St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
St. Raymond Parish St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Our Mission: “To Know Christ Better and to Make Him Better Known” Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 MASS SCHEDULE HOURS OF OPERATION Monday - Friday……….……………………………...8:30AM & 12:15PM Saturday……………………………………………………………...8:30AM Saturday Vigil (English).…………………………………………..5:00PM Sunday…7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Noon, 1:30PM Spanish, 6:00 Youth Holy Days…………………………………...8:30AM, 12:15PM & 7:00PM Parish Office……………………………………….…………828-2460 Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM Sunday 8:30AM - 1:30PM 11555 Shannon Avenue, Dublin, CA 94568-1376, Phone: 925-828-2460, FAX: 925-828-8610 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Visit us at Page 1 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time PASTORAL STAFF July 12, 2015 DIRECTORY Cont. Reverend Lawrence D’Anjou …………….................................Pastor [email protected]………………....……………574-7401 Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria, Andrew Walker, Rob Falco, Chuck Haupt, Renee Perko, Eric Hom Reverend Bob Mendonca .…………………….….……Parochial Vicar [email protected]………………..………………...574-7402 St. Vincent de Paul Society.................................................574-7456 Deacon John Archer …………………[email protected] Deacon Bill Henderson ……[email protected] Deacon Emeritus Joe Sicat ………..…………[email protected] Eric Hom ……………..……………………………….Business Manager [email protected] …….…………………………...574-7408 Maggie Ringle ……………………...Director of Religious Education [email protected]…………….………………….574-7413 Knights of Columbus [email protected] Jim Rasmussen, Grand Knight………………………[email protected] ................................................................................................………..206-661-3761 Tom Nealon, Membership……………………...…………………………...925-640-0652 St. Raymond School, K - 8…………………………………….828-4064 Monday - Friday 7:45AM - 3:30PM Catherine Deehan……………..……………………….School Principal [email protected] Shannon Rogers……….…..Coordinator of Youth & Young Adults [email protected]………………...…………….. 574-7410 School Board .................................................. Julie Kent, President PTG ..............................................................Leslie Lynch, President Rob Lappa …………………………………………....Director of Music [email protected] ……………..………………….574-7447 SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION DIRECTORY Jacqueline Garcia………...………...……...Adm. Asst. Parish Office [email protected]………...………………………828-2460 Vicki Patchin……………………………………………………..Finance [email protected]………….………………………..574-7406 Susy Cano………………………… Adm. Asst. Religious Education [email protected]…………………………………828-2460 Sophie Keshi ……….……… Junior High Coord./Admin. Assistant [email protected]…… ……...….………………574-7411 Brian Whitaker…………………………………...Head of Maintenance [email protected]…………...………………...574-7450 Collection Statistics Building Our Future Together Campaign Update Sunday Plate: 7/5 Weekly EFT $12,663.32 $2,813.00 Total $15,476.32 Monthly EFT $6,564.00 July Total $22,040.32 July Goal $80,344.96 June Total $85,856.05 June Goal $80,344.96 Visit us at Anointing of the Sick For individual anointing contact the Parish Office. Sacrament of Baptism Registered and active parishioners (for at least 3 months), contact Parish Office or visit our website. Sacrament of Confirmation Preparation for teens begin in Grade 9, call the Youth Ministry Office for information. Adults, contact Parish Office. Sacrament of Matrimony Registered parishioners (for at least 6 months); preparation time takes 12 months prior to wedding; contact Parish Office or visit our website. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays................. 3:30PM - 4:30PM and by appointment. RCIA ................................ Contact Parish Office at 828-2460 Thank you for your continued support and generosity for our Capital Campaign. Below is an update as to where we are. Amount Raised in Pledges: $1,912,393.00 Campaign Goal: $2,319,000.00 Total Number of Participants: 518 Families Participation Goal: 800 Families Reminder: Your monthly, quarterly or annual pledges can be sent into the Parish office. Please be sure to put your check in an envelope marked Capital Campaign before dropping into the collection. Page 2 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Scripture Reflections Gospel Reading Mark 6:7-13 Jesus instructs his disciples and sends them to preach repentance. Background on the Gospel Reading Recall that last week we heard how Jesus was rejected in his hometown of Nazareth. The insertion of the reminder about John the Baptist's ministry and his death at the hands of Herod in Mark's Gospel makes a similar point. Mark reminds his readers about this dangerous context for Jesus' ministry and that of his disciples. Preaching repentance and the Kingdom of God is dangerous business for Jesus and for his disciples. Mark wants his readers to remember that we, too, may find resistance as we choose to be disciples of Jesus. Jesus continues to send us into the world as his disciples. But like the first disciples, we are not sent alone. Jesus has given us the community of the Church, which strengthens our life of discipleship. The Christian message can only authentically be proclaimed in and through the community of faith that is the Church. In our work with others, we build this community of faith and can invite others to share in it. Family Connection Families who work together to accomplish routine household tasks know that the benefits are more than efficiency. In sharing daily tasks, we accomplish more, but we also build relationships that last—and it's a lot more fun! Jesus sent his disciples in pairs to minister in his name. Perhaps the job was accomplished more effectively this way, but more importantly, Jesus' mission was accomplished more authentically. The Mark's Gospel tells us that Jesus sent out the Twelve. These Christian message can only authentically be proclaimed in and twelve were selected from among Jesus' disciples and named through the community of faith. In our work with others, we by Mark in chapter 3. Mark notes that these twelve are also build this community of faith and can invite others to share in called “apostles.” The word apostle means “one who is sent.” it. The number twelve is also a symbolic number, representing the As you gather as a family, talk about some household tasks that twelve tribes of Israel. By naming twelve apostles, Jesus shows are more easily accomplished when two or more people work his mission to be in continuity with the mission of God's together. Talk about how working together not only makes the people, Israel. job easier, but also makes the task more fun because we are Jesus' instructions to the apostles are very specific. He repeats able to spend time together. Read together today's Gospel, the mission that they are sent to preach and to share his Mark 6:7-13. Ask: Why do you think Jesus sent out his disciples authority to heal and to drive out demons. Jesus sends them in in pairs? Observe that Jesus continues to give us a community pairs, establishing his mission as a communal endeavor. Jesus with which we share our life of discipleship—our family and the also instructs them to travel lightly, without the customary community of the Church. Conclude in prayer together that we food, money, and extra set of clothes. These instructions mean will continue to rely on the support of the community of the that the Twelve will be dependent on the hospitality of others, Church in our life of discipleship. Excerpts from Loyola Press. just as Jesus depended on others to provide for his needs. Visit us at Page 3 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Parish News! NEW! Summer Facility Work Alpha Is Coming! This summer a few projects will be taking Stay tuned for Alpha, coming back to St. Raymond beginning the second week in place around our facility. The projects September through the third week include: November. Typically, Alpha includes 1. Parking Lot Island modifications to great food + alpha talk + discussion. Just improve traffic flow & safety for St. show up, have a nice meal, learn about Raymond School drop off & pick-up who Jesus is, and be open to listening to others and to sharing yourself. Then see 2. Painting, Lighting and Flooring what happens… We’ll all see what improvements for our Kids Klub happens together. More information meeting space coming soon. 3. Moran Hall Kitchen Painting, Lighting NEW! Movie Night is Back! and Cleaning SUMMER CAMP! Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat St. Raymond's Presents Performing Arts Kids ; Aug 3-7, 2015, 9:00am - 2:30pm Moran Hall. For Incoming Grades 3-8 July 17 @ 7pm Come join families in the Parish for Movie Night on the big screen in Moran Hall. The movie for this month will be the Jungle Book. Light movie snacks will be provided. Performing Arts Kids is devoted to bringing the star out in your child. PAK students will perform during each class session in improvisation, singing, dancing, music and selections from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. For more information:, [email protected] 33 Days to Morning Glory Retreat CYO Basketball Registration St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises at St. Raymond The $195/child early bird registration ends July 15. From July 15 - August 15th (which is the registration deadline) the fee is $235 per child. There is no multi child discount. We look forward to having you join our CYO Basketball Program here at St. Raymond. Visit our website to learn more: straymondcyo Christa Jupina will lead the 33 Days to Morning Glory retreat from August 6th September 3rd with the Consecration Mass on September 8th. This will take place each Thursday night at 7pm in Moran Hall. Any questions, email Christa at [email protected] Come for a DVD presentation on the life of St. Ignatius on July 13 at 7:00PM or Tuesday, July 14 at 9:30AM in the Church. The St. Ignatius Spiritual Exercises is a 35-week program starting in August with two introductory sessions on Saturday, August 1st and Monday, August 3rd. Pick up a brochure in the church for dates and times on all Visit us at program sessions. For more information, please contact Miriam Pasqual at 925-828-9746 or [email protected]. REBOOT! LIVE! with Chris Stefanick, Save the Date, 11/18 God didn’t create us to get by. He created us to live life to the full. Rediscover God and rediscover the life you were made for with internationally renowned speaker and author, Chris Stefanick and Catholic musician and recording artist, Jon Niven. Tickets Now On Sale in the Parish Office. $19/person. Join us for one of Real Life Catholic’s REBOOT! Live! events. Designed for all ages, and for people in all phases of their faith journey, REBOOT! Live! events generate a new intensity and commitment to that something more we all long for. reboot-live-2/ NEW! Are You Celebrating A Milestone Wedding Anniversary? We would like to acknowledge your special anniversary in our parish bulletin. Please call the Parish office to let us know the date. NEW! A Big Thank You! A big Thank You to all parishioners who donated backpacks and other school supplies to our Vacation Bible Camp summer outreach program. We were able to fill 100 backpacks for a school in need. The principal was moved to tears when she acknowledged the giving spirit of children and adults from St. Raymond. Page 4 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Faith Formation Faith Formation Classes Calling for Catechists! for Grades 1-5 are offered on Tuesday 4:00PM - 5:30PM or Wednesday 4:00PM– 5:30PM & 6:00PM - 7:30PM Are you being called to be more involved this year? Pre-K Sunday School Meets Sunday during the 9:00 am Mass during the school year Visit us at We are in need of Catechists for grades 1st through 12th. Even if you have never taught before we have pre-designed lesson plans and a special teacher workshop offered. Please come or call the Faith Formation Office for more information. Page 5 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 d n o y e b d n a … e s e c io D e th Around Oakland Diocesan Pilgrimage to Participate in the World Meeting of Families, Papal Visit September 22-27 In September 2015 Pope Francis will be visiting the US for the first time! Join the Pope, Bishop Barber, and thousands of people in Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families through our diocesan pilgrimage. Conceived by St. John Paul II in 1994 to From 8pm to 9pm on July 17 and Aug. 21, help strengthen the sacred bonds of 43326 Mission Blvd., Fremont, CA 94539, families across the globe, The World (entrance on Mission Tierra Place). Meeting of Families is designed to energize and enliven our faith. The theme San Damiano Presents Late Nite for this year is: "Love Is Our Mission: The Catechism Family Fully Alive." Late Nite Catechism is an uproariously Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, will funny play that takes the audience back celebrate a Papal Mass on to their youth. A nostalgic and delightful Sunday, Sept. 27. Celebrate alongside comedy that surely will bring lots of joy thousands of pilgrims at this once in a and laughter to all of us! This show will be lifetime event. Speakers include Fr. a fundraiser for San Damiano Retreat. Robert Barron and Curtis Martin. For information, visit or Come And Join The Fun! "LATE NITE CATECHISM" on Sunday at 2:00pm, contact Laura Windham 510-267-8395 August 30, 2015 at St. Isidore Parish Hall, [email protected] Monsignor Cardelli Center at 440 La New! Taizé, Prayer around the Gonda Way, Danville, CA 94526. Tickets: Cross $35 for the Show only and $45 for the Show, Premiere Seating, Wine and TAIZÉ Prayer is an ecumenical service, Cheese Reception at San Damiano open to all faiths. This prayer and song Retreat after the Show. around the Cross is held in the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose Chapel. In a Junipero Serra - Saint and Sinner? spirit of peace and reconciliation, our July 25, Saturday 10am – 2pm, Dominican TAIZÉ service is attended by people of all Sisters Auditorium, 43326 Mission Blvd., ages. For more information, please Fremont contact Sister Marcia Krause, OP at 510Join us as our presenters offer different 502-5797. Hope you are able to attend opinions on the canonization of Junipero and bring a friend or two. Serra. Andrew Galvan is a Museum Visit us at Curator at Mission Dolores in San Francisco. Vincent Medina, Jr. serves as Assistant Curator at Mission Dolores. They are both Chochenyo Ohlones. Lunch included. $25 Donation payable at the door. RSVP by Wednesday, July 13 to [email protected] or register at DISCOVERY COMMUNITY BREAKFASTS SUNDAY MORNINGS, 9:30-10:30 AM Volunteers needed to help prep, serve and clean-up in this effort designed to reach the homeless and low income individuals and families in our communities. If interested, you can be added to a weekly e-mail list to receive the published menu and food and help needs for each week. Location: Discovery Church, 5860 Las Positas Rd., Livermore. For more information, please contact Ken Rush at [email protected] or (925) 784-5642. Page 6 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Youth Ministry Ministry Youth JUMP Junior High Youth Ministry Program Plans for the Fall Festival are underway and the Core Committee needs your help with a few specific jobs. Please contact Maggie Ringle at 925-574-7413 to find out how you can help and be a part of this fun and community-building parish event. Fleetwood Mask Comes to the Fall Festival The ultimate Fleetwood Mac experience comes to St. Raymond Saturday, October 3. Mark your calendar and prepare to rock out to this nationally renowned Fleetwood Mac tribute band scheduled to perform at the Fall Festival Saturday, Oct. 3. Visit for exciting news about this incredible band, their music, and their complete summer schedule. We are very fortunate to be able to extend our food program, so if you or someone you know is in need of a Food Basket anytime during the year, please provide your name and number to our Parish Office by calling 828-2460. Your information will be kept confidential. We look forward to helping you! Si usted o conoce a alguien con la necesidad de una canasta de comida, por favor escriba su nombre y numero de telefono a nuestra oficina parroquial, 828-2460. Su información se mantendrá encial. Gracias, y Dios le bendiga! Visit us at JUMP All 6-8th graders are welcome to join us for our once a month service/social Saturday. Come join us in living out the Catholic faith in the local community. EDGE All 6-8th graders are welcome to join us for our youth group meeting on Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30. To REGISTER, visit the Faith Formation office or go online: CONFIRMATION 1ST & 2ND YEAR Our Confirmation program begins in high school. If you are interested in signing up for confirmation, please stop by the parish office for a registration form or visit us online at Check us out on Facebook! Ministry of Care We welcome all who have suffered the loss of a beloved person: spouse, parent, child, or friend. St. Raymond's Ministry of Care Grief Support Group meets on Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon in Kids Klub. Call 574-7408 Page 7 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudate SI’ On the urgency of our environmental challenges On Care for Our Common Home (Laudato Si') is the Laudate SI’ Read the encyclical here: new appeal from Pope Francis addressed to "every person living on this planet" for an inclusive dialogue about how we are shaping the future of our planet. Pope Francis calls the Church and the world to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenges and to join him in embarking on a new path. This encyclical is written with both hope and resolve, looking to our common future with candor and humility. Watch the video here: Pope Francis’ tweets as @Pontifex: “The earth, our home, is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth. “ “Many things have to change course, but it is we human beings above all who need to change.” “Leaving an inhabitable planet to future generations is, first and foremost, up to us. “ “The deterioration of the environment and of society affect the most vulnerable people on the planet. “ Source: USCCB Readings for the Week! READINGS FOR THE WEEK LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Monday: Ex 1:8-14, 22; Ps 124:1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Tuesday: Ex 2:1-15a; Ps 69:3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Wednesday: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Ps 103:1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Thursday: Ex 3:13-20; Ps 105:1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Friday: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Ps 116:12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Saturday: Ex 12:37-42; Ps 136:1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Sunday: Jer 23:1-6; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 Lunes: Visit us at Ex 1:8-14, 22; Sal 124 (123):1b-8; Mt 10:34 — 11:1 Martes: Ex 2:1-15a; Sal 69 (68):3, 14, 30-31, 33-34; Mt 11:20-24 Miércoles: Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Sal 103 (102):1b-4, 6-7; Mt 11:25-27 Jueves: Ex 3:13-20; Sal 105 (104):1, 5, 8-9, 24-27; Mt 11:28-30 Viernes: Ex 11:10 — 12:14; Sal 116 (115):12-13, 15, 16bc, 17-18; Mt 12:1-8 Sábado: Ex 12:37-42; Sal 136 (135):1, 23-24, 10-15; Mt 12:14-21 Domingo: Jer 23:1-6; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Ef 2:13-18; Mc 6:30-34 Page 8 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 12, 2015 PHOTO CORNER! Please welcome our newly baptized into our community Taylor Lan Nguyen Layne Gregory Slettvet Daniella Rae Rivas Jazmine Castronuevo Roces Micah Richard Alvear Anthony Rojas-Yebra Victoria Pagtalunan Salamanca Gael Garcia Diaz de Vivar Hayden Efren Tanega Huerto Gianna Anastasia Perez Mateo Benjamin Rivas Alejandro Aaron Ruiz Visit us at What is Get On The Bus? This program brings children and their caregivers from throughout the state of California to visit their mothers & fathers in prison. St. Raymond hosts the Get On the Bus program annually. Thanks to the Knights of Columbus for preparing the breakfast and to the many who helped organize the June 27 event. Page 9 St. Raymond Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time SCHEDULE OF EVENTS For the Week of July 13 -July 19, 2015 Monday, July 13: Job Link Fr. Bob’s Bible Study (Morning) Fr. Bob’s Bible Study (Evening) Ignation Exercises Presentation Tuesday, July 14: Ignation Exercises Presentation Wednesday, July 15: Hispanic Young Adult Music Room Church Hall Church MASS INTENTIONS July 12-July 19, 2015 Sunday, July 12: 7:30AM ~† Adelino & Maria Farinha 9:00AM ~ Intentions of the People of St. Raymond 10:30AM ~ Intentions of Josephine 12:00PM ~ † Brittany Malone 1:30PM ~ † Dolores & Hermilo Leon 6:00PM ~ † David Yeh Monday, July 13: 8:30AM ~ † Mick Cannon 12:15PM ~ † Bob Bowers Church Chapel July 12, 2015 Tuesday, July 14: 8:30AM ~ † Porfirio Paet 12:15PM ~ Intentions of Maria Buena Sobjana Wednesday, July 15: 8:30AM ~ † Felix Ty 12:15PM ~ † Carlito Franco Thursday, July 16: Cursillo Hispanic Prayer Group M5 Church Friday, July 17: Hispanic Prayer Group St. Raymond Parish – Movie Night Church Hall Friday, July 17: 8:30AM ~ Intentions of Hannah Arnold 12:15PM~ Intentions of The Johnson Family Picnic Area Saturday, July 18: 8:30AM ~ Intentions of Margaret Wittmann 5:00PM ~ † Paul Ernst Saturday, July 18: Hispanic Young Adult Sunday, July 19: Thursday, July 16: 8:30AM ~ † Emerico Guerra 12:15PM ~ † Vinceter Sia Sunday, July 19: 7:30AM ~† Consolacion Bautista 9:00AM ~ † Richard & Elizabeth Queenan 10:30AM ~ Intentions of the People of St. Raymond 12:00PM ~ Intentions of Honorato & Erlinda Ramos 1:30PM ~ Intentions of Alfredo Hernandez 6:00PM ~ † Maria Rogers For those we love… Please pray for all who are ill, especially: Dan Schuchardt, Victor Hugo Cortina, Andrew Pilkerton, Victoria Gonzalez Ochoa, Beatriz Dominguez, Fr. Cornelius Buckley SJ, Frank Rodriguez, Gloria Say, Cynthia Valdivia, Sean O’Brien, Lily McWilliams, Michael Brown, Gloria D’Angelo, Miriam Pasqual, Mike Roquet, Renee Brown, Jordan & Brittany Brown, Theresa Carvallo, Bailey Musto, Marie Patchin, Jeremy Thompson, Uncle Victor, Sandy Ferreira, Henry Ferreira Bonnel, Carl Demonteverde, Maria Justa Quintero, Bonnie Gurzell, Debbie Gurzell, Teresa Gurzell, Dillon O’Leary, Diana Keller, Stacy Roman, Stephanie Roman, Rosie Pinkela, Mike Brown, Tommy Quinn, Carmel Mahoney, Noreen Kane, Geraldine McAteer, Larissa, Drago Milovich, Andres de Lao, Frances Young, David McDermott, Bonnie Pando, Barbara Gower, Maria Luisa Chavez Chavez, Betty Ching, Artie Johnson, Eva Martinez, Helen Martin, Mary Harrington, Michelle Brown, Kristine Fruguglietti, Manuel Ponce, Nannie Dutrieuk, Andres & Nancy, Maureen Hyde, Debi Butler, Mike Nolan, Earl & Paula Lorain, Salvador Mendoza Please pray for all who have recently departed, especially: Graciela Navarro, Juanita Comilang Visit us at Page 10
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St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria,
Andrew Walker, Rob Falco, Chuck Haupt, Renee Perko, Eric Hom
St. Raymond Parish - St. Raymond Catholic Church
Pastoral Council….Mitas Cuenca, Bruce Patchin, Martha Victoria,
Andrew Walker, Rob Falco, Chuck Haupt, Renee Perko, Eric Hom