= ryPt=E+€ ffi tu4 ffi ffi ffi # ##ffi_S COWBOY-STYLED CARS ===E= sl c AR THE DEFINITIVE ALL-AMERICAN COLLECTOR-CAR MAGAZINE JULY 2014 #t t8 T! ffiffi re=sY*re&TE#ru pre*FEttr 1964 CHEVY II GETS A FACTORY-CORRECT RE BU I LD ll llililllillt[[illl ll ltfirI Hello Muddoh, Hello Fodduh Summ BY e r hq inhs inv olv ing Ar rry - surplus h ar dw ar e JIM DONNELLY f you were lucky-or hideously unlucky, depending on how well you enjoyed the experience- moybe your porents sent you to comp in the summertime,You know, songs oround the fire, roosting morshmollows, diving into o loke somewhere, sleeping in o bunkroom, oll the ftin stuff thotAllon Shermon sotirized in his Emmy-winning novelty song referenced in our heodline. Comp olso meons field trips, to the mountoins or o historicol site, perhops.Todoy, kids of comp go on those trips in school buses. But of o couple of Connecticut comps, beginning in the lote .I940s, the comp kids troveled in sort-of Army trucks, Let's start with the camps. The first location is known as Camp Awosting, which is on Bantam Lake outside Morris, Connecticu! in the northwestern part of the state, a little south of Litchfield. Right nearby is a similar site for girls, Camp Chinqueka. Founded by Dr. WalterTruslow in 1900, Camp Awosting is the oldest private boys' camp in the United States, as its website proclaims. lt takes its name from a lake in adjoining NewYork where the camp was originally located. ln 1905, new owners instituted what's called a "tribal system," based on one founded at the prestigious St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire. Since 1948, the camp has been under the ownership of the Ebner family, whose patriarch, Oscar Ebner Sr., had worked as an Awosting counselor since the Iate 1930s. Oscar Sr. is the focal personality in this little saga. He was a hardcore Chrysler guy, and one of his first acts was to buy a couple of vehicles for the campers. One was a huge 1948 De Soto Suburban sedan, with three rows of seats, which was used to ferry attendees in from as far as NewYork City, in some cases. Oscar also went out and bought himself a Dodge truck, a two-ton chassis and cab combination. There was no rear bodywork, at least not at first. But Oscar was a thrifty guy, and one time, made it over to the docks in Newark, New Jersey, to remedy that. 90 HEMMINGS CLASSIC CAR JULY 2Ol4 a Hemmings.com We learned what happened next from his son, Oscar Jr., who now runs the camps and goes by the nickname of Buzz. As Buzz told iq his dad deliberately ordered a short-wheelbase chassis under the Dodge so that a deuce-and-a-half body would drop right into place. What's that mean? Simple: lt's a reference to the Army's built-by-the-millions, or so you might lhink,21/z-ton cargo truck used during and after World War Il. Aside from the original Jeep, these rigs are the U.S. military's most iconic vehicles. The re-mechanization of the Army that commenced in the I930s saw a variety of manufacturers submit truck designs to the Quartermaster Corps, which had its construction and proving grounds at Fort Holabird, Maryland, where the earliest original rigs were built by the corps using Hercules gasoline engines. These trucks were called the Standard Flee! and later evolutions were built by Marmon-Herringon and CMC, both with sixwheel drive. Lots of manufacturers made trucks for the Army during the war, from Chevrolet to Mack and Studebaker, but it was CMC's version, the first of which appeared in 1939, that gained enduring fame. More than 562,000 examples of the CMC CCKW, as the Army called it, were built. That meant a lot of surplus parts were lying around, including the familiar 21/z-ton cargo and troop body. At Newark, so the story goes, Oscar Sr. found a stash of excess cargo "I don't have to wonder when I order from Le&aron Bonaev" ? :, Speedometers, Tachometers bodies, with LE\D Li:-<i ;-:-:r.c -io the sheetmetal for the L.S. war materiel o\ er-:: t: a, :es. Oscar Sr. bolgr: -=,:'= :,t:rem and :-:.-:- :.: --: :+-'r:i applied gray pa;n::.:-:^= - i l.' Contact us today for a lree informa- tion package on your model and Cables, Gas Sendins Units a lree copy of our latest parts catalog. 10123 Bergin Road, Howett Mt 48843 fiufi0,88e fiIsr,nl 81 O-63 2-O4OO fax, 810-602-688I wril.Bob$$0ccdomeler.com -.cec olire drab. One bodr c',:,::=: ^::: , a:op ihe new Dodge chassrs. -e1 . aj :op \,, ent across the borr s. . ^ :^€ .a,,., s of the day, kids coulC c'.... c , ^:. :.e side-iacing troop benches as ---e l,r::e :rundled them on field trips go r- :: : ::ar:: a: Cape Cod and Vermont. B;zz ,., as ore of the camp counselors in t:e la:r. 'All that \\as i1e.e ior safeh,u,as the military safeh s:';c across ihe back of the truck to hold the ia..lr-oop person in place on the bench." Buzz recalleC. "ln the case of the camp transpo( it ,,r as tne hr o senior staff persons that got ihai :eat, ne\er a camper. But children irom age =ir or seven on up to 16 were transported back and forth to campsites in this mode of transport for almost 25 years. As a child riding in one of these vehicles, it was quite a thrill. Here you were, Iike riding in a conr,ertible, rvith the wind blowing through t,our hair and looking out over all the scenen passing by and being able to see over most other vehicles as well." The Army bodies later went from the Dodge onto several I963 Chevrolet C60 chassis/cab units, all powered by the 230cu.in. straight-six. One of those trucks is long retired, but still sits around Awosting, and Buzz said the Ebner family hopes to do a full restoration on it before very long. 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SecondStreet DcptHCC Irbmon, OR 97355-3337 600-674-9961 N W. enjoy pubtishing period photos of authentic, otd-time working trucks. especially from the people who drove them or owned them. If you have a story and photos to share, email the author at tirl rjt [email protected]. Call us Toll Free or Ga Anline 877-454-3969 Vrnrlcn Tmu Co. Hemmings.com www.u I JULY n ive rsa lti re.co m 20I4 HEMIVINGS CLASSTC CAR 9I