.D., it was known then as "Akamogasa" or "red pox." In both 1824 & 1862, there was a great epidemic of measles. *** CONDITION: The book covers were bound in blind-stamped swastika covers. There is some rubbing on the front & back covers near the edges of all volumes. The book is firmly bound and stitched. The contents are exceptionally bright and clean, free from any worming or issues. The text is solid, and very fresh. By RareOrientalBooks.Com $325 and large an excellent example. *** RARITY: There are very few monographs from early China or Japan on the subject of Measles or Small pox. There was confusion about both of them in the 17-19th centuries in both countries. While there are recorded epidemics of both, little was known about curing or treating these horrible diseases. Large numbers of children commonly died of this "pox." *** THE AUTHOR'S ALTERNATE NAME: This author use an alternate, HATA Genji, who summarized the earlier original edition. *** REFERENCES: The work is not listed in any of the usual and standard references, although we have checked all of the below: . MESTLER, Gordon E.: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN: cites several other books on measles & small pox on pages 200, 169, 293, 204, 206, 298, 205, 293 et. al. * FUJIKAWA, Y.: JAPANESE MEDICINE: measles: pp.75,76,82,84, & 86. * WHITNEY, Willis N.: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN. See many others on measles listed on p.446. * KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. *** WITH MAGNIFICIENT COPPER-ETHCED ILLUSTRATIONS Book Number: 22024301 245 KOHSEIAN, Genho. SOOKA ZUROKU: ILLUSTRATED FLOWER ARRANGEMENT ALBUM. [Osaka 1890, Fujii]. Stiff buff embossed stitched wrs., ca. 18 x 26 cm., very good, 54 double folded leaves, 101 fullpage copper-etched illustrations of arrangements, clean and sound copy hand printed on hand-made paper. S C A R C E A most lovely work. The magnificient illustrations are all copper-etched, with exceptionally fine-line clarity & clean registry. Superbly etched and exeucted. These period flower arrangements show the Osaka school style, and is an anthology of many masters' arrangements. Utilizing traditional fur- RareOrientalBooks.Com $1454 niture and vessels: ceramics, bronzes, bamboo, baskets and earthen ware. Highly traditional and yet creative designs are illustrated in this exceptional manual of finished arrangements showing the naturalistic mode. Done as only the Japanese can do. $408 Book Number: 21085901 246 KONO, Bairei. et al. OI NO NISHIKI: JAPANESE BROCADE OF AN OLD MAN. Kyoto 1905, Unsodo. Brown silk boards, accordion folded album, covers rubbed, but solid, 16.5 x 24.5 cm., 27 double page color woodblock printed illustrations, very clean, each illustration signed & sealed in block. S C A R C E An antholog of paintings done in woodblocks from celebrated artists such as Keinen, Kansai, Bairie, Zaisen, Kagetoshi, Yoshifuji, Hooun, Sookei &c. Each finely executed in pastel colors. Subjects are kitten and loquats, flute playing boy riding a water buffalo [traditional Buddhist theme], rural sea-side village, birds and flowers, Noh drama, winter landscape in the Chinese style, Japanese court nobles, Japanese poetry with pheasant & poets, baby chicks, Chinese scholars & literati playing chess, wild flowers, birds & flowers, old pine tree, rural Shinto shrine, old Chinese priests & literati, deer in the forest, baby & lantern, rural village scene & a bitter-melon vine with bird, tiger & cub, Japanese procession with horse-mounted lord, sleeping ducks, Chinese river landscape, bird & cherry blossoms, farmer making Zoori sandals &c. Compiled by Kono Bairei [1844-95] & his son, Morimoto Tohkoh. See L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.8 for more details. A MAJOR EARLY WOODBLOCK PRINTED BIRD & FLOWER BOOK Book Number: 85000102 247 KONO, Bairei. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU: BAIREI'S ALBUM OF ONE HUNDRED BIRDS. First Series. [Tokyo 1881, Okura Magobei]. Orignal stitched wrs., 3 vols., very good, with 74 double folded hand made paper leaves, 100 pastel,black & sumi color woodblock illustrations, 16.5 x 25 cm., vols.1-3, title slips, in recent indigo Chitsu, clips. This title was issued as a 6 volume set when complete; ie the First Series [this title] is composed of volumes 1-3, published in 1881. The Supplement series volumes 1-3, published in 1884. Both works are complete in the either state. * The volumes are NOT counted in the usual Western way, but in the Japanese way, which is 3 volumes of the First Series + 3 Supplemental volumes with the "Zoku Hen" or supplement character on the title slips, being the major difference of the title slips on the Supplemental series. They are all bound with identical covers and red title slips, per above. The contents follow a similar technique and color scheme, all using Sumi black, white, gray, and an orange pastel hue. All of the prints occupy two pages, and has a single cinnabar Hanko or "chop" seal with the artist's name stamped on them. * Each composition was executed with the utmost care and skill using birds, flowers, branches, trees, rocks and water as a background. Placing the birds and flowers in a natural setting, was one of Bairei's great contributions to art of this period. To Bairei, showing birds and flowers in natural settings was the highest form of praise for the beauty of nature. * THE EDITIONS: This title was issued as a three volume set in the first series. Then three years later the last series was issued, so the complete work is 6 volume set. The First Series [this title] is composed of volumes 1-3, published in 1881. The [second title] Supplement series also issued in numbered volumes 1-3 Zoku Hen, published in 1884. Both works are complete in the either state as monographs. Please inquire with us to see if we have the complete works or the supplement series. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * Edward F. Strange stated in 1897 about this title: "...these designs are perhaps the best illustrations of bird life ever cut on wood. Each is printed from six or seven [wood] blocks ..." * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, p.216. Here Mitchell gives us an exact collation and reading of the seals, dates and proofed names et al. * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.529, exhibit 95, figure 87, which shows Heron and Sacred Lotus. * Also cited in: -British Museum 1904, 16115.b.3, 2 vols. -Happer [I], 686 Ref. RareOrientalBooks.Com -Brown, p.199 -Strange 1897, pp.104-105. * L . Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.8, a summary "Kono Bairei [1844-95], was a Japanese-style painter who lived in Kyoto. He was the first pupil of the Maruyama painter, Nakajima Raisho, later to become a Shijo artist under Shiokawa Bunrin and later a follower of the Nanga school. His style is full of strong brush strokes, traditional charm and sensitivity. He was especially adept at drawing and illustrating birds and flowers in the Kacho style..." * This present work is an animated look at birds in all modes of flight, movement, and at rest. Incorporated into this are lovely plants and flowering trees and fruits where the birds are seen in a natural setting. A great study resource for natural bird-life in Japan, with proper names in Japanese noted in the drawing of most examples for identification purposes. An exceptional and nicely color-illustrated early work. * A MARVELOUS WOODBLOCK PRINTED JAPANESE BIRDS & FLOWER SET Book Number: 85000201 248 KONO, Bairei. BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU: together with BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU & ZOKU HEN: BAIREI'S ALBUM OF 100 BIRDS & SUPPLEMENTAL SERIES, [Tokyo 1881-84, Okura]. Stitched stiff wrs., 6 vols., very good, double folded leaves, woodblock printed on handmade paper, with about 200 color woodblock illustrations, usual minor rubbing, else clean, complete, ca. 16.5 x 24 cm. RARE This title was issued as a 6 volume set when complete; ie the First Series is composed of volumes 1-3, published in 1881. The Supplement series volumes 1-3, published in 1884. The volumes are NOT counted in the usual Western way such as RareOrientalBooks.Com $2878 volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but in the Japanese way, which is 3 volumes of the First Series + 3 Supplemental volumes with the "Zoku Hen" or supplement character on the title slips, being the major difference of the title slips on the Supplemental series. The book is difficult to find in its complete 6 volume form. * They are all uniformly bound with identical covers and red/ pink title slips. The contents follow a similar technique and color scheme, all using Sumi black, white, gray, and an orange-ish hue. All of the prints occupy two pages, and has a single cinnabar Hanko or "chop" seal with the artist's name stamped on them. * Each composition was executed with the utmost care and skill using birds, flowers, branches, trees, rocks and water as a background. Placing the birds and flowers in a natural setting, was one of Bairei's great contributions to art of this period. To Bairei, showing birds and flowers in natural settings was the highest form of praise for the beauty of nature. * This present work is an animated look at birds in all modes of flight, movement, and at rest. Incorporated into this are lovely plants and flowering trees and fruits where the birds are seen in a natural setting. A great study resource for natural bird-life in Japan, with proper names in Japanese noted in the drawing of most examples for identification purposes. An exceptional and nicely color-illustrated early set. **** REFERENCES: . Edward F. Strange stated in 1897 about this title: "...these designs are perhaps the best illustrations of bird life ever cut on wood. Each is printed from six or seven [wood] blocks ..." * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, p.216. Here Mitchell gives us an exact collation and reading of the seals, dates and proofed names et al. * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.529, exhibit 95, figure 87, which shows Heron and Sacred Lotus. * British Museum 1904, 16115.b.3, 2 vols. * Happer [I], 686 Ref. * L. Brown, p.199 * Strange 1897, pp.104-105. * L . Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.8, a summary "Kono Bairei [1844-95], was a Japanese-style painter who lived in Kyoto. He was the first pupil of the Maruyama painter, Nakajima Raisho, later to become a Shijo artist under Shiokawa Bunrin and later a follower of the Nanga school. His style is full of strong brush strokes, traditional charm and sensitivity. He was especially RareOrientalBooks.Com adept at drawing and Kacho style..." *** illustrating birds and flowers in the A MARVELOUS WOODBLOCK PRINTED JAPANESE BIRDS & FLOWER SET Book Number: 85000202 249 KONO, Bairei. BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU: together with BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU & ZOKU HEN: BAIREI'S ALBUM OF 100 BIRDS & SUPPLEMENTAL SERIES, [Tokyo 1881-84, Okura]. Stitched stiff wrs., 6 vols., very good, double folded leaves, woodblock printed on handmade paper, with about 200 color woodblock illustrations, indigo blue Chitsu folding case complete, ca. 16.5 x 25 cm. R A R E This title was issued as a 6 volume set when complete; ie the First Series is composed of volumes 1-3, published in 1881. The Supplement series volumes 1-3, published in 1884. The volumes are NOT counted in the usual Western way such as volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but in the Japanese way, which is 3 volumes of the First Series + 3 Supplemental volumes with the "Zoku Hen" or supplement character on the title slips, being the major difference of the title slips on the Supplemental series. The book is difficult to find in its complete 6 volume form. * They are all uniformly bound with identical covers and red/ pink title slips. The contents follow a similar technique and color scheme, all using Sumi black, white, gray, and an orange-ish hue. All of the prints occupy two pages, and has a single cinnabar Hanko or "chop" seal with the artist's name stamped on them. * Each composition was executed with the utmost care and skill using birds, flowers, branches, trees, rocks and water as a background. Placing the birds and flowers in a natural setting, was one of Bairei's great contributions to art of this period. To Bairei, showing birds and flowers in natural settings was the highest form of praise for the beauty of RareOrientalBooks.Com $5751 nature. * This present work is an animated look at birds in all modes of flight, movement, and at rest. Incorporated into this are lovely plants and flowering trees and fruits where the birds are seen in a natural setting. A great study resource for natural bird-life in Japan, with proper names in Japanese noted in the drawing of most examples for identification purposes. An exceptional and nicely color-illustrated early set. **** REFERENCES: . Edward F. Strange stated in 1897 about this title: "...these designs are perhaps the best illustrations of bird life ever cut on wood. Each is printed from six or seven [wood] blocks ..." * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, p.216. Here Mitchell gives us an exact collation and reading of the seals, dates and proofed names et al. * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.529, exhibit 95, figure 87, which shows Heron and Sacred Lotus. * British Museum 1904, 16115.b.3, 2 vols. * Happer [I], 686 Ref. * L. Brown, p.199 * Strange 1897, pp.104-105. * L . Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.8, a summary "Kono Bairei [1844-95], was a Japanese-style painter who lived in Kyoto. He was the first pupil of the Maruyama painter, Nakajima Raisho, later to become a Shijo artist under Shiokawa Bunrin and later a follower of the Nanga school. His style is full of strong brush strokes, traditional charm and sensitivity. He was especially adept at drawing and illustrating birds and flowers in the Kacho style..." *** A MARVELOUS WOODBLOCK PRINTED JAPANESE BIRDS & FLOWER SET RareOrientalBooks.Com $6275 Book Number: 85000203 250 KONO, Bairei. BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU: together with BAIREI HYAKUCHO GAFU & ZOKU HEN: BAIREI'S ALBUM OF 100 BIRDS & SUPPLEMENTAL SERIES, [Tokyo 1881-84, Okura]. Stitched stiff wrs., 6 vols., very good, double folded leaves, woodblock printed on handmade paper, with about 200 color woodblock illustrations, 16.5 x 25 cm., complete set, covers monor corner wear else solid. This title was issued as a 6 volume set when complete; ie the First Series is composed of volumes 1-3, published in 1881. The Supplement series volumes 1-3, published in 1884. The volumes are NOT counted in the usual Western way such as volumes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, but in the Japanese way, which is 3 volumes of the First Series + 3 Supplemental volumes with the "Zoku Hen" or supplement character on the title slips, being the major difference of the title slips on the Supplemental series. The book is difficult to find in its complete 6 volume form. * They are all uniformly bound with identical covers and red/ pink title slips. The contents follow a similar technique and color scheme, all using Sumi black, white, gray, and an orange-ish hue. All of the prints occupy two pages, and has a single cinnabar Hanko or "chop" seal with the artist's name stamped on them. * Each composition was executed with the utmost care and skill using birds, flowers, branches, trees, rocks and water as a background. Placing the birds and flowers in a natural setting, was one of Bairei's great contributions to art of this period. To Bairei, showing birds and flowers in natural settings was the highest form of praise for the beauty of nature. * This present work is an animated look at birds in all modes of flight, movement, and at rest. Incorporated into this are lovely plants and flowering trees and fruits where the birds are seen in a natural setting. A great study resource for natural bird-life in Japan, with proper names in Japanese noted in the drawing of most examples for identification purposes. RareOrientalBooks.Com An exceptional and nicely color-illustrated early set. **** REFERENCES: . Edward F. Strange stated in 1897 about this title: "...these designs are perhaps the best illustrations of bird life ever cut on wood. Each is printed from six or seven [wood] blocks ..." * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, p.216. Here Mitchell gives us an exact collation and reading of the seals, dates and proofed names et al. * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.529, exhibit 95, figure 87, which shows Heron and Sacred Lotus. * British Museum 1904, 16115.b.3, 2 vols. * Happer [I], 686 Ref. * L. Brown, p.199 * Strange 1897, pp.104-105. * L . Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.8, a summary "Kono Bairei [1844-95], was a Japanese-style painter who lived in Kyoto. He was the first pupil of the Maruyama painter, Nakajima Raisho, later to become a Shijo artist under Shiokawa Bunrin and later a follower of the Nanga school. His style is full of strong brush strokes, traditional charm and sensitivity. He was especially adept at drawing and illustrating birds and flowers in the Kacho style..." *** A MOST STUNNING COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOTANICAL Book Number: 86021301 251 KONO, Bairei. CHIGUSA NO HANA: A THOUSAND KINDS OF FLOWERS. [Kyoto 1889-1891, Unsodo]. Stitched wrs., 4 vol. set, 200p., 200 color woodcut prints printed by hand on hand-made paper, blue covers, cover edges a bit rubbed, else clean, complete set, 16.2 x 24.3 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION R A R E ! A superb botanical and pharmacopoeia japonica, includes flowers and vegetables as well as plants of commerce. RareOrientalBooks.Com $5576 * Volumes I & II have lists of the illustrated plants in Japanese, as well as in alphabetic or Romaji letters and also in western type numbers i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, rather than in Japanese, ditto for vols. III & IV. * Vols. III & IV in Katakana only. * All volumes give the flower name in Japanese [Kanji] characters. The flowers are done in natural, vivid color, with close-up detail of each flower. * Bairei [1844-95] was a celebrated painter of birds and flowers who studied under the Maruyama painter Nakajima Raisho, and later under the Shijo artists Shiokawa Bunrin. He was commissioned by the Imperial family to paint murals in the famous Buddhist temple Higashi Hongan-ji in Kyoto, where he was also a leader in the art society. * This kind of dictionary of Japanese flowers was a standard reference illustrating flowers in full blossom or plants in fruit. The examples are depicted with in a very natural state, showing all parts, including stems, leaves, buds, flowers and fruit. * This kind of botanical or "herbal" dictionary was used by physicians as well as lay people to identify plants for medicinal use. An important pharmacopoeia Japonica and stunning botanical reference. Printed in natural pastels, finely executed woodblock color printing and composed by the master of birds and flowers. **** REFERENCES: H. Bartlett: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p. 219 + fig. 76a for an example illustration. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.427 for full bibliographic citation. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS, p.52, item 124. * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography. p.234. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.200.. **** DESIGNS FOR SWORD FURNITURE, TEXTILES, CERAMICS, CARVINGS &c RareOrientalBooks.Com $5443 Book Number: 98165702 252 KONO, Bairei. KOGYO ZUKUSHI: SKETCHES FOR ARTISANS. [Tokyo 1883, Ookura]. Stitched stiff wrs., very good, oblong format, 18 x 12 cm., each bound in a different cover color, profusely illustrated with pink, Sumi, black & grey colors, 1-4 illustrations per page, 22+22+22+21 p., 4 of 5 vol. set. An entirely enjoyable, light-hearted work, showing a profusion of good illustrations, woodblock printed, pastel colors. This kind of handbook was used by artisans who designed and carved Netsuke, made swords and sword furniture, textiles, lacquer, ceramics, Kimono & all other arts which required a design & good composition. * This work was done by the celebrated bird & flower painter & woodblock book & print artist who worked in the last part of the 19th century. This set illustrates a profusion of animal, heroes, comic characters, horses, genre pictures, deities, Gods, mythological characters, flowers, Samurai & military related horses & equipment, bugs, temples, holy places, religious objects, sages, toys, landscapes, Buddhist ritualistic articles, rivers, Kendo or swordplay matches, Shinto items, archery practice, ambush of a Ronin, tigers, monkeys & so much more ! * Kono Bairei 1844-1895 was a Maruyama school painter who studied under Nakajima Raisho & Shirokawa Bunrin a Shijo painter, thus he studied both of these great schools ergo the reason his works manifest such great control and precision, similar to Hokusai in his ability to tickle the viewer. Bairei is widely collected by world institutions and is well cited & illustrated in the usual reference books. RareOrientalBooks.Com * REFERENCES: C.H. Mitchell, p.371, with a good biography & list of his works listed on 14. * A MAGNIFICIENT JAPANESE BOTANICAL REFERENCE Book Number: 22029202 253 KONO, Bairei. KUSA BANA HYAKUSHU: A HUNDRED KINDS OF COLOR FLOWERS. Tokyo 1901, Yamada Unsodo. Blue stiff stitched wrs., 4 vol. set, 115 color plates, 29+29+30+28 double folded leaves,some double-page,color woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper covers minor scuffing, contents exceptionally clean, bright. A most brilliant and wonderful color botanical. The work was edited by Kono Seiko his heir posthumously. Bairei [1844-95] was a Kyoto artist & pupil of the Maruyama painter Nakajima Raisho, later studied under the Shijo master Shiokawa Bunrin and followed the Nanga school tradition under Nakanish Koeki & others. His work exhibits the charm and sensitivity of strong strokes in a traditional style. * The work illustrates 100 kinds of flowers in full color on full pages, each properly named. A majority are flowers in color, including fruit, orchids, wild grasses, and other flowering plants. A lovely & charming work, boldly printed in stunning full color. * The work was issued serially: the first part in 2 volumes in 1901 with title: SOHKA HYAKUSHU. The second part also in 2 volumes with "supplement" or "hen" added to the title SOHKA HYAKUSHU NIHEN, issued in 1903, in all the completed work consists of 4 volumes. It is not uncommon to find this separated into part I, part II, by those who don't know its a 4 volume set. There is also a binding variant, wherein part I is bound in one volume and part II also in one volume, lending to the confusion. It is easy to confuse this point if one is not careful in reading the title slip or the colophons. * The Japanese were truly experts at faithfully recording botanical books in "true-to-original colors found in nature. This work utilizes pastel vegetal colors, reflecting the essence of those colors actually found in nature. Bartlett has stated "Kono Bairei was one of the last of the artists who illustrated plants for wood-block printing and whose work is considered by critics as important." See Bartlett RareOrientalBooks.Com $3808 entry below, p.531 for this quotation. * TITLE: The official title recorded in the majority of reference books is KUSABANA HYAKUSHU, or KUSABANA HYAKU SHIKI [SHIKI used for the supplemental 2 volumes], with a variant reading of SOKA HYAKUSHU. * AUTHORSHIP/ARTIST: The work was illustrated by Kono Bairei. Because it was published posthumously and edited by his heir, Kono Seiko, some bibliographers wrongly attribute the work to Seiko, again, this simply contributes to confusion of authorship. * THE ARTIST: Kono Bairei [1844-1895], was a pupil of Nakajima Raisho [Maruyama school artist] and Shiokawa Bunrin, a Shijo school artist. He lived in Kyoto and was famous for his impromptu sketching or Sekijo. His pupils were Takeuchi Seiho [inquire with us for items by him], and a large number of others who were famous in their own right. See Mitchell below on p.14 for additional details, and a list of other titles by Bairei. Please inquire with us as we do try to keep other titles by him in stock. * Per Roberts: "Kono Bairei was a Japanese-style painter who lived in Kyoto. He was the first pupil of the Maruyama painter, Nakajima Raisho, later to become a Shijo artist under Shiokawa Bunrin and later a follower of the Nanga school. His bold style is full of strong brush strokes, traditional charm and sensitivity. He was especially adept at drawing and illustrating birds and flowers in the Kacho style..." See Roberts entry et al below. * REFERENCES: * H. Bartlett: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.237-8,exhibit 97. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.8 for biographical background of Kono. * C.H. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO: artist information on p.14; and p.381 for the book citation. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: addenda p.2, Group IV. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: no.974, p.414-415. * KSM: Gokan, 2-691-3 * A most famous and celebrated botanical with stunning polychrome woodcut illustrations. Please request our flower or botanical lists which contain others by Bairei. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 Book Number: 86104101 254 KORYUSAI, Isoda. KONZATSU YAMATO SOHGA: MISCELLANEOUS SKETCHES. [Japan 1781, n.p.] 19th century Meiji reprint edition, 3 vol set, black stitched wrappers., 48 b.w. woodcuts, 16+16+16p., very clean copy, 18 x 25 cm. SCARCE A very nice copy of this rarity. Depicting Japanese subjects ie: birds, flowers, figures and a myriad of typical Japanese subjects. Showing the artist's skill and brushwork. * REFERENCES: L. Brown p. 145-6. * A BEAUTIFUL WOODBLOCK PRINTED ALBUM OF HIS PAINTINGS Book Number: 86104401 255 KUBOTA, Beisen. BEISEN GACHO. BEISEN'S ILLUSTRATED ALBUM [Japan 1877, n.p.]. Grass covered accordion folded album, 31 color woodblock prints, 1p. text 23.5 x 34.5 cm., very clean copy, top & bottom edges gilt, each print is signed, sealed, dated, done in large Oban size. FIRST & ONLY EDITION RARE A well executed album, with impressive style by one of the most important late Shijo-Maruyama painters. This is a reprepresentive work, showing the wide spectrum of his talent and variety. Soft flowing line, enhanced with bold, RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 working in Sumi and light shades of pastel tints, renders this a fine album. Subject matter covers landscapes, birds, flowers, & typical Japanese subjects, deities, bamboo &c. Prints in this album bear dates from 1877-1897. * "Kubota [1852-1906], was Japanese-style painter, born in Kyoto, and a start pupil of Suzuki Hyakunen. He traveled to America, China and Europe. In 1880 with Kono Bairei, started the Kyoto Prefectural School of Painting and taught there. In 1890, again with Bairei, founded the Kyoto Bijutsu Kyokai. an illustrator with the army during the Sino-Japanese war, and also for the newspaper Kokumin Shimbun, which he helped to established. Became blind toward the end of his life, His subjects included figures landscapes, historical themes, and his stile resembled the Nanga school." He has been widely collected by world museums. Liberally quoted from Roberts below. * Kubota was an embedded journalist in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 in China. He made his prints and books based on his primary observations while trailing along with the Japanese army in China. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts; DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.94 * A STUNNING SAMURAI BOOK WITH BATTLES, ARMOR, SWORDS &c... Book Number: 27046101 256 KUBOTA, Beisen. ESHIMA NO KASUMI: [Kyoto 1888, Unsodo/ Stiff stiff stitched wrs., red title slip, 16.5 x 25 cm., 37 double-folded leaves, [50]p., woodcut Sumi color illustrations, stitched spine, very clean, solid copy, complete. FIRST & ONLY EDITION The work is lively, showing a wide variety of warriors, their arms and armour, swords, bows and arrows, horses and other military items. The work covers battle scenes. There are also some excellent views of Japanese falcons and hawks, commonly kept by Samurai. * "Kubota [1852-1906], was Japanese-style painter, born in Kyoto, and a start pupil of Suzuki Hyakunen. He traveled to America, China and Europe. In 1880 with Kono Bairei, started the Kyoto Prefectural School of Painting and taught there. In 1890, again with Bairei, founded the Kyoto Bijutsu Kyokai. an illustrator with the army during the RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 Sino-Japanese war, and also for the newspaper Kokumin Shimbun, which he helped to established. Became blind toward the end of his life, His subjects included figures landscapes, historical themes, and his stile resembled the Nanga school." He has been widely collected by world museums. Liberally quoted from Roberts below. * Kubota was an embedded journalist in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 in China. He made his prints and books based on his primary observations while trailing along with the Japanese army in China. * As far as we can research, this was issued in a single volume only. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts; DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.94 * Not in Kerlen * A GRAND EXAMPLE OF WARRIOR ARCHERY SKILL & FALCON KEEPING Book Number: 99024001 257 KUBOTA, Beisen. JO SHU NO KASUMI: MIST OVER XUZHOU, JIANGSU PROVINCE, CHINA. [A WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK OF WARRIORS, ARCHERY & FALCONRY.] [Kyoto 1905, Yamada Geisodo]. Brown stitched wrs., very good [27] double folded leaves, [50]p. color woodblock printed illustrations, in tones of grey, black keyblock & soft pink colors, 16.5 x 24 cm., cover edges worn, contents clean. This superb work depicts the Samurai warrior in his armor & practicing horsemanship with a focus on archery. How to make a bow, arrows, targets, target practice while horse mounted, hunting fowl, archery in battle, 3-4 pictures of falconry, ship board battles, loaded with samurai, battle scenes & weapons. Nicely illustrated, marvelous woodcuts by the late and great master. * "Kubota [1852-1906], was Japanese-style painter, born in Kyoto, and a start pupil of Suzuki Hyakunen. He traveled to America, China and Europe. In 1880 with Kono Bairei, started the Kyoto Prefectural School of Painting and taught there. In 1890, again with Bairei, founded the Kyoto Bijutsu Kyokai. an illustrator with the army during the Sino-Japanese war, and also for the newspaper Kokumin Shimbun, which he helped to established. Became blind toward the end of his life, His subjects included figures RareOrientalBooks.Com $632 landscapes, historical themes, and his stile resembled the Nanga school." He has been widely collected by world museums. Liberally quoted from Roberts below. * Kubota was an embedded journalist in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894 in China. He made his prints and books based on his primary observations while trailing along with the Japanese army in China. * As far as we can research, this was issued in a single volume only. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts; DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.94, "A well collected artist." * Not listed in KSM. * $1207 A MOST LOVELY COLOR PRINTED EARLY GUIDE TO JAPANESE HORSES Book Number: 22026701 258 KURIHARA, Nobumitsu. KOKON MEIBA ZU I: GUIDE BOOK TO EXCELLENT HORSES, ANCIENT & MODERN. Japan n.d. ca. 1840'S. Yellow stitched stiff wrs., very good ca. 16 x 22.5 cm., 2 volume set, 10+10 double folded leaves, 18 double, 1 single color page illustrations, 2 pages Japanese text, complete. O B S C U R E W O R K This excellent work on Japanese horses is quite unusual. It covers horses for various uses in the Imperial court, as used by the highest-classes in Japan. For sacred Shinto festivals, archery competition, breeding, by the loyal retainers of the court or the Samurai & military class. A fine look at Imperial horses, and their application in support of the royal court. A nice example of what the horses looked like, as well as their grooms, riders and equestrian equipment. Back of vol. 1 covers bit soiled, lacking title slips, else clean, solid and bright copy of a very obscure illustrrated reference. Few color books exist on the subject of Japanese horses, let along Imperial horses ! A BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED WORLD MAP RareOrientalBooks.Com $1224 Book Number: 93081201 259 KURIHARA, Shincho. BANKOKU CHIKYU ZENZU: COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED DOUBLE HEMISPHERIC WORLD MAP. Japan [1850], no publisher. Color woodblock printed map,hand colored pastels, very good,a few minor old mended worm holes restored, small inset hemispheric maps, opens to 66 x 39 cm. folds down to 13.5 x 21.5 cm., not text at the top or side. A lovely work, charming in nature. Shows the North & South American hemispheres on the left, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the various islands, with both poles. The righthand hemisphere shows the Western, Eastern European, African as well as the Asian and Australian continents, with both poles and the Oceans. * There are four smaller inset type round maps of the world, each shows four separate tip views of continents: top left: Africa, Asia & America; lower left New Holland, Africa, America and Niikoya [?]; the upper right shows "Great Japan" [tiny in comparison to all other places !], Africa, Europa, Asia, New Holland; lower right South America, North America and Africa. * WHO WAS KURIHARA: Kurihara [1794-1870] was a celebrated and active cartographer, who did lovely and most charming world and other Japanese maps. * This copy does not have the text above the map, some other editions may have this. * Color key guide to the continents. Entirely hand-printed from color woodblocks on hand-made Washi paper. This type of maps quite beautifully done and is remarkably handsome. * CONDITION/VARIANTS: An exceptionally clean example of this quite SCARCE map. Our copy has the text above the map, while his 1850 example shows this to the left of the, most likely a variant selected by the person who glued the four sheets together. Some other examples of this map have been found without the text. *** Place names are profuse, locating and identifying a substantial number of cities and other major geographical features, continents, oceans, islands, cities, including China's Great Wall. The meridians and numbers are clearly located. * RARITY: Japanese world maps are quite rare, and the double hemispheric format is by and large the rarest and most desirable type. A handsome and quite RARE World Map, suitable for framing & display. * Japan was very late in world mapping, and this map is considered "early" in Japanese world cartography. A rare copy of the earlier Kurihara world map projection. Beautifully executed in woodblock printing using pastel colors, with decorated border cartouche that shows mythological animals in the pattern. RareOrientalBooks.Com *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. Oda: THE WORLD IN JAPANESE MAPS UNTIL THE MID-19TH CENTURY, pp.232-3, plate # 107. Oda cites & illustrates the ca. 1850 edition, per his text p.75, where he cites the 1835 & 1838 editions. Ours shows a slight variance to his, but is clearly the same map. * A FAMOUS DOUBLE HEMISPHERIC COLOR WOODCUT MAP Book Number: 93090301 260 KURIHARA, Shincho. BANKOKU CHIKYU ZENZU: A DOUBLE-HEMISPHERIC MAP OF THE WORLD. [With the Japanese Text Block Above the Map.] Japan ca.[1835], n.p. A folded hand-printed map, very clean, rebacked, blue Chitsu cloth case, ivory clasps, ca. 65 x 66 cm., 4 tiny corner pin holes, else no worming, remarkably bright, clean copy of a double-hemisphere map. R A R E ! A lovely work, charming in nature. Shows the North & South American hemispheres on the left, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the various islands, with both poles. The righthand hemisphere shows the Western, Eastern European, African as well as the Asian and Australian continents, with both poles and the Oceans. Above the map is the text in Japanese. * There are four smaller inset type round maps of the world, each shows four separate tip views of continents: top left: Africa, Asia & America; lower left New Holland, Africa, America and Niikoya [?]; the upper right shows "Great Japan" [tiny in comparison to all other places !], Africa, Europa, Asia, New Holland; lower right South America, North America and Africa. * WHO WAS KURIHARA: Kurihara [1794-1870] was a celebrated and active cartographer, who did lovely and most charming world and other Japanese maps. * Above this handsome map is a large text block written by Abe Rekisai. It discusses the First Edition published in 1835 under the title: with a variant title SHINTEI BANKOKU ZENZU, or also BANKOKU CHIKYU ZENZU. There is some controversy as to the exact date but likely done in 1835. * Color key guide to the continents. Entirely hand-printed from color woodblocks on hand-made paper. This type of map is quite beautifully done and is remarkably handsome. RareOrientalBooks.Com $6052 * CONDITION/VARIANTS: An exceptionally clean example of this quite SCARCE map. Our copy has the text above the map, while his 1850 example shows this to the left of the, most likely a variant selected by the person who glued the four sheets together. Some other examples of this map have been found without the text. *** Place names are profuse, locating and identifying a substantial number of cities and other major geographical features, continents, oceans, islands, cities, including China's Great Wall. The meridians and numbers are clearly located. * RARITY: Japanese world maps are quite rare, and the double hemispheric format is by and large the rarest and most desirable type. A handsome and quite RARE World Map, suitable for framing & display. * Japan was very late in world mapping, and this map is considered "early" in Japanese world cartography. A rare copy of the earlier Kurihara world map projection. Beautifully executed in woodblock printing using pastel colors, with decorated border cartouche that shows mythological animals in the pattern. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. Oda: THE WORLD IN JAPANESE MAPS UNTIL THE MID-19TH CENTURY, pp.232-3, plate # 107. Oda cites & illustrates the ca. 1850 edition, ours is clearly earlier, per his text p.75, where he cites the 1835 & 1838 editions. Ours shows a slight variance to his, but is clearly the same map, but with the text above rather than adjacent to the map he illustrates. * A SUPERB PORTFOLIO OF 90 LARGE SIZE MAP PLATES & KEY TEXT Book Number: 36008002 261 KURITA, Mototsugu. NIHON KOBAN CHIZU SHU SEI: COLLECTION OF OLD JAPANESE MAPS. [Tokyo 1938, Hakata Sei-sho-do]. Blue cloth Chitsu case, 85 stiff sheets showing 90 b.w. maps+separate bound book, 123p. Japanese text, with b.w. folding map, many b.w. photos, text key to the map portfolio plates, complete. SECOND EDITION *** *** *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $7006 . . ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT CARTOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES . . ON JAPANESE MAPS PUBLISHED IN THE EARLY 20TH CENTURY . This is a legendary and important atlas and key to Japanese woodblock printed maps from the 19th century and earlier, with an accompanying 'key' text volume, complete two volume set. . THE ATLAS-PORTFOLIO OF 90 MAPS: . The Atlas is a loose portfolio, containing 90 b.w. map illustrations, printed on 85 heavy, stiff cards. Each shows either a single large map, or a pair or a group of maps. Each page and map is numbered, to match the text or 'key' volume. . Each map is titled. The maps and the text are contained in the large indigo-blue Chitsu case, which is 30.5 x 39.3 cm., the map cards are 19.9 x 39.3 cm. . * THE TEXT [Key] VOLUME: . The separately bound ["key"] text volume is stitched in the traditional Japanese style of early period books. It is bound in hand-woven brown raw silk, with title slip, 15.8 x 22.3 cm. It has a folding map as a frontispiece, with a large number of b.w. text map photos, 131 pages, Japanese colophon on the last page. . This work was based on variety of both private and public collections. The private collection of Mr. Akioka [1895-?] was also included. See us for a copy of the Akioka Map Collection catalog. *** CONDITION: . PLATES: ATLAS-PORTFOLIO VOLUME: All plates are loose in the portfolio for easy use and examination. . The plates are clean and solid, the first plate has a minor wrinkle that is now pressed flat, and a small edge mend on the verso, else all others without issue. * THE CHITSU FOLDING CASE: The indigo-blue cloth Chitsu is solid and clean, some inside hinges/joints were reinforced with Washi paper, now solid and firm. A bit of very minor wear to some corners, otherwise a very solid firm case. There is a bit of old minor dustiness to the front cover title slip, minor wear to its edges, else clean and solid. A bit of minor fading to the front and spine., Please see photos posted to our website. * TEXT or "KEY" VOLUME: The text volume is very clean and tightly bound. There are a couple of wear spots on the front & back covers near the corners, where the boards are visible, else clean and solid. RareOrientalBooks.Com One or two tiny nicks to the title slip. This book is 15 x 22.3 cm. *** THE EDITIONS: . THE FIRST EDITION [1932] AND RARITY OF THIS TITLE: . The work was first published in Showa 7th year [1932], in a small edition. By and large copies of this RARE FIRST EDITION are very rare and seldom found. Due to the attrition rate of weather, fire and World War II, very few copies of this edition survived. . THE SECOND EDITION 1938: . Because copies of the First Edition were quickly exhausted, and their remained a strong demand, the Second Edition was published five years later [Showa 13] in 1938, yet and again in a very small edition. It was published during troubled times in Japan, just after the beginning of the Second SinoJapanese War of 1937. Like the First Edition, the Second Edition also suffered the bad effects of World War II, where large numbers of libraries, bookshops and warehouses in Japan were burned to the ground. In addition to the normal and natural attrition rate, today only a few complete, very good copies survive. *** A RARE BOOK: All copies of this book are RARE and seldom found on the market. Finding any copy is lucky, finding it clean and complete is certainly GOOD LUCK ! . *** REFERENCES: Few Japanese and an even fewer foreign references on Japanese maps cite this work. This is one of the earliest Japanese pioneer works to comprehensively list, describe and illustrate 90 individual maps from early periods. . Kurita is considered to be the "Father of Modern Cartography" in Japan. His work is one of the earliest and most comprehensive catalogs to survive. *** REFERENCES: WorldCat: Cites the 1932 First Edition http://www.worldcat.org/title/nihon-kohan-chizu-shusei/oclc/ 33747219 *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $491 Book Number: 85052801 262 KUSAKI KACHO ZU: COMPLETE ILLUSTRATIONS OF GRASS. KUSAKI KACHO ZU: COMPLETE ILLUSTRATIONS OF GRASS, TREES, BIRDS AND FLOWERS. [Japan c.1890, n.p.]. Small folding album, 12 x 17 cm., 12 double page color woodblock prints, each showing a different Japanese bird and flower scene. S C A R C E $884 SUPERB & VERY LONG HORIZONTAL PROCESSION SCROLL WOODCUT BOOK Book Number: 85026601 263 KUWAYAMA, Hyoshiro. NIKKO SARA TOSHO GU BO SAI TEN RAKU ZU: ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ANCIENT FESTIVAL PROCESSION FOR THE SHOGUN'S MEMORIAL AT [Tokyo 1889, Komuro]. Wood covers, grass paper covered, very good, 20 feet long, 18 x 12.5 cm., accordion folded, color woodblock printed by color by hand on hand-made paper. RARE FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A Shinto festival horizontal hand scroll, accordion folded book format. Beatifully, woodblock printed in color upon hand-made Washi paper. * Depicting the ancient religious festival to commemorate the Tokugawa Shogun's grave at Toshogu Shrine in Nikko. The work begins with a right to left reading of the story, two opposing pages equal one larger illustrated view of the procession. At the head of the august procession begins with soldiers carrying the Naginada or "long lance" bearers, followed by a Shishi or Lion Dog and Tora or Tiger costumed dancers, with three men per animal. Musicans playing the flute, women of the family, a horse-mounted Buddhist priest, and other court officials, flag bearers, archers, Samurai warriors in armour, Shinto women priests, masked Samurai, more horse-mounted officials, several empty planquins, drum and music corps, dancing monkeys, Shinto priests, more equistrian riders, Shinto orchestra, group of falconers with RareOrientalBooks.Com their birds in hand, table bearers, Buddhist priests. Then a series of three superbly decorated & most beautiful Mikoshi or portable Shinto shrines are carried by teams of men, followed by singers and groups of Samurai, flag-bearers and the like. * With Japanese title and colophon. * A truly unusual and spectacular folk-art celebration ! SUPERB & VERY LONG HORIZONTAL PROCESSION SCROLL WOODCUT BOOK Book Number: 85026602 264 KUWAYAMA, Hyoshiro. NIKKO SARA TOSHO GU BO SAI TEN RAKU ZU: ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE ANCIENT FESTIVAL PROCESSION FOR THE SHOGUN'S MEMORIAL AT [Tokyo 1889, Komuro]. Stiff wrs., first 3 title pages & last 2 pages + colophon lacking, else complete, ca. 20 feet long, 18 x 12.5 cm., accordion folded, color woodblock printed by hand on hand-made paper. AS IS. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A Shinto festival horizontal hand scroll, accordion folded book format. Beatifully, woodblock printed in color upon hand-made Washi paper. * Depicting the ancient religious festival to commemorate the Tokugawa Shogun's grave at Toshogu Shrine in Nikko. The work begins with a right to left reading of the story, two opposing pages equal one larger illustrated view of the procession. At the head of the august procession begins with soldiers carrying the Naginada or "long lance" bearers, followed by a Shishi or Lion Dog and Tora or Tiger costumed dancers, with three men per animal. Musicans playing the flute, women of the family, a horse-mounted Buddhist priest, and other court officials, flag bearers, archers, Samurai warriors in armour, Shinto women priests, masked Samurai, more horse-mounted officials, several empty planquins, drum and music corps, dancing monkeys, Shinto priests, more equistrian riders, Shinto orchestra, group of falconers with RareOrientalBooks.Com $680 their birds in hand, table bearers, Buddhist priests. Then a series of three superbly decorated & most beautiful Mikoshi or portable Shinto shrines are carried by teams of men, followed by singers and groups of Samurai, flag-bearers and the like. * With Japanese title and colophon. * A truly unusual and spectacular folk-art celebration ! $408 A FASCINATING RESOURCE OR AGRICUTLTURE LAW & LAND USE Book Number: 20038601 265 KYUU TEN RUI SAN DEN SEI HEN. KHUU TEN RUI SAN DEN SEI HEN: RICE FIELD REGULATION FROM GEN RO IN. [Tokyo 1877-1883, Goyoh Shorin]. Orange stitched wrs., very good, minor cover soil, contents clean, 11 volumes in all, a complete set, entirely woodblock printed & illustrated with 5 large folding picures, [432] double folded leaves, text in Japanese, with appendix volume. Many illustrations & layout of rice fields some with red notes & red colors, statistics, and copious text. A must for any collector or researcher in Japanese law, rice culture, land reform and agriculture. Scans can be sent by e-mail. $2040 AN EXCELLENT, USEFUL SCHOLARLY REFERENCE DICTIONARY RESOURCE Book Number: 85101502 266 LANE, Richard. IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E. New York [1978], Putnam. Blue cloth, very good, 364p., bibliography, profusely illustrated, over 32 color, 560 b.w. illustrations, many maps, seals and more, 25 x 28.5 cm. A well-illustrated dictionary of Japanese woodblock printing & painting. Covers life in the 16th-19th centuries, genre painting, Kabuki, landscapes, also lavishly illustrated with unexpurgated erotic prints. An easy to use & essential tool for any art reference library, student, or collector of wood block printing. With copious index,cross references, lavishly illustrated. An important source for any collector or serious student of Japanese woodblock prints & printing. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 AN EXCELLENT, USEFUL SCHOLARLY REFERENCE DICTIONARY RESOURCE Book Number: 85101503 267 LANE, Richard. IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E. [Fribourg 1978], Chartwell.Blue cloth, very good, dj., 364p. bibliography, profusely illustrated, over 32 color, 560 b.w. illustrations, many maps, seals & more. Important reference book & bibliographical resource for collectors, 25 x 29 cm. A well-illustrated dictionary of Japanese woodblock printing & painting. Covers life in the 16th-19th centuries, genre painting, Kabuki, landscapes, also lavishly illustrated with unexpurgated erotic prints. An easy to use & essential tool for any art reference library, student, or collector of wood block printing. With copious index,cross references, lavishly illustrated. An important source for any collector or serious student of Japanese woodblock prints & printing. AN EXCELLENT, USEFUL SCHOLARLY REFERENCE DICTIONARY RESOURCE Book Number: 85101504 268 LANE, Richard. IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD: THE JAPANESE PRINT, INCLUDING AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF UKIYO-E. New York [1978], Dorset. Black cloth, very good, 364p., bibliography, profusely illustrated, over 32 color, 560 b.w. illustrations, many maps, seals, dj., pristine as new copy. A well-illustrated dictionary of Japanese woodblock printing & painting. Covers life in the 16th-19th centuries, genre painting, Kabuki, landscapes, also lavishly illustrated with unexpurgated erotic prints. An easy to use & essential tool RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 for any art reference library, student, or collector of wood block printing. With copious index,cross references, lavishly illustrated. An important source for any collector or serious student of Japanese woodblock prints & printing. $39 Book Number: 21190401 269 LANE, Richard. A STUDY OF JAPANESE NOVELS & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE 17TH & 18TH CENTURIES IN BRITISH COLLECTIONS. [Japan 1953, Saikaku Studies]. Stiff white wrs., back chipped, worn, front spine bit torn, contents solid, Japanese text, 8 b.w. photos, pp.189-195. Concerns Ihara Saikaku's illustrated books. $22 Book Number: 88013601 270 LANE, Richard. UKIYO-E AND EARLY PRINTING. [Tokyo] 1967, Asia Scene. An article extracted, plasticised, & extracted, pp.157-160, 8 b.w. illustrations, clean solid. A scholarly article, by the celebrated scholar of Japanese woodblock prints and woodblock printed books [E-hon]. SCARCE $22 Book Number: 22032701 271 LAUFER, Berthold. DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF THE COLLECTION OF CHINESE, TIBETAN, MONGOL AND JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE NEWBERRY LIBRARY. Chicago [1913], Newberry Library. Brown stiff wrs.,very good 42p., 5 illustrations, some fold-outs. FIRST EDITION THIS IS THE ORIGINAL EDITION, NOT SOME CHEAP POOR QUALITY REPRINT ! An excellent & scholarly essay about the collection of Asian books, a useful reference and resource. With good illustrations, and lucid text. The essay outlines the authors's mission to go to Asia, collect books, which resulted in the purchase of some 1,216 titles in 21,403 volumes. The collection focus was on religion, philosophy, history, belles-lettres, philology and art. Nicely done. Book Number: 95256201 272 LORCHER, MARGOT. KATALOG 13. JAPANISCHE HOLZCHNITTE, HOLZSCHNITTBUCHER, JAPANISCHE TUSCHZEICHNUNGEN. Aystetten [1991], Lorcher. White stiff wrappers, very good, [45]p., 69 b.w. photos, bibliography, price list in Marks, German text. The works of Kuniyoshi, Hiroshige, Hokusai &c., includes some erotica, calligraphy, woodblock-printed books, some 69 well-described items in all, nicely illustrated. A useful RareOrientalBooks.Com $83 dealer's catalogue & reference. $17 Book Number: 98048501 273 [MABIE, Henry C.] JAPANESE LIFE OF GENERAL GRANT. A Literal Translation by Rev J.S. Motoda. [New York 1900, Scribner's Magazine]. New stiff yellow wrs., very good, extracted article, pp435-446, 18 b.w. plates done after woodcuts of Sensai Yeitaku, a translation of the book by Kanagaki Robun. This excellent study covers a review of a Japanese translation of an Americian book printed 1879. This article details the Japanese version, and illustrates from it, nicely done. AN EARLY RECORD OF A JAPANESE IN MEXICO & THE AMERICAS Book Number: 88064201 274 MAEKAWA, Bunzo. comp. et al. KAIGAI IBUN: A Strange Tale From Overseas, or a New Account Of America Compiled from the Narrative of Hatsutaro, a Los Angeles 1970, Dawson's. Blue cloth, very good, 143p., 38 color illustrations, co-compiler Sakai Junzo, translated by Richard Zumwinkle & Tadanobu Kawai, map, 14 x 22 cm., clean sharp copy. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 900 COPIES This fascinating work covers the tale of the castaway. Lost off Hyogo, Japan the crew of 13 men sailed without rudder for some six months southeast to be rescued by a Spanish vessel, and then dropped off in Baja California, at San Jose del Cabo. They went to Mazatlan, and eventually boarded a ship bound for Canton, and then back to Japan. A wonderfully brilliant work, full of excitement and the unusual. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Dawson's Book Shop: ASIATIC BOOKS 1949-1952 compiled by Jack Gyer, item #211, page 29. RareOrientalBooks.Com $75 * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, no. 724, page 311. * MAEKAWA, Bunzo. comp. et al. KAIGAI IBUN: A Strange Tale From Overseas, or a New Account Of America. compiled from the narrative of Hatsutaro, a Japanese Castaway. Los Angeles 1970, Dawson's Book Store. This work provides an excellent and complete English translation of the text along with many color illustrations. Translated by Richard Zumwinkle, assisted by Tadanobu Kawai. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 900 Copies only. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.441 * KSM: [kiko, hyoruki], 2-5-3 * Dawson's Book Store, ASIATIC BOOKS, catalog by Jack Gyer, L.A. 1952, item 211, page 29. * Not in Mitchell ***** $77 AN EXCELLENT INSIGHT TO JAPANESE EROTIC PRINTS & BOOKS Book Number: 88014501 275 MANDEL, Gabriele. THE POEM OF THE PILLOW: THE JAPANESE METHOD. [Fribourg 1984], Omega. Black cloth, very good, dj., 79p.,65 color, 30 b.w. photos of erotic prints, drawings & paintings from Japan's rich genre. FIRST & ONLY EDITION. S C A R C E This work draws heavily on the "Pillow Book" by Sei Shonagon a 12th century woman author. The text is addressed as advice for wives in terms of hygiene and as a guide on love making. Utilizing 19th century illustrated erotic books (Shunga) to support the point, this work abounds in conjugal pleasure. The commentaries are excellent, giving useful advice and assistance on what and how. A graphic work devoted to the Japanese art of love making. Enjoyable reading & voyeuring ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $87 Book Number: 93086601 276 MANJU OEDO EZU: GREAT MAP OF EDO. MANJU OEDO EZU: GREAT MAP OF EDO. Odawara 1864, Kikuya Kohzabroh. A hand printed color woodcut map, folded, 70.5 x 99.5 cm., very good, minor tender folds no worming, good pastel colors, nicely done. R A R E This is an excellent example of Edo, showing the changes from Edo to Meiji period, with Mon of the Samurai, castle, moat, shrines, temples, green spaces, rivers, family names of Yashiki. Edo bay contains a directional compass and two sailing "junks" under way, also a directional chart of distances. Printed Genji or Meiji first year. This map celebrates the change of era name, with the new Meiji Emperor, and thus documents the new status and revised map of Edo, the capital. Suitable for framing and display, nicely done. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Namba p. 135, color plate 77 for the same map but of a different edition. * A LOVELY MEIJI PERIOD MARUYAMA OKYO SCHOOL EROTIC BOOK Book Number: 23013901 277 [MARUYAMA, Okyo]. [An Obvious Fake] MEIJI JIDAI SHUN-PON: MEIJI PERIOD 'PILLOW BOOK.' RareOrientalBooks.Com $2582 A Color Woodblock-Printed Erotic Book. Japan n.d. ca 1868-70. Cloth covered accordion folded album, very clean, contains two series of color woodblock prints, first group 12 lovely polychrome works, 18.5 x 12.2 cm., 2nd group on the verso 12 key-block with 3-4 colors each.OBSCURE The first part of the album has a signature and seal of Maruyama Okyo [1733-1795]. Clearly this is not the actual work of Okyo at all, but an attempt by some later unsung Meiji period artist to use a famous name to sell his work. The album is in the "style" or "school" of Okyo and that is far as it goes. The printing colors, are clearly Meiji period woodcuts. * The first part is a lovely example of 12 Meiji period color woodcut prints. They are all done with large composition, in a bold style. For the most part focusing on the genitals and the object of love making. The subject of each print is: 1. Couple kissing. 2. Penetrating the vagina with a huge penis. 3. He is stimulating her clitoris. 4. A huge penis is preparing to enter the vagina which is being stimulated by two finders. 5. Two Japanese women engaged in an embrace; one licks two fingers in readiness to stimulate the other's clitoris. 6. Huge penis penetrates the vagina. 7. She stimulates her clitoris as the penis enters. 8. She holds his erect penis preparing to guide it into her vagina. 9. A priest kisses a woman. 10. She stimulates her vagina, while the erect penis - prepares to enter. 11. He pulls her Kimono back revealing her awaiting vulva. 12. He enters her vagina from the rear. Signature and red cinnabar Hanko/chop/seal of Maruyama Okyo. * Second Part: On the verso of the above are a series of 12 other woodcut prints, mostly done in black key block outline, with a pastel or two added. Each various love-making acts, and the couples engaged. One he licks his fingers preparing to wet her vagina. Erotic dialogue is in the background of each. The artist's name is not cited anywhere, which was common for such "banned" books or illegal books. * The album leaves are covered in a crushed silver clamshell with gesso to make a shiny, pearl-like color and texture, the prints are then laid down on this surface. The album is covered in a brocade silk, of a delicate nature. * CONDITION: The condition is very clean and nice, both series of prints are immaculate and without flaw. There is a small round scuff to the blank title slip, otherwise the corners are rubbed to the smallest degree, all solid and in lovely condition. * This like other erotic albums and books of the the time these were not authorized nor did they have an official "censor's seal" as there were above the Shogunate laws. Issued in small numbers and either sold or distributed discreetly, this kind of "Shun-pon" or erotic book was used as gifts to virginal couples on their wedding night, RareOrientalBooks.Com commonly called "Pillow Books" or "Makura Zoshiki." A euphuism for licentious books enjoyed across all spectrum of Japanese society, commonly bought, sold or traded on the black market. Because they were officially "banned" by the Shogunate, artists, wood block carvers and printers risked severe punishment if caught anywhere in the process, these were strictly driven "underground" but nevertheless thrived during the Edo and Meiji periods, right down to the Taisho and Showa times. * Each erotic print commonly had a dialogue of the exchanges between the man and woman, erotic love-making words and sentences to encourage or compliment the other, filled the backgrounds of most prints. This album contains a large number of these dialogues and are quite readable if not memorable, telling him "what a large penis" he has, while he tells her what a "strong vagina she has" &c... The Japanese were extremely "natural" about openness in love-making and also the genre of erotic prints and books. Their healthy if not erotic aptitudes were the norm and acceptable throughout all of Japanese society until the end of World War II, when prostitution was still acceptable, but continued under the guise of not officially being sanctioned. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.126. * $1632 Book Number: 32059501 278 [MATSUDAIRA, Fumai.] KOKON MEIBUTSU RUIJU: BOOK OF ANCIENT MOTIF DESIGNS [Edo ca 1870, Suwahara]. Green stitched wrs., edges chipped, worn, [77] double folded leaves, 116 color woodcut plates, chipping to page edges, 16 x 23 cm., sold "as is" only, not returnable. Please ask for more scans if you are not sure. The author's Go [studio name] was Tosai Shoko Rojin. * An excellent example of the more primitive Japanese designs. Woodblock printed on Washi paper. * A HUMAN ANATOMY FOR THE JAPANESE RareOrientalBooks.Com $153 Book Number: 98070501 279 MATSUKAWA, Hanzan. SHOGAKU KYOJU JINTAI MONDOH: CATECHISM OF ELEMENTARY HUMAN ANATOMY. [Osaka 1876, Sasuke Miko]. Green stitched wrappers, very good, 13 double folded sheets, [26p.], 4 color illustrations entirely woodblock printed, Japanese text. Matsukawa: 18201882. Original covers & title slip, 12 x 17.5 cm. R A R E Matsukawa Hanzan was a grand innovator & took it upon himself to educate the average Japanese in agriculture, nature natural science, medicine and a host of other "foreign and Western technological & scientific subjects. He wrote many books with illustrations in an easy level of Japanese with Furigana to help read the sounds. This work was one those designed to teach the Japanese the workings of the human body, to remove superstition, and to assist in telling the true story of the various parts of the body & how they worked. A simple but important work, hitherto a subject of great taboo in Japan. Anatomy or human dissection was forbidden by Buddhist & governmental law. Buddhist prohibitions against the opening of the human body were very strong until the Meiji Restoration in 1868. After which there was a "Japanese Renassiance" and the opening of learning on all subjects. In this text, Hanzan shows the complete body, its bones named, anatomical parts, blood vessels, internal organs with functiton, descriptions on all body parts in the text. Hitherto books on this subject were not published in Japan, but either acquired from Dutch traders in Nagasaki, or imported from China. $2040 Book Number: 98157801 280 MATSUKAWA, Hanzan. UJIGAWA RYOGAN ICHIRAN: A GLANCE AT BOTH BANKS OF THE UJI RIVER. [Osaka 1863, Kawachi ya]. Yellow stitched wrs., very good, small size ca 12.5 x 18 cm., soiled covers, 24 double folded woodblock printed pages, 19 color illustrations, 9 of which are double page [=18] color illustrations, vol. 1 only, with calligrapy by Kamada Suio. The complete work consists of two volumes. A good description is found in Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION; Mitchell: ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO... p.544; Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS & MANUSCRIPTS IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM 1904, p.10, listed under Giosei, # 16113.b.23. Not in Dawes 1972. RareOrientalBooks.Com $612 Book Number: 32041601 281 MATSUMOTO, Kanchi ed. SEN SHIN DOH SAKKI: INTRODUCTION OF YO-MEI GAKU CONFUCIAN THOUGHTS BY OHSHIO HEIHACHIRO. [Osaka 1835], Ogawaya. Brown stiff stitched wrs., very good, good, vols. Jo & Ge [1 & 2], 2 vol. set], woodblock printed, 17.5 x 24.5cm,back cover of vol. 2 has some discoloration, else clean, solid, text only, no illustrations.FIRST EDITION OHSHIO Heihachiro was an assist administrator of Osaka Bugyo-sho [the Magistrate] in Tempo era. He was highly influenced by Confucianism, a strong philosophical and ethical form of thought using the principals of the Yin and Yang. This was called Confucianism, and adopted from China during the century. . Since the 700's A.D., Japan embraced this kind of "natural" philosophy based on the "two-principal" positive, negative forms. This was the leading form "conduct" from that period onwards in Japan. It was applied to daily life, feudalism and all manner of belief, combined to work with Buddhism, and native Shingo. It highly affected relationships of family members as well as government vis-�-vis to the people of Japan. These ancient currents are still prevalent throughout Japan and their unique belief and philosophical system. Extracted & edited from Sansom below. * THE FIRST EDITION: Our copy is the FIRST EDITION of this work, which concerns Confucianism in Japan, a major philosophical theme. *** There was also a later Meiji 32nd. [1899] edition of this work. *** REFERENCE: SANSOM, George B.: A HISTORY OF JAPAN, vol.1, pp.70-71 et al. *** AN EARLY JAPANESE EDITION OF GRAY'S ANATOMY RareOrientalBooks.Com $77 Book Number: 35027001 282 MATSUMURA, Kuniaki. ed. [GRAY, Henry] GUREI SHI KAIBO KUMMO ZU: GRAY'S ANATOMICAL ATLAS. [Japanese Edition done after Henry Gray's Anatomical Atlas] Osaka 1876, Matsumura. Gold silk brocade covers, 2 vol. set vol.1:46, vol.2:50 accordion folded leaves, copper etched illustrations, 15.3 x 22 cm., very good a tiny bit of old mended worming in the margins, else clean,solid copy. RARE ! This is a famous anatomical atlas, done after the celebrated classic: Henry Gray: ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY, London 1858. * THE JAPANESE EDITION: This is an early copy and translation of the Henry Gray book. * COPPER-ETCHED ILLUSTRATIONS: This stunning work consists of fine copper-etched engravings: vol.1: 152; vol.2: 329, for a grand total of 500 fine engravings. The work is complete in 2 volumes. *** EDITOR/PUBLISHER: The work was edited and published by Noriaki Matsumura of Tsuruga, Fukui prefecture. It was distributed by Zembei Maekawa, Osaka, and also Toshisuke Shimamura, Tokyo, Meiji 9th year [1876]. *** THE BINDING: The work was beautifully bound in an accordion folded format, in elegant gold-brocade silk cloth cover, showing pine trees as the motif. *** FAITHFULLY FOLLOWING GRAY'S ANATOMICAL ATLAS: The Japanese edition faithfully follows Gray's drawings and format as found in the original. Each example is properly titled, showing the names of all illustrated items, arranged in Gray's order. *** ALTERNATE TITLE: This work has an alternate title: GRAY-SHI KAIBOH KUNMO ZU. *** THE FINE COPPER-ETCHHINGS: RareOrientalBooks.Com The work was completely printed from copper-etched plates, and therefore reflect the minute attention to detail in the illustrations. Copper etched books in Japan were very rarely done, and only for early Japanese medical book, which required the most detailed of illustrations. The process was rare and very expensive. *** CONDITION: The work is bound in the original cloth. There a few old worm holes mostly mended from the verso [typical of period Japanese books], nicely restored from with Washi [hand-made] paper and rice glue. The book is solid, and a few of the accordion folds are double folded but solid. . The illustrations very bright & clean, no fading, there are a few tiny stains [tiny rust spots] on one page, and another illustration was amateurishly hand-colored, else no other issues. All in all a very nice copy. *** INDIGO-BLUE FOLDING CLOTH CHITSU: The set of two volumes are contained in a folding cloth Chitsu, with two bone pegs. *** REFERENCE: Henry Gray: ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY, London 1858. . The English anatomist Henry Gray was born in 1827. He studied the development of the endocrine glands and spleen and in 1853 was appointed Lecturer on Anatomy at St George's Hospital Medical School in London. In 1855, he approached his colleague Henry Vandyke Carter with his idea to produce an inexpensive and accessible anatomy textbook for medical students. Dissecting unclaimed bodies from workhouse and hospital mortuaries through the Anatomy Act of 1832, the two worked for 18 months on what would form the basis of the book. Their work was first published in 1858 by John William Parker in London * Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gray%27s_Anatomy *** Not in: MESTLER, Gordon E.A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. The simple reason this was not found in Mestler, is that it Mestler did not find any copies of this on his two trips to Japan in the 1950's. * Not in: KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * Not in: FUJIKAWA, Y. JAPANESE MEDICINE. * WHITNEY, Willis N. NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN. * Not in: [KURE, S.] REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATON OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $952 EARLY PRIMARY SOURCE ON AINU BY THE MAN WHO NAMED HOKKAIDO Book Number: 35016901 283 MATSUURA, Takeshiro. KITA EZO YOSHI: A FURTHER ACCOUNT OF NORTH EZO, TRIP TO DARUIKA AND THE OROKKO TRIBES [OF HOKKAIDO]. [1860, Matsuura]. Green stitched wrs.,blind-stamped swastica design, title slip, rear covers mottled, tightly bound, the contents exceptionally clean, 30 double-page text + 2 last pages colophon, 11 illustrations, of which 4 are in color. This very unusual and famous work. It covers the early official and primary travels of Matsuura Takeshiro to Ezo [Hokkaido prior to being named "Hokkaido"] in 1859. . Matsuura executed his Shogunate appointed objective of exploring Ezo, and making a visual and written record of what he saw, the Ainu people and others he met on his travels. He wrote several works on that area, this example is one of those historic records. Matsuura was officially authorized by the Shogunate to name/rename areas he traveled in the Hokkaido area. Matsuura is the man responsible for changing the name of "Ezo" to be "Hokkaido." *** Per Bartlett, p.198-199: Bartlett gives KITA EZO YOSHI a variant English title: A FURTHER ACCOUNT OF NORTH EZO: TRIP TO DARUIKA AND THE OROKKO TRIBES. . "In the preface the author states that this book is...an extract from the official report on the expedition to Karafuto [Sakhalin] in 30 volumes that was then presented to the Hokkaido Government Office. In June 1854 [a later edition of this title] the author parted from his companions to visit Daruika and the Orokko people and rejoined them in July after having had the experiences recounted in this book." . Again in Bartlett, on p.198 exhibit 68, figure 63 he shows the exact illustration found our copy of Matsuura being entertained by several Ainu peoples. . Bartlett states about this double-page illustration: "Japanese dignitary, presumably the author, visiting Ainu at an island touched during the voyage to Sakhalin. The bearded Ainu are offering gifts of fish and other food." See our website for a scan of this fascinating example. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com THE ELEVEN ILLUSTRATIONS: There are a total of ten woodblock illustrations in this book: a. Two double-page black, gray, shaded illustrations. b. Two color double-page illustrations. c. Three double-page black outline illustrations. d. Three single page black outline drawings/illustrations. *** CONDITION: The front covers and the title slip are quite clean. There is a bit of mild discoloration spots at upper 4 cm. of this part of the front cover. The title slip is excellent a bit dusty. See cover.jpg . The back covers are mottled, with several spots . Please see color scan spine.jpg posted to our website for more details. . Contents: The contents are excellent, very clean, no worming whatsoever. The color illustrations and line drawings are also excellent, no issue. . The book is firmly bound in its original threads. The book is enclosed in a more recent indigo-blue Chitsu folding case with bone clasps. *** WHO WAS MATSUURA Takeshiro [1818-1888]: "The author was an explorer who went as far north as Ezo [modern day Hokkaido before it was named "Hokkaido"]. He was later commissioned by the Shogunate to survey the topography of Hokkaido in 1885, and then appointed judge at Hakodate and concurrently secretary of the bureau that was established to give names to various parts of Hokkaido in 1868. He wrote many books on his travels, most noted of which is TOZAI EZO NIKKI: DIARY OF EAST AND WEST HOKKAIDO." Extracted from J.B.E.& W.W., see below for bibliographical citation. *** ADDITIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS: The work contains double-folded pages 1-30 of text and illustrations, plus 2 sheets postscript, dated Man nen 1, introduction dated Ansei 7 [1860], [1860], no place of publication, but somewhere in Japan. The woodblocks were owned by the author. Inside the front cover is the alternate title: "TARAIKA OROKKO KIKOH." . Per Mitchell [see below] the work was illustrated by "various artists." He continues to list the illustrator/artist of each plate *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: This work was illustrated by Matsuura and others: Per Mitchell p.369. we list the illustrations: 1. LANDSCAPE by Matsuura 2. AINU BEARING GIFTS FOR EMISSARY by Gako 3. NATURAL PRODUCTS OF EZO by Shuki 4. DRAMATIC SKETCHES OF EZO BUILDINGS unsigned 5. BOWS, ARROWS &c. unsigned 6. PROCESSION OF AINU AND EMISSARY by Sugaku, Soun, . Matsuura & Choko 7. DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCHES OF BABY'S CARDLE, PAPOOSE-CARRIER, . &c. unsigned RareOrientalBooks.Com 8. TWO AINU PLAYING A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT by Gyoseki & Mokkin 9. LANDSCAPE by Senshu 10. DIAGRAMMATIC SKETCH OF CHILDREN'S TOYS unsigned 11. AINU EMISSARY GETTING SUMI FOR INK by Ayakoa & Issei, *** REFERENCE: JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO: 1964-'65, p829. * KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: number 876, p.375. * KSM [Chishi Kikoh] 2-423-4 * BARTLETT, Harley H. et al.: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING: no. 68, p.198, figure 63. This example is a later edition: Ansei 3, 1856 published by Akitaya Taemon & Kawaguchi Shinjiro, Osaka, Suwaraya & Yamashiro, Edo and 8 other booksellers. * Kraft: vol.1, no. 413 * MITCHELL, C.H. et al.: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: pp.368-9 * BM [1898] 16054.D.4 Title listed as: HOKU EZO YOSHI, 1860 *** AN EARLY MEIJI PERIOD ANATOMICAL TEXT BOOK Book Number: 22028401 284 MATSUYAMA, Toan. comp. et al. SHOGAKU JINSHIN KYURI:ELEMENTARY HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY [ANATOMY]. Tokyo 1786, Matsuyama. Blue stitched stiff wrs., 2 vol. set, covers & title labels scuffed, contents clean & solid, 55+40 double leaves of text, 18 text ilustrations + large color fold-out of the human skeleton, 57 x 22 cm. R A R E An excellent example of how the Mombusho or new Japanese Ministry of Education assisted in the basic education of the Japanese to learn and understand the basics of how the human body works. * Nicely illustrated with easily read text, designed for those with limited language ability. Upon the restoration of the Meiji Emperor in 1867, the Japanese government launched into a major effort to educate its citizens in the basics of Western science, natural science and medicine. RareOrientalBooks.Com $1894 * The goverment made major efforts to contract with authors and experts to write & translate foreign books and concepts into simple Japanese. During this period a profusion of books for this purpose were published in quantities surpassing all previous periods. * The text shows and discusses each of the body parts, organs & skeletal systems. Japanese text. * Co-author, translator was MORISHITA Gannan. The work was translated from an unknown western [Dutch?] work. *** Scans can be sent by email. $476 A ZEN MASTER EXPLAINS THE MEANING OF WORDS Book Number: 21084501 285 MEIKA, Sensei. [Zen Master Meika & Teacher] BUN GO KAI [BUN GO GE]: UNDERSTANDING OF LITERARY WORDS. [Kyoto n.d. ca 1869, Ohtani Nihei]. Blue blind-stamped stitched stiff wrs., very good, 5 vols. bound in 1, very fine, neat marginalia, occasional red grammar Kanji added to text, very good, clean, no worming. S C A R C E This work was co-published by the Mombusho [Minister of Education & Wakanseiyo [Japanese, Chinese & Western Materials publishers] & Gakko You [text books for schools] publishers. This work is divided into subjects designated by the Zen Master & monk including Buddhist and non-Buddhist words, as well as other words, their meaning, origins & how used in essays. A very useful resource. Includes "soundless words" or those used in Buddhist chanting or prayer. THE ONE AND ONLY COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 30017501 286 MESTLER, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. Together With: "INDEX," [Chicago] 1954-1957, 1964, MLA. Recently rebound in pebbled blue cloth, very bright, clean copy, 50+ 287-327; 468-500; 125-159; 327-347; 164-219pp., 15 b.w. photos, 17 x 25 cm. +50p. INDEX, 3 titles together. COMPLETE WORK FIRST EDITION RareOrientalBooks.Com $680 THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER. * A MOST SUPERB AND VALUABLE REFERENCE WORK ! * The GALAXY was begun in 1954 and finished in 1957. It represented over five years of research, collecting, cataloguing and plenty of hard work by the author who was a professor of anatomy at State University of New York, College of Medicine at N.Y.C., Brooklyn, N.Y. It was to be his "magnum opus." Indeed it was his greatest bibliographic achievement. The GALAXY, together with AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF PRE-MEIJI TIMES [1964], comprises the best and most comprehensive single resource in English to date on ancient Japanese medical texts, in bibliographical form. * THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER: . This item consists of three titles authored by Gordon E. Mestler. Bound in one volume is the complete "GALAXY" [item #3 below] with the original blue journal covers bound in; plus the bound in "INDEX" [item #1 below], and also item #2 the "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN..." is tipped-in at the read of the book. All in items in excellent condition. . 1. "AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF THE PRE-MEIJI TIMES" [i.e. the "INDEX" to the "GALAXY"], 1964 * 2. "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE," 1957 * 3."A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN." Published by Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D.C., issued serially, from 1954-1957. * THE CONTENTS OF "GALAXY": . Pt.I: Medical History and biography, general works, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, 41 pages, pp.287-327, 1954. * Pt.II: Acupuncture, moxibustion, bathing, balneotherapy and massage, nursing, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, and hygiene, 32 pages, pp.468-500, 1954. * Pt. III: Urology, syphilology, dermatology, surgery, pathology, 35 pages, pp.125-159, 1956. * Pt.IV: Ophthalmology, psychiatry, dentistry, 21 pages, pp. 327-347, 1956. * Pt.V: Biblio-historical addenda, corrections, postscripts and acknowledgements, 56 pages, pp.164-219, 1957. . This work is nicely illustrated with many b.w. photos from the original period book illustrations. *** MORE ON THE CONTENTS AND THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The work was profusely illustrated, showing major themes in early native genre of medicine and pharmacopoeia. This is RareOrientalBooks.Com the one and only work of its kind in English, methodically covering each of the recognized disciplines in a scholarly and comprehensive way. A most superb illustrated guide to Japanese and Chinese woodblock printed & illustrated literature from the 17th to 19th centuries. An extremely valuable reference tool for this genre of scientific literature. This resource guides collectors and students of early woodblock printed medical monographs printed from 17th century Japanese Rangaku-sha or students of Dutch Learning and medicine, physicians and a host of other related materials including pharmacopoeia. * It is also a bibliographic history and documents the ancient origins and early beginning of systematic Japanese medical study based on Chinese & Korean books resources as well as European the influence from 17th century Dutch in Nagasaki and even earlier Portuguese Jesuits who came to Tanegashima in Southern Japan in 1549. The "GALAXY" documents these medical books from which the earliest Japanese medical books emanated from. They started in the 8th century when importation from China began in earnest. * The work was originally issued serially in 5 separate parts in a small printing as a the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D. C. It was reprinted again in a small edition by the Association, and remains out-of-print and has never been commercially reprinted. This complete title in its 5 parts remains difficult to locate. With the addition of the essential index in 1964, makes this work easy to use. . Mestler compiled and annotated this work with the utmost care, adding much scholarly detail. * ESSENTIAL REFERENCE FOR ANY MEDICAL LIBRARY OR INSTITUTION: . An essential reference for any medical library, student or researcher on early Japanese and Chinese influenced Japanese medicine. Nicely illustrated with examples from the books cited. With additional bibliographical footnotes and text to the plates. This is the one and only single and most comprehensive bibliographical resource on the subject in English. The comprehensive later index covers: authors, titles and key words, again compiled by Mestler. This index makes the "GALAXY" articles much more accessible and is indispensable. The "GALAXY" lists and cites a substantial number of original Chinese medical works, most of which were eventually were copied, renamed and rewritten by Japanese physicians. *** CONDITION: The texts are very clean, bright, unused, rebound as noted. The cloth bindings are new, unused. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Useful resources on woodblock printed Japanese medical books. * Mary W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE: Japanese Midwifery and Obstetrics Through the Middle ages. * Y. FUJIKAWA: JAPANESE MEDICINE, translated by John Ruhrah. RareOrientalBooks.Com * Syuuzoo Kure: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. * Willis N. Whitney; NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN: * William T. HELMUTH: A GLANCE AT JAPANESE MEDICINE ANCIENT AMD MODERN, Reprinted from the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMEOPAHTY. *** Please inquire about the above items, we may have them in stock. *** THE ONE AND ONLY COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 30017502 287 MESTLER, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. Together With: "INDEX," [Chicago] 1954-1957, 1964, MLA. Recently rebound in pebbled blue cloth, top edge slightly damped, 287-327; 468-500; 125-159; 327-347; 164-219pp., 15 b.w. photos, 17 x 25 cm. +50p. INDEX, 3 titles together. COMPLETE WORK FIRST EDITION THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER. * A MOST SUPERB AND VALUABLE REFERENCE WORK ! * The GALAXY was begun in 1954 and finished in 1957. It represented over five years of research, collecting, cataloguing and plenty of hard work by the author who was a professor of anatomy at State University of New York, College of Medicine at N.Y.C., Brooklyn, N.Y. It was to be his "magnum opus." Indeed it was his greatest bibliographic achievement. The GALAXY, together with AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF PRE-MEIJI TIMES [1964], comprises the best and most comprehensive single resource in English to date on ancient Japanese medical texts, in bibliographical form. * THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER: . This item consists of three titles authored by Gordon E. Mestler. Bound in one volume is the complete "GALAXY" [item #3 below] with the original blue journal covers bound in; RareOrientalBooks.Com $211 plus the bound in "INDEX" [item #1 below], and also item #2 the "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN..." is tipped-in at the read of the book. All in items in excellent condition. . 1. "AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF THE PRE-MEIJI TIMES" [i.e. the "INDEX" to the "GALAXY"], 1964 * 2. "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE," 1957 * 3."A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN." Published by Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D.C., issued serially, from 1954-1957. * THE CONTENTS OF "GALAXY": . Pt.I: Medical History and biography, general works, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, 41 pages, pp.287-327, 1954. * Pt.II: Acupuncture, moxibustion, bathing, balneotherapy and massage, nursing, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, and hygiene, 32 pages, pp.468-500, 1954. * Pt. III: Urology, syphilology, dermatology, surgery, pathology, 35 pages, pp.125-159, 1956. * Pt.IV: Ophthalmology, psychiatry, dentistry, 21 pages, pp. 327-347, 1956. * Pt.V: Biblio-historical addenda, corrections, postscripts and acknowledgements, 56 pages, pp.164-219, 1957. . This work is nicely illustrated with many b.w. photos from the original period book illustrations. *** MORE ON THE CONTENTS AND THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The work was profusely illustrated, showing major themes in early native genre of medicine and pharmacopoeia. This is the one and only work of its kind in English, methodically covering each of the recognized disciplines in a scholarly and comprehensive way. A most superb illustrated guide to Japanese and Chinese woodblock printed & illustrated literature from the 17th to 19th centuries. An extremely valuable reference tool for this genre of scientific literature. This resource guides collectors and students of early woodblock printed medical monographs printed from 17th century Japanese Rangaku-sha or students of Dutch Learning and medicine, physicians and a host of other related materials including pharmacopoeia. * It is also a bibliographic history and documents the ancient origins and early beginning of systematic Japanese medical study based on Chinese & Korean books resources as well as European the influence from 17th century Dutch in Nagasaki and even earlier Portuguese Jesuits who came to Tanegashima in Southern Japan in 1549. The "GALAXY" documents these medical books from which the earliest Japanese medical books emanated from. They started in the 8th century when importation from China began in earnest. * The work was originally issued serially in 5 separate parts RareOrientalBooks.Com in a small printing as a the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D. C. It was reprinted again in a small edition by the Association, and remains out-of-print and has never been commercially reprinted. This complete title in its 5 parts remains difficult to locate. With the addition of the essential index in 1964, makes this work easy to use. . Mestler compiled and annotated this work with the utmost care, adding much scholarly detail. * ESSENTIAL REFERENCE FOR ANY MEDICAL LIBRARY OR INSTITUTION: . An essential reference for any medical library, student or researcher on early Japanese and Chinese influenced Japanese medicine. Nicely illustrated with examples from the books cited. With additional bibliographical footnotes and text to the plates. This is the one and only single and most comprehensive bibliographical resource on the subject in English. The comprehensive later index covers: authors, titles and key words, again compiled by Mestler. This index makes the "GALAXY" articles much more accessible and is indispensable. The "GALAXY" lists and cites a substantial number of original Chinese medical works, most of which were eventually were copied, renamed and rewritten by Japanese physicians. *** CONDITION: The texts are very clean, bright, unused, rebound as noted. The cloth bindings are new, unused. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Useful resources on woodblock printed Japanese medical books. * Mary W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE: Japanese Midwifery and Obstetrics Through the Middle ages. * Y. FUJIKAWA: JAPANESE MEDICINE, translated by John Ruhrah. * Syuuzoo Kure: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. * Willis N. Whitney; NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN: * William T. HELMUTH: A GLANCE AT JAPANESE MEDICINE ANCIENT AMD MODERN, Reprinted from the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMEOPAHTY. *** Please inquire about the above items, we may have them in stock. *** THE ONE AND ONLY COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE SUBJECT RareOrientalBooks.Com $189 Book Number: 30017503 288 MESTLER, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. Together With: "INDEX," [Chicago] 1954-1957, 1964, MLA. Original blue wrs.,red cloth spine, 287-327; 468-500; 125-159; 327-347; 164-219pp. text, 15 b.w. photos, 17.5 x 25 cm.,+ 50p. "INDEX," 3 titles bound together, very good. THE COMPLETE WORK FIRST EDITION THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER. * A MOST SUPERB AND VALUABLE REFERENCE WORK ! * The GALAXY was begun in 1954 and finished in 1957. It represented over five years of research, collecting, cataloguing and plenty of hard work by the author who was a professor of anatomy at State University of New York, College of Medicine at N.Y.C., Brooklyn, N.Y. It was to be his "magnum opus." Indeed it was his greatest bibliographic achievement. The GALAXY, together with AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF PRE-MEIJI TIMES [1964], comprises the best and most comprehensive single resource in English to date on ancient Japanese medical texts, in bibliographical form. * THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER: . This item consists of three titles authored by Gordon E. Mestler. Bound in one volume is the complete "GALAXY" [item #3 below] with the original blue journal covers bound in; plus the bound in "INDEX" [item #1 below], and also item #2 the "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN..." is tipped-in at the read of the book. All in items in excellent condition. . 1. "AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF THE PRE-MEIJI TIMES" [i.e. the "INDEX" to the "GALAXY"], 1964 * 2. "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE," 1957 * 3."A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN." Published by Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D.C., issued serially, from 1954-1957. * THE CONTENTS OF "GALAXY": . Pt.I: Medical History and biography, general works, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, 41 pages, pp.287-327, 1954. * RareOrientalBooks.Com Pt.II: Acupuncture, moxibustion, bathing, balneotherapy and massage, nursing, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, and hygiene, 32 pages, pp.468-500, 1954. * Pt. III: Urology, syphilology, dermatology, surgery, pathology, 35 pages, pp.125-159, 1956. * Pt.IV: Ophthalmology, psychiatry, dentistry, 21 pages, pp. 327-347, 1956. * Pt.V: Biblio-historical addenda, corrections, postscripts and acknowledgements, 56 pages, pp.164-219, 1957. . This work is nicely illustrated with many b.w. photos from the original period book illustrations. *** MORE ON THE CONTENTS AND THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The work was profusely illustrated, showing major themes in early native genre of medicine and pharmacopoeia. This is the one and only work of its kind in English, methodically covering each of the recognized disciplines in a scholarly and comprehensive way. A most superb illustrated guide to Japanese and Chinese woodblock printed & illustrated literature from the 17th to 19th centuries. An extremely valuable reference tool for this genre of scientific literature. This resource guides collectors and students of early woodblock printed medical monographs printed from 17th century Japanese Rangaku-sha or students of Dutch Learning and medicine, physicians and a host of other related materials including pharmacopoeia. * It is also a bibliographic history and documents the ancient origins and early beginning of systematic Japanese medical study based on Chinese & Korean books resources as well as European the influence from 17th century Dutch in Nagasaki and even earlier Portuguese Jesuits who came to Tanegashima in Southern Japan in 1549. The "GALAXY" documents these medical books from which the earliest Japanese medical books emanated from. They started in the 8th century when importation from China began in earnest. * The work was originally issued serially in 5 separate parts in a small printing as a the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D. C. It was reprinted again in a small edition by the Association, and remains out-of-print and has never been commercially reprinted. This complete title in its 5 parts remains difficult to locate. With the addition of the essential index in 1964, makes this work easy to use. . Mestler compiled and annotated this work with the utmost care, adding much scholarly detail. * ESSENTIAL REFERENCE FOR ANY MEDICAL LIBRARY OR INSTITUTION: . An essential reference for any medical library, student or researcher on early Japanese and Chinese influenced Japanese medicine. Nicely illustrated with examples from the books cited. With additional bibliographical footnotes and text to the plates. This is the one and only single and most comprehensive bibliographical resource on the subject in English. The comprehensive later index covers: authors, RareOrientalBooks.Com titles and key words, again compiled by Mestler. This index makes the "GALAXY" articles much more accessible and is indispensable. The "GALAXY" lists and cites a substantial number of original Chinese medical works, most of which were eventually were copied, renamed and rewritten by Japanese physicians. *** CONDITION: The texts are very clean, bright, unused, rebound as noted. The cloth bindings are new, unused. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Useful resources on woodblock printed Japanese medical books. * Mary W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE: Japanese Midwifery and Obstetrics Through the Middle ages. * Y. FUJIKAWA: JAPANESE MEDICINE, translated by John Ruhrah. * Syuuzoo Kure: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. * Willis N. Whitney; NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN: * William T. HELMUTH: A GLANCE AT JAPANESE MEDICINE ANCIENT AMD MODERN, Reprinted from the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMEOPAHTY. *** Please inquire about the above items, we may have them in stock. *** THE ONE AND ONLY COMPREHENSIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 30017504 289 MESTLER, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. Together With: "INDEX," [Chicago] 1954-1957, 1964, MLA. Original blue wrs.,red cloth spine, 287-327; 468-500; 125-159; 327-347; 164-219pp. text, 15 b. w. photos, 17.5 x 25 cm., separate A4 INDEX, 3 titles together, very good. THE COMPLETE WORK FIRST EDITION THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER. * A MOST SUPERB AND VALUABLE REFERENCE WORK ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $163 * The GALAXY was begun in 1954 and finished in 1957. It represented over five years of research, collecting, cataloguing and plenty of hard work by the author who was a professor of anatomy at State University of New York, College of Medicine at N.Y.C., Brooklyn, N.Y. It was to be his "magnum opus." Indeed it was his greatest bibliographic achievement. The GALAXY, together with AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF PRE-MEIJI TIMES [1964], comprises the best and most comprehensive single resource in English to date on ancient Japanese medical texts, in bibliographical form. * THIS ITEM CONTAINS ALL THREE JAPANESE MEDICINE TITLES WRITTEN BY GORDON E. MESTLER: . This item consists of three titles authored by Gordon E. Mestler. Bound in one volume is the complete "GALAXY" [item #3 below] with the original blue journal covers bound in; plus the bound in "INDEX" [item #1 below], and also item #2 the "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN..." is tipped-in at the read of the book. All in items in excellent condition. . 1. "AN INDEX TO SELECTED JAPANESE MEDICAL LITERATURE OF THE PRE-MEIJI TIMES" [i.e. the "INDEX" to the "GALAXY"], 1964 * 2. "INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE," 1957 * 3."A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN." Published by Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D.C., issued serially, from 1954-1957. * THE CONTENTS OF "GALAXY": . Pt.I: Medical History and biography, general works, anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, 41 pages, pp.287-327, 1954. * Pt.II: Acupuncture, moxibustion, bathing, balneotherapy and massage, nursing, obstetrics & gynecology, pediatrics, and hygiene, 32 pages, pp.468-500, 1954. * Pt. III: Urology, syphilology, dermatology, surgery, pathology, 35 pages, pp.125-159, 1956. * Pt.IV: Ophthalmology, psychiatry, dentistry, 21 pages, pp. 327-347, 1956. * Pt.V: Biblio-historical addenda, corrections, postscripts and acknowledgements, 56 pages, pp.164-219, 1957. . This work is nicely illustrated with many b.w. photos from the original period book illustrations. *** MORE ON THE CONTENTS AND THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The work was profusely illustrated, showing major themes in early native genre of medicine and pharmacopoeia. This is the one and only work of its kind in English, methodically covering each of the recognized disciplines in a scholarly and comprehensive way. A most superb illustrated guide to Japanese and Chinese woodblock printed & illustrated RareOrientalBooks.Com literature from the 17th to 19th centuries. An extremely valuable reference tool for this genre of scientific literature. This resource guides collectors and students of early woodblock printed medical monographs printed from 17th century Japanese Rangaku-sha or students of Dutch Learning and medicine, physicians and a host of other related materials including pharmacopoeia. * It is also a bibliographic history and documents the ancient origins and early beginning of systematic Japanese medical study based on Chinese & Korean books resources as well as European the influence from 17th century Dutch in Nagasaki and even earlier Portuguese Jesuits who came to Tanegashima in Southern Japan in 1549. The "GALAXY" documents these medical books from which the earliest Japanese medical books emanated from. They started in the 8th century when importation from China began in earnest. * The work was originally issued serially in 5 separate parts in a small printing as a the Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, Washington. D. C. It was reprinted again in a small edition by the Association, and remains out-of-print and has never been commercially reprinted. This complete title in its 5 parts remains difficult to locate. With the addition of the essential index in 1964, makes this work easy to use. . Mestler compiled and annotated this work with the utmost care, adding much scholarly detail. * ESSENTIAL REFERENCE FOR ANY MEDICAL LIBRARY OR INSTITUTION: . An essential reference for any medical library, student or researcher on early Japanese and Chinese influenced Japanese medicine. Nicely illustrated with examples from the books cited. With additional bibliographical footnotes and text to the plates. This is the one and only single and most comprehensive bibliographical resource on the subject in English. The comprehensive later index covers: authors, titles and key words, again compiled by Mestler. This index makes the "GALAXY" articles much more accessible and is indispensable. The "GALAXY" lists and cites a substantial number of original Chinese medical works, most of which were eventually were copied, renamed and rewritten by Japanese physicians. *** CONDITION: The texts are very clean, bright, unused, rebound as noted. The cloth bindings are new, unused. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Useful resources on woodblock printed Japanese medical books. * Mary W. Standlee: THE GREAT PULSE: Japanese Midwifery and Obstetrics Through the Middle ages. * Y. FUJIKAWA: JAPANESE MEDICINE, translated by John Ruhrah. * Syuuzoo Kure: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATION OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. * RareOrientalBooks.Com Willis N. Whitney; NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN: * William T. HELMUTH: A GLANCE AT JAPANESE MEDICINE ANCIENT AMD MODERN, Reprinted from the NORTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOMEOPAHTY. *** Please inquire about the above items, we may have them in stock. *** $160 A USEFUL RESOURCE ON EARLY JAPANESE WOODCUT MEDICAL BOOKS Book Number: 20024401 290 MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. [London] 1957, Royal Society Medicine. Blue stiff wrs.,clean copy, very good, 9p., 8 b. w. photos from old Japanese woodcut medical books, 17 x 25 cm., bibliography, offprint. OBSCURE This is an esoteric and most useful reference and bibliographical resource for woodblock printed Japanese medical books published before 1868. . It is also an invaluable companion to the author's highly celebrated and famous grand bibliography: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS. * This title was issued in a small edition from the U.K. and reprinted from the Proceedings of Royal Society of Medicine. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * Gordon E. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. * Please inquire with us as we may have the above "GALAXY" and other Mestler titles in stock. * FABULOUS 47 FOOT LONG WOODBLOCK-PRINTED & ILLUSTRATED SUTRA RareOrientalBooks.Com $32 Book Number: 99007601 291 MIAO FA LIEN HWA KIN KWAN SHI YIN PHU SA PHU MAN PHIN KIN. ZONG XIANG GUAN YIN JING: ILLUSTRATED SUTRA OF THE GODDESS OF MERCY, THE LOTUS SUTRA. Dated Xuande 8th Year [1433]. [China] Xuande 8 [1433]. Accordion folded Sutra, 10.5 x 29.8 cm., extended length 47 ft.,[ca. 15m.long], [140]p., profuse illustrations, with 94 pages illustrations, balance of text in Chinese, printed on fine mica paper. IMPORTANT EARLY WORK A superb and marvelous folded scroll, lavishly illustrated with large, multi-page illustrations. This is the most famous and celebrated illustrated version of ZONG XIANG QUAN YIN JING, [Shi Wu Quan: Complete Chapter 15] ie.: LOTUS SUTRA HUI XIANG GUAN YIN JING: SUTRA OF THE VISION OF GUAN YIN. Also known as: MIAO FA LIEN HWA KIN KWAN SHI YIN PHU SA PHU MAN PHIN KIN: The Saddharma Pundarika Sutra. The E SO KANNON KYO, or HOKKE-KYO or DAI NICHI KYO in Japanese. * First known in Chinese as TA-JIH QING [The Great Sun Scripture] then after 725 A.D. known as the Fa-hua Qing [Lotus Sutra] or the ZONG XIANG GUAN YIN JING, and has always been known as the great foundation or Cannon of Buddhism, and is a religious classic of breath-taking grandeur. * PRINTING TECHNIQUE, THE PAPER AND MICA COATING: Printed by hand-carved illustrated woodblocks. This folding scroll is lavishly printed on mica-coated fine, superior quality hand-made Japanese mulberry paper. The R A R E technique of using mica coating is seldom used in Japan and is very difficult to accomplish. Mica ore is taken and then finely ground down to fine dust. This dust is then mixed RareOrientalBooks.Com with a "gesso" type substance or "sizing" which is applied to the fine side of the paper in a thin layer and allowed to dry and cure. The paper is then used in the normal way to be dampened and then placed faced-down on the inked blocks and rubbed from the back-side to impress the image of characters and illustrations. The secret is to not dampen to the point where the mica dust comes off in the printing process. Great skill is required to successfully accomplish this technique. Bound in the traditional Chinese sutra format or Jingzhe Zhunag. * RESPECT FOR PRINTING OF BUDDHIST SUTRAS: Being a venerated and respected Buddhist Sutra, extra cost was invested into using the best paper and the equally superb printing techniques with mica. This Sutra was printed with the purpose to be placed within the Buddhist Temple as the honoured teachings of Buddha. Some great benefactor of the temple donated the cost of executing this Deluxe Sutra in homage to his faith and the Lord Buddha as a gesture of submission to the Buddhist Cannon and doing what was right. After this was printed, it was then folded accordion style into a narrow Sutra format, designed for a priest to hold in one hand, while the pages were turned, reading from right to left. Buddhist monks used this famous Sutra to read to the Sangha, the Buddhist community. The carvers of the blocks, and the printers alike gained Buddhist merit for their contribution to the work. It was also a form of piety to participate in the production process of this Sutra. * MATERIALS AND NUMBER OF COPIES PRINTED: The technique employed to print this great work was hand-carved cherry woodblocks, and is beautifully illustrated, an uncommon feature. The large majority of Buddhist Sutras were strictly text characters no illustrations. This fine example is printed with an exceptionally, strong and very clear registry and impression. Obviously this copy was one of the very first "pulls" off the wood blocks as evidenced by the brilliant registry and clarity found in the stunningly clear impression. Wood blocks generally had a maximum average "life-span" of approximately 200 copies before the blocks warped and checked to the point where they were unclear and mostly unusable. Last printings off bad condition blocks are clearly evident by the deterioration of the black or "key" lines or gaps in illustrations between images, and a general over all poor quality of impressions. Based on the exceptionally strong impression of this copy, is firm evidence of an early impression of one copy of about two-hundred total copies produced from these blocks. * THE ILLUSTRATIONS: Illustrated Sutras from this early period are RARE and were seldom done. The reason being that most Sutras were read by priests to other priests, but in this instance, this Sutra was illustrated, with the object being that it was no only to be read to other priests, but to be shown to the Sangha or Buddhist community members to give them a clear visual impression of the august gathering of those who came to listen to the Lord Buddha offer his teaching. The correct picture was worth a thousand words. * The grand and first illustration occupies some ten full RareOrientalBooks.Com pages in all to make one single and complete impressive view of the a Great Sangha, consisting of a large gathering of Monks, Priests, Arhats, Boddhisatvas and other disciples of the Buddha. The illustrations are separated by the Sutra, which is written in bold face large Chinese characters, easily read by near-sighted old priests. With a plethora of other fine illustrations of the Sangha, a host of Buddhist icons, Boddhisatvas and a variety of deities. These nicely break up the rather sparse text with a substantial and large number of superb illustrations. * The second and most important illustration is that of Avalokitesvara, or Guan-Yin in Chinese; Kannon in Japanese: THE GODDESS OF MERCY. She is shown standing atop a temple, above the seated Buddha, with her multi-faced form, turned in every direction in order to see all things and to save all beings, with her profusion of arms each with hand holding holy Buddhist symbolic objects. Her crown is of a "Hundred Faces" and she stands on a throne of fire. This is the Bodhisattva that grants mercy to those in need. * DATE COLOPHON: The last page shows a good colophon date of Xuande 8 [1433] indicating this was printed off the original Chinese woodblocks. * FASCINATING EXTRACT: Ours is the complete Fifteenth Chapter, an extract reads: "[part] 15: TATHAGAT' AYUS-PRAMANA: DURATION OF THE LIFE OF THE TATHAGATA and begins with: "I show the place of extinction, I reveal to all beings a device to educate them, albeit I do not become extinct at the time and in this very place continue preaching the law." . Sakyamuni is seen in various poses and displaying Mudras of enlightenment while seated upon his Lotus-bud throne. This is the greatest and Holiest of all Mahayana texts, and is always invoked at Buddhist temples throughout Asia. Although the spoken word of this Sutra varies with each language, the content and concept remains the same: "recitation earns virtue." This marvelous example is one of the longest illustrated Sutras, some 47 ft. or 15.66 meters long] with wonderful holy illustrations of the most important Sutra in all of Buddhism. **** MEDICAL RELATIONSHIP: LeRoy Davidson in his monumental study of the LOTUS SUTRA IN CHINESE ART, Yale Univ. 1954, points out an item of medical interest in the below Miao Fa on page 91, paragraph 4 where he cites: "The panel is that of the paradise of Bhaisajyaguru, the Buddha of MEDICINE [plate 38.] This paradise is similar to that of Amitayus. As in the Pure Land of Sukhavati, there are no vignettes to identify the scene. Only the MEDICINE BOWL which is held by the Buddha provides the clue, for this is the symbol of Bahaisjyaguru. See footnote 38." Found in cave 8, Tun Huang. The compassionate medical Buddha often dispensed herbal medicine from his bowl to sickly members of the Sangha, the Buddhist community. **** THE MOST FAMOUS OF ALL BUDDHIST SUTRAS: "The LOTUS SUTRA has inspired countless paintings and RareOrientalBooks.Com sculptures which illustrated its teachings...representing a history of Buddhism to the year 1000." Extracted from Davidson dust jacket notes. . Because this is the most important and famous of all Buddhist Sutras, more information can be easily found in books about Buddhism or Buddhist art. Works of this great value were occasionally bestowed upon the most loyal and generous benefactors by temple priests and monks. They are seldom found for sale on the open market. This fine example has been treasured and properly cared for over long life. It does NOT have the usual old worming, mends and damage commonly found in many books of this period. * CONDITION: There is a very minor bit of old worming to the indigo blue paper Chitsu cover, a tiny bit of the old worming has penetrated the first [of many] layers of the front and back covers but by Buddha's protection, the full text was spared and is still flawless without a blemish ! The Chuan/Chitsu folding indigo colored case has one of two ivory clips, and a few minor repairs to the inside. * OTHER IMPORTANT DETAILS: The cover title reads: ZONG XIANG GUAN YIN JING SHI WU QIAN in Chinese: ILLUSTRATED SUTRA OF THE GODDESS OF MERCY, THE LOTUS SUTRA, 15th Chapter complete. Known in Japanese as the JUGO ZEN: E SO KANNON KYO. This Sutra was donated by a pilgrim to the famous thirty-three Temples. A most precious and early example of fine woodblock printing by hand, on elaborate crushed mica-coated paper. Truly a magnificent example of the hand-made art of the ancient book. The complete chapter 15, but some reference sources cite this in Chinese as chapter 24; variant editions total the chapters in different ways. Regardless this one is clearly marked [chapter] fifteen. A beautifully illustrated Lotus Sutra ! ******** BIBLIOGRAPHY/REFERENCES: For background and more details see: * A. Matsunaga: THE BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY OF ASSIMILATION . p.111 et al. * J. Goedertier: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY p.84 * K. Reichelt: TRUTH AND TRADITION IN CHINESE BUDDHISM:A . Study of Chinese Mahayana Buddhism p.52-53 et al. * A. Reischauer: STUDIES IN JAPANESE BUDDHISM * E. Reischauer: ENNIN'S DIARY: The Record of a Pilgrimage . to China in Search of the Law. * E. Conze: BUDDHISM. E. Conze: THIRTY YEARS OF BUDDHIST . STUDIES p.105-122 et al. * W. Neihauser Jr. THE INDIANA COMPANION TO TRADITIONAL . CHINESE LITERATURE: "...An important piece of Buddhist . literature. "Prof. * Philip Hu comp.: VISIBLE TRACES: Rare Books and Special RareOrientalBooks.Com . Collections from the National Library of China. * S. Edgren et al: CHINESE RARE BOOKS IN AMERICAN COLLECTIONS . In the above work on p. 92-93 is a similar item of . similar period that shows similar illustrations. Or an . earlier example on p. 80-81. * Bunyio Nanjio: A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of . the Buddhist Tripitaka: The Sacred Canon of the . Buddhists in China and Japan, column 44, #137 is a very . similar item. With title: MIAO FA LIEN HWA KIN KWAN SHI YIN PHU SA PHU MAN PHIN KIN. * NARA NATIONAL MUSEUM. ARTS OF THE LOTUS SUTRA: Special . Exhibition 4.29-6.3 1979. This extremely valuable . reference covers a large number of wood-cut printed . sutras as well as manuscript sutras from the 8th . centuries, also identifies National Treasures from the . 7th to the 14th centuries. * MORE REFERENCE: See A.F. Price: THE JEWEL OF TRANSCENDENTAL WISDOM [THE DIAMOND SUTRA], London 1947, Buddhist Society for a translation of this classic. Chinese title: Guanshiyin pusa pumen ping, or jing, or the Avalokitesvara Sutra. * J.L. Davidson: THE LOTUS SUTRA IN CHINESE ART for a general and very good background. The back of this Sutra has long inscriptions by Senn-yo Ji Kann, a priest who made a pilgrimage to the thirty-three temples in Western Japan in 1767. He carried this Sutra and held it up to the Kan-non [Goddess of Mercy] and made a prayer. His pilgrimage was sponsored by Yamamoto-ya Kauemon Yoichi & Ohisa of Osaka. The balance of the inscription is the Darani-Kyo or the Diamond Sutra. The work has 4 columns of characters per page. * W. Soothill: THE LOTUS GOSPEL: SADDHARMA PUNDARIKA SUTRA: MIAO FO LIEN HUA CHING, Oxford 1930 for a substantial translation of this work. In the Soothill translation, he identifies some 27 individual chapters. * P.Pal & Julia Meech-Pekarik: BUDDHIST BOOK ILLUMINATIONS, pages 248-261; figures 94-100. * A FINE AND EARLY MING EXAMPLE--EXCEPTIONALLY RARE COPY ! * $54487 Book Number: 85016304 292 MICHENER, James A. THE FLOATING WORLD. New York [1954], Random House. 2nd Printing. Black cloth, 40 color, 27 b.w. illustrations, 403p., index, bibliography, glossary. SUBTITLE: The Story of Japanese Prints. An account of the life and death of an art, of the men who made it and of the lusty age in which they flourished. A major piece of solid literature on the subject, superbly written and researched. RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 THE MAJOR REFERENCE ON THE MANGA SERIES Book Number: 91122202 293 MICHENER, James A. THE HOKUSAI SKETCH-BOOKS: SELECTIONS FROM THE MANGA. Rutland [1958], Tuttle. Grey cloth, very good, dj., 286p., index, 187 color plates, printed on double folded leaves, slipcase, 16 x 26 cm. like new copy, in mildly scuffed dust jacket. Second printing of the FIRST EDITION A delightful work, covering Hokusai's most famous and enjoyable illustrated book series. . Addressing and commenting on the people, fauna, flora, landscape, grotesqueries, architecture, technical and forerunners found in the text. . With appendix of caption of the illustrations, breakdown of the plates. A valuable reference source for any student of Japanese woodblock printing & woodblock printed books, Hokusai and Japanese art in general. . An essential reference and a classic study. *** Please inquire with use for original woodblock printed examples from this magnificent title, there were 15 volumes in all. Please see our listings for other original Hokusai woodblock-printed books. *** THE MAJOR REFERENCE ON THE MANGA SERIES Book Number: 91122204 RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 294 MICHENER, James A. THE HOKUSAI SKETCH-BOOKS: SELECTIONS FROM THE MANGA. Rutland [1969], Tuttle. Orange & brown cloth, many illus., 286p., index, 187 color plates, printed on double folded leaves, as per the originals, very good copy. A delightful work, covering Hokusai's most famous and enjoyable illustrated book series. . Addressing and commenting on the people, fauna, flora, landscape, grotesqueries, architecture, technical and forerunners found in the text. . With appendix of caption of the illustrations, breakdown of the plates. A valuable reference source for any student of Japanese woodblock printing & woodblock printed books, Hokusai and Japanese art in general. . An essential reference and a classic study. *** Please inquire with use for original woodblock printed examples from this magnificent title, there were 15 volumes in all. Please see our listings for other original Hokusai woodblock-printed books. *** A LARGE & COMPLETE MAP OF MIKAWA PROVINCE Book Number: 93090401 295 MIKAWA CHIRI ZU KAN: MAP OF MIKAWA'S EIGHT PROVINCES. MIKAWA CHIRI ZU KAN: MAP OF MIKAWA'S EIGHT PROVINCES. SAN SHUU HACHI GUN CHIRI NO ZU. [AHEAD OF TITLE] KAIGYOKU MIKAWA Japan n.d. c.1704, n.p. Blue stiff covers, folded, woodblock printed by hand on hand made paper, 103 x 106 cm., folded, minor stain, list of the 8 Gun, preface, old worm holes repaired, nice work. Preface by Gankei-Sanjin [a pseud]. This is a large wall map and is suitable for display and framing. Composed of some twelve individual paper sheets, one is a bit more faint than the others. * An excellent example of an early provincial map, shows all eight "Gun" or districts of the provinces. With Genkai's cinnabar seal. The work has always been considered scarce. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEANS, George H. A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA: supplement B, p.14, [1704.4] as MIKAWASHUU CHIRI ZUKAN. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 Prof. Kurita has illustrated this as plate 30, in his 1932 study, he also approximates the date based on research to be the "beginning of the 18th century." **** A STUNNING JAPANESE FIRST LOOK AT AMERICANS IN JAPAN, 1854 Book Number: 84304801 296 [MIKI, Kosai]. [PERRY, COMMODORE MATTHEW C.] IKOKU OCHIBA KAGO: GLEANINGS OF COMMODORE PERRY'S VISIT TO JAPAN. [1852-1854] [Tokyo 1854, Bigakudo].Stitched brown wrs., 11.5 x 17.5 cm., [20] double-folded leaves, Japanese text, 17 color plates, woodblock printed,2 double page color maps,some minor foxing throughout, else clean, solid copy.FIRST & ONLY RARE EDITION *** *** *** . . . A RARE JAPANESE PERSPECTIVE OF COMMODORE PERRY & SON . . . Authored by Miki Kosai, by one of his several studio or "Go" names for: UTAGAWA Yoshimori, his real name was TAGUCHI Sakuzo [1830-1885]. . He was an excellent pupil of the celebrated and most famous in his own times, woodblock print artist, Utagawa Kuniyoshi Miki specialized in pictures of Yokohama and foreigners, he moved from Edo to Yokohama to observe actual foreigners and capture their images in this historic of all works. . He learned of the most famous of all foreigners, Commodore Perry and was intrigued to make a book about the men of the U.S. Navy and their historic and first visit to Japan. . At that time, Americans and other foreigners in Yokohama, were the rage at the time and captivated most Japanese inspiring them to go and have a look at the strange foreign [white] people. Miki is widely collected by world museums. See Roberts below. . *** RARITY: THE FIRST COLOR ILLUSTRATED BOOK SHOWING AMERICANS IN JAPAN. This is the rarest of all color woodblock printed and illustrated books ever done in Japan. It is a marvelously illustrated work, contemporary with Commodore Perry's RareOrientalBooks.Com $814 historic and first visit to Japan [1853-1854]. . EARLY JAPANESE COLOR ILLUSTRATIONS OF COMMODORE PERRY: This monograph shows color pictures of both Commodore Perry, and his son as well as other crew members, but again the focus is on Perry. A contemporary account of the first official and most historic American visit to open Japan to trade. . *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The illustrations include the following scenes: Edo Bay, showing all defense installations; text noting the latter in full; list of presents exchanged between Japan and the U.S.; color prints of: U. S. steam locomotive presented to the Japanese; plants, cannon, parrot, etc.; a color map of North America; portraits of Commodore Perry, Perry's son, Commander Adams, "NCO Howsle [sic];" depictions of American marines and their officers, military camps, drums, swords, band instruments, sloop, uniforms, view of U.S. steam-frigate ending with the Japanese text of Commodore Perry's message to the Japanese Emperor." [Extracted from Dawson's, see below]. . *** The finest of all woodblock printed Perry items. Also with an excellent two-page color illustration of Commodore Perry's flagship. Immediately after Perry's visit a profusion of woodblock printed maps, books & prints/prints were published informing the Japanese of the great event. * CONTEMPORARY ACCOUNT There are very few contemporary accounts in published books and ephemera that were actually published during Perry's visit. Those few that were written are always exceptionally RARE & SCARCE. * This is one of the most important and valuable of all the items ever done, and one of the very few actually published during Perry's visit, and with color illustrations done on the spot by a primary Japanese artist and keen observer. * Contained in an indigo-blue Chitsu cloth folding case, bone clasps, a small black Sumi ink blotch on one illustration of a U.S. sailor illustrations, else without any other defect. * LITERAL TITLE: Illustrated by Miki Kosai. The literal English translation of the title is: FALLEN LEAVES FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY. . *** WHO WAS COMMODORE MATTHEW C. PERRY: Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry [1794-1858], an American naval office, who commanded the Naval expedition to Japan that both opened Japan to the West & that established United States relations with Japan. Born April 10, 1794, in South Kingston, Rhode Island, the brother of the celebrated Naval hero, Oliver Hazard Perry, he began his naval career as midshipman at the age of 15. He advanced to lieutenant in 1813 and to commander in 1826. He supervised the construction of the first naval steamship, the Fulton, and RareOrientalBooks.Com upon its completion in 1837, he took command being appointed Captain of this new and most modern vessel. He was promoted to Commodore in 1842. In 1846-47 he commanded the Gulf squadron during the Mexican War. In 1853, Perry was sent to Japan, a country that had been hitherto closed to outsiders since the 17th century. On July 8, he led a squadron of four U.S. naval ships into Tokyo Bay and presented representatives of the Emperor with the text of a proposed commercial & treaty of friendship. To give the reluctant Japanese court time to consider the offer, he then sailed for China. With an even more powerful fleet, he returned to Japan in the following February 1854. This was called "Gun boat diplomacy." The treaty, signed on March 31, 1854 and it provided that humane treatment be extended to sailors shipwrecked in Japanese territory and that U.S. ships be permitted to buy coal in Japan, and that the ports of Shimoda & Hakodate be opened to U.S. commerce. * Perry's historic and most important mission ended Japan's 400 years of self-imposed isolation [Sakoku], a prerequisite for its subsequent development into a modern nation. Perry died in New York City on March 4, 1858. * By and large an important & historic illustrated record from the Japanese point of view of this great occasion. Extremely rare and first early primary resource. Seldom found on the market, indeed exceptionally R A R E ! . *** PERRY'S VIEW OF JAPAN: Those interested in a full account of Japan by Perry in English can inquire with us about the 1856 3 volume set documenting that historic occasion. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Sperling: THE OPENING OF JAPAN AND THE PERRY EXPEDITION, an article in Arts of Asia, July-August, 2003, pp. 46-55. * Dawson's Book Shop, catalogue # 363 [issued ca. 1963-64] as item #154 and associated illustration. Per their entry: "...Rarest and finest of the printed books devoted to Perry in Japan, 1853-1854...a contemporary record of Perry in Japan. With an illustration of Commodore Perry. * Commodore M.C. Perry: THE JAPAN EXPEDITION, various editions. Please inquire as we usually have this title in stock for sale. . * REYNOLDS, Robert L. COMMODORE PERRY IN JAPAN. * [PINEAU, Roger.] THE JAPAN EXPEDITION 1852-1855 OF COMMODORE MATTHEW CALBRAITH PERRY. [An Exhibition 11 October-11 December 1968]. * [DULLES, John F.] CENTENIAL CELEBRATION OF THE OPENING OF JAPAN 1853-1953. [Celebrates the Opening of Japan by Commodore Perry] * [PERRY, Matthew C.] THE JAPAN EXPEDITION 1852-1854: THE PERSONAL JOURNAL OF COMMODORE MATTHEW C. PERRY. [Edited by Roger Pineau] RareOrientalBooks.Com * HALE, William H. WHEN PERRY UNLOCKED THE "GATE OF THE SUN." * MORISON, Samuel E. 'OLD BRUIN' COMMODORE MATTHEW C. PERRY 1794-1858. * STATLER, Oliver. THE BLACK SHIP SCROLL: An Account of the Perry Expedition at Shimoda in 1854 & the Lively Beginnings of People-to-People Relations Between Japan & America. * BARROWS, Edward M. THE GREAT COMMODORE: The Exploits of Matthew Calbraith Perry. * BARR, Pat. THE COMING OF THE BARBARIANS: A Story of Western Settlement in Japan 1853-1870. * GRIFFIS, William E. MATTHEW CALBRAITH PERRY A TYPICAL AMERICAN NAVAL OFFICER. * WALWORTH, Arthur. BLACK SHIPS OFF JAPAN: The Story of Commodore Perry's Expedition. * [PERRY, Matthew C.] COMMODORE PERRY'S EXPEDITION TO JAPAN. Edited by F. Hawkes. * LANE, Richard.: FOREIGNERS in JAPANESE EROTIC ART/SHUNGA: STRANGERS IN PARADISE, see pp.64, 148 & plate #70. * ROBERTS, Laurance P. A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.202-203, there is a small controversy about his death date, Roberts cites 1885, while other Japanese sources cite 1885, which may be due to variations in western vs. Japanese calendars. *** Color scans of this and most other items are posted to our website. A FASCINATING MID 19TH CENTURY COLOR WORLD MAP Book Number: 24058501 297 [MINEDA, Fuukoo]. CHIKYUU BANKOKU ZENZU: COMPLETE MAP OF THE WORLD. [Woodblock Color Printed map Done in the Oval Mercator [Japan ca 1851-2]. Orange paper covers, folded world map, in mustard Chitsu folding case, ivory clasps, folds down to 13.5 x 18.5 cm., opens up to 52.5 x 37 cm, woodblock printed RareOrientalBooks.Com $16347 in color, very good, minor dusty surface nice copy. R A R E A lovely world map, hand printed in color by woodblocks on hand-made paper, professionally rebacked. This map shows an oval Mercator projection of the world, with the American continent to the right, Europe and Africa to the left and Asia in the center. * This work was likely copied from some map the Dutch brought to Japan via Nagasaki and shared with Rangaku-sha, or Japanese who studied Dutch learning. The work is fairly accurate for Japanese maps, which lagged behind European cartography by as much as a century at some times. * Nicely executed, with a very large number of place names in Katakana [Japanese alphabet used for foreign words] as well as Kanji [Chinese-Japanese characters] for the names of oceans, and proper places in Japan, Korea & China. Folded three times vertically and once horizontally. Suitable for framing and library display. Japanese world maps printed by woodblocks are always RARE and unusual. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: T. Oda et al.: THE WORLD IN JAPANESE MAPS UNTIL THE MID-19TH CENTURY, #114, p.242 & 282. The example in Oda shows an additional text above the map. Our copy being a likely earlier version does not have that text, but is identical in all other ways, including the exact same coloring. Because it is not listed in any other usual reference sources, one can assume that this was fairly rare and an uncommon map. * H. Cortazzi: ISLES OF GOLD ANTIQUE MAPS OF JAPAN. * L. Walter; JAPAN A CARTOGRAPHIC VISION * M. Namba et al: OLD MAPS IN JAPAN * H. Nakamura; MONUMENTA CARTOGRAPHICA JAPONICA * K. Yamashita: JAPANESE MAPS OF THE EDO PERIOD. * Not listed in: G. Beans: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA * A VERY RARE COMPLETE MAP OF MINO PROVINCE Book Number: 93089401 RareOrientalBooks.Com $4760 298 MINO NO KUNI OEZU: LARGE ILLUSTRATED MAP OF MINO PROVINCE. MINO NO KUNI OEZU: LARGE ILLUSTRATED MAP OF MINO PROVINCE. Ahead of Title: Saiken Mino No Kuni Ezu. Kyoto 1834, Yoshinoya. Blue paper covers, woodblock printed, folded map, very good, key, directional characters, detailed list of villages, cities, mountains, river names, roads &c., 116.5 x 90 folds down to 18.5 x 27 cm. FIRST EDITION Clean example of an extremely rare map. Folded, some folds minor wear, no worming, clean, dated colophon. This work shows the whole province, in much detail, with list of famous temples, among which are two of the Matsudaira, list of famous places. * Suitable for framing and wall display. This provincial map has always been unusually rare. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not listed in Beans * Kurita Box IV-15. **** $615 EARLY ILLUSTRATED SAGA GOSHO STYLE FLOWER ARRANGEMNT TEXT Book Number: 22024401 299 MIOH, SAI KOTTO. [Flower Arrangement Master Teacher]. SOHKA ZUROKU: ILLUSTRATED FLOWER ARRANGEMENT ABLUM. Osaka 1848, Akitakaya. Buff stiff embossed stiched wrs., ca. 18 x 26 cm., 49+6 double folded leaves, 96 woodblock printed illustrations, printed on hand-made paper, very good. SCARCE An obscure, early and unusual flower arrangement text. The great Naniwa [Osaka area] master has put down in pictures & text, the essence of his technique & school of flower arrangement. Illustrating a large number of designs, arranged in traditional ceramics, tables, platforms, wooden buckets, baskets, bronze vessels, hanging bamboo and other bamboo, renders this a fascinating and useful reference source for any student of flower arrangement. Scans can be sent by email. AN EXTREMELY RARE AND VALUABLE REFERENCE SOURCE RareOrientalBooks.Com $476 Book Number: 85000501 300 MITCHELL, C.H. et al. THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography. Los Angeles 1972, Dawson's. Blue cloth, very good, 24 b.w. plates, 623p., bibliography, appendices, index, co-authored by Osamu Ueda, list of publishers, engravers, printers, 18 x 26 cm., a few spots top signatures else a clean copy. This is the single most important reference on E-hon [Japanese woodcut illustrated books]. With copious biographical notes on artists & authors, appendices of titles in Kanji, a chronological list of books with classification by subject, and an index of publishers, engravers, printers & binders. * An easy to use work, with full bibliographical data concerning pagination, illustration, and further reference citations. This was originally intended to be a catalogue of the author's own collection but was eventually enlarged to include extensive material from other sources. * The work covers a wide variety of genres, therefore, all recorded printed books of the Nanga, Maruyama, Shijo schools are included herein, plus certain predecessor and successor works. Also some of the original works, or their Chinese inspiration or artists works which were published in Japan and had an important influence on the development of neo-Chinese styles in Japan are included. * Essential for resource for any library, museum curators, students, collectors and dealers, including scroll collectors. * EDITION: Although it is not stated, we knew the Dawson's quite well, and Muir Dawson directly told me that the book was printed in a small FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 500 COPIES. * Scans can be sent by email. A STUNNING POLYCHROME WOODCUT ALBUM WITH 37 COLOR PRINTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $757 Book Number: 36043401 301 MIYAGAWA, Shuntei. BIJIN JUNI KA GETSU: THE TWELVE MONTHS OF JAPANESE BEAUTIES. [A Polychrome Woodblock-Printed Album of Japanese Women and [Tokyo 1898, Ohira Gaho. Blue cloth brocaide album, 14 x 9cm 37 color Oban woodblock prints, title page,prints very clean silver gilt edges, covers corners a bit worn, mended, else clean & solid, accordion folded. FIRST & ONLY RARE ! EDITION *** *** *** . . . A STUNNINGLY SUPERB ALBUM WITH TWELVE TRYPTICHS . . . EXCELLENT CONDITION POLYCHROME WOODBLOCK PRINTS . . . . This is a stunningly superb and most lovely polychrome, woodblock-printed album, complete as issued, with full-page colophon at the rear. . The work depicts the twelve-months of Japanese Bijin [beauties] and children at daily activities and relaxation. . The album consists of twelve Oban triptychs [36 sheets in all], depicting lovely scenes showing the floral Japanese landscape, seaside, flowers, and interiors. All women and children are clothed in stunning floral or other traditional Japanese patterned silk Kimono, each appropriate with the season. . Children are also nicely dressed in silk Kimono or other attire reflective of the location and season. . Each print has a title cartouche in the upper corner, stating the month and book title. Each print has the artist's block signature, red Hanko [cinnabar seal/chop], and the last of each triptychs has the publisher's dated colophon, showing all pertinent information. RareOrientalBooks.Com . *** WHO WAS THE ARTIST: MIYAGAWA Shuntei [1873-1914]: . Shuntei was a pupil of TOMIOKA Eisen. Shuntei was born in Aichi prefecture. Much like the rest of his generation of print artists, Shuntei worked as a book and newspaper illustrator. He is best known for his genre print subjects of women and children playing. . Shuntei produced his finest work at the end of the 19th century. The two famous series of woodcuts entitled "Pictures of Customs" and "Flowers of the World of Pleasure," both Tokyo published in 1897. Shuntei is often regarded as a precursor to the woodcuts of the following generation of famous "Shin Hanga" movement [New Prints], including such famous artists such as Goyo, Shinsui, Hiroaki, Hasui, Kotondo and may others. . Shuntei signed each print using either 'Miyagawa Shuntei' or his other "Go" [studio name] 'Shuntei Gyoshi'. . *** THE SCENES IN 13 TRYPTICHS: From the title page: . 1. Viewing Cherry Blossoms and playing shuttlecock. 2. Hanami: Viewing Cherry blossoms. 3. Children Playing out doors while mother looks on. 4. Peony Viewing. 5. Fuji Mi: Viewing wisteria. 6. Iris Blossoms in Water Viewing. 7. At the Sea shore, bathing and collecting sea shells. 8. Otsuki-mi: Moon viewing, mother, child & lantern. 9. Morning glories and the lake. 10. Momiji-Mi: Viewing the changing colors of Japanese Maple 11. Wearing a new Kimino, preparing for the New Year. 12. Children making a snowman in the garden. 13. Colophon at the end. . **** PUBLISHER: The work was published at Ohira Gaho [press], by MATSUKI Heikichi the publisher. . *** CONDITION: Binding: The album is bound in the original cotton brocade cloth, there is the usual wear to the corners. The lower 1 cm. edge of the front cover has been restored using the same cloth which is brighter and cleaner, laid over to protect that portion. As is, else the back cover edges mild wear through of the cloth, stable, as is. . Prints: The prints are exceptionally clean and fresh, each print is has excellent color and registry. There are a few places showing the usual and minor transfer of some part of the opposing image. This is common and natural for an album of this period, where tissue guards were not used. There is one very small red spot where ink transferred to the opposite page, a common occurrence for prints of this age RareOrientalBooks.Com and period. . Otherwise the prints are the best of collector's condition. . The verso remains clean and unmarked, no issues. . *** REFERENCES: Miyagawa Shuntei: http://www.ifpda.org/content/node/2057 *** $7752 AN ANCIENT HAND BOOK OF MEDICAL & PRESCRIPTION PRACTICE Book Number: 20036702 302 MIYAKE, Ian. comp. IRYO SHU HOU KIKU TAISEI: IGAKU GEN GEN RON: KO HOH KOHSEI HOH KEIKEN: ANCIENT RULES OF ESSENTIAL MEDICINE AND [Edo 1836, Suharaya]. Brown stitched wrs., 18.5 x 12.5 cm., very good, covers bit scuffed [368] double-folded leaves,bit minor old worming to last 6 or so pages, else clean, sound, lack title slip, entirely woodblock printed, handmade paper. A rare treatise on various diseases and the prescriptions for cure. Also among these is a large section on syphilis. Written in a hand-book size, oblong format, this work also has a most important alphabetical [Iroha] of the subjects, illness and treatments listed. The book was designed with the physician in mind, and one could easily flip through this and later pocket it. Writtenin very easy Japanese, with Furigana reading along side the Kanji characters. Remarkably comprehensive in coverage, truly a book well used by Japanese physicians of the period. The book has a very interesting presentation written in English with a Sumi black brush pen: "To Dr. Roberet Denton, M.D. With best regards Dr." ? signature unread. See G. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS p.138 lists several related syphilis items, with one very close entry: IRYOO SEISHI [1835] by Gemboku Itoh [1800-1871] both are on the same illness & time frame. A SUPERB WORK, COPIOUS STAGE PHOTOS & JAPANESE PRINTS Book Number: 84071501 303 MIYAMORI, Asataro. MASTERPIECES OF CHIKAMATSU: The Japanese Shakespeare. London 1926, Kegan Paul. Blue cloth, very good, 359p. 74 illus., revised by R. Nichols, clean and solid copy, dust jacket in mylar protector, 15 x 25 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This monumental translation covers the great master, Chikamatsu Monzaemon's works in literature and theatre. . Origin of Japanese drama, Noh play and Kyogen or comic interludes. Kabuki plays, popular theatre, Jorui or puppet plays, the life and works of Chikamatsu including his most famous play Love Suicide and the Causes of Suicide. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 . Characteristics of Chikamatsu, with texts of several of his celebrated plays. * Excellent examples from early, period Ehon or woodcut illustrated books are also show in the plates. * $109 A SUPERB WORK, COPIOUS STAGE PHOTOS & JAPANESE PRINTS Book Number: 84071502 304 MIYAMORI, Asataro. MASTERPIECES OF CHIKAMATSU: The Japanese Shakespeare. London 1926, Kegan Paul. Blue cloth, very good, 359p. 74 illustrations, revised by R. Nichols, 15 x 24 cm., neatly rebacked, preserving the original label, else solid very nice clean copy, 15 x 24 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This monumental translation covers the great master, Chikamatsu Monzaemon's works in literature and theatre. . Origin of Japanese drama, Noh play and Kyogen or comic interludes. Kabuki plays, popular theatre, Jorui or puppet plays, the life and works of Chikamatsu including his most famous play Love Suicide and the Causes of Suicide. . Characteristics of Chikamatsu, with texts of several of his celebrated plays. * Excellent examples from early, period Ehon or woodcut illustrated books are also show in the plates. * AN EXCELLENT MAP OF HARIMA COUNTRY Book Number: 93080501 RareOrientalBooks.Com $54 305 MIYATA, Hikokuko. HARIMA NO KUNI SAIKEN EZU: AN ILLUSTRATED MAP OF HARIMA PROVINCE: THE COUNTRY OF HARIMA PROVINCE. [Himeji 1749, Yanagiwara]. Blue paper covered boards, very good, 124 x 105 cm., folds down to 18 x 26.5 cm., woodblock color printed, Japanese text, key, dated, old mended worming now solid, title slip. R A R E FIRST EDITION This map is an aerial or "bird's eye" view from the clouds of the province, showing each county, including Kyoto, Akashi, Osaka & the Kansai areas, as well as the Tokaido road. *** TWO EDITIONS: Both editions are woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi mulberry paper. . a. The FIRST EDITION, 1749 is a very large wall size map, 124 x 105 cm., and printed in black and white, but nicely enhanced by the application of hand-coloring in pastels & yellow for highlight of mountains, red for castle, purple for villages, rivers and streams. It has solid blue covers. . b. A second edition, 1846, printed in several colors, 1846, 77 x 54. Printed by woodblocks in black-outline, this work is smaller than the First Edition. *** The maps are surrounded on two sides by Japanese text describing the temples, sights, rivers, mountains, roads and villages. Scale chart in miles [Ri] for travel, and a myriad of tiny villages named. * The map is oriented with south at the top, north the bottom, right side is west, left is east. There is a bold face title at the right, with date colophon just below the title. . A very fascinating and unusual perspective with names written in all directions. A lovely period piece. *** CONDITION: Regarding the 1749, First Edition. This is a very good, solid, clean copy. There were a good number of old worm holes that have been restored from the verso, using period Japanese Washi [hand-made] paper and rice glue. The work is now stable and solid, on very white paper. . The second edition is nicely printed in full color, very clean, solid, on white paper. *** Suitable for framing and display. This is a grand-size wall map, and would look stunning in any library or gallery. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not listed in BEANS, George H.: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA. **** AN EXCELLENT MAP OF HARIMA COUNTRY RareOrientalBooks.Com $814 Book Number: 93080502 306 MIYATA, Hikokuko. HARIMA NO KUNI SAIKEN EZU: AN ILLUSTRATED MAP OF HARIMA PROVINCE: THE COUNTRY OF HARIMA PROVINCE. [Himeji 1846, Yanagiwara]. Blue paper covered boards, very good, 77 x 54 cm., folds down to 15.5 x 23 cm., woodblock printed in color, Japanese text, key, dated, a solid copy, CLEAN NO WORMING. This map is an aerial or "bird's eye" view from the clouds of the province, showing each county, including Kyoto, Akashi, Osaka & the Kansai areas, as well as the Tokaido road. *** TWO EDITIONS: Both editions are woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi mulberry paper. . a. The FIRST EDITION, 1749 is a very large wall size map, 124 x 105 cm., and printed in black and white, but nicely enhanced by the application of hand-coloring in pastels & yellow for highlight of mountains, red for castle, purple for villages, rivers and streams. It has solid blue covers. . b. A second edition, 1846, printed in several colors, 1846, 77 x 54. Printed by woodblocks in black-outline, this work is smaller than the First Edition. *** The maps are surrounded on two sides by Japanese text describing the temples, sights, rivers, mountains, roads and villages. Scale chart in miles [Ri] for travel, and a myriad of tiny villages named. * The map is oriented with south at the top, north the bottom, right side is west, left is east. There is a bold face title at the right, with date colophon just below the title. . A very fascinating and unusual perspective with names written in all directions. A lovely period piece. *** CONDITION: RareOrientalBooks.Com Regarding the 1749, First Edition. This is a very good, solid, clean copy. There were a good number of old worm holes that have been restored from the verso, using period Japanese Washi [hand-made] paper and rice glue. The work is now stable and solid, on very white paper. . The second edition is nicely printed in full color, very clean, solid, on white paper. *** Suitable for framing and display. This is a grand-size wall map, and would look stunning in any library or gallery. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not listed in BEANS, George H.: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA. **** AN EXCELLENT MAP OF HARIMA COUNTRY Book Number: 93080503 307 MIYATA, Hikokuko. HARIMA NO KUNI SAIKEN EZU: AN ILLUSTRATED MAP OF HARIMA PROVINCE: THE COUNTRY OF HARIMA PROVINCE. [Himeji 1846, Yanagiwara]. Blue boards, 77x 54 cm., folds to 15.5 x 23 cm., color printed woodblocks, Japanese text, key, dated, some old mended worming, solid. This map is an aerial or "bird's eye" view from the clouds of the province, showing each county, including Kyoto, Akashi, Osaka & the Kansai areas, as well as the Tokaido road. *** TWO EDITIONS: Both editions are woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi mulberry paper. . a. The FIRST EDITION, 1749 is a very large wall size map, 124 x 105 cm., and printed in black and white, but nicely enhanced by the application of hand-coloring in pastels & RareOrientalBooks.Com $717 yellow for highlight of mountains, red for castle, purple for villages, rivers and streams. It has solid blue covers. . b. A second edition, 1846, printed in several colors, 1846, 77 x 54. Printed by woodblocks in black-outline, this work is smaller than the First Edition. *** The maps are surrounded on two sides by Japanese text describing the temples, sights, rivers, mountains, roads and villages. Scale chart in miles [Ri] for travel, and a myriad of tiny villages named. * The map is oriented with south at the top, north the bottom, right side is west, left is east. There is a bold face title at the right, with date colophon just below the title. . A very fascinating and unusual perspective with names written in all directions. A lovely period piece. *** CONDITION: Regarding the 1749, First Edition. This is a very good, solid, clean copy. There were a good number of old worm holes that have been restored from the verso, using period Japanese Washi [hand-made] paper and rice glue. The work is now stable and solid, on very white paper. . The second edition is nicely printed in full color, very clean, solid, on white paper. *** Suitable for framing and display. This is a grand-size wall map, and would look stunning in any library or gallery. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not listed in BEANS, George H.: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA. **** "HOW-TO:" SUGAR, SAKE, OIL, LACQUER, COTTON, HEMP, TOFU &c.. Book Number: 22045602 308 MIYAZAKI, Yasusada. comp. KOHEKI NOKOH ZEN SHO. COMPLETE TREATISE ON AGRICULTURE. Osaka [1866], Hakubunkan. Yellow stitched embossed stiff wrs 11 vols, Japanese text, 15.3 x 22 cm., 34+47+37+34+36+46+32+ 32+41+38+36 +3pp. double-folded leaves, profuse b.w. plates, most likely printed off the old 1696 woodblocks. R A R E ! A valuable & secret work, outlining the techniques of how to make some of the most essential products used in RareOrientalBooks.Com $680 Japan [and China]. * Traditionally the art & technique of making such basic products was guarded by the tradesmen. Families carried on the same trade for generations, and strictly passed down these exclusive techniques only to one's heir or disciple. * This work is one of the earliest published and complete "how to" texts to break with that tradition of silence and fully describing these techniques and the associated technology. * A complete discussion, with illustrations of the plants, tools, great presses, and other machinery and technology associated with the production of sugar, Sake [rice wine], oils, lacquer, Tofu, noodles from flower, cotton and hemp. * Not only a technology, but a superb botanical, a "how to grow" also a text on how to identify which parts of plants are used & at what time in their growth cycle. This is also a commercial botanical, for cash crops for would-be growers. * This careful study outlines how to plan, make and use of the plants and moreover how to extract the vital fluids to effect manufacture of the finish product. * By and large Japanese native plants were used, each related plant used is pictured in color, as a mature tree, showing the flower, leaves, fruit and useful parts are clearly identified. *** THE CONTENTS: Volume 1 begins with discussion of the lacquer tree. How to extract the resin, what tools are employed, with pictures of each tool and appliance. It continues with the technique for the extraction of oil [sap] in the form of a large plank is used with successive wedges pounded in to put pressure against the berries, all wedges & tools shown in detail. Other methods include steaming of the berries, or grating against a great grader with steel blade, the result is boiled, then pressed with a great wedge-like beam with wedges hammered in to exert pressure. In one technique, a great water wheel is employed in a series of pestle-like hammers to crush some dried berries, while other rotating boxes are also attached to the same water wheel to sift and dry the grains. This primitive machine was skillfully and completely made from wood. ** Volume 2 continues with the making of sugar from sugar cane. The plant is shown in color as are all plants used, with the associated buckets, presses, dryers, boiling sheds, and two pictures of what looks like a foreign-made boiler or separator with each part is carefully identified & labeled for reproduction by Japanese. The Japanese had almost no steel for machinery at this time but did have a very limited access to copper for such projects, but were still very late in using steel for such machinery or complicated items. Since sugar cane growth was limited to Okinawa and the Southern-most parts of Japan, sugar from this source was limited in supply and distant. A native kind of "sugar beet" was also employed and could be grown in Northern climes. RareOrientalBooks.Com * The work continues in the same vein, illustrating & outlining a host of other valuable & useful plants to make Sake [from fermented rice], Soy sauce and Tofu from soy beans, and of special interest is the making of buck-wheat noodles. The whole process is carefully illustrated ending in the hanging to dry the nearly 2 meter lengths of noodles on the rack, and final packaging. * The next major food was Tofu. The basic technique involved the boiling of the soy beans, to extract the milk. The tools are wooden boxes with holes to allow excess water to flow out through fine silk mesh, after the Nigari a kind of "bitters" or alum like material was added to make the hot milk congeal into solid. The details of the box, its size & location of holes are carefully drawn in instructional sketches, followed by the techniques, temperatures &c. Hemp is the next product discussed, having been grown and used in Japan for ages. Its uses were for clothing fiber as well as rope-making. * The method of extracting the fiber from the famous cannabis-satavia [marijuana] is outlined & illustrated. The last plant discussed is cotton. With lovely color pictures of all parts of the plant, cultivating and harvest processes, hand-ginning &c. Lastly are the agricultural tools used, long handle hoes, rakes & other implements carefully drawn with sizes and uses. * Each volume also has a chart at the front showing what provinces and villages are producing which products and in what quantities, with statistics. Since this work discusses essential products, its understandable that the Japanese could not function without these basic & essential products. * LACQUERE TREE Lacquer was used for bowls, boxes and in art manufactures. Sake was of course, the national drink after tea, Tofu was the main source of protein for the poor and lower classes who could not afford or did not have access to fish or meat [land-locked communities]. Noodles also a national product was consumed in large quantity during the whole year, thus the ability to dry and save noodles was important to their diet. * OIL EXTRACTION Oils were also essential and needed to cook, fry, lubricate much of Japan. The whole work is truly a magnificent and graphic record of early pre-industrial Japan. * This is also a great late record of the primitive wooden machines and manual techniques employed on the eve of the industrial revolution, which hit Japan just after 1900, some seven years after the publication of this work. Its probably the last look at the ancient & traditional methods, of producing Japan's famous native products. * One gets the distinct impression that Miyazaki published this book with the idea that it would also be important to record for posterity the old native ways before they were replaced by steel machines run by steam, and later RareOrientalBooks.Com electricity. * ILLULSTRATED: The work is so meticulous and written & illustrated in such detail, that one can easily feel that Miyazaki had a premonition of the eminent major changes in the next few years. Living in Tokyo and near-by Yokohama, perhaps he had seen what had happened to other trades under the influence of foreign contact, which caused major changes to Japan as foreign science and technology entered via Yokohama & Tokyo which impacted all phases of native Japan culture & business. *** THE EDITOR: Miyazaki Yasuda [1623-1697] was an agriculturist, born in Hiroshima, who served Lord Tadayuki Kuroda, Lord of Chikuzen Clan. He toured various provinces and made a firsthand study of agricultural conditions and problems. Upon return, he made attempts to introduce land reforms based on Confucian ideology. He is regarded as on of the three great agriculturists of his time. This title is ENCYCLOPEDIA ON FARMING, completed one year prior to his death. See: Japan Biographical Encyclopedia & Who's Who, p.889. *** CONDITION: Covers a trifle rubbed at extremities & corners, contained in an indigo-blue folding Chitsu case, with bone clasps, original title slips, contents bright hand-printed by woodblocks on very white clean Washi hand-made paper. . OSAKA 1896 EDITION: This is bound in the original yellow blind-stamped swastica & bell-patterned stiff stitched covers, 15.2 x 22 cm. Each cover has the title label stating "SAIBAN NOGYO ZENSHO", and a brushed personal library # in the upper right corner, with a cinnabar Hanko/seal in the upper right corner of the first page in each volume reading Sakuramatsu, likely the former collector's name. . The covers of vol.1 are dusty, with a red title page, the balance of the set is by and large clean with a few minor rubs here or there, contents bright, clean.. . * TITLE: Ahead of title is KOHEKI, then the title continues: NOKOH ZEN SHO [Edgren expresses a variation in the Romanization of title], both are one in the same book. * AUTHOR: Miyazaki Yasusada [1623-1697], and also Kaibara Rakuken [1625-1702] [aka Gakuken], see Edgren's note p.261], which is correct, being a slight variation on Miyazaki. There is a slight variant to the author's first name, which is common as he used several "Go" or "Studio" names. The co-author is correct. *** REFERENCES: J. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY, p.260, #796. * Rosny: 279/67 * RareOrientalBooks.Com KS 6-468 * KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.498, #1182 he lists the 1815 edition only, in 11 volumes. * KSM: (Nogyo)6-648-4 * Kraft: vol.1, no.563. * JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO. 1964-1965, p.889, states this was a 10 volume set, perhaps they refer to a first edition, our 1684 edition is 11 numbered volumes. *** NOT IN: . Bartlett . Walker . Dawes . Mitchell . Toda . Roberts *** "HOW-TO:" SUGAR, SAKE, OIL, LACQUER, COTTON, HEMP, TOFU &c.. Book Number: 22045603 309 MIYAZAKI, Yasusada. comp. KOHEKI NOKOH ZEN SHO. COMPLETE TREATISE ON AGRICULTURE. Tokyo 1893, Hakubunkan. Blue stitched stiff wrs., 5 vol. set, very good, Japanese text, 15.4 x 23 cm., 37+58+46+56+51 double-folded leaves,19 color, 49 b.w. woodcut illustrations hand-printed on hand-made Washi mulberry paper. R A R E A valuable & secret work, outlining the techniques of how to make some of the most essential products used in Japan [and China]. * Traditionally the art & technique of making such basic products was guarded by the tradesmen. Families carried on the same trade for generations, and strictly passed down these exclusive techniques only to one's heir or disciple. * This work is one of the earliest published and complete "how to" texts to break with that tradition of silence and fully describing these techniques and the associated technology. * A complete discussion, with illustrations of the plants, tools, great presses, and other machinery and technology RareOrientalBooks.Com $1088 associated with the production of sugar, Sake [rice wine], oils, lacquer, Tofu, noodles from flower, cotton and hemp. * Not only a technology, but a superb botanical, a "how to grow" also a text on how to identify which parts of plants are used & at what time in their growth cycle. This is also a commercial botanical, for cash crops for would-be growers. * This careful study outlines how to plan, make and use of the plants and moreover how to extract the vital fluids to effect manufacture of the finish product. * By and large Japanese native plants were used, each related plant used is pictured in color, as a mature tree, showing the flower, leaves, fruit and useful parts are clearly identified. *** THE CONTENTS: Volume 1 begins with discussion of the lacquer tree. How to extract the resin, what tools are employed, with pictures of each tool and appliance. It continues with the technique for the extraction of oil [sap] in the form of a large plank is used with successive wedges pounded in to put pressure against the berries, all wedges & tools shown in detail. Other methods include steaming of the berries, or grating against a great grader with steel blade, the result is boiled, then pressed with a great wedge-like beam with wedges hammered in to exert pressure. In one technique, a great water wheel is employed in a series of pestle-like hammers to crush some dried berries, while other rotating boxes are also attached to the same water wheel to sift and dry the grains. This primitive machine was skillfully and completely made from wood. ** Volume 2 continues with the making of sugar from sugar cane. The plant is shown in color as are all plants used, with the associated buckets, presses, dryers, boiling sheds, and two pictures of what looks like a foreign-made boiler or separator with each part is carefully identified & labeled for reproduction by Japanese. The Japanese had almost no steel for machinery at this time but did have a very limited access to copper for such projects, but were still very late in using steel for such machinery or complicated items. Since sugar cane growth was limited to Okinawa and the Southern-most parts of Japan, sugar from this source was limited in supply and distant. A native kind of "sugar beet" was also employed and could be grown in Northern climes. * The work continues in the same vein, illustrating & outlining a host of other valuable & useful plants to make Sake [from fermented rice], Soy sauce and Tofu from soy beans, and of special interest is the making of buck-wheat noodles. The whole process is carefully illustrated ending in the hanging to dry the nearly 2 meter lengths of noodles on the rack, and final packaging. * The next major food was Tofu. The basic technique involved the boiling of the soy beans, to extract the milk. The tools are wooden boxes with holes to allow excess water to flow out through fine silk mesh, after the Nigari a kind of "bitters" or alum like material was added to make the hot RareOrientalBooks.Com milk congeal into solid. The details of the box, its size & location of holes are carefully drawn in instructional sketches, followed by the techniques, temperatures &c. Hemp is the next product discussed, having been grown and used in Japan for ages. Its uses were for clothing fiber as well as rope-making. * The method of extracting the fiber from the famous cannabis-satavia [marijuana] is outlined & illustrated. The last plant discussed is cotton. With lovely color pictures of all parts of the plant, cultivating and harvest processes, hand-ginning &c. Lastly are the agricultural tools used, long handle hoes, rakes & other implements carefully drawn with sizes and uses. * Each volume also has a chart at the front showing what provinces and villages are producing which products and in what quantities, with statistics. Since this work discusses essential products, its understandable that the Japanese could not function without these basic & essential products. * LACQUERE TREE Lacquer was used for bowls, boxes and in art manufactures. Sake was of course, the national drink after tea, Tofu was the main source of protein for the poor and lower classes who could not afford or did not have access to fish or meat [land-locked communities]. Noodles also a national product was consumed in large quantity during the whole year, thus the ability to dry and save noodles was important to their diet. * OIL EXTRACTION Oils were also essential and needed to cook, fry, lubricate much of Japan. The whole work is truly a magnificent and graphic record of early pre-industrial Japan. * This is also a great late record of the primitive wooden machines and manual techniques employed on the eve of the industrial revolution, which hit Japan just after 1900, some seven years after the publication of this work. Its probably the last look at the ancient & traditional methods, of producing Japan's famous native products. * One gets the distinct impression that Miyazaki published this book with the idea that it would also be important to record for posterity the old native ways before they were replaced by steel machines run by steam, and later electricity. * ILLULSTRATED: The work is so meticulous and written & illustrated in such detail, that one can easily feel that Miyazaki had a premonition of the eminent major changes in the next few years. Living in Tokyo and near-by Yokohama, perhaps he had seen what had happened to other trades under the influence of foreign contact, which caused major changes to Japan as foreign science and technology entered via Yokohama & Tokyo which impacted all phases of native Japan culture & business. *** THE EDITOR: RareOrientalBooks.Com Miyazaki Yasuda [1623-1697] was an agriculturist, born in Hiroshima, who served Lord Tadayuki Kuroda, Lord of Chikuzen Clan. He toured various provinces and made a firsthand study of agricultural conditions and problems. Upon return, he made attempts to introduce land reforms based on Confucian ideology. He is regarded as on of the three great agriculturists of his time. This title is ENCYCLOPEDIA ON FARMING, completed one year prior to his death. See: Japan Biographical Encyclopedia & Who's Who, p.889. *** CONDITION: Covers a trifle rubbed at extremities & corners, contained in an indigo-blue folding Chitsu case, with bone clasps, original title slips, contents bright hand-printed by woodblocks on very white clean Washi hand-made paper. . OSAKA 1896 EDITION: This is bound in the original yellow blind-stamped swastica & bell-patterned stiff stitched covers, 15.2 x 22 cm. Each cover has the title label stating "SAIBAN NOGYO ZENSHO", and a brushed personal library # in the upper right corner, with a cinnabar Hanko/seal in the upper right corner of the first page in each volume reading Sakuramatsu, likely the former collector's name. . The covers of vol.1 are dusty, with a red title page, the balance of the set is by and large clean with a few minor rubs here or there, contents bright, clean.. . * TITLE: Ahead of title is KOHEKI, then the title continues: NOKOH ZEN SHO [Edgren expresses a variation in the Romanization of title], both are one in the same book. * AUTHOR: Miyazaki Yasusada [1623-1697], and also Kaibara Rakuken [1625-1702] [aka Gakuken], see Edgren's note p.261], which is correct, being a slight variation on Miyazaki. There is a slight variant to the author's first name, which is common as he used several "Go" or "Studio" names. The co-author is correct. *** REFERENCES: J. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY, p.260, #796. * Rosny: 279/67 * KS 6-468 * KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.498, #1182 he lists the 1815 edition only, in 11 volumes. * KSM: (Nogyo)6-648-4 * Kraft: vol.1, no.563. * JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO. 1964-1965, p.889, states this was a 10 volume set, perhaps they refer to a first edition, our 1684 edition is 11 numbered volumes. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com NOT IN: . Bartlett . Walker . Dawes . Mitchell . Toda . Roberts *** $952 Book Number: 36003701 310 MIZUNO, Chukyo. SOMOKU KINYOSHUU: COLLECTION OF VARIGATED PLANTS & TREE LEAVES. [Kyoto 1944, Tamura]. Blue stiff stitched wrs., 7 vol.set, very clean, solid, title slips, 31+35+31+29+23+41+75p., profuse b.w. illustrated, 18 x 265.5 cm., printed & bound to look like the original 1828 edition, nicely done, complete. This is a profusely b.w. illustrated botanical, and shows several examples of variegated plants. . *** THE AUTHOR: The author was also known as Mizuno Issai. *** LIMITED EDITION OF 500 REPRINTED COPIES: This is a reprint of the original edition 1829, this edition *** ART WORK: The botanical illustrations were done by Ooka Umpo and his disciple Sekine Untei. . Ooka Umpo [1765-1848] was also known as Ooka Narihiro [Jokan] and had also other "Go" or studio names such as A. Koritsu, Jihei and Unpo/Umpo. He was a Nanga painter, and pupil of the famous sealmaker Taka Fuyo. Ooka also served as a retainer to the Tokugawa Shogun, and lived at Obancho, Yotsuya in Edo from which he took his nickname 'Yotsuya Nampin' He is well collected by world museums. See Roberts below. . RareOrientalBooks.Com Sekine Untei [1803-1877], was a Nanga painter, and he was a known book illustrator, and is listed in Mitchell, see below. *** The work consists of 7 volumes in all, vols.1-6 + appendix, vols. 1-3 Zenpen: part 1, vols. 4-7 Kohen part 2. The complete work. *** REFERENCES: BARTLETT, Harley H.: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, exhibit 52, p.467, & illustrated on p.468. Bartlett states: "...the best of the sort ever published in Japan...the pictures are remarkable..." * MITCHELL, C.H.:THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, p.500. * DOUGLAS, Robert K.: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM, 1898 p.83. * ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, see p.191 for Ooka; and p.192 for Seikine. * Not in: . MERRILL, Elmer D. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY. . DAWES, Leonard G. :CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF PRINTS AND DRAWINGS. . TODA, Kenji.: DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO. *** Book Number: 32032801 311 [MOMEN-YA.] TOSEI SHIN MOYOH HINAGATA: NEW DESIGNS FOR TEXTITLE. [Tokyo n.d. ca. 1860's, Momen Ya]. Maroon decorated cloth, stitched binding, 27 double pages, all pages illustrated by hand-drawn Sumi ink illustrations, 19.5 x 26 cm., very good, solid copy, 27 double-folded leaves, 25 double page illus. A lovely book. With tender hand-drawn illustrations. The book is listed under the store name: Momen-Ya [The Cotton Store], found in Yodoya, old Tokyo. These designs were found on Kimono, Yukata and a wide variety of Japanese articles, RareOrientalBooks.Com $551 like Noren [curtains] lacquer, woodblock prints and so many others. * The drawings were the results of an unknown artist, the designs were likely purchased by Momen-Ya to be used for application to silk cloth for Kimono and other garment design. * The subjects include double-page illustrations of butterflies; cloud-pattern flowers and leaves; small typical Japanese designs like chrysanthemum and Fusuma door pulls; rabbits at play; sparrows and cherry blossoms; young puppies; bats; small sea shells; flowers; bird feet and cracked ice; mushrooms; snow flakes; pine boughs; pond lilies; iris flowers and pond walk ways; ancient pine tree; water scooter bugs; fans; one color page of rabbit; Iching pattern and too many others to list here. * Each page has a black Momen-Ya seal, some with numbers hand painted to identify each page design. * A lovely textile design book. * MINISTRY OF EDUCATION TEXTS ON WORLD HISTORY 1874 Book Number: 35011301 312 MONBUSHOO.[JAPAN MINISTRY OF EDUCATION] BANKOKU SHIRYAKU: WORLD HISTORY. [Tokyo 1875, Miyagawa]. Yellow stiff wrs., 2 vol. set, 57+61 double-pages, woodblock printed, 24 + 25 b.w. illustrations, 14.7 x 21.5 cm., covers soiled, contents complete. FIRST EDITION During the early Meiji period [1868-1912] the Japanese government realized that Japan was greatly behind most other modern nations in terms of educated populace. To correct the Japanese population's ignorance of world history, science and culture, the Ministry of Education compiled a series of valuable and useful texts designed to inform the average Japanese about the world. *** The current set of 2 volumes outline world history, with a good number of illustrations. The last volume discusses countries and cultures from ancient times, Rome, Europe, China, unusual animals [elephant], Columbus, Napoleon, European Kings & Queens, Confucius, President Lincoln and too many to list. A substantial number of the above are also illustrated. See scans posted to our website. RareOrientalBooks.Com $313 *** Edited by Shihan Gakko. With a total of 118 double-folded leaves, and 49 b.w. illustrations in the text. *** CONDITION: The book covers are soiled, faded and the title slips lacking small pieces. The contents is intact, woodblock printed on very thin hand-made Washi paper. Solidly bound, no worming, stitched binding. REFERENCES: http://www.theeuropeanlibrary.org/tel4/record/3000022668311? content-language=jpn&provider-id=P01352 * http://eastasia.digital-collections.de/en/fs3/search/query.h tml?publisher_str=%7BMonbush%C5%8D+(%E6%96%87%E9%83%A8%E7%9C %81)%7D&hl=true&mode=simple&fulltext=%E5%B1%B1%E6%9D%B1%E4%B A%AC%E4%BC%9D&monogrTitle_str=%7BBankoku%20shiryaku%20(%E8%9 0%AC%E5%9C%8B%E5%8F%B2%E7%95%A5)%7D *** NOT LISTED IN: KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. . EDGREN, J.S.: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY. *** $143 STUNNING COLOR WOODBLOCKS OF KIMONO AND KIMONO PATTERNS Book Number: 32031601 313 MORI, Yuuzan. SHIKI NO YOSOH OI: DRESS UP FASHION FOR EACH SEASON, A SEMBLANCE OF KIMONO PATTERNS. [Kyoto 1903, Unsodo]. Stitched color pictorial stiff wrs., Japanese text, very good, minor cover scuffing edge wear, contents bright, clean, 50+52 color woodblock printed pages, 16.5 x 24 cm., 2 vol. set, vols. 1 & 2 complete. S C A R C E A stunning set of Kimono design and pattern books. Each page shows a Kimono with stunning colors and amazing patterns. Superb reference and showy book ! * The last 20 pages are devoted to Kimono Mon [crests] and other designs found on Kimono's to identify family affiliations. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $1163 A COLLECTION OF THE MYRIAD OF WAVES & WATER PATTERNS Book Number: 98165301 314 MORI, Yuzan. HAMON SHUU: COLLECTION OF WAVE & RIPPLE DESIGNS. [Kyoto 1903, Unsodo]. Blue stitched wrs., very good, 3 vol. set, 76 double-folded sheets, 152p. woodcut illustraions of waves, wave patterns & water, very good copy, 16 x 24 cm. covers bright, contents clean. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With 4 pages of text. This work shows every conceivable wave, water & theme possible. A designer's wish book, lovely, unique drawings in Japanese. Basically this was done as a guide for Japanese craftsmen to create sword furniture, Netsuke, lacquer ware, Buddhist art works and a host of other practical applications to Japanese arts. * Some of these designs are found on Tsuba, and in sword blades, as well as sword cases & stands. These fabulous forms are commonly found in paintings, handmade papers, book covers, and decorations on ceramics, textiles, and on any other object with appliqu� design. Books of this caliber are not commonly found, as most were simply "used up" by those who used them as a reference in the creative process. * Hokusai was one of the master print-makers and painters who skillfully used water and wave patterns in his illustrated books [E-hon], which have been copied and duplicated throughout. * A COLLECTION OF THE MYRIAD OF WAVES & WATER PATTERNS RareOrientalBooks.Com $728 Book Number: 98165303 315 MORI, Yuzan. HAMON SHUU: COLLECTION OF WAVE & RIPPLE DESIGNS. [Kyoto 1903, Unsodo]. Blue stitched wrs., vols. 1 & 3 only of 3 vol set, 50 double-folded sheets = 100p. woodcut illustrations of waves, wave patterns & water, 16 x 24 cm., worn covers, contents clean, tight, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION With 4 pages of text. This work shows every conceivable wave, water & theme possible. A designer's wish book, lovely, unique drawings in Japanese. Basically this was done as a guide for Japanese craftsmen to create sword furniture, Netsuke, lacquer ware, Buddhist art works and a host of other practical applications to Japanese arts. * Some of these designs are found on Tsuba, and in sword blades, as well as sword cases & stands. These fabulous forms are commonly found in paintings, handmade papers, book covers, and decorations on ceramics, textiles, and on any other object with appliqu� design. Books of this caliber are not commonly found, as most were simply "used up" by those who used them as a reference in the creative process. * Hokusai was one of the master print-makers and painters who skillfully used water and wave patterns in his illustrated books [E-hon], which have been copied and duplicated throughout. * EXCEPTIONALLY UNUSUAL 18th CTY. JAPANESE EROTIC WOODCUT BOOK RareOrientalBooks.Com $447 Book Number: 86003001 316 [MORONOBU/SUKENOBU SCHOOL]. AMANJAKU DEN: A PERVERSE EROTIC JAPANESE LEGEND. [A Bizzare and Unusual Erotic Japanese Woodcut Book] [Japan c.1710-50, n.p.]. Brown & silver covered boards,very good, 7 b .w. double-page erotic woodblock illustrations, mounted on mica flecked paper, 18 x 25 cm., no title slip as issued, accordion folded, illustration size is 31 x 12 cm. *** *** *** . . . A VERY RARE AND BIZZARE EROTIC BOOK . . . AN UNRECORDED PERVERSE & EROTIC STORY . . . UNSIGNED, CLEARLY THE WORK OF A FAMOUS ARTIST . *** A unique and hitherto unfound odd and most unusual erotic book of the early-mid-18th century. One of the most bizarre erotic books ever done in Japan. . The graphically explicit work portrays men and women with genitals on their foreheads, engaged in heterosexual and homosexual intercourse. There is no other book with such unusual and strange illustrations. . *** . THE TITLE: THE LEGEND OF AMANJAKU or AMAN NO JAKU: [Chinese Title: TIAN XIE GUI YUN] . THE MEANING OF AMANJAKU: Japanese Buddhist literature is abundant with variations on the theme of "Aman-No- Jaku," aka. "Amanjaku," "Manojaku," commonly understood to be a "Heavenly Evil Spirit." . This spirit or demon-like creature in Japanese folklore is usually depicted as being a male during the day and female RareOrientalBooks.Com at night. The demon is usually depicted as a kind of small Oni [devil], and is thought to be able to provoke a person's darkest desires and instigate him into perpetrating wicked deeds. . Amanjaku is also depicted in Chinese and Japanese mythology, the AMANOJAKU is a changeling, a water spirit that infiltrates the human world to play cruel tricks on people, by reading their minds and twisting their requests or desires to be used against them. . The "AMANOJAKU" is also known the "Lord of the River" and in Japan serves Bishamonten, one of the four Deva kings of Buddhism as a minor demon. See Wikipedia below. . In Japanese, the term "Amanojaku" also refers to a person who is deliberately contradictory, someone who argues for the sake of arguing, or can be used in common Japanese conversation to refer to someone who is a "Perverted Demon." . *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: THE BUDDHIST THEME:. This work is unusual in that the genitals of common people are located on their foreheads. A symbolist meaning can be in Buddhist concept, that sex and sexual hedonism is openly on the minds of 'lay' people. The Buddha and his disciples on the other hand do not have sex organs on their foreheads, meaning their organs are covered and in a different [usual] location. This can symbolize 'self control' over such biological energies. Devout Buddhist disregard sex as a pleasurable pastime, and devote themselves to monastic focus. By contrast, "lay" people are distracted with hedonistic pleasure, a path away from, rather than towards the Dharma, or teachings of Buddhism. . In a sense, this work illustrates the overwhelming force of evil, or the "Amanojaku" and how it distracts people from the "Righteous Path" towards the Dharma, and the ultimate goal of attaining Nirvana. It can be posited, that this work is designed to give understanding to "lay" people by way of visual example of what forces direct their energies away from the Buddhist teachings, in an effort to redirect them towards the "Righteous Path" and life style. . *** EXCEPTIONALLY RARE, UNQUE WORK: . The work is exceptionally RARE, unusual and erotic, there are no other example showing genitals on the foreheads of any other Japanese book cited anywhere in the bibliographic literature, or record. . This work is certainly RARE in subject, content and quantity. Though it was woodblock printed, and unsigned which was usual for Japanese erotic works which were banned by the Shogun, we have not found anything similar or recorded anywhere in the bibliography. Being woodblock printed one assumes there are other copies in existence. The average printing from woodblocks were somewhere between 100-200 copies. However in this instance, no others exist. We have the strong feeling, the book could have been the RareOrientalBooks.Com production of a famous Japanese illustrator, and perhaps financed by a Buddhist temple, again there are no known facts about this rarity. . *** THE EROTIC ILLUSTRATIONS Number 1: This work begins showing the Buddha flanked by two of his disciple monks. The title is written in four Japanese [Kambun] & Chinese characters. The Buddha and his two disciples listen to two elderly Buddhist believers: one is a male, he has and erect penis on his forehead. The other is a woman, she has a vagina on her forehead. Neither the Buddha, nor his two disciples monks show genitals on their foreheads. The couple have come to consult with the Buddha about their grievances. . * Number 2: Shows a man and a woman in a Tatami matted room, both wear lovely 18th century decorated Kimono. They embrace each other, and are engaged in making love from their foreheads, which show an erect penis and testicles, inserted into the woman's forehead where her vagina is located. Adjacent to the young couple is an older woman, who has become aroused by the adjacent couple's making love. The old woman uses a dildoe tied to a post which she hugs while inserting the dildoe into the vagina on her forehead. . * Number 3: Shows a couple laying on a blanket, their Kimono pulled down and opened and used as a top cover. They engage in love-making and kiss. The man has an erect penis on his forehead, the woman a vagina on hers. There is some used Chirishi [toilet paper] just above her head on the floor, used to wipe the love fluids. There is a folded package of yet unused Chirishi in readiness. Chishiri shown in Japanese Shunga [erotic prints] prints & paintings is an 'erotic symbol' indicative of sexual excitement, with lots of flowing love juices. Ergo the need for paper to clean up the results of erotic love-making. . * Number 4 shows an adult man with an erect penis on his forehead, penetrating the anus of a younger man, who's smaller but erect penis is seen on his forehead, as he faces his lover. The younger man has no pubic hair yet, indicating his youth. . Adjacent to these two men is a woman in the next room. The door is open, she is voyeuring the two men. She has a vagina on her. A Shogi board and two bowls for stones is located in the front left of the illustration. Gay activities in Japanese society were accepted as a norm, and were not especially unusual. However to find graphic examples in Japanese erotic books are exceptionally rare and seldom found. . * Number 5: Depicts a fully clothed man on his knees, he bends over a RareOrientalBooks.Com sleeping woman. He has a very large erect penis and begins to penetrate a woman with her vagina on her forehead. She is fully clothed and sleeping on a wooden "pillow" which supports her elaborate hair coiffeur. . * Number 6: Depicts a lively scene of two men and a woman. One man with a very large and erect penis pulls the woman's arm toward him, while she fends him off with a straight arm to his head. A second excited man also with a large and erect penis on his forehead masturbates and ejaculates in ecstasy. The woman has a vagina on her forehead. The scene is likely an intended rape of a young girl. She looks away in an effort not to allow him to pull her close enough to insert his penis into her exposed vagina. . * Number 7: Illustrating a lonely old man in bed. He has an erect penis on his forehead and holds a kind of pot with a large opening. He faces down and inserts his penis into the pot for gratification. . *** THE TEXT: The text in Shunga [erotic Japanese books & prints] is often an erotic dialogue, describing the erotic action. Often these words are onomatopoetic mimicking the sounds of people in orgasm, or making comments about making love or the pleasure and good feelings. The size and hardness of the penis or the flavor and the juices of the vagina, and its supple feelings of euphoria when engaged in love-making. All wear 18thcentury period Kimono. . *** MODE AND FASHION OF THE MID-18TH CENTURY: The room furnishing and Kimono of the participants in this work all wear 18th century period Kimono, with period decorations. The style of Kimono and room screens reflect this period. . ***** BINDING AND MOUNTING: Binding: The book has probably been rebound sometime after the 1750's with a more recent thin brown decorated paper with a silver chrysanthemum, and a Mon [family crest] with gold and black on both front and rear covers. Each cover has a distinctly different kind of illustration but of the same theme. The corners and edges are a bit worn, some loss to the paper, as usual for a work from this period. . Mounting: At an earlier time, each page was expertly mounted on a stiff Washi [hand-made Japanese paper], into an accordion folded book. Each illustration is bordered with a rare and stunning crushed oyster-shell powder mixed with rice-glue and overlaid on the border paper. The stunning effect is a rare shimmering pearl-like color and hue with a remarkable effect. This rare and largely unknown effect has been used for print backgrounds by some of the later masters. RareOrientalBooks.Com . This was no ordinary mounting, and appropriate for an exceptionally and most unusual RARE book ! . Contents: By and large, the contents are clean, solid, with a two old worm holes for the first 6 of 7 pages. These are small and towards the edge, and does not detract from the overall quality of the illustration. On page 7 there are a few center margin old minor worm holes. All of these have been restored when the prints were laid down on the thick Washi paper, creating book format. The work is otherwise solid and firm. There are a few 'rubs' on the old Washi paper, which was made from very soft Kozo fibers, common to any item of this period on this on handmade papers of the period. . *** CONDITION OF THE WOOODBLOCK PRINTS: . These are very early black and white woodcut prints. Each print has an excellent and vivid impression, key blocks are black and superbly printed with strong images. The paper is old and has the patina of paper from that age, the usual minor, mild surface rubbing or thumbing in the lower corners, which is common. . We tend to be overly critical of any flaws found on our books, and believe it is better to overly describe rather than avoid such discussion any imperfections. Suffice to say, by and large this is an excellent item in very nice condition, something that any collector or museum would be proud to own. Please review photos posted to our website. . *** R A R I T Y OF SUBJECT: The placement of the genitals on the forehead gives one a lot of room to theorize on the meaning of such artistic expression. In our 50 years of experience in dealing Japanese woodblock printed books and painted original art, this is the first and only example with such imaginative and symbolist expression. With the beginning of the work showing the Buddha and his two disciples lacking any genitals on their foreheads, one can simply assume, that in a Buddhist way, they have given up carnal desire, as represented by common people who's foreheads display genitals, perhaps meaning that sex is on their minds or they simply view others as sexual objects, eager to make love and engage in carnal thoughts and activities. Obviously seeing an erect penis on some man whiles others see what he thinks and feels is an insight to his innermost thoughts and desires. In all cases in this book the men all show an erect penis. The women are a bit more difficult to fathom. Their vaginas are simply visible on their foreheads, and no fluids are visible or other evidence of their carnal desire or sexually excited stated. All of the men have public hair adjacent to their sex organs, while all women are lacking any pubic hair completely. This is an erotic symbolism, giving full view to women's genitals. . *** "BANNED" or "PROHIBITED" BOOKS: Shun Pon, Haru Bon: RareOrientalBooks.Com In the case of this item, it is very likely that it was printed in a much smaller discreet quantity than the 200 copies possible off the blocks. Due to the "banned" nature of such books, there is no date, publisher nor place cited. One is simply left to determine the date and artist by stylistic analysis. It is well-known that during the Tokugawa period [1603-1868], erotic prints and books were "BANNED" or "PROHIBITED" by decree of the Shogun. One of the influencing factors was that during this period some Shoguns were changing their views and being influenced by Christians who entered Japan during this period. The Shogun did not want foreigners, and Jesuit missionaries to think that Japan was a crass and base nation. Naturally foreigners soon learned that prostitution was rampant and so this strange logic from the Shogun never had much affect on the Christians and surely not on the Japanese. . The Shogun enforced severe punishments for persons involved in drawing, printing, carving blocks and publishing erotic books and prints. With out the "Kiwame" or censor's approval seal, all such items were "Banned" outright by the Shogun decree. . While these "Prohibited" books and prints were widely circulated in an "underground" society, there are ample examples of famous artists taking on commissions to produce erotic books and prints fun or profit. The record and bibliography is loaded with these examples. "Banning" such erotic works simply meant that the number printed were limited to smaller numbers and distribution was done under the table, discretely circulating such books privately among collectors. During these times it was not necessary for artists to sign their such artistic creations, by-and-large the population had a very good idea who the artist was by being familiar with their style and other works, it was simply a "public secret" who the artist was. Often the artist poked fun at the Shogun with political jokes and assumed names to confound any chance of being discovered by the authorities. . Over the centuries, this knowledge decreased and is now the domain of the art historian or scholar to identify and determine the actual artist. Stylistic analysis remains the standard method for unsigned works. . *** THE ARTIST/SCHOOLS: While there are no signatures or seals indicating the artist's name or even his alternate Go [studio name], we believe this work is part of the "Primitives and First Century of Ukiyo-e School 1660-1765" period. [See Lane below]. The women's coiffeur is very similar to those found in this period, as well as the drawing style, technique and genre. It is this cataloger's opinion that this work was likely the creation of one of the Moronobu School masters. Perhaps done by Sukenobu, Yoshikiyo, Morishige, Sugimura, Moronobu, Kiyonobu, Masanobu, or others from this period. We believe this work was likely done from around 1710-1750. It was also likely that it was done by one of the artists listed below. . *** RareOrientalBooks.Com LIKELY ARTIST ATTRIBUTION: . MORONOBU SUKENOBU SCHOOL: Nishikawa Sukenobu [1671 -August 20, 1750] often called simply "Sukenobu", was a Japanese printmaker from Kyoto. He was unusual for a Ukiyo-e in being based in the imperial capital of Kyoto. He did prints of actors, but gained note for his works concerning women. His Hyakunin Joro Shinasadame: Appreciating 100 Women, in two volumes published in 1723, depicted women of all classes, from the empress to prostitutes, and received favorable results His Hyakunin Joro Shinasadame: Appreciating 100 women, in two volumes published in 1723, depicted women of all classes, from the empress to prostitutes, and received favorable results Leading members of this school were: Nishikawa Sukenobu the founder; Nishikawa Suketada; Kawashima Nobukiyo; Nishikawa Terunobu; and Takagi Sadatake. . * HISHIKAWA MORONOBU SCHOOL: Hishikawa Moronobu [1618-July 25, 1694] was a Japanese painter and printmaker known for his advancement of the Ukiyo-e woodcut style starting in the 1670s. Leading members of the MORONOBU school were: Hishikawa Moronobu the founder; Hishikawa Morofusa; Hishikawa Moroyoshi; Hishikawa Moronaga; Hishikawa Moroshige; Hishikawa Morohira; and Tamazaki Ryujo. . *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: This title is NOT listed in any of the below resources: * SHIBUI, Kiyoshi. UKIYO-E NAISHI. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JAPANESE EROTIC ILLUSTRATED WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOKS. * H. KERLEN. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * Richard Lane: IMAGES FROM THE FLOATING WORLD THE JAPANESE PRINT; pages 28, 40-60 show examples of the Ukiyo-e primitives [1660-1765], especially the Moronobu school, pp.60-88 et al. * KSM: no entry found. * Nor any other usual bibliographies on Japanese Ehon [woodblock printed books] or Japanese erotica. * See: WIKIPEDIA: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanjaku *** Book Number: 98047701 317 MORRA, Lella. et al. CATALOGO N. 3. STAMPE E LIBRI ILLUSTRATI GIAPPONESI. [Venezia 1992 ?]. Stiff rose wrs., very good, oblong format, 70 b.w. photos, bibliography, price list, [42]p., Italian text, English condition, notes sheet tipped in, covers 69 well described & illustrated items. A useful referernce. RareOrientalBooks.Com $67590 Co-author Gianni. Covers a good variety of prints & illustrated woodblock printed books. Includes works by Hokusai, Shunsho, Kiyonaga, Hoshu, Bosai, Hokkei, Hokuun, Hokusai Taito II, Shinsai, Bumpo, Kosetsu, Gessho, Soken, Korin &c. $26 Book Number: 93090601 318 MURAKAMI, Wagao. KOHZUKE NO KUNI YOCHI ZENZU: COMPLETE MAP OF KOZUKE PROVINCE Edo [1837], Yamashiro. Blue stiff covers, very good, color woodblock printed, some folds tender, list of shrines, castles, famous places, color key, compass, 126 x 104 cm., folds down to 18 x 25.5 cm. Shows the whole province, roads, cities, villages, rivers, mountains, done in a "bird's eye" type aerial view. A very attractive work, with pastel colors, rich green mountains and forests. With a few small & old worm holes, otherwise quite nice. * Handsome, suitable for framing and wall display. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Kurita #17. *** MAP OF OLD EDO LOCATING THE HATAMOTO & SAMURAI RESIDENCES RareOrientalBooks.Com $615 Book Number: 93081101 319 MURATA, Hikobei. SHO GO DAIMYOO OYASHIKI GOH IN: CERTIFIED EDO MAP OF DAIMYO RESIDENCES. Edo 1861, Murataya. Single sheet, color woodblock printed map, 96 x 68 cm., rebacked, some old worming now mended,very clean, folds down to 12.5 x 18 cm., in indigo-blue folding Chitsu case, bone clasps. A lovely map of Edo, with an appendage at the East portion of the map [31.5 x 15.5 cm]. Shows sail boats plying the bay, the canals and all of the wards in the biggest city in Japan. * Nanba states: "This map, drawn to scale of 1 bu to 20 ken is much like many others of this type in both scale and content. They all originated...from maps drawn by Ochikochi Doin. What distinguishes this map from others is its detailed information on residences of Daimyo, Hatamoto and other Samurai." * The Mon [crest] of each family is clearly shown on residences and on detached villas. Large directional characters on each side, with colophon. The Hatamoto are within the moat, near the palace. Clearly shows rivers, roads, individual wards, important houses, ships ply the harbor, with folded appendage at the East to show the whole of the area. * A very nice, crisp copy, suitable for framing and display. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: NANBA, Matsutaro. ed. et al. OLD MAPS IN JAPAN: see plate # 93, for a very similar item. *** $952 Book Number: 84302801 320 NAGAKUBO, Sekisui. NAGASAKI GYOEKI NIKKI: Nagasaki Travel Diary. [N.p. 1767, n.p.]. Blue stitched wrs., 3 vol. set, very good somewhat rubbed, minimal worming. Some damp stain on 1st few pages of vol.2. Woodblock printed on handmade paper. R A R E Interesting narrative of the Chinese and Dutch who lived in Deshima. Well-illustrated, showing Dutch shipping customs, unusual objects, the Chinese and their life-style. FIRST MAP IN JAPAN TO USE & SHOW LONGITUDAL LINES RareOrientalBooks.Com $7480 Book Number: 91029101 321 [NAGAKUBO, Sekisui.] [SHIN] DAI NIPPON YOHCHI ROTEI ZENZU. COMPLETE REVISED MAP OF JAPAN WITH DISTANCES. [Japan] Bunka 8 [1811], Suharaya. Folded map, wooden covers woodblock printed in color, with-hand coloring, 88.5 x 133 cm., folded, minor closed tears and a bit old restored folds and old worming now solid, very good contition. R A R E ! Although this map was printed with the blocks from 1779, edition, it has a new imprint colophon at the lower left, which shows this to be the 1811 or Bunka 8th year printing, with publisher's name Suwahara. A grand size wall map showing all of Japan, the major & minor islands, covering from 30-41 degrees South to North. * Showing 10 hand colored compasses, rivers and lakes in blue, mountains in green, cities, villages named, shrines, temples & castles, famous places, ancient castles & battle grounds, port towns, rivers, sea lanes distance chart, in the inset on the lower left corner showing the later date. . Beautifully color woodblock printed, suitable for display. Highly detailed work with through legend, with all provinces clearly divided each in a different color. * WHO WAS NAGAKUBO SEKISUI: This was the work of a Confucian scholar from Mito, and his maps were considered more accurate than his predes sors. This is the first Japanese example to show, use and print longitudinal lines. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Cortazzi: ISLES OF GOLD ANTIQUE MAPS OF JAPAN: p.110, color plate 41 is the exact map we list here. Our copy matches his illustrated version. * G. Beans: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA: p.25; p.24 1779.1; p.29 1791.2; p.33 1811.1 for the variants. * H. Nakamura: MONUMENTA CARTOGRAPHICA JAPONICA: color illustrated on p.70, plate 33. * M. Namba OLD MAPS IN JAPAN, color illustrated on p.41, #29. * A SUPERB OVAL PROJECTION OF THE WORLD RareOrientalBooks.Com $6564 Book Number: 93101301 322 NAGAKUBO, Sekisui. SHINSEI YOCHI ZENZU: NEW COMPLETE MAP OF THE NUMEROUS COUNTRIES ON THE GLOBE. Japan 1844, Denken. Orange stiff oxidized front cover, back cover replaced with stiff text, contained in a blue cloth Chitsu case, folds down to 11.7 x 17.8 cm., opens to 92.5 x 36 cm., woodblock printed by hand, on hand-made paper. RARE A very nice reissue of his most celebrated & excellent 1788 CHIKYU BANKOKU SANKA YOSHI ZEN ZUSETSU: WORLD MAP OF THE COUNTRIES ON THE GLOBE. * Hand-coloured outline for oceans, countries & the continents. The sheet is very large and contains the title and oval projection map on the right half; the left half [about 40%] contains the descriptive text, dated colophon and cartographer's name, and the key to symbols. Truly a most lovely & charming primitive Japanese world map. This map was influenced by Matthew Ricci's World Map. Japanese cartography lagged Europe by about a hundred years, due to the political policy of Sakoku or "closed nation." * A very small amount factual cartographic information rickled in through Deshima Island, a small island in Nagasaki Bay. There the Dutch were restricted to living on a tiny place, virtual prisoners and not allowed to visit the mainland without invitation or armed guards. Nevertheless, Rangaku-sha or Japan students of Dutch learning visited Deshima, and studied under the Dutch, or learned from those who learned from the Dutch which inspired many Japanese scientists, doctors, innovators and even native cartographers. * Because Japan, was a "closed nation" there was a great thirst for Western knowledge. Maps of this sort were very popular and gave the Japanese their first true "world view." A famous cartographer and map, see Sir Hugh Cortazzi's ISLES OF GOLD, p.35, where he discusses Sekisui at length. Sekisui was the forerunner of the greatest Japanese cartographer, Ino Tadataka. This slightly distorted version RareOrientalBooks.Com of the world shows a large area is devoted to both the Arctic & Antarctic regions. Asia is central, with a vague North and South American continents. * An excellent example of early & primitive Japanese world cartography. Nagakubo was also known as Genju Mito. This map was revised by Den Rinkoku. The paper is remarkably white & quite bright, by & large a most obscure example. * CONDITION: There are three small light spots in top margin, not affecting the map or text; and one faint spot in the text. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Beans: LIST, SUPPLEMENT "A": p.23: as 1844.01. * Kobe City Museum: AKIOKA KOCHIZU KOREKUSHON MEIHIN TEN: p.14, #13, & p.90. * M. Namba; OLD MAPS IN JAPAN, p.163 where he cites this first edition of this map, with many other citations about Nagakubo. *** A LOVELY ZEN INSPIRED ILLUSTRATED SKETECHBOOK Book Number: 27046201 323 NAKABAYASHI, Chikuto. REPRINT: CHIKUTO SHIKUNSHI GAFU: ALBUM OF PAINTINGS OF THE FOUR PARAGONS: BAMBOO, CHRYSANTHEMUM, ORCHID & PLUM. [Kyoto n.d. ca 1868 Unsodo]. Dark grey boards, very clean, accordion folded, 2 vol. set, 18 x 26.5 cm.,[29]double color Sumi type woodcut illustrations, bright copy, reprint of the Kyoto 1854 First Edition, complete, nicely done. SCARCE A lovely book, with tender illustrations from the Zen and Confucian genre. Illustrates flowers, grasses, rocks, large number of bamboos, plum, chrysanthemum, grapes, ancient pine trees & ordhids. Reminiscent of the Chinese classics: MUSTARD SEED GARDEN, and TEN BAMBOO. A stunning old reprint edition. * This is a famous and illusive book ! Nakabayashi Chikutoh lived between 1775-1853, was a native of Owari province, but spent most of his life in Kyoto, where he studied under the celebrated Miyasaki Impo. He was known for his rather peculiar painting technique, using his paint as dry as possible. His work was chiefly in landscape painting, although some of the pictures of bamboos left by him are RareOrientalBooks.Com $5304 very fine. * Other signatures used by him [studio names] were Seisho. Narimasa, Hakumei, Taigen-an, Yusai and Tozan Inshi. * He used his great skill and artistry to leave a legacy of other books: CHIKUTOH GAFU; YUSAI GAFU; CHIKUTO SANSUI GAKOH, CHIKUTOH SANJIN JIMBUTSU, and this title, published from 1812-1852 respectively. Much of above extracted from L. Brown, see citation in bibliography. * Per Hillier: The most eminent among the teachers [of Chinese -style painting] of the time was Nakabayashi Chikutoh. His principal master was Kamiya Tenyu, by whose notable collection of Chinese paintings Chikutoh was no doubt led in the direction of Nanga [style], and an association with Baitsu early in his career may have helped to broaden his outlook. Ultimately, he became of the leading art theorists and wrote several books on painting, beginning with one, as early as 1801....gave some notion of his quiet, reticent kind of painting, often carried out in Sumi, of a warmth of tone and variety of brush-marks that are his hall-marks. [p.923-4]. * His works are clearly influenced by and reminiscent of the most celebrated of all Chinese illustrated books, THE TEN BAMBOO STUDIOI and the MUSTARD SEED GARDEN [please inquire as we have these titles in stock] from the 18th century in what has been called "boneless manner" that is printed without lines or commonly referred to as the 'Shikunshi" painting tradition or style. This technique was often utilized by Zen eccentrics who painted in the Chinese manner and what Hillier cites as "dream landscapes" on p.75, wherein he includes Chikutoh and later Nanga artists. * CONTENTS: Volume 1: Orchid and Bamboo: 15 double-folds, illustrating 4 orchids and 9 bamboos; volume 2: Plum and Chrysanthemum: 17 double-folds, illustrates 6 plums, 4 chrysanthemums and 6 copies of ancient works. All illustrations are of the line type with subtle Sumi ink wash. * This is truly a stunning and unique study by an even more obscure and unusual artist. This work was done in the Zen eccentric style is superbly charming, from its stylized title slip, written in Kanbun [Chinese style] introduction and Spartan drawing techniques is reminiscent of the Chinese Ch'an [Zen] monks technique. * Check with us to see if we have any others by this artist. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: ~~ p.107 cites this book and biographical notes on Chikutoh ~~ under THE GANKU AND THE CHINESE SCHOOLS. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ~~ ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.422, top of page cites this book. * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, ~~ SHIJO & OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A BIBLIOGRAPHY: ~~ p.238, RareOrientalBooks.Com * BM 1898, P.11, CITED AS Chikutoh Shikunshi Gafu BM 1904, p16116.d.13 listed as Yusai Gafu, 1854 * STOCKHOLM 517 listed as CHIUTO SHIKUNSHI. * J. Hillier: THE ART OF THE JAPANESE BOOK p.75, 923-4, ~~ plate 616 * NOT CITED IN: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS. This artist has clearly alluded the discriminating eye of this author. * NOT CITED IN: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJ-JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN THE PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: Apparently this title has escaped the scrutiny of any Dutch collector or museum, but he cites another title by this artist, #125, p.52. * OBSCURE & SUPERBLY PAINTED WORK, DONE IN THE CHINESE STYLE Book Number: 27015701 324 NAKABAYASHI, Chikutoh. CHIKUDO SHIKUNSHI GAFU: ALBUM OF PAINTINGS OF THE FOUR PARAGONS. [Which are Woodcut Studies Of Bamboo, [Kyoto 1854, Fujii]. Blue covers, accordion folded, title slip, ca. 16.5 x 27 cm., covers faded, edges bit worn,solid, contents clean, solid, 2 volume set: 15+16 double leaves, 30 double-page illustrations, complete. R A R E FIRST EDITION This is a famous and illusive book ! Nakabayashi Chikutoh lived between 1775-1853, was a native of Owari province, but spent most of his life in Kyoto, where he studied under the celebrated Miyasaki Impo. He was known for his rather peculiar painting technique, using his paint as dry as possible. His work was chiefly in landscape painting, although some of the pictures of bamboos left by him are RareOrientalBooks.Com $588 very fine. * Other signatures used by him [studio names] were Seisho. Narimasa, Hakumei, Taigen-an, Yusai and Tozan Inshi. * He used his great skill and artistry to leave a legacy of other books: CHIKUTOH GAFU; YUSAI GAFU; CHIKUTO SANSUI GAKOH, CHIKUTOH SANJIN JIMBUTSU, and this title, published from 1812-1852 respectively. Much of above extracted from L. Brown, see citation in bibliography. * Per Hillier: The most eminent among the teachers [of Chinese -style painting] of the time was Nakabayashi Chikutoh. His principal master was Kamiya Tenyu, by whose notable collection of Chinese paintings Chikutoh was no doubt led in the direction of Nanga [style], and an association with Baitsu early in his career may have helped to broaden his outlook. Ultimately, he became of the leading art theorists and wrote several books on painting, beginning with one, as early as 1801....gave some notion of his quiet, reticent kind of painting, often carried out in Sumi, of a warmth of tone and variety of brush-marks that are his hall-marks. [p.923-4]. His works are clearly influenced by and reminiscent of the most celebrated of all Chinese illustrated books, THE TEN BAMBOO and the MUSTARD SEED GARDEN [please inquire as we have these titles in stock] from the 18th century in what has been called "boneless manner" that is printed without lines or commonly referred to as the 'Shikunshi" painting tradition or style. This technique was often utilized by Zen eccentrics who painted in the Chinese manner and what Hillier cites as "dream landscapes" on p.75, wherein he includes Chikutoh and later Nanga artists. * CONTENTS: Volume 1: Orchid and Bamboo: 15 double-folds, illustrating 4 orchids and 9 bamboos; volume 2: Plum and Chrysanthemum: 17 double-folds, illustrates 6 plums, 4 chrysanthemums and 6 copies of ancient works. All illustrations are of the line type with subtle Sumi ink wash. * This is truly a stunning and unique study by an even more obscure and unusual artist. This work was done in the Zen eccentric style is superbly charming, from its stylized title slip, written in Kanbun [Chinese style] introduction and Spartan drawing techniques is reminiscent of the Chinese Ch'an [Zen] monks technique. * TADAMASA HAYASHI'S PERSONAL COPY: Both volumes are stamped at the bottom of the title slip with the celebrated collector and art dealer's personal cinnabar chop or Hanko at the bottom, with characters: "HAYASHI". * Tadamasa Hayashi (1853-1906) was one of the most important figures in the development of Japonism in Europe, as well as in the history of late 19th century Japanese art and crafts. The inability of the Japanese to recognize the aesthetic value of Ukiyo-e made prints readily and cheaply available to exporters like Hayashi, who marketed them in Europe as art prints, fetching appropriate prices and making large profits. Hayashi became the most renowned Japanese art RareOrientalBooks.Com dealer and collector who contributed significantly to the formation of French taste and knowledge of Japanese art in the late 19th century. He worked closely with Siegfried Bing, where the two of them opened a magnificent art shop called "Maison de l'Art Nouveau" in Paris in the late 19th century, showing works of artists that would become known as the "Art Nouveau" movement, named after their store. Siegfried Bing, was important to the Japanese influence on art nouveau, and he later released a whole series of books titled: "LE JAPAN ARTISTIQUE" which influenced artists that were read for example by Gustav Klimt, and set off a boom in the collecting of Japanese art throughout Europe & England. * Hayashi went to Japan several times collecting art works, Japanese prints, Japanese woodcut-printed books and placed his personal seal on those he kept for himself which had special merit. This example from his collection is evidence of his discriminating and impeccable taste. Books or prints with this personal seal are highly coveted and collected ! * Check with us to see if we have any others by this artist. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: ~~ p.107 cites this book and biographical notes on Chikutoh ~~ under THE GANKU AND THE CHINESE SCHOOLS. * K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ~~ ILLUSTRATED BOOKS: p.422, top of page cites this book. * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, ~~ SHIJO & OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A BIBLIOGRAPHY: ~~ p.238, * BM 1898, P.11, CITED AS Chikutoh Shikunshi Gafu BM 1904, p16116.d.13 listed as Yusai Gafu, 1854 * STOCKHOLM 517 listed as CHIUTO SHIKUNSHI. * J. Hillier: THE ART OF THE JAPANESE BOOK p.75, 923-4, ~~ plate 616 * NOT CITED IN: L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS. This artist has clearly alluded the discriminating eye of this author. * NOT CITED IN: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJ-JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN THE PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: Apparently this title has escaped the scrutiny of any Dutch collector or museum, but he cites another title by this artist, #125, p.52. * A LARGE COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED WORLD MAP RareOrientalBooks.Com $3128 Book Number: 93091603 325 NAKAJIMA, Jo. SHINTEI CHIKYUU BANKOKU HOOZU: NEW MAP OF THE WORLD. Edo 1852, Toryoh. Yellow stiff covers, symbol key, inset of four color globes, woodblock printed by hand on hand made paper, opens to ca. 1 meter 31.5 x 80 cm., folds down to ca. 17 x 27 cm., some folds mended, slight soil, toned. R A R E This grand wall map is beautifully done, with Africa at the far left, the Americas to the right, Asia in the central area. Each country differently colored, profusion of place names in Kanji or Katakana. Equatorial line, longitude and latitude given, no Tropic of Cancer or Capricorn cited. The four inset globes show different hemispheres. * This map was issued concurrent with the arrival of Commodore Perry, and reflected the world at that time. A large color wall map, handsome and ready for framing and display. Japanese cartography lagged far behind Western cartographer's renditions of world maps. * Receiving their Western cartographic education via the Dutch in Deshima Island in Nagasaki harbor, the Japanese world view was severely limited, their perspective was based on what the Dutch brought in terms of atlases, globes and maps. Most Japanese world maps lagged some one hundred or more years, this example is considered an "early world map" in Japanese terms. It was in Dutch interest to keep the Japanese aware of as little of the "modern & new worlds' as possible. Well executed, nicely drawn and colored. Always RARE. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEANS, George H. A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA: p.40, 1852.2. * T. Oda: THE WORLD IN JAPANESE MAPS UNTIL THE MID-19TH CENTURY, pp. 214-215, he illustrates this exact map with a full page color example. **** A HORIZONTAL PILGRIMS WALKING MAP OF ALL JAPAN RareOrientalBooks.Com $4896 Book Number: 93087001 326 [NAKAZAWA, Kashiro.] DAI NIHON HAYABIKI SAIKEN EZU: PICTORIAL ROAD MAP OF JAPAN. Nara 1857, Ezuya Shohachi. A folded map, woodblock printed & colored by hand, opens to 1 meter 39 x 37.5 cm., folds down to 19 x 8 cm., original brown covers, in brown cloth Chitsu folding case, bamboo pegs. S C A R C E This map was essentially used by pilgrims who walked from town to town on the roads performing their religious obligation. Showing great detail of the roads, villages, rivers, distance chart, key to shrines, temples, castles, inns, tea shops, sights &c. This map was actually designed with the pilgrim pedestrian in mind, who while walking, could refer to this and keep neatly tucked into his Obi sash or Kimono sleeve for quick reference. * This map is a narrow and very long accordion folded format which segments of the county with each fold. With directional compass, key to distances in Ri [Japanese miles], red for small towns, yellow for larger towns, and black for Kuni [now prefectures], shows ships in the waters, and shipping lanes, key to symbols. * A complete map of all Japan, from Hokkaido in the North, down to Nagasaki and the Southern islands. Excellent for display and framing. * These maps are commonly called "Dochu" or "Itinerary Maps." A very charming work, nicely illustrated with pastel colors. Actually carried by pilgrims on holy journeys visiting Shinto and Buddhist shrines. * REFERENCE: M. Namba: OLD MAPS IN JAPAN, pp.64-71, plate 39 for a similar item, ours is not so brightly colored, and was published eight years earlier. * Book Number: 88081601 327 NARAZAKI, Muneshige. HOKUSAI SKETCHES AND PAINTINGS. Ahead of Title: Master works of Ukiyo-e. Tokyo [1969], Kodansha. White cloth, very good, slipcase, 75 color, 5 b.w. Hokusai illustrations, 96p., English by John Bester, 19 x 26.5 cm. An excellent reference source book. FIRST EDITION Covers a combination of Hokusai paintings, sketches, and his illustrated books: The Manga, Thirty-Six Views of Fuji, One RareOrientalBooks.Com $1906 Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji, & many others. Various color wood block print series et al. Highly useful reference work. $53 THE ART WORKS OF THE "DA VINCI" OF JAPAN Book Number: 97082201 328 NARUSE, Fujio. SHIBA KOHKAN: PICTURUES OF SHIBA KOKAN'S WORKS. [Osaka 1983, Osaka Bijutsu-sho Kyodoh Kumiai]. Blue cloth, very clean, slipcase, Japanese text,5 color, 133 b.w. photos ca. 19 x 26 cm., solid copy. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 2000 COPIES An excellent art reference on Shiba Kokan's paintings and calligraphy, western influenced paintings, the use of perspective &c. With a biography of him, and the story of his Dutch influenced career. . $97 Book Number: 89046502 329 NEWMAN, Alex R. et al. JAPANESE ART: A Collector's Guide. New York [1964],Barnes. Black cloth, over white,271p., index 15 figures, 106 b.w. photos, bibliograhy, co-author Egerton Ryerson, 27 x 27 cm., clean, solid copy. FIRST EDITION This is a comprehensive and important reference source book designed for collectors to identify and learn about every aspect of Japanese art objects. Arranged by subject, this work is monographic in design, devoting a complete chapter, with bibliography on each art form. . Copious drawings & photographs accompany the text. Some subjects covered are: arms and armour, books, printing, boxes, ceramics, clocks, coins. . Dolls, dress, textiles, fans, games, ghosts, houses, Inro, Netsuke & Ojime, lacquer, magic charms, masks, metalware, ornaments, mirrors, musical instruments, painting & prints, religions, smokers' utensils, Tea Ceremony, transport, weddings &c. . Each section is well written and organized, with ease of use the author's concern. Essential for any student. RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 Book Number: 22002401 330 NIHON KODAI MOYO: JAPANESE ANCIENT DESIGNS. NIHON KODAI MOYO: JAPANESE ANCIENT DESIGNS. [Kyoto n.d. ca. 1910, Unsodo]. Stitched stiff wrs.,very good volumes 2 & 3 of ? number set, each volume is complete in itself, 25 double leaves per volume, ie 50 pages per volume, all illustrations, no text, done in black & white. An entirely delightful design book, based on B.C. era native Japanese & Buddhist design and motifs. These designs were found on early and primitive textiles, in and on temples and shrines interiors, family crests or Mon found on Kimono, items casted in bronze, incense burners, Imperial family crests and Mon marks, embroideries, New Years toys [Hagoita] and games, animistic use, and snow flakes. A superb look at Japan's oldest patterns and designs. All done in a Shibui style, using Sumi black and white line design. This sort of book has long been coveted by textile and designers in the West for refined inspiration. Scans can be sent by email. A LARGE WOODBLOCK PRINTED SHEET OF THE GODS OF MANGAN-JI Book Number: 36005201 331 NIKKO SAN MANGAN-JI: NIKKO MOUNTAIN MANGAN TEMPLE. NIKKO SAN MANGAN-JI: PRINCIPAL GODS OF NIKKO MOUNTAIN MANGAN TEMPLE. [A Broadside Large Kakejiku Sheet] [Nikko n.d. ca.1850-60, Mangan Temple]. Broadside, 29.5 x 65 cm., 4 folds, woodblock printed in black outline, Kakejiku format should be mounted, very good, clean, couple of folds restored on verso, else nice item. A LOVELY PERIOD LARGE BRAODSIDE SHEET, KAJIKU SIZE OF THE . . SEVEN PRINCIPAL GODS OF IDURU-SAN MANGAN-JI [TEMPLE] . . . THE SEVEN BUDDHIST ICONIC SCROLL: . RareOrientalBooks.Com $408 This is an excellent period Buddhist souvenir, either given to or bought by pilgrims visiting the old temple. . There has been a long-standing Buddhist tradition for believers to make a pilgrimage to several Buddhist temples within their life time. This example is a fine representation of proof of a visit to a high-mountain temple, requiring great effort to climb the stone steps and follow the steep path to it summit. Climbers were most likely rewarded by receiving a blessing from the temple monks and gifted this scroll. . This broadside shows the seven principal Gods of Mangan-Ji [Mangan temple]. Each God is depicted as an iconic image, the three at the top are seated upon a lotus flower, with title text at the bottom. *** CONDITION: The work is in original clean, unblemished condition, with folds as preserved from about 160+ years ago. Some of the folds were worn and have been properly restored from the verso many years ago using Washi paper and rice glue, typical of the type of work done in Japan. The work is now stable and solidly restored. It is ready to be mounted and made into a Kakejiku [hanging scroll]. . The images are clear, nicely woodblock-printed in solid black Sumi in outline, no issues. *** THE ICONS: The Icons are not exactly the "Shichi Fukujin" [Seven Gods of Luck and Good Fortune] in Japan. Each one of them symbolizes a virtue: Honesty, Fortune, Dignity. Amiability, Longevity, Happiness and Wisdom. . They were chosen from Hinduist, Buddhist, Taoist and Shintoist gods or saints, and settled into Japanese Folklore Gods, believed to have been grouped together around 17th century. . However, at the very bottom is the confirmed image of Daikokuten [Daikoku-san]. Originally, he was a Hindu warrior deity named Mahakala and once introduced in Japan he became the God of Wealth and Prosperity. He is well known for his happy-looking smile and is often presented with a bag on this shoulder filled with money and a magic mallet standing on two bales of rice. The virtue he represents is Fortune. * The other icons are Buddhist and have no exact names identifying them. The last three are seated or standing on a dias. Please see the photos posted to our website. *** REFERENCES: http://www.city.kawanishi.hyogo.jp/english/7515/guidance/sig htseeing/mangan.html * http://www.idurusan.com * "Shichi Fukujin" [Seven Gods of Fortune]: https://www.kusuyama.jp/culture/shichi-fukujin-seven-gods-of -luck-and-good-fortune/ *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $109 A JAPANESE WOODBLOCK PRINTED MAP OF CHINESE DYNASTIES Book Number: 20040401 332 NINOMIYA, Seiken. comp. [NAGAKUBO, Seiksui] SHINA REKIDAI ENKAKU ZU: HISTORICAL ATLAS OF CHINA THROUGHOUT THE SUCCESSIVE DYNASTIES. [Osaka 1857, Suharaya]. Grey stiff paper covers, very worn, but contents intact,large size 24 x 37 cm.,accordion folded, [14] double-folded leaves, consists of 13 color woodblock printed maps, map 2 has ca. 20 x 10 cm missing @ top center. The other maps are fairly clean, minor center folds mended covers lacking cover papers, solid, else complete. * THE AUTHOR: Ninomiya Seiken was the compiler and also wrote the preface. It is interesting that Ninomiya did a private publishing of this book which was by and largely copied from NAGAKUBO Sekisui's work on the same subject. Actual production of the maps are: Maps 1 - 3 drawn by NAGAKUBO Sekisui's original title: MOROKOSHI REKIDAI SHU GUN ENKAKU CHIZU. Maps 4 - 6, NINOMIYA Seiken imitated NAGAKUBO's MOROKOSHI REKIDAI SHU GUN ENKAKU CHIZU. *** SUBJECTS OF THE MAPS: As an historical atlas, this work shows each of the dynasties beginning with the Great Ch'in, Western Ch'in, Eastern Han, Three Kingdoms, Northern & Southern Dynasties, T'ang, Ming, with a final map of Western Pacific region, it shows the West coast of North America with "Night Country" island at the top, all of Japan, Hokkaido all of Okinawa, down to the Malacca straits, Cambodia, Annam [Vietnam], Hainan Island, Guandong, Korea, Siberian and Tartary, with parts of the Great Wall, Peking and what a unified Ming Dynasty China looked like. Also other maps of the Yuan Mongol, Later Chou, Warring States, Thirty-six Provinces of Ch'in &c. This is essentially a Japanese impression of a Chinese map. * Each map shows the degrees for both latitude and longitude, as well as a Japanese compass, key to symbols. The ocean is skillfully colored in a pastel blue for the depths, fading and lighter blue effect near the coast lines. Each province, or country is a different color & properly named, with copious notes on the various islands, and inland waterways, mountains, cities, and the Gobi desert noted. Mongolia, Manchuria, Tartary is at the top, with a very large ocean RareOrientalBooks.Com above named 'Mizuumi' or Lake but this joins the Pacific ocean, leaving one the impression that this is part of the Pacific. Other period maps get more complicated as time passes into modern ages. * The earlier maps show fewer names, but still have considerable detail, with a several waterways from Japan to various destinations in China in red. Internal or land roads within China are also in red. As more political control over wider areas and the unification of China expanded, the provinces shifted, changed in size. What makes this set of maps fascinating, is they are all from a similar key block, with subtle variations in the coast line & of course the ever changing administrative areas. * An-nan [old Viet-nam or the 'Pacified South'] is always shown, as are all of the 'outer' areas or tributary areas that paid respect to the Chinese Emperors, thus the need to show these lands. Many of the maps clearly show the central or unified China area in a single color, with the outer areas of tributary lands & tributary kingdoms shown in separate and different colors. By the Han period [221 B.C.], the Chinese clearly knew themselves to be people of "Han" in contrast to other outlying ethnological people. * Very rare and unusual item and fascinating resource. * WOODBLOCK COLOR PRINTED: Entirely color printed by woodblocks on hand-made Washi paper. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: George H. Beans: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA, Supplement C, p.20 as entry: 1855. In fact this map was published in Ansei 4 [1857] and the colophon shows that date, but Beans entered this by the introduction date of Ansei 2nd year. Four entries later in the same volume on p.21 Beans lists [1877.2] MAP OF CHINA UNDER THE TS'ING [Qing] DYNASTY, which looks much more like this item, thus the confusing dates. This work was authored by Mito Sekisui per the colophon, so we think Beans has two errors. * STUNNING PRINTS FROM THE MASTER SHOWING WOMEN'S LIFE & PLAY RareOrientalBooks.Com $4760 Book Number: 27045901 333 NISHIKAWA, Sukenobu. KODAI BIJIN GAFU: ALBUM OF ANCIENT JAPANESE BEAUTIES. [Tokyo? 1919, n.p.]. Grey cloth, accordion folded album,37.5 x 26 cm., very good, minor soil to front covers, corners bit rubbed, contents clean, 12 color prints: 33 x 21 cm., reproduction of woodcuts by lithography. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This charming work contains lovely reprints of the master's color woodcut prints of ancient feminine beauty. A traditional view of Japanese women, showing them at their daily activities. * Print: 1. Strolling with family 2. Playing music, the Koto, Shamisen 3. Wearing Kimono 4. Visiting with friends 5. Enjoying the out of doors 6. Burning sparklers in August 7. Dancing 8. Walking in the rain wiht umbrella 9. Ohkoh or burning incense 10. Walking with friends 11. Shamisen lessons 12. Studying from books. * A lovely work depicting women of the early 17th century. * A BOOK OF JAPANESE BIRDS RareOrientalBooks.Com $177 Book Number: 84188601 334 [NISHIMURA, Kokyu.] SHOBIN KO: THOUGHTS ON SMALL THINGS [I.E. JAPANESE BIRDS] [Kyoto 1859, Kitamura]. Blue stitched stiff wrs., 32p., b.w. woodblock printed, 8 b.w. illustrations of birds, 16 x 23 cm some worming, restored, Japanese text complete, some stain to covers. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A lovely work showing a variety of Japanese birds. * CONDITION: The old worming has been restored with Japanese Washi rebacked to the inside of the pages. One illustration has some stain, else clean,. * $272 VALUABLE REPAIR GUIDE FOR CHINESE, JAPANESE & KOREAN BOOKS Book Number: 30035001 335 NORDSTRAND, Ove K. CHINESE DOUBLE-LEAVED BOOKS AND THEIR RESTORATION. [Munchen 1967, Libri]. Extracted article, [26p.] in all, A4 size, 23 figures/illustrations, stapled photo copy, as new. A fascinating resource for any student or collector of old stitch-bound Chinese, Japanese & Korean books. A "how-to" of mounting brocade corners, paper-sticks, knotting, stitching, patching worm holes, backing paper, how to make the folding protective covers. * With appendix of recipes for preparation of paste from flour, Chinese paste, and the use of synthetic paste. * Nicely written with ample and good illustrations. * PHOTO COPY OF THE ORIGINAL. Not returnable, not refundable. RareOrientalBooks.Com $26 STORY OF THE FAMOUS GENJI SAMURAI CHIEF IN THE HEIAN ERA Book Number: 20039001 336 NOTEI, Gaishi. YOSHINAKA KUN KO ZU E: DISTINGUISHED ILLUSTRATED SERVICES OF KISO YOSHINAKA/MINAMOTO NO YOSHINAKA. [Kyoto 1832, Maekawa]. Blue & brown stiff stitched wrs., 10 vol. set, complete, very clean, title slips, [311] double folded pages, entirely wood block printed, 55 woodcut illustrations,17 x 24.5 cm., complete, solid, crisp, bright copy. This is the biography of the celebrated Kiso Yoshinaka [1154-1184] also known as Minamoto no Yoshinaka. He was the hero of the Shinano-Kotsuke drama and was a well-know and respected horseman & archer. Yoritomo had killed his father father & ordered his death as a baby, seeking revenge and a retaking of Taira lands, he campaigned with an alliance of the Ashikaga. They triumphed and took no less than ten provinces from them. His brother Yoshitsune sent an army of 60,000 men against him [Yoshinaka] who was defeated at the battle of Awazu in Omi, he died with his four trusted companions in arms Imai, Higuchi, Tate & Nenoi, they were called his "Shi-ten." This very nicely illustrated work shows the evolution of the story, one excellent double-page illustration shows a young Yoshinaka chasing his wild horse through his mentor's Zashiki [mansion] causing a great comotion; a great battle on with the wanton killing of men, women, and babies aboard two small vessels; riding his great steed into victorious battle as he dispatches his apponent's head ! Another shows the all-powerful Yoshinaga charging ahead on his steed through a hail of arrows weilding his Katana [long sword] dispatching some 14 enemy as they tumble and hit the dirt ! With a host of other excellent action-packed dramatic battle. One shows Yoshinaka, as he crashes into the Kyoto Palace and siezes the Emperor as hostage ! This act enraged his enemies who mustered the forces and spelled the end of his life at 31 years old ! Although there is no written hint to the artist's identity, it seems to be that of Kuniyoshi or his school. F. Brinkley: A HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE p.307-8, etal. In E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN devotes a good paragraph on Yoshinaka & his story on p.385. [H. Murakami]: GREAT HISTORICAL FIGURES OF JAPAN p.86. For an excellent biographical note see THE JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO p.854. Scans can be sent by e-mail. Quite S C A R C E in very crisp collector's condition. Book Number: 90068401 337 OEDO O-EZU: GREAT MAP OF EDO. OEDO O-EZU: GREAT MAP OF EDO 1818. [Edo 1818, Suharaya Mohei]. Large folded map, 41 x 34 cm., folds down to 16 x 23.5 cm., very good, in Chitsu, covers scuffed worn, contents clean, woodblock printed in color, an excellent example. S C A R C E A large folding map, neatly rebacked, showing the whole city of Edo [Tokyo], with sail boats in the harbor, large directional symbols at each edge, key to famous places, list of RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 distances from Nihon-bashi, recommended foods, medicines and other products. Showing the river system of the city, the Shogun's Castle, its moat, the temples, shrines and listing the various sectors, wards and suburban areas. Nicely done, some worming, but re-backed and restored. Suitable for display. *** $2380 A CHARMING CLASSIC OF CONFUCIAN & MORAL ETHICS FOR SAMURAI Book Number: 22029001 338 OGURI, Kojiro Sukeshige. OGURI GAI DEN: TALES OF THE SAMURAI OGURI HANGAN: Being the Story of the Lives, the Adventures & Misadventures of the Osaka 1813, Kawauchi. Red & blue stitched stiff wrs., covers rubbed, edges worn, contents solid, 18 volume set, Japanese text, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made mulberry paper, 26+24+26+28+21+37+25+38+18+23+24+22+23+15 double-folded lealeaves, with many woodcut illustrations. A lovely Edo period edition, a legend based on fact, "...containing essential features of the enduring moral view of people, giving a continued life from generation to generation down the centuries centuries" is how De Benneville put it. A classic of Japanese literature and moral education. Often performed in the theatre or now in the cinema, this work is part of an important method of learning the history of the land and the deeds of famous fore-bears. A morale romance, set in 15th century, in Hitachi province. It covers the houses of Oguri & Satake, adventures & misadventures of Sukeshige & Terute, a vendetta accomplished. For a surperb & rare English translation see TALES OF THE SAMURAI OGURI HANGWAN ICHIDAIKI... translated by James S. De Benneville or inquire with us as we may have a copy available. The work is a stunning story or Kodan [dialogue-lecture] with excellent illustrations of the characters & main events. De Benneville even cites this edition on p.xi of the preface, from which one can expect he did this translation. By and large a great example of from Japan's rich pantheon of literary and Confucian moral classics. Stories of this nature were the foundation on which Bushido, or the Samurai's "spirit" was based, it was the kind of book that most noblemen, noblewomen and Samurai read for moral training, and the substance for generations. The first 7 volumes are in red, balance in blue, issued. Scans can be sent by email. RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 AN EXCELLENT & MAJOR MARVELOUS REFERENCE RESOURCE Book Number: 99030201 339 [OIKAWA, Shigeru.] et al. KYOSAI NO GIGA: KYOSAI'S CARICATURE PICTURES. [Tokyo 1992,] Tokyo Shoseki. Grey cloth, as new copy, 179p., 165 color, 12 b.w. plates & illustrations, 2p. English essay and list of caricatures, showing date, material, publisher, title, size, owner or location, balance Japanese text, dj. This superb monographic and color reference book covers a host of hitherto unusual books, prints and illustrations by the great master. Kyosai was one of two great innovators of imagination in Japanese woodblock printing, along with Yoshitoshi, these two artists represented some of the most stunning and unique creations in this genre. * Kyosai drew traditional Japanese subjects with a keen focus on humour, ghosts, goblins, deamons and Gods, touching on Buddhist subjects, including representations of Buddhist Hell. * This work covers how the Europeans viewed his works, commic illustrations, parody, the world of the supernatural: including his magnificient and highly imaginative ghosts, goblins and monsters ! This work brings together the best of his great talent, delightful comic works, and gives the reader a great insight to the talent and zany if not crazy perspective he had on life ! An essential reference source for any collector, student and researcher! A major contribution to his genre ! * Modern-day tattoos have been copied from his great images & are still considered to be among some of the most fascinating examples of native Japanese artistic images found humans throughout the world. * Japanese text by the celebrated Kyosai scholars Prof. Shigeru Oikawa and Seiichi Yamaguchi, Susugu Yoshida compiler. With English essay ON KYOSAI'S CARICATURE by Israel Goldman, the co-author of HIROSHIGE: Birds and Flowers. * FIRST AND ONLY EDITION: Large size format, 22 x 30.5 cm., printed in high quality color on heavy paper. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $241 CARICATURS IN COLOR, COMIC ODES, SENRYU,, JIGUCHI &c... Book Number: 99068101 340 OISHI, Matora. et al. SHINJI ANDOH: FESTIVAL LANTERNS. Co-Artists include: Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi, Keisai Eisen, [Nagoya 1822, Eirakuya]. Orange stitched wrs., very good, covers rubbed, cracked contents, very good, a bit thumbed, 21 double folded leaves, [44]p., 41p., color woodblock illustrations, 15.5 x 22.5 cm. First Series. S C A R C E This is a very wonderful work, consisting of caricatures, comic odes, Senryu, puns, Jiguchi &c. Vol. 1 of a 5 vol. series, issued through 1847, complete in itself. This first volume is basically drawn by the artist Matora, who was not an Ukiyo-e painter. Completely illustrated in pastel, vegetal colors, with key block or black outline. Most have puns, or comical remarks along with the illustrations. Shows a varitey of Samurai & warriors, court nobles, priests supressing deamons, women and babies, itinerant priests, palanquin carriers, musicans, drunkards, singers of Kyogen, long-sword bearing warriors, Sumo wrestlers, women writing letters,rats overtaking the temple priests, Samurai warriors dueling &c. * Per the citation in Mitchell, * Per Roberts, ..."Tosa painter, illustrator, born in Nagoya, son of a doctor. Later took the name of OOishi, claiming descent from OOishi Yoshhio of the Forty-Seven Ronin. Pupil of Choo Geshoo and Watanabe shuukei; also studied Tosa style, probably on his own. Lived and worked for a short time in Edo, later in Osaka. Good at historical themes, with a remarkable accurate knowledge of historical and costume details. as Oishi." * * BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, --MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN, --p.476. Ours matches exactly with the vol.1 entry. 2. K. Toda: RYERSON COLLECTION, p.302. 3. J. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION, --#268. 4. Rosny 57/5 5. KS 4-682 6. L.P. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.105 * Nicely done, delightful work ! A CHARMING ILLUSTRATED BOTANICAL & NATURAL HISTORY RareOrientalBooks.Com $816 Book Number: 22028601 341 OKA, Genpoh Kohyoku. MOSHI HINBUTSU ZUKO: ILLUSTRATED TREATISE ON THINGS IN THE BOOK OF ODES. An Illustrated Botanical, Zoological & Natural Kyoto 1785 Kitamura. Red stitched wrs., 7 vols. bound in one replacement covers, 18 x 24 cm., 7 vols.:25+10+23+20+12+11+8 double-folded leaves, ca.100 woodcut illustrations, Chinese paper covers, nicely done. R A R E A valuable illustrated reference on botany: pharmacopoeia, zoology, entomology, ichthyology, ornithology &c. Almost every page is illustrated with adjacent descriptive Japanese text. * Each example is named with both Japanese and Chinese, sounds reading. The first two volumes concern herbs and pharmacopoeia. * A large percent of the plants have been used for centuries in both China and Japan. Therefore, their identification has been always been valuable information to both physicians and lay people. * THE CONTENTS: Vols.1 & 2: herbs: water plants, ferns, bamboo, grasses, iris, cannabis sativa [marijuana/hemp], lotus, horse hair, cat tails, gourds, welsh onion, bamboo shoots, wheat &c. * Vol. 3 herbs & trees * Vol. 4 birds * Vol. 5 warm blooded quadrupeds * Vol. 6 insects, arachnidan & reptiles * Vol. 7 fish and reptiles. Complete in 7 volumes. *** This book was done after the famous and Chinese classic the Book of Odes, to show the kinds of things found in nature which were of use to man. * The Chinese found medicinal properties in most living things and used them for treatment of medical illness. This book is a basic guide to the plants and animals for that use. It was common practice for Japanese of this period to import Chinese and Korean ideas, books and knowledge. * The current example shows the very ancient and honorable tradition of keeping and respecting ancient Chinese classics for valuable and useful references. * RareOrientalBooks.Com Nicely illustrated, by Yuhosai Kunio active [1752-1785], author: Oka [1737-1786]. * EDITION: This is the FIRST AND ONLY EDITION of this book. * CONDITION: A bright & clean copy, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi mulberry paper. * BINDING VARIATION: The book was bound in a number of formats: 7 volumes; 7 volumes in 3; 7 volumes in 1. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS...p.461, item #1078 for complete bibliographic details. * H. Bartlett: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.506, exhibit 77 & illustrated in figure 71. * KSM [honzo] 7-696-2 * Kraft vol.2,no.361. ***** A CHARMING ILLUSTRATED BOTANICAL & NATURAL HISTORY Book Number: 22028602 342 OKA, Genpoh Kohyoku. MOSHI HINBUTSU ZUKO: ILLUSTRATED TREATISE ON THINGS IN THE BOOK OF ODES. An Illustrated Botanical, Zoological & Natural Kyoto 1785 Kitamura. Blue stitched wrs., 7 vols. bound in 3, covers rubbed, no labels, 25+10+23+20+12+11+8 double pages, ca.100 woodcut illustrations, no worming, contents clean, solid, nicely done, 18 x 25 cm. FIRST EDITION R A R E A valuable illustrated reference on botany: pharmacopoeia, zoology, entomology, ichthyology, ornithology &c. Almost every page is illustrated with adjacent descriptive Japanese text. * Each example is named with both Japanese and Chinese, sounds reading. The first two volumes concern herbs and pharmacopoeia. * A large percent of the plants have been used for centuries in both China and Japan. Therefore, their identification has RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 been always been valuable information to both physicians and lay people. * THE CONTENTS: Vols.1 & 2: herbs: water plants, ferns, bamboo, grasses, iris, cannabis sativa [marijuana/hemp], lotus, horse hair, cat tails, gourds, welsh onion, bamboo shoots, wheat &c. * Vol. 3 herbs & trees * Vol. 4 birds * Vol. 5 warm blooded quadrupeds * Vol. 6 insects, arachnidan & reptiles * Vol. 7 fish and reptiles. Complete in 7 volumes. *** This book was done after the famous and Chinese classic the Book of Odes, to show the kinds of things found in nature which were of use to man. * The Chinese found medicinal properties in most living things and used them for treatment of medical illness. This book is a basic guide to the plants and animals for that use. It was common practice for Japanese of this period to import Chinese and Korean ideas, books and knowledge. * The current example shows the very ancient and honorable tradition of keeping and respecting ancient Chinese classics for valuable and useful references. * Nicely illustrated, by Yuhosai Kunio active [1752-1785], author: Oka [1737-1786]. * EDITION: This is the FIRST AND ONLY EDITION of this book. * CONDITION: A bright & clean copy, woodblock printed by hand on hand-made Washi mulberry paper. * BINDING VARIATION: The book was bound in a number of formats: 7 volumes; 7 volumes in 3; 7 volumes in 1. ***** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS...p.461, item #1078 for complete bibliographic details. * H. Bartlett: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.506, exhibit 77 & illustrated in figure 71. * KSM [honzo] 7-696-2 * Kraft vol.2,no.361. ***** RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 EROTIC TALES FROM JAPAN'S ANCIENT PAST Book Number: 27046501 343 [OKADA, Hajime]. KON TAN IRO ASOBI FUTOKORO OTOKO: JAPANESE LOVE AFFAIR BY A JAPANESE 'DON JUAN.' [Tokyo 1955, Miwa]. White board spine over Washi hand-made decorative paper covers, very clean bright copy, Japanese text, illustrated, [169]p., contained in original box, with titles. FIRST & ONLY LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 500 COPIES This charming work covers the erotic exploits of a young buck in Japan. Someone wrote the following inside of the front cover in pencil; "Hanashi wo kiku Musume An Inquisitive Girl for Love Affairs, erotic literature of old Japan." * Nicely bound with deckle edge hand-made type Washi paper, a very clean lovely copy, with nice illustrations from period old woodcut books. * A MAGNIFICIENT GUIDE TO MIYAJIMA & ITSUKUSHIMA SHRINE Book Number: 22031801 344 OKADA, Kiyoshi. ITSUKUSHIMA ZUE: PICTORIAL DESCRIPTION OF ITSUKUSHIMA-SHRINE RareOrientalBooks.Com $14 AND MIYAJIMA ISLAND. Hiroshima 1848, Hiroshima Shurin. Blue stitched stiff wrs., 10 vol. set, 508 double-folded leaves, 316 double-page, 6 full page woodcut illustrations, woodblock printed on handmade mulberry paper, ca. 18 x 25.5 cm., covers bit rubbed, contents clean, solid, contained in a blue cloth folding case Chitsu, bone clasps. An important guide to the shrine and island. *** THE ARTIST/ILLUSTRATOR: Illustrated by students of the Tosa school, Fujiwara Kai, Hoen, Uchi Takumi no Kami Taira no Ason Zaimei, Kokei et al., famous Fujiwara family artists. *** DESCRIPTION OF THE FAMOUS 'SHRINE ISLAND' MIYAJIMA: The first part is devoted to the description of the island, shrines, processions & festivals. The balance illustrates and describes the magnificent early treasures owned by the Itsukushima shrine. * TEMPLE TREASURES: This includes a collection of Noh and other masks, drums, Koto, flutes, Biwa, musical instruments used in performance of dances and plays on the stage which is seems to float and be suspended over the water. Also screens, hand scrolls, Uchiwa or fans, early Kimono, other clothes and costumes used for the dance and theatre. * BUDDIST OBJECTS: Vrajna or Tibetan Buddhist ritual objects, lacquer ware, Buddhist art works, portable Buddhist shrines. Volume 8 is devoted exclusively to swords, sword furniture & Samurai Armour. *** ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS BEAUTIFUL PLACES IN JAPAN: . Itsukushima Island is located just below Hiroshima on the Inland Sea in the ancient province of Aki. It is famous for being one of Japan's three most beautiful landscapes. It is celebrated for its Shinto temples dedicated to the three daughters of Susano-o commonly called Miya-jima [shrine island]. In 1555, Mori Motonari built a castle in Itsukushima, it was in this island that he defeated Sue Harukata. The island is a magnificent treasure-house for antiquities from the mid-16th century. The work is a charming guide to the Island, known for it's tame deer and wonderful ocean views. *** STUNNINGLY ILLUSTRATED: Loaded with lovely period illustrations of the people, shrines, festivals & celebrations. Miyajima Island is loaded with wonderful shrines of all sizes & descriptions, this work shows a great amount of them in their pine-forest setting. Perhaps the most copious single period resource on the island and its great shrines. Being one of three most beautiful places in all of Japan, makes this an important and valuable reference source. *** REFERENCE: . E. Papinot: HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF RareOrientalBooks.Com JAPAN, p.219. * C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO...p.312-3, L. Brown, p.110. * J. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS...p.181, #550. *** A STUNNING AND VERY LONG PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE PROCESSION Book Number: 85004601 345 OKAMI GOYO TASHI GUBU GO YAKUNIN. Imperial Household. OKAMI GOYO TASHI GUBU GO YAKUNIN: THE IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD ENTOURAGE ACCOMPANIED BY THE OFFICIALS ON THE WAY TO KYOTO. [N.p. 1863, n.p.]. A large b.w. woodblock printed broadside, 1 meter 48.5 x 45 cm., consists of 5 larger than Oban sheet side by side, very nice condition, with minor folds, a small piece missing in the margin,hand printed on hand-made paper. This tremendously long procession of the Emperor on his trip from Edo to Kyoto. The procession occupies the top half of this work, utilizing three whole columns [each 6, 6.7 and 9.5 cm wide respectively] to show the full length of the elaborate and pompous Imperial procession. It starts at top left, with the end of the whole procession and continues to snake along, going to the right, at the end of the first column it continues by dropping to the next column and continues downward, again for the full length of the work, to the next lower column where it finally ends at the far right with the beginning of the whole procession. Some fifteen palanquins are being ported by Samurai, each containing an important person, with the central and most elaborate palanquin containing the Emperor, over which stands a giant umbrella protecting him from the sun. Large numbers of Hatamoto or the Emperor's most close and loyal Samurai retainers are marching along, each group being led by a horse-mounted Lord or Yakunin [official]. The next column shows the various fiefdoms to be passed wh o will offer local protection, many of whom are named Matsudaira and part of that great clan, showing their individual Mon [family crests]. The next column shows the names of the places to be passed along the way, and below that is a lovely linear map showing the start in Edo and the fifty-five stations [stops] along the way in a pictorial walking map format with landscape, castles, Mt. Fuji, rivers, names of villages and cites listed. A lovely historical record and example of how and where the Shogun traveled along the Tokaido Highway [Eastern Seaboard Road]. The procession contains a large number of banner-bearers, as RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 well as Samurai with their own standards and banners. This kind of grand scale broadside has always been RARE, seldom surviving the attrition of time, natural disasters and wars, and are seldom found on the market. An historical record of an actual Imperial procession. Color scans can be sent by email. A 1695 ILLUSTRATED TREATISE ON ACCUPUNCTURE & MOXA POINTS Book Number: 20034101 346 OKAMOTO, Ippo. JUSHIKEI RYAKI WAGO: TREATISE ON ACUPUNCTURE & MOXA. Alternate Title: JUSHIKEI HAKKI, SHIN-KYU CHI-HO. [Edo ? 1695, Akatsujyu]. Brown stitched wrs., covers worn, solid, bit of old minor marginal worming, text mostly not affected, [50+5] double folded leaves, 3 vols. bound in one vol., 15 full page illustrations, new title label. R A R E A very early illustrated and most excellent monograph. This legendary work is written in Chinese [Japanese Kambun] with the Furigana for easy Japanese reading. * PER MESTLER IN HIS "GALAXY": . "...this work was "explained" by Okamoto and drew heavily upon JUSHIKEI HAKKI by Katsu Ju in 1684 Jushikei Hakkei is likely the work of a Chinese physician, then followed with a theoretical discussion by Katsu. The book is chiefly on acupuncture but equally on moxa, not on how to cure but on the more fundamental nature of the subject. This discusses the basic Chinese and Japanese belief in a relationship between the internal organs and their diseases & curative treatment for them at specific sites on the outside of the body. The balance is on moxa. Thus, Okamoto "explained" what he read and studied in this work, based on the earlier Katsu title. Mestler states on p.476 this is a 3 vol. set, Vol. 2 has 16 stunning illustrations of "channels & points" for acupuncture and moxibustion. . Moxa or moxibustion uses the herb artemisia vulgaris latifolia which is burned either on the skin directly, or on top of small slabs of garlic over the "points." Damp moxa is also formed at the top end of acupuncture needles, then lit on fire to provide maximum therapeutic benefits, after insertion in the appropriate "point." *** RELATIONSHIP TO DATE/EDITION: Our 2nd volume shows the back colophon, the first printing to be 1684, and a 2nd printing to be 1764. Although Mestler RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 cites on p.476, the work was published in 1693, there is always the possibility that he or his assistant wrongly read the dates. * This title, and also KATSU, Juu.: JUSHI KEI HAKKI: THE FOURTEEN CHANNELS: An Early Japanese And Chinese acpuncture & Moxabustion Medical Treatise [our book no. 200334 also part of the Gordon E. Mestler collection]. Chinese Title: SHI SI JING XU, [1684] are related. The 2nd part of this was with title JUSHIKEI KETSU CHI-HO, and later re-written & re-explained by Okamoto as JUSHIKEI RYAKU WAGO, [this title now described], published later. See Mestler "GALAXY" pp.475,476 & plate I B opposite p.474 for additional details and information. *** THE AUTHOR'S ALTERNATE NAMES: The author was also known as Ipposhi, Ichiku, Ittokusai and also: Tametake or Hakujin, this was a common practice for Japanese to have 'studio' or alternate first names. See Mestler, p.474 footnote 10 at the bottom of the page. Okamoto's famous brother, was an author and playwright who was emenintly known as the "Japanese Shakespeare." See Whitney p.317. ***. REFERENCES: Mestler, Gordon E. JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN: p.474; plate 1, B. * MESTLER, Gordon E. INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * Not listed in: KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * WHITNEY, Willis N. NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN: see pp.317, 419 #428:listed as JIUU SHI KIYOO RAKU HAKKI 1665. This is an alternate reading of the title. Whitney lists many titles by Okamoto. * [KURE, S.]: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATON OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. THE EXHIBITION COMMITTEE OF THE CONGRESS, TOKYO, #430. *** 1699 TREATISE ON METHODS & TREATMENT BY ACUPUNCTURE & MOXA Book Number: 22024102 RareOrientalBooks.Com $4848 347 OKAMOTO, Ippo. SHINKYU BASSUI TAISEI: COLLECTION OF MEDICIAL WRITINGS ON ACUPUNCTURE AND MOXABUSTION. [Osaka 1699, Okuda]. Brown stitched wrs., 7 vol. set, 17.5 x 26.5 cm., very good, woodblock printed on hand-made mulberry paper, a few faint stains, 61 illustrations,some old worming mostly in margins, minor loss of text,else clean,solid.RARE! A famous early work on moxabustion and acupuncture by the celebrated Japanese physician, Okamoto Ippo. * Printed on double folded leaves, pagination is: 28+18+18+27+ 23+11+13, each volume has a table of contents. Written in Kambun, or a Japanese version of Chinese, with Furigana or Japanese sound characters adjacent to the Kanji [Han zi] for easy reading by Japanese. There are occasional small red character brushed in indicating passages of especial importance. This was a commonly added feature for many texts in Japan and China. * This like many other early Japanese medical treatises were influenced or copies from an older Chinese texts. This one addresses acupuncture & the treatment of various disease and symptoms. The models used in the text and their chairs are also clearly Chinese. It is a comprehensive and complete dictionary of treatment for all known illness of the time. * THE ILLUSTRATIONS: Volume one begins with illustrations of the various medical instruments and needles used. It then illustrates the various parts of the anatomy and the "points" where the needle should be inserted. It starts with hands and forearm, discussion & illustrations of the liver, large intestine, stomach, heart, spleen, small intestine, kidneys, and nervous system. The exact methods of inserting the acupuncture needles, how to hold and twist, tap and pound in. * Volume two shows a chart of illness and associated "points" to use acupuncture on, it continues with treatment of male & female problems & various illness by inserting needles in the back along the spinal column, the tying of the thumbs together for acupressure, with some five illustrations of the proximal, ventral and dorsal views, all of the major acupuncture "points" carefully named & located. * Volume three focuses on the "points" located around the head, ear, face, nose, eyes, cheeks, the forehead, and throat areas. * Volume four attends to the upper shoulders, and spinal column the sides of the body to the hips and frontal view of the central meridians. * Volume five concentrates on the limbs: arm and hand, thigh to the foot and toes. * Volumes 1-5 are illustrated. Volume 6 & 7 focus on a catalogue of illness and treatment by both burning Moxa and application of acupuncture needles. This work was based on a lost Chinese treatise probably meaning the Rei-su or Ling-shu [Ling-Ch'u] [See Mestler's GALAXY pp.292, 303,321, RareOrientalBooks.Com 472, 476, 188-189] traditionally ascribed to the famous Chinese physician-Emperor Hwang-Ti.[See Mestler also for several other Reisu entries]. *** COLLATION IN DOUBLE-FOLDED LEAVES:: Vol.1. 28 Vol.2. 29 Vol.3. 18 Vol.4. 27 Vol.5 23 Vol.6. 13 Vol.7. 11 *** SUBJECT: ACUPUNCTURE & MOXIBUSTION: This work contains impressive details per Mestler: "...on some 22 sections covering aspects of moxa [artemisia vulgaris latifolia] and acupuncture: theory, relationship to the pulse; stomach; other internal organs; treatment; 'philosophy' of acupuncture; cautions in the use of acupuncture and moxabustion; preparation and use of moxa cones; how to remove needles; broken needles; how to twist, hit & use needle tube; names of spots and extreme caution; secret spots; how to measure location of sites to apply treatment; names and lengths of bones; interrelations among nerves." This historic and landmark work was widely quoted in subsequent writings on the subject. * This edition was "explained" by Okamoto, and contains additional illustrations. See Lessa below. in his CHINESE BODY DIVINATION * WHO WAS OKAMOTO: Okamoto Ippo [aka Ichiku or Ittokusai] was a celebrated physician and author of several medical works of the time, He wrote popular explanations to contemporary and difficult medical subjects, to give the common people a basic understanding of Chinese & western medicine.. * CONDITION: The work, by and large in very good condition for a book now some 300 + years old. The covers are a bit mottled, but soundly sewn, complete with all pages present and solid, a small portion of the blank fly of volume 4 is torn away, not affecting the text at all. With the original dusty title slips, bound in the original ochre stiff covers. Complete examples of illustrated books of this period and rare subject are always difficult to find. The set is contained in an indigo blue cloth folding case [Chitsu] with bone clasps. . !Note not all copies come with this case. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Gordon E. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS: pages 474 footnote no. 10; 476,477. For more on Okamoto see pp.474, 476, 126 & 132. * Gordon E. Mestler: INTRODUCTION TO WESTERN INFLUENCES IN PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE MEDICINE. * RareOrientalBooks.Com William A Lessa: CHINESE BODY DIVINATION: Its Forms, Affinities & Function: see pp. 89-111; he also has an excellent discussion on the hands, and how the hand and its lines are used. There are illustrations in SHINKYU BASSUI TAISE showing several views of hands, their "points" or "channels" for acupuncture and moxibustion. *. W. Whitney; NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN: p.421, p.435 item #1001. * JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO, 1958, p.1154 biography of Okamoto. * VEITH, Ilza. [trans.]: HUANG TI NEI CHING SU WEN: THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S CLASSIC OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. * Not listed in: P. Kornicki: JAPANESE MEDICAL & OTHER BOOKS AT THE WELLCOME INSTITUTE. *** Note: Anyone interested in purchasing any of the above reference book, please inquire with us as we try to keep them in stock. *** A FASCINATING COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED ECCLECTIC GUIDE Book Number: 84107002 348 OKAMOTO, K.S. ANCIENT AND MODERN VARIOUS USAGES OF TOKIO, JAPAN. Tokyo 1885, Morito. Stitched Japanese style binding, [125]p. double folded leaves, profusely illustrated with many color woodblocks, English text, 15 x 23 cm., very good,minor cover wear contents clean. Q U I T E S C A R C E A marvelous dictionary of things Japanese from 1885, also a language dictionary, showing both English and Japanese words for articles illustrated. Superb color woodblock illustrations by the celebrated Chikanobu.The table of contents lists the subjects as: the figure of female hair; common trade marks; Japanese hat and cap; Hair-tool of women; Hair-pins & combs; Japanese female clothing; The amusements of children; The words of children; Exhibitions for money; The kind of beggar; The celebrated articles and food in Tokio; The names of cake. The coiffeur section shows 60 different styles. About 176 trademarks, 94 hats, 12 hair tools, 23 hair pins, 18 combs, 24 different kinds of clothing & Kimono, 36 picttures of boys amusements; 16 for girls, 60 for both boys and RareOrientalBooks.Com $4735 girls. Some 32 Japanese exhibitions or entertainments, passtimes, 48 beggars. Each of the pictures show the Japanese word in Romaji, Kanji or Kana, with the English translation, thus making this useful to both English and Japanese native speakers. A very good illustrated dictionary and reference tool. A whole array of fascinating objects from mid-19th century Meiji Japanese life. A color scan can be sent by e-mail. A L W A Y S R A R E AN EARLY TREATISE ON ACCUPUNCTURE, RENAL SYSTEMS & BLOOD Book Number: 20033101 349 OKAMOTO, Tametake Ippo. KEI KETSU MITSU GO SHIU: COLLECTION OF CONFIDENTIAL TALKS ON THE ORDER OF LONGITUDINAL BLOOD CIRCULATION SYSTEMS. [Kyoto 1715, Nakagawa Shigemon]. Brown stitched wrs., 3 vols original covers, back of vol. 3 variant, woodblock printed on hand-made paper, [114] double folded leaves or [228]p., some old minor worming, solid, original throughout. R A R E A famous book on the subject, this is also similar to the one illustrated in Ilza Veith's THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S CLASS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. Strangely enough, this early work was missed by the great Japanese medical book bibliographer: Gordon Mestler in his "GALAXY," but there are several other references to Okamoto & similar books on the JUSHIKEI [14 CHANNELS]. NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. * Okamoto used alternate names: Ichiku, Ippo [shi] & Ittokusai in his career as a physician. He was the younger brother of the most famous & celebrated SHAKESPEARE OF JAPAN, Monzaemon Chikamatsu the great playwright. He was the disciple of Sampaku Ajioka, a physician. After he was excommunicated by his master, he endeavored to popularize medical works among the masses, and was prolific writer of medical books. This work has 7 superb illustrations of the renal system, acupuncture points. Written in Kambun [Chinese], with Furigana grammar & sounds added so Japanese can read & understand this text. * Quite early monographic study of the therapeutic & practical application of acupuncture, utilizing detail diagrams showing the renal system its treatment & the "29 Difficult Acupuncture Points" the "14 Major Channels [JUSHIKEI]." This work has drawn on the Chinese classic "I Tsung Pi Tu," compiled about 1575 with similar illustrations used in the "Ling Shu Su Wen Chieh Yao" and other Chinese medical works on acupuncture and medicine. An historic look at early Chinese influenced medical practice in Japan. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $1056 This extremely rare illustrated work deals with the recognition of and curing of renal problems. A most fascinating early illustrated resource. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: W. N. Whitney: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, in the Chinese and Japanese book index as item 494, with a wrong date of 1716. * Ilza Veith:THE YELLOW EMPEROR'S CLASS OF INTERNAL MEDICINE * Gordon Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN, NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN see p.474-476 & plate I, figure B for similar illustrations and entries, as well as other entries on pp.126 & 132. * AN EARLY 1844 PICTORIAL RESOURCE ON AGRICULTURE PRODUCTS Book Number: 32062301 350 OKURA, Nagatsune. KOHEKI KOKUSANKO: TREATISE ON AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT PRODUCTION. Edo 1844, Suhara-ya. Green stitched blind-stamped wrs.,8 vol set, indigo blue cloth Chitsu case, bone clasps, very good, some usual wear to edges, excellent impression,complete work 15.5 x 22.3 cm., all in all very nice copy. FIRST EDITION This fascinating treatise instructs the farmer in crop production, harvesting, marketing care of live stock, edible natural plant identification & collection, propagation & grafting techniques for fruit trees, care & harvesting of fruit, processing of oils, papermaking, cottage industries, tools, tea culture, weaving, viniculture, Washi hand-made papermaking and other rural activities. *** OKURA Nagatsune [1768-c.1850] was a famous author and renaissance man. He studied rural production, innovated and RareOrientalBooks.Com $4080 wrote easily-read books indented to assist the beleaguered and hitherto neglected of Japan's lowest class citizen, the peasant-farmer. . His extensively illustrated and instructive texts assisted the lowest social class of people in Japan. This kind of work helped the poor farmer how to endure natural disasters, severe weather, positive steps to successfully pass through harsh winters and improve their productivity. . His works were avidly read and heeded by Japan's farmer class. Okura was selfless in his efforts to improve the life of the average peasant-farmer who often starved to death due to pestilence, drought, famine and common illness. *** This work is profusely illustrated, teaching the average farmer "how to" produce more and also ways to propagate plants to expand their production. A lovely and practical encyclopedia of farming and production techniques. *** WHO WAS OKURA: Okura [1768-1856?] was an agricultural scientist who inspected conditions in various provinces & experimented with many growing methods. He authored some 20 useful and practical works on agricultural based on his own observation and experiences of as a farmer's son in Bungo, a Southern island of Kyushu and also from old experienced farmers. . He was greatly influenced by Chinese & Dutch learning [Rangaku] in Nagasaki as well. . Some of his works covered cultivation of sugar, cotton, indigo, paper, wax trees, cedar and other useul cash crop plants for impoverished farmers. * See us for other works by Okura. *** REFERENCES: Rosny: 35, KS 3-374 * EDGREN, J.S.:CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY, #799 * BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.69, 151 * JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO,1962-1964 edition, p.1182-3. *** NOT IN: Merrill & Walker: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY *** BY OKURA: JAPAN'S MOST CELEBRATED AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGISTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $4308 Book Number: 84230401 351 OKURA, Nagatsune. MEMPO YOMU: THE ESSENTIALS OF COTTON CULTURE AND FARMING. Osaka [1833], Kawachiya. Stitched blue wrs., 2 vols., set, minor worming [mended], 65+64p., 18 b.w. illustrations,woodblock printed on hand made Washi paper, 14.5 x 22 cm.,covers scuffed, faded, contents clean, solid. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This excellent monograph was written by the altruistic Okura Nagasune [1768-1856?]. He was some what of a renaissance man, and worked to improve the lot of the impoverished Japanese farmer. He introduced many new and unusual cash crops including cotton, sugar cane, indigo, cedar, Paulownia, paper-making plants and the tallow or wax tree and several others. . * The work begins with an introduction extolling the virtues of the cotton plant, and a fine illustration of its botanical taxonomy: leaves, stem, buds, flowers, seeds &c. The next illustration shows a lowly farmer and is wife; she rotates the home-made wooden cotton gin by hand, while their elderly and helpless grandfather looks on. The husband and his companion are loading up cotton balls into rice straw bails. It continues with explanaations for cultivation techniques, preparation of the planting beds, planting of the seedlings, fertilization by use of two wooden buckets on the shoulder yoke with the application of "night soil" to the plants. * A double-page picture of all of the farming implements with names of each, many are steel on wooden handles. He offered commentaries on the use of one tool over another in terms of time need to do the same job with his improved tools based on actual time and motion studies ! As the plants grow, so the birds come to feast on the fruit & flowers. * Volume 2 continues with more excellent illustrations on the watering & irrigation of the plants and shows a great number of shallow water well pump poles used to pull up the field water. As the cotton balls are harvested, some are put into bamboo baskets, weighed and prepared for transport to the buyer. Variant forms of the raised bed method are also shown with water trenches for abundant water. The farmer knew cotton was a heavy water and fertilizer feeder since his grandfather was a cotton farmer. He introduced the use of sardines for fertilizer to shorten growing season. Another page shows an old grandfather supplements family income by rotating a hand powered homemade spinning wheel. The last picture is of the cotton market, with coolies moving great numbers of bailed cotton to waiting barges, others unload the horses. * RareOrientalBooks.Com ABOUT OKURA NAGATSUNE: An excellent essay on him and this title by the late Prof. R.C. Rudolph is found in Okura's SEI-YU ROKU: ON OIL MANUFACTURING [1974], Olearius which is an English translation of the original 1836 edition on pp 67-70. In this Prof. Rudolph points out Okura's origins as the son of a cotton farmer, who witnessed the suffering of the crop failures in 1883 & 1787. This work was an improvement over his predecessor's landmark study: NOGYO ZENSHO: GENERAL TREATISE ON AGRICULTURE published in 1696 by Miyazaki Antei. Okura added his own observations on the sexuality of the cotton plant by use of a microscope submitting very accurate drawings of the various parts. He also extolled the good results of using different fertilizers, irrigation, cotton ginning and seed selection. * Another fascinating and highly informative essay on Okura is found in a book edited by A.M. Craig et al: PERSONALITY IN JAPANESE HISTORY, pp.127-154 by Thomas C. Smith. Wherein Smith outlines more about this "technologist" and hitherto unsung hero-champion of the common farmer in Japan. The metaphor that best suits Okura was: "Farming was like an illness that could be cured by proper treatment" and Okura fancied himself the doctor ! * A most valuable contribution to the agriculture genre by Japan's pre-eminent agriculture technologist. Please inquire with us about his other title: SEI-YU ROKU: ON OIL MANUFACTURING and others as we may have them in stock. * REFERENCES: JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO,1962-1964 edition, p.1182-3. * H.H. Bartlett et al: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.363 & p.445; exhibit 34. * H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * J. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION. * Okura Nagatsune: SEI-YU ROKU: ON OIL MANUFACTURING * Scans can be sent by email. ISSUED IN A LIMITED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 Book Number: 84230501 352 OKURA, Nagatsune. SEIYU ROKU: ON OIL MANUFACTURING. [New Brunswick] 1974, Olearius Editions. Reprint of 1836 ed. with English translation, very good, with stitched binding, in folding box Chitsu, 79p. LIMITED EDITION 1000 COPIES A superb and early treatise on Japanese technology. Showing manual but mechanical processes for expressing oil from seeds, oil bearing oil cake, and from other natural items. * This is a full English translation from the original 1836 edition, with added essay and commentaries. Dicusses and illustrates the Kanto [Tokyo area] method of oil extraction, watermill, and the use of the Kansai or Osaka area methods. Also shows the process for making white sesame oil [vs. black sesame oil]. * WHO WAS OKURA: Okura (1768-1856?) was an agricultural scientist who inspected conditions in various provinces & experimented with many growing methods. He authored some 20 useful and practical works on agricultural based on his own observation and experiences of as a farmer's son in Bungo, a Southern island of Kyushu and also from old experienced farmers. . He was greatly influenced by Chinese & Dutch learning [Rangaku] in Nagasaki as well. . Some of his works covered cultivation of sugar, cotton, indigo, paper, wax trees, cedar and other useul cash crop plants for impoverished farmers. *** REFERENCES: H. H. Bartlett et al: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.363 & 445 for details. * JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO,1962-1964 edition, p.1182-3. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $204 ISSUED IN A LIMITED EDITION OF 1000 COPIES Book Number: 84230502 353 OKURA, Nagatsune. SEIYU ROKU: ON OIL MANUFACTURING. [New Brunswick] 1974, Olearius Editions. Reprint of 1836 the edition, English translation, as new, stitched blue wrs., blue folding cloth Chitsu box, profusely b. w. illustrations by Matsukawa Hanzan, 79p., A LIMITED EDITON OF 1000 COPIES A superb and early treatise on Japanese technology. Showing manual but mechanical processes for expressing oil from seeds, oil bearing oil cake, and from other natural items. * This is a full English translation from the original 1836 edition, with added essay and commentaries. Dicusses and illustrates the Kanto [Tokyo area] method of oil extraction, watermill, and the use of the Kansai or Osaka area methods. Also shows the process for making white sesame oil [vs. black sesame oil]. * WHO WAS OKURA: Okura (1768-1856?) was an agricultural scientist who inspected conditions in various provinces & experimented with many growing methods. He authored some 20 useful and practical works on agricultural based on his own observation and experiences of as a farmer's son in Bungo, a Southern island of Kyushu and also from old experienced farmers. . He was greatly influenced by Chinese & Dutch learning [Rangaku] in Nagasaki as well. . Some of his works covered cultivation of sugar, cotton, indigo, paper, wax trees, cedar and other useul cash crop plants for impoverished farmers. *** REFERENCES: H. H. Bartlett et al: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING p.363 & 445 for details. * RareOrientalBooks.Com JAPAN BIOGRAPHICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA AND WHO'S WHO,1962-1964 edition, p.1182-3. * THE AINU OF NORTHERN JAPAN, LIFE, CULTURE AND RESISTANCE ! Book Number: 87024301 354 OUCHI, Dosai. HIGASHI EZO YOBANASHI: STORIES TOLD BY NIGHT ABOUT EASTERN EZO. ALTERNATE TITLE: TOH KAI YAWA. [Edo 1861, Bunenkaku]. Stitched blue wrs., covers rubbed, worn, 3 vol. set, complete, 33+31+34 double folded leaves, 6 6 maps,40p. woodcut illustrations by Tazaki Soun & Hashimoto printed by hand on hand-made Washi paper. FIRST ONLY EDITION The majority of the illustrations were executed by trhe celebrated and famous Hashimoto Gyokuransai [Sadahide]. His unique technique of showing 'bird's eye views' is legendary. The has been the leading exponent of superb book illustrations and prints. He captures the essence and flavor of the Ainu with great charm. * A famous and important work on the Ainu of Hokkaido and their unique culture. Illustrating their way of life, dwellings, bear hunt, the neighboring flora and fauna, detailed maps of Ezo, or modern Hokkaido. * Navigational sea route maps from N. Japan to Ezo, and through the Kurile Islands. * It the early 19th century, the Japanese traded with the Ainu, in exchange for rice they bought tobacco. Included is a graphic historical illustrated essay of the Ainu repulsion of Russian sailors. * This work is charmingly illustrated and shows the native skills of the, who mastered their snowy and harsh environment. The work is RARE and seldom found on the market. RareOrientalBooks.Com $82 * CONDITION: While the covers are rubbed its clear, this book was a fascinating early primary resource. Manihy of the double folded leaves are split on the leading edge, or are starting to split, there is no damage to the text or its illustrations. Being printed on thin hand-made Washi mulberry paper, this is a common problem. The contents remain clean and solid. The illustrations are finely printed. There is no worming. * REFERENCE: Bartlett & Shohara have cited and illustrated this on p.186, fig.55. * Mitchell p.295 * Edgren no.556 * $6149 Book Number: 86126802 355 PERZYNSKI, Friedrich. HOKUSAI. Bielefeld 1908, Von Delhagen. Limp red & white cloth, gold stamped, clean copy, 7 color, 101 b.w. photos, top gilt, in in original slip case, German text, a bright copy, unused, a bit of minor wear on case corners, else clean, 2nd, best ed. This excellent monographic study covers a wide spectrum of this master's prints, illustrated books and drawings. Fine reference source. * From: K�nstlermonographien, Band 68 *** Book Number: 86096601 356 PIGGOTT, Juliet. RareOrientalBooks.Com $20 JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY. London [1969], Hamlyn. Cloth, very good, 141p., dj.,24p. of color, 100p. b.w. photos, index, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Covering those myths unique to Japan, its creation, history, beliefs, deities, creatures, spirits, heroes, heroines, men, animals, stories old & new. Utilizing the rich graphic tradition of Japanese woodblock prints, paintings, sculpture and carvings to illustrate her point, the author successfully conveys to the reader the true nature of Japan's rich traditional past, drawing on old woodblock prints & woodblock printed books, with excellent essays. Nicely illustrated with Japanese prints, netsuke, sculpture &c. $5 Book Number: 90003701 357 PINCKARD, William Jr. CATALOGUE #2. JAPANESE PRINTS, OSAKA PRINTS & ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Fine, Uncommon, Inexpensive or Otherwise Attractive. [Oakland] 1980, Pinckard. Stiff orange wrs., very good, 94 b. w. photos, [29p.], bibliography, [57p.]., about A4 or 8.5 x 11 inches.[FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 500.] OBSCURE Covers the works of Chikanobu, Eizan, Harunobu, Hiroshige I & II, Hokusai, Kiyochika, Shunga, Kunisada, Kotondo, Kuniyoshi, Shikimaru, Shunsho, Shuntei, Yoshitoshi...A host of Osaka prints: Hirosada, Hironobu, Ashiyuki, Hokuei, Kunimasa & many others too numerous to list. Illustrated books: Bumpo Eisen, Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kuniyoshi, Toyohiro, Taito II, Shunsho, Toyokuni, Utamaro et al... $65 Book Number: 85018701 358 POMEROY, Charles A. TRADITIONAL CRAFTS OF JAPAN: Illustrated with the Eighteenth Century Artisan Prints of Tachibana Minko. New York [1968], Walker. Grey cloth, red boards over cloth, very good, dj., 119p., 56 color plates, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Illustrated with the artisans froma Tachibana Minko's book: "Saiga Shokunin Burui", 1770, See Dawes p.103. Illustrating and describing the art of the hatter, mirror poilisher, carpenter, swordsmith, armorer, cordmaker, hairdress tier, weaver, papermaker, engraver, maker of bamboo blinds, quivermaker, basketmaker, ballmaker, glassblower, fanmaker, maskmaker, brushmaker, potter, maker of straw mats (tatami), woodworker, paper mounter, cardmaker, umbrella maker, millstone maker, needlemaker, maker of inkstones &c. RareOrientalBooks.Com $46 A VERY IMPORTANT AND FASCINATING CATALOGUE OF TSUBA Book Number: 84161202 359 PONCETTON, Francois. LES GARDES DE SABRE JAPONAISES. [Paris 1924], Morance. New grey stiff wrs., folio, 16 x 12 inches, ca. 26 x 34 cm., about 100 sword guards [Tsuba] are illustrated on 24 plates, in all ca. 50 b.w. plates, text & captions in French, pencilled in price notes. Ex Vever copy. Covers a total of 465 well described items, including Tsuba, Japanese Samurai helmets, ceramics, Netsuke, lacquer, ivory, Okimono & woodblock printed books [E-hon]. Hotel Drout sale no. 11 of March 11, 12 & June 12, 1929. Most useful reference formerly H. Vever's copy, with his pencilled name.SCARCE $224 Book Number: 98011401 360 [POOLE, Hester M.] LESSONS FROM JAPAN. Philadelphia 1883, The Continent. An extracted article from this early journal, pages 673-678, 12 illustrations or photo plates, clean, solid copy. FIRST APPEARANCE OF THIS ESSAY An excellent & early article on Japanese art, Japanese woodblock printed books [E-Hon], designs, stencils designs & art works. . Covering the meaning of Japanese art, as this was an early article on the subject, when Japanese art was first being introduced to Europe & Western countries. . Nicely done, with a wide variety of examples. Useful early background for all subjects: lacquer, prints, stencils, flowers, birds, Mt. Fuji fans, insects & the beauty of nature found in Japanese art. $15 Book Number: 99084701 361 RAWSON, Philip. INTRODUCING ORIENTAL ART. London [1973], Hamlyn. Green pictorial boards, 96p.,49 color photos, 39 b.w. photos, 2 color end paper maps, index, dj. very good, clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Good introduction to the arts of China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia. Chinese bronzes, jade, calligraphy, ceramics, sculpture, seals, tomb art, painting, lacquer, porcelain and architecture. Japan: Shinto architecture, Buddhist art, painting, temples, screens, woodblock printed and illustrated books, lacquer, ceramics, woodblock prints. RareOrientalBooks.Com $7 Book Number: 99084702 362 RAWSON, Philip. INTRODUCING ORIENTAL ART. London [1973], Hamlyn. Green pictorial boards, 96p.,49 color photos, 39 b.w. photos, 2 color end paper maps, index, dj., ex-library copy, spine clean, top edge rubber stamped, else clean solid copy. FIRST EDITION Good introduction to the arts of China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia. Chinese bronzes, jade, calligraphy, ceramics, sculpture, seals, tomb art, painting, lacquer, porcelain and architecture. Japan: Shinto architecture, Buddhist art, painting, temples, screens, woodblock printed and illustrated books, lacquer, ceramics, woodblock prints. MANUSCRIPT HAND SCROLL SHOWS SUMO POSITIONS OF LOVE-MAKING Book Number: 22063201 363 RIKISHI ZUKAN: ILLUSTRATED SUMO WARRIOR LOVE-MAKING. RIKISHI ZUKAN: THE SUMO OF LOVE-MAKING: OSUMO SHUN GA: QUAINT EROTIC HAND SCROLL OF SUMO POSITIONS OF LOVE-MAKING. Japan n.d. ca. 1890-1900. Gold silk brocade outer cloth cover, 4.02 meters long by 23 cm., 15 color painted erotic views, minor faint central stain throughout, stronger last 1/3, does not detract severely, else clean, no worming. A most charming Rakuga or caricature type hand-painted Sumo scroll. A humorous work, basically shows three people: the Sumo wrestler against a stout and stock woman and the umpire in most scenes. * It begins with an introduction of the three Sumo wrestlers and the three woman opponents. All are in the nude and prepared to battle in the "Sumo Love War." The next vies shows the beginning match with each prepared to start. The man reaches for the woman's vagina, while she tries for his penis. Then he inserts his hand into her vagina while she grabs his erect shaft. They embrace while she wraps her leg around his back, the umpire watches with a large erection. The couple roll and tumble while making love. Then the man puts his head into her vulva, while the umpire is thrown away. * A truly delightful frolic surely done by an artist with a keen sense of humor ! The scroll is painted on a thick paper, with crushed mica dust on the back side, enforced with a thin brown edging, and with dark brown hard wood ends, which have been turned on a lathe. RareOrientalBooks.Com $5 * The subject of erotic Sumo wrestlers is quite unusual and unique in the genre of erotic Japanese art. * $1986 Book Number: 96129301 364 ROKUJIUYEN. THE MAGICAL CARPENTER OF JAPAN WITH 70 FULL-PAGE WOODCUTS BY HOKUSAI. THE STORY OF THE HIDA CRAFTSMAN. Rutland [1965], Tuttle. White cloth, very good, 260p., 70 b.w. plates from Hokusai's illustrated books, translated by F.V. Dickins, 15 x 23.5 cm. FIRST EDITION A modern translation of the 1808 original work. Covers the progress of Suminawa in his art, a tale for the plain folk of Japan, charming book, nicely illustrated. A classic work. A KEEN MONOGRAPH WITH FOCUS ON SANSHUI: MOUNTAINS & WATER Book Number: 84194801 365 RYUZAWA, Kiyoshi. SEN RYU DOH GAFU: MOUNTAINS, WATERFALLS, BRIDGES & PEOPLE. [Tokyo 1881, Hanzo]. Blue stitched stiff wrs., very good,bit of minor scuffing to cover, contents solid, 46 double leaves b .w. woodblock printed, 15.5 x 23 cm., small stamp embossed in upper right corners, else clean bright copy.FIRST EDITION This monograph addresses the beauty of landscape mountains, waterfalls, bridges, people, ships, pavilions, and lovely views of Mt. Fuji, as an exemplary mountain. * Some illustrated are a single full page size, others have from six down to two per page. * A lovely work, showing the tender beauty of Chinese style landscape used by the Japanese. A good number have the names of the place illustrated. RareOrientalBooks.Com $9 ** Senryu-doh Gafu: THE COMPLETE SET: Consists of six volumes: Vol.1: BIRDS AND FLOWERS Vol.2. FISH Vol.3. MOUNTANS & WATER Vol.4. GRASS, FLOWERS, INSECTS Vol.5. PEOPLE Vol.6. FURRED ANIMALS **** PUBLISHER: Published by the celebrated author and innovator, renaissance man, Matsuzawa Hanzo. * ILLUSTRATOR: Each volume was illustrated by Takizawa Kiyoshi, a celebrated and skilled artist. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: p. 599, no. 1451; ours is a slightly variant sub-title, but with the same title. * KSM [Kaiga] * DAWES, Leonard G.: JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.163 *** NOT LISTED IN: H. Bartlett, L. Roberts. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN. * A CHARMING LOOK AT THE TOKAIDO Book Number: 99067501 366 SADAYOSHI, Kishuntei. et al. TOKAIDOH GO JU SAN TSUGI: THE FIFTY-THREE STAGES OF THE TOKAIDOH HIGHWAY. [Tokyo n.d. ca. 1830's]. Blue stitched wrappers, small size 11.5 x 16.5 cm., title slip, 14 double pages, 26 color woodblock printed illustrations of scenes & places along the Tokaido highway, co-artist Sadahiro Kokado [1825-1875]. Very good, excellent color, registry, clear, crisp copy. Sadayoshi lived & worked 1837-1850 as a woodblock book artist. This charming work shows the several views of the Tokaido & the stories of its travelers, legendary & historic battles, famous people, dangerous waters, giant octopus, beautiful RareOrientalBooks.Com $340 women, Samurai, ghosts &c. Nicely done, seldom found. Not in Brown or other usual references. A SUPERB WOODCUT MAP OF JAPAN'S "BANISHMENT ISLAND" & GOLD Book Number: 89042201 367 SADO BUN-KAI. SADO IKKOKU SAN SUI GA: BIRD'S EYE PANORAMIC MAP OF THE MOUNTAINS AND WATERS OF SADO BANISHMENT ISLAND COUNTRY. Tokyo 1830, Egawa Sentaro [carver]. Single sheet woodblockprinted map, 48 x 33.5 cm., very good, two cinnabar collector's seals Kurita Genji + another ulnread, surface a bit old dusty, seven small old mended worm holes, else a solid copy. This is a lovely, charming and complete "birds's eye view" perspective of Sado Island. This is the only map published during the Edo period of Sado Island, located off the coast of Echigo province. Sado island was known for both its large gold reserves and prison-labor gold mines and as an island for criminals & political exiles from the mainland. * A fascinating experiment with sociology, Sado Island was the traditional place for banishment of political opponents as well as convicted criminals during the Tokugawa period. These banished people were sent to live on Sado in a "free" society, however, return was never possible. All persons sent there were given a small pittance of money and were then banished for life. Both men, women and children were sent to Sado, where an alternative society continued. Many of these unfortunates worked as slave-like labor in the harsh and brutal gold mines. * This excellent map, was drawn in a bird's-eye view type of unique Japanese perspective and shows the whole island in much and fine detail. Citing the names of all mountains, towns, villages, bays, harbors, urban and suburban areas named. A large number of fishing and other vessels are at anchor in the various small harbors & bays. At the center and is the highest mountain peak called "Kinbei Zan" or RareOrientalBooks.Com $1190 "Northern Gold Mountain," the cite of the Sado gold mines. * Per the N.Y.P.L. item cited below, "A major gold mine of this period was located on Sado, an island in the Japan Sea, which formerly served as a prison. By the Shogun's order, Okubo Choan, the powerful governor of Sado, undertook the digging of a large complex of gold and silver mines. A labor force of ex-prisoners dug three hundred shafts in order to create an underground labyrinth almost one mile long. SADO KINZAN NO ZU, two painted scrolls done in the mid-19th century, depicts the different types of work that took place in the Sado mines...Under the Tokugawa government the Sado mines flourished. During the 17th century the mines supported a population of over 100,000 workers and camp followers and plentifully enriched the coffers of the Shogun." * Nicely woodblock printed on a large single-sheet of handmade mulberry paper, suitable for framing and library display. The work is exceptionally R A R E and seldom found on the market. Very few wood cut prints were ever printed on such a single large sheet of paper, and this means that this print was a Deluxe printing and the paper very special. Commonly larger maps were printed on several sheets of paper joined together. Nicely executed. * CONDITION: The map is basically clean and nice but it does have faint pair of stains at the upper left corner and middle center both near or in the margin as well as a bit of the print, this is minor and not greatly obvious, nevertheless overall a nice and obscure work. The whole map was rebacked ages ago and does have a few old worm holes which have been stabilized and are now solid. A collector's cinnabar seal graces the right lower margin, and also one small seal inside the left lower corner. There are two other such seals [Hanko] or chops in the upper left corner, placed by the artist which reads Gago. * SPECIAL NOTE: If you are interested in other mining items from the 19th century, please inquire as we may have other manuscripts on the technology of smelting, mining and related subjects. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: This map is also very similar to the one listed by G. Beans: A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA, Supplement B, p.34 [1830.9], and is dated Tempo 1st year. * K. Yamashita: JAPANESE MAPS OF THE EDO PERIOD, this map is cited and illustrates the later 1873 Meiji edition on pp.68-69. * New York Public Library: JAPANESE TECHNOLOGY YESTERDAY & TODAY, An Exhibition in the Astor Hall of the N.Y.P.L. April 19 to July 17, 1979, pp.12-16. * . RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 CHARMING PERIOD SET OF ILLUSTRATED BOOKS ON ANNUAL FESTIVALS Book Number: 22026601 368 SAITO, Kosei. TOTOH SAIJIKI: ILLUSTRATED ANNALS OF EDO FESTIVALS & ANNUAL EVENTS BY SEASONS. Edo 1838, Suharaya. Blue stitched wrs., 5 vol., covers rubbed and soiled, contents clean, solid, 25+10, 24+33+35+25+9 double leaf pages, 136 illustrations, some double page, wood block printed by hand on hand-made mulberry paper. SCARCE Saito [1804-78], was an Edo author. The book was illustrated by Hasegawa Settan [1778-1843, and his son Settei [1819-82]. The father was a pupil of Toyokuni, particularly well known for this work as well as EDO MEISHO ZUE. The work is chronologically arranged to show every festival or event held in the Edo area. It is a lovely and most profusely illustrated record of the events, the people and the location where celebrated. This work covers a great breath and width, with such old classics as Hanami or spring cherry blossom viewing, musical recitals, Daimyo processions, tug-of-war, chrysanthemum viewing, a wide variety of Buddhist and Shinto shrine celebrations, Sumo wrestling, Yoshiwara parade of the prostitutes, New Years, swords, scrolls and old book and a host of other festivals and celebrations. This also lists the whole year's celebrations in an index by dates. Many of these same festivals are still celebrated today in Tokyo. A throughly quaint resource, and joy to behold. The set has some minor and occasional old worming, thumb marks, faint marginal and cover stains, but all in all a good copy of a very SCARCE title. Cited in D. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 JAPANESE BOOKS... p.90, as item #244. Scans can be sent by email. AN EXCELLENT EARLY COLOR ILLUSTRATED JAPANESE BOTANICAL Book Number: 32062401 369 SAITO, Nobuhiro. SOMOKU ROKUBU KOSHU HO: METHODS OF CULTIVATING PLANTS. [Tokyo 1874], Izumiya. Yellow stitched wrs., 20 volume set, bound in 16 parts, contents very clean, solid, 490 doublefolded leaves, 25 color, 9 b. w. woodcut illustrations, 15 x 22.5 cm., complete, nice set. FIRST EDITION The author, Saito Nobuhiro Genkai [1769-1850], was a Japanese horticulturist and botanist in the Edo period. This excellent title was directed at farmers and others who grow RareOrientalBooks.Com $2040 vegetables, root crops legumes and fruit trees. . Enhanced with stunningly nice color woodcut illustrations of example vegetables. Beautifully woodblock-printed in full color. *** COLLATION OF THE 20 VOLUME SET: Volume #: double leaves number of illustrations: ---------------------------------------------------1. 29 double folded leaves 2. 22 " " " , 4 color pages 3. 45 " " " , 17 color, 1 b.w. pages 4. 31 " " " , 4 color, 1 b.w. pages 5. 24 " " " 6. 20 " " " 7. 22 " " " 8. 30 " " " 9. 27 " " " 10.24 " " " 11.16 " " " 12.22 " " " , 4 b.w. pages 13.27 " " " , 2 b.w. pages, blue title page 14.22 " " " , 3 b.w. pages 15.17 " " " 16.19 " " " 17.17 " " " 18.18 " " " 19.36 " " " 20.22 " " " *** BINDING: The 20 volumes are uniformly bound in 16 parts: bound together are: volumes 5-6; 9-10; 11-12;15-16; blue title page in vols. 1 & 13. Each volume is bound in bind-stamped Swastika patterned yellow stiff wrappers. *** CONDIDTION: The set is bound in yellow blind-stamped covers in the traditional Buddhist or "Swastika" pattern. . Volumes 1,2 front covers are "dusty;" Vol. 20 lacks cover title slip. Else front/back covers minor discoloration here and there, else by and large very clean, all solidly stitched bound, complete. The contents are exceptionally bright, clean, free from any worming, printed on clean Washi paper. *** REFERENCES: KERLEN, H.: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: page 696, #1656, lists the 1876 edition. * KSM:[Nogyo] 5-291-1 *** Not Found In: BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. * EDGREN, J.S.: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY. * MERRILL, Elmer D. et al.: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC RareOrientalBooks.Com BOTANY. *** $2108 EARLY REFERENCE ON BIOGRAPHIES OF JAPANESE PAINTERS Book Number: 32029101 370 SAKA, Masakazu. FUSO GAJIN DEN: LIFE STORIES OF ARTIST PAINTERS IN JAPAN. Edo 1884, Kohitsu Ryochu. Green cloth, 5 vol. set bound in 1 volume, complete, Japanese text, woodblock printed on Washi paper, no illustrations, 46+73+42+75+64 double leaves, 6 cm. thick. FIRST AND ONLY COMPLETE EDITION This is the complete work, copious in nature and comprehensive. * CONDITION: The work was rebound in western style green cloth. There is some very minor and small amoutn of worming by and large the text is solid and not problematic. * ONE OF JAPANS MOST STUNNING & COMPLETE COLOR FLORALS Book Number: 22031601 371 SAKAI, Hoitsu. et al. SHIKI NO HANA: FLOWERS OF THE FOUR SEASONS. Kyoto 1907-8, Yamada Unsodo. Accordion folded, 9 of 10 vol. set, covers worn, chipped, contents very good, clean, sound, ca. 19 x 28 cm., prints open to ca. 37.5 x 18 cm., woodcut printed in color by hand on hand-made paper. R A R E ONE OF THE MOST STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE BOTANICALS OF . . THE MEIJI PERIOD RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 . . PRINTED ENTIRELY BY HAND ON WOODBLOCK USING WASHI PAPER . THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST FAMOUS JAPANESE BOTANICALS EVER DONE . REPRESENTING THE FOUR SEASONS, ITS FLOWERS & FRUITING TREES . . A most superb example of the best in Japanese period polychrome woodblock printing. Per Bartlett [below]: "The work was published just a century after it was begun. It is so extensive and deals with so many more plants than the conventional 'Flowers of the four seasons' of most artists that it is botanical as well as artistic in conceptions." . THE SET: The set was issued in 10 volumes, displaying seasonal flowers and fruits. *** THE ARTIST: The artist Sakai [1761-1828] served in the Imperial court and was the son of a Daimyo of Himeiji in Harima province. He painted this work from living specimens, and was assisted by Suzuki who supplemented the work. . Upon Sakai's death, the work was continued and finished by Nakano [1833-1892]. He rounded out the work to contain some 1000 examples, then it was published for the first time in 1908. . The work is so extensive that it could be considered a Japanese flora if it were not entirely unclassified and without text except for a table of contents. . The work contains a profusion of stunningly beautiful color woodblock-printed flowers as well as fruits & fruiting trees, illustrated in Deluxe large Oban size. . The Co-painters/artists were Suzuki Sonoichi and Nakano Sonoaki. [See Roberts below for more on all the painters] *** COLLATION OF THE BOOKS: The title pages list the names and numbers of illustrations found in each volume. The complication arises in the method of counting the full-page v.s.single page prints. . This set contains a total of 206 individual prints in all, 193 are double-page, 13 are single-page. The list of plates counts pages even though two pages equal a single print per above. Suffice to say the below volumes are complete as issued. The book calls for 208 pages of plates, our count is correct as we are counting double-page + single page prints. . Collation of Each Volume: . HARU: SPRING: 2 Volumes: 1. Title page, list of 49 plates Parts 1-2 [2 vols., unnumbered plates] total is 76 plates 1. 24 double page + 1 single page plates= 25 prints in all 2. 21 double page + 6 single page = 27 prints in all [all unnumbered] RareOrientalBooks.Com * NATSU: Summer: 4 Volumes: Parts 1-4 1. Title page, list of 89 plates . plates 1-20, 16 double page + 4 single + 20 in all 2. plates 21-43, 22 double page plates 3. plates 44-66, 22 double page plates 4. plates 67-89, 22 double page plates * AKI: AUTUMN: 3 Volumes: Parts 1-3: 1. Title page, list of 70 plates . plates 1-23=22 double page +1 single page=23 prints in all 2. plates 24-46 = 22 double page prints 3. plates 47-69 + 22 double + 1 single page=23 plates in all * FUYU: WINTER: Not present. . *** . SIZE OF THE BOOKS: The cover size is 18.8 x 27.7 cm., a double-page print from margin to margin is 37.5 x 27.7 cm., a bit larger than "Oban" size. The single-page is 18.8 x 27.7 cm., or a bit larger than "Chuban" size. . *** Due to the exceptional beauty of the color prints in this work, complete copies are exceptionally difficult to find. Many have been broken and individually framed. This set lacks the winter single volume, which as the least examples. The most lavishly illustrated volumes are spring, summer & autumn. The set is sold "as is," incomplete. *** By & large a most impressive & beautifully color-illustrated botanica japonica. . *** REFERENCES: . H. Bartlett: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOODBLOCK PRINTING, pp.243-4, exhibit 103 & figure 94. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN for details on Sakai and his son et al., pp 60-61. * Laurance P. Roberts.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, he devotes considerable space on p.47. Sakai published two important books on Korin. *** A STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED BOOK ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 Book Number: 32073401 372 SAKAI, Hoitsu. OSON GAFU: A BOOK OF PICTURES BY OSON. [Tokyo 1879, Kobayashi]. Yellow stitched wrs., very good, 18 x 22.5 cm., [27] double-folded leaves [54] pages in all, 25 double-page color woodblock printed illustrations, very clean, a bit of transfer on some, else clean, solid binding. This is a famous and quite lovely color woodblock printed book. . The contents contains tender pastel views of Mt. Fuji, a bamboo stick, traditional poem written on paper tied to a tree branch, tree branches, flowers, teacup, a scene from a classical court yard with officials, iris, ceramic bottle with flowers, waves, lily flowers, fan, court noble woman at her writing desk, cranes, court noble in nature, deer, a basket with two pears and a pair of turtles. Typical and traditional classic drawings. . For a complete list of the color pages, see Mitchell p.443 & Toda pp.362-362. . Each double-page color illustration has cinnabar [red] seal/hanko/chop by the artist. *** THE ARTIST: OHSON was the 'studio' name of SAKAI Hoitsu [1761-1828], who was a very famous artist from the Edo [old Tokyo] area. Per Toda: "Sakai Hoitsu's personal names were Eihachiro and Tadayori. His names as a painter were Hoitsu, Oson, Kuzen, and others....his studio name was Ukwa-an, and his name as Hokku poet was Toryu." See Toda below . Roberts cites this artist as a celebrated Rimpa painter, son of Lord Sakai of Himeiji Castle. He studied in Kyoto, also painted in the Kano style, the under Utagawa Toyoharu he began work in the Ukiyo-e and Nanga school. In 1797 he became a Buddhist priest, spent the last 21 years of his life in seclusion, painting and studying the life and works of Korin. See below for more in Roberts. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com BOOK CONTENTS: The contents are clean and solid, there are no worming or other defects except for some transfer of color where the color oxidized over a period of 100 or more years, this is entirely natural and to be expected for a book of this age. Solidly stitched spine. The inside covers have silver-mica flecks giving this a touch of elegance and class. Two pages of introduction + a half title. *** EDITION: This is the 1879 edition, a reprint of the Bunka 14th, 1817. edition. The preface states the Bunka date. *** CONDITION: The covers are intact with some of the usual soiling expected with yellow, blind-stamped from the inside with a floral pattern. The red cover label has some chipping on the right side, but that does not affect the title characters. Just below the upper edge of the front cover is the name of the former owner. Solidly stitched spine. *** REFERENCES: . KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: #1298, look at p.535 for "OSON GAFU", entry begins on pl534-535; and a good list of other references where this famous work can be found. * TODA, Kenji. DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE AND CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE OF CHICAGO: pp.262-363. * MITCHELL, C.H. et al. THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: pp.443-444, notes by Jack Hillier. Page 444 lists this exact copy with its description. * BRITISH MUSEUM [O.A.534] * BM [1898], P.6 [1 vol., 1879] * BM [1904], 16115.a.18 3 vols. 1880 * BROWN, Louise N. BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p.79 * BINYON, Laurence. et al. JAPANESE COLOUR PRINTS: p.225. * ROBERTS, Laurance P. A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER: p.47. * For more and copious bibliographic entries, see Mitchell and Kerlen. * A MOST COMPREHENSIVE & IMPRESSIVE REFERENCE WORK ! RareOrientalBooks.Com $615 Book Number: 89037601 373 SEGI, Shinichi. YOSHITOSHI THE SPLENDID DECADENT. Tokyo [1985], Kodansha. Purple cloth, very good, dj., 157p., folio, index, bibliography, 157 pages of color illustrations translated by Alfred Birnbaum, small folio, 23 x 30.5 cm. bright, as new copy. QUITE RARE FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is an important and valuable reference source, covering in much detail, the Utagawa school, the career of Yoshitoshi and the world of Yoshitoshi's art. Profusely illustrated in color, showing a large percentage of his whole bibliography in terms of single sheet prints, series, tryptiches and illustrated books. With lucid essays, and commentaries on each example. By and large one of the best color illustrated essays on Yoshitoshi prints and series in English. A useful resource for any curator, student or collector. A LOVELY WOODCUT ILLUSTRATED CHINESE NOVEL Book Number: 22027201 374 SEIEI, Shujin. [trans.] SHINMIN GUNDAN: INTRIGUING STORIES OF THE QING MILITARY. [A Chinese Novel Translated into Japanese] [Japan n.p. 1854, n.p]. Stitched brown paper covered wrs., very good, bit of rubbing to front covers a few old worm holes, solid, contents very bright, sharp images, 5 vol. set complete, 18+21+22+21+21+ double leaves, 108 pages in all. With 35 full-page woodcut illustrations. A lovely work translated from Chinese into Japanese. An illustrated novel. * The work covers a Qing dynasty [1644-1912] story of military battles, intrigue with Emperor. Of how the English had to "Kowtow" to the Emperor [see illustration no. 5], when they visited the palace, court intrigues and battles at sea. * Per Kerlen, the blocks were owned by Sei Eijuku [Kerlin gives his name in error: Seieijuku], there is no author RareOrientalBooks.Com $202 cited but it was a Chinese. There is no colophon, see Kerlen's notes. * THE SET: The work is complete in five illustrated volumes, per Kerlen p.628. There are 35 full-page illustrations. Text in Kanbun a form of old Chinese used by the Japanese, Kanji with Furigana. * CONDITION: The covers are some what rubbed, soiled with a touch of some old worming to the covers and title slips. The contents has some minor thumbing, but by and large is printed in very clear solid black line illustrations and good clear text on white Washi paper. All volumes are solidly stitched. * There is no colophon in this book, Kerlin lists what bibliographical information there is recorded about the owner of the blocks who was Seieijuku, "Honyaku Ehon" "Translated illustrated book" means taken from a Chinese source. ****** , BIBLIOGRAPHY: KSM: [Yomihon] 4-776-2 * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.628, no.1510. ****** USE THE WESTERN ALPHABET TO TEACH JAPANESE Book Number: 98119401 375 SEIYOH MONJI CHIE: WISDOM OF WESTERN ALPHABET. SEIYOH MONJI CHIE: WISDOM OF THE WESTERN ALPHABET. [Japan, 1875]. A small folding album, 8 x 17 cm., original blue covers, [18]p., accordion folded, soiled covers, verso blank, but evidence of a Japanese practicing his attempt at writing in English alphabet,128 color woodcut illustrations. RareOrientalBooks.Com $1698 A very charming early attempt to teach the Japanese English alphabetical letters and numerals. Folded and reading from traditional left to right, this work shows the Japanese the familiar "IROHA" alphabet in both Katakana & Romanized alphabetical letters [Romaji], with Hiragana above. The most fascinating part are the profuse color woodblock illustrations of familiar Japanese objects, each with Romanized letters & the appropriate Japanese. Such cute things as Inu, Roonin, Hato, Niwatori, Potsukkuri [Pokkuri], Hyotan, Tonbo, Ringo, Dobin, Soroban, Taiko, Daikon,Yoroi, Wakizashi, Kani, Katsuo and a plethora of others. This work basically was used to train the Japanese to read Romaji first for familiar objects and thus begin the process of learning English ultimately to read English letters. Works of this subject are now quite RARE and seldom come to market, many were basically used up in the learning process. This example well used, cover soil, bit thumbed, but remarkably complete. Back cover has the Sumi penned date: Meiji 7 nen, with a later cover title slip pasted on, and Sumi ink title written. Brief commentary on the English language, some text worn away, balance complete. A LOVELY AND DELICATELY PASTEL-COLORED ILLUSTRATED BOOK Book Number: 23015301 376 SEKI, Bunsen. BUNSEN GAFU: ALBUM OF DRAWINGS BY BUNSEN. Tokyo 1848, Suwaraya. Pink stitched wrs., very good, covers a bit scuffed, contents clean, solid, a few old worm holes, mostly in the margin, 17 x 24.5 cm., 2 introductory doublefolded leaves + 19 double folded pastel-color leaves. RARE A famous book, that illustrates birds, flowers, mythological characters &c. With a preface by his old friend, Kamo Suetaka [1752-1848], then 80 years old, when he wrote the preface in 1831. A truly lovely and tender work. The artist was exceptionally skilled at portraying typical Japanese subjects from the ancient past in a flowing and sensitive brush. He captured the essence of what is distinctly Japanese design and figures. A delight to behold, with the most delicate of RareOrientalBooks.Com $989 pastel tinting executed tastefuly. His experimentation with color was very successful and not over done like so many other artists of the same time. Cited in many of the usual bibliographies: see C. Mitchell:THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: pages 232-234, ours is example "C". H. Kerlin: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLCOLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: p.43, #103. L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTINGAND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN, p.81. Also KSM 7-142 -2; Kraft: vol. 3, no. 47. Surprisingly Bunsen is neither lisisted in L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, nor in J. Hillier: ART OF THE JAPANESE BOOK. $1156 Book Number: 85183701 377 SEN SHIN TAI ZO GYOKU SEKI ZASSHI. SEN SHIN TAI ZO GYOKU SEKI ZASSHI: IMPERIAL HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES AND FESTIVAL OBJECTS. [Osaka 1843]. Odd Volume 5. [56]p. Stitched binding, double folded leaves, full text in Japanese, with 16 pages of b.w. woodblock printed illustrations. Depicts archery, horses, riding gear and decoration. LATE 18TH CENTURY WOODBLOCK BOOK ABOUT KYOTO CONFLAGRATIONS Book Number: 27037901 378 SENSHU, Rojin. HI NO YOJIN HANA MOMIJI MIYAKO BANASHI: STORIES ON PRECAUTIONS AGAINST FIRE IN KYOTO. Edo 1788 Suharaya. Brown stitchd wrs., very good,, 3 vol.set 16 x 22.5 cm., covers/title slips rubbed, some marginal old worming, text/illustrations unaffected, woodblock printed & illustrated on hand-made Washi paper. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is a collection of interesting true stories about the famous conflagration of Jemmei era. Contains detailed stories and other topics about Kyoto throughout the four RareOrientalBooks.Com $340 seasons. With many lovely woodcut illustrations. * CONTENTS: Vol. 1: 70 pages [24 numbered leaves], 9 illustrations [on 14 pages]. In these illustrations on can see the outline of the fire, causes, number of shrines burned down, strange stores, poems and so on. * Vol. 2: 40p. [20 numbered leaves], detailed description about how the fire started, and spread throughout Kyoto. * Vol. 3: 22p., Kyoto after the great fire, collection of poems about the fire. * Nicely illustrated. * CONDITION: The set is 16 x 22 cm., is in its original brown stiff wrappers, stitched, with rubbed title slips, mild staining to vol. 2, contents by and large are clean, but has some old worming, mostly in the upper and lower margins, just a bit touches the text. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Not In Usual Bibliographical sources: Brown, Toda, Mitchell, Chibbett nor Kerlin. While this obscure work has eluded the scrutiny of most bibliographers, it is never-the-less a most fascinating primary resource for Kyoto and its famous fires. * BY JAPAN'S LEONARDO DA VINCI, THE RENAISSANCE MAN Book Number: 90068102 379 SHIBA, Kokan. CHIKYU ZENZU RYAKUSETSU: EXPLANATION OF THE COMPLETE MAP OF THE WORLD. Revised Version. Cover title: BANKOKU RYAKUSETSU. [Edo 1815, Tohto]. Brown stitched stiff wrs., 3 vol. set RareOrientalBooks.Com $1324 woodcut printed & illustrated on hand-made Washi paper, many illustrations, minor rubbing to covers, contents clean, no worming, 4th. edition. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION This important work describes the universe in geocentric and heliocentric terms. Explains the movement of the sun around the earth, and the reason for day and night as the sun travels along its elliptic. This is the 4th and last edition of the book, Shiba wrote the first 2 volumes, the 3rd volume elaborated on the descriptions of countries, bizarre tales of the customs & more foreign peoples. With a crude view of two men from Coromandel and a couple from Greenland, with foreign soldiers, American steamship [Kuro Fune or Black Ship]. The text of vol. 3, likely written after 1815, as it mentions the defeat of Napoleon. * This work enjoyed considerable popularity as it discussed foreign countries, established borders, capital cities, world geography, and even discussed "California." Much of the text was derived from Buy's Encyclopedia & Valentijn's geography. *** WHO WAS SHIBA KOKAN: Shiba Kokan [1747-1818], also known as Suzuki Harushige was an eminent Japanese painter and printmaker of the Edo period, famous both for his Western-style yoga paintings, in imitation of Dutch oil painting styles, methods, and themes, which he painted under the studio name of "Kokan." His Ukiyo-e primarily forgeries of the works of Suzuki Harunobu, which he created under the name Harushige. Kokan did not seek to hide or disguise his forgeries, and in fact is said to have boasted of his ability to forge the great master so well. . Kokan was known as Japan's Leonardo da Vinci, a renaissance man, a prolific author & writer publishing some 33 works in all. A most fascinating work and superbly illustrated resource on early Japan by an astute and most scholarly intellectual observer. All of his books and maps are important works and have earned great respect. . Above all, Shiba was a Rangakusha or a student of Dutch Learning, as well as being a very important and great artist, scholar, geographer, a celebrated innovator and pioneer in the Westernization of Japan and an august Renaissance man of Japan. He was responsible for explaining the workings of the sun, earth and moon, and has always been considered the "father of Japanese cartography." . He also learned from the Dutch in Nagasaki about the principles of Western perspective, until then an unknown to the Japanese. He acquired knowledge of copper-engraving, oil-painting, and produced Japan's first copper-etched graphic illustrations. . Shiba was a student of Suzuki Harunobu, So Shiseki, and Hiraga Gennai, and mastered a number of very different styles, and was also a great innovator, exploring new methods and styles on his own. He became the first Japanese artist, in 1783, to use copper plate engraving. Following Harunobu's death in 1770, Kokan placed Harunobu's signature on a number of his own prints, which were supposedly accepted as true works of Harunobu at the time. RareOrientalBooks.Com . Today, art historians have noted the distinctive calligraphic style of the faked Harunobu signature, the use of Western-style perspective, and the somewhat less delicate figures in works by "Harushige" [Kokan]. . Like many other Edo period artists, Kokan used a great variety of other names at various points in his career, though "Shiba Kokan," "Suzuki Harushige", and close variations on those appear far more often. Variations include Shiba Shun and Suzuki Shun [Shun being an alternate reading of the same character that forms the Haru of Harunobu or Harushige], while his other names include Ando, Kichijiro, Katsusaburo, Fugen-dojin, Kungaku, Rantei, and Shunparo. . Kokan lived in Nagasaki, and studied under Dutch physicians and scholars [Rangaku Dutch studies] in addition to his pursuits as an artist. Interested in astronomy in particular, he wrote and illustrated a book on Copernicus' theories, entitled Kopperu Temmon Zukai, Illustrated Explanation of Copernicus' Astronomy. He acquired knowledge of copper engraving, oil-painting and learned astronomy, history and geography, authoring several famous books. He has always been considered the Da Vinci of Japan, a renaissance man. *** ILLUSTRATIONS This set contains some 6 double-page and 8 single-page wood cut illustrations. The subject of these include a "KURO FUNE" or an American black [steam] ship, several hemispheric views of the earth, North & South America, California is also discussed, how the sun casts a moon shadow on the earth, orbit of the planets, the seasons, shooting star, including elaborate descriptions of countries, foreign peoples, a couple from Greenland, and two men from Coromandel &c. *** EDITION: This edition does not state date, publisher nor place, but being a 3 volume set, we defer to French, on p.127 & 169 who cites this as the 4th edition, written after 1815, we can not find additional bibliographical evidence in any of the usual resources to confirm or contradict that impression. The first edition was published in 1797. Regardless, the 4th edition did indicate a developing interest in foreign countries among the Japanese and the continuing reputation of Shiba as a geographer. . Per French, p.127 "...first two [vols.] containing the complete text of the 1797 edition. Vol. three elaborated on the descriptions of countries, replacing factual geographical detail with extraordinary and often bizarre tales of the customs and mores of foreign peoples. Kokan...did not write the last volume." *** COVER TITLE: BANKOKU RYAKUSETSU The cover title is an abbreviated title of the true and actual title which remains CHIKYU ZENZU RYAKUSETSU. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: C. French: SHIBA KOKAN: Artist, Innovator, and Pioneer in RareOrientalBooks.Com the Westernization of Japan. Cites a large number of pages discussing this work, see index; p.169 outlines the various editions of the work in 3 volumes [See #4.; p. 127, index et al. for copious notes on Shiba and on this book. * L. Brown: BLOCK-PRINTING AND BOOK-ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, p.147. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.88. * E. Papinot: HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, p.562. * M. Hosono: NAGASAKI PRINTS AND EARLY COPPERPLATES * R. Lane: IMAGES OF THE FLOATING WORLD * W. T. De Bary: SOURCES OF JAPANESE TRADITION * M.B. Jansen. CAMBRIDGE HISTORY OF JAPAN. * BY JAPAN'S RENAISSANCE MAN THE LEONARDO DA VINCIA OF JAPAN Book Number: 99079801 380 [SHIBA, Kokan.] TENCHI RIDAN: LITERARY WORKS BY SHIBA KOKAN. [Tokyo 1930], Oka Shoin. Brown cloth, very good, compiled by Muraoka Noritsugu, 91p., Japanese text, 25 b.w. photos from the original text, top gilt, head, tail of spine bit worn, covers bit scuffed, contents clean, tissue guards. SCARCE Shiba Kokan [1747-1818] was one of Japan's leading Rangakusha or Dutch learning scholars. He lived and worked in Nagasaki, where he studied European methods of drawing, including perspective & copper-plate engraving. This is a copy of one of his rarer books & studies, including pictures & notes on foreign animals, Western astronomy, foreign languages: Korean Hangul, Sanscrit, Western alphabet & numbers. * An important work, by Shiba [1747-1818], the great and most celebrated artist, scholar, geographer, innovator, artist, and pioneer in the Westernization of Japan, and august Renaissiance man of Japan. He was also a celebrated Rangakusha or scholar of Dutch learning. He is responsible for explaining the workings of the sun, earth & moon, and is considered the "father of Japanese cartography." He also learned from the Dutch in Nagasaki the principles of Western perspective, until then unknown to the Japanese. He acquired knowledge of copper-engraving, oil-painting. * Shiba Kokan [1747-1818], also known as Suzuki Harushige was a Japanese painter and printmaker of the Edo period, famous both for his Western-style yoga paintings, in imitation of Dutch oil painting styles, methods, and themes, which he painted as Kokan, and his ukiyo-e prints, primarily forgeries of the works of Suzuki Harunobu, which he created under the name Harushige. Kokan did not seek to hide or RareOrientalBooks.Com $4848 disguise his forgeries, and in fact is said to have boasted of his ability to forge the great master so well. Shiba was also important and great artist, scholar, geographer, a celebrated innovator and pioneer in the Westernization of Japan & august Renaissance man of Japan. He was responsible for explaining the workings of the sun, earth & moon, and is considered the "father of Japanese cartography." He also learned from the Dutch in Nagasaki the principles of Western perspective, until then unknown to the Japanese. He acquired knowledge of copper-engraving, oil-painting. * Shiba was a student of Suzuki Harunobu, So Shiseki, and Hiraga Gennai, and mastered a number of very different styles, and was also a great innovator, exploring new methods and styles on his own. He became the first Japanese artist, in 1783, to use copperplate engraving to successful effect. Following Harunobu's death in 1770, Kokan placed Harunobu's signature on a number of his own prints, which were supposedly accepted as true works of Harunobu at the time. Today, art historians have noted the distinctive calligraphic style of the faked Harunobu signature, the use of Western-style perspective, and the somewhat less delicate figures in works by "Harushige" [Kokan]. * Like many other Edo period artists, Kokan used a great variety of other names at various points in his career, though "Shiba Kokan", "Suzuki Harushige", and close variations on those appear far more often. Variations include Shiba Shun and Suzuki Shun [Shun being an alternate reading of the same character that forms the Haru of Harunobu or Harushige], while his other names include Ando, Kichijiro, Katsusaburo, Fugen-dojin, Kungaku, Rantei, and Shunparo. * Kokan lived in Nagasaki, and studied under Dutch physicians and scholars [Rangaku Dutch studies] in addition to his pursuits as an artist. Interested in astronomy in particular, he wrote and illustrated a book on Copernicus' theories, entitled Kopperu Temmon Zukai, Illustrated Explanation of Copernicus' Astronomy. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * FRENCH, Calvin L.: SHIBA KOKAN: Artist, Innovator, and Pioneer in the Westernization of Japan. See index for a large number of entries. Nicely illustrated, with several hemispheric views of the earth. * L. Brown: BLOCK-PRINTING AND BOOK-ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN FROM THE EARLIEST PERIOD TO THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, p.147 for more information on Shiba. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.88. * E. Papinot: HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, p.562. * M. Hosono: NAGASAKI PRINTS AND EARLY COPPERPLATES * Kokan was known as Japan's Leonardo da Vince, a renaissance man, a prolific author & writer publishing some 33 works in all. A most fascinating work and superbly illustrated RareOrientalBooks.Com resource on early Japan by an astute and most scholarly intellectual observer. * THE EROTIC ADVENTURES OF EMPEROR OF JAPAN Book Number: 41023801 381 [SHIBATA, Hoshu.] [After Taigado] DAITO KEIGO: BOUDOIR TALES FROM THE EAST [East = Kyoto]. [An Erotic Painted Japanese Album, 34 Color Genre Paintings] [Nagoya n.d. ca. 1867]. Brown silk brocaide covers,accordion folded, silver pages with 34 paintings laid down, album size 22.5 x 21 cm., painting size 19.5 x 16.5, corners minor rubs contents bright & very clean. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE WORK ! This marvelous and delightful genre style painted work. It is attributed to Shibata Hoshu [Hohshuu], by the late professor Dr. Richard Lane, [see below] after the original album he attributes to Taigado. * THE SOCIAL MILEAU & BACKGROUND OF THE KYOTO IMPERIAL COURT: THE ROLE OF SEXUAL INTRIGUE: . This work illustrates the sexual activities of the Emperor of Japan, his court, courtiers & concubines. Several references to him or his Imperial court are found in the text. Where any reference implicating the Emperor or his immediate courtiers are concerned, a blank box is found in the text, to protect the Name of the Emperor or his paramours. It was disrespectful to name the Emperor and associate him with licentious activities, nevertheless this work was done to give pictorial illustration to the activities of the Imperial court. Obviously, the artist was not allowed to use the Emperor's name, but based on the dates of the artist's active period, the record shows Emperors Sakuramachi [1736-1747] Gembun period; Momozono [1748-1762] Meiwa period; and Go-Sakurmachi [1763-1770] Meiwa period, as the three likely subjects of this illustrated sexual frolic. The exact Emperor's name will always remain a mystery. . THE EMPEROR'S SELECTION OF NEW CONCUBINES: Annual selection of new concubines by The Emperor was conducted by selecting the most beautiful girls from each province. These stunning young girls were groomed, educated in the ways of serving the Emperor and lived in the Imperial Palace. As they came of age they were presented to the Emperor. Any that caught his fancy were selected for his personal use and attendance. Often these young girls had RareOrientalBooks.Com $187 interest in other court men but had a primary duty to serve the Emperor. . The Emperor had his choice of any woman who lived in the Palace, including those married to his courtiers. It was common for married women to be selected by the Emperor for his personal sexual service. These women and their husbands advanced in stature and status within the Imperial Household social structure and were granted fiefdoms, land, rice, treasure and were appointed Governor of provinces and had their own Hatamoto [supporters] as well as a large stable of Samurai protectors. Thus having one's wife selected by the Emperor was a great honor and an opportunity for success. The pleased husband was happy at his social advance and gave homage and thanks to the source of his worldly success, i.e. his wife's vagina ! See below for more about this vis-�-vis album illustration number 15 below also Lane's notes on the same illustration #451 found in his book. . There is ample Japanese [Kambun] text surrounding each painting, indicating the people involved in licentious affairs. There were a lot of palace intrigue and romantic affairs were common. Infidelity, sexual offerings for personal favoritism by women and men was common to the time. *** THE ARTIST: SHIBATA HOSHU [a.k.a. Hohshuu]: THE ARTIST OF THIS WORK: The artist of this work is attributed to SHIBATA Hoshu [1840-1890] by Dr. Richard Lane on p.277 of his work cited below, and illustrated as plate #451 in his book. . Lane further attributes the artistic work to being "Shibata, "...a Nagoya Bunjin-ga artist. "It is also noteworthy that Lane cited this as a "woodblock-printed album..." while ours is a painted album. The plate & text he illustrates is identical to the one found in this album. . We acquired an exact 3 volume woodblock printed title from Dr. Lane while visiting him in Japan, in 1978. That item was 9 x 11.5 cm. in size. At that time, sadly, we did not record the Kanji for Hohshuu's name. . A PAINTING DONE IN "RESPECT" AND ADMIRATION FOR TAIGADO: In respect and admiration of Taigado, the original artist of this work, Hohshuu did his rendition of the album in his own Nanga style. It was not uncommon for Japanese & Chinese artists to give "homage" to their teachers or to other artists by making their own stylistic copy of the earlier master's work. There was no intent to "fake" or "copy" for financial gain, but merely in the ancient Confucian way to show "respect" and "admiration" for one's teacher by making a copy. In this case, due to the erotic nature of the subject, Imperial licentiousness was indeed an uncommon subject and seldom addressed by any Japanese artist. Thus the rarity of subject and the very charming painting technique in caricature to show the Imperial Palace people as human as any other class of people ! . Lane's illustration #451 is the exact same as this album's #15. The text found on Lane's example is again the exact as found in this album, except the first 3 Kanji characters are omitted in favor of a blank box. It is therefore with RareOrientalBooks.Com great certainty, that we can state with factual supporting evidence that our album is the one in the same as cited by Lane. . Several other texts found on other paintings in this album have the same blank boxes where reference to the Emperor is omitted in respect for His Highness. It was considered a crime under the Shogunate to mention the Emperor's name, or cite him in any books, and especially erotica escapades of an Emperor ! This was punishable by death in Japan at that time. ** THE ORIGINAL ARTIST: TAIGADO [a.k.a. TAIDO] [1723-1776]: Was a famous Nanga painter, calligrapher, born and lived in Kyoto. In 1742, he took the name Taiga, in about 1750 he studied Chinese style painting in Edo and was familiar with the famous Chinese treatise on painting: THE MUSTARD-SEED GARDEN, the manual for all Bunjin-ga artists. He was also a student of Zen and calligraphy, a disciple of Hakuin, a collaborator of Buson. He used over 113 "Go" [studio names] which can be found in the supplement of Tanaka Ichimatsu's IKENO TAIGA GAFU. Known for his gay and witty paintings, this current example is one of his best and most enjoyable works. Although this title is not listed in Mitchell. This is NOT surprising, being a manuscript, as Mitchell only listed woodblock printed works. Mitchell does not list "prohibited" or 'banned' books, but he does refer to Taigado, see below for details. * BANNED WORKS ARE NEVER SIGNED BY THE ARTIST: This superb work is not signed. It was common at the time for artists not to sign "Banned" or "Prohibited" items of an erotic or political nature. Hohshuu [flourished 1840-1890] is the "Go" [studio name] of a Ukiyo-e painter, and skilled Bijin-ga artist. He exhibits a charming and unique humor similar to that found in the Nanga, with good Kano & Nanga painting styles. Although we scanned each of the Roberts choices none seemed to fit what Lane has assigned to this artistic work. For sure this was done by an admirer of Taigado, or one of his better students. We therefore follow colleague Lane's lead and attribute this work to Hohshuu [Hoshu]. * ****** DESCRIPTION OF 37 FINE COLOR PAINTINGS: No. 1: Shows a couple getting ready to make love. . She is semi-nude with an open Kimono, he is nude. . No. 2: Three people chatting, two men and a woman. . No. 3: Man and woman making love, the man fans himself. . He is nude, she with Kimono open and nude. . No. 4: A voyeur man listens to two women talking about . a love-making experience. . No. 5: Man and woman making love, the Koto in the . background. Both the man and woman are nude. . A Shamisen is in the background. . No. 6: Couple under the Futon [blanket covers] making love. RareOrientalBooks.Com . No. . . No. . No. . . No. . . . No. . . No. . . . . No. . . . . No. . . . . No. . . . . . . . . . . No. . . No. . . No. . . . No. . . No. . . No. . . . 7: A male courtier strokes the long hair of his lover while she sleeps. He is semi-nude exposing his penis. 8: Associated text for the above illustration. 9: An archer makes love with his semi-nude lover. His bow and arrows along side. 10: A man with an erect penis points to the open vagina of his beloved. He is fully nude, she has her Kimono open ad is exposing her semi-nude body. 11: A man fondles his beloved's vagina. Both have their Kimono open, and are semi-nude. 12: A man readies his erect penis by preparing to add saliva to its tip, his beloved shields her face below her eyes being shy. He is nude, she has her Kimono open and is semi-nude. 13. A Samurai sheds his armor as he rapes a local girl. He is semi-nude, she has her Kimono opened exposing her body, while she pushes her arm under his chin in protest. 14. A male courtier sheds his armor and sits with his erect penis at the ready. He has two women both with spread legs, Kimono's open exposing their vaginas and bodies for him. He points to their vaginas. 15: This scene shows a courtier's wife who was the beloved of the Emperor Go-Saga. As a result of her sexual prowess with the Emperor, she bestowed great "Face" & honor upon her husband. Here the cuckold husband is seen bowing down and paying homage to the open vagina, the source of his worldly success!! Illustrated in Lane [see details below]. ["He bows down to show homage to his wife's open vagina in an offering of great thanks."] Quoted from Lane, p.277 and associated illustration #451. 16: The man mounts his beloved and makes love both are nude. 17: A man sits with his erect penis which his beloved fondles. He is nude, she has her Kimono open. 18: A man with and erect penis waits while his beloved lays down and is absorbed in looking at his penis. He is semi-nude, with his Kimono open. 19: A man sits before an oil lamp as he scratches his head. 20: A mother teaches her three children. They study at their desk, reading books, while she holds a baby. 21: A man sits with an erect penis, he fans himself being too excited. His beloved looks on covering her face being shy, all the while her legs are spread wide open exposing with her eager vagina. Her Kimono RareOrientalBooks.Com . . No. . . No. . . . No. . . . No. . . . . No. . . No. . . . No. . . . No. . . . . No. . . . . No. . . . . No. . . . . . . No. . . . . No. . . . . *** is opened. exposes her body to him. 22: A couple making love, the woman is on top, both are nude. 23: A man makes love to his beloved from the rear in a "shadow' drawing behind the Shoji screen in early evening. 24: A male courtier makes love to his beloved, their genitals are exposed. Her Kimono is open giving him full access. 25: A nude man with an erect penis prepares to mount his beloved from the rear. In great surprise she farts, [Onara] he covers his nose in surprise. She exposes her nude rear end to him. 26: A man and woman engage in love-making, both are nude. 27: A man and woman make love behind a folding screen. They are hidden so all we see are their naked legs and his rump. 28: A man and woman make love, He mounts her from above, the tip of his penis is red, she spreads her legs in welcome. He is nude, her Kimono is spread open. 29: A couple are seated and the woman sits on top of the man as he inserts his erect penis into her vagina from the bottom rear. The are both semi-nude with open Kimono. 30. A couple prepare to make love, from the rear. He is nude, she has her Kimono spread wide open. Scrolls are on a small table in the background. One can assume these are likely erotic in nature. 31: Two women discuss their private life. One holds her hand over her nose and mouth, a typical Japanese gesture of shyness, when talking about private and sexual matters. 32: A man and woman prepare to make love, he fondles her vagina, she feigns shyness and tries to cover her face with her Kimono sleeve. The view is from the garden looking into a house with sliding Shoji screen doors partially open, A kind of voyeur's eye view ! 33: Two men chat, the one on the left exposes a very surprisingly large erection. The man on the right is probably holding and looking at some Shunga [erotic art picture. 34 A male courtier makes love to his beloved, the are hot, he fans their genitals, both are nude. She supports herself on her elbows. His penis has entered her vagina, they both look on eagerly and he smiles. RareOrientalBooks.Com A TRIBUTE TO TAIKAGADO: This stunning and superbly drawn and executed work is very likely a tribute peace to Taikagado by Shibata Hoshu, one of his star students & great admirer. *** "BANNED" or "PROHIBITED" BOOKS: Shun Pon, Haru Bon: Due to the "banned" nature of this kind of erotic book, it is not surprising that it lacks date, artist's name, or even artist's "Go" [assumed studio/artist's name, and no seal or Hanko anywhere. . It is well-known that during the Tokugawa period [1603-1868] erotic paintings, prints and books were "BANNED" and "PROHIBITED" by decree of the Shogun. . One of the influencing factors was that during this period some Shoguns were changing their views and being influenced by Christians who entered Japan at this time. The Shogun did not want foreigners, and Jesuit missionaries to think that Japan was a crass and base nation. . Naturally foreigners soon learned that prostitution was permitted and rampant throughout Japan, so this strange logic from the Shogun never had much affect on the Christians and surely not on the Japanese. Nevertheless, the publication of every book, poster and print had to have the "censor's" seal on it to be a legitimate item. Any item without this seal was subject to seizure and forfeiture, the artist, publisher or seller was imprisoned. Mostly this was a 'gesture' sentence of a few days or a few weeks. There was of course no Shogun control over hand-drawn or painted works that were by and large a 'one of a kind' item. This item surely falls into that category, but specifically erotic books, prints, paintings were officially banned by the Shogunate. *** * EXCELLENT PROVENANCE: This item was acquired directly from Dr. Richard Lane by us in 1978. At that time he cited to us the known bibliographic details, and informed me that a very similar image and title would be listed & illustrated in his then forthcoming and major reference book on Japanese woodblock prints, printed books and paintings: IMAGES OF THE FLOATING WORLD. . Although this is a variant to the one cited, illustration number 15 is remarkably close to the image found on p.451 of his book. The one illustrated and cited in his book was retained by Lane. Lane stated that Hohshuu did several variants to the one he illustrated in his book. Lane liked this kind of genre and had collected several variants, most of which he sold to us. Other variants we bought were in the form of miniature scrolls, woodblock printed books of the same subject and genre during that visit. . After some 36 years, of course the all have been sold, except this one. We have reserved this one for our later years ! This is the last of those items we purchased from him. It is now being offered for sale for the first time. *** RARITY: Books of this Genre style and subject matter are RareOrientalBooks.Com exceptionally rare and seldom found on the market for sale. It was our good fortune to have known and visited Dr. Lane many times in Kyoto and buy from him some of the most stunning of all Japanese erotica, his specialty. *** CONDITION: The work is beautifully bound in the original brown brocade silk cloth, with blank silver title slip. Seven of the eight corners are a trifle bit wear, else clean and solid. The actual paintings are all quite clean, there is no worming or other detractions. Each paper painting is beautifully mounted using silver paper borders. Each is solid and very clean, with a touch of oxidizing patina due to the age of the paper. There is evidence of a something gently removed from the inside front end paper leaving a small amount of red color behind, we assume this may have been a private ownership bookplate. The end papers are 'gold-flecked paper' and are otherwise very clean. Page edges on three sides are lovely solid silver gilt with the usual oxidation due to age. . All in all a very clean lovely example of a very RARE erotic album. ** CONTAINED IN A CUSTOM-MADE JAPANESE CEDAR WOODEN BOX: This work is contained in a very nice custom two-part Japanese wooden box. The bottom lacks two of the four lips, but the top seals down correctly, protecting this lovely work any bug intrusion. Otherwise a few old worm holes, nicks, bumps, scratches to the exterior of the box as expected. . The box has protected this charming work from any attrition and has done its job. * COLOR SCANS: Please view the color scans posted to our website. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: Richard LANE: IMAGES OF THE FLOATING WORLD, p.277, photo # 451 shows Hoshu as the artist, original attributed to Taigado. Sadly, Dr. Lane did not put the actual Kanji for Hohshuu in his work, so we are still left without the exact characters for his name. . For comparison sake, we have made a scan Lane's illustration and posted it to our website as image illus11.jpg, along with many others of our album. * MITCHELL, C.H. et al.: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography, p.180-181 where he has a very generous paragraph on Taigado. He also attributes his 'studio' name as Arina, his true name was Kin, other studio names used were Taisei, Kaemon, later as Shuhei, Kasho and others ! An excellent Nanga ["Southern Style" artist], and native to Kyoto. * Not found in: Laurance P. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS. On page 239 he lists several choices for studio name "Hoshu," but we can not find the exact one Lane cites. Shibata entries again RareOrientalBooks.Com did not yield additional details. We shall leave it there and defer to the eminent professor Dr. Richard Lane's excellent scholarship. * SUSKI, P.M.:THE YEAR NAMES OF CHINA AND JAPAN. See p.30 for Emperor's name and dates. *** CONCURRENT WITH COMMODORE PERRY'S JAPAN VISIT Book Number: 93090901 382 SHIBATA, Shuzo. SHINTEI KONYO RYAKU ZENZU: REVISED OUTLINE MAP OF THE WORLD. Edo 1852, Shibata. Yellow stiff covers, very good, woodblock printed, color outline map, egg-shaped projection of the world, Japanese text, sheet size: 1 meter 5.5 x 49 cm., map size 75.5 x 49 cm., woodbock printed on hand-made paper.RARE This work was based on the Mercator projection, which was getting popular during this period in Japan. But the author chose the egg shape projection to illustrate the very new & then accurate view of the world to the Japanese. Carved in wood block by Takeguchi Teisai. This beautiful work is ready for framing and wall decoration. * This work is historically important since it was published the year that Commodore Perry of America arrived in Japan to open trade. The author states that "...Ancient maps show a continent called MEGARANI SHU but there is no actual place with that name, and if so then there would be six continents. * On the South Ocean there is no continent except for New Holland and New Guinea..." Some folds a bit tender, minor mended fold tears but otherwise clean, key to places, mountains, rivers, cities &c. * A handsome color example of Japanese woodcut and colored world cartography during the mid-19th century. World maps in Japan remained primitive due to the fact that they had little contact with the Western world until 1854. Contemporary Japanese maps remained influenced by the maps brought to Japan by the Dutch from 1600 onwards, and did not show much significant improvement when compared to contemporary Western maps. The Dutch were happy to keep the Japanese in the dark as to the true nature and latest discoveries in world cartography. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: RareOrientalBooks.Com $8000 Listed in G. Beans: LIST B, p.38, as 1852.4, * T. Oda: THE WORLD IN JAPANSE MAPS UNTIL THE MID-19TH CENTURY, p.212-213, as plate #95 * SUPERB EXAMPLE SIMILAR TO THE MUSTARD SEED GARDEN MANUAL Book Number: 87058001 383 SHIBATA, Zeshin. FUNGI AND PINE NEEDLES. Shinkin To matsuba [Symbols of Immortality] [Japan c 1880's]. A color woodblock print, 25 x 24 cm., very strong impression, registry and color, artist signed and red Hanko [seral/chop], immaculate condition, nearly square size format similar to Surimono. FIRST & ONLY EDITION *** *** *** . . . . A STUNNINGLY IMMACULATE COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINT: . . SHOWNG THREE FUNGI OR MUSHROOMS IN THE GRASS . . This is a superb work, with marvelous gradiation of pale green background, with an impressive black-brown fungi in the foreground. A tall mushroom occupies the right background, in a lovely composition, by the master Shin-hanga artist. . *** WHO WAS SHIBATA ZESHIN 1807-1891: Was a superb and talented Shin-hanga painter and woodblock print designer. While his production of prints was very small when compared to his contemporaries, his high-quality and stunning composition was beyond most other artists of his time. . Ernest Fenollosa was fascinated with Zeshin, and said about him: "The Japanese genius lay in the line of art objects featuring decoration and design." . Zeshin also did a great number of the most superb lacquer ware designs, may inspired or tested in his woodblock prints. he remains one of the highest masters of all time, respected as one of the all time ten best from Japan. His stature continues unquestioned, and admired by museums and RareOrientalBooks.Com $6120 collectors throughout the world. His "Zen" simple designs reflect his keen ability to express simplicity which is essentially Japanese. Bar none he stands out in the artistic world. . *** ABOUT THE SEAL: Per Henderson [2nd.entry below] he cites the artist's seal is Tairyukyo, no.36 in the seal index of his 1976 catalog. . *** REFERENCES: HENDERSON, Milne.. AN EXHIBITION OF PRINTS & PAINTINGS ON NETSUKE SUBJECTS BY ZESHIN & RELATED ARTISTS 28 JUNE-14 JULY [1980]. See item #4, illustrated in this catalog. . --. AN EXHIBITION OF PRINTS, PAINTINGS AND LACQUER BY SHIBATA ZESHIN 25 JUNE-9 JULY 1976. See seal #36, Tairyukyo. * O'BRIAN, Mary L. et al.: THE ART OF SHIBATA ZESHIN THE MR. AND MRS. JAMES E. O'BRIEN COLLECTION AT THE HONOLULU ACADEMY OF ARTS. . *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. A MOST STUNNING COMPOSITION AND DESIGN BY THE MASTER ! Book Number: 87057901 384 SHIBATA, Zeshin. HAGOITA: SHUTTLECOCK [BAT] WITH HANE AND PLUM FLOWER. [A Color Shin-Hanga Japanese Woodblock Print] [Japan ca.1880's]. Color woodblock print, very clean, nice impression, minor rubbing, with Zeshin Signature, Tairyukyo seal in read, 24.9 cm., 24 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION *** *** *** . . . A FAMOUS PRINT, EXPRESSING NEW YEARS'S IN JAPAN . . "HAGOITA" . . The "Hagoita" [Battledore or 'paddle'] is use in Japan during the New Year celebration in a game of "Shuttlecock" where a tiny "birdie" with feathers is batted back and forth RareOrientalBooks.Com $1085 between friends. . *** WHO WAS SHIBATA ZESHIN 1807-1891: Was a superb and talented Shin-hanga painter and woodblock print designer. While his production of prints was very small when compared to his contemporaries, his high-quality and stunning composition was beyond most other artists of his time. . Ernest Fenollosa was fascinated with Zeshin, and said about him: "The Japanese genius lay in the line of art objects featuring decoration and design." . Zeshin also did a great number of the most superb lacquer ware designs, may inspired or tested in his woodblock prints. he remains one of the highest masters of all time, respected as one of the all time ten best from Japan. His stature continues unquestioned, and admired by museums and collectors throughout the world. His "Zen" simple designs reflect his keen ability to express simplicity which is essentially Japanese. Bar none he stands out in the artistic world. . *** ABOUT THE SEAL: Per Henderson [2nd.entry below] he cites the artist's seal is Tairyukyo, no.36 in the seal index of his 1976 catalog. . *** REFERENCES: . HENDERSON, Milne. :AN EXHIBITION OF PRINTS & PAINTINGS ON NETSUKE SUBJECTS BY ZESHIN & RELATED ARTISTS 28 JUNE-14 JULY [1980]. See #12 and photo. * . --. AN EXHIBITION OF PRINTS, PAINTINGS AND LACQUER BY SHIBATA ZESHIN 25 JUNE-9 JULY 1976. See seal #2, Tairyukyo seal #8.. * O'BRIAN, Mary L. et al.: THE ART OF SHIBATA ZESHIN THE MR. AND MRS. JAMES E. O'BRIEN COLLECTION AT THE HONOLULU ACADEMY OF ARTS. * JACKSON, STUART GALLERY.:WOODBLOCK PRINTS OF SHIBATA ZESHIN [1807-1891] see #6. * . *** Color scans of this & most other items are posted to our website. *** A BOOK ON JAPANESE WOMEN POETS & OTHER FAMOUS WOMEN Book Number: 98120401 RareOrientalBooks.Com $1301 385 [SHIGENOBU] YEHON FUJI BAKAMA [OR BAKAWA]: PORTRAITS OF THE FIFTEEEN FAMOUS WOMEN OR PICTURE BOOK 'FUJIBAKAMA.' Edo 1823, Kakumaru-ya Jinsuke. Black stitched wrs.,very good vol. 1 of 2 only, 22 x 15.5 cm., 16 double folded leaves, ves, [32]p., 16p. woodcut illustrations by Shigenobu who was known as Tanishiro Shigeyama, pupil of Yanagawa Shigenobu... A rather well-known work, illustrating the anecdotes of 8 celebrated women in Jaanese history. The artist succeeded his master as an adopted son, the name taken from Zoku Ukiyo-e Ruikoh. Cited in: Brown, p.130. Toda p.283. The meaning of Fujibakama=eupatorium Chinesnse [a long-flowering plant representing the kind of accolade that laurels imply to us]. Wonderful illustrations, nicely executed. According to J. Hillier: THE ART OF THE JAPANESE BOOK, vol.2, pp.785789: "the artist was originally named Tanishiro Shigeyama, a pupil of Yanagawa Shigenobu, whose name he assumed when his master died, and who is consequently known as Shigenobu II. First issued in 1823 and the artist named was Shigeyama, but in the reissue of 1836 [after the death of the first Shigenobu], the colophon gave the artist as Yanagawa Shigenobu from which it has WRONGLY been credited to Shigenobu I." The book was color printed, but ours seems to be the RARE black & white edition, Not cited by Hillier or others. This work deals with the events in the lives of famous women, and also depicts Kaga no Chihyo, an 18th century poetess remembered principally for a Hokku that, in 1823 was much in people's minds because of the current craze, discussed in the next chapter for Asagao, the 'morning glory.' Text by Saeda Shigeru. A SUPERB FOLIO SET WITH STUNNING COLOR EXAMPLES Book Number: 84148801 386 [SHIMADA]. MOTONOBU GA SHU: Collection of [Kano] Motonobu Paintings. [Tokyo 1903-07, Shimbi Shoin]. 3 folio vols, 17 x 12 inches, in folding slipcases with ivory clasps, all edges gilt, many color woodcut plates, 146 b.w. plates. FIRST & ONLY DELUXE EDITION Covers the major efforts of this mid-16th century painter. Strong ink brush style, bright color. This edition is a production of Japan's most honored publisher, the Shimbi Shoin. * The work is a DeLuxe printing on high quality paper, bound in the traditional Japanese fashion in stunning condition. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $612 FIRST & ONLY EDITION: The work was so luxurious that it was only printed once, in the present edition. * CONDITION: The Chitsu folding cases have some wear and two clips are wanting, the balance present. There is some end wear and a small piece missing from the Chitsu, else, the books are in pristine condition, with just a little minor and usual rubbing but by and large extremely clean, and a lovely copy. The gilt is bright and excellent. * This is a very large and heavy set. Appropriate extra packing, insurance and shipping charges will apply. * $500 PUBLISHED IN A LIMITED EDITION OF ONLY 750 COPIES Book Number: 84164702 387 SHIMIZU, Yutaka. NARA PICTURE BOOK. [NARA E-HON]. Los Angeles 1960, Dawson. Brocaide silk, stitched, very good double folded leaves, 2 paper samples tipped in, 4 color, 6 b.w. photos,slipcase, 17.7 x 25.5 cm., translated by Richard Zumwinkle, new copy. LIMITED EDITION 750 COPIES This unique English language reference monograph covers the bibliographical features, nomenclature, book titles, history the painatiings & calligraphy, with notes on the literary significance. * Nicely color & b.w. illustrated, a most valuable reference in English for any student or collector of Nara-Ehon. * One of the very few substantial references in English. There are virtually no other monographs in English on this obscure subject in any depth. * These Japanese manuscript books were firt made abut 1440, & were negelected from 1467-1575 and flourished again from 1574 to about 1736. They orignated in Nara by Buddhist artists but were not on buddhist subjects. * FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION OF 750 COPIES * RareOrientalBooks.Com $12 A GIANT SIZED COPPER-ETCHED COLOR WORLD MAP Book Number: 93092402 388 SHINKAN YOCHI ZENZU: WORLD CHART ON MERCATOR'S PROJECTION. SHINKAN YOCHI ZENZU: WORLD CHART ON MERCATOR'S PROJECTION WITH NUMEROUS OCEAN ROUTES. AHEAD OF TITLE: KANKYO SHINKAI Edo 1861, Satoh. Green stained cloth covers, color woodblock printed, copper etched outline, sheet 1 meter 35.5 x 1 meter 36 cm., light margin & small center stain, a few old mended worm holes, else solid, grand size wall map. R A R E This is a superb example of one of the largest wall maps printed during this period. Of special merit are the 159 flags of foreign nations in color. Sato Masayasu the publisher was a student of Katsu Kaishuu, the celebrated Dutch Scholar [Ran Gakusha].His name appears in the introductory text. * This work represented the end of the Edo period & influenced world maps of the Meiji period. This work is the most up-to-date cartographic view of the world, accurate, with names of countries, cities, mountains, rivers, seas &c. The inside title reads: SHINKAN YOCHI ZENZU. * A choice large wall map, suitable for wall display. Done in the Mercator projection showing sea routes, oceans, currents with all places of major interest named. An important & most valuable historical world map. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEANS, George H. A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA: LIST Supplement A, p.31, 1861.1. * Kurita p.23, * Kobe City Museum: AKIOKA KO CHIZU KOLEKUSHYON MEI HIN TEN: EXHIBITION OF THE AKIOKA COLLECTION OF FAMOUS OLD MAPS: and is illustrated as plate 34. **** A PERRY ERA NATIVE JAPANESE RELIGIOUS PRAYER BOOK & SUTRA RareOrientalBooks.Com $4214 Book Number: 20041701 389 SHINTO KYKUU SHUU OH HARAI: SHINTO BIBLE. SHINTO KYKUU SHUU OH HARAI: SHINTO BIBLE: A Shinto Prayer Book & Sutra. [Kyoto 1855, Yamato-Ya]. Accordion folded down to 6.2 x 15 cm., 2m. 43.5 cm long, printed on both sides, on mica-flecked paper, lacks back cover, but complete, some folds mended, essential solid, pocket size, actually used. S C A R C E Shinto is Japan's most primitive and basic set of beliefs, not a religion as it lacks dogma & morals, but is the foundation of the origin of the Japanese Imperial line and is the basis of Japan's spiritual life. KAMI [Invisible God], cosmogony of the "heaven and the earth" are main themes. * This sutra was done during the time of Commodore Perry's historic visit to Japan. This holy scripture was written entirely in Japanese Kanji with much Furigana and is pronounced strictly in Japanese, rather than any Chinese reading of the characters. The palm-sized Ori-hon [folding-book] is designed to be used by a Shinto disciple or follower, while praying to Japan's native gods and spirits. Shinto [WAY OF THE SPIRITS] is the national belief of Japan, is a mixture of the veneration of ancestors & nature worship. * To loosely quote an excerpt from Papinot: "The Shinto mythology mentions a first God AME-NO-MINAKANUSHI [Lord of the Middle of Heaven] who remained motionless in the centre of the universe at the time of the creation, or who, according to others, was the first born at Takama-ga-hara [Plain of Heaven]. After him, come Takamimusubi, Kamimusubi, Umashi-ashikabi-hiko, Kunito-kotachi, Kunisatsuchi, Toyokunu then a host of others, finally the most famous are Izanagi & Izanami the two that created Japan and an infinite number of Gods. Of them were born Amaterasu-o-mikami...who sent her grandson Ninigi-no-mikoto to rule over Japan. He is the great-grandfather of Jimmu-tenno, the first Emperor. Shinto has personified all the forces and all the phenomena of nature, and sought to render them propitious; whence, the Gods of the wind of the sea of the mountains of epidemics &c. It even added to them Gods of food, kitchen, the hearth &c. In the beginning there was no other temple but the Imperial Palace. The readings and ceremony consists of purifications & ablutions." See Papinot citation below. * Often, Japanese will throw a handful of salt to purify their home or establishment after a bad experience, part of this purification practice. The temple of Ise was the RareOrientalBooks.Com first erected outside of the Palace for Shinto worship outside the Palace. The three treasures are the mirror, sword & the jewel. Absent of metaphysical dogma, Shinto was challenged in 552 by the introduction of Buddhism with its higher moral code. * There are 163,861 Shinto temples in Japan. Capt. F. Brinkley in his historic A HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE, devotes substantial space to this all important & most primitive of Japanese beliefs. Works of this period woodblock printed on the very special mica-flecked hand-made Washi paper are truly rare and seldom if ever found on the market for sale. * When thoroughly worn out, they are usually burned at the end of the year in as an offering, rather than kept. Prey few old examples remain due to this reason. There are also Shinto rituals related to the purification and acquisition of Japanese Samurai swords. A great example of Japan's oldest and most unique and native pantheon. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: Capt. F. Brinkley: A HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE * E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN: pp.578-579. * . $818 Book Number: 24006701 390 SHOBAI OURAI: HAND BOOK OF BUSINESS SHOBAI OURAI: HAND BOOK OF BUSINESS. [Edo 1847, Fujikaya]. Red stitched wrs., 10 double leaves,21 pages in all, Japanese text, illustrated title page, 3 illustrations a the top of the page, woodblock printed on handmade Washi paper, 17.5 x 25 cm., well worn, Japanese text. How to make money & get rich, count products, business vocabulary, how to read Japanese business characters, and business man's guide. FASCINATING [1810] EROTIC STORY OF LUST, SEX AND RAPE Book Number: 98089701 391 SHUNTEI. RareOrientalBooks.Com $136 HARU SAME NO NIKKI: THE [EROTIC] JOURNAL OF A SPRING RAIN. [Japan n.d. ca. 1810]. Stitched thick color printed woodblock print decorated covers, 3 vol. set, [14+10+8] doubleleaves, very good impressions & registry, polychrome printed erotic set, 30 color illustrations, 25 erotic illustrations. A very clean copy, 15.5 x 22.5 cm. An excellent set of Harubon or erotic illustrated woodblock printed books. Shuntei [1770-1820] was a celebrated book illustrator & print artist of the time. Volume one begins with an erotic introduction, discussing the sensual gentle spring rain season. The first double page plate shows Geishas getting ready for the arrival of guests, their placing of the food with three Geisha who play musical instruments and hold fans. Page 2 shows a young Samurai on neglecting his fire watch while making love along the river with his lover, on a double pages. Page 3 shows another couple with the woman on top, grasping the young man's highly enlarged erected penis, while she looks at an opened erotic book, mimicking the exact position and action in that book ! Next two plates show couples engaged in love making, the last illustration is of the vulva and exposed genitals. Vol. 2 is illustrated with 4 double-pages of couples making love. One shows the woman looking at a 3 volume erotic book, another shows a man licking his fingers in preparation to lubricate the vulva, the last plate shows a large close-up of the penis & vulva. Vol. 3 shows two men coming upon a couple making love in the night, they begin to assault the man with an erect penis, and rape the woman, another of a couple making love. The last illustration in each volume, shows close-ups penis and vulva, and deep penetration of the vulva. An exceptionally fascinating erotic set, complete. Cited and illustrated in K. Shibui: UKIYO-E NAISHI, page 68 with 2 illustrations, item #106. L. Roberts DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS cites Shuntei [1770-1820] on p.158. QUITE RARE. Color scans can be sent by email. A 19TH CENTURY COPY OF THE CELEBRATED BUDDHIST PRIESTS ART Book Number: 27051301 392 SHUUBUN. EHON JINBUTSU ZUE, KACHO ZUE, SAN SUI ZU: ILLUSTRATED BOOK: PEOPLE, BIRDS & FLOWERS, LANDSCAPES [MOUNTAINS & WATER] [Japan, n.c. ca 19th century]. A manuscript book, 17 x 23.5 cm., very good, tied with twisted paper in 2 places, 14 double folded leaves = [28]p., some old worming on last 8p., else clean bright paper, done after the original. OBSCURE Shuubun was a celebrated Zem Buddhist monk and painter of the 15th century or Muromachi period. Born in Omi province, he went to Kyoto and was the chief of Sokoku-ji temple. From RareOrientalBooks.Com $6120 an early time, he was a painting student of the Chinese scholar-painter Josetsu, who was a resident at Shokoku-ji temple. Shuubun was often called Ekki Shuubun, his studio name. * The current work is likely a 19th century copy of one of his book, done after the orignial work. Students commonly used famous works to copy from and practice their art. This work reflects the charm and sensitivity that Shuubun expressed in his Zen art form. There is no attemp to forge or otherwise assume this work was that of Shuubun. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * E.Papinot: HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN: p.593. * F. Brinkley: A HISTORY OF THE JAPANESE PEOPLE: pp.365, 450 * $354 A TRANSLATION & COMMENTARY OF FUGAKU HYAKKEI Book Number: 96057701 393 SMITH, Henry D. HOKUSAI: One Hundred Views of Mt. Fuji. New York [1988], Braziller. Blue cloth, very good, 224p., 83 b.w. plates, notes, bibliography, dj. Through the inexhaustible originality in presentation, Hokusai's glimpses of Mt. Fuji transmute the ordinary into the memorable. Relying on traditional themes and pictorial elements, he handles motifs freely without destroying the naturalness of the scene. In his introduction, the author explores the importance of the Fuji cult in Japan, as well as the importance of Hokusai's 100 Views of Mt. Fuji. Useful for any student of Japanese art, woodblock books & of Fuji ! Freitag 5421 A USEFUL DICTIONARY REFERENCE FOR PAINTERS & UKIYO-E PRINTS Book Number: 97059004 394 SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. INDEX OF JAPANESE PAINTERS: COMPILED BY THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF EASTERN ART. RareOrientalBooks.Com $65 Rutland [1973], Tuttle. Blue cloth, very clean, paper pasteon covers, solid, 160p., folding chart, bright, sharp copy. An excellent reference for any collector of Japanese painters and Ukiyo-e prints, as well as Japanese woodblock printed books. Organized in alphabetical order, Romaji, Japanest character name, English descriptions, dates, studio name given, references where examples are found, background info on each. Valuable for reference and research. * The author is possibly Marquis Moritatsu. $19 A USEFUL DICTIONARY REFERENCE FOR PAINTERS & UKIYO-E PRINTS Book Number: 97059005 395 SOCIETY OF FRIENDS. INDEX OF JAPANESE PAINTERS: COMPILED BY THE SOCIETY OF FRIENDS OF EASTERN ART. Rutland [1976], Tuttle. Green cloth,very clean, paper pasteon covers, very good, 160p., folding chart, 13 x 19 cm., a solid copy. An excellent reference for any collector of Japanese painters and Ukiyo-e prints, as well as Japanese woodblock printed books. Organized in alphabetical order, Romaji, Japanest character name, English descriptions, dates, studio name given, references where examples are found, background info on each. Valuable for reference and research. * The author is possibly Marquis Moritatsu. Book Number: 99075901 396 SOGA MONOGATARI. SOGA MONOGATARI. THE STORY OF THE SOGA BROTHERS VENDETTA. [Osaka 1700, Osaka Shorin]. Blue stitched thick wrappers, 12 volume set, complete, 18.5 x 25 cm., total of [400]p., woodblock printed, [400]p., 122 b.w. illustrations, very good, a bit of old worming in vol. 12, last few pages, no loss. Printed on double folded leaves. This is the famous & classic 12th century story of revenge. The Soga brother's father Soga Sukeyasu was murdered in 1177 by his relative Kudo Suketsune. The two orphaned young brothers Sukenari [117293] & Tokimune [1174-93] were adopted later and their mother remarried. They were spared death by their father's enemies. The boys bided their time and then avenged their father by killing Suketsune in 1193. They were captured and put to RareOrientalBooks.Com $19 death. This is their story. Nicely illustrated by early wood cuts. A good account is found in E. Papinot: HISTORICAL & GEOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPAN, p.599. This story is also covered in more detail in the usual Japanese histories, including Brinkley, Murdoch, Sansom et al. A very copious description of the illustrations and bibliographical details are found in K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION, p.66-70 for many entries. J.S. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION, p.57. #164. S. Iwao: BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY. Rosny 172:/146. J. Goedertier: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE HISTORY, p.69, 274 for a brief but good description of the story. KS 5-298 for more entries. This story has been the inspiration of many Kabuki & Noh dramas. The complete set in 12 vols. is difficult to find, as many of these have been separated and sold for their fine illustrations. This work is bound in the original covers, with Sumi calligraphed title slips. Nice early work. Scans of illustrations can be sent by e-mail. R A R E ! STUNNING, COMPREHENSIVE 1703 JAPANESE BOTANICAL ENCYCLOPEDIA Book Number: 35023101 397 SOH, Han. et al. SEIKEI ZUSETSU: ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF AGRICULTURE. [Woodblock-Printed & Illustrated & 30 Volume Set] Osaka 1793, Hanfu Shorin. Stitched yellow stiff wrs.,30 vol. set, 19.7 x 26.5 cm.,title slips,2 indigo-blue folding cloth Chitsu folding cases, bone clasps, clean covers a few dusty, contents very clean & bright, complete set. FIRST EDITION This superb and copious work was initiated in Kansei 5 [1793] by order of Shimazu Shigehide [1745-1833], the Daimyo of Satsuma, i.e. the Feudal Lord [Tycoon]. This area is now called Kagoshima Prefecture, Kyushu. The work was edited by Soh, Han, [aka: by his "studio" or "go" name: Soh Senshun 1758-1834]. . Lord of Shimazu ordered a comprehensive illustrated encyclopedic treatise on agriculture and agricultural botany. The work had an ambitious task, to list every known plant in Japan, with drawings of a large number of examples. Though the original plan was to make this work in 100 volumes, due to fire and other catastrophes, it only went to 30 volumes in all. * EDITORS: The work was edited by Soh Senshun [So Han] & Shirao Kokuchu. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $5168 DISASTER DURING THE COMPLIATION OF THIS WORK: This work was to be the greatest work of botany every published, but was interrupted twice by fire. never progressed beyond the 30 volumes. The work suffered two fires in 1806, and again in 1829. These fires destroyed a great number of the book's woodcut blocks, along with a large number of printed pages stored in a warehouse which burned to the ground. It dealt with agricultural botany, and a few wild food plants. *** THE INCLUSION OF SOME FOREIGN GRAINS & CORN: The work is nicely described & illustrated in Bartlett [see below] as exhibit 33. Figure 29 shows four pages from this work. It also included a bizarre and unusual form of American Indian Maize [i.e. corn] from the new world, known in Japan as Mamekibi. It also shows two other foreign grains: Tobiki or T'ang millet, and Namban millet from the land of the Portuguese or "Southern Barbarians." Also Koma-kibi a Korean millet from the old name Koma for Korea. . The corn was fried in a pan to make "pop-corn" an early record of this kind of usage and food. It may even predate the American usage of corn. *** The contents also deals with the agricultural ceremonies and festivals, planting and tending crops, surveying, irrigation, flood control, farm implements, verities of rice ad various agricultural products. . This famous, stunning and copious work remains one of the most important botanicals ever done in Japan, and is considered one of the most comprehensive and reliable works ever done on the subject in Japan. *** EDITION: This is the FIRST & ONLY EDITION OF THE BOOK. This work was not reprinted nor issued serially, but issued as a set of 30 volumes complete in its one and only edition. *** CONDITION: The set is uniformly bound in stiff yellow stitched wrappers. The first volume covers are dusty front & back; vol.2 & 11 have some stains on the front covers, back covers clean. Vol.8 a bit of stain & spots to lower front cover, back cover clean. Else all other volumes are exceptionally clean both front and back converse as well as bright and clean contents, no worming or other issues. By and large a very nice set ! *** ALTERNATE PUBLISHERS: These are the alternate publishers: So-ya Kyubei and Iyo-ya Zenbei in Osaka. *** REFERENCE: KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS, p.588-589, #1426 * BARTLETT, Harley H. JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.149, exhibit no.33, illustrated on a full page as figure 29. * This work cited: RareOrientalBooks.Com BIBLIOGRAPHY AND NATURAL HISTORY: Essays presented at a conference convened in June 1964, Lawrence, Kansas A speech delivered by U.C.L.A. Prof. Richard C. Rudolph: ILLUSTRATED BOTANICAL WORKS IN CHINA & JAPAN, Feb.1, 1967 used this among several others to illustrated his speech, two photos [illus08.jpg] are scanned and posted to our website, along with many others from this book. Both of these photos were taken from Bartlett p.150, figure 29. * KSM (Nogyo) hakubutsu 5-78-3 *** $17546 FASCINATING EARLY JAPANESE PERSPECTIVE ON EVALUATING SWORDS Book Number: 41050701 398 SOKEN HITSUO KI. SOKEN HITSUO KI. HOW TO EVALUATE JAPANESE SWORDS. [Edo 1824, Suwahara]. Blue stitched wrs., oblong format,worn covers, contents solid, some old worming, 21.7 x 15.5 cm.,29 double-folded leaves 27 double pages showing one long sword, 8 tangs, 8p. designs & others. FIRST & ONLY OBSCURE EDITION Useful to all Japanese sword and Tanto collectors. Shows some Menuki designs, the Midare or "cloud pattern" found in Japanese blades. Loaded with useful sword examples. * Nicely done, useful reference for students, collectors and dealers ! * Book Number: 95267401 399 SOTHEBY'S. CODE CHOKI. JAPANESE PRINTS AND ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. London 1991, Sotheby's. Black pictorial wrappers, very good, 93p., 33 color, 126 b.w. photos, plan, glossary, with price estimates, covers 303 well described items. RareOrientalBooks.Com $269 An excellent display of works by Kuniyoshi, Hokusai, Eizan, Hiroshige, Munakata, Utamaro, Toyokuni &c., depicting men, women, landscapes, &c. A useful reference resource. $39 Book Number: 95249101 400 SOTHEBY'S. CODE SAKURA. JAPANESE PRINTS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND PAINTINGS. London 1987, Sotheby's. Yellow pictorial wrs., very good, [88]p., 12 color photos, b.w. photos, price estimates. Sale of April 15, 1987. A useful reference resource. 439 well-described lots, including prints, screens, paintings &c., Hiroshige, Hokusai, Kuniyoshi &c. $39 Book Number: 99086001 401 SOTHEBY'S. CODE SATSUKI. JAPANESE PRINTS, ILLUSTRATED BOOKS & PAINTINGS London 1988, Sotheby's. Stiff pictorial wrs., 70p., 58 b.w. photos, 10 color photos, price estimates, price list. Sale of May 16th, 1988, 379 well described lots. AN EXCELLENT EXHIBITION OF OVER 200 EXAMPLES Book Number: 85153901 402 SPRINGFIELD LIBRARY & MUSEUM ASSN. UTAGAWA KUNIYOSHI: An Exhibition of the Work of Utagawa Kuniyoshi [1797-1861] Based on the Raymond A. Bidwell [Springfield 1980, Springfield Museum]. Stiff pictorial wrs. unpaginated, 201 color & b. w. plates, chronology, bibliography, 18.5 x 26.5 cm., 1/2 inch thick, very clean, unused, unread bright copy, as new. FIRST EDITION An excellent catalog based on the celebrated Raymond A. Bidwell Collection of Japanese Prints. * Includes a list of publishers, various signatures & dates of use, artist's seals [Hanko], biographical essay, & other useful references. * Illustrating over 200 examples of this great artist's works, showing a bold flair & capture of fluid motion. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 An important reference source for a any museum, student or collector. *** A FIRST MONOGRAPH ON SADAHIDE AND HIS COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTS Book Number: 27050801 403 STANOFF, Jerrold G. SADAHIDE. [Utagawa Gountei Sadahide] [A Lecture Delivered to the Ukiyo-E Society of America, New [New York 1984, Ukiyo-e Society America. Buff wrappers, A-4 size, 9p., stapled, as new. OBSCURE, FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is perhaps the first real monograph covering the works of Hashimoto Sadahide, his bird's eye view maps, processions and other prints related to Yokohama and foreigners in the Yokohama are. * The essay uses several examples from the author's and a library collection to illustrated the skill and technique of Sadahide. * *** WHO WAS UTAGAWA SADAHIDE [GOUNTEI] 1807-73]: Was to become one of the most famous Yokohama print artists of his time. He used several "Go" or "studio names:" Kenjiro, Gountei, Gyokuoh, Gyokuran, Gyokuransai, Gyokurantei, Sadahide [a "Go" which stuck]. He is perhaps one of the first after Hokusai, to use what is now commonly called a "bird's eye" view or perspective from a cloud-level advantage point. He as tremendous great skill to imagine himself in the clouds, looking down upon the landscape as if he were a 'bird.' His ability to correctly put into perspective a long and wide view of the Tokaido, Yokohama, Yoshiwara and other geographic areas of Japan in a charming and wonderfully realistic map-like projection. Few artists could capture with such detail and artistic, pictorial representation these beautiful and artful images. . Sadahide earned his position in the period Genre art of the times, creating memorable and delightful walking maps of the Tokaido, the gay quarters of the Yokohama Yoshiwara prostitution area and adjacent place. . Sadahide's "bird's eye" views are "SINE PARI" i.e. "Without Equal" in the period genre of Japanese color woodblock printing. He stood out with type of 'pictorial map' and continued to make standard Oban-size prints of foreigners and their life style in Yokohama. RareOrientalBooks.Com $36 . It is of great interest, to observe Robert's comments written in 1976, where he missed the "wave" of interest mounting about Sadahide. This cataloger wrote an article about Sadahide in 1984 which was presented to the Ukiyo-e Society of America, few of any members even knew of Sadahide nor had they noticed his stunning and exceptional artistic works. . Currently [2016], some thirty-two years later, a generation later, Sadahide has finally 'arrived' and gone 'main-stream,' dealers, collectors and museums throughout the world know his name [finally !!]. . Per Roberts: "He was a pupil of Kunisada. A prolific but 'minor' printmaker [per Roberts published book date of 1976, since that time this artist's works have become important, famous and highly collectable] and illustrator, producing some theatrical prints I the Osaka manner as well as prints of traditional Japanese subjects and, after Yokohama was opened to the West, of contemporary industrial scenes and foreigners. Also made political cartoons and copied many makers who presented their works at the Paris Exposition of 1866, receiving the Legion d'Honneur for his part I the exhibition. Sometimes called a member of the Yokohama school. One of the last to depict Ukyo-e subjects. his effective and decorative prints show the influence of Western perspective and Chiaroscuro.:" Roberts below, p.135. He is now well-collected by world-wide museums. His name is now the source of a a WikiPedia article ! . * In 1868, the first year of Meiji, it was reported Sadhide ranked the best-selling Ukiyo-e artist. He died in 1878 or 1879,shortly after producing a print of Yokohama the size of a tatami mat [ca 1 x 2 meters. . The first exhibition dedicated to Sadahide's work was held in 1997, subtitled: "SORA TOBE UKIYO-E SHI: THE UKIYO-E ARTIST WHO FLIES IN THE SKY. See below for this reference. . *** REFERENCES: KANAGAWA KENRITSU REKISHI HAKUBUTSUKAN.: YOKOHAMA UKIYOE TO SORATOBU ESHI, GOUNTEI SADAHIDE: SPECIAL EXHIBITION: YOKOHAMA UKIYO-E: LIFE & WOODCUT WORKS OF GOUNTEI SADAHIDE. [A Woodblock Print Artist of the Mid-19th Century] * KANAGAWA KENRITSU HAKUBUTSUKAN: YOKOHAMA UKIYO- TO SORATOBU ESHI GOUNTE SADAHIDE. THE UKIYO-E ARTIST WHO FLIES IN THE SKY. * STANOFF, Jerrold G.: SADAHIDE. [Utagawa Gountei Sadahide], A Lecture Delivered to the Ukiyo-E Society of America, New York, April, 1984. * ROBERTS, Laurance P.: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: PAINTING, SCULPTURE, CERAMICS, PRINTS, LACQUER, p.135. * SADHIDE: Per Wikipedia article below: . RareOrientalBooks.Com "Utagawa Sadahide [1807-c.1878-79], also known as Gountei Sadahide, was a Japanese artist best known for his prints in the ukiyo-e style as a member of the Utagawa school. His prints covered a wide variety of genres; amongst his best known are his Yokohama-e pictures of foreigners in Yokohama in the 1860s, a period when he was a best-selling artist. He was a member of the Tokugawa shogunate's delegation to the International Exposition of 1867 in Paris." Quoted from below entry: . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadahide *** NOT IN: KANAGAWA KENRITSU HAKUBUTSU KAN. comp. SHUTAISEI YOKOHAMA UKIYO-E.YOKOHAMA UKIYO-E PRINTS. [Covers 95% of All Yokohama-e Published] * *** Color scans of this and most others are posted to our website. $36 Book Number: 85020501 404 STRANGE, Edward F. JAPANESE ILLUSTRATION: A History of the Arts of Wood-Cutting and Colour Printing in Japan. London 1897, Bell. Yellow cloth, very good, 155p., index of artist signatures, 6 color, 87 b.w. illustrations, teg, book plate, wanting 2 color plates, as is, top of spine bit worn. FIRST EDITION An excellent reference source for printing in colour, major artists, Harunobu, Shunsho, their pupils, Utamaro, Toyokuni, Yeishi, Hokusai & his pupils. Also Yeisen, Shunsen and their contemporaries. The Osaka School, later artists. Landscape works, techniques and subject ililustrations. Useful source, well organized reference documentation for collector & student.Written by the curator of the Victoria & Albert Museum. RareOrientalBooks.Com $34 Book Number: 85020503 405 STRANGE, Edward F. JAPANESE ILLUSTRATION: A History of the Arts of Wood-Cutting and Colour Printing in Japan. London 1904, Bell. Red cloth, very good, 155p., index, list of artist's signatures in characters, 8color, 87 b.w. illustrations, 2nd. edition, 14 x 22.5 cm., clean, solid copy,top edge gilt. An excellent reference source for printing in colour, major artists, Harunobu, Shunsho, their pupils, Utamaro, Toyokuni, Yeishi, Hokusai & his pupils. Also Yeisen, Shunsen and their contemporaries. The Osaka School, later artists. Landscape works, techniques and subject ililustrations. Useful source, well organized reference documentation for collector & student.Written by the curator of the Victoria & Albert Museum. $31 Book Number: 85020504 406 STRANGE, Edward F. JAPANESE ILLUSTRATION: A History of the Arts of Wood-Cutting and Colour Printing in Japan. London 1904, Bell. Red decorated cloth, very good, 155p., index,list of artist's signatures in characters, 8 color, 87 illus., clean x-lib. copy, lacks frontis & 1 b.w.illus.as is 2nd. edition. An excellent reference source for printing in colour, major artists, Harunobu, Shunsho, their pupils, Utamaro, Toyokuni, Yeishi, Hokusai & his pupils. Also Yeisen, Shunsen and their contemporaries. The Osaka School, later artists. Landscape works, techniques and subject ililustrations. Useful source, well organized reference documentation for collector & student.Written by the curator of the Victoria & Albert Museum. AN EARLY ENGLISH GUIDE ON THE TECHNIQUES AND METHODS Book Number: 86103204 RareOrientalBooks.Com $17 407 [STRANGE, Edward F.] TOOLS AND MATERIALS ILLUSTRATING THE JAPANESE METHOD OF COLOUR-PRINTING. [For Woodblock Prints] London 1924, HMSO. Stiff wrs., 24p. b.w. illustrations and line drawings, bibliography. A descriptive catalog of a collection exhibited in the Victoria & Albert Museum, XEROX copy, stapled A-4 size. This is an important work which describes in great detail the methods of woodblock printing, the technique of slabbing the wood, carving the relief, paper, brushes and printing techniques for superbly registered work & multiple printings in polychrome. Written by an early British authority on Japanese prints and staff member of the Victoria & Albert Museum. With historical note, catalogue of blocks in the museum, and reference on the subject. How-to lessons, cutting the blocks, printing, colors, tools, blocks & prooof, wood paltes & blocks, paper & wrappers. Excellent how-to and details on techniques. Useful to understand how Japanese woodblock prints & printed books are made. CA.1750 MANUSCRIPT ON ACUPUNCTURE & 'DO JIN' OR COPPER DOLL Book Number: 22028901 408 SU, Rankan. DO JIN YOGISHO: ESSENTIALS OF HOW TO DO ACUPUNCTURE & USE A "DO JIN" OR A COPPER DOLL AS A MODEL. Japan, n.d. ca 1750. Stitched yellow stiff wrs., very good, 18.5 x 26.5 cm., a manuscript,[72] double folded fine tissue leaves, 39 illustrations, many full-page, with red character corrections & notations for important text, Japanese text. A very early manuscript, carefully written with clear, well organized text. This work covers the theory, relationship to the pulse, stomach, and other internal organs, treatment, philosophy of acupuncture, cautions in the use of needles, how to remove, twist, insert. The names of the "points" or "channels" points to be avoided or those of extreme caution. "Secret" spots, not to be used by beginners, how to measure for location of sites to apply treatment, on names & lengths of bones, interrelations among nerves. How to diagnose sickness, such as apoplexy, typhoid fever, pain in the pelvic region, asthma, coughing, laryngitis, lumbago, gonorrhea, epilepsy, hemorrhoids, prolapsus ani, insanity, headache, ear pain,toothache, dog bites, furuncle, carbuncle, gangrene and tuberculosis, paronychia, leukorrhea &c. Moxibustion or caurtery using artemisia vulgaris latifolia was also a treatment that followed the same "points or channels" as acupuncture. The use of either copper or wooden models to locate the proper points on the human body was a common method used by students of acupuncture. The model was hollow & then filled with hot wax, and then emptied, thus leaving a thin film of wax attached to the inside of the model. Then the model was filled with water. On the outside were as many as 354 "right" spots drilled into the model. The student was blindfolded, he or she then attempted to insert a needle in the the proper "spot," if any water leaked out, this was considered an error. Thus this treatise includes methods of using RareOrientalBooks.Com $22 the "Do Jin" [or copper human model], for use with needles or moxa. See Mestler plate 1,d, opposite p.474 for examples. Many of these monographs refer back to the first and most important Chinese work, unnamed, but probably meaning the REI-SU [Ling-shu], traditionally ascribed to the famous Chinese physician-Emperor Ko-tei [Hwang Ti] 2698-2598 B.C.Again Mestler also cites this. See G. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS...p.468-480 et al, for good background on acupuncture, moxibustion & copper acupuncture models.. S. Kure: REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION...1925 also cites several items on Do Jin and acupuncture, p.32-33, with illustrations on plates 159, 160 & 165. Books on the subject of using the Do Jin are quite scarce, the techniques were quite guarded and strictly handed down from teacher to disciple by practical learning. A MOST IMPORTANT RESOURCE ON EARLY DUTCH MEDICINE IN JAPAN Book Number: 84232001 409 SUGITA, Genpaku. DAWN OF WESTERN SCIENCE IN JAPAN: Rangaku Kotohajime. [Tokyo] 1969, Hokuseido. Red cloth, dj., 74p., 12 b.w.photos very good, clean copy, 13 x 18.5 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Sugita was an early advocate of Dutch & Western scientific learning [Rangaku Sha] and was the most important physician in Japan. He urged the importation and adoption of Western knowledge in 18th century Japan. Much on him is to be found in Mestler, see below. * He was the one of authors and translators of Japan's first anatomy, the KAITAI SHINSHO 1774 and was the first translation of a foreign anatomically correct medical work in Japan with copper etched plates. He translated this with assistance from other Rangaku Sha from the Dutch work: Kulmus' ONTLEEDKKUNDIGE TAFELEN Amsterdam 1734. This work is illustrated in Mestler as plate III A-D, and mentioned in several other places. * The dust jacket of this book illustrates the title page of the original Japanese translated edition, and other plates show examples of the original copper etched illustrations. * An excellent and important English language biography of Sugita, as well as being perhaps the first full English translation of his most valuable and influential work: RANGAKU KOTOHAJIME 1869. * Sugita's Japanese translation of the KAITAI SHINSHO caused RareOrientalBooks.Com $2720 the start of a renaissance in Japan, bringing about the end of Japan's reliance on Chinese medical works based on mythology rather than hard science. From this juncture onwards, Japan followed the West books as a primary resource for medical and other sciences. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: G. Mestler A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS * VEITH, Ilza. THE BEGINNINGS OF JAPANESE OBSTETRICS * $116 WITH STUNNING COLOR AND MICA FINISH TO THE WOODCUTS Book Number: 90068701 410 SUGITA, Susumu. KANNOH SHOSHO SAICHA SETSU ZUKAI: EXPLANATIONS, AGRICULTURAL RECOMMENDATIONS & ILLUSTRATIONS ON HOW TO GROW THE TEA BUSH. [Japan n.d. Meiji era c. 1870's]. Green stiff wrs., stitched very good, 13 double leaves, 12 color woodcut illustrations nicely done, quite clean in blue cloth Chitsu, pegs, 14.5 x 22 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION QUITE SCARCE A very unusual work, outlining the methods of growing and cultivating the important tea camellia. Giving insight to the cultural methods of tea plant and its flowers and leaves. Text in Japanese, with very beautiful color woodblock illustrations showing the flower buds, flowers, leaves, stems, flowers in full bloom. * Each illustration is finished with a clear wash of mica dust overlay, giving each a semi-glossy appearance with flecks of mica adding a unique life-like sheen. This technique was perfected in the Meiji era and is so difficult to apply with good results, it was seldom used. This is one of the rare examples where it was used with the most stunning effect. * The tea camellia was imported from China, this treasured and honored plant has a most valued place in Japan. It was also the source of green tea for the Tea ceremony as well as most all varieties of Japanese tea. The plant has been cultivated in Japan for over a thousand years, and is considered among the most important cash crop of all plants. * RareOrientalBooks.Com $884 EXCELLENT CHRONOLOGY & GUIDE TO THE ZODIAC & YEAR CYCLES Book Number: 84262501 411 SUSKI, P.M. THE YEAR NAMES OF CHINA AND JAPAN. London 1931, Kegan Paul. Stiff wrs., 40p., very good. Easily used reference tool, giving the reigning dynasties, to all reigning dynasties, years, length of dynasty, Emperor name, 14 x 20 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION Highly useful for any art collector, historian, or student of China & Japan, finds characters on ceramics, Netsuke, Japanese swords, ivories, and other items. This work cites all Emperors, reign names, dates &c. * This valuable reference source shows the reigns, with Chinese & Japanese characters, rendering it useful to those who need to read Nien Hao or year names. A SUPERBLY CHARMING CHINESE-STYLE JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOK Book Number: 27039501 412 SUZUKI, Fuyoh. GAZU SUI FUYO: DRAWINGS IN INTOXICATION BY FUYO. [Edo 1809, Seirei Kaku.]White stitched stiff wrs., 3 vol.set complete, woodblock printed & illustrated on hand-made Washi paper, 17.5 x 26 cm., covers dusty, title slips rubbed, else contents clean, 76 double-folded leaves,136p. illustrations. Suzuki Fuyo [1749-1816] was a Nanga painter, skilled in writing prose and poetry, as well as an being an elegant painter. He studied under the great Tani Bunsho and also studied Chinese painting style. He had served Lord of Awa, and specialized in landscapes and figures. He is well collected by the world's museums. He painted this lovely work in the Sumizuri style of brush work, and consists of miscellaneous sketches. A superb work after the Chinese example, utilizing Zen techniques of landscape painting while exhibiting great control and skill in drawing humans RareOrientalBooks.Com $39 and animals. The work is lively, light-hearted and softly flowing. * The book is profusely illustrated with about 68 double-page illustrations. The covers are dusty, a bit scuffed, as are the title slips, with the most minimal and faint bit of thumbing to the lower margins; the book's contents are in excellent, clean condition, without a trace of worming or any other defects. * A famous book the FIRST AND ONLY EDITION. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: pp. 264-265. * H. Kerlen: CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS AND MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS: p.183, no.440. * R. Douglas: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE B.M. 1898, 1904. * KSM [kaiga] 2-141-2. * J. Edgren: CATALOGUE OF THE NORDENSKIOLD COLLECTION OF JAPANESE BOOKS IN THE ROYAL LIBRARY, no. 859 * Rosny: 519/229. * H. Chibbett: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PRE-1868 BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, AND PRINTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES: p.25, no.63. * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.27. * Not in: K. Toda: THE RYERSON COLLECTION OF JAPANESE AND CHNESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN. * THE MAJOR SINGLE RESOURCE ON JAPANESE CRAFTSMEN Book Number: 99038101 413 [TACHIBANA, Minko.] SAIGA SHOKUNIN BU RUI: VARIOUS ARTISANS AT WORK, WITH BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS. [Tokyo 1916, Zuga Kanko]. Blue stiff stitched wrs.,very good large size 21.5 x 30 cm., [37] double folded leaves, [56]p. woodblock color illustrations of craftsmen at their work, a reprint of 1770 edition, covers scuffed, 2 vol. set. R A R E A famous illustrated book. This excellent work covers the activities of artisans & craftsmen who are hat matkers, miror polisher, carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, spinner, hair dressing cord maker, paper maker, sword-guard & quiver maker RareOrientalBooks.Com $1328 basket, ball, fan, harp, mask, brush, potter makers, mat sewer, turner, paper hanger, card, umbrella, mortar, needle, ink-slab makers. Each is finely illustrated at their task. A fine example of this classic genre. See K. Toda: RYERSON COLLECTION, p.178 for full bibliographic details, as well as biographical notes. Also in L.G. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.103. Reprint compiled by Y. Kubota. $816 THE MAJOR SINGLE RESOURCE ON JAPANESE CRAFTSMEN Book Number: 99038102 414 [TACHIBANA, Minko.] SAIGA SHOKUNIN BU RUI: VARIOUS ARTISANS AT WORK, WITH BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS. [Tokyo 1916, Zuga Kanko]. Blue stiff stitched wrs.,very good large size 21.5 x 30 cm., [37] double folded leaves, [56]p. woodblock color illustrations of craftsmen at their work, a reprint of the 1770 edition,covers scuffed,vol. 2 of 2 only. A famous illustrated book. This excellent work covers the activities of artisans & craftsmen who are hat matkers, miror polisher, carpenter, blacksmith, armorer, spinner, hair dressing cord maker, paper maker, sword-guard & quiver maker basket, ball, fan, harp, mask, brush, potter makers, mat sewer, turner, paper hanger, card, umbrella, mortar, needle, ink-slab makers. Each is finely illustrated at their task. A fine example of this classic genre. See K. Toda: RYERSON COLLECTION, p.178 for full bibliographic details, as well as biographical notes. Also in L.G. Dawes: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.103. Reprint compiled by Y. Kubota. AN EARLY CATALOGUE OF JAPAN'S WILD MOUNTAIN PLANTS & FLOWERS Book Number: 21085602 415 TACHIBANA, Morikuni. EHON NOYAMA GUSA: PICTURE BOOK OF MOUNTAIN & FIELD PLANTS. Alternate Japanese Title: EHON YAZAN SOH. Osaka 1806/Meiji period, Yanagiwara. Stitched wrs., orange & buff, 5 vol set, very good, profuse color illustrated wood block printed, vol. 1,2 1806; vols. 3, 4, 5, Meiji reprints, 1881-82, 26+19+23+17+20 double folded leaves. Nice Mixed Set * This is a famous work, by the celebrated botanical artist Tachibana Morikuni [ca. 1670?-1748]. This superb work has RareOrientalBooks.Com $272 often been confused with the author's son, Tachibana Yasukuni and his book due to its similar format and content, with the same title. The fact that Morikuni's book was also republished posthumously as late as 1760 adds to the bibliographic confusion. *** This work is one of Japanese botany's most interesting and charming works of old times. Each of the multitude of very good illustrations show 190 different varieties of wild flowers & native plants, each named and labeled in shown in natural "Insitu." * A virtual dictionary of Japanese mountain plants. One of the more valuable reference points of this book is that it also is a major pharmacopoeia and cross reference for other Japanese medical books. These refer to many of these plants, for the making of prescriptions, this being an illustrated dictionary of those [& all other plants] that graphically illustrate them as found in natural settings. * Books of this subject nature, which show and name exceptionally large amounts of plants must be considered as historic botanical treasure. They record faithfully what the plant looked like from hundreds of years ago in their various seasons. * SIZE: The book is 15.2 x 22 cm. Original covers, being a "mixed" set. Volume one is the original 1806 edition, bound in orange; vols. 3, 4, 5 are buff covers the Meiji edition. All have title slips, all clean, solid, color illustrated. See bibliography below for more details. None of the bibliographies lists the Meiji edition, but what we can gather from the colophon in the back of volume 5, the reprint edition appears to be Meiji 15, 16 [1881-1882], carved by Hasegawa, published in Osaka. * The work was hand-printed, on hand-made Washi Masa paper. ***** REFERENCES: Kenji Toda in his DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE A.I.C. cites this book on p.319 but gives the more common reading of the title as: EHON NOYAMA GUSA, with a secondary attribution to the artist [author] as Hokkyoo Yasukuni [same author but using his "studio" name. But mistakenly cites the author/artist as Tachibana Yasukuni, the son. His collation matches exactly with our copy, which was first published in 1755, thus, this is the 1806 reprint of that edition and is so noted in the colophon at the back of volume 5. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * E. Merrill & E. Walker: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY, p.561 for their entry which attributes this work to Yasukuni. * Kenji Toda: DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE CHICAGO, p.319, with a secondary attribution to the artist [author] as Hokkyoo Yasukuni [same author but RareOrientalBooks.Com using his "studio" name. * Yu-ying Brown: JAPANESE BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.48, color plate #44, copy found in the British Museum * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD BLOCK PRINTING pp.126-7, and a full page illustration, fig. 14 for an example. * Dawes. V & A catalogue, p.122 ** AN EARLY CATALOGUE OF JAPAN'S WILD MOUNTAIN PLANTS & FLOWERS Book Number: 21085603 416 TACHIBANA, Morikuni. EHON NOYAMA GUSA: PICTURE BOOK OF MOUNTAIN & FIELD PLANTS. Alternate Japanese Title: EHON YAZAN SOH. Osaka 1806, Yanagiwara. Stitched color stiff wrs., vols. 3 & 5 of 5 vol.set,profuselly color woodblock illustrated,covers rubbed, title labels chipped, 15.2 x 22 cm.,29+23+17 double folded leaves,lacks vols. 3 & 5 only FIRST EDITION * This is a famous work, by the celebrated botanical artist Tachibana Morikuni [ca. 1670?-1748]. This superb work has often been confused with the author's son, Tachibana Yasukuni and his book due to its similar format and content, with the same title. The fact that Morikuni's book was also republished posthumously as late as 1760 adds to the bibliographic confusion. *** This work is one of Japanese botany's most interesting and charming works of old times. Each of the multitude of very good illustrations show 190 different varieties of wild flowers & native plants, each named and labeled in shown in natural "Insitu." * A virtual dictionary of Japanese mountain plants. One of the more valuable reference points of this book is that it also is a major pharmacopoeia and cross reference for other Japanese medical books. These refer to many of these plants, for the making of prescriptions, this being an illustrated dictionary of those [& all other plants] that graphically illustrate them as found in natural settings. * Books of this subject nature, which show and name exceptionally large amounts of plants must be considered as historic botanical treasure. They record faithfully what the RareOrientalBooks.Com $716 plant looked like from hundreds of years ago in their various seasons. * SIZE: The book is 15.2 x 22 cm. Original covers, being a "mixed" set. Volume one is the original 1806 edition, bound in orange; vols. 3, 4, 5 are buff covers the Meiji edition. All have title slips, all clean, solid, color illustrated. See bibliography below for more details. None of the bibliographies lists the Meiji edition, but what we can gather from the colophon in the back of volume 5, the reprint edition appears to be Meiji 15, 16 [1881-1882], carved by Hasegawa, published in Osaka. * The work was hand-printed, on hand-made Washi Masa paper. ***** REFERENCES: Kenji Toda in his DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE A.I.C. cites this book on p.319 but gives the more common reading of the title as: EHON NOYAMA GUSA, with a secondary attribution to the artist [author] as Hokkyoo Yasukuni [same author but using his "studio" name. But mistakenly cites the author/artist as Tachibana Yasukuni, the son. His collation matches exactly with our copy, which was first published in 1755, thus, this is the 1806 reprint of that edition and is so noted in the colophon at the back of volume 5. * BIBLIOGRAPHY: * E. Merrill & E. Walker: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY, p.561 for their entry which attributes this work to Yasukuni. * Kenji Toda: DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE JAPANESE & CHINESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS IN THE RYERSON LIBRARY OF THE ART INSTITUTE CHICAGO, p.319, with a secondary attribution to the artist [author] as Hokkyoo Yasukuni [same author but using his "studio" name. * Yu-ying Brown: JAPANESE BOOK ILLUSTRATION, p.48, color plate #44, copy found in the British Museum * H. Bartlett & H. Shohara: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD BLOCK PRINTING pp.126-7, and a full page illustration, fig. 14 for an example. * Dawes. V & A catalogue, p.122 ** A NEW MEIJI PERIOD DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE LANGUAGE RareOrientalBooks.Com $367 Book Number: 22034201 417 TACHIBANA, Oukyou. comp. GOUTOU SHINKAI GYOKU HEN TAI ZEN: NEW ANNOTATED COMPLIATION OF KANJI CHARACTERS & DICTIONARY OF WORDS AND COMPOUND WORDS [Tokyo 1877, Mizuno]. Yellow stiff wrs., very good, covers a bit dusty, contents clean, solid, no worming, 10 vol. set, bound in 12 parts, introductory volume + 11 volumes of dictionary of Japanese Kanji characters stroke order arranged. Printed by hand on hand-made mulberry paper, with pagination 33+65+48+46+56+86+76+65+67+70+38+27+61 respectively. A traditional Japanese character dictionary, likely issued under the auspices of the Ministry of Education during the early Meiji period of educational reforms. The work is arranged with each volume covering a different stroke order for Kanji [Japanese version of Chinese characters]. Volumes 1-10 cover strokes 1-17, the covers of each volume give a list & associated page number for the various "radicals" & stroke count for easy location. Each character is then listed with its sounds, meaning, how its used in a sentence & compounds used with that Kanji. It also has black "tabs" in the margin for easy finds. This annotated dictionary is comprehensive and was also published under the scrutiny of the author. An entirely readable [even now] by modern Japanese. This is a fine example of how the Meiji Ministry of Education made great efforts to to improve on Japan's literacy. This kind of dictionary was skillfully arranged and designed for ease of use. A GENEALOGY OF THE THREE TOKUGAWA FAMILIES Book Number: 20038701 418 TAIHEI BANDAI GO SAN KE KATA ON TSUKE. TAIHEI BANDAI GO SAN KE KATA ON TSUKE: MEMORANDOM OF THE GOSAN-KE OR THE THREE RELATED FAMILIES OF THE TOKUGAWA CLAN. [Tokyo ? 1861, Tokugawa Family]. Stitched blue wrs., very good, 11.5 x 16 cm., [15] double folded leaves, entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper,nicely illustrated with RareOrientalBooks.Com $204 various Mon or family crests, seals, insignias, lanterns, Haori coats, procession flags & standards and anything that is clan-oriented, to show relationship and family name. This work was a good example of an early reference book, likely handed out the all three clan members so that each could get a good idea as to what the others wore for identification. A good work to identify art works, lacquer, and other items in metal, swords, armour &c., from these clans. Scan by e-mail can be sent. $571 A IMPORTANT EARLY RESOURCE ON THE SUBJECT Book Number: 20034201 419 TAIKA HON RON: THEORIES ON REMEDIAL TREATMENT FOR DYSENTERY. TAIKA HON RON: THEORIES ON REMEDIAL TREATMENT FOR DYSENTERY. [Osaka 1808, Osaka Shurin]. Brown stitched wrs., covers well rubbed, new title slip, back missing small portion, contents clean, solid, 18 x 25.5 cm., 2 volumes bound in one, [23+13 +2] double folded leaves, entirely woodblock printed.R A R E A small but minor dark stain to upper margin corner of first few pages, text unaffected. Written in Chinese and Japanese Kambun, with the Furigana for Japanese to read, this work is written in a large characters, and quite clean. Covering the diagnosis and treatment of the disease known in Japan as Sekiri-byo. Again drawing on a long Chinese tradition as a resource, this work had its origins in China with pharmacopea and medicine formula. See G. E. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOK for a solid background and historical details as well as bibliography on this subject. AN EROTIC STORY WITH DOUBLE FOLDING COLOR PLATES Book Number: 22021101 RareOrientalBooks.Com $2380 420 TAITO II. ENN SHOKU KURUMA HANA SEKI: THE FLORAL TALE OF EROTIC DEEDS. [Japan n.d. ca 1830's]. Stitched wrs.,pictorial covers, wood block printed book, small size 12 x 18 cm., very good, lower bottom corner worn, else solid, 17 color, 24 b. w erotic illustrations, 4 color printed text pages, with an unusual double folded color illustrated page, which first shows a pair of illustrations making one complete image, this then opens up to show four pages again, making one large image. This erotic book like most of the period does not show the artist's name, although some showed a "pen name" to disguise their true name, as these "Shun Pon" or erotic books were officially banned by the Shogunate government during this period. It is also possible to identify the artist by stylistic analysis. The current work was done by Taito II, who also worked under the studio name Shozan [this is so signed in the first pages]. He flourished [1810-53], but was more commonly known as Katsushika, pupil of the most famous and celebrated Katsushika Hokusai. He was also a collaborator with Hokusai in his famous series THE [HOKUSAI] MANGA. Because he was also know to forge Hokusai's signature on his own works once he left Hokusai's studio, he was know as Inu Hokusai ["Dog Hokusai"]. For good biographical details on him, see L. Roberts: A DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, page 168. This is the story of a young Samurai, a blade who has been attracted by the prostitute Ume. The story tells and more over illustrates his erotic and sexual adventures in a late Edo period [1830's] whore-house. The color illustrations begins with a handsome blade enticing the innocent new girl, namely Miss Ume to look at a set of erotic books. She feins uninterest, but in fact, her face shows a pinkish-red blush already. The next four page fantastic grand-size illustration shows the results of the couples interest in Shun Pon. The blade now parts Ume's Kimono and inserts his tool in to her eager vulva. Another two views show the couple making wild love, while their lovely meal goes ignored ! The next shows Ume biting her left hand in ecstasy as the blade searches deep into her Kimono for more pleasures. Another couple is shown kissing in the next room. The story progresses with another harlot voyeuring on the couple who make love on the verandah. The next shows a young girl looking at a Haru Bon while she parts her legs, while another couple engages in love-making in the iris garden. The next shows the blade & Miss Ume again making wild love while a young girl watches them & masturbates then wipes her slippery wet vagina with a paper. The story continues in this vein with much voyeurism. The black and white section continues from this point, with other illustrations of the story including erotic views. The lower & leading edges of this book shows evidence of a small portion being chewed or worn away, but only to the margin, NO damage to the text or its lovely illustrations. For the most part this work was printed on double-folded leaves, although one color page is printed on a single sheet. A BOOK INSPIRED BY THE OLD CLASSICS RareOrientalBooks.Com $1360 Book Number: 85001901 421 TAKAGI, Sadatake. HONCHO GARIN: COPIES OF OLD PAINTINGS. [Osaka 1752, n.p.]. Original blue stitched wrS., 3 vol set, covers, edges scuffed, worn, contents very good, minor tumbing to pages, fair impression, many b.w. woodcut plates,hand printed on hand-made Washi paper, 18 x 26 cm. FIRST EDITION Takagi was a star pupil of Sukenobu, and was a famous Kimono dyer and Kimono pattern book artist. His design books are rare and quite uncommon. This text shows the wide variety of his genius and design skills. * REFERENCES: Dawes, p.123 * L. Brown p.51 * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS * A VERY CHARMING DESIGN BOOK BY JAPAN'S GREATEST ARTISTS Book Number: 99011902 422 TAKAHASHI, Eiji. comp. KODAI MOYOH SHIKI ZU KO: ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT PATTERNS & DESIGNS FOR CRAFTSMEN AND TEXTILES. [Japan n.d. c. 1875-80]. Black stitched embossed wrs., cover RareOrientalBooks.Com $369 corners bit rubbed, contents clean, vols. 1 & 2 of 3 vol.set 25 double leaves per volume, ie 50 pages b.w. illustrations, average of 6 designs per page, nicely done. S C A R C E *** *** *** . . . SUPERB JAPANESE DESIGNS USED FOR ARTISTIC APPLICATION . . These designs were the inspiration for the craftsmen who worked on Tsuba, Menuki, sword furniture, lacquer ware, textiles, ceramics, Netsuke, Inro, Kimono & Obi. . Some of these designs are clearly extracted from the Midare or "cloud patterns" found on Japanese sword blades, some are based on sea & foam, waves, water related, the Buddhist swastika & Mandala, Buddhist wheel of life, other Buddhist symbols. . Others were mythological dragons, stylized birds and other animals, most of these are the basis for Tsuba. Stylized flower patterns and a host of others were made into textile patterns, embroidery work and again applied to ceramics and lacquer ware. . A superb resource and inspiration for any designer or student of art. What makes this design book exceptional, is the fact that the compiler has given tribute to the most famous artists of Japan's past by listing their names on the front cover who all contributed to the overall genre of Japanese graphic and practical arts. Including Tani Bunsho, Kikuike and a host of others who have made Japan's designs famous throughout the world. . Brilliantly executed. *** A VERY CHARMING DESIGN BOOK BY JAPAN'S GREATEST ARTISTS RareOrientalBooks.Com $748 Book Number: 99011903 423 TAKAHASHI, Eiji. comp. KODAI MOYOH SHIKI ZU KO: ILLUSTRATIONS OF ANCIENT PATTERNS & DESIGNS FOR CRAFTSMEN AND TEXTILES. [Japan n.d. c. 1880]. Black stitched embossed wraps., very good, contents clean, vol. 1 of 3 vol. set, 25 double leaves ie 50 pages b. w. illustrations, average of 6 designs per page, some pages one design per page. S C A R C E *** *** *** . . . SUPERB JAPANESE DESIGNS USED FOR ARTISTIC APPLICATION . . These designs were the inspiration for the craftsmen who worked on Tsuba, Menuki, sword furniture, lacquer ware, textiles, ceramics, Netsuke, Inro, Kimono & Obi. . Some of these designs are clearly extracted from the Midare or "cloud patterns" found on Japanese sword blades, some are based on sea & foam, waves, water related, the Buddhist swastika & Mandala, Buddhist wheel of life, other Buddhist symbols. . Others were mythological dragons, stylized birds and other animals, most of these are the basis for Tsuba. Stylized flower patterns and a host of others were made into textile patterns, embroidery work and again applied to ceramics and lacquer ware. . A superb resource and inspiration for any designer or student of art. What makes this design book exceptional, is the fact that the compiler has given tribute to the most famous artists of Japan's past by listing their names on the front cover who all contributed to the overall genre of Japanese graphic and practical arts. Including Tani Bunsho, Kikuike and a host of others who have made Japan's designs famous throughout the world. . Brilliantly executed. *** Book Number: 22026001 424 TAKAKU, Aigai. TAKAKU AIGAI SHI KUN GA SAKU: ALBUM OF COLOR PAINTINGS BY TAKAKU AIGAI. [Japan 1947]. Accordion folded small album, stiff paper-covered boards, 12.5 x 19 cm., very good, minor corner wear, contents clean, solid, 13 double leaves, 7 color, 5 b.w. illustrations, each sealed with a red cinnabar chop. A charming color album. This delicate work shows the artistic work of Aigai [1796-1843]. Illustrations are of graceful grasses, bamboo, plum tree, dasies, 2 each birds and flowers [Kacho ga], lanscapes of rural mountain villages, mountain & river with small boat, snowy mountain, landscapes. See L. Roberts:DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS, p.3 for more biographical details. Per Roberts, "he was a Nanga painter, and RareOrientalBooks.Com $340 pupil of Tani Bunsho, famous painter of bamboo, one most polished Buinjinga painters." * of the $117 A GRAND COLOR WALL MAP SHOWING OF ALL JAPAN Book Number: 93092301 425 TAKASHIBA, Hideozoh. DAI NIHON KOKUGUN YOCHI ZENZU: GENERAL MAP OF JAPAN. AHEAD OF TITLE: KAEI SHINZOH. Edo 1849, Tsutaya. Blue stiff covers, very good, woodblock printed in color by hand, no worming, a few fold mends, four directional compasses, 143.5 x 72.5 cm. R A R E This work is nicely done, with heavy black outline for each province, which is colored in a different tone, longitude & latitude given, shipping lanes & distances noted. Color key to rivers, mountains, castles, provinces, capitals, lakes, ocean, with large inset distance chart, &c. * This work a is fairly accurate topography and is representative of the Edo period. A highly decorative map, suitable for framing and display. **** BIBLIOGRAPHY: BEANS, George H. A LIST OF JAPANESE MAPS OF THE TOKUGAWA ERA: "List" p.39, 1849.1. **** A GRAND WOODBLOCK-COLOR PRINTED WALL MAP OF EDO Book Number: 93088401 426 TAKASHIBA, Mitsuo. ANSEI KAISEI FUKYO OEDO EZU: LARGE ANSEI-KAISEI PERIOD MAP RareOrientalBooks.Com $1253 OF THE OLD EDO [TOKYO] AREA. [Edo ca.1851], Suwahara.Blue covers, color woodblock printed folding map, very solid, old worming and some folds restored on verso, 105 x 98.5 cm., usual wear/scuffing to both covers nice impression, very good large example. R A R E ! . A GRAND "BIRD'S EYE PERSPECTIVE" OF OLD EDO . . This is a very nice grand size map, showing the Emperor's Palace in the center, surrounded by a moat. The Hatamoto Mon [crests] are located in the inner moat, showing who the most loyal Imperial retainers and their family Yashiki [mansions] throughout the area. . The map shows the complete view of Edo and its suburbs, rivers, streets, roads, famous places, shrines and temples clearly named. The bay shows two sailing "junks" or "Sampans" plying their way. With directional characters, distance chart from Nihon Bashi to various distant destinations. * An excellent example of what Edo looked like prior to Japan being opened by Commodore Perry in 1852~1854. . An important and historical map, suitable for wall display and framing. *** The woodblock printing is excellent, with solid color and sharp registry. A very nice impression. *** A GRAND WOODBLOCK-COLOR PRINTED WALL MAP OF EDO Book Number: 93088402 427 TAKASHIBA, Mitsuo. ANSEI KAISEI FUKYO OEDO EZU: LARGE ANSEI-KAISEI PERIOD MAP OF THE OLD EDO [TOKYO] AREA. [Edo ca.1852], Suwahara. Gold brocade silk cloth over boards color woodblock printed, very clean, neatly rebacked, minor loss to old folds, rubbing to covers, facsimile title slip, 105 x 98.5 cm., very solid, bright copy, folding map. RARE! . A GRAND "BIRD'S EYE PERSPECTIVE" OF OLD EDO . . This is a very nice grand size map, showing the Emperor's Palace in the center, surrounded by a moat. The Hatamoto Mon [crests] are located in the inner moat, showing who the most loyal Imperial retainers and their family Yashiki [mansions] RareOrientalBooks.Com $1175 throughout the area. . The map shows the complete view of Edo and its suburbs, rivers, streets, roads, famous places, shrines and temples clearly named. The bay shows two sailing "junks" or "Sampans" plying their way. With directional characters, distance chart from Nihon Bashi to various distant destinations. * An excellent example of what Edo looked like prior to Japan being opened by Commodore Perry in 1852~1854. . An important and historical map, suitable for wall display and framing. *** The woodblock printing is excellent, with solid color and sharp registry. A very nice impression. *** SUPERB TREATISE ON FLOOD CONTROL, SOIL EROSION & ENVIRONMENT Book Number: 26011901 428 TAKATSU, Giichi. DOBOKU KOYO ROKU, FUROKU: LAND PRESERVATION, FLOOD CONTROL, SOIL EROSION AND ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AL LA [N.p. 1881, Naimusho Doboku Kyoku]. Stiff buff covers, very good, covers bit soiled, contents clean, 2 illustrated vols. of 5, 18 cx 26 cm., 55 double-page woodcut illustrations, Japanese captions, accordion folded. OBSCURE RESOURCE The Japanese to 19th century environmental protection and ecological methods of river bank protection. While these words are from a different period of time the fact remains that Japanese were exceptionally aware of the value of land protection and reclamation. The work is truly amazing for it precedes what we now consider as "ecological" methods, were practiced for some 300 or more years ago in Japan. * Marvelous treatise on Japanese engineering and ingenuity, dam building and other huge land-works projects * This traditional Japanese work and subject covers the methods of erosion, river bank and water run-off control. Japan is a county of many tall mountains, therefore their rivers run fast during the rain or monsoon season. For that reason, villages along the banks of these great rivers and their tributaries where obliged to protect their farm lands and homes by pro-active erosion control. Working in community based teams the people gathered to work for the RareOrientalBooks.Com $1161 good of all. Prior to the rainy season, questionable areas were selected for upgrade to the erosion program. * THE SET: The complete set consists of 5 volumes: 3 volumes text and 2 volumes of illustrations, we only have the illustrated volumes, no text, as is. One can assume this set came from some villager who actually used them for construction projects, and not being able to read simply discarded the valueless text parts ! * First Volume: This work is devoted to the techniques employed and the natural materials used, namely granite stones and bamboo as a barrier. Bridge construction using stone was also employed to make safe river crossings. Quays and extended banks for slowing water flow are shown. How to weave living reeds as a footing illustrated, upon which rocks were placed in the reed "basket" style format. Direction of water flow is indicated by arrows. Details of progressive contraction steps also noted. * Mountain orchards are shown with woven bamboo fences and rolled barriers crisscross the land in an effort to slow rain water. * Dam construction is also shown with proper control of spill waters and the creation of water storage. Several variations are illustrated, using a variety of native materials. * Second Volume: Begins with an elaborate wood framework that contains oblong bamboo baskets filled with stones to keep the framework stabilized in the river as a water flow diverter. This ingenious structure was placed along fast-flowing river banks to keep the water flow broken up and resisted the concentration of fast flowing water. There are some 13 plus examples of these with variations. The last example has two additional woodblock printed overlays, that show the progression of construction methods, which will instruct builders. * Riverbank protection is then addressed, with an elaborate two-page picture of how to make effective protection. Using pounded wooden stakes and woven reeds. * A water-chute type bridge is addressed next. This shows how water is diverted by a gated chute probably into flooded rice fields or to fill other reservoirs. Again overlay detailed drawings are provided, with variants, including a very large multi-gated chute system to divert water into several different areas. This great structure has several overlays with construction details, quite an elaborate and complicated piece of architecture and period technology ! * This is followed by an open top type water-chute system, wherein the water flows over a wooden floor system with ramps and gated chutes. This also has overlays, with 3-4 variants illustrated. * An overhead water chute system is the next innovation, RareOrientalBooks.Com showing how to make water move over a running stream. Various other elaborate water chute systems follow. * The traditional Japanese arched bridge is next. Detailed drawings show how this is built, the approach, footings, legs and how legs are reinforced with horizontal members to keep all in place, with an overlay to show how to complete the top plank system. Using leverage, the whole mass holds together. * This is followed by a cantilevered type bridge over a gorge. This shows how a bridge can be built where the bridge needs additional supports from each side when it is not possible to use legs. A marvelous and ingenious bit of design engineering and use of technology, leveraged to succeed in supporting this arched bridge. * Simple bridges are also shown, using legs, logs, log planks and then covered with soil to make a smooth road over the water, nicely executed. * Elaborate water control techniques are also shown using bamboo and rice straw with pounded wooden stakes. Piers are made by using living trees dug up and replanted in the waterway, with large bamboo baskets filled with stones as weights to keep roots below the riverbed. Pier construction details are shown and overlays assist in the progression of construction. Living bamboo is also planted to grow into a kind of "living" retaining wall. * The work utilized a large number of excellent and valuable overlays show progression of steps in the building process and shows a variety of useful techniques. Because these projects were commonly executed by liberate villagers, the pictures had to be done with much skill to convey the clear building instructions. Although there are some Kanji characters to name important parts, these were very easy and common characters, that some peasants could read. The work has no text at all, indicating that its value was in the progressive pictures that any farmer could look at and understand and then execute. * The techniques cited in this text are hundreds of years old and were ecologically sound. They achieved water control along rivers without damaging the environment, and looked natural and blended in with nature. These techniques have been used in Japan for centuries with great success. Many of the stone structures in river banks still stand today as a living testament to the strength and value of such materials and methods. Surely Western culture can learn something from these ancient ecological techniques for modern application. * CONDITION: The books are accordion folded, and profusely illustrated, no text. The covers are a bit scuffed, and soiled with a stain on the front of one volume, title slips intact. There is a minor amount of worming to the last couple of pages in one volume, and a bit in the first few and last few pages of the other. It is otherwise solid, and on clean paper. * All in all, a fascinating work designed for peasants to execute in communal efforts to save their precious farm RareOrientalBooks.Com lands. An obscure item ! * $309 AN ILLUSTRATED DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE BOTANY Book Number: 87056101 429 TAKAYUKI, Tsuji. TSU JOH SHOKUBUTSU: DICTIONARY OF COMMON JAPANESE PLANTS. A Dictionary of Useful Fruiting, Edible & Pharmalogical [Tokyo 1855 Fukyu Sha]. Blue stitched wrs., covers soiled, contents very clean, title slip half gone, 58 double folded leaves, 105 b.w. woodcut illustrations, hand printed on hand made Washi paper, 15 x 22 cm., Japanese text. FIRST EDITION This botanical treatise was sanctioned by the Japanese Ministry of Education for disemination of knowledge to the public. It contains illustrations of grains, legumes, leafy, onion types, rooted plants, tubers, melons, edible bulbs, cucumbers, eggplants, various kinds of mushrooms, pit fruits, citrus, berries and nuts, hemp [cannibus satavia], connifers, bamboo, subtropicals, and other trees and plants which have edible parts. * The work was nicely drawn, each plant is named and text about its attributes, uses, and cultivation methods. About one-third of each page is illustrated, the balance below is the text. * CONDITION: The work has the former owner's name on the cover, with mild rubbing to the edges. There is the usual minor thumbing and dusty. Else a nice example. * A GRAND ALBUM OF BAMBOO ILLUSTRATIONS Book Number: 99038301 430 [TAKEDA, Rachiku.] TAKEDA RANCHIKU GAFU: ALBUM OF BAMBOO PAINTINGS BY TAKEDA RANCHIKU. [Also Flowers & Grasses] [Tokyo 1917, Kaneko]. Blue stiff paper covers, 2 vol. set, accordion folded albums, compiled by Tankoh Kaneko, 17.5 x 27.5 cm., illustrated in Sumi [black], green & red ink, 26+ 26 double folded leaves ie 104p., illustrated on 104 pages. RareOrientalBooks.Com $826 This traditional work, shows how grasses and bamboo should be drawn. Shows a wide varity of bamboo, leaves, stems, branches, large clums and in various kinds of weather. Grasses and flowers are also addressed, showing them in a wide variety of views. Finely executed, a joy to behold. With some painting examples for students. $884 A CHARMING COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED SET OF BOOKS Book Number: 89093801 431 TAKEDA, Shinichi. NIPPON GANGU SHUU: COLLECTION OF JAPANESE FOLK TOYS AND PLAY THINGS. [Kyoto 1917, Unsodo]. Accordion folded, 2 vols., woodblock printed covers, 78 pages of color woodblock printed plates, no text, illustrating a profusion of toys, games & dolls. A charming work, illustrating a wide variety of highly creative children's toys, games, dolls and doll clothing, paper dolls & their cut-out clothing, games, Karuta cards, balls, bamboo toys, masks, New Year's games, story books, stilts, picture blocks, fans, boats, parachutes,drums,spinning tops, animals, wheeled toys, birds, fish, boxed games, toy cooking utensils, flutes, whistles, articulating toys and so many other items & other beautiful works of art created from the most humble of materials. Dolls riding horses and those that ride on a small ship. All skillfully and uniquely made from very simple & humble materials into superb works of art as only the Japanese can do. An excellent example of art works, form, style, color & sensitive taste. Will make children of all ages smile. EXCELLENT COLOR CATALOGUE OF YUMEJI PAINTINGS Book Number: 32031801 RareOrientalBooks.Com $3536 432 [TAKEHISA, Yumeji.] TAKEHISA YUMEJI SEITAN 90 NEN KINEN, YUMEJI KYODO BIJUTSUKAN COLLECTION MEMOIR FOR 90TH BIRTHDAY OF YUMEJI TAKEHISA FROM [Okayama 1974, Yumeji Kyodo Bijutukan]. Yellow stiff wrs., Japanese language, 75 color & b.w. photos, chronology, clean sharp copy, 18 x 25.5 cm. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION A useful exhibition catalogue, showing a large number of color and b.w. examples of his quaint and charming 1920-30's style art deco works. * $51 Book Number: 99012601 433 TAKEHISA, Yumeji. YUMEJI'S PICTURES FOR SONGS OF THE WORLD [UTA NO EZOSHI]. [Tokyo 1966, Ryuseikaku]. Black cloth with color print cover on front, very good, clam shell board box, 374p., Japanese text, index of the 271 color & b.w. photos of Yumeji prints & grahics, dates, each with English and Japanese captions. English introduction page. A most stunning work, contains a profusion of Yumeji woodblock prints and other graphics from books he illustrated. Each has a small poem in Japanese adjacent to the print, the English, French, or other European language caption makes this work a bit more useful & appealing to the Western collector. QUITE SCARCE ! STUNNING COLLECTION OF 26 COLOR WOODBLOCK PRINTED PLATES RareOrientalBooks.Com $272 Book Number: 41029001 434 [TAKEUCHI, Seiho.] et al. MIYAKO NO NISHIKI: BEAUTY OF THE CAPITOL [Kyoto] CITY. [Kyoto 1891, Tanaka]. Orange brocade cloth, large oblong format, accordion folded, 26 fine color woodcut prints, Japanese index, very good, clean copy, 33.5 x 24 cm. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE FIRST & ONLY EDITION A most superb book. An anthology of 26 fine color woodblock prints. Each reflects subjects as found in the ancient capitol of Kyoto. These are drawn by some of Japan's most famous artists, i.e.: Takeuchi Seiho, Tomioka Tessai, Kubota Beisen and a host of other important examples. Please see our scan illus07.jpg for the complete list of the titles and artist's names in Japanese, posted to our web site. **** LIST OF THE SUBJECTS: 1. Cat with loquats. 2. Boy riding a buffalo playing the flute. 3. Coastal view from the old home. 4. Two birds with red flowers, bamboo. 5. Noh drama actor. 6. Landscape. [Chinese style] 7. Japanese court officials. 8. Pheasant and falconers. 9. Five baby chicks. 10. Landscape with three figures, two playing chess. . [Chinese style] 11. Wild berries with ants. 12. Black bird among the flowers. 13. Hornet in the pine tree. 14. Shinto shrine scenery. 15. Three old sages. 16. Deer in the forest. 17. Baby with lantern. 18. Landscape with two farmers carrying firewood. 19. Small bird with bitter melon vine. 20. Kingfisher bird and ancient tree. 21. Tiger carrying its young cub in the river. 22. Procession of four people, one rides a horse. 23. Two ducks sleeping. 24. Landscape along the river with bamboo raft. RareOrientalBooks.Com 25. Bird in the cherry tree ready to pounce on a moth. 26. An old farmer makes Zoori sandals, while his son reads. **** CONDITION: The work is in excellent condition, with original brocade cloth covers, a bit of minor wear at the corners & edges, with title slip and cinnabar seal/chop. * Each print is without flaw, printed with delicate pastels, vegetal colors, with excellent composition, registry, each is signed in the block with cinnabar chop/seal. * There are some reinforcements to the hinge side of some pages, this does not affect the overall condition of the book. **** SIZE: The album is 33 x 23.6 cm.; each print excluding the margins are 29 x 20.5 cm., or about Oban size. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: p.465. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p. 202. Brown considered Seiho one of the great artists of the world ! * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.171. * NAKAMURA, Tanio.: CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE-STYLE PAINTING. * DELICATE, POIGNANT WOODCUT ILLUSTRATED SET OF BOOKS Book Number: 86016003 435 TAKEUCHI, Seiho. SEIHO SHU GAFU: AN ALBUM OF PAINTINGS BY SEIHO. [Woodblock Printed Set] Kyoto [1901], Tomura. Five odd color prints from the set,all board mounted, 4 color, 1 b.w. woodblock printed, each print a bit dusty, a few small spots on 1, most of the others are clean, 24.7 x 17.5 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION THIS IS A LOT OF 5 ODD PRINTS FROM THE 4 VOLUME SET ONLY. The prints are: 1. Clump of grapes in color 2. Three insects grasshopper, Kabuto Mushi & one more, color RareOrientalBooks.Com $1362 3. Tombo [firefly] in the iris leaves, in color 4. Small bird on a branch, in black & white. 5. A Whale in the waves, in color * Also included is the original printed title cover for the whole set. . Each of the woodblock prints from above are board mounted, with 4 small holes at one end where they were book bound, each is sealed in red cinnabar Hanko [chop/seal] of the artist. The grapes print has some surface dust & a few old ink spots, else clean, balance also clean, ready for framing and display. . The below is a description of the whole book. *** This is an exceptionally beautiful Shijo work. Soft, flowing lines describe his fluid style. Sensibly colored in Sumi and pastel colors renders this an outstanding and ephemeral work Seiho was a leading Shijo School painter, and quite adept at expressing simple things from nature in a charming manner. He submits for examples birds, flowers, mountains, animals and a host of traditional Japanese objects. Some include lobster, Samurai in armor, flowers, animals tea cup for Japanese tea ceremony, a whale, and a large amount of superb Zen-drawings. Great fun! *** THE ARTIST: Per Roberts: liberally summarized and quoted: "Seiho was the originator of the Seiho School of painting. He was the pupil of Kono Bairei, a celebrated natural history painter and woodblock book illustrator of the Meiji era [1868+], in the Shijo and Maruyama style schools. Born in December 1861, when he was a boy of 14 years old, his father sent him to learn the Shijo School style of painting, and worked under the studio name of Tsuchida Yeirin. By about 19 years old, he became Bairei's pupil. He also studied the great master's styles: Nanso, Hokuso, Kano, Sesshu, Naomi & Tosa schools. In 1896, Seiho became senior professor in the Kyoto Fine Art School. * Each illustration bears the artist's seal [Hanko or chop], most in cinnabar, nicely done. *** CONDITION: The work is bound in the original covers, which show some minor dustiness, and a bit of corner wear. There is some small 'nibbling' to the back cover of volume 2, 3; and a tiny bit to the front cover of volume 4, this is NOT major and scans can be sent if necessary. The contents remain clean, solid and without flaw. There is a partial chemise or original paper cover which contained the group of four with some mended tears, small parts wanting, taped inside, as is. *** THE EDITION: The edition was [Limited to 200 Copies] only, which was about all the publisher could print from the woodblocks. This is a typical number of printings from woodcuts of the day. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: RareOrientalBooks.Com C. Mitchell: THE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS OF THE NANGA, MARUYAMA, SHIJO AND OTHER RELATED SCHOOLS OF JAPAN: A Bibliography: p.465. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRNTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN: p. 202. Brown considered Seiho one of the great artists of the world ! * L. Roberts: DICTIONARY OF JAPANESE ARTISTS: p.171. * NAKAMURA, Tanio.: CONTEMPORARY JAPANESE-STYLE PAINTING. * $197 A BEAUTIFUL & MOST DELICATE COLOR ALBUM SET OF 5 VOLUMES Book Number: 84185402 436 TAKI, Katei. TANJO IPPAN: MODELS FOR PAINTING. [Tokyo 1952, Unsodo]. Reprint of 1894 edition, true to the original, complete in 5 accordion folding volumes, very good yellow boards, 41 pastel color & 19 Sumi illustrations, very delicately executed, beautifully illustrated. R A R E "Models For Painting" was celebrated as a classic and Taki enjoyed a position of influence as an outstanding Bunjin-ga artist of the Meiji era. The work was obviously influenced by Taki's observation of the two most famous classics on Chinese painting, the manuals: MUSTARD SEED GARDEN and the TEN BAMBOO STUDIO. * His brilliant impressions of birds, bugs, fish, flowers, fruits, bamboo, rocks [as in scholar's rocks] and landscapes are done with a skilled hand in pastel colors and shades of Sumi ink. A lovely, tender work, exhibiting all of the best composition of the classics. * The work is 16 x 25.5 cm., nicely executed. * A BEAUTIFUL & MOST DELICATE COLOR ALBUM SET OF 5 VOLUMES RareOrientalBooks.Com $1569 Book Number: 84185403 437 TAKI, Katei. TANJO IPPAN: MODELS FOR PAINTING. [Tokyo 1952, Unsodo]. Reprint of 1894 edition, grey accordion folding boards, vols 2,3,4 of 5 vol set, very good, with pastel and Sumi color illustrations, partial set, as is, beautifully illustrated,delicately executed, 36 color pages. "Models For Painting" was celebrated as a classic and Taki enjoyed a position of influence as an outstanding Bunjin-ga artist of the Meiji era. The work was obviously influenced by Taki's observation of the two most famous classics on Chinese painting, the manuals: MUSTARD SEED GARDEN and the TEN BAMBOO STUDIO. * His brilliant impressions of birds, bugs, fish, flowers, fruits, bamboo, rocks [as in scholar's rocks] and landscapes are done with a skilled hand in pastel colors and shades of Sumi ink. A lovely, tender work, exhibiting all of the best composition of the classics. * The work is 16 x 25.5 cm., nicely executed. * A SUPERB CLASSIC OF JAPANESE LITERATURE AND FOLK-TALES Book Number: 85001101 438 TAKIZAWA, Bakin. MUKASHI GATARI SHICHIYA NO KURA: ANCIENT TALES OF THE PAWNBROKER'S STOREHOUSE. [Edo 1810, Nishimura]. Original grey stitched wrappers, 4 of 5 vols., lacks vol. 1, very thumbed, 24 woodcut illustations some quite dramatic, several lower right corners torn/gone, as is, only. FIRST AND ONLY EDITION RARE & IMPORTANT TITLE Text by Takizawa Bakin [1767-1848] was one of the most famous novelists during the Tokugawa period. The illustrations by Katsukawa Shuntei [1770-1820] * RareOrientalBooks.Com $680 THE FANTASTIC ILLUSTRATIONS: As Takizawa wrote this story, he also made some simple sketches of what sort of illustrations he wanted to show with the text. He relied on several different artists of the day, including Hokusai, but had a falling out with him as he took too many "liberties" with his drawings. So Takizawa got Shuntei to work on this story's illustrations. As per a note he wrote to Shuntei [see Keyes, p.178, bottom plate 41,1] where in these instructions for the drawings were noted. Takizawa also stated that the title would be in 5 volumes, its title and other details. Keyes has also outlined a good part of the story and cited some of the more fantastic illustrations. "Jian Wu shoots the python" is superb [see our images on our web site, and figure 41.3 & 41.4 in Keyes, p.180-181]. Here we see the gigantic python as it swallows an elephant, both in Takizawa's imagined image and rough sketch, vs. how Bakin actually drew the final illustration. Figure 4.12 shows the monumental millipede with title: "Tawara Toda at the palace of the Dragon King shoots the millipede." [See Keyes citation below]. * THIS COPY: This copy lacks volume 1 otherwise is complete. The value of this work and copy mainly lies in the superb and quite fantastic illustrations. There are a good number of illustrations, per above fantastic examples of a giant centipede, and huge python, an elephant. Each of these are double-page illustrations, and even continue beyond the top margin exceeding the usual limits of woodblocks in the area above the top margin giving the appearance of "large scale" and a dramatic effect. An unusual technique but impressive ! * Another double-page illustration shows a very tall mountain on the left side of the page where it also exceeds the top margin to show it's extreme height and grandeur. Perhaps its Mt. Fuji. Other illustrations are impressive. There is one that uses "reverse" printing technique, with a black background. * This is an important illustrated book and written text. That Keyes elected to illustrate 4 examples and devote two full pages of text attests to this fact. Keyes also cites the names of the calligraphers who did the text. * CONDITION: The covers are worn, scuffed and have some paste-on's, and the title slips are missing on vol.2, the balance are chipped and quite worn. The contents are printed on very thin Washi hand-made paper, and were easily thumbed and are now missing some parts of the lower right corner. Luckily, only some parts of text were lost or damaged. Due to the state of this book, there are no returns, adjustments, or refunds. By ordering you agree to these terms. Please inquire for additional scans and more description about condition if necessary. * FAMOUS BOOK: The work is famous and was acquired by the NYPL for the Spencer collection. The Keyes monograph was published in association with the NYPL as a supplement to the exhibition held at the NYPL October 20, 2006-February 4, 2007. The exhibition was a sensation. [NYPL= New York Public Library] RareOrientalBooks.Com * BIBLIOGRAPHY: S. Sorimachi: CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE SPENCER COLLECTION OF THE NYPL: #186, illustrated on p.53. * R. Keyes: EHON: The Artist And the Book in Japan: cites and illustrates the giant centipede and the huge python, see on pp. 178-182, figures [color photo] 41.1, 41.2, 41.3, 41.4, and page 281 item 41 for bibliographic citations. * D.G. Chibbett et al.: A DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE PREMEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS & PRINTS IN THE LIBRARY OF THE SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES: p.54. * Robert K. Douglas; CATALOGUE OF JAPANESE PRINTED BOOKS & MSS. IN THE LIBRARY OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM: 1898, p.213. * $680 A BEAUTIFUL BOOK OF JAPANESE DRAWINGS & DESIGNS FOR ARTISANS Book Number: 21078501 439 TAKIZAWA, Kiyoshi. KA CHO SAN SUI BIJUTSU GA FU: ALBUM OF FLOWER, BIRD & LANDSCAPE DRAWINGS. [Tokyo 1890, Kunshido]. Stitched stiff embossed wrs., very good, 12 x 18 cm., entirely copper etched printed & illustrated, 40p., [20 double folded leaves], all pages fully illustrations average 2-4 per page. FIRST & ONLY EDITION A very beautifully illustrated and executed work. Depicts a host of Japanese traditional and native designs: shows the pantheon of Japanese and Chinese deities, women, Kwan-yin, Buddhist monks & priests, Chinese style landscapes, dragon, birds, beasts, monkeys, poets, scholars, good luck symbols, falcons, hawks, birds of prey, fish, children at play, Samurai, villages, tigers, phoenix &c. These finely drawn examples were often the source for craftsmen who then modified & applied these traditional pictures to swords & sword furniture, armor, lacquer, ceramics, textiles, paper, wood, furniture, sculpture, Buddhist art, paintings, woodblock prints & printed books & a host of other items. Scans can be sent by email upon request. A FASCINATING SET OF NATIVE JAPANESE DESIGN BOOKS RareOrientalBooks.Com $612 Book Number: 84167301 440 TAKIZAWA, Kiyoshi. KODAI MOYO SHU: COLLECTION OF ANCIENT PATTERNS. Tokyo 1881-2, Matsuzaki. Stitched blue wrs., 2 vol. set, 28+ +28 double folded leaves, each page is fully illustrated, no text except Japanese introduction page , entirely woodblock printed by hand on hand-made paper, complete, 18.5 x 23 cm. A fascinating and unique set of purely Japanese design motif books. Loaded with intricate and complicated, some geometric designs, others are floral based, phoenix, dragon, celestial animals, Buddhist symbols, and ancient patterns. * These have been the traditional reference resource and inspiration for hundreds of years for Japanese craftsmen who made and designed lacquer, enamels, textiles, ceramics, textiles & Kimono [Mon], book covers, Netsuke, Inro, Japanese swords and sword furniture, wood furniture and virtually anywhere a design can be put. * These traditional and symbolistic patterns adorned objects of art & daily use. Book size: vol. I: 18 x 12 cm., vol. II: 18 x 13 cm., oblong format, title pages printed in red, balance in black and white key-block outline. * WONDERFUL COLOR DRAWINGS OF MUSHROOMS, FLOWERS, BIRDS & BUGS RareOrientalBooks.Com $1086 Book Number: 21161002 441 TAKIZAWA, Kiyoshi. MAN ZO SHASEI HINAGATA: SKETCHES & PAINTINGS OF A MYRIAD OF 10,000 THINGS FOUND IN NATURE. Edo 1881, Matsuzaki. Blue stitched wrs., very good, ca. 12 x 18.5 cm., 20 double folded leaves, woodblock printed in color by hand on hand-made paper, vol. 2 only, complete in its self, cover ex-library plate, all pages embossed stamped. A most excellent natural history book. Color illustrations of birds & wild field plants. Shows wild mushrooms, flowering plants, plums & cherries. Cranes & storks, various small birds & ducks. Butterflies, moths, ants & some worms. Nicely drawn, with vegetal & naturalistic colors. Each is named in Katakana, Kanji & Furigana, with a brief description, size, and were it was found. Many flowers are drawn with full root and bulbs exposed. Stangely enough, this work has eluded the eyes of H. Barteltt & H. Shohara in their important & historic botany on the subject: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING. A STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL JAPANESE FLOWERS, GRASS & INSECTS Book Number: 27049701 442 TAKIZAWA, Kiyoshi. SEN RYU DO GAFU SO KA CHU: SENRYU THE HIDDEN DRAGON. [Kyoto 1903, Unsodo]. Green stitched wrs., red title slip, a very clean, bright copy, [24] double leaves = 48 full color pages of woodcuts, 16.5 x 23.4 cm.,a trifle bit of wear to extremities, else quite nice. A most stunning color woodcut book, hand printed on handmade Washi paper. The work shows a wide variety of color flowers, grasses, insects and the last part shows several kinds of reptiles: frog, snake, lizard, and salamander. There is a substantial variety of various insects throughout the work as found in nature. * The work emphasizes the beauty of nature and all its splendid colors and variety. It also reflects the sensitivity of the artist to draw and depict nature in natural colors with the utmost drawing skill. * Takizawa was know for his nature drawings and illustrated books. * THE ARTIST: RareOrientalBooks.Com $374 Takizawa Kiyoshi also used "SENRYU DO" as one of his "GO" or studio names, and it also means "A Dragon Was Hiding." * THE SET: The set was issued in several variant titles, such as Fish [uo no bu], Bird, Flower [ka-cho no bu] and others. Each is nicely illustrated. See Dawes for a complete list of each of the six volumes published. Each volume was published separately, and is therefore a monograph unto itself, and complete in itself as a single volume. Dawes cites a Meiji 14th year [1881] 2nd edition ? set, in our experience, we have only seen and had various different volumes with different covers and published dates. * Senryu-doh Gafu: THE COMPLETE SET: Consists of six volumes: Vol.1: BIRDS AND FLOWERS Vol.2. FISH Vol.3. MOUNTANS & WATER Vol.4. GRASS, FLOWERS, INSECTS Vol.5. PEOPLE Vol.6. FURRED ANIMALS **** PUBLISHER: Published by the celebrated author and innovator, renaissance man, Matsuzawa Hanzo. * ILLUSTRATOR: Each volume was illustrated by Takizawa Kiyoshi, a celebrated and skilled artist. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: p. 599, no. 1451; ours is a slightly variant sub-title, but with the same title. * KSM [Kaiga] * DAWES, Leonard G.: JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.163 *** NOT LISTED IN: H. Bartlett, L. Roberts. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN. * A TRADITIONAL 'KACHO' SHOWING JAPANESE NATURE THEMES RareOrientalBooks.Com $884 Book Number: 87078001 443 TAKIZAWA, Kiyoshi. SEN RYU DOH GAFU: KACHO NO BU. TAKIZAWA'S ALBUM OF FLOWERS & BIRDS. [Tokyo 1877, Matsuzaki]. Stiff blue stitched wrs., 15 x 23 cm., very good, 46 woodcut plates, complete in one volume, a few small stains, else clean, 23 double folded leaves, nicely executed. FIRST & ONLY EDITION Line drawn, showing in great detail, both the flowers and avifauna. Nicely drawn, showing the traditional Japanese designs, landscapes, KACHO [bird & flower] views, with the names of each fower and bird noted. Includes a dramatic view of a falcon who has a monkey in its claws, peacock, and a host of other birds & ducks drawn with great skill. Printed by woodblocks by hand on handmade Masa paper. * Senryu-doh Gafu: THE COMPLETE SET: Consists of six volumes: Vol.1: BIRDS AND FLOWERS Vol.2. FISH Vol.3. MOUNTANS & WATER Vol.4. GRASS, FLOWERS, INSECTS Vol.5. PEOPLE Vol.6. FURRED ANIMALS **** PUBLISHER: Published by the celebrated author and innovator, renaissance man, Matsuzawa Hanzo. * ILLUSTRATOR: Each volume was illustrated by Takizawa Kiyoshi, a celebrated and skilled artist. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: H. Kerlen: p. 599, no. 1451; ours is a slightly variant sub-title, but with the same title. * KSM [Kaiga] * DAWES, Leonard G.: JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, p.163 RareOrientalBooks.Com *** NOT LISTED IN: H. Bartlett, L. Roberts. * L. Brown: BLOCK PRINTING AND BOOK ILLUSTRATION IN JAPAN. * $459 AN EARLY JAPANESE ILLUSTRATED SEAL BOOK Book Number: 32040801 444 TAMAI Zanseki. WAKAN IN Zukushi: ILLUSTRATED OF JAPANESE SEALS. [N.p. 1740, Ishikawa]. Blue stitched wrs., small format,13.5 x 18.5 cm.,covers worn, title slip intact, 26 double leaves= 52 + 4 other pages = 56 pages in all, woodblock printed on hand-made Washi paper, vol. 2 of 2 only. AN EARLY SEAL BOOK An fascinating work. With a profusion of Japanese seals, many are identified, with title and Fuigana for easy reading. * Contains a very large number of seals, some pictorial, an unusual and obscure reference. * Seals were selected by TAMAI Zanseki * TRADITIONAL & CLASSIC JAPANESE ARTS & CULTURE ILLUSTRATED Book Number: 87023701 445 TAMATA, Toshu. SESOH HYAKU SUGATA: ONE HUNDRED ASPECTS OF EVERYDAY LIFE. [Osaka 1918, Darumaya. Accordion folded stiff wrs.,with [34] double-folded leaves, 32 double-page color woodblock prints, RareOrientalBooks.Com $138 2 vols. Great example of Taisho life & printing at its best. A wonderful work with 16 double page color woodblock plates. a total of 32 in all. Each illustrates some aspect of daily life, culture, music, games, family life, Kendo, Judo,horsemanship, archery, Sumo, Noh dance, theatre &c. A wonderfully charming work, drawn with a sense of humor and a style reminiscent of Hokusai. Nicely drawn and executred. See Roberts p.184 for biographical data. A nice Shijo treasure. COMPILED UNDER IMPERIAL AUSPICES BY A COURT PHYSICIAN 1790 Book Number: 20035802 446 TAMBA, Gentoku. comp. KOHKEI SAI KYUUHOO: EMERGENCY REMEDIES FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE OR FIRST AID IN SUDDEN ILLNESS. [Kyoto 1790, Suharaya]. Stitched blue wrs., very good 3 vol. set, some old worming, covers scuffed,138 superior woodblock illustrations, entirely woodblock printed on hand-made paper 18 x 26.5 cm., 10 manuscript pages in vol 2 replace missing. GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL COPY WITH COPIOUS NOTES: !! Attention: The below note only applies to the blue stiff wrappers copy. . GORDON E. MESTLER'S PERSONAL ANNOTATED COLLECTION COPY . MESTLER'S HANDWRITTEN NOTES: . This is the exact copy Mestler used to catalog and compile the entry in his historic GALAXY. It contains a good number of paper slips, with his hand-written notes, comments, bibliographical notes and indications of important illustrations found in this amazing resource. There is also a small card laid in with the name of this title, used by Mestler for display and description purpose. He also used this and other Japanese medical books as examples for lectures while teaching anatomy at S.U.N.Y. College of Medicine at New York City, Brooklyn. *** THE AUTHOR: Tamba Gentoku [1732-1801] also known as Taki or Rankei] was a eminent court physician and famous in the annals of Japanese medicine. He was directed by Imperial auspices to compile this work by Shogun Iyeharu. The goal was the promulgation of medical knowledge among the common people, describing how to remedy various kinds without the help of a physician. . THE AUTHOR'S ALTERNATE OR "STUDIO" NAMES: RareOrientalBooks.Com $4760 During the time of this book, there were very few educated professional physicians in Japan. Tamba was known both by his professional name & by Taki Angen [or Rankei] and his personal name TAMBA Gentoku and is sometimes referred to as TAKI Gentoku, or also as Motonori, a combination of professional & personal names. He is a descendant of the TAMBA family, members of which had been acknowledged medical practitioners for many generations. The activities of Gentoku, his father, and his son are outlined by Whitney [see below]. See also Mestler's GALAXY p.303,166 [below]. * ORIGIN OF THE BOOK: This resource was clearly developed from an earlier Chinese work, the illustrations are of Chinese in their traditional period robes, but adapted into easily read Japanese by Tamba. The work covers how to do simple a prognosis, treatment and prescribing of medicine. This work is also an early example of the use of moxa [Mokusa aka: artemisia vulgaris latifolia] or the tomentum [kind of pollen like hairs] brushed off the leaves of Yomogi a cauterizing herb known as Artemisia indica. It also lists the most famous of all moxa spots the "Sanri" with detailed directions telling how to "know" the location of the acupuncture points. * FAMOUS ILLUSTRATIONS: Two of its illustrations are also found in Huard p.83 [see below] using yet another variant of the author's name of Rankei Taki, these were illustrations were copied out of vol.1, pp.4 & 5 showing facial manipulation. Other books have also freely used the illustrations found in this work. . Lavishly illustrated there are illustrations covering most every phase of emergency treatment. Excellent anatomical details, acupuncture meridians, 'spots' & channels illustrated. There are also a substantial group of botanical illustrations, citing the pharmacological use, parts of the plant to use and how to administer these to patients. . This work also shows a large selection of pharmacopoeia illustrating which part of the plant & or animals are to be used in the treatment of various illness and disease. * SUBJECT OF THE TEXT: A good portion of the work is devoted to the details of what parts of the fruits, grasses, tree and nuts, leaves, bark, flowers, roots of plants to be used, and the method of making medicine, dosage is discussed. For example the lotus pod seed has been used for ages in Asia to assist in sleep. The use of seaweed to reduce cystic swelling, one good for erysipelas [Tandoku], and congenital syphilis [Taidoku] noted. Others uses for medicine made from fish, squid, shrimp, shell fish, conch, clams, bird parts & organs, insects, the land snail & many others indicated. . Pressure points used for acupressure, were also heated by the burning of moxa [artemisia vulgaris latifolia] on points or on the end of acupuncture needles to gain additional medicinal effect. * The method of applying hand or finger pressure to points on the Fourteen Channels of the body are also noted. Problems RareOrientalBooks.Com with childbirth and the placenta removal noted, as well as treatment of young children noted. Among the many remedies are two unusual methods of attempting to revive a drowning victim. The first plate shows the victim slung over a water buffalo in an attempt to expel the water, the second shows a rescuer pumping his stomach with the palms of his hand, the last shows the victim being warmed by a fire [see scans on our web site]. The illustrations were also reproduced in Castiglioni as figure 40 on p.109, see below for more details. See also a good color representation of this found in Grmek: LA MEDECINE JAPONAISE as plate 10 [see below]. * Problems with pregnancy, childbirth and the placenta removal noted, treatment of diseases of young children also noted. * APPLICATION OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRACTICES: This work rendered a most valuable primary resource to people of two centuries ago, when doctors were few but illness and disasters many. It gave lay-people first hand knowledge of what plants could be use to make medicines and which techniques could be used in an emergency. Copious in nature, some 300 double folded leaves in all. It was the standard reference for the common people, written in easily understood Japanese, designed for the semi-literate as a home medical adviser. Remedies were based on adaptive use of things commonly found around the Japanese home, medicines compounded from ordinary plants and animals. It is also an important pharmacopoeia Japonica in terms of a list of what plants & animals were commonly available around Japan. With excellent botanical illustrations and explanations on the selection and use of plants & plant parts for treatment. * CURIOUS NOTE: Per Prof Richard Rudolph [see below], she states on p.145: "Curiously, one of the manual's illustrations was later used in Arturo Castiglioni's STORIA DELLA MEDICINA." But she does not exactly cite just which illustration in Tamba, or which illustration in Castiglioni." She does illustrate Tamba's front cover and an illustration from his book. * HOME MEDICAL ADVISER: This work was compiled at the command of the Shogun Iyeharu, before his death in 1786, for the promulgation of medical knowledge among the common people. This title can also be translated to mean "Wide Benevolence and Emergency Prescriptions." The work contains substantial information on how to remedy maladies of various kinds and how to meet emergencies like intoxications, injuries, accidents, without the help of a physician. The remedies were based on the adaptive use of things commonly found in the early Japanese home. Medicines are compounded from ordinary flowers, plants, trees, animals, including birds, mollusks, and fish. There is also a large section on moxa and acupuncture, the 'spots' or "channels of energy' and "Sanri." *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: * Gordon E. Mestler: A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS: pp.303-304 for a substantial essay on this title. * H. Bartlett et al: JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD BLOCK PRINTING pp.410-411 & the illustration exhibit 10 for RareOrientalBooks.Com a good bibliographic description. * W. Whitney: NOTES ON HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, #603. TASJ v.12 pp.325-326. * R. Rudolph: ILLUSTRATED BOTANICAL WORKS IN CHINA AND JAPAN: pp.144-145. * P. Huard & M. Wong: CHINESE MEDICINE, see p.82 for an illustration of this work and the note at the top of the page. Huard lists Rankei Taki as the alternate name of the author. * [GRMEK, M.D. ] et al. LA MEDECINE JAPONAISE. * Arturo Castiglioni et al.: HISTORY OF MEDICINE, N.Y. 1947 * $4080 A LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 180 COPIES Book Number: 21128901 447 [TANAKA, Kisaku.] comp. SHOKI UKIYO-E SENSHU: COLLECTION OF THE EARLIEST UKIYO-E OR PAINTINGS OF THE FLOATING WORLD. [Tokyo 1929, Juraku]. Green cloth Chitsu folding case, very good, spine mended, contents clean, large elephant folio, 39 x 53 cm., 1 color, 16 b.w. folding plates, 66 full page plates, number & title on verso in Japanese, no text. RARE This fabled work, is a LIMITED NUMBERED EDITION OF 180 COPIES printed by the celebrated and superior Otsuka Kogei Sha. Seldom found complete, it covers the precursor of Ukiyyo-e paintings and woodblock prints or prints of the "Floating World" or Ukiyo-e, as well as a good number of treasures and other national treasures: such as screens, paintings, & proto-type paintings of the Ukiyo-e school as well as fine folk paintings. An excellent resource for the classic or earliest period. In original joints mended loose portfolio, with ivory clasps, designed for easy viewing of each work separately, as issued, complete, with the limitation page intact. Printed on thick paper, printed using the ultimate technology for collotype high-quality printing. A grand reference and artictic resource. Scans can be sent by email. A MOST BEAUTIFUL WOODBLOCK COLORED BOTANICAL DICTIONARY RareOrientalBooks.Com $372 Book Number: 99012902 448 TANAKA, Yoshio. et al. YUUYOO SHOKU BUTSU ZU SETSU: COLOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF USEFUL [EDIBLE & PRACTICAL JAPANESE] PLANTS. Tokyo 1891-95, Teikoku Hakubutsu Kan.Stitched blue wrs.,vols 1-3 plates only, 1015 color woodblock printed illustration, no text vols., 4 color illus per page, plate volumes only from the 7 vol. set, very clean, bright copy, 3 vol set.RARE A STUNNING AND IMPORTANT JAPANESE BOTANICAL WOODBLOCK COLOR . . ILLUSTRATED, A SEVEN VOLUME SET, COMPLETE AS ISSUED . . This is a stunning 7 volume set: the text consists of volumes 1-3, with an additional volume of index, issued later [* = see notes below]. Then the atlas of color plates consisting of 3 volumes numbered 1-3, with 4 full color illustrations per page, for a grand todal of 1015 individual color illustrations of plants. . Each plate has its individual number, the Romanized Japanese name, followed by Latin names. Highly useful to foreigners who dont understand nor read Japanese. * There are also Japanese text showing each plant's individual number, the Japanese Kanji character name, common name written in both Kanji and Katakana for easy reading by semiliterate Japanese farmers. *** CO-AUTHOR, ARTIST: Co-author was Shokkai Ono. The color illustrations of Japanese plants were drawn & executed by Sessai Hattori, some 260 pages in all, the work is entirely woodblock in full color by hand on double folded leaves. Japanese text in 3 volumes 75+67+75; followed by the 55p. index. *** CONTENTS: Are listed in the book with the below English section titles. . This is a stunningly beautiful and copious work. It RareOrientalBooks.Com encompasses a most wide variety if not all of the known named plants in Japan. A dictionary of useful plants, vegetables, tubers and fruits. All plants are organized by categories: I: Cereals & Fabace. II: Vegetables. III: Roots. IV: Plants of which the flowers & leaves are eaten. V: Cucurbitaceous fruits. VI: Edible fungi. VII: Edible algae. VIII: Condiments & spices. IX: Fruits. X: Starch plants. XI: Forage plants. XII: Luxury yielding plants. XIII: Economic plants for different uses. XIV: Oil & wax plants. XV: Textile plants. XVI: Paper manufacturing plants. XVII: Dye plants. XVIII: Fragrant plants. XIX: Medicinal plants. [pharmacopia] XX: Poisonous plants. XXI: Timber trees and bamboo. XXII: Deciduous ornamental trees. XXIII: Evergreen ornamental plants [including bamboo]. XXIV: Garden plants. XXV: Covering plants for graund [sic meaning 'ground' cover] *** *** STUNNING COLOR WOODBLOCK-PRINTED BOOK: This fabulous color work shows the specimen plants foliage, flowers, details of the flowers & leaves, with blossoms and stamens inserted. Each color example is an true to original exact reproduction of the one from nature, in accurate color and veins found in the foliage. A botanist's dream book from an earlier era, when hand carving of woodblocks were the best method of showing the true nature & color of plants. It was also printed on hand-made paper. * Works of this complex printing technique and magnitude are scarce in Japan and were costly to produce, using over 500 or more individual carved blocks to print the full page color illustrations. * A major color reference to Japan's plant life, finely illustrated and executed in stunning "real-life" color with grading from bright to pale colors as is found in nature. A very difficult printing technique, superbly executed by the artisans who hand-printed this work with ultimate skill. The complete set is always R A R E and seldom found. *** WHAT IS A COMPLETE SET ? Per the above, we cite this as complete in 7 volumes, but it can also be considered complete in 6 volumes [3 each of text and 3 color-plate volumes]. The index being issued later [See Merrill below] in 1902. Not all sets contain the later index. . To this, we add just one more level of confusion. Based on our reference copy of the 7 volumes, the index volume was RareOrientalBooks.Com first published in 1891, then again in 1897. It has a preface date of 1893. So there is the distinct possibility that Merrill is a bit wrong, in that he has not seen the 1891 index...and therefore believed at the time that the index came out in 1902...sorry to prove him wrong. The other and more likely possibility is that he did not read Japanese or relied on a poor resource to read to him the Japanese date colophon. . We post several nice color scans of this item and of the index on our website. Some sets have the earlier issued index, others the later issued index, this adds to the general confusion vis-a-vis this index volume. There are no issues with the balance of the volumes. *** IMPORTANT RECENT AUCTION RECORD: This exact title in 7 volumes was sold in at New York Christies, Rockefeller Plaza, for $4750, sale 2170, Important Botanical Books, on June 24, 2009. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . E. Merrill: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY, p.490. entry for this author: TANAKA, Yoshio: under dates 1891a,b. In the first entry he cites this title as a 6 volume set, i.e.vols 1-3 text; vols 1-3 plates as the complete work as published in 1891. Then under 1891b, he cites: "YUYO SHOKUBUTSU ZUSETSU MOKUROKU OYOBI SAKUIN or CONTENTS AND THE INDICES TO USEFUL PLANTS OF JAPAN DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED"...1902. Then, the later index would make this a 7 volume set, printed 3 years later. Then he cites yet another later edition 1895 as the "ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE TEXT 1895, bound western style. * BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. : JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.437, exhibit 28. This work is complete in 7 volumes even though Bartlett states 9 vols. as the complete works. Perhaps it was simply a typographical error ? In fact, Tanaka states in the preface to volume 1 [index], that the set consists of 4 volumes text + 3 volumes of plates atlas. Merrill also supports the total volume count to be 7 in all. Bartlett was a much better bibliographer, and had his Japanese co-author, Hide Shohara assistant in all Japanese language translations. The wore is clearly a 7 volume set when complete, regardless of the "series" method of publishing some parts at a later date, in all the set needs the index to be a complete resource. **** A MOST BEAUTIFUL WOODBLOCK COLORED BOTANICAL DICTIONARY RareOrientalBooks.Com $3400 Book Number: 99012903 449 TANAKA, Yoshio. et al. YUUYOO SHOKU BUTSU ZU SETSU: COLOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE OF USEFUL [EDIBLE & PRACTICAL JAPANESE] PLANTS. Tokyo 1891-95, Teikoku Hakubutsu Kan. Stitched blue wrs., 4 color woodblock printed illustrations per page, 356 illus.in all, ! vol.3 of 7 vol. set!, no text, captions in Japanese, complete itself, vol. 3 only. Request more details. A STUNNING AND IMPORTANT JAPANESE BOTANICAL WOODBLOCK COLOR . . ILLUSTRATED, A SEVEN VOLUME SET, COMPLETE AS ISSUED . . This is a stunning 7 volume set: the text consists of volumes 1-3, with an additional volume of index, issued later [* = see notes below]. Then the atlas of color plates consisting of 3 volumes numbered 1-3, with 4 full color illustrations per page, for a grand todal of 1015 individual color illustrations of plants. . Each plate has its individual number, the Romanized Japanese name, followed by Latin names. Highly useful to foreigners who dont understand nor read Japanese. * There are also Japanese text showing each plant's individual number, the Japanese Kanji character name, common name written in both Kanji and Katakana for easy reading by semiliterate Japanese farmers. *** CO-AUTHOR, ARTIST: Co-author was Shokkai Ono. The color illustrations of Japanese plants were drawn & executed by Sessai Hattori, some 260 pages in all, the work is entirely woodblock in full color by hand on double folded leaves. Japanese text in 3 volumes 75+67+75; followed by the 55p. index. *** CONTENTS: Are listed in the book with the below English section titles. . This is a stunningly beautiful and copious work. It RareOrientalBooks.Com encompasses a most wide variety if not all of the known named plants in Japan. A dictionary of useful plants, vegetables, tubers and fruits. All plants are organized by categories: I: Cereals & Fabace. II: Vegetables. III: Roots. IV: Plants of which the flowers & leaves are eaten. V: Cucurbitaceous fruits. VI: Edible fungi. VII: Edible algae. VIII: Condiments & spices. IX: Fruits. X: Starch plants. XI: Forage plants. XII: Luxury yielding plants. XIII: Economic plants for different uses. XIV: Oil & wax plants. XV: Textile plants. XVI: Paper manufacturing plants. XVII: Dye plants. XVIII: Fragrant plants. XIX: Medicinal plants. [pharmacopia] XX: Poisonous plants. XXI: Timber trees and bamboo. XXII: Deciduous ornamental trees. XXIII: Evergreen ornamental plants [including bamboo]. XXIV: Garden plants. XXV: Covering plants for graund [sic meaning 'ground' cover] *** *** STUNNING COLOR WOODBLOCK-PRINTED BOOK: This fabulous color work shows the specimen plants foliage, flowers, details of the flowers & leaves, with blossoms and stamens inserted. Each color example is an true to original exact reproduction of the one from nature, in accurate color and veins found in the foliage. A botanist's dream book from an earlier era, when hand carving of woodblocks were the best method of showing the true nature & color of plants. It was also printed on hand-made paper. * Works of this complex printing technique and magnitude are scarce in Japan and were costly to produce, using over 500 or more individual carved blocks to print the full page color illustrations. * A major color reference to Japan's plant life, finely illustrated and executed in stunning "real-life" color with grading from bright to pale colors as is found in nature. A very difficult printing technique, superbly executed by the artisans who hand-printed this work with ultimate skill. The complete set is always R A R E and seldom found. *** WHAT IS A COMPLETE SET ? Per the above, we cite this as complete in 7 volumes, but it can also be considered complete in 6 volumes [3 each of text and 3 color-plate volumes]. The index being issued later [See Merrill below] in 1902. Not all sets contain the later index. . To this, we add just one more level of confusion. Based on our reference copy of the 7 volumes, the index volume was RareOrientalBooks.Com first published in 1891, then again in 1897. It has a preface date of 1893. So there is the distinct possibility that Merrill is a bit wrong, in that he has not seen the 1891 index...and therefore believed at the time that the index came out in 1902...sorry to prove him wrong. The other and more likely possibility is that he did not read Japanese or relied on a poor resource to read to him the Japanese date colophon. . We post several nice color scans of this item and of the index on our website. Some sets have the earlier issued index, others the later issued index, this adds to the general confusion vis-a-vis this index volume. There are no issues with the balance of the volumes. *** IMPORTANT RECENT AUCTION RECORD: This exact title in 7 volumes was sold in at New York Christies, Rockefeller Plaza, for $4750, sale 2170, Important Botanical Books, on June 24, 2009. *** BIBLIOGRAPHY: . E. Merrill: A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EASTERN ASIATIC BOTANY, p.490. entry for this author: TANAKA, Yoshio: under dates 1891a,b. In the first entry he cites this title as a 6 volume set, i.e.vols 1-3 text; vols 1-3 plates as the complete work as published in 1891. Then under 1891b, he cites: "YUYO SHOKUBUTSU ZUSETSU MOKUROKU OYOBI SAKUIN or CONTENTS AND THE INDICES TO USEFUL PLANTS OF JAPAN DESCRIBED AND ILLUSTRATED"...1902. Then, the later index would make this a 7 volume set, printed 3 years later. Then he cites yet another later edition 1895 as the "ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THE TEXT 1895, bound western style. * BARTLETT, Harley H. et al. : JAPANESE BOTANY DURING THE PERIOD OF WOOD-BLOCK PRINTING, p.437, exhibit 28. This work is complete in 7 volumes even though Bartlett states 9 vols. as the complete works. Perhaps it was simply a typographical error ? In fact, Tanaka states in the preface to volume 1 [index], that the set consists of 4 volumes text + 3 volumes of plates atlas. Merrill also supports the total volume count to be 7 in all. Bartlett was a much better bibliographer, and had his Japanese co-author, Hide Shohara assistant in all Japanese language translations. The wore is clearly a 7 volume set when complete, regardless of the "series" method of publishing some parts at a later date, in all the set needs the index to be a complete resource. **** VERY IMPORTANT & EARLY TREATISE: 14 CHANNELS OF ACUPUNCTURE RareOrientalBooks.Com $476 Book Number: 35027501 450 TANIMURA, Gensen JUSHI KEI HAKKI SHO: INTRODUCTION FOR THE FOURTEEN CHANNELS TEACHINGS OF ACCUPUNCTURE. Kyoto 1659, Yoshinoya. Recent stiff brown stitched covers,10 vols. bound in 5 volumes, 17.7 x 26.5 cm., pagination:volume 1:35; 2:28; 3:41 ;4:38; 5:39; 6:46; 7:46; 8:38; 9:23; 10:35, a touch of minor old marginal worming, solid, complete. RARE This is an important and early work, on Chinese acupuncture, rewritten by a Japanese. * This work was originally written in Chinese, now it has that text, but with the addition of Japanese grammatical marks, Furigana and written in Kambun [Japanese version of a Chinese text]. * The work contains 37 fine full page illustrations showing period Chinese men, the various points of the "Fourteen Channels" for acupuncture, also the same points were used for acupressure and moxibustion. *** THE AUTHOR/EDITOR/"EXPLAINER" TANIMURA Gensen was the editor or "explainer" of the work. The FIRST EDITION was written 1659 by KATSU Ju [Jiu] with title JIU SHI KIYO HAKKI. TANIMURA slightly changed the title, but the work remains the same. Beginning on Mestler's p.473, he states: "KATSU Ju [alias = Hakunin which is a Japanese reading of a Chinese name and so is KATSU Ju]..." was a Chinese physician of the Ming period [1368-1644] & prolific writer on Traditional Chinese medicine such as acupuncture and the "Fourteen Channels" of acupuncture, and the use of moxa and one of the early introducers of Chinese medicine to Japan. "The original [First Japanese Edition] of the publication was 1684, under title JUSHIKEI [or JUSHIKO] HAKKI...later also "explained" again by the celebrated and famous OKAMOTO Ippo under the title JUSHIKEI RAKI WAGO." Mestler p.474. *** THE ILLUSTRATIONS: The majority of the full-page illustrations show various men front, rear, side views, with a key to the various acupuncture points, each carefully labeled. There are a few other illustrations of internal organs, heart, liver, intestines &c. There about 20 excellent illustrations of acupuncture needles, lancelets which are the instruments of acupuncture. . vol.1: 2 + shows 18 acupuncture needles and lancelets vol.2: 0 vol.3: 16 illustrations vol.4: 4 " RareOrientalBooks.Com vol.5: 4 " vol.6: 4 " vol.7: 3 ' vol.8: 2 " vol.9: 2 " vol.10: 0 " *** CONTAINED IN CLOTH CHITSU OR FOLDING CASE: The whole complete set is placed inside of an recent [past 50-75 years] indigo-blue cloth Chitsu [folding case] with 2 bone clasps. *** CONDITION: The work was rebound in the last 50-75 years with newer covers. There is a touch of old worming mostly small holes in the margins, or leading edges, loss of text very minimal. Otherwise the work is printed on very clean, bright Washi hand-made Japanese paper. The characters are bold and bright with good registry. There are a few pages that have some black Sumi ink stain near the leading edges, text is still completely legible. The set of 10 volumes are bound in 5 uniform parts, stitched with a brown silk [?] thread. The set is solidly bound, all pages firm . *** REFERENCES: WHITNEY, Willis N.: NOTES ON THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PROGRESS IN JAPAN, pp.419, #430, listed as JIU SHI KIYO HAKKI, that ? author is cited as KATSU JIU [died 1368], published 1659. * MESTLER, Gordon E. A GALAXY OF OLD JAPANESE MEDICAL BOOKS WITH MISCELLANEOUS NOTES ON EARLY MEDICINE IN JAPAN. Mestler has pointed out on pp.473-474 the original Japanese edition "...published in 1684 with title Jushikei [or Jushikyo Hakki]..." was complete in one volume but was in two parts, authored by KATSU Ju [aka HAKUNIN] who was a Chinese physician who lived in the Ming dynasty. It clear that TANIMURA came across this text, and rewrote it from the original Chinese into Kambun for Japanese physicians. . We believe this work to be correctly attributed to KATSU Ju and later renamed by the Japanese, per the above. Mestler also illustrates an example on p.475, as plate figure B. This shows the measurements from "point to point" in the Fourteen Channels. Other entries for KATSU Ju on pp.303, 189 footnote 21. . Therefore, TANIMURA Gensen wrote a summary of the Ju-shi-Kyo Hakki-Sho, a summary of Ju-shi-Kyo Hakki. * Not in: KERLEN, H. CATALOGUE OF PRE-MEIJI JAPANESE BOOKS & MAPS IN PUBLIC COLLECTIONS IN THE NETHERLANDS. * Not in: [KURE, S.] REPORT OF THE MEDICAL EXHIBITION VI CONGRESS OF THE FAR EASTERN ASSOCIATON OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 1925. THE EXHIBITION COMMITTEE OF THE CONGRESS, TOKYO. *** RareOrientalBooks.Com $2474 SPECTACULAR COLOR WOODBLOCK-PRINTED COLOR FLOWERS Book Number: 85089902 451 TANIUE, Kounan. SEIYO SOHKA ZUFU: Album of Western Flowers and Grasses. Kyoto 1917, Unsodo. Green boards, accordion folding albums, front title slips, in worn original brown silk Chitsu case no clips, books: brillantly clean, bright copies, no defects 5 vol. set, complete, ca. 17.3 x 26 cm. FIRST & ONLY EDITION This is a spectacular and stunning polychrome woodblock printed book. It contains a total of 125 superbly beautiful color woodblock prints, 25 in each volume. These are doublepage prints 37 x 26 cm. a bit larger than the standard Oban print size. Each illustration has the Japanese name written in Katakana, printed on heavy stiff Washi paper. The books are bound in the original green paper-covered boards, each with a centered title slip. index, and sealed with three different cinnabar chops/seals on the title page by the artist. * POLYCHROME WOODBLOCK PRINTED FLOWERS: The work is magnificent, with "true to nature," colors, a "riot of color." Done in sympathetic and natural tones and colors which reflect the true color of the stems, leaves, buds, flowers in very tender compositions. * CONTENTS: Volume 1: Spring, part 1. Volume 2: Spring, part 2. Volume 3: Summer, part 1. Volume 4: Summer, part 2. Volume 5: Autumn, part 1. Complete in five volumes. **** RARITY: The book is seldom found on the market for sale. The last recorded copy we have was sold in Japan, 1991. Copies of this book have been broken up, individual pages sold as "floral prints" on the world art market. Finding a complete set in such wonderful condition is indeed R A R E ! RareOrientalBooks.Com . This book was printed in a small and usual edition of 200 only copies. . This obscure and rare item has eluded the scrutiny of all of the usual bibliographers. See below for a list of reference books in which this is NOT FOUND. ***** CONDITION: THE PRINTS: The books are exceptionally fresh, bright and clean, no worming, no stains, no tears, no weak hinges, no damage to center folds, no damage whatsoever! There are even a few original tissue sheets remaining in these volumes. There is some of the usual oxidation found on the covers