THE AA COORDINATOR Publishod monthly by the Coordinating Commlttoo of Son DIogo County Groups of Alcoholics Anonymous. APRIL 1978 "EACH GROUP SHOULD BE AUTONOMOUS EXCEPT IN MATTERS AFFECTING OTHER GROUPS OR A.A. AS A WHOLE." GROUP NEWS NEW MEETINGS EASY DOES IT RIDERS (motorcycle) meets every Sunday, Denny's Rest., Friars Rd And SD163. Leaves approx 8:30am for ride & meeting. INDIAN CENTER OPEN DISC. Mondays 8:00pm 1430 7th Ave, San Diego. Contact Neadl D. INDIAN FREEDOM RANCH Has two meetings. On Wed. & Fri.,both at 8:15pm. Buckman Springs Raod, Campo. (460-1218) For info. THE 1st WEEKENDERS CAMPING GROUP will meet at Waddel's Barrett Lake Trailer Park on May 5-7. Contact Henry or Emily (427-4175) MINGLE WITH THE SINGLES, (C), Mixed^./ Tuesday, 7:30pm, 233 4th Ave. Chula OLD TOWN STEP STUDY has changed it's name to Clairemont Sat. Nite Step Study, 8:15pm, Sat St Mark's Meth Church, 3502 Clairemont Dr. Vista. MCRD ' BROWNBAGGERS (Disc) Tues., 11:30pm Bldg 216, Marine Base Off Pacific Hwy. SAN DIEGUITO MIXED(C) whic had met Wed. 8:00pm Chamber Of Commerce Bldg, Encinitas, Has been KITCHEN GROUP (Part) Fri. 8:15pm Corner of Orange & 5th, Lutheran Ch., Coronado. DISCONTINUED. MEETING AFTER Which had met Fridays at 8th & C has changed to Saturdays, Same Place. EAST COAST (Speaker Disc) Tues 8:15pm SERENDIPITY WOMEN'S (C) has changed it's meet ing day & place from 12:30pm, 4th & anita, TO Thurs 12:30pm, 545 E. Naples, Chula Vista. CLAIREMONT BROWNBAGGERS(Disc) Thurs 12 FACES, Magnolia & Lexington, El Cajon. noon 4790 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. NORTH CLAIREMONT SUNDAY NITE(open) Sun. SATURDAY NITE Y has changed their meeting time to 8:15pm. 7:00pm, 4790 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. SOUTHWOOD GROUP, Chula Vista Has changed their meeting time to 8:00pm. 4790 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. CLAIREMONT SPEAKERS, Friday 8:00pm, CLAIREMONT OPEN(Disc) Sun. 1:00pm RAMONA GUT LEVEL STEP STUDY, Sun Nite, 8:15pm, 4790 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. has moved to the CAP Office 1122 B St. SANDPIPERS II (Disc) Thurs. 2:00pm 1488 First St., Imperial Beach. DEL MAR WOMEN'S, Thursdays 10:30am has been DISCONTINUED. SPANISH SPEAKERS Saturdays:15pm 4020 3oth St. Upstairs. SANDPIEPRS IMPERIAL BEACH, has moved to the Grrenfield Mobile Clubhouse, on Iris just off 1-5. LA JOLLA STEP STUDY (Open) Wed 8:00pm 7725 Girard. ESCONDIDO STEP SPEAKER PANEL Thurs. 8:00pm, 4th & Hickory has been DISCONTINUED. NEW HORIZONS(Disc) Mon. 8:00pm 446 26th St, Community Hosp. San Diego. LEMON GROVE WOMEN'S (C) Wed. has moved to the Lemon Grove Meth Ch. 3205 Washington HOW IT WORKS(C) Wed 6:45pm Beginners, 8:00pm Closed Mixed. 17010 Pomerado ieic-kifk'k'it-k'it'k-it'k'k-kicie-k-kifkickick'k'ifk'kie-k-k-k-k-kie'kie-kick'ic-icit'ic'k-k'kit " Comm Church Rancho BernaY'do at Golden. HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP HELP The Following meetings need members to help support: INLAND EMPIRE-SATURDAY NIGHT HEARTLAND-TUESDAY NIGHT EL CAJON PARTICIPATION-THURSDAY NITE (All are held at Renette Center Scout Bldg, El Cajon. SUNLIGHT & SPIRITS Sun 1:30, Coronado * *' ENCINITAS YOUNG PEOPLE'S Tues 8:00pm YMCA, Saxony Boy Scout Annex. LIVING FAITH(Disc) Tues. 8:00pm Los Penasquitas School 14125 Cuca St. SINGLE OVER THIRTY(C) Saturdays 1:00pm 503 Vista Bella Ave, Oceanside. •k'kic'k'ic'k'k-k'ic'kitit'it'k'k^kic'kie'k'kic-k-ie^kie'k-kit-k-k'k'kie-if-krkif-ic-it'icrk'k'k'k'k'k'k'kicieic-k-ieie'k-k-k-k'k'ie'k'k'k'kic'ic'ic'kic'k'k'kic-k'k'k'k'k'it^k'it'k'k'k'k'k-k-kic TO ALL GROUPS HOLDING THEIR DANCES AT THE WAR MEMORIAL BUILDIN...YOU MUST HAVE CONTACTED ART BY THE THURSDAY PROCEEDING THE SATURDAY NIGHT DANCES...THEY SET UP ONLY ONCE CHANGES WILL HAVE TO BE DONE BY YOU!!!1 ANY INCOME & EXPENSE CONTINUED YEAR SPECIAL EVENTS TO DATE MARCH NET GAIN YEAR TO DATE (New Year's Dance) $ 103.86 $ PROGRAM COMMITTEE (CENTRAL MEETING) INCOME: Collection 397.42 319.35 1,178.57 Literature 124.55 267.19 650.72 $1,765.11 Raffle $ TOTAL INCOME $ EXPENSES: $ Janitor Bakery Rent Supplies 128.75 25.00 65.00 57.20 150.00 169.60 450.00 77.42 Literature 199.06 467.30 230.80 Miscellaneous 61.15 — TOTAL EXPENSES $ 540.42 $1,412.11 NET GAIN FOR MARCH AND YEAR TO DATE $ 110.30 $ 353.00 29.00 $ 84.00 NORTH COUNTY BRANCH INCOME Tokens Pins Miscellaneous $ 3.00 37.00 36.00 995.38 Group Contributions Memorium 71.20 2,892.06*^ Coffee Kitty 13.01 95.00 27.80 TOTAL INCOME $1,076.39 $3,207.06 $ $ — OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Token Replacement Cost of Pin Replacement Cost of Miscellaneous Replacement 15.69 2.00 Rent Wages Telephone Answering Service Office Supplies Reproduction Costs General Supplies Repair & Maintenance Insurance 45.44* 32.90 18.00 170.00 510.00 562.50 1,637.50 52.99 37.50 23.51 150.00 40.00 175.03 41.61 53.61 6.90 82.66 50.00 50.00 2.31 Auto Expense Legal & Audit Meeting Schedules 6.72** 49.20 80.70 15.00 74.73 $1,104.45 TOTAL EXPENSES NET GAIN/LOSS FOR MARCH AND YEAR TO DATE - 23.65 *Adjusted cost of tokens based on new price of replacements. 74.73*** $2,961.19 + 245.87 **Workman's Compen sation Insurance figured on actual rate per hundred charged by carrier. ***One thousand (25%) schedules sent to North County Office.****check returned 4 times! TOTAL LOSS FOR FELLOWSHIP FOR MARCH TOTAL GAIN FOR FELLOWSHIP YEAR TO DATE k - $ 339.23 + $ 300.36 ^ A.A. CENTRAL OFFICE SPRING DANCE Central Office is having our annual San Diegans. Come and dance your heart out from 9pm to lam. Door prize K 0 spring dance on May 20 at the War Memorial Building with Buck Wayne and his olj \ refreshments ^Office 2100 4th Ave. games Tickets are now available at Central ^ ^ FELLOWSHIP OF ALCOHQJ,ICS ANONYMOUS income' fir EXPENSE March 1978 YEAR $ Tokens 113.00 Group Contributions $ 320.00 19.50 187.85 63.00 585.60 1,220.55 3,812.55 Pins Miscellaneous Buck a TO DATE MARCH INCOME 634.00* 128.00 Month Misc. Donations: $ 10.00 SDAIC Frank F. (Birthday) 14.00 Vi McC. 10.00 Earl M. 4.00 Anonymous 1.00 Kitties 6.75 Memoriums: 20.00 Tom P. Tom P. Frank S. (Oceanside Jr. Womens) ( 143.00) ( 10.00) ( 195.36** 87.25) 758.73 Interest Income 362.31*** 156.60 Accrued Interest Income $1,738.25 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME $6,731.55 OPERATING EXPENSES 173.12**** 61.13 Cost of Token Replacement Cost of Pin Replacement Cost of Miscellaneous Replacement 57.04 17.50 93.93 342.50 Rent 506.80 Wages 858.66 93.64 152.15 128.60 93.71 81.18 .75 61.09 1,584.00 2,483.66 Payroll Taxes Telephone Answering Service Office Supplies Reproduction Costs Postage - Bulk Mailings General Supplies 262.04 445.86 408.03 329.79 692.77 42.50 119.95 35.00 109.97 Outside Services Equipment Repair Repairs fie Maintenance Insurance 30.52 21.09 91.08***** Auto Expense 35.73 80.75 Co-Ordinating Council Legal & Audit Over/Short 39.00 73.85 65.00 5.50 10.39 ( 42.84 1.38 113.44 Miscellaneous Depreciation 3.34 3.34 Business Committee Public Information Committee .78) 19.62 Meeting Schedules TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 221.09 221.09 $2,537.55 $7,839.09 799.30 - 1,107.54 - $3,772.49 $8,333.17 493.35 1,656.08 $4,265.84 $9,989.25 $3,413.65 $7,696.56**** - NET LOSS FOR MARCH AND YEAR TO DATE LITERATURE ACCOUNT INCOME Main Office - San Diego Branch Office - Vista TOTAL INCOME COST OF REPLACEMENT Main Office - San Diego 478.77 1,587.52 TOTAL COST OF REPLACEMENT $3,892.42 $9,284.08 NET GAIN FOR MARCH AND YEAR TO DATE $ $ Branch Office - Vista ^Adjusted for donation sent in on BAM card. 373.42 705.17 **Checks returned per instruction. ***Interest accrued on TCD's thru March 31st. ****Adjustment of replacement costs based on physical inventory of books, new price on tokens and re-evaluation of percentage used for literature since quanities needed for maximum discount are in extreme excess of the demand on most items. to reflect a more accurate financial picture. *****ln8urance has been pro-rated Contributions for March 1978: Total $2,315.93"^ Central $1,220.55 - Vista $1,095.38 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx *AA Tradition Study *AA Workshop Alpine Anonymous-Anonymous ASW Dry Dock Bay Park Step Study Bay Park Womens Beach Area Beg. #1 Beach Area Beg. #2 MARCH YTD 10.00 $ 10.00 -0- 20.00 175.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 -0- 40.00 Beach Area Luncheon *Carlsbad Here & Now *Carlsbad Tues. Nite 20.00 Cedar Street (Sun) 15.00 Cedar Street (Daily) Cedar Street (Mens) Chula Vista Disc.(Sat) Chula Vista (Mon) Clairemont Men's Clairemont Mixed Clairemont Women's -0-0- 15.00 35.00 300.00 20.00 175.00 40.00 60.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 78.00 44.00 20.00 35.00 .70.00 35.00 -0- 20.00 -0- 30.00 35.00 5.00 30.00 -0- 5.00 125.00 Coronado Coastal Step 10.00 60.00 5.00 Coronado Sun 25.00 25.00 Coronado Prospect Coronado Prospect Women's 20.00 5.00 20.00 Coronado (Mon) *Del Mar AA -0- Dry Dock #2 Dry Dock #21 Early Birds East San Diego Easy Does It Speakers El Cajon Men's El Cajon 12 x 12 El Cajon Tues Encanto Group *Encinitas Disc. *Escondido (Tues) *Esc. ^Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. Bm Bm Bm Bm Brn Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag (Mon) (Tues) (Wed) (Thur) (Sat) *Esc. Newcomers *E8c. Open End *Esc. Fri Spkrs. *Esc. Step Study *Fallbrook Disc. ^Fallbrook Smokeless 5.00 5.00 75.00 *"NOW" Spkrs Ocean Beach Study Ocean Beach (Tues) *Ocnsde AA Way of Life *Oceanside Disc.(Wed) *Oceanside Disc.(Sat) *Oceanside Disc.(Sun) *Oceanside Part.(Tues) ^Oceans ide Part.(Fri) *Oceanside Recovery *Oceanside Speakers *Oceanside 12 x 12 Old Timers Pacific Beach (Sat) 27.00 9.75 33.15 25.00 125.00 -0- 15.00 -0-010.00 -0- -0-0-0- 26.00 15.00 50.00 125.40 10.00 10.00 42.00 40.00 56.00 -0- 25.00 50.00 50.00 -0- 20.59 -0- 120.00 -0- 16.21 10.00 20.00 95.00 95.00 5.00 20.00 -0- 50.00 10.00 10.00 70.00 55.00 -0- 30.00 *Poway Trad. Step -0- -0- 25.00 ^Ramona -0- -0- 81.00 15.80 15.00 *Rancho Sante Fe 15.80 -0- 40.00 10.00 40.00 -0- 30.00 40.00 20.00 10.00 Recovery Step Study San Diego Speakers San Diego Young People *San Dieguito Step *San Marcos Disc. *San Marcos Spkrs *San Marcos Step Santee Sunday Nite -0- 20.00 20.00 Serendipity Women's *Serenity Women's Sobriety Unlimited *Solano Bch Happy Hr. 15.00 40.00 30.00 76.00 58.65 30.00 45.00 20.00 20.00 So. Bay Triangle 3.69 45.00 21.69 145.00 20.00 56.00 26.00 -0- Fletcher Hills Step ^Freedom From Bondage *Friday Acceptance 10.00 40.00 50.00 30.00 15.00 20.00 15.00 30.00 -010.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 30.00 26.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 25.00 20.00 34.20 40.00 40.00 -0- 75.00 La Jolla Women's La Mesa Mixed -0-0- 50.00 100.00 Lemon Grove -0- 50.00 Know Your Big Book La Jolla (Thurs) Shores Breakfast No. Shores Speakers 30.00 27.00 20.00 20.00 -0- Intemational No. 140.00 10.00 Point Loma AA Fletcher Hills (Mon) Fletcher Hills Smokeless Informan Stepstudy Mission Hills Step No. Shores Big Book 80.00 *Palomar Group. 10.00 Happy Hour Group Here & Now Prog. Imperial Beach Imp. Beach Sandpipers Miramar Nooners Mira Mesa Disc. Mira Mesa Sun Mission Hills 70.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 Grass Roots Disc. Grove Luncheon Live & Let Live Loma Portal Disc. $ 260.00 50.00 20.00 Friday Nite Men's Linda Vista YTD 60.00 -010.00 20.00 -0- -0- *Fellowship Mens MARCH Lemon Grove Spkrs -0- 10.00 -0- So. Bay Speakers So. Clairemont 100.00 30.00 200.00 10.00 10.00 40.00 80.00 -0- 125.00 -0- 50.00 30.00 125.00 60.00 115.70 36.00 36.00 -0- 10.00 -0- 10.00 30.00 55.00 10.00 20.00 -0- 15.52 80.00 15.00 120.00 35.00 -0- 20.00 So. Bay Women's -0- 20.00 Spanish Speakers Spring Valley Stadium Group 8.00 8.00 -0- 50.00 10.00 30.00 40.00 Step One Group Sundown Group 20.00 5.00 5.00 Tierrasanta-Murphy Torrey Pines Daytime *Tri Sunday Morning 20.00 Turning Pointe (Sun) 50.00 49.00 50.00 30.00 100.00 24 Hour Group 12 X 12 Step Study Villa View -0-0- -0-010.00 42.00 10.00 20.00 -0- 20.00 *Vista Group(Thurs) 40.00 90.00 *Vista Newcomers 41.55 143.42 *Vista Big Book Study *Vista Step Study 30.00 55.00 41.44 Vista Hill Wed. Clairemont Group 21.44 55.00 30.00 -0- Women's Smokeless 20.00 *Vi8ta Sun. Mom. *Vista View Point Deleted Meetings 155.00 110.65 10.00 60.00 41.19 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Far outnumbered are those who DO by those who know just HOW things ought to be done! ' Anonymous CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL MEETING APRIL 1978 The 391st meeting was called to order at 8:04pm by Acting Chairperson, Ruth H., Traditions were read by Lorraine, roll call by Ruth H. 53 groups were repre sented. The minutes were approved with two corrections. The first correction was to replace the comma after referral calls to related facilities, with a period so there would be no implied affiliation with DEFY and related facilities. The second corrections was requested by Rosemary H. of the program committee and that was to change the minutes to read - "The program committee requested council approval to sing "Happy Birthday". BUSINESS COMMITTEE: Harriet N., committee member, reported the following: We were showing a deficit this month as a result of a drop in contributions and the unusual expense of having schedules printed. The new schedules will be printed at the Central Office and will go back to the daily format and include the traditions. There will be a new code added - NC - to indicate North County. The business committee recommended the Central Office Secretary and Chairman of the Business Committee read and approve the Co-ordinator prior to the printing of same. this year. Also recommended was the deletion of the Annual Spring Dance after This years dance will be held May 20th, at the War Memorial Bldg., with Buck Wayne providing the music. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Rosemary H., secretary, reported the following: All speakers confirmed for April and May. They also presented a beautiful plaque which they had made at cost, to replace the clothe which was formerly used to cover the pod ium. Rosie requested the council vote on the "Happy Birthday" issue. A male mem ber is to be elected. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Sully reported the had received 20 requests for 42 speakers reaching 1,414 persons. He also reported they had more response from the letter they had sent out. The committee has purchased 4 tapes from N.Y. for television and 1 for radio. He. will be placing these with stations this week. AD-HOC COMMITTEE: Charlie K., Chairman, reported at length of the findings and results of the committee in the past year. There was a round of applause for the work and dedication of the committee and a special thanks to Dessie S. for her work on the committee and help to the Central Office Secretary in setting up the new procedures. The complete report will be copied and available to in terested parties. OLD BUSINESS: The by-law change sent out in January was reviewed and as with the prior change there were an insufficient number of returned votes. After considerable discussion as to what constituted "representation in council", a motion was made by Dessie S., seconded and passed for the Chairman of the Council to call an executive meeting of all Committee Chairman to clarify proceedure for all by-law changes. All pending changes have been tabled until this committee can report its descision back to council. The council voted unanimously in favor of singing Happy Birthday once at the Central Meeting. NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made by Charlie K. to have the Chairman of the Business Committee and the Central Office Secretary proof read and approve the Co-ordinator. An amendment was requested by Bob S. to have the Chairman of the Co-ordinating Council appoint a committee to develope a firm policy for all concerned to follow. Charlie accepted the amendment to his motion however it was not passed since a two thirds majority is necessary and the vote was 26 for and 18 against. A new motion was made by Bill B. that the Chairman of the Business Committee and Central Office Secretary proof read and approve before publication. This motion was passed. Bob S. resigned as volunteer Editor. John B. Nominated Peggy S. (who accepted if Bob could be her volunteer), this was seconded and passed unanimously. A motion was made to eliminate the Spring Dance in lieu of the. other activities now being conducted by related facilities. Since this was an action that affected everyone it was decided it should be taken back to the groups. The future of the Spring Dance will be decided upon at the next council meeting accord ing to the way the groups vote. Elections: Elected in absentia were: Troy W. to the Business Committee and Pete M. to the Program Committee. Meeting was adjourned at 10:08pm. NOTE: ALL NEW MEETINGS HAVE TO BE IN OPERATION FOR AT LEAST NINETY (90) DAYS BEFORE THEY WILL BE ENTERED IN THE SCHEDULES. SPEAKERS CEDAR STREET TUESDAY NITE APR may SOUTH BAY PIONEERS 25 Burt S. San Diego 2 Harry H. 9 La Jolla Panama Frank NORTH SHORES SATURDAY NITE APR may 22 Bette & Bob G. Red A. 13 20 Frank F. Pacific Beach Walter O'K. Pac Palisades El Toro 3 6 APR MAY Cliff R. Otis W & Ed S Hunting Beach Bernie M. Hesperia Chuck & Lee G. 21 Sue K. 28 Jim D. 5 12 CORONADO PROSPECT #3 MAY MAY Buena Park 6 "Alabam" N. Hollywood 26 22 29 LA ESCONDIDO FRIDAY SPEAKERS 8:30 29 APR APR Vista Oceanside John L. Chula Vista Fran P. Encinitas EAST COUNTY SPEAKERS EL CAJON Oceanside 10 Jeannie L Walter B. Orange 17 Clancy E. L.A. Speakers names not submitted for Pasadena the Coordinator. COOPERATION A.A. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY RELATED FACILITY OR OUTSIDE INTEREST, BUT WE MAY COOPERATE WITH THEM AND THEY COOPERATE WITH US. BAY SIDE ALANO CLUB - 233 4th Ave., Chula Vista. Memberships now available. Contact Leonard B. Jr., 233 4th Ave., Chula Vista, Ca. 92010 BAY SIDE ALANO CLUB - The new Alano Club is having a Western Theme Dance on une 10 from 8 to 12 P.M. at the War Memorial Building. Lyle and his Hi-Fi's wi be playing. Refreshments, door prize, raffles.... Call Lucille for tickets...474-2643. PATHFINDERS - Pathfinders is having their 28th Anniversary Annual Homecoming Dance on May 6, at the War Memorial Building from 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. Music y Buck Wayne and his San Die-;; i is. Refreshments - Games - Prizes. Part of Anniversary Homecoming will be a Spiritual Meeting on Sunday May 7, at the War Memorial Building, at 11 A.M. The Speaker will be Dr. Micheal C. trom Tustin, Ca. All are invited to share in this fun weekend sympathrt^t^^^ sympathy to the family and Imperial County Members wish to express their and many friends of: JUDGE DICK B. of Calipatria H ERE'S A & A. A. CENTRAL OFFICE IS RUN ON YOUR GROUP CONTRIBUTIONS HAS YOUR GROUP BEEN SUPPORTING THE FELLOWSHIP BY CONTRIBUTING TO CENTRAL OFFICE???? CENTRAL OFFICE 2100 Fourth Avenue San Diego, Ca. 92101 THE A A COORDINATOR Publlshsd monthly by the Coordinating Committee of Son Diego County Groupe oi Alcoheiics Anonymous. MAY 1978 "EACH GROUP HAS BUT ONE PRIMARY PURPOSE - TO CARRY ITS MESSAGE TO THE ALCOHOLIC WHO STILL SUFFERS." SPEAKERS GROUP NEWS EASY DOES IT RIDERS (motorcycle) meets every Sunday, Denny's Rest., Friars Rd. and SD163. Leaves approx. 8:30 for ride & meeting. Contact Neal DeB. (460-1218) for info. CEDAR STREET TUESDAY NITE MAY 23 30 JUNE 6 13 Joyce L., Vista Shirley B., Oceanside Sully, Fallbrook A1 McG., Oceanside THE 3rd WEEKENDERS CAMPING GROUP will meet at the K Q Campground near Julian on May 19 thru 21. Contact Bob or Mary for resveration, SOUTH BAY PIONEERS MAY 20 27 JUNE 3 566-0933. 10 17 THE 1st WEEKENDERS CAMPING GROUP will meet at Skyline Ranch near Jaraul on June 2 thru 4. Bring wood. Contact Bob or Peggy for reservations, 741-8046. A.A. WAY OF LIFE (Oceanside) which met at 7:00pm on Fri. has been DISCONTINUED. 12 STEP CALLS - NEW MEETINGS the Sea Cath. Ch. JUNE Panel & Participation. Cliff R. will be Moderator, to be held on May 21 (Sun), at 2:00pm. Horn Street School, 1806 Horn Ave. Oceanside. LAJOLLA STEP STUDY, Wed. 8PM. Fred J., Irvine Anne P., Westminister EAST COUNTY SPEAKERS MAY SHARING SESSION ON George McC., Laguna Beach Paige B., San Diego Beverly H., Anaheim Mary, Star of 7727 Girard. TORREY PINES OPEN DAYTIME AA, V.A. Hospital Mon. fit Fri. 1:00 - 2:00pm. CORONADO STEP STUDY, Tues. 8:15pm. 250 Pro spect. Coronado Hosp. Audit. 20 John L. 27 Lee S. 3 EL CAJON Bob C. 10 Jack L. 17 Grace N. ESCONDIDO FRIDAY SPEAKERS 8:30 PM MAY 19 26 JUNE 2 9 16 Stan T., San Diego Jack L., Escondido Ann C., San Marcos Charlie T., Carlsbad Betty M., San Marcos CORONADO PROSPECT GROUP #3 MAY 17 24 31 JUNE 7 14 Clancy E., Los Angeles Tom B., Laguna Ed B., Los Angeles John H., Los Angeles Rosemary L., San Gabreil 5.D. SPEAKERS, 6th fit Nutmeg. Tues. 8:30pm. NORTH SHORES B.Y.O.B., Mon-Sat Noon to 1pm. Sun 1 to 2pm. 4020 30th St. Upstairs. 20 Walter O'K., Pac Palisades JUNE 27 3 Harriet & Jack N. La Mesa Ruth M. Bellflower 10 Anniversary Dance l7 Harry S. BAYSIDE NOONERS, 233 4th Ave. Chula Vista. Everyday at noon. LIVING SOBER, Sat 8:15pm 233 4th Ave. C.V. SATURDAY NITE MAY San Diego **************************************** * WHERE TO SEND GROUP'S CONTRIBUTIONS: SPEAKER MEETING, Fri. 8:00pm. 233 4th. C.V. * YOUNG PEOPLES RAP GROUP, Sat. 2pm. 4020 30th St. Upstairs. * approved the suggestion that excess * funds of the Group be disbursed in the * following manner: The 1977 General Service Conference * 60% - Local Central Office ESCONDIDO DISCUSSION GROUP, Thurs. 8:00pm. * 30% - New York Office 4th fit Hickory St. Congretational Ch. * 10% - Area Assembly •kit'kic'kitifk^-k-kiffcifk-ifickifick'ifk'k-k-kick-k'kififk-k'ieieifk^'ifk^t'k'icick-k-kickifkifk-kick-k'kickicick-kifk-k'k-kifk-kifk-kifk'k^ck'k'ickicifk-k'k-k ^ wUX-V. Vjiiox^t k T)\£x3^a*\s tions for April 1978: Total $2,372.21 - Central $1,411.56 - Vista $ 960.65 ocxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxScxxx adit ion Study APRIL YTD $ 10.00 $ 20.00 Workshop Alpine Amigos Verdados Anonymous -Anonymous -0- ASW Dry Dock -0- -0-0- 10.00 Bay Park Step Study Bay Park Woman's Beach Area Beginners Beach Area Beginners #2 -0- Beach Area Luncheon -0- Beginners Step Disc. 20.00 ^Carlsbad Here & Now *Carlsbad Tues. Nite -0- Cedar Street (Sun) -0- Cedar Street (Daytime) 15.00 25.00 20.00 -0-0- 300.00 20.00 10.00 175.00 40.00 80.00 30.00 30.00 40.00 78.00 20.00 Live & Let Live Loma Portal Disc. *Men's Stag Miramar Nooners Mira Mesa Disc. Mira Mesa (Sun) APRIL YTD -0- $ 10.00 30.00 264.00 10.00 170.00 264.00 40.00 -0- 27.00 25.00 58.15 200.00 Mission Hills 75.00 Mission Hills Step Disc. -0- NAS Nooners 10.00 26.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 30.00 25.00 *No. County Serenity North Park Group No. Shores Big Book Cedar Street Men's -0- 85.00 25.00 35.00 Ocean Beach (Tues) 43.00 Chula Vista Disc.(Sat) Chula Vista (Mon) -0- 20.00 *Oceanside Disc. -0- 30.00 40.00 50.00 225.40 10.00 30.00 10.00 85.00 56.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 25.00 Clairemont Men's Clairemont Mixed Clairemont Women's 70.00 *Oceanside Disc. (Sat) *Oceanside Disc. (Sun) 27.00 *Oceanside Part. -0- 10.00 Coronado (Mon) -0- Coronado Candlelight Coronado Coastal Step 10.00 -0- 5.00 Coronado Sun (Disc) -0- 25.00 Coronado Prospect #3 Coronado Prospect Womens 20.00 *Del Mar AA 50.00 Dry Dock #2 Dry Dock #21 Early Birds East San Diego Easy Does It Speakers El Cajon Daytime El Cajon Men's El Cajon 12 x 12 -0- 40.00 10.00 125.00 50.00 -0- 20.00 Cedar Street (Fri) -0- -0- 5.00 44.00 20.00 35.00 105.00 5.00 40.00 125.00 10.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 25.00 -0- 81.00 No. Shores Breakfast No. Shores Speakers *NOW Spkrs. No. Shores Step Study Ocean Beach Study -0- 100.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 77.00 20.59 120.00 *Oceanside Part. (Fri) -0- *Oceanside Recovery •^Oceanside Speakers -0- 16.21 20.00 40.00 *Oceanside 12 x 12 *Oceanside Women's -0- 95.00 Old Timers 35.00 5.00 Pacific Beach (Sat) 50.00 *Palomar Group -0- Point Loma Group *Poway Traditional Step -0- *Ramona *Rancho Sante Fe 10.00 35.00 25.00 100.00 10.00 80.00 55.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 200.00 Recovery Step Study -0- 40.00 10.00 -0- 15.80 -0- 15.00 San Diego Speakers San Diego Young People *San Dieguito Step Study El Cajon (Farragut Circle) -0- 125.00 20.00 60.00 *San Marcos Disc. 60.00 120.00 10.00 60.00 40.00 *San Marcos Speakers *San Marcos Step Study -0- 115.70 -0- 36.00 Santee Mixed 10.00 10.00 Santee Sunday Nite Serendipity Women's -0- 10.00 100.00 Encanto Group -0- *Encinitas Disc. 30.00 *Esc. (Tues) -0- *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Baggers Baggers Baggers Baggers Baggers (Mon) (Tues) (Wed) (Thurs) (Sat) 100.00 Grass Roots Disc. Grove Luncheon -0- Grove Step Study Happy Hour Group Here & Now Prog. Imperial Beach 10.93 45.00 40.00 30.00 76.00 79.65 10.00 30.00 45.00 40.00 21.69 175.00 50.00 20.00 15.00 37.50 60.00 80.00 50.00 15.00 45.00 30.00 30.00 26.00 10.93 10.00 20.00 -0- 10.00 25.00 -0-0-0- 21.00 *Esc. Men's 10.00 *Esc. -0- Newcomers *Esc. Open End -0- *Esc. Fri Spkrs *Esc. Step Study 20.00 -0- *Fallbrook Disc 30.00 *Falibrook Group 50.00 ^Fallbrook Smokeless -0- ^Fellowship Men's Fireside Group 5.00 37.50 20.00 Fletcher Hills (Mon) Fletcher Hills (Smokeless) Fletcher Hills Step Study ^Freedom From Bondage *Friday Acceptance Friday Night Men's 30.00 20.00 -0- 25.00 -0-0- 20.00 45.00 Imperial Beach Sandpipers Informal Step Study -0- 20.00 -0- 34.20 International -0- Know Your Big Book La Jolla (Thurs) -0- 40.00 40.00 125.00 50.00 -0- 120.00 30.00 -0- 10.00 ^Serenity Women's Sobriety Unlimited -0- 55.00 10.00 *Solano Beach Happy Hour South Bay Pioneer's South Bay Triangle South Bay Women's -0- 30.00 15.52 40.00 -0- 160.00 35.00 10.00 30.00 South Clairemont -0- 20.00 South Crest Disc. 24.00 5.00 50.00 30.00 Step One Group 10.00 24.00 13.00 100.00 30.00 30.00 50.00 Streamview Daytime 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 50.00 Spanish Speakers Spring Valley Spring Valley Step Study Stadium Group Streamview (C) Mixed Sunday Mid-Day Sundown Group Tierrasanta-Murphy Canyon Torrey Pines Daytime *Tri Sunday Moming Turning Point (Sun) 24 Hour Group 12 X 12 Step Study -0- 50.00 -0-0- 30.00 -0-0- 10.00 -0- Villa View Vista Hill -0- *Vista Big Book Study *Vista Group 50.00 *Vista Newcomers *Vista Big Book Study *Vista Step Study 25.00 15.00 33.65 25.00 -0- 5.00 49.00 80.00 30.00 100.00 52.00 10.00 45.00 20.00 15.00 140.00 177.07 80.00 41.44 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx La Joila Step Study La ..Jollar: Women's 10.00 -0- La Mesa Mixed 56.13 Lemon Grove (Sun) -0- Lemon Grove Spkrs. -0- Linda Vista -0- 10.00 *Vista Sunday Morning -0- 50.00 *Vista View Point 45.00 *Water Works Groups Wed. Clairemont Group 10.00 10.00 -0- 10.00 Women's Smokeless -0- 60.00 20.00 20.00 -0- 81.19 156.13 50.00 260.00 70.00 Women's Step Study *Discontinued Meetings 155.00 155.65 FELLOWSHIP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS INCOME & EXPENSE April 1978 YEAR INCOME APRIL Tokens Pins I 88.00 64.25 230.95 408.00 127.25 816.55 1,411.56 5,224.11 165.82 799.82 169.05 201,30 Miscellaneous Group Contributions Buck A Month Donations Miscellaneous: S.D.A.I.C. $ Jane F. 10.00 6.05 10.00 Vi McC . Harry S. 143.00 Memoriums Kitties Other Contributions: TO DATE -0- 55.00 26.24 .50 (Misc. Events) San Diego Spring Round Up 2,500.00 Interest Income 2,582.37 1,112.63 353.90 138.55 Accrued Interest Income TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 500.86 $5,122.58 $ 11,854.13 47.61 53.50 144.98 506.80 932.58 74.46 166.22 120.40 61.69 122.21 13.80 38.66 220.73 110.54 487.48 OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Token Replacement Cost of Pin Replacement Cost of Miscellaneous Replacement Rent Wages Payroll Taxes Telephone Answering Service Office Supplies Reproduction Postage (Bulk Mailings) General Supplies Outside Services 2,090.80 3,416.24 336.50 612.08 528.43 454.48 814.98 56.30 158.61 35.00 109.97 21.09 122.65 194.71 88.85 65.00 2.99 1.38 156.28 3.34 90.84 413.09 -0- Equipment Repairs -0- Repair & Maintenance -0- Insurance 31.57 113.96 15.00 Auto Co-ordinating Council Legal; & Audit Over/Short Miscellaneous Depreciation -0- 3.77 -0- 42.84 Business Committee Public Information -0- 71.22 192.00 Meeting Schedules TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,753.27 NET GAIN FOR APRIL AND YEAR TO DATE $2,369.31 10,592.36 + $ 1,261.77 LITERATURE ACCOUNT INCOME Central Office Branch Office - Vista TOTAL INCOME COST OF REPLACEMENT: Central Office Branch Office - Vista $10,836.34 270.75 1,926.83 2,773.92 12,763.17 2,216.16 9,912.72 88.55* TOTAL REPLACEMENT COSTS NET GAIN ON LITERATURE SALES APRIL & YTD $2,503.17 + $ 1,676.07 2,304.71 11,588.79 469.21 + $ 1,174.38 ^Adjusted per physical inventory of books on hand 4/30/78 ")ME & EXPENSES CONTINUED YEAR events APRIL NET GAIN YEAR TO DATE (New Year's Dance) TO date -0- $ 327.76 $ 1,506.33 77.50 83.00 396.85 350.19 488.26 2,253.37 150.00 20.00 32.80 62.06 120.70 10.00 600.00 85.00 202.40 261.12 588.00 71.15 395.56 1,807.67 103.86 PROGRAM COMMITTEE (CENTRAL MEETING) INCOME: Collections $ Raffle Literature TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES: Rent Janitor Bakery Supplies Literature Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENSES NET GAIN APRIL AND YEAR TO DATE $ 92.70 +$ 445.70 north county branch office INCOME Tokens a Pins ^ Miscellaneous Group Contributions Memorium 25.00 1.00 30.00 960.65 109.00 38.00 101.20 3,852.71 -0- 12.25 95.00 40.05 1,028.90 4,235.96 15.69 1.00 18.00 170.00 662.50 53.80 64.18 37.50 61.13 33.90 58.00 680.00 Kitties TOTAL OPERATING INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Token Replacement Cost of Pin Replacement Cost of Miscellaneous Replacement Rent Wages Payroll Taxes (this item was missed last month) Telephone Answering Service Office Supplies 226.56 239.21 187.50 55.17 6.90 2.01 Reproduction -0- Supplies Employee Benefits 2,300.00 11.00 200.00 (in lieu of insurance) Repairs & Maintenance 93.66 200.00 50.00 9.44 94.15 15.00 74.73 -0- Insurance 2.72 Auto 13.45 Legal & Audit -0- Meeting Schedules -0- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 1,251.85 NET LOSS FOR APRIL & YEAR TO DATE - $ NET GAIN FOR FELLOWSHIP 222.95 + $2,708.27 4,385.35 $ 149.39 + $2,836.32 I WOULD INDEED HAVE REACHED the spiritual plane described in "How It Works" and could view the rest of you mortals in your struggles with compassion if I were: LOYAL WITHOUT EXPECTATION OF REWARD COURAGEOUS WITHOUT ARROGANCE BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT VANITY SEEKING TO PLEASE FOR LOVE ALONE - AND ASKING NOTHING GREATER THAN YOUR FRIENDSHIP. How appropriate for my humility it is to remember that these words were not used to describe me (or you) but a dog. -from Greater Seattle Newsletter CO- ORDINATING COUNCIL MEETING MAY 1978 The 392nd meeting was called to order at 8;02pm by Acting Chairperson Ruth H., Traditions were read by Nick, roll call by Ruth H. Groups represented 63. The minutes of the preceeding meeting were read by the secretary and approved as read. BUSINESS COMMITTEE: Chuck H., Chairman reported the following: The business committee had discussed at great length the contribution of $2,500.00 from the San Diego Spring Round-Up and decided that since it was the same as any other contribution should be credited to Central Office for the fellowship at large. No other specific distribution is going to made. He thanked the Round-Up committee and read a note from Linda 0., requesting the return of the large banner which the committee had planned to use next year, but had disappeared. He requested any one having information about the banner to notify Central Office. He also said the Business Committee had authorized the Central Office Secretary to carry Grapevines, which for some unknown reason, had been discontinued. He reminded the council that the decision to sell literature at cost was to be reviewed after six be done after another inventoryHewasalso taken the end ofI May. He asked would for volunteers to help with physical this inventory. asked for volunteers for the Spring Dance. Anyone wishing to help - please contact the iroorothy H^^* temporary recording secretary for the Business Committee PROGRAM COMMITTEE: A1 McG., Co-Chairman reported all speakers confirmed through PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Sully reported that 14 persons spoke at 10 facilities ^ tapes had been placed with radio stations. Channel 10 and Channel 6 also have tapes but we are waiting for word from N.Y. to see if they can be duplicated. OLD BUSINESS; The by-law change sent out in January, regarding the return of in vestment interest to the general fund was ratified upon clarification by the executive committee chairmen at the special meeting which was held May 2nd. In view of the discussion concerning representation for voting to amendments of the bylaws the following was read: Representation for voting purposes to amendments of the bylaws IS etermined by each group. A co-ordinator must be elected and registered by a group at Central Office. All such representative registered co-ordinators shall attend co-ordinating Council meetings currently held the 2nd Thursday monthly at e ar Memorial Building at 8:00pm. Missing 2 consecutive meetings automatically suspends any groups voting privileges. Co-ordinators must be re-certified for re- Dance^was^defeatedf*^^"® bylaws. Para 1, A, 4, d. The motion to discontinue the Spring NEW BUSINESS: Two amendments were passed out to the co-ordinators regarding when the council would meet and the recording secretary for the Business Committee. A third ^endment regarding amendments was read by the Assistant Chairperson and passed ou . ese amendments will be available to co-ordinators at subsequent meetings. A letter was read from Geo. T. regarding the question of the G.S.O. report pertaining to problems with service groups. "Lets never forget AA's two oldest slogans: There are no compulsory Dues or Fees, and that all Alcoholics are welcome in AA meetings. ^ Lucien a copyW.,ofSecretary AA's application to the Office State ofat California for a non fit Charter. of the Central that time showed it pro to me. n It were words like these. AA is not interested in a members race, color or creed. All alcoholics are welcome in AA meetings. Also ther are No Compulsory dues or fees. Note: Tradition 3 - The only requirement for AA membership is a desire to stop drink ing. Tradition 4 - AA's sole purpose is sobriety. Tradition 5 - Each group has but one primary purpose, to carry the message to alcoholics who still suffer. Tradit ion 7 - Every group ought to be self-supporting, decling outside contributions. These are some of the questions that come to my mind at this time: Do these service men create a disturbance in meetings? Do they talk about non AA related subjects in meetings. Is it possible that AA is going through growing pains again, due to the deadly dis-ease Alcoholism? Maybe this too will pass." uth H. reported that Yvonne Y. had called her and resigned as Co-editor of the Co ordinator. This position will be filled at the June meeting. The requirements are 2 years sobriety and at least a week once a month, free to work on the paper. ^ere was some discussion regarding the note after last month's minutes about meetings eing in existance 90 days prior to there going into the meeting schedule. put' to a vote in council and passed. Meeting adjourned at 9:12pm. This was YOUR CENTRAL MEETING WEDNESDAYS 8:00 P.M. WAR MEMORIAL BUILDING MAY 17 Comm. Person MAY Nick P. .Mark G, Traditions Ross McL. Speaker Tom W. Dana Point Host Group..., Coronado Prospect //I 0-1 1 Yr - Marty M., Mike B., Keith H. Cakes: Lorraine K. Steps Traditions Speaker Kathy S. Jerry B. Frank O'R Cakes: 31 Bobbie H. Steps Greg C. Traditions Joan T. Santa Anna Coronado Monday Night 5 Yr - Mardi F. 20 Yr - Scotty 10 Yr - Paul L. Comm. Person 24 Comm. Person Host Group 5 Yr - Paul P., Chuck H. MAY BALBOA PARK JUNE Speaker Skip R. Host Group Coronado Prospect #3 Oceanside Comm. Person Pete M. Steps Traditions Speaker Gary K. Barbara DeM. Ken S. Westminister Host Group Cakes: 20 Yr - Jim D. Cakes: Coronado Sunday Night 1 Yr - Patty K., Kiel ********************************41************ JUNE APRIL-MAY CAKES 14 Comm. Person John L. Steps Barney M. Mildred Louise K., Jacquie, Ruth J. R., Joe G., Bertha K., Sue, Ann R. Mark B., Ginnie H., Ron B., Mark B., Bob M. 5 Year - Marty R., Anna Belle, Jim C., 1 Year - Lorraine Traditions Carol M. Speaker Host Group Clancy I. Venice Coronado Women's Betty P. 10 Year - Sylvia K., Sam L., Howard B. 15 Year - Lincoln, Ed L. *****4t4t4e4c*'k4e*'k4t4t4c4s4(it4(4e*4c4(4t4c4eic4t4(4c4tiei(4(9e YOUR A.A. CALENDAI»> JUNE iSira ;s"vr /^// !C COOPERATION A.A. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY RELATED FACILITY OR OUTSIDE INTEREST. BUT WE MAY Cooperate with them and they cooperate with us r^waffr/:; B'u^^^nr «-12 p.m. Call Lucille for t i c k e t s ! . • door prize, raffles add!eHs aSSA^F^^rth^Av^''"'"® ' dinners on Fridayy Nights at 6-00 g at o.uu to*7-00nm to 7.00pm. v more ainformation r family style For call...478-5696... : go;d"refsor-"V°'l'%':'''"® r" 1. Is y <1 gooa reason registered? '"ere is 2. Do we have your correct address for mailing? makSg th:ti:take?!!!!!!.°'li::k3'?."® " everything is right and „e are the ones the twelve steps and I Geo. T. 1950 STEP ONE STEP SEVEN Unmanageable was my very life. Short comings I have quite a few. Always fermenting internal strife; Remove them please do. And I was powerless over same. "Humbly" I asked God, of all; Never seeing I was to blame. He always answers, when I call. STEP TWO STEP EIGHT Due to abuse of will power; A list of persons for amends. And a willingness to atone; My very sanity was at stake. Never understanding a Supreme Power. To family, enemies and friends. Because of this, I don't stand alone. This step was hard to take. STEP THREE STEP NINE A decision for me to make. To God, my life I did turn. Old ideas time to forsake. This takes intestinal fortitude. Direct amends to one and all. A complete change of attitude; Stinking thinking, plenty to bum. Either this or slip and fall. STEP FOUR STEP TEN A task for me to perform; Inventory, I continue to take. My Moral Inventory to write. To promptly admit when wrong; No wonder, I couldn't conform; This yours truly can't ever forsake To God's Laws, that were right. Or I will not stay Sober long. STEP FIVE STEP ELEVEN To God, myself and another being. Praying for knowledge of God's will; Wrongs I had plenty to admit; And the wisdom to carry it out. Many for the first time seeing. Because only I, wouldn't permit. To meditate I have to be still. Doing it when no one is about. STEP SIX STEP TWELVE All these character defects, I know God, is ready to remove; All these Steps when combined. Including even the very last. Are precise and clearly defined; To live by and clear my past. So only the good reflects. this. He is sure to approve. ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS ELECTIONS TO BE ELECTED BY THE COORDINATING COUNCIL CHAIRMAN .Coordinating Council Term: Six Months Requirements 3 years sobriety and 6 To succeed: months as coordinator Mary Lee J. ASS'T CHAIRMAN., .Coordinating Council Term: Six Months Requirements Same as that of Chairman To succeed: Ruth H. CO-CHAIRMAN.... .Program Committee(FEMALE) Term: One year Requirements; 3 years sobriety and 6 months on Prg. Comm. CO-EDITOR OF THE "COORDINATOR" Term: Two years Requirements: Two years sobriety ELECTIONS JUNE 8th. BUSINESS COMMITTEE.. .Two men £e one Woman Term: One year Requirement: 3 years sobriety To succeed: Chuck H. Hal C. Margaret I. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE..2 members 1 man & 1 woman Term: One year Requirements: Three years sobriety PROGRAM COMMITTEE One male member Term: Six months Requirements: Two years sobriety PROGRAM COMMITTEE SECRETARY Term: Six Months Requirements: Two years sobriety THEM AT THE meeting—SO please ™ comerepresent and participate— ********** ************* * * * * * * ******* *********** SUGGESTIONS FOR 12TH STEPPING 1. Register with your group Secretary or Central Office. Give name, area of residence, telephone, time available, (day, evening, night). 2. Men Call on Men; Women call on Women. 3. Never go alone in case the caller is seriously ill, unruly, or should make unfoiinded accusations. 4. If seriously ill, call local police for assistance. 5. If unruly or unwilling to listen, leave and call or telephone the next day. 6. When returning telephone request do not disclose your membership in AA to anyone other than the caller. He/she may be trying to conceal problem from others. 7. If sick alcoholic is willing to try to sober up at home encourage him and see that you and other AA's give him all the attention he needs to get dry. 8. Take him to meetings as soon as possible, even if he is drinking (not ex cessively drunk). 9. Where there is genuine doubt that he can get dry by himself, offer to take him to County Detoxification Center, Tele - 236-3791. He must be willing to sign in. When treatment is over (usually 72 hours) arrange to get him to a meeting right away. 10. When the person is homeless or lives in circumstances not condusive to sobriety, suggest a rehab house (related facilities). 11. The 12th Stepper is reminded that he carries the message of AA (read AA at a glance) and does not become involved in others personal or financial problems. 12. Family members of the sick alcoholic should be referred to Alanon. Your attention should be centered on the alcoholic. However, you should extend kind encouragement to them to seek help and to attend open AA meetings. When you have completed the call, report to Central Office that you have seen the person, so that the disposition of the request may be entered in the log. When 12th Stepping, you are obligated not to disclose to anyone else the conditions youobserve while making the call. If you need additional help,ask an experienced member to help you. Do not seek advice from the podium or any group in order to spare the sick alcoholic any possible future embarrassment. We tell our story - not others. VOLUNTEER APPLICATION NAME: PHONE ADDRESS: HOME GROUP: ^SOBRIETY DATE AGE_ 12th. STEP WORK: C. 0. Listing (days) Ans. Service (nites) Ans. Service (weekends) Hours Available: Hospitals ^Institutions CENTRAL OFFICE VOLUNTEER: Days Available Hours Available SIGNATURE (PLEASE PRINT) TEAR OFF AND RETURN TO CENTRAL OFFICE - 2100 Fourth Ave. San Diego, Ca. 92101 THE A A JULY 1978 CXX>RDINATOR Pubiiihsd monthly by tho Coordinating Commlttoo of San Diogo County Group* of Alcoholic* Anonymou*. "AN A.A. GROUP OUGHT NEVER ENDORSE, FINANCE OR LEND THE A.A. NAME TO ANY RELATED FACILITIES OR OUTSIDE ENTERPRISE, LEST PROBLEM'S OF MONEY, PROPERTY AND PRESTIGE DIVERT US FROM OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE."• : GROUP NEWS ENCANTO GROUP will celebrate its 20th anniv. with potluck dinner, Monday July 31, at 6 p.m. Please bring dish, salad, or dessert. FI^T WEEKENDERS CAMPING GROUP WILL meet on Aug. 4,5,6, 1978, at the WOODED HILL GROUP CAMP AT MT. LACUNA.. Please bring firewood. . . Call Hank & Lee 273- 2978 for info. ALL SPANISH MEETINGS IN SAN DIEGO & SOUTH BAY ARE NOW MOVED TO 106 E. 16th ST NATIONAL CITY 477-3471 THE EL CAJON DAYTIME GROUP IS NOW MEETING AT 240 S. MAGNOLIA ST.EL CAJON, MON THRU FRI. NOON TO 1:30 p.m. Formerly met at 1375 E. Washington St. INDIAN LODGE GROUPS MEETING ON MON & THURS., Foraerly at: Indian Center CARLSBAD MEN'S STAG HAS CHANGED NAME & LOCATION TOiWEDNESDAY MEN's CLOSED GROUP 8:00 p.m. 3rd & FREEMAN, OCEANSIDE. (NEXT TO CHURCH) NEW MEETINGS 233 - PACIFIC BEACH. FRI 8 p.m. 4th Ave CHULA 'VISTA LATINO ALANO CLUB MON. 8:15 p.m. 102 E 16th St. NATIONAL CITY CA. GOLDEN KEY GROUP - UNITY CHURCH DISC-STEP STUDY TUES. 8:00 p.m. 4085 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH "A" STREET GROUP SUN. 11:00a.m, CARLSBAD, CA. C.A.A.C. CENTER WED. 12:00 NOON BLDG. //2 NAVAL STATION 32ND ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. BIG BOOK STUDY GROUP TUES. 7:00 p.m. 4790 CLAIRMONT MESA BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA. CORONADO STEP STUDY 250 PROSPECT. CORONADO, CA. TUES. 8:15 p.m. CORONADO HOSPITAL AUD. 950 - FRI 8:00 p.m. 3RD AVE. CHULA VISTA,QA. NATIVE AMERICAN THURS 8:00 p.m. 1623 - tTH AVE. OPEN END, DISC. SAN DIEGO, CA BAYSIDE MEETING AI'TER FRI. 10 p.m. BAYSIHE ALANO CLUB AG^E GROUP - OPEN END PARTICIPATION FRI 10 a.m, SPEAKER MEETING 396 HARDING, SOUTHWOOD YOUNG PEOPLES have moved to 4333-30th St. S.D 911 HORNBLEND PAGE 83 GROUP N.C. OPEN DISC ST. PATRICKS HALL SAT.1:00 p.m. 2546 A St. SAN DIEGO, CA. 233 -4th Ave. CHULA VISTA,CA. TUES NITE BIG BOOK STUDY 8138 TUES. 8:15 EL EXTENSO CT. SAN DIEGO, CA. AMPHIB NOONERS TUES. NOON NAVAL AMPHIB BASE WED. MEN'S CLOSED WED, 8:00 p.m. 3rd & FREEMAN _ ADJACENT TO CHURCH OCEANSIDE, CA. SOUTH BAY DISCUSSION BAYSIDE ALANO 233- 4th WED. 8:15 p.m. CHLDA VISTA. formerly at John Otis Elementary School 18th 6e Highland, National City. ( "A" STREET SPEAKERS 2516 A. ST. MON. 8:15 WAY BACK BAYSIDE SPEAKERS SAN DIEGO, CA. 233 - "A':' STREET GROUP FRI 8:00 p.m. BAYSIDE ALANO CLUB SUN. 1:00 p.m. 25i6 A ST. 4TH AVE. CHULA VISTA, CA. PRECEEDED BY DINNER 5:30 - 7:30 SAN DIEGO, CA GRATITUDE SHOULD GO FORWARD SATURDAY NITE FERVOR - PART.SAT.8:15 p.m. 4020 - 30TH ST. "Gratitude should go forward, rather than SAN DIEGO, CA backward. "In other words, if you carry the message DRY DOCK // 27 BLDG MON 11:30 a.m. 241 Rm.// 101 NAVAL TRAINING CENTER TUES. NITE STEP STUDY 4020 - 30th ST. SAI^ DIEGO, CA. TUES 8:15 to still others, you will be making the best possible repayment for the hilp given to you." AS BILL SEES IT Page 29 CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH JUNE 30, 1978: JUNE *AA Tradition Study *AA Workshop-Carlsbad Allied Gardens Disc Alpine (mon) Amigos Verdados Anonjnnous-Anonymous Anonjnnous-Anonymous(Wed) $ 10.00 -0-0- -0-0140.00 10.00 Total $2,543.94 - Central $1,262.44 - Vista $1,281.50' YTD $ 30.00 La Mesa Men's 300.00 JUNE -0- YTD $ 50.00 196.13 La Mesa Mixed -0- 31.20 ^ Lemon Grove (Sun) -0- 20.00 Lemon Grove Women's 20.00 20.00 10.OQ^ Lemon Grove Speakers -0- Linda Vista -0- 60.00 70.00 315.00 10.00 Live & Let Live (Gay) 70.00 *Living Faith AA Group ASW Dry Dock Bay Park Step Study -010.00 Bay Park Womans Group Bayside Nooners Bayside Speakers Beach Area Beg. #1 Beach Area Beg. #2 5.00 10.00 10.00 75.00 -0- Beach Area Luncheon Beachcombers -013.50 Beginners Step Disc. -0- 20.00 *No. County Serenity BYOB CAAC Center 32nd St. -0-0- 10.00^ North Park Group No. Shores Big Book *Carlsbad Here & Now -0- 44.00^ *Carlsbad Recovery Disc. $ Loma Portal Disc. 110.00 45.00^ *Men's Stag (Carlsbad) 15.00 10.00 / 215.00 40.00 -0- 40.00 30.00 -0- 250.00 20.00 40.00 230.00 264.00 50.00 27.00 Miramar Nooners Mira Mesa Disc. 10.00 Mira Mesa (Sun) 44.00 123.15 Mission Hills Disc. 25.00 275.00 -0- 78.00^ Mission Hills Beg. Step 14.00 60.00 13.50 NAS Nooners 30.50 -0- 50.50 5.00 No. Shores Breakfast Shores Men's -0- 40.00 -0- 280.00 30.00 80.00 100.00 -0- 25.00 No. -0- 70.00 20.00 -0- 60.00 -0- 225.40 104.05 V No. Shores Speakers No. Shores Thurs Step Cedar Street-Sun -0- -0- 30.00 Cedar Street Daytime Cedar Street Friday -0-0- 35.00 *"NOW" Speakers -0- 10.00 85.00^ Ocean Beach Study -0- 10.00 75.00 Cedar Street Men's -0- Ocean Beach (Tues) 20.00 70.00 *Carlsbad Tues. Nite Casa De Oro Trad 5 Chula Vista Beg. Step Disc.10.00 Chula Vista Chula Vista Clairemonts Clairemonts Disc. (Mon) Men's Mixed -0-0-05.00 10.00 i V 3 *Oceanside Disc.(Wed) *Oceanside Disc. (Sat) *Oceanside Disc.(Sun) 50.00 50.0^ 155.00 15.00 *Oceanside Brownbaggers ^ -0- 20.00 -0- 40.59 120.00 10.00 30.00V>-^ *Oceanside Part. (Fri) 60.00 125.00^ 20.00 Coronado Coastal Step Coronado Prospect #1 30.00 -0- *Oceanside Recovery *Oceanside Speakers *Oceanside 12 x 12 Group 35.00 *Oceanside Women"s 20.00 Coronado Step Study 5.00 Coronado Prospect Womens 5.00 *Del Mar AA Dry Dock #2 Dry Dock #21 Early Birds Early Risers East County Breakfast -0-0-0-0-0-0- East County Speakers East San Diego Easy Does It Speakers 10.00 -0-0- E1 Cajon Daytime -0- E1 Cajon Men's E1 Cajon 12 x 12 -030.00 El Cajon(Farragut)Tues 20.00 Encanto Group *Encinitas Disc. -0-0- *Enc. Here & Now #2 *Escondido-Tues *Esc. *Esc. ^Esc. *Esc. *Esc. Bm Bm Bm Bm Bm Baggers Baggers Baggers Baggers Baggers *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. Mens Newcomers Open End Fri Spkrs (Mon) (Tues) (Wed) (Thur) (Sat) 150.00 60.00 -020.00 25.00 44.81 10.00 -020.00 25.00 20.00 40.00 5.00 80. op Pacific Beach (Sat) -0- 5.00 *Palomar Group Point Loma Group 125.00 Point Loma Discussion *Poway Traditional Step *Ramona, Congregational 60.00 20.Og^ 60.00 10.00 ^ 20.00 0 ^ *Rancho Bernardo *Rancho Sante Fe 10.00 50.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 15.00 134.00 30.00 155.00 20.00 85.00 30.00 100.00 100.00 75.00 Recovery Step Study San Diego Speakers San Diego Young People -0-0- 350.00 10.00 160.00 60.00 201.00 *San Dieguito Step Study -0- 125.00 143.27 15.80 45.00 *San Marcos Disc. -0- *San Marcus Speakers 100.00- Santee Mixed 10.00 110.00 / A Santee Sunday Nite Serendipity Women's *Serenity Women's Sobriety Unlimited *Solana Beach Happy Hour 120.00 187.70 36.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 40.00 15.52 15.00 200.00 10.00 25. OQ^ *San Marcos Step Study 150.00 ^ 140.00 65. oa 80.00 / 55.00 (,J 120.81 89.65 10.op^ 55.00 81.00 80.00 36.95 240.00^ 200.00 So. So. So. So. Bay Bay Bay Bay Open Door Pioneers Triangle Women's South Clairemont So. Crest Disc. *Fellowship Men's(Esc.) -0- 25.00 Streamview Mixed 150.00 40.00 -0- 20.00 *Fallbrook Group 95.00 5.00 Old Timers -0- -065.00 -0- Old Towne Study Group *Fallbrook Smokeless *Esc. Step Study 36.21 95.00 25.00 Spanish Speakers Spring Valley Spring Valley Step Stadium Group Step One Group Streamview Daytime *Fallbrook Disc. -0- 25.00 45.00 J 20.00 50.00 77.00 -0- 10.00 -0-0- Coronado Prospect #3 -0-0- 50.00 96.00 *Oceanside Participation- Clairemont Wednesday -0- 40.00 120.00 *Oceanside Men's Clairemont Women's Coronado (Mon) Coronado Candlelight Coronado Sun (Disc) -0- -0- 72.00 -0- 20.00 -0- 5.00 -0-0- -0-0- 40.00 20.00 8i5.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 20.00 -0- 24.00 23.00 120.00 30.00 40.00 75.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 -0-0- 25.00 -0-0- Fireside Group -0- 37.50 ist Weekenders Camping -0- 36.00 Fletcher Hills 20.00 Fletcher Hills(smkless) 30.00 Fletch. Hlls Step ^Freedom From Bondage *Fri. Acceptance 80.00 110.00 Sunday Mid-Day .j!5vbO 75.00 Sundown Group 30th & Grape Breakfast Tierrasanta-Murphy Canyon Torrey Pines Daytime *Tri Sunday Morning Tues Big Book Study Turning Point (Sun) Turning Point (Tues) 24 Hour Group 12 X 12 Step Study (Gay) r-020.00 -025.00 -060.44 20,00 25.00 10.00 -0- 10.00 20.00 49.00 105.00 30.00 60.44 130.00 25.00 62.00 20.00 Villa View Vista Hill 25.00 -0- 70.00 40.00 20.00 40.00 115.00 205.00 20.00 35.19 -0- 80.00 50.19 45.00 Fri. Nite Men's Fri. ChildrenCWomen's) -05.00 30.00 5.00 Grass Root's Disc. -0- 30.00 Grove Luncheon -0- 26.00 Grove Step Study -0- 10.93 Happy Hour Group -0- 20.00) j -0- 10.00 *Vista Big Book Study *Vista Thursday Nite *Vista Newcomers 75.00 287.07 *Vista Step Study *Vista Sunday Morning 20.00 30.00 61.44 205.00 *Vista View Point 15.00 170.65 *Water Works Group The Women's Group 10.00 10.00 20.00 90.00 ^Wamen's Step Study -0- 20.00 Here & Now Prog. Hermanos Alcoholicos 10.00 Imperial Beach Imp. Beach Sandpipers Imperial Group 20.00 -0-0- 65.00 30.00 4.00 -0-0-0- 34.20 40.OQ Informal Stepstudy International Know Your Big Book La Jolla (Thurs) La Jolla Step Study 25.00 10.00 40.00 150.00 30.00 La Jolla Women's Lakeside -040.00 100.00 40.00 L) **Ocnside AA Way of Life 19.50 59.50 ^^Discontinued Groups -041.19 (^^Discontinued groups in No. County) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NORTH COUNTY BRANCH OFFICE INCOME JUNE $ Tokens YTD 13.00 $ 151.00 Pins 11.25 51.25 Miscellaneous 29.50 149.20 1,281.50 5,900.47 11.00 106.00 Group Contributions In Memoriam for Fay S. Coffee Kitty 15.38 Other Donations 55.43 -0- 270.00 $ 6,683.35 $ 1,361.63 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Tokens Cost of Pins Cost of Miscellaneous 8.20 78.67 9.75 29.91 21.07 130.35 Rent 180.00 Wages 537.50 1,040.00 3,500.00 Payroll Taxes Telephone Answering Service 56.50 344.85 342.22 37.50 262.50 52.95 Depreciation Office Supplies Reproduction Supplies - General Repairs & Maintenance 2.83 5.66 5.00 110.21 8.25 101.91 6.90 50.00 Insurance Meeting Schedules 2.20 14.36 153.19 227.92 Auto 121.90 Legal & Audit Employee Benefits 200.00 15.00 $ 6,582.36 $ 1,074.94 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET GAIN FOR JUNE AND YEAR TO DATE + $ 286.69 +$ 100.99 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITERATURE ACCOUNT INCOME Central Office Branch Office - Vista TOTAL INCOME FROM LITERATURE SALES COST OF SALES Central Office Branch Office - Vista TOTAL COST OF SALES NET GAIN ON LITERATURE SALES FOR JUNE AND YTD $15,883.04 $ 2,773.50 +$ 621.90 3,049.83 3,395.40 18.932.87 2,462.03 13.682.88 563.93 2,587.91 3,025.96 16,270.79 369.44 +$ 2,662.08 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FELLOWSHIP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS INCOME & EXPENSE June 30, 1978 INCOME JUNE Tokens $ Pins Miscellaneous YTD 231.00 $ 42.25 507.50 Group Contributions Buck A Month 657.00 188.25 1,262.44 1,618.90 8,165.07 48.00 976.82 10.00 226.30 65.00 41.22 Miscellaneous: Vi McC. Memoriams Kitties Other Contributions: $ 10.00 -0- 4.10 Palm Springs Round-Up 100.00 Interest Income Accrued Interest Income 2,952.37 1,112.63 -0- TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 150.63 803.75 $ 2,355.92 $16,807.31 $ $ OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Tokens 145.78 Cost of Pins Cost of Miscellaneous 32.25 309,39 Rent 506.80 983.66 Wages Payroll Taxes 1,012.95 3,104.40 5,329.23 96.88 General Taxes & Licenses 525.06 5.00 928.98 815.43 589.22 992.29 90.41 248.26 35.00 119.97 56.17 185.99 245.53 118.85 65.00 23.03 1.38 253.96 3.34 90.84 738.46 200;00 -0- Telephone 156.27 Answering Service Office Expense 134.00 49.60 Reproduction Costs 70.35 Postage (Bulk Mailings) 16.64 Supplies-General 54.14 Outside Services -0- Equipment Repair 10.00 Repairs & Maintenance 29.58 Insurance Auto 31.78 32.22 Co-ordinating Council 15.00 Legal & Audit Cash - over/short -0- Miscellaneous -0- 2.99 Depreciation 52.01 Business Committee Expense Public Information Expense -0-0- Meeting Schedules Employee Benefits 91.05 -0- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,825.89 NET LOSS/GAIN FOR JUNE AND YEAR TO DATE - $ 469.97 370.99 263.11 16,413.85 + $ 393.46 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PROGRAM COMMITTEE INCOME: Collections 530.03 $ 2,422.13 Raffle $ 111.40 Literature 144.65 610.75 638.74 786.08 3,671.62 150.00 900.00 TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES: Rent Janitor 25.00 130.00 Bakery Supplies 51.80 312.20 437,47 74.65 183.65 Literature Miscellaneous 942.70 71.15 -0- TOTAL EXPENSES 485.10 NET GAIN FOR JUNE AND YEAR TO DATE + $ 300.98 2,793,52 + $ 878.10 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX SPECIAL EVENTS Additional income from Spring Dance *New Years Dance +$ 99.62 Spring Dance $ 57.64 + $ 212.28 +$112. 66 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NET GAIN FOR FELLOWSHIP FOR JUNE AND YEAR TO DATE +$ 544.78 + $ 4,246.91 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL MEETING JULY 1978 The 394th meeting was called to order at 8:00pm by Chairperson Ruth H, Traditions were read by Harriet W., roll call by Hal C. There were 53 groups represented. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and approved as read. BUSINESS COMMITTEE: Report given by Harriet N., Chairman. Harriet reported that the committee had elected her Chairman and Jim C. as assistant Chairman. The Central Office has been renovated and painted by Oscar W. Oscar has donated his time and craftsmanship and the results are obvious. The landlord, impressed by changes, supplied paint and is having drapes made. Also the fire extinguishers we were going to buy will be purchased by the landlord. The committee has authorized Oscar to build a literature display rack that will accommodate at least one package (25) of each pamphlet. The office is now on a monthly physical inventory system and this will greatly increase the effectiveness and decrease the chance for errors. Harriet reminded the co-ordinators about the annual pic nic in September (24th) and ask for donations of raffle prizes and items (junk) for the grab bag. All donation of same may be dropped off at the Central Office. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: A1 McG. reported that all speakers were confirmed thru August. The annual banquet will be held at the Town & Country, November 18th with the Moonlighters providing the music. Ticket prices will be the same as last year, however, they are hop ing to sell at least 500 as the cost has increased. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Sully reported that 12 persons had spoken to 684 people at 10 facilities. He thanked Charlotte and Les for their services. Mary Jane A. will be the liason with the Central Office. Sully and the committee has prepared a letter that will be sent to doctors in the San Diego area, telling of the services available through the Public Information Committee and the Central Office. OLD BUSINESS: The new Co—Editor of the Co—Ordinator is Bobby 0. A resolution presented by the Grass Roots Group was read by its co-ordinator and given to the Business Committee. The proposal was regarding the increase in the prices of selected literature and it was felt by the Grass Roots Group that this was a matter the co-ordinators should take back to their groups, however, it was pointed out that the policy of pricing literature was a fun ction of the Business Committee. Harriet N. pointed out that making a slim profit was not a disgrace but as a matter of fact a necessity since the group donations were down and not carrying the expenses of the Central Office. The resolution will be studied further by the Business Committee. NEW BUSINESS; Two amendments to the by-laws were read by the Council Chairperson and in both cases, after much discussion, the amendments were referred back to the presenting group, in this case the Mira Mesa Group, for further consideration. Barbara S. who had been elected as the Secretary to the Central Meeting found she could not serve and Rosie H. was unanimously re-elected to serve a second term. Monica was elected to the Program Committee. A motion was made by Barbara S., seconded and passed for an Ad Hoc Committee to be appointed by the Chairman to serve as a reviewing body to make recommendations on by-law changes. Meeting adjourned at 9:55pm xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Do you ever get the feeling that a small group of people are running the whole show???? You are absolutely rightlll Out of 375 groups in the San Diego area, only 53 had repre sentation on council this month - that is less than 15%III Did your co-ordinator attend? If not, why not? Does your group or club order literature and books in large quantities? If so PLEASE notify the Central Office several days in advance of such orders. We are making this request so we may maintain an adequate inventory level on all items. Thank you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The closed meeting topics in the August issue of the Grapevine are "Surrender to the Un known", "Sex Is Not The Answer, "And Then an Eskimo Came Over the Hill"and "The Road Back". Speaking of topics, let us not forget the newcomer still wondering "Why can't 1 drink like normal people?" The answer! Alcoholism - a deadly Spiritual, Mental and Physical Dis-ease created by the allergy coupled with the obsession. It is the one top ic, we all have a great deal of knowledge about-let us share it with the person who is still asking - WHY ME. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx HOW TO KEEP FROM GROWING Never be original: Find out that. —Realize that you have destroy all danger of success. —Sneer at those who Tell yourself that it is now too late, and that what is usually done and follow nothing more to learn: This are more successful than your— you really did not have the proper equipmentj and it will be especially helpful to say that people are against you. Never learn from experience: Keep on doing the same fool things time after time. Never wait to hear the other side of the story: Knowing both sides will only unsettle your mind. Use your wit destructively: Be smart at the expense of absent people. Stand on your dignity. Never forget that you have a position to keep up. Try to get everything cheap: Study and practice to become the perfect "Chiseler." cible poverty complex. -Fresno Pipeline This will build an invin xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx YOUR CENTRAL MEETING WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. WAR MEMORIAL BUILDING JULY 26 AUGUST 2 Comm. Person . Comm. Person ... Pete M. Steps Art K. Traditions Speaker Chuck L. Charlie T. Carlsbad Host Group Encinitas Discussion August BALBOA PARK 9th Comm. Person.... Teddy H. Steps Mary R. Traditions Diana S. Speaker Chuck N. Host Group Dry Dock 21 Los Angeles . . Monica Steps Bea R. Traditions John L. Speaker Host Group. Casey Mc G. Blythe Encinitas Thursday August 16 Comm. Person Bobbie H. Steps Judy V. Traditions Steve S. Speaker Host Group Jack K. Los Angeles Downtown Disc. Saturday JUNE AND JULY BIRTHDAY CAKES j^Jear: Christy A., Kathy, Don B., Patti K., Pat C., Kiel C., Kat C., Jerry F., Marshall M, Gloria K., Phil S., Bobby N., Jim B. Karen R., John 0., Don F., Ed B., Cee Cee 5 Year: 10 Year: Chuck P. 15_Y^: Cal W., Bonner P., Jim E., Margie B. 20 Year: Jim D., Russ P., June J., Bob D, YOUR A. Aug. 2 CALENDER PROGRAM COMMITTEE- 7:00 P.M. War Memorial Building prior to Central Meeting. 8 BUSINESS COMMITTEE- 5:30 P.M. Central Office 2100 4th Avenue. 10 COORDINATING COUNCIL— 8:00 P.M. at the War Memorial Building. 10 DEADLINE FOR ALL NEWS AND INFORMATION TO BE PRINTED IN MONTHLY COOORDINATOR 20 SAN DIEGO AREA INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE- Business Meeting, 12:30 P.M. at St.— Davids Church, 5050 Milton at Burgerner in Clairemont. SPEAKERS CEDAR STREET TUESDAY NITE July 18 J. P. San Diego Aug. 25 1 Gene C. Jack K. 8 15 Richard & Lynn Oceanside Jerry S. San Diego CORONADO PROSPECT GROUP #3 Aug. Escondido Chula Vista Aug. Jean V. Pasadena Pasadena 16 Hap G. Palos Verdes 23 30 Clint H. Santa Monica Andrea G. San Gabriel NORTH SHORES SATURDAY NITE 22 James R. Encino 29 Caro;yn B. July Hunting Beach 5 Bill B. Oceanside 12 Skip R. Oceanside 19 A1 & Jean W. Aug. Anaheim BAYSIDE ALANO July Marsha M. 9 SOUTH BAY PIONEERS July 2 21 Mary Joyce P. 28 Ron W. July Aug. El Toro ESCONDIDO FRIDAY NITE 21 Dick E. Aug. 28 4 West San Felipe, Mexico Joe & Betty P. San Diego 11 A1 Mc G. 18 Bob F. Valley Center San Marcos Ted J. 5 Laguna Beach Long Beach Irvine Dave C. 12 Howard 19 Joe Q. P. Culver City Laguna Beach. 28 Bob H. Bob L. San Clemente 4 11 Loraine & Larry K. 18 Bob S. Glendale San Santa Ana ****'k*ic'kiflrk'k'k-feic-k*-k'k*-icick-k-k-kis-kieic'ie'k'k'k-k1fkie**ie'ic*'k**icic •k * Oceanside * * A.A. PICNIC WILL BE SEPTEMBER 24, 1978 * AT jFELICITAS PARK: DOOR PRIZES, RAFFLE PRIZES AND OTHER PARAPHANALIA NEEDED FOR GRAB BAG. * IN MEMORIAL * San Diego County A.A. Wishes to express * Sympathy to the Family and Friends of: ***^-kkifk-k4c'kicic*ieirkic'k'k'k*'kickkie-kic'ieit'kiek****icic*'ic-k PLEASE BRING DONATIONS TO CENTRAL OFFICE. Ken C. 29 EASY DOES IT SPEAKERS San Diego July 22 Al, H....Who passed away 7-15-78. A1 was one of the original members of the Mission Hills Group. *****-ic*'k'k-k-k-k-k-k'k-ickic-irkie'ic-ic-icicie-kirkkk-icki(ie*-k*irkic-k-irkifirkicie'k XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX3CXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX inaao*oa om owx asom -oa HaAaN ina mihi ohm asoHx -asia araaHMAaaAa qnv -vv ni HSAaN sanmiva soNia aavqnvaaam** xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx •souaTaadxs jnoX ajeqs pue <(dn ao) -uaop uo amoo oc -uauom iCjals •,uo«.aa«t3 ux '.auaaana pua uo,tx„^qo.nqo xado,sTd| sp^^r-^rux mdnc aajqxumoo IBuox,n,x,sui aaxy oSaxQ ueg aqq Jo xaqmau. a aiioaq „L Lr^axxl BamoDaq uea ooq Xaqq axojaq sxaqoiam xauad xaq,o pua sSuxaaa^ m3«"as " .Xqaxxqos u«o axaq,\uaq,Suax,'s quxq^axarpua "^^0? lxx™^]n^'"" -Xa o,aaapuasxaqoiam xauad «aN -sxaquiam xauad aoiioaq o, sxaaqunxoA axom io, paafaV^aqi 3HVHS OX AVrt V aoj ONiHOHvas aa noA ainoHH •Xao^oaaip aqn ux pauxE^uoo bxtb sauna Suxaaaui dub sjmmTTr.-r« aqx •sSuxijaaui ssauxsnq apx^iSaa Suxpua^ijB sjaqmaui axqeiTBAB sx AjoaoajxD •paqpp-dn uoxqemaojux x^^Jxa Suxdaax xo pouaaui auaxoxxra vCtL » o aq, Xjxaaxa pua asxxa o, qaxnb aaaVa°oaj'rsxaqZ"a« ^ ' sauipu DIVQS sxqi "uoxqanqxa quxjd ux a>iB3sxui aq^ Suxaas ^nq «sa3uBqo ^aodaa 03 t^ois axp saaoraaui ^w-v -axp Xxqquoui oiVQS pa^dopB Ax^uaoax aqx uaqw xno pa^uxod sba sv ^sxaoIaT psnssx sba Axoqoa suxaAoS aSuBqo jo uox^ipuoo auias sxqx -ssaxd aq^'jjo amoo Aauq a^n auWa llll^ qsoH -aauaxxadxa 3uxXxq asx puxq Kua jo Xxoqoaxxa' -"v ^^axnoaTua i;a:u'x'a:^''or3u?x:° omm SAVMTV si AHoxoaaia ONixaaw oivas oanaxs'^a'"'''"" s»ox,n,x,sux asaqqaxoui aoj nn-nnc<i sqooq pua aanqaxaqxx Jo a^aqoinraqr-Xxsnoxfaad P93B3S SBM SB puB^ pa^oadxa sbm uBuq - o/at tot Ao-on^-rA r AxsnoxAaxd -xpuadxa ua aqaaxpux xaax sxqq jo sqquom xxs qsxxj aqq L, ssaSxsSq'fo asol^'aqf,' sLnSxj =n-l pua ?sqooq saanqxpuadxa uo pasaq) '00"000'X4 5asaoj sa«qaSpng sasaqaxnd aqq pua axnqaxaqxx ^03 U'SSS^ sa«3®^61 sq, o/gx xbuJ xoi qo^ xaSuna aurnx naT»=r -IXX St sxqi ..a.qoxd a aqxnb aqsaxo p,no, qq„oa3 pxdax pa^oad'Lun^aqruLraq nannoo Abm ux dub • 'oo-rc.!.? paqoBax sasuadxa axxqw sasuadxa '06*36$ puB ei*92I$ suoxqnqxj^uoo suox^nqxx^uoD dnoxS 'fl/fix loauqAxbdubp'tit auxx^^" " stnqaxaqxx oO OSZ$Xxaqaq paqnqxxquoo sdnoaS aq^ZxA 3uxxnp 'aouaqsux aoj -Kqxxad axxq„ pauxaquxau. aAaq suoxqnqxqquoo duLIjraa^aaJb aurax^l qsa^ ®a« ^ -ux saq pua.ap axnqexaqxx aqq sqquo. o„q qsa^ aqq^uxqnp qx-orpx^^'aq?',:^ 319ISS0d ONDIVHS H3XXa3 3)iVW SNOIXnsIHXNOO dnOHO 5^751-693 - ^S€9-<7G3 dxqspuaxjj >9 aAoq yv a^BSaxaa xnoA '-q JJXXO Xdoo qquoxxxxH o«x suAur"o?q'd:q:::ra;q^A%":-^q"'l%^°^L1q:;q"a xapuBxaxv a^xw q3T» paqoaqo aq xitai aaxxj^ aqx -isoj SuxuaAg ABpanqBc'aua ao? oa^T-jT -aa W.. paxxxq Xqoqs aop qa,xq« a aAaq oq qog aaxqoqq'ns oq pLSa aaq'x^oo ^^i"' uo ssaxSuoD X®uoxqauqaqui aqq qa qoaCqna aqq uo qxaq sxq saAxraxLlr-xoV" ""'""I"'" "uo^^orir dxqsqaqmau. U6l oqaqq paquxodda qq^™ uoxioauuoo 2x X^xox^quf^rS uoxqoa jo uaxd a uSxsap pua asaaxaq s«au a aqxq« sb« aaqqxttmoi-q" V ax xanuaa. aqq pua qx), -i-g axxqua aqq go Suxqapdn aqq „axAaq o, sx aaqqxmmo^!qn^^^^ V'V'V'O'N JO suoxxdBpB ajB Aaq3 asuBoaq 'O'c-n u3noau-i nainn-r-r-x^-a pua paonpoxdaq aq qou squaa.aounouua qods oxpag aaasauuai aqq ,aqq°plpualooax Xa^^:^ •" "HJ3T sunp 0S3 3® 3901 99337100100 S993snax aqi gx sxaqumu auoqd qo/pua ssaqppa aguaqq noX uaqn qaq Xgxqou asaaxq' -qnalxo-, oq Xqnp qaq sx qg •i.xXO-PPS auaqdagag ' tsut sxor^Hso uJ a" so": a?.'oq\dA ::ax XqqoqoQ Xqaqaqoas Xgq^assy^ -gaam quo paAom a« 'aqap qaqq uo oquamaqoas ux pgaq Suxaq aouaqaguoo-xura^^mPsaqa 3ux -maqdas go qq^x aq? uo 3uxaq sa paounouua XxsnoxAaqd saw 3uxqaani aqx ' nn-7 qp X^xd sux39q 3ux399ui *'wa Ot-T nc'T ib 3® ssttoo aajjoo U073B00X 9m • X"t>mr» t 00'3 3® Ajq^ojd Xanod ''Pa uoqnog OOOEX 'Xooqos Xqaquamaxa XarxaA sx qqH72 qaqtuaqdas Xapung uo pxaq aq XXT« Suxqaaw Xxqinassy aaqa qxau ajj, ' HawHoo s,3ivo3iaa anx CO-OPERATION A.A. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY RELATED FACILITY OR OUTSIDE INTEREST, BUT WE MAY CO-OPERATE WITH THEM AND THEY CO-OPERATE WITH US TURNING POINT- is having their 8th Annual Hawaiian Dance at the War Memorial Building on August 26, from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M^. Buck Wayne will provide the music. A Color TV will be the Door Prize 11lPRizES***GAMES***REFRESHMENTS*** \ LATINO ALANO CLUB—102 E. 16th St in National City. Phone 477-3471 Membership now available I Contact Ray V. at 427-1849 or Pete H. at 262-8771*** 27TH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONVENTION- October 20th, 21st, and 22nd in LA. Register NOW I Forms available at Central. Hev GALS, want a change of pace and FUNlII Become a HostesslII (One year sobriety required). Give Pat a call at 714-744-2319 O'Kl Looking forward to seeing youIIIII THE ANNUAL SERRA RETREAT- For members of A.A. will be held August 4th-6th at Malibu, for fur ther information call Bob M. at 292-4455 ext 18. SAN DIEGO ALANO CLUB - is having a Picnic - August 5th - 8:00A.M. till ??? Rohr Park, Bonita call 237-9362 for more information. ****** *5% ************************************ V ,1 HOW TO ASSURE UNHAPPINESS - Sit down quietly where you are not likely to be disturbed. <iJ Be gin thinking about yourself I Every time your thought wanders to something higher, bring it back gently but relentlessly. Thing about the past. Think over all the mistakes you have made, going right back to childhood. Think over all the opportunities you have missed and the time you have wasted. Especially think of the times you have been badly treated. Think about your body and wonder if your age or your job or the climate isn*t beginning to tell. See if you cannot discover a pain or an ache somewhere. Think about finances and if they are going well now, insist that this is probably too good to last. In any case, think about yourself! I That is the main point. Ar.^ if will keep this up faithfully for 15 ceit? ®^^ubes, there can be no doubt about the result. There is more hope of a fool than of him. (See thou a man wise in his own con Proverbs 26:12). THE A A AUGUST 1978 COORDINATOR Published monthly by the Coordinating Committeo of Son Diogo County Groups of Aleoholies Anonymous. "AN A.A. GROUP OUGHT NEVER ENDORSE, FINANCE OR LEND THE A.A. NAME TO ANY RELATED FACILITIES OR OUTSIDE ENTERPRISE, LEST PROBLEM'S OF MONEY, PROPERTY AND PRESTIGE DIVERT US FROM OUR PRIMARY PURPOSE" GROUP NEWS(CONT) GROUP NEWS LIVING FAITH A.A. GROUP TUES 8:15 P.M. "A" STREET GROUP MT. CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL 2516 "A" STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA 950, CARMEL MT. RD. FORMERLY AT LOS PENASQUITAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SATURDAY NITE FERVOR - 4020 LEMON GROVE SUN 1:00 P.M. PART. SAT 8:15 P.M. 30th STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA SUNDAY 8:15 P.M. 7126 LONDON LANE, LEMON GROVE TUES NITE STEP STUDY FORMERLY AT: 4020 GOLDEN AVE SCHOOL TUES 8:15 P.M. 30th STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA ALL SPANISH MEETINGS IN SAN DIEGO & SOUTH BAY ARE NOW MOVED TO 106 E. 16th ST. NATIONAL CITY 477-3471 PAGE 83 GROUP N.C. OPEN DISC THE EL CAJON DAYTIME GROUP IS NOW MEET NAVAL STATION, 32nd ST., SAN DIEGO, CA SUN 11:00 P.M. ST. PATRICKS HALL, 396 HARDING, CARLSBAD, CA C.A.A.C. CENTER WED 12:00 NOON BLDG //2 ING AT 240 S. MAGNOLIA ST. EL CAJON, MON -FRI, NOON TO 1:30 P.M. FORMERLY BIG BOOK STUDY GROUP MET AT 4790 CLAIRMONT MESA BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 1375 E. WASHINGTON ST. INDIAN LODGE GROUPS MEETING ON MON & THURS HAVE MOVED TO 4333 30th ST. S.D. FORMERLY AT INDIAN CENTER TUES 7:0P P.M. SOUTHWOOD YOUNG PEOPLES FRI 8:00 P.M. 950 3rd AVE, CHULA VISTA, CA TUES NITE BIG BOOK STUDY TUES 8:15 P.M. CARLSBAD MEN'S STAG HAS CHANGED NAME & LOCATION TO: WEDNESDAY MEN'S CLOSED 8136 EL EXTENSO CT., SAN DIEGO, CA 8:00 P.M. AMPHIB NOONERS TUES 12:00 NOON CHAPLAINS BLDG 3rd & FREEMAN & OCEANSIDE RM . 18, NAVAL AMPHIB BASE, CORONADO, CA FIR^T WEEKENDERS CAMPING GROUP SKYLINE RANCH CAMPGROUND, JAMUL, CA 3, & 4th. LOUISE SEPT 1,2, DISCONTINUED GROUPS FOR INFO CONTACT: BOB OR MARY 223-7454 CORONADO STEP STUDY GROUP TUES 8:15 P.M. 250 PROSPECT, CORONADO, CA CAMPING GROUP //l K.Q. RANCH-JULIAN SEPT 15, 16 & 17. CONTACT PAT & JIM B EL CAJON WOMEN'S (C) TUES 8:15 P.M. F.A.C.E.S. BLDG, //240 MAGNOLIA AVE EL CAJON NEW MEETINGS MANY THANKS TO: FRIDAY NOON FRI 12:00 NOON Audrey C., James H., Maynard W., for their 1533 PACIFIC HWY, VARLEY'S RESTAURANT donations to the "I AM RESPONSIBLE CLUB." BONITA BIG BOOK This is our fund to be used by A.A. members and their families from donations by members TUES 8:00 P.M. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPPARD, BONITA RD or their immediate families, it is located at TRADITIONS WORKSHOP SUN 3 P.M. 1st CHURCH, 4608 GARDENA ST., S.D. CA BAPTIST San Diego Blood Bank. AGAPE GROUP-OPEN END PARTICIPATION 911 HORNBLEND, PACIFIC BEACH FRI 10 A.M. **IN MEMORIAL** San Diego Coimty A.A. wishes to express sympathy to the family and friends of: SPEAKERS MEETING 233 FRI 8:00 P.M. 4th AVE, CHULA VISTA, CA Joe E. passed away 7-26-78. Joe was a member of "H & I." LATINO ALANO CLUB 102! E. 16th MON 8:15 P.M. ST., NATIONAL CITY, CA Ed L. passed away 8-1-78. Ed was a mem ber of the 3rd weekend camping group #1. GOLDEN KEY GROUP - DIS - STEP STUDY UNITY CHURCH TUES 8 P.M. 4085 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH, CA No man can hope to control his destiny. The best he can hope for is to control himself —one single "A'; STREET GROUP SAT 1:00 P.M. 25li6 "A" ST., SAN DIEGO, CA "A": STREET SPEAKERS MON 8:15 P.M. 2516 "A" ST. "WAYBACK", SAN DIEGO, CA Q act at a time. Those acts are like bricks in a wall. A wall made of such bricks is a man's character. CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH JULY 31, 1978: Total $2,534.93 - Central $1,300.00 - Vista $1,234.93 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX JULY *AA Tradition Study *AA Workshop $ Allied Gardens Disc July YTD -0300.00 $ 30.00 600.00 100.00 131.20 Lemon Grove Women's 45.00 Lemon Grove Speakers -0- 60.00 Linda Vista -0- 20.00 -0- 70.00 40.00 30.00 -0- 20.00^ Amigos Verdados (Span) -0- 10.0£^ Live & Let Live (Gay) *Living Faith AA Gr. Amphib Nooners 15.00 15.00 Loma Portal Disc. Anonymous - Anonymous -0Anonymous - Anonymous(Wed) -0ASW Dry Dock 20.00 Bay Park Step Study Bay Park Womans Group 10.00 5.00 315.00 10.00 / A 90.00^ 120.00,^ 50.00 *Men's Stag Carlsbad -0- Miramar Nooners Mira Mesa Disc. Mira Mesa Sun. -0-025.00 Mission Hills 25.00 Bayside Nooners -0- 15.00 Mission Hills Step Disc. -0- Bayside Speakers -0- 10.00 NAS Nooners -0- Beach Area Beginners //I Beach Area Beginners //2 120.00 -0- Beach Area Luncheon Beachcombers -0-0- 78.00 Navajo Road Group *No. County Serenity North Park Group 13.50 No. Shores Big Book 20.00 -0-0-0- Beginners Step Disc. *Borrego Springs -025.00 20.00 25.00 North Shores Breakfast No. Shores Men's -0-0- BYOB CAAC Center at 32nd St. 30.00 -0- 40.00^ North Shores Speakers North Shores Th. Step St. -0-0- *Carlsbad Here and Now -0- 44.OO^j *"Now" Speakers Group -0- *Carlsbad Recovery Disc. *Carlsbad Tuesday Nite -010.00 25.00 Ocean Beach Study Group Ocean Beach (Tues) -025.00 Casa de Oro Trad 5 Cedar Street Sun. -0-0- 104.05 Cedar Street Daytime Cedar Street Friday 25.00 25.00 110.00.^ 100.00^^ *Oceanside *Oceanside *0ceanside *0ceanside 85.00 -0-0-0- Cedar Street Men's -0- 70.00 *0ceanside Men's Chula Vista Beginners Step -0- 10.00 Chula Vista Discussion 20.00 70.00 *Oceanside Participation(T)25.00 *0ceanside Participation(F)195.00 90.00 Chula Vista (Mon) 40.00 Clairemont Men's Clairemont Mixed -0- 20.00 Wednesday Clairemont Gr. Clairemont Women's Clairemont Sun. Nite Coronado Coronado Candlelight Coronado Coastal Step St. Coronado Prospect //I Coronado Sun. (Disc.) Coronado Prospect //3 Coronado Step Study Gr. Coronado Prospect Women's *Del Mar AA 5.00 70.00 35.00 Disc.(Sat) Disc.(Sun) 20.00 148.15 300.00 60.00 50.50 20.00 280.00 30.00 80.00 100.00 70.00 225.40 30.00 10.00 10.00 145.00 135.00 96.00 50.00 77.00 40.00 65.59 315.00 51.21 35.00/ *Oceanside 12 & 12 -0- 95.00 15.00 45.02 *Oceanside Women's -0- 40.00 -0- 60.00 20.00 Old Timers 10.00 50.00 -010.00 28.08 45.00 15.00 50.00 20.00 25.00 10.00 155.009 r -0- 35.00 Old Towne Study Group Pacific Beach Saturday *Palomar Group Point Loma AA Group 20.00 -020.00 5.00 65.00 Point Loma Discussion 25.00 *Poway Traditional Step St.-O*Ramona, Congregational Ch.-O- 5.00 -0- El Cajon Men's El Cajon 12 & 12 El Cajon (Farragut) Tues. Encanto Group -0- *Encinitas Disc. *Enc. Here & Now #2 20.00 150.00^^ 30.00 100.00 10.00 25.00 237.00" 60.00 -0- 20.00 -0- 60.00 95.00 40.00 58.08 200.00 70.00 85.00 30.00 *Rancho Bernardo *Rancho Sante Fe -0-0- Recovery Step Study San Diego Speakers San Diego Young People *San Dieguito Step Study 10.00 -0-0-0- 160.00 60.00 125.00 100.00 350.00 20.00 -0- 10.0^ *San Marcos Disc. -0- 120.00 -0- 20.00 -0- 10.00 *San Marcos Speakers *San Marcos Step Study -036.00 187.70 72.00 -0- 25.00 rf 201.00 ^ -0- 143.2J -0- 15.80 45.00 -0- -0- 40.00 37.50 -025.00 20.00 140.00 10.00 147.50 170.00 140.00 90.00 150.00 80.00 U *Escondido Brown Bag *Escondido Men's *Escondido Newcomers 20.00 11.32 89.65 30.00 66.32 *Escondido Open End *Escondido Fri Spkrs -0- 81.00_, 120.8"! 100.00 *Fallbrook Disc. 20.00 -0-0- *Fallbrook Group -0- 200.00 36.95 240.00 Santee Mixed -O- 30.00 Santee Sunday Nite -0- 25.00 10.00 -010.00 35.00 50.00 *Solano Beach Happy Hour South Bay Open Door -010.00 25.00 Serendipity Women's *Serenity Women's Sobriety Unlimited (W) 25.00 (Th) 44.81 (Sat)10.00 *Escondido Step Stdy Brownbaggers Disc.(Wed) 50.00 27.00 15.00 -0- Dry Dock #2 Dry Dock #21 Early Birds Early Risers East County Breakfast East County Speakers East San Diego Group Easy Does It Speakers El Chjon Daytime *Escondido Brown Bag *Escondido Brown Bag 0^ 40.00 260.00 264.00 *0ceanside Recovery *Oceanside Speakers 112.00 *Escondido, Cong. Church *Escondido Brown Bag. (M) *Escondido Brown Bag. (T) 335.00 40.00 YTD 25.00 Alpine (Mon) $ 0 / ' 75.00 15.52 South Bay Pioneer's -0- South Bay Triangle South Bay Women's -05.00 85.00 35.00 South Clairemont So. Crest Disc. -0-0- 20.00 24.00 Spanish Speakers Spring Valley Spring Valley Step Study 5.00 -0-0- Stadium Group Step One Group Streamview Daytime 20.00 -020.00 60.00 Streamview Mixed Streamview Disc. 15.00 15.00 20.00 Sunday Mid-day Sundown Group -010.00 200.00 28.00 120.00 30.00 75.00 30.00 15.00 75.00 20.00 *FallbrookSmokeless $ 20.00 ^Fellowship Men*s 5.00 30.00 37.50Y^ Fireside Group First Weekenders Camping -0-0- Fletcher flills -0- Fletcher Hills Smokeless -0- 110.00 Fletcher Hills Step Study ^Freedom From Bondage *Friday Acceptance 20.00 -0-0- 100.00 50.19 Friday Night Men's 20.00 Friday's Children Women's 36.00 J 80.00^ 5.00 Grass Roots Discussion -0- The Qrove Luncheon -0- The Grove Step Study 10.00 Happy Hour Group Here & Now Prog. -0-0- Imperial Imperial Imperial Informal Group - Fri. 25.00 Beach Sandpipers -0Group, Imperial Av.-OStep Study Gr. -0- Intemational ^-0- Know Your Big Book La Jo11a Thursday La Jo11a Step Study -0-010.00 La Jolla Women's La Mesa Men's La Mesa-Mi3^d -0-0-075.00 Lemon Grove -0- Lakeside $ 26Vbo -0- 49.00 -0- 60.44 Turning Point (Sun) Turning Point Women's -0- 130.00 -0- 25.00 Twenty Four Hour Group -010.00 62.00 45.00/^? 50.00^ 12 & 12 Step Study (Gay University Disc. 10.00 30.00 Villa View Vista Hill 26.00 20.93 20.00 10.00 10.00 90.00 30.00 Hermanos Alcoholicos Latinos -0- -0- Tierrasanta-Murphy Canton Torrey Pines Daytime *Tri Sunday Morning Tues. Big Book Study 30th & Grape B'fast Gr. $ 40.00 *Vista Big Book *Vista Thursday Nite *Vista Newcomers $ 35.00 140.00 30.00 -0- 20.00 50.00 -0-0- 30.00 40.00 35.03 15.00 30.00 20.00 120.00 40.00 115.00 235.00 40.00 *Vista Sat. (Part) *Esc. Nitty Gritty *Vista Step Study *Vista Sunday Morning Open *Vista View Point *Water Works Group Women's @ 6th and Penn. 40.00 >1 Women's Step Study -0- 20.00 **Deleted Groups Corrections; -0- 100.69 I^scondido Brown Bag. (T) 20.00 100.Qb Pacific Beach Saturday 10.00 144.00 4.00^ 34.20 150.00 40.00^ 100.00 40.OCT. 35.03 15.00 -050.00 61.44 255.00 -0- 170.65 10.00 30.00 120.00 30.00 ii 271 250.Op.^^ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NORTH COUNTY BRANCH OFFICE INCOME JULY Tokens YTD 184.OOi 33.00 6.50 57.75, 50.20 199.40, 7,135.40 Pins Mi s ce11aneous-Memorb ilia Group Contributions 1,234.93 Memoriums 106.00/ -0- Coffee Kitty 60.1^1 4.75 Other Donations 270.00' -0- $ 1,329.38 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME $ 8,012.73 OPERATING EXPENSES 20.83 Cost of Tokens Cost of Pins Cost of Miscellaneous 99.50 35. 160.47. 5.20 30.12 Rent 180.00 Wages 537.50 Payroll Taxes Telephone 1.220.0ci, 4,037.50| 397.8o5 52.95 55.48 37.50 Answering Service Depreciation Office Supplies Reproduction Supplies - General Repairs & Maintenance 397.70, 300.00 2.83 8.49, 20.85 131.06; 22.05 15.15 -0- 101.91; -0- 50.00( 16.56; 2.20 Insurance Meeting Schedules -0- 227.921 Auto 21.11 143.01 Legal & Audit Employee Benefits -0- 15.00; -0- 200.00 Postage 14.87, 14/87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 996.59 $ 7,578.95,- 433.78; NET GAIN FOR .Tiny AND YEAR TO DATE + $ 332.79 + $ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LITERATURE ACCOUNT INCOME Central Office Branch Office - $ .2,763.85 Vista TOTAL INCOME $ 18,646.89 $ 22,149.52; 452.80 $ 3,216.65 3.502.63 COST OF REPLACEMENT Central Office Branch Office - Vista TOTAL REPLACEMENT COSTS NET GAIN ON LITERATURE SALES FOR JULY - YTD 2,430.72 16,113.60 c 445.25 3.033.16!, 2,875.97 19,146.76.; 3,002.76/ 340.00 M 327.07 i FELLOWSHIP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS INCOME & EXPENSE July 31, 197S YTD JULY INCOME $ Tokens 154.00 Jewelry Memorabilia (Bumper Stickers Etc.) Vi McC. Memoriams: Harry H. Al H. (from Jackie" N. 89.50 277.75 79.00 1,885.40 9,465.07 1,055.82 42.00 268.30 40.00 105.00 $15.00 Margaret F. :• 811.00 266.50 1,300.00 Group Contributions Buck A Month Donations Individual: $ 4.00 23.00 $10.00 Lloyd R. (from Pauline R. 30.00 53.19 11.97 Kitties Other Contributions 2,952.37 1,112.63 -0- -0- Interest Income 153.70 957.45 $2,136.67 $18,943.98 $ $ Accrued Interest Income TOTAL OPERATING INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Tokens 97.19 468.18 71.85 334.96 Rent 118.68 506.80 Wages 821.16 1,131.63 3,611.20 6,150.39 Cost of Jewelry Cost of Memorabilia Payroll Taxes 81.78 606.84 5.00 -0- General Taxes & Licenses Telephone 153.61 1,082.59 Answering Service Office Expense Reproduction Costs 137.80 953.23 Postage (Bulk Mailing) Supplies - General 116.24 705.46 278.55 1,270.84 19.45 109.86 60.70 308.96 Outside Services -0- 35.00 Equipment Repair Reapirs & Maintenance -0- 119.97 12.94 69.11 Insurance 31.12 217.11 Auto 65.86 16.67 311.39 135.52 Co-ordinating Council Legal & Audit ( Cash-over/short -0- 65.00 5.74) 17.29 Miscellaneous -0- Depreciation 54.35 4.20 Business Committee Expense Public Information Expense 1.38 308.31 2.50) 7.54 168.94, 53.70 735.96 -0- 200.00 78.10 52.70 Bad Debts ( Meeting Schedules Employee Benefits NET LOSS FOR JULY AND YEAR TO DATE 19,185.36 2,771.51 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES ($ 634.84) ($ 241.38 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: PROGRAM COMMITTEE INCOME: Collections 399.10 $ 2,821.23 Raffle 78.65 689.40 Literature 86.65 725.39 564.40 4,236.02 150.00 1,050.00 TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES: $ . Rent Janitor 20.00 150.00 Bakery 43.60 355.80 Supplies 105.05 542.52 Literature Miscellaneous 147.30 1,090.00 -0- TOTAL EXPENSES NET GAIN FOR JULY AND YEAR TO DATE 71.15 3,259.47 465.95 +$ 98.45 +$ 976.55 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx SPECIAL EVENTS -0- +$ 212.28 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NET GAIN FOR FELLOWSHIP FOR JULY AND YEAR TO DATE +$ 137.08 +$ 4,383.99 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx AUGUST 1978 CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL MEETING The 395th meeting was called to order at 8:00pm by Chairperson, Ruth H., Traditions were read by Joe P., roll call by Hal C. There were 59 groups represented. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary and approved as read, BUSINESS COMMITTEE; Harriet N, reported there would be an opening for a male member of the committee to replace Troy W,, who was forced to resign because of business commitments The GRAB BAG for the ANNUAL PICNIC needs filling, bring trinkets to the Central Office, The re solution submitted by the Grass Roots Group was reviewed, and the committee wished to thank the group for its interest and participation, however, the Business Committee does set the price on literature and books and unless group contributions rise considerably, there does not seem to be any chance of a-decrease. The deadline for all meeting and secretary changes for the Co-ordinator will be the 1st of the month and the deadline for all other information will be the Ist Thursday of each month. All contributions received at the Central Office after the last day of the month will not appear in the Co-ordinator until the following month. (Contributions received after July 31st will not appear until September in the Co-ordinator,) The committee requested the council relieve the Stand-by Secretary of his duties, PROGRAM COMMITTEE; Ida G, reported all speakers confirmed thru September, The Banquet will be held at the Town & Country, November 18th, Doors to open at 7:00pm - dinner served at 7:30pm, There have been 530 tickets printed and they will be available after August 16th, PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Sully reported that 22 persons spoke at 15 facilities ^o 1301 persons. There will be an ad appearing in the Del Mar Press regarding AA, OLD BUSINESS: All three outstanding proposed changes to the by-laws were adopted. In brief; Allied Gardens #1 - re: Recording Secretary for the Business Committee. Allied Gardens n re: Co-ordinating council to designate one day per month for meeting, (To comply with land lord.) 30th & Grape #1 - re: Change manner of passing out proposed by-law changes so only groups with representation on council will be allowed a vote. An addendum of the newly ad opted amendments will be available at the next council meeting. The motion for a reviewing body on proposed by-law changes was redundant since the Chairperson of the Co-ordinating Council has the authority to appoint an Ad Hoc Committee whenever necessary, Ruth H., Chair person did appoint Jean 0,, Duane B, and Frances N. to act as an Ad Hoc Committee to review future proposed by-law changes. The Mira Mesa Tuesday Group returned the two proposed changes, however, after much discussion the group conscience of the co-ordinating council rejected them as being not in conformance with the traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, NEW BUSINESS: A motion was made, seconded and passed unanimously to relieve the Stand-by secretary of his duties. Chairperson Ruth H, announced the resignation of Peggy S,, Co-Editor of the Co-ordinator. This position, along with a male member of the Business Committee will be filled in September. The male member of the Program Committee is Tony B. Hal C., Ass't Chairperson of the Council, made the following announcement, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE BY-LAWS, ALL NEW CO-ORDINATORS AND ALTERNATES. MUST HAVE WRITTEN CERTIFICATION FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE GROUP THEY REPRESENT. ANY CO-ORDINATOR WHO HAS MISSED TWO CONSECUTIVE MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL MUST BE RE-CERTIFIED BEFORE THEY ARE ELIGIBLE TO VOTE! Meeting adjourned at 9:40pm. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TO ALL GROUPS I Is all the information correct about your meeting in the schedule??? SECRETARIES you moved, changed times, secretaries, co-ordinators, GSR's or formats???? Have you notified Central Office and the Area Assembly of all changes?????? If there is any doubt about how current the records in Central Office are, PLEASE READ I I 11 I I I Have or if you have made any changes in the past few months - PLEASE - Call and verify that everything pertinent about your group is up to date. If you have belonged or attended any meeting that has recently been discontinued, PLEASE call and verify that we have that information - don't assume that someone else had already notified usll! We'd rather hear a dozen times about a meeting that has moved or been deleted than send one newcomer to an empty building. T/U . * * * * * * * -k •k •k YESTERDAY, TODAY & TOMORROW Yesterdays dead, tomorrows unborn. So ther's nothing to fear and nothing to mourn. For all that is past and all that has been, GOD grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change; The COURAGE to change the things Can Never return to be lived once again. I And what- lies ahead or the things that will be. Are still in Gods hands, so it is not up to me. To live in the future, that is Gods great unknown. differance. * For the past and the present God claims for his own. * So all I need do is to live for today. •k And trust God to show me tha truth and the way. * For it's only the memory of things that have been. * That fills ny today which God want to bless, * with uncertain fears and borrowed distress. For all I need live for is this one little minute, * for life's here and now and Etemitys in it. * * •k SERENITY PRAYER I have no yesterdays, time took them away, f-nmorrtw tnav not be - but I have today. can and the WISDOM to know the Living one day at a time; Enjoy ing one moment at a time; Accept ing hardships as ^e pathway to peace; TAKING AS HE DID, THIS SINFUL WORLD AS IT IS, NOT AS I WOULD HAVE IT; Trusting that HE will make all things right if I surrender to HIS will; That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with HIM forever in the next, Reinhold Niebuhr ^ • I :•^ "••H '*£'.!• "5: •"'#v V . •^. •». • ^•.. vifiLV/u*;-,. f'V£4':r • ^ ''' WAR MEl^RiAE BUIiJQ^ j; • .•;>- •: v.:' ..: AuksT 23 .,.. ..J- YbUR CENTRAL MEETING 1®NESDAY - ,.^' 8:00 P.M. GoterPiBrscm. v J ( ^ ' ^ ^ SEPTEMBER 6 Coiran. Person. .Paul P. Steps ••••»•'••' tCsiroiyii G» Traditions. v''Ed4ie j). ^ Steps CAKES....••»• j,! ^ r ^ i j . i < Saiidy W. , 5 20,yrs. M4ry-D., AUOTST 30 ^__ : Host Group.. ^.Bprrega: S^|li|AH;5^f ' V * '* • ^ '• SEPTEMBER 13 ' ";• :/••%•--j,'.I"- .. : • Coi^. P e r s o n , . - i f • Steps • ••.' •••.^*'- Comm. Person. .Teddy H> Steps ' • Speaker Speaker., w.. } Host Grpup... Johpiiiy \ .; • ' ^^ •^ake'^od Host Group.... East Cppsf' |rou|Al?p^fepr/pisc. •'' ' ^ 5 '• ' Kathy M.^; Traditions... .Elsia R. - - Traditions.; .^|ditii v Traditions.... , Speaker...... ,Roge^. Q. of Speaker .. ••>•.Cal 1&," Vf Cla^^^pijit Host Grpi^ . 1?.: • -:'/• *i\- "*?.- SEPTEMBER 20 J Comm. Ifember. .Monica Steps Jan R. v ' *!; ? ^ ;• Traditions....Carl S.:. ^. ^ ^ V ^ Speaker.;.......Jan Mi •^of':' Ru^l^g Springs Host Group Eas't Coi^fy^ CAKES 1 yf. Pete - BIRTHDAY CAKES ^ 1 I^R; Dennis D, Tpny A, Jpycel!^,. JerryJULY V, Mike T, Claire L, John D/ Doi^'M, i Mke W, vGerl P, • 'Jod.^P., George S, 10 Year: Doris S, Joyce Wv^ecil BViV^ 'I ' H. 25 YEAR: Jhmdd W: Bas^ ' YOUR A.A. CALENDAR SEPT. 1 6 t? 7 12 ii. 14 k PEADDXME" tOlt meetings AND -SECRETARY CHANGES. v- DEAPEXNE iyORMATION FOR CO-ORDINATOR. : ^^^^^^^^^^^®S^^SiErF3l3CrpTMr"'Genirai~0ffice^ 2100 4tih Avehnfe' • 0TORplltol^; |!^^ at the War Memorial Buildik^^^ i <•' >' COMMITTEE- Business Meeti^/ 17 2^ ; >Vv; PRCi(^i4^;,C(W^f'i;is%- 7:00 P.M. War Memorial Building prior to Centtalvmeeting at St. Dayidfe^^hdrcAjjSOSO Milton at Burgerner in Clairempntr ApA^SE^^^ 2:00 Meeting at the ValW Elementary^ School on P.M., Felicita Park, Direoticm^ivon paResfSi SPEAKERS BAY§IDE AI^O. GLUB''^:!^ •;^ s 'V Aug. 18 Ghas H.rPLuiW^infg^ -25 • Bob ir"'Clend^^-''i'' 'v>;-^^^^^^ EASY DOES IT SPEAKERS . "4.4- J'')/^ Aug. Sept . 1 ^ph R^ ia]|un®|Mg^i 8 Patsy M> Baid^h-Pirjp' l Sept. 15 ; Aug. , •• • r-i-J': • .- .•.'.^r.: A- ,' tflj ^ iA- r 13 Mary O, T^asadehaf a Rert C. Tarzana-^^^ ; 5 -Jack, P..,l . 12 Dave J. J . ^ ^ A 19 AI Mc. • ' •5 ' 26 Cathy ;/ " • V_ A ,' • T . ' '•i.',,. ^;v ' • • V. H •• \ Bob T.. San Xacinto. EunicevHi, San^^Claii^te Unconfirmed • So. O.'A i.- ''v Kitty D. • Escon^fdo '> 15 Skip R. Carlsbad, Joanne M, vistaT : 'm Mike F. Escpn^idd ~S,, NORTH SHORES SATURDAY MItE ' V 4 Aug. 19 Joe Q. taguba^BeachSSV Sept. 26 2 9 Dr. paul 0. AnaKtietr Clancy I. Venfee Colleen D. Dana point •. 16 Len B. Costa i^sk S !• 27 Fred E. Tzabucp^ Oaks EAST COUNTY SPEAKERS.: ^ i " • 25 Sept. 1 8 Sep?r~"6~nBob~5T~^^^^p5^®|gtph' Aug. '. ESCONDIDO FRIPAT NITE 4: V4-? j' S 12 Unconfii^d CORQMADO PROSPECT' •• . • •' CEDAR ST. TUBS NITE' 3-: ; 20 1 father .TdCw> Augr 22 Dr. IJphf CS^Srj^^ :• 29 Uncoiifirs^d^ Sept. 5 J».b; Salt Di^p S •: / c Bob S. Santa &B4 Harvey A> Covina 4 > 4' 8 • 15 Dr. jUo WV?^endalC^\^ . 22 11 25 SOUTH BAY PIONEERS ' I Aug.. 26 Phil S. Hollywood;. Sept. 2 16 Manuel C. Riverside"* • Herman L. Los Abgelep 23 Dr. Jan J. Del'Mar YOUR TROUBLES & THEY ARE CUT BY HALF HHARR YOUR JOYS & THEY WILL BE DOUBLED . r-' A • < "i: |r-f. •s ••• • jc •> . ** K. CO-OPERATION A.A. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY RELATED FACILITY OR OUTSIDE INTEREST, BUT WE MAY CO-OPERATE WITH THEM AND THEY CO-OPERATE WITH US... TURNING POINTIs having their 8th Annual Hawaiian Dance at the War Memorial Building on -5 i -August 26, from 8:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. Buck Wayne will provide the music, -r ***PRIZES***GAMES***REFRESHMENTS***C0L0RJV*** LATINO ALANO CLtFB - 102 E. 16th St. in National City. Phone 477-3471. Membership NOW AVAILABLE!11 Contact Ray V. at 427-1849 or Pete H. at 262-8771 LEMON GROVE CLUB - 7126 London Lane in Lemon Grove. On August 25th, Friday there will be a Pot Luck Dinner at 6:30 in the evening with a movie following Dinner. And on August 29th there will be birthday celebrations!I Noel , 2 years for the club and The party will beginat 12:00 NOON for more info contact Gene W. or Dorthory M. at the club SAN DIEGO ALANO CLUB - 1944 30th st at grape phone number 237-9362. Is having a DISCO DANCE on September 8. It'll be starting at 8:00 P.M. and ending ??? Come and bring a friend, REFRESHMENTS!!!! 5 OCEANSIDE ALANO CLUB - 4198 Mission Ave is having a PICNIC at Buddy Todd Park August 20th Starts at 12:00 NOON POT LUCK & bring something to share. For more info call the club, club number 757-1166. ********************************************************************************************** "BUCK WAVNL IjOar ryiervjoriaL Sprvi-l^^rv) 3^^ A>r>»^'iuerso.ry Ook.wies "U e-PresKmen+s /• ^ 1 fleasc^^, . U^aL^f cal\ Q3H-V3U5 boV' • * DELEGATES CORNER KEEPING IT SIMPLE FOR YOU MAY NOT BE KEEPING IT SIMPLE FOR OTHERS. ' BOX 459 gives an exaiftlple of a letter received: "Dear G.S.O.; hers's a $10 bill. Please send us a Big Book and credit ttte rest as a contribution from our group. Love, Joe & Clara W." No last names. No group name or service number. No address not even the city, state or province. How would you ban die that letter? There are now over a million of us and 30,000 groups. How does your group get a service number? In accordance with the best A.A. procedures San Diego-Imperial County has an Area Assembly. The Area Assembly is made up of GSRs who elect a delegate. Once a year the delegate attehds a conference in New York and brings to the body of Alcoholics Anonymous the problems and questions that your group feels need attention and resolution. If a group does not have a good GSR, it is isolated from the rest of the fellowship. It does not participate in the group conscience of A.A. as a whole. It seems a shame for any A.A. group not to get all the free material and services it is en titled to from the General Service Office simply because the group does not have a G.S.R. San Diego—Imperial County is divided into 15 Districts. Each district has a District Commit tee Member. He/She is elected from among the G.S.R.s in that district and serves two years.. ..as does a GSR. Two year's sobriety is the requirement. Vfe are planning in one of the future issues of the Coordinator to print the names and sefvice numbers of the groups. We might add that when your group changes its name or location it keeps the same number. Why not get on the list. See who to contact below. tfur next Tradition Breakfast will be Sunday, Oct. 29, 1978 at S. D. County Swiss Club, 2001 Main Street, Chula Vista. (1-5 South to Main St. Exit.) We will be serving a full breakfast. Cbff &fellowship at 9:00am, Breakfast at 9:30am and our speaker at 11:00am. Spe^ef will bje George M. from Lompoc, Ca. I had the privilege of meeting George in Hawaii this spring \|iefe he spoke on the traditions and I thoroughly enjoyed his talk. See your G.S.R. in your focal group for tickets. If they don't have any, call me, I have 75 which are burning a hole ih my pocket. We in California are trailing close to the tail end of the pack with our G.V.R.'s. General Stervice would like to have a G.V.R. in each group. Some states have a 75% participation. We come up with a small 7%. If you are interested - Call George J. (Our Area Assembly Grape vine Representative) at 233-3016. Delegate: Cliff L. 234-6357 - Alt. Delegate Gary U. 226-8849 - Sec'y: Dorothy L, 566-0114 SUoA-O-Qnam PAST CO-DIRECTOR FATALLY STRICKEN Joe E., immediate past co-director of S.D.A.I.C.,, died recently. S.D.A.I.C., with members of the San Diego A.A. Community, extend to Eileen E. and to all who knew and loved Joe, their deepest sympathy. S.D.A.I.C. TO HOST INSTITUTIONAL INTERGROUP . The regular monthly meeting of the Southern California Institutional Committee Intergroup will be held in San Diego on Sunday, September 24, 1978 at St. David's Eqiscopal Churdh, 5050 Milton St. at 1:00pm. A potluck will follow with the host group providing roast beef and ham, rolls, butter, coffee and dessert. Other S.D.A.I.C. members will provide the balance of the Menu. All Interested A.A. members and their families are invited to attend. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ,j The regular meetings of S.D.A.I.C. are held the 3rd Sunday of each month at St. David s Ipiscopal Church, 5050 Milton St. in Clairmont. Meetings start at 12:30 pm and last about ^0 minutes. The next meeting is Sunday, August 20th. j Vacancies exist on panels going into San Diego Mental Health Unit, Centre City Hospital and possibly one road camp meeting at this time. V A volunteer needs to be a member with the proper sobriety requirements. attend a regular business meeting and sign the membership roster. A member must For further details, or to communicate with S.D.A.I.C. the address is : P.O. Box 11043, San Diego, Ca., 92111, or call Chuck B. 276-1740 - No. County call 729-318^ <hVR ' What are YOU doing? jr O CO" O «P I iscs' 27th Annual HOTEL/MOTEL Southern Coll|omiQ Convention October 20,2122,1978 RESERVATIONS A.A. Please fill out form completely and mail toi HOUSING BUREAU P.O. BOX 71608 LOS ANGELES, CA 90071 1. DO NOT send your request direct to the hotel or motel of your choice, it will only delay confirmation. 2. Make all changes and cancellations direct with Housing Bureau. 3* NO PHONE CALLS to Housing Bureau requesting room reservations until 10 days prior to opening date with the exception of changes and/or cancellations. (213) 486-0211. 4. Reservations are held until 6t00 pro. Hotels require deposits for late arrivals. Send check or money order direct to Hotel when you receive confirmation. ROOM RATES I 1. HYATT REGENCY HOTEL SINGLES DOUBLES TWINS 32.00 38.00 38.00 29.00 35.00 35.00 28.00 27.00 28.00 32.00 32.00 38.00 38.00 (AA Headquarters) 2. HOLIDAY INN - CONY. CENTER Hotel/Motel Locations (ALANON Headquarters) 3. GALA INNTOWNE MOTOR HOTEL 4. HOLIDAY INN - DOWNTOWN 5. KENT INN MOTEL 6. LOS ANGELES HILTON HOTEL 24.00 28.00 25.00 32.00 32.00 HOTEL OR MOTEL PREFERENCE 1st CHOICE. 2nd CHOICE. 0. w. 0. 3rd CHOICE. 4th CHOICE. -Single(s) @ $. .Double(s) @ $. .Twin(s) $, Arrival Date. .Time, Departure Date. .Time. NAME OF ALL OCCUPANTSi PLEASE MAIL CONFIRMATION OF MY RESERVATION TO ME AT: (Indicate those sharing room) NAME. ADDRESS. CITY STATE. ZIP. TELEPHONE ( Pre-Reglstroticn Form 27th Annual Southern Gili|omio Convention NAMC. (please print first and last name) Msfk an X in appropriate square A.A.n alahohI I alateenQ GROUP .OR CITY. ^bur $2.00donotion helps defray initloi conference costs ofdeposits, printing, etc.Your contribution is greatly opprecioted by oil those who will porticipote in our convention. Please be one of them. Your registration bodge will be waiting for you when we meet onOct. 20th. See you in LosAngeles! Moil Checkor MoneyOrder PoyobleTo: 27th S.C.C.-RO. Box1143,Dellflower,Cq.90706 Oodis Co5iee OUT OF E^conDioo SEPT. 24 n/I<^TOR E ^,,/€S^PrI'ze'S^ b/)cK' i?OLC€S Tog adocpt>ciqs ^ % 5^onsVimd- F^^^OiosKip Fresha'ir - and /^rr£N)TioN (32 THE A A COORDINATOR Publlthad monthly by the Coordinating Committee of Sen DIogo County Croupe of Alcehellce Anenymeue. Oct. 1978 "Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues." GROUP hEi-JS Carlsbad A~A Workshop now meeting at Jefferson St. School, Thursday 8:00 P.M. Carlsbad, Ca. Formerly met at St, Pat.-rick's Church,3096 Harding, Carlsbad. Escondido Serenity Woman's Mon.ltOO P.M. 123 S. Elm St. Escondido, Ca. Pot Luck Luncheon every 3rd Mon at NEW MEETINGS (CON'T) Page 83 Group N.C. Open Disc.Sun.11:00 A.M. St. Patrick's Hall 396 Harding Carlsbad, Ca. Saturday Nite Fervor 4020 Part. Sat. 8:15 P.M. 30th St. S^n Diego, Ca. 12:00 Noon. NEW MEETINGS "A" Street Group Mon. - Sat. 12:Q0P.M. 2516 A St. Sun. 1:00 P.M. 2516 A St. Mon. 8:15 P.M. Way Back 4608 Gardena Tuessday Night Big Book Study Tues. 8:15 P.M. 8136 El Extenso Ct. Tuesday Nite Step Study 4020 Tues. 8:15 P.M. 30th St. San Diego, Ca. 2516 A St. San Diego, Ca. 92102 Agape Group 3:00 P.M. San Diego, Ca. San Diego, Ca. 92102 "A" St. Speakers Sun. San Diego, Ca. 92110 San Diego, Ca. 92102 "A" St. Group Traditions Workshop 1st Baptist Church Thursday Open Door (Gay) 4135 Fri.10:00 A.M. Thurs. 8:00 P.M. 36th St. San Diego, Ca. 92105 911 iiomblend Pac. Leach, Ca. Sunday Big Book Study (Part) Big Book Study Group Tues. 7:00 P.M. 4790 Clairmont Mesa Blvd. Bonita Big Book Study Group Tues. 8 P.M. Church of the Good Sheppard Borita Rd. Dry Dock #27 Bldg. 241 Room 101 Mon. 11:30 A.M. Naval Training Center Friday Noon Part. Fri 12:00 Noon 1533 Pacific Highway Varley's Restaurant Golden Key Group Tues 8:00 P.M, Unity Church Disc-Step Study 4085 Camino Del Rio South Mon. 8:15 P.M. 30th St. 4333 Newcomers Coming Together (Gay) Tues. 7:30 P.m Coronado Step Study Group Tues. 8:15 P.M. 250 Prospect Colorado, Ca. DISCONTINUED J:ffiETINjGS_ Daytime Daily Noon 12:00 to 1:00 Daily El Cajon Beginners Thurs. 8:15 P.M. Mira Mesa Womens (C) Thurs. 8:15 P.M. Mid Afternoon Women's (c) Thurs. 3:00 p.m. Native American Gr.Disc. Thurs.8:00 P.M. Sunday Nooners Discussion Sun. Noon Tradition Twelve Gr. (Gay) Sat. 8:00 P.M. ******************************************** *** IN memorial*** * San Diego County A.A. wishes to express * sympathy to the family and friends of: * * Berry D. who passed away 10-7-78. Berry was a member of the Del Mar Monday and * Saturday Groups. San Diego, Ca. 92116 Indian Lodge Group REINSTATED MEETINGS 1350 Fern St. M.CC Church (New Address) Candlelight Spiritual (Part) 233 Ath Ave. Thurs. 8:15 P.M. Chula Vista, Ca. 92010 4333 205 Rancho Santa Fe Rd. San Marcos, Ca. San Diego, Ca. Indian Lodge Group Sun. 6:30 P.M. All State Sav. & Loan Thurs. 8:15 P.M. 30th St. * ******************************************** San Diego, Ca. 92116 HA! I HAI! Los Solitarios )Spanish) Mon. 8;15 P.M. 102 E 16th St. National City, Ca. 92050 Anyone interested in having the"12 TRADITIONS" play put on for their group or club contact Cliff R. thru No. County Central Office. Men's Stag (C) Tues. 8:00 P.M. 233 Ath Ave. Chula Vista, Ca. 92010 Play lasts 1/2 hour and is very humorous. CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH SEPTEMBER 30, 1978: Total $1,983.43 - Central $1,170.36 - Vista $813.07 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx^xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx f SEPT. *AA Workshop $ 50.00 Allied Gardens -0- Alpine (Mon) Amigos Verdados Amphib Nooners Anonymous-Anonymous Anonymous-Anonymous (Wed) ASW Dry Dock 131.20 .SEPf. YTD $67.21 $338:-34 temon G^oive. -0- 250.00 -0- 45.00 -0- 60.00 145.00 La Meea Mixed 10.00 -0- 15.00 Linda Vista -0- -0- 315.00 Live & Let Live (Gay) -0- 40.00 *Living Faith AA Group -0- 40.00 30.00 320.00 -0- -0- 10.00 Bay Park Womans $700.00 Lempn Grove Womem' s Letnon Grove Speakers -0- 40.00 Bay Park Step Study YTD 20.00 10.00 130.00 Loma Portal Disc. 140.00 Miramar Nooniers -0- 80.00 Mira Mesa Disc. Mira Mesa Sun. -0- 27.00 -0- 178.15 Mission Hills -0- 300.00 Mission Hills Step Disc. 18.00 103.00 NAS Nooners 10.00 60.50 5.00 60.00 Bayside Nooners Bayside Speakers Beach Area Beginners #1 Beach Area Beginners #2 10.00 45,00 Beach Area Luncheon 42.00 -0-0- -0- 15.00 395.00 40,00 120.00 Navajo Road Group *No. County Serenity -0- 20.00 -0- 280.00 Beachcombers -0- 13.50 Beginners Step Disc. *Borrego Springs -0- 20.00 30.00 25.00 North Park Group No. Shores Big Book -0- -0- 35.00 115.00 10.00 50.00 No. Shores Breakfast 50.00 150.00 5.00 No. Shores Disc. 30.00 30.00 110.00 110.00 No. Shores Share & Care 40.00 40.00 60.00 104.00 BYOB CAAC Center at 32nd St. *Carlsbad Big Book Study *Carlsbad Here & Now *Carlsbad Recovery Disc. *Carlsbad Tues. Nite Casa De Oro Trad. 5 -0- -0- 10.00 -0- Cedar Street ( Sun) 40.00 Cedar Street Daytime No. Shores Men's -0- 70.00 25.00 No. Shores Speakers -0- 515.40 90.00 No. Shores Thurs Step Study *NOW Spkrs. Group Ocean Beach Study Group -0- 30.00 222.05 75.00 -0- 10.00 -0- 15.00 -0- 110.00 Ocean Beach (Tues) -0- 145.00 Cedar Street (Fri) 25.00 125.00 *Oceanside Brownbaggers -0- 135.00 Cedar Street Men's -0- 95.00 *Oceanside Disc. 23.07 154.22 C. V. Beginners Step Disc. -0- 20.00 -0- 75.00 C. -0- 90.00 *Oceanside Disc. (Sat) *Oceanside Disc. (Sun) -0- 94.00 *Oceanside Men's *Oceanside New Life Womens -0- 60.00 -0- 30.00 V. Disc. Chula Vista (Mon) -0- Clairemonts Men's Clairemont Mixed 50.00 Clairemont (Wed) Group Clairemont Women's Clairemont Sun Nite 90.00 205.00 -0- 55.00 -0- 65.00 10.00 70.00 -0- 20.00 Coronado (Mon) -0- 150.00 Coronado Candlelight Coronado Coastal Step Study Coronado Prospect #1 -0- 50.00 -0- 45.00 65.00 -0- Coronado Sun (Disc) 25.00 50.00 Coronado Prospect #3 Coronado Step Study 20.00 140.00 Coronado Prospect Womens *Del Mar AA (Mon) Downtown Disc. -0- 10.00 -0- 25.00 237.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 *Oceanside Part. (Tues) *Oceanside Part. (Fri) *Oceanside Recovery *Oceanside Speakers -0- 75.00 -0- 315.00 20.00 71.21 -0- "132.24 140.00 235.00 -0- 40.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 Pacific Beach (Sat) *Palomar Group -0- 154.00 -0- 58.08 Paradise Hills -0- 50.00 30.00 255.00 *Oceanside 12 x 12 *Oceanside Womens Old Timers Old Towne Study (Clairemont) Point Loma AA (Wed) Point Loma Disc.(Sun) *Poway Threshold 60.00 -0- 70.00 -0- 50.00 *Poway Traditional Step *Ramona, Congregational Ch. -0- 115.00 -0- 30.00 -0- 175.00 Dry Dock #2 (Coronado) Dry Dock #21 Early Birds 42.00 102.00 *Rancho Bernardo Early Risers 30.00 50.00 *Rancho Sante Fe -0- 450.00 20.00 Recovery Step Study -0- 20.00 10.00 Rolando 20.00 20.00 25.00 Round Table Disc. 30.00 30.00 -0-0- 160.00 60.00 25.00 150.00 East Co. Breakfast 5.00 75.00 -0- 20.00 -0- East Co. Speakers -0- East San Diego Easy Does It Speakers El Cajon Daytime El Cajon Men's El Cajon 12 x 12 -0- El Cajon (Farragut Circle) Encanto *Enc. Here & Now #2 *Escondido (Tues) *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Baggers Baggers Baggers Baggers Baggers (Mon) (Tues) (Wed) (Thur) (Sat) *Esc. Men's *Esc. Newcomer's *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. *Esc. Nitty Gritty Open End Fri. Speakers Step Study *Esc. Tradition Study 80.00 *San Marcos Disc. -0- 216.00 -0- 193.27 -0-0- -0- 40.00 *Encinitas Disc. 15.80 San Diego Speakers San Diego Young People *San Dieguito Step Study 140.00 50.00 *San Marcos Speakers *San Marcos Step Study -0- 147.50 Santee Mixed 50.00 220.00 Santee Sunday Nite 20.00 190.00 Sat Afternoon Spkrs 20.00 110.00 Serendipity Womens 120.00 20.00 -0- 80.00 -0- 120.81 287.70 -0- 72.00 20.00 50.00 -0- 25.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 45.00 ^Serenity Women's 75.00 Sobriety Unlimited -0- *Solano Beach Happy Hour -0- 60.00 15.52 -0- 89.65 So. Bay Disc. 30.00 So. Bay Open Door -0- 66.32 So. Bay Pioneers So. Bay Triangle So. Bay Women's -0- 35.00 106.00 120.00 -0- 36.95 So. So. 10.00 50.00 Spanish Speakers -0- 120.00 100.00 -0- -0- 20.00 -0- Clairemont Crest Disc. 5.00 5.00 —0— -0- 25.00 260.00 -0- 25.00 10.00 60.00 5.00 50.00 -0- 24.20 -0- 33.00 FELLOWSHIP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS INCOME & EXPENSE SEPTEMBER 30, 1978 INCOME SEPTEMBER Tokens $ 1,100.00 Pins, etc. 149.00 43.25 Miscellaneous (Bumper stickers, etc.) 240.15 $ 360.00 109.00 2,353.05 12,038.18 1,341.82 $10.00 10.00 303.30 (Anonymous)$20.00 20.00 125.00 64.98 1,170.36 Group Contributions Buck A Month Donations Miscellaneous: In Memorium: YTD Vi McC Fran P. Kitties Other Contributions 11.79 -0- 161.17 2,952.37 1,112.63 1,273.30 1,914.72 23,024.63 Cost of Token Replacement 94.03 650.56 Cost of Pin Replacement Cost of Miscellaneous Replacement 32.00 399,21 144.09 506.80 754.33 45.63 1,412.22 4,624.80 7,654.72 -0- Interest Income Accrued Interest Income TOTAL OPERATING INCOME OPERATING EXPENSES Rent Wages Payroll Taxes General Taxes & licenses 719.20 5.00 -0- Telephone Answering Service Office Expense Reproducting Costs 133.20 1,373.40 1,211.83 128.44 57.76 1,375.23 147.36 Postage (Bulk Mailings) Supplies - General 902.95 19.72 152.07 155.62 491.08 35.00 119.97 102.93 Outside Services -0- Equipment Repair Repairs & Maintenance -0- -0- 30.84 7.82 18.13 Insurance Auto Co-ordinating Council Legal & Audit Cash - over/short Miscellaneous 228.78 376.76 168.65 -0- 65.00 16.85 36.29 1.38 -0- Depreciation Business Committee Expense Public Information Expense 54.35 417.01 -0- 7.54 59.23 Bad Debts Meeting Schedules Employee Benefits 248.50 8.15 61.85 10.60 731.56 -0- 200.00 2,424.95 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET LOSS FOR SEPTEMBER AND YEAR TO DATE ($ 23,773.49 510.23) ($ 748.86) PROGRAM COMMITTEE INCOME: Collections $ Raffle Literature 399.37 82.35 101.20 TOTAL INCOME 582.92 EXPENSES: 150.00 20.00 Rent Janitor Bakery Supplies $ 897.75 1,011.56 5,699.13 1,350.00 195.00 59.10 498.15 733.14 99.59 198.30 Literature Miscellaneous 1,592.15 -0- TOTAL EXPENSES 71.15 4,439.59 526.99 NET GAIN FOR SEPTEMBER AND YEAR TO DATE 3,789.82 +$ 55.93 +$ 1,259.54 ($ 32.09) +$ 185.19 ($ 346.66) +$ SPECIAL EVENTS ANNUAL PICNIC: INCOME $279.00 EXPENSES 311.09 ******NET LOSS/GAIN FOR FELLOWSHIP FOR SEPT. & YTD 4,653.47****** $103,000 was wasted to study whether fish that drink tequilla are more aggressive than fish that drink gin.//// "But for the Grace of God.//// (from The Ventura Newsletter) w *Fallbrook Sunday $ -0- $300.00 Spring Valley (Thurs) Spring Valley Step Study Stadium Group $ -0- 1H20.00 , -0^, -0- 30.00 70.00 -0- 75.00 *Fallbrook Smokeless -0- 40.00 *Fallbrook Tuesday ^Fellowship (C) Mens Fireside Group First Weekenders Camping -0- 250.00 -0- 40.00 -0-0-0- 120.00 Streamview Disc. -0- 15.00 -0- 130.00 Sunday Mid-Day Sundown Group 20.00 95.00 10.00 30.00 20.00 140.00 45.00 Fletcher Hills (Mon) Fletcher Hills (Smokeless) 37.50 Step One Group Streamview Daytime -0- 30.00 36.00 Streamview (C) Mixed -0- 20.00 Fletcher Hills Step Study -0- 124.75 *Freedom From Bondage -0- 60.19 *Friday Acceptance Friday Nite Men's Friday's Children -0- 45.00 -0- 70.00 -0- 15.00 Grass Roots Disc. Grove Luncheon Grove Step Study Happy Hour Group Here & Now Prog. Hermanos Alcoholicos Latinos Imperial Imperial Imperial Informal -0- 20.93 -0- 20.00 The Women's Group 30th & Grape Breakfast Tierrasanta-Murphy Canyon Torrey Pines Daytime *Tri Sunday Morning Tues Big Book Study Turning Point (Sun) Turning Point Women's -0- 10.00 Twenty Four Hour Group -0- 30.00 60.00 86.00 -0- Beach Beach Sandpipers Group Stepstudy Group 10.00 19.00 124.00 10.00 40.00 4.00 -0- 12 X 12 Step Study (Gay) 30.00 60.44 40.00 -0- 62.00 40.00 Villa View -0- 120.00 Vista Hill -0- 40.00 -0- 40.00 *Vista Newcomers La Jolla (Thurs) La Jolla Step Study -0- 150.00 -0- 60.00 La Jolla Womens Lakeside La Mesa Men's -0- 100.00 -0- 135.00 25.00 280.00 55.00 402.07 -0- *Vista Step Study *Vista Sunday Morning -0- 25.00 335.00 40.00 *Vista View Point 10.00 205.65 50.00 Water Works Group *Wed. Men's Closed (Carlsbad) -0- 40.00 -0- 384.00 Women's Step Study -0- 20.00 100.69 12.15 NORTH COUNTY BRANCH OFFICE SEPT. $ Tokens Pins Miscellaneous (Bumper Stickers, Etc.) Group Contributions 30.00 YTD 252.00 $ 7.50 86.00 23.20 266.00 813.07 Memoriums Kitties 8 ,942.50 106.00 9.25 85.55 270.00 Other TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 883.02 10 ,008.05 18.93 142.21 OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Tokens Cost of Pin Replacement Cost of Miscellaneous 5.00 58.11 13.92 200.43 Rent 180.00 1 Wages Payroll Taxes 537.50 5 Telephone Answering Service Depreciation Office Supplies Reproduction Supplies - General Repairs & Maintenance ,580.00 ,112.50 52.95 503.70 59.87 45.00 512.37 382.50 2.83 14.15 5.00 141.06 22.05 -0- 129.91 8.25 50.00 -0- 20.96 Insurance 2.20 Meeting Schedules -0- 227.92 24.45 182.76 Auto Legal & Audit Employee Benefits -0- 15.00 -0- 200.00 14.87 -0- Postage 955.90 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET LOSS-GAIN FOR SEPT AND YEAR TO DATE ( $ 9 72.88)+$ ,510.70 497.35 LITERATURE ACCOUNT INCOME 377.95 $23,080.05 4,457.08 2,439.61 27,537.13 $ 2,061.66 Central Office Vista TOTAL INCOME COST OF REPLACEMENT Central Office Branch Office - 40.00 20.00 *Vista Sat (Part) INCOME Branch Office - 175.00 15.00 20.00 -0- -0- -0-0- -0- International *******Deleted Groups(No. Co) " " (San Diego)12.15 99.00 190.00 10.00 Know Your Big Book 44.20 30.00 50.00 25.00 University Disc. *Vista Big Book Study *Vista Thursday Nite 10.00 10.00 1,866.56 Vista TOTAL REPLACEMENT COSTS NET GAIN ON LITERATURE SALES FOR SEPTEMBER AND YTD 20,175.74 3,900.14 2,226.00 24,075.88 213.61.+$ 3,461.25 359.44 41.81 94.30 CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 1978 The 397th meeting was called to order at 8:00pm by Ruth H., Chairperson. Traditions were read by Frances N., roll call by Hal C., Ass't Chairperson. There were 41 groups repre sented. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. BUSINESS COMMITTEE; Harriet N., Chairperson, reported that the financial statement reflecta loss for the Central Office, due mainly to contributions being down. She explained that the amount shown as "General Expenses" was considerably higher since the C. 0, had absorbed the unused supplies from the picnic. The picnic had a net loss of 32.09. After considerable research, the Business Committee had unanimously recommended the discontinuation of the "Book let" format for our meeting schedules. After revi,ewing the cost of the booklet over the last 19 months (May 1977 thru Dec. 1978, approx. supply on hand), it was found that we used 46,000 schedules at a cost to the fellowship of over $3200.00. The committee recommended returning to the single sheet format, with a white schedule for the metropolitan area and a blue sched ule for the north county area, to be distributed together to the groups. By cost comparison, 46 thousand of each would be approximately $1200.00 - A SAVINGS OF $2000.00 - for the same information!!!!'. The committee recommended no action be taken at this time for a stand-by secretary. It was pointed out that although the current policy is for a meeting to be in ex istence at least 90 days before being included in the schedule, that any meeting in existence prior to November 1st will be included in the new schedules. It was also pointed out that there is a serious lack of communications from members of deleted groups making it still possible to send a newcomer to an empty building. meeting that has been disbanded - PLEASE - notify Central. A plea for 12 steppers (females) in the North Park, Hillcrest and Mission with the C.O., there-by If you have attended any was made by the Chairperson Hills area. PROGRAM COMMITTEE; A1 McG., Chairperson, reported all speakers confimed thru next months co ordinator. A1 also reported the cost of janitorial services has increased to $10.00 per week. There have been approximately 220 banquet tickets sold and there is a guaranteed 415 for the Town & Country. A1 requested people get their tickets early as there will not be the usual number available at the door, as in the past. Host night for the Area Assembly at the Central Meeting will be November 22nd, Host night for the H & 1 Committee will be February 22nd. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE; Sully, Chairperson, reported 28 people speaking at 28 facilities to approximately 1,083 persons. Channels 6 and 8 have been showing our tapes, however, it appears that channel 8 has a tape with phone numbers of an unknown origin, anyone catching what these numbers are please contact the No. County Office and let Sully know. The P.l. Com mittee has sent out a number of letters to clergymen, written by a clergyman, and have already received a good response from them. The committee members are going to handle requests from the recipients of letters in the same manner as a twelve step call. OLD BUSINESS: The Chairperson of the Council requested all proposed by-law changes and sug gestions be sent in writting to the Central Office, to the Attention of The Ad Hoc Committee. NEW BUSINESS; ing schedules. defeated. There was considerable discussion regarding the recommended change in the meet A motion was made to accept the Business Committees recommendation and was A new motion was made, seconded and passed to take the recommendation back to the groups for their approval. Fran P., of the CPC (Co-operation with the Professional Community) read an item from a newspaper which strongly implies AA's affiliation with an outside organ ization - she asked for the councils backing in sending a letter urging the press to use more discretion and enclosing a copy of our traditions. Although the CPC is an autonomous group, the co-ordinating council has a representative (elected by the council), in view of this a motion was made, seconded and passed to endorse any action taken by the committee, as they may deem necessary. Clay L. is the new male member of the Program Committee. Meeting Adjourned at 9:15pm. The Business Committee would like to extend their heart-felt thanks to Hobie K. and the men from Hartland House and to Cherry L. and the women from The Turning Point for all their help with the Annual Picnic. Despite the terrific heat, these men and women worked all day and without their help it would have been a dismal affair, indeed. Again we extend our appreciation for their effort and unselfishness. *****attention speakers***** Central Office is being besieged with requests for speakers who are willing to go out of town. Anyone who is a seasoned speaker and available please call Central Office and give us the particulars. We also have many requests from local groups - so please - if you are interested contact the office. SPEAK WHEN YOU ARE ANGRY AND YOU WILL MAKE THE BEST SPEECH YOU WILL EVER REGRET -Ambrose Bierce. A WOUND FROM THE TONGUE IS FAR WORST THAN A WOUND FROM THE SWORD. - Author unknown - ' WAR MEMORIAL BUILDING YOUR CENTRAL MEETING Wednesday 8:00 P.M. BALBOA PARK OCTOBER 25 NOVEMBER 8 Ccan. Person . . . . "Teddy" H. Steps Yvette D. Coiran. Person . . . . Tony B. Steps Marilyn M. Traditions . . . . . Chuck W. Traditions Rick W. Speaker Speaker Ed C. of Palm Springs Host Group El Cajon Friday Suzy N. of Los Angeles Hdst Group . . . Easy Does It Speakers Cakes: Larry N. (1 yr Lita V. (1 yr.) Ida (5 yrs.) Nate J. (5 yrs.) Hallie B. (5 yrs.) NOVEMBER 15 Comm. Person . . . . "Teddy" H. Ken 0. (5yrs.) Steps Elena W. NOVEMBER 1 Comm. Person . . . . Monica D. Steps Barbara M. Traditions Speaker Host Group Traditions Jim H. Speaker: . . . . Ralph F. of San Diego Cakes: Dorothy R. lona H. of San Diego El Cajon Men's Ester (1 yr.) Charlotte L. (5 yrs.) Host Group: Eighth Aye. Discussion Cakes: Betty P. 5 yrs. Ada K. 15 yrs. * * * * SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER BIRTHDAY CAKES 1 YEAR:Judv C.,Ken M., Ted L., Bob T., Frank D., Bobbie C., Pete L., Joe R., Charles P., Bill W., Hubbard S., Robbie R., Debbie, Gene W., George S., Derry G., Bob O'D. 5 YEARS: Henry P., Harry C., Rich W., Scotty, Ilene E., Bob C., Barbara L., Neal DeB., Judy K., Mary R., Walt . 10 YEARS:Mary Jane W., Jim P. 15 YEARS: Nancy Lou. 20 YEARS:Jo Anne M., Nancy H. 25 YEARS: Mike Mc C. 172 YEARS OF SOBRIETY. YOUR A.A. 1 2 PROGRAM COMMITTEE -7:00 P.M. War Memorial Building prior to Central Meeting. 7 BUSINESS COMMITTEE -5:30 P.M. Central Office, 2100 -4th Ave. CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL -8:00 P.M. at the War Memorial Bldg. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE- 7:15 P.M. War Memorial Bldg. DEADLINE FOR INFORMATION FOR CO-ORDINATOR 9 9 12 AREA ASSEMBLY MEETING. SEE LOCATION IN DELEGATE'S CORNER SAN DIEGO INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE-Business Meeting 12:30 P.M. at St. Davids Church, 5050 Milton at Burgemer in Clairmont. 19 * * it * * CALENDAR DEADLINE FOR MEETINGS AND SECRETARY CHANGES NOVEMBER 1 it * * * * * * * -k * * * * * it it * * * * * * it * * it * * * * * it * * * * * * * * MANY THANKS TO:Pat M. for the donation to the "I AM RESPONSIBLE CLUB". This is our Blood fund to be donated to and used by A.A. members or their inmediate families through the San Diego Blood Bank. *****it'k^iciti<ititic*ititit**ititititicit*ititicititicit*itititititit*ititit*icitititititititititititicititititicititititititicititititititic*icitit1titic*ititititit CEDAR ST. TUES NITE SPEAKERS ESCONDIDO SPEAKERS - ALANO CLUB Oct.. , Bob F.-San Diego Harry H.-Carlsbad Oct Scotty-San Diego Dennis N.-San Diego Nov. 17 24 31 Nov. 7 14 21 Bill N. & Kitty C.-San Diego Noel K.-San Diego 20 Bob R. -Vista 29 Sully -Fallbrook 3 Gail W.-Fallbrook 11 Terry L. -Escondido 17 Jack G.-Escondido FALLBROOK SPEAKERS GROUP CORONADO PROSPECT GROUP //3 Nov. Once a Month Meeting 8:00 P.M. Chuck C-Los Angeles Nov. 8 15 Ray G.- Lakewood Nancy C- Beverly Hills NORTH SHORES SAT. NITE SPEAKERS 22 Chuck H -Fullerton 29 Joyce C- Anaheim 1 7 Oct,^21 28 Nov. EAST COUNTY SPEAKERS Oct 21 Tom S.-San Clemente Phil T.-W. Covina 28 Nov. 4 11 Nov. Eddie R.- Venice 11 Ray Px-San Clemente 18 Jim A.- S. Elmonte RANCHO BERNARDO SPEAKERS Ron K.-Chula Vista Oct 20 20 Art H.-Los Angeles 27 Ed P.- San Clemente 10 Walt S.-Huntington Beach Sid W.-Sente Fe Springs 17 Club Activity Chuck C. - Laguna Beach Jim N.-Orange EASY DOES IT SPEAKERS Oct. 4 Violet R.-San Juan Capistrano Lynne & Richard D.- Escondido SOUTH BAY PIONEERS SPEAKERS Oct. 21 28 Bob M.-Pacific Beach Robert S.-Lakewood Nov. Col. Cappy T.-College Park, Md, Ruth M.,-Bellflower Skip R.-Oceanside 4 11 18 My ftame is Cliff L. and I am an alcoholic. I'm sure that many of are wondering, as I did, what a GSR, a DCM, a Delegate and an Area Assembly are. I hope that this will help you to understand some of what our Service Structure is all about. In the beginning it was set up to carry* the message to the Alcoholic who still suffers. We still do'. Each of us do exact ly that, in our own way, on a one to one basis. The Service Structure was established to carry the message to the still suffering Alcoholic all over the world. Our General Service Office in New York does this and most of their labor of love and fellowship is at our own Last year this cost was One dollar and seventy cents for each registered alcoholic in the United States. Last year our contribution was One dollar and thirty cents a piece, expense. here in California. Eight years ago, I was elected to be the General Service Representative of my group. Like most new people in this job, I did not know what was expected of me and no one told me. On receiving first notice of the Area Assembly, I did not know what they were talking about, consequently, I did not attend. Eventually someone straightened me out and from then on I attended ray meetings regularly and in a very short time I was elected to be a District Com mittee Member, where I served for six years. By this time I felt that anyone who got to be a Delegate must surely have a heck of pull with their Higher Power. Three years ago I was elected to Alternate Delegate, who also serves the Assembly as Chairman for two years. Last year I was elected you Delegate. I must agree it is a fantastic experience, but I'm glad our so wise forefathers in A.A. were wise enough to limit a Delegate's term to two years. Your GSR serves a two year term and needs two years of sobriety. GSR's are the link that binds our small groups together through the Assembly and the Conference. They are the voice of Conscience of their group. Your DCM binds the GSR's in their district together. They assist the groups to get a GSR, where need ed, help new meeting to get organized, need to know the manual well and be willing to give help to any GSR when necessary. Alternate Chairman of the Assembly, Secretarys and Treasurers are elected each year. At the Area Assembly, any and all problems are presented, discussed and voted on - then implemented. Each year your Delegate is sent to The Pacific Regional Assembly, where he meets all other Delegates of this region. There are thirteen Delegates in the Pacific Region. This is terri fic training and experience for the Delegate when he goes to New York for the Conference, in April. At the Conference all of the Delegates in the United States and Canada meet with the Trustees and The General Service Staff, for six long days. Here many problems are thrashed out and ad visory actions are made. These decisions will and do help Alcoholics all around the worldtrying, most of all, to carry the message to the alcoholic who still suffers. If you want to get some real meaning in your life, come join us as a GSR. We would love to share this ex perience in service with you. In Service I have truly learned what Humility means. Yours in AA Love and Fellowship - Cliff L. 234-6357 At the Area Assembly Meeting November 12th(Will be held at South Bay Pioneers, 270 C Street, Chula Vista. 1:00pm) we will be electing District Committee Members for the even numbered districts to serve for two years beginning with January 1979. General Service Representat ives (GSRs) in even numbered districts will be elected by the groups before the meeting and are urged to attend along with the outgoing GSR. District 2 for meeting in Carlsbad and Oceanside. District 4 includes meetings at the North Shores Alano Club held after 5 P.M. District 6 includes meeting in East City of San Diego, District 8 includes Chula Vista, Coronado. Imperial Beach and National City. District 10 is the City of El Cajon. District 12 is the SE County - Lemon Grove, LaMesa, Spring Valley and District 14 includes Ocean Beach, Pt. Loma, Loma Portal, Mission Beach and Pacific Beach south of Grand. P.S. Don't forget the Traditions Breakfast - October 29th at the Swiss Club. Y:cJ' NdV. tWr Cot\MiTf£e CO-OPERA.TION A.A. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY RELATED FACILITY OR OUTSIDE INTEREST, BUT WE MAY CO-OPERATE WITH THEM AND THEY CO-OPERATE WITH US October 28th South Bay Pioneers will sponsor a Halloween Dance at the K'ar Memorial, Music by Lyle and the Hi-Fi's. Food- Games - Prizes ($1,000 bond). November 23rd Pathfinders Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner 2:30 P.M. Donation $2.50. Is some other facility having a dance on YOUR anniversary ?????? Did your group inadvert ently plan an affair on the anniversary of another facility ????? THIS CAN The central Office keeps a calendar on all AA and related activities - keep plan in advance what dates your dances, rummage sales, etc. are to be held, with other activities. This calendar is kept up by information provided by bad feelings, bad turn-outs, confusion and conflict- keep us posted. BE AVOIDEDlIII us postedco-ordinating YOUlIlI Avoid $1000. OOMD TJOolA TKiirAveraoLQ^ 3 S pm - 12 pm TlCkCTS AUAilWBLL T HRoog-H SOUTH BAty PI0N1?RS and RFHflB. y THf fWlllgO OFfti(w£^5CA (S Una c nee fviT? —INJ Oir 9 9^ a 0€? T UH(f THE A A CXXDRDINATOR Publl«h«d monthly by iho Ceordlnotlng Commliioo of San Diogo County Cteupo of Aleohellci Anonymou*. November 1978 'OUR Pimi.IC RELATION POLICY IS.BASED ON ATTRACTION RATHER THAN PROMOTION" GROUP NE\^S You are invited to the Rancho Bernardo Wednesday Night "HOW IT WORKS" 1st Ann iversary dinner at 6:00 p.m. at : Pres byterian Cornmunity Church on November 29, 1978, Main Course: Turkey or Ham donated by the group. Guests are requested to bring a side-dish of salad or desert. Guest Speaker: Allen B. ^DISCONTINUED^ETING^cont"' d.) Southwood Group 950 3rd Ave. Monday 8:00 Chula Vista, Ca. NASCO'Group Matlonai Steel Shipyard Tues.'3:15 p.m. Thurs. 3:15 p.m. • 28th &'Harbor Dr . ' San Diego, Ca. Wednesday Nite Open Part. Wed. 8:15 p.m. 28th Annual Pot Luck Dinner: Rolando Sat. Night 1119 28th St. Group will host it's 28th Annual Pot Luck Dinner at San Diego, Ca. 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 16, 1978. Location; 3785 Fairmount Avej; El Cajon Women-Is (C) ' F.A.CiE.S. Bldg. Tiies. 8:15 p.m. Magnolia Ave. ' El Cajon, Ca. Group will provide meat and bread: Please join us and bring a covered dish. For further information, contact Larry at 233-1172 or Mina at 280-2861. ' Poway'Open End (C) Sat.'8:30 p.m. 14280 Poway Rd. Mt.'Olive Church Poway , 'Ca. Mission Hills Group celebrates their 30th Anniversary Monday December 11that the Mission Hills Congregational Church, Ft. Stockton and'Jacksaw, at ' 8:00 p.m.. All A.A. members cordially invited to help celebrate. Please note: Fallbrook Smokless New' Comers Coming Together (Gay) 1350 Fern St. lues. 7:30 p.m. San Diego, Ca. Sunday Mid-Day Group, which normally meets in the Davidson Room, will meet in the La Scala Room, House of Hospitality, on November 26, 1978 at 12:30 p.m. " Poway Sat. Night(C) 14250 Poway Drive Sat.8:30 to 11:30p.m. Poway, Ca. 2nd Anniversary of the Step One Group:. Potluck-December 13, 1978 at 6:30 p.m. GROUP CHANGES at St. John de Cross Church Hall,Lemon Carlsbad A.A. Workshop now meeting at Jefferson St. School, Thursday 8:00p.m. Carlsbad, Ca. Formerly met at St. Pat rick's Church, 3096 Harding, Carlsbad. Grove. WELCOME TO THIS MONrHS NEW * ' ' 463 Stage Coach Lane Mon. 8:00p.m. Fallbrook, Ca. MEETINGS. Forth and Brooks Women's Gr.(C) Th.8:15 3594 Fourth Ave, ROUND-UP NET7S San Diego, Ca. San Diego Spring Round-Up Comm. invites people Who are interested or who would like to volunteer to help with the Round up to a General Meeting at the War Memorial BldgV Rm.4, on December 11, 1978-7:30p.m. Junta de Hombres (C) Fri. 10:00 p.m. 102 E. 16th Street National City, Ca. • Speaking Hands Deaf Or. Mon. . 7:00 p.m. 4020 30th Street San Diego, Ca. > * • * San Diego County A.A. wishes to * express sympathy to the family and Chase & Magnolia (Carroll Med. Hosp.) 109 E. • AA*IN MEMORIAM *A* * Chase Avenue friends of: * Betty L. who passed away 10-13-78. Problems (C) Men's Solutions (C) Women's- Thurs:8;15,11-16-78 A Betty L. of El Cajon. '* A Nan N."who passed away 10-14-78 POWAY CANDLELIGHT A Nan of Solana Beach. Sat, 8:30 p.ra. Open Disc. Mt.' Olive Church-14820 Poway Rd Poway, Ca. . DISCONTINUED MEETINGS "A" Street Group .- ic _• 2516 "A" Street •• \ San Diego, Ca. Sat. 1:00 p.m'; • "A" Street Men's (C) 2516 A Street Tuesday 8:15 p.m. S^n Di" , Ca. ** • • •. ' : A Martin-M. who passed away 11-7-78. A Martin was one of the original memA bers of the San Diego Alano Club. ickidfk'k'ii'k'k'k'k'kifk'k'k'ffk'kifk'k'ick'k'kie'k'k'kifk'k-k'k'k'k^t •' "00; lU • W|<i 'IIP II CONTRIBUTIONS THROUGH OCTOBER 31, 1978: Total $2,498.15 - Central $1,386.47 - Vista $1,111.66 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX OCT *AA Workshop Allied Gardens Disc. Alpine Amigos Verdados Amphib Nooners Anonymous-Anonymous(Tues) Anonymous-Anonymous (Wed) ASW Dry Dock Bay Park Step Study Bay Park Womans Group $ $700,00 -0- 131.20 20.00 10.00 -0^ 10.00 15.00 365.00 10.00 130.00 140.00 60.00 45.00 25.00 335.00 160.00 120.00 13.50 20.00 25.00 60.00 5.00 -0-K)50.00 -0-0*0- -Or Bayside Nooners Bayside Speakers 10.00 rO- Beach Area Beginners #1 60.00 Beach Area Beginners #2 ^0- Beach Area Luncheon -0- Beachcombers rO- Beginners Step Di^c. *Borrego Springs -O'" BYOB CAAC Center (32nd St.) -0- OCT YTD tO- Lemon Grove Speakers $ Linda Vista Live & Let Live(Gay) ^Living Faith AA Group Loma Portal Disc. Meeting After Group Mingle with the Singles Miramar Nooners Mira Mesa Disc.(Tues) Mira Mesa (Sun) Mission Hills Mission Hills Step Disc. $ 60.00 -0- 145.00 10.00 50.00 -0- 40.00 60.00 5.00 5.00 -0-0- 40.00 300.00 -0-0- 25.00 55.00 115.00 185.00 60.00 40.00 -0- 35.00 Shores Disc. Shores Share & Care Shores Men's 30.00 -0- -^0- 110,00 -Or •^Carlsbad Recovery Disc. ^0- ^Ocnsd Brownbaggers -0- *Ocnsd Disc. -0- Cedar Street Daytime Cedar Street Friday -0- 50.00 175,00 Cedar Street Men's 45.00 -0- 140.00 20,00 Chula Vista Disc. io.oo 100,00 Chula Vista (Mon) -0- 90.00 Clairemont Men's Clairemont Mixed -0- 205.00 10.00 Casa De Oro Trad 5 76.50 -0- Cedar Street (Sun) Chula Vista Beginners Step Clairemont Wed. Grqup 20.00 10.00 5.00 H)50.00 20.00 30.00 75.00 Encanto -0- *Enc. Disc. *Enc. Here & Now #2 -0- 75.00 80.00 20.00 200.00 70.00 75.00 65.00 50.00 165.00 15.00 30.00 237.00 84.44 25.00 75.00 147.00 50.00 20.00 20.00 25.00 216.00 268.27 15.80 80.00 140.00 50.00 147.50 30.00 250.00 *Enc. Young People *Esc. Tuesday 15.00 20.00 15.00 210.00 *Esc. Bm ^Esc. Brn ^Esc. -Bm *Esc. Bm *Esc., Brn 20.00 13Q.00 20.00 140.00 121.00 120,81 Clairemont Women's Clairemont Sun Nite Coronado(Mon) Coronado Candlelight Coronado Coastal Step Coronado Prospect #1 Coronado Sun -0-0-f Coronado Prospect #3 Coronado Step Study Coroiiado Prospect Wome^s 25.00 5.00 I'^Del Mar AA (Mon) *Del Mar (Sat) -084.44 Downtown Disc. Dry Dock #2 Early- Birds Early; Risers East Co. Breakfast 5.00 -0-Or 45.00 -0-0- East Co. Spkrs. 10.00 East San Diego rO- Easy Does It Speakers El Cajon Daytime El Cajon Men's -0- 75.00 El Cajon 12 x 12 -0t.0- El Cajon(Farragut Circle) .-0- Baggers(Mon) Baggers (Tues) Baggers (Wed) Baggers (Thurs) Baggers (Sat) 41.00 -0- 20.00 if^r 15.00 45.00 *Escj Nitty Gritty —0- 66.32 35.00 *Esc.' Open End -0- 106.00 20.00 140.00 *E s c; Men' s *Esc. Newcomers *Esc. Fri Spkrs. 20.00 556.00 ^Carlsbad Big Book Study *Carl-ebad Tues. Nite 60.50 276.00 Shores Breakfast No. Shores Q & A No. Shores Spkrs 27.00 218.15 123.00 ^Carlsbad Here & Now 104.00 25.00 100.00 298.55 75.00 110.00 80.00 -0- Navajo Road Group *No. County Serenity No. Park Group No. Shores Big Book No. No. No. 380.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 NAS Nooners No. YTD rO- -0- 70.00 10.00 10.00 -0- 515.40 No. Shores Thurs Step Study *"NOW Spkrs -0- 30,00 -0- Ocean Beach Study Group -0- 10.00 15.00 180.00 Ocean Beach (Tues) *0cn8d Disc. (Sat) *Ocnsd Disc. (Sun) 35.00 -0- 75.00 20.00 114.00 60,00 30.00 75.59 315.00 *Ocnsd Men's -0- *0cn8d New Life Women's -0- *Ocnsd Part. -0- *Ocnsd Part. (Fri) -0- *Ocnsd Recovery ^Ocnsd Speakers 135.00 154.22 -0- 71.21 30.00 162.24 *Ocnsd 12 X 12 *Ocnsd Women's -0- 235.00 -0- 40.00 Old Timers 5.00 65.00 Old Towne Study -0- 20.00 Pacific Beach Sat 10.00 164.00 *Palomar Group 25.00 83.08 Paradise Hills 20.00 70.00 Point Loma Group 30.00 Point Loma Disc.(Sun) *Poway Threshold 30.00 285.00 100.00 *Poway Tradition Step Study *Ramona Barefoot -0- 50.00 -0- 115.00 40.00 40.00 *Ramona, Congregational(FRI) -0- 30.00 *Rancho Bernardo -0- 175.00 *Rancho Sante Fe Recovery Step Study Rolando Round Table Disc. 100.00 550.00 10.00 30.00 -0-0- 20.00 30.00 San Diego Speakers San Diego Young People *San Dieguito Step Study *San Marcos Disc. ^San Marcos Spkrs *San Marcos Step Study 40.00 -0- Santee Mixed 25.00 75.PO -0- 25.00 Santee Sunday Sat Afternoon Spkrs Serendipity Women's ♦Serenity Women's Sobriety Unlimited ♦Solano Beach Happy Hour So. Bay Disc. So. Bay Pioneers So. Bay Triangle So. Bay Women's So. Clairemont So. Crest Disc. -0-0-0- 72.00 160.00 60.00 150.00 120.00 282.70 144.00 -0- 25.00 -0- 45.00 -0- 10.00 75.00 70.00 -0- 15.52 -0- 5.00 .-0- 260.00 15.00 100.00 5.00 65.00 50.00 24.00 -0-0- * Escondido Step Study ^Tradition Study ''^Fallbroolv Sunday *FallbrcL'k Tuesday $-0- • 36.95 60.00 10.00 *Fallbrook Smokeless ^Fellowship (C) Mens Fireside Group First Weekenders Camping 40.00 340.00 50.00 300.00 20.00 5.00 60.00 45.00 37.50 36.00 -0- -0- Fletcher Hills 20.00 Fletcher Hills (Smokeless) Fletcher Hills Step Study -0- 130.00 -0- 124.75 *Freedom From Bondage (WomeA's C) *Friday Acceptance (C) (Poway) Friday Night Men's Friday" Children (C) WomeA's -0- 60.19 -0- 45.00 20.00 90.00 5.00 20.00 Grass Roots Disc. -0- The Grove Luncheon -0- 30.00 86.00 The Grove Step Study (C) -0- 140.00 Happy Hour Group Here & Now Prog. (C) -0- 20.93 20.00 -0- 10.00 Hermanos Alcoholicos Latinos -0- 10.00 Imperial Imperial Imperial Informal -0- 10.00 124.00 40.00 4.00 44.20 50.00. 20.00 20.00 Beach Beach Sandpipers Group Stepstudy Group International -0-0-0- I Kitchen Group Know Your Big Book -0- 40.00 La Jolla -0- 150.00 Thurs. La Jolla Step Study (C) 20.00 80,00 La Jolla Women's (C) 75.00 175.00 Lakeside -0- La Mesa Men's -0- 50.00 La Mesa Mixed (C) -0- Lemon Grove -n- 338.34 250.00 Lemon Grove Women's -0- 45.00 40.00 Spanish Spkrs Spring Valley Spring Valley Step Stadium Group Step One Streamview Daytime -0-0- 33.00 120.00 -0- 30.00 20.00 90.00 20.00 95.00 -0- 30.00 Streamview Mixed -0- 20.00 Streamview Disc. -0- 15.00 Sunday Mid-Day Sundown Group 30th & Grape Breakfast -0- 95.00 5.00 35.00 -0- 45.00 Tierrasanta-Murphy Canyon -010.00 Thursday Open Door 99.00 Torrey Twines Daytime *Tri Sunday Mom Tues. Big Book Study Turning Point (Sun) Turning Point (Women's) 24 Hour Group 12 X 12 Step Study(Gay) University Disc. 35.00 25.00 215.00 21.00 51.00 -0- 60.44 -0- 175.00 -0- 40.00 40.00 102.00 -0- 40.00 20.00 Villa View -0-0- Vista Hill 20.00 60.00 -0- 135.00 -0- 280.00 *Vista (Sat) 52.24 -0- 454.31 41.81 *Vista Step Study ''^Vista Sun. Morning -0- 94.30 40.00 375.00 ^«Vista View Point *Vista Big Book *Vista Thurs Nite '«Vista Newcomers 120.00 15.00 220.65 '^Water Works Group *Wed Men's (C) Ocnsd. -0-0- 40.00 384.00 Women's Group '•'omen's Step Study -0- 140.00 -0- 20.00 Deleted (Metro) Deleted No. County 15.24 27.39 -0- 100.69 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx NORTH COUNTY BRANCH OFFICE OCTOBER INCOME $ Tokens 23.00 YEAR TO DATI $ 275.00 Pins 15.25 Miscellaneous (Bumper stickers, etc.) 84.00 350.00 1,111.68 10,054.18 Group Contributions 101.25 Miscellaneous Donations 13.20 13.20 Kitties 13.95 99.50 Memoriams Other (Sharing Session in Oceanside) TOTAL OPERATING INCOME -0- 106.00 39.68 309.68 1,300.76 11,308.81 14.52 156.93 OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Tokens 9.00 67.11 33.60 234.03 Rent 180.00 Wages Payroll Taxes Telephone Answering Service Depreciation 537.50 1,760.00 5,650.00 Cost of Pins Cost of Miscellaneous 52.95 556.65 55.24 567.61 45.00 427.50 2.83 16.98 Office Supplies 11.85 152.91 Reproduction Supplies - General Repairs & Maintenance 11.31 33.36 11.35 141.26 19.99 69.99 Insurance 2.20 Meeting Schedules -0- Auto (Secretaries expense to So. Cal. Conv.) 23.16 227.92 100.00 282.76 Legal & Audit Employee Benefits -0- 200.00 -0- 15.00 Postage -0- 14.87 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET GAIN FOR OCTOBER AND YEAR TO DATE + $ 1,087.34 213.42 + $ 10,598.04 710.77 FELLOWSHIP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS INCOME OCTOBER Tokens $ 190.00 Pins Miscellaneous (Bumper Stickers, etc.) Group Contributions $ 1,290.00 84.00 444.00 288.40 96.00 2,641.45 13,424.65 1,437.82 1,386.47 Buck A Month Donations Miscellaneous: YEAR TO DATE Gary D. $5.00 5.00 308.30 Memoriams -0- 125.00 Kitties -0- 64.98 Other Contributions -0- 2,952.37 1,112.63 1,430.02 25,231.22 Interest Income -0- Accrued Interest Income 156.72 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 2,206.59 OPERATING EXPENSES Cost of Tokens 119.91 770.49 65.25 464.46 Cost of Miscellaneous 173.04 Rent 506.80 Wages Payroll Taxes 750.00 1,585.26 5,131.60 8,404.72 45.37 764.57 Cost of Pins General Taxes & Licenses -0- 5.00 Telephone 132.15 Answering Service Office Expense 103.00 74.96 977.91 Reproduction Costs 174.24 1,549.47 1,505.55 1,314.83 Postage (Bulk mailings) 35.63 187.70 Supplies - General Equipment Repair Repairs & Maintenance 45.36 536.44 ( Insurance Auto (Includes $100.00 for So. Cal. Conv.) Co-ordinating Council Legal & Audit Cash - over/short 5.37) 114.60 -0- 102.93 39.25 318.03 118.27 445.03 15.00 183.65 -0- ( Miscellaneous 65.00 .15) 36.14 1.38 -0- Depreciation Business Committee Expense Public Information Expense 56.39 473.40 7.54 -0- Bad Debts Meeting Schedules Employee Benefits ( 4.98) ( 60.40) 243.52 159.56 891.12 1.45 -0- TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET LOSS FOR OCTOBER AND YEAR TO DATE - 200.00 2,543.28 26,316.77 336.69 - $ 1,085.55 $ LITERATURE ACCOUNT INCOME Central Office Branch Office - $3,919.90 $26,999.95 448.85 4,905.93 31,905.88 Vista TOTAL INCOME 4,368.75 COST OF REPLACEMENT ^Sntral Office Branch Office - 3,475.95 Vista 3,875.52 23,651.69 4,299.71 27,951.40 493.23 + $ 3,954.48 414.77 $ 4,204.59 399.57 TOTAL REPLACEMENT COSTS NET GAIN ON LITERATURE SALES FOR OCTOBER AND YTD + $ PROGRAM COMMITTEE INCOME: Collections $ Raffle Literature TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES: 80.30 978.05 145.55 1,157.11 6,339.75 1,500.00 640.62 Rent 150.00 Janitor 35.00 230.00 Bake ry 96.66 594.81 Supplies Literature Miscellaneous TOTAL EXPENSES NET GAIN FOR OCTOBER AND YEAR TO DATE +$ 72.65 805.79 195.20 1,787.35 45.00 116.15 526.99 4,439.59 46.11 + $. 1,305.65 SPECIAL EVENTS NET GAIN FOR FELLOWSHIP FOR OCTOBER AND YTD +$ +$ 416.07 185.19 +$ 5,070.54 co-ord;.nati;^g cauNciL meeting November 1978 The 398th meeting was called to order at 8:00pm by Ruth H., Chairperson. Traditions were read by Louise D., roll call by Hal C., Ass,t Chairperson. There were 55 groups repre sented. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. BUSINESS COMMITTEE; Harriet N., Chairperson, reported the Central Office was still showa deficit with contributions still falling short, even though the number of new meetings has increased greatly. PROGRAM COMMITTEE: A1 McG., Chairperson, reported all speakers confirmed thru December. All tickets and monies for Annual Banquet must be turned by the 15th of November. The Towne & Country will allow a 48 hour guarantee. A1 again urged everyone planning to attend, to purchase their tickets IN ADVANCE I I! They do not anticipate having more than 10 to 15 available at the door. The band is the Moonlighters, the menu - Turkey Almondine. PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: Sully, Chairperson, reported 64 persons spoke at 27 facilit ies to 1480 people. Sully made a request to all groups for speakers, especially young men available during the day, to speak at schools. The number shown on our tape was in fact the number of the NCA - this has been corrected. Channels 6, 8 and 39 are currently showthese tapes and Sully has a meeting set up with Channel 10. Sully is the Public Informat ion Chairman, and the contact for North County. Mary Jane A., is the contact for metropol itan San Diego. OLD BUSINESS: The council voted to accept the Business Committee's recommendation to return to the fold-out format on our upcoming schedules. These schedules will be available soon after the first of the year. The Ad Hoc Committee appointed to review and revamp the by laws consists of; Jack N., Dessie S. and Chuck C. To date there has been ^ suggested a- mendments or changes submitted. The new female member of the Program Committee is Jean O'S. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TO BE ELECTED BY THE COORDINATING COUNCIL DECEMBER 14th CHAIRMAN COORDINATING COUNCIL TERM: BUSINESS SIX MONTHS REQUIREMENTS: . . . 3 YEARS SOBRIETY AND 6 COMMITTEE. TWO MEN - TERM: REQUIREMENTS:. MONTHS AS A COORD . . TO SUCCEED: .... RUTH H. PUBLIC INFORMATION. SIX MONTHS REQUIREMENTS: TO SUCCEED: . . TERM: & RICHARD S ONE MALE MEMBER TERM: . . . 3 YEARS SOBRIETY AND 6 GAIL W. PROGRAM COMMITTEE ONE YEAR REQUIREMENTS: . . . 3 YEARS SOBRIETY TO SUCCEED: PROGRAM COMMITTEE TERM: TWO MEMBERS ONE YEAR REQUIREMENTS:. . SAME AS CHAIRMAN . . . . HAL C. CO-CHAIRMAN BILL P. AND BARNEY ASS"T CHAIRMAN . . . . COORDINATING COUNCIL TERM: 3 YEARS SOBRIETY HARRIET N. INATOR. TO SUCCEED: ONE WOMAN ONE YEAR SIX MONTHS REQUIREMENTS:. . . . 2 YEARS SOBRIETY MONTHS ON PROGRAM COMMITTEE TO SUCCEED: . . . . SECRETARY CENTRAL MEETING TERM; SIX MONTHS REQUIREMENTS: TO SUCCEED: CO-EDITOR OF COORDINATOR(unexpired term) AL McG. REQUIREMENTS:.... 2 YEARS SOBRIETY TO SUCCEED: BOBBY 0. . . . 2 YEARS SOBRIETY .... ROSEMARIE H. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We still need speakers for out of town meetings, local meetings and public information. If you are interested and willing please fill out this ^orm and mail to Central Office 2100 4th Avenue, San Diego, Ca. 7 92101 PHONE NAME SOBRIETY DATE DAYS AVAILABLE I AM WILLING TO SPEAK AT: OUT OF TOWN MEETINGS: NO ( ) PUBLIC INFORMATION REQUESTS: YES ( ) HOURS YES ( ) NO ( ) , LOCAL MEETINGS: YES ( ) NO ( ) YOU MAY SUBMIT MY NAME AND PHONE NO. TO OTHER CENTRAL OFFICES, SECRETARIES OF SPEAKER MEET INGS AND THE PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE: YES ( ) NO ( ) COMMENTS: SIGNATURE xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx f •»??;;?» ™ ;o?SfsSf TA.TZ.- ?HE everything SHOULD BE FINE FOR WAR MEMORIAL BUILDING YOUR CENTRAL MEETING Wednesday NOVEMBER 22 Comm. . . Speaker. . . Host Group . Cakes: Bill S BALBOA PARK 8:00 P.M. DECEMBER 13 Comm. Person . .Cliff L., Delegate , .Dorothy L. Person CONCEPTS . Traditions * . . "Teddy" H. , Steps . .Gary U. Traditions .Don M.of San Diego .Area Assembly Speaker Host Group. . , . . . . . Lee A. . Geri P. Claude B. of Santa Monica,Ca . . El Cajon Women's 1 Year DECEIfBER 20 NOVEMBER 29 Comm. Person . . . . Tony B. Comm. Person , . .Janet K. Steps Chuck Mc C. Traditions . . . Ray H. Traditions Dusty L. Speaker:. . . , Jack R.,San Juan Capistrano Frank M. Speaker Sam L. of Oceanside Host Group Encinitas San Diequito Group ************************* Host Group . . . El Cajon, 12 and 12 CAKES RECEIVED OCT.10, THRU NOV. 1. Cakes: Bob B. 1 Year 1 Year : Dan S., Dolly, Joe M., Steve K., Anita, DECEMBER 6 Shirley M., Larry N., Bert H., Jim 0., Nina H., Comm. Person. . . .Monica D. Dan 0. ^^^P® Barbara M. Traditions . . . . Jim H. 5 Years: Betty P., Jimbo, Bobbie 0.. Ellen H,, Matt C., Wes W., Ida G., Nate J., Ken 0. Speaker . . . . Mack M., San Bernardino 10 Years:Connie D. Judy, Steve W., Marianne E., Gina M., Lita V., 15 Years:Ada K. Host Group Fletcher Hills 25 Years : Lee L. *******************************^*************5^* YOUR A.A. DECEMBER 1 CALENDAR DEADLINE FOR MEETINGS AND SECRETARY CHANGES 6 PROGRAM COMMITTEE -7:00 P.M. War Memorial Building prior to Central Meeting/ 7 DEADLINE FOR INFORMATION FOR CO-ORDINATOR 11 ROUND UP - GENERAL MEETING FOR ALL INTERESTED, AT THE WAR MEMORIAL BLDG.RM# 4 12 BUSINESS COMMITTEE -5:30 P.M. Central Office. 2100 Fourth Ave. 14 14 17 PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE - 7:15 P.M. War Memorial Bldg. CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL _8:00 P.M. at the War Memorial Bldg. SAN DIEGO INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE ^Business Meeting at 12:20 P.M. at St. David's Church, 5050 Milton at Burgemer in Clairmont. BAY SIDE SPEAKERS,FRIDAY NITE EAST COUNTY SPEAKERS Nov. 17 24 Nov. Dec. 1 8 15 Barbara S. -San Diego Tommy C.- Highland Billie M. Anaheim Hills George M.- Lompoc To be announced NORTH SHORES SAT. NIGHT SPEAKERS Nov. 18 Jim A. . . . S. El Monte CEDAR ST TUES NITE SPEAKERS 25 Nov. 14 21 28 Bill N. & Kitty C. San Diego Noel K. San Diego Willie S. Lakeside Dec. Ada K 5 12 San Diego 6 Maggie F.. San Diego 13 Shirley P. .Encinitas 20 27 John B. . John B. . Dec. Barney M. . . La Jolla 2 Ellen A. . . .Buena Park 9 Jlm R Encino 16 Norm A. . . . Monrovia SOUTH BAY PIONEERS Caroline W. South Bay Nov. CORONADO PROSPECT GROUP # 3 Dec. 18 Patty K. . . North Shores 25 Betty T. . . Huntington Beach Dec. 18 Skip R 25 Bill & Pat H, Oceanside . Gardena Grove 2 Frank H. . . . Long Beach 9 Dr. Jan. J. . . 16 Rod R Del Mar Long Beach . Oceanside . El Mencevo CO-OPERATION A.A. IS NOT AFFILIATED WITH ANY RELATED FACILITY OR OUTSIDE INTEREST, BUT WE MAY CO-OPERATE WITH THEM AND THEY CO-OPERATE WITH US November 23 - 24 Stepping Stone will hold an Alkathon from noon the 23rd, till noon the 24th. Buffet to follow starting at 2:00pm the 24th. Public invited. November 24th December 31st Lemon Grove Alano Club will hold its 2nd Anniversary Dance. Tickets will be sold at the club. Masonic Temple 250 Main St Tradition One will hold its 2nd Annual New Years Eve Dance, aboard The SS Marietta. For Info - call 264-0141 DELEGATES CORNER UNDER -30's IN A.A. INCREASE BY 50%, NEW SURVEY REVEALS—Worldwide study of 15,000 recovered alcoholics, largest survey ever made, shows a nearly 50% increase since 1974 in the percentage of people under 30 years of age in Alcoholics Anonymous. The study also revealed a 32% increase in the number of women A.A. members in the same period. Results of the survey, fourth in a series made every three years, were revealed by Dr. John L. Norris, non-alcoholic chairman emeritus of the A.A. Board of Trustees. Dr. Norris said the percentage of under-30's of both sexes in A.A. jumped 7.6% in 1974 to 11.3% in 1977, while female membership of all ages rose from 22% to 29% in the same period. For the first time in history. Dr. Norris said, the survey included data from the UK, New Zealand, Finland, West Germany and Latin America in addition to the U.S. and Canada, More than 15,000 A.A. members worldwide participated in the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind ever undertaken. Other findings revealed by Dr. Norris were: *More young people and women indicated an addiction to drugs other than alcohol. Forty-three per cent of under-30 year old members said they also were addicted to other drugs compared to 18% for the total sample. Twice as many women (28%) as men (14%) indicated multiple-addiction upon entering A. A. *The historic effectiveness of the A.A. program was demonstrated again by the new survey. Dr. Norris said. Statistical analyses of respondents showed that an alcoholic who tries the program for 90 days has a 49% chance of staying sober for the next year; a member with one to five years* sobriety has an 80% likelihood of remaining in the A.A. fellowship for another year; and a member with more than five years' sobriety has a 90% chance of both not drinking and remaining in the A.A. fellowship for another year. *The influence of A.A. members continues to be the most important factor in bringing new members to the Fellowship, but the role of outside counselling and treatment has almost doubled. Some 41% of those surveyed said another A.A. member was the "factor most responsible for coming to A.A." But 24% of respondents listed "counselling and treatment" as most important, up from 14% in the 1974 survey. Dr. Norris noted that the results of the five surveys in the past 15 years were remarkably stable in spite of the fact that the selection of respondents was done independently and by different individuals for each survey. Most of the alcoholics who participated in the 1977 survey had not come to A.A. when the 1969 and 1972 surveys were taken, yet results remain consistent. Demographic characteristics of A.A. members (occupation, income level, residence, etc.) closely parallel those of the general population. Delegate: Cliff L. 234-6357 SkciA.-0-Qfuim S.D.A.I.C. HOSTS so.GAL. INSTITUTIONAL INTERGROUP The San Diego Area Institutional Committee will host the Southern California Inst. Intergroup Sunday, Sept. 24, at 1P.M. in the St. David's Episcopal Church,Bergener at Milton Sts. in Clairemont. A potluck will follow the business meeting. Charley L. 460-3952, is chairman of planning for the potluck. Everyone in A.A. interested in institutional work is invited to attend both the meeting and potluck. The Intergroup is made up of all 11 institutional committees in Southern California and meet once each month. S.D.A.I.C. hosts the intergroup once each year. PEOPLE SEEK PANELS At a recent meeting of the San Diego Area Institutional Committee, 19 A.A. members indicated that they were attending an institutional committee business meeting for the first time. Most of the new members are curious about requirements, sobriety and otherwise, necessary to being assigned to a panel. Those who have recently been discharged from an institution under the parole system must have the permission of the parole officer and of the officer in charge of the institution where they seek a panel...... if it be a penal institution. There is no legal restriction preventing a person on parole from taking part in a meeting in a hospital or recovery facility. S.D.A.I.C. has sobriety requirements before new persons or a relapser may take part in a panel on a regular basis. These must be met before a volunteer is assigned to a committee. These are: Visiting -1 Month Sobriety. Speaking-3 Months. Leading-6 Months. Panel Co-ordinator-1 Year. Elected Committee Officer-2 Year's Sobriety. •kii'ii'k'k'k'k'k'kk'k'k'k'kii'k'k-k'h'k'khiiii-k'kiiit'k-kii-kii'kii'k-k'k'k-k'kii'k-kii'k'k'kit'k'kii'k'kii'k'k'k'k'k'k'k'kii'k'kiiitii'kiiiiii'k'kiiii'kli'iiii'k'kii IT'S INSANE INDEED TO THINK ONE CAN SOLVE A PROBLEM WITH THE SAME THINKING THAT CREATED IT I'.'. BALBOA PARK YOUR CENTRAL MEETING WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M. WAR MEMORIAL BUILDING OCTOBER 11 SEPTEMBER 27 Bobbie H. Comm. Person Connie Q. Steps Robbie R. Traditions Steve S. Traditions Pat M. Speaker Dyanne G. of Hunting t on Beach Speaker Mike McO. East County Daytime Cakes: Bobbie C.(l yr) Frank D.(l yr) Eileen E. (5 yrs), Henry P. (5 yrs) Host Group East San Diego OCTOBER 4 OCTOBER 18 Comm. Person Steps Host Group Paul P. Cakes: Bobbie 0. (5 yrs) Lee L. (25 yrs) Comm. Person Tony B. Comm. Steps Traditions Speaker Host Group Rick W. Marilyn M. Red D. of Solana Beach East County Speakers Steps Pat B. Traditions Jim B. Speaker Host Group Humble Jack M. from Santanna Easy Does It Riders Cakes: Person of San Diego Pete M. Gene W.(l yr), Judie K.(5 yrs) ********************************************************************************************* AUGUST BIRTHDAY CAKES 1 YEAR: Kim, Dick F., Ken Q., Sandy N., Mary D., Burt T., Les V., Chris, Delores F., Roberta s., Cathy., Carol, Polly B. , Art G. , John P., Pam S., Mike R. 5 YEARS: Bill M., Okie G., Sid S., Chas T., Ruby R,, Judy S,. Ardis S., Larry U., Dave R., 10 YEARS: Chaney A. 15 YEARS: Lois 0. 20 YEARS: Mary D.,Don T. 25 YEARS: Lillian R. ********************************************************************************************* ^ OCTOBER 1 YOUR A.A. CALENDAR DEADLINE FOR MEETINGS AND SECRETARY CHANGES 4 PROGRAM COMMITTEE - 7:00 P.M. War Memorial Building prior to Central meeting 5 DEADLINE FOR ALL INFORMATION FOR CO-ORDINATOR 10 12 14 BUSINESS COMMITTEE t- 5:30 P.M. Central Office, 2100 4th Ave. CO-ORDINATING COUNCIL - 8:00 P.M. at the War Memorial Building PUBLIC INFORMATION COMMITTEE - 7:30 P.M. War Memorial Building 22 SAN DIEGO INSTITUTIONAL COMMITTEE - Business Meeting, 12:30 P.M. at Saints Davids Church, 5050 Milton at Burgemer in Clairmont. 20-22 27th ANNUAL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CONVENTION - Los Angeles, CA ******************************************************************************************** MANY THANKS TO: Jan J. for the donation to the "I AM RESPONSIBLE CLUB". This is our Blood fund to be donated to and used by A.A. members or their immediate families through the San Diego Blood Bank. ********************************************************************************************* NITE SPEAKERS EASY DOES 22 Father Tom W. L.A. Sept. 29 John F. Laguna Niquel Basil V. Tustin BAYSIDE FRI. Sept. Oct. 6 13 CEDAR ST. Edward C. Oct. 6 13 George F. Coving Joanne A. A1 G. Santa Anna Encinitas Ted H. Long Beach FALLBROOK SPEAKERS GROUP TUES NITE 26 Bob Z. University City Oct. 3 10 Joe & Marty, South Bay Bob F. C.A.R.P. San Diego 17 UNCONFIRMED Once a Month Meeting 8:00 P.M. Oct. 3 John F. Laguna Niguel NORTH SHORES SAT. Sept. CORONADO PROSPECT GROUP #3 4 22 2'9 Coronado Sept. OCT. IT SPEAKERS Marion W.^, Upland Oct. NITE SPEAKERS 23 Norm A. Monrovia 30 Jack T. 7 El Toro Clint H. Santa Monico 11 Patty C, San Marino 14 Johnnie H. 18 25 Tom McK, Oceanside Mike R., Carlsbad 21 Club Activity (no speaker) Lakewood SOUTH BAY PIONEERS SPEAKERS EAST COUNTY SPEAKERS Sept 23 Joe N. 30 Tony S Sept Oct. 23 30 7 Paul H. Fullerton Norm A. City of Commerce John N. Los Angeles 14 Beverly H. 21 Bob M. Anaheim Pacific Beach !:I! ATTENTION GROUP SECRETARY'S I I!! If your group is not listed we were not given the information in time for this printing. Speaker dates should begin the third (3rd) week of the month to the third (3rd) week of the following month since the Co-ordinator does not go to print prior to that. Remember all information is to be in Central Office by the 1st thursday of each month. This in cludes group events, speakers, cakes, new meetings and meeting changes. Thank you for your co-operation.