humor - Interlinc
humor - Interlinc
TRD COVER Youth Leaders Only / Music Resource Book / Volume 88 / Summer 2012 Cover: TobyMac and Skit Guys INSIDE: HUMOR: TICKLING THE UNIVERSAL FUNNY-BONE OF YOUTH MINISTRY Maximizing Music & Media in Youth Ministry Special Edition DVD! Hilarious Videos & Discussion Guides From Tim Hawkins, Michael Jr., Skit Guys, Team WordPlay page 16 Comedians Roundtable page 4 Taking Humor More Seriously page 10 Modern Worship Section: Planetshakers, Bluetree page 56 Annual Music Comparison Chart Huge Poster center pull out Heart of the Artist: Fireflight page 14 Manafest page 13 Special Section! Seven TobyMac Discussion Guides page 38 ® TRD TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS >> MAIN/MILD/HOT ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY ARTIST FEATURE ARTICLES: MAIN: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: MILD: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: HOT: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: DEPARTMENTS: 4 10 11 Wisecracking Wiseguys Comedians Roundtable Taking Humor More Seriously The Laughing Savior 16 22 36 HUMOR DVD FIREFLIGHT PLANETSHAKERS Tickling The Universal Funny-Bone Special DVD Section Discussion Guides Now He Weeps Compassion Heal Our Land Strength Of My Life God’s Strength 20 30 BLUETREE 28 JIMMY NEEDHAM Clear The Stage Clear The Stage Idolatry Believer Come Back Home Forgiveness 24 26 32 FLAME th FLATFOOT 56 Toil I Believe It Faith, Assurance MANAFEST Fighter Never Let You Go God’s Faithfulness 2 3 65 Kingdom Jesus Healer Healing The 6 The 6th Day (feat. Chris Lee) Life; Purpose/Meaning Letter From The Editor How To Use This Resource KUTLESS Reviews CENTER PULLOUT: ANNUAL MUSIC COMPARISON CHART POSTER MUSIC RESOURCE BOOK: Volume 88 • Summer 2012 Maximizing Music & Media in Youth Ministry The Youth Leaders Only Music Resource Book is published quarterly by Interlínc, Franklin, TN Direct any questions or comments to interlínc at 1-800-725-3300 or visit TRD TABLE OF CONTENTS << 12 16 Heart Of The Artist: TobyMac, Manafest, Fireflight Humor DVD Discussion Guides 38 50 WORTH DYING FOR TOBYMAC Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Discussion Guides For Seven Songs 48 WAYNE KERR BAND MATT BROUWER Till The Sunrise Everlasting Commitment Love Stands Out The Mirror Self-Image; Uniqueness 44 46 THE WASHINGTON PROJECTS TRIP LEE The Good Life Take Me There Heaven; Longing For Thematic Index Compilation 1 Live Riot Rebuild Spiritual Warfare 34 52 Page Space Time Continuum Light Up The Dark Zeal 62 re:Tuned 56 Modern Worship Section 66 Ministry Resource Section STAFF: Publisher: Allen Weed • Editor: Ken McCoy • The WriteGroup: Rick Bundschuh, Cindy Engøy, Eric Gargus, Mary Wilson, Dave McGinley, Todd Pearage, Doug Ranck, Rusty Van Deusen, Jeremy White • Art Direction: Ken McCoy • Cover & Article Design: Thomas Ryan Design • Magazine Layout: Ken McCoy Production Manager: Glen Allen Green • Proofing: Dale Weed, Jeannine Ugalde, Anne Conley TRD Editor’s>>letter LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Page 2 By Ken McCoy This Ain’t No Laughing Matter When I was a brand-spanking-new youth pastor, with a rookie’s dream of becoming world famous as a speaker, I had a mentor who taught me about communicating effectively. He taught me about organizing my thoughts, about stage presence, about timing, and a lot more. None of it helped me become world famous (you can’t teach talent, and I don’t have enough to be THAT good) and yet I am grateful for the les sons he gave. Humor – God has hardwired us to laugh. We love funny people, funny situations, funny photos – anything that makes us laugh! A wise communicator will be able to use “universal funny-bone of youth ministry” to break through to an audience and communicate effectively. Jesus was a pro at using humor to get His message across. Take a look at “The Laughing Savior” article in this magazine for some examples. He told me that there are three guaranteed techniques used for effective communication. I learned to evaluate how other speakers used those techniques to reach their audiences. I noticed that some speakers overused one to the detriment of the others and that some abused, even faked, some of those techniques in what seemed to be a manipulation of the audience. But the techniques really do work great, especially when they are delivered with authenticity. Here are those three techniques: O f those three techniques, my favorite is humor. It works in more places and with more people than the other two combined. Humor is a powerful tool that every youth leader should use! Controversy – If you say something outrageously controversial, you’re guaranteed that the audience will sit up and take notice. I’ve heard more than one speaker use the old standby, “Every day, people die to a Christ-less eternity in Hell, and you don’t give a *!@^!/. What’s sad is that you’re more concerned that I just said ‘*!@^!/’ than you are that people are dying to a Christ-less eternity in Hell.” Sure, it’s controversial. Yes, it does get the audience’s attention! Intimacy – You’ve probably noticed how suddenly quiet and intense the audience becomes when a speaker becomes moved with emotion struggles to maintain composure. Some speakers have perfected that “sudden lump in the throat” technique when they wa nt to make a point that is especially significant. If you want kids to really be attentive, just preface your point by whispering something like, “I’ve never really told anyone this, and I probably shouldn’t be telling it to you, but…” the “Wisecracking Wiseguys” article. And so, you have this Special Edition of Youth Leaders Only. With this magazine is a special DVD that features several clips from some of the funniest Christians we know. We’ve even included Discussion Guides in this magazine for those clips to help you integrate that laughter into your programming. You also get to hear from the comedians featured on the DVD as they answer questions we posed to them about their work and ministry – that “roundtable discussion” is captured in Check out the other resources too – Leadsheets, reTunes, Thematic Listing, the giant pull-out Comparison Chart, and more ! There is a lot here that will make you smile – or crack you up! Godspeed, Ken McCoy Editor TRD << HOw to use Page 3 How to Use this YLO MUSIC Resource Book Sure, at first glance you notice how great it looks—very current, very stylish. Go ahead—flip through this book a bit. Notice the helpful design? Did you catch the organizational details? The more you look at this book, the more you will appreciate the functionality that has been built into it. Here is a quick tour… The Cover If you’re like most of us, you keep your YLO (Youth Leaders Only) books stored on a bookshelf. When you want to search for a song or video that deals with a certain topic, slide each book out a couple of inches and read the themes and featured articles for each issue. Cool! The Index Take a look at the index or “table of contents”—notice the colored bars? They represent sections in the book and they clue you in on which albums / Bible Studies are “Main,”“Mild,”or “Hot.” You will notice in the Bible Studies section that each Leader Guide / Student Guide is color-keyed the same way. Wow! Someone’s been thinking! Featured Articles Each issue of YLO has a certain “flavor.” Around that theme are a couple of “Feature Articles” as well as some of the other items you have in your YLO box. These articles give you insight into the heart and ministry of some of the musicians included in the YLO box. Bible Studies What makes Youth Leaders Only more than “cheap music” are the musicbased Bible Study resources provided for you to use in your programming. Finding good Christian music isn’t hard, but coming up with ways to use it in your ministry with teenagers takes time, talent, and energy. Real-world youth leaders write the Bible Studies; the sessions are field-test ed and proven effective with real-world teenagers. Thematic Listing Not every song on every CD has a Bible Study written for it. That doesn’t mean you can’t use those other songs in your ministry with students. Modern Worship Section In this section you’ll find encouraging and enlightening resources to help you develop your youth’s worship ministry. You’ll find articles from recent SPIN versions of YLO or other worship leaders and Lead Sheets of songs from some of the CDs in this YLO. Although they are not really the kind of Lead Sheets most bands use, these pages of “lyrics with chords over them” are a great help when you want to teach the high school praise banda new tune. Many youth leaders tell us that the Lead Sheets are an invaluable resource. re:Tuned Take advantage of some popular secular songs to introduce a theme, supplement your regula Bible Study lesson, or outreach event. Use the opening questions and discussion ideas to get your students talking and thinking about the theme. Reviews Not every available contemporary Christian music CD can make it into the YLO box. So, we try to give you a taste of what else is available in your local store. Since interlínc often gets “pre-release” copies of upcoming CDs, we can give you a “heads up” to new releases that might be just right for you and your young friends. We hope this effort helps you reach and disciple more young people to be go-for-it Christians! Page 4 TRD >> Wisecracking Wiseguys 1 COMEDIANS ROUNDTABLE WISECRACKING WISEGUYS © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD << Wisecracking Wiseguys 2 COMEDIANS ROUNDTABLE TH MJ T E TWP Page 5 Tim Hawkins Michael Jr. Tommy (Skit Guys) Eddie (Skit Guys) Team WordPlay (Chris and Ryan) Through the wonder of technology, we were able to assemble this star-studded cast of Christian funny people – err, funny people who are Christians… umm, Christians who make people laugh. But they weren’t in the same room at the same time. Amazing! So listen in as we try to stump them with thoughtprovoking questions that are sure to generate some awesome conversation. What lets you know that a particular “concert” is gonna be a good one? TH T E T TWP MJ When people know who I am. That’s always a plus. It beats all those banquets I’ve performed at where I’ve had to prove I’m more interesting than lasagna and cheesecake. I guess it would depend on what kinda music you like. I’m fond of mostly 80’s music so I know it’s gonna be good if it’s REO Speed Wagon or Journey. Oh, and TobyMac – ’cause I’m a Christian. When the seats are all filled up, there’s been somewhat of a line that has been waiting, and then the anticipation is at fever pitch. You step onstage and you can do no wrong. That’s a good one. Our videos have really helped propel our “live” shows. People watch these videos and they want to see us live. It’s as if we’ve developed a relationship before we get to town. Ed, I think you misunderstood the question. There are so many factors that come into play. But it’s usually not about numbers of people, but how they are situated. Like cold sores, comedy is contagious, and the closer people are packed together, the more the laughs seem to come. Also if, at the appropriate time, the host holds up the “LAUGH NOW!” signs we always ship ahead, that usually helps. Most of the time if there is praise and worship beforehand, it is always a good one. And if people are laughing before I hit the stage. And if people are laughing during the show. And if they are laughing after the show. And if I get my money. And if the check clears. MJ “Christian Comedy” can be kind of like “Grape Nuts” – which is neither grapes nor nuts. What makes your comedy “Christian”? MJ TH E T E T TWP At the end of the evening, when you’re back in your room or in your car headed home, what makes you think, “Whoa! That was GREAT!”? TH T E T TWP I don’t need to think it. I’ve actually hired a guy who sits in the car and says, “Whoa! That was great!” It’s just how I like to do it. When I’m standing in the mirror sporting my Styx concert shirt. I usually think, “Whoa! That was great!” After one of our shows, we almost always stay and sign stuff and take pictures with people. That’s when the audience shares their stories – stories of how a particular skit, a certain phrase or sentence touched them or helped them through a difficult time. Again, it’s the relationship we have with these wonderful folks from city to city that makes it great. Seriously – who came up with these questions? They are confusing! We love having time to interact with the audience, not only during the show, but especially afterwards. Nothing makes us happier than when students come up to us and say, “I never thought about my Christian life in that way, but your sketch really made me think.” Also when the youth pastors tell us that the kids stayed up all night talking about whatever we spoke on that session. We love torturing the youth pastors. People’s stories about how they really needed laughter at that particular time really bless me on the ride home, at my hotel room, and beyond. I don’t know; you tell me. I kiss my finger and point to heaven after a joke goes well. There’s a definite message. It’s normally a “Christian” message. Our goal is not to be cheesy. We make no apologies about being “Christian”– we want it to be some of the best “Christian” stuff they've seen. Christian audiences don’t expect much. Sad to say, but it seems that the bar has been lowered when it comes to comedy and expectations in church. For too long, Christians have played it safe way too much when it comes to comedy. We try to have someone sitting out in an audience or in front of their computer to go, “I wasn’t expecting that!” Sometimes that’s the best compliment. We are Christians who do comedy. So that makes it Christian comedy by default. Much like jumbo shrimp is both large and small because it’s – never mind. That analogy didn’t work. Our comedy is Christian because we really don’t do anything in our act that is not designed to bring students into a closer relationship with their Creator. Laughter for the sake of laughter is great and there’s a little of that if we do an improv comedy concert but if, at the end of the day, we just made kids laugh and didn’t encourage them to grow closer to Christ, I think we’ve done them (and our ministry) a disservice. You’ve probably figured out which audiences will respond well to you and which ones won’t, so fill us in. Who do you really connect with, and whom do you have a harder time with? T E T E T Wouldn’t that be gossip? Talking about other people? Hmmmm… Amish people don’t really like us. I don’t know why. Maybe because they can’t look us up at and see our videos. Wow! That was both gossipy and a shameless plug! I know, right?! Seriously, we are “church boys” – we grew up in the church. We know our audience. We’ve been blessed to still be a voice to teenagers, adults, and even – yes –grandmas and grandpas. Our biggest fans are 9-year-olds. Mostly because we share their mentality! © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 6 TRD >> Wisecracking Wiseguys 3 COMEDIANS ROUNDTABLE E TH TWP MJ Actually, it seems these days that we have fans from all different age groups. We always look out and see what kind of crowd we have – kids, students, adults, seniors. Knowing your audience is huge and you tweak some of your content based on the audience, we’ve learned over the years to look at each other with confidence and just go out there and “do our thing.” I connect with most audiences. Except for those who really like lasagna and cheesecake. If we are going to be honest we need to admit that the audiences that we have the toughest time connecting with are those that don’t speak English. Also, those churches that have scriptural basis to label laughter as a great evil tend to be awkward. No, the only time we have trouble is when students think they are “too cool” to laugh, because we’re not that cool. We’re a couple of geeks, and if people can’t laugh with us, they should be able to at least laugh at us, but sometimes they won’t let down that guard. I think I connect with pretty much everyone as I get to perform on late night TV shows as well as early Sunday morning services, not to mention prisons and homeless shelters. But I once did a show at a retirement facility where the manager forgot to tell the residents to bring their hearing aids. That wasn’t fun; it was, however, very funny! When you’re home, what ministry activities are you involved in? TH I KISS MY FINGER AND POINT TO HEAVEN AFTER A JOKE GOES WELL. MJ TWP TWP --Tim Hawkins E T E T E TIM HAWKINS Since giving up his job as a grocery truck driver in 2002, Tim Hawkins has been forging the magical blend between two comedic ideals: a genuinely funny comedy show and one that caters to the entire family. Is the goal realistic? Hawkins believes so. With over 100 million views on YouTube, 120+ sold out shows every year, and a motley crew of loyal supporters, Tim has started a gut-busting grassroots revolution of multigenerational proportions. Read more at Website: Booking: © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 It’s called the Tim Hawkins Parent/Father Ministries. Would you like to make a donation? I also try to love my neighbor. His name is Eric. Playing with my kids, writing jokes, and playing basketball – that is ministry, right? (Chris) –I’ve been a Sunday School teacher for almost 10 years. I love studying scripture, and it often gives me ideas for new sketches. I always come away learning more than I feel I teach. It’s quite a racket! (Ryan) – I coordinate a men’s group called “Mandate: Man Date” that brings dudes and dads off the couch and around my back yard fire pit to tell lies about fishing but also to check in about marriage, kids, and other moderately important stuff. I also am involved in my church with a program to implement the arts into Sunday morning service. Badminton and watching re-runs of Silver Spoons. Little Ricky Schroeder is so good. I don’t think those are really ministry activities, are they? Nah, I guess not. Truly not trying to sound like a “cliché” but when we are home our biggest “ministry” is to our family. When we are home, we try to focus on them more than anything. We also both help out at our home churches. We feel like our home church is our “comedy club” where we can try out new stuff. And we watch Silver Spoons. Note to self: How do we make this a ministry? TRD << Wisecracking Wiseguys 4 COMEDIANS ROUNDTABLE Page 7 MICHAEL JR. Hailed as one of today’s most gifted comedians, Michael’s entry into comedy was almost preordained. Years ago in a crowded Grand Rapids, Michigan movie theater, the projector malfunctioned. The film snapped, the house lights came on, and acting on a dare, young Michael jumped in front of the restless crowd and took center stage. When the theater manager tried to usher him out, the audience demanded he stay – and Michael Jr. discovered his gift. He has appeared on The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, The Late, Late Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live, and the list goes on. Michael says it well - “If I’m in a club, my material has to be clean enough to work in a church. If I’m in a pulpit, it has to be funny enough to work in a club.” Read more at Website: Booking What would you like to see as the result of your efforts? TH T E T TWP MJ Exactly. We’re hoping for world domination. If we can reach them when they are students, then we can make them follow us when they are of voting age. We believe laughter brings down walls for truth to enter. We grew up on John Hughes movies. The writing was so well done and the characters were people you knew in high school and the sound track was something you wish you had playing when you walked around school – those were the movies that made us laugh – and then there was always the moment you felt like these characters were reading your mail. John Hughes had such a way to nail the emotion. Because we laughed, when the emotional “dip” came we were moved. I hope that’s what we do with students and adults and kids alike. We did “Gods Chisel” (one of our favorite skits/videos) for an audience and this 80-year-old man came up to me, grabbed my hand, and with tears misting up in his eyes said, “That’s one of the best sermons I’ve ever heard.” Either that guy was Amish and didn’t get out much, or we connected with him through laughter and the truth from Gods Word. Love that! Plus, because of his age, we are one vote closer to world domination! We understand that many of the students that we encounter are getting ready to move into an environment that is hostile toward the gospel, whether it is high school, college, or life. Our hope is that we have helped to equip them with some tools and encouraged them to grow more confident in their relationship with Christ so that they can weather the coming storms. I want students to see my gift at its greatest level and realize that God has blessed them with an equally valuable gift and to fully utilize it for His kingdom I WANT STUDENTS TO REALIZE GOD HAS BLESSED THEM WITH AN EQUALLY VALUABLE GIFT --Michael Jr. If you could share the stage with anyone – a band, a speaker, another comedian, or whomever (but not the Sunday School answer) – who comes to your mind first? E T MJ TH TWP Jesus! That was the Sunday School answer. Steve, the dude at Starbucks. He is not very funny and not overly talented, and I like all the attention I can get. Other than that, my wife. She is brilliant, beautiful, and makes me even better. Rachel Ray. Because even if the show goes poorly, there’ll be an inexpensive meal, most likely. (Chris) I’m going to have to go with Rasputin, because while the beard may have looked kind of creepy, I just have this bizarre idea that the guy would have been killer at improv. But in all seriousness, I’m a big fan of Franklin Graham and I’ve heard he can make his armpit sound like a circus seal. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD >> Wisecracking Wiseguys 5 COMEDIANS ROUNDTABLE Page 8 TWP E T E T (Ryan) I’m so shocked that you didn’t say, “I would never want to share the stage with anyone other than Ryan.” I can hardly breathe! Anyway, I’ll try. I have this pipe dream of bringing Team WordPlay, Skit Guys, Tim Hawkins, and Michael Jr. on stage together for a cagematch-to-the-death comedy event. Okay, maybe no bloodshed, but can you imagine? With all seriousness, when we were doing skits in school (we’ve been friends since high school), we had a friend who told us, “Just picture Jesus on the front row – laughing, tearing up, loving watching you two using your gifts and talents.” I’ve never forgotten that. I hope we live up to that as we “share” the stage with the One who gave us the talents. We’d love to do a skit with someone like Tim Conway. We grew up watching the “The Carol Burnett Show.” Most of the X’ers and Y’ers don’t know much about that type of sketch comedy that was just sooo funny and clean. We get told a lot, “You two remind me of Harvey Korman and Tim Conway.” That’s the ultimate compliment. They were class acts and so funny – and the way Harvey would crack up on stage at Tim Conway… Tommy is always throwing in new stuff, and I laugh almost every time. Anyone know how we could get in touch with Tim Conway? SKIT GUYS Tommy Woodard and Eddie James have been best friends since high school. Think of them as the wise guys in class who had everyone laughing and managed to make a career out of it. They’ve been teaching God’s Word using comedy, drama, and whatever category talking Action Figures fit into, for over twenty years. Read more Website: Booking: 877-SKIT-GUYS OUR BIGGEST FANS ARE 9-YEAR-OLDS. MOSTLY BECAUSE WE SHARE THEIR MENTALITY! --Tommy and Eddie © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 What would you like youth leaders to know about you that they wouldn’t be able to learn from your website or YouTube videos? TH MJ T E T E T E TWP I smell great. That I’m actually Asian. Our website? Oh, you mean Ha! Shameless plug. I learned it by watching you! We are husbands and dads first. We love what we get to do but it will never outweigh our families. No success, money, or opportunities will take the place of our wives and kids. People that bring us in have probably experienced a little bit of that – when we are done in a city –- we are on the first plane back to our families. We miss out on some great fellowship with the body of Christ but we have our kiddos in our homes for only a short time. We need to do that justice. Plus those other people can still stay connected with us at…! Ha! You did it again! Maybe that our comedy is almost always surrounded by a good deal of teaching. We do very little comedy for its own sake. More and more Team WordPlay is asked to do the teaching and the comedy at the events to which we are invited, so organizers can kill two birds with one stone. TRD << Wisecracking Wiseguys 6 COMEDIANS ROUNDTABLE Does your wife still laugh at your jokes? TWP TWP TH MJ T E (Chris) That would imply that my wife has EVER laughed at any of my jokes. That’s actually my measuring bar for comedy – if I can make her crack a smile, I know the students will roll. (Ryan) Yes, sometimes I think it’s going to be a belly laugh and it’s just a chuckle. Other times it’s just the opposite. In other words, I’ve still got it! Truth be told, she’s the funny one. I steal her jokes and pass them off as mine. Let’s just say I give her several reasons to laugh. But my jokes? Only when she thinks they’re funny. Her feedback is usually right-on. She does if I look at her while I am on stage. My wife is my best friend and my biggest fan! She actually still laughs at my jokes and thinks I’m funny. My wife is funnier than I am. People are always commenting on her Facebook page, “Now I know where your husband gets his material.” Ouch. TEAM WORLDPLAY Team WordPlay is a comedy/drama ministry team formed by Ryan O’Quinn and Chris Woolsey who are Los Angeles-based professional actors. When not appearing in films, TV shows, or commercials, they are committed to traveling the country providing top quality biblically-driven skits, improvs, and sermons to churches and youth groups. Seeing this group bring characters to life is something you will not soon forget! Read more at Page 9 You make fun of stuff Christians do or think. Why is laughing at itself healthy for the church? MJ T E T E T E T E TWP TH Because kids need their vitamins and laughter is like medicine. The more we are open to laughing at ourselves, the more open we are to others. I think the Apostle Paul said it best when he said, “A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down.” I don’t think that was Paul. I am pretty sure it was. That was Mary Poppins. She may have been quoting Paul. I don’t think so. Okay, how about this: If we can be a mirror to our “holy huddle” – all the better. That’s better. We know that the truth may hurt but if we can laugh about it and then go, “Yeah, I do that. I need to change that. God help me to change that.” That’s what they have going for them – God. I guess that’s why it’s called Christian Comedy… I think it is important for Christian kids to laugh at themselves so that they can grow into Christian adults that laugh at themselves. As Christians, we need to be able to laugh at ourselves in order to keep a humble perspective. We are far from perfect and the more that we can recognize that, the more that we can be accepting and gracious of the shortcomings of everyone else in our lives. I say if you can’t laugh at yourself, laugh at other people. I think the church should laugh at itself, with itself, near itself, whatever. Honor God and help people. Website: Booking: Gresham Hill 615-258-4646 IF I CAN MAKE HER CRACK A SMILE, I KNOW THE STUDENTS WILL ROLL. --Team WorldPlay © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 10 TRD Humor Is Serious Business FEATURE ARTICLE >> By Doug Hutchcraft The Doug and Jon Show Psalm 126:2 and Job 8:21 directly link laughter as a result of God’s blessing. Even so, humor sometimes gets a bad rap in church and ministry circles because we’ve seen it used so many times in ways that don’t glorify God. When utilized within God’s boundaries though (see Ephesians 5:4 to read how much God doesn’t laugh at bathroom humor), laughter is simply too great of a gift and too powerful a communication weapon to not harness for God’s glory. Laughter is one of God’s greatest creations. Used creatively and effectively, it can attract people from all walks of life to His truth and ultimately, the Gospel. I’ve seen God at work through humor firsthand. It’s one of the reasons more than 30,000 young people from 90 countries have prayed to receive Christ on It’s a primary reason 115,000 Facebook fans keep us in their news feeds. Yes, we share the Gospel – but we win a young person’s trust first by sharing some laughs. Laughs break the ice. When communicating, in some cases you’ve got maybe 30 seconds before a person, especially a young person, decide s whether they relate to you and will listen to what you have to say. When you start a conversation with a shared laugh, you can break down invisible walls in an instant. We’ve Gotta Start Taking Humor More Seriously! Laughs change negative perceptions. We live in a world full of people that believe Christians are all Mr. and Mrs. Judge-ingtons. Their perception is we want to yell at them because they have sin in their lives. One shared laugh at our ow n shortcomings can communicate we’re not all the sticks in the mud they perceive us to be. Laughs can help effectively communicate hard truths. Recently I taught at a church from Proverbs 4:23 on guarding your heart. I used a funny illustration about how there’s a stretch on Interstate 40 in Texas that assaults your nasal cavity because of all the cow farms in the community. Somehow though, the folks that li ve there don’t smell it because they’re used to it. From there I turned the corner into Christians not being able to “smell” the kind of entertainment that is offensive to God because we’re so accustomed to it. I call communicating hard truths this way as “putting velvet on a brick.” You don’t water down the hard truth — but you get people thinking about it on a deeper level because you delivered it in an entertaining and unexpected way. Not every truth in God’s Word is appropriate to illustrate with humor, but it’s wise to consider utilizing humor in ones where it works. So laugh a little, and invite others to crack up with you! It’ll bring a bright spot into their day, and it might even give them a glimpse into the joy that comes from following such a great Savior. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD Laughing Savior FEATURE ARTICLE << Page 11 THE LAUGHING SAVIOR by Rick Bundschuh Kalaheo Christian Fellowship Kauai, HI I’ve seen lots of paintings of Jesus in my life. I’ve seen Him drawn as a somber person and as a suffering person. I’ve seen paintings that show Him slightly ticked off, and really ticked off. I’ve seen Him depicted with a look of compassion and tenderness. Many times I have seen Him painted with a profound or wise bearing. (I especially like the way the old painters made Him strike a pose with His hands!) I’ve seen Him sketched with a gentle, warm expression; and I have seen Him pictured as weak, whipped and weary far more times than I wish to count. But as I thumb through the pictures that illustrate the Bibles we have lying around the house, I have yet to see an illustration of Jesus with His head thrown back in laughter. I have never seen Him painted with a sly, mischievous, practical-joker smirk on His face. I have never seen a drawing of Jesus that shows Him doubled over splitting a gut — or with the giggles — or with eyes watering from uncontrollable fits of hilarity. If all I knew about Jesus came from these paintings, I would believe that He was so mewhat of a sourpuss — a serious curmudgeon with serious business on His mind. Always. One is never asked to ponder if Jesus laughed at Peter’s inability to hold his gas at a dinner party or if He was ever asked “Knock, knock” because, as God, He would always know who’s there! We are told that He was like us in every way. Although He was 100% man, and 100% God, He never sinned. Artists, and many religiou s folk, would want us believe that He never laughed either. Now we can’t tell for sure if Jesus cracked up at a good joke. But we can tell that He had a wicked (in the good way) sense of humor. If He didn’t laugh at the jokes of others, surely people were in stitches at some of the stories He told. Some of the funny stuff Jesus said is lost in translation. Some jokes, especially clev er puns, just don’t come off well when translated. Some of His jokes were regional in nature or dealt with local characters or times. In spite of this, we are left with some powerful evidence as to the hilarious comments of Christ. One might ask, “Why haven’t I seen any funny stuff in there?” even though he or she has been reading the Bible for some length of time. The answer is that we don’t see it beca use we don’t expect it to be there. Jesus often cast things in a humorous light when He taught. He would use wild imagery guaranteed to have folks guffawing. He lit into the religious leaders with stinging and uproarious satire. His words dance with mirth and teasing. Consider the superb use of absurd humor and hyperbole when He asked rhetorically “If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawd ust? If he asks for fish, do you scare him with a live snake on his plate?” (Matthew 7:9- 10, The Message) The silliness of the statement could not have done anything but bring chuckles to the crowd. Note how Jesus skewers the self-righteousness of the Pharisees with wry comments such as, “You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees! Frauds! You’re like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and th e flowers bright, but six feet down it’s all rotting bones and worm-eaten flesh.” (Matthew 23:27, The Message) When Jesus decided to give nicknames to His disciples, He did it just as a buddy would do — He gave a lovingly tease of a name. He called Peter “The Pebble” and to the hotheaded, grumbling James and John He hung the title “Sons of Thunder”. The names were laughable commentaries on the traits and foibles of His followers. Could anyone deliver with a straight face the li nes about a guy with a log in his eye trying to dig the speck of sawdust out of the eye of another? One can almost sense the comic timing if this passage were paraphrased just a bit; “So there’s this guy with a gargantuan log sticking outta his eye...” When we read the letters of Paul and the rest of boys, we have to sift to find any grains of humor. Their letters do not indicate that these men were pickl esucking Apostles. No doubt they were very healthy in the wit department, but their humor didn’t slide over much into their correspondence. But God built us with a sense of humor. He certainly must have a sense of humor — just look at some of the hilarious bodies wandering around the shopping mall.We need to laugh. In fact, human beings are the only creatures that laugh. The more carefree your soul, the more you laugh. That’s why kids, unburdened as they are by the weight of the world, laugh over 300 times a day. (Compare that figure to the sour, debt-ridden adult laugh count of around 15 times a day.Yikes!) I would humbly suggest that the lighter your yoke the quicker you joke. Or, put another way, perhaps the closer our proximity to our Lord the more we will be infected by the peals of Godly laughter that seem to be an overlooked part of His nature. Did Jesus crack jokes and cause laughter simply because He was human, or was He busting them up because He was Divine? Perhaps both. But I wouldn’t be surprised if we meet our Lord on “the other side” and He starts the conversation with, “Hey, did you hear the one about…” © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD >> HOA: TobyMac HEART OF THE ARTIST Page 12 The relationship between TobyMac and interlínc goes back a long way—almost twenty years, to be exact. In fact, you could call it a friendship, a partnership in using music to minister to high school kids. TobyMac has always been on the leading edge of Christian music. His life backs up the message of his music. He has a heart for youth leaders and a passion for young people. Here is an excerpt from a con versation that interlínc President Allen Weed and TobyMac had. Allen: What do you wish a youth worker would do in the two weeks before taking his or her group to one of your concerts? TobyMac: I encourage them to look for something more than just the party. Of course we are going to have a party and we are going to drop the joy bomb, but there is something more there – if you look for it you will find it. Th ere is something deeper, whether it’s a deeper pursuit of happiness, or bringing a friend that has never heard about that hope they can have in Christ. I love when people bring their friends because they may fall in love with the music and that may create an opportunity for God to do something really cool. tonight. What’s going to happen tonight at the concert? How many times have I decided to do something, to walk more deeply and to be a better man? How many times have I slipped in that and let it go for a season and stopped trying? Then it’s like that old school analogy: I had to get back on the horse. There’s something powerful about saying, “I’m starting tonight. Everything is changing tonight.” (In my concert I want to tell people), “You can choose to leave this night the same, or you can decide to leave this concert different.” My hope is that people always leave different. When you guys get back on the bus after a concert, what makes you say, “That was AWESOME!”? We look for connection, energy, the intensity of the crowd, and the crowd singing lyrics back to us. All of that means something, but at the end of the day all of us look for a connection. Diverse City is a band that is looking to connect with people’s lives. Sometimes it is someone looking at you while you are playing. Sometimes they are weeping, sometimes they are full of joy, sometimes they are singing along with you. That connection is what moves us. That is when we know that our music is resonating with people’s lives. TobyMac What do you hope kids will walk out the back door with at end of your concert? I hope that people walk out of the concert not with TobyMac’s name on their lips but with Jesus’ name on their lips. I hope that they decide to pursue Christ more passionately, to love people more intently, and to look for a vision in their life that they can pursue. What do you have in mind when you sing, “If you gotta start somewhere, why not here? If you gotta start sometime, why not now?” The reason I say, “If you gotta to sta rt somewhere why not here?” and “Tonight’s the night” is because (for me) it starts tonight. I have always believed there’s no better time to change than right now. I know music can’t change the world, but I do believe that God chooses to use music. A concert experience –that’s where everything goes down for me. That’s where everything happens. That’s where I present what God is putting on my heart. That ’s also my moment to flex the creative gifts God has given me. I look at things in light of It’s more than just entertainment. Sure we entertain – I want our concert to be bangin’, and I want it to compete with any concert out there. I want it to be completely entertaining, but the connection with lives is what we are looking for. We all get it a little differently, s ometimes we are looking for someone that we can see is hurting, and to lock eyes and to speak into their soul through the way we play an instrument. Other guys are focused on someone that is full of joy. We are the body of Christ, so we all do it a little differently. But, I can say the one word we are looking for is “connection.” You have been at this for a while. What do you do to maintain your energy? Having physical energy comes from staying physically fit. I continue to play basketball, run marathons, and stay in the game as far as sports go. Also, the people around me dictate my energy level. Some people drain you, and some people build you up and energize you. I look for that kind of (energizing) people in my life. The ultimate thing that gives me vision is God’s Word. When I open up God’s Word, o r a book that explains God’s Word, when I hold my life up to those inspiring thoughts, I am energized. Check out the Rachel Chang Bible Study materials on page 40. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD HOA: MANAFEST HEART OF THE ARTIST << Page 13 MANAFEST Scott Osterbind had a chance to interact with Manafest to get some behind-the-scenes looks at this talented and popular artist. Listen in… How did you get involved in music, and how has that brought you to where you are today? I’m from Toronto, Canada and live in California now. I have been doing music full time for over eight years. I do rock music and a lot of people compare me to the band Linkin Park or Rage Against the Machine – heavy rock stuff with some big hooks. I travel anywhere from 100 to 200 days a year and I love what I do. What is the main theme of your new album, Fighter? I lost my dad to suicide when I was five years old, but even stemming from fighting through that and also being in the music industry I have fallen down a lot. I’ve really held onto Proverbs 24:16, “Even though a righteous man falls down seven times, he gets up and goes again.” Sometimes, we just have to get up when we don’t have anything to hold on to. Even if it’s a dream or only a small light we have to keep walking towards it and keep pulling ourselves up. That’s the theme of the record – inspiration from the tragedies and hurt that we all deal with. You have toured with groups like Thousand Foot Krutch and RED. Are there any cool stories that stick out in your mind from that experience? Trevor from Thousand Foot Krutch and I had a really awesome devotion one day. We listened to some worship music, read a couple of Scriptures, and prayed. That was just a really powerful moment – it was awesome. I also had a kid come up to me and talk to me about losing his dad as well and how to deal with it. I just said, “God, and time.” It was a really awesome moment and I was able to give the kid a hug and he felt really encouraged and now he can go and encourage someone else. He can say, “I went through some stuff, but look at me now. I’m doing great – and you are going to do great, too.” Yo u have travelled to places like China and Japan. How is that different from when you have concerts in the United States? There is not really a Christian music scene outside of the U.S. I usually have a translator when I go to a different country. With a different language you definitely have to speak slowly and pick up a few words of their language. In most countries I travel to, English is their second l anguage. We tailor the messages in a way that relates to people. You don’t often have a lot of time, so have to tell it to them real to have an impact. When a student listens to your album, watches one of your music videos, or even sees you in concert, what do you want him or her to walk away with? I want to inspire hope for them to keep going. I love it when they are rockin’ out, but I love to interweave m essages of realness and issues that people deal with on a real level. I want to bring resolutions to it. That’s God, love, forgiveness – and to point them to things like that because hate and bitterness will wreck you. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 14 TRD >> HOA: FireFlight HEART OF THE ARTIST FIREFLIGHT interlínc’s Scott Osterbind got to pose some questions to Dawn Michele, the lead singer of Fireflight, about the heart and ministry behind the music of What message are you hoping to convey with this new record? We are hoping to inspire a movement to leaving behind the things that entangle us and reaching out to those whom God wants us to love. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy our lives and we let him do so by becoming slaves to the past and our fears. With the power of God, we can break free from the past and begin to impact our communities to make lasting change for the kingdom of God. Now is the time to make ou r future what we want it to be. Nine Lashes You couldn’t have picked a better opening song than “ Stay Close.” Often, we allow ourselves to get stuck in our past. How does this song encourage your listeners to move forward? We so easily get caught in a cycle of rehearsing our fears and mistakes. Before we know it, our past controls our future. We have to realize that only God has the power to help us heal from the things we cannot change. More important than anything, we have to draw close to God, and when we do, He will lead us to freedom and growth.You often write songs that relate to your personal experiences, but how has your tight relationship with your fans helped inspire your music? So many people have opened their hearts and shared their stories with us – their their defeats, and most important Toothvictories, & Nail Records’ newest band, Nine Lashes,ly visited interlínc’s home their journeys in-between. office in Franklin, Tennessee recently. These guys are so excited to get their music into the hands of youth leaders; they have a big heart behind their hardcore music. Here is a portion of their conversation with interlínc staffer, Scott Osterbind. How did a festival promoter help you get a record deal? We were just trying to get a concert scheduled. There’s a promoter who organizes a festival in our hometown, and we sent our album to him hoping he would let us play. He liked the music, but the first thing he asked was, “Can you do it live?” We asked him to come to our next concert and see for himself. He came but had a prior engagement, so when he left in the midd le of our set, we thought “He hated it.” Through all this we had no clue that this man had worked with Trevor McNevon from Thousand Foot Krutch, to whom he sent our album – also without our knowledge. Trevor had time to listen to it because he was at home resting from a ruptured appendix. Long story short, God was involved and no TFK singers were harmed during the creation of this story. Your World We View album is a nice blend of indie, modern, alternative, and even screamo rock. How excited were you to work with Ryan Clark of Demon Hunter on the song, “Our Darkest Day”? Very excited. We were really just wishing out loud about him guest appearing on our album. The next thing you know, Aaron Sprinkle was on the phone making it happen. Check out the Nine Lashes Bible Study materials on page 34. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 We can’t help but draw inspiration from their heroic struggles. Their experiences and perspectives join with our own and are woven throughout the themes and subjects of all our songs. From what I can tell, you make a huge effort to counsel and encourage many young people that come your way. Who does that same thing for you? We are blessed to have the wise counsel of the great Porter’s Call Organization of Nashville. We find it absolutely key to submit ourselves to the wisdom and guidance of Christian counseling as well as the wise counsel of friends, family, and mentors. What is Fireflight most excited about this year, and how can youth leaders be praying for you? We are most excited about the message of this new album, and we have a gre at desire to see it encourage as many as possible to rise to new heights in both their own personal freedom from bondage and in acting to impact others through the Love of Jesus. What is the overall theme that ties World We View together? Basically, what you see around you is not your final destination. Dreams can be achieved. Goals can be reached. Worlds can be changed. With God, all things are possible. There are many themes throughout the songs, but this is the one that you see over and over. The name Nine Lashes is a reference to the “Cat of Nine Tails” whip used on Jesus. What Scripture inspired your band name and the album’s title? The Bible speaks of how Jesus’ torture was for our benefit. Everything He went through was to restore us to our Father in heaven. We never want to forget this. When someone leaves your concert or listens to your album, what do you hope they understand? We want them to understand that God is a living being, that understands you, hears you, teaches you, guides you, comforts you, laughs with you, cries wit h you, and walks with you. He doesn’t want you to have the right words in your prayers or the right answers for your friends; He only wants your honesty. He wants you to be real with Him and trust Him. All other things will fall into place when we do that. HUMOR Tickling The Universal Funny-Bone Of Youth Ministry Hilarious Videos That Will Have Kids Laughing While Learning YOU’RE GONNA WANT EXTRA COPIES OF THIS SPECIAL “HUMOR” EDITION YLO TO GIVE TO YOUR VOLUNTEERS! Videos, Discussion Starters, Comedian Roundtable, Articles SkitGuys, Tim Hawkins, Michael Jr., Team WordPlay, Bean & Bailey Plus New Music and Bible Studies From TobyMac, Kutless, Fireflight Special Price $19.95! Plus shipping. Limited quantities. While supplies last. Call 800-725-3300 or email [email protected] Page>> HUMOR DVD 16 INTRODUCTION HUMOR Tickling The Universal Funny-Bone Of Youth Ministry By: Ken McCoy JumpStart Ministries Escondido, California [email protected] “Dude. You should be a comedian!” I had just finished making a presentation about guy/girl relationships at a local high school and was doing the “meet and greet at the door as the kids leave” thing, when a young guy gave me that compliment. I was thrilled! But then he said, “You totally have me thinking about stuff I’ve never heard before. Thanks.” Now THERE was the compliment I was hoping for! You can probably relate. Since you’re around teenagers a lot, you know that there is nothing worse than being “boring.” (I love the title of a classic youth ministry book I have: It’s A Sin To Bore A Kid.) We spend a LOT of effort to avoid “boring” – and humor is one of the best tools we have in our toolbox. You’ll love the videos included on the HUMOR DVD – they come from some of the most-talented Christian comedians we know. Their styles range from pure stand-up comedy to poignant vignettes. The videos are short enough for you to use to introduce a topic. Not that every youth leader is naturally funny. (But, a surprising proportion of us did grow up as the class clown!) There’s nothing quite so sad, or embarrassing, as to watch a youth leader trying valiantly to be hip and funny but not quite pulling it off. And so, many of us rely on those who are born comedians to create the resources we can use to inject humor into our ministries. (As Tim Hawkins says, “There’s nothing different about you and me except I have a microphone – and talent.”) That’s where these Discussion Guides will be especially helpful for you. We’ve put together these nine Discussion Guides to help you integrate the funny stuff into teaching your students God’s truth. Have this magazine open to these pages as you watch the videos. You’ll see how powerful humor can be! © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 << HUMOR DVDPage discussion GUIDES Tad: The Most Annoying Kid In The Youth Group The Skinny On Evangelism 17 Things That Creep Me Out Skit Guys Skit Guys Tim Hawkins By: Jacob Fasig McKendree UMC Nashville, Tennessee [email protected] By: Jacob Fasig McKendree UMC Nashville, Tennessee [email protected] By: Mark Pittman interlínc San Diego, California [email protected] Teaching Point: Use this video as a discussion starter with other youthworkers. The video highlights something we have all encountered – a student who is too much to handle. Teaching Point: Even though others might be off-putting in the way they spread the Gospel, we can’t back down from talking about Jesus. Teaching Point: There are just some weird and creepy things in the Bible... Opening Questions: •Have you ever had a time when you couldn’t invest any more – when you where worn out, exhausted, spiritually drained, and emotionally gone? •Have you ever tried to make an excuse for not taking time for a student that wears you out? What happened? How did you feel about that? •Have you had a kid that “cried wolf” so much that you didn’t know when to take him or her seriously? The Clip: Say something like, “Yeah, we’ve all had ‘those’ kinds of kids. Let’s watch a funny video about what really might be going on.” Show the clip. Transition: Explain that God has a habit of using the most unlikely people to further His Kingdom. The students that we would expect to have a huge impact might disappoint us, and those that we wouldn’t expect much from might surprise us. Let’s look at one example. Bible Study: Read Acts 2:14, 41. Peter, the guy who said and did what everyone was thinking – the guy who always had something say about everything – was the person upon which Jesus built His church. •When was a time you went into a conversation with a student expecting one thing and finding out something totally different – something life changing? •What happens when everything gets “real”? Those are the times we all live for – they is why we do what we do. We never know when it will happen – but when it does, we realize that God has prepared this relationship for this moment. •How do you stay focused on what could happen with each conversation, without being sucked into what usually happens? Opening Questions: •Have you ever been embarrassed by another Christian trying to spread the news about Jesus? Describe. •What do you feel about those people with a Christian fish on the back of their cars, but who cut you off on the freeway? Discussion: In this video we see different stereotypes of evangelists: The Strategist, The Amplified, The Liar, Banner Man, and the Lyricists. Each one has his or her own way to reach people with the Gospel. Each representation is very funny, unless you are one of them. Show the video. Transition: •If you where totally honest, which person are you most like? Why? •How do you talk with your friends about your faith? Bible Study: Read 2 Corinthians 9:13 and discuss: •What is the most effective way to share the gospel with other people? •Who, in your life, would you love to see confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior? •What will you do this week to reach out to that person? Conclusion: Explain that we can’t let unattractive stereotypes of evangelism keep us from sharing the Good News of peace with God. We just need to do it in the “style” that suits each of us. Conclusion: We need to be aware that there might be something important going on in the life of a student that makes itself known in uncomfortable ways. Let’s prayerfully trust the Holy Spirit to use us as a conduit for His love into each student He has entrusted to us. Opening Questions: What creeps you out? How did you first get creeped out by that? The Clip: We’re going to watch a really short and funny clip about a horrible kids’ song. This song, when we think about it, is pretty strange and creepy. Transition: Okay, I don’t know why a goat would have a thumb either. But there are some other creepy things in the Bible that you may want to know about, just for fun. Bible Study: (Read one or two – whatever you think your group can handle) Numbers 22:21-34 – Balaam’s donkey. Yes, just like Mr. Ed, we have a talking donkey! Acts 28:1-6 – Paul is trying to make a fire and gets bit by a snake. How long did Paul walk around with a snake on his hand for everyone to see? And what’s the best way to get a snake to let go of your hand? 1 Samuel 17:50-51 – Just like Noah’s ark, Goliath usually ends up on the ground with a stone in his head. Look closely at the verses – did the stone kill Goliath? What happened to Goliath’s head? Creepy, but there was no chance of him coming back to taunt or harm the Israelites. Conclusion: There are things in the Bible that are just creepy, but the great thing is that we can still see God at work. Just because something is hard or creepy does not mean that we stop. We have to continue to walk by faith knowing that God is bigger than our fear (or creepy-ness). © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Page>> HUMOR DVD 18 discussion GUIDES My Testimony The Not-So-FamilyFriendly Bible James Tim Hawkins Tim Hawkins Michael Jr. By: Mark Pittman interlínc San Diego, California [email protected] By: Mark Pittman interlínc San Diego, California [email protected] By: Todd Pearage The Gathering Dayton, Ohio [email protected] Teaching Point: Being content and confident in our own story. Understanding that we are to be a witness to what God has done in our life. Teaching Point: God intended the Bible to show how much He loves us and what He is willing to do to have a relationship with us. Teaching Point: We are called to follow Jesus’ example and not to compare ourselves to others. Opening Questions: Have you ever seen a car accident take place? If so, what did you see? Did you have to tell a police officer what you saw? Opening Questions: What is one of the craziest or freakiest news stories you have ever seen? Was it hard to believe at first? (Make sure you have one ready to share.) Which do you think people prefer: the news, or a nice movie? Why? The Clip: Play the clip and say something like “You’re going to watch a guy named Tim Hawkins be real (and funny) about how he lives out his story and makes mistakes in front of people.” The Clip: Say, “When we read the Bible, we find some things that are definitely not ‘family-friendly’. Let’s watch a video and be reminded, in a funny way, how real God’s Word is.” Transition: Ask the students to think about their own “God story” – good, boring, or even funny. Ask them what makes their “God story” theirs. Transition: Yeah, maybe we don’t want Noah’s ark on our wall – or at least leave the screaming people out. What are some other “very real” things that you can think of in the Bible that might not be “family-friendly”? Bible Study: John 9:1-41 – God wants us to share what He has done in our lives. What did the man say when asked about his healing? (v.15) Even after the blind man’s parents are brought in, he still states only the story of what Jesus did in his life. (v.25) The world (or we, ourselves) may make us feel that we don’t know enough to be talking about God. (v.16, 17, 24) How do we let pressure from the world keep us from talking about Jesus? What is amazing and wonderful about the simple sharing of the real things that God has done in our own lives? Simply sharing the story, not the reaction we get, is what is important. (v.34) Although the Pharisees threw him out, Jesus was not done with the healed man. (v.35) Jesus came back to him. How would you feel if you were that guy? Jesus treats you the same. He comes back for you. Conclusion: God will always work in us if we let Him. There are and will always be wonderful, honest, and simple stories to tell of His work in and through us. We do not have to be Billy Graham or have all of the Bible memorized. All we have to say is, “I once was _____ and now I’m ______.” Your story is yours for a reason – just open your mouth and share it! Bible Study: Read 2 Timothy 3:16. Explain these terms: •All Scripture. Not just some of it or just the parts we like. Tough part about “all scripture” can be wrestling with God and asking, “Why is this in here?” Even when we engage in that question, God is pleased and will be at work to help us better understand His Word. •God-Breathed. This means that God breathed (like He breathed life into Adam/Eve) exactly what He wanted into Scripture. Sure, men wrote it down, but God was at work through them. When we examine the consistency of the Bible though the many different human authors, we see clearly God’s “breathing” all over the Scripture. •Is Useful. The Bible has a purpose in our lives; it should do something for us and in us. A wise high school teacher would always ask us, after reading God’s Word, “So what?” Our job is to turn our brains on and begin (with the Holy Spirit’s help) to discover what God wants to do in our lives through what we read. Opening Questions: Has anyone ever said to you, “Why can’t you be more like _______?” How did that make you feel? Have you ever thought, “I wish I was more like _______?” What are some of the things we compare about ourselves with others? The Clip: Say, We are going to watch a really funny clip by Michael Jr. as he talks about the worst comparison EVER! Check it out.” Show the video. Transition: Say, “Oh man, seriously – how crazy would it have been to have Jesus for your older brother? You know how we always complain; “My parents think he/she is soooo perfect…” Well, Jesus WAS perfect!! UGH!! He NEVER did anything wrong!” Bible Study: What were the two miracles Michael Jr. used to show that Jesus and his younger brother James were different? Jesus doesn’t expect us to turn water into wine, walk on water, or be perfect. But He does expect us to follow His example. Read these Scriptures: 1 Peter 1:13-16 and Philippians 2:3-5. So, what are some ways we can be like Jesus? Conclusion: It’s a simple fact that we compare ourselves to just about everyone we meet. We compare our grades, our skills, our looks, and on and on. Sometimes we like how we compare to others, and sometimes we don’t. But when we compare ourselves to Jesus, we truly see just how far away from perfect we really are. Conclusion: When we look at the Bible as a whole (and really know what’s in there) we see some pretty messed up people, but God is not about just painting a neat, happy picture. He wants us to see that His love and grace will work with everyone. The Bible is His love story. He does what’s necessary to cover our sins and bring us back into the relationship with Him. Jesus knows we will never measure up to His perfection, but He calls us to follow His example to the best of our ability. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 << HUMOR DVDPage discussion GUIDES Lizard Face The Croc Hunter 19 Many Faces Michael Jr. Team WordPlay Team WordPlay By: Jacob Fasig McKendree UMC Nashville, Tennessee [email protected] By: Jacob Fasig McKendree UMC Nashville, Tennessee [email protected] By: Todd Pearage The Gathering Dayton, Ohio [email protected] Teaching Point: This Discussion Guide should challenge your group to think about how they are reflecting their faith each day. Teaching Point: Your students may be the only Bible someone reads. Use this Discussion Starter to encourage your students to be Jesus’ representatives. Opening Questions: Opening Questions: •Do you remember who Steve Irwin was? (If they need some reminding try this: watch?v=mlDXZywedvc) Teaching Point: We get exhausted running through our day and trying to please all the different people in our lives instead of just doing the one thing to please the One who loves us the most. •Have you ever found yourself making faces at people unintentionally? •Have you ever gotten caught staring into space but really looking directly at someone? What happened when your eyes met? The Clip: Say, “This clip is a segment from one of Michael Jr.’s stand up routines. It’s about something we all do, and after you’ve watched it you’ll be checking your face for days to come.” Show the video. Transition: •Tell us about a time when you got caught staring at someone. What did you do? •Have you ever made the “Lizard Face”? •What does your “Lizard Face” look like when you do it? (Show us!) Bible Study: Read Acts 14:8-10. While Paul was teaching he looked directly at a man who had been lame from birth. When Paul saw his faith, he told the man to stand up on his feet – and the man was healed! Discuss: •Imagine that Paul turns to look at you – could he see your faith, or would he see a “Lizard Face”? Why or why not? •Paul healed a guy because of that man’s faith. What if you were in the room and you didn’t get healed after Paul looked at you? What would that mean to you? •Steve was “over the top.” What are you are “over the top” excited about? The Clip: Say, “This video shows Team WordPlay live at one of their shows. We join them in this clip as they do ‘The Croc Hunter’.” Show the video. Transition: Say, “Sometimes, being so over the top about your faith can be scary. You might be worried about frightening people off or pushing them away, but there are things you can do to show your faith appropriately to people you meet. Let’s take a look at what the Bible says.” Bible Study Read Colossians 3:1-4. Paul turns the corner from a theology lesson to practical application. Discuss: •What are some things that are NOT honoring to God? •What things ARE honoring to God? •How can we “edit out” that which doesn’t glorify and honor God? •How can you let everything you say or do show honor and glory to God? •How can others see your faith this week? •If you are the only “Bible” that people will read, what do you think they’re learning from watching your example? Conclusion: As you walk about, people look at you – you make eye contact, you make polite comments, and may even make gestures toward people you know. All of these things can be a reflection of your faith. You have an opportunity with each person you pass to show your faith, or to put on a different or false face. Choose to reflect your faith in Jesus Christ! Conclusion: How can you be a better reflection of the living Christ this week? There might be ways that you don’t honor God – in sports, in private, or in school. You might have places where you feel more comfortable about sharing your faith than others. The challenge this week is to honor God in ALL you say and do. Choose to tirelessly pursue honoring God with your life! Opening Questions: Do you remember when you were younger and you played “Make Believe”? Who did you like to dress up as? Today you probably don’t tie a blanket around your neck and run around the house or wear a princess outfit, but we all struggle with being who God created us to be. The Clip: Say, “Let’s watch this funny clip from Team WordPlay that shows how ridiculous and exhausting pretending to be someone else can be.” Show the video. Transition: •Okay, so maybe we don’t imitate presidents or actors. But, who else do we try to emulate? •What are some of the things we copy of other people? (Clothes, haircuts, music, etc.) Bible Study: Say, “We all struggle with imitating other people, but Paul tells us in Ephesians 5:1 to ‘Imitate God, in everything you do, because you are His dear children.’ What are some ways in which we can imitate God?” “Team WordPlay also said that God made us to do one thing; do you remember what that one thing was?” (Bring Him glory.) Read 1 Corinthians 10:31. •What do you think “bring God glory” means? •Does everything we do bring Him glory? •Do you see how imitating others instead of imitating God is not only exhausting, but also that it robs God of His glory? •What are some things we can do this week to glorify God with our lives? Conclusion: We need to stop putting so much energy into trying to act and look like other people, and instead focus on being who God created us to be and doing what God created us to do. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 20 BLUETREE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: BLUETREE EXCHANGECHURCHBELFAST.COM KINGDOM EXCHANGE MEDIA JESUS HEALER ERIC GARGUS Theme Healing utilize the blank space on the Student Guide to jot down lyrics that grab their attention. Play the song. •How can a person experience God’s love? (know Him, talk to Him, build a relationship) Objective Transition •What did Jesus tell them since they continued to freak out even in His presence? (Don’t be afraid; take courage because He’s there.) Students will understand better the depth of God’s healing. Warm Up If, Then, Fill In – Hand out Student Guides and pens. Either assign teams a statement or two to ponder and complete, or talk through each statement as a group. The goal is to stir creativity, solve issues ranging from the trivial to the important, and get students thinking about their concepts of healing. Encourage discussion about the students’ choices for the blanks. Transition Explain that healing is an often-misunderstood subject. Ask, “What do you think of when you hear the word ‘healing’?” Discuss. “Why do some people get physically healed while others do not?” The Song The Irish worship band Bluetree’s song called “Jesus Healer” was inspired by a sermon series at their church in Belfast—and founding member/songwriter Aaron Loyd’s daughter’s battle with cystic fibrosis. Encourage students to Ask, “What lyrics really stand out to you in the song?” Then ask, “What do you think is the meaning of this song?” Finally ask, “Do you believe healing is much bigger than just the physical?” Challenge students to explain their responses. Then either divide into the same groups your students were in for the Warm Up, or work through the Bible study section together. Bible Study Have students read their passage, discuss the questions, and then share their responses with the rest of the group. Lyrical phrases from the song are in italics to begin each section. His body broken, broken for the world – Mark 6:47-51 •Describe the setting. (lake, late night, small boat, big storm) •How did Jesus react to the disciples’ imminent danger? (walked—on water—into the danger zone!) •Why would He intend to go on past their boat? (Maybe to see whether His presence in the storm calmed them.) •Would you be calmed by Jesus being in the storm with you? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Jesus, Jesus, Healer, Be lifted up – Mark 6:53-56 •Describe how the people acted when they recognized Jesus. (excited, relieved, desiring healing) MARIE BAPTIST CHURCH DUBLIN, GEORGIA [email protected] The cross defeated all our sickness and pain, we’re ransomed by the King – Romans 5:6-11 •What is the most helpless you’ve ever felt? •How might seeing Jesus heal all kinds of diseases affect you? Explain. •Would you give up your life so someone else could live? Even your worst enemy? Explain. •Who was healed? (all who touched Him, even the fringe of his robe!) •Were there any perfect people when Christ went to the cross? Explain. •What kind of response would Jesus get today if He walked into town? Would anyone notice? •How does a person make friends with God? (talk to Him, get to know Him) •How might witnessing Jesus heal someone else change a person’s life? (belief, trust) His body broken, broken for the world – Romans 5:3-5 •What are some problems that teenagers face? (stress, relationship issues, temptation) •How can these troubles make a person stronger? (perspective, endurance, better prepared next time) •What are some huge challenges teens might face? (rejection, physical ailments, money problems) •How might God bring healing to problems and challenges? (provide peace, be with you in the storm) Wrap Up Explain that healing comes through knowing Jesus personally. Healing isn’t always physical. Every problem will eventually be healed when we go from this world into Heaven. Jesus never said He’d remove all our problems, but He did say that He’d go through them with us. We’re foolish to think that we won’t face pain and troubles since even Jesus had to endure pain – even unto death on the cross. Close with this prayer: “Dear Lord, remind me that You are with me in the storms of life. Help me accept that when earthly problems are not healed in this life, that you permanently heal them in eternity. Thank You for this amazing gift. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” Student Guide BLUETREE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: BLUETREE EXCHANGECHURCHBELFAST.COM KINGDOM EXCHANGE MEDIA JESUS HEALER HEALING If, Then, Fill In Below you will find several “If, Then, Fill In” statements plus room to write in some of your own. Enjoy! If __________ (a food you don’t like) tasted like ____________ (a food you like), then I’d eat it. If I could have only one hobby for the rest of my life, then I’d choose _______________. Bible Study His body broken, broken for the world – Mark 6:47-51 •Describe the setting. •How did Jesus react to the disciples’ imminent danger? •Would you be calmed by Jesus being in the storm with you? If I could banish one subject from school forever, then I’d banish ________________. •What did Jesus tell them since they continued to freak out even in His presence? If I could solve one world conflict, then I’d solve ___________________. If I could invent the cure for only two diseases, then I’d cure ______________ and ________________. If I had to define healing, then I’d define it as _____________________________________. If I could heal one person who is hurting right now, then I’d heal _______________________. •What are some problems that teenagers face? •How can these troubles make a person stronger? •What are some huge challenges teens might face? •Why would he intend to go on past their boat? If I could vacation anywhere in the world, then I’d go to ________________. If I could fix one broken thing that I own, then I’d fix __________________. His body broken, broken for the world – Romans 5:3-5 •How might God bring healing to problems and challenges? •How can a person experience God’s love? The Cross defeated all our sickness and pain, we’re ransomed by the King – Romans 5:6-11 Jesus, Jesus, Healer, Be lifted up – Mark 6:53-56 •What is the most helpless you’ve ever felt? •Describe how the people acted when they recognized Jesus. •How might it affect you seeing Jesus heal all kinds of disease? Explain. •Would you give up your life so someone else could live? Even your worst enemy? Explain. •Who was healed? •Were there any perfect people when Christ went to the cross? Explain. •What kind of response would Jesus get today if He walked into town? Would anyone notice? •How does a person make friends with God? •How might witnessing Jesus heal someone else change a person’s life? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 22 FIREFLIGHT Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Man Up Curriculum Lesson: Song: Study by: FIREFLIGHT FIREFLIGHTROCK.COM NOW ESSENTIAL RECORDS HE WEEPS TODD PEARAGE Theme The Song Bible Study Wrap Up Compassion Objective Students will understand that Jesus fully understands their pain. Warm Up Do You Remember? – Before your meeting, get a bunch of random pictures of nature, a city, etc. Insert those pictures into a media presentation and show the pictures for 15 seconds. Once the screen is blank ask 2-3 random trivia questions about the pictures. (“Do you remember how many clouds were in the sky?” or “Do you remember what color was the car?”) Have the students write down the answers and give a prize to the person with the best memory. Transition Say something like, “What this game tells me is that some of you have better memories than others. So when it comes to memorizing a Bible verse, how are you doing? Most of us probably know John 3:16 and Genesis 1:1. Now I’m going to give you another verse to memorize. I have a candy bar for whoever has this verse memorized by the end of this meeting.” Say, “Before I tell you what verse you will memorize, I want to play this new song by Fireflight for you. Originally from Florida, Fireflight has been making music since 1999. Now is the band’s fourth album; their other albums include Unbreakable (2008) and For Those Who Wait (2010) which was nominated for Best Rock/ Rap Gospel Album at the 53rd Grammys. What stands out the most about this band is their heart and their ministry. In interlínc’s ‘Heart of the Artist’ article, Dawn said, ‘I wanted to simply let you know about Fireflight’s mission: to spread the love of God through music to as many people as possible. The message we hope people will come away with when they listen to our music is that they will be energized and find new hope to break away from the things that have been keeping them from their full potential. If we could say one thing to this generation, it would be that God loves them and wants to talk.’ Let’s listen to this song called ‘He Weeps’.” © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Here is the verse I want you to memorize: John 11:35, “Jesus wept.” Yep, that’s it. It’s the shortest – but one of the more powerful – verse in the whole Bible. The Bible actually records three different times that Jesus cried – each time in a different place and for a different reason. Let’s look at each of these occasions in the life of Christ and see just what happened to make Jesus cry. Let’s read the stories and answer the following questions: Tears Of Sadness: John 11:1-44 •What caused the tears? (The death of his friend Lazarus) •What experiences have caused you to cry tears of sympathy? Tears Of Hurt: Luke 19:41-44 •What caused the tears? (The rejection from the people of Jerusalem) •What experiences have caused you to cry tears of sorrow? (How have you been hurt?) Tears Of Struggle: Hebrews 5:7 •What caused the tears? (Jesus was preparing for his death) •What experiences have caused you to cry tears of struggle? (What difficulties have you faced?) THE GATHERING DAYTON, OHIO [email protected] What do Jesus’ tears teach us about our hurts and struggles? What we learn is that no matter what we face, no matter how painful it is, we can know that God has experienced a similar pain. We can know that He weeps with us. When I’m on my knees and I taste defeat, He weeps, He weeps. More importantly, we know according to Deuteronomy 31:6 (and the band): If today’s your darkest day and you can’t escape the pain, don’t be afraid, He will never walk away. Let’s pray and ask for God to bring comfort and peace no matter what tears you may be crying. Student Guide FIREFLIGHT Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: FIREFLIGHT FIREFLIGHTROCK.COM NOW ESSENTIAL RECORDS HE WEEPS COMPASSION Do You Remember? Tears Of Sadness Tears Of Hurt Tears Of Struggle John 11:1-44 Luke 19:41-44 Hebrews 5:7 What caused the tears? What caused the tears? What caused the tears? What experiences have caused you to cry tears of sympathy? What experiences have caused you to cry tears of sorrow? What experiences have caused you to cry tears of struggle? “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6 / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 24 FLAME Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: FLAME CLEARSIGHTMUSIC.COM THE 6TH CLEAR SIGHT MUSIC THE 6TH DAY JEFF WILLIAMSON Bible Study •How can you know, behold, and praise Him over the next 24 hours? Theme Life; Purpose/Meaning Objective Students will be reminded of the reason they were created: to know God, to behold Him, to praise Him. Warm Up The best toy ever invented that inspires creation is the Lego! Hand each student a pre-sorted bag of Legos. The directions are simple: “Create! Create any object, feeling, or event. You have a clean slate, imagination, and no restrictions. What will you create? What can you create?” Let the fun commence! When they are finished working, have each student describe his or her Lego creation and explain why it was created and what its purpose is. When they finish explaining, have them place their creations in the center of a table, with each next person connecting their creation to the previous one. This will continue until there is a huge Lego creation in the center of the table that will represent a visual of your students’ world and thoughts. Transition Have one of the students read Genesis 1:26-31 aloud. Pull out the following points: •We were all created in God’s image! •The creation of humankind was the highlight of His day! •As the sixth day came to a close, God saw everything as good! The Song Have students listen carefully to the song. Encourage them to pay close attention to any concepts or ideas that jump out at them about being the highlight of God’s creation, and how they should respond to it. Transition Did you hear these lyrics? The climax of creation but ended up falling. Greater than birds and beasts but we ended up crawlin’, and now our viceroys are in need of a pardon. The song mentions us as being the best of God’s creation! With being the best came certain expectations. We were made to know Him, to behold Him, and to praise Him! But we are fallen and need His pardon and forgiveness. So whatchu living for? Are you a true reflection of your Creator? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 While we are all indeed a reflection of God’s creation, there still was and is disappointment. At some point, our Lego creation will be broken and that will leave some of us sad. That is the same thing that happened to God’s creation. While He was pleased with what was created, there was the reality that His creation and humankind would be broken as well. Throughout all time, at some point, creation has gone from worshiping God to worshiping idols. Take a look at what God had Paul write about this issue: Romans 1:21-25. •Are you choosing to glorify God or others? •What nonsense are you involved in? •Have you exchanged the truth of God for a lie? Have the students answer the Think It Through questions: •Have you ever given any thought to why you exist? How do you feel when you are told or reminded that you were created to be a reflection of God? •You are a delight! God took pride in creating you! In a day when image is everything, do you see yourself as God does? UNION AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE [email protected] •Do these verses bring a smile to your face? •You have heard the words – what is your response? Wrap up Have the students contemplate their purpose again as you play the song. When the song ends, encourage the students to pray silently for their own understanding of what being a “reflection of His image” means to them. As the song repeats, encourage the students to approach the table and break out their part of the Lego creation. Have that piece of creation remind them that God does indeed delight in them; that He is just as proud of them as they are of their own creation. Student Guide FLAME Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: FLAME CLEARSIGHTMUSIC.COM THE 6TH CLEAR SIGHT MUSIC THE 6TH DAY LIFE; PURPOSE/MEANING We were made to know God, meant to behold Him, made to praise His holy name. It’s the reason we were made – what a good day! As an act of love and grace, God sent His Son. He gave His life for us. Genesis 1:26-31 • We were all ________________ in God’s image! Bible Study Romans 1:21-25 Are you choosing to _____________________ or You are a delight! God took pride in creating you! In a day when image is everything, do you see yourself as God does? • As the sixth day came to a close God saw everything as ________________ ! Listen carefully to the song “The 6th” by Flame. Pay close attention to any concepts or ideas that jump out at you about being the highlight of God’s creation, and how we should respond to it. Have you ever given any thought to why you exist? How do you feel when you are told or reminded that you were created to be a reflection of God? ________________? (vs. 21) • The creation of _______________ was the highlight of His day! The Song Think It Through What _____________________ are you involved in? How can you know, behold, and praise Him over the next 24 hours? (vs. 21) Do these verses bring a smile to your face? You have heard the words – what is your response? Have you exchanged the __________________ for a ___________? (vs. 25) Wrap Up Listen to the song again. When the song ends pray silently for your own understanding of what being a “reflection of His image” means to you. As the song repeats, approach the table and break out your part of the Lego creation. That piece of creation should remind you of this truth - that God does indeed delight in you just as you take delight in what you created. He is just as proud of you as you are of your own creation. / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 26 FLATFOOT 56 Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: FLATFOOT 56 FLATFOOT56.COM TOIL PAPER & PLASTICK I BELIEVE IT DAN SCHEWE Theme Transition Bible Study •Because of God’s great love for us, He saved us by grace through Jesus. Faith; Assurance Objective Students will affirm what they believe and how those beliefs tie us together. Warm Up One Fiction and Two Facts – This game is best played with some note cards. Hand each student three note cards. They are to write a statement about themselves on each of the cards – two that are true (facts) and one that is not (fiction). These can be experiences, accomplishments, thoughts, physical characteristics, beliefs, or anything about them. Then go around the room with each student laying their note cards in front of them. The rest of the group gets to try to figure out which ones are facts and fiction. If you have a large group you can ask for a few volunteers to present their three statements. Ask the students if they can think of any common beliefs that have been proven false (the earth being flat, the sun orbiting around the earth, Santa Claus is real, the Easter bunny lays chocolate eggs, etc.) Feel free to add your personal favorites. The Song Say, “Beliefs can change over time. While you listen to Flatfoot 56’s song about beliefs, try to pick out what they say they believe.” Hand out the Student Guides and play the song. Transition Ask the students to share what they think Flatfoot believes and if they agree or disagree with any of those claims. As your students will hopefully point out, this song is a collection of belief statements. Christians have a tradition of collecting and presenting statements of beliefs; we commonly call them “creeds.” There are a lot of them; the most common in our tradition is the Apostles’ Creed. Ask your students to write out the Apostles’ Creed on their Student Guides. If they are struggling with this let them work together or help them by saying it out loud as a group. Here are the missing words: God, almighty, creator, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Pontius Pilate, buried, dead, rose, ascended, seated, come, judge, Holy Spirit, Christian (some versions use “catholic” – small “c”), communion, forgiveness, resurrection, everlasting. There are many places in the Bible that help us understand what we believe. Ephesians 2:1-10 can be very helpful when contemplating beliefs. Ask one of your students to read the passage aloud while the other students try to pick out what it says about belief. Here are some ideas to share: •That we were dead in our sin, in the ways we used to live chasing after our own desires. •We deserved punishment for our behavior. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA [email protected] •God shows us His love by and through Jesus. •We are saved by grace, not by what we do. •We are called to do good things, but they do not save us. They flow out of the grace God has given us. Wrap Up Say “While some beliefs can and have changed over the years, God’s love remains the same. We are saved by grace, through faith (belief) – not by what we do, so we can’t say we did it on our own, but by what God has done for us through Jesus. This is a free gift from God. This grace pulls us to share it with everyone around us. We are inspired to do good things, but those acts do not save us – the wondrous grace of God does. While many things may change, this never will: you are saved by grace through faith, not works.” Close in prayer. Student Guide FLATFOOT 56 Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: FLATFOOT 56 FLATFOOT56.COM TOIL PAPER & PLASTICK I BELIEVE IT FAITH; ASSURANCE Beliefs What does Flatfoot 56 say they believe in this song? Tradition says we believe Apostles’ Creed I believe in ___________________ , the Father ___________________ , ___________________ of heaven and earth. I believe in ___________________ ___________________ , God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the ___________________ ___________________ , born of the virgin Mary suffered under ___________________ ___________________ , was crucified, died, and was ___________________ ; he descended to the ___________________ . On the third day he ___________________ again; he ___________________ into heaven, he is ___________________ at the right hand of the Father, and he will ___________________ again to ___________________ the living and the dead. I believe in the ___________________ , the holy ___________________ church, the ___________________ of saints, the ___________________ of sins, the ___________________ of the body, and the life ___________________ . Ephesians 2:1-10 tells me What won’t belief change? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 28 JIMMY NEEDHAM Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: JIMMY NEEDHAM JIMMYNEEDHAM.COM CLEAR THE STAGE INPOP RECORDS CLEAR THE STAGE DAVE JONES Theme The Song Idolatry Objective Your students will realize that not all idols are made of wood and stone; many are made of the activities that fill their lives. Warm Up American Idolatry – This game is simply charades of famous people. Divide your group into two teams. Each team chooses one person to act as a famous person. The other team gets to choose the famous person. The teams will alternate turns, trying to guess who their “actor” is portraying. A turn is over when the “acting” team guesses correctly, or a time limit is reached. Award one point for every correct guess. Transition Say, “We may believe that there are no idols among today’s Christian teenagers. However, if each person examines his or her own life, can the claim be made that there is nothing placed before God? Can the claim be made that God has first place in every area? If not, then there is idol worship!” Hand out the Student Guides. As the song plays, encourage the students to list, under the My Week heading, the activities that consume their time each week. Transition Say, “This song refers to the everyday idols that we have. Idols do not have to be wood or stone. Idols can come in the form of sports, relationships, things, and even academics.” Bible Study Most people would not admit to worshipping idols. However for many, idols exist as everyday activities. For instance, if a sporting event constantly takes a person away from fellowship with the Body, the sport could be an idol. If extra studying time for a test is gained by not reading one’s devotions, then grades could be an idol. These things are good, but potentially used in a bad way. Unfortunately for many, idols are a reality. Everyday activities start to replace God and His plan for our lives. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Ask, “Can going to church, reading your Bible, and praying become idols?” (Discuss answers.) These absolutely can become idols. At times, people go to church, read their Bible, and even pray, all for the sake of being seen. When this is the reason for being involved in godly activities, then they have become idols. (Read 1 Samuel 15:22 to the group.) Ask, “In light of this verse, what is most important to God?” (Discuss answers.) Idolatry is a heart issue. It doesn’t matter if someone is talking about going to church, studying, playing a sport, or any other activity. If the focus is on self and not God, then idols exist in that person’s life. However, not every time someone misses church, or devotions, or forgets to pray, means that there is idol worship taking place. The question of “habit” must be raised. A person’s habit or routine is a good indicator of idol worship activities. Ask, “If you have something planned with the church and something else comes up, will you drop the church activity? Why?” (Discuss answers.) Ask, “If you have something planned outside the church and a church activity comes up, will you drop the outside activity? Why?” (Discuss answers.) FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA [email protected] Say, “God said that there were to be no other gods but Him. (Read Exodus 20:3 to the group.) How many of those activities that you listed under My Week indicate time spent glorifying God?” Wrap Up Say, “Satan is the master of deceit. (Read Revelation 12:9 to the group.) He will use good things to ruin good people. Are you using the items that you listed under My Week to glorify God, or are they leading you away from God? Can you change these to glorify God, or do you simply need to get rid of them?” Instruct your students to pray over their lists and to consider the questions under Wrap Up. Offer your students the chance to meet with the youth staff to discuss any questions or confusion they may have about something being an idol or not. Be sure to let your students know that you are praying for them. Student Guide JIMMY NEEDHAM Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: JIMMY NEEDHAM JIMMYNEEDHAM.COM CLEAR THE STAGE INPOP RECORDS CLEAR THE STAGE IDOLATRY My Week In the space below, list the things that you are involved in each week. Bible Study Wrap Up What does 1 Samuel 15:22 say about godly deeds? In the space below, list the idols in your life that you will prayerfully turn over to God. Note what changes you will make to the idols that you listed under “My Week.” Ask someone to help hold you accountable. How is idolatry a heart issue? When is it okay to miss church, skip devotions, or skip prayer? Is it ok? Did God really include our daily activities in Exodus 20:3? In light of what we have studied, what is a good definition of idolatry? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 30 KUTLESS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: KUTLESS KUTLESS.COM BELIEVER BEC RECORDINGS COME BACK HOME JACOB FASIG Transition Bible Study Wrap Up The Song •Which son can you most relate to – the one that stays home and does what’s asked of him, or the one that took the money and ran? (Allow the conversation to happen.) Why? Theme Forgiveness Objective Provide students with the opportunity to “come back home” to refocus on God in their lives and to understand that forgiveness is not conditional or something you work for. Forgiveness is free for all through Jesus Christ. Warm Up Ask, “What are you willing to forgive?” Allow this question to lead you into a game of “What If?” “What if I said something mean to you? Would you forgive me? What if I kicked your car? Would you forgive me? What if my sin were revealed to you? Would you forgive me? What if I left you on a retreat with the youth group? Would you forgive me?” (Come up with more on your own – this could get really funny if you want.) Then, jump in deep! “Who’s been forgiven of something big?” (Let the stories happen.) Ask, “Have you ever traveled to a new place and gotten so turned around that you felt lost or helpless? Share what that felt like and how you got in that place. What did you do to get back?” Hand out the Student Guides. Have the students listen to the song and try to guess which story from the Bible this song seems to be about. (Answer: Prodigal Son) Be sure to have the students look at the first two questions on their student sheet before you play the song. Ask them to answer those questions as the song plays. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Have someone read the story of the Prodigal Son from Luke 15:11-32. Have the students write their answers to the questions before you discuss them. •Have you ever done something that made you scared to go home because you knew you were in trouble? (Bad grade, got into trouble, missed curfew, etc.) •What made you scared to go home? (Consequences, parents’ disappointment, punishment, etc.) Why? •What did the one son have to do in order to come back home? (Nothing! He simply had to come back home and accept his Father’s forgiveness and love.) •Maybe share a time in your own life where this has been the case for you. We might have these same kinds of feelings about our faith. Sometimes we can feel as though we aren’t good enough or that we are so caught up in sin that it’s better for us to simply stay away from church and God. Have you or someone you know ever felt this way? What can you do to help each other when you feel distanced from Jesus? MCKENDREE UMC NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE [email protected] Today is an opportunity to be different from yesterday. Today, just like every day, Christ is calling you home. If you are feeling that you aren’t as close to Jesus as you once were or feel like sin has become a bigger part of your life, then I would invite you to come home” to a loving Father. No matter how far away you are, Christ is inviting you to “come home.” Spend time in prayer for people in your group or for friends who need to “come back home.” Student Guide KUTLESS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: KUTLESS KUTLESS.COM BELIEVER BEC RECORDINGS COME BACK HOME FORGIVENESS As You Listen… …what images come to mind? Luke 15:11-32 Came Back Home Which son can you most relate to? What can you do when you feel far away from Jesus? Have you ever done something that made you scared to go home because you knew you were in trouble? Do you need to come back home today? If so, what does that mean for you? …which people come to mind? What makes you scared? What did the one son have to do in order to come back home? / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 32 MANAFEST Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: MANAFEST MANAFEST.CA FIGHTER BEC RECORDINGS NEVER LET YOU GO DOUG RANCK Bible Study Wrap Up Theme God’s Faithfulness Objective Students will discover that God remains the same, and in Him they can find courage and peace. Warm Up Distribute the Student Guides and have the students work on the My Constant sections individually. When they are finished, gather everyone together. Have students present their “Constants” and their “Not-So-Constants.” Follow-up with these questions: •What is good about having some things that stay the same? •What is difficult about change? •What is great about change? Transition Say something like, “We live in a world of change. There are very few constant events or people. With all this transition comes a feeling of uncertainty and often anxiety. In today’s lesson we will discover that God remains the same, and in Him we can find courage and peace.” The Song Listen to the song together and give a few minutes for the students to complete the Holding On assignment. Transition Survey the group and find out what they wrote under each of the categories. The questions below will add more depth to the message of the song: •What does “hold on” to God mean to you? •The lyrics say, “Never lose hope to sorrow, you’re closer than you know.” What does this tell us about our relationship with God? •What is great about hearing that God will never let us go? Say something like, “God’s love and care for us is unchanging. Because we live in a world of change it is difficult to imagine the steady character of God who indeed will not let us go. In the Old Testament we find the story of Joshua who followed Moses in leading the people of Israel to the promised land of Canaan. We will see how God reminded Joshua that he would not be alone.” Encourage the students to work on the It’s On section with two to three other people and then come back together. Give the group opportunity to share their answers and then reflect a little more with these questions: •Why was Moses no longer able to lead them? (Age was not really the reason. Though Moses had faith in God, he had chosen to disobey Him at a key moment. Check out Numbers 20:11-12. He had not “held on.”) •What is significant about God’s promise to “cross over ahead of you?” •In what normal life situations do you sometimes feel afraid? •What is one of your biggest fears? •Moses reminded Joshua and the people to be encouraged. What causes you to be discouraged? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 FREE METHODIST CHURCH SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA [email protected] Say something like, “God is ready to ‘cross over ahead’ of us in all of life. The same words He gave Moses and Joshua, He gives to us.” Have the group turn to the Pressing On section of the Student Guide. Give them a few minutes to work through it and then come back together. Allow time for each group member to share his or her actions. Before praying, encourage them with the words from Paul found in Philippians 3:12-14. End the time in prayer for everyone to have the peace of Christ and courage to hold on to the God who holds on. Student Guide MANAFEST Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: MANAFEST MANAFEST.CA FIGHTER BEC RECORDINGS NEVER LET YOU GO GOD’S FAITHFULNESS My Constant A “constant” is something that does not change or vary. It is regular. When scientists do experiments they try to identify what is constant so they can compare it to what changes. Take a few minutes and list all the “constants” in your life (i.e. “we go on vacation to the same place”). Then take a few more minutes and list the things that change but that you wish wouldn’t change. Constants The Not-So-Constants Holding On Listen to this song by Manafest and complete the following, using short phrases. What the lyrics ask us to do: Who God will be: It’s On Deuteronomy 31:1-8 Describe the situation in these verses: A summary of what God told Moses: A summary of what Moses told Joshua: What this tells us about God when He sends us to do something: Pressing On Identify two ways you are going to take the peace of God and the courage He gives you in a more practical way into everyday life: / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 34 MATT BROUWER Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: MATT BROUWER MATTBROUWER.COM TILL THE SUNRISE BLACK SHOE RECORDS EVERLASTING Theme Commitment Objective Students will identify areas that need to be opened to God’s inspection so they will be free to follow His leadership in living for eternity. Warm Up Two Truths and a Lie – Hand out the Student Guides. Have the students write three facts about themselves under Do You Really Know Me? Two of those statements should be true and the other false (not in that order). Ask for volunteers to read their statements and have the other students try to guess which ones are true and which is the lie. If the group is large, you may ask only a few students to read theirs. Transition Transition The Song Bible Study Point out that most of us have a few things that others don’t know about us. We can keep some things from being widely known, but what can we keep hidden from God? Matt Brouwer has written a song that deals with this. Instruct students to answer the questions in the Search Me section as they listen to the song. •What could you or I do or say to deserve or be worthy of God’s love? (Nothing) •Where can I go that God cannot find me? (Nowhere) •What does he ask God to search? (His heart) •What does Matt say he has “lost sight of” at times? (What God has done for him) •Did God abandon him in those times? (No, He never let go and surrounded him with His love) •He wants God to lead him in what? (“The way everlasting”) © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Lead students to discuss their answers. This song has some clear and bold challenges for us to commit our lives to God. The central idea comes directly from Scripture. Have a student read Psalm 139:23-24 aloud while the others follow in their own Bibles. Point out that Matt based his lyrics on these verses. Instruct students to answer the questions in The Word section. •How do I let God search my heart? •Why are “anxious thoughts” a problem? (They show that we don’t trust Him.) •The Psalmist also asks God to “see if there is any offensive way in me.” What does that mean to you? •How would you define the “way everlasting”? (Be sure to point out and explain the difference between living for temporal things like money, possessions, fame, etc. and living for eternal things like integrity, love, hope, etc.) Study by: DAVE FELTS INDIAN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS [email protected] Wrap Up Instruct students to write the answers to this question under I Will Follow on the Student Guide: “If God were searching your heart right now, what would He find that you am concerned about?” Then lead them to discuss whether those things are more temporal or eternal. Ask them to consider how their day would look different if they were really following God’s leadership. Lead the group in a prayer of commitment to be followers of the everlasting way. Student Guide MATT BROUWER Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: MATT BROUWER MATTBROUWER.COM TILL THE SUNRISE BLACK SHOE RECORDS EVERLASTING COMMITMENT Search Me As you listen to the song, answer these questions: What could you or I do or say to deserve or be worthy of God’s love? The Word Read Psalm 139:23-24 and answer these questions: How do I let God search my heart? I Will Follow If God were searching you heart right now, what would He find that you are concerned about? Where can I go that God cannot find me? Why are “anxious thoughts” a problem? What does Matt ask God to search? What does he say he has “lost sight of” at times? The Psalmist also asks God to “see if there is any offensive way in me.” What does that mean to you? How would your day look different if you were following God’s leadership? Did God abandon him in those times? He wants God to lead him in what? How would you define the “way everlasting?” / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 36 PLANETSHAKERS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: PLANETSHAKERS PLANETSHAKERS.COM HEAL OUR LAND INTEGRITY MUSIC STRENGTH OF MY LIFE PAUL TURNER Transition Bible Study Theme God’s Strength Objective Students will learn to rely on God’s strength instead of their own in time of weakness. Warm Up The Siphoning Game – You will need four empty milk jugs (or four large containers) and two large straws. Students will have to suck the liquid (of your choosing) out of one container and blow it into the other. You could have this done in teams to make it go faster. Ask if anyone has heard a story of someone getting their gas siphoned out. Wouldn’t you hate to show up to your vehicle, which you filled with gas the night before, only to find it empty? Frustrating, right? The Song Hand out the Student Guides. As the song plays, have the students consider some of their weak areas where they feel as though the world or the devil has siphoned their strength. Have them write their thoughts on the Student Guide. Explain that in the song, “Jesus Loves Me” is the line, “ I am weak, and He is strong.” This line is not just a good motto or phrase – it’s the truth. God is stronger than we are. Stronger in every way. Whose strength do we rely on in tough times, ours or His? Let’s take a look at Samson’s life as someone who let others siphon his strength. Everyone wants to know your secret. (Judges 16:4-5) People may hate Tim Tebow for always talking about God, but he never denies or dances around the issue, he says it straight. If you do not want to be zapped of spiritual strength, be honest and open about where your strength comes from. Samson lied three times and offered no credit to God. All this toying around siphoned his patience. Share your weakness with those who love you and can help. (Judges 16:17) Samson trusted the wrong people with his weakness and because of that, they turned on him, exploited his weakness, and took his strength. If we do not want to be zapped of spiritual strength, we should share our struggles with those who are willing to pray with us, not those who are looking to siphon us. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 PLEASANT GROVE ASSEMBLY PLEASANT GROVE, ALABAMA [email protected] God will strengthen you when you need it. (Judges 16:18-30) Earlier in the story of Samson, Samson was flaunting his strength and daring others to fight with him. This was certainly a misuse of God’s power. In the end, Samson was a blinded, whipped foe, but not beyond God’s strength or reach. Samson had been siphoned of his power, but he prayed, and God gave him the strength he needed to defeat his foes. Like Samson, we waste our strength instead of using it to serve others. We need to know that when we are weak, without any strength of our own, God will strengthen us when we need it. God is faithful, even when we are not. Wrap Up Hand out blindfolds to everyone. Ask them to put them on. Say, “We are all Samson blinded by our mistakes and misuse of God’s power. If you are weak tonight, God will make you strong. Ask for forgiveness; then ask for strength for the battle you are going through.” Student Guide PLANETSHAKERS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: PLANETSHAKERS PLANETSHAKERS.COM HEAL OUR LAND INTEGRITY MUSIC STRENGTH OF MY LIFE GOD’S STRENGTH WEAK Us this acronym to share a weakness you have for each of these areas. Willpower STRONG Everyone wants to know your _____________________ . (Judges 16:4-5) I am weak because I cannot control _____________________ and I give in. Emotions I am weak because I let _____________________ change my mind or heart. Share your _____________________ with those who love you and can help. (Judges 16:17) Attitude I am weak because I keep having this attitude towards _____________________ . God will _____________________ you when you need it. (Judges 16:18-30) Knowledge I am weak because I don’t know what God says about _____________________ . / 800.725.3300 Page 38 >> Tobymac discussion GUIDES Boomin’ Paul Turner Hueytown, Alabama [email protected] Think of some things that you like to be loud. Music, concerts and fireworks probably come to mind – but what about your faith? How loud is your faith? Is it turned way down so low only you can hear, or is it turned so loud it’s hurting the ears of those around? Faith, like music, can lose its quality if played too loudly. What is the right place on the dial to set your faith? Let’s look at some “boomers” from the Bible to get an idea. •Jesus Boomin’ At The Well (John 4:1-40) Jesus shared His faith in everyday opportunities. His conversation with a woman at a well started a chain of events that affected an entire community. Who are some people you know that seem insignificant, but if touched by God could make an impact? Pray for God-given influence with ordinary people and you may see a God-ordained impact! •Paul Boomin’ At The Palace (Acts 26) Paul was brought in chains before King Agrippa to present his testimony in that highest court. What opportunities do you have to share about what God has done in your life? If it’s a short list, pray that you will be able make the most of the opportunities you do have. •A Widow Boomin’ At The Temple (Luke 21:1-4) A nameless widow’s small offering caught the attention of the Son of God. Jesus watched her give all she had while the rich and elite gave only a part of their abundance. How’s your giving? I’m not just talking money. How about time? Service? Whose attention do you want to get – people, or God? Give your best. People know the message of Christ generally. They know we make a big deal about Christmas and Easter, that there is church involved, and that we all want a lot of people to join us – or else! Our role is to clear up the foggy points so that others can see and hear a loud and clear (but not distorted) Good News. Set your volume knob and live your faith loud enough for others to hear but low enough that the message is clear. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 <<Page Tobymac discussion GUIDES 39 City On Our Knees Ignition Lose My Soul Jeff Bachman Costa Mesa, California [email protected] Joel Van Dyke Guatemala City [email protected] Joel Van Dyke Guatemala City [email protected] Explain that most people have some idea of what heaven looks like, but rarely are those ideas Biblical. Myths, fairy tales, and old Simpson’s shows have painted a picture for most of us. Use a whiteboard or large pieces of paper for students to describe (and draw) their pictures of heaven. Say something like, “The place you have drawn looks great, and I am sure parts of them are true. Let’s listen to this song about Heaven and the picture it gives of what all of God’s followers will be doing with one voice of worship.” Have you ever been to a big-time car race? As a kid, I frequented a local racetrack with my dad on Saturday nights, and I’ll never forget the voice coming over the loudspeaker to declare the beginning of the race. As I recall those words, the excitement oozes through my veins as if I were sitting there again on the edge of my seat at the track. What are your priorities? What really, really matters to you? What would you define as the “sacred center” of your life – the thing you would almost sell your soul for? Popularity? Wealth? Fame? Recognition? Or maybe it is something more material like a certain car, a girlfriend/boyfriend, or maybe even a video game? Say, “There is only one way to get a glimpse what Heaven will be like: God’s inspired word. Let’s talk a look at what Scripture has to say about Heaven and what we can anticipate.” Have your students look up these verses and discuss the different aspects of Heaven that the Scriptures describe. •Matthew 6:9 – Who will be there? (God our Father) •Revelation 4:8-11 – Who else will be there (Angelic creatures) •Matthew 5:20 – Who is allowed into Heaven? (The poor in spirit) •Isaiah 6:3 – What will the praise be like? (continual, God-focused) •Revelation 21:11, 18, 19, 21 – What will heaven be made of? (Jasper, Gold, Pure Glass, Precious Stones, Jewels, Pearls, etc.) •Psalm 23:6 – How long will we be in Heaven? (Forever) •Revelation 21:4 – What will not be there? (Sickness, pain, crying) Say, “So, some of what you may have drawn is true. Heaven is a beautiful place where God and angels dwell. There is joy, worship, and much beauty. I am glad that we have had this time to spend talking about Heaven and what it holds for those who believe. Before we finish, I need to mention that if you don’t know Christ, your excitement about Heaven is misplaced. Jesus said, ‘Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.’” (John 3:3) Use some of these Scriptures to present the Gospel: •Psalm 139:13-16 – God made us unique. •John 3:16 – God loves us, sacrificed Himself for us. •Romans 3:23 – All have sinned. •Romans 6:23 – What we have earned and God’s gift to us. •Ephesians 2:8-9 – How we are saved and what we can do (nothing) to earn salvation and Heaven. As I reflect on that experience now in light of tobyMac’s song “Ignition”, I cannot help thinking of the irony of those races. When I refer to irony, I am pointing to the disparity that existed between my dad and me and the hundreds of other spectators sitting in the stands and watching the actions of a handful of gutsy drivers putting their lives on the line simply for a chance to see a checkered flag. Isn’t that the way life is? Most people sit and watch others live life. Isn’t that why reality shows are so popular? We are preoccupied with other people’s lives. The same thing happens in the church – 80% of the people sit around watching 20% of the people doing all the work. This is what tobyMac is trying to get at with this song. He hits a very personal nerve when he writes: Come spark the parts in me that all but died, Jump start my heart and wake the sleep inside. Have you ever felt this way? Do you have parts in you that feel “dead”? Could your heart use a jump start? Are you asleep on the inside? In sharing about this song, tobyMac said that when he was a kid he once saw the back of his dad’s business card that said, “What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?” Toby stated that he never lost that image from his mind. That experience drew him to write this song. Toby shared that he wanted this song to communicate that when a person surrenders everything to God, he or she gains everything in return. The song exemplifies one of the great paradoxes of life: you get when you give. Jesus taught of life from an upside-down-andbackwards perspective. He said that if we want to be great, then be a servant of others. He taught that to be first, we must strive to be the last. Spiritually, the people who give freely to the needs of others are the wealthiest. Those who loosen their grip on their lives are the ones who experience the abundant life that Jesus died to provide. Take a look at Matthew 16:24-26 you listen to “Lose My Soul”, and then answer the questions below. As you listen to “Ignition”, take a look at James 1:22-25 and then answer the questions below. •Jesus mentions three things a person must do to follow Him. What are they? •Do you have trouble doing what you know God is telling you in His word? If so, you are in very good company. Read about Paul’s struggle in Romans 7:14-24. Can you relate to Paul’s struggle? How? •Describe what those things mean for you. How do you do them? •Do you sometimes forget what you look like? What does James mean when he writes that a man can look in a mirror and then go away and immediately forget what he looks like? •What does this verse have to say about the message you heard and the energy you felt in the song? •Do you want to live your life as a driver of a car on the racetrack or as a spectator in the stands? •Rewrite the “lose life to save it” paradox in your own words. How could Jesus make such a contradictory statement? •As you grow older, you’ll be very tempted to try to “gain the whole world” in your life and career; you’ll be encouraged to believe that success means wealth and power. How would you counter this assumption with the truth of Jesus’ life and testimony? •Many people believe that God rewards faithfulness with success. Does this quote teach differently? Why or why not? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> Tobymac 40 discussion GUIDES Made To Love No Ordinary Love Dave Weiss Reading, Pennsylvania angelparty1@aolcom Rusty Van Deusen Anacortes, Washington [email protected] Jeremy White Vacaville, California [email protected] Did you ever have one of those days when nothing major goes wrong, just a bunch of annoying little things pile up? Maybe an offhand comment from a friend that just didn’t sit quite right, a mistake at work, or a bad grade on a test. Nothing fatal, just a whole bunch of junk that steals your joy and makes you wonder, “What’s the point?” I asked a barista friend to take a little survey for me. She tracked the sizes of drinks her customers asked for when they were given the choice of a “Tall” or a “Mongo-ElGuapo-Vente.” What do you think she found? Right! Who wants a teeny-weenie “Tall” when they can have the brontosaurus of coffee drinks?! We wanna rise / We wanna touch the other side / We wanna reach out for more. Have you ever felt that way? Have you ever stopped dead in your tracks and wondered why you sometimes feel discontent with even the best this life has to offer? TobyMac seems to have experienced with that kind of day. He says, Whatever happened to a passion I could live for? What became of the flame that made me feel more? You can probably relate. Read the lyrics to this song; God might use them to bring you some focus. There is a point to life. You were made to love and to be loved by God. God has a purpose for your life – and yes, even for the annoying situations you face. Check out these Scriptures: •Ephesians 2:10 – There is a reason He made you. Even at your worst moments, God is still in control. •James 1:2-4 – Easier said than done, right? But consider this: the trials of life prepare you for your mission. If you never faced trials, you wouldn’t be prepared to face life. •Hebrews 12:7-9 – Sometimes what you face is the result of your own actions. Even then God is showing His love. •Romans 8:28 – God can make any situation work out for good. You were made to love Him and to be loved by Him! •Romans 8:38-39 – Hold on to that and make today a better day. •What could God be trying to teach you? •Did you do anything to cause this situation? If so, what steps can you take to avoid this situation again? I’ve determined that God must be a coffee drinker. Everything He does is vente. The best example of the vente nature of God is His extraordinary love expressed to us through the life and sacrifice of Jesus. There is nothing ordinary about the Son of God emptying Himself, taking the form of a servant, choosing to share in our humanness, and humbling Himself to the point of death on the cross. The love God expressed to us in the sacrifice of Jesus is extraordinary, beyond comprehension, unthinkable, and yet personal. Amazingly, we are all invited to enter into the love of God through trust in Jesus. TobyMac has written a cool song about the extraordinary love of God. Listen to “No Ordinary Love”; then read the verses and answer the questions below. Philippians 2:5-8; Ephesians 2:3-7; Romans 5:6-8 •Have you ever thought deeply about the God’s love and how it might affect you? •Have you ever been profoundly loved? If so, how were you affected? •How would you compare God’s love, expressed by Jesus, and the “best” of human love? •In what way is God’s love extraordinary? •What kind of response does His love create in you? •Project your current trial into the future. How could God use this trial for good? •How could this trial change your attitude toward others? •Remember, nothing can separate you from God’s love! Tonight Read Ecclesiastes 3:11 together aloud. Discuss these questions as a group. •Why do you think God would create people with a yearning for the eternal? •The verse tells us that humans cannot fathom the ways of God from beginning to end. What does this really mean? •How “knowable” is God? •When you think about eternity – what concepts and ideas flow into your mind? •In his famous book Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis said: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.” Contrast Solomon’s words about our inability to fully understand God with the words of Hebrews 11:1. Scripture implies a contrasting but simultaneous reality for followers of Jesus: a tension between both wonder and confidence. On the one hand, God has programmed us with a yearning for eternity that will never be fully satisfied until we get there. On the other hand, we can walk in total confidence as people deeply loved by God and redeemed by Christ. Have students consider these questions that reference Romans 8:30. •Reflecting on the lyric from the song, do you think you can, in some sense, “touch the other side” of eternity in the here and now? Explain your thoughts. •We know that we won’t be fully “glorified” until we reach the other side – that is, Heaven. And yet, this verse speaks of us being “glorified” in the past tense. What do you think this means? Wrap up the discussion with these questions: •Are you or someone you know in a place of searching for “something more”? •Could God be showing you that HE is that “something more”? •If you are already a Christian – how are you bringing elements of the “other side” into the “here and now”? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Visit Toby’s Facebook page to create your own custom remix! New studio album from TobyMac coming August 28 Follow @therealTobyMac on Twitter for more updates © 2012 EMI Christian Music Group TRD YLO Spread AD TRD YLO Spread AD Page Leader Guide 44 TRIP LEE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: TRIP LEE REACHRECORDS.COM THE GOOD LIFE REACH RECORDS TAKE ME THERE EVERETT HORNBOSTEL Theme Transition Bible Study Wrap Up Heaven: Longing For Objective Scripture speaks of the glory of the Heavenly realm. Students will look at what Scripture says about eternity for those who have Christ in them, and understand that situations on earth are only temporary. Warm Up Hand out the Student Guides. Discuss some “ famous” vacation spots (i.e. Disney, Hawaii, beaches, etc.) and have students share the excitement they have felt or would feel if they went or could go to one of those places. Say something like, “While those places are great to visit, they all pale in comparison with the awesome destination that Christians will one day reach. In this lesson we will look at this eternal destination spoken of in Scripture.” The Song Play the song. Ask students to sketch how they picture Heaven will be. They can do this by drawing or writing words to describe it in the blank area under The Song on the Student Guide. Transition Discuss what was heard in the song and the images drawn or described. 1 Corinthians 15:32-34 – Paul repeatedly asserts in his Epistles that if Christ has not risen then there isn’t a resurrection of the dead and therefore our faith is futile and the Gospel collapses. This passage emphasizes the absurdity of pursuing individualistic pleasures that are outside the realization of the resurrection. Ask, “What activities do we participate in that may not seem absurd to us but considering the truth of the resurrection, become meaningless?” (e.g., drugs, alcohol, sexual immorality) 1 Corinthians 15:42-49 – Ask students to list the differences between what is “sown” and what is “raised” in this passage. Ask, “Who is the ‘First Adam’? Who is the ‘Second Adam’? What is the difference between being ‘natural’ and ‘spiritual’?” 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 Ask, “How does this passage challenge you to live? With the truth and hope of the resurrection and understanding that life is not about pursuing individualistic pleasures (as society and media would lead you to believe), what activities would you eliminate? Will you?” © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 SOUTHERN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH BOLIVAR, MISSOURI [email protected] Our lives are full of influences that tell us how we should live, what types of things we should pursue, and how to get the most “pleasure” out of those pursuits. Instead of focusing on individual pleasure, maybe we should focus, as Christ did, on making the Kingdom of God a reality on Earth. Biblical scholar N.T. Wright said, “Heaven is great, but it isn’t the end of the world.” Close in prayer. Student Guide TRIP LEE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: TRIP LEE REACHRECORDS.COM THE GOOD LIFE REACH RECORDS TAKE ME THERE HEAVEN; LONGING FOR Warm Up The Song Bible Study Wrap Up What are some great vacation destinations you have been to or would like to go to? As you listen to the song, draw a picture in the space below to represent what you think Heaven might look like. If you prefer, you can also write a description. 1 Corinthians 15:32-34 What activities do we participate in that may not seem absurd to us but considering the truth of the resurrection, become meaningless? 1 Corinthians 15:42-49 What differences do you see between what is “sown” and what is “raised” ? Our lives are full of influences that tell us how we should live, what types of things we should pursue, and how to get the most “pleasure” out of those pursuits. Instead of focusing on individual pleasure, maybe we should focus, as Christ did, on making the Kingdom of God a reality on Earth. Biblical scholar N.T. Wright said, “Heaven is great, but it isn’t the end of the world.” Who is the first Adam? Who is the second Adam? What is the difference between being “natural” and “spiritual” ? 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 How does this passage challenge you to live? With the truth and hope of the resurrection, and understanding that life is not about pursuing individualistic pleasures (as society and media would lead you to believe), what activities would you/will you eliminate?” / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 46 THE WASHINGTON PROJECTS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: THE WASHINGTON PROJECTS WASHINGTONPROJECTS.COM SPACE TIME CONTINUUM SAVE THE CITY RECORDS LIGHT UP THE DARK Theme Transition Bible Study Zeal Objective Students will be challenged to lay it all on the line for Jesus and thus to make their lives count as sources of light in the midst of the constant darkness around them. Warm Up Pass out individual candles (like those used for your Christmas Eve service) to the students as they arrive. Turn off the lights and get your room as dark as possible. Ask the kids to sit in complete silence. Then, light a candle in the middle of the room. Read a few verses of Scripture that have the word “light” and sing a song or two that has the same theme. Have the students take their candles up to the lit candle, light their own candles, and then return to their seats. When all the candles have been lit, read Matthew 5:13-16. Turn on the lights and blow out the candles. (Be careful, your fire alarm might go off!) Discuss what they just experienced. Hand out the Student Guides and talk through the Prime Directive questions. The Song Play the song. Transition Ask your students about their general impressions of the video. What imagery caught their attention the most? What stood out most to them from the lyrical content? What would they have done differently if they were in charge of producing this video? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Read Matthew 5:13-16. The “Prime Directive” of our postmodern world demands that we do not force our convictions or ideas of how to live on anyone else. Our world tries to force the church to become an island of separation as opposed to a bridge of influence. Read 2 Corinthians 2:14-16. What is Paul’s idea of the influence we are to have on the world around us? What does “spread everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Christ” mean? Do your students “smell” like Jesus? In the figures of “salt” and “light” are two different characteristics of influence. SALT: In the Roman world, aside from the sun, nothing was more valuable than salt because of its use as an agent of preservation. Salt was the first century refrigeration system. The disciples would have understood, when being compared to salt, that they held a very prestigious position in the world. Salt stood for something of high value and importance. They would have heard from Jesus that they were to be the salt that prevents the entire earth from degenerating faster than it already is. Salt slows down the rotting process, not by being nearby in the salt container, but by being Study by: JOEL VAN DYKE STRATEGY OF TRANSFORMATION GUATEMALA CITY, GUATEMALA [email protected] rubbed into that which it is intended to preserve. To preserve a piece of meat with salt, you have to rub the salt into the meat. How can your students be “rubbed into” the lives of their friends, neighborhoods, families, and schools as an agent of preservation? LIGHT has one purpose: to dispel darkness. Light dispels darkness because it can never contribute to it! Christ is the true light and we are His moons – and a moon has no light of its own. It can only reflect the light of the sun. How tight are your students’ orbits around the SON? This is what Washington Project is trying to get at with “Light Up The Darkness.” We ARE Salt; we ARE light. This is not a suggestion or a request, but an identity statement of who we actually are. Let us live into the fullness of what we have been created to be! Wrap Up Discuss what the ultimate purpose is living Jesus’ “Prime Directive” that proclaims us as the Salt of the Earth and the Light of the World. Close in prayer. Student Guide THE WASHINGTON PROJECTS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: THE WASHINGTON PROJECTS WASHINGTONPROJECTS.COM SPACE TIME CONTINUUM SAVE THE CITY RECORDS LIGHT UP THE DARK ZEAL You are about to listen to “Light Up The Dark” by The Washington Projects. Before listening to the song, read Star Trek’s “Prime Directive” and consider the questions that follow it: Prime Directive Bible Study Matthew 5:13-16; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16. SALT: As the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution is considered sacred, no Star Fleet personnel may interfere with the healthy development of alien life and culture. Such interference includes the introduction of superior knowledge, strength, or technology to a world whose society is incapable of handling such advantages wisely. Star Fleet personnel may not violate this Prime Directive, even to save their lives and/or their ship unless they are acting to right an earlier violation or an accidental contamination of said culture. This directive takes precedence over any and all considerations, and carries with it the highest moral obligation. •What were the implications of this “Prime Directive” for the Star Ship Enterprise as they encountered and interacted with other worlds and other cultures? •What do you think the idea behind the “Prime Directive” has to do with the title of the The Washington Projects’ “Light Up The Dark?” LIGHT: •Does the world around you place any kind of “Prime Directive” on your life? If yes, describe it. •Jesus gave a Prime Directive of His own. He said, “You are the salt of the earth and you are the light of the world.” What does Jesus’ “Prime Directive” say to you about the way you should interact with the world around you? •What were the implications of being the “salt of the earth” and “the light of the world?” / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 48 WAYNE KERR BAND Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: WAYNE KERR BAND WAYNEKERRMUSIC.COM LOVE STANDS OUT MERCY BOOKSHELF RECORDS THE MIRROR Theme Transition Bible Study The Song •What do you think of when you hear the word “righteous”? Self Image; Uniqueness Objective Students will learn that God has made each one of them a masterpiece. Warm Up Compliments – Write on a display board several words that express positive attributes of a person. Some words you might use include: generous, kind, funny, strong, helpful, beautiful, loyal, friendly, loving, and warm. Go around the room and ask each person to use one of the words to describe the person to their left. Ask them to express their compliment in this way: “(Name) you are a _______________ person.” After everyone has offered a compliment about the person on their left, reverse the order and have each person do the same for the person on their right. Ask: What did you feel when giving a compliment? How does hearing compliments about you make you feel? Hand out the Student Guides. Play “The Mirror” from the Wayne Kerry Band. While the song plays have students write as many complimentary words or sentences that describe them or any of their friends. Transition Say, “‘The Mirror’ asks what you see when you look in the mirror. The song wonders if you see something you don’t like. It wonders if you know that there is so much more to you than what you can see. It also expresses that God has beautifully made only one you. What do you think of the message of the song?” Read together these Bible passages and discuss the questions: Matthew 9:9-13 •How about “sinner”? •What do you think Jesus was trying to communicate to the Pharisees? •What do you think “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” means? •What does any of this have to do with how God sees, values, and loves every person? 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 •“I always thank God for you…” How do you feel when know that someone thanks God for you? •These verses communicate that God enriches, strengthens, and provides. How does God do that for you? How do you think that He doesn’t? •What do these verses have to do with how God sees, values, and loves every person? Matthew 10:30 •How many hairs do you think you have? •What does this sentence communicate about how God sees, values, and loves you? © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Study by: KIRK MOORE ST PAUL’S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST DOWNERS GROVE, ILLINOIS [email protected] Wrap Up “The Mirror” expresses hope that everyone will realize that God sees him or her as beautiful, wonderful, and precious. No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what you will ever do in life, God loves you and calls you a masterpiece. Closing prayer: Thank You, God, for seeing me as precious. Thank You for seeing me as valuable. Thank You for seeing me as someone worth loving. Please help me to feel that about myself. Please help me to feel that about everyone. Amen. Student Guide WAYNE KERR BAND Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: WAYNE KERR BAND WAYNEKERRMUSIC.COM LOVE STANDS OUT MERCY BOOKSHELF RECORDS THE MIRROR SELF IMAGE; UNIQUENESS Write as many complimentary words or sentences that describe you or any of your friends. Matthew 9:9-13 1Corinthians 1:1-9 Matthew 10:30 What do you think of when you hear the word “righteous”? “I always thank God for you…” How do you feel when know that someone thanks God for you? How many hairs do you think you have? How about “sinner”? What does this sentence communicate about how God sees, values, and loves you? What do you think Jesus was trying to communicate to the Pharisees? These verses communicate that God enriches, strengthens, and provides. How does God do that for you? How do you think that He doesn’t? What do you think “I desire mercy, not sacrifice” means? What do you think of the message of the song? What do these verses have to do with how God sees, values, and loves every person? What does any of this have to do with how God sees, values, and loves every person? “The Mirror” expresses hope that everyone will come to know that God sees him or her as beautiful, wonderful, and precious. No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what you will ever do in life, God loves you and calls you a masterpiece. Closing prayer: Thank You, God, for seeing me as precious. Thank You for seeing me as valuable. Thank You for seeing me as someone worth loving. Please help me to feel that about myself. Please help me to feel that about everyone. Amen. / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 50 WORTH DYING FOR Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: WORTH DYING FOR WORTHDYINGFOR.COM LIVE RIOT AMMUNITION RECORDS REBUILD PAUL TURNER Theme The Song own disciples against Him (Matthew 26:14-16; Luke 22:48). But Jesus did not run; He made his stand in the Garden of Gethsemane because He knew God, His Father, would raise Him from the dead. We can have that same confidence. advantage over you. (Colossians 1:13) Without Christ we are still in the domain of Darkness, and Darkness will always have the advantage. If you claim to be a Christian and you hate others, Darkness has the advantage. (1 John 2:11) You can leave the Darkness any time you want. Jesus calls us to His light. No matter how dark your world becomes, God will always have the upper hand. The question is: who has the advantage right now in on your life? Light? Or Darkness? Objective Students will be inspired to live their lives in the light of Christ. The video has a very Hunger Games feel to it. If you’ve seen the movie, feel free to make any comparisons. It does feel as though we are being hunted by darkness, but we have the advantage in Christ. Warm Up Transition Spiritual Warfare Divide the room into two sides or two teams: Light and Darkness. Choose a few simple one-on-one games such as who can balance a broomstick longer on his or her hand, except give the Dark side an unfair advantage, such as using a smaller stick or using two hands. The group will begin to see in each competition that Darkness has an unfair advantage. Transition Say, “The devil would like you to think that he has some unfair advantage over you and over God. He is a liar and the Father of Lies. He has no advantage over you in any way, and we have to know that to take full advantage of our position in Christ.” Say, “The battle of Light and Dark seems never ending, but God knows how the story ends.” Bible Study Be sure to look up the lyrics to the song, as we will use them in this study. At the beginning of the video, we see Light being hunted by Darkness. Ask the students, “Do you ever feel that Darkness is hunting you down? Let me share a few thoughts on why you don’t have to run from the Darkness, but how you can face it.” Stand against the darkness, don’t run from it. – The video says, “Darkness realized its days were numbered. The kingdom of love was now near.” The devil knew of God’s intent to save the world by sending his Son, and he knew he had to try to stop Jesus. Satan tempted Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), used the Pharisees to bully Him, and even used His © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Darkness does not know God’s plan, but we can. – There is a line from the video that says, “Like we stepped out in darkness, and then there was light.” When we accept Christ as our Savior, we receive the Holy Spirit. We become the light of the world because we have the light of Christ. The darkness has no idea what this means (John 1:5). Jesus took great pleasure in sharing God’s plans with His disciples (Luke 10:21). God enjoys revealing His plans to us and enjoys confusing the darkness in the process. We have the advantage over the darkness because we, like Jesus, can have the confidence in the end of the story. We can have confidence in the face of darkness that everything will turn out the way God wants. Darkness has lost its advantage. – There is a great line in the video that says, “So Darkness made its attempts to attack the Light, but I have news for darkness: it shoulda killed you when it had a chance.” Here’s the thing: if you do not know Christ, the Darkness still has the PLEASANT GROVE ASSEMBLY HUEYTOWN, ALABAMA [email protected] Wrap Up This visual image of the video is very strong. You might want to consider having one side of the room dark and one side with a host of candles. As you call students to Christ, let them come to the side with the candles and light one. As students come and light candle, the light will shine on the whole room. Share some closing thoughts and end with prayer. Student Guide WORTH DYING FOR Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: WORTH DYING FOR WORTHDYINGFOR.COM LIVE RIOT AMMUNITION RECORDS REBUILD SPIRITUAL WARFARE Stand, Don’t Run Matthew 4:1-11; 26:14-16; Luke 22:48 Can you share a time when you felt like the darkness of life was (is) hunting you down? Darkness Does Not Know God’s Plan, But We Can Darkness Has No Advantage John 1:5; Luke 10:21 How does living in Christ’s light give you the upper hand over darkness? List those advantages here. What advantage is there to being a Christian? Colossians 1:13; 1 John 2:11 Did you run or stand in those moments? Why do you think Jesus was so happy to share with His disciples? Is running easier than standing your ground? Why? Do you think God still likes sharing His thoughts with us? Why? / 800.725.3300 >> Page THEMATIC LISTING 52 These are the themes represented by all the songs in this volume of Youth Leaders Only. The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions writ- Appearance Difficulties; Comfort In Evangelism Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Greatest Day Ever Worth Dying For Live Riot Love Riot Backsliding Difficulties; Hope Within Evangelism; Urgency Bible; Inspired Flame The 6th Scripture Alone Commitment Matt Brouwer / pg. 34 Till the Sunrise Everlasting Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise One For Another Complacency TobyMac / pg. 39 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Ignition Compassion Artist Album Title Song web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...” ( and type in the theme. Flatfoot 56 Toil 6’ 10” Flatfoot 56 Toil Brother Brother How they are listed: Theme ten for them. The page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your Fireflight / pg. 22 Now He Weeps Confidence; In Christ Trip Lee The Good Life One Sixteen Conversion TobyMac / pg. 40 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Tonight Desperation Fireflight Now Stay Close Determination, Diligence Flatfoot 56 Toil Strongman TobyMac Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Hold On Difficulties; Trials Flatfoot 56 Toil Live Or Die Trying Discipleship; Cost Of Flatfoot 56 Toil Work For Them TobyMac / pg. 39 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Lose My Soul Distractions Flame The 6th The Great Deception Encouragement Kutless Believer Hero Eternal Life Bluetree Kingdom Destined To Reign Eternal vs Temporal Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage The Only One Flatfoot 56 Toil The Rich, The Strong, and The Poor Eternity Flatfoot 56 Toil I’ll Fly Away Devotion; Seeking God Planetshakers Heal Our Land Running To You © 2012, interlínc / interlÍ / 800.725.3300 Flame The 6th Against The World Evangelism; God’s Representatives Bluetree Kingdom Shine Evangelism; Witnessing Flame The 6th Show Out Faith; Assurance Flatfoot 56 / pg. 26 Toil I Believe It Faith; When weak Flame The 6th Devil’s Bread Faithfulness Flame The 6th Running Family; Conflicts Manafest Fighter Throw It Away Family; Love For Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage Daddy’s Baby Girl Fear Fireflight Now Escape Forgiveness Fireflight Now Prove Me Wrong Flame The 6th Let Go Kutless / pg. 30 Believer Come Back Home Freedom Fireflight Now Ignite Trip Lee The Good Life Robot Worth Dying For Live Riot Freedom Is Rising Friendship; Support Manafest Fighter Pushover Glorifying God Planetshakers Heal Our Land No One Like You Planetshakers Heal Our Land You Have It All God’s Power Planetshakers Heal Our Land Supernatural God’s Blessing Planetshakers Heal Our Land Good To Me << THEMATIC LISTING God’s Faithfulness Manafest / pg. 32 Fighter Never Let You Go Planetshakers Heal Our Land Do It Again God’s Forgiveness Kutless Believer Believer God’s Glory Bluetree Kingdom Glorious Victorious God’s Greatness Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage Rock Bottom God’s Leading Bluetree Kingdom Lightens Up Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage Arrows God’s Love Fireflight Now Dying For Your Love Fireflight Now Keeping Me Alive Kutless Believer I’m With You TobyMac / pg. 40 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project No Ordinary Love Page 53 God’s Nature God’s Strength Planetshakers / pg. 36 Heal Our Land Strength of My Life Worth Dying For Live Riot Spirit Of God God’s Patience God’s Sufficiency Hope Kutless Believer Carry Me To The Cross Manafest Fighter Not Alone Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out You Are Kutless Believer Gravity God’s Plan Kutless Believer Even If Bluetree Kingdom You Are My Rock Kutless Believer Carry On God’s Presence TobyMac Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Captured God’s Promises Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out All I Really Want Is You God’s Provision Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage If I Ever Needed Grace God’s Pursuit Bluetree / pg. 20 Kingdom Jesus Healer God’s Representatives TobyMac / pg. 39 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project City On Our Knees Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage Stay Trip Lee The Good Life For My Good Kutless Believer Need Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage I Will Find You Flame The 6th Try Me God’s Revelation Trip Lee The Good Life Know Me Fireflight Now Rise Above Idolatry God’s Power Planetshakers Heal Our Land Power Holy Spirit Jimmy Needham / pg.28 Clear The Stage Clear The Stage Grace Trip Lee The Good Life iLove Jesus’ Death; The Cross Worth Dying For Live Riot Never Look Back Jesus’ Lordship Healing Kutless Believer All Yours Heaven; Longing For Worth Dying For Live Riot Savior Trip Lee / pg. 44 The Good Life Take Me There Jesus’ Resurrection Worth Dying For Live Riot Risen From The Grave Jesus’ Return Kutless Believer If It Ends Today Worth Dying For Live Riot One Love Worth Dying For Live Riot Power Of Your Love © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song >> Page THEMATIC LISTING 54 These are the themes represented by all the songs in this volume of Youth Leaders Only. The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions writ- Jesus’ Sacrifice Flame / pg. 24 The 6th The 6th Day Fireflight Now Now Kutless Believer This Is Love TobyMac / pg. 40 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Made To Love Flatfoot 56 Toil Winter In Chicago Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out For Love Worth Dying For Live Riot Higher Joy Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Feel Good Song Worth Dying For Live Riot The World Can’t Take It Away Artist Album Title Song Latchkey Children Flatfoot 56 Toil This Time Life Trip Lee The Good Life Beautiful Life web browser to the “What The Bible Says About...” ( and type in the theme. Life; Purpose/Meaning Perseverance Bluetree Kingdom It Is Finished Trip Lee The Good Life Love On Display How they are listed: Theme ten for them. The page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point your Love Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Love Stands Out Love; Romantic Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise One in a Million Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Till the Sunrise Manafest Fighter Fighter Manafest Fighter Come Alive Prayer; Intercessory Planetshakers Heal Our Land Heal Our Land Prodigal Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Wish You Were Here Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Someone Else’s Arms Love; Sacrificial Relationships Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage In The Middle Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Back To You Marriage Relationships; Forgiveness Trip Lee The Good Life Good Thing Money Flame The 6th Trap Money Peace; Spiritual Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Ocean TobyMac Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Start Somewhere Renewal Flatfoot 56 Toil Take Hold Again Repentance Manafest Fighter Heart Attack Rest Bluetree Kingdom Rest Restoration Flame The 6th He Did It Again Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Thornside Sacrificial Love Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Love Song Salvation; Redemption Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Tonight Salvation; Sanctification Trip Lee The Good Life New Dreams Self-Denial Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Love Can Find a Way Self-Examination Matt Brouwer Till the Sunrise Outside, Inside Self; Identity In Christ Kutless Believer Identity Self-Image; Uniqueness Wayne Kerr Band / pg. 48 Love Stands Out The Mirror © 2012, interlínc / interlÍ / 800.725.3300 << THEMATIC LISTING Sin; Confession Of Page Surrender Weariness Worship; Praise Planetshakers Heal Our Land Hold On To Me Bluetree Kingdom You Were You Are Manafest Fighter Human Worth Dying For Live Riot Closer Sin; Repentance Testimony TobyMac Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Get Back Up Manafest Fighter Will You Catch Me Flame The 6th Man Sin; Struggle With Transformation Worship; Call To Trip Lee The Good Life I’m Good Worth Dying For Live Riot Arise Manafest Fighter Prison Break Trip Lee The Good Life Fallin’ Sin; Temptation Flame The 6th Caught In The Lights Trip Lee The Good Life Fantasy Trip Lee The Good Life Heart Problem Spiritual Warfare Flame The 6th Devil’s Bread (Intro) Flame The 6th Christ Alone Truth Flatfoot 56 Toil Terrorizing Truth Victory Bluetree Kingdom Under My Feet Fireflight Now Stronger Than You Think Jimmy Needham Clear The Stage My Victory Trip Lee The Good Life War Worth Dying For Live Riot Taking Back Worth Dying For / pg. 50 Live Riot Rebuild 55 Flatfoot 56 Toil Toil Worldliness Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Come As We Are Worth Dying For Live Riot Send Your Glory Down Bluetree Kingdom Exalt Him Planetshakers Heal Our Land Hallelujah To The Lord Planetshakers Heal Our Land It’s You Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Broken Vessels Wayne Kerr Band Love Stands Out Extraordinary Love Worth Dying For Live Riot Light A Fire Zeal TobyMac / pg. 38 Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Boomin’ TobyMac Dubbed and Freq’d: A Remix Project Showstopper The Washington Projects / pg. 46 Space Time Continuum Light Up The Dark © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song Page >> 56 modern worship section Adopting A Kingdom Viewpoint Through Praise and Worship DESTINED TO REIGN Bluetree By Neil Smith Planetshakers City Church Jesus gave the model for prayer in Luke 11:2, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” Let’s examine that prayer. First, you’ll notice that it begins with “Our Father.” Worship allows us to get into a Kingdom viewpoint. Psalm 34:3 says, “O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” When you magnify God, He becomes everything to you. You think like the Father thinks, you see like He sees, you talk like He talks. So, praise and worship is critical for bringing you into that atmosphere or space with God where you’re making an intimate connection and where you’re operating with a Kingdom viewpoint. The prayer continues, “Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.” Notice the Lord’s Prayer doesn’t start with your problems; it starts with “Our Father” and then goes to “Thy kingdom come.” Worship creates a “Heaven atmosphere.” What’s Heaven like? It’s full of worship, twenty-four-seven. Psalm 22:3 says that God is “enthroned” on the praises of Israel. So, it’s not just about singing the songs or going through the motions. It’s about literally encountering or expressing our God, thinking like He does, and getting into that zone where we operate with a Kingdom point of view. In the darkness let there be light. In the sorrow let joy arise. As Your kingdom fills the earth. God our Savior, giver of new birth. Let all sickness bow its knee to Christ our Savior, our victory. By His death at Calvary I’m forgiven, I have been set free. Hallelujah to the Lord… Lift Him higher above all things. Christ our Savior King above all Kings. – “Hallelujah to the Lord” Praise and worship are vital. In Judges, the Tribe of Judah, the tribe of praise, led Israel into battle, because praise sets up the victory. Jesus has won, and when we praise, we step up into what He has done for us. As a church, whenever we enter into praise and worship, it isn’t so that we can create a cool part of the service. No! These are times to encounter and experience God. They are times of the Kingdom’s viewpoint being extended into our lives. Intro: G, C, Em, C Verse 1: G Grace abounds, so deeply with me Grace abounds so deeply within me D C D Accepted in, as Jesus is, His righteousness, C a gift so free Chorus: G C We’re destined to reign, and shine, Em G/B C and live a life of love within new life G C Through the power of Christ, our King, Em D C We’re more the conquerors in everything G We’re destined to reign Verse 2: Hope abounds byYour Spirit in me, Hope abounds by Your Spirit in me Accepted in, as Jesus is, His righteousness, a gift so free Bridge (x4): D C D Let it be, unto me, not by works C D But Your unfailing and unchanging Word Aaron Boyd, © 2011 Exchange Church Media Ltd / Exchange Church Belfast, Used by permission. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 << Page 57 Everlasting EXALT HIM EXTRAORDINARY LOVE Matt Brouwer Bluetree Wayne Kerr Band Into: G-C G-C Verse 1: Verse 1: A E/G# Christ in love came down, A C#m written on the Cross F#m E Was His love for me, Bm Exalt Him A E/G# A Christ has paid it all, C#m now I stand redeemed F#m E Ransomed by the King Bm Exalt Him Intro: ||: F# | D#m B :|| F# | F#sus4 | G There is nothing I could ever do D To deserve the love I’ve found in You Em There is nothing I could say C G Nothing I could say to be worthy G If I rise upon the wings of the dawn D If I settle in the depths of the sea Em Even there Your light will shine C There Your hand will guide G D You will find me, find me D Chorus: C G D Search my heart O God Em And know my anxious thoughts C G D Em C And lead me in the way everlasting, everlasting G-G-C-C Bridge: ||:Am, Em, G, D:|| Verse 2: There are times when I have turned away Lost sight of what You’ve done for me Still You never let me go Your love has taken hold, You surround me, surround me © 2012 Unlearning Music Pub / ASCAP / Administered by Made Music, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Used by permission. Verse 1: F# D#m B Taken by surprise by an extraordinary love A#m B A#m B You take me as I am, You take me as I am F# D#m B Yours is anything but an ordinary love A#m B A#m B C#sus4 Don’t leave me as I am, Don’t leave me as I am Chorus: F# G#m F#/A# All glory praise and honor, All glory praise and honor B D#m C# All glory praise and honor are due You G#m F#/A# B C# I’m taken by surprise, by an extraordinary love PreChorus: D F#m E This is where we see what love is D F#m E This is how we know what love is Interlude: ||: G#m D#m B | C# :|| Re-Intro: ||: F# | D#m B :| Verse 2: Jesus crucified was an extraordinary love, You took away my sin, Atonement for all men, I’ll drink the living water and I will not thirst again, My true and dearest friend, Revive in me again Chorus: A Exalt Him, hung on the tree, A/C# My Savior broken for me D E A But death could not hold Him there A A/C# Exalt Him, risen and conquering Savior D E A Nothing can stop Him, coming back again Chorus / Interlude Verse 2: When Christ shall return, tears and pain will cease And all the saints will sing, Exalt Him Bridge: D E F#m It is done, It is done, D E A Death is defeated now, It is done D E F#m It is won, It is won, D E A the battle is over now, it is won. Ryan Griffith, © 2011 Exchange Church Media Ltd / Exchange Church Belfast. Used by permission. Bridge: F# F#maj7 At the cross just for me G#m F#IA# B C# How could I repay the debt that was paid to set me free? F#/A# Bsus4 I’ve become overwhelmed G#m F#/A# B C# When I close my eyes and count the blessings from above G#m F#/A# B C# I’m taken by surprise by an extraordinary… G#m F#/A# B C# Yours is all we need, extraordinary love Outro: I G#m D#m B | G#m D#m B | C# | I G#m D#m B | G#m D#m B | C# F#/A# I B Wayne Kerr, © 2010 Kerr Music © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> 58 modern worship section Good To Me HIGHER If I Ever Needed Grace Bluetree Worth Dying For Jimmy Needham Intro: ||: G D | A Bm | G D | A Bm :|| Intro: C#m - E/G# - B - F#m Verse: G D A Bm G From the rising of the sun, to where it sets D A Bm I will give You praise G D A Bm G And in every circumstance, You are good D A Bm So I will give You praise Verse 1: PreChrous: G A Bm I know I’ve got nothing to fear in Your love Bm Your love is holding me G A E7 So I’ll give, I’ll give You all of me Chorus: C#m B/D# E Your name is higher, is higher F#m9 C#m B/D# E Your name is high above all F#m9 Amaj7 F#m9 Your love is greater, is greater C#m B/D# E Your name has conquered it all Verse 2: Jesus Your life poured out for all, You ransomed my heart and you rescued my soul, King over all coming again, Death could not hold You, Forever You reign, You reign (Amaj7) Verse 1: E B It still feels like yesterday C#m E/G# A lifetime of empty days A E My hungry heart was desperate for a meal E B I feasted on the Bread of Life C#m E/G# Forgiveness pierced me like a knife A E Your breath filled up my lungs and I could feel F#m E/G# B I was broken and all I could say was Chorus: Bm G A You are so good to me Bm G A With everything I am I’ll give You praise Bm G A You’re better than life to me G E7 With everything I am I’ll give You praise ||:D, D ,C# ,C ,B – A, A, G, F, E, D||x2 Bridge: D5 Thank You Jesus, You are faithful Thank You Jesus, Your love is better than life Thank You Jesus, You are faithful Thank You Jesus, Your love is better than life C#m E Jesus Your name is more than a name Amaj7 F#m It’s given me hope, it’s given me life C#m E Jesus Your name be lifted high Amaj7 F#m No other name but Jesus saves Chorus Bridge 1 (4x) C#m E2/G# Nails couldn’t keep You down A2 F#m The grave couldn’t keep You in C#m E2/G# Hell couldn’t keep You out A2 F#m (last time - Amaj7 / / / ) You reign, You reign (4 times) Chorus Bridge 2 (4x) C#m B/D# E F#m Whoa-------Whoa-------(4 times) Bridge 1 (2x) Andy Harrison & Joth Hunt, © 2012 Planet Shakers Ministries Int’l. Used by permission Micah Berteau, Christy Johnson, Jeremy Johnson, Sean Loche, Josh O’haire, Nathan Parrish, & Henry Seeley, © 2012 Ammunition Records. Used By Permission. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Chorus: C#m A E If I ever needed grace, it’s now C#m A B You are strong when I am weak, somehow C#m B I am weak enough to see F# I need You to cover me A B C#m If I ever needed grace, it’s now Verse 2: I met the woman of my dreams, Wanted to give her everything, Then fear came like a thief in the night, But my journal pages prophesy, That one day I’d make her my bride, Soon my best friend was wearing white, With our lives ahead all I could say was Bridge: A E In every joy and pain F# Whatever comes my way B God I need Your grace Verse 3: Nine short months ‘til she arrived, Little hands and lions eyes, And I’m so scared I don’t have what it takes, But I hear Your voice Sunday morning, Father give me eyes to see, All I need’s the power of Your name Jimmy Needham and Ed Cash,© 2011 Needhim Music (ASCAP) / First Company Publishing (ASCAP) (All rights obo Needhim Music and First Company Publishing adm. by 21 Songs, LLC) / Alletrop Music (BMI) (admin. by Music Services << Page 59 IT IS FINISHED JESUS HEALER My Victory Bluetree Bluetree Jimmy Needham Verse 1: A Christ the Servant King, man yet God in true humility D You came to serve this world in love, A You showed us how to live in love A Christ the wondrous King, Word made flesh yet still divinity D The only way, the truth the life, A You showed us how to live this life Key: Bb (Capo 3 - G) Verse 1: C F Never turning back to the way things were Am F I’m stronger now than I was before C F I hear the sound that freedom brings Am It’s ringing loud F C F Now I am free to lift my eyes Am F For grace is alive Chorus: A Bm A/C# D It is finished, it is finished, the cross has done it A Bm The work is over, my God is risen A/C# D For Christ he lives in me A A/C# D It is finished, it is finished, the cross has done it F#m E The work is over, my God is risen D For Christ is Lord indeed Verse: C G/B On the Cross, blood and water flowed C G/B The Son of Man, was lifted high C G/B His body broken, broken for the world C D (2nd verse only) This is love, this is love Chorus: G D Jesus, Healer, Jesus Em Bm Em D Be lifted up, be lifted up G D Your Kingdom come and your will be done forever Em D C G (last time) Come be lifted up, today Bridge: D By your stripes and wounds we are made whole G By your death we live D The cross defeated all our sickness and pain C G Weʼre ransomed by the King Verse 2: Christ the Savior King, with arms held out for all this world to see You hold this world within Your hands, you hold my life within your hands Christ the risen King, defeated sin and death, now hell must flee Your resurrection brings me life, your resurrection bought us life Bridge: D E If God is with us, who can stand against us? D E If God is with us, who can stand? D E If God is with us, who can rise against us? F#m E Our God is faithful, to the end. Aaron Boyd, © 2011 Exchange Church Media Ltd / Exchange Church Belfast Used by permission. Aaron Boyd, © 2012 Exchange Church Media Ltd / Exchange Church Belfast. Used by permission. Chorus: C You are the hope that broke the dark in me Am G You are the light that shines when I can’t see F C You are, You are, You are my victory Verse 2: My weakness Yours, Your mercy mine, My God You’re not the leaving kind, I sing this song that freedom brings, It’s ringing loud, Now I am free to lift my eyes, My God is alive Bridge: Am In times of trouble C When I’m not able G Am You are my God, You are F My chains are broken C Your gates are open G Hallelujah Jimmy Needham, Ed Cash, and Matt Armstrong, © 2011 Needhim/ First Company Publishing (ASCAP) admin by 21 Songs, LLC / Alletrop Music (BMI) Admin by Music Services / Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Tunes/Countless Wonder Publishing/FOTS Music (SESAC) Admin by: Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Tunes © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Page >> 60 modern worship section RISEN FROM THE GRAVE Strength Of My Life TAKING BACK Worth Dying For Bluetree Worth Dying For Chorus: B F#6 G#m Wonderful, my Healer Emaj7 Giver of grace ’cause You have risen from the grave B F#6 G#m Faith’s my sight, You’re my might Emaj7 Impossible is slain ’cause You have risen from the grave Intro: F, Am, C, D Opening/Bridge 1 (3x): C#m A Through Your victory, I can finally sing E G#m I’m taking back what the enemy’s stolen from me |G#m// F#/A# |B///|C#m/G#m/|F# ///| Verse 1: G#m F#/A# B You sent Your Son C#m G#m F# To come to the rescue of all G#m F#/A# B Arms held high PreChorus; C#m9 B/D# Rising faith, for we have been saved Emaj7 F#sus / F# Let Your power live in me Chorus 1st time: |G#m// F#/A# |B///| (to verse2) 2nd time: | G#m F#6 Emaj7 B | G#m F#6 Emaj7 B | | G#m F#6 Emaj7 B | G#m F#6 Emaj7 C#m9 | F#sus / F# / | (into Bridge) Verse 2: The curse broken, Forever my soul is changed, Praise on high Bridge (3x): G#m F#6 Emaj7 B And I’ll dance with You ’til my knees go weak G#m F#6 Emaj7 B And I’ll sing ’til I can’t sing anymore G#m F#6 Emaj7 B And I’ll lift my hands ’til they fall asleep G#m F#6 Emaj7 C#m9 F#sus - F# Just to show You Lord, You’re the One I adore Chorus (Go right into bridge ; play it strong three times, with a drum break the second time; end) (Optional reprise of bridge) Bobby Livingstone & Sean Loche, © 2012 Ammunition Records. Used By Permission. Verse: F Am C D You set my heart ablaze with Your holy fire F Am C D And now I stand amazed by Your love and favor PreChorus: Am G I don’t know where I would be F I don’t know what I would do now Dm7 If Your love hadn’t saved me Am G You are the strength of my life F and I’m eternally grateful Chorus: F Am G Am Great are You Lord o - ver all we will declare, G/B C Lord You are faithful F Am G Great are You Lord o - ver all, F Am C Great are You Lord, F Am C Great are You Lord Chorus: A C#m B Freedom has been won A C#m B Death is over - come A C#m B Victory is ours and we’ll keep singin’ Bridge 1 (x2) Bridge 2 (x2): C#m A I’m taking back what the enemy’s stolen from me E G#m I’m taking back what the enemy’s stolen from me (play Chorus / Bridge 1 two times / Bridge 2 six times, and end on Amaj7 chord) F ( G Am ) C ( G Am ) F ( G Am ) ( Dm7 C/E ) (F G ) Bridge: F G Am You are the strength of my life Lord C G Am It doesn’t matter what may come my way F G Am You are the strength of my life Lord Dm7 C/E F G I’m hold - ing on to You Joth Hunt, © 2012 Planet Shakers Ministries Int’l. Used by permission. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Micah Berteau, Christy Johnson, & Sean Loche. © 2012 Ammunition Records. Used By Permission << Page 61 YOU WERE, YOU ARE YOU ARE YOU ARE MY ROCK Wayne Kerr Band Bluetree Bluetree Verse 1: Intro: A, C#m, D, D Verse 1: A A/F# Highest Heavens, sunset sky, E Ocean deep, mountains high, sing Your praises D E And can’t contain You A A/F# Every nation, tribe and tongue, E Every creature, and living thing, bow before You D E And can’t contain You F C G You’re the Father to the orphan, F C G You’re the healer to the broken F C G F You’re the river and the ocean, You are Verse 2: You’re the whisper in the evening, You’re the counsel to the grieving, You’re the first song, and the song yet to be Chorus: F C G Am G F You are You are all these things and more C G/B Am G F You are You are all of these and more C Gsus4 G Am G/B C Gsus4 G You are You are, But the greatest thing by far, You are Interlude: ||: F C | G :|| Verse 3 & 4: You are loving, not because I ever loved you in return, You are Holy, You are Mighty, You are You are faithful to the faithless, You are jealous for us all, You’re the one who never changes, You are Chorus/Interlude Bridge: D F, C, G One day every tongue and tribe will sing D With one voice we’ll magnify the king Verse: A F#m Above the storms of life, above the raging seas A/C# D Above all earthly things, you are good A F#m When trials come in time, I stand on what is right A/C# D That Your unfailing love, still remains PreChorus: D E What heights of love F#m E What depths of peace (CAN’T CONTAIN) PreChorus: D E D E How mighty, are Your ways, how awesome, is Your name D F#m A E Your glory cannot be contained Chorus: A A/C# You are my Rock, You’re my guide D You’re my ever-present shelter A A/C# You are my hope, You’re my song D A I will trust in You alone, unfailing God Chorus: A You were, You are, You always will be D E First, the last, You’re so amazing D E Glorious, God of everything F#m You’re far beyond, all understanding A E Measureless, in all Your glory, God you were, you D E You’ll always be Bridge: D F#m D Amazing love, Amazing love, Amazing love ! A That you love me ! Verse 2: For your glory, for your fame, every knee will Bow at the name of King Jesus, confessing you as Lord Guitar Solo: F, C, G – F, C, G – F, C, G – Am, G/B, C, G Bridge: D E D E Even rocks cry out, even rocks cry out D E A Even rocks cry out Your praise Interlude Verse 5: Not to your hands are we looking, nor a blessing do we seek, Just another moment near You, we need Chorus / Interlude Wayne Kerr, © 2010 Kerr Music Aaron Boyd, © 2011 Exchange Church Media LTD by Exchange Church Belfast. Used by permission. Aaron Boyd & Ryan Griffith, © 2011 Exchange Church Media Ltd / Exchange Church Belfast. Used by permission. © 2012, interlínc / / 800.725.3300 Page 62 >> RE:TUNED Unavoidable. Pervasive. Inescapable. Secular pop music is everywhere. Even if you can get your young Christian friends to switch their listening habits from secular to sacred, they are still going to hear the top popular songs everywhere they go. In this section we provide you some Artist: ideas to take advantage of some of the most popular secular songs. Use the opening questions, the thematic concepts and discussion ideas to spice up your Bible study, Sunday School lesson, camp/retreat meeting or outreach event message. Artist: Artist: Carrie Underwood Deadmau5 Gotye Song: Good Girl Album: Good Girl - Single Song: The Veldt Album: The Veldt – Single Song: Somebody That I Used To Know Album: Making Mirrors By: Jeremy White [email protected] By: Chris Keating [email protected] By: Cindy Engøy [email protected] Teaching Point: Character, Dating, Relationships Teaching Point: The Veldt is a short story written by Ray Bradbury in 1950 about a family that lives in a house that does everything for them. It cooks, cleans, and has an amazing children’s nursery – it allows the kids to imagine anything they want and the nursery creates it. The parents become concerned when the nursery is stuck on one virtual conception of an African veldt where they can see lions off in the distance eating the remains of what they assume is a zebra. A psychologist friend tells them to leave the house, immediately. The children beg for one last visit to the nursery, and the parents oblige. When the parents come to gather them, the children lock the parents in the nursery with the lions and the parents realize that they were what the lions were eating. When Deadmau5 was working on a new song, his fans begged him to write the song around this story. Opening Questions: •In your opinion, is today’s “dating scene” a wise system for finding and choosing a future mate? •Have you ever wanted to date a person you knew wasn’t good for you? •If you are willing, share about that struggle. Discussion: Carrie Underwood’s single “Good Girl” is a song of warning to a girl who seems “blind” to the danger of being in a relationship with a guy who everyone else knows isn’t good for her. It’s a fun, upbeat song with a serious message: beware of whom you choose to be in a relationship with. The message of the song can apply to all your close friendships – but is especially focused on dating. •Describe some “wise things to consider” when a person is choosing who to date… •Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Other than your relationship with Jesus, choosing a mate is the most important decision you will ever make.” Explain. •Decide whether you agree or disagree with the following statement: “Every date should be thought of as a potential future mate.” Explain… 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 talks about not being “unequally yoked” with unbelievers, and 1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “…bad company corrupts good character.” •How do these two ideas apply to the friends you choose? How do they apply to dating? •What are some of the reasons why students who should know better are tempted to compromise their own values to be in a relationship, whether it’s dating or close friendship? •How do we balance God’s call to reach out to those who need the Gospel with making sure we are wise in the friends and close relationships we choose? Conclusion: God wants us to bring the Gospel to all people. However, choosing our close friends wisely is extremely important – and maybe most important in dating, since emotions play such a significant role. Have you committed your dating life and future to the glory of God? If not, what would that look like in practical terms? Opening Questions: •Would you like to live in a house that did everything for you? Why or why not? •What are the positives of living in a house that took care of your every want and need? •What disadvantages can you come up with? Discussion: The Veldt is a story of abandonment, alienation, and retribution. This song does give that sense. •How does living for comfort and convenience change a person? •What happened to King David when he was lazy in 2 Samuel 11? The story takes a chilling turn when the kids, figuratively abandoned by their parents in the care of a virtual babysitter, turn against their parents. The Bible tells us to obey our parents. (Deuteronomy 5:16) Parents provide for us (Matthew 7:911), teach us (Psalm 78:5-7), and discipline us (Proverbs 3:11-12). Conclusion: Most of us would love to have a house that met all our wants and desires immediately. The only problem to that is that we can become selfish and self-centered like the children in the story. The root to all this is pride – not the kind of pride for a job well done, but the kind where you feel that you are owed something and that you should be able to have whatever you want. This kind of pride is bad, and the Bible condemns it. Read James 4:2. Instead, we need to follow Jesus’ example found in Philippians 2:3-8. © 2012, interlÍnc / / 800.725.3300 Teaching Point: This song is about heartache, lost love, and disappointment. Jesus is the constant, the anchor in a sea of uncertainty and dissatisfaction. Opening Questions: Have you ever been in love? Have you ever been disappointed by someone – hurt, not just by a boyfriend or girlfriend, but by someone you thought was a true friend? Have you ever been talked about behind your back? Have you ever said or heard someone say, “I just don’t know him/her anymore?” or, as the title of this song says, you’re just, “somebody that I used to know”? Discussion: Heartache and disappointment are universal feelings. Sometimes you are the one on the receiving end of a disappointment. Sometimes you are the one that caused the heartache. Either way, someone gets hurt. That’s a depressing thought. So, having a broken heart or being disappointed in someone’s actions – the anger, hurt, rejection, frustration – is just a fact of life. Is there anything or anyone that we can trust and give our heart to without fear? 1 Corinthians 13:8 says that love never fails. Really? The ex just said it was over, or that they found someone new, needed space, or any number of excuses. Or, as the song says, “Well, you said that we would still be friends.” When love is over, nothing is the same and love sure seems to have failed. The person you loved, trusted, and gave your heart to now becomes someone that you don’t recognize – or as the song says, “But you treat me like a stranger and I feel so rough.” If love never fails, then what is love? 1 John 4:16 says that God is love. Since God is love and love never fails, God never fails, and His love never fails. He is the constant in our lives. Conclusion: Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” We can trust that Jesus will always be there for us. He will never change. He will never treat us like “ somebody that I used to know.” << Page RE:TUNED63 Artist: Artist: Artist: John Mayer Katy Perry One Direction Song: Shadow Days Album: Born and Raised Song: Part Of Me Album: Teenage Dream [The Complete Confection] Song: What Makes You Beautiful Album: Up All Night By: Doug Ranck [email protected] By: Dan Schewe [email protected] By: Eric Gargus [email protected] Teaching Point: Sin, Repentance Teaching Point: People may hurt you, fail you, and abandon you, but God never will. Opening Question: Finish the following statement, “I hate being wrong about _______________.” Discussion: We don’t like to be wrong. “Rule #1: I am always right. Rule #2: If I am wrong, please see Rule #1.” Being wrong is no fun, and we get stubborn about admitting we could fail – and even more important, recognizing we need to not just say we are sorry but actually take steps to show we want to change. John Mayer writes about this struggle when he sings, “Did you know that you could be wrong and swear you’re right? Some people been known to do it all their lives, but you find yourself alone, just like you found yourself before, like I found myself in pieces on the hotel floor. Hard times have helped me see…” He goes on to say that he realized he was a “good man” and “had to let it go” now that his “shadow days are over.” Our default as sinful beings is to wallow in the defeats we experience. While we would never say we enjoy the feeling of failure, we do find it hard to, with the power of God, make the necessary changes to have a healthy relationship with Christ. We allow our stubbornness to build a wall and help us to justify our behavior as being right. Opening Questions: •Have you ever been abandoned or hurt by someone you cared deeply about? •When a couple breaks up, what happens to their group of friends? Discussion: As your students probably know, Katy released this song shortly after her divorce. Sadly, we all experience broken relationships; people break up, get divorced, and hurt each other. When this happens, those we think we can count on aren’t always there for us. •Who has been there for you in a difficult time? How did he or she help you? •When life falls apart around, what do you want to do? •How do you stay positive in the times of hurt and heart-wreck? •How do you protect yourself from being hurt? •What do you think is the part of herself that Katy would never let someone take away? What might that be for you? We have to admit that we have all failed those we care the most about. We miss birthdays and are too busy when our friends lives are falling apart. We hurt and are hurt by those closest to us. The Bible reminds us that this is not the case with God. In Deuteronomy 31:6 and 8 we are reminded that God goes with us. He will never leave us or abandon us, especially in our times of greatest need. Jesus reiterated this for us in the Great Commission. (Matthew 28:18-20) He told us that “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of In the same way God calls to come before Him the age.” Paul reminds us in Romans 8:38-39 in honesty and take strategic steps to let our light that nothing can separate us from God’s love. shine through the words of our mouth and the choices we make. As John Mayer says, “It does Conclusion: ‘hurt to be real’.” People, even those with the best intentions, will hurt, fail, and abandon you, but God will never Conclusion: forsake you. He is always there for you in your Are you willing to let your good intentions best and worst times. become actions? Who do you need to help you The Bible reminds us there is a better way. In the book of Hosea, the people of Israel are called to “return to the Lord.” (6:1) The prophet invites the people “to press on and acknowledge them.” (6:3) God says, “For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and acknowledgment of God rather than burnt offerings.” (6:6) In their obstinacy the people had forgotten about God and had tried to forge their own path. They offered the token sacrifice but were unwilling to live for God in their actions. as you take those next steps? Teaching Point: Beautiful goes much farther than a profile picture. Opening Questions: •Do people look different in person than in their online profile picture? Explain. •What defines “beautiful” on YouTube? •How is a person’s beauty judged at your school? •Do you take issue with how today’s culture defines beauty? Discussion: Simon Cowell’s latest boy band, One Direction, is giving goosebumps to teenage girls all across America now with their clean looks and catchy harmonies. “What Makes You Beautiful” is a song that delves into guy/girl attraction with a hint of appreciation for what’s on the inside too. It’s a lyrically simple pop song with a couple of strong statements to pair with scripture. Let’s check them out. Being the way that you are is enough. – Read Genesis 1:26-28 and discuss: •Whose image are you made in? •Do you believe God considers you beautiful? Explain. •Does God see people differently than people see each other? •How hard is it to be content with how you look? Now read Psalm 139:13-16, then ask: •Has God ever made an error? •What makes people dislike certain parts of their appearance? •How would it help someone to listen to God over other people about his/her looks? You don’t know you’re beautiful, that’s what makes you beautiful – Read 1 Peter 3:3-5. •How much is too much for you with accessories, bling, or whatever you call it? •According to this passage, what does God want you to accessorize yourself with? •How does God define “beauty?” Conclusion: Guys/girls will say anything to get your attention if they are attracted to you. But is it just an outward infatuation? Or, is there something about your personality and your character that they are attracted to? The next time you hear this song, be reminded of two things: •God made you in His image, and He doesn’t make mistakes. •If a guy/girl shows interest in you, make sure it’s for more than just your great looks. ©2012, interlÍnc / / 800.725.3300 Page 64 >> RE:TUNED Unavoidable. Pervasive. Inescapable. Secular pop music is everywhere. Even if you can get your young Christian friends to switch their listening habits from secular to sacred, they are still going to hear the top popular songs everywhere they go. In this section we provide you some Artist: Skrillex ideas to take advantage of some of the most popular secular songs. Use the opening questions, the thematic concepts and discussion ideas to spice up your Bible study, Sunday School lesson, camp/retreat meeting or outreach event message. Artist: Train Artist: Walk Off The Earth Song: Weekends!!! (feat. Sirah) Album: Weekends!!! (feat. Sirah) - Single Song: Drive By Album: California 37 Song: Somebody That I Used To Know Album: By: Dave McGinley [email protected] By: Mary Wilson [email protected] By: Jeff Williamson [email protected] Teaching Point: Three things to look for in good healthy Christian friendships: conduct, encouragement, and sacrifice. Teaching Point: Supernatural power is required to love others for the long haul in this broken world. Teaching Point: You will never be somebody who used to be known. Opening Questions: •Do you hang out with the same people every weekend? •What things do you and your friends have in common? •How do you determine if you will hang out with someone for the weekend? Opening Questions: •Who was your best friend five years ago? Are you still friends with him or her? Why, or why not? •Are you more of a “ drive by” or a “ long haul” kind of friend? Opening Question: Once you accept Christ, will He never forget you? Discussion: “Weekends!!!” is a simple song that uses the same phrase over and over: “You and my friends should hang out on the weekend.” That makes us wonder how we determine whom we should hang out with. We should have a standard of whom we are around, and we should be reaching out to new people to show them the love of Christ. So, we find a balance that needs to be achieved or a standard that we will hold ourselves to. Here are three concepts that could be a great start to setting some standards for the people that we hang out with on the weekends. Conduct – (Psalm 119:63; Proverbs 12:26, 22:2425; Exodus 23:2; 1 Corinthians 15:33-34) This is a good first standard to have, but there is a caution: we can become judgmental with others and how they act. The Bible tells us to be careful who we are around, especially our friendships, because those people influence our walk with Christ. Encouragement – (Proverbs 27:17; 1 Thessalonians 5:11; Ephesians 4:2; Ecclesiastes 4:9-12) Friends should encourage each other. Too often we settle for friendships that are unhealthy and are all about putting others down. A good Christian friend looks to encourage others. We should have friends who encourage us in our Christian walk because this is what we were created for. Sacrifice – (John 15:13; Philippians 2:3-8) When we look for standards in friendships we should look at how Jesus treats us. He sacrificed His life for us. As Christians, we understand that life is not all about us – we sacrifice for others. Conclusion: Since our friends are important influences, we should be wise about the people we choose to hang out with. Set some standards that you are looking for, but never forget that you are created to be a Christian and share God’s love with everyone. Discussion: “Drive By” is about a guy/girl relationship in which the guy, by his own admission, gets overwhelmed, scared, and—leaves. The girl then moves away, “’cause you moved to west LA, or New York, or Santa Fe, or wherever to get away from me.” Now, the girl is back and, according to the guy, “I didn’t leave you ’cause I was all through. Oh, I was overwhelmed and frankly scared as [heck], because I really fell for you.” In fact, he now professes his love is real, has gone viral, and he will be there for her. This is not a “drive by.” Broken promises, broken hearts, broken people should be expected in a broken world. Jesus tells us, “In this world you will have trouble.” But He goes on to say, “Take heart, because I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) What does that mean, exactly? How did He overcome the world? Jesus took on flesh and blood and skin and experienced the same brokenness, heartache, and disappointments that we face. Yet, He chose to love – in spite of, and in the midst of, the brokenness. He chose to die, some say of a broken heart, so He could be with you—forever. How can we overcome the world with all its brokenness and hurt? How can we be more like Jesus – showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control? The Bible tells us that these characteristics are the fruit of the Spirit. Does a tree force itself to grow fruit? We can’t force ourselves to produce spiritual fruit – the Holy Spirit brings them about in our lives as we lean on and seek Him. Conclusion: You may not be in a romantic relationship like the one in the song, but a “ drive by” mentality can apply to family, co-workers, or friends. Take a look at your relationships and rank yourself on each of the fruits of the Spirit. If you are struggling to love others, to be kind, or be patient, perhaps what you need is more time with Jesus so He can cultivate those traits in you. © 2012, interlÍnc / / 800.725.3300 Discussion: Well it finally happened. The one that you loved became a person that you used to know! Life was great, love was in the air, and there were smiles all around. Then came that moment, something happened, and “BAM” – love was lost! That has happened to all of us; if not, then be prepared – it will. •How did you feel when what was once your only love was suddenly gone? •Where do you turn when you are cut out of someone’s life? None of us really want to live that way. We don’t want to wonder when our relationships will end. We spend a lot of energy searching for that perfect relationship. We spend time looking for someone who will not fail us, someone that will accept us, and who love us just as we are. That relationship is possible! It is found in our acceptance of Christ and the relationship He wants with us, His creation! Then, the question becomes: once you accept Christ, will He ever forget you? Simply put: NO! Psalms 139:15-16 (MSG) You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, the days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day. John 15:13 (HCSB) No one has greater love than this, that someone would lay down his life for his friends. Conclusion: When you find yourself in the revolving door of relationships and you seem to be living as the one that used to be known, remember that Christ will never forget you! In light of past failures, current failures, and future failures, the Lord your God will not forget you. He will not leave you. He will always know you and love you, no matter what! << Page ALBUM REVIEWS (Other music available) 65 Not every available Christian music album can make it into the Youth Leaders Only box, so we try to give you a taste of what else is available in your local store. Since interlínc often gets “pre-release” copies of upcoming CDs, we can give you a “heads up” to new releases that might be just right for you and your young friends. Artist: The individual or group of musicians. Title: The name of the album or project. Label: The company behind the album or project. Genre: The general musical style of the album or project. TIYL: “Try If You Like” – a comparison of similar musical artists. @: The internet web address of the musical artist. By: The name of the person who wrote the review. David Crowder Band Album Title: Give us Rest Label: sixstepsrecords TIYL: By: Maroon 5, Dave Matthews Jeremy White Band, Johnny Cash [email protected] As a youth ministry veteran, seeing a respected artist’s ministry to students and young adults come to an end can be rough. Such is the case (at least for me) with the final offering from the David Crowder Band. Crowder has radically impacted the realm of modern worship, and this farewell album leaves us with an impressive collection of fresh material. BRITT NICOLE Album Title: Gold @: Genre: Modern Worship The double album kicks off with a mellow unpredictability (typical of Crowder) and we are treated to a musical and lyrical rollercoaster ride, with some of the band’s most honest and bold lyrics yet. Songs that would be particularly conducive to corporate worship include the upbeat anthem “Let Me Feel You Shine” and the modern hymn-like “After All (Holy)”. Songs like “Fall On Your Knees”, “Sometimes”, and “Oh My God” are also songs that youth bands will be eager to play. “Why Me” (a Johnny Cash-like cry for perspective in the midst of suffering) is an excellent discussion starter. Several other songs convey searching for the answers to life’s deepest questions while continually pointing the listener to the One who is the Answer. Among the 34 tracks, there is a 7-song sequence of music-driven, largely lyric-less songs simply called “Sequence 1-7”. A loop of this music could easily set the mood for a worship night or be played lightly in the background for a night of corporate prayer. Crowder brings fresh, creative lyrical and musical genius to a genre of music than can easily become stale and predictable. He does this while maintaining the distinct sound and passion that we’ve grown to expect from the Texas-based band. The album is full of variety and thoroughly Christ-centered. If you have even a mild affinity for the DCB, you won’t be disappointed! Label: Sparrow Records @: Genre: Pop TIYL: By: Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Glen Allen Green Madonna [email protected] Back around 2007 I had the chance to meet an aspiring new female artist, Britt Nicole. She had come to interlínc’s office to do a “meet and greet” with us. She shared a little about herself and her dreams for her then just-beginning musical ministry career. I was impressed with her honesty and lack of pretension. She was earnest and serious about her music and calling, but totally humble and almost shy! I remember being impressed with her music and her attitude. Listening to her third album, Gold, I can’t help but smile. The young, shy, country girl has truly come in to her own! Britt’s voice is note-perfect pop and the quality reminds me of Stacie Orrico. Sort of like Katy Perry – if Katy had a little better voice! The songs are catchy, with excellent production values and a good mix of ballads with upbeat songs. The lyrics are not extraordinary, but they fit like your beloved, well-used but comfortable Nikes. Not flashy or groundbreaking but perfect for delivering nuggets of God’s truth. Britt’s voice is the star here and the production does a good job of letting her shine. This is not to bad-mouth the lyrical messages – just to give credit to her God-given instrument! KJ-52 Album Title: Dangerous My personal song favorites: “Gold”, “Breakthrough”, and “Stand.” (I really love when she breaks into “The Solid Rock” in “Stand”!) Your kids who identify with female pop singers should love this album. Here’s a secret: a lot of your guys will love it too! I’m a definite Britt Nicole fan! Label: BEC Music @: Genre: Hip Hop/Rap TIYL: Eminem, Fort Minor By: Doug Ranck [email protected] KJ-52 has been working his hip hop/rapper style for over ten years and now into his eighth album. Many with his experience could easily settle into a routine, yet he has chosen to keep being a student of the culture and stay out on the edge. The title Dangerous is indicative of both his artistic approach and spiritual perspective. KJ-52’ songs most often deal with rescue from sin. His style is both celebratory and challenging. With songs like “It’s Goin’ Down” and “Do the Bill Cosby” one cannot help but be glad for our freedom in Jesus. “Dangerous” reminds us of the powerful consequences of sin, while “Facemelt” presents Christ who comes into our lives and rocks our world. As a youth pastor, I find many uses for this album. It can easily be used as youth room “entrance” and “exit” music providing an upbeat and energetic setting for the time to come. Several of the songs lend themselves to excellent Bible study material. For a study on unity, “They Like Me” challenges the listener to remember “We’re different but the same, we covered by the blood of the King.” Focusing on our need for heroes, KJ-52 offers “Superhero” to take us back to Jesus who is the One and Only. For youth who have friends struggling with doubt or leaving the faith, “So Far Apart” paints the picture of one who has done the same. For a fun worship song, the leader can use the bonus track “Go” – a cover of the Hillsong original. Finally, “Brand New Day” may be landing in the song list of a presentation I’m doing to celebrate high school students who are stepping into the next chapter of their lives. FOR KING &Label: COUNTRY Album Title: Crave Word/Warner/Curb @: Genre: Rock TIYL: Coldplay, The Fray By: Glen Allen Green [email protected] For those of you who’ve not heard, FK&C is comprised of Joel and Luke Smallbone, the younger brothers of Rebecca St. James. On Crave – their first full-length album – they definitely acquit themselves and make the family proud! Their family moved from Australia in 1991 and you can still detect a bit of accent in their voices AND their music. The music and production is definitely tinged with a euro-pop feel with lush strings and expansive, reverberating mixes. As to the vocals, you can detect a little Coldplay; maybe some Fray with an underlying quality of “edginess.” There is a sense that the brothers are vocally skating just on the edge, but always under control. There is definite angst and urgency in the vocal delivery but it sounds genuine, never manufactured or fake. One feature of their music is very high vocal harmonies. Since they are brothers, their voices will sound similar but the harmonies are really very tight; almost as if the same voice is doing lead and harmony – very cool! The songs are catchy without being lightweight, fluffy, or clichéd. Themes include overcoming depression, Christian and romantic love, personal relationships, brokenness, surrender, and sacrificial living for Christ. If you love honest Christian themes, “euro-type pop”, earnest, edgy vocals and broad musical backdrops, please take Crave for a spin – you’ll like it very much indeed. If your kids are particularly wary of “Christian-sounding” music, put this album in their hands. They’ll be glad you did! ©2012, interlínc / / 1-800-725-3300 Hailed as one of today’s most gifted comedians, Michael’s entry into comedy was almost preordained. Years ago in a crowded Grand Rapids, Michigan movie theater, the projector malfunctioned. The film snapped, the house lights came on, and acting on a dare, young Michael jumped in front of the restless crowd and took center stage. When the theater manager tried to usher him out, the audience demanded he stay … and Michael Jr. discovered his gift. Special interlinc discount 20% OFF “Comedy – The Road Less Traveled” DVD Call 800-266-7741 or booking info: website: 50 % S OF FC OD E ee de tai ls be low . interlinc Offer expires July 31, 2012 2.4 Million Life Books handed out 1. Get 1,000 FREE Life Books NOW 2. Your students give Life Books to their classmates as a gift 3. Watch God work through His Word BENEFITS 1. It's Free! 2. Every student can be a gift giver. (from the shyest to the boldest, over 75,000 students have handed out 2.4 Million Life Books since 2010) 3. Did we mention it's Free? 4. God promises to use His Word (Isaiah 55:11) 5. Seriously… scan the code below. It's Free! "I still can't believe this is FREE! Still blown's worth checking out and supporting this amazing ministry." Doug Fields Get your FREE Life Books now SC AN THE CODE WITH YOUR PHONE TO GET STARTED Go t o: t he lif e b ook . c o m FEATURED ARTIST THE WASHINGTON PROJEcTS [HIP HOP] JAM THE HYPE.cOm TWO NEW cHRISTIAN RADIO STATIONS PlAyING THE mUSIc yOU WON’T HEAR ANyWHERE ElSE. 24/7 ONLINE RADIO [POP] JAM THE CITY.cOm FEATURED ARTIST KImBER RISING Bi bl e Av ai la bl e N ow step into the story of scripture. fresh translation in-text insights The Voice is the first translation that has made me audibly say ‘Wow.’ It’s fresh, enlightening and extremely accurate. tent added to help Italic type indicates con bridge the history gap. contemporary readers screenpl ay format - Pete Wilson, Pastor/Author In-text notes offer cultural, theological, or devotional insights. 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Learn more and discover what you can do at 6 S D R O W LIFE IN gospel message e pl m si e th of hs ut tr ep de e th Help your teens unpack tries. is in M e ar Sh 2 re Da om fr um ul ic with this 7-week DVD curr Based on the popular YouTube video Life in 6 Words: The GOSPEL In Life in 6 Words: The GOSPEL Explored, Explored Greg Stier and spoken word artist Jason Petty (“Propaganda”) explore the theology of the gospel message, unpacking key terms and concepts every follower of Jesus needs to grasp to understand the good news. As teens explore the theology of the gospel, they’ll come away personally transformed and better prepared to share the Good News with their friends. Check out a sample lesson at Energizing a Generation to Evangelize their World OBB IN TR O D U C IN G The These brothers are great guys with the humility and talent needed to lead today’s youth. They are committed and authentic.. key for leadership. ChrIS TOMLIn Available on FRee EP Email [email protected] to receive your FrEE EP. • Featured on Interlinc’s Spring MVL with “Anti-Bullying” message • Voted Top 3 Band & performed on CBS The Early Show • Serve on worship team at Passion City Church (pastored by Louie Giglio) Book The OBB for your event now! oswaldbrothers 770-841-0122 Planetshakers heal our land Featuring These New Songs of Worship Strength of My Life • good to Me • do it AgAin “the SongS ALL expreSS prAyerS, decLArAtionS And ScriptureS thAt... eMpoWer uS to Be in A pLAce Where god cAn uSe uS to LiterALLy ‘heAL our LAnd’ And MAke A difference to the WorLd And Society.” —M-BrioMuSic AVAiLABLe noW At: tS eSen r P S o tudi S L a S r unive t S e g g i B L a S ’ avio v S i a n o t d s i S t i fLor n MuSiCtf7 &e8 4PM -1aM SCPhiorruS tenderne a i StiCe uLness od SeP t F G u H J e t S i t v i a r F o a L e S r n ba LH Ch s heave rt Lif ther ab nderfu ® Hea Wo snes Fe fa S u i y o L L g e o n t m H H o o G r d S i e e r e Life Fre Loved ChriSt CeMaK iFuL Sing Prais Moun a t e r e c i a P F e i e H r r c u S e Song doM P LLey b h beaut vior sa tion saLv g a C a v n S r i n u n K a o h e d s c e C no ess y cross ove God SPirit erness redeMP Hout J h ountai n redeeMer bL t r o ivinG W hty s tio abba L S tend on saLva ut Joy ItSHEaPnTk7sG iP LiFe father FuLness Choru e counseLor Mig cy aLive L FR sHo orSh nS FaitH L Heart JuStiC dom graCe mer ChriS e v a Mighty aLive Lord WE e T h L cy ife Free vaLLey beLoved ng eousness er Wonderfu L L t I t H r G i a r e K aCe mer S h H t SaK Praise SongS untain ocean Y eM ssed Ki e C d C riS S L e O a b v e o r P L B e e e b r ey oM Pu redeeM inG Worthy uL Sing r sacriFice Mo dW F E i n g t o i n u i t N a a e K v b P L d hM bLesse hurCCA n Savio edeMPtion sa t Joy tHanksGiv hiP LiFe fat C o s s Y s t i o r M r i c Y tRE iSE odTSRP y sHou WorS rness r O e t e UGN d d C v r h G ChrJ n o o g e & L i L t e G a M S heave v b N i r u Ib s o L a s r K L e a e o r n R y s e h s c n O u h C r u F o e iFe fat OHRFuCLEne5ss art JuStiCe co edom graCe m t riGHte F t S aKer i i Y a L r M F I e h S M C C A n e a e d F e H r e e v F v P L E fu ss hea ROByEW rt Life PnIEdReRr ey beLo M Pure a L T o e L R o H d Sing s a g L S v u n g n F i L i a n o t K e o u H c d a S o e r e MaKe g Praise iceTMSoEPuTn8tain edeeMer bLess t SPeaKerS b emony fath n i S L u F i riF SA ut ionCr nG gueS ndLeLiGHtinG cer vatA i v i rCh bea son Savior sac Ption saLM G s k n riGHteou a a H H c t t Y y r t y M a o i B e d o n r r i d J e TgO od SP sHout OOoTrShiP satu H avenu ness re y t r n t e e god Pu d h t n S G e i n e t F i W d r M S i u d H t r u r r a o o e r e C L TaLive L EnNtaTinKocean F our favorit S cross g I s Cho W e counse S y c C i r e t m S u J Ce iceEMLoIu ation father y d attraCtion it son uL Heart fe Freedom gra ior sacriFR Li avTH n saLv BRITTsHout Joy an od SPir G e v o gS Heart od SPirit sonTSEN Ess redeMPtio L y t LE ther abba riSt h O gh h i C C I e G M U N s n r s N n r e i o E e L n a V d a e ount FaitHFuL ruS tenA RTJHuStiCe couns graCe mercy f S o M JuS n h e o C v C s . a s e e e T O S t T n m h r N E r L o s a aitHFu rfuL He Heart Life Freed t riGHteRoHuLsKnEeRs oCK the unive gS Heart Lif e d n o W d ChriS oMWPAurNeDJoy r ing Praise Son e Moun SongS er HoLy e e v s o i L a e r b P BA ing uL S riFic ngd LLey autiFuL S ntainGoRcOeUaPn 1va Mer bLessed KiH hurCh beautiF son Savior sac on saLv i t e Poss C u t P A e i R o d M r G i e O e M r W T P r NDrAtUhyNSc riFice BAo ess red ighty sHo e God S LvCaRtEion n v a r s O o e I W L d S n S G n a E o e n b i S i t b v t i a seLor M mercy horuS L Ae®r n C u redeMP ut Joy tHanksG iP LiFCeOfCAa-t C Oh o s c s e e n C L i K ES FaitHFu sHo rSh graCe R AeOn t JuSt r m a o e d H e L e Mighty aLive Lord Wo ness heKaAv E r u S F I r JuSt erf ife e d L RCHANDHW E n t M y M s r e c o D u a r e N e o e A d e H B LyIT SW Wo aCe m S H OH ation re ive Lord Lo SongS St riGHt CeMaKLIVeE r v i e L r s a i s h a W r C n E P d R o e a g AY eMPti ercy aL RPaEOCuIAUtLP d iSFETu1OLNCFSRIDin m ey beLov ngdoM Pure Pe h G e e r C s e a FaitHFu s b e S r S n g r n C i e e m N d r K v o A n u d d a e e e M h t e e US C bLess Life Fr sness h HoLy Wonde WCEhAoSrHu ND u t y cross o r e s a h t e s t H e H r G n i S s U o r MaKer GivinG W hriSt riGHteou ng EPVrEaRisFeOSong eLoved ChriSt e C a e P yb L Si iP C Pure WorSh ut Joy beautiFu ain ocean vaLLe sed KingdoM sHo nt bLes Mighty r sacriFice Mou tion redeeMer io va son Sav deMPtion saL ess re Rock the Universe is a separately ticketed and date specific event and general theme park admission is not valid for entry. Dates, times, entertainment, prices and rides are subject to change and availability without notice. Rock the Universe tickets are valid for admission after 4pm unless otherwise specified. Event held rain or shine. No rain checks, returns, or refunds. Parking fee and discounts on food and merchandise not included. © 2012 The Coca-Cola Company. All rights reserved. Universal elements and all related indicia TM & © 2012 Universal Studios. © 2012 Universal Orlando. All rights reserved. 252098/0412/RA MORE RESOURCES FROM TRD INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM The interlinc website is the best online resource for your ministry when it comes to music and media! You can listen to samples of all the music included in each volume of Youth Leaders Only, watch video clips from the Music Video Loops and read artist interviews and bios. You can also download articles on how to use music in your ministry, scope out our up-to-date Music Comparison Chart and check out other amazing resources to keep your youth ministry rockin’! REGIONAL PROMOTION interlínc is all about relationships. That's why we have three regional directors: Mark Pittman in the SouthWest Region (San Diego Office), Troy Hargrave in the SouthCentral Region (Dallas Office) and Chris Renzelman in the NorthWest Region (Seattle Office). They are long-term youth ministry guys who love kids and are passionate about helping you use music in your ministry. Contact them for all your youth ministry music needs. Mark: [email protected] Troy: [email protected] Chris: [email protected] NEED2KNOW EZINE Don’t miss out on free resources, downloads and more in our everyother-week e-newsletter. You’ll get “Heart of the Artist” interviews, music and video downloads, event information and more—all delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up at YOUTH LEADERS ONLY Youth ministry's original low cost music subscription service. Get all the tools you need to use music and media to connect with students. YLO Original: 36 CDs each year plus DVDs, posters, chord charts, music videos and Bible studies all for just $279.95 plus $40. shipping. YLO Works: 56 CDs each year plus DVDs, posters, chord charts, music videos and Bible studies all for only $429.95 plus $70. shipping. YLO Access: 60 songs on 4 compilation CDs with corresponding Bible studies, DVDs, posters and chord charts for just $75.95 plus $24. shipping. Find out more at TO ORDER CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO ONLINE AT INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM INTERLíNC TRD SURVIVING MIDDLE SCOOL BOOK AND MUSIC SOUNDTRACK VERSION 2.0 Middle School (some people know it as “Junior High”) is a whole new world full of new people, new schedules, weird situations and bizarre relationships. It’s a time of life when “transmogrification” takes place in kids’ bodies, homes, friendships, and brains. Middle School is when they learn to navigate the important issues of life. Surviving Middle School Version 2.0: The Book & 9-Song Soundtrack has a plethora of tips, tunes, advice and wisdom to guide the middle schooler. Family Force 5, Relient K, and Stellar Kart join surfer-author Rick Bundschuh in bringing the wisdom—and the fun! CONGRADULATIONS! MUSIC-MEDIA-GIFT BOOK With over 1.2 million copies given to graduates by 25,000 churches, ConGRADulations! is the #1 grad gift of this decade. BRAND NEW for 2012 it is a New Music (CD or Download 21 powerful songs from the top names in Christian music Switchfoot, Tobymac, Lecrae, Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Newsboys), New Media (DVD or Download artist, author, and grad video greetings and advice, grad books, online Bible), New 48 Page Gift Book, New recycled paper Personalizable Gift Package, plus Class of 2012 Wristband. Also includes Ministry Resource Website (transition ministry weblinks, grad devotionals). CLICK.LOOK.LISTEN. ORDER GRAD2012.COM YLO SPECIAL EDITIONS Several recent volumes of Youth Leaders Only are available as Special Editions. Topics include building and training your worship team (Rock'N U), evangelism (How To Bring It Up Without Throwing Up), middle school ministry (Making Impressions While The Cement’s Still Wet), the new sexuality (The Naked Truth: The New Sexuality and Youth Ministry). You can get each DVD, Bible studies and discussion starters, plus 15+ songs and corresponding Bible studies for only $29.95 plus $7.00 shipping. Call 1-800-725-3300 to order. TRD Shelf Ad FCA AND INTERLÍNC’S PUMP’D WORKOUT AND PRE-GAME MUSIC PUMP’d #1 and #2 are aggressive, powerful collections of songs that prepare athletes and coaches for competition — and fans for the big game. All songs are original recordings by the top names in Christian music. Special pricing as low as $7.95. INSIDERS GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL The Insiders Guide to High School Version 2.0 is a great gift for new kids coming into your ministry as well as for freshmen and sophomores! Multi-Media Disc features: seven great songs from top Christian bands, video student testimonies, Biblical answers to questions like, “Where do I fit in?”, clear Gospel presentation, and powerful Columbine High School video clip. Special pricing as low as $2.99 TO ORDER CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO ONLINE AT INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM TRD JOIN YOUTH LEADERS ONLY AND YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE YOU! Shelf Ad YLO ORIGINAL MEMBERSHIP (360+ SONGS ANNUALLY) $279.95 plus $40.00 shipping Make the style of my membership: ____ Hot ____ Mild ____ Alternating DIGITAL $279.95 plus $20 shipping— Make the style of my membership: ____ Hot ____ Mild ____ Alternating for digital Canadian orders add additional $70 USD s/h; all other countries add add’l $120 USD s/h YLO WORKS MEMBERSHIP (560+ SONGS ANNUALLY) DIGITAL $429.95 plus $70.00 shipping $429.95 plus $20 shipping— YLO ACCESS MEMBERSHIP (50+ SONGS ANNUALLY) $75.95 plus $24.00 shipping Canadian orders add additional $70 USD s/h; all other countries add add’l $120 USD s/h Canadian orders add additional $52 USD s/h; all other countries add add’l $88 USD s/h Other Great Resources from interlínc PURCHASE A SINGLE BOX OF YLO (extra shipping outside US) YLO ORIGINAL SINGLE BOX choose: ____ Hot ____ Mild YLO WORKS SINGLE BOX YLO ACCESS SINGLE BOX PUMP’D OR PUMP’D 2 WORKOUT CD Order 1–4 CDs for $10.95 each Order 5–19 CDs for $8.95 each Order 20+ CDs for $7.95 each $72.50 plus $10.00 shipping $110.00 plus $17.50 shipping $29.95 plus $7.00 shipping (circle one) ____ x $10.95 = ____ + $4 s/h = ____ TOTAL ____ x $8.95 = ____ + $6 s/h = ____ TOTAL ____ x $7.95 = ____ + $10s/h = ____ TOTAL Transition Tools for Your Students CONGRADULATIONS! CLASS OF 2012 CD, DVD AND GIFT BOOK Order 1–9 CD, DVD and Gift Book Sets for $12.95 each ____ x $12.95 = ____ + $4 s/h = ____ TOTAL Order 10–19 CD, DVD and Gift Book Sets for $10.95 each ____ x $10.95 = ____ + $8 s/h = ____ TOTAL For orders of 20 or more, please call 800-725-3300 or go to CONGRADULATIONS! CLASS OF 2012 “ADD A HARDBACK BIBLE” PACK Get the ConGRADulations! Class of 2012 CD, DVD and Gift book PLUS a Hardback The Message Remix: Bible _________ or NIV Student Bible _________. Order 1–9 CD, DVD, Gift Book + Bible Packs for $23.95 each ____ x $23.95 = ____ + $15s/h = ____ TOTAL Order 10–19 CD, DVD, Gift Book + Bible Packs for $21.95 each ____ x $21.95 = ____ + $30s/h = ____ TOTAL For orders of 20 or more, please call 800-725-3300 or go to INSIDERS GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL CD Order 1-9 CDs for $5.99 each ____ x $5.99 = ____ Order 25-99 for $3.99 each ____ x $3.99 =____ + $0.50 each s/h; max of $20 ____ x $0.50 = ____ s/h Order 10-24 for $4.99 each ____ x $4.99 = ____ Order 100+ for $2.99 each ____ x $2.99 = ____ TOTAL = _________ SURVIVING MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOK AND CD SOUNDTRACK Version 2.0 Order 1–9 Book and CD sets for $12.95 each ____ x $12.95 = ____ + $4 s/h = ____ TOTAL Order 10–19 Book and CD sets for $10.95 each ____ x $10.95 = ____ + $8 s/h = ____ TOTAL For orders of 20 or more, please call 800-725-3300 TOTAL ORDER COST: ___________ Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Prices subject to change. 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(circle one) Full Time Paid Youth Leader Volunteer Part Time Paid Youth Leader Parent Senior Pastor Para-church Leader Sunday School Teacher Other: _______________ DM-YLBK _____________ RETURN THIS FORM (OR A COPY) ALONG WITH A CHECK TO: INTERLÍNC • P.O.BOX 680848 • FRANKLIN, TN 37068-0848 FOR FASTER SERVICE, QUESTIONS, CREDIT CARD ORDERS OR BILLING OPTIONS: CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO TO INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM TOTAL ANNUAL YLO MEMBERSHIP: for digital TRD Back cover Bible Studies Alphabetically Listed By Themes The Bible / 18 Tim Hawkins / The Not-So-Family-Friendly Bible Commitment / 34 Matt Brouwer / Everlasting Compassion / 22 Fireflight / He Weeps Compassion / 17 Skit Guys / Tad Complacency / 39 TobyMac / Ignition Conversion / 40 TobyMac / Tonight Discipleship; Cost Of / 39 TobyMac / Lose My Soul Evangelism / 17 Skit Guys / The Skinny On Evangelism Evangelism; God’s Representatives / 19 Team WordPlay / The Croc Hunter Evangelism; God’s Representatives / 19 Michael Jr. / Lizard Face Faith / 17 Tim Hawkins / Things That Creep Me Out Faith; Assurance / 26 Flatfoot 56 / I Believe It Forgiveness / 30 Kutless / Come Back Home Glorifying God / 19 Team WordPlay / Many Faces God’s Faithfulness / 32 Manafest / Never Let You Go God’s Love / 40 TobyMac / No Ordinary Love God’s Strength / 36 Planetshakers / Strength Of My Life Healing / 20 Bluetree / Jesus Healer Heaven; Longing For / 39 TobyMac / City On Our Knees Heaven; Longing For / 44 Trip Lee / Take Me There Idolatry / 28 Jimmy Needham / Clear The Stage Life; Purpose/Meaning / 24 Flame / The 6th Day Life; Purpose/Meaning / 40 TobyMac / Made To Love Self-Confidence / 18 Michael Jr. / James Self-Image; Uniqueness / 48 Wayne Kerr Band / The Mirror Spiritual Warfare / 50 Worth Dying For / Rebuild Testimony / 18 Tim Hawkins / My Testimony Zeal / 38 TobyMac / Boomin’ Zeal / 46 The Washington Projects / Light Up The Dark 1-800-725-3300