St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School


St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
St. Louis Catholic Church and Covenant School
7270 SW 120th Street • Pinecrest, FL 33156 • Church/School: 305-238-7562 • FAX: 305-238-6844
Web site: • [email protected][email protected]
Fourth Sunday of Lent/ B
Festival Food
March 18, 2012
Final Days:
March 17-18
“Going Green for God”
Final Days of the Festival
Saturday Events 10 AM - 10 PM: Arts
International Food Booths, Kids Rides, Kids Games, Adult
Games, Dunk Tank (Fathers Paul and Armando get baptized), Musical Entertainment, Silent Auction, Bake sale, refreshing
beverages, Gourmet Dinner in the Family Center.
Sunday Events 9AM - 9 PM: 9 AM - Noon Breakfast under
the Big Top, Arts & Crafts, International Food, Kids rides,
Kids games, Adult Games, Musical Entertainment, Car Wash/
Detailing, Petting Zoo 12 Noon to 3 PM, Raffle drawing - Grand
Prize $2000.00, 2nd place $1000.00 and 3rd place $500.00.
Abba Parish Spiritual
Renewal Mission for Lent
Monday to Wednesday
March 19, 20, 21
7:00 PM Mass
7:30 PM Mission Presentation
We welcome Fr. David Zirilli
back to St. Louis to lead our
mission this week. See more details inside the
Living Stewardship – Sharing God’s Gifts
Book and Gift Center
Matrimonio - Favor de llamar a la
Oficina con SEIS meses de anticipación.
Hora Santa -Tercer jueves de cada
mes en la Capilla a las 7:30pm.
Saturday:3:30 - 4:30 PM
7:30 - 8:30 PM
Anytime by appointment
Please contact the parish office at least
six months prior to the proposed date.
BAPTISMS (Infants - 5 yrs. old)
Every Sunday (English). Please call the
Office TWO months in advance.
Pray for the Sick
Irene Johnson
Geri Knowlan
Robert Kopp
Monty Abraham
Jose de Leon
Pat Krupczak
Pablo Arevalo
Olga Del Valle
Helen Labime
Isabel Avila
Luis DeVarona
Esperanza Lara
Reinaldo Benitez
Alba Díaz
Verónica Bermudez Danilo Dominguez Genaro Llave
Evelyn López
Jeannette Bernard Patricia Englehardt
Manolito López
Daisy Bernardo
Vincent Evans
John Mangialetto
Rosa Maria Bestard Felipe Fernández
Daina Marsan
Evelyn Boyton
Mary Alice Fleming
Isabel McArthur
Jerry Byrne
Doris Green
Beth McGlughain
Kathryn Caruso
Marjorie Gross
Jane McKeon
Angelita Castillo
Daisy Guerrero
Wendy McLendon
Julien Castillo
Dorothy Haiduven
Michael Mulsford
Ruby Chen
Alyse Hernandez
Dolly Chirino
Salvador Hernandez Vicki Owoc
Greg Page
James Clark
Bob Hartwell
Michael Pavloff
Rosemary Clark
Carole Howard
Karen Pegues
Michael Connor
Gloria Hueck
Jim Peete
William Corser
Gabriela Imbimbo
Benigno Perez
Maria Cristina de la Vega Mayra Vila Jaime
We are in the process of updating the prayer list for ill members of the parish.
Names will remain on the list for 2 months unless you notify us to remove a name
sooner. If a name is removed in error please notify the office to have it reinstated.
To provide the Eucharist at home for ill parish members or family,
call Pedro Valentin at 305- 251-7335 or main office at 305-238-7562.
Si estas enfermo o impedido de asistir a la Misa y deseas recibir la
Comunión en tu casa, puedes comunicarte con Adriana Morales, 305-969-0960.
Mónica Perez
David Pritchard
Betty Quinn
Nydia Ramírez
Pablo “Bebo” Ramos
Shawn Rice
Nathalie Rodriguez
Deanna Rosco
Josephine Sánchez
Ida Sanone
Sara Seibers
Reggie Sermersheim
John Shubeck
Luis Siman
Berny Soto
Jeffrey Thompson
Isah Marie Tomas
Betty Tumber
Aurora Van de Water
Saturday: 8:30 AM
f St.Loui
s, K
ly o
Music Director
Mr. Juan Salazar
Misa en Español
Los domingos - 8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
Los Miercoles, Jueves - 7:00 PM
Bautismos - En Español 1er y 3er
sábado de mes. Favor de llamar a la
oficina con DOS meses de anticipación.
of F
Youth Minister
Mr. Mark Witkowski
5:30 PM (Sat. Vigil)
7:00, 9:30, 11:00 AM
12:30, 5:30 PM
8:15 AM, 7:15 PM
* Special Lenten Weekday Schedule*
6:30 AM English
8:30 AM English
7:00 PM Mon., Tues., Fri. – English
7:00 PM Miercoles, Jueves – Español
Religious Education
Mrs. María Teresa López
School Principal
Mrs. Christine Mathisen
The Pa
Rev. Paul Vuturo
Rev. Michael Kish
Rev. Armando Tolosa
Deacon Vincent McInerney
Deacon John Peremenis
Deacon John Green
Deacon Thomas Hanlon
Deacon Alex Lam
Deacon Bob Yglesias
Deacon Jeff Reyes
Deacon George Labelle
Deacon José Villena
rest, Flori
daughter of
José & Alexandria Fernández
son of Oscar & Jennifer Sosa
Ministry to
the Sick
We congratulate these new members and
their families. We, as a parish, pledge our
support and prayers as they grow with us
in living out the Christian message.
Ministerio del Compromiso
con el Matrimonio y la Familia
Matrimonios y Parejas Interesadas
Ya pasó San Valentín….Ahora háganse el
uno al otro el regalo que durará para toda la
vida. Un fin de semana para afianzar la pareja
y la toda familia…
El Ministerio del Compromiso con el Matrimonio y
la Familia invita cordialmente a todas las parejas interesadas
a participar del próximo Fin de Semana del Convenio de
Parejas a realizarse en nuestra parroquia el fin de semana
del 23,24 y 25 de Marzo próximo.
RESERVE LA FECHA YA!! y obtenga detalles
llamando a Nancy Rotulo al 786-205-7547 o a Yuya
Barroso al 305-951-5607.
Thanks for your
ABCD Pledges
Bill and Alice Hacker
Anonymous Donors
Easter Project
Ministerio de Obras
The Humanity’s Ministry will be providing Easter
Baskets for children in need and toiletries to nursing home
patients. Your donation of individually wrapped candy
and of toiletries are most welcome during this Lenten
season. Boxes will be placed outside the Sanctuary.
If you are interested in assisting with the assembly of
the baskets, please join us on Palm Sunday, April 1st in
the Family Center after 9:30 am Mass.
Ministerio de Obras Comunitarias de
St. Louis está preparando el projecto de la
Pascua de Resurrección en el cual se reparten Cestas
de Pascuas para niños necesitados y a personas de
mayor edad en Clinicas/Residencias. Sus donaciones
de caramelos y artículos de aseo personal son
bienvenidos. Habrá cajas localizadas afuera del
Santuario para recibir sus donaciones.
Unase con otros feligreses a preparar las cestas el
domingo de Ramos, 1ro. de abril en el Family Center
después de la Misa de 9:30 am.
Jesus sees you, accepts you, and welcomes you for
who you are. Show your gratitude in WORSHIP of
God, who loves and saves you; SERVICE to others in
the parish and the community; GIFTS to the church
and to good causes of your choice.
Jesús te ve, te acepta y te recibe tal como eres.
Demuestra tu gratitud ALABANDO a Dios que te ama y
te salva; SIRVIENDO a otras personas en tu parroquia y
comunidad; OFRECIENDO algo de tu dinero a la Iglesia
y a las causas buenas de tu predilección.
bread for the world
Dear Saint Louis Family: As you know this ministry
requests your participation every year to influence
Congress for the benefit of the poor and hungry. This
year this petition has very special significance for the
very difficult times that this country and the world
economy are going through. There are many fronts to
care for. That means that all of us as brother allies in
this Christian task, have to ask for a circle of protection
for the poor and hungry right here at home and
internationally where the needs are so great. Many of
us continue to receive many blessings and do not see
the terrible situation that people confront both here and
abroad. The letter writing to our legislators will be on
the weekend of May 19/20. So you may read the notes
that will be coming out in the bulletins in the following
weekends explaining the various areas of protection
that we will be asking our legislators for people here in
the USA and internationally. For more information, visit:
Querida Familia de Saint Louis: Como ustedes saben éste
ministerio requiere de la participación de todos para influir
en nuestro Congreso en beneficio de los pobres y de los que
pasan hambre. Este año nuestra petición tiene significado
especial debido a los dificiles problemas económicos por
los que atraviesa nuestro país y el mundo entero. Hay
muchos frentes que cubrir. Eso significa que nuestros
hermanos aliados en esta lucha Cristiana, debemos pedir
por un circulo de protección para los pobres y los que pasan
hambre, aquí en casa e internacionalmente donde hay tanta
necesidad. Muchos de nosotros continuámos recibiendo
bendiciones y no vemos la terrible situación que la gente está
confrontando aquí y en el exterior. La Campaña de Cartas
a los legisladores se llevará a cabo el fin de semana del 19
y 20 de mayo. Muchos de ustedes leerán las notas que en
las próximas semanas aparecerán en el boletín explicando
varias áreas de protección que estaremos pidiendo a los
legisladoreas para las personas de aquí y del exterior. Para
más información, visite:
Legion of Mary
for Women
We invite all the auxiliary members of the Legion
of Mary to the ceremony of Acies to be held at St.
Catherine of Sienna Parish on Saturday, March
24th at 9:00 am. For further information please
call Esperanza, 305-253-3115.
April 20-22, 2012
Are you longing to deepen your relationship with
God and with our faith community? Based on the
Gospel of Luke 24:13-35, the Emmaus retreat
provides an opportunity for women to take a step
away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life,
and to walk more closely with the Lord and their
sisters in Christ.
The retreat will be held April 20-22nd at
MorningStar Renewal Center (on 124th
Street, adjacent to the church). The cost
for the weekend is $170, including meals and
Registration will be held in the rotunda after
all Masses the weekends of March 3-4, 10-11
and 24-25. Registration forms are also available
in the church, CCD and school offices. For more
information, please call Arlene Peterson, 786797-7611 or Karen Fourquet, 305-905-3006.
Pilgrimage Dates: October 17-29, 2012
Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Dead Sea, Galilee, Masada,
Qumran, Petra, and More.
Join Father Paul Vuturo and fellow parishioners in an
experience of a lifetime on our parish pilgrimage to Israel and
Jordan. We will have the privilege of visiting all the holy sites
where Jesus walked, talked, lived, died and rose. These 12 days
will be a Spiritual Journey of faith formation and education.
For more information, call Quality Vacations
International 305-274-0453 or by EMAIL: [email protected]
Abba Parish Spiritual Renewal Mission
Monday, March 19 * Tuesday, March 20 * Wednesday, March 21
7:00 PM Mass
7:30 PM Mission Presentation
Fr. David Zirilli
St. Louis Parish fondly remembers Fr. David Zirilli who served the church and school
community until 2010 when he became Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese and
later also the Director of the Office of the Propagation of the Faith. This man of many
talents will bless us with his insights and gospel vision in our parish mission this Lent.
Mission Schedule
Monday, March 19
The theme for the Mission is "Living the Greatest
Commandment" – reflecting on the examples of four St.
Teresa’s: St. Teresa of Avila, St. Thérèse of Lisieux, St. Teresa
Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), and Mother Teresa
Tuesday, March 20
Forgiveness is a gift from the Lord who died and rose for
us. Several priests will be here for Confession, in English,
Spanish and Creole.
Wednesday, March 21
We celebrate a Healing Mass with the Sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick. This is a Healing Moment, and a
moment of special Thanksgiving to God. Do yourself a favor,
come and be blessed.
Please join us for one hour or longer in peaceful,
prayerful witnessing anytime between 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM
outside the abortion facility at 6660 S.W. 117th Avenue. God
will accomplish great things when people of faith across our
community unite for 40 days of prayer and fasting, pulling
out all the stops to end the violence of abortion
miami or Contact Maria Wadsworth, StL Respect Life
[email protected]
Reúnase con nosotros por una hora o mas tiempo en
oración y testimonio pacifico a cualquier hora de 7:00
AM a 7:00 PM frente el sitio de abortos en 6660 S.W. 117
Avenida. Dios puede hacer milagros cuando personas de
buena voluntad de todos los credos se unen en oración y
ayuno para acabar con la violencia del aborto.
Por favor inscríbase en o
Comuníquese con
María Wadsworth, 305-299-8840
[email protected]
Next Week’s Schedule
5:30 pm
7:00 am
8:15 am
9:30 am
11:00 am
12:30 pm
5:30 pm
7:15 pm
Stephen Porter (786-837-4117)
Lourdes Manning (305-245-4423)
Zoraida Torres (305-270-7936)
Bob & Pat Desbiens (305-251-8988)
Lauren Chue-Sang (305-233-9494)
Milagros Marrou (305-234-2729)
Miriam Columbro (786-430-0302)
Oriele Joya-Lobaton (786-488-4298)
The Nursery is
OPEN every
Sunday for the
9:30 and 11:00
am Masses.
*These are the persons in charge of the scheduling of the Vocation Cup for the respective Mass. Please call them.
“Going Green for God” – March 16, 17, 18, 2012
There will be volunteers in the Rotunda after the Masses selling all the “necessary” items
your family will need to have a memorable and fun-filled weekend at the Festival, March
16th-18th. We are selling “Going Green for God” t-shirts, raffle tickets, Friday
Night Fish Fry tickets, Ride Bracelets, 5K Walk/Run registrations, on-site Professional Car
Wash/ Detailing and Saturday night’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance tickets. We also have
sponsorship applications at the table. We are seeking sponsorships for our booths (we have 25 available) as well as
a sponsor for the Fish Fry and the Saint Patrick’s Dinner Dance. We are seeking Corporate, Business and Individual
sponsorships as well. 21 Sponsorships are available. Take advantaage of pre-sale prices for the ride. We have ONLY
ONE until the Festival. Our goal is to raise more money than ever to help our brothers and sisters in need while having
more fun at our Festival for the Poor than ever before! To accomplish this we need your help.
FRIDAY EVENTS: Rides open at 6 pm
March 16th Dinner Under the Big Top 7pm
Mini Silent Auction/ 50/50 Raffle
Entertainment and High school Dance with DJ Felix;
Concert by David Rhugnanan at 7:30 pm
SATURDAY EVENTS:5K Walk/Run, Arts and Crafts Fair, Hospitality Tent 8am
March 17th Rides, Games, Dunk Tank, International Food Booths
Reserve a time in the rotunda for Car Wash/ Detailing
provided by On-The-Go Car Wash (on site) 8am
Silent Auction, Live Entertainment
10 am
Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance
Petting Zoo
March 18
12- 3 PM
Courtesy of the
Little Farm
SUNDAY EVENTS: Breakfast under the Big Top, Arts and Craft Fair, Car Wash/Detailing 8am
March 18th
Rides, Game Booths, Raffle, International Food Booths, Live Entertainment 11 am
High School Dance
Friday night, March 16
7:30 PM to 11:00 PM
PRICE LIST: Raffle tickets $1, 6 for $5
Friday Fish Fry Under the Big Top (vegetarian alternative
plus Gormet Mac and Cheese
for “non-fish eating children”)
Pre-sale: Adults $15; children under 10 $8
Day of Event: Adults $20, child under 10 $10
Beer and Wine Cash Bar
Ride Tickets: $1 (rides take 2-5 tickets)
St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance (Adults Only) $25
(Tickets will not be sold at the door)
Reserved table of eight:
Buy tickets by Wednesday March14th
Calling all High School students!
Join DJ Felix and your closest
friends for a night of high energy
excitement and festivities. $10
per person includes refreshments. Contact Mark Witkowski Ride bracelets:
Pre-sale: single day $25, 2 Day (Sat. & Sun.) $40
for more information.
At the event:
single day $30, 2 Day (Sat. & Sun.) $50
Adult ( S,M,L,XL) $15, (XXL,XXXL) $20, Child $10
Souvenir Beer Mugs: $20 (includes first “Fill”), $2 Refills- Domestic Beer
For any questions or additional information contact: Betty Quinn (305)281-3014 [email protected]
or Ken Quinn (305)766-3268 [email protected]
Together we can make this the BEST Festival ever!
St. Louis Emmaus Sisters
“J.U.G.S”: Just Us Girls Sharing
Sunday Monthly Gatherings at MorningStar
7:00 - 9:30 PM
J.U.G.S is an opportunity for us girls to relax laugh, and enjoy
fellowship as Emmaus Sisters. A lot of fun surprises coming
your way! So looking forward to sseing you at MorningStar
once a month! Guaranteed to keep you coming back for
For more information contact:
Denise Torricella at [email protected]
or Mary Chavez AT [email protected]
No Fee... we just need YOU!
Wood Carvings
from the Holy Land
Next weekend, March 24-25, after all Masses
Christian families from the Holy Land will have
the hand carved olive wood religious articles for
sale. All income will help and support Christians
in the Holy Land.
Mass Intentions, Saints and Readings for the Week
Intenciones de la Misa, Santos y Lecturas para la Semana
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Mar. 18th 2 Chr 36: 14-16, 19-23; Eph 2: 4-10; Jn 3: 14-21
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Min.
Isabella Loaiza - Happy Birthday
8:15 am
+ Rafael Olivera/Nora Olivera
9:30 am
+ David Marley/Loving Family
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Maria Gontijo/Loving Family
12:30 pm
+ Sr. Kay Blank/Come Follow Me Comm.
+ Jack Fischley/Torricella Family
5:30 pm
In Thanksgiving - Paul & Carole De Angelis
7:15 pm
Special Intention - Miguel Eduardo Fiore
Monday/lunes St. Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Mar. 19th 2 Sm 7: 4-5, 12-14, 16; Rom 4: 13, 16-18; Mt 1: 16, 18-21, 24
6:30 am
Hilda Pardo/Alexis Batista & Tony Benitez
8:30 am
Happy Anniversary - Jaime & Isabel Blades
7:00 pm
Mar. 20th Ez 47p; 1-9, 12; Jn 5: 1-16
6:30 am
+ Enid Phan Sang/Patty Phan Sang
8:30 am
Special Intention-Aurora Connell
+ Ana Gladys Rosado/Ana Maria Goicochea
7:00 pm
Mar. 21st
Is 49: 8-15; Jn 5: 17-30
6:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
8:30 am
Special Intention - Robert Zaldivar
7:00 pm
Mar. 22nd Ex 32: 7-14; Jn 5: 31-47
6:30 am
+ Alfredo Larrea/Ron Sabel
8:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
7:00 pm
+ Rene Galinddo/Rosario Galindo
Friday/viernes St. Turibius de Mogrovejo, bishop
Mar. 23rd Wis 2: 1, 12-22; Jn 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30
6:30 am
Happy Birthday - Zachariah Mello
+ Armando Vondrak/Julie Kauffman
8:30 am
+ David Camejo/Loving Family
+ Raúl Rodríguez/Loving Family
7:00 pm
+ Souls in Purgatory
7:30 pm
Mar. 24th Jer 11: 18-20; Jn 7: 40-53
8:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
5:30 pm
Happy Birthday - Marcelo Perez
+ Georgina Moreira/Mike & Magda Moreira
Fifth Sunday of Lent
Mar. 25th Jer 31: 31-34; Heb 5: 7-9; Jn 12: 20-33
7:00 am
+ Recently Deceased/Bereavement Min.
+ Kathleen O’Shea Duerr/Jorge Rave
8:15 am
+ Lily, Pedro & Juliana Vergaray/Loving Fam.
9:30 am
+ Souls in Purgatory
11:00 am
St. Louis Parish Family/Parish Priests
+ Lydia Portes/Carolle Ligond
12:30 pm
+ Eric Duman/Janet Garcia
5:30 pm
+ Juvenal Castellanos/Loving Son
+ Humerto Fernandez/Loving Daughter
7:15 pm
Special Intention - Miguel Eduardo Fiore
+ Raimundo Olarte-Rueda/Loving Family
Midnight Musings
Pensamientos de Media Noche
Exorcisms Today?
Back in the 70’s when the movie “The Exorcist” was released, the junior high students at St. Mary’s Cathedral
had plenty of questions. Do such things really happen? Can
the devil do those things? How does someone get possessed?
How does an exorcism work?
They were surprised when I told them that they had
all been exorcized! It happened at their baptisms. Before the
water baptism part of the ceremony, each infant is exorcized.
Not that we believe a baby is possessed as was the girl in
the movie. However, each person is born into the world
where evil affects them in many ways. We talk about being
born with original sin. That is not something for which we
are personally responsible and guilty, but we are born into
the sinful condition of the world. Scriptures and liturgy talk
about the “sin of the world”– that is, we are born into a world
where sin existed before we arrived. That sin will affect us
negatively. We call it the “sin of Adam,” because sin dates
back to the first humans that existed. As long as people have
been people they have sinned against God. We are all born to
be influenced by that original sin; that is simply a fact of life.
The prayer of exorcism takes the reality of sin and evil
seriously. We pray for infants who will be affected by that sin
of the world. The prayer of exorcism prays that God will “free”
them the effects of evil and strengthen them to conquer evil
by right choices. The opposite of being possessed is being
free. One of the exorcism prayers talks about the “freedom
of the children of God.” St. Paul talks about sin as a kind of
slavery to evil. The exorcism prayer asks God for the gift of
freedom so that the child can make good and moral choices,
that is, choices free from the control of evil.
On different Sundays in Lent we use similar prayers
of exorcism for the adult and children catechumens who are
preparing for baptism at Easter. They have felt the effects
of the sin of the world in their lives and they have contributed
to that sin by their own sins. The prayers of exorcism ask God
to free them from the effects of sin and evil that may take a
variety of forms: envy, greed, anger, lust, hatred, etc. These
prayers for their freedom prepare them for the “baptism for
the forgiveness of sins.” Through that Easter sacrament they
will die with Christ to evil and rise with him to a newness of life.
All of us the baptized need to constantly seek help
from God so that evil does not possess our lives. If the devil
always appeared in such horrific forms as he does in the
movie, no one would want anything to do with him. Real
temptations take more pleasant, satisfying, and alluring
forms. Temptations, obsessions, and addictions often seem
so good. We constantly need God’s grace to live in true
freedom to be able to make good and moral choices as God’s
faithful sons and daughters.
Yours in Christ,
¿Exorcismo Hoy?
Allá para los años 70, cuando presentaron la película “El
Exorcista”, los estudiantes de la Escuela Intermedia de la Catedral de
St. Mary tenían muchas preguntas. ¿Esas cosas suceden? ¿El diablo
puede hacer esas cosas? ¿Cómo puede una persona estar poseída?
¿Cómo trabaja el exorcismo?
Ellos se sorprendieron cuando les dije que ellos habían sido
exorcizados. Sucedió en su bautizo. Antes de la ceremonia del agua
bautismal, cada bebé es exorcizado. No que creamos que el bebé está
poseído como estaba la niña de la película. Sin embargo, cada persona
nace a este mundo donde el demonio afecta de muchas maneras.
Hablamos de que nacemos con el pecado original. Eso no es algo de
lo que somos responsables ni culpables, pero nacemos a la condición
pecadora del mundo. Las escrituras y la liturgia nos hablan de los
“pecados del mundo” - eso es, que nacemos en un mundo donde
el pecado existía antes de nosotros llegar. Ese pecado nos afecta
negativamente. Le llamamos el “pecado de Adan,” porque el pecado
existe desde que los primeros seres humanos existieron. Desde que
los humanos son humanos siempre han pecado contra Dios. Todos
hemos nacido para ser influenciados por ese pecado original; ese es un
simple hecho de la vida.
La oración del exorcismo se toma muy en serio la realidad del
pecado y del demonio. Oramos por infantes que serán afectados por
ese pecado del mundo. La oración del exorcismo ora para que Dios los
“libere” de los efectos del demonio y les de fuerzas para conquistarle
con buenas acciónes. El contrario de estar poseído es estar libres. Una
de las oraciones del exorcismo habla sobre la “libertad de los hijos de
Dios.” San Pablo nos habla del pecado como un tipo de esclavitud del
demonio. La oración del exorcismo pide a Dios el don de la libertad
para que así el niño pueda tomar decisiones buenas y morales, eso es,
para que pueda elegir libremente sin el control del demonio.
En diferentes domingos de la Cuaresma usamos oraciones
similares de exorcismo para catecúmenos, adultos y niños, que se están
preparando para recibir el bautismo en la Pascua. Ellos han sentido
los efectos del pecado del mundo en sus vidas y han contribuído a ese
pecado con sus propios pecados. La oración del exorcismo pide a Dios
ser liberados de los efectos del pecado y del demonio que puede tomar
varias formas: envídia, ambición, rencor, lujúria, etc. Estas oraciones
de liberación los prepara para recibir el “bautismo para el perdon de
los pecados.” A través de este Sacramento en la Pascua ellos moriran
con Cristo al demonio y resucitarán con El a una vida nueva.
Todos nosotros los bautizados necesitamos constantemente
buscar la ayuda de Dios para que el demonio no se posecione de
nosotros. Si el demonio siempre se aparece de esa forma tan horrible
como en la película, nadie querrá nada con él. La verdadera tentación
tiene un aspecto más placentero, satisfactorio y seductor. Tentaciones,
obseciones, y adicciones a menudo parecen bien. Constantemente
necesitamos de la gracia de Dios para vivir verdaderamente libres para
así hacer buenas elecciones morales como fieles hijos de Dios.
Suyos en Cristo,