Shalom Bayit תיב םולש
Shalom Bayit תיב םולש
December 2015 A monthly publication of Temple Beth Ami Shalom Bayit שלום בית Vol 44 No 28 Established 1987 From The Rabbi The greatest ritual connected to Chanukah is lighting the menorah or hanukiyah each night for eight successive nights as dusk falls. Traditionally the Chanukah menorah should be placed in a window or in a place where our neighbors can see it. The public proclamation of Chanukah not only reminds us and our community of the miracle that happened over 2100 years ago, but that we have been celebrating the holiday in the same way for that long and this is the greatest miracle of all! Today we take part in community-wide menorah lightings, which is consistent with the values and traditions of this holiday. In our nation, which protects and honors religious freedom, Chanukah reinforces the notion of pluralism: that each faith and creed has the sacred right to be different, to uphold its own ideals and principles, and to serve God in its own unique way. Hellenism sought to homogenize all faiths and cultures; the Maccabees succeeded in battling for the right to uphold Judaism in a world of paganism and to swim against the popular tide. However you choose to celebrate, may you, and your entire family be illuminated with the warmth of the holidays. We invite you to join us in Temple Beth Ami’s annual Chanukah events (with something special every night!): Saturday, Dec. 5. 12am-4pm–Holiday Celebration at Old Town Newhall, Wendy Hersh singing Chanukah, songs & arts and crafts , Heritage Park & Main Street (NEW EVENT) Sunday, Dec. 6,5pm-Santa Clarita’s Jewish Community Party at Westfield’s Valencia Town Center (1st Night) Monday, Dec.7, 6pm- Storytime at the Canyon Country Library (2nd Night) Tuesday, Dec. 8,7pm- Chanukah Party and Storytime at Barnes & Noble, Valencia. Fun for all ages! (3rd Night) Wednesday, Dec. 9,6pm- Storytime at the Old Town Newhall Library (4th Night) Thursday, Dec. 10, 6pm - Join us as we light the Stevenson Ranch Community menorah at Stevenson Ranch Parkway and Holmes Place (5th Night) Friday, Dec. 11, 8pm - Don’t miss TBA’s famous Chanukah Party and Shabbat Celebration at Temple Beth Ami featuring PASHA/Volunteer Family of the Year Award (6th Night) Saturday, Dec. 12, 7pm – TBArts“ Deathtrap” at The Rep, menorah lighting & Q/A with director Mark Kaplan (7th Night). Newsletter - December 2015 Thursday, Dec. 10, 6pm - Join us as we light the Stevenson Ranch Community menorah at Stevenson Ranch Parkway and Holmes Place (5th Night) Friday, Dec. 11, 8pm - Don’t miss TBA’s famous Chanukah Party and Shabbat Celebration at Temple Beth Ami featuring PASHA/Volunteer Family of the Year Award (6th Night) Saturday, Dec. 12, 7pm – TBArts“ Deathtrap” at The Rep, menorah lighting & Q/A with director Mark Kaplan (7th Night) Sunday, Dec. 13,7pm - Vodka/Latke at the Blazer’s (8th Night) Monday, Dec. 14, 6pm - Storytime at the Valencia Library As we begin 2016, we have a chance to look back at what has already happened since the Jewish New Year three months ago. These last months were a time of new possibilities and celebrations as well loss and frustrations. As we stand at the beginning of a new secular year we look out to the unknown and our mind fills with more questions and uncertainty. On one thing you can be rest assured –Temple Beth Ami continues to be a source of strength to Santa Clarita and beyond. We have multiple 12 Step meetings each and every week at our facility including AA, Alanon and OA. This coming year we are adding NAMI/National Alliance on Mental Illness support groups to the organizations that we are using our shul as a home. We continue to house homeless families this year as part of Family Promise,and nearly had a child born at TBA during her parents stay. Our facility, though small on size, has a huge impact on our community. Please keep Temple Beth Ami in mind as you make end of the year charitable donations: support-tba.html. Your generosity has helped us come so far, enabled us to help so many and we know we will be there for challenges in the future. This year Temple Beth Ami begins the celebration of its first 30years! Great events are being planned throughout the next 12 months and we hope you will a find a way to join us in the festivities. Whatever this secular year holds for us as a community, a people and a nation, we will all be better off meeting the challenges and opportunities ahead together. May 2016 that soon begins be a more peaceful and successful one than the one that just passed. Peace, Health and Blessings to all of you. Rabbi Mark Blazer Temple Beth Ami Page 1 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 2 of 24 From The Cantor December is always a great month for me and my family because of the winter break and of course, Hanukkah. Hanukkah was always special to me, but even more so, now since the release of “Hanukkah Swings!”.Every year since it was released in 2005, (this is the 10th anniversary of the album) I have been doing Hanukkah concerts, radio shows, podcasts and promotions in addition to lighting the candles and gift-giving on all eight nights at home. It has been amazing! And don’t forget to listen for “Hanukkah Swings!” on Sirius/ XM’s Radio Hanukkah on Channel 68 from December 6th until December 14th. Hanukkah next year begins on December 24th and the last candle will be lit on New Year’s Eve! Hanukkah is always a fun time for all of us. Whether if it is early or late, it’s always great!! So, have a great December. In the meantime, the Ellis family wishes all of you a Happy, Healthy 2016! B’shalom. Cantor Kenny Ellis Havurah Have you Havurah’d? TBA is revamping our Havurah program! A Havurah is a small group of individuals, couples or families who join together at various intervals for friendship and fun. If you are interested in learning more about being in a Havurah, contact Lori Garden at [email protected]. A Havurah event is in the works, so be sure to get on the interest list! Our Judaica Shop hours are from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. during the week Monday through Thursday! So if you need a gift, all you have to do is contact our bookkeeper Ofra by simply calling 661-255-6410 at TBA’s office and she will be happy to help you! Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 3 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 4 of 24 From The President As a wise rabbi once told me, "The only person who is happy about change is a wet baby." It's a reminder that even changes for the better can leave us feeling confused and off-kilter. We've had a lot of changes this year at Temple Beth Ami, some of them easier to adjust to than others. Nearly everyone seems to be happy with celebrating the High Holy Days at Real Life Church -- except those who found it wasn't quite as easy to slip out of the sanctuary unnoticed in the middle of the service! Though we were all sad to see Judith retire from her long time position as head of our religious school, our students are benefitting from Cantor Kenny's knowledge and professionalism. And much as we'd like to have Kenny every Shabbat, we've had to get used to seeing him only on the second and third Friday of the month instead of 3 times a month. Although we did increase dues over last year, we don't have enough to pay for music every week. Some things don't change though -- as always we will celebrate Chanukah with a special Shabbat to recognize our PASHA and Volunteer Family of the Year honorees. Who are they??? That's a secret! I hope you will join us as for the PASHA and Family awards, along with latkes, cake, and Chanukah joy at Shabbat services, 8 pm December 11. And as we enter this joyous season, please consider Temple Beth Ami as part of your year-end giving. So much depends on your support. Thank you, and Chag Sameach to all! Rosemary Watson President Membership Dear TBA Members Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving with your families and wishing you a Happy Chanukah from our family to yours! New Members that missed the New Members Welcoming Service at the beginning of November - your New Member Gift bags are in our bookkeeper's office through the end of December for you to pick up. The gifts are helpful to enjoy celebrating Shabbat! As we look forward towards 2016, please look at the flyer in this newsletter for TBA's Progressive Dinner that will be taking place on January 23, 2016. This will be a great way for new and old members to meet and support TBA. Sincerely, Francine G. Van Scoyoc Membership Trustee - Temple Beth Ami [email protected] On January 10, 2016 a Mommy & Me Play Group is gathering at a new member's home. Most of the children are about one year's old, so if you are interested in being a part of this play group, please contact membership trustee for further information. Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 5 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 6 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 7 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 8 of 24 Mission Statement of Temple Beth Ami The Purpose of this Reform Congregation shall be to worship G-d, to promote Jewish education and the fundamental principles of Judaism, to ensure the continuity of the Jewish people to cultivate love, understanding, and enjoyment of our Jewish heritage and to encourage community involvement. Rabbi - Mark Blazer [email protected] Cantor - Kenny Ellis [email protected] Board of Trustees: President - Rosemary Watson [email protected] Executive Vice President - Andy Steier [email protected] Past President - Eddie Nathan [email protected] Treasurer - Jeff Stein [email protected] Secretary - Mike Schoenwetter [email protected] Religious and Ritual - Debra Block [email protected] Facilities Trustee - Bill Schwartz [email protected] Membership – Francine G. Van Scoyoc [email protected] Men's Club - Daniel Levine [email protected] Sisterhood President - Francine G. Van Scoyoc [email protected] Havurah Trustee - Lori Garden [email protected] Mitzvah Trustee - Cheryl Cogan [email protected] ______________________________ Kenny Ellis - Educational Director [email protected] Catherine Szyfer - Administrator [email protected] Ofra Naylor - Bookkeeper [email protected] Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 9 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 10 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 11 of 24 HONOR YOUR FAMILY - MITZVAH TRUSTEE – JENNIFER TWITCHELL Tree & Water Projects - To Honor Family & Friends for Life Cycle events: Just $18 that will go to the Jewish National Fund and your gift certificate will be forwarded to them showing you made a donation in their honor. You can either pay or mail a check to TBA, Attn: Sisterhood, 23023 Hilse Lane, Santa Clarita, CA 91321 or to by PayPal by going to Sisterhood’s website: Get Well Sympathy Cards - Sisterhood will send out a card upon your request for those that have been hospitalized, had surgery or are seriously ill. For both of these, please ask for past Sisterhood’s Mitzvah Trustee JENNIFER TWITCHELL through sisterhood: [email protected]. Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 12 of 24 SISTERHOOD NEWS President’s Message Hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families. We have come together this past year of 2015 for all kinds of occasions. This past month has been one addressing some difficult times for some of our members, but also proving we do come together to support one another. Nancy Lepore showed a tremendous amount of strength while experiencing a very trying time for her family before finding it necessary to step down as president of TBA’s Sisterhood. Thank you Nancy for all of your strength, foresight and planning in working so hard towards making the future of TBA’s Sisterhood to be strong and to continue to grow – despite difficult circumstances – all well recognized and appreciated. We came together to support Glori Stulman after the loss of her Mom. Thank you to Donna Casey, Jennifer Twitchell, Nancy Lepore, BJ Kaufman, Cheryl Cogan and Debra Block. Glori was so touched that she made a generous donation to Sisterhood. Thank you. Please look over the events we have coming up. Our next Sisterhood meeting is December 15, 2015 @ 7 pm at my home. Some Sisterhood meeting changes for 2016: means more entertainment, fun & relaxation for a healthier you! Wishing you a Happy Hanukkah from my family to yours! Francine G. Van Scoyoc Sisterhood President *Please see flyers for events in the Newsletter & on Sisterhood’s Website! Sisterhood’s website: Sisterhood’s email: [email protected]. HANUKKAH PARTY & HAVDALAH - RSVP by December 1 DECEMBER 5, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m. @ Joyce Stein’s Debra Block is putting together the Hanukkah Party at Joyce Stein’s - a Hanukkah recipe for a fun evening! An evening of fun, latkes, laughs & Joyce Stein’s blue-martinis. Go down memory lane with your own personal Hanukkah story or picture & bring a $10-$15 gift to exchange. Look for your Sign Up Genius email for the potluck item you will bring for 10 or go to!/showSignUp/9040e49aca62da57-sisterhood/768470 .Free for members; $5 for non-members. RSVP to [email protected]. JUDAICA SHOP: NEED CHANUKAH MENORAHS & CHANUKAH CANDLES? Contact Nancy Lefko through [email protected] Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 13 of 24 SISTERHOOD 2016 DATES TO LOOK FORWARD TO! SISTERHOOD’S NON-FICTION BOOK CLUB: January 16, 2016, 10:30-12:30 at Erika Schwartz’s home. NEXT READ: ?”MY GRANDFATHER WOULD HAVE SHOT ME” By Jennifer Teege MEMBERS’ MOVIE MARTINI MEETING- January 17,2016 SISTERHOOD WOMEN’S RETREAT! February 23, 2016- SAVE THE DATE – Flyers to be at the Chanukah Party with further details! PAST RECENT EVENTS WINE AND CHEESE PAIRING EVENT –Approximately 50 TBA members did make the time for the wine and cheese pairing event with Reyes Winery and made it a great success! Thank you to Beth Heiserman of Reyes Winery for all of your knowledge and expertise in supporting our Sisterhood event. Thank you to committee members Nancy Lepore, Donna Casey, Judith Stolnitz and Tracy Blazer for wonderful evening and a beautifully displayed set up. Thank you to Rabbi and Tracy Blazer for hosting the event at your home. All of you did an awesome job! HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE 2015: Holiday Boutique was a great success with us making close to $1,300! It was wonderful to see TBA member turnout (thank you ) and how well everyone worked together. Everything just seemed to fall in to place! Thank you to those that helped: Nancy Lefko, Judaica Shop/Boutique Administrator, Nancy Lepore, GloriStulman, Lori Litel, BJ Kaufman, Susan Schmitt, Donna Casey, Cheryl Cogan, Elena Hedvig& Daughter, Gailyn Cohen, Daniel Levine & Men’s Club, Elliott Lefko & Bob Van Scoyoc. Sisterhood : Francine G Van Scoyoc, President Nancy Lepore, Past President Debra Block, Glori Stulman, Patrice Steier, Trustees Nancy Lepore, B'Nai Mitzvah Onegs Vacancy, Vice President Donna Casey, Secretary Francine G Van Scoyoc, Onegs Joyce Stein, Facebook & Website Susan Schmitt, Treasurer BJ Kaufman, Membership Elena Hedvig, Flyers Francine G. Van Scoyoc, Newsletter & Eblast "Without You We Are One Woman Short!" December 2015 Sisterhood Happenings By Francine G. Van Scoyoc SISTERHOOD MEMBERSHIP INFO: Please contact BJ Kaufman thru [email protected] for Sisterhood Membership. New TBA Members: First year TBA member – free!;Basic membership ($36); Higher Levels: Sarah ($54); Leah ($90); Rachel ($180); Non TBA members ($46). PayPal via the link below or by check to TBA Membership. (Note: please mark in "membership" in memo section):[email protected]. Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 14 of 24 BAR/BAT MITZVAH ONEGS: Nancy Lepore is the Bar/Bat Mitzvah Oneg Coordinator for TBA. Please contact her for Bar/Bat Mitzvah Onegs: [email protected]. ONEGS: Sisterhood handles Onegs with your help! We look forward to Havurahs and individual members helping out too! In sponsoring Onegs you can celebrate or honor anyone by making a donation to TBA Sisterhood for Oneg costs. We do the rest! Please contact Francine G. Van Scoyoc through Sisterhood. [email protected]. Recent Oneg Sponsorships: We would like to thank the generous Oneg donations and/or sponsorships of: Hedy& Cal Greenfield in honor of Cal’s Birthday! Debra & Brian Block supporting the Pasha Award Committee on December 11 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 15 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 16 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 17 of 24 Visit our website for news, photos and events Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 18 of 24 Birthdays First Name Last Name Date First Name Last Name Date First Name Last Name Date Nina Nathan 1-Dec Lawrence Miller 14-Dec Sally Vila 19-Dec Erika Stolnitz 1-Dec Brenden Steier 14-Dec Taylor Halberstam 20-Dec Laurence Strauss 2-Dec Evelyn Cohen 15-Dec Marlene Strauss 20-Dec Jared Lasky 4-Dec Leah Davis 15-Dec Laura Greenwald 22-Dec Edward Nathan 5-Dec Megan Davis 15-Dec Kurt Shlager 22-Dec Bryan Levine 5-Dec Olivia-Rose Davis 15-Dec Lauri Kinney 23-Dec Glori Stulman 6-Dec Noah Greenwald 15-Dec Jim VanWinkle 23-Dec Devyn Savitch 6-Dec Karen Barnett 16-Dec Ian Bratslavsky 24-Dec Abbe Goodman 7-Dec Allen Azran 17-Dec Kim Goldman 26-Dec Shelley Silver 10-Dec Michael Morgan 17-Dec Maria Bernstein 27-Dec Allison Witherspoon 10-Dec Keith Jacobs 18-Dec Barry Silver 27-Dec Zoe Witherspoon 10-Dec Shellie VanWinkle 18-Dec Jan Swartz 27-Dec Lee Shulman 12-Dec Lisa Barton 19-Dec Ronnie Lasky 29-Dec Benjamin Rosen 12-Dec Joseph Lockhart 19-Dec Harriet Merjan 31-Dec Rick Kaufman 14-Dec Andrew Steier 19-Dec Anniversaries First Name Last Name Date Kim and Loren Fogel 6-Dec Cary and Jackie Dermer 13-Dec Bart and Michele Joseph 16-Dec Michael and Corrie Schoenwetter 23-Dec Barry and Shelley Silver 23-Dec Ed and Linda Docks 28-Dec Kara and William Roth 28-Dec Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 19 of 24 Yahrzeits First Last Yahrzeit Date First Last Yahrzeit Date Libbie Abrams 1-Dec Robert Rosenthal 17-Dec Arthur D. Goldberg 1-Dec Marti Ann Schwartz 17-Dec Robert Goldstein 1-Dec Morris Kass 18-Dec Jack Saltzman 1-Dec Andrew Lipson 18-Dec Honey Schaffer 1-Dec Henrey Naftulin 18-Dec Willie Sparr 1-Dec Esther Blum 19-Dec Sylvia Lederfine 3-Dec David Horwitz 20-Dec Else Savitch 3-Dec Betty Joseph 20-Dec Hyme Schaffer 3-Dec Louis Weinberg 20-Dec Mike Fitzer 4-Dec Emanuel Abrams 21-Dec Milton Diamond 6-Dec Robert Edwin Barnett 21-Dec Matthew Ellis 6-Dec Hyman Rosenblum 22-Dec Mindi Flancer Loux 6-Dec Sylvia Rosnestein 22-Dec Valyrie Corben 7-Dec Edith Russell 22-Dec Alyce Orenstein 8-Dec Carl Fraser 23-Dec Evelyn Caplan 9-Dec Eric Gedalje 23-Dec Sue Gottfried 9-Dec Jonas Stulman 23-Dec Audrey Singerman 9-Dec Benjamin Bramson 24-Dec Thelma Solomon 10-Dec Aaron Trustman 24-Dec Julian Frieden 11-Dec Stanley Bresler 25-Dec Ritzius Fred 12-Dec Pearl Friedman 25-Dec Abraham Katell 12-Dec Maurice Kerr Hopkins 25-Dec Michelle Romprey 12-Dec Harry Fox 26-Dec Teri Guss 13-Dec Ben Malin 26-Dec Shirley Lowe 13-Dec Shirley Margolies 26-Dec Renee Amitin 14-Dec Edith S. Rudolf 26-Dec Jessie Hutton 15-Dec Boyd Saylor 26-Dec Wanda Fogel 16-Dec Paul William Thorsen 26-Dec Susie Hawbecker 16-Dec William Chapman 27-Dec William Littleton 16-Dec George Foster 28-Dec Harold Sachartoff 16-Dec Hetty Epstein 30-Dec Harvey Geist 17-Dec Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 20 of 24 TBA’sCALENDAR Calendar TBA’s Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 21 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 22 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 23 of 24 Newsletter - December 2015 Temple Beth Ami Page 24 of 24