Feburary 2013 Newsletter final


Feburary 2013 Newsletter final
February 2013
A monthly publication of Temple Beth Ami
Vol. 29 No. 02
Established 1987
From the RABBI
Purim, falls on the fourteenth of the Hebrew
month of Adar, the fifteenth in Jerusalem. It is a
celebration of the events described in the Scroll of
Esther. The holiday with its joyous carnival-like
atmosphere focuses on one of the main themes in
Jewish history, the survival of the Jewish people
despite the attempts of their enemies to destroy them.
According to the Scroll of Esther, the name Purim is
derived from the lot, Pur, cast by Haman to determine
the day on which the Jews would be exterminated
(Esther 3:7).
The story of Purim is about hunger for power
and about hatred born of the Jews' refusal to
assimilate and their unwillingness to compromise
religious principle by bowing before the secular
authority. It is an old story. However, it has been
repeated many times, making it both an ancient and
modern story.
In the story it is related that Mordechai,
Esther's cousin, refused to bow before Haman, the
vizier of King Ahashverosh. So infuriated was Haman
that he sought the annihilation of the Jewish people.
Haman's accusation against the Jewish people has
become the paradigm for all anti-Semites: "There is a
certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among
the peoples . . . their laws are different from those of
other people, they do not obey the king's law, and the
king should not tolerate them" (Esther 3:8). The
prudent actions of Mordechai and the courage of
Esther averted tragedy.
Purim recalls the dangers of minority status.
Hatred of the foreigner and the stranger is still
prevalent throughout the world. Anti-Semitism has not
disappeared, but despite everything, the Jewish people
have survived. Purim, however, is most of all a happy
story--a story of survival and triumph over evil.
The Scroll of Esther/Megillat Esther, is one of
the five scrolls contained in the Ketuvim or Hagiographa
(Song of Songs/Shir ha-Shirim, Ruth, Lamentations/
Eicha, Ecclesiastes/Kohelet and Esther). Each of the
five Megillot is connected with a Jewish holiday or a
remembrance day (Shir ha-Shirim to Pesach; Ruth to
Shavuot; Eicha to Tisha Be-Av; Kohelet to Sukkot;
Esther to Purim). Here, too, the Book of Esther is
unique. All the other Megillot were attributed to the
holiday subsequently, and the existence and the mitzvot
of the holiday are in no way tied to the Megillah,
whereas the Book of Esther is the basis of Purim. Take
the reading of the Megillah away from Purim, and you
have taken away its principal content and nature.
Megillat Esther is replete with irony. It differs
entirely in style from the rest of the Bible. Megillat
Esther, is riddled with humor - hidden laughter,
concealed within open laughter. God's name is not
mentioned even once in this book.
The Book of Esther is very similar in style and
substance to the stories found in the Apocrypha, books
which were not included in the Hebrew Bible, the
Tanach. Tobit, Judith, and Susannah are all works that
we have studied, or will be studying in our Tuesday
morning class, held each week at 9 am. Join us to read
these seldom read, but exciting and entertaining tales,
written by Jews, but not included in our Bible.
And don’t miss us for our Purim Carnival Sunday,
February 24 from 11 am-3pm at Temple Beth Ami.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday night,
February 23, at 7 pm as we celebrate with our
special Megillah Madness and Purim Celebration.
Pizza and drinks, many, many different kinds of drinks,
will be served,
Be Happy it’s Adar,
Rabbi Mark Blazer
Mission Statement for Temple Beth Ami
The purpose of the Reform Congregation shall be to worship
G-d, to promote Jewish education, to ensure the continuity of
the Jewish people, to cultivate love, understanding, and
enjoyment of our Jewish heritage and to encourage
community involvement.
Mark your Calendars for
these Upcoming Events
February 1: Shabbat Tribute to Challenger
February 3: Super Bowl Sunday
February 8 to 11: Women's Retreat at Brandeis
February 12: Eat for TBA “CLAIM JUMPER”
Rabbi Mark Blazer
[email protected]
February 15: Shabbat Tribute to Debbie Friedman
Cantor Kenny Ellis
[email protected]
February 17 to 24: Family Promise returns to TBA
Board of Trustees:
February 17: 9am Sisterhood Meeting
Daniel Levine, President
[email protected]
February 23: 7pm Megillah Reading
John Stulman, Executive VP
[email protected]
February 24: 11am to 3pm PURIM CARNIVAL
March 2: Books & Brunch (See page 8)
Daniel Azani, Treasurer
[email protected]
March 10:
Jennifer Ihrig, Secretary
[email protected]
March 10: 2-5pm Women’s Seder @ Friendly Valley
Joyce Stein, Immediate Past President
[email protected]
March 19: Silent Auction & Eat for TBA
Doreen Hawbecker – Membership
[email protected]
March 25: Eve of Passover
Sandi Hershenson – Religious & Ritual
[email protected]
Rick Kaufman – Ways & Means Trustee
[email protected]
Rosemary Watson – Administration Trustee
[email protected]
Trustees: Eddie Nathan, Joe Rensin; Chris Vila; Alan Youngwood
Ofra Naylor – Bookkeeper
[email protected]
Michele Lobl – Receptionist
[email protected]
Judith Stolnitz – Education Director
[email protected]
Jennifer Ihrig, Sisterhood President
[email protected]
Andy Steier, Men’s Club President
[email protected]
Rena Slabich, Chavurah Coordinator [email protected]
TBAY (Temple Beth Ami Youth ages 10 – 12)
[email protected]
Teen Ami (ages 13 – 15)
[email protected]
Preschool / Parent & Me
[email protected]
Capital Campaign
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
[email protected]
Newsletter Advertising
[email protected]
Judaica Shop
[email protected]
Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 26 to April 2: PASSOVER
April 8: Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Ha Shoah)
April 16: Israel Independence Day
(Yom Ha'atzmaut)
TBA's annual Purim Carnival will be held on Sunday, February, 24 from
10:30-1:00. VOLUNTEERS and SPONSORS are NEEDED! Please contact
Sandi Hershenson immediately if you are available to help out or want to
sponsor a game or activity. Thank you for helping to make the Purim
Carnival a great day for our TBA families.
TBA's annual Purim Carnival will be held on Sunday, February, 24 from 10:30-1:00. VOLUNTEERS
and SPONSORS are NEEDED! Please contact Sandi Hershenson immediately if you are available
to help out or want to sponsor and game or activity. Thank you for helping to make the Purim
Carnival a great day for our TBA families.
Please take notice . . . and welcome to our new sisterhood
page on TBA’s new website. Please go to
[email protected] and hover your mouse on
the bold blue text on the page for links. If it changes to a
lighter blue, you can click on them for more information and
flyers! Please explore the website and let us know your
thoughts for content and changes.
About the Temple Beth Ami Sisterhood
2013. Please contact either of them when you decide to go.
Reservations must be in by February 1 and the cost to TBA
members is $325 for this amazing weekend. You will enjoy
spiritual services and discussion groups, the camaraderie of
your TBA Sistas, enjoy participating in Israeli Dancing and
making your very own Purim mask by our very own creative
and talented Doreen Hawbecker. The Retreat will take place
at Brandeis in Simi Valley. You will have an unforgettable
moving experience that will make you want to come back
again! Please see flyers in Newsletter.
The Temple Beth Ami Sisterhood is an organization of the
women of our Congregation who have banded together in
friendship for programs to benefit the Temple, for social
activities, for study, and, above all, for the growth of the
individual so that each may find an opportunity to fulfill her
potential as a person and as a Jewish woman. Sisterhood
provides the arena for the individual to expand and grow in a
Jewish atmosphere. Sisterhood can do whatever its
members feel would be valuable to them, their families, their
Congregation and their community. Sisterhood needs the
support of all of the women of the Congregation. All of us,
whether you are a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, who
are members of Temple Beth Ami—all are needed as
members of its Sisterhood. TBA’s Sisterhood was originally
formed by our first President Mary Fuchsman and is under
the umbrella of the reform congregation organization called
Women for Reform Judaism (“WRJ”). We are also part of the
Pacific District of Southern California of the WRJ providing
opportunities of knowledge and guidance to enhance
membership, growth and support.
Women’s Torah Study Group
This lively group will be meeting on February 16 and March 16
at 10:00 a.m. in the Oneg Room at TBA. On February 16th we
will continue reading on page 233 of Genesis Mikeitz-“When
Dreams Come True” where Joseph tells the pharaoh his
prophetic dreams. This is an ongoing class and you are
welcome to join at any time. Our text is The Torah – A
Women’s Commentary, which can be purchased for
approximately $44.70 either at Barnes & Noble or Amazon.
With that said, we look forward to your attending the events
we have planned for your enjoyment and also appreciate
your support as we have a full calendar of events planned
for 2013. Please look at our Sisterhood Calendar so you
can plan on attending and being a part of our dynamic
Sisterhood! Our next 3 meetings are as follows: February
24, March 17 and April 14, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. We look
forward to seeing you at the events because without you we
are one woman short!
March 10, 2013 – Women’s Seder @ 3:00 P.M. More
information to follow shortly and we will be providing a flyer with
all of the information! Our community comes together with the
women of Temple Beth Shalom and we also invite clergy and
other prominent civic women to participate in our annual
Women’s Seder. Please see flyer in newsletter and on
Any new first year Temple Beth Ami member is
automatically a member of Sisterhood free of charge (so you
are always welcome to attend meetings and events as a
member). Sisterhood/WRJ membership fees are set as
follows: Basic membership ($36); Sarah ($54); Leah ($90);
Rachael ($180) (*levels w/ gift) and non-temple members
($46). Please contact Membership Chair Gail Silver.
Just Around the Corner . . . for February and March
Mah Jongg
If you like playing Mah Jongg (or think you might learn how
to play this year), please order your Mah Jongg 2013 cards
before February 1, 2013 by filling out our Sisterhood form.
February 8-10, 2013 - Women's Retreat - a beautifully put
together program by Tracy Blazer and Judith Stolnitz
that will lift you spiritually. Starting at 4:00 p.m. on Friday 8,
2012 and ending at 12:00 noon on Sunday February 10,
Books N Brunch Group (See Page 9)
March 2, 2013 from 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Join Sisterhood's Books N Brunch Group on Saturday, March
2, 2013 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the home of
Rosemary Watson in Santa Paula to discuss the book called
The Faith Club. Please RSVP through
[email protected] to inform Rosemary that you
are attending and what brunch dish you will bring. Our flyer will
give you further information.
April 14, 2013 – Creative Memory Cards
With Mother’s Day and Father’s Day coming before you will
know it – save this date to make a special card!
We Just Had . . .
Spa Day, Sunday, January 13, 2013
There were 62 women that attended this year and we broke our
record of attendance by 20! The women thoroughly enjoyed
the services provided. As a result, and according to spa owner
Karen Malek-Whitely we will be providing more of them next
year! We again surprised ourselves when we had
approximately 35 raffle items that were full of variety and which
continued being donated while Spa Day progressed throughout
the afternoon - and just in time for when we started the raffle!
Raffle items ranged from gift cards from restaurants like Sake
Bistro, Marston’s, Stonefire and Rattler’s to a free flying lesson
at the Santa Paula Airport, 4 free music lessons by our own
Wendy Hersh, and 4 free tickets to attend either the Rep in
Newhall or the Huntington Library!
Continued on page 6
Two special presentations were made. First we showed
everyone present the Kavod award our Sisterhood won at the
WRJ 2012 Convention for Spa Day being a one-day fundraiser.
We were very lucky to be part of collection of sisterhoods that
had some amazing fundraisers! We also presented to Balance
Point Spa owners Karen Malek-Whiteley and Brian Whiteley
an award of recognition and appreciation for being the
guardians and the true organizers of this successful event for
three years! Please look on our website and/or in the
newsletter for pictures of this year’s Spa Day and please look
at the
advertisements of the participating and
supportive vendors (which we hope you will support throughout
the year)! They were great!
However, there is one part not mentioned yet and it goes along
with our sisterhood’s slogan – “Without you we are one woman
short!” We have an amazing committee that worked very well
together. Many Kudos goes to: Shawn Monheim, Rosemary
Watson, Lori Garden, Debra Block, Karen Kaplan and Doreen
Hawbecker – and thank you to the Sisterhood for giving me,
Francine Van Scoyoc (organizer), the beautiful roses. Thank
you for all of your
help – definitely could not have pulled this
off without your steadfast and cooperative help!
April 7, 2013: Yes Fund luncheon at Temple Beth Hillel at
Valley Village
July 14, 2013: Sisterhood Area Day
Dec 11-15, 2013:
100th year Centennial Convention to
take place in San Diego, California.
In celebration of the Centennial each Sisterhood has been
asked by the WRJ to make a donation of 100 items of one type
of item. Our sisterhood has decided to collect 100 pairs of
lightly used shoes. Information for when we will start this
collection will be coming shortly as well. Look out for when we
have a special meeting in which those that participate will help
make our sisterhood’s wall hanging which will be donated to
the WRJ in honor of the Centennial.
2012 WRJ Pacific District Kavod Award - One Time Fundraiser
At the 2012 Convention for the Women for Reform Judaism's
Pacific District, we became an award winning Sisterhood! If
you go to the website, www.wrj.pacificdistrict.org, you can see
that we were in good company! Temple Beth Ami Sisterhood of
Santa Clarita was awarded the 2012 Eleanor Krezter Kavod
Award for its One Time Fundraiser for its Spa Day Fundraiser
held on March 27, 2011 and January 15, 2012. As a result of
its success, “Spa Day” has become an annual one-day
fundraiser for the sisterhood.
While the services provided by Balance Point Spa were offered
at a fraction of the normal cost, our Kavod award-winning event
again came through to help support our religious school
scholarship fund by raising a total of approximately $1,345! We
also want you to know that you can still contribute (and we
hope you do) when you book a service through March 31,
Get Well Cards
2013. Here is how you can contribute:
The Sisterhood still sends out get well cards for those who are
hospitalized, had surgery or are seriously ill and, of course,
60 minute massage: You get $5 off; Fund gets $10 (Reg. $75)
sympathy cards. Please contact Hedy Greenfield with your
90 minute massage: You get $7 off; Fund gets $13 (Reg. $100) information (name & address) if you would like a card sent by
Classic Facial (60 min.) You get $6 off; Fund gets $10 (Reg.
contacting Hedy by submitting your request by contacting the
Euphoric Facial (90 min.) You get $9 off; Fund gets $15 (Reg.
Tree & Water Projects in Israel
Because we believe this is such an important program
Balance Point Spa is located at 18285 Soledad Canyon Road,
Sisterhood is now offering it to you and your families to honor
Canyon Country, 661-252-0650. Please mention that you are
life cycle and special events. Simply fill out the form in the
from Temple Beth Ami’s Sisterhood so that you get your
newsletter (on the Home Page) and send it to TBA Sisterhood,
discount & our sisterhood gets a donation towards the
23023 Hilse Lane, Santa Clarita, CA 91321. For one tree or
scholarship fund!
one water project the cost is just $18. That’s it! A certificate
indicating your gift will be sent directly from The Jewish
Last, but not least . . .
National Fund to your gift recipient. Should you have any
* * *
questions, please contact the Sisterhood.
WRJ (Women for Reform Judaism) News
The WRJ is celebrating its 100 year anniversary in 2013!
There will be several festivities honoring the 100 year
Centennial of the WRJ this year. Please go to www.wrj.org to
learn more!
Friday night, March 1, 2013 at 8:00 a.m. we will start the
Centennial celebration when our Sisterhood participates in
having its WRJ Shabbat service. If you would like to participate
in the special service, please come to our February 24, 2012
Sisterhood meeting to learn more.
Some other WRJ event dates worth mentioning and for you to
SAVE THE DATE! (More details will be following!)
Why is an Oneg important to have? It is a chance to celebrate
Shabbat. It is also a chance for you to see people you don't
ordinarily see during the week. It is a stress free time to
schmooze. It is an opportunity to welcome new people to our
Last year Sisterhood took over the financially responsibility for
the temple Onegs including for the high holidays. We are
constantly looking for ways to “up” the Oneg. At this time we
are trying different vendors to decide where to purchase food
that of “upped” quality and still stay within a reasonable budget.
The Oneg supplies such as the trays, pitchers, etc. will also be
replaced to have a more uniform look.
Continued on page 7
There are two ways you can be part of these changes. First,
expanding the number of people who assist with the Onegs is a IHRIG AND SPA OWNER KAREN MALECK-WHITELEY. WE PRESENTED HER
necessity. You DO NOT have to be a sisterhood member
(though we hope you will be) to lend a hand. A schedule has
been set up
at www.SignUpGenius.com/go/30E0D44AEAB283oneg/768470 for Oneg signups. Sign up for one or more
services. Your efforts will be appreciated more than you
know. The second way you can be part of the Oneg tradition is
to celebrate a special occasion or milestone in your family (ex.
birthday, anniversary, graduation, special awards, etc.) by
either making a donation to oneg or sponsoring an oneg. Oneg
donations and sponsorships are available in multiple levels of
Chai. Please see the attached Oneg Form for details. Any
questions, please talk to Jennifer or Nancy by contacting the
Just remember – without you participating in TBA’s Sisterhood
events we are one woman short!
Have you seen the changes to the
FRONT Temple Beth Ami?
Let me tell you a little story…
Approximately 11 years ago in January, 2003 Joey Van Scoyoc
had his bar mitzvah at Temple Beth Ami. At that time several
families made generous donations to help upgrade the interior
of TBA's new home by replacing the carpet and paying for the
"new purple" chairs. To celebrate Joey Van Scoyoc’s Bar
Mitzvah. The Van Scoyoc Family decided to add something to
the outside and bought clay pots to guard the front doors of
TBA. Needless to say, it has been over a decade and the clay
pots really needed to be replaced. In honor of their son's bar
mitzvah and the fact that Tu B’shevat is just around the corner,
The Van Scoyoc Family made a generous donation to replace
the clay pots and make our Temple look as beautiful as it did
Silent Auction at Chili's at our
11 years ago. Again the front doors of TBA are more decoraEat for TBA Fundraiser in March.
tively guarded.
Auction Items
The photo was taken January 21 in the afternoon after the pots
were replaced. See the new plants?
THANK YOU to the Van Scoyoc Family
for this gracious donation.
We will be combining a Silent Auction with
our Eat for TBA fundraiser on Tuesday,
March 19th at Chili's Restaurant in Valencia.
Everyone in the restaurant will be able to
participate in the Silent Auction and bid on
the items. Chili's will be helping us to get
some Auction Items but we need your help in
getting even more. So let's get as many great
items as we can to be donated for this special Silent Auction. The more great items we
get, the more money we can make!
For more information, contact Alan Youngwood at [email protected].
The Staff of the Valencia Claim Jumper will host a Community Support
An Evening to Benefit Temple Beth Ami!
Claim Jumper will proudly donate 15% of your Pre-Tax food purchase.
We hope that you can join us for a night of great food, fun, and fundraising!
(All flyers must be distributed prior to the event date)
Claim Jumper Valencia 25740 The Old Rd., CA 91381
Please check in with your host in the patio section of the bar.
Happy Hour Food Menu will be offered to all supporters with a flyer in the saloon only. Happy Hour items
are not available in the dining room.
Tuesday, February 12th, 2012
11am – 9pm
** Please Call for Reservations at (661) 254-2628 **
Education Update
Shalom! At the end of January we had our Tu B'shvat
seders reminding our students of the strong connection
between Jewish Holiday celebrations and the changing
seasons. The Jewish "Earth Day" celebrates the Birthday of the trees. Ask your children what fruit they tried
and what they learned about Israel's Land.
In February we have Purim! Please encourage the
Sunday School students to come in costume on
February 24th. A school celebration will happen at 9AM
for all Sunday School students followed by the Purim
Carnival here at Temple Beth Ami. Interested in volunteering? Sponsoring a game or activity?
Contact Sandi Hershenson
([email protected]) or Judith
([email protected]). All ages and grades
are welcome at the carnival. Come play and celebrate
Finally, volunteers are needed for planning an inaugural event co-sponsored by Congregation Beth Shalom.
We would like to get the Hebrew School students
(grades Dalet -Zayen/4th-7th) together to celebrate
Yom Ha'atzmaut, Israeli Independence day. People are
needed to meet with CBS members to plan a social
and educational event. Our goal is to introduce the students to more Jewish kids their ages. By pooling resources, we hope to be able to have a great celebration. Please contact me
([email protected]) for more information.
Todah Rabah
Recipe Section
Pumpkin Bread
by Lisa Wykoff
½ cup oil
2 eggs
1 ½ cups sugar
1 cup canned pumpkin ½ cup water
1 2/3 cups flour 1tsp. baking soda
¼ tsp. baking powder
¾ tsp. salt
½ tsp. cloves
½ tsp. nutmeg
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ cup chopped walnuts
Beat together oil, eggs, sugar, pumpkin and water. Mix
thoroughly. Blend in flour sifted with baking soda, baking powder, salt and spices. Stir in nuts. Place in a
greased loaf pan*. Bake @ 350 for 1 to 1 ½ hours or
until done.
TBA Welcomes
Michele Lobl
Temple Beth Ami is pleased to
welcome Michele Lobl, our new
Administrative Assistant, who began
work in November. She is currently in
the office on Tuesdays and
Wednesdays, 9-3 and Fridays 9-12 and is available to assist
our members, staff and visitors.
Michele is a past Supervisor at the Santa Clarita Work Source
where she was employed by the City of Santa Clarita for seven
years. She counseled job seekers and facilitated job search
workshops as well as managed staff. Her career spans over
twenty years in employment & training programs and career
center management as well as transition counseling for
executives and professionals. She has taught college classes
at Ventura Community College, College of the Canyons and
Charter College as well as leading workshops for Zonta and
Single Mothers’ Outreach. She co-authored a book, “Paint
Your Career Green: Find a Green Job Without Starting Over”
which was released August, 2011.
Michele is currently Co-President of Kolot Nashim Hadassah.
She and her husband, Tom, a scientist with the Alfred Mann
Foundation, have two sons, Jonathan, a Senior Network
Security Engineer and Daniel, a Computer Graphics Supervisor
with Sony Imageworks. They also have four grandchildren –
Rachel, Megan, Sam and Susan.
Jewish Big Brothers / Big Sisters
For almost 100 years, Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los
Angeles (JBBBSLA) has provided free, professionallysupported, one-to-one mentoring to Jewish boys and girls.
These relationships provide children with support and
guidance, enabling them to explore their needs and interests
through consistent outings with a dedicated, adult friend.
In order to continue to serve Jewish youth in Los Angeles, we
need your help in getting the word out! JBBBSLA matches
Jewish children between the ages of 6 and 18 with Jewish
volunteers 21 and older. If you’d like to learn more about
becoming a “Big” or “Little”, please call (323) 761-8675 or
check out our website at www.jbbbsla.org
Talia Katzir, MBA; Marketing & Outreach Associate
Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters of Los Angeles
& The Foundation for Camp Max Straus
*= 2 8 inch tin foil loaf pans for 50 min to 1 hour
(loaf pan measurement’s 8 x 3 7/8 x 2 15/32 )
[email protected] • www.jbbbsla.org
“Like” us on facebook! www.facebook.com/jbbbsla
Mitzvah opportunity to serve the SCV homeless through
Family Promise
The secular new year can make us resolve to be better people and try to impact our community and those around
us. A little over a year ago, Temple Beth Ami began our involvement with Family Promise. Family Promise is a local
non-profit organization that helps broken families transitioning to a better life. Often these are mothers with children
needing food and shelter while those kids go to school and the parent tries to find employment and their own place to
live. Santa Clarita area religious institutions will provide living arrangements and food, as well as some personal
involvement with these families. Rabbi Mark said "The prophet Isaiah declares, in the Haftarah we read on Yom
Kippur: 'Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them.'"
"A comprehensive and realistic way to follow this commandment is through Family Promise. While it may be
impossible to open up our own homes today, through our volunteer commitment we can turn our synagogue into a
home for the homeless." The temple and our Rabbi's commitment to Family Promise is strong. We need to play a
part in our community. Mitzvah is an active duty. While we can't change the world, we can leave a dent in it by
making our community a better place. Our rotation comes the week of February 17-24th, 2013. We'll need assistance
with breakfasts and lunches left the night before, dinners at 5:30, evening hosts from 5:30-8:30to be around, maybe
play a board game or show a movie. We'll need a member to spend the night in the sanctuary each night.
8:30-6-7am.Just bring a sleeping bag and pillow, lock up the temple and leave early in the morning. Some have
volunteered already, please do so. We ask that each temple family and every havurah decide how they can
contribute and support our temple each time, typically every 3 months. Some have graciously donated their time and/
or money regardless of recognition, but we must have greater participation to do this successfully in the new year.
Make this a resolution. If you have questions, contact [email protected] that's Jackie Kolchins Fisher if you aren't
already on the specific Family Promise/TBA site. http:/www.templebethami.org/
The volunteer sign up page for February is: http://vols.pt/cba2Pu
Upcoming rotations:
February 17 - 24, 2013
May 12 - 19th, 2013
Team TBA – Relay for Life 2013
It is time to start registering for Relay for Life 2013! This year
Relay will be May 18-19 at Central Park again and I hope that
you and your family will once again be active participants on
our team.
I recently received a package from the American Cancer
Society addressed to TOP 2012 Team. Inside the package,
I found a wonderful banner for us to display at our 2013 booth.
This banner was issued only to teams that raised a minimum
of $15,000 in 2012. I was filled with pride for the work that we
all did together to help the American Cancer Society. I can't
wait to display this banner at our booth in May.
However, there is a catch. . . The catch is that all of you need
to participate again, and we need to recruit even more
members of our fantastic TBA community. Start registering
yourselves and your family members now at
http://www.scvrelay.org and start fundraising! Just join our
existing team!
This year I am looking for people to take on a greater
leadership role for the team, I am hoping that we can bring in
new ideas and raise even more money. Please contact me
ASAP if you are interested in a larger role--our team, and
the American Cancer Society needs your help.
August 25 - Sept 1, 2013
Temple Beth Ami's Softball team has a new look
this year 2013 finds our softball teams merging
past winners of TBA1 Chaz Peretz, Rob Kayne,
Eddie Nathan and coach Mike Halberstam into a
new and improved Beth Ami II core squad from
years past.
We welcome back Daniel Azani after a year layoff
due to neck problems. Holdovers Spoon, Jimsanity
and Double Duty Levine form the foundation that
we can build upon.
We were moved up a division that s too our improved play last year. Pete Slabich, built like a tank
if you know him, is in the auto shop until midFebruary with a leaky gasket fixed. Spoon, aka
Jerry Witherspoon, will pitch in his place until Pete
is fully recovered. Surprise returns by superstars
Eric Olive and Robert Bullon have us hoping to
make the playoffs in a higher division this year.
Sandi Hershenson
— Chris Vila, Captain
Israel: Facts & Fictions
By Erika Schwartz
Senator Chuck Hagel and Israel
Because President Obama has nominated former Senator
Chuck Hagel for the position of Secretary of Defense . . .
and because this column is devoted to the protection and
security of the State of Israel . . . I find it absolutely
necessary to make sure that Temple Beth Ami congregants
know exactly what Senator Hagel’s position has been on
matters pertaining to Israel. You can be assured (if you
read my previous column about the mainstream media’s
reporting of anything related to Israel) that you won’t be
getting the unvarnished truth from the Los Angeles Times.
I’m going to use as my ONLY references, Hagel’s own book
titled “America: Our Next Chapter” and his Senate record.
You can then head to the library or online and research for
yourself. The bottom line is that Hagel is either woefully
ignorant of the history of the State of Israel or he’s most
definitely anti-Israel. Either way, that’s a serious concern
about someone who will have much to say about the USA’s
relationship with Israel over the next four years.
For starters, Hagel identifies the origins of the Arab-Israeli
conflict by stating that it “was first set in motion by the
Balfour Declaration of 1919 promising the Jewish people a
homeland and the Arabs their own independent states.”
There is absolutely no mention in the Balfour Declaration of
independent states for the Arabs. The Balfour Declaration
refers only to “the establishment in Palestine of a national
home for the Jewish people,” with regard for the “civil and
religious rights” of other communities. Any connection that
the Balfour Declaration had to the origins of the conflict
stem from the fact that the Palestinian Arabs totally rejected
the notion of any form of Jewish self-determination in the
area. Under the influence of Hajj Amin Al-Husseini (a Nazi
collaborator), the rejection became radicalized and violent.
Hagel never mentions the extremism of the Palestinians’
response to the Balfour Declaration.
As for the Hamas takeover of Gaza in 2007, Hagel blames
the “lack of aid and investment” to the Palestinians. Not
only do Palestinians receive huge amounts of international
aid but they destroyed the greenhouses that were donated
to them when Israel pulled out of Gaza.
Senator Hagel has been consistent in his opposition to the
2006 Second Lebanon War. He has called it an
“overreaction” by Israel, describing Israeli attacks on
terrorist positions and weapons caches as “relentless aerial
bombardment of Lebanon for twenty-six straight days.” He
makes no distinction between Israel’s actions and the
relentless rocket attacks by Hezbollah and Hamas against
civilians. Calling Israel’s response “disproportionate” is a
term that has specific meaning in the international law of
war. Hagel either doesn’t understand this (not likely) or he
is deliberately misinterpreting in order to delegitimize
Israel’s self-defense.
In international law, an attack is described as “proportionate” if
it has a legitimate military purpose and if the amount of force
used does not exceed what is necessary to achieve that
purpose. At the time of the Second Lebanon War, Israel’s
critics claimed that Israel was using “disproportionate” force
simply because it was more effective at killing the enemy, who
happened to be hiding (illegally) among civilians.
In 1991 during the Gulf War, General Colin Powell established
what became known as the Powell Doctrine. It dictated that in
the very limited circumstances where military force ought to be
used, it should be “disproportionate” to the force used by the
enemy, in order to ensure victory.
Apparently to Chuck Hagel this definition does not apply to
As for Hagel’s Senate record as it pertains to issues
concerning Israel, here it is:
August 2006 – Hagel was one of only 12 Senators who
refused to write the EU asking them to declare Hezbollah a
terrorist organization;
October 2000 – Hagel was one of only 4 Senators who refused
to sign a Senate letter in support of Israel;
November 2001 – Hagel was one of only 11 Senators who
refused to sign a letter urging President Bush not to meet with
the late Yasir Arafat until his forces ended the violence against
December 2005 – Hagel was one of only 27 who refused to
sign a letter to President Bush to pressure the Palestinian
Authority to ban terrorist groups from participating in
Palestinian legislative elections;
June 2004 – Hagel refused to sign a letter urging President
Bush to highlight Iran’s nuclear program at the G-8 summit.
And last but absolutely not least, when in 1999 the 100member Senate wrote a letter to the Russian president
decrying a rise in anti-Semitism in Russia, Chuck Hagel was
the ONLY Senator who refused to sign the letter.
In my never-to-be-humble opinion, President Obama’s
selection of Chuck Hagel for Secretary of Defense is a slap in
the face not only to Israel but to every American who supports
Israel . . . and that, thankfully, happens to still be a majority of
John Branford, a Norte Dame University student, was
on the side of the road hitchhiking on a very dark
night and in the midst of a heavy storm.
The night was rolling on and no car went by.
The storm was so strong he could hardly see a few
feet ahead of him.
Suddenly, he saw a car slowly coming towards him and
stopped. John, desperate for shelter and without
thinking about it, jumped into the car and closed the
door...only to realize there was nobody behind the
wheel and the engine wasn’t on.
The car started moving slowly, John looked at the
road ahead and saw a curve approaching. Scared, he
started to pray, begging for his life. Then, just before
the car hit the curve, a hand appeared out of nowhere
through the window, and turned the wheel.
John, paralyzed with terror, watched as the hand
came through the window, but never touched or
harmed him.
Shortly thereafter, John saw the light of a pub
appear down the road, so, gathering strength, he
jumped out of the moving car and ran for the pub.
Wet and out of breath, he rushed inside and started
telling everyone about the horrible experience he had
just had. A silence enveloped the pub when everyone
realized he was crying...and wasn’t drunk.
Suddenly, the door opened, and two other people
walked in from the dark and stormy night.
They, like John, were also soaked and out of breath.
Looking around, and seeing John Branford sobbing at
the bar, one said to the other…
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The Temple Office needs a labeler.
Please donate a used or new one.
Thank you so much.
— Michele Lobl
Happy Birthday
First Name Jeffrey Faye Jennifer Courtney Randy Chelsea Jackie Alan Denise Ilizabeth Nate Tina Jack Max Colby Noah Casandra Stacy Rich Kayla Lindsey Last Name Patrick Kayne Ihrig Jacobs Miller Greenfield Fisher Sternin Youngwood Gilbert Ramer Savitch Raber Schwartz Tunick Greenfield Schmi Levine Tabach Hertzberg Hertzberg Month & Day 1‐Feb 2‐Feb 3‐Feb 3‐Feb 3‐Feb 3‐Feb 4‐Feb 4‐Feb 4‐Feb 5‐Feb 5‐Feb 9‐Feb 9‐Feb 9‐Feb 9‐Feb 12‐Feb 12‐Feb 13‐Feb 15‐Feb 15‐Feb 15‐Feb Happy Anniversary
Jim and Shellie Elan and Meredith Roy and Susan 21
VanWinkle Raber Fleischman 1‐Feb 9‐Feb 14‐Feb First Name Aaron Bre Cary Norma Gene Terri Hedy Alexander Briana Norm Carrie Andrew Chris ne Hannah Eric Rita Alexandria Samuel Zachary Adam Daniel Mia Last Name Knafla Raffish Dermer Fields Horwitz Poe Greenfield Green Garden Davis Schneider Katz Bresler Shuper Wilkin Aksenfeld Brill Fields Gaynor Ja e Melnick Salin Month & Day 15‐Feb 15‐Feb 16‐Feb 16‐Feb 16‐Feb 16‐Feb 17‐Feb 17‐Feb 19‐Feb 20‐Feb 21‐Feb 22‐Feb 23‐Feb 24‐Feb 24‐Feb 25‐Feb 25‐Feb 26‐Feb 28‐Feb 28‐Feb 28‐Feb 28‐Feb Yahrzeits
Eddie Isadore Yakov Norman Larry Albert Pauline Al Stan Frank Burt Victoria Dan Isabelle Bernice Warren Sure e Barbara Marty Samuel Sol Lena Oscar Sally Sarah Hugh Joseph Mickey Ben Harold Adolph Dorothy Alvin Harriet Abrams Kaplan Bar Berger George Goldman Goldstein Kramer Pro Durkee Zuckerman Azani Re n Sheffey * Blazer Crane Kessler Rosenfeld Shulman * Sils Alson Merjian Slute Sternin Abramson Go ried Birnbaum Hart Kahan Dine Goldberg Heim Popowitz Popowitz Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Friday, February 01 Monday, February 04 Monday, February 04 Tuesday, February 05 Tuesday, February 05 Tuesday, February 05 Wednesday, February 06 Wednesday, February 06 Wednesday, February 06 Wednesday, February 06 Wednesday, February 06 Wednesday, February 06 Thursday, February 07 Friday, February 08 Friday, February 08 Friday, February 08 Saturday, February 09 Saturday, February 09 Sunday, February 10 Monday, February 11 Monday, February 11 Tuesday, February 12 Tuesday, February 12 Tuesday, February 12 Tuesday, February 12 Tuesday, February 12 Ely Fanny Karen Sarah Harry Chaim Anabelle Harry Mark Harry John Brian Francis Albert Egmont Bob Lazar Fannie Elaine Barre Bessie Robert Florence Morris Seigfried Gertrude Jacob Marilyn Robert Barry Ethel Rebecca Jack Hyman * Denotes a Memorial Plaque has been donated in their honor.
Kleinfeld Powazek Trustman Singerman Sternin Popowitz Gershon Schwartz Begley Epstein Hall Kaufman Tobe * Stein Lewin‐Webb Moscowitz Nahmias Zlotziver Lewis Shuman Talman Brill Cou n Friedell Kaswan * Rosenthal Wolpert Zimmerman Ellen * Lampert * Monheim * Alson Aronowitz * Singerman Wednesday, February 13 Wednesday, February 13 Wednesday, February 13 Friday, February 15 Saturday, February 16 Sunday, February 17 Tuesday, February 19 Tuesday, February 19 Wednesday, February 20 Wednesday, February 20 Wednesday, February 20 Thursday, February 21 Thursday, February 21 Thursday, February 21 Friday, February 22 Friday, February 22 Friday, February 22 Friday, February 22 Saturday, February 23 Saturday, February 23 Saturday, February 23 Sunday, February 24 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, February 26 Tuesday, February 26 Wednesday, February 27 Wednesday, February 27 Wednesday, February 27 Thursday, February 28 Thursday, February 28 Thursday, February 28 Help us update the Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Yahrzeits.
If a date is missing, please let us know so we can update our database. Contact the synagogue at 661.255.6410.
On February 18, 2013, Rea Nagel, award winning watermedia artist will be doing a demonstration of watercolor painting for the Santa
Clarita Artists Association. The demonstration
will be at the Barnes & Noble Community
Room in Valencia from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM.
Barnes and Noble is at 23630 Valencia Blvd. If
you have any questions go to: