sponsorship pdf
sponsorship pdf
w w w.s i p of o un d at i o n.o r g EMPOWERING YOUNG PROFESSIONALS WITH THE TOOLS TO SUCCEED I NSPI RE . CO NNECT. EQ UI P. POWER OF IDEAS 2015 INFO BOOKLET 7755 WARDEN AVE., UNIT 3 - 2F MARKHAM, ON, L3R 0N3 OUR CHALLENGE Millennials, those born between 1980 and 2000, make up a group of about 8.9 million Canadians and they are the next generation of home buyers, parents, voters and business owners. They are the first generation to transition from childhood to adulthood during the internet age and they are changing the way our world works. Canada is not producing enough graduates with the skills needed for its economy. Improving the links between education and employment is not the responsibility of educators and governments alone. Employers are directly implicated: they hire workers to replace retirees and they invest in training to ensure employees have the skills needed. Their role should extend to informing the education and training systems that will produce their future employees. Canadian Chamber of Commerce Article: Tackling the Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness 2015 The Conference Board of Canada found that Canadian employers have reduced their investments in training by 40% since 1993. Higher education does not necessarily equate job readiness and employers are needed partners on the bridge from education to employment. Alex Paterson & Claude Dumulon-Lauziere Canada2020.ca Article: It’s not Unemployment, It’s Underemployment A YOUNG, UNDEREMPLOYED CANADIAN WILL NE VER MAKE UP FOR LOST EARNINGS & STUNTED CAREER GROWTH WILL STRUGGLE TO R E P AY S T U D E N T L O A N SAVE FOR A HOUSE & PREPARE FOR RETIREMENT Alex Paterson & Claude Dumulon-Lauziere | Canada2020.ca Article: It’s not Unemployment, It’s Underemployment WHO WE ARE SIPOfoundation is a not-for-profit charity; run by a team of dedicated volunteers. We strive to help under and unemployed millenials to realize their unique potential. SIPO believes that one’s personal growth equals one’s professional growth. OUR MISSION To inspire, connect, and equip young people through personal and professional skills development. OUR VISION Empowering young people today! I.C.E. ATTRACTIONS The Power of Ideas Conference Community Concerts Networking Events Career Fairs INSPIRE Silent Auctions Mentorship Meetings Q&A - Lunches & Dinners 5 & 10K Runs Soccer Tournaments CONNECT EQUIP Effective Written Communication Workshops Art of Persuasion Workshops Online Resume Writing Workshops Networking Powerfully Workshops Microsoft Office Tools Workshops WHAT WE DO We inspire young professionals to take action, get equipped with valuable skills needed for employment or entrepreneurship, and get connected with mentors, positive influences, and opportunities to grow. BUILDING COMMUNITY AND LEADERS THROUGH ENGAGING EVENTS OUR G O A L 100+ WORKSHOPS ACROSS GTA ANNUALLY WE INSPIRE, CONNECT AND EQUIP YOUNG PROFESSIONALS BY: 1. Creating strategic partnerships with community organizations and businesses to jointly offer over 100 free educational workshops for young professionals. 2. Connect young professionals to mentors by coming out to learn! OUR GOAL IN 2015 24 WORKSHOPS OUR GOAL IN 2016 10 0 WO R KS H O PS Downtown Toronto 1/month Downtown Toronto 2/month North York 1/month North York 2/month Scarorough 1/month Mississauga 1/month Markham 1/month Richmond Hill 1/month Vaughan 1/month Brampton 1/month T H E 5 T H A N N U A L POWER OF IDEAS D I S C O V E R YO U R M E N T O R S CONFERENCE, NETWORKING & WORKSHOPS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31, 2015 @ MaRS DISCOVERY DISTRICT | 10:00AM ~ 5:00PM ALL PROCEEDS FROM THIS EVENT HELPS POWER OUR SKILL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS OUR AT T E N DA N C E We are looking to double our attendance by 2016 through our 100+ workshop initiative. 2015 2000+ 2015 1000+ 2014 400+ 2013 Workshops 12 Mixers 1+ The Power of Ideas Conference 1 Dundas Square Concert 1 2014 Workshops 7 Mixers 1 The Power of Ideas Conference 1 2013 300 2012 Workshops 3 The Power of Ideas Conference 1 2012 The Power of Ideas Conference 1 2011 150 2011 The Power of Ideas Conference 1 OUR DEMOGRAPHICS 81% of our attendees fall between the age of 18 - 35. 12% | 16 - 20 26% | 21 - 25 AGE 28% | 26 - 30 21% | 31 - 35 13% | 36+ 39% | DOWNTOWN 37% | NORTH YORK TRAVEL FROM 11% | SCARBOROUGH 06% | MISSISSAUGA 04% | MARKHAM 03% | RICHMOND HILL 1. Community Leaders inspiring youth with personal, authentic and empowering stories at the Power of Ideas Conference. Power of Ideas Speakers 1. Arlene Dickinson CEO of Venture Communication and Renown “Dragon” on CBC’s Dragon’s Den 3. 2. Phillip Anthony Founder of SIPO Foundation 3. Theresa Laurico Love in Action and Chief Visionary Officer of SociaLIGHT Conference 4. Kate Todd Actress, Singer/Songwriter & Official SIPO Spokesperson 5. Isaac Olowolafe CEO of Dream Fund Holdings 6. Ziya Tong Host of Discovery Channel’s Daily Planet 2. 4. 7. Michael Prosserman 8. Peter Sloly 9. 10. 11. Founder of UNITY Charity Deputy Chief of Toronto Police Department Catherine Ryan Hyde Bestselling author and founder of Pay It Forward Foundation Jane Zhang Founder of TechSoup Canada Laura Berg World Renown Mom-preneur, Founder of My Smart Hands Inc. 12. Mike Brcic 13. 5. Stuart Knight Author, Speaker, Renegade Visionary 14. Pamela Paterson 15. 6. Founder of #1 Mountain Bike Company in the World Author of Best Selling Book “Get the Job - Optimize Your Resume for the Online Job Search” Sang Kim Award Winning Playwright, Author and Restauranteur OUR SUPPORTERS We like to thank these organizations for their generosity and support in our goal of reaching ‘100+ workshops’ annually across GTA. 2015 - 2016 Sponsorship Investment Level Inspire Sponsor Connect Sponsor Equip Sponsor Print Sponsor Community Builder Sponsor $10,000 $5,000 $3,500 $2,000 $500 Number of Sponsorship(s) Available 1 1 1 1 20 Number of Millenials you help sponsor to attend SIPOworkshops in 2016 200 100 70 40 10 >100,000 50,000+ 50,000+ 50,000+ <50,000 Commercial Promo Video Blast & Recognition on SIPO’s Social Media ✓ N/A N/A N/A N/A “Company Name” presents Power of Ideas ✓ N/A N/A N/A N/A Multiple HD Video Clips by Professional Videographer ✓ N/A N/A N/A N/A Press Release and Contribution Quote ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A Stage Recognition and Speech time ✓ N/A N/A N/A N/A Company Name Presence ✓ N/A N/A N/A N/A Red Carpet Photo Lounge Sponsor Recognition ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A N/A Assigned Social Media Team ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A N/A First Right of Refusal for Same Sponsorship Tier Next Year ✓ ✓ ✓ N/A N/A Sponsor Booths 1 1 1 1 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Full Page Logo ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Estimated # of Annual Impressions Recognized on sponsorship page of Power of Ideas site Advertisement in event programmes Recognized as key sponsors in our 2016 journey to impact millennials by holding 100 skill building workshops in the GTA OUR TESTIMONIALS PAMELA PATERSON Bestselling Author, Get the Job With the youth unemployment rate at such high levels, it is uplifting to find an organization such as SIPO provide valuable professional workshops for youth. When I became involved with SIPO as a conference speaker, it was evident to me that the founders Kenn and Daniel truly care about helping others succeed. They provide the necessary information, methodology, and support to better one’s life. When I was asked to join the Board of Directors, I welcomed the opportunity to serve such an outstanding organization. COREY ROBERTS Entrepreneur and Host, UYE (TV Show), Rogers TV Attending the Power of Ideas Conference was an engaging event that gave me perspective. I got the chance to learn and connect both directly and indirectly with the speakers. As a result of my attendance, I have pitched, launched, and produced my own TV show (entitle UYE). TAMZIDA Attendee at the 4th Annual SIPOconference This was an outstanding conference that made me rethink and make strong decisions about my life that will be good for me in the future. WALI SHAH Spoken Word Poet/Songwriter Ever since I’ve gotten involved with the SIPOfoundation, I have been more focused and driven to work harder for the things I believe in, and want to see in my life. ENI RUKAJI SIPOworkshops Participant What the SIPO event provided me was invaluable ─ access to leading experts, dedicated coaches, inspiration, and fresh ideas. By far, the biggest value I got out of the event was that it helped me take that first step in developing my personal brand. more available on our website: www.sipofoundation.org w w w.sipofoundation.org K ENNETH SUM SPONSORSHIP DIRECTOR 416.845.7096 - [email protected] Check us out on Facebook: SIPO Foundation Follow us on Twitter: @sipofoundation