Application form for EPA works approval
Application form for EPA works approval
Application form for EPA works approval How do I complete and submit this application form? Contacting EPA Please contact EPA: if you have any questions regarding the works approval process before preparing your application to confirm you require a works approval. About this application form This application form works in parallel with the new works approval guidance, which describes the level of information required to fill out the form appropriately. The sections of this form correspond directly to the sections of the guidance. If, while preparing your application you require advice on: the level of information needed further consultation with other agencies and neighbouring communities please schedule a meeting with EPA. This is usually best done once you have completed sections 1 to 8. The form allows you to add text directly to the form and save it. The completed form can then be printed and sent to EPA. The full application will usually be 10-20 pages, plus any required attachments (i.e. certificate of registration, site map, technical data etc.). If any of the information you are providing is `commercial in confidence' it should be marked as such, and attached separately. EPA welcomes feedback on the application form. How do I submit the application form? Once you have completed your works approval application, the following should be forwarded to Environment Protection Authority (GPO Box 4395, Melbourne 3001): completed application (sections 1 to 8 and the relevant A to I sections) application fee relevant supplementary information. Note: Please supply both a hard and electronic copy (cd is preferable). Once EPA confirms that your application is complete, the formal environmental assessment of your project begins. 1 Application form for EPA works approval 1. APPLICANT 1.1 Company details Company name Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd ACN 000 032 128 Registered address Level 24, 2 Market Street, Sydney NSW 2000 (GPO Box 3916, Sydney NSW 2001) 1.2 Contact details Name Position Caltex - Steve Camenzuli Vic/Tas Regional Operations Manager Aurecon (design consultants) – Sarah McMaster Environment & Advisory Services Phone 9287 9679 9975 3306 1.3 Email [email protected] [email protected] Premises details Premises address 411 Douglas Parade, Newport VIC 2. Municipality Hobsons Bay Council PROPOSAL Please refer to accompanying Works Approval report for fuller details of the project and environmental considerations. 2.1 Project description Provide a simple, one-line explanation of the project. Attach a site and location plan. Caltex propose to install an additional eight (8) fuel storage tanks at their Newport Terminal and an addition dock-line connect to Holden Dock in order to improve supply efficiency. The new tanks will cater for an additional 179.1 ML of fuel storage, including automotive diesel oil, unleaded petrol, premium unleaded petrol, super premium unleaded petrol and jet fuel. Construction is planned to occur in 3 stages the timing of each stage will be driven by demand and any changes to the current internal and external operating environment. 2.2 Cost of works and application fee Cost of works 2.3 Application fee Proposed dates Start construction: Month, Year Within 2 years of EPA and planning approval. 3. APPROVALS 3.1 Need for works approval Start operation: Month, Year Concurrent with existing operations. Schedule type Act section that applies 2 Application form for EPA works approval G04 – Bulk Storage 19A (1)(a), (1)(b), (1)(c) List any exemptions that apply: section of the Regulations 3.2 Planning and other approvals Planning Zone Type of approval required Industrial 1 Zone Planning approval and building approval Approving authority Approval received or pending City of Hobsons Bay 3.3 Pending (application made concurrently) Existing EPA approvals (if any) List any EPA documents held EPA Victoria - Environmental Licence: EM37140 4. ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY 4.1 Track record Summarise the company’s recent environmental performance The company’s environmental track record to date has been good. A Clean Up Notice was jointly issued to Caltex and Australasian Lubricants Manufacturing Company (ALMC) by the EPA on 27 July 2010 (NO8541) in relation to the presence of phase separated and dissolved phase hydrocarbon contamination in groundwater on and from the premises. This Clean Up Notice was a revised notice which was issued as a replacement for notices NO7497, NO3109, 2638 and the unnumbered CUN dated 7 November 2007. A Clean Up Plan (CUP) was prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff and submitted to the EPA in November 2010. The most recent assessment of CUP milestones indicates compliance with all applicable components of the site CUP. Report any relevant offences; e.g. indictable and summary offences Newport Terminal pleaded guilty to pollution of waters in 2008, in relation to a spill in 2006, which entered the Yarra river. List any enforcement actions related to this site Clean Up Notice 8541 4.2 Key environmental considerations List the main environmental aspects of your proposal No further emissions to air; managing discharges to surface water and/or sewer; no groundwater impacts; no additional impacts on traffic or noise. 4.3 Community engagement Summarize any public consultation that has been undertaken or planned Caltex has an active community engagement program in place. Caltex has a positive history of strong community engagement with the local Newport community. This involves the hosting of approximately three community meetings in the local area per year. Caltex held a special community meeting on 15 August 2012, attended by EPA, Aurecon and Caltex personnel including Environmental Manager, Site Manager, OHS Manager and National Risk Manager in order to 3 Application form for EPA works approval discuss the Newport Horizons project. Public advertisements and invitations to a variety of organisations, including Community Liaison Group, to inform the community of Caltex’s intention to expand operations at the Caltex Newport facility and answer any questions of concern. Despite wide and timely advertising, meeting attendees comprised two members of the CLG. Minutes of the special meeting are provided in the accompanying Works Approval application report. Indicate any issues that have been raised Issues raised by CLG members at the special meeting of 15 August 2012 and responses to concerns are summarized in the table below. Generally the concerns were addressed and the CLG members expressed thanks to Caltex for the opportunity to attend and the attendance of authorities and Caltex representatives. Community issue Response Who by Concern over increased number of tanks Risks associated with loads put into UPS Visually intrusive nature of tanks Records of CLG meetings not being provided Further information for residents Caltex response re Container Fumigation Services facility as indication of general community support Security of Caltex facility; breaches of fence Changes over refinery closures from previous plans of 2005 were noted and that Victorian supply was important. Determined via risk assessment rom the Safety Case for the MHF Painted white to maximize heat reflection as operational requirement Copies of Minutes of previous meetings to be distributed to CLG with meeting invitations Works Approval process for receiving community input will consider comments with respect to best practice aspects of the development. Assurance to residents that concerns of Caltex had been formally submitted Caltex Security measures include CCT in strategic locations; corporate security advisor; threats and vulnerability assessment; management plan for security continuous improvement – 93% of actions completed for 3yr review; no breaches of security fence Caltex 5. PROCESS AND BEST PRACTICE 5.1 Process and technology Key process steps Key inputs Key outputs Caltex Caltex Caltex EPA Caltex Key Controls Product Receipt Liquid fuel from ship or refinery (pipeline) Potential spillage and emissions to air Y-cage Storage Liquid fuel from ship Emissions of petroleum hydrocarbons to air Product Dispensing Liquid fuel from tanks into road tanker Emissions of petroleum hydrocarbons to air Tank overfill protection systems (best practice) Tell tale pipes designed and built into the tank foundations Hydrocarbon sensors in selected compound sumps and low points Bunding of reinforced concrete External floating roofs for all ULP, PULP and SPULP tanks Vapour Recovery Unit 4 Application form for EPA works approval 5.2 Environmental best practice Indicate steps taken to determine industry best practice Product Receipt Product receipt occurs from ships through the Y-Cage distribution centre which is operated jointly by Shell, Mobil and Caltex. Storage Tank overfill protection system To be in line with current Caltex design standards and follow the recommendations of the API RP 2350 “Overfill Protection for Storage Tanks in Petroleum Facilities”. It is current industry practice to store flammable and combustible products with high flash points and low vapour pressures (i.e. Diesel and Jet) in fixed roof tanks with free vents. Internal Floating Roofs (IRF’s) are not typical in these tanks due to low emissions rates. They can also add unnecessary complications when using floating suction tank outlets for product quality, as is the case with Jet Fuel. Fixed roof tanks have therefore been selected for Diesel and Jet Fuel storage. For tanks which store products with low flash points and high vapour pressures (i.e. motorspirit) a floating roof structure is commonly used to minimise vapour losses. In the installation at Caltex Horizons, Internal Floating Roofs have been selected for Unleaded, Super Premium Unleaded and Premium Unleaded fuels as they will provide the required reduction in vapour emissions and require less maintenance during their life when compared to an external floating roof design. Product Dispensing Spill Containment To AS 1940 requirements with no drainage of product between bays. Vapour Recovery Line To include an overfill protection, by including a system using a float to detect liquid. Explain why waste generation and resource use cannot be avoided or minimised There will be minimal waste generated as a result of the proposed increase of bulk storage at the site. The primary source of waste within the facility will be sump material/slops. Slops is essentially off-specification fuel product which is stored separately at the Newport Terminal (tanks T6 and T7 are designated for slops storage) prior to being returned to the refinery for re-processing. See accompanying report for details of slops management arrangements for the upgrade works. Explain options considered and why this process is considered best practice A number of options were considered with respect to storage vessel and the vapour recovery unit. Advantages and disadvantages are presented in the accompanying report. 5.3 Integrated environmental assessment Indicate any areas where there are competing environmental demands There are not expected to be any competing demands with respect to the environment. Where there may be a consideration of the respective water volumes discharged to sewer vs. stormwater, Caltex notes the EPA’s preference for discharges to stormwater and associated reduction in pollutants to the environment. As noted above, Caltex has sought to optimise discharge arrangements, maintaining manual control over stormwater and trade waste discharges. Indicate how you will determine net environmental benefit in these areas 5 Application form for EPA works approval Discharges to stormwater of appropriate water quality standards will be maximized. 5.4 Choice of process and technology Process or technology Internal Floating Roof tanks (for ULP, PULP and SPULP) Fixed Roof tanks (cone roofs) (for ADO and Jet) Vapour Recovery Unit staged upgrades 5.5 Advantages Current world best practice for storing volatiles is in floating roof / blanket tanks Decreased vapour space above the liquid level, resulting in reduced air emissions for products with low flash points and high vapour pressures (i.e. motorspirits). Insulated to prevent the clogging of materials Best practice storage for flammable and combustible products with high flash points and low vapour pressures (i.e. Diesel and Jet fuel). Cost effective Can add unnecessary complications when using floating suction tank outlets for product quality, as is the case with Jet Fuel. Increases space for vapour Interim measures would not meet final capacity Choice of location and layout Location or layout West and R&T yards 6. RESOURCES 6.1 Carbon Advantages Space for expansion within existing Terminal Disadvantages N/A Amount in GJ/yr or tCO2e Estimated following upgrade: 13456 GJ/yr Type of energy use or greenhouse gas emission Electricity consumption 6.2 Usable amount of fuel is reduced as IFR nears tank floor. Water use The water usage: ML per year Under normal operations, water consumption is minimal, predominantly attributed to kitchen and washroom usage. Quantities of water required for hydrotesting are estimated at around 30kL per ten year period. Use of alternative water has been investigated and sequential hydrotesting allows for water re-use. 6 Application form for EPA works approval 6.3 Solid waste Type of solid waste Minimal quantities; segregation of paper, cardboard and scrap metal for recycling. 6.4 7. EMISSIONS 7.1 Air emissions Type of air emissions 7.2 Destination Recycling and/or landfill as appropriate. Prescribed industrial waste Type of prescribed waste Minimal quantities of prescribed industrial wastes during normal operations. Amount t/yr Recycled paper amounts to approximately 234m3 per annum or 140 tonnes. Benzene Toluene Xylene Cumene Cyclohexane Hexane Ethyl Benzene Amount t/yr Approximately 4,044 kL of trade waste per annum Rate or scale of emissions All air emissions from current operations are compliant with licence requirements and air quality modelling for the proposed upgrade demonstrates compliance with SEPP criteria. See Air Quality Impact Assessment report, accompanying WA report. Destination Approved and licensed waste contractors to collect, transport and dispose of prescribed industrial waste. List any class 3 indicators Benzene Discharge to surface water Provide reasons for any discharge to water (rather than to sewer or to land) All discharges of stormwater from the terminal off-site are manually initiated. Stormwater valves are closed during normal operating periods, preventing uncontrolled discharges of material to the stormwater system. By adopting this protocol, Caltex ensures that all discharges to the stormwater system are controlled and supervised and that the potential for dry weather discharges to the stormwater system is avoided. Rate of discharge to water; litres per day 1.64 kL per day 7.3 Indicate water quality or treatment level Compliant with SEPP Discharge to land Rate of discharge or deposit to land, litres/or tonnes per day N/A Types of waste and level of treatment e.g. secondary or tertiary For reuse, demonstrate that the proposal will meet EPA guidelines N/A Provide the reasons for any discharge to groundwater and indicate segment 7 Application form for EPA works approval There will be no discharges to groundwater. 7.4 Noise emissions Hours of operation 24/7 tankwagon loading Noise sources Pumps, compressor station, tankwagon loading 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 8.1 Non-routine operations Are they audible at nearby residences? The predicted noise levels were found to comply with the stipulated criteria. See Noise Impact Assessment report accompanying WA report. List process upsets that could impact on the environment Fire and spills – see accompanying WA report. 8.2 Separation distances Proposed buffer distances, in metres Recommended buffer distance, in metres Worksafe: Inner Planning Advisory Area – 185m from flammable material bunded areas; Outer Planning Advisory Area - 300m from flammable material bunded areas; Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme, Sch.52.10: Fixed roof tanks – 300m; Floating roof tanks – 100m; Tanks T13 and T14 are fixed roof tanks designated for the storage of diesel fuel. These tanks are 230m and 260m respectively from the nearest residentially zoned land.Tank T20 is approximately 150m from the nearest residence. 8.3 Management system Explain the system that will be used to manage environmental risk See accompanying WA report. 8.4 Construction Identify any environmental risks that will need to be managed during installation See accompanying WA report. Identify any existing site contamination issues See accompanying WA report. Explain how construction will be managed to prevent environmental impacts See accompanying WA report. 8 Application Form for EPA Works Approval A. CARBON A1. Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions Note any existing energy use and greenhouse gas emissions Current electricity consumption is 1868953 kWh and total of 2307.85 tC02e (which includes emissions related to fuel consumption of 8.85 tC02e) Process step Type of energy use or greenhouse gas Amount (TJ/year) or tCO2e/year Basis for numbers A2. Best practice carbon management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice carbon management See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise carbon emissions See accompanying WA report. Explain why the chosen option is best practice B. WATER B1. Water use Note any existing water use See accompanying WA report. Process step Type of water use Basis for numbers B2. Best practice water management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice for saving water See accompanying WA report. 9 Amount (ML/year) Application Form for EPA Works Approval Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise water usage Explain why the chosen option is best practice C. SOLID WASTE C1. Solid waste generation Note any existing solid waste generation See accompanying WA report. Process step Type of waste generated Amount (t/year) Basis for numbers C2. Best practice solid waste management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice for solid waste management See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise solid waste Explain why the chosen option is best practice Indicate where these wastes will go D. PRESCRIBED INDUSTRIAL WASTE D1. Prescribed industrial waste generation Note any existing prescribed industrial waste generation See accompanying WA report. Process Type of waste Waste category Basis for numbers 10 Amount (t/year) Application Form for EPA Works Approval D2. Best practice prescribed waste management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice for prescribed waste See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise prescribed waste Explain why the chosen option is best practice Indicate where these wastes will go E. AIR E1. Air emissions Note any existing air emissions See accompanying WA report. Process step Type of air emission* Amount (g/min) *Identify any class 3 indicator emissions Basis for numbers E2. Best practice air emissions management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice# for air emissions See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise air emissions Explain why the chosen option is best practice# # For class 3 indicator emissions assess against maximum extent achievable E3. Impact on air quality Predicted maximum concentration (project) Background concentration See accompanying WA report. 11 Application Form for EPA Works Approval Predicted maximum concentration (total)^ Design criteria (mg/m ) ^ Where any predicted concentrations are above the design criteria, provide a risk assessment. Assess any emissions that could impact on regional air quality. F. WATER F1. Water discharges Note any existing water discharges See accompanying WA report. Process step Type of water discharge Flowrate (L/day) Basis for numbers F2. Best practice water management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice for discharge to water See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise water discharges Explain why the chosen option is best practice F3. Impact on waterway Indicator Maximum concentration Median concentration (mg/L) See accompanying WA report. Water quality objective^ ^ Where any predicted concentrations are above the objectives, provide a mixing zone assessment G. LAND AND GROUNDWATER G1. Discharge or deposit to land Note any existing discharge or deposit to land See accompanying WA report. 12 Application Form for EPA Works Approval Process step Type of discharge Flow rate (L/day) Or Type of waste Amount (t/year) Basis for numbers G2. Best practice land and groundwater management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice in discharge or deposit to land See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise discharge to land For landfills, demonstrate best practice siting and design Explain why the chosen option is best practice G3. Impact on land and groundwater Provide a land capability assessment See accompanying WA report. Groundwater Indicator Predicted Concentration Water quality objective^ ^ Where any predicted concentrations are above the objectives, provide an attenuation zone assessment Assess any impacts on the level of the water table H. NOISE EMISSIONS H1. Noise emissions Process step Source/type of emission See accompanying WA report. 13 Sound power level (dBA) Application Form for EPA Works Approval Basis for numbers H2. Best practice noise management Outline the steps taken to identify best practice for noise emissions See accompanying WA report. Summarise the options considered to avoid or minimise noise emissions Explain why the chosen option is best practice H3. Noise impact Location of receptor(s) See accompanying WA report. Noise levels from project^ Total noise level^ Existing noise levels (site)^ Background noise level^ Noise limit^ ^ dBA for each of day, evening and night where relevant. Where existing site noise is above the limit, provide a noise reduction plan. I. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT I1. Non routine operations Outline the steps taken to identify potential process upsets or failures See accompanying WA report. Outline approach to identifying best practice in managing these environmental risks Type of process upset Potential environmental impact Explain why the buffer distance to residents is acceptable I2. Monitoring See accompanying WA report. 14 Measures to reduce likelihood and impact Application Form for EPA Works Approval Process Indicator Measured Monitoring type Monitoring frequency Use of monitoring APPLICANT STATEMENT I declare that to the best of my knowledge the information in this application is true and correct, that I have made all the necessary enquiries and that no matters of significance have been withheld from EPA. Signed CEO or delegate Dan Martin, Associate, Aurecon 13 May 2013 15 ` Project: Caltex Newport ‘Horizons’ Report to accompany Application for Works Approval Reference: 225440.010.02 Prepared for: Caltex Australia Revision: 1 13 May 2013 Document Control Record Document prepared by: Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Aurecon Centre Level 8, 850 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008 PO Box 23061 Docklands VIC 8012 Australia T F E W +61 3 9975 3000 +61 3 9975 3444 [email protected] A person using Aurecon documents or data accepts the risk of: a) b) Using the documents or data in electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version. Using the documents or data for any purpose not agreed to in writing by Aurecon. Report Title Report to accompany Application for Works Approval Document ID 225440.010.02 Project Number File Path \\aumelpfs01\Projects\PES\Current Projects\Projects 2012\225440 - Caltex Newport\Old Folders\Environment\Current WA application\Final Works Approval\Revised Issue Client Caltex Australia Client Contact Rev Date Revision Details/Status Prepared by 0 10 December 2012 Final Draft issued to EPA JMcLeod 1 13 May 2013 Revised Draft issued to EPA SMcMaster Current Revision 1 Paul O’Loughlin Author JM/SM Verifier Approver DMartin PCJones DMartin JGriffith Caltex Newport ‘Horizons’ Date | 13 May 2013 Reference | 225440.010.02 Revision | 1 Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Aurecon Centre Level 8, 850 Collins Street Docklands VIC 3008 PO Box 23061 Docklands VIC 8012 Australia T +61 3 9975 3000 F +61 3 9975 3444 E [email protected] Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 1 Contents Executive Summary 3 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Company Details 1 1.2 Contact Details 2 1.3 Premise Details 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 Proposal 7 2.1 Project description 7 2.2 Project infrastructure 7 2.3 Project Stages 10 2.4 Proposed dates 12 Approvals 13 3.1 Need for Works Approval 13 3.2 Planning 13 3.3 Other Approvals 14 3.4 Existing EPA Approvals 14 Environment and Community 15 4.1 Track record 15 4.2 Key environmental considerations 16 4.3 Community engagement 17 Process and Best Practice 20 5.1 Process and technology 20 5.2 Environmental best practice 22 5.3 Integrated environmental assessment 25 5.4 Choice of process and technology 25 5.5 Choice of location and layout 26 Resources 28 6.1 Carbon 28 6.2 Water use 28 6.3 Solid waste 28 6.4 Prescribed industrial waste 28 Emissions 29 7.1 Air emissions 29 7.2 Discharge to surface water 30 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 1 8 7.3 Discharge to groundwater 31 7.4 Discharge to land 31 7.5 Noise emissions 31 Environmental Management 32 8.1 Non-routine operations 32 8.2 Separation distances 34 8.3 Management system 34 8.4 Construction 36 8.5 Environmental Monitoring 38 Appendices Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Site Layout Concept Design Report Progress Report for Clean-up Annual Report 2009 Drainage Layout Minutes of Special Community Consultation Meeting Air Quality Impact Assessment Noise Impact Assessment Index of Figures Figure 1 | Locality Plan Figure 2 | Proposed Site Layout Figure 3 | Aerial photo showing site area boundaries Index of Tables Table 1 - Surrounding Public Locations Table 2 – Proposed storage tanks and capacities Table 3 - Environmental improvement recommendations and actions from the Auditor’s Issues Register Table 4 - Alternative processes and technology considered Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 1 Executive Summary The future of Refining in Australia is very uncertain with recent announcements by both Shell and Caltex to close their NSW refineries. The Caltex Newport Terminal is heavily dependent on competitor supply in Victoria via refinery fed pipelines. Caltex have concerns about the long term future of this method of supply and are most vulnerable in this respect. These concerns are supported by a recent announcement from Shell that they are selling their Geelong refinery in the face of increasing competition from bigger Asian refineries. Supply by ship for major grades into the Caltex Newport Terminal is currently impractical and uneconomical and the terminals tank configuration is too small for economic parcel sizes. Current infrastructure limitations at the terminal (tanks, pipelines, berthing capability) indicate there is no real alternative to refinery supply in the short term which represents a supply risk to Caltex and its Victorian Customer base. In order to address the above concerns Caltex proposes to expand its Newport bulk fuel storage operation by increasing the current capacity of Terminal facility located at Newport, Melbourne, Victoria. This project will enhance the current facility by ensuring a reliable on-going market supply by providing new infrastructure in order to protect current marketing volumes and meet future growth demands and changing fuel demands. The proposed development has had regard to the State Planning Policy Framework, the Hobsons Bay Industrial Land Management Strategy June 2008, Hobsons Bay Industrial Development Design Guidelines June 2008 and the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme. A planning permit application has been prepared for the proposed works and has been lodged with City of Hobsons Bay. The proposal comprises the construction of eight new fuel tanks at the Newport Terminal and associated pipework and will include the construction of three new gantry bays onto the existing gantry building; fire protection, including a new firewater tank and pumps; new dockline from Holden Dock to the Newport Terminal and pipe bridges across Douglas Parade and Burleigh Street; and an upgrade to the Vapour Recovery Unit. The proposed development has been designed and will be implemented in accordance with environmental best practice which has been demonstrated through 100% completion of actions to be addressed under the 2008-2011 Environmental Improvement Plan and the Clean-up Notice and reflected in ongoing programs and operations. This Works Approval application has been prepared with regard to EPA Works Approval Guidelines and is supported by a Concept Design Report and the outcomes of specialist studies on the impacts and mitigation measures for air quality, noise and traffic. It is anticipated that the development will proceed in three stages: Stage 1 – R&T Yard, gantry works and associated fire protection Stage 2 – West Yard, new docklines/manifold works, pipe bridges, berth works and upgrade completion Stage 3 – New Compound, new Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO) tank and associated tie-in lines This Works Approval application seeks approval for the three stages of development. Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Company Details This application is being made by Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd on behalf of Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd. Registered Company Name: Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd Australian Business Number: 17 000 032 128 Australian Company Number: 000 032 128 Registered Address: Level 24, 2 Market Street Sydney NSW 2000 (GPO Box 3916, Sydney NSW 2001) Place of Business: 411 Douglas Parade Newport, VIC 3015 Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd (herein referred to as ‘Caltex’) is Australia's leading oil refining and marketing company and is involved in the refining, distribution and marketing of petroleum fuels and lubricants in all states and territories. Caltex has operated in Australia since 1941 with a history dating back to 1900 when R.W. Cameron Co. began marketing Texaco products. The original joint venture between Socal (Standard Oil California – now Chevron) and Texaco commenced operations under the name of Caltex in 1941. In May 1995 the petroleum refining and marketing assets of Caltex Australia and Ampol Limited were merged and subsequently the Caltex Australia shareholders approved the acquisition of the whole of that joint venture in December 1997. Caltex is the only petroleum refining and marketing company listed on the Australian Stock Exchange. Fifty per cent of the shares in Caltex Australia Limited are held by Chevron Global Energy Inc. and the balance by more than 20,000 shareholders. It should be noted that although Chevron is a 50% shareholder, Caltex is not a subsidiary and all decisions are made by Caltex’s Australian Board and management. The company owns and operates two fuel refineries, one at Kurnell in Sydney and the other at Lytton in Brisbane, with a combined capacity of more than 35 million litres per day. It recently closed a 600,000 litre per day lubricating oil refinery at Kurnell. Caltex has access to 22 terminals around Australia, it owns and operates twelve of the storage terminals whilst others are in some form of joint operating agreement with other parties. Caltex also has three joint venture lubricant blending plants around Australia. Caltex has no oil or gas exploration or production interests, nor any overseas refining or marketing operations. The Caltex organisational structure has two major operational business divisions operating under, and supported by, various corporate business units (BU), all reporting to the chief executive officer. The two major operational business units are: Refining and Marketing. Newport Terminal belongs to the p1 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Marketing BU. The company structure no longer includes Supply and Distribution (S&D). In May 2012, the Marketing and S&D units were merged and now all fit under the Marketing BU. The new Marketing BU incorporates distribution operations (petroleum products) with terminals and distribution activities. Integrating the supply chain from crude oil to customer has enabled a stronger focus on improving the processes and infrastructure to better ensure safety, reliability and security of supply. Caltex Australia has five principal operating subsidiaries - Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd, Caltex Refineries (NSW) Pty Ltd, Caltex Refineries (Qld) Pty Ltd, Caltex Lubricating Oil Refinery Pty Ltd and Caltex Petroleum Distributors Pty Ltd. 1.2 Contact Details This application is being made by Aurecon on behalf of Caltex Australia. Queries relating to this Works Approval application should be directed to Sarah McMaster of Aurecon, on the details below. 1.3 Key Contact: Sarah McMaster Phone: 03 9975 3306 Email: [email protected] Address: PO Box 23061 Docklands VIC 8012 Premise Details Caltex Newport Terminal is a petroleum refined product storage and distribution facility with a total storage capacity of some 670.988 million litres, of which 50.666 million litres1 is designated as storage under Schedule 9 of the Occupational Health and Safety (Safety Standards) Regulations 1994. The site is a licensed and registered Major Hazard Facility with WorkSafe Victoria. The site is used for the receipt, storage and distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons, principally petrol, diesel, heating oil and jet fuel. The terminal comprises three main storage holdings, known as the West, North and South yards. Each yard is equipped with above ground storage tanks, pipe manifolds, pumps, valving, and instrumentation in order to manage incoming refined products into storage and subsequent dispatch. The western area of the South Yard (currently largely vacant) is referred to as the ‘R&T Yard’. The bulk of the works in the South Yard will occur within the R&T Yard. An administration and amenities building complex and a tanker filling facility are situated in the North Yard. Approximately 170 trucks per day pass through the facility to load fuel for subsequent distribution. Contract and third party carriers constitute one hundred per cent of traffic passing through the Tanker Truck Loading Rack (TTLR) within the Terminal. The Terminal operates seven days per week year round with occasional planned shut-downs of part or the whole of the terminal in order to conduct maintenance works. Based on Maximum Safe Fill levels 1 p2 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 1.3.1 Subject Site The Caltex Newport Terminal is located in an industrial area within the City of Hobsons Bay, approximately 12 kilometres West South-West of the Melbourne city centre (Melways Ref. Map 56 A2/B2). Figure 1 shows the location of the site on an overview map of the area. The terminal is generally bounded by Drake Street to the West, Craig Street to the North, Douglas Parade to the East and Hobson Street to the South. Burleigh Street runs through the Caltex site dividing the North and West yards from the South Yard. The Terminal does not have direct boundaries onto Hobson and Craig Streets sharing a block with other industrial facilities as detailed in Section 1.3.2 below. The true site boundaries in these directions are defined by fence lines between Caltex Newport Terminal and these adjoining sites. Figure 2 shows the site layout on a scaled plan of the Terminal (Drawing E2750). A larger version of this plan is provided in Appendix 1 – Site layout. Figure 3 shows an aerial photo with marked boundaries of the site and adjoining facilities. 1.3.2 Locality The use of land immediately adjacent to the Caltex Newport Terminal is a mixture of commercial and industrial. Australasian Lubricants Manufacturing Company (ALMC) Newport is located between the North and West yards with partial fencing and/or pipelines as separation markers between the two properties. ALMC Spotswood is located directly to the north of the Caltex facility. These two ALMC locations are operated as a single facility and are joined via a crossover at the north eastern corner of the ALMC Newport site. ALMC Newport shares a fire system with Caltex Newport. ALMC Spotswood has an independent fire system. Shell Newport bulk storage and distribution terminal (a licensed Major Hazard Facility) is located immediately to the west of the site beyond Drake Street. The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Services facility is located to the north of the site beyond a dividing boundary fence. Container Fumigation Services (CFS) container storage, transport and proposed fumigation depot has frontage onto Douglas Parade and is located to the south of the Caltex South Yard, with a fence forming the dividing boundary. A BP fuel storage facility is located to the South of the Caltex West Yard beyond Burleigh Street, however this facility is currently decommissioned. The Yarra River runs approximately 100 metres from the eastern side of the Caltex site beyond Douglas Parade. A fuel and lubricant industry pipeline network runs along the western bank of the river from Geelong and Altona to Holden Dock and other facilities further north of the site. Associated with this piping network is a shared industry facility referred to as the Y-cage which allows transfer from the main pipeline network to a variety of Newport facilities including Caltex. The Y-cage is located to the east of the Caltex site across Douglas Parade (Refer Figure 3). p3 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Table 1 below shows approximate distances and directions of public sites in the vicinity of Caltex Newport Terminal. Table 1 - Surrounding Public Locations Vulnerable site Location Distance (metres) Direction from Caltex Residential Housing Hobson Street 350 S Craig Street 200 NW Spotswood Primary School Melbourne Road Spotswood 600 NW Sacred Heart Catholic School Newcastle Street 800 SW Shopping Centre Hall Street, Newport 900 SW Newport Railway Station Melbourne Road 900 SW Science Works Museum Douglas Parade 250 N Riverside Park Douglas Parade 20 E Digman Reserve Sports Oval Douglas Parade 400 S Newport Park Athletics Track Douglas Parade & North Road 600 SSE Newport Power Station Douglas Parade 400 SSE 600 NNE Westgate Bridge p4 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Figure 1 | Locality Plan p5 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Figure 2 | Proposed Site Layout Figure 3 | Aerial photo showing site area boundaries p6 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 2 Proposal 2.1 Project description Caltex propose to undertake and stage significant upgrade works at their fuel terminal in Newport in order to meet the future growth demands and provide infrastructure to support a full or partial import operation. The project will provide protection against a potential future closure of a refinery in Victoria, and will enable a more balanced supply chain with the capability of full imports via Holden Dock. The design will cater for full MR import cargos and increasing future terminal throughputs. The project will also allow Caltex to re-evaluate the quantities of fuels stored at the site in Newport, with a move towards storing greater amounts of higher octane gasoline in order to meet the changing consumer demands. It will also allow Caltex to meet the predicted growth in demand for Diesel and Jet fuel. The upgrade works will ensure a reliable supply of all fuel types to the Victorian market. 2.2 Project infrastructure The terminal upgrade comprises the following main elements: 1. A new DN350 dockline from Holden Dock to the terminal, complete with a new marine loading arm at the berth to service the existing and new docklines. 2. All docklines and existing refinery lines to be re-routed into the Caltex South Yard and into a single manifold arrangement for transfer to tanks and cutting of slops. 3. A total of 179.1 million litres of bulk product storage as follows: Two 30 million litre diesel (ADO) tanks One 44.1 million litre diesel (ADO) tank Two 15 million litre unleaded petrol (ULP) tanks One 15 million litre 95 octane (PULP) tank One 15 million litre 98 octane (SPULP) tank One 15 million litre Jet fuel tank 4. An additional three bays to the tankwagon loading gantry. 5. Fire protection, including a new firewater tank, firewater pumps; tank, cooling/foam and gantry foam systems. 6. Vapour recovery unit upgrade. 7. A new security fence around the perimeter of the South Yard. This will be standard chain link mesh security fencing. Emergency gate egress points will be provided at positions around the fence line. 8. New 6m compound fire access roads provided around the South Yard and West Yard compounds. The South Yard will have a full perimeter access road. 9. Two (2) new pipe bridges over Douglas Parade and Burleigh Street. 10. Demolition and works associated with the removal of existing sheds and lifting of existing tanks in the West Yard. p7 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Detailed descriptions of relevant elements of project infrastructure pertaining to the Works Approval are presented in the following sections. 2.2.1 Docklines A new DN350 dockline will be installed between the Holden Dock berth and the Caltex site. The pipe will be located alongside the existing DN300 dockline and supported on an existing industry pipe rack between the berth and Caltex. Note there is currently a spare position available on the pipe rack. The existing DN300 Caltex dockline will be extended from the Y-cage to the new South Yard manifold. Blank flange take-offs are to be provided for future pigging facilities if required. Product will be delivered to site via tankship and the new and existing docklines. The docklines will be sized to provide 100% delivery of bulk product via tankship eliminating sole reliance on the refinery supply lines. Tankships will berth at the existing Holden Dock and deliver fuel through the new DN350 dockline via one new 12” Marine Loading Arm (MLA). The new and existing docklines will be able to operate simultaneously, with a connection at the two manifolds to allow flexibility. 2.2.2 New South Yard Manifold A new manifold will be located in the South Yard to connect the existing and new docklines and allow product to flow to all tanks via double block and bleed valves. A densitometer and site glass will be used at the manifold for product interface detection. The new manifold will be used to distribute all incoming fuels, both from ship and refinery, to the entire site and will replace the existing South Yard and North Yard dockline manifolds. This allows all incoming fuel distribution to be controlled from one location. The existing refinery lines are to be extended from the Y-cage to the new South Yard manifold. 2.2.3 Bulk storage The Newport Terminal currently has a total site storage capacity of 70.988ML. The proposed upgrade works will result in an additional 179.1ML of fuel storage capacity, resulting in a total site storage capacity of 248.4ML. The design will cater for a future terminal throughput of 4.3 billion litres per annum. Storage tanks Proposed process storage tanks and their respective products and capacities are shown in Table 2. Table 2 – Proposed storage tanks and capacities Tank Number Product Stored Tank Size (ML) Location Roof Type T13 Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO) 30 West Fixed T14 Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO) 30 West Fixed T15 Super Premium Unleaded (SPULP) 15 West Fixed T16 Jet Fuel 15 R&T Fixed p8 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Comment Internal floating blanket T17 Unleaded 15 R&T Fixed Internal floating blanket T18 Premium Unleaded 15 R&T Fixed Internal floating blanket T19 Premium Unleaded 15 R&T Fixed Internal floating blanket T20 Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO) 44.1 New compound* Fixed *New compound to be established directly north of the West Yard as part of Stage 3 Horizons Project. More details of tank design and operation are presented in Section 5 - Process and Technology. The tanks will comprise the following features: Fixed cone roofs for all tanks Internal floating roofs will be fitted to all ULP, PULP and SPULP tanks Internally lined Fixed roof tanks to have frangible roofs No equipment for the mixing of product. Full details of tank features are presented in Section 6.4 of the Concept Design Report, Appendix 2. It is current industry practice to store flammable and combustible products with high flash points and low vapour pressures (i.e. Diesel and Jet fuel) in fixed roof tanks with free vents. Internal Floating Roofs (IRF’s) are not typical in these tanks due to low emissions rates. They can also add unnecessary complications when using floating suction tank outlets for product quality, as is the case with Jet Fuel. Pressure / Vacuum Vents are not commonly used for Jet or diesel tanks. These can cause additional moisture in the tank which can be of particular concern for Jet fuel. For tanks which store products with low flash points and high vapour pressures (i.e. motorspirit) a floating roof structure is commonly used to minimise vapour losses. In the installation at Caltex Horizons, Internal Floating Roofs have been selected as they will provide the required reduction in vapour emissions and require less maintenance during their life when compared to an external floating roof design. All tanks will be externally painted white, to reduce heat gain and subsequent vapour loss. This shall include painting of all appurtenances such as wind girders, nozzles, stairway and gauging platform (where applicable). Stainless steel and aluminium parts will not be painted. Each tank will be provided with a spiral stairway to provide access to the roof. The spiral stairway is to be at least 710mm wide and will be supported off of the tank shell. Fixed roof tanks are to be fitted with full roof circumferential handrails, with non-slip painted zones on the roof plates to regularly access equipment on the tank roofs. During Stage 3 of the Horizons development a 44.1ML tank will be installed within a new compound to be established immediately north of West Yard. Tank foundations The tanks will be supported on reinforced ringbeam foundations. The foundation design will incorporate the following features: Designed to carry the vertical and lateral loads from operating and imposed external conditions. p9 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Designed to meet the ground bearing capacity and conditions. Provide a suitable platform to carry the tank for its expected operating life. The main features of the tank foundations are as follows: The typical height of the ringbeam above grade shall be approximately 400mm to avoid flooding of the tank floor plate to a 100 year, 72 hour rain event. A floor leak detection system shall be fitted within the ringbeam comprising a central sump and tell-tale drain pipes to the outside of the foundation. The compound liner will be connected to the outside edge of the foundation and run internally within the ringbeam to form a continuous compound lining. The tank foundation plinth will be sealed with asphalt and graded away from the tank for water runoff. Steel access stairs around the foundation for access to tank valves, tank manways, sampling points and other fittings. As part of the project, four existing tanks in the West Yard (T356, T428, T429 and T26) will be lifted and the foundations replaced with lined concrete ringbeams. This will bring the entire new western compound up to current standards. 2.2.4 Pipework Berth Pipework The berth pipe work includes all new pipework installed at the Holden Dock berth. New pipework will be installed between the new marine loading arm and the new DN350 dockline, as well as the existing Mobil marine loading arm and the existing DN300 Caltex dockline. Tank Inlet Lines New DN300 pipes will run from the new South Yard manifold to each new tank. Existing supply lines currently buried under Burleigh Street will also be replaced to run above ground across the new pipebridges. The R&T Yard pipes will run along the north side of the Yard then enter the R&T Yard from the east side. Each product will have one DN300 pipe running to the compound (three in total) with a single new DN300 supplying ULP to both T17 and T19. The West Yard pipelines will cross Burleigh Street over the new pipe bridge and run west over the existing pipe bridge (new truck entrance) to enter the West Yard from the east side. Two main ADO DN300 lines will run from the South manifold to the West Yard and supply the two main ADO tank groups. This will allow ADO to be accepted from ship and refinery supply simultaneously. One new DN300 will supply SPULP to both T15 and T26. 2.3 Project Stages It is anticipated that construction will occur in three stages. 2.3.1 Stage 1 - R&T Yard, gantry works and associated fire protection The works within the R&T Yard will primarily occur on what is currently an empty site to the west of the existing Newport South Yard. The new compound, four tanks, associated pumps and piping, could p 10 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 be constructed in this yard with minimal disruption to the existing site operations. It is noted that in Stage 1, tanks T17 & T19 may run on diesel, however this will not affect the design of the compound and will still be designed and built to contain flammables. As an interim measure the new inlet pipework would be required to be tied into the existing South Yard manifold to enable temporary operations of the R&T Yard prior to other stages being completed. The new Burleigh Street pipe bridge would be installed to enable outlet piping between the pump raft and the gantry to be installed and operate. Note that construction of this bridge will require the existing overhead power lines to be buried. The gantry construction work would consist of demolishing the existing ALMC shed, extending the existing gantry structure, installing the necessary pipework and constructing the new exit pavement. The gantry extension work will impact largely on the operation of the site. A more detailed programme to allow operations running to continue would need to be developed in the detailed design phase. The initial fire protection works required for Stage 1 will consist of the firewater storage and reticulation, tank foam piping and tank cooling piping. The new firewater tank and pumps will be installed in the South yard, while all the piping will be completed around the construction of the R&T Yard tanks. The majority of this work can be completed without interruption to the existing site, however interruption of the existing fire protection will be required when the new system is tied-in to the existing system. 2.3.2 Stage 2 - West Yard, new docklines/manifold works, berth works and upgrade completion A new compound will be constructed within the West yard to include two new 30ML ADO tanks and a new 15ML SPULP tank. The compound will also house the three existing ADO tanks T356, T428 and T429 and the existing SPULP tank T26. The existing compound floor and walls surrounding the existing tanks will be upgraded to meet the required compound capacity and environmental requirements. This will involve lifting the existing tanks, installing new GCL liners in the compound and re-founding the tanks. New compound walls will be constructed around the existing tanks to replace the existing walls. The three new tanks and the surrounding compounds, immediately adjacent, could be constructed with little interference to the existing terminal operations. The upgrade of the compound around the existing tanks will need to be carefully planned and staged to avoid lengthy down time of existing tanks. The new DN350 dockline is to be constructed from the Caltex terminal to Holden Dock. The majority of this dockline will run on existing support and follow the existing industry lines. This section of line on existing supports, running from the Caltex “Y-cage” to Holden Dock could be constructed with minimal interference to the existing Caltex operations. The berth works will require the installation of a new 12” marine loading arm, pipework to the new dockline, and reconfiguration of the existing 8” Mobil loading arm operating the existing dockline. The new dockline manifolds will be located in the South Yard site, for both the existing DN300 and newDN350 docklines. The manifold will be the only location where all the docklines and refinery lines will be operated and distributed to the individual tanks. The final tie-in on the manifolds will contain a period of interruptions to site operations. The final installation of the fire protection system for the West Yard compound will be completed and connected to the new and existing fire protection systems. p 11 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 2.3.3 Stage 3 – New compound for additional Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO) Tank A new 44.1ML tank will be installed in a new diesel only compound area, due north of the existing West Yard. The inlet line to the tank will tie into the existing inlet manifold in the West Yard (used for Stage 2 and existing diesel tanks T356, T428, T429). A new outlet line will run from the tank to the existing pump raft in the West Yard, as utilized for Stage 2. 2.4 Proposed dates It is intended that construction of the stage 1 upgrade works will commence within two years of EPA and planning approvals. It is envisaged that the full expansion (stages 2 & 3) will be driven by future changes to the current internal and external operating environment which could result in some stages being completed in parallel, The operative date and completion of the full upgrade at this stage is envisaged to be completed by no later than 2019. p 12 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 3 Approvals 3.1 Need for Works Approval Under the Environment Protection Act 1970, premises which have the potential for significant environmental impact are subject to works approvals. Such premises are referred to as ‘scheduled premises’. The Caltex Newport Terminal is classified as a scheduled premise within the Environment Protection (Scheduled Premises and Exemptions) Regulations 2007. The proposal fits the description of a Bulk Storage facility, as described within Schedule 1 of the Regulations as follows: G04 (Bulk Storage) Bulk storage facilities which have a total design capacity of more than 1·0 megalitres (in tanks exceeding 10 000 litres capacity) and which store compounds of carbon (including petroleum products or oil) which: (i) contain at least one carbon to carbon bond, as well as derivatives of methane; and (ii) are liquid at Standard Temperature and Pressure; or (iii) contain any substance classified as a class 3 indicator in State (environment protection policy (Air Quality Management). The proposal involves the storage of liquid fuel in tanks which have a design capacity of more than 1 megalitre. Confirmation of the requirement for a Works Approval was verbally received by the EPA on 20th December, 2012. It was also advised that a draft Works Approval should be prepared, in order to provide guidance for the level of detail required. 3.2 Planning 3.2.1 Overview The proposed works are subject to the provisions of the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme. Hobsons Bay Council is the Responsible Authority for the assessment of any application required. Pursuant to the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme (the “Scheme”), the subject site is located within the Industrial 1 Zone and is not affected by any Overlays. The subject land has been utilised for the purpose of fuel storage and distribution for a term greater than 15 years and as such, pursuant to Clause 63 of the Scheme, an existing use applies to the land. Therefore the subject proposal does not require a planning permit in relation to the use of the land. Notwithstanding the above, pursuant to Clause 33.01-4 a planning permit is required for buildings and works associated with the proposal. This planning permit application was lodged with Hobsons Bay Council on 20th December, 2012 and is being progressed concurrently with this Works Approval application. Section 52.10 of the Scheme relates to Uses with Adverse Amenity Potential. The purpose of this Section is: To define those types of industries and warehouses which if not appropriately designed and located may cause offence or unacceptable risk to the neighbourhood. p 13 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 The ‘storage of petroleum products and crude oil in tanks exceeding 2,000 tonnes capacity’ is defined as a Use with Adverse Amenity Potential and is relevant to this proposal. Schedule 52.10 sets out threshold distances from any part of the land of the proposed buildings and works to land in sensitive zones, including residential zones. The following threshold distances apply: Fixed roof tanks Floating roof tanks 300m 100m An assessment of risk to the safety of people located off the land may be required. This is expected to be required under the Major Hazard Facility (MHF) license (see below). 3.2.2 Referrals As part of the planning process, Hobsons Bay Council is required to undertake referrals to the following Authorities: Environment Protection Authority The Victorian WorkCover Authority 3.3 Other Approvals At the issuing of the planning permit, the proposed upgrade works will be subject to a Building Approval to be issued by the Hobsons Bay Council. Reconfiguration of loading arms and other equipment at the Holden Dock fall within the Special Use Zone – Schedule 1 in accordance with the Port of Melbourne Planning Scheme and are therefore permit exempt activities. Whilst works required at the Holden Dock are not subject to a Planning Permit, a Works Application Form must be submitted to the Port of Melbourne Corporation in order to obtain a Work Consent prior to any work commencing. The site is a Major Hazard Facility (MHF), and operates under a current Safety Case. The existing Safety Case will need to be updated to reflect the upgraded facility. Department of Primary Industries has confirmed that there is no requirement for any approvals under the Pipelines Act 2005, given that the facility is currently operating under MHF requirements. 3.4 Existing EPA Approvals The Caltex Newport Terminal currently holds an Environmental Licence (EM37140) which was issued by EPA Victoria on 25 February 1999 and last amended on 18 November 2010. p 14 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 4 Environment and Community 4.1 Track record The company’s environmental track record to date has been generally positive. Caltex has responded to requirements under Clean-up Notices and the Environmental Improvement Plan 2008-2011 for the site. 4.1.1 Clean-up notices A Clean Up Notice was jointly issued to Caltex and Australasian Lubricants Manufacturing Company (ALMC) by the EPA on 27 July 2010 (NO8541) in relation to the presence of phase separated and dissolved phase hydrocarbon contamination in groundwater on and from the premises. This Clean Up Notice was a revised notice which was issued as a replacement for notices NO7497, NO3109, 2638 and the un-numbered CUN dated 7 November 2007. A Clean Up Plan (CUP) was prepared by Parsons Brinckerhoff and submitted to the EPA in November 2010. The most recent assessment of CUP milestones indicates compliance with all applicable components of the site CUP. During the period of 1 April 2010 through 31 March 2011, Caltex has enacted the agreed upon Clean Up Plan (November 2010 revision) in order to manage environmental impacts at the site and to prevent new impacts to soil, water and air. A summary of monitoring results is provided for each media with references to audited reports. Refer Appendix 3 Progress Report for Clean-up. 4.1.2 Environmental Improvement Plan Caltex has completed an Environmental Improvement Plan (EIP) 2008-2011 for the site. A range of actions across improvements in air quality, noise, odour, soil and groundwater management and wastewater management have been completed or have become part of an ongoing program. An overview of completed actions in the EIP is contained in the Annual Report for 2009 (attached within Appendix 4). Remaining actions for air emissions and odour have since been completed and are described in more detail in Section 7. In addition to compliance with the EIP and Clean-up notice, Caltex has also acted on a number of recommendations arising from the auditor’s assessment and issues register, in response to the 2009 Annual Report. These are summarised in Table 3 below: Table 3 - Environmental improvement recommendations and actions from the Auditor’s Issues Register Recommendation Action Choice of groundwater remediation method needs further justification, in particular the use of active skimming Completed - bale down testing has been completed and transmissivity determined for product wells, showing that active skimming is not viable due to severely diminished returns. Long term trends should be developed for wells containing product and dissolved phase plume wells, to demonstrate success of the remediation Completed – Trends show that product is decreasing. Dissolved benzene plume is stable in the newer volcanics and decreasing in the p 15 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Recommendation Action works. Brighton group aquifers. Further sampling and analysis of the Burleigh Street drain should be undertaken if product or a sheen is observed. Actioned – Monthly inspections of the drain are completed and no further sheens have been observed to date. Bores that are incorrectly screened should be decommissioned and reinstalled, if there are no other representative bores. Completed - a bore survey was undertaken using a down hole camera and damaged bores have been removed and decommissioned. No additional bores have been installed as there is adequate coverage of the area with the existing network. Further indoor air quality assessments should be undertaken. Completed – results indicate there are no unacceptable risks to human health. Further monitoring of the plume should be undertaken to confirm no eastern migration as a result of the HBCU shutdown. Completed – monitoring and modelling confirm that groundwater is not migrating towards the river. Wells should be properly maintained. Wells are assessed and repaired as needed during each monthly gauging event. 4.2 Key environmental considerations 4.2.1 Discharges to storm water and sewer Caltex has made an operational decision to discharge all wastewater from North and South yards to Sewer only as trade waste. This decision to not discharge to the stormwater system eliminated the possibility of any potential contamination from the two yards entering the Yarra River. All discharges of stormwater from the terminal off-site are manually initiated. Stormwater valves are closed during normal operating periods, preventing uncontrolled discharges of material to the stormwater system. By adopting this protocol, Caltex ensures that all discharges to the stormwater system are controlled and supervised and that the potential for dry weather discharges to the stormwater system is avoided. As part of the upgrade, new compound drainage systems will be constructed for the R&T and West yards compounds. Details are outlined in Sections 5 and 7. A plan of Caltex’s existing drainage system, showing stormwater and sewerage connections, is shown in Appendix 5. 4.2.2 Soil and groundwater impacts As discussed in Section 4.1, the site is currently being monitored under Clean Up Notice (NO8541) in relation to the presence of phase separated hydrocarbons and dissolved phase hydrocarbon plumes in groundwater. The proposed upgrade works at the site will need to be done in such a way as to not disturb the requirements of the Clean Up Notice, including the ability to meet and provide evidence of compliance. The existing bores will be protected to enable this monitoring to continue. Provision will be made within the drainage systems for the taking of samples of the discharge water from the separator units for analysis and testing purposes. Monitoring wells will be positioned around the outside of the compound and operating equipment areas for the purposes of regular sampling and analysis of the ground water under the site. p 16 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 4.2.3 Emissions to air The expansion at the Newport Terminal will include an additional eight tanks and an extension of three new gantry bays onto the existing gantry building. These elements have the potential to result in vapour losses if not constructed to a high standard. An air quality impact assessment for the proposed upgrade was undertaken, involving a review of air quality compliance and modeling of likely additional emissions attributed to the Vapour Recovery Unit and additional truck movements. The results showed there were no criteria exceedances of the stipulated criteria, based on the air dispersion modeling conducted. More details are presented in Section 8. 4.2.4 Noise This Works Approval application will address the issue of acoustic impact on surrounding areas. Whilst not perceived as a major concern, noise management at the site is considered an issue that requires proper control by the Terminal. Community perceptions are increasingly a determinant of operational acceptability and the issue of transport noise requires consideration. The proposed upgrade will increase loading efficiency and there is also a possibility that the number of truck movements to and from the site will increase. Therefore noise impacts must be considered. A noise impact assessment for the proposed upgrade and growth in truck movements was undertaken, involving a noise survey and noise modeling at the nearest sensitive receptor; and monitoring of noise emitting plant, to determine the specific noise criteria in accordance with EPA regulations. The predicted noise levels were found to comply with the stipulated criteria. More details are presented in Section 8. 4.2.5 Contaminated Soil The South Yard is known to contain contaminated soil. A 300m3 stockpile of hydrocarbon impacted soil is located within the R&T Yard as a result of site maintenance activities. The stockpile was previously assessed in 2007 and 2011 as being Category A Prescribed Industrial Waste due to TPH C15-C36 concentrations and has been undergoing remediation. The pile has undergone biopiling, involving the injection of air, water and nutrients in order to activate naturally occurring bacteria and biological processes. As a result of remediation, the classification has been reduced to Prescribed Waste Category B. A trial is being conducted over half the soil pile, involving the addition of a surfactant, in order to increase the rate of remediation. The pile has been covered, in order to retain moisture and prevent escape of emissions. It is expected that remediation to Category C Prescribed Industrial Waste will be completed by the end of 2013 and soil will be ready for disposal. 4.3 Community engagement Caltex has an active community engagement program in place. Caltex has a positive history of strong community engagement with the local Newport community. This involves the hosting of approximately three community meetings in the local area per year and the distribution of a community newsletter. Caltex Newport Terminal holds Community Liaison Group meetings to provide a forum for the local community to receive information about the facility and to raise, and have addressed, issues of concern which they may have. Attendees at these meetings include: The Regional Operations Manager Community representatives Regulator representatives (i.e. EPA, WorkSafe, City West Water) Hobsons Bay City Council representation. p 17 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 The community has previously been consulted on Caltex activities and had the opportunity to review and provide comment on important Caltex operational documents. This includes the convening of the Caltex Newport Terminal Community Liaison Group (CLG) for consultation on the Caltex Newport Terminal Environment Management and Improvement Plan 2008-2011 (now complete) and Newport Terminal Major Hazard Facility Safety Case. Caltex held a special community meeting on 15 August 2012, attended by EPA, Aurecon and Caltex personnel including Environmental Manager, Site Manager, OHS Manager and National Risk Manager. Public advertisements and invitations to a variety of organisations, including Community Liaison Group, to inform the community of Caltex’s intention to expand operations at the Caltex Newport facility and answer any questions of concern. Invitations and advertising details for the meeting are as follows. 4.3.1 Invitations to special community meeting Invitations by letter were sent to the following organisations and community representatives: Members of the Community Liaison Group Hobson’s Bay Council Altona Council Shell BP Mobil WorkSafe EPA CFS ALMC Other companies on Burleigh Street City West Water Jemina (local power) Local State MP (Wade Noonan) Power Station (Douglas Parade) Port Of Melbourne Newport Staff/Drivers/Carriers/NPT Contractors 4.3.2 Advertising Advertising for the special community consultation meeting was undertaken in The Leader local newspaper for a period of 2 papers/weeks, between 30 July and 6 August 2012. Despite wide and timely advertising, meeting attendees comprised two members of the CLG. Issues raised by CLG members at the special meeting of 15 August 2012 and responses to concerns are summarized in the table below. Generally the concerns were addressed and the CLG members expressed thanks to Caltex for the opportunity to attend and for the attendance of authorities and Caltex representatives. Minutes of the special community consultation meeting are presented in Appendix 6. p 18 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Community issue Response Who by Concern over increased number of tanks Changes over refinery closures from previous plans of 2005 were noted and that Victorian supply was important. Caltex Risks associated with loads put into UPS Determined via risk assessment rom the Safety Case for the MHF Caltex Visually intrusive nature of tanks Painted white to maximize heat reflection as operational requirement Caltex Records of CLG meetings not being provided Copies of Minutes of previous meetings to be distributed to CLG with meeting invitations Caltex Further information for residents Works Approval process for receiving community input will consider comments with respect to best practice aspects of the development. EPA Caltex response re Container Fumigation Services facility as indication of general community support Assurance to residents that concerns of Caltex had been formally submitted Caltex Security of Caltex facility; breaches of fence Security measures include CCT in strategic locations; corporate security advisor; threats and vulnerability assessment; management plan for security continuous improvement – 93% of actions completed for 3yr review; no breaches of security fence Caltex p 19 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 5 Process and Best Practice 5.1 Process and technology The processes associated with the Caltex Newport Terminal involve the receipt of liquid fuel from ships, refinery (via pipeline) or, on occasion, truck, the storage of fuel in tanks, and the dispensing of fuel from tanks into road tankers via gantry bays. 5.1.1 Product Receipt Product Receipt involves the delivery of fuel to the terminal via ship, refinery lines and, on occasion, road tanker. The project will result in the site being setup so that it can be 100% reliant on imported product (i.e. via tank ship) if required. However it is expected that the site will receive a supply pattern of something like 20% of its product from the existing refinery lines with the remaining 80% from imported fuel via ship. Additional pipework will be installed to cater for the increased quantity of product to be received to the site via ship. Tank ships will berth at the existing Holden Dock and deliver fuel through two loading arms, one new 12” arm and potentially one existing 8” arm (currently owned by Mobil). Environmental risks associated with product receipt include product spillage during transfer and air emissions. The risks are present at a number of locations, as summarised below. Y-Cage When transferring refined product from a refinery, Caltex operational responsibilities extend beyond the specific terminal boundary, to a separate and secured manifold adjacent to the terminal. This location is commonly known as the Y-Cage distribution centre and is located on the eastern side of Douglas Parade. This facility is operated jointly by Shell, Mobil and Caltex who each have responsibility for their own equipment within the Cage. Caltex is responsible for its own installations which include a set of take-off valves where its pipelines connect to the Y-Cage facility, adjacent to the Cage. Holden Dock During transfer of refined product from a ship, the boundary of responsibility extends beyond the ‘Ycage‘ manifold, along a 300 mm diameter pipeline running alongside the banks of the Yarra, northwards to the ‘Holden Dock‘, situated adjacent to the Mobil Yarraville Terminal where the ships are docked. Surveillance of this length of line is carried out during such transfers. This is a shared industry pipeline. Pipelines From the ‘Y-cage‘ manifold, refined product from each of six incoming lines at the manifold can be directed into one of four Caltex-owned lines which cross beneath Douglas parade and run westwards along Burleigh Street. Two of these pipelines enter either the South or North yards via valving at the Burleigh Street valve cage; one crosses under Burleigh Street and enters the North Yard; and the other two pipelines continue along Burleigh Street to terminate at the West Yard. All pipelines are assigned to carry specific products to nominated tanks via the Caltex owned ‘Y-cage’ manifolds and p 20 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 predetermined valve sequencing. Written procedures are provided for all these transfer operations to ensure that Caltex personnel execute transfers safely and efficiently. 5.1.2 Bulk Storage Each tank has a dedicated inlet pipe for receiving product from outside transfers and a dedicated outlet pipe to provide product to the Tankwagon Loading Gantry. Internal tank transfers also occur from time to time. Refined product tanks are equipped with automatic tank gauges fitted with high level visual and audible alarms and are fitted with independent high level alarms. These high level alarms are programmed to trigger within a safe response time margin of the tank reaching its safe fill height. All tanks will be located within a bunded compound compliant with EPA publication No. 347 “Bunding Guidelines”. The floor slabs and bund walls will be impervious to, and compatible with, the fuel types to be contained. Product Dispensing Product from storage is dispensed into road tankers at the Tankwagon Loading Gantry (referred to herein as the “Gantry”). Product feed into the Gantry from storage tanks is achieved via carefully sequenced valve actuation. Two main pumping stations (pump pits) are located at the Terminal to transfer product from storage to the Gantry. One pumping station is located in the North Yard adjacent to Tank T1 and the other in the South Yard adjacent to Tank T7. The Gantry is located in the North Yard and consists of six truck loading bays, with Bay 1 being equipped with 6 ‘bottom-loading‘ arms and the other Bays each equipped with four ‘bottom-loading‘ arms. All bays have specific product dispatch availability, together with a preset product arm configuration that is clearly identifiable to operators and drivers. Prior to entering the Gantry, tanker drivers stage (order) their required load at the staging area in the North Yard. Once they have their correct load order they proceed to the Gantry and select the appropriate bay and loading arm for the product they wish to load. They then enter the appropriate bay and connect the nominated arm to the truck manifold for transfer of product. As part of the upgrade works, the existing six bay gantry will be extended to nine bays by demolishing the empty warehouse to the north and extending by three bays. Loading rates from arms within the Gantry vary and are currently being improved. Vapours generated during the loading process are fully recovered in a closed system and transferred to a Vapour Recovery Unit. The Gantry and access to and from the site is controlled by a software-based Terminal Automation System (TAS) called "FUEL-FACS". There is an interlock protection within the Fuel-Facs system that requires a physical connection of the vapour recovery pipe before allowing the loading of product. This interlock ensures that all vapour generated during truck loading operations is directed to the vapour recovery system. An electronic overfill protection system (Scully system) is installed in the Gantry. There is an interlock protection within the Fuel-Facs system that requires a physical connection of the Scully before allowing the loading of product. The Scully system ensures that electrical bonding is achieved before filling of a tanker can commence and will automatically shut down the loading system if the probe installed on the individual tanker compartment detects a high fill level. The Tankwagon loading operation will be 24 hours day / 7 days a week as follows: Truck movements are expected to be maintained at 170 trucks per day (based on current throughput volumes and 40,000 litre tankwagons). Note: average truck movements are based on 24 hr/6.5 days per week. p 21 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Tankwagons will be semi-trailer (most movements), and 26m B-Double. Tankwagon congestion on site will be reduced due to the 3 new bays and improvements in loading rates, arrivals and departures will therefore be spread more evenly over a 24 hour/7 day per week, with a slight bias in the day time. 5.2 Environmental best practice The EPA defines ‘environmental best practice’ as follows: The best combination of eco-efficient techniques, methods, process or technology used in an industry sector or activity that demonstrably minimises the environmental impact of a generator of emissions in that industry sector or activity1. The proposal has been assessed against Australian and international standards and publications for bulk chemical storage. The proposed expansion of operations at the bulk storage facility has been shown to comply with all relevant standards and incorporates many features which represent environmental best practice. 5.2.1 Design Standards The bulk product tanks, tank foundations, secondary containment compounds and gantry extension will be designed and constructed in accordance with the following: AS 1692 – Steel Tanks and Flammable and Combustible Liquids API 650 – Welded Tanks for Oil Storage API 2000 – Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks AS 1940 – The Storage and Handling of Flammable and Combustible Liquids AS/NZS 1170 – Structural Design Actions AS 4100 – Steel Structures AS 1657 – fixed Platforms, Walkways, Stairways and Ladders – Design Construction and Installation Vic EPA Bunding Guidelines – Publication 347 Spill Containment to AS 1940 requirements. Terminal pipework is designed to ASME B31.3. Dockline pipework is designed to AS2885 Pumps are designed to AP1610, with single mechanical seals. In 2009, Health and Safety Laboratory (UK) was commissioned by the Health and Safety Executive (UK) to undertake a review of relevant published standards pertaining to the management of the mechanical integrity of bulk storage tanks2. The research paper concluded that BS EN 14015 and API 650 provide the most up-to-date and in-depth guidance on design and construction elements. The design has been carried out in accordance with API 650 11th Edition Addendum 2 including seismic design and wind design using AS 1170 loading standard. All the tanks will be constructed with fixed cone roofs, with internal floating roofs being fitted to all ULP, PULP and SPULP tanks, in accordance with best practice. As discussed in Section 2.2.3 above, it is current industry practice to store flammable and combustible products with high flash points and low vapour pressures (i.e. Diesel and Jet fuel) in fixed roof tanks 1 EPA Victoria, 2002: Protocol for Environmental Management - Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Efficiency in Industry, Publication 824 2 Holmes, Tony, 2009: ‘Mechanical Integrity Management of Bulk Storage Tanks – Review of Standards’, HSE Books [online] p 22 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 with free vents. Internal Floating Roofs (IFR’s) are not typical in these tanks due to low emissions rates. They can also add unnecessary complications when using floating suction tank outlets for product quality, as is the case with Jet Fuel. Pressure / Vacuum Vents are not commonly used for Jet or diesel tanks. These can cause additional moisture in the tank which can be of particular concern for Jet fuel. For tanks which store products with low flash points and high vapour pressures (i.e. motorspirit) a floating roof structure is commonly used to minimise vapour losses. In the installation at Caltex Horizons, Internal Floating Roofs have been selected as they will provide the required reduction in vapour emissions and require less maintenance during their life when compared to an external floating roof design. 5.2.2 Vapour Recovery Unit The Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) is employed to ensure ongoing compliance with vapour emissions generated from truck loading operations. A new Vapour Recovery Unit was installed during 2006-07. The new unit was designed to cater for throughput increases in the future. An additional feature incorporated in the new VRU includes an interlock which shuts down the Tanker Truck Loading Rack (TTLR) when the VRU is not available, thus not allowing any loading without an operational VRU. 5.2.3 Y-Cage Redevelopment The Caltex Off-take manifold at the Y-cage was completely replaced in 2006 and the whole manifold area has been provided with a new concrete bund. The higher pressure capacity off-take valves incorporated in this upgrade safeguard Caltex’s pipe system from accidental overpressure created by other company operations. The impervious bund will provide protection from soil and groundwater contamination from any loss of containment in the Caltex portion of the Y-cage area. 5.2.4 Piping Upgrade including South Yard Manifold Pipes downstream of the Y-cage including the South Yard manifold all the way to all tank inlets were replaced during 2006. A significant number of flanged joints were replaced with full section welded joints thus eliminating flange failure issues. This upgrade, whilst providing increased receipt volume capacity also provided added assurance on the integrity of all receipt pipelines to the facility. 5.2.5 Tank 1 Roof Seal Replacement The floating roof seal on the 17 million litre tank No. 1 was replaced during the tank‘s 10 year offstream inspection and maintenance in 2006. The new seal provides the latest technology seal for the tank and will keep tank emissions well below allowable limits. 5.2.6 Off-Stream Bulk Tank Inspection and Maintenance All product tanks but tank 7 have undergone 10-yearly off-stream inspection and maintenance as per American Petroleum Institute (API) standards. This provides confidence on the integrity of the tank infrastructure at the site. 5.2.7 Maintenance System Upgrade Terminal maintenance management system was replaced with a new more robust system during 2007. This system uses the same computer system used for managing other parts of the company business and will provide a better management and monitoring of infrastructure preventative p 23 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 maintenance function. Implementation of this system will improve the reliability of plant and equipment. 5.2.8 Hydrocarbon Detectors Two new hydrocarbon detectors have been installed in the pits in Burleigh Street and another on the VRU slab. These will provide early warning in case of any leaks in the pits and VRU slab to enable prompt emergency response. 5.2.9 West Yard Fire Fighting Foam Plant The fire fighting foam system including foam reticulation pipe-work to tanks and foam hydrants have been replaced. The upgraded system does provide fully compliant emergency response capability in the West Yard. 5.2.10 Waste Generation and Resource Use There will be minimal waste generated as a result of the proposed increase of bulk storage at the site. The primary source of waste within the facility will be sump material/slops. Slops is essentially offspecification fuel product which is stored separately at the Newport Terminal (tanks T6 and T7 are designated for slops storage) prior to being returned to the refinery for re-processing. Slops within the upgraded areas of the Newport Terminal will be managed as per the following arrangement: Dockline Interface Slops Both new docklines will pass through interface detection loops, at the dockline manifold, prior to transfer to the required tank. Both manifolds will include piping to the existing slops tank. The new wharfline manifold, installed during the Horizons project, will significantly reduce the slops produced onsite compared to what is currently generated. Gantry Compartment Slops Gantry slops from tank truck compartments in the new gantry bays shall be by bucket into a tundish mounted within the gantry which is in turn pumped to slops. Terminal Maintenance Slops It is anticipated that the existing terminal maintenance slops procedures will be used within the new compounds. Pump Raft and Dockline Manifolds Slops These areas will be contained and roofed to minimise rainwater ingress into the contained areas. Under normal draining procedures, i.e. clean water, the contained area will be pumped out into adjacent tank compounds using an air pump. Product, or highly contaminated water, can be removed directly from the containment via sucker truck. Pipe Bridges There are a number of existing supply lines currently buried under and crossing Burleigh Street that will be replaced to run above ground across 2 new pipe bridges. This is consistent with best practice for supply lines. p 24 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Resource Use The principle resource use at the Newport Terminal is electricity, which is monitored on a monthly basis as part of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme. Electricity use is reported to the MD’s on a monthly basis. The project may also consider the use low flow options for wash rooms and offices, stormwater tanks for toilet flushing, energy efficient appliances such as A/C etc. 5.3 Integrated environmental assessment There are not expected to be any competing demands with respect to the environment. Where there may be a consideration of the respective water volumes discharged to sewer vs. stormwater, Caltex notes the EPA’s preference for discharges to stormwater and associated reduction in pollutants to the environment. As noted above, Caltex has sought to optimise discharge arrangements, maintaining manual control over stormwater and trade waste discharges. 5.4 Choice of process and technology A number of options were considered during the concept design phase for all major elements of the proposal. A summary of the options considered for key elements of the proposal is outlined in Table 4 below. Table 4 - Alternative processes and technology considered Process / Technology Options Advantages Disadvantages Delivery of fuel from ship N/A Storage Vessel Fixed Roof Tanks Low maintenance External Floating Roof Tanks Outcome Sole option The only other berth option is a Mobil refinery asset for crude oil imports. Internal Floating Roof (IFR) Tanks Increases space for vapour. Preferred option for Diesel and Jet fuel. Decreased vapour space above the liquid level, resulting in reduced air emissions. Significant maintenance liability. Not Preferred Best practice for low flash-point liquids. Usable amount of fuel is reduced as IFR nears tank floor. Best practise storage for flammable and combustible products with high flash points and low vapour pressures (i.e. Diesel and Jet fuel). Decreased vapour space above the liquid level, resulting in Increases risk of water ingress into the tank – major risk for jet fuel. p 25 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Preferred option for motorspirit (i.e. Unleaded, Super Premium Unleaded, Premium Unleaded) Process / Technology Options Advantages Disadvantages reduced air emissions for products with low flash points and high vapour pressures (i.e. motorspirit). Can add unnecessary complications when using floating suction tank outlets for product quality, as is the case with Jet Fuel. Lower maintenance than External Floating Roof Tanks. Outcome Road tanker loading N/A Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) Replace existing VRU with a complete new VRU No advantage over upgrading options for existing unit Less cost effective than upgrading the current unit Not preferred Supply a second smaller unit and split the flow Another unit may be available from another site so an additional unit may not be required Caters for final increase in product turnover Preferred for Stage 2 Connect a booster blower to the existing VRU unit for an approximate 20% rate increase Cost effective Limited additional capacity Preferred for Stage 1 as an interim measure 5.5 Sole option Current option is industry best practice A review of the loading profiles during the detailed design will be required to ensure the correct VRU upgrades are completed. Choice of location and layout The new tanks will be located in the West Yard and South (R&T) Yard at the Caltex Newport Terminal. Four new tanks will be located in the R&T Yard to the south of Burleigh Street, three new tanks will be located in the West Yard to the North of Burleigh Street, adjacent Drake Street and one new tank will be to the north of the three new tanks in the West Yard and also located adjacent Drake Street. The proposed site layout is presented in the drawings included in Appendix 1 to this report. The locations were selected for the following reasons: The R&T Yard is currently vacant, with the exception of two redundant and dilapidated storage sheds. The West Yard comprises redundant tanks and warehouse which can easily be removed to accommodate the proposed new tanks. The two areas represent a logical expansion to the operational area of the Caltex Newport Terminal. p 26 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 The West Yard and R&T Yard fall within the WorkSafe Buffer area. The proposed location is adjacent existing pipework and terminal infrastructure, and will allow for consolidation of services between the existing and upgraded areas (i.e. for fire protection purposes). Additional gantry bays being added as an extension to the existing gantry is a logical expansion and efficient use of space and operational activities. p 27 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 6 Resources 6.1 Carbon As stated in Section 5 above, the Terminal’s carbon emissions are tracked monthly as part of the NGER scheme. Emissions relate to electricity usage and fuel consumption in Caltex vehicles. The project may consider options for reducing electricity consumption, water consumption. During the project works there would be an opportunity to maximise recycling of wastes but under normal operations, the terminal recycles paper/cardboard and scrap metal. All off specification product is returned for reprocessing. 6.1.1 Video Conferencing Equipment The company has recently equipped all regional locations including Newport terminal with video conferencing equipment. This investment provides the capability to conduct meetings with interstate staff and will considerably reduce staff air travel giving a sizable reduction on the company‘s overall carbon footprint. 6.2 Water use Under normal operations water consumption is minimal, predominantly attributed to kitchen and wash room usage. Large quantities of water can be required to be used for hydrotesting activities, for pressure vessels such as tanks and pipelines. This can occur following a 10 yearly offstream tank inspection and will be a requirement following construction of new tanks. Caltex has previously investigated the use of alternative water for hydrotesting, including groundwater, recycled water and salt water. Where possible, Caltex will endeavour to use saltwater for hydrotesting. Further, when hydrotesting multiple vessels Caltex will undertake sequential hydrotests to allow for the reuse of the hydrotest water in all vessels. 6.3 Solid waste Solid waste disposal is minimised during normal operations and project works, through recycling activities. The Newport Terminal segregates paper, cardboard and scrap metal for recycling. During project works, construction and demolition wastes are segregated and recycled where possible. 6.4 Prescribed industrial waste The Newport Terminal generates minimal quantities of prescribed industrial wastes during normal operations. All potentially contaminated wastes are tested and classified in accordance with the waste classification guidelines. The Terminal uses approved and licensed waste contractors to collect, transport and dispose of prescribed industrial waste. p 28 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 7 Emissions 7.1 Air emissions All air emissions from current operations are compliant with licence requirements. The Progress Report for the Clean-up Notice, May 2011 notes that the potential for soil vapour intrusion into enclosed space has been investigated at and around the site. A survey of enclosed buildings was conducted during 2011 to identify elevated concentrations of hydrocarbons and methane within plant buildings. No imminent risk to site workers was identified. Additional testing has been recommended by the environmental auditor to confirm the findings. A survey of volatile vapours within utility pits along Douglas Parade and Burleigh Street was conducted during 2011. The survey did not identify any elevated concentrations of vapours within the utility pits surveyed. There were a number of outstanding actions remaining, under the EIP and following on from the Annual Report of 2009. These actions related to a number of air quality and odour issues which have since been addressed, as follows: Regular monitoring of VOC emissions at site boundary – no longer required by the licence; monitoring of specified emissions from point source (VRU) is undertaken and monitoring of VRU is undertaken at six monthly intervals. Annual submission of a site inspection and maintenance report of facilities associated with the control of air emissions (due 1 August) – no longer required by licence. Conduct boundary walkover to assess odour emissions at the site boundary - Odour assessments are conducted during daily operator site walk around. Formal monitoring is to be conducted in response to odour complaints. No odour complaints have been received to date. An air quality impact assessment has been conducted in support of the upgrade works. Four air pollutant release scenarios were determined as follows: Breathing and working losses from the eight additional tanks to be installed and the existing tanks. Emissions from the Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) stack due to the nine gantry bays (three additional gantry bays are to be constructed). Fugitive emissions during truck loading at the nine gantry bays. Emergency short-term emissions vented out to the environment through a vent due to a VRU Failure. The nearest sensitive receptors to the site were identified and air quality criteria were established for them based on the Victorian Government’s State Environmental Protection Policy (Air Quality Management) 2001. Existing concentrations of pollutants were established based on air quality monitoring conducted by EPA and pollutant ratios established from site emission rates. Meteorological factors with respect to wind conditions, atmospheric stability and mixing height which affect air pollutant dispersion were analysed from 2008 meteorological data from Altona North. Tank emissions modelling was conducted using the US EPA TANKS software to determine the main pollutants of concern and their concentrations based on the dimensions of the tanks, the products contained and their throughput. The main pollutants were found to be components of Total Volatile p 29 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Organic Compounds (TVOCs) and are namely Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, n-Hexane, Cyclohexane and Cumene (Isopropyl Benzene). Based on an analysis of emission rates and the criteria provided by SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001, Benzene was analysed to be the main pollutant with the potential to cause a criteria exceedance. The hydrocarbon vapour recovery assessments carried out by Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd provided the information to derive the emission characteristics of the VRU stack as well as the emergency release emission characteristics from the VRU vent during a VRU failure. Dispersion modelling was conducted for all the identified emission sources using the software packages AUSPLUME and SLAB and the results were compared with the established criteria. No criteria exceedances of the stipulated criteria were observed based on the air dispersion modelling conducted. The report on the air quality impact assessment is presented in Appendix 7. 7.2 Discharge to surface water Existing risks to the Yarra River include stormwater discharge from roads and point source discharges. Monitoring and testing of stormwater has indicated an intermittent sheen at the Burleigh Street storm drain outfall. The sheen was identified as a hydrocarbon through laboratory testing, but a source at Caltex or ALMC was not identified. Further monitoring (visual observation) has been proposed for the Burleigh Street storm drain during monthly CMP events. The design for the new upgrade works includes consideration of connections to the existing stormwater and sewerage systems (trade waste) on the site. The new tank bunds will drain through new SPEL separators and discharge into existing Caltex approved discharge points. The new truck exit pavement will also drain to the existing first flush pits and discharge points as follows: New West Yard tankage will drain through two new SPEL interceptors and into ‘Caltex discharge to stormwater point DWY1 EPA licence No. EM37140’. The future large diesel tank compound in the northern west yard will also drain to DWY1 EPA Licence EM37140. Each of the separate West compounds would be drained separately to ensure discharges through the interceptors are kept within the capacity of the SPEL unit. New R&T Yard will drain through 1 new SPEL interceptor and be pumped into the existing ‘South Yard Treatment Area’. The new tank gantry exit pavement will drain to the existing ‘Eastern Stormwater treatment area’ which in turn discharges to stormwater and approved ‘Caltex Tradewaste point DNY1 EPA licence No. EM37140’. The existing drainage layout and proposed tie-in points for the upgraded areas are shown in Appendix 5. Stormwater quality criteria have previously been adopted for the site and will continue to apply following the upgrade works. The limits reflect requirements under Victorian water quality guidelines and ANZSEC guidelines. The upgrade works will not have an impact on current discharge volumes. p 30 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 7.3 Discharge to groundwater The Progress Report for the Clean-up Notice, May 2011 provides an overview of groundwater interactions. Groundwater at the site has been impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons from site activities, and possibly from surrounding industrial site uses (PB 2010c and PB 2011e). A minor impact of tricholorethene has been identified near the up-hydraulic gradient boundary (West Yard). Site groundwater impacts are characterised by benzene, TPHC6-C9 and TPH C10-C36 and phase separated hydrocarbons (PSH). The PSH is of a weathered diesel nature from multiple historic sources which have not been successfully distinguished using physical parameters and advanced analytical techniques by CSIRO (2005). Groundwater modelling and historical groundwater monitoring events have indicated that impacts above the investigation levels are limited to the Newer Volcanics Aquifer site wide (BTEX, TPH) and the Brighton Group in the South Yard (one well, TPH C10-C36). Impacts are prevented from impacting the Yarra River by the presence of a regional groundwater sink. The regional groundwater sink is a result of a leaky trunk sewer beneath Douglas Parade. Local groundwater that discharges into the sewer is treated at the Werribee sewage treatment plant. Benzene impacts tend to be centred around Burleigh Street, Douglas Parade and the Newport foreshore. No significant lateral changes have been identified from 2009 to 2011. However, PSH gauging thickness has decreased significantly since March 2010. This may be a result of water table increases from increased rainfall in the 6 months to March 2011. As a result of the groundwater modelling efforts, the existing hydraulic boundary control system (HBCS) was shut down on a trial basis from December to April with concurrent monitoring of groundwater elevations and stormwater discharge at Burleigh Street drain (PB 2010b). No adverse impacts have been identified. The HBCS remains turned-off while the hydrogeology model is being finalised. The abstraction bore network remains available for continued monitoring. 7.4 Discharge to land There are no discharges to land associated with the upgrade operations nor current operations. There are no authorised discharges to land and no unplanned discharges to land have occurred. 7.5 Noise emissions A noise impact assessment of the proposed upgrade works has been conducted and is presented in Appendix 8. A noise survey at the nearest sensitive receptor was undertaken to determine the specific noise criteria in accordance with Victorian EPA regulations. The plant operations at the current Caltex plant were monitored and analysed to determine the major noise emitting plant on-site for the current operations and proposed upgrade. A noise inventory was then generated based on the monitored noise data and provided literature. A noise model was created in SoundPLAN to predict the noise level at the nearest sensitive receptors and to generate noise contours for the existing and proposed plant. The outcomes of the noise impact assessment were as follows: The predicted noise level from normal onsite operations comply with the stipulated criteria. The predicted noise level from emergency fire pump operations comply with the stipulated criteria. Noise from the increase of heavy vehicle movements is unlikely to have an adverse impact on the nearest sensitive receivers. Noise predictions are based on a worst case situation where all the plant items are running concurrently throughout the day. p 31 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 8 Environmental Management 8.1 Non-routine operations All on-site personnel receive regular training on what to do in the event of a non-routine operation. Training is a fundamental tool employed at Newport Terminal for maintaining efficient and effective staff with skills and knowledge necessary to properly perform their day-to-day duties in line with the company Environmental Policy and H&S Policy. Current programs that have environmental components are: Caltex Permit Officers – Undertake a two day competency based internal course and an external course in safe entry and working at heights, by an accredited industry body. Emergency Response Training Awareness of emergency actions and procedures to be undertaken on and off site, including an awareness of environmental considerations Regular Health, Safety and Environment Committee meetings All training that is undertaken is recorded on a training register which is kept up-to-date to allow tracking of individual requirements. Caltex has established a comprehensive emergency response network throughout the company nationally. This commences at the corporate level where senior management are called to form the Crisis Management Team in a specifically resourced and allocated operations centre in the Sydney Office. This preparedness to reacting quickly and effectively to environmental or safety emergencies is repeated throughout the Caltex organisation. Newport Terminal is the focus for emergency response management throughout Caltex Victorian operations as well for any incidents involving the Terminal itself. The Caltex Terminal Emergency Response Plan applies to all Caltex terminals. It outlines the company approach to the handling of emergencies and provides site specific information including: Emergency contact lists Register of hazardous materials Terminal fire equipment Terminal pre-fire plans for storage tanks Terminal medical supplies Emergency response trailer equipment 8.1.1 Local Emergency Response Plan All Caltex sites have a Local Terminal Emergency Response Plan that operates in conjunction with the generic national plan. The local plan contains site-specific information. A copy of Local Plan specifically for the Newport Terminal has been provided to EPA, Hobson‘s Bay City Council and Metropolitan Fire Brigade (MFB). p 32 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 8.1.2 Spill Management Caltex has a thorough incident response and investigation procedure that is instigated in the event of an environmental incident, including spills of product. These procedures are contained within the Terminal Emergency Plan. To assist effective response to spills of product, all operators are trained in not only the implementation of the incident response procedure, but also the use of spill response equipment. Hydrocarbon Spill Kits are most appropriate for use in smaller scale spills, but can be used to restrict the area of impact for larger spills. Numerous Spill Kits are located around the terminal. Additionally, absorbent material is located in large bins around the site for use in conjunction with the Spill Kits. Spill Kits and absorbent material are located in the following locations: Incident response trailer The main shed in the North Yard North Yard treatment system Near the South Yard treatment system Near the West Yard treatment system Near the driver staging area In the Y-cage Maintenance of an adequate inventory of spill response equipment is required by condition 2.22 of EM37140. Spill Kits are subject to regular inspections to ensure that they are kept fully stocked. The Spill Response Checks Procedure defines the inspection frequency as monthly, with a check conducted for both quality and quantity of contents. 8.1.3 Clean Up Equipment Newport Terminal is equipped with specific clean up equipment including an emergency response trailer. This trailer can be mobilised rapidly and contains a comprehensive inventory of equipment that may be needed at the scene of an emergency incident. The total inventory has been provided to EPA separately in the Site Emergency Response Plan. Other clean up equipment provided at Newport Terminal include: Localised spill kits Sand Absorbents In addition to the above, Caltex has available specialist support from a company specialising in emergency spill response who make available a 24 hour response service. Information on this service can be viewed on 8.1.4 Fire Management The proposed upgrade works include an upgrade to the fire protection system at the Caltex Newport Terminal. The upgrades will result in additional fire protection for the terminal. Key features of the fire protection system include: Two (2) new 1.1ML firewater storage tanks; Three (3) new firewater pump sets (diesel driven rated to 12,000 LPM at 10 bar g) – two duty pumps, one standby redundant pump; Integrated new foam system with the existing balanced pressure foam proportioning system including retention of the existing foam storage; p 33 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 A Remotely manually activated foam system in the R&T Yard; Extension of the existing West Yard foam system for manual activation of Tank 15 individual foam pourers; Installation of two (2) new hydrant ring mains, including isolation valves and new hydrants for the West Yard and R &T Yard respectively; Installation of spray cooling systems and fixed foam pourers on the new tanks; Single risers servicing all cooling water sectors on each of the tanks fed from hydrant ring main (one riser per tank); and Extension of the existing gantry protection system to all new bays if additional bays are added after prior flow / pressure testing of the system to confirm adequacy. 8.2 Separation distances Schedule 52.10 of the Hobsons Bay Planning Scheme sets out threshold distances from any part of the land of the proposed buildings and works to land in sensitive zones. These distances are based on the EPA guidelines AQ2/86 which addresses air emission buffers, as opposed to risk. The following threshold distances apply for the storage of petroleum products and crude oil in tanks exceeding 2,000 tonnes capacity: Fixed roof tanks 300m Floating roof tanks 100m The majority of the proposed tanks are located in excess of the requisite buffer distance from the closest residentially zoned land. Tanks T13 and T14 are fixed roof tanks designated for the storage of diesel fuel. These tanks are 230m and 260m respectively from the nearest residentially zoned land. Tank T20 is approximately 150m away from the nearest residence. All tanks containing diesel are proposed to have fixed roofs. It is not best practice to contain diesel fuel in floating roof tanks, as the vapours from diesel fuel are very low in comparison to unleaded petrol, super unleaded petrol or premium super unleaded petrol and typically fixed roof tanks are used with free vents. This has been discussed above in Section 2.2.3 and Section 5.2.1. In addition to the above separation distances, WorkSafe Victoria also has set advisory buffer distances around Major Hazard Facilities based on levels of risk. 8.3 Management system Caltex’s corporate expectations for Operational Excellence are detailed under 13 Elements, one of which is ‘Environmental Stewardship’. This Element is detailed with the objective to: ”Strive to continually improve environmental performance and recue impacts from our operations”. The company’s vision is “to be the Australian oil refinery and marketing company most admired for its people, partnership and performance”. The key environmental stewardship value to achieve that vision is that “[Caltex] conduct our business in a work manner than respects the environment and benefits the communities where we work”. The Caltex Environment Policy is shown in Figure 4. p 34 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Figure 4: Caltex Environment Policy p 35 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 8.4 Construction A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be prepared prior to the commencement of works at the site. The CEMP will cover all relevant areas of environmental concern, including the management of the site and the implementation of environmental controls. The CEMP will detail: The environmental risks and opportunities associated with the proposed works and activities. The legislative requirements relevant to the construction of the project. The environmental management structure and an outline of the responsibilities of individual project members. The methods and types of training and awareness that will be compulsory for all site personnel. This will include information on inductions, pre-start meetings, toolbox trainings and communication of other project information. The monitoring and inspection program. 8.4.1 Erosion Control and Stormwater Management Effective stormwater management and erosion control is critical at the Newport Terminal, particularly given the presence of contaminated soil at the site and the proximity to the Yarra River. Stormwater is currently disposed of via the sewer under a Trade Waste Agreement and this will continue to be the case during the construction phase of the project. Additionally, a number of controls will be implemented to manage stormwater management during construction, including the following: Assessment of contours and appropriate placement of drain protection and silt fencing. Erosion and sediment control structures to be installed early in the project and regularly checked and maintained, particularly during and after a rain event. Controls to remain installed until the area is stabilized and Practical Completion obtained. An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan or Map will be prepared and include onsite drainage, stormwater run-off, site entrance and egress and stockpile management. 8.4.2 Air Quality Construction works present the opportunity for air pollution, particularly during the demolition and excavation phases of the project. Of particular concern is the potential for contaminated soil to become airborne. Measures to reduce the impact of dust will include regular wetting down of works area and restriction of vehicle speed on unsealed roads. Visual inspection and recording of daily conditions will be undertaken as part of normal operation. 8.4.3 Noise Construction noise has the potential to impact on nearby residential properties. Construction activity will comply with the EPA’s Noise Control Guidelines (Publication 1254) for Construction and demolition sites, with works complying to the following hours: p 36 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Working Hours Noise Hours Criteria Normal Working Hours 7:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday No noise criteria specified 7:00am – 1:00pm Saturday Evening and Weekend 6:00pm – 10:00pm Monday to Friday Working Hours 1:00pm – 10:00pm Saturday Noise shall not exceed background level by more than 10dB(A) for first 18 months of construction 7:00am – 10:00pm Sunday and public holidays After 18 months noise shall not exceed background level by more than 5dB(A) 10:00pm – 7:00am Monday to Sunday Noise inaudible within a habitable room of any residential premise Night and Early Morning Working Hours 8.4.4 Traffic Management Traffic Management will be required during the construction phase of the project. It will be necessary to define access routes to the site which will not interfere with existing operational traffic at the site, which primarily consists of road tankers. It will also be necessary to ensure that construction vehicles do not detrimentally impact on nearby residential areas. 8.4.5 Water Quality As discussed in Section 4.1, the Newport Terminal is currently affected by an EPA issued Clean Up Notice relating to groundwater quality. Monitoring of groundwater for the purposes of the Clean Up Notice will continue during construction. 8.4.6 Contamination There is known to be contaminated soil in the R&T Yard. Caltex do not intend to remove the contaminated soil from the site, and therefore must carefully manage the contaminated material and ensure that it does not result in any off-site impacts. Additionally, Caltex must ensure that the proposed works do not result in any additional land contamination. Controls which may be included within the CEMP include: Areas identified as contaminated will be marked on a Site Plan. The volume of material for disposal will be minimised by separating contaminated and clean fill. Machinery and equipment will be washed down prior to exiting the site. Site investigations will be undertaken as required by the Contaminated Land Consultant prior to the movement of soil. Excavation and handling of any material in contaminated areas will be done in accordance with EPA requirements, with specialist advice from the Contaminated Land Consultant as required. Material for offsite disposal will be transported in accordance with the EPA waste tracking system. p 37 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 8.4.7 Waste Management All litter and construction waste will be disposed of appropriately. All waste will be removed from the site to the correct receiving facilities. Demolition material and prescribed waste will be disposed of in accordance with EPA requirements, with copies of all licences and relevant transport certificates being retained. 8.5 Environmental Monitoring Environmental monitoring will be conducted as part of the continuing monitoring activities currently being conducted on the site, as per requirements of the EPA licence, including ground water and stormwater quality and air emissions. p 38 Project 225440.010.02 | File Works Approval Application Report_Rev3_090513.docx | 13 May 2013 | Revision 0 Appendices Appendix 1 Site Layout LEGEND: NEW COMPOUND FOR STAGE 3 (HORIZONS PROJECT). PIPING AND CONFIGURATIONS TO BE CONFIRMED AT A LATER STAGE OF DESIGN. INLET PIPEWORK OUTLET PIPEWORK EXISTING PIPEWORK BUND WALL / INTERMEDIATE BUND WALL \ GAS EASEMENT \ ALL NEW COMPOUNDS TO BE DRAINED TO UPGRADED INTERCEPTORS (HORIZONS PROJECT) / NEW 6m WIDE ACCESS & MAINTENANCE ROAD (HORIZONS PROJECT) / / EXISTING WHARFLINE FROM HOLDEN DOCK / / EXISTING VEHICLE ACCESS FROM DRAKE STREET / NEW QUICKFLUSH TANKS FOR ALL NEW DIESEL TANKS (HORIZON PROJECT) EXISTING SWITCH HOUSE NEW COMPOUND ACCESS ROAD TO LINK WITH NEW TTLR ACCESS NEW TTLR ACCESS PROJECT (SEPERATE CALTEX PROJECT) / / NEW TANK MANIFOLD OUTLET (HORIZONS PROJECT) TANKER GANTRY EXIT PAVEMENT TO DRAIN TO EXISTING EASTERN STORMWATER TREATMENT AREA VRU TO BE UPGRADED TO SUIT EXPANSION OF TTLR (HORIZON PROJECT) NEW WHARFLINE FROM HOLDEN DOCK (HORIZONS PROJECT) TRUCK EXIT TO DOUGLAS PARADE ALMC AC CE RA SS MP / AREA 3 LAB / RELOCATE EXISTING GATES FOR VEHICLE ACCESS (HORIZONS PROJECT) \ \ \ LUBE DRUM STORAGE FOAM TW1 NEW COMPOUND TO INCLUDE UPGRADE OF EXISTING DIESEL & T26 COMPOUND (HORIZONS PROJECT) EN MANUFACTURING AREA 4 DRUM STORAGE AREA 2 E NC A R T NEW TTLR EXIT PAVEMENT TO DRAIN TO EXISTING EASTERN STORMWATER TREATMENT AREA (HORIZONS PROJECT). (EASTERN STORMWATER TREATMENT DISCHARGES TO STORMWATER AND APPROVED CALTEX TRADEWASTE POINT DNY1 EPA LICENSE # EM37140) T246 T243 T247 VEHICLE ACCESS CAR PARK T103 DRUM STORAGE AREA T248 FIRE WATER TANK TW3 Ø FOAM PLANT T242 SHED SHED T101 T32 NEW ADDITIVE UPGRADE (CALTEX UPGRADE PROJECT) / Ø T245 T313 / BUND WALL / T301 TRUCK LOADING BAYS SHELL Images: site overlay T1 / / SLIDING GATES / / / CAR PARKING Ø NOT IN SERVICE / NEW PIPEBRIDGE OVER BURLEIGH STREET (HORIZONS PROJECT) U187 VEHICLE ACCESS GATE D2 / VEHICLE ACCESS / 2 WHARFLINES & 6 REFINERY LINES TO CROSS NEW PIPEBRIDGE TO SOUTH YARD (HORIZONS PROJECT) / / / T13 D184 OFFICES / / / / / / / / / / / / / GATE D5 / \ PERIMETER FENCE EXISTING SPULP TANK (RECENTLY CONVERTED) NEW PIPEWORK TO BE FITTED AS PART OF SEPERATE CALTEX PROJECT NEW 2.2m HIGH PERIMETER WALL EXISTING INTERCEPTOR TO BE REPLACED & UPGRADED NEW PIPEBRIDGE AS PART OF CALTEX "PIPEBRIDGE' PROJECT TRUCK ENTRY FROM BURLEIGH STREET VEHICLE ACCESS PERIMETER FENCE BUND ACCESS NEW PUMP STATION FOR R & T YARD TANKS (HORIZON PROJECT) WATER CONTAINMENT SYSTEM \ / / NEW 2.0m HIGH NORTH/SOUTH INTERNAL WALL ALL OTHER INTERMEDIATE WALLS 600mm AVERAGE HEIGHT SLIDING GATE D3 T3 WORKSHOP LAB & MEETING ROOM NEW PIPEBRIDGE OVER DOUGLAS PARADE (HORIZONS PROJECT) ESS ACCC EXISTING WATER CONTAINMENT SYSTEM TO BE RELOCATED TO ALLOW FOR NEW INLET LINES & METERS (HORIZONS PROJECT) CAR PARK T12 T11 T8 NEW WHARFLINE MANIFOLD & REFINERY LINE TIE-IN POINT (HORIZONS PROJECT) T9 T10 ACCCESS CROSSING L AL FW2 W T4 FW1 BU ND BUND ACCE SS BUN D AC CESS GATE D4 Cad File: P:\225440 - Caltex\Project Delivery\CADD\DRGS\Mech\225440-DW-L001.dwg EXISTING CALTEX "Y" CAGE SSIN CRO NEW 6m WIDE ACCESS & MAINTENANCE RING ROAD (HORIZONS PROJECT) T7 G BUND WALL EXISTING INTERCEPTOR TO BE REPLACED & UPGRADED T6 T2 PERIMETER FENCE Xrefs: 2d West Yard Bund, 2d R&T Yard, ADG_A1HS, Exisiting Caltex site, new roadway, new pipework, new wharfline TE GA USE O H EXISTING GANTRY TO BE EXTENDED BY 3 BAYS (HORIZONS PROJECT) SLIDING GATE D1 DRUM CONVEYOR Plot Date: 20/04/2012 9:45:49 a.m. Name: Chris Young GATE HOUSE LUBE OIL BUILDING T214 T244 IT EX OPERATION OFFICE \ OFFICE \ ADMIN OFFICE U188 / Ø LUBE DRUM STORAGE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS STORE AREA 5 U189 SWITCH HOUSE AMENITIES NEW DIESEL & SPULP PUMPS ARE PART OF CALTEX FLOWRATES PROJECT" / EXISTING FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM TO BE UPGRADED/ASSESSED FOR CAPACITY TO CATER FOR NEW WEST YARD TANKAGE (SEPERATE CALTEX PROJECT) VEHICLE ACCESS UPGRADED FIREWATER SYSTEM & FIREWATER TANK FOR R & T YARD (OR UPGRADE EXISTING SOUTH YARD SYSTEM FOR CAPACITY) (HORIZONS PROJECT) ETER VEHICLE ACCESS TO TANK FARM E FENC PERIM T2 TO BE CONVERTED TO JET AS PART OF CALTEX "JET SUPPLY UPGRADE" PROJECT NEW QUICKFLUSH TANK FOR JET TANK (HORIZON PROJECT) R & T YARD DRAINAGE TO BE PUMPED TO EXISTING OR UPGRADED SEPA SYSTEM (HORIZON PROJECT) CLIENT REV DATE REVISION DETAILS APPROVED DRAWN DESIGNED PROJECT PRELIMINARY P.BYRNE P.BYRNE CALTEX AUSTRALIA NEWPORT HORIZON NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT No. CHECKED F E D C B A 20.04.12 27.02.12 09.02.12 19.12.11 17.11.11 15.11.11 REVISED TO INCLUDE STAGE 3 COMPOUND ISSUED FOR CONCEPT DESIGN WAS L004 3rd GANTRY BAY ADDED REVISED TO CLIENT COMMENTS ISSUED FOR COMMENT D.MARTIN D.MARTIN D.MARTIN TITLE APPROVED DATE D.MARTIN PROPOSED ADDITIONAL TANK FARMS TANK LOCATION LAYOUT 225440 SCALE SIZE 1:1000 A1 DRAWING No. REV L-001 F Appendix 2 Concept Design Report AL TI EN D FI N O C Projec ct: Concept Design Report Caltex Newport Terminal T Horizon ns Project Referrence: 225440 Prepa ared for: Caltexx Australia Petroleum Pty P Ltd Revis sion: 1 1 Marrch 2012 Appendix 3 Progress Report for Clean-up Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited ABN 80 078 004 798 Level 15 28 Freshwater Place SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 Australia Telephone +61 3 9861 1111 Facsimile +61 3 9861 1144 Email [email protected] Certified to ISO 9001; ISO 14001; AS/NZS 4801 Our reference A+ GRI Rating: Sustainability Report 2009 2162474A/hirthd/** 19 May 2011 Mike Tangtatco EPA Victoria Environmental Performance Unit GPO Box 4395 Melbourne VIC 3001 Dear Mike Tangtatco, EPA Environmental Progress Report for Clean Up Notice 8541 Caltex Newport Terminal and ALMC Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) was commissioned by Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd (Caltex) to provide EPA with a summary of environmental progress under Clean Up Notice (CUN) 8541. The CUN was issued to Caltex and Australasian Lubricants Manufacturing Company Pty Ltd (ALMC) on 27 July 2010 for the properties located at 411 Douglas Parade and 21-32 Burleigh Street, Newport, Victoria (the site). The permit requires annual reporting of environmental progress to EPA on 31 May of each year. According to the CUN, “[the report must detail]… progress of the clean up action, completion of milestones, results of any monitoring and any other information requested by EPA.” At present, no additional information has been specified by the EPA. 1. Overall progress of clean up action During the period of 1 April 2010 through 31 March 2011, Caltex has enacted the agreed upon Clean Up Plan (November 2010 revision) in order to manage environmental impacts at the site and to prevent new impacts to soil, water and air. A summary of monitoring results is provided for each media with references to audited reports which are available upon request. 1.1 Soil The soil at the site is known to have had historical impacts of petroleum fuels and oils as the site has operated since the 1920s under various corporate entities. No new releases affecting soil at the site have occurred during the period of 1 April 2010 through 31 March 2011. An historical soil impact from oil was noted at ALMC in the bunded area near tanks 301 and 303 during April 2010. It has been advised that clean up of the impacted area will be undertaken in the second half of 2011. Caltex have completed a bund upgrade project at the terminal. This work involved installation of a concrete barrier around above ground tanks 1 and 5 within the North Yard. The project involved excavating a significant amount of soil Over a Century of Engineering Excellence \\AUMELF1\PROJ\C\CALTEX_AUS_PETROLEUM\2162474A_CALTEX_NEWPORT_2011\05_WRKPAPERS\WP\DRAFT\EPA LETTER - MAY 2011\2162474A-LTR-006-B1.DOCX 2/5 2162474A (1,600m3) which was stored in the West Yard and classified for offsite disposal as Fill Material (PB 2010d). A second (final) phase of stockpiled soil assessment is proposed (approximately 1,000m 3). A 300m 3 stockpile of hydrocarbon impacted soil is located within the R&T Yard as a result of site maintenance activities. The stockpile has been assessed in 2007 and 2011, and was classified as Category A Prescribed Industrial Waste due to TPH C15-C36 concentrations (PB 2011b). The stockpile will undergo further bioremediation assessment utilising detailed analysis of biological populations as remediation progresses, and work has been proposed to accelerate the biodegradation of recalcitrant TPH C15-C36 compounds by improving the biopile management. The stockpile is kept covered and is stored in a secure area that is not routinely accessible to site workers and has erosion prevention measures in-place. 1.2 Water Groundwater at the site has been impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons from site activities, and possibly from surrounding industrial site uses (PB 2010c and PB 2011e). A minor impact of tricholorethene has been identified near the up-hydraulic gradient boundary (West Yard). Site groundwater impacts are characterised by benzene, TPHC6-C9 and TPH C10-C36 and phase separated hydrocarbons (PSH). The PSH is of a weathered diesel nature from multiple historic sources which have not been successfully distinguished using physical parameters and advanced analytical techniques by CSIRO (2005). Groundwater modelling and historical groundwater monitoring events have indicated that impacts above the investigation levels are limited to the Newer Volcanics Aquifer site wide (BTEX, TPH) and the Brighton Group in the South Yard (one well, TPH C10-C36). Impacts are prevented from impacting the Yarra River by the presence of a regional groundwater sink. The regional groundwater sink is a result of a leaky trunk sewer beneath Douglas Parade. Local groundwater that discharges into the sewer is treated at the Werribee sewage treatment plant. Benzene impacts tend to be centred around Burleigh Street, Douglas Parade and the Newport foreshore. No significant lateral changes have been identified from 2009 to 2011. However, PSH gauging thickness has decreased significantly since March 2010. This may be a result of water table increases from increased rainfall in the 6 months to March 2011. As a result of the groundwater modelling efforts, the existing hydraulic boundary control system (HBCS) was shut down on a trial basis from December to April with concurrent monitoring of groundwater elevations and stormwater discharge at Burleigh Street drain (PB 2010b). No adverse impacts have been identified. The HBCS remains turned-off while the hydrogeology model is being finalised. The abstraction bore network remains available for continued monitoring. Other risks to the Yarra River include stormwater discharge from roads and point source discharges. Monitoring and testing of stormwater has indicated an intermittent sheen at the Burleigh Street storm drain outfall. The sheen was identified as a hydrocarbon through laboratory testing, but a source at Caltex or ALMC was not identified. Further monitoring (visual observation) has been proposed for the Burleigh Street storm drain during monthly CMP events. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence \\AUMELF1\PROJ\C\CALTEX_AUS_PETROLEUM\2162474A_CALTEX_NEWPORT_2011\05_WRKPAPERS\WP\DRAFT\EPA LETTER - MAY 2011\2162474A-LTR-006-B1.DOCX 3/5 2162474A 1.3 Air The potential for soil vapour intrusion into enclosed space has been investigated at and around the site (PB 2011a). A survey of enclosed buildings was conducted during 2011 to identify elevated concentrations of hydrocarbons and methane within plant buildings. No imminent risk to site workers was identified. Additional testing has been recommended by the environmental auditor to confirm the findings. A survey of volatile vapours within utility pits along Douglas Parade and Burleigh Street was conducted during 2011 (PB 2011c). The survey did not identify any elevated concentrations of vapours within the utility pits surveyed. Assessment of plant emissions to air from permitted processes is not included within this review, as permitted processes are not addressed within the CUN. 2. Completion of milestones A brief summary of CUP milestones (Table 1) is provided within this section, so that compliance may be demonstrated. Any recommendations for further environmental works are included in a separate table of milestones (Table 2). Table 1. CUP (November 2010) Section 9, First Quarter 2011 Milestones Item Field Completion Date Report Date Outcome Assessment of Burleigh Street drain outfall 3 December 2010 to 21 March 2011, plus observations from July through September 2010 4 May 2011 Intermittent sheen observed, intermittent dissolved phase hydrocarbons detected, sources not identified. Further monitoring and assessment recommended. Not related to HBCS shut-down, as sheen observed while HBCS operating. Completion of bore construction assessment 27 January 2011 17 March 2011 Missing bore construction data collected with borehole camera. Well network maintenance advised, and decommissioning of two bores. Assessment of R&T Yard biopile 22 February 2011 6 May 2011 There was a significant microbial population present, including species/groups capable of degrading C15-C36 hydrocarbons. Recommendation for improving bioremediation of waste, and continued monitoring. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence \\AUMELF1\PROJ\C\CALTEX_AUS_PETROLEUM\2162474A_CALTEX_NEWPORT_2011\05_WRKPAPERS\WP\DRAFT\EPA LETTER - MAY 2011\2162474A-LTR-006-B1.DOCX 4/5 2162474A Assessment of air quality in low ventilation areas on-site 13 January 2011 25 February 2011 No imminent hazards identified, further investigation using laboratory methods recommended. Assessment of air quality in utility vaults along Douglas Parade frontage owned by Caltex and Hoffman’s Transport December 2010 through March 2011 30 March 2011 Concentrations of VOCs were within acceptable ranges (background conditions). No indications of soil vapour intrusion. Table 2. CUP (November 2010) Section 9, Continuing Program Milestones Item Field Completion Date Report Date Outcome Ongoing sampling of the groundwater monitoring network September 2010 and March 2011 11 June 2010, May 2011 Suring the assessment period, groundwater flow direction has remained consistent, flowing towards the MWTS. Water elevations have been noted to increase throughout the period of record, based on gauging and continuous recording gauges. The presence of PSH has markedly reduced in thickness and number of impacted wells. Exceedances of dissolved hydrocarbon impacts have remained relatively static, as well as the lateral extent. Ongoing operation of PSH removal monthly May 2011 No recordable quantity of PSH was removed during operation of the HBCS. A total of 23 L PSH was removed during the CMP program through manual bailing. Initial passive skimmer recover rates appear to be higher than manual bailing. Perform PSH transmissivity tests as necessary None required Not reported Insufficient PSH recovery or thickness identified as a precursor to transmissivity testing. Revised CMP strategy at least once per year Not applicable April 2010, March 2010 and May 2011 Changes to the number and location of absorbent socks, passive skimmers and manual bailing occurred on 3 occasions to maximise PSH recovery. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence \\AUMELF1\PROJ\C\CALTEX_AUS_PETROLEUM\2162474A_CALTEX_NEWPORT_2011\05_WRKPAPERS\WP\DRAFT\EPA LETTER - MAY 2011\2162474A-LTR-006-B1.DOCX 5/5 2162474A HBCS decommissioned during April 2011. Ongoing well network maintenance September 2010 and March 2011 11 June 2010, May 2011 Well caps replaced as needed, and some minor recommendations for well head repairs. Identify efficiencies for quality control 2011 May 2011 Recommendation for consideration and costing of converting historical data to ESDAT format. Annual reporting of tank and line integrity monitoring 2010-2011 May 2011 No tank or line integrity failures reported. The milestones included in Tables 1 and 2 indicate compliance with all applicable components of the site CUP. If you have any questions or would like to review any supporting documents, please contact the undersigned. Yours sincerely, Daniel Hirth Senior Environmental Scientist Parsons Brinckerhoff Australia Pty Limited References PB 2011a. Indoor Air Quality Preliminary Assessment – Caltex Newport terminal and ALMC, Rev. 1. 25 February 2010. PB 2011b. Biopile Soil Classification – Caltex Newport Terminal and ALMC. 6 May 2011. 3 PB 2011c. Off-site Utility Vault Assessment – Caltex Newport Terminal and ALMC. 30 March 2011. PB 2011d. Burleigh Street Drain Stormwater Monitoring – Caltex Newport Terminal and ALMC. 4 may 2001. PB 2011e. Annual Environmental Summary and March 2011 Groundwater Monitoring Event Report for Caltex Newport Terminal and ALMC (presently in-review). PB 2010a. Clean Up Plan, Caltex Newport terminal, November 2010 Revision. 29 November 2010. PB 2010b. Monitoring Plan for trial HBCS shutdown at the Caltex Newport Terminal. 7 October 2010. PB 2010c. Caltex Newport Terminal September 2010 Groundwater Monitoring Event. 18 April 2011. PB 2010d. Caltex Newport Terminal - West Yard Stockpile Classification. 7 May 2010. Over a Century of Engineering Excellence \\AUMELF1\PROJ\C\CALTEX_AUS_PETROLEUM\2162474A_CALTEX_NEWPORT_2011\05_WRKPAPERS\WP\DRAFT\EPA LETTER - MAY 2011\2162474A-LTR-006-B1.DOCX Appendix 4 Annual Report 2009 Caltex Newport Terminal Annual Report June 2008-June 2009 Contents Page Number 1. Background 1 2. Environmental Management and Improvement Plan – Progress 2 3. Non-Compliances 8 4. Air monitoring 9 4.1 Ambient Air Monitoring at Site Boundary. 9 4.2 Vapour Recovery Unit Monitoring 5. 10 Stormwater Monitoring 11 5.1 Trends 11 5.2 Non-compliances 14 5.3 Corrective Actions 14 5.3.1 5.3.2 14 15 MBAS Non Compliances pH Non Compliance 6. NATA Endorsed Laboratory Certificates 16 7. Environmental Complaints 17 8. Environmental Incidents 18 9. Greenhouse Gas and Energy 19 Annual Report 2009.docx Page i Tables Table 1 Summary VRU Monitoring results Table 2 Summary of Stormwater Monitoring Results Appendices Appendix A NATA Endorsed Laboratory Certificates - Air Appendix B NATA Endorsed Laboratory Certificates - Stormwater Annual Report 2009.docx Page ii Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 1. Background Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd (‘Caltex’) is pleased to present this Annual Report (June 2008-June 2009) in accordance with Condition 3.25 of EPA Waste Discharge Licence EM37140. The following information is submitted in accordance with the condition 3.25: Details of progress of implementation of environmental actions listed in the most recent EPA approved Environmental Management and Improvement Plan (EIMP); Details of any non-compliances with any condition of this licence during the previous calendar year; An analysis of air and stormwater monitoring data including: o Trends over a minimum of a three year period; o Non-compliances with the licence and or State Environment Protection Policies for the previous year; o Actions taken to prevent recurrence of any monitoring data and noncompliances. Copies of NATA endorsed laboratory analysis certificates for environmental monitoring required to be conducted by this licence during the previous calendar year; A summary of the number, nature and actions taken in regards to any environmental complaints received in the previous calendar year; A summary of the number, nature and actions taken in regards to any environmental incidents received in the previous calendar year; Details of any new environmental improvement actions arising from incidents, audits or inspections, environmental monitoring, complaints or any other mechanism of identification during the previous calendar year; and Annual Report 2009.docx Page 1 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 2. Environmental Management and Improvement Plan – Progress The current Newport Terminal EIMP was implemented in September 2008. Since then, the Newport Terminal has undergone an extensive internal management restructure. In July 2009, the current EIMP program and action items were reviewed by the new management and the Supply and Distribution Environmental Specialist. The review concluded that the current program focused primarily on establishing continuing systems for monitoring and maintenance, with little emphasis on environmental improvements. In addition, the terminal has successfully completed and submitted the Newport Safety Case, as required for Major Hazard Facilities, which has incorporated relevant environmental risks and actions, which are not adequately reflected in the EIMP. As such the current EIMP has been placed under review, to allow for development of new actions, that support and are aligned with the Safety Case findings, reflect the current terminal maintenance systems and drive environmental improvement. For purposes of compliance with licence condition 3.25(a), the status of all existing Action Items identified in the current Environmental Management and Improvement Plan (EIMP) is summarised below: Pipelines (Page 39) Continue pipeline painting program as part of the preventative maintenance program. Investigate installation of an Armco railing or concrete barrier to protect exposed pipelines on Burleigh St. Annual Report 2009.docx Completion Date ON GOING PROGRAM REVIEW COMPLETED NOVEMBER 2008 Page 2 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Completion Date Pump Pit Operation (Page 40) Establish pump maintenance program, including regular inspection and vibration testing. IMPLEMENTED DECEMEBER 2008 Air Emissions (Pages 43-46) Completion Date Regular monitoring of all identified discharge ON GOING PRGRAM points Regular monitoring VOC emissions at site NOT COMPLETED boundary DURING 2008/2009 LICENCE PERIOD AND PROGRAM UNDER REVIEW Annual submission of a site inspection and NOT COMPLETED maintenance report of facilities associated with DURING 2008/2009 the control of air emissions ( due 1st August) LICENCE PERIOD AND PROGRAM UNDER REVIEW Odour (Page 49) Completion Date Conduct boundary walkover to assess odour NOT COMPLETED emissions at the site boundary DURING 2008/2009 LICENCE PERIOD AND PROGRAM UNDER REVIEW Any odour sources identified will be brought to the attention of the Maintenance Supervisor ONGOING PROGRAM and actioned accordingly Annual Report 2009.docx Page 3 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Section 12 - Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Pages 33 - 34) Constantly investigate energy Completion Date reduction strategies for inclusion in future terminal ONGOING PROGRAM projects Noise (Pages 51 - 52) Completion Date Undertake annual site walk around to assess noise. Follow up any findings with implementation of a noise reduction program Wastewater and Stormwater Management (Pages 52 - 60) Inclusion of stormwater monitoring data in site Annual Report to provide to EPA ONGOING PROGRAM ONGOING PROGRAM Completion Date ON GOING PROGRAM Where exceedences are noted report to EPA and undertake investigation to identify source ON GOING PROGRAM of contamination If necessary, temporarily divert to sewer ON GOING PROGRAM Report exceedences to CLG ON GOING PROGRAM Include upgrade of west yard wastewater treatment system in terminal capital expenditure plan for 2009 - 2011 Complete weekly stormwater outfall. Annual Report 2009.docx visual inspection of COMPLETED DECEMBER 2008 ON GOING PRGRAM Page 4 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Evaluate water recycling opportunities. COMPLETED OCTOBER 2008 Completion Date Soil and Groundwater (Pages 60 - 64) Review extent of HBCS and assess benefit of extending system across the site COMPLETED DECEMBER 2009 Optimise HBCS to maximise product recovery Review of CUN actions ON GOING PROGRAM COMPLETED JUNE 2009 Identification and reporting of onsite sources and undertake control actions as required. ON GOING PROGRAM Waste Management (Pages 65 - 66) Completion Date Assessment of asbestos management plan ONGOING PROGRAM Evaluation of recycling opportunities for office COMPLETED MARCH wastes. 2009 Emergency Response (Pages 69 - 72) Completion Date As a result of the Bruncefield Report the ERP is being critically reviewed with a focus on fire water management. Conduct emergency response drills specified in the ERP Tank Farm Operations (Pages 40 - 41) Complete upgrade of North Yard ULP bund Annual Report 2009.docx as COMPLETED JUNE 2009 ONGOING PROGRAM Completion Date IN PROGRESS Page 5 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Tank Farm Operations (Pages 40 - 41) Completion Date Replacement of all cast iron tank valves during 10 year T&I. Implement inspection schedule for pipe supports Assess alternatives for secondary and tertiary containment systems. ONGOING PROGRAM ONGOING PROGRAM COMPLETED DECEMBER 2008 Inspection and maintenance of Tank 7 COMPLETED DECEMBER 2008 Operation of north and west yard tanks at reduced capacity until bund upgrades are ONGOING PROGRAM completed Tanker Truck Loading Rack Operations (Pages 41 - 42) Audit of loading rack operations and implementation of preventative maintenance program for loading arms Replacement of TTLR underground slops tank Completion Date COMPLETED DECEMBER 2008 COMPLETED APRIL 2009 Storage and Handling of Packaged Goods Assessment implementation required. Annual Report 2009.docx of Lubrizol of bunding corrective actions and as Completion Date COMPLETED SEPTEMBER 2009 Page 6 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Three EIP actions have not been completed during the 2008/2009 licence period. These actions are: 1. VOC monitoring at the site boundary, 2. Submission of a terminal maintenance report, and 3. Annual odour monitoring assessment The work associated with the three actions was not able to be resourced under the new terminal structure. The requirements of the outstanding actions will be discussed at the upcoming EPA meeting later this month. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 7 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 3. Non-Compliances As reported in Section 2, three EIMP actions have not been completed during the reporting period due to a lack of allocated resources (two air monitoring actions and one reporting action). Due to the installation of the Vapour Recovery Unit the two air monitoring actions will be reviewed for their currency and relevance. All outstanding actions will be discussed at the next EPA meeting and a plan for completion will be developed. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 8 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 4. Air monitoring 4.1 Ambient Air Monitoring at Site Boundary. As reported, the requirement to undertake ambient air monitoring at the boundary has not been complied with (licence condition 3.26). A review of previous results and trends indicate that ambient air quality has improved significantly with the installation of the Vapour Recovery Unit. During the last four years boundary monitoring there has been only two exceedences of the benzene limit (October 2005 and January 2007). The exceedence in October 2005 is most likely related to an operational incident affecting the Shell VRU emissions on the day of testing. The January 2007 exceedence is most likely related to the Caltex loading rack emissions. As reported in the 2007/2008 annual return subsequent ambient air monitoring, conducted in November 2007, after the installation and commissioning of the VRU, has confirmed that emissions from the loading rack have significantly reduced. There were no exceedences of the NEPM air toxics reported during the November 2007 monitoring event. In light of the history of results and the impact of the VRU, the validity and value of this program is being reviewed. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 9 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 4.2 Vapour Recovery Unit Monitoring The six monthly vapour recovery unit monitoring has been completed during the reporting, in accordance with licence condition 3.2. Table 1 – Summary of VRU Monitoring Unrecovered Vapours Design Limit (mg/L) (mg/L) 99.57% 1.54 10 October 2007 99.89% 0.37 10 January 2008 99.99% 0.03 10 March 2008 98.98% 2.94 10 June 2008 98.89% 3.05 10 March 2009 99.53% 1.51 10 Date of VRU Test % Efficiency July 2007 Results are able to confirm that since commissioning, the unrecovered vapours emitted from the VRU are consistently below the design limit of 10mg/L. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 10 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 5. Stormwater Monitoring As reported in the 2007/2008 annual report, Caltex continues to only discharge stormwater from one licenced discharge point, which drains clean stormwater from the west yard. All other stormwater is discharged to the trade waste sewer. Stormwater discharges are completed on a batch process, after testing has confirmed that the water quality complies with the release criteria. In accordance with the conditions of the Waste Discharge Licence, stormwater is analysed for the following: Total Organic Compounds Total Petroleum hydrocarbons Methyl Blue Active Substances (MBAS) Monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Total suspended solids pH Dissolved Oxygen Acute Toxicity Electrical Conductivity Laboratory certificates are included in Appendix B. 5.1 Trends Minor exceedences of the MBAS guidelines (0.2 mg/L) have historically been reported from the West Yard. There does not appear to be any obvious source of MBAS as surfactants are not used on either the Caltex or the ALMC sites. A summary of the last three years monitoring is presented below. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 11 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Table 2 – Summary of Stormwater Monitoring Date Toxicity MBAS Conductivity DO Limit >100 0.2 - 6.5 Jan 06 NMT 0.22 460 6.3 Feb 06 97 <0.2 Not tested Apr 06 >100 0.3 June 06 >100 Nov 06 pH TSS TOC Benzene Toluene - - 0.01 - 8.1 75 17 <0.001 6.1 7.5 25 33 290 6.6 7.4 4 0.4 330 6.0 7.7 >100 <0.2 350 7.2 Jan 07 NMT 0.3 450 Mar 07 >100 <0.2 May 07 >100 Jul 07 Ethyl Xylene C6-C9 C10-C14 C15-C28 C29-C36 - - - - - - <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.4 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 1.1 <0.1 30 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.5 0.2 4 12 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 1.7 0.1 7.4 86 46 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.7 <0.5 6.2 7.7 8 66 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Not Not Not Not Tested Tested Tested Tested 500 6.4 7.3 3 18 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.7 <0.1 <0.2 200 7.2 7.1 24 8.3 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.6 0.2 >100 0.3 280 7.2 7.2 2 13 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.2 <0.1 Dec 07 >100 3.3 480 6.9 7.3 41 57 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 <0.1 <0.1 Mar 08 NMT 0.3 390 6.6 7.5 46 14 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.1 <0.1 Jul 08 NMT <0.2 290 6.6 7.8 12 12 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.4 0.2 Sep 08 >100 <0.2 400 8.8 8.6 4 13 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 0.13 1.7 <0.1 Nov 08 NMT 0.4 340 6.6 7.1 16 8 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.02 <0.05 0.2 <0.1 6.5 8.5 Benzene All results are in mg/L. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 12 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report Annual Report 2009.docx Page 13 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 5.2 Non-compliances Sampling was conducted in accordance with the conditions of the Waste Discharge Licence. There have been no discharges to stormwater from the terminal in the first half of 2009. Red highlighting indicates a non compliance with the ANZSECC Water Quality Guidelines for Recreational Purposes. Blue highlighting indicates a missed sample. A summary of non compliances reported to date is presented below; 5.3 Date of Discharge Non Compliance January 2006 MBAS April 2006 MBAS June 2006 MBAS January 2007 MBAS July 2007 MBAS December 2007 MBAS March 2008 MBAS November 2008 MBAS September 2008 pH Corrective Actions 5.3.1 MBAS Non Compliances There is history of non compliance with the set MBAS limit of 0.2mg/L (8 non compliances in 3 years). The cause of this issue is not known, as the use of detergents within the terminal and the ALMC site is not approved. After the initial non compliance an investigation was undertaken to determine the source of the detergent material. The investigation concentrated on delineating the interconnection between the Caltex terminal and the adjacent ALMC site. The results of this investigation did not detect a source of the detergent. To control stormwater flows from the ALMC site, all Annual Report 2009.docx Page 14 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report drainage lines that connect the ALMC site to the Caltex site have been blocked. This was completed in 2006. Further improvements include the redirection of stormwater from the south and west yards SEPA units, which now discharge to the trade waste sewer. A second investigation into this on going issue is now underway. The investigation will include additional testing and will look at procedural changes, to prevent future incidents. 5.3.2 pH Non Compliance There was one further non compliance during the 2008/2009 reporting, related to pH (result of 8.6 vs limit of 8.5, September 2008 discharge). Onsite pH testing indicated that the pH of the discharge was within the acceptable range. The cause of the non compliance is unknown and an investigation is in progress. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 15 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 6. NATA Endorsed Laboratory Certificates NATA endorsed laboratory certificates for stormwater monitoring are included in Appendix A. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 16 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 7. Environmental Complaints There have been no environmental complaints reported as a result of site operations over the 2008/2009 reporting period. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 17 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 8. Environmental Incidents There have not been any reportable environmental incidents within the 2008/2009 reporting period. Annual Report 2009.docx Page 18 Newport Terminal - 2009 Annual Report 9. Greenhouse Gas and Energy The monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gases will now be managed through the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme, in accordance with the requirements of the NGER Act (2007). Annual Report 2009.docx Page 19 Appendix A NATA Certified Reports for: 1. Vapour Recovery Unit Monitoring 2. Stormwater Monitoring Appendix 5 Drainage Layout Appendix 6 Minutes of Special Community Consultation Meeting Caltex Community Liaison Group Public Meeting Date: 15/08/2012 MINUTES of MEETING Attendees: EPA: Carmel Vlachos John Frame AURECON: Jacqui McLeod Kelly Nelson COMMUNITY: Bill Beale Sandy Beale CALTEX STAFF: Neil McCartney Pam Meers Michael Caragounis Gary Powrie Jo Derrick Rebecca Haupt Apologies Matt Dunlop (Resident) Michele Lanera (Resident) Wade Noonan MP (State Member for Williamstown) Tim Lellyett (Jordan Technologies) David Di Giovine (Shell) Mike Tangtatco (EPA) MEETING OPEN, WELCOME and SAFETY MOMENT 5:30pm – Start (A) Overview of Agenda and Emergency Evacuation – Neil McCartney Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd ABN 17 000 032 128 ACN 000 032 128 December 14, 2012 (B) OE Moment – Michael Caragounis Overview of food poisoning risk and increase in number of cases within Australia. Increased risk with age. (C) Operations and Safety Performance – Jo Derrick • 1 x Contractor First Aid & 4 minor spills YTD; • Tanker truck roll and loading arm break away incident and risk of third party vehicle; • 10 Ltr petrol spill by overfilling, which was contained; • Ron Finemore Transport truck dip hatch gasket seal failure 1-3 Ltr; • Kick bucket incident (driver kicked bucket causing minor spill); • Security Guard trip over car park bollard – First Aid only; • YTD tracking well; st • 31 March – Restructure (Distribution incorporated into Marketing); Reasons to improve communication once focus within the business. Issues update: • Safety Case re-licencing due 2014; • Caltex currently reviewing Safety Case; • CFS – general discussion st nd • WorkSafe Annual Inspection completed 21 & 22 July • Noted 7 of Control measures that were audited; • Best Annual Inspection to date. • WorkSafe requested to use Caltex as an example for others ralting to Safety Case. Question? How do we determine what loads are put onto UPS. Answer Determine via a risk assessment from the Safety Case. Critical pieces of equipment are identified and put onto UPS. Items like Fire Alarm, LEC, IHHH & emergency lighting are maintained. (D) Environmental Performance – Pam Meers • Non conformance to be reported to ground contamination (to be made the same as previous years); • Environmental Performance stats reviewed: Stormwater results outside of State requirements (refer presentation). • Terminal commenced project to upgrade separators, in line with industry best practices. • Emissions Performance: Air emissions all within limits; VRU efficiency 99.2% (excellent). • Contamined Site Management: 2012 $490K spend on site clean up; 25L (2011) free phase product removed; Targeted clean up projects:o R&T Yard contaminated soil; o South Yard contaiminated delination. 2 December 14, 2012 o o o Fraction mapping to find target areas; Permanent decommissioning of ground water; EPA endorsement of remediation and clean up plans. (E) Horizons Upgrade Overview – Gary Powrie • Improvements (3 stage program): State current storage Ext traffic flow and vehicle query Fire protections upgrade; • Commence stage 1 next year • Upgrade Stage 1: 4 new tanks (South Yard); Increased efficiency of TTLR; Upgrade Fire protection; Re-configuration of traffic flow • Upgrade Stage 2: 3 new tanks in West Yard; Bund upgrade; New dockline to Holden Dock (on existing easement Upgrade Stage 3: 1 x ADO Tank (North/East). • • Review Site Plan • Review 3D Model • Discussed new tanker entry on Burleigh Street and exit onto Douglas Parade – improved safety with access. Question?? Less tanks in the past was the re-assurance) but know you are proposing additional tanks Answer Jo noted 2005 plans of increased tanks/refinery closures changing: Victoria supply important; Stage 1 confirmation of 2005 plan Reviewed new access traffic flow proposal plan from Burleigh Street. (F) Open Forum/Questions • Pam noted consulting community prior to lodging any applications; • Bill noted previous minutes would be good, as did not receive previous minutes; • Community not receiving mailed minutes; • Minutes to be sent out with invitations • EPA (Carmel) note: Assesses application only, and co-ordinate further assessment. 3 December 14, 2012 • CFS (Bill) - part of group (300-400 people) residents; question regarding support for residents, support from Caltex. GENERAL Next meeting not yet scheduled. MEETING CLOSED - 1910hrs 4 Appendix 7 Air Quality Impact Assessment Project: Caltex Newport Terminal Horizons Project Reference: 225440 Air Quality Report Revision: 2 Prepared for: Caltex Australia 8 May 2013 Document Control Record Document prepared by: Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 55 Grenfell Street Adelaide South Australia 5000 T F E W +61 8 8237 9777 +61 8 8237 9778 [email protected] A person using Aurecon documents or data accepts the risk of: a) b) Using the documents or data in electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version. Using the documents or data for any purpose not agreed to in writing by Aurecon. Air Quality Report Report Title Document ID 225440 Project Number File Path \\\shares\AUADL\Admin\Data\General Staff\Disciplines\Noise and Vibration\Projects\Caltex Newport Air Quality and Noise\AQ\Report\Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130418mn.docx Client Caltex Australia Client Contact Rev Date Revision Details/Status Prepared by Author Verifier Approver 0 21 June 2012 Final MN MN NCM JM 1 18 April 2013 Final – Revision 1 MN MN GW NCM 2 8 May 2013 Final – Revision 2 MN MN GW NCM Current Revision 2 Approval Author Signature Name Title Approver Signature Magaesh Naidu Senior Engineer – Air Quality Name Title Project 225440| File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 Neil Mackenzie Associate Contents 1. Introduction 2 2. Site and Operations 3 2.1 Nearest Sensitive Receptors 3 2.2 Operations and Associated Air Quality Issues 3 2.2.1 Tanks Capacities and Products 3 2.2.2 Tank Annual Turnovers 5 2.2.3 Vapour Recovery Unit 5 3. Pollutants of Concern 8 3.1.1 Benzene 8 3.1.2 Toulene 8 3.1.3 Xylenes 9 3.1.4 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 9 3.1.5 Cyclohexane 9 3.1.6 Hexanes (-n) 10 3.1.7 Ethylbenzene 10 4. Criteria 11 5. Existing Environment 12 5.1 Monitoring of Air Toxics in Newport and Spotswood 12 5.2 Project Background Pollutant Levels 13 6. 7. Meteorology 14 6.1 Overview 14 6.2 Wind 14 6.3 Atmospheric stability 17 6.4 Mixing height 19 Emissions 21 7.1 Tank Emissions 21 7.1.1 Emissions Mechanism 21 7.1.2 Vents 21 7.1.3 Tank Emissions Estimation 24 7.2 VRU Stack emissions 29 7.3 Fugitive Emissions from Additional Loading Gantries 31 7.4 Emergency VRU Vent Emissions 33 7.5 Pollutant Contributions 34 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 1 7.6 8. 9. Ranking of pollutants 35 Dispersion Modelling Methodology 36 8.1 AUSPLUME 36 8.2 SLAB 37 Assessment 38 9.1 Normal Operation 38 9.2 VRU failure 40 10. Conclusion 42 11. References 43 Appendices Appendix A TANKS 4.09D Summary Files Appendix B AUSPLUME 6.0 Files Appendix C Benzene Vapour Concentration Index of Figures Figure 2.1 Nearest Sensitive Receptors.................................................................................................. 3 Figure 2.2 Site Layout ............................................................................................................................. 6 Figure 2.3 VRU Schematic Diagram (Source: Jordan Technologies 2012)............................................ 7 Figure 5.1 Comparison of Benzene Concentrations at Different Sites (Source: EPA Victoria) ............ 12 Figure 6.1 Wind Speed Class Frequency Distribution at Altona North, 2008 ....................................... 14 Figure 6.2 Seasonal and Annual Wind roses for Altona North, 2008 ................................................... 16 Figure 6.3 Stability class frequency distribution, Altona North, 2008 .................................................... 18 Figure 6.4 Hourly mixing height profile, Altona North, 2008.................................................................. 20 Figure 7.1 Vertical Fixed Roof Tank (Source: US EPA)........................................................................ 21 Figure 7.2 Internal Floating Roof Tank (Source: US EPA) .................................................................... 22 Figure 7.3 Peripheral roof vent at Caltex Newport Site ......................................................................... 23 Figure 7.4 External Floating Roof Tank (Source: US EPA) .................................................................. 24 Figure 7.5 VRU Stack ............................................................................................................................ 30 Figure 7.6 Tank truck loading with vapour recovery (Source: US EPA 1995) ...................................... 31 Figure 7.7 VRU vent .............................................................................................................................. 33 Figure 9.1 Cumulative Benzene Ground Level Concentrations, mg/m3 (99th percentile, 3 minute average) ......................................................................................................................................... 39 Figure 9.2 Benzene Ground Level Concentrations, mg/m3 (3 minute average) from Emergency VRU Vent ................................................................................................................................................ 41 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 2 Index of Tables Table 2.1 Additional Tanks ...................................................................................................................... 4 Table 2.2 Existing Tanks ......................................................................................................................... 4 Table 2.3 Tank Turnovers ....................................................................................................................... 5 Table 4.1 SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 Criteria ..................................................................... 11 Table 5.1 EPA Victoria Air Toxics Monitoring Results .......................................................................... 12 Table 5.2 Background Pollutant Concentrations ................................................................................... 13 Table 6.1 Atmospheric stability categories ............................................................................................ 17 Table 6.2 Frequency distribution of atmospheric stability class versus wind speed, Altona North, 2008 ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 Table 6.3 Observed Stability Class versus Time of Day, Altona North, 2008 ....................................... 18 Table 7.1 Tank Parameters ................................................................................................................... 25 Table 7.2 Tank Pollutant Emission Rates ............................................................................................. 27 Table 7.3 Tank emission points ............................................................................................................. 28 Table 7.4 Ranking of Tank Contributions .............................................................................................. 28 Table 7.5 VRU Stack Parameters ......................................................................................................... 30 Table 7.6 VRU Stack emission rates..................................................................................................... 31 Table 7.7 Loading Loss Computation Parameters ................................................................................ 32 Table 7.8 Gantry emission rates ........................................................................................................... 32 Table 7.9 VRU Vent Emission Parameters ........................................................................................... 34 Table 7.10 Pollutant contributors ........................................................................................................... 34 Table 7.11 Ranking of Pollutants .......................................................................................................... 35 Table 8.1 AUSPLUME Modelling Parameters....................................................................................... 36 Table 8.2 SLAB Modelling Parameters ................................................................................................. 37 Table 9.1 Predicted Pollutant Ground Level Concentrations at Sensitive Receptors ........................... 38 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 3 Executive Summary Aurecon has been commissioned to conduct an air quality assessment of the upgrade of the Caltex Newport Terminal known as the Newport “Horizons” project. Upon analysis of the site and the operations involved after the upgrade, four air pollutant release scenarios were determined as follows: Breathing and working losses from the eight additional tanks to be installed and the existing tanks Emissions from the Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) stack due to the nine gantry bays ( three additional gantry bays are to be constructed) Fugitive emissions during truck loading at the nine gantry bays Emergency short-term emissions vented out to the environment through a vent due to a VRU failure The nearest sensitive receptors to the site were identified and air quality criteria were established for them based on the Victoria Government’s State Environmental Protection Policy (Air Quality Management) 2001. Existing concentrations of pollutants were established based on air quality monitoring conducted by EPA Victoria and pollutant ratios established from site emission rates. Meteorological factors with respect to wind conditions, atmospheric stability and mixing height which affect air pollutant dispersion were analysed from 2008 meteorological data from Altona North. Tank emissions modelling was conducted using the US EPA TANKS software to determine the main pollutants of concern and their concentrations based on the dimensions of the tanks, the products contained and their throughput. The main pollutants were found to be components of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) and are namely Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, n-Hexane, Cyclohexane and Cumene (Isopropyl Benzene). Based on an analysis of emission rates and the criteria provided by SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001, Benzene was analysed to be the main pollutant with the potential to cause a criteria exceedance. The hydrocarbon vapour recovery assessments carried out by Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd provided the information to derive the emission characteristics of the VRU stack as well as the emergency release emission characteristics from the VRU vent during a VRU failure. Dispersion modelling was conducted for all the identified emission sources using the software packages AUSPLUME and SLAB and the results were compared with the established criteria. No criteria exceedances of the stipulated criteria were observed based on the air dispersion modelling conducted. i 1. Introduction Aurecon has been commissioned by Caltex Australia to conduct an air quality assessment of the upgrade of their existing Newport Terminal. The upgrade is known as the Newport “Horizons” project. The Horizons upgrade (stage 1 & 2) is to cater for 4.3 billion Litres per annum. The current site throughput is approximately 2.2 billion per annum. The terminal upgrade comprises of the following main elements: Design to cater for a future terminal throughput of 4.3 billion litres per annum. Additional tank storage: 60ML ADO – West Yard 15ML SPULP – West Yard 30ML ULP – R&T Yard 15ML PULP– R&T Yard 15ML JET– R&T Yard A new tank compound in the R&T Yard and the rebuilding and extension of existing compounds in the West Yard. Addition of three new gantry bays onto the existing gantry building complete with a new exit pavement. A new DN350 dockline from Holden dock to the terminal, complete with a new marine loading arm at the berth to service the existing and new docklines. All docklines and existing refinery lines to be re-routed into the Caltex South Yard and into a single manifold arrangement for transfer to tanks and cutting of slops. Site to be setup so that it can be 100% reliant on imported product (i.e. via tank ship). It is expected that the site will receive 20% of its product from the existing refinery lines with the remaining 80% from imported fuel via ship. Aurecon’s scope of works for this assessment includes the following: Identifying all the air pollutant sources on-site based on the operations taking place Identifying the nearest sensitive receptors to the site Identifying and understanding the impact of the pollutants of concern Establishing air quality criteria Preparing an emissions inventory with emission rates and discharge conditions Conducting air dispersion modelling to predict the ground level concentrations of the pollutants at the nearest receptors and Assessing the air quality impact at the nearest sensitive receptors by comparing the predicted ground level concentrations of the pollutants against the established criteria. The elements of the upgrade with the potential to cause an air quality impact which are assessed in this report are the following: Breathing losses associated with the additional eight tanks due to the upgrade. Vapour losses from the product loading system with three new gantry bays and The additional hydrocarbon vapour emissions from the Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) stack due to the operation of the three new gantry bays and A VRU failure whereby hydrocarbon vapours are vented out to the environment through a vent Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 2 2. Site and Operations 2.1 Nearest Sensitive Receptors The existing Caltex Newport Terminal is located in Newport, Victoria. The site is in a predominantly industrial area where its industrial neighbours include Shell Newport Terminal and Newport Power Station. The nearest sensitive receptors are residential properties on Craig Street, Ramsey Street and High Street as shown in Figure 2.1. Figure 2.1 Nearest Sensitive Receptors 2.2 Operations and Associated Air Quality Issues 2.2.1 Tanks Capacities and Products The additional tanks are identified in a site layout map of the Caltex Newport Terminal which is provided in Figure 2.2. Table 2.1 lists the additional tanks which will be present due to the upgrade and their capacities. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 3 Table 2.1 Additional Tanks Tank Number Tank capacity, millions of litres T13 Product Stored ADO T14 ADO 30.00 T15 SPULP 15.00 T16 JET 15.00 T17 ULP 15.00 T18 PULP 15.00 T19 ULP 15.00 T new ADO 44.00 30.00 Total 179.00 The additional annual throughput provided by these eight tanks is expected to be 2.1 billion litres of product. Table 2.2 lists the existing tanks and their capacities. Table 2.2 Existing Tanks Tank Number T1 Product Stored ULP Tank capacity, millions of litres 16.59 T2 SPULP 5.40 T3 PULP 5.41 T4 JET A-1 5.67 T5 ULP 3.29 T6 SLOPS 0.52 T7 SLOPS 1.40 T8 ALPINE DIESEL 0.97 T9 ALPINE DIESEL 0.97 T10 JET A-1 5.71 T11 NOT IN USE - T12 PULP 1.42 T26 NOT IN USE - D184 SLOPS 0.02 T356 DIESEL 6.46 T428 DIESEL 6.54 T429 DIESEL 5.27 T710 ADDITIVE 0.04 T720 ADDITIVE 0.04 Total Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 4 65.70 The existing tanks produce an annual throughput of 2.2 billion litres and the total site annual throughput is expected to be 4.3 billion litres. It should be noted that the tank capacities are assumed to be the working volumes of the tanks. The main sources of pollutant emissions associated with the tanks are the breathing losses and working losses of the tanks. The tank emissions are discussed in detail is Section 7.1. 2.2.2 Tank Annual Turnovers The annual turnover of each tank affects the annual throughput of the site, which in turn influences the total pollutant emissions produced each year. Table 2.3 below summarises the turnover for each product carried in the existing and new tanks. Table 2.3 Tank Turnovers Product ALPINE DIESEL Tanks Containing Product 2 T8, T9 Turnover3 24.4 T16, T4, T10 7.64 T18 13.0 T17, T19, T1, T5 41.1 T15, T2, 8.1 DIESEL T13, T14, Tnew, T356, T428, T429 14.2 SLOPS T6, T7, D184 12.0 JET PULP ULP SPULP 1 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2.3 Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO) is classified under Diesel It is assumed that all the tanks of the same product are turned over an equal number of times each year. The turnovers were computed by analysing utilisation data from the representative month of January 2012. The turnover value for JET was calculated by dividing total site throughput by the total number of JET arms. Vapour Recovery Unit The Newport Terminal is equipped with a Jordan Technologies activated carbon adsorption / absorption Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU). The operation of the VRU is shown in a schematic diagram in Figure 2.3. The product loading system in the three new gantry bays channels hydrocarbon vapours into the VRU. Based on hydrocarbon recovery assessments carried out by Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, approximately 99% of the hydrocarbon vapours are recovered. The unrecovered hydrocarbon vapour emissions are then released through the VRU stack onto the environment. The emissions that occur through this pathway are discussed in detail in Section 7.2. During product loading of the trucks at the three new gantry bays, vapour losses occur due to the flanges, valves, the pipes and the collection system. The loading losses that occur are discussed in detail in Section 7.3. During a VRU failure, hydrocarbon vapours are bypassed from entering the VRU system and are vented out to the environment through a vent. This emergency scenario and the emissions that occur are discussed in detail in Section 7.4. The tanks, VRU stack, additional three gantries and VRU emergency vent are identified in Figure 2.1. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 5 Additional Tanks Main VRU Stack Emergency VRU vent Additional 3 Gantry Bays Figure 2.2 Site Layout Figure 2.3 VRU Schematic Diagram (Source: Jordan Technologies 2012) p7 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 0 3. Pollutants of Concern The pollutants of concern from the site have been identified to be the following: Benzene Toulene Xylene Cumene Cyclohexane Hexane Ethyl Benzene These pollutants were identified from the tank emission modelling carried out which is discussed in detail in Section 7.1. The environmental effects of these pollutants are discussed in the sub-sections below. The information provided is sourced from the National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) Fact Sheets provided by the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. 3.1.1 Benzene Benzene has a high acute toxic effect on aquatic life. It can cause death in plants and roots and damage to the leaves of many agricultural crops. Benzene is carried in the air. If released to the soil, benzene will usually breakdown quickly. It can be mobile in soil and may contaminate groundwater. Benzene is only slightly soluble in water but is readily absorbed by the lipid phase (fatty parts) of aquatic organisms, which can result in transport in the environment. In the atmosphere, benzene can react with other chemicals to produce phenol, nitrophenol, nitrobenzene, formic acid and peroxyacetyl nitrate. It is a "precursor" hydrocarbon leading to the formation of photochemical smog. It will usually breakdown over a few days, with the products eventually ending up in the air. It can be washed out of the air by rain but will evaporate and continue to contaminate the air. It can attach to rain or snow and be carried back down to the ground. Benzene in soil or water will decompose with the presence of oxygen. It does not build up concentration levels in plant or animal tissues. 3.1.2 Toulene Toluene evaporates when exposed to air. It also evaporates from water. In the air, it is quickly reacted into other chemicals. In water and soil, bacteria break it down. It has moderate acute (short-term) toxicity on aquatic life. Toluene has caused membrane damage to the leaves in plants. It has moderate chronic (long-term) toxicity to aquatic life. Chronic and acute effects on birds or land animals have not been determined. Toluene is expected to minimally bio-accumulate. Industrial emissions of toluene can produce elevated, concentrations in the atmosphere around the source. Because of its short life expectancy in the atmosphere toluene is expected to be confined to the local area within which it is emitted. Toluene that makes its way into the ground, and does not evaporate, may move through the ground and enter groundwater (bore water). However, it is degraded in the water within days. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 8 Toluene also quickly evaporates to a gas if released as a liquid. It evaporates from both water and soil when exposed to air. It will break down in the air in a few days into other chemicals (benzaldehyde and cresol) which are harmful to humans). In soil and water, bacteria will break it down. 3.1.3 Xylenes Xylenes have a high acute (short-term) toxicity to aquatic life. They cause injury to various agricultural and ornamental crops. They also have high chronic (long-term) toxicity to aquatic life. There is insufficient data to predict the acute or chronic toxicity of xylenes on birds or land animals. Xylene is expected to moderately bio-accumulate in fish. Industrial emissions of xylenes can produce elevated but still low level concentrations in the atmosphere around the source. Because of its short life expectancy in the atmosphere, xylenes are expected to be confined to the local area within which they are emitted. Since it does not bind well to soil, xylenes that makes their way into the ground may move through the ground and enter groundwater (bore water). Most of the xylenes are released into the atmosphere where they are quickly degraded by sunlight. When released to soil or water, they quickly evaporate. They may leach into the groundwater (bore water). 3.1.4 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cumene evaporates when exposed to air. In the air, it is quickly reacted into other chemicals. In water and soil, bacteria break it down. It has moderate acute (short-term) toxicity on aquatic life and high acute toxicity to birds. Insufficient data is available to predict the toxicity of cumene to plants and land animals. It has moderate chronic (long-term) toxicity to aquatic life. Cumene is expected to minimally bio-accumulate. Industrial emissions of cumene can produce elevated concentrations in the atmosphere around the source. Due to its short life expectancy in the atmosphere, Cumene is expected to be confined to the local area within which it is emitted. Cumene that makes its way into the ground, and does not evaporate, is degraded in the water within days. As Cumene is used in many consumer products and found in tobacco smoke, short-term indoor concentrations may be elevated above the levels considered safe for workers. Cumene evaporates to a gas if released as a liquid. It will break down in the air in a few days into other chemicals (isopropylphenols). In the water (very small quantities will enter the water); bacteria will break it down in three to ten days. Cumene is a volatile organic chemical (VOC) and will contribute to the formation of smog. 3.1.5 Cyclohexane Cyclohexane is non-persistent in water, with a half-life of less than 2 days. The half-life of a pollutant is the amount of time it takes for one-half of the chemical to be degraded. Virtually 100% of cyclohexane will end up in the air. Cyclohexane has moderate acute toxicity to aquatic life. It has caused membrane damage in an ornamental crop species. Insufficient data is available to evaluate or predict the short-term effects of cyclohexane on birds or land animals. Cyclohexane has moderate chronic toxicity to aquatic life. Insufficient data is available to evaluate or predict the long-term effects of cyclohexane on plants, birds or land animals. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 9 Cyclohexane enters the environment mainly in industrial and municipal discharges. Cyclohexane evaporates when exposed to air. It dissolves slightly when mixed with water. Most direct releases of cyclohexane to the environment are to air. Cyclohexane also evaporates from water and soil exposed to air. Once in air, it is expected to break down to other chemicals. Due to it being a liquid that does not bind well to soil, Cyclohexane that makes its way into the ground can move through the ground and enter groundwater. Plants and animals living in environments contaminated with cyclohexane can store small amounts of the chemical. Cyclohexane by itself is not likely to cause environmental harm at levels normally found in the environment. Cyclohexane can contribute to the formation of photochemical smog when it reacts with nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and other volatile organic carbon substances in the air. 3.1.6 Hexanes (-n) Due to its very low solubility in water and high volatility, Hexane will usually be rapidly transported to the atmosphere without major damage to the biota. In the atmosphere, it is one of the volatile organic substances that contribute to the formation of photochemical smog through interaction with nitrogen dioxide and ozone. Hexane is carried in the air. If released to the soil, hexane will usually quickly evaporate to the atmosphere. Hexane is only slightly soluble in water but is readily absorbed by the lipid phase (fatty parts) of aquatic organisms, which can result in transport in the environment. Due to its high volatility and low solubility in water, hexane in the environment will mainly be in the atmosphere. In the atmosphere, hexane is expected to exist almost entirely in the vapour phase due to its relatively high vapour pressure. The dominant tropospheric loss process for hexane is by reaction with the hydroxyl (OH) radicals. The calculated half-life and lifetime of hexane due to reaction with the OH radical are 1.8 days and 2.6 days respectively. The products of the OH radical-initiated reaction include 2-hexanone, 2- and 3-hexyl nitrate and 5-hydroxy-2-pentanone. 3.1.7 Ethylbenzene Acute toxic effects may include the death of animals, birds, or fish, and death or low growth rate in plants. Ethylbenzene has a high acute toxicity to aquatic life. It has caused injury to various agricultural crops. Insufficient data is available to evaluate or predict the short-term effects of ethylbenzene on birds or land animals. Ethylbenzene has a slight tendency to bio-accumulate. Ethylbenzene is very volatile so is mostly present in air. It can also be transported by water. It can also move very quickly into groundwater, since it does not readily bind to soil. About 99.5% of ethylbenzene will eventually end up in air while the rest will end up in the water. Once in the air, other chemicals help break down ethylbenzene into chemicals found in smog. This breakdown happens in about 3 days with the aid of sunlight. In surface water such as rivers and harbours, ethylbenzene breaks down by reacting with other compounds naturally present in the water. In soil, the major way ethylbenzene is broken down is by soil bacteria. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 10 4. Criteria Air quality criteria in Victoria are provided by the Victoria Government’s State Environment Protection Policy (SEPP) (Air Quality Management) December 2001 under the Environment Protection Act 1970. The criteria applicable to the project are presented in Table 4.1 below. Table 4.1 SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 Criteria 1,2,3 Substance Class Reason for Classification Design Criteria4, mg/m3 Averaging Time Odour Toxicity 3-min - 0.053 Benzene 3 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) IARC Group 1 carcinogen 2 Odour 3-min 0.039 8.1 Cyclohexane 2 Toxicity 3-min - 35 Ethyl benzene 2 Toxicity 3-min - 14.5 Hexane (-n) 2 Toxicity 3-min - 5.9 Toulene 2 Odour 3-min 0.65 12.3 Xylenes 2 Odour 3-min 0.35 11.4 Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Class 1 indicators: common or widely distributed air pollutants which are established as environmental indicators in the State environment protection policy (Ambient Air Quality) and may threaten the beneficial uses of both local and regional air environments; Class 2 indicators: hazardous substances that may threaten the beneficial uses of the air environment by virtue of their toxicity, bio-accumulation or odorous characteristics; Class 3 indicators: extremely hazardous substances that are carcinogenic, mutagenic, teratogenic, highly toxic or highly persistent, and which may threaten the beneficial uses of the air environment; The design criteria are to be assessed in 99.9 percentile levels. The project-specific air quality design criteria is taken to be the lower of the toxicity and odour (when present) criteria for all the pollutants. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 11 5. Existing Environment 5.1 Monitoring of Air Toxics in Newport and Spotswood EPA Victoria monitored the air toxics – Benzene, Toulene and Xylene from January 2006 and January 2007. The monitoring locations were on High Street, Newport and Craig Street, Spotswood which are in proximity to the locations of the nearest sensitive receptors to the Caltex Newport site. 55 samples were taken at Newport and 59 samples were taken at Spotswood. The monitored levels are considered representative of the existing ground level concentrations of Benzene, Toulene and Xylene in 2012 as there were no significant changes in the industrial activities occurring in the vicinity of the monitoring locations. The monitoring results are summarised in Table 5.1. Table 5.1 EPA Victoria Air Toxics Monitoring Results Benzene, ppb Toulene, ppb Xylene, ppb 1.0 4.3 4.4 Not applicable 15.1 16.6 0.8 2.2 1.0 Not applicable 9.3 6.6 Annual Investigation Level 3.0 100.0 200.0 24 hour investigation level Not applicable 1000.0 250.0 Newport Annual average Maximum 24 hour level Spotswood Annual average Maximum 24 hour level Criteria The air quality monitoring sites at Newport and Spotswood are compared with other sites in Figure 5.1 for monitored concentrations of Benzene. Figure 5.1 Comparison of Benzene Concentrations at Different Sites (Source: EPA Victoria) Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 12 The Annual Average Investigation Level is not exceeded at any of the sites and the main contributors to Benzene concentrations at Spotswood and Newport are considered to be the Caltex Newport Terminal and the Shell Newport Terminal. 5.2 Project Background Pollutant Levels The assessment criteria are in 3-minute average pollutant levels as discussed in Section 4. The SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 requires pollutant background concentrations to be added to the modelled site emissions. Maximum 24 hour average levels of the pollutants were considered to be suitable to be added to the predicted 99.9th percentile 3 minute average pollutant levels to obtain the cumulative pollutant ground level concentrations suitable for criteria comparison. The rationale behind this is that the 99th percentile 3min predicted pollutant concentration is unlikely to occur contemporaneously with the maximum 3minute average or the 99th percentile 3min average background pollutant level. There is limited monitoring data publically available for the assessment pollutants so assumptions were made to derive the background pollutant concentrations as summarised in Table 5.2. Table 5.2 Background Pollutant Concentrations Pollutant Maximum 24h level ppb mg/m3 Assumptions The max 24h level of benzene is the ratio of the annual average concentration of Benzene to Toulene at Newport obtained from Table 5.1 multiplied by the maximum 24h level of Toulene. The ratio of Cumene to Toulene emission rates obtained from the total site pollutant emissions in Table 7.6 was used to derive this value. The ratio of Cyclohexane to Toulene emission rates obtained from the total site pollutant emissions in Table 7.6 was used to derive this value. The ratio of Ethylbenzene to Toulene emission rates obtained from the total site pollutant emissions in Table 7.6 was used to derive this value. The ratio of Hexane (-n) to Toulene obtained from the total site pollutant emissions in Table 7.6 was used to derive this value. Benzene 3.5 0.012 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 1.1 0.006 Cyclohexane 4.8 0.018 Ethylbenzene 1.9 0.009 Hexane (-n) 12.5 0.047 Toulene 15.1 0.061 The maximum 24 hour average monitored Toulene level at Newport from Table 5.1was used. Xylenes 16.6 0.078 The maximum 24 hour average monitored Xylenes level at Newport from Table 5.1 was used. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 13 6. Meteorology 6.1 Overview The ground-level concentrations resulting from a constant discharge of contaminants change according to the weather (particularly, wind) conditions at the time. Meteorology is fundamental for the dispersion of pollutants because it is the primary factor determining the diluting effect of the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important that meteorology is carefully considered when modeling dispersion. Pollutant rise at the release point is affected by ambient temperature and relative humidity at the release point. Pollutant dispersion over distance is affected by: Wind speed, profile and turbulence intensity (which are affected by terrain) Temperature gradient which is determined from atmospheric stability Mixing height Meteorological data was obtained from EPA Victoria for a meteorological station at Paisley High School, Blenheim Rd, Altona North. This station is 2 km South-west of the site and is considered representative of the meteorological conditions at the Caltex site and its surrounds. The year 2008 has also been accepted as a representative year by EPA Victoria. In accordance with SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001, the metrological data has to have been approved by the Authority, which is EPA Victoria in this case. This data was used primarily as the meteorological input for the AUSPLUME air dispersion modelling conducted, which is described in Section 8. Wind conditions, atmospheric stability and mixing height are examined in the following sections to investigate typical flow regimes and directions of poor dispersion. 6.2 Wind The observed wind conditions at the Altona North meteorological station in 2008 are discussed in this section. The wind conditions are presented are analysed in seasonal and annual patterns. The frequency distribution of wind through classes is presented in Figure 6.1 and seasonal and annual wind roses are presented in Figure 6.2 35 30.4 30 30.1 29.6 25 % 20 15 9.1 10 5 0 0.5 Calms 0.5 - 2.1 2.1 - 3.6 3.6 - 5.7 Wind Class (m/s) 5.7 - 8.8 0.3 0.0 8.8 - 11.1 >= 11.1 Figure 6.1 Wind Speed Class Frequency Distribution at Altona North, 2008 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 14 The majority of the wind speeds range from 0.5m /s and 8.8m/s. The AUSPLUME modelling software has a tendency to under-predict concentrations under calm conditions (<0.5 m/s). The lack of substantial calm conditions in the observed data indicates that under-prediction will be unlikely for the dispersion modelling exercise described in Section 8. The wind roses in Figure 6.2 illustrate that most of the winds through this region are largely from the North and the South with a marginal influence of winds from the East. The nearest-sensitive receptors are located South-west and North-west of the site and are likely to experience source-to-receiver winds for most of the year. Worst - case Wind Condition to the Nearest Sensitive Receptor A worst-case wind condition is required to analyse the emergency scenario of the VRU venting during a VRU failure. The nearest sensitive receptor was identified to be the property on the junction of Craig Street and Bernard Street which is 500m 320°N of the vent. Wind speeds were analysed for the directions 270° to 360° and the 99.9th percentile wind speed was determined to be 9.8 m/s. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 15 NORTH NORTH 25% 20% 20% 16% 15% 12% 10% 8% 5% 4% WEST EAST WEST EAST NORTH WIND SPEED (m/s) WIND SPEED (m/s) >= 11.1 >= 11.1 8.8 - 11.1 12% 8.8 - 11.1 5.7 - 8.8 SOUTH 15% 5.7 - 8.8 SOUTH 3.6 - 5.7 9% 3.6 - 5.7 2.1 - 3.6 2.1 - 3.6 0.5 - 2.1 6% 0.5 - 2.1 Calms: 0.15% Calms: 0.91% 3% WEST Summer EAST Autumn NORTH NORTH WIND SPEED (m/s) 25% 15% 20% 15% 8.8 - 11.1 9% 10% SOUTH 6% 5% WEST >= 11.1 12% 3% EAST WEST 5.7 - 8.8 3.6 - 5.7 2.1 - 3.6 EAST 0.5 - 2.1 Calms: 0.53% WIND SPEED (m/s) WIND SPEED (m/s) >= 11.1 >= 11.1 8.8 - 11.1 SOUTH 8.8 - 11.1 5.7 - 8.8 5.7 - 8.8 SOUTH 3.6 - 5.7 3.6 - 5.7 2.1 - 3.6 2.1 - 3.6 0.5 - 2.1 0.5 - 2.1 Calms: 0.72% Winter Whole Year Calms: 0.32% Spring Figure 6.2 Seasonal and Annual Wind roses for Altona North, 2008 p 16 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 6.3 Atmospheric stability The degree of stability in the atmosphere will affect the dispersion of emissions from a source. The Pasquill-Gifford (P-G) stability category scheme is used to denote atmospheric stability. Stability class under this scheme is designated a letter from A-F (and sometimes G), ranging from highly unstable to extremely stable. Atmospheric movement is characterised by four basic conditions that describe the general stability of the atmosphere. In stable conditions, vertical movement is discouraged, whereas in unstable conditions the “air parcel” tends to move upward or downward and to continue that movement. When conditions neither encourage nor discourage vertical movement, beyond the rate of adiabatic heating or cooling, they are considered neutral. When conditions are extremely stable, cooler air near the surface becomes trapped by a layer of warmer air above it. Under these conditions, called an inversion, virtually no vertical air motion occurs. The data presented in Table 6.1 illustrates how the amount of incoming solar radiation affects stability, as does wind speed. Table 6.1 Atmospheric stability categories Day-time incoming Wind Speed Solar radiation 1 (m/s) (mW/cm2) >60 30-60 <30 1 hour Night-time before sunset Cloud cover (octas) or after sunrise Overcast 0-3 4-7 2 8 < 1.5 A A-B B C D F or G F D 2.0 – 2.5 A-B B C C D F E D 3.0 – 4.5 B B-C C C D E D D 5.0 – 6.0 C C-D D D D D D D > 6.0 D D D D D D D D Notes: 1. 2. Wind speed is measured to the nearest 0.5m/s. Category G is restricted to night-time with less than 1 octa of cloud and a wind speed less than 0.5m/s. The frequency distribution of stability class with wind speed classes in Table 6.2 shows that neutral conditions occur through all wind speeds but stable and unstable conditions only occur through the lower wind speed ranges (predominantly those below 5.7 m/s). Table 6.2 Frequency distribution of atmospheric stability class versus wind speed, Altona North, 2008 Wind speed (m/s) Stability Class 0.5-2.1 A 152 B 257 C 161 D 760 E 0 F 1293 2.1-3.6 57 206 666 984 352 398 3.6-5.7 0 236 833 1189 331 0 5.7-8.8 0 0 125 692 0 0 8.8-11.1 0 0 3 34 0 0 >11.1 0 0 0 6 0 0 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 17 The stability class frequency distribution for 2008 in the predictive modelling the site is graphically illustrated in Figure 6.3. y 50 45 q y 41.9 40 35 30 % 25 20.1 20 19.5 15 10 7.8 5 7.9 2.4 0 0.0 A B C D Stability Class E F G Figure 6.3 Stability class frequency distribution, Altona North, 2008 Stability class frequency distribution with respect to time of day is detailed in Table 6.3 and the data provided highlights the time of day stable or unstable conditions can be expected. Table 6.3 Observed Stability Class versus Time of Day, Altona North, 2008 Hour of day Stability class A C D E 1 0 B 0 0 2 0 0 2 138 47 178 3 0 0 2 132 51 181 4 0 0 2 132 53 179 5 0 0 2 151 46 167 6 0 0 3 153 39 171 7 0 0 4 215 30 117 8 0 0 7 311 16 32 9 0 42 69 255 0 0 10 26 90 161 89 0 0 11 47 85 209 25 0 0 12 55 83 195 33 0 0 13 42 83 201 40 0 0 14 28 107 174 57 0 0 15 11 101 189 65 0 0 16 0 80 207 79 0 0 17 0 30 178 158 0 0 0 0 0 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 18 F Hour of day Stability class A B 1 113 D 252 E 18 0 C 0 0 F 19 0 1 58 271 16 20 20 0 0 8 267 35 56 21 0 0 1 251 45 69 22 0 0 2 187 77 100 23 0 0 0 141 97 128 24 0 0 1 142 70 153 The results demonstrate the high frequency of unstable meteorological conditions during the day time and neutral to stable conditions being prevalent during the night. This is as expected as mixing is enhanced during the day time due to solar irradiation as well as mechanical mixing by the wind. However during the night, mixing only occurs through mechanical means i.e. wind, which is less pronounced in comparison to day time hours. This leads to more stable meteorological conditions being observed. 6.4 Mixing height The mixing height is the height of the turbulent (boundary) layer of air near the earth’s surface, into which ground level emissions will be rapidly mixed. A plume emitted above this height will remain isolated from the ground until the mixing height reaches the height of the plume. A plume emitted below this height will be mixed subject to the stability class and wind climate. The height of the mixing layer is controlled by convection (resulting from solar heating of the ground during the day) by mechanically generated turbulence as the wind blows over ‘rough’ ground and also presence or absence of higher level subsidence. The hourly mixing height profile (average, minimum and maximum) for Altona North in 2008 is provided in Figure 6.4. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 19 Figure 6.4 Hourly mixing height profile, Altona North, 2008 The estimated mixing height for this site rises very quickly in the early morning from just after sunrise until mid-afternoon, at which point the mixing height remains at a relatively stable value until returning to a lower level early in the evening. This diurnal variation in the atmospheric structure is expected. Large values for mixing height occur in the summer months as expected due to the greater convective effects. The main change throughout the year is the length of the period where strong convection and wind variation occurs. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 20 7. Emissions 7.1 Tank Emissions 7.1.1 Emissions Mechanism Emissions from storage tanks can be categorised as working and standing losses. Working losses are the combined loss from filling and emptying a tank. As the liquid level increases, the pressure inside the tank increases and vapours are expelled from the tank. A loss during emptying occurs when air drawn into the tank becomes saturated with organic vapour and expands, thus exceeding the capacity of the vapour space. Standing losses occur through the expulsion of vapour from a tank due to the vapour expansion and contraction as a result of changes in temperature and barometric pressure. This loss occurs without any change in the liquid level in the tank. 7.1.2 Vents Tank leakage losses occur through vents present in the roofs of the tanks. The project involves vertical fixed roof tanks, external floating roof and internal floating roof tanks. Vertical fixed roof tanks have a single centre breather vent as shown in Figure 7.1. For this project, the vent assumed to have an exit velocity of 0.1m/s. Figure 7.1 Vertical Fixed Roof Tank (Source: US EPA) Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 21 Internal floating roof vents have a centre vent and peripheral vents as shown in Figure 7.2. For this project, each tank is assumed to have 12 peripheral vents with rain hats. Figure 7.3 displays the peripheral vent of an existing internal floating roof tank on-site. Figure 7.2 Internal Floating Roof Tank (Source: US EPA) Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 22 Tank Vent for Internal Floating Roof Tank Figure 7.3 Peripheral roof vent at Caltex Newport Site An external floating roof tank consists of an open-topped cylindrical steel shell equipped with a roof that floats on the surface of the stored liquid, as shown in Figure 7.4. The floating roof consists of a deck, fittings and rim seal system. The floating decks are usually constructed of welded steel plate and are of two general types – pontoon and double-deck. With all types of external floating roof tanks, the roof rises and falls with the liquid level in the tank. External floating decks are equipped with a rim seal system attached to the deck perimeter and in contact with the tank wall. The purpose of the floating roof and rim seal system is to reduce evaporative loss of the stored liquid. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 23 Figure 7.4 External Floating Roof Tank (Source: US EPA) 7.1.3 Tank Emissions Estimation The US EPA computer software TANKS (v 4.09d) was used to estimate hydrocarbon emissions from the propose facility. The program estimates volatile organic compound (VOC) and hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions from fixed- and floating-roof storage tanks. TANKS is based on the emission estimation procedures from AP-42 Section 7.1 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks (US EPA 2006) For this project, the equations and data in this software are based on the National Pollutant Inventory Emissions Estimation Technique Manual for Fuel and Organic Liquid Storage Version 3.3 May 2012 (NPI 2012). This document provides emission factors for Australian conditions as well as a TANKS software user manual. A database of the chemical content of various fuel types commonly used in Australia are also provided. The vapour concentration of benzene for JET fuel is provided by Caltex and is provided in Appendix C of this report. This value has been used in lieu of the value provided in the database discussed above. The parameters used to model each tank are provided in Table 7.1. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 24 Table 7.1 Tank Parameters Tank UTM Co-ordinates, m Product Stored Equivalent product in TANKS New Tanks Tank Size (millions of litres) Type of Tank2 Diameter ,m x y T13 314283 5810452 ADO Diesel 30 VFRT 44 T14 314346 5810445 ADO Diesel 30 VFRT 44 T15 314278 5810379 SPULP Aus RON 98 15 IFRT 31 T16 314421 5810219 JET Avgas 100 15 VFRT 31 T17 314392 5810198 ULP Aus ULP 92 15 IFRT 31 T18 314354 5810167 PULP Aus PULP 95 15 IFRT 31 T19 314422 5810162 ULP Aus ULP 92 15 IFRT 31 Tnew3 314309 5810560 ADO Diesel 44 VFRT 53 Existing Tanks T1 314538 5810333 ULP AUS ULP 92 16.592 EFRT 37.9 T2 314548 5810229 SPULP AUS RON 98 5.403 EFRT 22.4 T3 314499 5810231 PULP AUS PULP 95 5.407 EFRT 22.4 T4 314520 5810176 JET A-1 Jet Kerosene 5.668 VFRT 22.4 T5 314487 5810330 ULP AUS ULP 92 3.293 IFRT 17.2 T6 314585 5810240 SLOPS ULP 0.516 IFRT 6.9 T7 314583 5810223 SLOPS ULP 1.403 IFRT 10.3 T8 314539 5810197 ALPINE DIESEL Diesel 0.970 T9 314552 5810189 ALPINE DIESEL Diesel 0.967 T10 314489 5810195 JET A-1 KEROSENE 5.706 VFRT 22.4 T11 314563 5810197 0.051 VFRT 0.0 T12 314522 5810206 1.420 EFRT 12.1 T26 314261 5810354 5.238 IFRT 0.0 D184 314648 5810297 SLOPS ULP 0.020 HFRT 1.7 T356 314347 5810384 DIESEL DIESEL 6.456 VFRT 29.3 T428 314345 5810343 DIESEL DIESEL 6.542 VFRT 29.3 T429 314384 5810336 DIESEL DIESEL 5.266 VFRT 29.3 T710 314607 5810308 ADDITIVE ULP 0.035 HFRT 6.9 T720 314597 5810305 ADDITIVE ULP 0.035 HFRT 6.9 NOT IN USE PULP AUS PULP 95 NOT IN USE VFRT VFRT Notes: 1. 2. 3. All the tanks have a height of 21.6m. VFRT - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank, IFRT- Internal Floating Roof Tank, EFRT – External Floating Roof Tank and HFRT – Horizontal Floating Roof Tank. Tnew has not been attributed a tank number. The tanks characteristics used for the TANKS modelling are described in Table 7.2. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 25 8.6 8.6 Parameter Assumption/ Notes All Tanks Diameter (ft) Measured from Overall Site Plan (Drawing No. 71581) Tank Volume (gal) Refer to Table 2.1 and Table 2.2 Turnovers per year Refer to Table 2.3 Net Throughput (gal/yr) Working Volume multiplied by Turnovers per Year External Floating Roof Tank (EFRT) Internal Shell Condition Gunite Lining Paint Colour/Shade White Paint Condition Good Roof Type Pontoon Roof Fitting Category Typical Tank Construction Welded Primary Seal Mechanical Shoe Secondary Seal None Internal Floating Roof Tank (IFRT) Self-Supporting Roof? Yes Number of Columns 0 Effective Column diameter 0 Internal Shell Condition Gunite Lining External Shell Colour/Shade White External Shell Condition Good Roof Colour/Shade White Roof Paint Condition Good Primary Seal Mechanical Shoe Secondary Seal Rim Mounted Deck Type Welded Deck Fitting Category Typical Vertical Fixed Roof Tank (VFRT) Maximum Liquid Height (ft) 65 (Maximum value available) Average Liquid Height (ft) Adjusted until the Working Volume is obtained Is Tank Heated? No Shell Colour/Shade White Shell Condition Good Roof Colour/Shade White Roof Condition Good Roof Type Cone Roof Height (ft) 7 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 26 Roof Slope (ft/ft) (Cone) 0.14 Vacuum Setting (psig) 0 Pressure Setting (psig) 0 The results of the TANKS modelling as well as the inputs applied are presented in Appendix A. The emissions of the various pollutants of concern are output in lbs/year. These results are then converted to g/s and are presented in Table 7.2 for each tank. These emission rates form the input into the dispersion modelling discussed in Section 8. Table 7.2 Tank Pollutant Emission Rates Emission Rate, g/s Benzene Cumene Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene New Tanks Hexane (-n) Toulene Xylene T13 0.001539 0.002234 0.000532 0.000532 0.000838 0.001460 0.001389 T14 0.001539 0.002234 0.000532 0.000532 0.000838 0.001460 0.001389 T15 0.000996 0.000147 0.001093 0.001570 0.002171 0.017582 0.008441 T16 0.000311 0.000156 0.000804 0.000621 0.001268 0.001325 0.003503 T17 0.004213 0.000436 0.003459 0.006692 0.008456 0.024634 0.033795 T18 0.001546 0.000166 0.001532 0.002453 0.002503 0.010093 0.012471 0.004213 0.000436 0.003459 0.006692 0.008456 0.024634 0.033795 T new 0.002318 0.003364 0.000801 0.000801 0.001262 0.002198 0.002092 T1 0.005600 0.000403 0.004648 0.006327 0.013380 0.025331 0.031722 T2 0.001868 0.000083 0.002097 0.001014 0.005587 0.016376 0.005246 T3 0.002120 0.000090 0.002144 0.001447 0.004587 0.007748 0.007167 T4 0.000138 0.000070 0.000358 0.000277 0.000565 0.000591 0.001562 T5 0.001672 0.000172 0.001373 0.002641 0.003369 0.009734 0.013335 T6 0.000231 0.000020 0.000191 0.000309 0.000514 0.001183 0.001554 T7 0.000388 0.000036 0.000320 0.000555 0.000829 0.002092 0.002797 T8 0.000082 0.000118 0.000028 0.000028 0.000044 0.000077 0.000074 T9 0.000082 0.000118 0.000028 0.000028 0.000044 0.000077 0.000074 T10 0.000456 0.000092 0.000473 0.000365 0.000745 0.000779 0.002059 0.001393 0.000046 0.001413 Not In Use 0.000765 0.003127 0.004501 0.003746 0.000207 0.000361 0.000344 T19 3 Existing Tanks T11 T12 T26 Not In Use D184 0.000381 0.000553 0.000132 Negligible 0.000132 T428 0.000380 0.000551 0.000131 0.000131 0.000207 0.000360 0.000343 T429 0.000330 0.000479 0.000114 0.000114 0.000180 0.000313 0.000298 0.059178 0.152910 0.167196 T356 T710 Negligible T720 Total 0.031797 0.012001 0.025662 Negligible 0.034023 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 27 The TVOC emissions of all the new tanks was determined 19.0 g/s and the respective benzene emission rate is 0.0101 g/s. Based on this, the percentage of benzene in TVOC used for this project is determined to be 0.053%. The new tanks were used to determine this percentage instead of all the tanks as a more conservative percentage value was obtained. For the purpose of AUSPLUME modelling described in Section 8.1, each tank was modelled effectively as a point source. The point source parameters as described in Table 7.3 below. Table 7.3 Tank emission points Parameter Value Unit Height of tank emission point1, m 21.6m m Diameter3, mm 250 mm Exit Temperature2 17 °C Exit velocity3, m/s 0.1 m/s Notes: 1. 2. The average height of the tanks was used as the emission points. The exit temperature was obtained from the average temperature provided by the TANKS modelling software from Altona, Victoria. Conservative values were used to estimate the diameter of the emission point and the exit velocity. 3. Using Benzene emissions as an indicator, the tanks have been ranked in Table 7.4 below to identify which tanks are the worst pollutant contributors. Table 7.4 Ranking of Tank Contributions Tank contribution percentage, % Product Stored Tank capacity, millions of litres Rank Tank Benzene emissions, g/s 1 T1 0.005600 17.6 ULP 16.59 2 T17 0.004213 13.2 ULP 15 3 T19 0.004213 13.2 ULP 15 4 T new3 0.002318 7.3 ADO 44 5 T3 0.002120 6.7 PULP 5.41 6 T2 0.001868 5.9 SPULP 5.4 7 T5 0.001672 5.3 ULP 3.29 8 T18 0.001546 4.9 PULP 15 9 T13 0.001539 4.8 ADO 30 10 T14 0.001539 4.8 ADO 30 11 T12 0.001393 4.4 PULP 1.42 12 T15 0.000996 3.1 SPULP 15 13 T10 0.000456 1.4 JET A-1 5.71 14 T7 0.000388 1.2 SLOPS 1.4 15 T356 0.000381 1.2 DIESEL 6.46 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 28 Product Stored Tank capacity, millions of litres 1.2 DIESEL 6.54 0.000330 1.0 DIESEL 5.27 T16 0.000311 1.0 JET 15 19 T6 0.000231 0.7 SLOPS 0.52 20 T4 0.000138 0.4 JET A-1 5.67 21 T8 0.000082 0.3 ALPINE DIESEL 0.97 22 T9 0.000082 0.3 ALPINE DIESEL 0.97 Rank Tank Benzene emissions, g/s 16 T428 0.000380 17 T429 18 Tank contribution percentage, % Total 0.03180 100 Note: Tanks T11 and 26 are not in use and the tank emissions from D184, T710 and T720 are negligible. It can be seen from Table 7.3 that Tanks T1, T17 and T19 are the main pollutant contributors in the plant when analysing both new and existing tanks. 7.2 VRU Stack emissions An existing vapour recovery unit (VRU) is located on site and is sized to operate the existing six-bay gantry. As part of the concept design work, Jordan Technologies were asked to investigate the options available to upgrade the VRU system to accommodate the three new additional bays. Three outcomes were proposed as follows: Option 1 – Replace existing with a complete new VRU. Option 2 – Supply a second smaller unit and split the flow. Option 3 – Connect a booster blower to the existing VRU unit for an approximate 20% rate increase. Regardless of the option, the additional emissions with regard to residual hydrocarbon vapour due to the additional three gantry bays are the same. However, the vapour exit conditions at the stack may differ with regard to flow rate. The existing stack is modelled with the scenario of nine gantry bays operating in order to simulate a worst-case scenario. The existing VRU stack on-site is shown in Figure 7.5 below. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 29 VRU Stack Figure 7.5 VRU Stack The exit velocity of all three options is estimated to be 0m/s for dispersion modelling purposes as the VRU stack was observed to have a rain hat. Table 7.5 presents the parameters used to model the VRU stack. Table 7.5 VRU Stack Parameters Parameter Value Unit Notes Height of vent, m 10m m Estimated based on site observations Diameter, mm 305 mm Jordan Technologies 2012 Exit Temperature 26.32 °C Jordan Technologies 2012 Exit velocity m/s 0 m/s Due to the presence of a rain hat TVOC Emission Rate1 0.859 g/s Jordan Technologies 2012 Note: 1. The Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) emission rate is based on monitoring conducted by Jordan Technologies at a sampling point of the existing stack in February 2012 for 6 gantry bays. The emission rate of 34.37 g/min measured was multiplied by 1 ½ times to simulate the 9 gantry bays which is the total number of gantry bays. The emission rates of the individual pollutants have been obtained by multiplying the TVOC emission rate in Table 7.2 by the percentage of each pollutant in the TVOC emissions from the new tanks from TANKS modelling. The emissions rates of the VRU stack are presented in Table 7.6. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 30 Table 7.6 VRU Stack emission rates Pollutant Emission rates, g/s Benzene 0.00046 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.00032 Cyclohexane 0.00034 Ethyl benzene 0.00047 Hexane (-n) 0.00066 Toulene 0.00246 Xylene 0.00228 For example, the percentage of the Benzene emission rate in the TVOC emission rate of all the new tanks from the TANKS modelling results was determined to be 0.053%. This percentage was applied to the VRU stack TVOC emission rate in Table 7.6 to obtain the Benzene emission rate of 0.00046 g/s in Table 7.5. 7.3 Fugitive Emissions from Additional Loading Gantries During product loading at the nine gantry bays, leakages occur from both the trucks and the vapour collection system. The emissions from the vapour collection system are accounted for by the VRU stack discussion in the previous section. Figure 7.6 below displays a typical truck loading operation which is similar to that occurring at the 6 gantries currently present on-site. Figure 7.6 Tank truck loading with vapour recovery (Source: US EPA 1995) The US EPA AP42 document Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids (US EPA 1995) was used to obtain the emission factors for the loading losses of the gantry. The loading losses are considered to be Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs). Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 31 The document defines loading loss, in lb/103 gal by the following equation: 12.46 1 100 The description of the parameters and values used to calculate loading loss are provided in Table 7.7. Table 7.7 Loading Loss Computation Parameters Parameter Definition Value Unit Saturation factor 1 - True vapour pressure of liquid loaded, pounds per square inch absolute, 6.5 Note Default parameter for vapour recovery systems psia Derived from Table 7.1.2 AP42 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks (US EPA 2006). The value is estimated based on the Hydrocarbon vapours having a molecular weight of 63.5. Molecular weight of vapours 63.5 lb/lb-mole This is the molecular weight used in Jordan Technologies in their calculations in their Caltex Newport VRU Hydrocarbon Assessments (Jordan Technologies 2011) Temperature of bulk liquid loaded 520 °R (°F+460) A temperature of 15°C is assumed. % VRU efficiency of 99.8% was determined by Jordan Technologies in their calculations in their Caltex Newport VRU Hydrocarbon Assessment (Jordan Technologies 2012) Overall reduction efficiency 99.8 The TVOC loading loss emissions from all the 9 bays in the gantry was computed to be 0.0198 lbs/103 gal. Using the annual throughput of 4.1 billion litres of product, the TVOC emission rate was determined to be 0.316 g/s. The pollutant emissions of the various pollutants are provided in Table 7.8 below. Table 7.8 Gantry emission rates Pollutant Emission rates, g/s Benzene 0.00017 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.00012 Cyclohexane 0.00012 Ethyl benzene 0.00017 Hexane (-n) 0.00024 Toulene 0.00091 Xylene 0.00084 Note: The benzene vapour concentration percentage of 0.053% from the pollutant contributions of the new tanks from the TANK modelling was used to derive the emission rates. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 32 In comparison with the emission rates from the tanks and the VRU stack, the gantry loading loss emissions from the trucks for nine gantry bays are considered negligible and are not considered further in this assessment. This is further explained in Section 7.5. 7.4 Emergency VRU Vent Emissions In the event of a failure of the VRU, a vent is used to divert vapour flowing from the gantry to the VRU system into the atmosphere. Figure 7.7 displays the emergency VRU vent. Figure 2.2 displays the location of the vent in the site layout. Emergency VRU Vent Figure 7.7 VRU vent From the figure above, it can be seen that the vent stack is reduced to two flame arrestors and pressure relief valves. An emergency scenario is determined based on the inlet hydrocarbon vapour emissions monitored during a hydrocarbon recovery assessment (Jordan Technologies 2011a ) carried out by Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. The SLAB dispersion model (as described in Section 8) was used to model the short-term continuous release of benzene into the atmosphere. Benzene has been identified as the pollutant to have the highest potential to exceed the SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 criteria as described in Section 7.6 and the concentration of benzene in the TVOCs emitted was obtained by using the percentage of benzene in the TVOC emissions from the new tanks from TANKS modelling which was determined to be 0.053%. Table 7.9 below lists the emission parameters for a worst-case emissions scenario. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 33 Table 7.9 VRU Vent Emission Parameters Parameter Value Unit Notes UTM x co-ordinate 314619 m - UTM y co-ordinate 5810341 m - Benzene emission rate 9.475 x 10-6 kg/s Jordan Technologies 2011a. The concentration of benzene is assumed to be 0.053% of hydrocarbon vapour. This is based on the percentage of benzene emissions from the all the project tanks. Duration of emissions 4 hours This time period was the monitoring period during in Jordan Technologies 2011a and is representative of the time period whereby trucks continue loading with the VRU being nonoperational. Actual area of opening 0.049 m2 An effective diameter of 250mm is assumed based on the thickness of the pipe Wind Speed 9.8 m/s The 99.9 percentile wind speed in the directions 270° to 360° was obtain from 2008 meteorological data from Altona North. Wind direction 321 °N Direction of nearest residence from the vent Stability Class E - Slightly stable atmospheric conditions are used. Averaging Time 3 min SEPP(Air Quality Management) 2001 assessment period 7.5 Pollutant Contributions Table 7.10 below details the pollutant contributions from the three identified pollutant sources (Tanks, VRU stack and the gantries). Table 7.10 Pollutant contributors Emission rates Benzene VRU Stack 0.00046 (1.5%) Gantries 0.00017 (0.5%) Tanks 0.03041 (98.0%) Total 0.03103 (100%) Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.00032 (2.5%) 0.00012 (0.9%) 0.01210 (96.5%) 0.01254 (100%) Cyclohexane 0.00034 (1.3%) 0.00012 (0.5%) 0.02549 (98.2%) 0.02596 (100%) Ethyl benzene 0.00047 (1.5%) 0.00017 (0.6%) 0.03099 (97.9%) 0.03164 (100%) Hexane (-n) 0.00066 (1.5%) 0.00024 (0.4%) 0.05584 (98.4%) 0.05674 (100%) Toulene 0.00246 (1.5%) 0.00091 (0.5%) 0.16438 (98.0%) 0.16775 (100%) Xylene 0.00228 (1.5%) 0.00084 (0.5%) 0.15343 (98.0%) 0.15656 (100%) Notes: 1. 2. Both existing and new tanks, 9 loading gantries and projected VRU emissions for 9 gantries have been used to derive these values. The concentration percentages of the various pollutants from the TANKS modelling of the new tanks have been used to work out the individual pollutant contributions. It can be seen from Table 7.10 that the emissions from tanks dominate the emissions from the site. The emissions from the gantries are lower compared to the tanks and the VRU Stack. It should be Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 34 noted that the pollutant emissions from the gantries are fugitive and are at ground level. They are generally contained within the gantries due to them being partially enclosed. The gantry emissions are therefore not considered as significant emission sources. 7.6 Ranking of pollutants An Emission Metric was calculated for all the identified pollutants to determine which pollutant had the highest potential for non-compliance with the SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 criteria. The Emission Metric was computed using the total site emission rate for each pollutant from the tanks as provided in Table 7.2 and the given criteria. The emission metric was then used to rank the pollutants. The results are presented in Table 7.11. Table 7.11 Ranking of Pollutants Benzene Total Site Emission Rate, g/s 0.0323 Design Criteria, mg/m3 0.053 0.6 Metric Contributio n, % 36.7 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.0134 0.039 0.3 18.8 3 Cyclohexane 0.0269 35 0.0 0.0 7 Ethyl benzene 0.0329 14.5 0.0 0.1 6 Hexane (-n) 0.0585 5.9 0.0 0.6 5 Toulene 0.1745 0.65 0.2 14.4 4 Xylene 0.1628 0.35 0.5 29.2 2 Pollutant Emission Metric1 Rank 1 Note: 1. Emission Metric = Design Criteria / Total Site Emission Rate Based on the above, Benzene is the pollutant determined to have the highest potential for a criteria exceedance. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 35 8. Dispersion Modelling Methodology 8.1 AUSPLUME The AUSPLUME v6.0 air dispersion model was used in this assessment to model the dispersion of tank emissions and VRU stack emissions. AUSPLUME is the EPA Victoria approved air dispersion model for modelling air pollutant emissions in Victoria. The modelling was carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in the State Environment Protection Policy (Air Quality Management) Schedule C. AUSPLUME is based on the USA EPA Industrial Source Complex – Short Term (ISCST3) model and was developed by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) Victoria to enhance the ISCST3model and make it applicable to Australian conditions. The model uses the Gaussian dispersion model equations to simulate the dispersion of a plume from point, area or volume sources. Mechanisms for determining the effect of terrain on plume dispersion are also provided. AUSPLUME operates on an hourly time step, and, therefore, requires hourly wind speed, wind direction and other dispersion parameter data. The dispersion of each pollutant plume is determined for each hour using conventional Gaussian model assumptions. The general input parameters used in the AUSPLUME dispersion modelling are summarised in Table 8.1. Table 8.1 AUSPLUME Modelling Parameters Parameter Input Modelling Centre (UTM Co-ordinates) 314364m, 5810444m Modelling Doman 1500m x 1500m Grid Resolution 15m Number of Sensitive Receptors 3 Terrain Assumed Flat Wind Profile Irwin “Urban” wind profile Roughness height 0.4m Meteorological Data Altona North 2008 provided by EPA Victoria Averaging Period 3 minutes Percentile 99.9th The specific pollutant source characteristics and emission rates are discussed in detail in Section 7. Tracers were not utilised for the AUSPLUME modelling and the emission rates for all the pollutants presented in Table 7.2 for the tanks and Table 7.5 for the VRU stack were directly input into the AUSPLUME model. Background concentrations for the pollutants were also added from Table 5.2 to output cumulative results in the form of ground level concentrations. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 36 The results therefore contain emissions from the new tanks, the existing tanks and the background pollutant concentrations in the area and the pollutants modelled were: Benzene, Cumene (Isopropyl benzene), Cyclohexane, Ethyl benzene, Hexane (-n), Toulene and Xylene Detailed modelling parameters are listed in the AUSPLUME files and are presented in Appendix B. 8.2 SLAB The SLAB model was used to model the dispersion of Benzene from the VRU vent during the emergency scenario of a VRU failure. SLAB is an US EPA approved model used to simulate the atmospheric transport and dispersion of dense gas releases from vents. Its solution is generalized to apply to neutral (passive) and buoyant gas releases. It assumes a similarity shape to cross-wind distributions of concentrations and other variables. It solves the one-dimensional (in downwind distance) equations of momentum, conservation of mass, species, and energy, and the equation of state. The model can be applied to continuous and instantaneous releases, and accounts for user-selected finite duration release times and the effects of averaging times. SLAB does not calculate source release rates, but can calculate the dispersion from liquid pool evaporation, horizontal and vertical jets at any height, and instantaneous volume sources. The general input parameters used in the AUSPLUME dispersion modelling are summarised in Table 8.2. Table 8.2 SLAB Modelling Parameters Parameter Input Modelling Doman 1500m x 1500m Grid Resolution 15m Terrain Assumed Flat Roughness height 1m Meteorological Data Worst-case wind condition of 9.8m at 320°N Averaging Period 3 minutes Time period of Release 4 hours Height of vent 6m Pollutant modelled Benzene The specific pollutant source characteristics and emission rates are discussed in detail in Section 7.4. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 37 9. Assessment 9.1 Normal Operation Each of the pollutants was modelled at a representative location at each of the areas containing sensitive receptors as identified in Section 2.1. The applicable design ground level pollutant concentration criteria are presented in Section 3.1. The results of the AUSPLUME modelling are presented in Table 9.1. Table 9.1 Predicted Pollutant Ground Level Concentrations at Sensitive Receptors High St1 Pollutant Ramsey St2 Craig St3 Design Criterion Project Contribution Cumulative Level Project Contribution Cumulative Level Project Contribution Cumulative Level Benzene 0.0038 0.0159 0.0039 0.0160 0.0036 0.0157 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.0015 0.0075 0.0020 0.0080 0.0015 0.0075 Cyclohexane 0.0032 0.0212 0.0030 0.0210 0.0023 0.0203 35 Ethyl benzene 0.0044 0.0135 0.0035 0.0125 0.0030 0.0120 14.5 Hexane (-n) 0.0075 0.0550 0.0066 0.0542 0.0056 0.0531 5.9 Toulene 0.0182 0.0795 0.0197 0.0810 0.0120 0.0733 0.65 Xylenes 0.0224 0.0999 0.0173 0.0948 0.0145 0.0920 0.35 0.053 0.039 Notes: 1. 2. 3. High Street Assessment Location UTM Co-ordinates: 314130, 5809928 Ramsey Street Assessment Location UTM Co-ordinates: 314062, 5810572 Craig Street Assessment Location UTM Co-ordinates: 314287, 5810736 From Table 9.1 above, no exceedances of the design criterion were present at the nearest sensitive receptors for all the pollutants. Benzene has been analysed to be the pollutant with the highest potential to exceed the SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 criteria as discussed in Section 7.6. Although compliance with the stipulated criterion for Benzene was achieved at the nearest sensitive receptors, further analysis with regard to its dispersion was considered necessary. Ground level concentration contours for benzene were plotted from the AUSPLUME modelling results and are presented in Figure 8.1. The dispersion of Benzene at the surrounds of the Caltex Site is displayed graphically. Based on the contour chart, the stipulated ground level concentration of 0.053 mg/m3 criterion is not exceeded at all the nearest sensitive receptors. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 38 N T15 SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 Benzene Criterion: 0.053 mg/m3 (99th percentile, 3 min average) Figure 9.1 Cumulative Benzene Ground Level Concentrations, mg/m3 (99th percentile, 3 minute average) p 39 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 9.2 VRU failure Worst-case Benzene emissions from the vent were assessed at the nearest sensitive receptor during a VRU failure whereby hydrocarbon vapours are emitted through the emergency vent identified in Figure 2.2. The nearest sensitive receptor was identified to be the property on the junction of Craig Street and Bernard Street which is 500m north-east of the vent. Figure 9.2 provides the emission contours of Benzene for a worst-case 3 minute period. The assessment criteria have been established in Section 4 to 0.053mg/m3 or 0.017ppm. The benzene emissions at the nearest sensitive receptor were found to be negligible as shown in Figure 9.2. Within the site, the SLAB modelling exercise revealed that 0.017ppm is exceeded at 1m from the vent. Therefore, it is recommended that during the venting of hydrocarbons during a VRU failure, no Caltex staff member should be in proximity to the VRU vent. It is recommend that a safety distance of 3m from the vent should be observed, Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 40 SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001 Benzene Criterion: 0.017ppm (99th percentile, 3 min average) Figure 9.2 Benzene Ground Level Concentrations, mg/m3 (3 minute average) from Emergency VRU Vent p 41 Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 10. Conclusion Aurecon has completed an air quality assessment of the upgrade of the Caltex Newport Terminal known as the Newport “Horizons” project. Upon analysis of the site and the operations involved after the upgrade, four air pollutant release scenarios were determined as follows: Breathing and working losses from the eight additional tanks to be installed and the existing tanks Emissions from the Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) stack due to the nine gantry bays ( three additional gantry bays are to be constructed) Fugitive emissions during truck loading at the nine gantry bays Emergency short-term emissions vented out to the environment through a vent due to a VRU failure The nearest sensitive receptors were found to be residences on High Street, Ramsey St and Craig Street and applicable air quality criteria were established from SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001. Existing concentrations of pollutants were established based on air quality monitoring conducted by EPA Victoria and pollutant ratios were established from site emission rates. Tank emissions modelling was conducted using the US EPA TANKS software to determine the main pollutants of concern and their concentrations were based on the dimensions of the tanks, the products contained and their throughput. The main pollutants were found to be components of Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs) and are namely Benzene, Toulene, Ethylbenzene, Xylenes, nHexane, Cyclohexane and Cumene (Isopropyl Benzene). Based on an analysis of emission rates and the criteria provided by SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001, Benzene was analysed to be the main pollutant with the potential to cause a criteria exceedance. The hydrocarbon vapour recovery assessments carried out by Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd provided the information to derive the emission characteristics and rates of the VRU stack as well as the emergency release emission characteristics from the VRU vent during a VRU failure. Fugitive emissions during truck loading at the 3 additional gantry bays were investigated and the emission rates were found to be negligible. Meteorological factors with respect to wind conditions, atmospheric stability and mixing height which affect air pollutant dispersion were analysed as a part of this assessment. Dispersion modelling using the AUSPLUME software was conducted for all the tanks (both existing and new) and the VRU stack. The sensitive receptors were assessed for all pollutants against the established criteria and no criteria exceedances were observed. No toxicity or odour impact is expected. Ground level concentrations of benzene are presented in contours to observe the dispersion of the pollutants in the surrounds of the Caltex site. Benzene emissions from the VRU vent during a VRU failure were modelled using the SLAB software and no criterion exceedance was observed at the nearest sensitive receptor at Craig Street under worst-case meteorological conditions. Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 42 11. References EPA Victoria 2000. AUSPLUME Gaussian-plume Dispersion Model Technical User Manual. Environment Protection Authority Victoria, 2000. Ermak, D L 1990. User’s Manual for SLAB: An Atmospheric Dispersion Model for Denser-ThanAir Releases. ACRL-MA-105607, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550. Jordan Technologies 2011(a). Hydrocarbon Recovery Assessment for Carbon Adsorption/ Absorption Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) ETCNPT1805-AR-28. Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. 18th May 2011 Jordan Technologies 2011(b). Hydrocarbon Recovery Assessment for Carbon Adsorption/ Absorption Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) ETCNPT0908-AR-29. Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. 9th August 2011 Jordan Technologies 2012. EPA Compliance Test for Carbon Adsorption/ Absorption Vapour Recovery Unit (VRU) EPA090212-CNPT. Jordan Technologies Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. 9th February 2012 NPI 2004. Emission Estimation Technique Manual for Inorganic Chemicals Manufacturing Version 2.0. Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. National Pollutant Inventory. Feb 2004. NPI 2012. Emissions Estimation Technique Manual for Fuel and Organic Liquid Storage Version 3.3 Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. National Pollutant Inventory. May 2012. NPI Substance Fact Sheets. Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. National Pollutant Inventory. SEPP (Air Quality Management) 2001. State Environmental Protection Policy (Air Quality Management) Victoria Government Gazette. December 2001. US EPA 2006. Section 7.1 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Fifth Edition, AP-42. United States Environmental Protection Agency US EPA 1995. Section 5.2 Transportation and Marketing of Petroleum Liquids. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. Volume I: Stationary Point and Area Sources, Fifth Edition, AP-42. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency WHO 2000. Benzene. In: Air quality guidelines for Europe, 2nd ed. Copenhagen, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe ( Project 225440 | File Caltex Newport AQ Report 20130508mn.docx | 8 May 2013 | Revision 2 | Page 43 Appendix A TANKS 4.09D Summary Files TANKS 4.0 Report T13 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank ADO Same as T14 TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.10 65.00 144.32 65.00 32.50 7,920,000.00 14.20 112,464,000.00 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 Page 4 of 4 is blank and it has been removed from all the following calculation sheets 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month T13 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component ADO Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0003 0.0098 0.0001 0.9800 0.0011 0.0001 0.0010 0.0042 0.0035 Liquid Mass Fract. 0.0002 0.0002 0.0001 0.0021 0.0001 0.0001 0.0002 0.9970 0.0001 Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 188.00 106.17 86.17 92.13 0.76 106.17 Mol. Weight TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 66.45 57.36 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 69.0000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 130.0000 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 68.9154 106.1700 2.7773 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0060 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 5.9980 0.0823 3.3500 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.0081 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 6.0037 0.1130 3.0527 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.0070 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 6.0053 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 1: VP60 = .0065 VP70 = .009 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T13 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components ADO TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) 23.14 15.95 58.20 36.93 36.93 155.15 106.92 662,907.80 5.51 Total Emissions 90.97 5.51 98,883.97 132.01 8.68 Breathing Loss 31.42 96.50 101.41 564,023.83 31.42 15.13 Working Loss 49.52 14.40 Benzene Ethyl benzene 204.18 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Hexane (-n) Cyclohexane 86.28 1,368.83 82.11 660,946.93 1,164.65 98,591.48 Xylene (-m) Distillate fuel oil no. 2 562,355.45 Toluene Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Gunite Lining White/White Good White/White Good 0.00 0.00 101.68 3,963,000.00 8.10 T15 Altona VIC Caltex Internal Floating Roof Tank SPULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Mechanical Shoe Rim-mounted Y Rim-Seal System Primary Seal: Secondary Seal Typical Welded Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Self Supp. Roof? (y/n): No. of Columns: Eff. Col. Diam. (ft): Deck Characteristics Deck Fitting Category: Deck Type: Deck Fitting/Status Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Roof Leg or Hanger Well/Adjustable Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.)/Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 33 1 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month 61.91 57.36 66.45 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T15 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component SPULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Gasoline (RVP 10) Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 66.0000 86.1700 92.1300 65.3333 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0101 0.0017 0.0110 0.0181 0.6403 0.0203 0.1965 0.0048 0.0973 Liquid Mass Fract. TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 60.10 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 5.3802 2.0102 0.3502 89.0173 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Vapor Mass Fract. 0.0034 0.0000 0.0038 0.0006 0.6727 0.0111 0.0187 0.2871 0.0026 Mol. Weight 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 92.00 86.17 92.13 26.47 106.17 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 4: RVP=10, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T15 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Deck Fitting Loss Deck Seam Loss 69.17 Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 Withdrawl Loss Losses(lbs) Rim Seal Loss 8,684.87 10.19 0.00 75.92 0.00 109.03 7.77 0.00 150.83 2,303.50 0.00 59.96 0.00 5,954.09 0.06 0.00 1.44 10.12 8.80 427.28 0.01 1.31 Benzene SPULP Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 25.52 586.32 1,221.13 65.49 0.00 812.62 5,649.66 107.47 0.00 120.57 0.00 1.63 43.15 0.00 0.24 5.89 4.73 1,169.98 661.36 1,549.64 Cyclohexane 579.33 Hexane (-n) 8.00 28.58 3,812.58 Ethyl benzene Toluene 1.09 122.68 287.44 Gasoline (RVP 10) 14/02/2000 Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report T16 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank JET TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.14 65.00 101.68 65.00 32.50 3,963,000.00 7.60 30,118,800.00 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month T16 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component Kerosene Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 162.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 92.13 163.43 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0136 0.0068 0.0353 0.0273 0.0557 0.0582 0.6492 0.1538 TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 66.45 57.36 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 0.0001 0.0009 0.0002 0.0017 0.0002 0.0012 0.9842 0.0115 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 130.0000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 160.0036 106.1700 0.0078 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 0.0027 0.0823 0.0101 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 0.0042 0.1130 0.0090 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 0.0049 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T16 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) 11.44 20.27 26.23 5.09 10.13 243.32 92.04 88.05 43.17 55.86 10.83 21.57 1,581.74 5.75 41.35 1,026.90 Total Emissions 29.63 43.22 742.72 22.90 114.25 Breathing Loss 46.71 482.19 839.02 48.82 Working Loss Ethyl benzene 129.07 Kerosene Hexane (-n) Cyclohexane 544.71 Benzene Xylene (-m) Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Unidentified Components Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Gunite Lining White/White Good White/White Good 0.00 0.00 101.68 3,963,000.00 41.10 T_17 Altona VIC Caltex Internal Floating Roof Tank ULP Same as T19 Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Mechanical Shoe Shoe-mounted Y Rim-Seal System Primary Seal: Secondary Seal Typical Welded Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Self Supp. Roof? (y/n): No. of Columns: Eff. Col. Diam. (ft): Deck Characteristics Deck Fitting Category: Deck Type: Deck Fitting/Status Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Roof Leg or Hanger Well/Adjustable Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.)/Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 33 1 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Month All Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 323.44 92.13 90.98 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0031 0.0000 0.0027 0.0005 0.0100 0.0000 0.0053 0.9763 0.0020 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 0.0093 0.0010 0.0077 0.0153 0.0183 0.0000 0.0560 0.8149 0.0775 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.1112 106.1700 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 6.0578 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 57.36 60.10 61.91 66.45 T_17 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component ULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T_17 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Deck Fitting Loss Deck Seam Loss Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 Withdrawl Loss Losses(lbs) Rim Seal Loss 2.32 6.09 0.00 24,618.73 2,340.48 1,692.75 0.30 2,248.97 4.69 12.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27,980.14 2,347.50 1,711.14 0.30 30.26 292.64 240.26 33,654.40 0.00 464.81 0.00 0.00 587.35 0.00 0.03 0.00 7.20 6.12 0.00 2,303.50 30.21 1.11 281.87 231.12 23.07 30,211.48 0.02 463.14 3.56 3.03 552.87 1,139.41 0.55 Benzene Components ULP Cyclohexane Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 11.41 Tetraethyllead 1,112.44 Hexane (-n) Ethyl benzene Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components 14/02/2000 Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Gunite Lining White/White Good White/White Good 0.00 0.00 101.68 3,963,000.00 13.00 T18 Altona VIC Caltex Internal Floating Roof Tank PULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Mechanical Shoe Shoe-mounted Y Rim-Seal System Primary Seal: Secondary Seal Typical Welded Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Self Supp. Roof? (y/n): No. of Columns: Eff. Col. Diam. (ft): Deck Characteristics Deck Fitting Category: Deck Type: Deck Fitting/Status Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Roof Leg or Hanger Well/Adjustable Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.)/Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 33 1 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 92.00 86.17 323.44 92.13 23.69 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 4: RVP=9.5, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 4: RVP=10, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0034 0.0000 0.0034 0.0006 0.8210 0.0083 0.0000 0.0068 0.1541 0.0024 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 0.0100 0.0012 0.0099 0.0176 0.7815 0.0152 0.0000 0.0709 0.0038 0.0898 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 66.0000 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.5525 106.1700 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 5.3802 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 52.9129 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 57.36 66.45 61.91 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T18 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component PULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Gasoline (RVP 10) Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T18 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) Page 3 of 4 12,998.88 Total Emissions 3.92 0.02 0.01 145.25 168.47 94.60 11.47 0.00 19.16 1.28 7.92 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,294.75 866.25 701.08 0.01 173.89 170.39 106.44 11.53 107.42 0.00 0.63 5.44 15.58 0.00 Deck Seam Loss Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 9.48 1,891.28 7.74 2,303.51 Deck Fitting Loss Cyclohexane 0.00 677.80 95.85 9,555.94 Withdrawl Loss Ethyl benzene 858.12 3.83 1,139.42 Rim Seal Loss Hexane (-n) 7,467.97 Benzene PULP Tetraethyllead 7.70 567.12 2.69 0.00 935.51 Gasoline (RVP 10) 355.08 Xylene (-m) 36.40 Toluene 175.64 14/02/2000 Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report T_new Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank new ADO Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.08 65.00 173.90 65.00 32.50 11,624,800.00 14.20 165,072,160.00 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month 61.91 57.36 66.45 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T_new - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component ADO Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 0.7163 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0060 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 1.3938 0.0823 0.7163 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.0081 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 1.3995 0.1130 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 69.0000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 130.0000 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 68.6374 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0003 0.0098 0.0001 0.9800 0.0011 0.0001 0.0010 0.0042 0.0035 Liquid Mass Fract. TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 60.10 0.7163 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.0070 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 1.4011 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Vapor Mass Fract. 0.0007 0.0010 0.0002 0.0088 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 0.9874 0.0006 Mol. Weight 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 188.00 106.17 86.17 92.13 0.76 106.17 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 1: VP60 = .0065 VP70 = .009 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T_new - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) 9.49 39.89 87.65 55.61 55.61 233.65 161.02 234,246.48 Total Emissions 9.49 27.49 39,993.09 Breathing Loss 193.76 14.96 133.53 194,253.38 Working Loss 46.11 Benzene Components ADO 46.11 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 72.69 152.71 2,061.39 Cyclohexane 351.94 Hexane (-n) 1,709.45 231,293.51 145.33 26.07 39,488.93 24.81 126.64 120.52 191,804.58 Ethyl benzene Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: Gunite Lining White/White Good TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics 124.40 4,383,606.00 41.10 T1 Altona VIC Caltex External Floating Roof Tank ULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Pontoon Typical Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Roof Characteristics Type: Fitting Category Tank Construction and Rim-Seal System Construction: Welded Primary Seal: Mechanical Shoe Secondary Seal None Deck Fitting/Status Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Bolted Cover, Gasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Unslotted Guide-Pole Well/Ungasketed Sliding Cover Gauge-Hatch/Sample Well (8-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Pontoon Area, Ungasketed Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Center Area, Ungasketed Rim Vent (6-in. Diameter)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 19 24 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 323.44 92.13 90.98 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0027 0.0000 0.0023 0.0004 0.0087 0.0000 0.0046 0.9794 0.0018 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 0.0093 0.0010 0.0077 0.0153 0.0183 0.0000 0.0560 0.8149 0.0775 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 65.0000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 64.6472 106.1700 5.9803 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 7.1473 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 57.36 66.45 61.91 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T1 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component ULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T1 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Deck Fitting Loss 0.00 Deck Seam Loss 388.96 76,653.90 Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 Withdrawl Loss 0.00 Losses(lbs) Rim Seal Loss 0.00 27.96 0.22 45.00 16,556.75 27.31 254.85 27,314.59 322.88 0.43 89.11 32,782.57 439.49 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Benzene Components ULP 929.44 0.27 0.00 1,759.59 0.00 2,203.46 0.00 0.00 70,581.87 6.96 0.00 38.23 0.00 144.15 0.00 0.00 208.96 76.90 418.73 29.33 499.86 0.27 16,215.96 75.70 1,530.44 13.79 2,116.06 285.43 0.00 22,258.11 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) 58.07 32,107.80 14/02/2000 152.25 Cyclohexane Tetraethyllead Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: Gunite Lining White/White Good TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics 73.50 1,427,473.00 8.10 T2 Altona VIC Caltex External Floating Roof Tank SPULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Pontoon Typical Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Roof Characteristics Type: Fitting Category Tank Construction and Rim-Seal System Construction: Welded Primary Seal: Mechanical Shoe Secondary Seal None Deck Fitting/Status Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Bolted Cover, Gasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Unslotted Guide-Pole Well/Ungasketed Sliding Cover Gauge-Hatch/Sample Well (8-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Pontoon Area, Ungasketed Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Center Area, Ungasketed Rim Vent (6-in. Diameter)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 13 9 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Month All Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0101 0.0017 0.0110 0.0181 0.6403 0.0203 0.1965 0.0048 0.0973 Liquid Mass Fract. 0.0034 0.0000 0.0038 0.0006 0.6727 0.0111 0.0187 0.2871 0.0026 Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 92.00 86.17 92.13 26.47 106.17 Mol. Weight N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 66.0000 86.1700 92.1300 65.3333 106.1700 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 5.3802 2.0102 0.3502 89.0173 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 57.36 60.10 61.91 66.45 T2 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component SPULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Gasoline (RVP 10) Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 4: RVP=10, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T2 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Deck Fitting Loss 0.00 Deck Seam Loss 129.76 32,569.62 Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 Withdrawl Loss 0.00 Losses(lbs) Rim Seal Loss 0.00 5.80 0.34 45.45 13,470.93 5.04 29.88 2,966.93 70.42 145.67 0.41 54.43 16,131.77 0.00 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Benzene SPULP 0.00 388.09 0.00 364.42 1,137.54 7.67 0.00 8,513.49 21,814.44 51.44 0.00 149.26 0.00 32.64 252.35 0.00 53.55 34.47 60.08 9,062.30 9.19 583.00 3,867.65 61.60 288.68 178.75 302.19 14.24 1,899.81 Cyclohexane Hexane (-n) 41.28 Ethyl benzene Toluene 4,631.60 14/02/2000 10,852.33 Xylene (-m) Gasoline (RVP 10) Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: Gunite Lining White/White Good TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics 73.50 1,428,529.00 13.00 T3 Altona VIC Caltex External Floating Roof Tank PULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Pontoon Typical Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Roof Characteristics Type: Fitting Category Tank Construction and Rim-Seal System Construction: Welded Primary Seal: Mechanical Shoe Secondary Seal None Deck Fitting/Status Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Bolted Cover, Gasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Unslotted Guide-Pole Well/Ungasketed Sliding Cover Gauge-Hatch/Sample Well (8-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Pontoon Area, Ungasketed Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Center Area, Ungasketed Rim Vent (6-in. Diameter)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 13 9 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 92.00 86.17 323.44 92.13 23.69 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 4: RVP=9.5, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 4: RVP=10, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0034 0.0000 0.0034 0.0006 0.8210 0.0083 0.0000 0.0068 0.1541 0.0024 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 0.0100 0.0012 0.0099 0.0176 0.7815 0.0152 0.0000 0.0709 0.0038 0.0898 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 66.0000 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.5525 106.1700 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 5.3802 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 52.9129 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 57.36 66.45 61.91 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T3 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component PULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Gasoline (RVP 10) Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T3 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) Page 3 of 4 34,368.12 Total Emissions 0.00 0.00 148.91 6.25 147.28 0.00 0.24 0.00 Deck Seam Loss 46.29 45.27 13,471.00 Deck Fitting Loss 5.72 47.80 4,765.26 Withdrawl Loss 47.18 54.21 16,131.86 Rim Seal Loss 0.29 Benzene PULP 55.44 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane 0.00 100.48 538.17 318.64 497.82 0.00 28,029.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.49 0.00 0.00 91.09 112.04 31.81 0.00 11,060.23 84.01 338.00 72.43 427.92 4,581.39 8.98 3,724.05 0.00 0.00 38.09 109.08 2,076.54 134.17 Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead 13,244.90 18.15 14/02/2000 2,486.70 Ethyl benzene Gasoline (RVP 10) Xylene (-m) Toluene Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report T4 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank JET A-1 TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.19 65.00 73.50 50.00 32.50 1,497,486.00 7.60 11,380,893.60 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month T4 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component Jet kerosene Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 57.36 66.45 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 0.0078 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 0.0027 0.0823 0.0101 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 0.0042 0.1130 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 130.0000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 160.1535 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0001 0.0009 0.0002 0.0017 0.0002 0.0012 0.9842 0.0115 Liquid Mass Fract. TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 60.10 0.0090 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 0.0048 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Vapor Mass Fract. 0.0137 0.0069 0.0354 0.0274 0.0558 0.0583 0.6483 0.1542 Mol. Weight 162.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 92.13 163.43 106.17 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 1: VP60 = .0085 VP70 = .011 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Breathing Loss 9.61 Total Emissions Losses(lbs) Working Loss 703.27 T4 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components 5.29 387.06 4.83 4.32 316.21 24.90 Benzene 2.66 Jet kerosene 2.17 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 19.24 41.03 39.25 108.47 13.71 455.93 11.20 22.58 Cyclohexane 59.70 10.59 250.93 21.60 18.45 8.65 48.77 17.65 Hexane (-n) 205.00 Ethyl benzene Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Gunite Lining White/White Good White/White Good 0.00 0.00 56.60 870,011.00 41.10 T5 Altona VIC Caltex Internal Floating Roof Tank ULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Mechanical Shoe Rim-mounted Y Rim-Seal System Primary Seal: Secondary Seal Typical Welded Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Self Supp. Roof? (y/n): No. of Columns: Eff. Col. Diam. (ft): Deck Characteristics Deck Fitting Category: Deck Type: Deck Fitting/Status Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Roof Leg or Hanger Well/Adjustable Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.)/Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 16 1 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 323.44 92.13 90.98 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0032 0.0000 0.0027 0.0005 0.0101 0.0000 0.0054 0.9761 0.0021 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 0.0093 0.0010 0.0077 0.0153 0.0183 0.0000 0.0560 0.8149 0.0775 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.1078 106.1700 5.0394 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 6.0054 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 57.36 66.45 61.91 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T5 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component ULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T5 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals 13,498.92 Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 0.00 Deck Seam Loss Losses(lbs) 1,348.63 11.94 116.16 Deck Fitting Loss 0.00 95.39 11,914.94 4.25 0.00 Withdrawl Loss 111.17 0.02 235.35 0.74 11.91 183.43 Rim Seal Loss Benzene 0.00 234.04 Components ULP Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.00 0.12 0.00 676.13 0.00 926.30 3.61 0.00 0.66 0.00 13.62 0.00 91.15 0.00 182.66 7.27 218.04 2.77 0.63 0.12 0.11 667.59 2.38 923.05 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) 0.00 Cyclohexane 1.27 11,255.41 0.48 0.00 Tetraethyllead 1,316.43 Xylene (-m) 9,709.25 14/02/2000 229.73 Toluene Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Gunite Lining White/White Good White/White Good 0.00 0.00 22.60 136,327.00 12.00 T6 Altona VIC Caltex Internal Floating Roof Tank SLOPS Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Mechanical Shoe Rim-mounted Y Rim-Seal System Primary Seal: Secondary Seal Typical Welded Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Self Supp. Roof? (y/n): No. of Columns: Eff. Col. Diam. (ft): Deck Characteristics Deck Fitting Category: Deck Type: Deck Fitting/Status Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Roof Leg or Hanger Well/Adjustable Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.)/Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 9 1 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Month All Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 323.44 92.13 90.98 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0032 0.0000 0.0027 0.0005 0.0101 0.0000 0.0054 0.9761 0.0021 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 0.0093 0.0010 0.0077 0.0153 0.0183 0.0000 0.0560 0.8149 0.0775 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.1078 106.1700 5.0394 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 6.0054 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 57.36 60.10 61.91 66.45 T6 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component SLOPS Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T6 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Deck Fitting Loss Deck Seam Loss Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 Withdrawl Loss 16.08 2,424.56 Losses(lbs) Rim Seal Loss 0.00 1.38 0.00 13.28 3.04 0.00 965.39 0.00 12.74 0.01 1,365.20 2.59 0.30 1.37 93.97 10.44 Benzene SLOPS 0.00 0.01 0.25 82.20 Cyclohexane 107.94 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 0.00 2,146.54 21.45 0.00 35.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.20 0.47 1.98 9.75 0.01 942.34 20.93 76.49 24.98 105.76 0.05 0.00 1,112.47 0.95 0.51 Hexane (-n) 0.19 Ethyl benzene Tetraethyllead 91.73 Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 14/02/2000 Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Gunite Lining White/White Good White/White Good 0.00 0.00 33.90 370,873.00 12.00 T7 Altona VIC Caltex Internal Floating Roof Tank SLOPS Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Mechanical Shoe Rim-mounted Y Rim-Seal System Primary Seal: Secondary Seal Typical Welded Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Self Supp. Roof? (y/n): No. of Columns: Eff. Col. Diam. (ft): Deck Characteristics Deck Fitting Category: Deck Type: Deck Fitting/Status Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Roof Leg or Hanger Well/Adjustable Sample Pipe or Well (24-in. Diam.)/Slit Fabric Seal 10% Open Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 11 1 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 323.44 92.13 90.98 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0031 0.0000 0.0027 0.0005 0.0100 0.0000 0.0053 0.9763 0.0020 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 0.0093 0.0010 0.0077 0.0153 0.0183 0.0000 0.0560 0.8149 0.0775 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.1112 106.1700 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 6.0578 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 57.36 66.45 61.91 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T7 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component SLOPS Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T7 - Internal Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) Page 3 of 4 3,704.71 Total Emissions 0.38 0.00 0.02 45.31 37.96 18.94 2.48 1,060.55 2.21 5.80 0.00 10.88 0.53 2.88 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,217.27 194.32 145.29 0.02 57.61 38.55 22.20 2.49 26.94 0.00 0.07 138.73 0.00 Deck Seam Loss Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 1.43 191.81 3.40 1,086.27 Deck Fitting Loss Cyclohexane 0.00 2,017.63 23.10 2,475.99 Withdrawl Loss Ethyl benzene 0.76 0.45 142.45 Rim Seal Loss Hexane (-n) 0.29 Benzene SLOPS Tetraethyllead 139.08 Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 14/02/2000 Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report T8,T9 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank ALPINE DIESEL TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.49 60.00 28.30 60.00 18.00 256,274.00 24.40 6,253,085.60 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month 61.91 57.36 66.45 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. T8,T9 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component diesel Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 4.6506 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0060 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 9.9982 0.0823 5.5463 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.0081 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 10.0038 0.1130 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 130.0000 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 66.4466 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0003 0.0098 0.0001 0.9800 0.0011 0.0001 0.0010 0.0042 0.0035 Liquid Mass Fract. TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 60.10 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.0070 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 10.0055 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Vapor Mass Fract. 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0013 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.9982 0.0001 Mol. Weight 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 188.00 106.17 86.17 92.13 0.76 106.17 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 1: VP60 = .0065 VP70 = .009 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T8,T9 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Breathing Loss 5.67 Total Emissions Losses(lbs) Working Loss 56,380.34 8.22 0.61 6,058.94 1.96 5.06 0.88 50,321.39 7.34 1.96 Benzene diesel Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 3.09 5.37 0.21 5.11 1.75 72.55 Cyclohexane 0.58 56,276.40 0.21 0.55 0.33 7.80 1.75 4.80 6,047.77 2.75 4.57 Hexane (-n) 64.76 Ethyl benzene Toluene 50,228.63 Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components Distillate fuel oil no. 2 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report T10 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank JET A-1 TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.19 65.00 73.50 50.00 12.00 1,507,525.00 7.60 11,457,190.00 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month T10 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component Jet kerosene Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 162.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 86.17 92.13 163.45 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 1: VP60 = .0085 VP70 = .011 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0342 0.0069 0.0354 0.0274 0.0558 0.0583 0.6278 0.1542 TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 66.45 57.36 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 0.0002 0.0009 0.0002 0.0017 0.0002 0.0012 0.9841 0.0115 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 130.0000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 165.8435 106.1700 0.0078 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 0.0023 0.0823 0.0101 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 0.0038 0.1130 0.0090 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 0.0045 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Breathing Loss Total Emissions Losses(lbs) Working Loss T10 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components 6.37 31.69 927.34 4.18 20.81 609.01 2.19 10.88 318.33 32.84 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Benzene Jet kerosene 25.37 54.11 51.76 143.03 21.56 582.17 16.66 35.53 33.99 93.93 8.71 382.33 11.27 18.57 17.77 49.10 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) 199.84 Cyclohexane Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components Toluene file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: Gunite Lining White/White Good TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics 39.60 375,164.00 13.00 T12 Altona VIC Caltex External Floating Roof Tank PULP Paint Characteristics Internal Shell Condition: Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Pontoon Typical Tank Dimensions Diameter (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Roof Characteristics Type: Fitting Category Tank Construction and Rim-Seal System Construction: Welded Primary Seal: Mechanical Shoe Secondary Seal None Deck Fitting/Status Access Hatch (24-in. Diam.)/Bolted Cover, Gasketed Automatic Gauge Float Well/Unbolted Cover, Ungasketed Vacuum Breaker (10-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Unslotted Guide-Pole Well/Ungasketed Sliding Cover Gauge-Hatch/Sample Well (8-in. Diam.)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Pontoon Area, Ungasketed Roof Leg (3-in. Diameter)/Adjustable, Center Area, Ungasketed Rim Vent (6-in. Diameter)/Weighted Mech. Actuation, Gask. Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Quantity 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 1 Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Month All Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) Vapor Mol. Weight. Liquid Mass Fract. Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 106.17 92.00 86.17 323.44 92.13 23.69 106.17 Mol. Weight Option 4: RVP=9.5, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 4: RVP=10, ASTM Slope=3 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=7.945, B=2014.46, C=215 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 0.0034 0.0000 0.0034 0.0006 0.8210 0.0083 0.0000 0.0068 0.1541 0.0024 14/02/2000 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 0.0100 0.0012 0.0099 0.0176 0.7815 0.0152 0.0000 0.0709 0.0038 0.0898 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 106.1700 66.0000 86.1700 323.4400 92.1300 66.5525 106.1700 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.1159 5.3802 2.0102 0.0034 0.3502 52.9129 0.0966 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 57.36 60.10 61.91 66.45 T12 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component PULP Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Ethyl benzene Gasoline (RVP 10) Hexane (-n) Tetraethyllead Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T12 - External Floating Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Deck Fitting Loss Deck Seam Loss Total Emissions Page 3 of 4 Withdrawl Loss Losses(lbs) Rim Seal Loss 20.52 58.77 0.00 8.85 1,815.26 208.59 164.76 0.00 2,031.19 10,818.69 31.12 89.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,379.81 19,769.98 260.23 312.62 0.00 3.18 96.79 24,191.07 98.15 0.00 0.00 53.12 0.00 0.00 217.19 44.28 0.24 0.00 13,176.82 45.28 0.00 23.30 2.79 7.33 2,322.80 23.00 109.59 29.21 0.16 40.95 8,691.45 29.87 35.31 Benzene PULP Cyclohexane 4.84 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 72.29 7,136.03 Hexane (-n) Ethyl benzene Xylene (-m) Toluene 1,339.77 Tetraethyllead Gasoline (RVP 10) 14/02/2000 Unidentified Components file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm TANKS 4.0 Report T356 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Diesel TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.15 65.00 96.10 32.50 32.50 1,705,675.00 14.20 24,220,585.00 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 4.6506 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0060 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 9.9982 0.0823 5.5463 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.0081 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 10.0038 0.1130 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.0070 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 10.0055 0.0966 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 130.0000 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 66.4466 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0003 0.0098 0.0001 0.9800 0.0011 0.0001 0.0010 0.0042 0.0035 Liquid Mass Fract. 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0013 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.9982 0.0001 Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 188.00 106.17 86.17 92.13 0.76 106.17 Mol. Weight TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 66.45 57.36 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 T356 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component Diesel Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 1: VP60 = .0065 VP70 = .009 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T356 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) 26.47 263,338.85 Total Emissions 9.14 38.41 6.88 68,424.90 Breathing Loss 9.14 19.59 194,913.95 Working Loss 9.98 14.41 Benzene Diesel 28.43 2.38 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 6.77 23.89 Cyclohexane 338.87 25.10 262,853.41 2.38 6.21 3.74 88.05 6.52 18.58 68,298.77 6.77 17.68 10.67 Hexane (-n) 250.82 Ethyl benzene Toluene 194,554.64 Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components Distillate fuel oil no. 2 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report T428 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Diesel TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N -0.03 0.03 7.00 0.15 65.00 96.10 32.50 32.50 1,728,396.00 14.20 24,543,223.20 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Month All 57.36 66.45 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 T428 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component Diesel Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) 4.6506 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0060 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 9.9982 0.0823 5.5463 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.0081 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 10.0038 0.1130 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 130.0000 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 66.4466 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0003 0.0098 0.0001 0.9800 0.0011 0.0001 0.0010 0.0042 0.0035 Liquid Mass Fract. TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 60.10 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.0070 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 10.0055 0.0966 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Vapor Mass Fract. 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0013 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.9982 0.0001 Mol. Weight 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 188.00 106.17 86.17 92.13 0.76 106.17 Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 1: VP60 = .0065 VP70 = .009 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T428 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) 26.40 262,603.08 Total Emissions 6.54 65,092.72 Breathing Loss 9.12 38.30 19.85 197,510.36 Working Loss 9.49 Benzene Diesel 28.81 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) 9.12 25.03 14.37 23.82 2.26 337.93 6.86 6.21 262,118.99 Cyclohexane 5.91 2.26 83.76 3.56 18.83 64,972.72 6.86 17.92 10.81 Hexane (-n) 254.16 Ethyl benzene Toluene 197,146.27 Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components Distillate fuel oil no. 2 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report T429 Altona VIC Caltex Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Diesel TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification: City: State: Company: Type of Tank: Description: N 0.00 0.00 7.00 0.15 65.00 96.10 28.00 28.00 1,391,277.00 14.20 19,756,133.40 Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft): Diameter (ft): Liquid Height (ft) : Avg. Liquid Height (ft): Volume (gallons): Turnovers: Net Throughput(gal/yr): Is Tank Heated (y/n): White/White Good White/White Good Cone Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade: Shell Condition Roof Color/Shade: Roof Condition: Roof Characteristics Type: Height (ft) Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof) Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig): Pressure Settings (psig) Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Altona, VIC (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 14.74 psia) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 1 of 4 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report All Month 60.10 Liquid Bulk Temp (deg F) 4.6506 1.0850 0.0463 1.1274 0.0060 0.0990 1.7858 0.3040 9.9982 0.0823 5.5463 1.3928 0.0649 1.4389 0.0081 0.1354 2.2573 0.4023 10.0038 0.1130 Vapor Pressure (psia) Avg. Min. Max. 5.0826 1.2310 0.0550 1.2753 0.0070 0.1159 2.0102 0.3502 10.0055 0.0966 66.5000 78.1100 120.2000 84.1600 130.0000 106.1700 86.1700 92.1300 66.4466 106.1700 Vapor Mol. Weight. 0.0003 0.0098 0.0001 0.9800 0.0011 0.0001 0.0010 0.0042 0.0035 Liquid Mass Fract. 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 0.0013 0.0000 0.0001 0.0001 0.9982 0.0001 Vapor Mass Fract. 92.00 78.11 120.20 84.16 188.00 106.17 86.17 92.13 0.76 106.17 Mol. Weight TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank 66.45 57.36 Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. 61.91 T429 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Mixture/Component Diesel Benzene Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Cyclohexane Distillate fuel oil no. 2 Ethyl benzene Hexane (-n) Toluene Unidentified Components Xylene (-m) file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Basis for Vapor Pressure Calculations Page 2 of 4 Option 2: A=7.009, B=1462.266, C=215.11 Option 2: A=6.905, B=1211.033, C=220.79 Option 2: A=6.9636, B=1460.793, C=207.78 Option 2: A=6.841, B=1201.53, C=222.65 Option 1: VP60 = .0065 VP70 = .009 Option 2: A=6.975, B=1424.255, C=213.21 Option 2: A=6.876, B=1171.17, C=224.41 Option 2: A=6.954, B=1344.8, C=219.48 14/02/2000 TANKS 4.0 Report Emissions Report for: Annual T429 - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Altona, VIC Components TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Summary Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Losses(lbs) 5.52 23.19 6.60 3.79 2.40 2.40 10.09 227,753.11 293.62 20.70 21.75 12.49 7.92 7.92 33.28 22.94 228,173.73 Total Emissions 5.52 6.28 6.95 69,187.23 Breathing Loss 8.70 89.03 15.98 158,986.50 Working Loss Cyclohexane 15.16 69,059.69 Benzene Diesel Ethyl benzene 14.42 Cumene (Isopropyl benzene) Hexane (-n) 204.59 Toluene 158,693.42 Xylene (-m) Unidentified Components Distillate fuel oil no. 2 file://C:\Program Files\Tanks409d\summarydisplay.htm Page 3 of 4 14/02/2000 Appendix B AUSPLUME 6.0 Files Benzene 1 __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 1.21E-02 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS __________________________ STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.60E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.54E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.54E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] (Constant) emission rate = 9.96E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T16 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.11E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.60E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T2 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T17 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.21E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.87E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T3 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.55E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.12E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T4 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.21E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.38E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T5 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.60E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.67E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T6 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.31E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T7 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.81E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.88E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T8 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.80E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.20E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T9 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.30E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.20E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex STACK SOURCE: T10 RECEPTOR LOCATIONS X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.56E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.39E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] ______________________ The Cartesian receptor grid has the following x-values (or eastings): 313522.m 313537.m 313552.m 313567.m 313582.m 313597.m 313612.m 313627.m 313642.m 313657.m 313672.m 313687.m 313702.m 313717.m 313732.m 313747.m 313762.m 313777.m 313792.m 313807.m 313822.m 313837.m 313852.m 313867.m 313882.m 313897.m 313912.m 313927.m 313942.m 313957.m 313972.m 313987.m 314002.m 314017.m 314032.m 314047.m 314062.m 314077.m 314092.m 314107.m 314122.m 314137.m 314152.m 314167.m 314182.m 314197.m 314212.m 314227.m 314242.m 314257.m 314272.m 314287.m 314302.m 314317.m 314332.m 314347.m 314362.m 314377.m 314392.m 314407.m 314422.m 314437.m 314452.m 314467.m 314482.m 314497.m 314512.m 314527.m 314542.m 314557.m 314572.m 314587.m 314602.m 314617.m 314632.m 314647.m 314662.m 314677.m 314692.m 314707.m 314722.m 314737.m 314752.m 314767.m file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] Cumene 314782.m 314797.m 314812.m 314827.m 314842.m 314857.m 314872.m 314887.m 314902.m 314917.m 314932.m 314947.m 314962.m 314977.m 314992.m 315007.m and these y-values (or northings): 5809674.m 5809689.m 5809704.m 5809719.m 5809734.m 5809749.m 5809764.m 5809779.m 5809794.m 5809809.m 5809824.m 5809839.m 5809854.m 5809869.m 5809884.m 5809899.m 5809914.m 5809929.m 5809944.m 5809959.m 5809974.m 5809989.m 5810004.m 5810019.m 5810034.m 5810049.m 5810064.m 5810079.m 5810094.m 5810109.m 5810124.m 5810139.m 5810154.m 5810169.m 5810184.m 5810199.m 5810214.m 5810229.m 5810244.m 5810259.m 5810274.m 5810289.m 5810304.m 5810319.m 5810334.m 5810349.m 5810364.m 5810379.m 5810394.m 5810409.m 5810424.m 5810439.m 5810454.m 5810469.m 5810484.m 5810499.m 5810514.m 5810529.m 5810544.m 5810559.m 5810574.m 5810589.m 5810604.m 5810619.m 5810634.m 5810649.m 5810664.m 5810679.m 5810694.m 5810709.m 5810724.m 5810739.m 5810754.m 5810769.m 5810784.m 5810799.m 5810814.m 5810829.m 5810844.m 5810859.m 5810874.m 5810889.m 5810904.m 5810919.m 5810934.m 5810949.m 5810964.m 5810979.m 5810994.m 5811009.m 5811024.m 5811039.m 5811054.m 5811069.m 5811084.m 5811099.m 5811114.m 5811129.m 5811144.m 5811159.m DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e 1 __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 6.05E-03 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:52 PM] WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 (Constant) emission rate = 1.47E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) STACK SOURCE: T16 AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.56E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS STACK SOURCE: T17 __________________________ X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.20E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.36E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.23E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.66E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.23E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.36E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.36E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:52 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:52 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.03E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.00E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T7 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T2 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.30E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.60E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T8 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T3 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 9.00E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.18E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T9 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T4 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.00E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.18E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T10 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T5 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.72E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 9.20E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T6 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:52 PM] No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.60E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:52 PM] Cyclohexane 1 STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.53E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.51E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.79E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex RECEPTOR LOCATIONS ______________________ DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:52 PM] WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 1.80E-02 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] (Constant) emission rate = 1.09E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) STACK SOURCE: T16 AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.04E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS STACK SOURCE: T17 __________________________ X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.40E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.32E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.53E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.32E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.01E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.91E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.65E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T7 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T2 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.20E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.10E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T8 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T3 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.80E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.14E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T9 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T4 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.80E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.58E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T10 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T5 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.73E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.37E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T6 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.41E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] Ethylbenzene 1 STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.32E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.31E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.14E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex RECEPTOR LOCATIONS ______________________ DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 9.04E-03 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 (Constant) emission rate = 1.57E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) STACK SOURCE: T16 AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 6.21E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS STACK SOURCE: T17 __________________________ X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.70E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 6.69E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.32E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.45E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.32E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 6.69E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.01E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 6.33E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.09E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T7 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T2 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.01E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.55E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T8 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T3 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.45E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.80E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T9 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T4 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.77E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.80E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T10 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T5 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.64E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.65E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T6 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.65E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] Hexane 1 STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.32E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.31E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.14E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex RECEPTOR LOCATIONS ______________________ DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:53 PM] WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 4.75E-02 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] (Constant) emission rate = 2.17E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) STACK SOURCE: T16 AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.27E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS STACK SOURCE: T17 __________________________ X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 6.60E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.38E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.50E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.38E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.26E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.14E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.34E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T7 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T2 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 8.29E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.59E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T8 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T3 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.40E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.59E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T9 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T4 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.40E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.65E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T10 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T5 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.45E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.37E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T6 No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.13E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] Toulene 1 STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.07E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.07E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.80E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex RECEPTOR LOCATIONS ______________________ DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 6.13E-02 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 (Constant) emission rate = 1.76E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) STACK SOURCE: T16 AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.32E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS STACK SOURCE: T17 __________________________ X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.46E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.01E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.46E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.46E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.20E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.53E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.18E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T7 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T2 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.64E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.09E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T8 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T3 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.75E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.70E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T9 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T4 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.91E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.70E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T10 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T5 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 9.73E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.79E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T6 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 4.50E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] Xylenes 1 STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.61E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.60E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.13E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex RECEPTOR LOCATIONS ______________________ DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:54 PM] WIND SPEED CATEGORIES Boundaries between categories (in m/s) are: 1.54, 3.09, 5.14, 8.23, 10.80 __________ Caltex __________ Concentration or deposition Concentration Emission rate units grams/second Concentration units milligrams/m3 Units conversion factor 1.00E+03 Constant background concentration 7.75E-02 Terrain effects None Smooth stability class changes? No Other stability class adjustments ("urban modes") None Ignore building wake effects? Yes Decay coefficient (unless overridden by met. file) 0.000 Anemometer height 10 m Roughness height at the wind vane site 0.300 m DISPERSION CURVES Horizontal dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Vertical dispersion curves for sources <100m high Pasquill-Gifford Horizontal dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Vertical dispersion curves for sources >100m high Briggs Rural Enhance horizontal plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Enhance vertical plume spreads for buoyancy? Yes Adjust horizontal P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Adjust vertical P-G formulae for roughness height? Yes Roughness height 0.400m Adjustment for wind directional shear None PLUME RISE OPTIONS Gradual plume rise? Yes Stack-tip downwash included? Yes Building downwash algorithm: PRIME method. Entrainment coeff. for neutral & stable lapse rates 0.60,0.60 Partial penetration of elevated inversions? No Disregard temp. gradients in the hourly met. file? No and in the absence of boundary-layer potential temperature gradients given by the hourly met. file, a value from the following table (in K/m) is used: Wind Speed Stability Class Category A B C D E F ________________________________________________________ 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 4 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 5 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.035 file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] (Constant) emission rate = 8.44E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. WIND PROFILE EXPONENTS: "Irwin Urban" values (unless overridden by met. file) STACK SOURCE: T16 AVERAGING TIME: 3 minutes. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________ Caltex X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314421 5810219 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.50E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. SOURCE CHARACTERISTICS STACK SOURCE: T17 __________________________ X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314392 5810198 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: VRU X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 3145789 5810304 0m 10m 0.31m 22C 0.0m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.28E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.38E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T18 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314354 5810167 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T13 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314283 5810452 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.39E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.25E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T19 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314422 5810162 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T14 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314346 5810445 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.39E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.38E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: TNEW X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314309 5810560 0m 23m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T15 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314278 5810379 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.09E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] STACK SOURCE: T1 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314538 5810333 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.17E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.55E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T7 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314583 5810223 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T2 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314548 5810229 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 5.25E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.80E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T8 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314539 5810197 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T3 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314499 5810231 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.17E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.40E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T9 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314552 5810189 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T4 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314520 5810176 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.56E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 7.40E-05 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T10 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314489 5810195 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T5 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314487 5810330 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 1.33E-02 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.06E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T12 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314522 5810206 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s STACK SOURCE: T6 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314585 5810240 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] STACK SOURCE: T356 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314347 5810384 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.44E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T428 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314345 5810343 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.43E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. STACK SOURCE: T429 X(m) Y(m) Ground Elev. Stack Height Diameter Temperature Speed 314384 5810336 0m 22m 0.25m 17C 0.1m/s No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 2.98E-04 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. _____________________________________________________________________________ 1 ______________________ Caltex RECEPTOR LOCATIONS ______________________ DISCRETE RECEPTOR LOCATIONS (in metres) No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT No. X Y ELEVN HEIGHT 1 314130 5809928 0.0 0.0 3 314287 5810736 0.0 0.0 2 314062 5810572 0.0 0.0 _____________________________________________________________________________ METEOROLOGICAL DATA : EPAV Altona North AMS AWS Data BoM Laverton Clouds M e file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] No building wake effects. (Constant) emission rate = 3.75E-03 grams/second No gravitational settling or scavenging. file:////[18/04/2013 12:53:55 PM] AUSPLUME OUTPUT FILES Benzene DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 1.592E-02 0.0 314062. 5810572. 1.595E-02 0.0 314287. 5810736. 1.568E-02 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Cumene DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 7.514E-03 0.0 314062. 5810572. 8.022E-03 0.0 314287. 5810736. 7.521E-03 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Cyclohexane DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 2.122E-02 0.0 314062. 5810572. 2.101E-02 0.0 314287. 5810736. 2.029E-02 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Ethylbenzene DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 1.346E-02 0.0 314062. 5810572. 1.252E-02 0.0 314287. 5810736. 1.201E-02 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Hexane DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 5.502E-02 0.0 314062. 5810572. 5.415E-02 0.0 314287. 5810736. 5.312E-02 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Toulene DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 7.950E-02 0.0 314062. 5810572. 8.095E-02 0.0 314287. 5810736. 7.328E-02 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Xylenes DISCRETE RECEPTOR CONCENTRATIONS AVERAGING TIME = 3 MINUTES X (m) Y (m) CHI Flag Pole Ht 314130. 5809928. 9.989E-02 0.0 314062. 5810572. 9.482E-02 0.0 314287. 5810736. 9.198E-02 0.0 (milligrams/m3) Appendix C Benzene Vapour Concentration Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 55 Grenfell Street Company Address2 South Australia 5000 T +61 8 8237 9777 F +61 8 8237 9778 E [email protected] W Aurecon offices are located in: Angola, Australia, Botswana, China, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam. Appendix 8 Noise Impact Assessment Project: Caltex Australia Newport Newport Horizons Project – Noise Impact Assessment Reference: 225440 Prepared for: Caltex Australia Newport Revision: 1 28 March 2013 Document Control Record Document prepared by: Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Level 12, 60 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 PO Box 321 South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia T F E W +61 3 8683 1333 +61 3 8683 1444 [email protected] A person using Aurecon documents or data accepts the risk of: a) b) Using the documents or data in electronic form without requesting and checking them for accuracy against the original hard copy version. Using the documents or data for any purpose not agreed to in writing by Aurecon. Newport Horizons Project – Noise Impact Assessment Report Title Document ID 225440 Project Number File Path \\\shares\AUADL\Admin\Data\General Staff\Disciplines\Noise and Vibration\Projects\Caltex Newport Air Quality and Noise\Noise\Report\Noise Impact Assessment_20130321GW.docx Client Caltex Australia Newport Client Contact Rev Date Revision Details/Status Prepared by Author Verifier Approver 0 21 June 2012 Final GW GW BD JM 1 28 March 2013 Revision GW GW BD DM Current Revision 1 Approval Author Signature Name Title Approver Signature Geoff White Acoustic Consultant Name Title Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 1 Caltex Australia Newport Date | 28 March 2013 Reference | 225440 Revision | 1 Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Level 12, 60 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 PO Box 321 South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia T F E W +61 3 8683 1333 +61 3 8683 1444 [email protected] Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 1 Contents 1 Overview 3 2 Sensitive Receptors 4 3 Legislation and Guidelines 6 4 Environmental Noise Survey 13 4.1 Source Emissions 13 4.2 Background Monitoring 15 4.3 Attended Monitoring 15 5 Project Specific Criterion 18 6 Newport Horizons Project Upgrade Description 19 7 Noise Emission Inventory 20 8 Noise Modeling Methodology 23 9 Assessment 24 9.1 Normal Operations 24 9.2 Emergency Operations (fire pumps) 24 9.3 Road Traffic Noise 24 10 Conclusion 27 11 References 28 Appendices Appendix A Noise Contours Appendix B Unattended Monitoring Appendix C Selected Pumps SPL Index of Figures Figure 1 | Sensitive Receptor Locations .................................................................................................. 4 Figure 2 | Land use zoning around project site – Receptor 1 ................................................................. 7 Figure 3 | Land use zoning around project site – Receptor 2 ................................................................. 9 Figure 4 | Land use zoning around project site – Receptor 3 ............................................................... 11 Figure 5 | Noise source measurement locations ................................................................................... 13 p1 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 1 Figure 6 | Attended Monitoring locations ............................................................................................... 17 Figure 7 | Modelled Noise Source Locations ......................................................................................... 22 Figure 8 | Current and Proposed Alteration to Truck Route .................................................................. 25 Index of Tables Table 1 | Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 81 Home Road – Receptor 1 ....... 8 Table 2 | Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 1 Benar Street – Receptor 2 ...... 10 Table 3 | Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 39 Home Road – Receptor 3 ..... 12 Table 4 | Results of attended noise survey (Dated 10 May 2012) ........................................................ 14 Table 5 | Unattended Monitoring Results at Representative Receiver Locations ................................. 15 Table 6 | Attended Monitoring Results .................................................................................................. 16 Table 7 | Project Specific Criterion ........................................................................................................ 18 Table 8 | Noise Emission Inventory ....................................................................................................... 21 Table 9 | Noise impact at Receiver Locations ....................................................................................... 24 Table 10 | Predicted Emergency Fire Pump Noise Impact at Receiver Locations ............................... 24 p2 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 1 1 Overview Caltex Australia Pty Ltd (Caltex) commissioned Aurecon to perform a noise impact assessment for the proposed New Horizons Project (NHP) upgrade approximately 10 kilometers from the Melbourne CBD in Newport, Victoria. Caltex intends to upgrade the current facility with the addition of 8 new tanks and associated infrastructure for the storage of Automotive Diesel Oil (ADO), Super Premium Unleaded Petroleum (SPULP), Premium Unleaded Petroleum (PULP), Unleaded Petroleum (ULP) and Jet Fuel (JET). The upgrade will allow Caltex to increase the output of the facility with the existing Tanker Truck Loading Rack (TTLR) to be extended with the introduction of three new loading bays. As part of the planning approval process, Caltex requires a noise study associated with the operation of the project as part of an environmental impact assessment. It is understood that the Environmental Protection Authority Victoria (EPAV) will review the impact assessment. p3 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 2 Sensitive Receptors The nearest noise sensitive receptors to the facility are located to the northwest, west and southwest of the facility. Figure 1 illustrates the site and the nearest sensitive receptors. N Figure 1 | Sensitive Receptor Locations The nearest residential receptor is located approximately 250 m to the southwest of the site. Residential uses have been identified in Figure 1 other land use within the area can be described as heavy to light industrial, with some open space and public use facilities also located within the area. p4 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 The relevant noise criteria will be calculated and the compliance at the identified sensitive receptors will be assessed as per the Victorian guidelines. p5 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 3 Legislation and Guidelines The Victoria State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce, Industry and Trade) No-1 policy (SEPP N1) provides a framework for environmental planning and a clear set of publicly agreed environmental objectives. Determination of project specific noise limits are based on the methodology in the SEPP N-1 policy and the type land use around the noise sensitive area. Environmental noise assessment was undertaken based on the nearest noise-sensitive receivers identified as follows: • • • Receptor 1 – Residential property at 81 Home Road, located south of the project site Receptor 2 – Residential property at 1 Benar Street, located north-west of the project site Receptor 3 – Residential Property at 39 Home Road, located south of the project site Figure 2 – 4 below shows the land use zones around the project site, with circles centred at the nearest noise sensitive residential property boundary. Unattended environmental noise logging was undertaken at representative sites in order to derive noise limits at the nearest sensitive receivers. p6 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Figure 2 | Land use zoning around project site – Receptor 1 p7 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Based on the methodology in SEPP N-1 policy, and the proportion of industrial/commercial/residential type land use around the nearest sensitive residential land use boundary, the project specific noise emission criteria were established and are summarised in Table 1. Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 81 Home Road – Receptor 1 Time Zoning Levels1 Background Noise Levels, L90 in dB(A)2 Project Specific Environmental Noise Limits at the Boundary of Noise Sensitive Residential Properties, LAeq dB(A) Caltex site operating in normal mode3 Emergency Plant (e.g. fire pumps)4 Daytime (7am6pm) 58 41 54 64 52 37 47 52 47 36 44 49 Evening (6pm10pm) Night time (10pm7am) 1 The zoning levels were based on the proportion of land type use within the circles according to SEPP. 2 Background noise conducted on 10-13 May 2012. Refer to Table 1.Background noise monitoring was conducted at 101 Hodson Street. Details of the survey can be found in Section 4. 3 Established according to SEPP N1 approach. 4 SEPP N1 noted that: "the noise limit shall be increased by 10dB for day period and by 5dB for other periods" for emergency fire pumps. Table 1 | Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 81 Home Road – Receptor 1 p8 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Figure 3 | Land use zoning around project site – Receptor 2 p9 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Based on the methodology in SEPP N-1 policy, and the proportion of industrial/commercial/residential type land use around the nearest sensitive residential land use boundary, the project specific noise emission criteria were established and are summarised in Table 2. Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 1 Benar Street – Receptor 2 Time Zoning Levels1 Background Noise Levels, L90 in dB(A)2 Project Specific Environmental Noise Limits at the Boundary of Noise Sensitive Residential Properties, LAeq dB(A) Caltex site operating in normal mode3 Emergency Plant (e.g. fire pumps)4 Daytime (7am6pm) 59 43 55 65 52 50 50 55 47 47 47 52 Evening (6pm10pm) Night time (10pm7am) 1 The zoning levels were based on the proportion of land type use within the circles according to SEPP. 2 Background noise conducted on 10-13 May 2012. Refer to Table 1.Background noise monitoring was conducted at 18 Robb Street. Details of the survey can be found in Section 4. 3 Established according to SEPP N1 approach. 4 SEPP N1 noted that: "the noise limit shall be increased by 10dB for day period and by 5dB for other periods" for emergency fire pumps. Table 2 | Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 1 Benar Street – Receptor 2 p 10 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Figure 4 | Land use zoning around project site – Receptor 3 p 11 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Based on the methodology in SEPP N-1 policy, and the proportion of industrial/commercial/residential type land use around the nearest sensitive residential land use boundary, the project specific noise emission criteria were established and are summarised in Table 3. Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 39 Home Road – Receptor 3 Time Zoning Levels1 Background Noise Levels, L90 in dB(A)2 Project Specific Environmental Noise Limits at the Boundary of Noise Sensitive Residential Properties, LAeq dB(A) Caltex site operating in normal mode3 Emergency Plant (e.g. fire pumps)4 Daytime (7am6pm) 50 41 50 60 44 37 44 49 39 36 39 44 Evening (6pm10pm) Night time (10pm7am) 1 The zoning levels were based on the proportion of land type use within the circles according to SEPP. 2 Background noise conducted on 10-13 May 2012. Refer to Table 1.Background noise monitoring was conducted at 18 Robb Street. Details of the survey can be found in Section 4. 3 Established according to SEPP N1 approach. 4 SEPP N1 noted that: "the noise limit shall be increased by 10dB for day period and by 5dB for other periods" for emergency fire pumps. Table 3 | Project Specific Environmental Noise Emission Criteria at 39 Home Road – Receptor 3 p 12 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 4 Environmental Noise Survey 4.1 Source Emissions A noise survey around the Caltex site was conducted on 10 May 2012 between 2pm and 5pm to determine the noise emissions emitted from the Caltex site. Attended spot measurements were carried out using a Type 1 Larson Davis LD 831 sound level meter (equipped with a LD PRM831 pre-amplifier and a PCB 377B02 ½ microphone). The sound level meter used was field calibrated with a Larson Davis LD CA 200 pistonphone prior to the measurements. The microphone of the sound level meter was fitted with an approved windshield at all times over the measurement period. The measurement locations are shown in Figure 5. Results of the noise survey are shown in Table 4. Not all noise sources were available for measurement during the site visit. Where noise levels could not be directly measured, in consultation with Caltex site staff, noise levels will be derived from Aurecon’s internal database and input into the environmental noise model. N Figure 5 | Noise source measurement locations p 13 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Summary of the existing environmental noise levels is presented in Table 3 below. It should be noted that the weather was calm with neutral wind conditions (< 5 m/s) condition throughout the survey. Results of attended noise survey (Dated 10 May 2012) Location No. (Refer to Figure 3) Measured Noise Levels, dB(A) Measurement time/Duration LAeq # LA10 ^^ LA90 Note ^ 1 13:20/0:00:21 76.8 78.4 75.7 2 13:21/0:00:23 74.4 81.2 70.8 3 13:21/0:00:21 69.5 70.4 68.7 4 13:22/0:00:22 70.2 71.3 67.8 5 13:23/0:00:21 71.2 73.4 69.1 6 13:25/0:00:29 76.5 76.8 76.3 7 13:26/0:00:33 78.4 78.6 78.1 8 13:29/0:00:46 74.2 76 71.3 Note 2 9 13:31/0:00:31 75.2 75.4 74.9 Note 3 10 13:35/0:00:30 75.6 76.3 75.1 11 13:37/0:00:15 77.7 77.8 77.6 12 13:38/0:00:15 80.2 78.9 78.3 13 13:38/0:00:17 79.6 80.1 79.2 14 13:39/0:00:20 77.8 78 77.6 15 13:40/0:00:26 81.1 81.4 80.8 16 13:41/0:00:24 81.4 81.6 81.2 17 13:48/0:00:33 73.6 73.8 73.4 Note 5 18 13:51/0:00:08 78.9 83.2 67.8 Note 6 Note 1 Note 4 Table 4 | Results of attended noise survey (Dated 10 May 2012) # LAeq refers to A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level over measurement period. It is used to quantify the average noise level over a time period. ^^ LA10 refers to the A-weighted noise level which is exceeded for only 10% of the measuring period. It is usually used as the descriptor for intrusive noise level and represents ambient road traffic noise in general. ^ LA90 refers to the A-weighted noise level which is exceeded for 90% of the measuring period. It is usually used as the descriptor for background noise level during the measurement period. Note 1: Noise level differences are due to the varying number of trucks filling at the TLG at one particular time, all measurements taken at 5 metres. Note 2: Measurement is of B-Double entering the TLG from stationary muster point, measurement at 7 metres. Note 3: Measurement of North Yard compressor system, measurement taken at 3 metres. Note 4: Measurement of pumps/motors located within the vapour recovery unit. Measurement 10 at 7 metres, measurements 11 -16 at 1 metre. p 14 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Note 5: Measurement of north yard pump pit, measurement taken at 6 metres. Note 6: Measurement of truck pass by, Burleigh street. 4.2 Background Monitoring Unattended noise monitoring was conducted at two representative receiver locations in order to determine the current background noise levels in the area. Unattended monitoring results are summarized in Table 5 and are presented in graphical format in Appendix B. Unattended Monitoring Results Receptor 1 – 101 Hobson Street Date Background LA90 dB(A) Ambient LAeq dB(A) Day (7am – 6pm) Evening (6pm – 10pm) Night (10pm – 7am) Day (7am – 6pm) Evening (6pm – 10pm) Night (10pm – 7am) 10/05/2012 34* 41 44 46 50 49 11/05/2012 41 37 36 50 46 42 12/05/2012 41 - - 45 - - Median LA90 & Average LAeq 41 37 36 47 47 45 *Not a complete daytime period. Based on attended measurements undertaken at the site this is considered extremely low and not representative of normal conditions at the location. Receptor 2 – 18 Robb Street Date Background LA90 dB(A) Ambient LAeq dB(A) Day (7am – 6pm) Evening (6pm – 10pm) Night (10pm – 7am) Day (7am – 6pm) Evening (6pm – 10pm) Night (10pm – 7am) 10/05/2012 43 48 48 51 53 54 11/05/2012 43 42 41 52 46 46 12/05/2012 44 44 44 50 48 46 Median LA90 & Average LAeq 43 42 41 51 49 49 Table 5 | Unattended Monitoring Results at Representative Receiver Locations 4.3 Attended Monitoring Attended noise monitoring was undertaken at four locations in order to confirm the results of the background monitoring detailed in Section 4.2. Attended monitoring results are detailed in Table 5; Figure 5 shows the attended monitoring locations. p 15 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Attended Monitoring Results Location 1 2 3 4 Date/Time Time Period Measurement Duration LA90 dB(A) LAeq dB(A) LMAX dB(A) 7/03/2013 11:02 Day 15 mins 50 51 65 7/03/2013 19:45 Evening 15 mins 45 46 51 7/03/2013 22:37 Night 15 mins 43 45 52 12/03/2013 08:20 Day 15 mins 44 51 69 12/03/2013 20:16 Evening 15 mins 38 43 59 12/03/2013 22:14 Night 15 mins 38 39 48 7/03/2013 11:23 Day 15 mins 51 54 69 7/03/2013 20:06 Evening 15 mins 45 47 56 7/03/2013 23:00 Night 15 mins 42 47 64 12/03/2013 08:42 Day 15 mins 41 47 66 12/03/2013 20:38 Evening 15 mins 44 48 68 12/03/2013 22:36 Night 15 mins 41 42 51 7/03/2013 11:52 Day 15 mins 50 51 58 7/03/2013 20:28 Evening 15 mins 44 46 57 7/03/2013 23:21 Night 15 mins 43 54 74 12/03/2013 09:01 Day 15 mins 39 45 70 12/03/2013 21:03 Evening 15 mins 39 43 51 12/03/2013 22:53 Night 15 mins 39 40 47 7/03/2013 12:14 Day 15 mins 49 51 58 7/03/2013 20:52 Evening 15 mins 43 46 56 7/03/2013 23:42 Night 15 mins 43 47 60 12/03/2013 09:22 Day 15 mins 43 49 71 12/03/2013 21:21 Evening 15 mins 41 45 56 12/03/2013 23:14 Night 15 mins 40 42 52 Table 6 | Attended Monitoring Results Results of the attended monitoring confirm that the data recorded during the unattended monitoring period accurately reflects the background environment. During the attended monitoring it was noted that at all locations traffic noise was the dominant source, additionally reverse beepers could be clearly heard from across the river mouth at the container site/dock location. p 16 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Figure 6 | Attended Monitoring locations p 17 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 5 Project Specific Criterion Project specific criteria has been assessed as per the SEPP N-1, specifically due to the industrial/residential mix found within the area and further existing noise generating premises in the area Clause 18 of the SEPP has been enacted to develop the project specific criteria. Using the following equation noise limits for multiple premises was calculated: − 10 × log ( ) New industries, plant expansion or major new sources should be abated to the equation above in decibels at the noise sensitive area (for each period of the day), where N is the total number of existing and likely contributing industrial plant installations. Project specific criteria have been developed based on the methodology provided by the SEPP N-1 and the Site Noise Limit and the Emergency Plant Noise Limit are presented in Table 7 below. Project Specific Criterion Time of Day Site Noise Limit dB(A) Emergency Plant Noise Limit dB(A) All Receivers Day 44 54 Evening 38 43 Night 33 38 Table 7 | Project Specific Criterion For the purpose of this assessment the site noise limit was chosen on the basis of the background assessment conducted at Receptor 3 – 39 Home Road. The calculated noise limit at this receptor was lower than that calculated at Receptors 1 & 2 allowing for a more conservative approach. p 18 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 6 Newport Horizons Project Upgrade Description Caltex Australia plan to upgrade their existing Newport terminal to increase the total site storage capacity and annual fuel throughput. The upgrade is known as the Newport “Horizons” project. The terminal upgrade comprises the following main elements: • • Design to cater for a future terminal throughput of 4.3 billion litres per annum. Additional tank storage: − − − − − • • • • • 60ML ADO – West Yard 15ML SPULP – West Yard 30ML ULP – R&T Yard (initially 15ML ULP and 15ML ADO) 15ML PULP– R&T Yard 15ML JET – R&T Yard A new tank compound in the R&T Yard and the rebuilding and extension of existing compounds in the West Yard. Addition of three new gantry bays onto the existing gantry building complete with a new exit pavement. A new DN350 dock-line from Holden dock to the terminal, complete with a new marine loading arm at the berth to service the existing and new dock-lines. All dock-lines and existing refinery lines to be re-routed into the Caltex South Yard and into a single manifold arrangement for transfer to tanks and cutting of slops. Site to be setup so that it can be 100% reliant on imported product (i.e. via tank ship). It is expected that the site will receive 20% of its product from the existing refinery lines with the remaining 80% from imported fuel via ship. The concept design report outlines the main features of the Horizons project, including staging of construction. A preliminary construction programme and cost estimate is provided in the appendices. It is anticipated that once Caltex approval is granted to proceed to construction, that full detail design would be completed for the site upgrade. p 19 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 7 Noise Emission Inventory Based on Section which details the plant upgrade, a noise emissions inventory was generated as provided in Table 8. The table contains Sound Power Level data in octave bands for the various plant operational on-site. The references and assumptions used for the Sound Power Levels of the various sources are also detailed in this table. The locations of the noise sources are provided in a site layout map in Figure 7. From site visits and analysis of the monitoring results no tonality or impulsiveness has been detected emanating from sources on-site. Pump data is provided in Appendix C along with supplier data stating the sound pressure level of the selected pumps. p 20 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Table 8 | Noise Emission Inventory Noise Emission Inventory Sound Power Level, dB(A) Source No. Total Source Description 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000 dB(A) Notes 91 92 94 97 93 91 86 80 102 Measurement of northern pump pit pumps, back calculated to determine single pump noise. It is assumed that all new pumps will be of similar make/model and capacity. 1 Northern Pump Pit Pumps 2 Southern Pump Pit Pumps 3 R & T Yard Pumps 4 New West Yard Pumps 5 Southern Yard Pump Platform Pumps 6 Vapour Recovery Unit Large Pumps 84 83 82 83 88 78 74 64 92 Measurement taken on site. Vapour Recovery Unit Small Pumps 75 77 88 81 83 77 79 73 91 Measurement taken on site. Compressor Station 52 62 82 79 79 73 71 57 90 Measurement Taken on site. 7 8 45 52 61 73 77 77 74 61 87 Measurement taken of overall truck loading gantry noise, back calculated to determine the noise of a single gantry station bay. It is assumed new bays will be of similar equipment/capacity. 54 61 70 77 81 80 78 76 90 Measurement taken on site of truck entering gantry. Noise of truck exiting is assumed to be the same. North Yard Fire Pump 1 83 96 99 100 102 99 95 87 107 13 North Yard Fire Pump 2 69 80 94 101 105 105 100 94 110 14 South Yard Fire Pump 58 78 58 94 104 103 98 88 108 15 West Yard Fire Pump 71 87 95 101 102 103 99 91 108 9 Truck Loading Gantry Pumps 10 Trucks entering Gantry 11 Trucks exiting Gantry 12 p 21 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Sound data sourced from Petroch Services Caltex Newport Terminal Noise Survey. Report Ref: CX09008-05 Rev3A Figure 7 | Modelled Noise Source Locations p 22 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 8 Noise Modeling Methodology Noise modelling was undertaken using International Standard ISO 9613-2: 1996 Acoustics -Attenuation of sound during propagation outdoors -- Part 2: General method of calculation, using SoundPLAN© a proprietary acoustics software package. The SoundPLAN© model has been verified during numerous instances by Aurecon during previous environmental noise projects and the predicted levels are deemed to be conservative and representative of the noise levels to be expected during plant operations. The method assumes worst case noise emission conditions, such as down wind noise propagation or moderate temperature inversion and takes into account the following physical effects: • • • • • • Geometrical divergence Atmospheric absorption (10ºC and 80% Humidity) Ground effect (0.5) Reflection from surfaces Screening by obstacles Worst-case meteorological effects Noise associated with plant activity will depend on factors such as the type of equipment used, operations being performed and the condition of the equipment. The sound level produced from such activities also depends on the fraction of time the equipment is operated. It has been assumed that all plant operates concurrently and all operational activities occur simultaneously. The area is generally flat, and therefore, effects of screening due to ground elevation have been assumed to be negligible. Due to the location/elevation of the sources and the acoustic shielding provided by the positions of the buildings/tanks, the buildings/tanks have been incorporated into the noise model. All existing noise sources have been included in the model to ensure that the total cumulative noise impact from the proposed expansion operations and existing plant is included within the model. p 23 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 9 Assessment 9.1 Normal Operations Table 9 details the sound levels experienced at the nearest sensitive receptor in each nominated sensitive receiver area. Contour plots of the modeled results are presented in Appendix A. Noise Impact at Receiver Locations Receiver Description LAeq dB(A) 1 Nearest northern receiver located at 1 Benar street. 29 2 Nearest western receiver located at 2 Ramsay Street. 17 3 Nearest southern receiver located at 81 Home Road. 22 4 Nearest south easterly receiver located at 1 Hobson Street. 33 Table 9 | Noise impact at Receiver Locations The results of the noise modelling indicate that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on the nearest sensitive receivers. 9.2 Emergency Operations (fire pumps) Table 7 details the sound levels experienced at the nearest sensitive receivers when fire pumps are operational. Contour plots of the modeled results are presented in Appendix A. Noise Impact at Receiver Locations Receiver Description LAeq dB(A) 1 Nearest northern receiver located at 1 Benar street. 2 Nearest western receiver located at 2 Ramsay Street. 3 Nearest southern receiver located at 81 Home Road. 29 4 Nearest south easterly receiver located at 1 Hobson Street. 36 36 33 Table 10 | Predicted Emergency Fire Pump Noise Impact at Receiver Locations Table 10 indicates that under emergency conditions when the fire pumps are running in conjunction with all other sources the development will still not exceed the project specific criterion. This is a conservative assessment of the emergency operations as it is extremely unlikely that other equipment would continue to operate in conjunction with the fire systems. 9.3 Road Traffic Noise Currently the facility processes on average 160 trucks per day, with the proposed upgrade the facility will experience some 300 movements per day. The current procedure is for trucks to enter and leave from the same point on Douglas Parade, the new procedure will see trucks enter from Burleigh and exit from the current entry/exit on Douglas Parade. Figure 8 details the current route and proposed route for the new development. p 24 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Truck movements will be spread out over the day seeing an increase from 6 trucks per hour to 12.5 trucks per hour with an envisaged slight bias towards day operations. N Figure 8 | Current and Proposed Alteration to Truck Route p 25 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Given the distance from the nearest noise sensitive receiver to the route of the trucks (approx. 440m) and the current heavy vehicle loads experienced in the area it is unlikely that the increase in trucks will have an adverse impact on the nearest sensitive receivers. p 26 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 10 Conclusion Aurecon has completed a noise assessment of the proposed Caltex Newport Horizons Upgrade Project. A noise survey at the nearest sensitive receptor was undertaken to determine the specific noise criteria in accordance with Victorian EPA regulations. The plant operations at the current Caltex plant were monitored and analysed to determine the major noise emitting plant on-site for the current and proposed upgrade. A noise inventory was then generated based on the monitored noise data and provided literature. A noise model was created in SoundPLAN to predict the noise level at the nearest sensitive receptors and to generate noise contours for the existing and proposed plant. • • • • The predicted noise level from normal onsite operations comply with the stipulated criteria. The predicted noise level from emergency fire pump operations comply with the stipulated criteria. Noise from the increase of heavy vehicle movements is unlikely to have an adverse impact on the nearest sensitive receivers. Noise predictions are based on a worst case situation where all the plant items are running concurrently throughout the day. p 27 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 11 • • • • • • • References Environment Protection Act 1970, State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce, Industry and Trade) No. N-1, 1989, Victorian Government Gazette No. S 31 Designation of Types of Zones and Reservations in the Metropolitan Region Planning Schemes for the Purposes of State Environment Protection Policy (Control of Noise from Commerce, Industry and Trade) No. N-1. Environment Protection Authority, State Government of Victoria, February 2000. SEPP N-1 and NIRV Explanatory Notes, Publication 1412, October 2011. EPA Victoria. Google Earth Nearmap Petroch Services, Caltex Newport Terminal Noise Survey, November 12&18, 2009. Report Ref. CX9008-05 Rev 3A Victorian Planning Schemes Online p 28 Project 225440 | File Noise Impact Assessment_20130328GW.docx | 28 March 2013 | Revision 0 Appendix A Noise Contours Normal Operations Emergency Operations (Fire Pumps) Appendix B Unattended Monitoring 101 Hobson Street 18 Robb Street Appendix C Selected Pumps SPL RE: ITT Pump sound Pressure requirements Page 1 of 2 RE: ITT Pump sound Pressure requirements Grech, Charlie [[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:34 PM To: Geoff White Geoff, I hope this reaches you. Please confirm, thank you. Kind regards Charlie Grech Sales Engineer ITT Blakers Sydney, New South Wales +61 2 9987 1422 | Mob: 0408 905 810 | Fax: +61 2 9987 1433 [email protected] CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail, including any attachments and/or linked documents, is intended for the sole use of the intended addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, proprietary, or otherwise protected by law. Any unauthorized review, dissemination, distribution, or copying is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the original sender immediately by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message and any attachments. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of ITT Corporation. From: Grech, Charlie Sent: Tuesday, 19 March 2013 6:14 PM To: '[email protected]' Cc: Czlonka, Anna Subject: ITT Pump sound Pressure requirements Geoffrey, Please find below the details requested for the pumps supplied under PO No. 7000054557 (Caltex). Pump models supplied (two types): iTT 3700 XLA 8x12 #21S with 90 kW Combined sound pressure (pump and motor at full load) = 82.9 dB iTT 3700 LX 8x12 #17S with 75 kW Combined sound pressure (pump and motor at full load) = 81.5 dB I trust the above suffices your requirements, please do not hesitate in contacting me if further assistance is required, thank you. Kind regards Charlie Grech Sales Engineer ITT Blakers 25/03/2013 RE: ITT Pump sound Pressure requirements Page 2 of 2 Sydney, New South Wales +61 2 9987 1422 | Mob: 0408 905 810 | Fax: +61 2 9987 1433 [email protected] CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail, including any attachments and/or linked documents, is intended for the sole use of the intended addressee and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, proprietary, or otherwise protected by law. Any unauthorized review, dissemination, distribution, or copying is prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please contact the original sender immediately by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message and any attachments. Please note that any views or opinions presented in this e-mail are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of ITT Corporation. 25/03/2013 Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Level 12, 60 Albert Road South Melbourne VIC 3205 PO Box 321 South Melbourne VIC 3205 Australia T +61 3 8683 1333 F +61 3 8683 1444 E [email protected] W Aurecon offices are located in: Angola, Australia, Botswana, China, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam. Aurecon Australia Pty Ltd ABN 54 005 139 873 Aurecon Centre 850 Collins Street Docklands Vic 3008 PO Box 23061 Docklands Vic 8012 Australia T +61 3 9975 3000 F +61 3 9975 3444 E [email protected] W Aurecon offices are located in: Angola, Australia, Botswana, China, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Lesotho, Libya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam.